#adel hcs
adelheidvonschicksal · 6 months
Fem Reader who possesses the Curse technique ability of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (This power comes from the Fate series)? Bonus, if she’s like sweet and gentle to everyone, but in battle, she’s cold, merciless, and swift? HCs with the JJK men, like Gojo, Itadori, Megumi, Sukuna?
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Most characters think you can stand with them. The big dogs of the big dogs. As a student, they'd bet 100% that you'd go for Special Grade given the proper training. As an adult, you’re probably already one, if not a very strong first grade.
Sukuna has strong interest in your technique.
He sees someone with the ability to kill anything regardless of the power difference. He automatically wants to see it in action and the potential damage it can cause. If possible, he’d even like to claim the skill for himself (think of his interest in the Executioner’s sword).
Your technique causes you to be high on his list of most potential, second only to Megumi. The only thing that stops you from being first on his list is that you still need awareness on how to kill your target or get around their technique to be able to touch your target. If Sukuna touches someone, chances are he’s going to kill them anyway.
Either way, he wants to keep you alive for now if only to see if that sweet nature of yours (the one holding you back) will win out over the cold, calculated, barbarian he knows is inside you when you fight. It’s a form of entertainment while he’s under lock and key in Itadori’s body.
If things had been different, he might've been willing to keep you as a servant ALA Uraume.
Satoru thinks the world of you.
He has you right up there next to Yuuta and Geto in terms of skills and personal importance. He didn’t really expect after his birth, when the Jujutsu world spun and more powerful curses appeared, that it would also be accompanied by the revival of a technique once thought extinct.
Satoru likes to be paired with you to figure out how your powers work and to see you in action. A part of him would like to fight you and to test your skill out against infinity, but your curse technique has an added sure kill effect so that’s a bit out of the question.
You remind him a lot of himself. He definitely smiles when that good girl nature disappears and he can confirm for a fact, that you're crazy (affectionately).
Satoru likes to pick on you and constantly tries to rope you into his schemes and games, bringing you to his side when it comes to rewriting the jujutsu society. He likes to speak in terms of “our” “us” “we” when it comes to the two of you. Due to your potential to be a special grade, the fact that both your techniques revolve around your eyes, and the simple fact that you might be the only one who can grow to understand both the rush and excitement of power while being able to circumvent the loneliness that comes with it.
You’re also so genuinely kind to him, and he thinks that you earnestly care about him and want to be around him. You’re not the only one who is like this to him but it’s more special when it’s you.
Megumi is a bit annoyed by you, not because of anything you’ve done wrong, but mostly because that sweet nature of yours causes you to overly worry for him, like a mom, and vice versa.
Like Itadori, you’re a good person so he worries about you when it comes to interacting with others. He’s worried someone might take advantage of that gentleness of yours. However, he’s aware well enough that you can take care of yourself in a fight.
He isn’t really scared of your power. It reminds him of Nanami, after all. What he is scared of is your worry and fretting and scolding. Megumi absolutely refuses to tell you when someone or rather something gives him a hospital visit because of it, constantly reminding the others not to tell you when it happens for his own peace.
In battle, he relies on you much more than you rely on him, instantly feeling more relaxed and confident about hard missions when you’re there.
He gets embarrassed when you remind him that you rely on him, too, that the thing that helps you see is his planning and observation of the enemy, that’s better than your own.
Ironically and hypocritically, he finds you too self-sacrificing for your own good when you get out of control. At the end of the day, you’re more important than him.
Itadori thinks you’re scary since you first met under less-than-ideal conditions.
When you meet again at school, he’s shocked that it’s you. He straight up asks if you have a twin, a scarier really strong twin. He’s a bit more respectful when he figures out that you’re that scary twin.
You're easily one of his favorite people because of how nice you are. You're usually willing to go out with him when the others bail out. He often forgets how crazy you get otherwise.
Itadori really values your opinions when it comes to fighting and techniques. He confides in you often until he can rectify the fact he has to kill to survive, including humans. Itadori wonders how you compartmentalize everything, but between your sweet personality and the brutal one, but he’s too scared to learn your answer.
Despite this, Itadori still doesn't entirely understand your technique even when you explain it to him multiple times. He just knows it's kinda badass. You slice and things die, almost always.
(You're still working on figuring out how to explain it to him in a way he'd understand.)
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Good Luck, Babe! by chappell roan for one-sided radiostatic. See my vision rn come on
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fiblertsos · 4 months
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Interdimensional twins
I'm so sad we never got Summoner Adell on global.... I do have him on JP server, though. Hehehe
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polichinelle · 4 months
in my mind noah's unnamed sister is called zoe. his mom's name is claire and his dad's is erik. they have a little wiener dog called ketchup, but its name is actually kind of a point of contention because erik will only ever call the dog frank
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lumiereandcogsworth · 26 days
this is really random, but I was thinking last night about what foods Robert and Giselle don't like, but the other does (like for ex, one likes pickles, one doesn't, so the other takes it off their plate for them) and it got me curious if there's anything like that with Adam and Belle. and also, do they ever just casually eat off each other's plates or would that drive them crazy?
HEHEHE i love this. and i do feel a tad limited just because i don’t know much about 18th century french royal cuisine, BUT i do know adam and belle, so i’ll just work with what i’ve got >:3
i think they’re both very adventurous eaters! for belle it’s the fact that she grew up on an 18th century peasant diet, so now she’s like WOAGHSOGAH!!!!!! and for adam, it’s like a sensory joy for him !!! he has the opposite extreme of the typical picky eater autistic trait. he loooove trying new flavors and textures. and don’t get me wrong, he DEFINITELY has his favorites, his comfort foods for when he has a rough day 💙 but yeah they both love food, i think it’s one of their favorite parts about traveling the world together :3
that being said, taste-wise, they do still differ. adam is much more a sweet tooth, and belle likes the more bitter/sour/salty things. so they’ll both happily try anything, but the enjoyment for the actual flavor will of course vary lmao. they both don’t handle spicy food incredibly well, because. they’re french. BUT i think they’re better than average, especially belle. her palette just Adapts to crazy/hot flavors, so adam taps out before she does. but her limit still isn’t super high haha.
i do think they share food very much though. like yeah the stealing off the plate thing happens regularly — but only in private !! i think at official dinners, banquets, etc., adam is more stingy about this purely because there’s strict rules and etiquette to follow, and he wants to make a good impression wherever they go.
so i’m sure early on this happens where belle, as she’s become accustomed, tries to sneak something off his plate, and he’s like 😳😬 and she’s like 🙁🤨 and then they just brush it aside until he can explain later in the night. and she’s like oooooooh gotcha. this happens pretty frequently when they’re newly married, as you can imagine, belle’s quite the fish out of water. but she’s a quick learner for all the social etiquettes and such <3
also i CAN see them in their room and adam has a plate of macarons (One Of His Faves) and he’s been like, looking forward to eating them all day, and he gets all comfy in bed, sets the plate down for a sec to set himself up, and then belle tries to snatch the first one and he’s like AY >:0 !! and she’s like what!! we’re alone!! and takes one anyway and he’s like I WANTED THE FIRST ONE!! and she’s already eating it like >:] and he huffs and pulls the plate closer and gets all snuggly and grumpy with his book and she definitely comes back closer and annoyingly kisses his cheek and nestles against him like a cat while he sits there all like >:(
buuuut generally for the most part i think they both often have lil plates of snacks — charcuterie boards🤌, if you will — in their room and they just share it no big deal. and yeah at meals at home, they will trade food or share or what have you. adam only gets fussy about it if belle takes something he Really likes, OR if he’s had a bad/grumpy day and just doesn’t want anyone interacting with him at all ever. (and belle will still [gently] interact, when timing’s right, but she’ll leave the plates alone for the day) (and she’ll def send for a fresh plate of macarons at once !!)
oh as one final thought, i think they both kind of have food as a love language. for belle it’s obviously cooking/baking. so if she HAS the time she absolutely will make things for adam, and he loves that. but equally i think adam really likes to show his love by getting snacks for them when they’re chilling/reading together !!! like even though he’s not the one making it, the act and initiative to go get it Means something To Him. and i don’t think belle picks up on it right away but she eventually does notice that he makes a habit of being like “i’ll go get some food for us” when they’re settling down to hang out. and she finds it incredibly sweet 🥹
also…. gosh i just keep thinking about my fic where he shares macarons with his mama. that’s. yeah. you get it 😭
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ijustwantogethigh · 15 days
i literaly- this just come out like- in cabin 7 no one can say ''i do not like that song'' cuz THEY LOVE EVERY TYPE OF MUSIC! one kid can be hearing country music and everyone be vibin' with it [coffcoffwillcoffcoff]
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olberic · 29 days
finished unicorn overlord! i really liked it. i had a few issues with it (mostly the sexism and the unequal maiden conversations) but overall i really enjoyed it. the combat was really fun, i loved making unit comps (i’ll be posting my endgame units later the weekend), i loved how many rapports and unique little dynamics there were. and that the devs encourage us for play around with it! the last fight was very satisfying and i loved the little epilogue.
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lvckyyz · 5 months
zeus cabin headcanons
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cabin’s song: skyfall - adele
i don’t think zeus needs an introduction, right?
children of zeus can either be exactly like him or the complete opposite
they’re all really attractive
they were born to be leaders, and know how to deal with any kind of problem
confident, determined and smart
always trust their intuition (they’re usually always right)
they don’t need to show off how powerful they are, everyone already respect them (and they love to feel admired)
however, they’re easily manipulated; it just takes some compliments and a few smiles and they’re already under your control
children of zeus are afraid of being betrayed (happens really often)
but if you are a real friend to one of them, they’ll protect you at all cost
extremely competitive
they’ll do whatever it takes to achieve their goals
somehow they always know how to fix things
friends with cabin 6,17, sometimes with cabin 10 too
really scary when they’re mad
and their mood changes all the time
they’re loyal to who they love (ironic considering who their father is)
their taste for music is perfect
like to sleep with raining sounds
they love to be challenged
because they want to go over their boundaries
basically, they’re really cool
sometimes they want to make things more interesting, so they create little competitions with the other cabins (especially cabin 5 and 17)
they usually aren’t the biggest fans of zeus
i’d literally trust them with my life
a/n: guys i’m so sorry, this one it’s so bad! i’ve never met anyone from cabin 1, so this hc is just how i imagine them😭
next: cabin 16 ⚖️
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shelbgrey · 2 months
can you do a mark sloan x reader sfw/nsfw hcs , and can she be richard webbers god daughter
please & thank you!<3 you write such amazing works
Mark Dating Richard's god Daughter headcanons
Paring: Mark Sloan x Webber!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Mark Sloan dating Richard Webber's God Daughter. -SMUT warning
MasterList ML2
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You are Richard and Aele's god Daughter. They adopted you after your parents died in a car crash.
Richard has always been a father to you, but you call him uncle Richard.
You wanted to be a doctor like Richard for as long as you could remember. You worked hard in medical school and soon enough you were in the same intern class as Miranda Bailey.
Bailey is your best friend and has threatened Mark’s life if he hurts you.
Derek thinks it’s funny that Mark started dating you after Webber tried to say it was nothing personal when he hired Mark.
Richard notices how Mark looks at you almost immediately and he absolutely hates it. He thinks Mark is just looking for a one night stand, but that’s not true.
“I want you to stay away from him. There’s a reason the nurses formed a anti-Mark club”
But what your uncle said went in one ear and out the other. Honestly Richard couldn’t blame you. He knew what it was like to be in love with someone you couldn’t have.
Speaking of Love, you didn’t find out about Richard and Ellis till your intern year when Ellis showed up at the hospital with Alzheimer. You and Meredith became close friends through this situation.
You couldn’t really stay mad at Richard since it was a long time ago, but it still hurts that he could do something like that to Adele.
“It's kinda funny in a dark way, the two most important men in your life are both man whores” Bailey said, she was your person and she could say stuff like that to you without getting mad.
You know Richard and Bailey are close, but whenever they have a petty argument you're taking Bailey’s side. Yes, she's smug about that.
Adele gets mad whenever either one of you tatel on Richard. You may get annoyed, but she’ll drive down to the hospital whenever you need something.
You think it's hilarious when Adele yells at Richard like he's a child. She’ll definitely do it to Mark too if she has too. “Out of all the petty, ridiculous, infantile.. Are you running a hospital here or a playground?”
“Adele..” Richard started. “Playground or Hospital, Richard?!” Adele yelled and Mark snickered as Richard mumbled, “Hospital”
“Apologize to our goddaughter right now” Adele scolded, Making Mark hide his laughter in your shoulder. “Sorry” Richard mumbled.
“Not to complain or anything Aunt Adele, but that’s not a real apology” you said with a smirk.
“That is not an apology! You give an apology you mean, because if i have to drag myself down here though rush hour traffic again, to police this damn Jungle Gym..”
“You made your point Adele” Richard sighed. Adele huffed and turned to you. “Love ya aunt Adele”
“Love you too, Dear”
Mark and you both gave Derek crap when Richard and Derek were living together. “Derek is dating your uncle Richard”
“I am no!”
Richard does his best to be nice to Mark, but he wants to protect you from him. Especially when he found out he slept with Addison.
He definitely used his ‘Chiefʼ voice when he threatened him about dating you. “If you hurt her. IF you cheat on her, even the morgue won't be able to identify you. Are we clear!?”
“Yes!.. Yes sir”
Adele loved him when she was still alive. “RIchard you be nice to him he’s part of the family now”
Mark comforted you when Adele started getting Alzheimer. Adele was the closest thing you had to a mother, so it hit you hard when she died.
Mark had gotten close to her as well. Mrs. Shepherd was like a mother to him. Yes, when he started dating you Adele was constantly in his life. She gave him relationship advice and was like the aunt he never got.
Then Catherine showed up. She really didn’t like you or Mark that much. She had a problem with Mark because she thought Jackson was wasting his time in plastics then she just thought Richard ‘babyed’ you too much.
“You mom is banging my Uncle” you said bluntly to Jackson.
“The Chief banged my mom too” Meredith said, thinking it’ll make Jackson feel better.
Richard walking you down the isle on your and Mark's wedding.
NSFW Headcanons:
These are from the original mark HCs I posted a couple of days ago... Sorry. If you want all of them go to the original HC post.
He’s an expert at foreplay. He’ll spend as much time as he can trying to get you hot and bothered or worked up.
He's definitely the dominant person in bed and your not complaining, he'll get rough and pound hard enough were the bed starts rocking.
Mark loves bitting your neck just to hear you moan. When you finally give in to him, he'll lay you down on the couch or bed and start pealing your clothes off to reveal your chest.
The sex maybe rough, but Mark isn't not big on insults. He refuses to degrade you and will only use sweet words.
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
There's also a tone of jealous sex. If he sees Alex shamelessly flirting with you expected to be tied to bed as fucks your brains out. If he sees Jackson touch you in a way thats reserved only for him you’re pinned against the wall.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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person4924 · 15 days
my charles headcanons !!
he’s dyslexic - ik this doesn’t really have any evidence in the show at all and he probably like reads in the show but i think that’s the reason edwin always reads to him and he couldn’t find the book he was looking for in the office, and why edwin described the color and location and not the title. and when he was looking at the pictures in the book rather than the words. could also be why his dad abused him and everything, even though he was good at everything else (like wy)
would listen to the smiths !!
also would listen to kinda dad rock, but more like the softer songs. like for pearl jam he would like just breathe, etc.
i think he would also like the killers, cage the elephant, sam fender, the revivalists, kings of leon, all that stuff.
he would also absolutley love conan gray (family line !!)
also hozier. im sorry i just keep thinking of artists that i think hed like
but onward!!
he has ADHD - ive seen this in countless fics, and it amkes so so so muhc sense
hes bi !! - he is sosososososososo bi coded like sosososososoososososo
also, this isnt an hc but he is so sirius coded. i thouhgt this from the first episode and then it was just further proven the rest of the show.
again not rlly a hc but he is so adele coded,,,, like dont you remember, million years ago, love in the dark, etc but i think he would also love adele, maybe idk??? i think crystal would and they would share music so...
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adelheidvonschicksal · 6 months
Can I request Fem Reader that’s skilled in archery? Like, she uses archery in battles against Curses and is so skilled, she could do impressive feats, like shooting three arrows at once, shooting in midair, or even doing flips and even shooting with her feet if needed (yes that’s actually possible). HCs with the JJK crew?
These characters would be impressed by your technique. Often, they find it dependable and would stake their life on you having their back in a fight. There may be a hint of jealousy in their admiration for you for some of the passive skills required to wield a bow: strength, dexterity, and accuracy. You have them all in spades.
Nobara might have a bit of a girl crush on you when she first sees your skills and acrobatics.
Megumi definitely asked you to train him on it at least once and bailed out on it ever again when he got snapped with the string. Itadori, as always, was surprisingly adept.
+ MEGUMI, Inumaki, Panda, MIWA, Nobara, Riko, INO
These characters would admire and respect your skill – the same as the above – but it’s harder to match your fighting styles together. Their movement speed or technique either makes it harder to aim, find an opening shot, or maybe your skill levels are just not a match such as with Satoru.
If you’re a student, Satoru definitely hypes you up (not so much if you’re a full-fledged Sorcerer already). However, he’s always particularly grateful when you snipe annoying or pissant enemies for him, he just loves when you do it randomly and make a path for him.
Maki likes working with you, but it takes a bit more coordination and discussion to get on the same page before a battle. You’re a great team once you get the timing and situation down. She respects you the most when it comes to cursed tools out of anyone else.
+ Gojo, Itadori, MAKI, Yuuta
Neutral to slightly positive about your technique.
+ Choso, Yuuki, Shoko, Utahime, Mei Mei, Nanami, Yaga
You have some real enemies/rival to lover’s energy with the other marksmen from school.
Noritoshi is quietly envious of your skill when you first meet. His clan’s bloodline is the only thing giving him the audacity to lord it over you in conversation. He has that aura of when someone sounds like they’re being polite to you but they’re actually being mean or belittling.
It eases up as time goes on and your relationship with the other students develops more. He comes to rely on you as you’re often paired up together or given the same duties in certain situations or missions.
On the other hand, Mai is more openly teasing and snarkier with you. However, she has less humor when dealing with you than Nobara. As another far range sniper, you represent another potential for her in a way similar to Maki.
Momo is more of a tagalong hater, but when it’s just the two of you, it’s a fairly normal and cordial relationship.
+ MAI, Kamo, Momo
Although your proficiency with the bow is high, it wouldn’t be enough to impress these powerhouses without an interesting or strong curse technique to back it up.
Mahito would be impressed by your accuracy to hit him but if it doesn’t affect his soul then it isn’t an issue for him other than slowing him down or blocking him during a fight. Then, it might become an annoyance.
Mechamaru would find your technique annoying when it comes to his smaller machines especially if you can aim for the weak spots of joints; but overall, you don’t leave an impression on him and the others.
Despite your skill, as a woman, Naoya wouldn't ever give you the satisfaction of being proud of your abilities.
+ SUKUNA, Mahito, Jogo, KENJAKU, Geto, Mechamaru, Todo, Naoya, Toji
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cod-dump · 1 year
john soap “i am in your walls” mactavish except he literally is in your walls and hes listening to everything you say. i love soap in the vents hc he is always There :)
At first Soap would say things that he shouldn’t know about. Things said behind closed doors. It made people question how he knew those things.
It was Ghost who figured out how Soap was learning the things that he shouldn’t know. He was just relaxing in his room, listening to music on his phone. Within the sanctuary of his room no one should be able to hear his music from the hall. And yet the next day Soap brought up Adele’s “Easy On Me”, the exact song Ghost was listening to on repeat.
It made him very suspicious so he looked for bugs around his room. He didn’t find any inside the actual room, but he did discover how spacious the vents were. And the fact they weren’t dusty, like something had been crawling through them. Ghost didn’t want to assume that Soap was being a fucking weirdo and spying on people through the vents so he decided to leave a trap.
The next day Soap trudged into Ghost’s office, covered in glitter. Ghost didn’t even get a word out before Soap started.
“I just want to have fun, Si! I’m not hurting anyone!”
Ghost tilts his head and Soap begs.
“Please don’t tell Price!”
Ghost hums, a smirk under his mask, “I’ll consider letting this slide… under a couple conditions—“
“First off: Don’t you ever fucking spy on me again! I get two hours to listen to the most gut wrenching songs and you do not intrude!”
“Of course! Never again!”
“Second: You do not escape into the vents to get out of your duties!”
Soap nods and Ghost glares at him before calmly leaning forward, “Third: You tell me everything that you learn.”
Soap blinks before grinning, “That won’t be a problem, Lieutenant.”
At first it was just Soap saying things that he had no way of knowing. But now Ghost is doing it too and everyone is scared shitless because their shit talking on Lieutenant Riley is now compromised.
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fiblertsos · 1 year
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And who are you?
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ghostradiodylan · 3 months
What type of music would the counselors listen to?
I know some of my mutuals have answered this question before and I'm sure my headcanons will be influenced by theirs, AND I'm also significantly older than the counselors so they're probably listening to gen z stuff my late millennial ass doesn't even know about but here goes nothing!
Laura So much SIØBHAN! Just kidding. Laura feels like two completely different characters in the game so I have a hard time deciding what I think spunky but straight-laced, ‘this is my first cop,’ over-achieving pre-vet student Laura Kearney would listen to vs badass avenging murder spree Laura Kearney (but maybe she always had that inside her). Part of me wants to say, like, 80’s pop (Prince, Blondie, Tiffany, Michael Jackson, Pat Benetar, etc.) and part of me wants to put her in the hard rock/metal zone with Ryan. Maybe she’s a bit of both.
Max I believe it was Addie (@insertlovelyperson) who said Max would listen to country music where women murder their cheating or abusive husbands. That tracks to me. Maybe it's the use of Alma Cogan's version of 'Fly Me to the Moon' in the game, but I also tend to associate him with crooner type singers of the 40's and 50's (Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Dean Martin, etc), which is what I said he'd choose for karaoke. And because of this fanart I have no choice but to HC him as a major Ariana Grande fan, he's probably the one who chose the music for the drive to camp. So. Max has range.
Abi is the K-Pop/J-Pop stan to me but I know so little about that music beyond the crossover bands like BTS that I can't speak to it a whole lot. I think she'd also like some emo, pop-punk and moodier alt/pop. Avril Lavigne, Paramore, Melanie Martinez, Florence and the Machine, Metric, Lorde, Halsey, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Billie Eilish, Phoebe Bridgers/boygenius, etc. I feel like she's really into female fronted bands for some reason.
Jacob likes pretty much whatever is on the radio. He's a top 40 guy and has no shame about his enjoyment of Ed Sheeran and Justin Beiber, or about ugly crying to Taylor Swift and Coldplay. He rarely listens closely to the actual lyrics (and often gets them humorously wrong), he just goes on vibes. He discovers half the music he listens to via TikTok (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Emma is a theater kid through and through and loves broadway musicals. She goes through phases with each popular one. She's had a Waitress phase, a Mamma Mia phase, a Wicked phase, and a Hamilton phase, of course, and now she's into Mean Girls, Heathers, and Hadestown. Beyond that, I think she'd be a dedicated Swiftie, big Adele fan, and a lover of Britney Spears's entire body of work from the 90's through today.
Nick probably listens to stoner bro music. Like jam bands and psychedelic rock and stuff. He probably likes Dave Matthews Band and the Grateful Dead/Dark Star Orchestra, Sublime, Widespread Panic, Tame Impala, and O.A.R. Googling jam bands to remind myself which ones exist led me to the knowledge that there's an Australian psychedelic rock band called King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard and that name is so bonkers that I've decided without listening to more than a few bars that it has to be Nick's favorite band.
Ryan is a little bit emo and a little bit goth and a little bit old school punk. He needs music that's loud and moody to help sort out his feelings about life and drown out all the excess noise inside his head. He's into metal, the harder side of emo/screamo, goth rock, hard rock, punk, and post-punk. He definitely listens to Nightwish, GOJIRA, Mastodon, Lacuna Coil, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Nine Inch Nails, Deftones, Thursday, Alkaline Trio, My Chemical Romance, AFI, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Minor Threat, The Misfits, Ramones, etc. He doesn't hate more accessible pop and rock music, but the closest he gets to choosing it for himself is probably something like The Cure or The Smashing Pumpkins or Depeche Mode, maybe some of the creepier Weeknd songs and Muse tracks too heavy to go on the Twilight soundtracks. He and Abi listen to Babymetal together.
Kaitlyn classic rock and 90's alternative. This girl likes the Stones more than the Beatles, though she'll listen to both. Led Zeppelin, Joan Jett, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Black Sabbath, the occasional hair band. She especially loves the 90's girl rockers like Alanis Morisette, Garbage, Hole, Veruca Salt, and No Doubt (Kaitlyn can't believe Gwen Stefani is married to pop-country dork Blake Shelton who sings that song about being your honey bee, because Gwen used to be so cool [I'm definitely not projecting]). I feel like she'd also love Bikini Kill and Sleater Kinney, Le Tigre, and The Donnas.
Dylan is the Music Guy ™ (and my personal bias/url namesake), so I've admittedly thought about his musical tastes more than most of the others'. The official Quarry website mentions his 'deep musical knowledge' and I imagine he has pretty broad views on what constitutes good music. He's got kind of a vintage vibe to him, maybe it's the reproduction band shirt from 1988, or the fact that he's into analog technology, or both, but I've noticed he's often depicted playing Queen or Bowie or something of that era in fics, which I think is realistic. This kid goes to the used record store and just buys whatever looks cool.
Fun Fact: According to the datamine, the chapters originally had literary or musical quotes at the beginning of each, and Chapter 5: White Noise (the radio hut chapter) was originally headed by the opening lyrics from Queen's 'Radio Ga Ga':
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He's also the only character we see play music in canon, so we know he likes... songs from random compilation albums with inexpensive royalties. XD Just kidding, but these are the diegetic (in-universe) songs we get to hear from Dylan's playlist at the bonfire party:
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All pop music of varying subtypes, so we know he appreciates a well-crafted pop song. I honestly am a fan of all of these. I think Dylan genuinely listens to everything but he seems like the type to especially like alt and indie pop, classic rock, garage rock, a bit of the more melodic side of punk, emo, and pop-punk, new wave, synth pop, electronic, and a little bit of hip hop that’s sufficiently nerdy white boy friendly (probably Beastie Boys, Run the Jewels, Post Malone, emo rap like Blackbear, etc). I also tend to gravitate towards early-mid aughts indie for him, like MGMT, Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, OK Go, LCD Soundsystem, etc. Just seems to match his vibe. I think he'd really like BØRNS, Hozier, COIN, Mitski, and K.Flay and probably have a fair amount of overlap with Ryan's more melodic picks (MCR, Muse, The Cure, etc). Dylan probably hates Morrissey but begrudgingly loves The Smiths and definitely cranks up The Killers in his car. He’s also listening to bands right now that you’ve never heard of but will be huge in a couple years. He can probably tell you the difference between subgenres like chillwave, dream pop, and shoegaze but don’t ask me about it because I have no fucking clue.
Since we’re on the subject, here’s my absurdly long and ever-growing Rylan/Radioheads playlist because I have a problem.
And my Sweet Summer Jams playlist, that’s just a bunch of random songs I think would be clean enough to play at a summer camp as long as the kids/your boss don’t ask too many questions.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 2 months
throughout the movie, lumiere, maestro cadenza, and mr. potts ALL call their wives “darling” at some point. like!!! no wonder adam calls belle that so much!!!! that’s what all the good men in his life call their beloveds!!!!!!!!!
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