#advanced weight loss
anoosbeauty · 1 year
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illbestarryeyedforyou · 3 months
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finals week for two of my courses so here because I'm going to be extra stressed out this week. And the rest of my life for that matter.
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crimeronan · 1 year
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skinnyhoedefender · 1 month
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Current activities after whatever the hell these HSC trial exams are
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yuvaap · 1 month
Feeling stressed? Try natural ways to relax! Yoga, dance, strength training, and meditation can help you feel better. Discover these soothing practices with us. Start your wellness journey here.
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drgouravdas · 3 months
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self-care-tips-free · 4 months
Ketosis Advanced: The Viral Weight Loss Solution - Fact or Fad?
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Botox Unveiled: Your Path to Certification, Training, and Aesthetic Enhancements
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Botox treatments have surged in popularity as an effective way to turn back the clock on aging skin. If you're contemplating a career as a Botox injector or seeking these services in the sunshine state of Florida, it's essential to demystify the process, prerequisites, and the world of aesthetic enhancements.
Navigating the Route to Becoming a Botox Injector
For those intrigued by the art of Botox injections, here's a comprehensive roadmap to becoming a certified Botox injector:
Educational Foundation: Lay the groundwork with a background in a healthcare-related field. This could entail being a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or holding a similar healthcare qualification.
Enroll in Accredited Training: Opt for a trusted Botox training program. Ensure it encompasses vital aspects such as facial anatomy, injection techniques, and stringent safety protocols.
Hands-On Experience: Sharpen your skills under the watchful eye of a licensed expert. This could be accomplished through clinical training or a mentorship program.
Certification Achievement: Scale the final hurdle by acing essential examinations and securing certification from a recognized governing body.
Who Holds the Power to Administer Botox in Florida?
In the sunny state of Florida, Botox injections can only be administered by licensed medical professionals. These include:
Nurse Practitioners
Physician Assistants
Always ensure that the practitioner performing your Botox procedure is duly licensed and carries substantial experience.
Dermal Filler Training: A Gateway for Non-Medical Enthusiasts
Non-medical enthusiasts keen on participating in the aesthetic world can explore training in dermal fillers. This avenue is open to individuals like aestheticians or cosmetologists, but remember that the specific regulations can vary by state. For those in Florida, it's imperative to research the precise requirements.
Embarking on Your Botox Journey in Florida
In Florida, gaining the legal green light to administer Botox hinges on obtaining certification from a respected training program. This certification serves as tangible proof of your education and competency to safely and effectively deliver Botox injections.
Your Gateway to Botox Expertise: Training in the Sunshine State
Florida offers a smorgasbord of reputable Botox training programs. These comprehensive courses encompass everything from the fundamentals of facial anatomy to the intricacies of advanced injection techniques. When choosing a program, prioritize accreditation and instructors with extensive hands-on experience.
Beyond Botox: Exploring Aesthetic Services
Apart from Botox, a treasure trove of aesthetic services exists to elevate your appearance. These may include:
Dermal fillers
Chemical peels
Laser treatments
Prior to any procedure, it's paramount to consult with a licensed practitioner to craft a tailored treatment plan to meet your unique needs.
Embarking on a career as a certified Botox injector in Florida necessitates a structured journey that includes education, training, and official certification. Navigating the legal requirements and selecting a reputable training program are paramount. Furthermore, delving into the world of aesthetic enhancements can offer you a multitude of options to enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence. Contact our qualified professional before embarking on any aesthetic journey. Armed with the right knowledge and guidance, you can unlock the secrets to a more refreshed and youthful you.
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fatliberation · 1 year
they have a point though. you wouldn't need everyone to accommodate you if you just lost weight, but you're too lazy to stick to a healthy diet and exercise. it's that simple. I'd like to see you back up your claims, but you have no proof. you have got to stop lying to yourselves and face the facts
Must I go through this again? Fine. FINE. You guys are working my nerves today. You want to talk about facing the facts? Let's face the fucking facts.
In 2022, the US market cap of the weight loss industry was $75 billion [1, 3]. In 2021, the global market cap of the weight loss industry was estimated at $224.27 billion [2]. 
In 2020, the market shrunk by about 25%, but rebounded and then some since then [1, 3] By 2030, the global weight loss industry is expected to be valued at $405.4 billion [2]. If diets really worked, this industry would fall overnight. 
1. LaRosa, J. March 10, 2022. "U.S. Weight Loss Market Shrinks by 25% in 2020 with Pandemic, but Rebounds in 2021." Market Research Blog. 2. Staff. February 09, 2023. "[Latest] Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Market Size/Share Worth." Facts and Factors Research. 3. LaRosa, J. March 27, 2023. "U.S. Weight Loss Market Partially Recovers from the Pandemic." Market Research Blog.
Over 50 years of research conclusively demonstrates that virtually everyone who intentionally loses weight by manipulating their eating and exercise habits will regain the weight they lost within 3-5 years. And 75% will actually regain more weight than they lost [4].
4. Mann, T., Tomiyama, A.J., Westling, E., Lew, A.M., Samuels, B., Chatman, J. (2007). "Medicare’s Search For Effective Obesity Treatments: Diets Are Not The Answer." The American Psychologist, 62, 220-233. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2007.
The annual odds of a fat person attaining a so-called “normal” weight and maintaining that for 5 years is approximately 1 in 1000 [5].
5. Fildes, A., Charlton, J., Rudisill, C., Littlejohns, P., Prevost, A.T., & Gulliford, M.C. (2015). “Probability of an Obese Person Attaining Normal Body Weight: Cohort Study Using Electronic Health Records.” American Journal of Public Health, July 16, 2015: e1–e6.
Doctors became so desperate that they resorted to amputating parts of the digestive tract (bariatric surgery) in the hopes that it might finally result in long-term weight-loss. Except that doesn’t work either. [6] And it turns out it causes death [7],  addiction [8], malnutrition [9], and suicide [7].
6. Magro, Daniéla Oliviera, et al. “Long-Term Weight Regain after Gastric Bypass: A 5-Year Prospective Study - Obesity Surgery.” SpringerLink, 8 Apr. 2008. 7. Omalu, Bennet I, et al. “Death Rates and Causes of Death After Bariatric Surgery for Pennsylvania Residents, 1995 to 2004.” Jama Network, 1 Oct. 2007.  8. King, Wendy C., et al. “Prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders Before and After Bariatric Surgery.” Jama Network, 20 June 2012.  9. Gletsu-Miller, Nana, and Breanne N. Wright. “Mineral Malnutrition Following Bariatric Surgery.” Advances In Nutrition: An International Review Journal, Sept. 2013.
Evidence suggests that repeatedly losing and gaining weight is linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and altered immune function [10].
10. Tomiyama, A Janet, et al. “Long‐term Effects of Dieting: Is Weight Loss Related to Health?” Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6 July 2017.
Prescribed weight loss is the leading predictor of eating disorders [11].
11. Patton, GC, et al. “Onset of Adolescent Eating Disorders: Population Based Cohort Study over 3 Years.” BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 20 Mar. 1999.
The idea that “obesity” is unhealthy and can cause or exacerbate illnesses is a biased misrepresentation of the scientific literature that is informed more by bigotry than credible science [12]. 
12. Medvedyuk, Stella, et al. “Ideology, Obesity and the Social Determinants of Health: A Critical Analysis of the Obesity and Health Relationship” Taylor & Francis Online, 7 June 2017.
“Obesity” has no proven causative role in the onset of any chronic condition [13, 14] and its appearance may be a protective response to the onset of numerous chronic conditions generated from currently unknown causes [15, 16, 17, 18].
13. Kahn, BB, and JS Flier. “Obesity and Insulin Resistance.” The Journal of Clinical Investigation, Aug. 2000. 14. Cofield, Stacey S, et al. “Use of Causal Language in Observational Studies of Obesity and Nutrition.” Obesity Facts, 3 Dec. 2010.  15. Lavie, Carl J, et al. “Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease: Risk Factor, Paradox, and Impact of Weight Loss.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 26 May 2009.  16. Uretsky, Seth, et al. “Obesity Paradox in Patients with Hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease.” The American Journal of Medicine, Oct. 2007.  17. Mullen, John T, et al. “The Obesity Paradox: Body Mass Index and Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Nonbariatric General Surgery.” Annals of Surgery, July 2005. 18. Tseng, Chin-Hsiao. “Obesity Paradox: Differential Effects on Cancer and Noncancer Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.” Atherosclerosis, Jan. 2013.
Fatness was associated with only 1/3 the associated deaths that previous research estimated and being “overweight” conferred no increased risk at all, and may even be a protective factor against all-causes mortality relative to lower weight categories [19].
19. Flegal, Katherine M. “The Obesity Wars and the Education of a Researcher: A Personal Account.” Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 15 June 2021.
Studies have observed that about 30% of so-called “normal weight” people are “unhealthy” whereas about 50% of so-called “overweight” people are “healthy”. Thus, using the BMI as an indicator of health results in the misclassification of some 75 million people in the United States alone [20]. 
20. Rey-López, JP, et al. “The Prevalence of Metabolically Healthy Obesity: A Systematic Review and Critical Evaluation of the Definitions Used.” Obesity Reviews : An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 15 Oct. 2014.
While epidemiologists use BMI to calculate national obesity rates (nearly 35% for adults and 18% for kids), the distinctions can be arbitrary. In 1998, the National Institutes of Health lowered the overweight threshold from 27.8 to 25—branding roughly 29 million Americans as fat overnight—to match international guidelines. But critics noted that those guidelines were drafted in part by the International Obesity Task Force, whose two principal funders were companies making weight loss drugs [21].
21. Butler, Kiera. “Why BMI Is a Big Fat Scam.” Mother Jones, 25 Aug. 2014. 
Body size is largely determined by genetics [22].
22. Wardle, J. Carnell, C. Haworth, R. Plomin. “Evidence for a strong genetic influence on childhood adiposity despite the force of the obesogenic environment” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 87, No. 2, Pages 398-404, February 2008.
Healthy lifestyle habits are associated with a significant decrease in mortality regardless of baseline body mass index [23].  
23. Matheson, Eric M, et al. “Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Mortality in Overweight and Obese Individuals.” Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25 Feb. 2012.
Weight stigma itself is deadly. Research shows that weight-based discrimination increases risk of death by 60% [24].
24. Sutin, Angela R., et al. “Weight Discrimination and Risk of Mortality .” Association for Psychological Science, 25 Sept. 2015.
Fat stigma in the medical establishment [25] and society at large arguably [26] kills more fat people than fat does [27, 28, 29].
25. Puhl, Rebecca, and Kelly D. Bronwell. “Bias, Discrimination, and Obesity.” Obesity Research, 6 Sept. 2012. 26. Engber, Daniel. “Glutton Intolerance: What If a War on Obesity Only Makes the Problem Worse?” Slate, 5 Oct. 2009.  27. Teachman, B. A., Gapinski, K. D., Brownell, K. D., Rawlins, M., & Jeyaram, S. (2003). Demonstrations of implicit anti-fat bias: The impact of providing causal information and evoking empathy. Health Psychology, 22(1), 68–78. 28. Chastain, Ragen. “So My Doctor Tried to Kill Me.” Dances With Fat, 15 Dec. 2009. 29. Sutin, Angelina R, Yannick Stephan, and Antonio Terraciano. “Weight Discrimination and Risk of Mortality.” Psychological Science, 26 Nov. 2015.
There's my "proof." Where is yours?
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ranjith11 · 1 year
The 10 Best Yoga Poses Ever? | Akram Yoga & Personal Training
In Today's video, Personal Trainer & Yoga Teacher Zahir Akram shares with you his 10 favourite yoga poses ever.
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anoosbeauty · 1 year
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tinakp · 1 year
The 10 Best Yoga Poses Ever? | Akram Yoga & Personal Training
In Today's video, Personal Trainer & Yoga Teacher Zahir Akram shares with you his 10 favourite yoga poses ever.
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stayageless · 1 year
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Stay Ageless Clinic was founded to provide outstanding health, wellness, and aesthetics services to residents of Plainview, New York, and the surrounding region. Under the leadership of Farina Sial, RPA-C, the practice is becoming a highly sought-after resource within the community. Advanced medical weight loss
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yuvaap · 1 month
Natural Stress Relievers: Simple Ways to Find Calm
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Feeling stressed? Try natural ways to relax! Yoga, dance, strength training, and meditation can help you feel better. Discover these soothing practices with us. Start your wellness journey here.
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drgouravdas · 4 months
Advance GI Surgery in Odisha - Dr. Gourav Das
GI Surgery is also known as Digestive system surgery. Dr. Gourav Das is best choice for GI surgery in Odisha. You can contact us through +91 9437579995 Or www.drgouravdas.com know more details before it’s too late.
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Medical Fitness and Excercise with IV therapy
IV therapy acts as a supportive therapy for the Athletes as it helps them recover faster, quicker and easily and it can be used with the other therapies.
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