#acting like a real blogger for once
saiskulls-110 · 2 years
my top 5 of idol games i've played ^u^
featuring bandori, d4dj, & project sekai
🎛️ d4dj best girls:
1. muni ohnaruto 💞
2. kyoko yamate
3. rinku aimoto
4. hayate tendo
5. saki izumo
🎤 bandori best girls:
1. kokoro tsurumaki 🌟
2. ako udagawa
3. himari uehara
4. kaoru seta
5. touko kirigaya
🎨 project sekai best girls:
1. hatsune miku 💫
2. nene kusanagi
3. minori hanasato
thats it for this one those are the only characters that stayed with me and i didn't rlly enjoy pjsk that much lol
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eamour · 7 months
emotions do not matter.
! this post was highly inspired by former loa blogger aphrodite apprentice !
emotions and feelings, the way neville coins these words, are of different nature. when speaking of emotions, we are speaking of unconscious emotional experiences. feelings, however, are a conscious act and usually a reaction to our emotions — which, according to neville, are the secret to help us manifest.
emotions vs feelings.
an emotion is an immediate reaction to your emotional state of mind, whereas a feeling remains a lot longer and is felt for a longer period of time. emotions could be joy, fear, anger, lust or sadness. the counterparts in feelings would then be happiness, anxiety, bitterness, love or depression. if something unpleasant happens in your life, you will react to it emotionally first. only later, you will be able to form a feeling. as you can see, an emotion is a lot more intense and often manifests in a physical reaction (ex. facial expressions), not based on any reasoning while in contrast your feeling is based on logical reasoning. you could say a feeling is a way of explaining an emotion with thoughts which you have felt due to external experiences. this also means that not every feeling will always be accurate enough to explain an emotion and how you actually feel emotionally.
emotions cannot manifest ...
once again, a feeling isn’t the emotion itself. your feeling has nothing to do with our emotional state of mind but rather your mental state of mind. that means that your feelings, longterm, are more concerned with what you feel to be true or false, right or wrong and real or unreal.
mental · relates to the mind; thinking process.
emotional · relates to emotions; feeling process.
... only feelings can.
especially because a feeling does not necessarily have to correlate to an emotion, it is entirely up to you to define your feeling. you could replace feeling with what you accept, know or believe to be true. it's a thought. and an emotion isn't. you may not help the way you emotionally feel — and you shouldn’t! you should never suppress an emotion and feel sad, angry, etc. — but you can make the conscious decision to define your feeling. and since a feeling is a state, after all, you can manifest anything you'd like while feeling like you are at your lowest (or highest). your emotions will not manifest!
emotions arise.
as i was saying, an emotion is a pretty much sudden response. you may lose something and feel bad about it, maybe you had a fight with your friend or perhaps you were told some unsettling news. whatever it is, you will always feel some intense type of way from time to time.
emotions fade away.
the thing is, emotions come and go. you may feel super joyful one minute and then feel super sad the next. that’s totally normal, and we are definitely not trying to fix our wonderful human nature in any way.
emotional responses.
emotions are a response. when manifesting, when changing your feeling, you might also experience emotions of some sort. you may feel euphoric of manifesting something that has always felt very prestigious or hardly available to you.
but the same way, you could not feel anything at all. some manifestations aren’t going to move you the way some manifestations do, but that’s not an issue! the premise is, you don’t HAVE to feel excited. you don’t have to jump out of happiness whenever you think about how you manifested to find your keys you had lost the other day. remember, emotions come naturally. you don’t have to force them.
accepting and persisting.
the only thing you really have to do is to accept your desire as yours and persist in that assumption. feel it to be true, to be real, to be factual. that’s what feeling the wish fulfilled means. the feeling of your assumption to be realty.
with love, ella.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
If Cosmere Characters Were on Tumblr...
Sure, we blog about Cosmere characters. But what if they were here, blogging for themselves? Here is what I think it might be like...
1. Dalinar: Never changes the default icon
He gets blocked a lot.
Dalinar: How odd. No matter how many blogs I follow, my “dashboard” remains empty.
Renarin: I think they all blocked you because they think you’re a bot.
Dalinar: A bot? But I took your advice and chose a unique blog name: Big_D9762.
Renarin: ...
Dalinar: What?
2. Jasnah: Acts like Neil Gaiman
She comes on tumblr as a break from doing research and ruling, answers a few questions, and leaves again.
Anonymous asked: I love your work breaking down gender barriers in Alethkar by being queen and stuff! Do you plan to further erode unnecessary gender distinctions, like by letting women eat spicy food and show both hands?
Jasnah-Kholin: Wait and See.
3. Vin: Reblogs a thousand things in a mad fury and then disappears for days
She does not use the queue function.
Vin: Yeah...I don’t fuck with the the queue function. If you see me, you see me.
Elend: Hey Vin, did you reblog the crab rave like 15 times in a row?
Vin: I was feeling it.
4. Elend: Has a carefully curated queue
His “queue” tag is “Vin is a queue-T.”
Elend: The only exception I make are donation posts and political ones, since those need to be reblogged immediately.
Elend: But otherwise, the queue function is great for lovely, regular content!
5. Adolin: Runs a fashion blog
He has ALL of the Rosharan runways.
Adolin: It’s easy to let Alethi fashion dominate, but a REAL fashion blogger makes sure to have a wide variety of nations and fashions.
6. Shallan: Posts her art
And she tries not to be frustrated when her quick Kaladin sketch gets tons more notes than her very detailed sketch of the chasmfiend.
Shallan: It’s like, I get it--Kaladin fan art is ALWAYS popular.
Shallan: But that chasmfiend was very detailed!
Adolin: Maybe you should draw Kaladin riding it.
Adolin: Shirtless.
Shallan: ...
Shallan: I’ll take my three notes, thank you very much.
7. Tien: Always reblogs no-note art posts
And he always leaves a nice comment too!
Tien: The colors in this are so lovely!!
8. Navani: Considers herself a tumblr patron
She’s one of those bloggers who, if she reblogs your post, you know you’re about to make it big.
Navani: I don’t really make original posts, of course. I’m not a real blogger.
Navani: I just find other people’s clever posts and help promote them!
Navani (typing): "This...has...10,000...notes...to...me...”
Navani: You know they’re happy when they just respond “PLEASE NO”
9. Kelsier: Stirs up his followers with so. much. discourse.
Especially about Hoid.
Kelsier: Friendly reminder that Hoid (1) will let a planet burn to get what he wants; (2) beat up an innocent ghost (me) once; (3) is dating someone WAY younger than he is; (4) insults women.
Hoid: I insulted men too. I was the King’s Wit.
Kelsier: I’m adding you to my DNI.
10. Szeth: Very popular for his “shit posts”
Szeth, of course, is 100% sincere the entire time.
Szeth: It is odd.
Szeth: The vent post I made that simply said “my talking sword is a bad conversationalist” has like a million notes.
Szeth: ...
Szeth: Tumblr is a strange place.  
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eldrith · 9 days
omg heyyyyy guys!!! <3 tldr for those of you who aren't the stupid cunt still spewing shit in inboxes: thanks for being kind & supportive and fucking normal. appreciate you beyond words, genuinely. my inbox is always open to you.
but to whom it may concern,
i am so fucking serious when i say that you, anon, need to grow up and start talking to real life humans for once in your life.
this isn't a joke. i'm so so so fucking embarrassed for this imbecile who stalks mutuals and any writer or account with decency in this fandom. you're so embarrassing. you are so clearly out of touch, there is something so clearly wrong in your tiny little pebble brain. it's a miracle you can even type words onto a screen because you're so inconceivably obtuse. (btw, you may need to reel in the extent of your lexicon - if you know what that is - for some of the things im about to say)
not only are you so impossibly, functionally incapable when it comes to media literacy - sorry, literacy at all - but you actively seek out to make incorrect points and its so troublesome... you need to learn context, subtext, implicit bias, nuance - honestly, grab a dictionary and look up what the term 'critical thinking' means too. you are SEVERELY lacking. you are deficient in communication and even worse with inference. i could laugh, and i have before.
despite the fact that this is all fictional - the truth is that we are all just people on here who enjoy writing or maybe enjoy a character from a fictional show that isn't even about romance in the first place.
anyways, i digress: the truth is that every single one of my friends on here has gotten this person's weird fucking obsessive comments in their inbox and as pathetic as this person is, i will say this directly to them: you treat writers or other blogs like some sort of sad therapy and you're being embarrassing.
i'm embarrassed when i see the cringey, out of touch shit you say. you act like a minor. i genuinely think you are one. you act like someone who has never had a personal relationship, let alone conversation. i don't think you've had an emotional connection ever. you act like a fucking baby who just crawled out of a sewer to see light for the first time in your life. it's so fucking sad. i would never care enough to say i feel bad for you, but i feel bad for anyone who has ever interacted with you, myself included.
it's so astounding to have to say this, but: WRITERS AND BLOGGERS ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING THERAPISTS. WE ARE NOT A HOTLINE FOR YOU. here, you’re so stupid you probably didn’t catch that: WE ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING THERAPISTS. YOU ARE BEING A FUCKING CHILD.
i beg you - i implore you to fucking block me, to block all of my mutuals who you come to whining in their inboxes, because NONE OF US FUCKING CARE what you have to say. pick up a book. talk to a man irl. ask someone how their day is and try to use empathy for once.
anyways, i love every single person on here who takes the time to be kind, or funny, or care. i love all my writers, all of my friends on here, moots or not - sorry to say this but im tired of pretending that i'm nice to childish pathetic cunts. lol
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lisbeth-kk · 2 months
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Sherlock fandom. TW: suicide
Just in Time
They had planned it to perfection. Mycroft, Molly and himself.
Operation Lazarus.
If Moriarty did the unthinkable, Sherlock would jump. He wouldn’t have another choice. Mycroft disagreed. Molly despaired, but her faith in Sherlock was absolute.
Small mercies.
Getting John to leave, was the hardest thing Sherlock had ever done. He knew the next thing would kill him. If not literally, then mentally.
Sherlock couldn't remember ever being so nervous in his life as he was climbing the stairs to Barts' roof. Moriarty was unpredictable at best, and lacking data was Sherlock’s least favourite thing.
Apart from deceiving John.
Sherlock told the devil on his shoulder to shut the fuck up before he opened the door.
It all escalated from there. In a downwards spiral that lead to one actual demise, and later to a faked one.
If only John had kept to the schedule Sherlock had orchestrated.
As it were, after Sherlock had recovered from the shock of witnessing Moriarty stick the gun in his mouth and pull the trigger, he retrieved his phone from the inner pocket of his suit jacket. John’s number was the first on his speed dial list. Mycroft’s was the second, Lestrade the third.
Sherlock took a deep breath to gather himself and pressed the call button. 
“Am I hallucinating?” Sherlock asked himself once the call went through.
John’s ringtone sounded from…behind him! Sherlock swirled around quicker than he’d ever done, and saw John standing there, seemingly calm and collected.
“I was just in time, I see,” he said.
His voice was steady, but the steel beneath didn’t fool Sherlock.
John was livid.
“So, what was the plan, Sherlock? Jumping off the roof? Would it be a magic trick or an actual suicide, hm? And what about me? Were you planning on leaving me out of it?”
John’s face crumbled a bit, and Sherlock took a step closer.
“John,” he started. “You…you must understand.”
“Understand what exactly, Sherlock?” John snapped. “Do you understand what it would’ve done to me? To witness you kill yourself in front of me. Thinking that my best friend couldn’t confide in me. Here’s a question I like you to answer truthfully. What if the roles were switched and I had done what you were about to do just now?”
“I would have followed you over the top,” Sherlock didn’t say.
Somehow his face hadn’t been as inscrutable as he had intended.
“That’s right, genius. It would have destroyed you, just like it would have destroyed me. Don’t you see? Are you, the most observant man in the whole of Britain, so blind?”
What was John talking about?
A pained expression crossed John’s face when he realised that Sherlock had no clue what he was talking about. He closed the gap between them and grabbed the lapels of Sherlock’s coat. John’s anger had dissipated and in its wake a softness emerged.
“Idiot,” he murmured, affectionately.
The next Sherlock knew, his lips connected with John’s in a warm kiss, edging on fierce. Sherlock could feel the tension in John’s body, but for every passing second it seeped out of him. 
“Is this real?” Sherlock thought.
A moan from John made Sherlock’s brain go offline, but his body acted on its own accord. His arms cradled the back of John’s head, he opened his mouth to an insistent tongue, and suddenly everything was right with the world again.
They kissed until the bells of St Bartholomew the Great rang and John made Sherlock promise to take him with him wherever he had to go to dismantle Moriarty’s vast network.
“We’re in this together, like we’ve been from the first day we met,” John stated. “I’ll rather kill you myself before I let you pull a stunt like that ever again!”
Sherlock had no doubt that John would keep his words, and in the end, it was easy to make the promise. 
“I would be lost without my blogger,” Sherlock teased.
“You bet your spectacular arse you would,” John quipped, but the fire in his eyes contradicted the joke.
“Forever, then,” Sherlock said, and meant it.
“Forever,” John agreed.
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @helloliriels
@raina-at @meetinginsamarra @safedistancefrombeingsmart @gregorovitch-adler @topsyturvy-turtely
@peanitbear @a-victorian-girl @jolieblack @bs2sjh @ninasnakie
@221beloved @meandhisjohn @lhrinchelsea @phoenix27884 @brandiwein1982
@shy-bi-inlovewithregandmoony @missdeliadilisblog @salmonsown
(Tell me if you want to be tagged or removed)
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spacerockfloater · 2 months
Yet another example of Team Black ass lickers playing victim
I’d really appreciate it if y’all could take some time out of your day and check this blogger out for this particular post they made about me.
I already replied but I felt the need to make a post of my own because they are out of their fucking mind!
This cockroach came into my post and called me a sick fuck for saying that Aemond taking revenge on Lucerys is not equal to Daemon ordering the execution of an infant in its crib, the latter being obviously way more unethical, and they absolutely lost their shit when I paid them back with the same coin. Like, the fuck did you think was going to happen?
Hey skank @mikasaerens , is this you?
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Not only does your psychotic self come into my post and instead of sharing your opinion in a polite and civil manner, you choose to verbally assault me by calling me a “sick fuck who needs to be put into an asylum and a watchlist” over my opinion on a fictional character, but your lying ass has the audacity to paint me as the villain when I come swinging at you for being an offensive little twat? And claiming that you are the victim for sharing your opinion about said character?
Who the fuck are you trying to fool? Look at the rest of your replies, lunatic:
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Own the shit you say. This all happened because of the language you used against me unprovoked, not because you shared an opinion! This all starts with you. You absolutely deserve every fucking thing I said about you. Crying “wolf” when you initiated this shitshow by having no manners is batshit insane behaviour. But I shouldn’t be surprised though, you are a Lucerys apologist after all. Sickening!
Try reaching out to public mental health facilities if you can because starting a fight and then thinking you and your friends are gonna make me feel bad for defending myself must be a whole new level of mass hysteria. I walk the talk, dickhead. Can’t say the same about you.
Tell your meatriders that have blocked me because they don’t have the balls to say whatever they want face to face I said hi! I’m always keeping it real. I’ll say whatever the fuck I want with my full chest. And it’s always somehow you lowlifes jumping into my posts, sending anon hate and being vile as shit, because never once in my life have I bothered to reply to you losers’ opinions or reach out to you! Seek help!
It’s such a fucking shame because I know plenty of Team Black fans that don’t act in the disgusting way you do, insect.
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accio-victuuri · 11 months
I’m sharing this here cause i have seen it going around with people i follow on Wb and the things they say is so true! I’ve been seeing this movie blogger since Hidden Blade came out and they have always been fair with their evaluation of Yibo. The whole post is on their account 鬽影縫匠 and i’m only putting here ones that directly pertain to WYB. 🤍 I found myself nodding along while reading their thoughts and i know a lot of people who follow me on here will too.
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I almost laughed out loud at a blog post about the “Nomination List for Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Rooster Award". I chose two representative blog posts to share my views on "Best Supporting Actor" and several candidates:
[ Blog Post One ] Wang Yibo and Li Xuejian appeared in the nominations at the same time. This is the most magical joke in Chinese movies...
This is a highly offensive and targeted blog post, and the meaning between the lines is that "Wang Yibo is not worthy of being on the same list as Li Xuejian" , as for why, I didn’t say it, anyway, it’s just not worthy... Looking at the bright side, this blogger may feel that Wang Yibo is young and has a short acting career, and it’s not enough to compete with a drama actor like Li Xuejian, but he ignored an important question: This is not a PK between Wang Yibo and Mr. Li Xuejian, but Mr. Ye in "Hidden Blade" and Ji Chang in "Fengshen Part 1" competing on the same stage. The two characters, Mr. Ye and Ji Chang, play an important role in their respective works. They have their own lives and personalities. Who can portray the character more closely and whose performance is more convincing? Who plays a more critical role, and whose role is more important. Putting them on the same candidate list is not only not a joke, but also the embodiment of the Golden Rooster Award's spirit of "only recognizing the work and not holding any prejudices." If you still think this nomination is a joke, then examine whether there is a mountain of prejudice in your heart.
[Blog post 2] It seems that in the future, when making movies, you need to bring a lot of traffic, not only to earn box office, but also to be nominated...
This is a view that seems to concern the country and the people, but is actually dirty to the core. This prejudice is more serious than the previous one, and can even be said to have affected the development of Chinese films. This must be cleared up. Let’s not talk about the Golden Rooster Awards, which have professional judges who strictly control the threshold. Let’s talk about “traffic”: When we talk about “traffic”, what exactly are we talking about? It’s nothing more than the huge fan appeal that he brings with him, and the real money that this appeal can turn into. This is an actor’s own attribute, and he can’t get rid of it, because of his background. They are still actors. They cannot call others actors when we need box office to revitalize the Chinese film market. When we are done throwing it away, we call them "traffic" and spit twice. Such moral quality is worrying. Besides, since 10-15, "traffic has harmed movies" After that, most of today's young actors work very hard and fight hard. Those "traffic" who cried when their hands were broken have long been eliminated.
We must look at today's young actors from a developmental perspective. Chinese movies need fresh blood and call for the emergence of young actors. Don’t let public opinion stop the future of Chinese cinema. Taking a step back, today's veteran actors were once handsome men and beauties when they were young, but there was no such thing as "traffic" at that time. Today's young actors may have a higher starting point, but the path that the veteran actors have traveled has led them to leave, and it will be more difficult for them. The pressure they have to face is many times that of the veteran actors back then. Relax, the film industry is a field of survival of the fittest, and those who are not good will eventually be eliminated. Let us take a longer view and see who will be at the top ten years from now.
[About the nomination list] Except for Jinba’s performance (Back to Tibet), which I didn’t have the opportunity to see, I have watched all the other four’s works, and all of them more than twice. I was deeply impressed by each actor’s performance. The supporting actor award is a difficult one to judge in this year's Golden Rooster... Personally, I prefer Mr. Ye played by Wang Yibo and Qin Hui played by Lei Jiayin. Since Mr. Ye is Wang Yibo's first important big screen role, the scenes are sufficient and unexpected. The degree of completion, through his portrayal and interpretation, Mr. Ye is a completely gripping and fresh character
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suffrin · 2 months
Hello dearest blogger!
I have noticed your abhorrent acts from my own blog and I must say, I am astounded by your untoward nature and general lack of care for the characters you seem to like so much, even covering them in blood! (Frankly disturbing) and I must implore you to stop with these frivolities at once!
Yours sincerely, a concerned gentleman
Well with such an adamant concern.... I really ought to listen....
But I'm an isat blog i dont think I'm ever focusing on my best interest.
Anyway! Thought for today!!! I wish mal du pays could become a real person and it should also be allowed to kill someone and i should get to watch
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kz-i-co · 2 years
Don’t Fall In Love: Part 2
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Summary: You are one of the most popular bloggers on your campus, telling enriching stories of your personal heartbreaks anonymously. But your readers are not ready to handle the newest heartbreak of finding out your best friend dating your ex.
Pairing: Lee Haechan (Donghyuk) x f!reader
Genre: college au | angst (eventual fluff x smutt)
Warnings: story may contain strong language, mentions of drugs and alcohol - sexual references - reader discretion advise.
Words: 4.6k
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Masterlist | Nct 127 Masterlist | Nct Dream Masterlist
Taglist: @lovingvoidgoatee, @lunaryoongie, @matchahyuck, @yixingtion, @mosviqu, @ohmyhuenings, @nctzennikki09​
::: LoveAboveMyPinkClouds: blog post #51 Please understand that my short hiatus was necessary as I can firmly say....I'm going through hell. And those of you still accusing me for bullshitting fake news....then shame on you - but also honored you think my creativity is this impressive, thanks I guess. I will gladly get to your questions as my DM box is officially full - also thanks again....I guess - but please let me vent on my own because this is all too real and once again....NOT okay with it. I never seen this coming. It's bad enough I had to confront my oh so famous ex on the matter and thought I was crazy to split up his new found relationship. The jerk didn't take it well since he brought up my relationship with J - his best friend. Oops did I forget to mention that? Call me slut or hypocrite - what ever floats your boat but I as well was under a lack of information and I would take it back if I could. I have more regrets than I would like to admit and people reading who are close to me will probably connect the dots eventually and my identity will soon be blown but as of right now I'm venting and this is the only place I can comfortably do it. I will get to my session on D soon but right now I'm pissed and rather not talk about it. Thanks for being here anyway. Xoxo peace :::
"(Y/N), help me hang this." Minjeong asked letting one side of the banner dangle. It's been a few days since you've found out about Donghyuck and Minjeong and you still couldn't deal with it, but at least you played nice.
"Why are we doing this?" You sounded uninterested.
"Jimin's birthday." She sounded offended.
"I know that.....she said not to make a big deal out of it." You shrugged taping the other side.
"That's the best part." She smiled once again. "You okay? You seem down lately."
"I'm just drowning in school work, exhausted." You lied.
"You need more sleep and to stop partying."
"I've only been to two this week." You made your way to the kitchen and pulled out a can of soda.
"And stripped in front of the whole fraternity." She giggled. "And can't forget trashing your ex's."
"Must we keep talking about this? I was drunk and stupid and I said I was sorry."
"Alright." She began, following you. "Actually....can I ask you for dating advice?" She said, changing the subject.
"Trouble with catfish already?" You tried not to smile.
"It's not that....and stop calling him that." She smiled sarcastically. "How long did you date Jaemin until you guys started.....you know, sleeping together."
You didn't lie that the question alone caused your stomach to sink. "Well, first of all, he was a fuck buddy so the first date technically."
"Well then, your other ex...."
You sighed avoiding her question. "Min, you just started dating this guy and you want him to fuck you already." Your eyebrows furrowed.
You can tell she was uncomfortable. "I'm just getting impatient and I thought guys in college dived right into that stuff."
"I mean you ain't wrong. College guys are horn dogs." You giggled. "But I don't know, maybe he's a gentleman."
You chuckled to yourself because you knew that was the farthest from the truth. Donghyuck was no gentleman, at least not anymore....or maybe this was somehow an act to look innocent to get girl to fall for boy faster - what an evil genius.
"So am I wrong to worry? All we've done is kiss and hold hands. I want more." She sounded defeated and you as her best friend would feel bad and want this douche to pay but this was Donghyuck we're talking about, you didn't want happiness for him. Cruel yes but maybe he deserved it.
"Break up with him." You said nonchalantly.
"Not this again (Y/N). You act like you don't like him but you met him once, can't you try a little harder."
You heard a knock on the door ending your conversation thankfully. "I hope that's not Riri, I told her to distract Jimin, we're not done." She panicked as she opened the door.
"Speak of the devil." She squealed hugging the person on the other side and of course it had to be none other than your ex himself. "You came early to help?"
"Of course." He spoke and you couldn't help but laugh to yourself in the kitchen. His tone sounding unfamiliar.
"(Y/N) be nice." She warned as she passed you in the kitchen. "I have some balloons here that need to be filled up and I still have the punch that needs to be made and oh the snacks."
You and Donghyuck both shook your head at Minjeong's pacing as she needed everything to be perfect.
"I'll stay here with the snacks." You offered, already grabbing the bowls from the cabinets.
"Okay great. I'll blow up balloons." She grabbed the bag. "Oh shit, I left the cake in the car." She panicked and made her way to the door. "Channie, can you make the punch, you do it the best."
"A-huh." He nodded feeling overwhelmed and as soon as she left he sighed.
"Channie." You mocked as soon as he made his way over. "I love you Channie....you're so cute Channie."
"Please shut up." He grabbed the bowl, not caring he basically pushed you out of the way.
"What's wrong, no love in paradise?" You teased.
He just glared at you as you continued your fun. "I'm surprised you haven't told her yet....seems unlike you."
"Like I said, you tend to ruin relationships all on your own." You shrugged pouring the chips in the bowl.
"Yep, that was all me." He said sarcastically.
"I'm surprised you haven't slept with her yet, come on Hyukie, you're better than that.....have you lost your touch?"
"How do you even know what we've done."
"Did you forget Minjeong is my best friend? She tells me things....and she is upset."
"Upset huh?" He turned towards you with a smirk. "She really wants me that bad?.....I was waiting for her to beg.....virgin's especially can't wait long enough."
"You're sick. Maybe she's just desperate."
"You let me know when you hear next door." He remarked as Minjeong opened the door cutting off your conversation.
You crumbled the rest of the chip bag and threw it aggressively in the trash.
"Cakes fine." She smiled and sensed the awkward tension. "How's the snacks coming."
"Everything is dandy." You smiled and Donghyuck nodded and continued his punch.
You grabbed the completed bowls and made your way to the living room to place on the coffee table. You really tried not to show your disturbed emotion as you turned to grab more bowls seeing the two embraced in a sweet kiss and giggling together.
It hurt....it hurt because that was you once.
"Um....can I add liquor to this?" Donghyuck was quick to pull away, wiping off his smile as he saw you grabbing another bowl close by.
"This isn't that kind of party." Minjeong giggled.
"Not a lot, just enough to take off some edge." You knew he met you but you didn't turn around to show you were listening. You were done listening.
"Half a bottle." She said and made her way to the living room blowing up balloons.
Then you finally looked back as he gave you a rueful smile and then suddenly emptying the whole bottle causing you to softly giggle. Not a party if Donghyuck isn't spiking the punch, typical.
"Guys, they're gonna be here any minute." Minjeong announced as the talking started to die down.
"Isn't that your ex?" Yetak spoke next to you as Donghyuck was practically hiding in the kitchen, engaged in a conversation with Mark and Renjun. You could tell he was anxious to even be in this situation that you so happened to make worse by lying to everyone.
"Nope, they just look alike." She looked at you puzzled and then back at him. "I'll explain later but for now just pretend you don't know him okay?"
"Shhhh....she's coming." Minjeong had everyone quiet and as as the door opened....
"Surprise!" Everyone cheered as soon as Jimin and Riri walked through the door. You didn't invite a lot of people to your apartment, just some close friends and of course Minjeong allowed Donghyuck to invite some of his friends and bless your soul Jeno and Jaemin decided not to come saving you a night of disaster.
"Oh wow....thank you everyone." She smiled and leaned next to Minjeong. "I said no party."
"It's not a party....it's a gathering." She smiled cutely.
"It's a party." She smiled but you could sense the anxiety in her.
"It's not even big enough to be a party.....I only invited a few people." She remarked. "We have drinks and food....just a hang out - you only turn 23 once."
She nodded looking at you for help. "If you're really concerned Channie made some special punch if you need to relax."
"Or Mark bought some drinks, since we're all adults." He spoke up and Jimin locked eyes with him and immediately looked to you causing you to shake your head.
"Some of us." You smirked trying to get rid of any suspicion.
"Oh Jimin.....I didn't introduce you yet." Minjeong dragged him closer and he couldn't help but fake a smile as Jimin was already set up to cause disaster. "Jimin this is Haechan."
"You're the catfish?" She spoke and you combed through your hair panicked.
"Catfish?" He questioned.
"Don't take it personal Hy-Haechan.....we knew Min met you online and you know it's hard to trust anyone. Most of them lie and cheat and hide who they really are."
He glared towards you but quickly pulled off a fake laugh. "You're right....there's a bunch of crazy people on those sites, lucky Minjeong didn't meet one."
"Nope I didn't." She held his arm leaning closer.
Jimin locked eyes with you again shrewdly. "Nice to meet you."
"Do you mind if I get dressed real quick, Min?" She made a beeline through to her room. "(Y/N), Riri.....help me." She signaled and you were quick to follow.
"Can you be any more suspicious." You shouted in a hushed whisper.
"What the fuck is going on? Why is he here?"
You sighed. "That's Minjeong's new boyfriend."
"Very funny." Riri laughed.
"I'm not lying, it's been him all along -the catfish."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jimin practically yelled.
"Keep your voice down. Can you see why I've been so pissy lately."
"Oh my god, she don't know? You didn't tell her?"
"How am I suppose to tell her. She liked him before I even knew who he really was. I can't do that to her."
"But you're gonna let her do this to you?" Riri spoke up.
"It's not her fault, she never met "my ex" before." You shrugged defeated.
"So what is this? Is this his way of getting back at you." Jimin asked.
"He swears he didn't know she was our friend."
"Bullshit." She shook her head.
"Well, he seemed pretty startled when he first met me."
"And you just played it off like you didn't know him?"
"What was I suppose to do Ri....say hey ummm you know this is my ex that broke my heart into a million pieces."
Jimin looked more angry than you. "I don't know who I should be more pissed at...you or her or him."
"Trust me I'm pissed at myself as it is." You put your hands on your hips, taking a deep breath.
"And he's not in anyway consider breaking it off with her?"
"I tried.....he doesn't care about me anymore."
"You have to tell her." Jimin said with more sympathy.
"Let her be happy with that jerk."
"I don't mean for her, for you. This is not healthy (Y/N)....not after what he put your through - is still putting you through."
"Well, it's too late.....she's already sunk in deep."
"I don't care. She deserves to know, unless you're gonna keep lying to her."
"Besides - if she knew she was doing this to you, she would be upset." Riri spoke up after Jimin.
"Okay fine, but not yet."
"Sooner is better than later, she can't fall farther than she already has."
"I know, I'll handle it. I mean.....if she still wants to date him after then it's whatever."
"Why would you do that when you're still in love with him?"
"I'm not still in love- I'm not." You could tell they didn't believe you. "I'm fine - I promise."
"Guys. Everything alright?" Minjeong opened the door and Jimin quickly changed her shirt, avoiding suspension.
"Everythings great, I love the party."
Minjeong rolled her eyes playfully. "I know I know, I just want your birthday to be special."
"It is, thank you." She gave a genuine smile as you all looted back to the rest of the apartment.
"Drinks you say?" Jimin grabbed you and headed towards the kitchen. "Nice to see you again Hyuck- oops I mean Haechan." She smirked and you couldn't help but giggle as you both grabbed some drinks off the counter.
He gave a look of annoyance. "Hmm, what did she tell you?"
"Oh nothing.....I just think that if neither of you are gonna tell Minjeong than I will." She warned causing you both to look at each other timidly.
"Go ahead, I already told (Y/N) to tell her.......I did nothing wrong here."
"That's priceless." She laughed.
"What did she tell you about us.....I'm dying to know." He leaned on the counter.
"More than enough."
"I bet my life it wasn't the truth." He said causing you to laugh causing the attention of Minjeong from across the room.
"Let's not do this here....it's Minjeongs party after all." You said and Jimin took a sip in agreement.
"Have the punch it's stronger." Donghyuck smirked before walking away.
"Still in love huh?" She asked as she walked away as well. You took a deep breath grabbing a cup of his poisoned punch.
He definitely put more than one bottle in here. And it showed after three cups, but at least you weren't the only one.
::: LoveAboveMyPinkClouds: blog post #52 I wouldn't say I'm a messy drunk but you may be fooled once you're a witness. I tried to contain my emotions, I tried to contain my actions but when your love life is this much of a mess than wouldn't you agree I deserve it - a little medicine to forget my past and apparently my present. It hurts and booze is all I have. Relax - it doesn't mean I'm turning myself into an alcoholic but every now and then I need something to ease the pain. Let's just hope I don't say anything I regret the next day. :::
"I'm so curious yeah.....sajin sok niga!!!!" You sang along drunkenly with Minjeong. "Georeo nawa wae!"
"Psst.....how long are you going to let this go on?" Mark spoke next to Donghyuck as he watched you and Minjeong sing and Dance to the music.
"You want to turn the music off?" He took a sip of his  drink.
"I mean this girlfriend - ex girlfriend thing."
"(Y/N) is gonna tell her anyway, so I'll just wait it out."
"How do you know that?"
"Because I know her."
"I need a refill." Minjeong made her way to the kitchen. "I love your punch Channie.....I can't get enough."
"Oh but you will." He pulled her away as she practically collapsed into his arms.
"But it's so good." She whined.
"You can have more tomorrow." He said sweetly as he guided her to her room.
The party was pretty much cleared out by this point. "It's getting late I guess we'll head out." Renjun spoke as he stood up.
"You guys can't go yet. We're not done singing." You slurred your words. "Oof, it's hot." You started taking off your shirt.
"She has a habit of stripping when she's drunk." Jimin laughed and Donghyuck combed his fingers through his hair in annoyance as soon as he stepped out of Minjeong's room.
"I'll put her to bed, you can go." Jimin offered as Mark and Renjun approached the door.
"Thank you for inviting us, happy birthday Jimin." Mark spoke before making an exit.
"We didn't even sing happy birth-" You puked before finishing your sentence.
"You guys go, I'll meet you back." Donghyuck said to Mark and Renjun and he grabbed you gently, guiding you to the bathroom.
He leaned over the tub, turning on the shower to warm. He started unzipping your puke filled jeans helping you out of them as you just stared at him apologetic. "I'm sorry."
"Maybe I should of listened to Minjeong and only put half a bottle." He showed a slight smile.
"I'm sorry for ruining our relationship." He was caught off guard from your statement. You always accused him first for ruining the relationship but now it was the other way around. What changed with you and when did you feel this way?
"What do you mean (Y/N)." He looked at you puzzled.
"I'm sorry I was a horrible girlfriend to make you cheat." You teared and he sighed taking a moment to comprehend your confession.
"You weren't a horrible girlfriend (Y/N)."
"I bet Minjeong is better than me." You looked up at him. "Does she make you happy?"
"Let's just get you cleaned up, okay." He turned you around and unclipped your bra and guide you to the shower, closing the curtain as he faced away from you respectfully. Even though he's seen all of you before, he knew it wasn't his right anymore.
Once you were done, he handed you a towel and helped you to your room picking out some simple sweats, getting you ready for bed.
"Drink this whole glass before falling asleep." You nodded taking the water as he headed towards your door.
"Yeah?" He turned around.
"Can you stay with me?" You begged softly.
"You know I can't do that." It was his turn to look at you apologetic.
"Oh....yeah." You said quietly. "Well, thank you for taking care of me."
"Sure." He smiled softly. "Goodnight (Y/N)."
"Happy birthday to me." Jimin spoke as she got up from cleaning the puke off the floor.
"Well technically..." He pulled out his phone. "It's 1:47.....it's not your birthday anymore."
"Har har......thanks old friend." She threw the rag at him.
"Ew." He dodged.
"It's your ex's puke." She laughed. "So.....about that."
"I don't want to talk about it." He started towards the door. "She's a mess."
"Well, can you blame her?" She started making the mood more tense.
"I didn't cheat on her Jimin, I don't know what she told you but she caught something and she took it way out of proportion."
"Then why don't you explain that to her."
"I tried, she won't listen to me."
"Well, maybe she's willing to listen now." She crossed her arms.
"It's too late now.....I moved on, now it's her turn." He opened the door. "I really didn't know about Minjeong if she believes that or not but I can't lose sleep over this. I'm sorry."
"It's not just that." Jimin spoke as he took his hand off the door knob, alerting his attention back. "She's not over you, can't you see that?"
He shrugged. "What do you want me to do.....she broke up with me."
"I think the answer is pretty simple." She said softly.
"It's not my fault she didn't tell her, she's the one that lied."
"But it doesn't make it right." He sighed at her answer.
"Look, I don't owe her anything, she decided to push me out. If she chooses to tell her the truth than fine, but for now I'm going to continue on with my life and she needs to do the same."
"Alright....I get it, it's none of my business - I just care about my friends that's all. But she will know eventually and I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"Have any of you considered that it's not just (Y/N) that is hurt?" He confessed before walking out the door. "Happy Birthday Jimin."
She softly smiled in return and let out a long groan as soon as she locked the door behind him.
::: LoveAboveMyPinkClouds: blog post #52 Okay so I admit....I fucked up. Pretending I didn't know my best friends new boyfriend is probably the dumbest decision I have ever made but what can I say - I panicked. I saw him and my mind went blank.....because the truth be told.....I'm not over you D - there I said it. Most of you called it anyway. Why do I even bother hiding anything. Those two damn years we have spent together was the best two damn years of my life - even if I still think it was wasted. D was the one I was so sure I wanted to marry, to eventually have kids with, to grow old with - my everything. But what changed? I know you guys are still dying to know.....but I'm just not ready. I got drunk last night and poured my heart out just to be shot down. Regrets regrets regrets - now he knows how I feel, I showed him weakness and now he's probably gloating in his victory. Probably even telling J of how much of a mess I am at this very moment. I'm in for a treat that's for sure. Well I guess that's all for now. Xoxo peace :::
"Can I talk to you for a second?" He arched his eyebrows in confusion as you were the one knocking on his door.
"I don't want to be rude (Y/N) but I'm leaving soon to meet up with Minjeong."
"I know, it will just be a second." Your tone was serious and he opened his door to let you in. Mark was nowhere to be seen, leaving you and Donghyuck alone for your disliking.
"So what's up?" He sat down on his wheelie chair, gently rocking back and fourth. You couldn't help but admire his comfy state - hair slightly a mess - slight dark circles forming under his eyes from his lack of sleep caused by late night video games and - sweats to top it all off. You missed that.
What were you doing? This is your ex you are thinking about. He wasn't yours anymore - stop staring at him like that. "(Y/N)? Are you still hungover?"
"Um- yes definitely hungover." He smirked at your stumble. "I just wanted you to know that, that wasn't me last night.....I was clearly drunk and I said some thing's I didn't mean and I'm sorry."
"You didn't say anything upsetting." He grew confused.
"Yeah but I still said some things I regret....I don't remember every little piece but I do know you helped me to bed and I just wanted to thank you."
"Sure but for you sake, let's not do it again." He leaned forward resting on his knees. "You made poor Jimin clean up your vomit on her birthday."
"I threw up?"
"All over the place.....even on yourself."
Your eyes grew wide trying to recall the events that happened. He cleaned you up? Does that mean he undressed you?
"I know what you're thinking." He stood up. "I had no intention of seeing you naked so get those dirty thoughts out of your head. I just helped you in the shower."
"How am I suppose to believe you when I was drunk."
His expression turned sour. "You should know me better than that.....and besides it's not like I haven't seen you before."
"But you don't have that right anymore." You snickered. "Who am I kidding, it wouldn't be the first time looking at other women when you're in a relationship."
He sighed clenching his teeth. "This is what I get for helping you?......Why don't you do everyone a favor and don't get wasted anymore because no one is going to help you."
"I didn't ask for you to help me."
"Why are you even here if you were just gonna harass me?"
"I just wanted to tell you to forget last night even happened."
"Forgotten." He held open the door and you walked out, you turned around thinking more words were going to be said but instead - a door slammed in your face.
::: LoveAboveMyPinkClouds: blog post #53 Transferring was becoming more and more clear as I live day to day. I am just making everything worse.....aren't I. Every time I open my mouth I find myself regretting what comes pouring out - drunk or sober. I don't know what to do by this point. My heart is like a balloon - slowly being deflated. :::
"What's wrong with you?" Jimin said as you burst through the door and collapsed on the couch.
"I hate everything."
"What happened now?"
"I went over to thank Hyuck for helping me last night but it turned into an argument like always."
"You went over to his dorm?" She asked.
"Yeah." You shrugged nonchalantly.
"Minjeong is on her way over there now, what if she saw you?"
"He said he was meeting her - never mind, I don't care.....I didn't see her it's fine."
"If you're gonna hold up this secret of yours, you need to be more careful because what if she thinks you two are hooking up behind her back, that would be worse than lying."
"That wouldn't happen." You shook your head.
"Why because you're gonna tell her the truth?" She forced.
"No because every time we're together we argue. No love connection what's-so-ever." She glared at you. "I'll tell her jeez, no worries I'm just waiting for the right time."
"There's never a good time, that's why you should just get it over with."
"I know." You sighed finally sitting up right, turning on the tv. "I've literally been rehearsing what I'm going to say."
"Just make it short and simple. Haechan is Donghyuck and you're having a hard time accepting them together."
"I'm not having a hard time-"
"Stop bullshitting (Y/N).....you can lie to yourself all you want but you're not fooling the rest of us."
You rolled your eyes but you knew she was right. "I'm just gonna go drown myself in alcohol."
"(Y/N), no more drinking." She laughed.
"Honestly I'm done talking about this right now." You snipped. "I just want to forget about him for one damn second."
"So....we ordering food, then."
"Yes please." You faked whined causing each other to laugh breaking the tension.
::: LoveAboveMyPinkClouds: blog post #53 Yep.....I should have most definitely kept my mouth shut, because I might have pissed him off worse than I thought. But I should have learned that if you mess with a snake, you're gonna get bit but I flinched and now the venom is traveling down to take me out for good this time. :::
"(Y/N) get dressed." Minjeong burst through the door being dramatically over excited.
"Why?" You groaned not wanting to get up.
"You and I are going on a double date." She said and Jimin sucked in her lips trying to not say anything.
"Huh?" You leaned up.
"Come on.......it will be fun. Dancing and dinner - hot sexy date."
"With who?" You were beyond puzzled.
"Okay so maybe I'm not really sure.....but Haechan says he has this friend that wants to hang out and he's single so...." She shrugged.
Donghyuck selecting a date for you? This can't be good. You pissed him off this morning and now he is in some way, taking revenge. Who could it be? Maybe he payed some desperate nerd to hook you up with. The thought just made your skin crawl. He was definitely up to no good.
"I'm sick."
"(Y/N) please...let's have fun." She pouted.
"Okay but the second I'm uncomfortable, I'm leaving." You'll be surprised if you last the first 5 minutes, to be honest.
"Will you stop pacing, they will be here any minute."
"I thought this place was a lounge not a club."
"It is a lounge, I guess they are just packed tonight." She shrugged.
"I swear if he brings some creep to hit on me-"
"Look they're here." You glanced over seeing Donghyuck entered first and you already hated him for looking the way he did. He may be the type to wear sweats all day if he wanted to but when it came down to business, he knew how to dress nicely and you grew angry from just how attractive he is.
He glanced at you but by the way he eyed you up and down made your question what he was really thinking. He almost seemed speechless. You just hoped he wasn't thinking anything negative.
He did love me once?.....
You tried to shake off the thought of him, looking behind to see who he thought would distract you for the night on this oh so exciting double and you almost thought your eyes deceived you. What an asshole! You knew he was out for revenge and he couldn't sink any lower.
"Hey (Y/N)."
"Hey Jaemin."
>> Next Part
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iwonderwh0 · 6 months
What characters you didn't like or was indifferent about at first but now they are your favourites (or you just like them now) and what was the thing that changed your opinion?
For me it was
Amanda. Opinion changed when I finally decided to stop and think about her and then discovered beautiful exploration of her character and role by konami-code-ao3, especially the one with how her relationships with Connor are romantically coded by the game itself implying how close they actually are, which is something I missed myself and therefore thought of her as far less important. And so I was converted
Alice. I hated the twist SO much, I hated how she and Kara aren't allowed to express anything but constant fear and worry and Alice isn't allowed to be anything but a scared kid. I wished she was human. But then I thought about their story from Alice's pov and it was so much more tragic than if she were human, so nuanced (if only it was given attention to actually explore) that I realised that no, I don't actually hate her character, just the absolutely terrible way her story is written and sacrificed for the sake of a twist.
Perkins. In game it was just a punchable face that barely appears, but thinking about how important he actually is for the story to show human's side of the conflict made me appreciate his character a lot more and wishing we could get more of him in game, because it makes it more interesting. I think it was once again konami-code's notion on how it'd be cool to see him and machine Connor working together and DAMN yes, absolutely.
North. I'll get shit for it but I really much disliked her after my first play-through but mostly due to inevitable romance that occurs if only Markus doesn't act like a total asshole towards her. I am not fond of romances that seem to appear out of the blue (and in that specific play-through it wasn't making much sense, just looked like a token get-couple), and I was really betrayed by how game doesn't give you an option to actually pick it yourself or refuse, but fandom's love for her character and this whole "north as a companion" changed where I stand.
Emma. Now here I never disliked her (of course) just haven't really thought about her at all. When I finally did, it somehow grew into an interest where I now think about her often and really like how it becomes more of a distinctive character in my head. I like thinking about her prior to canon, what she was like, what she believed it and things like that, but what made me first start this chain of thoughts was overthinking the fact of her apparently being some kind of child video blogger. I won't talk about how things like that can be harmful for kids in real life, but it's an interesting detail about her character that just allows me to extrapolate from. Also, thinking about her living and growing post canon with such a tremendous trauma in a world where androids are becoming recognised as people, making them unavoidable. It's just...damn, her pov is just so fascinating to me.
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The Way He Looks at You Series I:XVII
Act I: The Way He Looks at You Chapter 17: The Way He Follows You
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Chapter Summary
Cal begins his new hunt after his plans go awry. Rating: 18+ Words: 2.7K
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The darkened sky is changing as I clip my lightsaber back to my utility belt. The job is finally complete, though I waited until the last possible moment, a teenage boy lies dead at my feet. I had tried for too long to convince him to join the Empire; showing him the power that can have as an Inquisitor. But his heart was unfortunately in the right place and I can show no further mercy.
I stare at his face in pity; the feeling is annoying and unexpected. Since becoming an Inquisitor, I have enjoyed hunting others who are Force-sensitives. The Jedi were easy kills for my conscience, a clear enemy and threat to the Empire. But as their numbers dwindle, we now also hunt those who were born after the purge. It hasn’t been a problem as I find myself furious that they would reject the power of the Dark Side when I so nicely offer them a choice.
That’s why I prefer working alone, I can present a choice; though it hasn’t worked, I sleep easier knowing I tried. I don’t have the same blood lust as several of my Brothers and Sisters. Still, I did like killing those that spat in my face and rejected my offer. But since meeting her, I almost feel bad for the boy in front of me. It didn’t help that he was polite about it, telling me he understands why I must kill him. The interaction makes my blood boil, and I roll him over with my foot, placing his face down against the sand.
I shake the lingering feelings of guilt and turn my attention to think about her as I begin the journey back on foot. I really need to figure out what to call her, I don’t know her real name, it’s safer that way. Mine? Makes her sound like nothing more than an object. She is mine, but I don’t want to reduce her to just that. Though it has a nice ring to it.
Perhaps my love? She looked so pretty when she confessed her love, all while letting me claim her tight cunt. The name would fit and I’m sure she would like it. She’d probably blush and give me a big smile the first time I use it. If I say it to her each time she cums, I could make her even more needy just by calling out to her. Make her body crave me whenever I whisper it against her ear. She is already so easy; only requiring that I give her eye contact and her lustful mind does all the work preparing her body for my taking.
It’s why I kept her to begin with, I like the way she thinks about me. I did not know how badly I wanted submission, specifically submission without having to ask. It is contrary to the rest of my existence where I have to fight for everything. But not with her, from the moment I met her and peered in her mind, I saw she wanted me; wanted to submit to me, to belong to me. I’m sure the Force brought her to me, though I’m not sure why I would deserve her after the atrocities I’ve committed.
The sky is lighter, but the sun remains hidden, if I am late, she may already be gone. Though the thought of her actually leaving at dawn causes the corners of my mouth to raise. She has proven her loyalty and there is no doubt in my mind that if I were late, she would still wait for me.
Though I may have to punish her for not obeying my command, bend her over my knee until she is begging for the pain to stop. I imagine she would like it despite the pleas; each strike causing her body to weep for me. Perhaps I’d rub the red skin tenderly between blows, maybe dipping my fingers down to stroke her slit once or twice before raising my hand again. I almost want to be late just for the opportunity of seeing her so broken in my lap.
The walk is now significantly more uncomfortable as I have to adjust my hardening cock in my pants. Her lustful thoughts are rubbing off on me, I thought little about such activities before her arrival. When I had carnal needs, I would find a willing enough woman and take what I needed, then return to my work. But now, I need her; I find it difficult to think about much else.
I take care to be as kind as I can, but the things she thinks; it makes me hungry to overpower her, own her, consume her. I desire her more than I thought possible, but I try to resist the needs for her sake. She seems to prefer when I am more gentle. I don’t want to hurt her, however I so badly want to lose control each time I fuck her. I am hoping over time to expose her to the other side of my lust, the side that she created with her thoughts.
A small part of me dislikes her kindness and loyalty, if only she would resist enough to give me the opportunity to be rough with her. While her thoughts are bad, she is so good; even betraying the Jedi for me. While I don’t like him, it is nice to not have to kill one of the few remaining parts of my past life. However, I hate that our time together was less than it should have been, but she more than made up for it with her words the other night.
The walk is tedious, but the time passes quickly enough, the sinister thoughts of tricking her into disobeying are a pleasant distraction. The edge of the city nears and I jog to get there faster. Despite my dark desires, I feel giddy with excitement at the thought of holding her in my arms. When I am close enough, I use the Force to reach out, trying to feel if she is awake or not since the sun is on the verge of rising.
Odd, I felt nothing, perhaps I have not meditated enough recently. Entering the dim lobby I continue to feel for her. There is no sign of her life, and I break into a sprint up the stairs, taking several at a time and using the Force to propel me upwards. Terror floods into my veins as I run, every worst-case scenario enters my mind. In one motion I unlock and open the door, hoping I’ve lost my connection to the Force and not her.
I am horrified to find that no one is inside. The first thing I see is the curtains shoved to one side by a dresser that is now blocking the window. I look around carefully, searching for any evidence of what transpired here. There is no doubt in my mind that the Jedi is the cause. The fear quickly turns to anger as I search the room.
She made the bed, meaning they did not steal her in her sleep. Her belongings are gone as well, she either left me or was already heading out for the day. The window makes me believe it was the latter; they trapped her in this room, and she didn’t have a choice. Then I see a piece of crumpled paper near the edge of the bed. Rushing over I recognize it immediately as one of her folding papers. I reach out to pick it up and the touch causes my mind to transport elsewhere.
I see the memory of her holding it, her face filled with joy as she reads the note. It warms my heart to see her smile. I would do anything to keep her happy, she’s so cute when she smiles, or does anything really.
The expression turns to fear as she opens the door to an attack trapping her in the room. The memory cuts and switches to the Jedi glaring at the note while she stands beside him, her face streaked with drying tears. Then I see it, his arm around her waist. I am filled with more hate and rage than I have ever felt. How dare he touch what is mine! I let him live and this is how he repays me?
The echo ends and I am holding my activated lightsaber; my body preparing to kill a man who is not here. I immediately deactivate it and clip it back to my belt to use both hands to open and smooth out the crumpled note. A clear boot print sullies the message I had left for her as a reminder of the night we shared and the important words that were exchanged. The sight increases my rage tenfold, I will make him pay, I will remove the Jedi’s head from his shoulders.
It takes all my strength to stay calm and continue to search the room. I do not know where he took her; I need more information. The rage threatens to cloud my judgment but I close my eyes to refocus my mind. I must treat this as another mission, another hunt. If I allow myself to be consumed by the thought of revenge, I risk missing important evidence needed to enact it.
Calming slightly I get to work, overturning every item in the room, looking for something I missed. I start at the front door and work my way inside, touching everything, hoping for my psychometry to latch on to something I’ve missed. The entire room is empty of information to locate her, I am becoming frantic.
I enter the bathroom at the back of the room and I don’t have to search at all. There is an obvious tin on the counter, I approach it and am provided another echo at the touch.
I see her speaking to a Gree woman in a bookshop; a shop I remember passing on the way into town. The Gree woman explains the contents of the tin and I realize the conversation that they are having. I feel a flush of embarrassment warm my cheeks. It feels so strange for someone to know about the intimate parts of my life and be willing to help them along.
I tuck the tin into my utility belt, trying to remind myself that I am an Inquisitor, not a Jedi who would be shy of such things being discussed openly. Checking the bathroom quickly for anything further but I am sure now that I have all I need. I stride outside heading quickly toward the bookshop.
It doesn’t take long to find it and since it is barely dawn; the shop is understandably closed. I use the Force to slide the lock open and pull the glass door towards me; it makes a noise, warning of a customer entering. Though at this hour, on can assume that I am no customer. I hear small footsteps pad across the upper level; I watch their passing above me and wait. Sliding the lock back into place as the door closes behind me. I move further into the store and a small Gree woman comes around the corner of a large bookshelf. I stand at my full height and start down my nose at her, one hand gripping my lightsaber menacingly.
She seems surprised but not fearful, only eyeing me carefully. “Three days is a lot.” Is all she says.
I falter, my eyebrows furrow and my posture slightly. “What?” is all that I say in response.
“Well, she was here the night before last, and the day before that, and now you’re here. I rarely have such loyal customers. Terrible customers you are, since I assume you aren’t here to buy anything.” The small woman picks up a stack of books on the ground and begins arranging them on the shelves.
“Where is she?” I say, trying to regain control of the conversation.
“Second time someone has asked me that.” She says simply, “I assumed she had returned to you that night.”
“She did.” I say slowly, feeling angry that this woman does not fear me as she should. “I left early the following morning and it would appear he took her since then and now.”
The woman stops what she is doing and turns to face me. “Perhaps she left?” There is a hint of concern on her face.
I shake my head, “There was clearly an altercation, he blocked the window to prevent her escape.”
The woman looks more worried and whispers to herself, “Oh dear.”
“Did you see her walking past with someone else, a Jedi?” I demand, my voice raising.
“I did not see her with the Jedi, Inquisitor.” She hisses back, obviously annoyed with my tone.
I try to calm myself before speaking again. This woman became close with her in just a couple days, it is the only connection I have right now.
I try again, more softly this time. “Can you help me find her? Anything is helpful, something you saw, someone who might know something. Even something here that she touched.”
The Gree woman nods and beckons for me to follow her, leading me to a door at the back of the shop. I follow her inside to see the walls lined with various tech; mostly dismantled devices that the public has access to, but some stolen from the Empire. I decide to look past it in exchange for her help.
There is a datapad in the center of the workbench. Without asking I pick it up, examining her work, remembering how much I enjoy tinkering. Though her work is far beyond my skill level, I find myself impressed, almost forgetting the reason for the visit. I turn back to face her and she is staring hard at me, as if expecting to be robbed of her work. I place the datapad back down, trying to show that I am not a threat to her creations.
“I sold her one of those, for reading.” She explains, “if she still has it with her, I can send a message.”
My face lights up, “Really? Can we track her location too?”
“Perhaps, though I can’t promise a precise location, I did not design it for that.” She explains, “I might get you a general area, but there could be many planets and moons included.”
I watch as she fires up the datapad on the workbench and types out a message to be sent. I try to grab the device but she smoothly pulls it out of immediate reach and gives me a harsh look.
“You cannot send the message, we risk losing her if they see your words. Perhaps they will destroy my device as well and we’ll have no ability to find her.” She warns.
I nod and pull my hand away, allowing her to work. She sends the message then gets to work tracking the device’s location. I wait, barely able to breathe, hoping for a quick response.
“How long will it take to get a location?” I ask impatiently.
“As long as it takes.” She responds, “Go make us some tea while I work.”
I am stunned by the order, “Absolutely not, I will wait until you have found the location.”
“I work better after I’ve had some tea, though if you’d prefer to extend the process, I understand.” She shrugs as she dismantles the device and tinkers with the small parts.
I glare at her but she does not appear uncomfortable. It feels as though I have no power here, which is not true, I could easily end this woman’s life, destroy her home, her business. Still she is calm and I realize she has the upper hand. She is the only one who can narrow my search.
I sigh heavily and grumble, “Where’s the kitchen?”
“Up the stairs. Bring two teacups with the pot.” She says without glancing in my direction.
I begrudgingly turn and try to find the kitchen. I hope that this humiliation pays off.
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Next Chapter: The Way He Changes for You
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shadowfoxsilver · 1 year
Pet donation scam explaination
Hi! I have many posts on my other blog that explain what a pet donation scam is but I'll go ahead and write another one over here that also explains it in case anyone wants a reminder about what it is and how it works. I'd suggest sharing this with your friends/followers even if they already know it so they can share it with their friends/followers and so on. I'll put it under a readmore.
tl;dr: A pet donation scam is when someone steals content off another site and spams asks to share their pinned pet post even though their account is only a few days old and has only a few posts. The blog usually disappears within a week but then you have another blog sending asks that has the same exact post but then has different images but their name is the same.
A pet donation scam is a scam that involves someone taking images/stories off a private vet bill aid group and then reposting it to tumblr as their own pet. The account does not explain that the images shown are not theirs; They will pass them off as their own and act as if the pet shown is one that's under their care. However, these accounts do not own anything their posting. Because they have stolen their content off another site.
Pet donation scammers like to reblog a few posts to look legit. Generally, as of recently, they'll share 100+ posts and use the Top Posts badge to look like an active user. However, a quick scroll through all those posts will usually show none of them are tagged and they all came from a trending tag or are trending posts. These accounts also are now sharing posts from accounts they follow in order to look more legitimate but don't let that deceive you. This is just another attempt to appear like their just your average tumblr blogger.
These scammers also will sent out asks that request private answers because they don't want anyone to see they sent the asks out to multiple other accounts. They'll tell you they don't want to be mistook as a bot/spammer even though they just spammed the askbox of people who share mutual aid posts and mutual aid links. If you search their ask in tumblr search, you'd likely see how many got the same thing. This tactic is why it's suggested not to send multiple asks to users to share your own aid post. Because sadly scammers have ruined it for others.
Another thing to keep in mind is that reverse image searching doesn't always work for trying to check the sources of a posts images for these scams. Since these images are stolen off a private facebook group, they won't show up in the public besides reblogs from users who mistook the scammer as a real account. This often may deceive others into assuming the scam account is legit if the images don't come up as being from somewhere else. They don't show up because their stolen off a private group so they are not easily accessible outside of it when searched.
Pet donation scammers also will lie to you to get your money. They will claim they'll pay you back yet if you find out their a scammer and ask for your money back the account will simply block you and move on to someone else. These scammers will never pay you back and they have no intentions of ever returning their money to anyone they stole from. You'll see it's a common phrase in their posts that they'll send you money back for helping them but that day never comes when they remake their blog and once more start their scam back up.
In closing, pet donation scams are unfortunately a common scam on tumblr and it's necessary to try and look up information if you got an ask that seems suspicious and is coming from a blog that's only a few days old and somehow found you if you are not a blog that a brand new account would find unless they saw you in a trending post notes or from a popular fandom tag.
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12percentspider · 4 months
I know this is not the reading comprehension site but as an extremely helpful tip:
Not Everyone Is A Scam.
Not everyone with an evacuation fundraiser is a scam. Not everyone needing assistance is a scam. Not everyone from [you know damn well where] is a scammer, it's probably like 2 people lmao. Don't be stupid or racist. Don't be both at the same time, either.
They DO teach critical thinking in school, you guys (tumblr [and twitter] in general) just decided logic and thinking is beneath you.
The whole goddamn point of a scammer is to trick people. It doesn't make you stupid to fall for something (within reason because let's be real if you give your bank details to someone claiming to be like, obama or something you did in fact know better because you know damn well that's not obama in the first place).
There's a vetted fundraiser masterlist for those in occupied Palestine made by a Palestinian blogger. Please, please, donate to those. It's being updated, it's an extremely important resource. If anyone has other vetted fundraiser masterlists for other locations, that would be awesome.
There are people sending asks who are 100% genuinely in need of help, and yes they are likely new to tumblr. That happens! Not everyone new is a liar, I mean weren't you new once? You had to learn how things work on tumblr? The scammers have been here for years, guys, they know more about how tumblr users behave than someone new and yet the scammers still don't act human.
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bugeyedfreaks · 9 months
So I was thinking about the whole “misogyny behind the supposed lack of interest in teenage girl Powerpuffs” statement you made and something hit me: the reason why the reboots suck is because they’re trying to squeeze edgy, Cinemasins-style teenage and adult situations and humor out of perpetually five year old girls and it makes me so mad that Craig said that because teenage girls ALREADY think that their lives end once they have boobies or are interested in girly hobbies and it would be so subversive to have a show that continues off of the “GIRLS CAN BE ANYTHING.” message of the original with “TEENAGE GIRLS CAN DO ANYTHING. THEY DON’T HAVE TO BE MEN LITE TO BE HEROES.” but instead, we get like five reboots of various levels of quality, all because he thinks teenage girls have cooties or whatever.
Oh yeah, what I said on this post! I could have given you a short answer like a normal blogger, but here is my long, rambling answer where I basically agree and get a little off track and go more in detail about the suckiness of the reboots/the suckiness of saying the girls aren't special if they're older... behind the cut. 🤣
“Teenage girls ALREADY think that their lives end once they have boobies or are interested in girly hobbies.” It's definitely not an inherent thought by any means, but I totally know what you're saying. Society and culture and the media and the internet push girls into thinking they have to become a certain kind of "mature" by a certain age and it's awful. And to say that the girls wouldn’t be “special” if they were older felt as if it was reinforcing the whole gross notion that women allegedly turn into completely different creatures at puberty and from there on out rapidly lose their worth/usefulness as they get older. To say that the girls wouldn’t or couldn’t be “special” when they grow up… yeah, the wording was pretty yikes.
I guess I should quickly clarify that I prefer Craig doing what he does best, and I'm perfectly fine with the girls continuing to be kindergarteners if the show gets rebooted or continued. And he hasn't been involved with the series since 2008, so he's not responsible for any of the content in the reboots that have already happened. I don’t believe he’s some raging sexist (…well, I hope not) either, it’s just that the way he’s said some of the things he’s said concerning this topic are kinda… ugh. Poorly communicated. It's frustrating sometimes! 😩
I get what Craig was trying to say: having the girls be ass-kicking kindergarteners is a fun and unique premise (true, and I love them that way, it's OG, baby!), and having them be teenagers or adults… well, there are already a lot of ass-kicking superheroines who are teenagers/adults. But that's such a limited view of who the girls really are. Their being kindergarteners isn’t the only thing that makes them unique compared to other superheroes/hero teams. They’re three sisters (essentially triplets) with a creator who acts as their single-parent father figure (so they have a loving and stable family life), and each one of them has distinct personalities and talents. They’re fully fleshed-out characters on their own, but they’re also incomplete if they aren’t together. How many other superheroes or superheroines are like that?
Regarding the comment he made about their “kryptonite,” I definitely think that an interesting setback (and strength!) of theirs– regardless of them being in kindergarten– is that none of the girls have alter egos, so they can never just have “normal” lives. At least Clark Kent and Diana Prince could maybe pretend to be regular people once in a while. Blossom and Bubbles and Buttercup can’t! No matter how old they become, the girls will always have to deal with their “real world” responsibilities in tandem with their “superhero” responsibilities because they don’t have to hide anything about their powers from the world. Other superheroes’ lives would end if their “normal” identity was exposed: theirs wouldn’t. And then again, no matter what unique responsibilities they’d be facing, no matter their stage in life, they’d continue to have to deal with the positives and negatives of that kind of existence, and, like I've discussed on here before, I think there are soooo many stories that could potentially be explored stemming from that. So... like... come on. Not special, my foot! It's not like their adventures would all of a sudden end or could never be just as unique as they've always been!
In the case of making a story with the girls being older, yeah, that doesn’t automatically mean you need to stuff your show with edgy, "adult" humor. You barely even have to change how they talk. They don’t have to talk about sex or comment on the latest pop culture thing to be “mature.” They don’t have to get all serious and gritty to be “mature.” Those are the kinds of things people in Hollywood think maturity is (does a certain someone who's also in Hollywood believe that, too? 👀). The problem is in the writing, in misunderstanding what the show is and who the characters are in the first place, how they deal with life to begin with, and so far it seems that the right storytellers who could tell really cool stories in that sort of setting who do understand all that haven’t come along yet.
Also, a thing that I feel is critical to getting the tone of the girls as characters right is that they exist in a universe that, while it may have exciting action and fighting and carnage, is still a very silly place. The goofiness of that universe comes with a very specific tone that has not been well replicated in these other iterations of the series. The balance of the girls' “normal” and “superhero” lives is always off-kilter (and I’m gonna be controversial… I think the live-action script didn't hit the mark but was a billion times closer to getting that balance than the 2016 reboot), and the type of humor that gets used is way off in tone (PPG humor ≠ twerking/Simpsons humor/lazy pop culture jokes/sex jokes). Plus, that small but critical dose of sincerity in the writing of the original show barely ever feels like it’s present in any of these newer iterations.
...but what do I know, I dunno, do I even get the characters? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That's just how I feel about it all. Sorry for all these words, haha.
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teaandtoastandthyme · 6 months
I can't imagine many people will see this since I am but a tiny blogger, but I needed to have these words out in the world somewhere.
Many things can be true at once.
It is true that Jewish people have faced and continue to face rising anti-Semitic acts of violence and discrimination all over the world.
It it true that the State of Israel is enacting genocide against the Palestinian people.
It is true that the violence done against Palestinians is horrific, evil, and inexcusable.
It is true that if we dehumanize those who are committing that violence, we not only risk the cycle of violence continuing, but we also let the perpetrators and ourselves off the hook. Essentially we say that only subhumans are capable of these acts, and then we are unable to acknowledge the very real human capacity for harm or to learn to interrogate our own actions and beliefs for violent tendencies.
It is true that harmful ideologies must be confronted and redirected.
It is true that any of us is capable of falling prey to misinformation, particularly when we have experienced extreme persecution, and we can have compassion for each other.
It is true that all people seeking justice must also seek the dismantling of a colonial, settler, apartheid state.
It is true that the Palestinian people, like any people, are not a monolith and will therefore have many - and conflicting - ideas for how to go about this. And allies of all religions and ethnicities must be willing to do the hard work of disagreeing and working together toward liberation.
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walkingwiththegods1 · 11 months
When things between you and a Deity, doesn't happen as you was expecting. (...Or why sometimes, our relations with Deities; not always have ''A happy ending...'')
I was fighting against myself for a few months, about putting this post; but... After what happened with the blogger I followed and admired for years, I decided than it was time to taking this out of my chest; talking about something than happened when I was 16 years old, before my relation with Deities become closer than the ones I have with people; today.
As I said before, I was 16 years old; and my life, well... It wasn't happy at all: My parents didn't allowed me to get out to have fun, my relations with my brothers and sister were with cold cordiality; this second Christian Private School had many tests and rules than leaved anyone exhausted, my father forbid me to use makeup which didn't makes me look better for the few guys than interested me, and... ''The Queen of Highschool'', seemed to takes a liking to psychologically torturing me; by telling me all the reasons of why I will never had a boyfriend: Since wearing my older sister's used clothes in the highschool's parties, until the fact than she presumed of having even to older boys after her. (It sounds ridiculous to admit it, but all of that hurt me; even if I never said nothing to her... Or to the six brainless girls, than dressed and talked like her) Like any 16 years old, I was trying to keep my grades on track; and watching my own behaviour to avoid been punish in that horrendous place, but above all; I desperately craved for something more: Love, and emotional intimacy!
Time passed and it seems, than I will never have Love of any kind; (Mostly because my parents kept ''An Iron Grip over my Social Life'', and the only place than where it seemed possible to get what I desired the most... The few boys than seems decent enough, weren't interested in me; so I drowned myself in Study and/or Household Chores, and watching basic Cable TV; 'cause I thoughted than maybe it was better for me, to don't ever think to find Love; never again. But, something unexpected happen...
I had a dream, where a handsome young man with long dark reddish-brown hair; pale slightly tan skin, dressed in a long ancient tunic; with very white teeth with a flirtatious smile; get out of the sea, presented himself as a God... And kissed me! When I wake up, I realized than it wasn't a simple dream; 'cause the energy I felt, lingered a little bit in my room; dissipating a moment later. After I recovered, I thoughted than the dream felt real; but... I dismiss its importance, telling to myself than my wish to have someone at my side; provocked that dream... But the time passed, and I started to have visions with this same deity; showing me sites in The Spiritual World, and acting to me like a gentleman...
That Deity, was... Poseidon!
For four months, I felt ''Like I died... And I went, to The Atlantis!''; (Even the mockering of The Queen of Highschool, didn't bother me anymore) and I was just so happy and thrill to have this wonderful and beautiful being near of me, than I wasn't interested in looking to someone anymore; because I thoughted than him, was enough for me!
At the end of those four months, I thoughted than it was time to make things ''Formal'': I wanted to have something more than just holding hands, the endless walks and a kiss or two once in a while... I wanted a compromise, 'cause the whole ''Dating Phase''; wasn't something I wanted to have forever... I wanted a serious relation, and I thoughted than he wanted the same; too...
I told him in a vision, with my heart totally open; in a green forest near the sea, than I wanted to be his girlfriend! I was smiling in an ancient white dress; only waiting than he answered, than he just was waiting than I spoke first; to tell me than he felt the same for me...
...But nothing prepared me, for what happened next...
He looked at me, and like he was trying to make it less bad than it sounds; he told me than ''I really wish than I could tell you that, but I can't... 'Cause my heart only have place for two loves, and I can't have three loves in my heart, and... I'm really so sorry for telling you that!'' (Well... Being stabbed in the heart, would have being a lot less painful than those words!...)
It may sounds obvious, but... Just in case, you wasn't following this story; closely... I was devastaded: For the next two or three weeks, I was crying with all my heart; in a ''I want to be alone, Mood!'', scaring to the girl than mocked me in Highschool; and I was so down, than even my distracted family noticed it; but I never told them, 'cause they doesn't believe in Deities or Spirits, or... They would have called someone of a church, as an answer; so I had to dealt with that pain, by myself!
After that time, I just get up and continue with my boring life, full of duties and totally devoid of the hope of finding love; in this life...
...Until I was 18 years old, and Aphrodite told me than she wanted to us be ''something more'' (which I finally agreed, after getting rid of my prejudices for my Christian's Upbriging); and a year later... Loki, asked me for the same too; and after stopping to doubting myself if I was worthy of being loved, I accepted him... And we are together since then, despite the lows and moments of being separated for our little differences.
Poseidon, appeared a little later again; and I wasn't felt hurt anymore, but sometimes he acted like he wants something more from me, which confuses me: Maybe because I'm now an adult, he wanted to both have a relation now?... I don't know yet, but I had see him acted jealous when Loki is around; and the only time he left his animosity against him, was when he united with Loki; Aphrodite, Athena, Thor, and the other Gods and Goddesses to gave many weeks of ill luck and troubles; to a demon who is a close relative of mine.
The conclusion?!... Not always we have the relation we want from a Deity: They may don't want to be your brother, sister; cousin, father, mother, friend; uncle, aunt, patron, matron; protector, protectress, spiritual guide; girlfriend, boyfriend, lover... Or, spouse. (But, is better they told you in time; so you can move on, till other Deities wanted to have any of the relations than I said above.) As what happens with humans, any relation you have; have the risk to ends, sooner or later; but if we are patient enough... We can find a relation than makes worth all the heartache and pain, we may suffered before.
Than all of you have the Relation you need, be it with Humans and/or Spiritual Beings; just in the right time for you… So Be It!
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