#action needs an audience
Jimmy Eat World - Invented, traduzione testi
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Caffè e sigarette, più semplice di così Di tutte le cose che mi sa che mi mancheranno, c’è restare sù con te
(da: Coffee and Cigarettes)
1. Jimmy Eat World – Heart Is Hard to Find, traduzione
Il cuore è difficile da trovare Non posso competere con gli occhi limpidi degli sconosciuti
Vengo sempre più rimpiazzato dai miei amici ogni sera
Non posso competere, non riesco proprio a riprendermi
Quanti anni sono passati ormai
Nella mia mente è ancora il giorno uno
È quello il primo passo ogni volta Il cuore è difficile da trovare
Sì, il cuore è difficile da trovare
È difficile trovare il cuore a volte Non posso competere con la religione che hai appena scoperto
La buona novella sembra dappertutto
Ma buone novelle e basta
Non posso competere con una vera istruzione
Tutte le cose che dici che non stanno né in cielo né in terra non potrebbero in nessun modo essermi di minore aiuto Il cuore è difficile da trovare
Sì, il cuore è difficile da trovare
È difficile trovare il cuore a volte Il cuore è difficile da trovare
Il cuore è difficile da trovare È difficile trovare il cuore a volte, difficile
È difficile trovare il cuore a volte, difficile
È difficile trovare il cuore a volte, difficile, a volte 2. Jimmy Eat World – My Best Theory, traduzione
La mia teoria migliore È passato tanto tempo, tantissimo
Io di vita ne conosco una sola
Ma ho la mia idea
Lo dico se sembra giusto
Vedo una faccia cordiale con una bocca soffice
Ma parlando dice qualcos’altro
Per cui ci provo con i derelitti Sentiamo l’aria che prorompe fuori, fuori dal centro
Non che uno dei lati sia meglio
Ci alziamo mentre loro si piegano allungando un braccio
La mia teoria migliore? Ce l’ho già dentro di me, dentro di me (Sentiamo, sentiamo l’aria che prorompe fuori)
Un sacco di domande, e le risposte tornano indietro senza risposta
Speriamo che diano una nuova svolta al solito vecchio copione Sentiamo l’aria che prorompe fuori, fuori dal centro
Non che uno dei lati sia meglio
Ci alziamo mentre loro si piegano allungando un braccio
La mia teoria migliore? Ce l’ho già dentro di me In un posto solitario e vero
Né per intenzione né per errore
Apprezza quello che hai nel tempo a disposizione
Con la rabdomanzia trovare il mio vero progetto?
La mia bandiera? Il mio appetito? Sento l’aria che prorompe fuori, fuori dal centro
Non che uno dei lati sia meglio
Ci alziamo mentre loro si piegano allungando un braccio
La mia teoria migliore? Ce l’ho già dentro di me Prorompe fuori, fuori dal centro
Non che uno dei lati sia meglio
Ci alziamo mentre loro si piegano allungando un braccio
La mia teoria migliore? Ce l’ho già dentro di me, dentro di me 3. Jimmy Eat World – Evidence, traduzione
Prove Ti seguo in giro fino all’ora, all’ora di andar via
Nuotando dentro all’idea della tua scenata
Lì per tutto quel tempo, a dimostrare pazientemente che mi sono meritato di stendermi accanto a te quando ti addormenti Appendi un lenzuolo tra le nostre cose
Non dovrai vedere le prove
Prove Ti ho guardata che ti mettevi un vestito mai visto
Qualcosa che implorava la brezza dell’Atlantico Orientale
Lì per tutto quel tempo, odiato silenziosamente
Lì solo per vedere un sorriso… qualsiasi cosa Appendi un lenzuolo tra le nostre cose
Non dovrai vedere le prove
Hai fatto quello che hai fatto
Il ricordo vive
Niente cancella le prove
Prove Appendi un lenzuolo tra le nostre cose
Non dovrai vedere le prove
Hai fatto quello che hai fatto
Il ricordo vive
Niente cancella le prove
Prove, prove, prove
Prove, prove, prove
Prove, prove 4. Jimmy Eat World – Higher Devotion, traduzione
Devozione più elevata Il silenzio dovrebbe essere bello ma non lo è
Mi sa che passeremo la giornata così, a suon di urla psichiche
E non senti che ti colpisce il mio sguardo laser?
Ti fisso intensamente, ma Dio se hai la scorza dura
Cosa ci vuole ad accorgersi? Fammi vedere che mi sai leggere nel pensiero
Mi sei inutile se non sai il perché o il come o di cosa ha bisogno il mio corpo
Dammi qualcosa che possa sentire
Fammi vedere che mi sai leggere nel pensiero, leggere nel pensiero, leggere nel pensiero Mi sta stancando tutta la guerra che mi fai in casa
Io suscito una devozione più elevata
Ti conviene trovarti qualcosa da fare
Cosa ti fa pensare che cederei per meno?
Sono felice solo della mia felicità
Se mi fai finire per terra è finita Fammi vedere che mi sai leggere nel pensiero
Mi sei inutile se non sai il perché o il come o di cosa ha bisogno il mio corpo
Dammi qualcosa che possa sentire
Fammi vedere che mi sai leggere nel pensiero, leggere nel pensiero, leggere nel pensiero Fammi vedere che mi sai leggere nel pensiero
Mi sei inutile se non sai il perché o il come o di cosa ha bisogno il mio corpo
Dammi qualcosa che possa sentire
Fammi vedere che mi sai leggere nel pensiero, leggere nel pensiero, leggere nel Fammi vedere che mi sai leggere nel pensiero
Mi sei inutile se non sai il perché o il come o di cosa ha bisogno il mio corpo
Dammi qualcosa che possa sentire
Fammi vedere che mi sai leggere nel pensiero, leggere nel pensiero, leggere nel pensiero 5. Jimmy Eat World – Movielike, traduzione
Da film La mia faccia che cola a strisce
Qui da solo con la tua roba
L’appartamento che risuona ancora
Do una pulita ed esco
Non proprio come speravo
Benvenuto a New York Niente scene da film e niente magia
La gente si stanca di combattere la continua battaglia
Aspetti di vedere un segnale?
Allora il meglio l’hai già visto Il treno arriva all’1:15
Lui fa “magari me ne vado, ti lascio un po’ di tempo per pensare”
Non so cos’è che vuole
Perché io ho soltanto me stesso
Ma stavolta sono sul pezzo Niente scene da film e niente magia
La gente si stanca di combattere la continua battaglia
Aspetti di vedere un segnale?
Allora il meglio l’hai già visto
Allora il meglio l’hai già visto
Allora il suo meglio l’hai già visto Stavolta credici, credimi
Stavolta ti conviene crederci
Lo sai che io non ci sono più
Lo sai che io non ci sono più, io non ci sono più Niente scene da film e niente magia
La gente si stanca di combattere la continua battaglia
Aspetti di vedere un segnale?
Allora il meglio l’hai già visto
Allora il meglio l’hai già visto
Allora il meglio l’hai già visto
Allora il suo meglio l’hai già visto 6. Jimmy Eat World – Coffee and Cigarettes, traduzione
Caffè e sigarette Quando finalmente ho finito la scuola, è stata la prima cosa che ho fatto
Quello che sogna qualsiasi ragazzo di città
Ho fatto le valigie e mi sono diretto a ovest
Mille dollari che avevo nei risparmi e le due cassette di mia sorella
I Dead al Fillmore East e il Greatest Hits di Otis Redding Caffè e sigarette, più semplice di così
Di tutte le cose che mi sa che mi mancheranno, c’è restare sù con te
Caffè e sigarette, caffè e sigarette Poi mi impegno con qualche riserva con un ragazzo che pensavo magari ci tenesse
Non è andata, ma l’ho scoperto in fretta e non ci ho messo radici
Ho girato parecchi posti da allora
E nessuno è paragonabile a quei momenti semplici e a quegli occhi semplici, a incontrarti in uno sguardo Caffè e sigarette, più semplice di così
Di tutte le cose che mi sa che mi mancheranno, c’è restare sù con te
Caffè e sigarette, caffè e sigarette Quando finalmente ho finito la scuola, è stata la prima cosa che ho fatto
Quello che sogna qualsiasi ragazzo di città
Ho fatto le valigie e mi sono diretto a ovest Caffè e sigarette, più semplice di così
Di tutte le cose che mi sa che mi mancheranno, c’è restare sù con te
Caffè e sigarette
C’è restare sù con te, caffè e sigarette, caffè e sigarette
C’è restare sù con te, caffè e sigarette 7. Jimmy Eat World – Stop, traduzione
Smettila Non devi per forza essere la più bella se hai l’intenzione e la volontà
Non la ferma nessuno una ragazza che sa cosa possiede
Non c’è un motivo, non riesco a non seguire con gli occhi
Anche quando do il meglio, mi sa che resto pur sempre uno di quelli Me lo vedo già nella testa:
Le mani fresche sul tuo sudore
Vuoi farmi arrabbiare?
Smettila perché lo sono Una combinazione di forte e smarrita
Con che facilità ti giri e poi spegni tutto quanto
Tu prendi quello che vuoi e poi lo metti da parte per un momento migliore?
Non agire in quel modo, tesoro, io non me la bevo affatto
Se sei davvero una dura come le tue barricate, le lasceresti cadere Me lo vedo già nella testa:
Le mani fresche sul tuo sudore
Vuoi farmi arrabbiare?
Smettila perché lo sono
Puoi dire che è tutto un gioco
Puoi guardarmi in faccia
Vuoi ferirmi, amore?
Smettila perché l’hai fatto Me lo vedo già nella testa:
Le mani fresche sul tuo sudore
Vuoi farmi arrabbiare?
Smettila perché lo sono
Puoi dire che è tutto un gioco
E puoi guardarmi in faccia
Vuoi ferirmi, amore?
Smettila perché l’hai fatto
Vuoi farmi arrabbiare?
Smettila perché lo sono
Vuoi ferirmi, amore?
Smettila perché l’hai fatto 8. Jimmy Eat World – Littlething, traduzione
Piccolacosa È come mi sono spesso sentito quando mi ritrovo, ah, in serate come queste tipo la Vigilia di Natale
Dalla finestra dell’ufficio vuoto alla strada fuori
Ce la devo mettere tutta a non chiamare per scoprire il perché È solo una piccola cosa, sepolta sotto le altre cose, che brucia da dentro
Resteresti con me stanotte?
E c’è un sogno che non dovrei pensare che senza far rumore mi rosicchia la mente
Potresti stare con me stanotte? Sul taxi non hai detto niente
Coi capelli tutti in faccia
Ma io avevo paura di nominarlo, e non è cambiato niente
Per cui ho camminato finché non ce la facevo più
Troppo tardi, ho capito
È sempre stato per metà inventato
Ma l’altra metà era bella È solo una piccola cosa, sepolta sotto le altre cose, che brucia da dentro
Resteresti con me stanotte?
E c’è un sogno che non dovrei pensare che senza far rumore mi rosicchia la mente
Potresti stare con me stanotte? So che è solo una piccola cosa, sepolta sotto le altre cose, che brucia da dentro
Resteresti con me stanotte?
E c’è un sogno che so che non devo pensare che senza far rumore mi rosicchia la mente
Potresti stare con me stanotte? È solo una piccola cosa, sepolta sotto le altre cose, che brucia da dentro
Resteresti con me stanotte?
E c’è un sogno che so che non devo pensare che senza far rumore mi rosicchia la mente
Stai con me stanotte 9. Jimmy Eat World – Cut, traduzione
Tagliato Ce l’ho fatta, e adesso non si torna più indietro
So che non c’è cosa che non ti abbasseresti a fare pur di avere l’occasione
Mi dispiace, caro mio, non sono più tagliata per queste cose Sei entrato tu, già, mi sei capitato
E così mi sono messa in attesa e da allora più nient’altro
Mi dispiace, caro mio, non vado più bene per te Se è il tuo nome a essere illuminato, e se è la tua ora
Tu saresti stesa sulla schiena, saresti qui per terra
È proprio il tipo di serata che avevo sempre sperato
E lui è proprio il tipo di ragazzo per cui vale la pena di aspettare C’è sempre il peso di qualche bagaglio che bisogna depositare
E sì, io ci sto tentando
Spero tu possa capire
Mi dispiace, caro mio, non sono più tagliata per queste cose Se è il tuo nome a essere illuminato, e se è la tua ora
Tu saresti stesa sulla schiena, saresti per terra
È proprio il tipo di serata che avevo sempre sperato
E lui è proprio il tipo di ragazzo per cui vale la pena di aspettare Se è il tuo nome a essere illuminato, e se è la tua ora
Tu saresti stesa sulla schiena, saresti qui per terra
È proprio il tipo di serata che avevo sempre sperato
E lui è proprio il tipo di ragazzo per cui vale la pena di aspettare C’è sempre il peso di qualche bagaglio che bisogna depositare
E sì, io ci sto tentando
Spero tu possa capire
Mi dispiace, caro mio, non sono più tagliata per queste cose
Sì, ti amavo, caro mio, ma non sono più tagliata per queste cose 10. Jimmy Eat World – Action Needs an Audience, traduzione
L’azione ha bisogno di un pubblico Sono ipnotizzato dai rituali ora che sono da solo
Sedato come un animale
Tutto perché ho perso il controllo Ti sintonizzi sulla nostra conversazione?
Ah, sì, avrai la tua occasione
I più grossi, i più brillanti, quelli illuminati controllano il pubblico Tutto quel peso sulle spalle ti ha buttato giù
E si è portato con sé quanto hai guadagnato
Comunicazioni perse alla radio
Tagli tutti i ponti
Magari non sarò mai del tutto soddisfatto, ma non so fare in altro modo
Sono sopraffatto dalla compassione per la tua anima patetica Ti sintonizzi sulla nostra conversazione?
Ah, sì, avrai la tua occasione
I più grossi, i più brillanti, quelli illuminati controllano il pubblico
Ti sintonizzi sulla nostra conversazione?
Ah, sì, avrai la tua occasione
I più grossi, i più brillanti, quelli illuminati controllano il pubblico Respira l’aria finché ancora puoi
Prendi tutto quello che hai finché ancora puoi
Dormi tutta notte finché ancora puoi
Respira Ti sintonizzi sulla nostra conversazione?
Ah, sì, avrai la tua occasione
I più grossi, i più brillanti, quelli illuminati controllano il pubblico
Ti sintonizzi sulla nostra conversazione?
Ah, sì, avrai la tua occasione
I più grossi, i più brillanti, quelli illuminati controllano il pubblico 11. Jimmy Eat World – Invented, traduzione
Inventato Quando sono venuto a trovarti la prima volta, l’ho chiamata Houston Street
Potremmo incontrarci?
Fammi vedere tutte le cose che vedi
Io qui sono una in più
Un pioniere d’altri tempi che crede con fede incerta
Un po’ di calma ce l’ho ancora Posso lasciarti qui con la tua “gente” se io sono la bandiera che non preferiresti sventolare Sei sempre fissa nella mia testa
Sei proprio quello che volevo
Vivo col debito costante di sentirti inventata Quando sono venuto a LA la prima volta, ti ho incontrata alla vecchia maniera:
Troppo sbronzo, e ancora peggio, decisamente troppo solo
Non aggiungo altro
Un colono fallito che crede nella grazia vergine
In un modo o nell’altro resto fiero Qualunque stronzo può presentarsi con un completo
Ma solo io saprei cosa ti emoziona veramente Sei sempre fissa nella mia testa
Sei proprio quello che volevo
Vivo col debito costante di sentirti inventata C’è un finale da cinema
Me lo raffiguro per bene
Faccio fatica a trovare le parole giuste
Ma tu me lo dici con gli occhi:
C’è qualcosa di bello che mi sfugge
C’è qualcosa che non trovo
Mi credi adesso?
Me lo leggi negli occhi, leggi negli occhi, leggi negli occhi? Sei sempre fissa nella mia testa
Sei proprio quello che volevo
Vivo col debito costante di sentirti inventata 12. Jimmy Eat World – Mixtape, traduzione
Mixtape Magari potremmo rimettere sù la tua cassetta
Riavvolgere fino al momento in cui le cose per noi si sono messe male
Io sono sempre stato un pochettino smarrito
Sapendo quello che faccio, avrei dovuto lottare Mica pensare di allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
È troppo tardi, non puoi allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
Mica pensare di allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
È troppo tardi, non puoi allontanarti, allontanarti adesso Parole semplici che connettono il pensiero
Sono solo pezzi di sfondo, poi non ci sono più, più, più
Io ero lì solo a cantare la tua canzone
Da cos’è che ti stavi proteggendo? Mica pensare di allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
È troppo tardi, non puoi allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
Mica pensare di allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
È troppo tardi, non puoi allontanarti, allontanarti adesso Dove sono finiti tutti gli acquirenti, tesoro?
Saresti ancora in grado di dare quello che vogliono?
Dove sono finiti tutti gli acquirenti, tesoro?
Ce l’hai ancora quello che vogliono? Mica pensare di allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
È troppo tardi, non puoi allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
Mica pensare di allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
È troppo tardi, non puoi allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
Mica pensare di allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
È troppo tardi, non puoi allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
Mica pensare di allontanarti, allontanarti adesso
È troppo tardi, non puoi allontanarti, allontanarti adesso 13. Jimmy Eat World – Anais, traduzione
Anais C’era davvero tanto che sentivamo di aver scoperto
Respiravi pesantemente con la faccia addosso alla mia maglietta
Sei stata tu a dire ti amo per prima
Non è curioso che il sentimento inizia a svanire?
Te ne rendi conto in macchina, mentre mi saluti dalla cabriolet del tuo amico
Sulle note di Sister Christian, per ironia della sorte Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Dai, Anais
Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera Non ce l’ho con te perché hai abbandonato casa tua
Si dice che bisogna provare tutto almeno una volta
Così poi si può capire, eh, sì, maledizione, si può davvero sapere
Ho scritto un milione di parole senza un granché da dire
Speravo che la ripetizione potesse elevarmi
Che un giorno mi trovassi sulla rivista di qualche compagnia aerea
Una cosa che potresti scambiare per la chiamata del destino Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Dai, Anais
Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Dai, Anais
Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Dai, Anais Qualcuno una volta mi ha detto che invece sto meglio così
Un altro ha detto che farei bene a dimenticare e basta
Ma nessuno di loro ti ha conosciuta al tuo apice
Vieni a trovarmi e scopriremo entrambi cosa succede
Vieni a trovarmi e diamo una ripassata ai brutti vizi Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Dai, Anais
Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Dai, Anais
Vieni a trovarmi stasera, vieni a trovarmi stasera
Dai, Anais
Dai, Anais
Dai, Anais
0 notes
dxxtruction · 4 months
"Louis acting like a pimp to Armand" And what is a pimp exactly? Quickly. And, oh so sexual trauma survivors can't engage in kink now without it being all about that? Pet names? They can't be submissive anymore? Consensually? Sexually healthy? Be serious. I'd hardly say there's much power difference between them during all this anyway, except that Louis is freer than Armand and it's been putting a strain on their relationship. Louis wants more from Armand, and less of this 'being his past' for them both, and so helping Armand with this could fix that. It's healthy to want to help your partners get out of a rough patch?
I mean, the whole exchange was very clearly set up as a "I want to help you" after such a great moment of vulnerability Louis feels just how much Armand is desperate for it. Louis called Armand so they could work out a plan together.
And the bit with the umbrella was Louis' way of asking 'are you willing to listen to me?' and Armand said yes by unfolding it. Louis goes on and explains, Armand is allowed to argue against it, but Louis makes his point. And then he gives Armand a way to make his own choice in it too. Armand's already decided 'I want you, more than anything else in the world', but Louis still asks after if he's sure of his choice, and with a name, Arun, that is the one of his fullest agency, running the point home. Honoring the situation Armand calls Louis Maitre - as a way of being like 'I'll do as you've said then'. To make this work he's going to have to give Louis some of the control, yes. But it's the first time such a role is ever established, and it was his choice to do it. So so what if they do it in a very suggestive way? They can't like doing that? I think it's them having fun.
I struggle to find how Louis is being overly domineering here when really he's giving and offering Armand the most agency he's ever had. Same with finding it manipulative. The manipulation was more earlier in the episode I think, when he was stringing him along, giving mixed signals. He's no longer toying with him like that. Louis might be pushing Armand, leading him on to make a decision, but he doesn't mean bad by it.
But back to this pimp thing. I find it frankly offensive that this is where people are going with this. I get it, but to run with it being the case is, on many levels, wrong.
Louis told us episode 1 this was the only sustainable line of work to support his family and keep their standing, at the time. It was never his choice to be doing this either but his blackness allowed no other options. He did what he did so his family could stay in that house and maintain all their same comforts. It gave him privileges most black men didn't have at the time that he wanted to maintain and even have more of. Anyway, it doesn't and had never defined him the way 'being good at running things' had. And in that case he just likes having that kind of control where he can get it, which makes sense.
The world is what placed that kind of role onto him of what he was allowed to be able to run, not himself. And on that he actually treated the sex workers he employed well and respected them enough to give them more opportunity.** He recognizes they don't have much in the way of options either.
Louis employed sex workers, yes, but he didn't subject them to abuse, (like how Armand was)*. He didn't oversee things in a way that would go against their consent (see; episode 1 again)**. Sometimes a job is just a job. And Sex work is work.
Armand's particular past with sexual abuses may strike a particular cord with Louis, given all that, but the very last thing either is thinking is that Louis' pimping Armand out here. This is merely their decision as companions, and had nothing to do with adding another line in a laundry list of selling Armands body out to people at the command of someone else. Armand rescinds some of his control to Louis' wishes, because he wants him, and he trusts him, that's all.
If you aren't allowing Armand that choice, and are doubtful it's fully his, you're putting him right back in the box of being defined by his abuses. Putting him back into that space where he isn't given any agency over what he does. (Which is exactly opposite of what the intent of this scene is for)*.
*: (edit) added for clarity.
**: (strike through) numerous people are saying I'm misremembering these points so disregard it. (Thought he was siding with Bricks, it was the other way around). (Technically one aspect of those opportunities were for getting around the law). I don't have a perfect memory, it happens. Let's not get mad about it. Doesn't change much of the point which is that Louis, now, Louis then, was always considering more about the running things and for stated purposes. So I guess I'd say he may only have respected the SWers enough sometimes for what allowed him to do that, and there are moments he certainly expressed remorse over the fact, but he has a great deal higher respect for Armand that is genuine. It's incomparable. Please read my added notes in the tags, it should address most other concerns.
#amc iwtv#iwtv spoilers#iwtv season 2#Loumand#louis du pointe du lac#armand#interview with the vampire#IWTV#Many people are ranting about this but I'm throwing my hat in too#signed someone who went through csa and is close friends with many swers#long rant#noticing spelling errors in this after posting ffff#added note: I'm not saying armand and louis dynamic is without it's flaws or that louis was somehow without his exploitation and faults#while he was a pimp#as a pimp though he certainly wasn't going about it in the same way as what had happened in the brothel or with marius#I more so say that their very actions are of a healthier dynamic than that this is true even if they themselves are not exactly so#all for nuanced and messed up relationships that run everywhere in this show#But I still don't see it as that specific dynamic I wouldn't call it that there's just an amount of that dominence at play#neither want to be tethered to the roles they've been playing previously and they aren't entirely different for it but#are still arriving to this idea of needing something new to define themselves by and something they both want#they're exploring with this companionship that they're still trying to get a feel for#we as an audience might know they never do fully work their shit out and so are doomed but they don't at that point#last thing I guess is that I am not here to start shit it's fictional and not that serious 4 me 2 care enough 2 go after any1#not individually no#These are just my thoughts#I heavily caution using this idea of it being like the pimp 'jumped out' or whatever for reasons above#and its racist implications as others have said more bluntly (I've implied it)
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alluralater · 4 months
reminder that people who enable/do nothing when it comes to acts of sexual harassment are basically just as awful as the aggressors. they normalize, justify, and regularly excuse those behaviors and sweep it under the rug. who you decide to call a friend does in fact reflect on you. if you're happy to be around people that engage in predatory behavior and you perceive a clear pattern of it yet do nothing about it, then i'm literally never talking to you again. that goes double for people on here where there's this strange idea that there are no consequences in an online space. there are. damaging other people by staying silent or sitting on the fence when you have the power to do something is a consequence and that shit comes back around ten fold to you. you'd deserve every bit of it. dangerous by association is a thing, and you are.
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datshitrandom · 22 days
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Favorite Fanfics (109/?): Leaps and Dives by @annepi-blog | illustrated by @esilher
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hella1975 · 7 months
idk how to feel about the atla live action show but I just saw that the guy who’s playing zuko mentioned zukka in an interview and I’m kinda foaming at the mouth, going feral at the moment
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kuruk · 7 months
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oh my god I know like it sounds weird to say this when it's just avatar but the original show has aang go back to the southern air temple to show katara and sokka his home only to find evidence of the genocide of his people and the loss of his loved ones and it's quiet until you see his grief and his rage but you just see the aftermath a hundred years later and the netflix adaptation makes it feel like they wanted it to be a cool action movie with an epic scene showing the fighting and running of the airbenders like that side by side with aang running away and it's like ??? okay it's "darker" congratulations I can see that's what the goal is based on the differences in firebending and early on screen deaths go and focus on every bit of violence for the audience's lazy sadistic pleasure instead of any of the characters personal narratives especially the women that can all be taken right out + the discovery of different places all over the world in the earth kingdom and outside of it. put everything in omashu so they don't get to meet people and see the diversity of the world and each town and SEE what life is like for them under war and have these experiences with all these people build up to something bigger at the end
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thatoneweird014 · 2 months
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demigodofhoolemere · 4 months
Me through most of Boom: Wow, this is a really solid dramatic episode.
Me when Moffat needlessly sprinkles in anti-faith sentiments without specifying that it’s blind faith in bad things that the Doctor doesn’t like, which makes it come off like the Doctor is just against religion generally:
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#doctor who#dw critical#spoilers#dw spoilers#i get it edgelord you don’t care for religion. you don’t have to alienate religious members of the audience.#i at least appreciated that the doctor agreed with splice that gone and dead are different things and told her to keep the faith#but like. he immediately thereafter still tells mundy that he doesn’t like faith and spent the whole episode disparaging it.#which just feels so wrong for a show that’s supposed to be open minded about the beliefs and cultures all across the universe#i hate when writers gratuitously make the doctor take a hard and broad stance on something that he would NOT#reminds me of s8 when twelve suddenly hated all soldiers#as if some of his closest friends haven’t been soldiers? brigadier? benton and yates? sara?#big difference between corrupt military and literally every soldier#the same way there is a big difference between a corrupt religious organization or individuals who use religion as an excuse for cruelty#and like. ALL faith and the idea of having a faith that you live by whatsoever.#just because his comments were aimed at something corrupt doesn’t mean they weren’t WAY too sweeping as if he meant it on the whole#i definitely enjoyed the bulk of the episode but that just felt like it was done in bad faith and made me uncomfortable#and i just read moffat’s comment on the thoughts and prayers thing and UGH#i get why there are circumstances in which that can feel hollow — usually if it’s coming from a corporation that could actually do somethin#but can we not villainize all the normal people who genuinely mean that with love?#people who often CAN’T do anything but say prayers for you?#that IS a legitimate response and a legitimate action#someone can’t physically aid you but cares to take the time to talk to the God of the universe about you and your need and plead for you#don’t tell me that isn’t love or that it’s not really doing anything#sometimes that’s all you CAN do and it’s more than people give it credit for#blatant disregard and willful misunderstanding of faith like this just rub me wrong#it’s painting with a broad brush and it’s close minded#and yes i’m gonna post this. i’m feeling controversial.#my love/aggravation relationship with moffat continues#in the wise words of kira nerys. if you don’t have faith you can’t understand it and if you do then no explanation is necessary.
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twinsarekeepers · 9 months
Reading some of the critiques of pjotv and now I know why y’all are on tumblr and not in the writer’s room 💀💀
#ive said this before but i have to say it again because some of you guys …#calling the BLACK SAILS writers bad 😭😭 do you hear yourselves#all opinions are valid but some are stupid!!!#(i kid but also i think y’all have just aged out of pjo and are expecting something that even the og series was not delivering)#like the source material is middle grade! which is 8-12 year olds#literally the oldest of the target audience is a seventh grader lol#like i was literally six when we got assigned tlt in school#it’s a kids book and a kids show and y’all really got to start treating it like that#otherwise you’re only going to be severely disappointed#(and wrongly so because you’re expectations are skewed from years of fandom)#anyway i think the show is doing a great job of filling in plot holes and fleshing out characters and unraveling plot threads#it’s disappointing that y’all can’t see that because you want a scene by scene copy paste of the books#like some of y’all need a lesson in thematic cohesion and building a multi-season show with a specific overarching theme and message lol#because that’s something the og book series was missing#rick struggled to tie all of his ideas and messages into a cohesive goal so it felt messy at times#i actually have so many thoughts about how the show is doing a lot better than the books#the books would undermine their own goals sometimes because of the focus on action#while the show is reallying building up the characters and exploring the dynamics before the action kicks off#because why would you be invested in any type of action sequence if you don’t care about the characters?#percy jackson#annabeth chase#grover underwood#sally jackson#gabe ugliano#poseidon#percy jackson and the olympians#pjotv
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
these people don’t understand. i don’t want a fic where purpled breaks down and realizes the errors of his way and gets comforted by like. quackity or punz or whatever. too unrealistic. that bitch would never acknowledge that he was in the wrong. i need to see him become Worse. if he’s not actively self-sabotaging himself what’s even the point
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maxgicalgirl · 1 year
Archive 81 tv show made Melody Pendras straight we cannot trust podcasts in the hands of mainstream media !!!!!!!
#archive 81#I have mixed feelings about it and as soon as they introduced Gal Pal Annabelle to replace Actual Girlfriend Alexa it should have been a#red flag#conceptually I really liked what they did to flesh out the first season#but they took it in a completely different direction by the end and at that point it’s not even the same thing anymore 🙄#like you can’t even pick up anything from the original’s season 2 because they reconstructed the narrative so much#idk man its not like they’re going to make any more of it anyways but I still felt the need to come on here and bitch#honestly main stream adaptations of podcasts scare me like I revel in exposure for things I like but ultimately so much gets lost in#translation#like archive 81 podcast is weird and nonsensical at times and Tape Recorder Man’s adventures in the Upside Down just don’t translate to a#general audience ? so they gotta bring in reasons for it to make sense like satanism and witches and demons#when that was sooooooo not the point of the original#like seeing how much they had to adjust to appeal to an outside audience makes me almost glad the wtnv tv show didn’t get green lit#can you imagine ???? how the fuck would they get five headed dragon Hiram McDaniel on my actual television ????#standing next to a Cecil Palmer with a canon appearance no less#like adaptations are cool and they CAN work sometimes but if you’re going to have to break and bend the world in order to make it to the#point where it’s a new thing entirely#ESPECIALLY since we live in a world where audio drama is not respected as a creative medium#at that point I’m just like leave it alone it’s fine on it’s own#anyways archive 81 is an interesting experiment into what live action podcast adaptations COULD look like but you can pry lesbian Melody#Pendras from my cold dead hands and that makes the adaptation automatically inferior imo#I guess she could be bi but when you remove Canon Girlfriend and instead make her kiss a man ? not likely#I am just talking to hear myself talk now goodbye#max rambles in the tags
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If youre ok w sharing then i would love to hear your thoughts on lotor........ Hes such a weird guy. Dissecting him like a frog
If i get hate for this, i am blaming you/j but in all honesty i apologize if this kinda messy, as i have said it has beem awhile since i saw any of the episodes about him. Most of it is my personal interpretation and opinions of his character-
First of all i personally hate both "L0tor is evil rapist imperialist who did not have a single redeemable quality" and "L0tor is uwu poor baby who did nothing wrong", because yeah he had good intentions and he seemed to genuinely love Alura and care for Alteans but also he very much did do a lot of things Wrong. I am pretty sure a lot of his actions fall into category of Very Wrong
Lot0r to me is an absolute control freak, he has to be 10 steps ahead of everyone, he needs to be control of the situation no matter what. Whether it be through a silver tongue or by his blade (see N@rti's death, him vs White Lion). This is as much as a ruthless strategy as it is a trauma response. Being raised under Z@rkon, a father who only saw him as inferior half-bred, he had to learn survivor tactics. He will do anything to survive whether it be beg, lie, manipulate, and kill. He is a survivor of some genuinely godawful abuse he suffered for 10,000 years, combined with racism he suffered for being half altean
However this need to be in control extends to his allies and people he cares about. I am sure Lotor may have loved Alura, it doesnt change the fact that he very much abused her trust. Their entire relationship was based on a lie. He knew Alteans were still alive and not only did he not tell Alura about it he leaned into the "last survivors of Altea" for their relationship, which is why it was doomed since the beginning. And if it had not been this, then it would have been something else. Cause lying and manipulation are very much core of his character, that is how we are introduced to him
Like i see people going "Oh Lot0r could have been good if he had therapy and a hug", and i am not really not sure about it, cause like would he? Would he choose to be vulnerable and actually let his feelings out and be truthful in a an unbiased reliable way that will neither serve him in any way nor make him look better nor is a part of some machivilian scheme he cooked up because he doesnt trust the therapist he is paying? No
And thing is he does desire connection. He looks for connection in people who are similar to him. Half galran, altean survivors, Alura these are the people who he chose to get close to. He looks for similarities, people he can relate to, people who he sees as like him, people who he thinks can give him a sense of belonging. He is deeply lonely. However his desperation for control, absolute mistrust in anyone and everyone, and his inability to be actually honest dooms any relationship he'll ever have
Also this is probably just me, but for someone who is this morally complex character he has tendency to see things in black and white? Like it is His dad and empire= bad, alteans=good. He idolizes Altea to the point of seeing it as an Utopia, and this ideal was more important to him than any Alteans who are alive and with him. I also cant remember him ever caring about someone outside of the Dichotomy. Like at most i remember is after he became the emperor Lance pointing out how other planets need to be freed and he just brushed it off
Overall he gives me the "smart people dont always make good decisions, but they are good at justifying their bad ones" vibes. We dont know exactly why he decided to use alteans as batteries but i am choosing to go with my interpretation- "Lottor saw something fucked up in that future showing space whale thingy, decided the only way to solve was altean batteries except in true self fulfilling prophecy greek tragedy way it only made things worse and started a series of event that will cause the thing he saw causing real trouble a few years after his death.
Another thing! I think it should have been him being the focus of Evil Altean episode instead of A//ura. I hate that episode and everything it stands for but like if there Had to be an evil alteans episode then it should be around someone who is you know? Obsessed with Altean culture? Is big on control and manipulation? Is more geared towards big picture and "greater good" over individual? Is worried about turning into just like his galran father and so desperately wants to connect to his idealized version of his altean mother? Yeah
#empty answers#This is the type of shit that used to get you sniped from both sides of the shitty discourse back in ye old days#I probably have more thoughts but i also need to rewatch vld to have a clearer picture#Also i dont get when people say it was bad writing that he turned out traitor#Like it was handled in abhorent way but also- we are literally introduced to him manipulating an entire audience#The fuck yall mean yall thought he was genuine??#I used to like him but come on man#That was the most obvious disney twist villain if i have ever seen one#and vld writers are not smart enough to do something actually subversive#Also gonna be real with you while i do have a lot of thoughts of him i kinda also dont enjoy his character??#It is-how do i put it? A bit lame#Like the eps were going on about how he is this Most Complex Character and instead we have is-#a disney twist villain and sad anime backstory that is supposed to absolve him or something#I can think of so many villains/character that had similar aspects to him but were just Way Better#A convincingly manipulative man with black and white morality who thinks he is in the right even though his actions beg to differ?#B3los is right there#Villain who uses manipulation as a defense mechanism which only drive all their friends away? Grace monr0e and Sash Waybrigt#A tragedy who just wanted peace for his people only for things to spiral so horribly they destroyed the very people they sought to protect?#M0rdred pendrag0n hnoc my beloved <33#A hot villain who is morally reprehensible but is really hot? M3dusa G0rgon <3#And just. I think the problem is the writers wanted him to be all of those things and he ends up being none of them#Not to mention the plot armour. You mean to tell me he is being this obvious and yet no one suspected anything??#Yeah right. Detective!Hunk for the win!#Anyway sorry this is late and so rambly#Thanks for the ask!!!!#Anyone else reading this. This is just a personal opinion ok? No fights ok??
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
my total drama oc is a reversal of the show's pre-established "villain" archetype.
right off the bat, they're just the worst person; outright antagonistic towards everyone and constantly causing conflict amidst the cast, openly orchestrating people's eliminations, blatantly cheating but in such a way that technically they're not breaking any rules- without disguising themself behind a mask of geniality (like alejandro, heather and julia did).
and they're kept around well into the competition because their villainy? it's ratings gold. people love a good antagonist, especially one that's so productive. the audience loves to hate them, or hates that they love them, and everyone is gunning for their downfall- which only becomes more and more tempting with every elimination.
plus, chris is more than happy to enable them so long as they keep things interesting.
interestingly enough, they never seem to use the confessional. or at least, none of their confessions are aired. well, that's not exactly true. one confession is aired, and it's them boasting to the audience that they wouldn't understand the inner machinations of their mind, and that they don't deserve to hear their thoughts.
consequently, the audience has no idea what they're thinking at any given time, only seeing glimpses of their schemes throughout the episode until everything comes to fruition- like a puzzle finally being completed. it's a smart move for the network, because it means the audience gets to watch their plans play out in 'real time' without their insight/foreknowledge, making it just as impactful to the viewers as it is to the competitors. it helps with immersion, which is a boon for the ratings!
until their elimination, wherein their confessions are played out on the big screen, and it's heartbreaking.
they explain, in their first confession, that they were accosted by chris at the beginning of the competition to act as the main antagonistic force for the show, and that he's turn a blind eye to their antics so long as they kept the viewers watching, even paying them a decent salary if their act was good enough. because they're smart- smart enough to play the rest of the cast like a fiddle if they wanted to, and chris wants them to.
what a great deal, right? being given blanket permission to be as conniving as possible, and a pay check to boot- who wouldn't take the opportunity?
and they round it out by "getting into character" on camera, sneering haughtily at the lens and- you guessed it- boasting to the audience that they wouldn't understand the inner machinations of their mind, before giggling dorkily at the silliness of their statement, commenting that it'd we way too obvious they were faking if they acted that snooty. they're a theatre kid at heart, so the idea of "playing the villain" is exciting! it's going to be so fun!
but their second confession is sombre. they're visibly tired, wiping away at the concealer under their eyes to reveal some heavy bags, and they're curled up into a pitiful ball in front of the camera. they divulge that the pressure to constantly live up to the shows expectations of antagonism is crushing, and their status as a social pariah is more draining than they'd care to admit, and that- despite the apparent glee they've been committing these acts of villainy with- being so outwardly morally corrupt has left them with a constant churning of guilt in their gut. they only agreed to be the "bad guy" for the money, which would help their family's financial situation tremendously, but they're growing increasingly uncertain if the reward justifies the risks.
by the third confession, they're actively sickened by their actions, eventually devolving from airing their frustrations, lamenting their choice to method act as such an awful person, to throwing up into the confessional's toilet as they hold back guilt-leaden tears and repeat a mantra of "i'm sorry, i'm sorry,". they're drowning in the murky waters of their persona, and backing out now would only lead to more scrutiny and suspicion from the people who were supposed to be their friends, and they know they'd deserve the mistrust. plus, backtracking from their deal with chris would jeopardise everything- from the dirty money they've earned from their antagonism to their place in the competition itself; they'd be voted out in a heartbeat without the network's safety blanket of plot armour!
they don't know what to do. they barely even know who they are anymore.
and then the camera's focus cuts to the real-time them, who's sat ashen-faced and deathly still as their weakest moments are broadcast, not only to the people who rightfully hate them, but to the whole world.
#we've seen “charming persona villainous person” now get ready for “villainous persona poor little meow meow person”#it's like alejandro and julia's 'character arcs' but backwards. kind of.#instead of going from fake-nice to real-mean. they go from fake-mean to real-depressed. oops.#i think it's unrealistic to expect a ~16 year old to be some mastermind villain without it having some mental health consequences#plus being outright encouraged to be an awful person would be so so bad for anyone's sense of morality. not to mention the self-loathing--#that's stems from both KNOWING you're a bad person and being ostracised by your peers because of such.#yet having no idea how to change for the better without putting everything you've worked for (everything you've suffered for) at risk#what i'm trying to say is. my total drama oc needs therapy and maybe a hug#it's giving kokichi ouma but with less self-sacrifice and more angst/self hatred#it'd be totally in character for chris to pay off the series' antagonist in a bid for more drama btw. don't even act like i'm wrong.#(it's happened in canon before with owen's mole arc in action!)#though ig this type of character wouldn't appear in a cartoon aimed at kids/tweens.#unless they're trying to teach their target audiences morality/the consequences of being a bad person? 🤔#anyway-#total drama oc#ophe rambling#character analysis#sort of? more like character outline#love me some sympathetic villains!!#long post#feel free to ignore#is this too angsty for a total drama oc? idk 🥶
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pinkeoni · 2 years
I feel like the fact that Dustin is limping at the end of s4 is a plant for SOMETHING but idk what yet
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weak-hero · 7 months
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no pirates episode for us i guess 😭😭😭😭😭
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garfieldstar · 11 months
back during the whole frecklewish debacle of 2021 when people were discussing wether mapleshades vengeance was a good book or not, one of the main points I use to hear was that mapleshades book was bad because the narrative didn’t explicitly state and outright say that mapleshades actions were bad. Like. Not only is that a terrible way to write any book with an audience above the age of ten but it should be very obvious that mapleshade is not a good person. Because she fucking kills people
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