#aegaeon xenoblade
coreen0 · 1 year
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frickingnerd · 3 months
poly relationship with hugo, aegaeon & brighid
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pairing: hugo ardanach x gn!reader x brighid x aegaeon
tags: established relationship, blade/driver relationship, wholesome fluff, bit of angst (about a blade's life span)
a/n: team hugo is so underrated, so i'll have to do my part and write for them 🫡 anyways they deserve the world <3
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aegaeon and brighid are both very protective of you and hugo, not just because protecting you is part of their job, but because they couldn't stand to see you two hurt!
they don't even want the two of you to even get a single scratch from a battle, so they train very hard and always give their best to keep you two safe!
though hugo would love to be the one who gets to protect the three of you too someday! he wants to show off his protective side, but rarely gets the chance for it
aegaeon especially shows his love for his three partners by acts of service. whether it's protecting you in battle or cooking for you afterwards, it's his way of being affectionate
brighid keeps a journal about her time with hugo, aegaeon and you, where she writes down all the things you do together and how much she loves you
she wants her future selves to remember how special the three of you were to her! so while she isn't very vocal about her love, you can read all about it in her journal!
hugo likes to use his status as the emperor of mor ardain to offer brighid, aegaeon and you a good life!
he isn't spoiling you, but he does ensure that if you have a wish, you'll get it! though with how modest brighid and aegaeon are, they rarely ask for something
getting to spend time together is all they truly want! they know that eventually your life together will end and they'll forget all about you, so they want to make as many memories as possible!
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hatdude5236 · 3 months
Crack ship married Roc x Aegaeon with like 5 kids in Xenoblade Chronicles 4
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silverphantom79 · 7 months
Aegaeon x Driver Reader
This was requested by @thepathofpain
Note: This is based on his personality in Torna, as that what I could find the most information on without taking several days to probably hear one voiceline.
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• The children of the Emperor did not hold the potential to awaken a blade, but the royal family could not go without protection, so you, the captain of the imperial forces, and the empires tactician were each given a blade. One would be sent out to uphold law and order, while the other would remain with the royal heirs, while not training of course, any of them getting caught in the crossfire would lead to disaster. You happened to land with Aegaeon.
• He is WAY overprotective, and possessive, he once told an on duty soldier that you were HIS responsibility, not theirs. They literally just asked if you were fine after a scuffle.
• Aegaeon, like Brighid, also keeps a journal/diary. The largest portion seems to be about the Aegis war, your entry is the second largest. Kind of hard to beat a major historical event in terms of recorded history.
• He will often sing your praise, but become all flustered if you return the favor.
• He often tries to get you to relax. You have to remind him what your jobs are.
• He's essentially your classic gentleman. Opening doors for you, holding your bags while shopping, the usual things that pop into your head when you think gentleman.
• Whenever you two are alone you can hear him muttering under his breath about something or someone being breathtaking.
• His inability to take compliments has also caused him some embarrassment as when he doesn't get flustered or emotional, he returns compliments without thinking, leading to either flat out wrong statements or borderline creepy. One time you complimented a cologne that someone gave him and his reply was "Thank you. You smell nice as well." He wouldn't leave his quarters until called upon for duty the rest of the day.
• There was one time you exchanged gifts, most likely a holiday, where he gave you a flower pin that seemed to resemble him in color.
• The two of you are always together except when turning in, as the empires blades each have their own rooms, which he prefers to stay in. (Man is easily embarrassed)
• After you reached about your early mid life, the heirs were old enough to have their own children, and after another seven years one of them awakened a core crystal that a soldier was careless with. After that, your duty was to train this child to one day inherit one of the two blades. Aegaeon seems excited to share his knowledge and wisdom.
Note Sorry this was so short, the request was rather vague, it doesn't help that I haven't had much practice with characters like Aegaeon, or that he doesn't get much screen time. It also may not help that I want to avoid Torna spoilers since I haven't beaten it yet, but I hope you enjoyed this anyway.
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chaos-husband · 2 years
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DeviantArt Stamps of Dromarch, Brighid, Roc and Aegaeon from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
● 99x56 px each ○ Free to use, no credit required ● Please like or reblog if using/saving
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theawezomeone · 1 year
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cantheykillmacbeth · 1 year
could Malos from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 kill Macbeth? what about other male Blades? (such as Aegaeon or Jin)
(not worrying about female Blades or Roc since the gender clause would apply)
Yes, Malos (and all other Blades) from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 could kill Macbeth!
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All Blades come from a Driver resonating with a Core Crystal (quote form the wiki: "Drivers can resonate with Core Crystals by touching them to create and awaken Blades"), which applies them for the Unconventional Birth Clause, and possibly Birth Parent Clause depending on the identity of the Driver. Also, Roc and any female Blades (i.e. Pyra and Mythra) apply for the Gender Clause.
Now, I could have... COMPLETELY misinterpreted this, and please let me know if I did. I found the wiki pretty difficult to understand and navigate, and I think this is what it's trying to say, but I've never played or seen the game and so my insight here is very limited. So, again, please let me know if this judgement is inaccurate or requires more nuance.
Thank you for your submission!
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satoaiandsonaze · 1 month
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Headcanons
These headcanons take place after the game of Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
After the Titans converge to create the real Elysium, the gang arrives at Uraya to check on the Blades they left at Garfont when they weren't being used by the team.
Between the 4 Drivers who can resonate with a Core Crystal, here's who they brought to Fonsett, Rex's hometown.
Rex: Pyra and Mythra (now seperated), Roc, Wulfric, Praxis, Theory, Godfrey, Azami, and Kora, as well as Crossette and Corvin
Nia: Dromarch, Boreas, Ursula, Floren, Vess, and Electra
Mórag: Brighid, Aegaeon, Kasandra, Perceval, Perun, Vale, and Finch
Zeke: Pandoria, Gorg, Nim, and Dahlia
Even after Pneuma died, Pyra and Mythra still had some of her power left. Using that power, they revived the 6 Tornan Blades. Those 6 being Akhos, Patroka, Sever, Obrona, Perdido, and Cressidus. As for Mikhail, Rex and Nia found him to be still alive at the base of the World Tree, even after the massive explosion that sunk Indol and blew up his warship. When they found him alive, Mikhail agreed to working with Rex's crew and abandoning his evil ways from the past.
For 5 years, Rex's entire group lived in Fonsett peacefully. After 3 if those years, Rex marries Pyra, Mythra, and even Nia at the age of 18.
Even after marrying two Aegises and a Flesh Eater, Rex and Praxis still had feelings for each other, because of their bond as Salvaging Buddies. With some approval from Praxis's younger sister, Theory, and a little help, Rex also secretly marries Praxis.
Being the bubbly and needy girl she is, Praxis wanted to deepen her relationship with Theory. So, to make sure their love could never be crushed, Praxis also ends up marrying her own sister, as well as Rex. Now this marriage was nowhere near a secret; They needed all the help they could get for a perfect wedding.
That's all for now. I'll post another set tomorrow. This was pretty fun! Let me know what you think in the comments. If you don't know the whole franchise of Xenoblade Chronicles, then please look it up, because this autistic guy is bad at explaining stuff properly.
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moldy-mold · 3 years
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And thus, Jin realized he needed more training 💔
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shebasbathtub · 2 years
Brighid: Three words. Say them and I’m yours.
Aegaeon: Three words.
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galaxydusking · 4 years
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aegaeon post
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noodles-and-fluff · 4 years
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Nintendo really out here releasing ads made for me...
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cinnamon-scribbles · 6 years
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AU in which Haze becomes an imperial blade rather than getting taken by Indol, anyone? She deserved so much better...
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au-tumn-al · 6 years
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here’s an unrelated image of the old squad
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drifterstar · 6 years
How do you know that I like something? I shitpost about it.
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floopers · 6 years
Brighid/Morag & NO NOPONS
word count: 1047
“Lady Mòrag, we have an emergency.”
Mòrag snapped awake from where she fell asleep on the desk. Brighid, standing at where she burst open the door, was looking at her incredulously. At least, as incredulous as she could with her eyes closed. It was a feat that only someone like Brighid could perform.
Never mind about that.
“What did you say, Brighid?” Mòrag rose to her feet in one smooth motion, as if she hadn’t been caught sleeping. Her body felt like it, though, and she had to take a moment to blink away the sudden lightheadedness assaulting her mind from rising so quickly. Also, one of her feet felt full of pins.
Brighid was kind enough to let her recover before she delivered the grim news, “All the nopons are missing.”
Mòrag blinked at her. She did it several more times, wondering if she misheard. When Brighid only continued to stand there with every hint of seriousness, Mòrag realized that, yes, Brighid had indeed spoken the dreaded words Mòrag had heard.
Mòrag squinted at her.
“Perhaps it might be better for you to see for yourself,” Brighid said, gesturing for Mòrag to follow after her as she walked back out. Seeing she had no other choice, Mòrag followed after her Blade, her whole stomach sinking in dread with what sort of disaster she had to deal with now.
They walked around Hardhaigh, even strolling into Alba Cavanich. Just as Brighid had said, Mòrag saw absolutely no nopons at all. Even the citizens seemed confused, as Mòrag caught snippets of conversations where they whispered about what had happened to the tiny denizens.
Nopons, for their technological advancements, were very important to Mor Ardain. To have all of them disappear so suddenly, Mòrag couldn’t even begin to imagine the chaos it was inside their R&D department right now.
“Do you think they all just… upped and left?” Mòrag asked. Brighid shook her head.
“No… there would’ve been reports of them, or at least some kind of clue.” A corner of Brighid’s lips twitched into a wry smile. “Nopon are not exactly the most subtle of creatures.”
“… you strike a good point.” Mòrag put a hand on her chin, her mind racing as she struggled to even make sense of what was happening. “Is it only Mor Ardain? Have you heard anything about the other countries and their nopons? And what of Argentum?”
“I haven’t heard of anything. I only just found out recently myself, and immediately came to inform you.”
Mòrag nodded. “Let’s go find his Majesty and tell him.”
They returned to the palace. It was strange, not seeing any nopon at all. They usually holed themselves up, but there had always been at least one or two hastily waddling down the hallways to get to wherever they needed to go. It made Mòrag restless, not being able to see them. And, as they got closer to the throne, an uneasy feeling began to take Mòrag.
When they came into the throne room, Aegaeon was there, with his head in his hands.
“Aegaeon,” Mòrag immediately said with alarm, “what’s the matter?”
Aegaeon slowly took his hands off his face, and just as slowly, turned around to look at them. “Ah, Lady Mòrag, Brighid. What brings you here?”
“I’m here to see his Majesty,” Mòrag answered, wondering slightly what Aegaeon had even been doing earlier. Brighid said nothing, but the slight furrow to her brow betrayed her concern. “Aegaeon, have you heard about the nopon?”
“Nopon?” Aegaeon immediately brightened. “What about them?”
“They’re… er, missing, I suppose.” Mòrag frowned. “All gone. Brighid and I have been looking into the matter and thought to inform His Majesty.”
“All missing?!” Aegaeon was shocked, his mouth gaping open. “How could that be?! Nopon… if they’re all gone…” He shook his head, clearly distressed. “Nopons are just so tiny and cute and cuddly! Much like his Majesty himself! And they’re all gone…”
Both Mòrag and Brighid stared at him. Somehow, even with someone of his complexion, he managed a blush. Aegaeon was just somehow full of surprises today. “My apologies, I did not mean to say that. Aloud, I mean. While you two were there.”
Brighid coughed into a fist while Mòrag awkwardly pretended to tug her hat down.
“… anyway, do you know where his Majesty is?” Mòrag asked. Aegaeon shook his head. Mòrag nodded. “Very well then, I will go find him.”
“Wait, Lady Mòrag,” Aegaeon called out. “You say all the nopon are missing?”
Mòrag turned to Aegaeon, who could only gasp, like he made some kind of huge realization. “Nopon… are tiny, cute, and cuddly… much like his Majesty himself…” He turned to Mòrag with a grave expression, and Mòrag knew she wasn’t going to like what he was going to say. “Nopon must run in your ancestry, Lady Mòrag, for your brother is—”
“Lady Mòrag!”
Mòrag snapped awake with a shout, shooting up in her seat. There was another shout, and Mòrag realized belatedly she had almost headbutted Brighid, who’d been leaning over her to wake her up. “B-Brighid?”
Brighid wrinkled her nose, a sign that she was glaring at Mòrag now. “Good morning, Lady Mòrag,” she said. “You looked like you had a fitful nap so I thought to wake you up, but it looks like you might have knocked me into slumber instead.”
Mòrag managed a sheepish laugh. “My apologies, Brighid. I had the strangest dream…”
“Oh?” Brighid was curious, a trait that would lead to her constant downfalls.
“In my dream, and… er, Aegaeon was acting very strangely, and… I can’t quite remember, but all the nopons disappeared and—”
“Good riddance,” Brighid muttered.
“—and Aegaeon said his Majesty was a nopon.”
Brighid stared at her. Mòrag stared back, or at least, stared at her eyelids. It was hard trying to match Brighid’s hidden gazes sometimes.
“… if you excuse me, Lady Mòrag, I’m going to have a talk with Aegaeon,” Brighid said suddenly, not even waiting for Mòrag to reply before striding out the room, and then she was gone.
Mòrag stared blankly at the spot where Brighid had been. Strange. She stood up, stretched, and looked out the windows behind her, contemplative.
“Nopons are just as cute and cuddly as His Majesty himself, hm…”
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