#again this is rlly just for me so idk if i'd go about actually putting this up as a downloadable mod. esp since again its pretty rough
infizero · 4 months
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cussima · 14 days
i shifted accidentally for the first time last night 😭
it wasn't my first time shifting, but it was my first time shifting on accident to a reality completely unknown to me 😭 Anyway here's that (long, quite detailed) story time !! (with reaction pics of course 😋)
i was so tired last night, and i had to wake up at 7AM today, i wanted my mind to be quiet so i could fall asleep easily and not have any vivid/random dreams (they make it so i can't rest well)
my subconscious with a different plan:
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i remember being asleep here, lying on my bed and the darkness of my room, and all of the sudden i was standing in front of a white haired professor in a school in JAPAN !!!
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now I don't have any japanese drs, or am close to anything japanese for that matter (i dont watch anime, etc etc) i think maybe i thought how i'd like to go to a tokyo grand prix for five seconds yesterday but that was it 😭 there was absolutely no reason for me to have woken up in a different country AND AT A SCHOOL !! for that matter like i genuinely have no idea what happened.
the professor just talked about how i was new and my professors, and classmates, and all (i don't remember exactly what he said but when i woke up i knew it was an introductory "welcome to this school talk) and sent me to a classroom where i got way too worked up about a sexist mf, i kinda yelled at him for being sexist and the shit he was saying.
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(i didn't YELL i confronted him and told him his ideology was stupid and might've given him (thrown...ish) some stuff to him but it was on topic i promise it was more like i landed him... some trash... like i put it at his feet for him to pick up okay, let's move on)
then i left that class !! but it was just as other classes were about to begin and another guy that had been in that class with me dragged me into another classroom because he had liked me (he didn't say it but he was rlly nice to me so i assumed he liked me) (liked me as in yk he didn't hate me after the whole class confrontation, i just had so he wasn't as bad as that other mf !!, im not saying he fell in love w me just in case anybody gets confused) (also the classroom wasn't empty he just had another class and dragged me along with him)
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in that classroom he told me to put my hood on (i was wearing a black cotton jacket with a hood on it, we didn't have uniforms) and to not draw too much attention to myself (it was an all boys class, so if the professor found out im a girl she would've kicked me out and tbh idk what i would've done 😔)
and then the teacher came in, (i wanna describe her bc she was sooo,,, teacher core LMAO she had a big nose, glasses, red hair up, burgundy sweater and a white sort of lab coat thingy) introduced the class, and said she was going to play a movie, closed the class curtains and that's when i started remembering i had shifted here.
she played the movie (looking back at it now, i think they might've picked up from where they had left off in a previous class)
it was a movie with rupert grint where he was an adult and he had discovered like a magical realm, i remember i thought of harry potter (bc of rupert) and knowing that had never existed there, he had never been ron. There was also a blonde woman (gorgeous long blonde hair kinda looked like tilda swinton) and a little girl that was somehow related to Rupert's character.
I realized that movie didn't exist in this reality and that's when I sort of began panicking and remembered i had Actually shifted there
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I decided to check my 5 senses but then I realized I don't know the steps to do it....
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like i have to 5 what 4 what 3 what 2 what 1 what
so i just touched the desk where i was sitting, i touched the paper from the boy's notebooks and more stuff i can't remember, i remember wanting to touch the pencils inside the pencilcases but I couldn't be loud + those weren't mine !! and then i breathed in a couple times
and then i opened my eyes here again
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now I know that stuff really doesn't work for me it just brings me back to my dr, because im just trying to remember what the tiktok i saw on this reality about the 5 senses method said 😭
something i didn't mention is that when I walked into the second classroom, i got nervous when i realized it was an all boys class. I don't know what the class was on, i was looking around frantically, the curtains surprised me they were dark and i had never seen dark gray curtains in a classroom (what a stupid culture shock 😭)
when the teacher came in i put my hair on my eyes to FAKE A FRINGE !!! I didn't listen to her at all when she began the class, and then another guy with big blue eyes was mouthing something to me and the boy behind me, the boy i was with said "he's deaf just read his lips"
so now im nervous as fuck about not being able to read his lips and looking like an asshole that doesn't want to talk to deaf people
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all while trying not to get kicked out of this class !!
it was A Lot of information to take in 😭 no wonder i shifted back i was being silly af
also THEN i shifted to a reality where my phone had barely charged (it had a decent amount of battery after i shifted, it went from 75% at 5AM when i woke up from my shift to 25% at 7AM)
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alexthesillybilly · 8 months
What if springtrap x reader but I write it from springtraps POV idk I wanna study him this is rlly similar to another thing I wrote btw if it feels familiar :P idk why but I love writing this exact scene lmao
God, how long has it been? Months? Years? Decades? How was I supposed to know? I haven't spoken to anyone since I was left in here, and I probably never will again. I'm still trying to figure out what to do to pass the time. At first my methods were a little more about escaping, but clawing at the walls and slamming my self against the door was both very painful, and was also not doing anything for me, so I stopped doing those pretty quickly. Then I remembered there were arcade machines in this room! But then I remembered that this is the parts and service room and they were out of order. And very unplayable. But that didn't stop me, I ended up disassembling and putting them back together a few times.
That got boring, too.
Now I'm not really sure what to do. I spend a lot of my time either fidgeting with loose wires or pacing around like some kind of scared animal. After I stopped having the indescribable dread of realizing I was trapped here, it changed to craving something. Anything, really. Whether it was hearing music from outside, seeing a color other than pitch black, feeling anything other than the freezing cold tile floor and my own pain.
I think I mostly craved company, though.
I was never into psychology, but speaking from experience, I'm pretty sure that completely depriving a human of any communication or entertainment for years (decades??) will fuck someone up.
There's some sort of noise around the door. It's happened a few times, usually someone who broke in trying to get into the room before discovering it's boarded up. I don't know who boarded up this room, but I'd like to have a talk with them. Only a little murder included. So I don't get my hopes up too much. They're not going to get in.
So maybe I get a little excited when for the first time, I actually DO hear the door crack open and light pour in.
Holy shit, it's happening.
I can finally get out of here.
I felt nearly manic at the sight. So imagine my thoughts when someone walked in.
I freeze. What do I do?
There is so much I want to say.
Can I even talk?
I don't know anymore.
Who is this?
I try to look at them without moving. Nobody I recognize. That's probably a good thing.
If I move, I might scare them.
On one hand, then I'd be able to leave.
But on the other hand, I need to talk to someone, ANYONE, so bad that I can't let then leave already.
So I stay still while they approach.
They must not be deterred by the sight of me, surprisingly, because they crouch down beside me like I'm not... like this.
"What the hell are you?" They laugh under their breath. Wow, okay. First words spoken to me in this long. I deserve that, though.
I need to talk so bad but how am I supposed to talk to anyone now? I don't even remember how it works, let alone if I physically could. I pray they'll ask a yes-or-no question soon.
They stand back up.
No. No, no, no, not already. They can't leave. I have to risk it.
I try my best to tell them not to go. It comes out as more of a noise you'd make on your deathbed, but it's enough to get them to stop in their tracks.
"No. Nope, I am NOT being your horror movie protagonist who dies first, nope. Not today." They turn to run out the door. This time I'm prepared. Kind of.
"No-" I manage to choke out before realizing how much it hurts to speak, and very pathetically falling against the wall in pain. I have to get the message through, though. "Don't go."
"Hooly shit." The person stares at me in horror. "I have so many questions."
Talking hurts so bad, but nothing hurts worse than my indescribable loneliness, so I'll just have to deal with that later. I have to say something.
"Me too."
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justatalkingface · 1 year
what's your opinion on the big 3? When I was hyperfoxed on this series they were the thing I care Abt the most (I enjoyed season 4, obv I'd change some stuff now but I still remember it being atleast ok)
I hate how dirty they did my girl nejire, as far as I'm aware they didn't even do anything with her after the whole pagent thing she just got a small backstory about how she was sad (don't know all of it I haven't been keeping up that well w the manga)
mirios not having a quirky and having to save eri (a girl who I can't imagine would be that skilled at the age she is and has been training on lizards to give his quirk back all together, I'd imagine it taking a few more months but bnhas time is shit so) and coming back in the war arc to punch one person and then basically do noting iicr
The only decently written one was amajiki, I wish they had more going on I think they have a fun dynamic (w them helping taking care of eri and me rlly liking idk what it's called but I love the fluff it brings) :(
Lots of mixed feelings, in all honesty. Lots of mixed feelings.
I'll admit, a big part of my mixed feelings about them is they showed up as the latest, 'Stomp on Izuku's everything' at the point in the story where it was becoming obvious that there was always something stomping on Izuku, and that gave me a bad first impression on them I've never been able to shake... which isn't helped by how they're connected to the clusterfuck of Nighteye, of all people, which is kind of my whole thing with Mirio (warning; I am biased):
As a person, he's obviously nice, but as a character, basiclly his entire reason for existing was, 'give Izuku an existential crisis' and I don't think I've ever forgiven him for that, really. His entire character is just bigger, stronger, older, happier, more capable, more confident, more successful, more loved Izuku, who had a Quirk his whole life and only had to dig deep to find out how strong it, and he, was all along.
Unironically. It's....
It's a really bad look, to be blunt; he feels kind of like a bad fanfiction character written by a bad writer who wanted to put their super special OC in the story, except he's canon.
Since we've never seen him even think something unheroic, there's really nothing that distinguishes him from that impression factual statement, which, again, makes it hard for me to give a shit about him, or even remember him... which is a problem Hori seems to share, lol. It doesn't help that I loathe Sir Nighteye and that most of his development time is spent admiring him, to boot, and that his parts of the story are either empty or focused on a living plot device I can't quite like no matter how hard I try because of how blatant the emotional manipulation is about the biggest story breaking, SOD shattering plot device until Stars and Stripes showed up.
If he ever got any kind of development to flesh him out a human being rather than being either Izuku and/or a heroic archetype, it'd help, but beyond all of that his biggest personality trait is liking jokes, and that barely even comes up. Or, rather, considering both the Final Arc and his response to Bakugou's name, along with Nighteye's own tendencies, 'jokes', maybe.
He doesn't deserve it, I admit it, it's not his fault, but I just can't get past that. He also doesn't deserve to just be forgotten until his big moment of a butt joke, but... MHA, everyone. In all honesty, I'd just like him better if his entire story arc didn't exist in and as some of the worst parts of the Overhaul arc, but he's tainted by that fact.
I freely admit that I am unfairly biased against him, so take all of that with a mountain of salt.
As a side note though, god, the story doesn't seem to realize how badly Nighteye is using the poor kid; Mirio thinks Nighteye is training him because he's worthy, while Nighteye mainly seems to be doing it because he's the closest thing to an All Might clone he can get, bar him actually cloning All Might, even if he grew to like him for who he is. I'm not sure Nighteye ever thought of Mirio with just his Quirk as anything more than a temporary situation; even at the start of canon, when on his own merits he's rising to fame with how successful he is, Nighteye's overall focus is still about getting AFO into the kid.
I almost wish I could see Nighteye explaining how all of his training came down to getting All Might's Quirk, just to see MIrio react and tear Nighteye down a peg about it, except Hori's history of handling these kinds of things means he'd never be allowed to be properly offended on his own behalf, the poor bastard.
Moving on, Tamaki. Out of all of them, he's had the biggest of an on-screen story arc, and in a intellectual way his Quirk is easily the most interesting. Unfortunately, while he has a personality, it feels so bland at times that he's far easier to remember for his Quirk than who he is.
I liked his story, really, but at the time it was overshadowed by Mirio and his everything, and by the time he showed back up it was clear how irrelevant it and he was, so it was more about how (admittedly, very) cool he get his Quirk to be than it was about him, and with some brutal honesty, it's probably because his Quirk is so interesting that he even got that much focus beyond that initial arc by Hori.
And... Nejirie.
In a combat sense she's easily the best of them, really; Mirio is almost purely defensive, which limits him (especially if he's not surprising someone with it) while Tamaki's Quirk, while flexible, is so conditional in ways that can easily hold him back (we only ever see him fight with full preparation; if he's not gearing for a fight he'd be easy to ambush), and like a lot of things in the Final Arc, his big laser canon thing is.... questionable.
Nejirie, though, is just simply powerful. In a setting where everyone has one power and one main application of that power, where you either fly or blast things, but not both, she's the closest I've seen to a 'traditional' super hero, like you'd see in Marvel or DC.
At the same time, though, out of the three of them she least has a story, for obvious reasons, and it's a disgrace, really. If Hori had just spent some time on her, on the her backstory that apparently exists (yeah, I'm not sure where that is either), she could have been so interesting... but really, all she is is the Girl Teammate. Her personality traits are The Girl Teammate's personality traits. She's just The Girl Teammate stamped over all of the interesting stuff, and it's such a waste, it really is.
And finally, as a unit? The Big Three is a shiny toy that Hori forgot in the corner somewhere as soon as he got bored with it. He spent a few minutes oohing and aahing over them, focusing really hard on developing interesting powers, how they could be used, and how strong they were, only to start to lose interest as soon as those powers were established, and he was writing the three of them off before their introductory arc was even over.
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ayyyyysexual · 1 month
suggestion as someone who knows the Bare Minimum about slay the princess, hear me out:
gempearl au?
I wrote all this ages ago and it was just sat in my drafts for forever so here y'all go:
Oh my god glow dont make me think about this bc ill actually start going feral.
Okay. Okay. In depth thoughtd below the cut but it will be both 1. Spoilery 2. Lowkey incomprehensible if you dont know much about the game LMAO
First off, I think Cleo would be the narrator. Why, you ask? Because its MY au and I get to put my blorbos where i want. But if im being fr then its bc she has i think the perfect combo of exhausted britishness, willingness to manipulate and lie, and overall just the Vibe to fit the narrator. Bonus points if they're a fractured version of time witch cleo from WCSMP.
And then... THE VOICES. THIS IS WHAT I IMMEDIATELY SNAG ON. Would the voices be different people, or potentially just alternate versions of Gem? Also yes ive decided gem is the protag and pearl is the princess but thats bc my original knee jerk reaction was "gem is the princess (esmp2 gem was a fave) and pearl is the hero" but then i thought harder and went waittt i love shapeshifter pearl and dimension hopper gem. I can work with that.
Anyway yeah im thinking different people for the voices, but I'd probably give gem her own internal dialogue alongside it bc it'd be less interesting if she was just the vehicle for the plot in this au. I'll probably have her be both the actual 'hero' character and voice of the hero, for simplicity.
The first ones to come to mind are false as the voice of the paranoid, because she is my #1 paranoia rep i love her, and grian as voice of the contrarian bc he fucking would.
Potentially joel as voice of the cheated, or stubborn? If we do bring wcsmp elements in then prismarina would make a great voice of the cheated too LMAO. So, Joel for voice of the stubborn
Scar is Very voice of the opportunist. And obviously the witch is double life pearl. Which is so perfect?? Like goddamn???? Especially bc i love dl sunflower duo. AND THE INTERNAL DIALOGUE VIBE WOULD BE ALMOST LIKE IF GEM AND SCAR WERE ALLIED AGAINST PEARL AT THE END OF SECRET LIFE
Broken is hard to pick a voice for, maybe mumbo? but the tower would Definitely lean into Santa Perla and the farmer god esmp2 stuff. I could see him being like "oh well it would probably be for the best if we just listen to the giant god lady who could crush us, right?"
Hunted... I was unsure for a while but maybe Shrub? Wolf spirit shrub would be rlly fun for that. And ig the beast would be some form of alien s9 pearl? OR we could lean into the more monstery salmon/siren/merfolk s10 pearl stuff
Cold could be Cub, i dont know much about him but he seems very chill and pragmatic enough for me to push to the extreme here
Skeptic... My mind has gone entirely blank for this one... ETHO MAYBE i can see etho for this. I have no idea what pearl version would work for the prisoner though
Smitten....... maybe shelby? Specifically great witch Shelby. Idk i think her whole vibe around katherine could be translated into what we need here. plus i love giving crumbs to yuri rarepairs- OR i could lean into santa perla again here and have it as sausage kinda worshipping an idealised person of the past pearl he loved (though not romantically, to me at least), which could work for a damsel variant?
anyway i dont wanna get Super into the major spoilers for stp so i wont elaborate much further, but goddd im so normal about this concept
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milo-igidk · 8 months
Not me stalking your account simply by the fact that you say that rawest stuff about my fave character (Keefe) ummm anyways
I used to really hate Fitz for being mad at Keefe for joining the Neverseen and not really understanding his best friend, but a recent reread made me realize that Keefe leaving was SO much more startling for Fitz than Sophie or the reader. Sophie saw the small sighs really early on. I'd even argue that it was as early as Exile. The alicorn ride where he stopped joking for a moment to lay himself out a little? Then of course there's the whole thing with Keefe's mom "dying" and all that, but Fitz probably thought his cheery, happy-go-lucky friend would be okay. Those scenes leading up to Loadstar where you see Keefe's fear and anger? ONLY Sophie sees it. Suddenly Fitz sees his brother and best friend who seem really similar are now a part of the Neverseen? With SO little warning? Without what Sophie saw, I would feel betrayed and angry too. And how would Keefe feel? I bet he felt a lot more alone once he realized that he hid his pain so well that even his best friend didn't really know him.
Sorry, that wasn't really a question and was a bit long, but I thought I'd put it here in case you had some cool thoughts to add that I may have missed. :) (Since you're so good at it)
shxhjxjs omg thanks first of all im glad vdbdnx😭
and also yeees youre so right and i honestly hadnt rlly thought abt that
i feel like keefe and fitz have such an interesting dynamic and i hope shannon like makes them actually talk about shit instead of being like oh fitz is fine with everything now. bc yea fitz really doesnt know a lot of the things going on with keefe and like it goes to show how his demeanour totally changed in that one scene in lodestar when he saw the memories keefe was showing sophie.
honestly i am well over my 'hating fitz' phase that i feel like all kotlc fans have at some point, hes a great character but nooot that great of a friend to keefe? imo? idk i dont think its on purpose i just feel like, like you said, he sees this persona that keefe puts up and doesnt think to look any deeper, even after keefe came back from the neverseen like the only time hes hung out with keef that i can remember being mentioned is when he was looking for memories with cassius, when he was complaining abt sophie to him, or when he needed those drawings for sophies gift. and again its not that much his fault, he just assumes everything is fine and also has his own stuff going on but like still dude. they definitely both need to talk abt like a lot of stuff (coughs what alden said to him in flashback coughs im not still salty youre still salty)
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unclassedguy · 5 months
The Details of Genderbend Naoya Au:
*yap incoming*
Just a collection of my thought process and ramblings about this collection of drawings to scratch the itch in my brain.
General ramblings:
This is not a fleshed out au. There isn't much of a storyline and I don't exactly know if I will ever make one.
The au doesn't follow the jjk canon apart from some general things like Toji leaving Megumi and Tsumiki etc.
The ‘story’ follows Naoya Zenin after an accident that should have killed him instead leaves him unscathed. That is, until he wakes up the next day with a girl's body, a kogane companion, and the ability to see strange creatures (cursed spirits) and people who should have been long dead.
Bro is basically now part of a culling game-esque event involving people who were saved from death like him, those who died long ago and were resurrected, and creatures that should have never entered the living realm. Some people such as him with bad karma for their actions, are given certain handicaps and/or punishments when they're brought back from death. Hence girl-Naoya.
But, by destroying the souls of beings with even more bad karma than you, you can gain points that will give you access to abilities (cursed techniques) or lessen your own punishment or handicap.
The Kogane function the same here as they do in canon.
Basically, this is me drawing fem Naoya with a bunch of extra steps 💀
Drawing one:
A lot of the ‘story’ of this au just happened randomly as I was doodling, Kenjaku and Takaba running Naoya over being part of that.
I wanted to draw Naoya reacting to him becoming a girl for the shits and giggle, yk, the sillies
And before I knew it I had Naoya getting run over by a truck 💀
The reason Takaba is the driver is because of that one scene in Kenjaku vs Takaba, Kenjaku is in the passenger's seat just because.
There is no reason as to what they're singing besides me wanting them to have been distracted by something goofy 
You might have noticed Naoya is holding something. Idk what it is though 
Its like….a wand…a club…? It's based off his first form as a cursed spirit, the one where he looks like a worm
Yes, his shirt does indeed say “why women deserve less”. It's based on that one fanart of him reading a book with the same title. 
Drawing two:
The first thing I thought of when I imagined Naoya going on a ‘quest’ to become a man again was that ant carrying a bindle.
(It gives pathetic energy, which i enjoy giving my Naoya drawings)
This is actually my first time drawing Hana, I actually like drawing her
I'm so sorry to people who like Nobara and Maki, I can't draw them that well 😭😭😭
I'm thinking Hana/Angel are trying to fix whatever is going on with the souls of the deceased/players, and are thus gathering allies (though they also want to defeat a certain king of curses even in this au as well 👀)
Naoya ends up joining her, Maki, and Nobara as allies (no one is happy about this)
They will put him in his place, especially Maki.
(I wonder what would happen if he met Yuki…)
Naoya and Hana is a combination I didn't think I'd ever draw interacting tbh 💀
But for some reason that's what ended up happening
Other thoughts:
It's so cute how the kogane have different designs sometimes based on who they belong to. It reminds me of the crows in kny.
I wonder if they're meant to represent something about each player???
For example, the one we see with Naoya when we're first introduced to his curse form has a skull like face, which we later see on Naoya's second curse form.
His looks so crusty and I love it
I rlly wanted it to be his companion in this au
Honestly, I was thinking Naoya upon turning into a girl would try everything he could to make himself look more traditionally masculine
But I still wanted to draw him in a skirt, you know, because
So…uh…yeah 👍
His ass doesn't even want to be a woman, but let's be fr, he be styling his hair in the mirror or some shit thinking things like ‘if only every woman paid half as much attention to how she holds herself as me!’ Thinking he's giving everyone a good example or something 💀
Stfu Naoya 
I have a third addition to this collection of drawings in the works. It'll probably be up in a few days, depending on if I have time to work on it or not. This will probably be the last piece of this au for a while.
Part 1 , Part 2 Edit: Part 3
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minquiec · 3 months
Why GiftedEyes is kinda special to me
Oh my goddd it's been a while since I yapped 😭 I've just been busy I promise I never stop the yap but this is uhmmm smth new that I haven't really posted about cause I literally came up w it 3-5 weeks ago but it's a oc PLUS canon not oc X canon cause it's a platonic pairing between an oc and.....GOJO SATORU OUT OF ALL PPL but yea enjoy I think
This is but a temporary diversion from jipunk hshahaha cause thinking abt moving on makes me wanna throw up cause I don't like change 😍😍 but I realise it's okay to like multiple things at the same time and it doesn't define me 🤺 so anyways
(I still love all my ocs and characters and ships and what not I never move on I just can't multitask and fixate on two things at once [me trying to self affirm LOL])
So how the fuck did I get here
How did I join the masses and suddenly become a gojo satoru enjoyer? Tbh idrk cause I've been into jjk for a while and it kinda appears in phases where I'd be pretty into it for a week and then ease out and then repeat for the next couple of months but this time round it's especially bad for some reason bc???? Hello??? I suddenly grew heart eyes for gojo satoru?? Scratches head fr but LAWD ITA SO FUN cause fanart wise jjk is a way more popular series than spiderverse and i can literally feel my starving body being replenished
But besides him being obviously a pretty boy I've actually grown to like his character a lot
So you see ☝️🤓 the problem w me is whenever I like a character I always gotta really REALLY like them to the point when I start analysing their personality to see if I actually fr like them and that's how it lasts longer than an average "he fine I want him"
And w gojo I think I realized I rlly like characters who have compassion for other ppl? 😭 but it's gotta have layers idk I have a range of types so maybe I'm just talking bs
Cause it's not rlly obvious w gojo but he's really kind in terms of his compassion for humanity which makes me ssooo 🙂‍↕️☝️😭🙏🙆‍♀️🤺🫶💔💔🧍‍♂️🗣️📈📈🔥🔥‼️🆙🆙 and it shows in the way he treats his students (ignoring the fact bro stepped on peoples faces in shibuya but you sort of get what i mean not really) and in that one line where he said smth like "no one should take the youth away from young people" and im going to leap because of his own youth that was taken from literally his birth cause of his groundbreaking, historic birth with his six eyes AND limitless
So very obviously he didn't have a normal childhood, probably put on a pedestal and worshipped which meant he grew up! Kinda weirdly! And when he met suguru he could probably experience his youth for the first time (geto!! Suguru!!! Was his first and last blue spring!!!! Blue spring is a poetic way of saying youth!!!! I'm gonna LEAP) and that youth was prematurely taken away at FIFTEEN and SSEECONNDD YEAR when riko was killed which could basically be a metaphor of the death of their youth with their morals and principles being thrown into a clothes dryer and tumbled around
And I'm not gonna. Get into how much stsg make me wanna tear my hair out cause tbh I Will Cry cause I've cried atleast 4 times about them before and I'm trying to keep my peace and they actually make me so sad bc the depth of their connection Makes Me Want to dddiiieeeee 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ they're so much more than just ahaha silly ship tgt and it drives me crazy but I'm not gonna get into it bc once again; I'm Gonna Cry
Anyways back to sat or oo gojo, he can do very easily be that cold typical guy that doesn't care but instead he chooses to hold the responsibility of the jujutsu world on his shoulders alone bc unlike the higher ups who are fucking useless!!!! He doesn't want the youth to suffer for the mistakes (they inevitably do anyways though 💔) cause I saw this tweet where he literally, could've solved the whole shibuya incident in a split second if he wanted (hollow purple the whole place and easy as that) but because of the innocent people involved he chose to literally risk vulnerability by over exerting to the max like wtf did you see that he's insane he's crazy he's gojo satoru (which in the end cost him his temporary freedom 💔💔💔 but I digress)
But uhmmm that concludes why I like him so much rn 🙏🙏 I saw this rlly good tweet where it mentions from who I believe is a jjk screen writer?? And mentions that gojos attractiveness stems from his ability to show weakness and that he isn't all invincible in terms of character and im like uuueEEEEEE but I appreciate him a lot
So ofc as any normal person would deal with loving a character, obviously my crazy ass decided "wow!! What a tragic character who's so, so lonely!!! I can't stand this and my heart cries for you so I'm gonna give you a companion because the canonical media treats you too painfully!!!!!"
Like a normal person does
So now we enter mins crazy bitch domain, my mind palace, my noggin if you will and all this takes a sharp detour to Cringeville but when have I ever gaf
A key aspect of Ruri's character is that she revolves around the failure of authorities in her life, starting from young where she is exploited for monetary means because of her jujutsu talent. I kinda made it on purpose that she parallels w satoru in a way where both were deprived of a normal childhood due to their talent? She is then failed again by the higher ups in the incident where she loses an eye due to their mistake and it's important to note that during this time (around ~2006 to ~2007) the star vessel plasma stuff happened and haibara dying due to higher ups so it really just solidifies that theme of children being exploited and burdened for the mistakes cause by the generation before them.
So because of this, there's already a different kind of connection between all of the surviving students of this time (mmm sort of minus suguru cause he went off and uhm,, started his cult and became public enemy #1)
On top of this initial connection of trauma, prior to it ruri and satoru had a more whimsical thing going on where they both have special eyes kind of (hence why I named it GiftedEyes cause they're technically both gifted in their own sense and they got fucked up eyes hahahaha) and during this time period, he's just very cheeky and cocky and she barely tolerates him bc ehhh he's just like that but he's nice in his own fucked up way
For shoko and suguru it's more of a normal friendly close relationship cause ruri's canonically likeable HaHaHa she's just very nice to be around so the 4 are in this close friend group tgt but I won't get tm into their dynamic or whtevr the fuck they have going on
So after the star ves incident and ruri's accident, she disappears for like ATLEAST A DECADE I THINK,,, TO HEAL?? (I'm still working on this but all ik is the higher ups took her away for healing) so none of the three see her again till 2018 (WHAT REALLY FUCKS ME UP IS THAT SHE NEVER GOT TO SEE SUGURU AGAIN,,,,, there's one situation where she actually sort of walks past mimiko and nanako in a public setting and she recognises a bit of his CE [this shit ain't canon, making this up cause it's part of her CT ajjajaj] but she brushes it off)
But anyways the dynamic changed when they meet again as adults in 2018 where instead of barely tolerating his shenanigans, ruri grew to be one of very few people who actually indulge his personality (as masked as it might be bc cmon now) because seeing familiar faces after all they've been through makes her sad 😞😞 it doesn't help she's older AJAJA only by a little but she's biologically inclined (ruri: oct 20 shoko: nov 7 satoru: dec 7 suguru: feb 3)
And while I say indulge, I don't mean she's actively encouraging it LOL she still has that stoic calm personality from adolescence but it's more like she turns the other way whenever he's being goofy (she buys him sweets and souvenirs whenever she comes back from missions)
And its cause like, the idea of someone who's on the top of the chain, the world even, finding comfort in an old friend makes me soooooo sssssssooooooo aAAAUYYEEUUGGHHHHHH it's what he deserves after so long so this is my coping okay and it kills me cause i think he (bear with me here lemme be cringe) would find a lot of comfort in her presence again cause sometimes it's like she's a time capsule from the distant past where he was actually happy and can't help but almost revert to the silly cheeky version 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ he may be suffering from his breakup for the past decade BUT atleast he got his girl SPACEBAR friends to support him (shoko and ruri)
Platonic love also really makes me sob cause like ,,, it's the way you've formed such a connection and affection (non romantically) strung by the mishaps and tragedies you've suffered together,,,ueueue but yea that's it i think i need to honk shoo mimimi they r special to me
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crispy-bonnie · 2 years
Hi hiiii!!! Request time :)
- Okkk so if u could, can I ask for Dallas, Hoxton, Houston, Sokol, Medic, Dozer and Taser?
- OH also idk if you said u could write for him but if u could maybe like... Jimmy too? I've already requested so many, it's perfectly ok if u can't rn /nm
- If you can't do that many it's chill !!
- So like..the prompt is literally that reader wears rlly cute stuff bc yea
- Like, skirts, knee high socks, Mary Jane shoes, pink blushy makeup and soft strawberry pinks :)
- Here are some examples !!
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- So reader just likes presenting rlly fem and cute
- As for personality, I think it'd be cool if reader was also cheerful/optimistic with energy all the time :D
- Reader doesn't actually have to be a female/have she/her pronouns, but I'd rather not have anything that suggests reader is male or anything (genderless is okay tho !!)
Ty for reading this + answering!! Here's a song :)
I LOVE THIS ??? GRAHHH SOFT PASTELS AND CUTE CLOTHING IQHESFUJHWV i've always wanted to present fem like this but then people would thing i'm not a he/they so it's pretty difficult lol also , first time writing with jimmy and houston ! so this is gonne be a bit tough but i can sure as hell do my best !i'm also gonna add the bonus of the reader being small because fuck you /lh no i'm not projecting stfu
i would also like to note that some of these are a bit rushed because oh my god this took WAY too long to complete
You're cute, small, and optimistic - PAYDAY GANG + FBI UNITS
If you don't bring this man happiness, then I don't know who does You're just so small and happy like oh my god why are you such a bean- And the things you dress in are just adorable too like wtf
Dallas will go through hell and back to make sure that nobody hurts his precious bean
If you're actually vicious and tough during heists then he'll actually be terrified
Like- no matter how many heists he's been on with you, it always catches him off guard when you pull out a fucking flamethrower and torch anyone who gets in your way [including civilians if you're that careless] while rocking some Mary Janes and a cute pink skirt
If that's not the case and you're actually a lot more frail, then he'll pretty much be a human shield for you so that you don't die He'll be constantly screaming for a medic bag, but not for himself, but rather for you so that he makes sure that there's medical supplies at the ready if you get hurt
While off-duty, he just loves to spend time with you. Playing games, drawing, pretty much anything
You're always so bubbly and happy, even during his bad days you always manage to find a way to cheer him up and make him smile
Again, you're a little bundle of sunshine for Hoxton, but the difference is that he'll actually tease you about it
He'll often call you sweet nicknames, but the ones he calls you by most are 'Sunshine' and 'Sweetheart'
If you're struggling to do something like reach something on a high shelf or lift a heavy object, he'll end up doing it for you with a cheeky remark "Sweetheart, if you need a ladder then just call for me."
If you're extreme on the field, he'll try his best to lay off on the teasing so that he doesn't get a bullet right between the eyes "Hey Sweetcheeks, run a little faster would ya- okay okay I'm sorry please put the Garand away-"
If that's not the case, then he'll be pretty similar to Dallas. He'll do anything to make sure that you get hurt
If you so much as get a tear on one of your knee-highs or one of your accessories gets damaged, he'll murder the one who broke it and make sure to take it to Aldstone for fixing the second you get back from the heist
But on the more sweet side, he'll do his best to spend time with you. He'll drop anything and everything to join you if you're baking though
Either because your treats are really good or he doesn't trust you to not burn the safe house down
Houston can and will tease you about your height, and sometimes he’ll jokingly question the practicality of your fit during battle
If you’re an aggressive bean, he won’t hesitate to zip his mouth when you threateningly point your Commando-101 directly at him
If not, he’ll just continue with his teasing. In both situations, he’ll eventually tone down on the teasing, especially with your bubbly behavior
The sparkle in your eyes when something catches your attention, your genuine worry when he gets hurt, your enthusiasm to make sure he gets back into the game, gAHH someone please put this man into the freezer because he’s MELTED
Can and will find any excuse to hold you. Whether it be lifting you up to reach something high or carrying you to safety during a heist. Just seeing your small figure adorned in such adorable and bright clothes really makes his day
It’s like a big contrast compared to all the bloodshed and other horrifying things that he’s unfortunately gotten used to. You’re just his little marshmallow
Legit thought he was trippin when he saw you walk in wearing your bright pastel fit. Then again, he’s always trippin
But like- he was so confused. In a good way though? He was shocked to see such a contrast in what would usually a dumb and sober world.
For a minute he thought you were a hallucination from all the coke he’s been snorting, but eventually he finally gets the memo that you are indeed real
Jimmy legit thinks that you’re an angel or something, so that’s what he calls you.
If you’re a more chaotic one during heists, then he’ll refer to you as Guardian Angel and help you slay all the cops
If that’s not the case, he does his damnedest to protect you from harm’s way. If you or even your outfit gets damaged, he immediately goes ham
This applies to the rest of the gang too. If they harm you emotionally or physically then he WILL throw hands
“Why are you dressed up like little baby?” Was the first thing he said to you. He was so confused about your attire, and your behavior confused him more
How the fuck can you stay so cheerful while you’re stealing nuclear weapons??
At some point, he starts to appreciate your optimism, as it helps to get through heists and life in general. Hell, he might even join you in the encouragement
He’s still confused about the clothes though, and he’ll keep asking about it too. If you end up taking his words personally, he’ll fucking PANIC and do anything to make you feel better
The second he saw tears his mind went into ‘oh my god the world is ending’ mode and frantically attempted to make you feel better [which he did]
Though still not understanding the whole fashion thing, he does his best not to ask about it any further
Istg Taser is like a fucking 4 year old so when he seed you wearing those adorable strawberry themed clothes and shoes he just can’t help but bombard you with compliments
If you’re chaotic in battle, this man will get so distracted watching you fight that he’ll end up tasing himself two times before realizing what the hell is going on
Please let this man play dress up with you oml
He’ll put you in all sorts of pastel outfits, a lot of them with lightning bolt themes, and this mf will just swoon when he sees you in it. He’ll die [/pos] if you wear it more often
Treats you like a princess and will literally do anything. He’ll even go the extra mile by calling you ‘Your Majesty’
Cloaker ended up taking a notice to this and started teasing you
Let’s just say that it didn’t end well for the drop-kicking unit
Dozer finds your fashion and demeanor so adorable like omfg
He saw you and went "MUST PROTECT AT ALL COSTS"
If you're a monster on the field, he'll fall for you even more because oh my god SLAY GURL SLAY
You two are so optimistic like- you've got matching energy. He screams at his teammates to not die, you scream at them to not die, it's perfect!
Regardless of your strength in battle, he'll still become a meat shield for you due to your small frame
If ANYONE ruins your fit he will find them and personally beat them down, even if it's a civilian [in which Captain Winters screams at him for it lol]
You were the one who painted the kawaii face on that Dozer mask. No, this is not optional. You were the one who did it.
Dozer will actually encourage you to paint his helmet or add cute little accessories to that and his armor so that you two can slay together!
You are the one thing that keeps this man from going insane and torching down the entire police force
When he's having a hard day, all he has to do is look at you and whoops the pain is gone
Literally a painkiller
Weak or strong, he'll make sure to be behind you for most of the battle. Sure there's other units in need of healing but you're top priority
He'll go Cloaker feral if anyone [especially the Payday gang] hurts you or even does so much as get their filthy hands on your awesome fit
He'll be the one to wash and/or repair your outfits because oh my god your clothes look expensive, but not in a fancy way. More of a "I spent 100 bucks on Shein to get all of this shit"
Medic also likes to make outfits for you himself. He'll either sew or buy them and encourage you to try them on
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arminsumi · 1 year
No i feel you😭😭
Gege can literally suck my left nut cause that is so foul of them to do😭😭
noo b/c ik its to move the story forward and whatnot but i can’t believe that actually happened!!! But ig it’ll make for character development or wtv but they can do that with him
Hope we can get past this🤟🏽😔
i get it, i get it!! 🥹👍 but gosh i'm still so upset over it. it's beena while since a fav char of mine was subject to an awful fate.
the last time i felt this heartbroken was over aot season 3, if u know u know (flaming hot bbq lol)
tbh i have nooo idea what's happening in the story because i am not up to date with the manga at all, i've just seen so many spoilers because of tumblr. so i know major events but not finer details like who else is fighting or what's being said.
ok very spoilerz down here beware!!
tbh if anything is gonna give character development, it's gojo's death. i know if i would be in that world and he died, yo i'd go feral (and die stupidly 👍 let's be real i'd be the background char)
i tell u when i woke up this morning to that panel!! like what the fuck my daddy got halved damn!!
my heart felt some kinda way, literally pain spread through my chest like i got bad news irl 😭
it made me spark a debate with my mom about "why are we able to attach to fictional characters" and she even talked to my grandmother about it lol. idk i think they came to the conclusion that it's because reality is an illusion or something lol but anyways
i think about that often though. it's very fascinating that we can feel so deeply about stories and i'm impressed by authors like gege who can induce such deep emotion in us.
it's rlly nice i've seen snips of his convo with geto and that (fucking destroyed me) that was a very beautiful touch. i think gojo's end is probs final, considering the fact we have this kinda afterlife scene or smth (again idek i just be here gettin spoiled and that's how i know anything)
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alienpupy · 1 year
About your top surgery:
Firstly, though, hoi! I'd like to say that I am happy for you, but I don't really feel happiness. Just nothing. But I am proud of you that you got the top surgery and seem very happy about it.
And going through your posts about it, I realize that I want top surgery, too. But I'm also genuinely afraid of the post-surgery time. And this makes me wonder, were you nervous or anxious before the surgery? (Also, apologies for the rambles and for not feeling the happiness for you)
no worries im happy to talk abt it :] i was anxious in the weeks and days coming up to the surgery, yea, but it was more anxiety abt stuff around the surgery than the procedure itself (like, ik several people who got top surgery at the same clinic and everything n they're super reputable so i wasnt worried about the medical aspect, just the preparations + i had to move appartments 10 days before the surgery + had to pack up AGAIN bc im actually staying with my parents for a month or two bc you absolutely need ppl to assist you with stuff during early recovery)
the closest thing to anxiety abt the actual surgery i had was one time a few weeks before it i was like "wait. what if i don't actually want this what if this is a mistake" and then to test it i put a bra and tshirt on and realized yeah no absolutely not thats just pointless self-doubt and i still hate these
it was rlly surreal tho if im being honest? idk if its even fully hit me that this was real and actually happened. I've wanted top surgery since i was like 13 but obv for most of that it felt like it was really distant in the future, and yet now that im flat it just feels. normal? like im still super early recovery so i havent actually seen my chest w/o the bandages yet but still just looking in the mirror with the bandages flat on my chest it just looks natural to me. its been less than a week and im already forgetting what it was like to have tits lmao (altho to be fair i've been binding for years so its not like they were ever a huge part of my life, just a major inconvenience)
and post-surgery really isnt that bad. i've complained about the weird nerve stuff, yea, but that does clear up eventually (altho ik it usually take years for the nerves to fully 100% heal, they're the slowest thing to regenerate). I've had basically zero pain, but i was still prescribed pain meds to take if i need them and given a lot of advice for healing as best as possible. the most important thing is definitely to have someone (or multiple people) be able to take time off to help you with everything (like, from food to drains to making sure you're comfortable and checking on you, you're not supposed to move your arms a lot or lift anything heavy for the first 6-ish weeks).
Post-op depression can be a thing for a lot of people too, but it hasnt hit me (at least not yet) and it can be avoided/mitigated by making sure you're not alone. having friends over, or calling people, making sure you still have games or movies or art to keep u occupied helps a ton.
also i dont think i've said it here before but i got top surgery at GRC montreal, and gender-affirming surgeries are covered by the government here in canada. I sent my paperwork/referral stuff there in may of last year, and it took them a couple months for each stage of processing but they gave me my surgery date (june 7th) a couple of months before, so (not counting the time to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis + letters from doctors and therapists and junk) i only had to wait about a year.
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Reading your responses like a morning newspaper teehee
Tysm for all of the praise/compliments aaaaaa! >\\\< I'm incapable of explaining things in a short and concise way so I'm really glad that you see so much value in the way I explain things and just generally the points I bring up! Thank you, myo!! Also, you should cut yourself some slack, I may not know you personally but you seem like a chill person. I radblr and the general tumblr website tbh you're quite nuanced, patient and someone who overall tries to sympathise with others compared to many users from what I've seen. And your writing isn't that bad, I understand it at least. Or maybe it's 2 rambly people understanding each other bc we are alike idk :p (clown to clown communication)
Definetely take me up on my offer! I won't judge you for whatever you choose to share nor how, and I'd be very happy to help even just a little bit :]
I like how you explained things BTW! It made me think about once again how I went from finding the tra (is that the term to use here?) label of lesbian/sapphic more inclusive and progressive and poetic and yada yada to now just going "uuuuuuh I'm just into female bodies I dunno mate lol". A majority of my friends are trans or cis but very trans positive (I think I mentioned this in the past??) so I think ever since my views have shifted slightly I avoid talking about my orientation. I don't think they'll dog pile me for using the wrong words or whatever, they're not like that and I'm sure they wouldn't care much, but it does feel alienating to basically have different definitions for something so important(?)
They're also a lot (and I mean A LOT) more into the "lgbt culture" stuff (online inside jokes pretty much I suppose) meanwhile I've distanced myself from that so it adds to another level of discomfort despite us finding a lot of solidarity in each other as a bunch of queer people. Also, I'm someone who LOVES talking about these sorts of things and am a big fan of debating (guilty pleasures 😔) so my little heart is sad to have such restrictions. Womp womp
This also made me think of my younger sister, she's still a kid and doesn't know much about queer things but she has some basics down I suppose. Once my parents and I were joking about match making me with a lesbian non binary (afab) friend and my sister protested that I couldn't possibly be attracted to them because I'm into girls and they're not one. For the first time I didn't know what to tell her. I guess normally I would've explained to her that "lesbians can like enbies bc they're not men" but I also don't believe in gender anymore an things working that way. But I couldn't tell her "I don't think gender exists and that that factors into my attraction rlly" bc then I'd have to explain a perspective very different form what she knows so far and would then have to explain to my parents why my views changed and it's exhausting just to write about LMAO.
All of this more anecdotal and less "proper discussion about social stuff and politics" talk to say labels are indeed silly these days and I'm kind of resenting how my change in views makes me happier about multiple aspects of my life but subsequently isolates me and puts me in difficult positions at times. Makes me a bit worried about my prospects in terms of romantic partners lol, though I'd imagine once you go out actually looking for people, they're a lot more chill and willing to disagree on things but also understand your intentions and let it be that and won't call you a bigot TwT (I hope I'm not coming off as trying to call myself a martyr LMAO)
I guess that segways into the fact that I'm therefore happy to have found your blog where I feel like I can barf out my thoughts and hit send on the inbox and get a valuable response and pleasant conversation from someone on here lol
AAAAAA THIS IS TOO MUCH WORD VOMIT I will now eclipse myself and hope for the best! Bai!!!
thank you for all the nice words :0 my ego has never been fed so well !! I am a bit too harsh on myself but I consider it part of the job of what I do on this blog...using social media in a non-self aggrandizing way is always my goal, and I also find translating the impulse to self-deprecate into small bits of snarky reflection in my writing a much better alternative to saying it out loud in real life and making everyone around me uncomfortable lolol
but enough about me! I really just wanted to highlight a part of your message, the part about how some of your new changes in view makes you happier in some aspects of life but it makes a lot of new problems. that's literally so real. in a way, it's like I've been able to see the world in a clearer, less filtered view once I let go of held biases and focused more on reality, but it really really is tough trying to talk to people who still have those mental filters (for better or for worse).
hence, the existence of this blog for me lmao. it really is just the consequence of my desire to air out my observations that people in talk to in real life simply wouldn't understand, and I feel like I say this a lot, but I am truly so delighted that literally any other person can even get something valuable out of this for themselves! it proves that I guess we're really not alone out here in this kinda fucked up world, which is so relieving to know after coming to revelations how you're essentially the minority of a minority and every new complex thought you have propelling you towards actualization is also quickly shrinking the pool of other people who you can truly trust or those who will actually understand you. it is genuinely very nice to know that there's even at least just one person who can relate to a shared experience! one of the nicest benefits of the internet (among a sea of downsides lmao)
the dating thing also hits home a little too hard lolol, even though I swear I won't get into a relationship until I can actually be a decent partner, it sure is lonely sometimes and i can't help but think about it anyways, and man oh man does the dating pool (in my area) get smaller and smaller as I think about it...
but as you say, most people are understanding and honestly, even when you come at something from a different perspective, I find most people who value progress and kindness and understanding do fundamentally agree to some extent with what I also believe. in a way, because some notions about the world (specifically in feminism too) are just undeniable, and a lot of experiences (especially shared within afab people) just sort of make people subconsciously aware of certain truths. so, hopefully, wishing well-read, feminist, nuanced, and compassionately curious girlfriends for the both of us lolol !!
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seongminiz · 1 month
hii i’m soo sorry for not getting back to u sooner😓😓
those are all great answers hehe🫶🏻🫶🏻 i hope u find all the sonny angels ur looking for at some point!! the marine ones are so cute (the SEAL😵‍💫😩 /pos) im waiting for the day i have the chance to buy a marine series one, i just ordered 2 sweets ones and an animal series 1 today because i saw them come back into stock at my local shop😈😈
i feel like no one (like the shops in my city) sells fruit flavoured milk tea anymore🤕 i’ve been obsessed with brown sugar milk tea lately but the melon is soo good and the colour is so pretty usually, i feel like it makes it taste better 👅 (i hope we’re talking about the same flavour)
omgg yes ragdoll cats r soo majestic and they have rly sweet personalities too!! i think!! they’re pretty calm n cuddly from what i understand🥹🥹 i’ve always wanted to make freebies but i get overwhelmed, what kind of freebies are u gonna make for tbz? u said u use pictures u like do u make them into lomo cards or other items?
side note, what’s ur favourite cravity comeback concept so far? (i think ive asked like song n mv before but im wondering like.. ✨aesthetic✨ although i might’ve asked this before too) and what concept would you like to see them do in the future? if u don’t know like the name of the concept, if u have an idea based on like a concept another group has done?
- 🧁 anon
🧁 ily but i need u to stop apologizing for everything 👹 /lh
aaaaa im so jealous omg i fr cant find any sonny angels in my country they just straight up dont sell them here 😭 maybe when i go to London for tbz i'll buy some ! (even tho with the exchange rate n everything i'll spend wayyy too much 😭)
omg no wayyy here they usually sell more fruit bubble tea than 'normal' milk tea ! like i think theres only one shop in my city that does that but tbh im not a big fan of milk tea bc im lactose intolerant n dont like how vegetal milk (soy , almond n coconut milk r the ones i tried) tastes n sometimes the texture is weird too 💔 n i dont rlly like tapioca pearls either bc of the texture lol (autism n sensory issues r hell bc like omg i want to try so many things but sometimes its not even a picky eater thing its just that the 'wrong' texture will make me genuinely nauseous)
shgsfjbf yea making freebies is stressful 😭 i made them for onlyoneof n so many ppl liked them i want to do it for every concert i go to now 😭 yea its basically lomo cards but instead of just taking a pic n printing it i add like doodles n stuff on it ! if u want i can maybe show some pics of the ones i made for onlyoneof n maybe the ones im planning for tbz too (even at the risk of 'outing' my identity lmao) n im also making stickers !! (for onlyoneof i also made a few freebies that were literally just yoojungs face edited on a painting of the virgin mary n they were actually the ones ppl liked the most lmao but i wont do that for tbz bc while ik in my country younger ppl dont care that much abt religion n will just find it funny , idk how ppl in the uk would react to smth like that 😭)
my favs r gas pedal n megaphone (yea i like futuristic sci-fi space stuff idk) n i'd like to see them do it again but maybe more fleshed out n with a higher quality/budget since gas pedal was relatively early on in their career n megaphone was a bside . same for vvv , i rlly like the royal concept n would kill to see them do it again but only if starship puts more effort into it lol or maybe kinda similar to a royal concept but something more fantasy even tho i think its unlikely they'd ever do it 💔 n whatever they do i need starship to bring back league of the universe godddd pls (they kinda did bring it back with evershine but i need more)
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sadability · 3 months
hello!! i was scrolling thru the obey me tag & I saw that ur avail w matchups rn so i'd like to have an obey me match up! ^^
i checked ur profile & i dont think u specified on what info we should write of ourselves so pls don't mind if my format is gonna b rly messy ;_; (lmk tho if u did put some specific template or format on what we should write in ur match ups!)
I'm from asia, height is 164 cm/5'4 ft, im still a student but i do side hustles sometimes, for my age i prefer if u don't rlly count it in the match up since yk the characters in om are like all ancient lmfao so age will definitely already have a big gap but just in case u need it im turning 18 this dec:)
so anw my mbti is IDK im honestly confused but I think mbti/cognitive functions are interesting. im a sagittarius ♐. i like to think that im an ambivert, but at first i may definitely come off as shy reserved to others, but friendly to to others tbh it depends if I find them approachable/scary or not. my hobbies are reading, writing, sing & dance (but I suck at it lmfao). lately I'm also into podcasts,also recently I like to take night walks in my neighborhood:)
personality wise. . . i like to think myself as an open minded person:]. a friend of mine refers to me as a golden retriever and in my circle of friends im known to be the joker goofy one, but some also refer to me as a 'listener' or 'therapist. w my friends im sarcastic and dramatic ironically lmfao. anyways,, out of my main friend group and just to other people/casual friends, acquaintances or schoolmates, they refer to me as nice, friendly, chill. OHH and I think im expressive bc people say my face tends to express a lot of emotion even tho I don't rly intend to :’). my flawss? I've been said that I tend to yap sometimes lmfao. i also think I can be absent minded especially when I'm under pressure :’) I don't take pressure well huhu. so that means I'm not rly adaptable either. also i can be indecisive. also another info im a homebody but like it's not rly obvious at first bc sometimes I force myself to go out bc a lot of my friends in my friend group r outgoing & I don't wanna make them disappointed or smth (sometimes I make up an excuse tho so I don't go out lmfao). oh and I'm a night owl and prolly have undiagnosed insomnia /lh
anw I think I explained a lot (tbh too much actually) of my personality ngl so I'm gonna try my best to make my lists of interests short: I'm interested in biology, zoology, and history. I hate physics w all my heart. I like coffee, but tea is ok too. I like video game lore but I'm usually too lazy to play the game itself and I usually play fast paced games and valorant. current fave book is: romancing mr bridgerton from the bridgerton series. current fave show is: romance killer. my music taste is all over the place so I don't rly have a fave music genre.
anw that's all, have a good day!! thank u so much for reading & I'm sorry if it's too long. it's ok if u don't wanna answer this match up yet, take ur time!! once again thank u v much u don't need to answer this!
Anyway!! I match you with...Satan!! :D
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I think you two would be absolutely adorable together!! Satan would be very protective of you and always try to make sure you're comfortable, especially when meeting the demons for the first time. He would listen to your rambles and shut anyone that tries to speak over you up. Would let you roam his library and pick out any books you want, occasionally reading you to sleep :D Will hand you giant ass history books, biology books and zoology books. Will teach you about demon world animals too! He'd also love staying home with you and cuddling, just relaxing with each other ESPECIALLY when his brothers are out for the day
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thedissociatives · 9 months
tagged by @fedorovista ty !!
1. are you named after anyone?
um. not rlly ? did have a friend who thought i named myself after qhughes which was insanely funny because i in fact Did Not it is all just a crazy coincidence that he's one of my fav players
2. when was the last time you cried?
was gonna say idk but that's a lie. last week an episode of house got to me a bit too much (wilson's heart :/)
3. do you have kids?
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
like everyone else round here i did play a bit of football as a kid. was always the goalie which is Interesting. other than that i never rlly played much sport
5. do you use sarcasm?
i try and it doesn't work. i think i'm the only non-sarcastic british person
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
how they talk (not necessarily accents. mainly dialect stuff)
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies because outside of bridget jones' diary i can't remember the last time i watched a film with even a remotely happy ending
9. any talents?
apparently i'm a good writer. which i don't rlly get since i haven't put any major efforts into improving for a bit so i think it's just ok
10. where were you born?
isle of man ! however since moving to england over 10 yrs ago my accent has like. completely gone (also why i just say i'm british because it's just easier)
11. what are your hobbies?
writing (even tho i haven't had the time and energy to do any for a few months outside of classwork), watching tv/film if that counts, and i'm getting back into playing bass again after too long of a break
12. do you have any pets?
ya i have a dog called sparky. he's a border terrier/jack russell mix. because of that he is still completely fucking insane even tho he's 10 and shows no sign of slowing down any time soon (pretty fitting name i guess lol)
13. how tall are you?
like. 5'3.5" ??? idk it changes almost every time i go to the doctors
14. favorite subject in school?
history. 100%. although i did always rlly like music too
15. dream job
idk exactly but i want to work in the media in some capacity. as long as i don't have to be in front of a camera i'd do just about anything
i. don't actually have anyone to tag this time so gonna open this up to anyone who wants to do it :)
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lamonnaie · 11 months
hi!! gmmtv anon again :)
it feels like they’re trying to catch up with all of their delayed stuff, which is good for them and for us ig. they’re already filming two of the announced shows, and phuwin said they are gonna start filming we are pretty soon - they have three q’s for wednesday club left and filming for we are should start soonish after he’s done with that. also, the interest has already been filmed i think. same goes for my precious which is apparently just a longer version of the movie from what i’ve gathered.
and i just saw that they dropped the wednesday club trailer which is supposed to start airing at the beginning of november (sidenote: i love how they air two eps a week for a lot of their het shows lmao). 23.5 is definitely gonna air in 2024 but we already knew that. cooking crush and last twilight might take over the slote of dangerous romance and only friends. so that would be another two unaired gmm23 shows out of the way.
pls fk also had me fooled. mostly bc they said they were gonna go on stage together and i mean they didn’t lie but damn was i disappointed when it was only for school rangers and the LOL announcement lol.
pond definitely said he was gonna focus on school next year, but idk about joong. i would love for him to do at least another show, preferably with dunk 🤡, since i don’t think he’ll play a huge part in ploy’s yearbook and his arc looks to be a adoptive siblings falling in love with each other story which i’m personally not a fan of.
i’m also very bad at predicitions but i think it’s mostly because i’m heavily biased when it comes to my faves 😭.
oh reddit is on another level fr. i saw the jossgawin rumor and was like oh that would be fun but never in a million years would i have expected them to actually pair them upx and don’t even get me started on the greatinn thing bc i read that post and was like 👁️👄👁️ when i was done
helloo :)
okay when u put it like that, it seems that they're not going too bad for scheduling so far (i'm so glad). wednesday club !!! absolute missed opportunity to not be airing it on wednesdays smh
also i find it so funny that taynew offgun got 2 new shows when their 2023 ones haven't even aired yet 😂😭 gmm rlly said 💲capitalism💲, they know there's a guaranteed audience there so they went for it lmao
WAIT WHAT i did not know it was a stepsiblings story 😭😭 i've seen plenty of that in taiwan, was not expecting gmm to go there hajskdjf. i definitely want more joongdunk, but i also wanna see joong in another het role because he was great in the warp effect (also i just like seeing people outside of their established cps :)) also joylada gang show when?? i wanna see the 4 of them act together so bad 😩😩 it could be the worst show ever and i'd STILL tune in
also its interesting that there were so many rookies cast in shows this time around, i don't think it's usually this many?
that's so real about ur favs tho, if u ask me to make predictions about any het series i will NOT have a clue lmao
honestly half convinced someone on reddit works at gmm at this point, i'm gonna lurk on there for a bit before the next part of announcements and i bet there'll be a guaranteed bingo on my bingo card 😆
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