#admin syd
pompadorbz · 3 months
Speaking on the current admin situation on QSMP since I love it dearly; Do I want the project to end? No. Absolutely not. If the pieces can be picked up and things can resume with much better circumstances then that's great, and it would truly be the best possible outcome for the server if that DID happen. BUT, inversely, I don't necessarily view the project potentially ending as a bad thing either, as bleak as that may sound. Because at its core, Qsmp is a project with an INCREDIBLY solid concept, and it is a concept that has not only been proven to work incredibly well with the correct tools, but it is also unbelievably versatile, and can be applied to pretty much any kind of series that you could ever want to make, and I cannot stress that enough. If qsmp doesn't survive this, the concept can, and if quackity's obvious passion for it is anything to go by, then i firmly believe that it will. From an artist's perspective, I view this as the prototypical artist's tragedy when it comes to tackling a big project that has a lot of paws on deck keeping it afloat; it is very easy to get in over your head as a creative director that is trying something new, and you may put a lot of trust in people you shouldn't when you're blinded by excitement. While I can't get into Quackity's head, I am willing to throw him for this much. Do I think he needs a little more than just a slap on the wrist? yes. But more than anything, I hope that this entire situation will serve as a learning opportunity going forward, whether it be for the continued life of QSMP, or any new project that may emerge from its ashes.
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Rick: [tries to toss his frisbee, but it accidentally goes into the highway]
Syd: [yells out] what the fuck, richard?
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 2 years
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The Bear and The Baker: Chapter Two - SEPARATE (NSFW)
Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five
Summary: She’s relatable and willing to help him figure out how to stop spiraling down a dark hole of anxiety, but she’s pretty and sweet and knows what to say and do… and Carmy just can’t help himself.
Tags: friends to lovers, UST, RST, pining, wet dreams, masturbation, lots of food talk, reader used to be a pastry chef, mental health, panic attacks, anxiety, meditation, oral sex, cunnilingus, premature ejaculation, handjob, desk sex, first times, virginity, mild dom/sub undertones, kitchen sex, love confessions
Words: 3.5k
TW: panic attacks
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“Yeah, but is she hot? Now that's the real fuckin' question. The million-dollar question." Cousin asks at the counter, stuffing a handful of fries in his mouth. Always the subtle asshole, Carmy thinks as Sydney turns the lock on the door and flips the closed sign to face.
"Who's hot?" She asks with a side smirk that has Carmy wanting to leave them all to scrape the floors by themselves.
Cousin laughs, mouth full, "This fucking new age broad Carmy's got some hot date with. Or did. Feminist type or some shit. Can you fucking believe it?!"
"It's not like that, Cousin," he mutters, logging out on the tablet and into the admin account. In truth, he’s barely paying any attention to Richie, not since he knocked over Tina’s potatoes while chasing Flek down the line, something he’d been repeatedly told not to fucking do.
"Even if she is hot, which, I'll believe it when I see it, bitches like that go fuckin' insane. My last date-"
"Oh," Sydney crosses her arms at the door, baring her teeth in a vicious smile, "Because of course you, Richie, would have something against women that actually think for themselves, right?"
"Hey! Don't put fucking words in my mouth, Syd. Not today, baby."
“Don’t say baby,” Carmy mutters, trying to figure out the checkout system after the newest update. It’s giving him a fucking headache on top of the two standing around him.
"What?” Syd balks at Richie. “Did you have a hard day? Doing… what exactly? Hitting on college girls during the lunch rush?!"
"Yo! I'll have you know she was hitting on me, and furthermore-"
Carmy lets it all go to static, just like chatter from pots and pans. It's the end of the day, quarter past nine already. Dinner was chaotic for a Saturday, and everyone's tightly wound and eager to get rocked—fucked up. All he can think about is tallies and new systems and this fucking tablet that's making him nauseated, not to mention the fact he had to cancel with her tonight.
“I mean, who meets chicks at therapy? All I'm saying!”
“For your information, some people take their mental health seriously instead of repressing it into some fickle macho bullshit that barely fools anyone.”
“Uncalled for. Hurtful. Fuckin' hateful is what that is. You hearing this shit, Cousin?!”
Richie slaps him on the back, and Carmy tenses, shaking him off. He thumbs the greasy screen and taps the print button to send the day's sales to his office, rapping the counter with his other hand, knuckles raw on the surface.
Carmy didn't wanna do it—blow her off, but there's a roiling boil of stomach acid in his gut that nine TUMS hasn’t fixed and this simmering anger in his chest he didn't wanna subject her to. He's been better these days at keeping his blood pressure down, mostly, but today was a fuckin' mess, and they're closed Sundays now, which means he's gotta watch everyone like a hawk so they don't clock out too early before cleaning up Saturday night's shitshow.
“Deflect all you want, Richie, but you're fucking terrified of women. Just admit it.”
“Fuck you…”
Carmy feels a vein in his temple bulge. "Both of you, shut the fuck up! We're cleaning. Unless you both wanna be here until midnight!"
"Yes, Chef," Sydney says through her teeth and stomps to the kitchen while Richie lingers, huffing and puffing.
Carmy turns off the tablet and leans over the counter on his forearms, his mind immediately returning to canceling the evening with his… Well, whatever she is. Her texts seemed unphased when he asked for a rain check, but… people either came across fine or pissed through text. Carmy can’t imagine her ever being pissed off… not like the rest of them, especially not like him, though it’s been eating at him for the past few hours now.
Plus, he’s not a pretty sight.
He runs his nails against his scalp, wincing at the sweat-sticky pomade, reeking of sharp labor and anxiety. There's no fucking way this chick could be into him—no way he wants to see her without a hot shower and some cologne. Richie's just full of shit…
'She's probably just after some sad dick. These girls get to a certain age, and something about a baby bitch like you gets them going. Fuckin' ridiculous.'
"Hey," another slap on the back, this time softer, "you okay, Cous?"
Richie scoffs, "Look, man, just… fucking forget what I said before, alright. Just hard to picture you getting laid, is all. I mean, you never were good with the ladies."
"She's hot," Carmy admits, palm-cupping his forehead. He nods into his hand and squeezes his eyes shut, remembering her sitting across from him at the coffee spot down the block from the chapel, a cup of tea resting against her lower lip as the steam made her eyes misty and her cheeks color. So fuckin' soft all swallowed up in hand-knit sweaters and the lofty smell of apples and freshly milled flour wafting off her.
"How hot we talkin?" Richie asks, curious and cautious.
"… really hot."
Richie chuffs a humorless laugh and shifts on his sneakers, "Well, don't bring her 'round here then."
"She's nice too," Carmy continues, sorta lost in the exhaustion of the day, "and-and been through shit, ya know. Used to be a fuckin’ pastry chef. And it just-it feels nice just talking to her. She knows what to say."
He shakes his head into his sweaty palm and sighs, full-bodied and so fucking tired. "I dunno. I’m not good at this fuckin' shit."
"Yeah," Cousin agrees, quiet, "… me neither."
Carmy bites his tongue, not willing or able to admit anything too personal. Usually, they're good at reading one another's tone and body language, but Richie's none the wiser when Carmy quietly straightens up the front before heading into the kitchen…
… and by the time he's done cleaning—fingers pruned and sweat running off his nose—he feels far too soiled to do more than shower, eat a PB&J, and pass out on the sofa.
His phone buzzes on the coffee table, leaking into nightmares about today, yesterday, and tomorrow.
Somewhere between the sizzle of burning butter and ear-whispered threats of useless talent, he feels flesh grilling under his fists. That violent contact goes soft, smooth… like buttercream, and then creamed as he licks into a hot neck, fingering something soaked and tight.
The kitchen is on fire as he grinds his hips up, replacing digits with cock, drinking down her sobs that look bad—painful and sad—but Carmy knows they're really fucking good cause his are good too… just, fucking her against the counter, her naked skin dusted with flour, while Richie and Syd argue about the new menu.
'Carmy…' she says like she's cuddling him on a park bench, but they're bucking and slamming... feeling each other up with each thrust. Skin starts to spank like soaked meat; the slap of beef on a chopping block.
He's gonna cum…
His phone chimes and Carmy's awake with a sharp inhale, drenched in sweat, fingers already snapping under his waistband, shoving a hand over sweat-matted curls to wrap around his stiff cock. When was the last time he's been this hard? Fucking high school… fuck…
It was just a dirty fantasy, but… Carmy hisses at the sleepy pleasure, going from faded to sharp, then hot, almost as hot as her pussy in his dream. Slippery precum lubes his fist up—a drop of molten syrup—and he wastes zero fucking time in beating off under the loose cotton sweats heavy with terror sweat.
A few strokes in—all muscle memory and instinct with the panic interlaced by lust—he throws his head back. "F'ffffuuuuuck!"
Carmy feels it build in a second, spilling over in another, and then he's gripping the back of the sofa, hips jarring up as he cums… cums real slow… and fuckin' hard into his navel, whining brokenly into the dark living room like it's been months since he came…
… and it might as well be for the way it lingers long after he's milked the last dribble into the puddle staining his stomach.
Ding. Ding.
Carmy freezes, sticky palm still cradling his soft cock, fluids going tacky between his fingers, and looks at the phone faceup on the coffee table. The apple (red delicious) he took a picture of at the restaurant glows in the dark, and it's so fucking red.
Still hazy—loose, and sleep-weak—he tugs off his shirt. Shaken and stirred, he wipes up the strings of semen stuck around his limp dick, trapped in the damp curls at the base, before swinging his feet over to pick up his phone, shirtless and locked with tension.
His lips twitch at the apple and her message.
'I know it's late, but crap woke me up, so I made this.'
There's a picture of blueberry scones with reduced berry syrup sprinkled in confectioners’ sugar; her thumb’s up is in the foreground. Carmy smiles softly despite the dream, practically smelling the vanilla warmth of butter and sugar.
His thumbs hover over the keys, coming up blissfully blank from jerking off only minutes ago, then swallows cold nerves as three dots appear above the keyboard. Fuck.
Another message makes his heart flip-flop. The orgasmic euphoria quickly settles down as the laissez-faire mood from his flashing, blood-pumping nightmare of a wet dream goes a little shy when she sends another photo: a selfie of her biting into a piping hot scone, some flour streaks over her nose and cheek. Covered in flour… just like his dream…
'Kinda left them in too long, but they’re okay.'
Carmy remembers her telling him, over coffee, how she still bakes to calm her nerves, even if she has no one to share it with these days.
'Hope you’re having nice dreams, Carmy.'
Fuck. Fuck. Carmy feels caught red-handed… lighter but dirty, not just from the orgasm, but by some relaxed, cozy emotion he can only recall from being young, cooking food, and staying up past curfew. That last day of school feeling… all improperly mixed with this sexual desire that's not precise… no order. Just a big fucking mess.
His head's clear now, though. Sorta.
Carmy contemplates texting her back, scratching at his chin and rubbing over his mouth, only to smell the odor of cum and feel a stirring in his sweats again. Like some stupid fucking teenager, he thinks, rolling his eyes up to the ceiling and chewing on his lower lip.
With a swallow, he sinks back into the sofa cushions and taps over his screen: 'Looks delicious, Chef. I'm awake. Trouble sleeping. You gonna eat all those by yourself?'
Minutes pass in shrouded silence, and he's about to sit up, move to the bed, and hope for more sleep, but his phone blips again, and his face heats up.
'Was thinking about giving them to the neighbors, but I could bring you a few if you want some company? Or are you going back to sleep?'
He sinks further into the cushions, heart fluttering.
'No. No, I'm up. Hard going back to sleep after nightmares.'
'Heard, Chef.'
Carmy smirks at the lingo—the joke?—a witty retort, maybe. She's funny, pretty, smart… caring, and…
'So, are you up to meeting for coffee again, or should I stop by your place?'
He pauses, rubbing the sides of the phone, and feels like…
… are they flirting?
Without thinking, his thumbs pass over letters, speaking from someplace where that dream had been before he came to.
'My place. You bring dessert, and I’ll make dinner.' Carmy isn't sure who the fuck he is. It sounds slick and smooth and natural, nothing like the stuttering loser he tries so hard to hide an apron behind. He blames the abrupt orgasm he woke up to, which no doubt fueled that ballsy text…
Three more dots.
'I think technically this would qualify as breakfast. What's in your fridge? I could get some take-out and save you the hassle.'
'My treat. How about spaghetti? Homemade.'
And that's how Carmy finds himself cooking Michael's sauce at four-thirty in the morning with a candle burning, and the window cracked, hoping the smell of good food and 'clean linen' will eliminate the smell of sex and cigarettes that hangs under his nose. He cleaned up a few things while the garlic caramelized, not used to having company, mostly never. But something told him she wouldn't appreciate the overflowing ashtrays and empty soda cans. He threw his dirty work clothes in the hamper, made the bed, and changed clothes… even took a washcloth to his cum-dried cock and the musky stain beneath his navel. Not that there was much chance of anything happening…
Carmy glances at the cracked bedroom door from the stove, adds the fresh herbs, and gives the pan a toss. His head fills with images of laying next to her under the covers—wrapping a hand around the front of her throat while hollowing her out from behind, fingers over her clit—kissing her neck while palming her breasts… just… there’s too much he wants to touch and grope and lick…
"Fucking Christ. Get it together…"
The water is boiling, and the sauce is simmering when his phone goes off in his pocket. He tugs it out while unboxing the pasta and sniffs up nerves as he stares at the screen.
'I'm outside. Didn't wanna knock and wake anyone else up.'
She's way too fucking considerate. Way too nice for some uptight asshole like him.
Carmy lowers the temp on the sauce and wipes his hands clean before unlocking the door to the object of his most recent wet dream. Immediately his cheeks heat up, lips slacking at the sight of her—nothing special, no makeup, nothing fancy… just some leggings and a baggy sweater, a little bleary-eyed from lack of sleep but beautiful. Plus, she’s holding a paper bag with butter stains on the bottom.
"Mornin' or umm… night," he gets out, sniffing loudly through the blush on his face, his pulse jumping. "You, uh, you look good and smell good—I mean, those smell good." He nods at the bag.
Her laugh is quiet and molasses thick. "For a sleepy mess, sure. Thanks." She smiles and adds quietly, "So do you, by the way."
Carmy swallows hard and thumbs his chin, trying to draw sensation from his flushing face while her eyes skim his cheeks, and her smile widens in his doorway.
"Took a cab, right?" He asks, looking down the hallway outside his apartment as if he was gonna find some fucker tailing her.
"No, I walked here." Her eyes shine, and he's lost for a second before realizing she's joking.
"Right. That's a-uh, that's a good one. Real funny. Uh, well… come-come on in," Carmy stutters, holding the door open as she steps inside. "It's not much, but it's, ya know… home, I guess."
"Fuck, Carmy. It smells amazing in here. And it's cozy, just like you-or, like I pictured you to… live in. Like, I imagined your space would be comfortable. Not that I think about your apartment often or… Jesus…”
Her nose scrunches up, making his stomach twist.
"Sorry, I'm not used to talking to people at this hour. I usually just lay in bed until the sun comes up or… bake… sometimes read if I’m feeling spicy."
"What're you readin' lately?"
Carmy watches her set her phone and the bag on his small countertop bar, spinning in a half circle to take in the cramped living room and tiny open kitchen. "All kinds of stuff. Fantasy, space odysseys, self-help crap… I like horror, or I used to. These days I've been reading happier stuff. Not by choice, though."
He locks the door and deadbolts it, noticing how she just grins at him as he does, with none of that nervous energy she usually exudes. Her attention follows him to the stove, where he breaks the pasta and adds a drizzle of olive oil before covering up the sauce and the water. It's not often he cooks like this for himself, and rarely ever… least not for anyone outside of work.
When he turns around, she’s pulling four scones out from the bag and resting them on some napkins equally stained in butter. The smell overpowers the sauce, almost. His mouth salivates on instinct, catching the notes of buttercream and lemon zest.
"So, what's your favorite book then?" He asks as she slides a scone across the bar, breaking off a corner of her own with a hum before popping it in her mouth.
"Hmm," she intones again, swallows, then presses her lips tight, gaze wandering to the side. Cute. Full. Fuckin' adorable. "I guess 'Leaves of Grass.' It's by Walt Whitman. Lots of prose—a lot of lascivious stuff for the time period. Guy was a free-loving hippy before that was even a thing."
Free loving? Carmy tries not to shrink in on himself at the idea, feeling wholly outside his element. His eyes drop to the blueberry scone in front of him. Suddenly, he’s worried it’ll be amateur and he’ll have to hold his tongue, but as soon as he picks it up and lets the lingering heat soak into his fingers—feels the weight—smells it perfuming his nose—he knows how it’s gonna taste…
… and it’s outstanding. Complex flavors settle into a silky buttery layer of lemons that only amplifies the subtle sweetness. Might not be something a New York bakery would sell, but Carmy finds it on par with Marcus’ meticulously crafted jelly donut.
“Don’t judge me too harshly.”
Carmy shakes his head as he swallows and takes another bite, then another, finishing it off in three big mouthfuls before pressing his thumb and forefinger together.
Once he lets it all hit his tastebuds, he swallows and exhales to really take in all the flavors. “I think you’d put my pâtissier to shame with eight hours of sleep. Drizzle is nice, real bright. Not too sweet.”
“… really?” Her voice wobbles.
Carmy wipes a crumb off his mouth with his thumb and locks eyes with her. She’s blushing, wide-eyed. Her lips look wet like she just licked them. It’s supposed to be innocent looking—just friendly appreciation—but he’s watched porn before, read nudie mags as a teen, and even earmarked a couple of books on how to get women to cum… but he’s never seen a woman look quite like this...
"-and it smells amazing, by the way," she whispers, all hot and sticky.
"Huh?" He blinks, roused from his inspirational thoughts, to watch her color under the fluorescent bulb over the bar. Even in pale blue lighting, she's-
"The spaghetti. It smells delicious. I can't remember the last time anyone cooked for me…"
"It's, uh, a family recipe. Old school."
"Then I'm doubly flattered."
She leans in on her elbows, all smiles, and sleepy eyes. "So, how is the whole clearing your mind going?"
Carmy half-laughs, rubbing one side of his face, cupping his scratchy cheek. "It's been… hard."
He thinks about his dick when he woke up, a hand already around it on the mother fucking edge, and rubs his palm over the resulting blush. "But I tried it out again yesterday. Smoke break. Outside. Just focused on the traffic. I was pissed off—the lunch rush was a mess. Blew up at my sous and Cousin… but when I went back inside, I felt a little less fucked."
She's quiet, just listening. Carmy clears his throat and continues, "Rest of the day was just as fucked, but I felt… I guess, pretty chill? Chill enough, I didn't yell."
Carmy smirks and half-nods into the heel of his hand. "Well, didn't yell as loud as I usually do."
"… that's a start. Also," she says slowly, so soft and sweet. Carmy lifts his gaze and drowns in her eyes. "Your water is boiling over."
"Wh-ah, shit! Fucking shit!"
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Now listen, this blog is a lil, okay no, it's very dead other than the occasional repost. However, what if, now hear me out, what if while I have the adhd/tism motivation I start writing fanfic. And, what if, now hear me out, what if it just so happens to be Sirius Black x Remus Lupin x Reader fanfic? Not necessarily marauders Era either. Very non-canon compliant because fanfic is for making a previous universe into a new one, so screw canon. Anyways, if I do this I need opinions, like I need people to hold me accountable more than like 5 years ago where I occasionally made a half-baked fanfic idea at 3am and called it good. I'm not promising it'll be brilliant writing, but I've run out of fanfic for this and am willing to make myself more, I just want to know if there is anyone else who is craving it too or if I'm just nuts.
-Admin Nyx(Syd)
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tomorowisjustamystery · 7 months
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I love all this Laura and Syd content
The dfb admin definitely knows what we want
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uswnt5 · 1 year
I think what admin meant by she likes her privacy is that Tobin is currently training with her and Syd away from the cameras 🤡 🚂
haha its true "she likes to choose when you see her"
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stillwaterca · 11 months
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BENNY HELLSTRÖM (Bill Skarsgård) is looking for his MENTOR.
Mentor / Father-like Figure / Brother-like Figure (the owner *or previous* of ruby's diner)
Any track that hints towards an older muse! ( here is a link to an ask where the admins suggest skeletons that can suit an older muse! )
UTP, but if you need some help, here are my faves! Keanu Reeves, Mahershala Ali, David Harbour, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and Josh Duhamel.
I can imagine them to be in their mid to late 40s or early 50s, as long as they’re older than Benny by a good 10 years! (ideally)*he's 32
As I started playing out Benny, I realized how much important his connection is to the owner of Ruby’s! He has a lot to be grateful for thanks to your muse and its entirety is mentioned here in his bio… but the long story short is that Benny had a rough couple of years when he first got to Stillwater. He definitely would’ve ended up in a ditch somewhere if it wasn’t for your character taking him in to work for them. I mentioned in one of Benny’s threads that Ruby’s needed a baker at the time, and even though Benny could hardly cook for himself, your character taught them everything they needed to know. Benny is incredibly grateful and in debt to them, and will do anything they need at the drop of a hat. 
IF, however, the owner of Ruby's Diner is taken— their relationship would still remain the same. The only difference (or add on) to this connect would be your character retiring his role in the diner to do something different. I've HC'd that your character wanted / encouraged Benny to take over, but because he couldn't afford it, it was out of his hands. Still, despite the diner being under someone else, the two would remain close. 
Please contact SYD on this blog.
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kristenbouchard · 2 years
CONGRATS SYD !!! what are you going to be doing? 👀
thank you! it’s an admin support/assistant type role for a few people at the foundation of the hospital where i had my cancer treatment so it’s actually quite special ❣️
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lavishfms · 2 years
hi   guys   !   syd   here   !   unfortunately   ,   i've   been   unable   to   get   in   contact   with   admin   taylor   .   it's   been   about   a   week   since   we   last   spoke   and   i'm   a   bit   lost   and   unsure   about   what   to   do   .   since   i'm   only   a   co   -   admin   ,   it   would   feel   wrong   and   inappropriate   of   me   to   carry   on   with   the   group   -   that   being   said   ,   lavishfms   is   temporarily   closed   .   deepest   apologies   to   those   who   applied   ,   hopefully   it'll   be   brought   back   in   the   future   !
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pompadorbz · 1 month
To Chayanne and Lullah's admins, if you ever see this out in the wild; Assuming that this was a goodbye for your characters, I just wanted to thank you both. Both Chayanne and Lullah have brought this server so much light and joy for me, as well as so many other crows, and I can seldom imagine what things would be like had the two of you never been around to begin with. You, as well as all the other admins are, to me, what makes this server what it is. Even beyond its base concept and its accomplishments, it would never be the same were it not for YOUR contributions. You have all made something incredibly special, and I don't think that anybody is going to forget you anytime soon. Again, from the very bottom of my heart, we love you all, and thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🥚❤️
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
nah They have posted them before when Alex makes a deal about bringing her onto the field. Syd always brings her kids too but they don't post it either. Honestly, the NWSL admin seems like a big Morgan/SD stan.
Yeah, not surprising. All those content creators/certain journos (Meg lol) are always up her ass so of course they're going to post about her and her child the most. But yeah it's a good point that Syd's kids are always around and not posted either so it's clear that they're just all about Alex. All these people are biased towards their faves.
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Update on Celestial Beings
Hey, so uh sorry about not updating the wolfstar x reader fic at all for a while. The depression hit and it sorta got set to the side while I focused on coping. Apologies. Not sure when I'll update it next, but I am going to continue it, and I'm going to continue writing it as well. I have some already written chapters, I just need to reread them to see where I left off before I release them. Once again, super sorry.
- Admin Syd
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Keep me in mind when thinking about partaking in unlawful activities, yeah?
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OOC: Hi! I am the “Warden” who runs this account, if you will! You can call me Syd, and pronouns are she/her, and i hope that you will find this ask blog lots of fun! I myself am having quite a lot of fun exploring this side of Tumblr!
I do not currently have a schedule for RPs or replying to asks, so please be patient.
I have tons of fun writing Wriothesley, and i’m sure ill have just as much fun RPing as him! If you’d like to interact feel free to send an ask/submission, or jump in an RP (in-game characters, oc’s or sending a question yourself are all welcomed)! Feel free, whoever you are, to come say hi!
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This is Wriothesley talking to someone
This is an action or description of what Wriothesley does
This is Wriothesley’s thoughts
// this is ooc, as in me, Syd, the author, talking
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Other info:
My main blog is @gamingwithsydney and my blog for my Genshin Impact (and occasionally Honkai Star Rail) edits is @edits-of-teyvat
My other Roleplay blog is @lady-furina-of-fontaine so get ready for crossover RP’s if a situation calls for Furina or Focalors!
Please leave emoji’s in your sign off if you leave anonymous asks that aren’t part of a role-play! I’d love to get to know all of you!
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#In His Domain - In Character
#Behind Closed Doors - OOC
#Thoughts From the Fortress - My (Admin, Syd’s) thoughts
#Learning from Past Mistakes - Wriothesley’s thoughts
#His Honesty Revealed - Wriothesley is answering a question
#The Dear Nurse’s Habits - Wriothesley talking about Sigewinne
#Wriothesley ⛓️ - Wriothesley is present/mentioned
#Neuvillette 🌊 - Neuvillette is present/mentioned
#Furina 🫧 - Furina is mentioned/present
Focalors 💧 Focalors is present/mentioned
#Sigewinne 🍬 -Sigewine is present/mentioned
#Clorinde 🗡️ - Clorinde is oresent/mentioned
#Navia 🍋 - Navia is present/mentioned
#Collei 🍀 - Collei is present/mentioned
#Kaveh 🏛️ - Kaveh is present/mentioned
#Nahida 🌱 - Nahida is present/mentioned
#Alhaitham 🌿 - Alhaitham is present/mentioned
#Nilou 🌺 - Nilou is present/mentioned
#Venti 🪽 - Venti is present/mentioned
#Jean 🌻 - Jean is mentioned/present
#Layla ❄️ - Layla is mentioned/present
#Amber 🏹 - Amber is mentioned/present
#Chiori 🪡 - Chiori is mentioned/present
#Dottore ⚙️ - Dottore is mentioned/present
#The Traveler 💫 - Aether or Lumine is present/mentioned
#The Abyss Twin 🌟 - Aether or Lumine as the Abyss twin is present/mentioned
#Lyney ♠️ - Lyney is present/mentioned
# Lynette ♦️ - Lynette is present/mentioned
#Freminet 🐧 - Freminet is present/mentioned
(The above are subject to change)
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Anon signatures:
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Side note: i am only comfortable with partaking in SFW (Safe for Work) Roleplays. And the only ship including Wrio i will join in on this account will be Neuvilette/Wriothesley, so please respect that, and keep it in mind.
Now, as Wriothesley says:
Stay cool and face your guilt!
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uswnt5 · 1 year
I’m on the clown train with you, Tobins training with Syd and Christen as a new member of ACFC’s injury recovery FC.
that goofy pic of CP feels like she wouldn't do that for ACFC admin like that...
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districtninewriters · 2 years
what happened to admins minnie and syd? /nm /gen
Hey friend!
Due to their own personal lives and work and the such, they decided it was best to step away from the net!
- admin jules
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dulcepericulum-rp · 4 years
Saoirse Ronan for Emmeline?
Hi love, we would love Saoirse for anybody! 
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