#addie's 'she wants to sit in the back of the car' still makes me smile :)
britishchick09 · 8 months
did i just put this entire newsreel into my senpai biography? the answer is yes! ;D
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1d1195 · 2 months
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Read Most here | ~ 5.9k words
From me: I wanted this part to be longer but I think you'll like the next part the most.
Warnings: not really anything special about this part. You are going to hear from Lauren again though, lol
Summary: Harry is desperately trying not to scare her away. She is wondering if this was a terrible idea.
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The boys were in the living room putting together a bookshelf and a coffee table that she had to buy since the ones in her apartment at school belonged to Addie. It still left no room for anyone to sit but true to their word, they didn’t need it. They sat around chatting and catching up. Making each other laugh. Harry sat beside her and she could feel his gaze on her every time she shifted. Like she was going to disappear.
When all the pizza was gone, the girls had brought empty boxes to the kitchen but again, she didn’t even have a trash can to throw stuff away. “I don’t think I can live three weeks without some stuff,” she admitted wrinkling her nose. The package of water bottles that the boys picked up with the new pizza was already significantly depleted and the empty bottles they had all drank were lining her counter. The boys were going to need trash bags to put the empty boxes and pieces of Styrofoam somewhere too.
She also thought about how she had packed most of her clothing away in the storage pod as well. Underwear was definitely a necessity.
“A good old fashioned shopping trip would do us some good!” Eleanor proclaimed seeing her friend’s frustration grow. Immediately she ushered her towards the door. She glanced back as she grabbed her purse off the counter just in time to see Harry’s head perk up as he looked at her.
It killed her to see the anxiety on Harry’s face as if she was going to disappear again when she walked out that door. She didn’t just ruin the trust between them, she murdered it. “Um...” she swallowed digging in her purse and gently moving away from Eleanor’s hand. “I don’t have any room in my car anyway,” she shrugged and placed her set of keys on the counter. A quiet assurance she would be back. The relief on Harry’s face was almost as painful to see as his anxiety. Both of those sad emotions on his gorgeous face were entirely her fault. “Do you mind driving, Sarah?”
“Of course not,” she shook her head. “El, can you help me move some stuff in the car so there’s room for three of us?”
She figured there was nothing in her car that required two people to move it. But the girls headed out while Mitch and Louis focused intently on the shelf. Niall nudged Harry silently reading the next set of directions on installing the lifting mechanism for the coffee table. Harry got up from the floor and approached her the way a person would approach a deer in the middle of a hike. Terrified that the poor thing would skitter away at the slightest movement. Their friends were still in earshot, and it seemed weird to have a private goodbye when they were only running to get her some necessities. “I’ll be back,” it felt horrible to reassure him of such a fact.
He nodded and forced a smile that tensed on his face a hair too much. It didn’t reach his eyes. Her stomach was in knots at the sight; she felt so horrible. “Do you need anything?” She asked.
He shook his head. “M’good, kitten. Thank you.”
Her heart continued to flutter at the word kitten. Like he didn’t know what else to call her. “Thank you for helping, I’m sure you’re exhausted after your shift, and you probably want to get home or something—”
“No,” he cut her off. “M’happy t’help and be here,” he looked at her like she was the only thing that mattered. It broke her heart all over again that she betrayed his trust. How was she going to make this right?
“Well, thank you,” she repeated graciously. “Really.”
He glanced back at the living room and the boys and then silently, quietly, pushed her into the hallway. With the door closed, he cleared his throat and rubbed his hands on his thighs. “I don’t know how t’say this because I don’t know what the rules are. I don’t know what we’re supposed t’do or feel but I jus’ know m’really jealous of the hugs everyone else got and I know I got t’hold your hand and chat with you for a while on m’own... and I know it’s silly m’so jealous of a hug m’friends—who probably missed you in some ways jus’ as much as I did—but m’incredibly jealous and I jus—”
Her arms were around his neck. Her chest against his, even though there were two layers of clothes between them, she swore she could feel his heartbeat. They fit like puzzle pieces. Because of course they did. If it wasn’t for their words, she wasn’t sure she would know they were ever apart at all. Harry’s arms wound around her waist; he sighed so content. Buried his nose in her hair and breathing quietly beside her ear. He was holding her so close; like she might wriggle out of his arms at any moment. Being this close made her stomach flip. It felt new and familiar at the same time. His body felt so warm and strong but very much the same arms and embrace she was used to from years ago. Her face tucked into the curve of his neck; where his cologne gathered and smelled so intoxicatingly of him, she could have cried. His muscles were more defined, but he was still her Harry.
Except he wasn’t, actually. It reminded her of the final scene of a tragic romance movie where the couple should have been acknowledging how they felt about one another all along. But instead, they moved on.
So, her brain turned on again and slowly, begrudgingly, she pulled away. Slow enough that when she was able to view his face, he was looking at her like she wasn’t going to disappear again. A layer of trust had returned for which she was so grateful it ached like nothing she had felt before in the pit of her stomach. “Don’t want to keep the girls waiting too long,” she whispered.
“Yeah,” he nodded and put his hand on her doorknob. “We’ll try not t’trash the place,” he smiled, that dimple making her weak all over. She didn’t even want to go shopping. Not without Harry attached to her hip. But he wasn’t hers anymore and it was her own fault.
So she quietly laughed at his joke and turned to the elevator after her friends.
Did you know you owned everything?
I was JUST thinking the same thing about you. Carter had nothing useful either. We’ve been shopping for HOURS.
She smiled at her phone while Eleanor and Sarah pushed the cart and walked through the store like they were the ones moving into a new place. Her phone rang and she was quick to pick it up. “Did you see him?” Addie asked excitedly. “Was he overwhelmed? Did he cry? Did he kiss you immediately?”
She sighed, blushing, grateful her friends were distracted so they didn’t see nor hear Addie nearly shouting her questions. “Yes, probably, no, no.”
Addie blew out an annoyed breath. “Well, what are you waiting for?”
“Addie,” she groaned with frustration and Eleanor glanced back briefly to see her on the phone. She smiled and then turned her attention back on the array of dishware. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know what? If you remember how to kiss?”
“Jesus. Christ.”
“I’m sorry about your storage pod,” Addie tried instead. “I bet you miss your notebooks.”
There was a pang of anxiety about the fate of her notebooks on a trip across the country that she couldn’t control. If something happened to them, it might make her insane. She really should have at least scanned them onto the cloud. At least she would have something to do when she got them back before the semester started and she was alone in her apartment with her thoughts. “It’s alright,” but it reminded her to snag a notebook from the office supplies aisle as they walked by. She tossed it over the side of the cart. “Once it’s here and I’m settled, I hope you’ll come for a visit. I’m going to have this super comfy air mattress you can sleep on since my bed isn’t here either.”
Addie laughed. “Excellent.”
“I miss you,” she admitted.
“Miss you too. But this is good. Because you won’t get rid of me. I’m so proud you jumped.” Her cheeks flushed.
“Thank you.”
“Talk to you later.”
With her phone back in her pocket she glanced at the items in the car that Eleanor and Sarah had selected. They had similar tastes throughout their lives, so she wasn’t worried about the aspect of overall décor and color; but her budget was a bit depleted without a job lined up and dipping into her savings this much was a little worrisome. “We’ve missed you,” Sarah said softly interrupting her thoughts before they spiraled too far. “Think you balanced out the lot of us.”
“I’m freaking out,” she admitted.
They both stopped their leisurely strolling and looked at her nervously. Because terrifyingly enough, she didn’t look like she was freaking out. So the internal side of things must have been bad and they probably had about as much fear as Harry that she might just leave again without warning. She hated that she did this and part of her thought leaving again might be best. Because why would they trust her? After all that. She left without explanation. “Why?” Eleanor asked.
Her voice broke and she sniffled. “He’s going to hate me,” she whispered.
“Oh, for the love of God,” Sarah rolled her eyes and pushed the cart forward not even bothering to entertain her worries. It wasn’t mean and part of her was glad Sarah wasn’t treating her like she was made of glass—she was treating her the way she always had. As if she had never left.
Eleanor smiled sweetly, put a hand on her back and ushered her after Sarah. “Harry will never hate you,” she promised. The relief she felt released a burst of dopamine and made the anxiety she felt disappear almost instantly.
“I hate me,” she grumbled. Eleanor laughed and squeezed her hip.
“We’re so happy you’re back. I don’t know if you heard everything, but Harry wasn’t himself without you,” she explained.
Her cheeks warmed and she swallowed thickly. “It made sense in my head,” she whispered. “I swear.”
Eleanor looked at her sympathetically, a smile that was warm but full of empathy filled her pretty face and she was overcome with how much she missed her friends. If it wasn’t for Addie, there was a good chance she wouldn’t have survived the last three years. “I know. I know you wouldn’t do that without thinking it through,” Eleanor nodded encouragingly. “I just wish you had told us what you were feeling.”
“Yeah, how did you stay off social media like that? I could use a lesson, honestly. All I do is scroll,” Sarah called from in front of them putting a toilet bowl brush into her growing cart.
She was grateful for the kindness her friends shared. “Thank you,” she smiled at Eleanor and then turned to Sarah. “Both of you.”
The pair of them smiled back. “Anything for you, babe,” Sarah assured her.
They returned with the items needed and the boys were waiting, ready to take more bags and boxes than she thought the girls could fit in Sarah’s car with the three of them already inside it. They were like an assembly line of grabbing items and bringing them to her apartment. When everyone else was ahead of her, she grabbed the air mattress box. It was heavy and large enough to make it awkward to carry and Harry frowned watching her struggle to lock her car as she tried to balance it on her hip. All while he carried nothing more than a box of pots and pans that weighed probably a fraction as much.
“Swap with me,” he ordered and placed it on the trunk of Sarah’s car.
“Oh... no, it’s alright. It’s heavy and you’ve already worked and—”
He ignored her, pulling it from her grip as she protested, and he marched toward her building. With a sigh, she grabbed the pots and pans, feeling useless and needy again. The elevator signaled the rest were already on their trip up leaving Harry and her in wait for it to descend again. They stood in silence holding their boxes while waiting patiently. “Thank you,” she said again. It felt like a constant in her mouth as the afternoon progressed. “I can’t imagine how tired you must be.”
“M’fine,” he smiled. “Happy t’see you in exchange of m’nap. Also, would’ve gone home t’Mrs. Peterson asking me t’fix her closet door or check her dryer vent.”
She laughed and Harry thought he won the lottery or was struck by lightning. It was the most beautiful sound in the world, and he felt lucky to hear it. The elevator doors opened, and they reverted back to quiet. Her phone vibrated in her pocket; it was a message from Carter.
Addie misses you so much. I don’t think I’ll ever be as good a roommate as you.
“A friend from school?” Harry asked, unable to keep his interest in who messaged her to himself. Harry never saw himself as jealous. But he never had three years of time without her—a whole college career without him by her side. He didn’t know if she had a relationship and quite frankly she was terrified to ask.
“Yeah, umm... his name’s Carter.”
She was replying to his message reminding him where she kept the emergency chocolate for when Addie spiraled. So at first, she didn’t see the way Harry’s jaw flexed so hard she thought he could have cut the sudden tension in the elevator better than the sharpest knife in the world ever could have. His eyes stared straight ahead as the elevator ascended. Her cheeks heated in the small space, feeling mortified that she made Harry feel jealous. God she couldn’t even come home without making him feel bad.
“I met him at my roommate’s dance recital. You would love him,” she whispered because it was the truth. “He started chatting with me all by myself. He calls me gorgeous when he greets me. But the day I met him, I didn’t want to talk. But he was insistent. It’s why I think you’d like him. He inspired a little thing I wrote, I’ll have to let you read it sometime. But anyway... I showed him a picture of my roommate—Addie—and he fell in love with her. Like right there. In the auditorium right as the curtain was opening for her recital. Just her picture, Harry. It was like when Allie saw the picture of Noah in the newspaper in The Notebook. I watched him fall in love with her. I watched it happen,” she smiled at the memory. “He also calls me my favorite matchmaker. He helped us move three times to two different apartments and he never lets me carry heavy grocery bags even though I’m not his girlfriend,” she explained emphasizing that she was not dating Carter. “And he really liked my writing—thinks I’m going to be an instant cult-classic writer. And he was really excited that I decided to come home—even though Addie is being mean to him now, I guess.”
The little story eased the tension in his jaw. She watched it disappear slowly and she wondered if he was going to develop a TMJ dysfunction from how clenched it was for the last few moments. The elevator stopped and he gestured for her to exit first. Before they opened the door where she could hear the rustling of paper bags and the tearing of boxes.
“Where’s the scissors!?” Louis shouted.
“I told you we needed to buy two,” Sarah said grumpily.
“I didn’t know Niall was going to lose them in the first twenty seconds of opening them!” Eleanor protested.
She turned to face Harry, each had a box in front of them, like armor to protect their hearts, whether they knew it or not. She thought about writing that down as soon as she found her new notebook and a pen. The sadness she felt for making him feel jealous still lingered in her. All of the bad choices she made (even though she loved Addie and Carter and wouldn’t have met them without leaving) made her feel terrible on Harry’s behalf. “I’m so sorry, Harry,” she whispered, shame creeping through her body. Without another word, she turned inside before she could say anything else.
Harry stood in front of the open door, noise and chaos ensuing just five feet from him, he worried she was going to get a noise complaint because of the lot of them. He entered the apartment after a few more seconds of silence on his part and even though the apartment wasn’t all that big, he found her instinctively, dropping the box he held onto the counter. He grabbed her wrist like he had a thousand times before, it made her heart flip and flutter like an acrobat in the circus. Without a care of his friends shouting and creating more commotion he leaned in close, so his lips were so close to her ear, she almost closed her eyes to savor the feel of the moment. It wasn’t even that intimate, but it felt like it was.
“I would like t’take you out t’dinner, kitten,” his voice was low and almost gravelly. It warmed her skin and body like nothing she had ever felt before—except she had. Because he always made her feel like this. Ever since they were young, and she knew they were soulmates—even if he didn’t believe in them.
Silently she nodded, meeting his gaze again and smiling. His soft, answering smile was so beautiful she wanted to scream. Thank God she was home.
She excused herself to her bedroom after that, closed the door, where she slid the notebook from one of the bags, found a pen in her purse and drew a heart on the inside cover, listed two names inside it as she always did.
On the first page she scribbled down some notes about how home wasn’t a place, a town, or a building at all.
It was green eyes and a kind smile that made her feel whole.
They hadn’t made it to dinner yet. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Her moving in, especially without all her stuff, took a tremendous effort and amount of time. It took a ton of phone calls to stay on top of it and make sure it didn’t get lost along the way because its destination wasn’t meant for a cross-country road trip or any of the stops along the way back to her. In addition to that, she found a job at one of their local restaurants—Niall was happy to call in a favor to the owner who knew his mum so well, so she began working so much. Mainly because she worried about her savings being dipped into because of the move and missing items.
She also had to visit her own mum now that she was closer to her again. Meanwhile, Harry was still on the schedule to work overtime and all his regular hours as well—at least through the cycle of the schedule he was currently on.
So, two and a half weeks had passed since she moved back. Other than the first day they helped move her in, there had only been a handful of sightings. A few of them visited her while she worked, happy to report back to Harry (even though he insisted it was unnecessary but was nonetheless grateful for their intrusion) she was still in town. When he drove past her apartment building (because he was creepy now and scared beyond belief she would be gone in the middle of the night) and saw her storage pod with her mum’s furniture had been removed he felt a ripple of anxiety course through him. It was only alleviated when he saw her car still parked in the same spot that he relaxed. Their group of friends invited her to their weekly summer bonfire but the first week Harry had to work and the second week she had to work.
There was no time for a dinner date to rekindle the love that never left nor ask questions that Harry needed answered.
By then, everyone outside their circle of friends had heard she was home. People eyed Harry like he was a whole new person. “Ran into her,” Gemma smiled excitedly. “She looks beautiful, college was kind to her.”
Harry nodded, the pair of them in his backyard while his mum was inside cooking for them. They insisted on helping but naturally Gemma told him he was grating cheese the wrong way which resulted in a bickering mess of cheese on Harry’s floor and his mum ushering her grown children outside so she could cook in peace.
They were lying in the grass and Harry sighed feeling like the air had been bogged down with pollutants he didn’t even notice for three years because the air was clean now. “Nearly cried on the elevator when she talked ‘bout her friend Carter. Guess he’s dating her college roommate,” he explained. “He called her gorgeous and I thought I was going t’throw up, Gem,” he rubbed the heels of his hands into his eyes and sighed. “M’crazy, aren’t I?”
“No more than usual,” Gem smiled. “I told you she’d be back.” Part of Harry doubted Gemma. It was small, but gnawed at him late at night when he missed her most and thought about how nice it would be to have her to snuggle with in his bed. It had been ages since he held her like that. They only had a small number of sleepovers at their age. They were very much still under the watchful eye of their parents at that time. He cherished those memories and often looked at the twinkling stars when he thought about how she would feel in his bed when he couldn’t sleep.
“Yeah,” Harry smiled back. “You were right,” he sighed with relief.
“She’s scared Mum is going to hate her.”
Harry rolled his eyes; irritation of the slightest bit filled his body. “Of course she is,” he huffed out another exhausted sigh.
“I told her that was ridiculous.”
Harry didn’t tell Gemma about the dinner date he was waiting for (again) because she already knew. “M’hoping she’ll tell me why.”
“I think we’re all hoping that, Harry,” she reached for his hand and squeezed it. “M’sure if you ask she’ll tell you.”
“Gemma, I hugged her, and I think it cured me,” he swallowed. The way her body fit into the frame of his like they never stopped hugging was so incredible. Gemma smiled fondly at her little brother and nodded. She was certain he was telling the truth. Gemma believed they were made for each other just as much as the rest of everyone else believed. “M’afraid that if I kiss her, I might propose on the spot.”
“Over my dead body,” Gemma laughed. “Mum and I would kill you for not letting us be there,” so Harry couldn’t do anything else but laugh along with her.
They were approaching week three and other than run ins as a group and waves as their lives quietly skipped past one another through no fault of their own. But finally, he ran into her at the grocery store. She was in the checkout line waiting and Harry was just grabbing a cart to fill for the week.
“Hey, kitten,” he smiled. She had a basket on her arm that looked like the handles were digging into her skin and he wanted to take it from her but instead she placed it at her feet and smiled back so sweetly as they began chatting.
“Finished with your shift?” She asked.
He nodded. “Yeah. M’gonna go home and take a nap. But m’low on a lot of food.”
“If I were you, I would have bought something to go and went and took that nap.”
“Well, then I wouldn’t have run into you,” he reminded her with a smile that took over his lips before he could stop it. It wasn’t meant to be cute or sweet, but it was anyway. It made her cheeks turn pink and it did feel like fate—even though if this were three years ago, she wouldn’t have even noticed she had run into Harry by chance. It would have seemed like the most natural thing in the world.
“That’s true,” she bit the inside of her lip.
“How ‘bout you? Working tonight?” He asked.
She shook her head. “You can go ahead of me,” she said to the woman waiting behind her who smiled kindly in return. “No... I did a double yesterday and I’m awfully tired myself. A nap sounds like the right idea,” she grinned knowingly.
Harry couldn’t help it. The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them, and he thought it was now or never because they had been doing some kind of dance that he was certain she would write about. Ships passing in the night and all that. Just missing one another and their free time so he had to ask right then. “Are y’free tonight?” He asked. “Other than napping?” He amended with a tired smile. “For that dinner?” He reminded her.
“Yes,” she nodded quickly, immediately. A relieved sigh fell from his mouth, and he thought it was the best news in the world. Maybe even better than the news she was home. Even though he was there in person to see that for himself. She giggled slightly at his relief. Not because it was funny, but because she was relieved too.
“I’ll pick y’up at six.”
She was bubbling with excitement as she left the grocery store. Her heart in her throat and she headed to the coffee shop because if she was going to skip her nap to get ready for her date with her ex-boyfriend but also the very same man she’d been in love with since she understood the emotion, then she was going to need caffeine. And back up. A text to Eleanor and Sarah telling them it was date night set them into motion.
“Hey Lo,” she smiled downright gleefully. A date with Harry. It felt like the very first one. “Can I have my usual?” She asked.
Lauren nodded eagerly, a smile on her lips. Her kind friend chatted with her, asking how her day was going, how her studies were and the like. It was unbelievably nice to have her back in town. It had eaten away at Lauren for what she had insinuated. Keeping it a secret from her friend group was abhorrent. She knew it was and so the fact she was home was a good thing.
She was happy to have her friend back. Even though she knew it was her fault she left in the first place. “Harry and I are going to dinner,” she was smiling the way she used to when Harry texted her asking if they needed anything for their study time.
Just like that a switch went off in the pit of her stomach. The envy she felt was atrocious and she wanted to stop it but it was growing like it had the day she had told her Harry deserved more. “Like a date?” She asked in surprise.
She nodded. “I know. It’s...kinda crazy right?”
“Yeah... yeah it is. I’m surprised... he uh...” Lauren swallowed begging her mouth not to say anything worse than what she had suggested three years prior. She had already lost her friend, she knew it. It was a miracle she was home. She didn’t deserve the heartache at the hands of her jealousy. But the green little monster was vicious. “He doesn’t usually go on dates during the week,” she murmured, putting her drink on the counter. It was horrible, watching the bubbly bright smile fall off her face. Literally slid from her lips to the floor in seconds. Lauren turned to the customer that was next in line. “I’m sure it’s fine,” she said as she made the next drink. “It’ll be a nice date.”
But just like before, she knew she planted a seed of doubt as she left the coffee shop.
Eleanor and Sarah were already at her apartment when she got there. They had clothing options that they had scrounged together as well as a plethora of makeup pallets that she didn’t have since most of her stuff was still a day or two out. “At least my stuff will be here soon.”
“I cannot wait to see your shoes,” Sarah sighed dreamily. “You always had the best shoe collection.”
“Do you still have your curling iron?” Eleanor asked. “That thing was the most amazing hair styling tool known to man and I don’t know how I have lived without you and it all these years.”
She giggled, grateful for the distraction from her conversation with Lauren. Because honestly, if they hadn’t already been there, she might have cancelled on Harry and thought about moving back with Addie and Carter. Thinking of Addie made her miss her. “Do you guys mind if I FaceTime Addie? She’ll want to know I’m going on this date.”
“Of course not! We’ll need her opinion too,” Eleanor assured her.
So she rang Addie who picked up on the second ring and was immediately squealing with excitement. “I told you he wouldn’t have moved on!” She shouted.
“Holy shit, did you think he moved on?!” Sarah asked.
“Well... I mean... it was three years.”
Sarah and Eleanor exchanged a look of disbelief. “You’re joking, right?”
“I told you,” Addie quipped again. Eleanor was putting eyeshadow on her and her reflection in the mirror suggested she wouldn’t need any of the three cream blushes that Eleanor had laid on the counter. She glared at Addie on her cell phone screen.
“Well...I don’t know. I just figured...”
“Hi Addie,” Carter said. “Wow, aren’t you all dolled up, Gorgeous,” he winked at the screen. Nice to see you.”
“Oh no wonder Harry was jealous of him,” Eleanor whispered delightedly.
“Shut up, he was not,” she gasped.
Addie giggled, pecked Carter’s warm cheek. “Nice to meet you ladies,” he said to Sarah and Eleanor. “Heard tons about you. I’m gonna start dinner, love,” he kissed the top of Addie’s head. “Can’t wait to see the finished product, Gorgeous,” he winked at her again as he left their view.
It was great for her aching heart that her two little families liked each other so quickly. She wanted to ask Eleanor and Sarah about what Lauren had said about him dating but she was scared to know the answer. But if she didn’t know, then it would probably ruin the date. “How... how often does Harry go on dates?” She asked.
“None,” Addie was the one that answered with a shake of her head.
Eleanor snorted. “She’s right,” Sarah nodded. “Harry has been on zero dates. Unless you count Mrs. Peterson needing him all the time to fix something at her house. Then about a thousand, I’d say,” she smiled.
“None?” She asked. “I...” she swallowed. “I thought I heard someone say...he was dating.”
“Who the fuck said that?” Eleanor looked at her in the mirror in absolute shock.
“Oh I just...” she should have told them. They would be able to assuage her worries immediately. “People talk about me pretty loudly; with Harry being a town staple now,” she shrugged. “They think I’m deaf or something,” she explained quietly.
“Harry hasn’t dated anyone,” Sarah stated matter of fact, no room for argument.
“I told you so,” Addie sang through the phone. Eleanor and Sarah smiled sweetly at their new friend within a cellphone screen. “You left your picture here,” Addie said and moved to the kitchen.
“What picture?” Sarah asked.
“Addie...maybe don’t make me look insane?” She suggested and wished she could cover her face with her hands but didn’t want to ruin the makeup.
But Addie was already showing them the picture of her and Harry from their days in school when they first got together. “You had that on the fridge?” Eleanor looked at her with astonishment.
“Yeah, literally from the moment we moved in,” Addie reminded her.
“Harry has the same one on his fridge,” Sarah explained.
���Same what?”
Her head snapped up to the mirror reflection and saw Harry’s frame hovering near the doorway. “Holy shit, sweetie, he’s even hotter in person,” Addie was already swooning.
“Addison!” Carter called from behind the screen.
Harry chuckled, his cheeks the slightest shade pinker. “Hi Addie.”
“Harry,” she smiled unabashedly, unaffected by her compliment. “I can see why she said she would spend thousands of dollars on your calendar.”
He snorted and caught her gaze in the reflection again. He squinted, the screen that showed the picture of the pair of them on the fridge miles and miles away. “That’s on your fridge?” He asked.
“Every morning I stare at it while I drink orange juice from the carton.”
“I told you it was her, Carter,” she said knowingly.
“How did you get in?” Sarah asked.
“Door was unlocked. I heard you guys squealing, so I figured I’d see what you were all up to. Also it’s five fifty five and I said I would be here at six.”
“So punctual,” Addie smiled brightly.
“Well, she’s all set,” Eleanor tapped her shoulder. “Just need to swap out this cute comfy look with a dress.”
“How fancy is the place we’re going?” She frowned.
“It’s not,” he assured her. “You could go like that, honestly. You would still be prettier than everyone else.”
“That’s notebook worthy for sure,” Addie murmured.
“Addison,” this time it wasn’t Carter that said it.
“Have fun, sweetie. Nice meeting you all.”
“Bye Gorgeous!” Carter called as Addie gave a wave and hung up.
Eleanor and Sarah ushered Harry out of the bathroom and she changed quietly. Immediately calling Addie back and pressing the phone to her ear. “Lauren said he’s dating,” she whispered so quietly Addie could barely hear her.
“Lauren can go eat dirt. She’s probably jealous. He asked you on a date.”
She sighed. “This is a horrible idea.”
“No,” Addie was serious, shaking her head even though she couldn’t see. “It’s a wonderful idea. He’s your soulmate who has waited three years for this date. Let him have it,” she whispered. “You deserve this, sweetie. You love him. You just need to jump,” she assured her.
She took a deep breath and looked away from the mirror. “Okay,” she whispered to Addie. “I’ll jump.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
@straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals
@angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams
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mattscoquette · 6 months
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉.. a quiet introverted girl attempts to befriend her popular neighbor
cursing, kissing
2.3k words
introduction 1 2 3 5 6 7
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matthew sturniolo,
sat up in a hurry, awaking from his dream. he picked up his phone, looking at the time. 3:18 a.m. he rubbed his tired eyes groggily, trying to shake himself from the dream he was just having.
he was at the park late at night hand in hand with a girl. she wore baggy jeans and small tank top, an oversized black sweatshirt draped over her shoulders. she was wearing matt’s black sweatshirt. her brown hair was tucked behind her ears, falling into pretty, loose curls.
“i had so much fun tonight matt,” she whispered to him, drawing shapes on the back of his hand as they sat down on a nearby bench. she looked up at the stars, then turning to matt. “aren’t they so pretty?”
“yeah.” he breathed, looking at the girl next to him, but she was looking up at the night sky again. he couldn’t quite make out her face, until she turned to face him.
that’s when matt woke up. why was he dreaming about addilyn? why was he on a date with her? and why was matt’s stomach starting to do somersaults as he recalled the details from his dream? he shook his head, reaching for the water bottle he kept on his bedside table, taking a long sip. he laid back down, trying to push the dream out of his head.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
the whole morning he was getting ready, matt was totally spaced out. his dream continued after he went back to bed in the middle of the night. so much for trying to shake it. chris took notice of matt’s out of character behavior when he nearly ran through a stop sign on their drive to school.
“dude what the fuck is wrong with you this morning?” chris yelled at his brother. matt just shook his head.
she looked so pretty. not that addilyn didn’t always look pretty, because she did. she gave matt a soft smile and rested her head on his shoulder as they sat on the park bench, hands still intertwined with one another. “i can’t believe i used to not like you.” she admitted quietly, almost to herself.
matt looked down at her as she met his eyes. “i always liked you.”
“weird dream man.” matt told his brother, looking to make sure he was in the clear before he continued driving. as they pulled into the school parking lot, they both saw addilyn and nick get off the bus together. nick stopped getting rides from matt after their argument about driving addilyn to school. matt’s stomach dropped when he saw her. she looked how she did everyday. unruly curls that were in desperate need of a new hair routine, a baggy sweatshirt and ripped jeans. but there was something about her today that was making matt’s chest heave.
get yourself together, matt, he told himself, it’s addilyn richardson.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
to: addilyn
from: matt (neighbor)
nick and chris are bugging me, can we work on the project at your house today?
matt’s finger hovered over the blue arrow to send his message. it was a lie, he had barely even seen nick this morning, and chris was tolerable today. he just wanted an excuse to be alone with addilyn. what has gotten into him? he walked into his math class, sitting down next to nick, and clicking send.
“hey,” his brother said, “you ready for our game tomorrow?”
matt’s face dropped. he’d been so caught up in his project this week he forgot all about his hockey game. he tried to save himself, giving nick a nod. “y-yeah man, of course i am.”
“good,” nick replied, “cause i invited addy.”
of fucking course.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
matt drove addilyn home today. at first she was taken aback by his offer, but thought nothing of it when he said “normally i wouldn’t let you in my car, but it’s only because i’m coming over to your house.” classic matt. they parked in the triplets driveway dropping nick and chris off. addilyn got out, not even waiting for matt to follow, before making her way over to her front door.
matt caught up to her, about to make a remark on her leaving him in the car, when his words got caught in his throat.
“my parents aren’t home right now, they’ll both be at work until later tonight.” she said to matt, looking over her shoulder at him as she unlocked the door, letting the brunette boy into her house.
why was she saying this to him? was it just to let him know or did it mean more? matt shook his head. he was reading into it too much. and besides, it’s addilyn. nothing special. just addilyn. plain and simple. they got up into her room, matt closing the door behind them.
“do you want the bed or desk?” she inquired, putting her bag down and taking her notebook out. matt looked around, taking in his surroundings. it was so empty, it didn’t even look lived in. he tried to think of something mean to say, but his mind drew a blank.
“matt.” her voice broke him out of his thoughts.
“uh, sorry. i’ll sit on the bed.” he told her, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. he wasn't sure why he was so nervous, they’ve seen each other every day this week. and everyday was the same, she was her usual quiet self until matt began picking on her, then they would argue. she would call him a dickhead and he’d call her annoying, calling it a night after a few hours of going back and forth. but today felt different, and matt didn’t know if he liked it or not.
“okay, me too.” addilyn smiled sweetly at him. matt felt his knees go weak. she sat down at the edge of her bed, pulling her notes and computer into her lap. matt found home beside her, trying to keep a distance between the two of them.
“so i was looking at different materials we can use for our project in lunch today, this is what i found.” addilyn explained, opening a tab on her computer. matt was sat a good foot away from her, and could barely see the screen. addilyn noticed. “scoot over a little.”
“whatever.” he sighed, but matt still obeyed, shifting himself so he was sat directly next to addilyn. he could smell the scent of her shampoo mixed with perfume, smelling sweetly of fresh flowers and coconut. she titled the screen towards matt more.
“what do you think?” she breathed, turning to face him. matt looked down at her.
matt looked down at her as she met his eyes. “i always liked you.”
“you have?” she smiled at him. he was so close to her, he could see every detail of her face. the way her eyes glimmered in the moonlight. the light freckles that danced across her nose and light pink cheeks. she looked so pretty.
“yeah.” matt breathed. he slowly dipped his head down, catching his lips with hers softly. she kissed him back, tasting of watermelon chapstick and bubblegum. she tilted her head slightly, cupping his face delicately with her hand. matt smiled into the kiss.
“matt.” her voice bringing him back into the present. he felt his knee brushing against hers. this was going to be a long session.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
matt ended up staying over for a good four hours. they were actually productive and worked well together when they weren’t busy arguing with one another. addilyn noticed the change in matt’s demeanor, and brushed it off as him being tired. he was never this nice to her. addilyn wasn’t sure if nice was a good word to describe matt tonight. she would probably say something like spacey, or aloof. but they weren’t arguing, and that’s all that was important to her.
around 8:00, matt decided to call it a night. he needed to sleep well before is game tomorrow, and he couldn’t handle another five minutes alone with addilyn in her room. she was sitting a little too close to him, smiling too nicely, and looked too pretty. matt was losing his mind.
“do you want me to walk you down?” addilyn asked matt, closing her laptop, and turned to face him on the bed. matt shook his head no. “okay, well, i’ll see you tomorrow at your game.”
matt smiled weakly at her, wishing her a goodnight. he quickly packed up his belongings, leaving her room in rather a hurry. again, addilyn observed matt’s weird change in attitude today and waved to him as he left. she didn’t want to get her hopes up and think he was finally being nice to her. but she would admit that she actually liked being around matt tonight. he was kind of sweet when he wasn’t calling her every name in the book.
addilyn broke away from her thoughts when she saw matt’s bedroom light flick on. she looked up at him, finding he was already looking at her first. unlike every night this week, matt smiled at her. actually smiled, from ear to ear, and waved to addilyn. she smiled back at him, closing her blinds.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
addilyn richardson,
stepped off the public transport bus, heading towards the ice rink. nick and chris’s game started at 2:30p.m., and she had just barely made it, getting there at 2:27. she hurried inside, making her way down the bleachers to sit with the triplet’s parents and older brother. she was nervous, to say the least. she’d never gone to a school game before, yet here she was, sitting in the very first row of her high schools hockey arena to watch them play their biggest rivals. somerville was considered a small town outside of boston, but it was a big enough town to have two high schools. addilyn looked around, seeing all her classmates sitting on the opposite side of the bleachers, all dressed head to toe in their school colors.
the buzzer buzzed, signaling the start of the period. the announcer began talking over the speakers that surrounded the arena, introducing both the teams. he announced away team first, and then the somerville team. addilyn watched in amazement as he named each player as they skated out onto the ice. the announcer called out chris, nick, and then matt, and addilyn watched as they all skated around the rink, waving to her and their family. she could have sworn in the split second matt passed her, he smiled at her.
after matt left addilyn’s last night, she could not stop thinking about him. she tossed and turned in her bed, replaying the way he looked at her, like he was absorbing every word she spoke. normally, he wouldn’t even look at her when she talked, but last night it was as if he was studying her face, trying to remember every detail of it like he’d be quizzed the next day on it. she realized in the overhead lighting of her bedroom how blue his eyes really were. it took anyone with a pair of working eyes to see matt was attractive, but addilyn felt she saw a secret side of him while he was up in her room. she noticed small details about him, like how he constantly felt the need to run his hands through his hair while he spoke, or how he bit his nails a lot when he listened to someone talk.
she watched the game intently, making small conversation with the triplets’ family. matt, nick, and chris were all really good hockey players. addilyn was stunned at how flawlessly they glided over the ice, passing the puck back and forth, barely even having to look up at one another. there was about a minutes left in the third period, and both teams were neck and neck, tied at 2. the rival team had the puck, and were heading towards the goal at top speed. the player who had the puck attempted to shoot, but matt extended his stick out, blocking it from reaching the goal. he quickly skated around the attacker, passing the puck to chris, who was playing as a center. chris skated as quickly as he could to the goal, passing the puck to nick who was near the goal at the last second as the defense from the other team swarmed chris, trying to posses the puck once more. the puck slid across the ice directly into nick’s stick, and he made his shot, the puck meeting the back of the opposing teams net as the buzzer went off and the game ended.
the somervile side of the arena erupted in cheers, everyone jumping up and down, hugging one another. addilyn watched chris and matt practically run over to nick across the ice, wrapping him into a huge hug, and the rest of their team joining the brothers. as the team split apart, chris, nick, and matt all skated over to where their parents resided with addilyn.
“you boys did amazing!” their mom gushed, blowing them each a kiss on the other side of the glass. addilyn nodded in agreement with her.
“i’m so happy you came, addy!” nick expressed, glancing over his shoulder watching the rest of the team skate off the ice and heading to the locker room.
“yeah, you need to come to our next one too.” chris told her, smiling wildly, putting his arms around his brothers.
“is she coming to lunch with us?” matt asked his brothers kind of quietly, as if he didn’t want to make it known to addilyn that he was asking about her. he looked over at his two brothers, breaking away from chris’ embrace.
the two boys looked at matt as if he had another head. was he actually inviting her somewhere? normally it would be the other way around, with matt huffing and puffing about having to spend more time than necessary with her. but matt was looking at chris and nick with a small look of plea in his eyes. chris turned to look at addilyn.
“come get lunch with us?” chris offered to addilyn, who stood still. she didn’t know if she could handle another day of being so close to matt if he wasn’t being mean to her. it was driving her crazy. but it was the good kind of crazy, that was making her stomach churn when he would smile at something, or make her hands clammy if they accidentally brushed with his to retrieve a pencil.
it's just matt, addy. the same matt who calls you annoying and a waste of his time, she tried convincing herself, he doesn't even like you.
“y-yeah, i'll go out with you guys. ” she nodded slowly. all three of the triplets grinned back at her.
© mattscoquette
𝐚/𝐧: PART FOURRRRR its starting to get so good ! this chapter is kinda shorter than i wanted but i didn't wanna make it too long lmfao. also i don't watch hockey so idk how to write it 😭😭 as always, i hope u all enjoy and if anyone wants to be on the tag list lmk!!! i love u all <333
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
dad! trevor zegras x fem! reader
summary: in which your baby says her first word while Trevor is on a roadie.
warnings: pet names?
notes: i wrote this in about 2 hours and it was not proofread. so for all i know, this could be absolute trash.
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“mama. can we say mama?” i probably looked like a crazy person, bent over the front of the cart, talking to my 10 month old in the grocery store with a rats nest of hair and wearing leggings with a heavily stained oversized Anaheim Ducks t-shirt. and the usual stares over being a 21 year old mom aren’t helping.
this has been the first time since Addy was born that no one was staying with me while Trevor is on a roadie, and it’s been a bit harder than i anticipated. it’s been exhausting because although Addy is delaying with her words, she excelled with her other milestones. namely walking. she took her first steps about two weeks ago and has been toddling about the apartment ever since, so life has turned into a fun little ‘where’s waldo?’ game every time i turn around for the past two days. she’s also going through a sleep regression, so she’s waking up every hour again, which leaves me with little to no time to sleep or shower or do anything besides dote on her. and then, of course, when i opened the cupboard this morning, i realized we were on the last jar of baby food, so cue a trip to the store.
Addy just makes some babbling noises and scream laughs in my face, making me flinch and straighten back up.
“alright duckling, i hear you loud and clear. let’s get checked out so we can go back home for some Bluey time, yeah?” i worked quickly and swiftly, scanning each glass jar of food at the self check out and bagging them based on vegetable, fruit, medley, or meal.
when i finally get out to the car and buckle Addy in, her little blue eyes, exact replicas of Trevor’s, sweep over my face as wide as saucers.
“can we try that again?” i make conversation as i finish buckling her car seat. “can you say mama? mama. mama.”
once again, my baby just stares back at me.
“or not. that’s cool too. you can totally not speak at all if you want. doesn’t matter to mommy, as long as you’re happy and healthy.”
with the grocery bags placed in the passengers seat, i start the drive back to the apartment.
when we get back, i turn the tv onto Bluey and set Addy in her jumper in the living room. giving myself some time to wash the dishes piling in the sink. about 10 minutes into it though, my phone starts ringing back in the living room. drying my hands on a dish towel, i walk the ten or so steps back to the couch and swipe at the answer button on my phone screen without even checking the caller id.
“hey babe!” Trevor’s face fills the screen in a facetime and his voice is like music to my ears.
“hi love! how was morning practice?” i use the remote sitting on the arm of the couch to pause the tv show while i go sit beside the jumper so Trevor can see our beautiful baby.
“it was good! the sharks aren’t ready for us.” his face lights up as soon as Addy comes into the camera view.
“that’s great. i believe in y’all! show those fish who the real predator is!” his laugh at my joke brings a smile to my lips and i’m overwhelmed with gratitude that this is the man i’ll be vowing to spend the rest of my life with this summer.
“how’s daddy’s little duckling?! daddy’s so happy to see your pretty little face! yes, he is!” his baby talk oddly causes my heart to skip a beat. “dada misses you so much. i can’t wait to be home tomorrow night so i can kiss all over your tiny face.”
“duh- duh” Addy babbles and i smile at Trevor on the screen.
“we’re taking dada’s absence to try and learn the word mama, aren’t we baby?” i direct the end of my sentence to Addy, who’s still babbling sounds.
“that’s cheating!” Trevor’s whine is joking and he opens his mouth to say something else, but before he can get a word out, someone else does.
“dada.” my eyes go wide, Trevor’s copying, and we both avert our gaze to our 10 month old, who just said her first word. her chubby little fingers are making grabby motions towards my phone, straight at her father.
“that’s right babygirl! say it again! say dada!” Trevor is frantic and i can see tears welling in his eyes, even through the screen.
“you can do it baby! say dada!” i encourage her, my own tears falling freely down my cheeks.
“dada. dada!” she looks at Trevor and repeats the word before looking up at me. “dada.”
“oh my god, she did it Trev! she said her first word!”
“i know! i was so worried it wasn’t gonna happen! i mean, i would love her regardless, but she did it! and it was dada!” the smile he wears is breathtaking and wide.
“she misses you. so do i.”
“i miss you too, baby. i’ll be home tomorrow night.”
Trevor gets home tonight and i have not gotten a reprieve from the endless shouts of dada, all morning. at the moment, Addy is wobbling down the hallway towards Trev and i’s room for the fifth time today, repeatedly shouting “dada! dada!”
i can’t be for certain, but i have a feeling she keeps assuming he’s in our room and is calling out for him. she’s definitely a daddy’s girl, although that’s not a surprise because she has been since she was born.
i’m currently trailing behind her, recording a video. after a few seconds, i scoop her up into my arms and send the video to Trevor.
to: Trev Swift
**video attachment**
she’s been doing this all day. babygirl is looking for her dada!
from: Trev Swift
oh my little duckling! be home in 2 hours
i blow raspberries on her cheek and readjust her on my hip.
“daddy will be home soon! isn’t that exciting?! i’m thinking playpen time until then.” i stop beside the pack n’ play set up in the living room already stocked with a few teething toys and blocks, and set Addy inside. i put some Mickey Mouse on the tv and sit on the couch, grabbing the book i’m currently reading off of the side table.
about 30 minutes later i notice it’s been suspiciously silent and look over to Addy, only to find her napping. i smile at the sight of my sleeping daughter, and go back to reading my book.
before i even realize how much time has passed, i hear the front door opening and a thud hit the ground. Trevor’s home. i bookmark my page and snap my book shut, leaping up from the couch and making my way towards the front of the apartment, meeting Trev in the dining room.
“hi, baby.” his arms snake around my waist and he leans down to plant a kiss on my lips. “where’s Addy?”
“napping. she passed out in the playpen about an hour and a half ago.” i slip my arms around my fiancé’s neck, laying my head on his chest. “how were your trips?”
“eh. they were fine. but i missed my girls.”
we pull back and share one more kiss, this one a little deeper, before the sound of Addy’s cries drifts towards us from the other room.
“you wanna get your daughter? i need a shower.”
“oh so now she’s my daughter?” he laughs as we walk into the living room. a big smile graces his lips and he scoops Addy up and into his arms. “hey babygirl! daddy’s home and he’s not going anywhere any time soon.”
“dada!” Addy shouts and slaps both her tiny palms onto his cheeks, squishing his face.
“yeah, duckling. dada.”
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toppersjeep · 11 months
Chapter 9- All For Love Charles Leclerc
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Elena’s POV
“So are you nervous for this race” Lando said. “A bit I mean if I win I’m world champion” I said. “And if Max wins” Lando said. “I mean hey no female has made it this far so I’m excited” I said. “You should be I’m proud of you and I know Charles is” Lando said I smiled.
“Speaking of love you told Addie you love her” I asked. “Yeah I did but I’m worried that she hates me” Lando said. “She doesn’t hate you” I said. “She hasn’t spoken to me since” Lando said. “Pato broke up with her” I said.
“Oh I had no idea” Lando said. “And Lando.. make a big gesture I’m sure she’d love it” I said. “Like what” Lando said. “Just go kiss her dummy go tell her you love her” I said. “Do I bring her flowers or something” Lando said.
“Obviously Lando” I said. “Okay I’m on it thank you I don’t know what I’d do without you” Lando said hugging me. “Your welcome lando now go” I said he smiled and ran off.
“That was very sweet” Charles said. “I had to push him you know” I said. “They’ll get there” Charles said. “Hey Ellie” Daniel said sitting beside me. “Charles they need us for filming” Carlos said. “Alright I’ll be back love” Charles said kissing my cheek.
“Have fun” I said. Charles left.
“So my little sister engaged before me” Daniel said. “You’ll get there” I said. “But how” Daniel said. “You’ll find someone special Danny” I said. “After you I don’t know how too” Daniel said. “Dan” I said. “You have no idea how much I” Daniel said looking at me.
“We can’t do this here” I said walking away. “Elena wait” Daniel said running after me. He and I found a spot to talk with nobody and no cameras around. “Daniel what is it” I said. “I shouldn’t have said what I said or pushed you away from me” Daniel said.
“Wasn’t this all because of Charles you said” I said. “A little bit Elena but” Daniel said. “What was there something more” I asked looking at Daniel. “I don’t know I was scared of that next step” Daniel said. “Your so young Elena you have your whole life ahead of you” Daniel said.
“Daniel” I said. “Your 25 years old would you have really settled down” Daniel said. “So you just ran away from it and made an excuse” I said. “Elena there was so much going on” Daniel said. “But you still could’ve just” I said.
“Part of me always knew you loved him too Elena” Daniel said cupping my cheek. “Dan” I said tearing up. “When you love something sometimes you gotta let it go” Daniel said. “How’d Joss know” I said. “He mentioned that.. I wanted to marry you huh” Daniel said.
“Yeah is that really true” I said looking at him. “I know you hate your father.. but yes I asked him permission” Daniel said. “And your Mom too but I chickened out” Daniel said. I couldn’t find the words to say as he looked at me.
“I should go get ready for the race Ellie but.. I guess I thought it would’ve been you and I” Daniel said. “But.. hey if he’s the one person you want… I get it” Daniel said.
“But please just know how much I love you.. and I always will” he said kissing my head. He then walked away. I just stood there for a minute trying to collect my thoughts.
I wiped my tears and walked back out to find everyone else. But I bumped into someone. It was April. I had no idea she was standing there.
“April” I said. “Make the right decision this time” April said walking away from me. But what exactly was the right decision here.
Later that day…
It was the final two laps of the race. I was leading. Charles was behind. And Daniel was in third place. Max had been pushed back to fourth.
“Elena one more lap” Bono said. “Bono” I said. “Yes Elena car is good is something wrong” Bono asked. “Umm how far away is Daniel from passing Charles” I said.
“He’s got an opportunity soon” Bono said. “Alright” I said. “Why” Bono said. “Curiosity I guess” I said. “Elena this is your race” Bono said. “But what if I don’t deserve it or them” I said.
“If your asking for love advice not my job Elena” Bono said. “Bono no” I said. “Okay good” Bono said I laughed. “Elena just follow your heart and win this race please” Toto said over the radio. “Copy that Bono” I said.
I finally made it across the line. I had done it. I was the world champion. For the first time in my career.
“Holy shit I did it” I said . “Elena you are the world champion dear” Bono said. “Let’s go” I said yelling. “You did it Elena we are all so proud of you” Toto said. “Congrats Elena” Mick said. “I couldn’t have done it without you guys I love you all” I said finally stopping the car at the number one spot.
I got out taking my helmet off. I then ran over to hug the team.
“Let’s go Elena” the team yelled. “So so proud” Bono said I smiled. “Amazing amazing race” Toto said. I looked over at Charles and Daniel giving each other a handshake. Charles had kept P2 and Daniel P3.
I still didn’t know what to do or say. Charles walked over and hugged me.
“I’m so proud of you my love” Charles said kissing my cheek. “Thank you char” I said. “Your mom would be so proud” Charles said I teared up. “I hope so” I said he hugged me again. “We definitely have to celebrate” Charles said.
“Yeah we do” I said. “I’ll let you see everyone else love” Charles said walking over to Lando and Addie. I then walked over to Daniel. He hugged me and picked me up spinning me around I laughed.
“I’m beyond proud of you and impressed” Daniel said setting me down. “Easy there” I said. “You deserve this and so much Elena” Daniel said. “Thank you” I said. “I’ve always been your biggest fan you know” he said I laughed.
“Yeah you have” I said. “And I always will I’m never going anywhere” he whispered in my ear. “You deserve this win and so many more Ellie” he said just so I could hear. “Hate to break up the reunion” Max said. “You can bother your sister” Daniel said. “Hey” I said. “Great race” Max said.
“You too” I said. “Well if I had to lose to someone I’m glad it was you” Max said. “Oh” I said. “I’m still better but your getting up to my level” he said I laughed. “So you saying I’m almost as good as you” I said.
“Yeah you are I guess Elle” Max said. “Well thank you Max” I said. “Hey we may fight sometimes but I do love you.. you are my sister” Max said. “I guess I love you sometimes” I said he hugged me.
“I know you do but seriously you always have me and Kelly we are family” Max said. “And Penelope” Kelly said I smiled. “Can’t forget p of course” Max said. “Thank you both” I said.
“Of course” Max said walking away. “And Elena.. not my place but they both love you” Kelly said. “You heard” I said. “Yes I did but if someone risked there life for me… I’d never let them go” Kelly said. I looked at Charles. “But Daniel” I said. “Your stuck aren’t you” Kelly said. “Yes” I said.
“Whatever you decide I know it will be the right decision just do what makes you happy” Kelly said.
I then walked over to Charles. “Oh did you hear these two… I then kissed Charles. Daniel gave me a look.
“What was that for love not that I’m mad” Charles said. “I just had too” I said. “Well I liked that” Charles said. “What were you saying” I said. “Lando finally asked Addie out” Charles said.
“Oh thank god” George said. “It’s about time” I added. “Well Elena gave me good advice” Lando said. “That’s what Elena does” Daniel said looking at me. “She’s the best Charles” Addie said. “I know she is” Charles said.
“She always has been” Daniel said walking away. “What is it something I said” Charles said. “No I’ll be right back” I said walking after him. I then followed him into the Red Bull paddock. “What Elena” Daniel said.
“I don’t get you” I said. “And I don’t understand what you want from me” Daniel said. “I don’t know what I want” I said. “Just .. make it easier Elena” Daniel said. “I can’t” I said. “I don’t know either Elena I can’t help you” Daniel said.
I then looked at something on his shelf. It was next to the picture of him and I. A small little box.
“Dan” I said looking at it he grabbed it. “You know I had it all planned out for you” Daniel said sitting on his bed. “For this specific weekend you know” Daniel said. “I” I said. “I knew you’d win and on that podium I was gonna” Daniel said looking at the ring.
“Hell.. I was gonna” he said wiping his tears. “Danny” I said. “It’s not my place anymore clearly” Daniel said. “I’m sorry” I said. “It’s not your fault Elena” Daniel said. “Maybe it is” I said turning away from him. “Elena if I were to ask you what would you have said” Daniel said.
“Daniel I just” I said turning around. To see him holding the ring up. “I don’t care about Charles right now but Elena this feels right to me” Daniel said. “All I want is you” Daniel said.
“Dan” I said looking at him. “Elena I knew for ever ago that I wanted to marry you” Daniel said. “And I know part of you still loves me so I’m asking you right now” Daniel said. “Elena Lynn Verstappen will you marry me” Daniel said getting down on one knee.
The door the opened. And Charles was standing there. He looked at both of us. Nobody said anything to each other. We all exchanged looks.
“Oh Daniel … I see we had similar plans for this evening” Charles said.
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trashbag-baby666 · 7 months
It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To-Buck/Bucky
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Summary: Bucks parents forgot about his birthday once again, Bucky certainly did not.
WC: 4, 040
C/W: Mentions of church and smut at the end (can be skipped!)
MOTA Masterlist!
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Buck woke up a little earlier and took a little more time getting ready. He took more time picking out his outfit, standing in the mirror dabbing some of his cologne behind his ears. He knew it would drive Bucky up the wall later when he inevitably would be kissing at Bucks neck.
He picked out a new dark brown sweater that definitely complimented his blue eye. He had excitement for today, not that his birthday was ever particularly a big day. It fell not long after new years and it just seemed to get pushed down and forgotten about because of the Holidays.
So of course this year would probably be no different.
Buck came down the steps seeing a familiar sight in the kitchen of his parents packing Adelaide and Zoe’s lunches. Meatball sitting at the girls feet waiting for them to drop something.
“Good morning,” Buck said, clearing his throat coming into the kitchen grabbing his lunch from the fridge.
“Morning, Gale.” His moms voice frantic with a little edge, scribbling notes on the napkins for the girls.
“So, are we still going to dinner? Is it alright if John comes? I assumed but I just wanted to ask first…”
Mary looked up at him, her eyebrows raised and her eyes a little wide. She turned her head glancing at the white board calendar in the kitchen then back at Buck. “Oh sweety…”
And Buck knew that they had forgotten.
“Happy birthday Gale!” Zoe came running over to Buck giving him a hug Addy not far behind, their dad following in with their empty cereal bowls.
“Thank you,” Buck smiles down at the two blonde girls seeing the realization hit his dads face too.
“We’re going to have to reschedule, sweetie…I’m sorry your father and I have a work dinner meeting and the girls are going to Grandmas. I’m sorry I don’t know how we missed it, I swore it was next week.” Buck’s mom sighed as she wrapped him in a hug, “Here why don’t we do this?”
The short blonde woman went buzzing over to her purse sitting on the table and dug before pulling out her wallet, “You can have John and Curt over and you can order a pizza? I know it won’t make up for dinner at Rosalines but we can probably fit that into next week?”
“Okay, I gotta get going, I have to pick up John.” Buck pointed towards the door, he loved his parents but he just really wanted to get out of the house. He wasn’t expecting much anyways but at least they promised dinner?
Buck smiled to himself like a proud boyfriend watching Bucky come out the front door holding a large container and a balloon. Rushing over to the car, John set his container and his backpack in the back seat before climbing into the front. “Happy birthday to you!” Bucky's smile grew wide before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you,” Buck's cheeks began to turn red. He knew Bucky wouldn’t let Bucks birthday slide without making the biggest deal. He tried throwing him a surprise party last year. But Hambone and Douglass ended up accidentally bringing it up in front of Buck.
“How does it feel to be a legal adult? Should we go buy scratch offs and get matching tattoos?”
“That sounds like a terrible idea.”
“What if we win it big from scratch off? We could buy a house and have sex in every room.”
“Do you know how much houses cost in this economy?” Buck let out a laugh, gently rubbing John's thigh.
“No, because I don’t pay attention in econ,” Bucky flicked him two finger guns, “Oh I also made you a cake! I was gonna put it in Ms. Argyle's room for the day, then we can eat it later or we can eat it at lunch but then we’d probably have to share it with the others. You know how those volchars are”
“You made me a cake?” Buck glanced at him, seeing the wide smile on the other's face.
“Yeah I frosted it too and there’s strawberries on it.” Bucky felt proud of himself; he knew how Buck didn’t really like his birthday, “Are we still going out to dinner at that one fancy place?”
“Uh…no. They forgot.” Buck tripped over his words, “Too busy to fit me into their calendar. She gave me some money to order a pizza and said you and Curt could come over.”
“Oh shit, I’m sorry, Buck.” John knew this wasn’t anything new, Buck would have something important and his parents wouldn’t work him into their schedules. He wasn’t near the top of their priority list anways.
“It’s fine, it’ll probably be more fun this way. You, me, Curt, some shitty movie and the cake you made.”
“That does sound kind of fun, maybe we can go for a couple rounds of birthday sex then.” Bucky punched him lightly in the shoulder. Buck had been looking forward to the birthday sex…he wasn’t a man of lying.
Bucky rested his hand on the top of Bucks, squeezing it lightly, “We should skip and drive out of town and get a hotel room.”
“As appealing as that sounds, I have a calc test today,” Buck sighs, pulling into the high school's parking lot.
“For my birthday we should plan, skip and go get matching face tattoos.”
“We are not getting matching face tattoos!”
“Hey!” Croz slapped his hand down on Bucks hood as they came to a hard stop, nearly hitting him and Bubbles.
“Sorry boys!” Bucky rolled down the window.
“I’ll give you a break, because it’s your birthday.” Croz smiled walking over to Buck's window, “Happy birthday, old man.”
“You’re next Croz!” Buck points at him as he pulls into a parking spot since Croz had the next birthday.
“Now we must seize our day, Buck.” Bucky patted the other's leg, “I promise that today is going to be a good day.” John unbuckled and leaned over the center council cradling the side of Buck's face, “And the wait for sex will be worth it.” Bucky pressed a gentle, teasing kiss to his lips, “I assure you, Gale. You’ll be glad the house is empty.”
Buck pressed his lips back into Bucky’s but he pulled away teasingly, “You’ll be starving for it later.” Bucky opened the door, getting out, Buck rolled his eyes, throwing his head back dramatically before doing the same.
“Whats up Queers!” Curt came jogging up behind them from where he had gotten off the bus then seeing the two walking to the doors, “Happy birthday Buck.” He patted him on the shoulder and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Hey!” Bucky rejoiced as if he hadn’t seen Curt in years.
“How’s the birthday?” Curt put a strong hand on Bucks shoulder.
“Just the usual, my parents forgot.” Gale shrugged nonchalantly.
“Damn I’m sorry that happened again.”
“It’s fine we're gonna have a good day regardless, right John?” Buck nudged his boyfriend.
“Hell yeah we are! You should come eat cake with me and Buck later!” John walked a bit further ahead walking backwards, making Buck a little nervous because the cake was still in his hands.
“I gotta work tonight, someones gotta run the fuckin’ Taco Bell.” Curt sighed holding the door open for them.
“What!? Don’t they know that this is a national holiday?” Bucky protested.
“Well it’d probably be more like a bank holiday, unfortunately.” Curt snickered, elbowing their sides.
Unfortunately, Curts right, his parents wouldn’t even notice if his birthday was a national holiday. Now he just wanted the school day to go by fast so he could be with John.
“We have to take them to Grandma Ethels?” Bucky grumbled looking at the longline of cars in the pickup line at the elementary school.
“Yes, we won’t stay long I promise. I’m just going to run in, you don’t have to come in.” Buck didn’t exactly want to go to his Grandmas either but he had to drop off Addy and Zoe. If he tries to leave without coming in she would chew his ear off on how bad of an influence she thinks Bucky is. She deeply despised him since he first came to the family Christmas. His other cousins brought their boyfriends and girlfriends. Why couldn’t he bring his?
Buckys always a hit with Bucks aunties though, which made for a good time. but across the room would be his Grandma silently judging him for bringing ‘the devil’ into her family.
“I’m sorry that she acts that way in front of you. You don’t deserve that and it’s not okay.” Buck glanced over at him and brought one of his hands down to his thigh.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Oh look!” Bucky broke out a smile while they pulled up next and saw Addy and Zoe waving at them before they rushed getting into the back.
“Hi Bucky!” The girls leaned over the seat hugging him. Addy and Zoe were easily Bucky's second biggest fans right behind Buck and Curt.
“We made you a card,” Zoe smiled, unzipping her backpack and taking out the card.
“That's so nice of you guys,” Buck glanced in the rearview mirror at them. Bucky took the card from them showing Buck as he tried to keep his eyes on the road.
“Is this us?” Bucky cooed pointing at the two stick people holding hands with a heart over them holding hands.
“Yeah!” Addy pointed at the pink card.
“Because you guys are in love,” Zoe giggled, “I drew Gale and Addy drew Bucky.”
“You guys are so talented I think it looks just like me,” Bucky held the card up next to his face.
“Yes, the next Michael Angelo and Davinci.” Buck agreed, sharing a smile with Bucky and giving his thigh a small squeeze.
“Do we have to go to Grandmas?” Addy pouted in the back, the girls were on a similar page about their Grandma. She always had really weird strict rules that certainly hadn’t changed since Gale was younger.
“Yeah, why not? Grandma doesn’t let us watch any cartoons and she wears too much perfume.” Zoe whispered the last part causing an eruption of laughter from the entire car. As much as Buck didn’t want to have to leave them with her he also didn’t want to have to be responsible for them…it also might’ve been because he had been looking forward to Bucky bending him over the kitchen counter.
“Because I have plans with my friends and mom and dad have a work dinner. I don’t even know what time they’ll be back tonight. Here, how about after school tomorrow we can go get ice cream?” Buck suggested trying to keep the peace.
“Can I come for ice cream?” Bucky asked, pointing at himself sticking out his bottom lip slightly.
“Of course you can come, you don’t have to ask.”
“Okay I can’t promise you that this is going to be like the best cake you’ve ever had. I followed some recipes on Tik Tok and…voila.” Buck took the container off the cake. It was a heart shaped messily chocolate frosted cake with ‘HBD Buck’ in messy white frosting at the top. Strawberries cut in half garnished the dollops of frosting on the border.
“You’re too sweet, I mean it John.” Buck slapped his ass lightly causing the other to turn bright red.
“I’m gonna sing to you and it’s going to be so good I’ll win a Grammy for my performance!” Bucky announced as he seemed to magically pull out a box of birthday candles out of his pocket. Buck knew all of this was incredibly cheesy but he knew how much of a romantic Bucky is…he also liked rose petals and candles on the bed…and well Buck liked the romantics of it all too.
“I guess this is your one day in the entire year where I cannot deny you the right to sing.” Buck knocked his elbow into his boyfriend's side.
“You love when I sing, you can’t keep lying to yourself.” Bucky stuck the candles in the cake. Today he was focused on Buck and he just wanted to make his day better. He could see in the way his shoulders seemed to sag more every time he saw him and the glow in his eyes was just not as bright as it should be.
Bucky grabbed his lighter from his pocket and lit the five candles on the cake.
“Happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Gale. Happy birthday to you!” Bucky sang to him Meatball sitting at their feet seemingly howling along to Bucky's scratchy voice. Buck blew out the candles silently wishing for a good and amazing year for them. Then he felt Bucky's lips pressed to his cheek, the familiar little mustache tickling his skin.
“What’d you wish for?”
“Can’t tell or it won’t come true.”
“Did you wish for me to grow a thicker mustache so I can gel it?”
“Hell no.”
Bucky shook his head grabbing a knife from the knife block, Buck quickly took it out of his hands. “No knives for you, remember home ec last year when you almost stabbed me?”
“That was an accident. How was I supposed to know the water was going to boil over? It almost burned my hand.” Bucky threw his arms up in the air dramatically with that silly, dopey smile on his face. Buck truly wouldn't have cared if John accidentally stabbed him if it meant him not burning his hand.
“Why don’t you get two plates down, Gordon Ramsey?”
Bucky definitely wasn’t the kind of guy who knew his way around the kitchen. He knew how to make ramen in the microwave and that was about it.
Buck definitely is impressed by the cake as he cuts into it. It smelled good and it looked good. “Did you make this by yourself?”
“Well I Facetimed Croz and he gave me some tips. But other than that, yeah. Maybe I did actually learn a few things in home ec.” Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, his face deep in thought but quickly pulled from it as Buck slid the plate with his slice over to him. They both leaned on the counter as they both took a bite, Bucky's face puckering a bit, his lips then pursing together.
It was absolutely terrible. But Buck wasn’t going to show that, he smiled through his bite and swallowed hard, “This is really good.”
“Really? Because I think it tastes like shit.” Bucky snickered, breaking the silence.
Buck felt a wash of relief somewhat fall off his body, it was true though. He would sit here and eat the most vile thing ever and pretend to like it if Bucky made it. That's just how they were, they'd do just about anything to please the other.
“Yeah, wanna go buy a cake from Walmart?”
“Hell yeah.”
The two sat on the couch with the small cake resting on Bucks lap as the two of them just had two forks and no care in the world. They had picked some movie to watch and it was proving to be as boring as watching paint dry. Bucky leaned against Buck, his head resting on his shoulder looking up at him as he brought another bite of cake up to his mouth.
Bucky reached up and gently nudged Buck's hand forcing some frosting to get on his face. “Oops,” he giggled, swiping the frosting off of Buck's nose with his finger and putting it in his mouth.
Buck swallowed hard as he felt that familiar feeling in his pants. Not quite an erection but just that warm feeling. Buck quickly put the cake on the coffee table catching Bucky's hips as he launched himself at Buck's face. John brought his hands up to the others face holding him as he stuck his tongue down Gales throat.
Buck could feel his dick get the rest of the way hard as he began grinding into John's knee between his legs. “God you’re so beautiful.” Bucky mumbled against his lips as he put a hand on Bucks bicep squeezing his muscles, “Have you been working out, Gale?
“I have, what about you, John?” Buck rested his forehead against Buckys, sliding his icy hands under John's hoodie feeling his abs. He knew every inch of John's body like it was his own, he could identify him by hands alone. God, he loved his hands…
Gale wrapped his hand around Bucky's wrist and brought his thumb up to his mouth before wrapping his lips around it.
John let out a small whimper as he watched Gale take his hand. His eyes were closed as he sucked on his thumb but Bucky quickly replaced it with his middle and pointer finger. Buck swallowed against them letting out a small groan, “You’re so fuckin hot. Do you want it now?”
“Bent over the counter,” Gale mumbled against John's fingers. He watched Bucky's face turn bright red and his lips pull up into a devious smile.
“I’ll be right back?” Bucky smirked, hopping off the couch and be-lining it to the stairs. Buck stood up off the couch and put Meatball in his kennel in the office. If they didn’t put him in the kennel he’d sit there and howl the entire time or just kinda stare at them.
Bucky came bouncing down the stairs, the bottle of lube being tossed back and forth in his hands, “Hey that's my job!” John came jogging over and slapped Bucks hands, hooking his fingers into Bucks belt loops pulling him closer. Buck being forced to give up on taking his shirt off. John smirked, satisfied with Buck.
Buck presses his lips back into Johns gently nudging his knee back to sit back down. John took a step back, his hands on Buck's waist pulling them back down onto the couch. Quickly deciding to flip around, John back straddling Bucks lap surely grinding his cock against his thigh. John felt for the bottom seam of Buck's shirt, shiming it up off his body. Trailing wet hot kisses from his mouth down the side of his neck. John began sucking a hickey into Buck's boney collarbone seemingly leaving a trail of small bites as John got on his knees on the floor. Undoing Gales belt, he began palming at the ever growing bulge in his pants. Buck let out an airy moan. His head tipping back, letting out a frustrated grunt looking up.
John had stopped his palming to undo his belt, “Hurry.” Gale let out a small whimper pushing his hands down to undo his button and zipper. John smirks up at him, teasingly pulling down his pants. He did it as slowly as possible, not breaking eye contact with Gale. The other squirming and squeezing his thighs together, “You can’t tease it’s my birthday.”
“You’re so ridiculous.”
John pulled Gales boxers down, his hard cock smacked against his stomach.
“God you’re so beautiful.” John spoke gazing down at Gale's plump, pink cock. Wrapping a hand around the base John ran his tongue around the tip of it.
Gale gasped, grabbing a fist full of John’s messy brown curls. John felt encouragement from him sitting back on his knees as he swiped his fingers through a chunk of frosting from the cake. Gale felt his body go rigid watching John smear the frosting down the underside of his cock.
“Oops.” John chuckled to himself, swallowing Gale's entire cock, flattening his tongue out and licking the frosting off. The knot in Gale's stomach grew tighter as John pulled his cock back from his mouth with a pop noise. A small bit of frosting and pre cum running from his lips to his chin. God he was so hungry for John right now, considering even abandoning get bent over the counter just so he could fuck John right here on the couch. That idea got scrapped fast, John pressing his lips back into Gales. Gale tasting the sweetness of his own cum mixing with the frosting,
“Let's get this off.” Gale pulled John's shirt off and tossing it mindlessly onto the floor.
“I can’t wait any longer,” Gale whined while wrapping his legs around John's waist. The other didn’t even take a second thought wrapping his hands around Gales' ass picking him up. Carrying him over to the kitchen island he set Gale on the counter then tearing off his own pants. John waited patiently all week to get to bend Gale over and the anticipation was building in his own stomach.
“Come on beautiful,” John whispered gruffly, grabbing Gale by his thighs and pulling him off the counter, “Do you want me to work your sweet little ass open for me?” Landing a loud smack against the blonde's ass.
“Yes please,” Gale whimpered, leaning on the counter and spreading his legs just the slightest. Without warning he rocked forward feeling John shove two lubed up fingers into him. Gale grunting biting down on his lip, “fuck.” He whined as John scissored his fingers, Gale pushing his hips back against him, “I’m ready.”
John, satisfied with him grabbed the lube off the table squirting some into his hand then working his own cock. “Look at you Gale. All pretty just for me.”
Gale's face got warm, blushing red across his cheeks. John rested his head against his entrance for a moment, “Ready beautiful?”
“Please,” Gale whimpered, relaxing himself as John slid his length in, wrapping his hands around Gale's hips squeezing them.
“Oh you feel so good,” John spoke leaning forward as he began thrusting his hips into Gale. Gale leaned on his elbows, John delivering harder and rougher blows to him. His knees started knocking into the cabinets on the island. No one makes him feel good the way John does.
Gale let out a whimper feeling John’s large hand wrap around the back of his neck and his other go to his cock.
“I love you,” Gale uttered through breathy moans feeling the warmth of John’s hand pumping up and down on his cock, Gale rocking his hips back into John’s.
Whipping his head up, Gale heard the shaking of his moms precious fine china cabinet. The slams of John's hips into Gales growing louder and becoming more on beat. “Be Careful what are we gonna tell Mary if we break her china.” Gale's little chuckle filled the room for a moment.
“What if I don’t wanna be careful?”
“Do you…Oh yes right there oh my god!” Gale threw his head back slamming his hips back into John as he hit just the perfect spot and began jerking him off harder, “John oh my god. I love you.”
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, baby…I love you too.” John moaned, grabbing a handful of Gales locks. Slamming his hips into him, “You make me feel so good.”
“Don’t pull out,” Gale began begging as he could feel they were both about to climax. John began pumping him harder and harder, rubbing his thumb over the slit.
“John…” Gale aggressively pushed his hips into John as he came all over John's hand and his own stomach. Moving his hips back and forth to get out the aftershocks, making John's knot in his stomach began to unwind Gale clenched around him. Letting out a loud groan and falling a bit forward into Gale pushing in a few last times before pulling out and leaning forward onto Buck.
“God you’re so fucking good,” John kissed Gales shoulder wrapping his arm around his waist.
“I’m ready for round two, do you wanna go up to my room?” Gale turned to look at him panting through his words.
“Hell yeah,” John threw Gale over his shoulder carrying him up to his room.
“You better not fart John, I’ll cock block you for the night!”
“Don’t count on it!”
Sure his parents forgot about his birthday but as far as Gale was concerned he's having a pretty good time.
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topazy · 2 years
Inside, outside
Parings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver x sister reader
Warnings: Violence
Chapter: 4.07
“The flower crown you made for Lucy was beautiful. You should wear one like that when you get married.”
You smile politely at Sarge as she stands beside you. You didn’t know much about her aside from the fact that she was in the military and was badass with a gun. You, Sarge, and 10k kept watch while Doc and Warren tried to fix the vehicle that had just broken down on the road in the middle of nowhere.
“Do you think you’ll tie the knot anytime soon?” Sarge asks.
You gulp down the liquid, still feeling the uncomfortable dryness in the back of your throat from crying. A half hour earlier, you had said your goodbyes to Lucy, and Doc’s moving words about her had brought everyone to tears. It didn’t feel right to talk about something so joyful while everyone was still in mourning. “Probably not for a while,” you sigh. You look at the road ahead and notice Murphy stamping on a Z’s head. “Oh god.”
Warren looked at him concerned. “I know he's grieving, but that’s not a good way to deal with it.”
You nod in agreement. Murphy was never a fighter; he usually ran away from danger, so for him to take on a Z one-on-one was extremely stupid. He was going to get himself or someone else killed.
Noticing Murphy walking back towards the car, you pretend to be on the lookout again, knowing full well he’d caught you staring. He had an anger on his face that you’d never seen before.
You jumped when Warren slammed the hood of the vehicle down. “Okay, let’s go, gang.”
You sit in the back of the truck in silence watching the greenery start to disappear as Warren drove closer to a small abandoned looking town.
You roll your eyes when you hear the familiar rumble of 10K’s stomach. You rummage in your backpack and pull out a pack of dried fruit and nuts and toss them to him. He raises his brows and opens his mouth to protest, but you cut him off.
“Take it, we have enough to last a couple of days.”
He doesn't respond with words but slowly opens the packet and offers everyone else some of the rations. When nobody else wants any 10K, he eats a handful of the rations before putting the rest of the packet into his pocket.
Murphy finally talks for the first time since his daughter's funeral. He looks around confused, “What’s that?”
You're cut off by the sound of a woman screaming for help. Warren tells Doc to keep driving, but Murphy yells for him to stop and jumps out the back of the truck.
“Murphy, wait!l You call him worried. This could be a trap.”
Warren shakes her head and tries to talk to Murphy, but he mumbles something and keeps on walking. You share a look with Doc before he motions for the rest of you to follow as well.
You catch up with Murphy and walk around the corner and towards an abandoned-looking building. Do looks at it in surprise and asks, “Well, what in the hell do we have here? The world's saddest carnival?”
“This isn’t like any carnival I went to growing up.”
10k scrunches his nose and says, “Mad Z's. Four, no, five.”
You spot the Z’s when you reach the fence leading into the grounds. Five Z’s were reaching up to the ferry's wheel, where a woman was trapped. “Is she alive or dead?”
“Can’t tell. Now who would do that to a woman?” Doc lets out a noise of disgust. “I tell you, it’s not the zombies that make the apocalypse suck; it’s the damn humans.”
The woman lets out a groan for help. The way she slurred her words made it obvious she was drunk or high. Her bare legs were covered in dirt and dried blood like most people's, but the fake tears drawn around her eyes with black paint were unusual and unsettling.
“Hang on!”
You grab hold of Murphy's jumper, pulling him back as he attempts to climb the fence. If he went straight into the Z's, that would kill him. “Stop, we need to figure out a plan.”
“The plan is to save her!”
Before you could respond, the woman yelled out. “Help me! They tied me up and left me for the Z’s!”
Frowning, Murphy yells back. “Bastards. Who? Who did this to you?”
The yelling from your direction attracts the Z's, causing them to run in your direction. Thankfully, the fence stops them from getting to you.
Warren sighs, “Let’s get her down.”
Doc manages to lock three Zs inside a car while Murphy kills the other two.
While the Z’s were distracted, you and Sarge turned the wheel on and cut the woman loose from the plastic handcuffs, stopping her from escaping. The moment you reached her, the smell of whisky and urine filled your nostrils, making you feel like throwing up.
Once the woman was safely down, Murphy approached her and began talking to her. You watch as Sarge pulls a face while walking by her.
Doc leans into you. “I bet she’s not washed since the apocalypse started.”
Suddenly, loud music comes from the shack-like building you thought was abandoned. You reach for your gun but lower it when nobody comes out of the building. The woman tells your group a broken story of how she was left on the wheel, two of her friends were killed, and her son was inside. All of this angered Murphy.
“I’m putting an end to this!” Murphy says before waving a crowbar in the air.
You wanted to tell him it was a terrible idea to barge inside the building, but he wouldn’t have listened. Warren tries to stop him. “Murphy, don’t do this.”
“I’ve had enough, all right!” He snaps back. “Who’s coming with me?”
“Now, Murphy, I know you’re hurting, but this will not bring Lucy back. Or Red, Addy, Sun Mei, 5k, or any of them.”
You and 10k share a knowing look at the mention of your sister. Neither of you had mentioned the last time you saw her to the rest of the group, despite it weighing heavily on you.
A look of pain crosses Murphy's features before it is replaced by anger. “Neither will listening to you.”
“For once, I think he’s right,” 10k says before following him.
“This isn’t our fight.”
You can tell Warren is frustrated by the look on her face. “We can’t just do nothing,” you say softly. “We just aren’t those people.”
Knowing you're right, she bites down on her tongue and nods.
Your eyes trace the stuffed kids' toys hanging up that were covered in blood, making the hairs on your arms stand. Something about this place was off. Your fingers instinctively dig into 10k’s arm. You wanted to leave badly but couldn’t say it out loud. It would only add to the divide.
10k raises his brows, “You okay?”
“I’m fine…"This place is just creepy.”
“Does anybody else see the giant mushrooms?” Doc asks, alarmed.
You look over in his direction to see small wooden huts built in the shapes of mushrooms. “Yeah.”
“Oh, thank God, I thought I was having flashbacks.” The older man says it's causing you to chuckle. He points up towards the open window of the building and asks, “How many people do you think are in there?”
“It sounds like one hell of a party, so I’m going to say a lot.”
Sensing a presence behind him, 10k pulls out his knife and turns to stab the potential threat, but lowers his weapon when he sees Warren crouching down behind Murphy. She looks at him amused before her gaze moves to Murphy, “Don’t do this.”
“Go away, Warren. We got this.”
“This is not our fight. We saved the women. She’s going to be fine. Let’s go.”
Warren and Murphy go back and forth on whether your group should get involved or not. You, 10k, and Doc wanted to save this woman’s son without any violence; however, Murphy wanted to kill everyone inside the building, and Warren and Sarge wanted to leave.
“Her sun could still be in there. What if that was one of us?” 10k asks, backing up Murphy’s point.
“But it’s not,” Warren says, shaking her head. “We can’t save everyone.”
Hearing people laugh, you all hide behind a stall and watch as two drunk men with the same black face paint stumble over to a Z that was stuck in the ground to antagonize it. You watch as one of the men spills his drink repeatedly down himself as he sways, and a horrible thought fills your head. “The woman who was trapped never said her son was actually taken; she just said he was inside.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Murphy scoffs before standing up. “Let’s move.”
You duck to the ground as one of the drunk men spots you and begins firing. Murphy, 10k, and Doc run forward and begin to wrestle for the gun. “Warren, we need to help them, Warren!”
You click your fingers in front of her face to try and get her attention, but she’s lost in a trance. You spin back around to see a third man pointing a gun at you. You slowly move your head to look around and notice you are surrounded.
You stand inside the building, which looks like the inside of a circus tent that had been raided at gunpoint. The man who you assumed was in charge waited until all his freaky friends had joined before he began to talk. “Welcome to our humble home and dark carnival of mayhem.” He took a drink from his cup as his people cheered before he continued. “Let the games begin!”
You very quickly come to the conclusion that the carnival people, who refer to themselves as Zuggalos, are insane. They all have white and black faces pointed at you in a way that reminds you of bugs and forces you to get into positions to play games.
10k was strapped to a red and yellow wheel on the wall and spun it while they threw knives at him. Doc was attached to a painted wooden wall with his head stuck through it while they threw billiard balls at his face. Murphy was chained to a metal box rat, which shocked him at the push of a button. You were sitting on a small ledge as your legs dangled over a dunk tank that was full of musty green water.
The Zuggalo in charge forced Warren into playing a drinking game with her. You don’t pay much attention as your eyes keep flickering to a female Zuggalo that was pacing back and forth in front of you. She was weighing up different items in her hand before eventually throwing both of them at the X mark on the tank. One of them hits it, and you drop into the disgusting water.
Gagging, you pull yourself up and fling your head over the side of the tank, gasping for air. You’d accidentally swallowed some of the water, which left a vile taste in your mouth.
You briefly hear the Zuggalo challenge Warren to what sounds like a rap battle before the woman points her gun at you and forces you to climb back onto the ledge.
You lose count of how many times you've been dunked in the water before you feel something heavy in the bottom of the tank. Not being able to see what it is, you pick it up and realize it’s one of the billiard balls. You wanted to climb back onto the ledge of the tank, but instead, you jumped down and smacked the woman across the head with it hard enough to knock her to the ground. As she presses her hands to her now-bleeding head, you reach for her gun but are stopped by the man who had been ‘playing’ with Warren.
He drops to his knees and reaches for your hand, “You will be my Zuggalo queen.” The other Zuggalos begin to cheer. You give Warren a fearful look, but she subtly shakes her head, indicating that you should not argue. “You will be queen. I wish my mom was here to meet you.”
You notice that 10k and Doc have managed to escape, which gives you hope. You notice Warren telling them and Murphy something you can’t make out, but you imagine it was some kind of plan. A different female Zuggalo than before lunges towards you and grabs your damp sleeve, “Let’s get you ready for your big day.”
Remaining in your soaked clothing, you stood in front of the ‘groom,’ ready for the Zuggalo wedding. The female Zuggalo had painted the rest of your group's faces in the same face paint to match hers and she had put a large red and white checkered bow with cherries on it in your hair.
The Zuggalo officiant smiles creepily at Warren before starting the fake ceremony. “We are gathered here today to join this Zuggalo and this super hot Zuggalette in the enteral bonds of unholy matrimony, to join their two beating hearts.” You slapped his hand away as he attempted to place it on your chest. He glares at you before continuing, “If there is anyone who has cause why this union should not go forward, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, knowing exactly what is about to happen.
“I do! She's already engaged to me!” 10K attempts to get to you, but Warren and Doc hold him back as other Zuggalo reach for their guns that once belonged to people in your group.
You look at 10k and see tears of anger building behind him. You shake your head and mouth, “Stop it before you get yourself killed.”
He clenches his jaw and whispers something to Warren. Murphy suddenly calls out, saying the wedding is a shame, causing him to get zapped again; he falls forward in pain as the Zuggalo’s laugh.
“Do you really need to get married right away? Why not go on a couple of dates first?” Doc asks. “I know a great little spot, or better yet a home cooked meal and conversation would be nice as well.”
What the hell. You stared at Doc confused, trying to figure out what he was trying to do. It was obvious they weren’t just going to stop the wedding.
“Forever hold your piece!” The officiant says she grabbed at his genitals while laughing. “Through the sharing of beats, two lives have come together. We father to witness and celebrate, like our fathers before us, the grand family tradition; before gods, before devils, and before men, we share in the nuptial blood rite.”
“One second,” Warren says, interrupting. “Before this goes any further, I need to fix her bow. It's falling down.”
The Zuggalo nods and allows it.
Warren plasters a fake smile on her face and places the bow higher in your head while talking low enough only you can hear. “10k has gotten out. Be ready. When I say it’s time I want you to duck down and he will take them all out.”
You gulp down and nod. Resuming your place, you look out the window and notice 10k climbing onto the wheel with his sniper rifle.
“It is time for the ceremonial exchange of pinkies,” the officiant says, holding up bolt cutters. “Followed, of course, by the sharing of the bride!”
Your blood runs cold.
The Zuggalo’s cheer until a bullet lands in the officiant's stomach and another in a Zuggalo’s head at the same time three doors to the room burst open. The woman from before points her gun at the man standing beside you. She stares at you and gasps, “She’s so beautiful. My baby’s getting married?”
The woman, whose identity you know, is the mother of the crazy Zuggalo in charge, points her gun at Sarge, who entered with her.
You stand awkwardly between the mother and son in a different room that has no windows as they argue about who should be in charge of the Zuggalo’s and even go as far as bringing out their zombified husband and father.
You take this as your opportunity to back away toward all the places where Doc and Sarge were. Sarge whispers, “We are totally screwed. 10k won’t be able to help us if he can’t see us.”
You needed to get some of the Zuggalo’s outside if you wanted to give your group a chance to survive.
“Then he needs to see us,” you say, watching as the son pins his mom to the ground. “Give me ten seconds' head start.”
With all of the attention on the fight, you sneak out the door and wait outside until you hear Doc's voice. “Quick, the bride is getting away!”
You take that as your cue and run. A handful of Zuggalo’s run outside to try and find you. All of them fire in your direction, and one by one they get shot in the head.
“Tommy?!” You look around, confused, unable to see 10k anywhere. Hearing a thumb, you spin to see he’s jumped down from a hut and go to hug him, but stop so you don’t get him covered in the green mess that’s covering your clothes. “What’s our plan?”
He hands you a gun and says, “I found a couple of our weapons, so we—”
He’s cut off by Murphy, Doc, Sarge, and Warren running out the door. Murphy brushes by you and says, “This is bad even for us!”
“So what was the plan?” Sarge asks, keeping watch while you change into semi clean dry clothes behind a tree.
“10k was going to take them all out so we could escape,” you explain. 10k told you he’d spotted your weapons, so he told Murphy and Doc to distract the Zuggalos so he could get to them. You notice the strange expression in Sarge’s face and ask, “What?”
Sarge swallows thickly, “sorry, I was just thinking.”
“What were you thinking about?” You ask, unsure of why she looks so taken aback.
“That he must love you a lot.” Now it was your turn to be taken aback, which made Sarge smile with amusement. “Come on, 10K was willing to take all those people on to save you. You don’t do that for anything else other than love.”
You smile at her words before ditching your ruined clothes. “You're right, he loves me and I love him, but that's what you do. He would have done that for Doc, Warren, you, and hell, even Murphy.”
Her face flushes red. “Oh, I don’t—it’s not the same for me.”
It made you sad that Sarge didn’t feel as if she was fully a part of the group.
You nudge her with your elbow playfully as you make your way back towards the vehicle everyone else was waiting in. “Like it or not, Lilly, you're now a part of a very dysfunctional family.”
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thunderbunny24 · 2 months
Second Chance at Love
I have to give credit to Jelly Roll for his song Save Me. I stole it for my OC.
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Part 10
            You pulled up to Matt’s house and before you could get your car door opened, he was outside waiting for you.  As soon as you shut the car door Matt picked you up, swung you in circles and started kissing you as you wrapped your legs and arms around him.  He carried you in the house and set you down.
            “I have missed you so much this last 2 weeks.”  He pulled you back into his chest.
            “I was only gone for like 9 days.  It’s the joys of having to actually work.”  You looked over towards the bar in Matt’s kitchen where Addison was sitting.  You smiled and waved at her.  “Hi!  It’s nice to finally meet you.”
            Addison’s cheeks turned bright red.  She got up from her seat and walked over to you.  You opened up your arms to offer her a hug.  She took the hug but her body was stiff and she was giggling nervously.  “It’s nice to meet you too.”
            Matt nudged Addison’s arm.  “Don’t tell me you are star struck kiddo.”  He winked at you.
            “Dad!”  She shook her head but the teasing seemed to relax her a bit.
            “Don’t feel bad Addison.  I still get star struck and I’ve been in the business for almost 30 years.”  You smiled sweetly at her.  “And if it helps, I’ve been nervous to meet you.  I’m scared I’m going to make an ass out of myself and you won’t like me.”
            “If you are a fraction as cool as Dad says, you are good.”  You blush.  “And you can call me Addi if you want.”  You nod.  You both go sit at the bar while Matt started cooking.  “You said it’s been about 9 days.  I know Dad had that horror con in Ontario weekend before last.  Where have you been?  I don’t think he told me.”
            “Well,” you pulled out your phone and opened your calendar app.  “Last week I was in Arkansas for a few days with my daughter because my mom had a doctor’s appointment she wanted me at and to get Violet some grandparent time.  Mom is getting ready to have carpel tunnel surgery next month and wanted me to be at her last appointment to hear everything the doctor said since I’ll be going down for the surgery.  The rest of the time I was in New York City.  I worked a few days at my security company there and shot the music video for my first single of this new album.  I just got back in yesterday.”
            Addi nodded.  “When is the video and album coming out?”
            “The video drops Wednesday, Valentine’s Day.  The album,” you scroll on your phone, “it drops on March 15th.”
            “Damn.”  Matt said.  “I was going to ask you to come with me to the convention I have in Kansas City on March 8th.”
            You shook your head.  “I wish I could but that is smack dab in the middle of the press tour.  I’m sorry.”  You gave him a little pout.  “Good news though.  I’ll be at Texas Frightmare Weekend in May.”
            Addi asked.  “Are you one of the guests they haven’t announced yet?”
            You shook your head.  “No.  I’m actually going as a fan.  I went last year for the first time with some friends and loved it.  Plus, I have family that lives in the area so it gives me a reason to see them and have Violet have some Great Aunt and Uncle time.”  You looked over at Matt.  “And maybe we can get there a day or so early so you can meet my family.  Their approval is kind of important to me.”  You bit your lip.
            “Approval, huh?”  Matt winked at you.  “Moreso than your parents’ approval?”
            Addi saw you blushing and decided to change the topic.  “So, do you and Dad have any special plans for Valentine’s Day?”
            You nod.  “I’m actually going to take him out.  Flowers, chocolates, date planned around things I know he enjoys.  I plan on being a romance ninja.”  Matt gave you a questioning look and you winked at him.  “I have a rough cut of the music video.  Would you both like to see it?”
            “Of course.”
            You smiled and pulled it up on your phone.  “The song is called Save Me.  I wrote it with a newer artist named Jelly Roll.  It was the first track I wrote for this album, almost a year ago.”
            “I’ve heard of him.”  Addi said.  “He’s got a few songs I really like and his wife’s TikTok is awesome.”
            You smiled and nod.  “I love Bunnie!  She is one of the sweetest and most straight forward people I’ve ever met.”  You let out a nervous sigh.  “Remember, this is a rough cut.”  You hit play.  The video showed an empty bar besides yourself, a bartender and a guitarist sitting on the stage.  The visual goes between you sitting on the stage singing to you sitting at the bar taking shots with a cigarette burning in the ashtray.
Somebody save me, me from myself I've spent so long living in Hell They say my lifestyle is bad for my health It's the only thing that seems to help
All of this drinking and smoking is hopeless But feel like it's all that I need Something inside of me's broken I hold on to anything that sets me free
I'm a lost cause Baby, don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
I'm a lost cause Baby, don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
What if the night sky was missing the moon? There were no shooting stars to use wishing on you And all of my sorrows, I'd just wash them down It's the only peace, I've ever found
All of this drinking and smoking is hopeless But feel like it's all that I need Something inside of me's broken I hold on to anything that sets me free
I'm a lost cause Baby, don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
I'm a lost cause Baby, don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
            Both Matt and Addi were quiet when the video ended.  Their silence felt like screaming to your heart.  “Thoughts?”
            Matt bit his cheek.  “You wrote this before we met?”  You nodded and look down at your hands.  “Do you still feel that way?”
            You glanced up at Matt then quickly back down to your hands.  “Not as much, but there is still some of that in me.  This whole album has that sense of I don’t feel worthy post-divorce.  But the last few tracks show some potential for hope.”
            There was an awkward silence as both you and Matt avoided eye contact.  Addi finally broke the silence.  “I think the vocals are lovely and to be only guitar with you is nice.”
            “Thank you.”  You looked up at her and gave her a small smile.  “I had a very clear view of what this album was going to be…and then things kind of changed a month or so ago.”  You gave a quick glance to Matt and saw a tiny smile cross his lips.  “I thought about scrapping the whole thing and starting over, but I loved the work I had put in, both musically and emotionally, and didn’t want to just ditch it.”
            Matt leaned over and put his chin on top of your head with his hands holding your upper arms.  “Your voice sounded beautiful in the song.”  He squeezed your arms.  “I look forward to hearing the whole album.”  Matt then kissed the top of your head.
            Addi cleared her throat.  “Well, while Dad finishes up dinner, do you think I could borrow you?”
            You nod.  “Sure.”  Addi opened the door to the backyard and led you to a table by the pool.  You both sat down and you started picking at the hem of your blouse.
            Addi cleared her throat again.  “So, things have moved kind of fast for you and Dad.”  You nod.  “He seems to really like you.”  You smiled and nod again.  “I have begged him to get back out there for years but he never really did.  Hell, he only quit wearing his wedding band a year or so ago.”  You sat quietly, making eye contact with Addi so she knew she was being heard.  “I want him to be happy but I also don’t want this first time he’s really putting himself out there for him to get his heart broken.  If you have any feeling like he’s not the one, please promise me that you will end things and not break his heart.  He deserves to be happy.”  Addi wiped a tear from her eye.
            You take a moment to breath then started to speak.  “I don’t know what the future holds for your dad and I.  What I do know is that I want to find out what could be there.  I am nowhere near perfect and your dad is pretty close to flawless and the last thing I want to do is hurt him.  It hasn’t been very long, but I have felt more seen, understood and cared for during our time together than I have felt my entire adult life.  He makes me want to write love songs.  He makes me look forward to every text and phone call.  He makes me want to better my mental health for more than just my daughter.  I don’t know if we will still be together next week, next month or even next year, but I sure hope to hell we are and I’m willing to put in the work to make each milestone happen.  I haven’t said this to Matt yet, but I’m in love with him.  Like head over heels, jump on couches, in love with him and I want to make sure he knows and feels that every day.”
            Addi smiled at you.  “You love Dad?”
            You nodded and chuckled.  “Yes ma’am.”
            “He is so in love with you it’s not even funny.”  Addi reached for your hand.  “Just make him happy.  That’s all I want for him.”
            You wiped a tear that had run down your cheek.  “I will do everything I can to make sure our good days outweigh our bad tenfold.  Can I give you a hug?”  Addi smiled and opened her arms.
            You both were hugging and crying when Matt stepped outside.  “Sorry to interrupt ladies, but dinner is about to be ready.”  You wave him off as you kept hugging Addi.
            A few moments later Addi broke the hug and asked, “When can I meet your daughter?”
            You looked surprised at her question.  “I’ll talk to Matt and if you guys aren’t busy tomorrow, you can come over for dinner.”
            Addi smiled.  “I’d really like that.  Dad talks about her like she was his and I want to meet both the women that have stolen his heart.”
            You blush.  “I don’t know that we’ve stolen his, but he has definitely stolen ours.  Violet is so happy to have a father figure around and the fact it is Shaggy doesn’t hurt either.”  You both laughed and got up to go inside to keep chatting and to enjoy the dinner Matt had prepared.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Camilla x Addison
A young male made his way down the road, humming to himself. His destination was just up ahead. A small restaurant by the name of Bill's Buffet and Drive Through. A couple other people were sitting around picnic tables and talking casually. But, he was looking for someone in particular. "Addison! Over here!," a female called out, waving at him. He smiled before walking over to the female deer shape shifter." Hi, Camilla. Sorry I'm late." He sat across from her. "I-It's alright. How's your friend? Sara, right?" She smiled nervously. "Sahara, and ya. She's doing good. The doctor said she'll be able to go home in a few days." "R-Right. To be honest, I wasn't sure if you were coming or not." "Why wouldn't I?" "I don't know. One too many people stood me up I guess." She was surprised when he reached over to gently grab her arm. "Hey. Don't feel bad. You're not the only one with dating problems. Besides...when I make a promise, I intend to keep it." She felt her cheeks flush a pink color, and a smile graced her face. "Uh....do you want me to get food?" "Ya. That'd be nice." He smiled before standing up and walking away." Be right back." -10 minutes later- He came back carrying a small tray with 2 cheeseburgers, a salad, and drinks. "I.....uh.....just thought since you were a deer....you wouldn't eat meat." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, it's fine. But.....why did you get two burgers then?'' She pointed at the tray. "Oh. Heh. I promised Sahara I'd sneak her in a cheeseburger tomorrow. Hospital food sucks." "Oh, yeah." They talked awhile about their lives and past failed romances. "........So, you and Autumn are cousins? AND you dated Tom, too?" "Uh, yeah. We're still friends though." "When did this happen?," He asked curiously. "About a month before you two dated for a week." She smiled at him. "Heh. Ya. I think he's over me. Lately, he's been hanging around Mackenzie." "I've noticed, too............Um...hey. Can I ask you a personal question?" "Um......sure, I guess." "..........What did happen between you and Gustav?" "Oh, him?.......Well, it turns out we're more friends than lovers," he said with a sigh. "Oh......sorry." "Nah. Don't be. We're still good friends.'' He suddenly looked up." Whoa. It's getting late. My mom's probably wondering where I am." "Here. I'll pay for the food," she offered, reaching into her purse and pulling out a pink wallet. "N-No. Don't do that. I'll pay." "But.......I'm kinda used to doing it." Addison scowled. The nerve of some people. Making her pay for the food and taking advantage of her like that. "Tell ya what......I'll pay for the food, and you leave the tip. Ok?" She hesitated before nodding."......Thanks." She gave a soft smile. "No problem." Ounce everything was paid for, they both stood up. Addison holding the extra cheeseburger for Sahara. "Do you want me to walk you home?," Addison offered. "Nah. A friend's picking me up." A honking noise to the left signaled the friend's arrival. "There she is. Do you want a ride home?" "No thanks. I don't live far from here. But, thanks for offering." "No problem." She reached down to hug him, but stopped when he flinched back."........Sorry." "No. It's fine........I'm just not used to others touching me..........but I can make an acception this time." He leaned forward and slowly gave her a hug, which she happily returned. He blushed at the scent of rose perfume. A couple honks though interrupted them. Camilla was the first to pull away. "I guess I'd better go." "Y-Yeah. I better get going, too." He blushed and pulled his scarf up to cover his red cheeks." B-Bye, Camilla. See ya later." "Bye, Addi. I hope your friend gets better soon,"she said slowly walking away. "Thanks. I hope so, too." He watched silently as she climbed into the car. She waved from the window as it drove by, and he happily waved back. He watched the car until it disappeared from sight before beginning his way home.
0 notes
demonbanisher · 2 years
Another soft sad one for you today. Also, I just want to say I see all your lovely comments and I am working on catching up with them. Please keep sharing your thoughts. I love hearing from you all 💜
TW: postpartum depression, discussion of uteruses, intersex discrimination in healthcare, discussion of infertility, discussions of past medical trauma and serious injury (by this I mean talking about the stuff that happened in Unexpected). These conversations are kinda complex and nuanced and so if I miss any trigger warnings or there is something specific you think I should add please let me know.
Master List for this AU here and you can read this one on AO3 here
Stormy Seas
“You have postpartum depression,” the doctor said and Remus felt like he was underwater. He could see Sirius and the doctor talking, and Addie sitting on his lap, but it was all like a pantomime. He was just swimming through the world desperately trying not to drown.
It wasn’t until they were out of the office and past the nurse and through the waiting room that should have been noisy that Remus heard the muffled sounds of Sirius calling his name and finally came up for a breath.
“Yes?” he said. His throat was full of seaweed.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine.”
Sirius knew he was lying but he also knew that Remus knew that Sirius knew that. So it wasn’t going to do them any good for him to point it out. “We can still try a magical doctor if you want.”
“We’re not sure if they’re still looking for me,” Remus said, glancing back down at his leg. “This is safer.”
“Okay, love,” Sirius said and set his hand on the centre console.
Remus took it and felt nothing.
When they got home, Sirius took care of getting Addie out of the car. Remus felt a wave of guilt when he realized he couldn’t remember Sirius taking her from him at the doctor’s office to strap her into the backseat.
“I’m going to see if James and Lily will come over for a bit? Why don’t you run a warm bath for your leg?”
Remus nodded and wandered obediently in the direction of the bathroom, staring at the water running from the faucet for a little too long. He cast a water protection spell over his brace and then climbed in.
He was still sitting there later, long after the water had gone cold and the bubbled had faded, trying to find the energy to get up.
“Remus?” A voice said, “Can I come in?”
And Remus must have said yes because a moment later Lily was beside the tub, holding up a towel as she politely looked away so he could get out.
Remus wrapped it around himself and then sat down on the shower chair they kept for particularly bad moons, or broken legs it seemed. “Can I ask you something, Lily?”
“Of course.”
“How do you feel about having a uterus?”
She looked surprised and Remus immediately felt the seaweed reaching up his throat again, strangling him for talking about things he wasn’t supposed to ask.
“I don’t know,” she said thinking. “I guess the first time I was really aware of it was when I got my first period and I really hated having one then. I hate that people think they can tell me what to do because of it or how I can use it. But it’s going to be the thing that gives James and I some new additions to our family and that makes it kind of hard to hate.”
“You are James are going to have kids?” It was a dumb question really. Lily and James always talked about having kids.
“We’re thinking of trying soon actually. I’m gonna warn you right now I think James is going to try and set our first born up with Addie.”
Remus managed a small smile for her sake more than for his.
“Was there something in particular you wanted to talk about?”
Remus shivered, looking down at his feet that were slowly becoming covered in barnacles, inching his way up his legs, turning them to stone.
“Hold that thought, okay?” Lily said. “I’m going to get you some warm clothes.” She left and came back with some sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a hoodie and turned her back so Remus could change. Somehow this made talking to her easier.
“I didn’t get to choose or I guess I did," Remus started as he got dressed slowly. "I’m sorry, I don’t know how much Sirius told you about me being intersex but there were always conversations about fertility. Even before I knew how babies were made, the doctors were talking about what procedures would give me the best chance at having a kid. They talked a lot about procedures, about which ones would make me look ‘normal’, which ones we should do if I decided I wanted to a girl, which ones made sense if I wanted to be a boy, which ones were easier and therefore should dictate what gender I chose. It was mostly bullshit, but I did have to choose hormones and blockers and then getting off blockers and then surgeries and scans and follow-up procedures.
“I didn't get to choose that I'm intersex, but it always felt like I had to choose this body and what it looked like and how it worked. In the end it didn’t matter. Shortly after Sirius and I got married, I went to see a fertility doctor and they told me I could never carry a viable pregnancy and I felt like the life I chose, expanding Sirius and I’s little family, all went up in smoke and it went up in smoke because of the body I chose.
Remus paused, trying to fight back the ocean that was pouring out of him and the way its salty taste burned, but he couldn't and so he just kept drowning in all his truth. “The only thing I could do was to hate myself. To hate this body for what it took from him. What it took from us. And so my uterus was this broken thing and I kinda stared to believe all the things the bullshit doctors had told me. That because I wasn’t a 'man' or a 'woman,' I was just wrong.
“And then Addie happened and she was just coming out of me and I didn’t have a choice. I - I died. For a moment Sirius and my daughter were right there and I wasn’t. The doctors did what they had to save me so I can’t be mad about that but it meant they made choices about my body. Choices I can’t undo and years of careful planning and decision making were for nothing."
“Since Addie, Sirius and I haven’t had sex. He’s been good about it but I feel like if we did all I’d be able to feel is how hollow I am inside. And I - I don’t want him touching my,” he trailed off, thick tentacles rising from the water to curl around his throat in panic. “He’s going to leave me, isn’t he? I’m not a good husband. I’m not a good father. Maybe they should leave,” he said, even though the thought of Sirius and Addie walking out of his life was like having his still beating heart ripped from his chest. Still, if it meant they’d be happy...
“Remus,” Lily said gently, as she turned around and made her way over to him. She sat in front of him and laid one hand on his leg. Her soft fingers touching all the barnacles and brine that were calling him to the ocean floor. “He isn’t going to leave you.”
But Remus couldn’t hear her. His mind was stuck on every part of him he wouldn’t let Sirius touch and the realization that he thought if Sirius did, he’d end up bleeding out all over again. And he realized for the first time in six months that he had died. He had been dead. “I think I’m going to be sick,” Remus said and got up and lurched in the direction of the toilet before emptying what little he had to eat that morning and then leaned against the wall next to it, shivering.
Lily got a cloth and cleaned his face up.
“I don’t want to die again,” Remus whispered.
Lily froze, the cloth stilling on Remus’s cheek for a moment.
“Do you think it would be bad for me to see Addie now?”
“Why would it be bad?” Lily asked.
“I read somewhere that even if a parent fakes being happy a baby can tell in the dilation of the parents eyes and that impacts their development. I don’t want to hurt her with this.”
“Oh Remus,” Lily said, giving him a kiss on the forehead. “You aren’t going to.”
“I’m sorry,” Remus mumbled as he tried to get his tears under control. “Don’t tell Sirius please."
She hesitated before nodding and then helped him brush his teeth and get some water before letting him know that Addie was down for her nap if he wanted to go and see her.
Remus went and kneeled in front of the crib. Vaguely aware of the way that he was mirroring what Sirius had done when she was sick. She looked so small and deep down Remus knew he was scared, but it had just been so hard to feel it lately. She was so tiny and yet she’d grown so much.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been sitting there when Sirius came down and sat next to him. “Hi,” Sirius said, resting his head on his shoulder. “You could have come and seen her when we were having lunch.”
Remus kept his eyes forward. “It’s easier this way.”
“Because then you don’t have to worry about hurting her?”
Remus sighed. “Lily really sucks at keeping secrets.”
“Lots of people have postpartum depression and don’t fuck up their kids, Remus.”
“I know, but my dad had a hard time accepting me at the start. No one ever told me about it until he got sick. I was sitting at his bed one day and he just started crying and apologizing for all the time he wasted and the second he started talking about it aloud I could feel this weight inside of me, this grudge, I didn’t even know I had been holding. I never want Addie to feel that way about me.”
“So we’ll talk to her about it,” Sirius said, resting a hand on Remus’s knee. “We’ll tell her the truth about how she came into this world and how hard it was on your body and your mind and if there were things you didn't do with her it wasn’t because you didn’t want to, it was because you couldn’t.”
Remus nodded slowly, unsure of a way to craft that story to a child that wouldn’t leave them wracked with guilt.
“Do you regret having her?” Sirius asked, and his voice was quiet, much quieter than it needed to be to avoid waking Addie.
Remus looked at her little body, splayed out and bundled in her duckie onesie. Beans' leg clutched tightly in one hand. Her hands were always like that, clenched in fists as if she came out fighting. “I love her and I’m glad that she’s here, but I died having her and if I hadn’t had come back… I don’t know if trading one life for another is worth it.”
“I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come back to me. The whole time I was waiting to hear I just kept looking at her eyes and wondering if I’d ever get to see yours again.”
Remus rested his head on top of Sirius’s. “I don’t know how to both love her and hate the way she came into this world.”
Sirius just took his hand and sat with him silently for a moment.
“Did Lily tell you everything we talked about?”
“I think some things she just gave me the gist of. I get that she may not be able to keep a secret, but I think she can at least understand that there are some things I needed to hear from you.”
Remus sighed and closed his eyes. “I’m scared if we have sex that something bad is going to happen to me again.”
“We don’t have to,” Sirius said, as he switched to massaging Remus’s fingers and the palm of his hand. “Only when you’re ready and only whatever you are comfortable with.”
“And if I’m never ready?”
Remus felt Sirius shrug against him as if it was the easiest decision in the world. “Your mental and physical safety is worth more than that.”
“And my depression, what if that never gets better?”
Sirius paused for a moment, choosing his next words carefully. “I know it might feel that way right now but we haven’t started the medication yet and the doctor also recommended speaking to someone. I think we have to hope that the treatment plan could work. Even if it might not ‘cure’ you, it could hopefully make it more manageable. And if it doesn’t work at all, then we try something new. Then it is just something we learn to live with like your lycanthropy or my nightmares or the sudden presence of a child in our life.”
Remus could feel the barnacles cracking but he wasn't quite sure he was ready to come back to shore. “I’m scared Sirius. All the time.”
“Then maybe it’s time we accept that this isn’t something we’re going to magically be able to do on our own.”
Remus took Sirius’s hand from his and started to trace over the lines on his palm. “Would it be okay if I called my mom? Maybe she’d want to stay for a bit.”
Sirius smiled. “I think that would be wonderful and maybe the Potters can come for a longer visit too?”
“Maybe we can find somewhere we could all stay for a little while, just to get away from everything. James and Lily could come too if you wanted.”
“And Reg?”
“And Reg. It could be like a little family get away." Their island in the middle of the storm.
“Only if you promise to actually let them help and not feel like you have to act like some sort of gracious host the whole time.”
“I promise. That’s one trait I never want to pass onto our daughter," Remus said as he looked at the seaweed he'd spilled all over the floor. "I hope she becomes the best parts of us.”
“Of all of us,” Sirius said.
Remus managed a small smile, pushing out the saltwater for something sweeter. “But as soon as she’s old enough I’m gonna teach her how to keep a secret.”
“Remus, I thought we agreed we’d already have enough trouble raising the child of two Marauders without teaching her how to lie to us.”
“It’s not lying," Remus argued. "It’s just withholding information.” And even if Remus couldn’t see his face, he knew Sirius was rolling his eyes at him in mock exasperation. He wondered if Addie would learn that look from him.
The two of them watched as Addie stretched, smacking her lips lazily before wiggling her way back to sleep. A single drop of drool dripping down her chubby baby cheeks.
“I’m never going to leave you Remus.”
Sirius’s head wiggled against his as he nodded.
“Can you say it?”
“I promise. You two are my family. I’m never leaving you. My home is always wherever you’ll be."
And while Remus might have not been fully afloat again, he felt a little less like he was going to drown.
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Summary: When August finds himself in a little town in the UK after his last meeting with Hunt he needed to lay low. And what better way to lay low than “dating” the town’s most favorite preschool teacher. Though with time he grew bored. That was until her Daughter visited them for her summer break....
Pairing: August Walker x Katherine Fraser, August Walker x Adelaide Fraser
Wordcount: 4.5k
Warnings: Step Father/ Step Daughter, Age Gap, Dom vibes, smut (Oral; male and female receiving; unprotected sex), Masturbation, Voyeurism, choking, infidelity
A/N: This has been on my mind for a while. A new take on every porn ever lol Please read the warnings. No one in this story is actually related to each other. It’s just my brain running on overdrive 
Taglist in reblog
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“John? John, are you awake? I have to go…” Katherine didn’t want to wake him, but she knew how much he hated it when he woke up and there was no one around. A quiet sigh escaped her lips as his brows furrowed, before his blue eyes snapped open.
“What time is it?” He asked.
“It’s just after 5. I’ll be back late today.”
“Okay.” He yawned.
“My daughter will be coming from university today for her break. I told her that you would be here.”
She saw John nod while turning towards her, the bed sheet slipping just enough to make her consider calling in sick. He smirked at her, fully knowing where her mind just went.
“I’ll be here waiting. Got some work to do anyways.”
“Her name is…”
“Adelaide and she’s a little shy but you told her about me, yes. I know. Now go before I rip that dress off.” He growled seeing her grin, before she leaned down and kissed him goodbye.
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It had never been August's plan to go to the UK after this… unfortunate event with Hunt. Thank fuck he got out of there before the helicopter went down. Everything was ruined. Everyone he had played for years knew who he really was. So he had to lay low. He saw that the CIA pronounced him as dead. They really should know better by now….
Meeting Katherine in a bar and her falling head over heels for him, well John, seemed to be just what he needed. Nobody would suspect the helpful new boyfriend of the town's most loveable preschool teacher to be one of the most wanted men in the world.
And he got some pussy out of it, so it really could be worse. But August was bored. Sure he now had another name and was slowly building himself a new identity to pursue his plan. But he missed the thrill. The adrenaline when he was about to pull a trigger.
Groaning he pushed himself out of bed, walking towards the shower. Maybe Adelaide would bring some kind of excitement into his currently boring life. He never had been a Step Dad before...
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“Oh my god. Thank you so so much.” Adelaide ended the call.
“You got it?” Brandon asked her. She smiled as she looked at him and couldn’t help but lean over to kiss him.
“That was Mr. Grant. I got the job. I’m gonna be working for the MI6 after my graduation.”
“Fuck… That’s hot. My girlfriend is gonna be a secret Agent.” He grinned.
“That means I get to learn more ways to kick your ass.” She smirked.
“I’d like to see you try.” Brad challenged her. “We’re here. And you are sure it’s okay if I stay until the weekend?”
“I asked my mom. She’s okay with it. Her boyfriend should be home….” Adelaide said, turning her head. Her childhood home was still the only place she really felt like home in. There still was the apple tree in the front yard she had planted with her father when she was little. At least that’s what her mom told her. He had passed away when she was only five years old, and the memories seemed to face the hold she got.
“That’ her boyfriend?” Brad asked and she looked around finding a man doing push ups on the grass. He looked tall, his gray muscle shirt drenched with sweat and clinging to his back. She couldn’t see his face only the dark curly hair, clinging to his skin.
“Wow…” She gasped, letting her gaze wander over the body of the man who now knelt on the grass, giving her a perfect view of his perfect ass. He turned around and she was met with the bluest eyes she had ever seen.
“I think you’re drooling, Addy.” Brad teased making her shake her head, coming out of her trance. Was it hot in here?
“Fuck you.” She hissed. “Sure when?” He asked, making her shake her head and chuckle.
August grinned to himself as he saw the girl sitting in the car. Of course he had noticed her starring. She looked just like her mother, but younger. He felt his cock twitch only thinking about how perfect and soft her tits…
“You must be John.” His train of thoughts was interrupted as Adelaide walked over to him. He rubbed the non existent dirt from his pants before he got up.
“And you must be Adelaide. Your mother has told me so much about you.” August smiled. “Sorry. I thought you’d be here later. I was planning to take a shower and not be sweaty when I meet you.” He lied.
“Oh… Oh that’s okay. And please call me Addy.” She looked up at him.
“Do you need help getting your stuff in?” He asked.
“Oh no. Brad is gonna help. Brad?” She turned around and August allowed his eyes to wander down her body just a bit before she turned around.
A boy not older than 22, laid his arms around Adelaide’s shoulders introducing himself as Brad. Her boyfriend. For some reason August felt a rage deep inside of him as he watched him touch Adelaide. Like he owned her.
“Well… I’m gonna take a shower. You staying for lunch, Brad?” August asked.
“Actually I’m staying till monday. Her mom told us it was okay…”
“Oh. Sure. Well… I’m gonna grab something to cook for lunch after I shower, and let you two settle in.” August smiled before he turned and walked inside.
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To the outside August looked like the perfect suburban boyfriend. Getting groceries and making lunch for his girlfriend's daughter and boyfriend. But August was everything but that.
The unmistakable sounds of quiet moaning reached his ears and he felt himself getting hard again. It’s not like he hadn’t touched himself in the shower thinking of just how tight Adelaide’s pussy would feel around his cock.
Quietly he walked closer to her room. The moaning got a little louder, the closer he got and he rubbed his hand over his already hard cock. They hadn’t even been home for two hours and they were already fucking. Oh to be young again... He knew she had just turned 21. He would run a full background check after lunch.
He stopped at the door feeling his pants getting uncomfortable tight as Brad moaned loudly, obviously close to finish.
“Cum with me.” August heard him whisper and Adeleaide moaned. Faster than August anticipated Brad groaned and finished and Adelaide whimpered like the worst porn actress he had ever heard.
August waited a moment then the shower at the ensuite could be heard. He was about to turn around when he heard a quiet moan again. He decided that it was now or never as he slowly turned the door knob and opened the door. Of course Adelaide startled as she saw the door opening. About to cover herself up, she saw John standing in the door, his arms crossed, his eyebrow raised. She was just about to say something when he nodded his head once towards the bathroom and then put his index finger in front of his mouth, to tell her to be quiet. Confused, she looked at him letting her eyes wander, seeing the prominent outline of his cock through his pants. She swallowed. He nodded once at her as if to challenge her and against all odds, fully knowing that this was her mothers boyfriend who was standing fully clothed in front of her, she let her legs drop open and started to touch herself.
It took all his willpower for August to not fuck her into the mattress and just stand there, watching her fingerfuck herself. The sounds she was making drove him insane. The shower went off, just when she orgasmed. Seeing her look at him, her eyes full of lust he winked once at her before he closed the door quietly. Grinning he went to the bedroom. He had to take care of his boner. And… he had to make a plan. A plan on how to fuck his girlfriends daughter without losing his girlfriend.
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“John….” Katherine moaned loudly. August had her on all fours in front of her as he pumped into her. He had her hair wrapped around his hand riding her like the whore she was.
“Yes… Scream my name….” He groaned, slapping her ass again. She whimpered as her body began to shake her orgasm taking her by surprise. This was the first time since Adelaide got here that they had the house to themselves, as she dropped her boyfriend off at his house and August didn’t even wait for her to be out of the driveway as he had pressed her against the wall and his cock buried deep inside of her cunt.
“Cum inside me….” She moaned.
“Fuck…” He growled, thrusting hard as he came pumping his cum inside of her. She collapsed down into the mattress and sighed.
“That was… insane. I love it.” She turned around to lay on her back. August looked at her, smirking, before he slapped her thigh.
“Gotta use the time I can make you scream for me.” He got off the bed.
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Downstairs Adelaide was sitting at the kitchen island, her panties uncomfortably damp. It was wrong. The man was her mothers boyfriend. Some would say her Step Dad. But there was something about him that seemed to consume her whole mind. She couldn’t look him in the eye ever since their first… encounter. And the worst part was that she caught herself thinking about him. Yesterday she even imagined that it John who was fucking her instead of Brad. She ignored the way he looked at her, when her mom wasn’t looking. Letting her head drop to the cold marble she groaned. She had to get out of here.
“Oh you’re back already?” She heard his voice behind her. She breathed in deep before she turned around. “Yeah just got back… Fuck….” She said with big eyes as John walked over to the fridge completely naked. He looked over his shoulder.
“Want something to drink?”
Her mouth dropped open but no words seemed to come out of it. August chuckled to himself as he saw her expression and grabbed a bottle of water before he closed the fridge and walked over to her. And she really tried to not look but he was just so…. big.
She felt the heat rising to her cheeks as he stopped in front of her.
“My eyes are up here.” He whispered, making her startle.
“I… Should go to bed.” She said, her throat dry.
“Make sure to use some ear plugs. I’m not finished with your mom yet.” He smirked down at her. “Or… don’t make too much noise, when you work your little fingers inside of that pretty cunt, hm?” He winked before he turned around and left the kitchen.
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It had been almost two weeks and Adelaide was sure she would die because of the sexual tension between John and her. John didn’t make it easier for her. He seemed to know just what to do and how far he could go to drive her insane. Yesterday he had waited for her sitting on her toilet seat after she showered.
There was no denying that John wanted her. And he didn’t seem to care what her mother would think if she would find out. But Adelaide… She loved her mother. More than anything in the world. She could never betray her trust like that. But she also couldn’t stop thinking about how it would feel if John would fuck her. A real man. She loved Brad. But not once had he been able to make her cum. He had been her first and she was wondering just how much she was missing out. And gathering from the sounds her mother was making every. single. night. John knew what he was doing.
“I’ll see you in two days, Sweety.” Her mom kissed her cheek. She would be going to a conference and leaving her alone with John.
“I’ll miss you.” Adelaide smiled hugging her mom. She felt his presence beside her before his arm came down on her shoulder, making her close her eyes.
“I’ll take care of your girl, Katherine.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss her.
“You two have fun.” Katherine smiled and waved before she closed the door behind her.  Adelaide had been alone with John several times. But not with the knowledge of her mother returning in more than 48 hours. His arms still lay on her shoulder, and she couldn’t help a shiver running down her back. His fingertips caressed the skin of her upper arm. This was the first time he had been touching her at all.
“I have to take care of some business today, but should we cook dinner later?” He asked, looking down at her. He could feel her heartbeat and the softness of her skin.
“S… Sure….” Adelaide said, wetting her lips.
“Okay.” He smiled, before he let her go and walked to his office.
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It was early afternoon when Adelaide couldn’t take it anymore. She only had her bathrobe on, having taken a shower earlier in hope to cool her off but it seemed to have the opposite effect. An idea had come to her mind. A very, very bad idea. She had no clue when John would be back. Pulling her drawer open she grabbed the dildo she had bought some months ago. It was bigger than Brad but probably not as big as John’s. Definitely not bigger as John’s. It had a suction cup attached to it, and Adelaide made her way towards John’s office.
It smelled like him. She left the door ajar to hear him coming home as she let her fingertips run over the massive wood desk.
This used to be her mother's office. She didn’t even know what he was doing for a living. She never asked. Though it probably would only take a little digging to find out more about him. But he had clouded her mind with the filthiest thoughts to a point, that she was even considering betraying her mother. She couldn’t think straight without her mind going to John. How he would hold her. How he would make her do whatever he wants. And how she would thank him. Sighing, she sat down on the chair. It was a simple wood chair. With the dildo still in her hand she slipped her bathrobe open, letting it fall off her shoulders. She imagined what he would do if he found her here. Would he bend her over the table? Slap her? Fuck her mouth? She whimpered at the thought. Letting the tip of her toy wander over her body, her other hand caressing her breast. She has been wet ever since he had let his fingertips brush over her arm. Getting up from the seat she attached the dildo on the seat. Spitting in her hand she rubbed it making it wet before she lined up with it and slowly sank down.
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August had the groceries in a bag in one hand, his phone in the other when he got home earlier than intended. The meeting he had went to shit and it seems like the apostles needed a stronger leadership than intended. Walking to the kitchen he grabbed the scotch and filled his glass. Getting his shoes off he made his way upstairs to change his clothes when he walked past his office. He bit his lips as he saw Adelaide sitting on his chair naked, as she moved up and down. He was hard instantly. Leaning with his shoulder in the door frame he sipped his drink, watching her. She was trying to be quiet, that he noticed, but the sounds she made as she apparently rode her toy… She must be so wet.
“John….” She moaned quietly and August desperately wished it was his real name on her lips. He couldn’t take it anymore and opened the zipper of his pants.
The noise Adelaide heard made her stop and look up seeing John standing in the door. He had a glass in one of his hands, his other hand slowly pumping his hard cock.
“I…” She stammered.
“Oh… don’t let me stop you, little princess.” He smiled at her as he slowly walked closer.
“You look so beautiful. So close… Are you close to cum?” He asked. She breathed in deep before she nodded.
“Then go on.” He smiled, stopping on the other side of the desk. She looked up at him as she slowly began to ride her dildo. Unintentionally she bit her lip as she watched the drops of precum on the tip of his cock.
“Ever sucked a cock that big?” He asked. She shook her head.
“Do you want to?” He asked, a challenge in his tone.
“I… No one ever…” She shook her head, breathing in deep. “I don’t know if I can take it.”
“Oh little princess.” He walked around the desk, stopping just in front of her. “I’m gonna teach you. But you have to keep riding that toy of yours.” She swallowed, continuing to ride as he let the tip of his cock draw over her lips.
“Open up.” He whispered, bringing the glass to his lips as Adelaids parted hers. He pushed his cock in and she moaned as she tasted him.
“Fuck… Just what I needed.” He groaned, feeling her tongue. She took more of him while she was getting closer to cum. When he hit the back of her throat he moaned.
“We are going to work on that. When I’m finished with you you will take my cook balls deep in your throat…” He sighed taking another sip of his drink, before he sat the glass down.
“I really want to fuck that mouth of yours… Ready?” He asked. She didn’t get to nodd, before both of his hands framed her face as he began to fuck into her mouth. The thought alone had made her wetter than ever before in the past, but now… With John fucking her mouth…
“You’re close, little princess?” He growled. She moaned.
“Then cum.” He forced and she moaned loudly around his cock and felt herself wet the chair.
“Fuck… did you just squirt all over my chair? Fuck….” He groaned, pulling his cock out. He replaced her mouth with his hand and only moments later he released himself on her face, coating her in his cum.
Out of breath he looked down at her. He ran a finger over her face, dipping into his cum before he brought it to her lips. She sucked eagerly and he smiled. Leaving his pants open he grabbed his glass and stepped away from her.
“Clean that up before you come down. I’m making pasta with salmon.”
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They hadn’t talked about what happened in his office. She had cleaned everything up, washed her face and met him downstairs for a very delicious dinner he cooked. She couldn’t put a finger on it but something seemed off about him. Well… apart from the whole wanting to fuck his girlfriends daughter thing.
Her mother had been home for almost three days now and Adelaide had taken the time to check what she could find out about John. John Walker. Sadly it was a common name and she didn’t know anything else really about him. And she couldn’t just go up to him and ask. If she would be working for the MI6 she could just run a face recognition, but that was years away.
She would be leaving in three days with mixed feelings. On the one hand she couldn’t wait to be back at university. Back into her old, boring life, without John. And also without Brad. She had ended things with him the day after the office incident. It was bad enough betraying her mother like that she couldn’t take betraying him too. She had just brushed her teeth, it was almost 2 am, when she got back to her room and had to cover her mouth, stopping the scream at finding John naked in her bed. He looked up at her, one eyebrow raised.
“You’re leaving on wednesday.” He said. She nodded.
“I’m gonna miss you, little princess.” She desperately tried to look into his face, but he was just… there. His strong arms angled, as he lay with his head on his hands. His muscular hairy chest, rising with every breath he took. Letting her gaze wander, she could see his cock resting against his stomach. Why was he always hard around her?
She took a deep breath and switched off the lights in her en suite bathroom.
“What kind of sick game are you playing, John?” She asked, walking over to her drawer, to get her sleeping clothes.
“August.” He said. She turned around.
“My name is August.” He clarified.
“Right. And I'm October.” She rolled her eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me or I’ll have to punish you.” He growled. This shouldn’t have an effect on her, but it did.
“Okay. August.” She said, and somehow the name August seemed to fit better to him than John.
“What are you doing naked in my room?”
“I’m here to fuck you, little princess.” He pushed himself up from her bed and walked over to her.
“My mom is sleeping across the hall.” She whispered, afraid on being caught.
“Then you’ll have to be quiet when you cum on my cock.” He grinned. August tilted her chin up.
“No one ever made me cum but myself.” She whispered. August grabbed the hem of her shirt, slowly pulling it over her head leaving her naked in front of him.
“That’s because I haven’t fucked you.” He whispered back before he picked her up and kissed her hard. All thoughts seemed to disappear from her mind, as August lips collided with hers. Crossing her legs behind his back she let her hands wander into his hair, pulling him even closer. He lay her down on her bed, his lips wandering down her body, his hands playing with her tits. She had beautiful tits. The perfect fit for his hands. Pinching her nipple she cried out.
“Sh… Quiet.” He reminded her as he kissed himself down her body. He breathed in deep as he stopped between her legs, one of his arms holding her down while he let the fingers of his other hand softly wander over her pussy. He looked up, seeing her bite her lip.
“Let’s see how many times I can make you cum.” He whispered, before he leaned in to kiss her pussy.
No one had ever gone down on her. She desperately tried to keep herself grounded, but when August tongue dipped inside of her while his finger softly circled her clit, she exploded. Pressing her hand against her mouth to quiet her moans, she shook beneath him soaking him in her juices.
“That’s one.” August said smug, before he got up.
“Next one is on my cock.” She felt the tip as he played with her pussy.
“You gonna use a condom?” She asked.
“You’re on birth control?” He asked, she nodded.
“Well… if you’re clean, I most certainly am.”
The thought of him being the first to cum inside of her, made her shiver.
“Don’t tell me no one filled that little cunt yet?!” He asked. He pushed the tip in making her bite her lip. She only shook her head as he pushed deeper. She felt his fingers on her clit.
“Fuck that’s so fucking hot.” He groaned. They both sighed when he was balls deep.
“Such a tight warm pussy…” He bottomed out only to slam back in her eyes rolling back.
“August….” She whimpered and his name, his real name coming off her lips, seemed to shortcut his brain. He began to slam into her, his hands slapping her tits. She already was a sobbing mess and he only just started. He began to roll her clit, wanting to make her cum again.
“I’m close… Fuck i’m so close.” She whimpered, meeting his thrusts. One of his hands wandered up her body grabbing her neck, before he slowly choked her. He felt her tighten around his cock, as her eyes rolled back and she whimpered her orgasm washing over her. Adelaide didn’t care if she would rot in hell for what she was doing if August was already fucking her like the devil. She was shaking so hard she didn’t notice August pull out and turn her around so she was on her knees. Pushing her upper body into the mattress, she slammed back into her pussy and fucked her like his life depended on it. Grabbing her hair he pulled her towards him, making her cry out.
“This pussy belongs to me now.” He whispered against her ear, as he pumped into her.
“I will be the one you think about from now on whenever anyone is fucking you. God… If we had more time, I’d fill that pretty ass of yours too.” She whimpered at the thought alone and heard him chuckle.
“You like that idea?” She only moaned in response feeling her next orgasm approaching.
“I’m close little princess. Are you gonna cum for me again?” He let go of her hair, both of his hands grabbing her tits as he fucked into her from behind. August pinched her nipple and she came again. Breathing rapidly she opened her mouth in a silent cry as August fucked her through her orgasm.
“Fuck… Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He groaned against her ear, and she felt him swell and twitch as he pumped his cum deep inside of her. It was a weird feeling, but she loved it. He breathed hard, dropping his head against her shoulder.
“I really am gonna miss you little princess.”
“Me too, August.” She whispered. Me too.
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3 years later
“There is a high level suspect in room 3. I want you to go in with Agent Christian and observe.”
“Understood.” Adelaide said. She smiled at Agent Christian who opened the door for her. She looked at the man sitting chained to the table and she had to remind herself on how to breathe.
“Mr. Walker.” Agent Christian said. August looked up at the man before his eyes fell on the woman who was sitting down at the table beside the man. He hid his surprise, but he couldn’t hold back his grin.
“Well if that isn’t a sight for sore eyes.” He grinned at Adelaide. The Agent looked at Adelaide before he looked at August again, giving Adelaide a second to gather her thoughts.
“Shall we start?” August asked, finally looking away from her.
“August Walker, I’m Agent Christian and this is Agent Fraser.”
“Fraser… I once had a girlfriend with the Surname Fraser....” August smirked.
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stay ~ 10k;z nation
part one
word count: 1397
request?: yes!
“Part 2 of the Powerful~ 10k fic
It's sooo lovely and fluffy💖💖💖”
description: when they wake up, she must face her family and reveal the truth about herself
pairing: 10k x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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“I found them!”
I was startled awake by the sound of someone yelling. I wasn’t sure where I was at first, or why there was a heavy feeling on my chest. It took me a moment when I opened my eyes and saw the familiar messy black hair still laid against my chest.
Standing over me was Doc, looking down at 10k and I with a sort of relieved look. 10k started to stir and sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking up at Doc as well.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
Before Doc could respond, the rest of the team came running up to the two of us with concerned looks on their faces. Addy dropped to her knees next to me first, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tightly. It caught me off guard at first and I gently patted her back.
“Thank God you two are alright,” Warren said. “We were so worried.”
“Yeah, we thought the She-Hulk took the kid like King Kong,” Murphy commented.
I looked away from them as I remembered why 10k and I had been sleeping so far away from the group. I had promised 10k that I wouldn’t leave, but my original plan was to wake up before him and continue with my original plan. I was still set on not seeing everyone when I woke up the next morning, but I had been so sound asleep that I hadn’t even realized how much time had passed.
“Murphy,” Warren snapped.
“We were worried you two had gotten hurt,” Addy said. “You left without telling anyone.”
“Why the hell are you two asleep so far from the camp?” Doc asked.
10k and I shared a look. I knew 10k wouldn’t tell them if I didn’t want him to, but I knew it was time I finally explained myself to the group. After my slip up the night before, I had to make things clear with them about what I was and judge their reactions from there. I had to decide if their reactions were enough of a reason for me to stay or to leave.
“I tried to leave last night,” I finally said.
“Where were you going?” Addy asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Just...away from you guys...for your own safety.”
I watched them all exchange looks. I couldn’t read what their looks meant, not even Murphy’s. I couldn’t tell if this was something they had wanted or if they were feeling guilty for making me feel that way. Maybe both.
“I think it’s about time you explained what happened yesterday,” Doc told me. “And why exactly you kept it a secret from us for so long.”
10k reached over and took my hand in his. I smiled at him, grateful for the reassurance, even though this would be the first time he’d hear my story as well.
I told them everything; about what I was, about my heritage, about what it all meant. I explained what had happened the day before - that I was so powerful that sometimes my power lashed out without me wanting it to. I hadn’t gotten the time to be trained before the zombie apocalypse had begun.
“I tried so hard to keep it a secret,” I told them. “I didn’t want to scare any of you. I wanted to find the right time to really sit down and explain all of this to you guys.”
“You’ve been travelling with us for months, you didn’t think any of those times would’ve been right?” Murphy asked.
I glared at him. “Oh yeah, sure. I was totally thinking about it when Garrett was killed, or when we lost Cassandra, or Mack, or all those times we were getting chased by Zs or by a crazy, all ladies cult that wanted to keep me, Warren, and Addy, and try to get knocked up by you. Those were definitely the times I should’ve said, Hey guys, I know shit is fucked right now, but I’m a mythological being that is all powerful and my powers could pop off at any minute because I never got proper training before the apocalypse.”
For the first time, I had managed to render The Murphy speechless. The rest of the group didn’t try to hard to hide their amused expressions.
“Touché,” Murphy finally muttered.
“And your answer to all of this was to run away on your own?” Warren asked.
I nodded. “Well...yeah. I figured it would be safer for all of you if I left. It’s not like anything could happen to me out there. As you all saw, I’m more powerful than any Z that could come after me.”
“That doesn’t mean you’d survive on your own, (Y/N),” Doc said. “These are crazy times we’re living in. Anyone could come after you, Z or not. Especially those psychotic former scientists looking for a cure. If they caught wind of you, they’d probably experiment on you until you died and turned into an all-powerful Z.”
I hadn’t thought of that.
“She’s not leaving,” 10k said. He wrapped an arm around me protectively, holding me close to him. “If she goes, I go.”
“Awe,” Murphy commented. “The kid has a crush.”
“So what if I do?” 10k retorted. “She’s my friend. She’s been there for me through everything. She’s been there for all of us. We’re not abandoning her because she was too scared to tell us the truth.”
I looked at 10k in shock. I couldn’t believe where this was all coming from. Sure, 10k was assertive enough, but he had always been the quiet type. Even when we started getting close, he had never talked to me all that much.
“We’re not leaving anyone,” Warren said. “(Y/N), you’re part of our family. What you are beyond that doesn’t matter. We don’t leave family behind here.”
“Even if the family could pop off and hurt you guys at any moment?” I asked.
Warren smiled at me. “You didn’t hurt us yesterday. I think, even subconsciously, you know not to hurt us when you’re using your powers. Besides, we could probably find a way to train those so you’re not so worried about it.”
“It’s great Z fighting tool,” Doc agreed.
I felt tears stinging my eyes as I stood to hug Warren. She chuckled and pulled away from me.
“Thank you,” I said.
“You don’t have to thank us. Family doesn’t leave family behind. Now, get your things, we should get moving soon.”
I started packing my sleep things back into the bag I had been carrying. Once I was set to go, I followed behind everyone else as we went looking for a road, and hopefully another working car.
10k walked beside me, his hand brushing against mine every so often. I kept looking up at him to see his cheeks were a light shade of pink, but he wouldn’t look down at me.
“If you want to hold my hand, just hold it,” I told him. Instead of waiting for a response, I laced my fingers through his.
“I’m glad you stayed,” he said.
“I promised you I would.”
“I could tell you were lying, though. I was sure I’d wake up and find you gone, but I was too tired to fight it.”
I squeezed his hand slightly. “I’m sorry I was so obvious, but I was only thinking of what was best for you guys.”
“I know. I’m still glad you stayed.”
We were walking in silence for some time, letting the others trail a bit further ahead than the two of us.
“Do you still want to...be with me...knowing what I am?” I asked him.
“Of course I do. (Y/N), I don’t care about what you are, I care about who you are, and I’ve really liked who you are since we first met.”
I couldn’t stop the wide smile that spread across my face. I playfully bumped against 10k as a response. “You really know how to make a girl blush, 10k.”
“The only girl I want to make blush is you.”
“That’s so cheesy, I love it. Keep saying cheesy things to me.”
“I’ll say whatever you want for as long as you want.”
Forever, I decided as we finally caught up with the group again. I want to hear these things forever.
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strayficks · 4 years
1 . 2
smut, fluff, angst. 
word count: 11.1k
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You yawned as you stretched your arms, easing the tense muscles. The memories came rushing back from last night. Jaehyun’s tight grip on your thighs and butt left soft purple bruises, tender to the touch. The way he pressed your face into his bed made you dizzy.  
“Fuck.” You sighed, remembering the panties that you gave him costed a lot. You doubt you have any bravery trying to get it back. You were trying to keep him hooked on you by doing that, a bold move if you will. But damn, you have to get it back no matter what considering the amount of money you spent on it.
To be honest, you don’t know what it is that you want with Jaehyun. You’re not one for relationships, since being in one always left you hurt. You we’re scared of commitment. Scared of uncertainty. You leave before you get left alone, and you hate yourself for it. You flirt for fun, it gives you a surge of excitement. Seeing guys fawn over you makes you feel wanted, and for a while, it was enough for you.
But now, guilt is filling you up to the brim, overflowing. You can’t imagine being hurt like you hurt those guys you toyed with. You want to try to be brave, you do. You thought of giving Jaehyun a shot when your phone lit up with a notification. Text from an unknown number, it must be Jaehyun. Now that you know Jaehyun is friends with Yukhei, you didn’t even think twice that Jaehyun would surely ask him for your number.
Hey, it’s Jaehyun. Are you busy right now?
You hestitated on answering, but you quickly tapped on your screen, too quickly.
Oh jey, I’m not. Whst’s yp?
Would you like to have lunch with me?
Sure, i’ll get ready.
I’ll come pick you up, send me your addy.
You sent him your address and got ready, trying your best to cover the love bites on your neck with foundation. You dressed yourself in a simple shirt and jeans, when you walked over to put on some makeup, a notification startled you. ‘Im here.’ read the text.
“Shit, shit, shit”
You stumbled on your own feet, rushing over to get your sling bag as you completely skipped your makeup. It hasn’t been an hour, and you can already see a sleek black car parked in front of your house.
With rushed steps, you opened the door and greeted him. He was wearing the same thing as you, a simple shirt and jeans. His soft hair tousled by the wind as pink kissed his nose and cheeks. He looked ethereal.
He hugged you gently, in which you were surprised at first, but you hugged him back and he guided you inside his car. He was so gentle with everything. When he scooted over to put on your seatbelt, his scent brought memores of him being close to you and fucking you senseless. Well, you can’t blame yourself. It was the only thing you had done together on the 2 times that you’ve met. He spoke so carefully, trying to not say the wrong thing. As if this is the first time he’s ever spoken to a woman. That is, until he asked,
“Did you cover the hickeys?” He sneaked a glance from the road to your neck.
You instinctively touched the part layered with foundation, “Yes? they were purple you know?”
“Then i did it right.”
You were too distracted seeing his hands on the steering wheel, thick, but gentle fingers turning the steer as your eyes continue to wander downwards to his thighs. You were brought back to reality when Jaehyun cleared his throat, adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke.
“We’re here.”
Before Jaehyun could take your seatbelt off, you beat him to it. Breathe.. You’re having lunch, don’t think about sucking his cock.
Jaehyun silently got out and so did you. The restaurant had a nice atmosphere. With booths and sofas, there were a couple of elders and teenagers there. You walked over to one of the sofas and you both sat opposite of eachother. You brushed your hands to stay warm as Jaehyun watched you with a smile etched on his pretty lips, dimples showing and finding their way to your heart.
You swiped a finger to your nose, nudging your piercing gently. “What?’
“You’re beautiful.”
His gaze pierced into you. A blush creeped onto your cheeks as you tried to be composed. The compliment sounded genuine, heartfelt, ardent. You don’t know if it’s the way he’s looking at you, or the gentle voice he spoke with that made your heart ache. It’s like 4th grade again. You were about to respond, however a waiter came over to the table, asking if you’re ready to order.
"And one strawberry smoothie please." You added.
Jaehyun seemed to have taken a liking to staring at you. Too much was rude, but Jaehyun couldn't get enough. Even when the waiter left after taking your orders, Jaehyun still couldn't believe you were sitting in front of him.
The panties that you gave him sat on his bed at home. He would be lying if he didn't jack off to it last night, but you wouldn't know that. The way you speak hypnotized him, the movement of your lips brought filthy imaginations he couldn't believe he'd be thinking in a restaurant.
Jaehyun had asked for your number to Yukhei.
It took a little convincing and a roll of blunt, but he finally ended up giving it to him. Everytime Jaehyun looked at her, it's like the world is going in slow motion. And he'd hoped it would be only the two of you in this world if it meant you would be staying with him. Your voice lulled him to sleep, your fingers caressing his skin made him shiver. The sunlight bouncing off your skin made you glow, your soft features paired with the glint on your nose ring made Jaehyun want to reach out and kiss you. To kiss those perfect lips of yours. Jaehyun couldn't get enough of you.
"You're so obsessed with me, aren't you?" You teased, the corner of your lips perked up.
Hell yes, that's correct. Jaehyun thought.
He contemplated on answering but he diverted his eyes from her lips and looked at her. Nope, i won't admit it just yet.
"Was that your go-to lunch order?" Jaehyun asked, obviously changing the topic.
You beamed, "Burritos are amazing."
You both talked about the food choice and you agreed that Jaehyun undoubtedly was a picky eater. He completely hated olives, cucumber, and cauliflower. He only liked dark chocolate, and cheese pizza. It was until then you talked about your mutual friends that you cackled on his story,
"He was screaming! i told him that it wasn't true, here, i got it on camera."
He leaned on the table, his phone screen in front of you as the video played. Yukhei was on his underwear, muttering something incoherent as he walked around screaming his lungs out, it was until the end that you heard him scream a one direction song to a toilet.
"Wow," You whistled, "Send that to me."
The conversation was pleasant. You realized that Jaehyun wasn't as broody and cold as people say. He was cheerful. Everytime he smiled and showed you those pretty dimple of his, your heart skipped a beat. His voice... god his voice. It was deep, smooth, and soft at the same time. He walked in long strides, graceful and composed. When you both were done, he helped you stack the plates and put the smoothie glass on the side. He offered to take you on a drive around town to catch some wind, but you realized you haven't done anything for an upcoming test you had. He teased you for studying, but you reminded him that you can't just nonchalantly flunk a test, Jaehyun was surprised at your determination. He called you pretty once again when he dropped you off, telling you,
"Text me when you're free, we're going out again."
It was monday, You had been busy studying for a test and had been flipping through the flashcards. Jihyo and Ryujin were mad at you for not telling them the lunch you had with Jaehyun the other day. It was apparently a big deal, Jihyo screamed onto the phone and Ryujin listened with peaked interest as you covered your face from the camera on your phone.
This test is gonna be the end of me, you muttered under your breath.
Another big reason to study, it's 40% of your grade and you couldn't afford to mess up. Collecting every last bit of your will to live, you read through your notes for the 89th time.
You groaned as you looked at your phone, an unknown number was calling. You already saved Jaehyun's number, so it couldn't be him. You picked up, in case it was an emergency.
"I knew you were a slut, but i didn't think you'd stoop as low as to go out with that cunt Jaehyun."
His voice rang in your ears.
The voice that you loathed so much, the voice that made you cry, the voice laced with pure hate, was talking to you. Hwang Hyunjin was everything you hated.
He was sweet, at first. Then everything went sour. You had found out that he had been cheating on you with 3 different girls, and he had the audacity to say that it was your fault. It was your fault that you weren't interesting enough for him. It was your fault that you were making him tired of you. It was your fault that he cheated.
You were stupid enough to give him another chance. After he came to your house at 3 am, on his knees in front of your front door, he cried on your arms saying everything was his fault, you decided to give it another try. You were dead wrong hoping that he would change, Hwang Hyunjin was a cheater. The second time he cheated, he had been high on drugs. He said that he accidentally fucked another girl because she looked like you.
And as the saying goes; once a cheater, always a cheater.
"Did you forget yourself? You're the lowest of the low. Rot in hell, you piece of shit."
Hyunjin scoffed, "I'm going to make your life hell. Jaehyun won't want you. Listen.. baby.. no one wants a slut. You will never find anyone better than me, remember that."
You quickly hung up, your chest heaving as tears started to brim your eyes. You were angry, hands gripping the bed sheets under you as a hot sensation spreads over your chest. Could screaming into a pillow calm me down? Jihyo and Ryunjin would go after him if they ever catch wind of this. Reaching for your phone again, you pressed the group call button.
The first time that Hwang Hyunjin cheated on you, It was a rainy afternoon and you were just finished with classes. You shook the umbrella on the porch of Hyunjin's house as you stepped on the back of each your shoes to kick them off.
"Babe?" You called out.
He should be home by now, after all you were late to come back home because of the rain.
You headed upstairs when he didn't respond after a few shouts. Walking through the hallway, you heard muffled moans. A mischevious smile appeared on your lips as you silently tip-toe to his room. But then you stopped. It wasn't just his moans.
You barged in the room. There were 2 other girls on top of him. One sitting on top of Hyunjin's face, and one riding him.
"What the fuck."
You were ready to grab the nearest object and cut off his cock when a red head pranced out from the bathroom.
"Oh, Jinnie. You didn't tell me another one is joining."
That made him stop thrusting up, seemingly noticing all the girls stopping their movements as well. His head whips to you as you stand rigid on the doorway. He hurriedly pushed the two girls on top of him and frantically walked over to you.
"Stop, don't come fucking near me."
"Babe, i-"
"You're what? a cheater? no shit," You sharpened your gaze to everyone in the room, fuming. "We're over, Hyunjin."
And the second time, you were back together with him. Truth be told, you absolutely had no idea why he’d asked and begged you to come back to him, when he ended up fucking another girl on his bed when you came home to fill his fridge with groceries.
Nothing can justify cheating. No matter how many times he called you, no matter how many times he knocked at your door, the excuses never stopped.
Hyunjin was the guy that took your virginity on the back of his jeep. He was rough, and it was painful. You stuck with him because he made you feel enough, he made you feel wanted. But that changed. He found other girls to occupy himself with. Forgetting the fact that you were always there, waiting for him with the dinner that was getting colder as the clock ticked and he left you questioning the reasons why he did what he did.
Part of you knew that it wasn’t going to get better. You knew that he’d very much prefer to be in a crowd he doesn’t know than to be in a room with you. But why? why did he cheat? why did he break your heart into a million pieces, glued it back together, only to end up breaking it again? He changed you. In a way that you didn’t like.
You became someone you didn’t know. You were scared of being vulnerable because of him, you hated that. The feeling that seeped into your pores every time you broke down your facade. This show that you’re performing. Only to make yourself feel strong. But it’s tiring now. Every second you coated yourself in a different image made you feel sick. But you knew that that uncertainty will welcome you once you remove the made up stuff you made yourself go through. A constant inner conflict.
When you ended things once and for all, he grew more obsessed. He messed with your relationships, he made rumors about you. He did everything he could to make your life hell. You just wanted him out of your life, why was that so hard?
"Permission to kill."
"Shut up, you can't even kill a bug, let alone a coward."
You were huddled up on Ryujin's bed, sandwiched between Jihyo and Ryujin as your ability to breathe decreased by the minute.
When you called, Ryujin told you to go to her house. Something told you to give the studying a rest, and rest you did. When you got there, Jihyo dragged you to Ryujin's room where all the venting and rants happened.
They started lecturing you about how you shouldn't stray away at a party. Jihyo and Ryujin were worried sick when you didn't respond to any of their calls and texts. They had been talking to Yukhei, a tall, goofy guy when you were too preoccupied trying to get Jaehyun out of the party to fuck your brains out. You knew Yukhei from a friend you had in class, Yuta.
You liked Yuta when you first met him. He was friendly, sported a smile that could break hearts, and for once, you didn't want to take things to the next level. You thought you had a crush on him, until you realized that he had a girlfriend. Shame, but you're not a relationship wrecker. You and Yuta remained friends until now, he helped you with with a project once because you had cried, frustrated that it was too hard. You would do anything, even risking your life, if it meant keeping him as a friend for as long as you lived.
"I don't know what that prick wants from me." You sighed, sinking deeper into the bed.
"He just can't accept the fact that you're moving on." Ryujin responded.
The girl with dark black hair had always been the problem solver. She rationalizes everything, even though the truth is hard to accept sometimes. If Ryujin says her take on the matter, everyone listens. You can't blame her from being upfront, that's just how she is. Hearing assurance from her felt like you were on the top of the world.
"Listen, just ignore him. If he ever tries anything again, tell us." Ryujin added.
"I agree, he was so desperate to make you hung up on him when he was the one who cheated. He even threatened you because you went out with jaehyun! The audacity of that cunt is unbelievable!" Jihyo exclaimed, hands releasing you and flailing in the air.
Ryujin made a grunt of agreement.
Jihyo rolled over, moving on from the topic.
"So you slept with Jaehyun, twice, and then went on a date?" Jihyo asked, tone lacing with excitement and curiosity.
"Jihyo, it was lunch." Ryujin lazily responded in your behalf. She had no say in the 'you slept with him, twice' part with no way of confirming it, so she stared at the side of your head, pressing the question even harder than the girl on your left.
You groaned, "Yes, twice. Two times."
Ryujin let out a low whistle and released you from her grasp, walking over to her closet to pick out a shirt. The sound of her opening a box full of accessories filled the room with loud jingles.
And then it dawned on you, your ring.
The ring that made a cut on Jaehyun's face, that is. You had your panties and now a ring in his house. How stupid can you be? (how smart can you be, to be honest.) You tried to ignore the giddy feeling of having to see him again the next time you bring up the stuff you left in his house.
"Do you like him?" Jihyo asked. Her eyes held curiosity and a tiny bit of comfort.
You knew Jihyo since you were in 3rd grade. She accidentally brought home your pencil case and when you noticed the foreign leopard print tube on your desk, you cried. The next day at school, you saw your pencil case on Jihyo's seat. That's how you came to know her. She had been with you through thick and thin. She rubbed circles on your back when you cried over your parents' divorce, she helped you with your shift that one time you had your first job and was overwhelmed by a mass of middle schoolers, she held up your hair when you had one too many drinks. You loved her like a sister you never had.
"I think so." You responded. Truthfully, you were sure you liked him. You keep wanting to see him, your heart starts a race when he comes to your mind. "Yes, i do like him."
Jihyo engulfed you in a hug. She nestled her face on your neck as she whispered. "I want you to be happy. That's all i want."
Your heart filled with warmth as you hugged her back tighter. She was truly such a wonderful person. You felt grateful that you're surrounded with good people.
You felt Ryujin come up and joined the hug.
"What are we hugging for?"
Jihyo's words rang inside your head the whole ride home. Your finger was hovering on the call button, just a mere centimeter away from contact.
"Fuck it, i miss him." You pressed on the call button, bringing the phone up to your ear. It rang two times until he picked up.
"Hey, i'm glad you called. I was just about to myself." Jaehyun said, his voice as pretty as ever.
You bit your lip, snuggling into your pillow as a smile formed on your face. Wow, you thought. You really like him, huh?
"Are you busy next friday?" You asked.
He paused for a couple of seconds, you were ready to propose another day until he responded, "I'm always free for you."
You held back a scoff at his cringy line. "Pick me up at 4, i have this place i know you'll like."
You could even hear the smile on his face when he agreed, adding a little 'It's a date then, i can't wait until friday comes. Good luck on your test.'
Friday rolled around in no time. You got a B on your test and that was enough for you. You got the notification on your phone thursday morning and almost choked on your cereal and did a cross even though you were far from religious. Your mood completely lit up when you were picking out clothes for your date. The skirt was, well, short. You paired it with a simple sleveless shirt and a pair of converse. You sent a message to the group, saying that you'd be on a date with Jaehyun. The text was read by Jihyo and Ryujin immediately. They sent a cluster of 'Yes!' and eye emojis.
A light knock came from the door, the giddy feeling on your stomach appearing once again.
When you opened the door and stepped out of the house, you were greeted by his familiar scent as he hugged you. He's a hugger, not that you're complaining.
"You look really nice, like really nice, in that outfit. Maybe we should just stay in today."
"Definitely not." That's a lie. You want to stay home and let him undress you, however, you wanted him to try this cheese pizza that tasted like heaven on a local diner right around the corner. Maybe next time, or after if you're lucky.
Jaehyun pursed his lips and, took a step back to get another look. "I have those exact same shoes."
You cocked a brow as you closed the door behind you. "Really? we should match next time."
The drive was short. You noticed that he was more smiley today. The dimples making an appearance when he caught you looking at him.
"Hmm? Are you okay? Your face is red." His brows furrowed as his hand went up, pressing the back of his palm onto your cheek.
You squirmed on your seat as your hand clasped together under the table. How come he doesn't realize how undeniably attractive he is? You could spend all day looking at him and not be bored.
"I'm fine, just hungry."
As if on cue, Mrs. Miller came up to the table Her checkered apron made your eyes squint, or maybe it was her smile.
"What do you lads want today?" She gave me a look, silently asking who the man is in front of me.
Mrs. Miller watched you grew up. She ran this family owned diner and took care of it so well, even her sons were jealous. You responded with narrowed eyes and a shake of the head.
"Get him a cheese pizza please, and two portions of blt for me."
She scribbled quickly on her notepad, the fluff ball stuck on the end of the pen wiggling with every stroke. "Right, and the drinks?"
"A strawberry smoothie and a chocolate one as well." Jaehyun finished for you, handing back the menu.
Jaehyun turned to you, "The food's better be good
"Oh trust me, it is."
"I can't believe you remembered and ordered me a cheese pizza." He chuckled in disbelief.
He didn't think that you'd remembered something like that, and when you did, he liked you even more.
"You mentioned that they were your favorite, and i can proudly say, the cheese pizza here will blow your mind."
"I swear to god if you're exaggerating, i'll never forgive you for this."
15 minutes later, you could see that Jaehyun was visibly drooling over the appealing sight of food in front of him.
"Wow this is fucking, " pause, "Amazing. Tell Mrs. Miller this diner's gonna be packed tomorrow."
"Told you it's good. She'd be so happy if more people come here, this place's not easy to find.” You breathed out.
You cupped your face in your hands with your elbows on the table as you chew on a bite of your blt. You proceed to watch him gulf down a slice, a big gap already forming in the, now, ruined circle of the pizza.
He swallowed, "Talking about packed, i have this party at my friend Jaemin's this sunday. I'm hoping you could come?"
"How many times do you party in a week? you're sure the party animal."
Jaehyun didn't look to pleased to hear you respond with another question.
"Would you come? You can bring your friends if you want."
You laughed, he made it clear he wanted you there.
"I will."
Jaehyun told Mrs. Miller that he'd recommend the place to his friends, and she gave him a piece of candy which he handed to you when you were outside. You unconsciously stared at his long, dainty fingers. Specifically the rings that hugged them.
"You have a nice sense of style, i see." You squeezed the tip of his index finger clad with a metallic band when he shoved the candy in your face.
"What? this? this is nothing compared to your ring that gave my face a cut."
"I'm sorry, i wasn't planning on doing anything that night, but you know how that ended."
"I can say for sure you have a nice choice of panties."
You brought your hand up to slap his shoulder but he dodged before you could. "Why would you say that, we're in the middle of the parking lot!"
"I was just reciprocating your compliment. I’m flattered you know."
He stopped in his tracks when he was about to enter the car.
"How about we go to my dorm? you can pick up your stuff that you left."
God was really in your side. What did you do to get this lucky? You reminded yourself not to take it for granted.
"I lied, i'm keeping the panties." Jaehyun said as his chest shook with laughter.
He grabbed your sides to lift you to his bed but you swung your feet, making you drop back to the floor of his single dorm room.
"They're expensive. It's either you buy another one for me or i'm leaving."
He narrowed his eyes as if saying are you serious? With his lips pressed together, he nodded. "Deal."
You were satisfied with the answer. Your hand caressed his cheeks and settled on his broad shoulder. Let's get to work, shall we.
"I only like guys with big dicks, and I always have fun talking filth into their ear about how much I love their cock. "
You paused, smirking with satisfaction from the sight in front of you
"But you….. you’re the biggest guy I’ve had. And there’s no way I’m not going to talk about that while I have the chance. So sit down on the bed, and let me get you going with my voice.. Although we both know it won’t stop there. "
He did as your told, eyes trailing your every movement with a coy smile on his lips. Enjoying every moment.
"That blood is pumping into your cock and fattening you up… the pulses are so intense I can see you flex through two layers of fabric… I know when that happens all you wanna do is pull those annoying clothes down and start beating your cock raw… and I love that."
For a fact, Jaehyun didn't even need to have his cock out to get you wet. The sheer size of that bulge in his pants and the way it looks like it’s trying to burst out is enough to make you tingle and crave it.
You loved knowing that his cock begs to be pleased so badly that you just want to delve into your animal instincts and make it feel good. You loved knowing that your voice alone was the reason for that fat bulge, that blood pumping, that pleasure.
"But we can’t keep it stuck in there forever, can we?"
He shook his head.
Pulling that big cock out is like a drug to you. You couldn't stop your pussy from aching when your fingertips were clenched around the waist of his boxers, slowly dragging them down and anticipating that giant cock’s release… and then it happened. His huge cock bounces out of those tight boxers, flying in the air and bounced on your face. And my god, you loved it on your face.
Seeing that thick, tight undersize of his shaft resting on your face while you salivate for it was almost too much to handle. That’s why you had to get to work quickly… waiting to play with his big dick was like suffocating.
"I know you love my lips. They’re perfect for pleasing big, fat cocks like yours."
"Mhmm, i love those pretty lips you have." He brushed his thumb on your lips as you kissed the pad of his finger.
His cockhead swelled with blood when you wrapped your lips around it, with almost not enough in your body to keep up with the pleasure your giving him.
The deeper your lips go on his cock, the faster his heart rate became, and the fatter his cock got. His stomach began to tighten and flex at the feeling, as your lips and tongue got to the base of his cock. The feeling of his thick cock being jammed all the way down your throat made his legs writhe. You let your throat muscles swallow around his fat cockhead and milked him as fast as you could, pushing him to the brink of explosion.
"It’s too much isn’t it? My throat massaging your head while my tongue licks your balls and my lips push into your crotch like I’m trying to eat your dick."
Jaehyun's face was red as he looked down on you, his ragged breaths signaling that he was enjoying this as much as you did.
You didn’t want him busting yet though… so you unjammed his cock from your throat and slowly pull it out, being sure to form a vacuum with your mouth to roll over his entire length as you exit.
You needed to let that cock calm down for a bit, so it’s a perfect time to talk about those balls.
His cock is amazing, almost too amazing, but a cock isn’t complete without a big set of balls. And his were a true specimen. Even without working up a load, his sacks were massive. Just one of them was enough to fill your entire mouth up if you decide to work them. Honestly, even if he didn’t have a cock down there and only had that pair of balls, he’d still have a beautiful big bulge to flaunt around. And when his balls were full? Well.. let’s find out what that’s like.
His cock seemed to have calmed down now… at least enough to stop him from busting a nut everywhere. It’s not like you wanted him losing that hard on. You thought it’s about time your mouth truly went to work on that cock.. just how he liked it.
You gripped the base of his thick shaft tightly, making him pant and moan. You didn’t carry around a cock ring, so you had to improvise. You wanted to see those veins. God… those veins. Having a huge cock is great and all, but the fact that he had such impressive veins was really the icing on the cake. Grabbing his base so tightly makes all that blood center in his cock, and that blood loves to fill up those veins. They got so thick and fat, inflated with immense amounts of liquid pumping around his dick.
Your lips started working his fat cockhead again, but not with as much mercy as last time.
Your sucking was fast, tight and intense. Your mouth craves that load and the best way to pump it up was to work his cock fast and furiously. His head swelled again, even thicker than last time. Once he had swollen to max size, you moved your lips further down his shaft and began sucking angrily at his entire length.
Each time your lips traveled up and down on his big dick, you felt those fat veins pulsing between your lips and begging to be relieved, crying out in unison at the unbridled pleasure you're giving him. You knew he was close. You knew those balls were filling up with cream, you knew he couldn’t handle it. That’s why you were going to relieve him of all that tension.
Your hand ran up his leg and grabbed those fat nuts, Your nails giving him a lovely tickle as you got them tight in your hand. Your lips still sucking angrily at his fat cock, desperate to work up that thick load that’s built up in his balls.
Jaehyun's breathing became irregular and panicked as he felt himself getting close to bursting.
You pulled his cock out of your mouth and placed your lips on the size of his huge cock. You sucked hard at the huge, fat prominent blue vein that sat there, making him squirm and moan harder than ever before. That vein was so massive and full of blood that it felt like it’s big enough to be a cock on its own.
That’s when you felt it.
Your other hand was still on his balls and you felt that churning. You felt that boiling hot, thick cum sloshing around in his fat sack rapidly as you sucked at his massive vein. But you didn’t want Jaehyun nutting in the air, so you stopped working that vein and put your hand around that base and squeezed tightly, stopping that nut from getting any further up his shaft.
You wanted to swallow that load, and that’s what you're going to do.
You glided your lips back on his huge, fat cock and sucked harder than you had ever sucked a cock before. Your cheeks hollowed as you moved up and down on his dick, those veins still throbbing hard as you pleased them. Your hand went back to gripping those fat ballsacks.
You knew Jaehyun was close, his throbbing and pulsing was too intense for him not to be. You felt those balls churning in your hand again, and obscene amount of cream had accumulated in those fat sacks and he needed to empty them.
As your lips sucked hard and fast on his cock, you felt it coming. His fat balls began pumping that thick, creamy load up the thick shaft of his cock, filling up his massive cockhead with cum. You sucked extra hard at his head, milking it with all the energy you had in you.
Then it burst.
His huge, fat, engorged cock made one big throb and squirted his massive creamy load out of his cock, his balls tightening and flexing as they gave his swollen cockhead more batter to unload. Your cheeks kept filling up with his man-juice, but you swallowed it all down your throat every time. Those veins were extra fat and throb angrily as he busted that thick nut, every nerve in his crotch singing and celebrating the intense release. As the last of his nut emptied out of his balls, you gave his huge cock one last hard suck at the head and he busted the last of his cream in one thick shot.
His fat balls. His thick, huge shaft. His massive, extra creamy spunk. THAT’S why you loved his cock.
"Oh my fucking god.." Jaehyun trailed, his hands covering his face as his whole body trembled.
He shook his head, "I can't let you leave without having my cock in you. Get on the bed."
"Yes, sir."
He hurriedly took off your shirt an panties. Letting out a low whistle as his eyes raked over your body.
"God, I love your body..." Jaehyun's lustful gaze trailed over your body. He was sure you'd be the death of him.
"What do you love about it, Jaehyun? Tell me what you want to do to me." You asked, lacing your tone with innocence.
"Tell you?" He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Jaehyun tasted himself and deepened the kiss by pulling you closer with his hand on the back of your head.
"Baby, you know I love your body. I..." Jaehyun took a deep shaky breath. He didn't know why he's nervous. Maybe it's because both of you were sober, and not in rush, for once. He'd like to savor this moment.
"I love your shoulders and I really love this place, right here, just by the curve of your neck. I love to kiss and suck the skin there."
He sucked the spot softly, light pecks making you shiver.
He then kissed down your chest while his hands run down your back to your ass. His lips trailed down your body with a touch as gentle as it gets.
"I love how sensitive your nipples are. Maybe even more than mine. I love that when I suck on them..." He brought your nipple in his mouth and soft giggles filled the room as he teased your nipple in his mouth, your hand went up to his hair and tugging softly.
"Your breath hisses in like that. And I love your hand in my hair..."
He flicked your nipple with his tounge, making him get a moan from you as a reward.
"You like that? When I flick it like that? the other one needs some attention too." He sucked the other nipple. He playfully bit on it, making you gasp with surprise.
You tugged at your bra, the feeling of being restricted made you uncomfortable. And you squirmed under him when you felt the dampness on your much more cheaper panties.
"Mhmm, I can take these off."
He watched you take off your undergarments, biting those lips of his as he spoke up,
"Bend over."
Your eyes widened at his strict tone, but you obliged.
"Yes, Sir."
You felt the bed dip as his knees balanced themselves on top of the sheets. He gripped your luscious ass and spread them apart, his hot breath fanning over your cunt. You were getting impatient and started grinding on air. Jaehyun chuckled and buried his face in your cunt, mumbling, "I’ll take care of you."
His tounge worked it's way on you. You moaned and your knees buckled when he sucked on your clit.
"Oh god your mouth is so warm...yes, please, run your tongue up and down, just like that...oh fuck...keep sucking like that."
"You like it that much, hm?" He said in your cunt. His hand came in contact with your butt as he spanked you, the stinging sensation spread over your butt slowly disappearing when he caressed the red print with his hand.
"Do you want me to finger you, baby?
"Yes ...please, please can I have it..."
You felt him circling your clit with the pad of his thumb until he inserted two fingers inside you. It was still not enough as you clenched around it.
"More, Jaehyun more."
He slowly moved them in and out as the friction give you more pleasure, his tounge now lapping your juice and teasing your clit at the same time.
"...oh god, fuck, don't stop..."
Just as those words left your mouth, he suddenly stopped and pulled out his fingers from your wet cunt. You whined and trembled
"No! Why did you stop?"
"I'm going to fuck you now."
You got more wet hearing that from him You didn't think that was even possible, but the thought of him fucking you made you grew more desperate.
"Please baby, I need you inside me." You softly breathed out, looking at him behind you. He was jerking himself on the sight of you on all fours on his bed. A sly smile on his lips as he positioned his cock in front of your pussy. Just a thrust away from being inside you.
"Whose pussy is this, hm?" He rubbed his cock on your wet folds, making you back up to him once again craving for any sort of friction.
"It's yours Jaehyun, please fuck me.. please." You begged.
"That's a good girl."
With a sudden thrust, you were overwhelmed by his size. You felt the slightest bit of pain until he drew back and pounded his cock into you. You saw stars as your mouth was left agape.
You felt him pull you up, and nestled his face on your shoulders with his left hand on your neck, and the other on your nipple, gently rolling it on his fingers.
"You're so fucking tight for me. Your pussy's all mine. I'm gonna fuck it however i like, isn't that right, princess?"
You croaked out a moan as your breathing got restricted by the second. "Yes, oh god yes. It's yours, Jaehyun. Fuck it however you like."
He sped up his pace and released you from the grip on your neck. You felt his large hand pressing your lower abdomen and giving you a sensation you've never felt before.
"I'm right here. Can you feel me?"
His voice came out raspy, and you felt his heartbeat speeding up on your back as he pressed himself closer to you. Hips still pounding roughly and the sound of your butt slapping against his hips filled the room.
Your eyes rolled back as you sink yourself deeper into this pit of desire. You could only manage a simple 'mhmm' until you felt it coming.
The knot on your stomach grew larger and more intense as he continued to shove his large cock into your pussy. You craved for your release and clenched him harder.
"Oh, baby. That's right, make it tighter for me."
He coiled his hand in your hair and added, "We're gonna cum together, okay?"
"Y-yes, I'm close Jaehyun."
With a few more thrusts, You felt his hot cum filling your hole as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. The constant friction sent you over the edge in shock waves as your whole body felt like heaven, you felt it even to the tips of your toes. You felt his cock jerk inside you as he pulled out, cum dribbling down your thighs and onto the sheets, Jaehyun witnessing the heavenly sight of his juices mixed with yours just leaking in front of him.
He let out a deep breath as you plopped yourself down on the matress. You felt like your bones just melted. The soft fabric of his comforter covered your butt as Jaehyun laid down by your side.
"It's a little chilly." You muttered, a smile on your lips.
Jaehyun smiled too, but to himself. He was looking at an angel. Your cheeks tinted pink with the gentle rise of your chest letting out soft breaths. You were in that afterglow, Jaehyun liked you even more if that's possible. He might even be in love with you.
"C'mere." You invited him, raising the blanket and patting the spot next to you
He laughed snuggled close to you, the warmth in his heart getting stronger.
"So, what do you want to do now?" Jaehyun asked, his voice lazy, almost sleepy.
"Let's shower." You proposed.
"A shower, huh?" He kissed your nose, "Whatever you want, baby. We've got all night."
"He invited us to a party."
"Don't try to change the topic!"
Ryujin picked you up and witnessed you walk of shame. She didn't say anything and just plainly looked at Jaehyun as he waved at her when he guided you out of the building. Ryujin didn't bring anything up on the whole ride.
It was Jihyo who squeezed every last drop of information you had. You weren't bothered by her nosiness, and answered the questions. You stuffed your mouth with doritos every time she asked too much though.
The three of you were clad in tight dresses and sparkly fabric. Well, except Ryujin who sported baggy jeans and a sweater. You didn't expect what happened in the party. Even though you'd been pushing the thought to the back of your mind, it didn't stop him from coming.
Hwang hyunjin ruined your night.
You were looking for Jaehyun, but his friends said he was on his way. You called him, he didn't pick up. You went out for air, leaving your friends behind to play beer pong. You enjoyed the muted music from outside the house, holding yourself back from taking off your heels to roll on the glass.
And then you heard him.
His voice surprised you, the drink in the little red cup swaying as you turned your head to find where the voice was coming from.
There he stood. Long blonde hair half tied, his lips a pretty shade of pink as he stared at you.
You felt your stomach sank as you took a step back. You knew that he would utter every single thing he could to hurt you once again. You wanted to run away or have the earth swallow you whole when he brought his hand up to hold your cheek. His palm was cold. An unfamiliar sensation to you. You pulled his hand away from you, only to have him grip your wrist.
"Listen to me, please." His eyebrows furrowed, the grip on your wrist tightened when you attempted to break away.
"I have no reason to."
He paused for a while, still not letting you go. It looked as if he was building up the courage for something. And the next second he spoke up, it's as if the wind wanted to save you, it was cold and you were freezing. Almost making you shiver and go back under the blankets.
"I'm sorry." He looked down at his shoes.
Your face grew hot, that familiar feeling started to bubble up in your stomach again. "No matter how many times you say that, i won't forget what you did to me." You spat.
"I'm sorry." He was looking at you now.
"Tears? Fuck off. You've done that already."
You tried to yank your hand away, but to no avail, he kept his grip.
"Let go! You're hurting me!"
"Let's start over, please." A tear fell and rolled down his cheek. The cheek that you caressed and the cheek that you kissed. Now, the thought of touching him is revolting. Even starting over was impossible.
"This isn’t going to be fixed. You’ve ruined this for good now. After all the shit you put me through, and you come to me saying this?" You yelled, exasperated.
He bent his head down. "I'm still in love with you. I was stupid to fuck other girls, when i know you're home waiting for me. I.. i kept contacting you because i didn't want you to forget about me. That's the last thing i want in my life."
He looked at you, his tears falling every time he blinks, dribbling to his chin and onto the cold, hard concrete. "I want to try again. I can't go a day without you anymore. Please."
A million questions ran through your mind, but only a word came out. "Why?"
"I will change. I promise. I will change to whoever you want me to be. I will do it properly. I want you in my arms again." He was gripping your shoulders now, his hair messy and wet.
"I can’t help but think you’re a terrible person. I can go on with my life without you, Hyunjin. Get out of my life and everything will be perfect."
His legs wobbled as his knees hit the ground, his arms wrapped around your knees as he pressed his forehead against the exposed skin of your thighs. His shoulders shook as he sobbed.
"Please. Tell me how you feel and i'll leave, i'll never show my face to you again. I need to be sure." He looked up at you, lips quivering as guilt filled his bloodstream. Oh how much he regretted what he'd done to you.
"You’ll never be the person I love. Not now, not ever." You looked at him with so much hatred, you almost bit your tounge off trying to stop yourself from bashing his head. "I would rather die than be the person who climbs into bed with you at the end of the night."
He grew silent and stood up. Hands by his sides and said, "Okay." He paused and wiped the tears from his cheeks before walking away from you. "I love you, y/n."
You hoped he kept his promise.
How did it come to this, scrolling through his messages and paranoia gripping you by the neck.
How did it come to this? Hyunjin swayed you with his words and it once made your heart race but now you seeing his face had unconventionally made you want to die. You weren’t quite prepared for this feeling.
What happened with his promise of being yours? Was that just a test of courage, to see if you could even form those words in that exact order, to convince him you were his?
You knew all of his secrets and you knew who he really was and you knew what he'd been doing and you knew, you knew every time you came back home to him he smelled like another woman.
They accused you of losing your mind, they warned you about people like him but you thought to yourself, "Maybe he'll be different." Because goddamn baby, he made you feel special, he painted you a blue sky, he was too good with his words. He knew you tried to keep it fun, you tried to keep it good but your efforts were clearly not enough.
You knew you lost him, but it felt more like losing your mind. Was it you, did you say something way too honest that made him run and hide like a scared little boy? Once you thought were so much more than 'enough' to him but it's the same old questions that you asked yourself:
Weren't you enough?
Didn't you try hard enough?
Didn't you pass all his tests?
Maybe you'd known it all this time that he kept what was between you blurry, never really telling you what 'we' were or was it him and his careless vocabulary that effortlessly swept you off your feet?
Spiraling down this endless pit of confusion and secrecy, how did it get to this? Smiling when he came home, greeting him at the door and hugging him, asking him how'd school go and kiss him like you didn't know anything, like he didn't do anything wrong.
You hoped everything would be better as you sank down on your knees and cried harder than you'd ever cried.
at 1 am, Hyunjin's phone rang and he knew it's you. He picked up and ask why you called and you told him to pick you up in an hour and to bring a jacket. He smiled and hung up, wondering what you had in store for him at 1 am in the morning and he knew he would spend the next hour fretting over how he's gonna look because he always wanted to look his best in front of you even if it's just another one of your midnight drives.
2 am and he was driving down the road, with no particular place in mind and he wondered if you knew how perfect this moment was, just him and you and the world that was full of mystery and adventure that you both sought. A joke passed between you, a private one you'd had for months and your friends called you crazy because only the two of you could understand each other. Just two minds in perfect sync.
3 am and everything was shattered because he's in his bed, and all of that was just a memory that somehow crept into his dreams. 3 am, and he realized you're no longer with him and it's not him on the driver's seat of the car anymore.
4 am and Hyunjin was tossing and turning, and he couldn't go back to sleep because all he was thinking about was you again and he thought he was over it and he was not. 4 am, and his heart wrenched when he thought about your smile, the way your eyes lit up when you talked about the things you loved. 4 am, and he's thinking you're with Jaehyun and that should be him, that should be him, that should be him.
5 am and Hyunjin had given up all hopes of going back to sleep because it's one of those nights where he couldn't help but think about what might have been if he had been enough. 5 am and those nights with you were gone, 5 am and those jokes were forgotten, 5 am and you're not here with him for real.
Jaehyun looked for you. He asked your friends, He asked his friends. But they all said the same thing, 'She was looking for you a while ago.'
He pressed the button on his phone, the light illuminated his face under the dark sky. 5 missed calls from you.
He cursed to himself and pressed the call button, chewing his bottom lip as he tapped his feet on the concrete as he leaned back on his car seat. "Please, pick up." He muttered.
You didn't pick up. He was pulling his phone away from his ear to try and call you again but he was surprised from the notification that came from Yukhei.
'Jihyo said she's at home.'
"Fuck." He sighed, running his hands over his face as he peered over the backseat, the lonely basket filled with snacks that he was planning to empty with you as he took you away from the party.
He quickly scrolled down his contacts and pressed the call button again.
"Hey, Jihyo. What happened? Y/n won't pick up my calls."
Jaehyun heard her sigh as a door closed behind her. He heard rustling, sounding like Jihyo just sat down.
"It was Hyunjin."
Jaehyun knew guys like Hwang Hyunjin, and when Jihyo told him what he did to you, he wasn't a bit surprised. Just angry, very angry.
As Jihyo told him what happened, he couldn't help but wanting to hug you and tell you everything would be okay. He fisted his palms until his knuckles turned white when he heard Hyunjin cheated on you. He'd beat him up for you if you told him to. When Jihyo said you needed time to be alone, Jaehyun listened. You didn't let anyone go inside the room with you, you didn't want to talk to anyone. Jihyo said that you were already sleeping after crying so much.
Jaehyun and Jihyo didn't talk about you again and ended the call. He thanked Jihyo for telling him what happened.
It was 2 weeks after Hyunjin said he'd leave your life.
You were seated on the plush of the booth, a warm cup of milk giving you the warmth you needed. You watched as the bell on top of the door jingled. He entered the room and scanned the cafe. His eyes landed on you and he smiled.
"How are you?" He slid into the booth. His dainty hands covered yours, his cold rings giving you a jolt.
"I'm good now." You paused, and looked at him.
"I'm sorry for disappearing for like.. 2 weeks."
He chuckled and shook his head, obviously trying to lighten the mood and wipe the frown on your eyebrows. "Hey.. it's okay. You know i'll always be here."
"I'm sure you heard what happened."
Jaehyun clicked his tounge, playing with your fingers and turning the metallic band on your pinky. "Yes, i have. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
You thought about it, he's got a point. Hyunjin was out of your life for good, and you'd like to keep it that way. "You know what? you're right. Let's talk about something else."
"Did you know that i filled a whole basket with snacks for you and me, only to eat them myself at home?"
"Thanks for the guilt trip. What do you want to order? my treat."
He ordered an espresso. He was beautiful.
It rained and it rained hard. Hard enough to flush away all the bad thoughts and you solely focused on the man sitting in front of you.
You were talking about a new song that you've been listening to. Jaehyun listened with a smile even though you were sure he wasn't listening. He looked at you with such intensity that it made you ask,
"Do you have anything to say? You've literally had that smile for 5 minutes now, what are you-"
"Let's date."
That shut you up. You had definitely been thinking about it. The thought of dating him felt like a new beginning that you'd been waiting for.
"I know you feel the same way, Y/n. Let's date."
"I was about to say yes anyway, but okay."
You both held hands as you sipped the warm liquid that warmed your heart even more. Jaehyun was smiling like an idiot until he kissed you, his smile still plastered the whole time.
You ran your hand over your hair, only to have it swatted away. He played a lock of your hair and twirled it between his finger.
"I don't have anything to do tonight. Do you want to go out or stay in?"
You turned to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Let's go out."
"I don't know?"
He lightly pushed you, "You always say that."
"Let's figure it out on the car."
You left the bedroom, tripping over an unopened box on the floor as Jaehyun snickered behind you. You glared at him and he looked at a nonexistent dust on his shoulder.
You remembered the first time that you slept over. You pulled the simple line of 'your bed is comfier than mine, let me sleep over.' and now your toothbrush and clothes was in his house. You basically lived with him.
Every second you spent with him felt like heaven.
Even the time where he dug the trash to help you look for one of your airpods because you thought you accidentally threw it out while cleaning the house. It was heaven when you went to a concert after getting high with him. You wondered if that even happened or was it just a dream or a thought you had while you were high.
It has been 5 months that you were dating. And you loved every second of it. To even say that you love it was an understatement. It excites you to the point of reaching an unfamiliar degree.
You almost, just almost bought a ring and proposed to him even though you were young and marrying someone that early was too far off from what a 10 year old you would think, when Jaehyun remembered the time that you mentioned you had light sensitivity, and started to wake up early and open all the windows, but he always closes them before you wake up.
You smiled on the seat of his car as he drove by without a particular direction. He lowered the windows down, letting the evening fresh air wash over you. He looked at you with adoration in his eyes. And a coy smile on his lips. Those lips that said the sweetest things.
You looked down at the little white rimmed picture stuck on his dashboard.
It was you and Jaehyun, arms flailing in the air as a pile of thrifted clothes and accessories were piled up beneath, and behind you. You had gone thrift shopping with him, and accidentally made him addicted to it. He always invited you every time he had free time to go pick out some clothes and it was a new thing to talk about. It was nice seeing him excited.
The sun was setting, and you hadn't noticed that Jaehyun had stopped the car.
With a loud click, he opened the door. "Let's sit out here. The sun's setting."
You exited the car and walked up to him, slowing down to sit on a perfect, green patch of grass that tickled your skin.
Jaehyun sat beside you as you engraved the sight to your memory. Him with a sunset.
You suddenly felt a rush in you, every second was difficult as your heart started racing. There couldn't be a better moment than now. You glanced at him, mentally preparing yourself as if you were in a kind of competition. He looked at you and cocked a brow, a silent 'what?'
So he did notice you were acting weird, "Is the sun setting in the wrong direction? What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I love you."
It came out of your mouth quickly as your face becomes red, heartbeat too fast to tame. He was surprised and his mouth was left agape. Until he showed those dimples and said the same thing.
"I love you too."
That was how you said your first i love you's. Now, you were on your knees in front him as he muttered, "So we ended up staying home."
Jaehyun knew he loved it when your lips were on his neck, but on a Saturday evening with both of you loving eachother, everything seemed so much more perfect.
"Fuck," he groaned, "You have no idea what just seeing you on your knees in front of me does to me," he said, running his hand over your cheek before dropping his hands to undo the buckle of the belt and unzip his jeans.
"What are you doing to me?" He murmured, sliding his boxers down, freeing his hardness.
"Give me your hand," he said, holding out his hand. You placed your hand in his and he guided it over to himself, wrapping your hand around his cock with a quiet groan. You looked up at him he groaned again, threading his hands in your hair.
"You're too fucking perfect for me." he said, pain flashing across his face.
"I want you. I want all of you. I don't see anyone else, Jaehyun... Just you." The words came out easily, you were sure of this, loving him and everything about him.
"Fuck," he muttered bending down and placing a kiss on your head before straightening out.
"Open your mouth," he said, grabbing your jaw and rubbing circles into it with his thumb. "Open your mouth and take me in."
You obeyed and opened your mouth, guiding him over to you. You licked your lips before tentatively wrapping them around his tip.
Jaehyun groaned and tightened his hold in your hair. "Bigger, kitten," he said, still rubbing soothing circles into your jaw.
You dropped your jaw and took more of him in. He groaned, holding your head in place as he sunk into your mouth until he hit the back of your throat. You made a sound of surprise, your eyes watering slightly as he stayed there.
"Look at me," Jaehyun said, sliding both hands behind your head.
You looked up at him and he sunk further, going down your throat and making your eyes close briefly at him filling you up until you almost felt as if you were choking although somehow, not in an unpleasant way.
"Are you mine?" You nodded and Jaehyun took a deep breath, reminding himself to move slow with you. "Fuck yes, you are," he growled, sliding out of your mouth and letting you catch your breath before he slid back in. Your eyes shut and you slid your tongue along him.
"Fuck," Jaehyun groaned. "You're perfect. I'm going to really fuck that pretty mouth," he growled possessively. You opened your mouth and he pushed back in. He groaned and guided you down his whole length before pulling you back, repeating the motion over and over until. He stared down at you and moaned, watching you bob back and forth.
He prided himself on stamina but the sight of you sucking him off, the humility he felt that the woman in front of him wanted him like this, it had him feeling sensitive much faster than he was used to.
"I'm close, princess." Jaehyun warned.
You surprised him by speeding up, moving faster, sucking him in deeper and making him moan. He held your head in place when he finished, sinking himself down into your throat as he came. He stayed in your mouth for a moment, panting. He slowly pulled out and you took in a deep breath, wiping your mouth and looking up at him with your beautiful eyes he adored so much.
"Did I do okay?" You asked, you knew you did. You just wanted to hear him praise you.
"Did you..." Jaehyun trailed off, shaking his head
and not believing what he was hearing. He bent down and picked you up, tossing you on the bed and kissing up your legs, sliding your shirt up.
"Yes, kitten. You did more than okay. That was the best fucking blow job I've ever had and I want to show you just how much I appreciate it," he said, tugging down your leggings and underwear.
"You want me to show you how much I liked it, kitten? You want me to put my mouth on you and make you cum?" He asked, kissing your inner thigh and looking up at you.
You nodded eagerly. "Yes."
Jaehyun didn't move right away, he just stared up at you, wondering how it was possible someone like you could ever want to be with a person like him. He stared at you so long you started feeling self-conscious.
"What?" you asked, a blush forming under his gaze.
For him, you were the embodiment of perfection, and he never wanted to lose you.
"Nothing," Jaehyun said, swallowing hard. "Nothing. You're just so fucking beautiful," he said, dropping his head between your legs.
"My love." he murmured too quiet for you to hear before he moved his tongue over you, reveling in the reward of hearing you moan.
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oboevallis · 3 years
hey it’s been a hot minute, not really sure what this is ive have it in my drafts for a while, but i feel like everyone’s written this 😂 but i wanted to post something at least also ‘who is he?’ part 4 will be coming out soon hope everyone’s doing well
“It’s always been her, hasn’t it?” Amelia’s voice wavered as she struggled to keep her composure.
“I didn’t sleep with her!” Link exclaimed, slurring his words. “I just stayed with her.”
“Whenever something goes wrong between us you always go running to Jo. Just get it over with and fuck her already! She’ll be all the things I’m not.”
“You have no right to be mad. I poured my heart out to you, I’ve been planning for months on proposing to you. I love you Amelia Shepherd, but your so damn self destructive you’re ruining this for the both of us. I’ve done everything you’ve wanted this is just one thing I wanted. If anything I should be mad, but I’m being the bigger person.”
“You’re being the bigger person?” Amelia chuckled in disbelief. “Talk to me again when you’re sober.”
“Who said I wasn’t sober?”
“Please, part of Jo’s help sessions always result in the two of you downing a bottle of whiskey, which is an incredibly unhealthy coping mechanism.” As she said this she was aggressively packing her clothes in a suitcase.
“Not everyone’s a fucking alcoholic. Not everyone has to sit an a room with fucked up strangers complaining about their lives, when they did that to themselves.”
“You think I wanted to be snorting oxy off of the reception desk of a medical practice while I’ll my friends watched? Or stealing my brothers car and crashing it trying to find drugs? I thought you were different but you’re just like Owen.” That’s the last thing she said before walking into their sons nursery and scooping with up.
“You can’t take Scout.”
“I can because you’re drunk out of your mind, I don’t even know why I’m talking to you.”
“Where are you going?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Amelia yelled before slamming the door behind her. She fought to get the baby in his car seat, she couldn’t seem to catch a break. She needed to get away, she needed to go back to her original refuge.
“Come on Scout, can we cooperate for mommy?” Amelia begged, fighting off tears as her son kicked and screamed. Despite being a movement baby he hated the car, specifically the car seat since no one could hold him. Eventually the baby was secured, and he quickly fell asleep, as he realized how he exhausted himself after his tantrum. Three hours into the drive Amelia immediately started to regret this, it was a 17 hour drive, and she was doing it alone with a baby who just barely turned one. No, she was doing this, she needed to. She’d be sure to take as many breaks as she needed. This was what needed to be done for her and her sons well-being.
After two hotel visits and countless stops along I-5 S she found herself in LA standing outside her sisters door, but couldn’t bring herself to knock. She knew Addison loved her but she couldn’t help already feeling the subtle condescension. ‘How have you already managed to screw this up?’ ‘I love you Amy, I do, but isn’t this a little extreme?’ ‘You’re clean, right? Because I’ll take you back right this minute’
Quickly she turned around to go back to her car to think about her next game plan before a voice stopped her.
“Amy?” Amelia jerked back around to be met with Addison’s confused yet comforting smile.
“Umm I’m vaccinated, but I got tested if that makes you more comfortable. I’m negative I-I just needed to get put of Seattle.”
“I know the feeling.” The older woman chuckled holding the door open wider to allow the two to come in. “Now let me hold my new nephew!” She squealed as she held her arms out for the baby, soaking in his tiny stature. “I miss when Henry was this little.”
“Where is the little guy? It’s awfully quiet.”
“They went camping, Henry’s been stir crazy for over a year and it seemed safe enough for the two to go away.”
“I’m sure Jake was thrilled.” Amelia smirked thinking back to the time the practice went on a camping trip together and Jake had almost refused to go hence his disdain for the wilderness.
“You know it.” Addison joked along, playing with the baby’s tiny fingers. The older woman then lead the way back onto the deck and settled on a lounge chair under an umbrella. Amelia followed behind and took out sunscreen from the diaper bag she was sure to pick up once they got to LA. “He’s absolutely adorable Amelia.”
“Thanks.” Amelia smiled as she lathered the baby’s extremities with sunscreen.
“Gosh i just want to eat him up.” Addison pretended to bite into him, causing the baby to shriek with laughter. Cracking the first genuine smile the neurosurgeon had since after Maggie’s wedding. “You know I was talking to Charlotte a little while ago and she mentioned she was going to go to a meeting if you want to go meet up with her, she still goes to the one near the pier.”
“Thank you, Addison.” It now felt silly to have been scared to talk to Addison, she always knew how to help the neurosurgeon. “Are you sure you’re okay to watch him?”
“More than okay.” Addison beamed, running her hand through the baby’s hair. “And even if you stayed I still wouldn’t let this little guy go.”
“I love you Addie.”
“Love you too Amy.” Addison assured as the woman walked out to her car, it’d be a lie if she said she wasn’t worried for her little sister. But she was reaching out for help, she wasn’t sure what the issue was but she was immensely proud she came to her and not a baggie of pills.
“Don’t you think you should call her?” Jo asked as she prepared a bottle for Luna.
“No.” Link coldly said, cradling the baby in his arms.
“At least for Scout’s sake?”
“He’s fine, looking back Amelias made it very clear she’s the only parent that matters or gets a say.” Link bitterly replied.
“I’m sure it isn’t like that.” As much as she loved her dear friend, he couldn’t see where he also went wrong in this situation. “She loves you.”
“Not enough to marry me.”
“She isn’t ready.”
“Her and Hunt were off and on, and she accepted his proposal.”
“First off she had a brain tumor, and because of said brain tumor she impulsively asked him to marry her. She thinks clearly now, and I think she just wants it to work out and be right.” Jo turned around and sighed as she saw her friends annoyed look. “You’ve never been a marriage guy, where is this even coming from?”
“I don’t know it just feels right, i don’t want to lose her.”
“Your gonna lose her if you push her into this.”
“I move mountains for her, I’ve adjusted my whole life for her. It’s just one thing, one thing that I want.”
“Link are you stupid? This isn’t fighting over what couch you get this determines the rest of your life. And marriage isn’t all that, it doesn’t keep a person there.” Jo sighed, since adopting Luna she’d been thinking a lot about her ex husband, and how stupid the concept of marriage was.
“Has he called?” Addison cautiously asked as Amelia fed her baby.
“Nope.” Amelia popped the ‘p’. “I get that he hates me now, but I thought he’d at least check in on Scout.”
“He’s just upset.”
“I know, I just thought he understood. He’s nothing like Owen but since we moved into his apartment I just feel suffocated like I did when we were married.”
“Have you tried talking to someone, professionally?” Addison inquired, leaning further back onto the beach chair.
“What so they can silently judge how I have a perfect life but still feel terrible?”
“Amy, you know a therapist isn’t going to think that, their there to help you without judgement.” She stared at the woman for awhile until she came to a realization. “After Scout was born you didn’t have any postpartum appointments did you?”
“No, the world had shut down a week after he was born.” Amelia confirmed.
“Do you think your having a delayed postpartum depression reaction? I mean you were thrown into taking care of a newborn and three other kids who aren’t yours in complete isolation . Then On top of that you didn’t have time to grieve Christopher. It’s difficult on women who have lost a child previously when they bring home a healthy baby.” Amelia held back her tears, as much as she tried to focus on scout she couldn’t help but feel broken over the fact Christopher didn’t have the opportunities scout has.
“Pre-covid a day wouldn’t go by that I didn’t think of Christopher. Then I just got so caught up in everything, and I’d barely think about him. I mean I almost forgot his birthday.”
“You can’t feel guilty about that.”
“I j-just wish Link would get that I don’t want another baby.I mean he’s ten times more understanding than Owen was about my grief but, I just don’t want another baby.”
“You’re allowed to not want another baby, but do you think it has to do with Christopher?”
“I don’t think so, I just can’t love yet another person without losing myself. It feels like I already have, I don’t recognize anything about me. Surgery doesn’t even give me the thrill it use to.” The older women sat up and placed a reassuring hand on the younger ones knee.
“I’m gonna talk to Violet and have her refer someone to you. Then you’re gonna talk to Link and come up with a game plan. And I’m gonna be right here the whole time, you’re my family. Everyone here is your family we’ve got you.”
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amelialincoln · 3 years
Could you please do a cute family trip to the beach like a babymoon but with scout or something like that?
Hotel California 
“Give it to me.” Link stuck an outstretched palm into her sight of vision. Amelia pulled back as he tried to snatch the phone as a result of not receiving a reply.
“It’s Tom, this patient is critical. He asked for advice.” Amelia leaned away from her frustrated husband.
“Okay, and I’m sure Tom is completely capable of handling it on his own.” Link finally grabbed the phone from her hands, glancing at their conversation. “You’re unbelievable. He didn’t even text you, you were just being controlling and asking for updates.”
“It’s my patient! He should be sending me scans and keeping me informed.”
“Uh no...he should be doing the opposite of that because that’s what I asked him to do.” Link rolled his eyes and leaned back on the beach lounger. “Let it go, Amelia.” She sighed, looking out onto the beach and fixating on Scout who was building a sandcastle a couple meters away.
“He should have sun--”
“I’ve applied it twice in the time that you’ve been obsessing over your phone,” Link teased. “I thought this babymoon was going to destress you but maybe we just should’ve stayed home.” Amelia grinned at him as he beckoned for her to join him on his chair. She interlaced her fingers around the bottom of her bump and slowly moved to sit in his lap. “Man, you’re huge.” Link faked a struggle as she laid back on his chest.
“Shut up,” she laughed. “You're giving your seven month pregnant wife a little too much grief today.”
“Almost eight,” he ran a couple of kisses along her neck as clipped the salty curls out of her face that were getting tangled in the warm breeze. “Did you take your BP this morning?”
“Link,” Amelia groaned. “Can we just relax about everything for a bit?”
“You’re the one checking your phone constantly. The whole reason we’re taking time off from work is to try and get it down.”
“Don’t worry, Carina has made that very clear.” Amelia awkwardly crossed her arms over her swollen stomach and pouted. “It’s weird, I never had a single blood pressure issue with Scout.”
“Probably because you weren’t chasing around a two year old while working full time at the same time as growing a baby.”
“I don’t want to have the conversation about working less again. Mer works full time and she has three kids.”
“Fine,” Link sighed, running a hand through his shaggy hair. “I just want you both to be healthy.” He wrapped his arms around her abdomen, providing a bit of relief by pulling up a bit. “I don’t know how you carry this around all day,” he laughed.
“I haven’t moved from this seat in the last three days,” she leant her head back to meet his eyes. Link didn’t have Amelia’s naturally tanned skin and had gotten quite the sunburn on the first day. It had gotten better but his cheeks were still tainted crimson. Link grinned as her deep, blue eyes stared up at him and pressed a lingering kiss to her swollen lips. 
“Maybe we should move to California. I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a bikini all day.”
“Been there done that,” she laughed. “Addie would probably melt if we told her that she could actually see her godson on the daily.” 
“Jake’s a nice guy. I wouldn’t mind having them around often,” Link mused, glancing at Scout and giving him a wave.
“Dadda! I made a hospital in the sand!” Scout hollered. “For you and Mommy!”
“Good job, bud!” Link shouted back, shaking his head with amusement. “That boy is your son through and through.” Amelia grinned as she glanced at Scout, who was resembling her brother more and more every day.
“Does it bother you?” She teased.
“Not at all. The next one’s gonna be all me.” He soothed a couple of kicks that were beginning to flutter over her bladder.
“I need to get up and walk around or she’s going to get restless,” Amelia sighed, placing a hand over his. “This one is going to be hyperactive for sure.” Link ginned, nodding and picked up the newspaper beside him as Amelia put on a straw hat and sunglasses and strolled over to their son.
“Hi Mama,” Scout babbled, handing her a shell. “I finded this for you.”
“Thanks, baby,” Amelia smiled, opening her palm towards him. “We can add it to the collection.” Scout had insisted on giving Amelia almost every shell he’d found on the beach. The “collection” consisted of almost a hundred pieces of shells, barnacles and sea glass at this point. “Can we go see auntie Addie again tonight?” Scout asked absentmindedly, digging a hole with his pudgy hands.
“No bud, we’re going to visit Charlotte and Cooper this evening. We’ll see your auntie tomorrow though.” Scout let out a large sigh but nodded.
“Aw, look at ya!” Charlotte’s outstretched arms greeted the family from the doorway. “Come here.” She pulled Amelia into a gentle hug before kneeling down to Scout’s height and ruffling his dark brown curls. “Hey, mister. Want a popsicle?”
“Charlotte, you’ll ruin his dinner,” Amelia groaned but Scout was already squealing happily as Georgia led him into the kitchen.
“Look at you acting all motherly. I remember you basically smuggling Mason candy every time he came to the practice.”
“Is he here tonight?” Amelia asked.
“Nope, he went with Coop on the trip. They feel bad about not being able to see ya but we had no idea you were even coming.” 
“Our bad. It was all very last minute,” Link replied, breathlessly leaning over to give Charlotte an awkward hug while juggling a couple platters of appetizers.
“I wanted to help him bring stuff in.” Amelia rolled her eyes. “Apparently, I’m too fragile.”
“Fragile and Amelia Shepherd aren’t two words I would put together in a sentence often,” Charlotte joked, welcoming the couple into the entryway. “Addison mentioned that y’all were having a bit of a struggle with this pregnancy.”
“Oh, of course she did,” Amelia eyed Link with exasperation. “I’m fine, everyone’s been making such a big deal.” She grabbed one of the plates from Link’s hands spitefully and practically marched into the kitchen. 
“Well, isn’t she just a ball of delight,” Charlotte chuckled. “Come on in, Link. It’s nice to see you.”
Saying their goodbyes was hard as always. Amelia would do anything to try and convince Charlotte to come work at Grey Sloan and Charlotte would do anything to try and get Amelia to move back to California. Finally Scout’s grumpiness, as a result of his bedtime passing, meant that the couple had to leave and Amelia’s poor attempt to hold back tears failed as they finally got into the car.
“Hormones.” Both Link and Amelia said in sync as they met each other's gaze. Amelia craned her neck to peer back at Scout who was fast asleep in his carseat, soft snores coming from his mouth. They pulled into their hotel as the sun disappeared from the horizon. Amelia went to pull Scout out of his carseat out of habit before Link tugged her aside and picked their sleeping son up into his own arms.
“You got the hotel key?” He asked.
“Yeah,” she replied with a yawn.
“Tired, babe?” Link turned to glance back at his wife, who was waddling slowly behind him and tried to hide his amusement. Amelia nodded, catching up to him as Link slowed down. “Sounds like it's bedtime for everyone.”
“Apparently not,” Amelia groaned, rubbing the underside of her belly as the familiar flutters started back up again, receiving a sympathetic look from Link as she unlocked their hotel room. Link placed Scout carefully on the hotel’s king sized bed without a sound and began to fish through their suitcase. “His pjs are in my bag. I wasn’t sure if we were going to put him down at Charlotte’s or not.” She took off the heels that she heavily regretted wearing and rubbed her swollen feet.
“Probably would’ve been smart. Poor guy is exhausted.”
“We can sleep in. Flight’s not until one,” Amelia responded softly, brushing her son’s hair out of his face. Scout didn't even flinch, dead asleep.
“She still kicking?”
“Not as much anymore.” Amelia ghosted a hand over her abdomen. “Had me worried for a sec.”
“Don’t jinx it.” Link grinned, finally finding Scout’s pjs in Amelia’s bag and throwing them at her.
“No kidding.” She pulled their son’s popsicle covered t-shirt off and motioned for Link to run it under water in the sink before taking off the rest. Link came to sit beside her as she finished buttoning up Scout’s dinosaur onesie and rubbed her back gently.
“Can I take your BP now?”
“Link, I just want to go to bed,” Amelia sighed, leaning into his touch and closing her eyes.
“I know, babe. It’ll just take a second.” He grabbed the portable monitor from his suitcase and secured the strap around her arm. Link watched the screen intently as the strap inflated and began to deflate before the final number came up on the screen. “One twenty-nine over eighty.” He bit his nail, glancing up at her. “I mean it’s a bit better.” Amelia looked away, shaking her arm out of the band and trudged into the bathroom. “Amelia,” Link sighed, following her and waiting as she splashed water on her face before picking up her toothbrush.
“One twenty-nine over eighty is crap,” she mumbled, through a mouthful of toothpaste. “This whole thing is stupid. The more that people freak me out about numbers and bad outcome statistics and birth plans the more I get stressed.”
“Who’s talking to you about bad outcome statistics?” Link demanded with a hint of anger in his usually calm voice.
“Addie.” Amelia spat in the sink. “She’s worried about placental abruption. She thinks our best bet is C-section.”
“Okay, well Addie is not our doctor. Carina said that as long as we monitor you closely, a natural birth is completely safe.” Amelia shrugged, turning back into their bedroom. “I thought that’s what you wanted?”
“I want our baby to be safe,” Amelia affirmed. “I think Addie should do it.”
“Carina is perfectly capable of delivering. She’s been through this with us the entire time. She knows your condition better than anyone and Scout turned out okay,” Link pressed, watching Amelia trace a protective hand along her bump absentmindedly. She glanced up at him, seeming to give into exhaustion.
“Can we talk about this tomorrow?” She begged.
“Yeah.” Link nodded, giving in to his tired wife. “Of course we can. Let’s get you to bed.” He unbuttoned her dark blue dress that complimented her eyes perfectly and unclasped her bra before handing her one of his oversized t-shirts.
“My boobs are huge,” she complained, crawling into bed.
“I know. You were in a swimsuit with me all day,” he teased, undressing until he was in his boxers and slipping into bed beside her. “Hey,” he chuckled, as he received a pathetic slap from a pillow. “I wasn’t complaining.”
“My pregnancy with Scout was so easy.” She shook her head, trying to think back to if her ankles were the size of grapefruits back then.
“You were probably just distracted by all the drama,” Link joked. “I remember some good complaints. The braxton hicks were bad.”
“I don’t have anything to compare those to yet,” Amelia nuzzled her head into Scout’s who was lying fast asleep in between the couple and yawned.
“Go to sleep,” Link’s hand found her hair and he ran his fingers along her scalp gently. “My babies all need rest.” Amelia nodded, slowly nodding off to the soothing effect of Link’s fingertips and the crashing of the waves from outside their hotel room.
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topazy · 2 years
Inside, outside
Pairing: 10k x reader, Addy Carver x sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, character death, violence, mentions of blood
Chapter: 3.08
You smile, looking into 10K’s eyes as he brushes strands of hair out of your face, tucking them behind your ear. Even though you were currently being kept in a lab by Murphy's armed zombie minions, you were happy.
The real 10k was standing in front of you; you’d finally got your boyfriend back.
“I have so many questions,” his voice interrupts your thoughts. “What happened between you and Addy?” 10K puffs out his cheeks when you frown at the question. “There’s a tension between you, and Addy. I can tell it’s eating you up.”
“She thought you were dead and wanted me to stop looking for you, and I didn’t agree,” you shrug.
10k folds his arms, and leans back against the wall, raising his brows for you to continue.
You couldn’t help but momentarily smile, he always knew when you were holding back. “We are just different, you know? Addy gives up and runs away from things. She left Mack and joined a cult; she wanted to leave when she thought you’d drowned. She called me delusional and kept making me feel crazy for thinking—knowing you were still alive, which I can almost understand, but she didn’t even say anything when she found out you were alive.”
10k gives you a sympathetic look, knowing what thoughts are spinning inside your head. “Astra… Addy would never leave you behind, and neither would I.”
“I know you wouldn't. But she’s already left me before. Who’s to say she wouldn’t do it again?”
Yawning, you lean against the side of the car door, just taking a moment to adapt to your new surroundings.
Maybe it was finally being reunited with 10K or the lack of sleep had finally caught up with you, but the moment your head touched the headrest when you sat beside 10K in the car he was driving, you fell asleep and it became obvious to the world around you.
When you awoke, you saw 10k sitting on the hood of the car. He looked terrible, his skin was clamy, and he'd turn a ghostly pale color.
You roll down the window and say, “Hey, Tommy?” Your voice attracts the attention of 10k, red, and 5k who continually glared at you. “Do you want me to drive for a bit, so you can get some rest?”
His blank facial expression turned into one of amusement. “Yeah right,” he laughs. “I’d be less scared with a horde of Z’s chasing me than you getting behind the wheel.”
As he gets back into the driver's seat, you place your hand on your chest, feigning offense. “I have been shot, stabbed, strangled, and kidnapped, but that hurt.”
A genuine grin spreads across 10K’s sweaty face. He leans over to kiss you but stops when Red and 5K climb into the back seats. The brunette smiled at you and said, “It sounds like you two have had some adventures together.”
“You could say that,” 10k said, before looking directly at 5k. “Have you ever seen a zombified plant before?”
5K crooned like a bird in response. Although it wasn’t verbal, you assumed it was a no.
Your eyes widen at the memory, “batch 47. God, I forgot all about it and how it tried to eat Murphy.”
“Back it up!” Red lunged forward with a look of confusion on her face. “A plant tried to eat Murphy?”
You explain the full story, from the crazy scientist to the bounty hunters turning up. You mainly smiled throughout telling the story, until you reached the end. “I never actually went inside to try and kill it. My leg was injured at the time, so I stayed outside with Vasquez.”
Red tilts her head to the side and asks, “Who’s Vasquez?”
10k placed his hand on the back of yours as you answered, “He was our friend, and a good man.”
Although you and Vasquez didn't agree on much during your time together, he did become a friend to you. And he deserved a hell of a lot better than what happened to him.
“Ouch!” You wince, feeling the skin on the back of your hand being pinched. “What the hell, Tommy?”
10K suddenly starts to lose consciousness, and his grip on your hand weakens. You grab hold of the steering wheel with one hand and begin blasting the horn with the other, letting Warren, who’s driving in front of you, know something is wrong.
“Sun Mei! He’s breathing funny!” You call out as soon as Warren stops the vehicle she’s driving in front of you. “His heart is racing and he’s burning up.”
You and Red had moved 10K in the back of the car, so he lay down. Sun Mei leans over him. “Given all the chemicals pumped into his bloodstream, this could be anything.”
You push his top to the side at his neck to look at his bullet wound and notice how inflamed it is. “Do you think it could be this?”
Sun Mei gets a better look and nods, “It’s infected.”
“What if he turns?” Red wonders aloud.
The question makes your skin crawl. You shake your head. “He can't. He’s a blend. Blends can’t turn.”
You and Sun Mei continue to fuss over 10k until Warren interrupts you. She gives you an apologetic look. “We've got to keep moving. Red you drive, Sun Mei stay here with 10K and Astra…” She struggles to find the right words to say to you. “I know this looks bad, but our boy is tough. He'll get through this. You need to be strong for him.”
You nod, understanding that she still needed to push forward. The newest mission was to save Lucy from ‘the man’ who was chasing her down. Why? You weren’t entirely sure, but you assumed they had found out she was Murphy's daughter.
When you reach the outside of your next location, Warren gives you orders to stay behind and protect 10K, Sun Mei, and 5K while they go ahead and check that the area is clear.
As you lean against the hood of the vehicle, you hear a crunching noise and point your gun in the direction of the noise, but quickly lower it when you realise it’s only 5K. “Sorry, I thought it was a Z trying to sneak up on me.”
He remained silent and just stared at you blankly. When 10k groans in pain, you scrunch your eyes shut for a moment. Once again, you've found yourself in a situation where someone you love is suffering and you are unable to help them.
When you open your eyes again, you notice that 5k is still staring at you. He was incredibly hard to read, but you recognised the look on his face. He was worried. “So red, is she like a big sister to you?”
The boy nodded and made a crowing sound.
“I get it. I have a big sister called Addy. I worry about her all the time, even when I’m mad at her,” you say, offering him a small smile. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you need to worry. Red seems pretty badass, and I’m sure she can handle herself.”
A small smile appears on 5k’s face before he nudges his head in the direction of the painful moans. It was clear to you that your boyfriend had made some kind of impact on the kid. You thought it was sweet. “He’s in good hands. Sun Mei is a real doctor. She’ll be able to help.”
You weren’t sure if you were saying that to comfort the young boy or yourself.
As you and Red helped 10k walk through a concrete building built on a cliff's edge, you experience a range of emotions. You were overjoyed when Warren returned with Doc, but he had no idea where your sister was, and 10K was getting worse.
“Sun Mei,” your tone is full of dread, as 10k finally gives into his exhaustion and slides to the ground with his back against the wall.
The doctor rushes over and presses her fingers against his neck. “He’s dying.”
You glare at Murphy as he crouches down beside her, studying the scene in front of him. “I saved him once, I can do it again.”
When Murphy leans forward to bite 10k, you put your blade underneath his neck and say, “no.”
He backs up and tells Sun Mei, “There’s no alternative.”
“If he turns…” your voice begins to shake with rage. “If he ends up anything like Cassandra did in the end, I will make your life a living hell, Murphy. All of this is your fault.”
“I’m not the one he keeps taking bullets for,” he hits back, his voice laced with sarcasm.
Warren and Doc reappear before you have a chance to reply. Doc informs you he’s found a place for 10K to hide while they continue to look for Lucy. Warren looks at 10k, concerned. “Can we move him?”
Sun Mei shakes her head, “it’s a risk. His pulse is erratic.”
“I can feel him slipping,” Murphy adds.
“Don’t bite him,” Red says quietly.
“Whoa!” Warren's eyes widened in surprise at the brunette's comment. “Nobody is biting anybody. All right?” She looks directly at 10K. “We’re going to get you somewhere safe and keep you hidden. Lucy’s our top priority. We’ll deal with you when we come back. Stay with us.”
You help 10K to his feet again and begin to follow Doc to the place to hide him. You push the reality of losing your boyfriend again so far back in your mind that you hardly fear it. He’s not going to die. You're not going to lose him.
You stroke 10k’s hair as his head lays against your lap, watching his breathing become more staggered. You blink away tears that are forming in your eyes and face Sun Mei, “Can you help him?”
She shakes her head. “The best guess, after analysing Murphy’s file, is that we have to kill 10k in order to save him.”
After all the crazy shit you’d heard and seen since the apocalypse began, you were willing to listen to what the doctor had to say, unfortunately, not everyone did. Red looked at you horrified. “You’d seriously let them do this?”
“I’d do absolutely anything to save him, even if it meant killing him first.”
Sun Mei looks up at Murphy, who looks confused. “What are you staring at me for?”
“I studied your medical records, and all the data indicates that you flatlined on the table after the zombies attacked you... you died four years ago.”
Murphy’s eyes have the same glint of fear in them from when you first met him. “I’m dead?”
“Technically, yes.”
He scoffs, “And I’ve been dead this whole time?”
“Correct. You’re dead.” She turns to face you. “And if we’re going to save 10k, he needs to die too.”
Murphy is in denial and starts rambling nonsense. “How do you know we aren’t all dead? And this isn’t some elaborate dream on our way to oblivion?”
Warren walks over to him and slaps him hard across the face, asking, “Did you feel that?”
“Yeah! I felt that!”
“Then you're not dreaming,” she says, clicking her tongue. “What do you need us to do?”
Sun Mei sighs, “Somebody needs to kill 10k.”
Warren and Murphy answer at the same time, “I’ll do it.”
“Walk us through it one more time,” you say as a tear rolls down your cheek.
“Choke, die, bite, and inject. In that order.”
Your voice breaks as you look down at him. “I'm really sorry, Tommy. I can't let you die, not for real anyway.”
You press a kiss to 10k’s temple and move to let Warren into the space you were in seconds before. She starts to tighten his bandana around his neck, getting ready to choke him. “If I do this for you, baby boy, you come back to us, okay?”
You let out a sob as he gasps for air while Warren chokes him. You know the plan wouldn’t work and he’d never survive if he didn’t die first, but it was horrific to watch. You flinch when you feel a comforting hand on your shoulder, a hand that’s connected to Murphy’s body.
The second 10K stops breathing Murphy bites him, and then Sun Mei injects him with the serum.
You tense up when he doesn’t move. You try to shake him awake, “no, no, no, Tommy. Tommy, come on, you need to come back to me.”
After trying and failing to wake him up, Warren pulls you into her and tries to sooth you as your body physically starts to shake. “He’s not waking up, Warren, he’s not waking up. Why isn’t he waking up?”
It’s because he’s not sleeping.
When Red and Sun Mei both begin to cry, you realise that there's no hope left, he’s not coming back. You wipe your eyes, “someone needs to tell Doc.”
“I'll go,” Sun Mei says as she walks away to inform Doc, who is keeping an eye on 5K in another room.
Suddenly 10k lets out a loud gasp and springs forward, grabbing Murphy by the collar of his shirt, “you are not my Savior.”
Murphy looks a mixture of frightened and relieved. “Thank god for that.”
Before 10k even knows what's happening, you’ve thrown your arms around him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You're alive, you're alive.”
“I am?”
You open your eyes and look over his shoulder to see Doc walking into the room. “Doc, he’s alive!”
Doc nods his head and blinks back what are now tears of joy. You look over at Sun Mei and mouth ‘thank you,’ before pulling back from 10K and finally letting others hug him.
Standing up, you lock eyes with Murphy. You wipe your fallen tears away, knowing you need to thank him as well, because for once he did the right thing. He saved someone's life without asking for anything in return. It was the bare minimum for most and a big step for Murphy. “I never thought I’d say this, but thank you for saving him.”
“I told you before that the apocalypse brings out the best and worst in people. I've seen you both risk your lives for each other countless times, I couldn't let it be for nothing.” He takes a step back, his face twisting in concern. “Something is going on with Lucy. I can feel it. We need to hurry.”
“Astra, stay here and protect them!” Warren calls as she follows after Murphy, along with Sun Mei and Doc.
“You know I’ve been wondering something,” 10k says loud enough for only you to hear. “After I was shot and you went through my bag to put my stuff in with yours, what-”
Your face lights up before he can even finish his question, “the note.”
His cheeks flush slightly. “I... should have told you in person how much I love you, because I really do. I’m in love with you, Astra.”
“I’m in love with you too.” You lean forward and press a soft kiss to his lips. When you pull back and pull the note out of your zipped up pocket, you say, “I never actually read it the first time. Addy read it to me,” and you chuckle at the memory. “It feels so surreal thinking of it all now, it feels so long ago.”
“I’m still confused. You never did tell me what happened after I got shot, and how Vasquez split… also, the last we saw Escorpion, he was being fed to Z’s.”
“About ten minutes after the CDC left, the zeros appeared, surrounded us inside the diner with their own army of Z's, and all hell broke loose,” you smile as Red and 5k, who had been listening, sit down beside you. “La Renia tried to kill Warren so I stabbed her in the back of the head. Hector then saved us from a zero. Vasquez was going to kill him but he never did, but he decided to stay behind. I tried to get him to leave but he was a total asshole about it.”
10k shook his head and laughed. “I wouldn’t have expected anything else.”
When your eyes meet, you share a look that silently says you both know what you need to do. 10k stands up at the same time as you do. He looks at the brunette and says, “You guys should wait here where it’s safe. We’ll come back for you.”
“Where are you going?” Red asks, sounding alarmed.
“We need to go help save our friends.”
You reach your friends on the edge of the cliff just as gunshots reach out. You instinctively push 10K behind you, fearful that one of the bullets will strike him. But neither of you falls. You look around and notice Warren, Doc, and Murphy both laying on the ground, and you see a now child-sized Lucy being carried away by a man.
“Lucy!” You take off running after them, but they are too far away for you to catch up with them.
A large aircraft hoovers above the cliff, and at the same time, you spot another figure running in the direction of Lucy and the man as well. Addy. Your sister notices you and smiles at you, then yells something that sounds like ‘I love you’ before tackling the man over the cliff, killing them both.
A pain rips through your body that you’ve never felt before. You let out a gut-wrenching scream as your legs gave out beneath you. 10k catches you before you hit the ground.
“Addy!” Lucy cries out before jumping down after her.
Red is speechless as 5k runs and jumps off the cliff. You finally move your gaze from the edge of the cliff and notice Doc is sitting up, but Murphy and Warren both remain on the ground and are bleeding out.
“We need to go,” 10k whispers into your ear, but you're unable to move.
Your body feels physically numb as you look up at the aircraft that’s now directly above you.
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