#advice appreciated but don’t clown
talestobetold · 1 year
man i just don’t understand conventional dating. like it sounds like you’re literally not supposed to care about them until you’ve decided to commit to them, and once you care, you should commit right away, or you’re leading them on. but don’t commit for a month or two, too early is a red flag. and you’re supposed to be dating/fucking other people before you’re committed but stop dead after. and if you’re interested in them sexually but don’t foresee a relationship, that inherently means you don’t care about them and you’re either using them for sex or it’s just bodies against bodies. i feel like that has no relationship with my dating experiences at all but i’m still judged on that standard. and i can’t for the life of me fully grasp that standard. 😖
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being Apart of The Sk8 Crew„
Just rewatched Sk8 the infinity and now I wish I had friends so ! Gn reader
Joe | “I wanna marry your abs!”
Y’all would meet your first time at S
Obviously you’d be amazed by his skating and even if u don’t like men he’s hot as hell bro don’t lie
One of two things happens
You A. Run up to him and ask abt his skating techniques and such
Or B. He actually walks up to you to talk about your skating(only if ur good ofc💀)
He’s such a dad
If you’re younger than him he’s constantly trying to sound smart/give you wisdom
Sometimes it’s solid advice the other times it’s pure nonsense
If you like to cook/want to learn he’ll happily teach you
If not he’ll settle for a new taste tester
He would def make jokes all the time
Some genuinely funny
He expects you to laugh at all of them even if it wasn’t funny
He’d appreciate it if you didn’t cock block him like everyone else
Despite being quick to take off his shirt he’s very fashionable and takes pride in his looks obviously
If you ever needed fashion advice best go to him!
He’s a pretty laid back guy so you wouldn’t get into arguments often
Would love to skate everywhere but he’s like…got a job and responsibilities so..
Still a great dad friend to have
Honestly would care and worry over you if you got into some dumb shit so don’t do anything stupid and he won’t worry
Joe for the win🗣️‼️
Cherry/Kaoru | A.I. Advancement
You’d meet when he paid a visit to Joe’s restaurant
Ofc you knew of him bc he’s popular but you never MET Kaoru
You def walked in on their date arguing
It was so awkward u were jus like:🧍‍♂️
“Is this a bad time time to visit you?”
“Hey! Kaoru this is [ ], the kid I was talking about.”
“What a peculiar child to willingly hang around you.”
“Whatever you say, Pinky.”
He’s kinda weird with his whole AI stuff but other than that a great friend
Makes snarky comments with you
Unless ur too nice to make snide remarks
Constantly complains abt the angle of your turns
Unironically would show up at your parent teacher conferences(if you’re still in the lower schooling ofc)
Would never admit it but he loves each of his friends and would be genuinely concerned if anything happened
Shadow | Petty Clown
Oh when y’all met you wanted to throw hands
I imagine something similar to his introduction with Reki
Bro straight up threw an explosive in your face???(smoke bomb maybe but still)
He may be petty but you’re pettier(is that even a word?💀)
You found out he worked at a flower shop bc lets be FR he doesn’t look much different outside of S
Lil arguments here lil threats there and you leave with a nice assortment of flowers
Bro side eyes you EVERYTIME y’all cross paths at S😭
After the whole gang is assembled y’all no longer act this way towards one another
Bros the only responsible adult of this group
He def did your makeup once and you broke out the next day💀
“Are you sure you know what you’re doin’?”
“Trust me, kid.”
“I don’t know why but I don’t.”
You try and help him with his relationship endeavors but it never works out😭
He’ll go to the gym with you if you don’t wanna go alone
Gym bros‼️🗣️
Miya | Catty Child
This fucker
Y’all are quite the duo
Annoying ass mfs whenever and wherever you go
If you have any sort of pet it’s his pet now
Bros the animal whisperer
He’d have to be interested in your skating for y’all to become friends
So pretend ur decent or even amazing; however big ur delusion allows itself to be🫡
He’s smart but would invite you somewhere under the premise of studying just to goof around
If he needs a second player for his game bro is gonna drag your ass so y’all can play
Goes shopping with you just to complain about how everything is ugly in the stores
“That’s not cute, who thought selling this was a good idea?”
“Bitch—if you’re going to be negative the whole time go home‼️”
Reki | Redheaded Menace
If you thought you + Miya was a devious duo just imagine you and Reki
Y’all would prob meet second after you and Joe met
Bc he works at a skate shop
And you need skating stuff(you can tell I’m not a skater💀)
If you’re just a good skater and don’t know actual science and shit behind it he’s constantly telling you about it like you care
You guys cruise around together for fun
He made your current board and you’ll never get another one that’s not from him
You teach him any and all tricks/skills you know
Probably took you to his house to give you your current board bc he was working on it in his house and you met all of his family
His mom is just happy he’s got some friends
You become besties with his mom
She gossips abt news and celebrities with you
Claims ur like her other child(forget the rest of them👺)
Makes you lunch bc she’s nice like that
You let him ramble abt stuff he’s interested in even if you aren’t listening fully
Would silently beg you to stay back with him during the hot spring scavenge bc he’s scared
Forces you to watch horror movies with him bc he gets scared and needs someone else with him
Bro would be elated the whole day if you called him cool
Snow/Langa | Canadian Curiosity
Omg he’s Canadian?😦 Seize him!
Obviously being involved with S you would’ve heard of Snow but Reki would’ve introduced y’all before the big news
Bro would shove him in your face as if he’s a shiny trophy(at the beginning ofc)
“This is Langa! New guy from my class apparently he’s interested in skating.”
“Sick—he’s so pale.”
“He’s from Canada.”
Bro is so oblivious it’s crazy
You gotta like SPELL IT OUT for him if you’re ever alluding to smth
Langa stays hungry and would go out to eat with you anytime
You and Reki would def help him decorate his room bc it’s…bland
It’s not bad but there’s no personality
He tells you abt his favourite dishes back in Canada and y’all try and locate any places in Japan that might sell smth similar
If not you guys attempt to make it yourselves at his house
His mom walks in on y’all ruining the kitchen💀
“Langa I’m…home.”
“Hey, Mom.”
“Hey Langa’s Mom!”
Bro is a skating addict and will skate whenever and wherever
Wants to race you like at least twice every week
Loser pays for dinner
You help him with his reading and writing and if you didn’t already know he’d teach you English
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Headcanon Dump - Hermes & Apollo ft. Dionysus (Riordanverse)
Because I have a mountain of these and if I don’t organize them they will be completely incoherent. Under a cut for length.
- Apollo basically raised Hermes, for all the value of “raised” when concerning gods.
- Maia did not want to be a mother, and had no idea how to. She tried, and did care about Hermes, but was secretly relieved when Hermes took to following Apollo everywhere. Zeus was really perfecting his parenting style of the day, which was caring about his kids from a distance (he had other priorities, they were not really near the top) and occasionally popping in to give some Fatherly Advice or have bonding moment (omg taking his kids fishing…deadbeat dad core for REAL) before fucking off again like “parental control duties DONE I am SUCH a good dad. See you again in like 50 years, sport!” It was particularly bad when Hermes was born.
- Hermes followed Apollo around for a solid couple hundred years, acting as his shadow pretty much. It drove Athena and Artemis CRAZY. Apollo’s extroverted ass was completely baffled by people being off put by his baby brother basically being attached to his back. He’s not gonna bother you he’s just gonna hang out?? What’s the problem??
- Hermes stayed in a younger form for a looong time because he knew Apollo would never say no to him if he looked cute enough. Until he got hit with the depression beam, he kept whipping that form out whenever he got in trouble. He’s baby, your honor, you can’t be mad at a BABY
- Hermes held Dionysus for 2 seconds before he decided he was willing to die for this little guy. The couple hours after he was born were spent by Hermes holding him up to random family members and going “LOOK AT HIM HES SO SMALL” and the family members going “Hermes please do your job”
- When Dionysus joined Olympus, Hermes eagerly took him under his wing in a similar manner to Apollo taking on Hermes. Not as much weird parental responsibility though. But he was still following Apollo everywhere so Apollo got TWO mischievous shadows. Much to Artmemis’ dismay. Why are there TWO OF THEM
- All they ever had to do was duck behind Apollo and he’d defend them against whoever they’d pissed off now even when they were 100% in the wrong. Especially when they were 100% in the wrong, honestly.
- Zeus and Hermes’ relationship has a lot of layers (a post for another time) but the bare bones basics is that early on Zeus just thought he was a Clown (that’s my funny boy <3) and nowadays he’s Zeus’ under appreciated, overworked personal assistant. Although he’s kind of been Zeus’ lapdog since the beginning. Father Please Notice Me I am not as shiny as Apollo but I can roll over so nice pls pls pls
- Hermes has not had a nap in the past century somebody please help him. Give your local delivery man a nice tip because he has like 20 other domains and would rather be doing Literally Anything Else. And also a hug maybe, the most contact he ever gets is when he brushes hands with whoever he’s giving a package. Somebody get this man a paid vacation he has been holding Olympus together with duct tape
- Hermes has the worst case of Middle Child Syndrome Known To Man
- Hermes and Artemis like each other! Shockingly. For reasons unrelated to Apollo, even. They just like to hang out. Hermes is one of the two Olympians she’s happy to be around <3
- Apollo has tried, with varying success, to get Hermes and Athena to be friends. The results have been… mixed.
- Athena, Apollo and Hermes will occasionally have absolutely legendary verbal smackdowns. So brutal that it would actually evaporate a mortal on the spot. Indescribable, really. Anyone who overhears them will never mentally recover,
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razorblade180 · 5 months
Lady Advice
Stelle:Caelus, it pains me to say this but I would like some of your advice about dating girls.
Caelus:Well for starters, saying “I hate to admit” doesn’t go over well with people in general.
Stelle:You- fair. Please help me. I’m not trying to screw up with Firefly and you have an unnatural ability to say the correct things.
Caelus:First, maybe that has something to do with helping Pela at the museum, gain an internet audience with three nice friends of ours, tracking down graffiti to-
Stelle:I get it! “Pick the social requests and instead of the fighting.” I can see it’s catching up to me.
Caelus:Second, you overhype me. March’s escapades are led by her and I’m on the back foot. Yeah I flirt with Silver Wolf but I think I’m just lucky she’s interested if I’m being honest.
Stelle:Then there’s me.
Caelus:*red* You can’t count that as talent. I was a bumbling clown.
Stelle:And yet that clearly didn’t stop our several visits to Belobog’s hotel. Clearly you weren’t bumbling enough. Now spill. Any advice helps that’s not the cliche “be yourself.”
Caelus:Stelle, you’re awkward but kind and caring. Not to mention pretty funny. It’s clear you have huge feelings for Firefly and she definitely feels the same towards you. Let the screw ups and fumbles happen. You’ll both laugh and understand. Same goes for the intimate stuff.
Stelle:….See!? Where the fuck did you pull that from!?
Stelle:I heard you. I was just making a point. *folds arms* So just…let things happen. Alright. Somehow I’ll manage that. Thanks I guess.
Caelus:Now scram before I decide to motivate you by sweeping her off her feet.
Stelle:I can’t tell if you’re my biggest supporter or sworn rival. Do make threats like that!
Caelus:The get your butt in gear!
Stelle:Yeah yeah…hey?
The cool fabric of Stelle’s gloves cradled the sides of Caelus’s face, holding it gently as she initiated a sudden and prolonged kiss. It took him a sec, but she felt his body relax into it, her lips pushing gradually against her own before separating. Despite it being her decision, Stelle’s cheeks burned red as she rubbed the back of her head.
Stelle:Just so you know, I apparently have pretty huge feelings your way too. So don’t go thinking anything stupid like you’re suddenly playing second fiddle.
Caelus:Heh, *smiles* I appreciate the reassurance. Didn’t think you would be worrying about that kind of thing. I’m perfectly fine.
Stelle:G-Good. Just as long as that’s clear.
She turns around and leaves the man to his reading. Caelus can’t help but be a little red.
Caelus:(She should really give herself more credit when it comes to relationships.)
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abatinthelibrary · 3 months
Guys, I need some advice.
I was just on my way home from work, and I saw a box left next to a dumpster, and it seemed to be moving, right?
I looked inside and there was a single clown pup, looking extremely underfed. It’s makeup was smudged and faded, its hair didn’t look glossy, and it could barely even laugh at me. My heart’s breaking for it.
Could I have help properly identifying what kind of clown it is so I can take proper care of it? It looks kind of like a party clown, but it might be a party/scary mix.
Any suggested caretips would be appreciated as well. And no, before you ask, I don’t have any reputable sanctuaries nearby. I’m pretty sure the only one close puts down healthy clowns and uses them for clown meat.
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corrysclowns · 1 year
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Hey Clownblr! I’m in need of a bit of assistance. I recently took in a stray, he was roaming around my backyard but he was super sweet and friendly so I decided to take him in. I believe he may be a Juggalo Party mix as he has typical juggalo markings but he’s rather bright in colour. We have a stray juggalo in the neighbourhood, he’s super sweet thanks to everyone caring for him, we call him Chews. I’ve seen a few other strays come and go but I’ve never seen a stray Party around so I think a neighbour’s Party may have gotten out and bred with Chews. I have fostered quite a few clowns before, mostly Parties and Pierrots. I’ve tried looking for information on Juggalos but I couldn’t find much. I wanna make sure I take care of this little guy the best I can! I am planning on keeping him, as I’ve become quite attached to him and I don’t believe there would be many people willing to adopt him despite his demeanor. I’m thinking of possibly naming him Milenko (inspired by Insane Clown Posse as they’re a favourite duo of mine and he reminds me of the album covers), but I’m open to suggestions!
I have a plan to train him, but I would appreciate any advice on caring for him! Here’s a picture of him, he fell asleep sat upright lol
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missellaneousworks · 1 year
Excerpt from "Sundae Jack" - Fluff n' Smut SDJ Fic
Something is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is a +18 ONLY community. Therefore, the content of this fic is NOT APPROPRIATE for anyone under 18+ and should not be engaging with it.
Very self-indulgent Ella (OC) x Sunny Day Jack fic. The full version can be found on AO3 HERE.
Below is just a taste before things get spicy~
Something is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is a +18 ONLY series. MINORS DNI.
Oh yeah.  It had been that kind of a week for Ella.
The tub of ice cream landed on the counter with an unceremonious clunk, followed by the rest of the ice cream fixings.  Strawberries, bananas, chocolate fudge syrup, and whipped cream.  After a whole week of work, paying bills, having her hot water shut off for two days due to a water main breaking…. She needed to treat herself.  So after a horrible week, Ella went to the store with a little extra cash she had left over and got herself the full sundae spread!
Jack’s head poked out of the bedroom as he was finishing up folding laundry.  “Welcome back, Sunshine!  Whatcha got there?”
“My salvation,” Ella remarked with satisfaction. “I decided to take some of your advice about treating myself after a rough week.”
In the not-too-far past, Ella would usually turn to a nice bottle of wine and a bubble bath to relax and unwind. But while walking down the frozen dessert section in the grocery store earlier, she found a brand of ice cream she hadn’t seen in years. Normally, she would sadly pass by before she could change her mind, but today of all days she figured why not?  Besides, Jack would probably appreciate a little sweet treat, too!
“Anything I can do to help?” Jack’s ever-cheerful voice inquired helpfully. 
“Actually, yeah! Can you slice up the strawberries and a banana?”
After retrieving the cutting board and knife, Jack began to cut the fruit into thin, even pieces, humming a melody that Ella didn’t quite recognize, but was sure she heard it before.  “You know, most people get cherries with their sundaes.  I like the fact that you bought strawberries, though!”
“Eh heh, yeah… cherries remind me too much like cough syrup.  I know they’re already cherry flavored, but still… I like strawberries more.”
“Blueberries are also great!”
“No kidding, Mr. Blue-Haired-Clown-Sir.”  Ella teased back.
“Pfft, okay, okay, that one was obvious.”
“A little,” Ella giggled.  As she removed the ice cream tub’s lid and began to scoop the into the bowl.  “You know, I’m also a fan of peaches and nectarines.”                                                        
“Those sound tasty!  Maybe we can buy some next time.  Can never have to much fruit for your diet.”
“Not unless they go bad because I don’t eat them in time.”
“That's what you have me, here for, Sunshine,” Jack said triumphantly as he finished cutting the fruit, quickly washing the knife and setting it into the sink drainer.   
“…to eat the fruits I don’t like?” Ella innocently blinked up a Jack, leaning into his side slightly.
Jack chuckled and shook his head.  “No, silly.  To make sure you stay happy and healthy!  So we can keep having ice cream dates together~”
“Hmmm!  A fine point, Mr. Sunny Day.”
“You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!  So it’s important to keep you in pear-fect health!”
The silence was incredibly loud as Ella slowly, deliberately turned towards Jack.  “…honey.  May I remind I am armed?  With an ice cream scooper?!”
Jack didn’t even attempt to hold back his laughter.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t help it.  I just think you’re one in a melon.”
“I know where you sleep.”
“I should hope so,” now the clown was turning the tables again on Ella, his voice lowering an octave as he came up behind Ella and wrapped his arms around her waist.  “It’s right next to you, after all.”
A pleasurable shiver ran up Ella’s spine as she felt Jack’s breath across the back of her neck and shoulder.  Subconsciously leaning back onto Jack’s body, Ella almost forgot about the ice cream sundae, at least until she accidently knocked over the open jar of chocolate syrup and got all over the counter. 
“Ah, shit!”
“Whoops!”  Jack blinked at the mess, a slightly disappointed grimace across his face.  However, it didn’t stop him from getting a moist paper towel and dabbing the mess.  “I got it, Sunshine, don’t worry!”
“Guess your flirt was too hot for this hot fudge to handle.”
That earned her another chuckle from her lover.  “Want to cool down with this sundae?”
“I thought you’d never ask~”
Within moments, Ella and Jack were nestled on her couch with a blanket, and a sizable bowel of the sundae, with two spoons so they could share. 
“Um, is this okay?  That we’re eating out of the same bowl?  I thought about getting one for each of us, but I kind of thought it would be cute to share…”
“I don’t mind, this is perfect, Ella.” Jack reassured with that ever-comforting smile of his.
“I thought it was pear-fect.”
“Ooooh!  My own pun thrown back in my face.”
“You’re very handsome face,” Ella shimmied closer to Jack’s side and wasn’t blind to the slight blush on Jack’s face.  It was nice to know even he could get bashful at times.  Adorable.  “Anyways, let’s dig in—”
The abrupt pause in his Sunshine’s delight caused Jack to raise his eyebrow in confusion.  “What’s wrong?”
“…I feel like… we’re missing something.”  Ella thoughtfully tapped the spoon against her lower lip before her head snapped up.  “The whipped cream!  Oh my god, hang on.”
Her sudden departure to retrieve the forgotten condiment was amusing to Jack.  Ella’s strive to get something just right might have been considered a setback to others, but not Sunny Day Jack.  He took a lot of time and dedication to improve Ella’s quality of life, and even more important, her happiness. 
Which was one thing they had in common.  His sunshine worked so hard to make people around her happy, it just showed how kind, creative, and amazing she truly was.  Sadly, there were times when Ella overdid it—with the best of intentions, but it was a small secret Jack kept to himself; he felt that most other people didn’t deserve the time of day with Ella.  She worked so hard at work, maintaining her home, and her writing, and finding new inspiration to keep her going.  As the matter of fact was that Ella persisted despite all of the trouble and heartache she’d been through in the past.  And that fact alone made her… special. 
It felt good being in her light.  Incredibly, warm, light, and loving light.  It was only right that her attention shouldn’t be wasted on others who would otherwise dim that precious light.
He’d make sure it would stay that way.  Forever, if he had to. 
“Got it!” Ella triumphantly scampered back to the living room with the whipped cream.  She plopped right next to Jack again, shaking the can before placing a sizable dollop on top of the sundae.  “Now, it’s perfect!”
Jack couldn’t help the mischievous smile.  “You mean pear—”
“Don’t,” Ella pointed the can directly at Jack’s face in an attempt to look intimidating.  Though the scrunch of her noise proved to be cuter than anything.  “I am armed and dangerous.  Don’t you dare, Jack.” 
Jack bit his lip in an attempt to stifle the chuckle building in his chest, but he couldn’t resist teasing her… just a little.  He jokingly lifted both of his hands up in mock defeat.  “Oh-ho!  What do you intend to do now that I’m at your mercy, Sunshine?”
The glimmer in Ella’s eye was unmistakable.  Her finger pressed on the tip of the can’s spout, intending to spray just a little on his nose, to make good on her threat, and to be a little coy.
After a moment, nothing came out, and Ella added a little more pressure.
Jack stiffened as a flurry of whipped cream erupted all over his face, covering his left eye, cheek, part of his lip, but most of it did land on his red nose.  Jack squeezed his eyes shut when he was met with a barrage of sweetness, not fully registering what exactly happened at first.   After one mortifying moment, Jack’s right eye blinked open.  Ella’s face blanched from utter embarrassment.
“Pffffft!” Jack’s shoulders began to shake.  Then a giggle slipped, followed by a snort. 
Ella could only blink back as the silliness of her nerves and the situation itself sunk in.  Jack hunched over in an attempt to turn and hide his face, but Ella could clearly see his eyes squeezed shut, and the corners of his mouth failing to suppress a smile. 
“Oh my God,” Ella released the beginning of her own breathless laugh before she finally quipped, “Sorry honey,” she genitively wiped the cream from his eye.   “Guess I was the one who blew their load prematurely, huh?”
Jack guffawed and doubled over with a shocked laugh.  “ELLA!”
It broke the damn that held back Ella’s jovial laughter as she hunched over while cupping Jack’s face.  “Hey, first time for everything, am I right?”
“You’re t-too much for me, sunspot!” Jack managed to eke out through his laughter. 
Ella giggled back, “Too bad! You’re stuck with me, innuendoes and all.”
“I’d hardly call that a bad thing, you know.”  Jack’s laughter began to subside into breathless chuckles.  Most of the cream had slid down his face and landed on his chest and lap. 
“O-oh,” Ella tried to remain focus, but Jack was so close to her.  “Let me help, honey.”  Quickly, she grabbed a napkin that was sitting on the coffee table blotted parts of his face to remove the sweet confectionary cream from his face.  Jack was perfectly still and let her work, seemingly content to let Ella touch him, even if it was just for the sake of cleanliness.  She could feel his warm breath against her skin.  He wasn’t even doing anything other than just sitting there, messed up by her own hand.  Yet something about it made it feel… oddly intimate.  Especially the way Ella was studying the sharp features of his face.
“I think that’s all of it—oh, wait,” Ella cupped the side of Jack’s cheek and guided it to the side.  “You’ve got something on your face…”
“Ella--?” Jack was cut off at the feel of Ella’s soft lips against his cheek.
The dusting of pink across her face as she pulled back was impossible to ignore, as was a small, coy smile.  “Never mind, it was just me.”
Jack’s smile widened, positively smitten.  “Have I told you recently that I love it when you get spontaneous?” 
The compliment hit its mark perfectly as Ella’s blush deepened before an idea began to form in her mind.
Spontaneous, huh…?
Read more at the link on top. Thank you for reading~!
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alooodoesntknow · 1 month
While I never disliked clowns, it’s only recently that I began to be fascinated by them, and that led me to this community. I’m now looking to get a clown of my very own, but I don’t know where to start! Although I appreciate scary clowns, I don’t think I’m quite ready to own one. Advice on which breed I should consider would be much appreciated!
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rubykgrant · 8 months
(found some old notes I had for the RVB story-line where they have normal people shenanigans on Earth, so I'm sharing it again~)
-Everybody tries to “retire” again, but this time on Earth so they aren’t just alone with themselves on a moon. Whatever clown organization that calls itself the government has decided to basically just let them live rent-free in some big building in some city (some wacky made-up place that can be in Texas, because that's funny).
-Most of them find new ways to chill, and they don’t really get recognized by civilians since literally nobody has seen their faces before, and they go by first names in public. They all find hobbies to try. At some point, Dr Grey gave Wash the advice to keep a video journal to help him remember various events. Andrews suggest this could help the others record their thoughts for any future interviews, so they join in
-Donut gets a job at an a pet shop/animal rescue center (he eventually brings back two kittens for Wash). He doesn’t really need the money, he just enjoys it and needed to find something to do (sometimes he helps with more serious animal injuries and emergencies for large creatures, because he was a farm kid)
-Donut also becomes BFFs with Kai; they just have lots of fun together, he helps her pick out clothes (since she’s colorblind and he’s color-coordinated), she’s really supportive of his "mean streak", and he’s also a great wing-man when she goes out to flirt (Tucker tries to tag along, but he still needs to... refine his flirting technique. he's trying, he really is!)
-Caboose also wants to get a job, because otherwise he’s just home all day waiting for everybody else to come back. He starts working at a mall... and he constantly gets shuffled around from one place to another (did you ever see that show 6teen? OK, that, but it is all just Caboose). The manager of the mall knows who “Michael” really is, and is trying to be respectful by helping out a space hero... but also, this guy is VERY accident-prone. Eventually, Caboose finds a niche as a costume character who entertains people for special events
-Sarge is trying to find new ways to deal with boredom without declaring war on gravity, so he decides to write a book about his life... this leads him to seek advice on the internet (once Simmons shows him how to use a computer). The result is, Sarge discovers thousands of ways to argue with every single troll online (jokes on them, he’s even more annoying than all of them put together)
-There is an on-going problem of Sarge trying to tell his boys from Red Team that he actually cares about them, but he keeps on backing out from it at the last minute. He really WANTS to be nice, but he’s been gruff and grumpy for so long, and it is hard to change the behavior everybody expects from you (this is actually a WHOLE THEME for a few characters)
-Doc FINALLY decides to try and an ACTUAL degree in medicine (he also makes a few new friends this way, and it becomes important that he’s doing this later. one character at the med school is like 19 and got pushed into this by over-achieving parents, so Doc basically adopts them as a younger sib)
-Lopez gets to make friends with the neighbors they have, and not only does this give him a chance to have a life outside the group of danger-magnets, it also makes everybody kinda miss having him around, so they take more of an interest in him (they even get him a motorcycle)
-Grif and Simmons are roommates again, but Grif is making a legit effort to be less annoying, which Simmons appreciates (Kai keeps nudging her bro to try and have another talk with the dude he’s been interested in for more than a decade, but any attempt Grif makes to get Simmons to understand how he feels goes unnoticed. Grif finally gives up and insists that he’s more comfortable with their relationship being the way it always has been... but his sister still catches him YEARNING)
-Tucker kinda feels lonely... everybody else is figuring out ways to enjoy their time/keep busy, but he hasn’t found his groove (he can't fall back into old habits because the Character Growth definitely happened, as much as it bothers him). He tries to go and contact some of kids he thought he had on Chorus... which is when he discovers there was a mistake. Turns out a lot of files got accidentally deleted, and thanks to a glitch, Tucker's info got auto-filled in as the father in ALL the DNA tests. He in fact does not have any biological kids on Chorus, and he’s a little disappointed by this (he's not even mad about paying child support) He tries to find the one kid he KNOWS is his, because he misses Junior so MUCH, but isn’t able to get in touch...
-Carolina is BORED. She doesn’t know what the heck to do with herself. When the others finally notice she seems kinda down, they start inviting her out to do stuff. At first she’s not even sure how to just have “fun”, but she finally gives in. Eventually, they take her to a karaoke bar, sing a very bad group-performance of “Sweet Caroline” to her, and she about dies laughing. This becomes a favorite thing for her, so they all go back and sing something there maybe once or twice a week (this also becomes a fun activity for her and Tucker, who she didn’t think she’d really bond with, but he’s chilled-out on being a perv, they’ve both been sort of lost... and they both share Church stories with each other)
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Hey I was wondering if y’all could help me out with identifying my clown. He and my other clown, Laz, are a bonded pair and I just realized I don’t know what breed he is! I’m almost positive he’s partially mime but he obviously has some non-mime characteristics (big/long hands and colorful) but I’m not 100% sure what he’s mixed with. My best guess is some kind of scare clown. Any advice is appreciated!
(Also this picture was drawn by my other clown Laz, isn’t he talented?)
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fivveweeks · 2 years
do you guys wanna hear my insane hassel x brassius x reader plot of course you do strap in and let me talk shit;
so this is like, technically a sequel AU after the Hassel x reader and Brassius x reader (i’m working on it!!!) nsfw oneshots, where a year or two has passed and you return to Paldea for the longterm bc of your job. Obviously you don’t remember the one night stands that well bc they were for fun, hopefully the idiots are happy but it’s nunya business about some strangers’ love life, so you go about your own
and that’s when you’re in Mesagoza and a tiny fomantis crashes into you by accident. and it won’t leave you alone after you kinda calmed it down
so you’re like “Wait, what do I do now. Who’s pokemon is this-“ until someone comes running to you in the distance, yelling apologies and when he gets closer-
It’s Brassius. The guy with the funny green hair and dramatic personality and it takes you a second or two to recognize but it strikes a chord in your memory. And him too, apparently, when he skids to a halt and goes, “it’s you!”
cue spiderman-meme pointing. cue a quick conversation of sorta catching up and to refresh your memory before he drags you off despite your protest, fomantis attached to your head like some fancy clown hat. Ten minutes later you both stop before a cafe table where Hassel is - oh he remembers too - gaping at you both, but mostly at you to be honest
(“So I take it that the confession went well, huh.” you say, and the blush that lights up on his cheeks is a familiar, lovely sight)
you spend the afternoon with them bc they insist on treating you to lunch (and thank you for your accidental interference and to apologize for the trouble they put you through before, which you don’t mind tbh it’s actually kinda funny looking back.) they’re married for over a year or two now, which is great, hell yeah! you’re super happy for them, congratulations, jesus christ i cannot believe you both knew each other for over a decade, practically lived together and only confessed bc of the incident, what the hell-
and unfortunately, no matter what you three try, the fomantis just doesn’t want to leave your side
why don’t you take care of it for the moment? Hassel suggests, which Brassius immediately lights up bc that is a fantastic idea! what says you, my dear? so after a discussion of pokemon expenses (I’ll take care of it, Brassius waves his hand. no need to concern yourself over it) you sorta? kinda agreed to a weekly visit to Artazon or Mesagoza so you and fomantis can check in with them
and so goes the weekly lunch visits where you kinda learn more about the eccentric couple? turns out Brassius is an expert with grass types and you spend hours listening to him talk about fertilizer mixes and how much water and attention you should give to a fomantis (the species is unfortunately one of the more difficult types to look after, wow). Hassel is also good with advice whenever Brassius has to attend important events. you learn the right way to cradle grass pokemon like toddlers and weeks later Brassius takes you to Alfonada so your fomantis can pick a pot for sunbathing
(and throughout the time spent together you find it lovely to just watch them both interact. Brassius and Hassel are obviously smitten towards each other and all the little things they do are just really nice to observe quietly. Individually too, you can definitely appreciate watching them enjoying themselves and being good at what they do, like whoa Brassius looks really nice in that open-collared shirt and the way he sometimes rocks his smoliv in his arms and dances with his pokemon is really endearing and cute)
and then bc fomantis (you don’t give it a name bc it’s not technically yours but you might as well call it Big Baby from how clingy it is) starts to get acclimated you can probably start slowing down the visits to just once or twice a month. you’re kind of relieved that you’re getting the hang of this and won’t need to trouble Brassius too much now
except Brassius looks… a little moody? Upset? Disappointed when you both brought it up? or maybe you’re just looking too much into it?
but he doesn’t mention anything so your visits slow down in the end, and you take fomantis out to the forests and lakes to get enough exercise and sunlight, and honestly you’re just minding your own business but turns out god has other plans for you-
bc that’s when you stumble across a disturbed dragon habitat and now a Dreepy has accidentally attached to you.
deja vu, huh.
so now it’s Hassel’s turn to host the weekly meet ups bc turns out the man’s a dragon tamer, holy fucking shit, and rehabilitating a baby dragon is one of the most difficult things in the world without formal training. you do the same song and dance again and throw in outings to the wild where you both try to locate the scattered pod of Dragapults and Dragloaks. Brassius joins in when he has the time and somehow you three just start to have picnics together I guess. you’re not complaining tbh the both of them are a joy to spend time with
(and Hassel is really cute when he’s coaxing baby dragons? plus how calm he is when he’s calming down wild adults and knowledgeable he is in regards to the region and the care and concerns he has towards the endangered species- WOUGH he plays the guitar and piano too wtf is there anything this man can’t do???)
your schedule now develops into like, every one or two weeks you chill with either Hassel or Brassius and once a month or two the three of you hang out together. you hang until y’all actually find the dragon pod, but by now the Dreepy refuses to leave you so…
“I guess I’m responsible for a dragon and a plant now,” you shrug, not too upset. You’ve kinda warmed up to them by this point. you tell Brassius and Hassel they don’t have to keep paying for the expenses anymore, you’ll find a way to deal with it since you’re a trainer now. and they can free up most of their time now that they don’t have to keep babysitting you?
what you didn’t expect was to see the faint disappointment and crestfallen look on Hassel??? Like Brassius???? jesus, don’t be so sad, they can always grab lunch with you anytime, y’know, even if there’s no pokemon raising, just text you lmao they have your phone number anyways
which turns out to be the right thing to say bc now you’re getting invited to little art shows and outings occasionally now, and even dinners. that’s nice, you think, honestly they’re both lucky to have each other and maybe in some other life you probably would have dated either one of them but eh, you’re content where you’re at right now tbh, no biggie-
until a few weeks later they drop the bomb on you that they’ve been trying to hint at you for months now and do you want to date them, yes the both of them at the same time, Brassie looses his mind after our lunches now and HASS you TRAITOR says the man who blushes every time I bring them up when we k-
cue internal panic, some discussion about polyamory and expectations and stuff but… long story short, somehow you end up dating the both of them, now???
(you don’t find out one of them is a goddamn gym leader and the other an elite four until months later for some fucking reason, and you loose your shit inevitably bc NO WONDER YOU‘RE BOTH SO GOOD AT BATTLING, WHAT THE HELL)
(bonus chapter is where the both of them fuck you into the bed until the frame cracks, get that old men ass babey)
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sillyclowngirl · 1 year
I’ve recently seen a stray clown wandering around my neighborhood, it seems friendly but a little shy. I can’t tell if it’s of the toy breed or just a very young clown. It has some juggalo adjacent markings but i think it’s some kind of mix. There dosent seem to be any other clowns around so i’m worried that it was abandoned by an irresponsible clown owner. I’m very new to clown husbandry so i’m not sure what to do in this situation. I’m hoping to get pictures so i can get help identifying the breed. Possibly a jester/juggalo/toy mix? I’m not sure how to identify breeds but i’ve learned that young clowns usually don’t have face markings and they appear as they get older, so i’m pretty sure its not a very young clown because of the markings. i’m not sure if i should take it in becuse i know some strays can be hostile. i’m going to try and leave it food and see if i can get closer to it. lmk if you have any advice!! id really appreciate it :))
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morganyevans · 1 year
Kingston After Dark: The Body/Head connection (backup of my interview from 2019)
1991: The Year Punk Broke was pretty much my almost daily afternoon home video consumption in high school after cutting class and taking acid during the day.
I cannot understate how much the classic noise-rock and grunge-era tour documentary meant to me and opened my mind, heart and ears to a lifetime of appreciating bands with edge, passion and a feminist streak, not to mention the joy of seeing Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon clowning around with Kurt Cobain.
I never thought decades later I would get a chance to talk to Gordon myself. Her fabulous noise landscape painting band Body/Head (with fellow guitarist Bill Nace) has a sophomore record called The Switch out on indie giants Matador Records as of July 13. It is an unromanticized-yet-meditative collection of moody guitar swells and poetic fragments as well as an excellent boundary-pushing follow-up to their 2013 debut Coming Apart and 2016 live album No Waves.
It was a genuine pleasure for myself and my partner Elizabeth Gomez (a.k.a. psych folk singer Globelamp) to interview Kim and Bill before their upcoming BSP Kingston back room theater appearance on Friday, July 20.
Morgan Evans: BSP is a great, non-corporate venue that has grown out of community love and involvement. How did you end up stopping here?
Bill Nace: Someone offered for us to play there and it fit into our routing. I don’t know much about Kingston. I saw Television once. My friend Angel [Deradoorian] opened. There is a poet, Ben Estes, who actually used to live with Kim who I think lives up there now and runs a publishing imprint called The Song Cave. Is Grasshopper from Mercury Rev still there?
Morgan: Yeah, he’s my friend! I am hoping he will do a song with me on my next Walking Bombs album. Kim, I wanted to know if you saw The Center Will Not Hold documentary on Netflix about Joan Didion. I know you mentioned her in your memoir, Girl in a Band. Did you like it?
Kim Gordon: I did. I thought it was pretty fluffy, but I liked learning she would get up in the morning and wear her dark glasses to have a Pepsi for breakfast.
Morgan: I remember that part! It was amazing! Your music in Body/Head is so expansive. There is a lot of debate right now about visibility and why music called “experimental” is often given that category when it is made by white people and not by other races. Everyone can experience things in a unique way, even through a pop song. What was some formative music that made you start to dissect music in a different way and opened your mind? Your records are kind of an experience rather than someone performing a genre.
Bill Nace: That’s a big one. I think experimental is such a weird phrase. We are not experimenting. We know what we are doing. Experimental is like a word that is seen in contrast with pop music. I never feel like I am commenting on pop music or trying to deconstruct that. It is more our own thing. Everyone thinks of pop music as the norm but that doesn’t have to really be the case. There are unlimited access points into music.
Elizabeth Gomez: Kim, I’ve been in the music scene only a little bit and have encountered a lot of sexism. I can only imagine how much you have, being such a pillar in the scene for so long. As a rock icon, do you have any advice for women who want to keep focusing on their art and drown that stuff out?
Kim: I would just … play louder [laughing]. It’s no different than anywhere else, the culture. I guess I got used to working from a position as a bass player that was sort of a supportive role, initially. If you are not directly in the limelight you can be more observant about things and kind of … I don’t know. It’s so normal to be in a male dominated society that it’s kind of … I guess my bar of expectations is a little bit low. [Laughs.] Especially right now with a Supreme Court opening and everything. At the same time, you can’t really stop energy. The wrath of millions of women will be really hard to contain if Roe v. Wade gets really fucked with. It’s coming to a head, in a weird way. I hope it’s not coming to a head in like a “the end of the world” way [laughs].
Elizabeth: The bar is kind of low. I know what you mean. Our president is Trump.
Kim: I guess I am used to working with limitations, is what I am saying. I kind of like that, in a way. I make it work for me. By people not expecting certain things from you, you can kind of surprise them.
Morgan: So, the song itself and song title for your track “Change My Brain” jumped out to me. People cry about “fake news” and trolls try to muddy the waters online so people can’t determine facts anymore. It makes gaslighting easier. We all have some cultural biases, but you can just hear a song and it can make you relax or feel unity at times. That piece was strong and has a great crawling tension build. Music can reset our brains sometimes back to a better reality.
Bill: For us, we try to go in and focus and play. We play and then go back to what we have done and a world and thread happens without us trying to steer it. “Change My Brain,” I came up with that name on tour a few years ago as a possible 7-inch title. We had been on tour for awhile and I just felt insane. I think we like titles like that that are really open so the listener and audience are active participants, rather than putting a fine point on anything.
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poltergeistsoup · 2 years
Hi, clown from the barren void of eternal despair and desolation here :3! Do you have any tips for someone making a comic for the first time? Any advice I would rly appreciate ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ :3333
Ok so this is just my own process and you’ll figure out what works best for you as you keep making them. To specify, I work digitally so the advice I’m giving is more applicable if you’re using a digital program rather than drawing traditionally.
First I write my comics as a script so I know what I’m working with first, then I thumbnail them. Don’t worry about making them neat on the first try, you’re just trying to figure out the flow and format. Some people just write as they go but I couldn’t IMAGINE doing that
Try to stick to the most important actions and make them readable. You don’t need to draw every step of an action— If someone is opening a door, you don’t have to draw the action of them approaching the door, reaching for the handle, opening it, and walking through. UNLESS you’re trying to convey a different pace, like suspense.
Think about how much text you’re using and where it’s going to be placed WHILE you’re drawing. I actually format my text after the sketch but before the lineart so I can still move things around once I know where the text will go
Don’t make things hard for yourself— you’ll be drawing the same things over and over. I prefer to draw a detailed establishing shot of the background and keep it VERY simple afterward, with details that ground the characters in the space. By the same token, keep your character designs simple enough that you won’t forget details or want to walk into the ocean after drawing them for the 10th time. Example from my own work: Establishing shot of the bedroom, simple background elements from then on
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Use the medium to your advantage— play with scale and shape and breaking the frame to emphasize action and make your pages more dynamic. However, it’s easy to go overboard so try sticking to points you want to emphasize. The layout of the comic is just as important to telling a story as the text and art. Also take into consideration how it’s supposed to be read, cuz it’s going to flow differently if you’re turning a page vs scrolling on a phone vs whatever the fuck was going on in Homestuck
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Another thing with layout, consider where punchlines and reveals and surprises are going to go. Big punchlines land better at the end of the page (see Calvin and Hobbes). A shocking reveal is best executed after you turn the page (see Junji Ito)
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A simple but atmospheric color palette can be more effective and easier to read (and color) than insane amounts of detail. A great example is Batman: The Long Halloween. I guess the biggest takeaway is focus on the most important details instead of getting hung up on drawing every little thing. Stylization is just every artists’ own method of being lazy
As you keep doing comics you’ll learn your own shortcuts and where to streamline the process so don’t get discouraged if it’s taking a long time or doesn’t match your vision. I find that comics still take me FOREVER but not nearly as long as they did when I started out
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Look at other comics and see what they’re doing and apply it to your work. It’s SO important to learning that you see how other people do it and make it your own. Some that I think are great to look at are Batman: The Long Halloween, Calvin and Hobbes, Junji Ito’s work, Dragonball, and Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
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racing-twinks · 1 year
Thanks @collecting--stardust for tagging me. Sorry it took a while for me to do this but I appreciate being tagged so much! ❤️
Rules: bold stuff that applies to you and then tag your friends
i'm over 5'5" // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // I have had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies and talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online.
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs.
I'm tagging @mrgasly @motorized-clown-show @fireflies-in-june @eneabastianini23 and anyone who wants to do it! ❤️
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jgtespino · 25 days
When most people think of high school, people often answer that it was a good time in their lives. They made friends, some of which they are in-contact with until this day. But when you ask ME about high school, all I’m left with is this feeling of remorse.
Remorse wouldn’t be the best way to describe it, more like happiness and sadness mixed in with regret and disappointment. These people were my family in so many ways away from home — and especially when things weren’t going so great in the house, I always had these people who I could count on to put a smile on my face and give me this feeling of comfort. What I didn’t realize back then is that you spend around 8 hours every day with these people. That is 8 hours every single day, 5 days a week. It is the equivalent of a full-time job, but you don’t count the memories you make with people going to school and riding home with them. You make memories in class, but you reminisce about the moments you spent together outside of school. In high school, it’s easy to make memories when you are basically forced to be in class, it’s hard to make memories that you will look back on in 5 to 10 years that will put a smile on your face.
I was young, naive, cocky, full of myself, but when I think about it now, I can’t really blame myself for the way I acted. Had I known I was going to migrate to the other side of the world and miss everything and everyone, I would have probably been less of an asshole to everyone. Had I known that the last 3 years of high school were going to be some of the most mentally and emotionally challenging (including my graduation year, which was marred in COVID) I would have treated all my classmates better, said hi to them all more, and made sure they all knew how much I loved and appreciated just their presence.
There was a guy, for sake of privacy I’m going to call him Gabriel. He was the class clown — on some days we were laughing with him, on other days we were laughing at him. I didn’t realize the sense of comfort he gave me just by existing. That guy could put a smile on someone in the room no matter what the circumstance. He was a character, always getting his heart broken over girls who didn’t want him, and I wish that in all my years of flirting and romance I had given him real advice. Part of this comes back to him and I not being “too close” and drifting apart as high school went on.
But there is a part of me that wishes he went to me for advice about how to court a girl in class, a lot less so I knew all the tea and drama, and more so I could let him know that I was there for him, supporting him. We didn’t agree politically in the slightest, even if for a few blinks of the eye in elementary we both agreed that we were tired with the president and how he was doing nothing and what the government response was to one of the biggest supertyphoons recorded in human history. But overall, we didn’t agree or see eye to eye on things. Despite this, I always considered him a friend, but I didn’t always act like this. It’s this weight of regret that I now carry, that I was a jerk to this guy who was just trying to figure out girls and progress in life. Every now and then, I see a story of him on instagram and see he’s doing well. It makes my heart feel good to see that he’s figured out life — maybe even to a better extent than I have.
He was a good guy and he was funny, while during high school he might have not gotten the best test scores and had all the women trying to date him, what matters is that he always seemed to be a humble, down to earth person. He was always himself, and that is a lesson I learned from him that I keep until this day. In high school I would wear whatever mask I saw fit for the social occasion. I wanted to be everyone’s friend, but as the saying goes, a friend to everyone is a friend to no one. He had the people who disliked him for being himself, but did he really care? What does it matter if someone doesn’t like who you are if you are being yourself? It’s these questions I ask myself now whenever I act and realize that if people aren’t going to like me because of who I am, then it’s better off that way. I’m not putting on a mask anymore to please and impress other people. One day I will thank Gabriel for this lesson, even if he’s probably completely unaware that I learned it strictly from him.
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