#actually that'd be fun lol maybe it can be both
jichanxo · 10 months
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yakuza au xehaqus [from oct/2023]
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elyfonart · 1 month
hii id love to hear more about your pre-ts germa au!! do you have any background info or premise stuff youd like to share, or maybe smth about the character designs/outfits from your comic? -fruityumbrella
ohhh im so sorry but you're really going to regret asking me about the outfit choices !!!
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I think the biggest and most obvious change is the zoro germa clone uniform - as funny as it would be to see him run around looking like a goon, i think a really big appeal of the germa au style - and also something i personally love - is the knight look! its awesome! zoro looks awesome in it! I didnt want to really stylise the armour however, because as genuinely fun as it would be to spend hours on it, i both know that'd drive me nuts for comics, and i also dont really see germa as the kind of nation that goes for these kind of intricate designs over blunter looks - especially when we see how their castle looks lol, not exactly the most impressive of designs.
so for zoro, the actual individuality in his outfit is the germa 66 symbol (self explanatory), the stripes (for me stripes = zoro, spirals = sanji), and the colours - something i love doing is dressing characters in complimentary colours of each other or something the other is wearing - i think it works really nicely, and here, im hoping it serves as kind of an easter egg that the more purplish tones of zoros outfit actually match the yellow-ness of sanji's hair, especially when the outfit overall is so dark and dreary.
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the one whos design i really really loved creating was sanjis - similar to zoro, i did go with a simpler look than i could've for convinience's sake, but i added a lot more little details that kind of signal to what sanji's character and story is - because obviously in this universe, a lot is told from zoro's perspective so we dont have that direct insight upfront.
i think sanjis original WCI outfit is already quite telling of his situation - the red is too vibrant, the shirt too loose and doesnt fit right, and its overall really just not sanji, which i really like. however, i prefer to focus on the constrained aspect more than a looser look - in my design, sanjis shirt is too tight, hes got this slim knee-high boots, and most importantly, hes covered in ropes and a big golden sash. I really wanted to incorporate this bondage-esque design into sanjis outfit, both to draw attention to the royal gold's hes forced into, and the overall prisoner look - i dont think you can really tell unless you're looking, but sanjis knees are actually tied together, somewhat limiting his movement while still maintaining the style present in the rest of the outfit - i was really suprised Germa didnt do anything about his legs at any point since they're such powerful weopans and only held his hands hostage when i first watched WCI, so this is what I would've done lol! also i just wanted him dressed like this. for personal reasons.
i also wanted to overhaul the look to have a more historical vibe to match zoro's knight design, so i took inspiration from royal/noble Prussian silhouettes with the knee high boots and very sanji-like waistlines, while also adding a sash and aiguilette-esque belt - as well as adding to the rope look, an aiguilette is often used to denote an honour, and here sanji's cut the ends into a knife and fork as a tiny rebellion where he can :)
I definitely have more for the other characters upcoming but I'll be here for like a month straight if I start talking about all that!!! Thank you so much for your ask you're a star !!!!
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bitsbug · 1 year
Hey! So I saw your slugsign stuff a few days ago and it has caused some pretty serious brain rot (pun intended!).
I’m planning out a fun little comic where the scugs work together to rebuild moon (got the idea from a Reddit post) and I was wondering if you had any ideas for slugsign names for the main slugcats? (Arti,hunter,etc.)
Because yeah, I can just call Arti scav predator, but then it gets confusing after a while with all of them. I don’t see much reason to use name-signs like this in co-op because you’d just use “you” instead, so you probably don’t have any. But do you have any ideas for them? (Also, is there a sign for ‘friend’? Because I think the scugs calling Rivulet Moon friend would be adorable)
Ooh, this is a great question! Hope you don't mind that I showed it to Phen so we could brainstorm, lol. Also goes without saying that this comic concept goes INSANE and I'm so excited to see it.
In-lore, you can either use an existing word or some unique motion. Whether it's high (jumping/standing on toes for in-lore), middle (standing normally), or low (crouching) also matters, since it can indicate personality and how the scug presents themself. I'm going to be using existing words here for ease of interpretation.
^I should also note that in-lore, [me] is held while doing the other part of the name sign, using both arms at once. It's only sequential in-game cuz you can only use one arm.
- Gourmand is probably some variety of "I make food"; simply translated as [me][make](food). Make could be like, pressing your hands together in a pantomime of how Gourm crafts in-game. Likely a middle namesign, but low could work.
-it would be REALLY FUNNY if Arti's name was something like "I kill scavs", but a cooler alternative could be "I am a weapon", which would be signed [me][object](kill). Hers is a high namesign because of the kill motion.
-Spearmaster is a bit difficult to pin down.. maybe "I hunt with spears"? That'd be [me](predator)[object](kill), which is pretty long! Using a unique motion here could cut down the length.
-Rivulet could be [me](fast) ! If you want it more water related, an alternative is [me](rain). [Fast] is signed by pointing at a down diagonal, then up diagonal, and [rain] by doing rapid, tiny hops. Definitely a high namesign.
-For Saint, "I am peaceful" as [me](peace) is the obvious choice, but I feel like "I cycle", [me](cycle), is more befitting of their.. deal. Maybe they use both. You could actually do either a low or middle namesign.
-Conversational slugsign can get pretty hands-on, like with [you] involving patting the other person, so "friend" could be literally hugging the person in question! Hugging yourself is how you say "friend" in the abstract.
Building on that, Monk's name could be "I am a friend", signed [me][friend]. Also a middle namesign, but maybe low or high? depends on how you characterize Monk.
-Survivor's might be something like "I do not die" or "I persist", which could be translated in multiple ways.. [me][cycle][no](kill) is how that'd be signed, but that's long. Inventing a unique motion would be better here.
-I imagine Hunter's is simply [me](predator), literally "I am a predator/hunter". One of the few low namesigns.
I believe that's all the canon scugs! Ofc, you don't need to use these, just what came to mind.
I should also note that, for the longer ones, I'm using an as-of-yet unposted grammar system we've been working on! It's kinda complex, and we're still ironing out the kinks. Maybe I'll post abt it soon.
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vaiztohirez · 6 months
SVSSS College/University AU!!
(mostly STEM, and with assumptions arising from the American systems, bc that's what I know)
Shen Yuan: In accordance with my headcanons for canon, I think he'd still be studying evolutionary biology in this AU. He'd have fun with it, and I think he'd be decently good at it. Same energy as my roommate doubling Chem and Archeology bc Alchemy isn't an option
Luo Binghe: Shen Yuan tutored him once when they were in middle school and high school respectively, and Bingy majored in STEM about it. That and I think it would make sense with his backstory, for him to be studying biochemistry or molecular biology with the intent of becoming a cancer biologist. Like I said earlier, he'd be phenomenal in wet lab because of his skills in the kitchen (and general badassery) transferring to the lab. If he actually had Protagonist Powers I think he'd probably manage to actually cure cancer lol.
To get the relationships right, I think Ning Yingying and Ming Fan have to be studying something related to biology, but I don't have a good enough handle on their characters to decide what exactly within the broad broad field of bio they might be interested in. But I do know that the three of them were put in a study group during intro bio and managed to make that into actual friendship further down the line.
Shang Qinghua: I Knew he had to be Computer Science all the way. As someone who is intimately acquainted with the precise flavor of dying all CS majors are, he's absolutely got the energy. Plus, I had a daydream/plot bunny back when I was taking Algorithms that the type of procedural thinking taught in CS would be invaluable on An Ding. He absolutely still writes a ton to keep some semblance of sanity. If you see him in the CS building at 11 pm typing furiously it's a coin toss as to whether he's writing or debugging lol. He and Shen Yuan made instant hatefriends with each other in the university's anime club their first year, and slowly transitioned to being die-or-die (yes, that was not a typo, they are both dying at the end of this ride lol) best friends.
Literally everyone else I could think of under the cut:
Shen Qingqiu: I think he and Shen Yuan are cousins at most, so the QiJiu backstory can be had in some capacity. Of course, they can't literally be slaves named after numbers in a modern AU, but the separation/reconciliation/etc can happen. I think he's either premed and angry about it, or aggressively going towards academia. Math, maybe? I know those are two very different things, but whatever he's studying, he's mean about it, but very good.
Yue Qingyuan: I think he is in the med school at whatever university he's at. One of those freaks who manages to be dying entirely on the inside instead of the outside. This is why I think it'd be useful to have SJ|SQQ as premed, so their paths crossed. I think SQQ was delayed in enrolling by QiJiu Backstory, which is why they're in different years. He's maybe planning on going into family medicine, I think.
Mu Qingfang: How could I make the doctor character not a doctor? He's out of school, kind of. I think he's doing his residency at a hospital near the university. He's friends with YQY, and is Concerned at the bits of QiJiu Backstory he's picked up over the course of that.
Qi Qingqi: Thinks all you doctor types are a bit insane (affectionate, but deep down). I think she's a graduate student studying chemistry, maybe drug delivery if I had to pick something specific? No real reason, just vibes.
Liu Qingge: The emotionally constipated Sporty Ponytail(TM), so... Sports Medicine, obviously. I think he might be minoring in environmental studies or something, so there's reasons for him to cross paths with Shen Yuan. Story reasons, I mean -- he's doing it because he got interested in high school.
Liu Mingyan: I don't know if it's too on the nose to tie her to a field that'd make her excruciatingly aware of the reasons why to wear a mask, but I think she'd be studying Epidemiology or Public Health, something similar to that. I think she'd be good at thinking on the personal, community, and population levels, and balancing that.
Sha Hualing: So that she has some overlap with both LMY and LBH, and because I just think it fits somehow, I think she'd be studying molecular biology with the intent to go into virology.
Mobei-Jun: Honestly I'm not entirely certain he's in school. I think it might make more sense for him to be running the restaurant location Binghe works part time at. Which brings me to the rest of the demons!
Meng Mo: Head chef of the restaurant Bingy managed to finangle his way to a part time chef position at. No, I don't know how he managed that either, because it's a pretty high end restaurant, and "chef" doesn't tend to be a part time position from what I know. Binghe is just that good at cooking, I guess. Meng Mo is kind of mad about it.
Tianlang-Jun: He owns the restaurant and probably a bunch of other things, but he's rich-person bankrupt because he was suspected of murdering his wife (he didn't, obvs. Honestly it might be funny if Su Xiyan wasn't even actually dead). It was suuuuuper awkward when it came out that LBH was his biological son, but Binghe Refuses to touch business, so Zhuzhi-Lang is the successor.
That's all I've got for now!
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debtdeath · 1 year
for the ship hcs ask game: flashfire (or just scout & pyro platonically) hcs? opinions? hotel?
(prompt: "Send me a ship + a word, and I’ll tell you the first headcanon that comes to mind!")
you absolutely sent me more material to work with than the prompt asked, which rocks. happy to talk about scout and pyro platonically and/or romantically tbh! for the sake of this being the first time i talk about them (i think) i'll keep it PG but feel free to follow up if you wanna hear NSFW stuff 👍
general opinion:
i think they're neat together! a lot of people are reluctant to ship them together romantically which is like, fair enough etc but it feels like that'd be overlooking their potential for both chaos for the sake of chaos (fun!) and true tenderness between two people who generally might feel pretty misunderstood and isolated from the rest of the team for various reasons (also fun!).
because theyre both on offensive roles i can see them interacting regularly On The Job as well which is always great to write imo.
i generally think scout and pyro are close friends even before becoming romantically involved or whatever...
i like the idea of scout being a bit scared of pyro at first because they're a big question mark, but because scout is this person who finds any challenge worth his time he takes it upon himself to be The First Who Befriends That Weirdo (affectionate).
he'll learn how to decipher pyro's mumbling and learn sign language (which also helps on the battlefield where it's often loud!).
scout is of course extremely curious about what's under the mask but he doesn't pry. none of his business. but if pyro ends up revealing themselves you know he'll be like 👀👀👀
pyro's just glad someone's willing to stick around with them! they don't mind being a loner but like, company is always nice.
they probably also feel pretty >:) about scout—this big talker jock and generally annoying dickhead—being actually nice to them. the power they hold over him... i reckon they feel pretty good about it.
scout strikes me as a romantic regardless of who he's paired up with, and pyro seems like a cuddler so i think their relationship as Lovers would be soooo sweet... inseparable and always goofing around and laughing and pulling (sometimes VERY dangerous) pranks on their teammates.
they're two fucked up little guys who somehow find each other in a weird fucked up world <3
now to specifically get to The Prompt from the ask LMFAO... hotel HUH...
i can imagine a scenario where they have to spend the night in some kind of motel for a duo contract or something and it's (gasp) a room with twin beds bc why would it be a double bed? fanfiction is contrived man (winks knowlingly at the person reading this)...
anyway scout checks in on his own bc he doesnt want pyro's Appearance to alarm the reception lady (little does he know that the lady would think absolutely NOTHING of it, she's seen worse, she's been workin this reception desk for 30 years you know), grabs the key and then gets both him and pyro in.
i think as soon as they get in they jump on the beds like trampolines because The Urge To Have Fun is too strong lmao.
i feel like they first sleep separately but then scout maybe notices pyro having bad dreams or tossing and turning so he just ends up snuggling up with pyro to comfort them :) or it could be the other way around if you want really, i think neither of them is truly free from insomnia, night terrors, and PTSD lol.
i feel like i could go on and just write a ficlet from just this idea but i'll stop here LOL thank you so much for indulging me!
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
idk about anyone else but i always love crack ships and ships in general, i can always appreciate other ships, even if they're not my otp. It just means more content to enjoy!
Luci and Solomon would be fun as a pairing i think. If I had a crack ship, it'd be Solomon and Mammon. I don't know if they've had any moments at all together. Maybe one.
But Solomon has been steadily climbing up my favorites list on the ladder since nightbringer. Though he'll never take Mammon's place for number one lol. But I like to imagine them both with my mc.
I can imagine Mammon accidentally getting his hands on a really rare spell book and instead of selling it, gifting it to the two of them with the excuse that he couldn't get any offers for it (he is lying and it's obvious from his blush)
Or Solomon coming across a rare item he forgot about and gifting it to Mammon because he thinks he'd like it. Or digging through his collection for something he's willing to part with to help Mammon with debt, saying something about needing to get rid of it is all.
and after writing these little blurbs i will be thinking about these dummies a lot more, it is no longer an 'if' i think. new ship and new ot3 ig akskfj
okay I'm done rambling LMAO thank you for your time
- ✨ anon
Okay, yes, I absolutely love crackships. I can also appreciate other ships, I have no problem with any of that at all. I say people should ship whoever they like.
While I always write x reader, I actually have quite a few Obey Me ships that I like. DiaLuci of course which I actually did write a little story for per a request I received. Those two are just so obvious, how can you not ship it, right? I'm also fond of SoloSim because I think those two have an interesting dynamic. And of course there's SimeBarb which is also just really cute. I'm down with BarBeel and Solodeus too though to a lesser extent. And while I never really considered it before, apparently there is also Diavolo/Belphie (sorry I don't know their ship name lol), which is not something I thought of, but I don't dislike it!
My favorite crackship is absolutely SoloLuci. I love their relationship already, it's so funny to me, and I just can't help but enjoy the idea of them actually ending up together because it would be even funnier to me. Like I could write whole stories about them.
My other big crackship is Mammon/Barbatos. (BarbMam??) Again, I just find this to be absolutely hilarious. I could write whole stories about them, too, and I'd be laughing the whole time lol.
Okay one last crackship from me that I think would be fun is Diavolo/Asmodeus. Because listen, Asmo would be so into being queen lololol. And I just think it'd make Lucifer so mad, too. I'm sorry I just think it's so funny I can't help myself.
Of course, any and all of these become a little less crazy if MC is involved, but I generally consider these ships without MC. I did write that little blurb about a Solomon/MC/Lucifer threesome, but I generally like to think of them without MC because that just makes it so much funnier to me.
I love your description of a Solomon/MC/Mammon throuple situation, though. I always felt like Mammon didn't like Solomon lol but yo neither does Lucifer so. But I think with an MC that they both love and care for to kind of initiate the necessity of them being in close proximity and getting along... yeah, I could see all of the things you describe happening.
That'd be super adorable, now I'm just imagining them starting a little trio band and calling it MC and the Mons. (I'm so sorry.)
Anyway, I love your new ot3 I hope they bring you much joy!!
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What about smth for JD (heathers) with an s/o who's equally as possessive and protective over him, maybe even more so?
I fucking love it when the reader perfectly matches the characters energy omg
Jason Dean with an s/o who's just as possessive/protective as he is
Warnings: gender neutral reader, both the reader and JD are possessive and protective to an unhealthy extent, JD and the reader are a match made in hell (which means they're naturally perfect for each other), codependent relationship to the max here, swearing, dark humor, mentions of murder/death, mentions of gun use, some smutty/nsfw stuff
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As much as JD likes to mess with you, he actually does appreciate just how much you seem to love and care for him. Far too often has he been in relationships where it seemed as though he was the only one who was putting in any effort that he eventually began to lose hope he'd one day find someone who loved and worshipped him as much as he does for them
Then you showed up, and everything in his life seemed to get ten times better. He actually started attending school more often just so he can see you, especially if he knows you won't skip
However- that doesn't mean that he won't push your buttons, because he absolutely will. Believe me when I say that he's going to have at least a little fun at your expense
He'd never actually cheat, as he's way too clingy for that (unless he got really pissed off and wanted to teach you a lesson or something, but even then he'd probably end up killing the person afterwards) but he does find it amusing to see your reaction to him flirting with other people
It doesn't even have to be anyone he actually likes, in fact, he purposely goes out of his way to flirt with people he hates and actively talks shit about in front of you because he knows how mad you'll get. He's an asshole, what can I say
The look of silent rage that appears on your face whenever you see him walk up to any random guy or girl gets him chuckling everytime. He'll stay over there and flatter said random person until you storm over and drag him away from the conversation
Don't think that just because he flirts with other people that you can, that'd be crazy. How dare you talk to anyone other than him? What do you have, a death wish or something? (You flirt with other people anyway because he's not the boss of you and you can do what you want)
It's all in good fun though, because neither one of you would ever let anyone else lay their hands on the other, whether that be in a violent or sexual manner (or both). In fact, you guys even joke that if one of you ended up cheating on the other all three people involved would die, because there's no way the cheater or the person they'd cheated with would be allowed to live and the other couldn't live knowing their beloved was gone (it's actually not that much of a joke, but since you guys are so attached to each other that would probably never happen)
Speaking of committing murders, you guys do! All the time! :D (I don't know why I'm saying this like it's a good thing lol) Anytime someone does something to piss either one of you off, the two of you turn it into a date where you both kill the person, frame it as a suicide, then go back to your house for sex while the adrenaline is still pumping fast through your veins
Jealousy sex/make-up sex happens fairly often, by the way. You two may love each other, but because your personalities are so similar they're bound to end up clashing at some point, which leads to explosive arguments that typically end in "hate sex" (it's not really hate sex since you guys still love each other but given how much you both curse each other out and literally say "I hate you" during it I guess it could qualify)
Neither one of you really have any friends, not that you'd need them when you have each other. In fact, the only time you ever hang out with anyone else is when you're purposely trying to get JD riled up, and vice versa
I know he acts pretty aloof but I like to think that deep down he's actually really flattered to have someone who's crazy over him the same way he is over you. To someone as clingy and obsessed as him, it's almost like the highest honor, y'know?
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End notes: I'm finally working on old asks yippeee
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chewbokachoi · 25 days
damn, Ziggy actualy gave me an idea with their lizard ask 🤔
your OC got turned into an animal for a period of time - thoughts? prayers? maybe a short fic? 👀 I'm curious about Cassan or Oliver~
like - what animal would it be? who would watch them and help them while they are not human? do you think they lose their mind or keep their awareness?
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omg I love this and I know you said "or" but I gotta do both
But also funny thing about that-- -dragged off by the Spoilers Police-
Cassan has one assigned to her already, shall we say. But if it was something where a spell was cast on her and she was turned into a different animal...this is a fun thinking exercise lol
She'd probably be a spotted hyena. Fast and works for the greater good of others (hyenas and their clans), but also all the baggage of a horrible reputation. Cassan has a lot of baggage, both real, imagined, and technically real but confined to her head. Then there's the viciousness Of which Cassan is more than capable of if she thinks anybody in her "clan" or pack is threatened.
As for who would watch her--Rain would probably do so both because "that's my apprentice" but also everyone would be like "Rain wtf did you do now" (poor guy). Smoke would help because he's a good guy but also would feel like it's his fault Cassan got dragged into this. Rain would just go "Okay will you still need to train" and see about some obstacle course that'd accommodate her new form. I think he'd also be curious if her magic still worked and not see a problem with a hyena that can maybe spit fire. Like why is everyone getting upset she's clearly still Cassan and sentient jeez people
Smoke would probably just hold a book and turn the pages for her; he'd know she'd want to read but not want to damage the books. If anything, I think he'd just be "okay what's a task for thumbs she needs?" He'd also joke about using this as his chance to say all of his own head canons about Star Wars.
He does not do this again after she chases him up a tree.
As for losing their mind vs awareness--fortunately for Cassan, she's quite used to her mind getting yanked and stomped around. For her this would be extremely annoying but eventually pass. She'd just hope it'd be a "POOF!" human again thing and not some gradual change back.
Oh man poor Oliver. He'd probably be a raccoon. Small, able to get into all kinds of places (including places it shouldn't), smart, and actually will fuck you up if you aren't careful.
If this was to happen before finding Cassan, Oliver would have nobody except maybe the lab experiment he saved from Shang Tsung's island (a weird rabbit-thing) and Erron Black to look out for him. The rabbit-thing would just keep close to him and growl at anybody who got near--everyone would probably assume this its dinner and it's toying with it. Erron would probably also keep an eye on Oliver but not say anything about it. If asked, he'd just say he feels like making a hat but needs the raccoon to be a bit bigger before it's time and that's that.
As for staying sane or not, Oliver would probably be holding onto his sanity for dear life. He's been through enough and now he's this tiny thing that can't draw? At all? He'd probably tear up any room he's in until he figures out how to do some kind of hatch line drawings with his claws until he's back to normal.
...Actually, figuring out how to do hatch line art is probably what would make Erron go "Okay, solving this now" because he's not gonna get any sleep while hearing the little scritch-scritch of Oliver.
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doubleedgemode · 5 months
I guess I cannot shut up about the homunculus, huh? I call this one:
The Head(ache) Skeleton Key
Get it cause I'm gonna get a headache if I overthink this
So, I'm thinking about that old concept art ishiwatari made that had a.b.a's beta design, which, wasn't really that different, aside from her top having an x mark, her holding a sorta small ax and chewing on either a key shaped lollipop or a key (later concept art which I assume is after her design started to simmer shows the first option, but as we don't know if those are related, we can only speculate) but the big difference was... Paracelsus! He was a carbon copy of A.B.A's head key (no, before you ask, they didn't give her finalized key a skeleton design to homage betacelsus, both para and her key were supposed to be the same!) albeit with more detail.
Maybe this lore wasn't planned yet but... Yknow how in Strive interviews we learn Paracelsus taking on a key form was related to him trying to hold A.B.A's attention?
What if beta paracelsus straight up shapeshifted exactly into her head key as a stronger way to gain her trust? Let's be real, being born with that skeleton key, I theorize it's one of A.B.A's most consistent things about her enviroment. Whatever shit happens she has a skeleton shaped key in her noggin, always. (Though it seems to have changed a bit in strive, of course! But you could argue before all that the key was kept in place.. classic a.b.a's head key is rusty, I wonder if her creator just didn't care about her getting tetanus or it just actually deteriorated by not being well-kept :( )
That'd make paracelsus' shapeshifting more insidious... But of course we don't even know if betacelsus was even alive or just an idk demonic looking cool (inanimate?) Weapon. It's what I ASSUME to be very early concept art, not in the final product and, hell, if I understood well the strive interviews, the implication was that para's shapeshifting into a key isn't complete, so the "yeah by xx era he has perfectly shapeshifted into her skeleton key but upscaled" wouldn't work.
You thought the post was over? Nope! You get a buy one get 1 extra rambling free offer!
Part of me ponders if the skeleton key thing is a reference to.. actual skeleton keys! I'll paste their wikipedia definition so you know why that name:
A skeleton key (also known as a passkey[1]) is a type of master key in which the serrated edge has been removed in such a way that it can open numerous locks,[2] most commonly the warded lock. The term derives from the fact that the key has been reduced to its essential parts.[2]
As far as I've been able to find, japanese says a word translated as master key for master keys, but I haven't been able to find if the skeleton type is a thing in japanese or if it even shares the naming. However, I don't understand japanese (it was by translator) so please take my pondering about the existance of skeleton keys in said language with a mountain of salt.
But, even if that wasn't a term in japanese, whose to say the team didn't pull inspiration from an english term? Thought not the same situation, afaik, they've already chosen a bunch of terms from different languages for some gg topics. Maybe they didn't but it would be a fun coincidence!
A big part of me thinks maybe this isn't this deep and they just went with a beautiful (esp betacelsus with all the spine details) skeleton design cause.. Well, they are creepy which fits A.B.A's vibe pretty well, lol
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wayfayrr · 4 months
I first have to say that since I’ve only played Botw, some of totk, and maybe half of twilight, idk the other Links except for how people write them in fanfics and LU, so if my reason for each one doesn’t make sense, sorry!
1. Twilight - calm country boy but won’t accept being taken advantage of, also deeply cares about his friends and family (of the Links, he reminds me most of one of my best friends)
2. Four - also calm, logical, in fanfics is usually the only one holding the group’s singular brain cell lol (I’m a very logical person as opposed to emotional)
3. Sky - mother of the group, very sweet and loving (reminds me of my other best friend, but both Sky and my best friend can be a little too serious bc of this trait, I like to make jokes and mess around sometimes)
4. Tears - I think he’s a little less chaotic than Wild, I say a LITTLE lol, but idk, he can drive things so that’d help with traveling because I don’t like walking too much, but seeing scenery while flying would be pretty cool
5. Hyrule - most of the fanfics portray him as a very shy timid follower, and while I don’t want someone to dominate me in r relationship, I also don’t want to dominate, I need to have someone who can take charge but doesn’t boss me around
6. Wild - kinda already explained this one, ik he also has horses we could ride but still
7. Legend - his sense of humor being sarcasm is the same as me, I love sarcasm, I once said to someone “my sarcasm makes up for the whole population”, but while r senses of humor would be the same, I can’t see us working that well in a relationship, his abrasiveness is a lot and I’d rather have someone who’s softer and can cuddle with me w/o having to pretend it’s the worst thing ever bc eww feelings
8. Warriors - ik he has a soft side but his very flirtatious and arrogant personality would absolutely clash w me, it would turn me off immediately
Time and Wind excluded bc of age
If u want/have the time, I’d love to hear ur reasons for each one!
sorry I didn't put up the reasons on the og post, I kinda completely missed that bit 😅 but yeah there are reasons for why I've ranked them as such
1 - sky (literally no matter what au) He's insanely caring about people that he's close to, but can also be pretty snarky and rude. He and I have pretty similar senses of humor plus he's really loyal and honest to people he wants to keep close. (also I see him the most as being ace and even if I hc the others as such it just fits him the best IMO and idk if I would want to date any more allos after my experiences fbvsbfbvs)
2 - Twilight soft! country! boy!!!!! He's loyal to a T and is just so warm cuddly and oh I do love him so - I think he'd be number one for compatibility if it wasn't for my fear of dogs lmao
3 - tears I mean, besides him being like wild but more interested in technology and with more ability to cook? also I wanna help him dye his hair because that would be so fun :3
4 - wild I often get told that I'm him irl (personality and action-wise), so I hope that'd translate into us getting along? I like being outdoors and we could probably bond over eating rocks tbh
5 - hyrule soft fae boyyyyyyy, he's so sweet but I don't think I could move around as much as he does, he's none stop compared to wild.
6 - warriors So, this is more for canon and how other people see him rather than my own hcs (my hcs actually bumping him up from dead last surprisingly) he's usually shown as a playboy and knowing people in most places he goes while flirting with people to get things for reduced prices and I have pretty bad trust issues! I would wouldn't want to date him if he was showing interest in others while with me <3 also his arrogance would make me shutdown and not interact with him sdvsf
7 - four So while I don't mind being with someone shorter than me, I would like to be with someone a close height to mine whether that be a bit shorter or taller. the line is drawn when he barely makes it to my elbow when we're both standing. Plus I think our personalities simply match better to be friends rather than romantically, I could see myself being good friends with him - just no romance
8 - legend Idk I just don't think I would ever want to date him tbh, I see him as more compatible with a friend of mine and that's partly why too - I wouldn't want to nab him from her <3
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
Same anon as the yeppers Shawn one, I have some more stuff I think Shawn would would do (this might happen periodically if you dont mind. SO many thoughts about AFTG and how they speak, and if i have any about shawn i might continue to send them ur way <3)
Weirdly enough I was thinking about it and lowkey I feel deep down in my soul that Shawn would know the swear words (and only the swear words) of a bunch of languages. He’s monolingual, but he knows the raunchiest swear words, and when he and Jean start getting closer he like especially starts learning French ones. This is just another reason for why he needs to have so much press training lol. It eventually gets to the point where he starts pulling out words that Jean doesn’t know 💀 Jean has to start carrying around a French dictionary or smth LMAO 
Maybe this is bc shawn asks Neil to teach him some (shawn + neil would be uncontrollable i fear. The media loves them, their teams fear for their lives every time they open their mouths lmaoo), and because Neil was a teenager (on the run from the MAFIA) in both Montreal AND France he’s absolutely loaded. Canadian and French swear words are different due to more religious influence in Quebec (not francophone ((nor quebecois OR french)), so i dont know all of the differences between quebecois french and france french tho btw), so there’s a high chance that Jean probably wouldn’t be familiar with Canadian ones. Tbh there’s a high chance Jean wouldn’t be familiar with some of the more inappropriate French ones due to the fact that he was so young when he had to leave France 😭😭 or he might have forgotten them because they aren’t in use anymore. Also in TSC it says briefly that he was homeschooled (lowkey forgot about this for a quick sec), so I think he would’ve been pretty sheltered? Wait that took a sad turn but anyways I’m picturing something like this:
Shawn: do u ever just: tabarnak❗or is it just me
Jean: What 
Shawn: omg. 
Shawn: **sacré bleu 
Jean: ??
Shawn: sorry doing a little victory dance. Not me outsmarting a French man at his own game??? Checkmate, putain! 
Jean: ok well I know THAT one
I hope this made sense (idk if half the things i say make sense) and have a good day :) (or night idk your time zone but its like 2 oclock for me <33)
HII OMG i love having you in my inbox and getting to hear about your shawn headcanons fr omg so you're more than welcome to come back hehe
him knowing curse words in multiple languages is actually SO FUNNY to me especially him going out of his way to learn french ones so he can drop them around jean LMAOOO and jean being lost on them 😭 i think he would go out of his way to learn every french curse word to ever exist, just so he won't havw to put up with shawn knowing something he doesn't SHSGDHG
ALSO SHAWN + NEIL MENTION FROM YOU- i need to have some banter between them in my upcoming summer olympics socmed au omgg i think that'd be fun.
thank u for sharing omg it totally made sense hehe <333 (also omg feel like all the oomfs are from different time zones because it's 9 pm for me...)
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luthinks · 1 month
Tender Moment : Heartfelt Moment
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So Rafayel and MC are looking for a gift for Talia? (I love her so much, hope we get to see a sprite for her soon)
"Something interesting" he says ... though I quite like his definition of interesting — something the other person can receive only from him ...
MC and Rafayel have different styles of picking gifts. She looks for things that the other person might be wanting (kind of like picking something from their wishlist and and gifting that) while Rafayel solely focuses on getting something that'd absolutely remind the other person of him regardless if it's bizzare or not (classic Raf lol)
Lmfao he decided on gifting Talia a hollowed marble globe
Artist chicken that reminds MC of Rafayel, OHHH IT'S FLUFFY BIRB!! I love that plushie 😭 currently looking to buy that in real life actually!
But it's sort of hilarious how MC keeps comparing Rafayel to these cute animals, cat in your fragrance, the usual "little fishie" and a chick here ... lol she really adores him
They both came to get the same plushie. And MC going "Hey claw machine guy" 😭 she's too funny
"The opportunity to give you a surprise that's not too unexpected" 🥹 this guy ...
Sidenote — MC gifted Raf a white shirt ... (No wonder he keeps wearing that white and black plain combo even if I buy the entire available in-game closet for him)
A more unique gift — "Rest of my life with you" 😭😭😭😭😭 ... I just can't... This is too much for me
" ... A surprise gift that's not too unexpected would be better than a unique one"
" A surprise gift that's not too unexpected? those things contradict each other"
I love this dialogue! And absolutely adore their back and forth about the way they pick gifts. Both their philosophies are different but they respect each other's POV. Super fun! And the last dialogue 🥹 super romantic fishie ... This Card is one of my Favourites really
P.S. Rest of his life ... This aligns with my head canon that Rafayel from myths isn't the current day Rafayel ... He's the reincarnation with memories intact. I've got to list out some of the in-game canon (and maybe some headcanons as well)
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deiahapmoment · 3 months
I'd never played the quarry, until dawn, etc. any of those interactive games that are basically movies, until my friend called me and another friend over.
And let me tell you, it was so fun! We discussed the story, the characters and what to do as we were being given the choices. The only thing I have to say is, uh, we absolutely should not have divided the characters by who has the most playtime because certain people were never tutorialised about certain mechanics until we encountered them. NAMELY SHOOTING. Dear God, we were awful at shooting.
To begin with, our character division was the following:
P1 (host): Laura, Jacob and Max. She argued that Laura is her favourite character, that Jacob is her second favourite (it's her console, we didn't know the characters, we didn't know the game, we weren't going to argue), and that she'd also take Max because he has the least gameplay to balance out the fact that she had Laura.
P2 (me!): Ryan, Dylan and Nick (the boyz). I like games but I'm purely a pc gamer so literally anytime anything happened that required my input, both of them, thankfully, screamed that at me lol
P3: Emma, Kaitlyn, Abigail. I don't have a lot to add other than the fact that she was in a bloodthirsty and chaotic mood and that that shaped a lot of the game lol
We made it with all playable characters alive except Max (P1 had never tried making him swim across the lake so we told her to go for it) and Kaitlyn, which is where the tutorial thing comes in.
The first time anyone shot a gun (me with Nick in the shooting contest) we somehow had auto shoot on? And every other time after that that someone had to shoot like Nick with Abigail and Chris with Ryan, the target was right in front of you, you didn't have to aim. Kaitlyn was the first time that we had to aim and considering the break we took between sessions, P3, if she ever knew how to aim, didn't remember how, only how to shoot... so, uh, good for Travis, at least his nephew survived?
Actually, it was especially good for Travis because we killed the rest of his family! His awful mom? Check. His dad? Check. Both of his brothers? Well, they were collateral but still, check. And I don't think you can save Kaylee, so, RIP, I guess.
In our run we actually didn't have a lot of infections (even though we walked in saying that we were going to mess everything up lol), we had the obligatory Nick, Max and Laura, we also had Dylan at the SOS hut (P3 and I argued that cutting his hand off was stupid and definitely going to kill him through blood loss and, after we made the choice, P1 told us that he couldn't die of blood loss which is absolutely ridiculous since Ryan can from a stab wound???), Jacob (because P1 knew that'd guarantee his survival (literally cheating)) and Ryan by Laura.
Notable choices we made (or maybe not notable idk how the game is changed by my choices other than ppl dying):
Laura was nice to Travis in the prologue :)
Jacob pulled out the rotor arm
Abigail and Emma broke into the cabin
Dylan went down the trapdoor and broke one of the steps
We missed all tarot cards in chapter 1 and 2
Emma took the fireworks
Ryan kissed Dylan and Abi kissed Nick
Jacob didn't stupidly drown
Nick bit Bobby because I didn't remember how to shoot :)
P1 begged me to not shoot the bushes but I already wasn't going to because I didn't remember how to :)
We, I think, extended Emma's chase sequence as much as possible because we thought that trapping Emma in an attic of sorts, was stupid so we always did all we could to avoid the trapdoor.
Kaitlyn completely avoided Bobby
Abi avoided Bobby
Dylan got bitten but remained unamputated
P1 purposefully infected Jacob
Abi shot Nick which P3 happily did since Nick was pissing her off
Emma used the fireworks against a werewolf
Laura didn't shoot Travis in the flashback (if it was P3, she definitely would have though)
Ryan left Jacob in the cage (this is a stupid one because P1 insisted that we ignore the puzzle and leave him there since his survival was already guaranteed and she didn't understand how the puzzle worked)
Constance got her head blown off (woooo!)
Ryan avoided Bobby (Bobby isn't very good at this)
Jedediah died
Ryan stabbed Bobby and then my boy got bitten by Laura (which I'm pretty sure is what killed Bobby later)
I (Dylan) got lost in the junkyard for like 20 mins but when I finally got to the story bit Kaitlyn was fine and uninfected
Ryan shot Chris and he, Travis and Laura set off to find Silas
Max swam to shore and died :(
Kaitlyn is chased by Caleb, investigates the noise to pick up the silver shells and, well, fails to shoot Caleb :(
In the car, Laura took the wheel
Laura then shot Silas (wow I can't believe that to make the 3 of them survive, we have to kill a child of an ethnic minority???)
In the end, I don't think anyone cared much about Nick, Abigail or Travis. P1 loved Laura and Max. Ryan was cool in the beginning but as things progressed we cared less and less. Emma was our queen, Dylan was the one all of us were always excited to see since he acted like he knew he was in a horror story lol, and Kaitlyn was my dear, beloved, lawfully wedded wife
It was super fun though, and we were already lamenting that it was over until P1 said that she also had Until Dawn and we could play that too. Sooooo, guess what we're doing next? :D
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piastrinorris · 2 years
can i ask why you ship steve and chrissy? /gen just because there's nothing to suggest they'd ever be into each other?
that's all the fun of a crackship, friend! i've spent my entire life-in-fandom crackshipping either within a fandom or as crossovers, it's just fun to use your imaginations! none of it is real so why not play around with it?
that being said, since they are pretty much my fave crackship at this point, i will take any and all excuse to ramble about them hahahaha
so first, the similarities to their home life vs school career balance. both chrissy and steve face insane amounts of pressure from their parents setting impossible standards, and try to maintain a top social standing at school (whether this has a direct influence from their family, it's not canonically confirmed). they could have easily run in similar social circles even while both in school.
both also show that they find it easy to be their more authentic selves around people who don't fit those social circles (steve with dustin, chrissy with eddie), which if you take into consideration how chrissy doesn't tell jason about her interaction with eddie, it can be argued that chrissy could benefit from watching the example of steve's "loserification" (i.e. how he's found more genuine connections with the party + robin once he stopped trying to win societal approval) because she's not being honest/authentic with jason. (to me, her and jason's relationship appears way more performative, jason seems to care more about acting out to play the hero/vigilante rather than actually grieving the loss of his girlfriend. that's total interpretation, though)
i think they would just be a really lovey-dovey couple. like, when i first heard about them as a concept my first thought was literally "cheerful golden retriever meets clueless golden retriever". they both have a lot of love to give (i'll get into that) and they deserve to receive that same amount of affection and outward love.
more specifically, if you think back to steve's "six little nuggets" line. i've always said that the only acceptable reason he'd say that is because he went from being someone who constantly sought his peers' and parents' approval, to someone who was able to give and receive genuine love from the party. his six little nuggets. the only way that i'll interpret him saying that in canon is because with the kids growing up (and him having no idea where or in what condition mike, will and el are), he's scared he's going to lose that kind of love. based on how quickly we can see that chrissy falls back into not only remembering the fact that she and eddie were friends in middle school, she remembers specifics. she's got a big ol' heart, as does steve.
the MULTIPLE ways you can include eddie here. maybe he plays wingman. maybe he sets them up blindly. maybe he has no idea because they sneak around him. maybe he has no idea because "we're all just best friends hanging out! and sometimes those two make out! best friends!!! :D" every trope is good.
similarly, robin. especially as a comfort to chrissy that even though robin is a Band Kid and chrissy is a Cheerleader, that has no actual effect on who either of them are fundamentally as people, and i'm sure robin would love her for who she is right off the bat. and that'd help with the whole unlearning thing. i also really like the idea of lucas being glad that she's found someone better than jason once chrissy meets the party.
i mean. they're hot and i'm bi so. there's that too lol
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dremiruu · 1 year
all (suspectedly and for now) clankie episodes in the 2nd part of season one
before we start - these are all speculations (for now) based ONLY on episode lists, specifically the "official" one on the wiki, a little bit on the one leaked before on 4chan, and my own assumptions. We might actually get more of clankie scenes in other episodes that just dont concentrate on them like in "Monster Movie", where they just sat in the background for a minute talking OR get less of them and i'm just reaching too far lol
"Cleo in the kitchen"
We're actually starting off with an episode that's not so far in the future - episode 16, or in this case 27. Going off the description on wiki, that's what it'll be about:
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i know, i know, Frankie isn't even mentioned, but hey - Cleo, their crush (?), is making a meal for one of their best ghoulfriends, they probably will be there. And imagine a scene like this one:
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BUT the opposite? Frankie ending up with something on their face and after Cleo does that they go into a full on gay panic? That'd be such a fun reference!
Honestly not hoping for much from this episode, but the opportunity is there!
next up: "Pet Problems"
Or episode 17/29, which means that we're getting lots of possible content in these two weeks!
This one is FOR SURE a clankie episode, atleast in a way, as the infamous love triangle between Frankie, Cleo and Deuce finally starts forming.
And I'm here for it.
When it comes to this ep, we'll discuss two options.
Number one, leaked 4chan description:
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And number two, the wiki description:
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1 is giving us much more hope for clankie to be actually endgame, telling us clearly that they will maybe be a little jealous of the relationship developing between Cleo and Deuce because of Hissete, where 2 just says she needs help from both of them, which, eh, wouldn't be as interesting, but still would set up the love triangle that the plot is going for.
I'm lowkey hoping we'll get to see Frankie trying to help as much as they can but just not being able to do so as much as Deuce and feeling guily or jealous of him and then either Cleo reassuring them near the end of the episode or just them being confused about the situation, which would be less satisfying in the moment but would lead to more drama later on, PRECISELY in:
"Monster Match"
(between these two episodes theres a hugeee 10-episode-long gap, but, as i said in the very beginning, we might get glimpses of them in episodes that don't include them in descriptions, so don't lose hope lol)
SO, this will be the time where the tension reaches its highest level and we'll finally get some romantic action going on.
Again, two options:
Number one:
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And number two:
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Again, when it comes to 1, we're getting more of a clear confirmation of Frankies actual feelings and what we love most - love triangle drama. There are many ways this episode could go with that trope, for example having Frankie convinced that Deuce wants to ask Cleo out while he actually tries to ask them to the dance and giving up when Cleo agrees, or both of them actually chasing after her... Lots of posibilities, really.
And the actual episode described in 2 goes a little different, creating an actual love triangle type of scenario - Deuce liking Frankie, Frankie liking Cleo and Cleo... well, that's what we have to figure out, but hopefully liking Frankie back. I'd actually love to see Deuce being supportive and him and Frankie becoming besties as he helps them ask Cleo out. What's interesting about this description though is the word invite. Why would it not be just *ask*??? It's a little scary, cause what if they just invite Cleo as a friend? That'd suckkkk
That'd be it for now. Let me know if I missed anything :) I might add new details to this guide later on, as we get to see the new scenes
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wooahaes · 4 months
how much i'd enjoy watching a horror movie w them
context: i love horror movies. im still working my way through a lot of classics lol but literally i just love horror as a safe way to explore dark themes and spooky things. jumpscares will get me occasionally but its all good if they're earned lol i just think they're neat :)
further context: i'm just a little over 5'5" and chubby. vague teddy bear energy if u ignore the chronic resting bitch face.
s.coups: man who i feel would tell me 'if you get scared, you can hold onto my arm :)' and then would jump at every scare and be like an over-exasperated dad holding his heart. solid 6/10 tho if i do get to cuddle with him. i think we would probably make fun of each other for jumping. also i feel like cheol makes comments throughout movies which is fine w me bc same hat. if anything, i get the feeling he would probably hide behind me at some points and then question why i'm so excited when the killing starts happening lol
jeonghan: hmm honestly 7/10 i think jeonghan would have fun with it especially if it's a bad horror movie. man who i think would listen to me info dump abt behind the scenes stuff if i know it tbh. the -3 comes from the fact that i think jeonghan can also get spooked like cheol (im thinkin abt the mbti episodes where he punched a mannequin while startled) and idk if i'm gonna get jumped on if i watch a movie w jeonghan
joshua: 10/10 im like 90% sure joshua actually likes horror movies so i feel like he is a rly safe bet to watch them with. most likely to laugh during literally any movie if i get spooked. i think he'd be an especially calming presence tho esp if something gets super under my skin?? man who feels like he'd be open to just talking abt it and maybe watching something else if its too much. also idk feels like he would also crack jokes throughout.
jun: hmm honestly im unsure about jun. on one hand, i think he'd be fun, but on the other hand, i dunno how much of it is his thing?? i don't think he's a big horror dude but idk. i wanna say a solid 5/10 purely bc it depends on the day and how jun's feeling and what we're watching. i think we'd have fun tho especially if its something campier. i'd rather watch disney movies with him bc at that'd be like 10/10 experience, very fun duet partner.
hoshi: tbh both horror experiences im vaguely familiar with, soonyoung's been chill??? i feel like he'd have fun shit to say tho. 8/10 not the guy who gets scared but the guy who is probably cracking jokes. i don't think i can poke fun at him for jumping tho.
wonwoo: i don't think wonwoo gets scared easily (like shua)? so i feel like he'd be a very calming presence to have for horror movies. i wanna say 10/10 in the vein of having a chill night where we watch scary movies and probably talk about them in depth afterward which is also my jam lol (<- professional yapper)
woozi: hmm.... honestly i think it'd be a quiet experience. altho i oddly get the vibe that he'd be like wonwoo in the fact that i think we'd have a cozy discussion afterward if its something with interesting themes? so like 1/10 experience in terms of 'very quiet moving watching experience' but 9/10 discussion afterward. so... idk, 6/10? it'd be a nice vibe tho to just kinda kick back and watch a movie, maybe having occasional moments where one of us points out something cool
the8: hao gives me the vibes of someone who laughs at jump scares. might get startled, but he wouldn't be as bad as others. solid 8/10 tho, i think it'd be a fun time if he says snarky things.
mingyu: 0/10 we are not watching a scary movie together. i value not getting crushed by him when he inevitably jumps toward me to hide, also i respect that horror isn't his thing. we can watch coraline tho and he can hide his face during the scarier bits if need be lol its ok gyu i will protect u
dk: 0/10 seokmin my angel i am so sorry. i love my eardrums. disney movie time for seokmin. duet partner number 2.
vernon: both times i have seen vernon get scared hes not the kind of person who screams or jumps a ton but would probably be holding onto my arm. man who gets scared and then goes "ah. its just a movie" to himself. altho im p sure vernon's into movies a lot so like... i feel like we'd have rly fun discussion afterward? 10/10 bc fun movie discussion dude. would share snacks w him while having an hour long discussion abt themes.
seungkwan: 0/10 this man will yell i fear. disney movie duet partner number 3. that would be leagues more fun tbh like theres a scale from 'not startled at all' to 'genuinely not having a good time' and gyu, dk, and seungkwan are all toward the end of that scale for me (and id say maybe jun too?). like... if it's not their thing, then it's not their thing and there's nothing wrong w that. i would rather watch something silly n fun w them :3
dino: i fear chan will yell after a certain point but be like haha im not scared. are you scared? im not scared. you can hold onto me if ur scared tho (immediately gasps at something spooky going on in the bg of the movie) woah that was tense... anyway im not scared. solid 3/10 i'd rather watch something else with him that he'd have fun with
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