#admin has a tarantula!!!
nekole-doodles · 5 months
I was supposed to do this yesterday but I had homework so here is your Owl House DSMP AU dump :] (There are 2 versions btw)
"MAIN" Owl House DSMP AU: The Crow House(still coming up with a better name):
The island/demon realm this takes place in is called Essempii because Dream SMP sounds a bit on the nose considering Dream's role in this.
Tommy - Luz:
Tommy stumbles into the Essempii when Brian(Phil's crow/palisman) snatches the jar Shroud(Tommy's pet tarantula) was being kept in while he was on a walk holding Shroud's travel jar(don't worry, Tommy has a properly sized habitat for Shroud, the jar is only when Tommy wants to take Shroud out of the house. And yes I had to research proper tarantula care.)
Also, Shroud is a completely black curly-haired tarantula because it looked the closest to a Minecraft spider and was also a common species of tarantula to keep.
Tommy got in trouble a lot in school(in the human realm) for various reasons like letting raccoons into the school because he felt bad for them living on the streets, sneaking Shroud into the school and putting him in someone's hair(usually someone he found annoying), causing small fires in the science lab, and getting into fights with pricks, y'know, the usual.
When Tommy discovered the Essempii, it was on a Friday and close to summer break. He stays there for the weekend or a single day and leaves afterward. He makes a promise to come back when he's off for the summer.
Potions was the first type of magic Tommy learned to actually use and also got interested in Beast-keeping
Tommy learned about glyphs from Tubbo when they first met which I'll probably have a separate post for since I have a scene planned for it already. Basically, Tubbo knows about glyphs from experimenting but only knows the basic ones since he has the magic to not need them except for experiments. When they first met, Tubbo was using glyphs for an experiment that involved making basically a grenade. Tubbo taught Tommy the glyphs he knows and later, Tommy was able to figure out how to combine them.
Tommy's palisman will definitely be a raccoon in this AU version :))))) (In the 2nd AU version, he has a phoenix palisman)
Greek mythology isn't known in the Essempii, but Tommy read about Greek Mythology when he got bored back in the human realm.
Phil - Eda:
ANARCHYYYYYY (He's an anarchist)
He wasn't cursed by someone close to him(mostly because idk who it would be that doesn't already have a separate role). He was cursed by Admin Dream(who takes the role of Emperor Belos) for using wild magic and was going to be put into Pandora's Vault along with being cursed, chained up like a wild animal. This is the typical punishment for people who are caught using wild magic. However, Phil was able to escape and keep the curse under control. I have the perfect video to show what Phil looks like when the curse takes over but I don't have the energy to find it.
Also, I'm highly considering if Chat should be Hooty. We're definitely silly enough for it :/
His hardcore heart pendant thing is how he guages his magic
The curse didn't give him his wings. What the curse actually does is amplify hybrid genes.
Phil used to carve palismen for people in the Essempii but as the wood for palismen became more scarce, he couldn't do that anymore.
Tubbo - Gus/Willow
Tubbo mainly uses plant magic like Willow, but has Gus's general energy.
Although he mostly uses plant magic at school, he loves to use fire or explosive magic which- y'know, doesn't work out well considering plants are flammable and- yeah :/ He causes wayyyy too many fires. However, when he combines this magic, it's really useful in combat.
Tubbo likes experimenting with mixing magic and gets in trouble for it a lot but somehow finds a way to get out of trouble. After a very risky incident that nearly ended with serious consequences, he stuck to doing magic-mixing experiments in a secret lab setup in the forest(which is where he first met Tommy)
Has a bee palisman but I'm still figuring out a name
Tubbo has a garden and likes to put any weeds he pulls out into their own separate planters since he thinks they deserve to live as much as the other plants do because they're also just trying to survive(I got this idea from Tommy in Unlikely Events)
Tubbo and Tommy's shared love for animals and chaos caused them to get along well
When Tubbo isn't at school, he basically looks like a young version of QSMP! Tubbo's design
After students are able to join multiple tracks, Tubbo joins the beast-keeping and potion tracks along with staying in his current track
Ranboo - Gus/Willow
I have so much extra lore for Ranboo TvT
Even though they're in the Oracle track, they use other types of magic, mainly illusion and healing. Obviously, they are careful about when they use it and isn't as careless about it as Tubbo since they're trying to stay under the radar
They're secretly an enderian, a hybrid race that was slaughtered after Admin Dream took the throne because their enderpearls(which allowed them to teleport freely) were considered wild magic. Another big reason they were killed was because they have a natural talent for magic which Dream feared because they had the power to take him down if they worked together. Enderians were also one of the first people to discover magic so wild magic is ingrained in their culture.
To hide the fact they're an enderian, they use a concealment stone to hide their hybrid traits. Without the concealment stone, they basically look exactly like C! Ranboo but with different clothes. With the concealment stone, they look human(but with pointy ears of course) with heteochromic eyes(warm brown and muddled green), split black and white hair, and vitiligo.
Some enderians survived and had secret camps around the Essempii. The one Ranboo was born in was discovered and raided by Dream's army. Ranboo survived the attack because their parents hid them and gave him the concealment stone and a necklace that is a family heirloom. The pendant of the necklace looks like an eye of ender but smaller.
The concealment stone is kinda weak because to hide it, Ranboo broke it into smaller pieces so it could fit inside the eye of ender pendant. Ranboo uses their magic to help the illusion be more stable.
Sometimes, their magic isn't able to fully support the illusion so their mouth, hands, and eyes revert back and speckles of his black and white skin appear like freckles. To hide this, he wears a mask, sunglasses, and gloves.
They also know healing magic because they learned it back before the Enderian camp was invaded. They thought it would be useful and it comes in handy since Tubbo and Tommy always get hurt because they are chaotic and have a knack for getting in trouble.
Once they're able to take multiple tracks, they take the illusion and healing track. They want to learn how to control their illusions better to stay more concealed and they want to be able to heal Tommy and Tubbo when they get bigger, more dangerous wounds.
Okay that's it for now, I didn't realize how long this would take. I didn't even get to start talking about my 2nd Owl House DSMP AU(which is the one I like better despite it being newer and less planned). I'll continue with this AU in the next post then finally get to my 2nd AU.
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polyhexian · 2 years
I'm creating a few rules for the gay shelf. I have to create rules or these things spiral out of control. The girl shelf is already difficult enough, deciding what counts as a girl is infinitely more difficult than you could ever imagine.
1. Boys only (Im not taking anyone off the girl shelf)
2. Must be able to argue that character has canonically been established to be attracted to men. If a wiki admin would slap me for putting him on the gay page I can't do it
So obviously anyone with a husband is on the gay shelf. This is easy because of mtmte. Thank you mtmte. So Chromedome, rewind, dominus, drift, ratchet, tailgate, cyclonus, knock out, breakdown. Anyone who has explicitly discussed being attracted to men. First Aid, pipes, getaway, prowl, tarantulas, brainstorm. Cosmos because of idw2.
Some funky ones. Tigatron can be on the shelf because the Japanese dub of beast wars made air razor a boy. Airrazor could be on the gay shelf but girl shelf takes priority.
I don't know if I can get away with rampage and depth charge. But Jesus fucking Christ.
Limiters then. All my obviously idw based drift's obviously. But what about other drift's? Cyberverse? Bayverse? They are different, not gay drift's. Ratchet is hard to say which ones count. I will ponder this carefully.
Rodimus, as much as I want to include him because he is a flaming homosexual, never ACTUALLY kisses a man. Whirl, as much as I want to include him, never gets to be gay on page because Jro is a coward.
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Alright folks, it's time for story time. Get yourself a snack and a drink and take a seat, or stand if you feel like it. So, I have a Facebook, and no I will NOT give it out here so don't ask, and on that FB, one of the groups that I am in is for scale modeling, like model tanks, planes, cars etc. Now, this is the second group for that sort thing I have been in because the people in the first group I was in have never heard of constructive criticism and was just plain mean to me when I share a completed model.
So, I joined the group that this story is about and no, I will not share the name of the group here because I'm not that cruel, even if I'd like to be. Now, this group had like a sub-group where people would post pictures of their completed models and then at the end a month, the group admins would round up all the pictures and put them in a monthly album in the main group.
That sub group is where the first part of the story begins. This is because on 8/09/23, someone made a post to that sub-group that was some sort of fact about Tarantulas in Australia and the post included a picture of a very large Tarantula on it. So, I made a comment on the post where I first questioned what the posts relevance lies in a sub-group that is for posting pictures of completed models and where I said that it could trigger people who have arachnophobia. I'd also like to point out that this tarantula post was the first post that I saw on FB when I opened the app for the first time that day so, there was no scrolling past it. Anyway, after I made my comment, I closed the app and went about my day.
Later in the day, I opened the FB app again and you know what, that damn tarantula post was right there again, as soon as I opened the app. This time, however, it had was a post by one of the admins saying that op put it in the wrong group when they put in the sub-group, so she moved it to the main group. Now, I didn't make another comment on the post because clearly no one read it before the post got moved but in my head I am questioning why this post needs to be in a group about scale models and how inconsiderate it is having a post that could clearly trigger people but this will all be really important in just a bit.
So, the following day on 8/10/23, I open the FB app and scroll a little and I see this post by the other group admin and the one I got a screenshot of it and I did not put the name of the admin in there because, again, I am not that cruel, even if I want to be.
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Now, this post from the other admin here has a lot going for it and none of it is good. My partner actually pointed out how the picture the admin used related to a r*** whistle like they're trying to make a joke of it, regardless of if they knew about it or not. The first I read the post and looked at the picture, the message that I was getting is that "if you come across a post in this group that offends you, go suck a dick because we don't care".
Now, at this point I was pretty frustrated because I knew that this was targeted at me, even if they didn't directly say so, because of the tarantula post and there was another one before that but I can't remember much about that one right now, but there one that I found offensive also and made the admins aware of. Because I am frustrated, I begin to craft a very large comment in response to this post with the intention to make the comment and leave the group because I was not going to put up with admins like this.
Now, I don't remember exactly what my large comment said but I'll do my best to give the basics of what I said. I started off by saying something like "oh, a r*** whistle joke, how classy" with an eye roll emoji. From there I basically when on to say how this post really makes me feel like either of the admins actually care if someone were to come across a post in this group that offends them. I said that in my experience and observations that it is often the people that like to label people as "snowflakes" and say that people now a days are too easily offended are often the types of people that say that because they need an excuse to be a offensive, bigoted asshole who are incapable of changing their ways. I then went into it about the tarantula post saying that while yes, that post never should have landed in the sub-group that it generally didn't need to be posted in the main group either and I said, again, it isn't relevant to scale models and I also said that while I myself don't, I know a lot of people with deep arachnophobia that could/would have a full on panic attack seeing a post like that and added that post was the first post to pop up right off the bat on two occasions of me opening the FB app in the same day.
I added something in there about how this post that the admin made isn't funny and that it feel like, to me, that they're trying to deflect any sort of responsibility or accountability by trying to make the post out to be a very unfunny joke and by saying that they may not have been in their right mind making the post because of whatever medication the admin may have taken which, if that is the case, don't make the post at all because you're the admin and you are one of two people that have to be held accountable for the types of posts that make it into the group. I, for good measure, added something in there about how I think that the admins really need to do a better job at being admins and that is something coming from someone like myself who used to be an admin of a small FB group. That is about as much as I remember about the big comment I made on the admins post and after I posted it I left the group.
Now, something about this group to note is that a good amount of the people that make up the group are in their 50s and above and like that seems to be something I notice in most people in older generations is that they think that people in the younger generations are just too easily offended and I got that vibe from a lot people in that group. I'd also like to add how in the admins post they specifically add a disclaimer which, if you ask me, is a huge no no for being a group admin. Like, I hope this doesn't come off bad but using the taking of medication as an excuse to not be held responsible or accountable for how people react to your post just plain doesn't cut it for me. We hold drunk people responsible and accountable when they do something bad while under the influence so, the medication excuse is, well, just that, an excuse.
Now to head to the end of this story. A few hours after I left the group I received an pm from one of the admins who clearly was perturbed by my very large comment. Again, I don't remember word for word what they said nor did I screenshot it before I blocked them so I will do my best here. They started off by saying that I should have kept scrolling but instead I took offense by the post (Obviously because it was not funny even though other people who commented on the admins post thought it was funny). They then said that they are deathly afraid of bees and always scrolls past anything they see with bees (which doesn't really apply to how I saw the tarantula post twice in the same day). They went on to say something about how the tarantula post was wrongfully put in the sub-group so they moved it to the main group where it was perfectly okay since the main group does allow the occasional off topic post and rounded things off by saying, again, that I should have kept scrolling.
Of course I sent them a pretty long message back before blocking them. I started off by saying that I understand that off topics are allowed (which I do because I had seen a lot of them in that group and just passed them by because it would be like food or peoples cats being goofy, harmless stuff) but that these off topic post should be within reason and not just anything that anyone wants to post. I said that while I may not be arachnophobic, I just do not want to see a big ass tarantula and that I know a lot of people with arachnophobia where that post would send them into a panic attack and the fact that the op was allowed to post it show that both the op and the admins have zero consideration for the possibility that there may be arachnophobic people in this group. I then switched from the tarantula post to the other admins post where I said that it was not funny, it felt like a r*** whistle joke which is highly unacceptable and that it really makes me feel that both of the admins just do not care if someone gets offended by something within the group and that's not an environment that I want to be apart of. I also said that it is pretty ironic how they talk about just scrolling past posts for you don't like/don't agree with because they obviously read my entire comment and didn't like it rather than just keep on scrolling. I again said they both need to be better admins. I may have said more but I can't really remember but that is the basics of it. After that I blocked that admin. I have yet to block the other admin because my curiosity wants me to see if they reach out to me about it.
I would never want to be the co-admin of a group and have the other admin be like these ones. I used to be the admin a very specific kind of FB group but my group had great people. These admins clearly are just being stupid if they're not going to care if a post offends someone. It's a group of like 17K people and I think that you have to do what's best for the majority of the group and not just a single person. If I had been an admin for that group, that tarantula post would have been scrubbed as soon as I saw it and I wouldn't have cared if the op got mad at me, or the other admin. Well, anyway, that's my story.
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camphalfbloodquotes · 7 years
Annabeth was in no condition to run, and she didn’t like her chances in combat. Arachne probably weighed several hundred pounds. Those barbed legs were perfect for capturing and killing prey. Besides, Arachne probably had other horrible powers—a poisonous bite, or web-slinging abilities like an Ancient Greek Spider-Man.
Mark of Athena
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Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
Raiders of the Lost Ark has some machine gun fire, with bright muzzle flashes only visible in the first scene that uses them, during a tense shootout. In this scene, the strobe effects end after the line “shoot them both.” Later, there is a scene at night with a storm brewing, and lightning throughout the scene, some of which uses severe strobe effects. This scene is intercut with another one inside a tent, and there are no strobe effects in the tent. Near the end of the film, just after one of the villains starts laughing, every electric device that uses electricity shorts out with bright explosions, causing just a few seconds of a strobe effect. When everything gets quiet, and more dramatic music starts playing, the rest of the film is safe and free of strobe effects.
There is one brief flying scene in a small, open-cockpit airplane. One chase scene involves fast-driving vehicles, with cameras both inside and following them. Shortly after, there are a few scenes on a boat, with very mild rocking on the water.
Flashing Lights: 6/10. Motion Sickness: 3/10.
TRIGGER WARNING: Bloody violence, creepy-crawler scenes with snakes and tarantulas, numerous decayed bodies, Nazis, and some stereotyping of Arabic people. This film, which was released before the PG-13 rating existed, would undoubtedly be rated PG-13 if released now for its violence and scary images.
ADMIN NOTE: We have evaluated this film in the past, but we have determined that it merits this new evaluation, given that our methods of evaluating films for health hazards have expanded since the original post.
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publicschoolstories · 7 years
Every day in second period a kid comes in late, takes his gum out, and sticks it to the bottom of the desk. Every day my teacher gets annoyed with him for it and asks for him to stop and warns that one day he'll regret it, which we all assumed was a scare tactic. Yesterday, the kid came in twenty minutes late as per usual, takes his gum out, reaches under the desk, and screams. My teacher breaks out laughing. He then runs out crying. My teacher had put his tarantula in the shelf under the desk.
As I was reading that I was expecting a mousetrap but arachnid was so much better
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rigorwh0retis · 4 years
Some old Jesse Cromeans and Asa Emory poly headcanons from my old blog.
Even if these two are in a relationship with each other and their current partner, these two killers still act extremely competitive with one another when it comes to being the better boyfriend. However, it's mostly Jesse who tries to constantly flexes and tries to one up Asa at every opportunity. Oh, Asa took their s/o out to a fancy restaurant? Well Jesse is going to take them to an even more expensive and fancier restaurant. So, Mr. Emory bought their partner some high-priced jewelry? That’s fine, Jesse will buy them five more just like that. Jesse Cromeans will take their s/o out on shopping days before sending them off to Asa’s in the extremely lavashed high brand clothes Jesse bought them just to really rub it in his boyfriends face. While it gets on Asa Emory’s nerves quite a lot he can’t but be a bit smug at the fact that he gets to spend more time with their s/o since Jesse is away a lot for “business” trips and get an ego boost to see how jealous Jesse is to see the several bruises that cover their s/o’s skin. 
Jesse Cromeans and Asa Emory are so loaded that their s/o realistically doesn’t ever have to lift a finger in their life again if they so choose it. Anything their s/o wants, they will gladly have it given to them on a silver platter. However, when it comes to spoiling their s/o, Asa isn’t one to constantly spoil them and buy whatever they desire at the drop of a hat unlike Jesse. Asa doesn’t want his s/o to constantly buy silly things with his money and will likely tell them no if they ask for something too much. Lucky for their s/o, Jesse will gladly buy them that thing they want, if work for it by giving him some good ole lovin’. 
Out of the three, Jesse is the most open about his affection in public. He has no shame, so he will always little kisses or hand his partners and Asa’s hands in public when he feels much to Asa’s distaste to PDA. Asa absolutely hates it when either of his partners try to hold his hand or give a kiss in public. Jesse will do it just to piss his boyfriend off and embarrass him if any of Asa’s colleagues happen to be near them. When they all three go to one of their houses at the end of the night, Jesse will have to deal with a grumpy Asa and be ignored for the next couple of days until he cools down.  
Cuddling with Asa and Jesse can be tricky because Asa refuses to be anything other than the big spoon but Jesse is much larger than both of his significant others and it’s easier for him to big spoon so he doesn’t crush his partners when he shifts on his back. So they often argue who’s going to be the big spoon that night because Asa is stubborn and doesn’t think it’s very manly to be in the middle or on the outer edge. Jesse eventually gives up and chooses to be the middle spoon so he ends up rolling on Asa in his sleep as revenge for being such a hardass but also still have their s/o in his arms curled up on his chest. 
Asa is a bit of a homebody so he enjoys staying in and watching movies with his s/o curled up against him on the chest with the dogs at his feet. Of course, Jesse will catch wind of their little stay in party and crash it with his favorite alcohol so they all can get drunk and watch whatever old man movies Asa might pick out. By the end of the night both these old men are passed out on the couch fast asleep and slowly crushing their s/o with their weight as they continue to watch the movies they picked out. 
However, Jesse is quite the opposite and much rather go out whether that be boujee restaurants where he can drink the most expensive alcohol with his lover. If he's feeling a little pent up he might suggest going to some kind of night club though Asa will grimace at the thought of being in a loud, crowded place full of drunken sweaty strangers. He usually gets dragged to it by Jesse and their s/o to which he finds a dark corner to hide in while Jesse bumps and grinds against their s/o to the loud upbeat music.
Jesse has a group chat set up for his partners and often spams in with good mornings and pictures of embarrassing pictures of his employees. Jesse and their s/o are the most active in it and often make plans without Asa knowing most of the time because Emory barely knows how to operate his phone, let alone a group chat. Asa has left the chat by accident so many times that Jesse considered just leaving out of it because he didn’t want to keep adding him back. Eventually when Asa gets the hang of operating his phone he starts to send pictures of bugs he finds or shitty facebook memes he thinks are funny (they aren’t funny but Jesse and their s/o pretend they are). Asa will also use it to mess with Jesse by sending blurry selfies of Asa with their s/o when he’s not there.  Also, Asa spams pictures of his tarantulas to the point Jesse leaves the group and their s/o becomes admin of their chat. They won’t let Jesse have the role of admin until he gives them piggyback rides whenever they want.
Jesse Cromeans and Asa Emory are so protective of their s/o that if someone so much as looks in their direction they are getting gutted on spot. Their s/o never has to worry about feeling unsafe because Jesse always has his employees ready to drop what they're doing and come escort you out of any uncomfortable situations. However, if the situation escalated and their s/o got hurt in any dort of way well then there’s real hell to pay because both Asa and Jesse would unleash their fury on the dumb soul that thought it was a good idea to fuck with their precious babe. 
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Survey #332
i’m even more tired than before to try and think up song lyrics, i’m pasting from Word and then fucking off to bed lmao.
What was the last video message you received on your phone? I think it was a clip of Doris (Sara's beardie) eating and just being her perfect self? Was your last birthday cake homemade or store bought? Store-bought. One thing you miss about middle school? Shit, nothing. Middle school was the worst. Do you have any shirts signed by famous people? No. Have you ever entered an art competition? Yes. Would you ever pierce yourself? No. I am very much about having a professional do your body mods/art. Plus, I have tremors in my hands. Do you live in a safe neighbourhood? Supposedly. We haven't lived here nearly long enough to know. What is the last thing you did that shocked someone? /shrug Do you often find yourself questioning your future? Only always. Have you ever been for a ride in the back of a truck? Yeah. Do you like your license photo? I hate my permit picture. Are you into superheroes? Who’s your favorite? Not very, but I like 'em enough. I always say my favorite is Deadpool, but I know he's technically an anti-hero, but whatever. If you don't include him, uhhhh... maybe Spiderman. Have you started watching any new TV shows recently? No. Have you ever been able pet a normally wild animal, like a tiger or dolphin? No. :( At least, not to my recollection. Have you ever eaten snow? Yeah. There's actually a winter treat 'round here that you make with snow and sugar called snow cream. Good stuff. What is the messiest area in your home? Right now, the spare room/my wanna-be "office." What’s your favorite computer game genre? Still horror, like video games. Do you have any exes your parents never liked? No. Have you received financial help from your parents in the past 5 years? I'm completely financially dependent on them still. Are you a fast or a slow eater? I eat like, stupid fast, but without being messy. People *cough*Mom*cough* will absolutely point it out, but I seriously can't help it. Making a conscious effort to eat slow feels way too weird. What was the last thing you purchased from a small local business? I don't know. Is there anyone in your family/household whom you frequently argue with? No. Have you ever used chewing tobacco? Ew, no. Tell me what's on your mind? I've been considering yet again reaching out to some tattoo parlors and asking if they're open to hiring someone to handle the front desk and take care of business besides actually performing piercing and tattooing, given my tremors. My group therapy has kinda been encouraging me to use the possibility for social exposure, and besides, I'm very comfortable in the environment and just general aura of tat parlors. I'm sure I'd have to answer the phone, handle money, and obviously talk to costumers, but I know and accept that. I've been at such a stagnant point with my social anxiety in particular that I have to start pushing back harder, and doing this I feel would be one of the most relaxed, social job positions I can hopefully handle. I don't dare to even try this though until I get vaccinated to protect my immunocompromised mom. Writing this all out has actually been pretty encouraging about this idea... Do you wish you never dated someone you dated? Yeah, Tyler. It was such a "I'm lonely and he was nice in high school, so we'll try it" situation. I got nothing from it. Are you scared of growing old alone? Pretty badly. What are you listening to right now? I'm listening to/semi-watching John Wolfe play the remaster of Resident Evil 2. What breed was the last dog you saw? He was a German shepherd. Would you ever go swimming during a thunderstorm? No. Any time a thunderstorm was brewing and I was in the pool, I'd always get out. What is the next concert you will attend? Mom and I plan to see Ozzy when/if he reschedules his tour after he had to cancel with his Parkinson's diagnosis. What was the name of the last pet of yours that died? Teddy. :/ What's the highest science class you have taken? I don't know, actually. What makes you squeal like a school girl? No shame, seeing Mark and Amy do something cute together actually does this, lmao. What’s your favorite symbol? (i.e. the pentagram, the cross, etc.) Do fictional ones count? Because in that case, the Halo of the Sun from the Silent Hill franchise. I'm getting it tattooed somewhere at some point, I'm thinking the left side of my neck. I'm either gonna fashion it in a way where it looks branded on or carved into me. Have you ever been on anti depressants? For all of my pre-teen, teen, and some of my adult life. Apparently, I've only had one truly educated psychiatrist out of no less than a dozen I'd seen, because he fixed me right up. He taught me that those who suffer from bipolarity should avoid anti-depressants; they ramp up your bipolar symptoms. Instead, mood stabilizers are favorable. And what do you know, after I was prescribed a stabilizer and a catalyst for that medication, my depression decreased dramatically and became handleable. Have you ever starved yourself? Kinda. What’s the stupidest name you’ve ever given a pet? I had a guinea pig named Harry Potter. For no particular reason lmao. I'm not even a Harry Potter fan. Do you have nice legs? God no. Do you like fedoras? Okay so I know I am in the strong minority, but I actually do, haha. What is your favorite food group? Carbs. @_@ Have you ever got told that you should be a model? No, but one of the most flattering indirect compliments I've ever gotten was being mistaken for one. Jason's phone wallpaper was one of my favorite pictures of myself with my first snake, and someone asked him if I was a model. ;v;' What song is in a language you don’t speak, but you love it anyway? "Donaukinder" by Rammstein is one of my faves. Who’s a villain you sympathize with and why? SOBS Darkiplier bc his origins are so damn tragic and unfair. What book do you think should be directed as a film? Was The Giver ever made into one? I don't remember that book well, but I do recall it being absolutely beautiful. Have you ever found a stranger’s note somewhere? If so, what did it say? No. Have you ever edited Wikipedia? No. Have you ever edited any other wiki? Yeah. I have thousands on the Silent Hill wiki, where I'm one of the admins. I'm also a content moderator at the Team Ico (Shadow of the Colossus devs) one. Every now and again I used to go on the meerkats wiki as well, where I mainly fixed the fucking nightmarish grammar. Very briefly, I edited at the Dragons of Atlantis wiki as well. Do you get scared when you know some virus or sickness is being passed? Not very, but of course I still acknowledge the risk and am more conscious of hand washing and stuff. What popular social media platforms AREN’T you on? Snapchat, I don't actually use my Twitter, I don't have a personal Instagram... There may be more, idk. Is TikTok a "social media platform?" Because I don't have that, either. What was the name of the first porcelien doll you got? Never had one, given I was afraid of dolls as a kid. What’s your favorite Paramore song? "Decode." Would you be happy with a life without romance? To be entirely honest, I'd feel like I was missing something. Was your childhood happy? Mostly. What fundamentally matters do you? Love, kindness, peace, all that gooey stuff. Is true world peace ever possible? As much as I hate to admit it, I don't think so. The human population is far too big to come to a unanimous agreement on anything. Do you hold yourself to higher standards than you hold others? Yeah. Would you ever own a pet black widow spider? No. I'm getting more into the idea of owning invertebrates (I jabber enough about wanting tarantulas, and there are others, like mantises, I'm interested in as pets), but black widows, I'm not into the idea of having. Too venomous for me to be comfortable risking. If you have a job, what is the longest shift that you've worked? N/A Do you know all of the words to "Bohemian Rhapsody?" FUCK YES I DO. ^ Do you sing it with all of the different voices? sho nuff Do you own more than one copy of a certain book? No. Do you like interpreting poetry or just reading it for fun? Both. I love symbolism, so I get joy out of digging for subtle meanings in poems. Do you have a favorite Dr. Suess book? Yeah, it was always Green Eggs and Ham. Do you watch The Walking Dead? If so, favorite character? Not the show, but I've watched let's plays of the games, haha. In which case Clementine is inarguably one of the best female characters in a video game universe. Who has/had the most mature romantic relationship you’ve seen with your own eyes? Uhhh. I mean I never saw them much, but probably my late grandmother and her last husband. He was fucking incredible to her, and Grammy adored him as well. They helped each other so much and just obviously had the purest love between them. When was the last time you got something for free (legally)? What was it & have you enjoyed it so far? Lmao do balls in Pokemon GO count? Their occasional free boxes are the reason I can play the game because PokeStops are essentially non-existent here, so yes. What is the one fruit you can’t stand to eat? How about vegetable? The first one that came to me were oranges. I enjoy orange juice, but I just caaaaannot with the white veiny shit that you can't totally get off when peeling it. Without that, I might actually enjoy them, but idk. As for vegetable, asparagus is absolutely abhorrent. When’s the last time you actually recited the pledge? If you aren’t American, do/did you have anything similar in your country that you do during a time at school? Probably not since high school. Last person you shared food with? Ummm I have no idea. It's really just Mom and me here and we eat our own stuff. What was the last song you heard for the first time and enjoyed? I believe it waaas... "Down In The Park" by Marilyn Manson, maybe. If your life was a TV show, what would be the theme song? My inner high school emo just screamed "All Signs Point to Lauderdale" by AD2R. Who are some of your favorite female fictional characters, and why? Gahdamn, there's a lot. I don't feel like going through a mental list in my head and then describing why. A character (in anything) you wish hadn’t been killed off? Vol'jin; I think the entire WoW fanbase will forever be pissed about it. It was THE most "lul we dunno what 2 do w/ him anymore, let's let a totally random, unnamed, unimportant demon kill him" like what the fuck, Blizz. Most of his "oomph" was in the book, and I just really wish they'd done so much more with him in the game. Has anything “cute” happened in the past week? Off the top of me noggin, no. When did you last say “I love you”? Did you mean it? Yesterday to Sara. OF course I did. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? Hi, PTSD, how are ya. Have you ever slept all day? Essentially. When I was on a larger dose of my anxiety med, I physically couldn't stay up for barely even five minutes, and when I'd lie back down, boom, I was OUT. I stayed on that dosage for I think just that one day, it was so bad. Can you have kids? Well, I have a functioning menstrual cycle, so I would assume so. Doesn't mean I will, though. What colors of mascara have you worn on your lashes? Only black. Do you like eating sour things? Hell yeah, I love sour stuff, candy in particular. Do you like pickles? fuuuuck yeah Did you ever have a really close friend move away? Yeah, in elementary school. I feel bad I can't remember her name at the moment... What's the most creative thing you've ever done? I mean, I guess the things I've written in RP. What's the most creative thing someone has done for you? For me? I don't really know. Do you like to watch ghost-hunting shows? Sure, they're some of my favorites. What’s something you’d like to be better at? Social interaction. Have you ever stayed up to talk to someone who was sad? Yeah. Do you think you would make a good parent? No. I know I wouldn't. The only time I ever wanted kids was with Jason, and honestly, I really hope I don't end up with a man because I never want to deal with that urge again and make a mistake. I'm just in no way emotionally fit to be a mother. How many best friends do you have? Just one. What do you cry over the most? My PTSD, honestly. I never sob about it anymore, just shed some tears. What language did/do you take in high school? Latin for one semester, then all four available for German. Which sports do you follow? None. Who was the last person you talked about marriage or having kids with? About marriage, Sara. Kids, the subject was lightly touched upon with Girt, though "with" was never a part of it, but obviously implied seeing as we were dating with long-term in mind. Have you ever been in a house fire? No, thankfully. Have you ever made out for one straight hour? them is rookie numbers Are you any good at remembering phone numbers? No. I literally don't even know my own, nor my mother's. I need to fix that. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? Girt. Do you have a bookshelf? If so, just one or how many? No. If I gave you twenty bucks what would you do with it? Save it to go towards Venus' terrarium. Is there a movie from your childhood that you still watch today? Well of course! I'm unashamed to watch any "kids" movie I enjoy, like Disney ones. Most "kids" movies tend to be better than those intended for adults, it seems... Are you afraid of mice? Oh no, I adore mice and I think had a pair as pets before I got rats. What type of souvenir do you usually purchase when on vacation? I can't really answer this; I haven't gone on nearly enough vacations to develop a theme. I can say confidently though it'd probably be something small. If you could see any musical on Broadway right now, what would it be? I don't enjoy musicals. Have you ever watched Doctor Who? One or two with Sara, yes. I know we at least watched the weeping angels episode. If you read, which book or series did you enjoy most as a child? Warriors by S.E. Hinton. Sometimes I wanna get back into them, but I am YEARS behind and more into Wings of Fire anyway, so. I don't read nearly enough for both. How do you get rid of your hiccups? Literally no trick seems to work for me. I just suffer lmao.
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ravenpuff-bagel · 4 years
Heyo! I'm Raven, the second admin of this account and as you can probably tell, my writing style is a bit different to Puff's. Hope ya like it though :)
Hogwarts houses as stupid things my ex has said to me over text.
Ravenclaw: “Okay, what's your address again?” “Why?” “So I can send you the Bear and the flamethrower”
Hufflepuff: Them: "Give me twenty-three reasons why you don't want a bear"
Me: *proceeds to type*
1. B
2. E
3. C
4. A
5. U
6. S
7. E
8. I
9. D
10. O
11. N
12. '
13. T
14. W
15. A
16. N
17. T
18. A
19. B
20. E
21. A
22. R
23. !
Gryffindor: "I'm gonna buy a tarantula for you" "no thanks"
Slytherin :"Ah, okay, as long as she doesn't throw me out a window"
-Ravenclaw Admin :D
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yoolee · 6 years
If lee wrote otome | #2 - Boss
The Heroine (MC)
CEO MC: Never gets enough sleep, which makes her sarcastic but is also semi her own fault given the amount of caffeine she consumes. Sort of obsessive about long-term planning, unwaveringly believes that a company’s value comes from its employees and will choose them over shareholder dividends every time. Determined to run an ethical company even if it means it’s not the most profitable company. Super duper Type A – aggressive and fearless because she has to be. Sometimes really just wants a cupcake in her hand and a cat in her lap, but then she’s bored and goes back to business planning. Creative risk-taker, decent negotiator. Smart enough to know where she needs help and hire people who can do the things she can’t (or, more to the point, doesn’t want to do). Gets back up every time. Will definitely fight you. Might feel bad about it later but only if someone reminds her it happened.
Love Interests
The BARISTA: Peppy, optimist (or so MC thinks) but it turns out they actually switch up their personality depending on who they’re serving (sometimes they are the chill, hipster philosopher, sometimes they are the rude New York get-it-done eye roller, etc.) actually somewhere in the middle of it all – but really IS an optimist despite themselves. Kind of slippery and hard to pin down. Big family, used to being what their other siblings/parents need from them. Fairly certain CEO MC is headed for an early heart attack with the amount of espresso she imbibes. Probably an author. Maybe an ex-broadway personjust because. IDK.
The PR LAWYER: Worked-three-jobs-put-self-through-college story. Patience, tact, good at calming people down. Detail oriented, a little fussy about appearances. Perennially exasperated by CEO (Please don’t promise to have a cure for cancer In the next three years with no data to back it up. No, you can’t punch the reporter for being a dick. Look, I know you WANT to donate 100% of proceeds to charity but please pick a friendlier one than ‘punch reporters in the face foundation’ that’s not gonna fly) never gets enough sleep. Has a key to MC’s house so they can come yell at her for making their life difficult at whatever hour of the night she insists on doing so. Is on MC’s speed-dial, which means they also get called to DD, though they’d rather not.
FLAKY MODEL(s?): Trust fund kid? Pretty face? Floats through life? The sort of person who will get on the wrong subway train and then just ride it all day people-watching never mind that they had an appointment six hours ago. Pose with a boa constrictor? Sure, as long as it’s being treated humanely. Tarantula on the face? Awwww, it’s fuzzyyyyy. No filter, no worries. Probably drags CEO MC along on a Caribbean shoot and PR Lawyer has to call and yell because that does not look good, okay? And poor MC is like, I thought we were getting a drink and model is like WE ARE we are getting tropical coconut water from the SOURCE here oh wait I don’t know how to drink out of a coconut…who knows why they are attracted to CEO MC, probably because she’s there and sticks around and no one else does. Human puppy dog.
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: young hotshot venture capitalist, thinks CEO MC is a bleeding heart (your employees do not need that many sick days, lost productivity blah blah blah why do we need a daycare onsite that’s a waste of shareholder money), kind of a math whiz, naturally lucky, doesn’t get along with family (gambling problem in the fam – which manifests in him in investment risks and unresolved issues) butts heads constantly with MC, frequently tries to get her fired – in part because his attempts to do so get her fired up and she does great things, which ultimately is better for the company than when she’s just doing her normal ‘good’ job. She is going to be royally ticked when she figures that out. Manipulative, but relatively benign under it all. The sort of person who smirks instead of smiles. All the time.
CHEF FROM HER FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Also a CEO though on smaller scale, because, running a restaurant IS running a business. Probably under the impression CEO MC is actually like, a graduate student with no money because she tends to get takeout at weird hours. Gruff, grumpy, abrupt, but heart of gold. Basically—will grumble about you coming in late but will add extra veggies to your pasta because you’re looking a little pale and need the nutrients and if you call them on it will snarl that they had to be used up they were going bad and he wasn’t going to waste extra, expensive, PROTEIN on you. (MC asks them out and then realizes the only nice restaurant she knows is the one the chef owns)
PRESCHOOL TEACHER: JUST A DECENTLY NICE PERSON. Checks in to make sure MC has eaten regularly, staying hydrated, needs anything fixed around the house (she can do her own plumbing but doesn’t like the electrical and hey it’s nice to have company). Good with kids. Maybe divorced and wanted them but ex-spouse didn’t? idk. Calm, not easily ruffled, sweet as pie, except when he’s playing video games and suddenly MC understands how he can get through the day without any aggression – he unleashes it on fictional zombies. Blissfully normal, all things considered.
PERSONAL TRAINER: “fine, whatever, EAT THE DANG CHEESE if you’re just going to ignore my nutritional advice we’re doing ten more reps” athletic, happiest when DOING versus saying or reading or sitting. Not as impulsive as you’d guess at first glance, because they tend to use working out as a meditative time to make decisions. Didn’t finish college because they realized they just didn’t enjoy it, but they did enjoy working with student athletes, which is how they got into training. Enviably fit. Wants to expand the gym so wheedles business advice out of MC in exchange for not harassing her about her tendency to drink coffee instead of water (she insists it has water IN it, it should count) not particularly intimidated by her, which is a pleasant change of pace.
Supporting Cast (non LIs)
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Keeps MC sane, has her back, schedules everything. Good at details, even better at smiling at angry people and making them not-angry through sheer force of sunny personality (actually a ruse, MC is convinced she’s actually the most delightfully evil person ever, but like some kind of fairy tale where when you acknowledge the thing it goes away, refuses to ever dive into figuring out). Older than the MC because we need to stop making middle aged women invisible in stories?? Sometimes has to remind MC of how much she does by holding silent protests (in part why MC thinks she is secretly a supervillain in the making) which are always, always successful.
PARENT COMPANY ADMIN ASSISTANT: Bane of MC’s existence. Smarmy, smily pain in the tush.
CFO: We have put in an official request with the company credit card management to start declining purchases at that coffee shop you go to, no this is not negotiable, it’s not in the budget anymore drink so darn water woman. Completely willing to go toe-to-toe with MC, meetings often involve a lot of yelling, but they’re always productive and no hard feelings.
CIO: Serpent-y, but not in a bad way. Just a very cool-tempered person, very contained, very guarded, very introverted. Never happy when she has to do presentations, so super willing to share knowledge with MC so she does it instead (she is not a great teacher, kind of judgey and shows her frustration when MC doesn’t ‘get’ it right away, but very brilliant, and there’s no malice in the judgement, just no filter). Extremely logic-oriented and process-oriented over people-oriented. Picks up and assess tech very quickly, and good at finding affordable, fast solutions.
RANDOM MARKETING EMPLOYEE:  Set up to be a villain but is actually like gung-ho on MC’s side. Literally an ex pageant queen, went to college on scholarship from it. Out of the workforce for awhile as a stay at home mom when her kids were young, but picks up the new trends fast. Now a single mother, so will literally fight the chairman if he tries to take away the company daycare. Some days uses the ‘people see a pretty face and assume no brain’ to her advantage, some days it wears her out. Unofficially drinking buddy with MC, even though they both feel weird about it given the fact MC is technically boss’s boss’s boss.
BARTENDER: also an ex-girlfriend maybe? Current best friend? Who she turns to when the barista cuts her off from coffee and the chef’s restaurant is already closed. Sharp-tongued, bristly, generally disgusted with MC’s six inch heels and slacks in her leather-jacket, cigar smoke bar. Like lady, you’re lost. Probably on the mob payroll at some point in her life.
(Chairman route?) MERGER – company has just bought another company, which is a major risk move for CEO (can only be one, so do you keep the old one on as a VP? Do you let them go? Will they be bitter/try to sabotage you?) you have to fend off internal sabotage, get everything running smoothly without either company falling apart in the process.  
(PR Lawyer route?) Parent company did something massively shady and it’s tainting your company’s name too, so you have to scrounge to avoid having to fire half your employees and keep the company alive.
(Model route?) New product launch – hence why models are entering the picture. It’s a new business venture in the sense it’s targeted at a completely new audience your company hasn’t catered to before.
(Personal Trainer route?) Company is in its infancy, hugely risky time, and you’re doing everything you can to ensure it’s a success  (maybe including putting your own salary back into it, which means you can’t afford PT so they agree to work with you as long as you give them business advice)
FROM @han-pan- they keep trying to buy new retail space for the gym and MC keeps buying it instead because it’s SUCH GOOD PROPERTY and they sort of exasperatedly are like ugh fine whatever you owe me since you keep swiping prime spots out from under my nose
See the rest here
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ifleewroteotome · 6 years
#4 - Boss!
Context: Sarcastic, ambitious, slightly aggressive, creative and caffeine-addicted CEO manages her business and falls in love, featuring:
Heroine: Risk-taker, smart enough to hire people to do the things she can’t (or doesn’t want to do), gets sh-- done and done well. Drinks too much coffee and does not know what work-life-balance is.
Barista: Peppy, optimistic, concerned for CEO’s general health and well-being. Chameleon.
PR Lawyer: Not paid nearly enough. Perennially exasperated. All to often CEO’s DD. Responsible.
Chairman of the board: hotshot venture capitalist with an attitude. Super alike to CEO which is why they bang heads a lot. Never smiles--just smirks. A lot.
Flaky model: Hired to promote new product, floating breezily through life like the blessed flower child they are. 
Chef: Grump with a heart of gold, has CEO’s takeout order ready (with extra veggies because girl, vitamins)
Preschool teacher neighbor: Actual hufflepuff, single parent, has the work-life balance stuff figured out.
Personal trainer: Doer of things. Does not judge. 
Supporting cast!: Possibly-evil-but-also-awesome administrative assistant, smarmy parent company vultures, cool-tempered CIO, quick-tempered CFO, ex-beauty pageant marketing employee/ally, ex-girlfriend bartender
The Heroine (MC)
CEO MC: Never gets enough sleep, which makes her sarcastic but is also semi her own fault given the amount of caffeine she consumes. Sort of obsessive about long-term planning, unwaveringly believes that a company’s value comes from its employees and will choose them over shareholder dividends every time. Determined to run an ethical company even if it means it’s not the most profitable company. Super duper Type A – aggressive and fearless because she has to be. Sometimes really just wants a cupcake in her hand and a cat in her lap, but then she’s bored and goes back to business planning. Creative risk-taker, decent negotiator. Smart enough to know where she needs help and hire people who can do the things she can’t (or, more to the point, doesn’t want to do). Gets back up every time. Will definitely fight you. Might feel bad about it later but only if someone reminds her it happened.
Love Interests
The BARISTA: Peppy, optimist (or so MC thinks) but it turns out they actually switch up their personality depending on who they’re serving (sometimes they are the chill, hipster philosopher, sometimes they are the rude New York get-it-done eye roller, etc.) actually somewhere in the middle of it all – but really IS an optimist despite themselves. Kind of slippery and hard to pin down. Big family, used to being what their other siblings/parents need from them. Fairly certain CEO MC is headed for an early heart attack with the amount of espresso she imbibes. Probably an author. Maybe an ex-broadway personjust because. IDK.
The PR LAWYER: Worked-three-jobs-put-self-through-college story. Patience, tact, good at calming people down. Detail oriented, a little fussy about appearances. Perennially exasperated by CEO (Please don’t promise to have a cure for cancer In the next three years with no data to back it up. No, you can’t punch the reporter for being a dick. Look, I know you WANT to donate 100% of proceeds to charity but please pick a friendlier one than ‘punch reporters in the face foundation’ that’s not gonna fly) never gets enough sleep. Has a key to MC’s house so they can come yell at her for making their life difficult at whatever hour of the night she insists on doing so. Is on MC’s speed-dial, which means they also get called to DD, though they’d rather not.
FLAKY MODEL(s?): Trust fund kid? Pretty face? Floats through life? The sort of person who will get on the wrong subway train and then just ride it all day people-watching never mind that they had an appointment six hours ago. Pose with a boa constrictor? Sure, as long as it’s being treated humanely. Tarantula on the face? Awwww, it’s fuzzyyyyy. No filter, no worries. Probably drags CEO MC along on a Caribbean shoot and PR Lawyer has to call and yell because that does not look good, okay? And poor MC is like, I thought we were getting a drink and model is like WE ARE we are getting tropical coconut water from the SOURCE here oh wait I don’t know how to drink out of a coconut…who knows why they are attracted to CEO MC, probably because she’s there and sticks around and no one else does. Human puppy dog.
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: young hotshot venture capitalist, thinks CEO MC is a bleeding heart (your employees do not need that many sick days, lost productivity blah blah blah why do we need a daycare onsite that’s a waste of shareholder money), kind of a math whiz, naturally lucky, doesn’t get along with family (gambling problem in the fam – which manifests in him in investment risks and unresolved issues) butts heads constantly with MC, frequently tries to get her fired – in part because his attempts to do so get her fired up and she does great things, which ultimately is better for the company than when she’s just doing her normal ‘good’ job. She is going to be royally ticked when she figures that out. Manipulative, but relatively benign under it all. The sort of person who smirks instead of smiles. All the time.
CHEF FROM HER FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Also a CEO though on smaller scale, because, running a restaurant IS running a business. Probably under the impression CEO MC is actually like, a graduate student with no money because she tends to get takeout at weird hours. Gruff, grumpy, abrupt, but heart of gold. Basically—will grumble about you coming in late but will add extra veggies to your pasta because you’re looking a little pale and need the nutrients and if you call them on it will snarl that they had to be used up they were going bad and he wasn’t going to waste extra, expensive, PROTEIN on you. (MC asks them out and then realizes the only nice restaurant she knows is the one the chef owns)
PRESCHOOL TEACHER: JUST A DECENTLY NICE PERSON. Checks in to make sure MC has eaten regularly, staying hydrated, needs anything fixed around the house (she can do her own plumbing but doesn’t like the electrical and hey it’s nice to have company). Good with kids. Maybe divorced and wanted them but ex-spouse didn’t? idk. Calm, not easily ruffled, sweet as pie, except when he’s playing video games and suddenly MC understands how he can get through the day without any aggression – he unleashes it on fictional zombies. Blissfully normal, all things considered.
PERSONAL TRAINER: “fine, whatever, EAT THE DANG CHEESE if you’re just going to ignore my nutritional advice we’re doing ten more reps” athletic, happiest when DOING versus saying or reading or sitting. Not as impulsive as you’d guess at first glance, because they tend to use working out as a meditative time to make decisions. Didn’t finish college because they realized they just didn’t enjoy it, but they did enjoy working with student athletes, which is how they got into training. Enviably fit. Wants to expand the gym so wheedles business advice out of MC in exchange for not harassing her about her tendency to drink coffee instead of water (she insists it has water IN it, it should count) not particularly intimidated by her, which is a pleasant change of pace.
Supporting Cast (non LIs)
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Keeps MC sane, has her back, schedules everything. Good at details, even better at smiling at angry people and making them not-angry through sheer force of sunny personality (actually a ruse, MC is convinced she’s actually the most delightfully evil person ever, but like some kind of fairy tale where when you acknowledge the thing it goes away, refuses to ever dive into figuring out). Older than the MC because we need to stop making middle aged women invisible in stories?? Sometimes has to remind MC of how much she does by holding silent protests (in part why MC thinks she is secretly a supervillain in the making) which are always, always successful.
PARENT COMPANY ADMIN ASSISTANT: Bane of MC’s existence. Smarmy, smily pain in the tush.
CFO: We have put in an official request with the company credit card management to start declining purchases at that coffee shop you go to, no this is not negotiable, it’s not in the budget anymore drink so darn water woman. Completely willing to go toe-to-toe with MC, meetings often involve a lot of yelling, but they’re always productive and no hard feelings.
CIO: Serpent-y, but not in a bad way. Just a very cool-tempered person, very contained, very guarded, very introverted. Never happy when she has to do presentations, so super willing to share knowledge with MC so she does it instead (she is not a great teacher, kind of judgey and shows her frustration when MC doesn’t ‘get’ it right away, but very brilliant, and there’s no malice in the judgement, just no filter). Extremely logic-oriented and process-oriented over people-oriented. Picks up and assess tech very quickly, and good at finding affordable, fast solutions.
RANDOM MARKETING EMPLOYEE: Set up to be a villain but is actually like gung-ho on MC’s side. Literally an ex pageant queen, went to college on scholarship from it. Out of the workforce for awhile as a stay at home mom when her kids were young, but picks up the new trends fast. Now a single mother, so will literally fight the chairman if he tries to take away the company daycare. Some days uses the ‘people see a pretty face and assume no brain’ to her advantage, some days it wears her out. Unofficially drinking buddy with MC, even though they both feel weird about it given the fact MC is technically boss’s boss’s boss.
BARTENDER: also an ex-girlfriend maybe? Current best friend? Who she turns to when the barista cuts her off from coffee and the chef’s restaurant is already closed. Sharp-tongued, bristly, generally disgusted with MC’s six inch heels and slacks in her leather-jacket, cigar smoke bar. Like lady, you’re lost. Probably on the mob payroll at some point in her life.
(Chairman route?) MERGER – company has just bought another company, which is a major risk move for CEO (can only be one, so do you keep the old one on as a VP? Do you let them go? Will they be bitter/try to sabotage you?) you have to fend off internal sabotage, get everything running smoothly without either company falling apart in the process.  
(PR Lawyer route?) Parent company did something massively shady and it’s tainting your company’s name too, so you have to scrounge to avoid having to fire half your employees and keep the company alive.
(Model route?) New product launch – hence why models are entering the picture. It’s a new business venture in the sense it’s targeted at a completely new audience your company hasn’t catered to before.
(Personal Trainer route?) Company is in its infancy, hugely risky time, and you’re doing everything you can to ensure it’s a success  (maybe including putting your own salary back into it, which means you can’t afford PT so they agree to work with you as long as you give them business advice)
FROM @han-pan- they keep trying to buy new retail space for the gym and MC keeps buying it instead because it’s SUCH GOOD PROPERTY and they sort of exasperatedly are like ugh fine whatever you owe me since you keep swiping prime spots out from under my nose
See the rest here
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boc-naia · 3 years
As the Bureau of Customs –Ninoy Aquino International Airport (BOC-NAIA) commemorates its 61 years of dedicated service to the nation and the Filipino people, it’s noteworthy to reflect on its most challenging flight in 2020, when despite the pandemic-induced turbulence, BOC-NAIA was able to fly over the disturbance for a pleasant ride to observe its 61st year anniversary this September 16, 2021.
With its mandate to secure the country’s premier airport, a major economic gateway for the Philippines, BOC-NAIA undertook extraordinary measures to ensure the continued operations of the airport amid the pandemic, and to secure it from all forms of threat and illicit activities as well.
These operational measures paved the way for its successful operations on preventing entry of drugs, meat and meat products without permits and wildlife seizures and resulted in the intensified border security against illicit goods and the filing of corresponding charges.
An estimated P64.6M-worth of Illegal Drugs such as Ecstasy, Ketamine, Kush, Liquid Marijuana, and Shabu and a total of 363.75kgs of meat and meat products with no import clearance and health certificate, which were intercepted, and several attempts of wildlife species smuggling, such as rare poisonous spiders, tarantulas, lizards, and even marine animals, were forestalled and seized by the Airport at the borders.
These endeavors resulted to the milestones of BOC-NAIA in receiving recognition from PDEA and DENR for BOC NAIA’s contribution in preventing anti-social goods.
The pandemic created new challenges for BOC-NAIA. But it never faltered, nor its resolve to provide only the best service regardless of the situation affected as they render duty 24/7.
As the nation struggled to contain the spread of the virus, BOC-NAIA, in coordination with the other concerned agencies, established One Stop Shop to expedite the release of anti-COVID-19 vaccines and medicines.
In its full support to the national inoculation program, the airport cleared 86 shipments of COVID-19 Vaccine in 64 batches lodging 57 million vaccine doses. These time-sensitive vaccines were pre-cleared by the BOC-NAIA One Stop Shop prior to its arrival resulting to a speedy and systematic importation process of the same, without any unnecessary delays.
BOC NAIA also received distinct commendations from prominent leaders - Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) Director General Atty. Jeremiah B. Belgica on the Ease of Doing Business efforts and accomplishments, and Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) Testing Czar Secretary Vivencio 'Vince' Bringas Dizon on the expeditious facilitation and the flawless airport management of the COVID-19 Vaccine importations halfway through 2021.
In support to Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero’s thrust towards the Bureau of Customs’ reform and transformation, the Port of NAIA also passed the Compliance Stage of the Performance Governance System (PGS) and was awarded with a Gold Governance Trailblazer Award – the highest PGS award, during the Public Governance Forum on May 24, 2021, for its transformation commitment and outstanding Compliance Stage Revalida performance last April 2021, as among the four (4) Gold Collection District-awardees who exhibited their best effort in PGS implementation by exceeding the minimum requirements of the 2nd Stage and by showcasing breakthroughs at the unit or enterprise level that demonstrate its progress towards transformation.
In terms of digitization, at present, the airport's performance is further bolstered by its initiated Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Systems and digital services, in addition to BOC systems and processes being implemented.
BOC-NAIA created a Ticketing System to allow the real-time tracking of both incoming and outgoing documents, with a reduced turn-around time of 30 minutes.
To hasten document retrieval, filing folders are attached with unique QR Codes to allow easy scanning and retrieving using Smart Phones, successfully reducing retrieval time of documents.
To further assess its services in the bid for better government services, BOC-NAIA has put up Customer Satisfaction Survey QR Code System in conspicuous areas in the port for stakeholders to give feedback on the quality of its service, help determine areas for development and consequently, boost BOC NAIA’s feedback mechanism.
BOC-NAIA also launched its newest addition to its digital services, the Digital NAIA Sticker which allows personnel to view announcements, admin corner, Audio-Visual Presentations, Flyers, Guide, Reviewers, and Performance Governance System (PGS) materials real-time by scanning the embedded QR using mobile phones.
To promote professionalism and transparency and provide better customs services to all its internal and external stakeholders, BOC - NAIA underwent the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) External Audit Stage 2 conducted by an External Auditor from TUV-SUD, a leading provider of management systems solutions, for its application of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Certification.
Thru the leadership of District Collector Carmelita M. Talusan and guidance of Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero, and dedicated BOC NAIA officials and entire personnel, BOC-NAIA will continue to fly high above amid challenges to protect the borders and serve the public 24/7.
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palpablenotion · 7 years
so i restarted my new leaf game to challenge myself and of course i’m time traveling so i’m in june right now and i realized that the tarantula was available
i’ve never caught a tarantula, never even seen one in the game
the scorpion, of course, has left me terribly jumpy because i didn’t know bugs could attack you
so i have been running around town, cleared two spots of trees because they like open spaces, and that fucker shows up among the trees behind the admin building didn’t even hear it
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Animal Headcanons!
((I’ve been thinking about this a lot ever since I had this conversation with the other admin. Animal headcanons! These headcanons came about due to my own love of my polyship (it’s an ot5) Which consists of: Tamaki Amajiki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Todoroki Shouto, and Bakugo Katsuki. Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m shipping trash. I ship everything EXCEPT the main ship usually. This is how my polyships always happen. I hope you’ll like these because I love them. Also, they all live together in an apartment right now. These headcanons kind of tie in with Admin Explodo-kings Goldfish HCs.))
Bakugo has his goldfish of course, but he also has a dog.
The dogs name is Hershey, and he’s a huge doberman.
Hershey doesn’t trust Kiri and the others at first.
All he does is try to test these other humans to see if they’re worthy of being around Bakugo. 
Usually it involves him chewing on objects of theirs. Shoes, hats, etc. 
Of course they never get angry because Kiri explains it to them.
(Kiri is a dog whisperer, fite me.)
Like he understands that all Hershey is doing is testing them. 
These are Hershey’s thoughts: “These humans doesn’t get mad at me anytime I do bad. They make master happy. These humans bring me treats and play with me. They are worthy.” (fite me on this)
Each person has different animals that they like. Bakugo: Goldfish, butterflies and Hersey. Kirishima: Crocodiles (Kiri you can’t have LIVE CROCODILES IN AN APARTMENT), dogs, and ferrets. Amajiki: Tarantulas and snakes. Denki: Otters (WHY DO YOU BOYS LIKE HAVING THESE ANIMALS IN AN APARTMENT? GET A HOUSE.) Todoroki: Iguanas, or really any kind of reptile.
Bakugo also has butterflies (there’s another hc that goes with this but, I’ll get to it one day.)
Since Kiri can’t have a live crocodile, the others all pitch in to get him a giant stuffed one that he sleeps with when the others aren’t around.
All of the animals seem to listen to Bakugo no matter what
They all like him, and everyone’s just kind of like “HOW DO YOU DO THAT?” Bakugo doesn’t even know, he’s still confused too. 
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coffee-and-kpop · 6 years
Just for the record - I’m gonna stay with you and Lisa, both of you seem so kind and full of good energy! I ship it. 🍑
So, here are some facts for the written ship - Again, I’d go with bts 👀 (Sorry for my poor English in advance) I’m German, 20 years old and about 178 cm (5'8) tall. Very pale, blue-greyish-sometimesgreenidk eyes, soft freckles. On the slim side of things I guess, yet never happy with my weight (striving to become thinner). Some faded self harm scars, 2 tattoos (chameleon and cat, I own both of them babes), one on each arm. Smoker, menthol only. I like drawing, taking walks and cooking. Memelord. I have a soulmate-like connection to my horse. Phases of insomnia. Competitive, yet focussing on remaining humble (to the point that it really annoys people). Forgiving, very few, good friends, can’t cut people out of my life. Passionate pessimist. I love horror movies and Stephen King. At this point I’m almost sure there’s some kind of ghost haunting me, could also be me being paranoid. I live in extremes, all or nothing, etc. Not a fan of heat. I love reptiles, especially iguanas, snakes and, of course, chameleons. I’d like to own a tarantula some day, the gentle and hairy kind, a grammastola rosea for example ♡ I always dress in dark colours, preferably black, wether it’s plain street style or something more ‘high class’. The type of person to go for a skateboard ride at 3 in the morning  to catch Pokemon. Eager to learn new things, yet easy pressured by high standards. My heart belongs to languages (how ironic) and art. I’ve been through 3 relationships, none of them ended well. Abuse, cheating, betrayal. I always give second chances, the person just has to show me that they’re worth it. When meeting new people, they usually catch my sassy, adventurous vibe first. Besides that, I can become very dark and morbid, emotional and self loathing - I have no problem with openly showing that to those I trust, since talking about your problems is key, and I often stand on the edge if things. I feel drawn to people that have mostly good intentions (besides things like teasing others and such, I love teasing as well, huehuehue), know when silence is best, have a thing for just making things happen that sound crazy at first; chaos, bad boys and cheeky attitudes. When it comes to looks, I don’t have high standards, especially because I don’t think highly of my own appearance. Things I still care for: my spouse’s smile should be honest, their heart full of sincere affection. Loyalty and personal space. I’m having a hard time with showing feelings, such as love, and can act passive aggressive towards those I worship. Things that catch my eye are nice hands with slender fingers, hairstyles that really match the person’s face and a voice I could deal with hearing 24/7. Pretty eyes are nice too, I guess, but frankly I have never seen eyes that weren’t pretty in their own way. I also love social drama (like in school, for example) when observing from afar, I can get tangled up in gossip and such easily as well - I love feeling entertained, and going in Sherlock-mode to find out what really happened between a group of people makes my heart beat faster sometimes, lol. I get drunk easily, fall in love within seconds and often make intuitive decisions despite everything I experienced in my past. Guess I’m kinda over things, or just great at surpressing them. Perfectionist. Can be either vanilla or kinky. I love bruises and sore muscles. Green tea is my favourite tea. I’m neither political or religious, but can be a little spiritual at times. Moments like these, like writing a submission, get me super shy, but imma push through somehow. All in all, there’s two sides of me. Yes, I can be really outgoing, entertain people with some crude humour, show leadership qualities & creativity, be generous to those I respect and agree to spontaneous adventures. Yes, I can also shut myself in for 2 weeks straight, do 0 calorie diets until I faint and cut all my social connections before experiencing a quick mental breakdown. Both states are highly influenced by the people surrounding me, and for the last few years, those have rather been toxic, so.. high rate of negative phases. I’m really excited to see who you ship me with 🗿, thanks for reading this bs if you’ve come this far, I’d understand if you’d just ignore this text lol Anyways - I love your blog, all of you are doing great! ♡
I ship you with... Rap Monster!
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I think you and Namjoon have very similar personalities, and I believe Namjoon would look for someone similar to himself when falling for a significant other! I can tell that you’re incredibly passionate, and Namjoon would absolutely fall head over heels for that passion he sees inside of you, no matter what it is you’re passionate about. He understands your mood swings, and I think he’d be a really considerate and loving boyfriend when it comes to both sides of you; he’s just got this intuition that would enable him to really understand you and be able to go about comforting you, or giving you your space if that’s what you need. I think he’d just be that really dreamy, amazing person that you’re going to fall in love with so easily, and he’s the perfect person for you to geek out with to your hearts desire!
- Admin PeachJin🍑
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donny273-blog · 7 years
So today I was start blogging about something which I believe in with every nerve ending and sinew that forms as me.  A story that comes from the heart. It comes from a place that is very natural for me and whatever I accomplish in life this was a pure example when you focus on others and not yourself and you focus on helping those in need amazing things happen and the sum of the parts combined provides a synergy that they do themselves.
  As Thomas Edison says I'd rather the 1% of 100 people's efforts then 100% of the most talented individual.
  Without the long analogies, I will go into it. 2013 was an interesting year for me. I was engaged to Haruka and I had just come back from a trip South East Asia with her. I was technically married (having registered the marriage in Japan in May). I was also in a very lost space professional working out of a serviced office with many business ideas but really since the age of 22 for the first time lost in a space of what to do in my life as the last 6 years was in the educational business being the owner and face of Better Learning
    I also was looking at personal development as a method to pick me up as I believe a little bit of my soul was broken. The first few years of business success and the RAT (retire at thirty) dreams I had when I was 18 were had distinguished. I was disillusioned and tired with people, business and had to face reality of looking at people who had taken the "safe" path that were ahead of me for once. I was older and looking at the people who. I still believe in myself and my ability due to the fact I came out so young and so fearless and for once I contemplated the grim reality that I may be washed up and have no more to offer. When I was coaching in the same personal development program I had conducted the green smoothie day (click here for article) earlier I looked at what my core passions were;
    1.     Travel, 
2.     Personal development and education
3.     Empowering those in need, especially kids
4.     Going back to my roots in Asia
5.     Using technology and information to empower and provide a level playing field for those especially who are disadvantaged socially and economically 
6.     Reduce wastage of resources - food etc
  Social work and working with kids is something I definitely would resonate with in many areas of life. A part of this was when I was at university; I spend my weekends help build and facilitate an Saturday morning class for aboriginal kids to learn about computer literacy, in a computer class called (CONNECT)
  So therefore when during Xmas of 2011 when I was floating through south east Asia through Cambodia for a week on an intrepid travel. If I wasn't going through a fish massage or eating tarantulas  or exploring the temples of Siam reap of Angkor wat, I was initially looking for an "voluntarism" experience, to go and experience a volunteer experience since I was in the area and it seemed like the thing
  Then I had a good hard look at myself. Correct my political incorrectness, but I don't want to be seen as an Angeline Jolie adoring kids of all colours and looking suave at the part and being seen as the saviour(no offence as I was at the Bar where Angeline drank at and she has a cocktail name after her when I processed this ideas and respect what she does, from what I heard she one of the most engaging people to ever sit down and have a conversation with,
    The reason why? I am Asian. Yes I grew up westernised, but the reality is I am Taiwanese.
  Sure, I was born in a more privileged country that is considered "first world" and did not have to deal with genocide or deal with not paved roads or people dying and I grew in a truly western society with western values but let's be honest, in the image of the white rich westerner helping the poor south East Asian family, and taking a cheesy picture of running and playing with kids and shouting English words and handing over the change from tonight's drinks, I could not justify to myself I was being true to myself in being a volunturist as I was buying an experience by running with kids and taking a photo and telling myself I was doing my part of make the world a better place.
  The reality is to help kids in these areas. They just need help. From my experience too often the volunteer and charity business is set up so much on the sales process where only a small percentage goes into helping the kids in need. It is still great because at least some help helps. With household brands such as world vision who have budgets for television advertising or people in malls, anywhere from 15-40% of profits goes into helping the projects where as the rest gets lost in admin
The thing I couldn't relate to was also how many of orphanages have becomes so sync in selling the tourists experience, but encourage the kids to cater for the voluntarists experience. The worst was when they started to mix non local traditional values such a religion to the kids’ education and values, that objectively, does not help or aide with the children with who they are
  True empowerment of an individual starts from loving and accepting you for who you are. You can ever get empowerment trying to be someone else your not.  That's why I can not fit the role of a volountourist. This is someone’s else life full time and how I can relate to a kid that looks similar to me when I was younger with an experiential interest in looking at their life as in the ‘helper’.
  One thing I loved about sunrise foundation even though it's not perfect they don't try and tweak the religion . They are people being people and keeps the people where they are and doesn't indoctrinate them to any ideology or theory.  They let the kids be their kids. Who is there to say, taking outside economic factors aside that one culture is better than another. It could be more attractive, commercially viable but people are who they are and their culture needs to be respected as so.
  Considering I had spent the time building the community with the schools the idea was to let's the Sunday Taiwanese school kids, the same one my mum taught in and also I attended to learn my culture. I wanted them to make a connection to other Asian kids that of the same age had a lot more to deal with and a lot more disadvantage with and try and 
  More or less the most importantly i wanted to do something that truly made a difference, that wasn't about be satisfying my personal significance need in "helping kids in Cambodia, or ticking off my bucket list "visited orphanage in Cambodia" and donated money. 
  The initially idea went from having a fundraiser and gift exchange for kids from Australia to kids in Cambodia and exchanging letter but logistics, freight and also cost and risk of local customs opening packages looking for valuable items meant unless it was accompanied it wasn't logical to do all that.
  The best way to help is money. Money puts food on the table, more hungry mouths to feed, for textbooks. Money allows medical assistants and money talks
    So eventually it ended up with the support of the school and the Taiwanese community, and my connections at the Tzu Chu foundation, two speeches by Geraldine cox to talk about her journey in sunrise. In total just Under $5000 was raised, and most from three $1000 cheques and to top it off one was from Mr Peter Huang, someone I respect a lot in the business and political community for what he does for the Taiwanese community and culture  and two mystery Taiwanese ladies who read Geraldine story and came and donated the cheques and didn't even stay for her speech, but had heard enough about what she did to put their support forward in where it counted. My gratitude to their generosity.
  Biggest takeaway from the event: the kindness of a stranger is amazing. For me, to be able to generate that type of $$$ and knowing that it was put into a project that made meaning to kids more than satisfying my own sense of being. What I've learnt after the years is that charity is also a bucket of giving that never ends and never has a return on investment similar to parenting and one should always have projects in their heart to give unconditionally, free from religion and agendas, because to give and empower those and the projects you really connect and add meaning to you, you find meaning and enlightenment in your life and one’s true purpose.
  This event in 2013 just after my marriage, before Haruka came back, allowed me find myself before I embarked on married life.
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