#adam likes to pick her up as a power move
Hiya! I have another au for you! I'm loving our vampire rp, it's so good! I'm really enjoying it!
This one is a little different, with a darker Lucifer, which I'm really starting to love.
The idea is that after Adam and Eve were cast out, Lucifer and Lilith became extremely powerful, Lucifer could rival in power to the strongest archangels and maybe even god himself.
The idea in this is that after falling, Lucifer and Lilith blamed each other for the fall and separated. Lilith was queen of the lower rings, while Lucifer ruled the upper rings. He's more powerful than her because of his angel status, but he let's her do her own thing, as long as she's not causing trouble.
Lucifer eventually taps into the raw power of Hell, which slowly starts tainting his mind, he's still him but he can lose control sometimes. Heaven eventually starts to learn how powerful Hell is and what can happen to Lucifer and Liltih- power wise. So they start making an army, creating angels specifically for war.
Lucifer has a few angels in Heaven that speak to him in secret, angels that don't agree with Heavans rules and secretly. They keep him up to date on what Heavens up to, so he starts forging a plan after learning of the angelic army.
Once Adam and Eve die, and they arrive in Heaven. Eve starts to live her afterlife in peace, waiting for her children.
Lucifer learned of a new weapon Heaven was making, something that could control a part of Heavens power. Once he learns that new weapon will be Adam, Lucifer decides to take Adam for himself.
Luicfer manages to get himself back into heaven, without them knowing, he's shocked to see that he was completely remade, hopefully his memories were in tacked.
Lucifer materialized in a cage-like room, he had no idea something this dark and unkempt could belong in Heaven. It made him almost uneasy.
Lucifer: why would they keep their precious first man here?
The darkness was almost suffocating, like it was affecting the air itself. The angelic steel bars still managed to shine bright, using that light, Lucifer squinted inside the cage, his eyes widened as he saw the vague outline of a body, kneeling on the floor, a chain connecting to the back wall to a silver collar around their neck.
Lucifer: Adam? Buddy, is that you? Long time no see-!
The body moved, head tilting up, and looking ahead. The scrapping of heavy chains against the stone floor made Lucifer wince a tad. Why are they using such thick chains on him? He's a human, nothing special.
Lucifer: I know we left off on a bad note! But I'd like to make it up to you~ let me help you with whatever the HELL Heaven is doing to you, huh?
Lucifer stuck his arm through the bars, smiling as the metal started to bed and melt away. His smile stopped as a giant hand reached out, and grabbed his hand. The amount of strength was impressive, Lucifer was so confused- he followed the outline of the person as they stood.
Lucifer: you're a big fuck aren't you-?
Adam: w-will you help me? I-it hurts-
Lucifer: I can see that buddy, I'll help you! But you have to do something for me~
Lucifer pulled his hand away, and straightened his outfit. It's taking a lot of his power to stay in Heaven, hidden.
Adam: y-yes sir, what do you need?
Lucifer: stop with the formalities Adam! We've been friends- well, acquaintances for years now!
Adam: I-I'm sorry sir- I don't know you, Heavens never introduced u-us-. P-please forgive me f-for not knowing you
Adam starts to collapse, but manages to catch himself against the wall. Never heard of him? Lucifer is definitely confused now. Fucking Heaven, they really think there's a good enough reason to mess with a humans memories? Why Adam? Why did the angels pick him? It doesn't matter at the moment, Lucifer needs to make his deal, let Adam fall to Hell, and set his plan into motion.
Lucifer: i- uh... never mind that right now buddy, I'll explain everything later. If you make a deal with me, I can help you!
Adam: w-what do you need from me-?
Lucifer: oh, nothing much~ just your soul~ aand your loyalty, company, body amd whatever power you have~! All for your freedom. You will cone with me, stay with me, at my home~ you'll be free Adam, free to speak your mind, do whatever you want, within reason of course- and most importantly, think for yourself.
Lucifer smiled as Adam made his way over to the edge of the cage, he was unsteady but doing a good job at staying up right. Although that chain wasn't helping. Lucifer couldn't help but gasp, as Adam's face came into what little light the bars had. His eyes were gold. Brighter than any other angels, shone like Hell fire.
Lucifer whispered: you're perfect...
Adam: I'll take your deal- please, get m-me out o-of here- please
Lucifer: of course, Adam! All you have to do, is shake my hand~
Adam watched as a clawed, black ashen hand slipped through the bars. He felt uneasy about this man- angel? He looks familiar but then he was sure he'd remember someone that looked like that.
He reaches out weakly, grabbing Lucifers hand. He jumps and is amazed by the golden light the swirls around them, he can feel it running through his veins like blood. He couldn't help but follow the golden light. His angelic chain drops off his neck, only to be replaced by a golden one. Lucifer couldn't help but think how beautiful Adam looked, covered in gold. It was really his colour.
Lucifer looked on with awe as he saw Adam fully. His golden wings rested weakly against the floor, his eyes wide with that curiosity that Lucifer loved so much. He couldn't help but glare as he saw the cuts and bruises that littered his body and how thin he looked. He was definitely taller, but surely Heaven would feed the man.
Lucifer: great! Now, the fun part~
Adam stood back as Lucifer began to melt the steel cage.
Lucifer: there~. Now, we must be quick, we do t want any extra company, do we~?
Adam: n-no sir-
As Adam began to limp out of the cage, he stopped as Lucifer put his hand on his chest, forceful enough to push him back slightly.
Lucifer: now, none of that 'sir' thing Addie~. Even though I am now your king, I was your friend first. Do you know my name?
Adam tried to think of a name, his head started to pound, like he was reaching into some void.
Adam: n-no- I- Agh! It hurts to t-think- to remember
Lucifer glared at the flood, fucking Heaven. He smiled up at Adam, it wasn't his fault.
Lucifer: my name is Lucifer, the king of Hell~! But that last bit isn't important right now, let's go Adam.
Adam grabbed Lucifer's hand, and they walked to the middle of the room, he felt so safe with Lucifer. His hand felt perfect in his, like they were made to be together. Adam couldn't stop looking at him, he was beautiful. He's never seen eyes so red, or skin so smooth. He couldn't help but be fascinated by his clothes-
Lucifer: hold on tight Addie~ I won't drop you, but I need you to hold on
The floor underneath the. Burned to life, a burning circle with strange lettering appeared. Just as Adam was taking it in, he felt a gust of wind made him cover his eyes. When he opened, he was amazed to see Lucifers white and red wings, three sets of them! He's only seen a few angels with multiple sets of wings, but none were as beautiful as Lucifers. Adam couldn't help but reach out and graze a feather with his finger.
Lucifer: you'll get a good touch when we get home Addie~ now, say goodbye to the angels~
Fire from the circle surrounded them, the heat was almost unbearable.
The next thing Adam knew; they were falling.
The whole idea is a battle between Heaven and Hell. Lucifer is super possessive of Adam, originally using him as a weapon to help him bring down and take control of Heaven. But Lucifer can't help but start having feelings from Eden resurface, it's either a blessing or a curse that Adam doesn't remember anything. Maybe he can make the first man fall for him again, and they can rule over Hell and Heaven together.
Hopefully this is interesting in someway 💀
Okay- bye!
Oh this is SUPER INTERESTING!!! How do you come up with this stuff it's amazing. Also, I love possessive Lucifer lol
Adam saw a world bathed mainly in different hues of red, even the sky was red with a giant star.
What was this place?
Lucifer was torn between watching where he was flying and looking at Adams face that was filled with curiosity trying to figure out where the Hell he was.
Literally Hell.
Lucifer dipped down and made a way towards Morningstar Manor and he touched down lightly at the front of the house as he held Adam close.
Lucifer: Let's get you settled in okay? You know, before the physical changes catch up with you and wipe you out.
Adam didn't know what he was talking about but he didn't really care. He was finally out of that cage to never be chained up like an animal ever again.
Lucifer took him inside, first to the kitchen so the poor man could get something to fucking eat. It looked like he hadn't eaten since he died.
He got his chef to cook a lavish meal for Adam to make sure the first man was full.
Adam: Thank you...
Lucifer ran his fingers through Adams hair, loving how soft the brown strands were.
Lucifer: You'll need your strength.~
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Bad Guy
Summary -> despite Kai settling down in a quiet life with you, your friends still don’t trust him, and whilst he acts as though it doesn’t affect him, his behaviour towards it behind closed doors is a different matter (2.6k)
Warnings -> 18+ minors dni pleeaasseee, smut, oral (male & female receiving), face fucking, unprotected sex, aftercare, frustrated!Kai, unsupportive friends, slight angst, fluff, mentions of blood sharing, swearing
kai parker works other tvd works masterlist
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Kai was becoming antsy, he knew better than to start an argument with the people that you called your friends. But they wouldn’t let up on their disregard for your and Kai’s relationship, their opinion always seemed to be right in their eyes. And it irritated him, more so that they thought that he could ever hurt you, even during his time for being hungry for power and revenge, he had never laid a bad finger on you.
As you came back from the lavatory, you squeezed in the booth next to Kai, and he instinctively laid his arm around your shoulders. He was always protective, but he didn’t want them to spew their nonsense in front of you, but clearly, they didn’t care what you wanted. And he had to grit his teeth to silence himself from lashing out at them - nobody spoke to his girl like that.
You were a grown ass woman, you were allowed to be with who the heck you wanted, and if it were him, it was their place to accept that they could do nothing about that. “There’s this guy who works at the little cafe on the corner Y/N, he’s been asking about you a lot. He even wanted your number, but I wouldn’t give it to him without your permission of course.”
“Permission not granted.” You said to Elena, picking up your drink and bluntly taking a sip. “I’m with Kai, you know that. And I’m stuck with him, for better or for worse.” Her intentions for you were only for the best in her eyes, she wanted you to be happy, and most importantly safe. But being bound in a relationship with the sociopathic heretic was not good for you, or so she thought. She, and the others, wouldn’t even give him a chance, and it had Kai wondering if he even deserved one.
“Oh it’s definitely for worse.” Damon chipped in, and you could only shoot him a glare. Kai’s knee was bouncing beneath the table, he wanted to say something, or snap one of their necks, but he had to be on his best behaviour to prove each of them wrong. He’d broken their necks and worse in the past, but he was a better man now, and he had to keep trying to convince them of that for your sake.
The digs at him finally settled down as everybody got lost in conversation but they were adamant about leaving him out at every chance they got. It was as though they were pretending he wasn’t there, and he knew that he had definitely not done an invisibility spell. The heretic’s mind was spiralling with private thoughts of what he was going to do to you when you finally got home, and that seemed to pass the time.
Before he knew it the two of you were in your car, and he found himself looking out the window rather than at you. He was trying not to brew in his frustrations, he had been working on it, but he wanted to get home first, that way nobody could see him treat you in the way he knew you liked best. You were oblivious to the emotions that were weighing on his chest, tapping your fingers as you steered the wheel, almost at the last partition of your route home.
It wasn’t much, just a small apartment big enough for the both of you, but it was the one place that he had not been shunned for being in. You’d never even allowed your friends to enter once the both of you had moved in, which only made them more suspicious, but only those that respected your and Kai’s relationship had permission to enter. And until then, they would have to deal with being cast away in the unknown of your living habits.
“Kai, are you okay?” You asked once the two of you had finished on your journey to your home and were safely inside the front door. He quirked his head at you, his stoney orbs mocking you with his widening pupils. He shook his head, taking off his long coat and draping it over the rack. “Kai.” You hurried after him as he headed towards the bedroom, growing worried for the way in which he was acting.
At first he hadn’t been the best with communication, but it was an unspoken rule between the two of you that if there was a problem you would voice it to each other. And he rarely had trouble to voice his concerns, but anxiety bubbled in your throat when you received nothing more than the silent treatment. He decided to sit on the edge of the bed, fingers stroking his bottom lip in thought. “Kai, have I done something wrong?” You enquired worriedly, standing before him and pressing your hands upon the hill of his knees.
He released a scoff, shaking his head in disbelief. “The only thing you’ve done is kept your tongue tied when your friends spoke about us. I can’t put up with it anymore Y/N/N, it’s driving me insane that whilst they have no idea about our relationship, they see themselves important enough to have an input on it.” He stroked his hands through his hair, staring up at you before cupping your waist. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that baby. I love you and I love us, it just doesn’t make me feel the best when I’m forced to hear their opinions.” His eyes begged for your forgiveness, but there was none to be given, considering he hadn’t done a single thing wrong.
In fact he had been on his best behaviour, just for you. If Kai resented something so much he was always one to either speak up or more commonly lash out, but he was aware of what your friends meant to you, and he wasn’t prepared to ruin his redemption. “It’s okay, keep going. There’s nothing wrong with having a little destress Mal, you can use me for that y’know.” Your hands released their hold on his knees and played with the strap of your little black dress, tugging it down in a teasing way. “Do you want to use me Kai? Make yourself feel better with my mouth?”
You bit your lip to emphasise your point, and you were about to lower yourself onto your knees but Kai was already one step ahead of you. He’d used his vampiric speed to shove you to the ground, and he was once again on his feet, shadowing above you like the villain that people thought he was. “That’s a good idea from you baby, I shoulda thought of that sooner. It’s always hot to see you at my mercy, but begging to be, that’s something that I’m not going to shy away from.” You grew excited as Kai began to unravel his belt that secured his jeans around his waist, undoing the buckle only then to switch to the fly.
“Then don’t Parker.” He had no hesitation when it came to revealing himself from his charcoal coloured jeans, pulling his cock out and gripping your hair as he slapped the side of your face with his length. You stuck your tongue out, hungry to taste him on your buds and so he waited no longer to enter his cock in your mouth. His length disappeared down your throat as you gagged, but he held your head still. Kai used you in a means to release his frustration; your friends could never accept him, not even now that he was a good guy, or as close to that as he could get. He couldn’t kill anyone to destress, that would only be proving their point. And so he took it out on you and you most certainly had no complaints to the solution to his enraging problem.
"Take my cock so well, anyone would think it was down your throat when you stayed silent instead of defending me." He was spiteful, what he didn't know however was that you had stood ground for him countless times before when Bonnie or Damon or Elena had the need to express their distaste for your boyfriend. It had always been the way, you were the only one that saw him for more than the monstrous things that he had done.
A whine haplessly strangled out of your mouth when Kai removed his cock, a darkness looming in his grey irises. He knew that he was being cruel, but not in the manner that your friends suspected; he was taking away everything that you craved. It was his sweet revenge that was only bitter towards you. Outside of the bedroom he treated you like a delicate princess, and whilst he had taken a lot of persuading to be rough with you, he had finally gotten there.
He wore a cold smirk, one that only turned you on even more, and to appease your appetite he gave you his cock again, his ring clad hands grasping either side of your face as he rocked his hips, forcing you to breath out of your nose heavily. His neck sloped backwards as he raised his sight to the dull ceiling, as he sloppily fucked your mouth. The sounds from your lack of breath and choking echoed within the room, he was rough with his actions but he had no concerns as he knew that you would be alright, especially considering that you’d be in this position plenty of times before.
“Oh fuck.” He sighed, removing himself from your mouth, despite entirely not wanting to, but his brain was screaming at him to throw you on the bed. He licked his lips, grasping you by the roots of hair on your head, as he ironically laid you on the bed gently, raising you so that your head was against the pillows, and he was between your thighs, bunching your dress up and around your waist, ripping your panties off. He didn’t want a single thing to conceal you from his hunger, you were getting used to the feeling of nothing, however Kai stopped that as he leant forwards, lapping ferociously at your pussy.
It was impossible for him not to moan at the taste of your juices, they only encouraged him to devour you. He ran his tongue down your slit to your entrance, dipping it into your entrance, and his hand came to rest on your abdomen so that he could rub your clit with his thumb, his actions causing you to squeal and wrap your legs around his neck. Your eyes rolled back into your head; Kai never failed to make you feel amazing. Even when he was experiencing a dominant rush, he never failed to prioritise your orgasm, which was close approaching. Your fingers threaded through his hair, tugging mindlessly at it, as you rotated your hips up to meet his mouth. “Kai, I’m going to cum.”
Your words only encouraged him to continue, he needed to taste your cum on his tongue. Fireworks deliriously exploded within your body as Kai grasped your hip with his free hand, rubbing your clit faster, causing you to reach the high that had been near. You raggedly breathed, your form going slack on the bed, Kai rode you out through your orgasm, before climbing atop of you, pushing his lips onto yours and forcing you to taste yourself. “Need to be inside of you.” He muttered, pupils blown wide, as he strived for his greatest comfort. He ran the tip of his cock against you before slipping in with no resistance, and he moaned from your warmth that hugged his cock.
He planted his hands on either side of your head, using it as leverage to pound in and out of your count. Your moans entangled within the safety of your room, and whilst your eyes shut Kai took in every detail of your beauty. He was infatuated with you, it frustrated him to hear that your friends didn’t trust him with you when you meant everything to him. You were the reason why his world spun on its axis, you were the reason why he had finally found peace. As much as your beloved friends thought your relationship to be toxic, it was quite the opposite.
He loved every inch of your being, worshipped it in fact. Your love was healthy despite what they thought, and having your bodies conjoined together in the act of making love, well that was truly his escape from it all. Kai was an easy man when it came to you, all he needed was your presence and he was okay. His lips ran down your throat, sucking on your skin, never daring to feed from you, you were far too precious for that. He felt home from just being inside of you, and he breathed in the scent of your worn and distantly fading perfume, as he kept his head in the crook of your neck for a moment, until he reconnected your lips, eating your moans. “You feel fucking amazing baby.” He huffed, sweat lining his forehead as he rocked lovingly into you.
Your hands swept up, grasping onto his clothed forearms, eyes struggling to remain open as you stared, blinded by pleasure up at him. You could feel another orgasm approaching and Kai could sense it, and so he forced his own to wait as he reached down with one of his hands and played with your bud again, causing you to squeal out his name. That alone was enough to trigger his own end, and he emptied inside of you, filling you with his cum, and he forced his cock deep inside of you in hopes of none of it slipping out. “I love you Malachai.” It had become a habit for him to flinch at that name, but it sounded right coming from you - only you.
“I love you too angel.” He shut his eyes for a moment to cherish the moment, before kissing your forehead and pulling out from you, causing you to lightly moan from suddenly feeling empty. “I’ll be right back.” He lovingly stroked your hair, disappearing from your vision until he returned with a damp washcloth, cleaning away the liquids that had escaped around your most private area. You could only send him a dopey smile when he undressed himself entirely, down to his boxers which he pulled up. He walked around your room, shuffling through drawers until he returned to you with one of his big shirts and a pair of your most comfortable panties.
It was a quiet interaction, yet one of intimacy. He removed your dress and bra, and replaced the clothes you were wearing with the ones that he had scoured for. Afterwards he returned beside you in the bed, tucking you both beneath the duvet as he held you to his chest. “I’m never going to stop trying to make up for the things that I did to your friends you know, I want them to like me, for you. They may get on my nerves, but I need to prove to them that I’m a different man when I’m with you, I’m the real me rather than the monster that my family made me into.” He spoke tiredly, resting his lips against your hair, stroking down your back with a harmless hand.
“They’ll stop eventually, we’ve all made mistakes. Damon especially, and if they can’t accept that I love you Kai, then that’s their problem, not ours. They’re never going to change my opinion of you, because what I think matters more.” Your words were sluggish, and it was understandable that you were tired, he’d just fucked your brains out. Thoughts invaded Kai’s mind, but this time they were happy thoughts. He was thinking about what he would make you for breakfast in the morning, taking a warm shower together since he loved washing your hair, and most importantly, spending the rest of your lives together.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
brothers best friend - c.leclerc
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requested: n
pairings: charles leclerc x gasly!fem!reader
warnings: reader & Charles are oblivious + mentions of alcohol + flirting(if you squint) + drivers & wags being wingmen/women
a/n: can you tell i love a gasly x Charles moment?? gonna plan to do a leclerc x Pierre soon! feedback is always appreciated xx.
it’s a tail as old as time. one everyone sees coming besides the two of you. you’ve liked him ever since you were kids, and he’s liked you ever since high school. you’ve slipped from each others reaches many times up until now. both single and highly unaware of each others feelings.
he’s got his arm draped around the back of your chair. he’s watching you laugh at a joke your brother, Pierre, made. he loves the crinkle lines that form around your eyes, the dimples in your cheeks that you try to cover up with your hands, and the way your head falls back into a laughing fit. god, he’s so obsessed with you.
“what do you say? we call it a night?” Pierre turns to kika, the younger girl shakes her head under your brothers loving gaze.
“no y/n hasn’t finished her wine. it would be rude to leave a glass half empty.” in a way, kika is trying to help you out. she sees the way the both of you look at each other. she’s rooting for tonight to be the night you confess your feelings. it’s why she’s so adamant you finish the glass of wine Charles insisted to pay for.
that’s right, Charles paid for your meal. he refused to let your brother pick up the tab, in fact the two men played rounds of rock, paper, scissors, shoot to declare a clear winner.
“I don’t mind waiting with y/n, if you guys want to leave?” charles suggests. just as Pierre begins to thank him, kika is cutting him off beginning to chat you up. you know what the girl is doing, she’s smart, but you’re a little too tipsy to put up a fight.
“come on, amour. I’m tired.” your brothers whine falls unnoticed to her, but you pick it up sticking your tongue out at him that his own girlfriend was more interested in you than him.
“tell me, y/n, can I count on you to be with me in the alpine garage? or is there someone else?” kika leans in, chin resting in her palm eyeing Charles uneasy shift in his seat. his arm is still draped around the back of your chair, every so often you catch his finger tips grazing the skin on your back.
“someone else? no, I’ll support my brother.” you laugh taking a swig of the contents, eyes finding your brother who’s gesturing to his watch like he has places to be other than the comfort of his bed.
she flashes you a wink beginning to grab her things feeling Pierre pull her arm whispering things that none of you could make out. you’re sure it has to do with him wanting to fall asleep and go home, “have fun with him.” you chuckle, both of you waving your goodbyes to the couple, leaving you both alone now.
“you know you can always visit me.” Charles voice is quiet, he feels so small around you. you hold that gasly elegance that lights up any room and demands attention. he loves it, but he gets intimidated more by you and the power in your hands as if he’s not used to it. as if he hasn’t been around it since you were kids.
“oh Charles, she’s just fooling around.” you sip the last of your wine, feeling the palm of his hand rub against your back almost sure the wine in your mouth was about to come back up.
“if you say so, come on.” he gets up from his seat pulling his jacket off to drape around your shoulders. you thank him with a quick peck on the cheek before following him out of the restaurant to his custom Ferrari.
of all the times you’ve been in Pierre’s fancy cars, nothing compared to the thrill of the Ferrari. especially when Charles drove. his hand always dangerously moved across the center console towards your thigh. your hand usually presses on top of his indicating you don’t want him to move.
he allows you to roll the window down, hair whipping in the wind that the speed of the car has created. if he wasn’t driving, he totally would take the opportunity to watch you. he can see out the corner of his eyes, the smile on your lips as you reach to turn up the radio. favorite song blasting through his speakers, you didn’t care what fans took videos and who saw, you both are in your own world.
he pull into his driveway, reaching to turn the music down now that the joy ride was over, “do you mind if I crash? I can’t drive.” you nervously turn to him knowing the answer was yes, but you still felt it was polite to ask. he secretly wanted you to spend the night, he wants to have more time with you so of course he’s happily agreeing.
“cherie, you can spend as many nights as you want.” he sheepishly smiles watching you climb out of his car, heels crashing against the pavement following him inside.
“you know where the guest room is, I’ll find some clothes you can sleep in. maybe something Ferrari?” he jokes following you up the stairs, both splitting ways. as much as you know he’s joking, he’s also serious. he gives you a Ferrari shirt with the number 16 on it telling you to keep it for the next race.
“Charles, I can’t show up to the alpine garage in red.” you sigh pulling the shirt into your lap, nails tracing the numbers.
“that’s for when you join me, cherie. kika can cheer for Pierre while you cheer for me.”
the bright red reflects into your sunglasses as you walk the paddock arm in arm with kika. two of you happy to be back at the paddock to support Pierre, but also Charles. he had paddock Ferrari passes arrive at your hotel room before you even entered the space, he so badly wanted you there for him.
“I can’t believe you actually do have someone else to root for.” kika stops in front of the alpine hospitality, for the first time this season you won’t be joining her and your brother. even though you had the alpine pass in your back pocket, Charles was adamant he shows you around a winning garage.
you practically laugh at her words, “please Charles is just a friend.” your words feel weird coming off your tongue. she remembers the many drunk nights you confessed feelings for Charles. she knows you’re lying trying to save face, and in a way your heart reminds you too. because there comes the Ferrari driver in his red pants and red polo with a team member. god, he looked so good in those pants.
“okay if you say so,” she moves up the stairs to the alpine hospitality, you catch your brother in the window and he just waves at you. as much as he wants to be protective of you and tell you not to date Charles, he’s rooting for you both. he knows his friend is trying to hide his feelings for you, but he has the worlds worst poker face.
“cherie, red is your color.” Charles places a friendly kiss to your cheek, both of you turning to walk in the direction of the Ferrari garage. his hand placement is dangerously low on your back as he steers you away from media and fans attempting to walk up to him. he politely declines answering questions, but happily takes pictures with his fans.
you love watching the little smile form on his face hearing words of encouragement for the Ferraris and to him. in a way, he’s hoping you pick up on how much people adore him, he thinks maybe it’ll help you fall in love with him. of course, he’s oblivious and doesn’t know you already are in love with him.
“people really do love you.” you turn once more, heading in an area that was only for drivers and the people who had exclusive access— the garages. he stops and wishes a few drivers well on free practice, they do the same, and even a few give you some confused looks as to why you’re in a Ferrari shirt and not wearing something pink for alpine.
“I hardly notice.” he shrugs trying to play cool, but you read right through it and just laugh pushing your body against his side. he gladly wraps his arm around your waist arriving to the garage where Carlos and isa are chatting with some engineers.
“oh finally someone to talk with!” isa grabs your hands, completely ignoring whatever her boyfriend was now talking about, “thank you, Charles for finally getting another girl in here.” she flashes a smirk to him and he’s sputtering trying to find words. Carlos just laughs having never seen him so lost before.
“don’t get too excited y/n is just Charles friend.” Carlos pats the younger man on the shoulder, “right?” he asks, and it’s like everyone around here knows something you don’t. the words Carlos used hurt a little, but what did you expect? Charles is not smitten for you, it’s the other way around.
“I mean she is my friend but she’s not like just a friend you know?” Charles tries to explain himself but he fails to find the right words. you all watch his face turn the color of his outfit and it’s quite funny. it’s the first time you actually notice he thinks of you as more than what you thought.
“come on isa, let’s leave Charles to finally ask y/n out.” Carlos takes his girlfriend, and the two disappear in the garage leaving you two alone.
you wait, arms crossing over your chest you move closer to him, “don’t be shy, you should know my answer.” you look up at him, eyes glimmering in the light it’s the first time he notices the dilation in your pupils for him.
“you actually want to go out with me?” he’s shocked, all this time he thinks his gestures have gone unnoticed or fallen on deaf ears, but in reality you were right there picking them up.
“if you don’t ask you’ll never know.” you say in a sing song tone, he takes a step closer now, there’s barely any space between the two of you. you can practically hear his breathing pattern under all the noise.
“y/n, will you go on a date with me?”
“was getting worried you’d never ask me, but yes I will.”
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mournings-stars · 8 months
Hello hello! I’d like to request some platonic into romantic headcannons on an Alastor x fallen ex-exorcist/exterminator reader please :>
Small background: Reader fell for whatever reason and maybe a few days to a week (or even months-) afterward they end up striking a deal with Alastor, where they’ll be under his protection (because as skilled as they are it wouldn’t matter much with the entirety of hell on their ass) but he gets a pretty good portion of their power in return or maybe something else that you think Alastor would take.
Gender neutral reader pls
I’ve only read one fic or two with this concept and I am on my hands and knees for more lol
If you prefer a different writing format or feel this is too specific or OC-ish please please please feel free to change anything! I’m not very picky ^^
Thank you for your time and have a good day/night!
okay i LOVE this concept — i think it be the slowest fucking burn in the world tho like
you were never one of adam’s favorites, as you had the tendency to spare demons who seem harmless, but covered it nearly everytime
during this last extermination, however, he was trying to catch you fucking up the plan, so the minute you skipped over someone, he had lute launch her weapon at you
i doubt he’d let her kill you or anything, but he definitely just left you there for the demons to finish off, probably pinned to the ground with lute’s spear in your wing or something before he called all the other exorcists back (and he made sure to leave your halo so even if you did change clothes people knew what you were)
luckily (not really) you’d be in cannibal town, so before anyone could get to you, alastor’s probably just walking around like nothings happening (LMAO) and sees you
i doubt he’d make it known he saw you, like he’d definitely keep humming merrily down the street until he saw you struggling to get away from him as quickly as possible and tearing your wing even more
“my, my, let’s calm down, shall we?” he’d laugh and take the spear out of your wing. “isn’t that better, little bird?” but he’d say that while literally pointing the spear at you so don’t feel too safe
you’d definitely get defensive and shoot into the air with your weapon, ready to kill, and i think after seeing you still attempting to fly with that damaged of a wing (like its fucked up), he’d be impressed enough to drop the spear he had with a very big grin
“you’d better hide, little bird”
and you’d take his warning to fly off, quickly snatching lute’s weapon with yours in case you needed to defend yourself
he would literally just smile and watch you leave before continuing to hum and walk down the street
it’d probably be like a solid three days of hiding and having to fight for your life before the damage to your wing really messed with you and you had to force yourself to find a good hiding place
maybe you see charlie on the news and notice that no one seems to want to go to her hotel, so you force yourself to fly all the way there like a week after her horrible interview (ep 1) and practically collapse at the front door
of course you recognize vaggie and of course you practically run over and hug her despite the spear pointed at you… and of course that means vaggie either may or may not have to confess depending on if you pick up that no one knows or not (off the concept but im sparing chaggie heartbreak)
“who the fuck is this?” would be the first thing you hear from a spider demon and you’d have to explain what you were and hope they didn’t kill you — which, duh, charlie wouldn’t that let happen
“hello again, little bird,” would make everyone shut up because… how does alastor know you??? of course, he doesn’t answer their questions, just says hello and moves on like it’s all normal
your first day would totally be catching up with vaggie, probably breaking down because you needed to get back to heaven and had no way there
i think exorcists probably have a little bit of angelic power, but they probably can’t create portals without that power being given to them or something which means you have no way home and no where to go
vaggie and charlie of course tell you to stay, but once anyone shows up they’ll know you’re here and all of hell would be coming to the hotel to try and get to you — and you didn’t want to ruin what they had going (even if it was small you thought it was a great idea) so they probably give you a change of clothes, something more hellish, and tell you to stay until you have somewhere else to go
that would probably give alastor the perfect opportunity to talk to you privately and offer his protection
you wouldn’t take his offer at first, but once pentious shows up and the overlords somehow find out that charlie is hiding an angel in her hotel (vox and his stupid drones) you dont really have a choice
i dont think he’d ask for any power in return, but i do think you’d owe him a favor each time he has to protect you
vox would probably give subtle hints in all the programs he runs, so alastor would have to protect you very often
that meant if he ordered you to get rid of someone, you did it — whether that meant by the snap of your fingers with holy light (which they could potentially survive or respawn from) or killing them with your exorcist weapon was totally up to him sometimes, he just asked that you create a bouquet of flowers for his room
usually the people he had you “take care of” were repulsive enough, and you never minded creating things with your abilities, so you agreed to what he asked with ease
it’d be a little time before who he instructed you to “take care of” slowly shifted to anyone who wronged you
of course, he’d still protect you, but if he didn’t own their soul and he didnt have an angelic weapon, he couldn’t ensure that they wouldn’t come back, so he asked you, “do you think they’ll come back for you, little bird?” if you were unsure, or knew it was likely they’d come back for the person that ended up being the reason they had to go through the painful process of respawning, he’d tell you to just kill them
it’d probably come to a point where he stopped asking for favors, made sure you were alright, and told you to focus on what you needed to do while he “did his job”
i think eventually you’d find a place you think could be safe and once your wing is totally healed up and alright you’d say your goodbyes even though you weren’t that close with anyone but vaggie (also i feel like niffty would be down to talk to u about her bug battles or some shit)
anyway, when you go to say bye to alastor, he definitely cashes in his favor with a simple “hmm, no” cus he sees no reason for you to leave??? like so what everyone else’s lives are in danger by you being here… you’re safer here
so you’d stay, and it’d definitely make charlie happy because if she can get an angel back to heaven that’d prove she could actually do this
you’d be pissed at alastor for a while, but slowly, it seemed like demons understood that by coming for you, they were fucking with the radio demon (and we all know how that goes) so after a few months you were finally left alone
in that time you’d totally help spruce up the hotel while slowly forgetting why you wanted to go back
but every once in a while you’d have a very prolonged sadness about the situation… heaven was your home after all, and even if you liked the hotel, you could never leave because the minute you stepped outside, there was a line for your head — you were trapped there (like a bird in a cage — hence the nickname)
i think even though everyone likes having you there, vaggie would eventually bring up lucifer (like he can literally open a portal…)
but immediately alastor is not fucking having it and he cashes in another one of his pent up favors, saying that getting back to heaven through a fallen angel was the dumbest thing you could do if you wanted it to look like you were the one wronged in this situation (he has a point i fear)
i think this is where you kind of accept that you’re not going home and maybe just give up because 1. you can’t go to the heaven embassy since you’d just be met with adam and 2. the only person that could get you contact wasn’t a good option
i think now would be when alastor recognizes how much you want to go home and finds himself feeling bad?? for keeping you, but he just wants you to get home safely and surely
still, once he sees that you literally wont leave your room and have contemplated taking your own halo he compromises to let you try going to the heaven embassy to see if you could get a meeting with anyone but adam
you said it wasn’t possible, but he insisted “i can’t have you looking so upset all the time, birdie” he’d say while using his hand to squish your cheeks into a smile just to make you laugh
so you’d go — i think you’d totally get there safely but once demons see an exorcist angel coming out of the heaven embassy, you have to fight the minute you step out of the building
you can 100% see holy light from the hotel, so the minute alastor sees a golden beam he’s out the door
you can handle your own, so you fought them off, but i’d imagine you get injured and that’s what really makes alastor realize he’s falling for you cus he’s seething
even just a minuscule amount of golden blood on you had him tearing apart any demon who even looked like they’d been near you
i hate to say it but i don’t think this would be a happy ending — reader loves heaven even though they hate being an exorcist and alastor knows that so he’d definitely keep his feelings hidden and if you showed any signs of feelings for him he’d be terrified because an angel falling, literally falling because thats what would happen to you, for someone like him would never get you back home
obviously it’d come to a point where he doesn’t want you to leave, but at the same time, he’d never keep you
if i did end up writing an actual fic of this it’d probably end on a bit of a cliffhanger ex. reader getting accepted back and being hesitant with alastor’s last favor just him saying, “if you want to stay for anyone, don’t,” and letting you decide whether or not to go back
OR reader being accepted back but still having to be an exorcist, so the next time they see alastor is the finale where adam would 100% put them against him
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hoe4sports · 3 months
Birds of a feather, we should stick together
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Jessie Fleming x reader
-A part of the future prodigy series
A/N: Another Jessie fic. No big triggers. Fluff.
The bliss of a particularly hot summer morning in London was lingering in the warm air. You watched your daughter in the rear view mirror of your Lexus. Watching her was like watching your sister as a child, the resemblance was chilling. Your thoughts had been as chaotic as the first day of a snowstorm in New York. Would your sister approve of this? You had done everything in your power to take care of Clara. You knew that Clara loved Jessie. Your parents loved Jessie. But how could you know if your late sister would’ve loved her?
Today you were heading over to Jessie’s new house that she had purchased a few months ago. Or, rather your new familyhome. It had happened quite fast; one night you and Jessie had gotten wine drunk on a bottle of rosé and Jessie ended up suggesting moving in together. You thought she was crazy; how would a young woman that was on a high if her career want a single mother and her daughter? But Jessie had convinced you and she had decided that you both had too small apartments to raise your daughter in, and Jessie wanted Clara to have her own room with a big garden to play in. For most people, Clara was a shy 4 year old. For you and Jessie, Clara was a chirpy little 4 year old with the biggest fomo. She loved observing, thinking and wondering about the mysteries of life. You had talked to Clara about moving in with Jessie and that she was allowed to say no, but Clara had always been happy about it. Jessie had been quite the sport about the process, wanting to have everything ready before you moved in so that Clara felt safe and that there wouldn’t be any immediate changes after moving in. After all, Clara had a lot of trauma and her anxiety that needed to be accounted for. That lead you to today, the day where you were bringing your daughter over to your new family home.
“Mommy, are we there yet?” Clara asked curiously while her little eyes were scanning in the houses around the street you were driving in. Her hair moving with the wind coming from the half opened window. “Soon baby, how do you feel?” You asked while you took a left turn on the road. “Happy, but mommy, do you think Clara wants to play football with me?” The question made you smile even though Clara practically whispered the last part. When she brushed off her feelings, you knew that she felt safe and good. “I know that Jessie would love to play football with you” you said as you spotted the beautiful driveway with greenery and trees. Clara smiled in the back as she held a steady grip on her teddy. You pulled up to the double garage and parked next to Jessie’s car. It made you smile as it reminded you of when Jessie had insisted on getting a car seat for Clara just weeks after she had met her. You had told her that you could purchase one for Jessie’s car, but Jessie had been adamant about being in this for the long haul. “Ma, it’s Jessie” Clara squealed as she saw Jessie standing by the double doors. Jessie waved to Clara and Clara and waved enthusiastically right back. “Mommy, mommy! It’s Jessie!” Clara squealed again as you turned around to face your daughter. “Yes princess, it is Jessie” you smiled when you noticed the huge smile on Clara’s little face.
You hopped out to get your daughter from her seat, but Jessie beat you to it. Clara was wearing her Canada jersey picked out by nobody but herself with a pink skirt. “Jessie!” Clara chirped as she was playfully tossed in the air. “Is it my favourite girl in the whole wide world? Coming to see her new house, yeah?” Jessie asked and Clara nodded in response. “Yes, my biggestest special house!” The interaction melted your heart in only a way a child could. Clara really loved Jessie with all her little heart. Clara was excited to see her room. You hadn’t really had a garden or a house before considering life as a single mother in London with a 4 year old was expensive. But Jessie didn’t care, she had taken you to tons of viewings until she found the house that she wanted the three of you to live in. She had settled on this gorgeous white house with a big beautiful garden and she had made sure to have professionals install a playground for Clara. Clara was slowly becoming the centre of her world, and you loved it. «Lets go see your new house, Princess!» Jessie said as she put Clara down. Clara immediately sprinted towards the front door while she laughed. Jessie looked towards you, grabbed your hand, pulled you close and whispered “Welcome home baby” before kissing your hand.
When you walked in, the house was finished like you had planned on. Everything from the placing of the couch to the pictures that had been put up. Jessie had made sure that everything you both had written down was perfect, and when Clara was away with her Grandparents for the weekend; you had gotten together and done the last work on the house. “Are you ready Claramell?” Jessie asked as her hand rested on the door handle in the hallway. “Yes, Jessie! I am, I promise I am” Clara giggled as she tucked herself into Jessie’s side. “Let’s go see your new house princess” and with that the exploring of this new home begun.
“This is the kitchen” Jessie said as you followed Clara who had practically run into the room. Clara’s eyes scanned around the room while analysing all the little details. “Come here, let me show you something” you said to Clara as you walked to the big island. You pressed on a drawer and a microwave came out of it. It was a little microwave drawer created so that kids could reach it. Clara studied it as her tiny hands fiddled with the drawer pushing it in and out a couple of times before she nodded. “Can we use it to make pizza bites?” Clara said as she looked into the drawer. “Yes, you can have all the pizza bites you want pretty girl” you said as Clara giggled. She looked around the room before she headed over to the dining table. “Are we gonna have dinner here mommy?” She asked as she climbed up to the chair and onto the table so she could look out the window. “Yes, we are gonna have dinner her as a family here every night” you confirmed. She frowned «oh» she mumbled clearly disappointed. “What’s on your mind Clarabear?” Jessie said as she picked Clara up from the table and held her. “I thought maybe we could sometimes eat in the garden like at grandma’s” You looked at Jessie with a huge grin, this little girl of yours was so well spoken. “Yes, we can eat outside! And I promise, we can even eat in front of the tv sometimes, but don’t tell mommy” Jessie whispered the last part as she winked to Clara who lit up light a Christmas tree.
Clara had found the toy kitchen in the living room and was busy making tea and biscuits for Jessie. It made you giggle, especially when Clara told Jessie that her card had declined. Clara suddenly stopped in her tracks like a deer in headlights when she saw the grand staircase. It was like she had never seen a staircase before, except she had. “What’s up doll?” You asked as you reached for your daughter’s hand. Her big brown eyes were glancing up at the staircase. “What’s that?” Clara whispered as she pulled herself close into you. Jessie scooted closer to the pair of you and tucked Clara’s brown hair behind her ear. “That’s a staircase, it leads to the second floor where your bedroom is and mommy’s bedroom is. Do you want to come check it out?” Jessie asked as Clara’s eyes still hadn’t left the staircase. Her nervousness breaking through in form of biting her pointer. She gently nodded as she grabbed Jessie’s hand tight, still feeling a bit insecure about the thought of living in a two story house.
“Big bed” Clara said her eyes widened at the sight of your and Jessie’s bed. Jessie nodded as she put the tiny girl down on the bed while holding her hands, Clara immediately started jumping like a little money while squealing. Jessie laughed with her and after 4 bounces she jumped straight into Jessie’s arms. The laughter calmed down with Clara laying her head on Jessie’s shoulder.
The moment was interrupted as Clara was looking around when her face formed a confused grin. “Jessie, where’s my bed?” Clara questioned. “You get your very own big girl room with your own big girl bed and your own big girl covers” Jessie announced excitedly. “Jessie has spent a lot of time on making your big girl room Clare” you said as you leaned into the doorframe. Jessie walked with Clara in her arms across the hallway and put Clara down infront of her room. On her door, there a beautifully painted sign was hung up with “Clara” on it in pink. “This is your room, Clarabear” Jessie said as she tapped the door. Clara’s hand touched the doorhandle to open it, and she pushed the door open. Her tiny eyes looked like they were about to fall out of her head. She stepped inside completely speechless while you and Jessie followed close behind. The room was big and had a natural calmness to it. The windows were rather big, and you could see the beautifully fenced garden behind the house. The curtains were hung from the top of the wall all the way down to the floor. The walls were painted in a soft beige color expect from one wall who was painted in a muted pink tone. There was a pink bed in the corner with a pink bed canopy over it to create a safe space for Clara. In one of the corners of her room were all her toys in a set up of playboxes. There was a brand new dollhouse next to the boxes with ponies and little people in it. All her favourite Barbies were lined up next to each other and there was a small ball pit.
Clara walked around the room and touched things. Jessie looked concerned. “Give her a second” you whispered. She saw her dinosaurs. She touched her carpet as she walked across the room, the same carpet from home that she got from her parents before the accident. She walked around with stars in her eyes. There were pictures on the wall of herself, her family, her grandparents, her parents, and the three of you on the pitch after Clara’s first game watching Jessie. She walked towards the bed where she looked at the bedding. It was her favourite princess; Aurora. She sat down on her bed just looking at the room. Jessie looked over to her and smiled. “How do you feel about it? We can paint it or buy new toys or maybe new furniture?” Jessie suggested. Clara shook her head before tearing up. Jessie looked panicked for a second, but you recognised the happy tears from a mile away. Clara stood up and launched herself at Jessie. “I love my big girl room, thank you Jessie” she sniffled. Jessie picked her up and hugged her tight feeling as grateful as ever.
Something about the small one bedroom apartment that you had shared her whole life was comforting and intimate. This new house was big, and it felt empty. But the emptiness was about to be filled with memories of bliss, football in the garden, late dinners, laughter, friends coming over, early breakfasts and first day’s of school. The bliss of a childhood was like a seed that had been planted within the walls of this house. This didn’t just mark the start of something new; it marked the start of the rest of your lives.
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circeyoru · 7 months
Hi.. Can I ask for yandere alastor with the reader who owns his soul, ( more questions because I'm curious about this scenario )....
What would it be like if the reader, through guilt, gave her soul to Alastor, like it would be fair for the reader to give her soul to Alastor, since he gave his soul to the reader ( would Alastor see this as a distorted marriage proposal? as a declaration of love, distorted? )
What would it be like if the others at the hotel found out about this relationship between Alastor and reader? What would it be like if there were more than 1 yandere, what would it be like if vox or lucifer slowly became yanderes for the reader, what would happen?
To those that have no idea what this is talking about, check out {Unwanted Soul}
I am not kidding when I say there's a back-to-back request on the first question. So I had to answer in the other request cause this second question's answer's gonna be a long one
For the 2nd question.
Part 1. Basically, Charlie and the other's reaction to finding out about Alastor and Reader's relationship, including the soul-owning thing (but not the details like limited power, or you healing Alastor)
As a baseline, they all unanimously agreed that Alastor was the one completely and utterly obsessed with you, and you just accepted it and made the best of the situation. Niffty: She doesn't see an issue. Alastor had mentioned you to her beforehand. She was also the one to fix up your room before you moved in. She encourages and even asks for your secret. How did you get bad boy Alastor to commit to you? She wants some of the action too. (you told Alastor to keep Niffty away from you whenever she's in that crazy zone, but then you got used it to, somewhat) Husk: He thought he could use it to his advantage. You were the timid and quiet type. So he actually tried to get your sympathy to his situation, Alastor was being threatening, Alastor was being mean. Haha, no go. Because you didn't care. He picked up that your attention and interest is very limited and hard to gain, Alastor taking years to do so even. Now Husk gave up on trying to get you to help his situation, but when he saw Alastor acting that docile to you and you not using your powers against Alastor? He's envious that you weren't the one to hold his soul Angel: Shocked. 100% shocked that Alastor willingly given his soul to a weaker demon (he never saw you battling Adam or your powers and abilities in action). Similar to Husk, he's actually envious that you didn't do anything against Alastor's will, even when you have his soul in the palm of your hands. He saw that Alastor was as free as a bird, really. He also wanted that freedom that Alastor had and the bond you two shared. He's very confused as to why Alastor was that enamoured with you though, you weren't anything special (don't let Alastor hear that). He spoke to you since about it and you agreed without missing a beat. Yeah, he's so confused Vaggie: A bit of Husk and Angel's reaction. She's shocked that you own Alastor's soul and have his affection, confused that Alastor gave his soul to you and acts lovey-dovey with you, and grateful that you were the one to have Alastor's soul. While it was a bit to take in, knowing that you were less inclined to violence and destruction, you weren't a threat to the hotel or Charlie. So that was good. Still, she is aware that your emotions can flip easily and Alastor will act on them faster than you'd stop him or you just won't. She knows you're a landmine and she needs to be careful Charlie: Very very supportive. Her brain literally skipped the whole soul-owning bit. Alastor loves you a lot and you love Alastor in your own unique way. It's like her and Vaggie! She's so happy to have another couple in the hotel. She'd try arranging double dates, if that's possible. Alastor's 100% for it since he gets to spend time with you, but knows you'd rather not have other strangers (Charlie and Vaggie) roped into your hobby and interest. She tries to give relationship advice and ask for some from you and Alastor. The first few times, you let her, but then you got annoyed with it. It wasn't established that you and Alastor were a couple and he didn't mind, with that label also coming out of Charlie's mouth. You were quick to avoid her whenever you wandered around the hotel. Alastor steps in and strictly warns Charlie not to try helping again Lucifer: Very hesitant to accept it, but lets his skeptism go when he sees you were happy and fine with the situation. He's amazed that you got Alastor to give his soul to you that easily, but he's also scared that you might have gotten into deep sh*t with you connection with Alastor. He keeps an eye out for you, sometimes checking in with you too
Part 2. What if there's more yanderes for Reader?
Are you trying to exhaust yourself? Yanderes you mentioned, Lucifer and Vox crave attention and you don't exactly give a lot. Remember, you're a shut-in and you can do without the extra presence around you. Since Alastor is more than enough (he's so happy to hear that). Needless to say, you avoid a repeat of what happened to Alastor. You read and watch anime, you know the signs. The reason why Alastor was let into your life was because he was the one giving you attention and didn't hinder you, plus he grew on you. Another thing, time. It took Alastor 7 years and you still sent him away to the hotel to work for some minor interest of yours. You think there can just be a new yandere? No, no. You're happy to prove that you were no pushover. Alastor is essentially under your command and he will happily take your orders and fulfil them beyond your expectations. So Vox is trying to spy on you? "Cut off his power, Alastor." Yeah, the Vee's entire area was out of electricity for a good few days. Lucifer's breaking into your room? "Alastor, set up a barrier." You're in some form of shadow realm, curtsy of Alastor's power, with all you ever need. You are the type to stick to one extreme and have sides as 'back-up', you can have Lucifer as a friend, but never a yandere since you can't handle it. As for Vox? You don't even know him. At least with Lucifer, you once worked for him. Plus Vox is Alastor's rivial, right? Let them fight, you're sure Alastor can handle it even with his powers limited.
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poppy-metal · 2 months
i got a new vibrator and all i can think about is artashi making me have it in during one of arts matches- tashi giving you a glare if you get too squirmy but you can help it with art moaning and groaning while playing
shes so mean :(( you keep crossing and uncrossing your legs and tashi has a hand gripped on your thigh, and you want to complain and be a brat so bad but you know tashis punishments venture more into denial - and you don't think you can take anymore edging than this. art looks so fucking good. he's like a god on the court, slender and fit and fluid, he moves like water - his hits are precise and the grunts he lets out whenever he slams the ball with his racket - you're sticky between your thighs - just imagining that toned adonis's body pressing between your thighs, broad marble chest hovering above yours - that beautiful cock pressing and pushing into you - you're so puffy and raw and the low buzzing of the vibrator isn't helping at all. you're digging your nails into your palms. feel your clit throbbing so hard it's like it has a pulse all on its own. he's so aggressive on the court - dominant - you need him inside you - you need him fucking you with all that sweat drenching his body, you need all that energy buzzing in him right now put into pounding his cock into you.
by the time the match is over - he's won, no suprise - you're embarrassed to even stand up. so soaked you leave a residue behind on your seat. tashi notices and bites her lip to hide her triumphant smirk. she guides you by the elbow down the stairs, closer to art, who's shouldering his tennis bag, uncapping a water bottle to gulp it down. even the line of his throat as he swallows has you horny, the bob of his adams apple, the slick beads of sweat making a trail down his throat. he's in the middle of unsticking his shirt from his body, fanning it a little - the sight of the strip of his bare stomach makes your throat dry - when you approach him with tashi.
he looks at you and he smiles. and your cunt weeps for how fucking beautiful he is. all golden and powerful and pumped after his win. he flashes his white teeth at you and ducks in to wrap his arms around you, he knows you don't mind the sweat - tashi would knee him in the balls.
you inhale his scent- sunscreen and sweat and your eyes nearly roll back. the vibrations pick up intensity and you flinch, knees buckling. art pulls back, "you okay?" he asks, oblivious.
tashi, with her hand in her purse, finger on the control to the vibrator, smiles herself. "she's just a little excited." she tells art. steps forward to put a hand at the small of your back. you tremble. you want to wrap your legs and arms around art like a koala and be swept away somewhere to be fucked. tashi tugs her free hand from her bag, so art can glimpse what she has her finger pressed against. "she's been worked up watching her daddy win."
you whine softly. shuffle closer to art, just wanting him to touch you.
he inhales sharply and his hands come up to your elbows - he wants to put them at your waist, but there are too many people around. he's high off his win. absolutely buzzing still. "you're the devil." he tells his wife, but his eyes are shining.
tashi scoffs. "please." she waves her hand. "take her with you to the locker room, the private one - you've both earned yourself an extra treat today."
also, she was pretty sure if you didn't have art inside you soon, you might die.
as it is, you're visibly trembling with desire as art nods and reaches down to take your hand - leading you away. she wishes she could slip away with you too to watch. she loves watching how arts body works fresh off a match - the intensity of which he fucks you - hard and almost violent - every muscle used to slide in and out of you. but that would look suspicious, so she hangs back.
she'll have the opportunity to see it again tonight. you both deserved more than just one reward tonight, after all.
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aziraphales-library · 23 days
Hello and big thanks for your work! I was wondering if you know some fics where Aziraphale protects/saves Crowley from trouble. I'm not talking about bamf!Aziraphale tho. More like clever Aziraphale, sneaky Aziraphale, maybe even doing-something-shady-and-manipulative Aziraphale. But mostly clever :) I think something like oopsie!omens (where Aziraphale took the fall instead Crowley and successfully hiding it for thousands years) or You Never Had A Heart by HotCrossPigeon where Aziraphale put himself in trap to put a show for Hastur, or just like his trick in 1941? But if it's too narrow, any good protective Aziraphale will do. Thanks in advance!
Hi! Here are some fics in which Aziraphale helps/rescues Crowley by being clever...
You Can't Un-See a Dog by HolyCatsAndRabbits (T)
A couple of humans summon the demon Crowley to be a sacrifice. Aziraphale is not amused. Actually, wait, he's very amused.
The Enlightened Fraternity of the Serpentine Demon by The_Bentley (T)
A secret society moves in down the street from the bookshop and shows a particular interest in Crowley. They don’t appear to be very competent at first glance, but Crowley feels better poking around to see what they’re up to, just in case. When he fails to return from his investigations, it’s up to Aziraphale to rescue his demon from the group’s clutches before they end up doing something they’ll regret.
Binding by Icka M Chif (T)
“That’s the tether.” Aziraphale pointed to one circle, then back at the other. “That’s the anchor. If I’m bound to Earth, and you’re bound to me… Then Hell can’t take you back."
the many-venomed earth by curtaincall (T)
It’s the trial of the century: bestselling mystery author Anthony Crowley stands accused of poisoning his former lover. He’s got means (arsenic), motive (the breakup), and opportunity (a meeting the night of the murder); his guilt seems certain. Certain, that is, to everyone except Lord Aziraphale Eastgate, rare book collector and amateur detective. Aziraphale’s not sure why he’s so convinced of Crowley’s innocence, but he’s determined to save him from the gallows--by finding the real murderer before it’s too late.
A Business Arrangement by CopperBeech (E)
Aziraphale Fell works for the family business, Archangel Security, which is still struggling to find its niche. Doing what his strait-laced, class-conscious family expects has helped him ignore the problem of his sexuality right into middle age, but he’s decided it’s time. For Anthony Crowley, sexuality isn’t a problem. It’s a slush fund that he could always tap into when he couldn’t pick up enough shifts to pay the bills, or wanted something nice (a profitable strategy for someone who’s always been able to do weird things with his tongue). But for the past couple of years he hasn’t had options. At least business doesn’t affect his personal life, because so far, he’s never had much of one. It’s about to get complicated.
So Much Discounted by WanderingAlice (T)
After asking Aziraphale a strange question, Crowley disappears. Can Aziraphale work out what happened to him? And more importantly, can he save him before it's too late? --- “No.” Aziraphale sat up, throwing his senses wide, searching, seeking, all the way to the edges of the world. “Crowley!” His frantic cry, amplified by his angelic power, rippled through the minds of every being with even the slightest occult sensitivity. Miles away, Anathema sat up in bed, and reached in panic for her lover when she felt the new absence in the world. Down the street from Jasmine Cottage, Adam Young tumbled from his covers, reaching out himself with what remained of his power. What he found was so terrible he fled from it, running to climb into bed with his parents like he hadn’t since he’d been very small. “No,” the angel said again, his voice small and lost amid the stacks of lonely books. “No.” He pushed himself up with trembling hands, climbed to his feet, and didn’t stop running until he stood outside the door to Crowley’s Mayfair flat.
- Mod D
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berryfeilds · 8 months
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𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
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Summary- It hurt to stay and fall in love with him, but you were desperate.
Warnings- angst, unrequited feelings, arguing, few cuss words, set after S4.
W/C- 1.6k
A/N: not very proud of this eee
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It was a stupid thing really, a decision you didn’t think thoroughly about. Fighting Steve while battling your feelings for him wasn’t an ideal combination.
Feet in the pool cooling off the summer heat, while talking about the last events of the Scarring Spring the gang endured, and how you felt about it. This little routine started after the events of the Demodogs and Mindflayer. 
Little did you know that was the start of your inevitable falling for King Steve.
You slept over at his house, too scared to be alone in your solitude, flinching at the slightest of sounds. You considered just toughing it out but settled on the conclusion that honestly maybe he shouldn't be alone either. So you picked your trembling body and drove over to him. And as expected your reasoning was right, Steve was awake and in the same frightened state you were in.
Ever since that night you and Steve were practically inseparable; stuck side by side by a string. You babysat together, helped him land his job at the mall, comforted him through the tearful days of his parents’ mistreatment, and all the more. And in exchange he was present for your cheerful and irritated moments. 
Being friends with Steve was easy; Mathematicians would contrast its simplicity with how quickly the entire multiplication table could be solved. Astronomers would compare it to the facile discovery of Polaris, while doctors would contrast the basic comparison akin to finding a beating heart.
Loving him however, was miserable. Poets would weep at just a glance at your tragic love story, and kids would be confused: why isn’t the story lining up the way it’s supposed to? With every date he goes on, your heart breaks. With every glance at another girl, your stance falters. But Steve was your friend, and you stick by your friends, even if you are in love with them. Even if they subconsciously hurt you. 
But this time was different. Very different. A kind of different that clawed your heart out and had him spit on it. 
���I think I’m still in love with Nancy.” 
Suddenly, your head goes quiet.
“What?” Narrowed eyes looking at him from your side of the pool. 
“Maybe I never stopped,” Steve's eyes were trained on the waving water below. 
How could he be so nonchalant? Like he isn’t stabbing his nailed bat into you repeatedly.
“I mean she mentioned her relationship with Jonathan isn’t at it’s best so maybe-” 
After helping him move on, after your endless amount of advice, he still loved her? She broke his heart and he still loves her? 
You ignore your own hypocrisy.
The scowl on your face deepend with each decibel that spilled out of his mouth. 
“What?” the sound of your voice seemingly going down an octave.
Steve’s head whips towards your hostility. He’s seen you angry and it’s not a pretty sight, most people apologize before you start barking. But he’s never been on the receiving end, and this has him confused, and frankly a little scared.
“Well, we were talking in that little trailer we stole a-and we were flirting and I think she-” Voice almost brittle, Steve flies through the words. 
Why is he so adamant on explaining his reasoning to you? He feels his nerves spiking, and skin trembling, it’s probably the heat, yeah, the heat-
“She broke your heart -and maybe Jonathan’s now- and you're drooling over what? Being a second choice?” You bark, white knuckles gripping the coping. 
You know you're being cruel, you know you should stop, but, this is the first time since meeting Steve that you feel superior. The power of knowing you can control how this goes. No more flustered and smiley you, he’s added enough oil to the flame, and you feel yourself blazing; you're done chasing a lost cause.
Steve scoffs indecorously, as he pushes his ever perfect hair away from his face. 
“Ah- what? Second choice? Do you really think so lowly of her? Of me?”
“No! I think all of us are scared and broken people but, that does not mean she gets to treat you like crap -and you to her- and then waltz in and fucking hint at a flirt!”
Suddenly you felt every prick of gravel on your skin. You feel every atom swaying in the water by your feet. You were tired and yelling. It wasn't helping that the humid air was making you dizzy. 
“Her and Jonathan are basically broken up! I don’t know why this is such a big deal! I thought you would be happy for me?” He looks at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
Both your voices are at equal volume now but there’s a difference in tone. His is pained and confused. Why aren’t you supporting him? Why aren’t you excited? 
Your voice is angry and tired. Tired from the waiting, the ignoring, the being thrown off to the side. And angry from ever thinking waiting was a good idea, and trusting that Steve would ever look at you as a potential love interest. 
That’s not who you are or ever will be. And Steve will continue to be blinded by the countless beautiful girls that aren’t you or ever will be.
“I’ve been happy for you Steve -for fucks sake- I’m always happy for you! Every damn date, every damn girl, every fucking time! And I supported you and helped you with every single one that caught your eye and I’ve been silent like an idiot through it all!” 
“I never asked you to help me, that was your choice!”
“Cause that’s what friends do Steve! They help the people they care about!”
“If that’s your logic why aren’t you my friend now? You know how hurt I was by Nancy and how long I spent dissecting every single memory trying to see what I did wrong,” He takes a fast breath, “So her coming back and asking for a second chance at us is good! So why don’t you care now-”
“Don’t you dare Steve, the reason we’re having this conversation right now is because I care!”
“You have one hell of a way of showing it,” he murmured indecorously. 
“A simple thank you would suffice you dick.” you all but growled at him.
“This wouldn’t even be a problem if you hadn’t gone and blew up on me!” he retorted almost jokingly. The situation wasn’t far from being a joke. You and Steve the bright stars starring in the circus called your love life.
You sat silent at that. Everything is crumbling; the love, the patience, the longing. All gone and vanished. Is this who you’ve been hoping for? Wishing and praying to every shooting star. Someone who takes takes takes and never gives? Have you really been this blind? Do rose-colored glasses really sabotage you this hard?
“I dropped everything for you Steve. Everything. To help you, to ease your pain -god I always drove to your house at the crack ass of dawn the second you call. So don’t sit there acting like I couldn’t -that I don’t- give a shit about you.”
You weren’t done.
“How stupid was I to let you walk all over me and think that in the end you would see why I did everything for you.” You breathe in sharply before continuing, “Steve…” You clench your hands into tight fists and try to calm the wobble in your voice.
“I don’t think I can be here for you anymore, not like this,”
Now it’s Steve’s turn to sit quiet, not knowing how to answer. He inhales deeply as he ponders where to take this argument. He stares at you and notices your bloodshot eyes and the painful bite of your lips; You were trying not to cry. You hate when people watch you cry. All Steve wants to do is bundle you up and apologize for acting so stupid. He knew sugaring up with Nancy was a bad idea; He knew you would oppose it and fight for his happiness but Steve liked it easy. Scared of anything that has him weird and tingly, stuttering over his words. He hated it.
He pulls his gaze away from you and wonders: Why were the two of you arguing? Why are you so mad about him getting back with Nancy? Were you scared for Jonathan? The both of you have always been close friends. Hanging out during high school, working together, teaming up together when Hawkin’s turns upside down. 
He’s so confused it’s starting to give him a headache. How does one save his ass from a receptive friend's fury? He knows you. From the little and sacred time, he’s gotten the pleasure to truly see you. You’re so considerate and lovely; Always checking up on people, making sure you're the first to go down a scary path, throwing yourself in harm's way to protect the kids, and always making sure everyone gets treated before you. He doesn’t want to lose you, but the look on your face is tired. So tired that he’s scared that maybe he’s just noticed it now. How long have you been bottling everything up?
He says your name softly before continuing, “What…what do you mean by that?”
 It’s quiet, so quiet you second guess if you actually heard it. But you did. You always do when it comes to him.
“Open your eyes Steve.” 
You finally look at him. With all your exhausted glory. You finally let him see what he’s created: sad, neglected, and unloved you. You need to get out of here before you do -or say- something more stupid; Something that could ultimately ruin what little left of your crumbling friendship with him.
With that you get up and gather your things, walking out of Steve’s home. He’s still sat silent, as his head glistens from the water’s beam gliding across his contemplating face. He hasn’t made a move or sound of protest at your departure and you hope it stays that way. You need to get away, far away from whatever you messed up here. 
You close the door to his home not sparing him a second glance. And he doesn’t try to stop you.
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© berryfeilds 2024
Boycott S5 of Stranger Things → Cast Zionism + Other reasons and productions
Learn about Palestine → Resources + Ways to help + Other 1 + Other 2
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
The Morningstar family :)
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First off, king of hell himself, Lucifer! I incorporated all of the animals he transformed into in the battle with Adam scene(goat, horse, snake, and duck but i wont include duck since hes obsessed already) Because I kept looking up what animals lucifer has been depicted as and was like, yeah nvm let's jst use this one scene and call it a day. His wings are black instead of white with black tips to further imply lil bro is a fallen angel. Made him doll-like to be similar to his daughter a bit but also they aren't freaking carbon copies of eachother, she is unique I swear guys. He's also not an all powerful being, he has limits, he gets tired quickly and his physical strength is LOW ASF he cannot throw a punch for the life of him. Personality wise, he is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful. But it's okay cuz he's silly 😐 /j he is super different, and it takes years for Charlie and him to be on speaking terms. He's trying, but is that enough?
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Lillith!!! The first succubi, from what I know. I didnt include succubi features because I'm an idiot and forgot that was a concept. Sure it may not be canon anymore, or at all maybe, but I would've liked to make it true ☹️ there's not alot known about her in the show and we don't know why she is in heaven (if that's even her tbh). So once we know I'll either rewrite that or keep it as it is, not sure. But this Lillith does own Alastor's soul, she knows that he is one of the most unusual and powerful sinner in hell, so once she flees to heaven she gains his soul to keep an eye on Charlie, in return she gives him influence over hell(being that she influences hell with her voice) The radio station and all, since that's pretty much all he wants. He gives her info on the hotel's progress and how Charlie is doing, she just wants to be there. Personality is uh, calm, ambitious, and generous, yet negatively she is strict and wants things her way. She is the one closest to Charlie and very dear to her, which is why Charlie always tries to call her instead of Eve or Lucifer. Even though Charlie knows now she won't pick up the phone anymore, maybe ever again. It still comforts her to call anyways.
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Lastllyy, Eveeee!! She's a pretty silly lil gal. She ate the apple of knowledge, so she was cursed to forever be reminded of it when she sees her tail. Oh yeah, they are also all married! Lillith's ring is under her glove. Anyway, she is pretty powerful despite her having no demon form. She already looks demon enough to fit in. So she does, she goes into pentagram city often and creates bonds with the people. Some know she is Eve and some just see her as a friendly yet powerful individual. Her magic is similar to Charlie's, she got the fireworks coming out of her finger from Eve, and they both can heal their body parts. Charlie doesn't know it because she hasn't needed to yet. Eve uses her charm to be friends with the people of hell, Lillith uses it to gain an army for the fight against heaven, Lucifer couldn't care less and coops himself up in his castle. Personality wise, she is very golden retriever, peaceful, and honest, yet also neglectful being that she spends time with demons rather than her own daughter. (She's barely there with Charlie even before she disappeared along with Lillith. But when they moved to the hotel she tried to make up for it.)
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She regretted the marriage. For years.
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The potential of Lillith angst is immeasurable, it's painful. Imagine being the first woman, forced into a marriage with a controlling man, falling in love with an angel, the other angels forbidding that, you both try to get Eve to join your relationship, she takes the apple but evil and such take over the world, and then because of your lover's dreams you are all sent to hell. Freaking horrible.
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Demon forms!! Charlie gained Lillith's demon form, but I may give her dragon wings to make up for it. Messy doodle I knowww *sob*. Eve doesn't have one because the elder angels stripped that away form her because they were terrified of all of them having stronger forms. They are also ALL cursed with different features. Soo uh, Lucifer has one red eye to remind him of his evil side, he also has all sort of animal details and doll features because he's a mess and a control freak! :3 Lillith has horns, hooves, and a tail because she joined the devil. Eve is blind, the angels ripped her eyes out because she dares to willingly see the devil and his bride, she has wings on each side of her head because she was also a fallen angel(it was hell, because she was unhappy in being Adam's wife, it was temporary as she made herself go to hell instead of being kicked out.) She has a snout and ears too, cuz goat, and a tail with a shape of an apple at the end. Eve was done the worse oh lawwdd 😭😭
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BABY CHARLIE!! She at one point HAD to have worn overalls. Right? PLEASE?? I don't know how to draw toddlers bear with me here.
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Emo Charlie! Yayy.... she got her period so now she's an adult. 💀 little does she know it's actually a trauma response to being neglected so she tries to get attention by being weird!! 😃👍 (I ruined emo Charlie now)
(I have no idea how to do aesthetics... I'm in pain.)
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When I said Lucifer is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful, I meant it. He's a horrible person. But he's trying to be better. That doesn't make him good nor excuse his behavior, he deserves the consequences. Which is why I don't like Lucifer in the show. He is NOT a good person but in one episode he is deprived from the karma of YEARS of neglect and shame. He just says "oh ill support you now" despite two episodes later the message is that actions speak louder than words which only applies to Vaggie for some reason. Why is Lucifer all of a sudden the exception? Oh right cuz he's a silly dad with depression so it's fine(Sorry but this genuinely pisses me off). And people in the fandom have demonized Charlie for being "mean" to him, when she is honestly so valid for reacting like that. The thing is, I don't hate Lucifer. Which is why I hate him if that makes sense. I hate that I like a character that shouldn't be liked yet. This should have been an arc for season 2. This scene should have been the start of the journey. The scene I drew out above is in ep 5 and it's the only interaction they get (it replaces the more than anything scene)
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Charlie has no idea how humans/sinners work. She likes to observe them but never quite gets the purpose of their actions. She's emotionally unintelligent like in the show. Which lemme just say, is a FLAW. Characters have FLAWS PEOPLE. If I see another person shaming her for indirectly hurting Angel in episode 4 I'm going to lose it 🥰 she doesn't get emotions, she doesn't understand how people work, because she's been in isolation her entire 200+ years of living maybe less. But still this is all new to her and she is not at fault at all for that (im projecting probably) 🙄 (this is before Vaggie is revealed to be a fallen angel ofc). She's so in awe at her people, it's like a new world and she just wants to understand. It's kinda creepy but y'know it's a Charlie thing. Vaggie also is emotionally unintelligent but that's because she never used to focus on relationships or bonding. Which causes bad communication and problems between the two, YAY DEVELOPMENT!!
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Idk bro I just wanted to draw her full demon form again. Uhh from the last time I drew I gave her... a new outfit, darker fur to match her skin, uhh, and dragon wings. Ya thas all but I like this one so much more already lmao. I got the fire hair idea because when she gets angry in the show(+pilot) her hair would defy gravity and it would remind me of yknow.. fire.
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They're first meeting went swell! Unlike Lucifer and Vaggie's... but that's for later. Emily grew up afraid of hell but especially Lucifef and turning out the way he did. She still is but she's getting used to having the monster of her bed time stories be a short gummy bear. (Takes place when Charlie and Lucifer are in... better terms I guess) Also, Vaggie and Lucifer's first meet? Not great. Let's just say... Vaggie replaced Alastor and it become "Hell's Greatest Pal" or somthn like that. But yeah, Lucifer didn't really like Vaggie, not because she's a woman n homophobia hellll no his wives are wives, but because he didn't think she was good enough for her. Being a sinner n all. He's a hypocrite like that 😭 plus, he knew Vaggie was a fallen angel but he's not a monster so he didn't say anything. Just passively jabbing at the fact she is in the song to make her scared.
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And one last doodle before I sign off!
These six bro... my absolute favorites <3 if you want please send in a request of them and their relationships I'm so desperate I love them sm (especially chaggily butttt lucifers stolen wives(that's the ship name I made 😭) too)
I hope you liked my rambel... my rewrite.... my redesigns.... and my stupidness... have a great day lmao
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(Queen Adam AU Part 11)
*Princess Avery Morningstar woke up and threw her hands over her mouth so she wouldn’t scream, she recently had nightmares where she was in a realm of darkness and she saw him, the Radio Dream with his evil grin waiting to tell her what she wanted from him, she slid out of bed because she wanted some hit chocolate, she made her way downstairs, she was growing to be quite beautiful, the only traits she shared with her biological father were gold antlers that she could control the size of and gold deer like hooves, other than that, she looked like her mother, in fact her and Lyra looked the most like their beautiful mother, she walked into the kitchen and used her shadow powers to make a mug of hot chocolate*
Adam: Would you mind making me some too?
*Avery turned around and saw Adam, the Queen of Hell and her mother, she loved her mother so much and she wanted to be so much like him in every way, Adam never hated Avery for the fact that the Radio Demon forced himself upon Adam to make Avery*
Adam: Are you having a nightmare sweetie?
Avery: I am just having a hard time falling asleep, I have a lot on my mind.
Adam: I understand that feeling.
*the pair sat together as the shadows made hot chocolate for them*
Avery: How was your recent vacation to Earth with dad?
*even if she was biologically Alastor’s child, to Avery, Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell and Adam’s husband was her father in the way that mattered*
Adam: Crazy, but also fun. I got to beat up an annoyance from my days in Heaven.
*both Adam and Avery laughed, Adam was always able to make the young princess laugh, the shadows put the mugs of hot chocolate in front of them and they enjoyed it*
Adam: My compliments to your shadows, they make a really good cup of hot chocolate.
Avery: The fact that I have shadow powers like him doesn’t make you scared?
Adam: No, Alastor having shadow powers wasn’t what made him evil, it was having a dark heart. You don’t have a dark heart.
*Avery threw her arms around Adam, their wings wrapping around each other, Avery’s black angel wings and Adam’s black angel wings with threads of gold in them*
Avery: I know I am too old to ask this, but can I still sleep with you and dad tonight?
Adam: You are never too old to ask that. Your brother Cain still asked to sleep with me and Eve when he was your age when he had trouble sleeping.
Avery: Really?
Adam: Just don’t tell him that, be likes his reputation as a tough guy.
*Adam picked up Avery without any effort since he was such a tall and strong man, he carried her in his arms like she was still a little girl, she buried her face in his shoulder smiling at the rich earthy smell he naturally had since he was made from the dust of the Earth, Adam walked into his room, Lucifer was in bed looking over official royal documents*
Adam: Avery is having a hard time sleeping so she will be sleeping why us tonight.
Lucifer: Of course.
*Lucifer smiled as he moved the sheets so Adam could get into bed while still holding Avery*
Adam: Sweet dreams sweetie.
Avery: Goodnight mom, goodnight dad.
*Avery fell asleep hoping that the presence of her mom and dad would keep the nightmares away from her*
In Avery's dream, everything was starting out just fine. This was a dream she had had in the past about ruling Hell when her turn came.
She knew in reality that it would be a super long while before she would even be able to do so, her eldest sister Charlie was first in line and then her other older siblings Lyra Lydia and Luke.
But here in her dreams, she could pretend to rule all of Hell as their Queen. And all the good she could do for her people.
Alastor: Why wait?
Avery gasped and turned to see the man that was her biological father. She had only seen the odd picture of him and even those were grainy and distorted.
He was tall and wore an all red suit. But the was mixed with pieces of his shadow self making everything on him look more black than red. His antlers were large and black they held no light
His eyes were the most haunting. The only form of any light in them was the symbol of a radio dial in those black soulless eyes. His smile creeped her out as it was too large for his face.
Avery: Go away.
Alastor: Aww, sweet Avery is that anyway to speak to your father?
Avery: Lucifer is my dad!
Alastor: Without me you wouldn't exist! You owe me.
Avery backed away from him: I.....
Alastor tilted his head to the side in such a creepy way, as if his creep factor couldn't get any higher.
Alastor: Oh Avery, you really should smile more my dearest daughter. You're never fully dressed without one
He held up a needle with glowing green thread, Avery's eyes widened.
Alastor: Let daddy fix you.
Avery shot up in bed screaming her hands flying to her face to stop the phantom pains from the needle from touching her.
Adam: Avery! Sweetheart open your eyes!
Lucifer: Sweetie open your eyes!
Avery finally opened her eyes and cried in relief that she was with her mom and true dad again. She sobbed in Adams arms.
Adam looked at Lucifer, their baby was having nightmares and they didn't know how to help her.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 4 months
For Eternity, Chapter 1 of 13
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Banner by @redvexillum - she spoils me sooo 
Alastor x Angel!Wife Oc (Isabel) Rated: Adult - this fic contains content inappropriate for minors. Warnings: This fic contains sexual content, explorations of consent within Angel Dust's contract in relation to sex work, Sexual assault, Possessive and obsessive behaviors, Power dynamics, Adam being an ass, kidnapping, Vox is in hell for a reason, Val is in hell for a reason, Vox has a weird thing for Alastor, Angel Dust is sweet as pie, murder, revenge, implied sexual assault and harassment, miscarriage and death. This is a darker work and may be triggering to some readers. Please be responsible for your mental health and bounce if needed.
Summary: Isabel died young, leaving behind her husband to pick up the pieces. Finding herself in Heaven, she waits for her husband to join her. And waits. And waits. Years and decades pass as she faces the realization that Alastor may not be joining her in Heaven, leaving her largely alone in a realm of double standards and fake smiles.
She must decide if she is going to move on from her marriage or do whatever it takes to reunite with her husband. Would he even still want her? Would she survive the dangers to find him? Would the cost be worth what could be gained?
Is Heaven really Heaven if the one you love isn't there with you?
@impulsivethoughtsat2am Was darling enough to beta <3 Many thanks, Dearheart.
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
Isabel sat at her desk, long brown hair cascading over her shoulders, reflecting the day’s light. The light filtered in through the gauzy curtains, casting harsh rays over the room in defiance of the window treatments. There was little that could be done to escape the blinding light of heaven during the day. 
She should be thankful to have woken up in Heaven, all those years ago. She had been a good woman and was rewarded, just as was promised in the Holy Book. That was what she was told to strive for all her short life. 
It didn’t feel like a reward, though. 
Isabel was left longing for the life that she had lived and those she had left behind as she waited out each passing year. Her heart longed for him more and more each day. It wasn’t fair, her mind would scream in the silence of the nights. They’d been married hardly a year, struggling to find the rhythm of marriage and life in a place that was so foreign to her. 
Her husband had been her rock through it all. He had been kind and soft with her, taking things at her pace even after they had been pronounced man and wife, far sooner than she was ready for. In her heart, she knew it would be nothing but a matter of time before he joined her in heaven and she could be again at his side, if he would still have her. 
“What’r you doing?” Adam hadn’t knocked. Letting himself into her modest home was not unheard of for him. He was a man that walked around Heaven as if he owned the place, “Still pining over him? Move on.”
“I promised to wait for him,” It was a part of her marriage vows, a tweak from tradition. Though she had been timid, she had spoken those words with her whole heart. She may have been standing there at the altar by her father’s urging and arranging but she meant every word as she spoke them. She hadn’t loved him then, but the roots were there and love was growing. 
As she had fallen in love with him over the following months, she meant those words more and more each day. Six months into her marriage, she had woken in the middle of the night realizing the depths of her love for the man sleeping beside her. 
It was there, in the stillness of the night that she knelt at the side of the bed, eyes locked on his peaceful face and messy brown hair, she whispered those modified vows again, pledging her very soul to love him for all time. 
“Why sit and wait for 70 years when you could have this dick?” Adam slammed his hands down on his hips, thrusting forward in a lewd motion that no longer phased her.
Isabel only closed her eyes, not wanting to see it yet again. He was the first man and she made a point to show him his due respect but there was no doubt that he made that very hard to do. 
Such lewdness was not something she was prepared for in heaven and yet she found herself battling off the most vulgar advances, only somewhat successfully, on the regular bases from the first man himself. 
“Adam, I am married,” She reminded him, voice strained with frustration. 
“You were,” He corrected, clearly not seeing her vows as eternal the way she did. And why should he, most humans pledged their love until death. 
This wasn’t a new conversation between them. It was a tired old script, a play she did not wish to be cast in and yet was forced to play a part. On a good day, he would grow bored and leave her with nothing but a knot of anxiety and fear in her stomach. On a bad day he left her with far worse. 
“Please leave,” She hoped he would go rather than press his desire for her. Today would have been her wedding anniversary, having Adam’s hands on her would have been ever so much more unbearable today of all days.
“Your loss,” She breathed a sigh of relief as he turned to leave. “He’s probably in hell anyway. Humans hardly live this long. You’re wasting your time.”
“I will wait forever for him.” 
“Whatever. I’ve got a meeting. I didn’t want you anyway,” Adam flipped her off as he walked out of her home, having stopped by to just torture her a little more. It would only be a matter of time before he returned once again. 
This was Heaven. It was bright sunlight. It was pure whites and a smile plastered on every face. It was having everything anyone wanted, everything anyone could ask for but never anything bad or wrong. None in Heaven would dare dream of having anything bad or wrong so there was no want for that sort of thing. 
It was empty smiles and hollow hearts. It was decades spent waiting, unable to show fear that those you love may not join you. It was forced joy and whispered prayers.
Heaven was a place where those in power could still do terrible things in the privacy of a home and no one dared to speak of it. 
“Oh, Alastor.” Slim fingers caressed the image inside the pocket watch. 
A trim man in a suit, simple glasses perched on his nose and soft brown hair hardly wrestled into place looked out at her. A soft smile was on his lips. Next to him, she stood veiled in white and in a simple white gown, looking equal parts a pretty young woman and a frightened doe.
A knife she could not see twisted in her heart, as it had every night when she worked into the hours of darkness perfecting the sketch. It was a replica of the photo she had remembered so well. It had lived in a small frame atop the dresser in their bedroom. 
She had waited for him and feared he wasn’t going to come. Adam’s words were nothing new but with each passing year, they cut her heart deeper and deeper as the realization that they could very well be true hit stronger.
He had been so good to her. He was such a gentleman. He was so kind to his fans and random strangers on the street. He was a far better person than she had ever hoped to be. He had been a good son, a good husband and a good man. 
But here she was. And he wasn’t here with her. 
Could he still be alive? She wanted to believe it but Adam was right. Humans only lived so long. Surely, he had run out of time by now. 
Why wasn’t he here?
Isabel was lost in her thoughts as she walked the streets of Heaven, empty smile pasted on her face. It was the same empty smile she saw on the faces of those around her whom she knew were, like her, waiting on someone who may not be joining them. It was the empty smile of someone in denial, waiting until the last possible second on the clock before they face reality. 
A commotion jolted her from the peaceful cloud her mind had found itself on. All of hell had been abuzz with news that Hell’s Princess would be visiting Heaven. What for was being kept hush hush but still, it was an exciting change of pace. All were to treat her with the greatest respect on her diplomatic mission but all were also directed to avoid contact with her if at all possible. 
The justification for the order was fear that her hellish influence would cause someone to stumble and fall from grace. It sounded reasonable enough, until one got a glimpse of the girl. 
Hell’s princess was getting a grand tour by Emily. The dear seraphim looked to have finally found a match, endless enthusiasm radiated between the two young women. Never in a million lifetimes would Isabel think that Emily’s match was going to be the Princess of Hell but walking down the street they looked to be two peas in a pod. 
Sara trailed behind them, looking like a put out babysitter more than anything else. 
Isabel watched them for a moment, clutching the small silver coin purse in her hand. Money wasn’t a thing in Heaven but she, like many, carried a purse or wallet to keep trinkets or pictures close. 
Inside the small purse, she could feel the shape of the pocket watch she carried. She’d never dare trusting the small token of her life to be left alone where Adam may find it. The act of pining over those still alive or worse, those who fell in death was frowned upon in Heaven. Those who waited kept their hopes and fears close to their hearts, carrying any evidence of their Heavenly treason on their persons for safe keeping. 
Fear and doubt warred within her heart as she weighed her options, watching the Princess with the bright smile. There was no way she could find herself alone with the princess but Emily was a kind soul. Sara looked to be wholly disengaged with the spectacle.
If she were to be quick, maybe no one else would pay her any mind. 
If she was lucky, maybe Emily wouldn’t think anything of an angel sending a trinket out. 
If Sara was merciful, maybe there would be no repercussions. 
“Wait!” Isabel called out before she had a chance to even think through what she was going to do or say. Her feet slapped the pavement, simple shoes falling away as she ran, throwing aside the option of flying under the radar. She would have to count on mercy. “Please, wait!”
They stopped, hesitating. It was obvious having someone call out for them, stop them in the street wasn’t in the Seraphim’s plans. Surprise lit up the Princess’ face but she didn’t appear to mind the intrusion in the slightest. 
“Please,” Tears welled in Isabel’s eyes as she came face to face with the Princess. Already her plan was gone. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?
“Isabel?” Emily was clearly caught off guard by the tears in her eyes. The whole reason for Emily to be was to bring the people of Heaven joy. To see one of her people so clearly suffering was shocking,“Is everything alright?” 
“I’ve been waiting for my husband. I- I fear that he’s passed but not been able to join me here.” 
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll be up here any year now?” Emily was ever the optimist. That was what the angels had all been instructed to say. It would happen any year, nothing to worry about. Don’t you dwell on those missing from your life, just be happy. “We’re a bit in a hurry, we’ll talk later?” 
Isabel pushed the silver pocket watch into the Princess’ hand. “His name is Alastor. If he’s in your domain, give him this. Tell him I’ll wait forever, until we can be together again. Tell him I’ll never love another.” 
“Alastor?” Charlie said as her companion pulled her along, clearly not wanting to prolong the trip.
“Get away from them,” Adam’s hand wrapped around Isabel’s upper arm and yanked her back from the Princess, sending her hard to the pavement. If the aggression of the action was intentional or not, no one dared speculate, “Let’s get this over with.”
Charlie was lost in her thoughts as her feet hit the ground in Hell. There was so much on her mind, everything about the meeting left turmoil in her heart. Still, when she closed her eyes she saw the wisp of a woman and the way Adam tossed her aside carelessly. 
“She couldn’t have meant our Alastor?” Charlie was lost, unsure where or what to do next. Vaggie’s betrayal stung her heart but in the moment, who else did she have to talk to?
“It doesn’t look like him.” Vaggie took the pocket watch from Charlie and looked closely at the picture before passing it back. The man looked kind, soft and frankly too normal to be the Alastor they knew. 
“But it looks kind of like him?” Charlie focused on the way he smiled. 
“Maybe if you squint?” Vaggie squinted her eyes, looking at the picture in Charlie’s hands, “And if you have really bad eyesight?”
“It seemed like it was a big deal to her.” Charlie couldn’t get the fear and tears in the woman’s eyes out of her mind. 
“Emily called her Isabel?” Vaggie mused. “She did look upset.”
“Maybe we should just ask him and see if he knows her?” 
“Oh yeah, I’m sure that’ll go great. Ask the guy that has shown no interest in anyone or anything if he was ever married.” Vaggie rolled her eyes. “When have you seen him care about anyone?”
“I- I don’t know.” Charlie sighed. “But she was so, I don’t know, sad? Scared?” 
“It’s Heaven, people aren’t scared or sad in Heaven,” Vaggie sighed.
“But she was,” Charlie didn’t have it in her to argue with the woman who had spent years lying to her in that moment. 
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ani-iu · 3 months
[𝟏] 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 | angel 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 × female human 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After your boyfriend’s untimely death, as you try to find a place to hide from an upcoming storm, you find the cover inside an occult store. It turns out that if you can strike up a conversation with the owner, she will be more than glad to show you all the cool stuff in the back, like, for example, a portal to the afterlife. Just your luck, because said contraption is powered by lightning. Want to see your recently deceased lover? Step right in! That man was no angel, so when you teleport yourself to Hell while it's in an active battle against Heaven, you go straight to the little man in charge and ask him to bring your man back to life. Witnessing such devotion and loyalty as your tiny human self stands up to the literal Devil from the Bible without an ounce of fear does something to the first man’s heart. And the best thing about this whole thing? Your ring finger looks awfully empty. Adam can fix that in exchange for the unconditional love you have for that unworthy sinner.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: marriage of convenience; forced proximity; angst; domestic; first chapter inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice; crackfic; possessive Adam; he falls first and harder; misogyny; Adam being Adam; explicit language; religious imagery & symbolism; sexual tension; eventual smut; happy ending; not canon compliant.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4,7k.
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// who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead?
𝐒eth and you were classmates from sixth grade until high school. From that point, when you started dating his best friend Marcel, you two became deskmates up until graduation. Now, as the two of you are scrubbing Marcel’s blood out of his studio apartment floor, you wonder what that makes you. Acquaintances? Friends?
"How is he?" Seth asks without looking up at you. He has been scrubbing that particular spot in front of him for a while now. You would be lying if you said that it didn’t annoy you. At this rate, he will ruin the parquet.
"Getting better, actually. They moved him into an intensive care unit. I can finally sit next to him, although I had to pull some strings. They only allow family members to visit." You offer him the bit of information just like you would a piece of salmon to a starving but frightened cat, knowing that he won't ask for it himself, even though he wants to. The feeling of guilt is overshadowing any common sense in him, doing more harm than good. It wasn't like he shot Marcel himself. He just thought it was smart to bring a gun around your dumbass boyfriend. But that’s what makes them best friends — shared stupidity. "I’m going to visit him later today. Would you like to come?"
When you don’t receive an answer, you sit back on your heels and give your full attention to the man trying his hardest to avoid it. He shifts a little, his mouth drawn into a straight line. A moment passes before he speaks up.
"I will go another day."
You nod and the silence befalls the two of you again.
» » »
Even though the hospital, for the most part, has been freshly renovated, you don’t need to look very closely at the cracked, pale walls — in colour and lack of any decorations on them — to know that the intensive care unit is still left untouched by the spackling paste. The sole fact that you can still pick up the nostalgic buzzing from the lights overhead is enough of a sign. Nowadays, it is a rare sound to hear as fluorescent lights are being replaced by LEDs. 
Your hands are resting on the elevated part of the nurse station’s counter, fingers drumming against the glossy surface to stop them from trembling and eyes cast to the side, while you wait for the nurse to look through the patient list for the name you gave her. An astringent hand sanitiser stench is prevalent in the air and you can already sense the incoming migraine. Now that you think about it, you don't have any medication for it. You should buy some on your way home; maybe even get some bananas for a smoothie. The pharmacy is in the same building as the grocery store—
"My condolences, miss."
"Sorry?" You raise your eyebrows, not fully comprehending what she just dropped on you.
"He passed away this morning. We already informed the immediate family."
The white noise from the lighting fixtures above, which was calming and familiar just a moment ago, grows dreadfully louder by the second inside your head as you stare off into space. Your eyes sting with unshed tears as you try your hardest to keep yourself from bawling in front of the poor, overworked nurse, even if, at that moment, you felt like your entire life just crumbled right in front of you. 
Your mouth goes dry, yet you still try to swallow a lump forming in your throat before you attempt to speak, your voice barely rising above a whisper, "The doctor said his condition was stable." It had to be a mistake. She must have read it wrong.
"I’m sorry, miss, but everything can change in a moment."
Your fingers are now holding the edge of the counter, so you won’t fall to the ground. "I see. Thank you for the information."
You turn away from the young nurse’s apologetic face and take big strides towards the exit because if you walk any slower, your knees will simply give out from underneath you. You can't really see anything through the tears. You bump into the corner of the wall when you take a turn and are not able to make out the first number you press to call. Luckily for you, it's Seth. You hear him say your name and something else, but it all sounds foggy.
"Hi." You manage to squeak out as your throat tightens.
"Are you okay?" His voice is clearer now, but you can't speak the words out loud. Because if you do, then that would mean all of this is true and not a nightmare. "Hey! Speak to me—"
"He’s dead." You get the words out and sink your teeth into your bottom lip to stop it from quivering. "Can you come now? Please."
You don’t know how long it took Seth to get to your current location at one of the many unoccupied benches near the entrance of the hospital, but judging by his short-winded and dishevelled self, standing in front of you, he at least tried to come as quickly as possible. He doesn't say anything as he places a warm cup of what appears to be coffee into your cold hands, yet it fails to provide any warmth. You are freezing from inside, but what you feel is nothing compared to what Marcel’s dead body is feeling, stuffed into the fridge of the hospital’s mortuary. Oh God...
"Why the fuck did you bring that fucking gun to him?!" You scream at Seth, who grows stiff when you throw the coffee to the side in a burst of anger. You regret your outburst almost immediately, putting your face into your hands and letting out a heartbreaking wail. "I'm sorry, Seth! I didn’t mean it! I’m sorry!"
Seth instantly moves to sit beside you, letting you unleash everything in his sweatshirt. The sound coming out of your throat is not human; it's more akin to that of a wounded animal, to the point that it even scares you. You couldn’t believe that you could make that kind of noise. But all that the man does is hum and stroke the back of your head, allowing you to cry your heart out as much as you need.
"When are they giving his body back for the funeral? Do you know?" Seth places his hands in his lap, putting some distance between the two of you after you calmed down. You once again look like two strangers, with the only thing connecting you to one another being the bench you two are sharing at this moment in time.
"In the eyes of the law, I am nothing to him. Only his sister has access to that information."
"Fuck." Seth grunts, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms. "That bitch is off the grid! Are they really going to keep his body in the morgue until they reach her? If they reach her?!"
"Yeah, they can keep him for up to a month." You hug yourself, head cast downward. You are fidgeting, not knowing what to do with yourself. "So, I guess that’s it for now. My arms are tied."
Seth sighs. He knows that’s true. There is no need to lie to yourselves. "You’re right. We can’t change anything, so all we can do is wait. Come on, I will drive you home."
"No, it’s fine. I will take the bus. I have a lot on my mind that needs to be sorted out. Thank you, though, for coming and, uh, for the coffee too. I will repay you."
He looks at you for a minute before shaking his head and chuckling.
"Text me when you safely get home."
« « «
You should have accepted the offer from Seth.
It seems that the sky is in a mourning mood as well; what were once cyan-blue clouds have now darkened to decay-black, presaging a storm. The streets are partially empty, too. If you do see other people in your way, then they are scurrying to find shelter before the storm starts. Great idea. You should probably do the same. 
You turn your head to look for a shop where you could wait out the storm, but most of the storefronts lining the sidewalk are either closed or not open to the public.
The first drop of rain falls on your flushed cheek and rolls down, plopping on the hot asphalt. You brace yourself mentally to get soaked. Maybe it wouldn’t even be that bad. You could cry your heart out in the rain and no one would see or hear you. But the moment you come to terms with your wettish fate, that’s when you spot an old one-story building, its wooden exterior sticking out amidst the polished, modern architecture like a soar thumb.
LED lights spell out — OCCULT SUPPLIES. TAROT READINGS. SÉANCES — on a sign in the storefront window. Now that it’s darker outside, due to the rain clouds swallowing the mid-afternoon sun, the neon purple glow draws you in like a moth to a flame. You never believed those things, meaning you would never step inside this particular store under normal circumstances. But the second and then the third raindrop falls and you don't even register that you are walking up a few stairs towards the slightly cracked open door.
The bell at the door jingles as you try to inconspicuously step inside, ruining your attempt at a subtle entrance. Startled by the sound, you turn to walk out, but that's when the rain starts pouring buckets, effectively trapping you inside. 
A strong waft of incense assaults your nose, making you dizzy from the heady smell, while the ethereal music gives the place a dreamy, calming ambience. Strings of warm-hued lights hang from and illuminate the ceiling while tertiary colour-shaded lamps light the lower parts of the store as well as the merchandise on display. Everything has its place. Crystals, big and small, are placed inside the glass cube displays or poured into little, square, ceramic plates. Spell candles, incense and tarot decks line the wooden counters while dream catchers hang down from the exposed beams — it's cluttered but not messy. 
Walking around the shop, you notice that, while it certainly has much to offer in terms of saleable goods, the business lacks clients. The place is completely empty; no one is even sitting behind the cash register.
Just as this thought crosses your mind, an older woman walks from behind the silk brocade curtains.
"Oh! I didn’t hear you come in, dear."
"You are not closed, are you?" You joke, given the deathly silence of the store.
She shakes her head and throws a glance behind you towards the shop's open door, through which the cold gusts of wind carry the tasty smell of petrichor inside.
"We are going to be trapped here for a while. Are you looking for something in particular?"
"Hm? No, I’m not. Um, I was never into this kind of stuff. Just seeking shelter from the rain."
The woman hums and looks you over with a curious eye. You feel exposed under her gaze, fearing she might think you are shoplifting.
Finally, she ends the nerve-racking silence with a question, "Then would you like a reading to pass the time? On the house."
The shop owner opens up the curtain behind her and smiles, letting you know that you can step inside. In the backroom of the store, there is a table with a fringed tablecloth and a few cushioned chairs placed around the round, antique furniture. A single lamp in the middle illuminates the setup while keeping the surrounding area in relative darkness — like a spotlight cast at an actor on stage, making it clear to the audience where their attention should be directed — and guides you to where you should sit.
While you fidget in your seat, the woman takes her place in front of you. She puts her forearms on the clothed table, her palms facing upward. You warily present your own. Her skin is soft as she takes hold of your right hand and the heady lavender incense smell, cloying your senses, helps you put down your defences.
"Our right hand represents all of the characteristics we develop as we age. The left is supplementary." She explains. Her fingers gently graze the middle of your palm, making it tingle. She lifts your hand closer to her face and her thumb brushes over the mound formed at the base of the thumb of your palm. "Your mount of Venus is quite prominent. Your nature is sympathetic, gentle and you are blessed with the ability to find fulfilling romantic relationships." At that observation, you simply hum, not knowing what to say. But it doesn’t seem like the fortune-teller needs a penny for your thoughts. Instead, she turns her attention to the plump mound at the base of your little finger. "Your marriage line is straight and long. It indicates strong and long-lasting love! And it's curved upwards quite a bit too. That’s also a great sign! Reflects consistency in love and marriage." The woman looks you in the eyes and smirks. "You have the perfect groundwork in yourself to live out a fairytale love story if you play your cards right. Tell me, have you found your true love yet?"
You curl your palm into a fist and dig your fingernails into the skin, leaving a few more crescent lines on your skin, and in turn, you close yourself off to the woman. This had to be some sick joke. Some higher-being must be laughing at you with this palmistry nonsense.
"I lost my true love today. No marriage, no happy ever after." Your response is curt and cold.
"Oh, I’m so sorry, dear. I did notice that there is an island mark in the middle of the line. That usually symbolises uncertainty or some kind of interruption. You are still young. There are bound to be at least a few twists and turns in your love life."
"Sorry, but I don’t believe there is another man on this earth for me." You swallow down your hurt, not wanting to cry and burden the poor shopkeeper with your emotional baggage. "I just wish I could have at least said goodbye to him."
"Would you like to talk to him?" The woman lights up, confusing you a bit. Does she get so invested in every client that walks through the door? That must be draining. Then again, she doesn’t seem to get many people through the door…
"Like through an Ouija board? I would rather not. I think it’s bad juju."
"No, I don’t believe in that childish board game nonsense. To really channel the dead, you need a lot of strong, naturally sourced energy, the right invocation and a piece of equipment, of course, through which you can distribute that energy so it can be purposed the way you want. In this case, to create a link with our world and the afterlife."
You hear the thunder blare outside, putting a period after her speech. What did you get yourself into?
The shop owner walks up to a floor-length bookcase lining the room’s walls. Her tan finger softly grazes the jewel-toned linen spines of the hardcovers with the same care they touched your skin during your palm reading. "But we first need a specific incantation. What would your guess be about where your lover went? Heaven," her finger stops at an ethereal sapphire-blue tome and then quickly slides towards a fiery garnet-red facsimile, "or Hell?"
You stare at her, confused and wide-eyed, as you finally snap back to the present and digest her question. You silently point to the ground.
"Are you positive?"
"I love him, but there is no way he got past the pearly gates of Heaven." You shake your head in disapproval when reminded of Marcel's lifestyle prior to his passing and because of the fact that you are actually going through with all of this. You blame it on the grief. "What now?"
She steps to the side and reaches for heavy velvet curtains, pulling them to reveal what you surmise is a portal, although it is more akin to an antique brass mirror frame without the reflective part in the middle. "Now," the woman puts your attention back on herself. "We just need to turn on the portal and wait for the lighting to strike it. As soon as it lights up, read this incantation here while stepping through." She thrusts the weighty book into your hold.
You look at the line in Latin and then back at the woman. "Have you done this before?"
"Only a handful of times, but it works."
Just at that moment, the portal sparks to life, followed by a vicious roar of thunder. You panic while the woman feverishly gestures at the book. With a shaky voice, you croak out the foreign lines and when you are finished, the shopkeeper grabs the book from you and pushes you through the portal.
"Wait! How will I get back? And is it possible to bring him back with me?" The words spill out of your mouth.
"Believe me, they have no need for you there, so they will send you back. And as for the last part, you will have to find out for yourself. But I have a feeling you could figure something out. Good luck bargaining with the devil, dear!"
And with that, you are pushed all the way through the electrified portal. You feel yourself falling, as if you are on a rollercoaster that just plunged down. 
Terrified to open your eyes, you hug yourself and simply accept your fate, whatever it may be.
A sudden heat wave washes over you and you choke on the noxious fumes when you try to take a breath. The air is thick and leaves a sulphurous aftertaste at the back of your throat with every intake, but you have no other choice, still needing to sate your very live human lungs.
After what feels like an internity down the Earth’s crust, you finally collide with a hard surface and your eyes snap open from the impact. Your first instinct is to look up and see where you came from. From where you fell.
The sky above is a colour of congealed blood, spilled from all the satanic sacrifices offered through the ages. In the sea of red floats a huge, satanic star sphere, currently obstructed by vermilion streaks of smog, floating around like a personification of the plague. A substitute for the moon, you suppose, as it doesn’t glow like the angelic white core next to it — the glow from it is so lustrous that it illuminates the hellish sky like a sun it does not have. That small pearlescent centre is protected by matching multitudinous rings that themselves are surrounded by wing-like silky clouds. It looks cold and clinical compared to Hell's ambience.
You attempt to push yourself up from your sitting position with the help of your right hand, but the ground underneath is scorching and immediately melts off the flesh of your palm. All of your 'character development' is gone. What is left is a pulsing, meaty mess. 
Hissing from the sudden pain, you grab your wrist and, with all of your fate put on the strength of your calves, push yourself up from the ground. Only now that you are standing on your own two wobbly feet, do you finally acknowledge your surroundings at eye level.
Only to find yourself at the dead centre of attention. 
You have never felt so petrified and tiny in your entire life. God, you were really in Hell! 
In front of you, amongst the rubble and brimstone, stand giant demons with all kinds of features — most notably a spider demon, so nightmarishly tall and furry that your arachnophobe self almost said fuck it and went to scramble for an out, forgetting why she ventured here in the first place. But you quickly gather yourself by directing your attention to its side, where a white-skinned female demon, with bright rosy cheeks matching her red, knee-length dress, looks absolutely flabbergasted at you.
The atmosphere has dried your mouth to the point where your voice comes out painfully raspy.
"Oh, wow, the hellfire is no joke, huh? It’s hot in here." You awkwardly smile at the demoness, fanning yourself with your injured hand to make a point. "I really don’t want to intrude, but you wouldn’t know where I could find Lucifer?"
She gawks at your human presence in silence and then points to your side. You turn your head in that direction to see— oh! He’s... short?
"I’m here to plead a case!" You go straight to the point, turning to face the devil himself, who is very similar to the demoness in appearance. Not that you care much about that. It's not what you are here for. "My boyfriend just got here, not long ago, and I think it’s not his time yet! I would like to bring him back, um, please." You finish off with a smile.
More silence. You guess it’s not a daily occurrence for the living to venture down here of their own volition, if at all.
"And you were sure I would go here?!"
A sudden lightness washes over your whole body when you hear Marcel's voice coming from somewhere in the crowd. You didn't realise how tense you were. Your heart starts to flutter with undescribable longing and you fight the urge to look for him. You will have enough time to kiss and punch him — in that exact order — after you successfully bring his ass back to life. Right now, you’re a woman on a mission.
But Lucifer, like everyone else, is more than taken aback and stays silent. This is so awkward. I hate situations like these. Marcel better be thankful—
"Hey, bitch, you are kind of interrupting something."
You turn your head a little bit and cast your wide-eyed gaze to your side, where black, long, talon-like claws have at some point coiled around your bicep. Before you can fully comprehend what’s happening, you are forcefully turned to face your rude assailant. The tip of your nose brushes against a soft fabric, so you pull back your face a tiny bit and trail your determined gaze upwards, only to lock eyes with a hellish creature. Your knees buckle underneath you, but determination is stronger than fear at the moment. Or maybe you're just suicidal.
"I’m sorry for the interruption, but this will only take a minute." Your words take the horned demon aback. As you turn your attention back towards the most hated being in the whole of creation, who was your only chance at the moment, you resume your plea in hopes Lucifer starts talking soon. It was getting very difficult to breathe. "As I was saying—"
Suddenly, you feel a gust of warm breath tickle your ear, making you shudder. The demon is not done with the conversation, it seems. "What would you do for his soul to be returned?"
Now both of your biceps are in the creature's hold as he holds you with your back against his front like a human shield. "You heard me."
Was your perseverance not plain to see to these creatures? You went to Hell, for God’s sake! "Anything."
"Hmm, marry me."
"..what?" You whisper under your breath, confounded with wonder if you heard his words correctly or if the pernicious air managed to cause auditory hallucinations in such a short time.
Honestly, you didn't expect a hue and cry from Hell's inhabitants, who are just as surprised as you are at the proposition. Although, their exclamations did confirm you weren't hearing things, presently, that gave little comfort to you. It was the least of your worries. You are more concerned with what the words entail. You did expect a demon to ask for your soul, but not in that way. Marriage?
Your breathing quickens, but you have to stay level-headed. "Will you bring him back to life?"
"No," he shrugs. You inhale, about to respond, but the conniving tone of voice is quicker. "But I won’t snap him out of existence." Your eyes widen when you watch the black claw bend to make a finger gun and slowly move to point at— oh my God, Marcel... "Either he ceases to exist altogether, or he at least gets to live out his miserable afterlife here. Imagine coming all this way only for him to get double-killed..."
Seeing your demon boyfriend being held at a literal finger-gunpoint, you come to realise what a biblical mess you got yourself into by realm-hopping. By trying to meddle with faith, you only made things worse. And you can only blame yourself.
"Adam, what the fuck?!" Finally, the devil talks. His forked tongue spits out his words in unadulterated fury and now you understand why Adam is tugging your fear-stricken and pliant body closer to his soft stomach — he IS using you as a human shield. Confusing because why would Lucifer, the fallen angel himself, be opposed to harming a useless mortal?
Adam leans down next to your ear, his breath hotter than Hell's air itself. "You have three seconds, babe."
Not enough. You need at the very least three business days to wrap your head around all of this. You lock eyes with Marcel again, who is currently being held back by the spider demon from running towards you. Really? Out of all the demons in Hell?! You can't even look at your lover for the last time without your body violently recoiling.
"Listen to me, you have to go home!" Marcel's voice is pleading. Does he really think you would give up on him this easily when you travelled to Hell for him?
"Leave! You wouldn’t have brought me back either way! What were you even thinking?!" His words take on a sharper tone out of desperation, but they have little effect on you. You know that, at heart, he's a good guy who never said a bad word to you or, God forbid, raised his voice.
There is no time left; a decision has to be made. No result is going to be satisfactory. You have to choose one of the two evils. And based on how Marcel’s face twists in despair and anguish, you know that he understood that you would not be changing your mind. That’s what he found so endearing about you. You never backed down.
"I love you." Marcel stops struggling and all he can do is watch as you make your decision.
A tear rolls down your cheek, but when it reaches your chin, the drop has already evaporated.
You feel Adam's body vibrating as he lets out a chuckle. "You should have stayed in the living world, girlie. Ladies, we are retreating back to Heaven!"
Heaven?! This cruel ploy was the work of an angel?
Adam grabs you by the waist and hoists you up, throwing you over his shoulder like you weigh nothing. You probably did weigh less at the moment, because you are pretty sure that your soul has left your body since you heard that the grinning demon behind you was an angel this whole time.
You are amidst turning back to look at the love of your life for the last time, but before you can do so, Adam grabs your face, painfully squishing your cheeks and turning you to look back at him. "Don’t look back now, wifey, or you will turn into a pillar of salt."
His golden wings flare out behind him, ready for takeoff and you tightly shut your eyes as you dig your nails into his purple ecclesiastical vestments.
You should have stayed in the rain and dealt with your grief by crying your heart out. But now Marcel is still dead in Hell and you just gave your soul away to the demonic angel.
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chronic-escapixt · 3 months
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Garden of Eden AU: Klaus is literally the devil and Bonnie is Lilith
She laid out beneath the shade of her favorite tree, like she always had around this time of day, only this instance, Adam was nowhere in sight. 
The slithering serpent decided to make his move, proposing his most generous offer to the desperate mortal, who so badly wanted a way out of the life that was chosen for her - made of the same soil as Adam, yet cursed to live as just an extension of him as his wife. Klaus didn’t desire a subordinate, he had enough of those already, he wanted a Queen to rule his dominion at his side - and who better than the first woman?
The lovely creature was too busy tending to a patch of lotus flowers at the bank of their little pond to notice when he ascended from the tree. She turned at the sound of his footsteps getting closer and confronted him in his truest form. She recognized him instantly, the sulfuric soot from Hell’s embers stained his perfect skin. But she didn’t startle, eyes widened just a little in pure curiosity of the only other living being she had encountered. 
He was awfully beautiful for a demon with his blushed lips that looked soft to the touch, sparkling skin that was speckled with freckles and beauty marks and tousells of blonde hair to frame his face. But after all, he was a fallen angel. 
Without a word, he reached up and grabbed the ripest pomegranate from his father’s tree. The very tree that was forbidden to consume from. The very tree she constantly preferred to sit beneath, as if toying with the idea of temptation. Now, temptation has confronted her in human form, holding the picked fruit in his hand. 
She rose to her feet. 
That Fruit is Forbidden.
He continued, fingers prodding the fruit, digging into the husk before slowly tearing it apart. 
You will live eternally and prosper within the confines of this garden in so far as you spend your countless days conforming to the plans everyone else has set forth for you - your husband, my father. Your destiny will be determined by others who will dictate who you will be for all of eternity.
She watched with bated breath as he took a bite, so casually breaking the only rule set forth for them. 
But there is more than just this garden. This is a whole universe, bountiful in opportunity, worlds beyond this one where we can create our own stories with our choices. You do not have to be a prop in my father’s garden, not when you can choose free will.
Her eyes flickered up to his blues, fiery with passion. 
And what will become of me if I take it? 
Though she always fantasized about that very thing, she was afraid. For all she knew she could turn back to the heap of dust she was created from.
He smiled, dipping into the flesh to collect the dark red juice on his fingers before raising them to her lips. 
You will embark on the greatest adventure of all, becoming my queen.
She shouldn’t have considered it. She should have pushed him away, called for her husband but she didn’t. The temptation to take what was right in front of her was too much to resist. She did not want to be a puppet to the creator and the wife of the first man. She wanted to choose.. 
Just a bit of the juice dripped from the corner of his mouth, staining his glistening skin crimson all the way down his jaw. 
She wanted to sin. 
She took hold of his hand, pulling him down to her level and licking the sweet juice from his lip. He grinned, watching the flavor invigorate her, fill her mind with power and desire. The most lovely flower in his father’s garden was his at last. 
Thunder cracked overhead, storm clouds swelling and swirling, a sign that his almighty father had learned the news. Klaus pulled her close and whisked her away to his subterranean kingdom where they'd rule together.
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midwestmade29 · 3 months
Hangman's vignette on Collision was very inspiring 😂 Thus this story was born. I miss him and have my fingers crossed so tightly that he really is the wildcard for Dynamite this Wednesday 🤞🏻
Word count: 2.2k Divider by: @saradika-graphics *GIF is not mine. All credit goes to original creator.
Disclaimers: Cursing, unprotected sex. Read at your own discretion.
Written from Hangman's POV 🙂
Hangman's nerves are getting the best of him so he calls on you to help calm them...
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It was the night before I would be making my return to AEW as the wildcard. These last few months have been difficult, mostly because I’ve had to learn to live without her.
I knew she would be in Chicago. I knew that despite all the hell I’ve put her through, she wouldn’t miss this big moment. My mind is racing, my anxiety is through the roof of this hotel. I’m pretty sure if I don’t stop pacing, I’m going to be greeting the guests below me soon after my feet burn a hole in this floor.
The whiskey wasn’t helping. Shit, I’ve used that one too many times as a way to numb anything and everything, I’m practically immune to it now. There was only one thing that would calm me down at this point. Only one person who quiets my thoughts and makes me feel whole. I had to see her.
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I pulled out my phone and sent Y/N a text, hoping and praying that my gut was right, and she was in fact in Chicago.
I need to see you. Are you here?
To anyone else, the message might be slightly vague, but I knew that she would understand. I sat the phone on the desk and pulled up the rolling chair, just staring at the screen. For 10 minutes, the damn thing only said “delivered.” She hadn’t read the message yet.
I sighed and walked towards the bathroom when my phone dinged and stopped me in my tracks. I damn near tripped over my boots on my way back to the desk in my hurry. My heart was hammering against my chest when I unlocked the screen and went to my texts.
Yes. Marriott next to the arena. Room 3412.
I let out a shaky breath once I realized she was staying in this very hotel. I was on the 37th floor so we weren’t far apart. With my phone placed back in my pocket and my keycard in hand, I walked out of my room to the bank of elevators.
Some higher power had to be messing with me right now. Y/N is only 3 floors below me, but damn is this thing moving slowly. Not to mention the large group of people that got on and off every floor on the way down.
The doors slid open, and I stepped off, looking left and right trying to see which direction I needed to go. With a right then left turn, I was standing outside Y/N’s door.
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When she opened it, I swore I saw an angel. She was just as beautiful as the last time I saw her almost 4 months ago. It hurt like hell and felt so good at the same time being in her presence again. I’m just thankful she even agreed to see me.
I entered her room without a word spoken between either of us. I looked around and only saw 1 bed along with 1 suitcase. She was alone. Thank God.
“I know you’re nervous, but the crowd is going to love you, Adam. They’ll be happy to have their cowboy back,” Y/N said softly.
She was leaning against the wall with her arms wrapped around her body, making me wish they were my arms around her instead. This woman knew me better than anyone, hell she knows me better than I know myself. She understands me. She accepts me. She’s always been my missing piece.
“Is it that obvious?” I asked with a nervous laugh. It was comforting and sometimes maddening that she could read me so well.
“Everything will go smoothly, and you’ll get back in the swing of things. You’re a natural. You just have to believe in yourself the way everyone else does Adam. You’ve got this. I know things aren’t ideal right now behind the scenes, but you’ll figure it out. Pick the path you want to go down and don’t look back,”
It felt like I was 20 pounds lighter hearing her words and knowing she still believes in me. I offered her my best smile while I took a moment to let her encouragement sink in. She shocked me when she walked over to me and placed her hand on my cheek. The familiar scent of her started to dance around my nose as I inhaled, it was intoxicating. It still lingered on her pillow in my bed at home.
Her fingers rubbed my beard, making me melt into her touch. Our eyes were on one another as we drank each other in.
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“I’m glad the mustache is back to normal by the way. You look more like my-“ Y/N smiled before she stopped herself from saying whatever else she was going to say.
“I look more like your what, Y/N?”
Sadness flashed across her face, but she recovered quickly. She brushed a stray strand of hair away from my face while she answered me.
“My Adam. You look more like my Adam now,”
Y/N looked up at me, waiting for me to make the next move. I could tell she was afraid she had said too much, but she said everything I wanted, needed to hear. I leaned down and kissed her. I kissed her hard and I kissed her good. She tasted so fucking sweet as I slid my tongue in between her lips, savoring every second of this moment. God, I missed this. I missed her.
When I broke the kiss, her lips were already a little swollen. She tried to catch her breath as I kissed her jawline down to her neck, nipping and sucking until I found that sweet spot that made her come alive for me. My cock twitched in my jeans when she let out a breathy moan, letting me know I found my target.
I stole the moan right out of her mouth when I kissed her lips again, swallowing the sound whole and eating it up. Her fingers worked quickly to undo the buttons on my shirt, and when she slid it down my arms, the fire blazing in her eyes threatened to set the entire room on fire. Her fingertips traced along the lines of my chest, lightly grazing the scars that were scattered on the skin there before kissing them softly.
I tried my best to let her have the lead, at least for now but my resolve was fading the longer she looked at me with those lust blown eyes. Y/N unbuckled my belt, then the button and zipper before helping me shimmy my jeans down my legs and to the floor. She drug her nails gently up my thighs to my hips and up my chest, causing a shiver to run through me. She snaked her arms around my neck and splayed her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck.
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I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her over to the bed. The feeling of her pressing against my hard cock through my underwear was so good and torturous at the same time. I needed her. I needed this. We needed each other.
I laid her down on the bed gently, my lips finding hers once more. She arched her back and lifted herself slightly as I pulled her shirt up to remove it, revealing her bare breast underneath. Y/N is perfect. She’s the epitome of all things good and beautiful.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen Y/N. Every inch of you is divine. I can never get enough of you,” I whispered as I made my way down her torso.
I made a trail with my lips and tongue until I reached the hem of her pants. I hooked my fingers underneath the band and tugged while she lifted her ass off the bed to let me pull them off. Her underwear was next and ended up in the pile on the floor with our other discarded clothes. Y/N watched me intently as I spread her legs wide and positioned myself in between them.
“I’ve tasted your lips, but now I want to taste the rest of you sweetheart. Let me pleasure you, take what you need from my mouth. I don’t plan on stopping until I hear you cum,”
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The gasp she let out the second I dove in made me stiffen even more. My boxers were feeling tighter and tighter with each minute that passed.
Every swipe and flick of my tongue against her clit was bringing her closer and closer to her release. I licked and lapped around her while I pumped my fingers in and out of her. Her moans were sugary sweet and satisfying, I couldn’t help but groan against her sensitive bud. Y/N intertwined her fingers in my hair, lightly pulling and tugging while her hips bucked and pressed herself even more against my tongue.
I wrapped my arms around her thighs when she finally came, holding her in place as I licked and sucked her through her release. She squirmed and moaned as each tremor wracked her body. I placed a kiss on her inner thigh before sitting up and pulling her to me. Our centers collided, making us both blow out a rush of air as my cock slid around her wet folds.
I refrained from pushing myself all the way into her. I wanted to draw things out as long as I could before we couldn’t take it anymore. My mouth took in one of her nipples while my hand played with the other.  My teeth grazed the pink bud, my tongue following afterwards before I sucked it into my mouth and released it. I kissed my way over to her other stiff peak, taking it into my mouth to continue my teasing.
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“A-Adam please. I want you; I need to feel all of you. Please,” Y/N’s plea was nothing more than a breathy murmur.
She was ready for me, and I was so ready for her. I reached between our bodies and lined myself up with her entrance, my breath catching in my throat as the head of my cock rested against the soft inner lining of her pussy. If I could bottle this feeling up, I would so I could enjoy it any time I wanted to.
My forearms supported most of my weight as I inched myself inside of her. Y/N felt incredible, so tight and so warm against me.  So wet and so perfect for me. Her walls stretched around me, eventually giving me full access and allowing me to be fully sheathed. I started moving against her slowly at first before increasing my speed.
Our bodies worked together in perfect harmony as we both chased euphoria. Y/N dug her nails into my back whenever I hit her sweet spot, her eyes fluttered closed when I leaned down and kissed her neck. We were both panting and sweaty and so completely lost in each other.
“Darlin, you’ve been so good for me. So, fucking good. I can feel how close you are. Let yourself go sweetheart,” I whispered against the shell of her ear.
Y/N pressed her heels into my ass, bringing us even closer together as I continued thrusting, much deeper now. I felt her flutter around my cock, and I knew she was done for. I watched as the most incredible woman I’ve ever known fell apart beneath me. Her lips parted and her sweet voice cried out my name. Her legs twitched and her cheeks flushed while her body absorbed every ounce of pleasure her orgasm brought.
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I’ve never wanted time to stand still as badly as I do right now. Y/N completely blissed out and me seconds behind her. Both of us so fucking high off one another we may never come back down from it. My release detonated, wave after wave of satisfaction crashed against every part of me as I thrusted erratically. I grunted into Y/N’s chest as each rope of my cum filled her until I had nothing left.
It was minutes before I could bring myself to pull out of her. Part of it was because it just felt so damn good being inside of her, but the other part was because I wasn’t sure what would happen between us next. I couldn’t help but feel sentimental during this intimate moment, my thoughts and feelings threatened to drown me when they came flooding back into my mind.
Once I was lying on my back with Y/N resting her head on my chest, she worked her magic again. The warmth of her skin against mine mixed with the feeling of being completely sated, she put an end to my thoughts and worries. The noise in my head was now quiet. She did all this without even trying!
Not long after I pulled the covers over both of us, we fell into a peaceful sleep. I held her through most of the night before we repositioned, and our limbs ended up tangled together. There’s no way for me to ever thank her properly for all that she’s done for me and continues to do. I know I’ll spend the rest of forever trying my best to show her just how grateful I really am. Months ago I made the biggest mistake of my life letting her go. Tonight felt like a second chance, a fresh start. I had to do whatever I could to make her mine again.
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amberjazmyn · 2 months
you're only human, just a little human 💔🥹
pairing : max verstappen x fem!reader
summary : five times max verstappen should have cried but didn't + the one time he finally cries 
warnings :  j*s verstappen (yes, that's a warning), a swear word, dodgy english to dutch translations, self-depricating jokes, trauma, tears (that should have happened, sad and happy) sad max verstappen (once again, that's a warning because sad max is devastating) and a little bit of christina perri because her songs (especially human) are devastating
a/n : when i first wrote this for wattpad, i was lowkey shocked that i remembered it as well as i did when i first thought about it! don't forget to like and reblog. comment too and don't be shy to request a fic!
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the first time that max verstappen should have cried but didn't was when he had to first leave his younger sister and mum after the divorce of his parents. sophie and jos verstappen's marriage, whilst at the beginning seemed great, that 'greatness' would not last for much longer. at the ages of eight and six, max and victoria verstappen would be separated from one another. victoria staying with their mum and max with their dad as max's possible career as a formula 1 driver was something that was becoming stronger each passing day. and it was devastating having to move away from his mum and sister, little max wasn't sure why little victoria couldn't just, come with them so then max and victoria could be together with both of their parents rather than have one kid with one parent. in all honesty, it felt a little anti-climactic that jos verstappen felt like the best idea after the divorce was to split up his children however, of course, max nor victoria were able to try and stop it otherwise the likelihood of jos getting violent was very clear. and, obviously, being ages eight and six, that was not something that the two little verstappens wanted. seeing their dad get violent was never fun and it was scary. 
at first, max did cry when he was younger. of course he did, every baby cries, that's how we are brought into the world as humans, female or male, doesn't matter. crying is the only way babies and toddlers that aren't able to talk are able to let people know how they feel. whether they are hungry, tired or unwell, they will cry to let their parents or just someone know that they need help. however, because of the way jos brought up his two kids, max specifically, he would tell max to suck it up and to stop crying as the eight year old got older. telling him that crying was weak and he couldn't stand the thought of having a weepy, weak son who he'd one day want to have as a famous formula 1 driver. because in jos' eyes, formula 1 drivers weren't 'babies'. in jos' eyes, formula 1 drivers were robots that were incapable of expressing true human emotions. and that was what he was 'training' little max verstappen to become. a robot that was incapable of expressing how he really felt because the fear of his father's wrath was more powerful and something he never ever wanted to cross in his lifetime. and, in a moment where he should have joined his mum and little sister victoria in their tears, he didn't. all because of how terrified he was of his father catching him crying. even though any other parent (sophie included) would have completely understood little max's tears, jos was not that nice or understanding nor was he capable of having those human emotions himself. 
sophie felt tears well in her eyes as she picked up little six-year-old victoria verstappen. it was a devastating thought that she would be letting her eight-year-old son, her first born, away with her ex-husband, the father of her two kids. that and the fact that she truly had no idea when she would have the opportunity to see her little boy again. especially since jos had been quite adamant of him taking max with him and leaving victoria with sophie. 
victoria was devastated. she was hysterical as she watched the way her dad and older brother max could just easily up and leave her and sophie so easily. just so max could improve his karting skills. however, whilst she was only six, it was obvious that this was something to do with her dad. whilst max loved driving and cars because he was a little boy, what else did little boys enjoy as kids other than cars, especially ones that were really fast like race cars? however, this was clearly more of a thing for jos and his bruised ego from when he didn't do well enough as a formula 1 racer himself. and because victoria was so devastated, she hoped that if she cried just enough, it would get a reaction from max, making him feel guilty and decide to come back to be with her and their mum rather than leave with jos. 
however, it was clear to sophie as well as max that victoria's loud wails and hysterics were bringing jos to a boiling point. of course, if the man even tried to think about advancing at victoria over her emotions, he would wish he didn't. especially in front of not just one of their kids but both of them. 
warning her ex-husband, sophie stood firm, holding her hysterical daughter tightly, "denk er niet eens over na, jos!" sophie narrowed her eyes as jos bit his lip in a moment of tense anger, victoria still hysterical and max in the middle of it all unsure on how to react don't even think about it, jos!
"denk eens na, sofie? wat dacht je dat ik ging doen?" jos grumbled, folding his arms over one another, max trying to calm his little sister down, sophie noticing and smiling at her eldest lovingly think about what sophie? what did you think i was going to do?
"je weet verdomd goed wat je ging doen en dat laat ik je niet toe!" sophie's voice started to match her ex-husbands and it was clear the distress for little victoria was too much you bloody well know what you were about to do and i will not let you!
victoria was so hysterical and distressed to the point where the only person who could now calm her down was older brother max. so, sophie let the little girl wriggle out of her grip and rush over to her older brother who took the both of them back inside their house whilst their parents continued arguing and raising their voices at one another. 
comforting his little sister with sweet nothings in dutch and little coos, max knew why his parents were arguing. and it wasn't just because it was clear that jos was ready to strike victoria because she was crying and he couldn't handle his own crying kids. only knowing how to resort to physical abuse because maybe that was the way he was treated as a child when he cried? honestly, max had no idea why jos always got so aggravated when he or victoria would cry. they were arguing because jos wanted to separate their family and take max away from sophie and victoria. whilst it was obvious that maybe, max could get very good in karting and then later on be a formula 1 driver but, was it necessary to take him away entirely from his mum and younger sister? 
both max and victoria jumped in fear from hearing their mum scream at their father, "omdat je niet weet hoe je met je eigen emoties moet omgaan, als je twee kinderen emoties tonen, is het eerste dat in je opkomt om ze daarvoor te straffen en dat is niet oké! daarom huilt max niet meer, omdat hij zo bang is dat je hem pijn doet dat hij fysiek niet meer in staat is om te huilen terwijl hij zou moeten zijn, omdat hij gedwongen wordt zijn moeder en zusje te verlaten!" it was obvious from hearing that from his mother that jos was going to hit or discipline victoria physically for crying if sophie hadn't stopped him and that scared max because you don't know how to handle your own emotions, when your two children show emotions, the first thing that comes into your mind is to punish them for it and that is not okay! that's why max doesn't cry anymore, because he's so afraid of you hurting him that he's physically unable to cry now when he should be because he's being forced to leave his mum and baby sister!
now max really didn't want to leave with his dad without his mum and sister. this outburst of his father about to strike his little sister for crying over having to say goodbye to her older brother was terrifying. it was the first time that max had really seen it from a different perspective as it was always him getting the verbal implications of jos' wrath if he ever dared slip up and accidentally show emotion in front of his father, not the other way around. this was the first time he had ever come close to seeing what happened to him happen to victoria. and he was only eight years old at eight, you shouldn't have to worry about being struck because he was expressing his emotions and crying. no one should be physically disciplined for crying when they have no other way to properly express how they're feeling. 
expecting to hear their father to yell, defend or even do anything in response to their mum's claim, they were shocked to hear nothing come out of their father's mouth. slowly coming back to the front door, they noticed how their father just stood opened mouth, like a fish, in shock at what their mother had just yelled at him. his silence proved to sophie more so than it proved it to max and victoria that she was correct in her claims. that because he didn't know how to handle his own emotions, whenever someone else, his kids specifically, showed emotions he wasn't familiar with, he would get violent. 
eventually, sophie and jos stopped arguing and eventually, it was time for jos and max to leave sophie and victoria. and it was as awful as anyone could have imagined it. except, max didn't cry but he really should have. 
"doei victoria, ik zie je snel schat. gedraag je voor mama, ik hou van je!" max whispered, hugging his little sister for one last time in the safety of his mother's arms, victoria being picked up again by her so jos couldn't get to her if he did have another violent outburst bye victoria, i'll see you soon darling. behave for mummy, i love you!
whilst she wasn't entirely hysterical anymore, victoria still had tears streaming down her little chubby cheeks as she farewelled her older brother, "doei maxie! ik beloof dat ik me voor mama zal gedragen, ik hou ook van jou!" victoria sniffled, her arms reaching forward to be held by her older brother as max stepped further away bye maxie! i promise i'll behave for mummy, love you too!
even though it didn't seem obvious to those people looking in, max was devastated to say goodbye to his mum and little sister. it was moments like this that max wished he could cry without the fear of his own father getting physical with him all because he was expressing his upset in the only way he knew how to. he wanted to cry but he couldn't. 
the second time that max verstappen should have cried but didn't was after he had lost a race, achieving second overall. jos was seething with rage because he knew that his son could win. he had made sure his son could win every single race however, the time he didn't win but came second, of course wasn't accetable in jos' eyes. for jos, if max didn't win, it wasn't good enough. max coming second was so terrifying for the kid that he kept his helmet on for four hours because he was so scared of getting hurt by his dad because he didn't win the race. that being the reason he should have cried, not that he achieved second place. whilst he did love to win, if he came second, it was still a good result in max's eyes however he was always scared for his dad's reactions if he got anything less than first place.  
and because of that, max knew if he kept his helmet on for as long as he possibly could then his dad couldn't do anything to hurt him. so, that's what he did. getting out of his kart, he kept his helmet on which would turn into four hours as he held his breath and made his way over to his father that was seething with rage. only hoping that jos wouldn't forcefully remove the helmet himself and then hit him. however, he didn't. he waited and waited for the impact or the removing of his helmet that never came. and he felt himself questioning why he wasn't being punished...maybe jos wasn't mad at max like he usually was when things didn't go max's way? 
"...pa? ben je niet boos?" max's little scared voice echoed out of his racer helmet as jos sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose trying to contain his distain dad? you're not mad?
"niet op jou, maar ja, ik ben boos!" jos sighed, he was mad but he thought about what sophie told me the day he and max left - knowing that if sophie were to find out he had hit max again, she'd be pissed however it was quite hard for jos to restrain himself not at you but yes i am mad!
and hearing his dad say that felt strange, max felt like he could breathe. and because he thought jos wasn't going to hurt him, he thought he was safe in taking off his helmet those four hours later...
...what a mistake that was for little max verstappen. even though jos 'promised' his little boy that whilst he was mad but not at him, that still didn't stop him from reacting physically. grabbing max by the arm, jos pulls him into a more private area of the race track. and he reacts to his son's 'loss' in the same way that he always did when the little boy got lower than first. he'd kick and he'd hit the little dutch boy that was just trying his best at the life that his father couldn't do well enough but made sure his son did it for him. 
max should have cried after getting brutually slapped and kicked by his father jos verstappen but he didn't. he couldn't cry because this was something that was no longer new to the growing boy. this was his normal when he came second or what his dad labelled as 'the first to lose'. 
the third time that max verstappen should have cried but didn't was when he won his very first podium with red bull. it was everything he had been working towards as a kid with all the abuse he had suffered at the hands of his own father that this podium wasn't because of his father, it was in spite of his father. whilst his father was there to celebrate his son's very first win, so was a very special person in max's life. this person, this lovely lady, was someone who took care of max. she would challenge jos whenever he tried to be too tough to max. when jos pushed max too hard, she would give the older dutchman a piece of her mind. but never when max was around because she knew that whilst max knew somewhere in his mind, most likely his subconscious, that jos, his own father, caused him so much pain and trauma, he still loved his dad. somewhere inside of max verstappen was a little boy that just wanted to be loved, appreciated and taken care of by his father. not made into this emotionless, robotic mad max that was only good for winning races and rage-quitting when he got anything less. all because of his rotten, abusive father jos. 
making eye contact with his girlfriend, max's smile was the largest it had ever been. he was so excited to have finally won a race with his formula 1 team. of course, if he were to start crying, it would have been absolutely acceptable and perfectly fine because it was his maiden win and usually, for any racer in formula 1 achieving their first win, it would be very emotional. and they'd cry, get a little misty-eyed, even have an emotional radio exchange in their car during the last lap to their radio engineer when it was obvious they were going to win. and in all honesty, f1 fans wanted to see their fave 'mad max' get emotional because to them, it seemed as though max was just an emotionless piece of shit. which he wasn't. but, for max verstappen, he didn't cry when he won his first grand prix with red bull. 
jumping off the podium, max's girlfriend was right there waiting, "gefeliciteerd maxie! Ik ben zo trots op je, mijn liefste!" she congratulated in dutch, her arms wrapping around her champagne-covered boyfriend as he wrapped his own arms tightly around his girlfriend's congratulations maxie! i'm so proud of you my darling!
smiling at her, max couldn't hide his excitement, "dank u schat! ik houd ook van jou!" max sighed in content as he finally relaxed, the exhaustion of the long race finally catching up to the eighteen-year-old thank you baby! i love you too!
the couple then celebrated together on their own. running away from christian and jos, mostly jos then christian but, christian did want to have a chat to the two young adults but alas, they were too fast for red bull's team principle. so, christian just gave up and let the two young adults run off together since the race was finished, max had won and they weren't going to do harm to anyone else for being in love. whilst y.n cried joyus tears that her boyfriend was finally a formula 1 winner but also the youngest ever formula 1 winner, max couldn't. of course he was happy, he was overjoyed that he had finally achieved part of his dream in formula 1 however, he just couldn't produce the same tears of joy that his girlfriend could. all because of the way he was raised by his father to believe that he wasn't allowed to cry because if he cried, he'd get hurt and max didn't want to be at the wrath of his father hurting him again. for it's happened to him too many times so for a third time, max does not cry. 
the fourth time that max verstappen should have cried but didn't was when y.n spoke up against jos and defended max with him standing behind y.n. it was summer break and the two of them had just returned from a sweet week off in southern italy before jos forced them to return back to monaco so max could get back into training mode for the next season of formula 1. 
max and his girlfriend, y.n, had met just shortly after max joined formula 1 back in 2015 when he was sixteen turning seventeen. y.n was also sixteen and the reason why the two teenagers met was because y.n's father was a known sponsor of red bull. and they met because her father wanted to speak to max because he had seen just how well of a racer that max was and wanted to let him know that when he was ready, that maybe he could get in contact with the team principal at red bull racing. and a year later, at seventeen, max verstappen was the youngest racer to join formula 1. and, at eighteen, max was the youngest racer to win a grand prix, surpassing sebastian vettel at eighteen years and two hundred & twenty eight days. and from the very beginning of meeting max and his family, it was very obvious how much jos influenced his son. it was very obvious that jos was the captain of the ship even though his son was getting to the age of being able to make his own decisions, jos still overlooked a lot of stuff. 
and as soon as y.n and jos verstappen made eye contact with another, it was obvious that jos disliked her from the getgo. the poor girl doing nothing wrong except introducing herself and her dad to the father and son. obviously, it was clear that jos' childish antics and unwanted and unneeded aggression was embarrassing max and the poor kid had to apologise for his father's over the top borderline abusive behaviour. all because a girl, who was the daughter of a red bull sponsor, was introducing herself and her father to the two of them. especially when it's remembered that it was a sponsor of the one f1 team that max had always dreamt of racing for in formula 1. especially because he didn't want his dad to ruin his dream that never started as his dream at the beginning but the dream of his father for his lackluster ability to be an f1 driver. 
finally, y.n's dad and jos left the two teenagers alone and that was when max apologised personally. then, after that, the two kids basically fell in love and have dated ever since then. and still, jos hates the fact that his son's attention is purely not just on formula 1 anymore even though he has proved time and time again that he is still a capable and talented driver even with a girlfriend. 
the build up to y.n standing up to jos had really started after max's first podium win and it just started brewing from then onwards. jos tried all he could to get his son's attention away from his girlfriend. it was clear that jos was bothered by the fact that max no longer paid all of his attention to his father now that y.n was in his life. and because of that, jos would try every single thing to get max's attention away from his girlfriend. it felt like jos was jealous that max was in a happy relationship and it was kind of gross and icky. 
she really wanted to confront jos that day, after max's first win but, max asked her not to. at first y.n thought her boyfriend had five heads but, max then told her that the best revenge at this moment was just for them to ignore jos. jos being ignored was what he hated the most. giving him a reaction was what he loved. so, having not just y.n but his son as well ignore him after a race was the one thing that jos hated the most. especially after max had such a good race with him winning for the first time. so, they watched from far away as jos raged at christian, who was also ignoring him, that he was being ignored by his own son because of his son's girlfriend. the two of them giggling as the rest of the grid joined them and also giggled at a full on adult, the father of the newest f1 winner, rage quitting because he was being ignored by him because of his atrocious behaviour. 
however, this time, after a race, that wasn't actually a good result for max because of a crash that had him be hit with a DNF, y.n could tell that jos was getting ready to get his son into a quiet corner to yell abuse at him. but this time, y.n got there before he did, stepping in front of max before jos could even think about grabbing his arm. this time, y.n made sure that jos knew just how she really felt about him. however, because she was still learning dutch, she said what she had to say in english because she knew that was another thing that bothered jos. when she wouldn't speak in dutch to him because he found it disrespectful. completely ignoring the fact that it wasn't for the lack of trying but because she was still learning. and, if you're australian, learning another language like dutch is not an easy language to learn when you already have such a strong australian english language. because, shocker, y.n and her father are australian but have since lived in monaco. and, for the first time, max didn't stop his girlfriend from speaking up against his father. he was just exhausted and he was just glad that this time, someone else could take the brunt of his father's abuse and arrogance. even though he wished he didn't have to be his girlfriend, he secretly couldn't wait to hear her rip a new one into his father. 
when people would try to do it when he was younger, stand up against jos, max was terrified that not only would he get hurt but so would the person going against jos. so, he would always tell people that everything was fine and that jos was just angry but he'd calm down soon. but jos never would and that would cause max to be impacted by his own father's anger afterwards. but this time, ever since y.n joined the picture and started dating max, she started to make digs at jos. of course, at first they started small but the longer they've gone on, the bigger they've become and now, this was the last straw for y.n. she was appalled at the way max was being treated by his own father. as though max was a little robot made to just be a top of the world formula 1 driver that doesn't have permission to fall in love, laugh, cry or be happy. it was as though jos didn't have children to love them but to make them into what he couldn't be. as though he was living vicariously through max because when jos was an f1 driver, he wasn't champion nor was he a winner. he was above average in comparison to max. 
and in all honesty, from the moment y.n made eye contact with jos, she knew she'd do everything in her power to change the way jos manipulated and destroyed max, making him into the 'emotionless' driver he was. she hated that she couldn't support her boyfriend when he got mad because it bordered the same anger as his father and that was scary. something that max wasn't even aware of because to that poor young man, his father's anger that stews inside him when something goes wrong, seems normal when it isn't. so, she knew she had to do something to stop jos verstappen and this was the time she could do it. just before it was clear that jos was about to hit his own son for getting a DNF not because of his son's own fault but because of a different driver that clearly wasn't paying attention. 
"...don't you even think about it, jos!" y.n stepped in front of max without a moment of hesitation as jos began his walk toward his son and son's girlfriend
obviously, this had thrown jos off, making him more agitated, "what, y.n? don't even think about doing what?" jos seethed, arms crossed over as y.n rolled her eyes as she laughed 
"you know what i'm talking about, jos. we know why you've stormed right up to your adult son after he DNF'd in a race so you can yell at him for being a failure for something that wasn't even his fault but you won't admit that will you? because you never admit the abuse and trauma you put this poor young man through all because you wanted him to be everything you weren't as a formula 1 driver!" y.n seethed out the same way, jos now even more pissed, if he was a cartoon, his face would be red and he'd have steam coming out of his ears 
for a couple of seconds, jos' mouth opened and closed like a fish before he felt like what he had to say next was of value, "what a liar you are, y.n! this is why i don't want you dating my son but he just won't let you go and i can't understand why! you are rude, you refuse to learn dutch, you--" 
"--i'm sorry but, before you continue your own abusive tyrant on me, lemme just pause your side of the argument real quick, jos..." y.n trailed off as jos bit his tongue and gulped although the look on his face didn't change - max just watching from behind of his girlfriend, jos not even realising that max wasn't saying anything to stop this as of yet 
"...you're saying i'm a liar, that i'm rude and that i'm refusing to learn dutch? well, last time i checked, i'm not the one that's rude, that falls on to you, i'm not a liar, another thing that falls on to you and, whilst to you it might not look as though i'm learning dutch, i am. however you just don't like the fact that max is in a happy, healthy relationship with someone that actually loves and takes care of him. so, anytime you hate yourself or feel insecure that you don't have a happy and healthy relationship, you go to your eighteen year old son because he has the things you didn't have in life. you didn't have wins within formula 1, you had a failed marriage because you weren't a great dad to your two children who grew up to be terrified of you because of the way you physically, verbally and emotionally traumatised them with your choice of 'parenting' and because of wanting to produce a robot which is max. you wanted your own little emotionless robot that mimics the life that you had dreamt for yourself growing up. but when you failed to have that life that you so dreamt of having, you had children, thank god you had a son before a daughter, right? thank god your first born was a son so you could make him into this little machine that doesn't know how to control his emotions when things don't go his way because his own fucking father doesn't know how to control his emotions when things don't go his way. do you know how fucking terrifying it is to comfort max after a failed race like today? he gets so mad that i think he's going to lash out at me in the same way you used to and still lash out at him when he comes second in a race and you'd hit him for not getting first because according to you 'second is the first to lose so therefore it isn't good enough'..." y.n paused but it was clear she wasn't going to stop so jos didn't say anything and just reluctantly listened
"...i'm glad that max doesn't have the same anger and impulses as you do because if max really had turned out just like you and he had hit me in a rage because he crashed and didn't finish the race...oh, you best believe i would be going straight to you and asking you why your eighteen year old son is using violence instead of using his words to commnunicate why he's so angered about the loss of a race. sometimes...you know...sometimes i just wish to see max cry his eyes out over a loss instead of becoming angry resulting in him kicking the wheels of his car. i just long for the day that max finally opens up and is vulnerable enough to cry in front of me because the fear he has to cry because of you telling him but victoria as well when they were children that crying was weak is heartbreaking...okay, fine, i get it, not everyone knows how to react to someone when they're crying but that doesn't mean it's acceptable to hit and kick them because they are upset...." y.n breathes, once again, not yet finished with her tirade but it was clear that jos was ready to argue as well so, y.n opened it up to him and included him in it 
"...okay, health lesson jos, when babies are born, when humans are born, what is the first thing that they do that is the first sign of life?" y.n asks as jos gives her an annoyed look, shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes as he didn't answer - the moment he had been given the floor to be included, he stood back and didn't involve himself, typical
"well, since you clearly don't know the answer to a very simple question, humans cry. the first thing they do that signifies that a baby is alive is they cry. if they don't cry, that's seen as something that isn't right and may suggest that the baby was born still and isn't able to be revived or many other reasons. so, when you were born, you cried, sophie cried when she came into the world, i cried when i came into the world. when victoria came into the world, she cried. but most importantly, when max was born, he cried and he possibly cried a lot because he had no other way to communicate with his mum and dad for the longest time. the only way he could get help when he needed it was to cry for his mum and dad. and because this was your first child, okay sure, you weren't sure exactly what the fuck you were doing half the time, same with my parents as i was also their first born, they had no clue what they were doing majority of the time. but that didn't mean they'd neglect me when i'd cry for their help when i needed them the most. then victoria was born, she cried too, max was a little bit older and he still cried when he couldn't fully express what he needed even though he could probably speak a little bit but not enough to actually fully let you know what he needed. and the second two crying kids entered your house, that's when you just exploded, right? that was when you decided that anytime one of your kids cried, specifically if it was max, you were going to hit and kick them and demean him. you couldn't handle seeing a crying child because, i'm guessing that when you were a little boy yourself and you were crying out for your own daddy, possibly mummy as well, you were kicked and striked and talked down to because 'boys aren't meant to cry' 'crying is weak'. well, do you know what i fucking think mr verstappen? i think you're a coward and i think you're the weak one. and i think the reason why max is such a great and talented f1 racer isn't because of you but it's to spite you for the way you treated him...."
"...sure, he doesn't know how to speak up for himself in front of you just yet but, i promise, that day will come. and when that day comes, you'll truly realise just how badly you fucked up as a parent, as a dad! cause sure, you're max's father but you're not his dad. dad's don't abuse their children, they step up and they care for their child and they make sure they get everything in this world within reason. dad's don't scare their kids from feeling emotions just because they can't understand them themselves. sure, i'm sure when i cried as a kid it absolutely annoyed the shit out of my parents, especially when they wanted to sleep but do you know what they did? what my dad did? my dad was the one that got out of bed and responded to my cries majority of the time so my mum could get the sleep she deserved because i'll tell you know, i was not an easy baby because of how sick i was as a kid, i was always being watched by doctors and nurses and always going in and out of hospitals. and it wasn't until i was eight that i stopped needing to see the doctor once every month. when i was crying, no matter if i was a baby or i was ten years old and crying because i was getting bullied at school, my dad comforted me, he loved me and he told me that everything was going to be okay and that nothing in this world could harm me again. but what do you do? you do the utter opposite, you neglect the emotions of your little boy for a little while but then the cries get louder and louder until you can no longer ignore them. so you decide to go over to your little boy and, thinking he's going to be getting a hug, a kiss and his tears wiped away, he smiles and reaches his hands up to reach for his dad. but what do you do? you hit and kick him and you yell at him for crying because that was the only way he was able to express the complex emotions he was feeling. you would do that so many times whenever max cried that it got to the point that max just stopped crying all because he was so afraid of you hurting him and yelling at him. but do you know what the real, most heart-wrenching moment about this whole thing is, jos? max doesn't really care all too much about the trophies anymore, sure, it's great but do you know what he craves the most out of anything in this world? the love from his dad and that's the one thing he cannot get because you only care about the trophies and the wins and the money and the fame that his name brings you. all he wants from his father is to be loved, jos. why is it so hard to just be a loving, caring father that doesn't punish his son for having emotions and trying his very best? why don't you understand that he's just a human being trying his fucking best?" finally, y.n had finished her tyrant against jos and it seemed as though jos had nothing to say to her even though she was out of breath and in tears and he still didn't have any empathy or remorse 
there was a minute of silence where no one said anything, nobody moved and it was as though the room went into stop mode. jos couldn't find anything to say in defence of the argument and, of course, y.n didn't find that too surprising because he never did. which was never good for the older man because that just meant what everyone was saying when they spoke up against jos was that it was true. and other times, jos would just leave the room in a rage to then go find someone else who'd listen to his whining and rage quits. however, most of the times, he'd just be ignored when those rage quits and whiny rants would occur because why do you want to listen to a middle-aged man whine and rage quit because he was challenged due to his awful behaviour? and, like usual, jos did storm out of the red bull garage which made y.n snicker. because it was typical, jos couldn't have a regular conversation with anyone without him having to storm out and sulk because he just wasn't mentally able to deal with anyone telling the truth about him to his face. 
after that whole argument that had y.n in tears, she expected to turn around and see max crying or at least a little bit teary eyed but, she didn't. he was just stone-faced and not knowing how he was supposed to react to the situation that just happened in front of him. and that just made you cry more because even without jos around him, max felt like he still couldn't express his emotions. sitting on his lap, y.n held him tight as they consoled each other after the terrible race that just was whilst jos continued to whine to those who wouldn't listen to him. 
the fifth time that max doesn't cry but should have, was the closest that he had come to crying since he was a little boy. by this point, he had now been with red bull for a few years, he and y.n were in a wonderful place in their relationship, he was in a wonderful place with red bull and he had just found out his younger sister victoria was pregnant with her and her partner's first baby. it was amazing news, of course it was, he knew just how much victoria wanted to have kids so she could give her own kids the life that she couldn't have because of her parents divorcing and having to live so far away from her older brother and dad. but, it was the way victoria had told him that had him show more emotion that y.n had ever seen from him. it was a sweet moment, victoria and her partner were visiting max and y.n in monaco during a two week break between grand prixs since victoria never wanted to have to tell such important news like a first-time pregnancy over the phone, she decided that she and her partner would make a little trip out of it. and max and y.n were their last dot point on their agenda but the most important part of their entire trip to monaco. not that max or y.n knew it at the time but, it would become obvious after they were told the news. 
y.n and max were relaxing on their couch in their monaco apartment, waiting for victoria and her partner when the door bell rung. meaning that they had finally arrived, excited, max jumped off from the couch, y.n following shortly after and skipped to the door. letting the wife and husband into the apartment, y.n and max led them back to the couch and put the tv on so they could have some light entertainment on in the background. 
however, it was clear that victoria and her partner hadn't come for no reason other than just wanting to hang out so, y.n started off the conversation, her dutch almost fluent at this point, "hey vic en harry leuk jullie te zien, wat brengt jullie op bezoek?" y.n asks with a little giggle as victoria and her partner smile at her and max hey vic and harry good to see you, what brings you to visit?
giggling, victoria spoke first, trying her hardest to not give away the surprise straight away as her partner looks at her, y.n and max looking at them, "oh, je weet wel y.n, we wilden het alleen bezoeken vóór de volgende grand prix van maxie," victoria smiled, trying not to seem suspicious but it was clear that something was shifting in the air as max lifts his eyebrow in confusion oh, you know y.n, we just wanted to visit before maxie's next grand prix
"weet je het zeker? het voelt alsof jullie ons allebei iets belangrijks moeten vertellen..." y.n giggled nervously as she placed her hand on max's thigh as victoria and her partner realised they really weren't good at keeping secrets are you sure? it feels like there's something important that you need to tell us
sensing that victoria and her partner harry were about to tell them something important, both y.n and max latched hands together. anytime something important was being told, it was stressful and, max and y.n needed each other's support. they didn't know what victoria and harry was about to tell them. they didn't know if it was a bad important or if it was a good important. they just knew it was important at this stage. they then noticed victoria reach for something out of her bag. that was when victoria then spoke up. 
"voordat ik je het belangrijke nieuws vertel, wil ik dat jullie allebei je handen naar je uitstrekken en je ogen sluiten..." victoria suddenly asks as max and y.n look at one another and then victoria and harry and then back at themselves before agreeing to victoria's question before i tell you the important news, i want you both to extend your hands and close your eyes
"...ehm, oké, dit is raar. vic, wat laat je ons vasthouden?" max questioned worriedly with his little nervous laugh that y.n always found the sweetest sound in the world as victoria and harry smiled umm, okay, this is weird. vic, what are you making us hold?
victoria then placed the positive pregnancy test into the hands of her older brother and sister-in-law. at first, the couple were slightly grossed out but, they relaxed when it wasn't slimy or feeling icky like they thought it would have. 
however, the more y.n started to feel it, the more she started to realise what it was that victoria had given to them to hold. only because she had taken a couple of them herself when she thought she and max were pregnant during last year's f1 season and my god, was that a terrifying time. not because they don't want kids but because at the time they weren't ready and max was going everywhere and anywhere with formula 1. there was no way that max would be able to be both a dad and an f1 driver at the same time and he really didn't want to end up being the father that jos was to him to his own future children. 
victoria gave the couple a couple more seconds before y.n just outright asked what it was, "is dit een zwangerschapstest, victoria?" she giggled slightly as her eyes were still crinkled shut as max's lip started to shake a little at the mention of his sister possibly being pregnant is this a pregnancy test, victoria?
"open je ogen y.n en max!" victoria giggled, hoping to keep the suspense a little longer until they open their eyes but, it was clear that it was a positive pregnancy test and that at least y.n knew that's what it was open your eyes y.n and max!
and, when they opened their eyes, y.n was right in saying that it was a pregnancy test in their hands. however, for some odd reason, neither max nor y.n had thought that it was a positive pregnancy test. they thought it was maybe a negative pregnancy test and they had come to their brother and sister-in-law for support since it was similar to what they had gone through last year. however, they were not prepared at all for the fact that it was a positive pregnancy test and that victoria was pregnant. 
"oh mijn god, victoria! je bent zwanger! gefeliciteerd jullie twee!" y.n burst out in excitement, her hands moving away from next to max's as she stood up to congratulate victoria and her partner which meant that max had just enough reaction time to stop the test from hitting the ground, placing it on the coffee table oh my god, victoria! you are pregnant! congratulations you two!
pulling her sister-in-law in for a hug, y.n was over the moon that victoria and her partner were pregnant. now that she thought about it, she should have seen it coming that this was the news that they were going to announce since they arrived. it was obvious that they had been wanting to tell them since they were brought into the lounge room. however, max was just shocked and silent on the couch, looking at his younger sister's positive pregnancy test that still rested on the coffee table. he had already envisioned the day that he'd find out victoria was pregnant and he always thought that whilst he'd be so happy and excited for her that he would probably be a lot more emotional about it. like, shed a couple of tears of joy that one, he was becoming an uncle for the first time but that also victoria and harry were becoming first time parents. and it was the first time that the verstappen children could change the generational trauma from their father by being better parents to their future children. 
but, what shocked him more than anything, other than the fact that he wasn't full on crying, that he was teary-eyed. this was the closest he had gotten to crying or having tears in his eyes since he was a little boy before his dad had scared him enough from crying that caused him to shove all of his emotions deep down inside of him. finally though, something inside of him made him get up out of his little daze and congratulate his little sister and partner on their wonderful and exciting news. 
"gefeliciteerd vic, heb je het mama en papa al verteld?" max's voice was soft and scratchy, as though his emotions were beginning to show up again as y.n smiled softly - glad that slowly max was feeling like he could finally stop being so scared to feel things other than anger and joy congratulations vic, have you told mum and dad yet?
"nee, nog niet maxie. we wilden jullie er eerst twee vertellen, voordat iemand anders. Ik denk dat ik het misschien nooit in alle eerlijkheid aan papa zal vertellen," victoria jokes at the end, not telling jos about becoming a grandfather actually sounded kind of funny and deserved as the four of them giggled, max and y.n shaking their heads no, not just yet. we wanted to tell you two first before anyone else. i think i may actually never tell dad in all honesty
"als we daar maar mee weg konden komen! als je niet tegen papa zegt, zit je hoofd op een spies! maar zorg ervoor dat je het papa in een openbare ruimte vertelt, zodat hij niet tegen je kan schreeuwen omdat je het hem niet eerst hebt verteld!" max giggled with a sniffle as y.n sat down next to max on the couch, her hand back on his thigh as they all giggled at max's response if only we could get away with that! not telling dad will have your head on a spike! but, make sure you tell dad in a public space so he can't yell at you for you not telling him first!
the siblings chatted for a little bit longer about victoria's pregnancy and about other things like where the next grand prix was although everyone knew it was monza. victoria also asked y.n about whether or not she and max were going to have children after not being ready this year but giving hints that maybe this year, she and max were ready. then, it started to get later then the verstappen's had realised which meant victoria and harry left just after it had gone to nightfall which meant that finally, max and y.n could go back to speaking in english to one another. whilst y.n was basically fluent now in her dutch speaking, max and y.n did prefer to speak to one another primarily in english. only saying their pet names to one another in dutch because that was just easier. 
that was when y.n also finally got a proper look at her boyfriend's face since she was so focused on victoria after the pregnancy news. that was when she noticed that max's eyes were still a little bit wet. hugging max tighter, y.n smiled and giggled, causing max to hum a noise of confusion. 
"what, liefde love?" max chuckled nervously as y.n smiled at her boyfriend, her hand resting underneath his chin now
"were you getting a little emotional when victoria said she was pregnant, schat?" y.n cooed sweetly as max got a little embarrassed, hiding his face in her shoulder as y.n giggled, ruffling her fingers through his messy hair 
"maybe a little bit but, it was because i'm so happy for her! i mean, i remember when we were younger, victoria would tell me with so much excitement that she'd make sure that she'd find the best guy for her to have children with. all so she could make sure that her future children didn't have the same experiences that me and her went through as kids..." max trailed off as tears continued to wet his eyeline as y.n cooed and smiled - proud that max was on his way to finally being fully vulnerable with her 
"...that's okay baby! i'm so proud of you for feeling safe enough to let your eyes water! sure, you didn't fully cry like you would've thought you would have when you were years younger but, this is progress. i love you, max emilian verstappen!" y.n smiled sweetly as max smiled back, pulling his girlfriend in for a kiss 
whilst he still hadn't properly cried when he should have, max wasn't too far off from it either. 
the one
the one time that max finally does cry is the moment in which he wishes he didn't have to remember or even have to go through. he was in england for the british grand prix at silverstone and you were not even in europe, you were in australia, back home. you were meant to go to the british grand prix with him since jos wasn't going either since he had to take care of his other kids that he had with his new relationship so max had gone on his own for this grand prix and you really wished that you could have gone with him. however, because of your dad's declining health due to terminal cancer, it meant that because at any moment he could pass away, you had to fly on an emergency flight back to australia to the east coast, to queensland whilst max borded a flight to england with the rest of the f1 grid and their partners. you felt like such an awful girlfriend but, max shut those feelings did, as did the rest of the grid and their partners since you left the same time for australia at the same time they left for england. all of them reassuring you that this wasn't going to be max's final grand prix and that there was still more of this season to go and that your dad's declining health was more important. it was devastating because his company was one of the primary sponsors of red bull but, that didn't mean anything anymore. your dad was dying and that was heartbreaking for everyone in the f1 world. not just because he was one of the sponsers but because he was also an f1 driver back in the day that, until this last year, had only been revealed to y.n and max. they had no idea that when he was around the ages of y.n and max that he was also a driver for f1. he never got a world championship but he was a good enough driver that he was miles better than jos verstappen and got a couple of wins and tons of podiums. racing for mclaren back in the day since red bull wasn't an established racing team until 2005 after red bull had bought the remanants of jaguar racing from ford. funny now though that he was the sponser of red bull instead of mclaren, the team he drove for. 
as you would imagine, out of the two fathers, jos and y.f.n, y.f.n absolutely adored max from the getgo. it was obvious that, just like y.n, her father realised that max wasn't an awful person like everyone in the media claimed the poor teenager at the time was. it was clear that it was from the manipulation and brain-washing of his father that he came across as aggressive and rude. jos was the one that was the aggressor and the rude one. max was a sweetheart, not too bothered really about what happened to him in a race because, to him, it was just a fun little thing that he was actually more than just alright in. max was the complete opposite of what his father wanted him to be in terms of manners, kindness and demeanour. and it was clear that when jos didn't get the results out of max that he wanted, max was punished for it. yet, he never cried, he never misbehaved, he just took it on the chin and kept on going. and that devastated y.n's father in the way that he was being treated by the man that was supposed to be his dad, if y.n's dad could even call jos verstappen a dad. it seemed insulting to call jos verstappen a dad when at best, he wasn't a dad but a deadbeat abusive father. so, after max joined red bull racing, y.n, her father and max started hanging out more and the older man started really taking care of max in the way a dad should be taking care of his son. 
it had come to the point where, max would start calling his girlfriend's dad, dad because he felt like his girlfriend's dad was more of a dad than his own father was to him. but that was besides the point, max loved y.n's dad and it broke his heart when he was told the news that he had been diagnosed with cancer. that was the other closest time of max crying. just like he did when victoria had told him she was pregnant with her first child, at hearing that sad news just four days after the joyous news of becoming an uncle, y.n and max were given the devastating news that y.f.n had been diagnosed with cancer. and, max was teary-eyed and in shock, not knowing how else to react. his voice on the verge of what it would sound like if he were to have started crying. 
so, hearing that it was now basically a matter of when not if y.n's dad was going to die, it was absolutely devastating that max had to fly to england whilst y.n had to fly all the way to australia to be with her father in what would end up being his last twenty-four hours. max not even getting to fully say his final goodbye, only being able to call them briefly for a short hour before he was called back to the paddock since he had to get ready for his qualifying race. the worst part of all was that, y.n was the only one in the hospital there with her dad. her mum had died giving birth to y.n's last sibling over sixteen years ago, the youngest sibling being sixteen years old and the rest of y.n's siblings couldn't bear having to watch their last parent die so, they didn't arrive at the hospital until after time of death for their dad had been called. and now, y.n had the worst job to do, she had to fly back to england, knowing she couldn't stomach telling max over the phone cause that was just cruel, she had to leave her four other siblings at the queensland hospital to catch a flight back to england to tell not just max but also christian, the team principal of red bull racing that her father, the main sponsor's founder had died. 
the rule was, if y.n was to fly back from australia before the end of the british grand prix at silverstone, that it wasn't good news. they said that because if she stayed then it meant that her dad was okay and she was just taking care of him. whereas, if y.n was to come back basically straight away from australia, then that meant that it was bad. and that was the hardest thing for her. knowing that she had to walk into that grand prix, at silverstone, maybe right after they've finished their race, probably had an amazing top three on the podium and then getting that all taken out from underneath them due to the loss of y.n's dad. 
by the time y.n finally arrived at the british grand prix at silverstone, the first person she actually saw was christian horner, the team principal of red bull racing. and immediately, he didn't hesitate in stopping what it was he was doing and manuvered over to pull her in for a tight hug. by this point, y.n was no longer crying. she couldn't cry anymore. she was simply out of tears. in all honesty, she was glad she couldn't cry anymore because, she felt as though she had filled that entire airbus a380 in a river of her tears. 
speaking softly, christian soothed the numb grieving girl, "...y.n, i am so sorry darling! what's the plan of action now that you're here? who's the next person you need to tell? max? danny? geri?" christian asked softly, his voice sounding light and airy as y.n gulped before slightly tilting her head to look up at christian 
"umm, i...i think i need to tell max next. he...he said that the next person after you was him...where...where's max?" y.n stammered out, her speech slow and as though she had no joy in her voice anymore like she did just days earlier 
"you want to tell max? okay, we can do that, we can find max. i think he was last seen in the cooldown room with charles and lando, we can totally get him for you..." christian trailed off, going to walk away but y.n stopped him, grabbing his hand and pulling him back 
"...wait...before you do that, what place did max come in the race? i couldn't watch it since it made dad upset that he wouldn't be able to watch his last grand prix because he was so far gone from all the drugs..." y.n's voice went quiet at the end as christian felt his heart break as he bit his lip but told her 
"...he...he won, darling. charles got p2 and lando p3. it was an amazing race, truly, if he wasn't so far gone, i'm sure your dad would have loved to have seen this grand prix as his last one. the three of them were neck and neck the whole way..." christian whispered as he then tilted his head towards the cooldown room, nodding her head, y.n let her hand slip out of christian's as he went to grab max 
max, lando and charles were relaxing in the cooldown room, lando and max on the floor whilst charles was in the seat that just happened to max's, the first seat he had fallen onto as they entered the room. making eye contact with christian, it seemed as though max could sense something was wrong since he wasn't saying anything. and because max wasn't either, charles and lando looked at each other, silently saying as though maybe, they should speak up. 
"...hey, christian, is everything alright?" lando spoke up as christian kind of jumped out of the little reverie he was in as he gulped and nodded his head
"uhh, yeah, yeah, sorry lando! yeah, i'm fine but, is it okay if i just steal max for a little bit?" christian tried to hide the urgency and worry in his voice but he couldn't and because of that, lando and charles were also alarmed 
max standing up from the floor straight away, he gulped and walked over to christian as charles then spoke up, "wait, christian, can we go with you?" charles asked as christian had no time to think before his head just involuntarily nodded up and down - allowing lando and charles to come with him and max, wherever it was that they were going 
they walked in silence for a bit, it seemed as though they were in a hurry to get back to the red bull garage. which was pretty easy for the three racers to realise but what they didn't expect to see in the red bull garage was y.n. seeing y.n in the red bull garage meant only one thing now and that meant that y.f.n was dead and that she had to now deliver that news to max. it wasn't just something known within the red bull team, this was told to all of the f1 grid so, it wasn't just max that was now feeling shocked and upset. lando and charles were silent and in shock, in less of a way that y.n was but, they were shocked. they couldn't believe it, they genuinely thought that y.n's dad was going to be fine. he was still so young, he wasn't even in his early 50s just yet. just a little bit older than christian horner himself. but, here they were, looking in the red bull garage to see y.n sitting right there, in a seat with gianpiero lambiase, max's race engineer sitting right next to her as she rocked back and forth ever so slightly, absolutely numb for any and all pain that consumed her on the flight from australia to london.
finally though, after staying silent for twenty-odd minutes and the rest of the f1 grid being called into the red bull garage, all of them shocked and saddned to see that it was indeed, y.n, and not someone else like they had all hoped and prayed it was. this was not how they wanted to end such a successful british grand prix at silverstone, having to be told that they had lost a family member from red bull racing. but, it was what had to be done and it was y.n that had to give out that news even though she hated it. 
"...umm, i know this isn't what we wanted to see tonight, especially at the end of such a fantastic british grand prix here at silverstone but, it is with the devastation in my heart that my dad, y.f.n has passed away. it was peaceful and it wasn't painful, he just slipped away as max, charles and lando made their way to the end of the race in first, second and third place. i know i don't need to tell any of you guys this but, whilst my dad was a sponsor and lover of red bull racing and mr christian horner, he was also a driver for mclaren and he adored every single one of you guys. he loved that you guys had welcomed me with the most open of open arms when i was first introduced to you guys. whether that was back when i was sixteen and meeting who would be the golden boy of red bull, max, or when i met the rest of you guys when some of you were rookies. he really appreciated just how much you guys cared about me, treating me all the same and with so much care as though i was a fragile little doll which, to be honest, i was until i got older. but, yeah, now that i'm here and not in australia, it's unfortunate that i now no longer have either parent. and because i'll also have to plan the funeral, it'll be held in australia but, i'll make sure to plan it during a break between races because i don't think i can imagine having my dad's funeral and you lot not being there..." as y.n's voice came to a halt, sniffles could be heard, as could very heavy breaths and it became obvious as to who it was 
because the other drivers that were crying like lando, carlos, charles and daniel were silent, they weren't hysterical, unless you actually stared at them for longer than a second, it wasn't easy to tell that they were even crying, let alone teary-eyed. so the only other person that y.n knew would get upset about this more than anything would try to run away because no one else had seen him get this emotional before. and, it was of course, max. no one was there when he was told that his sister was pregnant and when he teared up in the same way that no one in the grid was there when he was given the news that y.n's dad had cancer four days later when he had teared up for sadder, devastating reasons. so, no one had really seen any other emotion from max other than anger and joy. it was as though those were max's only emotions since no one else had seen max get emotional or teary-eyed in the same way y.n had those two times when max was finally starting to feel comfortable about being vulnerable. but now, he could feel his vulnerability fully start to crumble and he knew he had to get away before anyone else other than y.n could see it. it was scary crying in front of people, doesn't matter if your name is max verstappen or y.n y.l.n. it's confronting having people watch you cry and the one time he finally cries, he's too scared to do it around anyone else other than his girlfriend even though he knew in the back of his mind that his teammates in the grid wouldn't look at him any weirder or judge him for being upset that the man who was more of a dad than his actual father was had died from his terminal cancer. 
so, after getting hugs from almost all of the drivers on the grid and a couple of the other team principals, y.n had made her way out of the red bull garage and back into the cooldown room where no one else was. not even cameras since the grand prix was now fully finished, because that was where she knew max had run off to so he could finally break down and cry in peace for the first time since he was a little boy. 
and she could tell it was max that was crying in the cooldown room even though this was the first time hearing her boyfriend cry, she could tell it was him. the noises he was making were similar to the ones when he would get mad to the point where sometimes his eyes would water and he'd lose his breath. however, this time, it still sounded much different. he was full on sobbing and it was loud and it was punching y.n in her gut. it was painful hearing her boyfriend cry knowing she couldn't get there any quicker. 
finally though, her legs had found their way into the cooldown room and what she saw broke her heart more than the cries she was hearing. if that was even possible because hearing max cry was what y.n thought could be the most gut-wrenching thing on earth. what she saw was her boyfriend on the floor, his back near the wall next to charles' seat from when they were first in there after the race behind him. his knees were hiked up all the way to his chest with his face being cradled into his knees as he leaned away from the wall behind him but into the chair, one arm tightly holding his knees whilst the other one was limp against the floor. 
gently sitting in front of her distraught boyfriend, y.n pulled him in for a hug and straight away, max's resolve unravelled. his limbs unravelling as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend as he just sobbed. not caring that if his dad was watching this that he'd call him weak and a baby. he was in pain and it was devastating that he wasn't able to fly to australia with his girlfriend to be there for her when she needed him. he had never really experienced a loss like this growing up other than maybe grandparents but, they were the grandparents that died when max was basically a one-year-old so he had no memory of them. which meant that his girlfriend's dad was truly max's first experience with grief and bereavement. now he understood the painful feeling in his chest that people talked about when they had a full body cry in the same way that he was doing right now. he now understood how charles felt like since this wasn't the first time that charles had lost someone he knew. charles and the leclerc's were great friends with y.n's family, but especially her dad. so now max knew what charles felt like when the younger driver lost his own dad herve and godfather jules. it was a pain he never wanted his own worst enemy to go through. 
"...schat...i'm sorry baby, i know it's not the news you wanted to hear but, he was gone just as you guys finished the race. it didn't hurt and he actually called out for you because he could hear your radio transmissions to gp on the tv. he got scared and didn't know where you were until i reminded him that you were in england for the british grand prix and that's what he was hearing on the tv..." y.n whispered, hoping it would make max feel better but she should have known that it wouldn't have as max cried more 
"...i...i should have been there with you! why wasn't i there for you at the hospital for your dad's last days? what a terrible boyfriend i am!" max wailed as y.n felt her heart break as she shook her head and held max tighter 
"no baby, please don't say that! you are not a terrible boyfriend! even if you didn't have the grand prix on, i wouldn't have let you come to australia with me! i'm glad you weren't with me for dad's final days, he was glad that you weren't with me for his final days. i know dad was amazing to you, maxie. he truly adored you ever since he first met you all those years back when we were just teenagers. the moment he realised how shitty of a father yours was, he stepped up and took you under his wing. he loved the hell out of you my darling boy! in the same way he adored everyone in this year's f1 grid! and that's why it hurts that little bit more that he's now gone. but, we'll get to farewell him all together and, i'm glad that you'll be with me for that. i love you, okay, schat? and if you ever break down like this ever again, just know that i'm right here and i won't let you go until you are okay again, alright?" y.n was strong in her comfort for max as he nodded his head as finally his tears and wails had subsided 
"i'm sorry for crying all over you..." max whispered, sort of ashamed to apologise even though he always did because of his father, y.n immediately clocked onto it 
"...don't apologise babe, it's okay to cry. you're only human max and, that's what we do, it's what we're built to do. we're built to feel, to love and to grieve and part of all of this includes crying when we need to cry. so, never apologise for being a human..." y.n whispered back as max nodded his head and took a deep breath
wiping away the tears, y.n and max just sat in silence next to each other for a couple more minutes before charles, lando, carlos and the rest of the f1 grid joined the couple in the cooldown room. they were all equally as devastated for max and y.n that they had lost such an amazing man who just happened to be the founder and boss of the main sponsor for red bull racing. 
this was the first time that max finally allowed himself to cry since he was a little boy and it was the first time that he didn't feel weak for showing emotion either. especially when he noticed the other tear-stained faces of his f1 teammates. this was when max realised that just because he's a man, that shouldn't mean that he should be ashamed to cry and to break down because even if his father isn't going to be there to catch him as he falls, y.n and everyone else around him would be there to catch him before he even had the chance to fall. 
okay, that was a bit of a weakling ending but, this took legit the whole day to write so i'm proud of myself for writing this since this isn't one that i hadn't written in a different book and it's nearly 2:30 in the morning as i finish this which isn't something i've done in a while so, i really gotta finish this baby up! i have so many ideas for more 5+1 one-shots but i just need to sift through them in my adhd brain and see which ones i like more cause i'm constantly thinking of new ones and then forgetting the old ones because i was thinking of one the other day and i think i've already forgotten it which is lowkey devastating but, no matter, i'll remember it later lol! 
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