#again soaps not my oc just pat <3
wraether · 2 years
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princessdimondheart · 2 years
It’s The Dog | Chapter 2 | Ghost x Dog Handler! OC
Pairing: Ghost x f! OC
Warnings: None really, language, is dog poop a warning??
Edited: No
A/N: An extra long chapter for the wait. ~3k+! I'm finally on Spring Break!! I’m not certain what to name my OC so I’m just gonna leave her nameless (for now, maybe idk). However, she is a Latina (Mex) so her name is of Hispanic origin. She's 21, and Ghost is 30-32, so... age difference. As for her rank of Sergeant, she's freshly pinned. Debating whether I should name her dog Riley…. I did in the end lol
Ch.1 | Ch.2 [Here] | Ch.3
Title banner ©️ Me
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The last mission was long and hard, but Sergeant Canis was certain that she and her dog were going to be fine after a good rest back at base. They were waiting on the other side of the huge hill again for an exfil. She had just called over her radio and was waiting a response back. Although their work was done for the time being, both she and her dog were actively searching the top of the hill for any signs of enemies that they may have missed. She glanced to her dog. He had his ears on a swivel and his nose was twitching as he tried to scent out any bad guys to bite. 
Without a doubt was Canis proud of her doggo. He’d been working extra hard this mission and rightly deserved lots of treats and pets. 
Hmm… maybe I’ll cook him up a steak-
Her train of thought was cut off by the grainy- yet somehow clear- sound of her radio going off. 
“Charlie-04, what’s your status? This is Tango-06”
“Tango-06, this is Charlie-04, requesting exfil to RTB. The LZ is clear.” Canis provided their coordinates to the pilot. 
“Received. ETA in 6 minutes.” The helicopter pilot responded. 
Not long after, the helicopter was landing nearby and blowing hot air and dust all over the place. Luckily she was wearing sunglasses and her dog had to funky goggles that sometimes made her giggle at the sight of him. Both quickly made their way into the helo and they were off back to base. But just before they could properly settle in one of the exfil crew was calling her name. 
“Sergeant Canis, sir, you have an incoming call. Permission to switch to private comms?” 
“Go ahead.” She was a bit confused. 
Who the hell’s calling me at a time like this??
Once the comm was switched it was then that she heard him. 
“Sergeant? How’s it goin’, love?”
“Well, hello there, Captain…”
This was going to be a long day for Canis, she was sure of it. 
Ghost was waiting next to Soap a little ways off from the tarmac, when a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft landed on the runway. It began to taxi towards their standing location. Several minutes later the plane began to unload its cargo. If he was to be honest, Simon was excited for a dog to join the team. He had always liked them when he was younger but was only ever able to admire them from afar. His father would have never allowed one in their home. 
He could hear dog barks getting closer as the crate transporting the dog was unloaded. Ghost spotted the crate and could just make out the silhouette of a German shepherd dog. His eyes moved up when he saw a figure walking up next to the crate. The person placed their hand on top of the crate and pat it a few times, most likely to calm the canine down. It didn’t seem to work.
When they got close enough, Johnny voiced his concern. 
“Is the dog good?” He was worried the dog was going to bark itself to oblivion. Even with the muzzle the dog had on, he kept barking. 
“Riley? Oh, yeah. He does this when he notices we’re not at the same base as before. He’ll get used to this base eventually, so when we comeback from missions in the future he’ll just be sleeping.” Riley? “I think he does this to freak everyone out. So are ya?”
“Freaked out? A bit, lass.” Johnny chuckled, then remembered the dog’s name. “Did you say, Riley?”
“Yeah. It was his name when I got him as a two-year old. Why?” She looked between the two men. Mohawk guy was giving a knowing look to Mr. Broody. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the skull-clad man in the eyes. His presence was intense. He didn’t acknowledge his younger teammate. 
Johnny grinned, “No particular reason. Just glad to have you and Riley on the team…”
“Oof, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself there.” She gave them her name. “But you guys can call me Canis.” 
Canis and Soap shook hands. “Name’s Johnny MacTavish but you can call me Soap since we’re the same rank.” Letting go of her hand, he gestured to Simon. “This here is Ghost. I just call him L.t.”
The lieutenant grunted in greeting before reaching out his hand for a shake. His hand was warm against her cooler fingers. They were definitely much larger than hers, but given her height, everyone’s hands were bigger than hers anyways. Canis steeled herself and looked him in the eyes. His lids drooped and she couldn’t see his pupils in the darkness, but she could see that his eyes had a softness in them yet not completely. He was still wary of her being there, all new and whatnot. Her cheeks began to warm as the stare held on. His hand was in hers for a few seconds longer than normal, and when Ghost noticed he immediately let go. His mind had wandered off like hers did. Her eyes drifted to Riley who had finally relaxed his barking during their little introduction. She didn’t see Ghost flexing his hand behind his back. 
Ghost’s own cheeks had warmed, but he shook the feeling away. “Let’s go. The Captain is waiting for us.”
He turned and led them to the building, not turning to see if they were following them or not. 
Once in the cargo bay of the main building, Canis clipped the leash onto Riley’s collar which clearly read: DO NOT PET; and let Riley walk out on his lead, letting him quickly do his business on a grassy area just outside, then cleaned up after him. She had trained him to go on command, which was convenient for her whenever they were on time sensitive missions. 
They walked for a short while until Ghost stopped in front of a frosted glass top door. Canis could make out that the lights were on but she couldn’t see if anyone was inside already. Ghost knocked on the wooden part of the door and waited until a muffled answer told him it was okay to enter. Upon hearing it, he opened the door and held it open for his two sergeants. Soap pat his thanks on Ghost’s shoulder, while Canis whispered her thanks. Ghost could just hear it but his hand gripping the door began to sweat. Riley took a moment to sniff the tall man. Curious. 
Captain Price was sitting behind his desk like usual. A young man closer in age to Canis was sitting across from him. Both looked over to them as they came inside the decent sized office. Extra chairs lined the far wall, which Johnny was taking the time to move them in front of the desk. 
Price called her name. “Or should I call you Canis now?” One of his thick brows twitched upwards in question. “Running with the wolves now, love?”
Canis grinned at her new Captain. “You know me, Old Man. I’m always one for having a pack.” She gave him a little wink. A short laugh escaped her blush pink lips. 
“You two know each other well?” The only person Canis did not know looked between them. Johnny also had a slightly confused look to his face. 
“Quite, Old Man and I go back since I was in the womb to be honest.” Canis looked at him. “Umm…?”
“Oh! Gaz on missions and Kyle while on base.”
“He’s like an uncle to me, Kyle.” Canis sat down. Riley and the other two doing the same. 
“Her father and I used to run missions together.” Price gave his two cents. “He’s an Army Ranger. Good man. Retired now.” The others looked at her in awe. The Army Rangers were the elite of the elite and were definitely people that any military man should inspire to be. His face turned contemplative. 
“Any reason why you’re in the Air Force and not following in your father’s footsteps?” It was a legitimate question, but it made Canis tense at the words. 
“Well, you know him, Old Man. I wanted to piss him off… He’s a better Ranger than he ever was a parent.” Price’s brows furrowed, then she mumbled off a, “Chair force my ass…” 
The situation with her father still made her upset so she said nothing more. She did not want to dampen the mood any more than it had already had. 
It was quiet for a second until Johnny broke it, asking her a simple ice breaker question. “So, your doggo know any tricks, lass?” Johnny flashed her a grin. His eyes darted to the diligently sitting German shepherd. 
“A trick, Soap?” She smiled back. 
“Salute your superior, Sergeant.” She grinned at Soap while his face flashed a look of confusion at the other three. Gaz looked equally confused but Price had a small smile on his face, and he couldn’t gauge Ghost’s reaction because of his mask. 
“Umm… the Captain?” He wasn’t sure what she meant. His fellow Sergeant shook her head and tilted it towards her four-legged partner. Riley sat perfectly still, his brown eyes staring at the man. “The dog?”
“Ah… okay, then.” Soap then brought his hand up in a salute and waited, but only for a moment. 
Riley lifted his large paw as high as he could and placed it in front of his eye before setting it down. A doggy salute. 
Soap blinked and yet still couldn’t believe it. Riley had saluted back at him. Captain Price had chuckled at the antics going on and Gaz let loose a “Woah!” Ghost only titled his head a bit but he was definitely amused by this. If anyone had looked closely, they would have seen the skin by his eyes crinkle just a bit. 
Riley wagged his tail and turned his head to his designated mother as if asking: “I did good right? Okay, now where’s my treat, human?”
Canis tossed him a piece of chicken she had in her pocket. Riley snapped at it mid air with a sharp snap of his jaws. She was proud of her friend. This was not something that was explicitly taught when going through handler training, but was a trick that Canis taught Riley to do as a way to boost morale on long haul missions with her previous teams. The boys had loved it so it stuck. “Good boy.”
“Wait, why does Johnny have to salute Riley? He’s his superior?” Gaz almost raised his hand to ask, his upper body moving towards her. Soap leaned closer, too. 
“Well, any MWD is a rank higher than their handler.” Canis replied, her face turned serious. “It’s like that to prevent any handler from abusing their dogs. Imagine punching your Captain… yeah, it wouldn’t go down well.”
“Well said. Now, get settled. Tomorrow we’re going to do a mini training session with all of you and with Riley. I want to see how well you perform.” Price stood from his chair. “I also want those of you who haven’t worked with a dog before to get used to them and see what they are capable of, at least in principle. You’ll get the idea once we’re out in the field.”
A chorus of ‘yes, sir’s and everyone stood up.
“Did’ya bring any special equipment with ya that we could use for tomorrow?” The Captain continued. His attention focused on Canis. 
“Equipment?” She believed she knew what he was talking about. “Yes, sir. I’ll have it prepped in the morning.”
“Good, miss.” Then he exited first. 
Canis grabbed a hold of Riley’s lead before he could wander off with the rest. Riley began sniffing everyone as they walked out the door. He sniffed the longest at the person who stayed behind. 
Ghost let his hand be sniffed by Riley. The dog was taking lots of breaths, his nose twitching with each inhale and exhale. His lips twitched when he saw Riley’s tail move side to side. It was 100% a pleasure making a dog happy. Taking Riley’s friendly posture as a queue, he pats him on the head. Riley’s butt wiggled with his tail wags, and he tried to lick Ghost’s hand even through the muzzle. 
Canis stood there and let the interaction happen with no interruption, despite the ‘DO NOT PET’ in bold on his collar. This would be the only exception. It was good for Riley to interact with the team as soon and as often as possible. It would help them trust her dog more while on a mission. She smiled at the two. It was sweet. 
Ghost looked up sensing eyes on him. His cheeks burned again. He felt a little silly forgetting that Canis was still there waiting on them. And here he was loving on her dog. A good dog, but still. He coughed lightly and with a final pat on Riley’s head, Ghost turned and left the room.
Canis shrugged and smiled knowingly once he was out of the room. Then she led Riley out as well and made their way to their designated barracks. 
The following morning Canis woke up early due to Riley licking her hand. His whine to be let out had her shooting out of bed. She did not want to miss his queues to be let out like before when they were first partnered together. Those were not good moments for them both. 
Canis dressed in her combat outfit sans her heavy gear load out. She attached the leash to his collar, not forgetting to grab his favorite ball- foregoing his muzzle, and led him from her room to an inner courtyard she saw in passing the night before. Now that the sun was rising, she could see that the courtyard was open with a few benches along the wall. The middle had green grass that was in need of a cut soon. The grass was wet so it must have rained in the middle of the night. There were a few bushes that appeared to have flowers on them but since it was early fall, they had begun to shrivel up and a few had already fallen. 
Canis led Riley to a corner of the yard to do his business. She didn’t want him going all over the place- and not wanting to be discourteous to others. Riley did his business and she cleaned up after him like a responsible handler would and deposited the bag in a trash bin. Then she let him loose and threw his ball to the other side of the courtyard, slowly making her way after it. Riley bolted after the ball, mouthed on it where he got it and ran back for her to throw it again. They played like this for a few minutes. 
She should have realized that he was somewhere behind her before Riley ran past her with a yip. Ghost would always be silent, under all circumstances. Canis made a quick turn to see Ghost sitting on a small bench with Riley’s ball firmly clenched in his skull-gloved hand. Riley’s backend wiggled with the intensity of his tail wagging. He barked a few times, urging Ghost to ‘throw the ball already!’ 
Ghost looked at her. A beam of sunlight passed over the courtyard, illuminating Ghost’s brown eyes into a deep honey. Their identical colored eyes locked in a way that had her taking a deep breath. She nodded her approval to him with a smile and he chucked the ball. Riley was like a bullet trying to get it. 
Canis made her way to where Ghost sat. He scooted over just enough to let her sit next to him. He was manspreading so her knee was lightly touching his thigh. Both of their legs twitched but settled against each other when neither of them said anything. Riley bounded over with his happy self, ball in mouth. He plopped the ball back into Ghost’s open hand again then took off once more when he threw it. 
“He really likes you.” Canis chuckled. “It usually takes him longer to warm up to new people on the teams we’ve joined up with.” 
“Mmm…” Ghost fiddled with a loose string on his black sweater. “I guess I have a way with dogs, then.”
He was teasing her. She looked up at his much larger frame. “Oh, Lieutenant… Riley here can turn at the drop of a single word.” 
He didn’t doubt her there. Ghost’s stomach twitched at her unknowing use of his name. He’d definitely have to get used to that. 
When Riley came back with his ball, Canis had him heel between her legs. “Watch the door, Riley.”
Riley’s ears perked up at the order and his head turned on a swivel to the door. His hackles rose and his lips curled in a silent snarl. Ghost could see that his eyes had an intensity that wasn’t there before while they were playing ball. Riley was a serious dog and he could turn so easily. 
“Release!” After a few seconds, Canis threw his ball into the air and Riley lunged at it breaking his command. He was back to his happy tail-wagging self. It amazed Ghost how easily he transitioned between his working mode and calm mode. Although, he hadn’t seen the full extent of Riley’s abilities, yet. 
Canis looked at her watch. “I should be getting our gear ready for our training session soon… I still need to feed Riley.” She went to stand then turned to Ghost, “I’ll see you later, sir. It was nice seeing you interact with Riley. We can do it again if you want?”
Ghost looked her in the eyes, “Yeah, I want to.”
She gave him a small smile then returned her attention to Riley and reattached his leash to his collar. As they walked back inside, Ghost lowered his gaze to a large paw print imprinted into the wet dirt a few feet from him. The blades of grass glowed as the sun moved higher into the sky. 
Ch.1 | Ch.2 [Here] | Ch.3
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iblameashley · 1 year
Returning to my Tall-Boi!
Some little fluff scenario's with My OC and König. Content: Mostly safe. Oogling of König. Implied Ass-eating. For that reason... MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!
Only Gay stuff below. Guest appearances by Gaz and Soap
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Based on this image.
1 - As König struggled with his pants, his face flushed with embarrassment upon realizing that Alex was watching him from the bed. He quickly averted his gaze, crimson red tipped his ears, but finally managed to pull up his pants. When he mustered the courage to face Alex again, he found him still grinning mischievously. König's discomfort grew, and he blurted out, "Stop staring!"
Feeling a mixture of amusement and affection, Alex reached out to caress König's arm. "Relax, Liebling," he said, his eyes twinkling. "I couldn't help it. You're just so sexy. Besides, a little König in the right places never hurt anyone." He emphasized his point with a playful wink.
König's face turned bright red, but he couldn't help but smile. He knew Alex was teasing him, but deep down, he appreciated how much Alex desired him. Deciding to play along, König couched over Alex and playfully covered his eyes. "You're insufferable," he mumbled, his voice tinged with both distress and affection. "I'm more than a sex object!"
Alex's laughter filled the room as he removed König's hands from his eyes. "Yes you are, but you are my sex object," he teased, pulling König down onto the bed. "And don't worry, I can still appreciate your gorgeous bottom even with my eyes closed."
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2 - Alex positioned himself on the side of the training field, pretending to be engrossed in his binoculars. Soap strolled over, curiosity etched on his face. "Whit are ye daein', Alex? Bird watchin'?"
Grinning mischievously, Alex turned to Soap. "Exactly! I'm observing the rare species of Big-titted, Green Condor." He pointed the binoculars in König's direction. As if God himself was blessing Alex, König proceeded to remove his green tank-top, exposing his sweaty, hairy chest. "Oh my Fuck." Alex muttered.
Soap raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between Alex and König. "That's no' a bird, Alex. That's König's chest ye're starin' at."
A playful twinkle sparkled in Soaps eyes as he played along. "Oh, richt! I see my favourite bird is also trainin' right noo. The Monochrome Big-booty Vulture. A fascinatin' species indeed." He winked at Alex, knowing full well that if Ghost had overheard, he would have unleashed a hellfire of punishment.
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3 - König was engrossed in reviewing some work, his attention focused on the documents spread out before him. Unbeknownst to him, Alex sat at another table behind him, eyes fixated on his perfectly shaped bum. Alex was lost in his own world, admiring König's form. Those pants were tight. He wondered if they could handle the strain being placed on them. He hoped not.
Gaz approached the scene, his curiosity piqued. He couldn't help but notice Alex's intense gaze. "Hey, Alex, what are you doing?" he asked cocking an eyebrow.
Alex snapped out of his daze, pretending nonchalance. "Oh, just thinking about what to have for lunch." His eyes, however, remained glued to König's enticing rear.
Gaz couldn't help but smirk, fully aware of Alex's true intentions. "I see. And what's on the menu?"
Alex replied without missing a beat, his voice alight with playful innuendo. "Cake," he uttered, biting his lower lip. His gaze was unyielding as he continued to appreciate the sight before him.
Gaz huffed out a laugh. He shook his head with amusement at the unabashed audacity of Alex's response. "Well, enjoy your 'cake,' Alex. But remember, don't bite off more than you can chew."
Not missing a beat, Alex replied, "Oh I will be well fed. I know exactly how much I can bite off." Gaz gave him a supportive pat on the shoulder and continued on. As he passed König, he stopped momentarily to pass along his own little message. "You're boyfriend wants cake for lunch." He said.
König looked up from his work with confusion. "Was? But the mess doesn't have cake." He thought on it for a moment. "Should I go in town to a bakery?"
Gaz lost all control and burst into laughter. He chose not to respond to König's inquiry, enjoying the idea what König was about to learn a fun new English phrase.
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4 - As König manoeuvred through the busy hallway, burdened by a stack of boxes and file folders, he unexpectedly crossed paths with Alex. Alex couldn't help but notice the strain in König's eyes, prompting him to offer his assistance.
"Hey, Großer, that looks heavy. Need a hand?" Alex asked, with mildly-disingenuous concern on his face.
König's eye's brightened at the offer. "Absolutely, Alex. I'd appreciate that."
Without hesitation, Alex positioned himself behind König, his hands gently resting on his partner's waist. He took a moment to stroke König's waist and thighs, but instead of providing actual support, his hands playfully landed on König's ass.
König couldn't help but react. "Liebling!" He cried, "We're in the hallway! What are you doing?" his voice filled with equal parts embarrassment and delight.
Alex grinned. "I'm supporting you, of course." he gave his boyfriend's ass a tight squeeze.
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5 - Determined to turn the tables on Alex and show him that he, too, could playfully tease, König decided to take matters into his own hands. Without warning, he swiftly scooped Alex up, throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes in a playful display of dominance.
However, König's plan quickly backfired when he realized that this strategic move had inadvertently given Alex unrestricted access to his ass. Before König could react, his partner's hands started playfully slapping his rear like bongo drums, creating a lively rhythm that echoed through the halls. "Patta, patta, patta" Alex muttered as he slapped each cheek.
König felt a mixture of surprise and amusement engulfing him. Until he realized how exposed they were. Unable to slap Alex's butt in reutrn, for fear of dropping him, he bolted towards Alex's private quarters. Tossing Alex onto the bed, he rolled him over onto his stomach and straddled him before Alex could react. Now with unfettered access to his lovers butt, he proceeded to return the favour to Alex. "Ist my turn, now, Liebling." He said before creating his own beat on Alex's ass. "Uh-oh." Alex said, his eyes wide with surprise. "New kink unlocked."
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sharkneto · 2 years
Honestly you could write about your OCs buying groceries or something and id eat that up, your writing is great keep it up
Ah thank you! Around being busy with life, I've been in a little bit of a writing slump, so this is really quite kind of you to share with me <3 I'm so glad you enjoy them so much. I do spend a lot of time thinking of them just doing normal things, so maybe I should write more of that down :)
As a token of my thanks, I give you a snip of Normal Things from the Rob and Sarah Holiday Fic I both wrote too much and not enough of in December. <3
Quick context notes: Rob is the youngest of three - his older siblings are David (10 years older) and Julie (7 years older). Sara (note the spelling difference) is David's oldest daughter who just had a baby of her own.
Sarah luxuriates in her shower. Really enjoys the hot water massaging her back. The soft aroma of her soap. How the steam billows and fills the bathroom.
And most importantly how she’s the only one in the room. Alone. No Walters anywhere, not even her Walters.
When she thinks she’s pushed it as long as she can get away with, she reluctantly leaves the warmth to dry off and rejoin the chaos. Blowdrying her hair takes up a nice amount of time. She considers doing something fancier with it and her makeup to waste some more time, but she really has been in here for too long to be conscionable when there’s fifteen people in a two-bathroom house.
Time to return. She only has to make it through another couple days and then they’ll have the house to themselves again.
“You love them because you love Rob,” she reminds herself in the mirror. She does. There’s just so many of them. They’re everywhere.
In the hall, the door to the guest room is closed – Sara and/or Andrew must be catching up on missed sleep. Hopefully the baby is in there with them. Sarah doesn’t need Carol [Rob's mom] to try and hand it off to her again in a forceful push for those latent motherly feelings she’s apparently supposed to have.
She continues down the hall. It’s unexpectedly quiet, a softer rumble of voices than normal and Christmas music beating in the background, broken as Sarah makes it to the living room and Julie exclaims, “What is that?”
David, Julie, and Rob sit around the coffee table, leaning over a pad of paper. All three of them have their heads tilted over whatever is drawn on it.
David points at some part of it. “It’s a UFO.”
Rob squints. “I got that. How did you get to that from—?”
“No,” his brother interrupts. “No, I did the best drawing of what you wrote. Accurate to every degree.”
Julie snorts and flips the page back one.
Sarah walks over after another sweep of the room – the three siblings do seem to be the only ones here right now. She relaxes. “Are you guys playing Telestrations? Where is everyone?”
Rob brightens at her appearance. “Yes. And you want to play, I know you do. And go right after me.”
“A big group went with Mom and Dad for a walk around the neighborhood. Mom was weird about wanting to see the decorations in the daytime, but I wasn’t going to push it. It got her out of the kitchen and messing with Rob’s system in there. Half of mine went with Michael back to our hotel because someone forgot her phone and you know how you can’t survive family time without that,” Julie reports. “Sara and Andy are back with the baby. Hopefully sleeping.” Her gaze flicks to David, a look passing between them. “And I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than play a dumb game like Telestrations.”
“She definitely doesn’t,” Rob rushes to say. He pats the cushion next to him. “I don’t know why we’re trying to play this with three people, anyway. It works better with more.”
Sarah laughs. “How bad is he doing?” She leans over the back of the couch, hand resting on her husband’s shoulder. 
“Terribly,” Julie says cheerfully. She spins the notepad for Sarah to see better.
“It’s not that bad!” Rob defends. “They’re exaggerating like they always do.”
“You write like a drunk monkey,” Sarah says fondly, patting his shoulder twice in appeasement as he huffs. She looks at the scribbled line on the page, written words only by technicality. “’Cow jumped over the moon’?” she asks the group.
David pulls the pad back to himself as Rob holds a hand up in victory. “How.”
“You know,” Julie says, “one of these years I’ll finally remember to bring one of those primers my students struggling with handwriting get. I think it would really help you out. Just a little practice.”
“I’m not that bad! David always draws whatever he wants. It’s part of our game within the actual game.”
“Oh, Bobby,” Julie says with mock sincerity. “The game within the game is David always going after you so he can destroy how you can’t write words.”
“I’m a doctor!”
“Who can’t write. It’s a really heartwarming accomplishment, we’re very proud,” David says. He leans towards Sarah. “Where in this does it say ‘jumped’. I figured out how this says ‘cow’ and the loops I get how those are the o’s in ‘moon’. Where is the j.”
Sarah points to it. “It’s about finding up and down strokes. And you can’t count humps to figure out u’s and r’s versus m’s and n’s, he doesn’t count so you can’t either. Take in the whole shape. Sometimes he dots the i’s and j’s kind of near the letter they belong to, that helps a lot.”
Rob huffs again.
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mooncademia · 3 years
𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚝
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pairing ~ kaminari denki x reader
genre ~ fluff, comfort, oc being a tease muahahah
wc ~ 1.0k-ish
extra notes:  inspo by a film called about time (such a lovely film!), my best boy, i love him sm and feel like he’s suchh an underrated character, yellow looks so good on him, i will be working on a tbb drabble after this; enjoy :)
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       “Today went really well,” Kaminari said, wrapping you in his arms on his bed. It was past midnight and the two of you were already all washed up, snuggling in bed right now to prepare to sleep for the night. You could smell the fresh scent of soap coming from his hair and the warm tingle of roses from the newly washed white shirt that he was wearing. You smirked to yourself knowing all too well that your boyfriend purposely used your laundry detergent even though he’s been insisting he didn’t. You comfortably cuddled up against him, close to the nook of his neck. You then placed a hand on his chest, no later gliding it across to hold him tighter. You knew today was his big interview day with one of the most famous heroes in Tokyo prefecture, and you couldn’t even count the many days your boyfriend has been rehearsing his lines, adorning his manners, and even perfecting his handshake (which made you snort out milk one morning when you caught him being snazzy with himself in the bathroom mirror ;) ). Although you weren’t a U.A student before, nor were you one who followed the hero pathway, it didn’t make you any less proud of your boyfriend. You hummed appreciatively with a smile as you drew small circles on his chest.
Kaminari looked down at you and grinned widely. “In fact,” he continued. “It was a really great day. I think I will pass, Y/N.” The words left him in slight disbelief with the contentment he had, and it made you peer up at him with a beam.
“And you will.” You replied, hugging him a bit tighter for good measure.
You shifted your position as you pulled away from your boyfriend’s arm. You settled the book that was in your hands earlier on your beside table and adjusted your pillows before turning around to look back at Kaminari. His back was still propped up against the bed frame and you leaned in closer to press your lips against his. A soft delicate kiss was planted as your free hand rose to lock behind his neck and then caress his cheek. When you pulled away with soft eyes to admire your boyfriend’s features, you laughed aloud seeing Kaminari’s eyes glazed with heavy lust from your kiss.
Then a thought crossed your mind.
“Well,” you began, gliding your thumb across his cheek innocently. “I’m glad you did not have a terrible day, because if you did…” you flashed him a false sympathetic look by biting both of your lips together. Your gaze landed from his eyes to his lips and paused for a quick second before continuing.
“I thought I had to give you something more than a kiss to make up for it.” You purred as you drew circles on his chest seductively.
Kaminari’s mouth hanged opened, knowing all too well what you you meant. “Something more..” He mumbled as he stared back at you with puppy eyes and a crave that he couldn’t quite let go now. But you leaned in once again only to plant a quick peck of a kiss—an oh, such terrible tease for him.
Your half-lidded beautiful eyes then shined right back up as you patted on his chest twice pleasantly. “Well then, goodnight!” you smiled brightly before motioning away from him. The sudden tension that Kaminari felt was sliced in half as you finally turned off the lamp besides you, the last light of the room before it all went dark.
Then suddenly,
“Actually…I’ve had a terrible terrible day.”
You snorted out a giggle.
“It was absolutely terrible,” Kaminari continued, stuttering humorously a bit to make out excuses. “I-I missed my interview, and then accidentally set the whole city in a blackout, and then you know what happened next? I shocked an elderly, dropped my credit card in the metro, and-”
You positioned back up and looked at him with an eyebrow raised. You saw your boyfriend shake his head with a shrug which made you burst out another giggle.
You hummed as you placed a hand on his face and gave him a cheeky smile.
“That sounds like a terrible terrible day,” you said sympathetically, caressing his cheek with your hand. Kaminari swore he couldn’t even count the times a voice that gentle and beautiful swept him off his feet. It made him breathless and lustful just for you.
“It really was~” Kaminari replied with a fake pout, but you caught a twinkle in his eye which made you grin.
“Well,” You continued, closing the distance between the two of you. You were only inches away from his lips now and you have fully made Kaminari all the more smitten for you again. “I ought to make it up for it, don’t I?”
And with that, you planted a warm kiss on his lips, deeper and more passionate than the kiss before. A laugh left your lips no later once you felt a warm grasp on your legs, pulling you up until you were cradling his lap with his hands gripped firmly on your waist. A small sound akin to a groan filled the air as Kaminari lavished kisses on your lips, neck, and collarbone. His hands gliding everywhere from your legs to your chest.
“You’re such a tease,” He grunted as he planted kisses on your neck. You tilted your head up so he his lips could brush over the sensitive skin. You shrugged as you winked at him playfully, ever the more pleased with the lust he has for you, and only you.
“You know you love me.” You whispered, smiling widely as you directed your gaze back to him and kissed him on the lips once more.
Kaminari chuckled, a laugh so beautiful it was like honey dripping from his lips. He carefully glided his thumb from your cheek to your chin, tilting it lower so you were exactly face-to-face with him.
“Now that my love, I do.” His voice dropped an octave lower, sending a warm chill down your spine that spurred that heat in your stomach.
His eyes were staring into yours so ferociously that you knew that whatever comes next....
...well, he was definitely taking the lead ;)
-> ahhhh!! & here we are. tysm for reading this, let me know what you think! i love hearing feedback from u!! <3 (+ reblogs are also so appreciated!!) i hope you all have a lovely day~ :)
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fluffquinn · 2 years
Ghostly Companion
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* Although the fc is an idol, DO NOT SHIP IDOLS! it is weird and uncomfy, they are real ppl, not characters *
Pairing: Ghost! Minho x OC
Warnings: eventual smut, mild haunting, minho kinda teasing, more tba ig
W.C: 586
a/n: i finally reuploaded this lol, sorry for the wait. I am not stealing, my og account is @luv-quinn
Seina had never spent more than 3 weeks away from her parents, and now, she was living on her own. God, she was terrified. Her parents had coddled her for most of her life, and still did whenever they talked to, or saw, her. It was nice to have the freedom of living on her own, but being taken care of was great as well. 
So now, Seina was standing outside her new apartment, arms holding two boxes. She gave a side-eye to the rusted numbers on the wooden door as she put the boxes down, patting her body down in search of her cross-body bag. Finding it at her hip, she opened up the small pink bag to find her keys. Slotting the keys into the lock, she let herself into her apartment, letting go of the keys so the door swung open. Moving her boxes in, she placed them in the small entrance hallway, shutting the door behind her. 
"Alright, let's start unpacking!", she said out loud, knowing full well that no one else was there.
Or so she thought.
After unpacking all her boxed things, Seina looked out the window, checking for the moving truck that held all her furniture in it. Staring out the window, she felt a cold breeze go over her spine, making her shiver. Looking around the room, she noted that the ac was off, as it was winter, making her frown. Turning back to the window, she noticed that the moving truck was now parked in the building's driveway. Seina just chalked the strange breeze up to a faulty window or ac. 
Unlocking her door, she rushed downstairs to help the movers with her stuff. 
After a good few hours of more unpacking, Seina paid the movers and thanked them for their help. Stepping back into her new home, she looked around at how much nicer the somewhat small place looked with furniture in it. Settling down on the couch, she pulled out her phone, ordering a pizza from the nearby store before grabbing the remote, and turning on some random soap opera. Scrolling through her Instagram feed, she jumped when the doorbell rang.
"Finally! I'm coming!", she yelled out, grabbing her wallet and opening the door. Paying for the pizza, she thanked the young delivery boy and sat down again, setting the pizza box on the mahogany coffee table in front of her. Alas, it was only a matter of time before Seina got invested in the soap opera playing, downing half of the pizza, and now crying as her favorite couple broke up for the third time in a season. 
"Nooo, not again! You're supposed to be soulmates!", she cried, mascara leaving evident tracks on her rosy cheeks. Turning to bury her face in the pillow, she only took a few minutes, but she was out like a light, tv still playing the dramatic scenes she obsessed over. She didn't feel the cold touch on her cheek, somehow wiping away the mascara on her cheeks and under her eyes. Instead of waking up, she just snuggled further into her pink cat-eared pillow. 
A soft male laugh sounded out through the room, making the sleeping girl unconsciously smile.
"Goodnight, strange girl. Sweet dreams."
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deathonyourtongue · 4 years
Winter Passing | Chapter 3
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Summary: Injured and left for dead in the middle of a nowhere state, he traverses peaks and valleys for days without seeing any sign of civilization. Just as death’s icy fingers begin to coil around him, he finds a cabin in a clearing. Terrified from years of being told fairy tales and ghost stories, he nevertheless knocks on the door. When he wakes, he finds not a demon, but an angel, long removed from the insanity of the modern world. Pairing: Slightly AU!Henry Cavill x OC Word Count: 2k  Warnings: None for this chapter _______________________________________________ Message me if you’d like to be added/removed from the tag list! @fumbling-fanfics @skiesfallithurts @pinkpenguin7@madmedusa178 @crushed-pink-petals @fangoria @bluestarego@caffeinated-writer @my–own–personal–paradise @tastingmellow​ @honeychicana​ @lua-latina​ @angelicapriscilla​ @swiftyhowlz​ @schreiberpablo​ @pinkwatchblueshoes​ @kirasmomsstuff​ @prettypascal​ @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom​ @nardahsb​ @playbucky​ @veryfastspeedz @queen-of-the-kastle​ @freyahelps​ @cajunpeach​ @godlikeentity​ @captainsamwlsn​ @nakusaych9@katerka88 @katerka88 @kirasmomsstuff @melaninmimii@alienor-romanova @downtowndk​ @redhairedmoiraandtheliferuiners​ @safiras​ @agniavateira​ @henryfanfics101​ @fatefuldestinies @iloveyouyen​
Henry got in the hot water with a wince, every joint starting to ache as the fear and anxiety wore away and he came to terms with the fact that it would be at least a few days before he could get out of Olivia’s cottage. 
“How long have you lived out here?” He asked Olivia once he’d finished tucking the washcloth around himself as best he could, Henry almost positive she’d still get an eyeful given how small the strip of fabric was. 
Turning, Olivia kept her eyes on his face even as she sat on a stool next to the tub. Usually reserved for a candle and a glass of wine, it sat her at the perfect height to care for any hidden wounds that might not have been apparent before. 
“Out here? I think I’m going on ten years. I don’t really keep track, to be honest. Time’s slow out here, and that’s how I prefer it,” she smiled, using the light from the window to do a second check of his head, Olivia relieved when she found no cuts or goose eggs of any sort. 
With her courage worked up, she took a slow glance down his body, trying her best to focus on finding injuries and not on simply gawking at the man who, when nude, had the body of an ancient deity. Olivia swallowed thickly as she took in the broad expanse of his chest, forested with thick, dark hair, a trail of it leading to an equally hirsute set of abs. Purposely skipping her gaze over the washcloth, she focused on his legs, clicking her tongue as she saw the bruise already inky black on his knee cap. 
“That’s gonna swell. I’ll get you some ice once you’re warmed up enough,” she mentioned pointing at Henry’s knee, Olivia’s gaze lingering a moment on his toes, not wanting to miss the first signs of frostbite; treating it later would be far harder than nipping it in the bud before it had a chance to truly set in.  
Satisfied that there was no blood in the water and that his two worst injuries seemed poised to resolve themselves with time, Olivia was just about to turn her attention back to Henry’s head--and the dirt she could now see caked into his hair--when a tap on the window made her look up and smile. 
“What in the…” Henry’s mouth hung open in confusion as he looked between Olivia and the raven that perched on the windowsill, looking in expectantly. 
“That’s Dyster. He’s wanting breakfast. I’ll be right back. No closing your eyes,” Olivia grinned before looking at Henry sternly, still worried that he’d slip off into sleep and make his head injury all the worse. 
Flitting to the kitchen, she pulled the ice box open again and pulled three strips of beef from a container with a fork, throwing a piece to Gunnar before moving back to the window. 
“Dunk down, I don’t want you catching the draft. I’ll be quick, I promise,” she informed Henry as she moved to the window where Dyster’s pecking at the glass was getting more incessant. 
“Good morning, Mr.,” Olivia greeted the bird warmly, setting the meat on the windowsill before stroking over his blue-black feathers and earning herself a grateful squawk. 
“Yes, I know,” she answered, nodding. Another squawk had her frowning slightly, Olivia’s eyes focused on the bird as though she were having an actual conversation.
“No, not like that. Mind your business.” Tapping Dyster lightly on the beak, she smoothed over his feathers again before slowly shutting the window.
“One more sec,” Olivia held up a finger before moving back to the kitchen to wash her hands. For his part, Henry could only sit, stupefied at what he’d just seen. Had she really spoken to the bird as though she understood it? Should he be frightened of her mental state? Would he have to endure her pretending to understand all the animals of the forest for a week or more? He didn’t have time to ponder longer, as Olivia came back in with a breathless smile, a hewn cup in her hand. 
“Tip your head back,” she encouraged, filling the cup with water from the bath. Henry did as asked, wary of how badly it would sting his cuts. Olivia’s hand protected the bandages however, her light tough almost as soothing as the warm water that poured through his curls. Something in the water soothed him, body and mind, and any pain that he’d begun to feel was distilled until it was only an afterthought, especially when Olivia’s hand carded through his hair. 
“Mmm,” the sound escaped him before he could stop it. Low in his chest, it telegraphed just how much better he was feeling, and it made Olivia smile, proud of the knowledge that had been passed on to her and had allowed her to mend him as well as she had thus far. Shampooing his hair and being careful to not aggravate any bruises hidden by his dark curls, Olivia rinsed him a second time, then sat back.
“Here, suds up, and I’ll go grab a fresh bucket for your rinse,” she smiled, handing Henry a homemade bar of soap and a second washcloth, confident that he could do it without causing himself further injury. 
After taking the last bucket of water off the fire, she quickly headed upstairs, realizing he’d have nothing to wear once he got out. Searching through her closet, Olivia let out a noise of triumph as she found a pair of gray sweatpants and a navy blue t-shirt, a swap she’d all but forgotten she’d made years ago. While she wasn’t a packrat by any means, Olivia did make it a habit of keeping things she thought useful, and while she rarely had visitors, she’d kept the clothing in the event that someone bigger and taller than her needed a fresh set after falling in the lake or something similar.
Forgetting her own instructions to Henry, Olivia came back into the room to find him utterly nude and preoccupied with washing the remnants of blood off his arm. Nearly dropping the bucket, she turned quickly, a squeak of surprise making her presence known. Eyes squeezed shut, she once more hid her laugh as she heard the splashing of water and the scramble of Henry covering himself once more. 
“Sorry, love. Didn’t think you’d be back so quickly,” he apologized, “I’m decent.” Clearing his throat, he kept one hand over the washcloth, his cheeks pink with embarrassment. 
“It’s alright, I did ask you to wash,” Olivia mumbled, waiting a moment before turning back around. Setting the clothes on the stool, she set the bucket down and squatted next to the tub, reaching underneath the porcelain to pull the drain plug she’d fitted herself when she got it. Connected to a pipe that led out to a drum by her garden, Olivia used the water in the spring and summer to water her crops after filtering it with iodine. When the tub was nearly empty, she stood back up and lifted the bucket, holding it right at Henry’s collarbones.
“Tip your head back one more time,” she instructed softly, waiting until he was positioned and still to slowly begin pouring the warm water on him. Goosebumps followed the stream as every bit of him was simultaneously warmed and cooled by the water and air, respectively. Olivia bit her lip as she let her eyes wander over his body once more, not only ensuring all the soap was removed, but giving herself one last chance to appreciate his finely sculpted frame. Physically, there was no doubt he’d make any woman swoon, and thus far, his personality wasn’t fairing poorly either. Olivia didn’t let herself linger on her thoughts, knowing full well his stay with her was temporary and that soon enough the snow would melt and he would be gone for good. She ignored the twinge the thought put through her heart, shifting her focus back on his care and well-being. 
“Okay, so they may be a bit small because you’re a tall man, but these should fit for now,” she explained, patting the clothing once the bucket was empty and he was ready to towel off. Henry cocked his head to one side, smiling skeptically. 
“Is there a husband I should know about? One who might barge in and get the wrong idea?” He asked, the chuckle in his tone making it clear he was only pulling her leg. Henry immediately felt like scum for asking when his question didn’t elicit the laugh he thought it would, but instead drew a sad smile from Olivia. 
“No. No husband around these parts. Just me and Gunnar. You’re safe,” she finally answered, meeting his eyes only for a moment before moving the bucket out of the way. 
“Think you can stand on your own?” She asked, quickly swiping a finger along the bottom of the tub to check how slippery it could be, given all her soaps were handmade and tended to have oils in them for conditioning. She stayed close as Henry tested his arms on the rims of the tub and only backed away a few steps as he carefully stood to his full height, moving as slowly as possible so the washcloth didn’t fall on his way to being upright. Satisfied that he was sturdy enough, Olivia stepped in close once again, tugging his arm over her shoulder and wrapping her own around his back to make the transition onto her bath mat as smooth as possible. 
Once Henry was safe on solid ground, she grabbed the bucket, took a deep breath and turned her back once more, allowing him time to change. Henry made quick work of the shirt before sitting on the stool and dragging the pants up each leg, giving himself a moment’s rest before standing again and pulling them up to his hips. They were indeed a little small, but given he wasn’t going anywhere, it didn’t matter. 
“All set,” he told her softly, smiling gratefully at Olivia, one arm already up for her to throw over her shoulder once she turned around. 
“Thank you again. For everything you’ve done so far. You’re...” Henry trailed off, unable to think of a comparison that didn’t involve organized religion, finding it a little foolish to rattle off such a platitude to a woman who clearly worshiped the old gods. 
Olivia nodded, but stayed quiet, focused on getting Henry to bed so he could rest. Her mind was racing a million different ways, and the quicker she got him down, the quicker she could take a moment to clear her own head. Though she didn’t want him sleeping, upon entering the room, Olivia quickly realized it would be nearly impossible to keep him awake. Entertainment without electricity was difficult in the best of circumstances, let alone with a mild head injury. She really could only offer him books or puzzles, and for a city boy, Olivia knew those would only hold his attention for so long; she’d have no choice but to put Gunnar on watch. 
Making sure Henry was settled and tucked in, Olivia lit a fire in the smaller hearth inside the room and then perused the bookcase nearby for a few things to keep her guest occupied. 
“I know the choices for entertainment are slim around here, but I’ll have Gunnar stay with you and come get me if he senses anything’s wrong with you. Rest now,” she spoke softly, checking the bandages on his head one final time before setting the books next to him and calling for Gunnar. The dog came at a leisurely pace and, without being told, hopped up on the bed, settling in the small space between Henry and the wall, another huff aimed at his owner. 
“Be good. Keep an eye on him.” Olivia told him with a narrow-eyed smile. Lifting his head, Gunnar mocked her outright, his mouth moving in a way that made it nearly impossible to think he didn’t speak whenever humans weren’t around.
“Do you want beef for dinner, or do you just want kibble?” Olivia asked, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at her pup expectantly. With a sound that was clear displeasure at the ultimatum, Gunnar looked up at Henry, looked back at Olivia and flopped his head down on Henry’s thigh in surrender. Olivia rolled her eyes and shook her head, never failing to find her dog amusing. 
“Rest. Shout if you need anything. I’ll be around.” Nodding at Henry, Olivia turned on her heel and headed out of the room, closing the door softly behind her.
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Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x OC
Warnings: PTSD
A/N:  We’re coming out of the angst mood and this will be the last wholly flashback chapter.  We return to present day in Part 8.  Doesn’t mean there won’t be flashbacks, but the action is now moving forward!
And I can’t believe the number of people who have followed this blog in the last week or so (has it only been that long?) and the people who are liking the posts.  Y’all know how to make a girl feel good. :)
Reminder: I haven’t seen Kingsman: The Golden Circle, so I’m just using the Wikia, IMDB.com, some gifs, and my own weird ass brain to make up this whole ass story.
Tag List:  @zeldasayer , @romanticgumchewer, @tarrevizslas , @coolmaybelateruniverse , @the-feckless-wonder, @lavenderl3mons , @pascalisthepunkest , @mandoandyodito​ , @randomness501 [please message me to be added or subtracted]
[PART 1]  [PART 2]  [PART 3]  [PART 4]  [PART 5] [PART 6]
Part 7 
Road to Recovery
It was the sharp yelp and half sob that startled nurse Cider at her desk. Looking up she realized the sound came from her only occupied bay.  She got up and walked into the room to find Sirah laying awkwardly in the bed, tears trickling down her face.
“You tried to move again, didn’t you?” the nurse asked.  She didn’t need an answer, she already knew it.  She was just being polite.  Sirah gave a slight nod.  She’d been fully conscious for only forty-eight hours, but every moment of it was a cycle of pain and then calmness as the drugs kicked in.  She was in the pain portion of the cycle.
“It’s so hard to breathe, Cider.  I just can’t seem to breathe.”
“I know, honey. Let me get you more comfortable and see if that helps a bit.” Cider stepped out and waved over another nurse.  They came into the room and each grabbed Sirah under her arms to pull her gently up. But something about the way they held her made their patient go rigid with fear.
“NO!” She cried out.  “NO, don’t take me!”
For a moment, she wasn’t in the med bay, instead her mind was suddenly back in California and trapped in the fear she felt while captured.  She started shaking violently and both nurses dropped their hands.  Cider reached out and touched Sirah’s forehead gently, calling to her.
“Sirah, honey, it’s okay.  It’s okay. It’s just me and Tea.  We’re here to help you, it’s okay.”  Cider rubbed her palm on the woman’s forehead while grasping her hand with the other.  After a moment, Sirah’s eyes looked over at the nurse and seemed to refocus.
“Good, honey.  Good.” She kept her voice calm and even. “Tea and I are going to help you move, remember?  We’re going to put our hands back under your arms and under your legs.  And you’re going to be more comfortable.  Yeah?”
Sirah nodded and this time, while keeping her eyes focused on Cider, she let the nurses move her.  Soon she was shifted higher and suddenly she felt as if she could breathe again.  The nurses tucked her back in, took a few vitals, and patted her hand before they left.  While they worked, in the shadows outside the room stood Champ.  As the nurses passed him, he paused before entering the room.  Looking at the ceiling, he took a deep breath and willed the tears from his eyes before walking in.
Normally, the man was larger than life, standing taller than most of his agents physically and bigger than everyone else through his personality. But when Sirah laid eyes on him, she noted he looked smaller, older even.  He sat down next to her bed and took her hand, cradling it to his cheek.  She let the tears stream down her own as his warmth seeped into her hand and then into her heart.  She was home again.
She had been in a coma for several weeks as the med team worked to fix what they could, but once she woke up, the reality of what happened to her began to set in for the team.  The trauma of her experience wasn’t something she had been trained to handle and she spiraled deeply into this scary new world as the days passed.  Soon the personality that inspired Tequila’s Shirley Temple nickname was gone and in its place was a woman full of fear.
One day after Ginger had visited for some time, Sirah cried pitifully when her friend left.  She curled into herself the best she could, thinking her friend was never coming back.  The abandonment compounded everything.  
Champ and Dr. Licuados consulted daily with the in-house therapy center about the situation.  A therapist was assigned to her, code named Orange, but in the early days there wasn’t much either doctor could do to ease the pain and fear.  The three watch as Sirah nearly become a ghost of herself.
Her friends were sick to their stomachs at the change and tried to do whatever they could within their power to help her through it.  After the event with Ginger, the four of them agreed to take turns being with her.  Just being in the same room was often enough for Sirah most days, so they’d bring work or field reports or even just books to pass the time.  
Ginger took the mornings, Tequila took the afternoon shift, and Champ stayed by her side in the early evenings.  But Jack was the one to stay with her at night.  Seeing his sleeping form on the couch next to her brought her immense comfort and often, she would reach out and touch his hand with hers.  Every time, even dead asleep, he grasped hers in return and never let go.
A month after she woke from the coma, the doctors agreed to move her to a private therapy bay to continue her recovery.  Her cuts had scarred over, her burns were stable, and the breaks and fractures were just about healed.  She was able to begin the next phase of her healing and the days took on more structure. 
Physical therapy in the morning with Tequila there as her own personal cheerleader and sometimes Ginger when he was out on assignment. Regular therapy with Dr. Orange in the afternoons, and in the evenings, Jack came “home” to stay with her.  Champ made it a special order to have lunch with her daily and sometimes his wife would join them.
Her recovery probably wouldn’t had gone as well as it had were it not for her friends.  The love and support they provided guided her through the dark moments.  One night, after she had been cleared to take a shower, Sirah stood beneath the water, relishing the feeling of being clean. Without thinking, she turned her face upwards into the spray and immediately her brain was flooded with the memory of her water boarding.  
She pulled back, gasping and cried out before she fell against the shower wall in terror.  Immediately, Jack rushed into the bathroom, calling her name.  He pulled back the shower curtain and found her sitting on the floor, crying and shaking with the memory.  He turned off the water and dropped to his knees.  He wrapped her in his arms and held her against him. Nothing he could say could reach through to her, so instead he rocked her body as she cried.  It cut him to the core and broke his heart into a million pieces. Soon she quieted down, and her arms snaked around his waist.
“Moonshine, let’s get you cleaned up.”  She nodded and was patient while he soaped up a rag and gently cleaned her.  He rinsed and dried her off before helping her dress.  When he got her settled in bed, he texted Tequila to come take his place. When he arrived, Jack outlined what had happened and said he needed to step out.  Tequila clapped a hand on his shoulder before sitting down on the couch. If Jack needed a minute, then dammit, he was getting one.
Jack ran down to the training room and turned on the lights.  He rolled his neck and cracked his knuckles as he walked over to the punching bag.  He took a deep breath and threw out his right arm.  The contact stung but it didn’t stop him.  He took the rest of his anger and grief out on the bag.  He eventually collapsed against it, exhausted, but calmer.
“Orange. . . can I talk about that night?”  Sirah sounded hesitant, but the therapist gave her a reassuring smile. Half a year had passed since California and Sirah now found herself curled on the end of her couch, wrapped in a blanket. The therapist sat at the other end, leg drawn up and facing her.
“Needles.”  Sirah looked out the window.  “I could smell the needles of the redwoods as I laid there. . .”  Their talk continued and several times, Sirah broke down.  She cried for Malbec and Sherry, the agents who were her friends.  She cried for herself.  She just cried all the tears she couldn’t while captured.  And then she talked some more.  
After nearly three hours, she felt exhausted, but lighter.  Facing California was hard, but each day seemed to get easier.  Dr. Orange told her to sleep a bit and left the apartment.  But for the first time in weeks she didn’t dream of pain or of fire or even of a dead woman’s eyes.  Instead she dreamed of New York City.
“Jack, are we sure this is correct?” Sirah looked at the notes sent from HQ regarding the case.  They sat in his New York office reviewing files and she scribbled notes in the margins.
“I’m sure moonshine, I don’t think Tequila would send us incorrect notes.”  Jack flipped through the file in front of him before turning back to the computer.  He updated a few things and went back to the file. Sirah picked up the notes she made and gathered a few more items.
“I’ll be right back. . . .” her voice faltered as she looked out the window.  He turned to see what captured her attention.  Blocks away from where they were at, fireworks lit up the sky.  She walked over to the window in a sort of trance, mesmerized by the beauty of the scene – the brightly colored fireworks against the dark sky and the surrounding glow of the city.  Jack walked up behind her to watch, too.
Without thinking about it, he laid his hands on her shoulders and his chin on her head.  She sighed and leaned back into him, eyes still on the display.  He dragged his hands down her arms and wrapped her close against him.  She melted into him and they stood in comfortable repose until the display ended. The sky darkened again, and the sounds of the city were no longer muffled.
She turned in his arms and pressed her face against his chest.  Her arms came up around his waist and she clung to him.  He shifted and kissed the top of her head.  She smiled into his chest and sighed again, this one even more contented than before.  She eventually moved out of his arms, dragging her hand across his chest as she walked around him.  He caught the smile on her face, and one grew on his own.
“I’ll be in the library for a bit.  I want to check up on some things.  Can you wait a few hours until I have more information?”  She looked at him.
“Moonshine, I’ll always wait for you.”  She beamed at him and slightly nodded her head before taking her items and walking out the door.
He’d wait a lifetime for her if he needed to.
She woke up from the dream with a contented smile on her face, an event that hadn’t happened since before California.  As she became more alert, she realized she was alone.  Everyone worked to keep a similar schedule as before even after she moved back into her home and when she looked at the clock, she noticed it was close to dinner time.  She asked Champ to come to dinner and as if her mind conjured him, he walked through the door, knocking as he entered.
She smiled as he sat down and laid out the dinner his wife made.  He also handed her a lumpy package that had her name scrawled across it.  She opened it and while he went to get plates, she pulled out a beautifully thick navy sweater.  It was oversized and the sleeves were longer than normal.  
Once she was cleared to wear regular clothing, Sirah had taken to completely covering herself.  She was self-conscious about the scars all over her body and while the logical part of her brain said no one would care, she still did it anyway.  Champ’s wife was a quiet woman, but she was observant and smart as hell.  Champ wouldn’t have married her if she wasn’t.  The sweater was something that would give Sirah the cover she wanted with much comfort.
“Champ, can we talk for a moment?”  She sounded serious as he returned and sat down next to her.
“Of course, honey.  What do you need?”  The voice was kind and she found herself feeling ever grateful she had such love around her.  It’s why she knew she’d get passed this.
“Don’t call me Sirah anymore.”
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myaekingheart · 4 years
The Perfect Gift
Written for Day 3 of the Kakashi Lounge Discord Server’s September Event. Prompts: Happy Endings | Forgiveness | Hope | The Perfect Gift
[Read on AO3] Pairing: Kakashi x Rei (OC) Rating: Teen and Up @the-kakashi-lounge-blog
               Kakashi ruffled his daughter’s hair as they entered Kaminoki Bookshop, his in-laws anxiously awaiting their granddaughter’s arrival. Rei kissed Nariko’s chubby little cheek, instructing her “Be good for Grandma and Grandpa while we’re gone, okay?” Grinning, Nariko nodded once before wiggling out her father’s grasp and rushing toward Hana, affectionately slamming into her legs so as to nearly knock her off balance.
               “I’m sure she’ll give us a run for our money” Yuruganai jested, patting her on the head.
               “Are you sure you guys are okay with this?” Rei asked. As she rose to her feet, Kakashi placed a tender hand on the small of her back. “I know she can be a bit of a handful.”
               Hana smiled affectionately back at her daughter, replying, “It’s no trouble at all! You know we love it when our little Nari visits.” She turned her gaze to her granddaughter then as she asked, her voice rising an octave, “And we’re going to have lots of fun tonight, aren’t we, sweetheart?”
               “Yeah!” Nariko exclaimed, raising her arms up in the air. “We can watch movies, and bake cookies, and play lots of games, and stay up til the sun comes back out!”
               Hana’s face grew pale at the prospect, chuckling nervously. “Well, we’ll see about that” she mused. Nariko fell back onto the floor in uproarious laughter, as if she knew she already had these old folks wrapped around her tiny little finger. There was no way they could say no.
               The interaction was not particularly convincing for a mother as anxious as Rei. Yuruganai could see the clear uncertainty painting his daughter’s face, the way she bit her lip and watched her daughter giggle and kick her legs in the air. “Go. Enjoy your anniversary. We’ll be fine” he reassured.
               “Thank you again for doing this” Kakashi replied. “We really appreciate it.” And truly, he did. Hana and Yuruganai’s investment in Nariko’s life was such a welcome relief, especially after their past skepticism of Kakashi and Rei’s relationship. Raising a child was difficult, especially one as rambunctious as Nariko, and they could use all the help they could get. While Kakashi truly loved every minute of being a father, he couldn’t remember the last time he and Rei had a night to themselves. They found romance in the little moments now: the sloppy morning kisses with a child’s knee in your face, the homecooked food after a long day of monotonous paperwork and chaotic games of hide and seek. The moments watching Nariko romp around the playground with the other children, and the way Kakashi would wrap an arm around his wife and kiss her cheek through his mask, his heart swelling with love for the little life they had created together. Fatherhood was everything he had ever wanted, and yet he could not deny that some nights he did, in fact, yearn for a break. If nothing else, Rei certainly deserved it.
               At least for Kakashi, there were his hokage duties. It was still a massive responsibility but the job came with a very different type of stress. Rei never got a moment to herself. She never had the chance to step away from it all for something else. It was clear to Kakashi how especially exhausting being a stay-at-home mother was. He saw it in the dark circles under her eyes, her matted hair, the mess in the kitchen and the toys littering the floor. Kakashi did what he could but always feared it was never enough. She worked so hard. She deserved a quiet night of pampering with a fancy dinner she didn’t have to make herself, a non-animated film she could watch uninterrupted, and snuggles on the couch that did not involve a toddler’s slobber. If there was any night to do it, it was tonight.
               Rei nestled into Kakashi’s embrace as they walked home slowly, enjoying the sunset and the cool March air. “Are you sure she’ll be alright, Kakashi?” she asked quietly. “I’m so worried about her.”
               “Don’t be” Kakashi reassured her. “Everything will be fine.”
               “I just feel so guilty about leaving her” Rei replied. “I mean, we spend every day together. Her and I are never without each other. I just…”—by now, Rei’s eyes had welled up with tears. She bit her lip as she looked back over her shoulder, Kaminoki fading into the distance. “I feel so selfish, like we’re abandoning her or something, I don’t know.”
               Kakashi paused in the middle of the street. He brushed the long bangs back out of Rei’s face and tilted her chin up to look at him. “What are you crying for?” he asked softly. “I promise, Nariko is going to be fine.”
               “Are you sure?” Rei asked. The look of concern in her eyes, the desperation on her face, was enough to break Kakashi’s heart.
               “Positive” Kakashi reassured her. “She seemed more than happy about spending time with your parents. She’s resilient and adaptable. And there’s nothing selfish about taking a night for ourselves.” He caressed her cheek softly, hoping to exude some sense of calm. “You work so hard every day to take care of her, you shouldn’t feel bad for taking time for yourself. You can’t run on empty all the time, Rei. You deserve to relax.”
               Rei sniffled and a pathetic little giggle broke past her lips. “I know. You’re right” she replied. “I just wish I didn’t feel so terrible about it.”
               “It’ll be alright” Kakashi said. “Let’s just try to enjoy tonight as much as we can, okay? No more crying.” He grinned and kissed her on the forehead, squeezing her hand in silent support. Rei forced a smile and nodded. Truthfully, she didn’t want to take this away from him, either. He needed a break as much as she did.
               They continued down the road in comfortable silence before, all at once, Rei giggled quietly and nudged Kakashi for his attention. “You know, I was thinking: I hope my parents can even handle her.”
               Kakashi chuckled and shook his head. “I’m sure they’ll be fine. Besides, they could handle you, couldn’t they? Nariko has to get her energy from somewhere.”
               “Yeah” Rei laughed, mildly embarrassed. “If only I still had that much energy” she joked. She was positive she hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in four years. Looking back on her ANBU days, when she’d stay up until the wee morning hours only to wake up at dawn, it all seemed incomprehensible to her now. These days she could barely keep her eyes open brushing her teeth. Funny how creating a life can drain so much of your own.
               Once they returned home, Kakashi guided Rei immediately into the bathroom with an all-knowing smirk. She watched quizzically as he began filling the tub and stirring in a copious amount of sweet-smelling body wash. Before she could ask him what this was all about, Kakashi glanced at her over his shoulder and replied, “A little relaxation never hurt anyone.” Rei could hardly stifle her laughter. She sat down on the edge of the tub and kissed his cheek. “Now you stew in here for a little bit while I go fix us some dinner” he insisted.
               “Wow, I guess maybe we should leave Nariko at my parent’s place more often” Rei joked. She smiled at him over her shoulder as she undressed, watching him retreat back to the kitchen. Once he was gone, she sunk into the warm water and closed her eyes. Her head had been pounding all week, her stomach twisting into knots. She stretched her arms out in front of her, straightened her back, and hoped this would be enough to alleviate all of her aches and pains.
               Rei had no idea how long she actually spent there, but by the time Kakashi had returned, her fingertips were wrinkled and waterlogged and her eyes had grown heavy. Her husband knocked musically and peeked his head through the doorway, announcing “Dinner’s ready!” Rei sat up and began rinsing the soap suds off her body, trying to snap out of her sleepy stupor. Kakashi crouched down beside her, cupping water in his hands to help wash away what she couldn’t reach. “So, did you enjoy your bath?” he asked, extending a hand to help her up.
               “Mmhmm, it was—” Rei started, but as she stood up the room began to spin. Her breath hitched in her throat as she fell onto Kakashi for support. His eyes immediately widened, holding her close as he helped her step over the edge of the tub and then wrapped her in a cozy towel.
               “Are you okay?” he asked. He sat her slowly down on the lidded toilet, watching as she blinked and tried to gain her bearings.
               “Y-yeah, I’m fine” she replied. “I just…got a little dizzy for a second.” Kakashi cocked a brow in concern. She may have insisted she was fine, but her face looked so pale and her hands were trembling in her lap. She sucked in a deep breath and smoothed her wet hair back. When she noticed he was staring at her, Rei pasted a fake grin on her face and added, “Really, I’m fine. I think all the hot water just fucked with my blood pressure or something. Probably doesn’t help that I’ve been tired.”
               “Was the water too hot for you?” Kakashi asked. “You should’ve said something. I could’ve cooled it down if it—”
               “No, really!” Rei interrupted, perhaps a little too abruptly. “I said it was fine.”
               “Okay…” Kakashi replied. He was not at all convinced but he knew better than to press her for answers. Especially when she seemed so on edge. He wanted tonight to be perfect and starting an argument or triggering a panic attack was the exact opposite of those intentions.
               Once she had calmed down, he watched with great focus as she slowly stood up and made her way into the bedroom. She peered at him over her shoulder, teased a tiny smirk, before dropping her towel and asking, “So do you want me to get dressed or should we eat dinner with our clothes off?”
               Kakashi’s cheeks burned as he ruffled his hair and replied, “I wouldn’t be opposed to either.”
               “Hmm” Rei hummed before finally turning to her drawers and pulling out a cute pair of underwear and one of Kakashi’s old shirts. “Well then maybe I’ll make you work for it, just to make things interesting” she said as she slipped his shirt over her head. It was one of the ones he wore back when he was a jonin leader, part of the since-outdated uniform. It fell to almost mid-thigh on her small frame, but fit tighter in the bust on account of her figure. When she turned around, the lace hem of her panties just barely showed from beneath the hem. Kakashi bit his bottom lip as she approached, lacing her fingers with his, then walked alongside him into the kitchen.
               On the table, a simple dinner awaited them by candlelight. A vase of her favorite flowers served as the centerpiece and for dessert, there was mochi—the kind with a whole orange inside. He knew how much she loved those. Toshio’s nose poked over the edge, sniffing for snacks, but Kakashi quickly shooed him away. Leaving Toshio alone with food was risky but he was not about to let the dog ruin all of his hard work. He pulled Rei’s chair out for her before settling in himself.
               Rei’s stomach growled in desperation as she picked up her chopsticks and surveyed her food. She locked eyes with Kakashi as they said in unison itadakimasu before digging in. The food was nothing Kakashi hadn’t made before: the typical rice, miso soup, and nitsuke—his specialty. This time, however, the fish in particular was overwhelming. It’s dead face and gaping mouth made her stomach churn. She picked apart a small piece, nibbled, then clapped her hand over her mouth. Kakashi paused mid-chew, staring at her in concern, as she flung her chopsticks on the table and staggered to the bathroom.
               “R-Rei..?!” he called after her. The panic in his voice was almost palpable. She threw the lid up and fell before the toilet, gripping the seat with white knuckles. Kakashi gave Toshio one quick warning glare before racing after her. “Rei, are you alright?!” he asked. He skidded up next to her, resting a hand on her lower back as she heaved and wept. He refused to leave her side the entire time, one hand constantly rubbing her back as the other rummaged through the counter drawers for anti-nausea medicine. Once she was done, he soaked a towel in cold water and pressed it to her forehead while he prepared a cup of water and a dose of chalky pink medicine. “Are you alright?” he asked.
               She hated the way he was looking at her, the absolute fear and concern on his face. Was she alright? How was she even supposed to answer him? She had been feeling sore and sick for weeks, but had just chalked it up to sleep deprivation. It had happened before, it made perfect sense. But she had her suspicions, too. This episode only further cemented them in her mind. So was she alright? Shaking her head, Rei huffed and whispered, “Kakashi, I think something’s wrong.”
               The word wrong struck him hard in the chest. “Was it the fish? The man at the market said it was fresh, but he had this look in his eyes that made me unsure. Maybe I should start an investigation. Maybe he’s trying to poison me to get me out of office. Not that I’m a stranger to death threats but—”
               “Kakashi, stop” Rei interrupted, lifting her palm in emphasis. Her hands were shaking again. “I’ve been feeling questionable since long before the fish was on the table.”
               Kakashi blinked. “W-what do you mean…?”
               Running her fingers through her hair, Rei stretched her legs out in front of her and locked her eyes on the grout lines in the floor. She didn’t particularly want to say it, because saying it would make it feel all the more real, but she couldn’t dismiss it any longer. “K-Kakashi…Kakashi, I think I might be pregnant again.”
               A jolt of panic rushed through Kakashi’s body. It took him a moment to register what, exactly, she had just said. It wasn’t like they were trying to conceive, but they also weren’t not trying. Perhaps that was the biggest mistake of all: the carelessness. But they had become so tired, it wasn’t worth the effort to pull out anymore. Hell, whatever intimate time they even had anymore was often spent half-asleep in lazy positions. They simply did not have the energy to try.
               A long moment of silence passed before Rei immediately gripped the edge of the toilet again. Her entire body was shaking now and her breath was labored. “Oh god, Kakashi, please say something” she whined.
               “S-sorry” he murmured, trying to gain his bearings. “A-are you sure?” he finally asked.
               “I don’t know, I really don’t know” she whimpered, pressing a hand to her forehead. “I thought I was just burnt out or coming down with the flu or something but then I started thinking about it and I can’t even remember when my last period was. I’ve been so busy, I lost track and then tonight happened and I just—” Tears were threatening to fall again as she choked on her own voice. Kakashi frowned empathetically before scooting nearer and pulling her into his arms.
               “Do you want me to run to the drugstore and pick up a pregnancy test?” he asked. “I can do that for you if it’d make you feel better.” Sniffling, Rei buried her face against his chest and nodded.
               “I think that might be for the best” she whispered. Kakashi cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. He hated to leave her like this but he was not going to pretend like they did not need answers. And as much as he hated the thought of what rumors would fly at the sight of the hokage buying pregnancy tests, he hated even more seeing Rei so distraught. He asked her if there was anything else she needed before giving her one last kiss and rushing out the door. In their absence, Toshio had leapt onto the table and was halfway finished with their food but at this point, Kakashi couldn’t have cared less. There were far more important things at stake now.
               When he returned, it was nightfall and Rei was curled up on the couch with a trash can by her side. Toshio had situated himself at her feet, his heavy head resting on her thigh. If Kakashi had to leave her, at least he could always count on her faithful canine to watch over her. The moment he unlocked the door, Rei sat up expectantly. He could see the anxiety immediately rush to her face. Toshio tilted his head around and barked a hello, spotted tongue lopping out of the side of his mouth.
               “I got the four pack” Kakashi said, holding up the box. “Just to be safe. There was a coupon.”
               There was a coupon. Perhaps it was just the ridiculousness of the situation, but Rei couldn’t help but laugh. It was always in the most dire of times, it seemed, that the stupidest things became suddenly so funny. After all, in a matter of minutes, things likely were not going to feel so funny anymore.
               Rei forced herself to chug the last of her water despite still feeling incredibly sick. Her mounting anxiety was surely not helping her cause. She sat on the edge of the tub as she ripped open the box and pulled out one of the tests. The mere sight of it was enough to make her gag again. Kakashi rested a gentle hand on her knee.
               “You ready?” he asked.
               “I don’t really have a choice” she replied. Without another moment of hesitation, she pulled down her underwear and proceeded to go to the bathroom. At least her bladder had been working overtime, so taking the test required no extra waiting on her part. Once she was finished, she put the test face down on a wad of toilet paper on the counter and sighed. Kakashi set a timer for five minutes. “And now we wait.”
               Kakashi gave a single nod as she went and sat beside him on the edge of the tub. “Are you alright?” he asked.
               “We’ll see” Rei replied. Then, with a bitter laugh, she added, “Well, isn’t this romantic? Happy anniversary, sweetheart, here’s my piss on a stick!”
               Shaking his head, Kakashi wrapped his arm around his wife and pulled her close. “I wouldn’t want it any other way” he jested.
               “Yeah, okay” Rei scoffed. After a few moments, however, her bitterness faded into dejection. Dropping her head back, Rei inhaled sharply and whispered, “God, this sucks.”
               Kakashi rubbed her shoulder. “Are you mad at me?” he asked quietly.
               “I’m mad at myself” Rei replied. “I just…fuck, I’m so sorry, Kakashi.”
               “What are you sorry for?” he asked. His voice was dripping with sympathy, his gaze soft and gentle. “You’ve done nothing wrong.”
               “But I ruined our anniversary dinner” Rei argued. She could feel the tears pricking at the back of her eyes yet again. She refused to let herself cry this time. She felt so pathetic. “Tonight was supposed to be special. Everything should’ve been perfect but…but then I had to go and puke in the middle of dinner and start…all of this.” Here, she crudely motioned to what had become of their bathroom: toilet seat propped up, towels on the floor, medication littering the counter. And of course that stupid little pregnancy test.
               Kakashi drew her close and kissed her temple, nuzzled her cheek. “It’s okay” he replied. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I promise.”
               Rei turned and buried her face in his chest. Voice muffled, she asked, “Kakashi, what are we going to do?”
               “Well, what do you want to do?” he asked. “Though we really can’t make any decisions until we know for sure.”
               Shaking her head, Rei whined, “I don’t know! I haven’t thought this through. I never considered this could happen. I’ve been so focused on what’s going on right now, and Nariko is so much work, I just—” Her voice was starting to rise in octave as her hands shook again. This whole situation was so overwhelming. She needed a plan. She felt so unprepared.
               “I know, Rei. It’s okay” Kakashi whispered. He squeezed her tight and ran his fingers through her hair, brushing her bangs back out of her face. He could feel how rapidly her heart was beating through her chest and truthfully, he didn’t blame her. He had never considered this possibility either. Now that they were staring it in the face, however, a strange feeling had taken root in his chest. “You know” he said quietly, “I almost kind of hope the test is positive.”
               Rei automatically leaned back to stare at him in confusion. “You do?” she asked.
               “Mmhmm” he replied. “The thought of having another baby is kind of exciting. We may not have planned for this, but we can do things right this time. No wars to worry about. I’ll be right here the entire time. I think we’re in a good position to care for another child. I’m sure Nariko will be happy for the company. I think we’re ready, Rei. Maybe all of this is happening the way it’s supposed to.”
               Rei considered his words for a moment. She supposed he had a point. Things were so much calmer now than when she was pregnant with Nariko. They were secure financially, professionally, and in their relationship. Pursing her lips, Rei dropped her eyes to the floor, placed a hand upon her stomach, muttered, “I mean, another baby would be kind of nice. I always thought we’d have a second child eventually anyway.”
               Tilting her chin up to face him, Kakashi looked her in the eyes and whispered meaningfully, “I will do everything I can to take the best possible care of you. All of you. I promise.” As much as he believed he was a good father, he knew there were areas where he was lacking. All of that was going to change now, though. He needed to invest more time in caring for his family. He needed to pick up the slack at home and create a much more balanced division of household duties. One in which Rei was not so overloaded with work just because she was home all the time. Even if the test came back negative and things went back to normal, she deserved better and he knew that. He only wished that it hadn’t take a scare like this to truly remind him of that.
               Before any more could be said, the timer went off. Rei went rigid, immediately gripping Kakashi’s hand tight. “Oh god, I don’t think I can look” she whispered, eyes locked on the test awaiting her attention.
               “It’s okay” Kakashi reassured her. “Whatever the answer is, we’ll be ready. We can do this.” He was so confident, so certain and sweet. Even if she herself was terrified, Kakashi’s support made Rei believe that maybe they could, in fact, handle this. After all, she wasn’t alone in this. They were a team. They were in this together. Whatever the future held before them, they would face hand in hand.
               Sucking in a deep breath, Rei cringed and flipped the test over. It took her a minute for the result to register. She stared at it dumbfounded, eyes wide and unblinking, before her hand clapped over her mouth. Kakashi couldn’t read her expression.
               “What? What does it say?” he urged.
               Rei’s hand trembled. A strange and unexpected happiness rooted itself deep in her chest, rising up out of her throat in the form of an incredulous laugh. Turning her gaze away from the test, she whispered, “Kakashi…it’s positive.”
               Kakashi blinked, trying to make sure he heard her right. “It’s…it’s positive…?” he asked in disbelief.
               Rei nodded slowly, biting her lip to fight the small smile weaseling its way onto her lips. Her eyes were glossy and wide, her mouth agape. “It’s positive” she repeated. “I guess we’re really having a baby after all.”
               Overwhelmed with happiness, Kakashi leapt to his feet and pulled her into a tight hug. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and she could feel his hot, happy tears against her skin. It wasn’t until then that she realized she was crying, too. Suddenly nothing else mattered. Not the stress or the exhaustion, not the fact that Toshio had completely eaten all of their dinner. Curious about the commotion, he nudged the door open to peek inside, sniffing at the air and barking as if in congratulations. Rei turned to look at him, a laugh escaping her, as she urged him to come nearer. She reached down to scratch behind his ear, musing, “Looks like you’re going to have one more baby to protect.”
               Toshio, as if in staunch approval, barked and began spinning and leaping happily. In a place as small as their bathroom, however, this left little room for anything else. But Kakashi and Rei couldn’t even be bothered.
               “I guess we’ll have to find a way to tell Nariko” Rei whispered, settling into her husband’s arms. “I wonder how she’s going to take being a big sister.”
               “I think she’ll be happy” Kakashi assured her. “She’ll never have to worry about being alone.”
               Nodding, Rei snuggled up close, resting her head against Kakashi’s chest. “Yeah…that’s good” she whispered. “She’s such a social butterfly, I think a sibling would be good for her.”
               Kakashi smiled down at his wife and his heart overflowed. All those years of turmoil and distance could never have prepared him for what was in store. How did he deserve a life such as this? With a beautiful wife and daughter, a warm home, an unbelievable job, and now another baby on the way? He thought of his father, of how proud the White Fang of the Leaf would be. If only he could’ve met his grandchildren. If only he could’ve seen all that Kakashi had accomplished. He was so, so blessed.
               “I love you so much, Rei” he whispered, hugging her close.
               “I love you, too, Kakashi” she whispered back.
               And in those quiet moments, on the cusp of something wonderful, Kakashi was certain he had never been happier. This was everything he had ever wanted. He couldn’t have asked for more—and on their anniversary, even. A celebration of their love, of the commitment they had made to one another. Of everything good in the world, everything he thought he never deserved. This was truly the perfect gift.
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A new beginning: An OC story
Chapter 3
Drift stood outside the medbay fidgeting with his digits nervously. With only five days until their next stop, today Drift had to ask Remedy out. “What if she says no? What if she knows of my past and gets scared? No Remedy would never hate me for my past, she’s so forgiving.” Drift continued to argue with himself about wether or not this was a good idea or not. As far as he knew, Remedy was unaware of his previous actions during the war, hell Remedy left Cybertron when the war was just getting intense so surely she had no knowledge of Deadlock whatsoever. He let out a shaky breath and walked into the medbay.
Ratchet was showing Remedy some of the more basic medical procedures that would be common while aboard the Lost Light. Remedy then heard the door open and due to her curiosity she immediately looked up seeing Drift walk in, that goofy side smile plastered on his face. Remedy gave her friend a warm smile before asking Ratchet if she could have a couple minutes with the mech, Ratchet nodded giving the two a warm smile and left the two alone. Drift walked over to Remedy, his pedes heavy, the feeling of more doubt setting in. Remedy noticed this and immediately had him sit down next to her, she looked at him confused about this strange behavior.
“Drift are you alright? You seem off.” He gave her a reassuring smile showing that he was in fact fine and in no need of any medical assistance, seeing how she cared so much for his wellbeing made his spark beat harder. “I’m perfectly fine, I came here to ask you something. Our next stop is supposed to be a beautiful sight, glowing plants and waterfalls, it’s beautiful! I would be honored if you joined me to see the sights.” He then took Remedy’s servo into his and gave her a pleading look. Remedy was stunned by his sudden proposal. Her processor running a million miles a second, something inside her was telling her to say no, all the previous sparkbreak and pain flashing before her. She looked back at Drift then shook her memories away. “I’d love to go with you Drift, it’ll be fun and give me some time to relax. Drift leaned over and gave the femme a huge hug.
Later that night Remedy was in her shared room with Nightshade humming happily and thinking about her upcoming date with Drift. Nightshade took notice of Remedy’s overly giddy behavior. “Someone’s in a good mood, did Swerve offer you more free high grade?” Remedy was pulled from her thoughts as Nightshade waved her servo in front of her face. “I have a date with Drift! Yeah that’s right, he asked me out I have a hot ass mother fucking date!” Remedy was practically jumping up and down frantically with excitement and wrapped her arms around the larger femme, pure joy and happiness clear on her face. Nightshade patted Remedy’s helm and pulled away from her strong embrace.
“Rems are you sure you wanna go through this? I know you really like Drift and all and you see him as this prince charming and shit but don’t you remember the last time a relationship didn’t work out?” Remedy thought for a moment but shrugged. “Remedy the guy cheated on you and you beat the shit out of him and then you went through a major depression for primus knows how long. How could you possibly not remember that?!” Remedy looked off to the side in attempt to avoid the topic altogether, she remembered what happened, she remembered all her past relationships, some healthy some toxic beyond belief. Something about Drift made Remedy happy, she saw true love in his optics, he saw her as more than just a pretty face, he saw her as her own independent bot. “I know you’re trying to protect me, I know you want what’s best for me but seriously, Drift is the one who will make it all better I just know it.” Nightshade sighed in defeat, she knew arguing with the femme would be futile and only anger her, she gave Remedy a reassuring smile and wished her the best of luck on this new journey.
Remedy waltzed her way to the medical bay to finish up some work Ratchet asked to do, it had been a couple days since Drift had asked her out, the scene constantly replaying in her processor. “Well I haven’t seen you this happy in eons.” Remedy was snapped from her thoughts when she heard Ratchet’s voice, he was sitting at his work station looking over some datapads. “Well I do have a date tomorrow night, with a very special mech.” Ratchet looked up from his datapad giving a fake amused look to the young femme. Really now, and who might this mech be?” He gave her a small smile and handed her a small box with a data pad under it. “I assume this is from your admirer, Drift.” Remedy had a shocked and confused look on her face as she took the items Ratchet gave her. “Why would he leave me a gift? Wait how did you know Drift asked me out?” Ratchet gave her a small smile and set his datapads on the table. “Well Drift came in here a couple cycles ago and for some odd reason he assumed he needed my permission to ask you out. He’s a good kid, he’ll treat you like a princess.” Remedy rolled her optics and opened the small box, inside was an assortment of her favorite energon sweets, she then lifted up the datapad with a message written on it.
“Remedy, I remembered you telling me how much you loved these, luckily I had some saved when we left Cybertron. No amount of sweetness can compare to yours, you’re so caring and beautiful and I can’t wait for our date tomorrow night. ~Drift
Remedy read over the message a few more times then looked over at Ratchet. “Don’t look at me, I didn’t tell him to spoil your ass.” Remedy sighed dreamily at the thought of someone actually loving her and taking the time to do something so sweet for her. Ratchet shook his helm at her childish behavior and urged her to get her work done.
The day had finally come, the crew finally reached their stop before continuing on their wild goose chase for the Knights of Cybertron. Their stay at this new planet would only last 24 hours so Everyone on board was in a hurry to see the sights. That evening Remedy was getting ready for her date, waxing her paint job and looking herself over multiple times. “How do I look?” Nightshade sat up from her berth letting out an annoyed groan at her friend. “I already told you, you look great and if he doesn’t say anything then he’s not worth it.” Remedy giggled and rolled her optics at the seeker. “So are you coming to see this planet before we leave? Ultra Magnus suggested everyone leave the ship at least once to check it out.”
Nightshade let out a sad sigh and laid back down on her berth face down. Remedy look at her friend, obviously wanting and explanation for her behavior. “I’m not going, I don’t wanna go by myself and I have no one to go with me.” Remedy Grabbed her large servo in an attempt to pull her off the berth but to no avail. “Nightshade c’mon Rodimus is going he said it’ll be fun, although his definition of fun seems to involve impulsive behavior so maybe it’s safer you stay here.” Nightshade quickly sat up with a loud groan, she gave Remedy an Annoyed look. “Fine I’ll go, only because you wont stop bugging me. And Remedy, be careful on your date with Drift.”
Remedy look at the seeker confused at her warning. “If you think Me and Drift are gonna-“ “NOT THAT REMEDY!” The smaller femme was taken back by her friend’s sudden outburst. “Remedy you’re not gonna like hearing this. I had heard some things about Drift, bad things.” Remedy tilted her head even more confused. Nightshade sighed and places her servos on Remedy’s shoulders. “Drift was a once a con, a horrible con by the name of Deadlock. Whirl told me all about it, he killed many. From what Whirl told me, Deadlock was a terrifying bounty hunter who later traded his guns for swords changed his name and became this whole born again spiritualist or whatever.” Remedy burst into laughter, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing from her friend. “So you’re telling me that Drift, the sweet quiet mech who asked me out is actually some murderous decepticon named Deadlock?! Shades that’s quite a story and my god it would make for a human soap opera plot line but seriously c’mon.” Nightshade gave her a serious look. “If you don’t believe me go ask Ratchet or any of the others, they’ll tell you the same thing. Just, maybe ask about it tomorrow I mean the guy did ask you out and you’d be a glitch to stand him up.” Remedy nodded her helm and left the shared berthroom to find Drift.
“So... you nervous? You look nervous, like you look like you’re gonna fall over and die.” Drift and Rodimus were headed to meet the others outside the ship, Drift had told Remedy to meet him there. “What if she doesn’t show up? A femme like her, any other attractive mech could have asked her out and she decides to go with him.” Rodimus looked slightly offended by Drift’s assumptions. “Hey I would never ask Remedy out behind your back! And I really doubt she would say yes to someone else when she already said yes to you.” He put his arm around Drift’s shoulder in reassurance, a cocky smile on his face. “If you’re so worried about losing her then do something that will make her beg for you, talk dirty to her. Tell her ‘Damn girl are you from outer space? Because your ass is out of this world!’ Believe me chicks dig that shit.” Drift gave the orange mech a disgusted look, the fact that Rodimus even suggested such a stupid pick up line. “Rodimus I want her to love me, not slap me.” After a few moments of silence that led to laughter the two mechs headed out to the main entrance of the ship.
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dzamie · 4 years
"I'll mix up some more fire retardant."
“I’ll mix up some more fire retardant.” William corked the bottle he was holding and set out some new materials: soap, baking soda, a few strands of dragon fur, and a match with its tip cut off. 
“Thanks,” Dzamie replied, “how’d you guess I needed it?” He waved at Vanille, who looked left and right to make sure the alchemist’s containers were all sealed before blowing a pink, pleasant-smelling cloud at him.
William swirled the mixture together a little before carefully stirring it with the matchstick, the short implement making it a little awkward. “Well, I heard they roped you in to guest-lecturing, and I know you like to be prepared for stuff. So, it’s a combination of that, and because you’re still on fire.” With his stirring finished, the alchemist turned his attention to rubbing Vanille’s snout and mane, earning a low purr.
“I am? Shit.” The katul turned left and right, then finally glanced up to notice a flicker of flame. He raised his hand and snapped, and it went out without a trace. “This is safe to preapply on desks, right? Maybe this time I’ll just ask Sleek, too, though a legged dragon would be better for part of it...”
Vanille and her boyfriend exchanged glances, then the dragoness grabbed two vials in her mouth and moved her head over to Dzamie. The katul took them from her open mouth and patted her tongue; she closed around his arm.
William inspected the potion, then corked and shook it before handing it off. The furry dragonslayer nodded, smiled, and put them in his pocket. “Well, she’s gotta say yes, first. Thanks, you two!” He waved with the hand not surrounded by aroma dragon jaws, and in a blink, he teleported away.
After a couple of seconds, William uncorked the bottle he’d been pulled away from and started going through his tests again. “Say, Vanille, do the dragons still bet on him?” he asked without looking up.
She laid her chin on his head and watched him work. She stuck out her forked tongue, letting it dangle in his field of view.
The bottle turned bright pink, and William re-corked it and set it aside to write a label. “There’s a pool on damages, but he’s the only one who gets any higher than a few hundred.” He applied the label, then stood up, careful not to shake her head off. “Now, while we wait an hour or so, why don’t you show me that cushion nest?”
Haha, you were expecting HTTYD, but it was me! Diozamie! You can 110% blame @kitsoran and @dragonanarchist1155 for giving me the confidence to write about my OCs.
Send me the first sentence of a fic, and I’ll continue it!
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pinkykitten · 5 years
The time in Summervale: 1
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Warning: none
Specifics: y/n=your name, oc, oc fic, comedy
People: athela (your mother), edward (your father), huxley (cook), ruthy (maid)
Words: 1,438
Summary: In the fictional land of Summervale, 1700, you, the Duchess are made into an arranged marriage.This is the dream of your parents but certainty not the dream of a longing inventor like yourself. You are taught to be a lady but who wants to be a  primp and proper lady when you can have fun and be yourself. You need to try to convince your parents this is not what you want or is it? How will it be seeing the Prince of Linwyn? Will you finally change your mind and side with your parents? 
Authors Note: this is something newwwwww. ive been wanting to do kinda my own thing for a while so this is not on any fandom this is a story i will be updating with chapters about my characters but in a x reader way if that makes sense so its still gonna use you and such just this is my own story. i got inspiration off of this story “the austrian suitor” by @headoverhiddles​, granted i dont know the character or the fandom i just read it cuz another blog reblogged it yet i rlly enjoyed it even tho it is smut and im not usually a smut reader just kinda skip that or whatever either way it was extremely well written and gave me such inspiration like wowowowowow. so i made this piece inspired by that and i hope you guys like it. this is just kinda an opening to the whole thing and to kinda see how it works out so there is not any romance in this but trust me there will be but like i said i want to see how this goes if yall like if u do pls tell me tell me what u think ur thoughts everything i worked rlly hard on this so pls share like reblog do what you gotta do it would me a lot to me. thnx guys <3
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“Maybe this piece goes here,” you mumbled to yourself. An action you always did but it was something your mother hated. Sitting atop your bed you concentrated your efforts in inventing a mixer that did its job on its own. Call it a hobby or a dream but inventing was your world. You loved the satisfaction of creating something with your own two hands especially if it helped people. Unfortunately, your parents the Prince and Princess of Summervale did not approve. They called it very unladylike. Your mother, Athela, would scold you about getting messy and dirty and then throw you in the tub like a little child. Your father, Edward, was always forcing you to learn how to seam. His mother used to do it and he wanted to pass it down to you. Those things didn’t excite you, didn’t make you complete. Inventing was something you loved and was always thinking about. As you would look at an apple tree during your morning stroll you would wonder about what inventions would be good for peeling apples whilst your parents bored you with duties as a Duchess. 
“Almost done,” you screwed on the last screw to your creation. You had dirt under your nails and they were short and barely ever polished, only for special occasions. Your hair was almost every time how it was meant to be. None of those gels, ties, bows, again only for special occasions. Your mother, Athela, would buy you all these face creams, soaps, masks, but you were content with your scars and bumps, naming them every so often after royals, saying your “face was a castle and there should definitely be Queens and Kings roaming on it.” You were odd and different to others but to yourself you were this boring, normal, royal girl that everyone hated because you were granted everything you could ever want. Life was not that simple though. Sometimes when you have everything handed to you - all the money in the world - it still doesn’t fill up that hollow feeling inside or take away the sadness. It was something to help people cope but it was never the antidote. 
“Alright...finished. What do you think Karim?” You hastily got out of bed and sat on the floor presenting your mixer to your pug. One very lovely vacation you took with your family you had learn a bit of Arabic. It was a beautiful language and you had made many friends there. You named your dog Karim meaning generous. Karim was generous, he was the only one who would look at your inventions. “Do you think it will work?” You gave a toothy grin, excited. 
Karim grunted as he licked his nose, panting. 
“I knew you would like it,” patting his head you jump up ready to show not just your parents but also the cooks. You had a very good feeling about this one. Every time you made an invention you had hope that maybe your parents would change their minds about your future but every occurrence was the same. 
“Mother, father! Come look!” You yelled as you sprinted down the stairs not caring if your nightgown would get dirty sweeping across the floors of the castle. “Come quick!”
“What in the heavens is the matter my dear child?” Edward, your father, grumbled seeing you in such a hurry. 
“See, father, in the kitchen.”
“In the kitchen?”
You passed by your mother, she tried to catch you but you slipped from her grip. “Young Lady why are you not dressed and groomed properly? You look like a mess.”
“Doesn’t matter, mother in this moment time is of the essence!” You arrived at the kitchen and grabbed a blue glass bowl, plopping it with a loud clank on the counter top. 
“What are you doing y/n?” The cook asked. “You almost broke me bowl!” He was a plump older man, very short. His hair was salt and pepper and his face was as white as flour yet his cheeks were always red.
“Forgive me Huxley I just need to know. Need to see and dive deep into the unknown.” You opened up a recipe card that Huxley wrote down for your favorite cake. Vanilla cake, you were a simple girl. “Alright I need eggs and flour and oh yes milk! Almost forgot about the milk!” You were talking to yourself again as you ran around the kitchen like a mad woman. 
“Is this another one of your inventions?” Huxley crossed his arms knowing about your obsession. 
“Yes but my dear good old Huxley-”
“Old?” He lifted his brow. 
“No time to explain, I have a tingling within me. This one is going to be it, I know it. Mother and father will finally see and believe in me.” You poured all the ingredients in the bowl. Your parents walked in, perplexed. 
“Hello everyone. Today I show you something I have been working on the for the past week. I am very proud of myself but any who let me show you my newest invention-”
“Oh here we go again?” Athela rolled her eyes.
“The mixer!” You lifted it high in the air. “This mixer will not only mix greatly and fine it will mix to your acquired speed. Please watch.” You pulled the lever three times and then pushed the big button. The mixer turned on automatically with it squeaking from the gears. “As you can see the mixer is mixing all the ingredients together. No more of the hassle of blistered hands or tired arms, this does it for you! You can even look away and do other chores in the midst.” You turned around and your creation you thought so high about was creating smoke and making an odd sound. 
“Um y/n,” Edward said, “is it supposed to do that?”
“Huh,” you turned to it again and all of a sudden the mixer started to go faster in speed. “Oh no.” The mixer then flew high in the air and starting to spin around like a mini airplane. 
“Get down!” Huxley shouted and everyone in the room screamed in fear or bent down hiding under tables and items. 
“Its alright everyone! Just a little mistake!” You climbed onto the tables trying to fetch the item. “Blasted thing.” You jumped onto the counter and caught it making it stop. Until it started to mix again and it caught a piece of your hair. You screamed loud and tried running away but hit the bowl of cake mix making it hurl in the air on top of your head making you slip from the batter onto your back. The mixer finally stopped. You groaned knowing you were about to hear it from your parents. 
Athela stood up with a scowl on her face. “To your room. Now!”
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You sat at your vanity disappointed with yourself. You had worked so hard on the mixer and had embarrassed yourself. Athela was standing next to you, glaring. Karim was laying in his bed munching on a treat and your maid Ruthy tended to your hair. 
“I cannot believe you chose to do this on a day like today. Of all days!” Your mother was furious. Her gloved hands were held into fists. “You were supposed to be ready!”
“I know. I’m sorry mother.” In the end you always apologized even though you really hadn’t meant it. You hated when your mother was right especially about inventing. You always wanted to prove her wrong but it ended in outright disappointment. 
“Look at this hair now.” Athela lifted the piece of hair that was wrapped around the mixer. “Can you save it Ruthy?”
Ruthy bit her lip as she heaved a sigh, “I’m sorry your Royal Highness it is very tangled I must cut it off.”
“Oh my! Are you sure?”
Ruthy nodded.
“Today of all days,” Athela repeated herself. “How will your future husband think of you now?”
“What?” You asked and then all was heard was a snip as Ruthy cut that one lock of hair.
“Make sure you take that disgusting batter out of her hair.” Athela pointed to your scalp.
“Mother what are you talking about?” You stood up throwing your precious now broken mixer onto your desk.
“My dear didn’t you not fall just mere minutes ago in that vanilla goop?”
“Thats not what I meant and you know it. I am asking about what you said about a future husband. What did you mean by that?”
Athela rubbed your shoulders up and down and broke into a huge smile. “My dear you are getting married!”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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deztinywarriors · 5 years
The Linked Charms - Episode 3 (Multi Liverpool players)
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spiderdevitt · 7 years
The Hardest Mistakes - Chapter 3
Synopsis: Greydene had a difficult upbringing. Born in the UK and adopted by American parents, her life in the system hasn’t been ideal. She was brought to the US at a young age and at 18, joined the Statesman, a spy organization in Kentucky. The rules were too much and she goes rouge, becoming an assassin. Her first job? Protect royalty with help from the Kingsman and her Uncle, Harry Hart.
Tags: Drama, Action
Author’s Note: Chapter 3 is here!!! Leave some feedback, reblog this, share it, love it, all that. I also have this posted on my FF.net account, which is linked on the page in my bio. If you’ve seen my small updates, I’ve been so busy and quite under the weather recently but I did my best to give you something and hopefully I can continue on soon. If you’d like to be tagged, LET ME KNOW!
Main Characters: OC, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin, Harry Hart.
Tag List: @ratthewmiddle @sunnyb99
A shake of turbulence woke me as the plane passed through a screen of dark clouds. I let out a long yawn and stretched in my seat, my arm hitting the suitcase next to me. Remembering the dress and the other contents inside, I looked at my watch and saw that we'd be landing in a little under an hour. I picked the suitcase up and went to the back of the plane to the surprisingly large bathroom. The room was also a cream color but had marble details, a toilet in the corner, a shower and a large sink. Closing the door behind me, I placed the suitcase on the counterspace and began to strip down from my clothes.  
I decided to take a quick shower before we landed. I smelled like sweat and dirt and couldn't consciously go into a party in that manner. As a Statesman, we were always told to look the part or we'd get caught. That mentality would work here as well. I quickly conditioned my hair and lathered some soap in my hands to run over my body. I let the soap and conditioner wash away under the hot water and relaxed there for a few moments, inspecting the marks on my body. That fucking chase at the tracks fucked my left leg up and there were black and blues everywhere from the way I handled the bike. I'd need to make sure the slit of my dress tonight was adjusted to the right side. I shut the water and stepped out of the shower, taking a towel and patting myself dry before wrapping myself in the soft, white fabric.
Opening cabinets in the bathroom under the sink, I was finally able to find a blow dryer. I plugged it in and did a quick semi-dry of my hair, making sure that it was still slightly damp to style the hair pins in more securely. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and began wrapping it into a more sophisticated looking bun, hooking the ends of my hair with the four hair pins, each donning a single white pearl. I pulled some baby hairs down to make the style look a little more messy-chic and began deciding on the style of the black gown.  
The dress itself was customizable. You could design it to look any shape or any way, and when synched with the pearl accessories, the black fabrics inner magnetism would turn it into a full body suit. I decided on a one shoulder look with a slit on the right side to cover my bruises. Putting on a fresh pair of undies and a strapless black push up corset that I had found in the suitcase, I started the fabric on my right shoulder and let it go over my midsection and fall down. I pinned the dress on my left side and let the fabric fall in the places I needed it to. I took what looked like a garter but was really a weapon holster out of the case and slid it up my right leg, just above where the slit ended. Rummaging through my clothes, I took my gun and my knife from my inside pockets and placed them in the slights on the holster and draped the material over.  
Last was the pearls. The pearl earrings, which were disguisers to make sure my weapons were undetectable went on first. Next was the bracelet, which had a built in taser on the biggest pearl. When the button behind it was pressed, the taser would fire. Lastly, I put on the necklace which controlled the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Sighing, I rummaged through my jacket pockets again and took out a red liquid lipstick and dressed my lips with it, feeling like the look was now complete, and passable. I took the heels out of the case, packed everything from what I previously wore into the case and left the bathroom.  
"Nice of you to join us!" One of Vance's men said as another ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.
"I can only assume he gets sick when flying?" I responded, sitting back in my seat to put my heels on.  
"Yes, he does. He was in there most of the time while you were sleeping." the man stated. "Now, as for the rendezvous point after this party..."
"I don’t intend to have one. Everything I have is in this suitcase. I plan to plant the suitcase in a secure location, go into the party and do what I need to do." I stood up, making sure my heels were tight enough. "I will find these people your boss seems to be associated with and I will figure out my way from there. I'm more of a solo worker."  
"We have orders to-"
"And now I am giving you new ones. Sound good?" I said as I sat back down and buckled myself in as the plane landed.  
I sat at the head of the Kingman table, sighing as Merlin and his girlfriend Ginger walked into the conference room. Lancelot was to my left and Harry was to my right. Ginger took the tablet from Merlin and began typing things as I took a sip of my tea and looked down at my watch. A picture of a young woman with pale skin, bright red hair and brown eyes showed up on the screen with her stats. Five feet tall, twenty-three years old and... a Statesman?  
"What's all this about?" I questioned putting my cup down. Ginger put on her glasses and looked around the table.  
"This is Greydene... Brooks. She's listed as a Statesman but yesterday evening went rouge and ran from the premises. She was a friend of mine." She began, looking back up at the monitor. "Grey was very rebellious as a Statesman. She's incredibly trigger happy but she's also a genius. She's been a Statesman since she was eighteen years old and has the best hit record in the past fifty years and-"
"So where are we going with this, Ginger?" Harry asked, folding his hands on the table. Ginger seemed flustered and looked at him.  
"I believe she's on her way to London. I've been led to believe she has some business here to tend to, and there is a strong possibility she will be at Eggsy's mission space tonight." Ginger continued before she looked at me.
"You are not meaning to tell me that this girl is going to try to kill my girlfriend at this party, I hope." I sighed, looking around the room. My fuckin' luck, being in a relationship with a princess.  
"No, I don't believe that. But I will say that it is your mission to bring her back here for questioning. I must know what is going on before the Statesman group gets a hold of her. She'll be killed." She responded in a quieter tone.  
"Hang on, my mission? Don't I make the missions now? You lot made me be Arthur after we found out Harry was alive. Why can't I choose anyone else to do this?"  
"Because you'll already be there, Eggsy. Being Arthur is a great responsibility. Sometimes, you'll just need to take on two missions at once. The missions are simple. Kill the person who is after Tilde and then pick this girl up." Merlin interjected.  
"Pick this girl UP? Tilde will have my head."  
"Well then you chose a shitty time to have a girlfriend, mate. Especially one who knows your real profession." Lancelot said without a thought.  
"Rox, really?"  
"Enough." Harry interrupted. "Eggsy, this needs to be done. If this is coming up on our feed, it means the Statesman group wants up involved. Find her and bring her here." He sighed and got up, leaving the room. I looked back over at the picture of the woman on the screen and shook my head.
"Alright. Tell me about her, Ginger."  
Arriving at the party, I used my phone to scan for any easy entry points into the place. The right-side entrance was unmanned and led to the far hallways from the party. I could stash my things there, walk out and walk back in as a partygoer. I walked across the street with my case in hand and down the ride side alleyway. It was dark, quiet and narrow. I quickly took one of my pins out of my hair and began picking the lock on the door, finally getting it open on the third try. I put the pin back in my hair and slowly snuck my way in. Taking my phone out again, I scanned for the closest, but most out of range area where I could get my things. There was a door right down the hall that was unlocked but close enough to the ballroom.  
I hastened to the room and opened the door to look inside. It looked like a bedroom and had a window with easy access to escape if things went wrong. I placed my case by the door, took my clutch back which carried a cell phone, the party invitation, an extra knife and an extra gun and turned to leave the room. I closed the door behind me and exited the way I came, luckily not coming into contact with anyone on the way. I walked out of the alleyway and waited on one of the two the lines to get in, taking the invitation out of my clutch and the envelope.  
The line moved quickly and soon I was close to the front. I turned and saw everyone moving as a car arrived and two people got out. A man got out of the car in a perfectly tailored navy blue suit. His shoes were black and he wore black, thick rimmed glasses. His hair was short and well kept. He helped a woman, who was tall and beautifully blonde get out of the car. She was matching him with a navy blue gown. They walked up, the man walking on my side of the line.  
"Ah, Mr. Unwin. Princess Tilde. How lovely of you to arrive." The guard said. I studied the man's features as he spoke to the guard. He cleaned up rather well. "I'll need your invitations, if you please." The guard continued.  
"Ah, right. They're here somewhere." Unwin said as he checked his pockets. As he went to the inside pockets, I noticed a ring on his finger. It had the symbol Vance showed me back in New York. I made a mental note of it and looked away, waiting with my invitation. He handed his in and off he and the woman went. I handed mine in two people after and made my way in.  
The ballroom was lit by a gigantic glass chandelier in the middle of the room. People conversed in groups and you could tell they were according to class, if that was even still a thing. I walked further inside where a man asked if I'd like a drink. I asked for a Malibu Cranberry and waited for his return. If I didn't already stick out like a sore thumb, my drink order would have made it worse. I sipped from the straw as I walked through the ballroom, pretend mingling and waiting. And waiting. And waiting.  
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your host for the evening, Prince Andrew!" Someone who sounded more like a town crier yelled. The ballroom jolted to applause and I followed suit. Prince Andrew. Why on earth does that sound familiar?  
"Thank you all so much for coming. As you all know, twenty-three years ago I was appointed to take on a stronger role in England and I have been proud to say that I haven't let you down since." His audience applauded. "We're flourishing as a country, our trades from our ports are strong and the Queen is in pure bliss of our growth. Tonight, we celebrate another well wished year!" Prince Andrew boasted. Isn't he the guy I'm supposed to protect? Maybe that Unwin guy has something to do with it.  
I looked around the room to see if I saw the man from earlier, and when I caught sight of him, I noticed he had caught sight of me. He was staring directly at me, and noticed that I had caught him, but didn't budge. I looked around the room and back in his direction but he was gone, the woman by his side sipping a glass of wine. The room began bustling and I noticed him passing people slowly through the crowd. As he passed a man, I noticed him slip something in the man's drink and make his way out of the crowd. An old Statesman trick when we were undercover at parties. Poison the bad guy through his drink. The man, who was incredibly tall and overweight took a sip of the drink. I looked at the Unwin man and noticed him with a pen in his hand and as he clicked a little bar, the man with the drink began to fall.  
"Well, isn't that just fucking clever." I mumbled to myself as I placed my cup down on the table and began to walk away. I knew what I was dealing with and needed to know further.  
I walked down the hallway in the direction of the room I had put my bag in. The hallway, which was empty earlier this evening was now lightly guarded. Three guards, all spaced out evenly. One on the far end, one by the door I broke into and one by my room. I walked forward and felt a presence behind me. I turned my head slightly and saw Unwin following in my peripheral. I walked over to the room and the guard moved forward.
"Can I help you miss? The party's that way." He sternly mentioned.
"Ah, yes. See, I know the party is that way, but I have a small thing to take care of in the bedroom, if you don't mind." I smiled, faking a British accent. "You could join us if you'd like." I remarked as Unwin came closer. I turned to look at him, his eyes wide.
"That won't be necessary madam." The guard blushed and returned to his post. I opened the door and ushered for Unwin to come in, and he followed soon after.  
Walking further into the room, I took a pin out of my hair and when I heard the door close, I forcefully flung it at the door, hitting the lock in place. Unwin jumped back and looked at me, brushing himself to make sure I didn't hit him or graze his suit. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.  
"What? Don't like a little privacy?" I did my best to seduce in the fake accent.  
"Pr-privacy is fine." He cleared his throat. "I don't do things like this without a name though, love." I smiled, and looked down at the space between us. I slowly closed the space, moving my lips to his ear.
"I hardly think that'll be necessary. You already know my name."  
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lightening816 · 7 years
The Guild Gala: A Boxtrolls Fanfic
Special thanks to @motherofallsharks and @scrapnick for allowing me to use their respective Boxtrolls OCs, Molly and Payton :)
Chapter 1
    “Hear ye! Hear ye! Good citizens of Cheesebridge, the curfew is over and done. Come out of your homes. Enjoy another day of life, away from the risk of child snatchin’ Boxtrolls!”
    Speeches similar to this were the first things Madame Molly Monte-Cristo heard each morning. As the sun peeked through her thin pink curtains separating her from her balcony, the young woman opened her bright green eyes to the same pink canopy bed that hovered over yellow bed sheets. She sat up and yawned. Who needed a ticking alarm clock when one had the oily voice of the leading night time pest exterminator?
     Molly sat up and felt her stomach churn and her mouth water. She groaned as her feet swung into a pair of soft yellow slippers and she wrapped a pink silk robe around her yellow silk nightgown. She staggered over to her washroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyelids were sunken and she seemed a little green. “How did I…oh yes…” she smiled despite her ill feeling, glancing at an empty wine glass and a sheet of paper on the desk beside her bed table behind her. Another night, another glass of wine, another letter to write to her Monty Pickles.
    Well, not ‘her’ Monty Pickles technically. But maybe someday…
    She removed her hair curlers and allowed her poofy blonde hair to fall gracefully down her shoulders. She ran a wide toothed comb down her layered locks and cleaned her teeth. A smile suddenly appeared on her face because she remembered what tomorrow would be. She dashed from her bathroom, sat at her writing desk, and began writing another letter.
Dear Mr. Pickles,
 Forgive the repetitive letters, but I just remembered this morning that tomorrow’s the big day! Don’t forget to meet me by the steps inside the Guild! I can’t wait to see you. Don’t forget our promise.
Your dearest friend…
      Molly hesitated to sign her name.
      She sighed. As optimistic as she tried to be, that one word in particular always bothered her. ‘Well,’ she thought. ‘Friend means I’m halfway there, right?’ She sighed her name as a knock was heard. “Yes?” Molly asked. “Good morning, Madam. Breakfast is ready in the dining hall,” the small voice of a house staff member replied from behind Molly’s bedroom door.
“Thank you! I’m coming!” She replied. She hummed as she left, smiling at a banner she glanced at from out her window.
One Day Until The Guild Gala …
    Dr. Antoine Eugenie Payton knew that night time was the best time of the 24 hours within each day. Not only was it much more quiet, but it also wasn’t as warm, giving her at least a little bit of comfort in her stuffy morgue. She hummed to herself in her husky voice as she sewed up the remaining skin of one of her newest corpses.
    “Mrs. Browne, you were just full of surprises, for an old lady. A boil on your leg, and a tumor in your brain, strong bones though. Tsk, tsk,” she said to herself as she finished sewing up the old woman’s flesh. She washed the corpse, placed marbles in the eye sockets, and put Mrs. Browne in a long drawer.
     Dr. Payton was quite happy to be done with the poor lady. A scratching feeling in her throat caused her to hurry up the stairs to her loft on the top floor. It was a spacious dwelling with a small kitchen, closet, and the door to her bathroom to her left as she entered. To her right was a full sized bed topped with a soft floral printed blanket, and a pair of plush white pillows. In front of her was a wide green rug, a sofa with a coffee table stacked with books, potted plants, and a semi circular window just behind it, giving her a pretty good view of tall houses, chimney smoke, and a windows connected by laundry lines. She tossed her dirty work gloves, and whistled to herself as she used her right mechanical arm to roll up her opposite sleeve. Her organic hand pulled out a soap dispenser, allowing her to use her mechanical elbow to let some old fashioned hand soap fall onto her smooth olive toned hand.
     Its opposite however was a metallic mechanism connected by wires, screws, and gears, all connected to her shoulder by a leather strap. It itched only a little bit as it merely sat over the side of her kitchen counter, near the water, but thankfully not close enough to touch it and possibly rust or fry the woman’s skin. As her skinned fingers ran as much soap as she could over the rest of her real hand and wrist, she was too focused on cleaning to realize the water’s temperature rising.
    “Yeowch! Damn faucet!” She cried as she retracted her hand from the suddenly hot water. She cursed at herself as she studied the pink spot on her skin, but then smiled and blushed at herself. Maybe if her lover behaved, she’d let him kiss it. She blushed and giggled as she cooled the water, finished washing it, and wrapped a towel around it. “I wonder…” she muttered to herself.
     Payton was a woman of certain kinds of simplicity. Aside from hand soap, and unlike some of the more elegant women in the town of Cheesebridge, she didn’t spend too much time pruning in the bathroom; no jewelry, polish, not even the tiniest ounce of foundation. She didn’t mind. Who had the time for fancy clothes and jewelry when you were elbow deep in dead clients? Sipping on a cup of water, she picked up her daily paperwork, sat down on her sofa, and wrote down Mrs. Browne’s general and forensic information; an elderly brunette with a sad old brain tumor, despite her obviously strong limbs. She checked her work, verified it all with a signature, and properly stored the document away.
     The doctor glanced at her Green Hat and coat, hanging on a rack, before noticing the outside world; dark and numerous in stars, which she figured were out shined by the street lamps. Cheesebridge was by far the strangest town she’d ever lived in. In the 6-7 months she’d been there, she had been appointed the official mortician of the town; a member of the Guild as their official Green Hat. Not that it made any difference to her. Even though the Guild was the governing organization of the town, all that truly mattered to her was her work. She didn’t particularly like having to submit her paperwork to those dull, snooty White Hats as her Bosses of sorts. Thankfully, she didn’t have to see them everyday. She was more than happy to mail in her paperwork before the end of the week.
    “Hear ye! Hear ye! Good citizens of Cheesebridge, the curfew is over and done. Come out of your homes. Enjoy another day of life, away from the risk of child snatchin’ Boxtrolls!”
    There was another member of the Guild however, that she did see everyday, and she didn’t mind one bit. Payton could sense the rest of the town awakening from the sound of that same oily voice. She finished her water cup, washed it, and put on a new pair of work gloves to prepare for her next client. She noticed the white banner hanging outside.
One Day Until The Guild Gala
     ‘Ah, yes…’ she thought. Payton shook her head and shrugged.   …
     "Mummy,“ 3 year old Winifred Portley-Rind began. “Yes, darling?” her mother asked. “What’s a gala?” “Oh my dear, Winifred, the Gala! The Guild Gala!” Lady Cynthia Portley-Rind exclaimed as they sipped on their porridge in Her Ladyship’s bedroom. As 2 young women in black dresses and white aprons, laid out that day’s dresses for her and her child on the former’s bed, the young woman spoke to them all excitedly. “How exciting! The biggest holiday of the year. Even moreso than Christmas. I can’t wait. Dancing, socializing, speeches; I must commend your father for letting me decorate the foyer for the party yet again. Lord knows the poor dear is busy enough as it is with the other White Hats,” she sighed as the maids helped her into her dress.
     The wife of the Mayor was a very fashionable woman, and even at the tender age of 3, Winifred Portley-Rind believed it every time she looked at her rake thin mother. Both ladies were fair skinned with bright green eyes. Her Ladyship’s long blonde hair was being braided by Martha, a young maid with delicate hands, while Winnie fidgeted in her cushioned chair as another maid, Lydia, stylized her hair into pigtails. “Lydia, use the pink bows today,” Her Ladyship requested. “Yes, Madam,” the latter maid replied before adorning Winnie with her hair bows.. Little Winnie squeaked a little at the feeling of staff members helping her into her day dress, alongside Her Ladyship. “But, Mummy dear, what IS the Guild Gala?” Winnie asked.
     "A means to celebrate our founding of course!“
      Everyone turned to find two men standing at the bedroom doorway. One was a man in black, white, and grey and looking quite neutral. The other looked much more impressive with her white silk vest, trousers, and tall feathered hat. The latter man stroked his red mustache, as he left the first man in the doorway to greet his wife and daughter. “Ah, dear!” Her Ladyship replied. “Father!” the little girl added. His Lordship patted Winnie’s head as he stepped towards his wife. Each maid bowed low to the Mayor. “Your Lordship,” they both said.
     "Cheshire,“ he gestured towards the man in black and white. "Escort Miss Jones and Miss Prenderghast back to Mrs. Dickson for their next assignment.” The butler walked out with Martha and Lydia, leaving the small family together.
    Now, dear,“ Lady Portley-Rind resumed. "Do you suppose Trubshaw Baby Remembrance Day will outshine the Guild Gala?” she asked the man casually. “Don’t be ridiculous, Cynthia…Well…to be fair…ever since Mr. Trubshaw and his poor son disappeared, people don’t think about the Gala as much as they used to, do they? I mean, it’s Cheesebridge’s anniversary for goodness sake! The day our founders found this whole valley and set up shop,” the mayor explained.
    “Of course, dear.” Lady Portley-Rind leaned forward onto her dresser and stared into her long mirror while she padded her face with power and decorated her eyelashes with mascara.
    “At first, we were just some immigrants from London looking for elbow room and now look where we are 200 hundred years later! We’re the most popular source of dairy products in all of England. Even Queen Victoria appreciates us and many of us don’t normally leave this town! But now that the curfew’s been installed for the last year and maybe a half, it wouldn’t surprise me if Trubshaw Remembrance Day became the most important day on the calendar, given how much people talk about it. Not to mention those Red Hats I hear every night…” His Lordship grumbled that last part. He thought of that oily voice that cried out 'Hear ye! Hear ye!’ and his nose wrinkled at just thinking of the sound.
   "Father?“ Winnie asked. His Lordship glanced at her. "What is it, Winifred?” “Will Boxtrolls be there to bite fingers and nibble knees?” the toddler asked with a twinkle in her eyes. The parents were silent for a minute. His Lordship winced. Her Ladyship fainted. “Ooohh….” she moaned as she fell. “Winifred,” he put his hands to his hips. “Proper girls do NOT think so lightly about nocturnal monsters.”
   "But Mr. Snatcher says-“
   "I know, I know, but you’re a nice young girl. Nice young girls don’t need to dwell on needless things. Besides, you’re too busy to worry over them. Today’s your last day to practice your dancing until the Gala after all!” “Aww, more dancing?” Winnie asked. “Yes, yes, of course…” His Lordship replied as he turned to the window. “Oh! Are we still here?” Her Ladyship asked, sitting back up. “Love, do pass the tea?”
   “Very well,“ His Lordship replied. "I just came to see if you two were ready for the day. I must be off.” “If you must, darling,” Cynthia replied. “But, Father,” Winifred started. His Lordship poured the tea, kissed Her Ladyship’s cheek, patted his daughter’s head, and left.
    Winnie pouted. …
     In her short 7 years of existence, Pepper Snatcher had never been so concerned in all her life. She could sense something coming to disturb her flight through the clouds with powder blue feathered wings. As she performed her flips in the air, laughing and smiling, she flinched at the sound of thunder. She turned and far out in the distance, she saw a cluster of dark gray clouds forming. They were far away then, but Pepper didn’t stay to find out when they’d reach her. She hurried through the sky, searching frantically for land. The sweat dripped from her brow and her gasps and heavy breathing increased as this feeling of dread overwhelmed her senses.
     In the moment, a sharp feeling scratched her pale fair skin. She screeched and looked up. A fat, red vulture wrapped its humongous talons around her thin body. She tried to squirm free, but all she could do was wiggle her feet and scream for help. “Mummy?! Mummy!!”
    “Pepper,” that deep, oily voice replied. “It’s time to get up.” Her eyes closed, but then they opened again, back in the real world. The little girl found herself entwined in her gray and white bed sheets, back in her old dreary bedroom on the highest floor of the largest factory in Cheesebridge. Her alarm clock screeched before she reached over to turn it off. It read 6AM. Pepper pinched her extra long men’s night shirt and picked it up so the air could circulate over her form. She yawned while kicking the sheets away and rubbing her chocolate brown eyes.
     Almost every morning began this way: waking up from a strange dream involving some red, overweight predator, and rolling out of bed to get herself ready for the day ahead. She reached into her closet and after a few minutes of deliberating, picked out a deep blue work dress over her purple one and chose a white pinafore to match. She picked out a white bow to tie up her short, deep red hair with, allowing half of it to stay flat on her shoulders, white stockings and black leather boots with laces.
    Pepper paid little attention to her surroundings at this moment. She was the most colorful thing in the room. Her room was quite large, and held a twin sized bed, a bed table, a closet, and a complete bathroom. She didn’t mind the bed or furniture, but she always did wish for more colorful walls and bed sheets, for they were painfully dull and gray. If only Pepper was brave enough to ask her Father for more colorful options. She knew she wouldn’t though. After all, Father is a busy man; a very important gentleman who needed to focus on work, not on the small, simple concerns of a little girl.
     And Pepper was, to him, very simple indeed.
     She made up her bed, made sure she left her bathroom and floors neat, and left her room with the door closed. Pepper faced a long hallway with red carpet, dark walls, and gasoline lamps. To her left were 2 more doors down; her father’s Private Quarters and his office. Many times did the little girl think about entering these places by herself, but she knew it would only end in disaster.
     Living with her father for 8 months had given the girl plenty of tips about the man, she knew better than to forget. The very idea, for instance, of going into his room or his office uninvited was ludicrous. The simple action of touching his special chair at the kitchen table, without the intention of dusting it, was unthinkable, and certainly one simply doesn’t touch his things without permission. Father was the rule maker; the respected head of the household, and that was just the way things were.
     And if she knew him, he’d be getting close to the end of his work night right about…
     "Hear ye! Hear ye! Good citizens of Cheesebridge, the curfew is over and done. Come out of your homes. Enjoy another day of life, away from the risk of child snatchin’ Boxtrolls!“
     Pepper hurried down the hallway and found the steps that led to largest room in the factory. Down the steps was a wide open space where plenty of manufacturing used to take place no doubt, with its old fashioned generator sitting parallel to the steps. Nowadays, it was a wide foyer of sorts with a kitchen and laundry corner to the side, and a basement underneath that was absolutely off limits to the little girl.
     So that day, just like any other day, Pepper hurried down the steps, put a pan on top, and turned on the potbelly stove. …
     "Hear ye! Hear ye! Good citizens of Cheesebridge, the curfew is over and done. Come out of your homes. Enjoy another day of life, away from the risk of child snatchin’ Boxtrolls!”
     The tall foreboding motorized truck drawled down the cobblestone streets as the sky began to glow with the signs of an inevitable sunrise. At that moment, 4 figures remained on the streets of Cheesebridge and there they were on their truck, a contraption of handles, exhaust, and a huge sign on its side that had a painted rectangular shaped monster in black paint with a red line marked diagonally. “BOXTROLL EXTERMINATORS”.  
     The three that held on at its sides were a tall beanpole, Monty Pickles, a hulking giant with gentle eyes, Edward Trout, and an ice blue eyed imp, Bernard Gristle. On each of their heads was a red hat of sorts; for Mr. Pickles and Mr. Gristle, they were top hats, but for Mr. Trout, it was a tiny red bowler. None of them were as tall or as impressive as the hat belonging to the gentleman that sat on top. The gentle giant sat at the front side, driving with a tiny steering wheel.
     The fearless leader of them all sat in a fancy chair on top with a side table, a pot of tea, a teacup, and a saucer to his right. He certainly appeared the most impressive of all of them, with his red jacket of velvet topped with a fur collar, and hands clad with rings, the grandest of which had a large yellow gem sitting in place. Though the other men were bald, he had a long limp hair tied back with matching sideburns, peeling trousers, and a long ovular face to match a huge potbelly that sat between his buttoned vest and his crossed legs.
     The truck rumbled with the sounds of running wheels and the tiny whimpers of monsters behind the cloth that bore the monstrous side of the truck. Mr. Trout drove the truck down Milk Street, away from the tall 3 story buildings that made up most of the steep hill. The Boss put his phonograph, which he’d used to wake up the steep hill, away and leaned back, his fish like lips stretching into a knowing smirk.
    Cheesebridge may have been governed by the White Hats of the Guild in the day time, but at night, the Boss was proud to say that he was its perfectly efficient leader from sunset to sunrise, thank you very much. The curfew that took over after the disappearance of the widower inventor Herbert Trubshaw, and his infant son, Arthur, had granted the Red Hats all the time they needed every night to hunt down the suspected criminals responsible: the Boxtrolls.
    The Boxtrolls were menacing monsters, plain and simple. Those nocturnal creatures that stole children and what’s worse, cheeses of all kinds, would never stay away until every child they could find was nabbed and eaten and the town ransacked of all of its fine dairy products. But none of them need worry. As long as the courageous, gentlemanly leader of the Red Hats was still in charge of Cheesebridge at night, while most others were in bed, no underling of any kind would even come close to running away with another innocent child again. All in a night’s work for Mr. Archibald P. Snatcher.
     The truck pulled to a stop in the front yard of the factory, and as soon as the breaks were put on, the 3 employees hoped off. Mr. Pickles stretched his limbs. “Another night, another feat of heroics,” he told Mr. Trout. “Yeah, I suppose it was,” Mr. Trout replied. “TROLLS!” the imp added.
     The 3 men turned around and watched their Boss climb down the truck. Once his pointed shoes were planted firmly on the floor, he swiped the dust from his jacket with his long thin fingers. "Another successful night, it seems,” he said with a chuckle in his throat. “Mr. Trout, follow me. I have much to do today, and I need all the time I can acquire,” he responded in a sudden low tone. “Right, Boss,” Mr. Trout replied tiredly.
     Pepper could hear the truck and the voices of the 4 men from inside. Every few seconds, she glanced at the door feeling her heartbeat increase, though it didn’t surprise her anymore. She turned off the stove and flinched at the sound of the door opening.
    The 7 year old turned around and hurried over. Though her head only came up to his knee, his long thin arms managed to reach down and pat her head as he looked down at her. “Good morning, Father.” "And good morning to you too.” "Had a nice night, sir?” she asked as she let her arms fall at the weight of his jacket being taken into her skinny arms. She hooked his jacket and Red Hat onto a nearby hat and coat rack. The man chuckled. “See for yourself.”
     She turned to look at him but immediately recoiled. Wrapped around his arm between that and his hip was a shaking box. Mr. Trout followed him with 2 more. “Good morning, Miss,” the giant replied. Pepper glanced at him. “Good morning, Mr. Trout.” Pepper watched as both men walked past her, all the while standing there making sure not to say anything else. She did however, glance continually at the two men as they put the 3 Boxtrolls in cages, hanging by chains from the rafters high above them. Every time she saw the monsters, she always noticed the sounds they’d make. The mumbling and whimpering frequently confused her. Apparently, bloodthirsty monsters only genuinely felt sorry after they’d been caught.
    She tried not to stare too long, lest she get in trouble for any implied sympathy or communication with remorseless beings. Once Mr. Snatcher and Mr. Trout had walked away from the hanging cells, the blue-green faces of the trolls peaked out from their cardboard shells and glanced at the girl. Their pointed ears twitched as they looked at her. “Pepper?” They seemed taken aback from the girl’s doe like eyes and how she appeared when standing next to the dismissed Trout and the lizard like Snatcher. Both men were tall, huge mountains. “Pepper?” The little girl was as thin as a rake with a heart shaped face; she just didn’t match, they realized.
     The startled girl child turned to face Mr. Snatcher, her hands neatly folded to her chest. “Yes, Father?” Snatcher whipped his head back at the boxtrolls who disappeared into their boxes at the sight of his glaring face and hair strands falling onto his face. “That’s better. Ignore them, Pepper dear, it’s no use looking at those things.” He pushed his hair behind his ear and reached behind her. He grasped her shoulders (making her shoulders shrug and stiffen), and lightly pushed her to the kitchen table. She could’ve sworn her father gave one last warning look to the trolls, but she chose not to question it.  His hands on her shoulders were all the sign she needed. A ‘Code’, she’d call it. 
     Pepper sat at the table and watched her father inspect what she’d made for them. This part concerned the girl, as she’d always hope that he liked what he found. As he pulled out dishes for them, her tiny fingers tapped on the wooden surface of the table. Her head eventually turned to the most impressive chair at the table. Each of the chairs looked the same, save for what Pepper called 'the Boss Chair’, an elegantly carved wooden chair with red colored cushions. The others were simple rectangular seats and stools, and she almost always sat in one of them. She shuttered at a memory of the last instance she had the gall to sit in the Boss Chair; one that she preferred to forget.
    Her hands rested on the table and twitched. She tried to regulate it by simply tapping on the wood, but nothing seemed to work, until she felt a long cold hand pat the top of her head. She squeaked a little, but it resulted in a blush and willing smile on her face. Her short hair was a little rustled, but she didn’t care at that moment. “I appreciate the attempt, my pet. I must say you’re getting better.”
    Pepper found the courage to look at him as he sat down and passed her a plate. His had 3 eggs and hers had 2. How he was able to carry 2 plates and a tray carrying a teapot, sugar, and teacups was beyond her, but she smiled regardless. “Thank you, Father!” Despite her delight, her smile faded a little.
    “Pour the tea, would you?” he replied.     “But, Father-”     “Now, please.”
    She quickly reached over and took the teapot, causing a small spill. He rolled his eyes at her. Pepper gasped and stepped away, as he stood up from his chair, reminding her of their sizes. He plucked a handkerchief from an inner pocket and absorbed the spilled tea. The girl looked down at her folded hands, unsure of what to do. 
    “A little frazzled, are we?” Snatcher asked, giving her a raised eyebrow. “I-I, well-” “Yesss?” he replied. Pepper widened her eyes and froze.      “I was just…wondering something…why are we drinking tea right now? We usually have some a little later, right?” she asked, rubbing her neck in nervousness. Snatcher smiled at her, now clearly relaxed.      “How insightful, my dear. I’m impressed,” he drawled, leaning back and crossing his legs. “Our schedule will be a little different today. No schooling, no chores-” “Really?!” Pepper asked excitedly. 
    “Pepper! Don’t interrupt.”      “I’m so-y-yes, sir.” 
    Snatcher nodded in response. “Good show, now where was I?” “Today’s schedule…” Pepper replied. “Ah, yes right, now Pepper, we’re going into town today to pick up those items we are to present to our White Hats tomorrow. Something to impress them with, if you remember. Then we’re going to visit Mother.” The little girl smiled genuinely at him. “That’s right! I love Mother!” Pepper replied. “As you should, darling,” he replied, sipping on his tea and pointed to the boxtrolls trembling in their cells. “You see those pests over there?” he asked. Pepper nodded. He left his chair to stare down the boxtrolls. One was bold enough to glance outside its box, but the moment it caught sight of Snatcher’s judgmental eyes, it squeaked and immediately retreated into its little square.
   “Typical…One day, everyone of these things will be destroyed by your esteemed father,” he elaborately gestured to himself. “And I shall take a White Hat of my own! I will be the most respected man in town, and you and your Mother will be at my side; the most respected pair of women here. It shan’t take long now, my dear.”
     Pepper didn’t expect anything less. Snatcher always loved getting passionate. Whether it was about the government, underlings, or his little family, the passion in his voice and his elaborate gestures helped him feel powerful. He was a passionate powerful man in her eyes. Pepper sometimes shrunk away from him, but this moment simply made her sit there in her chair and watch him give them this strongly worded speech, in awe of his confidence. He was so frightening yet so elaborate and opinionated.
     Pepper looked back over at the trembling boxes in their cells. “Father?” she piped up. “What is it?” he asked. “Can I watch you ‘take care’ of them today? The trolls, I mean.” Snatcher turned and put a fist to his hip. “Why?” he asked strictly. Pepper felt her spine tingle at the low, unamused tone in his voice. “It-it’s just, the Gala tomorrow; I mean, if we’re going to go and talk to the Guild, and-and you always tell me ‘maybe when you’re older! Maybe when you’re older’. When will I be olde-…” 
      The more Snatcher stared her down, the quieter her voice became. She noticed his eyelid twitch, causing her to nibble her lip. Another Code, she realized. She clutched a plain looking chair as her shoulders shook subtly. He approached her, so Pepper closed her eyes and tilted her head down, ready for the usual lecture. “Pepper, Pepper,…” he drawled. He placed his hand on the top of her head. She reopened her eyes, looked up, and kept her mouth closed. 
    “What have I told you about becoming a Red Hat, darling? Catching these things and watching their destruction?” he asked in a strangely friendly tone. “…that I’m too young, too soft, and too gentle?” she asked, followed by a nod of his head. “And I’m absolutely right!” he replied. He took her into his arms and tilted her chin so she could look at him into his cold, gray eyes. “We’ve been over this, child. Only the boldest men can ever perform such a task; a brave, serious strategist. And you, my sweet, are none of those things. You know that Boxtrolls just adore the taste of little girls after all. Not as quick as a fully trained Red Hat, you must understand. Besides, I’ve told you time and time again that those pests would stop at nothing to take you from me.”
   Pepper’s breath hitched at the feeling of his cold hands clutching her face as she stared into his eyes. “But, of course, with me protecting you, that surely won’t happen,” he said in a proud tone. Pepper looked down however. “…I wish I were brave.” Snatcher placed her on the floor. ”Oh, I know, I know, but you mustn’t waste your time with such aspirations. That’s why you have me. Aren’t you lucky? I’m only looking after the Fortunate Favorite of an Esteemed Gentleman.”      “But…you’ve said I’m your only favorite.”       “And?” 
     Pepper blushed awkwardly at him. “Good point.” Snatcher chuckled at her and while Pepper had opened her mouth to respond, he gave her no such opportunity. She let it go though; best to keep him in a good mood anyway. “Go upstairs and put on something nicer for our visits, hmm?” he asked as he escorted her to the stairs. “I’ll take care of the monsters. Now off with you.” Before Pepper started to the steps, she looked at Snatcher one last time. “Go on,” he said with a gentle push. She sighed and did as she was told. “Yes, sir.”
       Monty Pickles held his red top hat, dangling in his gnarled fingers, as he left the factory to walk up that steep hill he’d spent many hours inspecting in the night. His mind felt clouded as he watched people leave their homes and begin their day. Though he’d wave and say ‘hello’ to people passing by, all he could think of was a picture he kept in his coat pocket. He plucked it and smiled at it: Madam Molly Monte Cristo herself. How kind she’d been to give him a photo of her to assure the well meaning man that she hadn’t changed much since the night they’d met. Though the picture was black and white, her brilliant eyes and wild hair made it the loveliest image he’d ever seen. He remembered the promise they’d made to each other in regards to the Gala. He could only hope that Molly would be tolerant of his lacking of dancing skills. 
         “I wonder if she’s sent a letter lately,” he muttered dreamily.
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deztinywarriors · 5 years
The Linked Charms - Episode 16 (Multi Liverpool players)
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