#admittedly most of the medical info comes from our conversation
littlest-bugz · 13 hours
The Collective You
[one system's brief advice about accepting the idea of the collective you]
One of the best pieces of system advice started from a tumblr post and was elaborated by my DID specialist. I can't find the original tumblr post that started it, so I'm making a little post of my own <3 Share the knowledge. and also hope that someone can link the original post lol.
When I was REALLY going through it™ with my first diagnosis w/ DID, and a lack of integration, all of my alters felt like separate individuals, some of us feeling as distanced as a coworker or a stranger altogether. We were just getting a grasp on internal communication between all of our subsystems, and it was rough. We felt so entirely differentiated that we were our own people trapped in one body. While I don't really care about what language you use, all alters in CDDs are a part of one person [there's only one body and brain]- the collective you.
So obvs, I'm scrolling tumblr like the chronically online doomscroller that I am, and I see this post that goes along the line of not knowing who you are, but knowing you are 'you', regardless of who you are [referring to alters]. And it said something like "we're all me enough to pick up our meds"- something like that. iirc it was a half light hearted, half advice post, but that was really good advice for me. I kind of internalized it after I processed it in therapy. It's actually why I have started to love parts language lately tbh.
After further processing this idea in therapy, Identity Confusion stopped mattering in the grand scheme of things. I focused less on worrying about who I was, and just focused on the fact that I'm me. Just like the post I saw- We are all me. The example of all being me enough to pick up my medications just applied, like, everywhere. Even when it came down to the smallest things- with coping with other symptoms too.
Oh? I don't like coffee right now? I guess I should switch to something else. [differentiated alters]
Oh? I have barely any drawing skills right now? Okay, really sucks but I can work on something else and come back to it later. [skill variance between alters]
Oh? I have to go to a doctor's appointment? I know I'll forget that- Gotta write a list, and put it up on the board so I remember. [day to day amnesia]
You know what happened? My dissociation got better! Not immediately or entirely, obviously, and my memory [re amnesia] still sucks, but that's part of the disorder- plus other disorders that I have. This idea of the collective you is something that I think is really beneficial to all CDD systems, especially during the mid to later stages of recovery.
I, admittedly, credit most of my healing to conversations I have had with my DID specialist. Especially since, without her, I wouldn't have been able to process this idea of the collective me further, but the conversation wouldn't have been started if I hadn't seen that post on tumblr. This was a budding concept with us due to the separation we had. It helped with integration. GRANTED... Not every alter got the memo, obviously, but It's something that I'm still working on. Of course, being me comes with the prerequisite that I am a person with DID, and that I am made up of multiple parts.
Now for the piece of advice I got from my therapist- Though it requires a certain level of knowledge of your own system, such as a list of alters and some identifying info [fav drinks, fav colors, those type of things]. Look at the list of your alters wherever it may be. Just whatever you use for logging your system members. Look for the commonalities between alters. There will be at least some commonalities.
For example; A good 45% of us like bunnies, 45% like cats, and 10% have a liking for other kinds of animals. Using this information, I can pretty much deduce that 1. the collective me loves animals and 2. the collective me likes cats and bunnies especially.
Another example; I looked through our simplyplural, which has a favorite color thing [in ours at least]. By looking through the list, I figured out 1. wow I like literally all colors- my fav color is rainbows and 2. I especially like pink and light blue.
More examples; the list.. THE LIST... I looked through it and saw that a good 90% of us like MONSTER ENERGY DRINKS- of varying flavors, but the common denominator was Ultra Strawberry Dreams, but all of us like [or tolerate] water as a preferred drink. From there I can come to the conclusion that I prefer water over anything else and that I have a problem with monster [being light hearted but I genuinely do].
I hope you get the idea I'm going for. I used this process for nearly every aspect of our collective identity, though some had to genuinely be voted on, such as our LGBTQIA+ labels [offline, we just call ourself queer, but that's.. aside the point LMAO].
Obviously, there are going to be outliers- Having DID comes with the fun [/s] aspect of alters being differentiated from each other in some capacity. Example for the monster energy one- We have a handful of alters that HATE energy drinks- even just fizzy drinks in general. There's one guy who will only drink Black Coffee and water- nothing else. He's the guy who is always hiding away our monsters in the way back of the fridge, but guess what!! He's me!! The part of me that doesn't want me to ruin my health over energy drinks. The part of me that knows I deserve better than my unhealthy habits.
Getting to know the collective you is just like learning about your system! It is not inherently different than figuring out what an alters dislikes or likes are. The idea of The Collective You shouldn't feel scary or anxiety inducing- if it is, you may want to confront those feelings with a therapist if you have access to one. Every CDD system is the collective [or, well, system] of one fragmented individual- That is a studied and objective fact. I wanted to give advice from one recovering system to another.
No, this will not work for everyone, every system is different, but I'm hoping this post finds the right audience in knowing that it's worth a shot to try this!
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
🫁 for Phoenix. (Laughs evilly)
"I need to do a cricothyroidotomy," says Aaron, adjusting the IV line. "Eyes on my face, Phoenix, I need to start. Eyes on me, yeah?"
Phoenix looks up into Aaron's face and blinks. His eyes are very brown, eyebrows furrowed. All wavering. They can't breathe, god, they can't breathe, they try automatically and all they can do is choke on blood, oh god, they've already died multiple times they don't want to die again, but they can't–
"Eyes on me. Injection's done, I'm starting to cut, eyes on me, you'll be fine. Squeeze this, stay still, eyes on me."
Phoenix's hand feels blindly until they find... something, squeezing and squeezing and squeezing, trying to ignore the 'not breathing' part of things. But they can't breathe, they can't breathe, there's blood everywhere, it smells metallic and they're choking on it, all they get is blood, they can't breathe oh god they're dying, they're going to die again, it's over and over and it won't stop because they can't get the blood out, they can't–
"Phoenix! I need you to stay calm. I'm here for you, we're going to get you breathing, but you need to calm down. Squeeze the ball, concentrate on me, look at me, Phoenix. You'll be okay. Stay still, try and calm down, I know it's hard but you're going to be okay."
Phoenix tries. They look up at Aaron and just about see him, vision blurred and greying, squeezing less than before. They try to concentrate on staying still, not the blood, not their mouth that hurts so much, it's agonising, not– not–
There's a strange feeling in their windpipe, like something's being pushed inside. It feels weird and wrong and they don't like it.
They can't move. They can't take it out. Their windpipe doesn't hurt so much but everything else does and they can't even move. It's easier to breathe now but god, it hurts. They gasp, trying to gulp in air, that doesn't work, and then it feels weird and tastes kind of metallic but there's air, there's air, oh god there's air. It's much further down than they're used to but they can breathe again, they can do it, there's air and everything's not quite so fuzzy anymore.
Hurts, though. It's okay, they've had worse.
"You've got it Phoenix. You're doing it, you're okay, keep your eyes on me and keep breathing. It's just me here, you're doing well. Focus on me."
Phoenix tries to obey, gripping the sides of the bed for balance, the cold grounding them.
"That's good. You're doing well. The next thing we need to do is splint your broken bones, before they heal wrong and we have to rebreak them. I'll give you morphine through your IV, and another injection of lidocaine, that should help with the pain. I need to wire your jaw, it'll be scary but given your healing factor it shouldn't be for long. Okay? You're getting there, Phoenix, you're doing really well. Focus on me, try to stay calm."
Phoenix tries, they really do. They can breathe now, that's good, it's not breathing through their mouth but it's still air. But as Aaron turns to fetch the wire, Phoenix panics. The only reason they don't thrash is that some part of their brain knows that it would be a bad idea to knock the IV out. Aaron won't be pleased with them and he might punish them, or stop giving them painkillers.
Why is he giving them painkillers again? They don't need them. They don't need them to be gentle, it's weird.
"Try to calm down. It's okay, Phoenix, you're going to be okay. You don't need to look so disbelieving at the painkillers, y'know? Squeeze this as hard as you can. It won't be wired for long. You'll have to eat liquid food, but it's okay, I promise. Let's get this done before you heal wrong."
And Phoenix... they shut down. There's wire and what looks like pliers and Aaron's going to feed them and give them painkillers, and they can't cope. They're terrified and they don't understand, and they just... shut down completely.
The world is fuzzy, their heart pounding, everything seems far away. It's all... wrong.
They'll understand at some point, maybe. But not now. Not when they're not even here.
They don't know where they are. But it's not here.
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @whumpinggrounds @painful-pooch
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dragonkeeper19600 · 5 years
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What is the Medicine Seller?
The subjectivity of Mononoke is a large part of what makes the series unique. But, one of the biggest mysteries that the show leaves unanswered is what exactly the Medicine Seller is supposed to be. From his weird powers, traits, and appearance to the fact that he clearly doesn’t age, it’s an understatement to say that this isn’t a normal guy. All kinds of theories have been floating around about the Medicine Seller’s true identity, that he’s a onmyōji, a god, or some kind of benevolent mononoke. 
However, for my money, looking at all the evidence combined from the show and Japanese mythology, I’ve concluded that the Medicine Seller is most likely a kitsune. 
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Now, I feel like most anime viewers have at least a cursory idea what a kitsune is, but just to recap: “Kitsune” (狐) is the Japanese word for fox. Traditional Japanese folk beliefs attributed all sorts of mysterious powers to foxes, including shapeshifting, creating illusions, and warding off evil spirits. Taking cues from ancient Chinese lore about fox spirits, kitsune have captured the imagination of Japanese artists and storytellers for centuries and continue to do so in the present day.
I’m far from the first person to come up with the “Medicine Seller is a fox” theory. It’s the only theory cited on the admittedly bare-bones Mononoke Wiki, and numerous commentators and Tropers have speculated that our favorite flamboyant exorcist might be a fox in disguise. So, allow me to take some time to display all the compiled evidence as to why I think this is the most plausible theory.
Let’s start with the obvious: The guy looks like a fox.
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The red markings on his face are very reminiscent of the red paint you see on the traditional kitsune masks people wear around festival time. These markings are highlighted in the anime’s opening, so you can really see the similarity.
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His long ears and fangs could also be considered vulpine.
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The literature is rife with examples of foxy traits showing through a kitsune’s human disguise, especially when they’re startled or caught off-guard, such as ears, a tail, or canine teeth. We’ve never seen a tail on the Medicine Seller, but who knows what he’s hiding under that robe? I’ve also seen some sources claim that the tail will be revealed if you see the kitsune’s reflection or shadow. We haven’t seen either, so who knows?
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Secondly, there’s a hierarchy to keep in mind when thinking about Japanese foxes. Some kitsune are holy messengers while others are malignant spirits that bring ruin to humans. Some are merely pranksters, using their powers to pull hilarious tricks on unwitting humans, sometimes to teach them a lesson but often just for shits and giggles.
Holy, high-ranking foxes are said to be messengers of the Shinto god Inari, the rice god and the patron deity of merchants and sword smiths. 
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Pictured: A merchant with a sword.
Fox statues like the one pictured above can be seen standing guard in front of Inari’s shrines, where they are said to ward off evil. The A-to-Z Online Buddhist dictionary has this to say:
“[T]he fox is associated with the concept of Kimon 鬼門, literally “demon gate,” a Japanese term stemming from Chinese geomancy (Ch: feng shui). In Chinese thought, the northeast quarter is considered particularly inauspicious. It is the place where "demons gather and enter." This belief was imported by the Japanese and is referred to as Kimon. Kimon generally means ominous direction, or taboo direction. In Japan, the fox is considered a powerful ally in warding off evil Kimon influences. Fox statues are often placed in northeast locations to stand guard over demonic influence, and two foxes typically guard the entrance to Inari Shrines, one to the left and one to the right of the gate.”
He may not be a statue, but “warding off demonic influences” is basically half of the Medicine Seller’s job description. He often uses seals, salt, prayer, and other methods accessible to humans, but the Bakeneko arc of Ayakashi clearly shows he can keep a mononoke at bay just by flexing really hard. 
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Yokai.com goes into some detail about the various ranks of kitsune, from the lowliest trickster to the most divine guardian. One rank of kitsune of particular interest to me is called the Kiko (気狐), a servant of Inari that has evolved to the point where it no longer has a physical form. Many Kiko adopt human disguises, but they have not yet ascended to a heavenly plane and so remain on Earth serving Inari’s will. 
We have never seen the Medicine Seller eat, drink, or sleep. There is, however, one physical need that he does indulge in.
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If you get my meaning.
Pictured above is the Medicine Seller’s extensive shunga (春画) collection. Shunga is Edo period porn, and it wasn’t exactly uncommon for merchants to be carrying volumes of shunga on their person. However, 20+ volumes seems a bit excessive to me.
It’s a trait that doesn’t come up all that much in Mononoke, but the first episode of Ayakashi’s Bakeneko arc reveals that the Medicine Seller is a bit of a horny bastard. He trades info on various virility and fertility medications with Kayo, a conversation that involves a lot of whispering into her ear. He was about to share his porn with Kayo before they were interrupted. I’m convinced that if Sato had entered the kitchen ten minutes later, she would have found the two of them fucking on the floor.
As anyone who's watched Naruto can tell you, kitsune are often associated with sex. Inari, among other things, is also a fertility god, and there are many stories of kitsune adopting human form and seducing unwitting mortals, running the full gambit from the horrific to the romantic. A good chunk of these stories involve the kitsune marrying their human beau and even bearing his children in some cases. 
Most stories of this nature center on female kitsune, but it’s not like male kitsune don’t exist. The popularity of sexy fox women can probably be chalked up to male-dominated Edo society, but more and more male kitsune have been sighted in modern anime.
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I believe we can add Mononoke to this number. Practically every woman in the series creams their pants at the mere sight of the Medicine Seller, and it doesn’t seem that their attraction is one-sided. The Medicine Seller has all kinds of sexual tension with Kayo in both series. And, if you look closely, you can spy some romantic tension with Ochou as well. There’s little doubt that the Medicine Seller is attracted to human women and is even capable of falling in love with them. However, due to his role slaying mononoke, it is unlikely that he can ever settle down and marry one the way many other kitsune do.
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Personality-wise, the Medicine Seller is also reminiscent of a fox. Like I mentioned above, kitsune are often tricksters by nature. Although the Medicine Seller never acts in a needlessly malicious way, he does like to dick around with people. A lot of the aforementioned tension with Kayo takes the form of teasing banter. 
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Keep in mind: It wasn’t him who changed the compass. Which means he’s being vague for no other reason except to mess with Kayo.
He also spend a good portion of his arc in Ayakashi trolling the Sakai household, especially Odajima. And do we even need to mention his gambit in the Nue arc? 
So, his appearance, relationships, and personality are all decidedly fox-like. What about his powers? Well, in the Nopperabou arc, we get a pretty clear hint that the Medicine Seller’s physical form is just an illusion.
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The Masked Man’s attempt to take away the Medicine Seller’s face failed because that wasn’t his real face. He outright compared his face to a facade. Since it was just an illusion, it was easy for him to change it back. It should also be noted that the Nopperabou, the faceless ghost, often appears not as an independent spirit but a hilarious prank that other yokai like to pull on humans. Tanuki, Manji (badger spirits), and, yes, even Kitsune have used the image of a faceless human being to scare humans. This is getting into fan wank territory itself, but it is entirely possible that the Medicine Seller is all too familiar with the art of face removal, having pulled that trick himself in his younger days.
That the Medicine Seller’s body isn’t real could also explain the nature of his Other Self. During his first transformation sequence in Ayakashi (which is repeated in the Nue arc), we see the markings on his face and robes disappear.
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Before gold markings reappear on his Other Self.
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It might be possible to think of this “transformation” as more of a body surf. The flowing markings could indicate the presence of the fox spirit as it moves from one body to the other. This is a good time to point out that gold eyes are said to be another common trait of kitsune, and white fur is indicative of an Inari fox. The Other Self’s long white hair may be a hint as to his divine nature. 
Now, with all his powers and religious motifs, is it possible that the Medicine Seller is not a fox but in fact Inari himself? I did briefly contemplate that possibility, but I ultimately decided it probably wasn’t true. The Medicine Seller’s powers have limits that I feel a high-ranking god like Inari wouldn’t have. It looked like he did serious damage to himself trying to hold back the bakeneko in Ayakashi.
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Rather than being a human avatar of Inari, I find it more likely that the Medicine Seller is a kiko carrying out Inari’s will. In his first appearance in Ayakashi, some men spot the Medicine Seller standing outside the Sakai household, apparently talking to himself.
At the beginning of Mononoke’s first episode, he does the same thing outside the inn. His mouth is moving, but we don’t hear what he’s saying.
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In both cases, the men who see him try to call out to him to get his attention, and in both cases he ignores them. He never says who he was talking to, and nobody ever asks. It is strange, however, that he always shows up just where a mononoke is going to be, even when he doesn’t seem to know anything about the mononoke before he arrives. Could it be he is actually receiving instructions from Inari? Inari might be telling him where to go, and the Medicine Seller figures out the rest from there. He can’t know about the mononoke’s form, truth, or reason yet, otherwise he’d be able to slay it right away. How else would he know where to go unless he was being told?
Of course, there are other possibility as to who he could be talking to. It could be his Other Self, if you hold the theory that the Medicine Seller and the Other Self are separate entities (which I don’t, so much). I also contemplated whether it was the sword he was talking to, but the sword is in the trunk. For my money, communing with a god seems the most fitting. 
According to Shinto beliefs, foxes can live for up to 1000 years, which would explain why the Medicine Seller is still around after centuries have passed. But, what happens after the millennium is over? At that point, a kitsune sprouts its final, ninth tail and ascends to the heavenly plain, leaving this earth behind. I personally believe that the Medicine Seller has been tasked to wander the earth for 1000 years, slaying mononoke until his time is up. At that point, he’ll become a being as powerful as a god, but until then he must learn to truly understand humanity. Only once he has become thus enlightened will he be able to ascend. 
This, I believe, is why the Sword of Exorcism can only be drawn once he’s learned the mononoke’s form, truth, and reason. He can only slay the mononoke if he comes to truly understand it and sympathize with it. It’s all part of a thousand-year long learning process in addition to aiding humanity.
And once he’s done, some day centuries from now, perhaps another young fox will take up the sword and walk through man’s despair, putting the souls of the anguished to rest. 
It’s a lonely destiny, but it has its perks.
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annecoulmanross · 5 years
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Bridgens/Peglar Egyptology AU
(for the @theterrorbingo square “modern AU” | word count: 1k fic + 1.5k AU details | rating: T | warnings: mild spooky; talk of mummies; description of a panic attack)
The Terrors are all members of the Classics (Greek & Roman Studies) department. The Erebites are all members of the Egyptology department. These two departments share the beautiful Barrow Hall building on the campus of their university, but they do NOT get along….
….until Henry Peglar, a first-year graduate student in Classics, decides that he wants to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. 
(Drabbles and AU info below the cut!) 
It turns out that most students who want to study hieroglyphs have already finished the introductory course, however, because Henry ends up in a tiny winter-term class with only two other students. The three “hieroglyph 101s” all show up a bit early to their first day of class, fumbling into a dimly-lit classroom in the basement of Barrow Hall, across from the archaeological store-rooms.
They exchange quick introductions while waiting for the instructor to arrive. Both of Henry’s classmates are undergraduate Egyptology majors: Tom Hartnell is a bright young freshman with a passion for Egyptian mummies (and, admittedly, a slightly spotty undergraduate record), and Henry Collins is a terribly anxious junior who recently switched majors from Engineering (“Please call me Collins,” he says, after Henry begins to comment that they share a name. “Everyone else already calls me Collins.”)
The moment of revelation for Henry Peglar, though, is when he first sets eyes on their instructor: a senior graduate student named John Bridgens, who walks in just a minute after the hour, with a thermos of what smells like mint tea.
John Bridgens looks almost mournful for a moment, his dark eyes soulful, a thick pea-coat sitting heavy on his shoulders (which he quickly shrugs off; it may be a chilly January outside, but Barrow Hall is toasty and warm). When John looks over to his students, though, he smiles, and his face is transformed: Henry feels like the sun has suddenly come out from behind the blustery clouds.
Henry quickly realizes that learning Egyptian won’t be like learning Greek or Latin, but fortunately John is a very good teacher. Even though John holds office hours at an ungodly hour of the morning, Henry shows up to every office hour with a bright smile and a long list of questions.
What Henry doesn’t yet know is that he’s in for the most exciting semester of his life…
(Featuring such hijinks as: John and his students Henry, Tom, and Collins get locked into the archaeological store-room with the mummies, in the dark! Henry and Tom Hartnell uncover a secret that could overturn the Egyptology department! Henry develops an unfortunate crush on his instructor! What could go wrong!)
“We’re Trapped in Here, Aren’t We?” (Bonus Drabble)
The four of them have now been locked in the basement, in the dark, for over an hour.
Collins is quietly freaking out, sitting on a storage crate in the corner of the main room of the museum storage space. Henry watches Tom Hartnell deftly trying to help Collins regulate his breathing to a pace approaching normal, with some success; Henry decides not to intervene.
“We’re trapped in here, aren’t we?” Collins asks. He doesn’t sound panicked anymore, just stressed; it’s an improvement.
Tom rubs Collins’s shoulder reassuringly, and says, “I don’t know for certain, but I’m not going to let it worry me – we’re going to be okay, alright?” Tom then turns to Henry Peglar and tilts his head, adding: “Eddie Hoar told me that there used to be a secret passage that ran between Barrow Hall and the library, and that the door opened up somewhere here in the storage-rooms. Maybe we can find it?”
Henry nods, flashes a grin that feels fake but must seem genuine in the low light of the storage-rooms’ emergency lighting, because Tom smiles back at him. “I’ll go check on John,” Henry says. “See if he doesn’t know anything about a tunnel.”
Slipping in between the shelves of Greek ceramics, Henry winds his way toward the back workroom where he left John Bridgens, who had been convinced that there must be an extra key somewhere in the workroom desk drawers.
Henry is so caught up in thoughts of tunnels that fails to notice the packing box sitting next to the shelves and he manages to trip right over it. He takes the fall hard, feeling the chilly linoleum under his now-aching arm, his eyes squeezed shut against the pain. When he opens his eyes, though, Henry feels a bolt of fear run though him – for a moment he thinks he’s gone blind, because he sees nothing but darkness. A moment later, the ancient emergency lights flicker back on, and that’s worse because Henry is face-to-face with the mummy.
Henry had forgotten that she was stored here, under the shelves of Egyptian faience. He distantly remembers Dr. Blanky pointing out “the Egyptian girl, our princess,” in her lovely painted coffin, on a tour through the storage rooms last year when he had been a prospective student – but the fact that she was down here (trapped with us, his mind whispers) had escaped his mind.
Shuddering, Henry pushes himself up from the cold floor and backs up against the wall as the lights keep flickering. He knows, he knows, that there’s nothing to fear here, but the sight of the girl’s skin, drawn tight against her skin, her eerie grimace, had shaken him.
Henry jumps about a foot in the air, but it’s just John, peering out from the workroom door.
“Henry, are you okay?” John continues, his brow furrowed with worry.
Henry swallows. “Yup, yeah, just took a tumble.” He straightens up, tries to collect himself. “Did you find an extra key?” he asks John.
But John isn’t so easily dissuaded. “Are you sure you’re alright?” He steps up next to Henry, a hand hovering over the arm that Henry’s cradling to his chest (Henry’s certain it isn’t broken, but he knows it’ll be bruised a bit).
Henry looks up into John’s eyes and exhales softly to see the loving concern written there. John’s so close now, lifting a hand toward Henry’s cheek, and Henry wants this, wants to reach out and embrace; he finally feels his limbs stop shaking now that John’s here, even as his heart races and his face tilts up…
…. and that’s the moment when the emergency lights finally flicker their last, and the corridor goes dark as a tomb.
Some Background on the Humanities Departments of Barrow Hall
The Department of Classics
The Classics program at Barrow Hall is small but powerful. Most of the faculty get along well with each other, professionally, although they don’t socialize much. There aren’t many graduate students in the program, but most of the grad students they do have are quite active on the university campus.
Classics Faculty
Dr. Crozier is the department chair of the Classics program. He teaches early Roman history, with a focus on land surveying, and he takes a very scientific approach to his material.
Dr. Little is an associate professor who teaches Greek military history and gets very excited about ancient weapons. (“Like the shot that killed Leonidas at Thermopylae!”)
Dr. Hodgson is an associate professor who teaches Greek drama; he’s particularly obsessed with the tragedies of Euripides – the more ritualistic violence the better.
Dr. Irving is an assistant professor who teaches later Roman history, and can turn any conversation into a debate about the early history of Christianity. His most recent book was titled “Coming Out Christian in the Roman World: How the Followers of Jesus Made a Place in Caesar's Empire.” * Despite Irving’s own Christian faith and his social justice outreach work with the campus Queer Interfaith club, Irving’s a bit of a chronological traditionalist when it comes to academic research, and tends to dismiss any literature written after Augustine.
Drs. Peddie and MacDonald are actually part of the History Department, but because they teach Medieval Latin, they’re considered honorary members of the classics faculty. (MacDonald teaches a wildly popular undergraduate seminar – cross-listed with Classics and History – called “Witches, Ghosts, and Potions: Medical Mysteries in Medieval Europe.”)
Dr. Blanky is the exception to the “we hate the Egyptologists” rule – Thomas gets along quite well with a certain Dr. Reid, both of whom have a passion for film studies, and together they’ve organized a weekly historical film series for the undergrads. Dr. Reid’s top picks are old-school classics like Cleopatra (1963) and Julius Caesar (1953); Blanky, on the other hand, is partial to Gladiator (2000). He’s also the exception to the “this department doesn’t socialize rule,” being, himself, a long-time best friend of department chair Dr. Crozier.
Classics Grad Students
Thomas Jopson is an older graduate student – he’s just a breath away from receiving his PhD: Dr. Crozier, who has been supervising his thesis on the systems of enslavement in the Roman Republic and the lived experiences of Roman slaves, is extremely proud of Thomas’s sensitive eye for historical evidence. Thomas also works for the campus mental health office, leading a therapy group for adult children of those suffering from addiction.
Billie Gibson, another grad student, is part-way through writing his dissertation on the reception of Greek ideas about homosexuality in the Victorian period, under the supervision of a confused but supportive Dr. Irving. (“Isn’t this more of a History department topic?”)
“Hickey” started the PhD program at the same time as Billie, and he’s begun writing his thesis on cannibalistic imagery in Greek poetry with Dr. Hodgson. Everyone just calls him Hickey, and Henry Peglar hasn’t been able to figure out his full name (or whether “Hickey” is a first name or a last name, or even whether “Hickey” is part of his real name at all) because no one ever updates the Classics department website. Hickey is part of a student organization called the Dionysians, but they’re not listed on the university’s roster of sanctioned clubs, and no one seems to know what it is that they do, exactly.
Henry Peglar is the newest member of the department, a first-year grad student. He’s planning on studying depictions of ancient history in modern fiction, hopefully with Dr. Blanky, who also happens to be his first-year advisor.
The Department of Egyptology
The Egyptology program at Barrow Hall has been having some hiring problems in recent years. Not only did several older professors retire, but the young Dr. Gore decided to move into museum-work full-time and Dr. Fairholme was ‘poached’ by the rival Egyptology program at another university. As a result, the Department of Egyptology has been under-staffed, with too many grad students and too few professors, resulting in two controversial recent faculty hires.
Egyptology Faculty
Dr. John is the department chair of the Egyptology program. He teaches ancient Egyptian literature and has a rather old-fashioned perspective on middle Egyptian grammar.
Dr. Reid teaches courses on the history of archaeological discoveries in Egypt, and the culture of artifact (mis-)handling by European excavators. He’s friendly with Dr. Blanky in the Classics program, and he lovingly crafts discussion questions for the film-showings that he and Blanky run. (He’ll never admit it, but he secretly loves the 1999 Mummy movie.)
Dr. Stanley teaches classes on ancient Egyptian medicine. He’s known for his severe grading policies and for his impressive ability to ruin the fun of topic that involves things like magic spells and fever-demons and having sex with crocodiles.
Dr. Fitzjames is one of the two new faculty members, a dashing archaeologist with an impressive résumé of excavation in Egypt – although, as Dr. Crozier has wryly observed, some of his funding sources for those digs haven’t always been completely above-board.
Dr. Le Vesconte is the other new faculty member, an associate professor with an equally flashy history of excavation and publication. Rumor is that he and Dr. Fitzjames once found a live cheetah in an Egyptian tomb and tried to keep it as the excavation’s mascot.
Egyptology Grad Students
Edmund “Eddie” Hoar is a senior doctoral candidate, working dedicatedly on a massive dissertation about Egyptian stamps and seals. He’s been working with Dr. John because his old advisor recently retired, and with Eddie’s advisor gone, Eddie’s pretty much the only person on campus who knows his way around the dusty archaeological collection in the basement of Barrow Hall.
John Bridgens has been with the program about as long as Eddie, but he’s closer to finishing his thesis, a sprawling dissertation on Egyptian poetry under Dr. John’s supervision.
Charles “Freddie” Des Voeux is part-way through writing a thesis on Napoleon’s excavations in Egypt; his advisor is Dr. Reid. (He’s also roommates with Eddie Hoar, and the two of them are known as “(Fr)eddie” in the grad student group chat.)
Harry Goodsir is a first-year PhD student, who entered the program at the same time Henry Peglar started in Classics; the two of them met at the university-wide graduate student orientation, and Harry encouraged Henry to take hieroglyphs, which Harry had learned himself while he was an undergraduate, while volunteering with his siblings at an Egyptian museum in their hometown. Harry’s interested in Egyptian archaeology, hoping to study with Dr. Fitzjames and Dr. Le Vesconte, but there was a paperwork mix-up that placed Dr. Stanley as Harry’s first-year advisor (Harry is unhappy about it; Dr. Stanley is even more unhappy about it).
Members of Associated Departments in Nearby Ross Hall (& Their Drama)
Dr. James C. Ross is the co-chair of the anthropology program and a dear friend of Dr. Crozier in classics. Though he does have a complicated legacy with the university – being a descendent of the famous (if problematic) explorer, Sir John Ross, for whom Ross Hall is named – Dr. James is well-liked by his students and forward-thinking about his discipline.
Ross’s co-chair, Dr. Silna Kamookak, thinks Ross could stand to apply his anthropology to real-world problems a bit more intensively. Dr. Kamookak is a rising star in applied archaeology and she publishes on issues of museum collection ethics and heritage management; the graduate seminar she teaches on Inuit oral history documentation is known to be one of the best courses in the department.
Dr. Jane Franklin is the chair of English Literature; her research interests revolve around the writings of Charles Dickens. All the students in Barrow Hall call her “Dr. Jane,” and call her husband “Dr. John,” because neither would agree to let the other be called “Dr. Franklin.” A memo was circulated. It was messy.
Dr. Sophia Cracroft is an assistant professor in the History of Science department, and a frequent collaborator with Dr. Crozier in an ongoing interdisciplinary project about ancient cartography; although Dr. Cracroft has often tried to get Dr. John Franklin to permit a collaboration with the Egyptology department, Dr. John has always refused. Cracroft’s grad students say that it’s because Dr. John heard something “unsavory” about the relationship between Dr. Cracroft and Dr. Crozier. None of the grad students know what this “unsavory” thing is, but gossip ranges from the vanilla (an affair) to the bizarre (a papyrus smuggling ring).
Other Details
Goldner’s is a purveyor of textbooks of dubious quality. For some reason, all of the introductory language classes in both the Classics and Egyptology departments are always assigned Goldner’s textbooks, much to the students’ and instructors’ displeasure.
* “Coming Out Christian in the Roman World: How the Followers of Jesus Made a Place in Caesar's Empire,” is a real book! (It was not, however, written by John Irving.) I had a fantastic time reading it a few years ago – go check it out.  
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greatworkbegins · 5 years
i am having a very hard time with public libraries and other services closing. i dont have better solutions to protect people's health and of course i trust and want to follow the recommendations of doctors and scientists but it is so hard to deal with how unprepared we all are for continuing to carry out vital services when widespread problems occur (or even more importantly probably pointing out all the places where our society is fucked up and punitive inherently and fails even in more stable times to provide the services people need)
maybe this is incoherent but it's something ive been thinking about - i wish there was a way that people who will not have their life threatened could (obviously of course only if they are totally willing) be exposed to this virus, get sick, be quarantined for the requisite time until they are healthy again and no longer contagious at all, and then be able to provide services and stuff as needed to all without worry of exposure, and of course continuing to follow strict cleaning and disinfecting regimens and social distancing to prevent spread between people in the public using services.
just that the cdc is saying the majority of americans over the next two years will probably get this virus. i expect that i will get it. i think that’s the rational way to think. im not worried about getting it - im certainly not excited about the prospect, obviously who wants to have a bad respiratory flu and be sick for two weeks - but i do not have extraneous compromising medical conditions and i would almost certainly recover just fine. i wish i could get sick and then be in isolation until it's gone and have it done so i can be of help.
i mean admittedly part of my rationale here is that even at my baseline default i’m suicidal over the state of the world and have developed over time the rationalization that it is no good for me to kill myself because then i am not helping others when i could be helping others. so to be cut off from the means by which i usually see myself as either actively helping others or working towards my future career where i can help others is very difficult for me.
i am not coping with how society is shutting down and that the people who will bear the worst of it are also those who need services the most. one of the primary things on my mind all the time in classes when we talk about how libraries are going to evolve and info needs are changing and yada yada is that humans have bodies and that isnt changing. bodies need places to be and the public library is a place they can be, hopefully without expectation and without needing to pay or produce or do anything. just to be. a major part of this is that bodies get sick and sick bodies need a place to be, even more so need a safe and stable and warm place to be. even more so when those bodies dont have the benefit of housing, or health coverage, or heat, or freedom from domestic abuse, or access to things like books or the internet.
[this makes me think of when we discuss for example the ethics of and best practices for confronting library patrons who have a strong odor (the assumption usually being it's body odor / sweat as they havent been able to shower in a while, assuming because they are unhoused) and for me, my anger surges out and i just think really people should be asked to stuff their complaints and deal with it and people will smell however they smell in the library because often bodies smell. i mean ideally we would just have free and open showers w/ soap at public libraries but you know. i think the point of a public space is that you encounter and converse with fellow members of the public. if there is inequity in your community that manifests in people not having housing and being unable to keep clean then you should have to confront the discomfort of that and deal with the reality and consequence of that, which is that your community member here has strong body odor. there should be no shielding you from encountering that and experiencing the internal shame and guilt that will surely come. we should feel bad and we should feel responsible. we should process what the pain of that means and it should motivate us to make things different so this is not the way that our community member has to live]
my little sister's school district is shutting down and moving to online learning but there are so many families in my hometown that dont have computers or internet at home, and the public libraries are closed indefinitely. their solution right now is that students will not be penalized (with poor grades) for not being able to participate in online learning. but how is that a solution? when we are in no way then providing these most disadvantaged kids with an education?
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“The Firebird Trilogy” by Claudia Gray: A Review from an Eighteen Year-Old Teenager Doing a Bachelor’s in Biology
"So does destiny create the math, or does math create our destiny?" "Insufficient data," Paul said.  
How did I get here?
So, my friend and I were talking, as friends do, and we went through this rabbit hole involving Powerpuff Girls Z and Zenith. And we came to the topic of A Thousand Pieces of You.
In short, we don’t like it. She stopped at this book. I continued because I was interested enough. That was a mistake. An generous 2/5.
And this isn’t like a thing where all of my friends disliked it. Only the two of us disliked it. Everyone else liked it.
I know I’m not the demographic. I’m not a white girl doing a Bachelor of Fine Arts. I’m asian doing a Bachelor of Science. But whatever.
Imma go into a full review.
Spoilers under the cut.
Good Things:
1. Dimensional Travel. It was the only thing that kept me reading.
2. A sort of exploration of Jean Paul Sartre’s Existence vs Essence
3. The cover art is really nice. It so good. Its like home decoration to me it’s so good.
4. Says “Capitalism is bad.” I like that.
Bad Things:
1. The Characters: Paul and Theo really like Margarita
- Marguerite Caine: I’m not like other girls
Margarita is our protagonist. She’s not like other girls.
We’re pretty different, for sisters—she’s average height while I’m tall; she’s athletic while I’m anything but. She inherited our parent’s love of science and is following in Dad’s footsteps by becoming an oceanographer; I’m the odd duck in the family, the artsy one. Josie’s laid-back while I freak out about every little thing.
She has no interest in science. In a household... where everyone is a scientist. As someone who’s lived in a household where everyone’s a doctor, all of my siblings and I are in some sort of science background. My sister’s a medical doctor, my brother’s a Master in Psychology, and I’m doing a Bachelor’s in Biology. I have no doubt it can happen. But it happens a lot in young adult. I’m tired of humanities main characters. I love the humanities. I don’t know why but everyone I know in science has some sort of humanities background. Everyone in my family can play instruments and paints and does photography. 
And can I just say how pretentious that ending was? Here’s my painting its a unique perspective from seeing my alternate dimension selves. She plagiarised herself. She basically plagiarised her alternate dimension selves. I’ll save those in later
- Paul Markov: Nerdy Love Interest
Love interest. Also Russian. Don’t know who he is.
- Theo Beck: Nerdy Love Interest 2: Bad Boy Boogaloo
Love interest. French(?). Does drugs to stay in bodies because idk.
- Henry Caine: Dad
Like the Beatles.
- Sophia Kovalenka: Mom
Depressed without dad.
- Josie Caine: The pretty one
The pretty one. Died in an alternate universe.
- Wyatt Conley: I see why you like Josie
Rich. Villain. Oh... but he’s in love with Josie. Oh no.
As you can see. The characters are well fleshed out. I have headcanons for all of them. Margarita hates sciences because her sister is good at it and she has to be good at something in her family so she pursues the arts. Paul and Theo have no reason to like Margarita. She’s whiny and really unlikeable. But here we are.
2. The Science: So that science huh?
This is a science fiction novel with a murder mystery element. It should something I should be gushing and loving it.
But the science is, uh, meh? 
So, there’s this thing called a Firebird. And this miracle baby lets you travel between dimensions. I’m no physicist. The best of my physics knowledge involves how organisms abuse the universe’s physics engine.
The most unrealistic thing about the science here is... the fact that these people got funding. The firebird’s supposed to revolutionise modern science. And I can see how, steal info from other dimensions. But no one with enough funding would be interested. And I get that Wyatt would be interested because he could be funding from Capitalist Dimension. I get that. Okay. Fine.
But the explanation. The Firebird is made of materials that easily move between dimensions, can grab onto consciousness, and leaves a dimensional trace. What material? How does it grab onto the consciousness? What is the dimensional trace? We don’t know because Margarita doesn’t know because ALL THE SCIENTISTS WON’T TELL HER BECAUSE SHE WON’T UNDERSTAND?!?! Anyone with a PhD in science is a nerd that will jump at any opportunity to tell you how something works. You might not understand but they will try their damned hardest. AT LEAST GIVE US PHLEBOTINUM!!
There’s this whole thing where Paul explains how universes are formed because of an asymmetry and that sort of let’s us travel between dimensions and that lets us save dimensions being destroyed. Oh yeah, there’s a plot where the Capitalist Dimension wants to destroy universes to get all the fragments of Josie because that’s how consciousness works. I don’t know how it works. These people do. Whatever. But it feels like... how do you get enough energy to create enough antimatter to destroy entire universes? I don’t know but they’ve probably done enough research and experiments. Fine. How did they invent the solution though? They didn’t have the time to do any experiments or research. Oh well.
Also consciousnesses apparently show up in CT scans. Which means they’re altering the brains of these people. That’s a human rights violation. Never mind the highjacking free will thing. This would never, and I mean never, be approved. I had a research proposal where I would feed Tilapia feed that had little bits of microplastics to see how microplastics affect growth and everything. That was not approved due to ethical reasons. They’re even stricter on humans. Shocking.
3. Existence vs Essence: Does that mean I fell in love with every Paul, everywhere?
Now Claudia Gray has the idea there. But it really falls flat and the potential it had made it worse. If you want a young adult series that handles this idea well go read The Monogatari Series by Nisioisin. Its not in the entire series but in one of the books, Kabukimonogatari. 
The entire series is filled with fauxlosophy on this whole thing from Jean Paul Sartre. Admittedly I’m no philosophy major. I took a college philosophy 101 class. That’s my whole thing. I got an A in that class. Those are my credentials.
But Margarita keeps asking if she falls in love with one Paul is it all the Pauls? And if someone in an alternate universe is a murderer does that make her a murderer. But, and this is important, we learn that Firebirds don’t actually find alternate versions of you but a genetically identical version of you that isn’t already in that universe. You see where I’m getting at. They even have a conversation with all the Margaritas she’s ruined in the Sextuplet Universe where she’s sextuplets Osomatsu-san style.
Her questioning was pointless especially since it continues after this point. And she tries so hard to be like, “but if my circumstances were different I’d be Murderer!Margarita.” And Mob Psycho 100 by One deals with this concept really well. Mob gets transported into an alternate world, with no memories, and spends six months there being bullied with no friends or anyone to confine to. He ends up evil. And the villain goes on to say like, “see, you’re only good because of your circumstances!” when Mob gets his memories back. And Mob goes, “that’s right. i’ve been shaped by the people around me and my circumstances. I should be grateful!” 
Claudia Gray’s solution is basically Paul goes like “don’t worry because you guys are mathematically close but different so you guys are fundamentally different.” Which is like, no. They’re arguing that essence comes before existence. Which is kinda supported by the fact that every incarnation of her is an artist. Like, not a single Margarita likes science in the multiverse. That makes zero sense. Like what?
In conclusion please do not read this. Or do. Lots of people like this.
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AlMei Week 2017 - Growth/Tradition
I'd like to apologize in advance for my pitiful attempt at sticking to the prompt. I failed pretty badly. But it's longer than the last chapter, so hopefully that makes up for it! Enjoy Day 2: Growth/Tradition. This fits more along the lines of 'growth.' Also, I’d like to give a reminder that I decided to write a short story with the prompts, meaning you’re going to want to read Day 1 if you want to have any idea what’s going on.
Note: I wanted to use Envy and Lust in this fic, but clearly those names wouldn't work in a modern AU. So, I used Google Translate (I know - I'm terrible) to find alternate names for them. Envy is Neid (German) and Lust is Luxure (French).
Note 2.0: Short-haired Envy is my aesthetic.
Read this chapter on fanfiction.net here.
Read Day 1 here.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, Fullmetal Alchemist is not mine.
"Took you guys long enough," Mei grumbled in a joking tone as she climbed into the back of the Elric's police car. "I thought I was going to have to tell Winry that she wouldn't be by herself today after all."
"Sorry about that," Alphonse apologized, turning around from the front passenger seat to face her. "Ed overslept."
"Wow. Classic."
"In my defense," Edward retorted, briefly looking in the rear-view mirror to glance back at Mei, "it's because I was up late doing as much research as I could on Maes Hughes."
"As was I," the doctor countered, "and I'd bet I was up earlier than the both of you."
The older Amestrian muttered something under his breath but didn't comment, earning laughter from both Alphonse and Mei.
"So what's the plan?" Mei asked when their laughter had died off. "I didn't think you'd take too kindly to me coming up with something, so I figured I'd just be along for the ride."
"First things first. We'll talk to ex-colonel Mustard –"
"Ed." Alphonse interrupted his older sibling. "Be polite."
Edward rolled his eyes before continuing. "We'll talk to Mustang first. He was Hughes' closest friend and is the best person to ask if he knew what Hughes might have gotten into that would have resulted in his death."
"It's also safe to ask him if something might be going on within the FBI," Alphonse added. "He's probably one of the most trustworthy guys there."
"But it's pretty likely that he can only tell us a few things, right?" Mei asked. "The FBI isn't very lenient when it comes to releasing information."
"Exactly, which is why after that we'll talk to his gang," Edward said as he ran a yellow light, earning a frown from his younger brother, which he pointedly ignored. "Hawkeye was one of the investigators at the scene, so hopefully she'll be able to reveal some details to us. Fuery took photographs and should still have them – he's probably our best bet for info. If we can find Havoc, Breda, or Falman we might as well talk to them, too."
"And while we're there we check around for agents with purple eyes, right?" Mei smirked.
For once, the ex-agent didn't retort with a snarky remark. "Hell yes we are," he agreed, racing through a red light before turning into the parking lot. "Let's do this."
The three exited the car and made their way into the building. A tired-looking secretary at the desk glanced up at them. "Do you have an appointment with someone?"
"We're friends of Mustang," Edward replied. "Tell him it's the Elric brothers."
"Or tell him it's the Shrimp," Alphonse suggested innocently, earning him an elbow to the stomach from his brother and snickering from Mei.
The woman seemed skeptical but picked up the phone and dialed. "Mr. Mustang? There are some people who want to see you. They said they're the Elric brothers." She paused, as if listening. A frown fell on her lips. "But Mr. Mustang – Mr. Mustang –" She sighed. "Fine. I'll send them up." She placed the phone back down and sent us an odd look. "Go on ahead."
Edward immediately headed towards the stairs without a second thought, while Alphonse and Mei hung behind to thank the secretary and ask what room number Mustang's was and the floor it was on before following.
"I'm glad the two of you decided to let me tag along," Mei said as they headed up the stairs to the third floor.
"I get the feeling you'd have shown up even if we had told you not to," Alphonse chuckled.
"I suppose I can't deny that."
"But there was never a possibility we wouldn't have asked you to come," he continued. "Ed may act like a jerk, but he doesn't mean it. He just likes to do things on his own. When he found out I planned to go into the police force he nearly had a heart attack."
"He doesn't want his little brother to be in danger, right?" Mei laughed. "My half-brother was the exact same. At first he was relieved when he found out I was more into the medical side of things, but now I think he realizes what I see is worse than what he does."
Alphonse shuddered. "I'd have to agree with him. There are times when I can barely stomach the crime scenes. I don't understand how you're able to see that and then basically dissect the bodies."
The Xingese woman sighed. "If I said that you get used to it I'd be lying through my teeth. I just had to learn to 'grow up,' I suppose. I work with the dead to help the living, and that's something I have to remind myself of every day."
Alphonse shook his head. "I hope you know that the force is lucky to have someone as dedicated as yourself."
She smiled at him. "You flatter me, Alphonse."
"I aim to please."
The conversation ended as they continued to make their way up the stairs. They found Edward waiting for them at the entrance to the third floor, a mixture of embarrassment and impatience dancing in his golden eyes.
"I hope the two of you thought to ask for Mustard's room number?"
Mei smirked. "You're lucky we did, Shrimp."
"Don't call me a shrimp, you little bean sprout!" Edward seethed, glaring at her.
She returned his glare with one of her own. "You wanna try me, you little –"
"Don't call me little!"
Alphonse quickly moved between the two in an attempt to separate them. "Alright, alright. That's enough of that."
Mei realized her behavior was equivalent to that of a young child and took a deep breath to calm herself. "Sorry. I got carried away."
The blonde chuckled. "Didn't you just say you had to grow up quickly in order to be chief medical examiner?"
She turned a brilliant shade of crimson at his words and could not manage a reply to defend herself.
"Gotta keep your brother and your girlfriend separate, eh, Alphonse?"
The trio's attention was drawn to a man with dirty blonde hair and cigarette sticking out of the corner of his mouth.
"G-Girlfriend?!" Alphonse sputtered, cheeks turning a shade of red akin to that of Mei's. "N-No, she's just, she's –" He sighed.
Edward snickered at his brother's and Mei's embarrassment. "He'll deny it, Havoc, but I bet they'll be hitched in a month."
Havoc took a puff of his cigarette before smirking. "Nah. Three weeks, Ed. Three weeks."
Mei glared at both men. "If the two of you keep it up, I'll kill you twice. First in cold blood, and the second time in the morgue. Believe me when I say I've done enough autopsies to know exactly how to cover my tracks."
Edward whistled. "You've got yourself a feisty one, Al."
Mei desperately wanted to strangle the blonde officer, but managed to prevent herself from doing so. Revenge could come later.
"Anyways," Alphonse said pointedly in an attempt to change the subject, "what are you doing here, Havoc? Has Riza managed to convince Mustang to give you a break?"
Havoc winked at the boy. "Mustang doesn't even know I'm out here. I'm waiting for my girlfriend, Luxure. We met a month or so ago and hit it off. I've got my fingers crossed she's the one."
"That's what you said about that last girl," Edward retorted, rolling his eyes. "And doesn't Hawkeye still want you to go out with her friend?"
"You mean Rebecca?"
"Yeah, her."
Havoc's cheeks darkened ever so slightly. "I'm not interested in the likes of that woman."
Alphonse raised a brow at the man's denial, a smirk dancing on his lips. "Is that so, Havoc? Your face begs to differ."
Havoc shook his head. "I may have been just a tad interested a month ago, but then I met Luxure and I'm almost certain things are going to work out with her. Besides – Catalina probably has men dropping to her feet and worshipping the ground she walks on. Anyways, Luxure and I hung out pretty much all of last night and a few nights before, but I wanted to do something a little more romantic with her. We'll be –"
A rich and almost sultry feminine voice interrupted their conversation. All heads turned to see an admittedly gorgeous woman with long dark hair and a well-endowed chest walking towards them.
Mei suddenly found herself rather self-conscious.
"Luxure!" Havoc grinned like a lovestruck teenager as he dropped the cigarette and ground it beneath his heel. "Glad you were able to make it."
She smiled. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world, you know. It's nice to get out of the office and have a break once in a while." She glanced at the group. "Would you like to introduce me to your friends, Jean?"
Havoc nodded hastily. "Right." He gestured to each person in turn. "That's Ed, that's Al, and..." He hesitated when he got to Mei. "Miss, I'm afraid I don't know your name."
The Xingese doctor shook her head, though a small smile was dancing on her lips. "Doctor Mei Chang. I'm the chief medical examiner for this jurisdiction."
Luxure raised a brow at her words, her maroon eyes gleaming. "Is that so? I've heard many things about your office, Doctor Chang – most of which are good, of course. It's nice to finally meet you."
"I'm rather surprised the FBI hasn't tarnished my reputation," Mei replied, her eyes twinkling. "I appreciate your kind words, Miss Luxure."
The woman answered with a nod before returning her attention to her boyfriend. "Ready to go, Jean? I made reservations at a classy restaurant because it's been so long since we were last able to go out for something nice together."
"Isn't it a bit early for lunch?" Edward asked.
"It's more of a brunch," Havoc replied. "And Luxure, that sounds great." He returned his attention to the trio. "I'll see you guys later! By the way – Mustang's in his office, so you aren't going to have to wander the building searching for him."
"Thank you, Havoc," Alphonse said, smiling at the man.
Havoc offered them a mock-salute before extending his arm to Luxure, who graciously accepted. Mei watched them walk away, something nagging her in the back of her mind. Her eyes widened as it clicked.
"Yoki said the agent had eyes that looked almost purple, right?"
Alphonse nodded. "Yes. Why?"
"That woman's eyes were maroon. Kind of pink," she replied. "They could easily be mistaken for purple in the darkness."
Alphonse frowned, and Mei could almost see the gears turning in his head. "You think she was the agent Yoki let into the building?"
"I don't know what to think," the doctor sighed. "There's no proof, first off. And she very well could have some sort of alibi. Not to mention Yoki could be mistaken about the so-called intruder's eye color."
"Another thing you need to keep in mind," Edward added, his arms crossed over his chest, "is that Yoki wasn't able to determine the gender of the agent he let in. Even in the darkness I think it's pretty obvious that Luxure is a woman."
Mei felt her cheeks get hot as yet another hole in her suspicions was pointed out. "Right. I forgot about that."
"But I don't trust her," the blonde continued. "Something about her entire persona just kind of seems off. Maybe she was driving the getaway van. I feel like she was somehow involved."
Alphonse rolled his eyes. "I'm tempted to agree, but I'm getting the vibe that I need to be the rational person here and point out that a gut feeling is not enough to convict someone. Not to mention Havoc said she'd been with him all night for the last few nights. That's a possible alibi right there."
His older brother waved his hand dismissively. "I know, I know. But it does mean I'm not going to try to dig up some dirt on her."
Mei couldn't help but grin. "Agreed."
"Let's move on now," Alphonse said, changing the subject. "Havoc said that Mustang's in his office, but if we spend too much time out here I bet we'll find out that he's left to go do something."
Edward snorted. "It's too early for him to go anywhere. You know Hawkeye would never let him."
They made their way down the hall to Mustang's room at the very end. After knocking on the door and not receiving an answer, Edward simply chose to barge in.
"Mustang! Why weren't you –" He stopped abruptly upon seeing a certain blonde officer pointing a gun at a very tearful dark-haired man.
Alphonse laughed. "Is this how you have you make him do his paperwork, Riza?"
"I'm afraid so," the lieutenant replied calmly, her aim not wavering. "But whatever works is fine with me."
Mei was unable to keep the look of horror off her face. "Do you actually intend on shooting him if he doesn't get it done?!"
"Not in the head," was the woman's only reply.
"I take it you've come on business, right?" Mustang said as he signed the last sheet of paper in front of him. "Here, Lieutenant – I've finished."
Hawkeye removed the stack of papers from in front of him and briefly skimmed through it before nodding and putting her gun away. "Thank you, sir. I'll turn these in while you talk with your guests." She offered them a warm smile before leaving.
Mustang sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "At least that's finally done." He stared up at the small group. "You can sit down, you know."
"If you didn't choose to ignore your work the lieutenant wouldn't have to do that," Alphonse said as he sat. "And I'm sure she'd prefer it if she was able to get her own work done instead of having to babysit you all day."
The dark-haired man waved his hand dismissively. "I've heard that a thousand times, Alphonse."
"He just likes having Hawkeye's attention on him," Edward snickered. "Am I right, Colonel?"
Mustang pointedly ignored the older Elric's question. "I'm not a colonel anymore, Edward." He stared at them. "But that's beside the point. Why did you come here?"
"Information," Mei replied, speaking to the man for the first time. "You were a close friend of Maes Hughes, correct? Tell us everything you know about the circumstances surrounding his death."
Mustang studied the Xingese girl. "You're the chief medical examiner, aren't you? Mei Chang?"
"That's me."
"Why do you need information about Hughes?"
"His autopsy report was stolen," she replied, not missing a beat, "and we have reason to believe it was taken by someone who works in or with the FBI."
"Are you implying the serial killer we're all trying to hunt down works for the government?"
"Yes and no. It's a possibility that we can't discount, but there's also a chance his death was caused by someone who copied the killer in order to cover their tracks. But it seems that whoever killed him made some sort of mistake that was included in the autopsy report. They didn't want anyone to know, so they stole it."
Mustang stroked his chin in thought. "Must have been pretty bad." He sighed. "I honestly don't know much about Hughes' death. I was never allowed near the scene supposedly because I was such a close friend of his." He frowned. "Maybe it was because whoever killed him knew I'd be able to spot anything unusual. All I know is that he was shot in his chest and then stabbed six times."
Mei sighed. That was nothing new. "Anything else?"
"He was killed in the phone booth off of Seventh Street, and a photo of his family was found with his body."
She made a mental note of that.
"You'd be better off talking to the lieutenant," Mustang replied. "She was allowed to see the crime scene. For a while she was also one of the agents investigating it, but for some reason she was taken off the case."
"Probably because she works under you," Edward muttered. "They want as little information as possible to reach your ears."
"Exactly. She's told me everything she can about his death. I'm almost positive she knows more, however. I bet she's gone down to Fuery's office. He's on the second floor, room 2231."
"How convenient," Edward said, standing up. "We were hoping Fuery had copies of photos from the crime scene."
Mustang snorted. "I'd bet money he does. He makes about thirty copies of everything because he's so paranoid something could get lost or destroyed."
Mei laughed. "Well, that certainly works in our favor."
The trio ran into Hawkeye as they were going down the stairs.
"Lieutenant," Alphonse said, "is it okay if we ask you some questions about Maes Hughes' murder?"
The blonde woman nodded. "Certainly." She hesitated, looking around. "But not here. Follow me."
She turned on her heel and headed back down the stairs, the three of them right behind her. She led them to a small, empty room on the second floor.
"There aren't any cameras in here," she said simply upon seeing the looks of confusion on their faces. "What is it you need to know?"
"Anything you can tell us," Mei replied. "Events surrounding his death, what the crime scene looked like, any suspects you might have."
Riza sighed. "I'll tell you as much as I can. Our office has been under intense watch lately because we 'kept sticking our noses where it didn't belong.'"
"I have a feeling it was mostly Mustang," Alphonse laughed half-heartedly.
"Yes," Riza admitted. "He was probably very specific in how he answered the questions you had for him, correct? His room's been wire-tapped all over and we're certain there are hidden cameras as well."
"Well, that explains why he was so abrupt," Edward muttered. "I knew that there was no way he could have possibly been so clueless about Hughes' death."
"And he undoubtedly realized you'd figure that out, which is why he wanted you to come to me," she explained. "But I'm also under watch."
"Just tell us as much as you can, Lieutenant," Alphonse instructed. "Really, anything is helpful."
Riza hesitated, then nodded. "His cause of death was determined to be a gunshot wound to the chest. There were six stab wounds, all postmortem from what I understood. The phone in the booth was on the receiver, implying someone besides Hughes had to have put it there. Unfortunately, no fingerprints were recovered from the phone. According to his secretary, he told her that the government was in danger before he left the building and presumably headed to Seventh Street. This suggests he was not in the wrong place at the wrong time, but was in fact a target." She hesitated a second time. "That is all I am at liberty to disclose right now. I recommend talking to Kain Fuery and seeing if he has photographs from the scene. Tell him Hawkeye wants you to be given all of them."
"Roger that," Alphonse said, saluting her. "Thank you, Lieutenant."
"You're welcome," she replied, smiling warmly at them. "And if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you inform me of anything new you might uncover."
"Of course."
The blonde woman glanced at the watch on her wrist. "I have to return to my office now. Do you know where Fuery's room is?"
"Yes ma'am," Mei said. "Mustang told us."
"Alright. I suggest waiting a few minutes before you go. It's better if we don't leave at the same time."
"Understandable," Mei conceded. "Thank you again."
Hawkeye nodded one last time before exiting the room.
"So, what do you two think?" Edward asked, his arms crossed over his chest. "It's obvious there's something strange going on here, and the government's completely wrapped up in it."
"Agreed," Mei said. She sighed. "I was really hoping that getting another copy of the autopsy report wouldn't be so complicated. But it's the FBI I'm working with. I should have expected it, I suppose."
Edward snorted. "Oh yeah. There's a reason I quit working for them, you know."
"I wonder," Alphonse mused, "if Hughes knew what was going on with the government and he was killed so he couldn't tell anyone about it."
"I get the feeling that's exactly what happened," Mei said. "But if I'm honest with you – I really couldn't care less what's going on in the government. Let them figure that out. All I want to do is catch the serial murderer."
"And if he works for the government?" Edward retorted.
"Well, then so be it. If the killer is the source of corruption and we catch them – great! Two birds with one stone. But if they aren't, I don't intend on getting myself mixed up in any internal affairs."
"Fair enough," Alphonse chuckled. "I have to agree with you on that." He checked the time on his watch. "It's been around five minutes. Let's head to Fuery's office now."
Being as casual as possible, the three left the empty room and headed down the hall where Kain Fuery's door was already wide open.
"Edward," the dark-haired man said in surprise as the trio walked in. "Alphonse. What are you doing here?" His gaze fell to Mei. "And who have you brought with you?"
"My name's Mei Chang." The Xingese woman answered quickly before Edward could introduce her as 'the bean sprout' or something to that effect. "I'm chief medical examiner for the Xing jurisdiction."
Fuery's eyes widened. "Oh, I remember you! You were at Maria Ross' homicide. I was the photographer there." He shook his head. "That really was s shame. She was such a nice lady. Good officer, too."
Mei nodded, her eyes heavy. "Yes. Her death was one of the worst I've seen in my career."
The was a pause before Fuery continued. "I'm sure you guys didn't come to visit me for fun. Is there something you need?"
"Hawkeye instructed us to have you give us all the photographs from Hughes' crime scene," Alphonse said.
Fuery bit his lip. "I'm not allowed to –"
"Surely you aren't going to disobey an order from your commanding officer," Edward interrupted, a smirk dancing on his lips. "Am I right?"
Fuery sighed, shaking his head as if he knew he was going to regret this. "Fine. Give me a minute to find them." He knelt down behind his desk and started digging through the bottom file drawer. "I'll tell you in advance that they aren't the best photographs. They're photocopies I made. But they should still be adequate for whatever you need them for."
"The fact that you're giving them to us is honestly more than we expected," Mei replied. "As long as we can see what's going on, they should be fine."
A moment later Fuery stood up, holding a stack of photographs. "Here you go," he said, handing them to Alphonse.
"Before we go," Edward said, staring at the dark-haired man, "is there anything in particular that stood out to you at the crime scene?"
Fuery frowned. "Hmm... Well, a fingerprint was found on the side of the phone booth. I took several pictures of it, so you should have a few of those."
Mei's eyes widened. "That was why the autopsy report was stolen from my office. The killer left a fingerprint and didn't want anyone else knowing about it." She returned her attention to the man in front of her. "I'm guessing very few people know that you always make extra copies of photographs from crime scenes, correct?"
"Y-Yes. Why?"
"I'd bet money that any pictures handed over to the person in charge of Hughes' investigation coincidentally 'lost' the photos of the crime scene," she continued. "And that the autopsy report kept by the government is probably also 'lost.'"
Fuery's jaw dropped. "The phone booth."
"What about it?" Mei asked.
"It was destroyed accidentally a few days ago. A car ran off the road or something."
Edward snorted. "Accidentally my a–"
"Language," Alphonse interrupted. "But I have to agree. That's too convenient of a coincidence for the killer."
Mei cursed under her breath. "Now we can't go to the scene and spray it with luminol. I was hoping we'd be able to find the fingerprint again." She laughed bitterly. "Fuery, we'll be relying completely on your photographs. I hope they're good ones."
"Always," the man promised. He paused. "Before you go..." He reached into the top drawer of his desk and removed a thin manila folder. "You might want to keep this. I think there's... One or two photos in there with better quality than the ones I've already given you."
The trio was not blind to the meaningful look in Fuery's eyes.
"Thank you," Mei said, accepting the folder. "It's very kind of you."
"Just doing my job," he replied with an awkward laugh. "I'm afraid that's all I have."
"Trust me when I say it's more than enough." The Xingese doctor beamed as she handed the folder to Alphonse. "You may be helping save countless lives."
After a few minutes the three left Fuery to continue whatever he'd been doing before they'd arrived. Upon reaching an empty hall, Alphonse quickly flipped open the folder to reveal five or six crisp photographs, all from Hughes' crime scene.
Most were of the man's body, slumped up against something inside the phone booth, all taken from various angles. Two others, however, were nearly perfect pictures of a bloody fingerprint on the ground.
Mei's eyes widened. "This is amazing. We can run this through the system to see if we get a hit – well, in a few days, at least."
"What I want to know is why there was such a clean print on the ground," Edward muttered. "Unusual place to find something like that, isn't it? And the fact that it's only the one print annoys me."
"The most obvious explanation is that the killer fell over," Mei said simply, "but I agree – you'd think there would be more than one."
"But if you look closely you can see that blood near the print is smeared," Alphonse pointed out. "So if the killer did fall, they likely moved their hand when they tried to stand back up. That would ruin any other possibility of a print. I personally we're lucky that one was left behind."
"We need to speak to whoever's in charge of Hughes' case," Mei said as the blonde tucked the pictures away into the folder. "There's a slim chance that they haven't run the print in the system yet. If they're a competent officer, I'm sure they did and nothing showed up, but if they haven't –" The Xingese doctor stopped abruptly, realizing she was rambling. "We just really need to speak to whoever had control over Hughes' case."
"Hughes? As in, Maes Hughes?"
The trio's attention was drawn to a rather androgynous man with short hair that seemed to be a very dark green. His eyes were also green – though it was shade much brighter than his hair.
"Yes," Edward said quickly. "Maes Hughes. His case. We're looking for whoever was in charge of his case."
The man chuckled, his eyes dancing with malice. "You're in luck. That would be me. Is there something you need?"
Something about this officer seemed off to Mei. She had no idea what it was nor did she have a valid reason as to what made her suspicious of him, but her gut was telling her not to trust this guy, and more often than not her instinct than right. The looks in both Alphonse's and Edward's eyes told her that they were picking up similar vibes from the man.
Something clicked, and she realized what seemed odd about the man's appearance.
Contacts. He was wearing contacts.
"We just have a few questions about the circumstances surrounding Hughes' death, Officer...?" Alphonse trailed off as he realized he didn't know his name.
"Neid," the man replied. "What would you like to know?"
"We're interested in the fingerprint that was found at the scene of the crime," Mei explained. "Was there a hit when you ran it in the system?"
Neid smirked. "If there had been, girlie, I would have reported it to my superiors."
Mei resisted the urge to slap this man. "I assumed that was the case. Thank you, sir."
"Glad I was able to help." At that, he left the trio to themselves.
"I don't like him," Edward growled.
Alphonse nodded in agreement. "He seemed... Full of himself."
Mei snorted. "I'm glad to know we're all getting that impression from him. I was worried it was just me." She decided not to mention her suspicion that the man was wearing contacts. There was always the possibility that she was wrong, after all.
"I didn't like how rude he was to you," the younger Elric muttered. "Calling you 'girlie' like that. I bet you were in school twice as long as he was to get where you are today."
The Xingese woman was secretly flattered by his words, but her expression didn't show even the slightest hint of it. "He was rude to all of us. I get the feeling that by investigating this case we'll be biting off more than we can chew."
"I love a challenge," Edward smirked. "But can you handle it, Doctor Chang?"
Mei laughed aloud. "Just try me, Elric." Her pager suddenly rang, startling her. She sighed upon reading it. "Great. I have to leave, I'm afraid – someone's been mauled."
Alphonse looked alarmed. "By what?"
She rolled her eyes. "A lion, obviously. I don't know." Then she chuckled. "It was probably a dog. But they can't be too careful – there are some weapons out there that can really tear a human up. Which is why I need to go to the scene." She started to walk away, then paused. "It'd be very helpful, actually, if one or both of you could come by my office tomorrow with the photographs so we can examine them."
"Will do," Edward said, mock-saluting the girl. "Have fun dissecting people until then."
Alphonse rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, Mei – I won't let Ed tag along."
Mei shook her head as she walked away, a smile dancing on her lips.
Yeah, this chapter really didn't stick much to the prompt, did it? I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. I'll see you tomorrow for Day 3: Aroma/Teacher!
Read Day 3 here.
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yeast face mask Fundamentals Explained
You should use this moisturizing mask various times per week should you’d like. It’s extremely gentle on this pores and skin. Blackheads tend to be brought on by oily pores and skin, using rich and weighty cosmetics in your face, or failure to cleanse your face and pores and skin correctly. I feel the admin of this Web page is genuinely Doing the job difficult for his Site, as in this article each things is high quality based info. Warning: Do a patch take a look at very first to check for any allergic reaction to gelatin. Also, never leave the mask for much too long to the pores and skin as it is going to harden up and will be challenging to peel off. We could use conversion tracking pixels from marketing networks for instance Google AdWords, Bing Adverts, and Facebook as a way to determine when an ad has productively resulted in the specified motion, including signing up with the HubPages Service or publishing an posting over the HubPages Services. You can utilize honey as a home cure to brighten the skin complexion in the subsequent ways: Mixing juice of 1 tomato using a teaspoon of honey helps reduce tan marks, brighten pores and skin complexion and eliminate spots & blemishes. Twice per week, therapeutic massage the mix around the face for 5 minutes and go away it to relaxation for one more 15 minutes in advance of rinsing it off with faucet drinking water for wanted results. Add 1 tsp honey to among the lemon halves. Mix the primary 4 components within a bowl, and include three tablespoons hot, strong inexperienced tea to the combination. Stir consistently for a couple of minutes, including tea as needed till you’ve developed a thick paste. Cinnamon can often be annoying if your skin is admittedly sensitive, so you might like to do a patch test to the back again of your hand first. I also obtain if you are taking brown sugar and mix it with jojoba oil that it helps make an excellent facial scrub and its A lot milder on the skin specifically for mature skin tones. All over again fantastic article! Mainly because https://zephyrlyric11.kinja.com/ is so impressive, I might propose only working with this honey mask as soon as each week at most. You need to use one of many other, gentler honey masks on other days when you’d like. Dark chocolate can performs wonders when it comes to perking up our moods and giving us a boost of antioxidants, when consumed. If used topically, Additionally you get the key benefits of its anti-ageing Houses, which enable the manufacture of collagen. Puree the papaya inside a foods processor or blender right until just mashed evenly, and after that Mix in another substances by hand. homemade facial around your face, staying away from your eyes, and Allow it sit for ten-15 minutes. Wipe or rinse your face cleanse, and smile at your self during the mirror. will not offer professional medical tips, diagnosis, or treatment. Any data revealed on this Web site or by this manufacturer just isn't intended as an alternative for health care tips, and you shouldn't choose any action before consulting that has a healthcare Experienced. Preserve for twenty minutes and rinse off. Coupled with Mild exfoliation, it provides you with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefit and honey as generally will moisturize your skin.
An Unbiased View of diy face mask
Soon after I rinsed, my face felt smoother than a silk pillow and was, in actual fact, so luminous that my spouse questioned if I had been testing a fresh face cream. A completely new face product—ideal, that’s it.” August two, 2014 at eight:19 pm Hello there! I\'m attempting the redness-reducing mask for rosacea - I\'ve only utilized a small little bit on my face when compared to what the recipe created, can I hold it in the fridge for a few days to use yet again or do I must come up with a new combination when? I've my fingers crossed it works! Thanks! No HTML is authorized in opinions, but URLs will probably be hyperlinked. Opinions will not be for marketing your posts or other internet sites. There are several crucial nutrients in Strawberry that make it a very important foodstuff for pores and skin, both when eaten and utilized topically. For illustration, strawberry has superior levels of salicylic acid, which is broadly readily available in chemical sort with the remedy of acne. Additionally, cinnamon supplies a microdermabrasion impact on the skin by sloughing off micro organism and useless pores and skin cells. Blogger Stephanie Sterjovski is sharing a selfmade face mask that could leave the skin sensation clean, clean, and moisturized. Lemons are crammed with AHA’s and BHA’s which take away useless skin cells and support very clear up blackheads, acne, and discoloration, although honey is usually a purely natural antioxidant and antibacterial. This really is used to establish distinct browsers or equipment when the obtain the service, and is particularly useful for safety reasons. I’ve been working with an historical Asian masks for a couple of days now and my pores and skin feels excellent! The recipe for a massive bowl is: one spoon of pure termeric powder (yellow-brownish spice), two spoons of pure honey, two spoons of all pure yogurt ( any will do), 2 spoons of brown rice powder, 50 % of the lemon, and you can increase one egg white but the egg white isn’t in the initial recipe. A bit cinnamon oil can be utilized with the coconut oil, but I would only use a fall or two in a little jar of coconut oil–a lot more than which can burn the skin. Much like coffee, cocoa much too is a superb supply of antioxidants. Yogurt is really a normal source of alpha hydroxy acid, a pure exfoliation compound that helps in breaking down the dead skin cells. To make the face mask, you will need four tablespoons of ground coffee beans, 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder and six to eight tablespoons of unflavored yogurt. Info: The citric acid in lemon juice is a wonderful cleanser, and so is milk. Yogurt can be a good cleanser, in addition to a great softener. This is very important because employing lemon juice by yourself can make your skin experience stretched and dried. Recommendations: Works very best when clean. Let the combination stand for about 10 minutes in advance of implementing it to the acne-affected areas. Do not forget that summer time when exposed to large temperatures the yeast speedily eliminate their beneficial Homes. Warning: Ensure if you are allergic to any from the ingredients within the mask by applying it on a small patch in your wrist and afterwards await several hours. If rashes look or when you display other signs or symptoms of allergy, never use this mask on your face.
coffee face mask No Further a Mystery
Also, these peels may be soaked in boiling h2o for every day as well as the resultant liquid can be employed as a skin toner. You may as well use it being a hair rinse to add shine on your hair and eradicate dandruff.   Blogger Stephanie Sterjovski is sharing a selfmade face mask which will leave your skin experience contemporary, clean up, and moisturized. Lemons are full of AHA’s and BHA’s which remove lifeless pores and skin cells and support very clear up blackheads, acne, and discoloration, although honey can be a purely natural antioxidant and antibacterial. Applying orange peels to produce face masks may possibly just sound a little ludicrous but it surely’s the most effective ways to ensure glowing, more youthful hunting pores and skin. Here’s how you may make them from the consolation of your own home. Get it done yourself: Which has a potato masher, mash the sugar as well as açai powder or slush With all the berries, then little by little insert the olive oil; Merge coarsely using a whisk. Massage to the face. Go away on for about 5 minutes, then rinse with heat h2o. This company enables you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you could make funds from adverts with your posts. No info is shared Unless of course you engage using this type of aspect. (Privateness Coverage) The feel reminded me of papier-mâché; it had been awesome, chunky, and gritty and dried into a delicate shell. Following rinsing, I'd a skinny film on my skin that appeared to iron out my wrinkles a tiny bit—temporarily, in any case. And Once i woke up the next early morning, my pores and skin was definitely additional hydrated.” Make an egg white face mask. Egg whites can tighten pores, giving you A brief face elevate, as lemon has vitamin C that will take out blackheads together with other blemishes. Conquer just one egg white with a fork till It truly is frothy. Another excellent study! This is A further terrific suggestion for honey: it works great on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I'd pink eye a handful of periods, about four decades back when my oldest son was in daycare. None of the prescribed eye drops seemed to be helping, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I had a staph infection and once again, the antibiotics were not accomplishing Considerably to distinct it up. If you're able to not buy a 'Stay' yeast, in Intense cases, appear up and dry. They're going to also be a terrific effect, just not as Plainly marked as in fresh new yeast. To complete your registration you should enter the verification code you acquired on your own mobile. In the event you have not received the verification code, remember to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 Thank you for his post. My teenage son has struggled with acne and we are trying a variety of different things at this moment. Now, Allow the skin soak up all this goodness for 15-half-hour (dependant upon how sensitive the skin is). Wash absent with warm drinking water, finishing with 1 splash of cold water to close your pores. Pat gently using a towel to dry. Let the skin breathe for the rest of the day, or comply with up with your favorite moisturizer/serum. It's a bit drying, but usual moisturizer procedure Later on would do the job (however I normally hold out a tiny bit soon after masks, don't need to use just about anything while pores are open. Take 1 tbsp of orange peel powder and a couple of tbsp of yogurt. Mix perfectly. Use on face and wash off immediately after 20 minutes to acquire apparent, fresh new, and toned up limited searching pores and skin. That is An immediate rejuvenating face pack which you'll be able to use prior to a celebration or any major occasion.
Facts About yeast face mask Revealed
All the knowledge & content material offered on the positioning is meant to be for informational reasons only, and not a substitute for Skilled or professional medical guidance. You should normally speak with your health care provider prior to deciding to comply with just about anything that you choose to Continue reading this Web site. Despite the fact that the yeast facial masks are really practical with the pores and skin, have this facility and contraindications: When you have weakened pores and skin, there are actually scratches, cuts, you do laser resurfacing, then right until it is completely healed, It isn't essential to come up with a mask with yeast; Employing vinegar being a skin toner dates back to the time of Helen of Troy, and it’s equally as productive now. Once you clean your face, mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 2 cups h2o as being a ending rinse to cleanse and tighten the skin. Now spread the paste Similarly and gently utilizing your fingertips over the thoroughly clean neck and face; keep the eye region clear. थायरॉइड से पीड़ित महिलाओं के लिए क्यों है बेस्ट दवा है ”अश्वगंधा ”? For those who have any concern or remark, be sure to go away them under, I will reply you once I'm able to. Also you'll be able to share your encounter if you know another strawberry face mask recipes to us. Mash all of the elements with each other, but don't puree within a blender: you desire this for being spreadable, not a liquid. Implement evenly throughout your face and let sit 8-ten minutes. Wipe off using a heat, damp facecloth and then rinse with cool drinking water. Pat dry. Now, massage utilizing your damp fingertips for 2 minutes and after that leave to dry for approximately 15 minutes. many thanks very much, i`d tried using it when for my spouse and she adore it, I'm creating some far more for her once again. Go away the combination on the face for a minimum of five minutes prior to rinsing it off. You can even attempt these straightforward Do-it-yourself face masks that may help unclog your pores. Want to turn each day right into a excellent pores and skin day? Want to know how one can continue to keep the skin young, contemporary, and glowing 24/seven? Every individual desires to feel and look their ideal all of the time. Our assurance is immediately proportionate to just how we come to feel about ourselves. Deriving the ideal outside of yourself is however a endeavor that may be tremendously assisted with the usage of clever goods. As an added reward, vinegar even allows equilibrium your skin’s sensitive pH. Here’s the way to put it to very good use. Orange peel face mask is an incredibly productive in concentrating on issues including blackheads, acne, clogged pores, dull skin and oiliness. Having said that, before you make an orange peel face pack, it’s crucial that you 1st learn the way to produce orange peel powder. Usually there are some elements which you almost can’t go Completely wrong with in DIY skincare. And honey is definitely at the very best in the listing. This kitchen area pantry staple has been used in food items and medicine Considering that the Stone Age. Listed here’s why the skin enjoys it, also.
honey face mask Secrets
Be sure to Assemble your hair away out of your face prior to making use of this mask. Placed on a headband or plastic shower cap to prevent the combination from happening your hair. Any wellness query questioned on This page is going to be noticeable to your individuals who search This page. For this reason, the user assumes the responsibility never to divulge any Individually identifiable information from the dilemma. Use of This website is topic to our Phrases & Problems. Browse our privacy coverage If you are Doubtful whether or not you need to make yeast mask to the face, it is possible to often check with a dermatologist and cosmetologist. That may identify your skin style, problems and therapies. To maintain pimples away, use orange peel mask. Additionally, it cleans your pores of the Grime and oil and stop blackhead also. If the time elapses, gently and extensively rinse your face and pat it dry having a towel. Your face should have a beautiful glow and come to feel silky and comfortable! Mash these strawberries and subsequent incorporate the honey and product. Combine this until you've got a easy moreover uniform material. So, Should you be gathering the kelp your self, prevent extremely polluted spots. If you're buying it, Be certain that it truly is collected and produced in a spot with as very low a amount of pollution as is possible. B natural vitamins refresh and tone the pores and skin, boost blood circulation in cells, normalize metabolic procedures; (the scientific identify for the widespread type of acne) is an almost common dilemma, with approximately Anyone on the planet suffering from some variety (delicate or serious), quicker or later on in their life. In the bowl, place the strawberries, squash them and then incorporate some yeast. You are able to incorporate a little oat bran to thicken this mixture And eventually set just one spoon of honey. Ideas: Use this mixture 3 to 4 periods a week (even a day by day software is okay), but you should definitely prepare it clean anytime, as it is very straightforward to organize and handiest at that point. Yogurt In this particular mask aids in brightening up your skin while banana nourishes it and makes it clean and delicate. If you knowledge any type of burning feeling or discomfort when making use of the yeast face masks, then take away it straight away and clean the pores and skin with cold water. Comply with up which has a comforting moisturizer like aloe vera gel. If the situation nevertheless persists look for help out of your dermatologist right away. Thanks for his post. My teenage son has struggled with acne and we are attempting a variety of different things today.
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VigRX is a male sex enhancement tablet that generates quickly in addition to protected outcomes. However, we might all the time recommend that you just consult with a medical professional earlier than taking any male enhancement pills as most run the danger of showing comparable VigRX Plus negative effects. Nevertheless, advertising campaigns only take a company thus far. Nevertheless, looking at the info, these sixty six men who gained very little from these pills account for less than three% of the total. Male enhancement pills VigRX Plus for males who searching for larger, more durable, long lasting erections accessible direct from manufacturer on-line now with discount coupon code provide right here. Is the company or manufacturer is licensed or professional? By way of the counterfeit VigRX Plus, the producer might want to introduce an authentication process to be of nice assist for customers in verifying that the product they take is genuine. Producer of your product put another further half to VigRx pill, and this time it is named VigRx "Plus". In line with them, when they took the pill for the primary time they observed slight headache and tiredness. In the past my may generally feel a bit dismal and a waste of time. I can really feel it. Yohimbe can be traced again to trees found within the West African forest. When How Can I Update My Info? discover ways to take VigRX Plus the proper method, you may maximize the advantages you possibly can receive from it. You is perhaps ailing, and an natural complement can help greater than a drug. We are dedicated to assist you understand VigRX Plus Outcomes better. Buy the best bundle of VigRx Plus with the help of Coupon Code and get heavy Low cost.VigRx Plus Pills In Norway now accessible Online. Also included within the Diamond Bundle are 5 free gifts and free delivery round US. VigRX Plus here: http:VigRXPlusSpecial.com- Click Hyperlink to get VigRX Plus for free! Many fruits like apples usually have a lot of dangerous bacteria about them, and if you are not cleansing them off earlier than you eat them, you possibly can probably get truly unwell. The concept isn't crucial that an individual have to look the World large web solely to get a advice. Individual policies normally have increased costs in comparison with group coverage made obtainable from employers, so plan accordingly. All these constructive results enable an individual to benefit from the sexual act with the love of his life. What’s dangerous about VigRX Plus? These aren’t the results you need. VigRX Plus was created from a mixture of natural components, and as such it's completely protected to take. Save as much as forty seven% off through the official Vigrx Plus plus take off an extra 10% with our VigRX Plus discount code that's legal. What’s dangerous about VigRX Plus? How is VigRX Plus completely different from regular VigRX? One of many elements of VigRX Plus is Damiana. Listed below are a number of of the substances. There are equally a number of kinds of prescription erection pills on sale. There aren't any unintended effects that include the product when you employ it in line with instructions. That being mentioned, with the addition of Bioperine, Tribulus, and Damiana, VigRX Plus is admittedly probably the strongest pure male enhancement product available immediately. But most of them are undecided if VigRX Plus is for them. VigRX regulates your hormonal manufacturing, making certain your hormones are produced in a healthy fee. The reality is that nutrients which are available in complement type are merely as glorious for you as those which come in the food you devour. A rise in sexual desire and elevated erection quailty were the primary benefits. Eliminate excess water as well as wrap in paper towels. And being more assured with a woman is a good thing for a man. The Capsaicin is an ingredient that is important for rising the blood circulation within the physique and for supplying you cells with sufficient oxygen to perform the task needed for weight loss. It has been famous that some people expertise slight headaches and exhaustion but that is known to be the initial reaction of the physique to the drug. Measurement the page content to the viewport to offer a better consumer expertise. Just Vigrx Plus Effects occurred among the companions of 157 men who received weekly injections of the hormone testosterone for 12 months. It is thought that Saw Palmetto blocks the body’s production of the “girlie hormones” estrogen and proestrogen and considerably blocks and reduces the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT for short). A current research showed that both men and women hardly talk about this situation.
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