#adventure man 🍋
lounaticm · 2 years
Hmmmmm sounds of brain gears turning ooh! Maybe a couple bestest heist bois Yancy and Illi?
maybe Murdock also
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Alright, the Heist-y boys! Don't have the most to say about them, but here we go.
So, first off, I feel like Yancy would really like food. Seems like the sort that would actually really like baking. Illi probably likes cooking much more than eating. They both very much value companionship and desire love - and both definitely fall in love quite easily.
Yancy is dogshit at redstone, but not bad at building stuff that looks good, while Illi is the reverse, while also being a god at parkour.
Yancy is somehow both sunshine and moon-coded to me, while Illinois seems like he'd be both distant and friendly, emotionally vs physically - although he'd ultimately lose the attempt to stay emotionally detached. They both absolutely live in trees, but in different ways.
I will say that they do both need therapy, but not as direly as the all-caps implied to me, so that's why it's unchecked. And they're haunted by bad memories and fears.
(I'll do the Murdock one separately, so would you mind sending that in another ask that I can attach it to? I wanna keep it organized.)
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damagedintellect · 4 months
Fyodor x reader x Nikolai [Rich kids AU]
💌 Days of our Bungo : Part 2 💌  
Summary: All of your fathers made a pack that whenever they had kids they would marry each other. It sounded like a good idea at the time but when the Sigma family was the only family to have a girl, and everyone wanted a bloodborne heir, things seemed a little complicated. After many arguments it was decided they would wait to see which boy, she, would fall for. Everyone always ends up having a crush on their childhood friend right?
Notes: Guess who had another Bungo dream, it was me! This time around the dream sequence started in the middle and just kept going so ima just fill in the gaps and start from the top.
Tropes: Sigma is your twin, Fyodor x reader x Nikolai, Fyodor is endgame, royalty/rich kids, Childhood friends, Mutual pinning but reader thinks it's one-sided, Nikolai knows its unrequited but he still loves you & Fyodor, eventual 🍋
💌 Word count: 4,812 💌  Part 1 | Part 3
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The following year everyone at the academy would be spending their junior year studying abroad. It excited you greatly. You had always wanted to travel out of the country but never had the opportunity. Every summer you had been busy with Ballet. You also didn't want to be separated from Fyodor or Nikolai. Which reminded you that even Sigma would probably choose to study somewhere else this year. Your heart dropped at the thought. Everyone had a different study of interest.
Being the Sigma family's heiress you weren’t expected to take over the family business. You had a certain level of freedom in your choice. You bit your lip. You liked things the way they were. How could you live without seeing Sigma, Fyodor and Nikolai everyday? You would all be making your choices by the end of the day and flying out as soon as the school could process your visas.
To your surprise Sigma, Ranpo and Dazai choose to study in England. You, Chuuya and Nikolai choose France and Fyodor was going to study in Russia. At the airport you were the only person who was teary-eyed. It was a new adventure and you knew it was going to be fun but you would miss your brother and your best friend. Of course you could alway write to them and they were only a phone call away but it would be different given the time zones and it wouldn't be the same.
The year went by faster than anticipated. You never expected Chuuya to take ballet with you and Nikolai but apparently outside of being there for poetry his brother pushed the idea on him. Chuuya ended up becoming a good friend and while Nikolai helped ease the homesickness you couldn't wait to be reunited with your family again. Despite Nikolai being with you in France he decided to take a little detour on the way back. He planned on going to Ukraine to visit his own family. So you flew back home with Chuuya but almost immediately parted ways after landing. Sigma would be returning in an hour or so, with that in mind you might as well wait for him. You sat on a bench zoning out as you heard someone ask you a question.
“дорогая, это место занято?”
You snapped your head around, mesmerized by the familiar voice. Softly you whispered the name of the man you missed so dearly.
You stood up astonished at how different he appeared. He had gotten taller in your time apart. His hair was also an inch longer than before but you've always liked that he kept his hair long. Fyodor cleared his throat realizing he was still speaking russian.
“My apologies, I forgot you are not familiar with my native tongue.” He set his bag down on the chair next to you and you took that as your opportunity to pull him into a hug while kissing his cheeks out of habit. Your French instructor wanted everyone to greet the people in your class with “La bise” and Nikolai would throw a fit if you didn’t greet him with kisses everyday while you were there. It's kind of been ingrained in your muscle memory for a year now. Fyodor's eyes widened as he tensed slightly but you didn’t notice.
“Fedya I've missed you so much!” You nuzzled into him. This was the best welcome home you could have imagined. “How? How did you know I would be here?”
“Nikolai sent me a letter. He wanted to be here for the reunion but his father wanted him to extend his trip. I had a feeling you would be lonely.” he pulled away patting your hair. As you waited for Sigma you both talked about your adventures abroad. Right as Sigma's plane landed he pulled out a small box.
“In the excitement I nearly forgot. Merry Christmas.”
You stared back at the box frantically. You had forgotten to bring back gifts! Opening the box you revealed a gorgeous locket. “Oh Fyodor, it's beautiful but I don't have anything to give you.”
His hand delicately touched yours as he moved to put it on you. “Well then in exchange for something equally as beautiful, you'll simply have to dance for me.”
You were taken aback by his words as he stood up to greet Sigma. Apparently you were so flustered Sigma even mentioned how red in the face you were. Fyodor only chuckled as you all made your way back to the manor.
After returning from the study abroad classes went back to normal. Only now you would often go out of your way to greet Chuuya since you were both good friends now. On Valentine’s day he asked if you could speak with him in private.
“I'm not one to beat around the bush so I'll just come out and say it.” Chuuya pulled out a box of chocolates and handed it to you. “I like you and after the study abroad I realized I miss hanging out with you all the time.”
You stared back at Chuuya like a deer in headlights. This was really unexpected. You got along just fine but you didn't think it was anything special. You thought Chuuya was a fine gentleman but you don't feel the same way. Ultimately it didn't feel like how you felt for Fyodor and that's not Chuuya’s fault. 
“Oh Chuuya I'm flattered but-”
He held up his hand. “I needed to confess for my sake even if you did return the feelings so don't be goin’ and apologizing for things out of your control.” Chuuya sighed in defeat “You already have a crush right?”
You didn’t know how to respond to that but you felt eyes burning a hole in your skull causing you to turn around. 
“You can come out of hiding now, I know you're there!”
When Fyodor didn’t want to be found he would climb on top of the roof's entryway and lay there watching the clouds. This was the first time anyone's found him out. He smiled of course you'd notice him. Fyodor was about to sit up when another voice joined the group.
“You found me!~” Dazai cheered in a sing-songy tune as he bounced over to the redhead's side.
Chuuya took a step back. “Hah!? Dazai what the hell? I told you not to follow me!”
“But Chuuya was hiding a box of chocolates. I thought they were for me. Plus it's not following If I showed up here first!” Dazai approached you, taking your hand to give it a kiss. “My sweet belladonna, when did you notice I was here?”
To be honest you were dumbstruck when it was Dazai who came out of hiding “I didn't, I was actually talking about Nikolai. You outed yourself.” Whenever you had the unnerving feeling of being watched Nikolai was always somewhere close by. It was something you surprisingly became accustomed to. 
At first it scared the living daylights out of you. Someone had been following you and you didn’t know if it was a stalker, kidnapper or what. When you expressed your concerns to Nikolai he said that he'd been following you all day but he never saw anyone else watching you. You only laughed at the absurdity. That's when Nikolai started wearing a strong cologne that you swore could be smelled from a mile away. It was less unnerving knowing Kolya was just trying to make sure you were safe, in his own weird way. Bizarre, slightly creepy but ultimately sweet because he's one of your best friends and has come to your rescue once before.
Fyodor frowned, crossing his arms, he should have realized sooner what that smell was but it was fairly breezy and faint enough to disregard. Now that he thought about it he did recall the door opening twice before, but he assumed that the second time he heard the door it was someone leaving. He's relieved that he didn't make his presence known but he does wonder how the two taller men were hiding up until this point. He supposed it didn't matter as long as he stayed quiet but he fears his hiding spot may end up being compromised.
Nikolai ruffled your hair, appearing seemingly out of thin air. “As expected of my little dove,” He paused leaning down into your personal space “Although I was not expecting to hear you have a little crush. Should I be worried they'll steal you away from me.~” 
Nikolai teased you as you rolled your eyes pushing him away. Dazai looked up at the top of the entrance briefly before asking “It's Fyodor right? The one you have a crush on.”
You tensed. Stupid waste of bandages. Of course the person from the detective club would figure it out. You were about to deny the allegations when Nikolai grabbed your hands laughing. “Good luck with that! Knowing Dos-kun, I should be giving you my blessing!”
You groaned “I never said it was Fyodor.”
“You didn’t have to.” Dazai interjected “You always bring handmade chocolates for him each year even though no one can find him outside of class.” Dazai waved his hand around, flourishing his explanation.
Correction, every year, since middle school to be exact. You made chocolate for both Fyodor and Nikolai but while Kolya gladly received the offer you've never actually given it to Fyodor personally. Since this was your last year before university you were determined to find him but then Chuuya confronted you and it turned into this mess.
Dazai pulled out said box of chocolates from his blazer. “When did you!-” You cut yourself off to look through your belongings. Sure enough it was missing. “Whether or not those chocolates are for him is no one's business but mine.” You tried to grab for the box but Dazai held it up higher, smirking. 
Nikolai hugged you from behind resting his chin on your shoulder, preventing you from actually grabbing the chocolate. “Awwwww,” He pouted. “I thought I was special, I take back my blessing. I don't want to share you with Fyodor anymore!”
Turning your attention back to Nikolai you huffed. “That's a first, usually you're thrilled. Did you hit your head or something?” Brushing the hair out of his face you pressed your forehead against his. It was a little warm but not enough to cause concern but maybe you should bring him to the nurse just in case. Nikolai only stared back at you in disbelief. No witty remarks, no silly gags, just a far off stare. His shift in demeanor went unnoticed by you.
“Yeah maybe you should lay down for a bit.” You were still completely ignoring the fact that Dazai had your gift meant for Fyodor. Sigma has complained about Dazai's antics about as much, if not more than Nikolai's. While he's not a bad guy you still wonder what his goal was. As Fyodor's chronic chess partner there was probably no point trying to figure it out. You'd have to leave it be for now and wait to see if anything comes up later.
As Dazai watched you leave with a suddenly non verbal Nikolai. He grinned up at the rooftop. “It would be a shame for these to go to waste but with your name written on them? I'm afraid they might be too bitter for my tastes.”
Fyodor finally showed himself, leaning over the edge. “Then why get involved? I hardly see the merit in your little show.”
“Let's call it an intervention.” Dazai walked up to him waving the chocolate infront of the russian. “Why keep such a distance if the feelings are clearly mutual?”
Fyodor sighed, grabbing the box. “Again I fail to see why it is any of your concern.” 
His concern was not about the feelings being mutual, Fyodor was always thinking of what could possibly express his feelings on white day. After a lot of thought he determined that gifting you land or a country would be sufficient, but doing so for years in a row would ruin the sentiment and he's aware that you are the sentimental type. Not to mention with your current age and relationship status, it would be misconstrued. So why bother? Fyodor was a patient man and he wanted his profession of love to be perfect.
Dazai chuckled to himself. “I don't think you'd understand even if I told you but let's just say,” He hummed putting his hand under his chin “You're not the only one interested in the Sigma family.” He offered a cheeky grin to the other who was clearly uninterested.
Dazai is right. Fyodor doesn’t understand nor is he that concerned either. The plan has already been set in motion and he wouldn't need to wait much longer. Although like he predicted earlier his spot was now compromised. Which is somewhat troublesome. He'll need to find a new place to hide in the future. Fyodor sighed but didn’t say anything more and left the other two on the roof. He had no business with either of them anyways.
“Hey jackass, are we done here?” 
Chuuya crossed his arms walking up to his partner. When Dazai had approached him earlier even he wasn't sure what the mackerel's plans were but Chuuya wasn't too concerned. It's been hard for everyone in their grade level to watch (Y/N) pine after that anemic bastard for years. Honestly he felt bad but it's not his problem. He wondered if Dazai had the impulse to help or if he was plotting something else.
“I've talked it over with Dostoevsky, and after watching you over the years I can only assume you feel the same about this.” He chuckled  a little too giddy for your liking. “We’ve decided that you and Fyodor are to be betrothed and will marry upon graduation!” Your father said it with a big smile despite your clearly shocked expression. Your mind was going a mile a minute with the sudden news. This was probably the worst case scenario. Sure your dad’s heart was in the right place, you knew he would do anything for his little girl but this was pushing the envelope even for him. Did he really have to get involved with your love life? 
“We wanted to make the announcements at the beginning of the year but we thought it best to hold it off until finals were complete since they moved them up a great deal from past years. Although we’ve been mulling this decision over since you were kids, oh how the time flies. My little girl is all grown up now!”
He engulfed you in a hug but what you thought should have been warm comforting words only stirred the dread in your stomach. Since you were kids? Did Fyodor know about this? Is that why no one could ever find him on Valentine’s day, because he knew you were engaged. The more you think about it the more confused it makes you. If that was the case wouldn’t he have talked to you about it or does that mean he didn’t have a say in the engagement either? Would he even want to get married, let alone to you? 
It seemed your father was ignoring your visible distress and was continuing on about the wedding plans. All things you thought you would have a final say in but it seems he’s already done most of the work with that as well. A ring was placed in your hand and you were to start wearing it tomorrow as would Fyodor. This was really happening. By the time you left his office you were at a loss for words.
Sigma caught up to you as you were making your way through the halls and you showed him the ring on your finger.
“I’m engaged to Fyodor.” It was still sinking in and part of you wanted to scream with joy but only just. The other half of you knew that it didn’t matter since Fyodor clearly didn’t feel the same way. If he did want to marry you surely he would have proposed to you himself instead of letting your fathers' make the declaration. Fyodor knows how much of a hopeless romantic you were for that kind of thing and you know how much the other craves control. Thinking back is that why he gave you his first kiss? Now you were even more embarrassed about that night. 
Sigma looked at you with an incredulous look. He’s known about your crush for years but hasn’t said anything because it’s really not his place to say. “I would say congratulations but you look like you're about to cry and that doesn’t exactly bode well for me at the moment. On either front.” He opened his arms for a hug as you flopped into them. “Why? Did father ask to see you as well?”
“Unfortunately yes and if that’s what he called you in for I can only imagine what business he has with me. For all I know I’ll be arranged to marry Nikolai.” He grimaced just thinking about it. Nothing against Nikolai but he tends to drive Sigma up a wall with his spontaneity. “But that’s not important, why is my dear sister upset? I thought you were madly in love with Fyodor?”
You froze. “Our fathers’ have apparently been planning this for years,” you grew quiet, exponentially embarrassed and flabbergasted that your family knew. “Are my feelings really that obvious?”
Sigma sighs rubbing your back “To everyone but Fyodor it seems. Either that or he doesn’t want to bring it up? You can never tell with him.” You pulled away. That wasn’t very reassuring but it was better, not, to think about it before you talk to the russian in question. Who knows your dad did say that after observing you both it seemed like a logical conclusion, maybe the feelings were mutual. Otherwise you were going to feel like shit knowing that you’re basically taking advantage of him and that your entire marriage would be a sham and just a front for your parents business ventures. 
Now that you’re no longer in the room groveling in embarrassment, you're pretty sure he said something about desiring an heir. Although you don’t want to think about that at all, in fact the thought mortifies you all together. It just makes you feel nauseous without confirming Fyodor’s feelings because what if he views you like a sister and you were expected to make a lovechild together. This was going to keep you up all night. Would Fyodor even bat an eye at the circumstances? You tried to ignore the train of thought pushing less than innocent images of your crush out of your head. It was only the beginning of the weekend but you were already dreading going back to class.
Sure enough when Monday came around it’s all you heard people talking about. Your engagement. The entire student body was in an uproar because you both came to school wearing matching rings. Well, it was that and an article about your family’s merger and that it was rumored to be due to the young love shared between you and Fyodor. Which was a bunch of bullshit that your fathers’ had planned for better business. Honestly you don’t know if it was smart or stupid of them. Although now many things from your childhood started to click into place beginning with your first playdate. You didn’t know what to make of it and you didn’t want to think about it anymore. It was too much for you and you wanted to rip the bandaid off.
When the bell rang you didn’t get up from your desk immediately, you were too tired from agonizing over what you would even say to Fyodor. You rested your head. Arriving at school had been a constant flood of peers congratulating you on your engagement. Girls were telling you that you were so lucky to be marrying one of the most handsome boys the school had to offer. It reminded you that despite Fyodor’s cold personality he seemed to garner a lot of popularity with the opposite gender. So many of these girls, who you've never seen before in your life, were coming up to you expressing their crushes for your fiance and how if they were to lose their chances it should be to you. This all felt like some elaborate prank.
You were dragged out of your thoughts when the murmurs from the hall fell silent. Slowly you turned your head to see Fyodor with a semi uncomfortable expression. It must be from all the attention the two of you were getting. His arm was extended as if he was about to pat your head but he continued to reach out offering to assist you out of your seat. Your eyes were trained on the ring on his finger. It suited him well and even matched your own despite the designs being different. Looking at your own, you only now realize how perfectly it was tailored to your personal liking. It matched the locket you've been wearing everyday. The one that Fyodor gave to you after returning from the study abroad. You wonder who picked out the ring if it matched the locket. Surely not your father. Maybe the Dostoevsky’s had a favorite jeweler they work with. Was that a mere coincidence?
Glancing up at Fyodor again you swallowed hard. This was the first time you've seen him since the engagement. You avoided his eyes directly as the heat started to spread to your face. In turn you didn’t get to witness how Fyodor’s expression softened immensely, finally being in your presence.
“How was your trip?” 
You had tried to get a hold of him when your father told you the news but Nikolai informed you that his father was taking him to attend a business conference out of town and you didn’t want to pester him because it sounded important.
“As expected of a last minute venture.” 
He frowned that you were hesitant to take his hand. Now that you were engaged, Fyodor didn’t feel the need to hold back some of his physical urges towards you. It baffled him that you weren't reciprocating like your usual persona. 
“You haven’t been sleeping well, shall I escort you to the nurse?”
His tone was indecipherable as always. You sighed, grabbing his hand flashing your matching ring to him as he gently brought it to his mouth to place a kiss to the silver band. The action made your heart jump as you looked at him with wide eyes. You could hear the chatter of your classmates resume in the distance. He must be playing it up for the audience but it still managed to fluster you. 
“That's  not necessary!” You exclaimed bashfully before calmly adding. “I-I haven’t been but it's not that important. I, uh, do you mind if we go somewhere else?”
“Of course not my dear. As you wish.”
Your hand burned as he ushered you away from the crowds to the roof. The term of endearment made your heart flutter again. Fyodor checked if there was anyone else around before he motioned for you to sit with him.
Without hesitation you blurted out the demand that has been on your mind. 
“You have to break the engagement.”
Fyodor blinked a few times before retaliating, wholeheartedly unsure as to why you would want him to do so. 
“My my, I've been gone for three days and my fiance has had enough of me.”
The words were exhilarating to say out loud. He had been waiting years to call you his fiance, even though at the moment you appeared distraught. Fyodor shook his head playfully, smiling at you as you huffed. 
“This isn't funny Fyodor, I'm being serious.”
“As am I. Why should I break the engagement? If you have a problem you should take that up with your father?” 
He was trying to avoid how hurt he was at the notion. What happened to your feelings for him? He couldn't possibly have misjudged those could he? Dazai even confirmed them to be mutual unless that was his angle all along. That rat bastard sticking his nose in other people's business. If it wasn't frowned upon he would have him shot, stabbed, drowned and then shot again but this time by Chuuya for meddling.
The way Fyodor spoke so nonchalantly was unnerving to you. How could he be so unbothered? “I tried but he's planned everything to the letter. I didn't even get to choose my dress! So you need to be the one to break it off.” It's bothered you all weekend and kept you up at night. The only way to find out Fyodor's true feelings for you was to see how he reacts to you trying to stop your inevitable marriage.
Fyodor raises an eyebrow before wearing a very careful expression. It was actually Fyodor who made most of those decisions for the wedding. In the back of his mind he was worried that his father would deny his proposal if he didn't see any promise. Nikolai never had a problem being openly affectionate towards you and he knows your father had noticed that as well. Fyodor wanted to make sure he still had a chance to be considered a valuable suitor. He was thinking that at some point you would get to weigh in on the final plans anyhow. He favored being meticulous about those kinds of details, however he must admit that maybe for this instance he might have gone overboard but you deserved the world and Fyodor wanted to provide as much as possible. 
“Is that why you haven't slept? You should try to rest while it's still free period. Our discussion can wait until you are in the right mind.” 
He sounded concerned as he started taking his blazer off while pulling you into his lap. For the first time he didn’t know what to say to make you feel better. His body more or less moved on its own craving the closeness to ease the sting of you not wanting to marry him. What happened while he was gone? Did Nikolai make a move or did someone else capture your heart? Again he immediately blames Dazai for getting involved. Fyodor kissed your forehead holding you possessively against his chest. Where did he go wrong? His plan to win over the adults worked out perfectly. Why were you suddenly giving so much push back?
You were awestruck at the action letting Fyodor move you as he draped his blazer around like a blanket. It felt like this was a dream like you would wake up from this fairytale that your brain knew you craved. The kiss to the forehead plus the way you were sitting, you've always wanted to sit with him like this but it was too good to be real. Since when was he so physically affectionate? It made your heart clench, it was all just an act. Your head was killing you from working overtime. Despite it all you still felt overwhelmingly safe in Fyodor's arms and your eyes fell closed as you got comfortable. You loved him but you hate this.
After a beat Fyodor spoke. “We couldn't break the engagement even if we wanted to, not without destroying the reputations of our family names while we're at it. Would it really be that torturous to be my wife?” 
His words were as logical as ever. At least some things never change.
You didn’t have the strength to reply but you knew he was right. Although his voice sounded strange, you couldn't put a finger on why. The wording was odd even for Fyodor but like he said earlier you probably weren't thinking straight. You nuzzled into him further, not thinking much of it and drifted off to sleep. You already got your answer anyhow. Fyodor doesn’t love you the same way you love him. That was the only explanation. He cares for you deeply but you doubt he loves you as more than friends. It would hurt you if you weren't already prepared for this outcome. You've known for years that he just wasn't the romantic type and maybe that’s why it was so easy to crush on him, because you knew you never had a chance. 
Love, romance, affection? Those were all ideas you wanted. Things you craved to have but the vulnerability that comes with it terrifies you. To lay yourself bare in another's trust. It's why you push Nikolai away as well. He loves you so much and you're mortified to take a leap of faith even though you know he would catch you. He always has.
Part 3
Tagslist: @skullyz1 , @tttttttf , @ayameshu
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stardewremixed · 3 months
Alex headcanons
Wanted to be a knight when he was a child. Horse and lance, sword and suit of armor. Shiny. Made one out of tinfoil, scraps of Evelyn's fabric, and a broom stick. Neighbor kids made fun of him. He didn't dress up again.
Joined a yoga class on a dare. Well actually because he saw a pretty girl through the window and straight up walked into the glass. The instructor made him take the class. Something about balance and coordination.
Almost thought about joining the army right outta high school. He barely passed and wasn't sure college was for him. But the thought of dying while his grandparents (his only relatives) still lived qnd didnt have anyone to take care of them was too unnerving. He didn't want to leave them all alone. Still likes war movies sometimes.
Conscientious about his scent. Keeps his pit hairs trimmed. Religious about showering after working out. Keeps a spare deodorant in his truck. Leaves a trail of cologne - clean, just-out-of-shower scent, not too weighty, a bit soapy, rainforest mist like.
Has helped Sam out with his community service before because this man weirdly loves digging fence posts.
Also loves carrying things - groceries for his grandma (or the pretty farmer), barrels of ale and whiskey, folding tables from festivals, tools up a ladder, etc. Both arms full. Things normal people can carry on multiple trips. Alex gets it all and doesn't break a sweat. Would carry the farmer too (if she'd let him - and you know he's carrying her bridal style on their wedding night).
Loves a challenging ropes course. Can rappel down a wall or a mountain side. Can complete a obstacle course faster than anyone else. Would give Kent a run for his money at army crawling. Absolutely goes nuts about hiking, bouldering, free climbing too. Would probably do spelunking too if... he wasn't a teeny but afraid of the dark... because...
Kept a nightlight in his room until he was a teenager. It's why he never did sleepovers with the other kids. That and he hit puberty early. Towering over grade schoolers was only cool for like a minute. But you can reach things on the top shelf, I guess.
Occasionally freelances for the Adventurer's Guild. Gives guided hiking tours up into the mountains above the Valley or secret woods for tourists. He would be enthusiastic too - swinging his arms and waving his hands around while telling stories and pointing out cool sights.
His hugs are big, and leave you feeling wrapped up, but in a good way. Like a cozy warm blanket. You feel safe and loved.
He's a cuddler... while you watch TV together, while you read books together (yes, he likes sports magazines and biographies of his heroes), and while you sleep. He's definitely the big spoon and makes you feel cherished. That's until he starts snoring... lightly. You'll have to nudge him to stop. And those arms do get... heavy. And he's definitely elbowed his companion in bed before.
He's a bit of a wimp when it comes to shots. It's why he would never get a tattoo or get his ears pierced. He doesn't like needles. (They might also remind him of his mom and her treatments when he was little).
He once posed for a campaign poster for a lumberjack festival. Lewis had little success. Only a dozen young girls showed up on the bus that day. No actual woodchoppers. Needless to say, Alex kills it in plaid. Think Brawny paper towel guy vibes without the facial hair.
Also did a modeling gig for Pierre once to sell some winter gear. Haley took the photos. Alex is a natural in front of the camera. Again, lots of female visitors... erm... customers to the town for a period of two days. He may or may not have autographed the ad for one of the ladies.
He's shouldered a lot of responsibility from a young age. His dad ran out on them. His mom was sick. His grandparents aren't the healthiest. Alex has picked up odd jobs since he was eight. Recycling bottlecaps. ♻️ Washing cars. Lemonade stand. 🍋
Delivering newspapers was one of his first real paying gigs. Granny gave him one of George's old newsboy caps. Alex wore it with pride. He's got an incredible swing for it. Also led him to be interested in baseball. He played three seasons in Little League as a pitcher before he became fascinated with gridball. 📰
It was actually Grandpa George who got him into gridball. Watching games together on TV, critiquing the players, talking technique. Male bonding stuff. He wants to take George to a pro game one day, proudly wheeling his Gramps into the stadium. 🏈
One of his first jobs as a young adult was at the local hospital. It's how he paid for his first apartment. He wheeled people up from their appointments to get picked up at curbside. Just like with his mom when he was a young teen. It felt like a good way to keep giving back even after she was gone. New moms. Dialysis patients. Kids with broken legs from falling off a skateboard ramp...
That's how he met Sam actually. (I like to think these two would be sort-of friends). Sam talked about music and boarding and surfing. Alex talked about the high school Alma Mater fight song and baseball and weightlifting.
Sam and Alex built an epic sandcastle village on the beach one year at the Luau. Both were bored. Vincent helped too. It was impressive... until high tide came in. Haley snapped a photo first at least.
Inspired by Grandpa George, he took a dance class. That's how he met Haley (when they were late teens). He was her favorite dance partner. He could actually lift her without dropping her. And he didn't step on his toes. He's actually pretty light on his feet. Tried tap dancing too but that wasn't as successful (or cool looking).
Named MVP for his high school gridball team. Would've gone on to play in uni but just didn't have the grades. And he needed to stay close for Granny and George. Still keeps his trophies from every sport he's ever played in his room.
Would challenge anyone to an arm wrestling contest any day. Has actually made some money at the Stardew Valley Fair this way. Out of towners might underestimate him. Amateurs! Shane is the only one who's come close to besting Alex and only then because he was drunk. Sober Shane might have stood a chance.
Bought George a big recliner with his very first paycheck from his adult job. Comfy cushions, high quality leather, great arm rests. George never sits in it because he had his mining accident shortly after and so it sits unused in a storage closest somewhere collecting dust. Still every once in a while, George wheels by and thinks about his grandson's thoughtfulness.
Will carry any of the Farmer's picked produce back to the bins, trekking across the fields, or will personally deliver products to Pierre's. By the armful. Corn, lettuce, bushels of broccoli, squash, grapes, tomatoes. He can carry 3 or 4 buckets at a time. Or by the basket. The big round baskets that the average person can only carry one at a time.
Likes the smell of freshly washed cars. And the air after it rains. New leather on a ball. Granny's freshly baked cookies.
Would literally be your shoulder to cry on. No seriously, people have. His mom before she passed. Evelyn after her frustrations with George. Haley after a boy she liked dumped her. Even Emily after one awkward moment as she was taking out the trash behind the Saloon and felt overwhelmed about a disturbing vision she had. He is always willing to comfort those he cares about.
Doesn't really cook but he can make a mean cheesy macaroni casserole. It's one of the few recipes he learned as a boy that has stuck with him.
Feels strongly about cheating in sports. And popping pills to make someone stronger. Especially because his mom was ill. He knows there are people out there who really need medicines. Illegal drugs are a disgrace to the profession.
Would absolutely spend his days fixing up the farmhouse, repairing the barn, sprucing the greenhouse, patching up the chicken coop while the farmer worked the fields and orchards and took care of livestock. I have this longstanding belief that Alex would make an excellent handyman in the Valley. Maybe it starts out as an apprenticeship with Robin. He's gifted with a sander, a wrench, a saw. And this man looks great in a backward cap, tight jeans, and a tool belt. He likes to feel useful, stay busy, and work with his hands. Painting your bedroom and repairing your shower leak would be his first projects once moving to the farm.
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tetsuskei · 1 month
risuuuu ! sending you a 🍋 and a basket full of all your fave fruits ! ෆ you’re the sweetest for doing this :3
my sweetest aimsies! thank you for the fruits and for stopping by :>
with roronoa zoro, your love is whimsical and driven. the two of you do not take each other too seriously and being in the life of pirates, you sorta have to live this way. zoro does not like to be held down, but what he does need is guidance (literally and figuratively). your sweet and silly nature has really opened up his eye(s) and brings out his playful and gentle persona—two words most would not often use to describe the swordsman. with how devoted you are to each other, he is endlessly loyal to you and devoted to protecting you. in his quest to be the best swordsman, he is also always trying to be a better partner for you. zoro is thoughtful (sometimes a little reckless) when it comes to things about you, as far as what you like and dislike, your mannerisms, he knows it all like the blade of his three swords.
zoro knows that his crew makes every little adventure and memory shared better than being alone. that’s why he values and loves everything that you two do together specifically. he may not always show it, but he is a yearner by nature. of course, only to you. but if you try to tell anyone he gets a little pouty when you don’t hold him or let him hold you after a long day, he will deny it. the exception being the shitty cook, and taking any and all chances to rub your relationship in his vicinity. because let’s face it—you’re just too beautiful not to show off and he knows he’s the luckiest man in the world.
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itsthesinbin · 1 year
Alright, you've tempted me further into perceiving the lemon man.
How does one exactly initiate sexy times between the two of you? Is he blunt? Is he awkward? Do we light one of those 'horny when lit' candles?
Does he jack off?
showing you the lemon light (like lime light but worse)
Lemongrab (Adventure Time)
Literally he'll just walk up to you and go "I would like to have intercourse after dinner tonight". He has to have a specific time for it to mentally prepare himself for the contact. He's flustered through the whole interaction.
He DOES jack off, but VERY very rarely. His drive is already low, and usually if you aren't in the mood he just. Doesn't really care one way or another. He'll only do it if he's REALLY pent up and you aren't around. He does it a LITTLE more after getting with you and having sex regularly (for him).
Usually he has to initiate, just because you never know when he's perceptive to it. As you stay with him, though, you can pick up on when he's feeling good enough for sex. Then you can hit on him.
Flirting with him has to be a bit blunt, but he does pick up on things pretty fast.
"So, can I touch that sour ass tonight?" "HUH? MMMM..... okay-"
Literally it's that easy. He's kinda just a huge goober.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Dark Elf Chapter 7: Spirit Bound
Series: Dark Elf
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake (this chapter)
Word Count: 2,424
Rating: NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Warnings for this series: Dubcon (but not really because she's a demon)
A/N: Submission for @choicesprompts Smutember prompt event. Prompt: Hard and Fast.
A/N2: I hope no one gets confused between this one and the other dark AU I have going right now, The Dark Kingdom. This one, Dark Elf is the one where Riley is a demon here to sacrifice Hana so Liam can achieve immortality. Liam is half elf, half human. Drake shifts into a tiger. Max is the human sorcerer that summoned her.
Thanks @aussiegurl1234 for prereading and drooling over this chapter. 😆
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley woke and stretched her body as memories of the night before fell through her head. The halfling prince had been even more delicious than she had imagined he would be. She turned her head to his side of the bed. Empty. But it would be, it was well past dawn, and he was expected at a council meeting. There was a note on the nightstand.
Last night was amazing. Looking forward to doing it again. I’ll expect you at dinner again tonight. Look in the closet.
She took her time with the shower; it was much more luxurious than her own. It was a walk-in with enough room for at least eight people to shower at the same time. When she was done, she stepped into the dress and admired herself in the floor-length mirror. It showcased her assets well. But then, all the clothes in her closet did. They all had been provided by Liam and were high quality and high fashion. He had good taste; she’d give him that.
When she was dressed, she picked up the phone and called Hana to reschedule. They could have lunch tomorrow. Today she had slept in thanks to her adventures with Liam. The man was insatiable. Their post-coital cuddling had led to a second round, then a third. And he really did like it rough. She had thoroughly enjoyed their little interlude, but now it was time to turn her attention to phase two of her plan. Time was running out.
She had his blood, now she needed his spell breaker.
She didn’t have to look far to find him either. When she arrived back at her room, Drake was already outside her door. She stopped well away from him. She wanted to talk to him before she got close enough for him to smell her.
Shock flashed across his face when he saw her, “You’re not in your room?”
“Obviously not.”
“Liam told me to resume guard duty this morning, he didn’t say where. I just assumed you were in there. I didn’t realize you’d be up so early.”
“Yes, well….errands…” she drummed her fingers across her lips for a moment then she smiled at him, “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”
A guarded expression flitted across his face, “Go ahead….”
“Liam calls you D’hala not Da’sa, why is that?”
Drake bristled as he answered, “Because I am not a servant!”
Awed disbelief mingled with elated surprise, “He hasn’t bound you to him?”
“No. I told you; I serve him by choice!”
“Oh, my dear sweet boy, being bound is a choice.” She marveled at the combination of strength and downright naivete she had found in him. Shifters, especially of the Pantera species, were some of the most powerful beings on earth. Physically he was a force to be reckoned with and magical means of defense or attack could not touch him. Yet he seemed almost innocent when it came to the ways of the world, most likely a result of the sheltered life he’d led at the palace.
She repressed her glee as she realized how incredibly simple Liam had made this. Stealing his spellbreaker would be easy. So easy it almost wasn’t sporting.
The cuff that adorned her right arm might be suppressing her demonic powers, but she had the full arsenal of all her vampiric powers at her fingertips. She supposed Liam wasn’t aware that when a vampire drank from a willing victim, some small part of the victim’s abilities were conveyed upon the blood drinker. In this case, his magic.
She’d never felt so much of someone else’s power coursing through her veins before, but perhaps the magnetic pull of her magic to his had somehow heightened it, strengthened it. Whatever the reason, she now possessed enough magic to help push the already teetering on the edge of giving in to her tiger right over the precipice.
Drake was immune to most magical forms of manipulation, but he wasn’t immune to tiger pheromones. And those she could easily manufacture now that she had access to a modicum of Elven magic. Produced by magical means or not, the pheromones themselves would be real enough. An illusion would never work on him. Fortunately, demons could shapeshift, so it was a simple matter of modifying her own actual pheromones, customizing them so that she became irresistible to him.
“I….what?” He eyed her with a combination of mistrust and curiosity.
“You can’t be bound against your will. It’s a form of…commitment.” One you couldn’t easily take back.
His only response was a grunt.
“There are benefits to being bound you know.”
“Like what?”
She shrugged languidly, “Depends on who’s doing the binding. Being bound to an immortal creature bestows immortality onto you as well.”
“Who wants to be immortal?” Shifters already had very long lifespans.
“You might, if you were truly devoted to someone. Wouldn’t you want to live as long as your lover?” With that, she moved down the hall, passing in front of him to open her door.
His nostrils flared as she walked past him into the room. His sense of smell was far more advanced than humans. Even this many hours later, there was no mistaking it. The scent was there under the soap and shampoo from her shower.
She cast a glance back over her shoulder, “What’s wrong, shifter? You look pissed off.”
Without preamble, he stepped into her room, grabbed her by the arm, and jerked her roughly to him. He buried his nose in the crook of her neck and inhaled then he shoved her away with an accusing glare, “His smell is all over you!”
Riley stumbled backward but regained her footing, and her wits, quickly. With a mocking smile, she lifted her shoulders, “So? Why does that matter to you?”
“Why does that matter? Yesterday you were ready to….we were ready to….you let me….I….I thought….”
“Listen, tiger, I need a man who can think for himself. A strong one. Does that describe you?”
She stepped into his personal face and tilted her head up to give him a challenging stare, “Prove it then.”
He visibly started, “Prove…what, exactly?”
“Prove your devotion,” she sank her fingers into his hair, “You want to serve so badly…serve me instead.”
“That’s what I thought,” she shoved away from him, and spun to walk away, “pathetic.”
The beast inside him sprang to life as pain, fury, and desire twisted together into a deadly combination.
He reached for her and pulled her back, ripping the clothes from her body in one fluid motion. He pressed himself against her naked backside as a feral growl spilled out of him and his tiger rippled a little too close to the surface. He sank his teeth into the back of her shoulder as he struggled not to shift.
What the hell was happening? He’d had sex before, he’d felt lust and desire before but never had it affected him like this. His body was reacting to her as if she were another tiger. A female tiger in heat. He’d never actually experienced that, but every instinct he possessed was telling him that’s exactly what she was. Every instinct he had was also screaming at him to claim her, to possess her, to wipe Liam’s scent from her body and replace it with his own.  
As he struggled to calm his beast and contain himself, Riley pushed back against him, rubbing her firm, supple ass against his rock-hard cock, “What's wrong, shifter? Even now you can’t step a toe out of line without permission?”
With fury and lust clouding his mind, he forced her to the floor, heedless of the bed mere feet away. He dropped to the ground hovering over her, one hand pushing into her upper back as the other tore at his own clothing. His cock sprang free, and he pushed her legs apart then shoved himself inside her with a primal roar.
He drove himself into her with a ferocity that would have frightened him had his mind been clear enough to register it. His senses drowned in a tidal wave of need overpowering in its intensity, wiping away every vestige of common sense, and self-control he possessed.
Riley writhed underneath him, pinned face down on the floor as he pounded relentlessly into her, deep in the grip of a passion and lust-fueled delirium. Pupils blown, restraint gone, he hurtled toward the edge of the abyss and crashed over it as his teeth tore at her shoulder. Her blood filled his mouth, and her scent filled his nostrils as his seed filled her insides. He pushed one last time, sinking himself as deep as he could go as he finished pulsing inside her.
He collapsed forward and lay on top of her panting as the roaring in his ears receded and some semblance of sanity retook him. He looked down at her ripped-up shoulder in horror, “Riley, shit! I’m sorry!”
“It’ll heal,” she told him. The only thing that healed quicker than a shifter was a demon. Indeed, the skin began knitting itself back together as he watched.
He scrambled off her, sprawling on his ass next to her on the floor, his head swiveling from side to side as if he wasn’t sure where he was or how he had gotten there, “I…I don’t know what happened…”
His pants were still tangled around his legs, he’d never gotten them off, just shoved down. Her dress lay on the other side of the room, ripped completely in half. He jerked his pants up, but the zipper and button had been torn out. “What the fuck?” He whispered to himself then his eyes lifted slowly to take in the woman he’d just ravaged without so much as a by your leave.
Riley had pulled herself into a similar seated position. Her eyes bore into him as she licked blood from her lips.
His eyes widened, “Did I….did I hurt you?”
“Define hurt….”
“I’m sorry…I…I don’t know what just happened to me….”
“Come here,” she motioned for him to move closer.
He scooted forward until he was in front of her. Lowering his head into her lap he fought back tears, “I swear I’ve never…I wouldn’t…I didn’t mean to….”
“It’s okay,” she crooned as her fingers combed through his hair and caressed his scalp, “I pushed you to it.”
“There’s no excuse for losing control like that,” he croaked out, his arms circling her waist as his body began to shake with soft sobs.
“Oh, my sweet tiger, you are such a delightful mix of strength and vulnerability. There’s so much you don’t know about your own kind. Let me help you find your way. Let me help you come into your own.”
“How?” He lifted pleading eyes to her.
“Let me bind you.”
“How will that help?”
“Well for one, no one will ever be able to separate us, you’ll become immortal like me, and I’ll have eternity to teach you everything you need to know.”
“Would I have to go to hell with you when you leave?”
“That’s the beauty of it, tiger. If we do this, if you agree to it, then I don’t have to leave here. Ever. You and I and Liam can all be together, for eternity. You love him, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“In two days’ time, he becomes immortal. Bind yourself to me and so do you. You’ll never have to leave him, or me.”
“You can teach me about the other shifters?”
“My dear sweet boy, I can teach you anything you desire to know. We can go into the Black Spire Mountains and meet other shifters if you like,” she continued to stroke his hair as she crooned in a soothing voice, “We can hunt the monster that killed your mother together, and when we find it, we’ll destroy it! Once my full powers are restored, we will be a force to be reckoned with!”
He sat up abruptly, “You would help me avenge my mother?”
Her eyes danced with the anticipation of victory, “Oh yes my darling, we will crush the beast!”
He stared at her for a long moment then nodded, “Okay, I’ll do it!”
“Excellent!” she clapped her hands before conjuring an athame out of the ether, “Give me your hand.”
He eyed the ceremonial dagger as he considered the weight of his decision. The blade did not frighten him. She frightened him. But she also excited and mesmerized him. The thought of being bound to her for eternity galvanized him and he extended his hand to her willingly.
She grasped his hand in hers, “Look at me. I’m going to teach you the spell now. You must remember it and recite it perfectly. Can you do that for me?”
“I think I could do anything if it’s for you.”
“Good boy. Now listen carefully.”
Once she was convinced he had the invocation down, she returned her attention to his hand, still grasped in hers, and carved a symbol into his palm, then carved the same symbol into her own. Lacing their fingers together, she pressed her palm into his, mingling their blood as she intoned the incantation, “Magicam antiquam invoco, obedientiam tuam invoco, adstringo te mihi nunc et in perpetuum!”
Their hands began to glow as heat tingled against both palms. His resolve never wavering, he pressed his palm into hers as he repeated the chant she had taught him, “Tibi me libenter obligo, me tibi totum trado. Voluntatem meam trado tuis nunc et in perpetuum.”
The glow brightened until they couldn’t see their hands and the heat intensified to an almost painful level. There was a loud popping sound and the light, and heat, disappeared.
He felt an invisible force settle around his heart and tighten. Drawing his hand away from her, he turned it palm up to study the design carved into it. The blood was gone, his hand was clean and the design faded as he watched until his palm was just skin again. He flexed his hand open and closed. He couldn’t see the image she had carved there, but he could feel it. There was now an invisible cord connecting them, a thread he could follow, a tangible, undeniable force binding them together.
He opened his mouth to ask her what happened next but before he could get the words out, the door burst open, and Liam stumbled into the room, “Riley! Drake! What have you done?”
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 month
hiiiiiiii <3 please ❤️🎵 🍋 and 🌺 for the get to know me asks….
hi!!! ty for asking <3
❤️ how tall are you?
not very :( 5'4"-5"/162-165cm (havent checked in years so i can't say for sure lol)
🎵 favorite artists
eeeee okay here's a list
de'wayne (he so truly nails the alt rock/punk genre it's everything to me)
the last dinner party (they're so,, ethereal. also a huge inspo to the novel im working on)
the brobecks/idkhow (loveee dallon weekes mind. also the way he pulls in new wave influences is soooooo jensen. also he sounds a little like jensen. anyway.)
PUP (banger after banger. never disliked a song from them)
matt maeson (not religious at all but man knows how to write ab trauma)
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write
reading/writing: bildungsroman, historical/fantasy, adventure
watching: biopics, historical, fantasy, thriller (i actually mostly watch thrillers/mystery but don't really care for it outside of that)
honestly though most medias i like are a matter of having strong characters (as in developed, depthful characters w the capacity for growth). genre isn't as important as that
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important
this one's hard to say (like establishing the Best is a lot of pressure lmao) but probs my trip to ireland earlier this year!! my nana brought me as kind of a bday gift, kind of a grad gift (yes im still in school just transferring) and it was truly so fun. got to see so much art and water (i got to ride on a boat. truly the time of my life. no it's not that remarkable but the sea is my one true love <3)
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Fic: 5 times Gege tops + 1 time Didi is on top
Tag: Gong Shangjue x Gong Yuanzhi
A/N: I kept hearing that Adventure Time 'Bacon Pancakes' song in my head lol
@dangermousie @xinxiaojie
Spicy Lemons, for new readers, is my way of saying that there will be smut ahead. So, as the title of this fic implies, Spicy Lemons ahead babbyyyyy 🌶️🍋 Enjoy!
- 1 - Move
He tastes like wine and kisses back with the fervour of a man whose inhibitions have been dulled by the spirits in his cup. Even with hazy eyes, flushed cheeks, and taking the stretch of three fingers in him, his didi still has bite.
"Good didi..." Shangjue coos, licking at the tears that glisten in the corner of Yuanzhi's eye. He feels his breath hitch where their sweat-slick chests are pressed together. He rolls his hips against the meat of Yuanzhi's thighs just to pull another sob out of him.
Perhaps the wine at the family banquet is hitting him stronger than usual. Perhaps he's an addict finally getting a fix. Or perhaps it's nothing at all and everything all at once, because when Yuanzhi begs for his kiss, he doesn't hesitate to obey.
Swallowing down the stuttering sobs that claw their way achingly between the scant spaces of their gasping breaths as he comes so beautifully at the curl of his fingers, Shangjue burns to consume his Yuanzhi whole.
They ride their high like that; three fingers pumping in and out with the slick of the lubricant, one hand holding Yuanzhi close while he paints his own ardour on the pale skin of his hip.
"More, gege... Please?"
Gods above, Shangjue adores him.
- 2 - Dream
Shangjue allows himself to sink into the pleasantness of a dream.
Yuanzhi didi, hair undone and splayed on the covers of their bed, plush lips spread around the girth of his cock as he rocks into the warmth and humid heat of his mouth. His tongue - oh! that excellent tongue - licks up a stripe on the underside, and he shivers at the thought of pressing in deep enough for Yuanzhi to start gagging.
The Yuanzhi between his thighs smiles, all teeth. Opening his mouth, he suckles on the tip of his cock. Hollowing his cheeks, rolling off laughing. Shangjue chuckles along. Playful, carding his fingers through Yuanzhi's hair.
"Gege... Wake up..."
Shangjue startles upright. Taking stock of his surroundings, his fingers itch for the hilt of his sword. "What...?"
"Gege?" Yuanzhi mumbles from next to him. Rubbing the sleep at his eyes, he yawns. "Gege, what's wrong?"
They're in his room. This is his bed. This is his didi.
His didi, who is most certainly wearing nothing but a pair of sleep pants that have slithered down far enough that Shangjue can see the dark thatch of hair between his thighs and the root of his cock.
Shangjue feels a jolt of desire stir in his groin when Yuanzhi pushes himself upright with one arm. The expanse of his pale skin aglow in the stream of moonlight that cuts through the opening of the window.
"It's nothing," Shangjue tries, only to be thwarted by the way Yuanzhi's sharp gaze catches the bulge in the front of his pants. He spies the moment hunger overtakes the need for sleep in Yuanzhi's eyes, and sighs around a huff of laughter.
"Come here."
- 3 - Promise
Yuanzhi is a mess.
Shangjue has lost count of the orgasms they've wrung out of each other, and frankly, at this point, he feels like it shouldn't matter.
No, it absolutely does not matter one bit.
The last one must have taken a toll on him because Yuanzhi doesn't even twitch when he pulls his aching cock out of his sloppy hole. Good... That's good, he thinks with a bone-deep exhaustion. Mustering enough of a coherency, he pulls on an outer robe, grating at the feel of the fabric on his over-sensitised skin, and goes to the front door of the hut to pull in the basket of supplies that has been left there.
Briefly he wonders who was the poor soul who was dispatched to do the task. Dimly, he wonders if they saw anything.
A spark of jealousy and possessiveness burns bright in the back of his mind. He flits through the thoughts of someone seeing the way Yuanzhi arches so sweetly to hold in all of his spend as he promises to put an heir in his belly, scarcely daring to imagine which whispered vow they must have heard -- was it the one where Shangjue had promised that Yuanzhi will be his one and only furen? or what is the one where he had crooned over how his didi was born to take his cock? How Yuanzhi had made him promise that he would be Shangjue's one and only come dump?
Or had it been the promise he had kissed into the sweat-matted crown of his didi's hair that once they had slaked their infernal thirst, he will wed him, honest and true, in front of their family.
Clarity slips in and out of his hands. The antidote to the Flowers of a Thousand Sun that they'd both been poisoned with is set to the side. He reaches in for the pot of unguent and the box of jade eggs instead.
He sheds his coat and climbs back into bed just in time to see didi stir.
- 4 - Sun-drenched
Shangjue presses forward in a smooth, practised glide. Guiding his cock with one hand, he tangles his other with Yuanzhi's, arching in to kiss at the pleased sighs that leave his cherry-red lips. The sight of him with the shadows of the midday sun dancing over his skin has him smiling.
Humming, he lets Yuanzhi chase his mouth, chuckling when he whines in displeasure at being denied. "Alright, alright, settle down."
Dark, fox eyes blink at him. The starting of a pout begins to form and Shangjue wonders if Yuanzhi ever did figure out what he does to him whenever he pulls that look; how he would absolutely pluck the moon out of the sky for him if that's what he wants?
He moves his hand up to hold Yuanzhi by the hip, rearranging their bodies a little so that Yuanzhi has his left leg securely hitched over Shangjue's waist, comfortably pressed against the tree they'd just been picnicking under.
Shangjue allows his mind to wander...
"Don't even think about it, Ge. My back still hurts from the last time we tried that."
Choking on his laughter, he shakes his head, knocking their brows together, darting in to kiss the tip of Yuanzhi's nose.
"Alright. We'll do it your way."
- 5 - Wedded
The record books will note for future generations to come that Gong Shangjue married a bride on a sunny winter's day.
Merriment and joy colour the mile of road that leads to Jue residence a deep red that snakes through the snow-draped landscape. It was as if spring had bloomed months early in Jiuchen Valley, breathing life back into the hibernating world.
She must be someone of importance, someone says.
She must be a beauty to have such a dowry, another whispers.
Whoever she is, she has caught Young Master Jue's eye, yet another declares.
When it comes time to guide the bride out of her palanquin, no one could have expect that Young Master Jue himself would come to carry her out and to cross the threshold with her.
And if the bride was a little taller than the groom when they make their bows to Heaven and Earth together, no one says a word about it.
No one sees the bride's face. Perhaps with deference to how Young Master Jue glares at anyone who even tries to steal a peek, or maybe it's more because the whole roster of elders in the Gong family seems to dare anyone to try, because no one - perhaps wisely so - takes them up on it.
What no one will write about is how that night, when the festivities die down to a drunken trickle, those who still linger around long enough would hear the sounds of lovemaking. The voices would speak lowly and with no end of familiarity with each other. For those who were still sober enough, they would hear a hoarse voice calling out to "Gege" while another voice replies over the sound of skin slapping against skin, "You should call me Xianggong instead."
And if one drunken uncle recalls the day after through the fog of a wicked hangover that he hadn't seen Gong Yuanzhi at the wedding of his beloved brother, no one remembers that at all.
- +1 - Yours
The kiss that precedes this is slow and unhurried, almost exploratory. Shangjue relaxes and allows Yuanzhi to take the lead.
There is no pressing matter to attend to. There is no family-ending disaster, no immediate danger to vanquish. Here, in this pocket of time, Shangjue luxuriates at the feel of Yuanzhi climbing onto his lap, straddling him skin to sleep warm skin.
"What's brought this on, hm?"
Yuanzhi laughs, pushing back his hair out of his face. The sound is bright in the morning hush of the room. Like a clear note of happiness that burns in the air around them. Shangjue cannot help but be caught up in it, chuckling along with him.
Running his fingers down the inside of a thigh, he reaches up for Yuanzhi's hand, tracing the tattoo on the inside of his wrist. The same one he has on his own -- a mark of their eternal vow to be one with each other.
"Furen, what do you propose we do today?" He asks, smiling up at Yuanzhi, basking in the way his heart swells at the sight of his beloved.
"Xianggong," Yuanzhi laughs, pretending to think about it while he lazily rolls their cocks together. "Shall we...?"
With one swift roll, Shangjue twists them until he has Yuanzhi pressed breathlessly under him. Carefully, he kisses the space between Yuanzhi's brows. Slowly trailing his lips to his temple, marking the skin under his eyes, softly, worshipfully, kissing his way down the bridge of his nose. Laughing softly, Shangjue murmurs, "Furen."
With a solemn sincerity, he lowers himself to press their faces cheek to cheek. “Didi…”
Yuanzhi tilts his face, bringing the corners of their lips in a slow drag. On an exhale, he shapes one word.
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txemrn · 2 years
Like Ships in the Night
Prologue: We Finally Got It All Right
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Welcome to my new anthology series Like Ships in the Night! I am so fortunate to have some amazing readers that enjoy this sweet pairing, and have expressed interest in seeing how fate tried bringing them back together during their 15 years apart. And you know what? I want to see that, too! So... here it is, and I hope you enjoy this adventure as much as I enjoyed dreaming about it and creating it! Each story can be read as a one-shot (unless noted), and--I'm so excited about this part--you are going to see some of canon woven into this. And in true Emily-fashion, it's not going to follow a specific time-line, but you will be able to follow along.
For those of you who are new to Tatum Erikson: this is the infamous "Hopkins Girl"... and in my AU, she and Ethan find their way back to each other.
🔞This collection of stories is intended for mature audiences only. By continuing, you agree that you are 18 years of age or older. TW for chapters will be included with each part. 🔞
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tatum Erikson-Ramsey)
Series Music Inspo: "Ships in the Night" by Mat Kearney
Chapter Music Inspo: "I Choose You" by Sara Bareilles
Chapter Summary: On the night of their wedding, Tatum begins to reflect about her relationship with Ethan... and about all of the missed opportunities that they had with one another.
Word Count: ~3400
Warnings: NSFW/smut 🍋; language
A/N: Some of these characters/plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry. Huge thank you to my girl @charlotteg234 for helping me choreograph my smut, and to my girl @ao719 for looking over said smut! lol Love you both! Not truly beta'd; please excuse my errors.
Would you call me crazy if I told you I believe in cheesy romance stories? You know the type: the kind where the rich CEO’s car breaks down in a small town, where he meets the shy, yet beautiful local pastry chef with a failing bakery? He inevitably screws things up, but he proves his love by performing a grand gesture–in this case, buying out her bakery to give it back to her. Or how about the age-old story where a woman meets a stranger in a bar, spends a hot night of passion with him, only to find out in the morning that he is her new boss?  Or he’s the son of her boss? Or he’s the crown prince of some made-up country in the Mediterranean? 
Now, before you roll your eyes at me, I know what you’re thinking. Stuff like that doesn’t actually happen in real life. Men don’t go out of their way to make fools of themselves for love. Love has its limits, and the sensation of being ‘swept off your feet’ is nothing more than a trigger of chemicals in your body, supported by the greeting card companies and flower shops.  And let me tell you: I totally agree with you.
Until it happened to me.
When I was twenty-three, I fell in love with the most intelligent, fearless, most handsome man I had ever met in my life. He was strong, yet sensitive; he was quiet, but hilarious.  He was such a colossal pain in my ass. And I absolutely loved him for it. For over three years, our relationship was thrilling, breath-taking, all-consuming and wild. It was the kind of love that inspires love songs and poetry, a love that makes you believe in soulmates and wishing on stars and happily ever afters.  We had no idea what the hell we were doing, which made it so incredibly perfect. He was so incredibly perfect.
Then, I single-handedly fucked it up. Everything that was good in my life, I threw it all away in a single moment. And that incredibly perfect man… I broke him. And the worst part? I changed him. Because of me, he learned to be cold and hard; he learned to be closed off, to protect himself from getting hurt ever again. He lost that spontaneous bright light in his eyes. And love?  He stopped believing in it.   
But, I’ll let you in on a little secret: the story of Ethan Ramsey and Tatum Erikson doesn’t stop there.  It should’ve. My God, it should’ve, but fate had a different ending for us.
His voice. It still rings like a melody to me, especially with my name dancing on his lips. Well, that and judging from his mumble, his keys must be in his mouth.  His hands are full with a late dinner, and no doubt, Jenner is making it nearly impossible for him to sneak through the door with his excitement.
I give the navy velvet sky one more glance as I turn to walk back inside from our balcony. Pulling the curtains shut, I watch Ethan set the table before lighting a few tapered candles between our plates. He then promptly unpacks the brown paper bags of our greasy, late-night fast food dinner.
Recinching the white satin belt of my short, lace-trimmed robe startles him into a double-take.  “There you are,” he beams brightly at me; he offers a guilty smile as he claps his hands. “Nothing was open at 1:30 in the morning except…” he sighs, “the golden arches.”
Raising a playful eyebrow, I saunter closer to him, closing the gap between us. As I wrap my arms around his thick, swole musculature, his taut, strong arms envelop my own body. He pulls me closer, pressing me lovingly into the flat planes of his chest.
“Mmmm…" I nuzzle into him, "it’s perfect. My husband did good,” I steal a fry.
He smirks before kissing my forehead. He looks at his watch. “It’s been–” he clicks his tongue, “--nine hours? I really hope I haven’t messed this marriage-thing up too badly just yet. Although, I’m not so sure that feeding my wife McDonald’s on her wedding night is being a good husband.”
"I think you're doing a damn good job on keeping her satiated, Mr. Ramsey," I giggle under my breath. 
The man truly is a god. His glorious tongue and nimble fingers permeated secret parts of me during our quaint wedding reception earlier, making us swiftly take our exit during the main course.  Even now after spending four breathless hours making love, I look up into those possessive crystal eyes, and my arousal instantly awakens. God, I need him.
Ethan tilts his head lower towards me, his breath warm on the shell of my ear. “Every touch from you, Mrs. Ramsey, leaves my begging… for … more," he nips at my earlobe, punctuating his words.  The sudden sting ignites a fury of goosebumps across my skin.
And suddenly, I can't let go of him. Feeling the heat of his body against my own intoxicates me like a fine vintage wine. This man, this honorable and selfless man: he is my beloved, my husband, my forever. My soul literally craves just to be in his presence; my being thirsts to be held steadfast in the oasis of his heart. I want to dive deep and succumb to his currents; the height of his love I will never, ever be able to fathom. 
And to think: he chose me. Again.
The silky fabric of my robe slips off my shoulder. Ethan's large hand brushes across my exposed freckled skin, admiring my decollete as if he was experiencing it for the first time. His breath shutters against my chest, his desire hardening against my belly. His mouth presses to my exposed skin as he marks me as his own. The pull from his pout is heavenly; he burrows his face into my neck, his arms hugging me tightly.
I tenderly rake my fingers through his espresso waves, massaging the back of his neck.
"My wife…" he silently breathes against me like a fervent prayer. His hands find the loose knot of my belt, pulling the tie undone with his thumb. The material flounces open, his fingers roaming across my bare curves.
His lips find mine, a slow fire kindling between them. His tongue flirts inside my mouth, swirling languidly around the tip of mine. 
My knees buckle with the abrupt throbbing between my legs, but his arms brace me. We both warmly snicker before I peer up at the gorgeous, chiseled lines of his face. His dark stare is so attentive, so captivated with me; I can feel my heart pirouette in my chest. 
I want him–God, I fucking need him in the most feral of ways. Now. I am his lamb, his sacrifice. I need him to strip me, ravage me, break me, consume me. 
"I thought you were hungry," he growls, tracing my jaw with the bridge of his nose. His eyelashes flutter against my skin; even my toes curl to the command of their gentle tickle. 
My breath quickens, the rise and fall of my chest pressing into his firm body. "I thought you were," my voice softly rattles, painfully aware of his tightly constricted appetite in his sweatpants.
He rolls his tongue across his bottom lip as he tucks a finger under the material resting on my other shoulder. With a careful flick,  the satin glides down my arm, drifting into a delicate cascade until it ripples on the floor around my ankles.
"I am," he cups my cheek, painting his thumb across my own pout. He then drags his knuckles down my exposed body: down my chin and neck, between my breasts and around my navel. He takes a knee, his mouth replacing his hand. He trails sweet kisses down my abdomen before tenderly caressing my sex. I hum as he gazes back up at me, his eyes dark with want. "I am very–" I gasp as he pushes his fingers into my core, "--very hungry." Pulling back out, he lifts his hand to his mouth. He moans in pleasure, his tongue eagerly lapping up my sweet desire.
As he sensually sucks on the tips of his fingers, I greedily steal his hand, bringing it back to my own lips. With a mischievous grin on my face, I kiss his palm before dragging it down to my pert breast. I guide his hand into massaging me slowly, his secure grip finding and teasing my nipples. Losing myself in the vast wilderness of his longing stare, he renders me speechless; the anticipation leaves me breathless. God, just put your mouth on me already...
I drag my teeth across my lips, watching my new husband shiver, unraveling on his knees. Combing my nails behind his ear, he shifts his gaze back to me, and I whisper. 
“Take me.”
Hastily finding the bottom curve of my ass, he takes hold of me, pulling me closer to himself. His hands wander smoothly up my thighs, discovering my wet slit. He tenderly traces my folds, and a sudden ache for more courses through my legs 
His finger grazes over my plumping clit, once… then twice before he circles around again… and then back the other direction. My foot coyly turns inward as my knee curls to shield my throbbing apex from his welcoming intrusion.
“Uh-uh,” he scolds me. He slips my leg out from under me, instantly finding its way over his broad shoulder. I brace myself on the back of a chair as he strums my swollen button. 
My knees quiver with reckless electricity; my body trembles with raw nerves.  My lower belly warms with excitement, euphoria building deep within me. I begin to rub against his hand.
“Ethan,” I gasp, “please baby–”
He stops. As he flicks his eyes to me with that irresistible smirk, he must’ve seen the look of betrayal written all over my face.
But before I can get my words out, he scoops me up bridal-style, hurrying me into our bedroom.  He throws me like a ragdoll onto the plush bed before ripping off his undershirt.  I sit up on my knees, my fingers reaching for his waistband. As I lunge closer to take what I want, he grabs my wrists. He crawls on top of me pinning me down, my hands helplessly over my head. 
He kisses into my whimpers, his teeth nipping at my swollen lips. “Such an eager girl,” he snickers, biting my lip again until he gently licks into my mouth. 
Ethan traces his tongue down my body, circling around my nipple before pulling it into his mouth.  Fuck, it hurts so good. One of my hands has traveled to the back of his head, encouraging his rapacious mouth into my sensitive skin. But, he possessively steals my hand from his neck, restraining it useless above my head.
“Stay,” the corner of his mouth turns up as he pants, “you stay right here until you finish for me." He playfully tugs on my other nipple with his teeth before stealing another glimpse of me. "And you will finish on me.” 
His demanding claim on me as well as his overpowering strength sends a chilling ache through my body. My need for him grows fervent, restless, completely starved.  I am his hostage, and only he holds the key to my release, to my pleasure. He is my undoing.
He slips down my body, spreading my legs apart for him. I quake as he spreads apart my lips, and all at once, his tongue drinks me deeply. My back arches against the mattress, as he swirls around my most sensitive area.
My breath becomes ragged as my hips thrust off of the bed. Hoarse mewls escape my mouth as my head thrashes back and forth across the pillow.
Without warning, he glides two thick fingers into my channel, stealing the very breath from my lungs.  Finding the perfect spot inside, he strokes deeply, smoothly, my toes curling with the change of sensation.  
I am overwhelmed; each stroke builds on the last, the intensity obliterating my mind. Is this pleasure? Is this pain? I can’t–I can’t take anymore.
That is until Ethan takes his other hand, firmly pressing it down on my lower belly. The electricity of my desire erupts into a million stars, dancing in my own galaxy. 
And then he slides in another finger.
My mouth drops open into earth-shattering silence as I pump my hips uncontrollably into his hand. My body trembles, hurdling me towards an orgasm. It’s terrifying, and thrilling, and absolutely emotional. I can barely breathe anymore, my inhales catching in my chest as my body cries out. 
But suddenly, as my climax overcomes me, throwing me off the edge to complete ruin, Ethan stops. He grips my ass and swiftly, flips us both over. Finding myself on my knees, my husband’s head is between my thighs, his lips a breath away from my wet pussy.
"Ride me, baby."
He pulls my hips down, the sudden jerk causing me to grab the wooden headboard. His stubble tickles my sensitive skin as my nerves reignite with pleasure. My body melts into him, his mouth instantly finding my deep ache. He blows gently across my throbbing clit before wrapping his mouth around it, giving it a nip with his teeth.
A stun of electricity courses through my veins.  A deep burn contracts in my belly as groans of ecstasy escape my throat; my eyes prick with tears of euphoric joy as he strokes me through another orgasm.  My whimpers fill our room as I uncontrollably pulse and constrict around his tongue and fingers. My thighs quiver as I grind my quaking pussy across his hungry mouth.
My knuckles blanch to white as I grip the headboard; glistening with sweat, my body grows limp, begging for rest, begging for oxygen, begging to collapse from my husband’s predatory gleaning of my body… now his body.  
But, he holds me fast and close, his hands gripping firmly to the swells of my ass as he continues to feast on my ravaged center. He tenderly nuzzles me open, his tongue consuming every last drop of my pleasure.
He crawls out from under me, quickly climbing onto his knees to kneel behind my body. His arms snake around my abdomen as he pulls me back into his lap. And I collapse against his chest, my hands finding the tops of his before tangling our fingers together.
Relishing his touch, Ethan presses his lips into my jaw, along my neck, coming to rest on my shoulder. He tightens his hold on me as his mouth finds the shell of my ear, my body lax against his. 
And then I giggle. His soft whispers of the most lovely, the most hidden of secrets saved just for us drip like honey from his lips, his sweet words seducing me in the most intimate of ways.
Turning my head to meet his gaze, our lips brush against one another as we finally relax into each other's arms, laying down against the swirl of sheets and stacks of pillows. Finding a comfortable silence, I can feel his pulse bounding in time with mine as we share the air around us. He mindlessly traces shapes with the tips of his fingers across my hips. His ankles intertwine with mine, and somehow, something so mundane feels so possessive, so intimate. I could drown in this moment, knowing my last breath was him claiming me as his own.
"How?" I sigh, not realizing the actual word escaped from my mind.
"Hrmm?" He rasps, readjusting his hold on my body against his.
I titter in embarrassment. "This. I just can't believe… we're here…"
He nuzzles his nose against my neck. "Just you and me." He takes my hands, gently interlocking our fingers together as he brings it up to his mouth for a kiss.
A thought crosses my mind. And I sit up, leaning myself against the plethora of pillows against the headboard.  Grabbing a sheet to cover myself, I look down at my husband, a pensive grin quirking on my mouth. "Do you–" I sigh, shaking my head. "Nevermind."
Ethan sits himself up next to me, playfully knocking his shoulder into me. "Do I what?" 
"It's silly."
He smirks. "Like that's ever stopped you?"
I swat his arm before wrapping my hand around his bicep, laying my head against his shoulder. "Do you believe... in fate?"
He rolls his head towards me, giving me that look, like I just asked him the most idiotic question on the planet.
"What?" I teasingly pout. 
He raises his eyebrows. "Do you really want to know my answer?" 
No. I chuckle to myself; I know better. I have always appreciated Ethan's ability to remain level-headed. He's a realist, a believer in physical matter. Everything can or will be explained by science. For the most part, I agree with him. Afterall, I am a scientist, too. 
And maybe he's right; the rekindling of our relationship was a complete coincidence. But still… after all of the missed meetings and stolen glances from afar… after all of these years, why now?
He presses a lingering kiss to my forehead. "Tell me. What do you think?"
"Whether or not you believe in fate?"
"No," he rolls his eyes, grinning wide. His deep chuckle reverberates through his body, warming mine. He pulls me gently into his chest. "Tell me, baby," he softly croons. "Tell me what you're thinking. Tell me what's got you thinking about–" he waves his hand in the air as if he's presenting a magical word on a rainbow. "--destiny."
"Not when you say it like that," I pinch his belly.
"Okay, okay!" He flinches, snickering before cradling me closer. "I'm sorry. I'll be serious." I give Ethan a questioning glare until he holds up three fingers. "Doctor's honor."
I giggle as I mindlessly begin to play with his fingers in silence.  I finally sigh because I officially sound like a lunatic, and surely, this beautiful man is about to go get our marriage annulled. "I don't know," I breathe him in deeply, my fingertips grazing through the hair on his chest. "I feel like… now looking back on us, we had so many missed opportunities… divine interventions… I don't know," I snicker at myself because I don't just sound insane; I am insane.
That is until Ethan takes my hand, giving me a reassuring squeeze. "I'm listening."
"What if we were always meant to find each other? Like… God, I don't know." I turn around to face him leaned against the wall of pillows. "Imagine we're heading to work on the T, but we keep missing the stop… and yet, we still end up where we're supposed to go, even if we have to catch another line or hail a cab."
Ethan gives me a skeptical look. "Okay, so… you believe you and I had missed opportunities to be together–"
"I don't know if I believe it… but somehow calling those missed connections, those times that we almost crossed paths again…" I bite my bottom lip, shaking my head. "Rams, how could they just be coincidences?"
Ethan couldn't take his eyes off me; I could tell he was perplexed with what I was insinuating by the way he chewed the inside of his mouth. We fell into a quietness, my question left unanswered. 
I could feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Maybe I was being hyper-emotional with it being our wedding day and all the talk of love everlasting.
After spending a few moments studying my face, Ethan tenderly takes my foot, pushing back the sheet to expose it completely. He lays it on the firm planes of his abdomen as he begins to gently knead his thumbs and knuckles into my arches.
"Coincidences, hrm?" He exhales heavily. "Or fate?" He shakes his head with uncertainty as he strokes each one of my toes. "Tell me a coincidence. One of our coincidences."
Feeling myself melt into his touch, I look down at my wedding band, twirling it around my finger. Taking a deep breath, I lick my lips and begin.
"Do you remember the time…?"
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Thank you so much for your support! Every like , comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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plutoasteroids · 5 months
Hello 🌱 I would love to participate in your future spouse reading game 🐿️🌳 My question of choice: 18+ facts or messages from my future spouse. The assumptions I have of you are:
🍋You are determined and ambitious and you count on your strive for success to keep going, career-wise especially. You know what you want and you will get it regardless anything that may come in your way. You seem like the type of person who knows how to save money and spend it wisely. You're good at earning money too! I assume you are a patient person, so you won't give up on small inconveniences and will achieve great things when it comes to money matter specifically. Your job/career stands out a lot to me when I connect to your energy.
🍋Your energy seems loving, nurturing. I think you honest, devoted and like a mother figure/someone your closest people look up to. You are very supportive and people love getting the encouragement they need from you. But it also seems that you tend to hide some emotions inside because they may not be what society accepts in a way or you just don't want to seem negative to others or different.
Thank you dear in advance. My initials are P.T.G. (she/her) and I am interested in men (he/him). I am 24! Lots of love 💕🐛
You are correct on all your assumptions aside from the wise with money one 😭
First thing your future spouse said is 'on your knees'. Your man wastes no time he is the direct and bold type when it comes to literally everything. You may sometimes wonder where this man gets the audacity and you may have to apologize on his behalf, but he'll be like 'fuck that I am not sorry. i meant what I said the first time'.
He likes red or black lingerie on you, and he may buy you a new pair once a week just because he likes it (Mostly because he rips them).
He wants it to be slow and sensual he may seem rough but and tough but with you he'll take his time making sure you are pleased. Yes, he likes a good old-fashioned blowjob but he will put most of his focus on pleasing you.
He may way you up to sex (after getting your consent that it's okay to do so) while you sleep and he's spooning you he may just go for it if you know what I mean.
Okay funny enough I pulled both degradation and praise kink which kind of makes sense for him he may say stuff to you like 'You take it so well like a good little slut' (AGAIN I CAN'T EMPAHSIS THIS ENOUGH HE WON'T DO IT IF YOU DON'T WANT IT but that's what he likes) He is a very vocal man he will praise you degrade you, moan all that good stuff.
He can get a little adventurous and want to be on the kinkier side and tie you down and maybe even quick little spanks but I don't see anything too hardcore unless you want it.
Thigh play is also going to be a thing. He likes your thighs and may ask you to use them to please them.
He Also wants me to let you know that he is 6-7 inches big.
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wolfpants · 8 months
For the ask game!
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write
❤️‍🔥 what character do you simp for most often
Hello! Thank you for these!
🍋 - (these all live within a big venn diagram of read/watch/write) character studies, travel fiction, period pieces, romance and mlm/sapphic erotica, coming of age, magic realism, low fantasy, high fantasy, stranger in a strange land, isolation study/stranded stories, adventure, horror, gothic, classic murder mystery, anything related to publishing/the publishing industry or journalism
❤️‍🔥 - tends to be the highly strung calculating posh blond man
get to know me ask game!
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
An American in Cordonia: Maneater
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Books: The Royal Romance 1
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter: 🍋
Pairing: Liam x Jessica Garcia (MC)
An American In Cordonia Series premise: A New Yorker seeking adventure and love finds herself living abroad to competing for the hand of a man who will become King. When things don’t go according to plan they enter into a Cordonian arrangement. This is a series about Jessica Garcia’s life abroad, her time as a suitor, and explores her romantic relationship with Liam while she lives in a Cordonian arrangement. Catch up here
Chapter Summary:  Jessica reads an interesting article and gets sexually curious.
Chapter Song inspiration: ManEater - Nelly Furtado
Word Count: 2,460 *As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors.*
Average reading time: 8 minutes
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Liam’s Study- Palace
Jessica sat on Liam’s desk next to him, swinging her legs, reading an article in a magazine. While Liam reviewed paperwork forwarded to him by his advisers, he picked up the document labeled security briefing, read a few lines, and looked at Jessica with a smile. When she didn’t notice, Liam playful drew circles on Jessica’s knee and said, “So Jess, is that the magazine you brought?”
“Well, geezus, nothing gets past that Royal Guard, now does it?”
“No, Love, it does not.” Liam cleared his throat and began to read, “6:15 AM Lady Jessica exited the palace. At the gate, she was approached by Drake Walker, who was overheard saying, “Where fuck do you think you’re going alone? It’s still fucken dark.” Lady Jessica responded by saying, “I didn’t realize I needed your permission.” Mr. Walker then drove Lady Jessica to the Cordonian International Airport. Whereupon entry, Lady Jessica made a ‘B’ line to a Cinnabon counter and yelled, “Fuck YES churro’s!” Liam laughed and collected himself, then continued, “She purchased an order of churros. Shortly after, Mr. Walker and Lady Jessica got into a disagreement over the churros. He held the churro over her head, teasing her as she attempted to reclaim it. Mr. Walker then handed her the churro after taking what was deemed by Lady Jessica a much too generous bite and handed it back to her. Mr. Walker was heard saying, “I regret nothing” Lady Jessica then walked to a newsstand and was observed purchasing an American Magazine  ‘Cosmopolitan’ ,ten blow pops and a bag of M&M with peanuts.” Liam looked at and quirked his brow and said, “Really, ten blow pops?”
Jessica put her hands on her waist and said, “Are you judging me? I needed them okay.”
Liam pursed his lips and said, “Don’t be so defensive. I love that your mouth tastes like cherry by the way.”
“Good. Cause I was gonna say.”
Liam rubbed her thigh and continued reading out loud “Mr. Walker purchased a Nicolas Sparks novel titled ‘A walk to remember’ The pair returned to the palace at 7:30 AM without incident.”
“Yea, that sounds accurate and rather detailed. Surprised they didn’t tell you the flavors. BUT I bought the magazine because my cousin got a photo credit. It just so happened that as I was flipping through it to see what I was missing back house in the states an article caught my eye and it made me think of you, so read a few  times.”
“Oh, Jess, there is more in my brief. A significant detail I might add.”
Jessica looked at curiously, “Really? I can’t think of anything else.”
He put down the briefing, and his blue sparkled as he looked at her and said, “Lady Jessica presented herself for breakfast at 8:00 am. As per usual, she looked gorgeous, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.”
Jessica smiled and smoothed down her dress, and said, “Thank you.”
He kissed her sweetly and said, “Now, tell me Love what is it you are reading  that reminded you of me?”
Jessica sheepishly said, “Ummm… Well,so-”
Liam peaked at the article Jessica was reading and blushed as he read the title aloud, ‘Man-eater: How to give a mind-blowing orgasm to your uncircumcised partner.’ by Callie Cross. I wonder what sage advice Ms. Cross has to offer.”
Jessica bit her lip and said, “I heard it’s common in Europe not to be, you know. And you seemed rather sensitive during the Cordonian Waltz, so I figured you weren’t. Then I saw it, and well… anyway, I wanted to know if there was anything extra I could do… to like make it better for you.”
“You. Excite. Me. Jess.” Liam ran his hand up her thigh and then stood up. “Whatever you do to me is enough, and whatever you allow me to do you well, it feels like heaven.” He leaned in and bit Jessica’s bottom lip, getting some of her berry lipstick on his lip.
“Mmmm,” Jessica purred.
Jessica jumped off the desk and gave Liam a cheeky smile, and she kept her eyes focused on him as she unbuckled his pants took him out of his underwear just enough to do what she read about in the article.
Jessica knelt before him, looking at his thick, engorged shaft. Liam’s foreskin skin was fully retracted, and the article informed her; Liam would be sensitive to her touch. She took him in her hand and palmed him, gently pumping it back and forth. Following the instruction, she sang 'twinkle twinkle little star’ in her head as that was the suggestion for the duration and stroking pace. Step two directed her to move on to oral stimulation for twenty seconds before performing what was called the ’man-eater.’ However, she was an overachiever and wanted to do this while maintaining eye contact. She swirled her tongue around his tip and began to count in her head while her eyes were fixed on Liam.
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
The ringing of the phone caused her to lose count. 'Fuck, this is a lot harder than it looks. Okay, do it again.’ She thought, and she started to count to herself
' 20 AND 'Man-eater'
Liam’s knees suddenly buckled at stimulation, lost his balance, and hunched over his desk, “God, your mouth.”
Jessica continued this time at a slower and sensual pace. Liam stood up and tilted his head back as he glanced. Liam bucked his hips just a bit, a silent plea for more, and then a vocal plea for more when he said, “Jess, don’t stop.”
Jessica smiled at that as Liam ran fingers through her hair, beaming down at sight below him. He guided her mouth to him, gasping as Jessica took him in without a second thought.  He moaned, spreading his legs a bit so she could have a more accessible angle.
“I love your mouth.” Liam groaned, making Jessica smile internally because, well, she could not do it on the outside. Liam’s eyes slipping closed for a brief moment. He let out a moan and showered her with praises.
*ring* *ring*ring*
“This feels so…so good,” he mumbled, sighing deeply.
*ring* *ring*ring*
Their eyes met, and he flashed her a soft smile, his thighs tensing slowly. Jessica knew he was close. She hollowed out her cheeks, sucking harder. Liam tugged at her hair with a louder moan, his eyes rolling back a bit.
“Yeah, just like that, oh my… AHH…” Liam whispered, moving her hair out of her face and looking down at her. “Fuck. Love.” Liam babbled, closing his eyes. He felt himself growing closer and closer, and he had never felt this type of pleasure in his life. He knew part of it was the sex act itself. The other part was the woman performing it—his feeling for her magnified the situation.
*knocking* *knocking* *knocking*
Outside: Your Royal Highness
“I’m close, I’m close,” Liam warned, gasping and tugging at her hair by accident.
Jessica breathed out, “I want it.”
“God. Love.”  Liam panted
Liam cried out, his body spasming and he did not know what to do with himself. He let out a guttural moan, bucking his hips into her mouth by accident as he came. “Fuck”
The door flung open.
Liam slammed his hand on his desk.
Constantine shouted, “Liam! Did you not get the message I was requesting an audience with you!”
Liam stammered, “I’m ….sorry father, I got caught up in a phone call. It was impossible to step away.”
“I spent the last forty-five minutes entertaining Landon and Emmeline complaints that you are not fair to their poodle-brained daughter. Who loves to play dress-up with dogs. The girl is forgettable. I don’t even recall her name, and we were just talking about her. Now The Lee’s want to speak with me no doubts more brown-nosing.”
“I understand. I am sorry for any discomfort I have caused.”
“Pull yourself together, my boy! You are flushed and sweating. You have an hour, Liam, sort yourself out! Do not keep Regina and me waiting. There is only so much chit-chat a man can take in a lifetime!”
Constantine turned on his heels and exited the study. Slamming the door as he left.
Liam got on the floor. “Are you okay? Love, I’m so sorry.”
Jessica put her hand over her lips.
Liam’s face fell, afraid that he had hurt her and with worry on his face. He asked, “Jess, are you bleeding? Please tell me your okay. I’m so sorry.”
She quickly cupped his face and smiled. “You’re fine, I’m fine. I assume you liked it.” Jessica said with a playful smile on her lips.
Liam sighed in relief and moved the hair out of her face. “I didn’t want to do it while I was in your mouth. I’m very sorry.”
“I feel guilty I suppose.”
“Liam, there is nothing to be guilty about. Is it because I’m a suitor? Like we aren’t serious about each other”
“Oh no. I’m serious about you. That’s why I feel it seems rather impolite to release myself in your mouth.”
“Liam, baby, its okay. I like it. I like the way you taste.”
Liam helped Jessica get off the floor then
“Let me make it up to you. Get on my desk. It’s your turn now.”
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nyaselfshipcorner · 2 years
F/O full list
Figured out it would be fun to sit down and do a proper list, since I'll be editing my pinned post to be shorter soon
I only have romantic F/Os, I don't mind sharing
«─ « ❤️ Nagato Uzumaki ❤️» ──────»
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He’s my sweet little fave with Konan, I love him so so so so much. I hc him as sweet and nice, a little shy, but also can and will kill to defend his loved one. He’s nonbinary, bisexual and polyA.
emoji associations:
Source media: Naruto Shippuden
«─ « 💙 Konan 💙» ──────»
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She’s my beautiful angel I love her so so so much. Look at her go she’s so cool.
I hc her more laid back than her two best friends, still extremely nice and extroverted. She’s a trans gal and is bisexual and polyA.
emoji associations:
Source media: Naruto Shippuden
«─ « 🧡 Yahiko 🧡» ──────»
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I just cannot separate the trio 😭 He's very c
ute and endearing too despite having way less screen time due to, yknow, the death. Fuck it let's recon it he's alive and well like in the tsunade dream ♥
I hc him as bisexual and either trans or the cis guy of the trio. I'm a brown eyed Yahiko truther, the blue eyed one looks ok but he's not my babygirl.
emoji associations:
Source media: Naruto Shippuden
«─ « 🖤 Obito🖤» ──────»
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I love this scrunkly he's so chaotic and also so right ♥ I love how destructive he was. He needs so much therapy like Nagato, perhaps even more.
I hc him as AMAB nonbinary or transmasc. He's less socially able than the other 3 and kind of awkward, reserved and secretive.
emoji associations:
Source media: Naruto Shippuden
⊱ ────── {💜Diavolo💜} ────── ⊰
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Sparkly trash man ♥
emoji associations:
Source media: Jojo's Bizarre adventure
⊱ ───── {💛Dio Brando💛} ───── ⊰
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World's worse dad and bisexual ♥
emoji associations:
Source media: Jojo's Bizarre adventure
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Best big bro and a very cute dork ♥ He's Bi you can't change my mind
Source media: Granblue Fantasy
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Big dork with a very cute voice ♥♥ Enby bi disaster ♥♥
Source media: Granblue Fantasy
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pastel-pajamas-4me · 2 years
🍓Strawberry Shortcake Character Asks for Middle Regressors 🍓
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🍓Strawberry Shortcake - what's your favorite sweet treat to eat when you're regressing?
🍰Angel cake - what's your regression aesthetic ?
🍪Ginger snap - what's your favorite kind of cookie ?
🍊 orange blossom - what's your favorite kind of juice to drink ?
🍬Raspberry torte - what's your favorite activity when you regress ?
🍋 lemon meringue - what's 3 things that help you regress ?
🍯🥧Honey pie pony - whats your favorite story to be told?
😺Custard - are you a pet regressor ?
🐕Pupcake - what's your favorite plushies name ?
🚴Huck - are you adventurous ?
🍇Sour grapes - what month were you born in ?
🟣The peculiar purple pie man - what's your biggest dream/goal ?
🌈🍨Rainbow sherbet - if you could live anywhere where would you pick ?
🫐Blueberry muffin - what's your favorite book ?
🍎Apple dumplin - what age do you regress to ?
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safarigirlsp · 3 years
I’m loving reading your reviews and thoughts to asks for Jacques and TLD as much as seeing the gifs and pics of AD from the movie!! So here’re some asks for you if you don’t mind: how dominant in bed do you headcanon Jacques to be? What do you think would be unexpected of him sexually/romantically initially to reader but actually makes a lot of sense once reader got to know him? And would you consider writing any holiday theme fics for him? (Yes I know Halloween isn’t even here yet but I’m just in the mood for winter holiday Jacques haha.) Thanks for all your enthusiasm, it’s making fandom a lot of fun again! - 🍋
Lovely Lemon!
These are such fun questions!!
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Strong and powerful, Jacques is very physical. This translates to all areas, whether it is riding fast horses or giving you his robust affection, he will always give his all until he’s staggering on his feet. It takes little provocation for him to rip your clothes off along with his own, throw you over his shoulder, and slam you down on the bed before pleasuring you until your knees are weak. Then, he’ll love you again, much more slowly and passionately. Jacques is highly energetic and tireless. You will never wear him out, despite your best efforts, which he always welcomes. 
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Strong and powerful, Jacques is very physical. This translates to all areas, whether it is riding fast horses or giving you his robust affection, he will always give his all until he’s staggering on his feet. It takes little provocation for him to rip your clothes off along with his own, throw you over his shoulder, and slam you down on the bed before pleasuring you until your knees are weak. Then, he’ll love you again, much more slowly and passionately. Jacques is highly energetic and tireless. You will never wear him out, despite your best efforts, which he always welcomes. 
Jacques came from nothing, rising through the ranks based on his own merit. As such, he relishes the attention he gets for his achievements and accomplishments. He displays his wealth and commendations proudly. There is nothing, however, that he displays more proudly than you. You are his whole world, his crow jewel, the single thing he could not live without. He makes sure that you know this at all times. He also ensures that others see this whenever he is blessed enough to have you in his company. If he is ever accused of excess vanity or pride when he flaunts you, so be it. He feels that no amount of pride or vanity could be in excess when it comes to his adoration of you. This also translates to the bedroom, where he is a shameless exhibitionist, showing you off in all ways, when you permit him to.
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A consummate romantic, Jacques loves all the classically romantic things he can do to entice you. Candlelit dinners, ravaging you beside a roaring fireplace, staying up all night with you to watch the sunrise while he holds you in his arms. He will melt under your touch and follow you with his adoring gaze once you’ve captured his heart.
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Also, a man of arms and action, Jacques loves taking you on rides and adventures. Whether that is just for a ride out on his estate during a lovely day or something more ambitious is up to you. He will, however, want to enjoy the delights of your body as you’re splayed bare out before him on the grass out in nature. Any passersby may feel free to envy the both of you.
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Grand gestures appeal to Jacques. He loves accolades and aplomb, and he loves to share that with you. In addition, he loves to shower you with his own praises. Whether privately between just the two of you, or in a large social venue, he always wants you to feel like goddess you are, and he will eagerly worship you.
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Educated, studied, and very well read, Jacques loves an intelligent woman, someone who can share in his love for reading. He will read to you by candlelight until the early hours of the morning, alternating between any number of languages. He knows how to enhance his voice to get your pulse racing for him as he reads you love stories in Latin. He is a romantic who loves poetry even more than you do. He also loves penning you his own poetry and love letters in his elegant script and his equally eloquent prose. 
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Jacques is looking for someone who is his equal to lavish his affections upon and devote his life to. Should he find a woman who is actually his superior, let the games begin! He loves nothing more than a woman who will challenge him in all ways. Sure, he enjoys pleasure and having a grand ole time while he’s single and fancy free. And why shouldn’t he? He can hone his skill for when he finds the One. However, once he finds someone truly worthy, someone who piques his interest beyond the superficial, he will commit to winning her affections and deserving her. To use his own words, “I would devote my life to you.”
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He is also just fine with you being aggressive and assertive. Demand of him anything you wish, and watch as he delivers in all possible ways and fulfils your deepest fantasy. Allow your Knight to be your Champion and he will never disappoint you.
Playful and a bit of an exhibitionist, Jacques enjoys undressing for you. He is also very aware of how attractive he is and the effect the sight of his body has upon you. He will always play this to his advantage. Jacques will light candles, ensure you have a full glass of wine, fix you with either his smoldering gaze or his handsome smile, depending on your mood, and slowly and tantalizingly peel his clothes away for you. With every article of clothing he discards, he will move closer to you. He will tease you until you’re ready to be swept off your feet and ravaged. He also enjoys it when you try to  playfully run from him or parry his advances, all the better for him to chase you down and throw you onto the bed. 
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Jacques is always hard and ready to go. He requires little to no foreplay himself and will have a hard on from a stiff breeze. A life or death battle, a wearying campaign, or even a night of drinking and debauchery won’t keep a good man down!
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And yes, I’m definitely going to be writing some winter and holiday fics for him! It’s going to take some self restraint to not write everything for him from now on lol! I definitely need some more autumn stuff for November and then some winter and holiday stuff for December on. He’s definitely living rent free in my head and will no doubt be doing so for a long time!!
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catastrofriend · 2 years
🔥🍋🌳 for my darling leigh!
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Likes: blue, green, red, classic lit but also the silliest kind of romance, princess bride and similar movies, but also action/adventure. games? i once described a weather they liked most and forgot what it is so that's. lost to the archives.
Dislikes: orange (heh), pink, crumbs and food stains/spills, buddy comedies (except when it's about charge and step), oppressive heat, or when the air is too moist.
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
Mmm. Leigh definitely has a petty side, but I'm not sure how much they act on it. Maybe they convince themself they're doing the petty thing for other, unrelated reasons. Like avoiding Ortega early on in rebirth. Is it part payback bc he didn't come save them? Yeah. Do they admit that even to themself? Naaaaah. It's just the smartest course of action so he can't figure out what they're up to.
Also the thing at Hoots. Like they know he's just like that with everyone but???? I don't know man. Can't be jealous if you're not even fully admitting to caring about someone and they don't Know that you're hoping you're special to them but also like. Take a hint, Ortega.
Does that make sense. I'm not sure that's making sense.
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
Hahahahahah. Fuck.
Ok. Leigh would SAY they're in a better place now, but it wouldn't be convincing to anyone, not even themself. They picked up so much extra shit and trauma and issues both mental and physical, it's not even funny. They do need help, but they won't be able to let themself be helped much until they've dealt with Some Things properly. Sure hope someone will be there to catch them when those goals are fulfilled, though.
They do have more of a... an idea of their own life and how they want to live it now, though, so it's not all bad. They're also starting to learn to let people in again, which, honestly, they thought they were done with a year or two ago.
Advice to younger self: talk to Ortega before it's too late.
Advice to older self: are you sure there is no other way?
Thank you for asking <3
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