#accepted: brutus
brother-emperors · 6 months
the civil war i'm going through because well, trebcass but also brutecass ojojnjrjgrbjgnfiknfj
consider the potential for really messy drama if you combined it all together 👀
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princess-unipeg · 2 years
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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What are some of the fandoms/friendships you've been getting?
It's a pretty wide mix so far!
Right now The Mandela Catalogue has the most entries, and there's been lots of different submissions, some I kind of expected (Naruto, Star Wars, TMA etc.) and some that I had completely forgotten about (Regina and Janis!! How did i forget them???)
Someone also submitted Caesar and Brutus which I was not expecting but as a huge shakespeare nerd I really should have tbh
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voluptuarian · 1 year
I'm getting through a reading for class, and currently on the re-titling/re-naming craze during the French Revolution and found this
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Imagine your parents come up to you one day and tell you your name is Brutus now. And you know you're not even named for a halfway cool Brutus, no, your parents are naming you after somebody they admire for not giving a shit his about sons dying.
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acid-ixx · 20 days
brutus: out for blood (villain au concept)
ft. neglectful yandere! bruce wayne x gn villain! reader
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— masterlist !
reblogs and interactions are encouraged and appreciated.
a/n: did anybody ask for this? no! did i decide to write this anyways? abso -fucking-lutely. is this a rantfic? mayybee. anyways, this is not my best piece nor will anything i write be my best piece but i just love destroying my happiness with angst and altho writing a very anxiety ridden mc is fun, i also love to dabble in sadomasochistic traits for a main character. like i said, i am not proud of this but i figured i should post something. erm... leave comments bec i love reading whatever stuff u guys have in store hehe.
you've tasted blood on your tongue far longer than you've felt the loving touch of a family.
it's metallic. it's salty. it twists every vein in your gut.
it tastes of broken metal pipes in playgrounds, destructive tantrums and broken dreams, of skipped classes and detention rooms, of ripped test papers and missed diplomas. it reminds you of your bitter past every single time; one you swore you've buried six feet deep into the ground. a burning memory with nothing more than heartaches and heartbreaks.
you taste blood whenever they reject your advances for even a single moment of bonding time. you feel it pumping slowly, steadily, painfully whenever you stumble upon a room, only to see them, smiles and all, huddled together in a group with junk food in their hands and a movie playing in that stupid flat screen tv. you know it's the only thing accompanying you whenever he misses another event in your school. it becomes the only friend you have whenever you're alone, inside your too-small room, with shatters glass scattered around and bruised knuckles.
blood, for most, is vile, utterly repulsive. it reeks in every corner of a room, its scent is overpowering, it stains, it's hard to clean. it imprints. and it will always remind you it's there, in the depths of your body, curdling and boiling and ready to burst out of the seems every time you rip at your skin with a razor sharp blade. blood has always been your only friend, like a scar that will never fade away.
yet you embrace crimson like it was the color of your soul, and accept how it's the only color you allow in your grim life. black has never provided you solace, but red allowed for a mantra of emotions to trail into your very being.
blood. it's more homely than you let it out to be.
and you're far more familiar with it than anything else. you cradle it like an unwanted child, you kiss its wounds, allow it to fester and grow into an abhorrent disease that crawls like a lump in your throat that you could never get rid of.
in moments of solace, of quaint prayers and hours of kneeling into the floor— it is the thing that slides on cold, hard tiles. it is the warmth, the numbness, the thing that seeps out of your bruised knees, your scratched neck and your thighs with fingernails buried deep into flesh.
you've come to love blood, cherish it even.
especially if it's your own.
especially if it came from the punch of none other than your father.
left, right, left, right.
his punches were cruel and his kicks can easily crush bones into powder. he demands answers with every strike he delivers, he exudes an energy far more adrenaline based than yours. batman is methodical in the way he moves, the way he acts, and you're not; you're impulsive, you had no plans to counter the towering man— no counter for the brutal hits he lay upon you. you let him, you open every doorway world to beat your body black and blue, with red painting the canvas as a finishing touch.
he's stronger than you, and every time he bashes your head into the wall, the urge to spit into his face, to piss him off, to laugh at him and his Idiocracy; it all becomes stronger.
yet all you do was allow him multiple openings, denying yourself the pleasure of attempting to even take your abandoned gun at the corner and shoot at his cranium— you want him to suffer, even if it costs you your mobility by the near future, fuck it.
up, down, to the side, then an uppercut to your jaw and you're nearly depleted of anymore moves to counter. you want to seem like you've given up; but you want him pissed off, enough to punch you 'til blood seeps into the fibers of your mask. until your face starts bruising, until your nose breaks, until he finally rips your mask off and sees your face.
and he'll come to regret.
you shift to the side, and ignore the sting of your throat, the lull of your head and the soreness of your entire body.
because if you hadn't dodged, then your head would've left an imprint on the walls. you would've preferred that now, rather than the disgusting feeling of sentimentality that creeps into your heart at the implication that his blows were slowly, but surely, weakening.
he's holding back, you hold back a sneer.
as if he actually cares about you.
maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. you know he cares far more deeply for his enemies than he does you, and you hate how glad you are at the pride that finally, just finally are you being acknowledged. at the opposite end of his side, as enemies. but for once you can feel the care he offers others, most of which were nonexistent back when you were just some... nobody.
batman never kills; but he can hurt, he can injure, and he can destroy. and right now, you feel all the air leaving your body as the cloaked vigilante delivers the last punch to your ribcage.
you fall, on your hands and knees, a loud thump resounding through the empty abandoned building. all you hear are your crackling joints, and heavy breathing. heavy, like your eyelids, about to fall, about to shut until black encompasses your vision. if not for the remaining adrenaline coursing through your veins, you would've fainted— but you won't, you wouldn't, not until you see him, see his face.
the thumping in your heart beats louder, and your hands. god, they feel like jelly, it's burning, it's one step closer on collapsing under gravelly concrete and piercing skin into rocks. yet you're forbidden any time for grace, not when he lightly shoves you out of your position, and not when you fall to your sides, hands paralyzed, tears prickling against your cheeks at the pain that burns throughout your body.
"you don't deserve peace after shooting that family in front of that child, you know it."
his voice, domineering, absolutely fucking vibrating with a tremor of sheer anger. he directs his words at you, without empathy, without mercy. he wants you to learn to never mess with him in the streets of gotham. but you'll never... not until he notices you. fuck, you just want him to notice you. and now, he is, with utter vexation that causes a lump in your throat to form.
shit, you've never felt so happy.
it's when his tussled form — heavy, pitch-black boots slathered with crimson liquid — enters your sight that you cough, violently, out of breath, and you can feel it one second, then taste it in your tongue the next.
you grin, and slowly, ever-so eminently, did you spiral into a cackle. your throat gurgles crimson liquid, and yet it only builds into a cacophony of a broken record. you move your head, look through your nearly shredded domino mask, with so little strength to accompany you, to look at the man above you, eyes glinting with a glow never so alive until now.
you're genuinely so fucking happy.
batman, he who strikes fear into the hearts of gotham villains and civilians alike. he who protects the city at night. he whose name is said with wavering uncertainty— he's looking at you, only you.
'bruce wayne: my dad— is finally looking at me.'
and you! you're laughing, the sounds that emanate from your throat are so scratchy, so utterly decimated that it sounds like vultures feeding through a dead corpse; but you don't let your chuckles die down, because you're so, so happy.
he looks at you, with contempt, with disgust, you don't know; but you're still so overjoyed.
"y-yeah... it's me, i did it. are you proud of me...?" you ask as you look up, through the tears that flow out your eyes, through the grin that couldn't die down. he looks at you like you're insane, and you know he's confused, shifting uncomfortably as he gives someone a status update through the comms, his eyes never leaving your pathetic form—
you look at him like he means the world all throughout.
"call for red robin, i have one of the culprits," he orders through the intangible device, eyes squinting as he takes you in— you whose chuckles slowly calmed down, as your breathing finally becomes heavier, as blood, yours, seem to seep into clumsily made apparel. you, who bruce realized seem too oddly familiar, too small, too childish, whose moment of spiraling insanity is too damn innocent to ignore.
you're not like the typical rogue he encounters, no. and right before you finally allow sleep to overcome you, you muster the last of your energy, to stare back at him with shining eyes, expectant, and like a child's, you ask with the meekest voice.
"hey... dad, i have a surprise." scratchy, absolutely broken, yet spilling with joy, with... your last word right before you continue, bruce's heart thumps ever the slightest faster.
"take my mask off, please?"
crimson began to overtake your entire body, and bruce should've never complied with your... request, but as he kneels and finally gets a grasp of what you truly look like, he notices the frailness, the vulnerability, as if you were never built for... combat. with just how quickly you succumb to the depths of rest, with how oblivious you are to the fact that if it were anyone else, they would've killed you.
you're not properly trained, you fight out of impulse, and he knows it with just how swift you gave up midfight.
when he pulls the domino mask (which seems oddly inspired by the shape of... his vigilante partners, the robins...) off your face, did his heart finally hastened its pace, loud thumping crawling its way to his ears, his eyes registering your face: its form, its shape, your eyes, your nose—
all similar to his, all an amalgamation of your mother's, too.
no... wait, no.
it's not...
it's not his... child?
your eyes, flickering one last time stared at him, softly, like that of a child who looks at their father with pride like nothing else. your hand, it shakes, it shivers, as your fingers find its way creeping to his hand, holding your mask. fingers so dainty, now pulverized bones lay atop his shivering hand, tenderly, as if trying to comfort the very same man who has nearly killed you.
batman— no, bruce looks at you. at what he's done, and only now did he realize his greatest mistake. a child, his child, one whose innocence retained through heinous acts, now a villain, whose actions were all a testimony to merely wanting their father's attention.
he failed you, his child. he failed to protect you, who he has never held up close until now— as your body is hastily taken into his arms. so small, so easily wrapped around his body, so unbefitting of committing criminal activity. now bloodied and laid into barren ground by their very own father.
bruce wayne never felt this much terror, for nearly killing his child.
this, this day marks his sin.
and you? dearest you feel like today is your greatest day.
crimson, nearly every part of you is stained with that putrid color.
yet blood has always been your best friend, no? and right now as you bleed into the arms of your father, you find yourself grateful that it is the last thing you see before a black cloak wraps around you, before black fills your entire line of sight.
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short rant ahead: another author's note??? wow. yeah this was such a hard drabble to write. plsplspls leave a comment or some sort of input. anything will do. ive been so demotivated to write lately and i feel like anything i write is just, so bad 😭 like is my pacing good? are the emotions out of place? am i even doing this right ?? i don't know, and i feel like every time i post something i always put up expectations on myself that I should've done better so yeahh. is this attention seeking behavior? probably. but i don't get how people have come to like the stuff i write when i hate whatever i write hence why im in a constant cycle of hiatuses and short breaks. and really, it's just so hard to come into terms with things and i need input lest i accidentally get into a year or two of hiatus, lmaoo.
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trikaranos · 10 months
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TRIKARANOS is a dramatized narrative based on ancient events following Crassus (and Pompey and Caesar) through the years 87-48 BCE. Intended for an adult audience.
⭐ Trikaranos will always be free to read (in the near future, you’ll have the option to support this comic & my ability to make it through Patreon!)
⭐ There is no set update schedule (chapters vary in length and will be posted as I finish working on them)
⭐ alternative places to read it (coming soon!)
CREDITS all additional art used are in the Public Domain [as per the Met's Open Access policy]
🍊 The Abduction of the Sabine Women, Nicolas Poussin 🍊 Obverse, a Terracotta neck-amphora depicting Aeneas rescuing his father, Anchises, during the fall of Troy. [description taken from the Met] 🍊 compositional study for The Lictors Bringing Brutus the Bodies of his Sons, Jacques Louis David 🍊The Battle of Vercellae, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 🍊 The Capture of Carthage, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
UNDER THE CUT creator's commentary, ancient citations, whatever else seems relevant. ideally, this is optional! you shouldn't need the citations for it to make sense as it unfolds since it's a comic and a story first and foremost, but it's here if you're curious and want to see where the inspiration is coming from!
so! there are a couple of accounts about the return of Marius and Cinna, I've chosen Appian's account for the primary source of inspiration, although I've cut the cast down to it's barest essentials because I want the claustrophobia of violence to really eat itself.
Cinna now began to despise his enemies and drew near to the wall, halting out of range, and encamped. Octavius and his party were undecided and fearful, and hesitated to attack him on account of the desertions and the negotiations. The Senate was greatly perplexed and considered it a dreadful thing to depose Lucius Merula, the priest of Jupiter, who had been chosen consul in place of Cinna, and who had done nothing wrong in his office. Yet on account of the impending danger it reluctantly sent envoys to Cinna again, and this time as consul. They no longer expected favourable terms, so they only asked that Cinna should swear to them that he would abstain from bloodshed. He refused to take the oath, but he promised nevertheless that he would not willingly be the cause of anybody's death. He directed, however, that Octavius, who had gone round and entered the city by another gate, should keep away from the forum lest anything should befall him against his own will. This answer he delivered to the envoys from a high platform in his character as consul. Marius stood in silence beside the curule chair, but showed by the asperity of his countenance the slaughter he contemplated. When the Senate had accepted these terms and had invited Cinna and Marius to enter (for it was understood that, while it was Cinna's name which appeared, the moving spirit was Marius), the latter said with a scornful smile that it was not lawful for men banished to enter. Forthwith the tribunes voted to repeal the decree of banishment against him and all the others who were expelled under the consul­ship of Sulla.
Accordingly Cinna and Marius entered the city and everybody received them with fear. Straightway they began to plunder without hindrance all the goods of those who were supposed to be of the opposite party. Cinna and Marius had sworn to Octavius, and the augurs and soothsayers had predicted, that he would suffer no harm, yet his friends advised him to fly. He replied that he would never desert the city while he was consul. So he withdrew from the forum to the Janiculum with the nobility and what was left of his army, where he occupied the curule chair and wore the robes of office, attended as consul by lictors. Here he was attacked by Censorinus with a body of horse, and again his friends and the soldiers who stood by him urged him to fly and brought him his horse, but he disdained even to arise, and awaited death. Censorinus cut off his head and carried it to Cinna, and it was suspended in the forum in front of the rostra, the first head of a consul that was so exposed. After him the heads of others who were slain were suspended there; and this shocking custom, which began with Octavius, was not discontinued, but was handed down to subsequent massacres.
Appian, Civil Wars I, 70-71 (trans. Horace White)
Plutarch's biography of Marius also recounts the same event, but I was leaning more on Appian for this.
ALSO! the choice to use Giovanni Battista Tiepolo's painting The Capture of Carthage as a backdrop to Octavius: it's because Cinna and Octavius were co consuls for a minute and Rome and Carthage are twin cities (instar Carthaginis urbem babyyy), and I do love the doubling/twin-ification of a thing. which is what co consuls are to me. we're overlapping the themes, in addition to the overlapping of violence, which is what all iterations of Rome are founded on.
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Textual Monuments: Reconstructing Carthage in Augustan Literary Culture, Nora Goldschmidt
the chapter cover is my own illustration of an Etruscan kantharos because Crassus may or may not have had some kind of Etruscan heritage. YMMV but for me it's fun to think about
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Marcus Crassus and the Late Roman Republic, Allen Mason Ward (& the citation!)
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entername322 · 10 months
Interesting development
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 13766 words
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The second day of high school, it's only the second day and you already feel like a new journey is waiting for you. For one, you're walking to school with both Yuri and Minju in your hands. Inviting many unwanted gazes. "Can you guys let me go?" It's a fool's errand, you already know their answer. In fact, they also know that you know the answer so they didn't bother to answer. That's a funny sentence. 
"It's unfair that you get to be in class with him", Yuri pouted as she let go of your arm as you arrived at her class. "Well, it's unfair that you get to have him hang out around your house all the time", Minju can do that too, she just wants to retort back to Yuri. "Whatever, I'm going to see you at your class later", Minju and you walked away, arriving at your class you saw Doyoung just smirking at you.
"My man, didn't know Brutus got moved", He fistbumped you the moment you got to your seat. "What moves", He tried to tease you, "You move fast huh Brute? Anything funny happens on the first day?", If only he knew. "Nothing weird, we just hang out", This is the moment you realize your new friend is a gossiper. "With Yuri? So you got, the angel and the demon at the same time?"After yesterday you're not really sure which one is which.
"Ehhhh, we're friends", Doyoung laughed at you before glancing at Minju, "Is that true? Miss Angel?", Minju glanced at him coldly before shaking her head. "Aaahhahahaha, oh god, this is too good, way too good. You know Yuri has a lot of admirers and they all hated you. It's obvious you two are gonna get together, thankfully she has enough aura to scare everyone off. Oh, now after having her, you actually managed to get the new girl as well. Hey, respect", He reached out his hand for a fist bump. You answer the call.
"Alright, be ready bro, they might not be as kind as me", Is he kind though? You and Minju are not buying it. "You're not gonna, do something funny?", He was thinking about it for a second before shaking his head. "My girlfriend would be mad, besides, I love a good show. Good luck Brutus", Weird guy, you don't expect to know him much though, it's the second day you met him, well, befriend him.
"Oppa" Minjus whispered just enough to be heard by you, and maybe Doyoung since you saw him grinning as he looked away. You leaned towards Minju so she could whisper to you, "Don't trust him", A useless piece of advice you've already come up with. "I know" You sat back in your chair, Minju is praying so there will be more group projects today as well.
When an angel prays, God will fulfill it. "Alright, today, I need you all to form a group of two and do this assignment to review your knowledge" Maybe having the math and physics teacher as one person is a good reason for that though. Minju is beaming with a smile the moment she sees you turn to her. The clattering of the table and chair filled the class for a moment before it turned into chatters.
"So, I don't understand", Minju fully expected your words, "Which is why, I'm gonna teach you", You did not. "Minju, I think it's pretty clear-", She used her index finger to shut you down, "Don't resist oppa, or I'll shut you down again like yesterday", As enticing as her lips are you don't want to get kissed in the middle of class. She saw your acceptance and happily pulled out her notebooks.
You're stupid, the number just doesn't work in your mind, however, Minju saw some slither of hope seeing you can memorize the formula, just not when to use it. "Okay who invented integrals and why is it a thing?", The frustration you have is simply a cute moment Minju will add to her diary later. "20 more minutes for the assignment", The teacher gave you a glimmer of hope, you only finished like 4 questions out of 10 so Minju will have to rush it down leaving you to doze off. "Alright oppa, let me finish this whole thing so that we can review it later okay?" A false hope, such a cruel thing.
After the assignment the teacher went to review it at the front, Minju ignored him and taught herself. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to mind the somewhat rowdy classroom. "See? It's easy", Minju patted your head, "It's because you told me every step", You almost failed her instructions a few times by the way.
"Hey now, don't use this as a way to play with my hair", She laughed at you before pulling back her hands. "Come on now, there's still two more questions", Maybe being in class with Yuri will be a better time. Looking around you see some people watching you two. Even though Minju doesn't act like she noticed it, she sees it, and she hates it. "You're drawing too much attention to us", You whispered in her ears, "I know, just bear with it oppa, that's the price of dating me", Minju wanted to find a way to escape this spotlight, but she has tried for so long that she knows there's no way out.
The next period is art, you and your class went to the art studio, to find a bunch of junk. "Ehhhmmmm, today, you will, hmmmm, just draw whatever you want", The enthusiasm your teacher let out is contagious. You tried to find a good place at the corner table, "Can I clean this sir?", The teacher looked at you for a second before shrugging. Minju started to realize what you meant yesterday, this school really doesn't care. You moved around a bunch of half-drawn canvas and palates with a bunch of dried paint to the floor. "Here", Minju pulled out a tissue that you used to clean off the fragment of paint dust from the desk.
"Alright, drawing", Now you get to show off, "Can you draw me?", Minju put your confidence down a notch. "I can try", You don't have to try, she would love it anyway. Since you told her that you could draw her while she did her assignment Minju grabbed the paper the teacher had distributed and started drawing some grass landscapes. A side view of her is breathtaking, however you are passionate about drawing, so you don't let it distract you to make a portrait of her.
To this day, hands are still a tricky problem for you, so you just draw her from the chest up. A few colored pencils, a focused and concentrated mind, and years of experience have helped you capture her beauty. While you are focusing on your work Minju is focusing on you. The determined eyes are so hot, your hand and exposed forearm seem to gain a newfound muscle making it very attractive. There is nothing hotter than a hardworking man, that's the principle she has on men, and you managed to prove it right.
"Got it", Minju immediately leaned to you so she could see your artwork. "Wow", indeed wow, it was beautiful. The picture of her side profile and the background were changed to your bedroom. A window off the screen gives off a beautiful highlight for her foreground. The details of the window frame making shadows on her cheek definitely show your craftsmanship. The Minju in the portrait has a slight smile, her eyes are focusing on someone off the canvas. If the canvas is a photo, then she's definitely looking at you.
Minju grabbed your hand while her face was filled with pride and joy. "Min, don't do what I think you're gonna do", She shook her head, "Do you know how hard it is to not kiss you right now?" Using every ounce of her will, she stopped herself from jumping you like a hungry cat. "Calm down Min", She growled seeing you moved away for a second. "Okay, I won't move, if you promise you won't move"
She broke the agreement, although technically she doesn't agree to it so it's not like she lied to you. Grabbing your arm she dragged you outside grabbing many eyes on the way. “Min, we can't just leave” It's pretty hard to argue with Minju when she uses her smile, you just blush at her making her laugh victoriously. “Perfect” She dragged you to the secluded corner of the school. Pressing up against you, Minju's hands start feeling up your chest before she makes out with you. Now listen, you're not a pervert, right? It's not like the rush from the idea of being caught will arouse you. Right? Of course, your cock is only getting hard because it's a natural reaction from Minju's soft breast pressing up against you. You don't have any imagination about fucking her right her right now.
“Hehehehe, so hard for me babe? Thank you” With how close both of your bodies are it's no wonder that Minju took notice of the reaction she got for her actions. “Let's go back to class okay”, Both of you really don't want to, but an ignorant idiot is not what you both are. Coming back to class Minju was glowing while she was holding your arm. Everyone took notice of this, well, hope you know the rumor gonna spread by lunch.
Minju won't give back the drawing you made for her so you are forced to draw some random flower pot in the room and hand it to your teacher as your assignment. “This looks rushed” Your teacher looks like he needs some sleep, and some care in teaching. “Well, I'm not that good-” He sighed loudly, “I saw the one you have for your girlfriend, show it, and I'll grade it and return it to her” Nervously you turned to Minju who was frowning. Minju takes it out while your teacher stands there silently watching it. For the record, he spent less than 5 seconds checking the others' drawings.
“The hair needs some work”, Minju pouted, “Also the shirt is too clean, you need to put some crease and shadows over it”, Oh, your teacher does care, for you at least, he only cares for the ones who have potential. “I think it looks nice”, Your teacher glanced at her, “It's a B+”, Minju frowned even deeper. “It's an A”, Unfortunately for her, the teacher already walked away. “You'll get an A when you have an A-level work”, You like him, he seems to be a good tutor. “What a prick”, Minju doesn't, “Relax Min, he's right”, Minju shakes her head, “This is perfect, okay, and I don't care what he says, this is an A+ for me”, She hugged the portrait while looking at you. “Thank you Min”, She carefully slips the drawings into her bag before grabbing your head and starting to play with your hair.
The bell then rang, deciding to not piss Yuri off by not being at the class when she visited, you pulled Minju out of the art studio. “Where were you?” Yuri was already sitting on your chair when you walked in. “Art class, look what he made me”, Yuri frowned even deeper, “You never made me one”, Ah shit, their competitiveness is still there. “You never let me”, It's because she's scared she will fall for you at the time, reminding her of this only made her even angrier. “Well now I want to, draw it”,  Yuri moved to share the seat with Minju, giving you some space. You spend your break drawing her, after all, you can't give her subpar work after giving Minju a B+ art.
“He's so hot when he's concentrating like this”, Yuri nodded in agreement, you've never taken anything seriously unless it's about drawing and writing. “I could've had thousands of these drawings”, The past is in the past, at least Yuri still has you now. “Poor Yuri, it's okay cutie, I won't take more than my fair share of him”, Although Minju is enjoying the sight of your hard work and Yuri's presence, she despises the attention you three are getting.
Countless eyes are looking at you with envy and jealousy, grabbing not one, but two of the most beautiful girls in the school all for yourself? Doyoung is watching the pot, brewing with anger and malicious intent, he wants nothing more but to have a front-row seat to the shitshow. 
“Done”, a beautiful piece, Yuri sitting on a chair sideways, leaning to the backrest to her left. Her hand is covered with a rolled-up jacket, her face is painted with her cute pout, and the window shadow is covering her smooth white legs. “Perfect, good job oppa”, Minju hugged you, and you glanced at Yuri who was staring at her drawing in a daze. She then put it on the table before hugging you as well. “Girls, I need to pee”, The two didn't let go, “Please? The class is starting soon”, just like before, it's a fool's errand.
The bell rang in your class making Yuri let out a frustrated groan. “Hahaha, it's okay Yuri, we can have fun later, at lunch, and after school as well”, Minju patted Yuri's head, “I'm coming here again at lunch, don't go without me okay oppa? You two Minju”, Reluctantly Yuri left the class with her drawings. Looking around you finally noticed the glare your male classmates are giving you. “Ignore them oppa, just focus on me”, Minju grabbed your hand and intertwined her fingers with yours. “We're having biology next, so work hard oppa, I'll help tutor you, later”, The tone of her voice is so seductive you might just grab her and run back home.
Biology is boring, in fact, classes are boring, so who cares about them? When the bell rang you immediately felt a sigh of relief. Minju smiled, wrapped her arms around yours and pulled you outside. Yuri came soon after and without saying a word she wrapped her arms around your other one. Unfortunately, the cafeteria is already full, which is expected since you had to wait for Yuri. Minju doesn't want to eat anything but she doesn't want to let you go and you have to wait in line with the two girls hugging you.
When you were ordering someone suddenly pushed you from behind. “Hey”, Yuri turned around, you glanced to see a bunch of guys sending you some nasty glare. “Sorry, it's crowded in here”, The lack of remorse in his tone tells you he probably doesn't mean it. “Try it again dumbass I'll kick your ass later”, You pulled Yuri back to make sure nothing escalated further. “Fuck off shortie”, Oh shit, your reaction was too slow to stop Yuri. In one swift move, she turned around and sent a kick aiming at the guy's nuts. Only, he caught it with his knee, “Yeah, yeah, you're not as scary as you think you are”, He sneered at Yuri making her even madder.
“Yuri come on”, You grabbed her hand and forcefully pulled her back. Getting your orders the three of you walked to find a good corner to eat in. Yuri was fuming with anger, and Minju's cold aura clashed with Yuri's again. This time they're not aimed at each other, yet being caught up in the middle you're still uncomfortable with it. “I'll kill them”, Yuri said under her breath as she ate. “They're trying to bait you, Yuri, just let them be”, God the headache of having two girlfriends also came from outside influences, are you ready for it? “It's not fine, he hurt you and tried to embarrass Yuri. He had to be dealt with”, Minju sent Yuri an acknowledging gaze before the two of them nodded.
“Girls, please, don't make a scene”, You are non confrontational by default, some because you're weak and timid, some because you've read enough Chinese Novels that you can't even take the ‘young masters’ seriously anymore. “It's okay oppa, we got these”, A storm is brewing. “Where's Jin by the way? Haven't seen him at all today”, You had an idea for your question, but you hoped that it was wrong. “He's fucking jealous about Minju, that idiot really thinks he had the dibs on her or something”, Minju just snorted and dropped her head on your shoulder. “I don't even remember his face, he's so forgettable”, Minju and her occasional roast.
“He is an idiot”, Yuri scoffed, “Listen, don't be so rude to him, he's still my friend you know”, Poor you, so blind, so innocent. “Oppa, the only reason he's friends with you is because he wants to flirt with me, you know that right?” You don't, in fact, you never realized it. “What?” The two girls looked at you with concern, “Oh oppa, I'm sorry”, Yuri patted your head. “It's fine”, So blind, so clueless, you wrote all those fanfics and original stories with twists and turns, yet you failed to see one in front of your own eyes. “It's okay oppa, you have us now”, Minju played around with your hair.
The three of you sit quietly, you, because you're pissed at yourself for not seeing it sooner. The two girls, because they're plotting something. They don't like how people look down on you, you're their boyfriend now, so they will have to understand that no one can mess with you. Countless sinister thoughts went through their mind, and one by one they were filtered, from the most gruesome one possible. Not because they don't think it's too much, they just think you won't be happy with it. The best possible option for them was, injuring him permanently. Yuri knows he's on the basketball team, she's not a shutoff loner like you. Minju is a hawk, from the moment you three are in the line she hears everything they have to say, so she knows he plays basketball for the school. A permanent leg injury would be quite unfortunate, wouldn't it?
“Let's go back to class”, The two decided to let you have some quiet time, they didn't want you to lose your cool. The last period went by like a breeze, you slept, the high school teacher is less caring about sleeping students in their class than the middle school teachers. Minju ran her finger through your hair occasionally, she did this last night when you were asleep and she loves it. When the school bell rang you woke up and picked up your bag, you already packed it since Biology class.
“Come on oppa, let's get Yuri”, You and Minju walked to Yuri's class to find her arguing with the guy from before. “Fuck you shithead”, It's amazing how this is happening while the teachers are walking past you in the hallway. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it? Gonna cry to your retarded boyfriend?” Oh, he's done it. You watched Yuri send a punch to him, making him move to the side before pushing her to the wall. You can hear the loud slam as her head hits the wall. You can see the pained expression she had, you can feel your body fly forward.
You are absurdly quick, the guy didn't even get to see you before your hand stabbed his neck. You're getting suspended on the second day of school, aren't you? “What the fuck retard”, His friends send a punch to your face almost knocking you out instantly. The cliche of the body moving by itself is etched into your brain from the countless stories you've read, yet today, you had the firsthand experience. You were fighting like an angry raccoon, clawing, biting, sending useless punches. Eyes, neck, nose, ears, liver, toes, you aimed for them. The weak and scrawny body of yours can't keep up with your instinct but your relentlessness helped you push through.
One of them grabbed your hand, and the other one then grabbed your other hand. The guy who hurt Yuri came and punched you in the stomach. With one punch you puke out your lunch, was that a rhyme? It should be a rhyme. “Guys enough, if you get suspended I'm kicking your ass out of the team”, You see Doyoung was looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “He started it”, the guy who punched you said, “And I'll end your career here if you don't shut up, and get out”, You got back to your feet, since when did your head start to bleed?
The group that beat you up glared at you, there were 4 of them. “Watch your fucking back idiot”, You're ready for round two, well your body is not, but you do. “Enough, all four of you follow me to the principal office”, Wow, a teacher came and actually did something? “He started it”, It seems like you have fucked up his throat and he can only say that from now. “Oppa, are you okay?” Either from the adrenaline or concussion, you didn't realize that Minju and Yuri had come to hold you up. “I'm fine, let's go home”, You are definitely not fine. “Let's get you to the nursery office”, They carry you away, “How come he gets to leave”, was the last thing you heard from the goons.
“Haaaa, a fight on the second day of school?” The nurse saw you and helped you get on the bed. Both of your girlfriends don’t like seeing you being touched by other women, but for now, there are other pressing matters to deal with. “Hmmm, let's see”, no concussion thankfully, well no signs of it. A broken nose, and bleeding in your temple, don't need any stitches. A lot of bruises that would hurt in the morning. A few cuts on your face as well due to the friction of their fist while they were pounding you. No signs of bone fracture but it might be because of the adrenaline.
“Stay in here, for now, rascal, wait an hour or two, if you feel fine afterward you can go home, if not then I'll have to bring you to the ambulance”, You nodded and just relaxed on the bed, it's a shitty bed. The nurse left you three to go somewhere else, Yuri and Minju immediately hugged you. “You shouldn't do that, what were you thinking, oppa?” Yuri's face is stained with tears. “How can you do this oppa, look at you, I thought I was gonna lose you” Minju is also sobbing. They felt warm and comforting.
“I told you Yuri, don't cause any trouble”, Your hand starts to play with their hair. “You still shouldn't have jumped in like that”, Yuri let out a sobbed scream, “This, this is what's gonna happen to me if you cause trouble from now on. I'm not sitting by seeing you get attacked like that. Listen Yuri we're in high school right now, you were scary back then because you were an early bloomer. Now everyone is on the same level, and those guys actually do sport. They are athletes. You can't win against them”, Oh, it felt painful to yell, physically.
“And you can handle them? Oppa you can't do this kind of thing, you're gonna get hurt”, Minju sobbed, “This is better than having any of you getting slammed to the wall like that. Listen, you two won't listen to me when I say let it go earlier so I have to do this. As your boyfriend it's my job to protect you, remember that I will always jump in for you, no matter what”, The two girls squeezed you making you let out a yelp for them to ease it down. “Oppaaaa”, They just whimpered as they cried in your embrace. “Listen, I'm sorry that you felt worried about me, and I hope these things don't happen again okay?” They nodded as they raised their heads to see you. “Okay, good, I'm sleepy, I'll see you later”, You let out a sigh, “Oppa”, Minju screamed, “It's okay Min, oppa just has nap time he needs to do”, Minju nodded before the two of them continue resting on your chest.
I will kill him, no, I will make them all suffer and beg for death. My oppa was hurt, look at him, he looks so pitiful. Don't worry oppa, I will make sure they will never hurt you. My oppaaaaaa…..
Fucking sons of bitches, I will break their bones and cut them up to a million pieces. I swear they will never get to see the light of day anymore. I'm sorry oppa, I can't protect you, I'm sorry, I'll do better, and there will never be a next time.
The two locked eyes, acknowledging the animosity the others have. They can't talk for now, you're still somewhat awake. So they wait, patiently, monitoring your breath and heartbeat, surely. Their hearts break every time you struggle to take a deep breath. Their stomach turns when you let out a cough. Their skins crawl when you wince in pain every time their hands explore your body. It's not that bad, you're just not used to pain, but for them, you are on the brink of death. They are hurting as much as you are, silently they tried to hold their sobs and cries, tears still streamed down to their face but they made sure to not let out a single sound.
Slowly your breath got slow and steady, your heartbeat dropped a little, and that's when they knew you were asleep. “I will kill them”, Minju nodded agreeing with Yuri, “But we can't let oppa know”, Yuri initially wanted to protest, but she knew your character. You will be displeased, you always hated seeing Yuri fight someone for you. “What do we do then?” Minju sighed and opened her phone. “I will call someone to take care of them”, This caused Yuri to feel even worse. “You can't do that, I have to do something, I caused this, I have to fix this”, Minju looked at her contemplatively. “We will ruin their lives first, and their parents, how could they raise a bunch of demons”, Yuri agreed with that.
“We will sue them, get them expelled, and get their parents fired from their job”, Yuri doesn't like that, for one particular reason, “You mean you will do it, I don't get to do anything”, She hates how powerless she feels right now. “It's okay Yuri, after that, we can hunt them down, I will make sure they suffer with my own hand”, Yuri is still scowling. “Listen, Yuri, for now, we can't do anything, we need to calm oppa down. So until he got back to his feet again we have to focus on him”, Yuri looked at your face, the bruise started to show on your cheeks, the few cuts you had are open, it's not deep enough to cause any excess bleeding but they still showed some scars.
“I wanted to have a date this week”, Yuri winced, remembering the plans she made. “Me too Yuri, I guess we have to take care of him for now”, As much as Minju hates the fact that you can't go out on a date, she actually feels excited with the prospect of taking care of you. “Does this mean we get to bathe him and dress him up?” Yuri smiled realizing it might not be so bad. “We can feed him, brush his hair, we will take care of all his needs”, Minju starts playing with his hair.
“Where did you by the way, when he was being….. you know”, The fresh memory was too painful for them to remember. “I got the principal, he knows who I am, who my dad is, So I threatened him that if oppa gets hurt I will sue this place down. I will talk to him after this, those 4 trash needs to be kicked out of the school”, Yuri reached up and played with your hair as well. “Can you get me to move to your class?” Yuri feels hope rising in her heart. “Maybe, for a price”, Yuri immediately knows the price is. “No, I have known him longer than you, I get to take his virginity”, Minju just shrugged and continued playing with your hair.
“If you want to be in his class, then you'll have to accept it”, Yuri did the math, “It's only one year, taking his virginity will last forever”, Minju just smiled and kissed your cheek. “I'll get to play with his hair every day, watch him smile, hold his hands, and all those things in class. Oooh, I can make sure me and him will always be in the same class until we graduate, so, good luck Yuri”, Yuri's mind went into turmoil. “Fine, but we ask him first, you can't change your mind if he wants to give it to me first”, Minju won't talk you out of it, but she can persuade you with other methods. “Deal?” The two shake their hand, sealing your fate. The two stayed quiet as they watched over you for a while.
“Yuri, and, who are you?”, The two girls turned to see a very concerned and confused girl. “Oh hello unnie, this is Minju, she's…..”, Yuri doesn't want to say that Minju is just a friend, but she also doesn't want to do the explanation. “I'm oppa's girlfriend, nice to meet you”, Your sister’s face contorted, “What? I thought you and him went out”, Yuri just gave a weird smile. “Well, yesterday…….”
Your sister is both confused, furious, and kinda proud that you went out of your shell. Of course, the anger and confusion overpower the pride. “Okay then let's leave that for now. How did this happen to him?” The sight of your unconscious body concerned her the most. “Earlier today something happened”
Now, it's not that your sister condemned what you did, she's happy you did that after hearing why you did it. It's just that, you're weak, and she expects you to be smarter instead of charging into 4 big goons ready to break your bones with a flick of a wrist. “So he's okay then?” The two girls nodded, “Alright, then explain to me, how you two became his harem. What the fuck did that idiot do?” The two tried to explain to her what and why they wanted to share you.
As that happens you start waking up, and the first thing you notice is the glaring pain from your whole body. The groan that was about to leave your lips was stopped by the sound of a familiar voice. “So, let me get this straight, my brother doesn't want to choose yet, so instead of waiting, you two want to just share him?” Maybe it's better to stay asleep. “I'm not taking any chances that he might choose her over me”, Yuri said, “How is that even possible, he has known you for his whole life”, You don't need an open eyes to see that Minju is pouting right now. “We are meant to be together”, You felt her hand grab yours. “Listen, I know you're probably crushing on him-”, The hand squeezed you, “I love him, and he feels it too. If he doesn't, why would he consider me even though I just met him”, Minju roared.
“She's right unnie, he's definitely thinking about her. I have known him my whole life okay, He was seriously considering it”, Well now you feel guilty about Yuri, was it your fault though? Well kinda. “And you two are totally cool with it?” The two girls didn't say anything but you heard your sister sigh. “Okay, Minju right? Why do you want to date him?” You felt Minju let go of your hand and started caressing him. “I love him, he's perfect for me”, Your sister is not convinced. “Okay, let me just ask something else then. Do you really think it's worth spending your high school life with a guy who's also dating his childhood friend? You know her parents already considered him as their son-in-law, right? There are so many other guys and you want to spend it with him”, You didn't hear anything, so you didn't see Minju's smile that's filled with happiness and determination that deters your sister's doubts.
“And you Yuri? You didn't want to fight to get him? After all those years of you together”, Yuri had some uncertainty in her heart, but, feeling your warm hand holding her, and seeing Minju's encouraging eyes, she wouldn't let those feelings get the best of her. “Yes, I made a mistake, all those years ago of not letting him stay with me. Today I did it too by not protecting him. All that matters now is he's happy, and I'm here by his side, nothing gonna keep us apart from now on”, Minju reached out to hug Yuri. This whole thing is so confusing for your sister that she almost forgot you're here because you got into a fight.
“Fuck I still need to get to the principal office, I'll be back”, You hear your sister say, “Okay unnie, good luck”, Yuri said, Minju stayed quiet for a while. “You can call me unnie too Minju, it's no big deal”, Minju smiled happily hearing that. “Okay unnie, I don't think I get your name though unnie”, “Eunbi, Kwon Eunbi, I'll be back soon okay? Take care of my stupid brother”, You hear her steps slowly fading away.
“Fuck”, The two girls immediately turn around, “Can you two, help me run away from here?” You groaned as you tried to sit up straight. “Oppa, stay down, you need to rest”, Yuri gently pushed you back, “That's right oppa, just lay down for now”, Minju teamed up with her. “Eunbi gonna kill me”, Defeated you choose to lie down realizing that they won't let you move. “It's okay oppa, unnie will understand”, Yuri kissed your cheek, “And we will hear oppa” Minju kissed your other cheek.
“God, I need some ice”, The two girls pout hearing that. “Are you okay oppa”, Yuri is about to cry out again, “I'm fine, it's just a bit painful”, You patted her head, “Then you're not fine, do I need to call the nurse again oppa?” Minju is also about to cry. “It's fine, just, oh fuck, I'm hungry”, You see they started looking around. “Is the cafeteria closed already?” Minju turned to Yuri, “Probably, fuck I don't think mom is cooking already”, Minju then opened her phone. “Let's order some takeout, what do you want oppa?” Some aspirin and painkillers would be nice, but if you ask them they would panic.
“Just, some, I don't want some takeout actually. Can we get some instant noodles from the store, and eggs, and some rice?” Ah yes, two packs of instant noodles with 3 eggs and a plate of rice. The classic luxury food for your less-than-wealthy family. “That's unhealthy”, Sounds rich coming from someone who fed you chocolate brownies and a vanilla milkshake before dinner yesterday. “It's good, can we buy it on the way home?” Minju pouted but nodded anyway, Yuri is busy hugging you. 
“Are you okay Yuri?” You play with her hair, “I'm sorry oppa”, Her weak voice is on the brink of tears again. You felt Minju drop her head to your shoulder, cramming her face into your neck. “It's okay Yuri, just, don't do that again okay?” Yuri started sobbing, followed by Minju. “Alright, come on, let it out”, You keep reassuring them that you're fine while caressing their head. You were so preoccupied by then that you didn't realize that your sister had returned. Immediately her burning eyes penetrated through your skull, and for a moment you felt like fighting those 4 dudes was easier.
“Having fun?” Your two girlfriends got up immediately, embarrassed. “Hey Noona, I was just-”, She walk towards you and pulled you by the collar. “Come here”, The two girls tried to hold you but you reassure them it's okay. Eunbi dragged you out of the room and pushed you to the wall. “Alright, you better have a good explanation young man”, You don't, “About, them? Or about, the fight?” You cringed for even considering it a fight. “Both, you went to high school for one day, ONE DAY, and you came home with two girlfriends”, Well, technically, “I mean, we only agreed to this after dinner so…..”, Don't sass your angry sister.
“Idiot”, Her fist felt more painful than what those guys did to you. “What were you thinking? Playing around with their feelings like that”, Eunbi grabbed her forehead as she felt a headache coming. “I feel like we need a little clarification here Noona. I am on board with this because I don't want to break their heart and cause some drama”, That sounds like a desperate justification for what you did, try better. “So you just made them accept that they will share you?” Eunbi slapped your head, “Did they tell you that they came up with it first?” You rubbed your temple. “Because you didn't want to choose”, How do you shift the blame. “I did because it's day one. I just met Minju and I like that she and I seem to have a lot of similar interests. Yuri and I have been together forever but you know as much as I do that there's been a bit of distance between us for a while. She never saw me as a guy, and I never saw her as a girl, were friends. I don't know which of them would have better chemistry with me when I start going out with them. I just need time, a month at least, but they don't want the wait and jump in on this. I'm sorry that I didn't have the guts to jump into a relationship after day one”
Well, that does shut your sister up, “Listen Noona, I know I'm on thin ice right now, but I really, don't want to make anyone hurt. I'll go through with this relationship, and trust me, the moment I see things falling apart I'll take full responsibility and end it”, the door immediately opened and your girlfriends swarmed you. “You can't do that, you can't just end it because some minor problems come up”, Minju said angrily, “Oppa, we won't let that happen, we're not letting you go, and whatever happens, we can go through it, together”, Yuri said anxiously.
Eunbi looked at you with the, ‘see?’ eyes. “Girls, I know you like him, I really do, but you can't just be so blind with everything. There's many guys out the-”, Eunbi tried to put some sense into them, you're not really sure you want her to do that. “I'm gonna stop you right there Unnie, me and Yuri picked him. My family has brought me to countless parties where I always get swarmed by horny boys, I've seen so many men that I know oppa is a one in a million”, Minju said hugging me. “And I on the other hand have known oppa for all my life already, I don't need anyone else, we are inseparable”, Yuri hugged me as well.
Eunbi looked at the three of us with a contemplative gaze, “Fine, but if anything bad happens don't say that I didn't warn you”, the three of you nodded at the same time. “Fine then, your principal said that the four guys are expelled”, Like thunder, fear strikes you thinking that you will also be expelled. “So you're lucky, that you only get 3 days suspension”, The dots are connected, and your mind understands what happened. Turning to Minju she just smiled innocently. “Did you?”, Why did you even bother asking, “Of course, they hurt you oppa, I will not let them get off without repercussions”, Her tone is so cold that you realize that she wants to do more.
“What do you mean you did it? Are you the principal’s daughter or something?” Eunbi said looking at Minju, “Hehehe, my parents are very rich”, Eunbi raised her eyebrow while looking at you with questioning eyes. “Let's talk later, or tomorrow, I need to eat first Noona”, With a frown she nodded, “Come on, let's get home”, Your two girls ran in and grabbed their bags along with yours.
“Minju, where is your house?” Eunbi said as we left the school gate. The place is empty already, it's only the second day so nobody has good reasons to stick around an hour or two after school. “That one, oppa can rest at my place for today, Yuri can you grab his clothes?” Yuri squinted her eyes, “That's your house?” Eunbi said surprised. “Yeah, it's empty, my parents don't live here”, Eunbi looked at you with a frown.
How the fuck did this kid get a sugar mama. I'm losing my mind with him. I need a long bath.
“Come on then, we need to buy some food for oppa”, Minju said, “We can't let oppa walk for too long, you should buy them yourself while I go grab him some changes”, Minju frowned hearing Yuri's suggestions. “Fine”, They held me as we walked to Minju's place, “Don't do anything more stupid today, come on Yuri”, Eunbi left you with Minju while taking Yuri.
“Min?” Minju refused to move after you got to the couch. “Oppa, I'm scared, promise me you won't do that again”, She glanced at your lap feeling nothing else but her wish to sit on it. “Come here”, You saw right through her, she shook her head but her body just limped onto you as you pulled her to sit on you. “I'm sorry for making you worry, okay? I really wasn't sure what I was thinking, but just know, that if it comes down to it, I will do it again, without any hesitation, for you and Yuri”, Minju knows it but she still doesn't like seeing you get hurt. “Promise me, you won't die on me”, Okay that was a big escalation, “I won't”, At least you don't plan to.
She still needs some making out to calm her down and of course a little cuddle. “Are you seriously sitting on him? You know he's injured right?” Yuri came in with a thunderous roar. “I'll go buy your order oppa, maybe they will have some strawberries left”, Minju kissed your cheek before getting off. Passing by the fuming Yuri, “Yuri come here”, second round. “Oppa”, Yuri's face is ridden with guilt and sorrow, “Yuri I'm fine okay? Like I said earlier, my only regret for doing that is making you two worried, I'll never let anyone hurt you”, Your soft touch to wipe her tears only made the tear gate burst. She leaped onto your embrace as you tried to calm her down again.
“Are you seriously sitting on him? You know he's injured right?” Minju said with a mocking tone once she got back. Yuri didn't say anything and just sobbed trying to calm her emotions. “Yuri, I need to take a shower”, Her face suddenly smiled, “Let's go together oppa”, She wiped her tears before jumping off of you. “Girls, I don't need any assistance in bathing”, Clearly, they didn't get the memo, and if they do, they don't care. “Come on oppa, we can use the one in my bedroom, we can wash you”, Minju dropped her shopping bags at the kitchen counter before she teamed up with Yuri to drag you to her bedroom.
“Whoa, this place is big”, Indeed it is, Minju's bedroom was almost as big as all three bedrooms in your house combined. “Thank you, come on drop off your clothes, I'll get some extra towels”, You see Minju walk to one of the doors that revealed a walk-in closet. “She's so rich oppa, I can't even imagine living in a place like this”, Yuri sighed before grabbing your shirt. “Yuri I really don't need help in there”, She clearly doesn't care because she unbuttoned your outfits in one swift motion.
“You are so hard to talk to sometimes”, Maybe the fight from before boosts up your confidence. You grabbed Yuri by the waist and threw her to the bed making her yelp. “Oppa”, She moaned as you climbed on top of her, “Shut up”, You're not really sure where you're going with these, but you'll just follow the flow. You unbuttoned her shirt revealing her cute white bra. Taking it off you dived in to kiss and bite them, drowning yourself in it. “Yeah oppa, bite it, mark me”, She screamed as you bit her nipple hard. You can feel her body squirm under you as you leave a circular bite mark around her nipples.
“Oppa, are you horny already?” Glancing to your side you see Minju is lying next to you head down while watching you two. “Wait for your turn”, Alright, you're definitely getting some new confidence, or just very horny. “Oppa”, Yuri grabbed your attention again, you looked down at her topless body, and without waiting for a moment longer you pulled down her skirt alongside her panties. “Oppa, please”, Her whimper sends a rush to your body. You squat down at the edge of the bed, grabbing her thighs and dragging her until her pussy is just close enough to your face.
“Opppaaaa, don't tease me”, Yuri whimpered as you kissed her thighs, slowly your kiss moved from one thigh to another, making its way to her wet pussy. Then, you kissed her exposed clit making her body shake, god it felt good making her scream and moan like that. Your tongue licked around the entrance, then to her g spot making her scream in ecstasy. Both of your hands grabbed her thighs and dropped them over your shoulder, then your hand held on to her waist to keep her in place. Time to mess her up.
“Oppa, oppa, oppa,....” Yuri can't say anything other than that as your tongue is exploring her cave, giving her the ride of her life, so far. “Oppa I'm cumming”, Yuri screamed so high you might go deaf if not for her soft thighs hugging your head acting as an earmuff. You can feel her body shaking, the waist that you're holding is jolting up and down and her earmuff thighs help you hear her loud heartbeat that keeps rising.
Her orgasm lasted a minute long and you didn't stop licking, you are trying to see how long you can make her cum. Then slowly her energy drained away, and her thighs dropped down lifelessly on your shoulder. You're enjoying this, it reminds you of old memories with your ex. Best to keep those memories out of your mind, wouldn't want your girlfriends to find out that you're thinking about some other girls when you're with them.
“My turn oppaaaa~~” Minju said in a seductive voice, You get Yuri to a more comfortable position to lay in before turning to Minju. She already took off her uniform, now laying bare naked for you to use. Crawling to Minju you see her bite her lips in anticipation, her pussy is already oozing with excitement. “Aahhh, oppa”, she giggled as you turned her around on her stomach, her back was so alluring, that you gave her a kiss to her male making her squirm in anticipation. Kissing down her spine you send jolts of energy through her body. Your hand grabbed a handful of her ass and slap it. Watching it jiggle and sending ripples through her soft thighs made you feel aroused.
For Minju, being an object of arousal by you is nothing but pure ecstasy. Your fingers explored her dripping pussy, rubbing it slowly as you leaned forward to kiss her neck. “Opppaaaaa, your fingers, they're so good”, She moaned, using one hand you started fingering her, you see her body move around as if you were controlling her with a joystick. “Oppa, mark me, pleaseeee”, As a good boyfriend, you can't let her beg for too long. As your teeth sank to her neck you felt her body shake wildly. Like trying to keep your control of a horse, your teeth dig even deeper into her neck while your finger gets even more aggressive facilitating her long orgasm.
Once it passed she dropped down on the bed trying to catch her breath. You lay next to her trying to do the same, but Yuri won't let you. “Oppa, you need to mark me more. I'm yours, right? We need to show that to everyone”, Straddling your lap she pulled you back up. “Please?” It seems Yuri has learned how to do puppy eyes from you, and just like her, you can't resist it.
Yuri has grown so much, she used a lot of baggy clothes so you're thoroughly surprised yesterday seeing how her chest has grown to a decent size. You looked at her right nipple that was being caged by your bite mark. Moving to her right tits, right around the upper part of her cleavage you kissed your next marking spot. Your hand reached down to grab her ass as your teeth sank into her tits. “Opppaaa”, Her naked pussy is grinding against your cock through your pants. Her hands pushed your head deeper into her as you left your second bite mark.
“Haaaa, Haaaa, Haaa”, Watching her out of breath you know you can't stop yet. Your mouth wandered off to her collarbone kissing it and making her shiver. The third mark is too much for her as she slumped on you lifelessly as you finished your artwork. Gently, you lay her down in bed before bracing yourself for the eager Minju. “Me next, me next”, She is jumping on your lap, without saying a word you gave her 4 more marks before she got tired. One on her upper shoulder, one on her neck, one on her left tits, and one on her hand. 
You think you are done, but you glance at Yuri who's begging for more with her eyes. You're far from done. In the end, they are riddled with hickeys and bite marks. On their neck, hands, thighs, tits, ass, and shoulders, they asked for their face too but you refused it. 
“That was wild oppa, thank you”, The two of them wrapped their limbs around you. “I think, we are forgetting something”, Minju laughed, “Yeah, we're supposed to get a bath”, You know that's not the answer they're looking for. “No, we haven't repaid the favor yet”, As much as you want to get jacked off, you're really tapped out, you just want to get a warm shower and a warm meal before going to sleep.
“I really don't need to girls, I'm tired, I need a hot bath and some food, okay? You can repay me tomorrow”, The two girls are obviously not happy with it. “Oppa, if you were really tired then you should've said something”, Yuri said, “Yeah, we wouldn't be so demanding”, Minju agreed. “How could I say no, you two were so cute when you begged me”, You laughed making them smile happily. “Fine, but next time you have to say something if you're tired”, Minju said, “Okay then, let's get clean, you two especially”
The shower didn't start off well, “Oh my god oppa”, Looking down, you see numerous bruises around your body. Most notably is on your stomach, the place where you were last punched. “Huh, I guess they did rough me up”, Looking back up, you see the girls are on the verge of tears again, well, round three.
After calming them down you get your long-awaited shower. The girls scrubbed every inch of your body making sure not a single speck of dirt remains. The hair wash took a little longer since the two were busy playing with your hair. Once you're cleaned you help clean them next. Yuri and Minju had a silent agreement to enjoy this individually. So when you were cleaning Minju, Yuri just stayed under the shower, and the same when you cleaned Yuri. The bathroom is big, and the overhead shower could rain down for the three of you without having to squeeze together. Minju is definitely a royalty.
Feeling fresh from the shower you got a quick lesson on how to help the girls dry it off and style it up. “You're so good at this oppa”, Minju said surprised at your skills, “Noona teaches me a lot, and so does Yuri”, Yuri who was waiting for her turn smiled and gave you a kiss. “Stop making me jealous”, You laughed at Minju before pulling her head back and leaned down to kiss her as well.
Finally, for dinner, you cook up the ramyun for everyone, despite their protest. Not wanting to cook multiple times you just get a medium-sized pot and cook like 6 Ramyun packets and 8 eggs. The girls said they might not eat a lot but you're starving so you could finish the leftovers by yourself. Minju also bought 3 microwave rice packs. 
“Ahhhhh, perfect”, the three of you sat around the coffee table, the two girls wanted to cuddle with you and you preferred sitting on the ground. You didn't bother dividing the ramyun up so all of you are eating straight from the pot with the little rice plate that comes with the packs. “I want to feed you oppa”, Minju said, and you can't really say no so you finish eating while being fed by them. Once done the three of you chill around on the couch. Occasionally make out, mostly just cuddling. The night went uneventful, unlike everything else in the day so far.
“Ahhhhh, I don't want to leave, I want to stay here for the whole day”, Yuri pouted once she got woken up by Minju's alarm. “Me too”, Minju never wanted to skip class, she was a model student until she met you. “Girls, please, just go to school, I'll go home”, The two won't let you do that. “Come on, Yuri I will tell your parents if you skipped class, and Minju, didn't you want to be my personal tutor? How can you do that if you skipped class”, It takes some more convincing, mostly with your kiss, but the three of them reluctantly let go of you and leave the bed.
“Do not go anywhere until we get back home okay?” After a while they all get ready, Yuri goes to her place to get a shower and returns to say farewell to you. “Okay, I'll see you later”, The two held each other's hands before leaving for school. “Alright, first, Noona'', You locked up Minju's place before going to meet Eunbi, who was eating breakfast.
“Sit down”, She served you some bacon and eggs before she sat back watching you. “Listen Noona, I know you're still not convinced, but, can you just give me a chance? I promise you nothing bad gonna happen”, She shakes her head in frustration. “They are hopeless, and you did this to them”, How exactly did you do that again? “Noona you know even I don't know how these things happen”, Eunbi doesn't want to continue this argument, she really thinks it's a stupid idea, but she's willing to give you a chance.
“Then Minju, what's her deal? Is she rich? Are you her sugar baby now?” No, right? You're not right? “I don't know”, Do you want to be her sugar baby? “How rich is she?”You actually just realized, you haven't really asked much about Minju's wealth. “I don't know, she always said their family is in a comfortable position”, Eunbi frowned, her experience in college led her to meet a very rich girl, and she also claims that her family is simply, comfortable.
“You know how rich people work right? If they find out, you're gonna get in trouble”, Well, both of you are living paycheck to paycheck with your parent’s limited inheritance, what do you know of the upper society? “I know, I'll take care of myself”, Not really sure how, but at least you have the right intention. “Good, I'll be gone till night, don't do anything stupid for today, and rest. You look like an abuse victim”, You winced at her before nodding silently. As she left you went to your bedroom, opening your laptop to start finding some stories you've been working on. “Well, guess I have nothing better to do for today”
You love writing, it's a daily thing for you as an escape from your boring life. Sometimes you'll spend hours and hours writing pages of a book you're working on without noticing. Yet today, you can't even come up with more than just a paragraph. Your finger is jittery, your eyes are darting around the room, and your brain simply can't come up with anything to write.
You just assume it's a writer's block, so you pull out your phone and check in on the girls. Even though they should be in the first period right now, they still immediately answered, saying they missed you already. Giggling at their childish behavior you scroll up to find all the pictures you've taken together last night. One particularly took your attention, a selfie of you, smiling while they both kissed your cheek. You look happy, but this can't be right? It's only the second day, how can things escalate this fast? But it is, you are happy, you liked them, no, that's not quite right.
Whoa what? Did I just suggest that I might be in love with them? Okay calm down now, take a deep breath. I call them mad for proclaiming their love to me. Okay calm down now, maybe I'm a hypocrite but just calm down for a second. I need to find something to do as a distraction. FUCK, I'm not distracted from my writing by them, the writing is distracting me from them. Alright fuck, what do I do? Right, drawing, let's just start drawing. Fuck this place let's get to Minju's place again, she has some brownies left over.
The school finally ended, and the two girls immediately ran off to meet you. Throughout the whole day, they kept getting some unwanted eyes due to the bandaids they had on their neck and hands. Doyoung even asked about you to make sure you were okay before teasing Minju for the bitemark she had on her hand. “Of course, I had to reward him for being so brave”, Which made him laugh hysterically while all the other guys could do nothing but pray for your demise.
““We’re home””, they yelled, you are sitting on the floor again, back resting on the sofa while you're just drawing on the coffee table. The two girls are in a trance, your reading glasses just fit so perfectly to your already flawless face. It took them a while to get out of it, you didn't bother acknowledging their existence and continue drawing.
“Opppaaaaa, this looks so cool”, The two of them move to you and start checking all the other drawings you have finished. It was a dozen pictures of them each, some with you in it, and then there were a dozen more pictures of them together, and another dozen of pictures of all three of you. The one you're working on right now was a picture of all three of you holding each other arms while wearing your school uniform.
Took you an extra 5 minutes to finish it, the girl went quiet and just watched you work. “Done”, It was beautiful. “Thank you oppa”, Your lips didn't even stand a chance. Thankfully they didn't get aroused until they started stripping you there and then. But they still dragged you to the bed again. “Let's talk about our date”, You said, “Really?” Minju said excitedly, “Yaaaa, you said we're not getting any this week because you want oppa to rest”, Yuri said angrily.
“Girls, I'm fine, so who's getting the first turn?” The two send each other meaningful glances. “We agreed that Yuri will give up the right to your virginity so that she can move into our classes, and so the three of us can stay together throughout high school, however it's up to you if you want to give it to her or not”, Well, the conversation is coming up one way or another. “Girls, listen, I have a….. confession to make”, The girls look petrified already.
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No, no way, my oppa, he didn't lose it to some bitch, right? Oh my god he did, look at his face. When was it, oh god oppa was it when I drew some distance with you. Oppaaaaaa
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Who was it, who's the whore who took my oppa’s virginity. I will find her and mutilate her body and feed them to the dogs. WHO WAS IT?
“Who was it?” Minju's face turned cold, “Well, you wouldn't know her”, Don't evade the question buddy. “Oppa who, which girls in school take it”, Yuri grabbed your hand while she clenched her teeth. “It was, Yuna'', You see Yuri's face contorted even more while Minju's face seems to be freezing the air around it. “Who?” Minju wants to know her full name, but you know that will just cause trouble. “Shin Yuna, a fucking whore of the school, why would you give it to her, oppa, did she drug you? She has to be, you would never fall for that bitch otherwise”, Yuri started mumbling to herself.
“No, listen, Minju you weren't there, but in our last year of middle school, we had a summer drama festival. I was pointed out as one of the actors, Brutus. Yuna was referred to as my wife-, Acting wife”, You hurriedly fix your words seeing the two of them doesn't like you calling her a wife. “So, one day, after a long rehearsal she took me out to get some dinner, and it was my birthday too. I don't know how but she ended up taking me to her place and…. Well, we had sex as her gift for my birthday”, You can't even comprehend how angry they are right now.
“Is that it?” Minju's cold tone sliced up your heart, “Well, we went out a bit more after that, but she wanted something casual and I was catching feelings”, Your bravery to tell them the truth is aspiring. “You, catch feelings?” Yuri gripped your hand tightly, “It was nothing special, I just started feeling something more for her so I asked her and we agreed it will only hurt more if we continued so we stop”, Minju grabbed your other hand with her nail digging to your skin.
“I hated her, Shin Yuna, right? I'll remember that name”, Poor Yuna, she was so young too. “Girls, really it was nothing, I had like a month fling with her-”, A month is a month too long for them. “Listen oppa, I hate her, I thought you were just being nice to her but you were cheating on me?” Another set of hands start clawing you. “Girls, please, let's just forget about her, she's a nobody to me now”, You plead. “We will have this conversation later, you're lucky I love the drawing oppa”, Thankfully they agreed and let you go.
“Alrighty, the date, who goes first?” Distract them with the future plans, “I'll go”, Minju said, Yuri frowned while nodding. “Are you okay with that Yuri?” She dropped her head to your chest so you can't see her face, but she nodded again. “Thank you Yuri, I promise I'll pay for your date later”, Minju patted Yuri's head. “Then, where do you want to go?” Minju smiled happily to you, “You'll see, this Friday, I'll buy you some nice outfits”
When she said some nice outfits, you did not expect her to give you a three-piece suit that fit perfectly to you. How she got your measurements, you have no idea. Minju and Yuri have actually measured your body while you were asleep and bought a suit that matches your body and got it tailored slightly to match your body.
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As you walk out you see Minju waiting for you there, you see her outfit when she picked you up earlier yet she still managed to daze you again. “Heheheh, ready oppa?” Minju was beaming with smiles seeing you walk out of the fitting room. “I think so?” You and her are currently in a bespoke shop, just looking around you can already tell you can't afford this place unless you sell your house. “Good, you look great oppa”, She kissed you before helping you fix your tie. “Thanks babe”, Oh my, are you trying to arouse her at the start of your date?
“Call me that again”, You can't help but smile seeing her starstrucked eyes, “Baby, where are we going”, Her body trembled. “Come on now, let's not waste anymore time”, You kiss her cheek before your mouth moves to her ear. “Don’t you want to go home with me quickly?” She grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the place. 
She took you out to a restaurant, a very fancy one. “I feel out of place”, Minju smiled and just pulled you to your seat. “Babe, I can't even understand what they have on the menu here”,  She giggled and just moved to sit next to you. “Let me handle everything babe, I got this okay?” There is no room for compromise, Minju wants to spoil you and she will. “Hmmm, do you like the place babe?” It is nice, the city lights look so pretty from where you are. “I think, the city lights can't keep up with your reflection on the glass”, Smooth, at least you think you are. “Okay babe, you better stop doing that or I'll rip your shirt apart right here right now”
The first menu came, you enjoyed it, then the second one, same feelings. Around the sixth one you just can't hold it anymore. Your hand reached down to grab her thighs, “Babe?” Minju said, “Are you wearing panties?” You can almost hear her heartbeat that just jumped. “What are you doing? We're in public spaces”, Yet she doesn't do anything as you pull up her loose dress. The moment your hand touched her bare thighs she let out a yelp and immediately closed her hand.
Your finger walked to her pussy, “What a slut, you're not wearing any this whole time?” Minju is panicking. She lives the excitement but this restaurant is her family's favorite place. They won't kick her out or make a scene but they will definitely report it to her parents. During her turmoil your finger reached into her pussy and started rubbing it. “Baby”, She let out a shaky squeal before digging into your shoulder. “Don't ruin the suit baby, you paid for it not me remember?” You laughed seeing her struggles to stay quiet.
“Baby, please…” You look at her teary eyes as both of her hands are holding to your arm desperately. “Say ah baby, you don't want to let this food get cold”,  She frowned as you tried to feed her. “Ahhhhh”, she let out a moan as your finger started rubbing her clit. “Oh baby, you need to keep your mouth steady, how can I feed you if you are flaunting your head everywhere”, Your finger got even more aggressive and started penetrating her. 
“Evening ma'am, sir, our next course is ready to be served, should I bring it out”, Minju felt her heart stop seeing a waitress come up to both of you. To her horror she felt your finger start fucking her even faster. “Yes please, my girlfriend here is a bit under the weather so we're sorry that she can't finish her food”, You gloat on her suffering. The waitress came closer to bring up your food. The fear she's feeling along with the finger move you're using sends her over the edge. She immediately wrapped her thighs around your hand and her arm hugged yours pulling it to her breast.
“I'm sorry to hear that Miss, I hope you're doing well soon”, The waitress sent a meaningful smile before leaving. Minju's heavy and tired breath is clashing against your neck making you feel sorry, just for a moment. “That was fun”, You tried to pull your hand, her thighs let go but not her hands. “That was my favorite meal here, the roasted duck breast here is the best in Korea”, You laughed at her making her even more frustrated. “I'm sure you can always come here anytime and get served the same food”
She tried to protest again but you raised your hand. It's all stained in her juice now, and you immediately bring it to your mouth and start licking on it. 
I will fuck you, I will fuck you until you beg me to stop baby. I hope you're ready to deal with Yuri's wrath, because you're not gonna be able to stand up tomorrow.
Minju is way too aroused to focus on the food. All of them taste bland as she only craves one taste, you. The moment you finished the last meal she immediately stood up and dragged you to the cashier. “So impatient”, She glared at you in response.
When you two are leaving the restaurant someone stopped her. “Minju-ah? Oh my god it's so nice to meet you”, A plumpy guy around your age immediately walked up to her. “Who are you?” He frowned hearing you talk but focused on Minju, “It's nice to see you again Minju-ah, I was wondering where you went, nobody saw you during the last two weeks of highschool. I guess you must be on vacation?” Minju frowned on him before grabbing your hands and stepping to the side, trying to get as far away as possible. “Do you know him babe?” He grimaced hearing you refer to her as babe. “I don't know, come on babe let's go home, I want to get this dress off and cuddle with you”, She tiptoed and kissed you before pulling you to her car.
The guy was fuming, of course, he's irrelevant. Although there is someone watching this, the waitress that interrupted, well, almost interrupted your finger fucking session. “Mister Jiwon will be happy to hear this”
“Baby calm down”, Minju is practically tearing your suit apart as she dragged you to her bed. “Shut up, you can't just keep making me so horny and think I won't let you go that easily”, Minju is no longer Minju that you know, in fact even she will be surprised at how aggressive she is. She threw you to the bed before taking off her dress showing that she didn't wear any underwear tonight.
“Look at you, you think you can make me cum in the middle of my favorite restaurant and get away with it?” You laughed as you took off your suits. When you wanted to open your pants her hand reached out and did it for you. Pushing you on the bed she climbed up on you, aligning her wet entrance with your erect cock. “No foreplay?” You smirked, “I'm done with foreplay, you, and your fucking flawless smirk”, She sits on your dick, and start rubbing her pussy with it. “And your fucking godly hands”, She leaped in and start kissing you aggressively while her hips keeps moving, giving continuous stimulation for both of you. “And your fucking….”, She raised your cock before plunging it into her.
“Big cock”, She started riding you like an animal. “Are you cumming already babe?” Her walls are tightening already 5 minutes into her ride. “Shut up, just let me fuck you”, Both of her hand is using your stomach as support, carefully not touching the bruises you have on it. “Ohhhh, oppa”, She slammed her head to your chest as her orgasm came. “It's okay baby, I can help you”, Holding her waist you start picking up her slacks.
“Ahhhh, baby, slow- ahhh fuck faster baby”, Your hip start moving by itself as you pound her from below. “Oppppaaaaaa”, Her moan is shaky as you are rocking her whole body, “I'm cumming baby”, She nodded as she continue moaning. “Aghhhhh, fuck” you thrusted deeper into her as you delivered her your load.
“Oh fuck, you're bleeding”, You laughed as she get off you, “I know, I think I need some time”, She gasp for air. “No, come on, turn around, get on all four”, As aroused as she was earlier, you've been holding on for the last few days for your two hungry girlfriends. Seeing your excited face Minju can't say no so she gets in position. “Slowly oppa, I'm still sensitive”, Fuck no you're not going slow, you immediately start thrusting to her from behind making her moan.
“Ahhhh, don't bite me there”, Her bale is so sensitive that even a kiss could make her body shiver. “Have I ever told you how sexy your back is?” Your finger ran through her spine sending a tickling sensation to her body that leads to another orgasm. “Aaaahhhhhh, fuck me oppa, harder, ahhh fuck it's so big”, Getting that compliment seems to be your sensitive spot. “Fuck, I'm cumming”, You groaned as you leaned down to bite her shoulder. “Ohhhh babyyy, fill me up again, oh godddd”, As both of your orgasm passed you stood back up catching your breath for your next round.
Minju turned around to look at your face. Her face is decorated with a beautiful smile, it's perfect. Even with her hairs sticking to her forehead because of the sweat. Even with her lipstick smudge across her cheek. Even, no, especially because of the tears that's running down her face. “I love you Minju”, Her hands reached out, you smiled and leaned closer allowing her to pull your head to an intimate kiss. “I love you too baby”, and that was the last thing you two said for the whole night. Well, anything that's coherent enough to be considered a sentence anyway.
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“This is our date?” Compared to the luxurious dinner Minju brought you to, Yuri just brought you to her house. “I have something special for us”, She smiled and bring you to her bedroom. “Oh my god, when was the last one we had these”, A tent, god you two used to had the tent every weekends and pretend you were camping.
“I think we're too big for this”, That didn't stop you from climbing inside. “We can fit” Yuri said, climbing inside as well. Both of your legs are dangling out of the tent as you two lay next to each other. “I miss this so much oppa, I wanted to take you out on a date somewhere but I just keep remembering about these moments with us” You embraced each other as you watched all the drawing you made inside the tent.
“Remember this one? God that rollercoaster was so fun”
“Didn't you cried when we got off of it”
“Which why it's fun, and this carousel? I can't believe our parents just let us take it alone”
“Hahahaha, yeah, I used to hug you from behind because you're scared you might fall off”
“Now that I'm taller than you I can do the hugging part”
“You wish, hahahah, oh this one, remember that new year?”
“Was it the one where we tried to roast some worm?”
“Yeah, unnie actually tried to eat it”
“God I forgot Eunbi used to be dumber than us. Life changes quickly huh”
“It does….. remember this one? What was that film again?”
“Paranormal activity, and you had to hug me to sleep that night”
“Okay oppa, you were the one who cried and begged me to sleep with you”
“And at night you cried and hugged me tighter”
“Maybe I did, why didn't you cry anymore when you watch those horrors movie, I want to see my cute oppa asking me for comfort”
“Horror movie suck, you know what's a good movie this StarWars movie”
“Hahahaha, yeah, we broke mom's favorite bowl when we played with our lightsaber”
“Oh this one, your cousin actually bullied you till you cry, can't believe that little devil is a future idol now”
“He was never mean, I don't remember why he made me cry back then”
“Because he keeps saying that I'm your boyfriend and you cried saying I'm not”
“Well, turns out he was right after all”
Your eyes locked with each other, at that moment, all those memories you had rushing through you. All the laughs, the pranks, the cries, the fight, the heartwarming moments, the night talks, it all hits your heart like a truck.
You see tears start running down Yuri's face, you open your mouth to tease her only to hear your voice break. You realized, you're also crying. “Oppa”, Leaping in you kissed her, making up for the last 2 years of distance you two have grown together.
Holding her you felt your cries only pour out even harder. You don't want to let her go, ever again. This whole time Yuri has been blaming herself all the time she lost from you. Deep down, you were also blaming yourself. Being weak, scared of ruining your friendship. Scared, of getting rejected. Now the two of you are together, you don't want to let her go, never again.
It took both of you sometime to calm down, the rush of emotions and nostalgia was too much as you two started crying in each other’s embrace. “When is your parent coming back babe”, You whispered, “They are staying at grandma's place”, Yuri immediately took off her sweater revealing her naked breast. 
“Good”, You turned her around and climbed on top of her. “Did you like it oppa? They've grown quite big, maybe one day they'll outgrow unnie's” You frowned. “Don't bring up my sister when we're about to fuck”, The two of you laughed. Then your mouth starts to get busy, biting, licking and sucking her tits.
“Oppa, I'm so wet already”, She moaned, “Yeah babe,do you want to do it here or should we climb to your bed?” She shook her head, “I don't want to move”, the two of you quickly undressed inside the small tent.
You guide your cock to her pussy, gently rubbing the entrance making her moans. One of your hand reached down next to her face and the other right under her arm to support your body. “Oppa, I'm ready, put it in please”, She moaned. Gently, you pushed your cock in, first the tip, which made her body shudder.
Yuri is tighter than Minju, probably because she's smaller than her. As you pushed deeper you see she raised chest up like she just had an orgasm. You waited until she calmed her breath down. “Ready baby”, You pulled up your hand that's resting from beneath hers. She grabbed your hand and intertwined your finger together. Then her other hands grab on to the one that's supporting you near her head. She turned her head and kissed it before looking at you with teary eyes. “My oppa”, “My Yuri”, “I loved you”, “I loved you too”, Then you pushed in. All the length of your cock digs into her breaking any last barrier between your love, mentally and physically.
Your thrust started slow and steady, you used Yuri's grip strength to check if you're going too fast. Your sex was slow, and intimate, it was the cumulation of years and years of denying your feelings together. You both let it go, slowly, and intimately together.
“Baby I'm cumming”, You groaned, “Inside babe, I want you cum inside, fill me up, let me have a piece of you inside me”, Your cock throbbed letting her know that you're cumming. The anticipation she had of being filled up also made her cum as you felt her walls constrict around your cock. ““I’m cumming””
The orgasm felt like years, and once it passed you slumped down to her chest. Her hand reached up to play with your hair. “I'm glad to have you in my life Yuri”, Your voice cracked at the end but who even noticed it or cared. “I'm also happy, that I have you oppa, you made me the happiest woman in the world”
The day was heartwarming, with a few cockwarming moments from her. You were so much gentler than when you were with Minju. At the end of the day, you two snuggled up together at her bed, snuggling together as you waited for a new day.
“You had sex with her 8 times? Oppa what if you were too tired to fuck me after that”, You're not ready for the new day. “You didn't cry when you fuck me”, Yep, totally not ready. “Yuri, I will always be ready for you, always. Besides, I already prepared myself for a long session with both of you. You know I'm not stupid enough to ruin our first date. Minju, I'm sorry, okay? Yuri and I just had too much nostalgia together, it was too emotional. Don't worry babe, we will have our own memories from now on. I promise I that I love you as much as I love her”
The two girls calmed down convinced, by your smile, your words meant jackshit to them. “Fine, but I want to have a night long fuck session with oppa”, Yuri said before unbuttoning your shirt, “And I want to have an emotional cuddling day with oppa”, Minju helped her stripping your shirt.
“Girls, I'm too tired for a threesome”, They sighed, disappointed, but they already knew this, there's just a hope that if they excite you enough you might find a second wind. “It's okay oppa, we just want to take our turn to mark you”, Minju did refrain herself from making any hickey on you in your animalistic ritual. “Yeah, you're our oppa now, and we need the world to see it”, Yuri also keeps eyeing your neck like a hungry vampire.
“Yeah, go ahead, ruin me”
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raccoon-coded · 3 months
It has become mandatory for all fictional raccoons to have names starting with the letter R, and I am here for it.
Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy)
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Rigby (Regular Show)
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Randal (Pixie and Brutus / Pet Foolery)
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Rambley Raccoon (Indigo Park)
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An exception to this rule is Little King Trashmouth (Bobs Burgers) which is also an acceptable name despite not starting with the letter R.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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My name is [BRUTUS] and my name means [HEAVY] so with a [HEAVY] heart I'll guide this dagger Into the heart of my enemy
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Something about having absolutely no choice in who you marry. About being literally forced by the law to spill blood - to accept this stranger as your husband over a man you truly care for or accept the fact that the man you love might die because you put him in danger. Something about risking becoming the wife of a man you've never even seen before a few minutes prior because you know anything would be better than putting your beloved in harm's way. Something about the trust inherent in that decision and in the way she speaks of it after. Truthfully, T'Pring doesn't know the captain and she doesn't know Spock. Either one of them could have taken her as their wife but she does know Stonn. She knows that Stonn will remain by her side no matter what. They made a plan together. They have an agreement which T'Pring believes will be upheld even though the plan changed with the arrival of Kirk. Stonn will always be there, always, and Stonn will be hers. Something about the language used around T'Pring: Ownership, subservience, non-personhood. T'Pring is an object that Spock can win. She cannot reject him, she has no say in the matter other than having Stonn 'claim' her instead. Even when Spock leaves after being very clearly rejected by T'Pring he says "Stonn, she is yours." as if despite her clear rejection he still owns her and is must formally 'give' her to Stonn. But the language T'Pring uses around Stonn is a break from that: "There was Stonn who wanted very much to be my consort, and I wanted him." Stonn who wanted very much to be HER consort and she WANTED him. The language here is very particular - It's not, for example: "Stonn wanted me to be his wife" - he is HERS. And she WANTS him. There's a mutual affection there and a strong trust - a trust which seems to be well founded since Stonn (though silent) stands by her side at the end of the episode. <- That might seem small but if Spock would reject her for 'daring to challenge' (again, the language is not 'because I don't want you' but more of an implied disgust at her having the AUDACITY to reject him) then it's not a stretch to assume that it'd be considered an insult in the TOS Vulcan society to NOT choose Stonn as her champion after a prior agreement. Anyway T'Pring was a woman in an impossible situation within a society which saw her as more of an object than a person and she wanted Stonn and Stonn wanted to be hers and she trusted that he would understand if she had to publicly pick someone else to ensure his life would be spared and he did understand.
#amok time#T'Pring i s....T'Pring she....-puts my head through a wall-#PLEASE read under the cut for my rambling about T'Pring in amok time pleasepleaseplease#tired of 'T'Pring is evil/a bitch' and VERY uninterested in 'T'Pring is a girlboss'#T'Pring is a person in a society which doesn't think she has the right to make her own choices who's in [love] with a man who [loves] her#back in what I'd like to think is implied to be a slightly subversive way in its mutual and fervent nature (whether the writers thought#this was a good or bad thing - who knows. We know better RIGHT??)#and yes I will stylize T'Pring's hair differently every single time I draw it HEHEHE#star trek tos#Spock#T'Pring#also of COURSE something something spock/kirk & stonn/t'pring parallels: To keep your beloved safe you have to force someone else to kill#theirs - not BC you hate him (you don't) but you don't love him either and why does HE get to have you even if you don't want him?? Why doe#he get to 'give' you to the person YOU chose?? It's not a hatred on a person level (which I wanted to portray with the 'brothers') portion#but a sort of societal embodying.#I will think about T'Pring not wanting to be 'the consort of a legend' every damn day !!!#They really could have laid it on thick in making her evil guys...T'Pau even makes a comment about Spock's 'vulcan blood is thin'#but all T'Pring says is that Spock is a legend and she doesn't want that for her life. She wants Stonn.#And you're gonna sit there and you're gonna tell her that she's wrong!??? Spock doesn't even want to be with her!! Why is she so hated!?#CAN WE FREE MY GIRL??? She did all that but it's being read in the worst faith possible!!#comix page#bea art tag#star trek art#She literally says the word 'FREE'...she's TRAPPED!!!
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srbachchan · 5 months
DAY 5915
Jalsa, Mumbai Apr 28/29, 2024 Sun/Mon 12:10 AM
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समय को समझ लेना, समय से, बड़े समझ की बात होती है !🙏
to understand time, in time, is indeed a great understanding
time does not wait upon any .. it moves away .. it travels its path given in time for time about time ..
so when time is up , its up .. understand it .. for it shall be futile to battle with it .. accept it in the silence of its bearing .. you shall never hear its sound but you shall be able to see its reverberation ..
that reverberation defines and defies all other ..
“There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune”.
~ Shakespeare, Julius Caesar .. Brutus
So if miss the flood .. do what ..wait for the next flood .. ?
I wonder ..
My love and care .. as ever .. 🌹
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Amitabh Bachchan
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Blood Rain | Katniss Everdeen
Pairing: Katniss Everdeen x fem!reader (District4!reader)
Summary: Your mission in the games was to get the victors who the love of your life wanted to be allies with. You did it, but it is never easy.
Warning/s: angst and fluff, this is really just a little blurb, blood, blood rain, death, madness, weapons, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: Send requests for Katniss, Johanna and Cressida, I BEG YOU ALLL!!!
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Where the hell is Finnick?!
Your angry thoughts continued to swarm you as you forced your legs to move along towards the beach. The beach. Water. You would quite literally kill for a few drops. All of you would.
Your feet were sticking to the leaves on the ground of the giant jungle due to the blood that covered you completely head to toe. The knifes pressed onto your suit were slightly digging into the skin of your legs as you took bigger steps, trying to get to the water at the Cornucopia as fast as you possibly could.
The biggest mistake you could have ever made was separating at the beginning of the games and now you had to suffer the consequences. Not that you had any choice, really.
When your platform raised up, putting you in the place from your nightmares you were standing quite far away from Finnick. The flash of the bright rays of sunshine were blinding you for a while and before you knew it you had to jump off of the pedastil. However you faced a major problem once you got in the middle of the water. You were rounding up Beetee, Wiress, Blight and Johanna who weren't able to swim. But once you did round them up you were attacked by Enobaria and Brutus. You couldn't fight them on your own as you tried to help your allies. You had no choice, you had to leave the idea of joining Katniss, Peeta and Finnick like you planned to. You had to run for the shore and loose yourselves in the vines and thick threes.
And that's how you ended up alone with Wiress, Beetee, Blight and Jo for a few days. You were severely dehydrated already so you were very happy once you heard something light hitting the leaves of the trees all around you. Only one thing could make those sounds. Raindrops. Now you could only imagine the shock planted onto your face once you realized that the things that were coming down onto you and your allies was not rain. Well, not rain made out of water. It was blood. It was burning you and was covering you too quickly.
This torture lasted for what felt like ages, but once it finally came to the stop you still didn't get out of the forest immediately.
As you ran ahead of the rest of the group, trying to escape the nightmares held within the forest, the living nightmares that tried to get you, the only thing on your mind was the safety of your lover. Katniss. God, you hoped that she was alive.
You didn't see her since the night before the games. You were lying with her in her bed, bringing her comport after yet another life inducing nightmare with which you were a little too familiar with. You met during your Victor's Tour the year that you won, but you became inseparable the moment she volunteered for the games to save poor Prim.
She was your everything. If you lost her you were sure that you wouldn't be able to pull through. So the moment Finnick and you heard about the rebellion you didn't waste a second, you joined immediately. You immediately accepted to join the plan of keeping the mockingjay safe. To get her out.
The moment you stepped out of the forest, yelling for your allies you heard the voice that belonged to an angel shout your name. It was the voice of your angel.
You tuned around as Katniss practically jumped on you, hugging you so tightly that you felt like you couldn't breathe. But it didn't bother you at all. The thought of her was one of the only thing that kept you going for a very long time now. You wrapped your arms around her quickly, afraid that she would disappear.
"What happened, Y/N?" Finnick's concerned voice brought you to reality, you had to separate from Katniss so you moved yourself away so you could look at Finnick but you never moved your hand that felt right into Katniss' away.
"It was horrible," You admitted, sighing a bit. "Jo, Blight, Beetee, Wiress and I rounded up at the beginning, but then Enobaria attacked us by the Cornucopia."
The rest of your allies that came from the forest weren't far away from you. Johanna was right on the other side of you, sticking her axe into the sand on the beach as she desperately tried to catch her breath. Beetee was leaned over, still in pain from the knife that he received in the back. Wiress was walking in the circle around you constantly repeating "Tick-Tock" over and over again. All of them were covered in blood just like you were.
The sight alone brought an uneasy feeling in Katniss. She looked at you once again, clear signs of dehydration were there along with the heavy breathing as you still tried to get the air into your lungs and the fact that you looked like you bathed in blood was enough for her to gripp your hand tighter in hers.
"We had no choice but to run for the forest," You continued your story, Finnick's pair of sea green eyes mirroring your own, a reminder of where you come from, watched you intensely as you spoke. "We stayed there up until now."
"What then?"
"We heard the rain coming down, but it wasn't rain." You ran your free hand through your hair as you let out a sigh.
"It turned out it was blood. So much blood. It was falling on us, choking us. We were stumbling around trying to get here gagging on it blind. But then Blight hit the force field..." You looked down, grief swallowing you at the reminder of Johanna's face at that moment. "And now he's gone..."
"What's going on with her?" Peeta asked, looking at Wiress.
"She's in shock," Beetee said as he removed his glasses, wiping his face while he tried to get rid of the blood that covered him. "The dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?"
"We can get some." Katniss' soft voice next to you spoke and you turned to her again, your eyes full of love.
"How about you go wash up?" Finnick smirked at you, obviously catching the look that you send Katniss. You just glared at your district partner, but you listened and started to walk towards the water, pulling Katniss along with you.
You're not letting her out of your sight again.
As you washed the blood off of yourself, your hair, suit, knives and everything you talked to Katniss. You felt like you could listen to her forever. And at the moment when you dove into the water completely to get the rest of the blood to go away Katniss followed the suit. You never took your eyes off of her as you watched her place her hands on your face, giving you warm smile, the smile that was only reserved for the ones she loved the most, before she pulled you in, locking your lips with hers. Away from the cameras for a few short moments.
From that moment on you swore to yourself that you would follow her anywhere.
@caroline-books @thecrowdedstreetin1944
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 14)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing.
Prologue | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen
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Sunlight seeps through the curtains of Y/N and Haymitch’s room at the tribute center. Katniss and Peeta are taken to suit up for the games.
Y/N does not want to leave this bed; she does not want to live this nightmare.
Haymitch startles himself awake with his own snoring. He had too much to drink last night, after Chaff refused his bangle and the alliance.
“No, Haymitch. Give those kids their best chance.”
They fought, then made up; the way brothers do. Still it is Finnick wearing Haymitch’s token into the arena.
Y/N turns over in Haymitch’s arms, resting her head against his chest, lulled by the steady rise and fall.
“I can hear you thinking.”
“Bullshit,” she calls it.
Haymitch huffs a laugh, “it’s true.”
“Fine. What am I thinking?”
He flicks her ear, playfully. “Never said I was a fucking mind reader.” I just know you.
“His leg.” Y/N confesses, “Peeta won’t be able to take the prosthetic off. It hurts when he leaves it on too long.”
Haymitch sighs, “the kid’s strong. He’ll pull through.”
“I won’t be able to live with myself if anything happens to them.”
“You’d be surprised by the things you can live with.” He knows first hand.
Y/N holds her tongue.
“I know it’s not fair and I know that it hurts you.” I hate that it hurts you. I hate that it hurts them. The damn kids that grew on him like warts.
She lifts her head from his chest, staring into those tired, blue eyes. Tracing the furrow between his brows, “it’s not your fault.”
“So you can read minds.”
“No, I just know that you hate yourself.”
At this Haymitch laughs, rumbling out from deep in his chest. “Hate is such a strong word.”
“I love you, Haymitch,” she tells him.
He half smiles, “now that is your own fault.”
The viewing room is different this year, all sponsors have chosen tributes. The arena theme is unclear but the tropical setting will make for an interesting game.
Finnick will thrive there, which is good news for all of them.
Katniss is visibly shaken when she’s raised onto the pedestal. Peeta is placed strategically on the opposite side of the cornucopia.
“Let the Seventy-Fifth Hunger Games begin. May the odds be ever in your favor. Ten, nine……”
“Something’s wrong.” Y/N covers her mouth with one hand.
“Cashmere’s right there,” Haymitch points out. “She’s in a good spot.”
“Brutus.” He’s on the opposite side, not really an enemy, certainly not a friend.
“Well there’s no perfect spot.” Peeta’s got Mags, and Parker. The male tribute from ten, without allegiance to the rebels or the Capitol.
People are going to die in the bloodbath, there’s no way around it.
“Four, three, two, one……” Cannon.
Katniss dives in, swimming toward the rocky pathway which leads to the cornucopia. Brutus comes up about the same time, hot on her trail for a moment, before jumping back into the water.
Gloss is keeping an eye on her as Cashmere reaches the weapons; securing her own, her brother’s and the bow. Gloss trips up, leaving Katniss alone when she finds Cashmere.
“Katniss,” the blonde says, gently. Extending the bow and arrows to her, with the arm sporting Y/N’s gold bracelet.
Katniss eyes the token. This is who Y/N’s chosen, above anyone else. After a moment she nods, accepting the weapon and drawing it quickly.
Gloss joins them, gathering his sword without a word. Prepared to defend them against the other victors. All three turn to Finnick, ready to strike.
“Good thing we’re allies, right?” He also flashes a bangle.
Leaving Katniss too stunned to speak.
“Duck.” Finnick warns, throwing his trident; it lands in district five’s male tribute. Cannon. “Don’t trust two. I’ll take this side, you three hold them off.”
“We need to find Peeta.” Cashmere says, shocking Katniss farther.
“I’m on it.” Finnick disappears, beyond the edge of the cornucopia.
A flicker of dark hair crosses the screen and Haymitch grabs Y/N’s face. Turning her away from the screen and holding her hostage as she bats at his hands.
“What are you doing?” She protests, continuing to push at him.
“Don’t look.”
A scream, the slash and stab. The blood that gushes out in its wake.
“Haymitch, please, who is it?” Y/N is panicking in earnest now.
Cannon. Her body tumbles into the water.
“Seeder.” Haymitch releases her, spared from the image forever ingrained in his mind.
“Mags found Peeta, he’s over here.” Finnick calls.
Peeta is grappling with Parker near his pedestal.
Katniss tries to line up a shot, but it’s impossible with the tangle of limbs. Eventually they both go down, under the water. Finnick dives in to assist but the cannon booms.
The viewing room is still, until that blonde head of hair pops out. Panting and disoriented, searching for Katniss. When he finds her there Peeta knows it is worth it. The bloodshed, the fight, the reason to keep on living is right here. “Katniss.”
“Peeta,” the archer reaches for him from the rocks.
Just that morning, Katniss told him she wanted no allies, only him. Luckily something seems to have swayed her. Cashmere, Gloss, Finnick and Mags have joined them. Together they set off into the forest for refuge, taking a moment to breathe about half a mile out.
The cannon sounds, five more times, in quick succession. “Guess we’re not holding hands anymore.” Finnick remarks.
“You think that’s funny?” Katniss sneers.
“Every time that cannon goes off is music to my ears.”
“Finnick,” Cashmere warns, with a shake of her head.
“Let’s keep moving,” Peeta insists.
The forest is deep, vines hanging in all directions. Peeta is at the forefront beside Gloss, hacking down the overgrowth to clear a path.
Katniss spots the shimmering ahead, something not quite right about the edge of her sightline. A forcefield. “Peeta, no!”
He rebounds off the electro current, knocking down the others. His body emitting hints of smoke.
“He’s not breathing.” Katniss cries, turning Peeta onto his back.
“Anybody know CPR?”
“I do,” Finnick takes over.
Katniss keeps a close eye, not sure that she trusts him.
Cashmere touches her back and the girl flinches, “it’s ok, Katniss.”
Haymitch watches intently, he does not turn Y/N away or even attempt to. Come on Finnick. Come on Peeta.
“Come on. Come on, Peeta.”
“Please, Peeta.”
The boy gasps, drawing fresh air into his lungs.
Y/N’s shoulders sag in relief, running a soothing hand over the lively child in her belly.
“Alright,” Haymitch huffs, resting a hand over hers. “Everybody calm down.” As if he himself hadn’t been in a state of unrest. He leans forward, addressing their child directly. “That means you too.”
There it is, the familiar brush of his lips against her stomach. Y/N realizes that she hasn’t felt it as frequently this time around. Perhaps she prevented it, she wasn’t ready and he knew it. She regrets that now.
After some investigation Katniss discovers that the arena is a dome.
“We’re safest with our backs protected, I say we set up camp here for the night.” Gloss says, eyes still scanning the area.
“I’ll take first watch,” Finnick volunteers.
“Not a chance,” Katniss grunts out.
“Honey, that thing I did back there for Peeta, that was called saving his life.” Finnick cocks his head to the side. “If I wanted to kill either one of you, I would’ve done it by now.”
“Enough,” Cashmere cuts in, they’re worse than a couple of kids.
“Just for a little bit, let’s get some rest.” Peeta squeezes Katniss’ arm as he passes. Tucking in comfortably, against one of the trees and falling asleep.
Finnick helps Mags get settled. Cashmere and Gloss break off in the opposite corner.
“We’ve gotta get them some water.” Y/N picks at her nails, anxiously.
“You want me to go?” Haymitch offers.
“I’ll go.” Sponsors this year are chomping at the bit to send essentials for their favorite tributes. All seated near the request booth. Y/N paints on a smile as she approaches them.
“Y/N,” a hand reaches out to grab her. “We’ve been waiting to help Katniss and the baby.” The Capitol woman coos.
“That is so kind, thank you.” She jerks her chin towards the desk. “Come with me?”
The woman squeals in delight, nearly leaving behind her pocketbook in haste.
“We’d like to send my tributes water.” Y/N tells the man working the booth.
“How many bottles?”
“Not bottles.” Y/N wracks her brain, “do you have any kind of filtration system?”
“Nothing portable.”
So they can’t use the salt water.
“Is this an arena without any fresh water?”
“There is water.” The man says, giving Y/N nothing to work with.
Katniss can’t risk sleeping, so she sits up with Finnick as the sky grows dark.
“How’s Peeta?”
“He’s ok, I think.” Katniss croaks out. “Just dehydrated like the rest of us.”
The national anthem rings out over the arena, lighting up the sky with images of the fallen.
Katniss thinks of her mentors then. How many were their friends?
A chime finds their ears as the Horn of Plenty ends. A parachute. Water, Katniss hopes.
She moves for it, splitting open the metal container. No water, just a note and…
“What’s that?” Finnick wonders, looks painful to use.
“From Haymitch and Y/N, I think it’s a spile.”
“A what?” Finnick follows her to the nearest tree, watching as she hammers the sharp end in with a rock. The sound wakes Peeta.
For a moment there is nothing, Katniss slams her fist against the tree. She can survive without food, she’s done it before, but not without water.
“Why isn’t it working?” Y/N is fuming, ready to wring the man’s neck who sent the faulty tool. But then, by some miracle, a steady stream of water begins to flow.
Once everyone has had their fill, those not on watch return to sleeping.
“Well if you’re not going to sleep, I will.” Finnick decides.
“Go ahead,” Katniss nods, prepared to handle it on her own.
The viewing room begins to clear out, supply booths are closed and most sponsors have excused themselves. Y/N and Haymitch take the elevator up to their floor, switching on the projector as they ready for bed.
Cashmere comes to sit beside Katniss, noticing that she keeps dozing off. The blonde says nothing, just offers a soft smile before turning her gaze out to the forest.
Y/N dares to close her own eyes, wrapped up in Haymitch’s arms as he massages the back of her scalp.
Y/N turns back to the games. Back to Katniss with blisters on her hand from the thick mist.
Haymitch hisses, “get outta there, sweetheart.”
“Run!” Katniss calls, rousing the rest. “Run! The fog is poison.”
Maybe this is part of Plutarch’s plan, make it believable.
Finnick has Mags on his back, bringing up the rear. Katniss and Peeta are between Gloss and Cashmere, offering whatever protection they can. But the fog is closing in from all sides, leaving no clear path.
Poison hits each of them in turn, Cashmere worse than Gloss, who doubles back for his sister. Peeta worse than Katniss when his foot gets caught on a root.
Finnick wails when the mist finds him. Mags is silent, though the pain is evident on her features, arms coming loose enough to topple them both over.
“Mags, please!” Finnick rushes her back on.
The six of them stumble over each other, fighting to clear the effected area which spans endless.
Peeta is down, unconscious.
“Peeta,” Katniss shakes him, patting at his face. “Peeta, we have to keep moving.”
“Shit,” Haymitch curses.
Y/N paces the small space beside the night stand, tethered by her husband’s hand.
Gloss has Cashmere tucked up under his arm, her skin a tapestry of raised blisters. “We need to get him up.”
Cashmere pants out. “I’m…it’s bad. Save Peeta.”
Finnick and Mags stop to assess the damage.
“Here,” Katniss approaches Cashmere, tossing one arm over her shoulder. “I’ll take her.”
Gloss does not argue, gathering Peeta and dragging him forward.
“We’re almost-”
“Katniss, you have to leave me.” Cashmere insists.
“No,” Katniss cuts her off.
In the end it is Mags who disappears into the fog, allowing Finnick to help the others. The cannon that follows is deafening, paired with Finnick’s agonized scream.
It hits Y/N square in the chest, her knees buckle, sinking back onto the bed. She does not cry. Allowing anger to fill the holes left by the games. It seeps into her blood, familiar and all consuming. Burning hot.
Haymitch can feel the shift, from grief to rage and he does not fault her for it.
Y/N blinks at the screen. “I can’t live with it.”
“I’ll help you.” Take it out on me, if you need to. Just let me make it better…at least let me try.
Part 15
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease @ninimackbrews @wittiestrain184 @r1dd1kulus @erenluvr69 @helpimhyperfixating @jackierose902109 @jellybear455 @dreammgc @dadbodfanatic-x @ftdtcmlovr
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homelanderbutbig · 6 months
The Brutus To His Caesar (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1942 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
You get a dog without telling Homelander, and he is not a fan. Inspired by a conversation with @sehtoast. (thank you again bruv ;_;)
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Homelander's days follow a predictable pattern. He wakes up in the morning, performs his superhero duties and events in the afternoon, then comes back to his penthouse to spend his night with you. From when he was a child in the lab, he's come to appreciate having a steadfast routine to follow, without the fear of something unknown causing a disturbance.
That is why he can't hide the utter disbelief painted on his face when he comes back to the penthouse in the evening, and finds you sitting on the couch with a dog.
"What… what is that… thing doing in here?" he sneers, eyeing this filthy creature that is blissfully laying its head on your lap. He can feel tightness constricting his chest as a wave of anxiety begins to spike inside him.
"One of my co-workers couldn't care for him anymore," you explain. "They had to re-home him on short notice, so I offered to take him. I'll bring him back to my apartment tomorrow, but we had plans for tonight so I brought him here with me."
"You… y-you took this mutt in without consulting me?" Homelander interrogates you, words laced with his discontent. Walking in front of the couch, he glares down as you shower this mongrel with your affection. He should be the one lying in your lap right now, not this dumb animal.
"I wasn't going to let this poor guy go to the pound if I could help it," you respond, doing your best to reason with him. "He's a senior dog, he needs extra care."
"Y-you're going to be keeping this thing?" he scoffs, finding it hard to believe you could do something like this to him. "Don't you know how many people get killed by dogs every year?"
"You think this little fella is going to do something like that?" you retort, looking down at the docile, sleepy dog on your lap and back up at the eight foot tall murder machine looming over you. "Honey, he's a couch potato that sleeps 20 hours a day. He may not have very many years left, he deserves to spend that time somewhere where he's safe and loved. I'm not getting rid of him."
Letting out an exasperated chortle, Homelander shakes his head while putting his hands on his hips. He's quickly realizing you're serious about keeping this dog, and there's nothing he can do to change your mind. How could you do this to him? He thought you loved him, that he was the only one you would ever love. Then you go and give your love to something else?
His jaw tenses while he feels himself spiraling from his initial thoughts of you loving this pet, to his all-too-familiar fear of losing you. This dog, this supervillain, is conspiring against him to ruin his life and you can't even see how it's manipulating you. It's going to usurp him in his position as your favourite, leaving him tossed aside like yesterday's garbage. He can't let that happen, not again, not-
"Hey," you exclaim, seeing Homelander spin further into his inner turmoil. You knew he would have trouble accepting this change, but you weren't expecting him to be so dramatic about it. "Sit down next to me, okay?"
Your words snap him out of this headspace, though he is still quite distraught. With a hard swallow, he reluctantly sits down beside you, tight fists in his lap, keeping a space in between him and that diabolical homewrecker.
"You know this dog is not going to replace you, right?" you console him. Even sitting at an equal elevation you are only eye-level with Homelander's pecs, so you have to crane your head up to look at his face.
He stares down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with you as he feels tears beginning to form in his eyes. However, his nerves deflate ever so slightly from feeling your hand touch his fist, and he loosens his stiff grip enough to let you slip your fingers in between his knuckles.
"I care about you Homelander," you continue, giving the leather of his glove a gentle squeeze. "I love you more than anything in the whole entire world. This dog doesn't take away any of those feelings. I just wanted to help him, because he can't help himself. You can understand that, can't you?"
With a deep sigh, he gives you a feeble nod and finally turns his head to look at you. His big blue eyes are glassy as a single tear rolls down his cheek, his nose is sniffling, his lips are quivering, but his mind is solely focused on you now.
You figure this is as good a time as any to introduce him to the dog.
"Can you take your gloves off for me?" you ask tenderly, and Homelander does so immediately, freeing both of his hands and leaving the gloves on the adjacent couch cushion. He returns his left hand to you, entwining it with your fingers and relishing the feeling of your soft skin.
"I want you to meet Murphy," you say, gesturing to the dog. "You can give him a pet. He's a good boy, he won't bite."
"I… I-I don't…" he stutters, holding onto his breath as his eyes dart back and forth. You notice his face subtly twitching, along with his hands going rigid.
"You don't what, sweetie?" you ask him, using your free hand to give the dog a little scratch behind his ear. Slowly, it perks itself up from your lap to angle its head towards your fingers.
"D-don't… don't know h-how…" he mumbles in a voice barely audible to you, sounding more like a small child than a grown man.
"You've never pet a dog before?" you enquire.
The way he once again refuses to look in your direction tells you that you've hit the nail on the head. Owning a pet is just another average human thing Homelander has never been able to experience. He was never permitted to be around animals in the lab, nor has he ever really interacted with them during his tenure at Vought. Not that he would want to anyway, with how delicate and finicky animals are with his size. Regular people can barely handle him, how on earth would a dog that narrowly reaches past his ankles react?
"Hey, hey, it's okay," you reassure him, stroking the top of his left hand. "I'll teach you. Here, just put your other hand out so he can sniff you. It's how dogs say hello."
Although he is hesitant to get acquainted with this scruffy menace, his newfound mortal enemy, he doesn't like to go against your wishes. With the utmost caution, he holds the back of his right hand to the dog's snout. It lazily inspects his large fingers, giving them a plentiful sniff before glancing up at him.
"H-he's staring at m-me," he stammers, his distress creeping up again. What exactly does this fiendish hellhound want from him? Can it smell his fear? Is it out for blood?
"He wants you to pet him," you clarify. "Just right on the top of his head, he likes it there."
He envelops your comparatively tiny hand in his own, trying to keep himself grounded. With a deep inhale of preparation, he shakily uses his index finger, middle finger and thumb to lightly scratch the dog's head. It closes its eyes as it enjoys the superpowered head massage, making content little noises to itself.
"That's it! You're doing great!" you encourage him, putting your other hand on top of his left one. Your praise does wonders to his worries, and he begins calming down enough to relinquish your hand from his iron grasp.
"Listen, I'm gonna go get him some dog treats from the kitchen," you say, sliding off the couch. Homelander looks at you like you've just stabbed him through the heart. You're leaving him alone with this… this beast? All by himself?
"Hey, you'll be fine!" you giggle at his expression, patting him on the knee before heading out of the living room. "I'll only be a second! I'll be right back, I promise!"
Now left unattended with his cunning adversary, Homelander does all in his power to keep his mind stable, and to stop enemy from figuring out how uneasy he feels right now. His hands are close to his abs while he fiddles with his thumbs, and he bounces one of his knees in quick succession.
Suddenly, he notices the dog leisurely get up on the couch cushion, and begin plodding closer to him. His whole body freezes in place at the horror of this mutt hopping up on his thighs and making itself a comfortable bed in the soft padding of his suit. Despite the dog only weighing twenty pounds and barely taking up any space in his lap, it feels like a ticking time bomb set to explode at any moment.
When you come back into the living room, you have to choke back a laugh at the sight of Homelander so utterly terrified at the dog laying on him. However, you swiftly turn your emotions to concern when you see him practically hyperventilating. His first time interacting with a dog is moving so fast, he's finding it hard to calm down.
"W-w-what do I do?!?" he panics, his heart pounding out of his chest as he rapidly becomes overwhelmed. He is about ten seconds away from running out to his balcony launch pad and flying far away.
"You don't have to do anything, he just likes you sweet pea!" you try and comfort him as you climb up on the couch, leaving the box of dog treats on the floor. "He trusts you!"
When Homelander shoots you an expression equal parts terrified and confused, you stand up on the cushion to get close to his face. Keeping yourself steady with a hand perched on his shoulder, you start combing your fingers through his undercut. Your touches are the one sure-fire thing to quickly dampen his anxieties. He can't help but lean his big head closer into your palm, craving your affection.
"Dogs aren't like people, they don't judge. And they have a pretty good sense of character," you point out, giving him a little scratch on his scalp. He gives you a little whine in return. "I have a feeling that Murphy knows you aren't as scary as you look. I think he can see what a gentle giant you really are."
Contemplating what you've said, Homelander glances back down at the dog on his lap, just now realizing that it has fallen asleep. This mongrel, what he suspected to be the Brutus to his Caesar, has trusted him enough to guard its dreams, when it's at its most vulnerable.
The only other being to assume their safety to sleep in his presence was… well, you. Because you don't perceive him like all the others around him do. You don't treat him like he's some incredibly powerful and massive monster; you love him for who he really is, for the truth that he hides and keeps buried deep down in his psyche. You love him unconditionally, just like this dog does.
Homelander's rollercoaster of emotions has finally come to a complete stop, letting him see this situation in a different light. Maybe this creature… this dog isn't out to take you away from him after all. If it can accept him without the prejudice he's experienced his whole life, it can't be all bad.
Maybe he can allow it stay with you… under his supervision.
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thelampisaflashlight · 5 months
As Unto The Lord
[The teeniest, tiniest ficlet I had stuck in my drafts. Dew and Terzo... angst? Let's go.]
It wasn't that Dew looked at him with pity; It was that Dew had seemingly bypassed all the stages of grief and, meeting his gaze now, landed on acceptance all too soon.
There was no rage, no tears -though his eyes did shine with the threat of them- and no fight in him to mourn for Terzo.
His fingers twitch 'round the handle of the blade, save for one outstretched pinkie, and Terzo's brain likens it to the manner in which one might hold a teacup.
Too proper, too polite.
"I have been your friend." he says finally, pale lashes falling like a curtain, softening his features, but not his words, "I can no longer... embrace you like this."
"Perhaps," he continues, "if I had not been over eager for your praise, to fall upon your feet, I would not stand here now as Brutus did."
"You are no Brutus..." Terzo hisses, "You are Judas."
Dew laughs in a broken sort of way, hands falling at his sides.
"If I am Judas, then aren't you likening yourself to Jesus?"
He pauses a moment before casting the blade aside.
It clatters against the marble floor, and the ghoul places a cool hand beneath the man's chin, eyes aglow.
"...Shall I kiss you then?"
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lakesbian · 9 months
okay rachel posting time. i am going to have opinions on her
The scentless man waits for something, then speaks again, “Are you okay?” “Fuckin’ peachy.”  Brutus knows Master only says fuck word like that when she’s mad. “I have a hard time believing that, to be honest.  You were in pretty rough shape when I found you with Über and Leet’s henchmen, and those guys from the ABB.” “I’m fine now,” Master tells him.  She sounds angry.  Brutus steps forward, ready to growl to add own voice to hers, but Master tugs on leash just a little and Brutus stays quiet. “When I found you, one of them had you tied to the ceiling by your wrists and was using you as a punching bag.” Master breaks eye contact.  Brutus knows this is a sign that Master sees the scentless man as her alpha.  When she speaks, she still sounds angry, “I fucked up.  I was bored, restless, figured I’d walk Angelica and see if I could meet you guys where the money was.  Someone recognized me and tailed me.  I was stupid, I took my licks for it.  I’m fine now, we have the money, all is well.” The scentless man sighs.  Sounds a little angry as he says, “It’s not… no, nevermind.  No use getting into it.  But what if someone recognizes you while you’re walking him?” “I’ll fight back sooner, harder.  Or are you going to tell me I can’t walk my dogs anymore?”  All of a sudden, Master is tense.  Brutus can see it in her legs, hear it in her voice, feel it in her grip on the leash. “I wouldn’t do that,” the scentless man replies, his voice quiet, slightly strained “And you wouldn’t listen even if I did.  Just… be careful.” “I can go?” “Go.  Enjoy your walk, both of you.”
it's like...rachel's entire childhood was spent in an environment where any "concern" or attention from her authority figures was invariably going to be extremely ableist and confusing and scary for her. so much of how autistic children learn to approach interactions w/ ppl with social power over them is predicated on adults treating them like they're doing something atrociously wrong when they can't guess what that thing is, and no one ever explains. even "concern" for the child tends to result in "polite" attempts to force them into a specific socially acceptable mold, regardless of the cost to their mental wellbeing. i'm sure rachel has had uncountable experiences where she was made to feel like her distress or pain was her fault + worthy of punishment: because she was stupid, because she was retarded, because she couldn't act right, because she's a bad kid.
so, you know. of course she reacts to aggression and wariness with brian--her team leader--approaching her like this. he's asking if she's okay because he cares, but that doesn't change how often she gets treated like a bad dog on a leash. how is she supposed to know this is different from the times he gets mad at her for "doing something wrong," where she can't understand what the "wrong" thing is? how is she supposed to know this is different from all the hundreds of times that's happened to her before she even met him? he doesn't care about the money, here, but she has to cover her bases in bringing up that it's intact, because experience has taught her that people care more about how her behavior inconvenienced them than about how she's doing. it even sounds like he's about to say "it's not about the money" before he realizes that it's fruitless to go that route with rachel.
by "you were being used as a punching bag," he means "you were really being hurt badly, are you sure you're okay? i'm trying to check in on and help you," but all rachel hears is a reiteration of how she fucked up. he means "what if someone recognizes you while you're walking him?" as an inquiry into her safety. (he's incredibly protective of the undersiders during the bakuda fight, and afterwards he chooses to check on alec over detaining bakuda, so i'm sure the idea that rachel was kidnapped & hurt and he couldn't do anything about it rattled him, and he wants to ensure it can't happen again.) but rachel hears it as a subtle threat of punishment.
it's just Sooo. Soo Very. to see how her team is never quite able to figure out how to convey their care for her in a way that doesn't feel like a trap. rachie :(
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