#ace fitness course
fitnessmattes · 3 months
Unlock Your Potential: Join Fitness Matters for the ACE Nutrition Course.
Are you passionate about fitness and eager to make it your profession? Do you dream of guiding others towards healthier lifestyles through proper nutrition? If so, look no further than Fitness Matters' ACE Nutrition Course. This comprehensive program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and credentials needed to thrive in the ever-evolving field of nutrition.
Embark on Your Journey
At Fitness Matters, we understand that the path to becoming a certified nutrition expert can be both exhilarating and challenging. That's why we've crafted a course that caters to both online and offline learners, ensuring accessibility and flexibility for all.
Whether you prefer the convenience of studying from the comfort of your own home or thrive in a traditional classroom setting, our ACE Nutrition Course has you covered. With expert instructors guiding you every step of the way, you'll delve deep into the science of nutrition, learning practical applications for optimizing health and fitness.
Unparalleled Expertise
What sets Fitness Matters apart is our commitment to excellence. Our team of instructors comprises seasoned professionals with years of experience in the field of nutrition and fitness. Their expertise, coupled with our comprehensive curriculum, ensures that you receive top-notch education and training.
From understanding macronutrients and micronutrients to mastering the art of meal planning and dietary assessment, our ACE Nutrition Course covers it all. You'll learn how to tailor nutrition plans to individual needs, navigate dietary restrictions, and address common challenges faced by clients.
Empowering the Future of Nutrition
By enrolling in the ACE Nutrition Course, you're not just investing in your own future – you're also contributing to a healthier, happier world. Armed with your ACE certification, you'll have the power to positively impact the lives of others, guiding them towards sustainable lifestyle changes and improved well-being.
Whether you aspire to work in a clinical setting, become a personal trainer, or launch your own nutrition consulting business, Fitness Matters provides the resources and support you need to succeed. Our alumni go on to pursue diverse career paths, from corporate wellness programs to sports nutrition and beyond.
Join Us Today
If you're ready to take the next step towards a fulfilling career in nutrition, look no further than Fitness Matters' ACE Nutrition Course. With our flexible learning options, expert instructors, and comprehensive curriculum, the possibilities are endless.
Unlock your potential and become a certified nutrition expert with Fitness Matters. Enroll in our ACE Nutrition Course today and embark on a journey of knowledge, growth, and transformation. Your future starts here. you can visit our  website https://www.fitnessmatters.org or contact us at +91-9888028021.
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fitnessmatters1 · 9 months
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mythtiide · 1 month
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its maid day so heres a little falkler! 🍨 + speedpaint !
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daily-trucy · 9 months
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tonight's show: new dress for a new trailer
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moonpaw · 1 year
ohhh, I overlooked this last week, but I was under the impression that vegapunk was getting copies of living user fruits from current impel down inmates
Up until we see that S-hawk's is from number 1 who was an inmate for only a few months 2 years ago
really uh, makes you question what other kind of dna they have for use
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smoozie · 2 months
Pssssst ask me abt my life series ace attorney au
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jamiethebeeart · 7 months
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(Ref/insp: 8eyestheband on youtube/tiktok - the conversation mashups and the song association game) supplemental info/explanation in the tags
#spinnerdabi#mha spinner#dabi#dabi todoroki#shuichi iguchi#bnha spinner#bnha#mha#people in the comments of their videos keep talking about how they look at each other/ship them and I of course went “how can make this lov#which spiraled to “who do i think would/could sing with spinner on camera” and went not shigaraki (rip) and landed on dabi#i cannot defend this because its purely based on gut feelings#(im not a spinnerdabi shipper but this just fits for me... i may or may not draw more for this au)#so! conversation mashups: take two songs and “what if they were a conversation” so its a back and forth mashup#im obsessed with the i will wait/dial drunk and this town/stick season ones.#the song association game: person gives a one word prompt and they have to think of a song with that in the title and sing it#first to think/sing a song with that word gets the point#anyways i feel bad for them :/ so many ppl in the comments are talking about them romantically and im like Stop It!!!! those r real ppl!!!!#but the premise of band members falling in love with one another and balancing that with their public image? obviously v v v good au fuel#i even made band au stuff back when it was popular on mha cosplay tiktok (with aizawa) and now im revisiting it :)))#in this au im imagining shigaraki as aro/ace (just because) and handling the behind the scenes stuff. lighting. camera. social media. ect.#these tags are a mess lmao#do you guys see my vision? do you get it?#im planning on a toga duet one rn#(now i hear ya: why not compress? well :) i feel like he'd be a prev boy band member turned solo artist. v flashy v performative)#toga would def be an online singer (lots of covers. lot of gay/bi covers of straight songs. some original stuff. maybe some makeup videos?)#oh! she'd pull uraraka and deku in for a make over. thatd be v cute. she'd have 2 persuade both of them and uraraka would be quicker to agre#idk where twice would fit in. magne would be a makeup artist (for her? or other ppl? idk but she'd rock a social media platform)#mustard? i feel like he'd be a minecraft streamer or smth#kurogiri would somehow be teamed up with compress from time to time.#not to get too korean drama-y but afo feels like a management company person? he's got a spotty track record w recruits tho so hes a lil sus
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vergilbergart · 2 years
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- Maybe it’s like you said. Maybe there is something out there that explains why, no matter what, I still want to be here with you. I will always ... always ... want to be here with you.
- So what? You’re just gonna ignore everything else? You could be anything, anywhere. Why not go somewhere where your ... where your grandson is more than just ... this?
Everything Everywhere All At Once x One Piece AU
more thoughts under the cut < 3 (includes more explicit spoilers about the movie btw)
I have so many feelings about Garp and Ace’s relationship .... it made me think of parallels between them + Evelyn and Joy in EEAAO
The AU doesn’t follow the movie exactly but Ace become Jobu Topaki-esque because in his universe (the Alphaverse), Luffy actually dies at Marineford instead and that’s what splits his mind across the multiverse. Ace blames both himself and Garp for Luffy’s death, and upon learning about the existence of other universes + giving into his subsequently amplified self-hate, trauma, and nihilism, he starts reaching out to other multiverses to keep himself and Garp away from Luffy out of a deeply misguided desire to protect him.
But much like EEAAO, the reality is that Ace is searching for a Garp in the multiverse that understands his feelings self-hatred and pain and anguish and loss. Removing himself and Garp from Luffy’s life is ultimately secondary to this.
Luffy actually kind of turns out to be the Waymond of this. He is the one, out of his bright optimism and ways he finds happiness in the small things, who shows Garp (and eventually Ace), that there is a life worth living out in the world and there's hope and love out there for them too.
Sabo's also here but he fits multiple roles. Him in the Alphaverse is close to Alphaverse Gong Gong (seeing it necessary to remove/kill Ace for the sake of the multiverse's stability, and so the Everything Bagel doesn't consume everything), but him within the Protagonistverse fills in the role of Waymond as well. Not as much as Luffy, but he does want to save Ace in the Protagonistverse rather than kill him.
The Protagonistverse version (so the version we follow) of Garp, I like to imagine, quit the Marines to raise Ace and Luffy on Dawn, and ofc Sabo showed up along the way. But the sort of Gong Gong-esque force that drives him is the sort of concept of him questioning if it was the right decision to leave the Marines behind and if the Marines ever was actually a good choice in the first place considering how they acted when he decide to retire (also the whole thing of him taking in Ace + having to hide it from them), and him still sort of enforcing his idea of Luffy + Ace (and maybe Sabo idk) becoming Marines, even though he himself isn't one. Because he has an actual presence in Luffy and Ace's lives rather than just Makino or Dadan or even Shanks, they don't actually ever like, leave to become pirates, but they're not Marines either - they're sort of just civilians, which lends itself to a lot of the mundanity + boredom that Ace and Luffy and Sabo experience. But this also makes Ace stew in his feelings of being undeserving of love and his feelings of being a disappointment more since he doesn't meet Whitebeard. Garp, as much as he loves his grandbabies, is an imperfect guardian - his expectations for the boys (either become a Marine or lead a civilian life) do not help Ace at all and it creates conflict between them since they don’t see eye to eye on anything ):
I’m still trying to figure out Protagonistverse Garp’s entire deal so if this point conflicts with the previous one then Oops but like ... he’s dealing with the boys growing up (they’d be the ages they’d be pre-timeskip, so Sabo and Ace are 20 and Luffy’s 17), their desire for independence while simultaneously wanting to stay close with him bc that’s their grandpa yknow?? He’s also still hiding Ace from the Marines (you could even say he’s hiding Luffy from them bc of Dragon, and he’s hiding Sabo from his parents in Goa too) so the idea of them going off on their own could be so terrifying to him. There’s also the matter of him feeling disappointed in himself for not being as good a grandfather as he could’ve been - wondering if he’d raised the boys well - and even like ... the Marine side of things potentially being disappointed or angry at him for trying to raise these boys only for them to become pirates. And kind of like how Evelyn questions her decision to leave her family to be with Waymond, Garp questions his decision to leave the Marines to raise Luffy and Ace and Sabo ..... THERES LAYERS, OKAY.
I’m not sure who the Deirdre of this would be either. I am imagining Sengoku though but the lead up to him showing up in Garp’s life again considering my ideas is up in the air right now. Part of me thinks he’s showing up at Dawn as a half-favor and half-last ditch attempt to get the ASL bros to join the Marines. Like, Sengoku is just generally grumpier than Garp and the idea of the two of them ending up together in other universes is so intriguing to me ... also the exchange in the movie of like “it’s unlovable bitches like us who make the world go ‘round” and then the “you’re not unlovable! there’s always something to love!” ..... but with Garp and Sengoku ..... yeahhhhh. Maybe in this case it’s not a divorce tht leads Sengoku to believe that, but instead its a wedge was driven between him and Rosinante bc he’s putting his Marine duties before his family like Garp had been doing........ hmmmmmm!!!!
I have more thoughts about this AU but this is all I’m gonna write under this lol. I might actually write a fic of this heehee we’ll see! ur free to like, send asks about stuff btw im down to answer any. 🤷
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
Sorry about your day :(
Unpopular character opinion: Erik was actually kind of a douche. He was just a good brother to Wille
(I think that's a fairly shared opinion here on tumblr but I don't think it's shared on tiktok and such)
thank you beloved ;;; it wasn’t Terrible but im still angry at how things got handled and it's. sigh. but at least i was with people i know and could talk to, so im trying to focus on that brightside. plus it’s over now, so that’s also good!
anyways, i absolutely agree with this. im so glad to be seeing it talked about more on tumblr bc honestly it's smth that I've been trying to understand. [i will avoid yr tiktok for as long as i shall live. i only visit sometimes for zee’s edits]  
Erik was kinda a douche!!! one of his few scenes includes him laughing at a terrible joke that August makes!!! and I've always hated that!!!!
honestly, I think the fandom idolizes him, in a way. part of that is certainly because we don't have much to go off of, and part of it is because what we DO have is biased via Wilhelm (who clearly looks up to and does also idolize Erik), and I feel like part of it is just because we all WANT someone to put Wilhelm first and to actually take care of him.
and im absolutely included in this!!!
but really, what we DO see in canon is very much NOT what we see in fandom. laughing at August’s joke is just the tip of the iceberg, really, because we also see him being relatively strict with Wilhelm (telling him to let August take the bag, telling him to go back out during parents day to keep up appearances). and one thing that is also very interesting is that he ignores Wilhelm at one point (specifically, when he’s leaving Hillerska and Wilhelm tells him to say hi to their parents, Erik doesn’t acknowledge it)
but as far as the second half, i do think he tends to be a pretty good brother as well! he teases Wilhelm, he rough-houses with him, he pulls him into stunts that could get them both in trouble, and he generally seems to be able to read him pretty well (something he probably wouldn’t be able to do if he didn’t spend much time with him-- the only other person who i think is comparable in really being able to read Wilhelm is Simon)  
all in all, this is very much just me rambling, but yeah. i agree. he does seem to be a douche, but we tend to focus a lot on the aspects that we see in him being a good brother. ignoring his bad qualities is easier because we see him so little, but they are still present whether we like it or not.
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regallibellbright · 9 months
Okay but after MONTHS of seeing the Futari Wa OP sequence shoutout in HiroSky's OP, seeing them ACTUALLY bring it out and use it in the show itself during a dramatic moment? Fantastic. I love it. Honestly kind of beat out the Majesty reveal, and while that's partly because I'm watching the episode late it's at least as much because we all knew it was coming and were just asking "Ace or Felice".
Also the photo studio dressup sequence using the Actual Real World Costumes for the season is adorable. As is their reactions.
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fitnessmattes · 10 months
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glimmerspirals · 2 years
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glimmerspirals?? in love with YET ANOTHER old evil dead man?????? NAHHH couldn’t be that’s IMPOSSIBLE
also what if funny attorneys but funny dragons? that would be wacky i think
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kakusu-shipping · 7 months
btw I'm watching Lucahjin's Virtue's Last Reward let's play and I so very badly want to go absolutist batshit for K on this blog but I am terrified of spoilers for this one game so I cannot go into his or anyone else's tag but please know I am sitting here vibrating with thoughts on him
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catgirlkirigiri · 6 months
omgg you modded your 3ds :0 what games did you get
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Welcome to my very epic modded 3DS :D I’m gonna download pokémon x, rhythm heaven, and sonic generations tomorrow but it is currently late (I need to set the clock for daylight savings lol it’s an hour ahead rn, it’s 2am) and I thus want to go to bed <3
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legendoftherisingtide · 7 months
don’t tell me i have to relabel myself i already did that. I don’t want to change platforms, i just renewed my subscription. please leave me alone.
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crplpunkklavier · 2 years
alright so ive been rewatching the pbnt playthrough and was reminded of how much acro's design makes me laugh every time i see it. i would be angrier with this if it happened more often, because proper wheelchair representation is important to me, but i've never seen anyone else get wheelchairs wrong in this particular way, so it's just kind of funny to me.
so, to refresh everyone's memory, this is acro:
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ID: a talksprite of acro from ace attorney. he is a muscular man sitting in a light blue wheelchair, with the handles of the wheelchair at the same height as his ears. end ID
acro suffered nerve damage in his legs after a gruesome lion incident, right? he goes to rehab, and it's insinuated that he won't be in the wheelchair forever, but will regain use of his legs at some point. that does man that he probably would be using the sort of standard-issue hospital wheelchair, and not an active wheelchair, like this one:
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ID: a photo of a red and white activity wheelchair. end ID
these wheelchairs have a low backrest and no handles or armrests, as they're made solely for the user to have as much freedom of movement as possible. they're used more often by long-term wheelchair users, and/or athletes.
now, again.... this is acro.....
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ID: a full-body image of acro, sitting again in his wheelchair. end ID
do you see what i'm getting at.
as i already mentioned in that first image ID, the handles are up at his ears. which..... so..... w...... why. wheelchairs don't do that. imagine someone sitting down in a wheelchair, and imagine the backrest being so high that it covers nearly all of their back. now imagine having to grab those handles to push them?? how would you get any leverage or momentum going?? hello???
here's acro from the back, as seen in those courtroom shots:
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ID: a pixelated shot of acro from behind. his head is just poking over the backrest of the wheelchair. end ID
and here's a stockphoto of a wheelchair user from behind:
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ID: as mentioned, a person in a wheelchair, image taken from behind. the backrest comes up to about underneath their shoulder blades, and the handles are around the height of their armpits. end ID
in conclusion.....
in conclusion??? MY conclusion, my personal conclusion???
acro is really little.
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