#accidentally posted this too early and then accidentally deleted the ask it was attached to :(
fish-daily · 1 year
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fish 63 - blue tang
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sugarywishes · 11 months
Um...I accidentally deleted an anonymous ask post (I posted it too early lmao)
So anon, if you're reading this, this is for you!! And also thanks for going through my page lmao
So, why does William favor Evan over his siblings?
1. They both look extremely similar:
Nowadays, it's common to see people hc Mike as the Will lookalike, and I really like that too!
But back then, the only one who could've immediately be guessed as William's child was Evan. Both had the PALEST skin of the family (this is saying a lot considering they're British!!)
Both had kind of nerving eye colors (Will's is an icy blue that was basically almost white, and Evan somehow developed fully bright green eyes) dark eye bags, scruffy hair that always just kind of looks...like that no matter how much they try to fix it, and of course, skinny as hell!
2. Similar upbringing (aka, trauma!):
Considering they both look kind of like corpses, and they act really...um....abnormal by society standards of their time, it's no wonder they're considered outcasts! William's dealt with bullying and abuse throughout his life (it also doesn't help that he didn't have anyone on his side since I headcanon him as an orphan lol) and Evan is literally going through it right now! (He just sees himself in him) So William latches onto his youngest son more and serves as Evan's 'guide' and 'mentor' (notice the quotation marks?)
3. He can't really attach himself to anyone else in the Afton Family lmao:
Okay, him and Michael are literally polar opposites, and if they weren't related and were the same age Mike would totally bully him and Will would want him dead 😭 (Mikey is a popular, mean kid and Will...was just mean!)
And unfortunately, William kind of sees Michael as an inconvenience (since he is a college mistake...Wear condoms guys, and also if you have the option for child support and you're not interested in raising a kid, please take the opportunity and don't be abusive like Will turnt out!!)
And also, he isn't at all attached to Elizabeth or his wife. Clara because well, he doesn't love her. Sure she's pretty and all but he prefers to be by himself. Being married to her was basically kind of an obligation in his mind? (Henry talked him into getting a relationship with her and his yet-to-be born son 😬) and for Elizabeth, again he just doesn't really care for her. (Her looking the most like Clara did not help in going his favor, no matter how hard she tried to please him :( )
4. He was easy to control (man, who would've thought he sucked as a father for all his children?)
His other kids were not as easily manipulated (Michael had the logic and experience to know not to trust him, and Elizabeth had Charlie and Mike to keep her on the right path no matter how much she tried to steer)
Even Clara would put her foot down if he did or said something off. But Evan on the other hand? He's the perfect son, always obedient, always trusting, he's a sweet little doll! (Which is precisely what William thought of him 😞)
And plus, no one else was on Evan's side at all, and according to William, people like themselves must stick together to achieve greatness no matter what (and the only person he knew he could trust/relate to was his father.)
So yeah, Evan's weak-willed self was a prime target for William's abuse. How charming! (Kind of like a Quasimodo and Frollo relationship?)
Anyways, that's it! (Probably, I'm very certain I missed one or two reasons, curse me and my lack of notes!!) If you have questions, fire them away!
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duckbang · 2 years
Don't worry guys, this would be wholesome!
I said, as i proceeded to
-used to be white (symbolism is up for debate, barely anyone in his current friend group knows this)
-knows more about gangsters and crime than he does about animals. Also a hella good fighter
-damaged bean someone save him
-he has pants
-and fire powers
-because f you
-he looks good in pants
-oh he also has a sword from his crime days
-has killed too many people
-nightmares :(
-but now he's a good bean
-was kidnapped by Chosen during the early Destroy Everything Tyrranise days
-had no clue anyone else of the colour gang existed except Yellow
-cuz yellow was kidnapped along with him
-cho and dark raised them as their own kids tho (no homo)
-views cho and dark as his parents
-emotionally attached
-builder guy
-ended up helping Dark make his virabots (he agreed to it dw! Dark doesn't force his, ahem, kids)
Yellow 🟡
-same story as Green
-kidnapped by Dark tho
-also hella smart
-like if there was a Mx Intelligence award yellow would be winning since, uh, age five
-also views cho and dark as her parents
-helped dark in designing virabots (again, not forced)
Additional notes about Green and Yellow: despite their guardians, the two are relatively normal people. However they have inherited a certain degree of evilness from Dark and a certain degree of hidden compassion from Chosen. When Chosen attacked Dark (AvAs 3, flashback) and further events leading to the showdown, the two were extremely confused. Ultimately when Sec KO'd Dark, the two got extremely angry and almost killed Chosen and Second in their rampage. Chosen had to fight back to defend himself and others, but accidentally killed them. He has never been able to forgive himself for this.
-come on he's Chosen
-hated Alan
-his idea to get the colour sticks out of Alanspc because alanspc not safe
-only green and yellow existed. Mission successful.
-took care of green and yellow with Dark
-had a random change of heart about Alan
-was furious to find out that Dark had asked G and Y to help him with the virabots
-might have lead to their divorce argument
- accidentally killed Green and Yellow after showdown (read note above)
-extreme amount of guilt and self hate over that btw
-addicted to netherwarts
-was created after Green and yellow disappeared
-Red wasn't on the stickfight website then
-had no clue g and y existed until that day at the showdown (they died soon after anyway. Eh)
-did become friends with Red when he showed up at the website
-and with Sec
-peaceful life
-randomly saw Vic's ghost in the forest one day
-went insane over it
-neither of the other two believed her
-managed to track down the ghost, found it was not a ghost, brought it home
-has unofficially adopted Victim btw!
-void man
-void glitch
-out of Void man
-sees Blue
-also loses his mind because the next Instant the Void pulled him back in
-bullies the Void with viruses and code bombs
-gets permanently thrown out of the Void
-reunites with Blue
-happy :D
-all canon events, sufficiently changed to fit lore mentioned above
-all canon events edited to fit above lore
-all canon events, but never left b and g in the End because. They weren't there. Other lore similarly edited
Order of events
Victim creation and deletion
Red starts existing in a different space as White
Chosen creation
Dark creation and destruction of alanspc. Tyranny on internet.
Creation of Green and Yellow
Chosen and Dark get them away
Blue creation
Stickfight creation
Red joins stickfight. As Red
Orange creation
Victim gets out of Void
<canon canon canon>
Showdown, Dark death
Green and Yellow death
<post AU lore>
In other words, I think i should stop saying that something can be wholesome.
But anyway, welcome to my evil au!
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melibemusca · 3 years
Michael/Hastur/Ligur headcanons
I was just answering a very sweet anon ask about M/H/L headcanons, but I accidentally posted it before finishing it, so I went to edit it, but then I accidentally deleted it instead. Wow. I’m pretty amazing at this tumblr thing.
I’m sorry, anon! On the bright side, I had copied and can now paste some of what I wrote, and maybe the person who sent the ask can find this even though the ask itself is gone forever?
Thank you for the ask! :hearteyes: I did not expect to fall so hard for this ship, and yet here we are. It's awesome to know that you're enjoying it too! I have two sets of mutually exclusive headcanons, because I like thinking about them in different ways, and I'm not strongly attached to any of these, so I'd be delighted if other folks want to add on with their own ideas! The first set:
Michael and Ligur were close before the Fall. They didn't fight each other in the war, because Michael was a big deal general tasked with casting Lucifer down, and Ligur was more like infantry. They were both quietly grateful not to have to face each other, but also heartbroken they didn't even get to say good-bye. Michael nurses a grudge against Lucifer for twisting the minds of so many angels to his cause, most especially Ligur. And Ligur regrets that he couldn't convince Michael to join the rebellion--he's sure that it would have succeeded, with her on their side.
Ligur and Hastur became close soon after the Fall, in the early days of Hell. They understand each other on a deep and mostly wordless level, and they've always got each other's backs.
I think Michael established the backchannels even before Aziraphale and Crowley came to the Arrangement. She is nothing if not practical, and she plays a long game. I don't think she was specifically trying to get back in touch with Ligur--she'd walled off her emotions pretty well, and making a connection Downstairs was purely business.
Ligur similarly had completely buried his memories of spending time with Michael in Heaven. Until this message arrives from Heaven, smelling like her. He gets Hastur to write back, and after some cautious letter exchanges, a meeting is set up in neutral territory on Earth.
Michael shows up at the rendezvous, cool and calm and ready to exchange information . . . and there’s Ligur. It’s an emotional kick to the gut. And he’s with this tall empty-eyed Duke who is clearly protective as hell, and . . . it’s kind of sweet, really. She’s happy that Ligur has found someone. And she’s not wistful at all, and it’s good that Hastur is here, because it will keep things strictly business, and she and Ligur won’t be tempted to revisit their age-old feelings for each other.
Of course, we know how that goes.
Ligur and Hastur were already an item when they were angels in Heaven. During the war, Michael was the one to throw them out (along with a bunch of other rebelling angels, including the Big Guy).
When Michael began reaching out to form the backchannels, she couldn't get any responses from Hell at first. Demons don't trust each other, and they're certainly not going to trust any angel. But Michael kept patiently reaching out every few centuries.
Finally Beelzebub gives one of Michael’s messages to Hastur and tells him to do something about it. The Lord of the Flies doesn’t have the time and interest for this themself, but they’ve decided it might be worth delegating. And hey, if Michael ends up betraying and killing Hastur, well, they never liked him much anyway.
Hastur brings the invitation to Ligur to discuss. The two of them have a relationship that goes beyond trust, they simply know where the other will be and what the other is thinking, and it gives them a bit more courage and a bit more conviction than a lot of other demons have. They decide to write back to Michael.
Cautious correspondence, eventual meetings on Earth, etc. etc.
Michael is surprised to realize that when she meets with Ligur and Hastur, she feels something extraordinary between them that she’d never expect from demons. Love. But when she brings it up, they act like they have no idea what she’s talking about.
Michael is intrigued. At first she’s studying them almost academically, wondering what makes their relationship tick, but then something happens--maybe the two of them are in danger, and she acts without thinking to protect them--and she realizes that she’s falling for them both.
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margridarnauds · 5 years
Rip idk if I accidentally sent my last ask too early or it it got deleted before I sent it but anywho,, if you’re still bored and wanting to talk about Celtic lore, I’d love to here about grainne ni mhaille or Brigid of tuatha de danann? Alternately, what’s one of your fav stories?
I was in the middle of typing up a response and apparently SOMETHING happened to it because it totally disappeared on me. 
I can talk about both of them, to different degrees. 
Gráinne was one of my first Irish research interests (Thank you The Pirate Queen, you…..interesting piece of media). That being said, I am VERY rusty when it comes to her, the main takeaway that I have being a very visceral reaction to the words “Anne Chambers” because…..suffice it to say….I have Things to say about her scholarship and the occasional sloppiness thereof, but I don’t think I brought my copy of her book on Gráinne with me, the school library is closed, and I generally don’t like to utterly eviscerate something without having it on hand. But I can say that her treatment of Donal O’Flaherty was bad, based purely off of wish fulfillment and her own attachment to Richard Burke, and that my personal reading of their marriage, which I will admit is just a READING, is that Donal and Gráinne actually had a fairly egalitarian marriage. 
Think of it. 
Gráinne, if we believe the legends, and the legends of her early life are very in keeping with what we know of her adult life, was truculent enough that she cut her hair short just to get on a ship. She was defiant, spirited, and ruthless to the core. (The woobification and victimization of Gráinne is something that is ANOTHER post, given that I feel like it does her a MASSIVE DISSERVICE). Donal….would have HAD to have known what he was getting into. And Donal was TÁNAISTE OF THE O’FLAHERTY SEPT. And, as I’ve discussed….that was not necessarily something he got just because his daddy was chieftain. That was something that was AGREED on. He was not a weak man, he was not a coward, and his cognomen was Donal AN CHOGAIDH, Donal OF THE BATTLES. But he seems to have fought his wars on land, Gráinne on sea. Together, they would have been one badass pair. In terms of NAMING, look at the names of their children. Owen - Same name as Gráinne’s father. Murrough - A common O’Flaherty name. And Margaret - Said by some sources to be the same name as Gráinne’s mother. And what was the name of Owen’s son? Donal. Now, there could be a NUMBER of reasons for this naming pattern, it could be nothing. But, what I believe at least is that it shows a certain level of cooperation between the two of them. I am NOT claiming it was a great love story, but I am claiming that what little evidence there is (and there can only be so much), indicates a certain level of respect, especially given that Gráinne, in general, was not the sort to tolerate fools. 
Chambers also claimed, incorrectly, that Donal killed his nephew, but a quick reading of the sources would have shown that it was his cousin, ALSO named Donal who did it. The patrynomics don’t lie on that one; it was Donal mac Ruari, “Donal of the Boats”, not Donal an Chogaidh who did it. 
But. Gráinne. I love talking Donal, but this is about Gráinne. 
Something that I feel really does get underplayed, probably in service of making her a Perfect Feminist Heroine™ (I am a feminist, don’t get me wrong! But my idea of feminism centers around the idea that women can be as fundamentally flawed as men, they can have the same quirks, the same corruption, and they do not have to be perfect, long suffering, soft, or forever victimized) IS that ruthlessness and pragmatism that really underlines her character. People play up her attacking her son Murrough as some kind of righteous fury against him for talking to the English while conveniently forgetting that Gráinne herself spent most of her life alternatively appeasing and attacking the English. She was not a Nationalist, she wasn’t a patriot. She was, however, a survivor, as were MANY of the Irish nobility at this time. Another example of a survivor from this period was Iníon Dubh, probably one of my favorite women in Irish history (though she herself was Scottish by birth), who did try to bargain with the English for the life of her son Hugh Roe by giving over some Spanish survivors of the Armada to English authorities. People (CHAMBERS) try to pin Murrough with the worst faults of his father, but I honestly think that, at his heart, he was more his mother’s son than perhaps even she would be willing to admit. 
(Also like. The entire thing with Risdeárd an Iarainn? I have read the marriage tracts, I have a friend who does law stuff. None of us can think of ANYTHING in the Brehon laws that would allow for a “Marriage” like the one described. Only thing I can think of that’s SIMILAR is the Teltown marriages. Acting like it’s a common Brehon law thing gives it a veneer of legitimacy that I strongly doubt. The oral tradition COULD be lying to us, I’m willing to say that there might be gaps in our understanding of a law, or Gráinne could have actually done it without….how shall we put this…..the usual degree of sanctity and security that we tend to assume, given that what the law said on marriage could be very different to marriage in reality. Tl;dr: She MIGHT have catfished him. Or. The 16th century Irish equivalent. But like. Catfished where you’re actually married and have a kid with one another. Or the story could be a complete fabrication, like I FIRMLY believe Hugh de Lacy’s story was. Who knows?) 
Anyway, as payment for listening to that rant, have some of Sir Richard Bingham Whining, right from the horse’s as-mouth. I of course meant. Mouth. 
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I could read this all day. Cry, Bingham, cry harder. 
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Don’t think too hard about the fact that one day I might actually be in charge of a classroom, please. 
Brigid I can hopefully talk about less, to some extent, given that we know comparatively little about her. Throughout this, I’m generally going to be calling her Bríg, since I’m talking about her in a mythological context and that is what she is called in Cath Maige Tuired (which is my all time favorite, baby text, answering the third part of your question), though she is called Brigit in Cormac’s Glossary. 
So…what do we know about Bríg? Very little. But she is also an endlessly discussed figure, with the evidence being pored over again. And again. And again. A lot of the arguments have been discussed by Mark Williams in Ireland’s Immortals, the curious fact that, she is described in UNUSUALLY specific terms in Cormac’s Glossary, being described as a patroness of smiths, doctors, and poets, and there being three sisters named Brigit, one for each function. 
At the same time, however, she only really appears in one saga, the aforementioned Cath Maige Tuired, where her role is purely to keen over her son, Ruadan, that she had via her relationship (past or present, it’s kind of left ambiguous) with the former king of the Tuatha dé, Bres. It is a genuinely poignant, heartwrenching scene, a kind of rare moment of pure humanity in a text often saturated with descriptions of blood and gore and sex of literal superhuman proportions. And in all of this, a woman grieves for her son, inventing keening and giving us a reminder of the HUMAN element of war, the mothers, the wives, the women who are left to grieve in the middle of the fighting. Which, in a text that tends to be fairly misogynistic and skeptical of women’s voices, is actually intriguing. (Bríg is also associated with a lot of DARK SHIT in this section as well, such as night whistling, which is absolutely fascinating to me given that we tend to think of her as this kind of healing, sunshine and rainbows figure and this shows a distinctively different look at her.) There is also a Dinshenchas story, Loch N-Oirbsen that mentions her inventing keening for the loss of Mac Gréine, which COULD (underline COULD) indicate that the story might have pre-dated CMT, replacing the figure of her brother with her son. Or possibly vice versa; CMT influenced quite a bit of the mythological literature. 
I believe that it was Elizabeth Gray in her “Cath Maige Tuired: Myth and Structure” who pointed out that Bríg’s situation in-text is reminiscent of what many women would have dealt with during the period, their hearts torn between their fathers and, perhaps, more to the point, their fathers’ peoples, and the husbands and sons they had with the Norsemen. (Though I have…..certain doubts as to whether we should take it for granted that Bríg was WITH Bres at the time of Ruadan’s death, and all things considered, I do also question whether the entire episode was an afterthought, given that Ruadan doesn’t appear in ANY of the other lists of Bres’ children, nor is the story of his death represented in the Dindshenchas, indicating a certain lack of popularity. Nor do I believe it turns up in the early modern redaction of CMT).
This episode is one that I don’t really talk about all that much, mainly because people tend to treat it as a way of slamming Bres, or using Bríg’s grief as a battering ram against Bres, and that is something that, as the unofficial president of the Bres Fan Club….obviously rankles me. Just a bit, and is honestly one of the key reasons why I generally don’t discuss Bríg. Suffice it to say, like with Gráinne and Donal, I don’t really believe that that relationship was quite as unbalanced as people might interpret it, not the least because, in Cath Maige Tuired, a key trait of Bres’ is his dependence on the women of his life, especially his mother. Which….could create an AWKWARD situation, yes, but definitely doesn’t lend itself to the image of Bres being a tyrant at home as well as politically. 
 If they did split apart, it would be more because of Bres’ actions as king, such as his attempt at executing her father or the general treatment of poets under his reign, which, as a patroness of the poets (IF we assume that there is continuity between her appearance in Cormac and CMT, which is not inherently a given; assuming continuity in Irish Mythology is always a tricky subject because individual scribes often went their own way with this sort of thing) she would presumably be opposed to. But, of course. This isn’t really expanded on, Bríg is MASSIVELY underused in this text, and all that I really have are speculation (on an academic level) and headcanons (on a non-academic level.) 
In terms of the connection with the Catholic saint of the same name………..many people have come up with ideas, I don’t believe it’s something that will ever get resolved. I do think that many things we TEND to label as definitively part of the goddess’ traits tend to be overstated, however, with some of them being found in other Saint’s Lives, or having a similar event in the Bible, which, to an ecclesiastical audience, would be familiar. I feel like it can be very easy to get overzealous in that, because of course it’s a very, very natural thing to want something solid for someone who we KNOW was very important, yet have very little real info on. In some redactions of Lebor Gabála Érenn, Bríg is described as the mother of the Trí Dé Dána, “The Three Gods of Skill,” Tuirill, Brian, and Cet, with Bres as the father. These three are notoriously elusive and difficult to pin down, not the least because they tend to be merged with Brian, Iuachar, and Iucharba, the Sons of Tuireann, but John Carey, in his article “Myth and Mythography in Cath Maige Turied” has suggested that, given Bríg’s identification as a patron of poets, her mothering of these three “Gods of Skill,” and the close connection she has to Bres and, through him, to figures like Ogma that the whole lot of them + The Dagda, Elatha, etc. are part of a “Pantheon of Skill,” which is essentially a cluster of gods renowned by the literary elite. So, there is that. She was definitely an important figure, given……Brigantia. 
While I do not like drawing straight lines between Gaulish figures - Welsh figures - Irish figures, I will say that it seems like, at the very least, they share a common linguistic root. It does seem, judging from Caesar’s description of the Gaulish “Minerva” as being a patron of crafts, and given Bríg’s penchant for multiple crafts, that that is the figure being described, or at least someone who followed similar lines (This was argued by Proinsias Mac Cana in Celtic Mythology, pg. 34), since doubtless things would be different across geographical boundaries. (Welsh and Irish Mythology, despite having certain similarities, are distinct, I can’t imagine how much different Gaulish Mythology would be, if any of it had survived.) Something I do find interesting is that, while Mac Cana notes the Gaulish Minerva as a figure beloved by the lower class in particular, the Bríg we see in the Irish tradition is very associated with the upper class, the men of skill. But, then again, all of these written works would have been commissioned and written by and for that same elite, so it might not be that surprising at all. The oral tradition might have been very different, and perhaps the saint reflects that more. Or perhaps not. 
In terms of the connection with the Catholic saint of the same name………..many people have come up with ideas, I don’t believe it’s something that will ever get resolved. If you can get your hands on Mark Williams’ Ireland’s Immortals, I think you’ll find that most of what I say re: this topic (and….a lot of topics in general) will be echoed in there. I do think that many things we TEND to label as definitively part of the goddess’ traits tend to be overstated, however, with some of them being found in other Saint’s Lives, or having a similar event in the Bible, which, to an ecclesiastical audience, would be familiar. I feel like it can be very easy to get overzealous in that, because of course it’s a very, very natural thing to want something solid for someone who we KNOW was very important, yet have very little real info on. 
In terms of what I believe her function was….as hesitant as I am to apply a function to ANY member of the Tuatha dé, given how tenuous the evidence is and how it can kind of miss the forest for the trees in terms of literary analysis, I believe the bulk of the evidence, such as it is, rests on her association with the crafts, specifically as found in Cormac’s Glossary, with all the limitations thereof. I won’t say “No, you can’t worship her like that” to a modern pagan, I wouldn’t WANT to, because my relationship with these figures is not the same as a religious relationship. That is NOT my place. And that, if we are to take them as religious instead of literary figures, they might very well appear to different people in different ways. That being said, on an academic level, I do believe, at present, with the understanding that my views can definitely change and I am not infallible, that there is little to no evidence to suggest that she was a fire goddess, a goddess of spring, a fertility goddess, or a sovereignty goddess. The association with keening, outcry, etc., seems to also be more solid, so there COULD have been some association in there. Generally speaking, my main focus isn’t so much what a figure WAS so much as what was done with them afterwards. 
…For what was meant to be a quick note, that was very long. And tragically, I had no memes pre-prepared for this one, so I went back a month on a friend in the department’s Facebook and found this.
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 I am willing to talk CMT if anyone WANTS to hear me talk about it, since it is my all time favorite myth, as well as….ANYTHING else, both the stuff I’ve discussed in this and anything else relating to the field, but I think that for this particular post, I’ll cut you free, with the hope if not the confidence that at least 1/3 of what I’ve written is vaguely coherent. 
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bngtanah · 4 years
The Difference Between Boys & Girls | o2
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summary: Sam & Erin are university students who share a cheap one bedroom apartment above a shitty takeaway restaurant. Due to the limited space, they’ve grown accustomed to sharing just about everything, including the occasional kiss. Despite the amount of time they spend together, their complete comfort in sharing a bed, etc, the pair continues to hold on to the idea that they are completely “platonic.” None of their friends believe this excuse, but as ridiculous as it sounds the unconventional living situation truly does seem to work for them.
Well, it used to anyway..
pairing: Jung Hoseok (Samuel Park)  x Named OC characters: meet the cast.
genre: angst, smut, fluff
chapters: o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14
warning: boyfriend!hoseok, jealous!hoseok, friends to lovers trope, college au, angst, sexual themes, slow burn, ambw
a/n: i am a fool. I accidentally deleted my blog so this is me re-uploading EVERYTHING.
With her body wrapped in a dress that stopped just a couple inches below her ass, bare shoulders and a sheer cutout in the front Sam was having a hard time keeping his eyes from travelling along the contours of Erin's body.
Originally she planned on wearing just a pair of jeans and a cute top, thus ensuring that she would attract the least amount of attention when they reached their destination. That all changed when Samuel decided he was going to tag along, she didn't mind all eyes being on her as long as he was by her side.
And of course, the surge of confidence she felt after having caught Sam's eyes widen and his mouth drop open slightly when she stepped out of the bedroom may have had something to do with it also. He had managed to settle his features and avert his gaze once Erin joined him for their obligatory pregame shot in the kitchen, making sure to keep his distance like he was drinking with his baby sister and not some woman he'd leer at in a dim nightclub.
His reaction only made Erin stifled a giggle after she allowed the alcohol to ease down her throat. He could play it cool all he wanted, Erin knew she had ruffled his feathers and that alone was almost enough to make their whole night worth it before it even began.
"Aren't you, like...cold? In that dress?"  Samuel asked, uttering his first full sentence since they'd left the apartment.
Erin only shook her head and made a small noise to demonstrate her disagreeing.
Samuel scoffed and moved closer as they walked in stride, he knew better than to believe her when she was obviously freezing. He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side, the pad of his thumb drumming lightly against her hip. "Like hell you're not."
The touch burned through the flimsy layer of cloth and Erin was sure her cheeks would be flushed if she had any less melanin in her skin.
She couldn't allow her mind to read too much into his actions, however. As far as she knew Samuel had always been a very hands-on kind of guy. If he liked you, you knew because he'd find any excuse in the book to touch you. But there was also the side of his personality that just radiated affection when he was comfortable, the occasional hand grab, hug, caress usually mean nothing more to him than simply being friendly.
Sammy just liked human contact and sometimes it honestly drove Erin nuts.
"I think we're almost there" Erin commented as she glanced down at her cell phone, rereading the address Kim sent her a few hours earlier. "It should be on the left after this intersection."
"This doesn't really look like a good location for a bar" Sam noted as he glanced around their surroundings.
The streets were considerably empty for a Friday night and the few people they did see shuffling around looked like they were auditioning for part in Rent. Definitely not the young hip crowd either of them had been expecting.
Five minutes, and one wrong turn later they figured out exactly why the area seemed so dead.
The 'fun night out' Erin had been invited to turned out to be a gallery showing for a few unknown local artists. The air of excitement deflated the second Erin and Sam entered the building.
Kim was there at the entrance, craning her head back and forth and when she spotted Erin she beamed, and waved wildly. The second she did a quick scan of Erin's attire and noticed the handsome young man attached to her hip, her smile dulled considerably.
"Unnie! You remember my roommate, Samuel?"
Kim extended a hand, a smile way too broad to be genuine plastered on her lips. "Of course! It's a pleasure to see you again."
She was clearly lying since her nostrils were a bit too flared to be sincere. That didn't stop Sammy from grinning widely and taking her hand, bowing slightly to press his lips lightly to the back of her palm. "The pleasure is all mine."
Erin rolled her eyes gently and quirked her eyebrow in his direction, he winked at her and stood up straight again.
"Right. Well Erin I thought the friend you mentioned bringing along was a girl? Since this is a supposed to be a girl's night out."
And you said we would be going out for a drink, I guess we're both liars huh? Erin thought to herself.
"I know, but she couldn't make it and Sammy decided to volunteer to take her place. He might as well be a girl; you'll hardly notice the difference I promise."
Kim looked skeptical. Like she wanted to push the issue further but decided against it. "Alright he can stay but he has to participate like the rest of us."
"Participate, in what?" Sam asked.
"The post night discussion of course!" Kim answered, with more excitement than necessary as she reached down into her purse and dug out a notebook and pen for each of them. "We're all going to take notes on our favourite pieces and discuss them after the viewing, fun right?"
Erin braved a smile since she was used to Kim's concept of fun. Sam, on the other hand, refused to believe that she was serious as he erupted into a fit of laughter. Erin dug her elbow into his side and gave Kim a look of reassurance, "He has a weird sense of humour, we’re going to love this."
Kim nodded slowly and readjusted the strap of her purse "Okay, if you need anything just find me I'll be around" She began backing away "Oh and the drinks are free if you want one" The petite girl added before turning and disappearing into the shallow crowd.
"Homework, E. Seriously?" Sam began complaining not two seconds after Kim was no longer within earshot.
"What happened to Mr. Positive? The drinks are free that's something, right?"
"It's the only reason I'm still standing here"
"Oh come on, you wouldn't abandon your noona. Especially after you asked to tag along" Erin chuckled as she clipped the pen onto the side of her notebook.
"That's because I thought we would be drinking, not analyzing crappy art"
"Listen, I don't wanna do this anymore than you do. I'm way overdressed and I don't even like art. But at least we're here together and we've already been spotted so it's too early to bail anyway. If you want to continue grumbling I won't stop you but grumble on the way to the bar to get us some drinks."
Sam parted his lips to argue, but the resolve in Erin's eye made him second guess that. They could literally argue all night over this and he wasn't about to upset her when she looked that nice. "You're right," He sighed "You want your usual?"
"Yes please," Erin beamed and leaned upward to peck his cheek before he sauntered away in the direction of the bar with a dopey smile.
Suddenly very aware of the fact that she was standing in the middle of the floor alone, Erin quickly moved towards the nearest display of art. She pulled the pen from her notepad and pretended to be interested in the large canvas splattered with various lines and squiggles. Erin was never very appreciative of art even when she could understand the concept.
"Oh my god, this looks like a goddamn finger painting" She muttered underneath her breath.
A bellow of male laughter tickled Erin's ears from behind and almost made her jump out of her skin. She turned and came face to face with an unfamiliar person. His rounded cheeks made him seem young, much too young to be mixed in with this crowd but once Erin allowed her eyes to drift further down from his face she determined that he was probably in her age bracket. His hair was parted through the middle and pushed away from his face, colored a shade that Erin could only describe as neon tangerine and he wore a smile on his face that made the room seem ten shades brighter. He was tall but only by comparison to Erin, he was still a few inches shorter than Sammy so that brought him right to her eye level.
"Sorry, I didn't realise I was talking out loud," Erin said softly, accompanying her words with a slight bow.
"Don't be, you're not lying" He answered, still trying to stop himself from laughing "I'm Brian by the way."
Brian bit into his lip once his laughter subsided and subtly felt Erin up with his eyes. She pretended not to notice and returned her attention to the painting.
"So I guess art isn't really your thing either?"
"I love it actually, but the use of color and composition here is just lazy and uninspired." Brian commented and took a step closer, he was close enough for Erin to catch the scent of his cologne and a tiny shudder ran down the base of her spine. It was small but significant considering the only man that made her feel that way lately was Sammy. "Look at this area right here" He gestured to the far left side of the canvas "To the untrained eye it would probably look like a deliberate splatter of red paint to represent anguish, but I know that this artist just stepped on a tube and left the mark there."
"Mhm.... wait can you repeat that first thing again," Erin said, quickly putting her pen against the notebook and writing down the gist of what his.
"Are you a journalist?" Brian asked, scratching the back of his neck.
"University student, this is just for my.... study group. How do you know so much about this?"
"Because it's my painting and it only took me about five minutes to finish" Brian grinned and turned to face Erin. He was inches away and the coy smile that spread across his lips when their eyes connected made her chortle. Brian wet his bottom lip with his tongue which inadvertently drew Erin's attention there before the sound of someone clearing their throat behind them broke up the staring contest.
"Uh. The line was long, here's your drink. Who is this?" Sammy asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
Erin smiled and took the tumbler of liquid from Samuel "This is Brian, we're making fun of his terrible art. Brian, this is my roommate; Sammy"
Both men nodded toward each other, exchanging a polite handshake before turning their attention back to Erin. Samuel was the first to speak.
"Listen do you really want to stay here all night? The drinks are watered down and I know how much you hate this art crap"
Erin shrugged gently but made a sour face the second she took a sip of her drink, it tasted like cranberry juice mixed with tap water, not vodka.
"Oh gross, let's get out of here before Kim finds me again," She said resting her cup on the nearest flat surface. She was all prepared to sprint out the nearest exit when a hand gently grabbed her upper arm and stopped her in her tracks.
"If you're going to leave can I see your phone before you go?" Brian asked, flirtatious smile still present.
"Why do you need to see my phone?"
"So I can put my number into it"
"Wow, you are subtle!" Erin laughed, taking a second to think of a response. "Ah, what the hell" She sighed and pulled her phone out of her purse, unlocked it and handed it over.
"Oh, what's this? It looks like you're accidentally calling me, that's weird. I guess I'll just have to save your number in my phone as well" Brian mused as his fingers moved over the keypad.
The entire interaction made Sam's lips fall into a flat, disapproving line while Erin giggled like it was the most amusing thing she'd ever seen.
"I hope to see you around sometime, Erin" Brian waved while she and Samuel headed toward the entrance.
"You too"
Instead of going home like Erin thought they would be, she and Samuel ended up at a bar a few blocks down from the warehouse where the gallery viewing was. Kim and all the members of her study group called multiple times but Erin stopped feeling bad about not picking after the first few shots.
Somehow one hour turned into to two and both Sam and Erin were tipsy to say the least they burst out onto the sidewalk, laughing at jokes neither of them were saying out loud.
"Do you know what we should do right now?" Sammy said excitedly, his hands holding onto Erin's shoulders.
"Go watch the stars! Like we used to in school... I'm pretty sure there's a park somewhere around here" He muttered to himself but propelled forward anyway, dragging Erin along with him. She allowed him to pull her along as he tried to gain his bearings, she wasn't really ready to go home yet either.
After some trial and error, they managed to find the "park", which was actually just a patch of grass and a small hill but who was complaining?
Sammy motioned for Erin to sit next and she scrunched her nose upward "I don't want my dress to get dirty I'll stand, it's okay."
"Here," He sighed, pulling the jacket he was wearing off his shoulders and laying it down over the grass. "Better princess?"
"Much" Erin grinned as she moved to sit, exhaling a deep breath once she was settled and Sammy's arm found its way behind her. "I can't remember the last time we did this," She said after a beat, glancing up at the illuminated night sky.
"I do. It was the night of my graduation, you rode the bus all the way from Seoul to Daegu just to be there for my ceremony and stayed up with me to watch the stars even though you had a class the next morning." Sammy recalled with fondness in his voice.
"I remember that you begged me for like two hours to sneak out to the beach with you. Then when we actually got there you couldn't stop freaking out about being caught."
"My mother is a very perceptive woman; I still think she noticed me leaving in her sleep!"  Sammy retorted and both of them exploded with laughter.
"You made a promise that night too, do you remember that?"
Sam nodded with a smile but didn't saying anything.
"You're just going to make me repeat it by myself?"
"You look so cute when you say it noona"
Erin rolled her eyes, but cleared her throat anyway "I- state your name-"
"Sang-min 'Samuel' Park!"
"-So solemnly swear to live my life to fullest degree of potential and happiness possible from this moment on, recognising that I am no longer a child, but that doesn't I have to turn into a cynical old man. All agreed say aye." Erin was hardly able to finish talking before she gave into the laughter.
"Aye!" Sammy repeated in a squeaky voice and joined Erin in a chorus of giggles and guffaws.
A moment of comfortable silence passed over them once the laughter died down and Erin sighed again, snuggling closer to Sam and leaning backwards on her elbows. "You think you kept your promise? Are you happy, Sam?"
He frowned for a second and shrugged "I'm alright, I've still got you with me so that's good enough for me." He said softly, reaching forward to brush a stray hair out of Erin's eyes and tuck it behind her ear. The tips of his fingers slowly trailed along her jawline as if he was touching her for the first time. When he cupped her jaw in one hand and pulled her face closer his Erin found herself letting him do so.
They had kissed before, games of spin the bottle at high school parties and a few times after having a couple drinks at home. But those could be explained away by a momentary lapse in judgement and raging underdeveloped hormones. This was a deliberate action and Samuel made sure to move at a slow pace to give Erin enough to time to back out if she wanted to.
She didn't want to.
"You looked so good tonight, noona" Sam whispered against the shell of Erin's ear, the bridge of his nose nuzzled against the hollow of Erins cheek and the warmth of his breath fanned over her skin causing heat to spread all over her body. Her breathing grew shallow and her eyes fluttered shut in anticipation, just as his lips barely brushed against her own a loud blaring noise shattered their fairy tale and made them both jump backwards.
"Oh shit, I think that's my phone. Sorry" Erin fumbled around with the clutch in her hands before pulling out her cell phone and preparing to curse out whoever had the misfortune of calling her at that exact moment.
"Hello?" Erin barked into the receiver.
"I- I'm sorry is this not a good time? Were you sleeping?" Brian’s gentle voice momentarily disarmed Erin's annoyance and she shook her head.
"Oh Brian is that you? No... I'm actually not even home yet, Sammy and I stopped for a drink before going home"
"O-oh okay," Brian replied softly, taking a second to think before speaking again "Well maybe you can text me when you home just so I know you're safe."
"I can do that" Erin answered, trying her best to smile even though she noticed the sudden change in Sam's posture, going from relaxed to rigid the second Erin answered the phone. He stood up after she hung up and held out a hand to help her to her feet. After she was standing he leaned down to pick up his jacket and dusted it off before placing it around Erin's shoulders.
"I should get you home."
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The Edge Of Seventeen (2016)
This is one of those rare movies, that succeed on almost every level, where each character, scene, costume, and joke make a movie worth watching.
I have easily watched this movie over a thousand times. Every time I watch this movie I notice new things and see it from a different perspective.
Now lets get into the informational part of this movie review and yes, there will be spoilers the whole movie will be spoilered.
Nadine Franklin (Hailee Steinfeld) is an awkward 17-year-old high school student who quickly walks to the classroom of her teacher Mr. Bruner (Woody Harrelson). She is flustered and tells Bruner she's going to kill herself and that she needs someone to listen to her.  He then quips that he was writing his own suicide note, since all he wants is some peace and quiet during his lunch break.
Nadine takes us to the beginning of her story. At the age of 7 (Lina Renna), she noticed how much more popular and well-liked her older brother Darian (Christian Michael Cooper) was, to the point where it felt like their mother Mona (Kyra Sedgwick) favored him over Nadine. Her father Tom (Eric Keenleyside) was the only one who made Nadine feel secure.Nadine gets picked on by some mean girls at school and feels alone until she meets Krista (Ava Grace Cooper). Krista is holding a pet caterpillar and gives it some water, and then she asks Nadine if she wants to be the caterpillar's other mother. Nadine agrees, but she later accidentally suffocates it in her pencil case. Still, Nadine and Krista quickly become best friends. While Krista's parents argue, Nadine always had her back. At the age of 13 is when Nadine states some "really fucked up shit" happened. She becomes insecure about her looks, especially since Darian (Blake Jenner) only got more attractive. Krista (Haley Lu Richardson) tries to assure Nadine she looks fine.
While getting burgers with her dad, Tom suffers a fatal heart attack and crashes his car. His death devastated the family. In the present at age 17, Nadine is at school with Krista when she spots Nick Mossman (Alexander Calvert), a bad boy fresh out of juvie. She becomes sexually attracted to him. In Mr. Bruner's class, Nadine meets Erwin Kim (Hayden Szeto), an equally awkward but friendly boy that has a crush on her. When the girls go back to Nadine's house, they learn that Mona is leaving for the night to see a man she met online. Nadine and Krista get drunk and fool around while Darian has friends come over to swim. Nadine gets too drunk and she pukes in the toilet with Krista helping her. Nadine makes self-deprecating comments before passing out on the floor. Krista goes downstairs to find Darian cleaning up dog pee off the carpet, and they start to make small talk. Nadine wakes up with a hangover. She crawls out of the bathroom and hears giggling coming from Darian's room. To her horror, he and Krista are in bed, and she's giving him a handjob. All three are mortified, but especially Nadine. Nadine is still pissed at Krista later in the day, to the point where her frustration starts to bother Krista. She tells Nadine about a party she's going to with Darian, so Nadine opts to join them. At the party, Krista goes off with some other girls to play beer pong, leaving Nadine alone. She goes outside and meets a drunk girl that compares her and Darian to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito's characters in "Twins." Nadine calls Mona to go pick her up. She tells her daughter that the man she met online is married, and she received an email from his wife. Nadine calls Erwin to hang out. They go to a carnival and ride the Ferris wheel. Erwin tries to go for a kiss but he gets shot down since his timing was bad. Nadine later compares Erwin to a nice old man to make things even more embarrassing. On Monday, Krista approaches Nadine, but she's still mad at Krista for going off with other girls at the party. When Krista mentions that Darian asked her to be his girlfriend and go to prom with him, Nadine delivers an ultimatum - Krista must choose her or Darian. Krista refuses, but Nadine pushes it by saying he'll dump her for someone hotter. Krista leaves her. When Nadine gets home, she starts to argue with Darian over his new relationship. Mona tries to intervene but Nadine just leaves to take a walk. She gets a slushee and then goes to Petland where Nick works. She goes in and tries to talk to him, though she comes off as kind of weird. Nadine tries to talk to Mr. Bruner, though he doesn't seem interested in her problems. When he makes a crack that nobody likes her, Nadine flips out and starts insulting him and his profession. He is unfazed and gives her half his cookie and says she's his favorite student to calm her down. Nadine calls Erwin again and asks if she can go over and swim in his pool. He says yes and gets super excited. She goes over and is surprised to see that Erwin's family is wealthy. Nadine jokingly asks Erwin if he wants to have sex, which upsets him. Later, he shows her some drawings he made and talks about his project for an upcoming student film festival. Mona takes Nadine to school now that she isn't talking to Krista. Nadine makes a big deal about being dropped off close to Krista, so Mona brings Nadine to work with her. While there, Nadine gets bored and starts acting out. Mona tells Nadine that her father would be very disappointed in her. Nadine swipes Mona's car keys and leaves. Nadine goes to a playground and starts to write a long, impulsive message to Nick about how she wants to do sexual things with him. She then tries to delete the message, but accidentally sends it. Nadine freaks out and goes to show Mr. Bruner (which is where the movie began). Although she begs him to help her do something, he just gives her money for a frozen yogurt. Nadine gets her yogurt and listens to multiple angry voicemails from her mom. Nick sends her a message since she put her number in the post, and he invites her to hang out. Excited, Nadine runs home to get dolled up before Mona gets home in a cab. Nadine goes on her date with Nick, which just ends up being him taking her to an empty parking lot. They start making out and he starts groping her, but Nadine has second thoughts and tells him to get off. She wants to get to know Nick, but he is uninterested. When she's afraid he'll leave, she starts kissing him, but she pulls away again when he tries to make a move. Nadine leaves the car and starts crying. Mona calls Darian while he's on a date with Krista. He rushes home to find Mona grabbing Nadine's clothes off the floor and saying she'll donate them. Darian tries to keep her calm. Nadine gets picked up by Mr. Bruner and takes her to his house where she meets his wife and infant son. Darian and Krista show up at the house to pick up Nadine, but she refuses to go anywhere with them. Darian gets fed up and confronts her about her attitude. Nadine says that Darian only cares about himself and being seen as a hero to their mom by bringing her home safely. Darian hits back that it is stressful for him that Mona is always counting on him to be the man of the house, how he has to apply to schools nearby since he's worried about what will happen to the family if he's gone, and how he can't be with Krista without ruining his relationship with Nadine. Darian leaves, so Mr. Bruner brings Nadine home. Nadine goes to Darian's room and apologizes for her behavior. She then tearfully expresses to him how she has always hated who she is and how she acts, and how she worries she can never change it.  Nadine wakes up early the next morning to go to Erwin's film festival. Darian and Krista are downstairs about to have breakfast. Darian wishes her a good day, and Nadine reciprocates. Krista asks Nadine if she can call her later, and she says yes. At the film festival, Erwin presents his film, which is about an alien who tries to win over a girl he likes, but she doesn't return his feelings. A giant monster takes her, so the little alien goes to rescue her by causing a huge rock to crush the monster. When the girl tries to return her affections, the alien has moved on and is with other gorgeous alien women. After the show, Nadine gives Erwin flowers. She says she knows the movie was about her, but he denies it. She then feels embarrassed, because she looks like someone who thinks everything is about them, but Erwin says he was just joking. He then brings Nadine over to introduce her to his friends.
This is where the movie ends. I got the synopsis mostly from IMDb. 
As you can see the movie’s base is really basic, but the emotional touches and original turns make this movie great. Sometimes it even feels like you’re in it, you really get attached.
Characters /cast
Now for the characters and cast. Some of the characters really annoy the hell out of me, but that’s okay.
Nadine Franklin (Hailee Steinfeld) First and foremost, Nadine is real, not like she’s a real person, but she’s just like any normal non-populair teenager. Nothing about her is glamourised. She faces difficulties that everyone has faced. And yet, it’s not portrayed like mean girls or high school musical. It’s not fake. She is a thoroughly developed character and she’s  a real human being on screen. She’s connected with the watchers in a relatable way. Nadine experiences character development through the whole movie, just like you do in real life. She has ups and downs with her family, she makes and loses friends and she finds love. I can’t write this character description without saying that Hailee Steinfeld is an elite actress and that’s just shown in how well Nadine Franklin is portrayed, it’s not only how well the script it’s written, it’s also how Hailee Steinfeld put her own personality in it.
To be honest all the other characters are just side characters and are only importent to the story because they are part of the development of Nadine, so I will give them short mentions.
Krista (Haley Lu Richardson) Krista is one of those characters that if you think of them that you only see bad things. She dumped her Nadine, who she was bestfriends with since she was 7, for Nadine’s older brother Darian. Like what kind of person would do that? As you can tell krista is one of those characters that bothered me the whole movie. Darian (Blake Jenner) He’s the brother of Nadine. He outshines Nadine on every level. He blames Nadine for all his stress. I have nothing more to say about Darian, he’s pretty superficial. Mona (Kyra Sedgwick) Mona is just a Karen that’s hiding in a “I’m a cool mom” suit. Once things get to heated for her she loses control. Like that time when Nadine annoyed her and she told Nadine her father would be dissapointed in her. She reminds me of my own mom, cute right? Mr. Bruner (Woody Harrelson) Mr. Bruner is the person I aspire to be when I become a teacher, well besides his bad teaching. Mr. Bruner his humour is a perfect mix between dark en dry humour. His way of communicating is just superior. Erwin (Hayden Szeto) Erwin reminds Nadine of a nice old man. And I fully agree, he is wise and playful. His talent is drawing/animating. He draws original things like aliens.
Grading / Things I Wanted To Say
Okay so you may have noticed that this movie is catered to an audience that has gone/is in high school. So sorry for my home schooled people, this might not be the movie for you.  Most of the characters have something special about them, it can be that they’re annoying or that their talent is being amazing at communicating. The plot has some bits and pieces that could have been written better.
My overal rating is a 8,9. If you would like a more detailed answer of why I would give it an 8,9 just message me, or however you can contact me. I hope you liked me review, I really do. I have put my precious homework time into reviewing a movie, and if you ask me I was way more productive in making this review than making any of my essays. Au revoir.
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schroedingersk8 · 5 years
8.What dating me is like when you THINK you are a DOM.
Posting as Mistress K8 Morgan, k8morgan.com
It is a beautiful Sunday afternoon. You have just woken up, having spent the night on your sofa. You have fallen asleep while watching Bake Off re-runs and eating take-away, but it is a comfy sofa and you do have a cosy throw, so you didn’t actually bother with going to the bedroom when you woke up for the first time early this morning. You sit up, and a copy of 50 Shades of Grey falls off your pillow. Oh yes!!! You forgot! You have finished THE BOOK! Your girlfriend must have forgotten it when she moved out, having dumped your sorry ass for being too much of a lazy house slob and never wanting to do anything beside telly on the weekends.  Did I say girlfriend? EX girlfriend.
You look back at the book, on the floor, and smile! But yes, of course! It makes perfect sense now! The reason your relationship failed, the reason all of them fail, the reason even Tinder dates don’t call you back is because you are, and having read THE BOOK you are now 100% sure -- you are a Dominant man, and they were not submissive enough for you. Yes, yes, that’s it! You, a surprisingly overweight guy in your late 20es who hasn’t left the house since he got back from work on Friday, in a very junior role and currently on probation for accidentally sending a dick pic to your male boss, right now struggling to find your second slipper somewhere under the sofa, amidst a pile of car magazines, some dirty clothes, and an old greasy pizza box, wearing a stretched out formerly white, now itself some 50 shades of grey T-shirt, adorned with both ketchup and mustard stains, and in underpants that look like they are a heirloom from a family with a history of digestive issues -- yes, YOU are the living embodiment of an elusive and mysterious kinky billionaire Christian Grey! And now all the women will fall to your feet! You decide to give up your search for the 2nd slipper, and stand up. A few crisps come tumbling onto the floor. “Strange, I do not even remember eating these last night.” -- you think to yourself. -- You pick up the biggest one and eat it.
You go to your dining table, and make room for your iPad, by pushing everything aside. You open browser, and type in D O M I N A N T, thinking to look at what dominant men are like, at least in the eyes of the society, but the first search suggestion is for dominant women. “Oh yeah!” -- you say out loud, and click “images”. After a few glances, on this ill-fated Sunday afternoon, you come across my picture, and after an even shorter research, you find me on Instagram.
The rest is as follows:
Instagram DM, to my account that asks for NO DMs, please:
-- HI
Pleased with yourself, and with a feeling of an accomplished mission, you go to the loo. You come back, good half an hour later, having jerked off in the shower because the idea of meeting me has gotten you all hot and bothered. You are now wearing an old dusty pink bathrobe -- yet another remnant of your ex -- to find that your message has neither been read, nor replied to. You think a little, and your brilliant mind produces another pearl:
-- HOT! [aubergine emoji] [water drops emoji] 
ALL from the mind that brought us the “HI”...
In about an hour, you realise that I probably won’t read your messages on there, nor respond to them. You actually bother to click onto my profile, and find the email in my contact details. Score 1 for thorough investigation and due diligence.
You write:
Subject: Your Christian Grey.
Hi, I have come across your insta and you look hot, it says you are a domme but I think all this is only to show, and that what you really need is this hot young buck to bend you over the table and fuck you. Agreed?
And you attach a dick pic. Yup, same one you’ve sent to your boss. It actually isn’t even your own dick pic, your dick is shorter than that and has too much foreskin, so you use the one you once got sent by some drunk guy on Snapchat, who thought you were a girl. Clever!
A day passes without any response from me. On Monday you go to work, you expect to come back to an email from me. It does not happen. Nor does it happen on Tuesday. Nor on Wednesday. On Thursday night you go out for a few pints with the mates, and come back home tipsy. You go back on Instagram, to look me up again. I still haven’t followed you, replied or even read your messages.
-- SUCK THIS -- say you, yet again sending me a picture of another man’s penis.
In about two weeks from the described event I check my Instagram DMs from people I do not follow, and come across your messages. I recognise you, from the dick pic. Which wasn’t even yours! 
How can I possibly know that? Well, I have seen a few nice black dicks before, but never in my life have they been attached to a pasty white dude. And yes, I learn all that from glancing over your own Instagram profile and pictures, before I press “delete” and “block”.
And this is how our love affair ends, with me, laughing to myself, and wondering whether it would be ethical, in this day and age of mermaids and unicorns, to use my superpowers to make someone self-identify as a Cockwomble, instead of a Dom.
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P.S. And if you managed to crack one off to any part of this post, then there is really nothing on the internet that you wouldn’t masturbate to, is there?!
No one, under the penalty of the EU copyright laws, is allowed to use or reproduce my blog or individual posts, or even passages, in any way, shape or form, be it for Netflix series, Amazon books, or anything of the kind, regardless of the credit given. K8Morgan.com.
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letholojimin · 6 years
Redamancy (JHS ft. KNJ)
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- reposted because i accidentally deleted the original post dated march 2018
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader ft. Kim Namjoon
Themes: best friend + roommate au
Genre: angst, mild smut!!!
Word Count: 4,115
Summary: With your love life failing at every attempt of yours, you fail to realize that you’ve been looking for it in all the wrong places.
“I will treat you better than anyone else. I will treat you how you deserve to be treated, but all I need is a chance, Y/N…”
Rays of light from the sun shine in from the coffee shop’s glass window beside you and you keep yourself occupied by drinking from the warm beverage you had purchased to keep you company as you wait for Jennie to arrive. She had texted you an hour prior to the present, informing you that she had something she wanted to tell you. Luckily, you had both been in the university during that time and would be free during this time so you wait for her, scrolling through your phone.
It’s winter- the season of loneliness and though that never really bothered you to an extreme extent, you know that you would prefer to stop spending the cold nights alone. You had gone through a certain number of boyfriends and flings- none of which ever lasted. It was always a problem with your schedule that caused your break-ups, all of them complaining that you weren’t as invested in the relationship as they were because you were too busy attending to the things you had to do.
You never kept them around or wanted them back if they said that because if they couldn’t understand that you have other commitments as a university student with a hectic life, then you couldn’t be with them because it would be irrational for them to think that you’d give up your own life just to be with them. Sure, at times you’d cry over some people if you really did like them but sometimes relationships ended just as soon as they would start and you wouldn’t be that attached.
The chime of the coffee shop’s door distracts you from your thoughts and you see the girl you’re waiting for, her brown hair tucked into a beanie and her hands taking her gloves off. Jennie spots you and smiles, pointing to the counter to inform you that she’ll be with you shortly as she’d like to order something first. You nod and wait, nothing else occupying your mind after that.
Jennie takes a seat in front of you taking a long sip of her drink before placing it down on the table in front of you both. “Hey,” you greet. “What’s up?”
“I’m just going to go straight to the point here because I know that you probably have something to get to in at least the next thirty minutes.” She starts and you grin because she knows you too well. Your organization had a meeting twenty minutes from now so you were glad that she knew better than to be slow. “I know this guy, and he’s probably your type.” She continues, telling you that he’s much more mature than any of your previous significant others. He’s a hardworking student just like you and so since both of you understand the pressure of intense schedules, maybe you’ll balance each other more than you’ll clash.
You lean forward and raise an eyebrow, urging her to continue. You haven’t even dated in a while so a date doesn’t exactly sound that bad. Jennie briefs you on his name and tells you that he’s in the same year and that he’s an Engineering major. Jennie knows him because of a mutual friend who informed her that he’s looking to date and when her friend told him all about what he’s like, she thought you might like him.
The quick meet-up ends with Jennie giving you his number and telling you that he already has yours. You should expect a text from him soon.
Jennie’s Recommended Mystery boy - 3:47 pm
Y/N, right?
Y/N Y/L/N - 3:50 pm
That’s me.
Jennie’s Recommended Mystery boy - 3:52 pm
Hey there. My name’s Namjoon.
Y/N Y/L/N - 3:53 pm
Hi :) You’re Jennie’s friend right?
Namjoon - 3:53 pm
Yeah, a friend gave me your number :)
Namjoon - 3:54 pm
I actually know a place that serves really great pasta, maybe you’d like to head there with me sometime?
Y/N Y/L/N - 3:57 pm
Sure, why not?
Namjoon - 3:58 pm
Great! How’s tomorrow night?
Y/N Y/L/N - 4:00 pm
I’m free from seven onwards, so I don’t see why not :)
Namjoon - 4:02 pm
Send me your address, then? I’ll pick you up then. Dress fancy :)
The meeting for the organization passes by quicker than expected and your classes end at five o’ clock, leaving you room to drive home during the rush hour. You live nearby the campus so traffic is the least of your worries but you’re so eager to shower and change into more comfortable clothes. That’s probably a downside of college- you’ve always got to wear something different so since you’ve run out of clothes, you’re facing more uncomfortable fabric.
If there’s one positive thing about being in university, it’s the fact that you get to live with Jung Hoseok- your best friend from high school. He’s a constant beam of light in your life, always taking care of you and helping you however he can.
Both of you live under the same roof in a relatively large apartment funded by both of your parents who tell you to simply focus on being students for the meantime, and so the two of you are always working so hard in university. His course is no joke and with the addition of dance on the side, he’s left mentally and physically tired everyday but he never fails to maintain communication with you and make you smile. Needless to say, with the amount of support your parents give you, both of you are afraid of failure. You and Hoseok are perfectionists, but when everything is too much for each other you’re always there as a support system.
When you get home after all your obligations that night, you and Hoseok share McDonald’s takeout over your kitchen table. It’s tradition to have dinner together at your shared place during the rare times you both get home early enough to have the meal together, so you always make the most out of it. Tonight, greasy fried food is on the menu.
Hoseok tells you about his day briefly, telling you that it’s just the same old- nothing new happened or nothing is interesting enough to be talked about. When it’s your turn to share, you get straight to the point and tell him about your scheduled date tomorrow.
“Do you know anyone named Namjoon?” You inquire. Maybe he’s met him, and if that happens you can hear about what he’s like. To your disappointment, he only shakes his head from side to side and asks why you’re asking then continues eating his meal, utensils clanking on the plate slightly as he cuts through his chicken.
“Well…” You begin, nonchalantly wiping off the salt on your fingers from the fries you’ve been eating as you continue. “Jennie set me up with him, and now I’ve got a date tomorrow night!”
Hoseok’s suddenly more invested in your conversation, eyes looking up to see you beaming- this was your first date in quite a while but instead of happiness for you, there’s a completely different feeling and he knows deep down why he’s not enjoying the news. “Yeah?”
“Yeah!” You fail to see how he doesn’t exactly want to hear more about this date of yours but he puts up with it, your cheery voice still not enough to distract him from the jeering thoughts and the uncomfortable swirl in his stomach.
Your chatter continues for only so long before your meals are finished and you dispose of your plastic waste quickly, not having to wash anything due to the containers. He’s quick to escape you, disappearing from your sight the moment he’s thrown the trash and you- you are ignorant.
With thoughts of you littering his head, he tries and tries to do anything and everything to get you out of his system. He can’t shake off the fact that he might lose you again for god knows how long, but he tries to think about how maybe you’ll be happier and maybe this boy will treat you better than all those you’ve met before. But Hoseok knows he’s lying to himself, because he can treat you better than anyone else.
That night, Hoseok doesn’t sleep.
You’re clad in a black dress which cinches at the waist and flares down up until your knees- a comfortable piece of clothing to make up for the painful thing on your feet. You endure it, pushing yourself to get through the night and you simply hope that Namjoon is tall, so that your heels won’t make him look shorter than you. You won’t mind if he is, but you also wouldn’t mind if he isn’t.
He texts you when he’s outside and you get up from your seat on the couch when Hoseok exits the kitchen, only looking you up and down before going back upstairs wordlessly. You don’t expect him to say anything so you grab your coat and open the door, coming face-to-face with a blond boy holding a bouquet of roses. Once he sees you, Namjoon quickly greets you politely and offers you the roses. You place the flowers on a table near the door and smile at him, murmuring a sweet ‘thank you’ and walking outside with him right beside you.
The boy sports a dress shirt and black slacks along with leather shoes, you notice. He stops in front of the passenger side of his car- a sleek black automobile- and opens the door for you. You blush lightly at the thoughtful gesture and step in, the smell of air freshener and leather entering your nostrils.
Namjoon rushes over to the driver’s side, lanky frame passing in front of the hood. You wonder just how the night will unfold, considering that so far, he seems to be a gentleman. Maybe this will be different from all your past dates. Hope is something you cling to because it’s the only you can grip and you tell yourself it’s possible for you to get something more than a disaster out of this.
Lips pressed on bare skin and hands are groping each other and you and Namjoon are slowly turning into (if you aren’t already) a sweaty mess of flesh and lust, actions driven by desire. You guys simply hit it off after a night of wine and Italian food at a fancy restaurant and now you were in his apartment, making out with each other.
He leads you to his room and soon enough, you’re lying underneath him naked and begging for more of his touch, for him to pleasure you. Namjoon’s fingers thrust into your heat at an increasing pace, digits slick with your juices.
Arousal drips from your center, and soon he’s getting a condom from his night stand and sliding on his length, turning your body around before placing his tip right by your entrance.
His fingers grip your hips tightly before he slides into you, your nimble fingers gripping his cotton sheets. Namjoon groans when you urge him to move, thrusting in and out of you rhythmically. It’s not long before you slam your hips against his with every movement of his, moaning and whining. You tell him to move faster, harder, and he complies.
Soon, you’re at your peak, body falling into the mattress. If not for his hands holding your sides upright, you would have fully collapsed. He rides out your high and chases his own, slamming against your spot relentlessly. He comes, spilling into the condom and you move away from him from overstimulation.
After disposing of the condom, he collapses beside you, breathing heavily. You don’t meet his eyes though, closing yours and pretending to fall asleep.
Namjoon might be a good fuck, but what you’re looking for is real love.
When your heels click into the living room, you’ll find that Hoseok is still up- he looks like he hasn’t slept at all and though it’s common for you to ask each other how a date has gone after going on one, you didn’t expect him to stay up this late. When you look at the clock, it’s just struck half past three o’clock in the morning and there’s an unsettling feeling of doing the walk of shame, regardless of if you’re facing your closest friend.
“Where have you been?” He asks, standing up from his seat on the couch and placing his mug of hot chocolate on the table in front of him. Hobi looks at you and only then do you realize that there are dark circles under his eyes- ones you fail to notice during the daytime wherein the sun shines too bright that everything else is simply cancelled out. Sometimes, the light is too blinding- and you’re a sucker for being blinded.
“Out. You know I was on a date, Hoseok.” You reply curtly, undoing the straps of your heels and neatly placing them near the door. Though you’d normally place your shoes in your room, you have an unnerving fear of tripping down the stairs wearing heels so you opt to keep them near the entrance. He was the one who suggested you do this, in fear that you’d be your usual clumsy self and that one day he wouldn’t be around to help you. It’s easier that way.
Though your best friend would normally dismiss you, it seems like he’s a bit more persistent this time. He stays, walking closer to you. “Do you know what time it is, Y/N?” His voice raises ever so slightly towards the end of his question and you can’t help but be a little taken aback at the unusual amount of concern he’s displaying. “Do you know how long I waited just for you to get home?”
“You don’t always have to wait for me, Hobi. I appreciate it but you don’t need to stay up for-“
“But I do!” He cuts you off and you’re rendered speechless. You’re in the dark- you have absolutely no idea where this is going and why this is happening in the first place. Hoseok’s voice only grows louder and more angered and though it’s probably a false notion- you’d think it’s pained.
“What…” You whisper under your breath, but you know he heard it. You look up to meet his eyes once more and you notice that he’s very near you now- near enough for you to see the details on his face: the curvature of his jaw, the slant of his eyes and the bridge of his nose. His eyes hold something mysterious, something you aren’t used to because as close friends, he tells you everything, no exceptions.
“Look, it’s late and we should both be getting to bed, don’t you think?” You remove the loose ponytail which your hair was stuck in, a practical style you’d gone for before you left his room tonight. “No, Y/N- I want you to stop going on those fucking dates, alright? None of them ever work for you anyway,”
If it wasn’t for the proximity you wouldn’t be able to hear the last part- but you did. It stung, and you didn’t get it- you don’t understand why he was saying that to you when he knew all too well that your love life is always a complicated mess from the busy schedule your practical life revolves around. You never have times for these kinds of things and now he’s telling you that he wants you to stop going on dates at all? Who does he think he is?
“What the fuck, Hoseok?! Who are you to tell me what to do? This isn’t even like you!” The rage in your voice becomes more and more prevalent with each word but his expression doesn’t falter. There’s a kind of fierceness in his disposition and it’s unnerving because you’ve never exactly seen him like this before about this kind of topic. “Are you telling me it’s a crime to fall in love?!”
“It’s a crime to fall in love if you’re not falling in love with me!”
You’re speechless at the words that escape his mouth, feet planted to the floor. You can’t move, you can barely think and from all the things you’ve ever heard in your entire life, you consider this to be the biggest surprise of them all. Hoseok doesn’t have any regrets- not even when he sees the flabbergasted expression on your face, not even when he sees your eyes growing wide because relief is a feeling that overpowers all of that. After all, he’s very much tired of hiding from you and running away from the truth himself.
“Hoseok, what are you saying?” You find yourself mustering up enough courage to finally say something, anything. “Why?!” His voice is stern, and melancholy is laced within the word. It’s almost like you can’t reach him anymore and you wonder just how fast everything went downhill. “Why do you wear all those ravishing clothes and dress up so well for guys who only want to dress you down?”
You never expected him to say something like that- never even expected him to comment on your dates gone one night stands but it’s different now, and you can tell that this pains him to say just as much as it keeps you at a loss for words. He’s finally burst, and you don’t know what to do or what to say because this has never happened before. “Hobi,” You exhale, treading on dangerous waters.
“I don’t get it, Y/N!” His hand raises to his hair in frustration and for a split second he turns away from you. “Why do you go out on these stupid dates so others will look at you yet you don’t realize that you’re the only girl that I see?! I don’t need that, all I need is for you to give me a chance…” His fierce gaze softens as he continues to speak, finally spilling things he’s been yearning to confess for longer than you could ever know. You can’t believe what you’re hearing, and though your heart would normally flutter at the words, what takes over your thoughts is the person who’s saying them. “You don’t see how I look at you and you don’t understand that you’re fucking exquisite- and I,”
“I will treat you better than anyone else. I will treat you how you deserve to be treated, but all I need is a chance, Y/N…”
Hoseok sees your face. He sees just how confused you are, how unsure you are of what to say and decides that he hates himself. He can’t believe how stupid he was to think that maybe one day, when he would gather up enough courage to tell you about what he feels about you, maybe, just maybe- you’d reciprocate and things would turn out for the better. But he was dumb to even think of that, blinded by his own need to be honest with you and there’s nothing that sounds more appealing to him than just turning around and escaping to the door, grabbing his coat and his keys on his way out.
Just like that, Hoseok walks out on you for the first time in your life. And you have no idea when and if he’ll be coming back.
If he had liked you since before, you don’t know how you could have been blind to all of it. You’ve known the boy since you were fifteen and you didn’t even notice a change in behavior whatsoever? Ridiculous.
Midnight paints your thoughts colorful, drawings pictures of memories and retracing the words he had previously said in the past few days in a desperate attempt to gain something, to look for a sign before everything came crashing down. It’s silent in the household even as you leave your door open- there’s no sleep music faintly playing from his room, no plates clattering in the kitchen for midnight snacks, nothing.
It’s a dark thought leeching at the back of your mind, forcing you to stay awake even when the clock rings to signal a new day for you and when the sun rises up in the horizon, light streaming in through your blinds. You don’t hear anybody in the shower or nor do you hear the sound  of the television downstairs and it’s just lonely.
You’re probably overreacting. You’ve been through nights wherein Hoseok doesn’t sleep in his room. Parties, projects, outings- you know what it’s like without him. But what you aren’t used to is the fact that he is not present because of you and the fact that you did not end in good terms.
So you get up after a long night of no slumber, going through the same exact routine you go through every single active day, except today it’s a lot duller.
The next few days, Hoseok doesn’t show up when you’re around. He times his visits to his own house when he knows you won’t be there. He has a copy of your schedule and so you know when he won’t dare to come, and you take this as an advantage. When you hear the jiggling of keys outside, you know you’ve got him.
The sound of the doorknob twisting interrupts the silent atmosphere in the house and he walks in, sighing. He turns to close the door so at first glance, he doesn’t see you in the living room. When he leans on the wood, however, he sees you sitting on the couch and though your relationship with him isn’t in the best place, he shrieks lightly before putting a fist to his chest. “Fucking hell, Y/N,” He breathes out in shock.
You offer him a light smile in response, opening your mouth to speak. “Hobi, we need to talk.”
“About what, Y/N?” He says exasperatedly. It’s a terrible feeling that registers within him, the pain of unrequited love something he can feel within his veins. “You already know how I feel, and I already know what you feel. What else do we have to talk about?”
Hoseok knows that he’s being irrational. Of course you had to talk because you couldn’t ignore each other forever. You lived in the same place and sneaking around when you were at university wasn’t something he could do for the rest of time. You had to speak to each other but it was eating him alive because he knows what you’re going to say. You don’t feel the same way, and he has to accept that sooner or later. He hoped it was the latter.
You urge him to sit down on your couch and he does so, but why is it that though he’s only feet away, he feels so distant? He feels so far away, and you wish everything could just return to normal.
“How do you know how I feel?”
He turns to look at you and his chest aches, yearning for something he knows he can never have. His role in your life was to be your best friend and he was going out of line. He knew that, but he was done hiding behind it. It would be unfair to you if he kept lying about what he really wanted, so he finally told you. Look where exactly that got him. Honest, but still unhappy. “Your silence was the answer.”
You’re at a loss for words. It’s true that you didn’t feel the same way about him, at least not yet, but during that time you were so shocked with how fast everything was happening that you didn’t even have ample time to process everything properly.
“Then will you wait for me?” You ask, the whole point of why you waited for him finally being brought into the conversation.
Hope takes form in his eyes, barely there but present. You take his hand and slowly entangle your warm fingers with his cold ones while you wait for him to reply. “What do you mean?”
“Will you wait for me? Will you stand by my side?”
He breathes in and smiles because at least there’s the smallest glimmer of light for something more, the kind he believed he could never have. He clutches your palm in two of his own before his voice comes out shakily. Even if it doesn’t end up in both of your favors, he’ll know that he had you at some point. He hopes he doesn’t screw up and he swears that he won’t because like he said, all he needs is one chance.
“However long it takes.”
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danikatze · 7 years
Domesticity meme!
I accidentally posted my reply to the first ask too early and didn’t think when deleting it ^^; So I’ll do it like this:
Anonymous said:
matsumasa? :3c
Aaaa thank you for asking! Sorry it got long x) I had some trouble answering the last three, I wrote down how I see their relationship develop to get things straight for myself. I posted that too, if you’re interested.
Who cooks normally? I posted a headcanon about this for all of the Five Leaves before, but short answer: neither (unless you count rice and fish), they go to Ume’s for proper meals. Or other establishments.
How often do they fight? Very rarely, even though they’re pretty inefficient personal problem solvers. It’s just that they have hardly any substantial problems with each other anyway.
Because they’re both anxious people, I think they’re hyper sensitive to each other’s annoyances and adapt quickly to avoid them. But this is before they actually become a couple. It will take them ages to get closer and more comfortable around each other, but in time they realise they were often just being unnecessarily cautious. From that point they do have small squabbles regularly.So the fights they do have I think would have to do with Matsu holding something in for too long, and bursting when something small is the straw that broke the camel’s back. They get better at this over time, as Masa learns to recognise signs of Matsu getting worked up over something. Matsu in turn realises that Masa will listen without looking down on him, and that it’s a great relief just expressing his worries, even if it doesn’t solve the problem. This takes him a looong time though.
Masa doesn’t have this issue because he frequently thinks out loud. Sometimes this involves talking about his feelings or things that make him uneasy. In the beginning he does this by accident, but the lack of a negative response from Matsu encourages him to share such things on purpose sometimes.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? When Matsu cares for someone he gets really attached to them, so being apart from Masa after they become close is quite hard (even before they become a thing.) He tends to get overly absorbed in his work to keep his mind off Masa. If he’s not working he drinks a bit more, gets a bit moodier and gets on Ume’s nerves significantly more.
Masa does what he always does, the way he always does it, but he just sighs a lot. And if there’s someone he’s comfortable sharing such information with, he tells them how much he misses Matsu. Multiple times.
Nicknames for each other? Matsu regularly calls Masa variations of idiot. Sometimes - and as their relationship progresses more often - affectionately. It’s a big deal when Masa stops referring to Matsu as ‘Matsukichi-dono’. Just Matsu is a mighty intimate nickname for him. Matsu is fully aware of this. (It actually took his breath away a little the first time Masa called him Matsu.)
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Who is more likely to pay for dinner? This is something they might argue about because they both want to pay. Masa because he is proud and money is a sensitive issue for him. Matsu’s a popular ornament smith and generally doesn’t have to think twice about what he’s spending, but Masa is constantly taking his budget into consideration.
While he is careful with his money, he doesn’t want to be a party pooper when they do go out to eat something together and he doesn’t want Matsu to think that he has to take care of him just because he has a higher income. Because of his pride, having a lower salary is all the more reason to say “this is my treat.”
He can’t convey this very well though, so Matsu usually wins the arguement - except maybe for the lower amounts. He thinks it’s stupid for Masa to spend money he should use for more important stuff. His main motivation however is repaying Masa for saving him from Ohtsuya and for saving the Five Leaves.
Masa will often complain “but you already repaid me last time. And the time before that…” To which Matsu replies: “You saved my life, so I’m not done yet. Get used to it.”
Who steals the covers at night? That would probably not be an issue since I hc Matsu as a clingy sleeper. As soon as he falls asleep he just gravitates towards whoever’s in bed with him. Masa doesn’t mind whatsoever.
What would they get each other for gifts? Oh man I don’t know what kind of gifts one would give in the Edo era, but Masa seems to be fond of giving people sweets and you can be sure that Matsu’s made his gift himself and that it’s beautiful and practical. In my HP AU - at some special point in their relationship - Matsu gives Masa a pocket watch that he’s designed and made in collaboration with a watch-maker. Inspired by the Weasly clock, it has one hand for each of the members of the Five Leaves and Sachi, and tells the owner of the watch where they are. (Bunnosuke wouldn’t give permission to be represented on the watch, even though he and Masa’d reconciled by this time. And Matsu didn’t have the guts to ask Mrs. Akitsu, so she’s not on the watch either.)
Who remembers things? Not sure if anniversary celebrations are a thing in the Edo era, but if they are: they both remember everything. On their first anniversary they are both Aware. The months leading up to it they keep reminding themselves out of fear that the other might get angry if they forget, but when the day comes they are kind of afraid the other might think they’re being too sentimental. An even worse scenario would be that they remembered the wrong date… They’re pretty sure it’s right, but you know.. what if?
Either of them (probably Masa) would casually mention something like “oh hey, I think it’s a year today.. isn’t it?” “Oh yea, you’re probably right.” And then they both get their special gifts out and propose the plans they’d made.
Who cusses more? Masa Does Not cuss, so by default the answer it Matsu. Matsu swears often, but not excessively, and I think he turns it down a little when he’s around Masa. Masa is not one to complain let alone berate someone for using bad words (except his sister Sachi who does - bonus hc - slip up sometimes in Masa’s presence), but he cringes a little when it catches him by surprise.
What would they do if the other one was hurt? In case of physical hurt Matsu would panic, but eventually find someone to help. Masa, trained for combat, would keep a cool head and perform some excellent first aid. In case of emotional hurt Matsu might want to revenge Masa in some sneaky way that could get him in trouble. Masa would just be there and cuddle and listen.
Who kissed who first? Depends on my mood, I can see them both doing it on a whim and generally I’d like to think that they went for it synchronously haha.
Who made the first move? Hard to say. Masa might’ve accidentally been the one, and Matsu could’ve purposefully done something that could be considered a move only to deny that it was. It takes them ages to (at least verbally) admit to any romantic feelings.
Who started the relationship? That would probably be Masa with a “am I your…ermm…. lover now?” after their first kiss.
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
how's about 4 days worth of logs because I kept getting too sleepy ok go
Today I fucked around made a lot of pasta spent too much time outside with my cat cut some more paw pattern pieces hand sewed the fingers as much as I could started makin the lining but gave up took a shower and did some much needed moisturizing did dishes ate candy and drew caras oc and started Anna’s final render but I need to do some cleanups
I woke up from a dream that my mom got the dog she signed up for but it was like a golden retriever that actually turn into a fat copy of my cat with bad eyes. Had a bagel for breakfast and saw my dad got chive and onion cream cheese :) Igot ready for the dmv and realized I should probably do laundry soon and put away clothes I’ve let pile up. Left for dmv after a while, went around the area a little bit, it started raining, waited inside dmv, a little nervous but not much, talked to same lady as last time (she was very nice and funny :) ) we had to sprint outside to the car because it was POURING OUTSIDE during the first half of the test and suddenly cleared up the second half. Ran over a big puddle. HOORAY I PASSED! Picked up subway, at half at home, went to grandparents house to look at old photos and read my moms old diary from her last family vacation before marrying my dad, stayed for entirely too long, came home, finished subway, laid down, drew and finished the princess lineup, now it’s only 1 am butn sleepy good night. Perhaps I will remember to post the past 2 days in the morning. Yesterday made 2 pastas and resin-Ed old new leaf charm
Writing the days summary through text for the 3rd day in a row because I am sleepy
I woke up pretty damn early, before 9am. Went outside with my cat, played webkinz, snacked. Then mom asked me to pick up her city barbecue which was my first time driving truly all by myself. I trusted myself to know how to get there but I was one street over and then going from the wrong direction and had to turn around, it was a mess. But I got the food just fine and got home safely and without problem. I wanted to drive a little more, so I went to the park, walked a lap around the perimeter, and came back home, sitting in the driveway for a little bit. I hung out for a bit, played stardew valley, quit because I accidentally died in the volcano, fucked around, idk. My friends ex tried snapping me but I didn’t answer and instead texted shit about him with the groupchat. Then we started talking about lgbt labels which tbh made me a little mad and overwhelmed and frustrated, and people were talking faster than I could type, and we talked about asexuality and lack thereof and everyone got uncomfy and fuckin. AAAAAAAH. I got mad and got a headache from hitting myself stimming and decided to try calming down by washing my hair in the dark. I like showing in total darkness occasionally. There’s nothing I need to see anyway lmao. I found myself not even noticing it was dark if that makes sense. Then my dad scared me by opening the door which I didn’t realize I hadn’t locked and telling me dinner was ready. I ate and we talked a little bit about job applications until I went back to bed and got in a weird board mood, and a mint chocolate chip Klondike bar, and now I’m going to sleep I guess. Lily is better at eating and existing on the floor like an animal after I put her food on the floor
today was very rainy and nice. I went with my sister to drive around and pick up food for mom. we dropped it off at home and went to go get our own food. Emily got a gyro and I got 5 guys. the gyro place had a little store attached off to the side with very cramped isles and kinder eggs, which was interesting because I thought they were still banned in America. 5 guys was very overwhelming because of how busy it was. after getting our food we drove to the top of the parking garage and ate there, looking over the main roads and stores and everything, watching the rain. we ate and watched tiktoks and hung out until we decided to go to mcdonlds for water. 2 large waters was only 54 cents so I paid in coins lmao. we sat in the target parking lot for a moment before shopping around. Emily got some shorts and a face wash, and I got a succulent in a bunny shaped pot. I'm 80% sure there's not any dirt in there, and the succulent is glued in, so I got it mostly for the pot. it looks like the bunny is holding the plant, so I think I'll use it for holding pens when the plant dies. right now it’s sitting on my window, looking very cute. after driving home I sat in the car for a bit watching tiktoks until my sister called me and my phone died. apparently my cat was looking for me and even jumped up onto my sister’s bed. so I spent some time in bed just hanging out with her, playing Webkinz and hopping onto animal jam for th first time in months. theyve added some stuff which is cool I guess. I'm not gonna try to log in every day like I did when I was hyper fixated on animal jam, feral, waking, and Webkinz Next all at the same time. that was A Time. maybe I'll jump onto feral tomorrow to see what’s up there. it’s a very pretty game, and the few mini games they have are fun. I just wish there were easier ways to get new avatars, or at least have more than one design for one species. bleh. anyways my friend sent a tiktok she made about our friend group so I spent the next several hours drawing it but as our royal bloodshed au sonas. saving all the frames to my camera roll filled up my phone and I had to delete Tumblr. its fine because I haven been able to use it on mobile for over a year now I think. my phone is so stupidly fulll because I don't delete messages or pictures x-x I just need to upload them all to a drive and delete them all or something. im proud of the animatic but I've only gotten one response in the grouch so far, probably because everyone’s asleep lmao. now it’s midnight and I'm just gonna take a Tylenol and hang out until I fall asleep.
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boosonseok · 7 years
20 questions tag!
tagged by @cheonsavage​ and @gonefortuan​ !! i’m not gonna tag anyone (◍•ᴗ•◍)
nicknames: jeenie, jeenie the weenie, some ppl call me jen on here and i’m like wOAH bc that never happens in real life zodiac sign: aquarius height: 5′6 orientation: heterosexual nationality: chinese favorite fruit: I LOVE APPLES favorite season: winter  favorite book(s): shhh i made it plural but...before i fall, the samurai’s garden, and i rlly loved reading the great gatsby favorite flower: i think water lilies are really pretty favorite scent: my aunt’s apartment in china smelled rlly nice, like a mixture of aircon and nature republic’s aloe vera gel favorite animal: cat  favorite colors: blue, yellow, coral, millennial pink, pastel versions of many colors coffee, tea, or hot coco: coffee and tea are both fine they just cannot be bitter bc i am WEAK. like i’ll add like 10 pumps of coffee creamer to coffee (yes wow TEN PUMPS IT’S RIDICULOUS) but i’ve had like 5 cups of coffee my entire life. the tea at chinese restaurants is ok, milk tea is great, sweetened stuff like bing hong cha is great too, TEA ☕ IS GREAT TOO  average hours of sleep: during school around 5-6 hours….rn during the summer it’s still around 6 bc i stay up til 2 am sometimes and my mom wakes me up at 8  cat or dog: cat favorite fictional character: takahashi nanami from bokura ga ita just bc i love that manga to death but i don’t really have a fave fictional character number of blankets: one rn bc i hate feeling hot, but usually two dream trip: A SENIOR TRIP W FRIENDS TO JAPAN, KOREA, AND MAYBE CHINA BETTER BE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW NEXT YEAR blog created: recreated some time in early january bc i’m an idiot and accidentally deleted, or else it would’ve been like september 2015 favorite song(s) at the moment: nu’est’s overcome and i’m bad, marmello’s puppet (it’s a FUCKING B O P), mandy harvey’s try, produce 101′s it’s me and always number of followers: i don’t find the need to reveal follower count unless i’m provoked *cough* in real life but according to that levels of tumblr post i’m now the unholy offspring of lightning and death !!  favorite bands: drug restaurant, nell, one ok rock, spyair if we’re talking about idols then seventeen, nu’est, highlight, aoa, wjsn, the list goes on and on  favorite solo artists: jung joon young, can’t think of anyone else rn oops but i like ieiri leo’s sabrina and sejeong’s flower way uM ADD TO THIS LIST KIM JAEHWAN IN THE FUTURE song stuck in my head: that bgm they play sometimes when seonho does stuff....piya...piya....byeongari  last movie i watched: your name last TV show i watched: produce 101 season 2 was a shitfest that i sadly enjoyed for the most part and got way too emotional over what stuff do i post: mostly seventeen, sometimes produce 101/wanna posts that i find i still want to reblog to a seventeen blog LOL, will sometimes reblog wjsn/monsta x/random groups and ofc text posts  when did your blog reach its peak: that BABY U R MY ANGELLLL post that somehow blew up bc it transcended the seventeen fandom and it has like 11k notes literally wha t the fuck but ppl started tagging their friends in it and i was like aWWWW  do you have any other blogs: i made @jooshua to post gifs but honestly i’ve lost interest oops...maybe i’ll be active again when i mentally don’t feel like crap (ha) and i have a wanna one blog @seonnho which i’m really active on, maybe even more than this blog do you get asks regularly: not really, occasionally smth pops up like someone gushing about seungkwan snfkdjknds let me talk to y’all!! why did you choose your url: i got bored of @blondkwan and i love the holy trinity boosoonseok and somehow was lucky enough to get this url idk why no one took it? i changed it almost 2 years into their debut and it’s almost canon ?? anyways LUCK. following: 242 some ppl r inactive but i’ve been following them since i got into svt and it breaks my heart to unfollow. also have not followed new ppl in a while :/ i will do that someday!  posts: 14,530 A SHITTON hogwarts house: hufflepuff pokemon team: i would choose instinct if i played pokemon go idk why but weren’t ppl shitting on that team LOL i feel attached for some reason lucky numbers: 2, 7 what are you wearing right now: white t-shirt and some ratty ass sweatpants i cut kinda short dream job: honestly i don’t want to do shit but still live in opulence hAAA idk what i want to do but in preschool i wanted to be an artist!! and in 6th grade i wanted to be a kpop idol!! why can’t dreams come true without me doing shit
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thiswitching-blog · 7 years
All the texts for all our children! Pick the ones you want.
are you ready for a monster of a post. i managed to include everyone
HESTIA → MARY. Send “✆” for a MORNING text.
[ text: mary💯💯 | sent: 8:30 am ] sunshine!! i got up early today and bought us some coffee, and they had cupcakes! so we have those too. i’m outside whenever you’re ready to go[ text: mary💯💯 | sent: 8:30 am ] no one ever needs to know we’re eating cupcakes for breakfast
BENNETT → LILY. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
[ text: flowers | deleted: 2:13 am ] they wouldn’t - i didn’t go to your funeral, i mean i was there, but later[ text: flowers | deleted: 2:13 am ]when everyone else left i recorded the voicemail you sent a while back, it was about some fucking tutoring session time. i don’t know what sev or amelia will say to me keeping it. it’s not long. there’s no harm in it. you were laughing and i
HESTIA → EMMELINE. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
[ text: emmy v.🌞 | sent: 6:09 pm ] sometimes frank and marlene eat muffins on the way to work, or i’m pretty sure they do. i tried making some for them just like you d[ text: emmy v.🌞 | sent: 6:09 pm ] whenare u supposed to tell if they’rburning or not??[ text: emmy v.🌞 | sent: 6:15 pm ] i’m going to the store to buy muffins if you wanna come?? 
BENNETT → FELICITY. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[ text: princess leia | sent: 2:23 am ] idon knw why bu[ text: princess leia | sent: 2:23 am ] t you awlays reminded me of liles[ text: princess leia | sent: 2:23 am ] i lovedthem too
BENNETT → FELICITY. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[ text: princess leia | sent: 1:10 am ] there’s no more wolfsbane and no time to meet sev by tomorrow night[ text: princess leia | sent: 1:10 am ] go home early tomorrow please stay home
BENNETT → MARY Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[ text: moods the younger | sent: 4:42 pm ] do you think with your fucking name you’re better than the rest of us??[ text: moods the younger | sent: 4:42 pm ] without it you’d be in the same fucking place the rest of us are
MINERVA → MARY Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[ text: Mary Moody | sent: 10:54 am ] My mother, you were named after my mother.[ text: Mary Moody | sent: 10:54 am ] You smile like she and my brother used to.
HESTIA → FRANK. Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[ text: frank❤️ | sent: 8:45 pm ] but what if [ text: frank❤️ | sent: 8:45 pm ] what if something like that happens again[ text: frank❤️ | sent: 8:45 pm ] and then what if something happens to [ text: frank❤️ | sent: 8:47 pm ] please promise to always come home
HESTIA → MARY.Send “&” for a LOVING text. 
[ text: mary💯💯 | sent: 7:12 pm ] hey dear! we’ve known each other too long for you to hide your bad days from me, so daily reminder of how lucky i am that you’re in my life and i love you[ text: mary💯💯 | sent: 7:12 pm ] call me if you need to okay!! or let me know if you want me to come over[ text: mary💯💯 | sent: 7:12 pm ] i love you 
BILIUS → EMMELINE. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[ text: Emmeline V. | sent: 3:30 pm ] i uh told you about the spell that would be under testing today [ text: Emmeline V. | sent: 3:30 pm ][ image attachment ] [ text: Emmeline V. | sent: 3:31 pm ][ image attachment ] [ text: Emmeline V. | sent: 3:32 pm ]it backfired onto me - should there be any concerned medically about an arm changing color, generally?[ text: Emmeline V. | sent: 3:54 pm ]bad time to ask if you’re going to the ball?
HESTIA → FRANK.  Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[ text: frank❤️ | sent: 9:45 am ] i know it’s kinda earlier than planned, if it’s not too much, could you distract frank at least until 7:30 tonight??[ text: frank❤️ | sent: 9:45 am ] i figured a first anniversary surprise isn’t a surprise if i do it on the day[ text: frank❤️ | sent: 10:30 am ] ooh [ text: frank❤️ | sent: 10:30 am ] you know nothing about this dear!!  
MINERVA → MARY. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
[ text: Mary Moody | sent: 12:15 pm ] I just turned eighteen when I found out I was pregnant and I couldn’t find your father. We would’ve lived in a one bedroom apartment I couldn’t afford. You needed more than I could ever give.[ text: Mary Moody | sent: 12:16 pm ] The healers took you away before I was able to hold you.
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acakaos-archived · 7 years
What is F*rf*r like? Like what did he do against you? If it's not too personal I'm just curious on what all of this is like
(sorry if I messed up your exact words but I accidentally deleted the ask while trying to save as draft for easier editing, so I had to send a new one to myself lol)
 Alright, I’ll answer this one with some of my experiences that I’m willing to put in public. These definitely aren’t all of them and aren’t the worst, but his abuse was very interesting in that it was partially motivated by my involvement with Nyarlathotep and provided a turning point a while back into lovecraftian work being my main focus. Disclaimer that everything I say about Fur/fur and other spirits is only upg, and it is only my upg that the entity I interacted with was indeed the “real” one rather than a fake.
Actual answer under the cut for rape and other abuse mentions.
I actually only began working with him very recently, a little under two years ago. His bullshit began early on, but I persisted until he finally did something that caused me to get out.
You’ll see when you research him that he’s known to be a bit of a liar. There was very little he ever told me that was the truth and nothing that was the entire truth. He’s very manipulative, loves persuasion and emotional manipulation as well as politics. When I was with him, it really did seem like he was a nice guy deep down and it wasn’t until I had some distance that I fully understood how he’d been working me. Misunderstood fallen angel my ass.
So even though he loved to come in with a boom and flash, a very dramatic and theatrical guy, he wasn’t one of those goetics with an obvious bad streak. He was a charmer and worked through that rather than pure intimidation. He was also fond of forcing emotional attachments as a way to make you feel you could never leave him. Many gifts to keep you feeling indebted and like you’re gaining a great deal from the relationship, although for me personally there was very little real substance to his teachings. A lot of seduction will go on if you let him, and most likely it’ll go on even if you don’t. I wasn’t looking to leave him early on so it wasn’t too bad although he was still definitely manipulating me. It was still abuse, just lowkey whenever he didn’t feel threatened.
Unfortunately he did feel threatened quite often. This was mostly from Nyarlathotep, which does make sense. I had worked with Ny for longer, had more attachments to him, and he was significantly better in everything that Fur/fur could do. In my opinion goetics aren’t terribly high in the grand scale of things. Eldritch deities can be and that one was the top of the ladder, so there was no *real* reason to be working with Fur/fur from a business perspective. Fur/fur failed to look at things from anything but a purely power-grabbing perspective, honestly it was as though he didn’t believe other motivations were possible at the heart of things, so he felt very, very threatened by me working with others. He was jealous of earthern deities as well and tried to manipulate me often into cutting ties with them, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as with Ny.
Don’t get me wrong, Nyarlathotep was abusive as fuck. Along with his nature this came from a lot of past dealings before this life that I had no knowledge of at the time, while Fur/fur was just a dick. One of the differences between them which showed a lot of Fur/fur’s character was how often they bluffed. A great deal of Fur/fur’s threats were…. not really threats. He couldn’t actually go through with them or had no intentions of doing so.  I’ve actually noticed this with a lot of goetics. With Ny on the other hand, he’d be manipulative af but also entirely serious about whatever he said - says he’ll block me from astral travel? Goodbye astral. Casually suggests not allowing me to eat? Suddenly there’s a massive sore in my mouth that stops me from eating without extreme pain. If straight up murder of other spirits would propel me into a state that would move along his plans, he’d do it without hesitation. The point of this post is Fur/fur, but dealing with the two of them simultaneously taught me a lot about judging bluffs and laughing in their faces.
So Fur/fur is feeling very threatened by this big bad eldritch god and looking to do anything he can to keep me in. That threatened jealously should not be happening with anyone, but a goetic demon that’s as big and powerful as they brag about certainly shouldn’t stress so much about losing a single follower. Not only that, but a follower who expressed no desire to leave until he began caging me. All of it was highly suspicious.
A lot of things went down, most I won’t discus here. He tried to create an emotional dependence through rape. Didn’t work. So then he attaches a series of energetic spies and tethers along with a love curse. It didn’t work quite as well as intended, but now I had this intense feeling of need without knowing why (I knew he’d done something to me, but wasn’t able to see the energetic specifics until later). I would not be surprised if he did similar things to other people, or if other goetics ever pulled tricks along those lines. It took me a few months of intense energy working with Ny before I could entirely remove all the gunk on my own, but that didn’t happen until after I left Fur/fur.
The final straw happened when he threatened to abuse and murder a young child I was very attached to. Yes, you read that low shit right. And it was a nonphysical spirit, so if it hadn’t been a bluff he would have been entirely capable of things not possible with physical humans. Needless to say this did not go down well with me. If you know anything about me you might expect me to say that I retaliated hard. And I did. I did not take that bullshit kindly, believe me.
There was no telling what Fur/fur would have further done now that I entirely left him, so I immediately came crawling to Ny after that and worked out a deal for protection against him. Got myself a shoggoth that was very specifically trained to harass ones like Fur/fur, but that itself is another story. This leaving happened only a bit over a year ago and that’s the moment when I really started to put eldritch gods over my kemetic practice and began to make it my center. GG Fur/fur, you really retained a follower there.
I have come across Fur/fur again since then on my own accord, and as you could see earlier I left him once again for attempted manipulation. He gave me no reasons to think he would not repeat our old patterns and I wasn’t interested in giving him a second chance. Our situation is a little like a restraining order except instead of worrying about me calling the cops he has a shoggoth hunting him down if he gets within a certain distance, and that’s not including what my own protections would do if he got even closer.
So, in my experience Fur/fur gets your guard down because you expect his abuse to come in a big flashy storm, when in reality it’s subtle and based on you liking him. He also does not work well with any others around you and prefers that you be caged to him to prevent any leaving or distance. And he’s very likable even when you know exactly what tricks he is pulling. I’m sure others have had different or better experiences and perhaps he has used entirely different methods on others, but this is the general overview of his bullshit that I can personally warn you about.
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