#again thanks for sending so much!
sstrawbearies · 1 month
71-93 for the ask game! <3
Sorry that I just got to this but omg thanks for sending so many for me to do! I hope you have a wonderful day/night! 🖤
71. What’s your favorite song? - oof I feel like my fav song changes a lot but Cover Me by stray kids & Cry for Love by baekhyun will always have a special place in my heart.
72. Do you like loud crowds? - Nah I get overstimulated and anxious so quickly lol
73. Have you ever created conflict on purpose? - Probably when I was younger bc I was a lil shit lol but recently nah I hate conflict
74. How do you sleep? - Im a side sleeper
75. Do you bite your lips? - usually when I’m anxious but I try not to
76. Do you use chapstick? - yeah I do lol
77. Do you have pets? - yeah I have one she’s a black miniature poodle named Luna she turns 13 this month
78. What color are your eyes? - Dark brown
79. What’s something you wish you could change about yourself? - oof lmaoo that list is never ending
80. Have you ever had surgery? - nah
81. What’s your least favorite animal? - I can’t really think of any animal I don’t like but I’m not really a huge fan of insects like some are cool but I rather they keep their distance from me. I despise house centipedes tho bc we get them so often where I live.
82. What’s something you’re really bad at ? - giving directions if I’m in charge of the gps bc I zone out a lot due to adhd brain lmao
83. Do you have any squishmellows? - yeah I have two one is a huge bat in a candy corn costume I named him Ricky lol I cuddle him at night. The second one is a mango and I call him mango or lil mango so creative I know lol
84. Do you enjoy fast food? - yeah but it depends on where and also I try not to eat it too much
85. Do you like soda? - yeah but I rarely drink it
86. What grade are you in? - I’m not in school lol
87. Do you wear jewelry? - well I have piercings but idk if that counts lol but I used to wear a ton of rings but I don’t like the style of the ones I own anymore so I don’t wear them but I eventually want to get other ones to wear again
88. What socials do you use? - mainly tumblr but I do use twitter , insta , & tiktok as well.
89. What’s your lowest grade in school rn? - lol I’m not in school
90. What’s the latest you’ve stayed up? - I’ve pulled so many all nighters tbh but if I had to choose a time that I stayed up and eventually knocked out I guess 11 am my sleep schedule is so bad lol
91. Did you have bangs? - yeah for quite a few years and I have like slight bangs now I guess
92. What trends do you hate? - idk I don’t really pay attention to things like that much
93. What’s your favorite item of clothing? - this hoodie I got gifted for Christmas from my partner’s parents it’s so comfy and it’s really thick bc it’s meant to protect from a bunch of weather conditions
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basketobread · 1 month
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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beamiesbuddies · 2 months
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Part 2: A Dream of an Autumn Garden
A few more photos of Mr. Morpheus, continuing from my post here!
As I said on the other photoset, I'm very happy & proud of him! I'm happy I decided to take my time to get him just how I wanted & edit the photos I took nicely. I hope you all love him too. Sweet dreams~
I have included a bunch of Cool Facts about how I made him under the cut if you are so inclined!
Started: Late Jan 2022 / Finished: Dec 30 2022
Approx work hours- 273 hours (worked on average every 3rd day out of 274 days; averaged 3h/session)
Times I remade something because I messed it up/wasn't happy with it: Hands- 2; Feet- 2; Head- 2.5; Body- 1; Clothes: 3
Pattern: trial, error & determination
Height: 3ft tall
stretch jersey knit (body)
polyfill (stuffing)
brushed out acrylic yarn (hair)
star sapphire x2 (eyes)
pipe cleaner (hand armature)
wooden dowels/18 gauge wire (elbow/arm skeleton that keeps snapping I may add)
acrylic paint/pastels (shading & details)
acrylic thread (body sculpting & upper eyelashes)
stretch velvet/velvet burnout, cotton (clothes)
Fun facts:
his look was inspired by his overall appearance in the comics; I particularily like the depictions done by Jill Thompson, Mike Dringenberg & Marc Hempel!
his arms and legs are jointed in the same way as many teddy bears are: you use a washer, nut & bolt to butt-up the limb against the body internally and it gives the limbs full rotation. First time I have tried the method and it's definitely something I'll try again!
I had no idea how I was going to do the inset eyes, but I was determined to have them as some sort of stone. I had to redo his first head completely because I cut too far in! Eventually I got it to work by creating a "backcushion" with clay for the stones, and then closed and sculpted the eyelids overtop to secure them in.
You can't see in most of my photos but his eyes are star sapphire: when light hits them correctly, it causes a ✨to appear just like his eyes in the comics~!
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making his hand & feet were a challenge, especially thinking about where to put the needle through to sculpt tendons, nails, etc (and also deciding how detailed to get without looking strange). I think I learned a lot tho and I'm very proud of the hands
my favorite sculpted parts are the collar bone/chest, the right hand & the nose~
because the skin is white, he gets very dirty with his black clothes, so I had to line all of them in white. He also has to soak in bleach once in a while to maintain his complexion (LOL)
A signature somehwere on his person xD
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Thank you all again for your nice tags & comments so far on my work. If you guys would like for me to share some behind the scenes photos of this photoshoot, or WIP photos of me making him, let me know and if there's enough interest maybe I'll make a post down the road!
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2aceofspades · 7 months
Is it ok if I put a purple heart sticker on Donnie?
Also I love your art work so so much 💜💜💜. It's amazing what your wonderful hands can do. It's inspiring honestly.
Also this is my first ask ever on tumbler....
Of course!
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He's just a lil confused it seems...but I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture once he comes around 👍
Also thank you so so much!! Awwee! I really appreciate it! 🙌✨
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sansterballpro · 1 year
Killer in a cool stabby stabby pose perhaps? like, knife raised above his head or held at the start of the swing or something like that
Or maybe error im that "All alone on a Friday night? God, you're pathetic." meme heheh
*he was stopped before he could even start, solely due to the fact that he was going to try to slice a pie from a 20 ft jump doing said pose.
*nightmare is done with his bullshit.
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I tried so hard to finish this but I got stuck with the poses along the way KAHFKAJS so have the sketches of it! He’s a menace and I love him lots smh
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST REGARDLESS!! It meant a lot and I love both suggestions so much AKDHKAJS
Please take care of yourself or I’ll bust down your door and throw water bottles at you /pos 💖💖
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nightmare belongs to jokublog
killer belongs to rahafwabas
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khaosrealms · 8 months
could you write a request for syzoth x princess!reader, who is mileena and kitana's younger sister?
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a/n: of course! thank you so much for the request 💚 nothing better than to start a blog off with everyone’s favorite reptiloid.
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- Your affection is a harshly-earned one, child of the empress you are. Living in outworld comes with its well of suitors who flaunt and throw themselves for your adoration; what greater prize than to win the love of a princess, after all? Not that anyone had succeeded, not any of members of Sindel’s court, not any of Shao’s soldiers, none yet to earn the reward of a princess’ heart. But a Zatteran?
- Whispers of gossip among Sindel’s court were as common as the act of breathing, and while you often kept your thoughts elsewhere, keeping your ears open was a whole different story. A sideshow act? A shapeshifter? Under the heat of Mileena’s recent… escapade, you knew better than to go elsewhere unaccompanied— but your curiosities got the better of you. The cover of night a perfect tool to aid in your disguise as you ventured into Outworld’s entertainment district. Finding the source of the whispers with a crowd large enough to nestle yourself within. A man— or, at the very least, what you believed was a man at first.
“Come and see! Offer coin and perhaps you will receive a glimpse of something greater than anything you’ve ever witnessed here on Outworld!” The typical sideshow fare; a disgust filling your jaw at the sight of the merchant’s grinning visage as he passes you. Offering a box to be filled with coin and trinkets for the opportunity at the sight of his performer. Verdant eyes, tattoos etched across his features, his arms. For a moment, you lock eyes, and his pupils dilate. Recognition. Verdant green eyes that are almost too soft, too kind, too tired. Still so exhausted, even as he transforms, scaled, tooth and claw. A show for a princess, he seems to say, tail heavy on the floor beneath him. You stay not a moment later. Fading into the crowd, where his eyes do not follow.
- When you return to the district where Syzoth performed not a week later with company, he’s nowhere to be seen. Not the sight of him, not even so much as a whisper, the suspicious nature of it following you as you returned to your duties. Where did he go? This gossip of the high courts who caught such an eye, where did he go? Your lack of concentration earns you Kitana’s scolding. A nip at your ear, pinched between her fingers. But still, the distraction remains, following to the days leading up to the tournament. Even the fireworks of celebration as you stood on stage, waving towards the partying citizens of Outworld with your sisters, couldn’t distract from the thought.
- It took practically every ounce of power and demand you could manage to pull away from the festivities. Turning away your umgadi guard with some sort of dismissive lie, preening to your sisters that you would return before the people would so much as notice you missing— of course, Kitana and Mileena are hardly fooled, and when you dive into the crowds, between alleys and fragrant carts, they know what exactly it is that festers at your mind. The Zaterran. The shapeshifter with tired eyes and scaled flesh. The one who stands before you, as you duck into a quiet alley, as caught off-guard as you are of him.
“Princess.” There’s a tenseness in his jaw that follows through to his voice. Ready to leap away, as if found doing something he’d hardly been meant to do. His fists tensing by his sides. He’d looked exhausted before, yes, but now— he’d looked almost drained. A small spark of hope twinkling in his eyes. Whatever it is he’d been through, you’re certain it’s something he’s refusing to return back to. When you step back, you can see with your own eyes how his muscles loosen in relief.
“I thought Zaterran’s stayed beneath ground.” Your interest catches him, and for a moment he stutters, before opening his mouth to speak once more. “Most do, Princess. You have seen yourself that I am not most, however.” So he did recognize you that day. In the same way that you yourself recognize that you both are surely not where you are meant to be. “A good reason, I hope?” “In the name of truth. A reason no better.” “Then above ground you’ll stay, if that is such.”
- You never forget the appreciation in his eyes at that moment. A relief so deep it falls into his shoulders and neck, relaxing, time of tension wasted away. By the time you blink, the man has already continued his climb onto the buildings above; but not before you catch his attention once more, one hand cupped by your mouth to echo your words towards him. “What is your name, Zaterran!” Stopping him in his tracks, those verdant eyes locking onto your’s once more.
“My name is Syzoth, Princess!” Syzoth. What an odd name for such an intriguing man. “I would ask for your’s, but I’m afraid it’s difficult not to know of it!” His words form a bubble in your chest, a chuckle spilling out from between your lips that cause a smile to crack on his weary features. That glimmer of hope shining in his eye. He’s gone by the time another firework cracks across the sky above you, but a small warmth of the meeting remains. Nestled there in your cheek. Syzoth. What luck to meet him again.
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ruporas · 11 months
your art is soooo good omg your vashwoods give me life……… modern au vashwood head in my hands
thank u so much!!!!! *touches the wall gently* modern au vashwood... i think of them all the time. in another universe, they are living a normal life, doing taxes and laundry together... but even in modern au, they're not escaping the hell hot weather
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ganondoodle · 9 months
i often really do feel like an .. unwanted part of the fandom, i dont draw beautiful landscapes, i have unpopular but strong opinions im constantly annoying about and rarely change, dont like/dont draw the pretty young popular twinks and hot gurls to fanboi over nor do i turn characters into one, the opposite moreso, draw only one ship no ones heard of really, got little energy to interact with the few people that are nice to me and send me asks so it probably looks like im ignoring everyone and unfortunately but still rarely get so stressed i get overwhelmed and emotional about pehaps seemingly minor things and spiral almost into a breakdown feeling super embarrassed about it afterwards but the damage is already done and i look like a freak or agressive weirdo
#ganondoodles talks#also probably sounds like self pity#but this feeling hits everytime i see a super popular artist be the popular cool artist#i am a little weird i know that and thats not somethign bad i think#but the internet never gets to see that much of me#i tend to write posts when i am at my worst bc it has to go somewhere#so the image it tells people is that im a weirdly strong opiniod freak that gets breakdowns over nothing#i also dont feel like im otherwise -cool tm- enough to balance that out#i dont think my art is as stylized or as inventive as others nor am i cool to interact with bc idk how to be cool to interact with#i feel double bad when i misstepped with someone i used to talk to bc of something stupid ... or just dont know what i did wrong#im guessing its especially when i am in that spiraling state of mind where i really am not myself tbh#it still feels very bad bc i feel like i can never make it up to anyone again#sorry i acted like a jerk my brain was exploding in emotions in a desperate attempt to deal with something idk how to deal with-#-and made me not act like myself but now i feel really dumb about it#doesnt sound like a good excuse#... i want to thank those that do stick with me#even if i acted strange sometimes- even if i disappointed sometimes- even when i couldnt keep a promise#there are little things that still make me angry at myself#like that one time i asked in the tags whod read as long as the end of them and if someone did shoudl send me an ask so id draw a lil thing#and i got two#and i kept trying to remeber oh shit i need to do that and forgetting again/not having energy for it in a loop#i still feel like a jerk about it but now its probably too late#i wish i could answer all asks i get but man my energy for that is always rock bottom#no matter how much i enjoy the ask#and i love getting asks!!!#im sorry :((
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heybiji · 2 months
I followed because your artstyle is CAPTIVATING and ENERGETIC and COOL
and of course for dandelion!! 🌻🌼🏵
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aw geez, thanks!!
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b4kuch1n · 6 months
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Hi! it's dember and some stuff has Happened and I am now in need of a buffer between now and lunar new year. so I'm opening for
digital ink commission
How this works is
comms will open for one hour at a time or until 5 pieces are in the queue, whichever condition comes later
I will edit and reblog this post when it opens or closes, so if you're not sure if I'm taking comms or not please click through to the original post to check!
I will take commissions via email to [email protected]; please include visual or textual references as well as your PayPal email in your inquiry.
a confirmation email will be sent out once your commission's added to the queue. I reserve the right to turn down any commission I receive (in which case I'll also tell you via email)
payment will be through PayPal - please wait for the invoice before paying - and made in full before I start on your commission.
there will be no sketch revision. please keep this in mind when preparing your references
UPDATE 30/12/2023: Commission closed! Thank you very much for the support!
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captaindamianos · 4 months
I would love a new rec list if you’re offering! 👀🙏🏿😊
Hello!! I'm so incredibly sorry it took me more than a month instead of the day or ten I joked about in my tags. I wasn't feeling too great and I also lost my motivation to participate in the fandom in any way. So it was hard for me to focus on this task.
But I really want to thank you so much for encouraging me! This turned out to be a good way to appreciate other people participating in the fandom and thank them for the work they shared with us.
In the spirit of things though I'm going to make this the most self-indulgent list I can come up with, so this will probably include a few wips, but I'm going to mention that because I know people don't like wips (can't relate haha I've met cool people that way and I love when authors get chatty in the comments).
It's in no particular order! Just whatever came to mind or what I found in the depths of my bookmarks. Let's get started 💪
Canis Major by Lapin
Point of Opposition by forthelongesttime
lovesick by forthelongesttime
Favourite by RockingRobing
Sexual Intercourse by antivillain
The Stand-in Wedding Planner and the Obstinate Baker by penstrikesmidnight
even in another time by phlegmatic
white wine in the sun by phlegmatic (WIP)
Lord, You Keep Me Crawling by princessofpatras (WIP)
come uncover me series by sweetricebuns
i got the t-top cherry blue (now i'm looking at you) by sweetricebuns
too hot to handle series by sweetricebuns
Wildflowers by Shigure_Natsu
A (Precious) Moment In Time by CoffeeDragon87
Lemongrass & Peony by starsxabove
The Garden by DisraeliGears
we kiss and then by residue (please check out all of the authors works as well👌)
Feasts From Heaven by ahdriking
Brute by ahdriking
From Your Mouth by Holly_Golightly I hope there's something in there for everyone, always heed the warnings and ratings. I deliberately left out a lot of fanfics that are already popular, because chances are people have already read them. But I had to add some, because they're very dear to me personally like EIAT and Brute. And I featured a few I've read in the past few months to a year or two. Maybe you missed them, maybe you recently joined and filtered for kudos or hits. But definitely give them a chance, there's so many gems out there. It's once again just a really really small list and definitely doesn't include everything I liked or would recommend, but I have to stop somewhere. If there's specific tropes or things you're looking for, let me know, I can try to make themed lists as well, if it's something I read myself. Hopefully in a shorter time frame next time.
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lazybakerart · 1 year
a cute harringrove thing for you: billy being in the middle of trying to do something but he keeps shaking away bits of hair that get into his eyes and steve just comes up behind him, puts his hair into a bun, then casually goes back to where he was while billy's stunned and blushing before he returns to his task with a big grin on his face
The AC's out.
Billy's cracked the unit open with a flathead screwdriver he found under the sink and a few choice words. July hit hard. Sweat drips down his nose as he tries to fix and not kick a heavy metal box down three stories.
In the small kitchen just a few feet behind his hunched back, Steve's popping more ice out and yelling at the radio - a Dodgers game has gone to shit.
Billy swipes his sweat-stuck curls back just to have all of them tumble right back in the way again.
Summers always leave Billy regretting growing out his hair.
He hadn't meant to. A couple months without a haircut grew into a couple years where a couple of half-assed snicks with the scissors he uses for zip ties and toe nails were all he made do with. Every year he forgets how much of it there is when summer arrives to remind him.
Snapping back up, screwdriver in a vice-grip, Billy yanks his hair back with both hands and yells FUCK YOU at the stained popcorn ceiling and his own mane fried with West Hollywood humidity.
"What's wrong now? What happened?" Steve has the honest nerve to say after over an hour of this.
"I'm shaving my head."
A deep sigh and Steve's opening some cabinet that creaks and needs to be oiled - the deal when they first moved in was Billy dealt with the electric shit and Steve got everything that wouldn't have him sizzling when he got distracted.
Plumbing means rock, paper, scissors comes out and goddamnit if Billy doesn't lose every single round.
He and the plunger have built a relationship.
Billy blames dying and coming back with fried nerves and a second-rate case of stigmata making his every joint he's got stiff, his hands getting the worst of it. He'd be a lousy second coming anyways.
"That time of year again, huh?" Steve says.
He stands behind Billy, swatting away his frustrated steel-grip to comb through Billy's curls, pulling them back and away.
"There are these things - they're called hair-ties," Steve gently pulls Billy's hair through elastic, "And I know you like using rubber bands because you're a freak," Slowly he winds Billy's overgrown hair around, "But these are, like, at least twice as good. Now, we just twist," He twists, "And twist some more and - boom! Done. I'm awesome."
Steve spins Billy around by the shoulders twice, his sweaty feet squeaking on the scratched up oak floors. He holds Billy in place, sweaty hands on Billy's sweaty nape, sweaty thumbs running circles, and it doesn't seem to matter much to him that the AC is broken and they're reaching the peak 90s on the thermostat.
Steve's looking at him.
All tender.
All sweet.
A little tipsy from better beer than they chugged in high school. It's been seven years since they hit the highway and left Indiana for good. Three more months and five more days and they'll hit eight.
"Oh no." Steve croons at him. Smile turning cotton soft. Those sweaty hands move to cup Billy's face and those running thumbs rub just under Billy's eyes. "Why are we crying?"
"It's hot." Billy says.
Pinching his ears around his piercings, Steve tells him, "You're hot."
Billy sniffles. Snot drips, meets his upper lip and Steve wipes it off - eight years worth of tears and snot and blood and spunk and so much sweat.
And so much fucking good shit.
From an open window in their cramped apartment, a slice of warmed July breeze catches on the back of Billy's newly bared neck. He tosses the screwdriver somewhere.
"And," Steve pecks him on the lips, bites at his nose to make sure Billy gets heat-stroke, "You've got a great ass."
The AC can wait a little longer.
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theosconfessions · 5 months
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
Piepoe, and Keppino color swap?
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Here you are!! And a bonus outfit swap for them both too :3!
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lemongogo · 4 months
random OC ask: what would your OC wear on an average day? what would they wear to a special event?
[feel free to include reference images, if you'd like!]
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AA TYSMM i think she;d dress pretty comfortable on an avg day (carpenter pants , light button up, a smock & open toed sandals -- sry osha) given that she'd likely be in the studio but omg.. for a night out i can picture a gorgeousss floor length gown, black w a gentle shimmer, fitted with a deep v and an open back or some cutouts.. & jewelry to match ~
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plulp · 9 months
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yknow kylar isnt my favorite character but the owl plushie really raised the bar by like maybe 30%
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