#again I’m kinda dumb so this might be hard to read XD
spookybeandoodle · 2 years
I can’t really watch the cutie vids (but I do know what happens because of tumblr and stuff) because they give me anxiety but also the absolute hate on cutie is so vile. Because it’s not just a “eh I don’t really vibe with this character” dislike, it’s more of a “this person doesn’t deserve happiness. They will NEVER change. And I hope they suffer” type of hate. It’s honestly scary.
Old habits are so hard to break from and I honestly think Cutie suffered from that. I have old habits that till this day I am trying to break. And what’s worse sometimes I may actually fall back into those old habits after not doing it for years. Cutie gives of very insecure vibes and taking a peek into their partner’s mind is probably how they safely secure themselves that they are okay in the relationship. Is it right? No it’s not. But that’s how they used it and now they have to learn to undo that. But these things aren’t fixed in a day. That’s why Geordi took A BREAK not a breakup to give them some time to work on themselves. To see if they could put in the effort to change because people deserve change. The chance to fix their mistakes.
Relationships are hard, they’re complicated, and so are people.
People are flawed. I’m flawed. You are flawed.
Sorry I just keep seeing it and I’m not even following the redacted tags anymore so that should be saying something. But at the same time I could just look away too so it’s still my fault honestly. I’m not a writer, not a great thinker, and I’m a bit of a dummy so I’m sorry if this is kind of stinky and not well thought out! XD but I honestly hope some of you guys rethink your hate towards cutie and learn to have patience. And if you don’t or still hate them then hey that’s your opinion. At the end of the day, it’s still up to you on where you stand.
And to all the people who say they see cutie in themselves, please do not be hard on yourself. You aren’t unsalvageable, you can change and I know it’s a lot harder said then done but I believe in you. Take small steps. Not everyday do you need to show progress. Do it at your own pace. You are still worthy of love.
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Okay I know I said I wanted to finish Haikyu before watching Kimi Ni Todoke Season 3 but listen, time got away from me, okay, and I wasn’t gonna wait any longer than I absolutely had to once those episodes dropped.
That said:
(Spoilers below)
THE WAY KAZEHAYA AND SAWAKO ARE SO SWEET!?!? And also the way I was left frustrated with them at times XD BUT MOSTLY THE FACT THAT THEY HAD ME ALL SMILEY AND GIDDY AND…. AAAH They did frustrate me a bit this time, but it’s because I’ve read the manga and I know everything will work out and they’ll be fine and JUST STOP BEING DUMB-DUMBS AND KISS ALREADY. But seriously, the extent of my frustration was largely “Kazehaya. Dude. Just talk to your girlfriend instead of making assumptions.”
ALSO RYU AND CHIZU!? HECK YES!!! WE’RE FINALLY GETTING SOMEWHERE!!!! Ugh, I love their dynamic. Listen, Sawako and Kazehaya are adorable and I love them and their relationship SO. MUCH. But Ryu and Chizu is where it’s at. There’s just something extra special about them, and I think it’s probably the fact that Ryu has loved her all along and has been so incredibly patient and not said anything and not pressured her and just quietly supported her and was there for her when she needed him. AGH. WHERE CAN I GET A RYU??? Listen. My first watch I absolutely adored Ryu and he’s probably my favorite character. I read the manga and I loved him even more. This whole time I subconsciously knew I kinda had a crush on him but I was pretending I didn’t and… yeah Season 3 left me completely unable to deny it. ALSO, I love Chizu. She’s such a softie and so sweet and protective and so so dense, c’mon you idiot HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE YOUR OWN FEELINGS FOR RYU??? And I love how hard she loves Ayane and Sawako and Ryu (even just as friends). She’s got such a big heart and I’d love to be her friend! I’m seriously hoping we get a season 4 because I *need* to see them get together in the anime. It would be so satisfying!
Unpopular opinion time: I love Ayane x Kento. I think they’re super cute, and I think they’re good for each other. They’re going to help each other grow, and AYANE LITERALLY ADMITTED THAT BEING AROUND KENTO RELAXES HER. I THINK I HEAR WEDDING BELLS. Manga readers *stares at you*
I binged all five episodes in one day and I regret nothing. I’m so glad we got season 3 and I’m amazed at how it didn’t feel like it came out 13 years after the original! This was amazing. 10/10, will watch again and would highly recommend.
For those of you who have been seeing my Haikyu rambles, you might be surprised to learn that this, in fact, is my favorite anime of all time and not Haikyu (although it’s a close second!). I’m a shojo girlie at heart :)
Final Fun Fact: Kimi Ni Todoke was both my first anime and my first manga, two years apart!
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megacarapa · 3 years
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i saw everyone doing this challenge on twitter n really wanted to do it too but i don’t super. Have an active twitter so i’m gonna do it here instead ^-^
warning LOOOOOONG post under the cut
i’m gonna leave the first question for the end bc it’s so fucking long😂😂
2. Who’s your favorite character? Why?
gen ofc🤣🤣 i’m sorry i always end up loving the gay ones o(-(
also i love yuzuriha bc she has the same interests/work ethic as me ^-^ tho yea i only really started loving her in stone wars/age of exploration, andd ofc i’ve always liked suika from the beginning but she has REAAAAALLY grown on me in the current arc
3. Who was the first character that caught your eye?
chrome actually! i really loved the whole bit that’s like “even if tsukasa killed senku there would always be people interested in learning new things and science would always come back”, that part really stood out to me at the time n i’ve loved him ever since :’)
4. If you were in the Kingdom of Science, what would your role be?
definitely manual labor or any repetitive tasks dhhd but i could also help w handcrafts or anything that requires dexterity
5. Which character do you think you relate to the most?
yuzu again xD
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SO fucking true 
6. What do you love about Dr. Stone?
idk if i know how to put it into words but its like, the appreciation and love it has for humanity as a whole n all the progress we’ve made so far, my favourite parts are always the ones that are like hey here’s a cool thing humanity invented, let’s learn about it! stuff like that gshdhjd
7. Best character outfit in Dr. Stone?
gen’s original outfit😩😩😩😩 but i also love kohaku’s outfit in treasure island!!
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(also everyone’s winter outfits are too fucking cute) 
(actually you know what, every gen outfit, all of them, special shout out to casino outfit, fashion icon)
8. Thoughts on the most recent Dr. Stone arc?
i still always have fun reading the new chapters but they really have been so fast paced lately like it constantly feels like they’re rushing through the new developments, but now with the introduction of sai it looks like things might finally be slowing down a bit, i’d love if they could give building the computer a lot of attention like with the perseus but i guess we’ll wait and see, fingers crossed
9. Any story/chapter you wish could’ve been explored more?
everything. if drst was 10 billion chapters and showing every invention in minute detail i could die happy /slapped hdhdhfa ok but for more specific stuff i wish we could have seen more of gen’s time at xeno n stanley’s fortress in america arc, like he arrives there n gets a few moments n then it mostly focuses on the other characters until hr gets rescued, like i feel it was a missed opportunity both for him and for learning more about the americans through him (as in the characters other than xenostan)
10. Which character do you want to see more of?
amaryllis 😩 /slapped ok i get that she’s basically served her purpose in the story so there’s not much reason to bring her back, as for characters that i feel like are still kinda under utilized - ukyo n matsukaze
11. Favorite Dr. Stone chapters/episodes?
episodes - s2ep3 i fucking love how this episode was adapted🤣🤣
chapters - 99, 110 and 144 (of course) (but also all the sengen chapters ofc😂)
12. Favorite Dr. Stone panels?
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13. Who do you ship in Dr. Stone? Why?
obv sengen is the only ship i reaaally give a shit about but on a smaller scale i also love taiyuzu, chrome/ruri, koharyllis n xenostan
14. Who is the funniest in Dr. Stone?
kohaku n chrome i fucking love this genre of panel with them being dumb fuck together
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15. Which characters do you think would go along with you well?
16. Are there any characters you think you’d find hard to be friends with?
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also if i ever met xeno i would immediately start beating the shit out of him but like affectionately.
17. What’s your favorite arc in Dr. Stone?
age of exploration!! it’s so much more low stakes n slice of life than the other arcs in the best way possible, i really love the focus on everyone working together and the work on the boat branching out to various other jobs like farming, making clothes, cooking etc etc, it’s really the arc where i feel almost everyone gets their chance to shine
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18. Things you would like to see in future chapters? (E.g. a character’s backstory, the characters reuniting, etc.)
obv i would love to see gen’s backstory but lbr i don’t really think we’re getting it at this point TwT as for things we will actually get - i can’t wait to see joel and kaseki meeting up and i’m really excited to learn about how the medusa and the petrification in general even works and how they will base it in science
19. Was there an episode/chapter that made you cry?
the suika chapters but i’ve already blabbed about them at length fdggf o(-(
20. Favorite invention/science moments? (E.g. making ramen, suika’s glasses, cellphone, hot-air balloon, etc.)
does gen’s battery song count🤣🤣🤣
21. Were there any characters you disliked but now is one of your favorite characters?
SENKU😂😂😂😂😂 i’m being real here i fuking hated his guts when i first tried reading the manga GDHDHDJ i thought he was so annoying with how smug n smartass he is n how he’s always like i dont give a shit about other people i only care about science blabla so basically i didn’t understand his character at all🤣🤣🤣
22. Which characters do you think are best friends?
for canon i need to give a shout out to kohaku n chrome again bc i love their friendship so fucking much😭
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as for friendships that aren’t really canon but i just like to imagine - gen and ruri would be such good friends😭😭
23. Are there any characters or ships that you started to like after seeing fanart/fanfiction of them?
kohagen gshsgdhsa i just thought their friendship was funny at the beginning but when i saw ship art of them i was like OH I SEE n then i liked them even more🤣 n also i really liked the idea of ryusui/tsukasa when it was brought up in the manga but then it was just kinda dropped after that so the fanart is the only thing keeping my love for the ship alive gdjdkd
along w that i really couldn’t warm up to kohasen as a ship in the actual manga so it took me seeing different fanart of them to become a bit more ok with the idea of it tho i do still prefer them as friends😅
also ryugen…. rawr ha ha
24. Any speculations/theories on why-man?
do i LOOK like somebody who Thinks 🤪 idk i can only see whyman as this far off entity that i cannot understand so i am just sitting here like guess we’ll wait n see o(-(
1. What made you start Dr. Stone??
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drst is by far the weirdest relationship i have with a piece if media ok i’ll do my best to explain, strap in folks [fair warning: LONGGGGG and deranged]
ok so back when drst started serialization in 2017 i was very into following all the popular shonen jump manga and i was checking out all the new series and one day along came the first chapter of dr stone, i had VERY mixed feelings for it bc on the one hand i was very interested in the premise and especially in chapter 2 i really liked the part where you see how long senku has been working towards the revival formula all by himself so basically i was digging the story, but on the other hand i absolutely fucking HATED the artstyle mainly the way the girls are drawn
like you start reading and immediately on the first page you see a girls statue with all her tits out and another one in that action movie girl pose so you can see both her tits and ass and i already felt my eyesballs reclining to to the back of my head but anyway you keep reading and yuzuriha is introduced and she’s nice and all but she has that fucking eyes far apart fish face n she’s constantly blushing and it all looks so weird and annoying and it was just pissing me off so much HDHDJFJKD
back at that time i was 17 and tho i had already read manga with a ton of fanservice before i still hadn’t been desensitized to it (for better or worse🙄), basically it still pissed me off every time i saw it, right now i can be like ok i acknowledge that this art is really weird and uncomfortable looking but i can put it aside and enjoy the story but back then i really couldn’t stop noticing it every time it happened
so i kept on reading for a few weeks but the artstyle just kept grating on me more n more especially after yuzu was revived and eventually i decided well the story is ok but this manga is just making me pissed tf off every time i read it so i dropped it on chapter 9 i think n that was that for some time
so then some time passes and i keep hearing here n there that drst is sooo good now it gets so much better after the first arc its amazing etc etc, i mostly got interested again after hearing super eyepatch wolf talk about it in his shonen jump videos so i was like ok i’ll give it another shot, i think this was around when there were 40-50ish chapters out total
and so i try to read it again, and again i get pissed off by the artstyle at every turn but i do my best to press on and get to the new arc everyone is hyping up, then kohaku is introduced and it all comes flooding tf back but even worse than before hdhdhd you KNOW how boichi is with drawing kohaku. but anyway i don’t let it deter me and i keep going and i get to ishigami village
and once again i could admit that i was genuinely enjoying the story, especially chrome’s introduction as i mentioned earlier, but alas the art was STILL too grating to my eyes and i just wasn’t able to get used to it so in the end it was just like last time, i kept getting pissed off with every chapter until i gave up again and dropped it at the end of vol3 (that’s right, thats around the time gen was introduced😂, not even he was enough to keep me there like i literally wasn’t even paying attention to him bc i was so done with it at that point, i was like who’s this asshole now– nevermind i don’t give enough of a shit *stops reading*🤣🤣)
and so after that i just kept ignoring drst no matter how many good things i heard about it, until eventually the anime was announced so i decided i would give the anime a shot bc the art could be easier to digest than the manga, and i was pretty much right on the mark, the anime is a good enough adaptation overall but it doesn’t really have any stand out animation and admittedly it has a lot of jank, but this was like the one time that the jank actually worked in its favour
bc the art in the anime was so toned down n less detailed than the manga, it was so much easier for me to consume and the fanservice parts weren’t the glowing-bright-red level of distracting that they were in the manga, i kept watching it every week and by the end of the anime’s run i was finally able to view drst as a story and i had finally fallen in love with it
but after the anime ended i still didn’t want to go back to read the manga even tho i was really obsessed with it at the time, my trust in the manga had been broken twice before and i just wasn’t ready to give it another shot
but i still was really into the story and as the anime went along i had started following a bunch of drst artists on twitter, and along with posting art they of course talked about the new manga chapters at the time as well (this was around the time of treasure island) and that was my main way of experiencing the fandom so i just decided i’m gonna stay like that for now
i kept following people on twitter and lurking basically and i really didn’t do much to try to avoid manga spoilers and so as time passed thanks to the fandom i had pretty much gotten acquainted w all the post-anime arcs n characters to a pretty close degree even if i hadn’t actually read the manga
like i knew who ryusui and francois were n i knew that yuzuriha was my second favourite character and that age of exploration was my favourite arc even tho i!!! literally hadn’t read it!! THAT’S THE POWER OF FANDOM I GUESS DHDHJD, after some time as we got to the climax of treasure island i had actually become so invested in the story that every time a new chapter came out i would like flip through it to get a grasp of what’s going on but not actually read it, i was a manga reader without actually reading the manga, I WAS A FAKE FAN BASICALLY 3
and so this weird relationship w the manga continued for like 2 years until finally earlier this year when s2 started airing, as is the case with whenever a new season of an anime starts airing it started up a new wave of hype for drst and i was all there for it, i was watching the new episodes every thursday and following all the discussion on twitter and tumblr and i was having a fucking blast with it honestly
and so i think it was after only 3 or 4 episodes of s2 were out that i was finally like ok i really fucking love dr stone. i think i love it to the extent that i can finally give the manga another shot. so i did and i fucking ate it up GDHDJD I LITERALLY COULDN’T STOP READING, ofc the things that bothered me before were still there but i guess after so much time i had finally learned how to put it aside, i sped through the whole manga and i didnt even feel like i was forcing myself to read it like the first 2 times, i was genuinely having fun with every chapter and loving it so much and having a great time with it
and so like that i had finally become and Official manga reader and the rest is history
ok that’s all anyway should i get cancelled for consuming manga in this way? leave your thoughts in the comments below ty for coming to my longass ted talk, hope u enjoyed
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Picking Out A Date
This is for @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Sprint Challenge! I almost didn’t finish thing, but then I did! So I’m proud of myself! This came out very short, but it’s also very cute (imo), so I’mma take that as a win!
I hope you all enjoy this piece! It was definitely a struggle to try and find how to start and continue and end it XD The prompt I choose (yet didn’t exactly follow lol) was “But you’re so tall! Can you please come apple picking with me?”
The story begins under the cut, thank you for reading! <3 Ao3 Link
‘Okay. This shouldn’t be hard. It’s a simple question. What’s the worst that could happen?’
Marinette’s hands were slightly shaking as she tried to calm her thoughts. In theory, asking someone out shouldn’t be hard. But when the person you want to ask out is anything like Luka, the idea becomes much more intense.
They sat in her room, keeping themselves busy. Luka laid out across her lounge, softly strumming his guitar with his eyes closed, he seemed completely calm. Marinette, on the other hand, was anything but calm.
If her trembling hands around her pencil weren’t a dead giveaway, her flickering gaze from her sketchbook over to the serene boy were. Marinette was sure that it was obvious how tense she was, but if Luka realized it, he didn’t say anything.
‘How should I start? What do I ask? Do you wanna go to the movies? No, that’s too lame. Wanna go ice-skating? Actually, that might bring up some… interesting memories…’
A loud groan left her as she hid her face in her hands. Why were her awkward teen years so awkward? “You okay, Mel’?”
Her head sprung up and met his eyes. He stopped playing and turned his full attention to her. Marinette immediately shot out of her chair, leaving half her art supplies flung across the floor, and moved over to the lounge to lay with him. “No! I mean- yes! You’re fine- I mean! It’s fine! Or actually, I’m fine. Well, I don’t know.”
Luka moved his guitar back to its case and nestled into her. “Y’know I’d never force you to talk to me, but I’d love to help if I can.”
‘Of course he has to be all nice and junk! This boy’s gonna kill me!’
“Well… it’s kinda weird.”
Luka gently chuckled and moved his hand to hold hers. “Well I’m pretty used to being weird, so that won’t bother me.” She joined his chuckling and interlaced their fingers together. Marinette wasn’t sure when their relationship grew into, whatever this was. They felt closer than friends, but seeing her track record, she was pretty bad when it came to that judgement.
“It’s um… kinda a request?”
Luka stared at the ceiling and made a small noise in acknowledgement. ‘Okay, this is your chance! Be suave and smooth!’ Marinette closed her eyes tightly and tried to steady her breathing.
“Do you wanna come apple picking with me?!”.
‘Did I just ask him to go apple picking?! Why apple picking of all things? Why couldn’t I have said something normal like a walk in the park?!'
After having a few more moments of silence, Marinette keeped her eyes shut in hopes of trying to prolong the inevitable rejection. “-It’s just-! I mean- You’re so tall! And tall people are good with picking apples! My Papa took Maman to pick apples before he proposed- not that you’re gonna propose! We’d just be going! Alone. Together. To uh- pick apples…”
Eventually Marinette opened her eyes to assess the damage she just caused, but was surprised to see Luka staring straight back at her. However, looking across his face, she saw no anger or confusion. Honestly it was pretty hard to tell what was going through his mind.
She barely noticed the death grip she had on his hand until his other hand had to slowly pry her fingers off.
‘Oh no, that’s a bad sign, right? No hand-holding?! He’s never gonna talk to you again. He’ll grab his guitar and get on his bike and drive away and never see you again and marry some punk rock girl and they’ll get a pet hamster and have three children and you’ll be dying alone in Paris forever and-!’
“If I say yes, would that technically make you the apple of my eye?”
Marinette’s mind came to a complete stop, well more like it crashed and burned on the way to a stop. Did Luka just make a pun? And did he or did he not have the largest grin on his face?
“Um- I have no idea how to respond to that…”
Luka’s grin went away and he nervously picked at the strings of his hoodie. “Oh, well. Weren’t you asking me out? I was just- I don’t know, trying to lighten the mood? Sorry I guess my humor is a bit… dry.”
His eyes scanned around the room, everywhere but her. Honestly, Marinette found it a bit endearing that he wanted to make a joke to ease her tension. But another part of her wanted to call his whole thing off because that dumb guitar-loving idiot just gave me that biggest heart attack and it was all for a stupid pun!
Luka took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “So… apple picking?”
“Luka, I just had the biggest fit of anxiety I’ve had in a while and your response was to make a pun. I’m honestly not sure whether I want to kiss you or slap you.”
Luka’s eyes reopened and a sly grin appeared back on his face. “Well it might be hard to slap me since, what’d you say? ‘Tall people are good at picking apples’? I think you might need me for our ‘Apple-Picking Date’.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and moved her hand into his again. “As long as you don’t propose to me during our ‘Apple-Picking Date’, then fine, I won’t slap you.”
“I don’t know, Melody. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for one of us to make the first move? Honestly this ‘Apple-Picking Date’ might become an ‘Apple-Picking Wedding’.”
While Marinette did give him a playful slap to his arm for that, she followed it up by giving him a small kiss to his cheek. “You do know that we don’t actually have to pick apples right? I kinda just said it and didn’t really think about it. Honestly it’s kinda a strange first date…”
Luka stared at the ceiling again and silently contemplated something for a moment before a wicked grin took over his expression. “Well you are kinda a strange girl, so it makes sense.”
Marinette could say with complete and utter certainty that Luka definitely deserved a slap to his arm that time. But as long as she gave him an apologetic cheek kiss afterwards, he didn’t seem to mind too much.
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
Omi? Still there? Have you come to check again? If yes! I'm glad but not about the fact that this mishap still has it's effect on you. I'm new to Tumblr - and I started writing because @solaceinarts told me something. Something that i didn't realize much at all; which I'll come later. But first, after reading your all those updates I thought I should drop by and say a few things :-
People have always been easy to judge,easy to be judged. I've really learnt it in hard way which in turn has made me less interactive,less communicative. I hope it doesn't come to that.
I used to write,umm, poetries ,poems that could burn your heart ,poems that could heal your bad memories like the sweet smell of morning dew. But then,i was accused of plagiarism one,two ,three - each time a fellow writer stepped up for me. Fourth one was too much. I couldn't take it even if I got a few friends who were willing to fight for me,i stopped writing. I lost my muse. I've discarded my poem dairies in rage just to get rid off the negativity.
I created Tumblr just out of whim and i met @solaceinarts . She told me "if not now, then when?" She too has gone through some shit too and man the courage she holds after all that. I totally adore her ,deep down to the bones!
She told me that one day you'll get bored of all these things. Things that you used to enjoy wouldn't make you happy anymore. You'll be busy and laugh at your childish behaviour.So, when you feel like you're ready for something, something to create, never let that urge die. That's what makes you go one step further where you were before. People? Who? Them? Did they know how much you worked on a single creative piece before posting,did they know how much you hesitated before posting? Nope they don't. They probably wouldn't, maybe never. But you?you know the hardwork behind your every post ;you'll still be blaming yourself for killing the artist in you. I thought for days and realized people will judge, even after you're gone. It's a shame how people don't understand the importance of "little things" that makes all of us happy. I don't know if I'll ever face a situation like this but if I ever do - well I've no idea how I'll react.
Leave everything if you would! But don't let it burn the artist inside you. please don't let it die :)
don't come back until you feel like. Your mental health isn't an extension of people's feedbacks of your creative workspace. I still have tons of art journals poems ,poetries , stories that i used to do only for myself after slowly getting my muse back. But I'm never gonna post them. It's a trophy that I've achieved just for myself not for those prying eyes waiting to jab at me.
I would still like to talk to you if you're willing :)
stay good and I'll try to hunt you in ao3; although I don't have acct.
I apologise if you feel triggered by reading all these. I've PTSD issues so well I'm kinda afraid of talking and what might trigger a person at any moment without your knowledge.
take your time!I'll still be here, waiting, unless some shit happens to me. You need a long break,a break that promises you no turning back but i know writers don't whither easily.
Haaaa my point is I'm here if you wanna talk. Lol i got carried away & Oops !quite long and vague.
~yours truly,
NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!! 🥺💕🫂😭💕 and ty 🥺💕 for still talking to me even though I suck at dming. Y’all r so cool and nice 🥺💕. I appreciate your words, and I'm thankful you took some of your time for me 🥺💕🫂.
I think I’m better now, still not going to post asks/stories as fast as before for different reasons… yeah, I got triggered by some anon (sounds dumb ik but that’s the awful part of triggers, they do whatever they want, whenever they want). My therapist taught me some exercises, not to get rid of them awful feelings xD, but to have more control over these emotions. So im good im good.🤸🏻‍♂️💕
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lilypixels · 3 years
...............all of them.....?
It took me an hr to do this....🥲💀
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Uhhh cotton candy
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Probably quiet and smart lol I did my school work and was friendly with everyone so I was a favorite and heard all the nice things 🙈
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
I kinda like bottles more but like the glass ones with the caps that could slice your fingers-
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
I’m for all but sports lol
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Shows cause I’m the type to watch an hr long episode vs hr long movie idk why but I’m rarely in mood for them
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Drop the beat (ie songs that are upbeat and I like most)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Hmm...I guess lanyard?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Skittles or twizzlers
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
I had lots I had to read in school but only ever finished a handful lol my favorite I think was maybe Macbeth? I would say Odyssey but I don’t think we read the full thing cause I remember being disappointed about something like that...
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Sitting with my legs bent up in seat with me in some way
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
Converse and some nice but cheap sneakers from Walmart
18. ideal weather?
Not too hot, not too cold, mild like before/after a rain (most the time), idc if it’s raining or sunny but as long as temp is comfortable I’m fine
19. sleeping position?
On my side most often
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Phone and notebook
21. obsession from childhood?
Oh gosh uhhh I guess my like of dolls maybe? Or obsession with anything ✨unexplained✨ like ghosts, aliens, cryptids, etc
22. role model?
Kim Namjoon lol just kidding (sorta)
23. strange habits?
Ok I know I have some and my friends would be more than happy to point them all out but hm let me think...idk if these count as habits but I’ll never place a mirror facing a bed (this is more superstitious I guess than habit,,,) I can’t stand my food touching, if I have a tray like in cafeteria I have a certain spot for everything and uh my mind just went blank-
24. favorite crystal?
Moonstone, lapis lazuli, and I feel obligated to say garnet cause it’s my birthstone
25. first song you remember hearing?
Circle of Life maybe who knows xD
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Walk or clean,,I’m more active and about with warm/nice weather
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
...stay inside where it’s warm
28. five songs to describe you?
Not this again😭 uhhh idk you tell me ajdbd
29. best way to bond with you?
Indulge me when I go off about things I like or learn 😔✊ I know I’ll talk your ear off and I’m sorry but know I don’t often talk about these things with people so once I start it’s hard to stop,,and it makes me really happy when people do listen to me about these things and send me related items every so often or even look into it themselves to learn more 🥺
30. places that you find sacred?
For some reason this feels like a trick question...um cemeteries and anything with ages of history I guess
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Oof do I really have a true outfit?? I have shoes for this which are just black platform sneakers I call stomping shoes
32. top five favorite vines?
I never,,,watched these,,,
33. most used phrase in your phone?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
State Farm and McDonald’s, always
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Uhhh that one with the ginger dude (I think it was someone’s yearbook photo??) I don’t remember much else about the meme but it was on ifunny, or whatever the app was, a lot
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
Easy, tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Dude these questions really testing my brain power here- for senior prank someone put cereal in some bathroom sinks I think
41. last person you texted?
My mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
I’m gonna say jacket since I wear those often
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodie or cardigan
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Usually whatever shirt I’m wearing that day and some pj/lounge pants 🤷
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I-what kind of question is this? How does one even answer this?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
What comes around goes around lol (yes I’m a heavy believer of karma)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Lol who knows, probably something dumb me and my siblings were doing or something we watched cause there’s been plenty times of that xD
51. current stresses?
Homework vs free time e-e
52. favorite font?
I like the gothic looking ones but it’s usually not practical to use so idk
53. what is the current state of your hands?
My hands...? They’re fine ??
54. what did you learn from your first job?
How to care for babies and little kids, how to put on a diaper lol
56. favorite tradition?
I can’t remember a particular one off hand but I’m trying to start few new ones like decorating cookies for Halloween uwu
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Uhhhhh like personally or...? Cause we’ve overcome homelessness before, um finishing assignments idk😭 oh maybe bullying?? That’s all I can think of since I still struggle with a lot,,
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Alright let’s do thisss: creativity (mostly in writing sense), I can bake/cook, I have amazing organization skills and many work places have used that lol (bonus is I don’t mind, I actually really enjoy it, very peaceful), surprisingly good balance all things considered, I’m a quick learner
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“I’m too tired for this.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Good question good question🤔 I don’t think I’d last in any of them/have a terrible side character role so 💀
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“Life’s too short to hold grudges.”
62. seven characters you relate to?
Dude this is gonna get embarrassing I can feel it🤠
Itaru, Iori, Sogo, Belle, Simeon (obey me), Nozaki (he’s clueless about romance irl and doesn’t know when someone has a crush on him yet can write romance well enough and yeah it’s me lol), and uhh Swindler/Ordinary Person in Akudama Drive (still can’t believe no one really has names in that anime but the way she gets wrapped in everything felt like something that’d happen to me lol)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Like nightclub...? I’m skipping this ajdbd
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Probably the Barbie site, me and my sister played all the dress up games almost daily istg
65. any permanent scars?
Appendectomy scars and then looks like I have one on a toe but it’s possible it still might heal...
66. favorite flower(s)?
Nightshade, foxglove, baby’s breath, bellflowers, roses
67. good luck charms?
I don’t think I have any...
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Let me think...I read something once about flowers having ears(?) but like not ear ears just something about having a part that picks up sound waves
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
Lolll animal print I think
72. worst subject?
Physics...the worst science
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I don’t remember, it probably happened when i was 6. I do remember losing one of my front teeth during my birthday one year and I was happy since the tooth had been loose for some time xD
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Chips I guess or just like fried in skillet
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
A succulent probably
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Neither ew
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
They are both about equally terrible
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
I am on pc side now
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts I guess
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology, it’s too fun and chaotic lol
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Uh,,,I don’t have many fears but I guess one would be falling from a great height? So I would get scared of crossing a bridge and it collapsing or riding a plane and it falling easily
88. your greatest wish?
World peace🥲
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My mom maybe...?
90. luckiest mistake?
I honestly don’t remember but something I do remember is I out semicolon instead of period and turned out to be correct grammar lol
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Sunlight or fairy lights, I don’t require much either way and prefer more natural lighting
93. nicknames?
Lassie, twinkle toes, Ash, poody butt (by 3 yr old I sometimes watch and play with lol he means it affectionately; I call him monkey butt and it’s catching on slowly instead)
94. favorite season?
Starting to be fall just a little more but I like transition times most
95. favorite app on your phone?
Let’s go with twitter
96. desktop background?
It is a moriarty and gang pic
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
2: mine and my moms
98. favorite historical era?
Ooo tough one but I’ll say renaissance as some of the coolest things came from that time
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
I was tagged by @neonponders, thank you so much, love! 🔅🔅🔅💓💓
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have a few accounts? xD I’ve got 23 in the one I’m using now, but it's all very tiny.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Game of Thrones
Teen Wolf
Harry potter
Pacific rim
Stranger Things
And a few minor fandoms
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
‘That’s how you close an open wound’ | ‘Kinda wanna make us happen’ | ‘It burns in my tongue’ | ‘The Buckley-Hargrove dilemma’ | ‘Forget the paths written in the palm of your hand’
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always, always try to. Sometimes It might take me a little while to get to things but I try to never forget to answer. I honestly appreciate the effort it takes to leave a comment or a note or tags in a reblog, and I also try to always answer to those. I think it’s important to show to that person how much it means to you that they’ve taken the time to reach out. Because it is so important to the writer. So important it can even be determinant for us to keep on writing.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Uff. It was a Ned/Robert, for Game of Thrones (more like Asoiaf). And I basically cried the whole time. I still do, when I re-read it. I managed to actually capture something, in that one.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Sometimes? I wrote a Supernatural/Lost Boys thing back in the day that’s still 2? 3? Chapters from being finished? Hopefully one day. And I have not as much a crossover as an ‘inspired on’ the Goonies universe Teen Wolf fic where Derek and Stiles go to Stiles’ mom natal town to investigate a polish ghost pirate ship while falling in love. And a tiny harringrove /Men in Black au where Agent S and Agent B end up paired with a demo-puppy.
Wich one's the craziest, I honestly don't know. All of them feel pretty ??? to me! xD
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeh, a few times. Basically just bc of writing m|m, of bc my 'awful writing' or for catboy!Steve xD.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep. I’ve always considered myself more smut writer than anything else. Now I guess I’m a smut writer with pretensions xD. (Truth be told, when I started writing I didn't imagine I would be capable of writing anything more than that). So I wasn’t actyally writing that much smut when I landed on harringrove. I was more focused on the pretensions (aka the gosh pirate ship fic). But harringrove and their chemistry hit me hard, I literally put aside everything else and started writing them like crazy, including lots of smut bc hfahfsafhfhsifhs. Another reason is that it’s hard for me to keep other kinds of stories short, but smut not that much (I get an idea for an slightly emotionally charged scene I like and I suddenly feel the need to write 10k for it minimum). So I focused more on smutty stuff when I jumped into this language, as a way to have something finished on my hands, feel like I was making some kind of progress (BUT ALSO: THE CHEMISTRY).
And I guess my smut comes in diametric opposites, or at least that’s how I perceive it. Plain, straightforward smut, or heavily (in my head, at least) emotional smut. I’M IN LOVE WITH the way we can use touch and slow pace and physical sensations and glances to enhance what we’re saying about emotions in a sexual scene.
Also, and contradictorily, smut is so hard to write sometimes for me! So another good thing is that when I finish one smutty story I suddenly feel like a can write anything! Haha.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeh. A few times. Both Sterek oneshots :(.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yess! <3<3<3< To Chinese and Russian and English and I <3<3<3<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Was about two once, with a friend. But sadly both out lives became real busy, so didn’t. To be honest, I don’t think I’ll be cut for it, but I wanted to test it.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
The last ship I land on always feels like my fav to me. But it might be true in this case. Bc yeah, harringrove.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Ufff, too many.
What are your writing strengths?
Uh. Eh. Well. I hopeguess sometimes it sounds good? I can’t control that in eng as much as i do in spa bc I don’t have any real knowledge of the phonology but, well. I try. And that’s one of the aspects I put more thought/work into because I LOVE that.
Sometimes I like my dialogue and sometimes I like my pacing/rhythm. Sometimes I feel like I’ve managed to convey/describe one feeling the way I wanted to.
I dunno. I try to keep my head in a the ‘get the work done’ space not as much as in the ‘is good’. Not easy but, again, try is the key word in here.
I rely a lot in the editing process but I think I’m actually good at that. At least, when I finish, I like the prettified version way more than the ‘raw’ one.
What are your writing weaknesses?
My writing reads the same way my brain works: in a cluttered, messy way. And I don’t like it but. I feel like I can’t change it. Can control it, sometimes. I manage to keep the ‘too much’ at bay but other times it just wins me. I also keep rolling my eyes at how sticky-sweet I can get and despise the way I keep repeating formulas and sentence structures (I feel you @neonponders ) but. Ugh. They just. Happen? Gah.
But! I actually feel more at peace with all that than it might look like xD. ‘Cause the alternatives is not writing and that I cannot do so 🤷‍♂️
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Ahhh, I LOVE IT! Started doing it with the kegboys, basically to treat myself XD, and I’ve got it in a few wips and also in this dumb thing I wrote. I think it’s fun, and it also adds certain feeling of expansion to the world the characters live in, helps us remember there’s more (people, places, types of lives and ways of communicating and meanings) aside from the ones represented in the scene/wholeness of the story. I’m aware that too much can be confusing and tiring for the reader, but not more than a bit is needed, really. Also, can be used to induce some fun misunderstandings xD.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Some fantasy book series I was reading at the moment, during my ‘epic fantasy’ phase xD.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably one supernatural fic I wrote ages ago. It isn’t particularly well written or anything. But was one of the first longer-ish things I wrote. And I still feel proud about that one. And I always felt so happy writing Theon Greyjoy, so I really love the things I wrote for him. And the ship fic, again, if I ever finish it! Except I feel like I can’t stop writing harringrove.
I’m tagging! @memes-saved-me @edith-moonshadow @disdaidal @dyingontheharringrovehill @wherearetheplums @c0bblenygma @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger @pretty-bratty @ghostofjellyfishforgotten
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have you ever dressed up for halloween or for like a costume party? what's your favorite thing you've worn? do you like wearing jewelry? do you listen to podcasts?what's an interesting historical event you know a little about? when do you feel the most comfortable? do you have any piercings or tattoos? Are there any you'd like to get? what's one thing you're proud of?
Wow, All in huh??? SO MANY QUESTIONS.
1) Have I ever dressed up for halloween or for a costume party? NNNNNNNNOT REALLY. I wasn’t allowed to do Halloween after the age of like. Five? Because my parents got MORE religious than they’d already been and they decided halloween was evil. And then as an adult I didn’t have a lot of local friends or money so... not really most of the time. BUT! There was ONE YEAR when I was in my mid-20s, that my wife and I went to a Halloween party with some local friends. She was Death of the Endless, we dyed her hair black, I did her eye makeup, there was a cardboard-covered-in-tinfoil ankh necklace and everything. I that year dressed up as Delirium to go with her. I bought fishnets that I tore a couple holes in, had some clompy boots, bought a skirt and shirt at the thrift store, and dyed my hair... like Half of it was red, half of it was just random spots of bleached, blue, and green. (I actually went to a job interview the next day and frantically reassured the interviewer that I was bleaching my hair and dying it a more natural color later that week) It was very fun as a costume tho. OH tho last year for halloween I loaned my wife a purple dress I sewed for myself and we got her some white tights and a white scarf, and I dug out my purple henley and and jeans some bandaids for my face and fingers, and we went as Hawkeye for Halloween. She was Kate Bishop and I was Clint Barton. That was probably my favorite even tho it was so low-effort. 1.5) On its own line, I think this “what’s the fave you’ve worn” was meant to be about the costumes, which I answered above, but IN GENERAL the thing I’ve worn that’s my favorite has been
Do I like wearing jewelry? I do like wearing jewelry! I need to get new earrings bc the ones I had got lost, but I used to always wear like, small gauge horseshoe earrings with the balls that screw onto the ends? I just lost the balls on the ends. I also wear a necklace every day. And I used to have a wedding band but I don’t have one that fits currently and it drives me NUTS bc even years without it I feel  like I should have a ring on that finger.
Do I listen to podcasts? I listen to podcasts off and on! Mostly MBMBAM, The Magnus Archives, The Penumbra Podcast, and Faculty of Horror. We relisten to early WtNV to sleep sometimes, and I keep meaning to catch up on TAZ, but that’s not active yet.
What’s an interesting historical event I know something about? ...Gosh that’s hard. Like, I know some stuff about historical eras or cultures but EVENTS??? Hmmm... I. Fuck. I abruptly cannot think of ANY HISTORICAL EVENT AT ALL. I’m a fucking History Major this is embarrassing. Uh okay so... I can’t think of anything. I’m so sorry. XD
When do I feel most comfortable? When I’m curled up in bed and have Birdie pressed against my back with her arm around my waist. Bonus points for literally any of our other partners in bed as well, but that happens so rarely. :(
Do I have any piercings or tattoos? I DO! Piercings are easiest. I have my left lobe pierced 3 times (though all but the first might be closed) and my right 2 times (tho ditto), and the upper shell of my left ear once (but again, closed). TATTOOS gosh, ok I have, in chronological order: a) a sort of cross between a cross and a peace sign on the inside of my left ankle. I got it when I was 18 and still a Good Christian Girl, my church bff designed it, it stood for peace in Christ, and the only thing stopping me from trying to get a coverup is the fact that it’s REALLY heavy/thick black work, and the location which was really painful. b) the kanji 天使 (which translates to “angel”) on my right inner forearm, over self harm scars specifically. I got this when I was 19 and back living with my bigoted conservative family and suicidal and trying to remind myself that I was loved. I also picked it out of a book and was lucky that book had the right kanji tbh, but I picked it bc my parents wouldn’t be able to read it, and it meant “angel” which was Birdie’s pet name for me at the time, and she was living across the country from me. If I could go back, I would get a different angel-themed tattoo in the same place, but at least I have the proper kanji for it if I’m going to have an ill-advised Japanese tattoo. c) a little curled ivy tramp stamp I picked out of a book in a little tattoo shop on St. Mark’s Place in NYC at like 2am, do NOT ask, it was dumb. Thankfully easier to work into a larger piece if I ever have the money for a back piece. d) text that is now near-illegible (due to the delicate nature of the script and the time since I got it) on the back of my left shoulder. It says “the universe has been waiting for me” in Birdie’s handwriting. It’s a line from Donna Noble’s last episode of Doctor Who, and I had FEELINGS. e) text on the inside of my left wrist that says “alive or dead, the truth won’t rest.” specifically in courier new. It’s a quote from @seananmcguire​‘s book FEED, and Birdie has a matching tattoo on her wrist as well. f) A tattoo of Coyote and the Sun, with color, on the outer side of my right calf. It’s the only colored Tattoo I have. I plan to get a semi-matching tattoo on my left calf that is El-Ahrairah and the Black Rabbit of Inle doing sort of a yin-yang esque circle chasing each other. it’s a Trickster thing, tying animals commonly considered  to be Tricksters with stuff that is meaningful to me. Coyotes have always been important to me, I grew up in Arizona there were always coyotes about and I always loved them, and then Watership Down was a surprise true love of a book when I was a teen.
Are there any piercings/tattoos I’d like to get? Piercings not so much. Maybe an eyebrow one day idk. Tattoos tho, goddamn, I’ve got SO MANY PLANS. I want to get text tattoos - either part of a larger text-heavy design or separately - of “It’s chaos, be kind”, “You are not obligated to complete the work, neither are you free to abandon it”, and “Do good recklessly”. Other quotes I’m sure but those three specifically. Obviously the Watership Down/Rabbit the Trickster tattoo I mentioned. Also a design from one of the tattoos on one of the guards of the Pazyriyk ice maiden. Also ngl I kinda want to get the sigils for witcher signs on the backs of my fingers. Some people get “THUG LYFE” or “FUCK YOU”, I get “I WILL FUCK YOU UP (in symbolic form)” XD
What’s one thing I’m proud of? The fact that I’m alive. ...Seriously, I’m quite proud of that, I’ve had some shit years in my life, and I’ve nearly not made it more than once. I’m proud as HELL that I’m here. I’m proud that I’m in college. I’m proud that I’m writing again.
Thank you for all these questions! So many, lmao, but I loved it, thank you. ^_^
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second-chance-stray · 4 years
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RP Log: Rising is sick, and Cravs won’t have it.
Cravendy Hound is busy moving all sorts of wooden furniture from her room to a series of boxes that litter the company foyer. It’s hard work, and something that demands her full attention until the task is done. She wipes her forehead free of sweat with the back of her hand. Finally, it was quiet again...and in that silence, perhaps there were subtle things that Cravs would now notice?
Rising Lotus at some point during Cravs moving everything back and forth, Rising had slipped through,  groaning a bit as she was still looking quite ill. She climbed the stairs to get herself some water, groggy curses coming from her mouth as most of the grub was moved up there some time ago. As she made her way to the bottom of the stairs, she leaned against the banister, watching Cravs move the stuff for quite a while, she didn't want to hold her up as she shambled back to her room.
Cravendy Hound: “Eh? Well, if it ain’t the flyin’ flower ‘erself.” Cravs claps her hands together in order to get the last bit of dust off of them, and then quickly jogs over before Rising is able to make it back to her room. Closer now, she’s able to see how much of a mess the other woman is. Clearly sick, and clearly suffering. Cravs stops in her tracks. “Oi bugger, ye look like shite...don’t tell me yer still sick?”
Rising Lotus cocked her head a bit as she was addressed. "Flyin'...oh, I get it." she let out a weak chuckle that turned into cough. "Yeah I guess so... don't usually get hit this...." her hand twirled as she tried to think of the word "Hard..? Ugh." sniffling, she ran her hand over her hair to try and unmess it up. "I'm at least able to walk about a bit now, was sleepin' all day first day."
(Cravendy Hound) I don't know what's worse. When it rains after snow and everything's gross slush, or after when the water freezes, forming ice/snow. And then everyone starts slipping, people + cars both D:< )) (Rising Lotus) The worst part is people that live in it for years that forget how to drive in it the second it starts up again. Also you really got me with Flying Flower x3))
Cravendy Hound crosses her arms with a frown, feeling somewhat responsible. If she had brought an umbrella, or hadn’t insisted on going fishing that day, then none of this would’ve happened. In fact, wasn’t Rising there when they were fighting the Dodo at Dirtpatch?! A judgement forms in Crav’s head...that Rising is just going to get worse if left to her own devices. Cravs shakes her head in concern. “What are ye dealin’ with? Fever, chills, a cough...?”
Rising Lotus nodded slowly after each symptom Cravs listed off "Aye..sneezin' an' uh... head feelin'..." bringing her hand close, she'd pull them apart with her fingers extending "Jus', ya know...pressure-y. Got some things to help with it, jus' still takin' awhile to get uh... " she brought her hand up to rub her temple "all better I guess. Ugh.."
(Cravendy Hound) hope it wasn't too confusing xD ))   (Rising Lotus) It was something where I read it and got it, then it got funnier and cuter the more I started thinking it over lol)) (Cravendy Hound) well here comes more blisteringly sweet stuff xD ))
Cravendy Hound: “Stop figetin’ for a sec, will ye?” Without thinking, Cravs lifts the hair that usually covers her face, and gets close to touch foreheads with Rising. She stays like this for a second, then pulls back looking angier than before. “Bloody scrag, ‘ow are ye even standin’ right now? Yer burning up. Come on, let’s get ye into a bed afore ye set the stairs on fire with that fever of yers.”
Cravendy Hound grabs Rising’s wrist and, while attempting to drag the other woman along, makes a beeline towards the clinic. It’s during this time that her actions begin to catch up in her mind. Damnit, old habits die hard. As soon as she could, she’d have to explain...that.
(Cravendy Hound) it's something my mom used to do w/ me :D )) (Cravendy Hound) ALSO Cravs def sees Rising like a lil sis (which she pretty much sees everyone as) but I'll throw wood onto the proverbial fire for potential goofy hijinks ))
Rising Lotus 's eyes went wide as Cravs was so suddenly touching foreheads with her, frozen as she wasn't quite sure how to react to, whatever was happening. "W-what are..." despite her paleness, there was the smallest tinge of red in her cheeks as Cravs pulled away. "O-oh...That's...huh." still processing, she was easily dragged along to wherever Cravs was taking her. As she watched her door pass by she started to weakly protest. "You don't have to toss me in there...don't want to be..." she lifted her arm to cough into her sleeve " a bother to people actually needin' the, the help."
(Cravendy Hound) ahhaha )) (Cravendy Hound) o we can move to the actual clinic. It looks super cool :> )) (Rising Lotus) Also that was super cute xD and it'll be good for Rising to have someone like that! Hasn't been close in anyone for while since her wife left))
Cravendy Hound chuckles at Rising’s weak protests. “This place is exactly for people like ye!” Cravs tugs her to the corner, and then sets her down on the bed. “Now, lie down ‘ere, and don’t move.” She commands, and then heads off to search the medical cabinets for anything that might help alleviate her friend’s symptoms. After some rummaging, she first comes back with a small hand towel, soaking in a bowl of cool water.
Cravendy Hound - As she lifts her sleeves and gets the towel ready, she rambles on absentmindedly. “I used to do this all the time for my little sis. She was always catchin’ colds and doin’ otherwise dumb shite...stupidly brave, she was.” Cravs pauses for a second, and then grimaces. “S-so that’s what the ‘ead bump was about! Er. Sorry. Probably crossed a line there.”
Rising Lotus plopped down onto the bed, groaning a bit as Cravs ordered her to lay down. She did it of course, but if her friend would ask it would because she wanted to. "You don't have to do all this ya know..." she sounded a bit sheepish "I can...probably.." considering how many days she was out maybe this was the proper course of action. A weak scowl escaped her lips "Gods damn it, we ain't known each other long enough for ya to see me in such a pitiful state." she rested her hand on her forehead >
Rising Lotus: Before dragging it down her face. Crav's explaining the forehead bopping did cause her to smirk though. "O-okay... d-don't do that to a girl without some warnin'..my ma always jus' used her hand back in the day."
Cravendy Hound awkwardly laughs in response. “I wasn’t thinkin’, but yeah. Yer right, yer right....” Memories of similarly awkward misunderstandings bubble to the surface, one after the other like a chain reaction. Cravs becomes as stiff as a board as she recalls a particularly embarrassing moment, one that made it all the way to the bedroom before she realized what was going on.
Cravendy Hound ‘s face slowly becomes beet red as the conversation that followed, terrible and idiotic, plays word for word back to her in her head. As her captain had always told her...she was as perceptive as a log when it came to things of that nature. Cravs abruptly clears her throat.
Cravendy Hound: “We’re both fighters. Nothin’ to be ashamed of. For every battle, there’s recovery.” She then presents the folded towel, pleasantly chilled, to Rising’s face. A gesture that, this time, asks...may I?
Rising Lotus grumbles a bit "I 'spose...won't get any cool scars or tales to tell 'bout it though." she gave Cravs a nod as the towel was brought over, the cool cloth helping to soothe her burning forehead. " Least it's jus' a cold this time...the last time I was, this..." she paused for a moment. "At least this sick...It was cause of a nasty bite." she raised her left arm up. "You can still kinda see it..." she must of thought she was pointing to it, but there was a fait bit mark on her forearm.
Rising Lotus: "Was poisonous too, an' the gobbie potion I took probably made it worse.." she took a deep breath before she continued, coughing lightly "So I was holed up in...the hole I lived in up there. Though Violet came all the way to help me...that was nice..." as she trailed off her eyes drifted towards the wall, staying silent on the matter after that.
Cravendy Hound places the towel over Rising’s forehead, and then peers at the scars on her arm. Healed over, but even still she could get a sense of how bad it was when the wound was fresh. Cravs bobs her head in admiration. “Must’ve been some bite. Were ye fightin’ some manner of ‘boro? Stinky buggers are all jaws, all legs. Bad business.”
Cravendy Hound doesn’t push about Violet. Though Cravs had a track record of bluntly nosing her way into other people’s business, it was only when she thought she could help. Here, she sensed Rising wasn’t ready to talk, and it certainly wasn’t her place to ask.
Rising Lotus "I can't say what it was. I mean, I KNOW what it is...I jus' can't.." she furrowed her brow as she apparently was having trouble with the word for not saying a word. "Ya know.. talk it. Great big bug..the bug folk in Dravania use 'em." she huffed, sounding a bit frustrated. "Gods, even thinkin' is takin' too much energy." a drawn out sigh left her lips, following by some more coughing. "Hey..." she looked up to Cravs "Thanks for..uh.. I guess this...not exactly draggin' me here but..."
Rising Lotus: flipped her hand up, hoping by now the Cravs would understand what she meant. " I 'spose this is probably a better place than my mess of a room.. an' the towel is far nicer than gettin' Hop to sit on my head."
Cravendy Hound: “Stop thinkin’ so much then, and get some rest. I’ll ask the medic to leave some medicine by the table for ye when ye wake up.” Cravs tilts her head, amused. She assumes ‘Hop’ is the sproutling that she’s seen trail Rising in the past, and looks around for it.
Cravendy Hound - Failing to find Hop, she gets ready to leave in order to give Rising some peace and quiet. Before she lets the curtain fall behind her, she turns around for one last thing. “If ye need anythin’, ye can...borrow this.” Cravs places a linkshell by the bedside table. “Don’t let me catch ye trippin’ down the stairs again.”
Rising Lotus nodded "Aye, I promis ya the next time ya see me, I'll be.." she shot Cravs a finger pistol, but couldn't quite get anything catchy out. She eventually gave up and shuffled in bed a bit, getting herself comfy. "I think I'll try restin' a bit till then though." her eyes started to drift closed, how could she feel so exhausted from just a trip up the stairs?
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phoenixkaizen · 5 years
Cookie Dough
Summary: Prompt fic. itsthefandommash (still freaking love this username xD) sent me two prompts. Here is the second part: Erasermight learning to make sweets, but they both kinda suck at baking "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Shouta questioned, watching Toshinori as he examined the mixture in the bowl. Toshinori only shrugged and gave a slight smile. Or, Shouta and Toshinori attempt to bake sweets but find out that they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Author's Note: So I absolutely love tumblr. I posted that I needed fluffy prompts in my life and people came through for me! I love it especially cause they didn't know who I was or what I write and they threw ideas at me and it is amazing! Thank you so much everyone! I did change it up just a bit from the prompt. Shouta knows he can't bake but still tries and kinda fails. Other words, this fic did not come out the way I thought it would and a lot shorter. It was a tad hard to write this just because I really love to bake and I fancy myself good at it. At least everyone who eats what I bake, love it and says it's really good. I constantly think how is someone bad at it? Than I remember my husband can't even cook a box of mac and cheese to save his life. Well anyway, on with the fic! Additional notes: So my laptop has been doing this weird error thing and then completely restarting my computer. I almost had this complete and my laptop decided to do it for a third time in one day. I think I might be about to lose my laptop (knock on wood).
Their was a reason that Shouta practically lived off of jelly packets and simple foods. Being an underground hero who operated at night as well as a full time homeroom teacher made it extremely hard to be able to spend the time to cook.    Currently, Shouta was seated at his kitchen island while Toshinori stood across from him pulling out different ingredients. It had been Toshinori's idea to make chocolate chip cookies for their students and Shouta just hoped that they turned out okay. Neither of them were like Sato, who made his own sweets for his quirk, and they were probably going to fail miserably. Shouta did hope that maybe underneath Toshinori's All Might ego that he might actually be a good baker. Note: Cooking and Baking were two completely different things that Shouta figured out the hard way. He was a decent cook when it came to food but sweets... he was a goner. Not that he would tell Toshinori that. Toshinori wanted to bake sweet for his students than he was going to help him. The electric mixer was sitting to Shouta's other side. For whatever reason, Hizashi had an electric mixer. How a man with three separate jobs found time to use an electric mixer, Shouta would never know. When he had asked to borrow the machine, Hizashi only told him not to almost burn down his kitchen. You almost burn down your kitchen once and you never live it down apparently. In his defense, he was sixteen and alone. It's been fifteen years since then and Hizashi still tortures him with that information. His gaze followed Toshinori as he focused on putting the base ingredients into the bowl for the electric mixer. Standing up from his spot, he rounded the bar and went for the other ingredients. He eyed the recipe once more before going to work on the other part. Toshinori worked on the butter mixture while Shouta did the flour. "Why are their two types of sugars.... for cookies?" Toshinori muttered quietly as he scooped brown sugar into the bowl on top of the butter. Shouta smiled softly as he looked to the other. "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Shouta questioned, watching Toshinori as he examined the mixture in the bowl. Toshinori only shrugged and gave a slight smile. "Neither do you." Toshinori retorted. Shouta chuckled for a second. "Touche." He paused for a moment, looking between the two bowls. "Are we supposed to mix all this up in one bowl or two?" He asked, looking between the baking soda in his hand and the sugar in Toshinori's bowl. Looking up to Toshinori for a moment, Toshinori shook his head. "I think two than we combine them." Shouta huffed, reaching over and grabbing the recipe. "Why though? It seems more logical to mix everything all at once." He stated, reading over the instructions, stopping as it did say to mix them separately before going to one bowl. Toshinori laughed for a second, turning on the mixer only for it to fling out some of the batter against them. Shouta blinked as he felt a piece hit his face. His gaze moved over to Toshinori, who gawked at him for a second before both broke down laughing. Toshinori took a second to turn the mixer down. Shouta grabbed a paper towel from the counter and wiped the butter and sugar off of his cheek and went back to his bowl. With the flour, baking soda, and salt together, he looked back to what Toshinori was doing. Toshinori was adding in the eggs and vanilla into the still mixing batter. "Okay, according to this. We mix in the flour stuff now." Toshinori said, looking between the bowl and the recipe. "You know, thank God, Hizashi gave us this recipe." Shouta rolled his eyes thinking back to when Hizashi gave it to him. Hizashi said he had dumbed down the instructions so Shouta shouldn't fail at this. He didn't say a word as he poured the flour into the bowl, not thinking as the flour hit the still moving beaters and came flying out of the bowl and getting both him and Toshinori in the face. "I'm pretty sure I was supposed to turn this off first." Toshinori said, biting his lip to try and keep his chuckles in. He reached over, swiping his finger over Shouta's hair. "You have flour in your hair." Shouta glared to him for a second. "You do too." Toshinori smirked back at him. "I have blonde hair, you can't see it as much as black hair. You literally look like a ghost right now." The older man teased.    Shouta's face flushed as he grumbled. He reached over and grabbed the chocolate chips and threw them into the mixing batter. "I'm never baking again." He proclaimed. Toshinori chuckled once more. "Don't be like that, Shou." The blonde said, turning off the mixer and pulling the bowl out. "Now get over here and help me do this." He said, giving the best doe eyes he could before Shouta finally caved and walked over to the batter. The cookie set was already sitting on the oven ready for the batter. Shouta didn't say a word as he started making small little balls out of the batter and placing it on the sheet. Toshinori did the same thing, most of his being larger due to the size of his hands alone. It took them about five minutes to get all the batter rolled and onto the sheet and put into the oven. Shouta set the timer for ten minutes and went back to his spot at the island and went back to his grading. As the time past, he could smell the baking cookies. To him, it actually smelled good to him. This was his first attempt at baking and both of them had managed to get covered in flour and batter. For neither of them knowing what they were doing, Shouta thought that they might of just pulled it off. All thanks to Hizashi's 'dumbed down' instructions. God forbid if they tried it without instructions. It might of failed worse. The timer went off and Toshinori moved to get the cookies out of the oven. He paused as he pulled it out and turned to face Shouta. Shouta bit his laugh to keep from letting out the chuckle that was bubbled in his chest. "Um... okay."    All of the cookies were flat like they were supposed to be but with the large rolls that Toshinori had placed down, it baked into the others surrounding them, almost completely covering the sheet and making it look like a cake. Toshinori placed the cookie sheet onto the oven and let out a chuckle of his own. "I think we accidentally made a cookie cake instead." Shouta only gave a soft smile. "This is why I let Hizashi do the baking." Shouta muttered. He hopped off of the stool and went around to the oven. He carefully peeled off a chunk off of the side and took a bite. "It tastes good at least." With the piece still in his hand, he reached over and held it in front of Toshinori. The blonde leaned down and took the piece into his mouth. Making a small noise he pulled away and smiled. "Yeah, it is."    Shouta turned and looked back at the supposed to be cookies. "We could always just cut them into random shapes and say good." He said with a shrug. Toshinori grinned. "Yeah, let's do that and say it was on purpose."
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh I'm glad you got to rest more today tho!! Are you feeling okay this morning?? HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! Will you be doing anything special to celebrate it?
Fan-Haikyuu team? (I may just be dumb, but is that when you think of actors who fit the Haikyuu characters?😭😭😭I'm probably wrong but that sounds really cool) I'm just taking a short break from work, and I'll continue again in a while ^-^
in that case I sincerely hope you have something every morning :] (question: rice or noodles??) Oh I see!! I don't drink milk with my tea... I've never tried it because my mom always says tea is better without milk (but maybe that's just her 😝) but I love green tea the most.
aaah that's just so precious. And yeah the mbti test was pretty hard for me too, but I like my classification a lot. It sums me up perfectly, now that I think about it.
YOUR QUICHES ARE PROBABLY TO DIE FOR ISTG. Pizza's are also a good way to sneak cheese in! I made some yesterday for dinner and I'm pretty sure I used a lot more cheese than needed xD but oh well, cheese is bae 😼🤚
omg your parrot sounds ADORABLE! What's its name? And ksjdksks yes toads are very cute too :> they're like creatures mostly found in fairy tails, so I find that nice. But yes, in general, all animals are perfect and deserve love :) my club's logo is a lion, so I kinda like lions too (they're just big cats with pretty hair tbh)
You're tempting me to not do it, sir— 😼
omg noooo I'm sobbing that's fullproof istg. But yeah smh amateurs :] were the stories any interesting, or was it just school books related to the syllabus ? We don't have that here tbh we just have the literature components to our language studies, and that's the only books they make us read (but everyone buys the summary from bookshops so no one ever reads the whole book anyways)
thank you for reminding me, my precious cookie, I'll certainly keep that in mind and take more frequent rests :) I hope you do the same too, and smile often!! (I'm sure you have the prettiest smile), and of course, a wonderful day ahead.
AKDBDLSBDKSK NOOOOO SCIENCE PUNS I'M MELTING. 😝That's so cute, because you're Hydrogen; my number 1 !!
Love you love you LOVE YOU!
Hey hey!! I'm feeling great, I've had a headache since the pillow said "fuck you" and somehow got messed up, but I took a pill and had a drink, and ow I'm better:D Thank youu!! I'm not sure I will, since my mom is going to a relative's birthday and im gonna stay at home alone, so might as well just make myself grilled cheese while watching Netflix. But, if i were at school right now, we'd definitely have a festival (or as close as we can get to a festival, considering the school's budget) or something similar to that, hehe. The school really made a huge deal out of holidays. I really miss it sometimes, cuz it never feels like a holiday at home, even during new years:/
Ohh, I meant like, creating original characters and shoving them all into the HQ universe and making it a team. Lemme show you the least of the team members xD
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We're still working on the staff and the leftover characters' designs. I made school and volleyball uniform, but they dont look great so I'll probably work on them more!!! Me, Kuro & Liza (the friend) are making it, with Kuro being the main artist and Liza creating the characters. I'm responsible for the stuff. It's pretty fun. Hahah, sorry for rambling like that, it's like a personal passion project, and it's the only productive thing I can do while having fun, so I'm very happy about it~
I really love noodles♡ anything related to noodles is my favorite. If only you'd see me freaking out when I see spaghetti on our school menu XD I wish we got to make noodle soup more often. I love it so much😭
I only prefer rice when it's really spicy. I love spicy stuff a lot, and plain rice/rice soup feels really weird and my picky ass doesnt like it. I also love Pilaf (we call it plov here), it's not always spicy but it still tastes good😝
Oh, I think you should try it! It's really good, kind of plain but still nice. I'm really picky about my tea and I havent drunk any good tea in ages, but I remember a really nice cafe that served PERFECT green tea. I miss it😩 It was when I went on a school event, we got to roam around the city (with the teachers of course, because most have no idea where they are haha), and I visited that cafe, and I absolutely loved everything about it.
OH YEAH, but pizzas are really thin and get eaten fast, while quiches and pies are more fulfilling XD that's just me probs but still~
Ahhh, my parrot's name was Molly! Though only after her death I realised that it was indeed a "he", which was awkward. But the shopkeeper said it's a girl, and we were uneducated, so it's not our fault XD it was the cutest, tbh. It loved running after my pens when we played on the table. Sadly, my disgrace of a father kept reopening the front door in winter and overfeeding it when I wasn't home, so the parrot passed away:( one more reason to hate the old man, haha~ dont worry, I'm over it :D
Omg!! Lions, lions are so wonderful🥺🥺 Our school logo is a bird,
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Hopefully it's visible. The pic is transparent, sorry for that XD
The stories weren't the best. There were children's turkish books, a few kazakh classics, a Harry Potter book (I hadnt gotten a chance to read or watch them, but after the Rowling situation I kind of lost any wish to somehow associate with the books) and honestly the Russian ones were the only readable ones:D (also, what little cheaters they are XD tbh our guys probably would do the same)
I'll try my best to smile whenever I can~ itll be easy if i just keep you in mind, shortcake;D
Ohhh that one is adorable!! I love you muchh😭🥺💕💕
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keepermcge · 5 years
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So it’s my Birthday the day before my Birthday whatcanisaynopatience and I wanna thank some peeps! For sticking around and supporting me and my Lann! This list won’t be super long! Cuz I’m not a popular blog and I’ve never been ashamed to admit that. I always think yeah, it’d be cool, but at the same time I’d rather have just a small group who support me than people who don’t. And anyone that just sticks around in my eyes is supporting me. Cuz I know I’m not a good RPer lol. Also I am not afraid to admit that, but! I have a lot of fun when I do get the chance every once in a while to write! And I love nothing more than screaming about my kid, Lann! Cuz I really care about him. It might seem a little wack to some people, but he’s just my fave fictional char of all time! And I’ve been establishing my Lann for almost three years now! We’re getting there at least at the end of February! Which isn’t that far away. I feel I’m probs not alone in the loving a fictional character! As much as I do that is! Maybe! But even if I am! I won’t ever stop loving my kid! Cuz someone has to! And that will always be me! I am the unofficial leader of his protection club, fight me I will fight for him. 
So I genuinely appreciate anyone who sticks around and especially those who like my posts and sends asks and do things even tho I suck. I really appreciate it and I wish I could be one of those; I envy you people who can write and work and do all their other hobbies on top of it, but I can’t. Most the time I’m sleeping kinda sad lol, I get annoyed at myself tbh cuz I have so much I wanna do here and games I wanna play, a thousand anime’s too watch and I don’t get shit done.
 Anyway, I was debating doing one of these, cuz lots of the times things happen, but! 
Imma! Do it! Anyway! 
I really appreciate everyone that is still here! A big big thank you to the people who support me and Lann a whole whole lot! Thank you for tagging me in things, or sending me asks, or just acknowledging I exist by liking my posts! 🥰 
@outcastredhair (Thank you so much for always showing me support, Alice, you’ve been with me a really long time with some of your past blogs and now Karin, and I always wanted to thank you so much. Sometimes when I feel pretty all alone in the world I think of you and how nice and just, lot’s of good things you are, and it helps, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.) 
@hatake (Lala! Mogrich! The same goes for you! Thank you so much for always being just! I really appreciate you! I’m gonna start crying like a lameo but thank you! For being my friend! And sticking with me despite all my annoyingness and depression and mood shifts and everything, thanks for letting me be fully me around you and not running away, it means more to me than I can say in words! And you’re just one of the kindest people always trying to help others and I hope you get some cute pink crocs you deserve them! 
A special shoutout! To J! He’s no longer on tumbles, heck idk if he’ll see this! But thank you too for so much while you were here and now on my Twitter! Also thank you so much for being part of the protect Lann squad, and loving my kid too! It really made me so happy when I found out you love him a lot too! If you ever come back! I’ll welcome you with open arms! But! I’m glad you did what was best for you cuz you’re really an awesome guy! 
And thank you! Don’t think I’d forget you guys! For sticking around for so long and showing me support! 🥰 Whether that be in asks or rebooping my promos or just being here for so gosh dang long! Or just! Acknowledging my Lann! Thank you so much for all your support and for sticking around, it means more than these dumb words are conveying. 
@theamazingchickenman​ @rollinggirlrunahika @mizuiropearl @runexxknight @sakuraari @bondedbythesoul (I wasn’t sure which blog of yours to put!) @thewisekitsune @reynndiant (I’d give you your own section Sis, but! You know! Use your twin telepathy powers that are totally real xd) @memoryorus @vernades @bloodfcst @sunny-explosions @1stclasszackfair @fixryambiticn @stellafate​​ 
And I haven’t forgotten about you either! Nope! Thank you so much for following me and sticking around! And for showing me support! Again! Be it asks or reading my things or simply just sticking around, thank you legit from the bottom of my heart. 🥰 
@abxndonedd​ @floofiisms​ @cast-r​ @mottospewingmeerkat @fabulumn @blxe-skys-of-coxrage @dreadlymad @nirvanarth @jxsticeprxvailed @curvispugnator @ansem-riku @ardentpentatonicdevilry @adventurouswind​ @miracleofnorende @lunaesqua @gokucooper @dawnblxde @akumeis-hiatus @gxntil @infinemxndi @unoraptormon @universalcrossover @flava-proelium @theworldofmuses @unspokenchansons @armagem @gaiavowed @psychotheory @museofsolaris​​ @eyesofparoxysm​​ @floralcetra​​ @thanalanmonk​​ @maskedmuses​
It’s hard not to sound biased in these things, and hard to also list everyone as some people have been gone for a while, and for others I’m not sure if they would be uncomfortable cuz I don’t know ‘em that well, but I legit am so thankful for anyone that is still here, and thank you for all the support ❤️. 
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spikeymarshmallows · 4 years
for headcannon meme!! kleigo, 7 and 8!! love your writing, your kleigo stuff is some of my favorite to read over and over!
klsjdflks. Anon. Thank you T.T I’m having a Weird Brain Time and this is just super, super nice to get T.T I hope you’re having an amazing day and that you get good news very soon!
Headcanon Meme
Okay, fuck. This got super long, so it’s after the Read More.
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
It definitely depends on the time period! I fully headcanon that Diego and Klaus saw each other in the years between leaving home and the start of the show. They were in the same city, Diego goes looking for trouble, and Klaus finds himself in it.
I struggle to see Diego just like, accepting Klaus’ drug habits and drinking etc, and going out like that. But maybe in those earlier years, when Diego was still exploring the world outside of the Academy walls, maybe he and Klaus ran into each other at various bars and clubs. Klaus would be inebriated to varying degrees, and Diego would be too. He hasn’t started the whole “my body is a temple” thing, and he’s young, and the world is crazy, and drinking doesn’t give him wild hangovers yet.
I can see them absolutely getting into mischief. Klaus is very good at talking Diego into doing dumb shit; and Diego insists he’s only following along to make sure Klaus doesn’t get in trouble. But LBR, he’s having a blast. Klaus is one of the only people he can tentatively let his hair down with. If Klaus needs parenting, then no, he doesn’t. But if they’re both a little drunk, Diego is still protective of Klaus, but he also relaxes. They’d dance together, and Klaus would laugh a lot, and Diego might let himself laugh too.
As they get older, and Diego realises the depths of Klaus’ drug addiction, he’d stop letting himself relax like that. He wouldn’t be okay with it. He’d try to drag Klaus home, somewhere safe, trying over and over to convince him to get sober.
And finally, if Klaus ever managed to get sober, things would look different. They’d go and see movies. They’d eat at places they liked; sometimes fancy, but usually random places Klaus stumbles across. Diego doesn’t like drinking anymore, so he has no issue not drinking. Klaus used to mournfully look at cocktail menus, but now Diego just gently extras the menus from him so he can’t even read them.
They don’t go to bars, at all. They don’t go to nightclubs, none of it. Some of the people in Klaus’ therapy groups are able to be around drugs and alcohol again, but Klaus can’t, he just can’t. Even if he manages to resist, it throws him off, mentally, for days and days.
After a while, they just agree not to go out anymore. It’s not worth the torture and torment it puts Klaus (and subsequently, Diego) through.
Sometimes, Klaus admits that he misses dancing. He doesn’t miss the loud music. He doesn’t miss creeps touching him. He kind of misses feeling like a hot piece of ass (but Diego is very good at convincing him he is, which helps). But he misses the freedom of dancing. He sometimes bops along to music, but without drugs to ease him in, he feels kinda silly dancing sometimes. But Diego doesn’t share the same shame, and puts the music on really loudly, and dances with him until he’s let go of the anxiety, and he’s laughing, and spinning, and feels entirely free.
Um. ...This got long. But basically, it depends on where they are in life. When they’re younger, they do what young people do. As they get older, they need to adapt for Klaus’ recovery, but Diego is a good one to do it. Their nights out end up as nights in, or trying new foods, and maybe sometimes, games night with the family.
8. What do they like in bed?
>:) >:) >:) ANON. I am scandalised. I only like wholesome, and innocent questions. Gosh! I... I certainly don’t have thousands of words of headcanons for this based on every possible Klaus and Diego I can think of.... No.... Not at all...... >.>
No no, but. Oh my god. I could wax poetic about this for days. And... sometimes... I do XD
Both of them like to be taken out of their head, in various ways.
Diego is very image-driven, and has an insatiable need to prove himself. He tends to be a pretty selfless lover, but it’s not necessarily out of altruism. It’s because his ego needs him to demonstrate over, and over, and over, that he’s good at it. As a result, he doesn’t really know what he likes in bed. Not really. This is where my headcanon that Diego is a Service Top really comes through. He really, truly, does get off on his partners pleasure. And Klaus? Klaus is such a pillow princess that it sorta works for Diego for quite a while. Klaus is very forthcoming about his desires and wishes (more on that shortly), and Diego goes along with it all (more on that shortly too!!). And Klaus is, by his nature, quite selfish in many ways. He doesn’t do it to be cruel, he just... is. And Diego indulges him. And then one day, it slowly clicks that... Klaus doesn’t know Diego’s kinks. Diego seems to like almost everything Klaus suggests! And Klaus isn’t dumb enough to think it’s just good luck. He knows Diego has struggled with some things, and they’ve been working on that. But Diego has never expressed “I really love this, let’s do this”. No, it’s always Diego just getting into what Klaus likes.
And so they have to figure out what Diego likes. But hey, they’re more than happy to experiment. And really, Diego loves giving pleasure. He loves seeing Klaus a wreck beneath him. He loves taking Klaus apart, and even more than that, he loves putting Klaus back together. It makes him feel good. It makes him feel good, and worthy, and valid. He loves Klaus trusting him. He loves having a certain power over Klaus. In something I’m going to be posting shortly, Diego does something to Klaus that he thinks Klaus might hate; and what Diego loves isn’t the act itself, but that Klaus will let him. Klaus will kind of let Diego do anything, and Diego, while he used to fear that, really loves that. So what does Diego love in bed? Diego loves power. Diego loves feeling good enough (better than good enough), and making his partner feel good. 
Now Klaus... Klaus loves a lot of things. It’s hard to find things Klaus doesn’t love. He loves degradation, and humiliation, and being hurt. God, he loves it when Diego hurts him, because he’s got such a competance kink, and Diego is so fucking competant. And he trusts Diego with his life. Diego will hurt him, but he will never, ever harm him. Klaus is allowed to ask for whatever weird and whacky shit he wants, because he knows that Diego will go to the ends of the earth to make it good for him, and to make it safe for him, and to make him a puddle of goo. There’s the choking, and the bondage, of course. But there’s so much more. Klaus loves to give in, and have his options taken away. And he loves the places Diego will take him.
That isn’t to say that Klaus is a bottom, only. I think most people are versatile, but have preferences. Klaus likes to bottom, and Diego likes to top. But of course, they switch it up sometimes. And when Diego bottoms, he’s still a power bottom. He pins Klaus down and rides him hard, gripping his chin, or his throat; and he makes Klaus shake, edges him, and reminds Klaus at all times who is in charge here. 
And sometimes Klaus tops him, and takes control, but that makes Diego feel very vulnerable, and takes a lot out of him. It’s hard for him to let go of that control, and it scares him, even if he won’t ever admit it. But he’ll do it, because it matters. Klaus is vulnerable with him all the time... Diego... Diego can do this, sometimes, right? [He can].
But for all that they both love kinky sex (or rather, Klaus loves it, and Diego is a service top that loves Klaus), it’s not always whips and chains. Diego learns... He really loves that soft shit. His kink? Probably the aftercare bit. And the more he fucks Klaus up, the more aftercare he’s allowed to give.
TLDR: Klaus is a pillow princess, and Diego is a service top who fucking loves taking care of his boy, and he really kinks on giving Klaus a good time, and on Klaus’ pleasure, and Klaus loves being looked after.
Anyway, as I said, I could wax poetic about this, and have a billion ideas depending on the circumstances... But this is what I headcanon as like, the most related to the show, as they are rn.
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Stuckony & Peter -- Ice Cream
First, some whining. Next paragraph is about the fic itself, so if you don’t care, don’t read this XD This is more of a weekly vent session for me, ngl. Anyway, this semester might kill me, and I’m super tired all the time and kinda worried it’ll mess with my marriage, cause when I am home, I legit don’t want to do anything other than read and watch my TV shows that Cody doesn’t care about, and I don’t particularly enjoy hanging out with him? Cause he like. Never talks to me, and only really wants to kiss and cuddle and try to makeout with me (which we still haven’t done, for various reason it’s a serious struggle for us to be physical with each other), which I generally don’t want because I just want to read and then sleep. So ya. School is killing me, my relationship is stressing me out, and I’m out the door by 7AM and then get home close to 11PM, and then have homework. Send help or mayhaps prayers my way haha.
On the story: this is weird for me, cause it’s more of a kidfic, which I’m not sure I’ve really written yet, at least not with Peter being this young (I’m thinking he’s about 6 or 7 here, though fairly articulate for a kid that young haha). It’s Stuckony, because I love watching Steve and Bucky interact with such a young Peter, and have been wanting to write a kidfic with this ship for a while now. Anyway, I got the idea from Twitter dad James Breakwell, or XPlodingUnicorn. His tweets never fail to make me laugh, and he has some quality stories haha. Look him up if you need a laugh or don’t know what I’m talking about. If my Russian is incorrect, please tell me. I’m always down for learning a new language, but holy heck my brain feels like soup and I have like 3 more months of this, so be nice to me.
Here we go, hope you like it all right :) I don’t care for the ending, but whatever I guess, I don’t have forever to make it something I like lol. I might try for more IronStrange next week, but I’m also debating trying some IronPanther, or some VLD ideas I’ve had for a while. I might also branch out so hey, it might get exciting in a bit idk.
“Daddy?” Bucky looked up when he heard his son approach.
“What’s up, Pete?” he responded.
“Could I have ice cream?” Bucky paused.
“Did you ask your dad?”
Peter was quiet for a moment before answering. “Yes.”
“What did he say?”
Another pause. “No.”
Bucky chuckled, “Okay… Did you ask Papa?”
“And what did he say?’
“All right, Peter, then why would you ask me?”
Peter stared up at Bucky, his expressive brown eyes pleading. “Because they can’t tell you what to do! You’re the Fun Daddy.”
Bucky’s mind immediately when into overdrive. On the one hand, this was definitely a trap. On the other, the fun daddy? That was a hard title to give up… But it was a trap. Ugh, but really, if Bucky wanted to give the kid ice cream, neither Steve nor Tony were there to stop him. Then again, there would be hell to pay later, especially knowing both had already told him no. But those bambi eyes were right there…
Bucky agreed.
And half an hour later, when his dad and papa came home and saw them eating half-melted bowls of ice cream and watching cartoons, he joined Peter in dropping his bowl on the counter and immediately fleeing the scene of the crime. Of course, they didn’t get far. It took Tony  zero effort to catching their squirming kid, and then it just wasn’t as fun and Steve easily grabbed a hold of him.
“Ice cream? Really, Buck?” Steve looked unimpressed.
“Seriously?” Bucky whined. “How the hell do you two manage to ignore those little puppy eyes?!”
“Easy, don’t look at them.”
“I told the kid he could have ice cream after dinner.” Steve and Tony responded at the same time. Steve looked disapprovingly at Tony, but before he could start lecturing him, too, Peter wriggled free and set off down the hall again, screaming for his “Aunt Nat”.
“Tony, he doesn’t need ice cream every night!”
“And he’s not getting it! He had cookies last night, so there!”
“Tony,” Steve groaned.
“Oh, chill, Capsicle, I was gonna give him some of Bruce’s dumb healthy frozen yogurt or whatever it is.”
Steve paused, then nodded. “That’s fine, then, but really, Bucky? What were you thinking?” Bucky glared, ripping his arm out of Steve’s grasp. “I gave him the same, you punk. I distracted him with cartoons and switched the cartons when he wasn’t looking. He was eating yogurt.”
Steve looked sheepish, and Tony and Bucky felt a surge of triumph over it.
 Of course, that quickly changed when they sat at the table after dinner that night. Peter was sitting with Natasha, happily slurping away at his bowl of ice cream while Natasha glared at the three of them, daring them to try and tell her nephew that he couldn’t have ice cream. “If you ever feed moy pauk yogurt like that again, I will not hesitate to maim you.”
“Natasha,” Steve began.
She stepped forward, somehow menacing despite the height and weight difference between the two of them. “Moy. Pauk. Malysh.”
Needless to say, they never told Peter they would give him ice cream and then switch it out for yogurt when he wasn’t paying attention. Thankfully, Pete was a good kid and liked the yogurt almost as much as the ice cream. Still, whenever Natasha was spending time on their floor, they made sure she knew the kid was getting ice cream.
It was always a good idea to have both of their spiders in good moods.
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Cookie Dough
Alright, so my original blog fallenangelofhades got terminated for some reason so I’m reposting all my prompts. This one was part two of what itsthefandommash sent me! 
Summary: Prompt fic. itsthefandommash (still freaking love this username xD) sent me two prompts. Here is the second part: Erasermight learning to make sweets, but they both kinda suck at baking "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Shouta questioned, watching Toshinori as he examined the mixture in the bowl. Toshinori only shrugged and gave a slight smile. Or, Shouta and Toshinori attempt to bake sweets but find out that they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Author's Note: So I absolutely love tumblr. I posted that I needed fluffy prompts in my life and people came through for me! I love it especially cause they didn't know who I was or what I write and they threw ideas at me and it is amazing! Thank you so much everyone! I did change it up just a bit from the prompt. Shouta knows he can't bake but still tries and kinda fails. Other words, this fic did not come out the way I thought it would and a lot shorter. It was a tad hard to write this just because I really love to bake and I fancy myself good at it. At least everyone who eats what I bake, love it and says it's really good. I constantly think how is someone bad at it? Than I remember my husband can't even cook a box of mac and cheese to save his life. Well anyway, on with the fic!
Their was a reason that Shouta practically lived off of jelly packets and simple foods. Being an underground hero who operated at night as well as a full time homeroom teacher made it extremely hard to be able to spend the time to cook. Currently, Shouta was seated at his kitchen island while Toshinori stood across from him pulling out different ingredients. It had been Toshinori's idea to make chocolate chip cookies for their students and Shouta just hoped that they turned out okay. Neither of them were like Sato, who made his own sweets for his quirk, and they were probably going to fail miserably. Shouta did hope that maybe underneath Toshinori's All Might ego that he might actually be a good baker.    Note: Cooking and Baking were two completely different things that Shouta figured out the hard way. He was a decent cook when it came to food but sweets... he was a goner. Not that he would tell Toshinori that. Toshinori wanted to bake sweet for his students than he was going to help him. The electric mixer was sitting to Shouta's other side. For whatever reason, Hizashi had an electric mixer. How a man with three separate jobs found time to use an electric mixer, Shouta would never know. When he had asked to borrow the machine, Hizashi only told him not to almost burn down his kitchen. You almost burn down your kitchen once and you never live it down apparently. In his defense, he was sixteen and alone. It's been fifteen years since then and Hizashi still tortures him with that information. His gaze followed Toshinori as he focused on putting the base ingredients into the bowl for the electric mixer. Standing up from his spot, he rounded the bar and went for the other ingredients. He eyed the recipe once more before going to work on the other part. Toshinori worked on the butter mixture while Shouta did the flour. "Why are their two types of sugars.... for cookies?" Toshinori muttered quietly as he scooped brown sugar into the bowl on top of the butter. Shouta smiled softly as he looked to the other. "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Shouta questioned, watching Toshinori as he examined the mixture in the bowl. Toshinori only shrugged and gave a slight smile. "Neither do you." Toshinori retorted. Shouta chuckled for a second. "Touche." He paused for a moment, looking between the two bowls. "Are we supposed to mix all this up in one bowl or two?" He asked, looking between the baking soda in his hand and the sugar in Toshinori's bowl. Looking up to Toshinori for a moment, Toshinori shook his head. "I think two than we combine them." Shouta huffed, reaching over and grabbing the recipe. "Why though? It seems more logical to mix everything all at once." He stated, reading over the instructions, stopping as it did say to mix them seperately before going to one bowl. Toshinori laughed for a second, turning on the mixer only for it to fling out some of the batter against them. Shouta blinked as he felt a piece hit his face. His gaze moved over to Toshinori, who gawked at him for a second before both broke down laughing. Toshinori took a second to turn the mixer down. Shouta grabbed a paper towel from the counter and wiped the butter and sugar off of his cheek and went back to his bowl. With the flour, baking soda, and salt together, he looked back to what Toshinori was doing. Toshinori was adding in the eggs and vanilla into the still mixing batter. "Okay, according to this. We mix in the flour stuff now." Toshinori said, looking between the bowl and the recipe. "You know, thank God, Hizashi gave us this recipe." Shouta rolled his eyes thinking back to when Hizashi gave it to him. Hizashi said he had dumbed down the instructions so Shouta shouldn't fail at this. He didn't say a word as he poured the flour into the bowl, not thinking as the flour hit the still moving beaters and came flying out of the bowl and getting both him and Toshinori in the face. "I'm pretty sure I was supposed to turn this off first." Toshinori said, biting his lip to try and keep his chuckles in. He reached over, swiping his finger over Shouta's hair. "You have flour in your hair." Shouta glared to him for a second. "You do too." Toshinori smirked back at him. "I have blonde hair, you can't see it as much as black hair. You literally look like a ghost right now." The older man teased. Shouta's face flushed as he grumbled. He reached over and grabbed the chocolate chips and threw them into the mixing batter. "I'm never baking again." He proclaimed. Toshinori chuckled once more. "Don't be like that, Shou." The blonde said, turning off the mixer and pulling the bowl out. "Now get over here and help me do this." He said, giving the best doe eyes he could before Shouta finally caved and walked over to the batter. The cookie set was already sitting on the oven ready for the batter. Shouta didn't say a word as he started making small little balls out of the batter and placing it on the sheet. Toshinori did the same thing, most of his being larger due to the size of his hands alone. It took them about five minutes to get all the batter rolled and onto the sheet and put into the oven. Shouta set the timer for ten minutes and went back to his spot at the island and went back to his grading. As the time past, he could smell the baking cookies. To him, it actually smelled good to him. This was his first attempt at baking and both of them had managed to get covered in flour and batter. For neither of them knowing what they were doing, Shouta thought that they might of just pulled it off. All thanks to Hizashi's 'dumbed down' instructions. God forbid if they tried it without instructions. It might of failed worse. The timer went off and Toshinori moved to get the cookies out of the oven. He paused as he pulled it out and turned to face Shouta. Shouta bit his laugh to keep from letting out the chuckle that was bubbled in his chest. "Um... okay." All of the cookies were flat like they were supposed to be but with the large rolls that Toshinori had placed down, it baked into the others surrounding them, almost completely covering the sheet and making it look like a cake. Toshinori placed the cookie sheet onto the oven and let out a chuckle of his own. "I think we accidently made a cookie cake instead." Shouta only gave a soft smile. "This is why I let Hizashi do the baking." Shouta muttered. He hopped off of the stool and went around to the oven. He carefully peeled off a chunk off of the side and took a bite. "It tastes good at least." With the piece still in his hand, he reached over and held it in front of Toshinori. The blonde leaned down and took the piece into his mouth. Making a small noise he pulled away and smiled. "Yeah, it is." Shouta turned and looked back at the supposed to be cookies. "We could always just cut them into random shapes and say good." He said with a shrug.    Toshinori grinned. "Yeah, let's do that and say it was on purpose."
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astargatelover · 5 years
Watching The da Vinci Code for the first time - A documentation
-  About to watch The da Vinci Code for the first time. It’s about 3AM. Back of the DVD says the movie’s almost 2h30 long. Will approximately be going to bed at about 6AM. I gotta be crazy.
- Back of the DVD also says (translated from German): In the middle of the night the (…) is (…) Langdon (TOM HANKS) in the (…) director was murdered. His (?) (…) that of the Vitruvian Man (…) is the first horrible clue (…) and symbols. At the risk of his life (something something) Langdon – and from then on it’s a normal description, it’s just that that part is obscured by the library stamp. So I can confidently say I totally know what’s going on in this movie! *serious nod*
- Third highlight of the back of the DVD: Ian McKellen, grumpy-looking monk dude and a guy looking like Palpatine. And the Louvre.
- Also in the movie: Some German I don’t know (but yay!) and Paul Bettany. He’s cool; I really liked him in A Knight’s Tale.
- Let’s get this show on the road!
- …gotta update my media player. One sec!
- There we go. …where’s the always-on-top button? Ah, found it! Light’s off in my room; cinema time.
- Music’s already nice in the menu.
- Audio: English. (More nice music.) Subtitles: (Hey, they have Turkish on offer!) Off.
- (They even have subtitles for the trailers. But no extras. Am miffed. What kind of bare-bones DVD is this?!)
- 20 minutes after the first “about” up there: Play movie.
- Fancy title cards.
- Dude running. He’s gonna die; I know that much.
- Paul!
- *sigh*
- Oooooh, it’s Robert. That’s a lot of applause.
- (Btw, in case you didn’t know: I have watched Angels & Demons because I love Ernesto Olivetti a crazy amount.)
- I like Robert. Awesome presentation.
- Also like Tom Hanks. He’s great.
- Accents, y’all.
- Latin? Latin. Italian? No, definitely Latin.
- Ouch. Self-flagellation. Ooooooouch. Some religious people are crazy.
- Dude, you can barely stand. I’m a sadist and I don’t want you doing that to you.
- We’re only 10 minutes in, my goodness.
- Claustrophobia! I relate to that.
- Just let the dude take the stairs.
- Wow.
- Priests.
- Have I mentioned I’m not a big fan of catholics? Nothing personal.
- Also: Autistic Langdon, symbology special interest.
- French.
- Sophie! Heard of her.
- Strange happenings.
- Oooooooooh.
- French lady. I don’t speak French.
- *window jump scare*
- We don’t trust the police guy.
- Conspiracies!
- Fuck.
- “Once he starts, he doesn’t stop.” He’s like Javert.
- Climb out the window?
- More French.
- Oooooooh! They’re so tricking them, aren’t they? They’re not dumb.
- Bye bye!
- I’m sorry for Sophie.
- (I saw that part where her grandfather got shot years ago.)
- Here we go with the anagrams.
- Eidetic memory (pretty much) - firms up my autism headcanon.
- Can you even get that close to the Mona Lisa irl?
- Tom Hanks has a really nice nose. xD
- Langdon’s so good with anagrams.
- It’s like a scavenger hunt.
- Ooh, Musketeer symbol.
- Chase music!
- Flashback with crazy meetings.
- A smart! I get to bop someone now.
- Ooh, Les Mis.
- Backwards! That’s impressive.
- She’s so gonna make it.
- She made it!
- Bye bye, mirror.
- Paul’s looking angry.
- Someone got stabbed. I sense guilt.
- More dead people.
- Holy water.
- A nun.
- A rose line.
- Is he gonna kill her? She seems nervous.
- Red light zone.
- (It’s raining outside. Kinda sets the mood.)
- You stay away from that dude, nun.
- Saving a junkie?
- (Sophie’s a really nice name, btw.)
- He rambles when he gets the chance so much. Really reminds me of special interests. (And in case anyone takes issue with that, I should know. I’m autistic. I have them.)
- My parents just watched Knightfall. Now I know some about the templars’ fall.
- Sophie didn’t know they were supposed to protect the Holy Grail? Really? Huh.
- Moooooore French.
- Please don’t die, nun.
- That’s some scar under his eye.
- Those look like some anger issues.
- It’s the grumpy-looking monk dude.
- Seriously, I understand more Latin than French.
-  “Blood is being spilled” as he’s spilling wine, that’s great.
- Freeeeeeeeeench.
- “I don’t think he liked me very much. He once made a joke at my expense.” I relate to this guy so hard on the autism level.
- It’s the German dude.
- That’s some system they’ve got at that bank.
- You call that a rose?
- I’m with Langdon here. Safe passage?
- Aww, poor guy. I’ve got claustrophobia, too, and I haven’t even got a traumatizing event behind me. (I read that somewhere.)
- I like the driver.
- A lot. Nice one with the watch.
- Langdon, you look sick. Please don’t die, y’all.
- Poor Sophie. </3 Woah.
- How tf did that truck get there?
- That bullet. Smaaart move. *thumbs up*
- Ouch.
- Bye bye again.
- Do I like the police captain? I don’t know.
- The tea convo. xD
- Is Langdon like this in the books? I hope he is.
- How old is Sophie? *googles Audrey Tatou* (Ooh, Amélie!) *checks when movie was made* ‘bout 30.
- Yaaaaaas, Ian.
- Also please don’t die.
- (Both my faves in Angels & Demons die. I’m vorbelastet and can’t find a good English word for that.)
- Jesus was cool.
- Those helmets. Feathers!
- “Not even his nephew twice removed.” xDDD
- Is that paisley? *googles* It is. Nice!
- Just in case you’re wondering, I am typing this as I watch the movie. I’m not saying I’m not missing anything, but I like multitasking.
- *googles The last Supper* Wow, no cup.
- Genital symbols.
- Wombs open towards the ground, though. People with them aren’t constantly doing handstands.
- Have I mentioned one of my favorite movies is Dogma, which postulates that Jesus had siblings? I’m liking this conversation.
- “Companion meant spouse.” My gay ass likes this.
- If that is Mary Magdalene, though, which apostle is missing? Been wondering this for years.
- Scions. I like this.
- I’m all for sex positivity.
- Your time’s kinda running out, guys.
- Almost halfway through, now.
- Do you seriously believe they’re murderers?
- Why do you wear your police thingies like a blind man’s band?
- Was overall expecting a bit more running in this movie, I guess.
- Poor Sophie. This is a lot to take in.
- Beating someone up with crutches! Yas!
- Like, ouch.
- Do you happen to have a secret passage under your house? Would come in real handy.
- Oh, Zürich! Man, accents. Barely understood that.
- Frehehench.
- In my personal experience claustrophobic people aren’t generally fans of planes. That might just be me, though.
- Still don’t know Paul’s character’s name.
- We are leaving the country.
- That haircut. On the dude with the grumpy-looking monk.
- Does Jesus having a family beside his parents somehow make him less holy? *shrug*
- Police brutality?
- “Please”? Seriously? I understood that much and you’re a dick.
- This is, like, some Order of the White Lotus stuff.
- You need a mirror? You can’t read it otherwise? Huh. Well, I guess it’s just easier.
- I really like Lee.
- How many more ways can I angrily write French? (I don’t have anything against the language per se. I just don’t understand what they’re saying and that irks me. There aren’t even subtitles for that. I feel like there are supposed to be subtitles.)
- (It is nice, however, that they’re sticking to the languages they’d actually be speaking. I wonder if it’s all German in German.)
- Yo, police. Be more subtle. You could have laid a trap.
- “You can start with him.” Hm! xD
- “I could run them over.” !! Man, this is great.
- This is like a fucking magic trick.
- You know what, I wanna watch that again.
- The DVD did not like that, so now I get to look at the “pick scene” menu. At least there’s more nice music.
- Just out of curiosity… *checks* There are 24 chapters and I’m at the 16th.
- I can understand more French when I concentrate on it, but I’ve been too annoyed about it so far.
- Never had French at school, btw. But have a bit of a talent for languages. When it comes to those I can sometimes cobble meaning together from context and existing knowledge.
- “The French cannot be trusted”, sounds so ominous.
- As a fan of Angels & Demons, I am very interested in what the Vatican has to say about all this.
- Told ya we don’t like planes.
- Naww, Sophie. Arm pat, yas.
- How do you accidentally fall into a well feet first? Hmm…
- Saved by pigeons, wow.
- Paul’s eyes are super blue.
- Is he gonna get killed?
- What an old-ass phone.
- I’m worried about that newspaper.
- How they’re keeping the identity of the teacher secret is A+, shooting-wise.
- “Your identity shall go with me to the grave.” Did he know he was gonna die?
- Nice one!
- Is the second movie this long? *checks* Not quite.
- Seriously. Unnaturally blue eyes.
- Shoot-out.
- I can kinda see where Lee’s coming from. Don’t agree with the method, but…
- Did a shoulder-shot really kill him?
- See? Nope.
- I think I do kinda like the police captain.
- Have I mentioned my attraction to side characters?
- Oh, that tiny wound on her neck. I like the attention to detail.
- And those stained glass windows! Pretty.
- His mind! Wow.
- I wanna see this scene without music and special effects, though, to see what Sophie and Lee see. Must be pretty weird. xD
- Dramatic musiiiiic.
- Police captain coming through! Yas.
- Robert’s like “What is happening?”
- Man, those poor policemen with the screaming dude in the back of the car.
- Can’t resist a challenge, can you?
- It’s hecking dark behind that doorway.
- Can they get away with getting rid of all the villains half an hour before the movie’s over?
- Now she’s all Ghost Whisperer-like.
- I like the way it sounds when she calls him Robert.
- (Doing some more googling. Ah, it’s Leigh. I see.)
- Who are these guys? Something bad’s happening.
- Flashbacks and MORE FRENCH.
- Wonder if Robert and Sophie use the formal you in German. It wouldn’t fit.
- Sophie’s world is kinda falling apart.
- (She’s like Bethany in Dogma. Don’t know if anyone here even knows Dogma, but I love it.)
- Family reunion! Who put those onions here?
- See? Robert and I agree. Why should a family make Jesus less holy?
- I really like this friendship. I hope they’ll meet again.
- Checking if she can walk on water. xD
- Hey, it’s the Eiffel tower! And it’s playing light house.
- Blood.
- What? What is it?
- Wow.
- This music is real nice.
- 7 minutes of credits.
- Again, though: The music is nice.
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