#act 3 and epilogue spoilers
namig42 · 9 months
Dahlia's Folly
So I finished my first tactician run yesterday where I had been romancing Gale throughout the playthrough, and everything seemed like it was going well until the very last moment when he decided to go for the Crown instead. My heart broke into pieces as he seemed to go back on what we had talked about before. I don't know exactly where I went wrong, but rather than redoing the entire final battle just to find out and possibly still get the same ending, I instead wrote a whole story in order to help myself and my character Dahlia cope. Please enjoy.
Read it on Ao3 too
Summary: Dahlia, a human monk who was a sheltered bookworm with a dangerous curiosity streak, met Gale and fell hard for the wizard of Waterdeep after being kidnapped by the nautiloid. Their relationship seemed to be progressing well until the post battle discussion of what comes next, where Gale decided the Crown was what he wanted more than anything. Dahlia was left heartbroken, taking the six months in between saving the city and reuniting with her old companions to grieve and move on in her own way.
As Dahlia walked in the moonlight towards the familiar campsite, she reflected on the long six months since saving Baldur's Gate.
Standing on those docks after falling from the sky, Dahlia had felt invincible. The city was saved, her friends were safe, and the man she loved was there by her side, alive and intact despite the orb in his chest. All was right with the world. Everything was in balance again, and she could finally, truly breathe for the first time in months.
That was until she turned to Gale, who seemed to have his mind elsewhere, his gaze fixed on the horizon.
"The Crown - it’s somewhere in the Chionthar. If I salvage the stones, I can reforge it. With the Crown in my hands, I would be unstoppable. The Karsite Weave would be mine to command. I would be more than the greatest wizard who ever lived - I would be a god."
Wait... what? Where had this come from? It was only a few weeks ago in Gale’s boat on a lake of stars that the two had talked about the Crown, how it was better to leave its power alone, that Gale was enough as he was. Dahlia had tried to tell him that she loved him how he was, mortal and magic both, and he seemed to have understood and agreed to not use the Crown’s power to ascend. They had kissed after that, and the whole experience was magical, both literally and figuratively.
"Is that really what you want, Gale?" Dahlia asked timidly, not liking the feeling that began to stir in her stomach.
“Want, need, deserve… Choose whatever word you prefer, but it is what I’m going to do.” The sinking feeling intensified. Dahlia’s stomach was beginning to fall through the ground towards Avernus. “Mystra has dictated the terms of my potential for long enough. The Crown would grant me control of my own destiny at last. Think of all I could achieve, all that I could grant to those whose ambitions are restrained by Mystra’s yoke! I could raise a new Netheril right here in Faerûn.” Dahlia could think about it, and it wasn't a world she wanted.
"Your hubris was your downfall once, Gale. I thought you were wiser than to make the same mistake again." She didn't mean to sound as stern as she did, but fear had taken over her heart. She was scared to lose him to his ambition and pride once more. "Please, stay with me." she pleaded, hoping that their conversation from their date on the sea of stars would resurface and he'd see what a fool he was being.
Instead, he scowled at her. "And I thought you wise enough to recognise that I am not the man I once was.” A stab pierced Dahlia’s heart. The warmth in his eyes began to fade as he continued to speak. “It seems we’ve come to an impasse. I stand on the threshold of divine ascension, and you would try to keep me grounded. It’s not your fault - I can hardly expect you to understand. But nor will I relinquish this chance because you are unwilling to imagine a world where I succeed.” Is a life with me not one where you succeed?
What was happening? Weren't they happy just moments ago? Now was the time to celebrate their newfound freedom and share a meal together back in Waterdeep, happy to be alive and in each other's arms. She had dreamt of a day when the adventures would finally cease so that the two could spend their days together, reading and cooking in each other's company, content in a bliss that would last for as long as possible until Gale was inevitably ready to do something more again, and Dahlia would be there to support him and help keep his ambition from crossing into dangerous territory once more.
That “something more” was supposed to be in a long while though, not now. Not immediately after the threat of becoming a mind flayer was vanquished.
He spoke his final statements as if he was talking to a mere acquaintance instead of a lover. "I will never forget you - that much I promise. And if one day you feel differently, I would be honored to have you as my Chosen." With that, Gale gave her a cold, cordial bow, turned his back on Dahlia, and began walking away.
No... no no no no! She reached out her hand to grab him, but stopped just short of his cape. He seemed dead set on his new quest, and no words from Dahlia could change that, it seemed. She watched him walk away, her other companions’ voices blending into the background with the sound of waves from the sea. Everything seemed to fade away into nothingness as she watched the purple robes move further and further into the distance.
Since that day, Dahlia hadn't heard from anyone in the party. Astarion had disappeared into the city seeking shelter from the sun, not to be seen or heard from by anyone since, Lae'zel was fighting for revolution from Vlaakith in the Astral plane, Karlach and Wyll were fighting their way through Avernus, and Shadowheart began her own journey of self discovery, deciding to go alone, at least for now. Dahlia had wandered south from Baldur's Gate towards Amn, not knowing where else to go.
Going back to her monastery didn't seem right after seeing so much of the world. Before this wild adventure, her only exposure to the world had been through the descriptive words of books. Coming out of the ship crash into the wilds of Faerûn had been terrifying at first, but she had ended up learning and seeing so much of what the world had to offer. Her curiosity had led her into all sorts of sticky situations, and the one person who had sated her curiosity the most through a shared love of literature and learning had been the wizard of Waterdeep. Gale, in all his intelligence and charm, had caught Dahlia's attention immediately upon their first encounter.
The moment Gale had proposed a lesson of magic back during the tiefling party, Dahlia was enamored. Her experiences so far on their adventures had all been informative and exhilarating, yet a quiet, intimate lesson was the most enchanting experience of all. She would've kissed Gale that night in that pocket of magic the two had created if he had been ready, but the tension that came with the waiting for Gale to be ready had been an even better sensation. When the two finally shared a moment under Gale's stars, it was all the more romantic and fulfilling. She had indulged Gale's love of the Weave when making love "as the gods do," as Gale had called it, that night, and it was a once in a lifetime experience.
A few weeks later while in the city, Gale had taken her for that magical boat ride on a sea of stars. When they discussed the Crown, he had talked about all the good he could do with the power of a god. Though his heart had been in the right place, Dahlia knew that too much power in any person's hands, no matter how good the intentions, always ended in some kind of disaster. At the time, she had seemed to get through to him, assuring Gale that he was enough as he was and that she loved him for who he was, not who he could be. Those words had seemed to register to Gale at the time, but his ambition was always his greatest flaw. She never thought that it would come between the two of them, though.
Maybe it had been her fault things turned out this way. She had leaned into Gale’s love of the Weave because she believed it to be an integral part of who Gale was. As true as that may have been, perhaps she didn’t emphasize enough how much she loved him as the mortal he was already. She encouraged his passion, not seeing that her words weren’t enough for Gale at the time. The moment the Crown was free of the Netherbrain, all those thoughts of his to grow stronger must’ve come flooding back, washing away any of the sentiments Dahlia had shown him. She thought her words held more power, but how could they compare to the power of a god? She was naive to believe she meant more to him than that.
After that day on the dock and when the party had gone their separate ways, Dahlia spent that first day alone and numb. She had barely gotten out of the city gates before sitting under a tree and staying there, curled in a ball, until the sun set over the hills. Tears had fallen, but there was an empty feeling that felt carved out of her chest. If only the party hadn't split up so soon, she could’ve really used a shoulder to cry on. When she awoke the next morning under the same tree, she managed to pick herself up and began trekking further south along the coast.
Her aimless wandering lasted for a month or so, living off of what she could find in the woods and taking help from the occasional kind stranger who offered charity to a tall monk. She didn't want to mention anything about being a hero of Baldur's Gate. Surely she could use the title to her advantage out here in the countryside, but it was not a title that she felt she deserved. 
After another month of wandering, Dahlia found herself in a small town, quite literally. Everything was built to be a bit smaller because it was a town made up entirely of gnomes. She had only been passing through the main street when she wandered past a bookstore. It had been ages since she had held a book, and perhaps reading one would give her any sort of feeling besides this pestering numbness, just as it had back when she was small. When she entered the store, she quietly stepped through the dusty shelves that were the same height as her, eyeing the spines of books along the top row until one caught her eye. Ye Follye of Karsus, how delightful. She reached to pull it off the shelf, but paused - what good would thinking about those memories do? Thinking about Gale sharing a fate identical to Karsus wouldn’t give her any peace. Her eyes moved and settled on a cookbook a few volumes down, reminding Dahlia of Gale's fondness for cooking and his wonderful recipes. Though, perhaps if he did achieve godhood, he would never have need to cook his delicious meals again. Another pang went through her heart.
Every book seemed to remind her of him as their late night discussions of literature by the campfire came back into her mind, taunting her. The sinking feeling in her stomach returned along with intruding memories of that day on the docks. Her hands moved to her arms as she began to curl in on herself. Her breath began to get shorter and shorter, the dust from the books becoming more and more suffocating.
Before her thoughts could consume her entirely, a gnome girl with a messy ginger braid and a fair complexion came around the corner. "E-excuse me, are you alright?" Dahlia's head shot up, startling the small woman. The gnome had never seen anyone of Dahlia's size and was simultaneously frightened and fascinated. Dahlia calmed her breathing with an old technique she remembered from her training days at the monastery. A slow deep breath in and then another out in order to center the body.
"Yes…” another breath, “yes, sorry about that." Dahlia had apologized, dropping her hands to her sides and standing up straight. The girl took a step back from the tall human as if she was intimidated by Dahlia’s presence. Her eyes seemed to widen, and Dahlia felt a need to escape before things could escalate into something worse. "Please don't worry, I was just about to leave."
"A-actually! Could I ask you for a quick favor?" The girl asked meekly, a faint blush on her cheeks. Her voice spoke quickly, as if she didn’t speak now, she’d lose her chance forever. "I need help getting a box off one of the top shelves. Normally my brother is around to do it, but he moved away a few weeks ago. I used to ask him for help with things like this, but now he’s not around and I can't reach the top of the shelves on my own, even with a ladder..." Dahlia agreed to help after taking a moment for another breath. Hopefully a distraction would take her mind off of the thoughts threatening to intrude upon her false sense of peace.
The shelf, which must've seemed like a mountain to the small lady, was only an inch taller than Dahlia. With great ease, she lifted the crate from the shelf and placed it gently on the floor. "Ah, thank you so much!" The woman said. The blush on her fair, freckled skin grew stronger as her eyes focused on the crate. Dahlia nodded politely and was about to exit the store until the girl piped up again. Her face was almost as red as her hair as she twiddled her fingers. "Could I treat you to a meal? A-as a thank you? Please, it'd be a treat." After a moment of hesitation, Dahlia smiled and agreed to a meal.
The gnome, whose name was Lydia, showed her through a back door hiding behind a shelf that led to a spacious room that must’ve been her home. A dining table and hearth with a cooking pot suspended over the flames took up one wall, and a couch with a small table in front of it covered with books and loose pages took up the other one. There was a set of stairs as well, leading to what must be the bedrooms. Dahlia’s head grazed the ceiling as she entered the main room, and when she went to sit at the dining table, her knees came close to her chest. Lydia kept apologizing for how tiny everything was, but Dahlia reassured her that it was fine with a small smile. It was sweet that she felt the need to make Dahlia feel so welcome. She hadn’t been shown kindness like this in a very long time. 
After a delicious dinner of vegetable stew that Lydia had left cooking for the entire day in that large pot of hers, Dahlia excused herself for the evening to find somewhere to stay, but Lydia insisted that Dahlia take the guest room upstairs. “It’s a bit small, but you’re welcome to it!” Dahlia was grateful for the invitation and humbly accepted, though the bed could barely support her weight. She worried the whole night about the bed frame snapping in two from her size, but managed to rest nonetheless.
After that night, Dahlia tried to leave town a few more times, but Lydia always had a task that she needed Dahlia's help with or a meal to serve her before Dahlia left for good. Dahlia, always happy to help, could never say no to Lydia’s requests. She felt a sympathy for the girl who seemed to burn with a fever anytime she spoke with Dahlia. Dahlia, worried that Lydia may be sick with some affliction, felt that she couldn’t abandon her new friend with such a worrying condition. Anytime Dahlia attempted to ask Lydia about the fever though, Lydia would cover her face, rapidly speak about something else she needed to do in the other room, and bolt off before Dahlia could ask any other questions.
After a few weeks of Dahlia’s residence, the other gnomes in the village would visit the bookstore asking for Dahlia’s help as well. Everyone in town stopped by at least once after hearing about the giant that had taken refuge in Lydia’s house, asking for help with tasks of their own. Eventually, Dahlia found herself taking to being the town handyperson, lifting a cart here, carrying a crate there, all while Lydia did her best to treat her to a tasty meal every night as a thank you for her service.
Before she knew it, it had been nearly six months since the Netherbrain battle, and though her heart still ached, Dahlia found herself smiling again. Lydia had been a sweetheart whose smile and timidness made Dahlia feel warm during her time here in the little village. Dahlia had finally begun to open up about her adventures to Lydia and no one else, telling her about all the things she'd seen, the silly things she did out of curiosity, and about the incredible companions she'd shared it all with. Gale often came up in her recounting, causing Dahlia's tone to shift and her face to sink. Even after all this time, it still hurt to think about his charming smile and his soft, brown eyes. Lydia never liked how Dahlia’s demeanor shifted when she spoke of the wizard, but she never said a word, absorbing every word of Dahlia’s tales like they were the greatest stories she had ever heard.
During a dinner one night where Dahlia was telling Lydia about Astarion and their battle against the vampire lord Cazador, there was a knocking at the front door. Lydia went to answer as Dahlia took a sip of wine. She almost choked on her drink as she heard Lydia scream and came running only to see a familiar, ghoulish face standing in the entryway.
"Withers?" Dahlia asked in a fright, shocked to see the mysterious skeleton here of all places.
"You know him?!" Lydia asked, frozen from the shock of seeing a skeleton at her front door.
"Yes, I do. He was at the camp during my adventures with everyone. What are you doing here?"
"I've come with an invitation," Withers said in that slow, metered voice of his. "An invitation for a gathering of the heroes of Baldur's Gate."
"Wait... really?” Dahlia asked in disbelief. “You managed to get the others together?"
Withers held out an envelope that Dahlia took hesitantly.
"Come to the first campsite near the Emerald Grove in a tenday's time. There you will see familiar faces once more."
After a pause from shock, Dahlia said, "thank you Withers. I will see you then."
With that, Dahlia shut the door. Lydia was still frozen in place. "Vampires, skeletons, gods of the undead, what haven't you encountered?!"
Dahlia shrugged with a casual smirk and made her way back to the dining table, sitting in the small chair and taking another sip of wine. The thought of seeing her old companions again sent a wave of electricity through Dahlia. She was excited at the thought of seeing everyone. Everyone except... him. Was Gale even alive? She had heard nothing of him, nothing of a new god entering the fray. The only way to find out it seemed was to make her way back to that first campsite, the one that felt like it was lived in oh so long ago.
Dahlia packed her nicest outfit along with enough supplies to make the trip there and back that night, a slurry of emotions storming in her chest. As she prepared to leave the next morning, Lydia stopped her right outside the front door. "Will you be alright? Seeing... him, again?"
"I should be more worried about you," she tried to laugh to hide her worry. She was terrified of seeing Gale, but staying away wouldn’t do any good. Plus, she wouldn’t miss a chance to see her other companions for the world. "Will you be able to manage without me here for a while?" she spoke, turning towards her small friend.
Lydia turned her gaze towards her feet and her ears turned a bright red, as they normally did. Dahlia had been confused as Lydia slowly reached up for Dahlia's hand. She turned her face back up to the adventurer with cheeks flaming red. "As long as you come home to me, I'll be alright."
Dahlia blushed at the realization of Lydia's feelings in that statement. Suddenly, Lydia’s actions from these past few months clicked into place in Dahlia’s mind, and she felt ridiculous for not noticing the signs of her affection sooner. She squeezed Lydia’s hand in return as new sentiments rose up in her own heart. Lydia’s eyes were wide and nervous as Dahlia knelt down to be closer to her. She took Lydia’s small face in her large hand and caressed Lydia’s cheek before saying, "I promise, Lydia." After a long moment of smiling at each other, Dahlia turned towards the road and began making her trip back up north along the Sword Coast.
A tenday passed by in the blink of an eye, yet each individual moment felt like an eternity. The anticipation of seeing her old friends, the excitement of getting back to Lydia and unpacking these new feelings, and most of all, the fear of seeing Gale again, or even worse, not seeing him. She didn't know what to do with all these emotions, but it was wonderful in its own way to finally feel something so strong for the first time in ages.
When she felt herself approaching the campsite, she quickly changed into her finer outfit for the occasion, sporting the signature yellow and green colors that were synonymous with herself. As she approached the camp, her heart was beating out of her chest. She first spotted Withers, who was standing at the head of the dining table that was arranged with a fine feast. "Welcome, to your celebration, for the heroes of Baldur's Gate."
Dahlia looked around at the lavish campsite, Astarion, Wyll, and Karlach all around a long dining table, smiling at one another. There was a bard high up on a stage performing, and Shadowheart stood by the river. Lae’zel caught her attention for a moment with her strange, alien purple glow, but then a bright spot of silver caught Dahlia's eye from her peripherals. She turned to see a silver man with a familiar form facing the opposite direction. When he turned around and spotted Dahlia, she realized that it was Gale. Or... some version of him. She slowly began to approach him, almost tripping over Tara.
“Oh, Tara! I’m so sorry. It’s nice to see you again.” Dahlia said quickly, flustered by the sight of Gale being so close. Tara looked to Dahlia, then to Gale, and finally back to the monk. "Well, there he is. Gale, in all his glory. I hope you’re happy. ‘The God of Ambition.’ Have you ever heard anything more ridiculous?"
“I agree, Tara. He’s not who he used to be,” Dahlia said as she gazed at him. She truly didn’t recognize him at all. What a strange being he had become.
"Not in the least. And who led him straight to such ridiculous notions, hmm?” Dahlia winced at the statement. “Who left that crown in the river where any foolish wizard could swim down and pick it up? You were looking out for him. I expected better of you."
With a shot of guilt running through her brain, Dahlia managed to respond, “I can’t deny, part of me wishes I’d stopped him.” If only she had reached out and actually grabbed him when he was walking away that day in Baldur’s Gate… Would it have done any good? Maybe if she would’ve pleaded harder or kissed him, she could’ve changed his mind. It had been so long that she had replayed the scenario countless times in her mind, events shifting into possible what ifs and new, possible outcomes.
"As do I. As do I…" The tressym sighed. "I know there’s nothing you could’ve done to stop him. Not really. Once he’d decided to learn nothing from his mistakes, what use were either of our protests?” Tara was right. There was never any chance of dissuading him after he had made up his mind about the Crown, and Dahlia had known that all too well.
After a moment of silence, Tara continued. “Perhaps you’d be willing to come meet Gale’s mother, some time? She misses him so - and I know it would do her heart a world of good to discuss her son with someone who knew him as he was.”
"I would love that." Dahlia said, her heart breaking. As he was... Was he truly that different on the inside now as he was on the outside?
"Jolly good. I’ll tell Mrs. Dekarios to be expecting you. Oh, she’ll be delighted. Things just haven’t been the same without himself cluttering up the place. Enjoy your party, dear. I’ve heard you quite deserve a celebration." Tara sauntered off towards the table full of treats, leaving Dahlia's path unimpeded to approach the god she once knew.
Her legs felt like lead as she approached, her gaze focused all around Gale and never directly towards him. She only looked directly at his face when she heard a somewhat familiar voice. "Aha! There you are, my mortal friend. Goodness, was Faerûn always so… dull? Still, at least the company was worth the trip, if not the view."
His voice was only a distant imitation of what it once was, its original warmth and charm replaced with a false impression that was uncanny. His eyes glowed a bright white, leaving no trace of the brown ones that once gave Dahlia such warm, tender looks. His skin and hair were silver, and his face was framed with new, glowing marks. This had been the price of Gale's new form. Any sense of his old self was either gone or merely a cheap imitation of what he was before.
"So you did it. You became a god?"
"I told you I would, didn't I?" Of course he had, and he was certainly a man of his word. Until he wasn’t… Dahlia bitterly thought.
“I imagine you’re wondering how all this came to be.” As Gale carried on about the specifics of his ascension, Dahlia tuned his distorted voice out. She stared at him, taking in this new form and trying to wrap her head around the fact that this was Gale. This had once been the man she had wanted to kiss and hold close, the man who had promised her a home cooked dinner once upon a time in his home in Waterdeep. Did he still visit that home, or was it abandoned, like so many other aspects of his former life? Maybe that’s where his mother lived now?
“As expected, Mystra was unwilling to hand over the reins of the Weave, so I’ve claimed dominion over another area with which I’ve passing familiarity: ambition.”
Of course it was ambition. What else could sum up Gale of Waterdeep, wizard made god? “What does the ‘God of Ambition’ offer to his followers?” Dahlia asked, only half interested in discussing his godhood.
“I ‘offer’ them nothing. I inspire them to seize their destinies for themselves. Great as the heights I’ve reached thus far may be, I’ve not forgotten my humble origins. In fact, they’re central to my doctrine. Ambition is about beginnings. It is not just about the heights, but the lows that preceded them. I was nothing. A drifting dust mote of a wizard, abandoned by my goddess, my powers lost, my reputation destroyed. And look at me now. I’m their proof.” But you weren’t nothing to me… You were incredible as you were. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words, knowing that they wouldn’t do any good now. They’d only sour the moment.
Instead Dahlia asked about this “Galerian” magic of his and if it was shared with his followers, and Gale told her the state of things now with Ao and about what was coming in his future plans. “This is only the beginning,” he said, and in a moment where she was brought back to that day on the docks, the sun rising over the fallen Netherbrain, Dahlia asked him a question before she realized what she was even saying. “And what about us? Is there no way we could still be together?”
“I’m sorry, but no. I know what comes of love between the gods and mortals. I would never expose you to such risk.”
Of course… what had she expected? Would she even want his love in this form that she barely recognized? At the very least, that sense of care that had been missing six months ago returned to his voice as he spoke. It was a bittersweet sensation that soothed her heart.
Gale continued, “if I cannot spend an eternity with you, I’ll settle for an evening.” An evening, pretending as if things hadn’t changed and that he hadn’t betrayed her so greatly. An evening sounded like too much for her now, but there was a reassurance in her heart at the fact that he still cared for her, in some way that must’ve been twisted, but was still affectionate nonetheless. She moved to hold him, thinking that this may be the last time she would ever have the chance. The chance for closure, for validation, and to mourn what could’ve been.
He stepped towards her and reciprocated the gesture, and though he looked metallic, his skin was still warm. Not the same warmth that a mortal body holds, but something… electric. The comfort of the heat turned to static within seconds, and soon Dahlia’s body was being repulsed by the energy emanating from Gale’s body. She took a step back, the frown on her face betraying her disappointment. She had hoped to hold him a while longer. Thankfully, his next words managed to fill in the void that the hug left empty. “I’ve found many delights in the heavens so far, but I have to say - nothing as rare as your friendship. It’s a fine thing indeed.”
She managed to smile at him once more before turning away. The man she knew was gone, only a familiar shadow taking his place. She could properly grieve what could’ve been now that she knew Gale’s fate. Perhaps that visit to see Mrs. Dekarios would be a good start. She’d have to make another trip another time, after returning home.
Home to Lydia, who was waiting for Dahlia expectantly and excitedly with those cheeks that were always flushed around her. Who was looking forward to Dahlia’s stories, to cooking together, and to sitting on that little couch together while reading every book under the sun. Yes… though things had played out differently than Dahlia expected, perhaps this was what was meant to be. Gale, the man of ambition so great it was his downfall as well as his ascension to godhood, may have never been who she was supposed to be with. Perhaps they were destined to meet in order to grow before going their separate ways. Instead of grieving over what could’ve been, perhaps Dahlia should instead be grateful for the time she shared with him, and treasure it as she sails on to something new, just as Gale hopefully will. With one more look over her shoulder back at the god, Dahlia made her way towards the rest of the party, ready to talk about her new life and love with her old friends.
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a2zillustration · 3 months
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Goodbye Lae'zel.
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jasakime · 5 months
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Worshipping his God.
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elfboypussy · 7 days
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howled at this
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jeeaark · 9 months
Greygold seeing a problem: ok either I hug it or maybe we can accidentally blow it up
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Ah yes. Killing with Kindness has never been more pertinent.
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camelliagwerm · 10 months
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You glance piteously upon your false bride. You are Bhaal's stallion. Many of your own Bhaalspawn have been born to die in this half-year. Your new children will become the tyrant's horde — why do you spare even one thought for your forsaken mate? Our issue would be perfect... Your darling would never agree to breed a spawn with you. The defiance begets death. And neither Selûne nor Shar will claim her in the end. Bhaal wants her more than those graven gods.
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chaoticsorceress · 8 months
God Gale is so alluring but super tragic. He is so charming but still something's off. I think that's what draws me to god Gale. The allure of power and the kind of love that seems impossible but you have it! A god's love and a god willing to make you their equal. It's very romantic but I can't ignore the tragedy behind it. He is everything he THINKS he should be. Everything he thinks you want. To have someone do everything and who is willing to give everything for you. To change and lose themselves. It's so alluring but also incredibly harmful lol. It's not healthy at all.
I'm reminded of Wyll's banter in act 3 for an ascended Astarion romance
Wyll: You had the most precious thing. Someone who would do everything for you. And you damn well took everything!
I feel like I am the one who took everything.
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galesdevoteewife · 9 months
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Some thoughts on Act 3 cutscene, endings and the line “To know you love me for the man I am"
[ Gale romance spoiler all the way to the epilogue ]
In my vanilla playthrough, the particular act 3 cutscene dialogue which Gale wanted the crown caught me off guard. It was one of the rare bg3 moments that stirred complicated feelings within me. (to a point I was considering maybe I should romance Emperor lmao) The structure of his proposal felt thoroughly planned and scripted. Every question I raised was met with a well prepared answer.
Too ambitious? It's not for myself; it's for us, for the greater good. Too dangerous? What have we done that wasn't risky? We're up to the task! Power corrupts? Just a means to an end. I’ll still be me, just an improved version. Now I only need a kiss.
I viewed it from the perspective of him hard-selling the player a difficult decision, and the entire conversation felt strategic. Topping it off with the famous line, “With you, I forget my goddess. I love you.” Such a powerful, attention-grabbing statement delivered with utmost sincerity. It's likely that the player would remember only this line, also making it more difficult to reject him. While I don't doubt his love for them, his motives were a question to me.
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One of the things that makes Gale's darker path unique is that everything looks beautiful—voyage through the galaxy, kissing lovers, his voice, so tender and sincere. There's no eerie light, no violence, no bloodshed.
Some thoughts on his true intention and how insecurity is the must-solve in Gale's romance arc
In my opinion Gale’s main emotional knot in relationship is the insecurities he harbors. He holds a logic that he is loved (or tolerated) because of his power. Gale Dekarios wanted to be seen and loved but he "holds a poor figure next to Gale of Waterdeep". While there are exceptions like Tara, his mother, and perhaps Elminster, who love him for who he is; it's not his default to believe that people would appreciate him without his power/achievement/service.
With that in mind and let's circle back to why he wants godhood.
If the player reject him in the boat scene, his instant reaction is: “But I could be so much more to you.” If they reject godGale: “I achieved everything we hoped I would, and still I'm not good enough for you?” –Not a word about the better world. I wasn’t convinced he wanted the godhood “for the betterment of all”.
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Instead, what he truly wants is the player’s heart... and I think he believes that obtaining the crown and godhood can win them over. Awkwardly, he would need their help to get rid of the elder brain and he is trying hard to convince them.
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Some argue that godGale quickly transforms into the type of passive deity he despised, but I hold my opinion on how deeply he cares about the world in the first place. True, he could sacrifice himself to save the day, but he always says "it's the right way/fate" with nothing empathetic for the general folks. I am suspicious that he says it to dismiss the player's concern.
A bit of addition to this theory. Seeking godhood is not a new ambition for him, according to Elminster's epilogue letter. In my canon, he desired it for Mystra if not for the player, attempting to draw closer to her as an equal.
Gale, the god of ambition
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Ascending without resolving inner conflicts is like thrusting a dagger into redemption Durge's hands, potentially exacerbating the situation. The ascension path strengthens this twisted logic. Looking at the godGale romance ending cutscene, he gets to dress the player in matching outfits, hold them in his arms, in his realm, in his symbol. They are finally his, and he would believe it’s the power that made it happen.
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However, this would lead down to a never ending thorny path with an insatiable hunger. As a god of ambition, it's in his nature to desire more, continually pursuing additional power because it's a viable all-purpose solution in his mind. He will work his way up to the god rank, might even consume a few, "bringing chaos that even trembles the heavens" —according to Raphael. And guess what? In the dnd universe, there are even superior beings above AO.
Nonetheless I hold hopes and optimism towards the godGale romance. I don’t see anything stopping the player from starting to make things better and nudging him into better use of his godhood. Ambition is not necessarily a bad thing. However, at the point where the game ends, this path is a dimmer one.
Some thoughts on the line: “To know you love me for the man I am, and not the magic I command... None have loved me so purely before.”
When I first saw this line and my tav reacted with a sad face I thought she was thinking “Huh? But i love you for your magic too??” xD
It just doesn’t make sense if he is drawing a conclusion that the player would love him for a 0 magic muggle Gale. He is a wizard. His alliance with the player was built on him contributing to their journey with his magical ability, and their romance was sparked by a shared moment through the weave.
My interpretation is that what he meant by “the magic I command” was referring to the mighty power he used to possess, and “the man I am” was everything he showed you—his love for magic, nerdy side, witty jokes, cooking… things that he thinks define who he truly is. In my canon, he probably went through a long period where his title/talent was all that mattered to people, for his portfolio was way too strong (if I read my dnd materials right, lorewise he could be a legendary character even. I will make a post once I put my findings together). The Chosen of Mystra (among the 22 known chosen in more than a thousand years, some of them are even Mystra’s daughters), the prodigy archmage with the gift to conduct the weave. He could have experienced hurt multiple times as people showed little interest in his personality, then he fell back to conceal Gale Dekarios behind the Gale of Waterdeep fortress. However, this consequently blocked him from building real friendships/relationships.
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His circle is small, yet I suspect it's partly because he wouldn't let people come close enough to see Gale Dekarios. Even in Act 3, he still wants to keep it between the player and himself. At the beginning of the journey, he denied the player's attempts to know anything other than his profession. If the player is a wizard, he would even play authority and "apprentice" them. By the by, here's an interesting reading about how he might be masking.
Professor Dekarios of Illusory school
Lastly, my favorite path for Gale! Ugh, it just melts me to see him smile that wayyy (How can Tim and the team be so genius and make the expression distinctive???? I mean, he has been smiling all the time, but especially sweet in the epilogue???) He is content. He knows he doesn't need the mask, nor power, or godhood for the player and him to be each other's. From my point of view, it's an arc of self-acceptance and unknotting. He is convinced power isn't everything, and he chooses to teach illusory magic (gotta admit, destruction-force wise it’s almost a harmless school) for he is the one who wants magic for realizing imagination and the one who shed tears over burned roses.
The path in which Gale Dekarios believes that he is seen, understood, loved, and finds peace. Nothing I would like him to have more. I hold true love for this fictional 3D man *wipe away joyful tears*
Sidenote [1]: Some hate Gale for thinking he's only “pretending”. I personally think he is a well-layered character, for there are so many ways to explain him and plenty of room for ambiguity, making it fun to think about his thinking.
Sidenote [2]: I inevitably project some of myself onto him. The concept of “you don’t need to try so hard, pretending to be someone else to be accepted by the world. you only need to find the right band.” is a kind thought that’s so cozy to me.
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localapparently · 1 year
/ orv epilogue spoilers
just mindless scribbles while i regenerate
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what ive been doing these past few days ^
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graveyardcuddles · 8 months
If you attack ascended Astarion at the epilogue party as a mindflayer, all the rest of the companions will join in the attack with you. Which doesn't make a ton of sense from my perspective because frankly, they should all be just as scared of mindflayer Tav as they are of ascended Astarion, if not even more so. Let's just be real and admit that Astarion, as "mean" as he is when he breaks up with mindflayer Tav, is 100% correct. Tav is not Tav anymore. Ilithids don't have souls. They're not a person anymore. And Tav can prove it by attacking him out of the blue at a peaceful-ass gathering. Even Astarion with how cruel and egotistical he becomes when ascended is still more "human" than a mindflayer because he at least retains his soul and personality, as warped as it becomes. That's all besides the point, though.
My main point it I just find it weird how so many so-called Astarion "fans" revile in this scene and find it so funny how Astarion "gets his comeuppance" in this scene or whatever. And I don't know about anyone else, but I find this scene incredibly sad and tragic. Both Astarion and Tav have lost themselves completely (Tav even more so than Astarion, I would argue). And it kinda baffles me how so few fans of Astarion can see how much he's clearly hurting here as well?
He claims he hasn't thought about Tav in the past 6 months, and he delivers the line in a way that is clearly meant to sting as much as possible. People point to that moment as a "gotcha" moment that Astarion genuinely doesn't miss Tav. But he then immediately contradicts this a few sentences later when he says thinks all the time about what could have been if they had stayed his consort and never became a mindflayer. And that all his power is nothing without Tav by his side (paraphrasing).
"OH he's just manipulating Tav" why would he say anything that would make him look weak or vulnerable? If anything, he should be bragging about how GREAT he's doing without Tav. How awesome his life as a vampire lord is without them. And at first he does just that, the first half of the conversation is all bragging. But the longer he talks to them, the more the little hurtful truths slip out behind the hateful words. Like for as much as fans claim to understand that Astarion will often say one thing but mean another some of them sure are shit at being able to tell when he's clearly covering up his hurt with vitriol.
And again there's something weird about cheering on mindflayer Tav when their turn can be considered just as tragic as Astarion ascending. Like don't get me wrong I enjoy letting a monster do their thing. But it's like this weird double standard where mindflayer Tav's monstrosity is good and cool to idolize and joke about them wanting to eat the brains of their friends but the second someone has fantasies about being Astarion's consort they need to be psychoanalyzed.
And it's also ridiculous that if you even so much as suggest that hey, maybe there's more going on with ascended Astarion than meets the eye, maybe he actually is suffering in his isolation, ect. you get called a delusional idiot because people just really want to believe Astarion is truly a 100% different person from his ascended self when that's simply. not. true. Again the writers have confirmed the ritual didn't consume his soul. The ritual amplified all his worst personality traits that he already had.
I'm not saying you need to love ascended Astarion BUT if you love his character for what he is you should be able to at least appreciate him. You should be able to at least find him tragic and compelling. Kinda annoyed that many fans, who are seemingly uncomfortable with being confronted with this side of him, would rather turn him into a big joke or reduce his full spectrum of emotion to just "smug apathy."
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simaraknows · 3 months
Me: I'm very normal about finishing BG3
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the-beatnik-gale · 4 months
Epilogue Letter
I finally went back to read all the letters from the epilogue, and Arabella's caught me a little off guard
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Due to the whole weave thing, I surmise that Beard Man is Elminster. Now, if I understand the lore correctly, girls aren't usually Mystra's usual cup of tea, and I might be thinking a little too hard on this, but maybe we start throwing hands for Arabella too.
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I never understood why Mindflayer Karlach dresses Like That. It’s not like they HAVE to, Omeluum dresses like a normal person. It’s made very clear that even if it’s not Karlach in there anymore, the being with her memories is trying very hard to emulate her and do as Karlach would’ve wanted, so why do they dress all… spooky Illithid style. Looks nasty. Someone get that girl to the myconid colony so Omeluum can tell her she can dress normal. Also she deserves to have some more friends. Blurg and Omeluum are a good place to start.
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commander-yinello · 8 months
Finished Noa's run! Act 3 was too buggy for words, but I did love the ride. Gave Noa a new haircut, gave Wyll a new eye, helped as many people as I could. Epilogue pictures and what I went for each companion under the cut~
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Karlach: I turned her into a mindflayer because she really wanted to, and because I selfishly didn't want Wyll's ending to be tied to her as I had seen in other people's epilogues. She def seems different, changed, but at the same time so very Karlach. She helps out at a hospital as euthenasia for the willing who endlessly suffer! Absolutely brilliant.
Shadowheart: Kept her parents alive, she's still in pain but managing, has a cottage with too many animals. Asked her to take care of owlbear and she accepted! Love her new farm life. Selune owes her some pain relief.
Gale: Professor at a University. Excited about it too. Tara is happy and that's important. I hope they help many students.
Astarion: Became an adventurer! Wyll would be stoked. 😂 He likes that sometimes murder is okay, and hey, Noa could've told him that (she did).
Jaheira: Doing well with her kids. Advised me not to have my own LMAO which yeah I def will not continue the bhaalspawn line, don't worry mama J. Enough kids to adopt out there.
Lae'zel: Convinced her to stay on Fae'run! I know she feels she owes Orpheus but she doesn't. She genuinely is super happy! Love that, truly. I hope her and her son have a great time.
Halsin: A whole pack of kiddos to take care of! Good for him. Live that dream, bear daddy.
Minsc: Silly as ever. I adore him.
And of course, Wyll, love of my life: Became the Blade of Avernus and we rode out to stab many many many demons. I like to think once Mizora dies, we return to the city and meet up with our friends often, while considering what we want for our future.
And Noa: Lots of references to researching the Bhaalspawn history! Genuinely enjoyed that. Making sure that Bhaal can never return again to this plane, nor any of his blood is a worthy adventure. Well done Noa 💖
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feytouched · 7 months
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my bg3 tav lyra x act 1 / act 2 / act 3 / epilogue.
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slitherin-away · 1 year
oneshot - 1496 words
“Where in the hells are you going?” Astarion asks, peering down into the opening with disdain. “Not sure yet. Sewers, perhaps?” Shadowheart peeks back out and tilts her head slightly. “We don’t need a celebration for a night of senseless drinking, do we? Or…morning, I suppose.” Wyll steps closer, balancing a crate with bottles on his shoulder. “You seemed like the type who would enjoy that.” “I do, don’t I." ----- OR: Astarion gets to spend the aftermath of the final fight safe from sun light, in the midst of Tav and the other companions, drinking the day away.
(Let's be honest, the ending they gave Astarion if you don't play as him is more comic relief than anything. I present to you my attempt at fixing this. Hope you enjoy! As long as you have finished the game. If you haven't, finish the game first!)
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