#roc xc2
chaos-husband · 2 years
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DeviantArt Stamps of Dromarch, Brighid, Roc and Aegaeon from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
● 99x56 px each ○ Free to use, no credit required ● Please like or reblog if using/saving
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jaredxenoengage · 2 months
Three Plus Two: Xenoblade 2
Spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
Every JRPG is going to have its stories, some anime tropes, FANSERVICE, a crap ton of flaws (but when is anything perfect to begin with) and their ragtag bunch of misfits. And that is ok. We’re all going to like different things. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about concerning Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (one of my favorite JRPG games of all time).
And no, it’s not talking about the “problems” Xenoblade 2 “suffers” from, we could be here FOREVER discussing that. No, I want to talk about the party of Xenoblade 2. If you remember my post regarding the Five Man Band and how Fire Emblem Engage uses the trope https://www.tumblr.com/jaredxenoengage/753270910703828992/the-five-man-band-is-among-one-my-favorite-tropes
While Xenoblade 2 does follow the Five Man Band trope, as their are 5 party members (Rex, Nia, Tora, Mòrag and Zeke, with Vandham and ironically, Jin and Malos as guess party members). For most of the game, up until the end of Chapter 4, the team sticks with the Power Trio Rex, Nia, and Tora. This is the Three Plus Two trope (best seen in Power Rangers Dino Thunder, its predecessor Ninja Storm, Jungle Fury, and Power Rangers RPM (for the most part). It’s where a power trio in a team evolves in the typical Five Man Band.
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The team would expand later with two main party members (both of whom served as Rex’s rivals throughout his journey). Mòrag, Special Inquisitor for the Empire of Mor Ardain. While Mòrag was never evil, Mòrag (like most Sixth Rangers) opposed Rex because she did what she felt was right (because she saw the Aegis, Pyra as a threat to the world, and an Artifical Blade who looked like Poppi was causing trouble). But eventually, Mòrag settles her differences with Rex and eventually becomes fully devoted to Rex’s cause.
Zeke Von Genbu. Yeah. Zeke Von Genbu. The same guy that Rex fought and became his own undoing. Zeke is very much like Mòrag. As he is also royalty of one of the Kingdoms of Alrest, as the prince of Tantal. Zeke fought Rex to test his strength and intended to join him so that he could eventually meet Amalthus, who the party were going to meet anyways at Mythra’s (Pyra’s sister/original) behest.
Mòrag and Zeke are both far more experienced than Rex is both as Drivers and as citizens of the world of Alrest. Both fought against Rex before eventually joining his party. And most of all, they both, in a way, serves as mentors to Rex. After seeing his potential and his character, they both eventually choose to trust him.
Now what dynamic do each of the party members serves?
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Rex is the Leader and main protagonist of Xenoblade 2. As a Driver and someone who lives in Alrest, Rex is very inexperienced in comparison to all of his other friends (Tora included despite not being a Driver yet, cause he couldn’t be without Poppi). So Rex in a bit of a in a pickle in his leadership spot.
But what he lacks (initially) is skill, he makes up for it with his heart and strength of character. Rex serves as inspiration to others. Despite their initial backlash, during the brief time Torna was using Rex to retrieve Pyra, Nia does show a little bit kinship with him. So Rex (initially) dying at Jin’s hands and Malos threatening to dispose the Argentum Trade Guild’s Salvagers as “thanks” for helping them causes Nia to defect Torna. It’s also at Rex’s behest that convinces Nia to stay with him (and Tora) on the Journey to Elysium.
And all of this is WITHOUT talking about how much of an impact he has on Pyra and Mythra. Speaking of whom, as the Aegis of the team, Pyra (mainly Mythra) is the driving force behind the journey to Elysium. It was Mythra’s idea to take Fan La Norme (Haze)‘s invitation to meet Amalthus (they were already going to meet him anyways). And as the Aegis, Pyra and Mythra are one Alrest’s most powerful Blades.
And later in the game, Rex gets Roc (Vandham’s former blade), exclusive access to Nia as a Blade, as well as Pneuma and the Master Driver abilities (that gives Rex the ability to use the Blades of his fellow Drivers, save for Poppi). Despite Rex’s initial inexperience, by the end of the game, he has the most blades locked to him, and the ability to use every non Poppi blade).
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Nia is the Lancer of the team. The Lancer the one who serves as the Leader/Hero’s second in command and/or foil. Nia is more of the pessimist compared to Rex’s optimist. Nia is the first to question Pyra’s quest to reach Elysium (which she was right about, for the most part). And (ironically) when Rex was going to give up the journey after Pyra and Mythra are kidnapped at the end of Chapter 6, at the start of Chapter 7, Nia is the very first person to give Rex a piece of her mind.
As far as being foils in their powers, Nia’s Blade is Dromarch, a Water Blade that serves as a parental substitute for Nia. Dromarch is more of the Advisor, and is one of (if not) the most knowledgeable party member. Making him more of the smart guy in terms of his role when talking about the Blades.
Not many Lancer type characters are healers (which would be more of The Heart’s role), but where Nia shines in being the Lancer to Rex AND the Aegis girls is that she is a Flesh Eater. Making their dynamic similar to Jin and Malos, a fellow Flesh Eater and Aegis Blade respectively.
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Tora is more of a “smart guy” than what most make think. Say what you will about his perverse behavior towards Poppi, but Tora would have to be intelligent enough about Drivers and the tools need to make Poppi to be able to make her at all. In fact, Poppi’s role in Team Aegis as a whole is very crucial to success of Rex’s team.
For example, Tora teaches Rex about the elemental powers of the Blades. Helped him and Pyra escape from Brighid and form a plan to save Nia after she was captured in the aforementioned battle. Tora (albeit with Mòrag’s advice) was able to use Poppi to escape from a prison in Tantal that negates Blade arts in Chapter 6. In the trip down Spirit Crucible Elpys, Poppi being an Artificial Blade allows her to use Arts perfectly fine. And finally, Poppi is a key player in stopping Amalthus’s control over the Titans.
Poppi’s gameplay as a whole serves similarly to the smart guy because she is more customizable than any other Blade in the game. Her versatility gives her a use in battle no one else has. This is especially true in Chapter 7.
Poppi’s overall character is that of the Heart though. It’s Poppi who manages to succeed in reaching out to Rex when he was going to quit his journey to Elysium after the Aegis is taken away from him. Nia and Brighid were unable to cut deep into him, but Poppi succeeded. Poppi also convinces Jin to hear out Brighid’s request to learn about herself in Chapter 8, and she has the most emotional moments on the whole.
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Now normally, Vandham’s role would be the Big Guy. His seize notwithstanding, Vandham is very much a Mighty Glacier that hits hard with his Wind Blade Roc. All of Vandham’s stats (save for agility) are really good in the brief time he’s at your side. Unfortunately, the Big Guy suffers from a Fatality Syndrome. And in the case of Vandham, it couldn’t be cured.
Vandham’s role in chapter 3 is to be the mentor. Vandham teaches Rex how to Topple with his Anchor Shot. Vandham teaches Rex about the world of Alrest through the harsh realities of the Blade System. And Vandham, above all else, taught Rex to fight his own war. A lesson that would stick with Rex for a long time.
The reason why this JRPG team is a Three plus two dynamic is because of Vandham’s death. Once he died, it was back to the Power Trio of Rex, Nia and Tora.
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This is where Mòrag would fill the role Vandham left behind. Mòrag is every bit of the experience Driver as Vandham was despite being a mercenary in the grand scheme of things. If you don’t consider Tora to be the smart guy of the team, then consider Mòrag in chapter 6. Her knowledge over the events in Alrest leads her to be the one to question Amalthus’s role in the plot. In the same chapter, she was the first to realize that the King of Tantal may had different plans for them (her fears were proven right).
Mòrag’s experience and battle prowess makes her a Genius Bruiser. As the Flamebringer and with one of the twin jewels of Mor Ardain: Brighid, her prowess as a Driver and experience as Special Inquisitor of the Empire makes her an invaluable member of the team once she finally accepts her role as Rex’s ally.
In fact, Mòrag is the only Driver of the team (Vandham excluded) to not have some unique aspect about her as a Driver. Rex is the Driver the Aegis, Nia is a Flesh Eater, Tora is a Driver with an Artificial Blade, and Zeke is a Blade Eater. And even if Mòrag gains access to Aegaeon later on, awakening him is optional. So Mòrag is simply a powerful and effective Driver all on her own.
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And then there is Zeke. While I say he is the heart overall as far as the Drivers are concerned (which is best exemplified late game), Zeke also has some Big Guy traits, as well as Sixth Ranger traits.
Zeke is undoubtedly the tallest member of Rex’s team. Zeke is also the most boisterous in terms of personality. And if it’s not Rex getting hit the butt monkey moments, or Tora and Nia in some cases, then it’s definitely Zeke. Unlike Vandham, some of the other tropes you find in the muscle characters (besides the fatality syndrome) are found in Zeke.
Now where does Zeke fit in terms of being the heart? IMO, Zeke has some of the most heartfelt moments and scenes in the game when he isn’t just being played for comedy. Zeke willing opening up about his Blade Eater status and backstory serves as the moment Nia finally comes clean with Rex about her own backstory (and her Flesh Eater form later). Zeke is one of the most caring members of the team and his relationship with Pandoria is really heartwarming and tragic with his backstory in mind.
And as for the Sixth Ranger trope, he would have played this straighter if Vandham was still alive. Even if his Eye of Shining Justice ability is NG+ only, Sixth Rangers often get some the cooler powers and abilities if the Red Ranger doesn’t have them, and this is no exception.
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Now when we look at the Organization of Torna, they follow a similar team structure to Rex and his party members. Once it all comes together, you begin to see who serves as a counterpart to who. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePsychoRangers
Jin to Rex: True, Malos is the Aegis, thus making him the evil counterpart to Pyra and Mythra. But in terms of roles in the team and their story, Jin is meant to be the foil to Rex. Jin represents the person Rex could have become if he was driven to despair.
Jin’s former Driver and love interest Lora died at the hands of Amalthus. On top of losing some of other friends in the Aegis war, and problems with the Blade system leads him to hate the world and wish to see it burn.
Because Jin is a Flesh Eater, he has some foils towards Nia as well. But again, Jin is more meant to be Rex’s counterpart. And their interactions throughout the story makes this clear.
Nia to Malos: Nia inadvertently became Rex’s second in command after their meeting and her eventually break up with Torna. Much like, or not, how Malos follows Jin’s lead, Nia is the one who always questions Rex’s every move. Whereas Malos tainted Jin with his despairing influence that also consumed Amalthus, Rex’s influence was slowly changing Nia for the better.
In chapter 7, Nia’s Flesh Eater healing powers serve as a direct counter Malos’s destructive capabilities when his Aegis powers are restored. She can act as Rex’s Blade together with Pyra and Mythra as well.
Malos is an Aegis who follows the lead of the Flesh Eater Jin, while the Flesh Eater Nia has to back the Driver of the Aegis: Rex up.
Akhos to Tora: Akhos and Tora don’t any interaction, but I’d say their roles are similar enough to warrant the comparison. Tora isn’t a master strategist guy like Akhos is,but he’s knowledgeable enough to allow Poppi to even exist and be a key player in Rex’s journey. Akhos serves as the eye in the sky for Torna and does it effectively.
Patroka to Mòrag: Both Patroka and Mòrag are both the female powerhouses. But Mòrag is more levelheaded and skilled, while Patroka is more brash and quick to lose her temper.
And Mikhail to Zeke: finally, both Mikhail and Zeke are the regular butt Monkeys of their respective groups. The two of them have more depth than their silly butt of jokes give them credit for. Lastly, but by far the most important part, they are both Blade Eaters with conflicts towards Amalthus. This becomes apparent in Chapter 9.
And that is my take on the team dynamic of Xenoblade 2.
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loveandmad · 1 year
Thinking about Blades as therapeutic partners
Rex brushing Pyra and Mythra’s hair and Nia petting Dromarch and Vandham grooming Roc as a method of self-soothing
Poppi having Tora give her a maintenance check even though they just did one a few days ago because he just heard something that sounds like gunfire and she knows he needs to take his mind off things (and Lila doing the same for Tatazo)
Brighid giving Morag heated massages after long training sessions
Pandoria helping Zeke during his recovery via electrical muscle stimulation
Jin giving Lora little ice cubes to suck on to help ward off a panic attack
Minoth reading his latest manuscript out loud to help ground Amalthus after a flashback
Haze/Fan helping her Driver control their breathing after a nightmare
Blades as therapeutic partners
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404z · 2 years
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hate drawing xenoblade armor ❤️
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hatdude5236 · 3 months
Crack ship married Roc x Aegaeon with like 5 kids in Xenoblade Chronicles 4
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goldenhylia · 1 year
I still think it’s so funny that Roc was the only canon Blade not featured in The Picture™
Like, Vandham meant so much to Rex and Nia and you’re telling me they didn’t invite his Blade to the baby shower???
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ximeria · 1 month
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I've been giving the character choices that the writers gave Jin in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and very much continued in Torna: the Golden Country some semi deep thought.
(long ramble ahead with some spoilers for XC2 as well as Torna the golden Country)
If we look at the main game itself only, it is easy to paint him with the brush of: he did bad things. Yes he did. He destroyed many Blades and Drivers, and for the longest time it's kind of hazy why. Apart form 'humans bad, must cleanse the world' - or rather, I at least made the initial mistake to think that Jin's agenda was 100% the same as Malos'.
I was wrong, I can happily say so.
If we go in chronologically, we look at Torna (the game's DLC). We meet Lora and Jin and learn that he has, at this point, been Lora's Blade for 17 years. They haven't lived a glamorous life, but I'm fairly sure that for all the hardships, for the lack of funds, for Lora's search for her mother and such, it has been a fairly happy time.
It also drives home what a perfect fit they are.
Jin, also referred to as 'The Paragon of Torna' is quite probably a Blade/core crystal handed down by the Tornan royal family. If not for interfamily unrest, he could possibly have been Addam's Blade, if the core crystal hadn't been stolen, and in a moment of stress and fear, Lora touching it and accidentally resonating with it.
Would he have been a good fit for Addam? Yes. Is he fantastic fit for Lora, absolutely. She has a drive and look at life that works really well for Jin, and at the same time she is so inherently human, that she also serves to ground him and show him life's imperfections. All part of living, existing, growing as a person.
We see hints in flashbacks in the main game, but it is very much obvious in the Torna story line. Jin is first and foremost a defender and a caretaker. He cooks for the group, and seems to prefer doing so to fighting. Even says as much - that he doesn't like fighting.
In the end, the Torna storyline adds a layer to the Jin we see in main game. It gives his agenda a different angle, a different reasoning.
How do most of us react during the main story? We look at Jin killing our friends, fellow Drivers, Blades etc. We struggle to understand exactly why anyone would do that. And what we see of Jin in flashbacks feels so off, because it feels as if the Paragon of Torna couldn't possibly have done those things.
Looking through what Torna shows us, it makes a horrible kind of sense, though.
Take the moment Jin runs Fan la Norne through, killing her (main game). It's a shock for the player and anyone watching. It seems like such a cold hearted move. She is a problem, she can literally limit any Blade's power, so it makes sense to take her out. If we look at it from another angle, however, it's becomes a mercy killing.
We already know that Fan la Norne used to be Haze, because Mythra has already used that name. She, however, does not remember that name. And that alone should make chills run down one's back. Any Blade Rex or his team resonate with, introduces themselves. Roc, Vandhamme's Blade, goes: "I am Roc! Pleased to meet you."
Every Blade is engaged knowing not their past, not their past Drivers, not their past deeds. But they ALWAYS know their names.
Haze doesn't. Not to mention she is missing part of her core crystal. That part was absorbed by Amalthus, and I'll bet you she wasn't asked for consent, just like Minoth probably wasn't asked 500 years earlier, if he wanted to become a Flesh Eater.
This also explains why Cole is left alive in the main game. Apart from serving a purpose, Cole or rather, Minoth, has long since cut ties with Amalthus. Or at least, stays the hell away from him. Which is such a red flag to their relationship as Driver and Blade. He's also dying, so there is no reason to kill him.
So Jin drives a blade through Fan la Norne (Haze) to stop her - but he drives that blade through Haze to end her suffering, her half-existence. She was for all intents and purposes his partner Blade, both of them loyal to Lora 500 years earlier. He would never let her memory be tainted by Amalthus like this. He would never let her live as a pawn of Amalthus.
He has seen what being Amalthus' Blade brought Minoth, what it did to Malos. How can his killing of Haze be anything but a mercy killing?
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emblemxeno · 3 months
I really like Vandham's role in XC2's story as a mentor for Rex, and how that mentorship affects not just character growth, but gameplay as well by changing Anchor Shot to a topple art and adding chain attacks.
I just wish there was more incentive to using Vandham when you have him since Roc not getting past Key Affinity 1 so he ends up playing really weak. In New Game plus it's not an issue, but I started vanilla so I reckon it's a similar issue that other new players would have.
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edi-mccredie · 11 months
Confession: I never used Roc in my first XC2 playthrough cause I found his big naturals too intimidating
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eaglefairy · 1 year
Ok so re: this post (the zelda fusion au for xc2), I have continued thinking and writing about the au but I'm not happy with the fic I've drafted for it yet, so instead let me tell you about the Champions in this au.
The neat thing about xc2's main party is that there's actually a party member for every element present in botw/totk: water (Nia and Dromarch), fire (Brighid and Mórag), lightning (Zeke and Pandoria), and wind (Vandham and Roc). This would let me just assign each of those characters their respective element and make them that race from the zelda games: Zora, Goron, Gerudo, and Rito, respectively.
It would let me do that, except I thought about Rito!Brighid with blue fiery wings for 0.2 seconds and now I have to do that, so things got shuffled a bit.
What I'm actually doing is letting each character keep their element, but assigning the elements to different peoples than they are in the zelda games. It ends up as Brighid and Mórag being Rito; Nia and Dromarch being Gorons; Vandham and Roc being Zoras; and Zeke and Pandoria actually just stay Gerudo.
(And for anyone wondering about Tora, he's a Korok. Poppi is a Sheikah robot he built; relative humanity vs. Guardian-ness is still up for debate.)
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void-kissed · 1 year
how about 🌈 for any of your platonics or familials that you choose !!
Oh! I can definitely do that! Thank you for this opportunity!!
(source: this post by bewearships)
send me a 🌈 + one of my F/Os for my sexuality/gender headcanons for them! - Let's see what I can think of, shall we? This won't be everyone, but it'll be a good scattering!
I think my three dads (Vandham, Dedede, and Nader) and my three grandads (Greygnarl, Paarthunax, and Zhongli) all like men in some way or another. That's just the vibes I'm getting from all of them. Shoutout to all three of my grandads being dragons in some form or another, incidentally.
Today (the 5th of June) is actually Katya's birthday, so it'd be remiss of me to not talk about her! That's my little sister!! Ferry (her creator) has semi-canonically said that she likes girls, so I personally headcanon her to be a lesbian. I also headcanon her to be nonbinary!
Actually, since I've mentioned Katya I shall also mention Dima, given that they're both from the same series and they're both my little siblings. Ferry has, again, semi-canonically said that he's straight, and I'm fine with sticking with that. In terms of his gender, I headcanon him to be a trans boy.
For some platonic F/Os.. you cannot tell me Nia isn't a trans girl. I also headcanon her to be pansexual. Following the XC2 theme, I headcanon Crossette to be a lesbian, Roc is canonically nonbinary (literally, his gender in the code is 4 where 1/2/3 are for male/female/animal Blades) and I also think he likes men, I like the idea of aroace Haze, and Mòrag and Brighid are definitely both sapphic and also very likely to be in love with each other.
Okay, now for some who aren't from XC2 specifically; I headcanon Taka to be bisexual and Cain to be trans and also bisexual, I headcanon Xion to be nonbinary and sapphic and Strelitzia to be bisexual (because of the flower pun). I'm not sure if you could say these count as headcanons if they're about my own OCs, but none of my Dragon Quest IX OCs cishet - Iris is a cis lesbian, Kana is a trans girl and is pansexual, and Jasper is bigender and aroace.
Hopefully this scattering of assorted headcanons is alright! Thank you once again for this opportunity to give so many ^-^
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mishmishbean · 2 years
RIP Vandham... I didn't expect to like him as much as I did to where I'd sob alongside Rex...
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xenobladeimagines · 6 years
Are the characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 dog or cat people?
Rex: dog, he likes their energy
Pyra: cat, she was neutral on the debate until cats discovered how warm she is and they love cuddling her
Mythra: cats, if only because there were a lot around camp 500 years ago
Nia: must you even ask
Dromarch: see Nia
Tora: cats, he thinks they’re so soft and cuddly and friendly (and he’s scared of dogs) 
Poppi: cats as well
Vandham: dogs, while there’s more cats around Garfont, he prefers dogs
Roc: both freak him out
Mòrag: dogs, she has one waiting for her at the palace named Sama
Brighid: cats, they love her for the warmth and she loves them for the fluff
Zeke: cats, he loves how small and cuddly they are
Pandoria: dogs, she loves them so much. such good dogs. all dogs are good dogs. 
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How about 💢for any Xenoblade S/I of your choice?
Sure thing, thank you very much for sending this!! ..Since all of my self-inserts for XC2 largely share at least one common enemy in Malos, and XC2 is the game I'm more familiar with over XC1, I'll pick one that is more specific to Sapphire in this instance.
(question source: this post by hobgayblin)
send me a self-insert of mine and..
💢 – I’ll tell you about an enemy of hers - In this case, Sapphire specifically holds a very strong disdain for Akhos and Obrona out of all the members of Torna, because it was largely thanks to their interference that Vandham was so severely injured in the Olethro Playhouse and Roc was forced back into his Core Crystal due to such strong atmospheric ether depletion (which is incidentally how I rewrite the events that happen there in the game - it's a subtle alteration, but one that is important to me). She also dislikes the pair for the fact that they barged into Garfont Village despite being very much uninvited in the party's previous encounter with them both. Plus, in her opinion, Minoth's clearly the better playwright.
I hope that that answer was alright! Thank you very much for sending this in once again, it really means a lot ^-^
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
Tickle Headcanon Masterlist
Formally known as the “Super Smash Bros. Headcanon Masterlist”, this masterlist lists all of the headcanons I’ve made over the course of this blog’s existence.
Links to all of the headcanons will be provided. Just click or tap on a character’s name, and the link should take you to the headcanons that I made for that specific character.
Some of the links that I have provided in the list below will take you to the same post. For example, the link that takes you to my Mario headcanons will be the same as the link that takes you to my Luigi headcanons. Don’t worry, this is not an error. Some of the asks that I have gotten in the past requested two or more characters at the same time. In response, I created headcanons for each of the characters that they had asked for, and put them all together in a single response.
All of the characters who have appeared in Super Smash Bros. are listed in order of their Fighter number. This is the number that appears next to a character’s name on the official website for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. If you need some examples to understand what this means, Captain Falcon’s Fighter number is #11, and Robin’s Fighter number is #56. On this list, the Fighter number of each fighter will be displayed on the left side of a character’s name. Echo Fighters can be distinguished by an “E” that is next to their Fighter Number.
I’ll make sure to update this post whenever I finish a request for a character that is currently missing from this list, or whenever I come up with a list of headcanons in my own time.
The link to this list will be in my pinned post, but if you don’t want to use it, you can either search for this post using the search bar, or check the “Headcanon Masterlist” tag.
If you haven’t beaten Xenoblade Chronicles 2, you’ll want to be careful if you intend on scrolling through this masterlist. This masterlist spoils the name of a specific Blade that is obtained in seventh chapter of the game, but isn’t referred to by name until the tenth and final chapter.
Click or tap on “Read More” to see the masterlist.
Super Smash Bros.:
#01- Mario
#03- Link (BOTW)
#04- Samus
#06- Kirby
#09- Luigi
#17- Zelda (SSBU Incarnate)
#21- Marth
#21E- Lucina
#25E- Chrom
#27- Meta Knight
#28- Pit
#28E- Dark Pit
#29- Zero Suit Samus
#39- King Dedede
#49- Little Mac
#54- Palutena
#57- Shulk (Lee), (Ler)   (These two links are special. I have made so many lee!Shulk headcanons that it’s not even funny, so if you want to find headcanons for Shulk as a lee, just click on the first link. This will show all of my posts with the lee!Shulk tag. If you want to see headcanons for ler!Shulk, click the second link. This will show all of my posts with the ler!Shulk tag. Be warned, there will be spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles in both of these tags, with possible Xenoblade Chronicles 2 spoilers as well.)
#60- Ryu
#60E- Ken
#61- Cloud
#62- Corrin/Kamui (Kamui is the name that I use to refer to Female Corrin)
#64- Inkling
#66- Simon
#66E- Richter
#74- Terry
#78- Sephiroth
#79 & #80- Pyra/Mythra
(This link is also special. It will take you to a list of headcanons that I made for all of the Legendary Blades in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The Pyra and Mythra headcanons are towards the beginning of the list. If you want to see the entirety of that headcanon list, you should be aware of the fact that there are spoilers for XC2 in that list. Read it at your own risk if you haven’t played XC2 or if you haven’t finished the game yet.)
Young Cricket
Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
Poppi (Alpha, QT, and QTPi)
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I’ve Started Playing Xenoblade Chronicles X
My brother has finally seen fit to allow me a profile on his Wii U, and as his copy of Breath of the Wild is currently... sort of at the bottom of a massive stack of disc cases all wedged on a single shelf from top to bottom... I’ve decided to play something a bit more accessible.
Of this series, I’ve only played XC2 so far, so... this should be interesting.
Here’s how it’s going so far:
I spent about three minutes of my time designing my character just trying to figure out what side of her face the butterfly should be on. Another five minutes before that were deciding on hairstyle.
I decided that hair colored in the vicinity of black would be nice, but based all three color options off of different actual colors to give it a certain iridescence effect, so it looks either red or blue in certain lighting.
I picked a name out of a hat. Her name is Luna, and she will henceforth be referred to as such.
Lin is adorable. I’m keeping her.
...Okay, fine, the Skells are kind of cool. I’m just not particularly looking forward to them, because I find it a lot more enjoyable to explore the world on a ground level.
Luna is made to look like she’s about sixteen for a number of reasons, but mostly because the whole thing is a lot more hilarious when viewed through the lenses of a disaffected teenager who’s not Lin.
I’m going to assume that this entire world is the setting of a novel that Klaus read one time unless given conclusive proof to the contrary. It would explain so much. Particularly about the wildlife.
...Zenobia somehow makes more sense now, and that terrifies me. I do not want a world where Zenobia makes sense.
I’m sorry, Elma, but your insistence on more scientific-sounding names has no effect on me. These things are Gogols, and that thing on the cliff is definitely Rotbart.
Tatsu, if you don’t want to nearly get eaten, try dressing yourself up as literally anything other than nopopomouli.
*Sees an enemy get launched into the air* ...I miss Roc.
Why don’t the skip travel points actually align with where they are on the map? I get lost enough as it is without being lied to about where things are in relationship to each other!
I’m probably going to forget that fashion gear exists after a week or so, so we can probably assume that Luna is somehow Gormotti despite being worlds away from Alrest in several meanings of the phrase just because I won’t remember how to remove the cat ears.
Poor Divine Wind Lambert. Poor, poor Divine Wind Lambert.
I don’t think that the level requirements for various missions are actually high enough to be able to complete said said quest. Particularly the one that asks for level thirteen characters in Oblivia. Pre-weakening, the boss was level eighteen.
Then it was level nine. I feel like this game struggles with level curve somewhat.
The story mission level requirements are level one. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to still have a level one character by the time you get there, and if you somehow did, you wouldn’t stand a chance against anything you’d find. There’s no listing of actual recommended level or anything I could find, I’ll just start chapter 5 once I run out of other quests to do.
My current mission: Minimum level fourteen or so. I need to acquire a rare drop from a specific body part of an enemy that only appears at night. The one that’s closest to NLA is level eighteen. The location that would probably have them be more numberous- and nearer to a skip travel point- has them at level twenty. There’s supposedly at least one at level thirteen, but I can’t find it anywhere.
I could also try fighting the Tyrant version! It’s level twenty and Luna is level sixteen! In no way can this possibly go wrong!
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