#lillith x eve
anonymouscheeses · 5 months
The Morningstar family :)
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First off, king of hell himself, Lucifer! I incorporated all of the animals he transformed into in the battle with Adam scene(goat, horse, snake, and duck but i wont include duck since hes obsessed already) Because I kept looking up what animals lucifer has been depicted as and was like, yeah nvm let's jst use this one scene and call it a day. His wings are black instead of white with black tips to further imply lil bro is a fallen angel. Made him doll-like to be similar to his daughter a bit but also they aren't freaking carbon copies of eachother, she is unique I swear guys. He's also not an all powerful being, he has limits, he gets tired quickly and his physical strength is LOW ASF he cannot throw a punch for the life of him. Personality wise, he is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful. But it's okay cuz he's silly 😐 /j he is super different, and it takes years for Charlie and him to be on speaking terms. He's trying, but is that enough?
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Lillith!!! The first succubi, from what I know. I didnt include succubi features because I'm an idiot and forgot that was a concept. Sure it may not be canon anymore, or at all maybe, but I would've liked to make it true ☹️ there's not alot known about her in the show and we don't know why she is in heaven (if that's even her tbh). So once we know I'll either rewrite that or keep it as it is, not sure. But this Lillith does own Alastor's soul, she knows that he is one of the most unusual and powerful sinner in hell, so once she flees to heaven she gains his soul to keep an eye on Charlie, in return she gives him influence over hell(being that she influences hell with her voice) The radio station and all, since that's pretty much all he wants. He gives her info on the hotel's progress and how Charlie is doing, she just wants to be there. Personality is uh, calm, ambitious, and generous, yet negatively she is strict and wants things her way. She is the one closest to Charlie and very dear to her, which is why Charlie always tries to call her instead of Eve or Lucifer. Even though Charlie knows now she won't pick up the phone anymore, maybe ever again. It still comforts her to call anyways.
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Lastllyy, Eveeee!! She's a pretty silly lil gal. She ate the apple of knowledge, so she was cursed to forever be reminded of it when she sees her tail. Oh yeah, they are also all married! Lillith's ring is under her glove. Anyway, she is pretty powerful despite her having no demon form. She already looks demon enough to fit in. So she does, she goes into pentagram city often and creates bonds with the people. Some know she is Eve and some just see her as a friendly yet powerful individual. Her magic is similar to Charlie's, she got the fireworks coming out of her finger from Eve, and they both can heal their body parts. Charlie doesn't know it because she hasn't needed to yet. Eve uses her charm to be friends with the people of hell, Lillith uses it to gain an army for the fight against heaven, Lucifer couldn't care less and coops himself up in his castle. Personality wise, she is very golden retriever, peaceful, and honest, yet also neglectful being that she spends time with demons rather than her own daughter. (She's barely there with Charlie even before she disappeared along with Lillith. But when they moved to the hotel she tried to make up for it.)
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She regretted the marriage. For years.
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The potential of Lillith angst is immeasurable, it's painful. Imagine being the first woman, forced into a marriage with a controlling man, falling in love with an angel, the other angels forbidding that, you both try to get Eve to join your relationship, she takes the apple but evil and such take over the world, and then because of your lover's dreams you are all sent to hell. Freaking horrible.
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Demon forms!! Charlie gained Lillith's demon form, but I may give her dragon wings to make up for it. Messy doodle I knowww *sob*. Eve doesn't have one because the elder angels stripped that away form her because they were terrified of all of them having stronger forms. They are also ALL cursed with different features. Soo uh, Lucifer has one red eye to remind him of his evil side, he also has all sort of animal details and doll features because he's a mess and a control freak! :3 Lillith has horns, hooves, and a tail because she joined the devil. Eve is blind, the angels ripped her eyes out because she dares to willingly see the devil and his bride, she has wings on each side of her head because she was also a fallen angel(it was hell, because she was unhappy in being Adam's wife, it was temporary as she made herself go to hell instead of being kicked out.) She has a snout and ears too, cuz goat, and a tail with a shape of an apple at the end. Eve was done the worse oh lawwdd 😭😭
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BABY CHARLIE!! She at one point HAD to have worn overalls. Right? PLEASE?? I don't know how to draw toddlers bear with me here.
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Emo Charlie! Yayy.... she got her period so now she's an adult. 💀 little does she know it's actually a trauma response to being neglected so she tries to get attention by being weird!! 😃👍 (I ruined emo Charlie now)
(I have no idea how to do aesthetics... I'm in pain.)
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When I said Lucifer is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful, I meant it. He's a horrible person. But he's trying to be better. That doesn't make him good nor excuse his behavior, he deserves the consequences. Which is why I don't like Lucifer in the show. He is NOT a good person but in one episode he is deprived from the karma of YEARS of neglect and shame. He just says "oh ill support you now" despite two episodes later the message is that actions speak louder than words which only applies to Vaggie for some reason. Why is Lucifer all of a sudden the exception? Oh right cuz he's a silly dad with depression so it's fine(Sorry but this genuinely pisses me off). And people in the fandom have demonized Charlie for being "mean" to him, when she is honestly so valid for reacting like that. The thing is, I don't hate Lucifer. Which is why I hate him if that makes sense. I hate that I like a character that shouldn't be liked yet. This should have been an arc for season 2. This scene should have been the start of the journey. The scene I drew out above is in ep 5 and it's the only interaction they get (it replaces the more than anything scene)
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Charlie has no idea how humans/sinners work. She likes to observe them but never quite gets the purpose of their actions. She's emotionally unintelligent like in the show. Which lemme just say, is a FLAW. Characters have FLAWS PEOPLE. If I see another person shaming her for indirectly hurting Angel in episode 4 I'm going to lose it 🥰 she doesn't get emotions, she doesn't understand how people work, because she's been in isolation her entire 200+ years of living maybe less. But still this is all new to her and she is not at fault at all for that (im projecting probably) 🙄 (this is before Vaggie is revealed to be a fallen angel ofc). She's so in awe at her people, it's like a new world and she just wants to understand. It's kinda creepy but y'know it's a Charlie thing. Vaggie also is emotionally unintelligent but that's because she never used to focus on relationships or bonding. Which causes bad communication and problems between the two, YAY DEVELOPMENT!!
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Idk bro I just wanted to draw her full demon form again. Uhh from the last time I drew I gave her... a new outfit, darker fur to match her skin, uhh, and dragon wings. Ya thas all but I like this one so much more already lmao. I got the fire hair idea because when she gets angry in the show(+pilot) her hair would defy gravity and it would remind me of yknow.. fire.
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They're first meeting went swell! Unlike Lucifer and Vaggie's... but that's for later. Emily grew up afraid of hell but especially Lucifef and turning out the way he did. She still is but she's getting used to having the monster of her bed time stories be a short gummy bear. (Takes place when Charlie and Lucifer are in... better terms I guess) Also, Vaggie and Lucifer's first meet? Not great. Let's just say... Vaggie replaced Alastor and it become "Hell's Greatest Pal" or somthn like that. But yeah, Lucifer didn't really like Vaggie, not because she's a woman n homophobia hellll no his wives are wives, but because he didn't think she was good enough for her. Being a sinner n all. He's a hypocrite like that 😭 plus, he knew Vaggie was a fallen angel but he's not a monster so he didn't say anything. Just passively jabbing at the fact she is in the song to make her scared.
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And one last doodle before I sign off!
These six bro... my absolute favorites <3 if you want please send in a request of them and their relationships I'm so desperate I love them sm (especially chaggily butttt lucifers stolen wives(that's the ship name I made 😭) too)
I hope you liked my rambel... my rewrite.... my redesigns.... and my stupidness... have a great day lmao
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toiletpudding · 3 months
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Pt. 11 Next.
We're not in Kansas anymore boys.
I kiiiinda hate how Lilith and Lucifer's conversation is a little fast paced by the way, but that's the issues with a ten image post limit but hey atleast it fits with how fucking fast Hazbin Hotel moves canon wise.
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decentsoupperson · 3 months
Okay hear me out.
Corpse Bride Au
Lucifer as Victor
Adam as Emily
Eve as Victoria
Lilith as The other guy I can't remember his name LMAO
Lillith would be Barkis Bittern.
Yes! Imagine Adam in his white groom suit with a bouquet of dead roses and a veil waiting for Lucifer to come and propose to him.
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chiconisroc · 6 months
Chapter 13 "Hope In Hell"
Chapter 13 is up for "Hope In Hell" : D, a Hazbin Hotel, Adam redemption fanfic~
Let me know what ya all think : )
Thank you for the following peeps for reading through things, and providing feedback, I appreciate you three <3:
@lunareader @oxblooddraws @kar-mamin
And thank you for all who have been supportive to this story : )
Summary for new peeps:
Adam awakens as a fallen angel, a sinner in hell, cast away by the angels who had once claimed to ‘treasure’ him. Thinking there is no way back to heaven, he just wants to drown in resentment and spiral toward self-destruction.
Of course, there is no way Charlie is going to let that happen, even when a dangerous enemy is ready to strike soon.
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robin374 · 8 months
*throws u silly HCS ideas yet again aggressively*
Adam x Sweet angel reader
basically reader is the most sweet person u can encounter, like always complementing Adam, giving him hand made gifts and etc, and then theres Adam.
wanna know how this dynamic will go
luv ya
Character: Adam x reader (Romantic)
Notes: I'M BACK, I've finally finished my exams YIPPIE
Summary: Reader is a sweetheart and Adam somehow falls in love with them.
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I'm pretty sure that he's always trying to make you angry in some way. For example, he will be trying to annoy you all the time, and you will answer him with a sweet smile asking him if he's happy that day because he seems more enegertic.
We all know that he sometimes says really morally questionable things, so whenever you hear him say those things you will hit the back of his head and scold him.
At first he thought that your kind and sweet nature was a sign of weakness, because well, he's always around Lute and the Exorcist angels. However, when he saw you ruining someone's day with just a smile and two sarcastic but bold phrases, all those negative thoughts about you dissapeared. Now you have a supportive angel behind you everytime you argue with someone. And with supportive I mean that he's flipping the other angel off while saying "That's right, bitch!" or "You tell ém, sugar tits!"
Yeah, he's pretty obvious with his crush on you, and he's not ashamed. He told Lute about it, she was bit confused at first, like... She's sure that your blood is pure sugar, how could he fall in love with you? You're the total opposite. But, she was happy that Adam found someone after the events with Lillith and Eve...
He's a bit insecure of those events, I mean, he's afraid that Lucifer goes to heaven and steal you away from him. Then, he realizes that you don't even know about the exterminations. He won't tell you, and if you were at the council when Charlie tried to talk to Heaven's leaders. He will be very afraid that you turn against him, that you see him as a monster. Of course, you don't want to accpet that he's been killing souls, even if they are in Hell, they don't desever to die permanentely.
He tried to apologize telling you that those souls desever it, they were in hell for a reason, right? You told him that as long as he didn't kill any children or people who didn't really deseve it, you would let him go down to Hell. If not, you would tell Sera and even God about it and forbid him to go to Hell.
Before the extermination he wanted to talk to you in private. "I want to tell you something, sweetcheeks." You looked at him with a smile. "I... Sorry, you..." For the first time in centuries he was at a loss of words. So, he decided to kiss your lips. It was a bit aggressive at first, but when you softly put your hands in his cheeks his tensed up body loosened a bit. When you separated, you looked at golden eyes, which were looking at you softly. You caressed his cheek, you knew that Hell was going to fight back in that extermination, you knew that he was in danger. "Just don't die, please." You whispered. "I won't die, sugar. I'm Adam, the Adam, the original dick! They can't kill me." He said while hugging you. The, he put his helmet on and flew off to Hell. You gave Lute a gaze that asked her to protect him.
What you didn't expect was to see Lute without an arm. You rapidly rushed to her and started to treat her wounds. While you were stitching up her arm, she took something from a bag. It was a halo similar to Adam's. Suddenly you felt a knot in your throat, was he dead? The look that Lute gave you told you everything. "I tried... But... I'm so sorry..."
You took his halo and put it next to your heart. Tears were falling from your eyes, Lute didn't know what to do, should she comfort you? Should she walk away? Call someone? She just decided to stand behind you waiting for you to say something Now, you had mixed feeling about Hell, you were sure that souls could be redeemed and that extermination was wrong. But how could you fully believe them when they killed your lover?
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voxslays · 5 months
His Second Choice ~ Lucifer x Female!Reader ~ Part 1
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“Once upon a time, when the world was first created by the father, ‘god’, there were two lovers. A bright young man, with fantastic ideas for the future of human creation—and a beautiful young woman, whom was created to be his lover. Unfortunately, while the woman loved the man very much, she was forced to watch from afar as he fell for a human woman on earth.” The woman paused, looking down at her daughter, pulling the little girl close. 
“Is this the story about Lucifer and aunt Y/N!?” The little girl asked excitedly. “Mhm.” The mother nodded, continuing her story.
“Although Lucifer went to earth to visit Lillith—your aunt Y/N still had hope that one day maybe they would fall in love as they were destined to. However, with the help of Lucifer, Lilith ran from the garden and Adam. Together, the new couple gave Adam’s new wife, Eve, the forbidden fruit, damning both of them to hell for the rest of eternity.” 
“Poor aunt Y/N!” The little girl said sadly, looking down.
“Well-” The mother was interrupted by the creaking sound of a door. In the doorway stood Y/N, her h/c hair shining brightly in the mid-afternoon sun. She was wearing a short puffy blue dress, with pink and white stripes, white stilettos, and a small golden butterfly necklace. 
“Aunt Y/N!” The little girl squealed, jumping out of her mother’s arms and into her aunt’s embrace. “Mommy was just telling me the story of you and Lucifer!” She giggled, seeming happy about this.
Y/N seemed less excited about this news. Nobody besides ‘The Seven Heavenly’, Sera, Y/N’s sister, Evangeline, and the father knew about this. “Why don’t you go play outside,” Y/N stopped to look at her sister with a quick glare, before smiling back down at her niece. “I need to talk to your mother.”
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“Evangeline, why would you tell her!?” Y/N shouted at her sister, eyes full of tears. “Why not? It's not hurting anybody N/N!” Evangeline yelled back at her sister. Y/N paused to wipe her tears, before speaking to her sister calmly.
“It hurts me, Angie. It hurts every single day. Knowing he won’t come back.” She broke into a full sob. “I…”
“I know it hurts. I understand your pain. But you’ll never get over it if you try to hide from it N/N.” Evangeline spoke softly, rubbing her sisters’ back gently. “I have something to tell you.” Angie spoke sadly. “What is it..?” Y/N spoke slowly, still half crying.
“Lucifer’s daughter is arriving today.”
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papil0nglegs · 4 months
Adam/Lucifer x dating headcanons 🦢(Separate!!)
French vocab: Mon cœr-My heart
Mon chère-my dear
A/n: Idk if I’ll do husk or Alastor anytime soon but comment if you want it ig, this song is so gorg pls listen
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creds for dividers: kyejiz
He is so petty about your relationship. Everything becomes a competition to him when he’s around other people in relationships
He loves embarrassing you (you think??)
He also loves pda, he doesn’t care who’s watching, he’ll stick his tongue down your throat while Sera watches.
You guys are one of those lazy date couples, walks and theme park dates aren’t for you. So you normally have dates at home, watching movies, binging tv shows etc.
But in all seriousness, he does love you. He loves how you take care of him when he can’t, especially when he finishes another extermination.
He’ll come home drenched in sinners blood, while you grab a washcloth and wipe most of it from his face.
As said before, you guys are lazy date couples, so he loves when you help him wash blood off of him in the bath
It’s no secret that he has had his fair share of women, but ever since Lillith and Eve, most of them have been one nighters.
So when he started his relationship with you, he became kinda protective of you. You always have to reassure you that whatever male friends you have don’t wanna boombayah with you but nothing will convince him 💔
He’s so unserious lmao, he’ll say random one liners whenever you two are making out.
“You’re so beautiful.. your mouth taste like a watermelon jolly rancher..”
“…a what?”
He REALLY enjoys giving you gifts, but sometimes it’s so random, like whenever he’s out with you he’ll just
“Wait a minute..”
“What’s this spicy chicken sandwich deluxe doing in my pocket?”
It was unexpected because Charlie clearly LOVES her mom, but she’s loves you too.
At first, you thought that she wouldn’t be the happiest person in the world since you’re dating her dad, but she actually really likes you.
At one point, she accidentally called you ‘mom’, you guys stopped talking ever since.
He loves taking you on romantic dates, dinner nights with petals all over the floor while you two eat gourmet meals are his favorites
He’s always the waiter too, he doesn’t want some rando getting in the way of you two!! He just wants it to be you and him ♡
omg and sometimes Alastor will just come in as the waiter to fuck with him, like
“How’s the salmon, mon cœr?”
“It’s really nice! Thanks fo-“
“more champagne?”
And it’s just Alastor and his yellow ass teeth
He gets so pissed 😭
His fav part about you is prob your hair, so he loves brushing it in the morning or night.
Brushing your hair soothes him so much, watching your strands of hair go between the bristles.
If French gets you going, then this guys your treat.
He’ll speak French during romantic moments, wether it’s dates while you guys are kissing, he’ll slip out a “Mon chère” and you’d get so flustered
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scekrex · 4 months
Hi!! I love ur stories sm and im gonna ask anonymously for my first time cuz im lowkey shy LOL 🥲..
I was wondering maybe a Adam x Male reader where they had a huge argument, reader mentions something mean about Eve or Lillith to Adam after he says something petty, and Adam reacts without realizing and accidentally hits Reader. (by instinct) Then in shock, reader storms out and doesn’t come back home for a couple of days. (Or you can make it as long, or as short as you want!) You can make it as angst to your liking, and maybe add a makeup (fluff) at the end!! :)) I just think it would be interesting to see.
Thank you, and take care of yourself ! ❤️
Can do, the fluffy end is probably not as fluffy as it could've been but idk it just turned out the way it did ig
All this pain and the words that I cannot say, at least I'm trying
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, hitting (without consent), low-key toxic relationship
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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The air felt tense, the vibe wasn’t as happy and cheery as it had been only moments ago and your neighbors were complaining about the loud screams and yells that kept coming from your apartment and yet neither you nor Adam got it together to simply leave in order to calm down. To be fair, it was your apartment so if someone was in the position to leave it was Adam. The argument between the two of you wasn’t just a tiny thing, it might have been the biggest fight you ever had with him.
The screaming and yelling was loud, the arguments were weak - not only his but yours were too. And yet you both found yourself too prideful to actually admit that to that. Hell would freeze before you would give him the boost of being right by admitting you were wrong, no way you’d admit to that to someone like Adam. And then he said something that caused you to snap.
“Maybe if you wouldn’t be so fucking complicated it would be easier to love your bitchy ass,” Adam yelled at you, his voice already sounded raspy and broken, his body language told you that he was not the only one who was slowly growing tired from fighting - you were too. You clicked your tongue, then responded in a quiet yet annoyed tone, “At least I didn’t lose the fucking women God created for me and only me, you did. So be my fucking guest Adam, if it’s so hard to love me, break the fuck up.” The shock in Adam’s eyes was visible, it was paired with betrayal that he felt, the comment had hit exactly the right spot to actually hurt the brunette and while you regretted it immediately, you did not apologize for it. “Leave them out of this, this shit’s between you and me, bitch,” the first man growled angrily and suddenly the betrayal and shock were overplayed by anger - pure rage vibrated through his body and he made it obvious. You simply crossed your arms over your chest, why though? Why did he get to say mean things about you and you were not allowed to shoot queally mean things back at him? “It’s not my fucking fault you were a horrible person in Eden - horrible enough to make the devil seem nicer. Maybe I’ll go down and suck Lucifer’s dick-” you were not able to finish your sentence.
Adam raised his hand and slapped you across the face. It stung, the part of your cheek that he had hit turned red but worse than that was the fact that he hit you. He had never hurt you physically before, yes there had been fights, yes there had been arguments but never had he hurt you before in any form or way. Your mind was blank, your body felt numb except for your cheek and all you were able to do was to stare, stare at him, stare at his hand, stare at the wall behind him. Before Adam was able to apologize through the fog that had clouded your brain lifted and you stormed off, you grabbed your backpack on your way to the front door and just as the brunette you called your boyfriend was about to say something, you slammed the door shut. From the hallway you heard how one of the picture frames fell to the ground and broke, you couldn’t care any less.
Adam just stood there and watched because what else was he supposed to do? He knew it was too late to apologize, he knew he fucked up badly and that there was the possibility of you breaking up with him and if he was completely honest with himself he deserved it. He had never been the perfect boyfriend you deserved, he had always been out of line, loud and simply too much but you had always assured him that that was simply who he was and that you loved him for who he was - but was that still the case? Did you still love him after that? Because it was one thing to pick fights with each other far more often than other couples did but it was a different thing entirely to hit your partner, Adam was very aware of that. And yet he had still raised his hand against you, a thing he had sworn to himself to never do had been done and he wasn’t able to simply undo it. A weak apology wouldn’t do either, not after that.
He wanted to go after you but he knew you well enough to be aware of how stupid that idea was, the fight would only continue outside of the apartment and he would only cause things to escalate even more and that he really didn’t want. He wasn’t even sure why he hit you in the first place, it had just… kind of happened? He didn’t know. What he did know was that you were gone and that you’d surely spend the night at someone else’s place and while he hated the idea of it, he was smart enough to know that it was for the best to have a little distance between you and him for the night. Surely you’d come back the next day and you two could sort things out.
But you didn’t come back the next day. Or the day after. Or the day after that day.
Adam was freaked out to say the least, he was worried you might secretly dump his ass, stop by when you knew he wasn’t home to pick up your stuff and just disappear. His wives had left him and he was convinced you would leave him just like them. You weren’t his husband yet, you could simply disappear if you wanted to and that scared Adam, it scared him deeply. Because deep down he knew that afterlife without you wouldn’t make any sense, that he was simply a lost soul without you by his side.
He was sitting on the couch, waiting for you to come back, he had canceled all the appointments and band meetings to simply sit on the couch of your apartment and wait for you to come back home, that was all he wanted. He wanted to know you’re safe. But he didn’t know shit because you weren’t answering his calls or responding to his texts, you did read them though. It was driving him crazy to not be sure of anything despite the fact that you were gone.
Where were you?
When would you come back?
Would you come back to begin with?
The brunette jumped off the couch when he heard a key in the lock and his face reflected the relief he was feeling when he saw that you were the one opening the door. Without thinking twice he rushed over to where you stood, the front door still open behind you. The first man pulled you into a bone crushing hug, mumbling sweet nothings under his breath as his wings wrapped around your body in protection. “Fuck, you’re back,” he whispered, sounding so lost, so hurt, so scared. You weren’t hugging him back but you also didn’t try to push him away or get out of the hug in general.
What were you supposed to do? Hugging him back felt wrong after he hit you but pushing him away seemed even worse - yet you wanted an apology. An honest and emotional apology with an explanation of why he did what he did. But you got none of that, instead you listened to Adam who was brabbling everything that he had worked so hard on to bottle up inside of him. “Don’t fucking leave me, do what you want, punch me, scream at me, kick me out but don’t fucking leave me.” And if Adam would be more emotional than he was he would’ve cried, would’ve broken down in front of you while holding you. But he wasn’t emotional and therefore didn’t cry. What he did was that he made sure you understood how desperately he needed you in his life.
And while that was not what you wanted - an apology - it was okay for the moment.
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justjams2003 · 5 months
The Desire to be Loved
Okay so... I watched the new Dead Boy Detectives and I loved it. But it made me kind of sad cuz we didn't get to see Dream. So then I rewatched The Sandman. So please enjoy my ramblings of what could be a new story maybe?
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x OFC Love/Cupid/Venus (you know how these beings have millions of names) (Also technically it could be an x reader because love is sort of anthropomorphic but in this story a she)
Warnings: Manipulation, threats, gay lovers (but it's the Sandman so that should be a given) crying, cliffhanger, unedited, kind of like enemies to lovers, tell me if I miss any
Word count: 1,6k+
Dividers by: @hyelita
(I've moved next part to the bottom)
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When the first woman stepped foot on the earth, Lust was quick to follow after in their creation. Desire thrived late with his twin Despair after the birth of Destruction once Lillith set on her own path. And once the second woman set foot on earth, Desire created his first creation: Love. Love set her very first arrow into the heart of Adam and Eve.  
And as Dream had his second in command, Lucien, Desire had their favourite pet, creation, Love. And while Dream cares for his dreamlings, Love was nothing but a pet to use for Desire. One to follow orders and never throw tantrums. He did make her as sickly sweet as love can be, but with the same swing as desire has.  
And for thousands of years, she did as she was told. When Destiny told Desire that true soulmates were about to meet, he’d send love with her red heart arrows. And when it was the beginings of love, he’d sent her with her pink arrows. And finally, when the love was no longer meant to be, he’d send Love, to rip those pink arrows from the lovers. Tearing their hearts apart, leaving it to throb in pain.  
After all, it’s not safe for the Endless to roam the human world. Not long enough or often enough, at least, to fulfil the task that Love is sent to do. That was solidified in Desire’s mind when his least favourite brother got captured by the humans.  
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She sits on the roof of a house she hasn’t visited before. That seems impossible, she’s been to almost every corner of the earth. But this house...she can feel the aura seems entirely loveless. A black cloud that leaves a bad taste in her mouth, and she doesn’t even eat. At least now something has finally started to bloom.  
She places the arrow on the hilt of the bow. A cute pink heart at the tip. She pulls the string back, controls her breathing like she’s done a million times. But something stops her when she hears what they’re talking about. “The maids say the guards are late.” The boy who just sat down asks.  
The other boy’s black brows furrow. “Really?” He goes to get up, Shoot! She’s going to miss her opportunity. Rushed, she’ll admit, she releases the arrow and it lands right in the two of them. A smile grows on the both of them. She can see the pink aura form around them and makes her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  
“I’d better get going. I don’t want my father’s demon to escape.” He chuckles to himself, struggling to let go of his newly appointed lover. ‘father’s demon’? What on earth is that supposed to mean? Curiosity plays in her mind as to what it could mean. Especially with this dark cloud surrounding this supernatural feeling house.  
Carefully, her cupid-wings carry her down to the floor. She follows behind the boy, knowing no one but the supernatural can see her. Her white heels (after all, none of Desire’s creature’s could ever be unfashionable) hit the floor with a click-clack. Down the stairs and past the gates. But she stops right in her tracks with an audible gasp when she sees the Burgess’ demon.  
Alex watches with furrowed brows when the pale being his father had captured stands up. His piercing blue eyes looking over Alex’s shoulder, staring right at Cupid. Her eyes are as big as saucers and her plump pink lips hang open in shock. Dream’s hand rests against the glass, words are at the tip of his tongue, but just as quickly they fall dead.  
Gone. His one hope of escape took one large step back into the realm of Desire. Her mind, although submissive and quiet in nature, knew immediately who it is that is captured in Rodrick Burgess’ house. Who is this being that could’ve saved him and all his dreamers? Why couldn’t Alex see her? Why hasn’t Morpheus seen her before, in the waking or the dreaming?  
Why? Well, because it’s Desire’s number one rule. Her white go-go boots stop in front of his throne. “Your Highness?” She asks, her innocent eyes glued to the floor like a child ready for a scolding. “Yes, dear pet?” Desire says with a slinking smirk and the lick of his lips. He knows this stance of her all too well.  
“I’ve done bad.” She says, her shoe digging into the floor, her hands wringing behind her back. “Do tell.” They beg for the minor being. “Well, I was on the mission you sent me. With Alex Burgess and his new lover. And well, they were talking about something the Alex boy called ‘father’s demon’ and I-” Desire holds out his hand. She rambles often, he’s used to it.  
Cupid plucks a piece of skin from her lip with her teeth, such a nervous girl. “I saw Dream.” She blurts out, knowing better than to continue blabbering. Desire stands from his seat. A huge smirk forms on his face. He’s practically dancing around now, joy coursing through him. Or rather, mischief. “Oh really?”  
“I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he’d be there. If I knew I wouldn’t have gone. And-” The rambling starts again. But the anger that she expected isn’t there. “No, no, don’t worry my dear pet. You did good, so good.” They muse, now circling her like a shark with it’s prey. “I did?” She ask, her eyebrows lifting in the middle as she fights off the tears she’d been ready to let go of.  
Desire hums, his finger curling under her chin. “Verrryyy good.” He draws out the words like a cat would that could speak. Love’s long lashes flutter as the tears try up, now turned to confusion. “My brother, dear Morpheus, has been missing for the last 10 years and you, dear pet, have accidently just found him.” 
“I did?” He nods again, driving the point home. “Are we going to save him then? He looked so terribly miserable in the glass cage they put him. When he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes that he has-” she’s cut off by a sharp nail under her chin, ready to unmake her. “Why would we ever save him? No, no, no! Have I not taught you better? He has not called for our help and for that we’ll let him rot.”  
The tears rise in the emotional girls eyes once more. “That seems so cruel.” She mumbles, a knot in her throat. “Cruel? Are you not the same Cupid who rips the love right from people’s hearts? Who lets them suffer for years before letting them love again? Is that not more cruel than letting a man, an Endless, be as he wishes to be?”  
Venus gasps when the tear rolls down her cheek, “Yes, but-” she wants to say so much. It is not she who gets to chose. It’s him! They make her break the humans and she cries each time she has too. She just preforms her given task dutifully. It pains her when the humans pray to her, because she has no choice in the matter.  
But she doesn’t say anything. She can’t, Desire would unmake her for disobedience. Instead, she just accepts their badgering. “No, pet, we take advantage of this. While he does not have a say in the matter, you and I will execute as many plans as possible for his demise and when he escapes from his capture, we’ll see the Dreaming fall and crumble at our feet.”  
This...this does not sit well with Cupid. Not one bit. “My master, are you sure this is a good idea?” Her voice is barely above a whisper for she fears Desire’s vengeful side. Desire’s head snaps to her. “Don’t you want your master to be more powerful? To rule over so much more than people’s fleeting wants?”  
“I-” she stumbles over her words but can see when those golden eyes warn her what the true answer is. “I do.” Cupid swallows her tongue and this does please Desire. She’s always been the perfect pet. Capable of nothing more than what is told to her.  
But all she can really think of is the desperation in his eyes. One of the Endless, stripped and vulnerable. And he was pleading. Pleading to her. Just another lonely creature made to serve and one of the Endless were pleading to her to free him. But what could she do? She cannot touch the humans, she cannot even speak to them. The universe and it’s creators know she exists, but those they serve struggle to believe.  
One thing that Desire of the Endless did not take into account is that Love isn’t just desire in another form. It isn’t just a want for the pleasure that a human body gives. It’s also the dreams of the humans that give her any form of power. A dream of what more there could be past the fleeting moments of lust. Past the want for sex and through the to the soul.  
A dream that all humans have. To be loved. By their parents, by their siblings, by their friends, by their lovers. Love is something all humans dream of, late at night when they enter the sleeping world. And while yes, they do wish to be lusted over and want over others, what Love gives is much, much more.  
A cross between Desire and Dream. And if the humans cannot Dream of love, can they even love? If there is no Dream, can there still be Love?  
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Idk if this is going to be a full story yet but if you think it should be and want to be in the taglist if it becomes one, just ask!
Part 2~
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mrplantfr · 6 months
Adam x loyal reader
I've never done this sorta thing so its definitely gonna be trash lmao
Warning!// major nsfw, swearing, religion. Minors, DNI
Adam and you were always together all day, and always talked about eachother. And, when you two got married, things just got more and more worse. By that, I mean obsession over eachother. Wearing eachother's clothes, using same products, always spooning when sleeping, per names, etc. Yk, the usual. Part of it was because he didn't want to loose you like his last wives.
One morning, your husband woke you up at the ass crack of dawn like a child on Christmas. He was estatic saying "Babe, c'mon! Wake up! Get up right now, please!". All you could do was groan and half assedly try to get up.
When you were finally awake completely, (sort of) you asked "Why are you even waking me up at four in the morning?" "Well," he responded "lucifer doesn't know i have a wife again, so I was thinking we could go to a meeting to show off I have a hot wife and he's rotting in hell! Doesn't that sound fun!?" No, it wasn't going to be, but he was so insecure and he looked so happy, you just had to.
As you were walking there, he was gushing saying how happy and excited he was to shove it in that he was married to a hottie and he couldn't steal you. But you were pretty concerned. You knew he was going to try and pull the same stuff as lillith and eve, but you knew it wouldn't work. But, you knew it would hurt your partner, wich hurt to think about. Of course, you held his arm the whole time.
When you arrived, you sat on Adam's lap instead of a chair, to make things clear. (And his dad bod made it really comfortable). "Jeez, its been half an hour, he should be here by now." you mentioned. "Don't worry your sexy little head off, it's gonna be worth it." He said in a villainous type of tone. All the sudden, BAM, the door flew open and lucifer stormed in. And then he noticedyou. "So, whos the lady? Rawrrr~" lucifer asked Adam. "My wife" he said smugly. "Oh, well," he leaned towards you "is this fatso really satisfying you, or is it pity?". Adam's giddy grin turned to an upset frown immediately. "YES I DO" he screamed, slaming hand on the table. "I asked her, not you." He said smugly. "So, be honest: what pain does he put you through in the sack?"
You immediately got up, "He is far better than you. You might think you can steal me like those two other tasteless home wrecking assholes, but not me, I have dignity in who I marry. Get your sorry ass away from me and my husband, with your lonely divorced ass who gave your daughter daddy issues." You pointed to the door, as he was taken aback. Adam was stunned, yet also thought it was hot not gonna lie.
Lucifer quickly stepped out, while you sat back on Adam's lap satisfied with what you had done. Adam stayed silent, but not for long. "Babe, that was- FUCKING HOT." He was hard as a rock, and you noticed. "I can tell, but, I love you. I wouldn't leave you for that twig." you said reassuringly, stroking his hair with your hands. A quick peck on the cheek from you and he carried you bridal style home, lovestruck. And when you got there, he was sure to fuck you shamelessly.
He threw you on the bed and ripped your pants off immediately. He didn't have time to take his robe off though, he just rolled it up and started thrusting. Your back was bouncing up and down off the mattress, making LOUD creaking sounds, and it was delightful. "A-adam~ fuck, ngh~" you moaned. "Scream for me, bitch." And you complied. "Fuck- THATS SO HOT" you screamed. with a load tone. He eventually took his cock out, and you were creaming like a mad man. "P-please~" you begged him to not stop, but then he, without warning, shoved two of his massive claws in your clit. "FUCK, BABE" you screamed in pleasure, surprisingly, the claws didn't hurt, or the pleasure was covering it up. He was happy with the screamed you made, music to his ears. "You're gonna love giving me head later, huh?" He said. "Y-yes, babe-" all the sudden, he stopped that too. You were upset, but let out a loud sigh, when all the sudden, he pulled you by your collar on your shirt. "You gonna show me what you're capable of, sweetie~?", he asked flirtingly. "Y-yes, anything for you."
"Good~" he said. Then you pulled your head down between his legs and put his tip in your mouth. You swirling your tongue around it made him groan. "F-fuck, babe-" he said under his breath, he was tired, but not too tired to get head at least. Then you started bobbing your head, slowly but damn, it felt good. He was making indescribable noises, but he was enjoying every moment.
Eventually, you two were too tired to continue, so you put your clothes back on and went to bed. "Good night, hot stuff." He said, before passing out. "Night, babe" you said as you kissed his forehead and went to bed aswell, holding eachother in a warm embrace.
WOW, that was a weird first fanfic, but I liked it. Tell me what you guys think and please don't bully me TVT
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hells-greatestdad · 7 months
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Hazbin Hotel is an adult animation with very mature themes and language. Because I'm not going to shy away from those themes.... if you're going to interact with me, please be 18 or older. I will block you if I find out you're a minor. to read: Why I do not interact with minors
The mun of this blog tends to make a lot of OOC posts. While they are also very active in making IC posts, they understand that excessive OOC is a turn-off to some. Frankly, they don't know how to stop - so if excessive OOC is an issue for you, consider not following.
Smut and/or sexually suggestive/explicit content will be tagged as #suggestive or #spicy. #spicy rp for smut threads. Will not RP smut with under 21s
This blog will primarily ship Lucifer x Lillith. This means that any Liliths who wish to get to autoship with my Lucifer. More on shipping below
While in some verses I write for, Lucifer did have sexual relations with Eve, I will never write him as cheating on Lilith. I simply don't think he would. In those verses, Lilith was aware of it, and may have even been a part of it. (There are also verses where this never happened. I will never impose this headcanon on any Eve muns. Our interactions will assume that Lucifer never slept with Eve at all, unless you want to interact with that headcanon.)
I am fine interacting with multiples of the same character!! Including Liliths, Charlies, etc!! I want to explore all that I can with all the characters!!
Please request a TW tag if you need it. I'll accommodate you.
Please reblog from source when it comes to ask memes and stuff that comes with an expectation of interaction. If you do reblog from me, pleaseeeee send something in first.
I am open to a variety of interpretations on Lilith... including potentially toxic ones. That said, I by default view their marriage as overall one that contains mutual love and respect, even if there may be significant challenges. So.... maybe talk to me, if you have something else in mind.
Stance on OCs and Personals Interaction
I ask that you DM me or otherwise contact me OOC about your OC before doing any serious writing with me. Give me an idea of your OCs story/backstory, what sort of interactions you picture for us or what you hope for - and let me give an honest reply on if that will work or not.
I am willing to give OCs a chance. I even have an OC as a ship partner.
Personal blogs:
Personals are welcome to follow, like posts, etc. Please do not reblog my IC posts, however! Please also do not reblog headcanon posts!! (Unless I tag it as #ok to rb)
I also welcome anon asks from personals who follow.
I first got into tumblr RP, starting an interest in it by being a personal blog following RP blogs - I understand that observing RP can be quite fun and entertaining.
Shipping: how it works for this blog
Default verse, Lucifer is with Lilith. They may or may not be temporarily separated. They also have an open marriage. (If preferred, we can discuss your Lilith and my Lucifer having a monogamous marriage. This isn't an issue, I understand not everyone likes the open marriage thing.)
Other ships taking place in the open marriage dynamic can either be romantic or sexual
(Please don't feel like shipping with my Lucifer means we need to write smut. We do not, esp if you're uncomfortable with it. Shipping is so much more than two characters having sex. I want to write the romantic stuff just as much.)
For non-LuciLith ships, there are a couple options:
They can be involved with my Lucifer within the open marriage dynamic. (Note, however, that Lucifer is not going to be seeing anyone during Lilith's absence. So this would need to take place in a timeline where Lilith is available.)
We can create a separate verse where Lucifer is no longer with Lilith - either divorced, or otherwise permanently separated
I am selective!!! What does this mean?
I am open to RPing with a variety of people, but find it necessary to vet interactions to a decent degree. You are free to approach, and I am NOT mutuals-only! But an interaction is not guaranteed. I need to be selective for my own sanity and mental health.
About the blog owner!
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Name: Collie
Faceclaim: Lassie from Meiken Lassie (anime adaption of Lassie Come Home)
Age: 30+
Pronouns: they/them
Info: I am diagnosed with "level 1" autism - the mildest form that exists. This is largely inconsequential in an online setting of communication, but it does mean that I tend to not take hints or understand sarcasm. You will often need to be more direct with me.
Experience in RP: been off and on with roleplay since age 17, starting on Skype in 2010 and have used kik, forums dedicated to RP, and of course... tumblr
Other blogs: @alwayschasingraiinbows (Charlie Morningstar sideblog! very low activity)
@appleduck000 (Lucifer's Twitter. sideblog)
Currently active event (later will be kept on as its own verse, assuming my muse survives):
#unholy crusade
Lucifer's Moral Compass
Headcanons list
(Autistic traits I write my Lucifer as having)
Verse info
Established Lucifer ships on this blog
Verses where Lucifer has kids other than Charlie
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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radskull-69 · 4 months
okay ya’ll know that ‘nerdy prudes must die’ sans fanfic I had planned?
heathers x hazbin hotel idea, it works so much better tbh
adam would be JD, and the heathers could be the VVV’s. Obviously y/n would be veronica
idk who would be the two creepy jocks, I think Valentino and vox could be also be those characters while velvets could be the main heather
I want Martha to be Charlie or Emily (but idk how’d that work since Charlie’s dad also goes to this school…) but maybe sir pentious could be Martha? I think it fits..
I also wanna include eve, lillith and lucifer somehow. I wanted them to be the heathers but thought better ab it.
I’m thinking that this story would kinda take place after Adam dies in the show and (hopefully in canon) comes back as a lowly sinner.
so in this human au the normal version of all that would be Adam got expelled from his private school (representing heaven) to come to this one (representing hell), it’d be funnier if Adams school and this one were rivals and now he has to be here
and since Adam HATES this new lower school he’s quick to want to bomb it with a small push from y/n. Adam craves to have the upper hand, having to lose his status thanks to moving here.
and when vox and Valentino get shot and framed to be suicidal gay lovers I think it works perfectly lol.
when y/n and Adam kill the V’s I think I want lucifer and his two girls to step up and threaten to become the new ‘heathers’. Maybe they got expelled as well but that was well before Adam did.
adam lives with his dad ‘god’ and his mom is died when he was born, they don’t move around a lot. They’ve been staying at adams old private school for years until Adam got expelled for getting in too many fights or smth..
lucifer and Lilith got expelled for.. I don’t know, honestly. But I like to believe when Adam started to date eve lucifer and Lilith convinced her to move to the public school instead and away from Adam
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chameleon66 · 1 year
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Whispers of Panic
WARNING! Contains:, Raine angst, Odalia being Odalia, bullying, anxiety, anxiety attack(s), tickling, teasing, Hurt/Comfort,
Ships: Raine x Eda and a little Darius x Alador
Word count: 6215 (Long I know)
It had been a few months since Raine had transferred to Hexide and they couldn’t have been happier, they were the best in the Bard track, their anxiety had been down and they were best friends with the coolest witch in the whole school, Edalyn Clawthrone. Who they had to admit was very talented, funny, smart, strong and beautiful with her golden eyes, fiery and fluffy orange hair and winning smile that could make anyone weak at the knees, at least it hopefully wasn’t just them.
Things couldn’t have been better for Raine Whispers, but this wouldn’t be a story if everything was just fine and dandy now would it.
It had been just like any other Monday morning, Raine walked with Eda and her sister Lillith to school before heading off to their class.
That was when Raine felt a hand on their shoulder stopping them midway to their class.
Raine turned as was met with the face of Principal Faust and vice principal Bump following close behind him, Faust looked angry about something or maybe that's just how his face looked and Bump looked to just be on edge, nothing out of the ordinary.
“Raine Whispers?” Faust asked in a calmish voice.
Raine swallowed a lump in their throat before responding, “Yes, That’s me.” Am I in trouble? Raine thought.
Faust breathed in, then asked “Are you aware?”
“Aware of what?”
“I’ll take that as a no.” Principal Faust acknowledged, “ You Raine Whispers have been selected.”
“Selected for what?” Raine inquired, hopefully it wasn’t to feed Grom, they would either be giving Grom food or being the food.
“You have been chosen to represent the Bard track at the Hexide end of year showcase this Friday.” Principal Faust replied with an unusual amount to vigor in his voice.
“The end of year showcase.” Raine muttered to no one in imparticular, they had learned about what the end of year showcase was from Eda. It was when students from the nine tracks would perform in front of the students that were going to attend hexide that next year. Wait a minute…
“I have been chosen to perform, i-i-in front of ev-e-everyone.” Raine’s voice shook as the words came out past their lips.
“Yes.” Principal Faust reiterated, “You are by far the most talented Bard in the school, and you have a long history of performing at your previous school, so you are the perfect fit for the position.”
Yes, Raine had performed in front of people before,weak knees, shaking voice, horrible anxiety and they even had anxiety attacks on some occasions, the full stage fright buffet.
“The show is this Friday at 6pm sharp, I have every faith in you Mr. Whispers.” Principal Faust then walked away in the direction that Raine was pretty sure was his office.
Raine felt so uneasy and anxious they didn’t even notice Principal Faust had misgendered them. They had to perform in front of the whole school, teachers, parents and then some new students, there was no chance they could do this with messing up. What if they forgot their song and made a fool of themself? What if they tripped on stage in front of everyone, what if they fainted on stage? What if -
A concerned voice jolted them from their spiraling downfall of ‘what if’s’. “Raine, are you ok?” Asked Vice Principal Bump putting a warm comforting hand on their shoulder.
“Oh um- Yes, never better.” Raine spoke almost as if they hadn’t gotten the scare of a lifetime a few seconds prior, then they stepped back from Bump arms pinned to their sides tightly.
“Just so you know it is completely ok if you don’t want to do the showcase, I myself don’t do well with talking in front of a lot of people.”
Bump’s word’s felt comforting in a way Raine desperately wanted to accept, but they didn’t need the words. It was just a dumb irrational fear that they just couldn’t seem to control, honestly it was pathetic, The top bard in school had stage fright.
“It’s okay Vice Principal Bump, Like he said I’m the best bard in this school, so I should not have a problem performing in front of an audience.” Raine had poorly faked confidence in their voice that did not manage to cover up the trembling in their knees. “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.”
“Are you telling me or convincing yourself?”
“A bit of both.” Raine breathed with an anxious laugh. “Hopefully, you’re buying it, cause I’m not.” Raine added.
With that Raine walked past Bump to get to their class, the anxiety dripping off their forehead in the form of sweat and knees barely holding themself up as they walked unreasonably slow to their teacher's classroom.
Class had gone by way too fast for Raine’s liking, all they could do is fidget with their pencil lost in their anxieties and worries like a labyrinth, and it most certainly didn’t help that their teacher had announced to the whole class that Raine had been selected to perform at the showcase which just made Raine feel even worse, they couldn’t disappoint everyone but they also couldn’t make a fool of themself in front of everyone.
Lunch had arrived and after waiting in the line to receive a tray of food, they began to walk silently across the cafeteria.
“Hey Rainstorm.” a familiar voice called out to them, Raine looked up from their tray to see Eda sitting at a table with Darius, Alador and Odalia who all looked at Raine with dull looks.
Raine walked over to the table all of them were sitting at and took a seat next to Eda and across from Alador who had his nose buried in a book, probably about Abominations or something.
“Hey what’s going on? I called you when you came in and you didn’t answer.” Eda asked, turning her head to face Raine.
“I-I didn’t hear you.” Raine responded, the stutter in their voice becoming more noticeable.
“Well obviously.” Eda chuckled while rolling her eyes playfully at them which made a faint blush appear on Raine’s cheeks.
“Ugh, how come no one asks about me for titans sake!” Odalia groaned while staring daggers at Alador who was not paying attention in the slightest, “Don’t any of you know that I’m representing the Oracle track at the Hexide showcase!” Odalia boasted her voice dripped with ego.
“You do know that, I’m representing the abomination Track, Raine’s representing the Bard track and Eda and her sister Lily are assisting with the showcase, correct?” Darius Nagged with brows pulled down in a judgemental frown.
“Yes but I’m representing the Oracle track and it’s the best track, you know why?”
“Don’t tell me.” Darius turned and took a bite from his sandwich the scowl still frim on his face.
“Hang on, back up, Raine, you never told me you’re in the Showcase.” Eda said turning to Raine fully giving them her full attention which startled Raine.
“Oh yeah, I-I am, -b–but I-I didn’t even find out until t-th-this morning.” Raine somehow managed to get out somewhat conheriantly.
Eda flung her arms around Raine in a side hug which made Raine’s face go as red as their blood rushed into their face, it took Eda a second to realize what she was doing before she awkwardly maneuvered away.
“Well it’s just-it’s a huge honor to represent your track in the end of year showcase; they only let the best of the best perform in it.” Eda explained the excited energy radiation off her, But then she noticed the table was shaking a bit so much that all of their lunch trays bounced up and down ever so slightly. Eda looked down to see Raine’s foot bouncing anxiously and when she looked up to see Raine’s face, they were biting their bottom lip with their eyes fixated on the ground.
“You ok Rainstorm?” Eda questioned her cru-friend. Her best friend. Her very best friend, who she did not at all like in that way.
Raine’s eyes shot back up and foot stopped bouncing but the anxiety still lingered on their face. “ O-of course I am.” Raine lied to not only their best friend but to the whole table.
“Hey, it’s ok to be nervous, I mean if you're nervous that just means it’s really important to you.” Darius smiled with a tone of voice that felt soothing.
“I-I’m not n-nerv-nervous.” Raine felt their ears and face go redder, this was ridiculous, they shouldn’t be nervous. They had performed in front of so many more people and were still terrified back then, Surely they’d all make fun of them if they knew.
“You are an awful liar, Raine.” Odalia scoffed her eyes looking Raine up and down with her icy blue eyes.
Raine felt fear grip their heart as if Odalia was going to pounce on them and claw their guts out through their pointy tipped ears if they so much as blinked in an irritating manner.
“I-I-I um-gotta go.” raine excused themself from the table and speed walked out of the cafeteria with shaky knees, Eda watched sadly as they left. They must be really nervous about performing, Eda said in her head, she had never seen Raine act so anxious before.
“Sad to watch your boyfriend go, Edalyn?” Odalia smirked at her with her arms folded against her chest.
“Ok number one, respect THEIR pronouns and two we are just friends.” Eda insisted, because they were, there were no romantic feelings between the two of them. Zero.
Darius swallowed the rest of their sandwich before responding. “Eda it hurts me immensely to say this but Odalia has a good point, I’ve seen the way Raine looks at you, and they only look at two things that way.” Darius raised his left hand and gestured to Edalyn. “You and their viola.” Darius retracted his hand back waiting for a response.
Eda had to force the stupid lovestruck grin off her face and gave Darius the strongest grimace she could muster. “Oh be quiet Darius, you have no right to judge my type considering yours.” with that Eda walked off with her empty tray in hand leaving the three alone.
Darius spared a glance at Alador who was still reading with a curious twinkle in his sparkling eyes, Dang, Darius could swim in those eyes for as long as he may live.
Odalia’s face moved to obscure his view of Alador and Darius immediately turned away from the two in embarrassment, why couldn’t he just move on? There was no chance he and Alador would ever be together, not in a million years.
Eda and Raine made their way to Eda’s locker as she needed to get one of her potions books, Raine had been near silent all day letting Eda do all the talking. Eda had definitely noticed this.
“Raine, are you sure that you’re ok? You’ve been awfully quiet since yesterday?”
Eda's eyes shifted to the bard, they looked stressed with their eyes glued to the floor, their legs shaking as they walked, and their hands were gripped onto their viola’s case’s handle with a white knuckle grip.
Raine looked up, adjusting the glasses on their face before forcing a smile a bit too wide on their face. “Yep, I just didn’t sleep well last night.” Raine told them the fake smile falling from their face as they spoke.
“If this is about the showcase, I’m sorry if I made it sound like a lot of pressure.” Eda made a mental note of the way Raine’s muscles had tensed at the mention of the showcase. “Because it’s actually a lot of fun, I should know I’m helping with the show.”
Raine tried to force the tenseness out of their shoulders and a clamish look on their face to appear, “What? I’m not scared, I have performed in my life more times than I can remember.”
Raine leaned onto the surface of the locker trying to appear cool and collected when the locker suddenly opened its mouth and Rain fell in.
Eda jumped into action grabbing Raine’s wrists and pulling with all her strength to get them out, that’s when the locker suddenly loosened its grip on the bard and almost made both of the witches fall over luckily Eda catching herself and Raine before they fell to the floor.
“Easy there Rainstorm, it would be a really bad way to die.” Eda giggled, setting Raine back on their still wobbly legs.
Raine let an anxious laugh flow through them and looked at their friend with a small smile.
“Thanks for the save.” Raine thanked Eda with a tint of red appearing on their cheeks.
“Don’t mention it.” Eda winked at them. A scream rang through the hall causing Raine to jump a bit, but luckily it was just the bell telling the students to get to class. Eda and Raine looked at eachother Raine with nervous energy and Eda with confusion.
“I better head to class.’ Raine gulped before picking up their viola and darting down the hall leaving Eda by herself with a concerned twinkle in her eyes.
“Bye?” She waved slowly, not that they noticed.
“I just don’t know what to do.” Raine admitted “The showcase is day after tomorrow and I still can’t get myself to stand up and perform in front of people, I know I should have just told Principal Faust I didn’t want to do the Showcase but I think he’s really counting on me and so is the rest of my class.” Raine sighed through their nose and buried their head in their arms.
“But I also can’t tell people I have severe stage fright. I mean think about the teasing, ‘The best bard in school has stage fright.’ Eda will probably not want to be my best friend, anyone which is just as bad, do you have any advice for me?”
Raine looked over to Alador who was reading and hadn’t even looked up from his stupid book. Raine tapped his shoulder to which Alador's eyes shifted to Raine.
“Oh hey Raine, when did you get here?”
Raine groaned before rubbing their temples. Maybe this is why Odalia was always annoyed with Alador Raine thought to themself.
“By the way, I wanted to tell you congratulations on getting selected to be in the showcase,that’s like a super big deal, So many people from all over the isles come to see it and last year the emperor's coven even came to see it. They only select the best witches to be in the showcase, the ones they know won’t mess it all up, a few years ago one kid got expelled by principal faust because the plant that she grew was four inches too high, but hey no pressure.” Alador finished with a smile that only the most oblivious person could have at that moment.
Raine felt their heart practically stop as Alador spoke, Now their place at hexide was now on the line, just like at their previous school, Raine felt their hands tremble and stomach tie itself tightly into a knot of anxiety. They were doomed. “Yep, no pressure.”
With that being said Raine went to the school to practice. Raine tried to relax as they began to whistle the melody of their favorite tune from when they were a child, simpler times.
Alador almost managed to return reading to his book but then he felt a strong force knock them down the steps and when Alador looked back they saw Raine covering their mouth with their eyes wide when they glanced over at him they immediately ran inside.
Alador steadied himself on the railing before his mind was suddenly connecting the dots. Remember the times when he got so frustrated with Odalia not letting him hang out with Darius and whatever Abomination slime nearby turned into huge monstrosities. he knew other witches could experience that too, was something bothering Raine?
“Was it something I said?”
Raine was up to their ears in anxiety now, they practiced their songs on their viola all week even missing an hour or two of sleep practicing. But those stupid irrational fearful thoughts just kept coming back and kicking them.
Why couldn’t they just get over this?
Ok, Raine needed to calm down. Luckily a solution came to them soon enough, they could go hang out with Eda. After all, they hadn’t been hanging out with her as often because of how much they had been practicing.
Raine quickly put their viola in its case and made their way outside to the school’s Grudgby field where Eda was probably practicing with Lily.
But once Raine got there, they saw Eda playing by herself on the field with Odalia gazing into a crystal ball with Alador on the bleachers, Wow had Eda been by herself while they were practicing for the showcase Raine noted. Wow they had been pushing away their best friend just because of a stupid showcase.
“Hey Eda.” Raine hollered from across the field.
Eda’s ears perked up and when she saw Raine her smile lit up brighter than a light spell as she rushed over to Raine and they did their signature handshake perfectly in sync.
“Oh geez it feels good to see you.” Eda said hugging Raine tightly, Raine felt their heart flutter but accepted the hug, maybe some good old comfort was just what they needed.
The hug broke before Raine started speaking, “Yeah I guess I have been busy a lot lately.” Raine admitted arms wrapped around themself.
“Oh come on don’t feel too bad about it.” Eda said placing her hands on their shoulders “Everybody around this time of year gets busy like pre-paring for coven tryouts, finals, and not too mention the end of year showcase-”
Eda paused herself as she noticed Raine’s knees shaking and shoulders tensed at the mention of the end of year showcase, “Are you sure that you're not scared about it?” Eda asked, hands moving from Raine’s tense shoulders.
Raine forced their breathing to slow down and shoulders ease a bit. “Are we still talking about that?” Raine looked at Eda, trying too hard to appear calm. “I have performed dozens of times and it makes no sense for all the best Bard to have stage fright.” Raine locked their eyes down on the ground and tried to look like they were joking but all they got was a concerned look from Eda.
Eda knew Raine was nervous but did they actually have stage fright? Because that would explain a whole lot about how they had been acting the last few days. But Eda didn’t want to confront them here in front of the Drama queen herself (*cough* Odalia *cough*).
“Alright then, how about we go and grab some apple blood from the cafeteria?” Eda suggested hoping Raine would fall for her trap to them alone with her so she could talk to them.
“I think that the cafeteria is closed after school, Eda.” Raine pointed out. “But I could turn some water into apple blood if you want.”
Well that hadn’t quite gone according to plan Eda thought but Raine was so polite to offer her and she also couldn’t blow her cover so she nodded her head and went to fetch her some water and paper cups, leaving Raine waiting for her on the field.
Eda returned with two cups with water in them and held them out for Raine, Raine took in a breath then whistled but the magic didn’t flow out in a steady stream to change the chemistry of the liquid but instead in an uncontrolled burst that knocked both Eda and Raine off their feet, the water spilling out of the cups.
Eda looked at Raine slowly sitting up, Eda knew emotions had a strong effect on magic and that it was not Raine’s intention to do that, Raine must be in a much worse state of mind if their magic got that out of control.
Both witches got back on their feet, both unsure of what to say.
So Eda started, “Raine, are yo-.”
Both of them looked up to Odalia on her feet holding up her crystal ball which had a small piece chipped off it. “YOU BROKE MY CRYSTAL BALL!” Odalia screamed like a banshee fighting poor, already shaken Raine.
Raine felt their throat and chest tighten with their knees getting weaker. “I-I-I’m s-sor-sorry.” Raine managed to push out.
“Oh you better be you stupid bard.” Odalia quickly jumped off the bleacher and got within a threatenly short distance from Raine. “What were you trying to do, kill me?”
“I-I didn’t-”
“Oh my titian just shut up.” Odalia was now red in the face with rage with both Eda and Alador just sitting there like statues. “Why were you selected to be in the showcase out of all people, because you know what?” Raine wanted to speak but couldn’t find any words to say.
“You are nothing but a poor, weak, cowardly excuse for a bard!” Odalia's eyes glowed with powerful rage.
Hot tears stung in Raine’s eyes like acid as sobs made their way to their throat, they just burst into tears as they ran off the field.
“Wait Rainstorm!” Eda shouted after them but they did not spare even a glance at her. She turned with fury to Odalia. “Do you know how upset you just made them!”
“Oh I’m well aware.” Odalia examined her painted purple nails “But seriously that was seriously pathetic.” Odalia crossed her arms across her chest narrowing her eyes at Eda.
“They already are stressed out enough without you screaming at them.” Eda was not only angry but also just felt sorry for her cru-friend, best friend.
Odalia smirked at Eda “Say what you want Edalyn. Just don’t act surprised when they screw up the showcase tomorrow.”
Odalia walked away with Alador looking back at Eda before following her. Eda just stood there alone on the grudgby field.
Friday (The night of the showcase)
Raine paced back and forth in the bard classroom which was being used as the waiting area for kids who were in the showcase, one kid from each track was there but none of them looked as nervous as Raine did.
Raine had been eating an apple given to them by Odalia while pacing trying to get themselves calm they couldn’t perform if they were this stressed. Their magic had been out of whack enough already lately from them being stressed out.
“Knock, knock.” Eda chanted while opening the door and Lillith stepped inside the room holding a clipboard.
Lilith looked up from her clipboard and began to speak “Alright folks, the show is starting in ten minutes and there are a lot of people here.” Raine took another bite out of their apple before chewing anxiously. “The order you are performing in is posted on the wall . Please familiarize yourself with it.”
As if on cue everyone started to crowd the paper on the wall, everyone except Raine who was waiting until everyone was gone, though they continued to chomp on the apple until a voice began to speak again.
“Raine, are you stress eating?” Eda asked with Lillith now walking towards her sister and Raine.
“What no, what makes you think that?” Raine swallowed what they were chewing.
Lilith stared at the apple they were eating before looking up at Raine.
“Because that apple you're eating is made out of foam.” Lilith pointed out. Raine looked down at the apple to see foam instead of fresh apple meat.
Odalia snickered behind her hand staring Raine dead in the eyes. Raine groaned before sitting down on a desk chair when Eda walked up to them and put a hand on their shoulder.
“Don’t worry Rainstorm, ignore what Miss ‘I’m so much better than everyone’ has to say, you’ll be awesome out there.” Eda smiled a toothy grin at them which made Raine’s heart melt.
“Come along Edalyn we got to get backstage.” Lilith whispered shouted at her younger sister before speed walking out the door, Eda got up to her feet but before she could follow her sister she leaned over and whispered to Raine. “Just so you know, you’ll be going last.”
That should have comforted Raine but it really didn’t , it just meant more time for them to be nervous and scared out of their mind.
Time ticked by fast, soon the kid from the beast keeping track was on and Raine was to be going next. Raine was still sitting down feeling nauseous, that was either nerves or the foam apple they had eaten. Maybe they could just fake that they were sick or sneak out the bathroom window.
“Raine!” a feminine voice shouted causing Raine to jump only to turn and see Lillith standing there, “Raine, you’re on in two minutes.” Raine had enough time to grab their Viola and bow and swallow nervously before following her to behind the curtains where they could see a kid on stage with a giant worm trying to tame it.
Raine gripped their instrument harder trying to get themself to calm down with little to no success trying to do so when Principal Faust was suddenly walking on stage.
“And now for our final act of the night we have Raine whispers performing for the Bard track. Principal Faust announced as an eruption of cheers and claps prevailed.
Raine froze, this was it, there was no going back now, it was now or never, Oh how Raine wished they could choose never.
“Go!” Lilith nudged them from behind pushing Raine on to the stage in sight of the audience, Raine’s chest tightened and their knees knocked together as they tried to position their viola to play it, but when they looked up and saw the dozens and dozens of eyes staring at them.
Raine lost it
Eda was watching backstage worried upon seeing her cru-FRIEND, GOSH DARN IT. completely freeze up when they look at the people in the audience. When suddenly Raine ran off stage ignoring the people who were calling their name behind them including Eda. Eda looked to see everyone who was backstage dumbfounded except for Odalia who was grinning evilly, That sick witch. But Eda would deal with her later, right now she had something more important to do.
Eda took off in the direction Raine went trying to find them, when they came to an empty classroom and they heard heavy breathing and dry sobs, Eda slowly opened the door to see Raine with their knees pulled up to their chest, glasses crooked on their nose and arms wrapped around their knees.
Eda slowly sat down next to Raine unsure of what to say for what felt like the millionth time that week, but she had to say something. So she sighed before forcing words to come out of their mouth.
“Raine, it’s-.”
But before Eda could say more Raine looked up at her for Eda to see the terrifying sight that was their eyes, Raine’s usually vibrant green eyes that were usually full of music were now dull and red with tears brimming the edges of their eyes.
“Go away Eda, you don’t deserve to be around someone who just ruined the showcase for everyone.” Raine’s voice was weary and tight as if confined to their throat forever.
“Oh please Raine, Odalia ruined the showcase when she just talked about how amazing her future is for twenty minutes straight.” Eda said bluntly.
“At least she didn’t run off the stage and make herself look like a fool.” Raine’s voice cracked midway through their sentence.
“Raine, it’s all ok.” Eda tried to reassure them only for Raine to curl up tighter and bury their head into their arms.
“No, it’s not, I have stage fright!” Raine admitted to Eda. “Ok there I said it, I’m normally able to just suck it up and perform but for some stupid reason I couldn’t just do that like the dozens of times I’ve done it in the past. What kind of Bard has stage fright? Why can’t I just grow up and lose this stupid irrational fear? Odalia’s right, I am a poor excuse for Bard.”
Eda was stunned, she kind of already figured out Raine had stage fright but she didn’t realize it this bad. She was even more stunned to hear raine talking so harshly of themself, it almost made Eda angry to hear her best friend thought of themself that way. She couldn’t just sit there and let her friend tear themself down like that.
“Raine, can you turn towards me?” Eda asked in the most gentle voice she could. Raine slowly moved their head from their arms only for Eda to pull them into a tight hug letting them bury their face in their hair as she rubbed their back to ease them.
“Raine, you are the most talented Bard in the whole school and probably on the boiling isles, and you don’t need to be on stage and perform in front of an audience to prove that to anyone.” Eda felt Raine hiccup but did not let that discourage her. “You shouldn’t let fear control your life but you also shouldn’t force yourself to face your fears unless you are ready to because then you just hurt yourself and that is never the answer, But my point is you really shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, You’re doing great.”
Raine almost started sobbing, but they did cling onto Eda a little bit harder. It was a few minutes before Raine let go of Eda and began wiping the tears from their cheeks as they looked at Eda, eyes still wet with tears. “Thanks Eda, I needed to hear that.” Raine smiled at her.
“You're welcome.” Eda felt a sense of pride wash over her as Raine smiled at her, things would be ok. “How about we get you home?” Eda asked.
Raine looked down, almost ashamed before speaking “I don’t think I can face my parents after I ran off stage.” Raine’s knees fell from their chest as they finished and Eda understood. Disappointing the people who sacrificed a lot for you just makes you feel like a failure, and that was the last thing Raine needed right now.
“How about you stay the night at my place? Both of my parents couldn’t make it to the showcase because they had some emergency at work so they probably won’t be home until morning.” Eda knew that it would probably be a bit awkward but she was willingly to put those feelings aside for Raine’s sake.
Raine gratefully smiled at her and nodded.
“Alright then, let’s get moving.” Eda helped Raine to their feet and they snuck out the classroom window and rode Owlbert to Eda’s house with Raine texting their parents that they would be spending the night with a friend's house.
After they got to Eda’s home, they found Lily wasn’t there (Probably still dealing with the drama at the school). So they ended up going to Eda’s room and just watching Eda’s crystal ball. It was obvious Raine was still coming down from an anxiety high because they were still quite fidgety and their leg were still bouncing up and down as they sat in Eda’s desk chair.
After watching three episode of some reality witch show, it was decided they would get ready for bed, Eda went to the bathroom to brush her teeth while Raine just sat on her bed picking at the skin around their nails, when Eda came back out she felt a pang of sadness run through her, it wasn’t easy seeing someone she cared for still feel bad.
“You ok? Rainstorm” Eda asked. Raine was about to say something along the lines of ‘I’m fine, totally fine.” but then they stopped themself. Eda wasn’t going to make fun of them for not being fine. So Raine just shook their head.
Eda sat down on her bed in front of Raine, “Still feeling bad about what happened?”
Raine just nodded, they weren’t completely over what happened, not anyone probably would be at that point.
If Eda could just snap her fingers and make Raine feel better then she would, she just had to think of something. Then Eda got an idea, an awful idea, Eda got a wonderful awful idea (Dr seuss anyone?). Eda looked over at Raine who looked at her back.
“Hey Raine, I could try something that my sister used to do to me to cheer me up, if you’re ok with it.” Raine gave her an inquisitive look but what did they have to lose?
“Yeah ok.” Raine responded.
Eda slowly put her hands on Raine’s stomach which made Raine squeak and cheeks flush, Eda took in how adorable that was before she began to trace circles over their stomach. Raine felt a wobbly smile as they shook with repressed giggles, they really tried not to giggle but Eda’s fingers were maddening.
Eda saw Raine fighting down giggles and took that as a sign to start tickling. The sparky feeling in Raine’s stomach grew as Eda was tickling them, Raine couldn’t pick out if it was torture or pleasure but either way Raine began to softly giggle which had Eda taken it back. Raine’s giggles were soft and melodic in a way that made her blush like crazy, but she brushed it off because right now she had to make Raine hysterical.
Raine felt Eda’s hands shift from their stomach to sides which almost immediately made them start to giggle and when Eda started tickling their sides they started laughing. Raine began to fall back on the bed, and Eda followed them pinning them down beneath her.
“EDHAHAHAAHA NAHAHAHAT MY SIHAHAHAHAHDES!” Raine barely got the words out between their fits of laughter.
Eda took pleasure in the fact Raine was having trouble getting words out and decided to tease them.
“Aww… What’s the matter, Whispers? Can’t handle a bit of tickling?”
Raine’s face and ears got redder, admittedly they were feeling a lot better than before, and they were thankful Eda hadn’t managed to find their worst spot yet (Foreshadowing).
The two were having the time of their lives but then Eda made a discovery. When her hand got a bit lower and landed on Raine’s hip, Raine burst into hysterics. Eda had found Raine’s weakness and now she was going to exploit it.
She began to squeeze and tickle Raine’s hips which got her the cutest laughter out of Raine. Raine had jinxed themself and now they were paying the price, and it was quite a hefty price as well.
“Wow, Raine, you’ve got quite the giggle button.” Eda started slowing down her tickles as Raine started to wheeze and hiccup, and soon enough Eda’s tickles had completely stopped.
Raine took a few deep breaths before they stared up at Eda, her face mere inches from theirs. Both teens took a pause just staring into each other's eyes in some odd way.
Eda couldn’t take it anymore, She pressed her lips against Raine’s lips which caused Raine to stiffen from shock. It was impulsive but felt so right, Raine relaxed as brought a hand to Eda’s cheek with Eda’s arms around their neck. After a minute they broke apart and after a second opened their eyes.
“You’re…extremely red.” Eda chuckled.
“Shut up!” Raine turned their face away from Eda’s
“Like actually vermillion.”
“I said shut up!” Raine repeated to Eda though they giggled a bit through their sentence.
Eda looked at Raine with a smile which Raine returned without a second thought, Eda had to ask now, she had no excuse not to. “Rainstorm, would you like to go out with me sometime?”
“I would love to.” Raine beamed.
Eda hugged Raine as her adrenaline died down causing her to feel drowsy in Raine’s hold. Raine felt Eda relax and they relaxed too with a sense of calm filling the room.
Lillith stormed inside the house, she had been at the school for two whole hours sorting out the problem and looking for Raine and Eda who had disappeared to titian knows where.
Lilith made her way upstairs grumbling, she had figured Eda went home early to avoid the chaos and given the hour was probably asleep. So She naturally went to her sister's room about to start nagging her but felt herself pause at the sight before her.
Eda and Raine were cuddled up together on Eda’s bed both fast asleep.
Lilith sighed, grabbing a spare blanket from the closet upstairs and laying it on top of the two before walking out to her own room.
She could nag them all she wanted tomorrow.
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
The Stories of Riverblossom View and Pleasanthills
This post on @katatty's Strangeswap AU reminded me on a stupid idea I once had after reading that Riverblossom Hills might be a spoof on Pleasantview, but of course I didn't have the time/guts/interest/thrive to actually realize it as a 'hood (though I still might!). I basically gives every (except for two) Pleasantview an Riverblossom Hill character as counterpart and is really funny and interesting for me to thing about:
The Broke family <--> the Ottomas family:
Samantha was left to raise two boys alone following her husband's suspicious pool ladder accident. With David acting out, can Samantha teach young Tommy to make the right choices in life?
Large families have a lot of love to share, but also require a lot of work - especially with more children on the way! Will grandma's help be enough to keep this family strong? -> Basically everyone is swapped, so Peter is dead, Samantha is pregnant with his third baby, Flo Broke lives with her son Skip and his family, Brandi is pregnant with twins. Sharla becomes a Broke and gets to be a blend of Skip and Brandi.
The Caliente family <--> the Wan household:
Was it just coincidence that those girlfriends arrived in the eve of Stella's disappearance? And is their interest in Morty physical... or fiscal?
Dina and Nina moved to town when their uncle, Tango, offered them his old home - which they just finished remodeling. Will they find excitement in this quiet town after the dust has cleares? Will Nina and Daniel make a life together? -> I think it was the Wan households description on the wiki that make me first think about this AU. Though I can't find the comment about the Wans being a spoof of the Calientes anymore. Very little is interesting about this swap, Nina is Patricia, Dina is Cleo and vice versa
The Dreamer family <--> the Martin family:
Andrew is pursuing his dream of being a professional gamer, while his son Jacob hits the books. And Andrew may have found his muse, but will his creativity be enough to win Sandra's affection? -> So basically this one is a bit creepy since it makes Jacob's canon (now adult) girlfriend his dad's love interest. xD And Jules O'Mackey is back to being Jacob's girlfriend - yay!
The Goth family <--> the Roth family:
Sandra is ready to start a family of her own, but can she tame the town Casanova? And can Morty bounce back after the disappearance of his wife Stella?
Having recently moved to Pleasanthills has had a wondeful effect on the Goths! Cassandra and Alexander are doing great in school, Mortimer found a great job, but Bella seems a bit restless... -> This might be the most obvious and gifts us with the amazing couple Cassandra Goth x Dirk Dreamer! Isn't it lovely??? Sandra would be about to marry Leod McGreggor and well that's the only interesting switch imo.
The Lothario family <--> the McGreggor family:
Who is Leod McGreggor? Is his engagement to Sandra Roth genuine? And what about the rumor that her mother, Stella, was last seen scaling the deck of his condo?
Don Lothario has a farm... and an orchard. Will he be so focused on gardening that he forgets to cultivate friendships? -> This is such a fun pair imo! The dishonesty in the McGreggor/Roth engagement would probably be more about his sexuality in this case though... And Don as a farmer in a kilt? A+!
The Pleasant family <--> the O'Mackey family
On the surface, Gabe and Alexandra O'Mackey seem to have the perfect life, but is their love a flimsy facade? And can Angela and Jules make the right choices when it comes to love?
After being caught cheating, it took Daniel some time to start dating again. Is his relationship with Nina meant to last? Will Nina and Lillith be able to work out their problems and realize how similar they really are?
Mary-Sue succumbed to the call of pottery and left her family to pursue her dream. Will living the Artist life be enough to keep her afloat? -> I was about to let Daniel live alone but then I remembered that Gabe and Jason Greenman are siblings, and Daniel and Jennifer Burb are siblings so this aligns nicely so Lilith gets to live with her dad. Angela now is an O'Mackey and looks like Jules and she gets to date David Ottomas, yay! Jules is with Jacob, as the universe intended and Lilith once was Dirk's girlfriend. =( I don't like DanielxNina much but it's the logical result. And Mary-Sue as bisexual potter living in a hut is just top-notch!
The Burb family <--> the Greenman family
Rose, Jason and young Daisy have decided to trade the fast-paced city life for some fresh air, and hope to make a nice home in Riverblossom View.
Jennifer gave up her name for the love of her green-skinned god. Despite the love that they share, will they be able to raise a happy, healthy child? Can John adjust to living in a town instead of the great outdoors? -> The biggest changes would be that Daisy now is Jason and Rose's biological child and thus a mixture of them both and of course her and Rose aren't plant-sims anymore. So John and Lucy are plant-sims and Lucy is John's plant-baby.
The Oldie family <--> the Ramaswami family
The Ramaswamis are simply one of the nicest families around. Their years together through good and bad have made them into the wonderful parents, and grandparents, they are today.
Herb and Coral are ready to settle down and start their life together! Will they settle in the beautiful town of Pleasanthills or find a new place to make their happy home? -> This would be so fun because it would make (elder) Sanjay and Priya Alexandra O'Mackey's adoptive parents! I know we have Alexandra's parents in her family tree, but this would be so cool, wouldn't it? And seeing a young Herb and Coral start the family they always wanted together? *chef's kiss*
The Caliente-Goth-Dreamer household:
Can Tango and Frieda cope with the loss of their close friend and face their own imminent mortality or will they find a way to cheat death? Will Darren and Dirk fina a way to fulfill their dreams in the great game of life? -> I love this the most as is gives the opportunity to explore sims that usually are already decreased. Of course that means we don't have Catherine and Betty. But isn't it just too perfect that Nina and Dina have an uncle (just like Cleo Shikibu is Catherine's niece) and Morty has unmarried aunt (just like Mortimer)? Those are a little too many coincidences, aren't they? So I see where the Riverblossom Hills is a Pleasantview spoof comes from!
Aesthetic-wise I would imagine it to be like that: Every Sim gets the age of their counterpart (I mean of course) and also their outfit. But otherwise they keep their looks (except it's stated otherwise) like hair-do, face, skin-color, makeup etc. The maps are switched, but everyone lived in their counterpart's house, so for ex. Samantha, David and Tommy Ottomas live in the Broke trailer but the trailer is on the Riverblossom Hills map (if this makes sense xD). I really wanna do this but I know that I don't have the time or the patience or the skills to do this as it would mean massive editing of relationships and memories etc. But if somebody feels inspired, feel free to create! Just please share the end result with me <3
Wow, this is long xD Which 'hood would you swap like this? Maybe Veronaville and Strangetown would work together (with everyone being related with each other). Belladonna has so many sims it would probably require two hoods to do the deed so both Desiderata Valley and Bluewater Village?
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Things I NEED more of in HAZBIN hotel 2:
Vox is by far my favorite villain and I need more of him or I SWEAR TO THE UNHOLY LORD
Anyways :D
-the vees in general
They are so amazing and I need more Vox x Val
Look I know he “died”, but if Sir P(I am so shit at spelling and won’t even try) came back as an angel guy, Adam could so totally come back as a demon.
Also he’s just so fun-
-Alastor being vulnerable
I love a good story about someone who’s closed off opening up.. it tickles my heart waves..
Which is why I need some…
Even just as friends(though I could see more0v0), they are such a fun duo and Husk softening a bit and being friends with Angel is so sweet TvT
preferably with some Lillith or even Eve interactions.. mostly just more dad lore-
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