#10k fandom
topazy · 2 years
Inside, outside
Parings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver x sister reader
Warnings: Violence
Chapter: 4.07
“The flower crown you made for Lucy was beautiful. You should wear one like that when you get married.”
You smile politely at Sarge as she stands beside you. You didn’t know much about her aside from the fact that she was in the military and was badass with a gun. You, Sarge, and 10k kept watch while Doc and Warren tried to fix the vehicle that had just broken down on the road in the middle of nowhere.
“Do you think you’ll tie the knot anytime soon?” Sarge asks.
You gulp down the liquid, still feeling the uncomfortable dryness in the back of your throat from crying. A half hour earlier, you had said your goodbyes to Lucy, and Doc’s moving words about her had brought everyone to tears. It didn’t feel right to talk about something so joyful while everyone was still in mourning. “Probably not for a while,” you sigh. You look at the road ahead and notice Murphy stamping on a Z’s head. “Oh god.”
Warren looked at him concerned. “I know he's grieving, but that’s not a good way to deal with it.”
You nod in agreement. Murphy was never a fighter; he usually ran away from danger, so for him to take on a Z one-on-one was extremely stupid. He was going to get himself or someone else killed.
Noticing Murphy walking back towards the car, you pretend to be on the lookout again, knowing full well he’d caught you staring. He had an anger on his face that you’d never seen before.
You jumped when Warren slammed the hood of the vehicle down. “Okay, let’s go, gang.”
You sit in the back of the truck in silence watching the greenery start to disappear as Warren drove closer to a small abandoned looking town.
You roll your eyes when you hear the familiar rumble of 10K’s stomach. You rummage in your backpack and pull out a pack of dried fruit and nuts and toss them to him. He raises his brows and opens his mouth to protest, but you cut him off.
“Take it, we have enough to last a couple of days.”
He doesn't respond with words but slowly opens the packet and offers everyone else some of the rations. When nobody else wants any 10K, he eats a handful of the rations before putting the rest of the packet into his pocket.
Murphy finally talks for the first time since his daughter's funeral. He looks around confused, “What’s that?”
You're cut off by the sound of a woman screaming for help. Warren tells Doc to keep driving, but Murphy yells for him to stop and jumps out the back of the truck.
“Murphy, wait!l You call him worried. This could be a trap.”
Warren shakes her head and tries to talk to Murphy, but he mumbles something and keeps on walking. You share a look with Doc before he motions for the rest of you to follow as well.
You catch up with Murphy and walk around the corner and towards an abandoned-looking building. Do looks at it in surprise and asks, “Well, what in the hell do we have here? The world's saddest carnival?”
“This isn’t like any carnival I went to growing up.”
10k scrunches his nose and says, “Mad Z's. Four, no, five.”
You spot the Z’s when you reach the fence leading into the grounds. Five Z’s were reaching up to the ferry's wheel, where a woman was trapped. “Is she alive or dead?”
“Can’t tell. Now who would do that to a woman?” Doc lets out a noise of disgust. “I tell you, it’s not the zombies that make the apocalypse suck; it’s the damn humans.”
The woman lets out a groan for help. The way she slurred her words made it obvious she was drunk or high. Her bare legs were covered in dirt and dried blood like most people's, but the fake tears drawn around her eyes with black paint were unusual and unsettling.
“Hang on!”
You grab hold of Murphy's jumper, pulling him back as he attempts to climb the fence. If he went straight into the Z's, that would kill him. “Stop, we need to figure out a plan.”
“The plan is to save her!”
Before you could respond, the woman yelled out. “Help me! They tied me up and left me for the Z’s!”
Frowning, Murphy yells back. “Bastards. Who? Who did this to you?”
The yelling from your direction attracts the Z's, causing them to run in your direction. Thankfully, the fence stops them from getting to you.
Warren sighs, “Let’s get her down.”
Doc manages to lock three Zs inside a car while Murphy kills the other two.
While the Z’s were distracted, you and Sarge turned the wheel on and cut the woman loose from the plastic handcuffs, stopping her from escaping. The moment you reached her, the smell of whisky and urine filled your nostrils, making you feel like throwing up.
Once the woman was safely down, Murphy approached her and began talking to her. You watch as Sarge pulls a face while walking by her.
Doc leans into you. “I bet she’s not washed since the apocalypse started.”
Suddenly, loud music comes from the shack-like building you thought was abandoned. You reach for your gun but lower it when nobody comes out of the building. The woman tells your group a broken story of how she was left on the wheel, two of her friends were killed, and her son was inside. All of this angered Murphy.
“I’m putting an end to this!” Murphy says before waving a crowbar in the air.
You wanted to tell him it was a terrible idea to barge inside the building, but he wouldn’t have listened. Warren tries to stop him. “Murphy, don’t do this.”
“I’ve had enough, all right!” He snaps back. “Who’s coming with me?”
“Now, Murphy, I know you’re hurting, but this will not bring Lucy back. Or Red, Addy, Sun Mei, 5k, or any of them.”
You and 10k share a knowing look at the mention of your sister. Neither of you had mentioned the last time you saw her to the rest of the group, despite it weighing heavily on you.
A look of pain crosses Murphy's features before it is replaced by anger. “Neither will listening to you.”
“For once, I think he’s right,” 10k says before following him.
“This isn’t our fight.”
You can tell Warren is frustrated by the look on her face. “We can’t just do nothing,” you say softly. “We just aren’t those people.”
Knowing you're right, she bites down on her tongue and nods.
Your eyes trace the stuffed kids' toys hanging up that were covered in blood, making the hairs on your arms stand. Something about this place was off. Your fingers instinctively dig into 10k’s arm. You wanted to leave badly but couldn’t say it out loud. It would only add to the divide.
10k raises his brows, “You okay?”
“I’m fine…"This place is just creepy.”
“Does anybody else see the giant mushrooms?” Doc asks, alarmed.
You look over in his direction to see small wooden huts built in the shapes of mushrooms. “Yeah.”
“Oh, thank God, I thought I was having flashbacks.” The older man says it's causing you to chuckle. He points up towards the open window of the building and asks, “How many people do you think are in there?”
“It sounds like one hell of a party, so I’m going to say a lot.”
Sensing a presence behind him, 10k pulls out his knife and turns to stab the potential threat, but lowers his weapon when he sees Warren crouching down behind Murphy. She looks at him amused before her gaze moves to Murphy, “Don’t do this.”
“Go away, Warren. We got this.”
“This is not our fight. We saved the women. She’s going to be fine. Let’s go.”
Warren and Murphy go back and forth on whether your group should get involved or not. You, 10k, and Doc wanted to save this woman’s son without any violence; however, Murphy wanted to kill everyone inside the building, and Warren and Sarge wanted to leave.
“Her sun could still be in there. What if that was one of us?” 10k asks, backing up Murphy’s point.
“But it’s not,” Warren says, shaking her head. “We can’t save everyone.”
Hearing people laugh, you all hide behind a stall and watch as two drunk men with the same black face paint stumble over to a Z that was stuck in the ground to antagonize it. You watch as one of the men spills his drink repeatedly down himself as he sways, and a horrible thought fills your head. “The woman who was trapped never said her son was actually taken; she just said he was inside.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Murphy scoffs before standing up. “Let’s move.”
You duck to the ground as one of the drunk men spots you and begins firing. Murphy, 10k, and Doc run forward and begin to wrestle for the gun. “Warren, we need to help them, Warren!”
You click your fingers in front of her face to try and get her attention, but she’s lost in a trance. You spin back around to see a third man pointing a gun at you. You slowly move your head to look around and notice you are surrounded.
You stand inside the building, which looks like the inside of a circus tent that had been raided at gunpoint. The man who you assumed was in charge waited until all his freaky friends had joined before he began to talk. “Welcome to our humble home and dark carnival of mayhem.” He took a drink from his cup as his people cheered before he continued. “Let the games begin!”
You very quickly come to the conclusion that the carnival people, who refer to themselves as Zuggalos, are insane. They all have white and black faces pointed at you in a way that reminds you of bugs and forces you to get into positions to play games.
10k was strapped to a red and yellow wheel on the wall and spun it while they threw knives at him. Doc was attached to a painted wooden wall with his head stuck through it while they threw billiard balls at his face. Murphy was chained to a metal box rat, which shocked him at the push of a button. You were sitting on a small ledge as your legs dangled over a dunk tank that was full of musty green water.
The Zuggalo in charge forced Warren into playing a drinking game with her. You don’t pay much attention as your eyes keep flickering to a female Zuggalo that was pacing back and forth in front of you. She was weighing up different items in her hand before eventually throwing both of them at the X mark on the tank. One of them hits it, and you drop into the disgusting water.
Gagging, you pull yourself up and fling your head over the side of the tank, gasping for air. You’d accidentally swallowed some of the water, which left a vile taste in your mouth.
You briefly hear the Zuggalo challenge Warren to what sounds like a rap battle before the woman points her gun at you and forces you to climb back onto the ledge.
You lose count of how many times you've been dunked in the water before you feel something heavy in the bottom of the tank. Not being able to see what it is, you pick it up and realize it’s one of the billiard balls. You wanted to climb back onto the ledge of the tank, but instead, you jumped down and smacked the woman across the head with it hard enough to knock her to the ground. As she presses her hands to her now-bleeding head, you reach for her gun but are stopped by the man who had been ‘playing’ with Warren.
He drops to his knees and reaches for your hand, “You will be my Zuggalo queen.” The other Zuggalos begin to cheer. You give Warren a fearful look, but she subtly shakes her head, indicating that you should not argue. “You will be queen. I wish my mom was here to meet you.”
You notice that 10k and Doc have managed to escape, which gives you hope. You notice Warren telling them and Murphy something you can’t make out, but you imagine it was some kind of plan. A different female Zuggalo than before lunges towards you and grabs your damp sleeve, “Let’s get you ready for your big day.”
Remaining in your soaked clothing, you stood in front of the ‘groom,’ ready for the Zuggalo wedding. The female Zuggalo had painted the rest of your group's faces in the same face paint to match hers and she had put a large red and white checkered bow with cherries on it in your hair.
The Zuggalo officiant smiles creepily at Warren before starting the fake ceremony. “We are gathered here today to join this Zuggalo and this super hot Zuggalette in the enteral bonds of unholy matrimony, to join their two beating hearts.” You slapped his hand away as he attempted to place it on your chest. He glares at you before continuing, “If there is anyone who has cause why this union should not go forward, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, knowing exactly what is about to happen.
“I do! She's already engaged to me!” 10K attempts to get to you, but Warren and Doc hold him back as other Zuggalo reach for their guns that once belonged to people in your group.
You look at 10k and see tears of anger building behind him. You shake your head and mouth, “Stop it before you get yourself killed.”
He clenches his jaw and whispers something to Warren. Murphy suddenly calls out, saying the wedding is a shame, causing him to get zapped again; he falls forward in pain as the Zuggalo’s laugh.
“Do you really need to get married right away? Why not go on a couple of dates first?” Doc asks. “I know a great little spot, or better yet a home cooked meal and conversation would be nice as well.”
What the hell. You stared at Doc confused, trying to figure out what he was trying to do. It was obvious they weren’t just going to stop the wedding.
“Forever hold your piece!” The officiant says she grabbed at his genitals while laughing. “Through the sharing of beats, two lives have come together. We father to witness and celebrate, like our fathers before us, the grand family tradition; before gods, before devils, and before men, we share in the nuptial blood rite.”
“One second,” Warren says, interrupting. “Before this goes any further, I need to fix her bow. It's falling down.”
The Zuggalo nods and allows it.
Warren plasters a fake smile on her face and places the bow higher in your head while talking low enough only you can hear. “10k has gotten out. Be ready. When I say it’s time I want you to duck down and he will take them all out.”
You gulp down and nod. Resuming your place, you look out the window and notice 10k climbing onto the wheel with his sniper rifle.
“It is time for the ceremonial exchange of pinkies,” the officiant says, holding up bolt cutters. “Followed, of course, by the sharing of the bride!”
Your blood runs cold.
The Zuggalo’s cheer until a bullet lands in the officiant's stomach and another in a Zuggalo’s head at the same time three doors to the room burst open. The woman from before points her gun at the man standing beside you. She stares at you and gasps, “She’s so beautiful. My baby’s getting married?”
The woman, whose identity you know, is the mother of the crazy Zuggalo in charge, points her gun at Sarge, who entered with her.
You stand awkwardly between the mother and son in a different room that has no windows as they argue about who should be in charge of the Zuggalo’s and even go as far as bringing out their zombified husband and father.
You take this as your opportunity to back away toward all the places where Doc and Sarge were. Sarge whispers, “We are totally screwed. 10k won’t be able to help us if he can’t see us.”
You needed to get some of the Zuggalo’s outside if you wanted to give your group a chance to survive.
“Then he needs to see us,” you say, watching as the son pins his mom to the ground. “Give me ten seconds' head start.”
With all of the attention on the fight, you sneak out the door and wait outside until you hear Doc's voice. “Quick, the bride is getting away!”
You take that as your cue and run. A handful of Zuggalo’s run outside to try and find you. All of them fire in your direction, and one by one they get shot in the head.
“Tommy?!” You look around, confused, unable to see 10k anywhere. Hearing a thumb, you spin to see he’s jumped down from a hut and go to hug him, but stop so you don’t get him covered in the green mess that’s covering your clothes. “What’s our plan?”
He hands you a gun and says, “I found a couple of our weapons, so we—”
He’s cut off by Murphy, Doc, Sarge, and Warren running out the door. Murphy brushes by you and says, “This is bad even for us!”
“So what was the plan?” Sarge asks, keeping watch while you change into semi clean dry clothes behind a tree.
“10k was going to take them all out so we could escape,” you explain. 10k told you he’d spotted your weapons, so he told Murphy and Doc to distract the Zuggalos so he could get to them. You notice the strange expression in Sarge’s face and ask, “What?”
Sarge swallows thickly, “sorry, I was just thinking.”
“What were you thinking about?” You ask, unsure of why she looks so taken aback.
“That he must love you a lot.” Now it was your turn to be taken aback, which made Sarge smile with amusement. “Come on, 10K was willing to take all those people on to save you. You don’t do that for anything else other than love.”
You smile at her words before ditching your ruined clothes. “You're right, he loves me and I love him, but that's what you do. He would have done that for Doc, Warren, you, and hell, even Murphy.”
Her face flushes red. “Oh, I don’t—it’s not the same for me.”
It made you sad that Sarge didn’t feel as if she was fully a part of the group.
You nudge her with your elbow playfully as you make your way back towards the vehicle everyone else was waiting in. “Like it or not, Lilly, you're now a part of a very dysfunctional family.”
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brawnie · 6 months
*grabbing mlm shippers by the shoulders* guys nobody needs to be the twink. nobody needs to be the sub. nobody needs to be the femboy. they can both be big fat hairy men who bask in each others masculinity or they can both be unspeakable monstrous creatures with inhuman genitalia it’s okay I’m holding your hand. Let me show you the way
68K notes · View notes
sing-you-fools · 1 year
me: this is a background character who's in one scene, has two lines, and is completely irrelevant to the rest of the story. i am going to stop obsessing over what to name him and use the random name generator on behindthename.com. i am going to accept the first thing it gives me and move the fuck on.
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tetriminas · 10 months
dating Miles Edgeworth headcanons (Miles Edgeworth x fem reader)
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He leaves you for a man
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actualaster · 2 months
Everybody always talks about "oops the fic was longer than it was meant to be"
But shoutout to my fellow "can't/can rarely write a multichap/anything longer than 5k or so max, often way less" writers who just can't seen to stop their fic from being shorter than intended.
Anyway longform and shortform writing are different skillsets and while fandom often only cares about, appreciates, and praises the former, I always love you, fellow shorter fic writers. A drabble is a challenge, and not every story needs to be 30k+. Shorter fics are amazing.
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hyenaslime · 1 year
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try the world famous cheasels!
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valeriapryanikova · 2 years
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don't be fooled by their cool looks they are actually just a bunch of buffoons :D
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destinationtoast · 2 years
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A concise description of Goncharov, for anyone as confused as I was when I first awoke.
There are as of now 19 AO3 fics in the Goncharov (1973) fandom... when I checked a couple hours ago, there were only five.
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smuttyaf · 4 days
Mr. Brightside
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𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰; 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬.
wc: 4.2k | part one
breeding k!nk
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“What are you up to?”
It’s a simple question, one that you should have the answer to immediately — one that should be rolling off your tongue within a few seconds, but it doesn’t.
In through one ear and out the other, it slips through your mind the question at hand with the following actions partaking in your position right now. With vision trailing closed, a pleasant hum leaves your throat while tongue slithers out to wet bruised flesh, you nearly forget what you’re doing as Harry is fit between your legs.
His lips suck your swollen glands in his mouth, muscle sliding amongst jittery ball of nerves that has your chest stutter at the lewd motions. Shaky fingers feel over cotton sheets as they draw down the expanse of it to cradle themselves in untamed curls.
The questionable voice on the other end of the line makes another subconscious hum float into the space. Your lips part, shoulders going slack with toes curling in; how did you manage to even get here?
“Just ah… catching up on—” The hand holding your phone carries itself away from your ear as Harry’s tongue prods gently against your needy hole, making a pitiful whine escape. “Fuck.”
Teeth bite into your flesh hungrily, lashes peeling your vision open with fingers tugging away on his strands of brown locks. This is so wrong, absolutely diabolical but it’s even worse that you like it.
It all happened so fast; one moment you were reading with feet mindlessly tussling with Harry’s to soon answer the bombarding call of your boyfriend. It’s not unusual for Reid to call and check-in, he’s done it before it’s practically part of your routine, but that doesn’t mean that Harry wouldn’t be annoyed by it.
At first it started with double checks in your direction, the obvious look of “hurry and end the call” written all of his features, but Harry never understood that it was not that easy to immediately get off the phone with him. So, as Reid listed off the many clients he met today to what he had for lunch, it was only right for him to close the unattended book in your lap and slide it amongst the bedside table, his hands soon scooping your waist in his hold as he pulled you down the bed.
It was innocent, at least that’s what you thought. His touch pushing your thighs higher up amongst your body to the point your knees lie into your chest. His gaze haunting as you lightly laughed into the phone at whatever joke was said.
In Harry’s mind you shouldn’t be laughing at something that didn’t come from him, and frankly it was pissing him off that Reid was cutting into his alone time with you. And yes, by now he knows; he’s heard it all before. Being with someone in a relationship wasn’t for the weak-hearted, not for anyone built with insecurities, and at first Harry had it down pack, he didn’t care for your boyfriend, he was annoyed by his presence and stupid jokes (who wouldn’t be) which is why he made sure to make a good impression on you the first time.
Yes, you…
Sweet smile and the irresistible aroma of vanilla. Since being introduced in the friend group Harry knew he had to have you and he didn’t care if Reid stood in his way.
It’s why he made his move on you so long ago, why you’re pressed beneath him right now - your once adorable laughter being caught in your throat as Harry pressed himself into you. Half hard bulge sinking into the fat lips of your pussy stretched in such a position from your leggings that you inhale an uneasy breath, vision looking between his heavy-lidded eyes and growing cock.
“You alright? What happened?” He asked because such sudden pause in laughter leaves the call feeling ominous, confusion completely flooding his tone.
“I-It’s nothing… just stubbed my toe.” The first lie falling from your lips as hand went towards the band of his joggers, the gentle shove you do means nothing to him as Harry takes them to hold.
“Oh! Ouch!”
Innocence flew out the window that very moment, but it’s hard to think it was ever there. Shallow breaths escape watching closely to the way he trails up the expanse of your torso, body leaning in closer allowing his cock to rub amongst your pussy rougher than before. Harry’s nose softly dragged down the underside of your throat as your intertwined feet now run along his calves.
His lean body pressed amongst yours and fit himself into your laxed frame as if puzzle pieces made to fit. You shouldn’t have been turned on right then, should’ve pushed him away again and told him another time… but you just couldn’t, not when your walls begin to swell and pulse against his covered bulge.
From whispered words running across skin to gentle touches pulling away clothes, it all resulted in the circumstance you’re in right now; Harry proudly thrusting his tongue into your pussy. Cherry red and glistening with spit, he lied amongst his stomach with eyes closed and nails scratching into skin purely in love with the taste of you. The scent and arousal being expelled is his absolute favorite; it’s fresh yet ripe, such a distinct specific pheromone that leaves him enraptured by the fact you’re ovulating.
His wet muscle nuzzles itself lucidly between soiled walls. The seedy texture nurturing the fixated trance you have over him; creamy fluid spreading amongst taste buds overthrown by how delicious you are. It’s why he moans against you with brows pushing together. Maybe he should quiet down, stop his hums of pleasure from filling the space but he can’t, not when you’re fertile and dripping with the need to be stuffed.
“Catching up on…”
“The Bear.”
It comes out in a whispered rush, droozy and tired. It makes Reid's face twist in confusion, his familiar irritated huff rings throughout the speaker making you roll your eyes open. You know you’re not making this situation any better, not even trying to hide how out of breath you sound but it’s hard trying to keep your voice flat with the way Harry is eating you out.
“I thought we were watching it together?” He grumbles, clearly annoyed, but you didn’t care.
Harry’s tongue runs itself messily over your hole, his own sight peeling open as his touch drags down your thighs spreading them open further. He adjusts his position, the wings of his back flexing beautifully as he leans up — messy curls and possessive vision looking over your glistening plump lips — letting a tear drop of spit fall across an irritated clit.
Would it be suspicious if you end the call right now? Because you’re sure it wouldn’t be as bad as the heavy panting you’re doing over the phone.
Teeth dig into flesh, sight looking over Harry leaning in and letting his tongue flatten against your lips to catch the fluid and run it back over your pussy. His hand situated along your pelvis draws down to meet his mouth and begins playing with your clit, further adding more pleasure to the already immersed feeling.
“W-We…” Voice halting as your lips part at Harry lapping over your swollen hole again. “We are… I just wanted to rewatch it, catch up.” Hopefully saving yourself as your words wobble in hesitation.
“Babe, are you sure you’re okay?” Reid asks just as Harry’s tongue thrust back in with heavy motions of his thumb quickening in paste. He was breaking you down in every imaginable way and all you could do was accept the fate crawling up your feet.
His grip held you onto the bed, mouth penetrating your drenched cunt as you tried to bite back your whimpers. Harry was more turned on than you could imagine; having his way with you while your boyfriend is listening, not knowing about what’s partaking in the background. It turns him on knowing he touches and licks parts he no longer has access too, how he can fuck you and send you home to him like it’s nothing.
“Are you coming down with something?” He questions once more which drags you out of the lucid feelings beginning to overcome you. Lashes flutter open your vision, consciousness finally coming back with the eery shivers of your orgasm pulsing through your pelvis.
“No, baby. I’m fine.” You manage to say with the straightest voice. Your chest draws in as thighs tighten around Harry’s head, the fingers that once ran through his hair trail down his neck lightly scratching the hickies blossoming along the surface trying to hold onto a sliver of hope.
“The show is just stressing me out,” Breath falling across the screen as pins of pleasure begin to prickle up your spine. “But, what are you doing now? Didn’t you just get off work?”
The little inch of self-control left disappears as nails sink deeper into skin and chest blossoms red while empty moans escape. Right foot twitching, thighs quivering around curls, and spine flexing into duvet allowing the feelings to consume every motion that once rebelled against such feelings finally barreling through.
And as Reid continues going on his daily tangent about how he woke up this morning to the annoying client he had today, your eyes remain close and head buried into the pillow. Hips rotating against Harry’s mouth that slobbers and slurps your orgasm leaking through. If you weren’t so incoherent at the moment you would’ve told him to keep the noise down, but you’re too in love with this feeling — in love with him — to even tell him to stop.
Tongue continuously laps over swollen hole, lips sucking your throbbing one’s into his mouth as his own eyes flutter from the delicious way you taste to the sight of you holding yourself back. It’s such a divine sight; nipples erect, perky and well rounded, chest red with pleasurable irritation and neck straining trying to not let moans escape. Harry can’t help the way his own hips runt into the sheets finding minimal satisfaction in the position he’s in.
“Then, babe, you wouldn’t believe what happened-”
But, you don’t care. Not even a slither of your attention is given to him as thumb continues to run across your clit in slow circles. It has you swallow hesitantly, lungs nearly gasping for air as your waist pulls back. Your mind was in the gutter allowing Harry to eat you out while on the phone with your boyfriend. Your body has completely surrendered and been claimed by him that it didn’t matter who was on the other line and if he could even hear the exchange going on right now, nothing matters at this moment but your climax racking through leaving twitching tremors to rake throughout.
It was hard to not let a tiny whine escape, bruised fat parting eerily as Harry’s wet muscle ventures up the expanse of your pussy. Split ends tickle inner thighs as warm breath runs over blushing skin, his touch peels away from your trembling waist as they draw up your body. Soft moist sponges of love trail up your chest to pepper along your neck drawing you back to consciousness.
“Pussy so perfect.” Harry slurs drunk from the taste of you. He’s intoxicated and will do anything to have all your focus on him. “Gonna fuck you baby, I know you’re begging for it.”
Erect cock sinks along your pelvis making you whimper against the blade of his shoulders. Heavy lidded eyes look up at the ceiling to the ringlets floating in your vision. Just as much as he was infatuated with you, are you to him; heart singing a heavenly tune, legs wrapping around his waist to fingers dragging along his stomach. The feelings that ignite and pulse through your veins at just the simple feel of him running down your skin was an electric passion that had you hooked on him from the very beginning.
“Want me to fill you up?” He breathes into your ear as his arms shuffle by your head. His own cranes away to look over your face, how glossy your eyes are with arousal and teeth fitting along fat flesh. It’s that sight alone that he presses his lips amongst yours; both slouching amongst the other and french kissing as if wanting to devour each other again.
“Y/N, what the fuck is that noise?”
Eyes pop open in surprise, immediately you pull away with hand tearing the phone away from your ear sending Harry a concerned look.
“You think I give a fuck?” His words falling over your face with the end of his lip turning up into a smile. It shouldn’t arouse you, but look at the predicament you’re already in, obviously it turns you on more than you’d like to admit and maybe you need to start coming to terms with that.
“This pussy belongs to me.” Harry affirms as gaze flickers from your pouty lips to full breasts on display. He sits up on his knees, vision still stuck on your body and how sexy you look below him that he doesn’t hesitate to slap your tit obnoxiously earning a giggle from you.
“What the fuck, Y/N?”
“Oh my god Reid, it’s nothing. I’m just eating strawberries?”
Another laugh escapes as Harry rolls his eyes at your excuse, it’s a shitty one but it’s all you have at the moment with the way his cock lies along on your stomach.
“Jesus, go on mute then.”
“Yeah whatever, whatever. What else were you saying?”
Stirring the conversation away, you watch Harry drink in your appearance with hands feeling over your body. Tongue escapes to wet your lips as you raise up on your elbows, hand lifting the phone away from ear to put it on mute before you throw it onto the bed.
“Done playing games?” Harry questions as he takes himself into his hands, thighs shuffling amongst the bed to pat his cock along your puffy folds.
“Mhmm… want you to fuck me.” Spreading your legs wider as sight doesn’t stop looking at how thick he is.
“Yeah… you liked me eating your pussy while you're on the phone?” Words initiating a low whimper from your throat as your head nods along to answer. That look alone has the crown of his cock rest before your hole.
“Love my dick more than your boyfriend’s, huh?” He continues to egg on as he buries himself into his favorite place. He didn’t need an answer from you because the sight before him was already enough; heaving chest, brows frustratedly pushed together and cheeks all red and rosie. He's in love.
“Tell me baby, I wanna hear you.”
“Yes, Harry. Fuck.” A deep breath escapes your lungs as you look up at him, one hand situated along the duvet as the other runs down his tattoo arm. His beauty still captivates you till this day with the way he leans over and fits himself on top of you. His hair falling across your forehead while his big hands hold your body into the mattress. You’ll never get used to this beautiful sight. “Love your cock so much.”
Harry takes pride in those words. Your wet pussy surrounds him with tight walls stretching all over his pulsing dick. It drapes love all over him knowing your body and words correlate together always giving him his favorite answer; it’s why he moans lowly. Hips drawing out to begin thrusting back in steadily, letting it imprint in your mind just how good he feels stretching you out. Thick, heavy, and pressing against your lips snuggly, he wants you mesmerized and fascinated by the way he fills you up.
“Gonna put a baby in you.” His deep voice fans across your temple while his hips continue to drum against yours. Such a comment allows an array of butterflies to swirl in your stomach.
Of course, Harry would say something that hot and possessive while he fucks you into the sheets. Lengthy girth collecting with creamy slick that begins to cascade down the expanse of him. It’s clear you want it, from the hesitation in your breath to the slow bat of your lashes, you’ll do anything to have his seed buried in you.
“Fill you up and make you mine forever.” Harry continues as his hands leaves their position to hike your thighs up higher on the bed letting him slip deeper into your pussy.
“Want you to take my seed, every last drop of it.”
“H… you’re so deep.”
Head bobbing relentlessly to the way he’s fucking you to the point your feet dangle in the air. Harry is fucking you vigorously; sight transfixed over your pleasure filled face to your breasts bouncing to each rough thrust. A hungry groan escapes Harry at just the look alone, how enthralled and delighted you look at just him filling you up this way.
“Yeah… you like my dick?”
“I love it baby, love your cock so much.”
Your vision looking at how fat lips spread each time his balls press against your pussy while he tags your cervix repeatedly. This feeling was making you absolutely delirious; mouth opening and closing constantly, heart pounding along rib cage as pussy throbs with each stroke. You swear every time he slips in you fall deeper into ecstasy.
This whole entire situation is a twisted fucked up one but you wouldn’t want it any other way. Being split in half by Harry as he lies on top of you letting you feel every inch and say the dirtiest things to put you over the edge. You might as well be in heaven being pounded the way you are.
“My dirty fuckin’ girl.” Harry mumbles as body now sounds against yours. Sweat begins to cascade down and slither into every inch of skin that radiates how heated both of you are.
You’re so wrapped up in Harry and how he’s plowing you into the sheets that you’ve completely forgot Reid was on the phone — and it’s obvious to him that you forgot too because he’s now ringing down your phone hoping you pick up again. The persistent vibration of his calls are felt on the other side of the sheets but they’re easily drowned out by your moans filling the air.
“S’good baby, fuck me so good.” You slur as eyes peel open slowly with hands running up your sides to touch where Harry is holding you down.
“Mm…” His head swaying into yours swiftly consumed by how wet you feel as if he’s underwater. “Jesus, your pussy is amazing.”
Immediately you moan at his words before letting your neck crane forward and have his lips slot along yours. Spit exchanging and twirling along tongues hold your attention more than Reid ever could that the repetitive hum of your phone going off every few minutes isn’t even heard by the sobbing puddle of arousal dripping from your sex.
The heavy drag of Harry’s cock drumming into your pussy leaves endless whimpers to breathe into his mouth. Pitiful and needy is all that emits; it’s what your aura is filled with and Harry can’t get enough of it. Pussy wet and squelching every time he sinks further and further into your sweet cunt that he loves so much.
“Sh-Sh-” Words being cut off as your sight rolls and head slips deeper into pillows. You're dizzy off how Harry can fuck you like this every single time. More desperate, more hungry, more addicted, you could only take so much for so long till you start succumbing to the pinches crawling up your toes and digging nails into skin.
“Can’t wait to see how swollen your tits get.” His breath falls across your lips hotly that you whimper in response. Head nodding as sight grows heavy, captivated by his lewd words only further coercioning your climax. “Pretty pussy so needy for cum.”
“Harry.” You cry out pathetically has he begins fucking you with long, rough strides.
Your chest glows with hunger, waist twitching as his grip tightens itself along your thighs as he goes to sit up. Abdomen flexing, tattoos shining and body pouncing into yours; Harry is so hot — undeniably hot — and when he fucks you like it’s his last day on earth and whispers his most dirtiest thoughts in your ears it was only right for you to be falling apart.
“Look at you… begging for it.” Harry groans as he presses you further into the bed as if he could fold you even more. But, it was okay. Of course it was, his cock was satisfying your every need.
“Tell me baby, tell me you want my cum.” He lets his left hand leave your thigh to slap it dominantly earning a high pitch whine to leave your throat.
“Mm… please…” Your voice is filled with pleasure as your orgasm begins to tick all throughout your pelvis and jerking spine. “Want you to breed me, fill me with your seed.” Said so out of breath as your body continues to thump into the bed recklessly while Harry grunts into the heated space.
“Harry I’m gonna cum, fuck.” You whine as you feel tears begin to fold over your waterline, lips curling into your mouth as chest stutters letting the waves of your climax crash over you. “Oh my-”
But again, your words are cut off as he doesn’t stop fucking you. Nails tearing into skin letting tiny droplets of blood prickle amongst the surface, baby hairs sticking to temples and vision blurring in and out of consciousness. It wasn’t a surprise the next slip of words are incoherent mumbles and whispers, something that has Harry feening even more over.
“That’s right, cum on me while I use your pussy.” Such erotic whispers of his thoughts carry your knees further into your chest as you try to shy away from his rapid strokes. “I know you like it.” Continuing to egg you on as if you’re not already withering beneath him in pleasure. “Still letting me fuck you while your boyfriend is calling, don’t you want to pick up?”
Your head shakes disapprovingly as teeth sink into your bottom lip. He knows what he is doing with the quick smirk stretching over his lips to match his teasing words, he loves it just as much as you do by rubbing it in your face about how nasty your actions are to your long term boyfriend, and how he’s the one doing those very things.
“That’s my good girl… letting me use you.” Harry mutters as his head bows and lashes flutter, his cock continuing to let your pussy sound all along the four walls of the room further driving you up the wall.
“Gonna take my cum baby, huh? Want me to fill your pussy up?” His neck ventures towards you as his body completely cowers into yours, limbs stressing to relax repeatedly as you feel his balls twitch against your soaking lips.
“Please put a baby in me.” You whine as hips convulse around his own in the aftermath of your orgasm traveling through. “Please, Harry.”
“Want you to leave me full and round, know you’ll like that baby.” You breathe out shallowly as lungs gasp for fresh air burnt out from how hard he’s assaulting your pussy.
“Breed me baby, please? Please?”
And without hesitation Harry slams his hips into yours once more, a deep groan falling across the crook of your neck as he plasters himself on top of you. Slicky ropes of cum bury itself into your pussy mixing along with your own arousal as he begins cussing profusely.
Stuttering hips surrender to his tantalizing ones as he pulls out slowly before thrusting back in again. Small drips of his seed flowing out of your puffy folds and trailing down your ass cheeks as Harry fucks his nut into you.
“Take it all.” Whispering below your ear while placing a kiss along the skin there. “I love it when you take it all.”
You hum pleasantly, lashes clouding your vision as you nod your head along to his words. Fingers release from around him and draw up his arms feeling over his biceps to his shoulders and into his curls soaked in sweat.
“Gonna look so beautiful carrying my kid.” He says as his waist meets yours once more leaving you to shiver from the feel. He raises up from his spot, gaze all drowsy but filled with love as he doesn’t hesitate to lean forward and press his lips to yours.
Sweet loving kisses exchange in a passionate make out session as Harry continues to stroke himself slugglishy into your soiled cunt filled to the brim with his cum. The feeling of his cock sliding slowing down your walls expanding and bruising every inch with such grace was the most euphoric pleasure you know and you love so much that Harry pleases you so easily with it.
“You’re so good to me.” You hum against his lips as fingers tangle through his heep of hair. “Always good to me.”
And just like that you both are back in your own world. Peppering kisses along skin, sweaty touch roaming amongst clammy one just enthralled with each other and loving the peace you both bring.
You know eventually you’d have to call Reid and explain why you never picked up his call, but that’s just an excuse you’ll have to figure out for another time.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
I started reading Dungeon Meshi last week, became instantly charmed and captivated, and blitzed through the entire manga in 4 days (and changed my profile picture about it). With that in mind, I would just like to say...
I love your dungeon meshi art so so much
Thank you kindly! I love Dungeon Meshi a lot, so I'm happy to see so many people get into it for the first time.
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topazy · 2 years
Inside, outside
Pairing: 10k x reader, Addy Carver x sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and violence
Chapter: 4.03
“Shit!” you hiss through gritted teeth before putting your knife through the head of a Z. It was the fourth one you’d killed in the space of ten minutes, and you had no idea where they were coming from.
“Astra! Astra, can you hear me?”
Hearing 10k’s voice, you spin around fast to see a much faster Z coming at you. You aimed your gun, but before you had a chance to pull the trigger, its brains were blown out by 10K. He stood in front of you and cupped your face, gently turning your head to the side as he inspected the splatting of blood covering one side of your face.
“No, just a z. When did you guys get back?”
“Just now. What the hell are you doing out here alone? And where’s Red?”
“I-I'm not sure,” you said, running your fingers through your hair. “I left camp for a while, and when I went back, she was gone. Is Sun Mei fine? I gave her one of my guns and just left her to try and find Red. I’m sorry... I just need to find her.”
Hearing the pain in your voice, the 10k’s face softened and he pulled you into his chest. He stroked your hair for a few minutes before signing, “We need to get back to camp.”
“What about Red?”
“We should go back and get more supplies and come back out to look for her, along with Doc for backup.”
“God dammit! Where the hell have you been?” Doc asks, pulling you and 10K into a hug the moment you step foot into the camp. “You have got to stop leaving me like that.”
The older man had explained that when 10k found out you weren’t in camp, he took off running, leaving him and Sun Mei behind.
When you walk further into camp, you spot a blonde-haired woman smiling at you. It takes you a moment to realise who it is because of how different she looks. “Warren! I can’t believe it’s really you.”
She greets you and 10k with a wide grin, but it’s short-lived as Murphy bursts out of one of the tents yelling that Burgess, who was in charge of the mission 10k and Doc had gone on, was gone.
“What do you mean gone?”
“Gone as in he’s gone,” Murphy scoffs.
You shake your head and look to your left and stare in disbelief as a girl who looked old enough to be a teenager smiled at you. Lucy. You couldn’t believe how fast the blue-skinned girl had grown up. You had so many questions, mainly how and why she was aging so fast. Also, why was Murphy's skin no longer blue and back to a living human colour?
Hearing a snarling noise, you shoved the young girl behind you and aimed your arrow in the direction it was coming from.
Seconds later, Burgess ran up to the gate leading into camp, now a Z with black blood drooling from his mouth. Everyone, including Lucy, started to shoot at Burgess, but no amount of bullets seemed to slow him down. Everyone took a turn at trying to show him mercy, but nothing worked.
From the opposite gate, Private Lilley called for everyone to move out of the way as she aimed her machine gun at Burgess, arms wrapped around your waist pulling you out of the way. You crashed to the ground with a thud and looked over to see Doc was beside you. “Thanks.”
The older man gave you the thumbs up before returning his attention to the zombified Burgess, whose body was slowly starting to fall apart. You watched as Lilly’s crystal blue eyes filled with tears as she quite literally destroyed someone she once loved. The only way to stop Burgess was to dismember his body parts with bullets.
You watched silently as Lilly dug a grave for Burgess. You’d offered to help her, but she insisted on doing it herself.
“I heard a congratulations is in order,” Murphy said as he approached you. “Who popped the big old question, you or him?”
“Tommy did.”
The stern tone of your voice caused Murphy to frown. You had really hoped you’d seen the last of Alvin Murphy when he got shot, but deep down you knew he’d come crashing back into your lives at some point.
“Well,” he clicked his tongue. “I’m hoping, since two years have passed, that you’ve gotten over our little tiff from before.”
Before he could finish his sentence, you first collided with his nose. He hissed out a string of curse words while clutching at his nose, “What the fuck? I’m guessing you're not over our little tiff from before.”
“A little tiff? You bit 10k, told me he was dead, then tried to manipulate all of us while trying to take over the world. So no, I’m not over it.”
“I saved his life. I’m the good guy here.”
You held his glare, “the good guy, huh? Then tell me, would you have saved 10k if you didn’t think one of us would have killed you if you didn't.”
He didn’t answer you.
You scoffed, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
After Lilly said her goodbyes to Burgess, your group packed up the rest of their belongings to start heading north.
You spot Warren walking in the wrong direction as everyone else starts to get into the vehicle, and start to run after her. “Warren? You’re going east; we need to go north.”
She ignored you and continued to walk east. You look back at 10k and Doc, who both shrug. Not knowing what else to do, you all start to follow in Warren’s direction.
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fandom-puff · 7 months
Congrats on the 10k!! Can i get a Baby Blurb: Tywin x reader. Where reader is nervous to tell Tywin that she's pregnant. Tywin of course its in heaven with the news
Thank you so much and Omg yes yes yes I got a bit carried away w this one lmao
Warnings: arranged/political marriage, pregnancy, canon-typical ideas surrounding women/a woman’s place/duty of childbirth. Westeros is a patriarchal society basically. Significant age gap (reader is early 20s, Tywin is in his 50s)
Wringing your hands nervously, you straightened the (already straight) cutlery for the fourth time. To say you were nervous was an understatement. Tywin Lannister was not a man to be summoned.
And yet you had done so. His wife, a woman thirty years his junior, had sent Tywin Lannister’s own guard to request his presence in your chambers.
“Lord Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King,” the guard announced as he opened the door, and you stood up straighter, smoothing out the front of your gown.
“My lady,” Tywin said, his brow arched and a bemused smirk on his lips. “This is a surprise,”
You ducked your head under his domineering gaze, and gestured for him to sit, pouring his wine as he sat as though you were a common wench.
“I…” you trailed off, too nervous to quip at your relatively new husband. “I thought it would be nice… I’m sure the Hand’s chambers can get… lonely?”
Tywin let out a short laugh. “Sit, wife. You are not a serving wench,” he said, nodding to your seat (though the idea of you being in his service made his blood run a little warmer). Obediently, you sat down across from him, staring at your own empty goblet, unable to look into his sharp green eyes for more than a millisecond.
“Out with it,” he commanded, though his voice was not cruel. “You clearly wish to tell me something. So do it,”
You stuttered slightly, fiddling with the ruby that hung around your neck. “I… my lord,” you began, before taking a deep calming breath. “I… I have reason to believe that… that I may be with child,”
You bowed your head, unable to look at his face. His chair scraped as he stood, but the slam of the door never came. Heavy footsteps echoed through the room, and he came to your side, tipping your chin up to look at him. “Truly? When did you last bleed?” As your face heated, he shook his head. “I am a grown man, wife, I know the workings of women. When did you last bleed?”
“Before our wedding, My Lord,” you whispered. “I thought the first time I missed my moonblood was… was the change of moving to the capital… but then it did not come again… and I have not bled this moon either,”
Tywin Lannister knelt before you, so you were forced to look down at the Great Lion.
“Then we must get you to the maester immediately,” he insisted. “And to the tailor, I will not have my wife walking around in ill-fitting gowns. And I shall have your chambers moved closer to mine,” You smiled weakly. “Do you feel ill? In pain? You must tell the maester of any hurt, no matter how small. You are carrying my son, now YN, your health and his is paramount,”
You glowed under his gaze and affection, but a worried thought crossed your mind and you bit your lip. “But what if… what if it is a girl?" you whispered, and you expected him to glower at the thought.
"if the baby is indeed a girl, my lady," he began, bringing your knuckles to his lips in a rare display of affection. "then we must simply try again. I will have a son off you, no matter how many sisters he must have first,"
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itshype · 2 years
As a fandom Vet please, please back up your fanfiction. I see so many fics posted exclusively to tumblr and it scares me.
I've seen so many tumblr purges, I've seen staff delete blogs irreparably by accident, I've seen cyberbullying involving reporting a blog so many times it's taken down and all the posts are lost.
All these new baby fandom accounts who are writing tens of thousands of words of fic (in a readmore so not even reblogs work to save it if your blog is lost) and not backing it up are causing me anxiety. Please, I'm so worried for you all.
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queen-rhaenyras · 7 months
If you don't like the idea of Gale being a father in YOUR game with your Tav or just with any character in general, then, girly by all means don't headcanon it. But actively trying to gatekeep the character, by shaming those who do, well....why be an asshole?
So listen, Gale girlies who want Gale to be a dad, (if this doesn't apply to you then scroll). Gale absolutely has dad energy. I've seen a lot discussion about the "I'm not exactly father material" line he says during act 3 and I'm not the first to say this, but I'm here to remind you that you can't take everything the companions say at face value, because these are complex characters and it's not always black and white. As others have said before, Gale not only has the orb in his chest at the time, but the tadpole, and your situation with him is uncertain and unstable. Of course he's not going to think of himself as father material in that moment. Why? Because it's something so far out of his reach. Gale has a lot of self-esteem issues, and I can definitely see him wanting to be a dad in the future, but unsure if he would even be a good one, but once he is a father, being the absolute dad of dads. Also saying you're not "parent" material, does not automatically equate to "not wanting to be a parent." These feelings can exist separately.
If I do recall, I did see a scene where Tara mentions something about Gale starting a family? Gale finding normalcy and having the things he could never have with Mystra makes perfect sense for his character, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Gale can definitely be seen as a father and would make a great dad. The people who claim so boldly that he wouldn't want children with Tav, are just projecting and they don't see these characters with nuance, they just hear the character say something in the game, and just decide with a gold medal in mental gymnastics that (you're mistaking his "dad energy" for "mother energy" which is actually just "malewife" energy) and spew their own biases out in "hot take" posts with every intention of ruining things for others. It's mean spirited, and should be ignored.
I see you all with your cute little headcanons, naming your Tav and Gale's children, and some of you with amazing fan art. I've seen you draw your little Tav/Gale families. It's precious and it's sweet. Keeping doing what you're doing, and don't let the gatekeepers bring you down. Seeing Gale as a father is perfectly valid.
K. Bye.
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insufferablemod · 2 months
Kinda insane realizing that a lot of my favorite homestuck art that influenced me the most has like.. Way less notes then I thought... And these are from back when the fandom was Active which makes it even weirder
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tititilani · 3 months
Never let anyone say peer pressure doesn't work because I'm currently 2.5k deep in that Simon takes Edwin's offer fic that I said I didn't have time for, oops.
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