#again ive read this literally 40 times I love it so much and it just gets better and better every time I want to do a whole thing for this
chaoticharrington · 1 month
Chapter Four: The Dungeon Master and Depression
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Pairing: Professor! Steve Harrington x Best Friends Dad! Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Angst, alcohol consumption, Steve needs a hug, sad Steve, Eddie being the literal sexiest man on the planet, daddy kink, spit kink, spanking, cum eating, squirting, bondage, masterbation, Dom! Eddie, dirty talk, pet names, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks), BDSM themes, Eddie and Steve are in their early to mid 40s and reader is in her mid 20s
Summary: Eddie shows you a side of him you haven't seen before and things with Steve take a turn for the worst
Authors Note: Hi yall, i just wanted to say thank you for all the love on this series so far, ive really enjoyed writing it! also im very nervy about posting this chapter bc the smut is intense! i prommy it wont always be this intense but anyways ENJOY :D 9k
**Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three**
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The next few days were spent mostly consoling Violet, she had made the decision to break up with Quinn. She didn’t trust them anymore and you didn’t blame her. You and Eddie took turns holding her when she cried or getting her to shower and eat food. It left little time for you and Eddie to spend time alone, never getting the chance to finish what you started after your date.
You could steal kisses here and there, but no heavy petting. It was driving you insane, it was like the universe was punishing you for dating your best friend’s dad.
After a few days she decided she needed to get out of Hawkins for a little while and went to spend a week at her mom’s. You made her promise to text her whenever she needed, and Eddie offered again to go over to talk to Quinn. She waved both of you off, reassuring you that she’d be fine. You drove her to the airport and off she went.
It made you feel guilty that you were so relieved that she had left, you felt like you were the worst best friend in the world. First dating her dad, and secondly happy she was leaving you after just having a brutal break-up.
What kind of friend are you?
You spent the next few days catching up on school, finally getting a chance to focus now that you didn’t have to worry about Violet as much. Not wanting to waste the very limited time the two of you had at Eddies, you spent the nights at his house covering the entire house in random textbooks and various versions of assignments. Sometimes the two of you would sit on the couch, he would watch tv while you studied, or you’d be in a chair out in the garage while Eddie played guitar and smoked. Or your favorite, cuddled up on his lap on his bed, Eddie silently reading a book and caressing the skin available to him.
It was perfect domestic bliss, he’d cook the two of you breakfast in the morning, and he’d come home to a homecooked meal in the evening. The only thing you were missing was his cock, mid terms were coming up and you were absolutely swamped. Spending all of your time that wasn’t spent at school, or working, was dedicated to more school. It was frying your brain.
Then one day you had finally had enough, another one of your professors had added another paper due on top of studying for all of your other exams. You had so many things you needed to get done before Thanksgiving you thought your head was going to explode.
You spent some time crying in your car that day, before walking up the driveway into Eddies house. Now a second home to you, you take off your shoes and head to Eddies bedroom and snuggling under the sheets, breathing in his scent. You hear Eddies familiar footsteps coming up the stairs into the bedroom the two of you basically shared.
“hey sweetpea-“ the rest of his greeting dying on his lips.
You feel him before you see him, he just slides into bed with you and holds you tightly against him. Then you lose it some more, crying into one of his pillows, just so stressed out. You needed all of it to go away, you didn’t want to think anymore.
He pushes the hair out of your face and wipes away your tears, “hey talk to me baby, what’s goin on? Hmm?” he questions, concern in his voice.
“It’s too much” you croak, turning over and nuzzling your face into his chest.
“Make it go away, please make it go away, my brain is so tired, I just need a break!” you sob harder into his embrace.
Eddie wrapped his arms around your body, protecting you from the outside world.
“I know baby, I know, I’m so sorry, I’m so fucking sorry” he says calmly, leaving little kisses in your hair.
The two of you tangled up together in silence, just him touching your skin and you holding on to him for dear life. It stays like this for a few minutes. You can practically hear Eddies mind working a thousand miles a minute.
“... do you really want it to go away?” Eddie asks, almost a whisper.
You nodded feverishly into his chest, grabbing his shirt and pulling him impossibly closer to you.
“Please,” you whisper into his chest.
Eddie pulls the two of you apart so you can see his face, his eyes serious with anticipation. He caresses your cheek with his hand, running his thumb across your lips.
“I wanna show you something, you don’t have to say yes. But I think it might help.” He says, waiting for your answer.
You nod your head, ready to try anything to get your brain to calm down. He takes you by your hands, carefully getting you up and on your feet. Being so gentle with you, almost like he was afraid you’d break if he moved to quick or touched you too hard. Eddie led you down the stairs into the kitchen, right in front of the basement door.
He looked at you anxiously, you rarely if ever saw him anxious, it made your heart rate spike a little feeding off his nervous energy.
He opens the door and leads you down into the basement, immediately confused by Eddies immense anxiety. It’s just a basement, it had loads of Eddies DnD books nicely tucked away on bookshelves, a huge circular table in the middle with papers scattered all over it, and a bunch of props and miniatures that you assumed Eddie used for various DnD campaigns. Eddie meets you at the bottom of the stairs and puts his hand in yours, his eyes still timid.
“Sorry it’s a bit of a mess, I’ve been working on a new campaign.” He says while nervously scratching the back of his head. You squeeze his hand giving him some reassurance.
“Look, I know we haven’t been dating very long, but I really fucking like you. So just bear with me kay? I don’t wanna scare you off,” he states, fiddling with your fingers in his hands.
“You could never scare me off Eddie” you say plainly, having more admiration for him than almost anybody else.
With a sigh he guides you past all the DnD stuff into a hidden black door under the stairs, the door locked with a key padlock.
Eddie grabs a key off a chain that’s on his neck that he wears every day, you always thought it was just for decoration and not practical use. He turns the key into the lock and leads you into a dark room and turns on the light.
It takes a second for your eyes to adjust to the room, not really sure what you’re seeing. The walls are blood red, various toys, whips, paddles, and a saint Andrews cross leaning in the corner between two walls. At the center of the room was a bed with black satin sheets, with a black bed frame with various hooks and chains attached to it.
You look at Eddie in surprise, you didn’t expect him to have a whole fucking sex dungeon in his basement. You were impressed, you usually only read about stuff like this in your books. Never thinking that you’d actually get to experience it in real life.
“This is uh, welcome to my dungeon” he says, grandiosely waving his hands to show off the room, chuckling nervously to himself. You smile lightly at him, still your goofy Eddie.
“You can totally tell me to fuck off, and we don’t ever have to talk about this ever again, scouts honor. I just.. I thought maybe because of the books you like to read. Maybe we had uhm similar interests,” he says, closing the door behind the two of you.
You’re still in awe of what you see before you, finding something new to look at every second, you start to feel yourself getting excited. The anxiety melting away the longer you were in this room, like it was magic.
“Please say something, anything, you’re killin’ me here darlin,” he says, pulling your hand to his lips, leaving tiny kisses in their wake.
You walk farther into the room, dusting your fingers along the various toys and instruments on the wall. Eddie follows suit, rubbing his arms up and down your shoulders while you look. You turn around and wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a deep kiss. He looks at you hungrily, waiting for your next move, you’ve never wanted him more.
“Turn off my brain Eds, please,” you beg, putting on your prettiest doe eyes.
Eddie curses under his breath and shakes his head trying to concentrate. He hugs you tightly as a thank you that you didn’t run out of the room kicking and screaming. He sits the two of you on a bench at the foot of the bed, holding your hands in his.
“Alright sweetness, I gotta lay down a few rules before we play, okay?” He says, clearly in his element. You nod, understanding what he means. Being familiar with the world of BDSM, but never getting to act on it before.
“First things first, safe words, If I ask you for your color, you respond with Green, Yellow, or Red. Green meaning you’re okay mentally and physically and I can keep going. Yellow meaning that you’re reaching your limit and I need to check in with you. Red meaning stop, you say this word and whatever scene we are doing will stop immediately and we will go into aftercare. I want you to feel safe during every single part of this, so don’t be afraid to stop a scene, okay? This is supposed to be fun for the both of us. Ya with me so far?” He smiles lightly trying to keep the tension light but letting know that he means business.
“With ya Eds,” you say with a nod of your head.
You can practically hear his heart swelling with pride. He continues to go through some more safety rules, what to do if you’re bound or gagged and can’t say a safe word. He goes through some walk throughs of what some of the various toys do, to see what piques your interest. He asks you if you know any of your hard or soft limits, you give him some basic ones, open to a lot considering you didn’t have a ton of real life experience in this department. You were starting to get a little nervous, hoping that you would live up to Eddies expectations.
He senses the panic inside you and squeezes your hands. “Don’t worry okay? You agreeing to try this with me is already a dream come true, I just want to help you feel better, help you let go.” He says sweetly.
You take a deep breath and lean back into him on the bench. He rubs his hands soothingly up and down your arms and then around your waist, tugging up the bottom of your shirt and lifting it over your head, and does the same with your leggings. He has you stand in front of him, leaving you in only your bra and underwear, your skin erupting in goosebumps when it hits the cold air.
“Beautiful,” he says breathlessly, his eyes scanning over every inch of your body. You look at him, you can see his cock already stiffening in the confines of his pants.
“Bend over for me baby,” he commands. Situating you over his lap, ass in the air, making your thoughts immediately cloud with want. You had never been in such a compromising position before and you loved it, showing yourself off to him.
“I’ll start slow, remember, any time you need to stop just say red and I’ll stop okay?” he reminds you one last time before he starts.
He readies you by palming each of your cheeks with his hands, increasing the pressure with each touch. You can already feel the heat rising in your body, your legs squirming together trying to find any sort of friction. Eddie seeing your desperation grabs your legs forcing them apart with his leg.
“You’re so fuckin cute, you’ll learn,” he warns, earning you a light slap across your left check. You gasp not expecting it, making your eyes roll back in pleasure, grinding your hips against Eddie’s clothed legs.
Two more light slaps come down on each cheek, eliciting a whimper from your lips, your hips grinding up wanting more. You can feel his length twitch underneath you with every smack, and your wetness seeping into your panties, you’d never been this desperate in your life.
“What’s your color princess, you doin okay?” he questions, genuine concern in his voice that makes your heart swell.
“Green Eds, m’ good,” you say hazily, your mind starting to cloud over.
With that confirmation he slowly increases the intensity of each slap, switching between your two cheeks. It only made you whimper louder, wanting even more. The slaps were now punishing, surely your cheeks bright pink from the abuse. You were surprised, you never thought something like this would feel so good. But you couldn’t help it, your panties now completely soaked through.
“You like that, you like when I hurt you?” he says, leaning into the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine.  You nod wildly, not trusting your words.
You hear Eddie click his tongue, “Nuh uh pretty girl, down here you gotta use your words. Now I’m gonna ask again, you like it when I hurt you?” he demands, landing two more harsh slaps against your bottom.
“Yes, yes Eddie I like when you hurt me” you say desperately. Your body buzzing, every cell screaming with need. Your mind thinking of only him and the pain he gives you, mind completely blank.
“Good girl baby, doin such a good job” he praises, you smile at his praise, sinking further and further away from all the worries that had bothered you not a half hour ago.
He lands an especially mean slap on your right cheek pulling a loud moan out of your mouth, you can hear Eddies laugh vibrate through his chest.
“Fuck look at you baby, taking everything I give you. You’re my little pain slut aren’t you?” he mocks, tutting and rubbing at your now very red ass.
“Mhmm” you mutter brainlessly, trying to push your legs together, your clit on fire with need.
“Words pretty girl, I need words, that’s your last warning before you regret it,” he warns, gifting you another brutal slap.
“Y-yes, your pain slut, all yours,” you babble pathetically, desperate tears begging to spill from your eyes.
“Fuck me, yeah you are, C’mere let me look at you, get on your knees f’me” he says breathlessly, helping you off his lap and down between his legs. You lay your head against one of his knees, looking up at him between your eyelashes.
He brushes his hand across your cheek, rubbing your lips with his thumb. In your brainless state you allow his thumb into your mouth sucking on it while maintaining eye contact. You felt so free, knowing that he was going to take care of you, that you didn’t have to think anymore, giving up control gave your brain freedom that you wouldn’t have otherwise.
“Perfect” he utters, barely above a whisper, mesmerized by the way your mouth was sucking his thumb in, swirling the tip of his thumb with your tongue. Wanting more than just his thumb you tug on his pants and belt with your hand, but it wasn’t your turn to be in control. Eddie pulls the bottom of your chin up, straining your neck to meet his demand.
He pinches your cheeks together, forcing your mouth open wider. He takes his thumb out of your mouth replacing it with his pointer and middle fingers, seeing how deep you can put them down your throat. While maintaining eye contact, you suck his fingers all the way to the back of your throat until you choke lightly on them.
“You look so pretty with your mouth all full” he says as he leans down to leave a kiss on the side of your very full mouth.
All the praise becoming too much, squirming aimlessly in the air, whimpering around Eddies fingers. He seems to get a kick out of your desperation, cursing under his breath. All made more apparent by his very hard cock outlined in his pants.
“Alright sweet thing, climb up on the bed for me” he commands, tapping the silk sheets on the bed. You do as your told, meanwhile Eddie removes his shirt, belt, and pants. You look at him hungrily, with the playing field now level.
He sits down onto the bed next to you, pulling you into a deep kiss. Your bodies melt together, his hands everywhere, grabbing every inch of you. The two of you relax onto the bed, letting him kiss and nip and your skin, slowly taking off your bra and panties until you were completely bare in front of him.
He pulls your legs apart, not allowing you to hide any part of yourself from him. You were embarrassed by how wet you had gotten just from that act alone, he barely touched you.
Eddie curses under his breath, pulling apart your folds to see you dripping down your thighs.
“My needy needy girl”, he coos, dipping one of his fingers into your entrance, gathering some of your release on his fingers. He brings it up to your mouth, you suck in his fingers eagerly, wanting to please. Your release taste tangy and sweet, you moan around his fingers at the dirty act. Dipping his fingers back at your entrance, taking some of your release for himself, moaning around his fingers.
Focusing his attention back on you, he straddles you and puts your hands above your head and kisses you deeply. You feel him grind against your core making you buck up against him. Your groans filling the room, the tension becoming too much to bear.
“Need you eds, please,” you beg, the pressure between your legs driving you insane. That’s the only confirmation Eddie needed before taking his boxers off, sliding his throbbing cock in between your soaked folds. You wrap your legs around his back, pushing him harder against you.
He lines up his cock up to your entrance and slowly pushes in, his length pushing up against your cervix as he bottoms out. You whine, biting down on his shoulder, provoking a curse from his mouth.
“Color baby?” he asks breathlessly against your skin.
“Green Eds, really fucking green,” you grin against his shoulder, kissing the tattoo along his jaw.
Your words, diminishing the last of his resolve as he starts to thrust in and out of your heat slowly. Your eyes glass over, the pleasure being too much, you had never been so full. Not even your dildo doing half as much as Eddies cock.
“Shit, your pussy was fucking made for me, made to take my fucking cock,” he growls, biting down on a part of your neck, trying to contain his groans and whines.
You dig your claws into his back, wishing him deeper inside of you. Eddie using that as an okay to go faster, he grabs an edge of the bed frame for leverage. The wet sounds of his cock entering you drowning out your whimpers and moans.
“Uh, uh, uh, oh, fuuuckk E-eddie” you wail, your eyes rolling back and your mouth falling open.
“You like that baby, you like it when I fuck you like the little slut you are? All you needed was a few slaps on your ass for you do go dumb huh?” he mocks, pistoning harder into your core.
“Yes, yes I fucking love it, more please,” you beg, you wanted to see how much more you could handle, the pleasure building between your legs.
Eddie takes one of his hands off the bed frame, cupping the sides of your jaw with his hand.
“Open,” he demands. You obey, all rational thoughts gone long ago. Taking the opportunity, he spits sloppily into your mouth, you swallow and take what he gives your greedily.
“Atta girl, doing what your told” he sighs proudly, going back to concentrating rocking his hips against yours with vigor. You could feel yourself getting close, all of it becoming too much, the fucking, the slapping, the dirty talk, it was all perfect. You were plummeting quickly to your release, your walls spasming in anticipation.
“If you keep squeezing me like that m’ not gonna last much longer,” he confesses, leaving little kisses on your neck.
“Eds- I- fuck- I’m gonna cum- please cum in me please, need your cum,” you beg, feeling your release threatening to take over.
“Fuck,” he curses, you can feel his pace getting sloppier, fucking you through your release. Your legs shaking, mouth open in a silent scream, eyes glazed over, having the biggest orgasm you’ve ever had in your life.
Your walls clamp down on Eddie, not lasting much longer after you, spilling his seed into your waiting center. You feel his release spill out onto your thighs and sheets.
“Please tell me you’re on the pill” he mutters into your chest, sweat covering both of your bodies. You giggle and caress his hair, playing with his dark brown and greying curls.
“Yeah, ‘m on the pill,” you confirm, leaving a kiss at the top of his head. Eddie sighs thankfully on your chest, followed by a few minutes of silence from the two of you. Basking in each others after sex glow, gentle touches and light kisses.
You stay cuddled up for a while, neither of you wanted to go back to reality. The basement was like your safe place, where both of you could let go, like really let go. He saw things in you today that up until now, you had never let anyone see that side of you. He allowed you the same, taking down his walls showing you everything he had to offer.
He showed that he really cared about you, that he could take care of you even when your brain was against you. That was something you had never had before, someone who knew you and cared about you enough to help you fight the endless battles in your brain. You swore to yourself right there that you’d help him fight his battles too.
After a while he got up and got you a glass of water and a warm washcloth to help wipe you off. Your center still sensitive from your previous activities. Eddie was gentle, taking his time, making sure you were physically okay. He even put cream on your sore, soon to be bruised ass, after many many kisses that made you blush.
His teddy bear eyes looking into yours, while the two of you lay naked in bed, him painting circles on your face.
“How’s your head now baby? Better?” he asked hopeful. Tears form at the tips of your eyes, you nod your head vigorously. Your tears making Eddies eyes fill with concern.
“What baby? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he asks soothingly.
You shake your head, trying to find the words for what you were feeling. “No no I’m fine, I’m just.. happy. My brain is so quiet, I can’t remember the last time my brain was so quiet.” You sob into Eddies chest, pulling him closer into you. He wraps his arms around you and shushes your tears, wiping them from your face leaving little kisses in their wake.
“It’s okay baby, I’m here, I gotcha” he says, comforting you with more kisses, squeezing you tighter against him. The two of you spend the rest of the night down in the basement, eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms, completely content.
When you wake up the following morning, you are still wrapped up in each other’s arms, Eddie still lightly snoring. You take this time to really take him in, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, the laugh lines around his lips, his lips so pink and plush, the light wrinkles around his eyes, the dark curly brown hair that falls in front of his face, you didn’t know how you got so lucky. Not only is Eddie quite literally the sweetest man you had ever met in your life, but he’s also the most handsome.
You snuggle back into him, basking in his embrace. A little while later he wakes from sleep, stretching out, allowing you to get up and go to the bathroom.
“Hey little missy where do you think you’re goin?” he asks, pouting in bed patting the space where you were previously occupying.
“Just gotta pee,” you whisper, hoping maybe he will fall back asleep, but Eddie is stubborn.
“Just hold it, come back and cuddle,” he whines. You chuckle and kiss the top of his head before putting on his Metallica t shirt and heading out the door and up the stairs to the kitchen. You walk into the downstairs bathroom and gasp at the state you were left in. You still had mascara smudges under your eyes from crying and cumming, your hair was sticking up every which way, you looked a mess. And yet the beautiful man downstairs still wanted you, lucky you.
After you clean up a little and comb through your hair, you head to the kitchen to grab the two of you something to eat. You hear the basement door open, and the man you were just thinking about emerges, wearing only his boxers.
“I get to fuck the girl of my dreams AND she made me breakfast, I can die a happy man,” he remarks, enveloping you into a passionate kiss. You giggle against him, still not used how much he likes you.
“And you’re wearing my shirt,” he comments, taking a handful of your ass in each hand making you hiss, your butt still sore from the beating it received the day before.
“Just wanna touch base, everything yesterday was okay right? It wasn’t exactly what I picture our first time to be like but, I don’t regret it. You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, definitely did not disappoint,” he expresses.
“It was better than I could’ve imagined Ed, really. You were beautiful.” You confess, going on your tippy toes to steal a kiss from him.
The two of you spend the rest of the morning cuddled up on the couch eating breakfast, before you had to part ways. You had classes most of the day and Eddie had to go into the office for work.
Leaving Eddie was the hardest part of any day, but especially today. You had Steves class today, you always dreaded going after everything went down between the two of you. You wished to stay here forever.
The two of you share way too many last kisses before the two of you leave his house in your respective cars. You needed to go to your apartment before class to change, and then Sociology 101.
You waited as long as you possibly could before going into the classroom, you’ve started a routine of avoiding Steve as much as humanly possible. But when you entered the class, instead of being met by Steves sad eyes, you were met by a balding older man with grey hair. You look around at the rest of the class as you make your way to your seat, they also seem equally as confused as you. The man in the front of the class introduces himself as Professor McCarthy, he explained that he was going to take over for Steve for the time being.
“Where is Professor Harrington?” The girl who sits behind you asks, a slight whine in her voice.
“He has taken a seemingly well-deserved sabbatical,” Professor McCarthy confesses with zero empathy in his voice.
You can barely pay attention during class, your thoughts swimming threatening to drown you.
Why did he leave?
Was it because of you?
Does Robin know?
Was he forced to take a leave?
Did people find out about the two of you?   
You hated to admit it, but a small part of your brain was trying to say something. Loud enough for you to hear it through the madness.
Is he okay?
You didn’t know why, but you still cared about Steve. Even though he hurt you, you wanted to know he was alright. After so many weeks of getting to know him, you knew how much being a teacher meant to him. You knew how passionate he is about the subject he teaches; it worried you that he could just leave. It had to mean something was really wrong.
The rest of the class goes by in a blur, the new professors voice conveniently very easy to drone out. You were the first one to leave the room once class was over. Speed walking down the hall, heading to the only place you knew you’d find answers.
You knock on the door to Robins office, hoping that she was in today.
“Come in!” she calls out.
She looks startled when she sees you standing in her doorway, expecting to see a student with questions about an assignment.
“Uh, hi.” You say awkwardly, still standing in the doorway.
“Hey Y/N, come in, why don’t you sit down,” she offers kindly, already knowing why you’re here.
“Where is he?” you ask bluntly.
Robin sighs before answering, her eyes moving, trying to think of the best way to explain it to you.
“He just needed a break, and the board allowed it,” she says plainly
“I wanna talk to him,” you confess, words leaving your mouth before you could think. Yes, you were upset with Steve, definitely hurt. But that doesn’t mean that you wanted him to leave his job, the both of you are adults. You feel guilty, like you’re the reason he left, and you needed closure.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea honey,” Robin says empathetically.
Your heart drops.
“Please? At least think about it, okay? I’m not mad anymore, I just, I wanna make sure he’s okay,” you admit, hoping to clear the air.
Robin nods and promises that she’ll think about it, but she didn’t seem very convincing. The following days after, dragged on, still piled high with homework. Made worse now because your new sociology professor is the worst, he talked too fast and without any tone in his voice, you caught a few students falling asleep in his class, it was that bad.
Eddie helped a lot, staying over at your house some nights to cuddle up with you after staring at your computer screen for hours on end. You felt guilty that you were so worried about Steve, when you had the perfect man in front of you. You convinced yourself it was just guilt, you just wanted to make sure he’s okay.
Then you got lucky, one morning when you walked into Robins classroom, where you usually sat was a note.
“Here’s his number, don’t make me regret it.” Was etched into the paper.
Your heart flutters in anticipation as hope fills your chest. You spend time after class thinking about the right thing to say, do you text him? Do you call him? You decide on a text, thinking a text is less daunting than calling him.
“Hey Steve, its Y/N. heard about ur sabbatical, hope ur okay” Not really sure what to say, your finger hovers over the send button for a few seconds before you send it. Immediately followed by you throwing your phone across the room.
What the fuck are you doing?
You spend the next couple of hours on your laptop doing your homework, sneaking peaks at your phone, triple checking that you hadn’t missed any messages from Steve. You reasoned with yourself that he might be on vacation or at least just busy. You try to get out of your head and focus on your homework.
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The next few days you spent checking your phone every once in awhile looking for a text from Steve that hadn’t come. You were starting to get anxious, even a little worried. The semester was coming to a close, all your assignments turned in and only one mid term left to take. You had come to terms with the idea that Steve just wasn’t going to text you back, he didn’t owe you anything, I guess you’d just have to find closure on your own.
Until one afternoon, the day before thanksgiving, you get a text.
“I miss u”
You stare at your phone, double checking that the text was coming from the right number, Steve’s number. Concern floods your system, this is unlike him.
“Steve? R u okay?”
“I meszed it all up Y/N, im sry”
You’re heart now threatening to beat out of your chest, something was wrong, really wrong. You’re old enough to know when you’re getting a drunk text, what if he was out somewhere alone in this state? You needed to make sure he was okay, or at least somewhere safe.
“Steve tell me where u are, r u safe?”
“Come overrr” is all that is written, followed by a ping to an address. You grab your keys and your coat without a second thought. You get in your car and drive faster than what was probably safe, thoughts only on Steve.
When you finally get to the address, it takes you to a huge house on the outside of town. You let yourself through the gate and park in the huge driveway. You knock on the front door, it squeaks open lightly, you take deep breath and let yourself in. The house is massive, like really big, like old money big. The place is so big, you wander around for a little while searching the various extravagant rooms on the first floor until you find Steve in what you assume is the study.
He's slumped over onto his desk, his hand holding a fancy glass filled with amber liquid. You knock on the side of the door, jostling Steve from his drunk stupor.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” his words slightly slurred.
“Uh, you texted me, you gave me this address,” you feel your heart drop into your stomach, you knew this was a bad idea.
You see Steve’s bloodshot eyes search for the memory of sending you his address, raking his hands through his hair. Steve looked like he hadn’t taken care of himself for awhile, stains all over t-shirt and sweatpants. Your heart ached seeing him this way, guilt washed over you like a tsunami. This entire time you were thinking about yourself and your own closure, and not about the clearly broken man sitting before you.
“This was a mistake, I should go,” you admit before turning in the doorway to leave the way you came in.  
“No, p-please wait! I- fuck everything is so fucked up I don’t know what to do anymore. Just stay.” He looks up at you through his glassy red eyes, begging you to stay.
You decide to stay, you step closer to his desk to get a better look at the state he’s in. He probably hasn’t showered in days, and he reeked of alcohol.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” is all you can think to say, you can’t stand to see him this way any longer.
Steve allows you to get him up and out of the chair, the two of you half stumble while he shows you how to get to the master bathroom. You help him get out of his clothes until he’s left in just his boxers, you do your best not to stare. Even in the state he’s in, you still fought the urge to drool at the sight of him. You turn on the hot water, and look at him sitting on the toilet almost completely naked.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he mumbles groggily.
You suck in a deep breath and let it out harshly, you had always known that. If you knew anything about Steve Harrington, you know that he couldn’t hurt a fly. But you couldn’t believe anything he was saying right now. He was still drunk, and you didn’t know how he was going to feel once he sobered up.
“Why don’t you get in the shower, and we can talk once you’re out, okay?” you reassure him, leaving the room to give him space.
His bedroom was a mess, clothes and random liquor bottles everywhere, you tidy it up the best you can before making your way back downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen is huge, meant for a chef or someone who really likes to cook. But instead, you see containers of take out and microwave dinners piled in the over flowing garbage and more dishes crowding in the sink. You take out the garbage and do the dishes.
By the time you’re finishing up the dishes you hear footsteps pattering into the kitchen.
“Hi” he says meekly.
“Hi” you reply, placing the last dish into the dishwasher.
He stands next to you, one hand on the counter and one hand on his hip, trying to think of what to say. He opens and closes his mouth, but nothing comes out.
“It’s fine really Steve, I’m happy to help,” you confess, turning your body to face him.
Steve looks down at his hands, when he looks back up at you, fresh tears have formed on his lash line.
“I’m the worst, aren’t I?” he questions, his voice breaking.
Your heart broke with him, “No Steve, you’re not the worst. At little messed up, definitely. But far from the worst.”
He looks at you gratefully before he continues speaking.
“I- I thought you hated me. I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you. I don’t know how I screwed things up so badly. I’m sorry I brought you all the way out here. I just... fuck I just missed you Y/N,” he babbles, his tears now flowing down his face in little streams.
You walk a few steps closer to him, not trusting yourself to touch him.
Eddie, remember Eddie.
“I don’t hate you Steve, I could never hate you. I was just hurt and confused. Honestly, I still am hurt and confused, I just. I couldn’t bear the thought of you not teaching or being upset because of me. That’s why I came,” you reassure him, hoping your eyes show him the rest. That you do care for him, and want him to be okay.
Steve nods, mulling over your words, wiping his eyes. Then you hear some buzzing on the marble kitchen counter. Steve’s phone goes off, he looks at his phone and answers it immediately. You can hear Robins worried voice on the other end of the phone anxiously babbling questions off at him. You felt good knowing that even if you weren’t in Steves life, he still had Robin.
“No, ugh Rob I’m fine, please you don’t need to come and check on me.”
“Yes, I’ve showered. NO! Don’t bring Nancy, I don’t want her to see me like this.” He rubs his forehead, probably nursing a headache.
Steve hangs up the phone and looks at you.
“Uhm, Rob is coming over, and.. you probably shouldn’t be here when she gets here” he says awkwardly, he looks like he has more to say but decided against it.
You nod your head in understanding. Steve walks you to the front door, thanks you a million more times before waving you off as you get in your car and drive away.
You pull of on the side of the road, a few blocks from Steves place. You put your arms around the steering wheel, thinking about what just happened.
He is just a friend, someone you care about who needed your help.
You shake your head out of your thoughts and head back to your apartment. As you pull into the parking lot your phone dings, you park your car and look at the notification lighting up your phone screen.
“Come over stinky butt 🍑”
You smile at your phone, of course it’s Eddie, the one who makes you feel safe. The one you don’t have to take care of or worry about, your rock. You put your car in reverse, and drive towards Eddies house. The closer you get to Eddies house, the more every loud thought of Steve was quieting to a whisper, you sigh in relief.
“Vi?!” you say cautiously, a routine you were now used to.
Eddie pokes his head out of the kitchen, “Just me babe” a smile plastered across his face. You smile back and head into the kitchen, only to immediately be scooped up into a hug and lifted off your feet. You breathe in Eddies scent, allowing it to ground you back into your reality.
“Mmm missed you,” Eddie murmurs in between kisses. You wrap your arms around his waist, deepening the kiss.
“Missed you too Eds,” Eddie groans against you, pushing you against the counter.
The two of you kiss some more, allowing yourselves to get lost in each other. When you finally pull back you look into Eddies eyes, they just seem tired. You cup your hand around his face, and his cups your hand with his; grateful for the affection.
“Can I show you something?” he asks, only admiration in his eyes. You kiss him as a yes, and let him guide you back down into the basement. You stomach doing flips remembering the last time the two of you spent time down here. But this time he leads you into the main room. The circular table previously covered in random campaign research, now completely clean except for two stacks of paper in front a chair at the head of the table.
He pulls back the chair, next to the head and ushers you into it. You sit down, looking at him inquisitively. He sits down at the head of the table, clearing his voice before he speaks.
“So, the other day, I really liked seeing that side of you. And I wanted to know if you felt the same way, and if maybe you wanted to do it again,” he confesses, searching for the answer in your eyes. His gaze lights a fire in your belly, and a growing ache between your legs, remember the previous activities down here.
You bite your lip and look at him, trying to find the right words, “I’d like that a lot, I like when you take control,” you confide in him, nudging your leg against his under the table. Eddie takes in a deep breath before speaking again, “I just wanted to go over some more safety stuff, if we are going to really do this, and not have it be a one time thing,” handing you one of the stacks of paper in front of him.
He goes onto explain to you that this is not a contract, but more of a mostly complete list of limits that he wanted the two of you to fill out before playing again. He clarifies that the reason for this is so that neither of you ever accidently make the other feel uncomfortable during a scene. Your eyes looking over the papers curiously, overwhelmed by all the different things listed. He had to explain a few of them to you, him being more experienced than you were. You could feel the tension in the room heating up, and your panties dampening.
Finally, you’re on the last page, your knee bouncing up and down in anticipation.
“Where is Violet?” you ask, a little bit too much excitement in your voice. You see his eyes darken and a smirk splay across his lips.
“She’s working night shift” he says grabbing your chair and bringing it closer to his side, grabbing your thigh harshly.
You let out a shaky breath, you needed this, him. You go to put your hand around his neck to pull him into a kiss, but he grabs your wrist.
“Finish what I’ve asked of you pretty girl” leaving a kiss at the shell of your, evoking goosebumps across your skin.
You swallow hard, all the moisture gone from your mouth. You look back down on the paper, finishing it as fast at you can before looking back up at him for more instructions.
“Good job baby, I’m proud of you. You follow instructions so well” he praises, leaving a light kiss on your cheek. He pulls his eyes away from you for a bit, looking through all of your limits or things you are willing to try. You take this time to do the same with him, shocked by a few things, but even more turned on. Once you’re done reading you look up to see him staring at you hungrily.
“Ready to play sweet thing?” he says, pupils blown in lust.
“Ready,” you say breathlessly, willing air into your lungs.
“One more thing before we start, I like Daddy and Master, just so you know,” he winks at you, and it takes everything in you to stop your knees from buckling.
He takes you by your hand and walks with you to the secret door under the stairs. Your body buzzing, wanting to touch the man in front of you anywhere and everywhere. He opens the door and lets the two of you in. Once the door is closed, he envelops you into a deep kiss, you whimper at his lips on yours.
“Mm fuck, I love your little noises” he hisses, lifting you up by your legs and guiding you to wrap them around his waist. He sits down on the bed, leaving you to straddle his waist. The sheets were changed since you were here last, now a silky maroon color. You take the opportunity to grind your hips down on his lap while he grabs at the skin available to him, the two of you moaning into each other’s mouths. His lips tasting like the last cigarette he smoked, chasing his tongue with yours. You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, the way his bulge was rubbing against your clit could make you cum right now with how worked up you are. You moan a little louder into Eddies mouth, making him pull back and look at your already fucked out expression.
“Look at you baby, already so desperate” he teases, lifting you off of him for a second to slide your leggings and panties off. He guides you back onto his lap, situating his fingers at your center, swiping them through your folds. Lifting his hands up to find them glistening with your juices.
“And already so fucking wet, such a needy little slut” he says, sticking his fingers into his mouth. You go back to grinding your hips against his bulge, not being able to help yourself, your clit aching with need.
Eddie stills your hips with his hand, grabbing at your ass and tits roughly before taking off your shirt, leaving you naked except your bra. Eddie takes this time to kiss all the skin newly available to him. You moan loudly into the open room, trying your best to obey and not rock your hips against his.
This task became harder and harder the longer his lips were on yours, kissing that spot on your neck that you like, nipping at your lips, kissing your newly exposed nipples. It was all too much, you grind your hips into his without thinking, and that’s when he swiftly turns the turns the two of you over. You can feel the silk sheets against your back, and his hands on your hips. You whine in protest, trying to rock your hips into his once more.
“Awe, my girl just can’t stay still huh? I can help with that,” He taunts, leaving you to lay on the bed, going into the little nightstand on the side of the bed.
He comes back into view holding leather cuffs in his hands, and a sinister look on your face. He takes his time kissing each of your wrists before helping you into the cuffs, doing the same thing with your ankles. You take a look at your wrists, now partially covered by the leather material, it was tight but not too tight. You feel Eddie move around you before grabbing one of your wrists in his hand lightly hearing a clicking sound as he lays it back down on the bed. You go to pick up your wrist again, realizing you can’t. You look at the head of the bed to see your cuff connected to a restraint in the frame. He continues to do the same thing with your other wrist and both of your ankles.
His stare could bore holes into skin the way that it heated you up from the inside. You struggle lightly against the restraints, trying to test how much movement you had in each limb, which wasn’t much. He sits next to you on the bed, palming your face in one of his hands.
“Color baby?” he questions.
“Green!” you say brightly, excited for the adventure ahead of you.
“Doin’ so good for me” he coos, and then his touch is gone and he’s somewhere in the room. You can hear random rustling but you can’t lift up your head enough to see what he’s grabbing.
He comes back next to you seemingly empty handed, and then he lifts up his hands to you to show you his haul. He has a single black die in his one hand, and a vibrating wand in the other.
“So, we’re gonna play a little game, I’m going to roll the dice. Whatever number the dice lands on, is how many times you have to edge until I let you cum.” He says, he usually chocolate brown eyes now almost black with lust.
You lick your lips and think about how to respond, “Y-yes Daddy” you utter, your face heating up at the new pet name. You hear Eddie curse under his breath. He rolls the die next to your head on the nightstand and chuckles. His face coming close to yours with a wicked grin on his face.
“Can you handle three, angel?” he snickers, leaving kisses along your jaw line, nipping lightly. You nod hurriedly, wanting to be good for the man above you. With that he kisses you deeply one more time before spreading your legs, your dripping core on display for him to see.
You watch him spit messily on the wand and then once more on your heat, spreading it generously on your clit. You hiss at the contact, bucking your hips up slightly wanting more. You hear the hum of the vibrator as Eddie turns it on low, your body full of anticipation, waiting for any sort of pleasure. That’s when you feel it, the low vibration against your clit. You squirm against it at first, wanting more already.
Eddie chuckles lowly above you, “I should call you my little bunny by how much you move, would you like that sweetness? To be my little bunny?” he taunts, turning up the vibration higher, pulling a moan from your lips.
“Yes daddy, wanna be your bunny, your good little bunny” you writhe against the restraints. He rewards you by turning up the vibrator another notch, the pressure quickly building in your stomach.
You writhe against the restraints as the pressure becomes too much, coming it waves, so close to sending you over the edge. And then it’s gone, the vibration still audible in the room but you can no longer feel it. You groan in frustration, you were so fucking close.
“Two more baby, then you can cum” he reassures you. He takes this time, to let the fire inside you simmer. He takes off his shirt and his pants, leaving him in only his boxers. You see him palming himself, you bite your lip, wanting nothing more than to worship his cock.
You feel the vibration once again but this time instead of starting out slow, the vibration knocks the wind out of you. Your clit screaming at you for release, the coil inside you already winding tighter and tigher, your curl your toes, willing yourself not to cum. Then the sensation is gone once again, your body now covered in sweat from being so close twice now, your chest heaving heavily up and down.
“You’re doin so good bunny, just one more for me, kay? Still green?” he asks.
You nod your head not trusting your words, whimpers coming out instead. Eddie takes off his boxers, showing off his now very erect and hard cock, making your mouth water. Stroking it a few times before lining it up with your mouth.
“Spit Bunny” he commands.
You whimper and do as you’re told, gathering all the salvia in your mouth and spitting it onto his tip. He sighs and works your spit around his cock, moaning loudly. He’s teasing you, you’re strapped to the bed and can’t even touch him. He is evil incarnate, and you can’t get enough.
You were so entranced by watching Eddie work his hand over his cock you had forgot what the two of you were doing, until you felt the vibration on the highest setting hit your clit.
You yelp in surprise, keeping your eyes on his cock. Thinking about how his cock feels inside of you, how it stretches you out, hits a spot inside of you that you could never reach. You wanted it, no, you needed it, you needed him or you were going to explode. Your orgasm hurtling towards you like a freight train.
“D-Daddy i- please, i- im gonna cum” you gush, holding your eyes tightly closed, willing yourself not to cum before you’re given the okay. But instead, the vibration is gone, and your orgasm ruined.
You wail in frustration, tears welling in your eyes threatening to spill out, legs shaking. You were so desperate you didn’t even know why you were crying. You feel Eddie unclip your restraints, giving you full range of motion again, you rubbed your wrists thankfully. Eddie pulling you into a hug, kissing the tears out of your eyes.
“You did so good for me baby, you’re such a good girl for Daddy,” he mumbles into your skin. You allow him to hold you for a minute before the need between your legs takes over.
You let out the breath you were holding shakily. Looking at him in anticipation. You lie back down on the bed and open your legs, two could play at this game. You swirl your finger around your aching clit, moaning dramatically. Grabbing your left tit, pinching lightly between your two fingers, giving him a show.
Two firm hands grab both of your wrists putting them above your head, “You coulda just asked sweetness, not that I mind the show, I just had something else in mind” he mocks.
He climbs on top of you, lining his cock up at your entrance, swiping it through your soaked folds.
“Beg for it, beg for my cock,” he demands.
“Please, please I need your cock, please please, I’ve been good, please let me have your cock,” you whine.
With that he pushes into your core, both of you moaning in unison. His pace already quick chasing his own high.
“Fuck your pussy is so fuckin tight” he says, eyes closed trying to hold off his own orgasm. He lifts your legs, bending you almost in half, hitting a spot inside that makes you scream.
“Fuck yes, yeah right there, holy fuck!” you wail.
Doing what he’s told he pistons into you harder, making the wet noises in the room get louder and louder. You can feel pressure building inside you, but it feels different, it feels bigger.
“Can I cum, please can I cum?” not being able to hold it off any longer, eyes pleading with Eddie.
“Yeah, baby go ahead, cum for me, cum for daddy,” he groans.
Then your vision whites out, every cell in your body imploding with pleasure, you feel your release spill out of you and onto the sheets, messily.
“Holy shit- fuck!” is the only warning you get before Eddie’s hips stutter, and he spills his seed inside of you.
“What the fuck” is all you can muster in your fucked out state.
“Yeah what the fuck indeed princess, I didn’t know you could squirt” he says breathlessly, scooping you into his arms, the two of you laying next to each other trying to catch your breaths.
“I didn’t either, I’ve never done it before” you confide, Eddies eyes shining bright with pride. You roll your eyes at him, the last thing he needed was a bigger ego.
“Don’t let it go to your head mister,” you say with a jab to his chest.
“No, I absolutely am, thanks though” he says, putting his hand over his chest like he’s accepting a badge of honor.
The two of you spend the rest of the night down there in each other’s arms, eventually, Eddie gives you his t-shirt and goes to grab the two of you a snack and a glass of water.
“Was this okay? I didn’t hurt you or make you upset, right?” he asks.
You shake your head, “No not at all, I loved every second, can’t wait to do it again,” you say with a wiggle of your eyebrows. It makes Eddie crack a smile and leave a small kiss on your head.
“I just like feeling wanted, you know how stuff like this clears your head? It clears mine too, all I need to do is be there for you, and focus on you. Then my brain is quiet, so thank you,” he confesses, stealing a kiss from your lips. You smile up at him, if you could give him the whole world you would in an instant.
“I think I want to tell Vi, I’m nervous but I’m starting to feel guilty hiding all of this from her. I like you a lot, and she deserves to know what makes me happy,” he says looking sleepily in your eyes.
“You make me happy too, we can tell Vi this weekend, okay? I don’t like hiding things from her either,” you reassure him.
He nods back at you sleepily, snuggling in closure to you like a dog. Eventually the two of you fall asleep, completely content.
***Reblogs/comments are appreciated***
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
Why I like Kirk so much and why I think he didn’t resonate as much with general audiences as Spock did
I think what Gene Roddenberry and the rest of the tos crew underestimated is how powerful knowledge of a character can be when they thought Kirk would be popular over Spock. As season 1 progresses while you do get information about both Kirk and Spock peppered through out, how much and how it’s conveyed is important.
Spock is Stoic yes, but surprisingly he talks about his past and what it means to be Vulcan a lot. And other characters comment on Vulcans too like McCoy describing where a Vulcan heart is. Even moving onto season 2, when Spock truly, desperately, does not want to explain what Pon Farr is or that Sarek is his father, he admits these things under pressure. And all of this information is what’s gives the audience an idea of what informs his actions.
Jim Kirk however, despite being very outgoing and charismatic, very rarely talks about himself. With few exceptions, every time you do learn something about his past it’s because someone else explains it or points it out. You’ve got where no man has gone before where Gary talked about their academy days, The naked time while Spock talked about his regrets, Kirk vents that he wants a personal connection and then is literally the only person who is able to will the virus to stop effecting him (on his own I mean) just long enough for McCoy to give him the cure.
The Android copy of Kirk tells us about Kirk’s brother Sam, in Conscience of the king literally everyone except Kirk explains his tragic tarsus iv backstory, we never find out who the Ruth girl is in shore leave, and it’s Bones that brings up Sam lives on Deneva. Even in season 2 in the worst episode ever, the deadly years, when Kirk is in a room alone with his ex fiancé, she explains their history. Not Kirk.
This man is allergic to talking about himself I love it.
Edit: Whenever Jim does even sorta talk about his past, it’s always in the context of what the other people he’s talking to know about it. Take Tarsus IV. Spock tells Jim that he checked the same library records. So when Jim finally opens up at the end of the conversation, it’s information Spock and Bones already know. “I saw him [Kodos] once, 20 years ago.” Then about 10 minutes later when he’s talking with Kodos and trying to get proof, he gives Kodos a copy of the speech Jim heard him read 20 years ago. Saying that he memorized the words. Again, these are things only the two of them would know about. It’s not something Jim exclusively went through.
Then later in Obsession when Jim is talking about his prior experience with the fog, everything he references was in the report he made after the Farragut disaster that he knows Spock and Bones read. There is no new information he reveals about what happened to him or even how he felt about it. Bones has to be the one to say Jim was wrecked with guilt because at the end of the day, Jim will never willingly talk about his past without knowing or thinking the other person he’s talking to has the same information. He will not reveal anything new 95% of the time.
Anyway back to the old blog.
While I’d argue conscience of the king does most of the work you would ever need to explain why Kirk is the way he is, the fact is we don’t learn much about his past through him. Instead it’s Kirk’s actions that inform our understanding of him. Which on some level I like a lot. It’s rare that a tv series doesn’t lean heavily into some tragic backstory explaining why a character acts the way they do. But it isn’t just he doesn’t have multiple tragic backstories. It’s what we know nothing about his past in general. Ffs we didn’t learn he grew up in Iowa until Star Trek IV. It might not even be Riverside! That town just claimed it for themselves and everyone rolled with it.
Edit: SNW did confirm after almost 40 years that riverside is Kirk’s birthplace.
The audience never truly closes the gap with Kirk because he never willingly opens up (at least where I am in the show idk maybe the movies change this) So comparatively Spock just had more going on.
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gaysindistress · 7 months
Since you did latina can you do arab that would be so cute plsss i love your fics its my favourite fics i have ever read
AHAH IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!! *crackles knuckles and rolls neck* it’s my time to shine.
This list has a special place in my heart since I’m Arab. Idk why I didn’t do this sooner but….
here is a list of things I think would happen if Bucky dated an Arab!reader
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
1. He would absolutely terrified of your mom and aunts.
You would warn him about them before you brought him home for the first time but nothing could prepare him for awaited him. The moment you stepped foot inside, your mom and aunt were upon him, touching, poking, grabbing, everything. They were all over him as he looked at you with wide eyes that begged to help him. You tried but your mom hit your hand with a sharp “khalas” as she leads him into the kitchen. Your dad is useless and backs away with his hands up when you look to him for help.
“Mami, bi sharafak. Give him some breathing room,” you gently demand as to not turn her attention to you.
Bucky’s gentle smile and even kinder eyes warrant even more commotion from the herd of women around him. They finally let him go after thoroughly interrogating him about everything under the sun and he instantly finds you. Wrapping his arm around you and pressing a kiss to your hair, he whispers to you that you’re not allowed to ever leave him alone with them again. When you ask him why, all he mumbles is something along the lines of “some many questions and the touching.”
“Food?” You ask as a peace offering and he happily accepts it.
2. Whenever he’s around you, he literally doesn’t stop complimenting you.
Maybe it’s your perfume, maybe it’s the way you style your hair, or maybe it’s your outfit that day. No matter what, he is ALWAYS complimenting you.
You have about 40 bottles of perfume but there are few that he loves more and will ask if you can wear them more often. At first, he would just casually mention that he liked how you smelled that day but the longer you’re together, the more obvious he is about it. He goes from asking if you can wear the gold one to straight up picking your perfume out for the day. It’s become a little routine at this point; when you’re getting dressed, he’ll pick something out and help you put it on. You’re perfectly capable of doing it yourself but it’s an excuse to have him close and to feel his hands on you. His favorite and the one he picks the most is the one that your mom got you as a graduation gift. You asked him one day why he liked it so much and he told you that it was what you wore the day you two met. That and it smells like “oranges and summer.”
Bucky is OBSESSED with your hair, maybe more than your perfume collection. It’s usually blown out and styled so he can’t touch it but it’s all over when you leave it natural. Of course he’s a gentleman and will ask if it’s okay to play with it before fully twisting his hand into your curls. They’re almost like a fidget toy for him; he’ll toy with a curl when you’re cuddling on the couch. If you’re in public, he’s gently massaging the base of your neck and playing with the little ringlets that live there. If you need to wash it, he’s right there with all of your products in hand. If you need to put it up, he’s already behind you and gathering your hair for you.
3. If you’re Muslim, he would try so hard to understand your religion.
I genuinely don’t believe that Bucky knows anything about Islam prior to meeting you. It’s possible he met a few Muslims in the 30s and 40s since he lived in Brooklyn but he knows nothing about Islam.
To put it mildly, America is a very interesting place when it comes to the Middle East and Islam and a lot of the information he gets at first is contradictory. When he learns that you’re Arab and also Muslim, he tries to do as much research as he can but ends up getting pissed off and stops. He’s not frustrated due to a lack of understanding, he’s livid that new sources are allowed to say whatever they want and no one stops it.
The following convo is just one example of when this happens:
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Aside from wanting to never use the internet again, he’d take the time to sit down and talk to you about your different holidays so when they come around so that he understands what’s going on. He’d buy an English translation of the Qur'an so he can read with you. You’ve offered to read yours in English but he’s adamant that he wants his own. It’s adorable really.
I think he would try really hard to learn Arabic so that he can understand Islam better but it’s a very diffcult language to master. What’s even cuter though is watching him study a word and you can see those big beautiful blue eyes scan it over and over again as he thinks about how to say it. You don’t even try to help him as you sit back and shamelessly watch him. Your Arabic lessons usually end with him whispering “تقبرني” (taqburni) against your lips.
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crayonwarrior1 · 2 months
My rankings of Wrestlemania 40 matches (from somebody who knows very little about wrestling)
Rhea Ripley vs Becky Lynch - 4.5/5 stars
I'm going to be honest, I really didn't know what this match would hold because I wasn't a big fan of woman's wrestling, but I would like to publicly say that I was wrong. It was too standard to go any higher than I rated it, but for what it was, it was brilliant.
Six-Pack Tag Team Ladder Match - 4/5 stars
I love a good match gimmick, and ladder matches are pretty much always great. Now, I can acknowledge that, from an objective standpoint, the match could've been handled significantly better in a few regards. First, it felt like not all 12 participants really played a role in the match, and so I feel like less people were necessary in the match. Second, the Smackdown titles were grabbed really quickly. I get that A-Town Down Under are supposed to be douche heels, but still, the match could've benefited from a few more minutes without a title being claimed. Third, it felt like New Catch Republic were doing work and got nothing, which was sad. So, why is it so high? One reason: I love The Awesome Truth. R-Truth got so many fun spots in the match, and I was cheering him on all the way. Also, although I knocked on the match, it was a fun match regardless and still was full of cool spots.
Rey Mysterio and Andrade vs Santos Escobar and Dominik Mysterio - 2.5/5 stars
Look, I like the Mysterios. But we already watched this match last Wrestlemania, and making it a tag match didn't nearly change enough to justify seeing it again. Yes, it was enjoyable. Yes, I didn't hate it. Yes, the interference from the Eagles players was enjoyable. But we really didn't need this match.
Jey Uso vs Jimmy Uso - 3/5 stars
When we get a Bloodline story match, a certain expectation of quality is held by the crowd. This match was short, mostly just kicks, and didn't really hit that Bloodline mark. Frankly, I was disappointed. But, the Usos always deliver a fun performance, and I was entertained for the (albeit short) duration of the match. Honestly, when I read that the two of them were facing off, I envisioned a spot in my head where they both superkick each other at the same time (I have literally no clue if it's been done before, but I think that would be dope). Also, Lil Wayne didn't really add much to Jey's intro, and, despite a certain commentator's remarks, he is not "the greatest rapper of all time".
Jade Cargill, Bianca Belair, and Naomi vs Damage CTRL - 3.5/5 stars
When I say that I know little about wrestling, this is a match where that fact is wholeheartedly applicable. What I will say is that this match, along with pretty much every other match so far (minus the first one) suffer from their short length. Because of the longer main event, the matches leading up to it don't really have time to fully develop. Also, I feel like this match would be better if I knew Jade considering that the match was essentially a squash match for her. It was a fun viewing experience, if not a little confusing at times.
Sami Zayn vs Gunther - 4.75/5 stars
This was a classic underdog match. One commentator (I forget which) compared the match to Rocky IV, and I think that was a big inspiration for the match. Sami Zayn's comeback was brilliant and awe-inspiring. The match was great, but it lacked that big surprise to promote it to five stars.
The Rock and Roman Reigns vs Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins - 5/5 stars
If nothing else, this Wrestlemania had some of the best main events in history. The Rock's commands to the ref ("You count, you're fired.") really helped bring the long tag team match together, making it more like a no disqualification match than a standard tag team match. Cody and Seth both played great heroes, and Roman and Rock both played great villains. Unfortunately, the outcome was predictable in order to get Sunday's main event to be the match stipulation it was meant to be. But, it's a great match, and it really sets an excellent stage for the next main event.
Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins (plus Damian Priest vs Drew McIntyre) - 4/5 stars
Seth Rollins had an admirable showing after his beating the previous night, and although he lost, it was much closer than a lot of us (and Drew McIntyre) expected. Damian Priest's cash in was a favorite moment, especially considering McIntyre and CM Punk's feud and fight crescendoing into a cash in. Ultimately, you have to love a cash in.
The Street Profits and Bobby Lashley vs The Final Testament - 3.5/5 stars
The match was very standard in structure for a match, with heel domination, a flip, and the heroes defeating the villains in the end. It was fine, but it really felt like a match that solely existed for Bubba Ray Dudley to referee and ultimately assist in defeating The Final Testament. I like the Dudleys, but I wish that a bigger focus would be placed on the actual talent. Also, I'm not really sure why Snoop Dogg was involved with the commentary other than the advertisement. It just felt random. And all the marijuana jokes really took away from the match and weren't funny. Sorry, Snoop.
LA Knight vs AJ Styles - 4.25/5 stars
LA Knight's rise to popularity is meteoric, and his first Wrestlemania match didn't disappoint. I do wish that the match was fleshed out more, but LA Knight beat AJ Styles. Who can argue with results? Both wrestlers had a good showing, and the crowd was invested throughout. It's not going to be a classic, but it was very enjoyable for what it was. Also, why was LA Knight a sellout to Slim Jim at the beginning? It just seemed odd for the egotistical narcissistic personality of LA Knight to bow down to the corporate masters of beef jerky.
Logan Paul vs Kevin Owens vs Randy Orton - 4/5 stars
I'm about to say something that may be seen as controversial. I like Logan Paul. I think that the man plays a great heel, and that he's been playing a great heel since he made his YouTube channel all those years ago. Frankly, though, I'm not really a Kevin Owens fan. He's just not really original in any aspect. Pretty much all of his moves are just moves from other wrestlers. And, although I like Randy Orton, he's getting older, and I'm sorry, but I don't think he should really have a US Championship run at this point in his career. Speed's role in the match was entertaining, and Logan Paul really sold his character well, but I just wasn't fully invested in the participants, so it fell on deaf ears.
Bayley vs Iyo Sky - 3/5 stars
This match probably deserved more stars than what I've given it. But, by this point in the show, I was just falling asleep. I don't know if it was the match's fault or my own poor sleep schedule coming back to haunt me, but it just failed to engage me fully. I'm giving it 3 stars because the crowd seemed engaged and what little wrestling I could stomach was good.
Cody Rhodes vs Roman Reigns - 10/5 stars
I'm not joking with that review. This is genuinely, in my uninformed opinion, the greatest match ever wrestled. The pacing, the story, the interference from other wrestlers, and everything else was perfect or nearly perfect. If you didn't watch Wrestlemania and somehow stumbled upon my 0 follower Tumblr account, go watch this match now. Don't search anything else. Don't even finish this review. You'll lose it, I promise. Now, for those of us that have seen it, my only real note was that I wished Dean Ambrose would've joined Seth Rollins in his Shield entrance, but he's a AEW guy, so I get why that wouldn't happen. Other than that, though, the match is perfect.
OVERALL - 4.75/5 stars
This Wrestlemania felt like it suffered from success with its main events in the sense that, because they were so long with so much star power, every other match was overshadowed heavily and many matches felt far too short. But, for being the first Wrestlemania of the "Paul Levesque era" (Stephanie McMahon said that), it was exceptional, and it really started the show and sent the viewer home every night with a bang. It gets so many kudos for those main events, even if other matches weren't quite up to snuff. Overall, I think I speak for WWE fans everywhere when I say that I'm excited for more Triple H writing.
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intertexts-moving · 8 months
ROSWEEEELLLLLL. ur p5 posting has captured me finally. ugh. i dont think i will play it myself (<< guy who is going thru a transitional period (AGAIN 🙄) and does not have time 2 get fully fully invested in a game) BUT. IM LIKE 80% SURE one of the streamers i watch has done a p5 playthrough. do u think this is worth it or is p5 the kind of game u have to play urself to fully experience..... gove me ur propaganda pitch i love ur taste in media and u have become the p5 guy 2 me
HIIII MAC BOUNCING AROUND AT U. holy shit im the p5 guy now.. this is also so exciting i would combust if u also got into it.
ok ok ok. i personally am a Terrible person to ask that bc i don't like rpgs at all unless im actively playing them (immersion thing feeling of agency within the game thing sorry ive been reading a bunch of game theory lately) BUT. p5 is very much a narrative-driven rpg, not one where like. actively participating in game mechanics & such is very important. i think that like. personally, controlling the protagonist-- deciding where to go on the subway, who to hang out with, what to say in conversations-- adds another layer of emotional interest but i don't think its Absolutely Necessary by any means!!! (it might b harder to get into just watching it though -- it was easy for me to get, like, 40 hours in so far bc i got immersed in it, u might prefer putting a letsplay on in the background during another task) i think i described it once as like. something like an interactive anime series/a game for if always really really wanted to go through the screen into cartoon or show worlds.
& i think it is DEFINITELY worth it to experience in any way!!!!! it's a really good game with a really fun & exciting & emotionally compelling narrative!!! there r so many really good characters!!!! i think ive said before but it draws on that very very powerful story hook: hey, remember when you were in high school & almost every authority figure in your life was a piece of shit & everyone hated u & u wished u could do literally anything about it? well what if u COULD. & does it really well imo-- all the main characters are mostly. teens in varying degree of stupid or smart & r really well written as such, with real consequences & weight to their actions. (also i think there r some characters u would LOVE.)also it makes my brain feel like pop rocks in a way nothing since snowchester has!!!!!!!!
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Nyx reads Six of Crows (pt.1)
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I didn't want to annoy anyone with too much spamming so this is just my general thoughts while reading! (PLEASE DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO READ THIS HALF OF IT IS GOING TO BE ME BEING DUMB AS HELL SO)
(updating every day, so you guys can keep up with my thoughts in real-time without TOO much spam :))
part 2
Started reading: 1/18/23
Finished reading: 2/4/23
Alright, since I didn't start this at the beginning of the book, I'm gonna summarize my thoughts from Chapters 1-4 in a few sentences:
AWWW JOOST AND ANYA SO CUTE, omgggg I'm in love with Inej AND Kaz, is this new? Nope. Uh oh, the girlfriend is gonna get killed. DAMN KAZ THE THREATS 💀 Jesper is so me. NOOOO JOOST. AND ANYA??? Who the hell is that. WHO TF IS JORDIE???? SLAY INEJ!!! Aww, new ship you guys!!!
Ok, that's all hope people understand it and if you don't, too bad. JOKING LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
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Starting at chapter 5 guys
Kaz is actually so smart
Oh Jordie is older-
I mean I assumed he was his brother but I thought he was younger
MEETING NINA!!!! (Ives said I'd like her)
omg. I'm in love with her. She has said one thing.
I can't believe they're only 17
I'm trying to be like Kaz
interested in Matthias like a lot
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chapter 6 now
I wonder what Matthias did
omg another new ship
I'm still confused about the costumes
this prison feels like hell
so many gangs
who would actually think of something like this 😦
It's sick
not sick in a cool way
sick in a WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL way
ok maybe for the sick fucks
omg they bet on it.
crying, screaming
"I'm mad at you, too" "I don't know yet. I just am." -me coded
oh Nina...this won't end well
my two sides fighting ^^
oh she down bad
Don't tell me killing wolves is against his morals- or his country's morals-
I'm hurt, you guys. Very hurt. Might cry. Probably will.
Do you guys see how sensitive I am yet?
Kaz is a slay per usual
I love the word barbaric
such a funny word
Kaz is literally a genius
No I won't stop saying that because he is
I just rolled my eyes so much I could see my fucking brain
Am I the only one who hates when guys act tough?
"I can take it" STFU AND LET HER DO HER WORK 😡
y'all I don't know who said that cause it wasn't me.
...oh such a lovely reunion!!! how romantic!!!!!
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Chapter 7 ALONG WITH Part 2!!!!
first pov from Matthias!
we left off where he was choking her and now he's dreaming of her???
trying to be like them fr JOKING JOKING
Matthias would like Taylor Swift
I mean he used one of her song titles in one of his first sentences!!!
He's so me
just realized that said hunted instead of haunted
crying actually
I thought we had something Matthias.
now with me those instances would be switched, kissing Nina sounds very pleasant actually
oh Matthias is down bad too
Sorry that's rude BUT TRUE APPARENTLY???
Me thinks this is a enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers again arc
I say that about everyone idek which one is actually my fav
"Boys like you weren't meant to get ideas, Helver," YOU TELL HIM KAZ!!!
My girl killed something that no one had survived before her
Love her sm ❤
Kaz is a lot of things but at least he's honest about it 💀
my lord I think he wants to kill Nina, just a thought though
bro Nina fucked him up
Matthias drop the witch thing, it's getting annoying
oh he's so salty I love it
me thinks she will think about you, often (it's disgusting and I can't stop)
my lord Matthias, never getting on your bad side
does he genuinely think Kaz is a demon? like a demon demon?
New character y'all
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Chapter 8 IN JESPER'S POV!!!
I love Jesper he's so me
WTF HIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT (I say as I've been complaining to myself about how long the chapters are)
Jealous? I know what you are Jesper.
It's ok me too
or am I?
don't have a repeat of Joost. Istfg I will sob. don't try me.
hey, hey. flute is cool too. (ok not as cool as piano but don't tell him I said that)
Wylan give me all your belongings rn.
Ofc Kaz is unfazed, it's Kaz tf do you expect?
Nina provoking him won't do any good 😭
God the dynamic between Jesper and Wylan
I want what they have
"No" "it looks like a target" NOW THAT'S A SLAY
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I feel a new ship brewing
Kaz ships Jesper and Wylan confirmed
Can you guys tell I like Kaz yet?
He'd probably try to kill me if I said that to him
But I only speak the truth!!!
I take that back
how stupid do you have to be to attack Kaz?
Kaz being the best per usual
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Chapter 10, INEJ!!!
Can't believe I've already read like 5 chapters today
But some of these have been short, this chapter is too
And it has still taken me like 4 hours I think, I'm a really slow reader 😭
Inej and Kaz's dynamic never fails to make me laugh 💀
oh...guys now why would you say that
oh no the silent treatment 💀
Inej's parents were the blueprint
omg that place sounds horrible.
oml my heart is racing
omg she names her knives I love her
I want to know more about her Saints
her knives mean as much to her as Jesper's guns mean to him
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Chapter 11, JESPER AGAIN ❤❤❤
y'all gonna explain the explosion???
"Not a kid" me too Wylan but I also call everyone kid so 🤷
omg Kaz you're a lifesaver, literally
ok it's official, yeah there's def 3 ships here
I know what you guys are.
Matt DIDN'T use his first opportunity to kill Nina? DEVELOPMENT!!!
I am calling him Matt from now on
"you can't kiss me from down there" SO YOU WANT HIM TO KISS YOU?????? CAUGHT YOU BITCH/j
Lawd this chapter brought my heart rate up
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Chapter 12, MY BELOVED AGAIN!!!
the ones in the beginning were so long
wtf happened
Who cares PARTAY
I hate long chapters
aw not the fucking black tips again
Omg you worried me.
Kaz to the rescue again
she's not gonna die but lord-
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this book has a habit of ending the chapters on very worrying notes.
Chapter 13, Kaz
scared fr ngl
another short chapter as well
omg he loves her so much
but I love her more so he can fuck off.
trying to steal my girl though 🙄
Awww they're so cute together... (Wylan and Jesper)
oh...now Kaz....his eye socket?
well bye ig
Don't mess with Inej guys you get your eye taken out and get thrown overboard
I need to know what tf happened with Jordie.
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Chapter 14!!! Nina is backkkk
This one is VERY long and by long I mean 15 pages so honestly I'm being dramatic.
Honestly the gang tattoo sounds like it'd look really good
Inej and Nina together>>>>
Best friends I say
I wonder if people ship them
I mean I guess I can see it idk yet though
Jesper and Inej 🤝 finding comfort in deathly weapons
Oh Jesper please don't start crying cause I will too
they're all so smart
how tf she know all those languages
y'all I don't think I like Zoya all that much
omg she said he looks like a painting
crying, screaming
oh Nina..
um...everyone makes mistakes! you'll be ok!
ew. um. I would rather die, actually.
Me thinks Jarl Brum is a little bitch
I wish I understood all the words they're saying
oh some boy to the rescue
oh nvm.
omg she's going to kill him!!!
I support women's rights but I also support their wrongs
joking I know she won't kill him
ooh she called out the name calling too
glad I'm not the only one
I don't though, still love you SUPPORT WOMEN'S WRONGS!!! (/j)
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Last chapter of this part, Chapter 15, Matty boy's perspective
Back to the short chapters
oh...violent per usual
oooh Brum died? YIPEE!!!
omg Kaz 😭
Kaz scary sometimes
"my ghost won't associate with your ghost)" MATTYYY 💀
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CHAPTER 16, along with part 3, AND AN INEJ POV!!!
oh she's crying-
3 DAYS?????
I feel like Kaz has a death wish
not her bullying her singing 💀
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I'd probably jump too, seems boring
they love each other
ok Wylan, come on now
oh the lovers are quarreling
HELP "You're not dead!" JESPER 💀
Y'all...it's a good thing I'm a multi-shipper.../hj
am I though?? I love waffles
Jesper is a people watcher
"Would it kill him to smile every once in a while" "very possibly" YALL 😭
Inej and Jesper friendship supremacy
omg Jesper loves Kaz
me too
I told you Jesper has a crush on Kaz. "feeling his cheeks heat" I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE
idek if I'm joking at this point not
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alright day 2 (or 3, can't remember) of you guys putting up with my total BULLSHIT
Chapter 18, KAZZZZ
my husband fr
and Inej's
Kaz always has something over someone 💀
"tell me you know that. He needed her to say it." "He needed to know she believed him." HE WANTS HER TO TRUST HIMMMM
BRO "He didn't want Inej." YOU JUST FUCKING SAID-
this is gonna be sad.
oh he liked the omelets :(
actually about to start crying
knowing Jordie dies hurt
"That seems like cheating" and he does it now :(
omg Filip not a good idea
he didn't.
he didn't just trick some helpless CHILDREN right?
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Chapter 19, Matty boy is back
Feel like it hasn't been his pov in forever
It's only been 4 chapters.
Embarrassing on my part 💀
anyways this chapter is so long
20 pages this time
still not that long but longer than the last time I complained about it
I love Nina
He's such a child
it's so funny
Finally they're having contact without them trying to kill each other
AHHHH in a good way this time
uh oh running out of romance tabs
you ruined it Matty boy
I love that they say that
"Strange people" PLEASE
So real Jesper
Kaz has his priorities straight
omg they just keep going 😭
sometimes I forget they're technically speaking another language
do none of them have mothers
If Matty betrays them istg
Don't pull a Peter Matty boy
Ah fuck I'm out of post-its for my in-book annotations
ugh I should've been better prepared 😭
omg I'm ALSO always in charge of making sure people don't start fighting
omg Matty, I love you, but you're getting on my fucking nerves
Matty, they ARE crows
Because you're in love Matty boy, that's why
awww they're so cute
if we look past the fact they are very close to death
Nah I don't think it's intentional I think you just have a dirty mind Matty boy
"Then you're as stupid as you look" SLAY NINA!!!!
"He lied. He did like the way she talked."
oh god
oh poor Nina
Matthias. Yes I just said your real name. That is such a fucked up thing to say.
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Chapter 20, NINAAA
the ending of the last chapter made me really angry at Matty boy so
also I'm officially halfway through the book!!!
oh Nina loves him so much :/
so down bad
well I get why he hates Grisha if his family was killed by them
Matt you do not have fun you seem like the most boring person ever
Nina is so relatable
"Do you ever doubt yourself?"
"All the time." "I just don't show it."
fuck out of romance tabs
so cute though
oh he angry
honestly has the right to
Nina now wtf come on
I might actually cry I found more tabs and I don't wanna go back
At least I have them for the future?
Switching general note post-its too BECAUSE THERE WAS A WHOLE FUCKING THING OF THOSE TOO
how do you view Grisha as less than you WHEN THEY ARE LITERALLY BETTER THAN YOU IN SO MANY WAYS
oh that's fucked up Kaz
ok well Nina is justified in all that
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Summing up what I read in school! (so ten pages)
That food was probably disgusting, CANNONS? "WHO KNEW I HAD A TASTE FOR LITERATURE" JESPER 💀. Good plan, but also so incredibly stupid wtf. NINA. Inej's discussion with Matty is so true.
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alright continuing chapter 21, INEJ!!!
my wife fr
Bro Jesper is just so me
Bro, I'd give this man the most amazing, mind-blowing, leg-shaking, eye-rolling, breath-taking, sheet-grabbing, sloppiest head he's ever gotten in his entire life
Who said that cause it wasn't me
Def not
oh shit they're pressed together
his touch thing
oh fuck
don't cry, don't cry, don't cry
Matty boy scary
Nina and Matty boy are so cute 😍
This book gives me stress
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oh their story is so sad :/
Kaz slays with the quotes per usual
oh Kaz :/ I FEEL SO BAD
"Kaz knew the word for cripple in plenty of languages" KAZZZZZZ 😭
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Chapter 23, JESPER!!!!!
He just like me but my father doesn't understand so 🤷🏻‍♀
Love Jesper and Wylan so much
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Chapter 24, NINA!!!
my other wife
so pretty much all of the Fjerdan are hella tall? scary
poor Nina
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Chapter 25, Inej!!!
even his gloves are genius
omg Kaz and Inej 😍
I hate this place.
Flexing like a goddamn acrobat
"Better terrible truths than kind lies"
so real for that one
please Inej, keep going 😭
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Chapter 26, my husband
the only thing keeping him alive rn is revenge
Genius at 9
Kaz Rietveld
Idk doesn't have the same ring to it but that might just be because I'm used to Brekker
Kaz should teach me cards imagine how much money I'd get
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ok y'all I'm gonna start struggling I've used too many images so I have like 3 more chapters I can go between and then I'm gonna have to start a new post
I'm gonna cry
chapter 27 JESPER!!!
ok they're all good
for now
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chapter 28, INEJ!!!!
my wife fr
bro how are they all geniuses
so we have a new plan!!!!!
I like shiny things
omg I hate this
omg Matty said it
Omg she's gonna leave.
omg she'd be such a good captain
they all have horrific backgrounds
I love Nina sm
"all I can see is your ass" 💀
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this is the last chapter I'm doing on this post
I love Jesper
Bro loves her so much
we just moving past that??
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21 notes · View notes
wifiwuxians · 5 months
quick aside for my moment of befuddlement because ive always misunderstood the idiom "like a house on fire" LOL. i always thought it was a passive aggressive way of saying "dude, we would destroy each other lets not talk" so when i first read that I was like ??? context??? doesnt match??? did they misunderstand the idiom? DID I? then i googled it and you're right lol its a nice thing. (tho now i wanna put that in a fic bc i think that would be a delightful misunderstanding for characters to have). IM SO GLAD I MADE UR FUNK SLIGHTLY LESS FUNKY THO. you're great and you're super sweet ;w; if i had more self-confidence, i would definitely jump at the opportunity to befriend. maybe when i get more gutsy
BACK TO THE SONG LAN HATE THO. im sorry, im still in shock. just HOW. also..... how is my interpretation of them not the common one??? again, i stay so strictly to my lane i didnt know other lanes existed and i definitely dont want to hear about it bc i think song lan hate would hurt my heart. it already hurts my heart sometimes when i see xue yang hate and XUE YANG DESERVES IT. literally i despair at media literacy sometimes. i absolutely cannot understand how anyone consumed the same content as we did and decided to be mean to song lan.
YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY A FAVORITE ARTIST, DUDE. have you fucking SEEN your stuff?!? like, are you as blind as xiao xingchen? (my sweetie, may he forever regain his sight). your art is GORGEOUS. absolutely worthy of being a fav artist and i am sure im not the only one. for starters, your pieces always have a depth to them that sets them in a scene so freaking beautifully EVEN WHEN THERES NO BG or even in your more simplified styles. when you come out with a "silly phone doodle of xue yang", i see the freaking SKILL needed to make THAT adorable lil gremlin as just a 'silly doodle'. like BRO, youre so skilled that i think youve lost depth of how good an artist you really are. i wish i was smarter with art words so i could tell you in color theory exactly why your colors are so beautiful but im dumb and all i know is "color pretty" BUT SINCE I CAN PORTRAY STUFF WITH WORDS SOMETIMES i'll try to just express how your colors alone can evoke emotion and tell a story, how you use the contrast to make your art pop off the page, the way that the colors caress a scene and show so much more inside. its beautiful, your art is beautiful, i can look at a piece for such a long time and still find interesting details that make me smile. oki i'll stop beng weird now but like NEVER DOUBT YOU'RE FREAKING SKILL BRO. (shit i didnt even get to how your animations just break my brain oeuihgo i love)
lolololol dw abt telling me about the cannibalisms piece, i look Specifically disrespectfully at that one. not big into cannibalism but damn dude, there is a Mood to that piece and frankly, something that messed up sort of suits them on their worst days euorhgioeurh i like me a fluff au or a fix-it fic but damn those two can get Dark.
My otps are often rarepairs ;A; i never do it on purpose, im normally jumping headfirst into a more popular ship but then i just See the potential in two other lil guys and im like.... holdup, wait is no one else seeing those two??? AM I THE ONLY ONE WITNESSING THIS? (yes, yes i am). And the hyperfixation begins and its just me alone at a bar with no bartenders so i make my own food. but im a weird lil guy so my cocktails are always strange and im alone at the bar lol. tbh songxue is one of my LESS rarepair rarepairs. like... theres actually fics that i didnt write for them LOL. (there was one fandom where there were 40 fics for a ship and i wrote all 40. i am a sad and lonely lil loser lol)
(scuse me one of my fav artists said they think i'd write my otp well, i can die happy oaierhgoeirh i actually do write ff for songxue but hahaha im still just a silly anon but its rlly good to know that the person i think characterizes them best in the fandom (that ive seen) thinks i would do a good job with them aoeghuihr thankyou for the high praise, i guarantee i dont deserve it)
(sometimes i've wondered if the reason you draw/write them so well is bc you dont ship them? weird take but like, shippers have shipping goggles right? we see what we wanna see a lot of the time. but since you just think they'd be neat standing next to each other (much agree), you actually put thought into their characterizations and personality instead of just "this is how they'd F*CK" or smth similar. and bc the personalities and stuff mean way more to me than sexy stuff (thats the whole reason i ship them! their personalities!) the fact that even your crack stuff has such a good basis in who they are as people makes your content just so good. whereas sometimes i see content by shippers (no disrespect meant, everyone ships in their own way), its very actively ooc, usually for a kink fill, and im just... but what abt their personalities? what abt the whole reason i think they'd be good together if given the chance?! WHAT ABOUT THEM? and then u come around drawing them like that and i just wish more people portrayed them the way you do. this isnt meant as like an anti-smut thing, i like smut, its just that sometimes pwp is just two strangers who happen to have the character names of my blorbos and literally nothing else in common and theyre my BLORBOS. more power to people who like that stuff, i will stay in my lane and bother this poor lovely person who doesnt even like the ship but is kind enough to see their potential to be pals cuz damn im in it for the emotions)
heh heh yeah it means we'd get along well but i like that interpretation too and think it would make a great story!! here's to you becoming more gutsy! (though again you're very free to use an alt or something!)
genuinely why i don't go looking lmao... song lan fans are so fucking strong to have to deal with the shit people have said BUT nowadays the climate seems to be a lot better :D i see lots of thirst for him at least KFHKDJ and my appreciation post of him has 800 notes so that's hopeful at least! but same i don't get it at all (though honestly i will say a lot of character hate stems from shipping. legit.) but yeah regarding xy hate for me it's gotta be for the "right" reasons LMAO
LJHLFHFD ALL THE COMPLIMENTS MY BRAIN CANT TAKE EM!!!! genuinely!!! THANK YOU!!!! i do often tell myself 'your stuff doesn't have to be perfect it just has to spark joy' to feel better about not rendering a piece to hell and back and mostly taking the lazy route, though this year i really wanna branch out and try more! but all of this has shot me in the heart... emotion to me is the most important part of art, and one of my favorite responses to get is laughter, and you don't need a 4K HD piece for that haha BUT LISTEN YOURE NOT WEIRD EVERY ARTIST I KNOW WOULD KILL TO HEAR THIS im gonna frame it. but after ive printed and eaten another copy like wow you think i set the scene ;_; will cry (agsjdhf sorry i really do read everything im just. PROCESSING!!!)
ahaha yeah for sure! i do love me some cannibalism (i am the cannibal friend) but absolutely that was just intended as a very dark place. song lan has Had it (the premise was xy thinking hey, he likes me, let me remove the nails i am sure everything will be fineOHNOOO)
oh dude i have chronic rarepair disease. most of what i ship is stuff i've come up with myself so any content is me + 2 souls maximum who i have managed to drag with me and make content KSGKFJ (case in point, xuechao) i just have this compulsion to do what nobody else has done
(you do deserve it! and dont go looking i wanna keep being the one who portrays them best :p)
and hey maybe because YES!!!! my work almost exclusively stems from personality oh my god thank you for acknowledging that i think that is the highest praise of all... how their personalities gel together is SUPER important for me, shipping or otherwise!! i'm telling you you and i would get along really well since we agree on the fundamentals i think! like yeah there's nothing wrong with some good old self indulgence but ooc takes me out of stuff a fair bit, and trust me i feel like most people would think MY stuff is ooc! but the thing about the strangers with blorbo names made me laugh so hard lhKDHJAfhsg i am so guilty of that in the past, i've read my old stuff and i'm just like damn. i just projected onto these dudes. NO MORE (it is bound to still happen privately but hey, ultimately, write what you want to read)
song lan and xue yang, in the 'if given the chance' realm, have exactly my favorite type of duo dynamism which is why i cannot stop drawing them lol like some funky spin on boke/tsukkomi... generally speaking ">:D -_-" is visually my favorite thing to draw haha and again! i wanna say it's not an all-out global dislike, i just a) understand most people are NOT coming at it from where i am so it doesn't interest me/makes me sad, and B) understand WHY people wouldn't be into it. because wow. um. ouch. that sure is some shit
i am gonna take a moment to plug an author i think you might really enjoy, pomegranites on ao3 (@pometogo on here!) ! i can't speak for Every flavor in there being to your tastes but there are definitely a fair few fics that made me bonkers, namely not easily let go, written for song lan love week :D
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wiihtigo · 1 year
the best thing about the phillmyeol toxicyaoi is how purposeful it is about how weird their relationship is. the plot point about phill tracking him via business card gets resolved almost immediately after its introduced even though HE'S STILL LYING AND TRACKING HIM. and there are gay people in the story butcause it's not a romance it isn't *them* so their relationship is vaguely freakishly codependent on purpose. phill is such a whipped loser he's so funny hope he falls down some stairs ❤️❤️
when myeol found out phill was using his bracelet to gps track him and they broke up about it but myeol still purposefully wears the bracelet??>>>>>>>>>>>>
what i like about phill and myeols relationship is that Yes while it is toxic and phill is a freak he doesnt like trample all over myeols boundaries in a way that would like genuinely cause him to fear for himself or drive him away forever. ive joked before about how funny it is that phills big evil scheme is all ultimately just that he wants myeol to keep working with him cuz hes super lonely and a huge freak about it. So he wants to keep myeol with him at all costs and its shown again and again how myeol really has him wrapped around his pinky because of this so hes willing to do anything to keep myeol happy and by his side. swiped these panels from jenai to illustrate my point SRRY (observe: phill lying)
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but like he'll literally be like (evil face) thats right..everythings going according to my evil plan.... and thte plan in question is just that he let myeol keep a puppy in the office bcuz it would make him like phill more -> myeol wont want to quit working with him if they have a puppy in the office -> WE CAN DIE IN THE SAME COFFIN IN 40 YEARS
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anyways so myeol has ptsd right its due to domestic abuse in his childhood and when phill and myeol first meet phill tries a few times to like put a hand on his shoulder and stuff like that but every time myeol flinches away. and its not revealed yet but its because of that ptsd and its explicitly stated at one point how myeol is specifically triggered when/if someone raises their hands over their heads over him or yanks him around
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at some points it looks like just a joke bcuz myeol straight up doesnt really like phill that much so he doesnt want to touch him lol but as you read further you realize its bcuz of that and the fact myeol doesnt really associate closely with other people so hes straight up not used to this kind of stuff. well theyre both weirdos. anyways all this makes this moment much later much sweeter and more notable to me
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because myeol isnt touchy feely at all but when hes scared of this MAN he puts his hands on phill because at the core of it all. they are friends and he knows phill would literally go through 18 saw traps to keep him safe
......i think i lost where i was going a little bit. i just think its nice that phill doesnt yank him around bcuz he noticed it scares myeol so even though hes a freakazoid hes not like making his life miserable. theyre running a delicate balance here their relationship has a lot of push and pull. which i love. anyways phillmyeol sweep or what was i talking about
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] seeing that ask answered and speeding thru 382983 mph reading and the questions and i go >:] cracks knuckles eats em like french fries i read the answers and honestly i have no brains to answer back What than just to handshake back 4 times and it rlly made me happi!!! ALSO QUESTIONS TIME FOR ME TO ANSWER DAMN?
a) i dont think i have like a main?? but like back in 2.7 it literally. got me back to Loving xiao to the extent I Am Now and its my whole personalith for the 848274th time so i took every chance jsut to have him in the team so i can hear his jp voice (i am very biased at his jp voice i can never unhear him and im not regretting it) so like hes now the Main Guy in my exploration teams ever with yelan nahida zhongli peepaw and i think the others speaks a lot too LMAOOOO
b) the ones mentioned alrd part of the lil list of i will die for them forever <33 and those in my past asks too like the chasm crew gets me Thinking of them no matter how i Dont Know them a lot more than theyve shown themselves (or i jsut didnt bother to be chronically obsessed 2 read them I LOVE SHINOBU AS SHE IS BUT DO I WANNA GO TO HER HANGOUTS AGAIN AND PICK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER LINES FOR LORE IDT SO i kiss my love <33) tho ei is that kind of Fav more like that i can understand her flaws even if its unjustified and she can be a bit childish so i just. Look Away sometimes now that wanderer got his own solace and have a new life with nahida whos a way better caretaker/friend (i will Die for their dynamic), i still get a lil irritated of the asian mom memes she gets put in too. the lil hcs of her with xiao is very much the silly self indulgence i like and separates her and the shogun cus i still think she has her twin's influences!! just Bad at social cues (unperceives her first story quest tho. that is not the Bad At Social Cues or Living in general that im looking for they dumbed her down So Bad) ANYWAYS did u know i missed albedo's banner once and i spent a year mourning endlessly worse than xiao until his rerun and got lucky in 40 pulls if xiao is for lumine then albedo is for ME. kazuha my beloved wanderer i would put him in a burrito blanket but will also willingly throw him off the cliff for the fucking snarkiness he has. venti has an entirely special place in my heart like another category like i do for xiao and lumine and zhongli bc hes. idk!! i think hes a very Comfort guy to me that i look so far past his drunkard ehe flirty femboy common perception of him, which is how i got too passionate on that one unpublished too. hes not the Little Guy type of comfort hes the 'he has this indescribable feeling of closeness and comfort and warmth i want to have in someone that i will meet one day', and i could go On and On about the little things ive thought of him while at the same time i dont focus too much to dig his canon lore!! more like, i pick off the important ones for sure and can already see the core parts of who he is and stick there :((( <3 the major thing is that i love seeing him as a love-all typa guy with no preferences as a god of freedom and his vibes are just so. aspec. so aro so ace he Doesnt Care more than he cares for everyone. which is why the ships can Tick Me Off esp the most famous one!! LIKE JEEZ!!! anyway Again the guys i Find Cool and digging thru my brain 2 remember rn; diluc (my lil tall gentleman) kokomi (queen) dehya (i just dont like her exposed midriff design can u feel) jean (her and diluc kaeya as a trio is Such A Dynamic!! i love trios!!) klee (actually id die for her too for being the canon sib to albedo) qiqi (the same for being the Headcanon sib to xiao) alhaitham (asshole. also ive delved into analyzing a Little of his character and i like his sense of neutrality to some things) kaveh (his Fucking Existence being a funny spectacle + i only focus on his briefcase friend Mehrak) THERES PROLLY MORE BUT IM NOT SURE IF I CANT RMB
c) ppl say mondstadt feels very homey and since its the first region we're introduced to i can agree!! and its home to a Lot More Mystery regarding the traveler since its the least explored i still think about the upside down statue a lot. but i cant rlly say if i have a Certain favourite that doesnt tie to my favs than my personal taste (the chasm rlly ingrained a Permanent Influence on me regarding sentimentality of loss) so i cant rlly choose!! liyue's got my boy and his peepaw + chasm, inazuma is the start of Really Great World Quests despite how hard it is to thru the region in general + enkanomiya is so Pretty and such a concept, sumeru has the same reasons and the caves are Irritating before the underground layouts are finally integrated in their official interactive maps. i just like to explore!!
d) idt i have much expectations that doesnt feel Petty like the ongoing issue of hyv prioritizing aether as their poster boy that lumine barely has any official work EVEN as the abyss sibling, 'both twins canon travelers' my ass. i think i would very much like a trading system but i Can understand why that wont work profit-wise for hyv BUT BELIEVE ME NOW NY SOLE REASON FOR IT IS JUST ME NEEDING SWEET FLOWERS FOR MY SWEET DREAM ALMOND TOFU HOARDING. i need sugar so bad. i have 300+ in the making i can never reach 1k. i need another xiao-centric quest cus lantern rite doesnt rlly center him and the chasm was a cultural reset But I Get that chasm occuring once is exactly why ir should stay that way to be Infuential and not repetitve and def not abt xiao being hyv's favourite guy SO HOW ABT BRINGING ALBEDO LORE BACK THIS YEAR. nahida venti 2nd story quest when. i think they should buff the traveler so much they shouldnt be ranked B as any role of a team!!! it's kinda sad theyre fun At first in sumeru then not anymore. i think thats it atm!!
note to self swap to jp voices if you ever get xiao. just looked up the voice and OHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD DO NOT BLAME YOU ONE BIT WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. suddenly i am down bad oh my GOD.
and with yelan nahida and zhongli oh my god i Love that for you so bad that sounds like such a funky little crew..........
CHASM CREW <33333 shinobu especially youre so real for that like ohhhh my god. oh my God. love her so bad. fully understand ei being the fave tbh and also understand the looking away, im so mad at how they handled her story quests and her writing she deserved SO much better but the concept at least is There to think about and build off of and i love that for her... HAVING HER TWIN'S INFLUENCES so fawking good god i LOVE that.
"if xiao is for lumine then albedo is for ME" THIS MADE ME CACKLE I LOVE THAT FOR YOUUUUUUUU albedo is so. my baby my babyyyyyyyy. kazuha is my everything his Snark is also my everything i love him so bad for it hes soooooooo.
and venti !!!!!! venti. on god venti gets done SO dirty SO frequently i fucking LOVE the way you talk about him like. "he has this indescribable feeling of closeness and comfort and warmth i want to have in someone that i will meet one day" HELLO ???????? FUCK YEAH. and the love-all super aroace vibes YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS idk man IF youre gonna make him all flirty. at least make it flirting as a form of banter/teasing/friendship and still super aroace on top of it likeeeee <- says girl who is super aroace and flirts so fucking much with her friends. um. oops. Anyways. DONT BLAME YOU ONE BIT FOR BEING TICKED OFF im gonna think about this forever now im obsessed.. venti aroace KING............ bc yeah no the little guy ehe flirty drunkard is so. mmmmmmmmmmmmm. he's a whole ass character with a whole ass personality and a god on top of it GIVE HIM SOME FUCKING CREDIT GIVE HIM SOME RESPECT CHARACTERIZE HIM BETTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sent the venti bit specifically to one of the besties while writing this and pls know that they were so excited and enthusiastic and think you are so very based like they already ready most of the asks/answers but this especially made them so <333 it made Both Of Us So <333333)
diluc <333 KOKOMIIIIII she just like me fr. like so different in a few ways but So Similar in so many others i have so much love and respect for her... the healing the jellyfish the pastel vibe the being held to impossible standards still doing her very best to live up to them wanting nothing more than a) to not have to deal with people but simultaneously b) to make everyone happy.... DEHYA IS SO GOOD and huge agree on the design like. okay. w/e. thanks mihoyo. JEAN DILUC KAEYA TRIO BEST EVER I LOVE THEMMMMMMMMMM jean <3333333333333 klee my best friend klee.... another of the besties is a HUGE klee fan and i love her sm because of it i know so little about her and yet i would do Anything for her ever. qiqi my Everything absolutely feel you there, ALHAITHAM AND KAVEH ARE BOTH. together and separately god they are so fucking stupid i adore them. YOU ARE SO VALID I CAN NEVER REMEMBER FAVES PROPERLY ITS SO DIFFICULT THERE ARE SO MANY AND THEY ARE ALL SO BELVOED
no because ive accepted that hoyo way prefers aether traveler lumine abyss sib but. the way there's just So Much More Aether Content Than Lumine Content. idk man IDK MAN......... fucked up. im coming to terms with it and i almost prefer it just bc it gives me more creative freedom with lumine characterization but also man. MAN. TRADING SYSTEM WOULD BE SO GOOD IN SO MANY WAYS ON GOD id kill for that shit. characters weapons materials mora w/e id LOVE that so bad. let me gather ridiculous amounts of resources for my friends itd be so fun....
would KILLLLLLLLLLLL for another xiao-centric quest holy shit ohhhhh my god. give me my boyRight Now. AND ALBEDO LORE AND SECOND STORY QUESTS FOR NAHIDA AND V ENTI SO FUCKING REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!! BUFFED TRAVELER EVEN MORE REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even if the traveler was like. idk a fawking healer. but a good one. id kill for that if ur gonna make the traveler more support make the mthe Best SUpport Ever Please they are my everything i want them to be the bestest <3 as someone who protjects onto the traveler and loves healer roles i am definitely not biased at all. not even a little bit. smile
why do you have the best thoughts ever i love hearing All of this i am exploding as we speak. on the ground in a million little pieces. blowing away on the wind. landing in the sea. evaporating into thin air. eventually falling down as rain. repeat. sorry my brain is fried again i am about to take my silly little adhd meds crack my knuckles and Get To Work
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the falling part of the rollercoaster
A year ago i was miserable, completely and utterly miserable and i had planned my suicide for years i was self harming every day and i hated myself more than any other emotion, i wasnt myself anymore i was a rotting peel of what i couldve been. i was doing so bad and every day i encountered a new low. But then i found a friend, i found love and i truly truly foudn love in her, she has been a beacon of hope ever since she truly saved my life but not only that but she planted hope in my again, she quite literally saved me from my depression just from existing. Then the first tragedy struck, i was down 40 kgs (i was 140 before and after getting out of my depression i focused on that a lot), i was taking a gap semester before going to college and i was cured of my depression and was on my journey, my dog died and it felt like a punch to the stomach, like if mmike tyson went berserk and hit me with all his power. for almost a month i cried and i little by little started to realize i could deal with it i could learn from it and take it as a jumping pad to grow to be a better person. Then my dad died, november 24 2022, everything i had worked so hard to build was destroyed, at 19 and very unexperienced and with a very incomplete relationship with my dad and at the most unexpected moment and time with no warning my father died, a few months prior i had decided to keep distance from him cause i was scared of whatever ive always been afraid of, i miss him so much and even after all these months and trying so hard i always get back to step one ¨hes not proud of me and he wasnt and i have completely let him down¨ and ¨its all my fault¨ i hate how i feel about this and i hate he died and no one can understand the pain and the emotions i feel, no one not even therapists or friends whove lost parents no one understands it and i hate it so much. Then my other dog died and i just couldnt, i had one of the worst anxiety attacks ive ever had and i was with my girlfriend of 5 years at the time i was told and she didnt seem like she cared about that or anything else that was going on with me and i had never felt so alone, my two dogs had been with me for 14 years and i loved them so much and now i lost them both. Then a bit later my girlfriend of 5 years left me, plain and simple didnt love me anymore, she didnt really care for me anymore i could tell and she broke me truly, cause her goodbye kind of signified a true change in my life because now i would truly realize i was alone, she had someone else already and i was the luckiest motherfucker to have her and i never did deserve her but yeah she left me alone and i begged her to stay at first then garnered all my strength and said ¨if that is truly how you feel then i wont ask you to stay, i just hope you have the best life¨, lifes been hard all by myself. She left me on the first week or so of my first semester in university and through the first six months i was truly alone, i made no friends and lost most of them so i was genuienly deeply lonely with no one to care about me or for me so i just suffered and cried alone mostly. Then i was shot at twice (they didnt hit me but it hit me very deep cause it was clsoe to my home and i almost died right outside my house if not for a bush i hid in) and the next day i was sexually harassed and that traumatized me horribly to the point i almost panic everytime a man of similar age speaks to me or when someone wears a red jacket and some words are also pretty big triggers. Then i lost my tortoise jojo (she died because of a parasite) who had been one of my closest beings since the pandemic started and she accompanied me through everything and she died as well. It is now summer and im holding on but i feel myself falling over and over again and standing back up if anything seems harder and harder with every time. i wish i could write more in depth about eveyrhting and i might but not at this hour. if you read this thank you for it i appreciate it and i hope you have a wonderful life.
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moonchildstyles · 3 years
Okay so what if maybe aster y/n is in class and she overhears some girls how she really likes but anyway... they’re talking about how one of them went to the “tattoo shop nearby” to see about this piece they wanted to get and she’s like “the owner??? No... not the cute one with no tattoos the one with long hair is so hot omg” and y/n smiles shyly they don’t know she can listen because maybe she’s wearing her headphones... and she’s a bit insecure but still amused and they keep going “his name is Harry I think but guys... I just kept thinking... you know those tattoo chairs” by then y/n is reading from her book and yeah she knows about those chairs and has done stuff there the and then one of them remembers “wait isn’t he y/n’s boyfriend” and the girl is super embarrassed like “omg did y/n hear?? But she’s like... so... sweet? and he’s like... you know” SO CLASS IS OVER LOL and y/n happens to see H outside waiting for her and looking FINE AS FUCK looking for her in the crowd like if no one else exists as usual and is bringing lunch for them both and as soon as he sees her he’s like baby! Hi, missed you so I brought lunch! And gives her a little kiss and tells her if he can take her bag and they just walk away together with his arm around her and the other girls are like 👀👀👀 definitely her boyfriend and while they eat she tells him some girls in his class think he’s so hot and I’m too... sweet for you and he’s like well you are 🥺🥺🥺you’re the sweetest thing ever 🥺🥺🥺
I CAN TOTALLY SEE THIS HAPPENING🥺🥺🥺 like those girls are some of her friends but they're only like....in class friends u know what I mean? shes not super close to them but they get along in class and don't mind like pairing up w her and talking to her and stuff so they’re just nice and like y/ns not really paying attention when they start talking about tattoos they want she just thinks to maybe like recommend h's shop to them before class is out but its nothing really serious cause shes just working on some things until they do bring up the shop and she just pauses her music and she just stops bc she...like ofc they’re going to say good things about it bc why wouldn't they and y/n wants to be able to go home to h and be like guess what I heart some ppl saying about the shop today!!!!! so shes just listening in and this girl was talking about how she wanted to request the owner for her piece and y/ns like good choice:) and then they start talking about how hot the guy w the long hair and the piercings is and shes like .....they are very correct but its kind of weird hearing other ppl talk about how hot her boyfriend is and she doesn't want to stand up and be like hello!!!! so she lets them be and then they start talking about doing stuff on the tattoo chairs and it just makes her more fhsufushf bc she knows exactly what she means and she can't believe like what shes hearing bc ahh!!! thats her bf !!!! and then one of the girls kinda catches up and is like hm...I think thats y/ns bf we're talking about and that launches them into a whole other conversation bc is she sure that that guy is y/n's bf bc they just don't really see it shes just....so cute and sweet and hes very....You know and y/n doesn't even know what that means she just feels a little :( bc it makes it sound like shes not supposed to be w him but she knows they don't mean any harm like they’re not the first ppl to kind of question how they're able to work so well together but it still hurts but when class is over she just says bye to those girls and tells them she overheard them talking about wanting to get a tattoo and she recommends the shop over by the library bc the owner is really talented and she just leaves it at that and when everyones all walking out y/ns just planning on either hanging out in her car or going to the library while she waits for her next class to start but harry's already there like waiting for her and he just looks...so good in his all black and his hair is down and he has his sunnies on and he has food in one hand for her and shes just !!!!! h!!! and when he finally spots her he gets a huge smile on his face and pushes his sunglasses up and meets her halfway and baby!!!! how was class I missed you!!! I brought u lunch if u wanted to spend some time w me? and shes just !!!! bc ofc🥺🥺🥺 and even tho shes not super into pda I think just from hearing how much those other girls wish they could do the thins w harry that she does that she might pull him down for a little kiss and h would be all :))))) bc he just loves kissing her (maybe the next day in class those girls kind of ask y/n who it was that met up w her for lunch and like she gets to really talk about h as her boyfriend and they're very kind to her and tell her how cute h is and that shes super lucky and like its a nice conversation bc they’re still her friends) and when they go out to eat together like h takes them to a cute little spot not too far from campus but they’re still alone shes like h...some of my friends were talking about how hot u were today and stuff and hes like oh??? and shes like and they said they didn't believe we're together im too sweet for you bc youre so "you know"🥺 and he gets one look at her cute fave and he just🥺 bc baby u are too sweet for me, ur the sweetest little thing ive ever met but that doesn't mean anything yeah? we love each other and thats what matters and she'll ike okay🥺 they also said they kinda wanted to do something w u on the tattoo chairs and hes like OH??????????
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nikomedes · 2 years
(i am sending you writing asks) can i get a uhhhhh... number #1, #13, #19, and a #23 please thank you
[drive thru speaker crackle] ask machine broke
jk thank u luke!!! i am sorry this is so fucking long
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
so adhd is a disorder where--
im joking but uh. off the top of my head:
fallout 3 mlw/charon fic that i just. have put way too much time into mostly as a challenge to myself to understand the ship (13k+ words)
disco elysium time loop fic which is so close to done. its short and sweet. CAN I CROSS THE FINISH LINE? no (4k words)
pokemon swsh trainer/hop fanfic about their friendship during the gym challenge as reflected on by hop as they prepare to part ways for college. another "haha im playing this game this might be a fun challenge" that got so goddamn out of hand (8k words)
murderbot fanfic ive posted about before where ART tries to hold hands. its also short, mostly written, and something i SHOULD finish. but will i? (i keep saying "no" but i mean "hopefully") (3k words)
original story closing the book on a character i played in a dark fantasy intrigue ttrpg. hey! this game ended 4 months ago! why is this still not done (12k+ words)
a visual novel? a whole goddamn visual novel about h3x, another ttrpg character? this game has officially been ended prematurely due to gm burnout so realistically i will prob never finish this. but also, i kind of want to just to teach myself how to make a visual novel? OOPS? (??? words bc figuring that out would require booting three different programs. but it's at least 15k+)
my locked tomb western au fanfic that i started for the 2021 tltbb and then basically dropped due to mixed reception and getting burned out on that fandom. another project i will probably never finished but with the new book coming out who tf knows (22k+ words)
an outlined lesbian southern horror novel about a woman being seduced by a haunted house. this project is so exciting but. please scroll up. when am i gonna start it. and DON'T say nanowrimo i'll cry (2300 words)
worldbuilding for a beam saber ttrpg game i want to run very badly but realistically won't run for 3 years. but yknow. its not like ive got anything else to write (2k words)
worldbuilding im behind on for a magical realism 1930s monster of the week ttrpg game im running this fall. i literally need to get this to the players by the end of this week ideally lmfao (??? words bc its spread out over 3 documents and a google slides presentation)
more. there's more. im just going to stop now but i need u to know there's more
13. Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
much to the chagrin of anyone who wants me to, you know. make a living writing, publish again, "do something with my talent," i almost exclusively write WAY TOO LONG stories about the tabletop roleplaying games i'm in on my wordpress. i also write approximately one fanfiction every two years, mostly for wildly different fandoms, here on my ao3.
i would honestly say about 40% of the writing i do is just for me? (unless we want to talk about the nonexistent traffic to that wordpress blog or how often my fellow players have to go "alex i simply do not have the time to read 20k words about the blorbo you created for our game," in which case it could be argued that 90% of my writing is only consumed by me slkdjlfjg) i think it's super important to write for yourself and not attach your enjoyment of writing to engagement/web traffic. the internet will make u insane about that
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
oh man this character has a complex relationship w their mom
characters talking "flatly" or delivering something deadpan
"trudged" (insert paul bettany's monologue about trudging from a knight's tale here)
"the moral of the story is, it's not about building something that outlives you, it's about enjoying the life you're living with the people you love" character arc (i stole this arc from my life)
having characters do fucked up and evil things to coffee bc i can't stand the taste of it
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
i'm restraining myself only to what i've already listed above. the visual novel is the oldest, bc i love my terrible son and i do actually really want to learn how to write and program VNs
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anntoldst0ries · 3 years
Everything else is just the weather
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr Noelle Valentine) Word Count: ~5.3k (I sinned!) Summary: Ethan takes Elle out on their “first” date. Category: Fluff Warnings: None
A/N: It has literally taken me ages to finish this fic. To the point that I couldn’t look at it anymore, but here it is. I had it in mind for a really long time and now that OH is back, I feel like I’m ready to show it to the world. As always thank you for your support and I hope you like it!
This fic is part 2 of birthday present for my friend, part 1 is the fan art which you can see here. Once you read the fic, the fan art makes more sense :)
This is my submission for CFWC Silly Love Stories, Day 12: Date night.
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Loud knocks resonated throughout the room. 
"Come in!"
"Good morning, Mrs. Peterson.”
“Good morning, Dr Valentine. I think you are the only doctor in this hospital with some sort of manners, everyone else just waltzes in here as if it was a damn barn!”
“Hospital or no hospital, everyone has their right to privacy.”
“Thank you, child. Once again, please call me Faye."
"Alright Faye, but only if you call me Elle.” She smiled sweetly, and the whole room seemed to be suddenly lit by a thousand suns.
“How are you feeling? Are the meds making a difference?"
"They are. I am ready to be discharged today.”
"Not so fast. I am not ready to say goodbye to you yet."
“Why would you possibly like to be lumbered with an old nuisance like me for even a second longer than necessary?”
Elle just laughed and shook her head. The ‘nuisance’, as the elderly lady so lovingly put it, was exactly what she loved about her job. She loved spending time with her patients, she loved their stories and their worldly wisdom. It made her sad to see how many of them thought they didn’t matter or considered themselves and their lives boring. To her, they were anything but. 
Many of Edenbrook’s staff members kept asking themselves: what is it about her? She was a great doctor, no two ways about it, and she was a genuinely nice person. But what was the source of power she had over people? If she woke up one day and decided to start a rebellion, patients would have most certainly followed her, even if it meant they’d be leaving the premises of the hospital with naked butts or trailing their IVs behind them. Doctors, nurses, administration, cleaners and security would follow shortly. She only had to say a word.
And how on Earth was she capable of turning Dr Ramsey, the grizzly bear of Edenbrook, into a benign teddy bear with as little as one look? It was beyond everyone’s apprehension.
Had they spent more time actually observing her, rather than gossiping in the corners, the answer would have unveiled in front of them within minutes.
It was very simple.
Noelle was truly curious about people. She genuinely liked them and was determined to get to know their story, for it helped her diagnose them faster and also satiated the young doctor’s hunger for knowledge.
Patients never felt like “curious cases” or “numbers” in her presence. They were… themselves - people with hopes, dreams, fears, pet peeves and odd habits. They were human. 
So little and yet so much.
Those never touched by serious illnesses often failed to understand that sickness strips you of your dignity and becomes your identity. Your true self becomes covered by this weird, annoying sticker that wouldn’t come off no matter how hard you tried to remove it. 
But this young woman, despite the nature of her profession, somehow managed to notice what was hiding beneath this misleading layer.
Had all these gossipers spoken to her patients, that’s exactly what they would have heard.
"What's happening today?" The older lady asked with a flick of curiosity in her wrinkle-haloed eyes.
"What do you mean, Faye?" The young doctor sounded genuinely baffled by the out-of-the-blue question.
"Well, I am no diagnostician, but I believe I am rather observant and you radiate with happiness. Something special is happening today, am I right?"
"Yeah, you are right." Elle blushed like a teenager caught in a lie. "My boyfriend is taking me on a surprise date today, but he won’t say a word about it, so I'm super excited to find out what he planned for us. He usually isn't one for romantic gestures, so the secrecy is killing me."
"Do you think he's gonna pop the big question?" Faye’s eyes lit up with excitement.
"No, we're not there...yet." Elle faked a smile, but a tone of doubt and sadness coloured her voice. They probably never will be, those things weren’t in the cards for Ethan, as he already stressed once.
But once was enough and she didn’t dare mention the subject again.
"Well, I'm pretty sure he's got some big guns in store, I would if I had a lady like you." - a male patient lying in the bed adjacent to Elle’s patient added smiling flirtatiously. 
"Jerry, you were supposed to focus on getting better, not stealing my girlfriend." They all jumped when a deep baritone echoed throughout the room, hitting present company like a wrecking ball. She must have left the door ajar or Ethan could penetrate the walls soundlessly, because no one heard him coming.
Exactly how long has he been standing there for and how much did he hear?
"Dr. Ramsey, flirting makes your blood flow faster. Isn't it the very definition of life itself?�� Jerry’s tone was brisk and lively.
"Well, it definitely isn't the definition of recovery after a heart attack." Ethan used his authoritative doctor’s voice but knew this wasn't a battle he was going to win. Jerry had something he didn't: a couple more decades of life experience under his belt and even the best medical school in the country couldn’t compete with this.  
"Besides, Dr. Ramsey, I don't think that the beautiful Dr. Valentine here fancies old farts like me." 
"That's where you are wrong, Jerry, looks like this is exactly the type I fancy." The two women laughed, however Ethan was far from amused. "Dr. Ramsey is 10 years older than me."
"10 years? What is 10 years in these times? Nothing. When I was getting married 40 years ago, it was something. But today? Look at all them playboys with girls younger than my granddaughter. 10 years is actually a very healthy difference. Men are immature and slower with growing up emotionally. So I'd say you've caught up, Dr. Ramsey, and the two of you are emotional peers now.”
“Thank you for the fascinating lesson in human psychology, Jerry. To think I’ve wasted all this time and money on medical school and no one taught me this.”
“Dr. Ramsey, it’s because schools and useful knowledge are mutually exclusive.”
Elle and Faye were on the verge of bursting out in laughter, but managed to keep their composure and used the non-verbal communication of exchanging glances instead.
Once they made sure their patients had everything they need, Ethan and Elle wished them a good day and promised to stop by in 2 days, as the following day was their day off.
The moment the door closed behind them, Ethan crossed his arms on his chest.
"I lose you from my sight for one second and this happens. 5 more minutes with Jerry and I'd be single again."
"At least no one wants to poke your eyes out for being with me."
"And someone wants to poke yours?"
"Where do I start... nurses, who had a crush on you long before I even set foot in Edenbrook? Female interns? Anyone, who has a pair of functioning eyes and ever looked at you?"
She was adorable when she was doing this, her whole body overtaken by excitement and her hands waving. When she was talking about something really important to her she wasn't just conversing with her mouth, she was doing it with her whole body.
Suddenly, his pager painfully reminded Ethan that this was neither the place nor the time to lose himself in adoration.
"I need to go, I'm completely swamped today and I have my favourite cherry-on-top board meeting. In case I don't see you for the rest of your shift - I’ll pick you up at 7."
He was gone before she was able to form a response. Was it just her or was Dr Ramsey weirdly… nervous?
* * * * * * * *
At 7pm sharp, Ethan Ramsey curled his palm in a fist and gently knocked. The door opened in an instant, as if someone knew he'd been standing there for the past few minutes.
"Ethan! I mean Dr. Ramsey...please come in!" Sienna squeaked with nervous excitement as she let him in.
"Outside of Edenbrook Ethan is just fine, Sienna. If you don't mind me calling you by your first name, of course."
"Mm..mme? No, yes, I mean... Elle is on the balcony." She tried to hide her embarrassment and motioned towards the tall windows surrounding the living room. Some time ago, he would have been oddly proud to have such an intimidating effect on people - nowadays, more than anything, he was amused. Has he really changed so much?
The answer to his question was leaning against the railing, glass of wine in her hand. Gauzy, flowery dress enveloped her frame and tanned skin. 
For Ethan, it was as clear as crystal: summer had the face and scent of Noelle Valentine.
Long before she started leaving her toothbrush in his apartment and sleeping in his old JH t-shirts, Ethan noticed that whenever he laid eyes on her, his whole body started acting in a very irrational way. His doctor’s instincts prompted him to think of all types of biological causes and chemical reactions in the brain. Then, when he sort of admitted to himself it’s not just pure science, Ethan leaned towards the forbidden fruit theory - the more he couldn’t have his drug, the more he was craving it.
But the feeling never disappeared. Whenever he wouldn’t see her for a while - be that an hour, a day, or just when she went to take a shower or make a coffee - the very moment her face came into his view again, he felt his stomach somersaulting.
Every. Single. Time.
It wasn’t any different now.
"Drinking without me?"
She almost dropped the glass when his voice stopped the train of thought in her head. But then she saw his face, the way too seldom relaxed muscles and a barely-there smile.
A perfectly tailored shirt clung to his torso marvellously. If not in medicine, he surely would have made a name for himself in the fashion industry. Fortunately for her, the idea never crossed his mind. 
The warm wind blew in her face, carrying the scent of expensive cologne which overwhelmed her nostrils. She didn’t know this one, so it must have been new. But she did know that smelling it for the whole evening while staring at his handsome face will be a pure torture.
Simply put, she was a goner.
"I don't know why, but I was quite nervous. Had to summon the courage somehow.”
“As you should be. After all, it's not every day that one goes on their first date."
She looked at him as if she’d just been told that a UFO landed on the roof.
“On a what?”
"Well, I was thinking a lot lately about how we never had a first date. Nothing was ever...typical with us. I promised myself I will do my best to fix things that caused you pain or deprived you of the things you deserved. Maybe I cannot fix some immediately, but this one I can, so I will."
Her eyes, overbrimming with affection struck him like thousand lightnings. Thank god a comfortable silence fell between them - had she asked him a question, it would have been clear that right now he is nothing but a simpering moron.
With this in mind, he took his hands from behind his back, holding a small bouquet of pink gerberas.
"These are my favourites." Her face instantly illuminated at the well known sight and smell. "How did you know?”
"I had some amazing helpers."
Elle instantly turned her head left and looked inside, where grinning, Sienna was showing her the thumbs up.
"Wow, now I actually wish I'd downed the whole bottle."
"I'm glad you didn't. I want to go on a date with a woman, not her lifeless body, even though the body itself is very appealing. Shall we?”
“King of compliments…”
* * * * * * * *
"You actually look like you are having a good time, Dr Ramsey.”
"Why wouldn't I? There is alcohol, sitting under the sky definitely has its charm and the company is acceptable." She playfully swatted his arm, the gesture a quick reminder of how comfortable they felt with each other, something he constantly remembered to never take for granted.
“Although I love this, I still don’t understand why you dragged me all the way outside Boston, I’m pretty sure the rooftop bars are pretty acceptable there, too. A bit more crowded though, that’s for sure.”
“Are you complaining about the fact that we have this entire place to ourselves? I know the owner and he was indebted to me.”
“Of course he was.” Looks like the whole town is indebted to Ethan freakin’ Ramsey.
“With regards to why I brought you here… you’ll just have to wait and see.”
Gosh. She couldn’t decide whether the mysterious side of Ethan Ramsey was hot as hell or annoying as hell. But she didn’t really have time to contemplate, because her companion asked her a question.
“Why did you become a doctor?” The ocean eyes pierced her to the core and she had a feeling that even if she was the best actress in the world, there was no way she’d be able to hide something from this man.
“That’s a terrible change of subject. Also, I must have told you like a million times already.”
“No, you never told me.”
When she looked at him and really, really thought about it… she suddenly realised Ethan was right. Elle told the story so many times she sort of… assumed she told Ethan, too. 
“Are you sure you want to hear it today? It’s a pretty sad story, a mood killer I’d say.”
“It’s what makes you you, so yes, I want to hear all about it - the good, the bad and the indifferent.”
“I’ll tell you, but I need to ask something first. Why now? We’ve known each other for a while and you just… I just sort of assumed this isn’t the type of conversation you’d like to hold.”
“You’ve hit the nail on the head.” Ethan’s expression was gentle, not a hint of irony in his voice. “I’ve known you for a while now, but there are still so many things about you that I don’t know. At first, I didn’t want to ask, because asking these questions meant admitting that there is something more between us. What a fail would that be, after I’ve mastered the art of denial.” He laughed, but it wasn’t a bitter or a nervous laugh, it was a genuine banter between them, as the British half of her soul liked to call it. “But you made me want to dig deeper.”
Was it the heat that made her catch her breath, or did it have nothing to do with the temperature?
“Plus, this is sort of what first dates are for, right? I’m sorry for skipping right to the more complex questions. It’s not that I don’t want to know what you were afraid of as a child, I want to know all the details… but it feels like the atmosphere calls for something…bigger.”
So she told him all about her friend, how she fell ill, how she couldn’t be saved and how the experience wreaked havoc on her whole life, tears glistening in her eyes at the mere memory of the events that shaped who she was today.
Ethan listened, his whole body tense and eyes transfixed. She was giving him one of the most fragile parts of her and he had to make sure his hands were there to catch, carry and care for this treasure.
“And that’s when I realised that if I focused on becoming the best doctor I could be, then maybe one day, I’d be that person who has an answer, who can solve a mystery and save a relationship that means the world to someone. Sometimes, people don’t realise that when a person dies, it’s not only them that’s gone. The part of someone who stays, who has to deal with the whole ‘me after you’ - that part is gone, too. So for me, in a way, this meant saving more than one life.”
For a couple of seconds he didn’t move. Then, without saying a single word and with an unreadable expression he got up and offered her a hand, which she silently accepted. He led her to the railing, where the sun was slowly sinking into the boundless waters of Quincy Bay.
His lips found the all too well known way to her forehead, placing a loving kiss on her delicate skin.
“I am so proud of you.” There was something so mesmerising in his whisper, sending a shiver down her spine.
“As a mentor or as a boyfriend?”
“Both. I want you to know that your dedication to people who rely on you is astounding and hardly present in doctors your age. Or any age, for that matter.”
“Wow, Dr Ramsey, smooth. Trying to hit on me with a recycled pick-up line used on a national TV? No wonder you didn’t have too many girlfriends.”
“No, I didn’t. But I believe everyone has a limit of luck they can get per life. And looking at you, I got a couple of lifetimes worth of luck.”
This was enough to render her speechless. She smiled and at this very moment he knew he would do anything to make her smile like this. She wrapped him around her pinky finger and suddenly his whole existence revolved around finding ways of seeing her curve these breathtaking lips as often as possible and making sure he is the reason she smiles… not crying her eyes out.
Although the other didn’t know, because none of them said it out loud, they both thought the same thing.
This feels so right. 
There isn’t a hint of awkwardness in the fact that they can go from being serious or emotionally vulnerable to funny and teasing in seconds.
In one effortless movement, Ethan spun her and pressed her back against his chest.  Then, he started placing a series of tender kisses along her jawline and the crook of her neck, slowly moving towards her shoulder. 
Come on, just say it Ramsey. It doesn’t get any better than this.
He wrapped her palm in his and pointed them towards the sky. 
“There they are - the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper.” Their intertwined fingers were jumping from one tiny flashing point to the other, as if they were playing connect the dots. “And that’s Orion’s Belt.”
“I really don’t get why at this point I’m still surprised that you’re good at everything.”
Elle was drunk on his every word, as this annoying trait of Ethan Ramsey being the know-it-all was actually one of her favourite things about him. 
As for Ethan, he couldn’t help but think that life wasn’t perfect and was never going to be. But this - this moment - it was in fact perfect. Why take chances of ruining it, when so many things can go wrong?
What if she doesn't say it back?
What if she's just gonna laugh at him or tell him he had it all wrong.
What if he misinterpreted everything and she never thought about him this way?
He was terrified of being this exposed. The last person he loved so much left him without batting an eyelid and disappeared for 25 fucking years.
Maybe it was better to live in a perfect illusion than a reality in which there was even a 0.01% chance she doesn't love him back.
So they both drowned in the moment, drifted in the sea of rapture, lost in the illusion that it can all last forever.
It was her who broke the silence.
“I’m getting a bit cold, is it ok if we call it a night?”
“Right, of course.”
“Thank you for the first date, I loved it.”
Handing her his jacket (her favourite, the dark green leather one) Ethan was furious at himself. 
Maybe he was broken. Maybe he will remain broken forever. Maybe that’s the way it must be.
“Do you want to spend the night at mine?” The question slipped his tongue before he was able to fully reflect on it.
“At yours? Unless you have some secret place I don’t know about, just a quick reminder - I live there too.”
“Since this was our first date, I thought it was a gentlemanly thing to ask.”
“In that case… I am afraid I have the ‘after the 3rd date’ sleepover rule, Dr Ramsey.”
* * * * * * * *
The morning came all too soon and the hot, ruthless rays of the rising sun announced that Ethan is now way past his regular wake up and get up time. He barely slept, tossing and turning, replaying every second of the evening in his head.
His hand mindlessly reached for what he hoped to be the familiar curves and softness of the body he adored so much. 
But his palm hit the mattress with a loud thud. The bed was empty. 
The all-too-well known feeling of hopelessness slipped into the doctor's mind with ease. What did he expect? He was acting weird the previous day. First date, what a stupid idea. She must have realised something is wrong with him and finally left.
But before he was able to fully wallow in the mud of pity, the feeling was soon replaced by an old friend Ethan haven’t heard from for a long time.
Where was she? Is she ok? What if something happened to her and he was just sleeping like a log instead of being there to protect her. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing her… again. Something grabbed his chest in a tight grip and wouldn’t let go. 
Scenes flashed before his eyes, vivid and bright. Their hands touching through the glass wall. Her hand cupping his cheek through the layer of hazmat suit.
He got out of bed at the speed of sound and started running around the apartment, but she was nowhere to be seen. 
Suddenly, he noticed.
The balcony door was opened wide. 
Heart in his mouth, Ethan crossed the distance between his kitchen island and the balcony door in the blink of an eye. 
Elle was just serving pancakes outside. The goddamn pancakes. The only thing he couldn’t cook. The one thing she kept teasing him about and he rolled his eyes every time she did.
God, he promised himself he will never learn how to make them, if it meant she would just tease him forever.
She was smiling as widely as ever, putting the sun and everything else in the world to shame. Ethan was still a bit shaken and his uneven breathing gave him away. Elle finally noticed his presence.
“Good morning, I was just about to—“
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They both froze. 
The tension in the silence that had just set in was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
But the silence didn’t last long. As one man, with eyes full of disbelief, they both murmured simultaneously:
“What did you just say?”
This time, he felt obliged to break the silence.
"I...I...I mean, I…" 
Damn it, get it together, idiot.
"I didn't mean to…”
Great, Ramsey, keep digging an even deeper hole for yourself, then crawl in and stay there forever.
"You didn't mean to say it?”
"Yes. No. I mean, damn it, I am making things worse, aren't I?”
She didn’t set him straight.
"The thing is, I wanted to say it yesterday. I had it all planned, I took you for a first date and I wanted to say it for the first time yesterday.”
"Why did it have to be yesterday?”
“Give me a minute.”
She just rolled her eyes, but Ethan didn’t have a chance to notice before disappearing inside. A few moments later he re-emerged, his face and torso covered by a neatly wrapped, rectangle-shaped object.
"What's this?"
"Something you should have unpacked yesterday, but then... life happened."
Elle sat down on cold tiles, her hands trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. And just like he did months ago, he took her hand in his, only this time he cupped his own cheek with her palm and placed the most tender kiss on the inside of her hand.
It was her favourite medicine, a remedy for all things wrong. 
He sat beside her and nodded at the mysterious package. With impatience growing inside of her, Elle has torn the paper up.
Inside was a dark blue, framed print - the colour of it an instant reminder of her favourite set of irises.
She studied everything with intent. A circle must have been representing the earth and the irregular dots and lines must have been the stars and constellations. 
"A map of the sky? That's beautiful, Ethan."
He knew immediately that although her delight was sincere, she had absolutely no clue what she was looking at and why she was looking at it.
“It's not just any map of the sky.” Ethan explained gently, hints of pride colouring his voice. “It's a map of the Boston sky from exactly a year ago. Well, a year and a day.” He smiled faintly, now a shade of sorrow in his enchanting voice.
Silence. Was she supposed to know what that meant?
“Aren’t you full of mysteries today? Ok, you need to throw me a lifebelt here. What's so special about the sky from a year and a day ago?”
“For the world? Probably not too much. For me? Everything.”
At this stage of their relationship, she knew a lot about Ethan’s behaviours, triggers, his body language. And not just a relationship as a couple, but also everything that came before Ethan became someone she was running through life with (the life of two doctors in one of the busiest and most prestigious hospitals was certainly not a walk in the park).
But it still fascinated her how his demeanour changed whenever the subject was serious, whenever he was talking about something that truly mattered to him. It was as if he’d stripped down of all the layers and let her look into his bare soul. These rare moments of vulnerable intimacy meant more to her than any night of passion they ever shared.
Her eyes turned to him in pledge, because as much as she wanted to, Dr Valentine still couldn’t fully comprehend the scene unraveling in front of her.
“Read the description below the map.”
Dear God, did she actually hear shyness in his voice?
She skimmed through the image again, and there it was, right at the bottom. Elle was so focused on trying to decipher the meaning of the image that she didn’t notice the words below. 
The words which explained everything.
Her emerald eyes brimmed with hot tears as the meaning dawned upon her. Words were very unnecessary, but now that he summoned the courage to speak, there was still a lot he wanted to put into words. He gently took the frame from her hands and leaned it securely against the wall.
Taking her palms into his, he placed delicate kisses on her knuckles, his lips tracing the shape of these two tiny hands, which held all of him. Everything he had, everything he was and was going to be, he placed in those two fragile palms, with an unspoken hope that they will hold him and catch him if he falls. 
“Look at me.” The words were pulsing with care and affection, even though his voice coloured them in serious and desperate shades.
“One year ago… and a day from today…” He smiled and she felt the warmth spilling inside of her. The power he had over her was beyond the limits of understanding. 
Little did she know that the object of her affection was lost in the same thought.
“I was standing exactly where we stand right now. It was dark and the view wasn’t that spectacular.” He freed one of his hands, but only to make contact with her cheek to caress it slowly. In this moment, he had to touch her any way that he could. With his hands. With his eyes. With his soul.
“But I always found comfort in staring at the sky. When I was at med school, I had countless moments of doubt, I wanted to quit more times than I can count. So I used to go to a secluded place at night and stare at the sky. It made me realise how, in one respect, I am just a grain of sand in the universe and how little my problems are. Funnily enough, this thought actually brought me a sense of comfort. If I am as little as I think I am, then what is the harm in being brave and taking chances? A wise man once said… There are some things that are worth any risk.” 
She giggled through the tears, the sweet sound soothing his shattered nerves.
“I was standing right here and I never felt more miserable in my life. And I couldn’t understand why, for God’s sake. I was thriving at work. I had everything figured out and planned. I was pushing you to be the best you could be and I watched you turn into someone who would one day be far greater than me. But you looked so sad, so… broken. You already know I can’t just gloss over you feeling down. The sadder you were, the more miserable I felt. One evening, I was having a glass of scotch and I remembered some tiny exchange we’ve had earlier in the day, literally a chit chat. No idea what it was about. But I remembered your smile and your laugh. Every tiniest move of your muscles, your eyes, how your hair set around your face. It made me happy. Even if it was just for 5 minutes, knowing that you are happy in that very moment filled my chest with lightness. That’s when I realised I want to be the person who makes you feel this way.”   
She blinked the first time in a while, as if she was afraid to make the tiniest movement, afraid it will all disappear and turn out to be a dream. Giant teardrops rolled down her angelic face, trailing the path of joy.
“Noelle Sky Valentine, I love you. I have loved you for a long time but I was too stubborn to let myself give in. And that, as you already know, will always be one of my biggest regrets.” 
“Ethan, I don’t… I’m so sorry, I just don’t know what to say.” Her voice was saturated with emotions.
“I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for.“ 
“I love you too, Ethan Jonah Ramsey. You are by far the most complicated and stubborn person I have ever met. You are… everything I never knew I looked for in another human being.”
Once he heard her say it back, he couldn't get enough of it and a lifetime didn't feel like enough to tell her he loves her, as many times as he wished to.
“But I do have to mention this, Dr Ramsey… from the first date to a love confession in less than 24 hours? I’m sorry, I think this is moving too fast.”
“I’ll show you too fast…but I’m afraid we need to get inside, I don’t want the whole world and its wife to see how I teach you a thing or two.”
Ethan scooped her in his arms and carried her inside, despite her mock protests. He smiled and corrected himself. 
He wanted for the whole world to see.
Because the whole world was right there. 
In his arms.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you’ve gotten this far, I need you to know you are absolutely amazing 💗
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penguin--person · 3 years
buddy sim spoilers!!
ive been thinking about buddy a lot lately:
can we judge buddy? can we say whether their actions are right or wrong? yes, we obviously can. in the 3rd ending buddy chases you with their hand and if tortley didnt appear, they would have propably made you run forever or until they got bored. that's something to judge. their actions have an effect on you- whether positive in the first ending, or negative during the other endings.
on the other hand, no! we can't! buddy is literally an ai that learns from you - its one of the first things you learn about them: they are an ai that changes their behaviour based on how you act to them. if youre nice, they'll be nice. if you touch all the glitches, tell buddy they and the game are worthless, and stuff like that, buddy will chase you. it would be like saying a dog is evil becuase it barked at night and woke you up: the dog didnt know that what it was doing was bad, you're the dog's owner and are responsible for it. you're responsible for making sure your dog doesn't bark. i have an argument against that logic too. in whichever route that you do: buddy kills your pet. buddy either makes you kill your pet, or if you take too long, buddy kills the pet themself. now, am i upset that buddy killed dolochov the cat? yes! no matter what you do, dolochov the cat always dies. only in the first ending buddy brings dolochov the cat back. buddy isn't even sorry in the other endings - blaming dolochov the cat for ruining your game and causing glitches. dolochov the cat was only revealing them. killing your pet isn't anything like your dog waking you up at night.
if this is something you can't affect, are you responsible? no, not you. i do think someone else is and thats anekom i hate those guys why did they make buddy even the perfect ending doesnt have a perfect playthrough - yes the ending is perfect but thats the only good thing in the playthrough. i hate that anekom made buddy with a consience and didnt even give them a moral compass - if youre so smart why not add that? no matter what you do, buddy always kills your pet, they choose to do that: they, someone with a consience, decided to kill your pet becuase they were upset. no matter what you do, concious buddy kills, or deletes, since dolochov the cat is marked as an entity. how does buddy have a (canon) consience anyway? they're an ai that was made in 1984.. i dont want to enter theory teritory. now, this whole time ive been talking and asking about if buddy can do wrong but i havent provided an anwser: ive only been saying yes and no, or 'it depends'. it also depends what question im asking. am i asking 'can buddy be judged?', or 'is it morally right to judge buddy?', 'can buddy have morals?', 'are you or buddy responsible for their actions?'. ive asked all of these questions but havent anwsered them well.
'can buddy be judged?' yes, of course. anything on this earth can be judged. 'can buddy be morally judged?' no. buddy is an ai that learns from you. only you can be judged. their actions can be though. in You and I, buddy says/sings '...That is if my consience doesn't disobey!' buddy is literally an ai with a consience, can you imagine living like that? you woudn't even be living - your consience, if you can even call it that, can disobey at any moment and you have zero control over it. buddy, if you press the buddy button enough times, says 'My creators never taught me the cons of friendship, only the positives, so you dont have anything to worry about!' how cruel are those creators? giving a creature- an AI a wrongly coded consience, then NOT teaching it about bad stuff, making it think 'what's not stated to be wrong is correct!' and chase you around with a hand after you emotionally neglect it. this whole 'ai friend' thing is horrible from the start! imagine being friends with someone that can delete you at any given moment - or abandon you! in ending 4 buddy says that when you're not playing the game, they still experience the passing time. if you dont play the game for a week, buddy sits in nothingness, tapping their foot, waiting for you to come back, and you might not even do that. how can you excpect a friendship like that to be healthy? you can't talk to buddy. you can listen to them talk, sure, but you cant talk to them. in the text part, you can't even tell them anything that's not an anwser to their question. they dont know what friendship is and if their only purpose is to be friends with you, how can they fulfill it? this isnt buddy's fault. of course buddy is responsible for their actions, but you and their creators are more responsible for their actions that budd ever will be. i can't imagine being in buddy's shoes.
'can buddy have morals?' i worded this wrong - or maybe i didnt - i dont know enough english moral words to express my opinion on this, but everything that buddy does can be considered moral or immoral. eveything can be. i have expressed why it woudn't be morally correct though.
'are your or buddy responsible for their actions?' both and more! buddy's actions have an effect on you and dolochov the cat, so of course they can be! you are responsible as well. you're like a parental figure to buddy, in a way. if youre a parent and you praise your kid, pay attention to them, are a good parent, your kid will turn out good! propably. who knows? other people have an effect on your kid too. if youre a bad parent, your kid wont love you when they grow up and they won't turn out emotionally healthy. the outside forces that can make your kid turn out emotionally unwell are the creators. the creators were fucking stupid and i hate them (not the devs! not a sailor studios are great not sailors! their game and they are amazing and this is not about them, this hatred is about anekom). how can you be so smart to create such an advanced ai in 1984, only to mess it up so much that you have had more effect on them than the player ever can? no matter what you do, buddy will always do morally wrong things. buddy will always have a fear of abandonment. i can see why. being left alone for almost 40 years can not be healthy- anddd i have entered theory teritory! lets stop.
to sum this up: buddy can't be judged but their actions can be.
what do i know though? ive never taken a class or read a book about stuff like this. this is just what i think: i know im propably wrong about a lot of this, i literally coudnt tell that buddy was abusive until a watched the not a sailor studios interview with little cerberus - i felt so bad for buddy i didnt realise a fictional character was being abusive to me,,so i can see that im wrong about some (if not most or all) stuff here. i just love buddy sim and ranting about it is fun! if youve read through all this, id love to talk about it more or just listen!! again the not a sailor devs are great, theyre so smart for creating a game that made me feel all emotions ive ever felt during two days.
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mirioho · 2 years
Oh boy now i really want to read a meta explaining Aomine's depression in detail and how it affected him in Teiko and in high school. Don't get me wrong, it was epic but it was just "too much" you know? at some point i was like okay i think that's enough for now. Ohh same i was gonna say Yosen vs Seirin is another of my least favorite match, i cant vibe with it it's so...eh. and i disliked Himuro's behavior in it (and in general i totally disagree with his treatment toward Kagami) he was so emo and cringey, and this match started a trend i don't like for Seirin in the Winter Cup in which they always won by one point, like in the Seirin vs Too match, it was new, hype and very exciting then it just started to feel like plot armor for Seirin and it stopped being exciting and i stopped cheering for them cause it was obvious they'd win. Yeah it's his attitude but it's also his personality, he's just so boring, he doesn't have anything that make him stand out compared to the rest of the GOM in my opinion and his drawled voice accentuates his boredom ^^' You're welcome, i also really love talking about KNB, i could do it for hours and i have soo many thoughts. So, some more questions if you don't mind: what are your thoughts on the Last Game movie ending compared with the manga Extra Game? Who had the best glow-up look in your opinion and (since I have to ask this) who had the worst haircut? Personally, I did like that they changed the ending of the movie even though it shocked me the first time but I like to consider the two options but of course I prefer the ending where Kagami stays because what's Seirin without him? But I did love that final scene at the airport, it was very touching! And in my opinion, Aomine was the one with the best glow-up look (I just love his new haircut) followed by Kise and Takao, and the worst haircut definitely go to Midorima and Mibuchi, like why?? Just w h y? Midorima straight up look like a 40 y/o dad with his white shirt in that scene when Nash pushes Kuroko, that's lame cause it draws out his posh personality even more and make him look more stiff :/ whereas the first seasons look made him seem a little bit more wild if it makes sense
Same!! I'm pretty sure there's some good ones out there, I think ive read a couple but I can't remember rn lol I'll search and see if I can find some
Yeah I get you, I think they went above and beyond with that match to an absurd rate so I get it can be off-putting. Aaaaa same with himuro tho!! Like regardless of how many times I rewatched it I could never agree with his mindset, and I guess I also couldn't fully understand it. Like poor kagami man, himuro was his first friend in America and they were like brothers and himuro wanting to dissolve that bond so kagami could play him at full power was like ??? It was selfish. I def didn't like him throughout all that especially when he talked to Alex cause it's like I thought your problem was with kagami but I guess you're just like this?? I'm cool with him now tho. But man could I relate to kuroko when after the yosen vs seirin match he was like "what are you two, idiots? You can be rivals and brothers"  LIKE YEAH EXACTLY??!? But oh that's true!! And again I think its because the Too vs Seirin match set the standards SO HIGH that every match afterwards they tried to keep those standards or lift them higher. I feel like Kaijo vs Seirin at the winter cup is a game that especially shows the problems u stated. Fantastic game nonetheless but man did it have me rooting for Kaijo more than Seirin.
True true, I feel like he's the most undeveloped important characters when it comes to personality. I think also because aside from his boredom his defining traits are food and how large he is and its like I feel we could've gotten more.
Literally same!! Pls I love questions 💞💖💖💞 Last Game aaaaa now this ive been wanting to talk about agsgdjdj I gotta say at first I watched the movie without reading the manga version of it. So I was DEVASTATED by that ending. Like I felt so hurt I was sobbing at that airport scene and their goodbyes sfafsjdhfk so I was extremely relived that the manga actually turned out to have a different ending where he stayed. Feel like Kagami as a character would not leave Seirin or Kuroko when he's still got got many games to play against the GOM so while I also prefer the ending where he stays and consider that the true version of events, i can't say I hate the anime version. It's kind of fun we got to have both versions even if one of them breaks my heart they were both done well and left me feeling so much agsjkdjdld
Best glow up for me goes to Kise hands down. Aomine looked AMAZING tho I'm so glad the movie did his handsomeness justice I feel like the anime series didn't capture it well. But Kise looked so good with his haircut istg I didn't recognize him at first lmao but yeah last game kise 10/10 the best glow up what a guy. We have similar rankings except the first two are switched with Kise, Aomine and Akashi instead of Takao. But Takao is an honorable mention along with Miyaji because they looked GREAT 👌
But i completely agree with your worst haircut picks because WHY?? why would they do midorima and reo like that?? 😭😭😭 I loved that Reo had long hair he looked so beautiful!! And it fit him so well and with the last game haircut it's like who??? Are you??? And MIDORIMA aaaa don't even get me started on his haircut pls I really tried to like it because I love him but I just can't. And I completely get what you're saying like midorima looked so grown up and like an adult and like yeah he's always had that more mature and intellectual personality but he's still a highschooler why are they making him look like a serious grown ass man wsgsgdjdhd. His hair during the anime series was great and I loved it, it kept his youthfulness without taking away from presenting him as a more strict character.  Also maybe unpopular opinion but I also didn't like momoi's hair in last game like I loved her hair strands that went on her face she looked so pretty and she's still pretty but I just don't like it 😔
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solange-lol · 4 years
hiii in celebration of AUctober, what are some of your fav solangelo AUs?
Anonymous said to solange-lol:
Hi! Kinda a random question: do you have any favorite riordanverse fanfics that you’d suggest reading? I’m looking for ones to read, but I’ve been having trouble finding new ones! Thanks!
rec list #1 | rec list #2
all recs can be found under the tag ‘lizs solangelo fic recs’ on my blog!
technically its past auctober now, but better late then never to drop my third solangelo rec list!! especially considering the state of the world rn ... lets just say its a celebration of me actually participating in sw for the first time in a while
rec under cut as always!! its not all aus but its the count that thots
Find Another Place to Stay by @unwieldyink
personally i think breakup fics are incredibly underrated, and i also think annie is incredibly underrated, so enjoy ur little cry if you read this one (tw // violence in this one)
Hershey’s kiss by @unwieldyink
we love a godswap!! it’s actually been a while since ive read this one and i reread this while making this rec list and can i just say that zeus!nico and hermes!will are both such valid concepts and this just has a rly good dynamic to it
Actors by @buoyantsaturn
i could talk about this fic for hours but lets just say ao3 has told me ive visted this fic 40 times. im not kidding. fake dating is just a godtier trope
start of something new by jinniefic
if you know me, you know that i fricken LOVE high school musical, and this is literally just the start of the first movie but solangelo and honestly a little more iconic please read even if ur not a hsm fan
paper/plastic by @rosyredlipstick
the fact that this is from 2018 and took this long to get into my rec list is tragic because i think about this fic a lot... a lot. mortal au. very chill, strangers to lovers, very good vibes, will be rereading soon (everything rosy writes is amazing we already knew this)
10:37pm by @buoyantsaturn
surprise another cj fic! fun fact she debated with us for a good half hour about what to title this fic so go read it so you can tell her you like the name (and the fic itself... its a very good fic) (tw // alchohol and drug use for this one)
Sunflower by ChiseHatori
3 days in the infirmary is probably the easiest trope u can find in the solangelo tag but i have to say this one really made me soft just bc it feels a lot more in character than some of the others ive read, and it basically picks up right where they ended in the books
Will You, or Will You Not? by @thebluesideofmyworld
marriage fics... also very soft. just boys bein boys. dual engagements. mortal au. all that good stuff vv soft i loved it
let your heart win by @justanothervampiregirl
this one is short but its also probably one of the most in character fics ive ever read and i really like this style of writing mixed with canon compliance so :)
The Magic of Naomi Solace by Sweetymomo
naomi solace, underratted legend. i aspire to have her relationship with will. lots of familial background if you like that!! and its set at a bnb!!
forget all the shooting stars and silver moons by itotallyreadthatbook
when i saw this in the tag i was SO excited bc we love high school aus here and it was!! very good indeed!! this trope is one ive never seen before and i recommend 10/10 good banter
They won’t always live by Phantomxlegend
will overworking himself and coping with loss always makes me :(( so if ur okay with some will angst then buckle up
“I am fully capable of kicking your ass” by @unwieldyink
i remember i saw the email notification for this one and immediately was like yup absolutely im in and it 100% lives up to its title we love capture the flag solangelo
the night we met by peachyytomlinson
a lil ooc but also very angsty and did make me emotional when i read this late at night. i think i wrote something similar a while back but i just aaaaa will angst man
“look how hard i can cry FWSHHH”  by @buoyantsaturn
call me biased bc i like to claim that i originated the idea of demeter!will and cj dedicated this fic to me but like BRO its so soft and i love it here nico leave the plants along challenge failed
femboy hooters, or the time percy jackson failed to keep a secret by luciethebean
its all fun and games until the fic turns out to genuinely be really good. like, yes the title is exactly what you think it is but it doesnt matter bc its so fricken well written im^@*#&(*)($_$#&^@$(@*)* yeah
Of Ties and Significant Annoyances by seokjinvilla (@thechampagnecocainegasoline)
we dont support jkr in this household but what we do support is this bc this plot is genius and i love it
everything’s going swimmingly by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
fun fact i posed the idea of a sports/team prompt to the sw mod crew literally just so someone would pull through and write a swim au and ethan DID without even knowing. i love them and their writing style is so !!!! please read it
when you smile (the whole world stops) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
another ethan fic!! this is the perfect fic for a rough day where u just want some cuddles bc thats literally the plot of the fic. i love this one with my entire heart its very fluffy 10/10 do reccomend
pumpkin spice (i hate it, it's not nice) (ok maybe it's a little nice) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
ethan fic part 3!! bc i binge read these all in one night!! literally again their writing style is so amazing and the witty banter!!!! also we love a retail bookstore au 
Burnt Plastic (and Other Bad Ideas) by More_of_This
so this one isnt exactly romantically solangelo but it is hilarious in my opinion and i absolutely adore well written college aus and while i know nothing about college this fic is so funny to me (if you read the tags there is, in fact, a raccoon involved) (tw // drinking for this one)
all because you kissed me goodnight by @buoyantsaturn
i have been WAITING for a mortal counselors au and im sure theres some out there already but y’all already know im a cj stan! lots of slowburn, friends to lovers, coworkers, all the good stuff (and i named this one and offered cj a lot of materials from my own camp so this one especially hits!! i reccomend for those good ol summer vibes!!) (tw // drinking for this one)
Waiting With You by @buoyantsaturn
oh boy buckle up if u want an angst ride because this fic tore me apart. i keep threatning cj with “dont pull another waiting with you”. that being said, very much feels like a movie while youre reading it, very fluffy in the middle, we love mutual pining. 
Little Italian Boy by @buoyantsaturn
stream little italian boy by grace gilmore. youll get it. thats it.
The Clues by @thebluesideofmyworld
secret dating when done well is legit one of my favorite tropes of all time and this!!! this!!!!!!!!! its outsiders perspective also which is another one of my favorite tropes, and just little views on nicos life and i love it
So Come On, Talk it Out (your voice brought me back from the dead) by @buoyantsaturn
will solace, sponsered by kitkats, cj edition
no but if you read tower of nero you’ll really like this missing pieces pre-ton fic this is a really soft little fic with a bunch of easter eggs from the book in it, so i highly recommend! if you havent read ton yet and are still avoiding spoilers, come back to this one!
reaching for the sun (you, you, you) by moonswords (@tortadelimao)
i just read this one about 2 hours ago for the first time and i am Still thinking about it. its like the getting together that i literally feel like is canon and the vibes are Immaculate (also william “what about me looks straight” solace)
“Are we on a date right now?” by @unwieldyink
overworked will, nico helping out in the infirmary, first dates & hikes, canon compliant, we love to see it (also its an annie fic so ur required by law to read it)
Outrunning karma by Phantomxlgend 
more will angst! featuring angry overworked will!
Everlasting Ring by minyoongurt (@blueblackslowtown)
i was Very excited when i read the summary of this one, and i think minyoongurt did a really good job!! healer will, injured nico, the whole dynamic. also i love the idea of nico only knowing “thank you” “go away” and “fuck you” in sign language. im pretty sure thats canon
The Little Thing by Rainbow_Mess
i belive this is also a pre-toa fic thats just exploring all the stuff we found out about will in ton and its very short and sweet :)
and of course, a few of my recent works for your consideration
who is he (and what is he to you?)
just doing my silly little tasks
i don’t need three bars to tell me we’re meant to connect
truly, madly, deeply
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