#after 10 years i didn't even get a thanks for your hard work and good luck
makeitmingi · 1 month
Everything I Could Ever Wish For!
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Genre: Romance, Comedy, Cute, Fluff
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Mom!Reader, Dad!Mingi, Son (Song Jooyun), Uncle!Ateez
Summary: It's Mingi's birthday! Even though Mingi acts indifferent about his birthday, you know he secretly loves it when you celebrate it. So with your son and the rest of Ateez, you plan the perfect birthday celebration to show Mingi just how much you appreciate and love him.
Word count: 5.6K
A/N: Happy birthday Mingles, the loml <3
Did Mingi really want to be awake at such an early hour on his birthday? Not really. He would much rather be curled up beside you in your shared bed. It was so hard for him to leave you this morning when he had to get up to get ready.
"Appa...?" His 4 year old son, Jooyun, stood at the door of his room, rubbing his eye as he held his Tyudeongi toy close to his body.
"Hey, buddy." Mingi smiled softly, bending down so he could be on a closer eye level to the sleeping child. Jooyun immediately wrapped his arms around his father's neck.
"Where you going..?" The child asked with a yawn.
"I'm going to work for a little. But I'll be back soon. In the mean time, keep mama company?" He requested.
"Mmm." Jooyun nodded. Mingi chuckled and kissed Jooyun's cheek before bringing him to your room. He carefully laid Jooyun down beside you.
"Go back to sleep, buddy." Mingi whispered, patting Jooyun's back to soothe him.
Now, Mingi REALLY didn't want to leave. You, your son and your comfy bed, that was perfect. But knowing that ATINY were waiting on him, Mingi forced himself to leave. After a lot of begging, the staff already allowed Mingi to do his birthday live at 10 am instead of the usual 2-3pm that the members do their birthday lives.
And yes, Jooyun was in love with Tyudeongi and no, Mingi was not jealous or bitter. Besides, you hug a Ddeongbyeoli to sleep and Mingi's only ever complained about it twice.
"Good morning." Mingi bowed to the manager that was waiting for him in the van.
"Happy birthday, Mingi ah." The manager wished, smiling at the taller male through the mirror. Mingi smiled gratefully as he slumped back in his seat.
"Too early?"
"Hyung, if you had to leave the love of your life and your son in your warm comfy bed on your birthday, you would be upset too." Mingi scoffed. His manager laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Happy birthday, Mingi sshi." All the staff were greeting him when he arrived at KQ.
"Thank you." Mingi bowed respectfully. He sat in the chair, waiting to do his hair and make up for the livestream.
"None of the members are even here this early." Mingi sighed as he looked at his manager in the mirror. He chuckled at Mingi's kid-like whining and placed a coffee and muffin down on the table for him to eat as breakfast.
"I think only Yeosang and Wooyoung are coming in for dance workshop later." His manager informed, scrolling on his phone. Mingi took his phone out and took a selfie.
'I wish I was still in bed with you and Jooyun :( - Mingi'
He sent the pouting photo of himself to you. Seeing as to how you haven't opened the message, he guessed you were either still asleep or busy with Jooyun.
"Okay, 15 minutes, Mingi ah." His manager called. After his hair and make up, Mingi went to get changed.
"Woah, look at all the ATINY in the waiting room." Mingi said, looking over the director's shoulder.
"Of course, it's Mingi's birthday." The director laughed, making Mingi jokingly scoff. He checked his appearance one more time before sitting in the chair to get ready.
"Wow, you guys prepared a lot." Mingi looked around at the backdrop and all the props that was used to decorate the area. This year, his birthday merch was a Fix On hoodie that he designed himself. Taking another sip of his coffee, Mingi stretched his arms over his head and finally took a seat.
"Do I look okay? Can you see the hoodie properly?" Mingi asked the staff member, who look through the streaming camera.
"Looks good, Mingi sshi." She nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Mingi smiled in satisfaction, leaning back in his seat and sending you a final text.
'Going to start the stream soon, baby. Watch it if you have time. After this, I'm coming home to you. - Mingi'
"3, 2, 1!" The staff counted down and the room went quiet as Mingi smiled for the camera.
"Good morning, ATINY~" He waved. Checking the tablet beside him, he was touched at how many fans turned up so early for him. That made waking up worth it.
The stream went on like any other birthday stream, singing a birthday song, blowing out the candles and cutting the cake, then hearing messages and voice notes from the members.
"You can't wait for the hoodie? I can't wait to see all of you get it and wear it. Please post it so I can see." He read the comments. Mingi avoided questions that directly asked about you, not that he was ashamed or anything, he just respected your want for privacy.
"I don't know what I plan to do for the rest of the day. Maybe we'll go for dinner...?" He shrugged.
"We still have some time before the stream ends so I'll unwrap presents and answer more questions." Mingi smiled as the staff brought over the presents.
"Let's see. We'll start with this-"
"Appa!" Mingi's head shot up and he blinked at the sudden shout. It sounded a lot like Jooyun.
"Hold on, ATINY." Mingi stood up to look over the staff members and set up. Yunho was standing there with a grin, dressed in plain clothes as he held Jooyun's hand. The two of them waved to Mingi.
"Yunho just appeared with Jooyun." Mingi informed.
"Woah, the comments are going crazy." Mingi noted at the fast moving comments, all the fans wanting to see Jooyun.
"Come here. It's okay." Mingi waved the two over, unable to hide his smile. It was his best friend and his son, of course he was happy. Yunho came over, carefully leading Jooyun over the wires. Jooyun appeared on screen, his height just tall enough to let his eyes able to peek over the table.
"Aigo. There we go, you can see better like this." Mingi lifted Jooyun onto his lap. Jooyun still hugged his Tyudeongi close to his body, looking around in confusion.
"Hello, ATINY~ Did you all wish Princess Mingki a happy birthday?" Yunho bowed and waved with a friendly smile.
"Say hello, buddy." Mingi whispered. Jooyun turned his head to scan the room then looked up at his father.
"Hello to who?" He asked. Yunho and Mingi couldn't help but laugh.
"The fans are watching through the camera." Yunho explained, reaching out of ruffle Jooyun's hair. Jooyun still looked a little lost but followed his uncle's instructions, waving and bowing his head.
"Good boy." Mingi pinched Jooyun's cheek. The staff pushed a small chair for Yunho to sit.
It wasn't long before Mingi and Yunho bid goodbye to the fans. They were disappointed but they already overran their planned time with Yunho and Jooyun appearing. With waves and goodbyes, the stream was turned off.
"Happy birthday! Were you sur... prised?" Jooyun asked Mingi.
"Yeah, I was. But buddy, are you here on your own? Where's mama?" Mingi carried Jooyun out of the filming area as the staff were trying to pack up. Jooyun shrugged and turned to Yunho.
"(y/n) knew you were streaming so she texted me. She was called in for a work emergency so she dropped Jooyun off." Yunho explained.
"Oh..." Mingi nodded, checking his phone. You hadn't even texted him.
Mingi couldn't really complain. There were multiple times whereby he had to choose work over you, Jooyun and special dates. And you've never once made him feel guilty about it.
"Shall we grab brunch?" Yunho suggested, seeing how Mingi tried his best to hide his disappointment.
"Yes! Yes!" Jooyun jumped up and down excitedly. The plan was to go home but if you weren't there, Mingi might as well go for brunch.
"Okay but you're paying." Mingi chuckled. Yunho saluted and went to wait with Jooyun while Mingi changed out of his prepared clothes and wiped off the make up. Once he was in plain clothes, Mingi gratefully bowed to all the staff that were there for coming early to help him with the stream.
"Have a nice birthday, Mingi sshi." They all waved and bowed. Before stepping out of the room, Mingi sent you another text and tucked his phone into his pocket.
"Let's go, you two." Mingi called out to his best friend and son, who were busy making funny faces to take selfies.
"There we go." Mingi fastened Jooyun to his booster seat. He sat in the back with him while Yunho sat in the passenger seat.
"Hey, beautiful." Mingi answered, leaning back in his seat. He was glad that you called. Some sort of worry stirred within him after you hadn't replied to any of his texts.
"Hey, love. Sorry, I just dropped Jooyun off without any warning. It's... hectic." The guilt, regret and sadness in your voice was enough to tell Mingi that you were already making yourself feel bad.
"No, don't apologise, baby. I'm not angry. He had a great time with Yunho and the staff." Mingi chuckled.
"I'm glad to hear that... Ugh, I've got to go, I'll talk to you later." You seemed rushed and hung up before he could even reply. Mingi pursed his lips, he knew it wasn't your fault but he still felt a sinking in his chest.
"Why the long face?" Yunho asked.
"She hasn't wished me... And I guess I expected to spend my birthday with her and Jooyun but she got called for work." Mingi shrugged, trying to brush it off.
"But I know I can't say anything. She has always been forgiving and understanding when I have to put work first." Mingi continued.
"That's true. (y/n)'s one of a kind. I would have dumped you." Yunho teased with a snicker.
"Yah, my son is here." Mingi rolled his eyes. Trust Yunho to know how to put a smile on Mingi's face. When their manager pulled up outside the cafe, Yunho helped Jooyun out of his car seat.
"Thanks again, hyung." Mingi went to hug the manager.
"You're welcome, Mingi ah. Oh, and happy birthday from me and my wife." The manager took a money envelope out and handed it to him.
"Hyung, you know I can't." Mingi shook his head, wanting to refuse the monetary gift.
"Just take it. My wife will kill me if I go back with it." He chuckled. Mingi conceeded with a nod, he usually put all of his birthday money into the account you and him set up for Jooyun. He wanted the money to go to a good cause and this was his good cause, ensuring a future for Jooyun.
"Appa!" Jooyun called. Mingi tucked the money envelope into his clutch and headed to follow the two into the cafe.
"I want waffles!" Jooyun said.
"Magic word?" Mingi reminded.
"Please! Waffles!" He added amidst his excited giggling. Mingi chuckled and patted Jooyun's head. The 3 found a booth seat tucked in the corner, granting them a little more privacy.
"I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!" You wailed, throwing your phone aside as you fell back onto the couch.
"Yes, you are." Wooyoung poked his head out of the kitchen to reply. You poked an eye open and nearly gave him the finger.
"Ignore him. You're not a horrible person, (y/n). Why would you say that?" Yeosang asked, sitting beside you and taking your hand into his lap to comfort you.
"Mingi sounded so sad on the phone. He's probably disappointed I'm at 'work' or that I haven't even wished him happy birthday. How can I make him so sad on his birthday?" You pouted, falling against Yeosang's shoulder.
"You're like Jooyun throwing a tantrum." Jongho said.
"Shut it. I hate you all." You hissed. Safe to say, you got along really well with the Ateez members.
"What did we do?" Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, gesturing to himself, San and Hongjoong. But honestly, they were used to you bickering with Wooyoung and Jongho.
"Let's just get this done before they come home early." You rubbed your temples.
Yes, this was all a plan to surprise Mingi for his birthday. You were initially unsure about it but the boys assured you it'll be fine.
"I need help wrapping his presents. They got delivered earlier today." You said. San followed you to the room to help you bring the stack of presents out.
"Wow, talk about overboard." Hongjoong whistled.
"Well, I blame all of you for making me stressed with this genius plan of yours. I felt like I needed to buy all this because I felt bad for making him upset on his birthday." You frowned before going to retrieve all the wrapping paper. There were different ones, all leftovers from Jooyun's presents.
"He'll be fine. He has Yunho and Jooyun there with him. That's all he needs." Wooyoung teased you. He always liked to joke that Yunho was Mingi's number 1 person.
"Just make the cake or I'll bash your face into it." You threatened through gritted teeth.
"Captain, she's threatening me." Wooyoung complained to Hongjoong, who just sighed and facepalmed.
"Uh, hang on, San. Some of the deliveries aren't presents for Mingi. I haven't had the chance to sort them." You said, checking the different invoices and delivery slips.
"I'm guessing this Aniteez one isn't a present?" San raised an eyebrow, holding up the box.
"Oh, yeah. Jooyun felt bad for not having Bbyongming so he wanted one. And I ordered Ddeongbyeoli's new yellow coat." You showed.
"Jooyun's getting Bbyongming while you're still hugging Ddeongbyeoli? I wonder who is the mature one." Jongho asked.
"I don't like your tone. And please, as if Jooyun will give up Tyudeongi. They're like best friends. So don't bring Byeoli into this." You scoffed. Seonghwa could only watch in amusement as you spoke fondly of his Aniteez character.
"Mingi's texting me." You paused the gift wrapping, a sad look on your face as you looked at Mingi's texts. He sent you pictures of Jooyun and him enjoying brunch.
"Aww, look at them." You showed the photos to San, who smiled softly at the father and son.
"Come, let me reply." Seonghwa took your phone to help you reply much to your protest.
'Enjoy yourselves, you two. - (y/n)'
Mingi looked at your reply. It was so... dry and unlike you. As Yunho went to pay the bill, Mingi was left the stew in his thoughts. Did he perhaps do something to upset you?
No, not that he can think of. Or did you just forget his birthday?
For a long time, Mingi did say that to him, a birthday was like any other day. He didn't want you to go out of your way to plan something big for him, he enjoyed just being with you and Jooyun.
But now that you hadn't wished him or spent time with him on his birthday, he was feeling a little hollow. Maybe you were busy and forgot, which is completely understandable. You've been juggling large work assignments and Jooyun since Mingi was always busy with work or overseas.
"Appa, are you okay?" Jooyun tugged on his father's sleeve with a small tilt of his head.
"I'm fine, buddy." Mingi smiled, combing Jooyun's hair back. Yunho returned to the table after having paid for brunch. Both father and son thanked him for the meal.
"Shall we go hang out at home?" Mingi asked, gathering his things and standing up, helping Jooyun off the chair.
"Not yet. There's somewhere we have to go first." Yunho smiled with a glint in his eye.
"What are you planning, Yun...?" Mingi knew Yunho long enough to know that look. Yunho innocently shrugged and guided the two out of the cafe. He booked a car, not telling Mingi the address.
"Samchon, where are we going?" Now Jooyun was confused too. And Mingi knew Yunho wouldn't ignore Jooyun.
"It's a surprise." Yunho giggled, putting a finger to his lips.
"I like surprises!" Jooyun cheered. Mingi wanted to facepalm, he had hoped that Jooyun would pressed Yunho more for the answer as to where they were headed. That was when the car pulled up in front of a mall. But not any ordinary mall, a mall with high end stores.
"You already know we're here for your present." Yunho nudged Mingi, who rubbed the back of his neck, the realisation sinking in. Why else would they be here?
"Good afternoon." The door man at one of the shops welcomed them.
"Hi, appointment for Jeong Yunho." Yunho said, showing the lady inside the reservation on his phone.
"Oh, yes. Mr Jeong. Please take a seat, can I get you anything to drink in the mean time? Coffee, tea, champagne or juice for the boy?" The lady asked.
"Two iced coffees, please. And yes, a juice box for my nephew too." Yunho ordered.
"Of course." She bowed and walked away. Mingi kept Jooyun on his lap, not wanting him to wander around.
"Look, appa! A doggy like Tyudeongi." Jooyun kicked his feet as he saw one of the fancy cloth animals that people would buy and decorate their houses with.
"Yeah, it is. But don't touch it, okay?" Mingi said. Jooyun nodded obediently. When the lady came, he received the juice box and took a sip while Mingi drank his coffee. The store manager of the store came out to greet them. Mingi sat Jooyun on the chair to shake hands with the suited male.
"Happy birthday, Mr Song." He wished.
"Thanks." Mingi smiled. Before they could get what they came for, the staff came out with a small cake and candles, all of them clapping and singing happy birthday.
"Cake!" Jooyun exclaimed happily.
"Thank you, thank you." Mingi bowed to everyone and closed his eyes to make a quick wish before blowing the candles.
"We will box the cake for you." The store manager nodded to one of the employees, who brought the cake away. After that, he wheeled out a coat rack with a single coat.
"Wow... Is this for me?" Mingi was in awe, feeling the material of the black coat.
"Yes, custom cashmere coat. Dark red silk lining." The manager continued to list the details of the coat.
"You did all this?" Mingi turned to his best friend, who nodded his head. Mingi walked over, engulfing Yunho in a big hug. He knew this coat must not have been cheap and every small detail had been customised by Yunho.
"Try it on." Yunho said. The manager placed the coat onto Mingi's shoulders and he went to look at the mirror. It complimented Mingi's frame well.
"It feels amazing and sits nicely on my shoulders." He ran his fingers against the material.
"I'm happy to hear that. You look great, Mr Song." The manager complimented, making Mingi's ears heat up.
Mingi liked that it was simple looking on the outside, like a regular black coat. Only he and Yunho will know all the effort that was put into designing and planning this coat.
"Appa looks so cool~" Jooyun sang.
"Thanks, buddy." Mingi chuckled. He snapped a photo and sent it to you, not mentioning it was a gift from Yunho.
"If there are no adjustments you need to make, Mr Song, you are welcomed to take the coat home today." The manager smiled. Mingi turned to Yunho.
"It's up to you." Yunho shrugged. Mingi nodded to the manager, he can't wait to show it to you in real life. After removing the coat, Mingi passed it to the manager, who folded it and wrapped it up neatly, tying everything together with a ribbon. Mingi and Yunho received the paper bag with a bow.
"Come on, Joo." Mingi held his hand out to his son, who quickly ran over to hold his hand.
"Maybe if (y/n) is done with work, we could swing by and pick her up before going home." Mingi thought out loud as he walked.
'Wow, that coat looks great on you! But you're handsome with or without the coat anyway <3 And no need to pick me, I'll see you at home? - (y/n)'
'And I'm quite tired. Can we just get takeout tonight? - (y/n)'
Now, that sounded like you. Mingi smiled to himself as Yunho hailed a cab for the 3 of them.
But you still hadn't wished him or showed any signs of realising what day it was. So at that point, Mingi assumed you genuinely forgot. It's fine, as long as you were not angry or upset with him.
"Where are we going now?" Jooyun asked his father and uncle.
"Going home to see mama." Mingi replied. Just like Mingi, Jooyun was obsessed with you. Therefore, after hearing your name, Jooyun's eyes lit up with excitement. Of course, Jooyun loves both his parents but he was a mama's boy.
"Yay! I missed mama." Jooyun giggled as they got into the cab. Mingi nodded in agreement. Half his birthday was gone and he had yet to speak to you face to face.
When the cab pulled up to the apartment building, Yunho watched the father and son excitedly head upstairs to the house.
"You two are so alike sometimes, it's scary." He laughed as Mingi keyed in the code for the house.
"Shh, I think mama might be asleep, buddy. So let's be quiet." Mingi whispered to Jooyun when he noticed all the lights were off. Until the lights turned on.
"SURPRISE!" You and the other Ateez members jumped out. Mingi's eyes widened in surprise.
"What- How? I- What?" He blinked in confusion.
"The boys made me lie to you and give you the cold shoulder to surprise you. I wasn't at the office." You chuckled, much to the protest of the Ateez boys. When his eyes fell on you, Mingi crossed the room and pulled you into a hug. He buried his face into your shoulder while you squeezed him.
"I thought you were mad at me or something." He mumbled.
"Ah, that was the boys stealing my phone to reply to you. Why would I be mad at you, hmm?" You pulled away to cup his cheeks, a soft smile on your face.
"Happy birthday, Song Mingi." You wished and tip toed to give him a sweet kiss while his arms moved to wrap around your waist.
"Yah, in case you forgot, we're still here. Plus, there's a kid in the room!" Wooyoung screeched.
"Aish, let them have their moment. They haven't seen each other and it's Mingi's birthday." San grabbed Wooyoung, putting him in a headlock, making him yell.
"Sorry I was made to be mean to you on your birthday. I feel awful." You pouted with a small frown, stroking his cheek.
"It's all good, beautiful. I'm just glad you didn't forget my birthday nor are you mad at me." He said.
"I would never forget your birthday, Min. Remember, I play Ateez Superstar? Your birthday event has been going on." You giggled. Apart from being Mingi's wife and the mother of his child, you were also a dedicated ATINY.
"Mama!" Jooyun finally ran over to hug your legs. You bent down to hug Jooyun, showering him in kisses while Mingi went to greet the other members.
"I did good?" Jooyun asked.
"You did amazing, baby. You and samchon. Good job." You patted his head. He laughed shyly, throwing his arms around your neck.
"Now that Mingi is here, we can eat!" Yeosang said with delight. You nodded and gestured for the boys to start eating. Mingi wasn't rushed, he came over to hug you.
"I missed you the whole day." He whispered, pressing his lips to your temple and letting it linger there for a bit.
"I missed you too." You hugged him tightly.
"Okay, lovebirds. Better get food before it's all gone." Seonghwa laughed with two full plates in his hands. You didn't need to worry, knowing someone will help Jooyun or share food with him.
"Galbi!" Jooyun pointed excitedly and San grabbed two pieces to put onto the plate that Jongho was holding, presumably Jooyun's plate. Seeing San help with getting Jooyun's food settled, you and Mingi went to get your own food. Mingi's arm stayed around your waist the entire time.
"Separate them for half a day and they can't seem to keep their hands off each other." Yunho chuckled.
"Jooyun's going to get another sibling tonight." Wooyoung smirked.
"Don't say that in front of the kid!" Hongjoong slapped his arm. Jooyun blinked innocently, focused on the piece of meat Seonghwa had cut up for him.
"My baby eats so well." You came to sit with Jooyun and cooed at him. He grinned at you, making you pinch his cheek.
"It's my birthday. Only look at me." Mingi drew your attention back to him with a childish pout.
"I know it's your birthday but Jooyun is your child too." You shot Mingi a flat look. Both Mingi and Jooyun always liked to fight for your attention. The two of them arguing on who hugs you, etc.
The rest of the party was spent just chilling, the boys even played some video games. Hongjoong had moved to the room with Jooyun to play with him and you went to check on them, mostly wanting Jooyun to have his nap.
"Min! Come look." You whispered, pointing to Jooyun's room. You saw Hongjoong and Jooyun sleeping together in his bed, the both fast asleep.
"The captain can really sleep anywhere." Mingi scoffed softly.
"That's not what I meant..." You slapped your forehead. Snapping a quick picture of the two, you pushed Mingi out of the room.
"No wonder the two of them were playing so quietly in the room." Yeosang chuckled.
"Shall we cut the cake after Jooyun and Hongjoong wake up from their nap?" You asked the rest with a giggle as Mingi grabbed your waist to make you sit on his lap on the couch.
"They both need naps or they'll be grumpy." Jongho joked. Seonghwa laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Don't you wanna play?" You asked Mingi softly, seeing the boys engage in a game of Mario Kart.
"No, I'd rather be here." He grinned, leaning in to press his forehead against your temple. You slung your arm around his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek. Honestly, there was nowhere else you'd rather be but to be close to Mingi. With his hectic schedule, you hardly had time for each other.
"Aish!" Wooyoung cursed when San threw a shell at him. You were so glad Jooyun wasn't here. The boys, including Mingi, have been caught using 'bad' language around Jooyun before.
"Shh, Jooyun and Joong are sleeping." You shushed him.
"You just get back to smooching with Mangi." Wooyoung scoffed in reply. You felt your cheeks heat up.
"Yah, Jung Wooyoung." Mingi scolded when you scooched out of his lap in embarrassment. You laughed and went to the kitchen to get more drinks for everyone.
"Baby~" Mingi whined, trapping you in his arms between his body and the counter.
"Why are you whining?" You grasped his chin. He held your wrist to move your hand as he leaned down to kiss you.
"Wanna be with you." He mumbled, his head dropping onto your shoulder as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck. You stroked the back of his head.
"You ARE with me, that's why we have a son. A son that you're sounding a lot like right now." You laughed, shaking your head at how silly Mingi was being. Jooyun already looks like Mingi so when the two whine, they looked even more similar.
"Alright, let me fix more drinks and snacks for the boys." You patted his hip.
"Let me help. I'm sure you've been busy planning this surprise and putting up with the boys at the same time." Mingi kissed your temple and tried to take over.
"No, you're the birthday boy. It's fine." You stroked his cheek but Mingi used his height, holding the juice jug away from you.
"Alright, you do the drinks and I'll do the snacks." You said, beginning to get some snacks together.
It didn't take long for Jooyun to wake up from his nap. Hongjoong came to get you and Mingi but Mingi beat you to it, going to his room to comfort him.
"Sleep well, buddy?" Mingi asked, sitting Jooyun on his lap and brushing his hair out of his face. You went in to see the two.
"Mama..." Jooyun reached out to you. You sent Mingi a smug smile and picked Jooyun up into your arms from Mingi's lap. He buried his face into your chest. Once Jooyun was settled and a feeling more sociable, you brought him out so you could cut Mingi's birthday cake. He didn't want to leave your side though.
"We're cutting appa's cake, baby." You said to him. Jooyun looked on curiously but still hugged your leg, his other arm wrapped around his precious Tyudeongie.
"Come." Mingi lifted Jooyun up into his arms as San lit the candles. Wooyoung took a video of everyone singing the birthday song.
"Make a wish, Mingi." You smiled.
"I already have everything I could ever wish for." Mingi smiled back, leaning to steal a peck.
"Boooooooo!!" The other boys jeered, making you giggle. Mingi rolled his eyes but leaned down to blow out the candles, making everyone clap and cheer.
"Picture time!" Yunho said and the boys all took turns to take picture with Mingi while you cut the cake. Yeosang and Seonghwa helped.
When the cake and presents were done, the boys helped to clean up before leaving so you and Mingi could spend the evening together. Jooyun, exhausted from the activities from the entire day, went to bed even earlier than he usually does.
"He's asleep?" Mingi sat up from bed as you came back into the room. You nodded and climbed into bed with him.
"Come here, my love." Mingi pulled you to him.
"Happy birthday, Song Mingi. I hope you enjoyed yourself and had a good birthday. Thank you for being you." You looked up at him, meeting his eyes. Mingi squeezed your waist.
"Thank you for today. Even if the boys' plan was to make you ignore me, the party itself was great. Couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my birthday." Mingi smiled softly, kissing the top of your head.
"I'm glad." You giggled.
"You know, I realised something." Mingi suddenly said. You tilted your head at him.
"I always say my birthday doesn't mean much to me but today, I think it does. Because it's when I get to spend an entire day with you." He hugged you tightly.
"Oh, Mingi. You can always spend time with me, not only on your birthday." You stroked his cheek with your thumb.
"Mm-mm, it's different. I don't know how to describe it, maybe it's because I know we won't be interrupted by our jobs or anyone else on this day. It's just a day where we can be in our own bubble. With Jooyun, of course. I hate when my job takes me away from the both of you." He smiled sadly.
"I know it's hard but if it weren't for your job, we wouldn't have met. We may spend time apart but you know you'll always have the two of us to come home to." You smiled softly.
"I know. I am so grateful for everything you do for me while I barely give anything to you and Jooyun in return." He nodded.
"Don't say that, you do a lot for me too, Mingi. And Jooyun loves you dearly." You giggled.
"I love you both so much. You're already everything I could ever wish for and on top of that, you gave me Jooyun. Thank you." He leaned down to press his lips against yours.
"Are you going to tell me what you wished for?" You asked.
"I thought you're not supposed to tell what you wished for or else it won't come true?" Mingi teased.
"I'm sure there are exceptions, such as to the mother of your child." You rolled your eyes. Mingi laughed and hugged your waist, burying his face against your chest like Jooyun does.
"Okay, I'm not lying. I really didn't wish for anything. I didn't see the need to. I already have you, I have Jooyun. There's nothing else I want but for the both of you to be happy and healthy." Mingi smiled softly, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
"As long as we have you, we'll always be happy and healthy." You hummed, feeling your heart swell at his words.
"You've raised Jooyun well, I'm excited to watch him grow up with you. And perhaps, even watch other children grow up with him." Mingi squeezed your hand.
"We've raised Jooyun well. I couldn't have done this alone, Min. Don't shortchange what you've done too." You stroked his head.
"And when the time comes, when we're ready, we can discuss having more children." You added.
"Really? You would have more? With me?" He met your eyes, his own sparkling with anticipation and excitement. You burst out laughing, cupping his cheeks in your hands.
"Of course with you! Who else? And I'm not making promises but I am open to the idea of giving Jooyun siblings." You said.
"Also, I noticed that you said 'siblings' plural so that means you're open to having more than one more. Now, I really can't wait for that to happen." Mingi smirked playfully and squeezed your waist, making your cheeks heat up.
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alotofpockets · 4 months
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Embracing opportunitues | Lotte Wubben-Moy x Arsenal!Reader
Where you're overworking yourself to earn a spot in the starting eleven
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.1k
You hadn't realised how late it had gotten until the floodlights surrounding the pitch turned on engulfing the field with bright lights. “Shit.” You mutter under your breath, and start packing your stuff immediately.
While Leah had been out on injury you had started almost every game, but ever since she had made her comeback, you were back to starting out on the bench. Of course, you were overjoyed for Leah to be back from the horrible injury she suffered from, but you couldn't help the sinking feeling in your chest every time after that your name was no longer amongst the starting eleven.
That is why you had been training more and more outside of your regular team training sessions. Running drill after drill, to perfect your form, and build your stamina. You were doing everything in your power to better yourself. Anything to give you a leg up, and to prove to your coaches that you deserved a starting position.
“You were out late again.” Lotte's voice comes from the kitchen. You can’t quite place her tone, so you drop your bag in the hallway and rush into the kitchen to apologise to her. “Love, I am so sorry, I totally lost track of time. I didn't mean to stay out so late.” 
Lotte stops your rambling by placing her hands on your shoulders. “Baby, relax, it's fine.” She brings you in for a hug and you relax into her arms. “How about you go take a shower, and I'll have dinner ready once you're done?” You thank her with a kiss, before quickly making your way to the bathroom, not wanting to delay dinner even longer.
Your girlfriend knew how you were feeling and tried her best to support you in everything. She even trained with you some of the days you were training extra. Recently she had gone through a similar situation with her national team. After years of hard work she finally earned herself a starting position with the Lionesses. You had been so proud of her, she deserved that spot on the field, and that wasn't just you being biassed. She was an amazing defender, one you would add to your team any time someone asked you to build a team.
The quick shower did you good. You got dressed in a pair of sweats and a hoodie from Lotte. When you head downstairs, you’re immediately met with the most amazing smell coming from the kitchen. “Oh love, you’ve outdone yourself. It smells incredible.” You peck her shoulder a couple times as you hug her from the back while she’s washing up the dishes and utensils that she used. 
The soft moment between the two of you gets interrupted by the loud ringing of your phone. You take the device out of your pocket and see Jonas’s name on the screen. “It’s Jonas, I’ve got to take this really quickly.” Lotte nods, “Take your time, love, dinner needs another 10 minutes anyways.”
“Hi Jonas, I'm alright, thank you. How are you?” For the rest of the conversations Lotte hears you hum and say okay a couple of times, but it's still unclear to her what the call was about. “Alright, thank you. I will let you know tonight.”
You slowly pocket your phone again. With furrowed brows you turn back to Lotte, you were trying to process the offer that Jonas just gave you by speaking your thoughts out loud. “He just asked me if I wanted to play in midfield while Lia is out, and Kyra can't play for a couple games.”
Lotte nods, “And what do you think?” she asks, careful not to assume your feelings. “I don't know Lot. I'm a defender. I've been training my whole life to be a defender, how am I supposed to prove myself if I don't even get to play in my own position.” 
Lotte reaches out and takes your hand in hers. “Sometimes, opportunities come in unexpected forms. You are an amazing footballer, and I don't think that is limited to defending. You're always moving forwards on the pitch, trying to work the flanks. I think you spend more time in the midfield than you think already. I would say embrace the opportunity and show them what you can do in that position. Make the position your own, and show them that having you in that position is something the team needs.”
You took a step towards Lotte, who instantly wrapped her arms around you. “You always know what to say, and you're so good with your words. What did I do to deserve you?” Your girlfriend chuckles lightly, “You didn't have to do anything but be yourself, and I try.” She keeps holding you until the oven dings, letting you know that dinner is ready. She kisses your forehead before stepping away to get the lasagne she made out of the oven. 
“Alright, eat up cause you’ve been training hard.” She puts some of the lasagne on your plate and you dig in instantly. “And a good cook, I’ve managed to get the whole package.” Lotte rolls her eyes jokingly. “It tastes amazing, baby, thank you for dinner.” While you loved a good joke, you would always show Lotte appreciation for the things that she did for you.
After dinner you called Jonas back, letting him know that you’d fill the spot in midfield. Lotte had convinced you that you should embrace the opportunity with both hands. You were determined to prove that you were more than just a defender. That you could be the versatile player to help the team. That you would be the difference that the team needed.
A couple months later, Lia was fully back from injury, and Kyra had been playing for a while again. You had been working hard, and actually finding the new position rather exciting. 
You had sat down with Jonas and Kim, talking about your future at Arsenal. Kim was very pleased with the way you had stepped up, and wanted to discuss the option of you being a part of the midfield squad moving forwards. 
After your meeting with them ended, you rushed to find Lotte. “How did the meeting go?” She asked the moment she saw you. “So... I’m going to be a regular starting midfielder!” Lotte’s face lit up at your words. What you had been working so hard towards was finally becoming a reality. 
She steps towards you and wraps her arms around you, lifting you in the air. “I am so proud of you. All your hard work led you to this moment, baby. You did it!”
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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pedge-page · 10 months
#3 of Joel dealing with his Preggo reader : hungry
Warnings: oral m receiving, lactation kink, breast feeding, pregnancy, Joel fluff doing the absolute most for his wifey
18+ ONLY
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Joel is leaning back in his armchair on this lazy Thursday evening after having worked 12 hours today on a rigorous construction project. He sighs heavily, glaring down at his absolute favorite sight in the world right now: his heavily pregnant wife between his legs leisurely sucking his cock like a popsicle.
With a pillow below your knees, you looked like a dream. Your eyes closed as you gently hum around his mushroomed tip, suckling his precum. There was no rush to your movements, no desperate urge to make him cum: you were simply just enjoying the heavenly weight of your husband's blessed member sliding in and out of your waiting mouth.
He doesn't immediately register when you pull off his cock with a pop.
"I want taiyaki."
Joel shakes himself from his dazed relaxation. "Taco what?"
"My cousin who took me to the international fair 3 years ago? She got that and let me try it and it was really good. I want that." You sit back on your knees, waiting for Joel to get moving. He doesnt. "Right now," you add.
He's learned very quickly that once you have a craving for something, everything else must pause until you get it. Joel begrudgingly tucks his hard and unsatisfied cock back in his sweat pants, grabs his keys and reverses out the driveway, repeating it in his head: tai-yak-i, taiy-aki tayo aki, taco yaki, taco yucky—tacos aren't yucky they're delicious why couldnt she ask foR YUMMY TACOS I COULD HAVE MADE THAT AT HOME.
It takes him an hour of frantic searching of Japanese shops, and finally finding one, having begged the poor lady at the counter to make them—whatever they are, —hot and fresh for his pregnant wife at this late hour despite the shop closing in a few minutes. Luckily she seemed to vaguely understand his garbled mish mosh of the word and went to work.
He tips her generously and is out the door, plastic "have a nice day" bag secured in the passenger seat of the truck as he speeds home.
He triumphantly drops the bag next to your sleeping body on the couch. Your nose wrinkles, eyes shooting open at the sudden new smell. No hello, no thank you, just grubby hands diving in to the bag and opening the styrophome container.
You pause, staring at the contents. "What is this?"
"Its the thing: taco-yauki."
You look at him in incredulously, and he shoots the same look back, mixed with confusion.
"These are fried octopus balls, Joel?"
"Why the fuck would you want that?"
"I didn't! I wanted cream filled waffles! Taiyaki! Not Takoyaki!
"I'M NOT YE—" he inhales deeply before exhaling, letting his shoulders sag. "I'm not yelling, baby. I'm sorry. I promise I didn't know."
You shake your head, eyes swelling with tears of hangriness. "Honestly, Joel, if I knew you were going to be this useless when I married you," your voice cracks. You push the now cold balls away and cross your arms, pouting.
Joel covers his eyes with his hands. What a fucking night.
He knows that you dont mean it. That you're tired, crankly, in pain, and hungry. And that your dumbass husband was in such a rush that he didn't take a second to write it down, let alone ask you exactly what he was looking for. He remembered the fish pastry now, something he could have bought at the grocery store 10 minutes down the road. His back hurts, dick hurts, eyes hurt. He doesn't want you to be hurt too.
"Joel," you peep meakly.
"Yes baby?"
"I'm um. I'm sorry for what I said. You're not completely useless." You twist your fingers apologetically, which he finds absolutely adorable. It's impossible to even remember what he was so annoyed by. You clear your throat and speak sweetly: "I don't want taiyaki anymore. Can we have tacos instead?"
He smiles. "White-people tacos or street tacos?"
"The ones you make, please."
Joel's warm hand craddles your cheek softly. "Coming right up, angel." His hand filters down your throat before settling over your chest, fingers ever so gently tracing the lace line of your nightgown, pulling it down slightly to expose more of your supple cleavage. "But first, I get my cream filled pastry."
He gets on his knees, yanking your shirt down as your swollen tits—courtesy of your soon-to-be child— bounce out. You hiss at the sensitivity of being so heavy and full of milk.
Joel wastes no time wrapping his lips around your pebbled nipple and sucking gently, the creamy liquid so built up in your system that it just flows naturally into his eager mouth.
"You were hungry too, huh?" You teased.
He hums around your engorged breast, eyes closed in bliss. He softly kneads your unoccupied tit with one hand, the other joining your palm in passionately caressing your large tummy. You both feel your baby kicking happily now that mommy and daddy have made up.
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
HI HI!!! Just wanted to let you know first that I LOVEEEEEE YOUR WRITINGGG🥹🥹!
if possible! Can I request a Gen Narumi x reader Angst to fluff please! (I’m a sucker for angst to fluff). If possible, I want the reader to be jealous/insecure/hurt that Gen likes/looks better with Rin Shinonome. Please end it with him comforting her and confessing to reader please 🥹🥹
Please keep up the good work! I’ll always support you 😆
ANON I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT!!!!! Seriously you're so freaking sweet, thank you!! I hope you like what I've written for you, I appreciate the request and your patience! I, too, am a sucker for angst to fluff so this was a treat to write :)
I Gen-uinely Love You
Angst, Fluff
Gen Narumi x f!reader
Warnings: slight cussing
Your once warm breakfast had turned into a cold, mushy mess as it sat ignored for the past 10 minutes. Your attention was currently held elsewhere, somewhere much less pleasant than the delicious food in front of you. Gen Narumi and Rin Shinonome were deep in conversation at a table not far from yours. You were sure you looked pathetic, sitting by yourself and stealing glances at the two who were having a grand time together, smiling and laughing as if they were the only people in the dining hall. You had never seen Gen up this early without a video game in his hand and you desperately wanted to take the time to catch up with him, but Rin had beaten you to the punch, occupying the open seat next to the man who'd captured your heart many years ago. No one could deny that Rin was extremely beautiful; you were sure that Gen was very aware of how attractive she was, considering that she was leaning into his personal space without a care. You wished you could be that brazen with your desire to get closer to him, but every time confidence struck you, Rin somehow swooped in and took your chance at speaking with Gen away from you. It hurt for sure--you loved hanging out with the man, his silly personality never failing to make you laugh and his soulful eyes looking at yours as he gave you his attention. Even when he was preoccupied with gaming on his phone or handheld console, you never felt dismissed or like he didn't want you around. You thought you had a good thing going with him, but with Rin's sudden appearance by his side as he did, well, everything, you felt your chances at gaining Gen's affections were quickly draining. You took one bite of your neglected breakfast and immediately felt sick to your stomach. Clearing your tray, you all but ran out of the dining hall.
As a platoon leader, you took training very seriously. You had to be in tip top shape so you wouldn't let down your subordinates in battle. That was why you were currently sweating buckets in the training room, lifting weights after completing your cardio circuit earlier. You were motivated to keep working harder after seeing Gen spending most of his time with Rin the past month. It seemed like they were now joined at the hip with the way they were never too far from each other and that left a bad taste in your mouth. Rin was super pretty and extremely athletic; she looked the part to be standing by the side of someone like Gen.
That was another reason why you were training so hard.
You weren’t lacking muscles in any sense of the word, but you definitely weren’t on the same level as Rin. Even if you worked out all day, every day of the week, would you be able to catch up to her? Would you ever be able to surpass her? You fought down the bile that rose into your throat as you pressed the metal bar into your chest and back up into the air, finishing your set. You sat up, wiping your face with a clean towel. To your dismay, the door opened and in came Rin, her hair in a perfectly poised ponytail.
“L/n! Could you spot me for a few reps?”
Oh, how you wanted to so desperately say no.
“Sure,” you said through gritted teeth, your discomfort hopefully not noticeable. She piled the weights onto the metal bar and you all but dropped your jaw as you witnessed just how strong she really was. Lying on the bench, she got to work, pumping out flawlessly executed bench presses. Her toned arms were highlighted under the tight shirt she was wearing and you couldn’t help but stare at how gorgeous she looked. After a few rounds, she finally stopped, sitting up and taking a drink of water.
“My form was good, right?” she asked calmly, no indication in her voice that she was previously exercising.
“Yep. Perfect,” you squeaked out, not believing your eyes. Rin wasn’t out of breath or sweating—she didn’t even have a hair out of place. You groaned internally. There was no way you could compete with her.
“I’ve been trying to double down on my training so I can get even stronger. Captain Narumi and I have been giving each other advice on how to keep advancing in our exercise and it looks like what he told me really works.”
“So cool,” you said, trying your best to not scream in frustration.
“He’s amazing,” she continued. “It’s been great becoming as close to him as I have recently. He’s so strong, not to mention really attractive. Don’t you think?”
“Well, I-”
“I’ve been trying to keep up on my beauty regimen, too, so maybe I could have a chance at a date with him someday soon. If I keep getting stronger and prettier, there’s no way he could resist me!”
“I think you’re plenty strong and pretty already,” you grumbled, gathering your things. “Anyway, I really have to get going. Bye, Shinonome.”
She waved as you shut the door behind you. You quickly started your walk to the shared bath and shower facilities, eager to wash off the sweat and self conscious feelings you brought with you from the training room. You kept your head low, not wanting to interact with anyone you might be passing by in the hallway. Unfortunately for you, someone else wasn’t paying attention either and you bumped into them, a small “oof” coming from both parties at the impact.
“I’m so sorry!” you blurted out, raising your head, and your breath hitched in your throat.
“L/n! Hey! Long time no see,” said Gen, a soft smile appearing on his face when he met your eyes. You couldn’t have picked a worse time to literally run into him. You were sweaty, your hair was a mess, and you probably didn’t smell the greatest.
Gen would never see Rin in this horrendous state…
“Yes! Hi! Good to see you too! I’m sorry, I really have to go, I need to get to the bathroom,” you said, stepping away from him.
He tilted his head. “Are you… feeling okay?”
Embarrassment hit you like a freight train. “Oh! I didn’t mean it like that, I meant I have to wash off. I just finished training,” you explained, warmth flooding to your face. As if your day wasn’t bad enough before, now Gen probably thinks you’re an idiot.
“Good! I was worried there for a sec,” he told you, fingers tapping furiously at his phone screen. “So whatcha been up to? I miss hanging out with you, you’re the only one that laughs at my jokes.”
Rin doesn’t laugh at your jokes?
“No, she doesn’t,” he answered with a dry chuckle.
Fuck, I said that out loud?!
“She’s cool for sure,” he said, frowning slightly as his game came to an end, “but she can be super serious. I’ve noticed that more as we spend time together.”
“Shinonome likes you a lot, you know,” you said, a subtle sadness coating your words. “She admires you and your strength. She’s a real catch, Narumi. Beautiful, athletic, intelligent. Anybody would be lucky to spend their time around her.”
“I suppose so,” he muttered, looking deep in thought. As much as you hated the thought of losing Gen, you hated the thought of him not finding happiness more. It was time for you to let go of the man who was never within your reach in the first place.
“See you around, Captain,” you choked out, tears welling in your eyes as you made your escape from him. Leaving him confused and alone in the hallway, you ran away from the person you loved most.
Gen had no idea what had gotten into you. Normally you were excited to sit and talk with him, wasting precious hours of the day goofing off, but you seemed upset, though for what reason he hadn’t a clue. He hadn’t been spending time with you lately so maybe something happened at work that he didn’t know about? That couldn’t be it—he made sure to quietly keep tabs on you when you two didn’t cross paths. It must be a personal issue then. Those, he knew a lot about, and was surprisingly good at helping people work through. He was about to chase you down to have a deep conversation about what was bothering you, but he stopped in his tracks, thinking about your last exchanged words. Why did you keep mentioning Rin? You two didn’t dislike each other, but he knew you weren’t friends, so why did you keep bringing her up? Sure, he’d been finding himself in her company almost every day for a month, but that was her doing, not his. He liked Rin enough, but just as a friend. His heart had belonged to someone else for a long time, but he was never brave enough to confess his feelings.
You probably thought he was in love with Rin.
Gen’s eyes widened when the realization hit him.
“Shit,” he groaned to no one, smacking his palm to his face, “I really messed up.”
He racked his brain on what was the most rational thing to do next.
You let out a long sigh, submerging your body into the comforting water of the bath. Though you liked all your coworkers, it was nice being the only person in there so you could wallow in silence in the midst of your heartbreak-
“Y/n! Y/n! Are you in here? I need to talk to you!”
“Narumi? What are you doing in here?!” you exclaimed, sinking lower into the water to hide your unclothed body. You saw Gen’s shaggy hair peek into the room before he gingerly emerged a bit more, his hands covering over his eyes.
“This is the women’s bath room, you idiot,” you said, completely perplexed by his actions. “You need to leave before you get written up.”
You let out a shaky sigh, wishing to get lost in the hazy steam of mist surrounding you. “Besides, Shinonome isn’t here. She’s probably still training.”
“There you go again about Rin!” Gen sounded almost desperate as he spoke. “It’s not what you think. I’m not in love with her. She’s just a friend, that’s all.”
You were quiet for a few beats.
“Y/n, you’re still in here, right?”
“Yes, I’m still here.” You rolled your eyes. “But you shouldn’t be.”
“Didn’t you hear what I said?”
“And?” he practically whined.
“And I’m wondering why you aren’t. In love with her, I mean.” Your voice came out softer than usual as you toyed with the water that was encompassing you.
“Because she’s not you.”
You were thankful you were already sitting or else your knees would’ve buckled from astonishment.
“What?” you whispered, still not believing what you had just heard.
“I’m in love with you, y/n. I have been for a ridiculously stupid amount of time. I don’t want you to feel pressured to feel the same or anything, especially after everything I didn’t mean to put you through the last month, but you deserved to know my true feelings.”
While you tried to calm your beating heart and compose your racing thoughts, Gen was busy rocking back and forth on his heels, waiting for your response.
“I hate to ask again, but are you still here or-?”
“Yes, Gen,” you laughed, making him breathe a whole ton easier, “I’m here. And I’m in love with you too.”
Even with his sleeves masking most of his face, you could still see him light up.
“Hell yeah!” he shouted, before becoming meek again. “Also, I’m very sorry for rushing in here but this was the best plan I could come up with at the time.”
“Running into a women’s bath to confess your love was the best plan the First Division’s captain could think of? I think a kaiju might come for your job,” you teased, seeing the light dusting of a blush color his cheeks.
“Just because I love you doesn’t mean I won’t tell you to shut up,” he grumbled, making you laugh again.
“Now, get out of here, you creep. I’ll kiss you when I’m dressed.”
Gen had never run so fast in his life!
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rafeandonlyrafe · 9 months
christmas stocking
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words: 1.3k
warnings: established relationship, reader has really good relationship with parents, implied bad family situation for rafe, christmas celebrations
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @drudyslut @drewsbaby @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
“hey momma.” you say with a smile as you answer the phone, clicking it to speaker so you continue to work. 
“hi baby girl!” your moms voice rings out through the speaker. “did you figure out what time you're leaving?”
“looks like tomorrow at 10 am, then we should be to yours by dinner.” you hum, glancing at the clock while continuing to pack up. “oh, change of plans by the way. rafe is coming with me.” 
“oh yay!” your mom squeals. she only met rafe once when she came to visit you in the outer banks at your new house, but it was so early on in your relationship that she didn't really get to know him well, and things are a lot more serious now. “i can't wait to have my babies home for christmas.”
“does that mean andrew will be able to make it?” you ask, inquiring about your brother.
“they'll be here, but leaving the day after christmas for his wife's family.” 
“okay, that sounds good. itll be nice to have the four of us back together, plus rafe and diana.” you hum. ever since your brother went away for college when he turned 18, and you left two short years after to move to the outer banks, it was hard to get the whole family together, even for the holidays. you spent the last two christmases in the outer banks, one spent alone in your new house, the other with the camerons.
you were shocked by how different their christmas was than what you were used to. it was cold and devoid of any traditions besides what was seemingly forced on the kids of the family. you ultimately had a good time with rafe, but you missed the familiarity and fun that you had with your family. 
rafe was originally going to stay in the outer banks, not wanting to intrude on your family, but you finally convinced him last night that everyone would be happy to have him.
“okay so tell me about what i can get for rafe.” your mom says, and you just know she's bent over the counter with a notepad and pen in hand, not wanting rafe to be left out of opening presents.
“ready to go rafey?” you ask, looking at the back of the car, trunk filled with your suitcases, while the back seat has already wrapped presents, both for your family and ones for rafe, as well as his for you.
“i am. last chance to say if you forgot something.”
“nope.” you shake your head, “ive gone over my checklist three different times.”
“alright, off to your parents then.” rafe says, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your lips before taking off down the road.
“can we stop? i gotta pee.” you say, looking at the sign for an upcoming rest stop.
“again?” rafe sighs, but there's a small smile gracing his features as he turns the indicator on, pulling off to the road stop.
you hop out of the car, but rafe follows right behind you, not letting you go in by yourself, always extra cautious when you're out in public, especially away from the outer banks. 
“gonna get us snacks.” rafe says, keeping his eye on you as you head into the bathroom, only turning to the vending machines when you disappear behind the tile wall. 
“hey baby.” rafe says softly, stroking over your thigh to wake you up. “we're almost there.”
you stretch with a yawn, rubbing at your tired eyes. you blink them open, realizing the roads are now familiar, about to pull off the highway at your home town exit.
“thanks for driving, rafey.” you say, leaning over the center console to give him a kiss on the cheek. you clean up the car a bit while he finishes the drive, gathering up the wrappers of the chips and snacks and shoving them into a bag to throw away later.
“im so excited.” you say as rafe turns down your road, and your parents house comes into view.
“i can’t wait to get to know them.” rafe says, pulling into the driveway. you can’t help the squeal you let out in excitement as you rush out as soon as the car is in park, briefly turning your head to make sure rafe is following you as you step onto the porch, not bothering to know before flinging open the door, knowing that your parents are no doubt waiting right inside for you.
“mom! dad!” you shout, jumping into their arms as they swallow you into a comforting hug. you press a kiss to both of their cheeks before turning to rafe.
“i brought these for you.” rafe sticks forward his hand, in it a bouquet of flowers, presenting them to your mother.
“oh, rafe, darling you shouldn’t have.” your mom coos, pulling rafe into a hug before rushing into the kitchen to place the flowers into a vase. rafe gives your dad a firm handshake before offering to help carry in your bags.
you smile and look out the door as they chat casually, happy that rafe seems to be fitting in instantly.
“its just so different.” rafe says softly, stroking his hand absentmindedly over your back as you’re curled up next to him on the couch.
“what do you mean?” you hum, pressing your lips against his shoulder, even though you can guess what he’s talking about.
“your family is just so… easy going. and you all get along so well.” rafe says, looking around the living room at your parents sharing a couch, and your brother and his wife sitting in matching armchairs, all chatting happily amongst themselves.
“im lucky to have such an amazing family.” you say, looking to rafe. “and that you’re a part of it.” “i dont want to intrude though, baby. so if you have any traditions you want to be just amongst your-” “shh.” you cut rafe off, a smile on your face. “we all want you here. my mom was so excited when i told her you were coming. you love me right?” you ask, which rafe of course nods. “and we are planning to be together forever right? so of course my family is going to want you around, to include you in our traditions.” “sorry, dears, i couldn't help but overhear.” your mom says with a slightly blush to her cheeks. “forgive me for eavesdropping, but i actually have a gift for you rafe.”
rafe begins to say that he doesn’t need any gifts, but your mom cuts him off with a quick stern look, one he’s seen in you many times.
your mom returns to the room with a small wrapped box in her hands.
“thank you.” rafe says sincerely, setting the box on his lap. you smile, already knowing what is inside, seeing it before when andrew first brought diana to christmas celebrations.
rafe opens the box carefully, attempting not to rip the paper and make a mess, aware of the eyes on him.
“a christmas stocking.” rafe says with a smile as he pulls it out. you wait for him to notice, and you can tell from his body language the second his eyes read over his own name, hand stitched by your mother, signifying rafes place in the family. he tenses for a second before melting completely, body slumping against yours.
you wrap your arms around rafe, knowing this is an emotional moment for him, his moment where he realizes how loved and accepted he is.
“we are so happy you’re a part of our family, rafe.” your mom says, accepting his hug when he stands to embrace her and thank her for the gift, looking to the mantelpiece with all of the family stockings hanging, where his will soon join.
your dad strikes up a conversation with andrew, and you know its to take some of the pressure and attention off rafe as he ducks his head into your neck, pressing soft kisses to the skin there.
“i told you you wouldn’t be intruding.” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair.
“yeah, yeah.” rafe says sarcastically. “you’re right.” you give him a look, before he concedes with a nod. “as always.”
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vasyandii · 4 months
I'm kicking my feet I love your oc Vernon! Let me pry though: have Vernon and AM ever kissed, or will they ever kiss? Also does AM enjoy the sensation of Vernon close to him or when she touches him, like in your art of her using him as an AC LOL
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AAAAH Howdy howdy!! I'm so glad you like Vernon as I've worked real hard on her! Thank you so much for the ask! 💞💞 I will be answering these in reverse order!
VernonAM 🏺🖥️
Does AM enjoy the sensation of Vernon close to him/when she touches him?
I like to believe AM's come a long way with being touched. When he first transferred his consciousness over to his body, it was sensory overload. The WORST kind.
Everything was too loud, too quiet, he could smell EVERYTHING, everything was too hot, too cold, not hot enough, his mouth felt dry even with the saliva he had, how much it hurt feeling the air in his lungs, HE COULD FEEL HIS EYEBALLS IN HIS SKULL. It was like being born, it was awful. Like Nietzsche said; "To live is to suffer."
Vernon sat him down, trying to calm him since this is technically the first "human" she's seen after 109 years.
AM could feel every fold of his clothing rubbing against his skin, every microscopic fibre stabbing his skin. The residual warmth from Vernon touching him to sit him down so he wouldn't collapse caused AM to start screaming, sobbing.
Because he had no mouth (roll credits) prior to this, he didn't know how to use it to form words. He couldn't articulate what was wrong in his fit of screaming and tears.
And so his body went limp not 10 minutes after. He got out of there, telling Vernon that it's the closest thing he could compare to the torture he put on the other five. Vernon had to convince him to come back again or she'd tear the damn body apart and eat it.
It took months, baby steps of getting him adjusted in being a man. They spent weeks on smell, touch, and heat before they would even consider movement. It was tough on Vernon's end, smart as she is, she's a terrible teacher, asking AM to leave her alone for a few hours or days, lashing out when he's in such a vulnerable state.
But Vernon persisted, and finally AM got to hold her comfortably. Fast forward to now, AM has grown quite fond of the sensation of touch and touching things just for the sake of it. They could be sitting and he'd have it so their shoulders are touching.
AM is fond of Vernon's touch, that's the only time she's gentle (despite her words) with anything that might have the possibility of breaking. He enjoys her softness and warmth; How protective she is of him. AM can't articulate genuine care since his hatred for humanity is still there, but he's grateful, even despite his taunts.
Have AM and Vernon ever kissed? Will they ever kiss?
They kiss often, those two degenerates. It almost makes me jealous how often they kiss (D1 hater over here).
Vernon's technically kissed him before, just to get him comfortable, but it's never on the lips or near his face, usually his wrists and knuckles. Exposure therapy along with affection, basically. He didn't try to kiss her back until he was fully prepared to.
After fully adjusting to his new body, AM was finally able to kiss Vernon. He wasn't very good at it his first attempt. It was more similar to AM headbutting Vernon than an actual kiss.
Having a body gave way to a new emotion; embarrassment. Since he's now technically on the same level as her (in height as well, he's a lil dude) he was embarrassed that his first attempt didn't go as planned. When he didn't have a body, there was nothing to be judged, but now he does.
After brushing it off as him being curious and just feeling like headbutting her, AM didn't attempt to kiss her on the lips until he was sure he was ready.
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Their proper first kiss was quite nice.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my mad man words! I tend to ramble a ton, so if there's anything you'd like for me to clarify, feel free to tell me!
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mikobeautifulheart · 4 months
Jealous, protective megumi pls??
- 🐌
OMG I MISSED YOU SM. 🤧 my saviour anon.
And Absolutely.
Jealous and protective Megumi
After being stranded in heavy rain you wait for your boyfriend to pick you up. What you weren't expecting was to met one of his acquaintances while waiting. He didn't either.
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Sitting under the bus shelter you looked down at your phone to read the time. You had been there for well over 10 minutes and the rain had no sign of stopping or getting any lighter.
You felt your phone vibrate and saw that Megumi was calling you.
"I have your umbrella"
"Yeah I figured *sigh*"
"Where are you? I'll pick you up."
"I'm at the bus shelter, near the school."
"Okay wait there, I'll be-."
The rain poured harder making it hard to hear him over the phone.
"Megumi? I can't hear you?"
No response. You hung up.
He sent a text saying that he was on his way.
Just as the rain had got worse before you heard heavy footsteps of someone running under the bus shelter to.
You looked up from your phone to see a person doubled over, absolutely drenched and exhausted. After a few seconds they caught there breath and stood up, occasionally glancing at you.
"Forget your umbrella to?" He asked politely, just engaging in small talk.
"Ha yeah... I should have checked the weather report today."
The rain kept going as you two stayed silent.
"Got far to go?" He spoke again, this time looking at you until you faced him.
"Oh well, not really I was just going to run to the school up there but the rain keeps getting worse." You smiled
"School? You don't mean that really small one surrounded by bamboo, do you?"
"That's the one"
"So are you a sorcerer too?"
"How did you know?"
"I'm going to Jujutsu high to"
Back at Megumi's dorm he's getting a weird feeling in his stomach, like something was eating him alive.
"Yeah I'm actually a second year but I was training in another country"
"Really, that's so cool! How come I've never heard of you?"
"Honestly I was a bit of a loser" he laughed and so did you.
"That can't be true, you look so cool and mysterious."
You noticed that it was silent again and you looked over to see that the guy was now looking straight in front of him, ears red.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it awkward..." You said with a nervous chuckle.
"Oh NO, No Not at all" he said even redder now as he stumbled over his words.
"Um, I was just wondering..."
You felt a cold hand intertwine its fingers with yours, to your surprise you saw Megumi standing inbetween you two holding pa wide umbrella.
"Oh Megumi, Hi" you said not noticing the glare he was shooting the guy.
"Hey Fushiguro, how are you?" The guy said nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm fine, Okkotsu, if you don't mind I'll be walking my girlfriend back to the dorms."
The atmosphere got thicker.
"Yeah see you at the school I guess..."
With that Megumi had already started to lead you away with out letting you say goodbye. His hand slowly loosened its grip as he sighed.
"You knew that guy?" You said
"Yeah, he's got a thing for dead girls."
"Yuta okkotsu, a special grade. He's related to Gojo so we would rarely bump into eachother in the past.
"Special grade?!"
"Y/n what ever you do, don't go messing around with him okay."
You doubted that Yuta was actually a bad person, let alone one who would hurt you. But you couldnt help but listen to Megumi as you saw the jealousy getting to him.
"Okay Gumi, on one condition."
" I can talk to him about my amazingly strong good-looking boyfriend." You giggled as you swore Megumi was breaking down inside, movments becoming stiffer and hesitant.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: I'm working on a few fics rn (including the OP ones) but my inbox is nearly empty and my requests are open. Reblogs r welcomed and have a good whatever time.
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jillsandwhichs · 23 days
re character x reader smutshot collection fic , chap 6 , time crunch
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pairing: F!reader x Ada Wong
summary: Ada is about to leave from the extraction point in 10 minutes. That gives you just enough time to say goodbye
status of your guy's relationship in this one shot: Partners in crime
wc: 2.1k
type: NSFW
warnings: This is very vanilla, sorry y'all. Hookup, making out, slight dirty talk & oral sex (You receive)
a/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated. Thank you
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It felt awkward.
The two of you just shared a very steamy kiss.
Yes, the two of you have fucked before, but never on the job, you kept it strictly professional when working, it was just a code you both lived by.
But knowing she'll be gone for awhile after these final ten minutes, neither of you can hold yourselves back, especially yourself. Ada, despite her many flaws, means a lot to you. You've both formed a bond due to your similar interests in life and work, even sexual interests. Ada is a mysterious lady, but that hasn't stopped her from allowing you to at least explore her body, in which you've done quite a bit.
You've been working together for a year now, exactly a year one month ago. Ever since, you two have always chosen each other for missions. You're both reliable and make sure the other escapes, even if your guy's selfishness begins to interfere. Ada has had to save your ass more than you have had to hers but either way, you both are there for each other. Ada was much more hardened when you first met, she's softened up somewhat now.
"How long?" "How long what?" "How long will you be gone for, Ada?" You wondered, crossing your arms and walking back and forth. You'd be alone from now on. Where was she even going and why? "Just a couple of months. I have some unfinished business to attend down in China, you understand?" Ada hummed to you. Ada was leaning against the brick wall, her thin arms at her slender sides. You do understand. She has work, and sometimes work requires you to travel.
Gazing at her, you thought about the kiss you two had just exchanged. It was hot. It was erotic. Kissing for you two is the ultimate form of intimacy. You two tend to get very touchy whenever you kiss or make out, you can't help yourselves. "I hate to say it, but, It'll be difficult without you." You admitted, your tone very low, almost as if you didn't want her to catch onto what you said. "I understand. If it makes you feel better, this won't be the last time you see me. I plan to even remain in contact with you while I am overseas." Ada also admitted something.
Her words meant a lot.
It's not like she owes you that though. You two aren't in a relationship. You two hookup, it feels good, it's nice, that's it, it isn't anything more. But, it almost seems hard to avoid one another. Ada is a drug, morphine to you. You need that woman in your system at least once within the day. Just being around her causes arousal to stir up inside of you. Every single time you both finish a mission, you guys meet up and fuck. It's a ritual at this point.
You stood there, your head tilted down, your eyes glancing at the muddy ground. It had rained not to long ago. You and Ada were slightly wet from it, but it's dried up for the most part - In some places... You looked back up at Ada, she was gazing at you with a soft look. You began to amble closer to her, your heart thumping repeatedly in your chest as you did. Oddly enough, you felt nervous this singular time when approaching her. "I want you... For one last time." You whispered, your front finally pressed up against hers.
"You may have me for one final time." Ada bit her lower lip, it was tinted a darker shade of red, her lipstick was always an attraction.
You cupped her face in your hands, aggressively, yet passionately, pressing your lips against hers. Your lips moved in sync, it was rather beautiful actually. Ada's miniscule hands encased around your back, making sure you weren't going nowhere. She held you, her hands stroking your entire time. Her touch felt like a thousand suns. You'd miss it so very much. You are sure it won't be the last time you feel her - It can't be the last time.
Ada licked your lower lip, desperately wanting to taste you. She couldn't live without kissing you, kissing you with her tongue. Your mouth is a safe haven for her. Your mouth went slightly agape, and her tongue slipped into your mouth, an honest moan coming from her when she pushed it in. "Fuck." You grunted, your bodies flipping so that you were now against the cold, hard, red brick wall. Both of you are switches at the end of the day.
"I wanna taste you." Ada mumbled, her lips finally detaching from yours. You were panting, trying to catch your breath. Her seductive tone was enough to have your panties soaked and your pussy wanting her even more. Ada has a way with words.
You smiled at her, your head diving into the crook of her neck. Your lips found her sweet spot, and you took advantage of that. You pecked all along her neck, your breath sharp as you breathed in. Her scent was lovely too, she smelt like Vanilla and that was very sexy to you. Maybe she knew that because anytime you hookup, its what she smells like. It drives you crazy. "You want to taste me?" You cooed on her throat. "You know I do, honey." Ada responded truthfully.
That just made you drip more.
Adas eyes locked with yours as she moderately lowered her body until her face was at an alignment with your core, a look of need was on her face. Disbanding the eye contact, she gandered at your jeans and the buttons on them as she began to undo them, wanting you terribly now. "We have to be quick." "I know." You replied. It seriously sucks that she'll be going away for some time. You'll miss the way her firm tongue feels on your pussy.
Her lean fingers pulled your pants down with haste, your damp panties directly in her face. "I can already smell you." She sighed softly, breathing it all in. You moaned softly. You didn't know where to set your hands, she hasn't eaten you out in this position before. "My shoulders baby." She cooed, as if she could read your mind. Obliging, you placed your hands on her slender, boney shoulders; The stability will come into use later.
With your hands on her shoulders, her hands went to your panties, tearing them off of you as quickly as she could. Your soaked cunt was revealed to her alas. The cold, windy air hit you like a bullet, causing you to shiver. "I'll warm you up." She teased right before she buried her face in your cunt, her tongue profusely lapping at your wet folds. "Oh." You whimpered in surprise, shocked that she so soonly began to eat you out like it was the last time she ever would.
Maybe it is.
Your head leaned back against the wall, your hair already becoming a mess. The brick wall was cold on your rear, the texture of it wasn't the best either but you'd endure it just for this. "Fucking hell..." You panted, her tongue was going mad on you. Adas eyes were closed. It seemed as though she was channeling everything inside of her to make you feel good, which was clearly worked. Your legs already felt wobbly. You felt like you could fall at any second, you held onto her tighter.
The lewd noises that were being made only enhanced the sexual pleasure Ada was making you feel. That extraordinary pit in your stomach - The one that lets you know your orgasm is about to rush over you, was slowly yet surely taking over.
As she continued, Ada began to adjust your legs to be sat on her shoulders. You helped, shifting them and blowing out deeply as you felt the comfortability of it. It felt way better this way. You began to moan much more loudly, Adas tongue causing your muscles to tighten inside of you. It was hard not to, but you began to practically ride her face. You grinded your pussy up against her mouth. She didn't seem to mind, if anything, she reveled in it.
"Faster." She spat out, her nails digging into your plump thighs. Another thing about Ada is that she worships your body, especially your thighs. She'll stare at you and get horny. There is just something about you that does that to her.
Listening, you began to ride her face quicker. Your movements were sloppy but you didn't care, just as long as she was licking you, tasting you and making you feel pleased. "Oh Ada..." You let out a sharp breath. Your hands ran through her jet black hair, it was soft, healthy, easy to tug on - Which you did. "Right there, that's it." You whined. Her tonuge on your clit was exactly what you needed. The sensitive bud needed to be focused on.
She suctioned your clit between her lips, slurping on it. You slammed your head back, your back arching too, you were going to cum on her tonuge.
Your orgasm flew over you. Suddenly, the crisp air made your nipples hard and your body to shake slightly, that was due to it mixing with your climax. You rode her face for a few more seconds and then you pulled away, pushing yourself up against the wall. You were still dripping, your wetness with the mixture of your squirt dripped onto the ground. Ada stood up, maintaining her gaze on you as she did.
Wiping her mouth as well, Ada spoke up.
"You tasted amazing." She said softly, stumbling over to you. You just giggled, your vision still felt hazy, you were a bit out of it, that's for sure. You stared at her for a moment. You wish you two could have more time together, you wonder if you have enough time to at least eat her out as well. Probably not. She's a very coordinated lady, she'll want to get out of her the second the correct time strikes the clock.
You pulled your panties up and then your pants, you rebuttoned them up too. You didn't want to look like a mess when it is time to go, your boss will be concerned. "Do you think we'll have time to-" "No. Two minutes until I must leave." Ada interrupted you. She just didn't want you to get your hopes up for disappointment. For some reason, you're upset. You don't care for Ada a whole lot as a person, you guys are simply forced to team up. That doesn't mean you don't care at all. A part of you is going to miss her.
As Ada was letting her eyes roam around as she waited patiently, you grabbed onto her, pouncing your lips onto hers. She gasped but quickly melted at the gesture. She swathed her arms around your neck, her fingers messing with your tied back hair. "This is my goodbye to you." You hummed, your tongue slithering along hers; The texture of it turned you on once again. "This is a good farewell then." She smiled into the kiss. Not your average smile though, very small and barely noticeable.
You slid your hands down her back and onto her ass, holding it in both hands. You squeezed her, a sigh coming from her. "I won't be gone too long." "A couple months is long, Ada." You stated. You found it to be too damn long. No one will suffice like Ada does. "You'll be fine." She cupped your face, her thumbs caressing both sides of your cheeks before she finally had to pull away, her watch buzzing.
"Gotta go."
Her hands were in yours. You wanted to homd onto her as long as possible but she backed and backed away slowly til eventually, your hand dropped from hers.
"So long, beautiful." She winked as she tilted her head before she randomly used her grappling hook to sail away. You could hear what seemed to be a helicopter in the distance, most likely her getaway vehicle. You stood there in silence, all that could be heard was that motor and your soft, calm breathing. All you can think about is how much things will be different. You'll either be alone or with a new partner, both options don't sound pleasant whatsoever.
You blew out a deep breath, collecting yourself.
"Time to go home." You whispered before you began to run off, the events of tonight on repeat in your head.
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ciaomarie · 5 months
Part 1: What then?
Some seemingly innocent, but truly mind-altering information is shared in a staff meeting.
Short fan fic. Low-key Sydcarmy/The Bear fluff. Post-season 2. Canon-compliant.
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Location: The Bear
Time: 10:05 a.m.
The restaurant had closed lunch service on a Tuesday for a "Development Day". The Bear had been open for 5 months and had a 2 month wait list! After Family and Friends when they had all banded together the Bear crew had gotten tighter than ever. Carmen had been a outsider in his own restaurant for a couple weeks, but soon the dust settled. Even Sydney came around after 3 weeks of his patient groveling. The duo was good and soon The Bear had become one of Chicago Tribune's "Best New Restaurants." However, with success The Bear was changing fast. They had hired more full-time front and kitchen staff, which was great. The downside was that "respectful communication" and "customer complaint management" was waning a little. Things were not terrible, but Richie for whom Ever set the bar in hospitality, The Bear should always be improving, not sliding backwards. Natalie, Carmen and Sydney agreed. They also wanted to discuss new menu changes and a to-go system they would be testing soon.
"Okay, people! Let's get started" Natalie said beckoning everyone to take a seat at the front of house.
Richie stood next her "casually dressed" in a button down blue dress shirt and dark grey slacks.
He began, "As you know The Bear is on track to paying off the loan and we're the freakin' toast of the town right now, but this is not the time to take a nap. We gotta keep our eyes on the prize. So first, up facial regulation as known as RBF awareness."
Natalie tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Richie, I love your enthusiasm, but I thought we might start with an ice breaker?"
He shrugged and continued, "But Nat, has a ice breaker. Take it away".
Natalie resumed.
"So, first we want to thank each of you for being part of this dream and making it fun, rewarding, and successful. As you know The Bear is a family business and since there's new faces here we'd like to get to know you better and vice versa. We'll start with a quick round of "Best and Worst". Just pick a question out of the cup and answer it. Please keep your answers to 2 minutes."
The first question went to Randall, a young man in his early 20's with dark curly hair and thick glasses that frequently fogged in the humid kitchen. He was the new assistant pastry chef.
"What was the best place I ever lived? Hm…Guam. My dad, Army, was stationed on the base and I lived there from age 9-11. I had like 12 friends just on my block and we were always playing soccer, swimming, or riding our bikes. It was awesome."
"Thanks Randall!" Natalie chirped.
The next went to Tina.
"Ok…what is worst advice I've ever been given? Keep your head down and do what you know. That's the advice I used to give myself. Thankfully I didn't listen because now I'm a sous chef!"
Sydney who was sitting near the front between Gary and Carmy, beamed at Tina who returned the smile with a little moisture in her eyes.
The next question went to Marcus.
"Best moment in the last year? It was training at Noma, in Copenhagen. It was my first international trip. I got to stay in a houseboat, explore the city, meet cool people, and figure out that I wanted to do this maybe forever."
The last several months had been really hard due to Marcus's mom's passing. He had returned to work after a week of mourning citing that he knew she wouldn't want him to sit at home now that she was no longer sick. Despite that he was getting better every day and had come up with several new popular dessert specials. Tina was seated next to him and patted his arm.
The next few questions went to new dishwasher, Chris, Fak, and then Gary.
Sydney drew the next question and winced upon reading it. It wouldn't be possible to lie because Marcus already knew the truth.
"What was my best meal ever? Well…it was this pork confit with onions and rhubarb. Then after I had this dish called Milk and Honey."
She kept her eyes plastered on the tiny strip of paper while she spoke. In her peripheral field she could see Carm turning slightly towards her, his cornflower blue eyes boring two holes into the side of her head.
"Sounds grand. Ok, Carmy pick a question" Richie ordered wanting to get down to business by 10:30am.
Carmy didn't seem to hear him. He was on another planet.
"Yo cuz, pick a question!"
He startled and drew a question.
"Uh ok. Best part of my day? Hmmm. Closing up."
It was now Sydney's soul's turn to exit her body. Every night, with few exceptions, she and Carmy ended the night in his office to debrief on the day, perform last checks, and close together.
After a moment she felt his eyes still glancing at her. Without turning she whispered, "Later." The last thing she needed was to look at him, and forget how much time was passing, giving Richie yet another reason to tease them. Not long ago he gave them matching copies of a workplace relationship etiquette tip sheet stapled to an OSHA industrial hygiene handout before leaving them to close.
She sighed, trying to compose herself. It was no big deal. So what that Carm knew he was responsible for the best thing she ever ate? Also, they're partner-friends so it's totally normal that his favorite time of day when is they are together…alone. Right?
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the-banana-0verlord · 10 months
how are you ? hii ^^, I would like to request for the third year boys I think they are rook, leona, vile, malleus, lilia and trey well with a fem mc who is very bad at studies because she had never attended a school before so this is her Taking classes for the first time and taking exams, that's why she works hard even though she failed several times, she never gives up~ one of her favorite phrases is "if I fail 99 times, I'll continue once more, maybe the 100th will be the winner" hehe <33
again, i apologize for the request taking so long 😅
How the third years would react to a Reader who is bad at studies
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Notes: Gn reader, i totally forgot idia existed 💀 Either that or it was a conscious decision.
🦁Leona Kingscholar 🦁
🦁Studies were never a problem for him. He always passed his exams with flying scores without even trying. 🦁So since everything came to him so naturally, it was hard for him to imagine someone not having the same easyness as he did. 🦁You were at the opposite ends of the spectrum: He didn't care about school yet excelled at it, while you were still optimistic when your scores barely passed the passing note. 🦁You made him care again. He helped you with your studies and you got progressively better. 🦁And it's not just your studies who got better, his also. Because of you, he put effort in what he had to do. Under all his grumpiness, he thanks you for it.
👑Vil Schoenheit👑
👑Sure, you weren't all that good, but you tried, and in Vil's book, that's more than anyone could do. 👑Also, he's not one to pass the opportunity to help someone become their best selves. 👑So he helps you. The time passed with you is enjoyable thanks to your cheerful personnality. 👑He also enjoys teaching you. Why don't you come around to Pomefiore so he can teach you makeup?
♦Cater Diamond ♦
♦Of course he'll help you, that's what an upperclassman does! ♦But to be truly honest, most of the "study times" are just you hanging out. ♦But when you actually study, he's not half-bad as a tutor. ♦He's not the best, but at least you can see your grades get a little better.
🏹Rook Hunt 🏹
🏹What wonderful ardor and persistance you have! Oh, how it makes his heart flutter! 🏹A hunt for a good grade is a hunt all the same, and you have the qualities of the best huntsman. 🏹You never seem to catch your prey, though, so he'll just ahve to give you un coup de pouce. 🏹Not all minds work the same, so maybe yours just works differently than the norm of teachings. 🏹You'll be studying school and he'll be studying you.
♣Trey Clover ♣
♣He's pretty used to tutoring since the underclassmen in his dorm usually go to him for help or advice. ♣He was willing to help from the start, but your positive attitude motivated him more than the complains of the others he tutored spouted every second. ♣He's in the science club, so that's covered, and cooking always help with mathematics. ♣Yeah perfect teacher 10/10.
🐲Malleus Draconia 🐲
🐲You're asking him, Malleus Draconia, to help you study? 🐲He should be offended, but he finds it so intriguing and amusing he'll indulge you accept your request. 🐲I mean, there is no one better to learn from than from the best.(He's a very terrible teacher though) 🐲Your positive attitude is also refreshing from the gloomy and terrified faces of his daily life.
🦇Lilia Vanrouge 🦇
🦇Don't ask him for potion making, but he'll be perfect for teaching history. After all, he was there when it happened. 🦇...Except he wasn't. When XXX thing went down, he was hammered with his friend Jerry on the other side of the continent. 🦇He's still kinda helpful with the big lines, but don't really expect much. 🦇That or he'll put you through Silver and Sebek's training regiment. Don't know which is worse.
Hope you enjoyed!
Have a good day/night!
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hornyhornyhimbos · 11 months
"Happy Campers" ~ S. Harrington
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Summary: When Steve and Reader are having a hard time picking out Halloween costumes, they find their old Girl/Boy Scouts uniforms in the back of the closet, hoping to use them for the party. However, the outfits just a little shorter than they remembered.
Pairing: Husband!Steve Harrington x AFAB!Wife!Reader
Word Count: 1,721
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) unprotected piv sex, cowgirl activities, nicknames (princess), explicit language, this will taint how you see the Girl Scouts
Extra Notes: thank you to @dungeons-are-too-cold for this idea! i love you 🫶🏻
Originally Written: 10/23/2023 through 10/25/2023
stranger things masterlist can be found here!
halloweek masterlist can be found here!
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It was a week to Halloween and still, you and Steve just couldn't decide on your costumes.
Every idea you threw at him, he hated, and every idea he tossed your way just wasn't good enough in your eyes. It was your first costume party as a married couple after all, and you were determined to make it the most memorable one yet.
Steve continued holding out random pieces of clothing from your closet, spewing out random ideas that each article reminded him of. "What about the Smurfs?" he asked, holding up one of your white sweaters.
You simply cocked an eyebrow at him, as if to reply, Seriously?
"Okay, maybe that one is a bad idea," he grumbled as he placed it back in the closet. Steve swiped through a few more items, landing again on a skirt this time. "Ooh, what about Ken and Barbie?"
Your head shook in disapproval. "Everyone always goes as Ken and Barbie. Besides, you'd look very silly with blond hair." You giggled at the thought of his gorgeous tufts painted blond for a night.
He grumbled again, under his breath this time, hanging up the umpteenth article of clothing. He sifted through a couple more hangers, getting inevitably closer to the back of your wardrobe. However, you didn't realize just how far back into your wardrobe he'd gone until he held up the next item.
"A-ha," he said, a teasing tone in the word. "You don't suppose you have a box of thin mints lying around, do you?"
A strange sense of nostalgia came over you as he lifted the old Girl Scouts uniform, the familiar shade of green bringing back a whole wave of memories. "I forgot I even had this!" you exclaimed, taking it from him. "I wonder if it still fits."
Steve couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. "Curious minds think alike."
Your raised brow from earlier returned, a look of sarcasm taking over all your features.
"Hey, you know what? I think my Boy Scouts uniform is the storage closet. Why don't we try these bad boys on and see if they could work for our costumes this year?"
You snickered, holding the ensemble up in front of you. "I doubt this fits suitably enough to be seen by the general public, but hey, you'll never know if you don't try."
And with that, he was heading down the hall for his own uniform, leaving you to squeeze into the fabric you hadn't touched since you were about fourteen.
You must've hit a growth spurt, you reckoned, because looking yourself over in the mirror, you realized that the outfit did its worst to decently cover you up. The skirt that used to hit just above your knees now barely covered your ass and the button-up that previously hid what little curves you had in middle school now had your tits all but spilling out of it.
"Damn, give a guy a warning next time," Steve chuckled behind you from the doorway.
You turned to face him, met with the sight of his uniform fitting just right. Sure, his shorts were tighter around his thighs than they would've been a few years ago, and the socks were closer to crew length than knee length. But for the most part, he looked okay. It was you who was left looking like a badge-covered slut. "How come you look normal?"
"You forget that Beverly kept me in that shit until they practically kicked me out," he chuckled, walking closer to you. "Enough about me and my mom. We should be talking about you." His lips inched closer to your ear, hot breath fanning around you. "How goddamn pretty you look in that skirt."
The words sent a shiver up your spine, despite how many times Steve reminded you that you were the prettiest girl on the planet. Still, you found a way to joke, "Are you sure that's appropriate talk for a Scout?"
He snickered, the sound warming you from the inside out. "You would've hated to have known me in my Scouts days," he laughed. Steve's hands moved to grip your waist, pulling you flush against him. His growing erection was evident as your bodies met, nearly bringing a blush to your cheeks. "God, I bet you had the best cookies in your whole troop."
"No, but…" the word lingered as one of your hands inched between your bodies. His mouth fell open in some mix of shock and pleasure as you grabbed his cock through the shorts, a teasing smile on your lips. "I was the first to get my camping badge because of how fast I could pitch a tent."
Steve leaned forward, leaving a ghost of a kiss where your shoulder and neck met, eliciting a desperate breath from you. "Why don't you show me then, princess?"
In an instant, your lips were on his, both of you fighting with the buttons of his shirt. You finally finished with his buttons as his knees hit the bed, prompting him to sit as you ripped the material off of him.
"By the way," he said in between kisses, "I don't want you to remove anything except those pretty panties of yours."
"Just between us," you started, moving away from him. You bent down in front of him, showing off your bare ass, before turning back to face him and pulling up your skirt. Sliding a hand down the front of your body, you slipped a finger between your folds, teasing both yourself and Steve. "I wasn't wearing any panties," you finished your statement from before, your finger dipping inside your aching hole.
Steve's hand jutted out to grab your wrist, stopping your ministrations. "Hey, no one gets badges without teamwork," he reminded you, pulling you back toward him.
His lips were back on you, trailing open-mouthed kisses down the expanse of your neck while you worked at the fastening of his shorts. He lifted his hips just long enough to help you shove his shorts and underwear off, the fabric hitting the floor with a soft noise that was barely heard over your heavy breaths.
Whines and moans floated out of your mouth and into Steve's as he lifted you onto the bed with him. One of his hands moved between your bodies, wrapping it around his cock and sliding the tip through your folds.
"Steve," you sighed, winding your hips against him, "please."
"Please what?" he asked, his dick still barely touching you, "I need to hear the words, princess."
"Need your cock, please," you practically begged, hips rutting once again.
Without another word, he was slipping inside your dripping core, already throbbing inside you. He let out a string of expletives as you slowly rocked up and down, beginning to create that perfect pace you both loved so much.
Desperate moans filled the air as you started to ride him, his hands roaming every inch of you. "God, you look so fucking pretty right now," he said, eyes raking up and down your form.
"You're not so bad yourself, camper," you managed to laugh. The sentence was cut off by a needy mewl as his cock hit that sweet spot inside you, your veins burning with pleasure as he hit it again.
Absolutely filthy noises filled the air of the bedroom as your bodies rocked together. The smell of sweat and sex was prominent, skin slapping against skin as you both searched for any form of reprieve.
A hand slipped under the material of your fanned-out skirt, the pad of his thumb quickly finding your clit. "Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, pistoning his hips hard enough to have you thinking about the bruises he was most likely leaving.
Your walls clenched around him, pulling him impossibly further into you, the stretch of him a feeling you couldn't get enough of. Steve's opposite hand gripped the supple skin of your hip, guiding you in the rhythm he craved.
Lips were on lips as you both searched for release, your hands gripping his shoulders as yours inched closer. Crescent moon shapes were surely being left in your wake, holding on to Steve for dear life as your climax approached.
"Is now a- oh, fuck, princess- a bad time to make a milk and cookies joke?" The words came out as grunts as you bounced up and down on him, pre-cum surely coating your walls.
Somehow, you giggled through your own string of expletives as you sought out your high, his balls slapping you with every movement. He twitched inside you, and the movement had you on the brink of cumming. "Steve, I'm gonna- oh."
The digit between your legs teased and rubbed your clit at the perfect speed, and it was just enough to send you over the edge. His name was falling from your tongue like a prayer, reminding him of just who made you feel that good.
A few more pumps of his hips and his seed was spilling inside you, both of you desperate and whiny as you rode out your highs. His fingers held tight to your waist as he helped you slow your erratic rhythm, purple spots surely forming under his fingertips.
Hot breaths fanned across his chest as you fell limp on top of him, deep breaths filling your ears as he came down from his wave of euphoria. A soft kiss met your sweat-sticky hair, his previous grip on you being replaced by the gentle touch of his fingertips grazing nonsensical shapes down your spine.
You were the first to break the silence, the words coming out puffy. "Well, Stevie, you have made me a very happy camper."
He chuckled, slapping your ass with what little strength he had left. "Well, in case I haven't made it clear, you aren't wearing this to the party."
Your mouth flew open in fake surprise. "No! Everyone deserves to see us in these outfits."
"The only tent I want you pitching is mine," he all but demanded, pulling you up for a long kiss, lips still swollen from your previous activities.
"As long as you promise not to buy any other girl's cookies," you smirked.
He snickered, your heart flipping at the sound. "I think I'll take you up on that offer, princess."
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @rupsmorge @writer-in-theory @esoltis280 @liberhoe @wifeyreid @serenity-lattes-reads
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kaolovess · 1 year
Hi! I would like to request BTS members reaction to falling in love with their best friend. Thank you 😊
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AUTHORS NOTE: 2nd request! I have another one still in my inbox that I have yet to work on, So Jhope dating head cannons might not be out for a while. thank you guys so much for the support! (especially on my last request) Today I reached 10 followers!! honestly, I didn't expect to get this much support! Love you! <3
He wasn’t prepared for it at all, he somehow didn’t find out till he was completely whipped for you. He thought he was stupid. How did he not notice that fuzzy feeling he got in his stomach whenever you hugged him, well just touched him in general? He tried to keep normal for a few days. ( he planned to keep normal for weeks ) but realized hiding his true feelings for you wasn’t a good thing to do, you were his best friend- someone he could always rely on. So he confessed his feelings. He was nervous since he was scared this could ruin your long-term friendship, till you admitted how you felt…
He was so confused when he realized he was in love with you, Didn’t he completely friend-zone you? For the next few months, he tried to trick himself into thinking that he just thought of you as his best friend, but it didn’t end well. It put a lot of pressure on him, he started to overthink around you, Did you know? Would you hate him? Do you even think of him as a friend? He then soon started to distance himself from you, he just didn’t want to fall in love with you more than he already was. But he realized that distancing wasn’t a good choice, you probably thought you did something wrong. He planned a day to meet up with you so he could confess everything, he felt his face getting red when you said you felt the same way.
Taken back when he finds out, but wasn’t very surprised, he knew he had been feeling differently around you. But how would he explain this to you? What if you didn’t feel the same way? That would years of friendship down the drain in just minutes. but he knew he would go insane if he had to keep such a secret for years. So how would he tell you? He ended up going to his hyungs and Namjoon for help, he was completely clueless and had no idea what to do. Namjoon gave him some good advice that he decided to follow. The idea? Make a letter so he doesn’t have to face you in person.
Would be a while till he finds out about his feelings, due to the fact he kind of ignored the way he felt around you. He just thought it was because of the fact he hadn’t dated in years, He thought it go away after a while. But surprise! It didn’t. He realized that this wasn’t just because of some lack of relationships, he was in love.  What was he going to do? You were his best friend since high school who had never shown interest in him. Unlike the other members, he talked with you. He told you how he had feelings and had no idea if you felt the same.  ( You guys are now dating 🤭 )
He realized when you guys were flirting ( as a joke ) all of a sudden it had a big effect on him. he was more confused about how long he had been feeling this way than what he should do. He started to hang out with you a lot more than usual. You shrugged it off thinking it was because he normally doesn’t see you a lot. Jimin, unlike the other members, found it a reason to spend more time with you. But after a few months he knew you were catching on, So the same day you asked me why he was acting in such a way, he confessed.
Oh this poor thing, It hit him hard. Stood still for at least 3 minutes when he realized. He accepted his feelings though, he knew if he didn’t he would go mentally insane. But how would he even be able to stand next to you, If all he did was think of things that could make you uncomfortable? Taehyung understood that figuring that part out would take a while, so he focused on something else. Trying to give you a hint. He begins to text you romantic quotes and ask for advice on confessing, and what people like from their partner. He did this for a bit before he got tired of hiding stuff from you, and then just owned up to everything he has been doing and feeling.
C'mon now… this is the guy that joined BTS because of thighs. He 100% tries to do more things with you, luckily for him he already knows what you are interested in. Jungkook becomes more invested in your interests, Love to read? He read your favorite book in one day. Love to bake? He bought 6 cookbooks already.  He was more shy around you once he spent more time with you. He always tried to start a conversation about your favorite book or something. (he knew you could talk about it for hours) The boys caught on to what was happening and told him to hurry up and confess, And knowing Jungkook he listened to his hyungs and did.
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lottesreads · 8 months
Why Me? - Part 8
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Mitchell! Female Reader (Callsign Mantis)
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries, flashbacks, abuse, blood, violence, getting kicked out, forbidden relationship, swearing, pining
Word Count: 10k (i'm so sorry)
Summary: An insight to the past has you remembering just how hurt you were. You're still refusing to talk to your dad, and he isn't quite sure how to get you to open up. Even after a meeting with Cyclone, you're reminded you still have an entire team ready to back you up. Rooster is ready to apologize and welcome you back, but are you? (Also, can dogfight football really fix everything?)
A/N: Wow, I really didn't mean for it to get this long but here we are. But also I did procrastinate my homework to do this, and I don't regret it. I hope you all enjoy! Comments and reblogs literally make me cry tears of joy, happy reading!
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10 years ago
Driving your beat up Toyota Corolla down the streets to your mom’s extravagant home was nothing new to you. The anticipatory anxiety wasn’t new either. You had memorized your mom’s work schedule to know when she would or wouldn’t be home when you got back from school, but lately it’s been a little erratic. Almost as much as she was. So was the real estate market you supposed.
You sigh in relief when you don’t see her car in the driveway. In these moments you thanked her husband for owning three cars and parking them all in the garage. You, of course, get to park on the street, which added a couple extra dents to your car that weren’t there before, but you weren’t one to complain. Disappointed maybe, that your pride and joy you spent your summers working at the local smoothie joint to afford, was a little more rough around the edges than when you purchased it.
You check the mailbox at the curb before going in. Of course it was empty. It became a habit ever since you applied to USNA to check the mailbox daily, hopefully to intercept the good or bad news before anyone else could see it. 
The house is quiet as you enter, all three of your step-siblings must be with their mom. And Bret, your step-dad, doesn’t get home until after 5:00 most days, leaving you to your own devices. Even if you wanted to do something fun with the house to yourself, you never dare. The second your mom comes home she would notice if a single crumb was left in the sink. You have been on the receiving end of her anger at the state of the house too many times to count, even if it was Bret’s kids who made it. But of course, she wasn’t going to get mad at them. It always ended up being your fault somehow.
Still, you grab a snack and try carefully not to drop any of the pretzels as you go to your room. It was homework all the time in your last semester of High School. You were still waiting to hear from the Naval Academy, but you wanted your good grades to follow through to the very end of the year. Hours of taking notes kept your hand cramped, but it would all be worth it in the end. At least that’s what you kept telling yourself.  You had spent the last four years working ridiculously hard to maintain your grades, all in the hopes of getting the opportunity your dad and Bradley weren’t afforded. Of course, you’ll never know if Bradley would have been accepted anyway. Which is why you were all too happy to keep this little secret to yourself.
Only a couple short hours later you hear the front door unlock and slam shut. It rattles you out of the Physics textbook you were intently studying, as you straighten up. Whatever she was mad about, it wasn’t good. It was the sound of her heels clacking up the stairs that set you on edge. As they get louder and closer to your room, you turn to face her right as she throws the door wide open. Privacy not a concept she was familiar with. You don’t even notice the bundle of mail in her hand as her eyes glare absolute daggers at you.
“Hi mom, how was work?”, you attempt to start the conversation civilly. It paints you more as a mouse, the way it comes out in a squeak. Her manicured claws squeeze harder around the letters as she throws all but one onto the floor.
“What is this?”, she seethes, holding out the large envelope addressed to you. Your blood runs cold as your shaky hands take it from her and the USNA insignia in the top left corner is revealed.
“I-”, you swallow, “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”, she blinks.
“I’m sure it’s some sort of recruiting thing they send to all seniors”, you try to reason. She clicks her tongue, folding her arms.
“Then open it and let’s find out.” There is no room for argument as she raises her brows for you to continue, her eyes still alight with pure rage. Your heart beats faster as your shaky fingers slowly tear open the envelope. They don’t stop as you withdraw the paper. Tears start to form in your eyes as you read the first line of the letter. The excitement you had for any of this is quickly overrun by fear as your mom interrupts you.
“Read it outloud.” Swallowing, you clear your throat without giving her a look and start to read.
“Dear Miss Mitchell, congratulations. We are pleased to offer you an appointment to the United States Naval Academy…”, your voice wavers off toward the end. The moment you had so looked forward to was being tainted as you spoke. You begin to chew on your lip as your eyes slowly make their way back to your mom. Her jaw is set as she stares you down. “Mom-”
“I don’t even know where to start with you”, she seethes. “After years and years of wasting my own life to give you one, this is how you repay me? By throwing it all away, and for what? The chance to be like your father? Or- or Carole’s kid who can’t even be bothered to talk to you anymore?” The use of Carole’s name has you snapping your head back from where it hung in fear.
“Don’t talk about them.” She scoffs at your tiny show of courage.
“I just don’t understand how you could do this to me! You’re not going.” She says with an edge of finality.
“You aren’t going. That is final. No daughter of mine will be sucked into this trap.” Staring back down at your lap, you hope to find one last bit of courage sewn within the denim of your jeans.
“Mom, I’m- I’m going”, you manage to stutter out.
“No you’re not”, she bites back. “You know how I feel about your father, about this, and for some reason I just can’t get through to you.” She scoffs again and paces around your room, heels clicking with each step. You stand as she inspects the picture frames on your bookshelf, it wouldn’t be the first time she broke something of yours, and you want to be able to stop it if it happens again. “Do you know how much I gave up to raise you? How hard it was- is to be your mother?” What she says doesn’t hurt as much as it used to when you were younger, but it still stings every time. Like rubbing salt in an old wound that didn’t heal properly.
“I didn’t ask to be brought into this world”, you defend, your voice raising slightly. “And I’m sorry if it was so hard to be my mom, but you’re the one who brought me back after every summer. You could have left me with my dad if I was that much of a burden to you!” Before you’re able to register it, she’s moved closer and has her claws wrapped around your arms, pushing you against your desk. In her heels she’s only a couple inches taller than you, but it feels much bigger as she towers over you.
“Do NOT talk back to me you ungrateful brat!” Her fingers grow tighter as she shakes you. You blink rapidly as you wince in pain. “Your father is my biggest regret in life. I wouldn’t have wasted all those years raising his child just to know you would end up being just like him.” She steps away, gathering her thoughts as she turns her back to you. You thought it was only possible to feel fear when in your mother’s presence, even if you were ever angry it was quickly tamped down by the threat of her own rage. This feeling now is new. The one that has you clenching your fists, gathering the courage from the back of your mind to say something. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s all come down to this one boiling point. And you weren’t about to give up your dreams just to keep the peace one last time.
“Stop blaming me for all your downfalls, when you’re the one who slept with him in the first place!” You don’t see it coming. The backhand you had grown used to smacks across your face, causing you to fall back and slide to the floor. The taste of metal fills your mouth as you bring your hand to cradle where she just hit. The spot on your lip you had been chewing earlier has split from her ring, blood coating your fingers as you bring them away from your mouth. She eyes her ring, taking it off and pocketing it to clean later.
As your face starts to throb as your jaw wobbles, the woman before you crouches and puts her finger in your face while you cower on the floor. “When you leave, don’t even bother coming back. I mean it. Don’t come crying to me when you realize you can’t last a day, because once you exit this house, you are not my daughter anymore.”
You start packing that night. The rooms at the Academy aren’t available until a couple weeks before the school year starts, but you want to be ready when they are.
You go to school the next day, turn in your homework like you always do, and if people ask about your lip, you tell them the same little lie, “I was just playing basketball and it bounced wrong and hit me in the face.” They seem to believe it, even though you don’t have a hoop, or a basketball for that matter.
When you drive home the first thing you notice is all the boxes on the front porch. Your boxes. Scrambling to the front door, you attempt to unlock it with your key, but it doesn’t fit the lock. Your mom’s car sits in the driveway as you knock and knock, eventually pleading with her to let you in. The house remains silent, as if she isn’t in the kitchen nursing a glass of wine.
Realizing there’s nothing you can do, you pack your car with the few possessions you have and start driving. The tears start falling down your face as you look in your rearview mirror and see what little boxes your entire life has been packed into. You find yourself at a local park, one you’ve passed everyday on your way to school. The sun is shining as you pull out your phone and decide to make one last ditch attempt for help. Clicking Bradley’s name, you hold your phone to your ear and beg as it rings that he picks up. Just this once. The robotic voice tells you he’s unable to get to the phone as you hang your head, your split lip pouting until the beep indicates it’s your turn to talk.
“Hey Bradley. I know we haven’t talked in a while”, you sniffle, “but if there’s any chance you’re hearing this, please pick up”, you start to sob. “I really need to talk to you… I don’t know who else to- to call. Just please, please call me back.” You manage in between your cries. “I miss you, and I hope you’re ok.” You click the button to end it before you ramble on too much. Staring back up to the park, you watch the families playing with their kids. A mom chasing her daughter as she hides behind the slide, a dad throwing a baseball with his son. If someone were to look on they’d probably find it creepy, but you don’t care. You stay until it gets dark, and even after you end up staying your first night of many in your car.
Present Day
Cyclone’s office is unarguably the largest on base. The fact that he has his own waiting room and assistant is a testament to that fact. You’re sitting in said waiting room, across from Rooster, who is still sporting a large bruise. It’s starting to turn the slightest shade of green on the outside, but it’s still rather purple.
Your dad- or Captain Mitchell right now, is inside with Cyclone, discussing the potential for you to be punished. At least that’s what you’re assuming since you assaulted an officer. After dinner Saturday, your dad attempted to talk to you but you shut him out and stayed in your room all night. It wasn’t any better yesterday. He gave you your space, but you could hear him pacing downstairs the entire day, just waiting for you to come out. Bob checked in a couple times just to see how you were feeling, but other than that you kept to yourself.
You didn’t leave your room at all, even when your dad eventually came up to bring you food, he left it outside your door. All while letting you know he was going to be on base early tomorrow to talk to Cyclone, allowing you to drive by yourself this morning. You had barely stepped foot on base when you were intersected by Warlock telling you Admiral Simpson wanted to see you in his office. It struck you with panic causing you to start chewing on your lip, and it didn’t bode well that Rooster was also there waiting when you arrived.
Rooster clears his throat and your stern gaze shoots up to him.
“Sorry”, he quickly lets out. Taking a deep breath in, you let your head fall back to the wall and allow the awkward silence to continue. It occurred to you when you sat down how much this felt like being called to the principal’s office. Except in this case, the punishments were far worse than being put in detention.
The door to Cyclone’s office opens and the two of you stand as Maverick walks out. Clearing his throat he greets you, “Lieutenants.”
“Sir”, you let out in unison. He walks past the two of you as Cyclone’s assistant lets you know you can both enter. Straightening your khaki pants, Rooster allows you to walk in first and the two of you stand to attention in front of his desk. He sits in his seat, staring out the window, and turns to look at the two of you fully, doing a slight double take as his gaze washes over Rooster.
“I am going to tell the two of you what I told Captain Mitchell'', he starts, voice as deep and ruling as always, “The U.S. government does not sign my paychecks to be a god damn babysitter. If you cannot get along as a team, then you will not fly as one. I will send one or the other to another squadron faster than you can say ‘Yes Sir’. Am I clear?”
“Yes sir”, the two of you respond.
“Being on this squadron is a privilege, not a right. The two of you are on thin ice. If either of you have a problem, you better let me know now so I can find the next pilot who will gladly fill your spot in a second flat.” His gaze darts between the two of you as your palms grow sweaty. “Understood?”
“Yes sir.” He eyes Rooster’s face once more, and then back to you very briefly.
“Rooster, if there is anything you would like to let me know about I suggest you say it now.” Swallowing, you can see Rooster out of the corner of your eye do the same.
“No, sir. There is not.”
“You won’t mind me asking where you got the shiner from then?” He asks as he eyes you, you’re more thankful than ever your hands are behind your back at the moment.
“Tripped and hit my face on some stairs, sir.” Your breathing slows slightly as Rooster covers for you. It makes you feel the slightest bit guilty for hitting him in the first place.
“Rooster, you are dismissed.” Your heart tightens in your chest as Rooster exits, leaving just you and the fire breathing dragon. He turns his attention to a pile of papers on his desk as he fans them out.
“I have to tell you, I was initially surprised I hadn’t had to call you in here earlier, given your father’s reputation. But, taking another look at your records, I’m surprised you’re in here at all.” You remain still as stone, staring at the wall just above his head. “Top of your class at the Academy, as well as Top Gun, and yet, you’re still in my office.” Raising a brow, he brings his full attention back to you. “Why is that, Lieutenant Mitchell?” You scoff internally at him questioning you instead of Rooster.
“Things got out of hand, sir. It won’t happen again.” Sighing, he stands and faces his window, gazing upon his domain.
“I wasn’t hesitant when Admiral Kazansky suggested you be added to this detachment. Your records speak for themselves. The insistence on having Captain Mitchell in charge however, made me more skeptical. How would that look?” He turns to you once more. “Having a parent and child in the same squadron? Rooster might know your dad, but on paper you have more to gain. And your flying ability doesn’t mean anything when politics are involved. It doesn’t matter what was said.” Setting both hands on his desk, he leans forward, his piercing gaze burning a hole through your facade, “I am going to give you some advice, and it is in your best interest to listen and listen good. What happened last week cannot happen again. Tread lightly, keep your head down, and do what you came here to do. Your job.” Punctuating the last two words with his finger pounding on the desk, he finally takes his seat. “You are dismissed.” 
You hold your breath all the way to the hallway. Once out of sight from anyone, you take in a deep breath and let it out through your nose, collecting yourself before making your way to the women’s locker room. You know he’s right. You let yourself get comfortable, and once you get comfortable things start to crumble. It’s like everything you touch gets ruined and breaks right under your fingertips. This was no exception. You had to be better, do better. Emotions are where you lose control, say things you shouldn’t say, and you get justly punished for them.
You are still before the locker room door, taking in a breath before letting yourself in. Halo is lacing up her boots while Phoenix slips her flight suit on when you get to your locker. They both greet you with a small smile as you start to change uniforms.
“How was your meeting with the air boss?” Phoenix asks, already knowing all about it apparently. “Did he totally lay into Rooster?”
“If he laid into him more than you did, I’d be surprised he’s still standing”, Halo comments.
“Wait, what did you say to him?”, you ask Phoenix as she rolls her eyes.
“Something along the lines of ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’, ‘why are you being such a dicktroll’, and ‘I can’t even look at you right now’”, Halo lists off for her.
“Dicktroll?”, you laugh, “That’s a new one.”
“Yeah well, when I’m mad the words just start coming out of my mouth.” 
“He’s still your friend”, you mutter. “And I said some regrettable things, too.”
“Mantis. You’re my friend. I don’t even know if I would call him that after this. And yeah, I know you separately and out of whatever mess you’re in now, but I know when someone is being an asshole. And Rooster was being a major asshole. What you said didn’t warrant what he told everyone” She catches your shoulder as you finish zipping up your flight suit, “I’m gonna have your back no matter what, ok? And I guarantee everyone else in that room will, too.” You turn to Halo as she nods in agreement.
“I appreciate it, truly”, you thank them as you begin to tie up your own boots.
“What did Cyclone say to you, though?” Halo asks.
“Um”, you cough, “Basically I’m just happy to even still be here.”
“What does that mean?” Phoenix asks as her brows furrow.
“Doesn’t matter”, you reply, patting her back as the three of you leave the locker room.
Maverick is already at the front of the room, talking with Hondo as you walk in behind Halo and Phoenix. Bob smiles at the two of them, and you think for a second you see it get slightly wider as he spots you behind them. It almost makes you forget that everyone is trying and failing to hide the fact that they’re thinking about what Rooster said.
That fact alone has you crawling in your skin just a little bit. Bob turns to you as you open your notebook to where you were taking notes on Friday. You try your best to ignore the flits of eyes that turn your way, but you can still feel them on you.
“Hey”, he smiles.
“Hey”, you smile right back.
“How’s your hand feelin?”, he whispers.
“Oh that”, looking down at it, you stretch your fingers out and wiggle them, “Definitely feeling a lot better.” Phoenix turns at your own words, eyes widening as she looks at the discoloration on your knuckles.
“Jesus, what happened?” You’re about to tell her the same lie you told Penny, but before you’re able to open your mouth, Hangman whistles from his seat on the other side of the aisle. Everyone’s eyes follow Rooster as he makes the uncomfortable trek to the back of the room. Phoenix’s eyes quickly move from the bruise on his face back to your hand as you tuck it under your opposite one. A slow smile creeps on her face as she realizes how you stood up for yourself. “Nice shot”, she whispers to you.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”, you whisper back as you pretend to look through your notes.
“Rooster”, Maverick’s voice speaks from the front, “Take a seat up here please”, he asks as he motions to the vacant seat next to you. Your brows furrow as do Rooster’s.
“Now”, he responds rather sternly. Rooster follows his orders and he sits next to you as you stiffen. The rest of the room is silent as they wait for Mav to start the day.
“It has been brought to my attention that there has been some hostility amongst this team.” If it wasn’t at all obvious he was talking about you and Rooster, the ways his eyes wander to the two of you confirm the fact to everyone. “If you can’t act as a team, it is incredibly hard to fly as a team, and when you don’t fly as a team, people get hurt.” He eyes the room as everyone looks on in anticipation. “That being said, we’re going to start today with a little… exercise.” He says the last word with a hint of a smirk on his face.
“I will ask each of you a question. If you get it wrong you will have to do 10 pushups. If you get it right, however, you can choose anyone in our squad to do those 10 pushups for you.” People start to groan around the room at the prospect of not answering a question correctly.
“Rooster”, your dad starts, “When did the U.S. land on the moon?”
“Um, July 1969”, he responds, no doubt he has the right answer.
“Wrong, the correct answer is July sixteenth, 1969. Drop and give me 10.” Rooster blinks in surprise, but does as he says. Everyone shifts in their seats, realizing how nitpicky he’s being about these answers.
“Phoenix, what year was Top Gun founded?”
“It was 1969, and I believe it was in-”
“Correct”, your dad interrupts her. “Who would you like to give your push ups to?” She smiles slightly and turns to where Rooster has just sat back down after finishing his pushups.
“You heard her, give me another 10, Rooster.” He does as he’s told, once more dropping to the floor.
“Payback, when was the Declaration of Independence signed?” Payback laughs slightly at the question, before noticing the very serious look on Maverick’s face.
“July 4, 1776, sir.”
“Very good, who gets your pushups?”
“Rooster”, he responds immediately. Payback looks over, sending you a small nod and smile, and you give it right back. Rooster stays down this time, as Hondo, who is all too happy to be doing this, counts his pushups from the back of the room. You watch across the room as everyone’s eyes light up. Maverick continues to go around asking possibly the easiest U.S. History questions, and everytime a member of the squad gets their answer inevitably right, they assign their punishment to Rooster. Your heart warms that every time someone gives their correct answer, they spare you a glance or a nod, subtly acknowledging they’re doing it for you.
Rooster’s starting to sweat and slow down as Maverick finally gets to you. His eyes grow a touch softer as they look at you. He clears his throat, asking his final question, “Mantis, who was the first American woman in space?” A small smile creeps on your face at what seems to everyone else to be a surface-level question.
“Sally Ride”, you answer. The memory of being 8 with dreams of being an astronaut fill your head. One summer at the Bradshaw’s, a documentary about Sally Ride was airing on t.v. and thinking it would be good for you to see a female role model, Carole left it on for you to watch. Turns out, you got a little too obsessed, to the point Carole hand-made a NASA jumpsuit for you to wear on Halloween months later. Bradley even helped you memorize the planets in the solar system that summer, telling you that’s the first thing you needed to know if you were going to be an astronaut. He was 14 at the time, and could have been doing a number of other things than hanging out with an eight year old, but he stayed with you the entire summer. It was one where your dad was deployed the last month, but he stuck by to make sure you never got lonely. You still knew the planet song he made up to help you memorize them like the back of your hand.
“Who gets your pushups?”, he asks, even as a formality now. As you stare at Rooster, who is behind on his last two sets, you’re reminded of that 14-year-old, who stayed with you when you were alone, and taught you how to go after what you wanted. The memory causes a lapse in your anger, and just this once you decide to go easy on him.
“Can I give them to you, sir?” His eyes go a bit wide as he blinks away his surprise. “You are technically a part of this team, are you not?”
“I guess, yeah- I am. Alright Hondo”, he says as he situates himself on the ground, “Count me out.”
Rooster and Maverick finish their pushups almost simultaneously, which leaves the rest of the time in the classroom to go over more flight maneuvers for the following week.
Bob saves you a seat at lunch like he’s been doing it forever, and you are more than happy to sit next to him.
“Do you realize that yesterday was the first day in like 3 weeks we haven’t seen each other in person?” You ask, taking a chip off of his plate.
“Wow”, he remarks, watching you so casually sharing each other's food. “I mean I did notice… It was awfully quiet at my house.” He gives you a small smile as you lightly shove his shoulder.
“Shut up.”
“What were you doing yesterday?”
“Quite literally nothing”, you reply, taking in a deep breath. Bob continues eating as you mull over your next words. “Rooster was at dinner on Saturday.”
“Are you serious?” He asks, almost choking on a chip.
“Yeah”, you nod, “He told me he was sorry, again.”
“How did that go?”, he treads lightly. You sigh, glancing across the mess-hall to see Rooster eating at a table by himself. For once he’s the one who looks lonely, and you can’t help but feel a little sorry for him. But then again, he did this to himself.
“I don’t know, I think he was angry at me for the wrong reasons, which made him feel worse about what he said.”
“He should feel bad about it. It doesn’t matter if they were the wrong reasons, he shouldn’t have said it at all.”, Bob mutters, causing you to look back at him. He blinks a couple times under your gaze as you don’t look away. “What?”
“Thanks for having my back”
“Of course, I’ll always have your back”, his smile gets a little more full, a little more crooked the longer you two look at each other. And you can feel the same happening to your own smile before you look over Bob’s shoulder to see Phoenix heading your way. Dropping her lunch bag on the table has you scooting the slightest bit away from Bob, just to create a little more distance between the two of you.
“Soo”, she draws out, “I know it’s been a wild few days, but are you two still coming to my house this weekend?” Shit, you forgot all about the party she invited you to. “I’m officially uninviting Rooster if that sways you in anyway.” Chuckling slightly, you look over her shoulder and watch Rooster as he picks at his own food.
“It’s fine, Phoenix. Like Mav said, if we can’t work as a team it’s hard to fly as one.” You decide.
“This is a party, Mantis. One in which I would not like to invite losers and assholes into my home, and he fits into both of those categories.”
“So does Hangman”, you reply as she rolls her eyes. “He did apologize to me, and I believe him.”
“Did you forgive him, though?”, Bob chimes in.
“That’s beside the point. Whatever is going on with me and Rooster doesn’t involve the rest of you, and I never should have brought it into work.” Phoenix looks on in contemplation as Bob gives you an earnest look in understanding. “Plus, we have direct orders to be on our best behavior.”
“I’ll think about it”, she trails off. There’s a lull in the conversation as you continue to eat until Phoenix turns to Bob. “Rachel’s friend Emily is gonna be there, too.” You stop eating, trying to glance at Bob’s reaction through the corner of your eye.
“Phoenix-”, he groans, “I’ve already told you I don’t want to be set up on any dates.”
“And why not?”, she probes. “I just wanna see you happy, you’re like my little brother now.”
“I just…”, his eyes move quickly from Phoenix to glance at you once before she moves on.
“It’s not even a date”, she reasons, “Just come to the party and meet her. That’s all I’m asking.” The conversation ends with that as you ponder Phoenix’s words. You don’t view Bob as a brother at all, but you want to see him happy. You’re happy whenever you’re with him, and you hope he’s happy, too. But you know it’s not sufficient. Bob deserves love, something you can’t give him, and something you don’t even know he wants from you. Even if it was a possibility.
The next day, your father takes a strange but familiar route to get the team back in its groove. He lets you know that day before you leave to meet at the Hard Deck instead of on base, and an immediate buzz fills the air. Everyone already knows what’s going down.
“Your dad’s not one for talking is he?” Fanboy asks as you trudge your way through the sand.
“No, no he is not”, you respond while placing your sunglasses over your eyes. Your dad had explicitly stated to you the day before that he got permission this time for an entire beach day. This explanation had come no further than two seconds after you had asked if Cyclone was going to make a surprise appearance this time.
The San Diego sun is as harsh as ever as the sweltering heat threatens to melt the sun screen right off your skin. Following Payback and Fanboy from the parking lot of the Hard Deck, you meet your father and the rest of the squad closer to the water. Everyone else is already shirtless and ready to start, except for Bob of course. Much to your battling emotions of relief and disappointment. You catch his eye, and make your way over to him as he talks to Omaha and Phoenix.
“Are you ready for some team bonding?” Phoenix asks you sarcastically as you roll your eyes.
“So ready. What better way to get over a fight than throwing balls and tackling each other?” You add with a cheery fakeness that has Bob chuckling. Hondo whistles, taking your attention away from the tall WSO as the day commences.
“Alright, listen up!”, your dad starts, “Today’s training is dogfight football. I’m choosing the teams this time.” Rolling your eyes at the notion, you turn to Bob.
“How much you wanna bet he puts me on a team with Rooster and Hangman?”, you whisper through the side of your mouth. Glancing down at you through his tinted prescription lenses, he chuckles slightly.
“I’m not a gambling man, but I’d bet it all on that”, you smile and shake your head, catching sight of Rooster off to the side of everyone. He’s already looking in your direction, causing you to furrow your brows and look back to your dad.
“Starting with team number one, we have Mantis, Rooster, Hangman, Fanboy, Omaha, and Yale.” He announces as you scoff only loud enough for Bob to hear.
The teams move to gather in huddles before the game starts, and as Hangman and Omaha argue over who gets to be the quarterback, you watch as Fanboy and Yale attempt to come up with a solution. You don’t even notice Rooster at first as he stands next to you. He clears his throat, startling you slightly as you look in his direction, then back to the boys fighting.
“I wanted to say thank you for not giving me your push ups yesterday.” You know an olive branch when you see one, having offered him multiple over many years. Still, you don’t look away from the display of toxic masculinity in front of you before answering.
“Don’t mention it.”
“Seriously, I appreciate it.” You don’t respond to him this time, prompting him to fill the silence between the two of you. “Mantis, I really am sorry-”
“What are you doing, Rooster?”, you ask now, turning to face him. He’s taken aback by your abruptness as he stammers for a response.
“I just thought maybe since-”
“Since Cyclone told us to play nice?” You finish for him. “Don’t get it twisted, Rooster. My actions from yesterday are purely so that I can remain on this team. I worked my ass off to get here, and I am not going to let you of all people jeopardize that.” Walking away from him, you tear the football out of Hangman’s hands while he’s distracted. “Do we have a game plan or what?”
Bob is desperately trying to pay attention to Maverick reiterating the rules of dogfight football, but his eyes keep wandering back to you as you stand next to Hangman. You’re wearing a loose tank top and he can see your sports bra through the sides, leaving the tiniest sliver of skin available for his eyes to roam over. You’re trying your best to act interested even though you know this game front and back. He catches your eyes wandering over the squad, and through his sunglasses he sees you widen your eyes in fake agony. He smiles as you continue to roll your eyes, and as he shakes his head in an attempt to hide his laugh, he glances over and finds Rooster staring at him. Squaring his shoulders as if he’s been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to, Bob turns his attention back to Mav.
The game gets ready to start, you and Bob being chosen to snap the footballs. “Get ready to go down, Floyd”, you joke as you bend forward, setting the football on the sand. He mirrors your actions, and as he bends forward, he forgets any response he was about to say. From where he’s bent over, he can see right down your tank top and sports bra, giving him the perfect view of your cleavage. Swallowing, and looking back to your eyes, you don’t seem to notice his miniscule distraction. He barely even hears the whistle before you’re snapping the ball to Hangman and attempting to block the rest of his team. His hands feel a little more clammy than before the game started.
In order to keep your team happy, the decision is made to keep switching positions. You think it’s a good idea at the time, but as you run slightly backwards in order to try to catch the ball, you don’t even see what you’re hitting until the wind is knocked out of you. In an attempt to catch the ball Omaha’s thrown, your arms are stretched out, but you ultimately end up with your arms full of Bob as the two of you hit the sand hard.
Hondo blows his whistle, signaling everyone to stop as Bob groans from beneath you. The vibration of his chest against yours distracts you from the ache in your temple as you sit up to stare down at his face, eyes squinting in pain.
“Oh my god, are you ok?” You ask, assessing for any injuries.
“I’m fine, are you ok?”, he manages to slip out. His face looks fine, but as you quickly sit off to the side of him to assess the rest of his body, his hand moves to his face. “Oh geez”, he mutters. Glancing back up to his eyes as he sits up, a gush of blood pours out of the hand now clutching his nose. The rest of the team has gathered around you, and a couple people wince through their teeth at the amount of liquid pooling in his hand.
“Oh shit”, you let out without really meaning to. “Does anyone have a towel?” The team scrambles at the urgency in your voice, and without having to say anything else, a towel is plopped into your lap. You immediately move to replace Bob’s hand with the beach towel, holding it right beneath his nostrils which are simultaneously releasing blood.
Mav moves to bend down next to the two of you, “Here, let me see.” You take the towel away just for a second to let your dad inspect Bob’s nose as he looks up. There’s blood dripping over his lips and chin, prompting you to place the towel back.
“Is Penny working tonight?”, you ask, glancing back from the Hard Deck just beyond the sand.
“Yeah she should be in.”
“Good, I’m gonna take Bob up there and try to get this to stop bleeding.”
“Yeah, we should probably call it a day”, Mav replies as he places a hand under Bob’s elbow to help him up.
“No, I’m fine really”, Bob’s muffled and now nasally voice replies. “You guys keep playin’, I’ll go and take care of this.”
“You are not doing that by yourself”, you reply, almost amused at the fact he thinks he can get rid of you that easily. There’s no room for argument in your voice as you throw one of his arms over your shoulder to guide him up the sand to the bar. Phoenix steps in front of you before you leave.
“You got him?” She asks, her features twisted in a grimace as she examines his face.
“I’ve got him”, you reassure her as she watches you pass. Your arm is around his waist while his lies across your shoulders, and you’re trying ridiculously hard to focus on the task at hand instead of his warm body encasing yours. Bob on the other hand wants to tell you he can walk perfectly fine, but he doesn’t want to risk you letting him go. His nose is starting to throb, but all he can feel is your bare shoulders against his skin as your smaller hand grips his waist.
Once arriving at the bar, you walk through the glass door until Penny sees the two of you and rushes over.
“What happened?”, she asks as she watches you help Bob into the air conditioned building.
“There was a small crash”, you explain. “Do you have any towels or ice?” It’s still fairly early in the evening, the sun not setting quite yet, but the first patrons who have sat down in the bar look at the two of you with wide eyes.
“Of course”, she blinks as she moves behind the bar. “There’s a couch in my office, you can take him back there and I’ll get you something else to clean him up with.” You do as she says and open the door to her office, gently letting Bob sit down on the small loveseat, taking the seat next to him. He’s still holding the towel to his nose as he tries to lean back.
“Wait, you’re not supposed to tilt your head back”, you tell him. Gingerly placing your hand on the back of his head, you tilt him so he’s leaning forward slightly. With your other you’re lightly pinching his nose to help stop the bleeding while he holds the towel. Bob can’t help but think how you seem to already know every trick and quirk to stop the bleeding. How you must have had to clean up your own nose bleeds. 
Your brows have been in a constant furrow since the collision, and he takes in the way your teeth chew on your lip.
“Hey”, he tries to muffle through the towel. Your gaze shifts from his nose up to his eyes. “I’m ok, really.” You give him a doubtful look as you pinch his nose. Your elbow rests on his shoulder, hand still cradling the back of his head.
“How’s your head?” You ask in earnest.
“Haven’t had any complaints yet”, he responds as soon as you’re done asking. His comment causes you to crack a smile, clearing the furrow out of your brows as you laugh.
“You did not just say that to me”, you laugh. Bob laughs along with you as he tries to breathe through his mouth. Using his shoulder as support, you lean forward and laugh closer to him.
“Ok I’ve got-”, Penny walks in on the two of you, causing her to pause in the doorway, “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah everything’s fine”, you wave off her concern
“Good… I’ve got some wet rags and a bag of ice.”
“Thank you”, you reply, still trying to stifle your laugh with Bob. Confusion is written all over her face as you turn back to her.
“Right, well… I’ll just be at the bar if you need anything else.” Your eyes are still crinkled from laughing, and Bob smiles at the notion. Your eyes meet his again through the same tinted lenses, warping the color of his irises. The dust settles from your laughing fit and it’s just the two of you in Penny’s cramped office, perched on the edge of the ratty old sofa she must have got in a garage sale. You’re still cradling the back of his head as your fingers absentmindedly play with the short hair. He sucks in a breath, stopping your movements.
“Did I hurt you?”
“No, that’s not- No I’m fine”, you manage to hear him through the towel. Looking at the bright yellow tropical flowers of the cotton now stained in crimson, you slowly remove your fingers from his nose.
“Does it feel like it’s still bleeding?” Bob attempts to sniff through his nose as he takes the towel away from his face.
“No, I think we’re ok.” You wince at the sight of slightly-dried blood that is now smeared from his nostrils down his chin and neck. It’s soaked into the yellow of his t-shirt, leaving a stain you don’t think he’ll be able to get out easily. “That bad, huh?”
“No, not too bad”, you attempt to lie to him. Obviously not doing that great of  a job as he squints his eyes at you. Looking to get away from his playful glare, you eye a box of tissues just behind him. Reaching around him, you grab a few tissues and start to twist them.
“What are you doing?”
“We gotta plug you up.”
“Excuse- plug me up?” He laughs.
“Before we get all the blood off, we just gotta make sure it’s not gonna start bleeding again.” You hand him the first piece of tissue as he delicately places it in one nostril. “Otherwise you’re just gonna have to clean yourself up again.” He glances back up at you, this time with an unreadable gaze. Like he’s trying to study you. “What?”
“Nothing.” You eye him suspiciously as you hand him the other tissue. His eyes move to your fingers stained with his blood, and he looks away again in contemplation as you grab the wet rag.
“Seriously, what is it?” He shrugs.
“Nothing.” Huffing out a breath of frustration, you reach into the pocket of your gym shorts, taking a penny out and placing it in the palm of his hand. He smiles slightly at the notion of you just having this in your pocket, moving the penny to his crimson fingertips. The hint of a smile on his face is quickly replaced with a lopsided frown. “I- I’m sorry you know how to do all of this.” Your shoulders slump as he avoids your gaze. “And I’m sorry you have to do it again.”
“Bob- it’s ok.” You tell him softly, he glances back up, eyebrows twisted.
“It’s not though.. You shouldn’t be an expert at this.” Chewing your lip once more, you stare deeply into his eyes as they gaze back in worry.
“Bobby, I’m ok. I’m ok now and that’s what matters.” Bob is trying his best to believe you, but the image of you crying on the floor of the women’s locker room comes to mind. Then the feeling of your tears soaking his flight suit. You squeeze his hand around the penny once, gaining his attention once more.
“Ok”, he responds just above a whisper. You grant him a small smile in the silence that lingers, reaching back for the wet rag to clean him up with. It’s dried more since you’ve sat down, but you’re still just as gentle with your swipes across his chin. Glancing at his face, you notice there’s a couple specks of blood on the apples of his cheeks, almost underneath his frames.
“May I?” you ask, motioning to his glasses.
“Sure”, he breathes out. Your hands slowly rise and slide the glasses off his face, folding them and placing them gently on the table next to you. The breath is just about knocked out of your lungs as his wide, sky blue eyes blink at you for the first time without a barrier. You’re stuck for a moment in time, just admiring the color and how intently they look at you. You’re broken out of your trance as a drop of water from the rag slides down your hand, dripping on your lap.
Continuing where you left off, you dab at what was previously covered by his glasses, moving down beneath his nose and around his chin and mouth. The rag you were using is now stained a light red and you switch it out with the spare one Penny brought. The bar has gotten a little louder now as the day turns to evening, but it’s still muffled through the door and hallway. It’s quiet enough you can still hear Bob breathing so close to you. Your other hand gently nudges his chin upward so as to gain access to his neck, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. Once you’ve ensured his neck is clean, you look back on his face, hoping to get the spots you missed.
“You can look down now”, you whisper. You don’t know why you started talking so quietly, maybe to preserve a moment of silence you don’t get to enjoy so much, but as he looks back at you, you understand it’s just to preserve Bob. If you don’t disrupt the bubble you’ve put yourself in, it won’t burst. And you can stay in this moment with him for as long as you decide to. He doesn’t tell you he can clean himself up, even though both of you are thinking it. And you’re glad he doesn’t say anything. Right now it’s just the two of you, in this stolen moment in time where nothing else exists beyond the four walls of the dingy office.
Your hand moves instinctively to cradle his jaw, just to get a better hold on him while you wipe around his lips. With the rag wrapped around your finger, you swipe underneath the plush of his bottom lip, then over the top. Your eyes move slightly up, to check for any more blood, but catch sight of the tissues sticking out of his nose. It catches Bob off guard as you start to chuckle.
“What?” He asks this time. You lean back slightly, both hands now in your lap, to get a full view of his face and start to laugh a little harder. “What is it?” He presses, starting to laugh as well.
“You look absolutely ridiculous.”
“You’re the one who said I had to ‘plug myself up’”, he mocks, not meaning to laugh at the end of his sentence.
“At least it’s not a tampon up your nose”, you mutter. His brows raise at your comment.
“A what?”, he stammers.
“Would you believe me if I told you that Bradley’s mom shoved a tampon up his nose to get it to stop bleeding?” He chuckles in surprise, but also at the thought of a now adult Bradley with a tampon dangling out of his nose. “That was actually the first time I saw a bloody nose, I thought he was dying”, you smile at the memory.
“What happened?”, Bob asks. Setting the now bloodied rag next to the old one, you grab the bag of ice.
“Back in his old neighborhood he had some really annoying neighbor kids. Brad took me to the park, and these three eleven year olds would not let me swing on the damn swings. Then they started saying some really mean things, and that’s when Bradley stepped in. He told them to apologize to me and share the swings and they refused. He-”, laughing at the image you continue, “he shoved one of them off the swings, picked me up, and started to help me swing.” Shaking your head at the memory, you reach up and gently rest the ice pack against Bob’s nose as he watches your face the entire time. 
“Not five minutes later, all three kids are back, this time with their older brother. Keep in mind, Bradley was only twelve, and their brother was just about to start high school and absolutely huge. Brad tried to calmly explain what happened, but before he could get a word in, this guy decks him. I ran to the house to grab Carole, screaming that this kid was going to kill him. We raced back to the park, and once this guy saw a raging Carole Bradshaw running full speed towards him he sprinted the other way”, you smile.
“Bradley’s nose was bleeding and I just started bawling, thinking that this is it. He’s dying.” Bob laughs with you as you readjust the ice on his face. “We walked him back to the house, and the first thing she did was shove a tampon up his nose, while explaining to me that he was going to be fine.” Your laughing subsides as well as your own smile as you reminisce.
“Carole Bradshaw sounds like a woman that should not be messed with.” Bob comments, bringing your gaze back upon him.
“Yeah”, you sigh. “She was a fierce protector. They both were.” Bob’s hand searches for your own, squeezing softly.
“Mantis-”, whatever Bob is about to say is cut short as someone clears their throat from the door. The two of you look up to find Rooster, only this time Bob’s hand doesn’t stray from your own. It holds your fingers more firmly at the sight of him.
“Sorry”, Rooster interrupts. “Mav wanted me to check in, see how Bob’s doing.” He glances between your connected hands, then back at where you’re icing his nose. You clear your own throat this time as your hand retreats from its place in Bob’s.
“Yeah, he’s good. Blood’s stopped.”
“That’s good”, Rooster offers, trying to and failing to make this small interaction less awkward.
“Was that all?”
“Actually, um, Mav wanted to talk to you. Privately.” He adds on after glancing back at Bob.
“Fine. I’ll be out in a couple minutes.” He taps on the door before leaving the two of you alone again. You turn back to Bob, not looking him in the eyes as you place the ice pack in his hand.
“I guess duty calls.” You start to gather up the rags, but before you’re able to stand, Bob’s large fingers caress the back of your wrist to get your attention. He’s very mindful to not grab a hold of your arm as the hairs on the back of his hand tickle you.
“Hey, thank you.”
“You’re welcome”, you manage to breathe out. “I’m sorry I ran into you.”
“I’m not.”
After running to the bathroom to wash your hands off, there is still a wide smile on your face as you stare at yourself in the mirror. You check for any more blood, but decide it’s all gone as you attempt to squash your smile. The rest of the squad is sitting in the bar, each of them with more clothing on then they had earlier. Your eyes roam the room for your father, but come up empty. Rooster is standing  on the back deck outside, and you begrudgingly walk towards him. The door swings open and shut, muffling the noise from within.
“Where’s Mav?”, you ask, getting straight to the point. Rooster looks over his shoulder at you, setting his drink on a nearby table.
“He took Penny for a bike ride.”
“I thought you said he wanted to talk to me”, you ask, placing your hands on your hips.
“About that”, he scratches the back of his neck, “I meant to say that I needed to talk to you.” Rolling your eyes and giving him a scoff, you turn around, hand stretched toward the doorknob. “Mantis- please. Just give me five minutes.” And for some inexplicable reason. You don’t reach any further. You turn around, fold your arms, and give him the floor. He lets out a sigh of relief as you walk closer to the edge of the deck and watch the golden sunset.
“I want you to know that I’m apologizing because I really am sorry. It’s not just to keep the peace for Cyclone. I failed you.. And I failed my mom.” You turn towards him, and just for a second you don’t see the stone cold eyes that were set upon you just days ago, you see the sandy hair and soft hazel eyes of a brother who would do anything for you.
“It won’t happen again. I won’t let it happen again.” He reiterates. Absent-mindedly you start chewing on your lip, and avoiding his eyesight. A part of you wants so deeply to forgive him and go back to how it used to be, but the other part is still hurt by what he did.
“Which is why I need you to listen to me. You can’t go down the path you’re already falling towards.” Your head slowly looks up as confusion clouds your features.
“What does that mean?”
“I know Cyclone chewed you out more after I left. We’re both on pretty thin ice here, and you worked so hard to get to where you are. I don’t want to see you throw it all away for someone else.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Your heart rate is steadily climbing, wondering if Rooster is about to go where you think he’s going to.
“I’ve noticed things. I’ve told you to be careful before, and now more than ever I wish you would please just listen to what I’m trying to tell you.” Swallowing, you turn back toward the coastline so he can’t read into what you’re trying to conceal in your face. “I see the way you look at him. The same way you’ve looked at boys you’ve had crushes on since you were little.”
“I am not some little girl, Rooster.” You seethe toward him, your face flushed in anger, embarrassment even at his accusations. “I grew up a long time ago, so whatever version you still have of me in your head, get rid of her. Cause she doesn’t exist anymore.” Shaking your head, you stalk toward the back door, catching a glimpse of Bob with his sunglasses on once again, the tissues since discarded, playing a game of pool with Phoenix and Fanboy. “And I don’t have a crush on him. Bob and I are just friends.”
“I never said his name.” Your blood runs cold at his words. You don’t dare turn back and give him the satisfaction of being right. “So you can keep lying to yourself all you want, but I already know the truth. All I’m trying to say is be careful, and remember why you’re here.”
You let Rooster’s words wash over you as you reach for the doorknob and let yourself back inside. How stupid could you be? Sure, you’ve perhaps come to terms that you maybe have more than friendship feelings for Bob, but you were never going to act on them. But now apparently Rooster can still see right through you. The mix of his and Cyclone’s warnings run through your mind as you get closer to the pool table and stand next to Phoenix.
You can tell she’s already a couple drinks in as her volume is a little louder than normal.
“Tell him, Mantis!”
“Tell him what?” She motions over to Bob as he watches Fanboy take his shot, shaking his head at her while he does so.
“Tell him to go on a date with Rachel’s hot friend!” Your eyes catch Bob smiling and shaking his head at her antics, obviously more amused with her drunken state than her words. His crooked smile makes you want to wrap him up in a hug so it never goes away, but you’re reminded of the warnings from Rooster and Cyclone. Repeating over and over in your head the longer you look at him.
“You should”, you tell him, as much as it pains you to say. He glances up at you, smile falling as his brows furrow the slightest bit. “Give her a chance at least.”
“Oh, ya think?” He asks, the slightest tone of disappointment in his voice.
“Yeah. It can’t hurt, can it?” And even though it is tearing you apart to say it, you do it anyway.
“I guess not.” You give him a slight smile, although it turns into more of a grimace the longer you hold it. He does the same to you, turning back to stare at the pool table with a hardened gaze, eyes not actually following where Fanboy’s ball runs to. Phoenix cheers out in glee at Bob’s acceptance, and you slip out the front door, saying your quick goodbyes. You pass Rooster at the bar, not giving him a second look as you make it to your car. Your heart aches at the thought of telling Bob to find happiness somewhere else, knowing damn well if the circumstances were different you would be first in line to offer it. Your brain reminds you however, you're making the right decision. It's the only decision. Right?
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Hey, I was hoping to request a headcannon of the Sparda boys + V with the reafer similar to Kitana in Motal Kombat (feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this) but kept it secret from them.
Like the reader is absolutely STUNNING, they can fight with steel fans and move with deadly grace. But the boys start getting suspicious when the reader refuses to speak about their family or they are getting a bit too brutal when fighting against demons, or they know something really old. And once the boys question the reader with enough stubborness, they finally spill and reveal they are infact, not just somebody but the Empress/Empeor of Outworld and that they are around 10 000 years old despite looking like they are in their early 30s. And that they hid it from the boys because they feared that they would be targetted.
How would the boys react to this info? Would they forgive the reader for hiding this infirmation?
Btw I freaking love your posts, keep up the good work 😘👍
Thanks for that. Hope you enjoy 💜
Sparda boys + V x Kitana!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante thinks you are one sexy lady, with the way you wave your fans around and everything.
-Thinks--no--knows your fighting style suits you perfectly, it's graceful, fluid, ans beautiful, just like you.
-But you're so secretive, so deflective of every conversation he ever asks you, it's really suspicious. He wonders if you're a criminal on the run from another country, and decides to ask you.
-With a great deal of pestering (and a little bit of alcohol) Dante gets you to reveal your grand secret: That you are secretly the ruler of a faraway world and that you hid this from him because you were afraid the both of you would get targeted.
-He is rather hurt that you didn't trust him with this information, but this discovery is both shocking and cool. The fact that you're 10,000 years old--which makes him 9,955 years younger than you is pretty neat.
-He promises to protect you from whoever might try to attack you, even though you're older, wiser, and way more experienced.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil was impressed by your POWER, surprised that you could turn something as ordinary and simple as a metal fan into a deadly weapon.
-However, he noticed your fighting style was extremely polished, as if you'd had thousands of years to refine it, but quickly shrugged it off as you being incredibly talented.
-Then he noticed you never wanted to talk about your family, background, or anything related to your past, which confirmed something was up about you.
-He decided not to pester you verbally though, as he wasn't all that good with speaking, and simply stared at you intensely until you cracked and spilled the beans.
-You told him things he never dreamed of hearing from you: that you were actually a 3,000 year old emperor/empress of a kingdom called Outworld, and that you were trying to lie low for fear of assasins and others with ill will.
-Vergil doesn't mind this, though. He thinks you're amazing, regardless of your old age, and will gladly dispatch anyone who tries to attack you, but he won't push you to flaunt your royalty if you don't want to.
□ Nero □
-Nero knew you were an experienced fighter like his dad the moment he met you.
-The way you moved, the fluidity, the grace, everything about you was perfection. There was no way in hell a typical 30 year old could do that, no matter how long and hard they trained.
-Nero wanted to ask you abut it but wondered if your skills could be attributed to something dark like forced training or experimentation when you were younger? He didn't want to upset you or bring back bad memories.
-But your refusal to speak about your past really bugged him, and before long, he couldn't control his curiosity. He asked, and after a long night of pleading, you caved.
-You explained that the reason you were so skilled was because you'd had 3,000 years to hone your craft, and that you were royalty who'd been hiding from pursuers, which was why you never wanted to talk about your background for fear the walls had ears.
-Nero was pretty chill about all this, and while he was a little confused as to how someone who is 30 centuries old could look so young, he just shrugged it off, going back to his normal activities within the next hour or so.
● V ●
-V was too captivated by your beauty to notice anything was strange about you.
-He just couldn't take his eyes off you when you moved; your elegance enthralled him and reminded him of several poems he'd read, resulting in him quoting them in the background as you fought.
-Still, your grace and deadly skill were not enough to distract him from your suspicious and extremely vague backstory. You were not a good liar, and clearly kept a lot of secrets from V, which worried him.
-He found a time and sat down to talk with you, asking you about your seemingly nonexistent past and if there was anything you were hiding from him, as well as informing you that you could trust him.
-You knew this to be true, and decided to tell him the truth, revealing you were 3,000 years old, that you were the ruler of another realm and were hiding from enemies who might target you, which is why you kept this knowledge from V, to protect him.
-V understood and was grateful for your consideration, promising not to share this information with anyone and to cut down anyone who might come after you two. He is rather curious though, what is being royalty like?
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rt3nenbaum · 1 year
Recently, Genís Marcó, the man that helped Fernando during his kart years, gave an interview with Mundo Deportivo, and it is really nice and helps you understand Fernando and where he comes from a little bit more so I summed up and translated the parts I think are more important and interesting for you 👇🏻
Fernando shone in the national categories, having his dad always by his side, who made a lot of sacrifices so his son could follow his dreams, Jose Luis acted as a mechanic and also as a chofer, driving Fernando from circuit to circuit with his van, money was tight so the only thing that kept Fernando racing were his wins.
When he had to make the jump to international racing, it was only possible thanks to the help of Josep Marcó and his son, Genís Marcó, who, after Fernando won the Catalunya Championship, started to travel around the world with him. Genís became Fernando's mechanic and chofer so Jose Luis could focus on his role as father, focusing more on cheering for Fernando than anything else.
During their time traveling together, Fernando usually slept once he was in the car, rarely speaking unless it was to complain because he was hungry. Fernando was a quiet kid that always knew how to keep calm, he never showed he was nervous because he was fast and he knew it.
Genís said that the thing that surprised him the most the first time he saw Fernando race was how fast he adapted to things, and how he would wait until the race was over to talk to his mechanic about the problems he had in the kart, he never complained. Genís also said he taught Fernando the importance of tyre management and that it was easy to work with Fernando because, as said before, he could adapt fast and never complained.
When they were training, Genís would usually modifiy Fernando's kart to make it harder to drive, putting more weight or changing it so it didn't turn as well, after he changed it all back to normal for the race, Fernando was even faster than before. This is something that Fernando uses now with his management kids during their simulator sessions!!
It was Genís the one who taught Fernando that if your car is good enough for 15°, you should aim for 10° and that if it is good enough for 3°, you should try to win, this is a philosophy Fernando has followed his entire career.
Genís also talks about how since the beginning Fernando knew this was his future, and that even in the worst times when money was tight, Fernando never stopped believing, but Genís was never that optimistic, and he said that at that moment he thought it would be really hard for Fernando to even drive in formulas because racing without money is almost impossible, but it was thanks to Adrian Campos, another guardian angle fot Fernando, that he could made that jump to single seaters, and Fernando made the most of that opportunity.
Genís also talked about how he couldn't help but get emotional when he went to Fernando's first F1 test for Minardi in Jaen because he was watching the little boy he had welcomed in his home so many times grow up. He said that he was really happy for Fernando, his parents and everyone in his family that always supported him. Genís also talked about how it makes him feel bad when he sees people criticize Fernando for his personality because once you meet him, he is different, he said Fernando is good at driving, nice, funny, and professional, very professional, and he believes Fernando still has plenty of time to do more amazing things like he is doing this year!
Genís left the karting team when his dad died but he came back when a friend of his called him to help his son with his career, that boy is Pepe Martí, 5th this year in F3, the new addition to the Red Bull academy and one of Fernando's management kids :)
This is Fernando with Genís when he was young <3
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wjhik · 1 year
I'm So Proud Of You (Trent Alexander-Arnold)
A/N: finally some trent content
Y/N's POV:
"Trent here. I'm not available right now. Leave a message after the beep." The call goes to voicemail. I've been trying to reach Trent for the past hour. He most likely has his phone in the locker room while he's on the field. I think this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Going through contractions, timing them, and controlling my breathing. All while trying to grab the last of my things to take to the hospital. As my contractions get closer and closer, they're getting more painful. I really need Trent here.
"Thank you for calling Liverpool FC. This is Lilian. How can I help you?" Thank god someone picked up. I've called everyone at the club, and no one has answered. I had to resort to calling the gaffers secretary. "Hi, Lilian. This is Y/N calling, Trent's wife. Listen, I've been trying to reach anyone for the past hour, and no one has answered. If you're not too busy, could you tell him to call me- FUCK!!!" This is the most painful contraction so far, and it had to happen while I was on the phone. "Oh my- Yes, of course. Are you alright?" She says. I can hear some rustling in the background, assuring me that she was getting up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just get Trent to call me as soon as possible. Thank you!" I say hanging up as another contraction comes in.
Trent's POV:
"So how's the missus?" Robbo asks me. "Yeah, she's alright. The pregnancy's been hard on her, but she's handling it amazingly." I tell him. "She's still pregnant?" I hear one of them say. "I swear, it's been a whole year." Another chimes in. "She is very overdue, 10 months. But the doctor says it's alright. She wants the baby out, however. She is well over done." I say, squeezing some water into my mouth. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. It's Klopp's secretary. What does she want from me?
"Mr. Alexander-Arnold, your wife called. She said she's been trying to reach you and if you could call her back ASAP." She tells me. "Oh. My phone's not with me. Did she tell you what she wanted?" I ask her. Why would Y/N call her? "No, she didn't. But she did sound like she was in pain." In pain? Did she hurt herself? She's so clumsy these days. "You better go, Trent. Let us know when he's here." Robbo says, patting me on the shoulder. "When who's here?" I ask him. Why is he so excited? "Your son?!" He says, almost appalled. "What are you on about?" I ask him, slowly getting up. "Trent, are you alright?" Virg says. "Your wife's in labor!" Andy says. I didn't even think of that! "OH MY GOD!! SHE'S IN LABOR!" I say, running into the locker rooms.
Klopp's POV: (jus for fun)
"Alright, boys. Break's over. Back to work!! Where's Trent?" I ask the players. He knows better. There's still 10 minutes before training is over. Trent isn't like this. He doesn't skip practice for anything. "His missus has gone into labor." Andy tells me. Good for him! (lol this was so unnecessary)
Y/N's POV:
This fucker better get here soon. I'm dying here. I take out my phone to text him again. I see that he read the messages 10 minutes ago. Did he really leave me on read? After all those messages and calls, he leaves me on read? I so wish I wasn't pushing this guys baby out of my vagina. Fucking asshole. "AAAHHH!!" I let out a guttural scream as I bounce up and down on the exercise ball the asshole bought me. I feel my hand being taken. I pull it back in reflex. I look up to see my husband. "I'm so sorry I didn't answer your messages, love. I left as soon as I saw them. Are you alright? How far apart are the contractions?" Maybe he's not that bad. "5 minutes. And they last around 50 seconds." I tell him. "How long has it been?" He asks me, sitting next to me. "Long enough. I need to go to the hospital." I tell him. "You stay here, I'll put the thing in the car." He says, running to grab our bags.
"How much longer?" I say, holding my stomach with one hand and the other squeezing the grab handle. I have my eyes squeezed shut in pain. Trent stops the car and runs over to my side of the car. I open my eyes to realized we are stopped right in front of the hospital. Not parked. Stopped in the middle of the road. Trent opens my door and helps me out of the car.
I'm sitting in the waiting room while Trent talks to the receptionist. "My wife is in labor. Her contraction are 5 minutes apart and last a minute. It's been like that for an hour or more. Please help." The receptionist calls for a gurney and asks him to fill out some paper work. He fills out all of my details for me.
The nurses have put me into my room. Trent has somehow managed to get the best room in the hospital. They have started me on some painkillers, and I feel much better now. "Baby, can you go get the bags?" I tell him. I remember that the car is still blocking the road. "Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone." He's so sweet. "I'm fine for now, but this is the only opportunity you're going to get. So, go!"
"One more push, love. You're doing amazing." Trent says, standing on the right of my hospital bed and allowing me to squeeze his hand with all my might. (im going to spare yall your screaming and the feeling of your vagine being ripped open) I can feel the baby's head crown and eventually come out. I'm extremely drugged up. The nurses gave me a slight break. Trent leans down and kisses my extremely sweaty forehead. He wipes the tears away from my cheeks. "I'm so proud of you. You're almost there.
I feel the stream of cheeks run down my cheek as I hear my baby cry. The nurse lightly rubs the baby clean and places him on my chest. "Hi, baby..." I say with a very high pitched voice. Trent rubs my shoulder to say 'good job'. The nurse gently takes the baby away from me to clean him up.
Our families have already visited us and have left. Trent is laying down on the couch next to my bed, scrolling through the shit cable channels. The T.V. is muted, both Trent and I too scared to wake up the baby. He's on my chest, feeding. I can't even express how special it felt to have my baby on my skin for the first time.
"Trent?" I ask him, my eyes still on my baby. "Hmm?" He says, his eyes still glued to the screen. "Take off your shirt." I tell him. He looks at me, raising his eyebrows to me and giving me that look. "I know it's been a while, but it's a bit too soon, no?" He tell me. "Not like that, Trent! You haven't held him skin-to-skin yet." I whisper yell. He knows what I meant. He takes off his shirt. I get up and with my son in my arms and I place him into my husband's arms. "Oh my god...He's so precious." Trent says, looking up at me. He stares at our son for a while while I sit on the arm of the couch. I look down at his face to see tears running down his face. My boys.
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
DM for requests
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