#actually specifically. i hope she gets two. i really adore her relationship with 40 year old puppy man hirara. but also
bmpmp3 · 7 months
i know love triangles are a contentious topic but sometimes a love triangle shoujosei manga will create the best most pathetic wonderfully embarassing little man BUT he's only this good Because theres a love triangle that gave him that character arc. or sometimes they'll give you the greatest gal pal on earth but only after she tries to kill the main character because they both have a crush on the same guy. i understand love triangles can be frustrating but sometimes they are. a necessary evil
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I want Javi’s POV on this whole adorable scene.
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Okay, my Queen @quica-quica-quica, I want you to know that I suuuuucked in a huge breath when I saw this Ask, because I was entirely unsure if I could do this. It seemed like a really hard challenge, but FOR YOU I’ll try anything.
I dug in to see what I could do, and of course because I can’t just write succinctly I had to start waaaaaay back in the beginning of the story to get Javier where I needed him for the phone number scene… hope that’s okay!!
Thank you for challenging me this way! This went from scary to amazing in just a few days! I love you so much, my friend!!!
Coffee Shop Girl (a companion piece to “For Now” told from Javier’s point of view)
Word count: 3000+
Rating: mature, 18+ only
Outline: Javier Peña x “You” (Austin coffee shop barista; cis/het female reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: slow-burn; references to previous hiring of sex workers; cigarette smoking; Javier masturbating
Javier Peña felt like he was at loose ends. Not for the first time in his life, but it’s different feeling ‘lost’ as a young man than feeling ‘lost’ when you’re on the wrong side of 40. At least a teenager can still expect their whole life ahead of them. Since leaving the DEA and the fight in Colombia behind, he had been feeling directionless.
Spending some time at his dad’s ranch in Laredo had helped, the way that hard labor and sweat always does. It left him too tired to ruminate, to sink into the blues and feel sorry for himself. He had lined up a teaching job at a university in D.C. but it didn’t start until the fall semester, and Javier wasn’t looking forward to an entire blazing-hot summer on the ranch. So when his friend Bill called from Austin and offered a short contract job doing consulting for one of the state agencies, he jumped at the chance.
Javier landed at Mueller Airport at 2:00 in the afternoon on the second Saturday in June. He made his way out of luggage pickup to the Hertz desk and signed for a rental car. It didn’t take him long to find the apartment complex where Bill had arranged for him to stay. Bill’s coworker’s son had graduated from UT Austin in May, and the lease wasn’t up until August, so everything worked out perfectly. Javi could sublet for the remainder of the summer, and the apartment complex was close enough to the office that he could take the bus, meaning he wouldn’t have to put too many miles on the rental car or pay for parking downtown. A small, blandly furnished one-bedroom apartment near work was perfect. He could make it work for two months, and he had certainly lived in much worse places during his years traveling.
On Monday Javier was introduced around the office and given his portfolio of cases to consult on. He also found out that the coffee in the office was total shit. He had spent too many years drinking government-grade slop at the DEA and other agencies to put up with it now. He wasn’t one to complain, or to order any of the frilly new designer coffee drinks that seemed to be making the rounds among the ladies in the secretarial pool, but he had noticed a coffee shop between here and the bus stop. Some local place, one of those Austin things where they boasted about fair trade and locally roasted beans. If they made a decent cup of black coffee he could splurge, buy a cup on his way into the office each day.
The bus dropped him off at the corner at 7:45, so he could grab a coffee and still be on time to work at 8:00. Punctuality wasn’t always his strong suit, but Javier wanted to at least make a good impression while he was consulting. You never knew who might be a network contact to something good, and he didn’t want to screw Bill over after he had recommended him for the contract.
Tuesday Javier tried the coffee shop and found out that their coffee was not only decent for the price, it was actually good. Wednesday he went back again, this time brushing fingers with the pretty barista by accident. He offered her a “thanks” and then went on his way. Thursday he walked in and stood patiently in line behind two stoner kids trying to make up their minds between breakfast tacos and blueberry muffins. The pretty barista was there again, and she waved him over with a smile, indicating he could skip to the counter and leave the hippie kids in line.
“Black coffee, right?” Her smile actually reached her eyes, and for a moment Javier was very glad for all of the body language and psychology classes he had ever had to sit through. It was nice having a pretty lady smile at you to start your morning, and even better that this one already knew his order. She was quick, he figured, and good at her job if she had his order memorized after only two days as a customer. Not that ‘black coffee, to go’ was a difficult order, but he hadn’t expected to become a regular so quickly.
He smiled and nodded, “That’s right. Thank you.” He looked for a wedding ring and then for a nametag on her black apron, but didn’t see either one. He slid a rumpled $5 bill across the counter, larger than the singles he had paid with the previous two days, but she was nice. “Keep the change.”
He thought he saw her bite her lip as she turned away, and while she was fixing his cup he took a moment to check her out. He wasn’t some kind of pervert who would goose her from over the counter, but from what he could see she was attractive. Hell, most women were attractive to Javier. He suddenly realized it had been a while since he’d gotten laid. His last relationship was years past, and he no longer visited prostitutes regularly. Javier wasn’t a ‘reformed man’ by any means, it was just that that habit had been limited to a specific time and place in his life where he wasn’t stable enough to have a long-term relationship, and it had the added bonus of gathering intelligence.
The barista turned back to him with the cup and when she handed it off their eyes locked and their fingers touched again. He saw her pupils dilate and recognized the little spark that turned over in his own gut. Damn, she really was attractive. But Javier didn’t want to be the kind of lecherous guy who hit on a woman while she was working. Too many men mistook the minimum of customer service friendliness for a sexual invitation. Or worse, like the men who hit on waitresses on purpose since they couldn’t be outright rude to stop them. Javier suppressed a smile and took the cup from her, nodding his thanks.
On Friday when he breezed into the coffee shop he saw the pretty barista smile from behind the counter, and she immediately turned and started pouring his to-go cup. She turned back and gave him the ‘what’s up’ chin nod while holding his cup up. Javier walked up and he slid a few singles across the counter to her.
Javier gave her a warm, “Thanks,” and winked at her. That was at least a harmless bit of flirting, in line with her bright smiles and her friendliness so far. If she liked it, great; and if not, then at least he hadn’t made her uncomfortable by asking for her number or hitting on her directly. When he said, “See you next week,” she smiled that bright smile back. Javier noticed that it again reached her eyes, lighting them up just a bit more than last time. A good sign.
The weekend dragged but Javier filled it up with errands: a run to HEB for groceries and to Highland Mall for a new shirt. If there was the possibility of a date sometime in the next few weeks he at least wanted to wear something other than his work clothes. Saturday night he ordered pizza and watched a movie on TV, some lame action movie with giant muscled guys shooting way too many bullets, and of course all the curse words and a sex scene edited out for network TV. Can’t let the kiddies hear the word ‘shit’ while they’re flipping channels, but watching Stallone blow a guy’s head off is good for their growing brains. He finished his pizza and a cigarette and then felt that tug, the loose ends, a little bored.
Javier took a shower and his mind went to the pretty barista, that smile, the sparkly eyes. He thought about those eyes looking up at him through her lashes, or down at him from on top. He wondered what her skin felt like, imagining the rest of her naked, spread out, touching him all over. He felt a little bit creepy touching himself to the thought of her, hoping it didn’t make him a bad person, hoping he would see her again on Monday. But fuck it, he needed the release. Javier came, spurting hot in the steamy shower as he leaned his head on his forearm and groaned into the cold tile wall. He wished he at least knew her name.
Sunday Javier slept in and then did laundry, tidied up the apartment, and took a jog around the neighborhood. He tried to talk himself out of a repeat of Saturday’s shower. It didn’t work.
On Monday Javier lit up as soon as he stepped off the bus. The first week of the consulting gig had gone well, but today was a big meeting and he knew the agency was not going to like his recommendations. He was constantly trying to quit, but at least he had cut back recently. He was down to a pack a day and only one cup of coffee. That had to count for something, right? Maybe his doctor would finally get off his back about that.
He smoked as rapidly as he could on his way to the coffee shop, and stubbed the cigarette out as soon as he reached the big window that overlooked the street corner. He tucked his sunglasses into the top pocket of his blazer and opened the door to the coffee shop.
The pretty barista was smiling, looking right at him and already holding up his cup of coffee like a game show model holding a prize. Javier felt his heart give a little squeeze, and he smiled and winked at her again as he approached the counter.
“You psychic or something? Or am I just that predictable?”
“Both, maybe.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him and gave him a toothy grin.
Javier opened his wallet and saw that his smallest bill was a $10, but he decided not to ask for change back. She was attentive to her customers, she had surprised him by having coffee ready, and she was cute. “Great service, keep the change.”
Her face lit up and she turned to put the money in the register. Javier turned and exited the front door, and then decided to look back through the big plate glass window. She was looking at him, and Javier realized that meant that she had watched him leave. He hoped he wouldn’t have to tip $10 every time to get that look. He lifted his cup, nodded at her, and then made his way to the office.
Tuesday she had his coffee ready again, so he gave her another wink with his smile, and he thought that she purposely put her fingers in a spot to touch his as she handed the cup over. He paid with a $5 bill again, and then thought about her smile and her touch all the way to the office a few blocks north. He didn’t want her to think that the overtipping was him trying to come on to her; it really was nice to have his order ready to go every day.
On Wednesday she had his coffee ready again as soon as he walked in, but Javier supposed that was a testament to the bus schedule more than his own punctuality. This time he paid with singles. But he didn’t want her to think the smaller tip was because of anything wrong with her customer service, so he smiled a little more warmly, turning the charm up as much as he dared without just outright hitting on her. He noticed she was looking again through the glass as he left. But of course the only reason he knew that was because he had looked, too.
On Thursday Javier decided that it wouldn’t hurt to flirt a little more obviously, but to give her an out in case she wasn’t interested. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable or fuck up his supply of good coffee, so he decided to take it a little slow. When he got to the corner he glanced into the window of the coffee shop and saw the pretty barista looking right at him. He took that as a good sign that she might be receptive to his flirting. He opened the door and let someone exit, then walked up to the counter. She pointed at his cup sitting on the counter in front of her, smiling that bright smile.
He arched an eyebrow up. “You trying to get rid of me? In and out so quickly?”
She grinned at him. “Depends on how long you were planning to stay. We close at 1:00 a.m. after open mic tonight. After that you gotta go somewhere else.” That was the most that she’d spoken to him yet. Javier decided to take his chance.
“And what time do you get off, after the morning shift?”
“Depends on who’s asking.” She winked and then bit the inside of her lips, like she had said something she shouldn’t have.
Javier decided to be direct. At least that would give her the chance to say ‘no’ if she wasn’t interested. He locked eyes with her and said, “I am.”
He was relieved to see her flash that big smile, all pretty soft lips and sparkly eyes. “I finish at 1:00, after the lunch rush.”
“Good to know.” He stuck his hand out to shake. “I’m Javier, by the way.” She continued to smile as she gave him her name. When she took his hand she gave a good firm shake, not like one of those women who went limp as soon as they shook a man’s hand. Javier liked her even more.
He fished a few bills out of his wallet. “Can I maybe stop by after your shift, take you to lunch sometime?”
“You can do me one better than that.” She reached down to grip the lid and spun the cup. He saw her name and seven digits scribbled in Sharpie. “My phone number’s on the cup.”
Javier gave her the eyebrows, very much enjoying how direct she was. It was nice to get a clear signal from a pretty lady, instead of having to play guessing games and worry about overstepping. He pursed his lips and nodded in approval.
“You do that for all your customers?”
“Just the best tippers.” And there was her pretty smile and her wink again, so soon after the first one.
Javier decided to give her both barrels. He put his hand out again, palm up instead of a handshake. When she put her hand in his he lifted her knuckles to his lips and pressed a soft kiss, giving her a look from under his eyelashes before he let go.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Javier picked up the cup and left, and gave her a warm smile through the glass as he walked away. As soon as he got to the office he jotted her name and the number on a scrap of paper and tucked it into his wallet. He felt hopeful in a way that he hadn’t for a long time, and he rolled the cup endlessly between his palms while he considered his options. Options. Something he sometimes had taken for granted in life, until those moments where they suddenly ran out.
Javier drained the last of the coffee and then scribbled over her number with a Sharpie before tossing the cup in the trash. No sense in letting her number out into the world where some creep might find it. He smoked his third cigarette of the day out on the plaza and thought about her smile, the brush of her fingers on his, the way she approached him directly. He could use a friend in town, one who wasn’t a guy at the agency or an old college buddy. One who was soft and sweet and might be open to a date… or more. He checked his watch and calculated the hours until 1:00 p.m.
Normally he wouldn’t go back to the coffee shop until tomorrow morning, but it wouldn’t hurt to pop back over there today at the end of her shift, see if she wanted to grab lunch, right? He hoped it wouldn’t scare her off, going back so quickly. He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray by the lobby door and jogged back up to his office, taking the stairs two at a time. He wanted to finish up, get this meeting over with, see if he could get over to the coffee shop before she left. He sat in the meeting, watching the clock hands spin slowly, listening to someone drone on about a budget issue that didn’t impact his work, and which could have been a memo in the first place. He felt his irritation creep up the longer the meeting went on.
Finally the meeting closed and Javier hopped to his feet. He told Bill he was headed to lunch and then jogged back down the stairwell instead of waiting for the elevator. He walked the few blocks to the coffee shop, keeping an eye on his watch. He hoped he wouldn’t miss her.
When he got to the coffee shop he opened the door and let his eyes adjust to the dim light for a moment. And then he saw her, slinging her bag over one shoulder and coming out from behind the counter. Javier smiled.
She stopped a foot away and smiled softly, “Hey.”
Javier realized he was still wearing his sunglasses, no wonder it was so dark. He took them off and slipped them into his blazer pocket. He really hoped she wouldn’t think it was weird, him coming back so soon.
“Hey, I’m glad I caught you. Are you busy, or can I take you to lunch today?”
Her face lit up. Good sign. “No, I’m not busy. I’d love to go.”
She gestured out the big window, “There’s a sandwich place around the corner, and a park we can go sit in.”
Javier felt his face split into a wide grin. “That’s perfect.”
Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
The only tag list I have: @quica-quica-quica @anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001 @deadhumourist @mandoalorian @javierpinme @eri16 @mandocrasis
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raveneira · 4 years
Since Yashahime is such a dumpster fire Im just gonna rewrite the sequel to what I THINK would have been the better alternative to the whole SessRin situation and also some story elements that could really be improved and would make this series alot better.
For starters, if we HAD to go the SessRin route then I would make it take place 21 years after the end of final act, Kagome was 18 when she returned to the feudal era and 3 years had passed at the end of the final act which made her 21, Rin should have been about 11-12 at that point, if we count 21 years from then, Kagome would be 42 while Rin would be 32-33, meaning when the twins were born Rin was 18-19, I know that might make ppl a bit uncomfortable still but atleast she would be a legitimate adult where you can atleast say "alright...Im KIND of ok with this, I still dont like it but atleast she is technically an adult capable of consenting and not a literal child being taken advantage of"
Thats if they HAD to go the SessRin route, then I would atleast make it done tastefully where it doesnt promote pedophilia, plus the old gang being in their 40s wouldnt be that big a deal because they'd still be capable of fighting.
Now for my PERSONAL take on how the sequel should have taken place, SessRin wouldnt happen at all, because the beauty of their relationship stemmed from this ruthless cold hearted demon who hated humans, learned to love and care for a small child to the point of nearly crying when he thought he lost her for good, there are all different kinds of love and the love Sesshomaru had for Rin was pure and innocent. He was someone she adored as her savior and caretaker and she was someone he cared for and wanted to protect, to me that bond was far more impactful and meaningful than anything romantic or sexual building up between them, but simply two people whom the other simply cannot live without because they mean THAT much to eachother. Such a pure and sweet relationship did NOT need to be twisted into a romantic and sexual light. Rin could have continued to adore Sesshomaru and he could have continued to check up on her and bring her gifts as he did in the final act until Rin decided she wanted to travel with him again.
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Now onto the rewrite, as I stated SessRin WOULDNT happen and their bond would remain as it was in the OG series, so who would be the twins mother? well if we HAD to go the half demon route to show Sesshomaru's development full circle, and we didnt wanna undo Kagura's death because it was a critical moment for Sesshomaru's development, there were several other routes that could have been taken.
1 Create a new character and develop her over the course of Yashahime through a series of flashbacks as we unravel the mystery of what happened to everyone through the girls travels. If you want to go the angsty route you could have her die giving birth and have Rin raise them as a sort of surrogate mother figure, kind of like Clementine with AJ.
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2 Use an already established character, one possibility being Nazuna, a human girl that debuted back in the early OG series, she had black hair and black eyes but as we see from Yashahime, the girls clearly didnt inherit their mothers looks as in the OG series Rin's hair was black and her eyes are brown while Setsuna's hair is brown and she has blue/purple eyes while Towa has red eyes, features that neither of their parents have. They also have a random red streak in their hair for some reason. 
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So based on this, Nazuna would be a good possible candidate as she was a teenager in the OG series and would be an adult by the end of the series when she would give birth. [Correct me if Im wrong about her age but she looks like a teenager, but if Im wrong then I would just adjust the timeline to where she would be an adult at the time she gives birth]
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Another potential candidate would be Momiji, true she may have been anime only but since this is an anime only sequel she is a plausible candidate. She has red/auburn hair which would explain the strange red streak in the twins hair. Like Nazuna, she was a teenager in the OG series so she would also be an adult by the time she'd conceive and give birth.
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Another candidate would be Kaname Kururugi, a game exclusive character, but the fact that they went through the trouble of creating a complete OC and fleshed out her backstory to such a degree and allowed her to build relationships with established characters, including Sesshomaru, its safe to say they could have incorperated her into the anime canon considering they already had an established foundation they could have just built off of and meshed it into the anime. Plus she has brown hair and blue/purple eyes just like Setsuna.
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Now that we have all the potential candidates, who's the one that seems the most plausible? In my opinion, I would personally go the Kaname route because she has such a deep and fleshed out backstory and they actually took the time to even animate scenes specifically for this game, so she does TECHNICALLY make an appearance in the anime, just not in an actual episode. And just like Kagome, she could have grown fond of the feudal era as well and wished to go back and somehow found a way to do so at the end of the Final act or maybe a month or year later after Kagome returned.
So going with the Kaname route, I'll begin my rewrite.
Being as Sesshomaru hasnt seen her since she was 15 like Kagome and vanished for several years, when he finally sees her again she will now be 18-19 when they reunite and a relationship would start to build and ensue.
Continuing where the game left off, Kaname would continue on with her normal life as Kagome did and eventually graduate when she is 18. She would still often think about her time in the feudal era and miss all the people she spent time with and bonded with there, one person specifically being Sesshomaru.
^ A refresher for those who forgot the Sesshomaru ending.
As she comes home from graduation, another Doll Festival of Wishes is being held and it reminds her of Sesshomaru whom she wishes to see again, she goes and buys one of the dolls and writes his name on it as she did when she first returned home, thinking to herself that its no use and is probably a waste of time, but with what little hope she has left, she does the ritual anyway.
Afterwards she goes over to her father to help him with the festival, who like last time asks her to go get something from the storehouse. As she enters the storehouse, the hole in which she fell through before has been patched up, as she walks through the storehouse, she walks on the patched up floor which caves in when she walks on it and she is once again transported to the feudal era.
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She once again lands in a forest not far from where Kaede lives, as she wakes up, she is greeted by Sesshomaru, who had saw her unconscious on his way to visit Rin and watched over her till she woke up. Overjoyed and also in disbelief, she hugs him which surprises Sesshomaru who isnt used to recieving this type of affection but he doesnt push her away, nor does he reciprocate by hugging her back.
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As she lets go she tells him how much she missed him and everyone there, then, noticing Rin wasnt with him, asks him where she was, worried that something might have happened to her. He reassures her that Rin is fine and that he was just on his way to visit her at Kaede's village which relieves Kaname. She goes with Sesshomaru back to Kaede's village where she reunites with everyone much to their surprise but they are all very happy to see her again.
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Anyway Im not gonna do a play by play step by step storytelling so Im just gonna mention the main story beats and you guys can fill in the blanks for yourself.
Anyway after the happy reunion and catching up, Sesshomaru prepares to leave back on his travels which saddens Kaname who had longed to see him again and only got to be reunited with him a short time. Reluctant to be apart from him again, she asks, or rather insists he allows her to come with him on his travels. He tells her that if she comes with him it'll be a dangerous journey for her, she replies confidently that she can take care of herself and promises to not be a burden to him. Reluctant but not willing to argue, he tells her to do as she wishes and flies off. Kaname hops on A-Un and soon follows, and the two begin their travels together.
Thats pretty much how'd we leave off the final act, atleast a month or two after, you can decide your own timeline.
As for what happened on their journey and how their relationship developed will be shown through a series of flashbacks over the course of Yashahime as we solve more of the mysteries.
In episode 15, we'd get the same flashback but with Kaname being the one to give birth to the twins with Rin, Kagome, Sango, and Kaede there for her as support. It is said that when Sesshomaru and Kaname found out she was pregnant, he brought her back to the village where she could have a safe pregnancy and birth. Of course Sesshomaru isnt the mushy type to stay there with her through her pregnancy, but he does visit from time to time when giving gifts to Rin but also goes to check on her and see how she’s doing, although he doesnt admit thats what he’s doing.
After the twins were born, everything plays out relatively the same, but instead of just taking the twins without a word to her, he atleast reassures her that he's taking them someplace safe from harm, although he cant explain to her right now what that harm is, Kaname says she trusts him.
As I said, things play out relatively the same after that.
As for Rin, what exactly happens with her? well if we MUST pair her off with someone, it should be Kohaku, someone she has an established relationship and bond with that is closer to her age. Whether or not they have kids I'll leave up to you to decide, but I like the idea of Kohaku having a little demon slayer son to carry on their legacy. It would be interesting seeing his bond with Setsuna since Rin would essentially be like a sister figure for the twins although they dont remember her, it would be interesting and sweet to see Setsuna develop a bond with their son who for the sake of simplifying things, we'll call him Korin.
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Korin, if we want Rin to be an adult at the time she gives birth, would be 4 years after Kaname gives birth to the twins when Rin is 18-19, making Korin 10 in the present. Like the twins, Korin has no memories of his mother since she was sealed away in a tree for whatever reason, so the only mother figure he's ever had has been Setsuna, which would be an interesting dynamic to explore since it would be similar to how Sesshomaru filled a parental role for Rin who didnt have anyone at the time.
Moroha would NOT be this uncaring about her parents, infact she would be insanely curious, maybe even furious wanting to figure out why they abandoned her and vanished without a word since nobody seems to have told her anything that happened. She would want answers and wouldnt stop until she gets them. The OG crew if we MUST have this mystery drawn out, would tell her that it would be better if she found out the truth for herself and that any answers they give her wouldnt be the answers she wants. So Moroha's driving force in the story wouldnt be about some stupid bounty hunting debt, although she could still be a bounty hunter, but her main motivation would be trying to discover the truth about her parents and why they abandoned her.
Also this BS with Koga giving her up would NOT happen, it just wouldnt, that is BEYOND OOC for him to do and I will not be having it. Instead, Koga would be IN character and not let Moroha out of his sight, he would treat her like kin like the rest of the wolf demon tribe, maybe even give her special treatment because of her connection to Kagome. Koga would train Moroha himself, not going easy on her because he wants her to be strong enough to fend for herself, concerned because of her being a quater demon and having her demon powers sealed, he’s hard on her to toughen her up to not have to rely on it. 
If we must include Yawaragi, then she would be sort of a bodyguard assigned to watch over Moroha by Koga for when he cant. The storyline of the rat armor would still relatively be the same but instead of selling Moroha off to some shady bounty hunter which Koga would never allow or forgive her for doing, she simply introduces him to her as a long time friend, Moroha would take interest in the bounty hunting business as an opporunity for training, and potentially finding info on her parents since Jyubei seems to have alot of connections and intel that’ll be useful in her journey. Yawaragi instead of pursuing the key alone would bring Moroha with her when they are approached by the shady demon whos name I cant be bothered to remember, he blackmails her with the key telling her to fight Moroha if she wants it, Moroha scoffs at this telling him that she wouldnt do that and that they’ll both fight him together to get the key instead, but to her surprise Yawaragi attacks her.
Everything plays out relatively the same, Moroha is hurt at her betrayal and lashes out at her. Yawaragi, like in the episode uses this fight as one final lesson for Moroha, with full intention on dying by the end of it. Moroha is hesitant to fight her because she still cares about her as she was like a second mentor and somewhat mother figure to her. So to get Moroha to fight seriously she lies to her by saying that everything was a lie and that she never cared about her etc I wont go into a ton of detail, Moroha is reluctant to believe her but is eventually convinced when she attacks her full power, seemingly with the intent to kill her. This pushes Moroha to fight seriously as well, remembering what she taught her about using her clever thinking and successfully strikes her down. 
After this she goes over to her and Yawaragi admits to lying to her so that she would fight because she knew chances are the shady demon wouldnt have given her the key and since the rat armor was close to killing her anyway she decided she would rather die by Moroha’s hands rather than being crushed to death by the armor. Moroha would be devestated and guiltridden since she is the reason she was in the cursed armor to begin with, but Yawaragi reassures her that it isnt her fault and that it was her own negligence to see through the trap that resulted in this outcome. As a reward for defeating her, she gives Moroha her sword [yes Moroha wouldnt have her sword until now] and tells her to get stronger with it so that she wouldnt have to rely on her rouge, but win using her own strength. Moroha promises her that she will and Yawaragi passes away shortly after that. Everything plays out relatively the same after that.
As for the twins their motivations can mostly stay the same, but they also wouldnt be so uncaring about their parents, or specifically Towa wouldnt. Towa would be furious at her father and want to find him and maybe even kill him for abandoning them and causing them to be separated with seemingly no regard for their safety. Setsuna can maintain her non caring attitude, but given Towa's upbringing in the modern era, it makes sense for her to be furious at her birth father's neglect after experiencing what a loving home and father feels like.
As for what happened to Kaname, like I said you could go the angsty route where she died giving birth, or you could have her be kidnapped and used as a bargaining chip to blackmail Sesshomaru into doing the enemies bidding. You could have it where Sesshomaru was able to prevent Rin from falling into the enemies hands but not Kaname. Or maybe Kaname sacrificed herself for Rin, agreeing to go with the enemy in exchange for them sparing Rin, which is what leads Sesshomaru to sealing Rin in the tree to prevent them from potentially coming back for her. You guys can come up with your own conclusions there, these are just some scenerios off the top of my head. But for the sake of the rewrite we'll go with Kaname being kidnapped and used to blackmail Sesshomaru.
I’ll make an actual rewrite in a separate post with how I would PERSONALLY make the sequel, this post is just me tweaking and making slight alterations to the way Sunrise chose to write the sequel, the separate post would be how I feel the sequel could have played out instead for the better.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
-> Forgotten Love [M.L]
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Requested by • @sweetie-yoongi7 hope you like it bb!✨🐌🍄
warnings• slight verbal abuse, language, a fight 👊💥😤
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“Write about an experience where someone you love hurt you. Explain the situation, what was done or said, how you both responded, and what the outcome was. Must be 5 full pages long, and in MLA format. God, how annoying is that? I mean, what do I write about, my mom not letting me get McDonald’s one time because we had food at home?” You scoffed while pushing yourself back into your chair at the cool, air conditioned coffee shop you currently found yourself in. Summer was just officially ending, and October was creeping it’s way into the year, which meant the air wasn’t exactly hot, but it definitely wasn’t cool enough to walk around with a jacket on. You found solace in the beige and dark brown toned drink house, that smelled like coffee beans and lured in customers with its smooth jazz playlist. You were thankful Mark picked this place to have your little date in between classes, for the chill ambiance calmed down your irritated interior.
While you loved your creative writing class, and you absolutely adored your professor, you couldn’t help but be slightly pissed off at the writing prompt she randomly assigned you. You stared at it for what seemed like hours during class, no specific moment like described coming to your conscious. You were still thinking about it as you finally looked up at Mark’s shrunken frame, and the prompt was easily forgotten as worry took over your emotions.
“Babe? Are you okay?” At your concerned tone, Mark lifted his head to meet you eyes, before quickly looking back down at his coffee. He kept glancing between your eyes and his drink, while you patiently waited for him to explain what was bothering him.
Mark scratched the back of his neck, before looking back up at you one final time, and huffing out a soft sigh. “I know what you can write about.” He had barely even mumbled it, so neither of you were surprised when you asked him to repeat himself.
“I..know what you can write about.” The way Mark refused to look you in the eyes, and the tone of his voice, lead you to believe you knew what he was talking about, and you knew he didn’t want to say it.
You and Mark were an amazing couple.
You liked the same music, you both had the same sense of humor, and you were both equally loving towards each other and your friends. You were the two oldest people in your younger friend group, and two of the youngest in your older friend group. You both balanced it out quite well, and set an example for both groups as a healthy relationship while you did it.
But that’s not to say you were perfect.
It was a year ago, to be exact. You were both at the beginning of your sophomore year of college, and the priorities were starting to stack for both of you. Mark -being a music major- had to write a song and collab with the dance majors to make a dance for the song in about two months and turn it in as a beginning of the year exam. Meanwhile, you -being a film major- had to make a small movie using the theater kids as your actors; due in a month. To top on to all the stress, you had both recently moved in together, and had barely started unboxing before the projects got thrust at you.
You hadn’t noticed he was distancing himself from you, at first.
You were so distracted with your project, that every time he would blow off eating dinner together, or would stay at the school until well into the night, you didn’t complain much; just trying to finish your project and get a good grade. It wasn’t until a month later that you started to see that something was wrong. You had finished your project and had gotten amazing grades, and all you wanted to do was go out on a nice date with your boyfriend; something you hadn’t done in about a month. You texted him the time and place to meet you at, to dress nice, and that you’d be waiting with a surprise. You had seen the small “read 3:14pm” under the text, and while you were a bit puzzled as to why he didn’t respond, you didn’t worry about it too much - seeing as lately that was his thing - and just got ready for the night you hoped would be just as amazing as the day was.
You thought you looked pretty beautiful.
Your hair was nicely done, your nails were painted marks favorite color, and the black, tight dress with sleeves hanging off the side accentuated your body and breasts perfectly. You had even sent Haechan a picture to make sure it was “hot,” to which he replied that Mark’s a lucky man, which made you smile. You were looking fine tonight, and while you had had a reason to celebrate, you couldn’t wait to give Mark your all tonight.
{for more effect, I suggest playing It Happened Quiet by AURORA here}
You took your seat in the dimly lit restaurant that was definitely too expensive for a music and film major, and waited for your water that was requested to the waiter to arrive. With a quick glance at the time on your phone, you realized Mark wouldn’t be here for another ten minutes or so. So you just sat there, trying to distract yourself from the excessive amount of bread on your table, and watched the clock count down until 7:30, when Mark should be arriving.
7:40 rolled around and you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at the door like it just did you super dirty. While it was just 10 minutes late, Mark was never one to be late.
Okay, that’s a lie, but he was never late to these type of things. And you perfectly timed it so that he would have time to get home from school, change, and then get to the restaurant. You quickly shot Mark a “you on your way?” text, before setting down your phone, trying not to be the clingy girlfriend, and keep your hope that Mark would be there soon.
Yet, by the time the clock struck 9, and your bread was stale and you had drank enough water to definitely get a bladder infection if you didn’t pee soon, your hope was completely dead. You silently got up from your seat and gave a small smile and nod to the hostess - who shot a sympathetic smile to you - before pushing the door of the restaurant open and walking toward your car.
You tried not to cry on the way home, but when you walked through the front door to see a dark and cold apartment, indicating that Mark had not yet come home, you couldn’t help but let the tears fall at the thought of something happening to him. You had called and texted him multiple times, and when he answered none of them, you even called the hospital to see if they had seen a patient that fit Mark’s description, or had someone named Mark Lee come in. You called all the hospitals in your area, in fact, but nothing came up. Your last hope was someone you actually didn’t want to call. Not because you didn’t want to call her, but because you didn’t want what you’re thinking to be true. But when all of your friends said they hadn’t heard from him, you had almost no choice.
“Hello?” Her chipper voice on the other end made you want to cringe, but you held it together.
“If Mark is in the room, don’t say my name. It’s y/n. Is mark with you?”
Yerim honestly didn’t know what to say. She stuttered a bit on the other end, before clearing her throat and mumbling a, “yes”.
You sighed and gave a half hearted, “okay, don’t tell him I called or anything, okay? Can you just, like, pretend you never even talked to me? Thanks Yeri,” hanging up the phone before she could answer.
You didn’t know how you felt about Mark working on a school project with his ex. When you had met Mark, it was at a college party during freshman year, around a year or so ago, actually. He had just been through a terrible breakup with his high school sweetheart who was - you guessed it - Yeri. If you were being honest with yourself, you knew you were the rebound. You just, fell so hard for him in the short time you had known him that, it didn’t really matter. You guessed somewhere along the way, Mark actually did fall for you, because he stayed, and he said he loved you, and you moved in together. Because of this, and because of the fact that Yeri was never brought up, you didn’t feel too insecure about your relationship.
But now that you’re sitting on the couch in silence, thinking about the fact that your boyfriend ditched your date to hang out with his ex, you can’t help but feel a bit unconfident in where your standing was with Mark. You slowly started realizing that Mark had, in fact, been distancing himself the past month; choosing to instead spend time with his ex-girlfriend instead of the girl that he claimed he loved.
Jealously and insecurities bit away at your insides when you heard the door slowly being unlocked from the outside. Looking at your phone, you realized it was 11:32pm. You had called Yeri at 10:15, so you suppose she honored your request to not tell Mark you called.
Mark was surprised to see you sitting on the couch when he walked in. He had figured that you would have gone to bed already. It was quite late for a Friday for you, seeing as this was the day you usually went to bed early; tired from the week. He felt guilty looking at you, so he choose to train his eyes on anything besides your crumbled figure on the couch. Meanwhile, you stood up, trying to catch his gaze.
“Mark. Where were you tonight?” Your harsh infliction made Mark slightly flinch. He wanted to apologize, because he knows what he missed. And when he finally did look at you, he felt even more guilty, because you looked quite upset about the situation, and you also looked absolutely beautiful tonight. Your black dress fit your body and extenuated your curves perfectly. Your hair was done gorgeously, and he could tell you spent a long time on your makeup. Mark did want to apologize, but when you said,
“Do you even care about this relationship, I mean it seems like all you’ve done lately is ignore me-”
Mark had almost seen red. Every little thing bothering him lately just...boiled over. He wasn’t thinking before he spoke, which never worked for him; this time wasn’t so different.
“God, shut up! Just shut up! All you do is talk! This is why I prefer to spend my time with Yeri, because she’s not so extreme like you always are! You’re not even half the women Yeri is, and you’ll never be! Sometimes I wish I hadn’t picked you to be my rebound for her an-“ Mark stopped himself from talking by clamping his hand over his mouth with wide eyes.
He hadn’t meant that.
He had not meant that.
He was just so upset by everything lately, and he spoke without thinking, like an absolute idiot.
But you didn’t know that. The tears streaming out of your eyes and the wobbling chin showed that for him. He reached out for you and took a step forward, only for you to take a step back, which basically broke Mark in half.
“Y/n I...” Nothing was said between you too, what was there to be said? To you, Mark had finally shown how he had really felt for the past month or so. You gave him one last look, before walking past him, putting on your heels - which were the fastest thing you could slip on - and quickly opening the door.
At the sound of the door, Mark snapped out of his daze, and rushed after you. “Y/n, no! Give me the keys, you can’t drive right now!”
Your tears had, in fact, gotten worse, but you said nothing to Mark as you picked up your pace to the parking lot of your apartments. Mark almost caught up with you, but you sped up even faster, which silently baffled him because you were wearing heals.
You finally got into the car and quickly got in to the drivers seat and locked the door just as mark arrived at the door. He was practically begging you not to go, and pleading to open the door. You just cried more and put your keys into the ignition, before backing out and driving out; Mark feeling like he was watching his whole life drive away from him.
{for more effect, I suggest playing Forgotten Love by AURORA here. You may have to play it multiple times.}
It had been three months since that incident. Three months since you and Mark talked. Three months of you being single. You, unfortunately, had a basic math class with Mark, and while you two used to sit in the corner together, you now both sat on opposite sides of the classroom. Or you in the front - him in the back. Wherever the first one in sat, the other sat on the opposite side.
Mark felt like he went through hell and back in those three months. He felt incredibly bad for what he said to you, and the fact that after that night, he didn’t try to get you back at all. The Monday after, you just sat on opposite ends, quietly agreeing that it was over. You had gotten all your stuff from the apartment, and luckily Haechan had a spare room you could live in.
Speaking of Haechan, your friend group was absolutely baffled when you both told them you had broken up. It had seemed like just a month before, you two were completely in love with each other; on the same page and everything. Then a month later; it’s over. They didn’t know who they should invite where, but you both reassured them (seperately. You both were just secretly on the same page still, without knowing it.) that you would be fine at the same social events.
You, of course, didn’t factor in that you would be watching your ex-boyfriend bring girls up to random rooms in his friends frat during parties. And that at bonfires, you would see him kissing random girls cheeks from across the fire. Or that, when you all had a group study date, he would bring a girl that none of you knew. You didn’t factor in that your ex-boyfriend would actively go out of his way to hurt you.
Truthfully, Mark didn’t do it to hurt you. He did it because if he didn’t hook up with girls at frat parties, he would drink too much and end up trying to kiss you. And if he didn’t flirt with girls at bonfires, he would spend the whole time staring at your from across the fire. And if he didn’t bring a girl to the study dates, he would break his pencils in anger when jaemin would wrap his arm around you in affection. But, at every event, no matter who he was with, Mark always failed.
He couldn’t stop stealing glances at you from across the fire while you laughed at something Nayeon - Johnny’s girlfriend - said to you. He couldn’t stop himself from breaking his pencils under the table when jaemin played with the tips of your hair. And he always ended up leaving the girls before anything happened at frat parties because he couldn’t stop wishing it was you.
It was actually at a frat party that Mark had gotten you back.
You were trying to have a good time. You didn’t come to the frat parties much, because the pain of seeing Mark lead a girl upstairs hurt you so much, you felt like your chest was on fire. But Haechan had all but begged you show up to this one, and you would have never declined anyway; It was Taeil’s birthday, after all.
You were dancing with Dahyun and Chaeyoung when you felt two hands grip your waist. You expected it to be one of the guys, so you turned with a smile on your face, only to come face to face with a man you had never met. The smile on your face dropped, and you took a step back from his grip.
He gave you a sick smile, and moved forward, back into your space.
“Hey, pretty girl. Wanna dance?”
“No.” You exclaimed disgustingly, before trying to move away from the unknown man. However, that proved difficult as his grip on your wrist was quite violent, and strong. You winced, and kept tugging on your hand, to no avail.
“Leave me alone, I don’t want to dance with you.” You kept pushing your arm back, but he just tugged you closer to his chest. You could smell the alcohol on his breath, and felt sick to your stomach at what was about to happen. At the thought, you started wiggling out of his grip at a faster speed.
“Bitch, stop moving-“
“Call her a bitch one more fucking time, asshole.” You opened your eyes to see a small group has formed around you, your mystery creeper, and..Mark?!
“Get lost, man. This ones mine.”
Mark was seeing red again.
“She’s...not ....PROPERTY!” and with that final statement, Mark swung his fist and you ducked just in time for the weirdo to be struck in the face and loosen his grip on you completely. You pushed yourself forward, and ran behind Mark, to the open arms of your friends, who - as you understand - ran to get mark the minute they saw you struggling.
Mark fought this dude almost twice his size for a minute, and he was about to be taken out, before he locked eyes with you, and the power surged through him. One final punch to the unknown asshole, and he was on floor. Everyone cheered, and some people were already picking up his body, chanting “POOL! POOL! POOL!” But the noise faded out as Mark strides up to you, takes your hand, and drags you upstairs. He pushes you both into a bathroom, where you suddenly take charge as you force him down on the seat, and look through the cabinet for a first aid kit.
You and Mark say nothing as you rub his cut with alcohol. At the sudden sting, Mark hisses and places his hands on your hips, gripping them harshly to push himself through the burn. You can’t help but let your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of the love of your life’s hands on you again. You felt like you had lived a thousand years without water, and were suddenly given a water bottle.
You didn’t realize how long you stood there, relishing in the feeling of Marks hands on you. Mark had opened his eyes, to see you with your eyes closed and you hands clasped together in front of your chest - the cotton ball resting in your hands. Mark pulled you closer to him with a whimper, and when you opened your eyes back, you saw that you were significantly closer to Mark, and that he had tears threatening to fall.
With a cough, you looked back at the first aid kit and pushed yourself out of Mark’s strong grip. Another couple of minutes went by in silence, before Mark finally let out a soft, “I’m sorry.”
Your movements halted, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look down at the sad boys eyes.
“I spoke before thinking. I didn’t really mean the things I said, I was just stressed out from school, a-and, fuck I don’t know, y/n. I just..”
Mark was crying now, and he leaned down and placed his hands in his hands. You stepped back in surprise with wide eyes. “I just want you back. I want my girlfriend back. I want to love you again and spend a decade and then some apologizing for what I said. I’m such a fucking idiot I know I don’t deser-“
You shut him up by pushing his shoulders back up, sitting on his lap with your legs on either side of him (terribly hard to do on a toilet, but you’re a master), and kissing him like a woman starved. Mark quickly falls into your lips, and brings his hands up and under your butt, effectively scooping you up a bit.
You don’t know how long you and Mark sat there kissing, but when Yuta walked into the bathroom to pee and had to see two twenty year olds kissing, he never let you live it down.
You smile fondly at the memory, before looking back up at your lover, awkwardly sitting across from you. Before you know it, you’re leaning forward and taking his hand in yours.
“I’m not going to write about that. That was a personal thing between us, and I honestly don’t want to relive that moment longer than I have already. I’m going to write about the time my cousin stole my DS.” You laughed, and Mark visibly relaxed at hearing you weren’t going to write about it. While he had suggested it, that was because he wanted you to feel like you could talk about it if you wanted, but the truth is he hated reliving those three months too. He remembers what terrible state he was in without you, and he doesn’t like to think about it.
You knew he was dwelling on it, so you stood up slightly from the table and leaned down to kiss Mark - who saw what you were doing and met you half way. You both gave each other a few more pecks before you whispered, “I forgive you, always and forever. And I love you.”
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
So ...about "The Warrior in the Woods"...
Okay so this morning, this squiggle meister took a read at a preview for one of the stories that would be featured in the upcoming RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant set to release this year September 15th. It’s titled “The Warrior in the Woods”. If you haven’t read the small preview of the tale for yourself, you can find it right here on kobo.com where you can also preorder a digital copy of the book.
Speaking of, does anyone know where one can preorder a hardcopy version of this book? Or do I have to wait till it comes out in September to order the hard copy version then? Of all the upcoming RWBY-related projects that I was most looking forward to, it’s definitely this one and I’d definitely love to own a tangible copy of the book for myself if it’s available.
Anyways let’s talk about “The Warrior in the Woods” story specifically. Obviously I read it and without spoiling much from the short story, all I can say is that I definitely loved it. I think right out the gate, I’m going to peg this one as one of my favourites of the fairy tales purely because I found it to be a rather sweet one.
Plot-wise, the tale focuses on a young boy who ends up getting lost in the woods after wandering out too far from his home village while out playing with his friends. Basically the gist is that the people of this boy’s village have lived in peace away from the Grimm; so much so that the villagers; as well as its youths had never encountered a creature of Grimm before.
While lost in the forest, the boy is attacked by a Bolbatusk Grimm (I believe) during which he is rescued by a woman with silver eyes. In a nutshell, the boy is saved by a Silver Eyed Warrior which leads into a routine where every year from the day they met, the young boy would always return to the forest in the hopes of meeting the Silver Eyed Warrior again.
Let’s get into what I liked about this tale:  The whole relationship between the young boy and the Silver Eye who I will hereby refer to as “Warrior”. From the get-go, it’s very evident that the Boy is infatuated with the Warrior but what I found adorable was that this boy’s interest in the Warrior was what encouraged him to brave the forest in the hopes of seeing her time and time again for two to three more years (I believe if I’m remembering correctly). And what I thought was interesting was that each time the boy ventured into the forest, he was described as being much braver and stronger than previous encounters.
During his first encounter with the Warrior, the boy was completely powerless during his first run in with a Grimm but as the years went by, the boy would learn from his experiences and would go in a little more prepared each time. While he still needed the Warrior to come to his aid (which she always did in spite of saying she wouldn’t save him and telling him never to return), I definitely dug how much the boy began to mature with each time he met the Warrior as reflected in his growing combat competency.
I liked the angle of the Boy being motivated to become a stronger person thanks to his meeting with the Warrior. I liked that just as much as I love the angle of how much the Warrior in turn grew to care for the Boy in her own way.
When we first meet the Warrior, she described as strong and beautiful (by the Boy) yet hardened and reserved due to her past experiences since according to her story, her kind were known to be hunted and slain by humans because of their power (as we the readers are aware of from the main series as of V4-V6).
So due to this, the Warrior has basically settled into a life of solitude and survival. This is even reflected in her initial attitude towards the Boy since after saving him the first time, she warned him never to return again.
Unfortunately for the Warrior, she had underestimated the Boy’s persistence since he did return to her and each time they’d meet in the woods upon her saving him, the young boy would bring her gifts as a token of his appreciation and fondness of her as well as a symbol of their growing bond.
And in spite of pushing him away at first and all the times they would “meet” afterwards, I liked how it was shown how much the Boy had grown on the Warrior and how his compassion had warmed him up to her to the point that I think she began looking forward to seeing him in a way---or rather she expected him to always return to her in a sense.
Until one year when the boy returned to woods, he would find his Warrior gone. Whether that meant the warrior had eventually met her fate or simply moved on, I don’t know. It is of my assumption that the Warrior was ultimately killed in battle. The ending of story in regards to the Warrior’s fate felt a bit ambiguous to me. The story mentioned the possibility of the Warrior being dead but honestly never confirms it. Not really. So for me, I’m only assuming that the Warrior did die since that’s how the tale left her conclusion.
Now for the real meat of this post---the comparison that I’ve already seen my Rosegardening peers make after reading this tale and now I’m going to chip in and basically say the same thing too. 
Yes, the Boy and the Warrior definitely remind me of Oscar Pine and Ruby Rose. 
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It’s actually kind of hard to NOT make that stark comparison.
After finishing the tale, my theory is that the Boy was probably around the same age as Oscar is currently when he first met the Warrior. Probably 14-15 years of age and I’d like to think that he was probably 17-18 years old by his third and last encounter with the Warrior since later in the story, the author began referring to the boy as a “young adult man” (I believe).  
As for the age of the Warrior, that one has me stumped to be honest. In the story, she is described as “woman”. I also recall the author describing the Warrior having strands of silver in her hair which made me think she was probably a much older woman---probably in her 40s.
Then again…women in their late 20s to early 30s can start showing signs of grey hair. Not to mention that people as young as 18 can start greying out due to family background and stress. 
So…in that case, I dunno. Going off the featured artwork of the Warrior in the preview, she doesn’t look to be that old at all. So I’m going to safely assume, that compared to the Boy, she was probably in her late 20s or so.  
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That’s my cookie crumb deduction.
Either way, here we have yet a second example of a RWBY content featuring an adolescent male expressing romantic interest in an older woman with the writers behind the tale treating this dynamic as something wholesome and rather quite sweet. I would be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn’t rooting for the Boy and the Warrior to end up together-together.  I am NOT sorry. My hopeless romantic of a shipping heart couldn’t help but find the boy’s interactions with his Warrior to be adorable since the story treated it that way.
It’s for this reason why despite the story’s ending, a part of me is still kind of hopeful that the preview isn’t the whole story for that specific tale; y’know what I mean? Like I’m kind of hoping that once the full book is out, there will be more to the Warrior in the Woods story that potentially reveals the young boy and the Warrior reuniting and having their happy ending together.
I could be completely wrong here but dagnabbit, they got me again folks. Not gonna lie. I want this now. I need Roosterteeth to adapt this book into a new animated series like World of Remnant. These characters don’t even have names and already I adore their bond and story together.
Overall, as you can tell, I’m smitten with the relationship between the Boy and his Warrior. And the ending where the boy; now a man, professes his love for his Warrior since the day they met only made me gush even more over this pair. In the squiggle shire, we stan “A Boy and his Warrior”. That’s what I’m going to call this pair.
I guess the point that I’m trying to make here is that it’s nice to see a love---even if it was unrequited in a sense---between a young man and an older woman be treated respectfully in literature. We live in a time when people would screech over the slightest age difference while ignoring the context of the relationship itself.
Though only a short story, I’m happy that the author of Fairy Tales of Remnant portrayed the rapport between the Boy and his Warrior as a sweet relationship.
It’s here where I’m reminded of the Rosegarden dynamic. For the most part, the CRWBY Writers have always treated the bond between Ruby and Oscar as wholesome. It’s what makes the arguments against it in regards to their small 2-year age different sound so silly in my opinion.
So that being said, thank you CRWBY and E.C. Myers for creating yet another sweet dynamic between a young adolescent teenage boy and an otherwise “older” and much more experienced Silver Eyed Warrior.
“…I wish I could have been there for her,” he said slowly, “the way she was there for us.” If she was dead, she had died alone.
“Why did you keep going back there, year after year?” a village woman asked him. “Because she saved you?”
“For that reason, and for many more,” he said slowly. “But I believe she knew the deepest reason of all.”
The group waited. He gazed into the fire.
“I fell in love with her the moment I saw her silver eyes.”
- “The Warrior in the Woods” | Fairy Tales of Remnant by E.C Myers 
 I would like to say more about this story but I’m afraid right now, all I can give are my first impressions. In a way, my mind is all a tizzy with how much this tale got me thinking in respect to the growth and potential future of the Rosegarden relationship.
I’m not trying to imply that I’m taking this as a sign of their endgame. Nah. That would be too premature of me. But it did get me thinking and excited for them in respect to Oscar’s continued development.
I think what I loved and enjoyed the most out of this tale is how much the Boy reminded me of my favourite little prince and how his endearing love for his Warrior made me think of how much Oscar looks to Ruby as someone to believe in and perhaps, even fall in love with.
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And what got me the most was the line about the Boy wishing he could’ve been there for his Warrior the same way she had been there for him and by extension the people of his village.
That line hit me deep since that’s exactly how Ruby has been with Oscar from the moment the two met!
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Out of everyone amongst the hero team, Ruby has supported Oscar the most from the start. She’s always stood by him. Looked out for him. Protected him and believed in him or supported him even when others were reluctant about that.
She was the first person to mention how brave he is in spite of his fears. And above all else, Ruby inspired Oscar to be a stronger person. Not just for himself and the huntsmen in his care; like his teammates. But for her.
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The Boy was inspired by the Warrior to become a stronger man, not just for himself but also the people of his village. Not only that but I loved how the young man even wanted to be strong enough to support his Warrior too
“…I wish I could have been there for her,” he said slowly, “the way she was there for us.”
I love that. I love that line because it reminds me of everything I’ve been saying about Oscar and his inspiration from the Little Prince.
What was the lesson the Fox taught the Prince? Love and responsibility. To be responsible for the people who love and support you just as much as you love and support them.
I got the same vibe from this story from the relationship between the Boy and the Warrior. The sad reality is that the Boy never got a chance to be there entirely for his Warrior and thus she was believed to have died alone; never truly knowing the whole truth of how much she meant to him and how much he loved her.
This is a parallel that I’m hoping for in V8 in respect to Oscar’s side of the story with him on his own in Mantle with only Oz. I’m hoping that during his journey back to Atlas; Oscar comes to terms with his feelings for Ruby. What would even be amazing is if at some point, the tale of the Warrior in the Woods is brought to life and told in the main series.
I would absolutely love it if at some point Oz would tell Oscar the Tale of the Warrior in the Woods when the little prince starts thinking about his rose. Even better, what if…“The Warrior in the Woods” is how Oscar learns the “Fox’s lesson to the Little Prince”?
Imagine if…Oz, fairy tale and it through hearing that story and learning of the Boy’s dedication to his Warrior that it helps Oscar realize how much Ruby means to him!
Overall, what I’m mainly anticipating is for Oscar to come to terms with his true deepest feelings for Ruby. For me, I would love it if Oscar really is no different than the Boy in the fairy tale. 
What would even be more of a trip is if Oscar is a descendant of the Boy or meets someone in his travels who is related to that boy in the tale and it’s a story and lesson that’s been passed down throughout their family for generations.
I know that might be pushing it a little bit but it’s not a bad concept. Either that or…Oz is the one who tells Oscar the Tale of the Warrior in the Woods. It would make sense for Oscar to hear that tale through Oz since, ironically, isn’t he the one who compiled the Fairy Tales from Remnant book? Correct me if I’m wrong. I know his notes are a feature of the book.
Anyways,  either way, I want to see Oscar realize how much he loves Ruby and it’s his love for her that further fuels his drive to support and protect her.
The Boy never got his chance to be there to protect his Warrior. While he kept her legacy alive through her story, the sad truth is the Warrior died alone never knowing how the Boy felt for her.
This is something I’m expecting NOT to be repeated with Rosegarden. I want to see Oscar promise to Ruby that he will always be there for her; fighting by her side for the cause they both believe him: Saving humanity. And above all else, I want to see Oscar realize his love for his rose in the hopes of one day telling her that to her face.
While I don’t know if we’ll have Ruby return Oscar’s feelings. Regardless, this is what I’m anticipating to see at least for Oscar’s side of things and this fairy-tale gave me more believe for that. Then again, it’s just a story and only time will really tell for what the CRWBY Writers have in store for V8. But a squiggle meister can wonder and hope, right?
In the meantime, like I said, I’m excited for the official release of Fairy Tales of Remnant.
I don’t plan on reading any more of the previewed stories though. I don’t know about some folks, but for this squiggle meister, I more want to wait till the book is out so I can hopefully get a hard copy because I do want to own the book itself.
That way I can read it through, make notes of things and always have that stuff on hand when I want to make a point of analysis for future musings and headcanon posts. Plus I really want that book. This is one of the sure-fire times where RoosterTeeth will actually get my money. (Still waiting patiently on dem Oscar merch though).
So with that being said, I think “The Warrior in the Woods” will be the ONLY story preview I will read and talk about for now.
I know there are previews for the other stories available but I’d rather not read them now. I think I’ll wait for the full book to go through and give my official thoughts then. We’ll see. Until then, this is all I got to say for now folks.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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chasingthecosmos · 5 years
Call Me But Love
Fandom: Doctor Who Rating: T Pairing: The Doctor/Rose Tyler, Twelfth Doctor/Rose Tyler (The Doctor/Clara Oswald, Twelfth Doctor/Clara Oswald) Chapters: 15/40 Read on AO3 here.
“‘Oh, dear. Looks like we might have picked up an extra passenger,’ the Doctor grumbled to himself. His gaze raised to Rose’s once more and she was struck by the sheer intensity of it and the way that he managed to look at once so familiar, and yet so different from what she was used to. ‘Best find something to hold on to,’ he warned her ominously.”
A Season 8 & 9 AU centering around Rose Tyler and her newly-regenerated Doctor as they both struggle to maintain their relationship in the face of some unknown force that seems to be drawing them together. Will they be able to solve the mystery of who is pulling the strings before it’s too late?
This is a direct sequel to “By Any Other Name” and might be a bit confusing if you haven’t read that first. Tags will be updated as I go.
The destination that the Doctor seemed to deem "just the place" for their unexpected and unplanned date appeared to be some sort of train - and not just any train, but the Orient Express. And not just any Orient Express, but an Orient Express in space.
Rose took it all in with her usual expression of wide-eyed wonder, though there was an undercurrent of nervous tension that she couldn't quite seem to shake as she hesitantly searched the Doctor's thoughts and attempted to gauge his current emotions.
"Why are you smiling like that?" he asked her curiously as they stood near the doorway and stared out at the crowded dining car that he had led them to.  When Rose turned to glance at the Doctor out of the corner of her eye, she could see that he was watching her as intently as she had just been searching his thoughts.
"Smiling like what?" she asked hesitantly.
"It's the sad smile.  It's a smile, but you're sad," the Doctor insisted, his own expression darkening as he continued to watch her and he steadily grew more and more frustrated at his inability to puzzle her out.  "It's confusing.  It's like two emotions at once.  It's like you're malfunctioning."
"I'm not sad," Rose assured him lightly, her hand curling tentatively around his elbow as she cautiously waited to see if he would push her away or not.  When he didn't, she gently picked at the sleeve of the dark, fancy suit that he had donned for the occasion and added, "I'm just ... nervous."
Her hesitant declaration of nerves seemed to set off a fresh wave of anxious twitching for the Doctor as he sighed heavily and shifted awkwardly beside her.  "I just thought this would be a good one to ..."
"Yeah.  It is," Rose assured him eagerly, cutting off his grumbling words and flashing him a true, sincere smile.  "It's a good choice."
"Yeah?" he mumbled hesitantly, his blue eyes searching her expression warily as though he expected her to dart back in the direction of the TARDIS at any moment.
Rose's smile widened as she tightened her grip on his arm and gently urged him forward further into the dining cart.  Come on, Doctor, she whispered quietly against his thoughts, I seem to remember I was promised a date.
She quickly procured them each a sparkling glass of what was probably champagne (or, at least, a futuristic, alien-version of the classic Earth beverage) and hoped that it would be enough to loosen them both up enough to clear the air and allow them to actually have a pleasant evening out.
It didn't take long for the Doctor to go off on one of his long-winded, rambling explanations as he eagerly gazed out at the map of stars positioned just beyond the window that stood over the table that they had claimed as their own.  Rose was only half-listening to him as she ran her gaze over his wide, excited eyes and the sharp-looking suit that he had donned for their special night out.
She supposed that she really should have known that he was taking this whole thing quite seriously when the TARDIS had gifted her with an elaborate, early-twentieth-century beaded dress and the Doctor had shown up back in the console room all done up in fine, evening wear.  She couldn't remember the last time she had seen the Doctor dress up for one of their adventures out, and she knew instantly that he had done it entirely for her benefit.  She made sure not to waste the precious gift as she slowly drew her gaze over the sharp, handsome figure that he cut against the backdrop of the fancy, old-fashioned dining car.
I'm trying to tell you about Thedion Four, Rose, the Doctor reminded her as he silently pulled against her thoughts and attempted to get her to focus back on his detailed explanation of the long-dead planet, though Rose could sense the pleased, smug turn that his thoughts had taken as he subtly returned her appraisal and let his gaze drop to her new dress.
You know, I'm beginning to suspect that the TARDIS isn't gifting me these outfits for my benefit at all, Rose murmured wryly as she primly sipped her glass of champagne and trained her gaze on the stars outside to give the impression that she didn't noticed the way that the Doctor was now watching her as intently as he had been analyzing the black hole outside just a moment before.  It seems that every time she gives me a new costume, you're the only one who gets any enjoyment out of it.
Well, you can't always be teacher's pet, the Doctor teased her silently as he subtly dropped his hand to her waist and let his fingers gently grip her side for a moment before casually returning to fiddling with the edge of his champagne glass once more.
Rose could feel her pulse spiking within her veins as she finally put the last of her doubts and fears behind her and determined to make the most of this night that the Doctor had so graciously gifted her.
However, no trip with the Doctor could ever be completely without difficulties, and as word about a mysterious death and an eerie, folk tale mummy began to circulate through the rest of the passengers on board, Rose suspected that her impromptu date with her husband might have to be cut short.  For that reason, she decided to waste no more time on dinner plans and instead quickly urged the Doctor to lead them back to their room for the night in an attempt to savor as much of the evening as she could before he inevitably led them off down the trail of some mystery or another.
The private car that the Doctor had procured for them was small and inherently intimate, but Rose decided to use those qualities to her advantage as she squeezed into the quiet space within and stepped as close to the Doctor as she could while still looking him in the eye.
"Thank you," she murmured quietly under her breath.  She made sure to point out across their bond that the gratitude was for so many different things - not just this quiet evening planned specifically for her and another trip to see the stars.  She was grateful for his forgiveness, for his patience, for his trust.  She was thankful that they were still together after all of this time, and that he had at last fully opened up to her and let their telepathic bond be what it was always meant to be - a lifeline that connected her to the man who she loved most in all of time and space.
Over two-thousand-years out there wandering the stars, the Doctor mused silently as he gently cupped her face between his two hands and slowly let his eyes trail down to her lips, you're still the only one I've never been able to say "no" to.
Over a hundred-years and two different universes, Rose agreed bemusedly as she quietly parted her lips and held her breath as she waited for him to cross the small distance between them, there's never been anyone else but you.
The Doctor's eyes met hers for just a moment before he finally leaned in to kiss her, and Rose could sense that he continued to watch her even after her own eyes had slipped shut under the soft press of his lips.  His touch was gentle but insistent as he slowly backed her up against the wall behind her and let their bodies become flush with one another as Rose eagerly returned his kiss and began to let her hands roam distractedly over his chest and shoulders.
The barest brush of the Doctor's tongue against hers was all the encouragement that Rose needed for their tender kiss to suddenly turn heated and passionate, and before long they were both fumbling blindly in the direction of the bed.  They spent the rest of their time in their private quarters losing themselves in one another and silently reaffirming their love for each other as they whispered all manner of secrets and promises and devotions into one another's thoughts to make sure that the other person knew beyond a doubt that they were never, ever going to leave.
At the end of it all, Rose ended up collapsed against the Doctor's chest, silently counting his heartsbeats and breathing in his scent as he distractedly ran his fingers through her hair and traced nonsense patterns over her skin.
"You know, I'm sure it's nothing," the Doctor muttered quietly, his voice rumbling pleasantly in Rose's ear and making her eyelids slip shut involuntarily as her heart overflowed with quiet adoration for him.  "Nothing.  Definitely.  Sure.  Ninety-nine-percent sure."
"Mmm-hmm," Rose agreed distractedly, sensing the Doctor's thoughts running off down a million different rabbit trails all around them but not being able to bring herself to chase after any one of them.  "What are you ninety-nine-percent sure of?"
"Well, that's quite high, isn't it?" the Doctor amended with a weary sigh.  "Okay, okay - seventy-five."
"Well, that's jumped quite a bit," Rose mused teasingly.
"Yes.  That's not good, is it?" he continued, his fingers distractedly drawing numbers and calculations across her sides and shoulders.
"You want to go chase down the mummy, don't you?" Rose grumbled as she heaved a long, weary sigh against him.  She screwed up her expression as she slowly stretched her limbs in an attempt to motivate herself into moving again.  She could already tell by the pattern of the Doctor's thoughts that there would be no talking him out of this mystery, it was now just a matter of whether or not she would join him on his newfound adventure (as though that could ever be in question).
Should have known this wasn't just some simple date ... Rose thought silently to herself as she slowly extricated her limbs from her bondmate's embrace.  She made to get up and start rooting around the room for their abandoned clothes, but she came to a halt as she sat up on the edge of the bed and she instantly felt the Doctor's warm arms snake back around her middle once more, effectively locking her in place.  If the solid familiarity of his chest at her back wasn't enough to take her breath away, the tender kiss he pressed deliberately to the skin of her neck certainly was.
"Yes, I'm interested in the creature that has the ability to kill someone in sixty-six seconds flat," he admitted quietly, his breath ghosting against her skin and making her shiver uncontrollably.  "But no, I didn't plan this."  I didn't plan any of it, really, he admitted silently through their bond.  I just knew that wherever we ended up, I wanted to be there with you.
Rose shifted her weight slightly so that she could turn and meet the Doctor's gaze as she flashed him a dubious look that was completely ruined by the small, self-satisfied smile that she could feel curling up around the edges of her lips.  "You know, Doctor, this whole angry, scary persona you put on really doesn't work when you go and say things like that."
Should have known you'd see right through me, precious girl, he muttered wryly as he leaned forward to press his lips to hers once more.  Just like before, what started as a gentle, sweet gesture quickly turned heated when Rose instantly melted back into him and the Doctor slowly urged her back so that he could over her and press her into the mattress of their small, borrowed bed once more.
However, before they could let themselves grow too distracted, Rose ran her thumb gently across the Doctor's cheek and silently reminded him that there was a monster on board who was currently hunting down and killing passengers, and that such a threat might need their attention.
"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?" the Doctor whispered as he pressed a hard kiss to the underside of her jaw and silently thanked her for giving up her quiet night out for the sake of the other innocent lives on board.  Without using words, he made it abundantly clear that he was so ridiculously proud of and pleased with her and that he could never in a thousand regenerations ever ask for anyone better.
Rose grinned as she pressed a final kiss to the corner of his mouth and then regretfully released her hold on him so that they could return to redressing and saving the day.  "It could always do with repeating," she replied teasingly.  "You certainly made me wait long enough the first time around."
"I love you," he whispered again, the soft look that he flashed her nearly undoing Rose's resolve and sending her crawling back into bed with him again.  However, she forced herself to remain firm as she silently reminded them both of the many innocent lives that still remained on board and the pressing need to keep them all safe.
Still, they had both been waiting quite a while to get back to this point, so she decided to indulge herself for just a moment more as she leaned in one last time to level her face near his and whispered in reply, "Say it again."
"Rose Tyler ..." he began, his voice low and gravelly in a way that Rose simply couldn't resist, so she closed the last small space left between them and claimed those three precious words with her lips instead.
They eventually did uncover the truth of the mummy and saved as many of the remaining crew and passengers as possible, but neither of them could ever come to regret the night that they had spent together making up for lost time and missed opportunities on the Orient Express.
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saccharineomens · 5 years
I want to know all the answers from your 100 question meme
Something you find romantic? Answer whichever #'s you feel comfortable answering; I want to know all your inner musings 😝
cat why do you do this to me
i’ll be sticking them below a readmore, then!
1.  Is a kiss considered cheating? Yes! Unless you’ve communicated with your partner that it’s okay.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Hmmm this is a really hard decision. I usually say telepathy, but I like shapeshifting, too. I loved the Animorphs books as a kid, even though I didn’t read them all.
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? Monetarily? Nah. But I like to think I’ll still have strong, rich friendships and I think I’ll have enough money to live comfortably alone. 
5.  Tell us some funny drunk story. I just don’t really have one rip. Drunk people are hilarious but normally I’m the DD. I’ve got several pleasant stories, though! There was a time me and my best friend went to a pub and drank cider and played board games and video games until closing time. Afterwards we stopped at an Insomnia cookies, a storm caused the electricity to go out, and we got a half dozen cookies for free. (well, I felt guilty, so I left them a very large tip.)
6.  Why are you no longer together with your ex? I was going through college, it was long distance, and I felt he deserved better. We keep in touch, though.
7.  If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Well, painlessly, of old age, in my sleep, of course. But if that’s not an option, out of all the ways of dying, freezing to death seems the most humane. You just get tired, cold, and sleepy, and then you just...don’t wake up.
8.  What are your current goals? Graduate, mostly. Long-term I’d like to live with friends in a big house and my cat, and have enough free time to garden and craft at my leisure, and have the ability to travel wherever I’d like. I’d like to work on a game or movie I’m really passionate about, and I’d love to become a director someday.
9.  Do you like someone? I mean, I like a lot of people, but I assume this means romantically. So, kind of? I find a lot of people attractive and have a ‘if they wanted to date I’d be down’ feeling, but I don’t have serious feelings for anybody specific.
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? Hmmm I have a terrible memory. Myself, perhaps? I have a really hard time with getting up when my alarms go off. Sleep inertia’s a big problem for me. This has led to me being late to classes and rushing to get ready, which is stressful.
11. Do you like your body? Ehhhh. I guess. It could be improved, like by not having health issues. 
12.  Can you keep a diet? Ha! No.
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I hope you have a wonderful day. The universe doesn’t care about us so be excellent to each other!
14.  Do you work? Constantly, every day. I work to learn new things, accomplish school assignments, make money, feed myself...All my life is is working, right now.
15.  If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Salad! Because anything can be a salad. Tuna salad, fruit salad, salad with salmon...
16. Would you get a tattoo? Oh, absolutely. The only reason I don’t have any is because of money. I have like five small ideas and one very large one that i’d like across my back. 
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? Food, my family, and my friends.
18. Can you drive? Yes. Do I have a license? No.
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? Probably sometime in the past month by my mother, but she’s just about the only person who does.
20. What was the last thing you cried for? asdfjal;ksdjfs it was Treasure Planet. Jim and Silver’s relationship is just [clutches chest] so beautiful.
21. Do you keep a journal? Sort of, sporadically. 
22.  Is life fun? Yes!
23.  Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I mean, I prefer you excuse yourself, but more or less yeah.
24.  What’s your dream car? My sib got this really nice Prius used at a good price, and it has a lot of room and it’s a hybrid, so Nice. I don’t tend to pay much attention to cars, as long as they’re comfortable and low-waste.
25. Are grades in school important? I admit that they’re important to me, but that’s something I have to unlearn. My worth isn’t determined by other people.
26. Describe your crush. Ugh. I’m bi, guys. I get crushes on people all the time, every day. Saw this really pretty redhead in the cafeteria over a month ago, and I saw her again yesterday. She’s a couple inches taller than me and has really pretty curly hair, but I didn’t really, like, stare, so I couldn’t describe her face well past ‘cute nose’.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? Nothing jumps to mind. I guess I’m still falling over myself after seeing Mad Max back in like 2015, that was just the coolest experience ever. I find delight in just about every movie I watch, though. The second Jumanji-sequels movie was just as fun and amazing as the first. Klaus was just incredible in so many ways. 
28.  What was your last lie? I...really just do not remember. Probably telling myself “I’m gonna do my laundry today” a few days ago? Whereas I DID do my laundry today so HA
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? I saved this question for last and it’s late and I honestly can’t remember anything, asdjls sorry. My memory’s awful y’all. 
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? Oh absolutely. I mean it wouldn’t be if they weren’t uncomfortable with it, but they always are.
31.  Something you did and you are proud of? I did my laundry today? washed dried folded and everything. I also braved the nighttime neighborhood around my school to solo a Pokemon raid, which was cool. I’m proud of my animation done at the end of the last semester, and of how my teddy bear modelling is doing this week.
32. What’s your favourite cocktail? How am I supposed to choose this? How can you ask me to choose this? I’d have to line them all up and try one by one, honestly, before I could tell you. 
33.  Something you are good at? I’m pretty good at drawing anatomy and expressions, I think. I’m good at baking/cooking, although I lack creativity in the kitchen. I also think I’m a pretty good listener, and a good friend? 
34.  Do you like small kids? Most of the time!
35.  How are you feeling right now? Frankly, a little drained with all these questions, but determined to finish them. I’m a little hungry. I’ve got a lot on my mind, and wish I was doing homework, but I also can’t get myself to do it right now. 
36.  What would you name your daughter/son? Not sure! Every once in a while I’ll be like “ooh, that’d be a great name” and then don’t remember to write it down. Besides, I plan on adopting, and most kiddos already have names.
37.  What do you need to be happy? Money, friends, family, good food, and a place to explore. 
38.  Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? Not particularly. No one other than, well. The rich people I’m pretty sure everyone knows I dislike.
39.  What was the last gift you received? Well, anything my mom cooks for me is a gift, but the last Proper gift was from my friend @ wefflebugs , who got me a blu-ray copy of Into the Spiderverse and some coffee for Christmas  c:
40.  What was the last gift you gave? I gave my sibling @ aconfusedbird a keychain of one of the two Bubble Bobble dragons and kept the other for myself, for their birthday. Handmade from Perler beads. We’d play that game for ages as kids, and we always fought over who’d be the blue one.
41.  What was the last concert you went to? I think it was The Shins? They were so awesome!
42.  Favourite place to shop at? Well, I quite like Target. But I also adore small resale shops. They always have some really awesome things hiding there.
43. Who inspires you? Oogh, a lot of people. Like a million and a half artists I’ve met online, ones I only know their screenname for, inspire me to get better at art. James Baxter and Sergio Pablos inspire me to get better at animation. Wefflebugs’ art always has such lovely colors, which I adore. featherdragon15′s art has gotten a lot better lately, and that inspires me to keep working hard too! Not to mention they’re working for nasa which is rad af, and also inspires me to keep working toward my dreams. My sibling aconfusedbird inspires me a Lot in a lot of personal ways, like to be more kind to myself and to keep moving forward. My mom inspires me to keep gardening. roachpatrol/roach-works inspired me to get into welding, lizardlicks inspired me into wanting chickens and a small homestead. My teachers inspire me to keep working hard in school. 
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? 19, I think? I’ve only gotten properly drunk once. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat another boiled peanut, but other than that it wasn’t a problem lol.
45. How old were you when you first got high? I haven’t, actually. I don’t have a reason not to or anything, but it’s just never felt like the right vibe yanno?
46.  How old were you when you first had sex? I guess it really depends on your definition. Personally, I’d say I haven’t yet.
47. When was your first kiss? Well, I played spin the bottle when I was seventeen, which was technically my first kiss, but if that doesn’t count then it was about a week before I turned eighteen, and I kissed the guy who’d become my first boyfriend.
48.  Something you want to do until the end of this year? Play video games....I wish I had infinite time to play video games and watch movies and draw and just...enjoy my time on earth, you know? Without feeling like it had a deadline.
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I try not to live with regrets. 
(50 is ‘post a selfie’ but im on a computer)
51. Who are you most comfortable around? Either aconfusedbird or featherdragon15, i think. 
52.  Name one thing that terrifies you. asdkfjal;sdf i’ve been listening to too much magnus archives and got recommended to ‘not be too scared of one thing’ if i want to avoid the creatures, so uh. hard to decide. I guess I’m scared of...hm. people who just lack the ability to create bonds with people? people who don’t care about other living things. humans can be fucking terrifying. 
53. What kind of books do you read? Oh, just about anything. Fantasy, realistic fiction, romance, mysteries, thrillers, scifi...all are great. I didn’t used to enjoy nonfiction but it really depends on the nonfiction.
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? You’re going to have a best friend someday, and it will be everything you wanted. Things with your mother will improve when you’re in your last few years of high school. You’re going to become a great artist.
55.  What is your favourite flower? Not sure! I like many. There was this one flower i found in high school that smelled incredible, but I’ve no idea what it was. I should find it again.
56. Any bad habits you have? ...Well. Not waking up when my alarm goes off is pretty annoying. My procrastination in general’s frustrating. And, well, just between you, me, and the rest of the internet, (tw: self harm) my trichotillomania causes me constant distress and anxiety.
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? People who want to learn new things, are kind and compassionate, respect me, and have a good sense of humor. Someone I can be adventurous with.
58. What was the last thing you cried for? Well, i answered a similar question earlier, so I’ll answer for the second most recent time I cried. I was in Pennsylvania, the day I had to fly home, and when I went to check in for my flight, all the seats were taken, and I needed to pay for an upgrade if I wanted to guarantee a spot on the flight. This wouldn’t be a huge problem, except that for both of my flights to get home, an upgrade cost $70. And seventy dollars was a big chunk out of my budget for, you know, food. So I cried out of stress and frustration with the airport companies for charging me seventy bucks for ten more inches of legroom that I didn’t want nor need.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? Not really! In terms of what’s normally accepted as “food” in American society, that is. I don’t care much for worms or insects. Other than that, I’m interested enough to try almost anything once.
60. Are you in love? In love? No. Am I full of love? Yes, for many, many, many things. 
61.  Something you find romantic? Oh man, anything could be romantic if done by someone I care for. I think gentleness is romantic. Quality time is my love language, so if my partner cancelled plans to spend time with me, that’d be romantic. I find romance in trying new things and going to new places.
62. How long was your longest relationship? Four months or so. It’s the only relationship I’ve been in, though, and I hadn’t intended for it to go past summer, so that was longer than I’d even planned on haha.
63, 64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? Opposite sex? Uhhh kind of hard to answer this one. I mean, i hate the culture in which men are raised to be, but I’ve heard that ‘male’ and ‘female’ brains aren’t particularly predisposed to anything in particular? Like, both men and women are capable of emotional intelligence and compassion, it’s just that our culture doesn’t encourage it in men. 
65. What are you saving money for? Food, college. I might treat myself to a school trip to Disney, but I don’t think I have the budget rn. As a student I’m kind of coasting by on the bare minimum rn, I don’t have anything i CAN save up for.
66. How would you describe your bad side? I mostly just avoid you or try to not spend time with you. 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I am. I care about other people and try to make other people’s lives easier and happier. I try every day to become more sensitive to other perspectives. I do what I can to benefit the earth for those who will come after me.
68. What are you living for? Ooh, deep stuff. I’m living for helping other people. I’m living for my friends and family. 
69 (nice).  Have you ever done anything illegal? Pfft, guys, jaywalking is illegal. So yes. I’ve also drank while underage before. But nothing really big, no.
70.  Do you like your body? Wait a second. This was number 11, too. Well, I guess I’ll change it to What don’t you like about your body? Which is my under-chin. It’s kind of a double chin, kind of not. But while most things I could change about my body, I don’t think I could change that without surgery. And yeah, I’ve thought about it. Not that I have any of the cash for it. I also wish I didn’t have (tw: self-harm) trichotillomania, so I’d have more eyelashes and eyebrows.
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? I think I probably have, to douchebags. Like “hey, that’s inappropriate”.  
72.  Ever sent nudes? Nope!
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? God, no. Big #1 no no for me.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! Agh, okay. @ aconfusedbird, @ busket, @ loreweaver-universe, @ orange-plum. The four blogs I don’t actually follow, but whose blogs I visit every day. It changes around every few years. It used to be a different bunch back when I first got on tumblr. I really have no idea why I haven’t followed them. Habit, I suppose? Also, it still won’t let me tag my sib for some reason. (nvm I removed the tags, i don’t want to bother them)
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? lmao uh, that’s kind of an understatement. I can’t list all my favorite games, but I’m very fond of The Last of Us. I have played. So many video games. I’ll chat about them anytime!
77. Favourite TV series? Avatar: The Last Airbender, I think. It’s really hard to top that.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? Not really religious, no. I do think that there’s probably a god out there that sparked the Big Bang. I don’t really follow the Christian God because despite what every church service said, I never felt like He loved me. Jesus was a super cool guy, though. If there’s a god out there, I think they pretty much keep to themselves. Maybe have some fun watching creation, but don’t really interact with it at all.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? asdkfj;as i don’t remember. probably my textbook Directing the Story by Francis Glebas? It was a pretty cool book about moviemaking.
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? I’ve reblogged a lot on the subject. I respect those who practice it, but it can cause a lot of environmental harm. In theory, it’s not bad! 
81. How long have you been on Tumblr? Like eight years or so? Maybe nine? wild. I visited blogs daily before the number got high enough i was like ‘okay i’ll just make an account’.
82. Do you like Chinese food? Oh, yes!
83-85. McDonalds or Subway?   Vodka or whiskey? Alcohol or drugs? Subway, whiskey and alcohol.
86.  Ever been out of your province/state/country? Yes, yes, and no!
87. Meaning behind your blog name? I’ve had this one for many years now. I really like the word ‘saccharine’ -- inspired by @ saccharinesylph back in the old days -- and i couldn’t just name myself ‘saccharine’, so i needed something else. and I was pretty big into Good Omens at that time, and I was like ‘haha! saccharine, good, omens. saccharine omens!’ Plus, it feels like a very positive and comforting name, and I strive to be a comforting person. 
88. What are you scared of? ok i def answered this moving on
89. Last time you were insulted? uhhhhhhhhh no idea. oh, wait! i know. i was getting graded on my performance at my job late last year and i disagreed with the grade my boss gave me. It was like ‘person shows considerable care of their community and goes above and beyond to educate others’ and i was like ‘oh yeah that’s, like, my whole Thing, my whole Goals and Personality and Ideals’ and then my boss came in and was like ‘2/4′ and i was like ‘wtf??’ Apparently she felt that i just wasn’t really applying that part of myself to my job, and i was like ‘you serious? i’m doing a lot!’ but also she’s my boss.
90. Most traumatic experience? A series of emotionally/mentally abusive things my mom did during my childhood. It’s definitely had the longest lasting effects of any trauma. Permanent anxiety problems, ptsd, my self harm, the whole shebang. Don’t worry, though, like. Things are way better between us, and she’s apologized many times.
91. Perfect date idea? Going on a hike! Maybe walking on a beach. Just spending time together and talking. Eating some delicious food. Spending the entire day with each other, then curling up and cuddling at home and watching a movie. then talking some more. lots of handholding and kisses. im a super hopeless romantic.
92. Favourite app on your phone? the internet, ofc lmao. But other than that I use Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Pokemon Go an awful lot. 
93. What colour are the walls in your room? At school a boring white, although I’ve taped some art up. At home a really pretty light blue color that I did all myself.
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? I do! And I like so many channels, honestly. I really like Rachel and Jun, and I really like Pop Culture Detective. I’ve seen a lot of jackscepticeye’s stuff, too. Proko, Vox, and Sinix Design are all good too.
95. Share your favourite quote. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” -Dr Seuss
96.  What is the meaning of life? To be happy, enjoy yourself, and love others!
97. Do you like horror movies? Ha ha ha, not really. I liked A Quiet Place though. 
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? She’s cried sometimes over how she treated us in the past. Sometimes it happens because I talk about how she’s hurt me. She always expresses regret and apologizes again. 
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I feel lucky with how I met my best friend. We’d had band together and kind of both thought each other as a cool person, but we didn’t really hit it off until a couple years later and she saw me drawing Homestuck fanart in Psychology lmao. The rest is history. Love you so much, Haley. I feel lucky my mom realized she was being abusive and stopped, too. Not everyone gets that. 
100. Can you keep a secret? Oh, definitely. But do tell me what needs to be secret, otherwise I won’t know. For example, my sib asked me to keep their gf busy while they bought her a present, so I tried, but then she was like ‘oh, where’s your sibling? we should find them’ i was like ‘oh no, i think they’re just buying something, it’s fine’ but she was stubbornly moving toward the checkout and i was like ‘stop, i think they’re buying something for you’ so i. kinda told a secret? i didn’t tell her what the present was though.
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paperclipninja · 5 years
Younger post-ep ramble 6x01
The waiting, the anticipation, the trying not to pass out every time the Younger team posted some ridiculously next-level pic or gif or clip...it was all leading to this, the season 6 premiere! The sheer joy and elation I feel from seeing new footage and new moments for these characters takes me by surprise every single time. I am perpetually thirsty for this show and there is not much I delight in more than drinking it all in as it unfolds. “Big Day” most certainly did not disappoint, it was a fast paced sensory overload and didn’t hold back in setting a whole lot in motion straight out of the gate.
What is interesting to me is that so much of this first ep had been included in the official trailer and other promos, so in a way I felt like I’d seen lots of it but also it was all new because I didn’t have the full context of any of the bits. Take the opening scene, for example - we had seen part of it in the First Look table read, part in the trailer, part in other promos, yet there I was trying not to catch on fire in those first two minutes because it was h.o.t. I am a sucker for a coming-up-behind-the-person-while-they-get-ready-in-the-mirror scenario and this season opener raised it a notch by putting Charles in a pair of boxer briefs, you know, to emphasise the morning situation (and the abs situation lbh) while giving us the dual angle of the mirror and the foreground just to make sure we could see all that was happening (noted and appreciated). My brain is still not computing Liza and Charles as an actual out-in-the-open couple so the whole ‘I know why your neck is sore’, ‘as long as you’re in [the bed] when she gets home’ (this talking in the third person thing they’ve had going on since that fountain scene in the finale = YES), chatting about the day ahead, intermittent kisses, arms wrapped around each other...I’m sorry, what were we talking about? Oh yes, very good scene, 5/5 would recommend.
I am thrilled at the way Liza just dropped the ‘love you’ so naturally, it was exactly the right way for that to happen considering how long these characters have been doing their dance. Dare I say that I loved it even more when Liza told Kelsey she loves her in the office and Kelsey said ‘aw, you didn’t even run away’. Lol. Such a great tie in and I am really feeling the Kelsey/Liza dynamic in this ep right from the get-go. From the moment they’re walking up to the office together, the support they’re showing for one another is so evident and adding Lauren into the work mix is going to be fab. Lauren may have only been in the ep for about a minute but as always she makes such an impression, me and my English degree feel seen. I cannot WAIT to see her relationship with Diana grow and also, did I miss Zommy being a thing? Is this Zaddy but flipped? 
As always Liza has her relentless belief in Kelsey, but it is so nice to see Kelsey stepping up to reassure Liza that they will make sure the company is stronger than ever and showing that she respects Liza’s relationship and is also supporting her in her new role. I really hope this continues throughout the season and I appreciate that the writers may be responding to the somewhat lopsided friendship we were seeing last season. I enjoyed both conversations about clearing desks way more than I probably should have and I am as happy as Liza that she finally has an office with an actual door that closes (p.s. here’s hoping these very specific references are alluding to future door shutting and clearing desks because I am trash and I know you’re all thinking it).  
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Of course we couldn’t have Liza getting too settled before Quinn appeared to drop the bomb that Page Six are running the blind item with her age printed as 28 and that the entire Charles stepping down so there would be no more lies/celebrating Liza rally was only ever really going to be on Quinn’s terms. I was SO hoping that Quinn and Liza could become friends. I saw such potential in the finale, however I also see that this stays consistent with the ruthless business woman we were presented with, who is only in it for herself. The way Quinn says ‘let’s not make this a pity party about ageism’ with such contempt is a stark contrast to the ‘ageism is wrong’ mantra from the last time we saw the character and I actually gasped. Laura Benanti is going to play this evil turn so well that I am now officially excited to see Quinn’s true colours, I love a deliciously dodgy character (shout out to C.Sussman the real MVP). I do wonder if the whole glass cliff phenomenon we learn about during this ep is actually going to end up being Quinn’s M.O, especially after the finance meeting when she told Kelsey to enjoy making cuts before going to get on a plane *insert shrug emoji*. The justification for keeping the age thing on the DL was legit, Kelsey’s ewww at the idea of banging the boss was so in character and props to Liza being all ‘excuse you and your ewww’, but just in case we needed convincing that people would assume the 28 year old in the story was Kelsey, enter Diana. 
It had all started so well, the day that is. I really liked how Diana was supporting Kelsey as the boss when she first arrived at work and Kelsey saying she wanted to talk to Diana about hiring Lauren, a glimpse at the way these women are going to work together. But let’s put all that on hold while we recount the shattering of my heart into a million pieces. First of all, Diana’s immediate assumption that Kelsey ‘bottomed her way to the very top’ (that was brutal and I think all our jaws were with Quinn’s in hitting the floor in that moment), followed of course by Liza running after her, Diana not wanting to hear any excuses for Kelsey and the great office reveal as Liza tells a room full of colleagues, who may or may not have all started that day because who are all these people and what do they do, that she is the 28 year old associate having an affair with the publisher. It was momentarily comical until Liza turned to see Diana’s expression. My heart hurts even thinking about the scene that follows as Diana reassures Liza that it’s a story as old as time, the assistant sleeping with the boss, but as Liza continues to try and explain you can actually see Diana shutting down. Miriam Shor deserves every freaking award for the way she conveyed so much just with her eyes. 
Diana meeting with Redmond (what a treat having him in the premiere too!) absolutely epitomized how much value this show can get out of a short scene that’s well written and wonderfully acted. The entire exchange, from Redmond wanting the goss on the regime change (I love that he wasn’t even available but couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get some dirt and asking whether Kelsey’s feet touch the floor in Charles’ chair, all the LOLs), to Diana asking him to put the word out she’s looking for a new job (one of my fave lines of the ep, ‘oh Redmond, if I wanted it kept quiet I would’ve never come to you’) was an utter joy to watch. Despite the brevity, this scene captured the real feel of Younger for me, the setting, the conversation, something about it just oozed that essence that has been running through the entire series, almost like a familiarity that re-orientated me amidst all the newness I was trying to get my head around.
There was something so domestic, in the best possible way, about Enzo opening the door to Kelsey and Liza and I adore that they went to Diana’s apartment in the hope of finding her. Kelsey being warned by Zane not to lose Diana was a really surprising but lovely moment, I enjoyed their scene a lot; Kelsey admitting how hard the job is, Zane being open about trying to figure out his next move (we now know he’s not at Chicky...lol the comment about his dicky), I see the set up and it’ll be interesting to see how their relationship will play out this season. So for now Zane is being a friend to Kelsey and it was thanks to this that she and Liza were able to find Diana at Marie’s Crisis and we were blessed with the most surreal Younger experience to date, a rendition of 9 to 5 which we’d already seen prior to the ep but I will happily watch as many times as is offered. And while the Dolly tribute was an absolute treat, the part of this scene that lingered with me was prior to that, when Kelsey and Liza first find Diana and Kelsey tells her how much she respects and values her (my Kelsey love in this moment is possibly the realest it’s ever been). 
As Diana explains that the problem is she’s not a millennial, my fragile heart actually broke. I understand on the one hand that Liza revealing her age in this moment may have been too much on top of the Charles news, but the other part of me wanted and needed her to take Diana, sit her down and tell her the whole damn truth. I said it at the end of last season but at this point, Diana not knowing about Liza’s age feels cruel. I understand Liza not being able to declare her real age publicly but there’s absolutely no reason she couldn’t tell Diana. I am hoping that she will find out in the very near future because I feel like Diana Trout and Liza Miller both openly in their 40′s will be next level and I need this friendship please and thank you.
You know another friendship between people in their 40′s I love? Bob and Charles. So imagine my delight when this scene started and we have Bob’s tiny mind being blown as he discovers that the woman Charles has been speaking to him about for the past 4 years is actually Liza, ‘the yodelling mom’. So we have Bob giving Charles some real talk and the mirroring of Charles starting over to Liza way back in season 1 is duly noted, but if you look up Swoon-worthy in any dictionary you will in fact see a clip of Charles saying ‘I can’t explain it, when I’m with her I feel...free’ playing on a continuous loop. This show and these lines I swear, RIP: Me.
As I’m sure you have gathered, this ramble is not following the chronology of the episode, so I want to jump back to a scene that I have been waiting for with a ridiculous amount of excitement and that is the Maggie and Charles meeting. I cannot explain why, but my desire to see these two meet has been strong and unrelenting and the fact Charles wandered into the lounge with his shirt open and completely unaware Maggie was there was everything I didn’t know I wanted. I appreciated Maggie’s appreciation of the male form but boy she sure didn’t waste any time getting her grill on. I do love how ferociously protective of Liza Maggie is and I get that there is clearly the need to set in motion a potentially ominous foreshadowing, but truthfully, this scene felt too rushed to me. Like, what happened after Maggie said ‘no-one ever does it on purpose’? Did they sit there awkwardly in silence? Did Charles ask Maggie if she wanted to do the quiz in the newspaper when he got to that part in his cover to cover read? I wanted more but I also felt a bit disappointed that there wasn’t a little more lightness in their first meeting. I have no doubt we will see more of them interacting, so hopefully we will still get Maggie and Charles bonding and becoming friends.
Maggie’s friendship with Josh is still one I really enjoy and the conversation about getting a paternity test was a nice way to bring Josh, Maggie and Liza together, bonus points to the use of the phone assistant to create that great ‘things to do in Wililamsburg’ moment. I have to say, Josh and Clare’s conversation when she was getting him up to speed and he felt the baby kick was lovely. His joy and disbelief was palpable. I found the whole scene to be really beautiful and I am one of the people who was always a fan of Clare, I really liked her and Josh together and I still feel like they have a really great, natural chemistry. I also felt like Josh being the dad was never really a question because I simply cannot see the point in bringing back pregnant Clare if he wasn’t, but Kelsey’s ‘holy shit’ reaction was great as was the conversation that followed between him and Liza. 
I really enjoyed their banter about Liza being a baby whisperer and her reassurance that ‘I got you’, I desperately want to see this relationship as a true friendship because the potential is there. But I gotta say, I’m a bit conflicted about Josh bringing up the fact that they broke up because Liza didn’t want him to give up having a kid and suggesting that they could be together if she wasn’t with someone else. I appreciate that it is realistic that this news would make both Josh and Liza reflect on their relationship given that having a baby was a significant reason for them breaking up, but bringing it up then and the implication that if Liza was single now they could be together just sort of ruined the moment for me. And it’s nothing to do with me wanting Liza with Charles, regardless of who she ends up with or without, for me this is how trying to keep love triangles alive in tv shows starts disrupting character and story growth and progression. 
I wanted to hear Josh talk about feeling the baby kick and for Liza to tell him some funny anecdote about when she was pregnant and was kicked in the bladder and peed herself in the supermarket. I realised I was feeling a bit resentful that I got pulled from this moment of enjoying the current place their relationship is at and back into this whole ‘look what we could have been’ because it feels tiresome and stagnant, but I’m sure there are many fans who feel differently. I liked the echo of Josh’s ‘timing’ by Liza. I felt like hers had a different meaning, that timing was bigger than just their singledom and parenthood aligning. I still overall really enjoyed their interaction, and I am looking forward to seeing how this relationship moves forward this season.
Liza bringing Diana coffee was the perfect way to show that things will be ok between them (until the age reveal that is...and yes Diana, I agree re: Liza’s outfit) and I’m quite sure that necklace Diana is wearing can be seen from space. I do like it when it feels like the balance has been restored and this was only made better by the phone call from Maggie to share the new bed arrival news. I feel like Maggie might be warming up to Charles after this.
Full disclaimer: this part will contain gushing. I tell you, this end scene of the ep was just too much. The expression on Charles’ face when he opened the door to Liza, ugh GUSH, such pure delight to see her and her joy in receiving the gift that she thought was nothing more than a joke, GUSH. Seeing these two so candid and giddy is everything. How far our Liza has come, from when we first met her and she was worried she’d forgotten how to have sex to now unabashedly telling the man she’s with that she thought she’d spend her lunch time thanking him in person (there are so many dirty puns I wanna use here but I shall refrain). I love their continued openness as she acknowledges missing Charles at work and he misses being there, but the way Charles’ reciprocation of Liza’s ‘love you’ from the start of the ep is delivered, I may have actually melted. As in, I am now liquid goo. Liza’s reaction as she asks ‘did you just tell me you love me?’ is divine and while we’ve heard the ‘I’ve pretty much had feelings for you for 16 years’ in numerous promos, Charles’ ‘long enough to know’ was what led to any remnants of my heart not shattered by the Diana ordeal to explode.
Zane’s interruption is only acceptable because Liza’s ‘hello’ is so damn hilarious and I love that they are two grown ass adults who were busted making out. And while I know that we are left with a lingering sense that Charles and Zane are up to something potentially secretive/shady as Liza leaves, I am HERE for Charles and Zane working together. I love the idea of Charles and Zane vs. Liza and Kelsey. I have no idea if that is where this is going, but I do know this smells of a set up for some serious DRAH-MAH and ngl, I am in 100%.
So all in all, what a cracking start to season 6. SO much going on, I think we’re in for a wild one. 
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imogengotdrunk · 6 years
Sooo I've been lurking around your blog for a while and your Love, Simon post has finally given me courage to ask about Gavin and RK's wedding (because honestly, I've been wondering for a while). Please tell me it would be incredibly sappy and induce a lot of happy tears.
Hello, Anon! Never be shy to ask! I’m normally slow to get around to answering, but I will answer eventually. And this is definitely something that I’ve thought about, as well!
Short version: Gavin would be in a gay panic for the entire time leading up to the ceremony, Tina would be on ‘keep-everyone-in-line’ duty, Hank would probably spend at least some time at the open bar, and the whole day would run smoother than clockwork because R.K is painstaking when it comes to having a schedule of any kind.
I’ll put the more detailed version under the cut, because I may as well have written a fucking fic – and I still might, at that. But I hope this answers your question for now, Anon!
(I warn you and apologise – this is seriously fucking long because I like weddings. Sue me. And I wanted to include a few headcanons that I don’t think I’ve mentioned before, and this seemed like a good opportunity)
THE VENUEThey probably wouldn’t get married in a church. I know that loads of churches offer services to same-sex couples nowadays, and I hope that by the 2030s-40s, this has only expanded. But human/android weddings might still be a touchy subject in a lot of places, even years after the revolution. Plus, I’m not sure whether Gavin or any of his family are religious or not (I HC his mother as being quite traditionalist and conservative, but not for any religious reasons I don’t think).
So I think they’d get married somewhere relatively familiar and probably understated. Gavin wouldn’t really give a shit at the end of the day, though, let’s be honest; he’s getting fucking married, who cares where, right? And as long as they’re not eloping to Las Vegas or anything too spontaneous, R.K’s content with whatever venue Gavin decides on.
And they don’t need anywhere huge, because they’re both pretty private and tight-knit people – guests would be family and close friends only.
THE GUESTSGavin’s dad is the first person to be invited. The poor guy’s had to stand back and watch his only son get his gay heart broken time and time again. But now Gavin’s finally bagged himself a fiancé – a 6ft tall, well-spoken, model-handsome, police officer fiancé, who looks ready to straight-up murder anything that might pose even the slightest threat to Gavin Reed. So, naturally, Mr. Reed’s the one who gives Gavin away on the big day, and is very, very happy to do so.
Tina Chen’s the maid of honour, of course. They don’t even ask her – she just immediately assumes the position and drags R.K away to begin the wedding preparations.Every cake-maker, florist, and bespoke tailor in Detroit are now terrified of the two of them. While Tina and R.K are quite different people, when it comes to Gavin Reed’s happiness, they’re similarly and meticulously ruthless. On the actual day, Fowler’s tie clashes with the colour of the roses, and he only needs to glance at the expression on Tina and R.K’s faces before he’s subtly tugging it off and hiding it away in his pocket, where it will not make an appearance again today, so help him God.
Connor is ringbearer (he’s the only one R.K trusts not to lose them), and Hank is R.K’s best man. Everyone expected it to be Connor seeing as they’re practically brothers, but R.K asked Hank specifically. When asked, spluttering and incredulously, ‘why in hell d’you want me to do it’, R.K simply replies, ‘because you’re the best man I know, Lieutenant.’Hank spends the rest of the day in a stupor before making a silent vow to be the best goddamn best man in wedding history. He even gets a hair cut when the big day comes around – and Connor can confirm that he looks very dashing in formal attire.
The Jericho crew – Markus, North, Simon and Josh.Something I haven’t touched upon yet in any of my trash – I headcanon R.K and North to be very good friends. R.K has a rocky relationship with Markus (Markus overrode his programming to make him deviant, and R.K punched him in the face in response), but he absolutely adores North. They’re both candid, no-nonsense, and have the same kind of dry humour.In-game, North’s always been the most forthright of Markus’ companions – she wants to get the job done in the most straightforward and efficient way possible, and this is definitely something that she and R.K have in common. So R.K wants her at the wedding, but he knows that by extension, he has to invite Markus, Simon and Josh as well, because they’re kind of a package deal (I HC something polyamory going on between Markus, North and Simon, and Josh is Markus’ right-hand man in almost everything). R.K likes Josh and Simon well enough, and can be civil with Markus when the situation calls for it.
Kara, Alice and Luther – Another thing I don’t think I’ve mentioned before, I also HC Connor staying in touch with Kara following the revolution, since he seemed to genuinely care about her and Alice after he became deviant.They’re still living in Canada, since I can’t see them moving back to Detroit after everything they went through to get across the border. But I think Connor would have wanted to check up on them somehow, to make sure they were all right, and I can see them becoming friends over time through various calls and visits. This of course means that Connor introduces R.K, and eventually Gavin, to them.R.K and Kara get on strangely well considering how different they both are, Alice learns her first curse word from Gavin because the man can’t control his mouth around anyone, and Luther is possibly the only android who can intimidate R.K just by standing in the same room with him (that gentle giant is very tol).
Their close colleagues at the DPD would probably be invited, too. These include Fowler, Ben Collins, Chris Miller and his family, and probably Wilson as well.
Gavin’s mom is NOT invited, but she brings that on herself. When Gavin and R.K get engaged, Gavin tries to get back in contact with her over the phone, and after some polite and uncomfortable small talk, Gavin tells her that he has a male android fiancé. A lot of old wounds are opened up (they argue about Gavin’s sexuality, about it meaning that there would be no “proper grandchildren”, that adoption doesn’t count, etc, etc, all stuff that Gavin’s had to hear before when he was much younger and cared much more about her opinion of him).It goes on for a while, and eventually Gavin just hangs up. He’s not too bummed out about it – he pretty much expected that reaction – and least he tried. But sometimes trying just doesn’t get you any new results, especially with someone so set in their own views.
Yes, to finally answer the question, it would indeed be the sappiest wedding to have ever sapped. For Gavin, anyway. He’s never let himself think too much about marriage, because he’s a realist (or a cynic) and he just always assumed that it would never happen for him. But suddenly here he is, at his fucking wedding, and R’s waiting for him all dressed up in a nice suit and he’s smiling and looking at Gavin like he’s the whole world, and they’re getting fucking married.
Gavin’s a nervous wreck when the ceremony actually starts; they might be surrounded by friends, but it’s still a public fucking thing and he could trip over or say something wrong and embarrass himself, and his hands are shaking the entire way there. But the second he and his dad reach R.K, the android reaches for one of his hands, and squeezes, and Gavin stops giving as much of a shit about anything else in the room.
He’d probably be able to hold it together, through sheer nerves, until the vows. Words are something that R.K’s very good with, so of course he’s written the most perfect vows ever, and Gavin would be a choked-up mess afterwards trying to get through his own. It makes him feel better to know his dad, Tina and Josh are emotional messes by the end of it as well, though. And he does see Hank getting teary-eyed, even of the old man tries to hide it behind a fucking cough.
Although, I’m tempted to have some kind of crime happen during the wedding, or at least during the after-party. If anyone’s ever watched the 3rd season of BBC’s Sherlock, then you know how problematic it is to have a hyperfocused detective solving crimes at a wedding. Imagine Gav and R off on their first murder investigation as a married couple, five fucking minutes after they’re actually married. Classic.
I think that’s enough for now, though. Let me know If you want any more in the future, I’d be happy to include some other HCs in another post, but this has gotten seriously long and I need to be stopped somewhere.
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anthropwashere · 6 years
so how was your trip? I hope it went better than you were expecting
It did go better than I expected, actually! And thank you for providing me a springboard to hop off on, because I sort of wanted to organize my thoughts on the whole trip to reflect on everything.
(This got kind of long, oops, my b)
So, in case anyone else skims this, I haven’t been back to my home town in something like seven or eight years. I ran off to the Air Force right before Thanksgiving of ‘09, there was a brief visit the summer of ‘10, and I can’t recall when exactly, but the then-boyfriend and I made another brief visit six-ish months after that. I’d left on shaky terms with my aunt and uncle but stayed away because I have a, haha, all-around bad relationship with my mom. (The visit then-bf and I did left me with bruises on my arm, not because she hit me but because she wouldn’t let go.)
I was… nervous. Anxious as hell is probably a more accurate description, haha. But 95% of that anxiety was totally unfounded! I had a lovely time catching up with all my SoCal family (we’re Irish American, so I’ve got clusters of not-as-close relations spanning the entire country). The aunt and uncle who took me in my senior year of high school were an honest joy to catch up with, and it was really nice catching up with the other aunt and uncle out there too. Plus I got to hang out with all but one of my cousins, and she’s getting married next summer so I’ve got the best excuse in the world to catch up with everyone all over again in my favorite part of California! 
The best catching up was with two of my cousins, the one nearest my age and the youngest. I’d fallen out of touch with the nearest-in-age years back (we’re both equally crap at it, haha), but the three of us had dinner together twice and she and I fell right back into laughing ourselves stupid over everything like we’d only seen each other a few weeks back. And my youngest cousin is just as big a nerd as I am, so we spent like, hours, talking about writing and her RP stuff and world-building and dumb Tumblr jokes. It was great. :D Youngest cousin’s best friend since, like, kindergarten tried to go into the Air Force as well, but Basic uhhh, basically broke her from the knees down. So she got out before she really got in, but she’s doing really good and seems really happy even with the physio she still has to do. We laughed over all the bizarre/awful shit of Basic and did compare/contrasts of what it was like for when I went through versus her while the family stood back a few feet with vaguely concerned expressions. (Me: We had messenger bags when I went through, you? Her: Regular backpacks. Me: Oh okay, I heard trainees were hand-carrying stuff for awhile since the rumor mill said a trainee hung themselves with the bag strap. Her: Holy shit, yeah, I can see that. Everyone else: nervouslaughter.jpeg) She got a kitten while I was there and he is the sweetest boy and she’s gonna be such a good cat mom. :)
It was also wonderful to just drive around my home town and see what’s changed and what’s remained the same. Thanks to the absurd existence of the Santa Clarita Diet I’ve blabbed that’s where I’m from on here on several occasions, and it’s uncanny just how specific the natural light of SoCal is compared to other places I’ve lived. Also I did a walk-by of Yoki’s apartment from S1 because it’s an apartment I used to walk by all the time on my way to high school, and I was right! They did edit the front to look shittier! There’s still well-trimmed bushes and cherry trees and a nice fence like I remember!! Also, the couple jokes about how shitty Newhall is are much funnier now that I’ve seen the amount of gentrification they’re sinking into the downtown area. I mean, yeah, my street is just as ugly and old and not a place you’d want to walk ‘round at night as it was when I lived there, but downtown? Is adorable, what the hell.
AND MOUNTAINS. YOU GUYS. I missed mountains so goddamn much. I haven’t lived anywhere with mountains since ‘11 and I legit started crying on my drive back from the beach (the Pacific is so much more alive than the Atlantic, ah it was gorgeous!!!!) because there was a 40-mile stretch of farmlands and orange groves cradled in all these burnt-brown mountains. And even though my home town is in a valley it’s still full of all these steep hills and crazily curving roads and I really just enjoyed driving around grinning like a loon. I’ve got to get back on the West coast one day, oof.
I mean, it wasn’t all perfect of course. There was a strong undercurrent of worry for one of my uncles and their oldest son for personal stuff I’m not gonna splash out here. I was tempted to go track down a friend from high school who lived just up the street from the shitty apartment I grew up in, but I knew it would have been an awkward mess and I just… didn’t want to force that on her or her parents by surprise. And even though I’d flown out with the full intention of not seeing my mom, I did end up doing lunch with her one day. I literally only agreed to that because when I told one of my aunts that, she braced herself against the kitchen counter and said, “Fuck, you’re gonna leave me with that?” And like, yeah, 100% guilt trip, but also 100% a justified reaction.
And speaking of her, it was so gratifying to have the (awkward, kind of embarrassing) conversations about my mom with all the other family members. They’ve only had her side of things for years and she is very, very good at playing the victim. I laid out my side of things and every single member of my family was like, “Oh, okay, yeah, you did yourself a solid.” One of my cousins straight up said I was the smartest one of us for getting out of the worst situation any of us grew up in on my own steam. And it was gratifying yeah, but also kind of astonishing, to have this conversation with so many different people who have all kinds of different familial relationships with her, expecting that I’d have to die on the hill of “I literally don’t have the energy and I live 2,600 miles away from her,” but that… didn’t happen. Everyone agreed. Everyone had their own negative but justified opinions of her. Everyone felt like they had to deal with her instead of just have her around as part of the greater SoCal family.
So, yeah. The lunch was rough, but it would have been so much worse if my aunt and uncle hadn’t agreed to come with. Yeah, she sent me 50 texts after that lunch with only a handful of grudging (necessary) replies from me. But I got through it, I got the one box of stuff left of pre-military stuff in her storage (that I’ve been paying for for eight years since hey, steady income who?) out and packed up for my uncle to ship for me. I got a new number/phone yesterday so I finally, finally can wash my hands of her desperately wheedling texts from new pre-paid phones every couple of months. I found some cute things at an antique shop I used to go to all the time as a kid. I had the wackiest sleep schedule because insomnia and jet lag and OTC sleep aids are a hell of a combo. I read a whole book for the first time in like six months and got a bunch of writing done!
And I have to keep saying this: it was so gratifying to be proved right over all this mom shit. I don’t want a competition, I don’t want horrible things to her, I just don’t want her in my life without excluding the rest of the family, and I feel like I’ve finally made the first steps towards that.
Also, while I was waiting for my plane to begin boarding my aunt texted me to wish me a safe flight and to tell me that my uncle had said saying goodbye to me had been like saying goodbye to one of their own kids. I just about started crying right there in the terminal. :’)
I’m not gonna read through all this because I’m sure I’ll get embarrassed, but all in all? Excellent trip, glad it wasn’t on fire while I was there, looking forward to seeing everyone again next summer. :)
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ladynorbert · 6 years
So about the con...
A proper retrospective, now that I’m home and my post-con letdown has (mostly) dissipated and I’m reasonably sure I didn’t catch the crud. I’ll put it under a break, but my apologies to those of you on mobile for whom the break doesn’t always work.
To put it succinctly, it was damn near everything I hoped it would be. I tried so, so hard not to get my hopes up, but I did, and I was remarkably not disappointed. Incredible cosplays! Crowd songs! New friends! (Hi, @destinysdesigns!) Three panels that went better than I dared expect!
Also a bit of exploration. Mini-me had never seen the Lancaster visitor center or the Lancaster Central Market (the oldest continuously running farmer’s market in the country), so we had to visit both of those things. We walked around a little bit. I really adore the city of Lancaster, it’s so beautiful and historical, and the natives have so warmly embraced the weirdness we bring every year. Heck, a lot of the local businesses give discounts if you come in wearing your con badge, and this year the con was there for both May the Fourth and Free Comic Book Day, so there was a lot to do.
We were genuinely curious as to the size our panel audiences would be. “Bullying in Fandom” was first, and in the past two years that has always averaged roughly thirty people; it was around that again this year. (My darling @kay-barton was front row for all three panels - my thanks to you and Beka as always. I’m so sorry but I’m blanking on her Tumblr name because my brains are a bit scrambled.) There was a lot of interest in the mission and even a specific request for us to set up a presence on Instagram, which I will look into doing after I get back from Bermuda.
“Asexuality in Modern Media” was a tremendous hit, for which I’m very grateful. I was so, so proud of @auroraborealia - I know she was very nervous but she really did a stellar job; she was poised and articulate and the crowd responded to her very well. The turnout was somewhere between 30 and 40, I think. It probably helped, as someone pointed out, that we were scheduled at the same time as the cosplay burlesque, which meant that the ace people who had no interest in that had someplace relevant to go. We made the panel 18+, not realizing just how very stringent that rule was, so a couple of 17-year-olds weren’t able to be there; it was suggested that maybe next year we could do a daytime panel on the subject. (We had a wonderful laugh about that, because as I said, it’s not like it was a graphic panel. We just meant it in a ‘parental guidance suggested’ kind of way, and sex does of course get discussed.) Also, I got to make a joke that was actually funny, for probably the only time all weekend.
Those were both on Friday, and then “A History of Thedas” was Saturday afternoon. We were a lot more relaxed about this one, because it was just a couple of nerds talking about something they love. There ended up being some unintended hilarity due to my overuse of the “curtain” dissolve in the PowerPoint (caused by my duplicating slides), and pretty much the whole room was ultimately on ‘team curtain.’ We laughed about Anders, we laughed about Sebastian, we laughed about Shale, we just... we laughed. We laughed a lot. It was wonderful.
All three times we were asked to please present our panels again next year, which is an amazing feeling.
I always do cry a little bit when I come home from Zenkai. It’s taken me a while to understand why that is. Put simply, the place is so overflowing with positive energy - kindness and creativity and excitement and joy are in abundance. It truly is a happy place. It’s hard to leave that, even though I missed Lord Norbert and he was doing his usual mild pining for me back here at home. I get such a strange ache in my chest when I think about all of it; it’s a different sort of homesickness, I guess. (Plus factor in the whole Mini-Me aspect of it - I only see her maybe twice a year, three times if I’m lucky, since she moved to Florida; and in her own words, we have a relationship that’s less like a friendship and more like the bond between a particularly wacky aunt and her favorite niece.)
But there’s always next year. And although there’s a part of me that knows this can’t go on forever, because of reasons, it’ll go on for as long as I can let it.
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juun-the-aira-mun · 7 years
600 Follower Giveaway and Follower Forever!
Listen up, everyone!
It has been three long, long years since I started my journey on tumblr and I have gone an incredible way from the beginning. When I started I didn’t expect to even get a doozen followers and now look at where the blog has come to (even though it is still as deserted as back then most of the time).
SO now I want to say “Thank you, everyone.” Some people have helped me outside of this blog, in a certain sense in reallife, others have given me a lot of fun with the roleplays I have. There are a lot of followers I really owe a lot to in one way or another. And while I can’t say thank you to everyone, I can still direct certain people further below.
To that I am going to make a Giveaway that is directed at OCs in the community moreover than the people who play canon characters. While this sounds harsh on said people, I want to give OCs a bit of love or try to at least. I know how hard the community can be on them and how little some of them get no matter what so I think this gievaway will be justified. More about this will be posted relatively soon, hopefully during this very week even.
So, now to the specific thanks that I will direct at people around. Some might be a bit surprising as the people might never have interacted with me, others will very well be no surprise at all. I just will tag everyone I think I should make a note on! And while I usually see these things swamped with tags at all followers, I think I will pass on that for now!
@thecatofdarkness Hey sis :3 I mean, really, my shipping partner, my sister in soul or mind or whatever you want to call it, the one I often have to say “Donchu dare” to in all sorts of variations. If I were to not put you here first, I think I should be leaving this blog right now. I am allways happy with whatever you do for our muses, for me and whatever you message me with to tell me. I adore Ren and our conversations and am more than happy that a thread of a cheeky teasing cat evolved in a more than complicated and incredible detailed relationship. You listen to me rambling and groaning and are there when I need someone to talk to. Really, I can’t thank you enough. So thank you. Just thank you for being there.
@shukuchiisms Tales of Ice, flametales, do you remember these names? And how luna was a Skyrim muse way back? Or a fluffball that you would cuddle before the blog reset that turned her into a bloodsoaked monster that now has to deal with a Shadowlady that annoys the heck out of her and at the same time makes her melt? Holy hell, we never really got to any roleplays. All of our msues history is entirely set up in IM alone and yet it all makes sense. I love your character, I love talking to you and I allways grumble that we barely talk with each other anymore. I really, REALLY hope you come back to your bloga s an active member of the community and as the goofey idiot you sometimes are that gets bitten by his muse who definitly did not try to kill you with that. Thank you for sticking around with me.
You two were the ones who kept me in the blog. If you hadn’t been there, I would probably have abandoned the blog for real 2 years ago. Thank you. A round of applaus.
@crystals-angel Hello owo Remember me .3.? Yes, we barely talk. Yes, we had both our differences and our nice conversations. And yes, we basically talk apart from each other a good 40% of the time. But you are still a person I am happy to not have missed back when I found your blog. It is already so clouded as to how that happened that I am almost sure that it was just a random blog recommondation that caught my eye but what came of it is still incredible valuable for me. I was sad when you ahd deleted your blog back then and I was happy when I found you on skype and you reopened your blog. Your muses are diverse, Fawniss is a total goof that can sometimes just be described as adorable and at other times is just badass. I am happy for our interactions. And I really hope that we can talk more and interact more in the future.
@thecelestialchibi1 Muhahaha, I bet you weren’t even expecting me to tag you here :3c Or maybe you were. Knowing you, you weren’t and since you don’t roleplay anymore or use tumblr it wouldn’t really surprise me xD But you are still here. You are one of these people who I could just take and shake for half a minute while giving you a lecture about why you are awesome and you shouldn’t hate yourself or dislike yourself or ... whatever there is else you could think about yourself that is negative. You are an awesome person and I hope to see you again around in the future. For now there will be more patting and pouting in Discord though!
@castdeath Well, this one is actually surprising. I feel like we parted in a more negative way than I would like, but I am convinced that we can work through that ... somehow. I hope we can set these differences aside. We only did one single play so far but that one was very much important to me. I don’t get to play Aira in her AU that much. And I only that oen time got the chance to actually play her out the way she is. I hope we can return to being friends. I really do. (I also hope you are fine by now. Fucking storm sucking out all joy of the stuff we had going just from the time it forced you away).
@properbalance Boop :3 While the origin between us will remain a mystery, I have come to like you and come to like talking to you a lot. You are very hard to get a hold of though, one day ypou will be there, the next you will be gone for half a year to never be seen again. Just to pop up out of nowhere. I hope we will find the ways to do things in the future. But for now I will gladly focus on the idioticiy that we are doing anyways and will look forward to whatever idioticy we can brew up from thing air from now on xD
@staardusts You are probably the one who just jumped onto this list the most recent. You are the only Soraka-mun who ever had taken the time to show interest in my muse, the only one who bothered enough to actually think would could go on. And to add to that you are so incredibly nice as a person that I simply love talking to you in private. I hope things brighten up for you and I hope that we can continue and build up something special!
@littledesertsparrow I mean ... you and your muse are both adorable in their own ways. So far I had nothing but fun talking with you. Well, disregarding the one thing with my clinginess. Sorry for that once more, I am trying my best to change it currently. Your Taliyah is very unique and I think you play her in a one time way that noone else would be able to achieve. Even though I still don’t know how you managed to start shipping Darius and Taliyah. Then again, I managed shipping Elise and Quinn >.> Don’t ask how. I really, really hope we can make some things happen in the future between our muses and maybe between each other as a person as so far I just had a blast talking to you and sending things in for you to answer. And yes, I know this wording is weird. I am not good at social interactions :3
@rinidinger We abrely ever talked BUT you are one of the reasons I even started this entire blog xD I still have the old things I tried to make for an Ingame Model for Rin somewhere on my PC. Even though we did indeed never interact and there were only a handful of conevrsation, it is very easy for me tos ay thank you for your character and what you did for the community. You and two other blogs alone inspired me to start roleplaying here. And I made lots of friends due to that!
@asknasus-thecuratorofthesands Youuuu are probably dead. I think. I am not sure. But your blog is dead for sure. Thank you for the memories and the time our muses shared. They have helped develop my muse a lot and I am more than grateful for you to accept me just jumping in your inbox as if our muses knew each other and just going with it unlike other people who I did it back then with long before IM were even a thing and plotting was new to me. You helped my character to develop and it pulled it through the earliest stages of the blogs development. Thank you, kind sir. You helped me a lot.
@lillium-the-scout I ... think I should put you in this list as well. I have no clue what happened back then. I don’t know what the entire drama was that you were involved witha nd I honestly care little for it. I am not even sure that the mun I am tagging here is the same mun who played with Aira back in the early months’ of the blog. But for the chance that it was, disregarding every rumour and every bad reputation: Thank you for back then. You were one of the first roleplay partners I had. Even though in hindsight the entire starting ship was a terrible idea. I stilll want to thank you for the experience.
@askspiderqueen  I have to thank you for the single interaction we had with our muses. It might not make a lot of sense but it showed me a lot of things about hwo I paly my character and what she does. I really, REALLY want to interact and talk to you more, but I fear our muses just won’t work out. Elise being pissed and Aira having no real reason to ever visit the Spiderqueen. maybe I will find a way in the future. For now I thank you.A nd silently hope you might eba ctive again. Because your character is a lot of fun to read.
@noxian-rose We literally never roleplayed and we barely talked because I am shy as hell and SCARED like hell to approach you. But your character is amazing in the way you play her. I have been watchng your rolepalys in the past with excitement and am allways happy to see you on my dash. It pulled me back into roleplaying a while back. Thank you for that. Maybe things will come by in the future.
@shorthammertime And at last the mun I literally allways feel like I upset them when they suddenly stop to reply. I think of all the people on this list, you made me laugh most. Your muses are incredible, your love for them is noticeable and you yourself are just a fun person to talk with. I still hope that we might roleplay someday with each other. When I can’t tell. But I can at least hope.
Honorable mentions: These are a few people that I wanted to mention because they give me life in their roleplays or because I roleplayed or roleplay with them. Because I enjoyed our conversations or anything otherwise similar. Thank all of you for what you have given me. I will cherish it. Promise.
@ladyem-s-grimoire @verum-exsolutus @lustful-heavens @sexydeceiver @the-demacian-pariah @grabthelantern @maiden-soraka @the-everchild @ask-xayah-therebel @seliniakocharitos @sacredtempest
Thank all of you so much. Let’s hope that the future stays bright.
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overthinkingkdrama · 7 years
anonymous asked: are you watching Go Back Couple? if so, what are your thoughts? on the male lead, especially?
Oh yes, I'm absolutely watching Go Back Couple. I'm really enjoying this show. Leaps and bounds more than I was expecting to, tbh. But Jang Na Ra is an absolute fave of mine so I should have known she wouldn't let me down with her latest project.
Big Picture Thoughts
First things first, I absolutely adore Jin Joo. She is a treasure. I love how much depth and complexity she has. I love the way the handle her identity as a mother, her nurturing nature, and balance it against the fact that she still has an identity and interests as a woman outside of that role. I love watching her scenes with her mother, they absolutely strike me to the heart. And her look at young self from her adult perspective and realizing how much she has changed and matured since she was 20. It's all so nicely done. And Jang Na Ra is just bringing everything to this role.
I have a lot of wild hopes and dreams for Jin Joo and where her story will go. Not sure if any of them will be fulfilled, but that's kind of the nice thing about this drama. I don't know where all of this is going. Despite a premise that could easily come across as "we've seen this a million times" it's rather unpredictable. I mean, obviously I expect our main time-traveling pair to eventually find love again, but how they are going to do it is something of a mystery to me.
I think the biggest selling point of Go Back Couple is the way it handles our two middle-aged, divorced, parents gaining perspective and growing as people by being suddenly transported back to their 20-year-old bodies. GBC, in some ways, has more in common with a body-swapping drama than a time travel romance. Although, clearly, there are elements of both.
I love the way that this drama emphasizes how Ma Jin Joo and Choi Ban Do are such completely different people at 40 than they were when they met at 20. They've been through trauma's together. They've given up on certain dreams in the service of making ends meet. They've lost loved ones as well as their sense of self. They've forgotten why they fell for each other in the first place, both basically just living for their son, Seo Jin. And that's just not enough to keep a marriage together. So now their 40-year-old selves are looking out at the world through their 20-year-old eyes and they are getting another change to understand and enjoy themselves and rediscover their passions. As well as work through some major relationship baggage that they have never been able to address in their original timeline.
I think that's great. Because even thought he majority of the drama focuses on this college setting and college age characters, the perspective is very much one of middle-age looking back. In some way it's pure wishfulfillment fantasy: Many, I wish I could go back knowing what I know now. It allows the main characters to change, or attempt to change, things they wish they had done differently: "I wish I could go back and see that person one more time. I would have treated them so much better." But maybe in the process discovering that even given the chance to do it over again, there are certain things they would never want to change. (Such as the existence of their son...)
Despite the fact that GBC is genuinely and frequently funny, I think what I like about it is how serious it is, and how adult. Maybe it's because I personally find a lot of the stuff they're talking about relatable. I don't have children, but I do know what it's like to go through a divorce and to lose a loved one you were very close to. I also very often feel much older than my actual age. So chalk another one up for painfully relatable dramas that have made me cry this season (Because It's My First Life being the other one.)
Thoughts on Ban Do Specifically
Ban Do is a complicated character for me, because I don't see him as a very nice person, in many ways a poor partner to Jin Joo and often morally dubious in his actions. And yet I generally like him and find him sympathetic. Maybe it's because the writing in the show is so good, I understand how someone gets so twisted up and defeated like he is at the beginning of the show. I understand his desire to relieve his glory years, his shame at being humiliated and used in his professional life and his sense of isolation. Not that any of that excuses the fact that he is dismissive, neglectful and often willfully hurtful toward his wife.
I am kind of relishing his rediscovery of Jin Joo as an strong, beautiful and fascinating woman outside of her roles as wife, homemaker and mother of his child. Although it's a bit frustration that it takes the interest and acknowledgement of other people for him to come to a realization of her merit. But now that the process has begun I'm a lot happier with the way he's treating and viewing her.
One of my biggest reservations about Ban Do, but also one of the things that makes him interesting to me, is his relationship with Min Seo Young. We seem him mooning over her in some of the flashbacks to their marriage, worrying about her and learning about her career ending injury. We see him boasting to his friends that he would be able to seduce her handily if he could go back in time, knowing what he knows now. And then we see that boast turns out to be entirely true, when he does go back and puts his plan into action. I can't help but feel terribly sorry for Seo Young. Because she is falling more and more under Ban Do's spell, his very strategic moves are working for him flawlessly, but at the same time clearly he isn't in love with her. He isn't entirely indifferent to her, clearly, but he doesn't have feelings for her on the level of what he felt for Jin Joo (in the beginning and even now) so much as he is hung up on this idealistic view of first love, and is getting off on his ability to make her fall for him. But he's not falling in response.
To some degree I think (I hope) that Seo Young is becoming conscious of that. That Ban Do doesn't look at her as one looks at a lover, but as one looks at a child. He feels a fatherly kind of regard and concern for her. His desire to help and protect her isn't based on romantic feelings. But I worry that he is going to hurt her really badly when he realizes that he doesn't want a future with her, but that he wants to try to make things work with his ex-wife instead.
I think the thing that keeps me interested and invested in the main couple getting back together instead of getting with other people who make them happier, is because there are problems on both sides. Ban Do isn't entirely responsible for the failure of their marriage. Jin Joo had her part to play too. They both allowed communication between them to break down to the point that they became strangers to each other. And although Ban Do helped to destroy Jin Joo's self esteem and truly took her for granted, Jin Joo could also cruel and unreasonable.
Obviously, we don't understand all of the circumstances surrounding her mother's death yet, but to place the blame squarely on him for now allowing her to see her mother one more time seems unfair to me, especially since a lot of her anger probably stems from the a sense that she didn't treat her mom as well as she wanted to when she was around. She has reason to feel the way that she does but saying things like "you've never been there when I needed you", "I should have expected anything" can be really damaging as well.
While I definitely understand the SLS people are feeling (for both the male and female second leads, honestly) but I'm not really feeling it myself. Or rather, only in the milder form. I like both Seo Young and Nam Gil and I want them to be happy, but I'm still sincerely rooting for the main couple more.
Wow that got really long winded, I'm sorry. Anyway. I hope that answers your questions
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dragongirlafro · 7 years
Miscellaneous things I liked about Sun and Moon
-Kukui coming to your house and just letting himself in.
-Kukui asking the main character to find the kahuna without actually giving a short fill in on who he is, other than “he looks just like a kahuna”.
-the little wobble effect when you’re crossing the bridge to save Nebby.
-The main character asking Lillie if she’s a kahuna, either jokingly or because they genuinely have no idea what a kahuna is.
-Hau’s theme. I mean, I’m psyched for Hau in general, but I really loved his music.
-the cutscenes. No seriously. I like reading dialogue and interactions between characters. The cutscenes at the beginning of the game really set the right mood and tone for me imo.
-Trainer models behind their Pokémon during battles.
-finding Ledybas on route 1.
-Kukui yelling “Oh yeah, Rockruff! My body is ready!” from inside his lab, giving the impression of a hilarious double entendre.
-The Rotom pokédex’s witty personality.
-And the wide variety of Pokédex entries ranging from “really sweet” to “how did this get past ERSB’s ratings?”
-just the sentiment of going out into the islands with your starter and just one or two low level Pokemon.
-Pokémon Refresh!! I had no idea how much of an improvement Refresh was to Amie! Like you can just give a Pokemon two sparkly rainbow beans and they’ll love you forever!
-the ability to just go into a PC and grab your pokémon or move it around without any of that “withdraw or deposit” bullshit.
-that adorable scene where Rotom takes a picture of you, Hau, and Lillie.
-Rotom thirsting over “that dreamboat Ilima”.
-The Skull grunts at the berry farm. More specifically the one who had self-esteem issues.
-when the Skull grunts think you can’t tell them apart cause they’d switched positions so they swap places and are like “how’s that?”
-Totem Pokémon being three times larger than they normally would and scaring the crap outta you.
-The fuckin anime-ass pose your main character does whenever they get a Z-crystal
-in fact Z-moves in general. A lot of older fans seem to dislike them but honestly they were one of the only things that convinced me to buy the game.
-Ride Pokémon!!!!No HMs!!!!!!!
-Also being able to program any Ride Pokémon on the D-pad. That’s become like second nature to me.
-that cutscene when you’re on the boat from Melemele to Akala island.
-and that little exchange between Lillie, Hau, and Kukui when they reach the shore.
-The shopping music. Holy fuck do I even need to tell you how amazing the shopping music is in this Gen???
-meeting Dexio and Sina again. I didn’t really care for the whole Zygarde thing but just seeing those two again was really sweet.
-Paniola Ranch and its chill af vibes.
-Lana trying to find a “strapping young swimmer” when she’s supposed to be guiding you through her trial.
-and her trying to convince you that her trial site has a Kyogre in it.
-The frickin Water type Z-move dance. Oh my god that wavy hula dance is the cutest thing ever.
-The whole “Professor Kukui wtf are you doing” “Who is this ‘Professor Kukui’ you speak of I am the Masked Royale!!” exchange.
-and then he just blurts out “and now we have our foursome!” and all the characters ignore it and move on as if that’s a normal thing to say in everyday conversation
-Kiawe’s trial. Just… everything about Kiawe’s trial.
-But mostly Hiker David.
-“Press A to pound the ingredients.”
Honestly tho that was the only redeeming quality to Mallow’s trial Totem Lurantis can go fuck itself in USUM.
-Professor Burnet’s groovin’ dimensional research lab theme.
-when Olivia does the Rock type Z-move dance and the camera just zooms in on Lillie gawking over her.
-OH YEAH that Pyukumuku chucking thing where you can get 20 000 pokédollars a day. I hope they bring that back because that was a real good way of making cash.
-And those missions in Pokécentres where if you’ve caught a set amount of Pokémon or if you’ve caught a specific Pokémon they’ll pay you like 10 000 dollars or something.
-Meeting Wicke for the first time and her being incredibly sweet and nice.
-That small bit when Hau can’t believe that Lusamine’s more than 40 years old and she’s really flattered.
-battling Nihilego for the first time.
-That scene on the boat to Ula’Ula Island where Hau talks to you and offers you a Malasada. That really solidified his friendship with the main character for me.
-Speaking of which that part where you’re at Malie Garden and Hau asks “hey, did you know-“ and you can just say “yah i know” and he’s like “dude come on I haven’t even asked the question yet.”
-that little side quest where you have to find a woman’s eight Stuffuls on route 10 that’s like really sweet but also why does she have so many stuffus?
-The Skull grunts who fucking try to steal a bus stop sign.
-Molayne. I liked his relationship with Kukui and Sophocles.
-and I especially liked the part where he gave you Kukui’s mask and when you give it to him Kukui’s just like “oH uhhhhh I’ll um give it back to the Masked Royale when I uh see him”
-Blush Mountain. It has such a nice name. Blush Mountain.
-Acerola’s, um… Little brother and sister? Kids she’s babysitting? I wasn’t too clear on how they were related to her, but they were cute either way.
-the whole bit where rotom’s afraid to go into the haunted store because “spoopy scary ghosts” despite him literally also being a ghost.
-On the subject of those two kids, the event where Team Skull stole the girl’s Yungoos and she gives you a Rare Candy just to get it back fucking broke my heart like oooooohhhh sweetie you didn’t have to give me this I would have gotten your Yungoos back either way!!
-Plumeria!!She was so underrated!
-uncle Grimsley’s cointoss bit where you could pick heads or tails but if you picked neither then he’d just say that Skarmory swooped in and grabbed it in midair, even though that obviously never happened and he was just bullshitting you.
-Also just the mere fact that Grimsley refers to himself as “Uncle Grimsley”
-Nanu. Enough said.
-The fact that all the Team Skull grunts in Po town are gay. Every. Single. One of them. gay
-That scene where Nanu does the Dark type Z-move pose and the main character and Gladion just stare at him and there’s just an awkward pause until he goes “there you cleared your trial or whatever”.
-actually now that I think about it, Sun and Moon had a lot of subtle humour.
-when you were infiltrating Aether Paradise and a good amount of employees were set on stopping you but there was like that ten percent who were like “whoa shit’s gettin wild out here lmao do you want us to heal your ‘mons? We could even take you back if you wanted i ain’t about to lose my job over some space conspiracy fuck that noise”
-That one Skull grunt who was all like, “wanna see me get hit by a Hyper Beam?”
-When you Battle Guzma outside of Lusamine’s mansion.
-“Doot doo doo, just a Kahuna, taking a stroll through the laguna.”
-when Hau compliments Lillie over her outfit makeover and Gladion immediately pulls the defensive brother card.
-Seafolk Village’s night music. Oh my lord I’ve never wanted to marry a video game meledy before it.
-Hapu!!! Another underrated character!
-That scene where Lillie and the main character are in the cave on Exeggcutor Island in the rain.that was super cute.
-Vast Poni Canyon! Love me that guitar and flute!
-Mina!!! I can’t wait for her trial in usum I love her so much!!!!!
-when you go to Ultra Space and Rotom is unconscious because you’re disconnected from your world.
-When Lillie gave that whole speech to Lusamine and her sole reaction was basically “¯\_(ツ)_/¯” that absolutely slayed me
-After all that shit in Ultra Space and catching Nebby goes down and then Nanu’s just chilin’ at the Altar and is like “oh, hey, you can challenge the league I guess, if you really felt like it.”
-that corny-ass scene where Lillie was gonna say something to the main character after the festival and it was all set up like a love scene from the final act of a goddamn comedy romance film and then they get shouldered by the fireworks. My heart can’t handle that kind of sappy cuteness and I need more of it.
-Looker and Anabel. Those two were adorbs.
-oh. And Alolan Raichu. When I first saw that Pokémon revealed in the trailer last July I knew that I had to buy Sun and Moon. Alolan Raichu is what got me into Pokémon.
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I Have A Lot of Feelings About Taylor Swift
First of all, let me get my personal feelings out of the way. (Oh, who am I kidding? This is all personal.)
I was a little sad and a little mad for the longest time after I found out about the trial but I didn’t look into the details until it started.
Then, the day after my birthday, because birthdays are cursed, the trial started. I was fully pissed and ready to kill a man (read: one man specifically).
And then, I just lost it. It was at around 5 p.m. on Wednesday (day 3 of the trial) that I finally LOST IT. I was reading updates on Twitter from the press in the court room. Taylor’s mom, Andrea, was on the stand and she was telling the court what happened.
It was hysterical, uncontrollable, loud, ugly, SOBBING. It finally hit home like a bullet through my heart. Only once before did I ever feel this way about something that wasn’t about me and my life and that was the day after the election.
I know I am making it sound like the world just ended but I am not exaggerating.
My part of my world ended on November 9th, 2016. A part of my heart broke on August 9th of 2017. (Can we please just skip over the ninth day of every month from now?)
This is the story of what happened after the assault that day: she thanked them for coming, told her Mom about it, they decided to not make what happened public, she went on to performing that night’s show, and then put up walls.
That was the first time something like that ever happened and she made sure it would be the last.
Of course, a man (or maybe it was two) still managed to grab on to her ankle on the 1989 World Tour. Looking back at that, now knowing about what happened in 2013, I can understand the fear in her face and the shock in her body in the video that recorded the event so much better now. I can almost swear she was having flashbacks.
The gold sparkly dress was from the Fearless era. The purple one was from the Speak Now era. The striped tops were from Red, the one where she crowd-surfed was at an award show and the other one was on her tour. Fast forward, the 1989 tour not only saw the end of this, the stage was also absurdly far away from the audience considering that she was the performer and should have been out of reach of the audience.
She no longer goes through the crowd, which was her absolutely favorite thing to do. She would hug as many people as she can, hold as many hands as she can, pick up as many children as she can, thank as many people as she can. Because she never, not for one moment, lost sight of the fact that we made her career possible and we are there because we love her. She never for one moment stopped treating us as if we were her world.
I think at least some of us thought she stopped because of security risks. But the truth is that she stopped because of something traumatic that happened and left her scarred, not because she didn’t trust her fans.
A few years ago, she yelled at her security (yelled as in used harsh words, not has in raised her voice, because can you even imagine her yelling) because they told her she couldn’t see her fans. That was one of the few times, if not the only time, I’ve seen her lose her temper; even including all of the times she was attacked with rude and invasive questions during interviews, even then, she always managed to remain graceful and poised. But when it comes to us, she loses all calm and does as much as she possibly could to make us happy. She bakes for us after inviting us to her homes and sends us Christmas presents and stalks us on social media, like, who even does that? Yeah, we really don’t deserve her.
She is a white feminist and a flawed human being. (Now that I look back at it, her lack of political participation this past year have been at least partially because of the pending trial.) But she is a better person that any of us can ever hope to be and a better person than this world ever deserved.
Andrea, known to the Swifties as Mama Swift, has the kind of relationship with her daughter that Lorelai Gilmore has with Rory and I am perpetually jealous. Andrea said that day, amongst many other heartbreaking things, “I didn’t not want this event to define her life.” (Yes, of course I cried harder.) That was why she didn’t want it to go public.
But of course, it did anyways. But hey, at least Taylor got a few extra years to build up her career to unimaginable heights so now, if she falls, she can’t hit the ground. But she shouldn’t fall. This is perhaps the post important thing Taylor has ever done for the world.
Taylor Swift deserves better. WOMEN deserve better.
As much as I understand how low this falls on the scale of “How Badly A Woman Could Have Been Hurt”, as much as I realize that at least 40% of my anger is because this is happening to Taylor and only the other half is about what actually happened to her, I also am all too aware of how representative this is of something so much bigger than just one person and how monumental it is that such a trial like this one is even happening.
I am proud of her for deciding to go through this rather than settle to avoid the attention. I am proud of her for standing up for herself and women everywhere. I am proud of her for standing up against rape culture and using her fame to draw attention to this. I am proud of her for doing what is right over what is easy; she wouldn’t be Taylor Swift if she didn’t.
If there are any silver linings to this dark cloud, it’s these: So many women have come forth with their stories, I’ve seen it and I am still seeing it. She is already making an impact, even if the world is silent. Plus, it is now confirmed that this fandom is woke af (not all of us, a minor fraction of us are still being shit). Maybe it took something this big to get so many of us this angry, but we are fully pissed off right now and we are never going to let this go.
I think you can guess even before you read the rest why it took me two years from late 2012 to late 2014 to go from hearing my first Taylor Swift song to becoming a Swiftie.
It wasn’t that I didn’t like her music. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t have liked her. I have not changed that much in the years all things considered and I evidently absolutely adore her now.
It was because the only thing I can remember anyone ever saying about her to me from those years was and I quote: “She has too many boyfriends.” I shit you not. Those were the exact words and it is BURNED into my mind. I definitely didn’t stand up for her then, I also definitely had no way to defend her because I knew so little, so I probably was like “yeah, I guess” even if the statement didn’t make me fully comfortable.
It wasn’t until I found her name in a book I read that hailed her as one of the great female country artists of the age. That’s when I could see the real her.
The novel featured one song from each of these artists. Taylor’s was A Place In This World, track 4 of her debut album. That song made me look up her old music and the history of her entire career. That was in mid 2014, end of Red, beginning of 1989. That song gave me a place in which I felt understood, it gave me a voice I didn’t have before.
Little by little, I memorized every lyric, found the story behind every song, watched every interview, and let her become such a huge part of my life. In return, she changed it and made it better and become the one person who was somehow there for me when no one else was.
In retrospect: I think my friends all knew I was a Swiftie before I did.
And to think that I was kept from that for two whole years because of how particularly sexist the world is and will continue to be in the foreseeable future when it comes to her.
Still, I do believe that history will remember her in kindness and see her for who she is and all that she is, not some twisted depiction of her based on blatant ignorance and misinformation. Maybe the textbooks will someday say what the world isn’t saying today: Taylor Swift deserves better.
That is, assuming we don’t die from a nuclear World War III under the Trump Administration.
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brenli · 7 years
[[length warninnnngu]]
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 whoever the fuck you want
Tagged by: @goddamnitkastle (Thank youuuuu~)
Tagging: @annabelle-poe @halorecoil @chocostains @direngreyofmyheart @malevolentqueenofspiders @claudia86c @laura--howlett @lemonedscream @aflawedfashion @kareink @catchild @candybunnieholic @thisisntmyrealhair @ominous-communication @borgiabastard @evilwriter37 @lesbomancy @myguiltyghost @rococo-royalty @celestialcollectionaus
The Last:
1. drink: Blue Moon, Honey Wheat.
2. phone call: The Honey’s youngest brother, asking to get picked up at the driving school (he just passed his written test today~)
3. text message: Roommate P, ranting about the road block on I-90 around Vantage due to the brush fire.
4. song you listened to: The last SONG song was “Mama I’m Coming Home” Ozzy, but the last music overall that I listened to was the BGM for The Keepers.
5. time you cried: Prolly a few months back during one of the times I got a little TOO frustrated about how like, a large percentage of my life is boxed up.
6. dated someone twice: I dunno I guess my last date was when I went to see Baby Driver and basically any date with the Honey is an additional date so???
7. kissed someone and regretted it: If I have any regretful kisses they happened literally over 15 years ago. I dunno. Maybe the guy that bit my thighass area without my consent; I did kiss him prior to the biting incident. (It’s okay I hit him across the face and that was the end of that dumbness so.)
8. been cheated on: No.
9. lost someone special: When Uncle Pete passed on, which was Christmastime 2009. Christmastime used to be a little hard because of it; now the joy comes back in remembering his big Texan self.
10. been depressed: There is a part of me that feels like this is a weird question to ask someone who has depression always kind of humming in the background, but I guess the last time I let it CONSUME me was, again, a few months back when I was a little TOO frustrated about being so boxed up. While I like the work I’m doing up here more than what I was doing down there, the fact remains that this was not what I was led to believe I would be coming into. I don’t want to spend the time ranting poetic about it; it would take too long. The short of it is I’m unhappy with what feels like being misled, and even more unhappy with knowing I can’t really leave it right away. It’s been a little too easy to get eaten up, because of it. I don’t talk about it when it happens, because people always want to come at it with solutions, and there isn’t one. That’s not how this situation works. And for that matter, that’s not how depression as a mental illness works; sometimes you’re sad because you’re sad and you just have to kind of. Work through it. Process it.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Uhhhhhh, probably C’s bachelorette party, which was back in 2012. 
Favorite Colors:
12. I refuse to answer this in the traditional manner screw this I hate fave color questions. XD I adore, stark black and white, sometimes with a splash of red.
13. Anything from burnished bronze and coppers to brilliant, pure golds to warm, old ivories.
14. I used to really not feel the classic Snow White primary colors kind of palette, but it’s grown on me over time - blues and reds and yellows.
In The Last Year Have You:
15. made new friend: Yes~
16. fallen out of love: No.
17. laughed until you cried: Yesterday.
18. found out someone was talking about you: Also yesterday.
19. met someone who changed you: I guess I kinda feel like everyone a person meets changes said person on some kinda level, even if only minutely. The last person to change me immensely was, I guess Dr. Lund.
20. found out who your friends are: I feel like I’m always finding out who my friends are. XD
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Well the Honey is on my FB list so.
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Pretty sure all of them, excluding public figure pages. Seeing as my FB is locked down from ever-watching eyes. (Sometimes I wonder what people think of my life what with me periodically mentioning being watched and my boxed up life and all sorts of weird stuff. XD)
23. do you have any pets: I have a Chocobean! There are also two other cats in the house and two dogs, who are technically claimed by others, but you know how it is when you’re sharing a space with multiple people who all have pets. It just becomes like, the pet COMMUNITY and we’re all taking care of the pet COMMUNITY basically.
24. do you want to change your name: In my youth I wanted to, very badly. Around mid-to-late highschool days I ultimately embraced my name, enough to make it the root for my online handles.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I enjoyed the Anaguran sky and also went to watch Star Trek Beyond at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Got the metal popcorn tin and everything.
26. what time did you wake up: Around 8:45AM.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching Philip Defranco.
28. name something you can’t wait for: The Punisher for sure for sure for sure!!! Also, P securing a freaking house with freaking space so I can finally fully unbox my life, and for the conclusion of my AS series notes that I’ve been doing as a book club type situation with @halorecoil, which will help me a lot for CotF going forward. Or P securing a house with space so I can unbox my life and finally fine my note sheet. Whichever. XD
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: December 2016.
31. what are you listening to right now: The AC, a place going by (again), Frankie hissing at my Chocobean and Chocobean not giving a single fuzzy fuck about it. XD
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah. He was obsessed with some box. (Not really; we were performing a scene together and his CHARACTER was obsessed with some box. XD)
34. most visited website: Tumblr. Youtube. Pinterest. Instagram.
35. hair color: Dark brown (with some natural red/auburn highlight situation going on if it’s under direct light).
36. long or short hair: Long on me, long on my Honey.
37. do you have a crush on someone: Flaming hot. On my Honey
38. what do you like about yourself: My hair, my hips.
39. piercings: Just the one hole in each earlobe. I had a navel ring but had to take it out when it started showing signs of rejection. T.T I want it back, very badly. As well as a septum ring.
41. nickname: Bren.
42. relationship status: Married.
43. zodiac: Leo.
44. pronouns: She/her
45. favorite tv show: Man this is really a mood thing, but I guess my earliest favorite is Star Trek TOS. I’m a sucker for way back when’s like The Tudors, The Borgias, Marco Polo. House of Cards is divine, and Daredevil.
46. tattoos: Inkless, though I like to think of ideas. 
47. right or left handed: Leftie~
48. surgery: The only one I’ve ever had was to get all four wisdom teeth taken out.
49. piercing: Repeat questions are for chumps.
50. sport: I’m not a sporty type, but I enjoy volleyball? If dance can be considered a sport I done BEEN interested but haven’t learned anything. 
51. vacation: Boracayyyyyyyy~! Also, the Normandy region of France.
52. pair of trainers: I dunno Mama gave me a pair of black and hot pink running shoes?
More General
53. eating: Air.
54. drinking: Air.
55. i’m about to: Rest.
56. waiting for: Space.
57. want: Getaway.
58. get married: Already.
59. career: Storytelling.
60. hugs or kisses: Both.
61. lips or eyes: Both.
62. shorter or taller: Just right.
63. older or younger: Either make me 4, 19, or 75. XD
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms.
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: A Hesitant Troublemaker.
67. kissed a stranger: Then he bit my thighass and that ended that.
68. drank hard liquor: July 4th.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I’ve actually never lost either.
70. turned someone down: April 2016.
71. sex on the first date: Depends on what I’m trying to get out of said date prolly.
72. broken someone’s heart: The Honey’s, once.
73. had your heart broken: By the Honey, once.
74. been arrested: No.
75. cried when someone died: Yes.
76. fallen for a friend: The Honey is a friend so.
Do You Believe In:
77. yourself: Yes?
78. miracles: Yes, but not always what we’re specifically hoping for, and thus not always acknowledged.
79. love at first sight: Like at first sight.
80. santa claus: Saint Nick, yeah.
81. kiss on the first date: Gotta give ‘em something to remember you know.
82. angels: Yes.
83. current best friend’s name: Lorie, Jael Face
84. eye color: Brown.
85. favorite movie: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), which is a great way to end this because I don’t know how expected that was. XD
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