#again it feels like theyre pricing things at random
sonknuxadow · 1 year
with every new collector monster high release i become more and more convinced that theyre just deciding the prices at random because what the fuck makes fang vote rochelle worth 90 dollars when they just sold that chucky and tiffany two pack for 90 dollars and none of these dolls look like they should cost 90 dollars anyway
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juni-ravenhall · 3 months
we played the quest now and mostly its just like. all these recent quests are at the quality as if a child wrote them but that feels like an insult to child authors. imagine if any other game at this price point (!) put out main story updates at this quality and this playtime per month(s).....
more specific commentary under here
the dark riders still dont feel like actual villains or threats to me at all, due to the rushed and stupid way they were introduced after their design updates, combined with how bad the writing is. i feel like im just chewing on a tasteless gum when i play this. but thats an insult to gum. its very nothing. its neither dramatic nor funny nor meaningful in any way.
the writing and timing is so bad that nothing holds any real dramatic weight. i didnt feel anything about maya getting zapped - i assume shes fine tho??? - obviously yes its harmful to choose to hurt the lesbians rather than literally anyone else and its worth criticising bc ppl need to stop making oppressed characters suffer more than the not-oppressed, but also just the whole thing is handled so badly that i can barely even care bc its so fucking stupid that nothing holds any weight. at this point anything any of the charas says and does just feels completely empty.
like you could just have mr sands collapse to the ground from a heart attack in the middle of the dialogue and sabine say "lol loser" and it wouldnt even feel especially out of place in the current quality of writing and storytelling.
it was fun to see darko and sands again just because we have more relation to darko as a villain than any of the dark riders. the same way i am way more interested in ms drake or mr anwir (rip i guess) than i am in the dark riders bc they were sooo badly included in the story and then suddenly now theyre everywhere and talk all the time as if we know them and as if theyve been a consistent villain. i am way more interested in any other npc than in the dark riders, i have more emotional connection to ed field than i have to katja. bc they were not written into the story properly. this is a continuous frustration i have reading any main story updates.
anyway the erissa race was just.... fine. this is supposed to be a kind of mini boss moment in other games. however, due to my horse not being fed (a system that sse designed) i rode quite slow which in itself takes away drama, but also, the race just felt really.... nothing, again. its not bad... its just nothing. the floating objects in the forest were cool, and the yarn stuff is cute (tho i dont feel anything about this design bc again she and her design is just thrown at me with no buildup - like - a character having a theme that you build up a connection to, is not happening here), but it doesnt feel like an important race or like a mini boss, its just.... ok i went here and now i went there. why tho. how did this matter.
it wasnt a difficult enough race in any way that it felt like challenging gameplay (mini boss fight) and ive said before, yes sure there are 8yo players who never played a game before and need it to be relatively easy - but this can be achieved in other ways than forcing *all* players to play a really dumb easy race, and its also not consistent throughout the game - sometimes a race is randomly kinda hard, other times its something you could do blindfolded, but without any consistent relation to where when and why the race takes place.
normally in games, battles/races/whatever would get more and more challenging as the story goes on, as levels go up, as new mechanics get introduced, as player skill and experience grows.
but yeah i just really hate the story quests at this point. theyre empty. theyre badly written. they are forgettable and dont hold the dramatic weight theyre supposed to. they feel random and disconnected from the rest of the game we played until a couple years ago. the characters and stuff are just handled so badly. the story and lore is confusing and hard to understand. its a mess.
all of this would be fine if sso was a game you play for free. it would be fine if it was a game that cost 10 dollars. it would be fine if it had microtransactions that were like, 1-3 dollars here and there, not 30 dollars here and there to afford two items or one horse or whatever.
i wouldnt judge it so harshly for this bad quality in the story quests (the writing, the storytelling and lore, the characters, the gameplay, the animations, the models and designs, the feeling of making progress as a player....) if the game was overall as cheap as its quests are.
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timkonshipper · 8 months
How I imagine Ash’s relationship with his friends to be(Part 2):
Ash and dawn are the ultimate wing(wo)men: They love to hype each other up, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t equally tease and make fun of one another. Dawn loves to try new food with Ash and to her Ash and Brock are basically her big brothers. They’re very touchy-feely with one another but everything is completely platonic/familial. It’s just reassuring for them to know that they have the other with them. 
My hc is that Ash has chronic pain which flares up in cold climates. Gary is Ash’s no. 1 support in that regard but sinnoh is cold af. Whenever the pain is too much for him to handle, ash and dawn curl up together with all of their pokemon. Brock is usually too busy to join but whenever he has the time, he automatically joins in. 
Dawn mostly keeps her hair down but whenever they have time to spare, Ash loves to test out new hairstyles on it. 
Note: Ash showers his friends with gifts because he has a ton of money to spare. If he sees something and thinks that one of them would like it, he could care less about the price. 
Ash isn’t super duper close with Iris and Cilan mainly because he had a lot on his plate in Unova. He was too caught up with working on himself to develop very deep bonds with them. That doesn’t mean theyre not close friends however. They talk somewhat regularly and keep up with each other's accomplishments. Ash and Iris bicker a lot but when it's really important, they can comfort each other just as well. Cilan is like their eccentric uncle who they love but do not want to be seen with in public. 
Ash and Clemont are best buddies: Clemont is super smart however he does have a couple of self esteem issues. Ash has no qualms in absolutely destroying them all and showering Clemont with praise and affection. Ash was Clemont's bi awakening but there’s nothing romantic between the two. Ash battled quite innovatively in Kalos partly because he loved hearing Clemont be in awe of them. They have deep convos over call but their chat is full of random memes and jokes or just things that reminded them of each other. 
Ash and Serena have an older brother-little sister bond dynamic as well: Serena’s crush was not as fullblown as it was in the show. She did have lingering feelings in the beginning but they faded out over time. Ash was a major part of her growth and development as a person. Serena’s character arc in the anime is absolutely amazing. She learns how to be confident and love herself. It wasn’t lightning fast because earlier on she only did it so that Ash would be impressed. But then she begins to understand that she wants to be someone that she can be proud of. 
Shauna sends her into a lesbian panic but Ash helps her sort out her feelings. Ash was basically her guide into the real world and helped her become her own person. Similarly, when Ash was in a funk she helped bring him out of it and taught him the lesson that he had taught her. 
Ash and Kiawe are rivals that are 100% gay for each other. Ash found it amazing that someone had a passion to rival that which he had for pokemon. 
Ash is instrumental in Lillie’s development until she reaches a point where she becomes the main person behind her own growth. Ash was the proudest of them all when she could finally touch pokemon again. He is the biggest shipper of mallow and lillie and tries to make it become a reality. 
Ash and Lana are high on life: Ash is sarcastic and cynical with Lana in a way that he stays true to himself but still manages to both have fun and get rid of repressed trauma. 
Ash and sophocles are texting buddies: They don’t talk a lot separately and stick to groups, but it would take a day to scroll up through their hours worth of messages. They bounce ideas off on another and talk about everything and nothing at the same time. 
Ash really likes Goh but their friendship is still quite new and still developing. Goh doesn’t take criticism well so Ash has to make sure that whatever he means isn’t taken the wrong way. They’re learning and defining boundaries, but Ash doesn’t mind the time it’ll take cuz he’s mainly relaxing and exploring more. Sure the world championship is nice but until the final stretch comes, he still has a lot of free time on his hands.
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quodekash · 1 year
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because of them, im now gonna start sobbing every time someone throws a peace sign at me
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my boy is having many thoughts. none of them good.
I can hear his crisis and him blaming himself because now he thinks it's his fault that sailom's gonna get beat up, and he's sad for himself that he doesn't have a reason to spend time with sailom anymore, and now his grandma's gonna be disappointed in him for failing something, and there's definitely some thoughts in the mix there about his dad and the bike he bought him and kang is so certain he doesn't deserve the bike, I could go on but I wont because I would like to finish this episode before the sun rises and currently that doesnt seem all too likely
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well DUH
YOU COULD SEE IT FROM MARS (and now im thinking about soundwin. frick.)
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tell him
tellllll himmmmmm
tell him he lent the umbrella to youuuuu
and you've treasured it forever perhaps?
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chances are either the bus or Kang's car is gonna show up before he'll get it out, bUT ONCE AGAIN, LET ME BASK IN THIS RARE MOMENT OF GLORY AND POWER
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I know it's super cliche and everyone probably saw that coming but I dont care, im gonna let myself feel almighty powerful
I just. I will never understand why they dont just like quickly tell the person before leaving. or like yell at him while getting on the bus. OR EVEN text him while on the bus, immediately after getting on. that's what id do, cos if I dont tell them right then and there, I guarantee you I will forget to ever tell them, and then it'll keep me up at night for ages but never at a moment where I actually think about telling them, and then three or four years later ill finally tell them and it'll be so insignificant by then but it doesnt matter because I FINALLY TOLD THEM THE THING
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I really hope he remembers to give at least one of those umbrellas back to kang
mans is not waterproof, he needs an umbrella
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respect for auto just went down down prices are down
crypto? seriously honey?
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I hate sports days so much
thankfully id always be allowed to just not go to school instead of being forced to participate in athletics and swimming carnivals and cross country and stuff, and I will be forever grateful to my parents for that
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they're in love btw
just in case anyone forgot
I didn't forget
I can't forget about them
my brain wont allow it
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two things to say here
one: view, please marry me
two: kang and sailom definitely have the same responsibilities
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just KISS
I can't deal with the longing stares anymore
im like 80% certain they wont kiss this episode but I so badly want them to
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....but (hehe butt)
I think kang might pull some strings to end up in the same department as sailom? maybe??
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IM DYING, THERE'S A MARC AND A PAVIN (which sounded like pawin)
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ooooo he is listening to their conversationnnnnn
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(we're getting so many cheesy cliches right after each other and I am so here for it, I love this so much)
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now kiss
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he needs money to pay off his debts, so... he's gonna take a job offer from the guy he pays his debts to? feels kinda pointless, right?
also in this series, pepper reminds me of tor, specifically in midnight museum, so part of my mind thinks hes gonna offer him a job at the museum
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as someone who sprained an ankle a little over a month ago, I have some points to make
namely: saifah is right. the first 72 hours are the most important, as long as you're resting it, keeping it elevated, icing it, compressing it, you'll be all good to walk on it in no time. after that, you need to make sure you're still taking care of it, like by wearing a compression sock all the time, and not walking on it too much if it starts hurting, stuff like that. that's the part I didnt do. I took care of it for three days, then kept walking on it like nothing happened, and it's still really painful sometimes, it never properly healed, but like it's fine im surviving
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there's nothing wrong with the work he's doing, it's just the fact that he's still a kid and thats a 50 year old man
on another note, I ran out of bloody images AGAIN
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floralbfs · 4 years
#in irl class!! workshop!!! whatever!!!#ive been feeling so bad bc i never know who to talk to or what to do abt other people and stuff but. I THINK I HAVE FRIENDS NOW#it sounds rly rly stupid but aaaaaaaaa im so happy#i befriended the only other girl in my class and a super tall guy and a guy that was in my history team last semester#and aaaaaa theyre really nice#idk if im being too weird and ill make them think im weird and they wont want to be my friends but aaaaaaaaa#today was rly fun!!!!!! the things we made were rly cool and i spent the whole class talking to my new friends and stuff!!!! it was amazing!#n im going to sleep now but aaaaaaa im rly happy🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺#also my queue is almost completely empty😭😭😭😭 ive not been here a lot bc anxiety has consumed me and i barely do anything besides school#related stuff jsfjsbdnsbf so i havent like queued a lot of things and now im paying the price rip#might just go back to not having a queue and rbing ten thousand posts ten minutes per day and disappearing the rest of the time sjfbsndb#but maybe not sjfbsnfbsn#i'll try filling up my queue again dnfbsndb it's almost the weekend!!! tho tomorrow i need to write down the thousand econ slides bc if i#dont ill get behind bc last class i didnt make notes and if i dont do them tomorrow then i wont b able to do tomorrow class's notes#and it will be a never ending cycle of not making notes that will drag me into a pit of despair skfbnsbd (´-﹏-`;)#ok im going to sleep now!!!! i already forgot what this post was about#OH im rly happy abt new friends im excited <3#also a guy started texting me out of nowhere on tuesday during algebra (we share the class) and then he stopped texting me when class ended#tho idk if the conversation just died on its own but it was legit so random/weird sjbdsbbf he's rly nice and he was like my friend's crush#for the longest time but im still confused as to why he texted me‚‚‚‚ djbdbsbdbs maybe he'll text me again during tomorrow's class who knows#ok gn y'all it's been a while since i last posted on here (like what two days? two hours?) aside from queue wow :o jsbdjsbd love yall#im just lurking tho i guess i rly haven't been on here 😞 i know like nobody cares and stuff dnbfjsbd but i'll try to be here more again!!!!#ok ok good night all <3#honey talk
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pricemarshfield · 4 years
hmmm how About 001+lucifer, and 003+emily davis
this got long so sorry fndnnd. cant put in a cut on mobile but i’ll tag/go back and edit
001 - lucifer
favorite character: lucifer!!! i ADORE him. maze is a very very close second though
least favorite character: the goddess and pierce are tied for ���would punch irl even though i would die” ♥️
5 favorite ships: deckerstar (if the 70k fic didn’t give that away), chlaze, lucifer x eve (they had some good scenes even if long term would NOT work), mazifer, and douchifer. yes i love lucifer morningstar a lot why do you ask
character i find most attractive: maze but lucifer gives me comphet so take that as you will
character i would marry: MAZE!! MY LOVE!! i am not cool enough for her but i long to give her unconditional support
character i would be best friends with: ella, no contest.
a random thought: the only real problems i have with (post-s1) story, minor as they are, are pacing. fix the pacing of s3 and it’s literally incredible
unpopular opinion: s3 is good it just should have been paced differently...s3a about the sinnerman drama and s3b about pierce, lets the tension build, has the cain reveal be genuinely dramatic, cut unnecessary filler...yeehaw
canon otp: DECKERSTAR. i would die for them
non-canon otp: CHLAZE! i WILL die for them
most badass character: chloe shooting michael made me ascend so even tho there are literal angels and demons it’s her
pairing i am not a fan of: i mean no one likes chloe/pierce but that fndndn. i also am not really into lucifer/ella but theres nothing WRONG with it, to each their own
character i feel the writers screwed up: while i DO feel like maze’s motivations in s5a make sense, they didn’t pace it right so it felt like they were just rehashing her betrayal plot AGAIN rather than her being desperate for a soul and willing to do anything for it. like i said above: Pacing
favorite friendship: maze & ella is SUCH a good dynamic whether romantic or platonic
character i want to adopt or be adopted by: trixie and charlie are both fine but i would LOVE to be the babysitter for either. you get to the job and expect to get paid like $20 but you make $300, discover god is real, and probably make friends with ella!
003 - emily davis
how i feel about this character: ice queen of my heart, shares the group braincells with sam but also has her own, competent and deserved better both in-game and in-fandom
all the people i ship romantically with this character: ashley, jess, and sam. she is a lesbian
my non-romantic otp for this character: she and matt were unintentional beards and could be PEAK mlm/wlw solidarity
one thing i wish had happened in canon: let her talk to jess after everything please god
het ship: no ♥️
femslash ship: all of them basically but i’ve been in a huge ashley/emily mood as of late
my otp: emjess is godtier
my ot3: ashemjess...
my crossover ship: emily davis and chloe price would be ve— *spontaneously combusts*
my kink: she goes to therapy
a headcanon/fact: SHE IS A LESBIAN
my genderbend: i didn’t see this part and will not do that bc theyre transphobic
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funkyfatbabe · 5 years
i really wanted to do this makeup questionnaire!! you could say i was tagged by @cacupid (but not really dshjka) so here i am 🥰🥰🥰
What foundation/concealer do you use? 
currently i dont use a concealer bc i havent found one i like and i feel like concealer generally looks a bit cakey on me since i like light coverage, but i use the Too Faced Born this Way Foundation in the shades snow and cloud (mixed together) although i’m thinking of looking into the new Fenty Pro Filt’r Hydrating Longwear Foundation since I know they have my shade (tried the matte formula) and I would rather support Fenty than Too Faced! Not gonna try it till ive used up all of my BTW though 🥰
What do you think of fake eyelashes?
i think they can look super pretty! but i also dont like using them myself bc i have deepset eyes and they generally cover all my eyeshadow ! i will use them if im doing a campy / editorial sort of look but im so bad at applying them its barely worth it sometimes fhadsjfak 
What makeup tools do you use in makeup application?
I use mainly a brush set i got from BH cosmetics which are great quality as well as some Ecotools brushes i got from Coles. i also use a cheap makeup sponge i got from kmart bc it does the job and its ridiculous to spend $30 on a sponge that is no different than cheaper sponges!! 
What makeup do you currently wear every day?
i don’t wear makeup everyday but when i do and its not like a ~special~ look i generally use no primer (besides moisturiser), the foundation I mentioned set with my Australis HD Translucent Loose Setting Powder which I’ve only just started using and i like it so far, really finely milled! for my brows i use my Rimmel Wonder’full Brow Gel in 003 Dark Brown since it darkens my brows perfectly bc if I do it too much I look like a neanderthal lmao (love that deep set eye prominent brow bone combo). For eye shadow I generally use my Anastasia Beverly Hills Norvina palette or my BH Cosmetics Love Signs palette followed by my Elf H2O Proof Eyeliner Pen (not the greatest eyeliner but since i only do wings and dont fully line my eye it works for me!) I then curl my lashes and apply the Benefit Roller Lash Mascara (the sample sizes last so long). If I’m doing blush it’ll be my Revlon Insta Blush Stick in Nude Kiss or Maybelline Fit Me blush in Rose! Finally i’ll generally use one of my NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams since I find them super comfy and set with Morphe Continuous Setting Mist!!
What do you think of makeup?
I enjoy makeup as a way to express myself creatively since i suck at traditional art lol but i also think it can be dangerous and that the current insta glam makeup that is trendy now is dangerous - no one can look that perfect!!! i also think it fosters self esteem issues with much of the marketing bc thats how they make money, by shaming people!! i also hate when im expected to wear makeup i think its a problem when it gets to that point where someone has literal anxiety about being bare faced, like it can really be traumatic ! also the trend of having tons of makeup i mean that shits expensive and you really dont need that much, it shouldnt be normalised AGH. i also hate how a lot of brands sexualise their products which theyre promoting to young girls !! its disgusting!!! dont call your mascara better than sex or your blush orgasm i get so heated over this, they shouldnt think to use makeup to make them ~sexy~ theyre young girls this makeup makes them look like theyre in their 20s they shouldnt be worrying about their appearance in this way theyre kids AGH
  What cosmetic products have you always wanted to try but still haven’t?
I really wanna try some colourpop products, nothing in particular but i hear their quality is great for the price and if that doesnt draw me in idk what does!
How often do you shop for makeup?
not very often, i usually buy makeup if i need to replace a staple in my routine, or if i see a palette i really like and am in the financial position to buy it / can’t dupe it with my current collection
Who are your favorite bloggers/vloggers?
i LOVE Smokey Glow and Nisipisa, they’re great if youre looking into makeup with a critical anti-consumerism eye
Do you like multifunctional products like lip and cheek stains?
yes! i use my cream blushes for lip stains sometimes and they look very nice 
Do you subscribe to any beauty boxes?
nope! idk if there are any in australia and id rather just buy stuff i want than buy random things that i might not even like
Favourite recent beauty buy?
probably my Sugarpill Fun Size palette! the colours are so unique, but i was rly disappointed in the shade Twitch it under-performed compared to the rest :(
All-time favourite beauty item?
probably my BTW Foundation bc it was the only foundation I’ve ever used that doesn’t sink into my pores and cling to my dry patches
Any beauty brands you won’t support?
Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Kat Von D, Kylie Cosmetics, KKW Beauty, most influencer brands, Huda Beauty, Limecrime, Morphe (when I finish my setting mist I won’t be buying again)
I tag anyone who wants to do this! i dont really know anyone on here so just go for it  💖 sorry that this doesnt make heaps of sense i struggled putting my thoughts into words haha
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part I
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*Hi everyone! First, I need to shoutout @hellosupernaturaldoctor​  for giving me advice and the confidence to even attempt this. This is my very first time writing any fan-fiction and the first time I’ve decided to post any of my writing some place other than a word doc. I’ve had this idea for this story since mid-season of the Mayans, and after the finale I put all my thoughts into a story. It starts off slow, but I promise what I have in store next will be worth it! PS, Any feedback is appreciated! - This story takes place a few months after the season one finale. Ez is now a newly patched in member, Alvarez is still working for Galindo; things have been quiet as of late, well for the most part.*
It’s a Friday afternoon, I’m just getting off of work. It’s hot as fuck outside – guess that’s the price you pay when you live in the desert. I lazily gather my purse from the backroom, before I step foot outside, I redo my hair. What was once a cute pony tail this morning has turned into a mangled mess. As my luck would have it, my hair tie snaps as soon as I go to wrap it around a third time. “Fuck.” I mumble to myself. I always wear an extra hair tie on my wrist, but I cannot have a naked wrist. “Fine, a mangled mane I will have. It’s fine, it’s fine.” I whisper to myself. If I don’t leave here now, I will lose all sanity I have left. Man, what a shit show day today has been, this heat must be getting to the kids. Two broken wrists, a broken arm, a no helmet incident and a random summer cold. I didn’t get puked or shit on, and no kid attempted to kick or hit, so I call today’s shit show a success. Just as I’m about to leave, one of my co-workers stops me, “Leah, good work today. You kept that broken arm kid really calm. Keep it up.” Elena tells me with a smile. “Thanks, Elena. I’m just doing my job, but I always welcome feedback, so thanks again.” I say to her as I head out the back door. It’s 4:30pm, I’ve been on the clock since 6am, one would think I deserve to simply go home and use my complex’s pool – oh one can dream. But nope, I’m still on the clock but I guess you could call this gig more of an always “on-call” service.
I pull up in my old school blacked out Jeep Grand Cherokee about twenty minutes after I leave the clinic to the Romeo Brothers Scrapyard, also known as the headquarters for the Mayans MC.  
Chucky greets me, per usual. “Greetings Nurse Aleeah.” He says to me with a big smile and a salute. I let out a giggle as I always do whenever someone says my full name…I rarely ever go by it, but around here, I hear it more than I have in years. But Chucky, oh Chucky– how does one describe a chronic masturbator who has a good heart and is part of the biker world without truly being a biker? I guess I just did, didn’t I? “Hey Chucky, how are you?” I ask as I park and exit my Jeep. “I am well, swell actually. I have no complaints today.” Chucky answers with a big smile. “Good, I’m glad to hear that.” I say as I give his arm a friendly squeeze. “The boys need your assistance, I don’t know details but clearly someone got messed up hence why you are here.” Chucky explains in typical Chucky fashion.I roll my eyes as I stand in front of the clubhouse. “It’s always something with these boys, huh?” I rhetorically ask. Chucky nods his head and heads back to the office. I walk up the steps and take a deep breath before I enter the clubhouse. This club is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the fuck you’re going to get so it’s best you just grin and bear it. Is it just a cut from a broken beer bottle? Did a fight break out and there is blood everywhere? A bullet wound? A stabbing wound? A rat bite? Like I said, you just never know. I open the doors and pray today is nothing major. “Have no fear, your favorite RN is here.” I announce as I enter the clubhouse and strike a pose in the doorway.  “Umm, isn’t it RN BSN?” Riz corrects as he stands and greets me. “Have I told you that you’re my favorite?” I reply with a playful wink and smile, it does make me truly happy that these guys acknowledge and are proud of my accomplishments. “Hola Aleeah.” Riz says to me while we greet with a warm hug, per usual. “Hey, I spy my favorite nurse!” Gilly shouts from across the room. Creeper, Hank and Taza also wave from the card table. “Greetings gentlemen, you all seem to be in one piece.” I say as I mosey around the few tables between me and the guys. “Although that pleases me, who is the one who called up 1-800-Rescue Nurse?” I sarcastically spit, which receives some laughs from the guys. “They’re in church.” Hank points towards the door. “They? Plural?” I ask looking at Riz, and he nods to confirm. “Jesus Christ.” I say palming my face. “Lee Baby!” Coco shouts from exiting church and walking over to me with open arms. “Ah, Coco Loco.” I reply with a smile and we hug. “How are you doing, Coco?” I ask after we break our embrace. “A lot better than your next two victims.” He replies, him not making much eye contact and that just gives it away – I know automatically who my victims are. “You gotta be kidding me? They got into it again?!” All Coco does is nod and look down at the floor. “How bad?” I ask. “What do you mean? How bad do they look? Or how bad is it between them?” Coco asks me. I shake my head with disgrace. I angrily take my steps towards church and I aggressively open the door. “Damn, she is pissed.” I hear Creeper’s echo as I close the door, as soon I enter the room. Looking at the table, I see them. One is at one end, the other one on the opposite end. I drop my nurse’s bag on the table and cross my arms. “You two have some damn nerve - getting into it again. Jesus. You’re fucking brothers, you are blood – blood don’t do this shit.” I yell with anger and confusion. Silence fills the air as the guys look at each other and up at me. Bishop then looks over to me and quirks an eyebrow and half smile. “Excuse my poor manners, Bish. Your boys tend to make me lose all sanity I have left at the end of a work week.” I tell him as I walk over and give him a warm embrace. “Oh Leah, you’re fine. I know this shit has been out of control recently.” Bishop pauses and looks over to the guys. He takes a deep breath. “I’ll let you handle them now. I’ll be outside if you need a referee.” Bishop exits and I just stand there, crossed arms again. Both boys refuse to look me in the eye, but instead stare each other down. “Are you just going to stand there?” Angel seethes. I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Give me one good reason as to why I should fix the both of you up? Huh? Because as I see it, this is the fourth time this month…THIS MONTH!  Angel, please, humor me and explain to me why the fuck I should tend to your wounds yet again? Maybe if I let you both be, you’ll learn these fights aren’t worth it.” I take a deep breath myself, and I run my hand through my tangled hair, which I then end up putting up in a pony tail right after, I’ll just have to remember to find another hair tie to wear on my wrist later.   “Alright, I’m sorry I went off. You two, you two just frustrate me.” I say holding my hands up mimicking a surrender. I take another breath and look between the boys. My gaze is drawn to EZ, probably because he’s the easier one out of the two. “Okay, EZ, I see that nasty cut on your cheek, oh and your hand – good going big brother.” I say as I look over to Angel. He looks away the moment I look his way. “Shocker, EZ gets to be first yet again.” Angel chirps. “Seriously?” I snap. “I’m over here fucking bleeding, I could be dying but all you and anyone ever cares about is Ezekiel.”   “Shut it Angel, just shut it, please.” I beg. I start to tend to EZ’s war wounds; some cuts, a nasty one on his cheek – I’m guessing Angel’s rings got the best of him this time around. EZ, he doesn’t say much this time I’m here. I know that he feels the same way as me – he’s tired of this back and forth shit with his brother. “EZ, no more. It’s one thing when you all call me to take a bullet out, or to give a rabies shot, but this shit – playground fights, I’m done.” I explain as I place the last bandage strip to his cheek. EZ doesn’t make eye contact, and his jaw is clenched. His knees shaking. “I know, Lee. I’m sorry you’re doing this again.” EZ tells me as he finally meets my eyes for the first time. EZ, he’s easy to read. He wears his emotions in his eyes, his eyes right now are filled with pain and sadness. This whole feud with Angel, it’s taken a toll on everyone in this club. It’s been almost eight months of this fuckery. “Remove the bandage Sunday night, it needs about 48 hours to heal. If you feel the need to remove it beforehand, clean it thoroughly. Have some of your favorite tequila tonight, and you will be good.” I tell EZ as I throw away the things I used to care for him. “Thanks, Lee.” He says as he kisses me on the cheek and walks somberly out of church. My heart aches for EZ, because the pain – physical and emotional is all over his face and body. Angel hasn’t taken his eyes off of the wall nor has he spoken. I slide my bag down the table as I slowly make my way towards him. Rubber gloves are on, and I grab his face. “Let’s see your damage.” I say, like a dog would when a human goes to check their mouth for something, Angel gives me a little tension as I touch his face. Again, no eye contact. A look of annoyance screams from his expression. I see a nasty cut on the side of his head, by his eye – a sensitive area which bleeds more than most. A black eye is also forming. “Jesus Christ, Angel.” I say examining the cut a little further. “This has to stop. I’m begging. I cannot deal with looking at you two like this, because my fear is that one day, I’m going to be too late to help any of you.” “What if it is?” He spews. I scoff, “No more.” Is all I manage to say. I take out an alcohol swab to clean out his cut. “This is going to sting, on the count of three – one, two, three.” I say as I then put the swab against the cut. A loud hiss comes from Angel and an instant reaction of mine is to grab his face and blow lightly at the cut, helping the sting not be so painful. Angel’s eyes then lock with mine, a look of shock and confusion fill his brown eyes. Angel and I, we’ve had a very interesting relationship since I first came to Santo Padre. He gave me an attitude and I gave it right back – he seemed more pissed off when I talked back than just walking away, and the more I talked back, the more tension built up between us. We started out on the wrong foot, and that’s how we have remained. He lets me care for him, depending on the time of day. Sometimes he lets his girlfriend, well I think she’s his girlfriend, Adelita, clean him up. Today, for whatever reason, he stuck around the clubhouse. I continue to blow on his wound, and I wince back in pain for him because I know it had to sting like a bitch. “Uhh, sorry. It’s a habit of mine, when I treat the kids, I have to do this; they hate it too, so that technique helps them...” I ramble and look away because I sense a bit of embarrassment, as I’ve never been “nice” to Angel. I look and reach back at the table to grab what I need next, just as I turn to face Angel again, I notice a very small smile on his face. “What?” I question, because seeing him smile legit concerns me. “It’s nothing, Leah.” He says monotone and lets me continue working on him. A few more minutes go by, and I determine that he doesn’t need any stitches, just a little butterfly work on one of his eyebrows. “Okay, that’s all. No stitches today, that cut on the side of your face, it’s a sensitive area that bleeds more than most. Your eyebrow cut, it’s an awkward cut – it’s ugly but not ugly enough for stitches. My only request is when you clean it out, could you please use both water and soap?” I emphasize. I know how these guys operate. They either use a dirty rag or tap water to clean themselves up. I turn to clean up my stuff and Angel lets out a minor laugh, which catches me off guard. I look at him and quirk an inquisitive look. Angel stands up, he turns behind his chair and lightly pounds his fist to the back of it. “You sounded just like my ma.” He tells me, in the softest voice I have ever heard Angel speak in. I offer him a small smile as I already know what that history is. Angel leaves church, and per usual no other words are spoken, no thank you’s, nothing. I stay behind a few more moments and collect my thoughts and belongings. I hear the door open, at first I’m startled but relieved it’s just Bishop. “How we doin’, sweetheart?” He asks. I let out a very deep sigh and my facial expression tells my feelings of this whole ordeal. Bishop can’t help but laugh, “I know, Lee. I know.” He tells me as he pulls me in for a hug. “I just need to go home and lay in bed and watch a trashy romcom.” I exclaim as I grab my bag. “I think you’ve deserved that, but before you go – you have a visitor.” He tells me. A look of a deer in the head-lights flashes across my face, who the hell could be visiting me? “Just come with me.” Bishop motions for me to take his hand and follow him. Nerves take over, with the Club, you never know what can happen. As I exit the room, I see the guys scattered all over the clubhouse yet all eyes are on me. “Your visitor is the biggest pain in my ass, so make it quick.” Bishop says, but I catch his playfulness I his voice and I look to the bar and I see who Bishop is talking about – Marcus Alvarez.
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coffeeandyoongi · 6 years
BTS reaction: they tell the paparazzi they are dating you.
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You two just really enjoyed each other’s company. There was no need to go on a fancy date since you could enjoy the most domestic things as if it was an amusement park. That said, you would usually do a lot of things together, but your personal favourite had always been grocery shopping. There was no particular reason behind it, it just made you happy. Seokjin wearing the most casual clothes he had at the back of his wardrobe, barefaced and with eyes just for you.
In the grocery store, you would always buy the essentials and then spend some time wandering around, joking, you trying to sneak some snacks inside the shopping cart and Seokjin finding out, followed by a playful scold from him.
You wouldn’t usually come across paparazzi since you made sure to go out really early in the morning and that made you feel safe from any non-wanted attention. 
Seokjin was in the middle of telling a bad pun about the vegetables when you noticed in the corner of your eye a dark figure moving rather quickly to hide behind some stall. It was a man with a camera. You turned around, your back now facing Seokjin and started walking away from him. He stopped laughing and followed you from a really short distance when he noticed you were trying to get away from him.
“Was my joke that bad?” He asked looking hurt. “’Cause it’s really early and my jokes start to get better by ten or eleven a.m.”
“Your puns are always cheesy, not bad,” you commented under your breath, “but there’s a paparazzi behind the stall and-”
Seokjin interrupted you mid-sentence and grabbed your shoulders softly. He leaned down so his face was at the same level of yours and kissed your forehead. His lips stayed there for more time than necessary and then he backed away. There was a soft smile on his face, which you returned.
“It was time for everyone to know how happy you make me. That also means goodbye to our early trips to the grocery store and hello to afternoon dates. How does that sound?”
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Something that you absolutely loved about Yoongi was how hardworking he was. The few times he had opened up about his feelings and past relationships, he mentioned how some people had felt neglected by the amount of time he spent in the studio. You weren’t one of them.
You made sure to show your support and to show you were always cheering for him, so you would visit him frequently and sometimes you would even drag him to get some food in his system. Yoongi would always say something like “my music is my food, but I could have something tasty now that you mention it...”
Today you convinced him to try the new smoothie shop right across the street. There was something about it. It looked bright and colourful, and the smoothies had sugar, Yoongi would need that if he planned on staying up until late as he did. 
The little twinkle of the bell greeted you as you walked into the store, dragging Yoongi inside by his hand. You were ready to leave with your drinks in hand when you noticed the big mass of people with cameras outside. You automatically turned around and acted as if you weren’t with Yoongi, looking for something inside your purse. He looked at you with knotted eyebrows while slurping his smoothie. He asked what was wrong.
“The paparazzi. Go back to the studio and I’ll meet you there in a few.”
Yoongi was having none of that. If you asked him, it was pretty annoying to be constantly hiding you. He was proud of the person he chose to be with and it made no sense to be covering that up.
“Let’s sit down,” he softly offered.
He sneaked his finger under your chin and lifted your face a little. “Let’s sit down, right there on that table you told me it had a nice view and all that stuff.”
Your hand was wrapped by his in a second as he led you to said table. Once you two were in front of each other, he smiled and raised his eyebrows at your shocked face.
“This way, we have a nice view, and the paparazzi can take pictures of you; let the world know who makes me happy.”
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The mall wasn’t such a romantic date according to Hoseok. He insisted on taking you to a nice dinner and maybe a walk, but being honest? You just wanted to be with him. He always made everything enjoyable and special, so you didn’t really care about the place as long as he was there.
Hoseok made sure to wear his mask and sunglasses so your date wouldn’t get interrupted by anything. That was the main reason why you usually wouldn’t go out. He didn’t like the idea of you in the middle of the paparazzi or fans. The whole scenario was always crazy and hectic, he didn’t want you to stress because of it. Nevertheless, he figured it out that if he was careful enough and wore the right attire, no one would recognize him in the middle of the crowd. 
You were enjoying talking with him about nothing in particular, the way he would sneak his phone out of his pocket and snap a picture of you and how you two just entered to random stores and looked for the ugliest outfits to try them on and laugh about how silly you looked.
But while you were sharing an ice cream, a hint of light called your attention. There was a man with his camera aiming to Hoseok. Quick enough, you hid behind a couple that was passing by, but Hoseok’s grip made you stop your tracks.
“Where are you going?” He asked with a worried face.
“There’s a paparazzi right there and I-”
His eyes temporarily travelled to the man standing just meters away from you, but then returned to yours. He then pulled up the ice cream cone to your nose, staining it, and kissed the dirty zone with a smug smile.
“Let’s enjoy our date, huh? With that photo, the man has what he needs and we don’t have to be hiding anymore.”
You were so surprised that Hoseok had to call your name a few times for you to follow him since he had already grabbed your bags and was walking away to continue the day.
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He had always wanted to take you on a traditional date. His life as an idol wouldn’t let him take you out to a nice dinner or to the movies and that’s something he yearned for since he debuted. 
An aquarium seemed like a good idea. It was dark, romantic and you certainly had a good time together. You took some photos with the tanks lighted up by the neon lights and enjoyed food while watching what the place had to offer.
At the end of the aquarium, there was a small gift shop that you were dying to visit, so he followed you. While checking the price of the sea turtle plushies, Namjoon heard a little snap behind the glass door of the shop. He didn’t really give it a lot of thought but then there was too much noise outside to ignore it. He turned around and observed the paparazzi practically compressed against the glass, trying to get photos of him. His eyes looked for you, because he knows how intense it can get if a lot of people notice him, but you weren’t by his side. He returned the plushie back on the shelf and turned around to find you trying to hide behind the postcards. 
“What are you doing there?” He asked, still from his spot.
“I- so they won’t see me. Let’s meet at the coffee shop that’s next to the dorms? You can go first, I’ll go in a minute.”
“Absolutely not,” he grumbled as he walked towards you.
Namjoon snaked his arm around your neck and pulled you by his side, completely displaying you in front of the paparazzi. You were paralysed as the people went wild behind the glass. Namjoon was just glad that pictures with flash weren’t permitted inside the aquarium because he was certain they would’ve temporarily blinded you if they were. 
“I’ve finally found someone worth this nightmare, and you want to hide behind some postcards? Yeah, not gonna happen,” Namjoon sighed and tenderly squeezed your shoulder. 
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Taehyung tried really hard to keep you entertained everywhere you went. He always provided his full enthusiasm and smiles to whatever you were doing. He wasn’t really interested in doing something fancy or over the top because he found the most casual locations, like a coffee shop or maybe walking in the park, the best way to actually be comfortable and have a great time with you.
And it was always a mess when you two got loose. Something regularly happened. May it be one of you falling and hurting your knee, or accidentally dropping food over your clothes because you were fooling around with each other. May it be anything, Taehyung would take a photo of it for his “happy accidents album.”
You decided to go for a walk in the park because it was beautiful in spring and the weather was too nice to waste the day inside. After walking for a while, you sat on the swings and talked for what it seemed hours. There was a point when Taehyung got up and started to gently push your back. After a few pushes, you had gained some height in the air and noticed some paparazzi not far away from the playground zone of the park. They were getting nearer and you panicked.
“Tae, stop!”
Immediately, he grabbed the chains of the swing and you almost fell with on your knees because of the sudden action. In your mind, and most likely in real life as well, Taehyung was pouting and confused. An uncomfortable feeling bloomed in your chest.
“There's paparazzi. I have to go now,” you explained already getting up, but Taehyung’s hand on your shoulder taped you in place. “Tae-”
He walked around the swing and stood in front of you. The men with cameras were already there with their devices ready.
“Let them know,” he simply said as he leaned down and kissed your cheek. 
As if nothing had happened, Taehyung returned to his former place and pushed you again. You could only imagine how your face looked in those photos the men were taking.
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(this gif gives me major boyfriend vibes. It’s so cute)
Jimin wasn’t really a fan of scary movies. He was truly scared of them if he was honest. Nevertheless, since the day you mentioned your devotion to that genre, he couldn’t get the thought of taking you to the cinema out of his head. Yes, he could easily pick a romantic comedy or something you both might enjoy, but he wanted you to enjoy your date with him. That way you would think about him more than any other thing and he really fancied that idea.
On your way to the movies, you asked a million times, if not more, if he was absolutely sure about watching it. And of course, he said yes, even if he was unsure. You decided not to push it and let him regret it later and learn from it.
While you were buying the snacks for the movie, you couldn’t help but hear the commotion outside the cinema. You easily recognized the cameras and flashes that were coming from behind the glass doors. Jimin’s back was facing the entrance because he was busy retiring the tickets but when he saw them, he walked to your side and smiled reassuringly.
“So, what did you buy for us?” He asked with bright eyes.
Confused about why he was talking to you so bluntly with the paparazzi right outside, you looked the other way, ignoring him.
“Is something wrong?”
And he sounded so hurt, that you couldn’t allow yourself to keep looking the other way.
“I’ll go inside and we’ll meet there, okay? I don’t want the paparazzi to take my picture. Nothing’s wrong, baby.”
Jimin frowned and took a peek at the men crowded outside the door. The constant flashes of their cameras and the people inside who were looking for the source of all the disturbance was starting to make you a little nervous.
“No, let’s go together,” he replied.
With that said, he took your hand with his and maintained your hold noticeable for the paparazzi. There was a remarkable reaction from them. They were more adamant about taking pictures of Jimin and, now, you.
“Shall we go? They have what they needed, don’t they?” He smiled and pulled from your hand, getting you to move and snap out of your trance.
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His first suggestion? “Let’s stay here and play video games. It will be fun!” And yes, you were sure you were going to have fun. It was near impossible not to with his constant tantrums over losing against you. But you suggested something even greater than home and video games: an arcade. Jungkook wasn’t really keen on the idea, stating that it was going to be boring because the games were old and all that. It was easy to convince him. Just a few pouts and a “please, Jungkook” and he was on board.
He would never admit it, but he was actually enjoying the aesthetic of the place and the “old” games that were everywhere he turned. An hour passed, and you were convinced he was more excited than you were, which made you smile smugly with an “I told you so” expression on your face.
You were ready to go back home when your eyes found the DDR at the very back of the arcade. There were no people around it! You were so eager to grab Jungkook’s hand and drag him all the way there but a flash stopped you. Just behind the glass door of the arcade, there were easily ten men with cameras, taking pictures of Jungkook playing Pac-Man. They hadn’t noticed you, so you slowly walked away from there, already pulling out your phone to send a text to Jungkook, indicating where to meet you and why you disappeared.
You turned around and eyed the back exit. Not wanting to look back, you tried to speed up your pace but someone grabbed your wrist and stopped your tracks.
“Where are you going?” Jungkook asked. You didn’t dare to turn around.
“There were paparazzi outside I thought that it wouldn’t be smart to let them photograph me with you.”
You received a sigh as a response. His hand dropped your wrist and, for a moment, you thought he was letting you continue your route, but he walked around you and pulled you against his body, resting his chin on your head.
“I don’t mind,” he hummed.
It was such a tender action and his arms were so delicate around you, you almost forgot about where you stood. 
“Now, I saw a game you might like somewhere around here... Care to let me kick your ass in the DDR?”
He broke the embrace and raised one of his eyebrows. You scoffed and started walking away from him.
“In your dreams, Jeon!”
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mairzymarzipan · 6 years
Night of the Full Moon Character Reviews: The Big Bosses(Minus Werewolf)
Hello again
I know I said I’d be talking about the Hunter, Old Mage, Fallen Priest and so on today, but I realized that those characters were actually more interesting in the context of other characters, so I put them off for later.  I decided instead to talk about the main bosses of the game, as it so happens, are the closest people to Red Riding Hood.  Because this game wants to be an ironicy soap opera/anime that way.
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When I say Big Bosses, I mean that you always fight one of these characters at the end of the game.  Unless you’re like me and you start all over at the end because you’re bored and tired of all four of them playwise.
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Wait, no, never mind.  This is another one of those characters who’s more interesting in the context of different, non-Red Riding Hood Characters.  We’re saving this boi for later.  But, you shouldn’t too surprised, if you read the title.  Instead, I’ll just use this space to talk about a mechanic.
Throughout the game, you can get ‘courage’ and ‘reputation’ points by talking to characters.  Very very generally speaking, you get courage points by doing brave things, and you get reputation points for doing nice things.  You also can get courage points when a character talks shit about the werewolf, and reputation points when a character talks shit about the witch.  So naturally, if you have more courage in the end, you get to fight the wolf, and if you have more reputation, you get to fight the witch.  I guess what they’re going for is only a meanie would fight this doggo?  And the witch is who any empathetic person would hate???
I feel like the latter is not the case, but more on that later.
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“Only your Hope family can lift the dark magic curse.  This is what the priest is most afraid of.  That’s why monsters run wild on full moon nights. First they made your grandmother disappear and then they drew you into the forest...but they never anticipated that you would make it this far.”
By the way, you’re part of a prophecy.  Only someone in your family can lift the curse on the forest.  jsyk
Yeah so, as you see, the Witch’s description does not really tell us much about the witch herself.  This description also pretty unique in that none of the other character descriptions go into the second person like this.  The description also kind of hints that Red dies in the timeline where she fights the witch, so that’s depressing.
Nah, to figure out what the witch is about, you have to delve into the fragments around her. 
So, you actually do encounter the witch earlier in the game.  In the third or sometimes second chapter, she will recruit to find some magic apples she lost.  She makes a mention about suspecting a queen of stealing them.  The apples, I guess, are just lying around on the forest floor, and you bite into each of them bc you’re a dumb lkid.  Each apple changes your stats by a few points and the witch does not at all seem upset that you hand her a bunch of bitten fruit at the end.  In fact, she offers you the choice of two random buffs, so that’s fun.
You’re likely to hear about her way before that, though, depending on who you talk to.  Generally anyone who’s been cursed feels like it’s the witch’s fault.  
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But if you choose to fight her(or you might not get a choice in the matter) she accuses you of stealing said apples.  She’ll also talk to you throughout the battle until you defeat her- a trait that only the big bosses and a few of the newer ones have.  Her lines...make her sound pretty unhinged.  She’s speaks of disbelief that you would do such a horrible thing, and threatens you with with her magic, and talks about how misunderstood she is.
When you defeat her, she’s got a really interesting line, tho.
“No!  I don’t want to fight you!  I can’t!”
Before I move on, let me talk about this other witch character.
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Yep.  That sure is the art style this game is going with.
So this is one of the shopkeepers.  There are four different shops you can find along the way, only two of which have characters you can see in them.  This character is known as the Witch Apothecary...but you can only see that on the outside of her store.  Otherwise she’s just called “Witch”.
The thing is, along the way, characters will talk about the Witch and, they don’t specify that it’s not the one with the white hair.  They just talk about The Witch like she’s the only witch that matters.  So is this woman not really a witch?  A witch wannabe?  Nah, we already have one of those characters.  Could it me that the shopkeepers don’t actually exist in the story of the game?  That would bum me out, bc there’s this lesbian owl I want to be real.
But...I think they’re the same person using shapeshifting.  Or if you want a really wild theory, maybe there are time travel hijinks and she’s the Magic Apprentice grown up.  But I’m going to go ahead with the former.
Anyhoo.  I like the witch.  I’m gonna give her 🍎🍎🍎🍎 four apples
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“They mistakenly thought that on the full moon night they could help the monsters quietly eliminate Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.  Once the Hope family was wiped out, the legend of lifting the curse on the Dark Forest would disappear completely.  However, they didn’t expect they would have to go personally and pay such a high price to fight their enemy. When the priest fell, the cursed monsters reverted to their human forms and the Dark Forest was no longer covered by snow all year round, but the church’s blind greed still remains.”
Again, not much is said about the priest himself.  The most interesting thing here is that he apparently is the keystone holding the curse together.  Interesting, because he seems to be letting the witch do all the work for him.  Usually in these stories, you have to kill the person who casts the spell to break the spell, not just their friend.  Is it because he, himself, is a stone?  That is to say, he turns into a statue sometimes.
Why the heck is he having her turn all his enemies into cartoon monsters instead of killing them, anyway?  Don’t tell it’s to make the game family friendly, bc in one of these timelines a child kills another child.  
Honestly, the priest/church just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.  His big plan is selling everybody from his town as slaves.  Gross.  And the way he accomplishes this is by...making it snow all the time, and turning people into vampires and fire bears?  What?
He is.  A delight to fight.  I’m being sarcastic.  He’s a religious edgelord who likes to go on about how humans are sinners and everyone deserves to be punished.  Also she cheats by turning into stone.  Eh.  
It feels like someone just spun a wheel for of evil traits and just stuck them together haphazardly.  His evil plan is...human trafficking!  His personality is...self righteous!  His means is...tf!  His super power is...turning into a statue!  
He’s the biggest of bads but also not that thought out.  He’s super important to the over-arching plot and yet I have no idea why this guy does what he does.  I’m gonna give him 🗽🗽 two statues.
Mystery Men
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idek why this person is called “Mystery Men”.  I’m guessing it’s supposed to be mystery man?  Or mysterious person or something?  I know I haven’t talked about the art much but, I do appreciate how much their face looks like a dog snout and her hood looks like dog ears.  It’s a neat touch.
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This description was actually changed.  The new text is longer and more awkwardly worded.  I don’t like it!  And I don’t get why it happened.
But, yeah.  The very last enemy of the game- who you can only reach by playing through at least four times and defeating all three others- is your Grandmother!  Le gasp!
So what exactly went wrong with her?  Oh, nothing, she just has a big wolf growing out of her back(told you the concept was backed up by canon)
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Is this her daemon or patronus or something?  I have no idea.  I’ve been calling her a werewolf sometimes, tho, bc she’s better at being a werewolf than the titular werewolf.  Which is to say she can revive instead of just healing.  Her buffs and deck change throughout the fight.  She’s a long battle, fun, except for her ear piercing voice.  She sounds a bit possessed.
I’ll give her 👁️👁️👁️ three big eyes.  She’s a fun battle, but I always mute it.  Also not real big on how the text got changed for the worse.  But she does add some good details to the story.
In Conclusion... 
Grandma’s text tells us a few things.  
1. Not only is the Hope family connected to this prophecy, but family members actually have the power to control the curse.  That leads me to believe that the person who got the curse started was a Hope themself.  
2. The church came along long after the curse was in full swing.  So the priest is not responsible for it.  Whether he’s a Hope himself is not relevant.
We also know these things:
1. The witch is still the one casting all the tf spells, which is part of the curse.
2. There are two timelines were Red has a natural gift for magic
3. In the Little Witch timeline, the Witch is teaching Red magic.  On top of that she’s v patient, which is surprising, for some reason.
4. The Witch seems a little out of touch with reality.  She sends you to find apples, and then yells at you for stealing them.  Almost like she thinks you’re another person.
5. The witch verbally expresses her desire not to fight you when she realizes who you are.
I have to conclude that the Witch is a Hope.  A Hope who’s close enough to have a fondness for Little Red Riding Hood, and is invested in her well being/education.  And yanno, is turns her enemies into pig people because she can.  
She helps you on your quest by giving you one of her own.  But earlier on, she takes on the form of the other witch offer you potions and the like.  She even gives you the first one in each chapter for free.
“My potions can change your appearance!”
Of course she can’t get too close to you.  She can’t reveal that she’s helping you.  Hence putting on a new face when she’s a ‘good’ witch.  One wonders if she’s trying to hide her identity from you, or the people she’s allied with.
Hey can we look at her description again?
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Red doesn’t get addressed in the second person in any of the other descriptions.  There is a character who talks about his life in the first person, and we’ll get to him.  But this is odd to me.
What if Red isn’t being addressed here?  What if it’s someone else?  What if it’s the Witch?
What if the Witch was captured and ensnared in the priest’s plot?  What if he messed with her memory?  So then who is she?  Red’s sister?  It seems like she’s been working with the church a lot longer than Grandma’s been missing.  Also Grandma went into the woods on her own accord.  You could say that the grief the church caused her *made* her go out, but it seems weak.
So maybe a Hope in another generation, who lost her grandmother to- either the church or monsters?  Was it this other Grandmother who *started* the curse?
Dude, what if she’s your Mom?
What if instead of killing her the priest did...something...scared her enough to get her to work for him.  And messed with her memory so she couldn’t conceive a way out?  And sort of had her transfer the power of the curse to him so that people had to kill him to break it?
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What if he had the Church Doctor scoop her brain out and put it in another lady’s head?  Who knows.
I’m not certain about the witch being your mom.  I think I would like that to be the case because it’s fun, but I’m not quite convinced yet.  I AM certain, tho, that the Witch is a Hope, and she cares about you.  She’s not just this cackling meanie turning people into flowers.  She’s...complicated.  And she needs help just as much as all the trapped monsters.
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shruggingcutely · 6 years
Random thoughts on 7th Dragon - the economy sucks
I assume nobody follows me for my video game opinions, but hey, I recently found out all the 7th Dragon games that weren’t released in the West (i.e. three out of four) had complete English fan translations, so I decided to go on a journey through the series. I’m about a third into the original 7th Dragon right now.
7th Dragon, if you don’t know, which isn’t too unlikely, is a series of RPGs that started on the NDS when the creator of Etrian Odyssey set out to take his modern take on Wizardry and apply it to the formula of Dragon Quest (which, incidentally, was also inspired by Wizardry – it was, as they say, big in Japan). The dragon apocalypse hits your fantasy world with adorable character designs by Mota, followed by two sequels on the PSP where you fight contemporary/sci-fi dragons not by Mota, and finally the last part of the series, on 3DS, gives you both settings and wraps up the whole thing and somehow was the only part that made it to the West.
The parallels to EO are immediately obvious, as you create a guild and a party of four, complete with front and back row, out of classes that seem a little familiar. The fighter has similar moves as EO’s landsknecht, same for the knight and EO’s protector, etc. Ailments are similar, but binds didn’t make it here. You quickly feel at home, even as it changes up the structure of the game and adds some new combat mechanics.
Fighting dragons is about as fun as you’d expect coming from EO… which is to say a lot, if you enjoyed EO at all. The game gives you so many tools to reduce incoming damage, heal damage, dish out damage, and one I find particularly interesting is the reactive skills. First off, there’s simple parry-style attacks. If your samurai uses the skill corresponding to the right kind of attack the enemy does, they will avoid all damage and retaliate. Then there are skills that trigger counter attacks for several rounds: let your mage put a shock veil on your knight and the enemy will eat lighting every time they dare attack them. Finally, the game’s React skills give you an additional turn when certain requirements are met in the next five rounds. Your healer gets a free turn when a party member dies? Yup. Your rogue gets one on successful counters? Yes. Your princess gets one if a party member gets a turn from their own React skill? Heck yeah. You can do some stuff that is both very gimmicky and very powerful with this, and supposedly the sequels explore these kinds of skills more, so I’m excited.
The game’s structure, however, introduces some problems, some of which are… odd. To accept a quest you have to find an NPC who has one, then accept it at the guild house’s quest board, talk to the NPC again to find out what they want, do the quest, talk to them again, and finally collect your reward at the quest board. These unnecessary steps seem just a little tedious at first, until you get to parts of the game where an NPC in a village without guild house requires your services and you get to go on a long trek to the next big city. And talking to the NPC is the only way to find out what they want, so you better not forget.
One of the game’s big conceits is its dragon counter. There are 666 dragons for you to kill, who, like EO’s infamous FOEs, are powerful enemies that walk around dungeons and join nearby battles, and they are bullies who spread deadly flowers all over the world. These flowers hurt your party as you walk over them and, to make matters worse, increase prices in stores significantly as they presumably cut off trade routes and endanger foragers. Add to this the high random encounter rate that interrupts you every couple of steps and slaying dragons to save humanity feels less like an adventure and more like a job. You do have to pitch your services to several governments. Even in your fantasy RPG, the gig economy.
As Aevee Bee says in her piece on pacing and level design in Bravely Default and Etrian Odyssey about the latter, “And you’re not bored yet, because you run out of resources before you can be, so you really, really want to take that step, explore more, see how much you can push yourself, even though maybe you shouldn’t…see how powerful it is to tempt players into making the wrong choice?” 7th Dragon likes you running out of resources very much. Every map of a dungeon contains 5+ dragons, who, unlike FOEs, aren’t always avoidable and often come in groups that will gang up on you. This means even if you immediately and successfully escape every single one of the numerous random encounters, you can’t take much more than a handful of dragons before you need to heal. Where do you heal? Towns, usually. And thus you make five trips in a row from the city to the dungeon to get rid of as many dragons as you can while getting interrupted by random encounters constantly. This is the first time in an RPG like this where I fled all the time and only fought the dragons I absolutely had to so I could progress. When your level is high enough they barely give any XP, either, which turns it into a high risk, low reward situation, so I kept them around for leveling weaker characters. It’s not like they’re bothering anyone like this anyway.
My starting party didn’t exactly help matters, though. I quickly decided to go with the princess and knight combo, because I love the princess’ role as a buffer with ailments and heals. This is the class I take in every EO game. The knight not only reduces damage to the party a lot, they also deal good damage and have a hard synergy combo with the princess: the skill that declares an enemy wanted does nothing at all, unless you have a knight with the skill that attacks wanted enemies for high damage. The princess’ downside as main healer is twofold: she has no skills to remove ailments from the party and as every EO player knows ailments are very deadly, and she has no revive. Both of these can be compensated for with items, but because these aren’t available early on, I decided to pick a healer as well, which let me focus less on making either of them a pure healer. Result: ehhh, they often end up with turns where they can do nothing of consequence, so I decided to train up either a samurai or a fighter to switch in. With my fourth party member being a mage with three elements, this party suddenly has very good damage. I still haven’t found revive items in shops, though, so my… fighter, most likely, still has some dragons to eat before that. We’ll see how that goes.
By the way, changing your party? Only possible in a single one of the towns. Hope you enjoy traveling.
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juni-ravenhall · 4 years
20 things i want really badly for sso to update / add
1. regularly scheduled main story updates. this is THE most important thing for a game that is quite story-based, but something sso has problems with. it makes us feel disconnected from the story and main characters and makes players lose interest, not knowing when we will get more story, or if the story will ever go anywhere. 
2. work hard on fixing bugs and improving functionality - QA testing a lot more on their own. i know the game has a crappy engine and that theyre trying to improve stuff, but yeah, theres just a lot of stuff that needs to be worked on. (i think they should just move to a good engine. a huge investment, yes, but worth it in the long run with the potential benefits from selling a higher quality game and being able to work on it more smoothly?)
3. ability to use photomode and control the camera properly when our character sits down, at cafes, etc, basically just being able to go into photo mode at all times.
4. weather system. rain, snow, fog, etc. preferrably random aside from during quests that need specific weather ofc. possibly with an ability to turn off weather. optional: updated skies for more variety in colours and clouds and all that to go along with the weather.
5. new areas to be released of the ones that have already been hinted at for ages! north link goes where???????? ashland, etc. and also, ofc, for the new areas to be unique and interesting in design, and to bring related main story updates - or “big side stories” like the nightdust storyline etc. i am just longing to interact with npcs for long storylines again and see some drama :( 
6. new tack and equipment, specifically more halters (simple not fancy ones, but cute and colour variety!), would be nice with lead rope too, and ofc blankets, stuff like this. but also more new good designs for tack in general and more colour options for saddlepads and legwraps, it drives me crazy that most pads are ugly and old and hard to match to anything. i want realistic pads with dark, vivid, pastel and natural colour options.
7. new mane and tail styles that are available for all horses (aside from too old models). it makes horses feel more individual and unique as well as giving us options to dress up our horses for photoshoots, eventing, etc. 
8. updated player model with new animations and everything, diversity and good representation in the design options. facial expressions, blinking. i would also love if there were more animations for the player character to pet and groom the horses.
9. our own place to live (something theyve been working on but we dont know exactly where it stands) that we can also customise and decorate. i would prefer if we can choose where we live in the way we choose homestables, for example theres this little house between the rescue ranch and the lighthouse on south hoof that would be lovely to live in. id like to be able to choose wallpaper and flooring, curtains, stuff like that, and furniture. we should be able to invite ppl in as well. optional: the pet that’s in your saddlebag shows up in your home and you can pet it. also ability to choose music from lisa, miscreants, etc to play in our home. it would also be great if when it was raining outside you could hear it from inside your home and see it outside the window. oof actually when i say that now im imagining seeing city lights in the distance on a rainy evening looking out the window while acoustic sso music plays in the bg. can you tell how much i fantasise about living on jorvik by how long this paragraph got
10. customisation in our home stable, to be able to choose designs and colours of the interior, etc. i would love to be able to choose decorations like the ones we see during holidays (light strings etc). i would like the tack room and feed room to be more cluttered and stuff too for better realistic rp purposes.
11. more groundwork type of gameplay, like the working equitation races that have been added lately, but not just “races”. maybe possibility of training for xp in different ways than just finishing a race quickly enough. just realistic groundwork stuff. 
12. dressage gameplay, and more arenas for it ofc. 
13. for jumping courses to keep being better as theyve been lately! theyre more difficult and interesting now and the designs are better! i want for this to continue and im really enjoying the obstacle designs. 
14. pasture - i’d love to see my horses run around and eat randomly out in the field without me controlling them, being able to go up and pet them or give them snacks. it would be cool if a paddock near the homestable was just used for this purpose (where you see your horses, but other players see their horses, etc, and we have the ability to hide other players). maybe it would show 3 of your horses at a time, out of the ones that are kept in the field in our stable manager.
15. new (and regularly added!) quests at south hoof rescue ranch, as well as other places where it makes sense like jorvik ranger quests, etc. stuff that doesn’t necessarily relate to the main storyline (but it might!) and is just fun dramatic quests, but it can also have character developments for hugh and others on south hoof, for jorvik ranger characters, etc. it could also be a way to introduce new pets and horses that are adoptable after rescue quests have been completed, as well as unlocking new equipment related to rescuing, rehabilitation and ranger work.
16. more shops, cafes and other things to do at jorvik city mall alongside the mall being updated in general, and to jorvik city which i really love and just hope aideen’s plaza and governor’s fall will also be updated with more shops etc. (add a dance club to the mall like the fort pinta disco! cafes with different aesthetics and menus, a fastfood restaurant, a fancy restaurant, a photo studio for professional horse photos and for our character, a cinema, a theatre stage like thalia’s idk, that whole fashion week catwalk thing, theres a lot of different things i think you can add aside from more shops which could also be added)
17. updates and additions to the cafe food menus and foods we can feed our horses, goes along with adding new shops and stuff too. seasonal event food being sold in cafes like gingerbread at christmas, chocolates on valentine’s.
18. make archaeology more fun - i still haven’t got all the things after years because i just can’t be bothered to do it, it’s too hard to find all the things and it’s not fun.
19. if fishing is going to stay at all, it needs to be improved and be fun.
20. overhaul of all the prices in the game so it makes sense. there are clothing and tack items that just make NO sense when you compare them to each other both in sc and js costs, or when you look at how meh quality they are. and, i dont think it’s reasonable to make individual equipment items (clothes or tack) cost more than like 50sc at the most (look at the real life cost when you buy sc!!! should we be paying that much for a low quality pixel sweater, really?). a good time to do this price overhaul, would be leading up to the player model update being released, since ppl will be buying lots of new clothes after that.
bonus: give us a ferry from south hoof to mistfall PLEASE. PLEASE
bonus 2: updates to every existing area and npc model, this is obvious and will most likely happen given enough time
bonus 3: 500000 pages of backstory and character development quests and bonding with mc scenes for all my favourite npcs. i would also like to take rowan on a date. thanks
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tumblunni · 6 years
Holy jesus i knew they did hd ps4 ports of the playstation games but they ALSO added all the final mix content that engkishspeaking fans never got during my childhood? And they ALSO remade chain of memories entireky in 3d with Very Animated Ice Dad?? And they ALSO remade BBS despite it not needing it nearly as much as the old games and thet ALSO remade friggin dream drop distance which came out on a goddamn current gen console?? Like they seriously just made a non portable version?? Now all the spinoffs are on the same console at last?? Why did you not just do this in the first place?? I mean the psp and 3ds games were basically ps2 equivelant graphics and disc space anyway...
Oh and fuckin ALLLLSOOOOO
Also the final mixes of all of those! Also a movie version of the plot of khux! And also Coded and Days, which is a really big shame cos Coded is indeed sparse enough on content to deserve it but Days was my FAVOURITE GAME and it sucks its the only one that didnt get remade! I mean its in the same spinoff category as bbs and com, its not a cheapo mess like coded. Nothing else in the series deserves to be shoved in the Coded bin, even khux at least has better plot even if the backtracking and lootbox shit makes it harder to get to it...
Anyway ALSO a random new sidestory with Aqua going thru like one dungeon or somethin?? I dunno?? Its like a glorified tech demo for kh3, its just 'hey fuckin look what we can do visually on a proper ps4 game' and wow how have i never fuckin heard of this it looks so pretty!! I mean i dont know if its even more than 5 hours or somethin but.. Pretty!! And apparantly you get unlockable costumes for her or somethin? I hope they keep that feature in kh3! Itd rock if it wasnt just the main character too, and we could dress up riku and kairi and goofy and donald and roxas and axel and every the friends :3 new secret to how they defeat xehanort: slap a bow on his damn head
All of this is available in one big bundle pack for £90 which ALSO contains literally kh3. THIS IS HOW THEYRE HANDLING PREORDERS?? THATS SUCH A GOOD WAY TO HANDLE PREORDERS!! Get a discounted price on this new game but while youre waiting for it you get to enjoy an (also discounted) giant fuckin 300 hours memory lane compilation of every damn thing from the last 15 years in one beautiful updated package. Holy fuck its like they made this for ME SPECIFICALLY!this is the perfect way to get people back into the franchise who dropped off in The Great KH3 Wait cos they couldnt afford all the damn million portables needed to gather that Dank Lore. God fuckin hell it cost more than the price of this bundle just to play any one of those games individually on some stupid retro machine i bought exclusively for that one damn game. THAT PSP STILL ROTS IN MY KITCHEN CUPBOARD YO
So so so so so
Please give me permission to buy this
Or like please convince me not to waste my money if you think i'd waste my money??
I really just DONT KNOW! ive been out of the fandom for so long and my last experience was really hatting BBS and feeling horribly out of place as everyone else raved about it being the best thing ever. And i know NOTHING about what kh3 is gonna be or whether its even possible for me to get back into the fandom and like.. Care about it at all again. I just got fuckin fatigued with it and my teenage years were like me clinging on to the edge of a cliff by my fingernails begging everyone to believe me that Its Still Good, Honestly, Its Worth It while square enix is up there all LONG LIVE THE KING and they push me off. Into a stampede of PSPs. Somehow.
And then aaargh i know i literally only came back to the fandom because organization xiii fuckin eternally holds my heart in their lil grabby hands. It was indeed a good nostalgic moment remembering how i loved them! And getting a new appreciation for Vexen and being blown away by how much he should have been my favourite but i just never got to play COM as a kid and then when i played it as an adult all the way after bbs i ended up quitting before even getting to meet half the org cos this one stupid 'defeat 99 shadows jn 99 seconds' mission kicked my ass. I'M JUST NOT GOOD AT ACTION RPGS OKAY!
Aaaagh thats another Big Worry, yknow? Like asa kid i was Bad, as an adult i'm Barely Better , and as a both i never enjoyed beat em up thingies of any kind at all. And on top of that i was never big into disney, i never saw them as any sort of 'childhood magic' but just some naff cliche shit retelling public domain fairy tales in the safest way possible with a bunch of obnoxious celebrity cameos. Also lion king and snow white terrified me as a kid. Also i associated robin hood with my dead grandma. Also as a kid i couldnt appreciate good artistic ability or voiceacting, i was all about the story, yknow? And most of kh's adaptations are really rushed and barebones versions of an already shoddy story, without any of the visual splendor. ALSO i never saw any of the darker or more emotionally focused stuff like Hunchback and Beauty and the Beast until way after i quit playing kingdom hearts, oddly enough. Wtf beauty and thebeast is actually real good and looks so far beyond its time!! Wtf hunchback has my goddamn evil dad in it!! Why did i miss the only good didneys!! Why did snow white traumatize me and those didnt!!
ANYWAY the point im getting at is that im not inherantly predisposed to like.. Any of kingdom hearts's appeal at all. I didnt know half the disneys and i didnt have any hype for the others. None of my fave final fantasy games made it into it until the sequel and then never again after that. CMON I CANT JUST DEAL WITH ONE VIVI CAMEO Y'ALL! And i haaaate the genre and its an uphill struggle to play a game like that with my stupid inelegant sausage hands. So i just came for the story and then everything after the first game has been conspiring to ruin it for me, sheesh! I felt so much for that short concise self contained first episode and then i fall more and more out of love as they establish this status quo of everything being retconnable so dont bother get attatched to it. Blablabla the entire worldbuilding is different now and everyone was secretly someone else and please memorize a bunch of shit from fifty fuckin spinoffs and also time travel and cloning suddenly exist and ALSO Grandpa Onlyblackmanintheworld is generic motiveless evil and everything was him even of it looked like it was actually a sympathetic villain. *insert dio meme face*
So yeah now im just.. In it for the characters?? And the cute art style and monsters and lovely animations and big fanfic oc potentials stuff. But man even tho i had Big Feel for those things i was able to completely drop it all and forget about the series for years, that was just HOW BAD the kh3 drought was. Steven universe hiatus eat your heart out...
So ffff i dont even KNOW if i'll be able to get feels'd for these characters again or if they actually hold up to modern bunni standards of huggable. And i know all the ones i want to hug the most got like zero sympathy and all died horribly and were also retroactively revealed to be clone oldmanvirus somethingy and aaaaaagh. But also something something people say they all came back and got cured?? And this is why?? I am here?? Again?? And buying?? The thing??
Like man fuck i am already building it up so much in my head aaaa what if i dont actually love axel as much as i used to love axel and i dont love Grumply Science as much as i always love That Character Archetype seriously MAN how was he like THE ONLY ONE I DIDNT GET TO SEE AS A KID
Aaauuuuaggh gahhh like maybe this will reignite my passion for the series or maybe i'll just be all critical and dumb and waste all my moneys
Guys... What do??
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rennyji · 3 years
June 30th and 29th tweets...
June 30th and 29th tweets...
June 30th tweets…
on my way home after lunch hour, &close 2 my neighborhood, a ripped tan white guy without a shirt &kiwi green shorts gestures “if I want 2 fight him from the side of the road” & walks toward the road. now I don’t know him, have been living here for yrs, minding my own-so random.-
- once again I would have to suspect the orchestrators are passing something off as me, relaying something they’re not supposed to, or filtering my writing. When people get on ur case out of the blue, does that bacon fueled animal think in any shape or form he’s part of my life?-
- I guess that’s why so many of my friends are south or East Asian- like Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Korean…and then there are the Greeks or the Mediterranean variety of people…I feel these groups are less aggressive and randomly looking for a fight…
Now I come home, gotta deal with the village personality of my Indian father & the overly Christian nature from Biblical times of my “pretending everything’s okay with life” parents. Seeing them for 30 years made me want 2 leave my the background they hail from, their religion.-
- I contemplate marrying out for mixed race children…but now America has teamed up against me as one team leaving me with no one. Just the crazy random people on the street.
- one ray of sunlight is the Chinese woman who held my hand in passing, or the tall blonde with the dog crossing the street in Bronxville, from in front of my car, who went out of her way to wave at me twice…-
- amidst the “situation”, the stupidity in my home till I can afford an apartment, the crazies gesturing me if I want to fight, the people at work with misconceptions…it just never ends…Thank God for my morning coffee or when I go for a massage…
Yeah, for one reason or another, just putting this out there, real men get men’s pedicures and manicures. Who wants flaky skin on their fingers or rough feet?! Got the idea from Will Smiths character on one of the episodes in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air…
i like christina aguilera, in terms of looks, when she first started out...now she's too...too...tough looking...
msn dot com has a lot of interesting stories that catch my eye, in my old, obese age...stories like whats trending and about pop culture...
Have you ever been around someone who randomly and alone, develops the habit or ability of chewing out loud...I think I’ve heard those three words together out loud before: “chew out loud.” I think it’s a thing.-
- I mean, to make every sound behind eating audible is just a ridiculous habit. What is the benefit for those who eat like that?! I eat without making a sound and I’m still able to enjoy the taste of my food. -
-Is it just an old habit that kept repeating with no real origin or reason? I saw a friend from long ago on Facebook yesterday with his beautiful wife and child,living as lawyers, and a “classy life”, a “life of standard”, at that. -
-People who chew/ or eat out loud for that matter have got to be because their parents didn’t give them an a*s wh*pping and spoiled them for being the baby in the family.-
-Mother probably did everything and now that child has that expectation of others in his/her life. I’ll bet these same people, while innately smart, just sit around, while their spouses, siblings, or roommates have 10x the activity in the same time frame of their day.-
- I’ll bet their perception of life is on the unconventional side too, siding on ideal scenarios and not a life of meaning, probably more along the lines of how people of your world see you. I mean things like that, it affects who you associate with or go out in public with. -
-It’s not about freedom. Whatever the age, practice decency...don’t be an animal...that’s just my thought on eating out loud...probably the only way to get it through to some, in the spirit of patience, not practiced in actual conversation..-
-I mean literally, every sound from sipping the drink into the mouth-if it’s drinking- to expressing satisfaction upon swallowing, to burping when digested...geez...learn from the point, rather than seeing it as some cultural insult from another world, -
-or seeing it as humorous that someone you know is talking about you...it’s disgusting and there comes a time to snap out of it...-
-when those of ur world put you through actual tormenting procedures over the course of eleven years, excuse you for bringing up a real concern/issue over what actually is stubbornness or lack of ability to comprehend.
but moving on...just bumping into random behaviors all day from random people...
doctors...i think theyre among the people you say/hear are out to get your money. Not accepting insurance, charging $350 per visit is one thing. But then simply to discuss an email or one phone call's worth of change and charging $350 for that...geez...-
-then theres the not-understanding-what-ur-going-thru &ur mental energy taken 2enforce a decision..the 1st $350 proved worthless, as that doctorProbablyDid more harm than good, &now an additional $350 4 a minor detail?! Hippocratic Oath my a*s. Even doctors lie 2me despite oaths.
the world is an ugly place, save for a few people...like that innocent pale blond riding her bike who apologizes for running into you with her bike, a couple of weeks ago...rest of the world is filled with attitude and things they see you through and simply foolishness...
On Amazon, they sell the " Nitrofit Pro Limber Stretch Machine " or U can search stretch machine, but it looks like Nitrofit brand's version. It costs $500. I wish morePeople would buy this stuff, so prices would go down. its an E-Z way 2 do essential stretching 4 tired muscles.-
- I mean you just have to get on top of it, in the prescribed positions, rather than using one of those straps...but then at the same time, if you go to a massage place for someone to stretch your muscles for you, it's $80 at discount pricing-and how often can you spend $80?-
- a one time investment of $500 could allow you to get the $80 benefit daily at your own comfort.
so they say vibrating foam rollers are good 4 tender muscles.has any1 noticed that some versionsVibrate more against urHands or theFloor, then the targeted area of ur chest or leg muscles? so how is it helping if most of the vibration goes 2the floor? or is it just 1 or 2 brands?
When I make it big, on really warm days, whether Im on that floor of my house or not, Im going  2turn on the central AC 4 all floors inTheHouse? Why? I find it annoying &disgusting, when I have 2 make that trip 2 the floor where the AC isn't on, & Im smacked w/a burst of heat.
So I'm experiencing that moment when one realizes he/she has everything on their bedroom L-Desk, with the exception of a pen and some paper to write on...but mostly a pen...how did that happen?!
June 29th tweets...
Came home after being in the heat, was thirsty. Had a cup of raspberry soda water from my soda stream. It felt so right for the opportunity…felt good going down my throat…
While out and about, kept seeing smoking hot Hispanic women…these women all, whether it’s good genes or makeup I dunno, have flawless, non oily, glistening skin…is the source some product from your native places and/or good genes? Share the knowledge…
Heard a song I downloaded long ago, on my car’s cd playlist…YouTube “Gained the World” by Morcheeba (I think that’s how it’s spelled…) - I heard it when channel 11 was WB11 and not The CW…anyone else remember that?!
“Will You Be There” by Michael Jackson…heard it for the first time in “Free Willy” and kept on listening to it…beautiful song…
Tired of plugging in ur iPhone or whatever else phone?! You can just put it on a stand to charge wirelessly. Works even with the case. On Amazon, search “ Anker 3 in 1 Multi Device Charging Station “.
U know whats also a good product 2 relieve fatigue in place of caffeine? A hand massager. LifePro has a version with some good intensity, but I prefer the highTech looking Chinese made ones. Just sharing the knowledge. Finding something good takes buying them all & trying em out.
Has anyone else tried Shawarma? Heard it for the first time in Iron Man from the Tony Stark character. It came off to me as a healthy version of the Indian “ biryani “ dish, minus the spices and butter. Now I can cross that off my list of things to try…
U know whats good? - Arabic food… “kibbeh” (an appetizer) comes off 2 me as something 2 remind me of Indian kababs w/an edibleCovering around the powderedMeat. Then theres the dessert, “Kunafa”-like sugary lasagna minus the tomatoSauce &cheese but w/something like cream inside.
0 notes
artist-witch-icarus · 7 years
You dont have much money but you still want fancy vinrage stuff for your altar and as utensils in general?
but on amazon and ebay and etsy everything is still expensive?
everyone always says thrift stores and I totally agree! But where I live thriftstores are hipster and mainstream and industrialised and really really expensive oftentimes.
So I present to you
no idea if you call it that in english, but sometimes theyre callled garage sales to. Either way, those often weekly but sometimes once a year places where random people rent a table or spot to sell their stuff. Where I live its a very known and common thing and replaces thriftstores.
I got a crustal glass chalice/goblet, two cauldron stands, a candle holder, and a handshaped offering bowl each for a buck. And a silver (plated) candle holder for three candles for 6 bucks. And I'm going again with more money cus the one I went to is weekly.
and the best thing is if someone charges you like 10 bucks you can gasp and say "10??? I'll give you 4!" bc then they'll say 8 and then you say 5 and somewhere you meet in the middle. My dad is a pro and can get a table for literally 3bucks but i have some moral and usually pay a price that is more or less reasonable XD
Just be careful. ALWAYS cleanse and purify your items afterwards! Physically but especially spiritually too. Because you dont know where those people got the items from. The flea market I go to my dad pointed out a group of sellers who most likely get their products from houses from deceased people. And who knows if the people would like getting their stuff sold away like that (and thrown away if not sold). So yeah, always purify them and give them away if you feel a bad energy about the objects still.
Anyway, I hope I could help fellow poor/frugal witches out!!
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raychulemma · 5 years
50 Completely Random Questions People Rarely Ask Tag:
1. What’s your favorite candle scent? Red Apple Wreath - Yankee Candle. It's perfectly Autumnal and always goes on half price sale after Christmas. I have far too many versions of it
2. What female celebrity do you wish you were related to? Probably Maya Rudolph because she's a shameless weirdo like me
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? Probably Peter Kay. I feel like he would be easy to open up to. And he would make awkward family events so much more bearable
4. What’s your favorite thing about marriage? (And if you’re not married, what’s your favorite thing about being single?) Security. Safety. I didn't expect it to feel any different because we had been living together for a while but something about the actual marriage made me feel protected and comfortable. Also because its a same-sex marriage it's a lot nicer to say my wife than my fiancée, because i would wonder if they assume my fiancée is male
5. What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but just can’t? Books that I'm not going to re-read but have memories linked to buying/receiving/reading them.
6. Can you do a split? not a chance
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? Seven. i learnt at the end of my road because it's a dead end. and i got a green bike for my birthday with a seat for my teddy
8. How many oceans have you swam in? just the Atlantic ocean 🌊
9. How many countries have you been to? 6. France, Spain, Germany, USA (Florida), Wales, Scotland.
10. Is anyone in your family in the army? No, my Grandad was, and some of my Great Uncles but no one during my lifetime
11. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? Superted, Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Story of Tracy Beaker, Dick n Dom in da Bungalow, Jungle Run
12. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? A classy binbag witch
13. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? I got into the Harry Potter books in 1998 and am still in love with the series. I went to the midnight release for the last book. I watched all of the films in the opening week and vividly remember that the cinema i saw the first film at in 2001 had a Harry Potter themed sweet shop. I have jewellery, clothing, books, dvds, wands, other collectibles. I read the books with my mum when i was younger and watched all of the films in the cinema with her. she had her own HP merch. My wife also loves Harry Potter. We have been to see Cursed Child twice and have been to the Studio Tour 3 (or 4?) times. We had a Harry Potter themed wedding which was absolutely perfect. Hunger Games was something i avoided reading until the first film was coming out, and then absolutely loved the first 2 books (3rd one got too political for me) and the films are still some of my favourites for costume and set design. I read the twilight books after my best friend recommended them to me. We all actually read them as part of our sisterhood club. I went to blackpool to watch the first film in the cinema with my best friend. I watched the last one at midnight with my wife and one of the girls from the sisterhood who is one of the biggest twilight fans i know still. she has behind the scenes books and dvds and has re read the books that much that the spines are just gone. my mum was also a big twilight fan and would watch them any time they were on tv. i watched a few at the cinema with her, always her choice. she hadnt seen hunger games at the time of them being released but we did watch them all with her a few years ago
14. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? i film YouTube videos and always think my accent would be more interesting if it was American
15. Have you ever taken karate lessons? no, my 2 brothers and sister did when i was 5 or 6. i didnt like being touched so never did it
16. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? yup
17. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? im going to guess Gullivers world Warrington because its the closest one to where i live
18. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? French because I love disneyland paris. or japanese because i would love to visit tokyo but its way out of my comfort zone
19. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? grey. e for england, a for america
20. Do you know triplets? yes, 2 girls and a boy but i only met the girls
21. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? Titanic. my mum was a massive fan. She watched it 3 times in the cinema when it first came out. we watched it with her when it was released in imax on an anniversary. she had behind the scenes books, a few versions of the vhs and dvds, playing cards. her love for it made me love it
22. Have you ever had Indian food? no im a very fussy eater and have never tried indian or Chinese
23. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? Of all time? Tough choice but im going with pizza hut. Cheesy bites base with double mushroom. Never craved something more
24. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? they dont have it in England so no but i would probably like it
25. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? i have no idea, maybe jason after my dad?
26. If you have a nickname, what is it? rach, chicken, chickadee
27. Who’s your favorite person in the world? i want to say scruff but shes technically not a person. kirsty is my best friend and i would pick her every time
28. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? where i live is in between. drive one way and its city, the other way is farms. so living in one ot those farmhouses not far from city life would be the dream. i would have chickens, sheep and cats.
29. Can you whistle? yep but my cats hate the noise
30. Do you sleep with a nightlight? i can see the hallway light from where our bed is so i dont generally need a nightlight but we do have cute ones. i have 3 HP ones on my bedside table
31. Do you eat breakfast every morning? yea as long as i have time
32. How many times have you been to the hospital? ive only ever been to a&e. once for palpitations, a few times for mental health and once for an x ray on my hand. ive been to walk in centres for urine/kidney infections and for fractured fingers. oh i did go to hospital to see a neurologist to be diagnosed with essential tremor
33. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? yes i love it. my brother and sister both bought me the dvd for christmas the year it came out so i had 2 copies for a while. i also had the game for pc and ps2. and i had a game on my phone and ipad where you could build up the seabed and gain fish. the film is just so nice and calming to watch. the scenery, the sound effects, the movements are all just gently flowing. and somehow you get attached to these characters and root for them whether youre a fan of tropical fish or not.
34. Where do you buy your jeans? primark, next, sainsburys, asda
35. What’s the last compliment you got? kirsty said my eyelashes look like im wearing mascara when im not
36. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? yea and they're weird as fuck. the latest one was about the bath being clogged with poo
37. Favorite beverage that isn’t water? Tea ☕
38. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? a disgusting amount. maybe 20. maybe more
39. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? about 8 which I think wasnt too young or too old. my brother told me which I was glad about because i was prone to being bullied at school and would have hated to be told by nasty kids
40. What is one food that you used to hate but now you love? cheesy garlic bread WTF
41. What is a weird lie you’ve told? i told kirsty once that i had pood the bed and asked her to help me clean it.
42. Heels or flats? flats always. specifically trainers. i think dresses look so much cuter with trainers. same with suits
43. Do you have any weird phobias? no just common ones. moths, spiders, flying insects, beetles, heights, being completely isolated, finding a dead person
44. What is a phrase or word you always say? i cant actually think of a current phrase i say but i do get stuck on phrases
45. What is a song that you bast or belt out when you are alone? part of your world, let it go, bridge over troubled water, over the rainbow. any that i try to actually hit the notes on
46. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? nails. nails tapping, and the sound of cutting or biting nails. or people that stop in the middle of an aisle or walkway when you're trying to get past
47. Do you sleep with your closet door open or closed? they dont even have doors on yet so open
48. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? bear. the noise of bees terrifies me. i had a flying ant in my hair on flying ant day but i didnt know. i heard it buzz and cried
49. Do you have any weird things you do? i cant have 2 cream biscuits together (custard cream and jam n cream). i sometimes say hi to my teddies so they know i havent forgot about them. i buy hatchimals when theyre on sale even though i havent previously collected them cos im an impulsive pos. (honestly collecting animal jam figures and my little ponies were the best though)
50. What movie could you watch over and over again and still love? any of the harry potter films, titanic, sisterhood of the travelling pants, Princess diaries 1 and 2, enchanted, princess and the frog, raise your voice, catch me if you can, chalet girl, the shining, slumdog millionaire
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