#ace spooner
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Ava Sharpe: I'm in love. :) Isn't it great? :)
Esperanza Spooner Cruz: Exactly what an alien would say.
@aggressivelyarospec 2022
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gabeylicon · 1 year
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i love my ace cowboy girl so much !!
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esperanza "spooner" cruz from dc is asexual (canon)
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submitted by @zep-again
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lingeringscars · 11 months
I love u ace characters. I love u ace headcanons. I love u aspec people.
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thealieninhiding · 2 years
Me reminding myself I’m not broken
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You know I was thinking, it's actually kind of a shame that sabo instinctively remembered enough to not want to go home- since if they had sent him back he probably would have run into Luffy and sabo again and remembered him, and that in its own right is pretty tragic, to know enough about oneself to inherently know he does not want to be a noble, but that knowledge of himself is what sets him down the path of not remembering about ace and Luffy until after ace's death, thereby his own preservation dooming him in the long run
But then I remembered the way that goa is separated, and if he had not known enough to hate the idea of being a noble, he would have been sent back to his family- who would never have told him about Luffy and ace, who would have loved the idea of their new, more malleable and obedient sabo, disoriented from his memory loss and thereby completely vulnerable to their bullshit. And because he would live in the central ring and never leave it, he would still never run into Luffy or ace again, and they- believing sabo to have died at sea- would not know to look for him
Anyway I think I have accidentally stumbled upon a much much worse timeline where sabo becomes a noble and still doesn't remember his brother's until ace's death is reported on, and only then does he know enough to know how much he and his brothers would hate the man he has become
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lovevalley45 · 10 months
spooner pointing at eobard thawne like "hey z u wanna fuck that guy" is literally the funniest way they could have alluded to him being there
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As ace week is ending I want to thank again our dear Esperanza 'Spooner' Cruz for coming out as asexual and making my ace ass cry
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squirrelno2 · 1 year
Sometimes I see ppl I recognise from the jatp fandom and think "oh I could follow them they probably still do jatp stuff at least in reblogs" and then I realise that everyone else has gone to the same handful of fun queer teen romcoms or whatever and I'm over here deep in my angsty clone shit
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Canon (Aro)Aces 163/?: Esperanza ‘Spooner’ Cruz (Lisseth Chavez) in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 6x3 The Ex-Factor (2021) 3/ 14    
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of the two shows I’ve seen that include canonically asexual characters
(Todd Chavez, Spooner)
It’s 1, not nearly enough rep. which makes me, first a little upset
but second, very excited about the future of Asexual rep, especially primarily within heartstopper
Sprolden and Isaac mostly.
but its something we need more of, because these characters are incredible. 
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why does it seem like whenever i talk about how my fellow aromantics need more explicit rep and how nobody should be assuming our sexualities based purely on our lack of romance that someone comes out of the woodwork to ask me why i personally hate asexuals
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redgoldsparks · 1 month
Hi, I just read your book gender queer and wanted to tell you that i have never felt more seen by a book in my life (or any media for that matter). Im also genderqueer and somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum and your book put into words alot of things I’ve never known how to express. Thank you for putting yourself out there!
(also do you have any other comic book recommendations?)
Hello anon! Thank you for this kind message! I very much do have comic book recs. In no particular order, here are some favorites. Not all of these are books are queer, but many are. If you want queer specific recs, here are some other asks I've previously answered- books about nonbinary identities, nonbinary mostly fiction
Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley 
March Trilogy by Senator John Lewis, Nate Powell and Andrew Aydin
The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui
Fetch: How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home by Nicole Georges 
You & a Bike & a Road by Eleanor Davis 
Tetris: The Games People Play by Box Brown
The Called Us Enemy by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott and Harmony Becker
Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls 
Hey Kiddo by Jarrett Krosoczka 
Almost American Girl by Robin Ha 
Dragon Hoops by Gene Luen Yang 
Dancing at the Pity Party: A Dead Mom Graphic Memoir by Tyler Feder 
Banned Book Club by Kim Hyun Sook, Ryan Estrada and Ko Hyung-Ju 
Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton 
Homebody by Theo Parrish 
The High Desert by James Spooner 
Prince of Cats by Ronald Wimberly 
This One Summer by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki
Skim by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki
Seconds by Bryan Lee O’Malley 
Nimona by ND Stevenson 
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang 
The Hard Tomorrow by Eleanor Davis
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews
Grease Bats by Archie Bongiovanni
The Chromatic Fantasy by H.A. 
Salt Magic by Hope Larson and Rebecca Mock
Beetle and the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
Kiss Number 8 by Colleen F Venable and Ellen Crenshaw 
Finder Library Vols 1 & 2 by Carla Speed McNeil
Castle Waiting: The Lucky Road by Linda Medley
The Deep and Dark Blue by Niki Smith
Across a Field of Starlight by Blue Delliquanti 
O Human Star by Blue Delliquanti 
Snapdragon by Kay Leyh
Cyclopedia Exotica by Aminder Dhaliwal 
Woman World by Aminder Dhaliwal
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen 
A Frog in Fall by Lisa Sterte 
Thieves by Lucie Bryon 
The Great Beyond by Lea Murawiec
Short Stories
The Amazing Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects by Mike Mignola 
Other Ever Afters: New Queer Fairy Tales by Melanie Gillman
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talas-first-lady · 6 days
Happy Pride Month!
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aceatoerbny · 2 months
*can be a pun but not necessarily, just has significance to the character and doesn’t fall in the other categories
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txttletale · 1 year
Do you have any videogames with strong narrative and story elements you'd be willing to recommend?
sure. i mostly care about games on the basis of their narrative and story, as far as i'm concerned the best gameplay is whatever complements that. here's my top ten:
pyre, by supergiant games
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pyre's story is incredible. it's about people who've been exiled from society, and the things they build in exile, and whether society was really worth all that much in the end. it makes you make really genuinely difficult choices--i once deliberately threw a fight in this game because one of my party members asked me to--and it embraces failure as a mechanism by which the story can be advanced instead of ground to a halt.
disco elysium, by ZA/UM studios
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if you've followed me for any period of time you've probably seen me talking about disco elysium. it's a masterful work of magical realism, it's melancholy and bleak and hopeful. it's about communism and cryptids. it's about all these things but it's nominally about being an amnesiac detective investigating a murder in a bleak post-soviet city that's been ransacked and occupied by international capital. and it's also very funny
heaven will be mine, by Worst Girls Games
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heaven will be mine is about gay sex. it’s about other things but mostly it’s about gay sex. it’s about transgender lesbian mecha pilots fighting and fucking each other in their big robots which are metaphors for body dysmorphia and self-image and violence and hopes about the future. it genuinely reckons with the sci-fi genre and what it represents. every ending is a good ending because the characters will not let even the worst disaster be a bad ending.
hypnospace outlaw, by Tendershoot
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hypnospace outlaw makes you a forum mod on a simulated early-2000s internet platform that you can only access in your dreams. it’s less about a linear narrative and more about getting to learn about characters through the strange and oddly intimiate things they post on their webzones. if you’ve met people you care about through the internet it will resonate with you.
paradise killer, by Kaizen Game Works
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paradise killer is a murder mystery with no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer. don’t get me wrong, there’s an answer to the mystery--it’s possible to conclusively identify the murderer. but you can also walk into the trial the moment the game starts, accuse the obvious stitch-up suspect, present the circumstancial evidence you’ve been handed by shifty players, and get him sentenced. the game won’t stop you. imagine if instead of funelling you towards getting the ‘right’ answers in order to progress, ace attorney all hinged on what evidence you chose to present and how. the game won’t stop you from being wrong! figure out the truth yourself, or don’t bother--you’re an immortal blood cultist cop, you won’t be the one suffering the consequernces of your mistakes.
the beginner’s guide, by Davey Wreden
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the beginner’s guide presses you up right against the wall by your lapels and demands: why are you playing this? how do you interact with art? what can you say about an artist from their work? is it right or fair to say anything at all? is the way you engage with the things you love healthy? it’s best enjoyed blind so i won’t say anything other than that--but it made me cry.
if not us, by ubq4
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a tragedy that will pulverize you. interactive fiction about the aftermath of five doomed heroes failing to save the world. does really interesting things with IF gameplay to convey different emotions and perspectives. made me cry more or less the entire time i played it. beautiful prose delivered perfectly.
dujanah, by Jack King-Spooner
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a surreal claymation genre-mashup story about grief and death. dujanah is looking for her dead husband and child in a world that’s sometimes whimsical and sometimes nightmarish. the shifting dreamlike atmosphere makes this game’s political points more pointedly and acutely than any amount of gritty realism could. there’s nothing else like it
cultist simulator, by Weather Factory
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this isn’t a narrative linear game--it’s a roguelike card type thing, but it creates such a rich and textured world with an economy of writing that is absolutely fucking mindblowing. a few sentences at most are dedicated to any given topic, and put together they weave an incredible tapestry of the first interesting ‘cosmic horror’ setting to be invented for what feels like decades. (nb: the main writer of this game, alexis kennedy, stands accused of some pretty slimy shitty stuff--so be aware of that and look into it before playing it, probably)
suzerain, by Torpor Games
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suzerain is a visual novel cleverly disguised as a strategy game. it’s not about moving armies around a board or building units or planning out cities--it’s about playing the character of anton rayne, newly elected president in a pseudo-Eastern European country caught between superpowers. the only good game about politics, you’re really forced to juggle multiple different allies and enemies at once, decide which political hills to die on, or risk being assassinated, couped, or invaded. if you like political intrigue and drama, this is where it’s at.
honorable mentions: Transistor (Supergiant Games) and Shadowrun Hong Kong (Harebrained Schemes)
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transistor is a game with fascinating themes and a flawless sense of tone. its world feels so vivid and unqiue, and the ideas it plays with are fascinating--but ultimately i feel like it’s more style than substance. that fucking style though, unimpeachable. shadowrun hong kong on the other hand has a fairly weak narrative but some incredibly well-drawn and interesting characters and the rare totally (for me at least, ymmv) succesful integration of a pre-established backstory with freeform character creation.
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