#after celebrating him for three eps
stormxpadme · 2 months
Just to be very clear, if I see "Scott cheated on Jean in this episode" from any person willfully ignoring at the same time that Jean literally cheated on him five minutes earlier, it's block on sight.
Like. I don't have time for this stupid jealousy drama anymore and will willfully ignore it in all Marvel incarnations, in general. But I got even less time for the misandrist notion that apparently, a woman can never do anything wrong and it's always the man who's the asshole. Even when the franchise - in this case the show - perfectly showcases they're both at fault and their relationship is literally fucked right now and there should be no finger pointing
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redmyeyes · 6 months
Fellow Travelers Timeline
(as comprehensive as i can make it. corrections/additions welcome)
1919-20 (?) - Hawk is born
based on tennis trophy which shows year 1936, and hawk's statement that he and kenny were on the tennis team in 11th grade (16/17 years old).
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also date on the paperweight (1937) that hawk says kenny picked out on their senior trip. spring or fall though? if spring (usual for a senior trip, just before graduation), it would mean hawk graduated HS in 1937, b. 1919. (thanks, @lestatscunt!)
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June 6, 1930 - Tim is born, on Staten Island, NY
birthdate/place shown on army application in ep 5
Gemini, with moon in Libra
>>> With a Gemini Sun Libra Moon, emotional equilibrium is hard for you to maintain in a world of constant flux and tension. Since you are not responsible for the woes and upsets of those around you, you should not feel so duty-bound to assuage their wounds or mediate every conflict that happens to come your way.
>>> your natural diplomacy, extraordinary perception and insight can all be applied creatively in such fields as politics, social work, and the mass media.
>>> your extreme open-mindedness would probably enable you to almost any life-style. You have a universal quality about you that transcends culture, religion, ideology, or any other barrier that divides mankind.
Fall 1937 - Spring 1941 - Hawk attends "Penn", presumably the University of Pennsylvania. (assuming hawk b. 1919)
(this is very very long, the rest is under the cut)
December 7, 1941 - bombing of Pearl Harbor, US enters WWII
??? - Hawk joins the army (along with Kenny), and is sent to Europe.
January 9 – August 15, 1945 - Battle of Luzon, where Kenny dies.
September 2, 1945 - Japan surrenders, US exits WWII
February, 1949 - Hawk starts working at the State Department
Hawk says in 1x04 (Dec 1953) that he's been working at the State Dept for "four years and ten months".
"I came out of the war with four assets: degree from Penn, a hero's war record, no particular political ideology, and a passing acquaintance with three languages. Throw in a talent for prevaricating and a taste for travel and fine clothes, you have the makings of a competent, mid-level Foreign Service bureaucrat."
Fall 1948 - Spring 1952 - Tim attends Fordham University, graduating with a degree in political science and history.
1951 - Hawk starts work for the Bureau of Congressional Relations
Tim mentions Hawk's been working there for two years during their meeting on the bench.
1952 - Tim works "the New York campaign" (presumably for Eisenhower).
1952/3? - Tim interns for three months at the Star, in the mailroom.
November 4, 1952 - Election Night, Eisenhower (R) wins the presidency. Tim/Hawk first meet and are instantly smitten. (ep 1)
February 16, 1953 to March 10, 1954 - McCarthy Hearings, part 1.
The first consisted of a series of hearings conducted by McCarthy, as the subcommittee’s chairman, throughout 1953 and early 1954 in which McCarthy alleged Communist influence within the press and the federal government, including the State Department, the U.S. Army, and the Government Printing Office.
March 5, 1953 - Stalin dies.
Late March, 1953 - Hawk/Tim second meeting
After Hawk meets Tim at the park bench, he attends a hearing where Marcus says Cohn has brought David Schine on, and then later at their lunch Senator Smith says, "McCarthy is sending Cohn and his sidekick to Europe..." This article, dated April 19, says that Cohn and Schine have been in Europe for two weeks.
Hawk mentions that it's near the end of the month, police need to make their quotas.
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April 27, 1953 - Executive Order 10450 signed. Hawk goes to Tim's apartment and tells him about Kenny. (ep 1)
June 6, 1953 - Tim's 23rd birthday (Hawk 'misses' it because they weren't talking for 4 weeks. belated celebration in ep 3.)
June 15, 1953 (?) - date of the newspaper Tim is reading just before he goes to visit Hawk in ep 2, where Hawk makes him write the letter to Mary. I'm choosing to believe this is a mistake on the show's part, because this would mean that Hawk has already missed Tim's birthday.
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June 19, 1953 - Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's execution. Hawk comforts Lucy about this at the end of ep 2. So, likely Hawk and Tim had their big fight very shortly before Tim's birthday, and weren't talking from end of May - end of June.
End of June, 1953 - at the end of ep 2, Tim says it's been 4 months since his last confession, making his last (proper) confession the end of Feb or beginning of March. (ie, before he meets Hawk again).
End of June or beginning of July, 1953 - weekend trip to Rehoboth Beach (ep 3)
November 1953 - G. David Schine drafted into the army (ep 3)
Christmas 1953 (ep 4)
March 16 to June 17, 1954 - Army-McCarthy Hearings (part 2) (ep 5)
The second phase involved the subcommittee's investigation of McCarthy’s attacks on the U.S. Army. Known as the “Army-McCarthy hearings,” they were broadcast on national television and they contributed to McCarthy’s declining national popularity. Five months later, on December 2, 1954, the Senate censured McCarthy.
June 6, 1954 - Tim's 24th birthday
June, 1954? - Tim/Hawk break up, Hawk proposes to Lucy (ep 5)
I believe this happens at the tail-end of the Army-McCarthy hearings, so before June 17th.
Fall, 1954 - Sen. Smith's funeral
based solely on fall foliage in this screenshot:
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Late Nov / Early Dec, 1954 - Tim enlists in the army
based on army application: birthdate 6/6/30, age: 24 years, 6 months
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Late Nov / Early Dec, 1954 - Hawk/Tim last meeting in the tower
based on the radio program Tim is listening to, which says, "Chief Counsel Roy Cohn has resigned from the committee. And Senator McCarthy, his approval ratings plummeting, faces censure or even expulsion from the Senate."
Tim leaves for Fort Dix, for training, but is later stationed at Fort Polk, in Vernon Parish, LA. (thanks, @jesterlesbian!)
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December 2, 1954 - the Senate censures McCarthy.
Summer or Fall 1956? - Tim's letter (that lucy burns) (ep 6)
Flashbacks, for context:
"Since he's giving up his apartment, Hawk insists on having a lair in the woods." // "I'm surprised that he finally agreed."
Lucy lets contractor go. // "Give me a baby."
Hawk is reading the Bristol Daily Courier, a paper located in Bristol, PA, a town in Bucks County, outside Philadelphia. I can't find any info on the one headline I can read though ("Heath Carlson breaks arws deadlock, locals proud"), so can't date this properly.
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Lucy cleaning out Hawk's apartment, finds paperweight, sees Tim drop off letter.
"I went into the Army to get away from you. I thought time and distance would help. But it hasn't." If Tim sends the letter in summer 1956, it's been a year and a half since he enlisted.
Biggest question here: did lucy ask for a baby before or after she read Tim's letter??? the flashbacks don't answer this definitively.
October, 1956? - Lucy becomes pregnant with Jackson (see note under April 1957)
October 23 – November 4, 1956 - Hungarian Revolution of 1956
October 23, 1956 - April 30, 1957 - Hungarian Refugee Crisis
November 8, 1956 - Operation Safe Haven commences
President Eisenhower declared that 5,000 Hungarians would be awarded visa numbers remaining under the 1953 Refugee Relief Act
Spring 1957? - Tim sends telegram. It looks like 05-??-???? to me, which doesn't really make sense if McCarthy died on May 2nd, but it's hard to make out. or maybe telegrams used the date format dd-mm-yyyy.
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April 1957? - Tim/Hawk first meeting, Lucy at least 5 (or 6? or 7?) months pregnant
You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel your baby move until closer to 25 weeks. 
25 weeks ~= 6 months, and it still seems novel to her, so let's say she's approx. 6 months pregnant here.
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May 2, 1957 - Joe McCarthy dies.
May 6, 1957 - McCarthy's funeral. Tim's first visit to Hawk's apartment (ep 8)
June 6, 1957 - Tim turns 27.
June or July, 1957 - Jackson born (based on dates above)
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1958? - Kimberly is born. (estimated bc she looks the same age or older than Jackson, so assuming she's a year younger at most.)
August, 1965 - President Johnson signs a law making it a federal crime to destroy or mutilate [draft] cards. 
October 15, 1965 -David Miller publicly burns his draft card, becoming the first person to be prosecuted under that law and a symbol of the growing movement against the war.
May 17, 1968 - the Catonsville Nine took 378 draft files from the draft board office in Catonsville, Maryland and burned them in the parking lot. (inspo for Tim & co. thanks @brokendrums!)
November 1968 - ep 6. Hawk is 48, Tim is 38, Jackson is 11.
based on this newspaper screenshot when Hawk is talking to Marcus on the phone about Tim
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November 1968 - May 1970 (earliest) - Tim in prison. (he says in ep 7 he was in prison for a year and a half. this assumes he went to prison right away, but it could have been several months later if he was awaiting trial/sentencing.)
1970? - After prison, Tim moves to San Francisco and gets his counseling degree.
Mid-late 1970s - Tim earns his C-SWCM qualifications, requiring:
A Bachelor’s degree in social work from a graduate program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education
Documentation of at least three (3) years and 4,500 hours of paid, supervised, post-BSW professional experience in an organization or agency that provides case management services
Current state BSW-level license or an ASWB BSW-level exam passing score.
nb. because Tim already had his bachelors (from Fordham, majoring in history), I could see him entering a much-accelerated BSW program, transfering a lot of credits from his previous degree. That would give him maybe 2 more years of university, plus the required 3 years of post-BSW work = 5 years minimum before he earns that business card.
February 4, 1977 - Fleetwood Mac's album Rumours is released, including the 1970s Tim/Hawk anthem, Go Your Own Way
October, 1978 - Jackson dies
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November 27, 1978 - Harvey Milk assassinated
May 22, 1979 - Harvey's 49th birthday (celebrated in ep 7)
1986 - ep 8
how long was Hawk in San Francisco? Timelines for the events below may be fudged in the show, bc I doubt he was there for 5 months.
March, 1986 - Roy Cohn's 60 Minutes interview, which the gang watches in ep 4.
April 15, 1986 - US bombs Libya. in the first episode you can hear reference to this on the radio, before Hawk leaves for San Francisco. (thanks @aliceinhorrorland93!)
July 27, 1986 - In California, Gov. George Deukmejian vetoes a bill that would have defined AIDS as a physical handicap calling for entitlement to protection under the state's civil rights laws.
August 2, 1986 - Roy Cohn dies (ep 8)
Late 1986? - the fundraising gala that Tim crashes, shortly after Cohn's death.
September 1986 - The State Legislature has passed another bill [in addition to the one vetoed on July 27]. Mr. Deukmejian, a Republican running for re-election, has indicated that he will probably veto the bill. (nb, this is likely the bill that Tim & co want to pressure the governor to sign).
October 11, 1987 - AIDS memorial quilt first displayed (ep 8)
this was a collaborative effort! many thanks to @ishipallthings for many of these details, as well as @startagainbuttercup , @alorchik, @itsalinh and others in the FT discord!
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cherllyio · 26 days
A timeline of the Season 5 trailer
This was a timeline i made with @lu-zijing in a youtube video we made together.
Video that helped me notice some details: "Lego monkie kid season 5 trailer breakdown" - Ash_Is_Bored
First scene:
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I theorise this to be the first scene for 2 reasons:
Wukong isn't wearing a circlet yet
The Sky isnt destroyed yet, and it just looks like normal training between Wukong and MK.
But, after they finish training, MK goes to bed but wakes up somewhere... different:
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The mystical monkeys got dragged to court in The Underworld, by The Underworld Kings, clearly by surprise since MK is in his PJ's. Also Wukong is still not wearing a circlet.
They are: "Do you three know of the crimes you have done", so its clearly the first time they are down there.
I imagine they are bassicaly told: "Everything is going wrong because of you three, so stop interfering with this, we will fix it".
This then followed by them getting sent back and being welcomend back to flower fruit mounatin... or what remains of it...
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(notice the volcanos around flower fruit mountain from the pilot ep):
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Wukong and Macaque are clearly pretty chocked and scared by this revalation, and even give eachother THAT LOOK.
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Ep 1 ends here.
After this they probaly gather all the monkeys from the island, and try to find a shelter for the time being.
And after everything is secure, they send MK home with a little: "We will figure this out, Bud, go check on your friends, they are probaly worried sick for where you have been."
What happens after MK gets home, i have no idea, but we do have a couple of scenes that look to be the closest to what happens afterwards:
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Pigsy has put up a noddle stand here, to celebrate some kind of "festival". Yet it is then intereupted by the sky suddenly breaking again.
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And if that wasnt enough, Li Jing (and Nezha in his mech) shows up, (probaly thinking that the skyes are breaking because of MK, Wukong and Macaque, hence why they were in court earlier)
Li jing sucks MK in his magical pagado (notice how MK is the only one dragged forward)(As mentioned in that breakdown i linked to)
Li Jing(to MK); Don't even think about running!
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We are then up in The Underworld again, where Li Jing is formely introduced and the monkeys are told that he is gonna be the next Jade Emperor:
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This is also here we learn about the "Pillar of Creation", which is the thing currently on beaming on Flower Fruit Mountain, and is also currently breaking apart (therefore why the sky is breaking)
MK: Sorry what the is "The Pillar of Creation"?
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This is also the same scene, where Wukong gets a new circlet on by Li Jing (because Li Jing and The Kings of the underworld think our mystical monkeys are the cause of the sky breaking)
This then followed by the monkeys getting teleported away(to what im guessing is going to be some kind of prison, since they probaly dont trust them out in the world).
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The scenes become a bit more scattered after this, and probaly take place further from eachother from now on, but MK, Wukong and Macaque are clearly breaking out prison here:
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They then join with the rest of the gang, and try to figure out how to prove that the mystical monkeys are innocent, while also trying to find out how to save the world.
In one of these scenes they stumble upon Li Jing, where Macaque stays behiend to give the others some time (but sadly gets trapped in the pagado in the process)
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This was mentioned in the breakdown with the glow, Macaque has on him in this scene, which is the same that shows when Li Jing uses his Pagado:
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Hence why Macaque isnt in the following scenes after this.
I can imagine Macaque gets trapped in The Underworld after this again (which would cause defintly some BAD MEMORIES to come back) (Shadowpeach backstoryyyyy????)
This though would also give us someone "on the inside", who can figure out why they are getting blamed for all of this (maybe he even meets the traitor king)
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Anyway, back to the rest of the gang.
On their way, they found out about "four mystical creatures" that can save the world.
But as they go too seek them, where they atleast found two of them, they are dying as they are trying to protect two magical stones.
Therefore, right before they die, they give the stones to MK (notice how they are the same place, in both scenes)
Mei: It seems to have something to do with the stone.
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They are though quickly interupted by our dear Li jing(who is honestly such an asshole at this point)
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Hopefully, they manage to get away with the stones.
There is a lot of other scenes i could talk about(but since Tumblr wont let me put in any more pictures) i am just going to talk about the last scenes in the season (before the special atleast):
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Wukong: Ok MK, there is something inside you that you cant control.
They have clearly gathered all the stones here (so its clearly near the end) , but something has gone wrong, and from what i could figure from others theories( @lunamikobrony2 ) its probaly that something happend to Wukong.
More specifically that (like the other magical creatures) he had to sacrifce himself, since Wukong is the LAST STONE. (again go check out @lunamikobrony2 theory)
So bassicaly this is going to be MK's "Apeshit scene". (and i dont know if that is going to be a good or a bad thing)
And thats all from me folks! If you want me to analysis more scenes from the trailer and where they fit in the timeline just ask me in my inbox.
!Or! if you have any changes you would like to make to the timeline, be free to say so! I am open to changing my mind about this!
Translations used: 1 (here) - 2 (here)
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writingcold · 4 months
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Hi.  Welcome to the opening chapter of CD&FE.  My plan is to post Wednesdays.  This is a complete story, so I will be faithful to this posting day.  
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Pairing: Jake X Female Reader 
Summary: This is an AU that starts with the release of GVF’s first EP, Black Smoke Rising, and follows along life paths over the course of twenty years.  Part One: Y/n is on the verge of a huge change - and on the cusp of a big night of celebration.  The friends head out for the evening, starting with catching a band at a pub, to which the guitarist catches your attention.  
Content warnings: Language, smoking, drinking, sexual situations, oral (m & f rec), anal play, protected sexual encounter.
Word Count: approx. 13K (probably the longest of the parts, promise, maybe)
A tremendously huge thank you to @edgingthedarkness and @takenbythemaddness for all of your help with this.  You’ve both helped me to at least make it not a total shit show.  This is my first full length reader insert, first person narrative, so please be kind and forgive any and all errors.
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Celebratory Drinks and Fleeting Embraces, Part 1
     I woke up feeling like I was roasting under the sun, only to find that I was lying in a furnace otherwise known as Patrick.  He was curled around my body, his sour breath in my hair.  My lip twisted as an ‘ew’ passed my lips.  I slid from the bed of my oldest, dearest friend feeling my skin crawl with sibling residue grossness.  I’d known him since we were in second grade.  Patty was always the pretty one in our relationship, but I never could see beyond the awkward childhood and weird puberty phases that we shared, not to mention all the heartbreaks, highs, drunks, and learning that we survived together.  We had tried to kiss way back in fifth grade - just to get that over with, but ew.  No.  
      “Oh, come on,”  his deep voice was still heavy with sleep, “I was enjoying that thick ass of yours, Y/n.  Come on back and snuggle for a while.”
      “Fuck you,”  I grumbled as he laughed.  “You promised me a record if I put up with your little dinner party last night.  Why are you trying so hard to impress those pretentious idiots?  They are not your tribe, Patty.”
      I didn’t bother with modesty.  The man was the first one to see me naked, and he looked at me like I was sheathed in 12” armor plating that was slathered with poison, set on fire with a NO GO ZONE etched across it.  He was wrapped in goo and toxic sludge that kept me at bay.  And that's how we liked it.  I dug through my suitcase to drag out a cropped tee and cutoff shorts.
      “I know,”  he howled into his pillow.  “I hate it.  I do.  But I’ve got to start making headway with this stupid job so I can get to the next step.”
      I rolled my eyes as I started dressing.  He slid his tall, rail thin body out of the sheets to reveal he was clad only in his boxer briefs.  I frowned.  “God damn it, you could’ve at least worn shorts when sleeping with me.  I do not need to feel that beast under the hood.”
      “Just because your last three guys didn’t have horse cocks, doesn’t mean you have to discriminate against mine, doll,”  he teased as he started to fish out clothes for himself.
     I rushed around him for the bathroom, bag in hand.  Damn if I was going to have to wait for his ass to get through his thirty minute wake up routine in the only bathroom of the apartment.  I heard his protest, but I knew that I’d be through in less than 15 minutes if left alone.
      I emerged ready to his raised eyebrow and sideways grin.  I pulled him down and kissed his cheek with a platonic whisper of love against his face before ducking into the kitchen.  Visits to Ann Arbor were getting harder to make.  I moved to Lansing right after graduating.  Pat had remained behind, working on his master’s degree while toiling away in the university system as a TA.  I finished my graduate work while killing myself on sixty hour work weeks and had earned a job in St. Paul that was to start in a week.  Patty was the first one I called when I got the news.  Not my family.  Not other friends. It had to be Patrick because he had been the only one that could understand that I just needed someone to tell me I wasn’t nuts for trying this route in life.  Everyone else either didn’t understand what I wanted to accomplish, or they simply said I would fail.  Fuckers.
     A tour through the kitchen revealed that he had purchased real food for my stay.  With a chirp of happiness, I settled into a bright sounding playlist before making us a feast while he showered.  By the time he was out, dried and all sorts of gorgeous, I had quite the meal prepared.  He pecked me on the mouth and yanked me in a tight hug.
      “Mornin’, punkin,”  he cooed as I started to push him away.
      We laughed over food.  He did the dishes and we strolled out the door.  
      “Did you call everyone?”  I asked as we walked from his apartment to the main drag of town.  
      “The only one not able to come is Aaron.  Bitch couldn’t get out of work,”  he answered, stopping to look into the window of a thrift boutique.  “That skirt would make your legs look amazing.  Y/n, my treat.  Let me get you an outfit for tonight.”
      “I’d rather have the record,”  I grimaced and whined.
      He screwed his mouth to the side with a diminutive grumble as I yanked him towards the music store.  It was already early afternoon, and the place seemed swamped with people.  I was never really one for big, chaotic crowds.  The sight brought me up short for a moment, until Patrick steered me to the side door.  I slipped inside, finding the crowd gathered more outside the building and a few at the front of the store, around the cashier.  It would be okay - I could handle it.  
      Pat, of course, was totally the opposite of me.  He glibly ran at any and all kinds of action, and this being no different, I lost sight of him almost immediately.  I turned my attention to the bins and displays, allowing myself to relax despite the edge of activity that I was so desperately trying to ignore.  Stoned Jesus was oozing through the air as I moved down towards the more vintage stuff, my eyes landing on a familiar cover.  I reached for it just as sharp, overly feminine laughter struck my ears in the worst way.
     “No, seriously,”  a coarse velvet voice invaded my space while flirting with the girls.  “You’ll be there right?  Tonight?  Come on. Come to our show…”
      I looked up just in time to see two long haired men, one a few inches taller than the other, guiding two very blushed out girls that are probably just wrapping up their freshman year.  The four were giggling and flirty and just way too loud.  I tried to turn my attention back to the album I had between my fingers: Deep Purple’s debut album. One of the girls literally squealed as the two men played along with them - not in a weird way, but just that frat boy manner that demanded their attention.  I watched as they walked with the girls to the door with flyers in their hands and huge smiles and promises of being out that night.  The taller one actually did the little toodles wave as the other retreated quickly.  I caught how he rolled his eyes as if disgusted with his own act.  Those chocolate brown eyes landed on me and he immediately straightened up as if he was caught being out of character.
      I looked back at the crowd in search of Patrick, but couldn’t find him anywhere.  For a moment, my insides flared with panic.  He was still there.  He was amongst the twenty or so people that were packed into the front of the shop.  I knew it, I just couldn’t tell the bubble of anxiousness that had attacked my stomach to back the fuck off.  I took a breath before returning my gaze to the record in my hands.
     “That is a fantastic album,”  a smooth voice, with just a hint of rasp and Michigan sass filled my ears.
      I turned to discover those lush, chocolate eyes were on me and he was standing at an arm's length away.  I nodded and gave him a small grin. “Yeah. I have this at home, just not this edition,”  I said before I set it back in the bin and turned away.
      ELO’s “Evil Woman” started to leak from the speakers.  I sighed upon hearing it - that over the top intro hit something just right, every time.  I didn't expect the pretty eyed man to stick around, but when I reached for another cover, he watched for what I was reaching for.
      “If you have another edition of that one,”  he started with a knowing look, “that means that you have a Gatefold.  The one from Germany, U.K…?”
      I grinned wider as I really looked into his face.  He was pretty.  Between a subtle cleft to his chin and a set of full lips, his expression was warm and welcoming.  There seemed to be a familiarity between him and the taller man, but he seemed to have a more mature quality to him that drew me in almost immediately.  
     “South Africa,”  I answered, watching as his eyes glitter with respect.
     “Nice,”  he said, his voice soft and almost whispered.
     I set the unseen album back in the bin, knowing it was shitty and not worth my time.  I moved down the next row with him tailing behind.  I saw him take interest in a blues album as I spotted another possibility - a Neil Young that had gotten damaged in my last move.  I feel him, though he remains at a distance.  He’s not much taller than myself, but perhaps it’s his personality, or just his presence, that makes him seem much bigger than he actually is.  His hair is almost fluffy as it rests just below his shoulders.  The tip of his nose was sharp and begging to be booped in the best way.  His mouth was sinful and I know I stared at it way too long.
     I tore my eyes away just as he looked up.  I was sure he'd caught me looking, again.   I couldn’t seem to help it.  He was totally magnetic.  His lips stretched into a smile - an honest smile, not like the production bull shit he had been feeding those college girls.  I held my album up just to see his reaction, and was rewarded with a few hummed notes of a deep cut that I knew well.
      “I guess I should ask about those flyers you’re tossing around,”  I said, putting back the Young and turning towards him fully.
      “We just released an EP,”  he said, his attention on another album that was closer to my spot.  He reached close to me, but then seemed to think the better of it.  “We’re playing tonight at Paul’s Pub.  You should come.  I think you may like it.”
      I pursed my lips with thought.  We were no strangers to Paul’s.  The bar was a staple in our group from the time we were all starting out in school.  I nodded, and looked back in search of Patrick once more.  I saw him emerge from the crowd, flier in hand and a look of wickedness in his eyes.  I turned my attention back to him, taking note that he was fingering an Otis Redding album.  
      His attention was snapped to the front of the shop and I saw his shoulders slump a bit as he began to shift back into his work.  “We’re third on the rotation.  Will you be there - about 9:00?”
     I shrugged as he started to move away.  “We’ll have to see.”
     I watched as his tight, dark wash skinny jeans walked away.  I finally let out the breath that I had been holding just as Pat stepped close to me.  
     “He gives big dick vibes, doesn’t he?”  he remarked as I leaned into him.
     “God, you’re such an ass sometimes,”  I scoffed just as I caught the man’s eye as he turned to look back at me over his shoulder.
      “But I’m right,”  Patty said quietly.  “I guess we’ll be starting out at Paul’s tonight.”
      I flashed him my biggest, gooeyest doe eyes possible.  “Please??”
     “Only if I can buy that outfit for you,”  he replied, eyes narrowed down to slits.  “No t-shirt and shitty jeans.  You’re going out in proper attire for a proper fucking celebration!”
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      He talked me into the whole shebang.  I marched into Paul’s on Patrick’s arm dressed in the skirt that fell just below the knee with a slit that reached all the way up to my hip bone.  A loose, sleeveless poet shirt with a plunge neck with a shit ton of ruffles that billowed against my breasts made me feel more than whorish in a very pretty girl way.  I had let my hair spill down my back, but pulled up the sides with a jeweled tie.  I looked hot, and I knew it.  I could feel it.  But the moment that we reached the friends, I knew I was by far not the best looking in the room - that was reserved for Jordan with her raven black hair and crystal blue eyes and stupid perfect skin.  I wasn’t even second in our group - second was Sidney with her perfect ash blonde locks that curled at the ends and her doe eyes that made anyone stop and stare.  Bitches.  But I loved them and knew most of it was a ruse because they had intelligence on their side - they just used their looks for good shit.
      It had been months since I had seen the group.  We took our time catching up as the crowd in Paul’s grew.  The pub was old-school cool with its weathered wood and dark lighting, dark atmosphere, and dark decor.  It was the largest of the bars that we would visit on the night, sporting a full stage and enough room to cram in close to two hundred and fifty patrons in the main space, while the patio could hold another hundred souls easily.  
      I noticed that the bar was getting crowded while the stage was being switched over.  I glanced at my phone, but Patty grabbed my wrist in his grip with a hard glare.
      “Better not be working,”  he growled as took my phone away.  
      “Why are we even starting here anyway?”  Joey whined as he was handing out glasses of beer.  “We always start at Benny’s.”
      “Oh,”  Patrick chuckled.  “There’s a guy Y/n wants to fuck in the next band.”
      Suddenly, I had eight sets of eyeballs on me.  I shrugged.  “What?”
      Everyone looked back at Pat and his wicked assed grin that he was beaming at me.  “Come on, punkin.  Just admit that you let me dress you all up because you’re looking to get-”
      “HEY!”  Sidney shoved him in the chest before my dearest friend on the planet could finish.  
      The group laughed and I just sipped at my lovely Tito’s + cranberry like I was the most virginal bitch on the planet.  I watched as the tall one from earlier and another were setting up the drum kit – a white kit with a Greta Van Fleet emblazoned on the kick face.  I caught Pat talking to the rest about meeting the dark haired one and said he was really quite cool.  I turned my attention away from the stage and instead ventured into actual conversation with the friends.  We were, after all, celebrating my accomplishment.  I was going to be a graphic editor for an actual fucking company that was willing to bank on my skills, and pay me quite well.  I was the first of the group to reach their goal.  I was also the only one to actually be done with graduate school and had been working already for nearly 18 months in the real world.  Of course, Sidney wasn’t having it, knowing right well that I was avoiding what Patty had started.
      “Who’s the guy?  What the hell does he play?  Name?”  she grilled across her bottle of beer.
      “Pretty.  Don’t know what he does in the band.  Have no name.”  I summed it up in three tiny sentences and a smile.
      She looked at me like I had two heads until her eyes moved to the stage and latched onto the tall, lanky one.  “Well, if he’s indicative of those two…”
      I grinned and turned my attention back to the stage.  He was the damn guitarist.  He was plugging into the amp and storming his fingers across the frets.  My eyes were instantly locked on him as he nodded to his bandmates as they all started to warm up.  A fourth prowled between them all, mic in hand shouting a hearty “Good evening!” like it was a damn arena.  I glanced at Pat and he just watched me with a grin and knowing nod.  I whispered a fuck as I looked back at them.  He was dressed all in black - black boots, black, skin tight jeans, black button up that was cropped at his tummy and buttoned only by one button.  His chest was bare save a grouping of necklaces that bounced gently against the tanned skin.  He was seductive to look at.  I sipped at my drink as they slid into a song that made everyone stop what they were doing to take notice of the upstarts on stage.  They had a swagger that made me smile wide.  Fucker was right - I did like it by the end of the first song.
       “Fucking Zeppelin wannabes,”  Joe jabbed with a snarl.
       I rolled my eyes.  Figures.  I knew from the gossip Patrick had told me, Joe was in the middle of a break up with a real twat.  I could extend him some leeway, but only so far.  Pat told him that the next round was on him, since the rest of the crew decided they liked the band.  I was spellbound as they tore through their set.  The whole pub was bouncing and just absorbing everything the band fed them.  The band had something that was endearing, but was rooted in a raw talent that was very clear.  
       I felt the heat of the pub swell around me and the energy that was fostered by them was electric.  They were fun.  They were certainly sexy.  The singer belted across the crowd effortlessly, hitting notes that sent shivers down the spine and elevated the soul a few notches.  There was a guitar solo in every damn song, but he was masterful in how he baited the crowd and kept them with him as he sped through an effortless performance.  The bassist was flawless as he strutted around like on a damn cloud.  Mr. Shoulders at the kit would’ve grabbed my attention, but he oozed - for lack of a better way of saying it - big dick confidence, and it had me by the pussy.
      I barely registered that Joe had taken my empty glass and replaced it with a new one.  He scoffed but Patty just told him to fuck off.  I was enraptured.  It was like he was reaching through my body and taking everything from every cell in me, but filling it with something that just evoked absolute joy, tinged with a heavy dose of heathen thoughts that needed to be quelled.  My core was quivering with need while my brain felt like it was on absolute fire with him.  
      “What the actual fuck was that?”  Sidney remarked as the crowd cheered for more when their set was finished.  “Just…”
      I realized that most of the group was just as blown over as I was.  I took a slow swallow of my drink, closing my ringing and pulsing ears as the friends started to debate our crawl for the night.  I didn't care much - just as long as we had our time together.  I was only here through tomorrow night before I had to head for St. Paul.  I knew in the back of my brain, most of these people I would not see again.  I needed to make it count.
      Twenty minutes of bickering later, I grabbed Patrick by the collar and shouted over the din of people that I needed water and not to leave without me.  He kissed my cheek with a promise to stay until I was back.  Yeah.  I totally believed that one, but I snaked my way through the crowd to the bar.  It was insane that the energy of the show still flowed through the space, leaving the closing act to really bust balls to top their act.  I stood patiently, one hand waiting on the bartop in order to keep my spot amongst those that had far less patience than me.  
      “Beers for the band!”  one of the bartenders called out with a pointed finger a few spots down from me.
      “Thanks man!”  a familiar rasp struck my ear.
      I turned to look over my shoulder to see him; hair plastered to his throat and damp with sweat, still in his show outfit, but his shirt is totally open.  I can feel my chin dip as my eyes widen upon him.  He wiped a towel across his brow before shoving it into his back pocket.  The word ‘sexy’ was not strong enough to describe what he gave off at that moment.  I am not ashamed that I had to wipe at my lip to keep the drool at bay.  His sparkle filled eyes turned in my direction and paused for a moment until it changed to recognition that caught me by surprise.
       “Deep Purple!”  he called, his mouth parting in a smile that knotted my guts painfully.  “Is that you?!”
       I laughed as he had to go around like twenty people to move a few steps to meet me at my side.  His eyes raked across my body, taking me in.  I’m sure it was a far cry from the poorly cut off shorts and shitty top from earlier.  
      “It’s me,”  I cooed as he reached my side.
      For a moment, I lost myself in his gaze.  I was instantly overwhelmed by his appeal.  The spell was broken as the bartender set an icy bottle of water at my fingers along with change.  He let out a soft laugh that almost seemed nervous.
      “Did you catch the show?”
      “I did.  You were right - I liked it.”
      He flashed a cocky smile as his eyes dipped to my outfit once more.  “Celebrating?”
      I nodded as I took a drink of water.
     “Anything in particular?”
     I can’t help the buzz of energy that hits me as I smile huge and trilled, “ME!  We’re celebrating ME tonight.”
     “Oh my,”  he said, his tone dropping into a panty incinerating level.  “Occasion?”  
     “New job, new life, new city, new everything,”  I answered with a happy nod.
     Patrick’s notification blared and my cheeks pink a bit as I fumbled for my phone.  I uttered a sharp ‘Fuck’ as I see they’re at the door and needed to get my ass out of there or be left behind.  “I gotta go,”  I said, disappointment in my voice.
      “Ah, don’t go…”
      “Friends are heading to the next bar.”
      “Are you crawling?”  he asked, his hand on my arm to slow me down.
      I nodded and turned away.  Fuck them.  Why do I have to go…?  Did they not—  Fuck.  Sometimes I hate my cockblocking friends.
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     Marklowe’s Tiki Bar banked on its Carribbean themed décor and bright colors that splashed across the walls and floor to the huge tiki covered bar set a super loud atmosphere, while the ginormous umbrella drinks made for a good landing place to just be idiotic.  I ground down on Patrick’s thigh to the worst manufactured music ever, but loved every moment of it.  The friends were bouncing around like it was their last night on the planet.  Because each drink was the size of four, and were the cost of six, we kept our time in the tiki to a minimum.  Jordan dragged me to the ladies room while the others were finishing up their drinks.  As I was fixing my lipstick, she was talking about the job that was drawing her away back home to Houston.  I could hear her stress over leaving Sidney behind.  She was trying to rationalize waiting a year for her closest friend to graduate.  I knew it was just fear talking.  She would take that job and do very well as she worked towards her goal of being a partner in her mother’s law firm.  I watched as she pulled out her phone with a scoff.
     “They are heading for the door,”  she groaned.  “Fuckers.  It’s like they want to sprint across the district tonight.”
     I was the first to push my way out of the restroom, only to stumble over my own toes in my rush, running right against someone.  Looking up, I felt my face blush as I was met with the rich chocolate eyes of the guitarist.  He helped me upright, moving me flush against his frame.  His hands drifted down my arms as all I could do was stare at him as his smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
      Just as Jordan’s hand wrapped around my wrist he asked, “Still having fun?”
      I turned my body back towards his as Jordan started to drag me away.  “Absolutely!”  I called out.
      I could not look away from the smirk that he shot me.  Jordan gave me a look that could melt steel as we passed the bar in a near rush to catch up to the friends.
     “Good god, girl!  That’s the guitar player,”  she said, unable to contain the bomb of her surprise.
     I smiled wide as I looked back behind me once again, just able to see where he had been.  “Pretty, right?”
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     Maxie’s Singing Bar continued the stupidity of the evening by adding karaoke to the mix.  Patrick was insisting on singing with Sidney, so we waited.  And waited more.  I nestled into Patrick’s side, trying to avoid the barrage of questions about apartments, and the job, and ‘why the hell are you going to fucking St. Paul?’  I found myself being coy because, seriously?  I was about to start getting some serious chops in my field, with a damn fine salary to boot.  
      “Come on, punkin.  Let’s get another round of drinks,”  Patrick replied as he slid out from the glittery plastic booth.  
      He held my hand all the way up to the bar.  “You can’t let them get the better of you, Y/n,”  he said as we waited.  “They don’t get it.  You’re the first one of us to grow the fuck up.”
     The idea of being on a plan with one of those little paper bags shoved on my face was not appealing.  I was silently begging for no hangover, despite the spin of alcohol in my veins.  I just… Ugh.  I spaced out as he ordered the round.  My brain was fighting lists of stuff that I had packed weeks ago, along with movers and my parents flying in over the following weekend to ensure I was set up right.  I desperately fought off the sudden urge to ask to leave.  Patrick had asked to stop her when we were planning out the night.  I knew it was probably the one time that he could cut loose with the ever lovely Sidney - the object of his eternal pining, although he would never openly admit it to anyone other than me.     
      I was startled as the bartender set a glass of ice water at my elbow.  I smiled up at him.  “Thank you, sweetheart.”
      “You’re so old,”  he teased as I batted my eyelashes at him.
      “Why, just because I refuse to be sick off my ass tomorrow?”  I asked before taking another drink.
      He wrapped me up in a hug, holding onto me for a beat too long.  
      “Ugh, what the fuck is up with you tonight,”  I scoffed as I made a face at him.
      “What?”  he asked, feigning innocence.
      “You’re like extra touchy feely and shit.”  I noticed his gaze turned to Sidney and it’s like watching all of that man’s insides turn to absolute goo.  I sighed deeply.  “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Patty.”
      “Why the fuck not?”  he asked, instantly defensive.
      “I’m not telling you not to, just - she’s more focused than I am,”  I reasoned, tracing figure 8s in the condensation on my glass.  “You want way more than what she’s willing to give to anyone, including you, handsome.”
       He didn’t say anything.  I felt terrible as I realized I had just deflated him completely.  I threaded my fingers through his and gave him a little squeeze.
       “Maybe I just need to take what I can to get the fuck over it,”  he said directly in my ear, the heat of his body matching the pain in his words.
       “You’re better than that, dick,”  I grumbled just as a bartender started to put up our order.
      “Patty!”  Sidney called as she strutted towards the stage and mics.  
      It was a rare moment of stillness that my dearest friend handed to me.  My heart broke for him.  
      He nodded as he reached for a shot that had been set before him and downed it.  “Love you.  You got all this?”
       I watched as he strolled towards her, putting back his persona on like it was his armor.  Looking back at the bartop, I groaned.  “No, I don’t got this, fucker.”
      I tried to get Jordan’s attention, but she was too far up Joe’s ass to bother looking at me waving like a lunatic.  As I’m turning back to the bar to see if I can spy a tray, my eyes caught on the front door as the guitarist and his group walked in.  I froze, taking in what he was wearing - the dark washed skinny jeans, boots and a chopped dark red t-shirt.  His wrists were filled with bracelets and there’s a long necklace that falls just below his pecks.  A soft breath escapes me as his eyes seem to lock right on mine and the cocky smile greets me.  I had no way to actually run, and could only watch as he approached, all full of swagger. 
       “Okay, third run in; time for introductions.  I’m Jake,”  he said as he approached, hand out as if he’s going to shake my hand formally.
       “Well, counting the record store, it’s the fourth run in,”  I remarked with a grin before I gave him my name and my hand.
      Instead of shaking it, however, he turned his palm up, passing the pad of his thumb across my knuckles as he leans in against the bar.  He had me so distracted that I did not see Pat reach across my blindside for his and Sidney’s drinks.
       “We’re up!”  he nearly squealed, retreating quickly.
       “Make it super slutty!”  I shouted after him.
       Suddenly, because of the shift, I came up nose to nose with the newly introduced Jake.  He tried to back up, but was trapped.  I tried to move back, but there was nowhere to go either.  A deep blush swept across my face as he let out a gentle laugh over our dilemma.  I instantly breathed him in - all tobacco, sandalwood, lavender and him.  His hands caught my arms to steady me and I let out a nervous giggle.  A fucking giggle.  As if it couldn’t get worse - it did.  Patrick and Sidney started belting out “Love in an Elevator” in the most sleazy manner possible.  I let out an absolute cackle before I could catch myself.
        Jake’s eyes popped wide as he took in the scene unfolding behind me and I can only assume Patrick took my ‘slutty’ suggestion to the absolute max.  I looked over my shoulder to find the pair grinding against each other in a nearly illegal manner.
       “Oh my god,”  I breathed, instantly trying to delete the sight from my eyes.  I reached for the closest drink and took it down as fast as I could, only to find that it was my water.  “Fucking figures.”
      I regrouped and grabbed my beer and took a long, soothing swallow.  He was watching me fumble the entire time, a smirk plastered on his mouth and those damn eyes just full of heat.  “Sorry, that whore friend of mine is under the impression he needs to blow my life up at any given moment of every damn day.”
      As if she knew that he was close, Jordan magically realized that I needed help with the drinks.  I was shifting glasses around to make room for Jake’s order of beers and tequila shots as she sauntered up, tits out and hips swaying like she’s walking down a catwalk.  
      “That’s all right,”  Jake replies, downing a shot with barely a grimace.  “I’ve got three like that myself.  At least you’re not related to any of them like I am.”
      My brow furrowed as I set my beer down.  “I was not getting Jonas Brothers vibes from you guys.”
      His laugh was warm and inviting.  “Damn, I hope not.”
      “Hey-”  Jordan called, leaning in close.  “I’ll take what I can.”
      I started handing over drinks, trying not to notice that she was trying to flash her amazing cleavage as she bent slightly into Jake.  I couldn’t help the smug feeling when I realized that his eyes were either directly on me, or his own beer.  She tapped the side of my foot before she made her way back to the table.  
     “Rude to keep us waiting, Jacob.”  Another set of hands were reaching across his chest.
     It was then that I noticed the similar ridge of cheekbones, the jawline, the mouth…  I looked back at Jake and he must’ve seen what I found confusing.
     “Twin,”  he said with a little eye roll.
     “Identical,”  the other said with a little huff.  “Hi, I’m Josh.”
     My eyebrows shot up as the brother started walking off towards their table.  “So not Jonas Brothers, but The Proclaimers?”
     “Oh fuck no,”  he laughed before taking another drink of his beer.  “Are they supposed to be doing that?”
     It was at that second that I realized Sidney and Patrick are no longer singing.  I lock on Jake’s eyes and freeze.  “I don’t know if I want to know…”
     Why had I looked back at the stage?  Why did I have to be a witness to such an event?  I wanted nothing more than to grab hold of the cheapest bottle of behind the bar and douse my eyeballs with it.  
     “Ew,”  I flinched as I turned back towards the guitarist, finding the space even more crammed and my hands were now on his very nice, very firm chest.  I looked up into his face and he had this endearing look like he’s about to…  Yup, he graciously wrapped a hand around my hip holding me close.  My brain was just on the verge of rupture when I heard Jordan chirping about what was happening before them.
      “I take it that’s not a good thing,”  he whispered against my ear.
      “Not really, no,”  I sighed, nearly against his mouth as his lips part.
      I wanted to fall into his mouth and lose myself in his touch.  I was so damn close until I saw Jordan and Sidney fly out past us and the rest of the group straggling behind.  I looked behind me and found a very upset Patrick, collecting their glasses and heading for the bar.  I watched as he set the glasses down on the bartop and headed towards the door without a look at me.
      “I fucking hate drama,”  I sighed.
      His hand tightened on my hip, bringing my attention back to him.  I looked into his handsome face and smiled sadly.  I puffed my cheeks out and shook my head.
      “Just when this was getting interesting,”  I replied, drawing a little squiggle against the skin just under his collar bone.  “I better catch up with them.”
      “You want me to -”
      “Naw,”  I said as I finally stepped away from him, instantly regretting the distance.  “This is probably gonna get messy.”
      “Maybe I’ll see you again,”  he said with a soft grin.
      I shyly tucked a hair behind my ear.  “I hope so.”
      I didn’t bother with a fast walk to try to catch up with them.  Patrick was waiting just outside the door, smoke in hand and a mournful look etched across his features.
      “What the hell, Patrick?”  I scolded as I stole his smoke for a drag.  
      “Fucking Jordan,”  he grumbled, rubbing his hands across his face.  “Why would she do that?”
      “I don’t know, Pat - maybe because you two fucked way back when…”
      “Maybe.  That was a ‘maybe’.  We have no idea if we did or not.”
      “If you wake up naked by each other, it’s pretty likely you did, you whore.”
      I couldn’t stop my anger at that moment.  The night was supposed to be about the friends - it was supposed to celebrate me getting the fucking job that I had dreamed about; the job I had worked my ass off for.  I did not hide my disappointment.
      “They just went into Benny’s,”  I said, seeing Joe waving at us from the corner.
      “I don’t want to be there,”  he said quietly.
      I rolled my eyes like a bad friend.  It wasn’t even Sidney that put him off.  She was…  I didn’t really want to even think about it.  He knew - Pat had to know that it would be short term.  I just didn’t even want to broach that possibility.  Was he willing to hurt himself just to say he had some time with her?  That just broke my heart a little more for him.
      “Fine.  How about we get some coffee and sit out Benny’s,”  I suggested, tugging on his sleeve.  “Come on.  My treat.”
      I sat with my dearest friend on the planet as he processed what had happened.  I listened to him as he knew - he just knew that it would be better to know than to always wonder.  It wasn’t like she was plastered out of her mind.  She had actually leaned in first and he just couldn’t stop the moment she touched him.  
      “It will never be what you want it to be,”  I said quietly, holding the cup tight.  “Sid has such an entrenched idea of what she wants to do, Patty.  She hasn’t had anyone with any permanence ever.  What you have to offer, alluring as it is, it’s not what she’s looking for.  At least not right now.”
      He let out a long breath.  “I love the way she fucking tastes.  How can I-”
      He nodded, getting my drift.  He fiddled with the handle of his empty mug.  I could feel him returning to normal, even though I knew he was hurting.  I reached across the table and took his hand in mine to give a little squeeze.
      I flipped my phone over to discover that Joe had sent a text that they were moving onto the pool hall.  I loved playing pool.  I sucked at playing pool, but I loved playing it.  I put on my doe eyes with every intention of yanking my friend along with me if I had to.  He smiled and seemed to find his resolve.  We walked hand in hand to the end of the drag, finding everyone seemed to have the same idea.  The pool hall was packed and I knew it was going to be impossible to get a table.  Joe shouted out from a high top table that they had crowded around.  
     I saw Jordan and Sidney were already at the bar.  I texted Sid our arrival and kept my eyes on her when she looked at her phone.  Her eyes immediately move over to us, specifically Patrick.  Hmm.  Interesting.  Perhaps her lack of steady company was not necessarily due to a singular focus on finishing college with a 4.0.  What more, Pat’s gaze on her and it just feels - good.  I smiled as Joe offered me his seat in order to stand.  His voice was loud and liquor happy.  No doubt he would be sobbing about the ex soon enough.  
     We fell into being normal once again.  Jordan and Sidney returned with the round and we got back to our celebratory vibe.  My ear caught the music across the room - someone had actually taken time to curate something good from the jukebox as some more obscure Black Sabbath worked across the din of the packed house.  I sipped at my Tito’s + cranberry, trying to pay attention to those with me instead of the idea of being rudely interrupted from having time with the luscious Jake.  The frustration of it made me squeeze my thighs just a bit as my long neglected core wept for attention.
      We must’ve been in the hall for about an hour when we started getting antsy.  No tables were opening up - at all.  Sidney was leaning into Patrick’s shoulder and their hands were tightly together.  Jordan was talking rapidly, Joe had his eyes on the ceiling.  Things felt like they would spiral out of control at any moment.
      “Hey, Y/n - isn’t that guy in that other guy’s band?”  Sidney asked, her brows raised like she was trying hard to put her thoughts together.  “I mean, isn’t that the singer of that band?”
      I followed where she’s pointing, and sure enough, there was Josh with the tall drummer right behind him, carrying a couple of empty pitchers.  I felt a little stutter in my chest as I looked around the room.  
      “Hey, punkin,”  Patrick called to me, capturing my attention once more.  “Help me at the bar, yeah?”
      I knew what he was doing.  Fucker.  I slid out of the tall chair and held his hand as we made our way out for another round.  I couldn’t help the little flutter of possibility that Jake would be in the room somewhere.  If his hands on me earlier was an indicator, I had a glimmer of a chance of something to finish out the celebration - maybe?  Patty got us to the bar, close enough to the two but far enough away to not appear like I was trolling them or anything weird like that.  
      We watched as the bartenders flew around that bar space.  They were beyond busy.  From the corner of my eye, I saw that Josh and the drummer were reaching for fresh pitchers.  Just as they were moving away, Josh stopped.  
      “Shit come on,”  I heard him say sharply.  “You can’t stay just a little longer?”
       I turned to look at the pair to see Jake had joined them.  Was he leaving?  Fuck.  No.  Okay.  I could be totally smooth about this, right?  Pat was leaned over the bar to give our order and was totally unaware of my awkwardness to give me any help at all.  I was a big girl.  I could do this.  Just one foot in front of the other.  Just move the damn feet…
       I ducked in between the crowd and started in his general direction, hoping that he’d catch my eye before I’m right on top of them.  Just as I was about to chicken out, those searing brown eyes touched my face and stopped.  The other two glanced over and Josh patted Jake's chest before walking away with beer filled pitchers towards the pool tables.
       “Fifth time charm?”  he asked as he closed the space.  “Drama over?  You look to have survived.”
        I smiled wide as he drew so close I could breathe him in.  My brain caught fire with all of him as he reached out, his fingers brushed against my arm until he took my hand in his.  “Yes,”  I answered, trying not to shout over the loudness of the space.  “Drama over.  Last stop of the night, but we’ve already been waiting on a table for over an hour.”
      “We’ve got a table,”  he said, brows pulling together as he looked back in the direction of the far back corner.  “We don’t mind sharing.  Wanna join in?”
      I glanced around at Pat at the bar and the friends at the high top.  Just to get away from the crowded singular table would be nice.  I see Patrick step away from the bar with another pitcher and in need of help with glasses held in his paw of a hand.  I raise a finger to Jake and try to help the best I can.
      “Oh, look who you found,”  he remarked as Jake moved towards us.
      “We’ve got a table.  Tell this friend of yours we are more than happy to share,”  Jake said, taking a couple of the drinks from Pat.
       “Yeah, friend.  If he wants to share and all…”  
       Jake tightened his hold on my hand with a little tug, as if I would say ‘no’.  Jake took off in one direction, Pat in the other to retrieve the group.  I’m being guided along, eyes planted on the ass encased in denim that leaves me knowing that I’m a terrible person for the thoughts that are suddenly raging through my skull.  The man’s thighs were making me drool as he turned to the side to slide between people, making sure that I was still with him, even though he held my hand tight.  I grinned at him, careful not to drop my own drink as we bobbled through the crowd.
        Their table was at the very back of the pool hall - the farthest from the bar, but took advantage of a bartop that followed the corner and provided plenty of space to accommodate everyone.  I quietly hoped that Joey would be polite and keep his sour take on their music to himself.  Patrick was in the lead with the others trailing behind.  Introductions were fast, with Sam and Josh and Danny blending in right away.  A new game was racked and underway within moments.  I stood to the side, watching Pat and Sidney on the other side of the table just stay close to each other.  There was a vibe there that was hard to not see.
        “After that last place, I thought for sure my chance was used up,”  Jake remarked, eyes on me with a smile in place.  “Looks like whatever drama there was, love prevailed, huh?”
        I felt my smile spread as I tilted my head.  It was hard not to feel a bit squishy over how he put the soon to be very brief love affair between friends.  “Yeah,”  I said quietly.  “For now at least.”
       It was just fun to drink and play pool and be stupid with these four men.  Jake and Pat teamed up against Sidney and Joey.  I sat back as I watched that man look very sexy sprawled on the pool table, ass and thighs on display and I just couldn’t look away.  And he knew it.  He so knew that I was blazing holes into his flesh with my eyes in the most disrespectful manner possible.  What more, the way his eyes passed across my skin etched paths that I so wanted him to explore.
       The next game, Jake was looped into playing with Sam against Jordan and Joe.  Pat asked me to join him for a smoke, and the guitarist watched as I blew him a kiss and followed my friend.  The clock was edging closer to two as he handed me a cigarette and waited for me to light it.
      “That man wants to tear you up, love,”  he said calmly, with a face that fought to keep straight.  “I think I’ve lost count how many times Jordan has tried to get his attention, but he only has eyes for you, Y/n.”
       I got a grin that I cannot hide, so I don’t bother.  I let out a tight breath before taking a long drag.  “Yeah and you and Sid are looking pretty damn cozy.”
       “It just feels good,”  he replied, eyes falling down on the sidewalk.
       “You’re going to have to have a serious conversation before you lose in this, Patrick,”  I said firmly.  “I won’t be here to pick up your pieces.  I can’t handle thinking that you’re hurting on your own.”
       “I know.  You’re right.”
       I flipped my hair over my shoulder as a warm summer breeze struck my frame.  I was going to miss it in Ann Arbor.  I had been missing it terribly, already.  Lansing was…  well.  It was Lansing.  
       “So, what are you going to do?  I don’t think I can watch you flirt with that man without any kind of outcome,”  he said with a silly grin.  “I mean it’s so obvious he’s interested.”
       I shrugged.  “Not sure.”
      “Bull shit.”
      I looked up at my friend, finding support.  He’d never judge me for what I wanted to do, even if it were to be a one night stand with the most gorgeous man.  Hell, even if that man was okay looking, I could count on Pat to just respect the fact I was doing something to make myself happy.  
      “Look, if I were you - hell, if you don’t, maybe I will - but,”  he started, letting out a laugh that filled me with confidence, “I think you need to march that ass in there and tell that man exactly what you want from him and see what happens.  I bet you he runs you out of here in ten seconds flat.”
      I rolled my eyes and took the last drag of my smoke.  Following Patty back inside, I was trying to think about how to sugar coat what I was going to say to Jake.  By the time we got all the way to the back of the room, and my eyes fell onto him leaned up against the bartop, feet crossed at the ankles, face relaxed, eyes on fire, I just knew I needed to be as direct as possible.  I walked right up to him and he slid a hand across the small of my back as I leaned against his body.  I stared into his eyes, finding them welcoming.  His lips parted as I brush mine against his as I push past to land next to his ear.
       “I’m getting my ass out of here - new town, new life,”  I whispered, fighting the urge to lap at his earlobe.  “Will you be the end of my night?  Help me celebrate?”
       I feel his body shift fractionally as he brings his other hand up to rest between my shoulder blades, nearly locking me in place against him.  Our mouths were not touching anything, but just passing along as if mapping out where to kiss, where to taste, where to…  His tongue passed across his bottom lip as he stood up fully, threading his fingers with mine.
       “Danny,”  he called out.  “You’re good bunking with them other two?”
      He didn’t even wait for an answer, just started walking out with me in tow.  I could hear Patty’s cackle behind us.  The exhilaration that had begun to pump through my chest nearly made me choke.  We reached outside and he paused, eyes trailing up and down the street.
      “Where are you staying?”  I asked as we started to cross the street.
      He points at an older hotel that is just down the way and I am thankful I will not have to wait too much longer.  He held the door open for me and we crossed the abandoned lobby towards the elevator.  After a minute of waiting, he shook his head, the tell of his own impatience.  He chuckled as he spun us to the stairs.
      “I’m just on the second floor anyway,”  he said, once again holding the door for me.  
      Before my foot landed on the stair, he held me back, turning me to face him.  God, he was pretty as he crashed into me, his mouth hard as he nearly consumed me in our kiss.  Our hands were everywhere all at once as we fumbled up the stairs.  I gasped as my back met the wall at the landing.  His hands were on my face and in my hair and on my hips, and on my…  FUCK this man seemed to be as thirsty for touch as I was.  His mouth on my throat made me moan a bit too loud.  It was enough to make us move up the stairs once more, but two steps up, we were searching for touch again.  I nearly tumbled as I yanked him towards me so I could start to rip at his belt.  He caught me, crashing his mouth into mine, fingers pressed into my hair with a soft groan as I released the leather bind of his jeans.
       There was no hiding intent.  We banged down the hall, bumping into walls, furniture; unable to break from each other’s touch.  He held me close as he slid the key card into the room’s lock.  I sucked on his ear lobe, laughing as he couldn’t get the timing right to push down the door handle when the lock unlatched.  It took two tries before he finally grumbled and had to push me back just a bit to get us inside.  
       The room was not remarkable, even though the only thing in my head was him.  His fingers caught the slit of the skirt and tucked inside as I feasted on his tongue.  He barely brushed the boyshorts I was wearing and growled wickedly when he found I was drenched through the cotton of the garment.  
       “Ready for this, aren’t you?”  he asked as I nearly ripped off his shirt to reveal miles of his skin for me to mark and explore.
       “Honestly, if you don’t get that monster in you pants in me right now, I may have to-”
       He grabbed my hips and spun my ass around and bent me over the desk chair, forcing my hands down onto the seat.  “You think I’ve got a monster dick?”
       I whined a bit as he jacked up my skirt and slid down my panties, giving me a hearty pinch across my bottom.  He was humming as he planted a kiss directly on the dip of the small of my back.  I felt him lean back and hear the tear of something.  I looked back to see him taking out a condom and rolling across what I had suspected all along - fucking monster sized cock was about to send me into orbit.
       “Like that, do you?”  he asked, voice husky as he rolled the latex across his length.  “Big enough?”
       I didn’t hide it, I licked the drool from the corner of my mouth with a pitiful moan.  “You gonna fuck me good with that, aren’t you…”
       A sound between a moan and a chirp pounds itself from my throat as he lines himself up against me.  “Be a good girl now.  This is all for you.”
       He had me clenching around him on the first thrust.  He was playing me like his cherry red guitar, eliciting sounds from me that I had never made before.  The stretch and sting was top tier as he set a pace that was like one of his guitar solos.  He had one hand on my clit while the other pressed against my spine, dipping under the thin fabric of my shirt and pushing it up, as if relishing each bump and twist of my bones until my shirt was pushed up and over my head to pool at my wrists.  I was full on panting as he stood me up, still buried deep within me.  I shoved the chair aside as he bit into my ear and throat.  I was pressed to the desk, cheek down on the laminate with my feet kicked wide so he could have even better access to my pussy.  He brought one hand down to palm my ass and he ruthlessly pinched at my breast as he plowed forward.  I looked back at him to find his eyes hard on me, his mouth open with a feral breath.
       “I will suck that cock tonight,”  I demanded, pushing my ass back on him.
       “Holy fuck you will,”  he concurred, digging his hands into my hips.
       He reached out, taking hold of my shoulder, slowing down to press into me so deep I thought for sure he would split me in half.  My face fell forward as I sighed over the new rhythm.  My skin became drenched in flame as he bent over me, lips on my bare shoulder.
       “Cum hard, pretty girl,”  he whispered before he flicked my earlobe with his tongue.
       My chest exploded as I collapsed forward fully on the desk as I sprayed my climax out onto him.  He let out a low groan as he came right after, pulsing into me a few more times before coming to a stop.  We both struggled to catch our breath.  He twitched and shuttered before he gently pulled himself from me.  His palm came down on my back with a whispered ‘stay here’.  
      By the time he returned, my breathing had gone from ‘holy shit I can’t breathe’ down to ‘I just finished power walking after that lush ass, sir’.   
      “This is going to be a little cold,”  he said before pressing a washcloth against my swollen cunt.  I barely flinched as he cleaned me up gently.  I started to reach for my panties, but he stopped me.  “I’m not done celebrating yet.  Are you?”
        I grinned as he shyly pressed a kiss to my forehead.  I watched as he moved back to the bathroom to clean up further.  
      “Why don’t you get out of that skirt and meet me on the bed, Y/n,”  he said when the water was turned off.
      “Which one is yours?”  I asked as I draped my clothes over the chair.
      “Uh…”  He strolled out of the bathroom, his own clothes over his arm, his cock flaccid but still impressive against his thigh.  He tossed his clothes on top of the now forgotten desk and steered me towards the bed by the window.  He pressed every inch of skin to mine as he kissed me, backing me up until we both fell onto the mattress.  
      To say we made out is an understatement.  I lost myself in his touch: his mouth, his hands, fuck his body.  Every press against me made me quiver with anticipation.
      “So,”  he said in between kisses to my mouth.  “New city?”
      “St. Paul,”  I answered before dragging his lip in between my teeth.
      “I’m joining a graphic arts company who contracts with venues for entertainment and corporate events,”  I said quietly.
      He paused and looked me in my face.  “I wouldn’t even know what you do, but it sounds like you’re going to work with the big talent in my field.”
      I shrugged.  “I will sometimes.”
      He kissed me hard once more, his hands sliding down my back.  I threaded my fingers in his hair as he kissed down my body.  I was already flooding between my thighs as he parted them to make room for himself.  He passed a callused finger across the stripe of downy curls, planting kisses to my hip and the top of my thigh.
      “I wasn’t planning on being close up ready,”  I whisper, blushing over the idea that I had not totally groomed down there for the night.  “Sorry…”
      He hummed, kissing down in between the curls.  “I like it,”  he sighed as he breathed in.  
      I watched as he placed a chaste kiss to each side of where my thighs met my labia.  I sucked in a breath as he brushed his lips against the delicate skin, his nose ghosting over the hair.  He smiled wickedly as he tongued my clit after pressing me open for his whim.  He rolled his eyes up on me, taking in how my breasts bounced a bit as my breath came a little faster.  He made eye contact as he sucked me in, circling my nub as he did so.  I squeaked.  I fucking squeaked and I am not ashamed that I squeaked.  He settled in and I had the bed cover knotted in my hand on the right, and tugging at his hair on the left.  He blew across the curls before rising up a bit, taking a moment to really look across my body.  I felt like a beautiful mess that he was laying claim to.  
       “Good?”  Jake asked, leaning his head against my thigh.
       “Yes,”  I sighed, unclenching my fingers against his scalp.  “So good.”
      The corner of his mouth tugged before he lowered down, sliding in one finger as he pushed his tongue against my entrance.  I released a gasp as he went into work.  My words got filthier the longer he worked my pussy.  He hummed, cooed, whispered against my flesh and I begged him for more.  I will not say that he was edging, but he would bring me to a high, only to gently let me down a bit before taking me higher than before.  It was a beautiful thing that this man was doing to me - it was worship and I accepted it wholeheartedly.
       “How about we shift to 69?”  I asked as he licked my slit.  
       He grinned as he pulled himself up and turned around to slide his arms under my thighs to yank me wide open for him.  I rolled his balls between my fingers as I nibbled on his thick tip before sinking him down my throat in a hard thrust.  
       “Holy fuck,”  he gasped, as I tugged him while hollowing out my cheeks to let him go with a pop.  
       “Good?”  I asked, trying to look around the heavy cock that was immediately growing hard against my hold.
       He nodded as he watched me do it all again.  I raised an eyebrow at him before I let him go again.
       “I need your words, cupcake,”  I said with sass in my tone.
       “You’re going to fucking kill me, aren’t you, Y/n?”  he muttered before pushing two fingers deep inside me with a firm curl to make me buck my hips.
       “No more than what you are doing to me,”  I gurgled the words before I began to love on him.
        The sounds I was able to draw out of him pulsed into my core and radiated up through my entire body.  Fuck this man was better than the little deaths he shot through me.  I drew his balls down before tucking a finger to the space behind them.  He jolted against me before settling back down.  I sucked him down hard before pressing into the spot again with purpose.  He let out a startled moan.  I let him fall out of my mouth, giving the base of his length little kitten licks to soothe him for a moment.
       “Don’t tell me no one has ever done this for you?”  I whispered, looking through my own tits at him.
       “No,”  he said quietly.
       “I can reward you so good for the head you just gave me,”  I said gently, tickling my finger across the space once more.  “But only if you want me to, Jake.”
       He lifts his frame a bit higher to come to rest his forehead on my pubic bone.  “You’d do that?”
       “Oh hell yes,”  I answered with a confident smile.  “But only if you want it.”
      His eyes narrowed a bit, watching as I continued to lick and lap at his shaft and base.  His breath was spiking with anticipation as he licked at his lips.  “Do it,”  he said, his voice filled with rasp.
      I took him back into my mouth hard, plunging him in and out quickly to cause the spit to build on my tongue.  He’s grinding into me until I hold his hips still, letting him fall from my lips and I scoot back a bit to spit into his already spread cheeks.  He gasped out a string of curses as I swirled my middle finger into his velvet.  I planted kisses to his thigh as I pumped his cock the best I can at the weird angle.  I watched his face as he relaxed, allowing me to sink my finger in slowly.  His jaw dropped as I blew across his balls.  He groaned as his cheek came back down on my thigh.  Both hands were gripping the bed cover tightly.  His eyes were shimmering with pleasure as I began to stroke in and out.  He sounded beautiful as I tried to see his face, but he’s angled so that I really couldn’t see him, like he was afraid he was going to crush me if he laid down flat.  
       “Jake?”  I asked, before pooling more spit in my mouth to blow it to his hole for more lube.
      “Oh my ever loving fuck…”  he ground out.
      I grinned before I leaned in a fraction, just close enough to lick at the base and his balls once more.  Suddenly, he came all over my chest - hard and loud.  In his surprise, he lifted himself, my finger still deep within him as if he just realized what had happened.  I withdrew and he hissed as he climbed away, cheeks blazing red.
       “Jake?”  I asked, afraid to move for fear of making a mess.  
      “Just stay right there,”  he said loudly.  “I’ll be right back!”
      I heard the water at the sink turn on and him deep breathing like he was in a panic.  He kept repeating himself,  “Come on, come on, come on, come on…”  
      I awkwardly crossed my legs and tried to be modest, but it was rather difficult with cum that was pooling and dripping off my chest.  He rushed back, and I could see he was absolutely flustered and more than a little embarrassed.
      “Hey,”  I said gently, trying to get his attention as he began to wipe at the mess.
      “Oh my god,”  he sighed as his cheeks reddened all the more.  “I’m so sorry I did that.  I - fuck…”
      “Hey, Jake,”  I repeated, reaching out and touching his arm to stop him.  “Why would you be sorry for that?  That was something beautiful.”
      “Well I fucking cummed on your tits like a two pump chump, Y/n,”  he remarked as he went back to wiping me off.  “What the hell…”
       “No,”  I said, catching his hand once again.  “Did it feel good?”
       “Well, obviously,”  he said sharply. “Maybe a little too good.”
     �� “No one’s done that for you.  You didn’t know what to expect.  Did you like it?”
       He stood up as I took his hand.  Finally, he made eye contact and the redness of his cheeks began to fade.  It was like he was realizing that I was not scolding him for cumming so fast.  He grinned before setting back into wiping himself off me.
       “I liked it,”  he admitted.  “I’m pissed that I couldn’t hold on for more.”
       I watched as he finished his part and I pushed myself up on my elbows.  “Well, is the celebration done yet?”
       He laughed.  Like threw his head back and laughed as I used his words.  He shook his head.  He said he’d be right back and took off back towards the bathroom.  I will admit, watching that ass sway was a sight to behold.  He returned with a couple bottles of water.  He opened one before handing it to me.  
     I waited for him to settle in up against the headboard to lay back against him.  I listened to him breathing for a long while.  He drew little pictures into my arm as we just collected ourselves and the time we have shared.  I was nearly on the verge of dozing when he shifted, drawing my attention back to him.
     “I want to make out more,”  he whispered against my mouth.  “It’s like I can’t get enough of you.”
     It’s my turn to laugh a bit.  I kissed him deeply before heading to the bathroom for a moment.  I took my time in cleaning myself up.  I swore I could still feel the heat of his mouth against my skin.  It made me smile as I made my way back to him.  I paused, finding him sitting up against the headboard, eyes closed and fully relaxed.  He was really breathtakingly handsome.  He took his hand from his hair that he had been holding and it swished down around his shoulders.  He held his hand out for me to join him and I slid in.  He rolled me onto my back and brushed my hair back away from my face.  
      “You’re so pretty,”  he whispered before placing a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth.  
      His body flooded me with warmth and need once more.  This kiss was slow and unhurried.  We trailed caresses across each other as if relishing the moment so as to not forget it.  We were literally moving in two opposite directions - no matter what.  This was going to be it, and it was like we were both very aware of that fact.  I knew I was just going to enjoy my time in this man’s hands for as long as I could.  I rose up against his side, allowing him to wrap his arms around me to bring me in flush.  I absorbed his body heat as he stuck his tongue deep within me.  I could get used to the way this man kissed me.  Damn.
       I straddled his middle and brought myself up enough for him to drag those magical fingers back through me once more.  Jake hooked his arms under mine and rose up to flip me back so that I was back on my back.
      “Hold on,”  he replied as he slid off the bed and went to a duffle bag.  He returned, tearing open a condom.  His eyes flicked to mine as he set the open package on the nightstand.  “Sorry.  Just needed one of those things.”
      “Thank you,”  I said as he sunk down against me with a searing kiss.
      It did not take long for him to have me panting once more.  He tugged and sucked at my breasts.  He pushed my legs wide and placed my hands on my knees to hold close to my sides.  I watched as he quickly rolled the thin piece of latex onto his shaft, all the while, he encouraged me to keep myself going.  He gave a little laugh as he lifted my hips and slowly entered me.  We moaned in unison.  My head fell back, chin pointed at the ceiling.  He was inching in and out, ensuring every point within me was being stimulated.  He would pause, buried so deep and give his hips a little grind to make me whimper with joy.  He watched my face so closely, so attentively that I wanted to weep.  Each strike he soothed and kissed at my skin, soaking me and wringing me out like I was his doll.  
         He gathered my body up and held on to me tight as he began to move with purpose.  I took his place in grinding against him, staying with his body each time he withdrew only to return with force.  I held onto him with all that I had.  I knew my sounds were filling the air all around us, mixing and melting with his own.  It was beautiful and fleeting and mind altering as he fucked into me.  I lowered my hand, grabbing his hand firmly and he sucked a deep breath.
        “Try that again?”  I whispered my question with his face buried in my neck.
        “Yes…”  he answered back, scraping his teeth against my shoulder.  
        I pushed my thumb into my mouth, putting as much slick as possible onto it.  I pushed on his thigh to get him to open a bit more as he continued to work me.  Gently, I pressed the tip of my thumb against his entrance once more.  He groaned and I paused, just giving him a little swirl, a little time to adjust to my touch.  He whispered he was ready and I pressed as he buried himself to his hilt.  We gasped out over the sensation.  I had no intention of giving traction to my touch, just to give him this bit.  I hooked my digit back and forth, turned it back and forth as he fucked into me harder.  I could feel my body tightening, sprinting towards my high.  I looked up at him.  Sweat formed on his brow as his teeth were sunk into his bottom lip.  I was struck by his absolute beauty and nearly cried out because of it. 
       He looked me right in the eye and slammed into me.  I gasped out.  I couldn’t hold out any longer.  He repeated the move until I was near screaming his name with my thumb in his ass.  Satisfied that he had gotten to me, he dropped his chin to his chest and ground into me hard until he came hard.  I let my hand drift back to my side.  He held tight, planting little kisses across my collar bones.  I wiped his hair back from his forehead, trying hard to catch my breath once more.
      “Fuck I don’t want to move,”  I sighed as he kissed the top of each breast.
      “I got it,”  he said softly, letting me go.
      He stopped and grabbed his boxer briefs on his way to the bathroom this time.  I held myself steady as he cleaned himself up before coming back with a fresh wash cloth.  He started to wipe me up, but I took over, sitting up and heading towards the bathroom.  I took hold of my clothes and shut the door behind me.  
      I looked fucked out.  It was the only thought that struck me as I glanced in the mirror before I sat to pee.  That man had just fucked me and I admit I loved every moment of it.  I could smell him on my skin.  I could feel his heat still in my skin.  I wiped up and put myself slowly back together.  I gathered my hair up into a messy ponytail and tied it up with the flimsy jeweled tie.  I washed most of the smeared makeup off and stood back with glimpses of the memory of what had just happened dancing through my thoughts.  
      I stepped out of the bathroom to find him scrolling through his phone, the pile of his clothes next to him.  He looked up with a sleepy grin.
      “I have bus call in about ninety minutes,”  he said as he stood up.  “Everyone is meeting downstairs at six to head out.  There’s a diner that’s open.  You want some breakfast?  I have a bit of time.”
      I shrug as I reach for my own bag.  “Maybe.”
      I caught sight of myself once more in the mirror over the desk.  Fuck.  I had never done something like this before.  Short term, benefits only hook ups, sure.  But one night stands with essentially a stranger?  Never.  A bubble of panic formed in my chest over not knowing how to handle the situation.  But it’s exactly what I wanted from him.  One night.  A night of celebration.  He ducked into the bathroom to take care of himself with a hesitant smile.  I glanced out the window.  It was fucking four thirty in the morning.  Bars were closed.  I was two blocks from Patrick’s apartment…
     Silently, I tucked my purse under my arm and paused at the bathroom door.  My chest felt like it was on fire.  I was going to just say ‘I’m heading out’, but instead, I found my hand on the door handle.  I walked quickly down the hall to the stairs and down into the still abandoned lobby and out the door.  My heart was pounding so fast that I was afraid I was doing something wrong by just leaving.  It was awkward and I didn’t do ‘awkward’.
      I didn’t stop until I got to Patty’s place.  I could hear his voice in his room calling out.
     “Y/n?  What are you doing back?  I’m…”  he called from behind his door.
     “Just keep fucking her, Patrick.  I’m just getting into the shower,”  I said loudly, much to the shrill chirp of embarrassment by Sidney.  “I’m just gonna crash on the couch.”
      And that was it.  My night of celebration was over, washed down the drain of the shower.  I hoped that Jake was smiling as he headed out from Ann Arbor.  I knew I’d be wearing this fucking smile for weeks to come…
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(banner cred to @ saradika and mdni divider by @ cafekitsune)
And away we go!  I hope you liked this first part of the story!  I do have a tag list, let me know if you want to be added, or fill out the form here.  See you next Wednesday! @lvnterninthenight @doodle417 @luverleaver @jakesgrapejuice @fictional-duchess @milkgemini @positivegvfthings @songbirds-sweet @gretavanbitches @gardensgatedaisy @babyhoneygvfarchive @myownparadise96 @josh-iamyour-mama @starcatcherc @loveisonaroll @jakesstarlight @reesetrippingthelight @builtby-gvf @ignite-my-fire @wetkleenex-gvf @gold-mines-melting @starsasone @mysticalstarcatcher @montenegroisr @takenbythemadness @way-to-go-lad @cal-a-bungaa @thewritingbeforesunrise @leftjudgeempathsuitcase @brokenbells11 @imborrowedshesblue @vanfleeter @sammysvanfeet @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @jaketlove @gvfmarge @becinabubblegvf @wildbluesorbit @sinarainbows @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gracev0609 @gretavangroupie @fleet-of-fiction @edgingthedarkness @itsafullmoon @anythingforjtk @seenoversundown @klarxtr @hollyco @lyndz2names
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bengiyo · 5 months
Cooking Crush Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Prem and Dynamite were being moody about their romances, so Samsi took them back to his hometown to get a break and focus on their preparation for the food competition. Coincidentally, this is also where Ten ended up, and so Dynamite dragged Metha along so they could use Ten as cover. Prem and Ten were stressed about their separation and their lack of conflict, and fought about it via Ten's friends before reuniting and affirming they missed each other. Meanwhile, Ten has been learning from a young doctor who resembles his mom. We left at Ten having a breakdown after carrying her to the hospital.
I love that we called exactly what this show was doing based on all the cues it was giving, and it was exactly that Ten was back in that trauma and reliving it. I'm so glad Prem is here to help remind him that the world isn't that cruel, and also that he did well in getting Earn to help.
I love Prem and Ten. I am now a Babii.
It was such a good choice to have the two doctors training Ten be real with him after that, reminding him that doctors aren't gods and people will still die even if you try your best and make no mistakes.
Dish 9: Pan-Fried Eggs with Toppings: Celebrating Our New Status
LOL I love Dynamite. He deserves to tease Fire.
Dy is so valid for falling for a gay who saved him from what might have felt like a bashing.
Ten is so valid for turning down a group social event after all this stress and just wanting to be with Prem.
I'm so here for Dynamite getting Fire to say these things aloud.
I actually really like Ten explicitly asking for Prem to stay the night, and Prem saying no because he doesn't want to get too distracted right now. I like that he said he wants it, but wants to come back to it after the competition. So important that they ended with cuddling to affirm their closeness.
Oh my god. Dynamite's face when Fire yelled at him.
Now why are these two pretending in front of their friends.
Gun looks cute as hell cooking in this pink sweater.
I never tire of these cooking experience fantasy sequences. I want to see one for Dynamite and Fire, and Samsi and Metha.
Babii check in. Does Gun wash Off in every show?
It really is so simple that they can call. I like them choosing an effective distance.
I think I'm with Samsi now. I worry that Dy and Prem might be too distracted. This competition is really important to them.
Wow, I love Dynamite even more. You don't meet fem guys like him if they didn't need to be this strong.
I'm with Samsi. They are a trio. I don't like them hiding something from him just because they have boyfriends.
I really like this conflict with Samsi. BL friends are usually overly supportive of the relationship and are never bothered by the changes in their friend dynamic. I like that Samsi is made for feeling like he doesn't belong and being made to feel like a fifth wheel in his friend trio. Two bottoms do not make an outfit, but three is a sisterhood; and Prem and Dy forgot that. There is so much to love in this episode.
Regarding Dynamite: This is exactly what I expected of him. You don't meet fem guys like him if they are loved and supported. You get this when they have to be. Dynamite has to support himself. We know he is a prodigy, so he's probably riding a scholarship to stay in school right now because he can't go home. I had been wondering for weeks why he didn't call his parents when he needed housing, and this is the obvious answer. It also explains why Samsi took him in even though he doesn't like people in his house. Because when you're gay, you take care of your own. I wish we focused more on the queerness of Dynamite in the posts that we pass around.
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freudyou · 2 months
"Make it look like a freak lighting accident"
It’s been years since I’ve revisited Due South, but the @ds30below event sparked my interest again, and I decided to watch a few episodes with my bud @flownwrong  to celebrate. We watched three episodes that stuck in my mind the most over the years after being absent from the show for so long: Bird in the Hand, Eclipse, and The Ladies’ Man, and I found all three to be a very rewarding rewatch, even though my memory of the rest of the series is a bit hazy.
Bird in the Hand: 
When we started our mini marathon, I didn’t realize that this was the only ep of the three where Fraser’s dad plays a role, and I forgot how solid Pinsent was at pulling comic relief duty. The scene where he popped up demanding that Fraser murder Gerard immediately after Gerard was droning on about how Robert’s dogged nobility was his ultimate downfall had me rolling, as did the bit where he—probably correctly— asserted that Ray would shoot Gerard for him if Fraser really asked him to (aww). One thing in particular about his character  that struck me while watching this episode were the moments where he actually interacted with the environment around him in a way that impacted people other than Fraser by implanting the idea to retreat in McFadden’s mind and having Gerard attempt to grab his hand while dangling in the air. In my memory, it was a lot more ambiguous whether Robert was actually a spirit or a figment of Fraser’s imagination, so that ended up being kind of a fun twist for me. 
Since the other two episodes we watched were very Ray K centric, I’m glad we did one that had a focus on Fraser’s emotional state. The scene where he confronted Robert about stubbornly refusing help in life and  said “I never loved anyone as much as I love you” while Robert was still trying to find ways to derail the conversation is a fan favorite for a reason; it’s a rare, intensely vulnerable moment for Fraser and I really enjoyed the way that Paul Gross pulled back from it a little. In another show with another character, it’s easy to imagine a scene like this being a more blatant, emotional showstopper, with the neglected son saying this in a fit of tearful anger that’s meant to make his father rear back in surprise. Instead, Paul Gross delivers the line in an understated way that’s almost more like puzzled frustration, as if Fraser is trying to piece something together about himself instead, which I thought was a really nice touch to the scene that made it feel very Fraser. I also love the cunning way that Fraser brought it back around just a few minutes later by weaponizing male emotional repression in order to freak out everyone else in the room and gain the upper hand (as well as have an opportunity to annoy Ghost Dad by calling him short) while also delivering some genuine truths: Gerard really did break his heart. 
Last but certainly not least, I adore how Ray kept trying to take care of Fraser throughout the episode in his own grumpy, special way. Sure, trying to orchestrate some Fraser-on-Gerard police brutality didn’t end up being the most well received suggestion, but it’s sweet that he acted extra vengeful to make up for Fraser’s dutiful restraint. I also forgot that the “Mentally Deficient” sticker gag and the tape recorder conversation were both in this episode. The Bickering Married Couple vibes between them were always such a classic part of the show, so it was nice to see that on display. 
Bird in the Hand really held up strongly against my fond memories of it, and I was a little surprised at how easy it was to slide back into this world and be immersed in it after being away for so long. Sometimes I guess you actually can go back home again.  
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Could you please write something based on season 5 ep.5 please when !SPOILER! Osferth dies and r, who is his sister, watches him dying. And when she goes with finan and cynlaef to reunite with uthred and sihtric, he comforts her. i need some hurt/comfort please because i love sihtric and miss our beloved baby monk, it's not fair!😭
Yes, I got u.
warnings: angst/fluff/more angst
pairing: Sihtric x you (f)
summary: your brother, Osferth, had just died and Sihtric made sure to keep you close.
word count: 2.8k
Note: request!
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @bathedinheat @hb8301
'What happens to us when we die?'
'Oh my god, I'm going to die. I'm going to die!' 'Brother!' you cried out as you saw Osferth in Finan's arms. You rushed over to both men and saw how Osferth was coughing up blood.
'Please don't let me die, Finan,' Osferth cried. 'Osferth, no, stay with us!' you screamed at the sight of your brother, who had just been stabbed, 'Finan, do something!'
But you knew just like everyone else that nothing could be done anymore. You held your brother's hands as he took his last breath, and you felt Cynlaef's embrace when you all cried. You and Finan held each other for what felt like hours after the event, not willing to accept the loss.
'There is nothing we can do,' Cynlaef said quietly after a while, 'we have to keep moving. We have to reach Uhtred and Sihtric.' 'Oh, god,' you sighed, 'they don't even know about… about…' 'Osferth,' Finan said, and you both started crying again.
'Where is Osferth?' Sihtric asked, looking at Finan, then at Cynlaef and then at you.
You were still mounted upon your horses and the three of you looked pale and tired.
'Finan,' Uhtred said concerned, when no one answered, 'where is Osferth?'
Both their faces had dropped with fear and came closer.
'Your brother?' Sihtric asked as he looked up at you, but he already knew the answer when he saw tears escaping your eyes. 'He, O-Osferth…' you sobbed, and that was all you could bring out.
You felt Sihtric's hands gently wrap around your arms and he carefully pulled you down, off your horse, into his arms as you cried. Uhtred spoke with Finan and Cynlaef, but it was inaudible to you. You felt numb at the loss of your brother. Sihtric held you tight as you cried into his chest. He wanted to be strong for you, but you could tell by the slight shaking in his breathing that he was also crying. 
Sihtric had been so kind to your brother, always, right from the start. He helped Osferth crawl out of his shell, which did the same for you. They all had been nothing to kind to you and Osferth, after Uhtred had decided to let you both join his men. Finan and Uhtred felt like brothers to you, whereas your feelings for Sihtric had quickly become romantic, but you had always played it down. Osferth had known, you had no secrets for your brother, and he knew you always liked Sihtric. You cried harder at the thought of never having Osferth around anymore. Your brother would never witness you get married or have children. He would never celebrate another birthday with Sihtric and Finan, and you would never see both men carry a drunk Osferth home again. You even felt heartbroken at the fact you would never hear him throw up anymore, because he had too much ale after Sihtric and Finan riled him up.
Sihtric hushed you as you heard Uhtred speaking quietly with him.
'We have to move,' Uhtred spoke softly, you could hear in his voice that he had also been crying. 'I know,' Sihtric answered. His voice sounded deep as your face was still buried into his chest. 'Is she fit to ride her horse?' Uhtred asked.
You didn't hear Sihtric reply, but Uhtred suddenly placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a squeeze.
'You'll ride with Sihtric, we'll take your horse,' Uhtred said softly and walked away.
Moments later you found yourself on Sihtric's horse as the lands passed you by. Sihtric had pulled you back against his chest, wrapping you within the cloak he had around his shoulders and he had one arm wrapped around your waist. His chin rested upon your shoulder the whole time and you felt him occasionally planting soft kisses onto your cheek. 
He couldn't play down his feelings for you anymore, which he had always done, just like you had. He knew you somewhat liked him, but he was too shy to act on it, which was the same problem you had. But now you were hurt and grieving and Sihtric wanted to show you he was there for you, even if he was grieving too.
'Osferth really looked up to you, you knew that?' you sniffled quietly. 'Hmm?' Sihtric hummed next to your ear, 'even though we got him drunk?'
You chuckled and Sihtric smiled softly at the sound of you.
'Yes,' you said, 'he loved being around you and Finan. And Uhtred of course. You all taught him so much, you taught me so much too. We never knew how to repay you all, for what you have done for us.' 'Repay us by staying alive,' Sihtric whispered after a moment of silence, and you felt his arm around your waist tighten, 'I won't be able to handle another loss.' 'I am not ready yet to leave this world, Sihtric,' you said and you felt yourself choke up again, 'and Osferth wasn't ready either. But I know he…' you sighed and tears escaped once more, 'I take comfort in knowing he died in Finan's arms, and not alone somewhere on the field during a battle.' 'He died in Finan's arms?' Sihtric asked.
You nodded, to which Sihtric took a deep breath and pulled you even closer against his chest. 'I'm sorry I wasn't there.'
'Actually,' you chuckled lightly, 'I'm glad you and Uhtred weren't there. I would have been afraid of the state the two of you would have been in. I mean… Finan, he… he became numb instantly, he froze, like me. But you and Uhtred probably would have turned to rage, taking out every last person who wasn't supposed to be there.' 'Probably,' Sihtric sighed and nuzzled your neck, 'but first I would have made sure you were safe.' 'I know,' you smiled, 'I know you always try to keep me safe.' 'Only try?' Sihtric asked. You couldn't see his face but you knew Shtric had an eyebrow raised now. 'And so far succeeded,' you rolled your eyes and smiled. 
You loved how Sihtric always made you feel better. It seemed effortless to him. Even after the tragic loss of your brother, he still made you smile.
'You know…' you started, then carefully reconsidered your words, 'Osferth was the only one who knew…' 'Knew what?' 'That… about… how…' Sihtric chuckled, 'just say it,' he whispered, knowing you were about to admit what he always wanted to hear. 'Osferth was the only one who knew how I felt about you... that I like you.' 'You told him that?' 'Yes… I, was it wrong of me, Sihtric?' 'No, no,' he shook his head, 'it's just…,' he sighed, 'he was the only one I told too.' 'What?' Sihtric shrugged, 'it happened when I was drunk once. But he never said anything about you.' 'And he never said anything about you either,' you scoffed, 'I can't believe this.' 'Classic Osferth,' Sihtric smiled. 'Truly,' you chuckled, but soon tears formed in your eyes again.
You both became silent and listened to the hooves of Sihtric's horse as the journey continued, until the sun began to set.
'We will make camp here,' Uhtred said as he got off his horse, as did Cynlaef and Finan.
Sihtric got off his horse before you and helped you down, you thanked him by planting a kiss on his cheek before you walked off to the stream of water you had seen moments earlier.
You crouched down and washed your face, still hoping this was all a nightmare and you would wake up, but it never happened. You sat near the water as you heard the men set up camp, not far away from you. You sat and watched the water for a while. You suddenly remembered all the times Osferth took you to look for pebbles when you were younger. He was your big brother and he was protective but also liked to tease you. He would tell you he saw a beautiful pebble in the water, making you look closer, and then as you leaned in to look where he was pointing at, Osferth would splatter water in your face. You couldn't help but smile at the memory as tears stung in your eyes.
When darkness had truly shown itself, you got up to walk to the camp that had been made.
Cynlaef had managed to catch a deer and was preparing the meat already, but you had little appetite. Finan had the same problem, and everyone noticed how awfully quiet he got. You knew he had seen how friendly you and Sihtric were during the day, and you expected he surely would have taunted you about it, but nothing ever came out of his mouth.
'Finan,' you said as you sat down next to him, making him look up at you. He gave you a weak smile, but his eyes told you how broken he was, and you embraced him.
'It wasn't your fault,' you whispered. 'I let him die,' Finan said quietly, and he choked on his words. 'No, no, you did not,' you hushed him as your voice trembled. 'He shouldn't have been there.' 'Finan, my brother was an oaf, yes, but he knew the risks. Always,' you said, trying to comfort him, 'and so did I. We have always been aware that one day we'd run out of luck.' 'Aye,' Finan said, 'but it should've been me.' 'Don't say that.'
Finan shrugged at your words. You gave him a firm hug before you got up and made way to Uhtred, who was talking with Sihtric.
'Uhtred,' you said and both men turned to face you, 'Uhtred, you need to keep an eye on Finan. He is not doing well.' Uhtred looked over your shoulder to Finan, then back at you, 'and are you doing well?'
His question took you by surprise. 
'I… I don't know,' you sighed as tears started to well in your eyes again.
Uhtred sighed sadly at the sight of your tears and Sihtric was quick to take your hand.
'Have you eaten yet?' Sihtric asked, to which you shook your head. 'Make sure to eat something, and then rest,' Uhtred told you, then he looked at Sihtric, 'make sure she eats. And she can sleep in my tent as I will keep watch tonight.' 'Yes, lord. I will make sure she eats, but she will sleep with me,' Sihtric said sternly.
Uhtred's eyes darted between the two of you and he was quick to understand what was going on.
'You two?' he asked, to which Sihtric pulled you into his arms. Uhtred slowly started to smile and shook his head, 'A pagan and a saxon. Did Osferth know?'
You both chuckled at his question and you told him how he had known you liked each other, but never told the other person about it.
'Classic Osferth,' Uhtred smiled as a tear escaped his eye. He patted Sihtric on his shoulder and made way to Finan.
Sihtric cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead, 'you must eat something, my love, you need to gain some strength again.'
You knew he was right, so you forced yourself to eat at least some bites of the meat that Cynlaef had prepared. You watched how Uhtred and Cynlaef made sure Finan ate too, before Uhtred made way to guard the camp from a comfortable distance.
As the night grew darker and colder, Sihtric walked you to his tent. He covered you with his fur cloak and pulled you into his arms. Then he nuzzled his face into your neck and held you tight.
'At least,' Sihtric said softly when he heard you sniffle, 'at least your brother is in heaven now.' The words felt foreign to Sihtric, but he knew it was what you believed and accepted that, just like you never dismissed his believe in Valhalla.
'I'm not so sure,' you chuckled through your tears, 'you and Finan have made him sin more than once.'  Sihtric laughed, 'I do not know what you speak of, my love.' 'Sure,' you laughed too now. 'But if he is not in heaven, then I am sure he is in Valhalla. He earned his place there too.'
You turned around to look at Sihtric, who was quick to cup your cheeks and wipe away your remaining tears.
'Maybe,' you said, 'wherever he is, I just hope he is safe.' 'He will be safe,' Sihtric hushed you, 'otherwise we know Osferth will smite those who threaten him.' And you both couldn't help but laugh at the memory of Osferth telling some Danes he would smite them. 
You shook your head and looked up at Sihtric with a shy smile, who returned the same expression. His hands moved to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer and soon his lips found yours, locking you in a soft but firm kiss. 
You could curse your brother now for knowing all this time that Sihtric had liked you the same way as you liked him, and just never told you. You know Osferth approved of Sihtric, and he had often taunted you when he caught you staring at Sihtric, and you wondered why he had never said anything to either you or Sihtric. 
But in truth, Osferth had never told either of you because he enjoyed seeing the two of you being clumsy and shy around each other, and he knew that sooner or later one of you would yield and admit your true feelings for one another, and he was so eager for that day to come. But he would never be there to witness it, yet he was the reason why you and Sihtric both finally surrendered to your feelings.
'Sihtric,' you sighed as you broke the kiss. 'What is it, sweetling?' he smiled and leaned his forehead against yours. 'What will… when,' you mumbled, 'what will happen to us when we die?' 'What do you mean?' 'I mean… If… if I go to heaven…' you paused, looking up into his eyes. '... and I go to Valhalla,' Sihtric said quietly, then he sighed and closed his eyes, as you buried your face into his neck after he wrapped you in his arms.
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heartofwritiing · 6 months
Is it New Years Yet?
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paring: muscianbur x fem!reader
summary: in which wilburs flight gets delayed due to a snow storm and you’re left alone for christmas.
authors note: Happy chirstmas to those who celebrate! might be the only christmas centric fic i do, because I needed some comfort because the holidays are hard for me. been listening to sabrina carpenter's chirstmas ep and it gave me some inspo. I do have a cute ice skating date fic idea with wilbur i might do but no promises! :) sorry this is rushed and short.
warnings: a little angsty, established relationship, mentions of past trauma, alcohol consumption, hurt-comfort, separation anxiety, unedited!
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Laying across the sofa in your living room, the blue light from your phone lights up your face as you scroll through your text messages with Wilbur. Reexamining his words sent from miles away brings comfort to you.
I wrote a song about you, do you wanna hear the demo?
Saw this at a stop and thought of you. *insert pic of something silly*
I thought about you all day again.
Miss you.
Love you so much.
The soft gold glow of the Christmas lights on the tree nestled in the corner is the only other light source. You had gone last week to pick out a tree alone, you could only be bothered to partially decorate it. You read over the messages You pull the comforter from your shared bed over your shoulders for warmth as a shiver runs up your body from your feet to your arms. The heater broke last week, and since it was only two days before Christmas, you couldn't get someone out to the house to fix it until after the twenty-fifth.
You tried everything to keep warm, wearing Wilbur sweaters, and buying more blankets than deemed necessary. It still wasn’t enough. You needed him. Inhaling the scent of the fabric you sigh sadly, It still smells like him.
Since Wilbur left, you hadn't been sleeping in your bed either, instead opting to sleep on the couch. It felt too lonely to sleep in that big bed all alone. Not that it mattered anymore, you were going to be alone for Christmas this year.
Wilbur had called you a few hours ago while you were baking cookies in preparation for his return from his small festival tour with his band. He had only been gone for two weeks, but it still felt like a month in your mind.
You were swaying along to the Christmas coffeeshop Spotify playlist playing softly in the kitchen while licking vanilla frosting off your finger when your phone started ringing. You wipe the remaining frosting off on your apron and pick up your phone to see who's calling.
A smile immediately grazes your lips seeing your boyfriend's contact photo appear on your screen. You answer with zero hesitation.
"Hii honey, Happy Christmas eve, eve!" you speak sweetly.
You're blessed with hearing his sweet chuckle that makes your stomach swirl with delight. God how you’ve missed hearing it.
"Happy Christmas eve, eve, darling,"
His voice sounds almost melancholic, but at the same time relieved to finally hear your voice. It causes you to frown in confusion. Shouldn't he be on a plane right now?
"Are you okay? I thought you were supposed to be on a flight heading here?"
You can hear a sigh escape his lips.
"I was, but, I had a layover in New York for an hour then there is an unexpected snowstorm heading towards here, and our flight is now delayed until Thursday..."
Your heart dropped. Thursday? Then that would mean... three days from now. he wouldn't be here for Christmas. You can hear him give a quick-lipped response of 'yea' to someone before his attention is back on you, questioning if you're still there. Gripping the phone tighter in your hand, your knuckles are turning white as you take a step back from the counter. You sink to the floor as you try to ground yourself into not panicking.
"You promised..."
Your breathing picks up.
"what? darling I can't hear you,” his voice is gentle through the staticky phone speaker due to the weather.
"You promised me, I wouldn't be alone..." Your voice squeaks as the tears finally flow freely down your cheeks as you break out into full-on sobs. Memories of being alone for the holidays in the past coming all back to you. You never really liked Christmas due to your childhood, but Wilbur changed that when you met. So to say you were looking forward to spending time with the only person you enjoyed it with made you panic with the thought of him not being here.
"I know, I know darling, I'm so sorry,” he says.
He guides you through your panicked state as you've helped him several times over the phone after big shows he's done the past year.
“Wilbur, I-I can’t-” you stutter, trying to get your breaths even. You felt pathetic for having a panic attack over the phone with your boyfriend over this, but it felt like your world was crashing down.
After you finally calmed down, Wilbur promised he would give you the best belated Christmas ever once he got home. He vowed to cuddle with you, bake with you, and watch cheesy movies until your heart was content. This made you feel less upset and more excited about his return. You stayed on the phone with him until he said his phone was at one percent, and then said goodbye before the call disconnected.
You are currently lying on the sofa and going through your text messages repeatedly. It has already been an hour since Wilbur last messaged you, and you are starting to feel uneasy about whether everything is fine with him. You are left wondering if he might have taken a flight, or his phone battery might have died, and he is unable to find a charger. Alternatively, you are worried that he has realized how clingy you can become and has decided to ignore you.
As tears threatened to well up in your eyes again, you realized that you had no one but yourself to comfort you. The separation from him hadn't been easy this last time since it was only for two weeks, but you couldn't help but doubt whether he honestly cared about spending Christmas separated. Deep down, you knew that wasn't the truth.
You fell asleep at sunrise on Christmas Eve. You slept through the entire day and woke up around 5 pm when your stomach started growling. Since you didn't feel like cooking anything, you made yourself a bowl of ramen. However, you still haven't received any messages from Wilbur. Which left you discouraged. You ended up falling back asleep on the couch.
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You suddenly woke up to the sound of the front door opening with a loud creak. You quickly got up and grabbed the nearest heavy object, which happened to be a half-burned-out candle, preparing to throw it at whoever was trying to enter. The door swung open to reveal a struggling Wilbur, who was carrying his suitcase and guitar in each hand. You dropped the candle on the couch and ran towards him.
Engulfing him in a bone crushing hug, he gasped in surprise and dropped his suit case to wrap his arm around you.
“You’re here!” you cried.
You felt like you were dreaming. He was here, you weren’t alone anymore.
“Surprise darling,” he kisses your temple.
“H-how?” you ask in disbelief.
“The storm had cleared enough for me to catch a flight home to you,”
“It’s a Christmas miracle!” you say half joking.
Pulling away to allow him to close the door, you prop his guitar against the wall so he can grab everything else.
“So, what do you wanna do first?” you hop on your toes with excitement. Now that he is here, you are buzzing with energy again, as if life was breathed back into you.
Wilbur gives you a defeated yet apologetic look. He feels as though he is going to let you down once more.
“Sleep, I'm really tired darling, I figured we could do everything on your list tomorrow for actual Christmas.”
“oh right, sorry yeah, we should get to bed.” you laughed. Understandable completely, he had a long journey and was looking forward to crawling into bed and cuddling for as long as possible.
The time you saw it was almost midnight, almost Christmas day. You lead him to the bedroom as he settles back into his familiar space of comfort. Everything was still the same as he left it. Some dirty shirts on the floor, two half-empty glasses of water on his bedside, and his PC untouched in the corner of the room made him do a mental check to possibly stream sometime soon, but no rush.
One thing that was off was the comforter not on the bed in a messy heap. Instead, the pillow on your side was missing, and the thin sheet was left untucked on the bed.
You ran out of the the room and returned with the comforter, happy to finally have someone to share it with again. Wilbur frowned as he watched you carry the large blanket in your arms.
“What was that doing out there?” he questioned.
“Oh, I slept on the couch while you were gone,” you say nonchalantly.
“why…?” he drags out, like he’s waiting for you to elaborate further.
You froze, realizing he didn't know you were in the living room instead of the shared bed.
“I couldn’t sleep in our bed…” you responded, sadness in your tone.
The realization breaks his heart. How you've been face-timing him from the living room every night, complaining about your back and neck being sore. You reassured him every time he asked how you were doing and you would say you were fine.
"Love, why didn't you tell me you were having sleep problems?"
In all honesty, you didn't want to burden him with the knowledge that you weren't sleeping well without him. Wilbur was already overloaded with responsibilities, you didn't want to add to any of his stress.
"I didn't want you to worry or want you to think you had to take care of me and rush away from your responsibilities that are more important." you look down, ashamed of admitting it.
He steps over to you and takes your face in his hands, you stare deeply into his chocolate eyes that hold so much sincerity.
"Listen to me when I say no responsibility is more important to me than you. You're my whole world, and nothing will ever change that. I know it's hard, but I need you to be more honest with me, especially with things like this." he declared. "You're everything to me, and I couldn't bear letting you suffer in silence. Never feel like you are a burden. Because you never will be.”
Wilbur wishes he would've been here for you when you needed him most, but now he wants to make it up to you. By the time he’s finished with his speech, you’re left with tears streaming down your cheeks and a sense of relief. Wilbur kisses your forehead, nose, and finally captures your lips in a sweet kiss. Once you both pull away theres nothing but bright smiles on both your faces.
You both climb into bed and hold each other like either one of you could turn to dust at any moment, eventually falling into deep slumber together peacefully.
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The next afternoon is spent dragging Wil out of bed and back into the living room so you can make him brunch and start your marathon of Christmas movies. Mostly just him talking through the whole thing, making little quips about the story or what the characters do. You wouldn't want it any other way.
The time had finally come to open the presents. You decided to gift him a new sweater along with some guitar picks, as he had a habit of losing them. In return, he gave you souvenirs from his travels, including stickers from all the new states he visited and a sweater of your own so you would stop taking his. That was never not gonna happen.
The rest of the day was spent in the best way possible, simply enjoying each other's company.
Later when the sun had gone down once again you were snuggled up on the couch together, sipping on wine as another movie played as background noise. You looked up at Wilbur with tired eyes and he notices.
“what?” he asks brushing a strand of hair out of your face, it makes your cheeks flush.
“Im so happy you’re here.” you confess.
“I am too darling,” he smiles.
Wilbur leans down to capture your lips. They fit together like perfect puzzle pieces. You can taste the bitterness of wine on his tongue when it slips past your lips. You gripe his sweater between your fingers and pull him incredibly close.
You break apart before it gets to heavy, your head swirls from the slight tipsy feeling from the alcohol, but also from your boyfriends sweet kiss.
“Merry Christmas Will,” you whisper.
“Merry Christmas my love.” he hums back.
You nuzzle into his neck as he wraps you into an embrace. You both fall asleep on that couch you had spent so many nights alone on. Snow falls outside, and for once, everything is peaceful in your mind knowing your love was safe at home holding you.
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taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @ax-y10 @mysticalsoot @idontreallyexistyet @loonalvjy
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glorious-sunset · 3 months
Reflections on Ep. 5 of LBFAD on rewatch
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Arbiter Hall, Day 4: DongFang QingCang (DFQC), after a torturous morning collecting dew drop by drop for Xiao Lanhua (XLH), finds her and the plant spirits gleefully celebrating his departure!! He has many enemies who scheme behind his back and want to kill him, is aware of Shiyuntian’s unflattering propaganda around him, and never gave these insults a second thought. But when XLH says that “even the air becomes clearer” without him around, it is like a sharp stab to his gut. When even the thoughts of the mightiest kings don’t bother him, why should the words of an inconsequential little flower?
XLH’s relief at his disappearance soon turns to sadness and worry. She misses Da Qiang terribly, and wonders if he is back at Haotian Tower. She knows he had been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years – how much longer would he have to stay if he went back? He is a good man and doesn’t deserve it. The plant spirits go to sleep and she feels bereft – until DFQC presents her with her morning dew! He looks more breathtakingly handsome than ever in a new set of robes and smells intoxicating from his fragranced bath.
DFQC tries hard to be patient with her requests to make the dew more palatable. When he blows on it to cool it down, it reminds her of her master Siming blowing on her porridge when she is sick. Since Siming left, nobody ever lifted a finger to care for her until now. Da Qiang promises to collect dew for her every day from now on – but how can she accept his kindness? Her heart belongs to Changheng (CH) doesn’t it? She is torn.
DFQC overdoes everything that the Xilan scroll suggests in his attempts to heal XLH! The amount of dew he collects is several times the amount she would normally drink, his efforts to keep her warm take him to the volcanic magma of Cangyan Sea, and only the best place will do to see the sunrise – the home of his enemy! :D It would be easier if he took her back to Cangyan Sea, let his medics attend to her, and retrieved his Jade Ring to block her emotions. He could then coerce her to fix the destiny leaf without emotional fallout. But the scroll said that the roots of the Xilan holy plant should not be moved except on particular days.
Yunzhong Water Pavillion: Yunzhong admonishes CH for ignoring his arranged marriage to the Goddess and for keeping another woman’s handkerchief. CH is dutifully shamed, discarding the Immortal Pill that he had poured his spirit’s vitality into creating over the last three days for XLH. If only he knew that XLH was actually his fiancée! :D Too funny.
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Arbiter Hall: DFQC has been away all day and XLH, worried for his safety, has stayed up long past her usual bedtime to wait for him. When he returns and approaches her in her bedroom late at night, she retreats nervously. His proximity feels dangerous and exciting. He offers her the spark of Eternal Flame from the magma of Cangyan Sea, and is pleased when she recognises it from her books. But how could he have entered such a dangerous and distant place just to keep her warm – what if he had lost his life?!
Fountain Palace: CH reminisces about the momentous day he spent with XLH 500 years ago, which he then wiped from her memory without her consent!! There are many striking parallels between his history with XLH and DFQC’s continuing story with her. XLH did not know the true identity of either CH nor DFQC, but showed kindness to them both simply because of her caring nature. To CH, aggrieved by the attentions of simpering fairies chasing him for his fortune and status, this was the purest form of kindness he ever knew. XLH cured both men with her Xilan magic – for CH, this involved healing his physical wounds. CH appeared to have been mortally wounded and it is possible that she saved his life. For DFQC, she healed the damage to his Tree of Emotions, and mended his relationships with his father and brother. XLH is also the first person to try to protect either of these men, who everyone else relied on to protect them but were never offered care and protection themselves. In ep. 8 she protectively wraps DFQC in her arms in her attempt to save him from CH and his troops. What a woman! CH and DFQC never stood a chance. Also, CH, you are an idiot :D
Arbiter Hall, Day 5: It’s still dark when DFQC enters XLH’s room to take her to see the sunrise. Of course she’s reluctant to get up, lazy creature that she is, but the first rays of the sun are vital to her recuperation. Let’s see, she can’t go dressed in her nightclothes. He creates a soft and feminine lavender gown for her in keeping with her preference for light-coloured clothes, and gorgeous pastel hair accessories to match. Amazing!! We’ve seen him magically change his own clothes in ep. 2 and he does the same for her now. The next thing she knows, they are flying up, up, up, faster than she has ever travelled before and it is scary but exhilarating! Her arms encircle DFQC tightly and she feels safe in his embrace.
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The lavender gown that DFQC created is the most beautiful out of all of XLH’s Fairy Realm outfits. The sleeves fall in soft, translucent frills, the bodice is lavender and the skirt is a collage of multiple pastel hues. His impeccable taste in fashion isn’t limited to his own wardrobe! (you can be my fairy godmother any time DFQC! :D ) This dress becomes XLH’s favourite; she wears it for the fairies’ examination in ep. 6 for good luck, and is seen wearing it in two scenes in the LBFAD end credits :D
Yunzhong Water Pavillion: DFQC watches with wicked amusement as XLH, not realising they are concealed by his invisibility cloak, panics at the sight of the heavenly soldiers approaching. They are now physically very comfortable with each other, and she grabs his waist, his arm, his wrist, as she tries to hide behind him and persuade him to leave before even more powerful high celestials arrive and capture them!
DFQC has to admit that the home of his arch-enemy is beautiful. But this reminds him that the Shuiyuntian dictators greedily hoard the best locations for themselves; they determine the class of others based solely on the status they were born into, and not on their personal merits. In Cangyan Sea, anyone can rise in status if they work hard enough and show potential. Shuiyuntian oppresses any member of the Moon Tribe simply because they are labelled as Moon Tribe – no other crime is necessary. In the lead up to the Battle of Two Tribes, Shuiyuntian had been cruelly and unnecessarily using their spirit-vanishing arrow formation (mentioned by his father in ep. 16) against the Moon Tribe, which meant that those they destroyed could never reincarnate and their spirits would never be at peace. The Moon Tribe had had no counter to their genocidal attacks until DFQC learned to control Hellfire.
They teleport to a romantic private balcony bordered with flowers just in time to catch the first rays of the rising sun. It’s the first sunrise XLH has ever seen! She can’t believe how beautiful the view is from the highest point in Shiyuntian! Not even high gods are allowed up here without being summoned by Yunzhong. To her enormous excitement, Cloud Whale, whom she has regularly spoken to over the past thousand years but never seen in person, makes an appearance!! Da Qiang made this possible for her, and she can’t help but love him for it.
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Her radiant smile and soft, tender gaze upon him captivates him. From this moment, he is unable to take his eyes off her, and a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth! :D Even the flowers on the balcony bloom in response to XLH’s happiness. Unknowingly, the two of them are by now completely enchanted by each other.
Arbiter Hall: XLH takes the Universe Pill that Jieli gave her, and both she, and DFQC in response, experience excruciating stomach pains (shame on you Jieli! :P ). While DFQC dispels fire energy from her stomach, she tells him that despite being a grouch, he is not a bad person. “Within the three realms, nobody is worse than me!” he declares, followed soon after by “if you feel sad, I feel sad too” :D He roughly pulls a blanket over her on his way out – this small but very significant gesture is not born from the necessity to heal her, but from a new desire within him to care for her. He was trained to be ruthless, nobody taught him how to be kind, but from this point on he is slowly learning how. In ep. 8, he roughly brushes a tear from her cheek, and his small gestures of kindness only continue to become smoother and gentler.
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Unfortunately, XLH continues to be sad while missing Siming and the hundred flower soup she used to make for her and DFQC can no longer stand it! His face keeps crying and it is distracting him from his reading!! How hard can it be to make soup? He is not familiar with the kitchen equipment but has some experience with cooking over a campfire. So, he uses his hellfire to create a campfire on the rooftop. Bad idea, as smoke goes everywhere and flowers burn in the cooking pot :D But, XLH is overjoyed at his thoughtful efforts to cheer her up, which are well outside his comfort zone! He reminds her more and more of her master Siming, who was the dearest and most important person to her. All of the flowers in the greenhouse now bloom in response to her joy and affection (only two flowers bloomed for CH, in ep. 1 :P )
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Here is a link to my episode 6 review (contains spoilers). All of my LBFAD articles and episode reviews can be viewed with the tag #lbfad reflections (hyperlinked) and the table of contents to these is here.
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dk-wren · 6 months
Buddy Daddies & “Silent Night”
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Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!
I’ve been busy working on other projects, so no time to write a fic for Christmas. However, I still wanted to do something, and thinking about the work I do outside of here, this is what I came up with. So, to celebrate the season, and the anniversary of Miri falling into the lives of Kazuki and Rei, I present a brief history of “Silent Night” and its relevance/connections to Buddy Daddies!
Brief History:
"Silent Night" was first performed in 1818 at the St. Nicholas Church in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria. The lyrics were written by Father Joseph Mohr, which were originally adapted from a poem he had written two years previously, while the melody was composed by Franz Gruber. The song was originally written in German for two voices and an accompanying guitar, though an organ accompaniment was composed several years later (presumably along with an arrangement for a choir since it is traditionally performed in Austria during Christmas Eve Mass).
In Buddy Daddies, Miri is heard singing the first of six verses, which is probably the most well-known verse. When translated to English (first in 1858), and what I gather as the most common/used translation, or the one I am most familiar, only three verses are translated (verses 1, 6, and 2, in that order). Since its original performance/publication, "Silent Night" has been translated into over 300 languages and dialects.
Connections to Buddy Daddies:
(Just to be upfront, this is more my interpretation. I also want to acknowledge that there are a lot of religious elements in this song, which I do not feel I can adequately address/discuss. Though I may be wrong, I also don't think the religious elements are really at play in Buddy Daddies)
First things first, it is more than a little ironic how the first time "Silent Night" is heard in Buddy Daddies, or when Miri enters the hotel in ep. 1, an instrumental version is heard in the background, and in ep. 12 during Miri's Christmas recital (also kind of in ep. 11 when Miri is practicing), a gunfight precedes or succeeds this song.
That being said, it works since those moments then act like the calm before or after the storm. While there will always be some craziness or hecticness in raising a four/five year old, the moments that Kazuki and Rei spend with Miri, especially after these fights, act as moments of comfort or reassurance that their family is all together and they have each other.
The final line we hear Miri sing, and of the first verse, "Sleep in heavenly peace," arguably represents Kazuki and Rei's wish for Miri: that she is safe, has nothing to truly worry about, and knows she is loved. Their drive and desire to let Miri sleep soundly at the end of every night is what causes them to choose their family over the organization and to fight back knowing that the organization disapproves of such "attachments" or the idea of Rei, Kazuki, and Miri being a family. While this scene is not connected to one of the times "Silent Night" is heard in Buddy Daddies, this comfort of having each other and being able to rest easy because of this feeling is also clearly seen in the ep. 3 after credits scene. The events of ep. 3 is the first time Kazuki, Rei, and Miri all seem to acknowledge that they are a family and will be staying by each other's side in the long run, which may then be why Rei quickly falls asleep as they are all relatively on the same page about their relationships to one another (and everyone he loves, whether or not he fully processes this yet, is safe next to him).
In having Miri sing this song at the end of ep. 12, the lines "All is calm, all is bright" also stand out because that is how Kazuki and Rei are seeing their future now. They've done everything in their power to walk away from the organization for good, and they did it without losing their lives. Now, their sole mission is to look after Miri and raise their daughter to be the best person she can be. The two walking into Miri's concert and standing in the back (not just because they were late, but because of their injuries) may give them some time for reflection about what they did that day and how that provided them the opportunity to successfully go after the future they've dreamed of.
Not directly related to the song, but during my research, I also found that another big accomplishment for lyricist Joseph Mohr was his role in building the first school in one village and setting up a fund that would help to cover the cost of education so that children from poorer families could still attend/be educated. His work as a priest could be interpreted as him having an affinity for providing for or working to better the lives of children. Considering how much Kazuki and Rei do to look after Miri's happiness and well-being, the personal life of the lyricist of "Silent Night" then adds some more depth into this song being featured throughout Buddy Daddies given Mohr's connections to looking after and taking into consideration the needs of growing children.
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this quick little exploration into "Silent Night." There were more things I wanted to include in the history section, but I felt it would have been too much or gotten too long. I hope the little bit I included was enough though and not too boring.
Happy holidays, everyone!
-Dakota Wren
(P.S. gonna slide this announcement into the bottom of my post, but you know how I wrote at the top I've been busy working on "other projects?" Well, that's because I am currently planning to do a celebration week leading up to the 1 year anniversary of Buddy Daddies premiere. If all goes according to plan, I will have something posted each day from Jan 1st-Jan 7th. If I need to switch to plan B, then expect a mega-post or multi-posts throughout the day on Jan 7th. So while I don't have any new content for the holiday season, expect some relatively soon with the new year. Thanks for reading and again, happy holidays!)
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simslegacy5083 · 1 month
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 75: A Beautiful Second Chance
Luigi and Noemi hadn’t spoken since she’d turned him down on New Year’s Eve. He missed her almost every day, but he pushed those feelings down deep. They’d been through too much to go back to “just friends” now.
He needed to move on, and so the day of his father’s second wedding Luigi showed up to the chapel in Tartosa hand in hand with Amaya.
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Luigi wanted to be sure he and Amaya were compatible in the bedroom before asking her for a long-term commitment, but he would know soon.
She’d leaned in close as soon as they met at the teleport station, telling him about a villa she’d found near the wedding venue, and the blindfold related plans she had for him that night. It was going to be a LONG day considering what he had to look forward to at the end of it!
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Once everyone was seated the wedding party started things off in style. Valentina’s granddaughter Aubrie looked adorable in her simple peach dress, even if the tomboy wasn’t too happy about having to wear it or the “pinchy” shoes that went with it!
The three boys followed close behind her. The couples adopted son Kian was full of his usual self confidence, Scott a bit shy, and Luigi found himself wiping away a tear of joy for his father’s second chance at love and his Papa’s support and acceptance that had helped make it possible.
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Then it was time for the couple of the hour to follow their loved ones down the aisle. Peachy offered his old friend his arm with a smile.
When he’d taken this walk with Jack so long ago, he’d hoped to convince his love to sync up their ages and had never imagined doing it again. While he would have loved to have kept his best friend by his side, he felt blessed by the incredible gift of this second chance at happiness with Valentina.
Reaching the arch where Chance was waiting made those memories of that other sunny day, and his other love, suddenly overwhelming. Luigi saw his fathers back stiffen and looked on worriedly, ready to jump up and help if needed. Instead, Valentina reached out, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Taking a deep breath Peachy opened his eyes, smiling at his fiancée and asking Chance with a smile “well, what are you waiting for!?”
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The elder immortal, who had spent centuries waiting for his own second shot at happiness, was the perfect sim to officiate this wedding.
His speech about the joy of finding love after loss hit just the right note, especially with its reminder that new love didn’t diminish the feelings one had for those they’d loved before. Candor, sitting next to Bianca, smiled at his ex-husband and good friend, silently thankful for the time they’d shared.
Valentina had encouraged Peachy to slip as many jokes as he wanted into his vows and that dash of comedy helped keep the bittersweet ceremony upbeat. His bride laughed out loud at the silly stories from their past, especially her boring prom with “King August” and their other magic friends.
Even Luigi found himself chuckling at his dad’s stories – it was much easier to do when he wasn’t the subject of the jokes in question! Amaya seemed much less excited, sighing and rolling her eyes throughout the event, but he was sure that she’d warm up and charm everyone at dinner later.
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Peachy had been a Lawbourne for a long time now, but the universe granted him a little Lothario good luck to start his second marriage off strong. Still chuckling, his bride leaned in to kiss him and missed the mark, her glasses scratching his scarred eye on their first try.
He took it in stride, joking as he wiped away a tear “I’ve always been told this is the best way to end a wedding ceremony in my family!” before leaning in with a little more care and successfully delivering a long and tender kiss much to the appreciation of their crowd of loved ones.
Now officially husband and wife the newlyweds invited everyone to join them in the dining hall for a gourmet feast prepared by the groom himself.
It was time to celebrate!
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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telomeke · 6 months
This episode of The Sign somehow managed to be a LOT and yet not quite enough (for me) at the same time.
After the languid pacing of Ep.3, set in far-off, semi-rural Nong Khai and punctuated only sporadically with moments of drama and foreboding, Ep.4 took a jarring tonal leap back into the darker, sleeker world of modern Bangkok as the boys got stuck into their day jobs as newbie investigators for a mysterious crime involving rape, abduction, torture, murder and media manipulation. 👀
Maybe it's just me, but the show is starting to show signs of having bitten off more than it can chew – with aspirations to being a fantasy, a procedural crime drama, a supernatural thriller, a comedy and a love story. Is it some of the above? All of it? At the same time? It's early days, but there are hints it may be going down the same meandering path trod by KinnPorsche, flailing in several directions on a whim. (At least KinnPorsche flailed with style, but I'm not sure The Sign has quite the luxury of a Romsaithong budget to ladle on the bucketloads of sugary gloss needed to make a ramshackle raft of uncohesive elements at least superficially appealing to the palate, if not exactly good for your soul.)
Don't get me wrong though. I think there is a place for the mixing and even blending of genres in media, and there is a long history of this in the Asian cinematic universe (what's coming to mind are Bollywood/Kollywood films in which a mafia tale can also be a love story and musical for example – echoes of KinnPorsche here, though most of KP's musical bits were tacked on in the after-concerts – and also Hong Kong movies of decades past where a martial arts movie could also be a slapstick comedy and nobody would bat an eyelid).
A culinary metaphor might be the easiest (laziest) way of making my point: the mile-long ingredient list and complex spicing of a curry may seem like you're inviting nothing but clashing and competition in the claypot, but careful dosing can stew them up into a sumptuous, unified result. And the myriad of ingredients in East and Southeast Asian noodle soups and flash stir-fries not only foreground contrasting textures and flavors in a single dish but actually celebrate them. Both approaches assert that artful assemblage and the right dosage can bring together disparate components (that might seem uneasy companions in their raw and uncombined state) to finish up with a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
I'm no media expert (necessary caveat inserted here) but I think The Sign needs quite a lot more finessing with all that it's taken on, and getting the proportions, mixing and balance correct will be the tricky bit given the wildly contrasting ingredients they've already added to the pot. I'm not convinced KinnPorsche got it right and I have concerns The Sign may slide down that slope too (if Ep.4 is anything to go by).
Even the acting is starting to betray the fact that Kruu A's assured directorial hand, so evident in the first three episodes, is possibly losing its grip on all the disparate threads and themes. (It's not too late for him to pull it back though, so I think the next two episodes or so will be critical to see if The Sign can live up to the promise of its first three episodes.)
I think this loss of control is especially noticeable in Billy's acting for Ep.4 – his thespian chops had been confident and dependable enough in Episodes 1 to 3 (even during the high tension fight scenes and especially during the quieter emotional interludes with Babe). But in Ep.4 he crossed the line repeatedly and was visibly overacting in almost every take. I'm guessing they needed to amp up the energy level of his portrayal since Phaya is supposed to be a hot-headed garuda after all. But I think the actorly resources currently at Billy's disposal don't quite allow him to pull off the bigger emotions and scenes with authenticity, not just yet anyway. (Babe showed characteristic restraint throughout though, and I thought he consistently did a good job.)
Unfortunately Billy wasn't the only one falling short in the acting department; the extras and bit players were also allowed to ham it up no end (yes, I'm sorry for the kid who was sexually assaulted, but the hysteria on display was jarringly and completely inauthentic, and drew more mockery to the predicament rather than sympathy, which is such a shame). 🤷‍♂️
Special mention also for the OTT expressions of the investigative group during each team meeting – they all appeared to be reacting exactly in unison to every turn of events, whether it was exaggerated focus on new findings, flinching in collective disappointment whenever their leads were thwarted, or looking around suspiciously and suddenly when it was suggested the murderer might be one in their midst. It looked far too much like a group of actors responding to instructions from outside in, rather than a team of individuals reacting from inside out, each with their own agency but choosing to align themselves as one. And this should have been weeded out by the director, since we know this team was largely able to deliver on the acting front in the first three episodes.
I stand with Inspector Akk whose confused expression in most of the group scenes seemed to be saying "What the hell is going on here?" 🤣
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(above) "Inspector" Akk Akarat Nimitchai: "What is going on? Why am I here? Why did I listen to my agent? I am an Actor!"
Although this is probably just The Sign telling us that Akk knows more than he's letting on, and the newbies he's assigned are doing a far better job than he thought they would (and which is maybe not the desired outcome?). 🤔
Anyway the writers dialled back somewhat on the naga/garuda mythology in Episode 4 to shine more light on the NCIS-style criminal investigation, and this isn't doing The Sign any favors because the mythological themes roiling beneath the surface were what set this series apart in the first place and made it such a fascinating watch.
We still got to see some of it though. Whenever the naga and garuda's inner energies are especially stoked, the lighting often plays along (e.g., the brightly sparkling lights that accompany garuda Phaya charging up his batteries at Ep.1 [4/4] 14.20 and Ep.3 [2/4] 19.07, PhayaTharn's toilet encounter at Ep.2 [4/4] 9.12, the Mekong rescue at Ep.3 [2/4] 19.18, and Tharn's erotic dream of him and Phaya having shower sex at Ep.4 [2/4] 5.52). When it's fiery garuda Phaya and watery naga Tharn experiencing this together, the lighting dances between warm tones (suggesting the flames of the garuda) and cooler blues (suggesting the watery world of the naga).
I think that's why they made such a big deal with the blue and red lighting in this scene:
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Phaya and Tharn have just survived an encounter with an armed and possibly insane killer. The flashing lights (blue for the marine naga, red for the fiery garuda) quite literally signal them recouping their respective beast energies after their near-death experience. (I also like that in the screenshot above, the light on Phaya is blue while the light on Tharn is red – each seems to be reflecting what the other is giving off. 👍)
There are also a few other examples of the naga and garuda dynamics in Episode 4, if we look a bit more closely.
Naga Tharn really had to fight to overcome his aversion to the flames in the abandoned mental facility (the Molotov cocktail is also I think a callback to the naga fireballs of the previous episode); garuda Phaya on the other hand breached the fire without a second thought.
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But in hand-to-hand combat with the masked Molotov man (an agent of the malevolent naga out to get him and Tharn I suppose) Phaya is swiftly overcome – take a look at where they're fighting though (at Ep.4 [3‌/4] 12.25); it's a forest clearing right at the water's edge (with water being the nagas' stronghold, while it seems to weaken garuda Phaya's abilities).
When Phaya insists he and Tharn have dinner, it's at a hot-pot place (a culinary experience of both fire and boiling water at the table, another metaphor for the coming together of the naga and garuda). And the red and blue lighting of the restaurant also pays homage to the mythological pairing:
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When Tharn is cooking breakfast for him and Phaya, it seems the sizzling on the stove is all it takes to remind him of his sex dream with hot-as-fire Phaya (although that is likely an induction hob though, not an open flame 🤣):
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And when offered the breakfast, Phaya lets us know in no uncertain terms he prefers the more liquid option (just as his garuda self has chosen a waterworld naga):
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OK so on to the most direct reference yet to the fantasy world-building in Episode 4 of The Sign – the visitation from the mysterious old woman spouting warnings and exhortations to Tharn and Phaya:
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Her serpent bracelet and subsequent physical transformation show that she is most likely a nagini from Tharn's past life, come to warn the pair that the vengeful naga whom Tharn betrayed previously (see Heng Asavarid's interview spoiler here) is nearby and out to get them (remembering also that at least some of the nagas have the power to shapeshift).
My guess is her golden eyes and general coloration at Ep.4 [1‌/4] 15.40 are signaling that she's Wanwisa, Tharn's sister in his previous life as a naga:
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Going off-tangent just a little, the mysterious gran/golden dragon lady is another example of a wise and mysterious elder popping into a Thai drama to dispense life-saving wisdom.
Not sure if it's enough to be a trope, but The Sign's psychic gran calls to mind a couple of other almost deus-ex-machina plot-helpers:
the loong with the time-portal crystal ball in Be My Favorite; and
the wise monk at the end of Nang Nak (the Sine Inthira version).
There are surely others (but I just can't recall them at the moment). I also can't help but think Uncle Tong in Bad Buddy fits this mold as well, because his wise, unworldly advice helped PatPran re-think and re-chart their lives (except that Director Aof had the good sense not to spring this sage and magical loong on us at the very last minute, and introduced him to us earlier in BBS Ep.6).
Anyway, on to Ep.5 of The Sign. I can't wait to see what's in store, and hope they can get the series back on track! 💖
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kamidukki · 1 year
Berrien's 2023 BD Card Story - So That I Could Meet You (1/2)
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Part 1
*Before you read, we'd like to inform that this story contains spoiler from EP 2.5.
It's recommended to read EP 2.5 before you proceed.
For those who want to avoid spoiler, please use the upper left button to go back.
- Devil's Palace, Master Bedroom -
- Several days prior to Berrien's birthday -
/sounds of knocking
Lono: Master, can I come in?
[Go ahead]
Lono: Good morning, Master!
Bastien: Good morning, Master.
[Do you two need something?]
Bastien: That's right. There is... something we want to consult you today.
Lono: Yeah, that's about it.
Bastien: The thing we want to discuss with you is about... Berrien-san's birthday.
[Oh, Berrien's birthday is...]
Lono: Yes. It's getting closer, March the 5th.
Bastien: We're always indebted to Berrien-san. That's why we want to celebrate the occasion... But when we think of how, we fail to come up with anything good.
That's why we came seeking your advice.
[I see...]
Lono: So, Master, what do you think? Would you lend us a hand?
Since I was also indebted to Berrien, I wanted to congratulate him on his birthday as well.
[Absolutely! Let's think of something together!]
Lono: Thank you very much, Master!
Thus, the three of us, for the sake of celebrating Berrien's birthday, started a strategy meeting.
Lono: Let's see... There are lots of ways to celebrate a birthday, but...
If possible, something that can help Berrien-san relax would be better.
[To help Berrien relax?]
Bastien: Agreed. Recently, Berrien-san seems to be busier than usual...
The person himself might not realise it, but I don't doubt he must be feeling tired.
[Should we gift him a day-off?]
Lono: We did think about that too...
Bastien: But even if we give one to Berrien-san... He'll probably say 'I'm just doing things I want to do' and ends up working anyway.
[I see...]
Lono: The only time Berrien-san isn't working is when he's eating, I guess.
[Then, should we gift him a meal?]
Lono: Eh? Are you suggesting we prepare a birthday dinner for Berrien-san?
Bastien: A dinner... That might work... Also, eating delicious meals can help him recover from fatigue.
Lono: I see! As expected of Master, that was a good idea!
[Thank you]
Lono: Great, since it's a special occasion... might as well throw in the element of surprise!
Oi, Bastien. Let's make a luxurious dinner!
Bastien: Understood. But...
[What's wrong?]
Bastien: Since we're at it, I'm just thinking we might as well get a different present to give Berrien-san at the dinner...
[Then, how about I do it?]
Bastien: ...You, Master?
[I want to give Berrien something]
Lono: How nice! Receiving a present from the Master after a surprise dinner... Berrien-san will be really ecstatic!
Bastien: He really will be, no doubt.
By the way, Master. If you want to go out to buy present, we'll accompany you.
[Is it alright?]
Lono: Yes! Since we need to shop for the dinner's ingredients too... And if you're having trouble choosing your present, feel free to ask our help!
[Thank you]
In order to find a present for Berrien, I went out afterwards, accompanied by the two.
- Central Land, Espoir -
- The following day -
Berrien: Let's see... With this, we're more or less finish buying everything.
Lono: ...
Berrien: Err... Everyone, is something the matter?
[I-it's nothing]
Bastien: (To think that Berrien-san said he wanted to join our outing... Because we weren't able to find a good excuse to refuse, he ended up coming with us...)
Lono: (What should we do... At this rate, Master won't be able to buy the present... There's no way Master would buy it in front of Berrien-san himself, right.)
[(What should I do...)]
Berrien: Uh... Is everything truly alright?
[I-it is]
Lono: T-that's right! No worries, really!
Bastien: By the way, Berrien-san, saying that you wanted to go along with us... Does that mean there's something you need to get done in Espoir?
[Is that so, Berrien?]
Berrien: Yes, there is.
The truth is... There's this new shop in town that's selling tea and teacups.
Moreover, the owner of the shop is none other than someone we, the Devil Butlers, protected from an angel before.
I received a letter from that person inviting us to take a look at his shop.
That's why, I decided to do so today.
[I see]
Lono: Hee~ To hear from someone we've helped... What a happy story it is!
Bastien: And for him to be an owner of a teashop, it must be brilliant news for you, Berrien-san.
[Isn't that good, Berrien?]
Berrien: Yes, I'm really feeling happy. I look forward so much to visiting the shop 🎶
A teashop... I might find something for Berrien's birthday present there.
Stealing a glance at Berrien's profile, I made a decision on what my birthday present would be.
[(I hope everything goes well...)]
- Teashop in Espoir -
- After a while -
We arrived at the destined teashop.
A man, seemingly to be the owner, greeted us with a big smile on his face.
Shop owner: Well, well, if it isn't the devil butlers! Welcome!
Berrien: Long time no see. Congratulations on the opening of your new shop.
Shop owner: Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you.
Lono: Hehe... As I thought, it feels nice to be thanked so honestly.
Bastien: Yeah, feeling like your hard work pays off.
Shop owner: Now, go ahead and browse at your own leisure. Tea leaves or tea wares, we've got quite a collection here.
Berrien: /chuckles
Well then, we'll do right away.
Having said that, Berrien began to look at the teacups on the display.
Berrien: Hmm, each of them is pretty... Oh?
[What's wrong?]
Berrien: Master, please take a look at this teacup over here.
At the end of Berrien's pointed finger was a beautiful teacup with orange colored pattern and golden rim.
Berrien: How beautiful... I like the warm, honey-like color.
[It's lovely]
Berrien: Yes. Moreover, the delicate touch of the painting is wonderful.
Berrien seemed to be entranced by the teacup before him.
If so... gifting him this teacup might be a fine idea.
The problem was how to buy it without him noticing...
[(What should I do, I wonder...)]
Bastien: /coughs
Excuse me, Berrien-san.
Lono: Err, well... Could you come over a bit? We want to ask about what teas go well with what dishes.
Berrien: Oh? Are you both interested in tea?
Understood. I'll be over there soon.
Saying that, Berrien walked over to them.
Lono: (Master, now is your chance!)
[(Thanks, you two!)]
While Berrien was preoccupied on the other side, I secretly made a payment.
Just as I finished the transaction, the conversation between them seemed to have settled down.
Berrien: I suppose it was more or less like that, speaking of tea that matches the dish served.
Bastien: I see... I wonder if it applies to meat dishes as well.
Lono: Hmm... All this talk is making me want to make more meat dishes...
Sorry, Berrien-san. Can I go out a bit to buy some more meat right now?
Berrien: It's fine by me. In that case, I'll be waiting here with the Master.
Lono: Really sorry, Berrien-san. But I'll come back soon.
Bastien: Oi, Lono. If you're going to buy meat, I'll tag along.
Lono: I don't mind, but we're not stopping by a weapon shop on the way, got it?
Alright, then... Master, Berrien-san, please excuse us.
Bastien: Excuse us...
Lono and Bastien exited the shop.
Berrien: Well, they've gone.
...Fu fu.
[What happened?]
Berrien: Oh, no... It's just, I feel like those two is more in sync than they've ever been.
As a fellow first floor butler, I can't help but be happy.
Moreover, since I have gotten quite busy with the requests recently, it's been a while since I'm able to enjoy my time slowly with you, Master. This makes me happy too... And I ended up laughing a little.
Berrien: The peaceful moments I'm spending with you are what rejuvenate me.
... A butler isn't supposed to be saying such things, is he.
My apologies, Master.
If you'd be very kind to forget what I've just said, I'll be grateful.
By the way, Master...
Berrien: Since yesterday, don't you think the atmosphere is somewhat restless?
Berrien: Besides, both Lono-kun and Bastien-kun seemed a little off...
[D-did they?]
Berrien: /chuckles
Yes. Since we've spent quite an amount of time together, I can somehow catch the difference.
As expected, Master too... is feeling a little restless, right?
[N-not really...]
Not wanting him to find out about the surprise, I averted my eyes from Berrien's.
Berrien: Oh~? Master, why wouldn't you look at me? 🎶
With the playful smile still on his expression, Berrien's gazes once again locked with mine.
Berrien: /chuckles
My apologies, Master. It's supposed to be a secret from me, isn't it?
[I-I can't tell you anything yet...]
Berrien: Oh my, is that so. Am I to look forward to it, then?
Berrien: Fu fu, understood. Then, I'll be sure to wait patiently.
I don't know what kind of secret it could be... but looking at Lono-kun, Bastien-kun, and Master who seem to be having fun, I can't help but feel the same 🎶
Part 2
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becauseimanicequeen · 2 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Deep Night ep. 8
I just want poly! Give me poly! That’s all. If I get poly, this series will get a higher rating than it deserves.
Shirtless Seji and Ken! This is starting off well.
Freya looks divine in that dress! Such a goddess!
Oh, lord… Meji, neither of you are old!
Meji being so happy made me smile like an idiot and my eyes tear up. Seriously, Freya better treat that woman well. Meji is such a gem. I love her!
Umm, why doesn’t anyone lift the iron off the shirt? They were basically just standing there staring at it. LOL!
So, first Wela injured himself. And now Seji’s shirt is fucked. What’s next?
Japan is so fucking sweet. He doesn’t want to minimize Ken’s love for Seji by taking the shirt to Seji when Ken has spent his time fixing it. And the way he looks after Ken when Ken leaves the room… Pan will be the one who mentions poly first, won’t he? I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t.
The teacher came.
Wait, who the fuck is Tat? Is this Khem’s dad? I thought he was dead. Lol! My memory is killing me…
Shirtless Great!
Great’s aerial routines are always great. He’s basically doing pole dancing in the air. That takes skill.
Wait, that was all we got from Ken and Seji’s routine? I’m disappointed…
Wela’s mom has entered the building.
Obviously, Wela would fall. And obviously, Khem would get up on stage and help him.
I’ve got to give props to these actors for learning how to do all that. And working up the strength to do it... That’s not done overnight.
Look how proud Wela’s mom is!
Now, stop with all this and give me poly! LOL!
How is it possible that I’ve thought Khem’s dad was dead this whole time?! For some reason, I thought Khem’s aunt was taking care of Khem because his dad wasn’t alive anymore and then that just stuck in my mind, I guess.
Look how happy Seji is for being number 1 now.
And look at Pan running onto the stage to celebrate with him.
Lol, that song takes me back to Nuth and Phop in Playboyy…
Finally, Seji, Pan, and Ken are in the same room at the same time. Come on, give me what I want.
I love Pan so fucking much. I’ve been saying for episodes that I thought he would be the glue that kept this together, and here he is making the throuple happen. And all three of them seem okay with it. I would be lying if I said I didn’t shed a tear during this scene because I did.
The way I fucking laughed at the 5th rule scene and everyone saying they were (or would be) breaking it, even Freya.
OMG, shirtless Pan, Ken, and Seji are in the same frame being all happy together. I think I just went to heaven.
That was a nice ending to this series. Am I happy with the throuple? YES! Do I wish there were more throuple moments? Abso-fucking-lutely! Give me a second season with just the three of them (plus Great and James). Please. And thank you!
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atzjieun · 2 days
best jieun moments from wanteez
[text in bold brackets denotes editor’s comments]
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jieun is committed to the bit
Everyone conversed amongst themselves as they waited patiently for the next member to appear at the door. After about a minute, the sound of the door being slid open caused them all to look over. 
Jieun pushed the door out of her way, carrying her bookbag in one hand and a black designer purse in the other. Black sunglasses were perched upon her nose with a silver necklace dangling from her neck.
[Who is this new transfer student?]
“Woah, is she a celebrity?” Someone asked. With a slight smirk, Jieun closed the door behind her and made her way to the front of the class.
“Hello everybody, my name is Sophie Song and I’m from Seongnam, South Korea,” she announced confidently in English, eliciting some surprised noises from the rest of the class. “But you can call me Jieun.” 
“She seems to be really rich,” Jongho commented. “Hey, Jieun. What do your parents do for work?” 
Jieun sighed as she took off her sunglasses, inspecting them.  
“My father is the CEO of a huge company,” she said as she put them on her head. 
“And what is the name of the company?” Wooyoung asked.
[What will be this heiress’ answer..?]
With a straight face, Jieun turned to the boy and answered. 
“KQ Entertainment.” 
“Oh? Isn’t that company poor?” One of the other classmates asked, causing them all to burst into laughter, including Jieun. She quickly composed herself and shook her head. 
“No, he built it from the ground up,” Jieun said. “Now the company is worth millions.” 
“Of cents.” 
Sighing, Jieun just nodded, muttering a “Yeah, sure,” as she made her way to her seat. 
[Heiress has given up] 
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jieun proving she holds ateez’s single braincell 
“I think that the human zombie might not know whether they’re the zombie or not,” Jongho said sincerely, his forehead wrinkled as he tried to think about who it could be.
“Alright, it’s Jongho,” Wooyoung concluded suddenly, clearly fighting off a smirk. “It’s definitely him.”
As the other members agreed, Jieun remained still, her gaze locked on seemingly nothing. 
[Song Ice lost in thought] 
After about a minute of silence from the girl, Jieun suddenly looked up. Her eyebrows were raised as she brought herself to her feet. 
“It’s San.” The others turned to her in confusion, while the accused boy widened his eyes.
“What- me?” 
Jieun nodded and turned to him. 
“They said that the human zombie doesn’t get bitten, but when the Fever Time happened for the first time, all the zombies went towards me except for one who went to San. Wouldn’t more of them have gone to him because he was closer?” Her gaze cut into him like a knife, eyes narrowed. “And he didn’t have a big reaction when one of the zombies hugged him, but he usually would.”
[Good point…]
“I was so scared, honestly— I felt like I was frozen,” San explained earnestly, putting a hand over his heart. 
“But also,” Jieun said, still staring at him. “When all three of us were in the classroom, you were again closer to the zombie but instead he attacked Yunho.” 
At this, Yunho spoke up. “Although, San was kind of off to the side and the zombie was already walking towards me, so I think that’s why.” 
“And we all know that San is really a scaredy cat,” Yeosang added. “So I’m not surprised he froze.” 
Wooyoung just shook his head. “I still think we should vote Jongho out.”
“Me too,” agreed Hongjoong. 
“Yeah, same.”
Jieun looked around at her members for some confirmation, but it looked like everyone had already made up their minds. Her mouth straightened into a flat line as she looked directly at the camera with a tired look on her face. 
[…but it falls on deaf ears]
She let out a sigh, shrugging as she sat back down, “Alright, if that’s what the majority decides.”  
[Jieun-ah… fighting?] 
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a (not so) rare moment of ateez adoring their youngest member turns into a jieun exposee 
“Now for our youngest, lovely Jieun!” Hongjoong announced. The girl smiled as she walked to the center, waiting for her song. 
[Patiently waiting…] 
“Ah-“ Jieun said, smiling when the pre-chorus Seventeen’s “Snap Shoot” started playing. She mouthed the lyrics for the rap section before starting the choreo. The other members cheered as she danced, even more so during the post-chorus where, on every “chal-kak”, Jieun struck a pose. First was a big heart, then she turned and blew a kiss towards the members, who all clutched their hearts. San even fell to the ground. 
[Jieun receiving lots of love from her brothers] 
When the music stopped, Jieun bowed to the camera before quickly retreating to her spot, using her hands to cover her face in embarrassment. 
“Our Jieunie is so cute,” Wooyoung said as he tried pinching her cheeks, but Jieun just pushed him away. Witnessing this, Jongho spoke up.
“You know, Jieun always acts like she hates aegyo but I think she secretly enjoys doing it.” The others nodded in agreement. 
“She’s so good at it too,” Mingi agreed. 
“Sometimes I see her practicing her aegyo at home,” Yeosang added. Everyone began laughing as Jieun’s eyebrows raised. She turned to the boy accusingly.
“I have never practiced aegyo before,” Jieun said, waving her hand at the camera crew, all of  whom looked amused. “That’s just a lie.” Seonghwa nodded in agreement. 
“I believe Jieunie,” he said. Jieun was relieved that someone was on her side, but the relief quickly dissipated as the oldest went on. “She wouldn’t need to practice aegyo because she’s naturally cute.” 
At that, the others started giggling, while Jieun simply stared at Seonghwa with her ice-cold gaze. 
[Song Ice is back]
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jieun’s state after waking up while being high on anesthesia
“Oh, Jieunie’s awake?” Seonghwa asked, raising his eyebrows. 
Yunho immediately stood up, grinning. “Let’s go visit her.” 
A few of the members made their way to the recovery room, careful as they filed inside so as to not make any noise. Jieun was laid on one of the beds, the blanket wrapped over her body and around her head so that you could only see her face. 
“Cute,” Seonghwa said with a soft smile when he saw her.
“Who’s there?” Jieun muttered. She raised her head slightly and opened one eye, smiling when she saw the others standing there. “Oh, hi oppas.” 
[Too cute to handle] 
The members that had walked into the room immediately started smiling, some even turning away to hide their reddening faces. Jieun let out a small yawn as she curled into a tighter ball. 
“I’m glad you’re all here,” she said, closing her eyes again. “Thank you for taking care of me. Let’s all be happy and healthy in the new year, ok?” 
[The real Song Ice, everybody] 
“Yes, Jieunie,” Yunho said as he patted her head. “Take care of yourself too, ok?” Jieun hummed in response, giving a small nod before resting her head down again. 
“Jieun-ah, good night.” Wooyoung bent down, giving the girl a small peck on the head. He grinned as he stood up straight, causing Yeosang to laugh. 
“If Jieun wasn’t high right now, she would’ve stared at you like she was going to attack.”  
A clip of Jieun’s death glare from a previous episode plays
[A look that will curse the next 10 Jung generations]
“Let’s let her rest,” Seonghwa suggested. He turned, using his arms to quietly usher everyone out of the room. 
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jieun being the only sober (kinda) member + scaring Wooyoung into sobriety 
Jieun watched in amusement as the other members yelled at each other, the chain not having yet gotten to her. As she waited, she reached over and grabbed a water bottle from the edge of the table, taking a quick drink for herself before grabbing an empty glass and pouring some out. She turned and handed the glass to San beside her, whose face had gotten significantly redder in the last three minutes since the yelling game had started. 
At first he refused, thinking it was more alcohol, but Jieun shook her head. 
“Don’t worry, it’s water,” she said. “Now drink.” San nodded, gratefully taking the glass from her hand and drinking it all in one gulp. She took the glass back from him, using her other hand to rub circles on his back. 
[Thoughtful Jieunie]
Unfortunately for her, Wooyoung saw the kind gesture and started complaining. 
“Hey, why are you only taking care of him?” 
[Burning with jealousy]
Jieun snapped her gaze towards him, staring at Wooyoung so intensely that he began shrinking into his seat. 
“Ah… I’m sorry.” 
The other members started laughing as Wooyoung looked down in embarrassment, quickly grabbing a glass and downing another shot. Jieun chuckled, shaking her head as she grabbed the water bottle and handed it to him. 
“I don’t think Wooyoung’s drunk anymore,” Mingi said, laughing. 
The shoot continued, Jieun occasionally pouring more glasses of water and forcing the other members to drink them in between shots. She took a few shots here and there, but mainly focused on making sure the members with low alcohol tolerance (re: San) didn’t drink anymore. 
“Hey, Jieun,” Wooyoung said when she refilled his glass of water. “Did you even drink anything tonight?” 
“Of courth I did,” she replied, eyes wide.
Jongho laughed, raising his eyebrows. “What’s with that pronunciation?” 
She looked over at him, bringing her pointer finger up to her lips to shush him. At that moment, San let out a loud yawn. He swayed side to side before eventually falling onto Jieun’s shoulder. She moved slightly, adjusting herself so that he could fully lay down and rest his head on her lap.  
“That’s how you know she’s drunk,” Yunho said, observing the whole interaction. “She’s not fighting him off.” 
Jieun just blinked at him before letting out a sigh. She turned her head to the front and stared straight at the camera with a tired expression. 
[Jieun-ah… fighting?] 
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toomuchracket · 1 year
Flatmate! / Dad! Matty universe. The band accepting an award. Matty doing the speech. After he has done all of the formalities, he says (and IMAGINE this in his voice)
“and lastly, but most importantly to me, I want to thank my family. Everything I do is for you. Thank you. I love you so so much, my darlings’.
And you’re wiping a tear away, sat at the band’s table in the venue. Your children are at home, watching with Denise, cheering because ‘daddy is on telly’.
oh my god... ok, your little one is three and your eldest is five or six, and denise is over at yours watching them while you and matty are at the brits. obsessed with the idea that the two of them were proper curious while mummy and daddy were getting ready, and that they've put their own party clothes on to celebrate the evening too, despite not actually going to the ceremony :')) matty's like to you "honestly, if you didn't look so stunning tonight i'd literally suggest we just skip the whole thing and stay here to have a party with the girls", and you're like "if i didn't look so good? what about the prestigious 'outstanding contribution to music' award you and the boys are being presented with tonight?". and matty's like "no yeah of course that's great, but the real important thing for tonight is me getting to show off how hot my wife is on national tv" and he calls the girls over like "isn't mummy extra beautiful tonight?", and they're like mesmerised by your sparkly dress giving it "you look like a princess, mummy!" which sets them off on a "let's go and watch the little mermaid" moment lol. and matty's like "can't believe they'd rather watch the little mermaid than their own parents and uncles on tv smh", and you laugh when denise responds "you've got some cheek saying that, matthew, you were exactly the same when you were their age" - while matty cringes, she promises you that she'll make sure they see the boys get their award and then kicks you out of the house like "you're going to be late, go on!"
anyway, the ceremony is all chill - the boys do their red carpet pics, the significant others join them for a couple, then each pair gets a little individual shot, and then i think charli corrals the girls into a professional red carpet pic together too so you four can "break the internet" lol. you have some drinks and watch various artists you like (and some you don't, let's be real here) perform, cuddling into matty's side and just enjoying being close to him, you giggle at your friends ducking under the table to smoke cigs... just fun vibes, really, as you wait for the boys to be presented with their award. speaking of, i think it would be someone really cool that they got in to present it - in my ideal world, because she knows them already, it would be stevie nicks (which frankly you're freaking the fuck out about). and she introduces the boys, who go up onstage to rapturous applause and each do a little thank-you speech and talk about different parts of their career - idk who goes first and whatnot, but matty definitely goes last and discusses their more recent stuff. after thanking the people he has to, he'd definitely say something like "my incredible, gorgeous wife, my favourite person in the world, has inspired songs from every album and EP that the 1975 have ever released; i want to thank you, sweetheart, for loving me as much as you do - it's reciprocated, believe me - and for giving me not just inspiration, but our two beautiful daughters as well. this most recent album is a result of being around my three girls, my family, my whole world and reason for being, and it's all for them, as is everything i do. my wife is here, and i think our daughters are watching from home with nana, so i just want to say - my darlings, i love you so so much. thank you for everything you do for me. this award is yours, really". and you're just fucking SOBBING at the table, clinging onto carly (also sobbing. actually, all the girls are, and so are the boys), and when matty gets back to his seat the two of you have a big hug and a(n arguably damp) kiss. then your phone buzzes with a text from denise - a video of the girls standing in front of the tv in your living room, your eldest like "look! daddy's on the telly" and jumping up and down excitedly, and your little one going "mummy and auntie carly too!" when it cuts to a shot of the two of you during matty's speech, and the two of them getting even more hyped when they realise daddy is talking about them lol. and you show matty, giggling like "well, your mum's never getting them to bed on time tonight with them that hyper; he tears up a bit again when he sees them, but laughs too and says "fuck it. let's go home and party with them tonight, instead of staying out", and you're like "honestly great idea". and you do - you and matty skip the afterparties and go home to your babas instead, staying up drinking tea and eating cookies with them until they conk out on the sofa, then carry them to their beds and fall sleepily into your own, content with the lovely night you had <3
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