#adrien writes y/n stories about himself
Adrien pranks his fans
Disclaimer: this is a joke and not at all serious. hate comments are wanted and appreciated but only about the story.
this is based on a wattpad au that I posted on tumblr, so lets pretend this is a wattpad comment section and have some fun with it.
Adrien Agreste x Reader 
By The REALAdrienAgreste 
It was a sunny day in Paris and I had just woken up from a wonderful dream about my favorite model and love of my life Adrien Agreste. As I got up from bed I went to brush my teeth and put my long black hair into a messy bun and stare at my bluebell orbs in the mirror. I want to make sure I look my best today because even though I'm being bullied badly at school I don’t want Hawkmoth to take control of my emotions and it also helps that Adrien attends my school as well,  how lucky am I!!!
I walk towards my closet and put on my best outfit a pair of galaxy leggings, a black, shirt, black converse, and a matching galaxy hoody. You see I’m not like other girls, Im kind of a space nerd teehee. Anyway, after I finish getting ready for school I walk downstairs and out the door. I don’t need to say bye to my parents as they’re never home. Once I arrive at school I’m immediately pushed into the lockers by Sarah (I can’t stand her 😡😡😡😡) she’s the most popular girl in school and she hates me for some reason. She pushed me to the ground “stay away from Adrien.” She says in her annoying voice “he’s mine” she laughs cruelly (NO HES NOT YOU JERK)  “leave her alone” says a familiar husky voice and I turn to see who it was “oh Adrien, it’s not what it looks like we were just playing a joke” says Sarah. “I didn’t look that way to me” he says as he helps me up (AHHH HES SO SWEET AND HANDSOME😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I LOVE YOU ADRIEN!!!!)” are you okay Y/N?” He asked,his forest green emerald orbs staring into my own sapphire orbs, but I couldn’t say anything as tears were welling up in my ocean blue orbs from embarrassment. I quickly ran off and I could hear him calling out to me but I ignored him and ran to my secret place, the roof of the school. I couldn’t stop thinking of the terrible day that I had but I knew that I had to keep moving forward so I sang my favorite song to help me calm down. “This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I’m alright song” I sang in a beautiful high pitched voice (YOU GO GIRL)  well at least everyone tells me my voice is beautiful I don’t really hear it but once I’m done I hear clapping and I quickly turn around to find Adrien. “Wow that was amazing Y/N” I blushed a little at his compliments “are you going to sing that at the talent show tonight?” “No” I replied “I’m too shy to sing in front of a crowd” “ I think you should do it Y/N, you would win for sure” Adrien said in a sweet voice “alright I said convinced I’ll sing in tonight’s talent show”. Later that night I found myself standing on stage in front of a huge crowd of people and wearing a beautiful outfit with a denim vest and a purple and sea green ombre skirt with purple sparkley heels,I was ready to sing but as the music started I froze until I heard a little whisper coming from the side of the stage, it was Adrien and with him there I knew I could sing, so I did. I sang fight song and when I was done everybody cheered and Adrien ran up onto the stage dipped me down and kissed me passionately (AHHH SO ROMANTIC) “i love you Y/N” he said breathlessly. “I love you too Adrien”
The end 
“And post. What do you think Plagg?” 
Plagg stared at the screen in disgust as the story went live. “Adrien what in the name of all that is cheese was that? And did you base Y/N off of pigtails? You told me Y/N was supposed to be based off the reader, why would you give them features?” 
Adrien laughed, “for fun Plagg, when I discovered how many X reader fic there were about me i wanted to try writing one too. It’s kind of like playing a prank on my fans.” 
“So you put the real Adrien Agrest as your username”
“that’s the best part I told them I wrote it but because it’s the internet no one will believe it’s actually me. Now should I do Chat noir next?” 
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Shame(less) - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Requested: No
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!reader; Adrian Pucey x f!reader
Summary: y/n feels ashamed for cheating on her boyfriend with Mattheo, but the same couldn't be said fo the dark haired boy.
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: Cheating, slight cursing
A/N: It was supposed to be a drabble but oh well. I really don't like how it turned out, but I might write a Theo version if people ask. Comments and feedback are always deeply appreciated :) ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
Tag list: @helendeath @im-jesus
Tag list for this story: @chelawrites @isntthatsweetiguessso @aegon-andaemondtargaryenslut18
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Christmas break was over, and it was time to go back to Hogwarts. It meant going back to the same routine, taking your meals in the Great Hall, going to class, doing your homework, having fun with your friends in Hogsmeade and also spreading time with your boyfriend, Adrian. The prospect should have made you happy, and you should have been looking forward to seeing him, but you just couldn’t. Not when he would be here too.
After arriving at the castle, you met Pansy in the Slytherin common room. You two hugged warmly, and talked about your respective holidays. You did your best to focus on what your best friend was saying, nodding at her words, but you could feel your heart beat fast with anxiety, and your eyes kept taking glimpses around in case Adrian or him came in. After a moment, Pansy left to go unpack her bags, and seconds later, you jumped as you felt two hands on your eyes.
“Guess who?”
With a small laugh, he took his hands off your face and put them on your hips instead as you turned to face him. He bent a little to kiss your lips, and you tried to feel something, anything, but you didn’t. Only shame that you felt something - felt so much - when it was another man’s lips that were on yours. 
“Had a good Christmas? Did you like my gift?”
“Yeah!” You said, trying to sound normal. “It was nice to see my parents, and I really liked your gift, Adrien, it was really beautiful. Thank you. How was yours?”
“Good, good,” he said with a nod. “I liked your gift, as well. But, I have to admit I missed you, babe.” He sighed and continued with a softer voice, “I’m sorry for how I behaved before the break, I…I didn’t give you much attention, and I regret all our fights. Can I start making it up to you?” he finished with a hopeful small smile.
“No”, you should have said. He was right in everything he said, and you had seen couples from school break up for less than that. 
“Okay,” you nodded. 
“Thank you.” 
He kissed your cheek, and you forced your lips to form a smile. 
“I, uh, I have to go unpack my back,” you said.
“Oh. Sure. I’ll see you at dinner.”
Remaining silent, you gave him a nod, and his hands left your hips as you detached yourself from him and walked to your dorm, hoping that staying alone for a moment would allow you to pull yourself back together and finally make the right decision. With a heavy breath, you opened the door, expecting to see the room empty, but there was somebody here, sitting on your bed. You shouldn’t have been surprised, and you already knew who it was - he was always there. 
Mattheo Riddle. In the same house and same year as you. For years, he was just a classmate you didn’t interact much with, except for strange, silent stares that started in your fifth year. Nothing changed when you started dating Adrian, but one night after a fight with him, Mattheo found you all alone, in tears, and sat down to listen to you. Things had escalated, and ever since, you felt nothing but shame and fear that anyone would find out. You tried to avoid him after, to convince himself that it was a mistake. However, if you felt shame, it wasn’t the case for Mattheo. After that night,  and kept staring at you in class, during meals, and especially when Adrian was close to you. And as if it wasn’t enough, he kept trying to spend time alone with you, and eventually succeeded, leading in more “accidents”, as you called them, more shame, as well as less and less affection for your boyfriend and more and more for feelings and shameful desire for the dark haired boy in front of you. And it definitely wasn’t helping that he also kept trying to convince you of his feelings for you and to leave Adrian once and for all.
He raised his head when you came in, and you quickly closed the door behind you, quietly locking it. Your heart started beating faster, and you leant on your door, not daring to get closer. 
“Well, hello, love.” 
You felt your cheeks - or maybe your whole body - becoming hot, and gulped. 
“You can’t be here,” you said with a shaky voice. “What if someone saw you coming in?” 
“Nobody has seen us so far,” Mattheo answered with his usual carelessness you both hated and felt drawn to. “Why would they see me now?” 
“Mattheo, you know perfectly what I meant,” you retorted. “Plus, what if Adrian saw you?” 
Mattheo rose from the bed, and slowly started walking towards you. 
“Speaking of your little boyfriend, I saw you guys before you came in.” His brown gaze hardened like it always did when the topic was Adrian. “It nearly took everything in me to not break his fingers for touching you.” 
“Mattheo,” you sighed. “He’s my boyfriend. He has every right to touch me.” 
Staring at you, Mattheo had a smirk that did not reach his dark eyes and tilted his head. His face was now inches away from yours, and you tried as much as you could to not breathe his perfume. 
“And do I have the right to touch you?” he said in a low voice.
Not waiting for an answer, he brought one hand to your cheek, caressing it with his thumb and now looking at you like he had been for a few weeks - with love. 
“Mattheo, please…”
He closed his eyes and brought his nose to your cheek, his thumb still caressing it. “I’ve spent three weeks in hell not seeing, touching, or kissing you,” he whispered. “I fucking need to feel you, love…Even just a kiss…”
One of his hands still on your cheek, the other went under your shirt, and when he started kissing your neck, you knew you were done for. Your body was as hot as ever, and you felt shivers down your spine as well as your body craving Mattheo’s touch. You sighed, and as he brought his mouth to yours, you kissed him back, putting one hand on his back and the other on his neck. He immediately deepened the kiss, and his hands grabbed your legs to put them around his waist. 
“I can’t fucking stand the thought of you being with him,” he mumbled between two kisses. “I can’t stand the thought of not being the only man who gets to touch and kiss you, the only man who can call you his…”
He suddenly stopped kissing you, leaving you breathless.  
“Leave him, y/n. Or I’m gonna go crazy. I could give you…Everything. Everything I have.”
All lust had disappeared from his eyes, leaving only desperation, and love. 
“Fine,” you whispered, feeling incapable of saying no to him. “I’ll leave Adrian tomorrow.” 
Mattheo smiled, and you felt his relief. He gave you a loving kiss before looking at you again, this time with a mix of both love and lust.
“Now that it’s settled and you’re fully mine forever, how about we make up for the time we spent apart?”
You smiled and kissed him, the feeling of shame not disappearing in the slightest. 
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Want to be tagged? Just use my Ask-Box!
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
Ok seriously- t h a n k y o u
I love Chat/Adrien, but it annoys me when everyone ignores his flaws/problems and uses Marinette/Ladybug as a scapegoat.
Chat Noir stans will claim that LB is "too harsh" because they fail to recognize that if they were friends with someone that kept pressuring them into a relationship and messing up important missions, they'd be upset too.
I just wished the writers took his character more seriously, because what's the point of Chat being there? If he's not busy getting himself hurt because it's "romantic", then he's busy distracting LB. His character had so much potential, and the writers messed it up so badly that now MLB fans get annoyed when they see Chat throwing another pity party.
He has his moments, but overall, the writers clearly don't know how to write a healthy relationship
Agreed. They ride the high of their “endgame ship” and the gimmick behind it so much that they forget everything else. I’ve just become so bitter towards Chat Noir because of it, and I still remember all the anons coming to me when “Reflekdoll” happened, talking about people shifting all blame to Lady Noire (which was so tiring when Marinette already got a bad deal in that episode).
Anonymous asked:
Miraculous Ladybug fans on Youtube are pretty horrible. I have saved on on google document around over 20 different videos that only has one video that has like two comment threads that defend Marinette(1 was saying that an old white guy can't write for a teenage girl and the other shitting on the Lila episodes for everyone being stupid and Lila being a bad liar) while the rest either call her a creepy, horrible, stalker, while saying that Adrien deserves better and Astruc hates him and not Mari
Yeah, I’ve heard many stories about how much the YouTube fandom stans Adrien.
Anonymous asked:
Chatdrien stans have SUCH a victim complex 😒😒 like oh no he's feeling excluded? Good get rid of him faster
"He's getting knocked out of the fight or the fight is over before he gets there 💔" how is that different from past seasons
Also not people putting glaciator gifs in ladyn*ir posts. Of all episodes.
omg the absolute savagery and lack of apology for it.
also the stans be like: HE’S FEELING EXCLUDED!!
us: oh noooooo
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write-haikyuu · 4 years
Quarantine things (ft. Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Ushijima Wakatoshi & Kita Shinsuke) | headcanon
Quarantine has been forcing me to be productive with school but I’ve been having all these spurs of ideas in my head. So I wanted to write this before I forget it, and so I can feel like I did something today before I work on more essays and hw. :) 
Also, side note I’ve been doing Yoga with Adriene to help with my chronic back pain. PEOPLE! If you want start yoga during quarantine I 11/10 recommend her channel on YouTube. Stay healthy and stay safe <3 
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
You notice how much he’s willing to try new things, now that time has freed up.
Baking croissants, juicing veggies and fruits, rummaging through the pantry to make dinner with boxed food (because he wants to make sure you both only go grocery shopping when you absolutely have to). 
When it is time to go out to the public, he makes sure you both glove up, sanitize, and wear bandanas with sunglasses (at the market). 
You know those Korean grandmas that wear those sleeves and visors?
Yep. You two are that couple. 
“Grab the box from the inside Y/N!!” He’s sneaky like that 
He’s paranoid, but he still wants to make sure you both use this time to spend quality moments together ...because he knows you’re not able to visit a lot of friends and family right now :(( 
Walks at the park during the most unexpected times throughout the day
You both have a dog, his name is YamYam 
Tadashi uses this time to really upgrade the dog’s instagram and make him go dogstagram viral I dont know why I’m so obsessed with making Tadashi internet famous ok :( 
Sleeping in all the time (morning cuddles are a must) 
Don’t you think that I would forget about his terrarium. He still worships that buddy everyday! By now your days with Tadashi are filled with dog walks, healthy receipes, plants, and daylight cuddles. 
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Tsukishima Kei 
Dalonga coffee, dalonga matcha, dalonga everything with our boy Tsukishima. 
Ever tried egg coffee? You protested against it at first but Tsukishima kept teasing you how great it was until you finally caved in and tried it. 
It’s. The. Shit. (However you want it interpret that) 
Every morning, without fail, you both sit over at the kitchen island and sip on coffee or tea. Bedhead, pjs and everything. You don’t say much, but its the quiet and peace that rises in the morning that makes you appreciate these moments with him. 
Contrary to popular belief, Tsukishima is actually a hopeless romantic. So you’ll have these evenings where he makes a new playlist from Spotify and just starts grooving to the beat with you. (This is shared between you and Tsuki ONLY). Copyrights on Tsuki’s jazzy hands. 
He loves seeing you move on your own and as some may think its him dreading it, he LOVES it when you drag him into dancing too. 
When you watch TV show together at night, he likes to psychoanalyze the characters with you
“But what do you think of this. He’s turned into a cereal killer because of childhood trauma from his aunt feeding him much coco puffs.”
“The hell Y/N?? that doesn’t even make any sense! It’s bc he worked at the grocery store and the manager always assigned him to restock the dry cereal and oatmeal aisle.”
You read in bed separately together, but you’ll lean on each other for back support. 
Stillness with Tsuki is all he’s ever asked for, all he’s ever wanted with you. 
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Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Sure, most of the time his mind is on volleyball. But when it comes down to it, the person he spends most of the time thinking about is actually you. 
He’s estatic to spend time with you in quarantine! He makes sure to not break his routines though, so he’s always encouraging you to work out with him in the morning. Whether or not you’re a morning person, you also try to push yourself to exercise! So Toshi doesn’t have to run by himself, plus you’ll get fit too! 
But there was this one thing Toshi never really got into, but by being with you more, he’s finally come around to it. 
It’s Yoga baby. 
Volleyball is an intense sport. So with all that practice and endless hours he’s dedicated, Toshi usually goes to physical therapy to work on his muscles. Since everything is closed, he started doing yoga with you to relieve some back pain :’( 
He can’t thank you enough, because his posture is straighter and he doesn’t toss and turn in his sleep like he did before
Y’all I hate to break it to you but... Tendou finally got him. After all those ads on the Weekly Shonen Jump, he’s discovered Amazon Prime. 
He’s looking at things on amazon and adding it to his cart!!! He never buys it though 
“ Y/N, I think an air fryer is a good idea”
“What? No we have a toaster oven”
“But according to the (amazon price tracker app) it’s the lowest it’s ever been.”
The air fryer was indeed the best thing that’s ever updated in your household. 
He laughs more, he smiles more, he’s just really happy to be domestic with you. Home with you is like his safe space. Because he can let his guard down and lean on you for emotional and mental support. 
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Kita Shinsuke 
This quarantine really concerns him. Not because he’s neccesarily afraid of contracting the virus, but worries about his grandma potentially getting it :(
So you both make a very, very tough decision and figured it was best that he spent his time with his grandma to nurse and take care of her until the shelter in place is lifted. 
But the week before he leaves, you and Kita spent an entire two days sewing face masks and care packages for his neighbors. 
He makes sure to meal prep for you some food throughout the week and even teaches you some basic recipes to get you through the month. 
You and Kita both go on this massive cleaning spree where you bleach and tidy up everything. 
By the end of it, there was more than enough bags of clothes to give away to a donation shop near by. 
On his last days with you, he spends as much time with you doing things unrelated to the pandemic! Like DIY face masks and cutting up fruit as you both play Bananagrams together. 
When he’s off to his grandma’s he makes sure to religiously facetime you before bed! 
You teach his grandma how to use dog filters over the phone and sometimes you forget he meant to call to talk to you. 
You somehow ended up talking to his grandma for half an hour, listening to her talk about baby Shinsuke childhood stories. 
I dont know, you miss him so much. He misses you more. But you both are so understanding and supportive of each other that counting off the days doesn’t even exist anymore. You just find new things to share and talk about over the phone everyday. 
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makeitcanoncowards · 4 years
Hey! ❤ can I have the Castlevania main trio + Hector and Isaac reacting to their s/o having a bad dream? uwu
A/n: Hi I haven’t actually seen the newest season of Castlevania, so I’m writing from what I know of the characters from the season 2 finale. I promise to catch up on it soon.
Alucard (Adrien): 
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He’s never experienced dreams; as a vampire he’s incapable of having any
Occasionally he might have something akin to a nightmare.
But it’s really just a vivid flashback; a memory that plays itself over and over in his head.
When you wake one night, screaming and crying, he can hear your wails from your room next to his in the castle.
He is up in an instant and busts into your bedroom to find you tangled in your sheets. It doesn’t look like you’ve woken up yet, so he rushes to your side.
He gently sits you up and starts wiping away the tears streaming down your face.
Gently, he begins to urge you to wake up. Some desperation slipping into his voice, he hates to see you in pain.
Your screams start to fade into whimpers, and your eyes flutter open. The first thing you see is Alucard.
He asks if you are okay talking about it.
If you are, he will sit with you for however long you need to get through it. Only focusing on you.
He’ll stroke your hair and push loose strands back from your face.
“It’s all over now, Love. I’m here, I will always be here.”
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Trevor always has nightmares.
The only time he’s able to sleep is when he drinks himself into a coma.
While you were at a camp with Trevor and Sypha, you started to cry out Trevor’s name in your sleep.
At first, he thinks you might be having that dream, you know.
But when he hears you start whimpering as if you were in pain, he gets up to check on you.
It was blatantly obvious you were having a nightmare, and he feels a small part of his heart break for you.
You, someone who was always so chipper, the happy-go-lucky glue of the group.
He couldn’t bear the thought of you facing monsters in reality and in your psyche.
He starts shaking your shoulder, somewhat harshly.
It scares you awake, and you grip onto the dagger kept by your pack and throw your fist outward to fend off whatever had grabbed you.
Trevor catches you by the wrist before you can stab him and gazes down at you lovingly, “Hey now, I know we don’t always see eye to eye, but this is a bit excessive.”
You throw him a look and he can’t seem to determine whether it’s one of annoyance or gratitude.
“Do you want to talk about it?” His face softens, his cheeky smile fading away.
The remainder of your time together is spent telling stories back and forth.
Trevor devotes the rest of his night to making you laugh.
He can see the way your eyes glaze over if it stays quiet too long, and as long as he can help it, he’s going to erase your pain.
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Sypha prefers to be kept up to watch over the camp.
She feels the best when she is doing something, waiting around was never her forte.
On a particularly dark night after a particularly rough day, she heard soft sniffles coming from behind a nearby tree.
She follows the noise, only to find you using a tree for support with your hand clamped over your mouth to quiet your sobs.
She rushes to your side and pulls you into an embrace.
She starts to ask what’s wrong, but you can’t get a single word out through the sobs that wracks through your body.
So instead, she just holds you until you calm down, not even wanting to let you go once you let out a heavy sigh and wipe the last few tears from your cheeks.
“Are you okay, my dear?” She asks you. Her hands were on either side of your face, thumbs brushing away the wet trails that were left.
No, the answer was you were not. She could tell that from the look in your eyes, but you said nothing.
She nodded and pulled you into an embrace once again, this time tighter.
“It’ll all be okay one day,” She promises with a whisper, “It’ll just be a bad memory.”
You nod, biting your lip as you tighten the hug.
Sypha starts sleeping next to you after that.
On the nights when you wake up, drenched in sweats and tears, Sypha is already there comforting you through the episode.
She becomes your security. 
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Hector is such a sweetheart.
The first time you have a bad dream he starts panicking a little bit because he isn’t sure how to help you.
He isn’t really good at dealing with other people’s emotions, so when you start hyperventilating one night after a night terror, he’s internally screaming because he doesn’t know what to do.
He hates feeling helpless. And seeing you in pain when he doesn’t know how to help, kills him.
He starts rubbing your back, stroking your hair, kissing the back of your hands – basically anything he can do that will put you at ease.
After the first episode, Hector finds every book he can about nightmares, anxiety attacks, anything that will help him learn to take care of you the best way he can.
He never wants to be in a position where he can’t help you ever again.
If the terrors continue, he talks you through the aftermath.
He’ll bring you something to drink, help you focus on your breathing.
He’ll embrace you, whisper sweet promises and affirmations to you.
He’ll make sure that he’s never far from you.
Even if you aren’t comfortable sleeping together, Hector will (after asking if you were okay with it of course) demand that your room be by his.
He never wants you to be in pain ever again, but that’s not realistic. So, at least, he can be there to bring you comfort.
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Isaac does not sleep. Like he just doesn’t.
King of maybe sleeping once every three days and only for like two hours.
As he is taking stroll one night, he bumps into you.
Your face is ashen and you’re trembling.
“Are you okay, y/n.” His face is stoic, and you can’t tell if he’s asking out of formality or because he actually cares.
You try to respond but your voice leaves you and tears start falling once again.
He’s kind of startled at first (despite not showing it). He’s never seen you this upset.
You were one of the strongest people he knew, someone who could lead armies into battle – not the type of person to be wandering around crying.
“Would you like to accompany me to get a glass of water,” He asks hesitantly. Not really sure if you would be receptive to his offer.
He’s very surprised when you agree.
The two of you tell each other stories of your past and how you came to be in the same place; to find that you have more in common than you thought.
The moment he hears your laugh, he’s smitten. Though, he won’t like to admit it.
You’re so serious with other people, but with him that night, you let your walls down and enjoyed spending time together.
After that, Isaac will try and spend more nights with you (not like that)
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lycorogue · 4 years
Latest Story: I Need Him Back
It’s Plagg Appreciation Day again!
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Well, actually, it’s now after midnight, but close enough to Plagg Appreciation Day (aka Friday 13th), right? It just kept me all day to write, edit, format for online publishing, and promote this story. It’s also the 1st thing I’ve written since LAST Friday 13th (back in March), so.. yeah. (This has been a trash year for my creativity along with just about everything else) I hope I shook off enough of the rust.
You can stay here to read my latest story, or you can find it on these other sites: on AO3, on FFN, or on DA.
I Need Him Back
**Contains Spoilers For ML NY Special**
Summary: Marinette has no clue what to do without her Chat Noir. All she wants is for her partner back. Plagg is just as distraught without his holder, but maybe he can find a way to get the ring back to Adrien. The trick is doing so without revealing who Chat Noir was to Marinette.
Rating: General Audience
Word Count: 5799
Status: Completed one-shot
**This story is an AU of the ending to the NY special. I wondered what would happen if the magic of the Miraculous transformations blocked enough of Uncanny Valley's scan (much like how she was having issues with Techclonizer) that it prevented her from deducing Ladybug's and Chat Noir's identities.**
“Please forgive me, my friend.”
It kept Plagg a second too long to realize what Adrien was doing. “No!”
“I renounce you, Plagg.”
He couldn't say anything. In a flash, Plagg was gone. Banished to his ring. He had never expected this. Never thought Adrien could ever abandon him like that. He was safe. He was home. Adrien was family.
“Plagg?” Marinette was holding his ring now. The Guardian was once more in possession of the Miraculous. Adrien truly was gone, wasn't he? “Plagg, what happened? Why? Why would he-?” She hid her face in her hands. “This is my fault! I chased him away.”
Plagg wasn't sure what to say. He was in too much shock himself. Tikki drifted over to him, grabbed his arm, and slowly drew him down into Marinette's purse with her so he could rest. At least, while the Guardian held onto his ring, he could be with Tikki. It was a small consolation, but it was all he had to hold onto at that point.
The rain drenched them the moment Marinette climbed out of the sewers. The teen didn't seem to notice, and Plagg certainly didn't care.
“This is all my fault,” he confessed with a quaking croak. “I should have stopped him from leaving.”
“He made his choice,” was Marinette's somber reply, “What were we supposed to do?”
She wandered the city aimlessly for a little while longer before realizing her classmates must be wondering where she was. Reluctantly, she made her way back towards the hotel. Out front, she met up with Adrien, but their reunion was interrupted when a car pulled up beside them.
“Adrien, get in the car at once,” Gabriel demanded through the video in the car.
“Adrien?” Plagg stirred in Marinette's purse, desperate to go to his boy. Tikki held him still.
“You can't,” Tikki whispered.
“My owner is the one with the ring now, so you can't stay with him anyway, and you can't reveal that he was Chat Noir to her.”
“I wouldn't have minded being stuck here a little longer with a friend like you.” Adrien's voice nearly broke Plagg's heart. The kid had lost so much; gave up so much. He was broken, and it was all Plagg's fault.
“I should have never convinced him that it would be alright to leave Paris.”
Tikki's eyes widened. “You told him to come?”
“His father was sending him anyway, and you know how he has no say in his life when his father's involved. I just wanted him to have fun while he was here, so I came up with the plan to fly back to Paris when an akuma alert happened, and he'd press the communicator button to buzz for Ladybug while he was on-route. By the time Ladybug made it back to Paris she would never know he was gone. I didn't expect a supervillain here stopping him from getting back in time.”
“She knew about the akuma in Paris the same time he did. She wouldn't have been able to get away even if he had stayed at home. It's neither of your faults.”
Plagg hung his head. If only he could believe Tikki.
“Adrien!” Marinette bellowed, “Stay!”
Marinette's plea pierced through Plagg. He wanted to scream the same exact thing.
“I've already lost Chat Noir. I can't lose Adrien too.” She did lose him, though. Her mad dash in the rain ended with her wiping out into the street and softly confessing her love to the empty city.
She then wandered in the rain once more, completely lost in what to do next or where to go.
“What are you doing out here?” Uncanny Valley elegantly descended before them, her three eyes darting around to make sure everything was safe.
“I- uh-”
“Hawk Moth is in New York City. It is not safe for you to be outside right now. I will take you back to the hotel.” Uncanny scooped Marinette into a bridal carry and flew off before Marinette could refuse.
“Hawk Moth? He's here?” Marinette choked out.
“Yes. I am searching for Ladybug and Chat Noir to help. Have you seen either of them?”
“N- No. No, I'm sorry. I can't help you.”
“That's alright. I am sure I'll find them in time.” Uncanny landed on the hotel roof and put Marinette down. “Go hide inside until it is safe, okay? Don't worry, we will be victorious. I know it.” Before Marinette could say anything else, Uncanny Valley had flown away, looking for a superhero that no longer existed and one who didn't have the will to fight.
“Marinette! You have to transform! You know you're the only one who can stop Hawk Moth.”
“I- I can't. Not without him.” She opened her palm and looked longingly at the Cat Ring.
“I know this is tough, Marinette, but New York needs you. You can't repair what happened in Paris, but you can help here. Besides, if Uncanny Valley is looking for Ladybug then she's not helping to defeat the akuma. They're going to need as many heroes as they can get.”
Marinette nodded. “Tikki, spots on!”
It was a hard fight without her partner, but she was able to lean on Sparrow and Uncanny Valley for help. They managed to get the Miraculous away from the villain easily enough, but getting to the akuma was a different matter.
Plagg watched on from a distance, making sure Hawk Moth didn't spot him. It kept a little while, but he eventually saw an opening, snuck into the battle, and used his Cataclysm to help trap Techclonizer in the ground by the Statue of Liberty. It was then an easy task for Uncanny to break his handcuffs and for Ladybug to cleanse the akuma.
The rest of the class trip was uneventful. Everything more-or-less went as scheduled, and Plagg stayed cuddled in Tikki's arms. The three of them didn't have a moment alone to talk about Chat Noir or what to do next with the ring. If nothing else, Alya refused to let Marinette out of her sight for a moment.
On the plane, Marinette had debated sneaking away. It was a long flight, but she was also very tired. She ended up silently crying herself to sleep with her back towards her best friend so she'd never know. 
Plagg likewise curled around his ring, nuzzling it as he too tried to get some sleep. Both Marinette and Plagg tried to push New York into as distant a pained memory as possible as they flew home.
“Don't worry, Marinette,” Alya gave her best friend a tight hug before letting her off the chartered bus. “You'll see Adrien again in class tomorrow. You can make things right then.”
“Y-yeah,” Marinette forced a smile. “Thanks, Alya. See you tomorrow.”
“Try to get some rest, girl!”
Marinette collected her suitcase and waved Alya goodbye as the bus drove to the next student's home to drop off.
“Marinette!” Sabine burst through the bakery door and flung her arms around her daughter. Tom came sprinting out shortly behind and wrapped both women in his massive hug. “Sweetheart, we're so glad you're safe,” Sabine continued, “We saw that Ladybug had stopped a supervillain in New York City, and we were so worried.”
“But if Ladybug was there, we knew you had to be alright,” Tom interjected, slowly releasing his two favorite ladies from his grip. “Plus, we saw that sign you and your friends held up for that Adrien boy.”
“Still,” Sabine added, “it's such a relief to see for ourselves that you're okay.”
As Marinette's parents ushered her home, Plagg slumped in her purse, tail curled around him.
“Plagg?” Tikki whispered.
“What if Ladybug wasn't okay? What if me convincing my owner to go on the trip instead of finding a way for him to stay here was enough of a distraction that-?” He swallowed hard and pulled his knees in closer. “Tikki, my owner feels horrible about what he did, but it was my power that did it! What if that other superhero didn't step in the way? What if Chat Noir actually did touch Ladybug with my Cataclysm? She might have survived, like how Chat Noir did when Miraculer hit him with the Cataclysm, but what if Ladybug didn't because it was me that was powering it instead of some akuma? What if it somehow damaged your Miraculous? What if it had hurt you?”
“Plagg.” Tikki snuggled close to him, nuzzling her head against his cheek. “Plagg, that's exactly why your owner gave up the ring in the first place, because of all of those 'what ifs' he kept asking. It's not his fault though. It's not yours either. Poor decisions were made, but we've always learned from them in the past, haven't we? I know my owner has made a lot of mistakes as well, but we grow from them and make sure not to make them again.”
“Well, there won't be a chance to grow and learn with him. He gave me up, remember?”
Tikki shifted so she could meet Plagg's eyes; staring intently into them. “Do you honestly think that's what he wants?”
It didn't take long for Plagg to break contact with Tikki. He turned towards the side of Marinette's purse, keeping his back towards his fellow kwami. “Even if he wants to be Chat Noir again, he can't. Marinette doesn't know who he was, and she can't ask Master Fu anymore. I can't name my owner, and you're such a stickler for the rules that I doubt you'll tell her and reveal his identity.”
Tikki puffed and pouted at how Plagg snarled his final sentence at her. Exhaling her anger, she tried once more in a calming tone. “We can figure this out without my owner ever discovering his identity. I know we can. She's very good at solving puzzles like this, and-” Tikki rested a comforting flipper on Plagg's shoulder, “and you're pretty good at coming up with plans yourself.” Plagg shrugged her off him, but she persisted. “Yes, Chat Noir coming to New York City with us didn't work out, but, I must admit, it wasn't the worst plan in the world. I don't know if the AstroCat transformation would have been fast enough to get you back to Paris before anyone got suspicious about the delay. However, my owner also kept forgetting to carry the Horse Glasses with her, so she probably would have used the same tactic. And the plan to contact Nooroo would have worked if he wasn't powering Hawk Moth at the exact moment of hitting his cycle. You have good plans. Just-” She shrugged, “just poor luck?”
Plagg sighed a shaky breath and quickly wiped away his tears before turning back towards Tikki. “How do we fix this though?”
Tikki rested her flippers on each of Plagg's shoulders and her forehead against his. They both closed their eyes and just focused on their connection for a second. “We'll figure something out, Plagg.” She then pulled him closer into a hug.
A couple of hours later, a somber Marinette climbed to her bedroom, excusing herself from her overly doting parents by telling them how jetlagged she was. It wasn't an entirely false statement – something Marinette had grown quite skilled at – but her true exhaustion was due to the loss of her partner, and she still needed proper time to mourn that. The hours in the rain wandering New York City wasn't enough time. The long, nearly sleepless night after defeating Miraclonizer wasn't enough time. The eight-hour flight home wasn't enough time. Marinette was wondering if there would actually ever be enough time.
She pulled out the Cat Ring and rolled it around the tip of her index finger, studying every centimeter of its surface, as if that could give her some clue as to how to get her Chat Noir back.
Tikki and Plagg emerged from Marinette's purse, and exchanged a look. Plagg's eyes widened and he shrunk in on himself a little. Tikki, on the other hand, puffed herself up, squared her shoulders in determination, and gave a subtle nod in Marinette's direction. Plagg curled further into himself. His eyes darted between Marinette's inspection of his ring and Tikki's stern gaze and increasingly overt head nods towards her owner.
Exasperated with the pity-party around her, Tikki huffed before zipping down to Marinette's hand; catching her owner's attention.
“Tikki, I- I don't know what to do. Even if I have help like Uncanny Valley and Sparrow, or even if I find new bearers of the Miraculous here in Paris, it won't be the same. Even when I had Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Viperion helping me, it wasn't the same. No one- no one could ever replace Chat Noir. I can't do this without him, Tikki. I-” Marinette hid her budding tears with the heels of her hands, the Cat Ring dangling from her index finger still.
“Marinette, I think we- I think Plagg might have come up with a way to get Chat Noir back. Get your Chat Noir back.”
Both Tikki and Marinette turned to Plagg. He promptly started shaking his head and waving his arms, trying to get Tikki to abort the plan, but it was too late. The seed was planted.
“You- you do?” Marinette squeaked with a tiny voice.
Tikki gave Plagg an encouraging nod, and he settled. His eyebrows scrunched down in conviction, and then he drifted closer to Marinette.
“I-” he paused, startled a bit that his own voice was so soft and squeaky as well. Clearing his throat, he tried again in a more confident tone. “I want to go to him. I know how to get to his house from here, and he should be there at this time of night. Let me bring the ring back to him. I'll tell him how much you want him back, and how much I want to be his kwami. I'm sure he'll accept-”
“No.” Marinette walked away from the kwamis. “No, I'm sorry, but I can't chance letting the ring out of my sight. If Hawk Moth got it-”
“Then let me at least talk to him. I can still convince him to accept the ring again, and then I'll come back here to let you know where the two of you can meet up.”
“I can't know who he is!” Marinette gasped and slapped her hands over her mouth, praying her parents didn't hear her outburst. The room was silent for a long minute as all three occupants listened for Tom or Sabine. Luckily, her parents seemed to have called it an early night as well. Holding a finger to her lips, Marinette waved for the kwamis to follow her up to her balcony to make sure they weren't caught talking.
Once outside, Marinette hissed again, “How am I supposed to ever give him back his ring? We're not supposed to know who each other is. If any of the other bearers had known then any of them could have told Miracle Queen or Hawk Moth when they were under that spell. I can't chance knowing who he is or him knowing who I am.”
“You've worked together without being powered up before.” Plagg became more animated. For some reason, the more Marinette pushed against his idea the more he believed Tikki that it was actually a good one. “I'm sure he still has his Bananoir costume somewhere. Or he could wear something else to hide his identity, and you can just be Ladybug. It'll be fine.”
“What if Hawk Moth sees you going to him, or coming back to me? I can't have you leading him to either of us.”
“He can do this, Marinette,” Tikki interjected.
“Yeah. I was able to ditch Sandboy easily enough, and Hawk Moth never found out where Chat Noir was. He also never followed me when I want to Master Fu to let him know about Chat Noir losing his ring when Style Queen attacked. Or when I returned to Chat Noir. I'm a cat, remember? I can be sneaky.”
“I dunno. I can't chance it. There's no one else now. If Hawk Moth somehow finds me-”
“He won't! I promise he won't. I can do this. Please. The kid needs me. I know he does. And- Look. Not everyone can handle the power of destroying anything they touch. I've- let's just say not every Chat Noir is as good and kind as yours. He's special. Let me try to get him back. Please.”
Marinette glanced over at Tikki, who wore a proud smile and gave a simple nod.
“Alright.” Marinette flung her arms and began pacing her balcony. “Alright, you can go talk to him. I do want to get his ring back to him as soon as possible, but I also have to be careful about hiding my identity, so try to not have the meet-up when I have classes, okay? You do know when my school hours are, right? Oh, this can turn out so bad-”
“Marinette, it will be fine.” Tikki flew into her bearer's line of sight to try to calm the teen. “Kwamis can only be captured if we allow it, remember? And if Hawk Moth uses magic to try to capture Plagg like he did with Kwamibuster, you still have me and can become Ladybug to stop him. This is probably the best way if you don't want to fight without Chat Noir or have to pick a new one.”
“I can do this,” Plagg pleaded.
Marinette spun the ring around the knuckle of her finger, stopping to stare at the cat paw on the ring face. How could she see it on someone else's hand? How could she battle Hawk Moth alone? She needed him again.
“Okay. Go. Be careful.”
Plagg beamed and started off in a dash, only stopping a few feet from Marinette's balcony as he heard her call out once more.
“Plagg?” It was Marinette's turn to plead. “Bring him back to us.”
He nodded and zipped towards the Notre-Dame. He needed to throw Marinette off too if she were watching him. It was painful to meander around the city to make sure he wasn't being followed instead of racing to Adrien's room, but he promised he'd keep everyone safe. They were only in this predicament because of him. He had to make sure to get it right this time.
Bobbing underground, then popping back up, phasing through darkened buildings, and pausing long enough in trees to double check he wasn't being watched, Plagg wove his way through Paris for about ten minutes before nearing the Agreste mansion.
Home. Even after Adrien renounced him, this place felt like home. Specifically, Adrien felt like home. Checking once more that there was no one around to spot him, Plagg darted around the estate and made his way into Adrien's bathroom.
This was it. This was his chance to talk to Adrien again. This was probably his only chance to get his Chat Noir back. Plagg suddenly wished Tikki was still there to encourage him.
“Get in there, Stinky Sock,” Plagg imitated her in a high pitched voice that didn't remotely resemble Tikki's. “You're the kwami with the brilliant plans. You're our only hope of getting him back.”
“Well,” Plagg responded to himself with his own shaky voice, “When you put it that way, Sugar Cube, how could I disappoint? Right?”
“Now, don't screw this up like you usually do,” he replied in the high pitched voice before clearing his throat and awkwardly laughing.
“Yup,” Plagg said in his usual voice, “that sounds like her. Now to prove her wrong about being a screw up.”
He poked his head through the door to check that Adrien was actually there. He nearly burst into tears when he saw his former holder slumped at his desk. Pulling back into the bathroom, Plagg shifted to the far wall and again poked his head through, scanning for anyone else being in the room with Adrien.
All clear. The kid was alone. It nearly broke Plagg's heart all over again.
“Adrien?” Plagg cautiously floated into the room.
“Plagg?” Adrien jumped out of his chair, wide eyed and slack jawed. “Wh- what are you doing here? How? I gave you up!”
“I know,” Plagg mournfully replied.
“Aww, Plagg. I- I'm so sorry, my friend. I didn't- I just- I'm not the right person to be Chat Noir. I just screw so much up. You and Ladybug are so much better off with a new Chat Noir.” Adrien wouldn't look at the kwami. Instead he slumped back into his computer chair, keeping his eyes locked on his naked right ring finger.
“Don't say that!” Plagg flew closer. “I've already told you that you're the best Chat Noir I've ever had! No one could replace you. Ladybug has told you that before too.”
“There must be someone-”
“No! No one else, Adrien. We want you as Chat Noir. We need you as Chat Noir.”
“I saw the news report. After I gave you up the city was attacked again by that supervillain, and it was so much worse that time. I had abandoned Ladybug when she needed me most, and she still managed to save the day. The whole world could have been destroyed, and that was when I gave up my powers. How could I be a hero after that? How could she possibly need me when she was able to stop that from happening without me? I appreciate the thought, Plagg, but, seriously, you two don't need me. No one does.”
“Shouldn't that be my decision? Or Ladybug's? Or the Guardian's – who happens to also be Ladybug, but nevermind that.”
“You made a mistake. I did too. I was the one who told you not to warn Ladybug that you were forced to leave Paris. It was because of me that she got so mad at you. It was because of me that she lost faith in you like that. And it was because I made her lose that faith that you got so distracted with Cataclysm active. You are never that careless! That isn't you as a superhero. That was all me.”
“I don't think it works that way.”
“Either way, you didn't lose her faith permanently. She was just mad and shocked and didn't know how to feel. She does miss you. She needed you in New York, and only managed to win because she had to. She even allowed me to use Cataclysm by myself! You know how bad things have to be for me to bring that baby out!”
“Even if she did forgive me for leaving Paris, and for what I could have done with my Cataclysm if she wasn't there to fix it, how could she forgive me for abandoning her when she needed me most?”
“It was a tough fight. I'll admit that. And it was harder because you weren't there. I can't lie about that either. But that wasn't when she needed you most. Now is. Now that she's back in Paris and has time to think about everything. Now that she has to face Hawk Moth alone and fully understands how alone she is in this. She knows she's going to need a new Chat Noir, but she hates the idea of having anyone besides you. You are special to her. She's told you before that you're irreplaceable. Believe her, Adrien. You have faith in her about everything else, so why not have some faith about this?”
“Has she really forgiven me? Could she really?”
“Why not ask for your ring back and find out?”
“Plagg, I just can't.” Adrien pushed himself away from his desk. He walked over to his wall of windows and leaned against them.
“Why do you think I'm here? Ladybug wants you to ask for the ring back. She wants to meet up with you again. She told me to get you back.”
“How can I-?”
“Pick a time and place where you can sneak out. I'll go back to Ladybug and let her know when to meet up. Then all you have to do is find a way to hide your identity and show up.”
Adrien turned back to his former kwami, his eyes were glossed over with unspilt tears. His eyebrows where knitted as they begged for Plagg to be right about all of this. They stood in a stalemate for a minute or two.
Then Adrien sprinted over to Plagg, scooped him up in his awaiting hands, and pressed the little cat to his chest.
“Plagg, I've missed you so much. I'm so, so sorry for ever renouncing you,” Adrien cried.
“I know. I've kinda missed ya too.”
“Let's make this right.”
Plagg softly purred against Adrien's hands, ignoring the fact that he'd have to leave his home again in a little bit. Right now it was just him and this kid and he could milk this for a little longer, couldn't he?
He hoped the last thirty hours would be the longest he'd ever be away from Adrien. At least, for many, many, many years to come.
“There he is!” Tikki chirped out as Plagg zig-zagged through the terrace houses leading towards Marinette's balcony.
Marinette strained to catch sight of him, and any time she thought she did, he vanished again. “Huh. I guess he can be sneaky enough to lose anyone who could follow him.”
“I told you it would be alright.”
“Psst.” Plagg hissed from between Marinette's feet, startling her has his head poked through the floor boards.
“Plagg!” Marinette caught herself on her balcony railing. After a couple of breaths to try to steady her heartbeat, she waved for everyone to go back inside. Nestled on her bed, she nodded for Plagg to continue. “Did you get to talk to him?”
“He'll sneak out tonight. He can get to the school by one A.M. He figured it was a place the two of you fought akumas at enough that you'd know where it is, but there wouldn't be any lingering tourists, so you should be safe to talk. It would also be easier to single him out that way.”
Marinette glanced at her alarm clock. She had a little less than five hours to kill. She figured she should get some rest, but was terrified of oversleeping and Chat Noir thinking she had Plagg set up the meeting as a cruel joke. It was only with both Plagg and Tikki swearing to wake her up at midnight did she agree to get some sleep.
She tossed and turned nonstop the first two hours, barely getting any rest as she worried about the exchange; about the possibility of him standing her up or them getting captured. She was also nervous about what she was going to say to him. How could she ever apologize to him for being so cruel as to tell him she couldn't trust him anymore? She was upset about Paris being left undefended, but to say something so hurtful to him?
Tikki fussed over Marinette's restless sleep, but couldn't think of anything to help her holder. Plagg hated doing so, but he knew something that might help. It was something he only ever really did for Adrien. And even then, only when Adrien was his most distressed, and when the kid was asleep and couldn't know that Plagg did it at all.
Curling up in Marinette's hairline by her ear, Plagg started purring in a low, nearly inaudible hum. Marinette relaxed almost instantly. Relaxing herself, Tikki snuggled next to Plagg, and whispered, “Thank you.”
Plagg waved her off, and kept doing whatever he could to soothe Marinette. The entire time, he wondered how Adrien managed the night before without him, and if Adrien needed him that night as well.
The hours ticked by quickly, and it became time to rouse Marinette. The trio was tense as she got ready for her meet-up. When the clock neared one, Marinette transformed into Ladybug.
“You ready, Plagg?”
“Let's get my boy back.”
“Plagg. Return.” Ladybug held up the ring, and Plagg gladly allowed himself to be sucked into it; once more locked within his Miraculous until a wielder claimed him. Tucking the ring away, Ladybug jumped up onto her balcony, and scanned the streets. It didn't take long for her to see a mop of blonde hair rush silently down the empty sidewalk between her family's home and the school. She watched him turn towards the front steps, and break into a sprint as he raced towards the school's front doors. The moment he reached them, she swung down, scooped him up, and flung both of them to the roof of the Collège Françoise Dupont. As soon as their feet touched the rooftop, the boy scurried away.
Startled at how shocked he sounded, Ladybug studied the boy. He had the same shaggy blonde hair, and he had dressed entirely in black. Even at such a late hour, he had on thick sunglasses to obscure his face. He had also made a point of heading towards the school entrance at one A.M. precisely. This had to be her Chat Noir! Right?
“Chat Noir?” she whispered, afraid that he was going to tell her no; that she had made another horrible mistake.
“You- you actually came!” The boy's legs shook, and Ladybug was afraid he was going to collapse. “I- Plagg said that-”
Before he could say a syllable more, her arms were around him.
“Is it you?” she sobbed, “Is it really you?”
He held her close, pulling her even closer with every shaky breath she took. “I'm sorry. I am so beyond sorry for everything this weekend.”
She abruptly pulled away, hurriedly wiped her eyes dry, and punched him playfully in the arm. “Yeah, you better be! Don't you ever do something as stupid as giving up your powers like that again! Do you hear me?”
He rubbed where she punched him, but smiled. “Does that mean you really have forgiven me?”
“Chat Noir,” she pulled him right back into the hug, “Of course I forgive you. You know I can't do this without you. I can't be Ladybug if you aren't by my side.”
“I'll never abandon you like that again. I promise.”
“You better.”
The two gave one last, tight squeeze, before releasing. Ladybug then took a couple of steps back and unlatched her yo-yo from her hip. Opening up the magical pocket, she pulled out the black Cat Ring, and held it in her outstretched palm for her companion.
“Chat Noir? I believe this is yours.”
Timidly, he reached out for his ring. His hand hovered above it, but he didn't take it back.
“Chat Noir?”
“I'll do better. I promise I'll do better. I'll be the partner you deserve.”
Ladybug's face fell, and she took a step closer. “Don't you realize you already are?” Her eyes drifted to the ring, then back up to him. “It's yours. It always was and always will be. I don't want anyone but you by my side. Please know that.” She snatched up his right hand before he could react, and she gave it a squeeze. “I'm sorry I told you I couldn't trust you. I was hurt, and I just wanted to hurt you back. I didn't mean it, and I never should have said it. I know I can always trust you.” Turning his hand over, she placed his ring on his palm. “This weekend showed us things we need to work on, but it doesn't have to mean our partnership is over, right?”
He stared at the ring for a long while before picking it up and sliding it back on his right ring finger. The moment he did, the ring turned silver as it camouflaged itself, and spat Plagg back out.
“Plagg! Welcome back, buddy!” Chat Noir reached up to scratch his kwami on the back of his head.
“Yeah, well, welcome back to you, too.” Plagg leaned into the scratches, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the great feeling of being pet by his holder again.
“How about we make this official then? Plagg, claws out!” Plagg was once more sucked into the ring, and the black clad boy was transformed into a proper Chat Noir.
Ladybug wiped new tears from the corners of her eyes. “It's definitely a good look for you. Don't lose it again, okay?” She held up her fist.
“Never again. I promised, didn't I?” Chat Noir bumped her fist with his own.
The two spent the next hour coming to terms with what happened over the weekend. How were they going to help repair Paris? The citizens knew why Ladybug wasn't there to protect them, but what were they going to say about Chat Noir? How were they going to keep Paris safe the next time one – or both – of them needed to leave the city again? They also swore to never again keep secrets from each other, as long as it didn't involve their identities.
Completely wiped and borderline passing out against each other's shoulders, Ladybug and Chat Noir parted ways and headed to their respective homes.
“Plagg, claws in.” Adrien grinned madly -  albeit sleepily – as the kwami drifted into his awaiting hand. “Welcome home, buddy. I'm glad I couldn't bear to get rid of any of this yet.” He walked Plagg over to the fully stocked mini-fridge of Camembert. The magical being greedily gobbled up a wheel before returning to Adrien. The teen had already changed for bed and slid under the sheets.
“Yeah, Plagg?”
“I'm glad you're my Chat Noir again.”
“Thank you for making it happen.”
Plagg curled up on Adrien's head and began lulling his friend to sleep with his purring. He didn't care that Adrien knew about it anymore.
A few blocks away, Marinette tried falling asleep as she wondered why Chat Noir's silver ring looked familiar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Did you enjoy this? Check out my other Plagg Appreciation Day stories.
Breaking Monotony  Summary: Plagg’s days are all starting to feel exactly the same. As he goes through yet another school day with Adrien, he wonders if he can do something to start shaking up the status quo. At the same time, though, he reflects on how great it is that his life is fairly predictable.
Forever in Darkness  Summary:  Plagg has always been in darkness. It had become all he knew. Then he got a ray of sunshine, and it helped save him. There was a reason he believes Adrien is the best Chat Noir ever.
The Truest of Friends  Summary: It's the second day of the new school year, which also means it's been a year since Stoneheart first attacked Paris. Adrien wonders how he could best celebrate the anniversary of becoming Chat Noir, and how to properly showcase how much he cares for someone very special in his life.
Alternatively, I JUST started up a series (I still don’t quite understand the collections set-up) on AO3 that will also house all of my Plagg Appreciation Day stories.
The next Friday 13th isn’t until August 2021. Here’s hoping that’s plenty of time to get a story done earlier than midnight... Anyway, who wants to join me in showing Plagg some love? Did you post any Plagg appreciation today? Please send me a tag! I’d love to see what you did. :D
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starrynighttime · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug SL AU Part 2
Based on the AU by @zoe-oneesama​
Part 1
Chloe was furious. The attention was always on the two useless sidekicks instead of on her, which is where it should have been! She kicked, screamed, cried, and pouted up a storm, but there was nothing she could do. Or was there…
Marinette was excited. She was actually going to see her hat on the runway! It made her giddy just thinking about it. 
“Pollen, I just can’t believe it!” she squealed for the millionth time. 
“I am very excited for you, my q- Marinette.” Pollen buzzed happily as Marinette dug through her closet. “May I ask what you are looking for?” 
“My other sh- found it!” Marinette exclaimed, holding up a pink, strappy heel. 
“Marinette, are you ready?” her mom’s muffled voice called from downstairs. 
“Yeah, mom!” Marinette called back, shoving her foot into the shoe and rushing downstairs. Her dad pulled her into a tight hug when he saw his daughter. 
“My little girl is all grown up and showing her amazing work to the world!” He cried, proudly. When he finally let go, Sabine was waiting paitently at the door. 
“Come on! We don’t want to be late!”
Adrien straightens his jacket nervously. 
“How do I look, Plagg?” he asks, turning to look at himself in the mirror. The kwami grunts. 
“If I say yes, will you stop asking me?” 
“But I want to make sure I look good tonight!” 
“Why?” Plagg snickers. “You wanna look good for Pigtails?” Adrien blushes and straightens his tie. Plagg sighs. “Kid, you look fine. Can we go now?” Suddenly, someone knocks on the trailer door. 
“Come in!” Adrien calls as Plagg zooms out of sight. The door opens and Marinette steps inside the trailer, but… it was a Marinette he’d never seen before. She was wearing a short, but still very elegant, pink lacey dress with a black belt. Her hair was loose on her shoulders, which only made her look more beautiful. She waves nervously. 
“Hi, Adrien. I’m just here to drop off the hat and wish you luck!” She says, holding up a hat box. Adrien tries to ignore the blush creeping up to his cheeks. 
“Oh, right! Thanks.” He says, taking the hat out of the box. Marinette smiles as he puts it on. 
“So… are you going to model it for me?” Adrien blinks. 
“What, now?” Marinette nods. 
“Yes, now! Show me how you walk the walk! Fash-ion show! Fash-ion show!” She chants, bouncing a little. Adrien chuckles 
“Well, if the lady insists…” He does his best model walk to the end of the trailer, then turns and does a quick pose. Marinette claps happily. 
“Wow! You have the catwalk down!” Adrien feels himself blush for the hundredth time. “
I-thank you.” He stutters. Marinette walks over to the mirror and leans on the little table in front of it. 
“I’m honestly really nervous” she admits. “Audrey Bourgeois is in the audience and she’s, like, the biggest name in fashion! She could end my designing career before it even begins!” Adrien pauses, then walks over to stand next to Marinette in front of the mirror. 
“You’re super talented, Marinette. I wouldn’t be standing here, next to you, wearing a hat that you made and designed if that weren’t true. I think it's awesome; so does my father. Otherwise he wouldn't have picked it for me.” Marinette takes a deep breath and turns to look at him. 
“Okay, you’re right. Maybe I am overthinking this. I just need to let today happen and face the consequences tomorrow.” Adrien smiles. 
“Exactly.” They stand there in silence for a little bit. Their faces were so close, Adrien could smell her cherry lip gloss. Did Marinette always have that little freckle under her left eye? Adrien resited the urge to touch it. Suddenly, the trailer door swings open, causing the teens to jump back, unfortunately for Marinette. Her foot caught on something, sending her flying backwards onto the floor. 
“Ow...” “Marinette! Are you okay?” Adrien cries, helping her up. Marinette chuckles. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Probably should have thought twice before wearing heels, though…” 
“Ahem” Nathalie coughs, pulling out a clipboard. “Sorry to interrupt, but Adrien, the show is about to start. Miss Dupain-Cheng, I am to escort you to your seat.” Marinette gulps, then nods. 
“Okay. See you on the catwalk, Adrien.”
As soon as Marinette saw Audrey Bourgeois she fought off a grimace. Oh, god, there’s two of them. When the Fashion Queen sat down next to her, Marinette knew she was in for a long night.
A/N Chloe’s mom isn’t going to become akumatized in this story because A) I am too lazy to write it, B) Gabriel is taking a day off from being Hawk Moth to be there for his son, and C) It didn’t make much sense that Marinette’s friends were invited to a private event, so I am writing them out of this part of the story (sorry, Alya!).
After the show, Marinette meets up with Adrien in the entry hall. 
“That was amazing!” She cries, hugging him. 
“Excuse me.” a haughty voice calls from behind them. Marinette turns to see Audrey Bourgeois walking over with Chloe close behind her. Without a warning, she takes the hat off of Adrien’s head and inspects the brim. 
“This hat is not a Gabriel Agreste. Are you responsible for that?” She asks, looking at Marinette in a intimidating manner. Marinette gulps. 
“Um…” she looks nervously at Adrien, who flashes her a thumbs up. “Stand proud!” Marinette takes a deep breath and nods. “I… I’m the one who created it.” 
“Miss Dupain-Cheng won a fashion design competition at her school.” Gabriel says, appearing behind Marinette, making her jump a little. Audrey lifts her glasses to get a better look at the hat. 
“It’s the most…” Marinette shrinks, anticipating shame as Chloe smirks. “…exceptional thing I've ever seen! You're a visionary, Marinette!” Audrey exclaims, placing the hat back onto Adrien’s head. Marinette gasps happily. 
“R-really?!” “Of course! Glitter’s had its day, feathers are the trend of tomorrow!” 
“She does have talent.” Gabriel says, smiling at Marinette. Audrey studies Marinette with interest. 
“You want to be a fashion designer, right?” Marinette nods nervously. 
“Y-yes ma’am.” Audrey spreads her arms wide. 
“Then come to New York with me! I can make you the biggest name in fashion! I'm sure you'll even-” 
“-WHAT?!” Chloe screams angrily. “This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! I’ve never been to New York with you and you’re taking Dupain-Cheng?!” 
“I’m taking her because she's exceptional Claudette. Uh— Chloé.” Chloe gasps and stamps her foot. 
“I’m exceptional too!!” Audrey inspects her gloved hand. 
“The only exceptional thing about you, my dear… is your mother.” Marinette and Adrien grimace. Chloe growls and throws off her sunglasses. 
“Ugh! I'll show you how exceptional I can be!” she smirks and strikes a pose.
“Tikki, spots on!” 
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writers-hes · 5 years
falling -- sequel to cherry
based on a request by anon ! i decided to make a sequel / prequel thing for cherry and this fic will definitely be confusing with the time jumps and etc ! the story takes place in harry’s point of view, three months after you broke up. the dashes will help as guide. 
please don’t forget to leave a feedback! 
if you haven’t read cherry yet, you can read it here.  if you want to be a part of my taglist, like/reblog this post. 
don’t forget that requests are open! this may be the final instalment to the cherry universe but i can make a third instalment if i get enough requests. 
thank you so much and enjoy !
WARNING: unedited + cussing + mentions of alcohol
it’s been three months since Harry decided to break things off with you. It was a mutual decision but it still hurt knowing that you could be out there, with a new man. That was always you—trying to use the remainder of the love that you had for someone on someone else. He regretted it and he wanted you back. He wanted nothing more but for you to call him, telling him you wanted he back and if you did—if the universe permitted it, if you called, he would go to you, in france and knock on your door with his knees on the floor. 
he never believed in signs but he was asking for one now—he was so fucking desperate. he missed you and loved you. if it was possible, his love grew more and more each day even if you were gone. it was impossible to think that you would love him more. the thought of you with someone else under the sheets, you kissing somebody else that wasn’t him, sent him into overdrive. he’s been writing songs about you since you called things off and it’s too much—he would always go to the studio in tears and leave in tears. he was so hurt, so fucking hurt. he ruffled his hair. he was currently in his london home, a place where you once were. his living room was reeking of alcohol and his back hurt from staying idle on his sofa the whole day. he just got back from shang ri-la malibu. jeff and mitch told him to take a break and he agreed.
he opened his phone and opened his messages app. he scrolled until he found your name, clicking on it and reading the unsent text message he’s been dying to send you. he can’t, though. you seemed to be looking at your best, your friends posting photos of you. your smile was still beautiful, it will always be.
hello. i thought of you today but i’ve been think about you everyday and will probably do so till i die. 
i just got back home here in london and i noticed that your things are here anymore. it seems like it’s just me, harry all alone again. the room is barren of you ever being here. i tried to smell the bedsheets in hopes to smell you but there wasn’t any. i also rummaged through my closet, wanting to find one of your old shirts that i could put over your favourite pillow just to feel you here but i didn’t find any. the only proof that you were here was your letter to me and i’m still hurt. still hung up over you, still drowning my senses in alcohol. 
i love how you made sure i wasn’t home when you packed your bags. anyway, the keys to my house will still be where you know it was, under the welcome mat, so you know that you’re always welcome here. 
tears cascaded from his eyes and he couldn’t stop sobbing. should he press send and wait for you to call back? was it worth the risk? was it worth the humiliation if you decided not to call? he had to take a breather first. he’s drunk and all he wanted was for you to scold him about the dangers of alcohol poisoning. all he wanted in that moment was for you to give him a glass of water and light up your favourite lavender candle so he could slowly drift off to sleep but he couldn’t even fucking find the candle. you took it with him and he wishes to be sober so he could remember that particular lavender scent that you loved dearly. 
he hated you, suddenly. how dare you compare him to adrien? how could he ever compare? you told him you loved him but still managed to tell him you loved adrien too? was this all a joke to you? he drifted to sleep, embraced by the brown liquor on the coffee table. he just wanted you back, was that too much to ask? 
he wasn’t thinking clearly the next day. the sunlight that streamed through his window was too bright. there was a pounding in his head and he knows that if you were here with him, you’d fix him your favourite hangover breakfast. his shoulders slumped, if there was a way for it to be even more slumped. your favourites became his favourites and his favourites became yours. why couldn’t you be where he was? all he wanted that morning was your açai bowl but he couldn’t have that because you weren’t there to freeze the bananas. he was so dependent on you and it was killing him knowing that you would never be in his arms again. tears running down his face he decided he wanted to go to versailles and ask for your forgiveness. do you still love him even after three months? 
it was the day after and he was in versailles, staying at a hotel near your apartment. he could still remember your floor and your room number. he just had to make sure that you were home. he was tired and dull from the flight but knowing that you’d be with him in a few hours was enough for him. the excitement and the anxiety that courses through his veins was more powerful than coffee. how have you been? did you cut your hair? did you change your hair colour? did you change the way you dress or do you still dress the way harry does? do you still like your coffee sweet and milky? what about your tea? do you still like it with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon full of honey? 
as he was unlocking his phone, he noticed a huge amount of notifications that bombarded his phone. it was usually like this but he had more than usual and he didn’t post anything for three months. so what was this? he decided to check it out, only to see pictures of you with another man. your lips was touching his lips and for a moment, harry was dumbfounded? did you really move on that fast? 
words that made him see red. words that he didn’t know was coming so quickly. did you even love him? he opened his imessage app and erased the draft that he was about to send you last night? god, he couldn’t believe he was about to profess his love for you last night while you were probably out and about fucking another man. 
mon bébé: Hey, y/n. Where are you love?
lovie: hi im at my apartment right now.. why?
mon bébé: Do you think I could come over? I need someone to talk to. 
lovie: what??
mon bébé: I’m here in Versailles. Please. 
lovie: okay sure…i’ll wait for you. 
mon bébé: Okay. I love you. 
his heart ached when you didn’t reply to his message. he immediately dressed himself in your favourite shirt of his—a shirt that you got him while you were studying abroad for an exchange student program. he was hoping that maybe, by seeing a shirt that you got him, you’d break up with your beau and have him back instead. he was hurt, angry, and perhaps, it was pride that was making him get out of the hotel and go to you. he wanted to hurt you the way you hurt him and as he arrived at your door in less than an hour later, hurting you was his only goal. 
he knocked on your door three times and lo and behold, there was you. you smiled at him and opened the door wider. he went inside, removing his shoes before entering your apartment. he observed that there were no changes around the place but he did feel out of place.
“heard you moved on, huh?” he asked. you were shocked. “wha—“
“i saw the pictures, y/n,” “harry, if you’re here to shit on my decisions…stop it, please,” you whispered. you didn’t want to let him know this way.
“no, no…it’s only been three months! who is he? how did you two meet?” he asked you. he was fuming. how could you move on so quickly?
“harry, stop—“
“i. want. to. know.” he breathed. there was finality in his voice and you couldn’t help but mutter his name. “vincent? shit name, yeah?” he asked. 
“harry, please. stop it,” you begged. he wasn’t listening and perhaps you deserved this. perhaps he was right but you needed someone and vincent just managed to be there for you. 
“remember when…remember when you told me you loved me, y/n? was that even true? how can you move on so quickly? please…please tell me. tell me how you did it because i’d love to do it, too,” he was crumbling in front of you and you reached out to him. he scoffed and your attempt and backed away. 
“it was true, harry. i still love you—always have, always will but…” “but what? can’t we fix what we had? i miss it, lovie. i miss you. do you call him bébé too? please, don’t do this to me, please.” he cried. “there’s no stopping us now. i’m not on tour anymore and i’m willing to be better for you…” “i’m with him, harry. he…asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and i said yes,” you whispered. he looked at you so fast you were afraid he was about to get a whiplash. tears were coming out from both of your eyes and you were so close to opening that stupid fucking phone and breaking things off with vincent but it was unfair for him. 
“break up with him.” he said. you looked at him with a gaping mouth. how could he just ask that of you? the break was a mutual decision but he was the one who insisted it. 
“break up with him, y/n or i’ll—“
“what, harry? what will you do?”
“i’ll hate you,” he looked down at his hands, ashamed of what he even said. he was hurt and he could tell that you were torn and that you were hurting. a sadistic part of him loved it. he wanted to hug you and say that he was sorry and that he didn’t mean it but peeking through his long hair, seeing that you were closing and opening your mouth like that, he loved it. he liked it. 
“you—you don’t mean that, harry. please tell me you don’t hate me, please.” you begged. harry heard it and you heard it too. it was obvious that you were choosing vincent over him. 
“i’ll see myself out, then,” he smiled sadly. he got up from where he was sitting and you immediately stood up.
“harry, please. don’t leave like this. please, don’t hate me…i still love you,” you begged. you loved him but you couldn’t be with him right now. 
“that’s the fucking thing, y/n!” he fumed. “you tell me you love me and that you’ll be there for me whenever i needed you but where were you? i was drunk in london last night trying to figure out the brand of your candles just so i could feel closer to you. i booked a flight here in versailles just to see you and beg for you to come back but you left me with that fucking letter. that’s all there is. you didn’t leave anything for me to remember you by. i wanted to have your shirt last night so i can put it over your pillow so i could pretend that you were still there, with me, under the sheets. you—let go of us so easily,” he sobbed. he was tugging on his hair and you reached for it. touching his hands ever so slightly but he pushed you away. “don’t.” he warned. “i hate you so much…so, so much,” he cried. he loved you but he had to convince himself otherwise. it would make all of this easier. 
“we can still be friends, harry.” you offered. tears were running down on your face and you wiped them. 
“i can’t…hurt myself like that, y/n. i’m leaving the hotel tomorrow at 9 a.m. you can come by our place before that if you still want to be with me. until then, i will be waiting.” he mumbled. he walked until he was right in front of you. he cradled your face with his right hand, rings cold against your hot skin. “i love you,” he reminded as he pecked your lips softly for one last time before leaving your room. 
harry said that he would be leaving his hotel at 9:00 am to be at your place—a little nook in the busy streets of versailles that served his favourite macarons. he was lying, though. he got up at 6 am and left the hotel at around 7:30 am. it was currently 8 and he was anxiously waiting for you. until what time should he stay? he wouldn’t be leaving france in another two days. he was hoping you’d come back and spend more time with hime but that plan’s down the drain now. he got you your favourite box of macarons and looking at it, he remembered the first time you took him here so vividly. 
“ah! i can’t believe you’re here, harry!” you gushed. he had a short break before touring again and he decided to surprise you with some of the souvenirs he got you from his touring. it’s only been two months since you both started dating but you both knew that whatever the feeling was was real. 
“where are you taking me?” he chuckled. you were currently dragging him onto the streets of versailles. he was wearing a mickey mouse sweater and some jeans paired with some old skool sneakers. you loved seeing him off-duty and he knew that. 
“i’m taking you to my favourite place in all of france!” you exclaimed. he smiled at you and he knew in that moment that he loved you. you walked around for a few minutes until you arrived at a lesser-populated area in versailles. you went inside one of the buildings and was immediately greeted by the smell of the concoction made from almond flour, fruits, cream, and chocolate. 
“sit over there, baby. i’ll go get us some food,” you told harry. he nodded and let go of your hand. you watched as he sat somewhere secluded. you went over to the counter and immediately and smiled at the old lady. “bonjour! i would love to get…ah, two cafe au lait and then one tea macaron, cherry macaron, lemon meringue macaron, chocolate macaron, and rose macaron,” the lady nodded and you smiled, taking out some loose cash from your messy purse. a few minutes after and the lady gives you your order. you smiled at her and mumbled a “merci” after paying for the bill. you immediately made a beeline towards harry and set down the food and coffee you got him. 
“what’s all this?” he asked, looking at the assortment of deliciousness in front of him. “macarons! when my mother and my father first moved here in versailles from their hometown, she said that my father took her here on their first date. when she found out she was pregnant with my older brother, oliver, my dad got her some macarons here, same when she was pregnant with me. buying macarons here became a family tradition and it’s really special to me and i want to show it to you,” you smiled softly. you watched him smile even wider. “i bought my favourite flavours for you to try! i like dipping it in coffee but it’s just a personal preference,” you told him. 
harry was really happy that time. he remembered how you spent the afternoon just talking about your plans for the future as he ate macarons. 
“harry?” you called. “hm?” he mumbled through his second lemon meringue macaron. “i took you here because i wanted to tell you something,” you blushed. harry was confused. were you about to break up with him? it’s been wonderful between the both of you so he doesn’t get it. why would you break up with him? “w-what is it?” he asked, clearly anxious to hear what you were about to say. “well, you see, the thing is my mother always told me to bring those who are special to me in this place, bébé. and well, uh—i guess what i want to say is that…i love you.” 
“look, y/n, please don’t break up with—what? what did you say?” he started to ramble, realising what you just told him so late. “i said, i love you,” you shyly admitted. you looked at his face to find a big smile creeping up on his face. “really? i was thinking about it on my way here and i—i love you too, y/n.” he declared. it was a nice day after that—a day you won’t forget. 
“harry!” you panted. you ran from your apartment to the macaron shop. you hair was sticking on your face. when you arrived, you observed harry—it was a natural thing to do and he looked like he was about to cry. you knew why. this was the place where you first declared your love for each other. harry already ordered your favourite lemon meringue macarons and your usual cafe au lait. you smiled sadly. harry looked up to you and offered you a little wave. you walked slowly to him, scared that he would tell you that he hated you again. 
���y/n,” he breathed as you approached him. you sat in front of him and he hated how much he loved you in that moment. he will love you always. “harry—please, please don’t hate me,” you cried. it was obvious that you were crying since he left you last night. you looked like a mess, dark circles were under your eyes, and your eyes were swollen from crying yourself to sleep. before you got to harry, you cried a little bit more. 
“baby, i could never hate you. i’m sorry if i told you those things last night. but…i just wanted another chance. i want another chance, please.” he told you. the sweetness of the macarons wafting in the air was a stark contrast to how the both of you were feeling. he was torn—he didn’t want to be a selfish prick but he wanted you all to himself. “harry, you know i can’t. not right now,” you told him. it was unfair to vincent and it was unfair to you.
“why not? i know you have vincent right now…but do you really love him more than you love me? i’ve been with you for more than a year….you just met him,” he reasoned. “it was you who wanted things to be over between us, remember?” you reminded him. he was sat in his chair, mouth agape. “i said i was okay with it because it seemed to be the right thing for you, harry. you were so set on it because we were just hurting each other and i get that—i really do but i just started to pick myself up…” you cried. “well, i take it all back! you can move in with me in london so you wouldn’t have to worry about me cheating on you and…and i forgive you, please just—i don’t know how to fix this, y/n. just tell me what to do, please…” he begged. he was crying, too. how could he do this to you? how could he put you in such an unfair situation? you only told him about adrien because he cheated on you. after that night, the both of you were just trying to mince your words, walking on eggshells. 
“we weren’t being honest after that night, harry. when you cheated on me and i said things, i was hurt and so were you. you were guilty and so was i but we tried to make it work because we loved each other,” you told him. you reached out for his hand on the table and he allowed you to caress it, just like how you did. “you still love me right?” he asked. you nodded. “i still love you…that’s enough, isn’t it? i love you and you love me…right? love, please…” “harry, you can’t do this to me. not right now, not like this,” you backed. “love isn’t enough sometimes, harry…”
“fuck, y/n! then what the fuck am i supposed to do? tell me? i miss you everyday and love you always. i’m always missing you and there’s nothing i could do about it. every time i go somewhere to forget you, i see someone who looks just like you and then, i miss you again,” he sobbed, clinging on to your hand—clinging on to you in hopes for you to come back. “i hate you, i hate you so much…” he repeated over and over again. “y—you don’t mean that, harry. take it back,” you begged. you were crumbling in front of him. you knew it wasn’t true but it still hurt. the possibility of harry hating you was too much pain. “i don’t want to be your friend, y/n. i don’t want to hear you talk about how great that fucking prick is. if you can’t be with me then don’t be with me at all,” he scoffed. 
“please, don’t tell me you hate me,” you begged. “you know what, y/n? actually, i do. i hate you so much…” he said, the four letter-word leaving a bad taste in his mouth. he was trying to convince himself that he did, even though he thought of you as the only thing binding his world together. he was so hurt because you were getting better and he was selfish. he wanted you to be as miserable as him. he wanted you to cry over him the way he cried over you. he watched as you fall apart, rubbing your eyes furiously, as you tried your best to stop the tears from falling. he wanted nothing more than to kiss your pain away but he couldn’t. you had vincent and he had no one. he used to have you but how could he have you if you have somebody else now? you stood up from the chair trying your best to run away from harry. how could he be so cruel to you? 
you were making your way through the door hastily without acknowledging the prying eyes around you. you were so set on leaving, not caring if harry ran after you or not. perhaps he wouldn’t, perhaps he would. 
harry was at your usual table, wiping his tears away, covering his eyes with the sunglasses you bought him. did you even notice that he was wearing what you gave him? did you notice that he was wearing your sunglasses? or were you too preoccupied with how he hurt you? he decided to stay in his seat until you were out of sight. 
only then, did he decide not you. he immediately followed after you until he saw you, cradling your phone in your hands. you were sitting at a bus stop, waiting for whatever, probably to get as far away as possible from your ex-boyfriend. he wanted to approach you but he didn’t when he heard you say his name. 
“vincent, please pick me up…i’m at the bus stop near le fatalité macaron, please. nothing big, i’m just upset, something came up and no, no, i want to get away here as soon as possible, mon cherie. please.”
perhaps you were better off without him. 
the album finally dropped. did you listen to it? what do you think of it? as he lay down in the hotel where he stayed in versailles, he wanted nothing more than to call you and ask for your opinion. yours was the only opinion that mattered. he reached over the table until he took a hold of his phone. he looked at your name longingly before he decided to press ‘call’. he was staring into space when he heard your voice. 
“cou cou! harry?” 
sorry for the french, i asked my friend to translate it,,,, don’t forget, a christmas-themed fluff fic will come out next week! 
@giitterysuits @bree082 @dezzym17 @bouncebackbyers @lolapuffs @belleamoree @demolition-lovers-blog
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yanderecandystore · 5 years
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I'm glad my writing makes you happy!
Sorry for making you wait! And also, sorry if it isn't what you expected (cause I'm st00pid)
I think we might be able to see this new wealthy student some other time.
Trusting [Yandere bully - Headcanons]
Since you started studying in this school, you noticed how so many students here are actually really wealthy.
Some people were nice to you, some people didn't care about you being poor.
If it wasn't for the twins, you would actually make a lot of friends. That's the sad part.
You hate the fact that people are afraid of talking to you, but you can't fully blame them. If they did, they would be tormented as well, especially if they were poor like you.
Actually, for some reason the people that used to talk with you that had the same condition as you, suddenly decided to change schools.
You didn't hear anything from them anymore.
But anyway, you were in the school's library trying to find an book for your next school project. Your teacher had given some copies in class, but there were only a few that she had picked up, and you ended up being without one.
She said you should ask someone to share a book with you and make a project in group, but no one wanted to make this project with you. Only the twins. You aren't accepting their offer.
You find a copy of the book that you needed, but, it's too high on the shelve for you.
You struggle to reach it, when someone else grabs it. A student you haven't met before, he is a bit taller than you.
He said he wanted to read this book as is one of his favorites, and that was the last copy that the school library had, so you tell him you needed for an school project.
He looked a bit sad, but he seemed to understand that you needed it more than him, awwn poor guy, you felt a little bad about this but he seemed to not mind as much as you.
He, actually wasn't bothered about being close and talking to you. Should you do something? Should you say something?
"- . . . So, uhn, do you like reading?" You were trying to start an conversation as best as you could. You were a little desperate to meet new people, to talk to someone who isn't always belittling you.
He says that yes, he enjoys reading, he doesn't have an specific genre that he likes, well, maybe novel, but yeah, he enjoys reading pretty much anything.
You start to say your tastes, even if you aren't an bookworm yourself, you enjoy an good book from time to time.
This is going so well, you think. He seems to like talking with you with is really good! This is the best conversation that you had in a long time.
You start switching subjects, finding little things in familiar. He seems to be a nerdy boy, but also he loves animals so much, he has a chinchilla!
You want to celebrate this moment, it feels amazing to talk with this guy!
You part your ways, the student leaves you to go to the third year classes. Well, he is an really nice person! And a bit cute in a way.
You find yourself rethink about him and your silly little talk, gosh, you actually feel happy for talking with him.
Well, he is thinking the same.
He had heard about you, the twins plaything, to torment, to bully. He should have known better to never hear some random gossip, but he heard the rumours about you and the twins Coldwell. Everyone heard about it.
He planned on never talking to you, never saying anything about your name, as precaution for his on safety. He didn't need the twins to start targeting him again. It seems that everyone that talks with you, is doomed.
You were really nice. He saw you on the library, thinking that, if the twins aren't close, he could see for himself what type of person you were. He didn't want to read that book, he already had an copy of it, he just thought it would help him get closer to you.
It's funny when thinks of it, he always tried to avoid you at all costs, so he wouldn't be harmed. But somehow, he was always there, looking at a distance, seeing them treat you like an toy, with he hated it. He somehow, was always looking out to see if you were there, getting closer.
Thinking about you and twins every now and then since you were the school's main gossip. But thinking about you every second.
He feels so dumb now, avoiding you like an decease, but somehow, obsessively thinking about you. Thinking about if he should talk to you at least once, if he should interfere in the bullying at least once.
It was tempting, you were always trying to be close to people, but people avoided you. Sometimes you looked so sad.
He doesn't want you to be all alone like this, he know deep down, how it hurts to be all by yourself.
He thinks you're kinda cute, maybe it was the way you were struggling to get the book or just your little ways of expressing yourself.
He wants to get to know you better. Maybe you'll want to know him too?
Rumours around this school, spread like oxygene through the air.
A pretty boy was seen walking around with you. An third year. Walking around and talking with you.
Some say they saw him grabbing the book for you, some say they saw him patting your head, some say they saw you holding hands. Some say you were flirting with him, some say that you were offering him something, some say that they saw you two going out after school.
Basically, the truth mixes with lies and misinterpretetions of what really happened.
And basically, the twins are pissed.
"- WHAT??!"
Both can tell that there are some lies mixed in this rumours, after all, they know you wouldn't do such a thing.
You wouldn't just, go out with someone you just met, or, hold hands with them, right? It doesn't sound like an you-thing-to-do.
They're so afraid that those rumours might be true though. What if you were that easy? What if he likes you? What if you like him too? What if you have know him for a long time, and you were seeing each other, and you were happly dating in secret and-
Thinking about all possibilities, asking who saw and who knows exactly what happened.
No one seems to be telling the full story. This isn't going well.
The best option is to see for themselves. They could ask you, sure, but what guarantees that you wouldn't lie? You probably have been lying all this time to them.
Acting all shy to them, but probably being completely different on the inside.
They find you, sitting alone at lunchtime, God they wish they could just come in and take you away! But they need to see if this "pretty boy" appear.
Someone is coming close to you.
Oh, they know that guy! He was an close friend to them, until, he started being an wuss and decided to quit. Saying they were taking it "too far", that they were acting like kids.
"- Asshole."
They don't mind seeing him around school, they actually don't care about him. But seeing you be this, happy, close to someone else hurts them.
You two look like an couple, neither of them like this. Although being calm most of the time, the thought of loosing you to this guy makes Adrien want to cry on the spot.
And Alexandra is just having trouble keep it together. She is sad but also so angry at what she is seeing.
You look like your normal self, the one before the bullying started. Happy and excited about the little things in life. They never understood why you were like that.
They wanted to see that again.
And that asshole is just mocking them at this point, he looks like he is enjoying this a little too much. Getting too close to you.
They didn't know what to do! They can't loose you to this prick! They think for a while, until:
"- Oh . . . I think I have an idea . . ."
You were talking to your new friend, it was nice to eat lunch with company.
But you could see both twins coming closer, it seems like you can't take a break for one day.
"- Greetings sweetheart! We were looking for you!!" Alexandra says, she is ready to just grab you and run away but, they have a better plan in mind.
"- You never showed up, why did you leave us waiting?" Adrien asks you-and oh, yeah! You were supposed to go meet them in their favorite spot, but since they didn't say anything to you personally you didn't remember.
You normally go just so things don't get complicated. Not because you want to.
"- We see you already met our friend here, isn't he a cutie? We were wondering, what sweet lies have he feed you?"
. . .
"- . . . What? What do you mean?" You start to panic a little, please, they can't be telling the truth. Is an trick, right?
"- Your new boyfriend here and us are besties since childhood! We used to be playing around and planning our next big prank on little pests like you."
"- You want to know our best prank ever?"
"- Oh please, [Y/N] don't listen to-" Alexandra shushes him with her hand, a little too aggressively. That could count as an slap.
"- Sshh- Our best prank was making an pathetic student, that got lovestruck by our little charming prince over here, understand the cruel reality that they weren't in the same level!"
"- Do you remember their faces? When they started crying after you harshly rejected them? When told them you were so far above their reach?"
"- I-I'm not like that anymore!" He says, saying it more towards you than towards your bullies.
"- If I were you, I would be careful [Y/N]~"
"- You never know when he'll strike-"
"- S-Shut UP! How can I trust what you're saying, if all you have done was try to make my life miserable?!!" You yell at them, you can't hold it anymore, this hurts way too much!
"- . . . Well, we have never lied to you, have we?"
"- We have only ever told you the truth, you're beneath people like us, you're beneath people like him! An pathetic loser that needs to know their little place" They say as they start to go away.
"- Whenever he breaks your silly little heart, don't be surprised."
. . .
They're gone now.
God, you know you shouldn't listen to them, but can you trust someone you just met?
You start to cry a bit.
"- [Y/N], I'm sorry, I probably should have told you sooner. But please, I swear I'm not like that anymore! I feel terrible about it, and if I could I would-"
"- It's fine! You don't need to say anything now, I just, really need some time alone." You tell him, you need a little bit of space now.
He hesitates, but decided to go away and leave you alone for a bit.
The twins can't simply force the principal to expel him, can't just pick up a fight with him, can't blackmail him, but they can sure make you question your new friend's relationship with the twins.
You feel worst now, it feels like you can't trust anyone.
You'll probably talk to him later, but, you need some time alone.
He feels terrible for what he has done in the past, and feels even worse for not telling you sooner.
But he swears that he is going to make it up for you, somehow . . .
And both twins swear to bring up all of their fun times with this student, if it means making you go away from him.
"- When he breaks your heart, we'll be here waiting for you with open arms :)!"
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sassyduckqueen · 5 years
30 Days of Lukanette- Comfort
Based On Ladybug. I had fun with this one :D
"If you had been akumatized, nothing would have stopped you from handing your miraculous over to Hawkmoth!" Tikki gasped as she floated around the room. The worry was clear in her face as Marinette laid on her bed, hugging her pillow. 
 "And there would be no more Ladybug," She sighed. "End of story,"
 "We can't let that happen," Tikki declared.
 "Neither Lila or Hawkmoth will win. I will prove my innocence!" Marinette gasped. "If only Alya could help me,"
 "Alya didn't become akumatized early today at school," Tikki pointed out. "I'm sure it's because she trusts you. Call her,"
 "You're right!" Marinette gasped, getting up and grabbing her phone. She quickly dialed Alya's number, who answered on the first ring. "Hey,"
 "Oh, Marinette! I'm so sorry!" She gasped.
 "It's fine. I just want to prove my innocent," Marinette gasped as she sat on the roof garden. "Any suggestions?"
 "Let's recap what we know," She stated. "You're accused of stealing the answers to the mock exam. Evidence one... the paper were found in your school bad. You're also accused off pushing Lila down the stairs. No one witnessed the actual incident but everyone did see Lila at the bottom of the staircase. You're also accused of stealing Lila's necklace, which was evidence two... found in your locker. And finally you have a motive. I know you hate Lila from day one because she hangs around Adrien,"
 "I'm so glad I called you. Thanks for the support," Marinette deadpanned. "Anyway, that can't really be used as motive. I don't even like Adrien in that way anymore and Luka hates her more then I do,"
 "True but Luka isn't at our school, isn't the one in trouble and I'm pretty sure he scared Lila after the Reflekdoll incident," Alya pointed out. "Anyway, you're my best friend, Marinette. I totally believe but the evidence is stacked up against you. The good thing is the world's greatest supporters always seek the truth so I'm gonna prove your innocence,"
 "Phew... thanks, Al,"
 "First off, a culprit always leaves clues. That's a given and by following these clues, it will lead us-,"
 "To Lila?" Marinette gasped, annoying Alya.
 "Noo! To the guilty party," She explained. "If you're so quick to accuse Lila, you might just overlook another potential baddie,"
 "Ohh... right," Marinette nervously laughed. 
 "Whoever it was had to have touched your locker when they put the necklace in," Alya mumbled. "I'm gonna track down some finger prints,"
 "Marinette, can we have a word?" Her mum suddenly stated as she popped up. Marinette looked over and nodded before turning back to the phone.
 "I'll meet you later at your place," She stated before hanging up. "Yes, Ma?"
 "Can you come downstairs please?" She asked before going back down. Marinette frowned and followed her into the bakery, where her dad was waiting with a spare apron. She frowned. Her mum turned to her. "Now, listen, honey, we love you but this whole thing has gotten very complicated and until we've found a new school for you, we've decided that you should help us with the bakery,"
 "But I'm telling you I didn't do anything," Marinette gasped. "If I have to spend all my time in here, how am I gonna be able to prove that I'm innocent?"
 "It's fun here in the bakery," Her dad piped in, handing her the apron. "You'll see,"
 She took it before looking at her parents with a sad face. Before they could say anything, tears just started to roll down her face as she couldn't hold them back any longer. 
 "Y-you do-don't be-believe me, d-do you?" She gasped, trying to wipe them away. Sabine and Tom frowned. 
 "Of course, we do sweetie but-"
 "T-then why are you punishing me?" She sobbed, unable to hold back anymore. "I've d-done n-nothing w-wrong,"
 "We know," Tom replied, placing his hand on her shoulder. "But you're sensitive. You'll overthink and get yourself worked up if you don't have something to focus on. That's why we want you to help. It's not a punishment, sweetheart. I promise you. We believe you,"
 "Y-you do?" She wiped away her tears and put on the apron.
 "Of course," Sabine reassured. 
 Marinette collapsed on her bed as she felt drained and tired from working in the bakery. Since her dad always got overly serious with his baking, he told her off for answering her phone to Alya. Of course, he then apologized when he saw the hope drain from her eyes. Alya had came up with nothing. No finger prints at all. Marinette curled up as tears began to fall again before a light tapping got her attention. She frowned and looked up as she heard it again. It was coming from the Skylight. She opened it and a green steak jumped in.
 "Scales rest," Luka ordered before catching Sass. Marinette instantly threw herself into his arms and he caught her, tightening his arms around her.
 "Luka," She sobbed, burying her face in his chest. "Today's been awful,"
 "Juleka told me what happened," He mumbled. "She said that Lila had accused you off stealing from her and assaulting her?"
 "She made it look like I stole answers to a test and her grandma's pendent and that I pushed her down the stairs," She frowned, making him growl lowly. "She framed me, Luka and hardly anyone believes me. I don't think even my parents do,"
 "Hey, I believe you and so does Juleka," He replied, cupping her face and wiping her tears away. "Remember what I said when we faced Miracle Queen,"
 "T-that no m-matter w-what you've a-always got my back," She sniffed.
 "Still true," He smiled softly before hugging her. She hugged back and for a few minutes, they just stood there. In those few minutes, Marinette felt like nothing could get her. She was in the safest place in the world and nothing could ever get to her while she was in his arms. Not an akuma, not Lila, not Hawkmoth and not Mayura. "Juleka said there were scarlet akumas but no one got akumatized,"
 "N-not true... a few people did... my mum did and Juleka and Rose did..." She mumbled.
 "Did you?"
 "Did I what?" She pretended not to know what he meant.
 "You know what I mean," He stated, looking at her. Her eyes moved down and she looked ashamed. "You did, didn't you?"
 "I'm s-sorry. I was just hurt-"
 "You don't need to be sorry," He cupped her face again. "None of this is your fault, Marinette. Lila may try and make it seem that way but it is not. She's the one who threatened you, she's the one who has been hurting our friends and she's the one who is responsible for this and I'll be damned if I sit by and let her continue,"
 "I know you want to prove my innocence but even Alya-"
 "Alya is not me," He smiled before getting a serious face. "Or Viperion as a matter of fact. And while this is about you, I always can't stand by and let her give Hawkmoth an advantage. He has his new Queen and you've got your knight. I'm taking down Lila Rossi and her lies with her. I'm ending her role in Hawkmoth's chess board and by the time, I'm done with her, she'll wish she'd never stepped foot in Paris or even declared war on my girl,"
 She blushed as he called her that. 
 "O-ok but how do we do that?"
 "I'm not sure yet but I promise you I'm gonna catch her out,"
 "Thank you, Luka," She smiled. "Can you stay with me tonight? I don't really want to be alone,"
 "Of course," He smiled, pressing his lips to her hair. "I'm always here for you,"
 ~The Next Day~
 Luka frowned to himself as he typed on the laptop, trying to find ways of learning more about liars and the types they are. He had stayed the night at Marinette and sneaked out in the morning but not before writing her a note, telling her that he loved her and he would be round to check on her later on. As soon as he got home, he had fallen asleep. Not because he didn't want to get on his expose Lila plan straight away because he did but Lila was a smart girl and if he was gonna expose her for the nasty cretin she was, he had to be at his best. He had the same dream about Cat but he was so use to having it now and his mind was focused on other things that it didn't bother him as much as usual. Once he woke up, he grabbed his laptop and logged on to the web. He had narrowed her down to a Sociopath Liar. Basically, she didn't care who she hurt as long as she had control. He had read up on typical behaviors of liars, why they do and how one can spot it. He jumped as someone knocked on the door. He looked over and saw his mum. 
 "Hey, Ma,"
 "You ok?" She asked. "I noticed you sneaked out last night,"
 "I went to Marinette's," He replied. "She was really upset,"
 "Oh, what about?" She asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. Anarka approved of Marinette a lot. Luka bit his lip.
 "Well, there's this girl in her class called Lila,"
 "Ah, isn't that one of Juleka's friends?"
 "I hope not," He replied, frowning. "I've told her to stay away from Juleka and that's she's not welcome here. Not that Jule will listen to me,"
 "Now why would you do that, Lad?" She asked, knowing it wasn't like Luka to dislike someone. Not unless their heart song freaked him out.
 "Mum, she framed Marinette and got her expelled from school, she threatened me when I said I didn't want to be her friend, she got Juleka and two other friends of ours re-akumatized and she lies like there's no tomorrow," He gasped. "Worst part is she's really good at it,"
 "She what?!" His mother gasped angrily, surprising him. "Why didn't you tell me before?"
 "Well, she only just framed Mar-"
 "I mean about her threatening you and getting Juleka re-akumatized!" She growled, looking pissed off. He looked down.
 "Because I didn't want you to become Captain Hardrock again," He replied, making her frown softly.
 "You're too good for this world, Luka," She replied.
 "She's a really good liar and I don't know how to prove it," He sighed. "I promised Marinette I would but I just don't know how,"
 "I don't know what to suggest so how about some advice," She stated. He nodded. "I've met people like her before and they only fear two things, my lad. Lack of control and expose. If you're gonna try and prove Marinette's innocence then this girl will do everything in her power to stop you. You need to be prepared at all times for anything. She will try and make you look like the bad guy but the thing is about these people is they are cocky. If they think they've won, they will show off and flaunt it and so they will make a mistake. They might not notice something or know someone's habit. If you really want to defeat a person like this then force them to play by your rules and get them in an area that you know like the back of your hand,"
 "I think I have an idea," He smiled before leaning over and kissing her softly on the cheek. "Thanks, Mum. You're the best,"
 ~One Week Later~
 "I'm so glad you invited me, Juleka but what about your brother? He scares me you know," Luka rolled his eyes when he heard her voice but he just played his guitar as she walked by him. "I just don't understand why he would threaten me like that? Has he always had a tendency to overreact?"
 It took all of his strength not to strangle her there and then. Naturally, Lila had wormed her way back into Juleka's affection, despite his warnings about her or at least, that's what she thought. Juleka had finally seen Lila for what she was after he got her and Rose to contact Prince Ali and asked him about Lila. They were heartbroken to find out that they had been lied to when Prince Ali confirmed that he had no idea who Lila was. Upon releasing Luka was intending to bring down Lila, Juleka and Rose asked to help. He hadn't told them his full plan but told them to act natural and not to let her realize they had seen the truth. As part of that, they had invited her to the boat. He hated every second of it but Lila might hurt Juleka and Rose if she realizes that they know the truth. They suspected her after the Scarlet Akumas turned up but realized when Marinette had been let back to school. Lila had claimed she had a sickness that made her lie about stuff and asked the head teacher to bring her back. That's got them wondering. What else had she lied about? Of course, no one else thought that but they were so blinded by Lila and it was so obviously a lie that they thought Marinette had threatened to hurt her if she didn't get her back to school. Even Marinette's teachers were exactly the same. Right now, everyone but Alya and Kitty Section believed that Marinette had done all of those things but he'd be damned if he was gonna let her get away with this. Fornately, having Kitty Section and Alya back on Marinette's side allowed his plan to be put into action. Everyone was in place, expect for him. He got up and walked outside onto the deck, making sure Lila had seen him go outside on his own before he sat down, stumbling his guitar lightly. Since he wanted to expose Lila and her lies, he had made sure he was well in the way of the CCTV his mum had set up on the boat, in case of thieves. There was no audio but he suspected he wouldn't need it once he pissed her off enough. However, just in case, he would have his phone near by and on record as he often recorded the songs he played. It was something he did so he could listen back to it and work out where he was going wrong with a song. If it just happened to capture Lila's confession then that would be perfect. He took out his phone, pressed record and placed it on the side table next to him before closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe.
 "Take one," He stated before he began to play. However, a few seconds in the song, he heard someone coming across the decking. He knew from the footsteps that it was Lila.
 "Wow, you've actually gotten worst since I last heard you play," She stated in a bitchy manner.
 "Lila, go away. I made my feelings on you very clear," He stated, playing again but he moved closer.
 "Oh come on, Luka. You should be thanking me for getting that psycho out of your life," She purred before touching his arm. He didn't expect that so he jumped up and away from her. "I had the wrong idea. I should have seen really but Marinette doesn't like Adrien as more then a friend anymore. She likes you,"
 "And I like her back," He stated but Lila laughed. 
 "Oh please. Marinette is a stupid idiot who fell right in my trap," She grinned in a wicked way. "I promised to take everything away from her and I almost have. All her friends hate her, none of the teachers trust her... even her own parents think she's guilty,"
 "You framed her?" He gasped with shock. She laughed again, causing him to frown.
 "Of course, I did. As if Marinette would ever steal test papers or my grandmother's necklace... I still can't believe people brought that. I made that necklace to trick Adrien into thinking I was the descendant of the fox hero. Anyway, she got in the way," She stated, making him frown. "She stopped you from been akumatized,"
 "Hold up... you said those things to me on purpose to get me akumatized?!" He gasped. She laughed again.
 "Of course. Hawkmoth has given me the world. In return, all I have to do is create some sad lonely victims for him," She smirked evilly. "You and your sister were perfect as were Marc, Kagami and Mylene but Marinette... oh she was the icing on the cake! So many people trusted her. It was too easy to frame her and so much fun. I told her I'd ruin her life. She's such a trusting fool but what pissed me off was when I saw her kissing you and you-"
 She poked him in the chest harshly.
 "Resisted the akuma!" She screeched before flicking her hair. "Well, I had to get rid of her and now you're gonna become an akuma again and there will be no Marinette to save you this time,"
 "Why are you telling me this?"
 "Because no one will believe you," She smiled sweetly. It made him feel sick. "Everyone knows you're on Marinette's side, everyone knows you've hated me since the beginning and Juleka told me all about your anger issues,"
 With that, she walked away from him and sat down.
 "W-what are you doing?"
 "Oh I've done nothing. I simply came to make peace but you viciously attacked me for no reason and no one will actually believe that you didn't," She smirked. "The best part about this is it will take the last thing keeping Marinette from breaking away from her. She's going to lose you,"
 She smirked at his horrified face before letting out a scream of pain. A few seconds later, the whole of Kitty Section and his mum ran out. Juleka and Rose rushed over to her as she cried fake tears.
 "What happened?" Rose gasped.
 "L-Luka... he attacked me for no reason!" She gasped. "I just tried to talk to him and he went nuts on me!"
 "What?" Ananka gasped. "That's not like my boy at all!"
 "H-he did. I think he blames me for Marinette!" She gasped but she almost broke character as Luka simply walked over to his phone and picked it up. He pressed something and faced her.
 "I didn't attack her," He stated, calmly. "She's faking,"
 "Luka?!" Juleka gasped.
 "And I can prove it," He replied. "Mum, what do I normally do when I play my guitar regardless of where I am?"
 "You record it," She stated.
 "And I came out here to play my guitar," He smiled, calmly before pressing the play button. 
 "Take one," His voice echoed before the guitar started to play. Lila's face drained off color as she realized he had recorded the whole thing. 
 "Wow, you've actually gotten worst since I last heard you play,"
 "Lila, go away. I made my feelings on you very clear,"
 "Oh come on, Luka. You should be thanking me for getting that psycho out of your life. I had the wrong idea. I should have seen really but Marinette doesn't like Adrien as more then a friend anymore. She likes you,"
 "And I like her back,"
 "Oh please. Marinette is a stupid idiot who fell right in my trap. I promised to take everything away from her and I almost have. All her friends hate her, none of the teachers trust her... even her own parents think she's guilty,"
 "You framed her?"
 "Of course, I did. As if Marinette would ever steal test papers or my grandmother's necklace... I still can't believe people brought that. I made that necklace to trick Adrien into thinking I was the decendant of the fox hero. Anyway, she got in the way. She stopped you from been akumatized,"
 "Hold up... you said those things to me on purpose to get me akumatized?!" Her laugh echoed.
 "Of course. Hawkmoth has given me the world. In return, all I have to do is create some sad lonely victims for him. You and your sister were perfect as were Marc, Kagami and Mylene but Marinette... oh she was the icing on the cake! So many people trusted her. It was too easy to frame her and so much fun. I told her I'd ruin her life. She's such a trusting fool but what pissed me off was when I saw her kissing you and you resisted the akuma! Well, I had to get rid of her and now you're gonna become an akuma again and there will be no Marinette to save you this time,"
 "Why are you telling me this?"
 "Because no one will believe you. Everyone knows you're on Marinette's side, everyone knows you've hated me since the beginning and Juleka told me all about your anger issues,"
 The sound of footsteps are heard on the recording. 
 "W-what are you doing?"
 "Oh, I've done nothing. I simply came to make peace but you viciously attacked me for no reason and no one will actually believe that you didn't. The best part about this is it will take the last thing keeping Marinette from breaking away from her. She's going to lose you," 
 He let the scream play out before he pressed stop. 
 "T-that doesn't prove he didn't attack me," She gasped. "A-And he could have prerecorded th-that with Marinette,"
 "Oh, I thought you'd say that. I thought of that too," He smiled very calmly. "I knew you'd confront me about Marinette. It was an obvious move. You'd do what you can to make sure I fell along with her since I'm the only person to believe her... or at least, that's what you thought. Mum, if you don't mind,"
 "CCTV, girlie," Anarka smirked, pointing to the camera before taking out her phone. "Connected to my phone. I saw the whole thing and have the video saved,"
 She smirked before she pressed play and showed the footage of Lila threatening Luka and then moving across the deck and sitting down before pretending to be hurt by him. She looked around as Kitty section crossed their arms. Lila looked like a deer in headlights as she realized she was trapped in a corner with no way out. 
 "Well, it's not like anyone else knows," She grinned, finally dropping her facade. "Who's going to believe a bunch of wannabe tramps over me!?"
 Luka couldn't help but laugh softly as he shared a knowing grin with Juleka and Rose.
 "What's so funny?! Why you smiling like that?!" She gasped. At that point, Cat Noir and Ladybug turned up and Lila turned on the tears. ""L-Ladybug! This psychopath is trying to frame me for-"
 She frowned as she noticed that Ladybug and Cat Noir were smirking too. Once again, she dropped her facade.
 "What is so funny?!" She growled, stamping her foot down. "Tell me!"
 "You're on the air, Lila Rossi," Ladybug smiled, pointing to the CCTV that was still filming them. 
 "When I got akumatized into Silencer. After I had been transformed back, Bob Roth accidentally revealed live on air that he had stole our designs and music thanks to Cat Noir. This is whole situation is currently live steaming through the Ladyblog," Luka confirmed as the sound of police sirens were heard in the distance.  The color drained from her face as she realized she had well and truly lost. "You just admitted to basically the whole of Paris that you were working for Hawkmoth and that you're a liar,"
 "B-but... how?!" She gasped. "How did you know?!"
 "Viperion has been onto you for months, Lila. He found evidence of you meeting with Mayura and worked out that you were the direct cause of the recent akumas. He overheard Luka shouting at you and when the mass akumatization happened at your school, he was certain. He realized that Mister Couffaine would be your next target again as he was one of the only people to believe Miss Dupain-Cheng so he contacted him to warned him about you and discovered your hatred towards Miss Dupain-Cheng and the attempted akumazation," Ladybug confirmed. "We just need you to confess to it so Luka volunteered to put himself in danger,"
 "But you can't use that as evidence! You didn't have my permission to film or to record me!" She gasped.
 "Actually, I was just simply recording my music and my mum had CCTV installed in case of a break in. You were the one who incriminated yourself," Luka replied, calmly as Roger came over and placed her in hand cuffs.
 "While that is correct, there are ways around," Ladybug grinned as Roger held out a warrant and a pair of handcuffs. "We have a warrant signed by the mayor of Paris and the head of the police stating that we can use what we got here to do as evidence due to you committing acts of terrorism,"
 "Miss Rossi, you are under arrest for acts of terror, plagiarism, fraud, preventing the course of justice and harassment," Roger stated, placing her in hand cuffs. "You have teh right to remain silent," 
 "You might not get sent to prison for your acts of terrorism, Lila but at the very least, you'll be deported and banned from Paris. Hawkmoth won't and can't come to you for help anymore," Ladybug stated. "The whole of Paris knows you're a sociopath and a liar,"
 "You won't get away with this!" She gasped, getting shoved into the police car.
 "Knight takes Queen," Luka muttered so only Ladybug could hear him. 
 ~Meanwhile in Hawkmoth's Lair~
 Gabriel looked his phone and saw Lila trying to call him. She was probably trying to get him to help her but he frowned to himself and hung up before blocking the girl's number. She was useless to him now. He had seen the footage and watched the news that reported her arrest. Luckily, he had never revealed who he truly was to her but he frowned. Chloe had failed, Lila had failed.
 "Nathalie," He stated as his assistant walked over. He had banned her from using the peacock miraculous but she had gotten much better now and he had fixed it, thanks to the guardian's records.
 "Yes, Gabriel," She stated. 
 "I was wrong to think those children were worthy of been my Queen piece," He stated, taking her hand and placing the peacock miraclous in her hand. She gasped and looked at it.
 "You fixed it?"
 "Yes. Now it won't make you sick," He smiled before transforming into Hawkmoth. "And now is the time for Mayura to take her true place by my side as my queen!"
 "Yes, Hawkmoth," She grinned, throwing her glasses aside. "Dusuu, spread my feathers!"
 She transformed into Mayura. 
 "Lila Rossi and Chloe Bourgeois may have failed you but I won't," She declared, pulling out a feather and turning into an amok before she placed it in a keyring of the Effiel Tower. 
 ~Later That Day~
 Luka stretched as he got up and headed into the kitchen. Life felt great and while he knew Hawkmoth would be up to something, he couldn't help but feel a little lighter. Marinette was proved innocent, Lila was gone from their lives and now he could finally focus on what his dreams meant. He got a class of water but stopped when he heard Juleka gasp. He looked over and saw Ladybug fighting Mayura as Cat Noir joined her. He frowned as Marinette had literally just walked out of the door. As amazing as she was, even as Ladybug, there was no way she could get to the Arc de Triomphe that quickly. Sighing to himself, he put his water down and grabbed his jacket before leaving the boat. He walked at first but then broke out into a run before detouring into an alleyway.
 "Sass, Scales slither!" He declared, transforming and then sending Ladybug a message before he jumped up onto the building and activated his second chance before jumping into the battle, seeing cat about to kiss 'Ladybug'. "Cat No!"
 Unfornately, she grabbed his ring and he turned back into Adrien. Viperion pushed the head of the snake back and wasted no seconds from jumping and shoving Cat away from Ladybug.
 "What the hell!?" Cat gasped, getting up.
 "Firstly, you've got a girlfriend and secondly, she's trying to steal your ring and finally, that isn't the real ladybug," He pointed out.
 "H-He's lying," She gasped, getting up. "He's jealous because you and I are meant to be. He won't stop until he has gotten rid of you, Cat Noir. He wants me all to himself!"
 "Seriously?!" Viperion gasped. "If that's your best impression of her then you're hopeless. The real Ladybug would know that while I love her, her happiness is more important to me then my own,"
 "H-he's just saying that!" She gasped, tears in her eyes. Cat growled a little. 
 "You just can't accept that mi'lady loves me, can you?!" He gasped, charging at Viperion, who simply grabbed his arm and twisted it.
 "Open your eyes, Cat. That is not Ladybug," He stated as Cat struggled.
 "How would you know?!" He argued, glaring at the snake.
 "Because I'm right here," Ladybug stated, landing next to him as Viperion let him go. Cat gasped in confusion and surprise. "Viperion's right. That is a fake. She's manipulating you and you know I'm already in love with someone else,"
 Cat Noir looked over at the two bugs with a pained look.
 "Listen to your heart," The fake Bug cried.
 "Urg! No, listen to your brain!" The real Ladybug groaned. 
 "You're just an illusion!" He shouted, throwing his baton at her but she caught and threw it back at him, confusing him even more. 
 "See? I'm real enough,"
 "I-Impossible! There can't be two ladybugs!" He gasped, really confused.
 "She must be a fan of Ladybug who's been akumatized by Hawkmoth," The Fake Bug gasped spinning her yoyo. "Don't fall for her tricks,"
 "Mi'lady, no!" Cat gasped.
 "Viperion, Cat Noir... we have a villain to fight. We'll take care of me later," She gasped.
 "That's the lady I know," Cat grinned, causing Viperion face-palming. "Viperion?"
 "Viper, please tell me you don't believe this?" The real Ladybug asked, getting rid of any doubts in his mind. Not that there was any. He knew Ladybug better then anyone else. 
 "Of course not, Bug," He grinned, moving next to her.
 "She's controlling him!" The fake bug gasped. 
 "No kidding! Don't worry, Danger Noodle. We'll save you!"
 "I can't believe he just fell for that," Viperion sighed. Sometimes he wondered how Adrien managed in life. He was so dense sometimes. 
 "Ok! Good Job! You win! I am the fake Ladybug!" She gasped, sounding annoyed before pointing to her ear. "But there's no way I'm letting you Cataclysm my earrings!"
 Viperion almost face-palmed when he felt for that again. The real Ladybug let the fake one capture her as Cat Noir charged at her, ready to destroy the earrings but Mayura turned up, shouting for the fake Ladybug to stop. 
 "Hello, Mayura," Ladybug stated, shocking Cat Noir. Though Viperion was completely unfazed.
 "Mayura?!" Cat gasped. "But she looks so real,"
 "Things aren't always what they seem to be," Ladybug stated. "Right, Viper?"
 "This Ladybug isn't an akumatized person or an illusion,"
 "She's a sentimonster," Viperion confirmed.
 "But she's so much more elaborate then any of the ones we've faced," Cat gasped before looking at Viperion. "How did you know?"
 "Sentimonsters give off a low-frequency sound that other people do not," He replied. "I can hear it the same way I can feel vibrations,"
 "The Snake Miraculous," Cat replied. "Gives you snake like powers... but I don't get it. She's so perfect. There's nothing monstrous about her at all,"
 "Sorry, Kitty but you should have known. I'm no where near as perfect as her," Ladybug confirmed.
 "I love you just the way you are, Mi'lady," Cat Noir admitted.
 "I got an idea of where the amok is," Viperion pointed out. "Look at what Mayura is holding,"
 "Good work, Viper," Ladybug replied.
 "Whatever it takes steal their miraclous from them and don't hold back!" Mayura ordered as the Senti-bug looked at them before throwing up her yoyo.
 "Senti-charm!" She shouted, catching a bazooka gun.
 "Let me show you a real... Lucky Charm!" Ladybug declared, catching a folk. 
 "Ok, you're definately to the real one!" Cat gasped as Viperion grinned. They all dived out of the way as Senti-bug started to fire at them, dogding the attacks. Viperion landed a hit on her and Cat hit some of ammo away from them. Ladybug saw Mayura hiding and seemingly tired. The Peacock Miraculous may be fixed but she still recovering. Cat dived on Ladybug, stopping her from been hit as Viperion joined them.
 "Mayura looks drained," Ladybug noted. "That's our chance,"
 She jumped across the ammo and dived in the air. Her bug sight highlighted a glass panel and an idea popped into her head. 
 "You two, cover your ears!" She ordered, landing on it and scraping it down the glass. The two heroes covered their ears as Mayrua and Senti-bug covered theirs, dropping the keyring. Ladybug grabbed it and went to break it but she stopped before she looked at the monster. She was stood there, looking sad and harmless. She sighed and walked over to it, giving it the keyring so it could make it's own choices. Viperion and Cat moved over and joined the two bugs as they all turned to Mayura, advantaging on her. Mayura, however, destroyed the Senti-bug cause Cat Noir to charge at her angrily, which is when Hawkmoth turned up and started to battle them. It didn't take long for him to get the upper hand and capture Cat Noir. Viperion wasn't sure what to do, especially when Ladybug captured Mayura. To his surprise, both Hawkmoth and Ladybug threw their prisoners off the building and jumped after their partners. He shook his head and jumped down as Ladybug told Cat that she did that because he was her partner and that Ladybug didn't sound as cool as Ladybug and Cat Noir. To Viperion's annoyance, he went to kiss her but she stopped him.
 "But the real Ladybug's heart belongs to someone else," She stated, throwing a shy look towards Viperion before she used her magic ladybugs. The three of them were sad as it didn't bring back the Senti-bug. "The Peacock's power can be so cruel in the wrong hands. More so then the butterfly's.... anyway, aren't you with Ryuko?"
 Cat's face fell and he sighed, getting up.
 "We... we broke up..." He sighed, making both her and Viperion frown. "She told me that she didn't want to be second best and that no matter how hard I tried, I was still in love with you and she's right. I love you, Mi'lady and always will,"
 "I'm sorry to hear that," Ladybug frowned but Cat Noir's ring beeped. He bid them farewell and went off. Viperion's bracelet beeped as well. 
 "I'll see you later," He smiled before running off. Once hidden, he turned back into Luka and fed Sass. "I'm worried about Cat. Do you think this is how he goes evil?"
 "I don't think so," He replied. "Come on. Let's go see Mari and Tikki,"
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So we know Adrien Agreste has y/n fanfiction written about him right? Okay picture me this, Alya is showing Marinette this x reader story she found that is so horrible it's funny especially the comments and Marinette is laughing so hard she's crying and gasping for air. Adrien is curious as to what so funny so he asks them and Alya tells him they're reading a y/n story and Adrien doesn't know what that is so Alya, Nino and Marinette explain to him what a y/n story is and Marinette pretending she hasn't done so before Google's Adrien Agreste x reader and shows him some stories written about him he's kinda weirded out but also intrigued so he reads a few and finds the really bad ones hilarious. After a few hours Marinette comes up with an idea. She suggest they all write their own y/n stories about Adrien (with his permission of course) as a competition 2 stories each, one so incredibly terrible it looks like a first grader wrote it with the authors notes and everything and one that is actually good, whoever gets the most readers for either story wins that category extra points for the worst story if you get comments making fun of it. They're all on board but why? One for the laughs. 2 Imagine reading an Adrien Agreste x reader story written by Adrien Agreste himself and not knowing it. And as an extra fun bit Adrien even admits to writing the story himself and as "proof" posts a generic picture of himself from a magazine and no one believes it. Eventually the class finds out about the contest and obviously want to join too. Of course they can and after 4 weeks the winners will decided. 2 weeks to write both stories 2 weeks to get views. The ground rules no nsfw content, no promoting your own story, no telling anyone outside the class that they're the authors of said stories. (There's a reason for this) okay so the winners are decided. Surprising everyone Adrien won for worst story, he had everything the horrible grammar, the authors notes, orbs, the terrible outfits, the comments. This man was committed It was beautiful. In a stunning tie Lila and Marinette tied for best story. And Lila found out she had a passion for writing ( she no longer tells fibs about her life and instead tells people about the stories she writes). Now there's another contest but it's not for the class. Adrien interviews with Nadia Chamack and tells her that he discovered x reader stories about himself and at first he was embarrassed but then he and his class decided to join in. So he opened up a challenge to whoever wanted to join in, the first ones to find one of the 30 stories written by his classmates or himself will personally receive a shout out and an autograph by himself and the author of that story.
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inkjackets · 6 years
To Save a Loved One
(Previously titled A Ladrien Story)
This is a little fic I wrote, inspired by @buggachat​‘s comic that went round tumblr a few weeks back. Check it out here!
As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to write something for it. And well I'm not the best at writing fluff, and there's a bit of angst, but here it is!
NB: This fic was first posted (and the rest of it planned) between season two and three of Miraculous Ladybug.
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6 Ch7 Ch8
‘Darkwings, fall.’ 
Gabriel’s low voice echoed around the room as magic swirled around him, reverting him to his civilian self. The slight shake in his hands was the only thing that betrayed the rage and frustration simmering inside of him. That and the darkness in his eyes. Nathalie took a step back. She had never seen him like this before.
‘S-Sir?’ she stammered when those eyes pierced hers. A shiver ran down her spine. She had never seen him so cold before.
He turned away from her and walked over to the large window giving a breathtaking view of Paris. 
She held her breath and clutched her clipboard tight to her chest as tension filled the room.
‘We need a change of plan.’ Despite his soft voice, Gabriel’s words rang sharply around the room. ‘I can’t keep mindlessly controlling whoever happens to fly into a rage.’ He turned to look at her. She sucked in her breath as those dark eyes pierced hers. ‘I need a target, someone specific who will be sympathetic to our cause.’
‘Who do you have in mind, sir?’
Gabriel held her gaze a moment longer before sighing and looking away. His shoulders slumped. ‘I don’t know,’ he muttered.
Nathalie’s mind whirred as she thought of possible candidates.
‘To clarify, you want someone who understands you; someone who knows the pain of losing someone close to them.’
Gabriel nodded. 
‘Sir, with all due respect, even if you did find someone, you’d need to explain your situation to them to garner their sympathy.’
‘And therein lies my dilemma,’ he smiled bitterly. ‘I need someone who I can trust. Someone who won’t betray me if secrets do spill.’
‘So you don’t need some random person… you need an ally,’ she finished slowly. 
‘In a sense,’ Gabriel’s voice turned calculating. ‘I need someone I can manipulate into working for me.’
Nathalie’s eyes widened as a name came to her.
‘Sir…’ she hesitated.
He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. ‘What is it? You have someone in mind?’
Her eyes flicked to the floor before meeting Gabriel’s gaze.
‘I do, sir.’
‘The only person I can think of who meets all your requirements is… Adrien, sir.’ Nathalie swallowed as those deep grey eyes bore into hers.
‘You’d have me use my own son?’ His voice was a deadly whisper.
Nathalie swallowed. ‘It was just an idea, sir. Forget I said it. Give me more time, I’ll come up with a diff-’ she was cut off with a wave of Gabriel’s hand.
He slowly lowered his hand and put it behind his back, turning back to the window as he did so.
Nathalie bit her lip. She shouldn’t have said anything. 
The air grew cold around them as they stood motionless in the room. Nathalie hardly dared to breathe. The silence was disturbed only by the fluttering of white butterflies awaiting their inevitable dark fate.
Gabriel turned his head ever so slightly to the side; the light from the window illuminating his silhouette but shrouding his face in darkness.
‘Nathalie, bring Adrien to my office,’ he said in a quiet but cold voice. ‘I wish to speak with my son.’
‘Yes, sir.’
A Few Weeks Later…
Stupid, stupid. He was being stupid! Adrien stormed down the street as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks. He wiped them away angrily. He shouldn’t be crying dammit! Stupid. 
But he couldn’t get those words out his head.
You are a disappointment to the Agreste name.
You are worthless to me.
I thought you were my son?
I believed in you.
What would your mother think?        
What would your mother THINK?
W H A T  W O U L D   Y O U R   M O T H E R  T H I N K ?
His father didn’t deserve his tears. He knew that. And yet… Adrien stifled a sob. He wanted his father to shut up. He wanted his thoughts to SHUT UP!
‘Adrien,’ Plagg said over his shoulder, ‘You need to calm down. How about some chee-’
‘I’m FINE,’ he snapped. He cringed. Plagg was only trying to help. But he felt so angry.
How dare his father use his mother against him like that. Like…like he… shut up! He willed his mind to please stop thinking. He wanted it all to stop. To stop, dammit! STUPID.
A cry from behind caused him to freeze.
‘Marinette?’ He turned around, thinking he’d heard his classmate call him. However instead he was met with an akuma fluttering in his face. He yelped and stumbled backwards, trying and failing to think happy thoughts. 
A yoyo came out of nowhere, so close to his face that he could feel the wind as it passed, and snapped up the akuma. The shock made him trip over his feet, slamming him into the floor. 
Adrien sucked in his breath as Ladybug landed a few metres in front of him. All his anger suddenly forgotten. Her chest was heaving and strands of hair fluttered loose from her usually perfect bunches. She had chased this akuma hard. 
Adrien watched, hand clutched to his chest, as Ladybug purified the akuma; her warm little smile as she said ‘bye bye’ lit a light in his heart. He didn’t even realise he was still sitting on the floor until she walked over and knelt in front of him. 
She was beautiful, mesmerising. He held his breath with wonder as Ladybug filled his vision. His heart pounded in his chest.
‘Are you okay?’ she asked. Just like that, memories and anger slammed back into his being. Tears rose in his eyes once more and his hands started to shake. She offered him her hand, her blue eyes wide with concern.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ Her voice was low and gentle. Despite all the spying gazes of the gathering crowd, her words seemed to form a wall around them. Her eyes were for him only.
‘I-I…’ Adrien stuttered as Ladybug gently pulled him to his feet. He averted his eyes as his father’s words flashed through his head again. ‘I don’t know.’ He felt so torn. 
Ladybug opened her mouth to say something but yells of excitement rang out behind them. 
‘Ladybug, Ladybug!’ 
Both Ladybug and Adrien were jerked out of their little, walled world and back into reality as the surrounding crowd of people moved in to see their hero.
Ladybug’s hand started to slip from Adrien’s, but before the crowd could tear her away, he tightened his grip on her hand, forcing her to look into his eyes. 
‘Thank you, Ladybug,’ he said, smiling sincerely.
Ladybug’s eyes bore into his. She didn’t smile. He shifted uncomfortably as those knowing blue eyes pierced deep into his soul, seeing things he wanted to hide from her.
Her hand slipped from his as the crowd swarmed them and broke them apart. 
Ladybug sat perched on a rooftop. The night was dark and starless, but the city lights cast a yellow glow over the world. Her hair fluttered against her neck as she gazed down at the Agreste mansion. 
One prick of light shone out from the cold, dark house; shining from Adrien Agreste’s bedroom. The boy was sat huddled on his bed. Staring blankly ahead. Just as she’d thought, something was wrong with him. 
She used her yoyo to pull herself onto the mansion’s rooftop and slowly slunk down until she was above his window. Suddenly, butterflies swarmed in her stomach. What was she doing? Sneaking out to see Adrien Agreste in the middle of the night? She shook her head and tried her best to quell the butterflies. She was simply doing her job as Ladybug she tried to convince herself. But the butterflies refused to leave. 
Taking a breath to steady herself, she slowly lowered herself so that she was hanging in front of his window, and knocked. 
Adrien jumped when he heard a knock. His eyes widened when he saw Ladybug hanging in front of one of his windows. He hastily wiped his watery eyes and got up to let her in. 
Ladybug gracefully dropped in through the window and smiled up at him. Adrien tried to convince himself that it was the sudden breath of cold, night air that rendered him speechless and not her piercing blue eyes. 
‘Hi Adrien,’ Ladybug smiled.
‘Ladybug, hi.’ He felt the blood rise in his cheeks. He suddenly felt incredibly self-aware. He caught a glimpse of himself in the dark window and blanched at the sight of his dishevelled hair. He ran his hands through it in an attempt to flatten it. He hoped his eyes weren’t too red. He hoped Ladybug couldn’t tell he’d been crying.
The look on her face though indicated otherwise.
The silence lengthened between them.
Ladybug smiled, trying to diffuse the awkwardness. ‘Sorry for dropping in like this.’
Adrien smiled, but it was weak and fleeting. His heart wasn’t in it to laugh at the pun. 
‘It’s always a pleasure to see you Ladybug.’
Ladybug’s smile faltered for a split second. 
If he was anyone else he wouldn’t have noticed it. He cursed internally. Of course she’d see right through him.
‘I just wanted to check up on you,’ she said as if nothing had happened. ‘Today was the third time an akuma almost got you. So either Hawkmoth is targeting you,’ she joked but the smile slid off her face pretty quick, ‘or you’re not okay.’
Adrien averted his gaze and bit down on his tongue. 
‘You don’t have to talk about it,’ Ladybug said, ‘but just know I’m here if you ever do.
Adrien blinked. ‘That’s nice of you,’ he whispered.
She smiled.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, ‘I’d rather not talk about it if that’s alright with you. But a distraction would be nice.’ He smiled shyly up at her.
She grinned. ‘Sure! What do you want to do?’
Adrien glanced around his room. ‘Do you know how to play Ultimate Mecha Strike 3?’
He felt warmth flood his body when Ladybug’s eyes lit up. 
 Ladybug was good. Really good. Adrien was amazed. He hadn’t taken her for a gamer. Though her fighting style did seem vaguely familiar...
While they had both been a little awkward at first, they had soon relaxed and enjoyed battling each other on the console. Their fighting was punctuated with laughter and mock yelling. They whiled away an hour like this, giggling and smashing each other to bits. Eventually though, they started to get a little tired. After one more round, where Adrien was thoroughly thrashed by Ladybug, they both flopped back onto the couch and smiled at each other. Adrien couldn’t keep the grin off his face. He felt so warm inside. He looked at Ladybug. She too looked so happy. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes sparkled. Adrien couldn’t believe his luck.
Ladybug shifted her body so she was facing Adrien, she rested her elbow on the sofa top and propped her head up. 
‘How are you feeling?’ she asked.
Adrien’s smile slowly slid off his face as he remembered the reason she was here in the first place. His father’s words echoed around his head. The warmth in his heart started to fade.
‘It’s my father,’ he said quietly.
Ladybug tensed, but her eyes were filled with nothing but concern.
Adrien hesitated, but then words started to spill. ‘He’s been more strict with me than usual lately, and he’s started saying…things he’s never said before.’ He fidged with the controller in his hand. ‘I mean, he’s probably just on edge. Maybe work’s been kinda stressful recently?’ He didn’t really believe this, and he could tell Ladybug didn’t either. ‘I don’t know, ever since mum disappeared he’s acted different, but recently it’s gotten worse. And I don’t know what to do about it.' He gave a small sad shrug.
‘He shouldn’t be taking it out on you, though.’ Ladybug said.
‘I know, but what can I do?’
They both fell silent. Adrien felt an ache at the back of his head as a wave of tiredness suddenly washed over him. He yawned but was startled when Ladybug suddenly jumped up.
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t realise the time! You need to sleep,’ she said.
Adrien shook his head, forcing his eyes wide, ‘No, no its fine! I’m not that tired, really!’
Ladybug laughed, ‘I should probably be getting back anyway. It’s been fun though, I hope we can do this-‘
Adrien’s hand suddenly shot out and grabbed her’s. ‘Don’t go.’
Ladybug blinked at him in surprise. He could feel the heat rise in his cheeks as Ladybug’s wide eyes held his, but he refused to let her hand slip away.
‘Okay,’ she said simply, her expression softening. Adrien released his breath. 
Still holding his hand, she climbed back onto the couch, ending up a lot closer to him than before. Adrien shifted his grip so that their fingers were entwined.
He looked into her eyes and felt his heart pump in his chest. 
‘I like having you here, Ladybug.’
Ladybug's cheeks flushed. ‘I like being here,’ she said.
A Little Extra Scene
Adrien was slowly drifting off to sleep. He was so warm curled up on the sofa with Ladybug, he wanted to stay here forever and never move. However, he was disturbed when she lifted her head.
‘Ladybug?’ he murmured. He opened his bleary eyes to see her staring ahead, wide awake. ‘Are you alright?’
Ladybug bit her lip and gave Adrien a cautious glance. ‘I can’t help but think, what if Hawkmoth is targeting you?’
Adrien laughed. The sound muffled as he dug his head back against Ladybug’s neck.
‘Hey, I know I’m kinda well known but, come on. Who’d want to akumatise me?’
Next Chapter
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swishandflickwit · 6 years
Marichat — shelter 3/3
Tumblr media
Summary: Marinette and Chat Noir get caught up—in the rain and in each other.
Chapter summary: Interrupted kisses are so overrated... don’t you think?
Words: 6.9k
Rating: General Audiences
AN: This entire chapter was driven by the song Goodnight and Go, both the original version by Imogen Heap and the remix by Ariana Grande, which—if you know the song—will be pretty obvious here. Sorry for the long wait! Hope everyone had a nice holiday!
Also on ff.net | AO3
Other writing
Part 1 | Part 2 | [Part 3] |
goodnight n go
“Are you sure you have everything?”
He smiled.
“All your clothes?”
He held up two double-packed doggy bags.
“And my shoes.”
“The macarons?”
“Ube with a yema filling?” He held up his other hand where a pink box with the signature Dupain-Cheng stamp lay, brimming with the sweet, Parisian-Asian fusion treats. “Right here!”
“What about Plagg?”
She got him there but instead of admitting it, he laughed and kissed her dulcetly on the cheek.
“Madame,” Sabine groaned but leaned into the peck. “I've had the loveliest time this evening. You can't know how much.”
“Oh, Chat,” she sighed, returning his kiss with two of her own on either side of his cheeks. “You're free to visit any time, I hope you know.”
She hugged him and on the tips of her toes, she whispered in his ear.
“And feel free to use the front door when you do.”
Adrien’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and he choked on a breath. It was Sabine's turn to laugh.
“We do have two of those, you know,” she teased.
“Cat got your tongue?” Marinette snickered, meandering to his side in a way that told him she had not been privy to her mother's comments, otherwise she would have been flailing alongside him. “Or have you gotten another furball?”
He whined. “I do not spit furballs!”
“With how much you ate,” Tom jested, partaking in the ribbing. “I wouldn't be surprised if one or two of those popped out.”
“Ha-ha, you two are hiss-terical,” he deadpanned. “Truly.”
She smirked. “I am known to be claw-ver, you know.”
He gaped. “Y-you… you punned!”
She smirked and his heart skipped a beat. “I could kiss you!” he blurted.
“Bon dieu,” Tom sighed, shaking his head. “And you would have too, had I not been such a clumsy oaf.”
“Oh, mamour,” Sabine giggled, patting him on the shoulder in feigned consolation. Tom, as he was wont to do, leaned into her touch wholeheartedly as he buried his face into Sabine's hair and trembled with mock sobs. However, the whimpers emitting from the burly man were undoubtedly the result of crudely suppressed chortles. Somewhere amongst the ceiling beams, a purring cackle was heard.
(Traitors, all of them)
Adrien's (and Marinette's) cheeks stained a lovely red, but then again—what was new?
“Right,” Marinette coughed, determined to ignore her parents if the firm pout she had fixed onto her lips was any indication. With gusto, she grabbed at his shoulder before dragging him to the apartment door. Powerless with his hands otherwise occupied and unwilling to rendez-vous with the floor again so soon, he limped behind her. “It's getting late. We wouldn't want to keep Chat from his own home.”
“I think it might be drizzling too,” Tom commented, setting aside any amusements as he gazed out the windows at the grim skies with concern. Though it wasn't odd for nightfall to descend so quickly at ten in the evening this time of year, the clouds that muffled the blanket of stars over their beloved city of lights was out of the ordinary—an indisputable credit to the unexpected weather. “Would you like to stay the night?”
“‘Would you like to stay forever?’” Sabine quoted.
Marinette groaned even as Adrien barked a surprised laugh.
“They're quoting Mulan now,” Marinette shook her head, her hands on her hips as she appraised her parents in exasperation. “It really is time to leave.”
“I don't know, Marinette,” Tom replied, surveying him with a critical eye, though there was a sparkle to his look. “I could teach you how to make those macarons, eh? We could make a man out of you yet, Chat Noir.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Or, at the very least, a baking man.”
“Mon dieu, Papa,” Marinette grumbled, but he could tell she was just as tickled. Adrien himself was sorely tempted to accept their offer. It wasn't as if anyone anything was waiting for him in the mansion, and if it was down between the cold and wide yet confining walls of his room or the sparse yet warm and cozy dwelling of the Dupain-Chengs, there was no choice. Still, he had a whole mantle of duties and responsibilities that came with wearing the Agreste name. So though he very much yearned to stay, this was not his home. And as much as he liked to pretend—every minute he was here, it was glaringly obvious that he did not belong.
(Despite the voice in his head that sounded suspiciously like Marinette, telling him how much he did)
“It would be an honor,” he acquiesced briefly, “but with the weather like this… I think I need to head back.”
“We understand,” Sabine said, holding Tom's hand as they walked him and Marinette to the door. “Another time, perhaps? The offer for baking lessons stands, of course.”
“I will definitely hold you to that paw-mise!” He replied with an enthusiasm he could barely contain. Despite his reservations, if this night had taught him anything it was that should any of them offer, he would never pass up an opportunity to spend time with the Dupain-Chengs—the chance to learn a new skill was just an added bonus.
They all shared one more raucous laugh that was sure to get the neighbors talking, but they didn't care. What were a few complaints compared to the endless fun that could be had when you were with people whose company you thoroughly enjoyed?
It was made this closing bittersweet. Because how could one say goodbye to that which—to those who had—filled him with such unfettered merriment it was almost like he had been alight?
(Spoiler alert: you could, but damn if it was easy)
With a final wave to both, the door to the Dupain-Cheng abode closed with a finality that felt like the end of a book—like all loose knots had been tied except the for the one directly to your heart, because you had grown so attached to the characters in the story, it left you satisfied yet strangely empty too, for how can the world keep on turning just the same when you had been forever changed?
He lingered for that very reason. And it was also for that reason that he heard a girlish ‘whoop!’ despite the thickness of the wood that stood between him and Marinette's parents. Tom's booming laughter followed.
“Wait, so does that mean we're team Chat Noir now?”
Well, he mused. He certainly hoped they were.
Sabine giggled. “Oh, Tom.”
“But I thought we were team…”
Before he could hear the end of that sentence, however, and have it finally revealed to him who it was Marinette had fallen for, she called for him.
“Minou?” she asked, her head the only visible part of her between the slats of the balustrade—that and her roguish smile.
“You could stay,” she continued. He swallowed the lump in his throat that had formed itself into a ‘yes’. He shook himself out of his reverie and followed her, trudging miserably down the staircase as if they were a mountain and not an ordinary flight of stairs. He had gone two steps below her when he noticed that he couldn't hear her light gait trailing behind him. He paused and looked up at her, one brow raised in the shape of a question mark.
“You were quiet tonight.”
That wasn't strictly true. He had been perfectly sociable, though he understood what Marinette meant. While he had been playful and courteous, there was a certain distance to his actions that he normally reserved for when he was Adrien and hid away when he was Chat Noir. But his axis had tilted, in a way that made both sides grapple for a chance to surface when really, all he wanted was to find a balance within himself. He didn't know how to explain that to her, didn't know if he could even if he had found the words, so he settled for, “I suppose…” he shook his head before shrugging at her. “I was trying to figure out who to be.”
She gasped, horrified. “You didn't have to be anyone but yourself!”
He gave a bitter laugh. “And who is that?” he sighed. “I don't even know, myself.”
She said nothing and he turned away from her, wishing he could shove his hands in his pockets and further shrink from the severity of her stare.
“I do,” she breathed after more than a couple heartbeats. “I know you.”
Confused, he chanced her gaze to find some sort of clarity in her molten, cerulean eyes. “Yeah?”
“For the legitimate first time, I'm starting to.” Her brow furrowed and he itched to sweep the evidence of her frustration till there was nothing but smooth skin and lines and curves that told only of her happiness. “Really starting to.”
“Would you tell me, then?”
“What fun would that be?” she teased. “You'll figure it out, Chat. You always do.”
God, you're amazing, he thought. In the distance, bells tolled.
Without quite thinking, he asked, “Can I visit you tonight?”
Something flickered along her face.
“I should say no.”
There was no helping the way his shoulders slumped and his face sagged. But with a sigh, he agreed.
“You should.”
He held his breath. “...but?”
“But,” she continued. “It's not as if you haven't been before.”
“No,” he repeated slowly.
“And we would just… talk.”
He glared. “Of course.”
“Well,” she pouted. “You did promise more of later,” she reminded pointedly. He smiled albeit a slight one as he caught on.
“And my parents did say you could stay the night.”
He bit his lip to contain the enormous grin that threatened to break free.
“They did.”
“There is one… tiny… detail, we're forgetting.”
He cocked his head, curious as a cat. “And that is?”
She smiled crookedly. “I'm in love with someone else.”
He raised an eyebrow again just as he raised himself another step. “Are you sure about that?”
She hummed, though a more serious expression seized her otherwise enthralling features.
“And you're in love with someone else.”
He went up another stair, lured by her gravity and more than willing to fall into her orbit.
“Are you sure about that?” he pronounced with equal weight to his intonation.
“Chat,” she whispered, licking her lips. The movement had not gone unnoticed by him, his eyes tracking its lackadaisical journey along the length of her pink and luscious mouth.
“Marinette,” he sighed softly. “Is it later yet?”
“Come here, and we'll find out.”
And because he was used to taking orders, he did not hesitate. He climbed the final stair, and it brought them to level in ways that felt significantly more than height or step. With this last footfall, he was shedding old mindsets and dropping previous beliefs. With this hindmost leap, he would stand before her, marrow and sinew changed and soul forged anew, bones shifting to make more room and heart expanding in the shape of the girl who captured it—captured him.
(But was it really a trap when he was so willing to be ensnared?)
He only hoped all that talk about her continuing to be in love with someone else was just that, talk. It was difficult to take her words seriously, not when every look she sent him was a living flame against his all ready fervent skin, not when the touch of her hands, tight around his waist, anchored him to her and to which he was very grateful for. He was positive he would float otherwise for so buoyant did he seem in that very moment, his happiness threatening to catapult him to the moon.
“Je vois de l'amour dans tes yeux,” he murmured. “Alors dans tes yeux je voudrais rester.”
“Then stay,” she breathed.
His bags and his box fell unceremoniously into a heap at his bare feet but he had no care for them. No, all he was was made of Marinette, as he cupped her face tenderly between his palms, his thumbs caressing lightly at the apple of her cheeks and with her eyes framed by his digits, again—tendrils of familiarity curled along the synapses of his brain, little impulses firing rapidly across his nerves till they were one huge blaze calling out a signal that told him this was Marinette but she was also more, a beacon that wanted to shout, yes, I know you. I know you, I know you, and we are one and the same.
He didn't want to close his eyes, but he was magnetized to Marinette's every move and at her pace, heavy lids fell over hypnotized orbs. As one, he bent his head just as she rolled to the tips of her toes to meet his waiting lips in a dance that bound lovers for all time.
They were but a period away when a heavy thud! sounded behind him.
Adrien chuckled. With his eyes still shut and voice pitched low so as not to be overheard, he asked, “Your parents are watching from behind me, aren’t they?”
She pressed her forehead to his and tightened her hold on his waist. It was all the answer he needed—well, in addition to the heatedly hushed cry of, “Oh my God, Tom, did you fall again?”
He nuzzled the crook of Marinette’s neck while she sighed her frustration. Then, with great pain, he lifted his head from the valley of her doughy shoulder so he could shout, “Bonsoir madame et monsieur Dupain-Cheng!”
There was a pause, as though they thought they might walk away without answering and thereby pretend they had never been caught in the first place, before a grumpy but all together embarrassed chorus of, “Bonsoir, Chat Noir...” followed.
The door clicked shut (again) and with a final sigh, he extricated himself from Marinette's embrace. She gave him a withering look, though he inherently understood it was directed at her parents and her voice rang clearly in his mind as if she had spoken it right in his ear.
My parents have the worst timing!
Hiding a smirk, he bent to pick up his bags, going down three steps once more to retrieve them.
“I should head home.”
When he straightened, Marinette was holding out the box of macarons. A compunctious grin was pasted on her features.
“Let me walk you to the door.”
They reached the bottom of the staircase and through the glass panes of the entrance, he noted the state of the night sky before releasing a hefty groan.
The deluge had returned—full force.
“We all mean it, you know,” Marinette continued, looking amused by his aversion to the weather. “You're welcome to stay here.”
“Careful now,” he replied, tearing his eyes away from the outside so he could focus on Marinette. He made an effort to inject some levity to his voice but there was a sobering undertone to his words as he said, “You give this cat ideas and I'll never leave.”
She laughed, a hand splayed athwart his cheek while she cosseted the edges of his mask, as he found she was fond of doing—a teasing yet careful touch that straddled the line between curiosity and decorum, of do's and don'ts and wills and won'ts, like she was eager to know him, all of him, including the man behind the mask but was waiting for him to let her in.
(Not for long now, he imagined)
“My father did say life was just a dance,” she went on. She placed a feather-light kiss on his cheek and contrary as it was to her actions, he felt the sincerity in her vow even as she stepped away from him.
“You can sway my way any time, Chat Noir.”
He would have kissed her then, but thunder blasted over the skies, jolting him to the reality of his situation. Annoyed beyond belief, it was with agonizing reluctance that he summoned his Kwami who, he found, returned to him in a state of unprecedented bliss that instead of baffling him, only served to further his vexation.
“Where have you been?” he asked him.
“Heaven,” replied the tiny creature in dreamy articulations.
He turned to Marinette for explanation but all she gave him was an enigmatic, if not regretful, smile.
“Will you ever not be a mystery?” he asked aloud, unsure as to whom he was speaking to though he felt it was an appropriate question for both of them either way.
And as he expected, there was no answer. The only reply he was given was Marinette's held out arms, to which he passed his baggage. Plagg was still floating aimlessly above his head, lost in whatever fantasy beheld him, when he snapped with a sulky, “Maybe something waterproof, this time, Plagg? Can you do that?”
“Someone's in a good mood,” he jested, utterly unaffected as usual. “Fantastic,” he muttered, barely refraining a snarl.
“Plagg, claws out!”
He never thought he would reach this day, but it was with all honesty that he wished he could be rid of his suit. It must have shown on his face because then Marinette was there, smoothing the pout from his lips with a gentle brush of her fingers. Just like that, the irritation flowed right out of him.
“Will you be all right?” she asked softly. He nodded, taking his bags from her and holding them in one arm so he could grasp the hand that had been caressing him.
“Be careful,” she warned. He smiled.
“I always am.”
“I know,” she answered, despite the slightly dubious look etched upon her visage. He chuckled. “It doesn't stop the worry.”
His gratitude at her regard was another lingering kiss to her palm, right along the crease of her life line. Without letting him go, she opened the door. Yet it still felt as if a pit opened within him, a chasm to match the distance that would steadily grow between them with every stride, bound and swing he took away from her.
A blast of air hit them followed by a spackle of frigid raindrops despite merely stopping just shy of the threshold. His suit held, Plagg having heard him despite his halved attention. He had little knowledge of cloth despite having essentially grown in the fashion industry, but he assumed the material was a blend of thermal and leather as he seemed impassive to the cold. What little rainfall reached him slid right off the surface of his costume, assuring him that once he succumbed to the cloudburst, he would remain miraculously dry.
Just a little ways behind him, Marinette shivered, gooseflesh making highlands of her skin as they rose in hilly bumps. Still, she had the mind to advise him.
“Stay warm,” she prompted grimly.
With their fingers still entwined, he nudged at her chin with a knuckle before resting the pair of tangled limbs against her chest.
“I’ll try,” he promised with a lopsided grin. “Mon coeur.”
They remained clasped at the hands till only the tips of their fingers held adamantly onto their collision, separating only when they reached the brink of her doorway.
“Mon minou,” was all she replied, and for him, for always—
It was enough.
The trip home had been blessedly uneventful, his homecoming moreso. Yet, ensconced in his room once he had detransformed and checked that Nathalie nor his father found him missing, he announced, “I feel different.”
Behind him, Plagg snorted.
“You certainly don't look it.”
“I don't think I'm supposed to.”
“And you don’t sound like it, that's for sure.”
“I know, that's why I feel it. Wait,” he shook his head. “What is that supposed to mean? And hey,” he pinned him with a glare, “What happened to you? What were you doing in Marinette's room? You better not have made a mess in there!”
Plagg bared his teeth as he seemed to stifle a growl. “I didn't touch anything that wasn't mine.”
Adrien himself muffled the overwhelming urge to pull at his hair. Frustrated, he repeated with surly resonance, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means you need to think now, Adrien.”
“About what?”
“Tell me something,” Plagg darted right to his face and he had to take a step back to keep from getting cross-eyed when he looked at the mildly threatening creature before him, taken aback as he was by his expression. He had never seen his Kwami so… feral. And he would have been frightened, if he wasn't so achingly confused. He would bear anything right now if it meant some semblance of clarity.
“You and Marinette were awfully cozy tonight,” he pointed out, voice laden with unnecessary sarcasm. “Could it be her bringing about this change in you?”
“What of it? You don’t approve?”
“What about Ladybug? What about your feelings for her?”
“So that's the issue. You don't approve, then.” Adrien said dryly as he flopped onto his bed. “What does my feelings for Ladybug have to do with Marinette?”
“It has everything to do with Marinette!” Plagg exploded.
“What is up with you tonight, Plagg?” He wondered. He couldn't possibly be hungry all ready? Then again, he should know better than to speak for his Kwami's appetite.
“Two millenniums is a long time to be away from the one you love,” Plagg sighed. “Even for me.”
The sound drew Adrien's gaze, for it was in shades of melancholy he was accustomed to. Plagg was always throwing his seniority around despite every other word out of his mouth relating only to cheese. The idiot he was, he was only now starting to realize that perhaps it was a front, for his Kwami had never appeared so old to him, looking every bit his incomparable age.
“But I thought… I thought Ladybug and Chat Noir were two halves of a whole. I thought that the person behind and in front of the mask were the same. I am Chat Noir and Chat Noir is Adrien.”
“Yes,” Plagg agreed. “And though Ladybug and Chat Noir always found each other,” he said each superhero's name emphatically, “it wasn't always easy for their civilian selves. You have to understand, the world was so different then, Adrien. The strife of today seems miniscule compared to what my charges had to go through, and I'm not diminishing the problems of your generation,” he injected when Adrien opened his mouth to protest. “But people were not as accepting of well, anything, as they are now. Millions were being slaughtered on the daily and for things that were beyond their control—be it religion, race, social class… persecuted for something as simple as who they loved.” He shot him a pointed look. “Just imagine a line between freedom and dogma. And imagine being killed if you so much as dared to toe that line, never mind thinking of doing so. Why do you think we keep the Miraculous a secret? Why it's almost impossible to find traces of them throughout history?” Plagg sagged against the pillow next to his head. “Because that was the way of the world more than a thousand years ago. And so my charges, more often than not, chose not to be with their Ladybugs.”
Shocked, he could only shake his head in denial. He threw an arm over his eyes, as if it were enough to block out Plagg's words.
“How—how could they just… give up like that?” Their actions just didn't compute with what he knew about being a Miraculous holder, and his very foundation rocked at the revelation. “How could they choose not to fight?”
“Oh, they fought,” the Kwami muttered darkly before releasing yet another dejected sigh. “But… the world needed them more, and so the world they chose.”
He didn't say anything for more than a couple beats before he settled on, “Wow.”
Adrien swallowed the lump in his throat, suddenly feeling unworthy of the title, Chat Noir. Mon dieu, compared to what his predecessors had endured, what had he done that was worth noting? What had he ever fought for or believed in? What—
“Hey,” Plagg's voice was hushed and mellow. He wedged himself to his cheek so that Adrien was forced to lift his arm away from his face. “I didn't tell you all that so you could spiral,” he teased, even with his somber aura.
“Then why did you tell me all that?” he asked, voice watery.
“Maybe not everything's changed, but it's a whole new world now, Adrien.” His paw drifted to his forehead in comfort. “The choice doesn't have to be so hard.”
“Well it isn't exactly a walk in the park, Plagg,” he huffed then ran a hand over his weary face. “They're both…” were there even any words in the entire history of languages that would encompass either women? “How can I choose? I've been in love with Ladybug for so long, and with Marinette—it's all so new but it also somehow feels all right.” He craned his head up at Plagg, who hovered serenely over him. “Can you be in love with two people at once?”
“Then how—”
“Adrien,” Plagg skimmed his golden tendrils before settling at the nape of his neck.
“You can't be in love with two people at once,” he whispered.
“I can't be in love with two people at once,” Adrien repeated, slowly, and again—his brain lit up as thousands upon thousands of impulses jumped along his synapses, every nerve burning with recognition.
“It's time to think now, Adrien.” Plagg pressed his paw firmly against his skin. “It's time to choose.”
“I can't be in love with two people at once,” he said, louder. And just like that—
“Because I'm not in love with two people at once.”
—everything, clicked.
He always thought this moment would come to him in an explosion; in bursts of colors, a heat of the moment or a grand gesture. He would never have envisioned it could be as simple as this—a piece of the puzzle falling into place.
With a laugh, he sat up.
“We need to go!” he exclaimed.
“We needed to go since yesterday,” Plagg whined. “But better late than never, I suppose.”
“What, no bartering for camembert first?”
He shrugged.
“There are more important things.”
It was one of the most controversial serious statements to ever come from his Kwami's mouth but the surprise was buried beneath his excitement—he could not stop laughing. He jumped off the mattress and didn't bother to put on any shoes, just his Marinette-made hoodie and the black sweatpants he elected to change into when he arrived earlier. He did have the presence of mind to grab his mask and tie it on before transforming. Plagg was only too gleeful to comply.
Anyone who happened to glance out the window would see nothing but a black blur as he passed, Adrien had never moved so quickly and so smoothly, too. He did not feel the rain, largely in part due to Plagg's modifications but he mostly attributed it to the joy that overflowed from him making him feel only good and wonderful things despite the downpour.
(And so the black cat can have good luck, after all)
When he arrived at Marinette's round window, it was to dim lights and no movement, apart from the covered lump on her loft bed. Maybe he should have taken it as a sign not to enter, but he had never been particularly skilled at reading those anyway (or it wouldn't have taken him this long to figure things out).
It was a little concerning, how easy it was to enter her room. Given who was living in it, he needn't have worried of course but, as she said, it didn't make it go away. As it was, it was a conversation for another day—because he had that luxury now, to have more conversations for later, as they were so fond of saying.
Balancing on her windowsill, he whispered, “Marinette?”
“Chat?” she whispered back as she popped up from beneath her covers so only her head was visible. “Allez! Get in before you flood my room!”
With a chuckle, he did so with care so as not to wake her parents, landing on noiseless feet and detransforming as he did so only to almost take back his progress when his bare feet landed on her floor.
Biting back a yelp, he raced to her loft and was grateful that she had tucked herself away once more as it was one less thing for her to hold over him. He was convinced she would have toppled over in laughter if she had witness him then, slinking inelegantly as he was to her side.
“Putain! Why is it so cold?”
“The heating may be down again,” Marinette grumbled. “It's an old building, it happens sometimes. My dad will take care of it in the morning.”
Nevertheless, he found his chuckles returning as he ran his hands over her sheets, albeit more than a little mindful of where they roamed.
“Where are you? I can't see you over this mountain.”
Without warning, a blanket was thrown over his head and beneath the darkness of her comforter, her eyes were the light.
“Hello,” he echoed, his eyes surely glistening just as bright.
“You came,” she said, sounding almost surprised, as if she were just realizing she was someone worth keeping promises for.
“You said to keep warm,” he shrugged, keeping his tone flippant when he felt anything but, just to keep his nerves at bay because now that he was here, so had a thread of doubt appeared. “It's hard to do that alone, you know.”
What the hell am I talking about?
His agitation multiplied.
She raised an eyebrow. “Where's Plagg?”
“Oh, you know,” he waved a hand vaguely behind him, then dropped it. He was sure she knew what he meant, the Kwami having darted to Marinette's purse the moment they had touched down.
“Is it… is this okay?” Despite his mounting tension, he added—albeit reluctantly, “Should I not have come? Do you… want me to leave?”
“No!” she shrieked and he had to lean back as the sound was so contained within their downy fort. Calmer, she reiterated, “No, no. This is fine. You're fine.” She pitched her head briefly over her fleece. “I just don't want my parents to wake up and freak out,” she said once she returned.
“Oh,” he breathed a sigh of relief before hiding a smirk. “I'm pretty sure they know anyway, so—”
“They what?” she exclaimed in a voice that may have been a decibel higher than she intended it to be, if her goal was to keep his presence hidden from her parents.
(Though the rainfall did a pretty good job of quelling any wayward noises)
“At least, I think your mom does,” he placed a hand at the back of his neck. “You know, I never actually got to clarify, so…”
Marinette looked mortified as she landed face down atop her pillow. She groaned and he rubbed circles onto her back, even as he laughed.
“It's not funny,” she griped. She turned to him with a frown. “How are you not panicking?”
He shrugged. “The way your mom said it, I think she trusts me. I mean, with a face like mine—why wouldn't she?” While he waggled his eyebrows, Marinette's frown further deepened, unimpressed. He laughed some more, recovering his former ebullience in waves of giggles that seized his body. With a little more effort, he infused sobriety into his pronouncement so as to ease her mind.
“But more than anything, Marinette, she trusts you.”
A pensive expression dominated her dainty features as she mulled over his words.
“It doesn't make it any less embarrassing,” she huffed. “But I can live with that.”
With a (hopefully) final chuckle, he settled onto his back beside her. Marinette burrowed onto her side, facing him. She yawned.
She shook her head contrarily. It was his turn to toss a disbelieving brow her way. She sighed. “It's the cold,” she admitted through gritted teeth, as if she were confessing a weakness. Perhaps it may as well have been, given who she was. “It makes me drowsy. Sometimes.”
“Why am I not surprised?” he muttered. She cocked her head in quiet inquiry. In lieu of an explanation, he mirrored her position then opened his arms.
“Get over here.”
She bit her lip. “Are you sure? I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable…”
Trust me, he wanted to say. We've been in worse tangles than this. But he kept such thoughts to himself as he found that he was rather enjoying his furtiveness—at least for the time being—if only because the more he talked and looked at her, the more he saw the resemblance, and he wondered how he could have missed it for so long—how he could have missed her.
“Get over here,” he repeated in a tone that brooked no argument. Without added objection, she snuggled to his side of the bed. Adrien drew her hands to his back, beneath his hoodie, and though he hissed at the temperature (she was not kidding about being cold!) and there were minor protestations from the lady herself, he ultimately had no trouble wrapping her arms around him. He arranged the blanket just under her chin and right by his shoulder, before winding his own arms at her waist. He purred, a long and satisfied sound.
“What a wonderful place to be,” he sighed, looking down at her as he spoke.
Marinette scrunched her nose. “My room? With the broken heater? Really?”
He laughed. “I was thinking more like, your arms.”
Her infamous blush made an appearance then, her mouth rounding into a soundless oh. Abashed, she didn’t say more after that.
“Marinette?” he began, breaking the pleasant pocket of silence that had overtaken them.
He sensed more than heard her responding hum, tiny reverberations that ran along the length of his body all the way to their entwined feet. Were he not all ready soothed from her warming skin, then the sound of her contentment alone would have banished any remaining frost he might have felt.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
It took a beat for her to answer her affirmation.
“Sure,” she whispered through a stuttered breath.
“I like you,” he murmured into her ear with a Cheshire cat grin. “I really, really do. And I hope,” he pulled away just enough so he could look into her eyes, “you like me too.”
“I thought you were in love with Ladybug,” he swallowed the bubble of laughter that bullied its way to his throat. Was that… was that jealousy he detected? “I thought you were destined to be together.”
“Here’s the thing,” he shifted onto his back, taking her with him so that her upper half was draped along his torso. “Ladybug and I are a team. One could even say that we couldn’t possibly function without one another. We complete each other.”
Confliction wrangled itself onto her visage.
“But,” he grazed the puckered line of her eyebrows. “It’s you.”
She shook her head. “What’s me?”
“Everything,” he asseverated with devout honesty. “A part of me will always love Ladybug. But you? It’s you I want. You, I choose. Every day, I choose you. Every time. Anywhere and anyhow, I don't care what They say.
“I. choose. you. Beyond doubt and beyond reason, I choose you. Without thought, without question, without fail and... without regret."
He cupped her face, affectionate hands catching any obstinate tears from falling any further from her chin.
“I’m not fond of the idea that there are forces out there beyond my control who get to decide who I be with. That is mine to make. That is my choice and no one else’s. And I choose you.
“It’s you, Marinette,” he was babbling, he knew, but he couldn’t stop. “It’s always been you.”
“Chat Noir,” she hiccuped, “I need to tell you something—”
“Kiss me,” he asked desperately. “Please, I need to—”
He didn’t know what the end of that sentence would be but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. With a sob, Marinette dipped her head, and what little distance remained between them evaporated at the touch of her lips to his.
He expected fire—he expected dynamite and orchestral music and fireworks. But again, the reality far superseded his fantasies because this was so much better than anything he could have conjured.
Fire became the heated flesh of her back as his fingers inched a path up the length of her spine. Dynamite became the caterwaul of thunder while the staccato beat of the torrential raindrops against her window pane became their harmony. Fireworks… fireworks was the way lightning twirled along her skin each time he deigned to open his eyes, illuminating her form so that she shone like a fallen angel above him, come to save him from himself.
For the most part, he let Marinette dictate the kiss—pulling when she pushed, bending as she molded herself to him even more, mouth opening at the slightest prod of her tongue till they were a knotted choreography of intimacy—because now he understood, truly understood, that life was a dance, and his every misstep led to every quiver which led to every spin till he was waltzing to his perfect partner. Choosing Marinette meant the calming of his senses… a tilted world returning to its proper axis.
Somewhere along the way they had swiveled so that he was on top of her, her legs buckled unyieldingly around his hips. He caressed one of her calves while the other followed the line of her arm where he delighted in the goosebumps that rose in his wake. She propped herself on her elbows and so Adrien drew back on his haunches till she was seated on his lap, the blankets pooling below them in a jumbled stack. It gave her added height as she towered over him. She ran the fingers of one hand through his undoubtedly messy hair, nails scratching cautiously at his scalp. Sparks of pleasure tingled down his spine. She kissed his forehead, then, lips moving sleepily over his skin.
“I need to tell you something.”
“I know,” he sighed, buzzing with tranquility.
“I don’t know how you’ll react.”
He smiled. “Something tells me I all ready know.”
A distressed noise escaped her so he eased her grievance with another languid kiss, tiny suckles of her upper lip and bottom lip, till she was chasing after him when he pulled away. She groaned a different sort of unsatiated need.
“In any case,” he dropped his forehead onto her chest before pressing a chaste kiss there. “Nothing you say will ever make me not want you, Marinette.”
Her hands, which had found themselves in his hair, tightened about the golden tendrils at the nape of his neck. He wanted to wax more poetic about how everything ended and everything began with her, but then—she unleashed a jaw-cracking yawn. He mewled a laugh, laying her gently back on her bed, her hair spilling like shimmering ink across the width of her pillow and framing her pale skin so that she looked like the moon in the middle of a starless night.
“Rest now,” he advised, propping himself on an elbow at her side. She whined her protest and so he trailed kisses from her brow to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and her cheek, then to the corner of her mouth. “The moon will set and the sun will rise and I will be here tomorrow.”
She hesitated for a fraction before asking, “Promise you'll still want me in the morning?” a quavering in her voice.
“Promise to want you forever, if you'll let me.”
She gave him a long, surveying look, a light entering her eyes as she reached some sort of conclusion.
“I know you,” she expelled slowly, susurrantly, one hand to his heart, the other edging at the bottom of his mask. He smiled.
“Sleep now,” he bid her. “We have time.”
She extended her arms to him.
“Get over here,” she commanded.
“As my lady wishes,” he replied. He situated himself into the arch of her neck, nosing at her inherent chocolate chip cookie and vanilla scent to lull him to serene slumber.
“You're right,” she mumbled sluggishly.
Above him, a whizz of cold air before the blankets were tucked around him. All the while, Marinette’s arms obstinately remained around him as if they were bound as one, her breaths even and the drum of her heart a steady and reassuring lullaby beneath his ear.
“It’s easier to stay warm when you aren’t alone.”
He smiled.
Was it really this easy? he wondered, as he fought the hypnotic lethargy that blustered to pull him under. Perhaps it wouldn’t always be. Perhaps in the light of day, things will seem different. But for now, he was certain—from the nails of his toes to the roots of his hair, from his nerve endings and his tendons and his cartilage, from his body to his mind to his soul, he believed—he would bear any sacrifice, he would endure any hardship... so long as at the end of the day.
Shelter would be found in Marinette’s arms.
AN: Thank you to @swanandapirate and @feyrearcherons! They don't even go to this fandom lol but they took the time to help me with the French translations I needed here.
Je vois de l'amour dans tes yeux, alors dans tes yeux je voudrais rester = I see love in your eyes, so in your eyes I would like to stay.
So the bit about the flavor of the macarons is all me, ube and yema are local to the Philippines which is where I'm from and they are phenomenal let me tell you right now. I've never had them in the form of macarons but in any other way they taste amazing so if you ever get your hands on them, you will not be disappointed!
So like, this has been the longest thing I have ever written for any fandom and I think I lost some steam for this last chapter but I'm very proud to have finished it anyway because I rarely ever do so when I start multichaps. Still, I had a blast writing it and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it too!
Come say hi to me! :)
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littlewritingcorner · 6 years
New story posted to my main writing account :) finally trying to finish some things. Not a sick fic, but if you like angsty little cats, enjoy ^_^
Summery: Christmas without his mother had been hard enough, but Adrien never expected New Years to feel even worse. When his dad won't speak to him he tries to close himself off, but Marinette reminds him that he can always rely on his friends for comfort and a shoulder to cry on when the world gets to be too much.
Click the link or read more below :)
Adrien sighed, lost in a fuzzy cloud of half-thoughts as he stared blankly at his ceiling. Even scrolling through the pictures in his phone was too much effort at the moment. The smiling face that normally comforted him only seemed to make the tightness in his chest worsen.
“C’mon, Adrien. Stop sulking. You’ll feel better if you do something!” Plagg coached, hovering around Adrien’s head. The blonde sighed and shrugged, rolling his eyes towards his kwami. He knew he could talk to the cat, but whatever he said Plagg wouldn’t understand it. Instead Adrien rolled over, hugging his pillow and closing his eyes.
“Can’t I just lay here for once? You’re the one always telling me to be lazy. Well, here it is. I’m being lazy,” he mumbled. Plagg’s ears drooped. He knew Adrien missed his mom and the Christmas holiday had been hard for him, but Plagg thought his friend would have been over it after how happy he’d been with his friends that night.
“What about that party Alya’s having?” Plagg suggested hopefully. As if on queue Adrien’s phone buzzed with a text from Nino to make sure he was still going to the party that night. Adrien frowned and tossed the phone to the side, not able to make himself take the time to write back. He wanted to go, but the thought was exhausting. As much as he knew sitting in bed and wallowing wouldn’t change anything, having to act all happy and cheery for the party was beyond him.Happy, party atmosphere. The normal perky guy he was but couldn’t remember how to be. That’s what they would expect.
There was a fist gripping around his chest tighter and tighter as he watched the clock tick by, chastising him that he needed to answer his friend before he could think there was something wrong. He’d excepted the invitation quickly in hopes the party would help distract him from his thoughts but he’d underestimated how badly New Year’s Eve was going to affect him. He buried his face into his pillow further to hide away from reality for a few more minutes.
It didn’t help that his dad had been holed away since that Christmas dinner with his friends. Adrien thought he might have opened up a little after that. Maybe they could have talked about his mom, or spent some time together for once. He knew his father had to be upset too, but for all their shared pain the man couldn’t (or wouldn’t ), express it to his son. That might have been the only reason Adrien sat up and texted Nino back.
Staying in the same house as his father while being ignored made things even worse. His mother would have been singing songs and getting a party of her own together. She would have decorated the house to the nines and then some. There’d be burnt cookies that she’d giggle about before letting the chief’s make a new batch, and warm arms pulling him close whenever he came within reach.
The emptiness of the house was palpable. A heavy black curtain hung about the home where bright lights and cheer should have been. Even the Christmas tree still sitting in their foyer that Adrien had so painstakingly decorated felt cold and lifeless in the stark entryway. The mansion could only drain every ounce of happiness away.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and swiped at his eyes before texting Nino to see if he was free to hang out before the party. He needed to get out of the house before it suffocated what life he had left in him.
An afternoon of video games with his best friend had mostly cheered him up. Being free from the stifling mansion and able to ignore the absence of his father helped dull the tightness in his chest; so long as his mind didn’t wander. The sharp cold wind blowing at his cheeks while they made their way to Alya’s for the evening helped as a distraction. Part of him wondered if Hawkmoth would sense the dark cloud hanging around him and send an akuma after him. Adrien wasn’t entirely sure he’d be able to resist if he did.
“What?” Adrien was pulled out of his daze long enough to catch the concern ghosting across Nino’s face before it brightened again and he was nudged in the arm .
“I asked if there was anyone you wanted to catch under the mistletoe tonight,” he grinned. The snow whipped around them and Adrien tucked his nose deeper into the fuzzy blue scarf he’d gotten for his birthday.
“Not really?”
“Chloe?” Nino chuckled, amused by the screech he earned in reply.
“No! You know I don’t like her like that!” Adrien groaned, grateful for the conversation. Nino laughed loudly and shoved his hands in his pockets before side-eyeing the blonde.
“So there’s no one? Not even… I don’t know… Marinette maybe?” he offered. Adrien couldn’t explain the sudden skip of his heartbeat and shook his head.
“N-no. I mean, why?” he asked, glaring at Nino playfully. Nino shrugged and scratched his nose with a gloved finger.
“No reason. She’s not dating anyone. And she’s cute. Why wouldn’t you want to kiss her? Besides, if you could sidetrack Marinette I might be able to get Alya alone.”
“Ooooh. So there’s the real reason!” Adrien laughed and shoved his friend lightly. “Dude, she’s you’re girlfriend. You really think she won’t kiss you?”
“Well, we haven’t kissed yet! And I thought… I dunno… you know… a New Year’s kiss under the  mistletoe…” he mumbled.
“I’m sure you’ll get a kiss. Don’t worry about it too much.”
“Who’s going to get a kiss?” Alya’s voice pipped up loud and clear from behind the boys who froze and squawked in surprise.
“Alya! I didn’t… Hi! We were just… why are you guys here?” Nino stuttered with a mad blush while his girlfriend giggled and looped her arm into Marinette’s.
“I was helping with the pastry boxes. Marinette’s dad baked us a regular feast tonight. Right, Marinette? We’ll hardly need dinner.”
Marinette’s eyes glanced up to Adrien then down to the boxes in her arms.
“I…um.. I told him not to make so much but…”
“Let me help,” Adrien smiled and took the top box out of Marinette’s arms. She stuttered out a thank you and the four made their way up to the apartment. Adrien easily fell into step by Marinette with Nino’s joking going to his head. What would Marinette do if he did try to kiss her under the mistletoe that night? He’d never kissed anyone before. He wasn’t even sure if he’d be good at it! Marinette probably wouldn’t like it anyway, they were only friends after all. And she was so shy, he didn’t want to put her on the spot. No, it was better left an idle thought.
Helping to set up for the party had been another blessed distraction for him. He found himself offering to do anything he could to keep himself busy and his thoughts clear. Once people had started showing up he tried to be as jovial as he could manage. It was his first New Year’s party with friends and that much made it easier to bare.
The music was loud, the food was good, the company was warm and inviting and Adrien felt himself wishing it wouldn’t end. But all to soon the count down started and everyone huddled off together. Rose and Juleka; Alya and Nino; Nat off drawing on the couch next to Alix; Myleen with Ivan. Marinette hovered between the couch and Adrien but Adrien hardly noticed. As the clock counted down the swirling darkness that he’d pushed away for so long was creeping back up to him.
His throat closed and his chest tightened as the ball dropped and the room burst out in cheering, hugs, and kisses. He didn’t notice Alya pulling Nino in for their first kiss or the worried eyes from Marinette as he stared off into the void. Everything was going to come to a close soon and then he’d have to go back to his quiet room in his quiet house and sit in the dark. He swallowed and clenched his fists as the world teetered. It felt like everything was falling sideways and he wasn’t sure which way was up anymore.
Suddenly a warm hand took his wrist and the world straightened again. Marinette was frowning gently and tugging his wrist discreetly to follow her out. Adrien didn’t question her as he was led outside of the party and the noise was drowned out behind the door. He took a deep breath and the warmth around his wrist was gone.
“What… uh… did you…” Adrien didn’t know what to ask. His mind was still reeling, moments away from being swallowed by the pit he’d been running from for days. His thoughts were in chaos and his heart was hammering against his ribs, all while his body felt numb and lifeless.  
“You looked like you needed to get out of there. Are you alright?” she asked carefully. Adrien looked down and nodded, trying to force a smile on.
“Y-Yeah. I’m…” he felt the heat stinging behind his eyes and quickly looked up at the lights to stop himself from crying when one of Alya’s neighbors came out of their apartment cheering. A few more joined them and Adrien stiffened. Everything was too overwhelming and he couldn’t keep himself together.
“Let’s go somewhere quieter. Follow me,” Marinette spoke gently and took his hand again. Marinette’s touch sent a comfortable warmth through him that magically pushed the darkness further and made breathing a little easier. She lead them up a staircase to the roof of the building and the blissful quiet enveloped them. The cold bit at his fingertips but Adrien didn’t care.
“Thanks,” he said softly and made his way over to the tall ledge. He leaned on it, looking out over the city lights sparkling brightly and the fireworks going up behind the Eiffel Tower. He felt Marinette join him, quietly gazing at the scenery by his side.
The tightness swelled in his chest again as he remembered watching these same fireworks from their rooftop with his mother. There special time together in the festivities as far back as he could remember. She’d pull him aside and take him to the roof so they could take in the New Year, just the two of them. The pressure was building and he was afraid even the slightest slip would send him spiraling, and yet he found himself speaking as if his mind had enough and couldn’t keep in one more thought in silence.
“Have you ever felt completely alone?” Adrien asked, clenching his fists against the cement barrier. Marinette watched him carefully, trying to understand where Adrien was coming from. “Have you ever felt… completely numb…to everything?” he swallowed, not sure why he was suddenly saying this. He felt ready to burst, and Marinette always felt so safe to talk to.
He didn’t expect her to answer with a quiet ‘yes’, or for her to twine her warm fingers over his own ice cold ones. It jolted him enough to at least look up at her, eyes damp and warm and disbelieving.
“Yes,” she spoke quietly and her eyes briefly darted to their hands and then the scenery. They skittered around for the least awkward point of focus she could manage as he waited patiently for her to continue. If she would continue. He could see the hesitation shimmering in her eyes and was ready to tell her she didn’t need to continue. He shouldn’t have asked. He didn’t know why he’d said anything at all.
Her fingers tightened around his hand reassuringly and the hesitation melted away into determination. His breath caught in his throat as her soft blue eyes met his with such steadiness that all he could do was meet her gaze.
“I know what loneliness can feel like. But, even if it feels like it won’t, talking to people can help. It’s hard sometimes, but if you don’t let anyone know you’re hurting, no one can help you.”
His breath hitched quietly and he looked back down at their hands, watching them swim in his vision. He was going to break in two, he was sure of it. The pain in his chest would split him in half and that would be it.
“How do you start?” he asked pitifully in a small, tight voice. Marinette saw the need for a gentle push, the hanging tears in Adrien’s eyes breaking her heart. She shifted to try to get in Adrien’s line of sight again.
“Wherever you want to. What do you feel right now?” she prompted, a little shocked when the tears finally fell and Adrien clenched her hand back tightly.
“Like I’m going to fall apart,” he spoke finally, voice quivering and quiet. “Like…I can’t breath,” he shuddered on a hitched breath and a short sob. “It hurts so much,” he sobbed and pulled his hand away to pull his elbows up onto the wall and hide his face in his hands. “I didn’t… I didn’t think it c-could hurt s-so much.” His fingers tightened in his bangs as the pain grew sharper and holding back the sobs became impossible. He tried to rein himself in but it was too late to try. The reservoir of emotions was filled to the brim without him realizing it and the dam was cracking. He could feel his chest shattering along with it and completely embarrassed that he was losing control of himself like this in front of someone else.
Marinette watched the boy she loved fall apart in front of her helplessly but desperate to do something. She knew how painful that pit of darkness could be, and only wished she’d known sooner how far Adrien had sunk into it. It didn’t matter if she knew the cause at the moment or not, Adrien needed her. He needed to know he wasn’t alone.
“I’m right here, Adrien. I’m not going anywhere,” she said and stroked a hand bravely up Adrien’s quivering back. She stepped closer, continuing to stroke his back while squeezing his arm with the other hand. She didn’t know how close she could be, but Adrien hadn’t pushed her away and all she wanted to do was pull him against her and let him cry as long as he needed to. She brushed at his hair tenderly before untangling one of his hands from his bangs.
“You don’t need to hide from me. I won’t tell anyone anything. Nothing leaves this roof. Even if all you want to do is cry, I’m here.” Her voice was firm and Adrien knew he could trust her. The quiet tears sliding down his cheeks froze in the winter air and all he wanted was to feel the warmth Marinette could give him. Slowly he closed the distance between them, his forehead thumping against her shoulder as he squeezed his eyes shut and let the tears cascade down his cheeks; heavy sobs punctuated the silence of the night air.
She didn’t say anything else as her arms wrapped around Adrien’s shoulders and he was grateful for the support as the wave of his emotions finally crashed and broke against the shore. He felt everything and nothing all at once and clutched to Marinette for dear life as the feeling threatened to break him to pieces. He didn’t know how to handle it but Marinette held him together. Warm fingers in his hair. Soft words of comfort in his ear. A steady pillar to brace himself against. He hadn’t had any of those things after his mother disappeared and had forgotten what it felt like for someone to be there without any expectations from him.
He wasn’t sure how long they stood there before the pain eased from his chest and the tears slowed down. The fireworks had ended long ago and his fingers were frozen. He was sure Marinette must have been cold as ice but she didn’t complain. She only brushed at his damp cheek with a handkerchief (self monogrammed, he noticed), and helped him sit down to catch his breath and steady his shaking limbs. Her touch had lessened and Adrien almost wanted to ask her to hold his hand again, if only for the tie to the here-and-now.
“I’m sorry,” he sniffled quietly, “I didn’t know I would get like this.”
“Adrien…” she started softly, trying to decide if it was better to pry or leave things alone. Adrien decided to save her the struggle.
“My mom… disappeared one year ago today.” he admitted quietly, surprised at the weight removed from his chest simply by speaking those words. They’d been as heavy as lead on his tongue. He’d hardly spoken about it since. He’d never been given the chance and he felt awkward now that he did, but the dam had shattered and his head was fuzzy from the rush of it.
“I didn’t know it was today. I’m so sorry.”
“My dad doesn’t talk about it. I haven’t even seen him since Christmas!” Adrien growled, surprising himself by the sudden burst of anger. “He thinks by not talking about it it will make it seem like she never disappeared but… but it doesn’t. It makes it worse. He’s never there. She left and nothing’s been right since. I just miss her so much. Every day. This time last year we were together. We watched the fireworks together. She hugged me.” Adrien sniffled and wiped at his eyes again. He pulled his knees to his chest, feeling so small and helpless.
Marinette shifted closer, brushing their shoulders together and waiting for Adrien to add any more to the story. It was clear these feelings had only peaked because of the anniversary, but had been brewing behind his warm facade for a while. She didn’t have words to make him feel better and she knew it. There wasn’t any magic word or phrase. Adrien didn’t need her to tell him it would ‘get better’. None of that mattered so she kept close instead.
Adrien felt the slight shiver from the girl next to him and straightened up, leaning closer to her and enjoying the comfort. He knew they should go inside, but he was a mess still and didn’t want to face the crowd asking what happened. He was afraid to be that vulnerable to so many people at once. Even speaking to Marinette the emotions felt too raw and painful and he was thankful for the silent support. He didn’t think he could handle any real conversation about it. Not yet. But there was something left he felt compelled to ask.
“You said… you’ve felt alone like this before?” he ventured carefully, eyeing Marinette and feeling strangely like it was something he shouldn’t ask. It was hard to believe the bright, energetic girl he knew could ever have gotten so low.
“Nothing leaves this roof, right?” she asked with a curious glance to Adrien who nodded solemnly. She sighed and looked back at her hands.
“I haven’t even told Alya,” she started, feeling exposed but like she had to share after prying herself. “I think it was at its worst last year. I’ve always been shy and clumsy. I didn’t make many real friends before Alya. I never felt part of it all. I couldn’t find a way to connect to anyone. It all felt so fake and like no one really needed me there or wanted me there and all I could do was smile and pretend everything was fine.” she sighed and concentrated on a snowflake as it drifted down and melted on her hand.
“It felt like I had no one. Sometimes I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t breath. It felt like there was a crushing darkness pressing down on me and I couldn’t show it. And then it just got worse knowing that I only had myself to blame for it.”
“I had no idea. You’re so happy all the time.” Adrien blinked and Marinette smiled wryly.
“I tried so hard to change that this year. I needed to change it and no one could do it but me. And then I met Alya and some…” she paused to smile to herself, “Some miraculous things changed in my life and the clouds finally started to part.” Marinette took a breath and finally looked back up at Adrien kindly.
“So I know what it’s like to feel alone, but you have friends now. We’re all here to help you and listen when you feel like you can’t take it anymore. We care about you. If you’re sad or angry or happy, you can tell us. Always. We might not understand how much it hurts, but if we can make it even a little bit easier, that’s enough. It’s a moment you’re not alone. And trust me, it helps so much when you finally let people in.”
For the first time that night Adrien didn’t feel alone. He wasn’t alone in his feelings, and he wasn’t by himself. He knew he could talk to his friends, but somehow he hadn’t been able to. He still didn’t think he could open up like this to Nino or Alya, but Marinette was different. Maybe because they were so alike. Maybe that was why he felt so at ease around her? He smiled and took her hand into his, trying to warm it up.
“Thank you, Marinette. I really needed to hear that tonight.” He smiled sadly and they sat in silence a moment as the snow started drifting down more heavily and the chill in the air sharpened.  
“I guess we should go back inside. You’re going to get sick,” he finally said, squeezing Marinette’s frozen fingers for emphasis.
“Me? I think you’re shivering more,” she giggled and stood up, blushing brightly as Adrien didn’t let go of her hand. She turned towards the door but a gentle tug pulled her back.
“Marinette?” Adrien started, stopped, then looked up from his feet and tried again, “You know you’re not alone anymore either, right? Not just Alya, you have me, too. And Nino. You’re not just smiling anymore, are you?” he asked and Marinette smiled brightly, shaking her head.
“No. It’s real now. Sometimes they come back, but my dark clouds passed. Your’s will too, eventually.”
They made their way back down the stairwell quietly. The heaviness that had settled around them earlier had lifted completely. Adrien felt so much lighter, even if the pain of knowing his mother was gone still lingered. If he couldn’t have his father’s comfort, at least he could have his friends. When they opened Alya’s door the rest of their classmates had left already. Alya and Nino were the only ones sitting on the couch waiting for them.
“Dude! Where did you go?”
“Seriously, Marinette! We were worried. You were gone for like, an hour. You left your phones. We couldn’t find you,” Alya glared at her friends, then saw how red Adrien’s eyes were. Adrien caught her stare and stiffened, rubbing at his eyes and trying to look away too late.  Anger forgotten she cast a wide-eyed glance between the two and then Nino who also hadn’t missed the obvious signs that Adrien had been crying.
“Hey, what happened? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m–” Adrien stopped and shook his head. “No, I really wasn’t. But I’m better now. It’s just the anniversary of the day… my mom…”
Nino didn’t need Adrien to finish but before Adrien could look up his friend had him in a tight hug.
“Why didn’t you say something? I knew something was up today, but I had no idea,” He pulled back and Adrien smiled. “I’m here for you, man. Any time. That’s what best buds are for, right?”
“Right. Thanks. Sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“Oh and uh, by the way,” Nino grinned and pointed at the doorway above Adrien And Marinette. A bundle of Mistletoe hung from the frame and the pair blushed. Alya grinned smartly and crossed her arms.
“C’mon. It’s tradition. And you’ve been standing there for 5 minutes!”
“N-no! It’s ok! You don’t have to! I mean if you want… but… no! I— Alya!” Marinette waved frantically but stood stock still when a gentle pair of lips pressed lightly against hers. Her brain stopped working as she looked into the red-tinged eyes of the boy she’d held moments ago. He pulled away and smiled shyly, scratching his neck as he looked away.
“Happy New Year, Marinette.”
“H-Ha-Happy New Y-Year, Adrien.”
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swiftrevived · 8 years
“Number Six” Chapter 1
A/N: Hello All! This is the beginning of a hopefully long-ish story, but nothing is set in stone. As much as I enjoy writing, I am not certain that I can maintain a constant schedule. Anyway, please read and enjoy.
-The author
Chapter 1
“Marinette, did you catch what I posted on the ladyblog last night?” Alya asked her tired best friend as she sat down beside her.
“Not yet, Alya,” she spoke through a yawn, “what did I miss?”
She whipped out her phone and pushed it into Marinette’s face, “There's a brand new Super Hero girl!”
Marinette suddenly felt less tired and looked into her friend's phone. A new hero? She thought, another miraculous? On the screen, there was just a picture of a yellow blur.
“Are you sure someone didn't just throw a banana?”
Alya laughed, “Not this time. I've been looking around the superhero forums and there are rumors of another hero. But they always seem to disappear before anyone can get a good photo of them."
“If they didn't want anyone to see them, why are they wearing yellow?”
She grabbed onto Marinette's shoulder, "I have no clue, but I'm going to find out."
"How's that?"
Marinette felt Alya's finger dig deeper into her shoulder, "I"m going to get an interview."
“If they're even real,” Nino chimed in from the row in front of them. “I was with you when you went through those forums, none of it's true”
Alya gazed down at him as if he had insulted all she held dear, Nino raised his hands and returned to his work.
“He may have a point,” Marinette tried to stop her friend from killing her boyfriend. “What if it is just rumors or someone running around playing dress up to mess with people?”
“Well then…” Alya searched for the words, “I'll prove that they're just a myth!”
“Alright, students, settle down,” Ms. Bustier instructed them.
Marinette could only describe the hours that followed as the most boring day in education history. As the day dragged on, questions filled Marinette’s head, questions that had no answers. Is this person real? If so, who was this person? Were they new to being a superhero or had they been doing this a while? If so, why had they only shown up now? Was something big happening? Why yellow?
And most importantly, why hadn't Adrien shown up to school yet?
It wasn't until Marinette and Alya were at lunch that the Adrien ran into the school. He was breathing heavily and his forehead shined from the sweat running down his face. He scanned the courtyard and shambled his way over to the pair of girls.
“Is this seat taken?” he asked, sliding his bag onto the ground.
“Uh...W-well… y-y-you, see…” Marinette’s face began to look more and more red as she tried to talk, “we… Ummm…”
“Make yourself at home,” Alya translated.
Adrien collapsed onto the floor and let his body relax.  There was a silence between the trio and Alya turned towards her stammering friend and gave her a sly wink. Marinette shook her head, but Alya wasn't listening. She turned back to the dying boy, “so, why do you look like you outran death?”
“In a way-” he swung himself up to face the girls “-I actually did.”
He took a breath.
“I may or may not have gotten caught sneaking out last night and my father is not the most forgiving of people. So, this morning I waited for a good time and make a break for school.”
Another breath.
He placed a hand on the back of his neck and let out a little chuckle, “He may have also sent people after me, so I ran.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever understand you,” Alya spoke with a hand to her head. “Your punishment for sneaking out was staying home from school and you snuck out again to come to school?”
“Alyaaa,” Marinette whimpered as she hit her arm
Adrien laughed again and Marinette couldn't help but notice how when he smiled he seemed to glow in the sunlight and she felt her heart to skip a beat. “It’s alright, Marinette…”
Marinette had lost all sense in her body as she heard her own name run along the tongue of Adrien Agreste and leave out of his mouth. The way the edges of his mouth raised as he said it only made her fall for him more.
“...I just like going to school. It’s the only time I really get to be free from a fixed schedule… in a sense.”
“So… umm… Adrien…”
Her two friends turned to look at her, one with a friendly smile and the other with a devious one. “H-have you heard ab-about the h-hero yellow? I m-mean the y-y-yellow um…”
Marinette turned her eyes to Alya and gave her a look of desperation. “You mean the new superhero in Paris? He seems interesting,” Adrien spoke through recovering from his lack of breath, “but yellow is a weird color for them to wear. What do you guys think of them?”
“Nino doesn’t think he’s a real, but I’m sure that I’m going to prove his existence and be the first person to get a good photo of them.”
Adrien’s head turned towards Marinette and their eyes locked on to each other. She lost herself and her words in his emerald green eyes. She could see the two of them as the walked down the aisle while she’s wearing a dress she designed with her arms wrapped around Adrien and they go home to three kids and-
His angelic voice broke her train of thought. “What do you think of them?”
“W-well if he… umm… their c-costume is like people say, it could use some w-work.”
“Not a fan of traffic light yellow?”
“N-not the most s-stealthiest color.”
He laughed. She made him laugh. She made him laugh.
“Good one, Marinette-” He groaned as he forced himself onto his feet “-but I should go see Ms. Bustier about class.”
“Marinettecouldhelpyouwiththat,” Alya blurted out before Adrien had the chance to get away.
He turned back around to the girls, “Pardon?”
Alya elbowed Marinette. She gulped and spoke at the speed of light, “She said that if you needed help with anything that we learned in class today, you can just ask me.”
“I’ll make sure I do, thanks.”
Alya knocked her fist into Marinette’s shoulder, “Did you hear that? He’s totally going to text you later.”
Marinette was stuck, she wasn't able to move her body. Alya punched her consciousness back into her. "You owe me," she joked, "big time.
"Y-y-yea, big time."
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inkjackets · 7 years
I wrote an epilogue for A Matter of Ace-ceptance!
So I originally I didn't plan on doing a little epilogue type thing, however as soon as @freedom-shamrock​ mentioned it, ideas started popping in my head. And to be honest, I wasn't even going to write out those ideas, but idk, for some reason inspiration hit me these last few weeks and I was like, you know what? I'm gonna write this thing!
So... yeah, they say you shouldn't fix what's broken, and I'm a little hesitant about putting this epilogue up cause I'm kinda proud of how the last chapter turned out, and I'm worried this epilogue won't live up to the rest of the story, but I've written it now and it seemed a shame not to share it with you guys :)
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5
It’s also on AO3 if you’d rather read it there.
Adrien stood with his back straight, hands clenched by his side, and head held high. It was taking everything in him not to cower and fidget; something which was only getting harder with every second his father remained silent and bent over his desk.
Adrien clenched his jaw as he watched the words he had uttered but moments prior dance around the sunlit room. He felt nausea swirl in his gut. It was impossible to snatch those words back now. He could only stand there, helpless, as they taunted him.
Originally, Adrien hadn’t planned on coming out to his father. However these last few months with Marinette had made him feel more confident in himself than he’d ever been before. He had been comfortable in his skin for the first time in a long time, and he had realised that he shouldn’t, no… he didn’t want to hide who he was. 
Adrien winced as his father scratched out a potential design with an angry red line.
That realisation didn’t make this any easier though.
Adrien grimaced. All he wanted was to grab those words back and hide them away in the safety of his room, somewhere his father would never find them.
Adrien slowly angled one foot towards the door…
No! Adrien drew his feet back together and lifted his head higher. 
He refused to be intimidated by his father’s power games. 
The silence stretched out painfully.
Adrien swallowed. The scratching of his father’s pen might as well have been scratching on his brain it was so grating.
Finally, Gabriel capped the pen and placed it neatly next to his workbook. He then reached for a pencil and starting sketching potential amendments in the designs.
“Asexual,” he said slowly, without looking up.
Adrien’s posture tautened and his heart leapt in his throat. 
“Am I right in saying that that’s the orientation that lacks sexual attraction?” Gabriel asked while still sketching in his pad.
Adrien swallowed, “Y-Yes, it is.” He internally cursed at how weak his voice sounded.
The deafening silence enveloped the room once more, only broken by the soft scratchings of his father's pencil on the paper.
The blood pounded in Adrien’s ears.
“Then there’s no chance of you ruining the Agreste name with any sort of sex scandal?” Gabriel spoke clearly and precisely.
Adrien blinked. “N-No,” he stuttered, “Of c-course not.”
Only then did Gabriel pause in his work to lift his head and meet Adrien’s eyes. Adrien’s breath stuck in his throat, but he met his father’s gaze and held it steady.
“Very good,” Gabriel nodded before turning back to his work. 
Adrien exhaled and almost collapsed to the floor with giddy relief, but Nathalie’s hand on his shoulder steadied him and steered him from the room.
Adrien’s features were creased in a slight frown as he ambled along the Seine in the late morning sunshine. A slight squeeze of his hand pulled him out of his mind and he looked down to see a pair of warm bluebell eyes gazing up at him in concern.
Adrien smiled. Those eyes never failed to lift his spirits. 
Adrien let go of Marinette’s hand and he put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close. She in turn wrapped her arm around his waist and they walked along together in a comfortable silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Marinette spoke softly after a while.
Adrien’s smile slipped. He thought back.
“I don’t think there’s really anything to talk about,” he said truthfully. “While Father didn’t seem overly enthusiastic at the idea of me being asexual…” Adrien hesitated before lifting his mouth into the barest of smiles, “he accepted it.” He turned his gaze to the glistening water of the Seine. “And I think that’s all I can expect of him,” he said softly.
Marinette squeezed him gently, “If you’re sure.”
Adrien closed his eyes and inhaled deeply as a fresh morning breeze washed over both of them. Adrien relaxed and let his features loosen into a tender smile.
“Yes, I am sure,” he said, opening his eyes. He was pleased to feel the truth of those words reverberate through him. “My father accepts me and I’m happy with that.”
He looked at Marinette. Her eyes reflected the dancing of the water and her freckles were dark from the sunshine. He leant over and kissed the top of her head. Her hair was hot from the heat of the sun, and she smelled of warmth and fresh bread. 
“And it’s all thanks to you,” he murmured.
Marinette flushed, “I didn’t do anything, I wasn’t even in the room with you.”
“No, but knowing you were just outside was enough.”
Marinette met his loving gaze before kissing him on the cheek. 
“Come on,” she said, releasing their hug and grabbing his hand instead, “We deserve some pastries!” She giggled and pulled him into a run. Adrien grinned, her enthusiasm infectious, as they dashed up the stairs to the main road. Marinette smiled deviously back at him before releasing his hand and accelerating into a flat out sprint. Adrien laughed and rose to her challenge. He felt his grin widen with exhilaration as he chased those bouncing black bunches through the streets of Paris, expertly weaving through pedestrians and jumping fences as he did so. He let out a peal of laughter and was pleased to hear Marinette giggle in response. Being with Marinette, having fun like this, it was like he didn’t need Chat Noir anymore. Adrien gave a little burst of speed so he was level with Marinette. Together they ran, an unstoppable force, even without their suits.
Too soon they reached the Dupain-Cheng Patisserie, they burst through the doors, both breathless with adrenaline.
Sabine smiled bemusedly from behind the counter as the giggling pair strolled up to her.
“My what have you two been up to?” she said.
Marinette’s chest rose and fell as she tried to get her breath back, “Oh, you know,” she said breathlessly, she glanced at Adrien and grinned, “just enjoying the sunshine.”
Adrien eyed the shop, as his breathing steadily returned to normal. He spied a lone croissant from the counter that had survived the breakfast rush and swiped it.
“Those are for paying customers!” Sabine admonished him with a twinkle in her eye.
“Ah!” Adrien exclaimed, half the croissant already in his mouth. He swallowed, “Apologies Miss Dupain-Cheng, but your pastries look so good, I just croissan’t help myself!”
A burst of deep laughter came from the kitchen. “Adrien! Is that you?” Tom appeared with a plate of fresh cookies, the chocolate chunks in them still melted. “I’d know your puns anywhere!”
Adrien beamed, “All I wanted was to bake your day a little better!”
“Haha! Well you’ve certainly rose to the occasion!” 
“It’s the yeast I could do,” Adrien said with a little flourished bow before collapsing into giggles.
He and Tom only laughed harder as Sabine and Marinette groaned.
“That’s enough you two!” Sabine said, failing to hide her smile, she waved Adrien and Marinette out the shop, “Now off you go, I’ve put a plate of fresh pastries for you to munch on at the bottom of the stairs.”
“Thanks Maman!” 
“Thank you Mrs Cheng!” Adrien waved his half eaten croissant at her before finishing it off.
Sabine pulled her still laughing husband into the room, “And you,” she pecked him on the cheek, “enough with the puns and go put those cookies on the display.”
Adrien felt a smile creep onto his face as he watched them. They were exactly the sort of parents he wanted to be when he grew up. He turned away as Marinette tugged on his hand and led him up the stairs, picking up the plate of still warm pastries as she did so.
Marinette placed the pastries onto the coffee table in the living room as Adrien flopped onto the couch.  Immediately, Tikki and Plagg dived on the plate and started munching away.
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” Marinette asked as she made her way over to the dvd selection.
Adrien didn’t respond for a moment. His heart rate was almost back to normal but he could still feel the effects of the adrenaline in his veins. He watched Marinette. Her back was to him, but she could still see her skin was flushed from their spontaneous sprint. Her hair too was coming loose from her bunches, strands drifting lazily across her neck.
Adrien shook his head, “Come here,” he said, patting the space next to him.
Marinette stopped fiddling with the dvd’s and turned to look at him in slight surprise, her lips were parted and her eyes were shining. Adrien lost his breath. She was stunning. 
With a smile, Marinette went over and cuddled up into his open arm, nestling her head under his chin. The warmth radiating from her body seeped into his, soothing his mind as it  mimicked the sensation of safety. 
Adrien held her tight.
Marinette returned his grip.
Adrien closed his eyes and curled up around her. The love and passion that Adrien had thought would never be a part of his life flowed through them. He breathed deep. He honestly didn’t know how he had survived so long without it. And this amazing girl was willing to give it to him, no strings attached. 
Adrien gripped her tighter.
He had no idea how he’d gotten so lucky.
Eventually, Marinette slowly peeled herself back. Adrien opened his eyes to see her gazing lovingly at him. She pecked him on the nose, “I will love you,” she said, a soft smile dancing on her lips. 
Those words had almost become something of a running gag between the two of them. It was more than just an acknowledgement of their affections for each other, however it was not quite yet a synonym for an expression of love itself.
Adrien opened his mouth respond with the words he had uttered many times over, but they didn’t come. They didn’t… feel right. Snuggled up here, in the safety of Marinette’s arms, feeling her complete support, both physically and mentally… he felt something click inside himself.
“I love you,” he said.
Marinette’s eyes pierced his, a light came on in them, making them sparkle like never before.
Adrien couldn’t contain the emotion flowing through his veins. “I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” his voice was soft and oddly hoarse. 
Slowly, Marinette sat up. She kissed him gently once on the forehead, then nose, before finally planting a soft kiss on his lips.
“I’ve been waiting for you to say those words,” she murmured as she sat back. Her eyes were large and unusually dark. Adrien felt a shiver run down his spine. “I love you too,” she said, her voice slightly deeper than normal.
Marinette then swung her leg round so she straddled Adrien’s lap and, before Adrien could comprehend the flash of panic in his gut, she kissed him fully on the mouth.
Adrien’s panic subsided as he relaxed into the familiarity of Marinette’s soft mouth. They had kissed a fair few times since that first night and he had come to welcome them. Marinette’s kisses were always light and warming. Adrien saw them as more of an extension of their embrace than the beginnings of anything sexual.
Marinette leant into him a little harder.
This was starting to feel different though.
He wasn’t uncomfortable yet, and neither had much time passed, so he didn’t say anything and let Marinette lead. 
There had been a few times in the past where they had made out for a bit longer than Adrien would have liked, but Marinette had sacrificed so much for him that he usually didn’t mind letting her have her way for a bit. 
However this time Marinette’s kiss was starting to shift from light and fluttery, to deep and moving. Adrien felt arousal swirl uncomfortably in his gut. This was definitely entering new territory now. 
He became aware of his arms resting limply on the couch. He didn’t quite know what to do with them. He gently placed them on Marinette’s hips. That was the most obvious place to put them… right?
Suddenly Marinette’s hands disappeared under his shirt. Adrien gasped as her cool hands met his warm skin, but still, he didn't pull back. He felt a curiosity course through himself  as to his own limits, almost touching on morbidity in nature. He let her hands flow over his skin, tracing his stomach and sides. Adrien tried not to laugh, her light fingers tickled. She continued drawing them up, up over and around his shoulders, before moving back down.
“No.” Adrien grabbed her wrists.
Marinette instantly jerked her whole body back and slammed her hands over her mouth. 
“I-I’m so sorry, Adrien,” she stammered, blushing furiously as her eyes widened with mortification, “I-I just got moment up in the caught a-and I, no, no,” she shook her head, “I mean caught up in the moment and didn’t t-think and I-“
“Marinette,” Adrien placed his hands on her shoulders, steadying her. She froze and held his gaze. “It’s okay.” He ran his hands down her arms. “Just,” he hesitated and glanced away, “don’t do it again,” he met her eyes, “okay?” 
Marinette nodded frantically and lowered her clasped hands to her chest. “Of course! Of course.” She visibly relaxed with relief at Adrien’s forgiveness. “I won’t do anything like that again until you’re ready.” She tilted her head in a gentle understanding smile, but Adrien felt a coldness seep into his stomach.  
Marinette’s eyes widened. “Adrien…” She went to stroke his cheek but Adrien jerked his head away. 
“Don’t!” He cast his eyes away, “I don’t…” He bit his lip. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Marinette let her hand fall limply to her side. 
The silence enveloped them. The warmth between them faded fast.
“Adrien, you need to talk to me,” Marinette said eventually. Adrien clenched his teeth. “Was the touching…too much?” she quested with caution.
Adrien clenched his hands in his lap, the metal of his ring pierced the warmth of his skin. 
He nodded.
“And…the kissing?” Marinette asked.
Adrien swallowed. “Usually… fine,” he twisted the ring on his finger as anxiety crept through him, “But tonight, it was different.” His gaze flicked to hers before shying away again.
Marinette remained silent a moment before getting up off his lap and kneeling next to him on the couch. “Adrien…”
“I’m sorry,” he murmured once more. 
Adrien started as Marinette suddenly grabbed his jaw and forced him to look into her fierce eyes. “Stop saying sorry,” she said firmly, “None of this is your fault, none of this is my fault. We are just two people trying to find that perfect balance in our relationship, just like any other couple.” She released his jaw. “We are bound to have a few misunderstandings along the way,” she softly, “And when we do,” she continued, “we need to promise to forgive each other, we need to promise to forgive ourselves.” Adrien blinked at the intensity of her expression. “Can you do that for me? For us?”
Adrien felt a familiar pricking sensation behind his eyes. “Yes,” he whispered.
“Good, I’ll start,” Marinette sat up straight, “I apologise for taking things further than you were comfortable with, and for assuming you’ll one day be ready for things you’ll probably never be ready for.”
Adrien’s eyes widened, “You picked up on that?”
“As soon as I said it, I knew I’d said something wrong. But all I meant was I won’t try anything like that again unless you want me to.”
Adrien felt relief flow through his veins.
“So…” started Marinette, “do you-“
“-I forgive you!” Adrien spoke quickly. Marinette grinned, causing Adrien’s cheeks to flush. “And, I apologise for not communicating with you,” he said.
“I forgive you,” Marinette spoke softly.
Adrien felt warm emotion bubble up inside him. But, as much as he tried, he couldn’t remove the tinge of doubt.
Adrien shifted in his gaze. “Are you honestly all right with this?”
Marinette raised her eyebrows in exasperation but didn’t say anything.
Adrien looked at her, heart pumping as she grinned deviously. 
Suddenly, she leant in and pecked Adrien on the nose. Adrien blinked, but before he could do anything Marinette attacked again, with a peck on each cheek.
Before he knew it Marinette was peppering him with a flurry of little kisses, all over his face and down his neck.
Adrien giggled, “Marinette!” he cried out, “No! It tickles!” Marinette pulled back to check he was all right, before grinning and throwing him down to actually tickle him.
“Marinette!” Adrien cried out, properly laughing now. He twisted and turned instinctively but couldn't escape, and so he was stuck laughing helpless on the couch under Marinette’s barrage of tickles.
Wheezing and out of breathe, Adrien couldn’t take it anymore. With a burst of strength he broke free from Marinette’s relentless fingers and flipped her onto her back.
Marinette let out a shriek of laughter as Adrien attacked with his own onslaught of tickles. 
“Adrien!” she squealed, squirming under him. 
“Ha ha! Revenge!” Adrien yelled triumphantly, before Marinette caught him off guard by poking him in the side. 
Tikki and Plagg both paused in their munching to watch the ridiculous antics of their respective charges, rolling their eyes at each squeal.
Marinette and Adrien continued playing for a while, squealing and giggling as the person who had the upper hadn’t continuously rotated. Exhilaration flooding them both as they revelled in simple happiness. 
Eventually their attacks grew weaker, and their laughter faded as tiredness set in. Adrien had managed to land the final attack and had Marinette pinned down under him. He swiftly kissed her on the forehead before flopping down next to her. 
They both breathed heavily, faces flushed with laughter. He rolled over to face Marinette. Her bunches had started to slip out and her fringe was in her face, fluttering gently with every breath. Marinette turned over to face him. She reached out and mussed his hair.
“You want to be careful no one sees you like this,” she said, her voice still breathless, “You look like Chat Noir.”
Adrien pecked her on the nose, “M’lady.”
They both lapsed into giggles once more.
Adrien exhaled deeply and closed his eyes. From coming out to his father, to having deep conversations with Marinette, his emotions this morning had hit all corners of extreme and he could start to feel the effects.  
His breathing steadied as Marinette stroked his hair, her gentle touches reverberating throughout his whole body. He let a soft smile dance on his lips. He never wanted to leave.
“Hey, Adrien?”
Adrien reluctantly opened his eyes to see her blue eyes gazing into his, the echoes of laughter still shining in them.
“I’m honestly all right with this,” she said tenderly. Adrien felt his breath stick in his throat as her soft words pierced his heart. 
“I love you so much you can’t imagine,” she continued, “and, just being with you,” her smile deepened, “it brings me more pleasure than any amount of sex would.”
Adrien’s face went devoid of expression. He bore his eyes into Marinette’s, searching for signs of hesitation, doubt or reservation. For anything at all that would signify her dishonesty.
He couldn’t find it.
Those beautiful sparkling blue eyes held only the truth.
Adrien clenched his eyes shut. Once more he could feel the warm sting of tears behind them.
Marinette wrapped her arms around him and snuggled in close until their foreheads were touching.
Adrien couldn’t help it, he felt the tears seep through his closed lids
Marinette gently wiped them away with her thumb, “What are you crying for you silly kitten?” she murmured. Adrien could hear the smile in her voice.
He shook his head. “I love you so much, Marinette,” he said, voice cracking.
He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.
“I love you so, so much.”
Thank you once again for all your beautiful comments, and I hope you all enjoyed this final chapter... cause it really is the final chapter this time haha :) xxx
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