#after the stream today i was basically at this part and wanted to actually see this scene lol
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so how's everyone else's evening going
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
I get so hugry when you say you love me.
yandere male x gn reader.
Tw: Yandere behaviours| Mentions of kidnapping| Cannibalism| Slightly suggestive at only one point.
Requests open
It took me longer to write than I thought it would honestly and it’s not even that long. Sorry for that.
Now if you excuse me Im gonna eat a bowl of cereal and yes that is my dinner.
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Turns out there is not many things you can do without your limbs.
Your eyes wandered lazily around the bright pink ceiling, you were hungry and bored. You don’t remember how many days Gummy kept you in his house.
No internet, no tv, music was allowed only on CDs or cassettes but you would only be able to listen to it when he was in the room with you. The room itself was, heavily decorated.
Very scene, very cool, you would appreciate it more if you didn’t spend most of your time laying down and being held against your will. Surround by pillows and plushies, on a huge ass bed.
Gummy took care of you. He made sure you were dressed up so nicely. He liked to talk about how when he was younger he had so many dolls and he could dress them up.Then he would look into your eyes and smile, you saw the same crazed look every time, then he would say that you are like a doll now. So pretty and his. It was easy to guess that he would do little fashion shows with you. From dresses to suits. He bought them just for you. Right now you wore very loose clothing that you are sure was his, you could tell by the smile and how… excited he got.
He rarely went out of the house. He fears that somehow you would leave him.
How the fuck would you even do that? Your legs and arms were chopped off. The worst part is that sometimes you still can feel them, sometimes it’s quick, other time you feel the burning sensation which makes you cry out.
So Gummy made sure not to leave the house all that much, when he trusts you more maybe, just maybe he will.
Groceries were kind of hard to get.
Your diet mainly consisted of fruits, vegetables. After some time you might get sick of those. The taste would get bland and well it made you sometimes want to throw up.
Currently you were waiting for the dinner, by waiting you mean you were laying on your back because moving without limbs was actually really hard for you. He promised that today he would prepare something great.
You hoped that maybe today he would give you an actual dinner.
And he did, it looked too good to be true.
“Hi sunshine! Sorry for taking so long I wanted your first proper dinner to be perfect!”
You heard him giggle.
He helped you sit up and you looked over his shoulder to see such a beautiful food behind him. Finally no more fruits. He hummed as he went to bring up the plate.
It smelled so good, you were a bit taken back since you didn’t know he would be able to cook anything else than water.
He began to feed you, it still was in fact so embarrassing every single time.
You chewed slowly, looking away from him. He laughed happily when he saw you enjoyed his cooking. It didn’t take you long to finish, Gummy put the plate away and basically pounced on you. You shrieked when he playfully licked your lips saying how good you taste like.
“I just ate that means you are just tasting your own fucking cooking!”
“Yea I know”
You tried to bite him, it only made him chuckle and grab your face.
“You taste amazing, my point still stands, and your meat was so easy to prepare you would have never guessed.”
“What the fuck do you mean ‘my meat’?”
He let go of your face. He smiled eerily while he tapped the nub of your arm.
“The rest is for me, I will have a part of you inside me! Isn’t that romantic?”
Your stomach squeezed painfully, eyes widening. Did he.. Oh God. You felt the vomit it your mouth, Gummy laughed as he pinched your nose and covered your mouth.
“You better swallow and not waste my cooking.”
You didn’t want to, eyes blurring due to lack of oxygen. You didn’t want to, but when your eyes locked with his, hot tears streaming down your face, he just smiled.
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boytoyhalo · 10 months
Can you give me your fitpac headcanons to make me feel better after whatever the fuck Bad's stream was today. I am so unwell...
absolutely i can!!! let's see here hmm
pac likes to sleep/cuddle with fit sprawled out directly on top of him, like actively crushing him, because the deep pressure makes him feel safe (i think I said this in a different post but accidentally switched the names around, tho tbh i could see this being true both ways so maybe they take turns)
pac's ring markings glow bright blue when he's flustered or startled (see my blue ringed octopus hybrid pac headcanon) fit discovered this for the first time with the "how you doin big daddy" incident and since then fit has been going out of his way to sneak up on pac to make it happen because he thinks it's cute, this is also part of why he's gotten more confident with his flirting
fit would never say it out loud (partially because it would embarass him and mostly because he knows it would embarass pac) but he actually capital l Loves it when pac says his name with the "-tch" sound at the end. he thinks about it more than he shoud probably
this is less of a headcanon and more a writing prompt or like. a scenario that i think would happen but i think that at some point they'd be goofing around and threatening each other over whose a better fighter (they both think its each other but theyre arguing for themselves. for the bit) and fit would take off his prosthetic arm to hold it in his other hand and point it at pac like a sword and pac would be all oh yeah i can do that too and try to take off his leg standing up and would of course immediately overbalance and fall and fit would rush to check if he's ok while laughing his ass off and pac would use the leg to knock his legs out from under him so they would both be on the ground laughing so hard they couldn't breathe. and then fit would make a stupid pun about pac "not having a leg to stand on in this argument"
speaking of prosthetic's pac normally likes to keep his metal leg covered but the first time fit gets a proper look at it he's like woah your prosthetic looks so cooler and sleek and high tech i wish mine was like that and pac preens because he made it himself (ok it was him and mike but thats practically the same thing) and after that pac starts wearing his right pant leg rolled up (fit is only half of the reason, the other half is that it makes richarlyson feel better about his own leg but this is a fitpac post)
they both Really Like watching each other fight, hence the dungeon dates, but their favorite part is after all the mobs are cleared when they're cleaning their weapons and sorting through loot and just sitting quietly together basking in the shared victory and adrenaline and praising and complimenting each other for a fight well done
fit is aroacespec (he can count the amount of people he's been actually attracted to on one hand) and between that and his trust-no-one 2b2t background he's pretty inexperienced with most relationship related things, so pac is a lot of firsts for him. Pac not-so-secretly loves this because he's possessive and likes that no one else gets the type of attention he does from fit
fit starts wearing his glasses more often when he's not expecting combat or some other situation that will make them too inconvenient because pac says he looks cute in them
pac likes to make fit carry him on his back because 1. he likes the contact and 2. its fun to feel tall. the first time this happens it's because pac's metal leg takes a hit during a battle and is basically useless til he can repair it, so fit carries him back to chume labs out of necessity. After that pac usually makes up an excuse or plays up any hits he take so fit will do it again, except he's really bad at lying so fit knows what he's doing but he doesn't mind so he doesn't call him out on it
pac's hair looks really soft and fit realllly wants to run his hands through it but he's way too awkward to ask because that feels like a line being crossed and whenever pac runs his own hands through it fit just stares like a total weirdo which tubbo and phil both make fun of him for but somehow even then pac doesnt seem to notice. it takes him a long ass time to mention it to pac who he then finds out really likes having his hair played with and has been wanting fit to do it for forever but has also felt too awkward to ask. and then they laugh at themselves for being dumbasses (and then when they kiss for the first time and every time after that fit's flesh hand immediately goes up to his hair)
fit mentions that when he gets overstimulated sometimes its too much effort to remember to take his hearing aids out so pac asks if he can borrow them for a little bit and gives them back to fit with a new noise cancelling feature, and fit has to stop himself from literally proposing marriage right then and there. He settles for just cleaning chume labs top to bottom and leaving some chocolate and an embarassingly sappy thank you note that would read as a straight up love confession to anyone outside of him and pac's oblivious-but-also-not-oblivious slowburn-but-not-slowburn bubble
sometimes if pac is tired but cant get to sleep he'll go find fit and ask him to just talk at him for a bit because his voice is relaxing and if he falls asleep with his head on fit's shoulder or in his lap fit will sit as still as a rock for hours to not wake him up
ok ok you got me rambling this post is way too long now and most of these can barely count as headcanons but yippeeee i hope u like them!!!! everything will be ok we will have our morning crew and fitpac content back soon i promise
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standardfriends · 6 months
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you melt up my body 🍨
Word Count: 2.2k || Kim Junkyu x Fem. Reader || Tags: Smut, Daddy Kink, Degradation, Food Innuendos/References, Angst, Established Relationship, Toxic Pranks, Fem Petnames (Baby Girl, Princess), Mention of Safe Word
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Junkyu arrives at home after a long day at his part time job. It's just a basic gig at a ice cream shop but it covers his half of the rent so it's enough for him. However it also happens to be the same day college acceptance letters came in the mail. You and Junkyu prank each other a lot, for instance on your birthday he pretended he had forgotten, after you finally came out of your room from crying for hours he and your friends jumped out to surprise you with ice cream cake, your favorite, and gifts. Or on Christmas you both had the idea of pretending to get each other coal, however once you both started opening gifts that fell through immediately. You decide to get him again today and make him think he didn't get into his first choice. Was it a little cruel? Well yes, but you know he's smart enough to eventually figure out you're lying out of your ass, he's not as oblivious as you. If falling for this prank would fall under being oblivious that is. Walking into the kitchen he finds you on the counter shuffling through the mail as you usually do and doesn’t think much of it.
"Hey baby, how have you been today." Leaning in to kiss the corner of your lips earning a giggle from you. "I've been ok guess what came in the mail today~" you say gleefully, causing Junkyu to instantly grab at the envelopes in your hand. He furiously shuffles, once, twice, and three times. Only to realize that the one he was looking forward to the most isn't there, this had to be a joke right. A soft chuckle escapes him, "None from Princeton? Are you sure.." he tries his best to coat his words with calm unlike the anxiety racing in his mind. You put on the biggest sad puppy eyes as your boyfriend's eyebrows continue to furrow in confusion, "I checked the back of the mailbox & asked the mail man baby I'm sorry..." His mind just goes blank, his eyes filled with an empty dark stare.
He did everything perfectly, he was valedictorian, he was on several varsity sports, was the leader of the lite music club, and even did volunteer work on top of working. He can't help but be overcome with despair, how could this happen, why him, he did everything needed and more so why? "I mean, I didn't want you to go off and leave me here, it's too far anyways." You continue with the prank and try to gauge his reaction, he's looking down at the letters in his hands intently so you can't see his face. That giggle was just his final straw, it felt like the person he expected to understand his depression the most was mocking him. It was eating him alive. "Are you fucking dumb?" He finally looks you in the eyes, your smile has never dropped faster. His eyebrows furrow jaw quivering with rage. "You out of everyone should know how long I've been wanting to go to this school. And yet you have the audacity to sit here and laugh. It's funny to you because what? You didn't want to be lonely for a little bit while I literally complete one of my life goals. I feel like I just wasted four years of my life for nothing and you're laughing." He scoffs he cant believe it you are so fucking selfish. As he continues to chew you out you struggle to hold back tears, you just want to tell him it was a joke. You can't stand it when he yells, it's like he's a whole different person. You know you've gone too far, you actually hurt him this time.
He's spent up all his energy being angry at this point so he can do nothing but turn and face the cold marble counters. Tears streaming from his eyes, life is just so shitty and cruel he cant stand it. He put so much effort for it to all be a waste, like an idiot, and that his whole life he was lied to. You try to compose yourself, you knew this was important but you didn't realize this prank would lead to you feeling like the biggest asshole ever. To restore some hope to his now crushed dreams you grab his letter from under you, you bring it into his teary vision, knowing it was time to come clean. "Congrats on getting in baby! I'm so proud of you..." It takes him a second to process what you said through your strained voice yet he grips the small paper packet from you and starts sobbing with relief. He turns to look at you and hugs you deeply. Mumbling thank you, thank god, thank you, thank you, thank you.' And you sit there crying with him until he calms down.
Usually after pranks like this he immediately buries his head into the crook of your neck and asks if you want to get your shared favorite creamy dessert but today something is different. He simply wipes his face while smirking and giggling to himself, when he finally looks into your glassy brown eyes. "So you think it's funny to mess with my feelings princess?" Huh? Princess-Where did that come from? Junkyu thinks that'd be too easy, you toyed with him a lot today, he has to get his lick back somehow. "Don't act like you don't know what I mean baby..." He inches his face closer to you till you can feel his steaming breath on your lips. "Seems like you need to be taught a lesson." Without taking your eyes away from his intent gaze on your lips you sharply inhale. You definitely get the memo when swiftly you are on the counter again your shorts ripped off your legs in record time. This is not how you saw this prank going at all but you can't say you're complaining.
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Junkyu crashes his lips against yours desperate to prod your mouth open with his tongue, fiercely fighting for control. You can tell he's irritated enough and give in without a fight, you're too focused trying to keep up with his aggressive nature that you forget to breathe.
While your lips are starting to swell he pushes your panties to the side, looking like a rabid dog starved for days. "What a little slut how are you already so wet? Getting so needy from me being mean to you." You trace the lines of his hands with your eyes as he glides his fingers against your folds. His gaze is completely enamored by your, it's as if your a popsicle melting in the sun. His gaze burning holes into you while also making you more desperate. He loves dominating you watching you twitch at how antagonizing his motions are. He then lowers his head and licks his flat tongue against your dripping core making you melt in his hand. "This cunt tastes so good, so good just for me babygirl." he says staring deep into your eyes, he's so cocky. Only he could have you on the kitchen counter sensitive to his every touch. "I'll teach you to trick me again you cock hungry slut." Junkyu degrading you was different but god did it make your thighs press together (which he pried open of course) you were going to take his punishment like the dumb bitch you are.
Giving no time to adjust he sticks two fingers in the pain making you hitch your breath he just smirks and clicks his tongue. He starts pumping his fingers in and out of your heat, focusing hard on your walls clenching around his digits, while curling his tongue to flick your sensitive bud. You bite your lips trying to suppress your mewls and moans. God does he make it hard it's been less than a minute and yet he's hitting your g-spot so consistently he knows the insides and outs of your body better than you do sometimes. Junkyu being attentive as he is sharply takes notice, "You had no problem being a little brat earlier giggling while making me panic babygirl, daddy wants to hear every noise when he makes you cream on his fingers." You try to ignore him as you don't wan't all the neighbors to know that your boyfriend is fucking you dumb but he doesn't care. Misbehaving earned you a nice red mark on your thigh, it only made him more unrelenting. You try so hard to keep your composure but the way he's giving so much friction to your clit you can't help but grab his hair and push him away. Groaning when he quickly ceases "Ah Ah princess hands on the counter you're gonna take the punishment I give you." You end up trying to dig your nails into the counter only to have your grip fail you every single time. Junkyu finds you struggling under him so amusing, this is the person that tried to mess with him 10 minutes ago and now you're a moaning mess, begging him to give your poor pussy a break, how pathetic.
He rests his arm behind your back as your moans get louder and intensify, watching your strength and resistance weakening. "Junkyu—mmm I-I'm so—mm—" You try so hard to let him know but he's distracted, pounding into you unrelentingly. With every motion his palm hits your pussy rhythmically and sending shocks through your bud you didn't know were possible. Within seconds you release onto his finger shaking from the immense release washing over your body. It was like a mind numbing brain freeze of pure ecstasy. Whatever, Junkyu keeps going, "Stop closing your legs you cock drunk whore you know this what you deserve. Too bad you were being a stupid brat now daddy's gonna fuck your pretty little cunt until his fingers cramp." If there's one thing Junkyu doesn't do it's empty promises, your resistance if anything makes him rougher more aggressive than ever. Between your overstimulated moans and shaking all you can manage is "Junkyu please—stop! Daddy too much—Ah I can't! Please Junkyu—" He does nothing but continue to stare at your reactions, him biting his lip watching your eyes roll to the back of your head, he's so smug knowing that he's making you feel this way. You're his pretty little sex doll, no one else controls you like this, only him. Junkyu starts curling his fingers more, as overwhelming as it is he sure knows how to use his hands. "Daddy please it hurts, Junkyu it's too much I'm sorry please stop" you choke between tears the feeling has engulfed you, your legs are twitching and numb all you can do is hear the squelching of his hands rhythmically going in and out. "You should've thought about that earlier slut, and don't act like you're not enjoying this princess you haven't said our safe word once." It's like he scooped you out and ate you up, there's nothing you could hide from him. Junkyu ramming into your pussy over and over again until you can only think of him turns you on so much.
You quickly reach your second, third, and fourth orgasm. Around your incoming fifth orgasm he starts to burn up taking off his shirt to reveal his tonedd chest. Seeing you fully slutted out, cock drunk, and vulnerable for him just motivates him to keep going. As much as he'd like to keep up this "punishment" the tent in his pants has other ideas. "Fuck baby you keeping cumming and squirting for daddy think you got another one in you?" he unzips a bit to palm himself through his underwear. He's trying so hard to not be so needy, that's what you are, his vulnerable needy little fuck toy who is giving him such a show. But he couldn't help it hearing you yell his name, begging him, calling him daddy like the little slut you are how could he not get turned on. "Sorry daddy needs to feel all of you, Im gonna fill up your tight little cunt so good princess." You moan out in a dazed state, you couldn't even properly respond cause next thing you know his cock thrusts into you without warning. "Taking me in...so good baby, fuck!" His pace is so fast the room is filled with wet lewd noises and clapping of skin. Between your bodies is a mixture of so many different emotions and feelings. It drives him crazy feeling your walls clench and suck him in so well. He'd usually try and last longer but you just feel so good, he can feel everything it's as if he's on cloud nine. Only you could take him in so we'll, it was like you were made for him.
"I'm cumming baby girl, daddy's gonna fill up his pretty little toy with his seed." His pace starts to slow down you reaching your limit as well. Finally he releases into you with one last thrust and he circles your bud helping you both ride out your highs. Not moving an inch to make sure that not a drop of cum leaks out.You stay there for a while, pressing your sweaty heads together through the silence of your breaths. Even when Junkyu finally does pull out he pushes all his seed right back into you as if it's a precious homemade recipe. After finally wiping you down and helping you off the counter, that's when he goes back to your normal loving boyfriend. Asking you, "Let's go get some ice cream, hmm?"
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all works belong to @standardfriends - copyright © 2024
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starastarship · 4 months
Thoughts on Indigo park chapter 1
Spoiler warning under the cut!
Alright guys so today I played Indigo park chapter 1 with my friend @theroseofazrael. And I wanted to give my thoughts on it along the way basically! Warning again spoilers for chapter 1!
Right of the bat I wanna say that this is coming from somone who watched it first and someone who played it after. So you could say I have at least 2 things to go off by
Putting this in multiple parts
Part 1: entrance
So the beginning. first of all intro cutscene was really well made and amazing to look at! Getting right put into the game, meeting Rambly for the first time was nice! (Also fun fact I did the math around the 2920 days guest absents and it's 8 years!) I liked him alot! He is cute and sweet! Love his animations and I hope he doesn't turn out evil (or at least not the AI) So we open the door with a simple puzzle and I am glad it is really just like a kind of walking simulator! Going in we are getting our critter cuff, and I was so sure in the playthrough I watched that there was one of the mascots inside the shop!
with the critter cuff around our wrist we now walk into the park and when I first saw the statue I immediatly thought "Is this a disney reference"! I liked it! going throught the tunnel and it collapses behind us. I would say I actually kinda liked that! I find it sometimes a bit more realistic if something old collapses right behind someone than it already having collapsed! Also the tunnel kinda reminded me a bit of a tunnel from my favorite theme park which I found funny!
also on a side note: I love how Rambly still tries to make this abandoned theme park sound more like that it is under construction. Deniel is a river in egypt!
part 2: The train ride
While it still plays a bit in the tunnel I put it with the train ride! Walking through the que line really helps the feeling of This was really a theme park! And while I didn't see it on my playthrough (at least I think I missed it) on SHB I saw like the tail feathers of Mollie already giving an uneasy feeling but was also a bit foreshadowing in a sense. Anyways when I was in the call with my friend, Rambly told me I would be too old for this ride and I literally said "well fuck you then". This was also still at the time where I did not realize Azra was not watching my stream, because my game crashed at the beginning and I booted it up again but forgot to stream it at the time (I honestly believe it has nothing to do with the game and more about me having too much stuff open at the time!)
Anyways we load up onto the train and off we go on our first ride! This was a very sweet introduction to the cast, and felt natural for a theme park! Meeting Mollie first I loved that introduction. I like her opimistic character as they talked (which I found also really cool that Rambly interacted with the cast during the ride!) What I didn't noticed until a bit later, down there was a door where you could see Mollie "spying" on us! I just saw how the door closed but it gave me the impression that she stalked us during the entire ride or she was like "looking around" and basically found out there is someone!
Then we get to Finleys underwater space and the entire time I was looking around if I could find Mollie somewhere again (I unfortunatley didn't see her anywhere). But then Finley say "you know me for 100 years" and Imma get this right off the bat, Mollie later on says this! I go deeper in this later on!
Then we get to a really destroyed place which thinking about it is weird! Every other place was ok looking, almost in tip top shape but this one was quiet literally ruined! It is open for alot of theories I believe, since this one was probably Salems place! it is up to you guys what this was! So off we go to repair the electricity finding a Mollie animatronic! It says one last thing about Rambly hurt Llloyd! Now this one gives me the impression that Rambly is more evil but also later on with Lloyd there is a scene that plays out. And I believe that there is more to the cuff/ the system in the park than we thought
Anyways we boot up the train again and carrie on! Next and last one is Lloyd. Here we see the first time the total distaste for Lloyd from our Raccoon! now considering how Rambly and Lloyd interact, this might be just his AI programm but throught the game, expecially the collectables, it is more to believe that this dislike isn't really programmed! So maybe that part, wasn't meant to be in a annoyed way? only time will tell! But also I knew this one from tik tok but at the end of this interaction, looking to the left shows Mollie like literally by our side coming from the courtains! I will talk about a thought when we get there!
Going out we are at the gift shop of the ride. And here I noticed that in one of the cameras we can see Molluie running after the train! We see multiple empty trains in those photos and then one in the middle with Mollie running! I believe that would have been our photo! considering all other photos are empty seats, it makes the most sense. And with mollie always popping up during the ride now and then! Now this one is more a theorie but I imagine that this photo was taken during Salems part! Maybe Mollie was chasing us, the train was just faster, and when it broke down and we went out to fix it, maybe she caught up! Then she saw we weren't there and maybe thought we ran ahead? this is really just what I have thought about this than really being a theory! Anyways i was pointing the picture out to Azra and here I noticed how stupid I was
I noticed after they told me, there was no stream, that I forgot to stream it! These entire first minutes, they did not see what I saw while I stupidly pointed out things you can only see! oTL anyways moving on to part 3!
part 3: the central area and Lloyds theater
Putting these 2 together cause I find them rather short in a way! First of going down the stairs and seeing the entire area + working and I believe opperating ferris wheel! I told to Azra that as a kid or even now that I would have gone there! I just hope they also have rollercoaster tbh! I like the adrenalin! I found the fountain actually really funny, being able to rotate like this while spitting water! Noone was save against the water! we also get to the information kiosk and to the collectables! I found it nice that we got more info about them through Rambley and expecially through our protagonist which there is one thing!
At the beginning Rambly tells us that we are a new comer/ are not in the guest data base, but looking at the descriptions it is made very clear we were in this park multiple times! I believe either, children weren't like allowed to be in the guest data base because well they were children! or because we aged and with age faces change, the face recognition didn't pick up on us!
And another thing. As I said before Rambly seems to really dislike Lloyd and with the plushies, expecially the last one we get (and old cartoon version of Lloyd) it says that Lloyd was the most popular one apperantly! or at least the company was more focused on the Lion than the Raccoon! So I believe the resentment shows that Rambly is a bit more sentient than it looks like!
Moving on, Rambly wants to bring us to the Jetstream junction but unfortunatly we need a key! And that key was in Lloyds theater. getting acess to it, we go inside! seeing the theater was really pretty! and on stage we see a sleeping Lloyd who wakes up and running away. now I wanna adress that because I feel like that they aren't really out to hurt us! after the key and getting through the section (where even if I know nothing would happen, I still anticipated it) only then when we tried to go, did he really came close enough to grab us! and that one time in the middle where he was squished under a box! And honestly i think it was also because he was like put into a croner and didn't see another way!
Here is also a funny thing because technically speaking you can get this anytime when you turn around away from the backstage area we see again Mollie! Some had it at the beginning I had it after the area and honestly I feel like it is more impactful when it is after the area!Anyways we got the key and off to Mollies place!
part 4: Jetstream junction
Now this place was really fun! We go up to rooftop racing adn are greeted with rumble having fallen onto the ride destroying it! Now I felt it was unfair we only get to ride one thing so far in the entire park! Anyways we go downstairs again and to the landing pad! or rather we should go there but off to the side is a little drinking area with an arcade machine! We can play it and it is a typical oldschool platformer! This is also where we meet Salem for the first time basically! Many also belive that this has more story relevence than it looks like. Also we get like a pixalated Ramblyberry but I think that is more an easter egg than it being exactly "canon".
Anyways we now enter the landing pad which is like a really REALLY big playground area! and we got a interesting puzzle here! simple to understand. We have blocks and need to figure out the the right combination! Easy to understand thanks to the purple block and the purple star besides it! So power goes out and we walk through the entire playground, finding all shapes and the colors to it! And guess what Mollie is with us! She is often very cose to us but never really attacks us! until after we solved the puzzle! We get our first chase in the game and the only one in chapter 1!
I died only 2 times! first time I was not expecting her to come from the front and second time I didn't knew where to jump! but overall I liked the chase! it was easy to follow and had only one moment that I thought "ARE YOU FUCKING ME?! an it is the collectable during the chase! it's not hard to see but dang I held to step back one time to get it and my adrenaline was so high holy shit!
And the ending was wow. So like I felt like with the head off it felt different than I saw on SHB. Maybe it was becuase of the pure adrenaline but I felt like they fixed the timing of when it happens! Cause with Mike I felt like the timing of the head or the distance of the jump too was weird! but maybe it was always like this. And during all of this me and Azra just went "damn she is bleeding alot" not exactly listening to Rambly saying anything about the park and stuff! But it does make me wonder what happened to the staff and expecially WHY WAS THERE FRESH LOOKING BLOOD ON BOTH MOLLIE AND LLOYD?!
Anyways we leave and soon make our way to Ocean Odyssey and I notice that is Nordic themed ! (loves it!) and after seeing a big Finley coming out there ends chapter 1!
Finally thoughts
I really enjoyed it! I don't play often horror games... actually rewrite that I never played horror games and this was my first time! gameplay wise, there were a few nitpicky things but that was their first game and for that alone this deserves a major Star because it is really good! and story wise, it got me hooked! we got enough information for anticipation withouthaving all to much said, only leaving us wondering!
Anyways can't wait for chapter 2 and see ya!
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emzii-hi · 1 year
My little theory rant
Okay so today I got caught up in some of Tubbo's streams in specific the one on him questioning the one and only "Enjoy the island" Curcurcho. First, I want to say that boy was that highly entertaining to watch like omg Tubbo was killing it.
But from that whole thing we got really useful information on some bits of the lore and shit that goes on in the island. So here are the points that i found the most interesting
like firstly we know that Forever won the election and is given tasks to do in his presidential reign. I personally full on thought he worked with the Federation but he's more like a sub section in the way a towns major or representative might be in a province or state. And Cucurcho basically was like yeah, he's the pres of the island basically but so far, he doesn't have any actual big pres power. Oher than a bit that was given to him by the feds.
Tubbo then beings to ask about the buildings such as the wall, which until know all we know it was to separate the first people who arrived at the island and that they pushed a red button which left to the destruction of a bit of said wall and the later introduction of the eggs. And the recent random build was built were all build by the qsmp feds. Who in the feds built and for what reason was classified information. (kinda saw that coming as a secret)
Now the honestly the most intresting part of the convo was the subject of the eggs. Our dear tubbo asked so many of the right questions. Like if the eggs hatch which honestly in the long game i hope they do because of the headcannon/cannon lore on the eggs looking like the parents being more accurate after hatching. And he touch on the fact of there being more eggs which if you haven't seen Quackity's and Celbits pov we can definitely say there are more eggs.
Though on Quackity's pov it shows more of either the eggs being recreated in a lab and are trying to be replicated. (The egg we see in quackity's pov was A1 who was doing some sort of test and failed.) Or maybe each time a egg fully dies they are revived and have their memory wiped and gets tested again for other reasons. Which is possible cause ElQuackity came back with no recollection of the eggs and most events of the island. With that being said we know for sure that the qsmp febs have something weird to do with the eggs in general and that Quackity also had some to do with the qsmp feds as he was the one who invited everyone to said island.
We also know that just like the first few eggs that appeared to the first few players that arrived in the island were found in a adoption centre just like the one that cellbit found with the hidden room and the book. Could that be why after richas and pomme kinda just appeared to the other parents after awhile? was it that they learned from their mistake? Who knows all we know is that there are definitely more eggs that was first thought and possibly a more secret adoption centres. (This could also maybe tie in the fact that the codes are trying to kill eggs and now trying to be them.)
Juanaflippa is the only egg to be revied throughout the whole smp. Now when tubbo asked about this whole ordeal on getting eggs lives back, Cucurcho first was like that's classified but the was saying no which could be their way of confusing and avoiding the whole question as a whole. This obviously could just be them confused on the question but its still iffy.
Again the whole thing was super interesting.
The Federation
The Federation it self was a crazy clue in its self. Tubbo compared the whole this to the stranger thing for those who don't know Stranger things there is this lab where they experimented on children such. And Cucurcho being all the island is perfect and Tubbo was like agreeing for the most part. Leading to this.
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We know that the qsmp Feds what them to enjoy the island but we aren't entirely sure why. This was super interesting to me in the sense of double meaning like yes the island is "perfect" for players and for the most part they are content but there is a whole theory that the reason that they gave them eggs was to distract them but from what? I think its like a whole simulation backroom idea. That the true enjoyers of the island is actually qsmp feds as they have ways to test and recreate certain things and certain people. Again possibly tying the blue bird theory of Jaiden being a escaped backroom project that was later brought back by Quackity's request.
Tubbo again asked a great question that i never really have thought of and I don't see most people wonder this. Do these Cucurcho's have free will. This was question bit was weird back and forth momment of yes they kinda of do have free will to a weird I am a employee of the Federation moment. I would say that for the most part they do have free will in the sense they can walk around and talk with people but have maybe a signal que of other Fed workers looking at them closely to make sure they don't step out of line and do their required tasked kinda of like it you ere told to do something at gun point. I honestly don't know.
They the whole might there be other island.
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Its in the name itself. The Federation Census Bureau. The word Bureau itself means a office or department of for transacting a particular action or a government office. Obviously in the context of the book it was used in singularity and not plurality to identify more but it still slightly concerning cause a Bureau it self is a of agreed divided specialties. So it would make sense is that Quisadilla Island to not be the only one in a large network. Again Tubbo be asking the right questions. Also the fact that Cucurcho's answer to Tuboo being like on the idea of more then one island was saying classified was amazing cause it makes it even more believable that there is more island as one island in singularities existence does not need to classified
IN CONCLUSION!! Tubbo was crazy in getting the most general answers and vague questions that allowed us to get at least and idean of wtf is going on with feds and the island. And im sorry for going on this whole rant but i had to get this off my chest so yeah. That whole bit was wild and really had me being like wtf moments
(1) Tubbo Asks Cucurucho All The Lore Questions He Could Think OF! QSMP - YouTube
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arson-09 · 6 months
I dont talk much about minecraft youtuber drama here but god quackity is pissing me off with his shenanigans.
In case you missed it admins for quackitys minecraft server (specifically an admin named lea) came forth claiming that the admins were underpaid if paid, were working horrible hours, and generally treated like shit. This is of course paraphrasing but this is worker exploitation and disgusting.
Quackity then did a little stream saying he was “unaware” of anything wrong happening behind the scenes. Which is interesting considering this is his “passion project” and the studio is under his name and hes the one who hired everyone.
Then recently Lea (i apologize if im spelling her name wrong she is french if i recall) did an interview saying that quackity was basically lying, the ndas he had the admins signed were fake, and reiterated the horrible working conditions and the fact he knew everything.
Then today he streamed again saying he was stepping back because of the hate and threats we was receiving which of course is never okay but this is the first time he’s ever spoken on that subject (which is interesting as his twt fandom is known for being incredibly hateful and threatening people) and he was stepping back from the server. Again this is a simplified version, just hitting the major points of everything.
this is not accountability, this is him making someone else fix what hes done. He wont even openly admit to everything but his silence shows everything. What he has done to his workers is horrible and incredibly wrong but the majority of his fans dont care and are upset at dream stans of all people for “making him step back” (dream stans havent even been the main group doing this shit btw. they are just the group pointing out the hypocrisy the most as dream fans have received copious amounts of hate from qsmpers for the fact they like dream. Let it be clear that the allegations against dream have been proven false and as of me writing this post he has not done anything genuinely bad. like exploiting his workers)
Regardless of who you stan or hate, you have to realize that what quackity has done with his server and the admins is wrong and he should take accountability and discuss what hes done wrong. hes was/is a law student for heavens sake. This is only the tip of the iceberg of questionable things quackity has done (for example his merch company is extremely shady. there is very little information available about it online, people have trouble with shipping and receiving their orders, merch quality, and much more) and it saddens me that while the mcyt community preaches accountability and recognizing when a cc has done wrong, they fail to do it 99% of the time. I dont hate quackity, and i dont want him to get doxxed and receive death threats, but i need him to be transparent. To admit to his mistakes and be honest and actually change shit. Because right now him stepping back isnt fixing anything, its not helping the people who have been hurt by his actions. Im also really sad that the qsmp has been riddled with these mistakes as theres so much potential with it. It was the first bilingual minecraft server then multilingual. it united so many different parts of the minecraft community but it is not stable, its not going to last at this rate and thats so sad. Qsmp seems to just be a money maker for its creators, every part of it meticulous planned to see what will bring in the most views (as well as its the first server i have personally seen have a merch store? i wonder if the admins that play the characters are getting any of that money…)
Anyway, i just wanted to say my piece on it after ive been apart of the minecraft youtuber fan community for a long time and have seen a lot of shit :/ just a psa if your first reaction to this post is to get all upset in my comments i will block you. I do however appreciate genuine comments on the situation, as a fan or not of quackity. Worker exploitation is never okay but most of everything else is just how i see the situation.
(just wanted to add a quick edit cause i got a good anon but accidentally deleted it🧍🏻)
I am not making fun or trying to make the fact quackity is getting harassed less important. Doxxing and threats are never okay, and even if i dislike him i dont wish that on him. I am only disappointed that it took to this point for him to say something. Of course he couldve been planning something but he never explicitly said so so lots of people, me included, weren’t sure if he was going to ignore it as he does have a track record of not saying anything unless forced. As well as hes never condemned his fans for the fandoms habit of doxxing and harassment. Ofc Q cant control his fandom, but openly saying “hey stop doing that. i dont want yall to do that” would be nice. I thankfully have never experienced it but i had twt moots who got doxxed by qsmp fans and thats why i said i wish he had said something earlier. But i am not trying to take away how severe the fact hes getting doxxed is. Just wanted to make that clear👍🏻 Dont fucking dox or harass people, be critical but dont be horrible people.
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kenthenugget · 5 months
Dear Watcher....
This is going to be about the youtube channel Watcher and a recent video that they released earlier today, so if you dont watch the channel, or older content produced by Ryan, Shane and Steven at Buzzfeed, this is not going to make sense to you. This only going to be for those who are a fan of Watcher, or are fans of Buzzfeed Unsolved so if you are, that's great!
Earlier today, I got a video notifcation from the channel titled, "goodbye youtube", and it was definitely not something I wanted to see. There is a recent trend this year of youtubers retiring or taking a break this year and I was scared this was that scenario. And it kind of was but way worse. Basically, the guys over at Watcher are going to be posting on their new streaming service called....Watcher. And, no, it is not a late April Fools joke, that's actually what their doing. Initially, I was in a state of shock after I watched through the entire video. I, no joke, went through the 5 stages of grief upon viewing this announcement and was thrown through a loop to where I struggled to focus on sketching one of my comic pages. So much so that I actually made a deviant blog post about it the moment I finished watching the video (most of the content from this post will be copied and pasted from that blog so declaimer I guess). After having some time to absorb this information, I have to say that Im really disappointed with the guys over at Watcher. Like Im not mad to where Im completely done with their content but.......WHY!?
I think at this point in time that a lot of people, myself included, are burnout with the whole streaming boom we've had for the past 5 years in no part thanks to those greedy bastards at Disney....but thats another story. I miss the days when there were only 2 to 3 main streaming services and not 5 billion other services that you need to buy in order to watch a show you like that was on Netflix but it now locked behind a pay wall. Streaming services used by a novelty concept but are now not looked upon in the best light. So for the them to announce a streaming service now is definitely a bad look, especially because the content before was free to access. I feel like creators will always have an uphill battle when it comes to content that was initially free being locked behind a paywall, because you're potentially isolating your audience and bringing up the question of weather your audience if loyal enough to give you money to enjoy your content. Now, like I said, I love and respect the people at Watcher, but I dont know if I'm willing to take money out of my wallet to watch the next season of Ghost Files. Especially in this economy, where in some parts of the country a big mac now costs 20 fucking dollars, and with inflation going out of control.
Now its not like I don't understand why they're doing this. Ever since its founding in 2019, Watcher has always had troubles with money, with most of their shows not being profitable enough to make ends meet (I know that sounds bs because most of their vidoes get millions of views but this is coming from one of the founders Steven, in an update video from a while ago so idk, views probably mean jack shit in the grand scheme of things). And the fact that they started around the pandemic didn't help things either. Unlike Buzzfeed, Watcher is a much smaller company so any loss that happens is felt much more than if it was a larger one. In the video itself, they mentioned that most of their money came through youtube ads and sponsorships, which, while alright if you're an independent creator, may not be enough for a company. And then there's the fact that YouTube can remove or demonetize videos out of nowhere and for the dumbest reasons so its not a very stable sight to base your income off of. So I can understand why they felt moving on from YouTube was a good idea. But..........I think there were better ways of going about it than creating their own fucking streaming service. Like, in one of their update vidoes, they said most of their shows werent making ends meet so maybe cutting back on the production of said shows to make them not as expensive to produce would be a good solution. In their announcement vid, they talked about wanting to maintain their high production value for their shows without going under but (and I dont mean this to slight them) I dont think they understand why they popped off in the first place. For me, Im not watching Ghost Files or Mystery Files for high production value and fancy graphics, Im there for Ryan and Shane. Same reason I loved Buzzfeed Unsolved, which compared to those shows is much more bare bones. I get wanting to step up your production value from what you had at Buzzfeed but if you have budget out in certain places which would entail having a season that doesnt look as good as the previous season, that's completely fine. Im sure me and the rest of fans wouldn't have minded a downgrade because at the end of the day, the fancy sets and graphics are window dressing to why we're truly watching.
I also thinking letting us know ahead of time would've possibly softened the blow. Watcher is in a very interesting situation because there's a much closer relationship between them and their customer base as opposed to traditional companies. So they really could've been like "hey! We're thinking about having future content be on our own streaming service because doing business through YouTube is fucking us over. What do you guys think?". One explanation as to why they waited until now instead of a few months ago when this idea was sparked could've been because they knew they would get backlash and they were going ahead with the streaming service idea regardless of fan input, which might be the reason. But if that's the case, they probably would've had the comments and likes disabled from the start. Right before I started typing this, I checked the video to see if the comments were disabled and they are thankfully still there. Im someone who always wants to see the good in people (which is definitely a character flaw of mine and while defiently lead to me being at the end of an abusive relationship........another abusive relationship but lets not go there), so I think this might be the case of Ryan, Shane and Steven, thinking the streaming service was a good idea and not reading the room properly.
At this point, Im hoping that they dont do things that could make this situation 10 times worse: a) removing the existing content (Mystery Files, Puppet History, etc) off the youtube channel and having it on their streaming service. If you are going to have new seasons of those shows behind a paywall, at least have that content still up for those who want to support but cant purchase the service......b) respond to the critism in a negative way. I think things would be made worse if they lumped genuine fans who are concerned with the new direction with the trolls and haters, and double down on this new direction. Im hoping this situation ends up being a slip up that they can learn from and not being the beginning of the downfall of the Watcher gang. No joke, I think Ryan and Shane are the only youtubers who have avoided any sort of drama up to now. Youtubers I once respected over the years from Tobuscus to Leafyishere to H3H3 to Idubbz to even fucking Dream have all fell from grace in one way or another, and Im hoping the ghoul boys dont join that list....
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 7) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: Honestly thought i was gonna put this series on hold because i just haven’t been writing lately and when i do, i just get stuck. Anyways, enjoy this 1.9k part that’s only 99 words away from 2k even though this series is going like this 📉 (my bad this is not actually 1.9k it’s 1.8k)
Summary: You and Wilbur are in the talking phase, and you even show up in his chat. 
Pairing(s): Wilbur Soot x gender neutral!reader, Wilbur Soot x actor!reader
Warning(s): Wilbur swearing, but isn’t he always
italics: texts/stream
blue italics: basically just you, on text or stream
my masterlist :))
When Wilbur glanced at the clock in his office, his eyes widened and cursed himself for getting carried away. Though, how can he not when it's you, talking and joking around with him like the two of you had been long friends. It had been a couple of weeks since you reached out to Wilbur—he remembered slightly panicking over seeing your notification—and ever since the two of you would make time to talk despite the time difference. He can't deny that it was kind of awkward at first with both of you being nervous and all but only a couple of days passed when the conversation finally started to flow smoothly like a river. Just a couple of days ago, he taught you how to use discord.
Today was no different than any other day. The two of you were talking again, the topic resides on his band and the tour that was about to commence, when he realized that he was supposed to stream in about five minutes and he had yet to prepare everything. Since Wilbur finally have some spare time on his plate and all the news outlets that tried to get the scoops from him have back down due to the rumor being replaced and forgotten by some other celebrity gossip, he thought it would be a good time to stream and let his fans know what he had been up to.
i'm really sorry about this y/n
but i have to go
i forgot that i'm supposed to stream tonight
like rn actually
Oh my god
yes of course go
talk to u later?
Yes yes go already
alright byee :))
Bye will have a good stream
Wilbur smiled at your reply, staring at it for a few seconds before finally putting down his phone and turning on his computer.
You had an idea. Something that you had wanted to do but never really had the opportunity until now. You wanted to watch Wilbur livestream. Sure, you've seen some clips on YouTube before but you felt it wasn't quite the same experience with seeing it live. You wanted to see him in his element. But, if you're being honest you just wanted to see him smile and hear his laugh. You were glad Sam wasn't there because then he would call you a simp and that you're whipped for Wilbur.
With a made up mind, you got up from bed—still clad in pajamas—brushed your teeth and washed your face, took a trip to the kitchen for a quick breakfast and coffee before heading to your office that was filled many memorabilia from film set and a growing amount of awards. You put down the plate and mug on the desk, making sure there was distance between your computer and the hot drink. After a press of a button the screen changed from black to a picture of a beautiful scenery that you took on a vacation in Italy. You opened the browser and typed in the link to his Twitch channel. When you clicked on the stream he was already in the midst of a conversation with his chat.
He was sat in an office chair, something similar to the ones in your childhood home. A green screen displaying a green meadow in the background with a little glimpse of a white wall due to the screen being folded on the top right corner. You watched the chat pouring in, some responding to what he was saying while others asked what did they miss. You tried to read some of them but that prove to be a hard task since it all passed by so quickly, replaced by yet another messages.
For awhile you just watched him, smiling when he did something cute, laughing when he did or said something funny. It felt like you had somebody accompanying you instead of being alone eating toast in your office. It was a very enjoyable experience until your name was mentioned.
"No, chat, I am not dating y/n l/n," Wilbur expressed, after reading his chat.
You slightly cringed at the topic of you being brought up. This always happens whenever you're being associated with someone. All people ever wanted to talk to them about was you. You were aware that most of it wasn't ill–intentioned but you couldn't deny it had ruined a couple of past relationships for you, be it platonically or romantically. You couldn't exactly blame them for it. The constant questions about you instead of themselves or their work grew tiring and unbearable for them. So, naturally, you felt bad about the unknown person bringing you up especially since this was Wilbur's first stream in awhile and you were certain he wanted to talk more about his band.
"Those rumors were made by a bunch of fucking idiots who would trampled over someone else's fucking boundaries to get clicks for their so called news." He voiced out, with an edge to his voice . "Do not believe every rumors or gossip spreading around, chat, unless the person involved confirmed it themselves."
Your intention in watching Wilbur's stream was to merely observed him interacting with his fans. You didn't want to appear and have people make a big scene out of it, especially now that the dating rumor have died down. But, that intention went out the window when he started shit-talking the media and indirectly defended you. Therefore, you decided to typed in something in his chat to express your agreement with him.
couldn't have said it better myself
For awhile, you thought you got away with it. Everyone doesn't seemed to notice your little comment, but of course there were always that one eagle-eyed person who noticed every single possible thing.
okay am i seeing things or did i just see y/n in the chat?
oh my god is y/n here??
When someone in his chat mentioned you, Wilbur had to admit he was kinda nervous on how to approach the topic. Of course, he likes you. There's no doubt about it, but he had to thread carefully for your and his sake. He didn't want to add fuel to the fire, even if the fire was shrinking. Although, at the same time, he didn't want to ruin any chances with you—if there was one in the beginning—by sounding too rude or dismissive. So, he tried to sound as neutral as possible and hoped for the best.
"But, since we're on the topic, chat, I wanted to say that y/n actually reached out to me when that dating rumor thing started getting more attention, cause like I've said before, a bunch people wanted to interview me and shit, and they felt bad about the whole thing and apologized for it and stuff." Wilbur revealed, slightly spinning in his chair. "But, they shouldn't have to because obviously it's not their fault and all, but I think it's very kind of them to make that effort.”
Wilbur leaned closer to his monior, trying to read what his chat was talking about. Some of them were gushing over the interaction he told, whilst the rest were getting excited about some thing. The chat was moving fast than per usual and he was beginning to have a hard time reading one.
"Okay, what are you all talking about? Did someone raid me and I didn't notice?"
guys he hasnt notice it yet lmao
wil is about to get caught simping in 4k
hiii will sorry for making a scene
thought i'd check your stream
Wilbur's eyes widened, his posture straightened as he inched closer to the monitor again to make sure that the name he saw in his chat was actually you—as if that would help since all the messages were flying fast.
"Wait, y/n, when did you make a Twitch account?!"
like just few minutes ago
still trying to figure it out really
am i doing it right?
"Yes, you're doing it right." WIlbur laughed. "I can't believe you're here."
oh my god theyre interacting!!!
someone clip it fast!!
were they here the whole time and was just lurking lol
"Wait, have you been here the whole time, y/n?" Wilbur asked too, slightly curious and nervous.
no i think you've been streaming for awhile when i joined
hey y/n do you know that wilbur is single
y/n he talks about you all the time
you're his celebrity crush he said so himself
"Woah, woah, what the fuck is this? Ganging up on Wilbur day? Fuck you, chat."
we're doing you a favor here wil
not the chat acting as a wingman lmao
"I don't need—" Wilbur groaned, covering his slowly blushing face with his hands. "y/n, please, do not listen to them."
i don't know wil
i'm kinda interested in what they have to say
pls theyre going along with it
"God, don't encourage them—stop spamming L's in the chat!"
This wasn't how Wilbur pictured it. This wasn't how he thought you would know about his attraction towards you, being ratted out by thousands of his fans, live, nonetheless. He imagined he would do it after the two of you had been talking for awhile. He imagined he'd be a lot more brave and forward—but not in the way that would make you uncomfortable. And then when you both finally meet in real life, whether it be at one of his shows or wherever, he would ask you out to dinner or perhaps a stroll, whatever activities that you enjoyed he would absolutely do it. But, of course, it didn't turn out that way.
"God, I'm so close to ending this stream right now."
he looks so done with us
pls don't i just got in
okay i think wil's had enough chat
"Yes, yes, listen to them, chat. I've had enough."
as much as i like to stay here longer and watch you guys unfortunately i have to go
noooo y/n don't goo
When he realized that you had to leave, Wilbur's expression changed from the feigned annoyance from the constant teasing of his chat to a dejected look, his shoulders slumped. Even though, he was bullied most of the time you were there, he would withstand it a lot longer if that means you could stay a bit longer.
"Oh, you have to leave?"
yeah, work stuff and all
"Oh, alright then. Chat, say goodbye to y/n."
WIlbur watched his chat spammed goodbyes, with most of them wanting you to return again.
byeee chat it's been great talking to you all
byee will hope you have a good stream
"Bye, y/n." He waved to the camera.
Once he was sure you left, Wilbur started staring at his camera. It was a look that was purposefully made to be uncomfortable and his chat was already expressing said feeling. Slowly, he inched closer to his mic to the point where he was awfully close to it and both his lips and nose was touching it. All the chat could hear was the sound of his heavy breathing until finally his loud and distorted voice broke the uncomfortable silence.
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dudadragneel · 2 years
Sorry this took so long!
This is the Hyunjin x Reader sickfic this lovely anon asked.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writting it!
!Requests are open! Read pinned post!
Hey! I love your blog. I don’t know if you’re taking requests but I suggest a Hyunjin x reader Where he’s dating you and he has a bad stomach bug and almost throws up on stage because he’s stubborn and won’t rest? Thanks!
You and Hyunjin had been dating for more than 2 years. You're basically part of the group now, you'd visit the dorms regularly, every chance you got you'd go on their business trip with them and of course, you're always invited to the concerts.
But you didnt do it just because you were dating him, but also because you loved to spend time with them and they loved your company.
Hyunjin loved your presence, you made him feel safe, loved, and inspired. He knew you'd always be there for him, no matter what.
He loved to see you watching him dance and you loved doing so because that was his passion, he always gave his 100% and sometimes even more than that.
He never gave 99% of himself when he performed, not even when he was hurt or sick.
He would always find a way to perform. You'd risk saying that he would only sit out a performance if he was tied down and locked up somewhere.
And today it was no different.
They had a performance at the end of the day, but Hyunjin woke up feeling strange. Actually, he felt something strange even before waking up. He opened his eyes but he did not want to get out of bed, his stomach felt somewhat, off. He wasnt quite sure if he felt nauseous, but he definitely didnt feel 100% well.
The feeling was bothering him, so he decided to stay in bed a little longer.
But the feeling never went away. He just laid there, stiff, trying to ignore it. Eventually, he decided to lay on his side, but that was the worst decision he could've made.
When he turned around, his stomach twisted and the off feeling turned into a well-known nausea. He tried to keep breathing steadily but the sensation grew stronger by the second. He squeezed his eyes and started to swallow convulsively, not daring to move a muscle until his mouth felt numb. After a minute, the nausea died down, and he had never felt a better feeling than this one. So he decided to turn back to lay on his back again, but the movement made his stomach twist again.
He covered his eyes with his arm and laid the other on his stomach and began to take deep breaths once more. And just like before, he started to swallow convulsively and after some time, he felt like there was an air bubble on his throat. He tried to burp, but he soon regretted that decision as the burp brought up everything he tried so hard to keep down.
He quickly covered his mouth and got up from his bed and went straight to the bathroom. Getting there, he went straight to the sink, as he thought that it wouldnt make that much noise. He just bent over as vomit spilled out of his mouth not letting him breathe before another stream came out. Thankfully he had tied his hair to sleep as it would've gotten on his hair.
His back arched painfully with each retch but after a few minutes it was finally over, and he was thankful that he had opened the tap to muffle some of the noise.
The last thing he wanted was for the members to get worried about him and to get you worried as well, because he knew that even if he begged them not to tell you, they would do it anyway.
He rinsed his mouth and he never thought that the feeling of the water touching his lips would ever feel this good, it actually relaxed him. He took a good look in the mirror and saw that his complexion screamed that he was sick. He couldnt walk out of the bathroom looking like that, the members would know immediately. So he waited a little bit more to see if he would feel nauseous again before he deemed it safe to take a bath. Thankfully he wasnt dizzy, nor was he feeling like he could faint and the bath helped him feel calm and refreshed.
When he got out of the shower, he was feeling better, the nausea was barely there and he felt hungry, surprisingly. So he thought that maybe it was just some case of nervousness, that that was it and now he was better, meaning that it wouldnt affect his performance later. But that was not the case.
He met with the members in the kitchen, and while they were concerned because he only appeared now and questioned him about what happened, he managed to dodge the question by saying he was too hot and needed to take a shower, as he was drenched in sweat from overnight.
The members didnt buy that excuse a 100% but they knew it better than to keep pushing him, so they just went with that.
But Minho and Chan quickly understood the situation and looked at each other. After the other members left the kitchen to gather their stuff, the two oldest talked about the situation.
- You noticed that, right?
- Yeah. I thought it was strange that he went straight to the shower earlier.
- Actually, I think I heard some retching coming from the bathroom earlier.
- So he's sick.
- Probably.
- Should we call y/n? She's going to the concert right?
- right.
- I mean, if he's really sick, there's a chance he will be stubborn and stick to performing, even if we talk to him. Well, he will be stubborn either way, but maybe y/n can get through to him.
- I think that settles it, then.
- Go get ready, I'll call y/n first.
- Oh hey! Y/n! How are you doing?
- Oh hey, Chan! I'm good! And you? Ready for the concert?
- Yeah, we're getting ready to leave right now. You'll be coming right?
- Sure! I'm just finishing my job here and I'll be there shortly after you guys.
- Good! Y/n I need to talk to you about something.
- what is it?
- It's Hyunjin. We think he's sick.
- What? Why? What happened?
- Earlier today, Minho and I heard some retching coming from the bathroom and he took some time before he joined us for breakfast. We tried asking him if everything was okay but he just brushed off with an excuse so we decided not to push him. Do you think you can talk to him? We dont want him performing if he's sick but you know him, he will be stubborn. Maybe you have a higher chance of getting him to sit this one out?
- Oh, I see. Well, it could be just nerves but if you guys noticed something off then he's probably sick. I'll be there for the soundcheck so I can take a good look at him. Dont worry.
- Thanks Y/n!
- See you there!
- See ya.
Surprisingly, the breakfast did sit well with Hyunjin and the ride to the concert venue went smoothly, and by now he was almost a 100% sure it was just nerves. Which he was glad, because he didnt want to miss this performance.
About 20 minutes after the boys arrived you got there as well. You greeted everyone and went to Hyunjin. You didnt want to upset him so you just greeted him normally.
- Hi, my love!
- Oh, hello babe!
He gave you a warm hug and a kiss on your forehead.
- so, how's everything? And your work?
- oh, it's okay. I had very little to do today and well, tomorrow starts the weekend so I'm really relaxed right now.
- Oh, that's nice!
- and you? Working hard?
- Always. soundcheck is in 5 minutes, will you be watching?
- of course! I'll just leave my stuff in the back and I'll stay backstage.
You loved watching the soundchecks, because even though it was a more relaxed "performance", Hyunjin always looked focused whenever the song started to play. It felt like the actual performance was already happening. Every time, you had the best time of your life watching your boyfriend and his brothers perform because you could clearly see that they loved that, despite how frantic their schedules could be.
But today, something was off, and you felt that immediately after the soundcheck started. Sometime in between songs, you noticed that Hyunjin had an uncomfortable expression on his face. You noticed that he was too sweaty, even for someone performing, and he would take deep breaths from time to time, a lot of times he bent over and you could see him clenching his fists.
The boys would go over to him and ask if he was okay and he always answered that he was just tired, which was already unusual, but they decided to give him the benefit of the doubt as today was also annoyingly hot.
After about 10 songs, they had a break to rest before passing over the rest of the songs. And that's when things started to go wrong.
As they went downstage you saw that Hyunjin stumbled and went straight to his side.
- Hey! I've got you! Are you okay?
- Sorry love, I was kind of spaced out.
- Okay. Let's sit down for a bit, hm? You must be tired.
- let's go. It's too hot today, it's hard to take a deep breath in. It feels like I'm inhaling fire.
He said that while smiling, which for a quick moment made you relieved but that didnt last long.
You sat down with him and gave him a cold wet towel and a bottle of water.
He gladly accepted both, the cold sensation from the cloth felt heavenly. He opened the water bottle and you noticed that he was shaking a bit.
- Babe, did you eat today?
- What? Yes, I did. Why?
- Your hands are shaking a bit.
- Oh, yeah, well, I ate but not that much. Hehe. I guess I was kind of nervous.
- I see. But dont skip meals okay? Try to properly manage your time so that you eat enough to go through a full concert, alright?
- Message delivered and properly computed.
- You're so silly. Come on, drink some water.
You said while laughing and giving him a little kiss on the cheek.
He couldnt lie to himself, he felt awful from the soundcheck and he was surprised that he made it this far without actually getting sick. And his throat felt dry as hell, so he basically just gulped down half the bottle. But that was the worst decision he could've made. As soon as he took the last sip, his stomach was already in turmoil, he felt bloated and as if the water he just drank was halfway up his throat again.
He put down the water bottle and focused his gaze on the ground, he felt like he could vomit at any minute if he made the slightest movement.
He began to swallow convulsively and squeezed his eyes shut.
You noticed how he had suddenly gone quiet.
- hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?
You said while putting your hand on his leg. Without noticing, he grabbed your hand and squeezed it till his knuckles turned white. He didnt dare open his mouth, he just kept swallowing until his mouth was red and numb. He wanted to and tried to deal with that on his own, but he couldnt lie to you. He knew he wouldnt be successful in trying to hold everything in, so he just pointed at his stomach.
You quickly understood what he meant and got up from where you were seated.
- Let's go to the bathroom. Come on.
You held him underneath his arms and helped him to his feet. The movement just made his stomach twist even more and it made him gag into his hand.
You wrapped your arms around him and started to guide him to the bathroom.
You knew the boys were looking at you, so you just turned around and gave them a look saying that you would handle the situation.
Chan and Minho understood your sign and turned their attention back to the members who had worried expressions all over.
- hyung, what's going on?
Felix asked getting close to the older members.
- Hyunjin is sick. We wanted to believe that it was just nerves but that's not the case. Let's let y/n handle the situation and see if they can convince him to sit out this concert...
You sprinted to the bathroom with Hyunjin, and upon getting there you went straight to one of the stalls. Hyunjin let go of his mouth and vomit spilled out hitting the toilet water with a sickening sound. He held on to the wall in front of him as another wave of vomit came out of his mouth, making his back arch. He barely managed to catch his breath before another wave came out making him grab the edges of the toilet for support.
You stood beside him rubbing his back and holding his hair so it wouldnt get vomit on it.
- There you go.
His stomach contracted painfully making him gag and arch his back, to the point where he swayed for a bit.
You carefully wrapped your arms around him and guided him down so that there was no danger of him falling.
- There, let me tie your hair back.
- Thanks....
He sounded defeated and your heart clenched hearing his voice.
- do you think you're done?
- No...
He stepped back from the toilet for a bit so that you could flush it. He held your hand firmly, at that moment your touch, your presence was everything he needed, that's what was making him feel grounded and safe.
With your other hand you brushed his sweaty hair out of his face and kept rubbing his back in soothing patterns.
- love, tell me. What happened? Since when were you feeling like this?
- Since morning.
- And you didnt tell the others?
- No. I thought it was just nerves. My stomach felt off this morning... I actually threw up right after I woke up but I felt better after and even managed to get breakfast, so I thought I was just anxious and that it would pass. But it doesnt seem like it's the case.
- I think you have a stomach bug. You wouldnt be throwing up like this if it was just nerves. I mean, it never happened before.
- yeah, you're right....
After that answer he went quiet again, he squeezed your hand and closed his eyes and tried to take deep breaths. His stomach was twisting again but he didnt want to get sick anymore, so he began to swallow compulsively.
- Babe, dont try to hold it in. You need to let it out, you'll only feel better after everything is out of your system.
He gagged and got back in front of the toilet as another thick wave came out making him arch his back. You decided to rub his stomach to see if you could provide him any comfort in that situation.
- Shhh, I'm here with you. You're doing good. Let everything out.
After more waves he was left dry heaving above the toilet. His stomach felt empty but he didnt feel better. His throat hurt, his head hurt, his whole body was aching after that.
- Babe, I think you're done. Come here.
You guided him so that he was laying on your chest and made sure he stayed in a comfortable position.
- Here, grab my hands.
He did as he was told.
- Good. Now, pay attention to the movements of my hands and my breathing okay? Let's try to calm you down a bit, okay?
You started rubbing circles on his hands, making sure to apply some pressure so that he would feel grounded and took deep breaths in and out. He matched his breathing with yours and after a few minutes of this process, he felt calmer.
- So, how are you feeling?
- A little bit better.
- Good. Can you stand? We need to rinse your mouth.
- If you help me...
- Alright, come on.
You helped him up and wrapped your arms around his waist so he wouldnt fall.
He rinsed his mouth and washed his face before you two left the bathroom.
The members were waiting for both of you when you got out of the bathroom, wanting an update on the situation.
- Hyunjin-ah, are you okay?
- I'm sorry guys.... but I'm okay now
- No, you're not.
- babe...
- Hyunjin, I love you with all my heart but I'm not gonna lie. You're not okay and you shouldnt perform.
- No, no.
- Y/n is right, Hyunjin-ah.
The leader said in a serious tone. A tone he rarely used.
- But I a feeling better now. Please. I dont want to disappoint STAYs, they've waited so long. And it's our last concert before the next comeback. Please.
You and everyone in that room wanted to tie him down on a chair and lock him up somewhere. You knew this was going to happen but still you wanted to try and convince him.
- Babe. Listen to me, you're in no condition to perform right now. Did you see how many times you threw up in there? You have nothing in your stomach right now, you wont last a full concert.
- I am feeling better now. I can do this. I wanna do this. Please.
- okay, look. Then perform, alright? But take this first.
You gave him a nausea pill.
- You have a stomach bug, Hyunjin. This wont last long.
- Thank you, love. You're life savior.
- yeah, right. Look, just take it easy okay? And if you feel anything, I'll be backstage okay?
- Okay. Love you.
He gave you a kiss on the forehead and headed to the room to get changed and get his hair done.
After about 50 minutes it was time for the concert. Before they left, he gave you another kiss and reassured you he was okay.
Chan and the others looked at you reassuringly
- We'll keep an eye on him. Dont worry.
Chan said giving you a tap on the shoulder.
You knew he would be safe as long as the members were there, but you were still worried.
You kept watching him backstage, you enjoyed some of the songs but not 100% as your heart clenched every time you saw Hyunjin's expressions.
After about an hour, they had a break to interact with the fans. Hyunjin crouched down holding his water bottle, you knew something was starting to go wrong and you wish you could run to the stage and get him out of there.
Felix and Lee Know noticed and went to his side. Felix was quick to turn their mics off before they began talking.
- Hey, Hyunjin, is everything okay?
- Not that much, my stomach's acting up again and I felt lightheaded for a moment.
- Do you think you're gonna be sick again?
- I'm not sure.
By now they were sure the fans had noticed that something was happening but Hyunjin was determined to finish this concert.
- I want to stay until the end.
- That's really unresponsible, you know?
Lee Know was as serious as Chan before.
- I know, but I dont want to leave now. I want to finish this.
- Take deep breaths okay? Let's take this time to recollect ourselves.
Hyunjin did as he was told but the movements from the choreos were too much and his stomach did not want to give him a break.
Noticing his dongsaeng's distress, Lee Know grabbed his hands and squeezed them.
- Hey, I'm right here, okay? We're here. You can do this.
Felix began rubbing his nape, while Lee Know drew circles on Hyunjin's hand with his thumb. Hyunjin focused on the touch from his brothers and kept taking deep breaths. Eventually, the nausea died down and he could finally feel some relief. He waited a minute to see if it had actually subsided before reassuring them he was okay. He then finally stood up and talked a bit to the audience, saying that he was just tired from the dance, to try to calm the fans.
Seeing that, you also sighed in relief but you knew that it was far from being over.
The show went on for another 1h30, with you keeping your eyes glued on Hyunjin and pacing nervously backstage.
As soon as they finished their last performance and began to talk to the fans one last time, Hyunjin's stomach decided it had had enough.
He bent over, grabbing his knees for support. He felt nauseous, he felt dizzy and he felt his food coming up his throat.
Lee Know and Felix ran to his side again and supported him.
- Hyunjin, you good?
- I'm gonna be sick- ugh
He was cut off by a harsh gag and covered his mouth.
Lee Know was quick to wrap his arms around the younger and run backstage with him.
You were already waiting so you ran to them and helped Minho lead Hyunjin down the stairs.
- Oppa, I've got him. Dont worry. You can go back to the stage.
- okay. We'll be over in a few minutes.
- Alright.
Minho went up the stage again, and thankfully, Chan was able to carefully explain the situation to the fans.
You led Hyunjin away from the stairs of the stage to a more discrete place.
But he couldnt hold it in anymore, he just held your arm as he stopped and bent over, vomit coming out of his mouth.
- Oh my god.
That was all you managed to say before holding his hair back and rubbing his back, as another wave forced its way up his throat. As both of your arms were occupied, he held onto your clothes for support. He needed to feel you by his side, you were the only thing keeping him grounded.
- I'm sor--
He tried to say but was cut off by another violent stream that hit the ground with a sickening sound.
- Dont apologize, babe. At least not right now.
There was both a tone of joke and seriousness in your voice, which made him smile a bit before throwing up again. After a few more rounds, the only thing coming up was bile and water.
- Hyunjin, my love, I think you're done. You'll just hurt your throat now. Here, rinse your mouth. Dont drink it just yet.
You handed him a bottle of water one of the staff had given you earlier.
- Babe... I feel faint....
He said, leaning his weight on your body.
- Oh my!
You wrapped your arms around him and carefully guided him to sit down, away from the puddle of vomit on the ground. Just like before, you settled him on your chest, so that he wasnt neither sitting nor laying down.
He didnt pass out but he felt too weak to move his body, he just wanted to sleep and for all of this to be over.
The staff ran to your aid to treat the young boy. They opened his shirt and unbuckled his belt and pants, to give him some comfort as the tightness of the clothing were just annoying and pressing onto his stomach. They placed a cold patch on his forehead and you helped place the other two ones on his shoulders. The medical staff talked to you about his symptoms and came to the conclusion that it was a case of a pretty bad stomach bug.
- Let's get him to the medical booth. We'll set an IV, he's too dehydrated. You said he threw up more than 3 times, right?
- Yes.
They moved Hyunjin to the medical booth, the room had AC which he was silently grateful for and it was a bit more comfortable.
- Put him in that bed over there.
- No...I want to stay with Y/n.
To many, he would've sounded like a whining kid. But in fact, he and you knew that if he was away from you in this situation he would lose it and get too worked up.
You sat down with him on the couch and guided him to lean on you, as they prepared the IV.
- There. Done. We'll just wait for the other members to finish the ending ment and then we'll go home.
You sat there with him, stroking his hair and his hand, a touch which he returned.
- You know, you should've listened to me...
- I know....I'm sorry....
- you're so gonna hear it from me when you get better!
You said hitting him softly.
- I'll admit, I deserve it.
He grabbed your hand and placed a soft kiss on it before turning to you.
- I'm sorry. And thank you for being with me through all of this.
- no need to thank me.
- I'd kiss you but my mouth feels way too gross hehe
- Yeah, please don't.
You both laughed and for the first time that day, Hyunjin felt relaxed.
After a few minutes, the other members arrived at the room.
- how's everything?
- Better, I guess.
- Did he get examined?
- Yes, after Minho oppa came down with him, he threw up a few more times, that's why they set an IV. The doctor said it's a pretty bad stomach bug.
- That explains a lot.
- How are you feeling now, Hyunjin-ah?
Minho asked with that menacing expression. You knew what he was going to say after so you tried your best to hold your laughter.
- Better. The best I felt since morning.
- Oh, yeah that's good. You know what will happen when we get home right? 20 minutes at 180 degrees in the air fryer.
- Yes, hyungnim.
For the first time that day, everyone was laughing. You were grateful that he had such good brothers taking care of him and he was grateful to have both them and you in his life, as he felt like he could've died if it wasnt for you.
And yeah, he was fried for 20 minutes at 180 degrees in the air fryer after hearing a good scolding from you.
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melonnade · 1 year
OC-TOBER DAYS 2-4 (commentary about each character under the cut)
2: NEW OC - Luo Yuqing
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3: OLD OC - Tess (joint effort between @millidew and I)
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4: REDESIGN - Sanya Harris
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Day 2 - new OC: technically Xiang Wanyi is my newest OC but he was Day 1, so I’ll just do my second-newest. for a long time, Luo Yuqing didn’t really get much character development from me. from the onset, I knew I wanted a character like Song Riyuan as the protagonist of this OC universe. SRY needed a friend of some sort but I didn’t really have a clear-cut idea, so I just quickly scribbled in LYQ’s design without thinking much about it and made their concept “cloud recesses wangxian but lesbians.” so for a while, LYQ has just been “what if Lan Wangji was a girl?”
after fleshing out SRY a bit more though, I figured LYQ deserves some more actual thought from me too, so she has this sort of inverse character development thing with Riyuan. Waymond Wang in Everything, Everywhere, All At Once has a quote that lives rent-free in my head: “When I choose to see the good side of things, I’m not being naive. It is strategic and necessary… This is how I fight,” and “We have to be kind. Please, be kind.” This is SRY’s mentality at the beginning of the story. LYQ has a more cynical worldview: sometimes kindness hurts more than it helps. It’s more similar to Megumi from jjk’s “who’s to say that someone you save won’t kill anyone in the future?”
not going to get too much into plot, but over time, stuff happens and the two begin to slowly swap ideologies. after a time skip, LYQ has basically SRY’s original mentality, while SRY has taken on LYQ’s. I get so excited just thinking about how they’d interact when they meet again—they’re still so, so important to one another but there’s this distance now that they’re not sure how to navigate. to SRY, her old mentality was the reason why she wasn’t able to keep the two of them from being separated—she hates that part of herself. to LYQ, her memories of SRY were what got her through everything—she takes on that ideology as a sort of homage initially, but grows to believe it completely. there’s so much fun potential here for different situations.
I’m just going to try to describe her in a sort of stream of consciousness way. overall, LYQ makes me think of the North Star—always there, always constant, never wavering. basically, she doesn’t give up ever. not in a Naruto Uzumaki bold, confident kind of way, but in the same way Sisyphus keeps pushing that boulder, slowly but surely, over and over again. Luo Yuqing’s character is like the way waves against cliffs over the course of centuries can turn rock to sand. not sure how much this makes sense, but these are the types of associations I have in my mind with her. the vibes, if you will. she’s very fun to think about, now that I have more of an idea of what she should be.
Day 3 - old OC: Tess is the very first OC I ever made, before I even knew what an OC was. she’s a group project of a character, so I guess Millie and I have shared custody. she’s very edgy, very cringe, and was very fun at the time to make. I don’t think I ever drew any ref art of her, so this is just a drawing that I made today of what I remember her looking like. Tess is so funny to me because I remember thinking, “if she’s an assassin, she can’t be 12, because I’m 12, and 12 is too young to do anything like that. she can be 13 though.”
I drew her with her manic pixie dream girl traveling companion Sel, since I didn’t want to separate them!
I think Tess & Sel’s creation was a formative time in my life because this is basically how I make every OC now. they always come in pairs—their personalities are developed around one another, so I almost never make individual OCs. you can pretty much group all my OCs into two: Luo Yuqing & Song Riyuan, Qin Tianxiao & Xiang Wanyi, Haneul & Anna, Zach & .Soren, Atlas & Louisa, etc. If a character on my Art Fight doesn’t have an obvious foil, it’s most likely just because I haven’t drawn their ref sheet yet. anyway, I just think it’s funny how that moment in my life influenced my entire creative process, even now. if you spend enough time looking at my OCs, there are definitely clear patterns that I tend to follow though!
Day 4 - redesign: another part of my OC creation process is when I scrap certain universes, I try to reuse the characters if possible. either I’ll essentially blend them up with another character to create someone new or I’ll just stick them in a brand new universe. Sanya Harris initially was a best friend/sidekick-type character in an urban fantasy monster-hunting OC universe that I’ve abandoned. (like all of my other OCs, she had a partner OC too, but he’s been recycled into Zach lol). she was a college student working a part-time job as a motel receptionist in rural Kansas. now, in her current backstory, she lives in California and is a teenager going to summer camp. this whole situation is very funny to me.
actually, a lot of my OCs would fit for the “redesign” prompt because all of the recycled ones are basically redesigns. for example:
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let’s compare the art I drew of Tess to Haneul’s original design from 2021. “they’re the same photo” meme etc, etc.
their personalities are very similar too—they’re basically the same person. again, I find this hilarious, but yeah, there are definitely character archetypes that repeat in my OCs that are easily identifiable if you’ve been watching me make a lot of them over the years.
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quil12 · 1 year
souyo + manic pixie dream girl yosuke but just like as the stereotype
This one was actually more fun to write than I thought it would be lmao. I wasn't entirely sure at first, but I like the direction I went with it
Yosuke stared into the mirror, sighing as he adjusted the wig on his head. It was a pale pink bob with light blue ribbons attached to the side. 
How had he let this happen?
He made videos sometimes. It was always of him playing the guitar, mostly doing tutorials of songs. After college, he had gotten hired on at Rise’s production studio as someone to help write songs for the idols - he mainly did stuff for Rise since she was the reason he had gotten hired, but he still did stuff for the other idols there as well. A lot of people liked having him - someone who had actually worked on writing the songs - teach them how to play it. The production studio was even for it, enjoying the good will from their fans. 
About a month ago, he had been asked by the production company to take part in a charity live stream. He had managed to gain a small following of his own, so they wanted people who were more interested in him to come as well. He had agreed, and that was where his problem had started.
One thing had led to another, and, by the end of it, he had promised to dress up and shoot a video playing a character if they managed to raise a certain amount of money. Needless to say, they had reached that goal, so now, in order to keep that promise, he was about to shoot a video - a video in drag - a video in a type of drag far more embarrassing than what he had been forced to wear at the crossdressing pageant in high school. 
The one silver lining of all of this was that he had only agreed to a pre-recorded video. That meant that he could edit out any parts that were too embarrassing for him to handle. He also didn’t have to deal with anyone else being there to laugh at him.
Yu was even out of the house for the afternoon spending time with some work friends. He had actually waited specifically until he had a day like that to do this. The idea of Yu seeing him like this was so unbearably embarrassing.
He had struggled a little bit getting ready, having to watch tutorials to do even the most basic of makeup. It had taken him about two hours to get himself to look presentable on that front. After that, he had to put on the outfit - he wasn’t about to wear a dress again, so he had settled for a pair of jeans and a lacy blouse - no one was gonna see his legs anyway. After that, he had once again struggled for a long while to get the wig on. 
Now though, there was nothing else to do but record this video.
He hesitated as much as he could before exiting the bedroom, walking down the hall to the room where he had his instruments. He had quite a few - a couple different types of guitar, a keyboard, even a box of miscellaneous percussion instruments. 
This was also where he had his setup to do videos. 
He took a deep breath before grabbing an acoustic guitar off of its stand, walking over to the desk on the other side of the room. He had already set everything up, so now it was just time to record. 
He sat down on the chair in front of the desk, staring at the camera in front of him. He could do this. He wouldn't die of embarrassment. He would be all right. He just had to record a super quick video and hopefully no one he actually knew would ever bring it up to him. 
He took one last steadying breath before reaching over and hitting the record button. 
He readjusted the guitar in his lap before looking up toward the camera, smiling widely. 
He raised the pitch of his voice as he spoke, keeping it as energetic as possible. "Hey everyone! I just wanted to record another wonderful video for you today. Now, I've already made a tutorial for this one, but it didn't have quite as much flair as I wanted it to have. So, we're gonna try making it a little bit different and fun this time. I-"
He was cut off by the sound of the door to the room creaking open. 
He immediately moved the guitar, holding it up in between him and the door, hiding behind it. He looked to see Yu standing there, staring at him, his eyebrows knit together. 
His heart was pounding. He didn't want him to see him dressed up like this. This was so embarrassing. 
Yu hesitated. "Uh, is this a video or a live stream?"
He looked away, reaching over, and pausing the recording. "Video."
"I was just coming to tell you that I was home, but I guess it's not the best time."
Yosuke didn't say anything. He just wanted to curl in on himself and stop existing. He really hated that he had come home now. Why couldn't it have been in like an hour? When he had finished shooting the video and had had time to take everything off. 
Yosuke wasn't looking toward Yu, but he looked up as he heard footsteps coming toward him. 
He stopped in front of him, laying his palm on his cheek, humming. 
He leaned forward, pressing a soft and chaste kiss to his lips. It was so tender that he almost forgot what he was wearing. Almost.
He pulled away, looking at his face almost consideringly. 
"I'll start on dinner in just a few minutes."
Yosuke nodded, watching as he headed toward the door. 
Just before he left the room, he turned to face him. "Oh, and Yosuke?"
"Your eyeliner is smeared."
He let out an involuntary noise of embarrassment.
Yu laughed, leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
Yosuke groaned, holding his head in his hand. Why did he have to say things like that? 
After a few seconds, he straightened, looking at himself in the camera.
His eyeliner really was smeared.
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saymoretv · 1 year
I read something recently that suggested the idea of 'selling out' doesn't exist in culture today. My first thought was, 'I'm not sure about that'. You can still see people having some of the same debates that connect with this idea; whether that's in people 'gatekeeping' genres, artists watering down or changing their sound, or bands getting getting backlash for working with big corporate sponsors. However, from my vantage point at least, 'selling out' certainly does seems to be a much lesser point consideration or judgement when it comes to conversations around music, art, commerce, identity, etc. and that certainly is to do with the new ways we consume and access music, art, as well as the re-formation of the music industry in the streaming era.
It got me thinking also about a book I about Jawbreaker read recently. The format of the book and the series its published as part of, is notionally a long-form close read / deep listen on a culturally important album by a band, but in actual fact it's basically a biography that takes 24 Hour Revenge Therapy as its central focus by which to tell the story of the band. So even though I would have been happy with someone waxing very lyrical about why they love each element of each song on the record, in hindsight a wider story about who the band where, and their journey along the way probably did make for a better read overall.
Perhaps the most interesting theme within the book is the idea of 'selling out' and how this coloured so much of the bands' legacy and story. Internally it seemed to it seemed central to the decisions and the arc of the 'career' of the band, Such as their initial refuting of the possibility of ever 'selling out' to a major label, and then eventually doing so. And externally, it seemed to colour so much of how they were viewed by their fans and the punk / underground or DIY music communities the band had its roots in, such as the band going from the admiration and adoration they got for being underground heroes of the Gilman Scene, and then the backlash that followed for supporting Nirvana and then signing to Geffen. Boxcar, like no other song in the Jawbreaker discography best encapsulates the way this discourse around 'selling out' is attached to the band.
It's hard not to hear "I was passing out when you were you were passing out your rules" and not regard it as one of the punkest lyrics of all time, but the rules aren't societies rules that say UK82 punks were railing against but the scene politics of the day, and who or what does and doesn't get to be ascribed or as 'punk'. Jawbreaker and Blake are pretty unequivocal: "I never was one". So, maybe fans shouldn't have been so surprised when they signed to a major after all.
That said, for all the bands protestations about not being punks - the visuals tell a different story. Gritty Super 8 B+W footage, gear being loaded into tour vans, and candid band footage shot in and out of the tour bus. I mean all it's missing is some gnarly live footage and a stage dive and all the punk music video boxes are ticked!
Also, it's interesting to note that the band only have two music videos, to my knowledge. The raw, B+W Boxcar video and the glossy Fireman video where they appear in yellow suits (!). Both great songs, but again it definitely highlight this idea of the band Pre and Post 'selling out'.
For me, as much as I love their music, I get a certain 'cakeism' when it came to their relationship with the punk / DIY scene. They got so much affirmation and a sense of community from it, whilst also feeling held back by it's conformity and the policing of behaviours and practice. They both needed the scene and wanted to transcend above it. A song like Boxcar is emblematic of this in that: it takes being part of or close to the punk scene to have the context to reject or even reference what Blake is rejecting. It's the things that are closest to home that often wind us up the most after all.
But this is all to say that these considerations of selling out which were so central to the story of Jawbreaker feel somewhat anachronistic in today's world. Maybe this is because the importance or regard people in bands and fans give to 'selling out' has lessened over the years due to the fact that the stakes are a lot lower. There's less money to go around. Jawbreaker may not have been in line for millions when they released Dear You but they might have gotten rich, but now only a select few (and not many guitar bands I would imagine) will ever get 'rich' by virtue of their music. It's hard to sell out if no one's buying I suppose.
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cyanidefilledcandy · 1 year
I would absolutely love to stream right now, but I'm inable to.
One, because of whatever LOVELY person is blasting music like this is a fucking rave.
And two, and most importantly, I just am exhausted and don't have the energy for it; even after just waking up from a 1 and half nap.
And of course, I've narcolepsy to thank for that.
So, I recently went to a neurologist. I was hoping to finally get my face pain addressed and hopefully, diagnosed. But my new primary instead set me up with a sleep specialist. (I did not ask for, nor want this, btw. As I told the new sleep doctor, Narcolepsy is something I've just learned to live with and I'm manage it fine. It is not the severe, fall asleep at a split second kind, so I see no harm.) However, since my sleep study was so long ago and he'd likely be unable to get the records, he set me up with another that I had done last week. He said it might be something I have to "just deal with anymore" because that's been almost 15 years ago and medicine has advanced since then. He also said that there was a possibility I'd been diagnosed through process of elimination or that no other diagnosis fit at the time. So, I agreed, mainly for that last reason and because I was just curious.
So, I had it done and in it, I slept WAY better than normal and during the day, I couldn't sleep at all. (They ask you take naps throughout the day and only give you 20 minutes to do so. I don't care how tired I am, I could be literally passing out while standing, it I HAVE to sleep and especially if I know I have a small amount of time to do so, I can NOT sleep....like no matter what.) So, I was worried that the results wouldn't be accurate, one. And two, that I WASN'T actually narcoleptic and their was something else unexplainable going on (and thus, I'd have to start the process all over again).
Well, got the results today and I am 100% narcoleptic, though at this point in my life, that's a big Duh, but finding out what's wrong with me is always nerve-wracking. Anyway, they want to try me on some new medication for wakefulness during the day and......honestly, it's the whole reason why I didn't want to bother with any type of sleep study.
I'm not entirely sure why that kind of medication in particular makes me nervous. (And just now starting to wonder if I did indeed try some before and had a bad time because I honestly can't remember.)
But I think for one, it's a new medication. I have ALWAYS HATED medication with a passion and never want to be on too many pills.
Two, I'm worried about my insomnia. She mentioned that the staying awake or alert throughout the day can sometimes improve insomnia, but I'm 91% sure my insomnia is mostly anxiety and depression based. She also mentioned that getting regulated sleep can sometimes help with that....and that leads to another, unforseeable problem that arose.
They made me sign some kind of controlled substance contract and while I did scan through it and think I have a basic understanding, I have so many other issues that are far more pressing and I don't want to have issue with medications for those way more important things because I'm on some stimulant that I honestly don't want to be on. While my sleep definitely has an effect on my mental health, no part of me believes it's a CAUSE.
I have had mental health issues since I was a toddler; long, long before any type of sleep issues arose. So, *sigh*.....IDK. The whole thing just makes me nervous....
But, I AM willing to try. Maybe it DOES have an effect on my issues with my concentration and being able to complete tasks, especially my artistic pursuits (though again, I don't think it's the root). I will give it the college try, but if it keeps me up at night, or I just don't feel like it's doing anything, I will stop.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Okay, about ‘gamer bros’...
I feel kind of... How do I explain it...? Like I’ve finally undergone a communion to become a TRUE Soulsborne fan. xd
Basically, I kept complaining about how people make up 'gamer bros' to get mad at because I honestly haven’t seen any if at all, it felt more like a cop out for the community to not notice their own faults at the expense of some abstract ‘white males’ you know? I even joked how seems like everyone in Soulsborne fandom has an item that lets them see the ‘dudebros’ but I skipped a questline to get it and that’s why all this stuff dodges me xD
But recently for SOME reason Youtube started to recommend me videos about how much Elden Ring “sucks” (I disagree) and comments are FULL of comments complaining about some Souls things in general, like ‘wahh grinding boring levels to get a useless item with information no normal person cares about’ ‘wahh boring repetitive boss why they didn’t do better’ ‘wahhh no one cares about some random NPC’ ‘wahh stupid boring map’ and just... Multiple of other comments that bash the decisions in the games that, essentially, were well-crafted to tell the story and characterise the world and depict the characters better. But some people actually see the devs’ wish to not only entertain with the PLAY but also tell a compelling story as something bad, evil and not belonging in the gaming?
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(Beyond, of course, drooling for some female characters if they feel nice today)
My only introduction prior recent couple of months was second-hand because people were overthinking the implications of many gamers hating Malenia as a boss (that is not fair and gamer rage seems fair imo), and I still think it is understandable that people are so unhappy with the boss, but like... Currently I sensed just how WIDE is the rift between us (people who loredig, want to know more about characters, make theories and want to create headcanons) and them (people who cannot see past the gameplay point at all).
Now it feels like a necessary part of being in the fandom of Soulsborne games - to be hit in the face with the ‘not caring’. I mean I get this? Videogames are a fantastic way to tell the story by having you constantly engage to keep unravelling it, as opposed to spending hours on movies/series/books in passive manner? But there are many people that don’t, in fact, want some deep messages or complicated lore they should think about. Some people want more basic entertainment - violence, comedy, sexual appeal, cool sights, just activity in general, without all the complexity and big messages and that’s okay!
But Soulsborne games have layers - they do not pose themselves right off the bat as very complicated stories that can make philosophy professors of 30+ years of studying feel incompetent. They are positioned as videogames. For fun challenge. So they are saught for primary videogames experience - for beating challenging bosses and getting cool items useful in PvP in that, competition, fun jokes at the streams, all that. So I feel like this is the root of this sort of toxicity? When a movie is advertised as something that will make you think and feel - people in search for simple and basic fun just don’t buy tickets, they instead go see a movie that will make them laugh or give them a simple story about cool dude beating all bad guys with Style TM or starring “that super sexy actor :3″. But Soulsborne games are layered and in many cases it is hard to stay on one’s preferred layer. For example, if those gamers want to just play a game for violence+challenge aspect - they will, in fact, eventually find themselves having grinded hours for an item that gives nothing but lore - something they were not searching for. They thought if this place was so hard to access, then sure it’d give a reward that will let them kick other players’ asses in PvP, right? But nope! Lore. Some will appreciate the surprise and artistry, others will get angry.
So yeah, all in all, I think this sort of games is just fated to have ‘split’ fandom after all. There are many games that let the potential audience know right away that there will be some emotions and complex messages, so similar ‘gamer bros’ just turn around and go buy a different kind of game that just demands skill and stubbornness, without complexity, and is very clear and plain with challenge vs reward system. Being both ‘the challenge’ and the ‘super hard to decipher lore’ is a blessing AND a curse. In a way I am glad that Soulsborne games are so unusual, because for every 10 gamers that get frustrated and complain, there is at least one gamer that appreciated the lore craft and maybe even reconsidered how he* perceives the games- maybe even became a lore Youtuber.
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mayohigan-orange · 2 years
Also, before I head off, I just... Don't understand game companies sometimes.
I'm going to be talking about stuff that isn't recent. Even the point I'll get to isn't recent.
But, whatever, y'know?
So, there's this company called Square Enix, and they make a series called Final Fantasy. They don't often bother with actual sequels, they just move on to the next game.
There are a few exceptions to this, though.
First off, FF7. Absolutely massively popular game, although I think it's overrated to hell and back and is... about passable by today's standards. And that's me being generous.
But yeah, it spawned a bunch of extra stuff, like Advent Children (which was alright), Dirge of Cereberus (it wasn't actually that bad) and Crisis Core (best thing to come out of FF7, in my opinion) as well as a bunch of other stuff.
It made sense. FF7 was absolutely massive, with people claiming it to be the best game ever (it really isn't) so it made sense that Square would want to capitalise on that (even if it was like years later) to make more money.
Next, we have FFX. Which was the first PS2 Final Fantasy and was also pretty widely praised. It also has Lulu so it gets bonus points for that. I've never actually finished it but I've played a fair bit of it, and I can see why people like it. Let's just not talk about the laughing scene. I don't care if it was meant to come off the way it did for reasons, that doesn't make it any better.
But yeah, after that, Square decided that a sequel would be a good idea, so along came FFX-2. Which I've also played a good chunk of and... I'm not gonna say it's better than FFX, but I do think it's better than people give it credit for. Luckily, nowadays people seem to be a bit kinder to it.
So, what game would be next for a sequel?
...Well actually FFXII, but I actually kinda like that game, and ADORE Revenant Wings, so I'm not going to be talking about that game right now. I really should play through it again sometime.
Most people did not like FFXIII. For fairly obvious reasons. Lightning was basically an expy of Cloud and Squall, while having none of the spark that make either character likeable. And most of the characters apparently didn't come off much better because... if you talk to people about the FF games, they will generally be able to mention one or two characters that are really good. FF6 has Locke and Celes, FF7 has Tifa and Aerith, FF10 has Auron and Rikku...
I've never really heard anyone talk about the characters in FFXIII. And I have talked about it with people who played it, they just... didn't have anything to say about the characters. Which in itself is a huge issue.
If you're created characters so boring that people don't even want to talk about them to illustrate the character's bad points, you've SEVERELY fucked up. Like, I can only vaguely recall a couple of characters, like... Snow and Serah, I think? And I couldn't tell you a damn thing about them. And before I keep going, no, I haven't played FFXIII but I've watched a friend play part of it and I've seen part of a stream on it. Couldn't really stand to watch it for too long because of how boring it is.
Apparently EVENTUALLY it opens up into a open world thing but the fact you have to go through HOURS of Corridor Simulator kinda makes it feel like Square's just going 'fuck you, you want freedom? just 11 more hours to go until freedom, fucker!'
And honestly if you still want to play by the time it becomes a more open-world affair, you're a masochist.
So yeah. Most people did not like FFXIII. They didn't like the gameplay, they didn't like the story, they didn't like the characters.
So what did Square Enix do?
Just... why? Apparently it has something to do with Lightning disappearing which, y'know, good riddance to a poor character. And then Lightning Returning which... why can't Square Enix do that with characters people actually like and want to see back. *points at Geno not being in Smash*
It's just... I don't get why Square decided making two sequels to FF game that nobody liked was a good idea. Especially when it seems to be centralized around an extremely boring character like Lightning. I've never really been able to get an answer about that, either. Even people who 'like' FFXIII haven't been able to give me a proper answer on why FFXIII-2 and Lightning Returns exist. I guess maybe FFXIII sold well, but it was a Final Fantasy game. It was going to sell well. They should have waited to see what the fans said about it and then decided "hmm maybe we should just move on, the opinion about this game is... 'mixed', at best."
Anyway, I guess the rants over now. XP
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