#after learning more stuff about lgbt+ stuff
Queer bugs yeah
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ratingboomercomics · 4 months
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Real, picture of what happens when you attend Tumblr University
Small nitpick but why did the artist turn some of the spines of the books away from us, why couldn’t he think of more bad gay things that college teaches you. Like he thought five books wasn’t a big enough pile but couldn’t think of two more titles?
“America is Evil” “Trans Socialism” “Gay Math” “Socialism For You(and Everyone)” “Books are Sexist” there’s a few right there
2/10 unfortunately I must admit this is a well-drawn picture of a smart rational man getting his head flattened by evil gay books.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
As someone who is partly deaf, I love that deaf Tim stuff. But hear me out for something that could work for either of them. What if on complete accident when both the Bats and Rouges hear about Tim's disability, the Rouges are the ones who do a better job with not looking down on Tim. Yes they add things to help him, like for Deaf Tim Joker would also use ASL as he monologs to make sure that Tim can understand him or with Blind Tim Riddler makes puzzle rooms themed around telling the difference in textures or he reads all the riddles out loud.
Meanwhile the Bats are. They *tried* ok? But they keep over compensating because they worry about Tim. Unlike the Rouges who don't pull their punches, during training the Bats do start pulling punches and going a little easier on Tim. Dick keeps trying to do things for Tim that Tim knows he can do. Bruce keeps taking him off cases that involve in person investigation. Damian keeps saying things about how all tasks should be left to him because clearly he's the superior one (if it's early Damian, later on when they're on better terms he wouldn't be as assholish about it but also keeps trying to take over tasks for Tim)
I'm really really glad that you vibed with the AU.
As far as your additions, I 100% agree. Having "good intentions" for people can still be harmful and frustrating. That's why, in these AUs, Tim tries to hide his disability until he's able to prove his efficiency. It's dealer's choice whether the Bats choose to acknowledge the evidence or are still doubting his capabilities.
I think the fic from the OG post has a scene where Babs, Cass, and Tim meet up to discuss the microaggressions they face from the Bats due to their respective disabilities. The sequel definitely has cute interactions between Damian and Tim. Damian refuses for anyone to treat his "rival" as weak or incapable. Peak siblings energy.
The funny part I find about this would be the Rogues accommodating Tim's disabilities just so they can defeat him. If Joker learned ASL for Tim, he'd probably research the hell out of how to look intimidating and scary while doing it (since, depending on Tim's hearing loss, Joker can't effectively utilize the vocal tone skills he's trained to be terrifying). Riddler would treat it as another puzzle and mental exercise (his Riddles would likely increase in accessibility for multiple disabilities as time progresses. He wants to challenge folks by their thinking abilities, not by their ability to test within the constraints placed on them. Perhaps, after his research and new implementations, he even starts targeting schools that unfairly places confines on their students [from both a socioeconomic standpoint and from improper accommodations]).
Anyways, I would love a fic that highlights some of the Bats' treatment of Tim and how not to interact with folks of different disabilities. Stuff like infantilizing, doing tasks for the person without permission, assuming what someone can handle, and disregarding them. It'd be cool to watch Tim try open communication (asking boundaries and what level of assistance the person desires) with all of them. For some, that's all that's needed. They have a clear guideline of "that shit was not okay" and the lines of communication are open for them to ask clarification in the future. For others, they listen to Tim, agree to change, and still pull that shit. I personally vote for Tim getting petty.
I feel like Babs and Cass would be the ones to understand the most that Tim can do anything he sets his mind to (he's so incredibly stubborn that he'd probably even be able to steal LexCorp from Luthor if he was motivated enough. He most likely even has plans already drawn for it ready to implement at any point). Duke would probably understand how others' perceptions of Tim affect him.
I also kill for Tim utilizing WE resources to bring aid and accommodations based on more specific audiences (such as how kids in the foster system, LGBT youth, and those with disabilities [both mental and physical] disportionately make up the homeless population).
I'm rambling a bit because sociology is a passion of mine. I'd get a higher education on the subject if I had the money.
Anyways, I love considering such perspectives in fanfiction. Let me know if there's other stuff I should add to this AU!
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harrypotterfuryroad · 18 days
What was your journey with all this? Did you at one point blindly agree and then learn new things that changed your mind (like I did) or were you skeptical from the start?
so i was never all in, but i had plenty of friends that were, and when it first started taking off in my social circles (2013ish) i tried my best to keep up with the lingo and be supportive. after all there's a lot of stuff i know i don't understand and who am i to discredit people's lived experiences? my degrees are all in biology so i never bought into the "humans can change sex actually" line, but if the wishful thinking made someone's life easier then sure fine i guess.
the cracks first started to show for me when nonbinary started popping up as a concept. broadly i understood what it was trying to do, but my two instant questions were "isn't everyone a little masculine and a little feminine?" and "if people are uncomfortable with being sorted into box A or box B, how does building box C help them?" i kept asking (out of genuine curiosity) and no one could give me an answer that made sense. obviously i could rattle off now about how this is because the whole thing is built on stereotypes but i was still trying to smile and nod my way through it at the time
my time in my phd program really solidified things for me for a couple reasons. like obv it overlapped with the general rise to prominence of all of this so it was kinda hard to miss, but also i was in an area with a really strong gay community so i got to see firsthand how it took root and grew from there. i saw a prominent local lesbian activist get ousted from my city's lgbt council for butting heads with a tim, and i saw the gradual shift from gay men being super comfortable playing around with the boundaries of dress and behavior to continuous questioning if someone is "one of the dolls" now because he wore a dress once
but also my phd was specifically about a lot of the issues that pop up in this whole debate, like social stress, adolescent development, sex differences in adulthood, and even a little bit about how social media is replacing normal social interaction but isn't meeting the same needs, so i'm watching all this happen while i'm reading papers from as early as the 70s that are basically predicting these exact patterns (then covid hit and amplified everything i was already seeing)
basically i just got more comfortable recognizing when someone is scientifically illiterate but really good at projecting confidence. i had a couple friends who were on lupron (for its on-label use, not as a puberty blocker) and each one had a terrible time, with really intolerable side effects. i looked into it more and it turns out these side effects are really common, which made me think this is a drug that made it through clinical trials but hadn't really taken off commercially so the company is trying to clean up its image or find a new market for it (something we were trained to notice in my phd program). then the drug started getting touted as safe and reversible for kids, and i just finally let myself feel comfortable getting angry about that. if you're saying this drug is safe, you're either lying or uninformed. lupron is the same story as viagra (where its more well-known use wasn't its initial intended use) but with all the leverage of the biggest social justice movement of the day, and it doesn't take much to recognize that without that clout there's no way to positively spin the junk data it's producing
other things i looked into more where the party line falls apart as soon as you screen out the spin: the trans murder rate, the trans suicide rate, prevalence and mechanisms of DSDs, the impact of adolescent testosterone levels on adult physical performance, neurological correlates of gender identity, and what a chromosome is
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lesbianlotties · 26 days
feeling bored so... what do you think an adult laura lee would be like? (and who would you cast to play her?)
literally just the other day i was looking back on some of the answers people gave me when i asked who would they cast as adult laura lee. including: sarah michelle gellar, diane krueger, laura dern, kristen bell, kirsten dunst... BUT the absolute #1 winner in my heart is 100% Elizabeth Mitchell. i mean look at her. the laura lee's style dress and the lottie's cult's colors...
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now what would adult laura lee be like...
well i'm happy to consider all the options! i've mentioned before that it could go in very different ways if she had survived. after the rescue she could've 1. entered extreme denial about all she did and turned more obsessively religious to make up for it 2. stayed obsessively religious but for the wilderness (and lottie) which she never let go of 3. ✨ a middle ground ✨ or more!
personally, realistically, i think the middle ground would be something like... she wouldn't completely let go of her faith (catholic, christian, whatever) because it was so important to her and key to her character, but it would definitely change. her god abandoned them in the wilderness and let them do all those unforgivable things... but i think her post-rescue healing process would center around making peace with that and finding her middle ground. i can picture her joining one of those churches that are like liberal and very pro-lgbt and stuff. BUT i'm so sure she would never completely let go of their weird wilderness religion and her belief that lottie was touched by the holy spirit, that she had gift, that she was something like a saint
a lot of people love to paint laura lee as a boring character, bible thumping, goody two shoes, innocent and pure, but that goes against so many things we see from her. standing up against figures of authority and even controlling the group (making them pray, standing up against coach, jackie, nat, coach again, making them pray again, making fun of nat and travis and travis again) she had the balls to try to exorcise lottie and to fly a plane. do you know what she would be like as an adult after she'd had to go through all the brutal things they did to survive in the wilderness??
i think she obviously wouldn't lose her best traits. i think she would stay sweet and she would be even kinder to people because she knows how difficult it is to survive and she would love to help others (and fight anyone that tried to make other people's lives more difficult than they need to be) but she's stay brave, stubborn, true to her values and beliefs, and very much learn to stand up for herself and never let anyone laugh at her expense again
also she would be a lesbian. she would 100% be a lesbian
(she's married to lottie)
(she's her right hand woman managing the not-a-cult and she's at once nicer and more approachable but also more strict than sexy prophet lottie)
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animentality · 6 months
Thoughts on this post?:
thanks for reminding me to delete that post I made in literally 2013 when I was 15 because it doesn't reflect who I am as a person anymore.
is this supposed to be a gotcha?
are people supposed to be born woke?
I am amazed you managed to even find this post with like 6 notes, where I legitimately asked people for their opinion on the subject because I was unsure about it and I had certain taught biases that I hadn't learned to abandon yet.
it might amaze you to know that I once told a guy he'd make a great wife when he mentioned he liked cooking.
this was in 2012.
how cisheteronormative of me, right?
but you were all so woke in 2012, weren't you?
you never said anything that was not PC as a teenager.
you never told edgy jokes or said stupid offensive things.
you were born perfect, I'm sure.
it's not like I'm proud of the dumb stuff I said.
but I didn't start identifying as nonbinary until I was 18, and I didn't start identifying as trans until I was 21.
I was raised by an older mother, not a gen x er or a millennial, but a baby boomer, whose inherent biases still sometimes surface in me when I least expect it.
I was raised Catholic.
I had JUST STARTED PUBLIC SCHOOL, after spending literally 6 years in a fucking Catholic school.
I DIDNT UNDERSTAND transgender issues, nor did most people in 20 fucking 13.
how the fuck could I
my mom to this day doesn't know what the fuck nonbinary or trans are, and I identify as both.
how was I supposed to know?
I'd never even met anyone in the LGBT community at that point, nor had I realized I belonged there either.
I literally didn't even know I was pan at that point, or that I was nb/trans myself, or how I felt about most political topics.
that's why I ASKED.
and I said the wrong things. yeah, I did.
but no one had taught me the right words.
and in that post, no one bothered to explain it to me either.
I had to learn that over time.
and guess what?
I'm still not perfect now. I'm still going to make mistakes because times change, as they always do.
and all we can do is try and forgive people who are trying and doing their best, and remaining open minded to things they don't understand right from fucking birth.
but by all means, do search my history to your hearts content.
honestly, I kinda wanna see what dirt you find because this was an interesting look at the kinds of things I thought in 2013.
I can look back at myself and see how far I've come.
this post was interesting to read for me because it was wildly off mark, it misgendered trans women, and it lacked political, historical, and social understanding...
and so?
it's offensive. it's bad.
and I didn't know any better.
but lol.
people learn things. people change their opinions.
if you people spend all your time digging up dirt and trying to cancel people for who they were, rather than who they are, or who they're trying to be... I have news for you.
your existence is pointless and your efforts are meaningless.
but I am flattered you did such a deep dive, anon.
please do find more and send them to me.
I'd like to know what other gotchas you can yank out of my ass.
I used to be on Facebook in 2011 before I deleted it in like 2013.
see if you can find anything there.
I used to write cringy poetry. it might be funny to read now.
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angy-grrr · 2 months
okay im actually tired of ppl pretending it’s the same. “Izu///ochas and togachakos reduce Ochako into a love interest the same way!” “If deku was running and saying Bakugou was his hero then bkdks would see it as romantic so they are actually canon”.
Just, stop. Queer and hetero ships are completely different, and there are different things expected from them; if ppl focus too much on the ship side, then yeah, characters do get ignored and reduced to romantic plots, but it’s not the same. The hetero couple is not only expected but most of the time reduces the female character into the romantic subplot exclusively. Izuku and Ochako dating would make her whole arc not be about learning to be a hero and accepting her own feelings, but about dating him as her conclusion would happen “thanks to a romantic confession and getting with the boy”; so many ppl are angry bc she didn’t confess so she’s still “holding back”, but she isn’t, because she already admitted those to Himiko (yes, that time she told her she fell for him). If she was hurting mainly because of not telling him she likes him… that’s not the same as hurting mainly because she likes a girl. It’s just not the same, in any way.
And the same goes to the other sentiment -we expect queer coding, not straight forward confessions, hugs and kisses like hetero shippers can hope for. So we over analyze their interactions basically out of necessity knowing the possible context -if they are meant to be romantic, there are many obstacles to make them just confess, so we, especially shippers who are also queer, try to pick up on clues. This isn’t exclusively something in BNHA, it has been happening for a long time ever since there were policies and laws against LGBT+ representation in movies and TV shows in many countries; queer coding is a way for the authors/writers/creatives/etc to say “if you know, you know” (there’s also a history of queer coded villains for the purpose of following the same laws, but yk, the creatives behind many of them certainly knew a lot about queer stuff in their private lives…)
But hetero ships don’t need any of that -they don’t need secret codes and secret messages confirming canon romances out of fear of consequences. They are a boy and a girl! What are the consequences? In this particular case too, there are some ppl misinterpreting shippers on purpose -not understanding why bkdk handhold is a big thing not bc it’s a handhold, but bc of their history with hands, or believing Ochako was exclusively doing her job as a hero when she went for Himiko. So. I’m just angry at ppl for comparing these ships as if straight and queer narratives are the same. EDIT: I’m also tired at ppl for believing an author can write a manga weekly for 10 years and follow the original idea of what the characters were about and represent.
“oh but how could Midoriya be the greatest hero after all of this” I’m sure hori doesn’t know bc in 2014 he had a different idea for the ending -more typical shonen with him being the best hero in the world, and now he isn’t even the most popular among his classmates-, so know he is stuck with that narrative haunting him and can’t ignore it lol
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snoddie · 5 months
Normally I don't discuss big drama topics like this on my quirky little Tumblr blog, but there's something about the whole HBomberGuy plagiarism video that truly fascinates me.
It's the way Internet Historian fans reacted to it.
Illuminaughtii fans were pissed at what she did and viewers were calling her out for years, especially after what she did to her former colleagues. AVGN fans have been dissatisfied with the state of his content for a while now, James Somerton practically betrayed his audience and Filip Miucin is so beloathed that I deadass forgot his name while writing this and thought his name was Patrick.
Basically everyone saw what these creators did and we're collectively either unsurprised or disappointed to say the least. Internet Historian fans however, they were probably the most vitriolic community during this entire event. They were quick to either label the video a hit piece, claim Bomberman was slandering IH, discredited the video because of Bomberman's political views and friendship with HassanAbi (despite a majority of the video going after a left leaning LGBT analyst..) and in general, just kinda meat riding IH.
I don't think Bomberman went about the IH stuff perfectly, I definitely believe he had some hang ups with him due to IH's more...let's just say 'Chud' style of humor and the audience he cultivated. But to say the entire segment or even the whole video was a Historian hit piece is misguided at best and dishonest at worst. Historian might be reserved, but there's no denying that his silence regarding the plagiarism allegations kinda did lead to a snowball effect, people are too familiar with false copyright claims and some were a bit..too eager to bring the Jews into this. Yes he did resolve a lot of this, but there's a level of distrust I feel now, like how I feel with the other examples Bomberman used, if they were willing to do it once, what's stopping them from doing it again just with an even more obscure source? Historian and some of the others don't even have the algorithm breathing down their necks because they upload as frequently as Deltrarune chapters come out, so why not take time to come up with your own shit?
This is why I found the sudden nosedive into politics so...bizarre, because I didn't see this with the other supporters, not even Somerton and he's arguably the most political creator of the group.
If I were to armchair psychology my way into some kinda explanation, I'd probably have one of two reasons:
Internet Historian is a beloved creator who many people consider a trustworthy and extremely creative individual, and hearing him be accused of something scummy can have the most loyal fans feeling a bit wounded and defensive. I was definitely a huge fan of his work before the Bomberman video hit, I probably watched The Fall of 76 ...76 times? So learning it was made by someone willing to pull from someone else's work and pass it off as his own, it kinda stung.
The second (and let's be honest more likely) possibility is that there's political motivation behind it. No one can deny that Historian has appealed to more 'Anti SJW' crowds before, those people tend to be either more right leaning, center leaning or left leaning but don't like the way extremists behave. If you watched any video about Tumblr IH has made, it's quite clear whether intentionally or not what kinda audience he appeals to. Likewise, when the one person IH's audience despises the most (a leftist commentator, male feminist and someone actively criticizing IH) shows up, their instinctual reaction is to cry 'woke libtard getting mad at gigachad meme man'.
The reason all of this frustrates me, and why I even crawled out of my comfort zone of posting random crap and gay Homestuck drawings, is because it's a genuine example of political brainrot and creator dickriding muddying the waters of the discussion being had. Like Bomberman or not (I like his shit but don't always agree with his takes) you have to admit his video opened the floodgates for people actually kinda giving more of a shit about plagiarism online than before, highlighting how easy it is to get away, how there's almost nothing you can do about it law wise unless you're REALLY lucky and how much it can hurt genuinely talented or marginalized people.
And I'd hate for us to just ignore that conversation because you don't wanna admit your favorite funny internet guy might not be the best person.
Here's an unrelated picture of Wurmple eating soup.
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WIBTA if I break off an old friendship with someone who stayed by my side despite my mental and general life issues, after everyone else had left?
This friend from high school had been a great friend, kept me company when I was all alone, supported me through two bad breakups, we went to the same college and we were very close.
Until I started talking more openly about politics, being queer, mental health etc. She's the facebook liberal type, slightly left of center. She gave me the freedom to be more open with her by being cool with taboo topics, then turned sour when it extended beyond what she knew. Examples, she'd change subject if I talked about queer media when normally she's telling her friends how she had a sleepover with her "wife" and saw each other naked. She was surprised to learn that you're not supposed to out someone against their will. She believes cops are bad only in USA. We're not Americans.
She started being open with me too, she told me how she hated it when her classmates talked about their favorite music, how she hated any fandom stuff they talked about besides discussing fanfics with another fandom friend, how she makes excuses so she can go wherever she wants alone and not with friends. She told me she spies on my exes on facebook insta etc and tried to tell me what they've been up to and only stopped telling me about after many requests and explanations as to why that made me really uncomfortable.
A few months ago she and I had a fight, she exclaimed that my politics was too American (I'm just an average leftist like most of 30+ tumblr and my other friends), that my politics was too fandom oriented (she avoids fandom so much she has blocked activists for even hinting at being a fandomgoer, like discussion of racism in fandom is waste of time and silly to her, fan-anything can't be taken seriously), mocked me for having childish interests (just knowing pop culture in general) then we stopped talking.
After some months she texted that she really misses talking to me as I was her only "progressive friend" who understood her when she wanted to discuss feminism, movies, world politics etc. She said she needed me to be her gateway to pop culture knowledge as I knew so many cool new things. She begged me to be friends again, and since I missed hanging out with her a lot I started chatting again. But I told her that it was hard for me to forgive her and I'd leave for real if she hurts me again.
This time she let go of the normal daily stuff we used to talk about and only stuck to Topics of Debate. She asked me to teach her progressive thinking, educate her, but when I asked if she wanted to touch on lgbt+ topics or physical -mental health related topics outside of her comfort zone of basic sexual health, she danced around a lot instead of giving an answer. I snapped and asked yes or no, she said no.
I asked her if she understands that even if she didn't feel like those topics were her priority, I'd probably want to talk about them with her as a queer neurodivergent person and friend, would that be an issue? She kind of ignored it to say that basically her priority was just local political gossip, religion, and a little bit of solarpunk stuff, outdated at that. I was disappointed but let it go and we decided to talk later.
The other day she messaged me with her usual gossip about how her friends are being too excited about some music stuff and what book she thinks I should read (we have completely different taste). And I got a panic attack. Since then I've had multiple panic attacks at the thought of having to talk to her.
She has been one of my oldest friends, she supported me and took my side in every breakup I had and she forced me to go outside when I was severely depressed, she was practically family, but now I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. If I bring up any topic she dislikes she's going to turn away, if I come out to her as trans she'll joke and start to avoid me, she doesn't want to learn anything new even though she takes pride in being a great learner, if I talk about things that make me happy she'll ignore it. I don't know if she'll go and tell others how cringey my interests are. Maybe she'll go to my exes and tell them I used her as support and threw her away when she didn't meet the standard as that's been a line of thinking among my exes.
I'm also struggling with BPD and anxiety, so maybe I'm hating her now and will want her back later, it's my brain being a jerk? I think I'm overreacting and she won't do any of these, but I also feel so drained after we talk these days. I need friends who I can talk to about mundane things, friends who share memes with me and tell me what anime they're passionate about, what new recipe they liked, instead I feel like I'm just there to drag her down with my issues and politics and dumb jokes. But multiple people think I used and discarded them for not agreeing politically, I'd usually disagree but what if I am the problem and I expect too much?
So I'm asking, am I being a jerk if I cut her off?
What are these acronyms?
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st7arlight · 1 year
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meet the sims-blackwood family!! this is set post-200 in a new world where the fears are weaker and more hidden in the shadows, but quickly building strength as more avatars and artifacts are born. meet blaire and not-adam, two students in jon’s homeroom and english class!
worldbuilding and brainstorm notes under the cut :D
the student ocs i created here are
-a transfem student who straight up doesnt have a name. you can call her anything but her deadname. its a fun game the class plays. it started as a gag but jon went “yeah okay ive seen weirder and kids deserve a chance to explore” so he comes up with a different name every day during roll call. shes v chaotic and inspired (personality wise, not funky name lore) by an irl friend of mine
-the student she has a crush on and is best friends with, an AP art student who uses they/she pronouns
they both eat lunch in Jon’s classroom, where they eventually notice that he never really eats much? just. reads a book in his free time, maybe has cereal bars occasionally
they form really close bonds with jon and he sponsors their lgbt club,,,, the second student realizes she’s agender when hes explaining the ace spectrum,,,,,, they come across The Horrors that were released when jmart moved on to Somewhere Else and he saves them,,,,,,,,, after they start to understand that “something spooky is here bc of mr sims but he was a victim in it” they sneakily start categorizing what they call “The Horrors” into 9 groups and get into shenanigans. they save jon at some point
their romance follows the plot of jmart’s but jon notices student B treating student A like he did martin at the start of the year and intervenes
so theyre healthier
(maybe jmart adopt student b, as they’re in a rlly unsafe home environment and thats why they started lashing out at their buddy)
at the beginning of the year student A knows shes trans but isnt sure what name to use. her buddy suggests not-adam (as she isnt suuuper uncomfy with her deadname, just that its too masc for her) so they call her that for a good bit and it comes up occasionally until they learn about the fears and the joke kinda. sours.
jon called her anything but that. not-adam thought it was because he didnt want to deadname her (and she insisted she was cool with it and thought it was funny) but she said that he can use a name that isnt adam, just not to stick to one bc she didnt want to feel boxed in
so the joke of her being anything but adam began
student b breaks down only a couple days in when she realized something was deeply, truly wrong, earing lunch (seemingly) alone with jon in his classroom. she says something with “not-adam” and “nobody remembers her but me” and jon’s trauma plus eye powers helps break his illusion, even though he doesnt remember her still
he adopts her bc she still legally doesnt exist and her family doesnt remember her , and its not like jmart already have fake identities anyways. they break the curse but everyone but B and Jon are completely wiped of her memory, just can finally see her now. its a mush of stranger, spiral, and lonely bc the horrors work different here
…she eventually settles on a name because she desperately needs to be reminded that they know her, they remember her, and that they remember all of her. (jon doesnt remember *everything* still, but most. every now and then she or B references something and they pause when they realize it was another memory lost to The Horrors)
oh also jon wears combat boots bc of daisy now. unrelated but important
im realizing my plan of them adopting B is a little funky with them adopting not-adam. however, unconventional found family prevails in tma. B just stays at their house most of the time bc she is neglected a lot at home so it usually isnt noticed when she disappears. theyre both 16 so fighting for custody when they can move out so soon is deemed too much stress on the teens. not-adam’s family actually are v loving and great, they just. dont remember NA. they dont remember how to love her, that they ever did
(thats why B needed to remember her. also, the effect intended of the horror was to torture NA until she died unnoticed and she will either be remembered by everyone when her body is found or will rot unseen until shes gone. or become an avatar, if she chose to embrace it. B was an intended victim of the leitner, the fear of nobody believing you and losing someone you love feed the Horrors)
(jon and his funky eye powers are likely the only reason NA didnt die)
in the end A picks the name astrid, but jon still calls her any name he can think of that starts with A when calling her down for food n stuff
anyways jmart unofficially adopting queer teens bc found family is so themcore but i *know* the fates would never allow them to do anything conventionally or fully legal
(all of this copy-pasted from me infodumping in a tma chat in the past couple hours)
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I have curious to know more about that:
In your version what would Jaune fallout would be?
Would he be an outcast or a you suck speech to be better?
How would the team dynamic be especially after the situation?
If I were to alter stuff in V1-V3, the bully arc would need some significant changes - far too many things in a show are built around excusing him rather than making him confront his flaws.
I think I said most of these before, but if I were to put it into a list.
Starting with the Bully Arc:
DON'T have Pyrrha help Jaune save Cardin and actually show that while his mindset is toxic, Jaune has the conviction to risk it all when pushed - of course, since Pyrrha wouldn't help him there, Jaune would actually get hurt, making the confrontation a bit messier even if the outcome is the same. And Cardin seeing someone like him put his life on the line to save him would likely sting a lot more.
DON'T do the weird "Ursa Grimm like honey" at all - the show has literal bullies prey on people in the forest, and Grimm are attracted to negative emotions - this means we don't get the "harrowing" scene of Jaune throwing honey at people and the whole plot is a bit less silly - and that means Jaune is NOT here because of blackmail or anything - having Jaune risk his life to save Cardin despite him being a bully is good enough as it highlights the qualities needed for being a Huntsmen and there must be no possible upsides to Jaune doing this - Pyrrha won't change her opinion and she is not involved in the fight - there's no benefit for him doing it other than it being his calling.
DO make Pyrrha genuinely angry with Jaune and have Jaune actually openly apologize to her after the Cardin incident and come clean to her.
DO have Cardin threaten to blackmail Jaune, but resolve it with Jaune coming clean to his team first (ALL of them) and then resolving to come clean to Ozpin and co.
DO have Ozpin shrug it off, either when Jaune comes clean or when Cardin decides to rat him out because, to him, the forest events would be all the proof he needed that Jaune has "needed qualifications" - can even throw in some shady Ozpin stuff and imply the teams are the way they are for a reason too.
DON'T have just Jaune and Pyrrha train. DO have the entire team JNPR decide to work spar together and train together to help him and make him regain their trust by putting in actual work to earn his spot.
There's no instant forgiveness or reassuring Jaune that he's great actually - everyone involved agrees that it's a work in progress, but his willingness to come clean and work to be a better person is a good first step. Team building.
Oh look we just got done with Jaune Arc arc of V1 in, like, two episodes instead of four or five.
V2 stuff
Just erase the "trying to woo Weiss" arc for Jaune Arc. Completely. Have the feud be about Cardin shifting targets and fighting Pyrrha in that sparring match and Jaune being unable to stay in his lane when she handled them just fine herself.
Drop the "I can't dance part" from Neptune. How about Neptune, despite his womanizer façade, actually likes guys but thinks it would make him seem uncool if he asked a guy out to a dance. Here, you have an actual LGBT rep two volumes in without "having to build up a relationship", and it ties nicely into the theme of dealing with toxic masculinity and how it affects different people. And we avoid a scene where two guys treat Weiss like an object they own.
It overall also ties better into the cross-dressing segment because it now becomes Jaune basically going - "Look, I learned my lesson, and I am comfortable without stereotypical macho nonsense" to Pyrrha. And it's a message to Neptune that there's nothing "silly" about not adhering to heteronormative "coolness" - oh look, suddenly there's no need for a laugh track of everyone pointing out that a guy in a dress is oh-so-funny in this diverse and accepting world of Remnant. EDIT: also yes monty intended ot to be about him keeping promises but that still works - Jaune regressing at the start by whiteknighting is him faltering on the promise he made to the team on v1 arc of this version - so the message of him reaffirming his promises still remains.
That's just off the top of my head in what could make him more bearable without sweeping his flaws or his forgery under the rug.
There are PLENTY minuscule things to change that would expand upon his characterization in a way that doesn't detract from the actual protagonists.
Since I am keeping the first three volumes as-is instead, I am treating the Fall of Beacon as Jaune's wake-up call for self-reflection.
Jaune had quite a bit of time to rethink everything that happened in Beacon - what he did or didn't do, what he said, and his overall priorities in life.
Coming face to face with how insignificant he ended up being ironically had provided him with a sense of clarity - everything falling apart allowed him to look at it all from a different angle.
He did not like the person he used to be, and that's where V4r starts - Jaune views his staying at Beacon due to forgery as a debt Jaune can never repay, and he strives to be a better person - actually worthy of that chance. He also understands just how privileged and stupid his behavior during Beacon was.
He has newfound respect for Pyrrha for having put up with him all this time. He also is regretful over how his antics had prevented them from actually exploring what could have been between them till it was way too late.
There's no melting her weapons for himself, no hero's journey for him. After the tragedies that hit Beacon Jaune ended up with a more clearcut understanding of who he wants to be and how he wants to honor Pyrrha's memory, in turn having processed grief in a bit more healthier way than the others.
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avelera · 2 years
"I read it to find out what the fuss was about, and remained somewhat puzzled; it seemed a lively kid’s fantasy crossed with a school novel, good fare for its age group, but stylistically ordinary, imaginatively derivative, and ethically rather mean-spirited."
- Ursula K. Le Guin
It's been understandably popular to take pot-shots at Harry Potter lately because of JK Rowling's truly disgusting and reprehensible comments lately. This quote above by Le Guin, which I agreed with even while a teenager, got me thinking about my own views on the series and apropos to nothing, I felt this was a better place to expound upon them than Twitter.
I have a knee-jerk dislike of the very human condition of saying we, "Always knew something," after the fact, that we "Always knew" someone problematic™️ was problematic or we always knew this thing that was popular was Bad Art after it became less popular. I find it intellectually dishonest.
So I'll preface all of this by saying: I had minor issues with the Harry Potter series back when it came out that went against the mainstream view of it, in that I thought it had many good qualities as a book series, but not enough to warrant its popularity compared to other, similar YA and fantasy series. I was genuinely baffled by its superstar popularity but as a fantasy book reader in the days before it was easy to access online fandom, I would take what I could get and I certainly didn't mind fangirling about Harry Potter stuff with friends even if it wasn't my #1 favorite series of all time. I enjoyed the fanfic for Harry Potter immensely so that allowed me to sort of blend in with those who enjoyed its popularity. (Special shoutout to MY favorite Harry Potter book of all time, "Harry Potter and the Battle of Wills" by Jocelyn over on fanfiction.net, that was MY Harry Potter series lol.)
So here's the thing, it's easy to say, "I always hated Harry Potter" or "I always knew it was trash" and that's a lie. For me, the truth is:
I enjoyed Harry Potter much like I did many of the fantasy series of its day.
What they had going for them was their pacing, whimsy, and inherent mystery structure in the first 3 books. They're fast, fun, easy reads with a likable protagonist. They are not bad books. But as Le Guin says, they're stylistically ordinary and imaginatively derivative. There's a lot of books like them.
I did not think the books were better than Pratchett, or Gaiman, or Garth Nix, or Dianne Wynn Jones, or any of the many other fantasy authors I was reading at the time. I was confused by their popularity as compared to better books like Pratchett's Discworld which, while popular, never got a theme park made for them in terms of order of magnitude popularity.
Now, JK Rowling on the other hand I had some issues with from the start, if not the ones that emerged later with her being a bigot. It is worth mentioning for the sake of intellectual honesty that decades ago, she gave a lot to charity and was a voice for tolerance in the early 00's when Bush/Blair, the Iraq War, etc were in full swing. It makes it all the more heartbreaking and baffling to see her swing towards bigotry on LGBT+ issues. Truly, a lot of young people first learned to stand up to fascism and be accepting of those different from them because of Harry Potter, just like they did reading the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card, and in both cases it's absolutely heartbreaking and so very confusing to see these authors fall to the very dark side they wrote against in their books. I have no answer for how or why this happened. I don't say this to make an excuse for either of them, simply to express confusion and mourn the loss of someone who was once a voice for some level of good in the world.
Now, my issues with JK Rowling were writerly, and they are the ones I feel somewhat empowered to say I "always knew" and "always had an issue with" and that, like the worst sort of hipster, "I talked about before it was cool".
Really my dislike began when JKR very famously said in the early 00s that she didn't read any fantasy before writing Harry Potter. Considering how derivative it is (heck, Neil Gaiman already had a YA series about a black-haired wizard boy with a scar) it left one wondering if she was lying or she truly was that ignorant in the genre in which she wrote. Either way, not a good look, and it soured me towards her pretty permanently as an author.
Terry Pratchett, the author I would actually follow into Hell, criticized her for this comment and got a lot of flack for it, asking how in the world she could not realize she was writing fantasy. This solidified my opinion of her as something of a hack, even if she had stumbled upon a winning story. Neil Gaiman also chimed in saying he didn't feel ripped off but seemed to tacitly agree with Pratchett that her lack of institutional knowledge about fantasy was odd.
As a big fantasy fan of the early 00s, I can say that fantasy was still a bit of a forbidden genre (at least in the Anglosphere), one not taken seriously. So for JK Rowling to be asked if she wrote fantasy had a layer of nuance, basically she was being asked if she meant to write a fantasy novel, ie, in a "lesser" genre, barely above dime story penny dreadfuls in value.
No one literary would admit to writing fantasy at the time, it was a whole thing where if you admitted to writing fantasy you were "downgraded" as an author in terms of prestige (Stephen King went through a lot of this). BUT, if a fantasy book achieved popularity, it was labeled as "literary" so the literary folks could claim ownership of the quality genre fiction, and never have to admit that "literary" is a genre and not a mark of quality (a deep-seated rage button issue for me and a rant for another day).
So when JK Rowling said, "She didn't know she was writing fantasy." That meant something. And what it meant was she was throwing the rest of the genre under the damn bus. With her visibility she could have helped actively tear down the biases against fantasy (something she did indirectly with the popularity of her books). Or she could have simply had humility and said she wasn't as versed in the genre as she should be given where her book ended up being shelved, but there's a lot of good works there and she's honored to be among them.
She did neither. She stuck to her ignorance (what would become a common trait of hers, apparently) and did very little to elevate others in the genre, or the genre itself, and indeed, seemed to try to distance herself from it in what was the safe move at the time.
I cannot stress enough how intellectual dishonest, arrogant, and safe it was for popular writers who got dubbed "literary" when they were in fact writing genre fiction to cleave to that title of literary, guard it jealously, and refuse to acknowledge that literary is a genre of its own, not a mark of quality. To be labeled "genre fiction" was to be considered "lesser" and that stigma is still out there, though much lessened by the wave that began with the Lord of the Rings movies, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and the Marvel films making so much money and really setting up genre fiction to at least be seen as lucrative if not artistic. We have come a long way from how fantasy was viewed 20 years ago.
JK Rowling also said she wrote no other books before Harry Potter. That's another puzzling instance where either she's lying, sold her soul to the Devil (and hey, maybe she did and he's collecting by making her turn into a frothing bigot), or was simply a more lucky and less skilled writer than people realized. Every writer has a closet full of short stories and novels they've written before publishing their first work. I can't stress enough how bizarre it is for her to claim she never wrote anything else before putting pen to paper with Harry Potter, that simply does not happen. Then again, her later books make it seem more likely that is true.
Writerly aside, but JK Rowling is utter garbage at structure. She lucked into the perfect scaffolding for a basic plot with the Harry Potter school year, but as Fantastic Beasts and her other, non-school based plot structures reveal, she didn't realize what a crutch that was for her because the woman does not and has not learned how to build a plot that isn't strung up on the structure of a school year for building tension and story beats.
Look, JK Rowling has always been a weird author. She really did come out of nowhere in terms of previous works. She doesn't acknowledge her peers in the genre that built her fortune, not even to confess that while she didn't know about them, she's now learning about a wonderful rich genre out there. She went the other direction and disavowed fantasy (it's possible she backtracked since and had nice things to say about the fantasy genre, I'd love to hear it if so).
There was in fact always subtle bigotry and a ton of tokenism in the Harry Potter books. That said, in the 90s, that was pretty par for the course, and she deserved some kudos for making the books so explicitly about fighting fascism, even if I'm not sure she fully understood her own themes.
To say these books were unpopular or that they had no writerly merit at all is intellectually dishonest. They were popular for a reason, mostly because they're fun. However, they were not unique, there were many like them, she got very lucky and it's bizarre how little she's acknowledged this or her peers. Of all the negative tendencies any human has, I'm shocked and dismayed that her tendency to stick to her ignorance like she did with the wider fantasy genre is the one that won out and was transferred to LGBT+ issues, to the point of doing active damage to her works and brand. But as her attempts to branch out from Harry Potter have further confirmed, JK Rowling was always a stylistically ordinary writer. Her mean-spiritedness didn't stand out as much in the 90s but it absolutely does now and it's ugly how she leaned more into sticking with the moral heights she reached at that time rather than trying to learn and grow as a person.
JK Rowling went full Whedon and figured because she was slightly ahead of the curve in the late 90s that she had nothing more to learn and it hurts when people who are creative, people whose job it is to have empathy for other walks of life, never learn or grow and stick to their old laurels that are increasingly out of date. I personally don't think myself as a hardcore Harry Potter fan, I have no horse in this race for the redemption or lack thereof of JK Rowling or the book series. I can only offer my view as a fantasy writer and someone who grew up through the cultural phenomenon of these books.
But, as usual, Ursula Le Guin was right, I agreed with her then, and her words have only borne out more and more with time.
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your-queer-dad · 5 months
A lot of people complain about their kids learning about lgbt stuff and about it being talked about in school. But I wish we had that kind of discussion in school or something when i was a kid. I'm 27 and it wasn't until a few years ago (during lockdown) that I started thinking about who I am. Realized I also like girls and am transmasc (sadly closeted because no ones on board with this kinda stuff).
As a kid I felt like I was different from the other girls and I didn't really know why. I remember telling people I wasn't a girl I was a tomboy and that's why I liked the things I did. I was worried about graduation for a few years before because I didn't want to wear a dress and I'd tell my mom that. I'd say "why can't I just wear pants and a shirt" (I wanted a suit). My mom would just say something like thats just how it is or you just have to. The same thing happened with my sisters wedding, all I wanted was a suit. But I was a bridesmaid so I had to wear a dress and get my makeup done (I think I was about 13-14).
I got older and then went to high school and started dressing more feminine and acting like my friends because they're girls and that's what girls are supposed to be like. I bought dresses and heels and tried makeup but it all looked weird on me (never wore them lol). Others said it looked good but it always felt wrong to me (same with other more feminine clothing items). Probably about halfway through high school, I was worried about graduation again. And again I told my mom but still had to wear a dress.
Same thing happened with college too but I wore a skirt that time. Through college I started wearing clothes I liked more but still not quite there yet.
Within the last 2 years I think, I decided to cut my hair short then a few times after I got a more masculine cut and wow do I love it. I also buy men's clothes now because they "fit better" and "have big pockets". I still don't feel like myself but I think im slowly getting there. I don't even really know who I am but I do know what I'm not.
Wow this is longer than I expected it to be and I think I lost the point of all this but it feels good to tell someone all of this even if it's a short messy version of it haha. I started typing and it all just kinda came out so i hope it makes some kind of sense. I've always been alone with this stuff so it's nice to get it out of my head I guess. I don't know lol thanks for reading✨️
Hey kiddo! Thank you so much for sharing your experience- I'm really glad you're in a place where you feel more comfortable in your body and your identity and I'm really proud of you.
- dad x
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mariposahxh · 1 year
Togashi's "interview" with Jump Ryu magazine & DVD 2016
i found this information and translation from the hxh fandom site - https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:MrGenial11/Jump_Ryu_Vol.21:_Yoshihiro_Togashi
it’s long so i’m rephrasing and only sharing the Hunter x Hunter stuff & some Togashi facts i found interesting (and y’all too probably) so :
When Togashi was in junior high school, he was fully attracted to Shōjo manga (girls manga) such as Mineo Maya's manga. (Mineo Maya is known for creating LGBT ((shōnen-ai/gay)) manga)
Togashi read manga like "Urusei Yatsura" and learned how to attract female audience.
Although Togashi’s favorite manga genre is Shōnen, he thinks he's suitable for Shōjo manga.
Togashi's first manga serialization was a romantic comedy, Ten de Shōwaru Cupid. Afterwards, he began Yu Yu Hakusho. After YYH, Togashi wanted to create manga that WOULDN'T be popular to show various aspects of his personality as mangaka to his audience. He then created Level E.
After Level E, Togashi began Hunter x Hunter. He changes his style in each arc so his audience can be surprised. Togashi loves surprising his audience.
Togashi thinks characters are sometimes more important than the story itself.
The Chimera Ant arc ended differently than Togashi first expected.
He creates simulations of the characters and how they will talk with each other and take an action in situations. This allows his audience to feel as if his characters really exist.
Togashi drew his characters acting unexpectedly in desperate situations when they encountered someone accidentally. For example, the encounter between Morel and Shaiapouf, or Killua and Meleoron.
Togashi has been attracted to the dirty side of manga rather than beautiful side ever since he was a junior high school student. (whatever that means..)
Togashi drew Yu Yu Hakusho's art style impressively and Level E realistically. In Hunter x Hunter, he avoids using screentones as much as possible.
Togashi considers the manuscripts of Hisoka and Kastro's fight as "bad quality" . He said that the internet fandom was angry and embarrassed with the chapter at that time. (so he DOES look at fanforums. that's no good)
"Togashi-sensei is very gentle. He remembers what editors said in the past" (a quote from one of his editors)
"Togashi resembles Gon/Ging Freecss in terms of personality" (another quote from his editor) (the hunterpedia page said “Gin” so idk if the translator misspelled “Gon” or forgot the last “g” in “Ging” 😺 i see both tbh)
Togashi scolded an editor only once when they slightly changed a few words in the manga without permission.
Togashi is very confident in his words being interesting. He chooses his words and sticks with them, not letting anyone change them. He is very selective and peculiar about the words he uses. (hm this makes me think of the lines “ja nakya dame nan da”/“shika inai” , “dajina”/“kichō” , “shinjū” , ect.)(dw i’m making a post explaining those lines later)
Togashi's message to mangaka beginners: "Keep in mind the audience. Make every effort to go beyond their expectations.”
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Warnings: homophobic and transphobic parents
Okay, hear me out. I drew my flags okay?
I couldn't buy lgbt+ flags because my parents are homophobic and transphobic (i still live with them) so i decided to draw my flags. And i put them in my closet. Yes, inside my closet! Look at this:
Tumblr media
(this isn't the best try and the colours aren't the best either but that's all i had for now)
And my mother opened my closet because... I don't even know why! And she saw the flags. (I told her that the first and the third flag are both bisexual flags because I don't want more drama in my life, neither i want to give more explanations. Sadly, i couldn't lie about the trans flag because she already knows how it looks). And after she saw the flags she was like:
"Take them off of the closet because i don't want anyone to see them!"
What a stupid way of saying "I don't want to see them" 🙄
Like, who's gonna open my damn closet except me?? (And you for some reason).
And then she said: "Your teacher might see them!"
Bro, wtf? Is my teacher going to open my closet or something? Why would she do that? To see my jackets and rate them out of 20?
Mother: "I don't want to see the flags!"
Finally, speaking the truth! Okay, i get that, you are homophobic. So, if you don't want to see my flags, then don't open my closet out of nowhere!!!
End of the story
*takes deep breath* yeah, that's it. Thank you very much for listening.
I didn't make this post just to share this specific event and just to calm down my nerves. It's not about the flags in my closet. It's much more than that.
Since i came out to my parents, everyday something is happening that just makes me angry or sad again. The day goes perfectly fine until "my mum opens my closet out of nowhere" and here we go again. More drama, more anxiety, more anger and more tears. Can't we have some peace?! It's not like I'm bothering you or something! So why do you always bring this up and bother me? Can't we let some days pass without trouble? Do we always have to say the same things over and over again? Do we always have to fight?
I mean, be patient! It's one fucking year! I'll have my own house the next year so just be patient until then! That's what i also do. I'm patient.
I'm in a state where I can't do anything about transitioning. I can't even buy a hoodie from the male section because they say "that's the male section, you are a girl" and stuff like that, even if it's just a single colour hoodie! (Let's be honest, the only difference is the sizes. Single colour simple-classic hoodies are always the same).
I don't say my opinion about transsexuality or bisexuality (or about anything LGBT+ related) because i already know their reaction. I don't express my thoughts or opinions, I don't ask my questions and i don't discuss my troubles. Although i want to do it!
I'm patient... But they aren't.
And i know it might be hard for them, i understand that. I'm willing to give them time to think about it and to search and to learn and to understand me better and to have as many calm discussions as they want. The problem is that they are wasting this time. They do none of those things. They just complain. Can't they just be patient for another year? It's not much if you think about it.
Anyway, if i say everything that I want to say now about me and my parents and my experience, this post is never going to end.
So let's get in the important part:
I wish you all good luck with the "come out to parents" thing. I wish you to have lots of patience (you might need it). I wish you to be happy and healthy, always. Be strong. And... Yeah... It might go well but if it doesn't just remember that you are not alone. Be positive and know that better things are about to come in the future... So... I might be terrible with words, but i just wanted to say that you are not alone even if you think that you are, you are not. You'll find your way I promise. Good luck.
Take care of yourself okay?
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snow-and-shadow-fairy · 5 months
About Me
This is my feminism sideblog. I have always been a feminist although there have definitely been times where I had feminist awakenings by discovering just how evil men are. I was raised by conservative Christian parents. My mother was a stay at home mother and loved criticising other women for not doing that, for working instead of taking care of their children. Even as a child I thought she was insane and sexist. I saw that women couldn't live lives the way men could if they had children. At dinner we would all sit in silence while my father monologued about his day at work and whatever else he wanted to talk about.
My first feminist awakening was reading the Bible when I was about 19 and 20. There was so much woman hating in there that I just couldn't take it anymore. Non Christians may know about the Ten Commandments given to Moses, but they are just a small section of many rules. One of the rules was that if a woman is raped and she is not married, she must marry her rapist. (May update this later when I can be bothered to find it.) I saw then that men do not see rape as assault, but theft of another man's property. The Bible is split into two sections. The Old Testament, which is before Jesus, and the New Testament, during and after Jesus. Christians tend to worship the New Testament and pick and choose which bits of the Old Testament they want to follow, which I never understood. For example, they will agree with the bits that condemn homosexuality, but when presented with stuff like "marry your rapist", they will say, yeah, that's bad, but don't worry, you don't have to do that anymore. I didn't understand why they were picking and choosing which rules to follow. As a Christian, I thought shouldn't we follow all the rules? But I didn't agree with the rules, or with Christians picking and choosing their own rules, so I stopped being a Christian.
My second was joining tumblr and seeing the misogyny of the trans rights movement. I'm straight, and I wanted to be a good ally to LGBT people, so at first I just thought it was fine, everyone has the right to respect. But I soon found out just how insane they were. My "peak trans" moment was reading this article in buzzfeed about the author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She was asked in an interview about trans women, and I saw nothing wrong with her response. Reading the article I realised that transgender people don't live in the world of reality. I learned that trans women really believe they are actually women, and to say that they were once men is not only wrong, but hate speech. I didn't understand this at all. Surely that's why they were trans women? Also, annoying sjw (for lack of a better phrase) types on the internet love to bang on about intersectional feminism, demonizing the straight white man, and supporting people with marginalized identities, the more marginalized, the better. Yet here was a black women talking about feminism, and hordes of white men (I refused to see them as women anymore) were telling her to shut up. I saw how fake people who bang on about straight white men really are. She didn't say anything offensive, but they were acting like she'd called for their extinction. It didn't make sense.
After that I started following feminist blogs on tumblr. Most of them were lesbians, and I discovered that not only was the trans movement sexist, but it was also homophobic. I tried reblogging their posts, because hey, people on tumblr hate homophobia, right? They love gay people? Wrong. I couldn't believe how many people blocked and unfollowed me for suggesting that lesbians shouldn't have to be attracted to trans women. Eventually I got tired and deleted tumblr. I have a new fandom blog now, completely free of any feminism. I decided to start a feminism blog to post any thoughts I have. I reblog other people's posts at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/snow-and-shadow-fairy-archive.
I believe that sex is the most important part of feminism. Men want sex from women. They want women to be sexually available at all times. Pornography and prostitution abolition should be the main focus of feminism. Women not having to have sex with men if they don't want to should be the main focus of feminism.
Feminists who love to talk about intersectional feminsim love talking about race but never talk about sexuality. Lesbians face the most discrimination due to not wanting to have sex with men. I always knew how creepy men were about lesbians but finding out about the trans rights movement and hearing the phrase "cotton ceiling" really disgusted me even more. It's really sad that "intersectional" feminists don't talk about the intersection of sexism and homophobia. The right pretend that it is only disadvantaged men who assault women. Meanwhile the left pretends that it is only advantaged men who assault women, and do not care when disadvantaged men do it. It's disgusting to see the left completely ignore the misogyny, homophobia and lesbophobia of the trans movement.
Even though I am attracted to men I have never been in a relationship with one and never will. I am genuinely scared of men. I can't even imagine loving one. I'm happy being single. I was delighted when I found out about the South Korean 4B movement. I think that's exactly what women need everywhere.
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