#ah power bottom wanda how i love you
inkblot-inc · 1 year
reader calling jeweler!wanda ma'am everytime they can, it started as a joke like she asks you to grab her purse you say "yes ma'am" but definitely turns into something sexual the moment you use it on the bed when she gives you an order
After R starts using "yes ma'am" in a sexual context, Wanda loves them calling her ma'am when they're alone together, but she definitely gets a bit frazzled hearing them say it casually.
and it's so casual, isn't it?
R can be a tease and just drop that bomb anywhere and no one will bat an eyelash, but Wanda over here is struggling big time 🤭
R has to finish what they've started at some point tho, don't even trip 😏
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frogonamelon · 11 months
Lorna/ Polaris in Avengers: Age of Ultron
Hello! This is part costume redesign and part character inclusion notes for the 3 Maximoff siblings: Wanda/ The Scarlet Witch, Pietro/ Quicksilver, and Lorna/ Polaris.
Wanda Maxmoff:
She’s the oldest (though not by much, she’s still a twin after all) and has the ability to read minds and give people hallucinations. 
Given that I added Lorna, I made the supreme decision to severely tone down Wanda’s powers for the sake of better balancing with her siblings. She does not have telekinesis or energy... beams (I don't know what the energy that comes out of her hands is called), just the mental ones. Maybe she studies magic later but that doesn’t really matter for AoU.
Given her power set, she isn’t going to be in the line of fire as often. As such, her costume can afford to be slightly less practical.
She wears a form fitting suit with a mainly dark red top and sleeves with mostly black bottoms and boots. She wears a red metal headpiece that keeps her now much more wild hair back. Her shoulders are exposed when not wearing the cloak.
While she does have a brightly colored and distinct red and black suit like her siblings, she wears a cloak that allows her to better blend in with her surroundings so that she can more easily sneak up on enemies. Eventually this will be red but she wears mostly monochromatic ones with Hydra and Ultron for the sake of stealth.
She is designed in combat to sneak around to incapacitate opponents or gather information depending on the mission. She can also communicate with others in the field and mentally link up her siblings (think Ms Martian in Young Justice).
*These faces are nowhere near consistent or accurate but her face reference is Elizabeth Olsen, who plays the character in the MCU*
Pietro Maximoff:
He is the middle child of this trio and twin to Wanda. He has super speed however it is nowhere near the level of his face reference Evan Peters from the X-Men series.
Pietro’s costume has to be aerodynamic above all else. Hydra is absolutely going to limit his drag as much as possible for running. It will also be much more padded to protect him.
He will wear the same secure semi metal harnesses that they all do (so his younger sister can pull him around in the field) and with a full body pale blue and black suit. His suit is entirely designed for grip and traction. 
The top of his harness (below his collar bones) has handles and his gloves and sides have, not only the padding you would expect, but grip for when he is carrying around his sisters.
His now white hair is going to be as short as possible with the occasional cowlicks and flyaways held back by a small metal headpiece (the smallest of the trio) with a visor keeping the wind out of his eyes.
In combat, he is mostly running around to disarm, disorient, or distract enemies as well as moving his sisters where they need to be or getting them out of the line of fire if need be.
Lorna Maximoff:
The youngest of the family by two years, Lorna has the ability to control metal. It is likely that, given the chance, this will one day evolve to allow her to manipulate magnetism but she has not quite gotten there yet.
Ah yes, the one that inspired me to do all of this. I love the idea of Lorna being in Age of Ultron specifically given how useful her powers would be on either team. Between all of the Avengers incorporating metal in some capacity in their suit and weapons and… ya know…. Ultron, she would be particularly useful.
She would also help with the twin’s power balancing. Pietro is fast but his powers are nowhere near the same level as Wandas, even in this movie. Restricting Wanda’s powers to the mental ones and letting Lorna be the telekinesis-adjacent Maximoff just balances them out better in my mind. 
This is just a thought but if we weren’t able to have actual Magneto in the MCU for whatever reason, I could see Lorna with the MCU Maximoff twin’s backstory being a stand in.
Her suit design needs to be utilizable. Hydra would’ve made her into a living weapon. 
She would have shards and cables of some sort of metal on her shoulders, stomach, etc that she can manipulate and use as projectiles. Her helmet (resembling her canon self and Magnetos) keeps her brown hair out of her face.
Her costume is obviously going to be bright green, silver, and black but, while her hair is usually green, I’m not going to be doing that here. Her short wavy hair will instead drift in the magnetic field around her (hence the headband).
She is used in the most combat heavy way. While her older sister is taking out opponents from behind and her brother is clearing the way, she takes out swarms of opponents like a machine gun. She turns enemies' guns against them as well as the terrain from barbed wire to metal pipes.
She is also able to carry her siblings to safety with their harnesses.
*Her face reference is Emma Dumont who played the character in ‘The Gifted’ series*
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wndaswife · 1 year
GOD DAMN RAE I actually got SAD when she started killing r that was amazing. and the end when it talked about how she finally admired your beauty or whatever GAHSLGKG rae. i loved that. when i typed that ask i didn’t think angst was possible. u proved me wrong.
i have read don’t fear the reaper!! it wasn’t inspiration for the ask though. i love that series but i also am a bottom so i prefer reading where wanda tops or is dominant instead of her being a power bottom and stuff. (but i still read stuff where she is a bottom bc i am a whore) i still love thay’s series tho and i read it constantly!! overall, i loved it rae that was awesome thank u so much
!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy you liked it! i have not written anything like that before i don’t think, even my halloween fic wanda was super obsessed with reader
im glad you liked it <3333 i may use it as motivation in my series ah i wasn’t quite sure how well i could write darker stuff :>
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wandaownsthisass · 3 years
Late Night Appetite -- Wanda Maximoff x Reader
a/n: So this is porn w/out plot. Established relationship & Wanda is coming home horny and missing reader. Just straight up smut honestly - and I'm not sorry about it!!!
-- Had this on my mind for like a week so I hope it turned out ok, let me know if I missed any warnings. Suit I had in mind is pictured below bc I can’t get enough of it.
Words: 1999
Warnings/notes: NSFW. 18+ Only. Swearing, use of powers, strap-on sex, choking, lil praise kink, switch reader.
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“Baby? Where are you?” Your girlfriends voice rang out through your shared apartment, the sound of the front door closing behind her.
You’re standing at your dresser, searching for pajamas to wear as you just finished a shower. You had the luxury of the apartment to yourself for the evening, as Wanda was at a local event with the rest of the team. 
It wasn’t long before a pair of arms wrap around your waist, “Mm I missed you. You smell good” 
“I missed you too, and you smell like alcohol” You laugh, taking her hands off your waist and turning around to face her.
You hadn’t seen Wanda all day, so when you noticed what she had chosen to wear, you had to force your eyes from dropping to her cleavage. Wanda was smirking though, knowing all too well this suit was your weakness.
“I may have had a few drinks, I had to do something to keep myself awake. I don’t think they helped with keeping you off my mind though...” 
Wanda’s hands lower to your ass, squeezing gently before you laugh once again, pushing her off you slightly. 
“Someone is horny tonight, why don’t you shower, and I’ll make you something to eat?” You suggest, in which your girlfriend pouts for a moment before agreeing.
“Fine. Better be good though” She kisses you briefly before making her way to your shared bathroom.
Changing quickly into a pair of shorts and one of Wanda’s t-shirts, you make your way to the kitchen and start making some food. You have faint music playing in the background, which Wanda uses to her advantage sneaking up on you. 
A pair of hands firmly grasp your waist, startling you. “Ah! Wans, you can’t do that”
A warm giggle warms your heart before she speaks up, “Sorry I couldn’t help myself”
It isn’t long before a pair of lips attach themselves to your neck, sucking harshly causing you to moan, and you feel Wanda smile against your skin before running her tongue over it. 
“I see you’re still horny” You say, pushing against Wanda to tease her, but it seemed that Wanda had other plans.  As you push back against her, you freeze almost immediately as a hard object pushes back against you.
“Something wrong malyshka?” Wanda purrs into your ear, pinning you fully against the counter now, trapping you.
You clear your throat subtly, the thin fabric of your shorts allowing you to feel every inch of the toy. 
“I take it you’re not in the mood to eat anymore?”
“I wouldn’t say that…just have an appetite for something else is all”
With that Wanda doesn’t waste another second before spinning you around to face her, her right-hand cupping your face gently, running her thumb over your lips. Her eyes are dark, full of lust as she enraptures your lips. You groan, before pulling back taking her bottom lip in between your teeth.
Her other hand is pulling at your shirt, and you take the opportunity of her wandering hands to catch her off guard. Palming roughly at the toy, it’s your girlfriends’ turn to moan, involuntarily bucking her hips into you, “Fuck”
“Do you like that baby?” You tease against her lips, grabbing the toy roughly again.
She kisses you hard, wasting no time to slip her tongue into your mouth. You slip your hands into her sweatpants, pulling hard against the harness wrapped around her hips, pulling her into you once again. 
Wanda breaks away for air, staring at you intensely, the moonlight being the only thing lighting up the kitchen at this point. The glistening of her skin mixed with the lighting warms your heart, your eyes dropping down to her lips and she smiles back as your thoughts enter her mind.
“I love you” She whispers.
“I love you too”, your eyes flick up to hers again, “Now please take me to the bedroom”
“As you wish”
You yelp as Wanda effortlessly picks you up, with the assistance of her powers, and carries you towards your shared bedroom. Your back hits the comforter lightly as she lays you down. Grasping onto Wanda’s shirt tightly, you yank her towards your body, kissing her messily as your desires start to overwhelm you. 
Wanda picks up immediately, your shorts discarded within seconds and you groan as she pulls away from your lips, running her hands slowly against your stomach before coming to rest at the edges of your thighs. Her thumbs rubbing circles on the insides of your thighs for a moment, before spreading your legs apart roughly. 
She growls, “You’re so wet for me already”
You whine, pushing your hips up slightly, hoping she’ll take the hint.
“Patience baby girl, let me appreciate you”
“I need you Wanda”
She cocks her head, her fingers suddenly running through your folds, “And what happened to me being the horny one? Hmm?”
You can’t answer, the feeling of her fingers against you being too much to handle. Luckily, she doesn’t tease for much longer before two fingers enter you roughly.
“Shit” You gasp, your head slamming back into the mattress. Your hips rock immediately, following the rough movements of your girlfriend, her fingers exiting completely before slamming back into you.
The familiar tightness rises quickly in your belly, and you’d normally be embarrassed at how turned on you were but the sight of your fully dressed girlfriend fucking you was the only thing on your mind.
“Come for me” She commands, curling her fingers, hitting the spot perfectly as you come undone. 
Your eyes peel open at the right moment, watching her glistening fingers enter her mouth, eliciting a deep moan from the redhead.
She doesn’t give you a second to recover before climbing on top of you, discarding your shirt somewhere on the floor, and reaching down towards her own pants. She slides them down enough for her to pull the toy out, and you make eye contact briefly before a loud moan falls out of you, the dildo driving into you roughly. Pausing for only a second, letting you adjust, she layers your chest with kisses, murmuring hushed words in foreign tongue against your skin. Your hands curled into the blankets below you for something to hold onto, preparing yourself for what was to come.
“I’m going to make you feel so good” She says quietly, before her hips pull back and thrust into you, hard. A grunt forces itself out of your body from her sudden movement, your back arching against her immediately. 
Wanda didn’t pause again, instead continuing her movements again, and again, each time entering you with more force, your hips falling into rhythm with hers. One of her hands snaked its way to your throat as she repositioned so she wasn’t lying on top of you, instead allowing herself to see all of you as she fucked you into the mattress. “You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat”
Your eyes were shut as you moaned again, “Wanda, god you-“ 
Her grasp tightened as she kept up her relentless movements, you could hear how wet you were, the dildo slipping in and out with ease.
“I what baby? You’re such a good girl for me, you have no idea how hot you are right now”
You could feel yourself getting close, your pussy tightening with each thrust of Wanda’s hips into you. You were loud, Wanda’s name and moans pouring from your lips, you thought you couldn’t handle anymore of her before her grasp released from your neck, one traveling down to your nipples, palming roughly. You gasped at the sensation, your eyes opening to see Wanda’s lustful eyes replaced with a deep red, her other hand was raised for a moment as red wisps flowed from her fingertips towards your pussy. You felt a tingling sensation on your clit, as you watched her fingers dance, “Fuck, I’m-I’m so close”
It didn’t take much more; a few more deep thrusts, the overstimulation of your clit, and her lips now attached to your breasts, you came completely undone. You moaned Wanda’s name a final time, louder than before, and came hard, clenching around the toy as she continued her movements. She kept up the pace for a moment, as her head fell into the crook of your neck, her own hips beginning to lose their rhythm. You knew her body too well, aware she was about to come, you lowered your hand to her hips, your palm coming down roughly across her cheek. You did it twice more, making sure this time the contact was a little harder, leaving bright red marks in reminder. 
She moaned your name, praising you as her hips faltered and pushed up into you as she came. You ran your hand through her hair, pushing it away from her glistening skin, kissing her neck as she rode out her orgasm.  
You both lied there for a moment, before Wanda raised her head, staring down at you. Your hand was rubbing her back under her shirt, scratching lightly against her skin. 
“How are you doing up there?” You say, your voice hoarse.
Wanda smiles, kissing you gently. “That was hot” She answers, giggling against your lips.
“Oh, we’re not done baby”
Her brows furrow before she lets out a yelp, you flip Wanda on her back straddling her hips effortlessly. You crawl downwards, pulling her sweatpants off fully of this time, “Y’N what are you-OH” 
You don’t give her a second before wrapping your lips around the toy strapped to her hips, humming as you taste yourself. Drawing out the movements, Wanda watches you intensely, propped up on her elbows, her hand coming down to aid you, grasping your hair tightly. 
“You look so pretty like this” She praises, and you release the toy with a pop before licking from the base to the tip, eyeing her as you do so. 
You’re aware she can’t feel any of it, but you feel proud as you watch Wanda’s head fall back and groan. You’re rubbing her thighs softly, and pull away from the toy, reaching to undo the harness. She helps you do so, and it isn’t long before the dildo is thrown onto the ground, replacing the toy with her pussy, your lips enclose around her clit, sucking harshly against her. 
“Y/N, fuck”
You don’t let up, licking broad strokes up and down her pussy, tasting her on your tongue you moan against her, which causes her hips to buck up into you. You moan again as your hair is grasped roughly, pulling at the nape of your neck as you continue your attack. You continue your relentless movements for a little more, before Wanda’s body tightens and you clean her up as she comes undone on your tongue.
Wanda pulls you back up to her, and you kiss her again, her tongue slipping into your mouth, tasting herself on your lips.
“I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk after that” You say, falling against her body. 
“Good. You need to remember who you belong to”
“As if I would want to belong to anyone else, only you can make me come that fast baby”
You’re kissed again, sighing into her lips this time. Her hand reaches down, stroking your face with her thumb. 
“Now about that food?”
You roll your eyes, slapping her lightly across her face she catches your wrist immediately; her soft eyes turning dark as her grip tightened, “Careful printsessa, keep this up and you won’t be coming as easily next time”
Quirking your brow, you stare back, “Whatever you say Wanda”
You knew you made a mistake, but in moments like this you couldn’t help but push her buttons. And you did just that. 
A flash of red released from her fingertips as your hands flew back, pinning you down against the mattress. 
“You have no idea what you’re in for kotenok”
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All You Had To Do Was Stay
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 5
"They paid the price"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,539
Warnings: angst, Hydra, some blood, Loki being an asshole
A/N: what can you expect from track 5 other than angst?
A/N: a big thank you to @chrissquares for the amazing dividers! and @nacho-bucky for beta reading and putting up with me!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
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"Soon we'll be landing in another Hydra base." Steve gathered everyone then.
"Okay, Thor you will go with Natasha; Clint you're with Loki; Bucky you will be with Y/N." he hasn't talked to you since that midnight talk. You couldn't blame him, not completely.
The team separated inside the base, eyes searching for the unusual weapons. Lately the activities of Hydra have risen more and more. Their kills were certainly not of normal weapons, the wounds weren't all fatal but the innocents were killed nonetheless.
"We're on the east wing, Steve. According to the tech Bruce gave us, there's some activity where we are heading."
You and Bucky kept your guns up and at three you burst into the room. But it was empty to your surprise. Cautiously, you stepped inside and examined what you saw in there. Grenades and various arsenals were placed inside boxes, and some were outside on tables taken apart with tools besides them.
"Don't touch them, last time I did it exploded in my face."
"I'm not as stupid as you are, Y/N." maybe you could shoot him just to annoy him, you thought.
"Ah, so you found some of our weapons," the voice startled you. "Nice to see you again, Soldat."
Turning around with your weapons, you attempted to shoot the guys that walked in. The scientist in the middle was unarmed, or so you thought. The agents spread out, and at some point they overpowered you because the next thing you knew, your gun was nowhere to be seen, and your arms were pinned behind your back as the guy in front of you got closer.
You couldn't let him do that, now could you? You locked eyes with him until he got hazy and fell to the ground shaking. Knocking your head against the guy that was holding you back, giving you just enough view of him to send him off to the darkest place in his head, all the while you didn't notice the scientist watching you. When he fell to the floor, the scientist sent all the other guys over from Bucky to you, caging you in, you felt yourself being dragged out of the room, yelling for Bucky who was there with only a few agents and the scientists.
Bucky hurried for you but now he could see the strange weapon in the scientist's hand. It looked like a sword, with a gem at the bottom. He fought the scientist and anyone around him but then he felt a cutting wound where the blade pierced through his stomach.
"Sorry this had to end this way, Soldat." The scientist laughed and Bucky fell to the floor with a shriek.
You finally managed to break free from the guys holding you down. Fighting them off one by one, until you managed to get them all to fall down in pain, then you went on to Bucky.
You saw him on the ground bleeding, not even caring about the guys in the room as you fell next to him.
"We need backup, Bucky is down!" you yelled to the comms. You tried to stop the bleeding- it was faster than it should be for a supersoldier.
"This doesn't feel right Y/N, run."
"No." A guy went for you, and you noticed he was averting his gaze from you, but you didn't let it affect you, you surged forward from Bucky and tackled him down and sent him to sleep.
Then you went for the scientist which still held the weapon, now closed back in its place, as he looked at you amused.
"What did you do to him?" you yelled more than asked. Soon enough you heard footsteps and to your relief Bucky was now with Thor and Steve.
Loki looked at the soldier on the ground and then at the weapon he recognized. Worried, he yelled at you.
"Y/N stay in this room, do not leave!" he went forward with his daggers, cut through the agents until he got to the doctor who was trying to run. Catching him and knocking him out, he took away the old weapon. Then he left him there, not caring about him anymore.
Holding the delicate weapon, he went back to the fallen soldier who was still bleeding out.
The god crouched down next to him and a worried Steve and he pulled out the gem at the hilt of the sword, putting it over Bucky's wound. The soldier sighed in relief at the contact, and Loki muttered a quick incantation which helped the soldier heal.
The blonde looked frightened at his friend, who only nodded to Loki in thanks.
The scientist was long gone.
He started noticing the subtle change at lunch that day.
Thor had dragged him back to eat with all the others when he insisted on going back to his books. The others weren't as bothered with him today when he sat next to you, each minding their own business. Occasional loud conversations started which he stayed out of until he caught onto one conversation.
"I remember the first time I held a bow and arrow." Clint said before being shot off.
"Nah not interesting Katniss, I think my origin story is way better, I was in a cave!"
The table caught onto the conversation and the roars began.
"I got bitten by a spider!" Peter looked over at Tony. "That's pretty cool, right Mr. Stark?"
"Yeah kid, that is badass." Tony ruffled the kid's head.
"I'm a Russian spy, that's more badass!" Natasha quipped.
"The kid can lift an elephant and stop a vibranium arm!" Bucky chuckled.
"I was holding back, I wasn't going to punch a kid!"
"Sure you were." Peter blushed under the Sergeant's look. Tony just brought him in a side hug.
"Does a sad unwilling origin story count?" Bruce asked, cleaning his glasses.
"Do you really want to start this, Doc? I was drafted." Bucky snickered.
"In that area, Y/N has a good shot actually." You huffed at that.
"Understatement, I don't even know where these powers came from. My origin story is the only one that can make it to Buzzfeed Unsolved!"
"Add to that what happened at the start- now that was brutal."
You took a sip out of your glass and clanked it with Bucky and Bruce.
"Y/N, what are they talking about?" Loki leaned to whisper to you.
"Oh nothing, don't worry about it." She shrugged him off
"What about my brother? Why don't you join the conversation-" Thor put a hand on the younger brother's shoulder. The brother only scowled.
"Oh please, being a prince with magic, then wanting to take over New York and failing? I'd hardly call it a good competition to what we have here." You snorted. Silence spread over the room, you put your drink down and looked around confused. Some were looking at you, Natasha bit down on her tongue, the others were looking down uncomfortably. Wanda spoke up before you could question your team.
"Hey, mine is out of spite!" Wanda chimed in, her perky voice released the tension in the room. "I obviously win."
Loki remembered those days when he stayed even in the mornings and you would come back from work and tell him all about your day. You'd lay there on your couch or on a stool in the kitchen and you'll tell him all about your day until he eventually felt comfortable telling you all about his, letting you into his life.
Loki walked out of the elevator to your floor, annoyed that he couldn't just teleport himself to the door of your apartment.
He heard your voice telling him to come in after he knocked, turning the knob of the door, he walked in and saw you organizing the living room table with plates and drinks.
"What do we have here?" he nodded to the boxes lying on the bigger table. You chuckled as he closed the door and locked it.
"Well hello to you too, Loki." You looked around, biting your lip. "What do you mean?"
"Those boxes, what did you do?" he eyes them suspiciously as he sat down on the sofa.
"I got us Pizza?"
"A what?" he looked at you like a confused puppy and you hated how adorable he looked.
"You're joking, right?" you put one box on the table. "I know you're British or whatever, but are you seriously telling me that where you are from- they don't have Pizza? What kind of uncultured place do you come from?"
"Maybe I'll tell you another time." He grinned lowly, if only you knew.
He perked up as you opened the box and a welcoming smell filled the air.
"Loki, meet Pizza." You grinned at him and expectedly brought him one on a plate. "Come on, you're going to love it."
He certainly loved meeting you more and more, ever since you met he made sure to keep in touch- he even bought one of those cell phones. He didn't know what it was about you.
He learned that you always tell him the truth, and you certainly did with this food as well when he took a bite. It was different than anything he knew back from Asgard. Good type of different, if he was honest with himself then so were you.
He smiled at the proud grin you held for him when he voiced his approval.
You started to tell him about your day after that.
"Oh, also I just saw a picture of a baby bat, it was so cute." You shook your head fondly.
"I'm sorry, please continue what you were saying." He said after the silence that took over the room.
"Oh no, that was it." You laughed nervously at him, looking down at your drink.
"Why did you tell me that then?"
"Just because? Sometimes you can just talk about nothing at all with someone if you enjoy talking to them."
"So," he put a hand on the back of the sofa right next to you, turning his gaze onto you. "You're just talking to me, and telling me stuff with no meaning behind it?"
"Yeah, is that bad?" you couldn't look at him and he just looked at the floor in thought. Humans were certainly peculiar.
"No, it is not bad." You didn't question hid odd questions, but took comfort in his answer. The conversation returned to normal, and with time you started seeing him try to do the same. It was cute.
"We have enough power now, Sir. But we can get more." The head scientist and the other agents had escaped from the base with most of the important weapons.
"What are you suggesting?" the man sat on a chair, a delicate long staff rested on a pedestal in front of him.
"We can keep the asset to ourselves." The man on the chair raised an eyebrow at him. "Commander Iago please, let me explain!"
"Doctor Zazu, we cannot betray the one who provided us with such powerful weapons! We will be doomed."
"I saw the Soldat today. I remember working on him when I first joined here. He was marvelous, so obedient," the doctor drifted off for a bit. "But now, we can get a new Soldat, we can keep the asset for ourselves and make an ever better Soldat!"
"But what will we do with our provider? It will be breaking our agreement." Commander Iago raked his hand through his red hair.
"All these weapons are stolen! If we have the asset- we will be unstoppable!"
The commander thought about the prospect of having another winter soldier.
"Gwen," he called to a girl who quickly walked into the room, rushing. "Wake up the sleeper agent."
You curled the white sheets tighter around you when Loki got out of the bed. Prompting up on your elbow, you asked him
"Do you have to go? We can just sleep in for a few hours, or maybe like half the day?" you trying to tame your messy hair a bit.
"The sword must be put back in its place. I will be back shortly."
"Okay, if you say so." You put your head back on the pillow and Loki gently kissed your forehead, earning a content hum from you, and left the room.
He reentered your room that night, not surprised to find you asleep but rather glad, it gave him time. His mind travelled to earlier in the day, and his first day here.
You did tell him about your powers, after he experienced it first-hand. But it didn't make sense to him, he felt the power oozing from you yet none seem to have figured out the source he even doubted they could sense the power in you. He certainly would've glossed over it if he hadn't still remembered past you.
You laid there sleeping in peace when his mind was racing, and he couldn't hold himself back. He reached out for your powers, hoping that they will separate from you and not wake you up. Leaning back on the wall, he closed his eyes and sent himself into your head, connecting to your powers.
It was familiar, he sensed it overwhelming him the longer he tried to dive in. just when he thought he had it, just when the familiarity grew and he knew he was close to the very core of this power inside of you- it was as if he hit a blockade and was pushed out by an aggressive force. The next second you woke up with a gasp, your blurry vision faded out when you came back to reality and noticed Loki.
"Loki?" your heavy breaths filled the room until he answered.
"I'm here, are you okay?" he went towards the bed.
"Yes, just had a nightmare." You shook your head at the memories of the dark place.
"Why don't you go back to sleep, I'll join you in a bit." You were out soon enough, tiredness taking over you.
He hesitantly walked over to you, hand raised to rest on your forehead, but he pulled back with a hiss when he was being held back from touching you.
Reluctantly he walked over the other side of the bed, laying there on his back and staying away from you. Before he could fall asleep, you pulled him to you, wrapping your arms around him you laid your head on his chest.
"Hey, little guy." Sam snickered beside you. You hardly saw Steve these days, but you knew Sam just came back from an early run with him.
"I'm older than you!" Scott grunted when you found him in the kitchen.
"She called you tiny, tic-tac, not young."
"As far as I remember, my little ass beat your ass when we met." Your shocked look made Sam grumble and Scott laugh.
"You never told me that! Oh Scott tell me everything!" sitting next to him, he began to tell you the story.
"So, I have manners so I introduced myself obviously-" you nodded along.
"Okay, listen- you can tell her but no telling Cap, I'll never hear the end of it." Sam pointed a spoon at the man who only shrugged and threw you a side smile.
"So, I haven't seen you in a while. How is Cassie doing?"
"She is great, won at a spelling bee! She was so happy." His smile was contagious, whenever he talked about his daughter he wouldn't stop gushing, which was adorable. "Have you ever thought about it?"
"About what?"
"Settling down, having some normal between this hero stuff." He leaned on one hand, and you faltered a bit.
"No, I don't think that's my thing." Sam sat with his coffee in front of you.
The next minute Loki came into the kitchen too. You didn't have to look behind you, gauging by Scott's reaction the Asgardian god stood there in the kitchen.
He didn't bother making conversation with the mortal but rather taking a sit next to you, and kissing your temple. You averted your eyes from Scott who looked over at Sam now. Sam shook his head.
Clearing your throat, you tried to break the silence.
"Scott, did you meet Loki?" you didn't wait for an answer. "Thor and he are here helping us with Hydra."
"No, I can't say that I did."
"Where were you this morning? You never wake up that early." Loki snaked a hand around you. You knew he did it because of Scott and you were a little uneasy about it.
"Oh I just needed to run over some stuff with Mike." You shrugged.
"Who is this Mike?" you didn't like the tone in his voice.
"Just a guy from S.H.I.E.L.D. so calm it."
You tried to focus your conversation on Scott again, ignoring the jealous god sitting beside you.
After your passionate sleepless nights, in the next few days Loki saw you more and more getting up early for work. He almost asked you to stay one time, when you uncurled from his awoken form.
"What if I came with you?"
"You'll spook him up and he won't be able to work properly." You leaned over him and gave him a slight peck. "Besides, you're going to Asgard with Thor later today, right?"
"Yeah, I'll be gone for a couple of days." He was getting up when you sat on his lap.
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too."
Sleepless, Steve groaned and grabbed his jacket and went up to the roof of the tower. He had barely slept between his fight with you and watching his best friend almost get killed by an alien weapon which then was held and brought back by none other than Loki.
Getting up, he looked around at the city when he went to his usual sitting space. This night it wasn't empty, he was surprised to see you sitting there, in his sweatshirt.
He went and sat down next to you. It was quiet for a while.
"Can't sleep?"
You shook your head in response.
"I'm sorry, Steve." You turned your head to look at him, your cheeks flushed from the cold. "What I said was way out of place and I just couldn't think clearly through all of my fury." You could feel your eyes beginning to sting. You couldn't fight with Steve.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have screamed at you. I can't fully blame you I am just-" he took your cold hands in his. "I feel protective over you, you're family to me and you know that."
"Loki was my family for a long time too, once." You muttered to him.
"Are you sure he won't hurt you? Can you really just trust him like that?" he asked and you sighed, not seeing the point in avoiding it.
"No." with another breath you managed to tell him more. "Plus it's just for now, we agreed on it."
Steve stayed silent, but you could feel him studying you.
"But Y/N is that what you actually want?"
The question had you holding your breath, catching you off guard. It was an odd question to ask but if you were letting yourself see the truth- you know the answer.
You stayed quiet and stayed with Steve there until you fell asleep on his shoulder.
The golden cages of the palace gates opened up to him, the palace workers carefully bowed to him as he hastily passed by them. The sooner he could this over it, the sooner he could go back to you. Hopefully you won't be taken away from him again when he is back.
Entering the throne room, he saw his father on the grand sit and Thor leaned in on a pillar.
"Ah, my son, you finally came." He walked towards his brother and stood in front of Odin.
"What is this meeting about?"
"Loki-" Thor began before his father halted him.
"I heard you rejected the advances of lady Iyllir, why would you do that?"
"Well, father-"
"Our relationship with her family is important. We need to clean up the messy reputation you gave yourself, giving you a fitting wife will help immensely. Loki, for once in your life do the right thing and obey!"
"Loki has-"
"No Thor, don't make excuses for him. The lady was brought here for you, to have a wedding. My child, don't be foolish. She is a lovely girl, everybody will be happy when the wedding will occur! She even agreed to be your wife despite everything!" the Allfather chuckled but Loki knew better than that.
"Shouldn't we be talking about the problem with Hydra? We did manage to get some weapons but some are still missing." Thor cleared his throat and glanced at Loki, who stayed quiet.
"Very well my child, what do you suggest we do?"
"My friends are doing a great job at attacking Hydra, maybe we could send an Asgardian scientist to help them." Thor glanced at Loki for help, he just nodded at him.
"I want you boys home soon. I want to know how these midgardians got their hands on our weapons, you should not take this lightly, and tell these friends of yours not to as well."
"Of course, father. So in two days time we will go back to Midgard and resume our help there."
"No, Thor you will go but Loki shall stay here." Odin dismissed the older brother.
"Father, they need me there, my wand is still missing there!" Loki argued back.
"They don't need you anymore; you've helped them with explaining the weapons. Now you can stay home and we can talk about the wedding. What is the problem? That was the plan all along."
The problem was that Loki knew that, and it was true. He couldn't argue against it.
The bed was cold now, the last couple of days took away the place Loki held in your bed and replaced it with coldness. You missed him already.
The sun was setting, painting the skies of your window with beautiful pastel colours.
"Come in!" you yelled to the person at the door. You smiled when you saw Loki walking into your room. "Loki!"
Rushing to him, you wrapped him in a hug, which he was reclined to return. You pulled back from him.
"Loki?" his face held no expressions, and it sent you back.
"So, you're not going to say anything?" sobbing, you had to sit on the couch. Why was he still here? This is what you get for falling for a trickster; he must have lied to you a million little times. "Did this mean nothing to you? Did I mean nothing to you?"
Accusing him, your blurry eyes returned to his solid face that held no emotion- just indifference.
"What did you expect falling for an immortal monster?" he growled back, mocking you now. The tears kept pouring as he stood there staring.
"I came here to help with the weapons which were stolen, my help isn't really needed here anymore so I am going back to Asgard."
Oh. You took a couple of steps back.
"What did you expect falling for the god of lies? Did you really think I would stay for you? I won't be coming back to midgard anymore." You barely saw him now but you heard the door shut behind him, and he just left you there with your heart shattered like glass on the floor.
"Loki, are you not going to stay until we found the weapons at least?" you let out a nervous laugh, trying to keep looking at him, which proved to be a difficult task when you knew that he knew exactly what you felt.
"No, Thor can take it away from now on. I do have to go back for my duties as a prince, and for a lady after all." You scoffed.
"You can't be upset with me. This was what you wanted. We agreed on this from the start, just a temporary thing, right?" he mocked you now.
"Well what if I wanted more! You were all I wanted!" you yelled at him now, finally releasing all the unsaid things. "Does that make you happy? Hearing me say that, hearing me beg?"
"No it doesn't." he groaned at you.
"You are doing the same thing you did all those years ago." The tears welled up in your eyes. "You know, you never did tell me why, you just left with no explanation."
"What do you want me to say, baby?" it slipped but he couldn't control it, he had to control himself first.
"Don't call me baby! Look at this mess that you're creating of me, do you remember what happened back then? How I cried and you were just there watching! You just watched me suffer." The tears let themselves flow without your permission. "Tell me why!"
"You don't know anything, why would you make such a fuss over nothing?" he hissed at you, moving around the room you almost felt like his prey. You probably were.
"Because I love you! I always have so even if you don't just let me have this closure, tell me why you left me so suddenly?" You hated the crack in your voice, closing your eyes for a moment you pinched your nose. "Tell me!"
"This is why!" his yell scared you, opening your eyes you were shocked at what you saw. In front of you stood a creature with blue skin, markings and red eyes- and that was Loki. You stood there staring at him with tears glistening on your cheeks.
"What- what's this?" you felt shivers down your spine, the temperature in the room was much colder now. He gave you a scary smile.
"I'm a frost giant, in Asgard you know the parents tell their kids about monsters like me at night." Those eyes were menacing as he walked over to you. You took steps back but he didn't stop.
"Loki, stop." You put a hand forward.
"Is this not what you wanted?"
"Not like this." You shook your head, trying to get rid of the part of your brain that insists that he is scary. "Whatever you are, whatever happened to you- none of that is enough excuse for what you did to me."
"You mortals always confuse excuse with explanation."
"Yeah right because I'm just a dumb human, I apologize, my prince." In a blink of an eye he turned back to how you knew him. Your mind hasn't processed what happened yet, your heart was already taking over you at that point.
"You asked me why, I gave you a reason." And you wanted to ask more, you wanted to understand this. You wanted him to-
"Stay." You whispered, tired at this point.
"I'm going back to my home at Asgard." He turned back and was walking towards the door.
"If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back."
The door slammed shut and all over again you broke down, with your heart shattering on the floor. That's the price you pay for trying to have back something that you never had in the first place. Nothing has changed.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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Crown of Thorns
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“What will I be when I grow up, Lady Mother?” Y/N asked, the bed sheets wrapped high under her chin, arms clutching her knees.          
“You will be Queen, my darling,” she cupped her face, and she leaned into her touch, “and a warrior.”
Series Summary: After the need for their alliance during the Battle of Titan, King Stephen asked in return for his services, that King Anthony of the Iron Islands’, first born daughter would be given in marriage, to his sons, Prince Steven and Prince James of the Kingdom of Kamar-Taj. Despite King Anthony’s other offers, King Stephen would only agree to one, or there would be war between their two Kingdoms. Leaving King Anthony with no choice, he sacrificed his first born daughter, in hopes of sparing his people of anymore suffering. Anthony prayed that the men would care for his daughter, and love her as he did, but a sparkly crown can hide a thousand secrets.  
Pairing: Prince!Steve x Princess!Reader x Prince!Bucky
Series Warnings: Strong Language, Violence, Angst, Fluff (There will be some fluffy stuff I promise, I can't resist), Smut: This series will include some aspects of Dub-con/Non-con: Steve and Bucky aren't going to be Prince Charmings. More Warnings will be posted on Chapters.
Part Two: A Rose Between Two Thorns 
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Chapter Warnings: None 
Word Count: 3.9k
“Everything seems to be happening so quickly.” Pepper sighed, as her and Y/N were shown colour schemes for the big day, that was only a few hours away.
Y/N had sat, slumped on her chair, flicking through fabrics, whilst silently wishing she was with Peter during his sparing session, which was taking place in the courtyard, just outside the window.
“Lady Mother, please may I be excused?” Y/N asked for the fourth time that day.
“Once again, Y/N…no, you may not go to your sparing session today. You have to choose fabrics for your gown,” Pepper frowned at Y/N, who scrunched her face up in disapproval, “Now…do you like the peppermint green, or blood orange?”
Y/N’s eyes bulged at the sight of the harshness of the materials being held up to her.
“Neither.” Y/N faked retched, sticking her fingers down her throat, in an attempt to produce a gagging noise.
“Y/N, please. I too am unhappy with these arrangements, but we don’t have a choice. Your father has done what he could to protect the peace of our kingdom…”
“But what about me? How is marrying me off to two psychopaths keeping me safe?” Y/N huffed, rolling her eyes and folding her arms.
“Y/N, I have told you too many time…don’t call them that.” Pepper pinched the bridge of her nose, before looking back, at a just as peeved Y/N.
“Your father would do anything to keep you safe and believe it or not; by gifting you to King Stephen’s fine young Princes, he is doing so.” Pepper swept some of Y/N hairs away from her forehead.
“I know that Daddy loves me. It’s just…their so…old.” Y/N shivered as she thought of the age gap between her and the two Princes. Even with her tutoring in courtship and what-not, she still thought that the Princes were too old for her.
“You’re not marrying them in a few days.” Pepper chuckled, “This is simply your betrothal, you will marry them, when you are of age, which will be…”
“I will rule my kingdom when I am old enough and wise enough to withstand the power and the control needed to protect my kingdom accordingly, this will be when I am eighteen years of age.” Y/N rattled, like she was a robot, huffing out the words that she had been learning since she was tiny.
“Very good…now, pick a fabric.”
“It’s so boring, Peter. They made me sit around choosing different cloths and napkins and cutlery and drapes and carpets and dinner plates…and are you even listening to me?” Y/N sat up slightly on the tree branch that she was dangling off, to look at the boy, who was staring far off into the distance.
“Hello, calling Master Parker, are you listening to me?” Y/N prodded Peter in the side, making him shake out of his trance like state.
“Yeah, yeah something about napkins.” Peter shook his head, fiddling with his tunic.
“Peter, what’s the matter?” Y/N pulled herself up from hanging upside down, swinging one of her legs over the other side of the branch, so that she could look at Peter’s glum face square on.
“Nothing…nothings the matter.” Peter sighed, pulling his dagger, and starting to jab at the bark on the tree, flicking bits of wood everywhere.
“There must be something, you haven’t said a word since we finished practicing our Latin this morning.” Y/N shuffled closer, careful of Peter’s frantic jabs of his dagger.
“I haven’t been able to get a word in.” Peter grumbles, making Y/N pout.
“You could have told me to shut up…you usually do?” Y/N tilted her head in confusion at the pale boy, who was yet to meet her eyes.
“I can’t tell you to shut up, you’re the Princess.” Peter shrugged, sliding his dagger back into his belt, and pulling himself up onto a higher branch.
Y/N kept the glum look on her face, following him up the various amounts of branches.
“When has that ever stopped you?”
“Look I need to start showing you more respect. I’ve become lazy in the manners that my father and Uncle taught me. I need to remember my place.” Peter mumbled, again barely looking at the girl, who was desperately trying to keep up with her.
“Your place is being my friend and ally. Not my butler or servant.” Y/N tried to lighten the atmosphere, but Peter was not in a gaming mood.
“But I am your servant, Y/N. I am your father’s ward, not your suitor.” Peter said, seriously.
“Thank God.” Y/N tried to giggle, but it was met by another heart-breaking look from Peter.
“Ah, there you are young Y/N, I’ve been searching everywhere for you. Come your father wishes to speak with you privately.” They were interrupted by Jarvis, Anthony’s personal adviser, who stood at the bottom of the trees waiting for her.
“This conversation is not over, Pete.” Y/N spoke over her shoulder, as she began her decent, and following Jarvis to her father’s study.
“There she is, my future daughter-in-law.” The unfamiliar voice made Y/N stop just short of the entrance to the study, Jarvis had to give her a light push on her back, in order to edge her into the room.
“Y/N, come in and meet King Stephen.” Y/N recognised the second voice of her father, relaxing slightly.
She edged her way around the side of the room, giving Stephen and his many advisors a wide birth. Joining her father behind his desk, her hands clasped tightly in front of her, as she flicked her eyes up to the lean man stood in front of her, who appeared to be analysing her every feature, making her shuffle on her feet, uncomfortably.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, your Grace.” Y/N did a small bob, hoping that would suffice as a curtsey.
“You too, your Highness. I will say, my sons will be impressed with your beauty.” Stephen flashed her a wicked smile, when he caught her shuddering at his words.
“Not until she is eighteen, they will not.” Anthony spoke coarsely, making Stephen smirk.
“I understand that there is an age gap between our offspring, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t admire the beauty that will only grow greater as Princess Y/N, grows older.” Stephen quipped, Y/N watched her father clench his fists on top of his mahogany desk, but he didn’t respond to Stephen’s comment directly.
“Very well, your boys may comment on her splendour, but I’d kindly ask you to stop. You will not make my daughter your fourth wife.” Anthony spat, Y/N had never seen him behave in such a way, to be so short and direct with another monarch, she couldn’t lie…she was proud.
“We both have had our fair share of wives, my Lord.” Stephen replied darkly, the comment making Y/N’s heart clench, as she realised that Stephen was referring to her late mother.
“Gentlemen, if I could just interrupt this wonderfully productive tit-for-tat conversation and remind you both of why you are here.” Y/N’s ears perked at the sound of a friendly voice, she looked up and beamed when she saw the man, who had tutored her from the smallest of ages.
“Yes, you are right, Vision, we must stop this childish talk, and get down to business.” Anthony cleared his throat and nodding accordingly to the Vision.
He had been an advisor of many kingdoms, before settling in the Iron Islands, he was an ally to all, but he had a soft spot for Y/N. The Vision had told Y/N, that he had, had a dream, that she would be the light that will block out the darkness of the world, and that was why he must be the one to tutor her, in the ways of the world.
“I quite agree.” Stephen grumbled, pulling out a quill and a roll of parchment, Anthony mirrored his actions.
“We are here to set in written word, the agreement of our Kingdoms, that will become forever united by the marriage of our children.” Anthony rattled off, Stephen and his group of elderly men nodding in agreement.
Y/N let out a subtle huff.
‘I’m going to be here for a while.’
“Y/N…your highness…you must wake up…”
Y/N shook awake, her hair standing on ends, as she currently had the bedheads of all bedheads.
“What’s going on?” Y/N spoke through a yawn, rolling onto her back, to look at the Lady Maria, who was filling a silver tin tub, with warmed water.
“It’s your betrothal day, your highness.” Lady Maria smiled, but Y/N just groaned, rolling over to face plant in her bed, pulling the sheets up and over her head.
“I’m not going.” Y/N yelped when the sheets were ripped off of her body, and the cool air prickled her skin as she clutched her night dress tighter.
“You have to go.” Lady Wanda smiled, strolling into the room, with Y/N’s betrothal dress, draped over one of her arms, but then hung it up, allowing the blue lacy to tumble to the floor, exposing the rich fabric.
“Could you tell them that I feel unwell?” Y/N questioned, trying to hide under her pillow, but that too was taken away from her.
“Do you feel queasy, do I need to call for the physician?” Lady Maria began to pat Y/N’s forehead, testing it for a fever.
“Not yet, but I imagine something will befall me, when I look upon those Princes.” Y/N muttered.
“Don’t be silly, your Highness.” Lady Maria tutted, “Now come on, up with you.”
Y/N felt a hand wrap around one of her ankles, and pull her to the bottom of the bed, and forcing her up onto her feet. Her toes curled, as the cold stone floor made her hiss, and look back at her comfy bed in despair.
“Let’s get you in this water, before it gets cold.” Lady Wanda said, kindly. Pulling the night dress over Y/N’s head and huddling her into the bath.
Y/N sighed outwardly, when he chilling figure was encompassed by the soapy suds of the tin tub, it eased her tense muscles, but not her knotted stomach, which continued to twist with unease and anxiety.
“…and there…finished.” Lady Wanda smiled brightly at Y/N, as she placed the final finishing touches on the young Princess. The final item being a silver crown, that had once been worn by her mother. It was pristine in its condition, consisting of shining arch ways, and peaked spikes, it glimmered in the light of the morning sun, that was cast through the small arrow window in Y/N’s bed chambers.
“Your mother is looking down on you today, my Princess.” Lady Wanda gestured to the way the light was beaming in through the window, and pooling around Y/N, making her features glow, and the tiara sparkle.
“You really are, the most beautiful Princess, in all of the Kingdoms.” Lady Wanda sighed.
“She truly is.” Y/N slowly spun round, to look at her father, who was leaning on the wall, arms folded and eyes sparkling, as he surveyed his young daughter, “Please, leave us.”
Lady Maria and Lady Wanda curtseyed, before scuttling out of the room, to leave the two royals alone.
“They speak the truth, you know. You really are stunning, my little Princess.” Anthony smiled, taking hold of his daughter’s hands, and rubbing the top with his thumb.
“Thank you, Daddy.” Y/N blushed, giving his hands a squeeze, which was returned.
“I’m sorry that I have not given you much choice, in deciding, who you will be with, for the rest of your life, but please remember, that I have done this to keep you safe. And I know that you’ve heard the stories about the Princes…”
“Which you told me.” Y/N sassed, jutting an eyebrow, making Anthony sigh, and a smile grin cross his lips.
“Which I told you…but they are just that stories, I don’t know them truly, but what I do know, is that they will protect you, and that makes me happy.” Anthony sighed, his heart breaking, as he realised that by the end of the day, the Princess in the tower, will no longer belong to him, and instead; he will be raising her, only to ship her off, when she turns eighteen.
“I know, Daddy. What you have done, is to keep me safe, and I know you will continue to do so, even if I’m not here anymore. And besides, I’ve been trained by the best swordswoman, in the whole of the Marvel Continent. You didn’t think that Lady Valkyrie, would not teach me, how to handle myself.” Y/N laughed, making Anthony chuckle.
“Oh, I have no doubt, that you can handle yourself, my little love.” Anthony brushed his nose with Y/N, and she happily copied him back. “Are you ready, my young one?”
“I guess.”
They rode the golden painted carriage as it paraded through the streets, the people cheered watching their King and Princess sit happily side by side, waving to the adoring crowds.
It may as well have been Y/N’s wedding, the amount of effort that was put into today’s events, to the outside world, this was not a betrothal, this may have well been her wedding.
Anthony had to keep reminding himself that his little girl, was only ten, but she already had the grasp on what it took to be a fine ruler.
They arrived outside the Abbey, Y/N could just about make out the sound of the organ that was playing inside, over the roar of the people, that only seemed to be getting louder. Stepping down from the carriage, Y/N linked arms with her father, squeezing his sleeve, and Anthony looked at her with a proud and reassuring smile, before leading her into the Abbey.
There was no cheering in the Abbey, it was deafly silent, the only noise came from the organ, that rattled off the hollow stone walls. Y/N got goose bumps when she glanced down at the end of the aisle, where the figures of two men stood shoulder to shoulder, dressed in their military uniforms.
“Ready, sweet girl?” Anthony asked her once again, Y/N swallowed thickly, glancing at the different Kingdoms, who had all gathered for the celebration.
“I think so.”
That would have to do, as soon the music on the organ changed, and Y/N was being pulled down the aisle by her father. The different faces, all shared different expressions, those who had allied with the Kamar-Taj kingdom, gave Y/N assuring smiles, such as King T’Challa, from Wakanda. Looking along the seats that were sat under the Kamar-Taj banners. Y/N noticed there was one person, who was not smiling at her.
It was a woman, with brown hair that was just shoulder length, Y/N flipped through her mental book of Kings and Queens, then it came to her.
Queen Margret of England.
She was watching Y/N’s every step, her scowl appearing to grow deeper the closer she got to the altar.
Changing her eye line, as the constant surveillance made a chill go down Y/N’s back, she looked over to her ‘family’ so to speak, but she wasn’t as comforted as she hoped that she might have been.
Unlike the majority of the Kamar-Taj crowd, who had been smiling, the opposite side of the room, had deep frowns, or looks of sympathy, as they watched Y/N make her way to the end of the aisle.
Her throat grew dry, the distance between her and the Princes were growing shorter, her knees going weak, as she pulled up alongside them.
Anthony let go of Y/N’s arm, the area of her arm, growing cold, as the warmth and security of her father was disappearing. Anthony kissed the side of her head, his lips lingering, as he willed all of his strength and love into her, before leaving her side, and taking his seat in one of the front rows, next to Pepper, who squeezed his hand tightly.
Y/N steadied her breathing, as one of the Princes; the one with blonde hair, moved so that Y/N was trapped between the two of them.
The only source of comfort that Y/N had, was that the Vision was initiating the betrothal, his warm smile brought Y/N some more reassurance.
“To our friends and allies of Kingdoms far and wide, we gather here today to witness the binding of two families, and the promise that one day the union will be solidified in marriage.” The Vision began.
The Princes towered over Y/N, their maturity obvious with their tall stature and light stubble that graced their jaws. Y/N had never felt so young and small, when positioned next to men.
Their military medals hung off their broad chests, clinking together, when they moved.
“We will bind the arms of the two families, the green vines represent the growth and fertility that the marriage will bring to both of the Kingdoms.”
A green and gold twine was wrapped around Y/N’s left and right arm, it felt heavy like shackles, and her two jailers wrapped their own arms in the twine, connecting the three together.
“Prince James Buchanan of Kamar-Taj repeat the words that I speak,” Prince James nodded, grasping Y/N’s small hand, his fingers were cold, and his hand was large, Y/N could feel his strength, just from the palm of his hand.
“I, James Buchanan of the House of Strange and Kingdom of Kamar-Taj.”
“I, James Buchanan of the House of Strange and Kingdom of Kamar-Taj.” His voice sent shudders through Y/N, she had to stop herself from shivering.
“Son of Stephen Vincent of the House of Strange and Kingdom of Kamar-Taj.”
James repeated the Vision once again, Y/N could barely look at James, he was good looking, but no matter how hard Y/N tried, she couldn’t forget the stories that she had heard, that made him so ugly.
“Do swear to fulfil the promise of marriage to Y/N Y/M/N of the House of Stark, daughter of Anthony Edward, the rightful Princess and heir to the throne of the Iron Islands.”
James’ dark eyes fixed upon Y/N, and spoke the words that he was told, Y/N had to keep her mouth clamped shut, so that he couldn’t hear her teeth chattering.
The ceremony appeared to go on for hours, each of them taking it in turns to repeat the Vision’s words.
Eventually it came to the end, the Vision removed the twine, freeing Y/N physically from the tie, but Y/N didn’t feel any lighter, the weight of what had just happened still weighed heavy on her shoulders.
Once the ceremony was completely over, and the three made their way back down the aisle, and into the golden carriage that waited outside. Unlike before, when Y/N could barely hear herself think, because of the noise of the people, she could now hear the street rats that were scavenging through the leftovers.
The street had never been so quiet, as the crowd just watched the little Princess climb into the carriage with the grown Princes.
It was almost a completely silent trip back to the castle for the evening events. Almost silent, it was briefly broken by a shout from a woman.
“Mother killers.”
Y/N froze, watching the two men for a reaction, James’ lips twitched, and Steve’s hands clenched, but they didn’t flinch or speak.
From then on, there was a tense atmosphere within the small space.
The night was long, and dull.
Y/N had to sit between the two Princes, whilst she watched her friends and family dance and laugh, whilst she had to sit glumly with James and Steve, who had not spoken to her since they had made their promise vows.
“Will you dance with me?” Y/N whispered, looking nervously between the two.
They looked at each other, scowls good and strong, unmoved.
Y/N sighed, sitting back in her chair, slumping her head onto her balled up fist.
Then Y/N spotted Peter, his position was the same as her, bored out of his mind, picking at the food that was left on his plate with his fork.
“Excuse me.” Y/N shuffled her heavy chair back, but as she went to walk away, her arm was caught by James, who held it tightly, stopping her from leaving, “What are you doing?”
“You need to stay with us, you are ours now.” James pulled Y/N back towards him, and up onto her chair.
“I’m not yours, not yet. I’m simply promised to you, and promises can be broken, so let go of me, before I scream, and you are beheaded for harming the Princess.” Y/N glared at James, who stared back, but then Steve cleared his throat, catching both of their attention.
“Let her go, Bucky. Let her enjoy her last few years of freedom.” Steve smirked, wickedly.
James’s grip loosened enough for Y/N to wriggle free and she soon made her way to Peter.
“Hey, Pete. Why the long face?” Y/N asked sitting next to him. She clearly caught him off guard, his fork clattering to the plate when he jumped in surprise.
“Err…Y/N, what are you doing here?” Peter stuttered, his eyes were darting between Y/N’s face, and the look of thunder the two Princes were giving him.
“You looked miserable, and I was miserable, so I thought we could relate.” She spoke freely, popping a grape in her mouth, “What is wrong with you, you’ve been like this for weeks, just tell me what is bothering you.”
Peter looked around, then grabbing Y/N’s hand under the table, and pulling her out of the ballroom.
“Peter, where are you taking me? I can’t be gone for too long.” Y/N worried, watching the way Prince James and Steve watched her leave the hall, with the young boy.
Peter didn’t say anything, pushing the doors of the throne room open, and slamming them behind him. Y/N looked around the room, before taking a seat on her father’s throne, turning to the side and dangling her legs over the side.
“What’s got you all hot and bothered, Petey?” Y/N continued to tease, watching the way Peter’s skin was growing clammy, and he started playing with his hair.
“I need you to know something. I have to tell you, or I will regret it for the rest of my life.” Peter started to worry Y/N.
“Just tell me, Peter.” Y/N sighed.
“I’m in love with you.”
The world stopped spinning, a whooshing noise went into Y/N’s ears, as she looked at Peter in disbelief.
“What did you say?” Y/N sputtered.
“I’m in love with you, I’ve been in love with you since I was six years old.” Peter smiled, but it faded when he watched Y/N’s stunned face, remain just that.
“Why are you telling me this now?” Y/N eventually choked out.
“Because I need you to know. I couldn’t go on, knowing that I hadn’t told you.” Peter sat on the steps that walked up to the throne, his head between his knees.
“But what am I supposed to do. I’m getting married in eight years. I’ve been promised.” Y/N climbed off the throne, kneeling next to Peter. “What am I supposed to do Peter?”
“I know nothing can ever happen, you are a Princess, I am just a Ward.” Peter turned to Y/N, trying to touch her hands, but she pulled away shaking her heard.
“No, Peter. I can’t do this.”
“Well…isn’t this cute.”
Chills went down her spine, when Y/N turned to the door, to see her future husbands standing by the throne room doors.
@readermia @this-is-a-chilis-drive-thru @bbywtchh @liakrichards @nisha-misha97 @waywardwifey​ @xxblueslothxx @randomtails @emma-is-a-nerd @hhxppyyy @viviennebloom​ @in-a-constant-daydream6​ @actualhobbitjenny​ @sexyvixen7​ @roleplay-multifandom​ @sassysaltyrat​ @sebastianstansqueen​
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stjernfaerie · 4 years
I finally watched all of MCU
in release order because IT MAKES SENSE!!!!
special thanks to @littlegingrnut who watched ALL OF THEM with me. She’s the best. 
Idk if anyone cares at all, but I feel like sharing, so here’s some thoughts and reactions, enjoy: 
Phase 1: 
Iron man
okay but like how was Tony such a jerk in the beginning only to become like the most lovable character ever??
did not like the antagonist what was that
I mean he’s not bad I just didn’t like him that much
I wanna get myself a jarvis tho 
all in all, really enjoyed it
got me really excited to watch more
The Incredible Hulk
didn't watch cuz aly said not necessary
we just skimmed over the important parts 
oh and watched the end credits scene
Iron man 2
this was really great
okay but like I love Ivan Vanko hes such a great antagonist
oh damn ~Natasha Romanoff~
Pepper as a powerful business lady? YES  
just... really great shit right here
Mmmmmm I don't see the hype about Loki??
his two faced-ness is annoying me
also Thor? I didn't love him at first,, he's a bit cliché
okay but Thor is a good boi actually,,, I take it back he’s pretty great
Oh nooo Loki - yeah lol as if he actually died 
YO WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT END CREDITS SCENE that got me all like WTF and shit
also told ya Loki didn’t die
Captain America: The First Avenger
okay full disclosure, I actually watched this one time before bc I started watching them in chronological order but never got any further than this
it made so much more sense this time
I liked it so much better this time 
this was good !!
I'm gay for Peggy omg
and Steve is such a good boi
all in all not my favourite tho, not too memorable tbh
"I had a date" 😭
The Avengers
ohhh man
Oh hello Dr. Banner nice to see u
Loki bro pls chill
still don't get the Loki hype tbh. maybe a lil bit but idk
oh okay he's good
I love them all so much oh gosh
Phase 2
Iron man 3
this movie changed me
aly can confirm - I was very much not okay after seeing this
literally had anxiety through all of it
I mean I LOVED it
but like
the ptsd :(((
although I do love that they showed that, just made me love Tony even more
just... showing the ugly parts - love that shit
but also like noooo tony bby :(((( 
just.... Tony Stark man.
great antagonist, love the whole mandarin thing
EXTREMIS? NO THANK U that honestly gives me like zombie ish vibes or smth I don’t like it
but like it was great 
all in all loved this so much and I am still not really okay
Thor: The Dark World
I see why people think this is the worst Thor movie.
but like,,, meh? the big end fight was so anti-climactic? not epic at all like what the fuck
but she's clearly gay so stop makin her fool around with the intern
but like Thor is such a soft boi and I love him
again, Loki's two-faced-ness – aRH
but,,,, I get the Loki hype now
I'm aboard the train
I love Loki 
oh oh oh the part in his prison cell when Thor comes to talk to him and is all like "enough tricks" and then his cell is all torn up and he's all torn up and AH BABY 😭
Thor just needs cuddles 
Aaaaand this is where I accidentally got the worst possible spoiler. :)))
I wanted to watch some wholesome Tony Stark content before bed and so I searched youtube for "Iron Man" and clicked on a video I thought looked nice and wholesome. I accidentally read the top comment and then proceeded to break down and freak out to Aly and Hanna on Aly’s live, and they comforted me and stuff <3 
Aly then told me that “hey remember that I told you that the little boy in Iron Man 3 comes back at one point? Yeah that’s at the funeral” 
STUPIDLY, I then watched the death scene on YouTube, went to bed crying, and of course, dreaming about it. I will never be okay again and I will never be ready for Endgame thank you and goodbye.
Captain America: Winter Soldier
I thought that Bucky didn’t deserve to die - and he didn’t - but like,,, DYING WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN THIS 
the ~bromance~
nat and steve I mean, so good
Natasha tho mmmmmhhf
I was rly confused while watching but like everything came together at the end and it was so nice and damn this is one of my favorites so far
Sam is great I want more of Sam
Guardians of the Galaxy
multiple people had told me that they thought I’d really like this movie
honestly? I didn’t
it was kinda meh?
like I found it very predictable and cliché and not in a delightful way
idk if it’s just that I know that Chris Pratt is a dick but I don’t like Peter
I rly like Gamora and Nebula, but like I’m a lesbian, so I don’t think anyone’s surprised that I like the traumatized warrior gals
but like in general I’m kinda disappointed
I only gasped like twice, and it was barely gasp-worthy moments
Avengers: Age of Ultron
All of them together just makes me so happy, they’re so cute with each other AH
loved Ultron as the antagonist. that was great.
but,,,, I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t really get to see any regret from Tony bc he created Ultron
whatever’s going on with Bruce and Nat, I don’t like it
TOO MANY moments that reminded me of the spoiler that I refuse to speak. Did not enjoy
everyone just needs to be hugged why doesn’t anybody HUG THEM????
not happy about Jarvis dying :((( even tho he technically didn’t die but like HE’S NOT JARVIS ANYMORE IS HE
and then Tony just replaces him with this Friday just like that??? no i’m not okay with that
in a ranking scenario this one falls in like the top of the middle range? Like it’s not one of the favorites, but it’s still up there. 
I was just reading about new MCU projects that are coming up and THERE WAS A SPOILER WARNING, but STUPID AS I AM I DISREGARDED that and kept on reading. I was just skimming through the text and I read “Loki who dies” and stopped right there, because AAHH FUCKING SHIT
I was on a call with Aly as this happened and so I told her that I had given myself a spoiler again and that it was about Loki, and she was all like I can’t remember anything that happens to Loki hmm, and so I thought YAY it’s okay, they just meant one of the times when he fake died!!! so I went on to keep reading, but before I could read anything else Aly stopped me, remembering. She told me it would be gut-wrenching and terrible and I’m just- 
So disappointed in myself. 
it was an enjoyable movie, but like,,, a little meh? 
I feel kinda the same as I did with GOTG
but I like each of them better than the other for different reasons? idk???
the plot wasn’t very thick, like I could have gone away to pee without pausing and probably not miss too much
I didn’t really get invested in the story or the characters
but it was enjoyable for sure
Sam!!! Hello!!!! 
Again, like with GOTG, I found it kinda cliché, but in a more delightful way this time
Phase 3
Captain America: Civil War
I constantly needed to be hugged while watching this
in the end I was fine, like I’ve been way less okay after some of the other movies, but during? needed hugs and cuddles
I love that they were fighting each other it was just... umff you know
but also like,,, LOVE EACH OTHER 
Wanda and Vision? no thanks I HATE IT
Steve and Sharon?? NO THANKS I HATE IT
literally that’s just weird on SO many levels
and that kiss was-- ugh I hated it. 
Black Panther heLLOOO
Tony and Steve fighting in the end got me :( 
Doctor Strange
This one falls at the bottom of my list
It was the shortest movie but it felt SO LONG because I was so bored through all of it
it just never got me hooked, I didn’t get invested in the story at all. 
there weren’t even any characters that I liked enough to want to see more
sure another infinity stone and getting to know doctor strange and shit, I get why you kinda need to watch it
but I doubt I’ll watch it again
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
just like with the first one, kinda meh
I didn’t really get into it until the last half hour or so
the music really carried this movie tho
and baby groot !!!
I love Nebula so much, such a great character
Yondu dying was really great, it did a lot for his character
I still don’t really like Peter Quill
I feel like it was barely contributing to the infinity saga, the only thing that’s somewhat connected is that Nebula wants to kill Thanos, and the only reason I know that’s connected is because of spoilers
because I’m not really supposed to know the significance of Thanos at this point
but then again, maybe I’ll feel differently when I’ve finished all the movies
Spiderman: Homecoming
SPIDEY BOY !!!!!!!!! 
AND LIKE,,, CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS FIGHTING SOUNDS COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE’S???? Like steve and thor and shit are all like huOH heeeUH oAH ya know?? and then peter’s over here like eeh heh mmmMHF 
except when things were going bad and during the fight scenes and shit and when he was in big danger and stuffs
hehehheheh and the end credits tho heheheheh
Thor: Ragnarok
Kinda mad that we didn’t get a hug there in the end but oh well
Thor is so sassy and goofy in this one I love it
ugghhhhh I love Loki so much
Hela has so much Maleficent vibes
Heimdall yESSS !!!
all the Thor/Hulk interactions were so PRECIOUS AAH
this was just such a great movie with great character development for both Thor and Loki and ughhhh IT WAS SO GOOD
“get help” was fucking ICONIC
oof not excited for infinity war :(( 
Black Panther
this one falls somewhere in the middle for me
like it was good, but it’s not up there
my main issue with it is that it didn’t really feel so much like a superhero movie, it was more just like... family drama
but Shuri tho, love her
and all the awesome ladies fighting!!! yes!!!!
Avengers: Infinity War
I am not okay
I will never be okay again
I thought Loki dying was gonna be the worst part - and honestly, knowing about it beforehand made it less painful actually
but NO NO NO 
oh gosh I can’t even think 
I told y’all I didn’t like Peter Quill and well, HE DESERVED WHAT HE GOT 
oh gosh nope 
I’ve been feeling guilty that all of y’all had to wait a full year for endgame but AT LEAST THEN YOU HAD TIME TO BE OKAY AGAIN BEFORE ENDGAME
fucking shit what have I gotten myself into
Ant-Man and the Wasp
I liked this one better than the first ant-man
It’s still not up there but it was good
idk it could just be bc I know the characters more this time or because I kind of had pretty low expectations but I liked this more
oh also maybe I was just happy that I didn’t have to see like all my favorite characters die like I did yesterday :((( 
still not okay
anyway, ant-man and the wasp
I really liked Ava, really great character honestly
I liked Hope a whole lot more this time around
still don’t really like her and Scott together, especially after her mother like talked through him and shit. I feel like if I was Hope and my mother talked to me through my love interest, I would feel pretty weird about it all
but maybe that’s just me idk
oh but what I do like about scott and hope is all of hank’s comments about them
he’s funny hehehe
also Luis! great dude
there’s too many double names in this whole ass franchise and I’m upset
two Peters, two Eriks, two Fosters.... like I know that’s what real life is like, people have the same names, but THIS IS FICTION
that wasn’t totally related to this movie specifically but this was the third strike dudes, I couldn’t just ignore it anymore.
oh oh oh and I did not appreciate the mid credits scene, I DON’T NEED REMINDERS OF THAT PAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Captain Marvel
this one falls somewhere in the middle for me
like it was good, and I enjoyed it a lot, but it just wasn’t really anything that left me all like woooaaaah omg AH you know???
I really liked how it connected back to previous movies like with Ronan and the Kree people from GOTG and the tesseract and all that jazz
where can I get myself a flerken tho I want one
I appreciate that no one turned into dust, that was nice
my main problem with this movie is that HER POWERS MAKE NO SENSE 
like in the beginning it was kinda okay. I didn’t understand her powers, but at least they felt reasonable
then we got to the end and all of a sudden she’s flying and glowing and strong enough to stop and redirect a fuckin missile, and then she’s FLYING INTO BOMBS AND COMING OUT THE OTHER END COMPLETELY UNSCATHED?? 
it just makes no sense, it’s completely unreasonable and it makes her too perfect to me. Too unbeatable. I don’t like it. 
but all in all a good movie, loved seeing young Fury and shit
Avengers: Endgame I WILL NEVER BE READY
As I thought, I wasn’t ready
But, I actually think that knowing about Tony beforehand made it a bit easier
I still wish I hadn’t known
and I still bawled like a baby 
but like,,, I think I would have been way worse off if I hadn’t known
I’m just so sad now
I really need a hug
and even though I just cried more than I’ve done all year I need to cry some more I think
I’m glad everyone who got dusted came back, although I kinda knew they would 
well, I would have been fine with Quill staying dusted tbh. I really don’t like that guy
oh gosh yeah I know I have more thoughts about this movie that I wanna say but I need to be more okay first oh man
okay hi again, it’s the next day and I’m still sad but here are some more thoughts: 
I hated the whole Bruce/Hulk think. All the good parts about each side of his character were just erased.
I don’t even see the purpose of it. 
Okay I kinda knew that Steve was gonna go back to the 40s, but I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT SO SHH
anyway, I didn’t like Steve staying in the 40s, and here’s why: 
he knew that this was the single one out of 14 million times they won against Thanos, so he knew that changing anything at all would fuck it up
but at the same time, I find it hard to believe that Steve could be aware that Tony and Nat dies and not want to do anything about it
even though he knows he can’t
so wouldn’t it have been easier to just go back to the present after he returned all the stones? So he wouldn’t have to live with that dilemma?
ALSO, I WILL NOT ACCEPT that after everything he did to get Bucky back, he just leaves him. Just like that. 
Literally the only reason this makes sense is as a setup for the Falcon and The Winter Soldier Disney+ series. 
But I still don’t like it
Spiderman: Far From Home
This was nice, I needed this. 
I didn’t like it as much as homecoming, but I didn’t expect to considering how much I loved hoco
it was really nice to see some more Peter Parker bc i love him but also like,,, most of it was traumatized spidey boy :((( and that was sad :(
He’s literally just a child and he’s already so damaged and it’s big big sad
the high school vibes were immaculate
not that I’ve actually been to high school in the US but like,,, it felt like a high school movie okok
Okay but like May’s character really did a full 180? I don’t really understand where that all came from, but uhhhh okay then
Okay, Quentin Beck. 
before we realized he was bad, I already didn’t like him, cuz it seemed like he was gonna start to become a new father figure for Peter and I WAS NOT COOL WITH THAT
but then I understood that that wasn’t happening so it’s all good
he’s a pretty cool antagonist. not a fave, but pretty cool. 
he actually got some real nice character development that I had not expected, that was nice
all in all, great movie, I love my spidey boy. 
pretty sad that I’m done tho... :( 
but also like, I watched all of them (except incredible hulk) in 34 days. That’s kinda impressive, right?
and finally, here is my ranking of the movies based on how much I liked them: 
0. The Incredible Hulk ( didn’t watch )
Thor: Ragnarok
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 3
Captain America: Civil War
Spiderman: Far From Home
Iron Man 
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Iron Man 2
Thor: The Dark World
Captain Marvel
Black Panther
Captain America: The First Avenger
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Guardians of the Galaxy
Doctor Strange
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buckyreaderrecs · 4 years
Bucky Barnes and the Girl With Too Much Power: Chapter 4/?
Summary:  Nobody knows about your power. You’ve never really wanted to use it, let alone hurt someone with it. But, someone has figured you out, and now they’re following you. There’s only one place you can go for help - The Avengers. Good news is they’re good people. Bad news is your power is entirely relevant to soft, sad, recovering, broody Bucky Barnes. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. 
Chapter 4: You have to leave behind the life you knew. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker Additional tags: Bucky needs a hug, recovering Bucky, mostly canon compliant (Infinity War and Endgame didn’t happen, Stark Tower still exists), angst, possible future smut (who knows, not me), mutual pining, reader has powers / enhanced!reader, she/her pronouns, more tags/characters to be added with future chapters
Notes: I haven’t updated this fic in months and monthssss. Let me know if there are any continuity errors, and if this is still a fic worth me plugging away at. Thank you for any and all support! xo Rhi
Bucky Barnes and the Girl With Too Much Power Chapter 4/?
There was nothing comforting about having Stark-employed agents tailing you. Logically you knew that besides maybe a well-placed and patient sniper, nobody would be able to get close enough to hurt you. Not with spiders and witches and falcons watching over you. Certainly not with the last remaining Howling Commandos on your side.
Although you couldn't see him, even when you tried to covertly spot him, you could feel Bucky. You could feel him watching you and you knew it was him because it wasn't like before. It didn't make you feel sick with dread.
All of that was probably in your head though.
More tangible aspects of the situation were the beads of sweat rolling down your spine and pooling in the small of your back. Very real was the awkward pace you were keeping - definitely faster than a casual walk but a solid attempt to appear calm and normal.
It had been decided that you would walk the entire way home. It was doable, but you'd usually catch the bus. The people who wanted you would have to see the future to know when and where you'd catch a bus, but that wasn't outside the realm of possibility. Not anymore. So, you walked for 40 minutes.
Unless he wanted you to see him, Bucky Barnes was invisible. He'd always been good at camouflage, but programming by Hydra included 'how to disappear 101.' And under your power, it was like that again. Not a single soul saw Bucky as he followed you block by block. There wasn't even a gust of wind left in his wake to alert people that someone… something, had gone by.
Entirely focussed and keen eyed, Bucky watched your strange gait. If there was no power clouding his mind, he would have smirked a little; even Hydra couldn't take the sass out of him.
After he climbed through an unlocked bedroom window and landed on the floor behind you, Bucky stood up straight at attention. You were on your hands and knees, pulling things out of the bottom of a closet. There was a duffle bag in there somewhere, you were sure.
"Yes!" you whispered to yourself, standing and spinning around. The yelp that escaped your mouth sounded through Bucky's earpiece to the other Avengers situated in, on, and around your apartment building.
"Buck?" Steve asked, muscles already poised to move.
"Package is safe," Bucky replied, no emotion in his voice. The lack of it went unnoticed by Peter Parker - who was still too new and in awe to know Bucky beyond reputation and limited interaction. He didn't mean to, but Bucky had avoided Peter; he reminded him too much of pre-serum Steve. However, Wanda, Sam, and Steve all heard the tone, and all frowned to themselves from their respective positions. Nobody did anything though.
"You scared me," you said as soon as you yelped. When he didn't move, speak, or even shrug it off, you were reminded of your spell. A small, sad, "Oh," was uttered. "Stop. You can stop your… mission," you ordered him.
It didn't work. Maybe it wasn't specific enough. Without a lot of practice, you really weren't good at using your power when you actually needed to. You realised that you shouldn't have given Bucky a complex and prolonged order in the elevator.
"Ah… Relax. Be yourself…?" you tried. Bucky's blue eyes simply remained fixed on you and he went to speak, but you cut him off. "Oh! Ignore my previous order. Do not… feel compelled… to… Fuck. What did I tell you to do?"
"Make sure I get to my house safely. Help me get what I need, and bring me back here," Bucky said, repeating your command word-for-word. It was unnerving.
"Yeah… Don't… Don't do that. Unless you want to. Only do that if you want to."
When his posture gave (by only the slightest amount), you breathed out. It had worked, but you weren't sure exactly which part.
"Bucky?" you asked gently. Bucky smiled and it felt like rain in a drought. "You okay?"
He nodded, being much more used to giving non-verbal responses. Sam's voice was in his head though, encouraging him to speak, pushing his recovery forward faster than Steve's love alone could do. "Yeah, I'm fine…"
You could hear it in his slow drawl- that slight cognitive lag people sometimes experienced after your power left their minds and they were free again.
"I'm sorry,"
"No, darling', you don't have to keep saying that. It's alright,"
"Please," he interrupted. He shook his head slightly, but it was enough for you to see he didn't want to talk about it. "You did good,"
"I just… walked," you replied.
"Yeah, but that isn't easy when you think someone's about to kill ya,"
"Wow. Reassuring. Thanks," you said sarcastically, moving around him to put the bag on the bed.
Bucky chuckled, then sat down next to the bag.
"Aren't you gonna, like, check the cupboards and stuff?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Christ, how unprofessional do you think we are?" From the dresser you were digging through, you looked over at him and shrugged in confusion. "Stark had people in here as soon as he figured out where here was,"
"Guessing that was pretty quick?"
"Yep," Bucky replied, popping the P sound purposefully.
"So, random people have been going through my stuff?" Looking around, nothing seemed out of place. It was unnerving, actually.
"Not random. People Stark trusts,"
"Do you trust them?"
But he hesitated and he saw that you'd seen. He couldn't but smile a little. "I don't not trust them."
Thinking for a couple seconds, you decided on, "Probably fair…"
Bucky nodded, and you continued to pack. He decided it wasn't worth telling you that in the very early hours of the morning, after the city was asleep and just before the sun woke up, he'd gone to your apartment too. Clues in the cupboards. Secrets under the seats. Anything really. Steve had been awake when Bucky slipped out. He'd thought maybe Bucky was checking for Hydra. Or possibly, Steve hoped, his best friend was driven by the fact that you looked a lot like a couple of the girls Bucky had charmed before the war meant anything to them.
Bucky followed you as you went room by room, filling the duffle, then a backpack, then an empty shopping bag.
"You planning on never coming back here?" he asked, mostly joking. When you stopped, moving like a deer in the headlights, Bucky realised. "Oh…"
"Am I? Am I coming back?" you asked, on the cusp of hopeful. The glimmer of it in your eyes killed Bucky.
"I don't know," he answered, voice a little too soft to be comforting.
Looking around your apartment, you tried to look brave. "I guess… it doesn't really matter. Hadn't really built much of a life anyway,"
"Of course it matters, Y/N."
Before you could say anything else, there was a loud knock on your door, followed by the shrill voice of your neighbour. "Y/N?! Did I just hear ya come home?! Where've ya been?!"
You and Bucky turned to each other at the same time, both expecting the other to do something.
"She's not gonna go away," you whispered.
"Make her," Bucky said.
"I don't want to use-"
"No," Bucky interrupted. "Just talk to her…" His tone implied the 'obviously.'
As soon as you swung the door open, Barb went to step in.
"Ah, sorry, Barb. Bit of a mess in here… Did you need… something?" you said, stopping her.
She eyed you suspiciously, tried to look past you. "You didn't come home last night,"
"Stayed at a friend's,"
"That's lovely… Which friend? That nice Lisa girl?"
"No, um, new friend. James."
Bucky almost laughed.
"A boy? I didn't realise you were dating." She emphasised the last word like it was taboo.
Normally, you'd be better at dealing with Barb; she meant well, but was incredibly nosey. Normally, you didn't answer all her rapid-fire questions immediately, but you were nervous.
"It's not like that. He's just a friend,"
"That you spent the night with,"
"Barb, it's 2020. We can be friends with guys now,"
"So defensive, Y/N! Must really like him," she said with a knowing smile.
"I'm just on my way out, actually,"
"Such a social butterfly all of a sudden. I was just coming over to see if you're alright,"
"I'm alright. And I appreciate it. I really do. I'm just… a bit busy right now,"
"Alright, alright," Barb said, holding her hands up in surrender. "I know when I'm not welcome-"
"No, Barb, it's not-"
"No, no, it's fine." She took a step backwards.
"When will you be home then?"
You tried to look over your shoulder into your apartment as casually as possible. Glancing at Bucky, all he could offer was a shrug. You realised then that you would have to lie, really lie.
"Actually… Might be gone for a while. Got family upstate that need me."
Barb was quiet for a second, searching through everything she knew about you. "I hope everyone's alright," she settled on. She wanted to say that she didn't know you had family upstate… or any family at all, for that matter.
You'd lived in the apartment complex for five or so years. Barb had always looked out for you, especially since her kid went off to college. She'd met a couple of your friends, heard about work, but never once had you spoken about family. Barb hadn't pressed, although she very much wanted to. Something inside her was keeping her from doing so.
"Yeah, yep… They will be," you replied, nodding.
"Okay… Well, you'll have to come over for tea when you get back?"
"I will. Thanks, Barb."
She left.
Bucky watched you close the door, lock it out of habit.
Your eyes were full of tears. "I can't come back here," you whispered to him. "If someone is after me, I can't bring them here,"
"They probably already know where 'here' is," Bucky replied, almost immediately knowing it was the wrong thing to say. "But," he quickly added. "If they were gonna do anything, they'd done that already."
Bucky didn't believe that to be true at all. More likely, the people following you, upon discovering your sudden disappearance, would try to draw you out. If they knew Barb was a friend - it could make her a target.
You watched Bucky's expression. You read the lie. You didn't need to force the truth out though. You let the fact that he was trying to reassure you, reassure you.
"We'll keep surveillance here."
You nodded, moved slowly to continue packing.
Bucky stayed quiet, watched, tried to remember all the details of your apartment. Maybe they'd come in useful at some point.
"Okay, I'm ready," you announced.
"There's a car downstairs waiting for you," Bucky said.
"You're not coming?"
"I'll go out the way I came," he answered. When you didn't move, he added, "You'll be okay… Steve and everyone… they'll look after you." He wasn't lying that time. "Go."
Slinging bags over your shoulder, you nodded and left Bucky Barnes in the apartment you would never return to.
What would happen to the rest of your stuff? Would Stark pay for a storage unit? Pay your rent? What about work?
By the time you got to the car, you were again, on the verge of tears.
Upstairs, from a window of your apartment, Bucky watched you leave. He made a note to tell someone to teach you not to get into cars without checking if it was safe first. You hadn't even asked to see the driver's ID.
"She's aboard," Bucky relayed into coms.
"Copy that," Steve's voice came back. "Buck?"
Bucky was in his head.
For longer than Steve liked.
Chapter 5 is coming soon...
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
House of M- Redone
N/A: I think I did a House of M before. One where Kitty helps Wanda and Pietro and that´s cool, but, I had an idea for this au, and well, let´s see if I can do here.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @muninandhugin 
One thing must be said about professor Katherine Anne Pryde. One of many things if you ask anyone that knows this professor even for one day. The woman takes her job seriously-the school was in dire need of a mutant to teach the history of mutants once proving the teacher wasn´t a real mutant and such employment could cause a scandal- all her 22 students are equal in her eyes.
Now, is important to point out how this school, in Genosha, is not exactly top-notch or elite like as the school where the Princes of Genosha attended- the School Emma Frost owns has all the stereotype images of elite and Emma never shies away- the education system in Genosha is great, but, still Kitty´s school is not an elite. No one in her classroom is a future king, or has omega level powers or is the reincarnation of a great figure- as Kitty never look down at any of her students.
Now! let be register in any record available that Kitty Pryde takes her job seriously. Donning herself with her most comfortable jeans and wearing a white shirt- her Magen David in display and proudly as always- the teacher is counting the heads of her students. "22 as always, thank god. I didn´t lose anyone...for now" Kitty jokes and her students follow along.
"Teacher...what about Larry?" 
"Larry...is our secret" she makes a shush sign and wink at them. A few chuckles happen and now she´s back to the program. "Ok, everyone knew knows what are you looking?" the question has Kitty point directly to the big museum- the words museum is extremely hard to miss- as a few hands raise.
"We´re here to see the story of Genosha and our founders. And to be away from our class" and the other kids' nods. Kitty feels old as she´s not getting the joke nor the memes they´re sharing, well, it doesn´t matter in the end. She´s here to do her job.
"Correct and most important..." her words die-off in her lips and even brains as Emma Frost is climbing down the stairs with her little students- some of them are the princes of Genosha-wearing a smirk hauntingly beautiful for a woman who only wears white.
"Well, well, well. What we have here? a little cat" Emma spares no punches. "A school trip or are you with your kids? Did Piotr finally got his wish?" and Kitty is a professional and she knows that punches the daylight of Emma is a big no(for many, many reasons)
"No, Emma. Thank you for caring. I´m here with my students to see the museum...and I ought to teach all of them the importance of not dress like a whore, something you must teach your students...right, Emma?" she feigns innocence as her big doe eyes transmit nothing but good-will towards another professional.
Emma looks back to see her students equally confused. "We´re going back...oh, Kitty, carefully, the guide´s name is Peter but I heard he´s married already" and she fakes concern putting her hand on her heart as if taking real pity of the situation.
"Ah, thank you for the warning, by the way, Scott always loved and will always love Jean Grey. Had a nice life and try to not be naked on your way back" Kitty states cheerfully as Emma leaves not looking back.
Kitty´s students- Mercury, Rockslide, Pixie to name a few- did a clumsy bow. The future ruler of Genosha is there and while they want to show respect for this future leader, and the kids have many people in their lives hamming this idea into their minds, they aren´t sure how to do the bow. The result? something too clumsy to resemble a bow.
Well, the princes didn´t seem to care.
The museum has a renovation and it shows. Long gone are the days where the building would resemble a haunting church. Kitty is guiding her students- the guide, Peter, had to take a leave to solve a problem and Kitty is more than well-prepared to do this job-to each section of the museum.
Many questions are being made right now. "Hey, hey. One at a time" Kitty chided them. They didn´t seem to care though.
"Teacher, what´s this?" she points to the war section. To be more exact, to the many fights the X-men fought in the past. Kitty follows her gaze and seems to get the underline question here.
"The X-men in the past fought many adversaries. Bigger than you can imagine. This one here...is Apocalypse" and the students are muttering among themselves impressed by the sculpture- it was a bit of controversy as the X-men feel it would be as if they´re giving a shrine to Apocalypse, but, a deal was made and in the end, a small size sculpture of Apocalypse is in the museum- "and he caused a great problem to the team"
"He killed Prof X...right?"
"Right...he did and Jean Grey was the one to finally locked him in his tomb"
"Will he come back?"
Maybe...he was locked. Not killed.
"Of course not. Jean Grey took care of that"
"Alright, who can tell me the names of the original X-men?" Kitty asked as this prompts all the other kids to stop and think. Few hands are raised.
"There´s Logan" and Kitty crosses her arms in an X position. "Wrong. Logan was never an X-men. He helps them here and there but he is not an X-men nor Avenger" 
Silence is her ally.
"First we have Jean Grey" she look at them bemused. How they did not know Jean Grey is the first X-men? "she is one of the most powerful mutants in the group"
"Second, we have Dr. Hank MCcoy"
"Third we have Iceman aka Bobby Drake"
"Fourth, we have Scott Summers" a few hands raise up to speak and Kitty can roll her eyes already knowing the answer. "Yes, my bad. Mr. Scott Grey"
"And finally, we have Angel aka Warren Warrington"
The students are taking photos of the original team. Making jokes about how young they all look "defeating evil wearing that? They´re fearless"
Kitty claps her hands together and has a big grin on her face. "Ok, kids. This is where the good part begins. Do you reconize those 3 in the painting?" and the students send a sarcastic no to her face. Kitty ignores them. "This is Pietro, the prince of Genosha and the diplomat of our land. This is Lorna, the mistress of magnetism and this...this is our Witch Queen, Wanda"
And the students take pictures and take a moment to admire this moment. "and their father?" Kitty rubs her arms and refuses to lie. "Magneto is a complex story, even to a bystander, Magneto is banished from Genosha and is whereabouts is unknown" and her words sink in for the others.
Suddenly a hole in the wall appears. The one and only Juggernaut appears and speaks. "I´m Juggernaut, Bitch" and the children scream -some take selfies- and Kitty is in front of the students. "And I want the princes of Genosha"
Oh yes, he´s dumb.
Oh no, he´s dumb and strong.
He´s big. He´s dumb. I can work with that. 
Kitty looks at the students and hissed. "when I count to 3 runs to the exit, got it?" and they nod in silence.
"1" Juggernaut is in a position to attack. Head-fist is his special move.
"2" she can feel the tension.
"3!" she said and the kids run as Juggernaut is stuck on the flooring-half of his body is stuck in the flooring-Kitty´s powers are far more useful than anyone would give credit. The kids managed to leave the museum and Juggernaut is now pissed.
Kitty crackle her knuckles. "Wanna stay here to cool off?" she suggests deadpan.  Juggernaut has a smart reply and sadly it can´t be appreciated as Kitty doesn´t seem to understand stupidity fluently as he does. "Fine, let´s end this soon"
And she caught a whiff of brimstone. "The cavalry is here" in his german accent and Kitty can reconize one of the most famous mutants in the Red Guard.
"You´re late," said Kitty open the bottom case of Juggernaut´s helmet. She chides him without looking at the azzure figure of Nightcrawler. She can miss his astonishment expression.
Juggernaut, however, is not here to take autographs from Nightcrawler. And using his superior strength the man breaks the flooring and is now free.
"Miss, let the professional" he stops as Kitty looks at him with fire in her eyes. "do you have a plan, Nightcrawler?" and she smirks as she says. "I do...can you give me a sword?" 
The nerve of this woman!
And Juggernaut is angry. Juggernaut ignored Nightcrawler to go chasing Kitty. "Come back here, Bitch"
"I´m not Juggernaut!"
Kurt Wagner watches the scene with his jaw drop.
Snapping from his daze, the mutant goes after the strange woman. Kurt notices her intangibility and how she´s pressing the second bottom on his helmet.
And Kurt is quick to press the remain buttons and taking his helmet off.
Mark Cain is now powerless without the helmet. And Kurt can take care of the rest.
"That was incredibly risque of you" Kurt begins looking up and down to the woman-in no moment she ever said she was an X-men or Avenger which makes her action even more reckless- "But at the same time...that was incredibly brave of you, thank you"
"Thank you...he tried to hurt my students...motherfucker had come"
Who is this woman?
"What´s your name, fraulein?"
"Uhm, what´s yours?"
"My name is Kurt Wagner, I´m from the Red Guard"
"I´m Kitty Pryde. History teacher" and adds. "no swords?"
"No swords, miss History teacher...is against the laws"
"Wow! Rogue" Kitty said as she saw Rogue carrying Mark Cain to the van without breaking a sweat. Kitty and the students are impressed to see Rogue, however, Kurt is not amused she´s showing more reaction to his own sister than him.
"I´m still here, you know..."
"I know...and we fought against Juggernaut" and she winks at him. Kurt is never this confused about a woman as he´s now.
Emma Frost is ever happy that Juggernaut is a complete moron and mistakes the future leaders or leader- is not sure if Wanda´s sons would want to share the throne or not. They both seem uninterested now- of Genosha with Kitty´s students.
"Miss Frost...are you and Miss Pryde in love?" one of her students dare to make such an idiotic question.
They´re only children after all.
"EWW. If I have to date a woman...I can pick someone who is on my age and has a better fashion sense than Kitty...plus, I meet Kitty when she was a teen and it would be eww in so many ways"
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iphoenixrising · 4 years
I love your writing so much. It brings me so much joy. I recently re-read your Omega!tony fanfic and I fell in love again. do you plan to continue? Maybe where you left of on part 3? I don’t want to pressure you to write, but your writing gives me life. College is huge pain in my ass and your writing just brings me back to life. BTW quick question, are you familiar with Detroit become human. Because it is amazing and I highly recommend.
Hi babe
I have not watched Detroit become Human, but I will try to check it out after Znation on Netflix lol.
Ah, you have always been so wonderfully supportive of the AOB stuff, and I appreciate you. I’ll be totally honest here when I say I have a Google Doc of like WIPs that I come back to once and a while, and crazily enough, the Marvel AOB thing is something I’d started at some point at least, so I have a bit of content. 
I’m going to throw down a cut and put what I’ve got down there so you can check it out if you want. I mean, it’s not too much, but better than nothing? Lol maybe I’ll throw down what I’ve got of the Sentinel / Guide thing next ;)
There may have been things. Like this one first, this one second, and this one third. They’re from a bit ago, so probably more angst than you’ll see here, but I do love writing about WinterIronShield so there’s that. But, I do have a bit of an accent kink when it comes to the Brooklyn Boys, like how Steve kind of slips into it when he’s trying to talk Bucky down or soothe Tony’s anxieties. I just ah, well, yeahhhh.
Tony is writhing under that mouth, back arching helplessly. His inner Omega, now that he knows Jim and Steve wanted him before the truth ever came out, is right on board the care for the Alpha you’re been smitten with train. 
Because it’s safe. It’s safe to finally, finally give in.
And Tony Stark never does anything half-way.
He faintly hears Steve make a choked noise when he wraps his legs around Jim’s waist and wiggles his wrists in the unforgiving metal hand pinning them to the bed.
He moans in Jim’s mouth and pushes back a little.
“A-Alpha,” is something he never thought he’d hear himself say again, not after everything, not after Obie pulled him out of Ty’s grip the first time (and again the second).  But when Jim’s eyes dilate, when he purrs low, chest vibrating against Tony’s, the engineer feels the long trapped Omega deep in his belly start to unwind, the instincts take on a more powerful grip. 
It’s easier to leans up gingerly to nose and nuzzle, fingers straining to rub at the metal wrist, knowing where the pressure sensors are, where Jim can feel it.
“So pretty,” and those winter grey eyes focus on his red mouth, “gonna take care a’ ya, sweet little ‘Mega.”
Tony tightens his thighs, hitches his hips so he rubs against Jim’s big Alpha cock, “I want– Alpha, I want–”
But he gasps when James Barnes meets his thrusts, helps work them both up to panting. 
“Tell Alpha, Baby. Whadda ya need?”
And Tony’s eyes slide over to Steve, the other Alpha biting his bottom lip while he watches them together, takes in their scents, the sweetness of Tony now that the scent blockers are gone, Bucky’s musk even thicker with arousal. 
They smell like heaven.
(They smell like his.)
“Steve, let me...Fuck yes, like that…” his hips twitch and jerk, “let me...let me–”
The Captain has to breathe through his mouth, try to keep them all somewhat sane here, make sure it isn’t just instincts and pheromones, needs to make sure Tony won’t regret this later, won’t run later–
(and God, Steve can just image if he lets them service him during his Heat, has to bite down on his lip hard enough to hurt, to clench his fists to keep from reaching out just by thinking of Tony wet and open for them, moaning and screaming for them, coming on their knots over and over until he can’t even move and has to let them take care of him…)
“Anything you want, Tony,” Steve tries to make it gentle, but his tone has already dropped, has the edges of a growl, “tell Bucky what you need.”
The metal hand unlocks, freeing Tony’s wrist, and the mechanic can grip the Alpha’s forearms with trembling hands since he’s already shaky with the surge of arousal, of adrenaline, of instincts long, long denied.
“Don’t–don’t bite me, don’t mate me, but I...I–”
The bitter edge to his scent, the fear of being mated against his will is enough for Jim to unceremoniously flop down on him, pin him, and nuzzle against his throat, to lick over his pulse without teeth. The nail in Tony’s coffin is when Jim moves just enough to nuzzle against his jaw and lick.
It’s a submissive move, Jim trying to ease his fear, trying to show him they won’t hurt him, won’t do something so heinous as to try and mark an unwilling Omega.
“Shhh, shhh. None a’ that. Ain’t gonna do that ta ya, Tones. Never gonna do that.”
It might be this, the way Jim’s scent gets calmer, muskier, deeper, that makes Tony’s body start warming up, getting slick, opening up to be taken, riding the instincts he’s been suppressing for so long. And he revels in it a little, shifting his hips while he stares up at Jim’s face looming over him, those winter grey eyes serious and sincere, just like when he’s settled in a perch, at peace every time he fires a weapon in the name of the Avengers.
It’s the same look when Tony’s been hurt and tries to hide away in the lab, the look when Wanda’s eyes are glazed over with old pain, and Clint gets too twitchy, too quiet. It’s the look when Steve shivers even in summer or Bruce has to back away a step, an automatic hand out to stop anyone from coming closer.
It’s not Rut or Alpha. It’s all Mother-Hen James Barnes.
And when he sees it, Tony wants too badly to trust, wants too badly to have this with an Alpha he cares about (or more, but this isn’t the time or place for all of that), an Alpha he’s wanted and denied himself over and over.
The residual fear from earlier, the panic at his long-kept secret coming out fades a little when the proof is right here on top of him, more evidence next to him sneaking a hand over the blankets to weave their fingers together.
“We won’t let that happen, Tony. I swear,” and Steve’s eyes are just as serious, squeezing Tony’s hand gently. “You don’t have to do this. It’s okay if you don’t want this, you understand that right?”
Jim leans up a little to nuzzle their faces together, “s’ good ta us, Doll. Ain’t gonna hurt ‘cha. Ain’t gonna do nothin’ ya don’t want.”
“Are you going to let me up if I panic, James? Would you let me walk out of this room right now?” It’s a terrifying thing to ask, something Tiberius would have punished him for, would have fastened his wrists and ankles with restraints, would have kept him tied to the bed for days just to make a fucking point.
Gently, Bucky Barnes rises up slowly, shaggy hair in front of his eyes, making him look like a predator backing off the hunt. He doesn’t move any further back, doesn’t get up from between Tony’s thighs, doesn’t even look away from the bare span of chest, or the curve of Tony’s cock pressing against his zipper, making both Alphas’ mouths water.
“That’s...unexpected. Nice,” the engineer babbles a little to soothe himself, “good to know that’s a possibility. But it’s not what I want–”
“Plain English for us, sweetheart,” Steve slide only close enough to press Tony’s wrist to his mouth, to roll his blue eyes up, half-mast with pupils blown, to watch the Omega while he does it.
And oh, endearing pet names? 
That’s cheating.
“I haven’t had an Alpha in...years,” he rolls his eyes from one Alpha to the other, “I’m never going to talk about it, but it didn’t–there’s a reason I’ve kept it hidden. You get what I’m saying?” His hands automatically tighten down on Jim’s forearm and Steve’s hand.
“Tony,” is the rumble against his throat, gentle kisses along the tendon, the memory of their engineer’s terrified stance in the workshop.
Steve responds by standing, leaning over with his heart in his eyes, mind working at the implications, that he’d been right. Some Alpha hurt him, did awful things to make Tony this terrified for the world to know his orientation, to just let people assume he was an Alpha or a Beta. And in the years they’d been teammates and friends, all the years he’s had Iron Man at his back and Tony at Movie Nights or sparring practice, post-mission meals and impromptu picnics on the roof. So he knows, one of the few things Tony Stark respects more than smooth words and sentiments– 
–is action. 
He makes it clearer with the press of his mouth gently against Tony’s, gentle licks to entice him to open up, to let himself be had.
“You don’t have to hide from us anymore,” between submissive kisses.
“Gonna let us take care a’ ya instead, ain’t cha? Gonna let us be good Alphas ta ya?” And Jim leans up to watch Stevie at Tony’s mouth, the sight, the scent, bringing all his Rut symptoms closer to the surface, makes it so fucking hard to fight. 
He’d had to suppress everything as The Asset, had been trained to ignore those desperate wants, had been put on suppressants to control his cycle for as long as he’d been under their control. 
With the freedom to let it out, to be with his Alpha partner, to be completely open and possessive, marking what’s his.
After this, Tony Stark is going to be another thing his to add to the list. Another one he’s going to protect with his life, one his Alpha would scent mark obsessively, one his inner Winter Soldier would seek out first whenever there was trouble. 
Tony turns enough to be able to talk, giving more of his throat for both Alphas. “Yes,” he pants out, even though this is a terrible idea. “I want it, want you. Both of you if I can have it.”
He closes his eyes, feels Steve nibble at his jaw, under his ear, while Jim is moving along his collarbone. 
“Keep talkin’,” is lower, deeper from Steve, a hint of the Brooklyn Boy breaking lose. “How d’ya want us, Tony? Like this?” And a mouth slides lower, latches on to the tight nub on his chest, hot mouth sealing to suck.
“Maybe like this,” and Jim pulls off long enough to talk, to slide a hand in, fist the Omega’s cock at the base again while the metal one grips the back of a thigh, ruts against it with a groan.
And now it’s Steve’s scent getting heady, getting muskier, invading his senses, calling to the Omega in him, making him weave his fingers through the Alpha’s hair and hold him in place so he can arch into the sweet, sweet torture while his hips work against Jim’s hand.
“A-all of it. I want all of it,” is broken with a whine when his jeans and boxers are finally shoved down his legs, tossed carelessly away.
Both Alphas pull off him, pull away to sit back and look their fill.
It makes him squirm under their intense gazes, makes him turn away, his face getting warm.
“Sssh, sssh,” Steve come close enough to palm his face and turn him back, to make him look at them looking at him, “that’s it. We need to see you, Tony. We need to make sure you want this, so no looking away.”
“Be good fer us, Doll,” Jim moans, panting, running his hand up, up, up until he can feel the wetness, can open his palm to cup Tony’s balls, slide his other hand up to the base of their Omega’s cock, give him a few easy tugs. “That’s right, getting nice n’ wet. Betcha gonna be so tight f’ me, betcha I can make ya keen.”
“Yes, fuck, please,” Tony pants, trying so hard to be still when they’re still touching him, looking at him with heat and fondness. “I...I’ll be good.”
Steve leans in to nuzzle at his nose, being tender about it when his chest starts rumbling, a gentle purr while he makes his way to the engineer’s mouth. “If something isn’t right, what’s your safe word, Sweetheart?”
“I–” but his hips jerk uncontrollably when the first touch to his opening is so much and still moremoremore. He shudders, just tries to breathe out.
“Easy, Buck. This first,” and the smaller Alpha growls a little and shifts down to bury his mouth against Tony’s thighs instead.
“That’s it. Come back, Tony,” more nuzzles that feel nice and safe, slick tongue sliding over his femoral, kiss of teeth still making him breathless.
Jim keeps two fingers moving through his slick, teasing him with every pass over his opening despite the Captain’s orders.
“Color system,” helplessly, he pushes his hips into the touch, trying to get what’s just a promise with fingertips barely breaching him.
Steve gives him a dazzling smile, rewards him for being somewhat lucid with a thumb swirling over his nipple, teasing it into a peak.
“Red, Yellow, Green, Doll?” But Bucky doesn’t look away from the sight. Their pretty Omega laying out with Steve blanketing him, keeping him calm so Bucky can work him nice n’ dirty. He gets to move up and mouth at the Omega’s broad curve, running his tongue up the vein until he’s sucking at the head, teasing the slit to get a taste.
“Buck!” Steve reprimands half-heartedly when Tony cries out against his throat arching up into Steve’s hand.
“Yesyesyes fine, red, yellow, green, got it!” Tony manages to grit out between his teeth when warm and wet slides over him, and it’s a struggle whether to bury himself in Jim’s mouth or push back against those fingers, to get something deeper, closer to where he’s starting to need it.
His scent gets stronger, his arousal adding another layer of spicy sweet. Steve shamelessly buries his face in the side of Tony’s throat and breathes deep, a groan making his chest rumble. 
“Come on already,” he pants, “isn’t there an Alpha in Rut somewhere around here?”
“Shh, Tony. It’s okay. Your pheromones are keeping him under control until we get you ready,” the blond licks over his throbbing pulse, shamelessly groaning when he gets to scent-mark their engineer. 
“Are you kidding me? I’m ready, like yesterday kind of ready–”
Steve catches his mouth a second after a bite to his thigh in admonishment makes him jump.
“If you want Bucky’s cock, then you’re going to have to wait until he preps you,” is that Captain America giving an order kind of tone.
“This is such bullshit,” he whines, helplessly pinned by two beautiful Alphas. 
“Don’t worry, Doll. We’re gonna take good care a’ ya.”
The next roll of his hips and the fingers catch on his rim, burying themselves deep. The noise is obscene, but Steve won’t let him turn away, licks at his mouth until he opens up.
His noises are muffled, his fists clenching when the slow slide starts, Jim trying to be easy with him, gentle. 
Which is absolutely not what he needs, not after so long, not with how good they smell, how heady their combined musk is making him, how much he suddenly needs to take care of Jim’s Rut, help him sate the biological imperative.  
He doesn’t realize Steve’s trying to worm his fingers between Tony’s still clenched in the bedding, just squeezes when longer fingers interlace. It’s as much holding him still as comforting him while he groans around Steve’s tongue at the quickening thrusts.
The low growl becomes a rolling purr, is James Buchannon Barnes sinking deeper into his inner Alpha, the instincts he doesn’t have to suppress, and that could be why he isn’t a raging animal right now – almost seventy years without a Rut notwithstanding. 
By all rights, if he was a normal Alpha hitting Rut, he should be throwing Steve right the hell off his Omega and fucking into the engineer immediately to sate the growing need.
If he hadn’t been tortured out of his Alpha instincts by Hydra, if he hadn’t been on and off deep freeze, if it wasn’t Tony under him, he might have gone into a Rage and fucked the Omega until he screamed for it.
He adds another finger, mouth watering at the scent of Tony’s slick, the wet squelch telling him the Omega wanted this, wanted him, wanted them.
“Pleasepleaseplease,” said against Steve’s mouth when the thrust of fingers gets faster, harder, and he arches his back up into them. 
“So good for us, Tony,” Steve noses his face to the side to lick over his pulse again, set his teeth in the meat of their mechanic’s shoulder. “Just a little more. How’s he doing, Buck?”
“Fucking beautiful, Stevie,” and Jim licks his lips, eyes all for the show, “he’s so ready, so wet. Gonna work ‘im a lil’ more, get ‘im crying for it.”
Steve looks over his shoulder and grins shamelessly at the expression on Bucky’s face, the one that’s completely focused on what he’s doing.
That’s when Tony gets with the program because he’s just about done being tortured. All it takes is for a hand to wiggle in front of Steve’s crotch and palm him through his pants, give a few squeezing strokes. It makes Steve rear up, gasping in pleasure as Tony planned, so he can move his other hand to Jim and pull those fingers out of his wet ass.  It’s more instinct that guides him to rise to his knees and face the Alphas head on.
“Let me service you through your Rut, Alpha,” is all Jim needs to hear from the beautiful Omega, naked on his knees, smelling like ready, willing, and waiting. He’s flushed with pleasure, with their marks on his skin, and he’s–
It’s something so terribly traditional as Tony turns around and lowers his chest to the bed, spreading his knees to offer himself.
Jim’s mouth falls open in soft awe, and Steve makes a noise that sounds painful.
But Tony turns his face to the side, looking back, mouth open and kiss-swollen, pink down to his chest, and his hands move up the back of his thighs until he spreads himself, giving them the show of a lifetime.
“Alpha...take me.” 
Is really James Buchannon Barnes’ undoing.
“S-Stevie,” is a low growl, the Alpha in him hitting some hard limits. “He yelps, ya pull me back, no matter what.”
Breathing in through his mouth, Steve moves off the bed with one last shuffle of fingers through Tony’s sweaty hair, “don’t worry, Buck, I won’t let cha hurt ‘im. You hear that, sweetheart? You’re gonna check in, okay?”
“Mmm,” Tony braces his elbows and lowers his back on instinct, feeling the muscles stretch, “green. Green, Alpha.”
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lowkey-lokis-bitch · 5 years
our chosen family - dad!steve.rogers
request - can i request for steve rogers x teen!reader? they have a father daughter relationship ever since he recruited her for team cap. they see each other again back @ the avengers facility after a long time. reader got affected by the snap (they shared a moment before turning to dust like peter & tony in titan) her last words: “i love you dad” and she’s the last one who’ll turn into dust. steve cries, vowing to avenge her and the others. reader has strength, speed, heat vision and flight. thank u!! - @barnes-parker – i’m so sorry it’s taken so long aha but i got so invested in this story and couldn’t stop ahaha <<33
word count - 7679
pairing - dad-figure!steve rogers x teen!reader, uncle!bucky barnes, uncle!sam wilson (btw the uncle figures are so much fun to write i love it omg), pretty much team cap family
a/n - hi! this became a long one and I’m kind of really proud of it so I hope you enjoy!! please let me know if this is the sort of thing you would like to read more!! also this kinda jumps between timelines so the lil ‘—-’ are the same scene just jumps, but the proper ‘——’ are different scenes :::))))))
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Stars lit up the sky as you floated above the metropolitan horizon of New York. Your mask covered the bottom half of your face, but you could see your breath cloud as the evening became cold. Landing on a rooftop, you squatted and scanned the area for any disturbances. Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw a group of bodies, all crowding around a young woman. The heat signatures they gave off were crazy, deep reds and bright oranges almost hurting your eyes. You jumped across a gap to the next building, trying to get a closer look. Then the woman screamed.
You leapt down from the building, landing in a crouch as the bodies turned to look at you. You stood up quickly, taking in the gasps from the men as they realised who you were. The first man sprinted towards you, throwing a punch at your face. You blocked it with your forearm and jammed your fist into his stomach, doubling him over in pain. You drew your knee up to hit him in the face and jumped over his falling body. Throwing yourself onto the floor, you swung your leg in front of you and tripped up two of the remaining five bodies. As they fell you grabbed their heads, banging them together just hard enough to knock them out for a few hours.
A knife flew by your face, missing you by only a few centimeters. You turned quickly, sprinting towards the attacker and buried your elbow in his face, taking out his legs with your foot. As he fell to the ground, you grabbed his body and threw it against the remaining men, taking them out like bowling pins. Walking towards the young woman, you helped her up and checked her over.
“Thank you,” she stuttered, tears falling on her cheeks. You gave her a smile, hidden by the mask, before sending her on her way. You began lining the bodies up against a wall, ready for the police, when the sounds of footsteps approached you from behind. You spun, holding your hands up in a defensive measure.
“Hello (Y/N),” a man in basic black and purple armor spoke, a quiver strapped across his back. You were taken aback by his use of your name; you had never told anyone of your true identity.
“How do you know my name?” your voice was tense, as were your fists. “Who are you?”
“I’m Clint, this isn’t my normal way of introducing myself,” the man laughed to himself, rubbing a hand against his forehead. “I’m just gonna cut to the chase, we need your help.”
Days later you found yourself in Europe with Captain America, having been recruited for his fight against Tony Stark. The two of you had clicked instantly, him taking the fatherly role that had been missing from your life. You trained together, Wanda helping you with controlling your powers and Steve taking responsibility for your hand-to-hand combat. The progress you saw within yourself in just a few days was outstanding and you found yourself imagining a life with the team, training and becoming friends. But that was a dangerous fantasy.
“Take the new guy, he seems about your age,” Steve didn’t look at you as he spoke, his eyes still focused on Tony as he ran across the airfield. “Save Buck and Sam.”
“Ah, my boys always need me,” you laughed despite your anxieties. Sprinting towards the glass building, you flew into the air and crashed through one of the walls. You landed in a traditional “superhero” pose, looking up to assess the situation. Bucky and Sam lay on the floor, tangled up in some kind of web, as Spiderman crouched against a tall pillar.
“Woah, you can fly?!” the kid spoke, his voice revealing his youth. As you considered, he probably wasn’t much younger than you, a year or two at most. How could Tony bring in someone this young?
“Hey kid, haven’t you got homework or something to be doing?” you cocked him a brow, a smirk hidden beneath your mask. Spiderman’s eyes flicked up to you, widening in shock. You threw yourself towards him, arms outstretched to tackle him to the ground. Landing with a thud, you launched Peter across the room where he hit and slid down the wall. You bolted towards Bucky and Sam, ripping apart the webs that bound them. “What would you boys do without me?”
“Probably not have all of my food stolen,” Sam muttered, standing quickly and bringing his hand to his goggles. You sent him a glare before standing alongside Bucky. Glass shattered behind you, and you turned to see Spiderman caught by one of Sam’s drones, pulled outside.
“That works,” you shrugged your shoulders, leading the pair of men towards the building’s exit. “I can’t believe you got your asses handed to you by a kid.”
Deep breaths echoed, bouncing off of the prison cell walls. You sat by the bars, your arms wrapped around them and your hands intertwined. Your head rested against the cold metal, your eyes barely open as exhaustion took over your entire body. You had barely eaten, you couldn’t remember the last time they had given you water and you were sure the fatigue was obvious on your face. A sigh escaped your lips as you forced your head up to look across at Clint in his cell. He was sat on his bed, his head in his hands - as had become his usual position.
The opening of the main door caused you to look up; you half expected Tony to be back to gloat about his victory, to try and weasel any secrets out of you, but the silhouette in the doorway was taller, broader. As he stepped into the light, you heart broke and your lower lip quivered. Steve’s face was rugged, a hint of a beard tickled his jaw as he walked towards Sam’s cell. The two had a brief conversation, Steve glancing around the room at several points. You assumed Sam was explaining what had been going on. Steve reached into his pocket, pulling out a tablet that had hacked into the Raft’s mainframe. With a click of the screen, the cell bars lifted and you lifted yourself from the ground slowly. Your head spun and your legs shook beneath you as you stumbled your way to Wanda’s cell.
Wanda was the weakest of the group, she had been wrapped up in a straitjacket with an electric collar around her neck. Her eyes were sunken, deep bags hanging beneath them. She dragged her eyes up from the wall to look at you. A tear landed on your cheek as you knelt down before her, looking for some way to remove her restraints. Your breathing sped up as you began to panic, unable to find a solution. A hand touched your back, throwing you off balance as you spun around quickly, falling as your head went fuzzy. Large arms wrapped around you as your consciousness began to fade. You forced your eyes open just long enough to see Steve’s face, smiling down at you as you drifted off to sleep.
“She needs to be here, where I- we can look after her.”
“She’s old enough to make this decision herself.”
The steady beeping of medical equipment steadied your breathing as you began to regain consciousness. You tried to lift your hand, but it felt like dead weight. Your fingertips twitched and you let out a soft groan, attempting to communicate with anyone who was in the room.
“Hey kiddo,” Steve’s voice calmed your racing heartbeat as he stepped towards your bed.
“Where are we?” your throat felt as though you had swallowed broken glass and the taste in your mouth was foul.
Steve looked towards the other man in the room, who you could now see was Sam. He sighed, his head hanging before looking back up at you, “A safe house in Sweden, the whole team’s here.”
“How did you- what happened?” your eyebrows furrowed as you coughed, your chest aching with each exhale.
“Well, I couldn’t leave my best girl,” Steve smiled up at you, but his eyes showed his true sadness. “Can’t be part of a team if the rest of the team isn’t there.”
“So, everyone’s staying here? What about Tony?” Steve flinched as you mentioned the name, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“We have to stay under the radar, according to everyone we’re criminals now. Tony isn’t going to try and change that. Nat, Sam and I are going to go underground and Wanda’s gonna be with us most of the time. What you do is up to you,” Steve looked up at you once again, his eyes pleading for you to stay.
“I-I don’t know.” “I don’t want to interrupt a lovely moment,” Sam stepped forward, his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “But you’re young. You can’t be giving up your life before you’ve even had one.”
“Whatever you do,” Steve started, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. “We’re always here for you, whatever it is, I’m here.”
In the time after Germany, your physical and mental health took a hit. It took you days to be able to walk again, and weeks beyond that to start training. Natasha and Clint would often find you pottering around the safe house at 3am, a dazed look in your eyes and various weapons in your hands. Not to mention the nightmares, they woke not just you, but Steve who would race through from his room - adjacent to yours - when you began screaming, your lungs crying out for oxygen. It was decided that you would go with Wanda, she was the only one who could fully comprehend what was going on in your head, and you would return when you had fully recovered. Whenever that was.
“I’ll come visit as soon as Wanda thinks it’s okay, kid,” the tears in Steve’s eyes threatened to spill as he held you close to his chest. Your cheeks were already damp with salty tears as you had said your goodbyes to the rest of the team. Your arms were tight around Steve’s waist, and you didn’t want to let go. He pulled back to push loose hairs away from your face and to look into your eyes one last time. “I love you.”
“I love you, and thank you,” you hesitated. “Dad.”
You kicked your leg out as you leapt into the air, thrusting your foot into the chest of an Outrider and slicing another in half with your blade. As you returned to the ground you drove your foot into the fallen Outrider’s face, leaving the Wakandan dirt splattered with black blood. You wiped your face with the back of your hand, a grimace painted across your expression, before looking up to see Steve struggling against a pack of creatures. You launched yourself into the air before hurtling into the group, sending Outriders flying in all directions.
“Thanks kid,” Steve breathed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to regain his momentum.
“You know, maybe you’re getting too old for this,” you joked with a quick salute. Steve simply raised an eyebrow at you in response and the two of you sprinted in seperate directions. You grabbed a pistol from the holster at your thigh and sent bullets flying towards two Outriders, dark gore showering the dusty ground beneath you. You increased your speed as you lifted off the ground, taking an aerial view of the battle. From your viewpoint, you saw Wanda fighting against one of Thanos’ children, and she wasn’t exactly winning. You bolted towards her, your hair flying behind you as you landed on the ground, sending dirt flying from under your feet.
“She’s not alone,” Natasha spoke as Okoye readied her blade. You stood next to the assassin, fists out in a fighting position. Proxima Midnight looked between the three of you before lunging towards Okoye, blades prepared to strike. She dove, striking at Okoye’s chest as you plunged your foot into her lower back, tripping her onto her back. She rolled up easily, landing in a crouch as she kicked out at Natasha’s feet. Wanda, now up from the ground, lifted Proxima into the air and sent her flying into one of Thanos’ large tanks.
“Anyone got eyes on Vision?” Sam’s voice came through your comms and you spun quickly to see Vision fighting another of Thanos’ children. You gave Wanda a quick nod before she used her power to give you a boost into the air. You hurtled through the air to the forest, your landing ruined by the dense trees. You dropped through branches before arriving at the floor, the air sucked out of your lungs. You wheezed, your eyes closed as pain surged through your entire body. Your adrenaline was starting to wear out, and you weren’t unscathed from the fight. Looking down at your body, blood and dirt was caking your armor, skin exposed to show deep wounds. You lifted yourself onto your knees, looking up to see Vision stabbed by Corvus Glaive. You stood quickly, grabbing a dagger from your belt and lunged towards the creature, sinking the blade into his side.
Suddenly, Corvus was tackled to the ground and you whipped around to see Steve getting to his feet, yelling across at you and Vision. Vision was visibly injured and struggling to move. He nodded at you and the message was clear. You sprinted towards Steve and Glaive, landing a punch on Glaive’s cheek and kicking your shin into the back of his knee. As he fell, he grabbed your arm and threw you into a tree, your spine curving around the trunk. You cried out in pain as you landed against the ground. Steve blocked Glaive’s blade with his shield, landing a punch and grabbing the blade and throwing it in the opposite direction. Glaive grabbed Steve by the neck, throwing him onto a fallen tree where Steve rolled, grimacing in pain. Corvus walked towards the tree where you were still shaking with agony, and wrapped his hand around your neck. You gasped for breath, your eyes beginning to go hazy.
As you sucked in a shallow breath, Glaive’s eyes went wide. His body lifted as a blade protruded from his chest, revealing Vision holding the staff behind him. Letting go of the stave, Vision fell to the ground. You gasped for oxygen as Steve sprinted over, blood trickling down his face from a cut on his forehead. You crawled towards the pair as Vision’s eyes began to droop, Steve holding his head.
“Hey, you’re good,” you spoke slowly, breathlessly. “We’ve got to get you out of here, okay? I can take you-”
“There’s no way you’re doing anything,” Steve’s voice was stern. “You’re injured, we can’t risk you any further.” “Steve, we need to get him out of-”
“I know, but-”
Wanda arrived on the scene, her face painted with worry as her eyes landed on Vision.
“Don’t cut me off!” your voice was raised, filled with urgency. “I can fly him up, get him back into the building. I’ll take out all of the Outriders, I can do it.”
“It’s too danger-”
Steve stopped speaking as dark clouds appeared between the trees, an ominous noise wiping out all cries from the battle field. A large figure stepped through them, a familiar golden glove decorating his left hand. He tensed and flexed his fingers, the stones making beautiful sounds as he glanced around, assessing the area. You looked towards Steve, his eyebrows furrowed as he stood.
“He’s here.”
early 2018 - remote europe
The bed creaked beneath you as you sat, the old wooden bed frame groaning at your presence. You pulled the medical kit out from your drawers, opening it to grab the antiseptic and cotton wool, before pulling up your shirt. A grimace crossed your face as you pressed the ointment to your skin, the stinging sensation dancing across your stomach. Grabbing a bandage from the box, you unwound it and wrapped it around your torso, ensuring it was tight enough to stop any bleeding. Then you moved on to the multiple wounds across your arms.
“Got yourself in kind of a bad state, kid,” you turned slowly to see the familiar face of Sam Wilson. “Need a hand?”
An aggravated sigh left your lips as you stood from the bed, “How did you find me?”
“Well, the deal was you were with Wanda. But that’s obviously not how it played out,” Sam gave you a serious look. “She told us the last place you said you were going and we took it from there.”
You rolled up the leg of your suit, cursing under your breath as you saw the bruising that had begun to appear. “Are you alone?” The uneasy tone of your voice didn’t go unnoticed. Sam looked across at you, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he considered the team.
“We didn’t want to undo anything Wanda might have-” Sam struggled for his next word, thinking carefully of his next word.
“Fixed?” you finished the sentence for him, looking up and giving him a breathy laugh. “Well, don’t worry. I can take care of myself.”
“You don’t have to.”
The words stopped you in your tracks.  You took a deep breath, turning to face the man before you.
“You’ve heard about the Infinity Stones?” Sam crossed his arms over his chest.
“Wanda and Vision mentioned them a few times, told me a bit about them. Why?” “Some big, scary guy is trying to get them all. They went for the Mind Stone, but we got to Vision first.”
“Is he okay?” you spoke, your voice raising slightly with concern.
“He’s fine, he’s back at the compound with Steve and Nat,” Sam stepped towards you. “We need you, (Y/N).”
“Now, where have I heard that before?” you joked with a sigh, rubbing your forehead with your palms.
“He needs you.”
You looked up, pained eyes searing into Sam’s.
“What’s the mission?”
The quinjet landed beside the Avengers facility and your heart jumped the second you reached the floor. You were instantly aware of how you looked, the weight of your backpack, the noises your jacket made as you stepped off of the jet. Sam moved to stand beside you, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“You ready, kid?”
You gave a quick nod in response, your eyes fixed on the main doors directly in front of you.
“You’ll be fine,” Sam began to walk, his large strides putting distance between the two of you. Gritting your teeth, you forced one foot in front of the other, counting down the seconds until you were inside. The training hall was the exact same as when you had left. A sense of comfort washed over you, releasing the tightness in your chest as you looked around. A small smile broke onto your face as memories flooded back: training with Bucky, long nights talking with Wanda, Natasha trying to teach you new moves, leading to you on the floor, the breath stolen from your lungs.
Footsteps alerted you to a presence behind you and you spun around to meet Wanda’s kind eyes.
“Hey,” you breathed, a wobble in your voice.
“I’m sorry, I know you wanted to be by yourself bu-” Wanda began to walk towards you, taking your hands in hers.
“It’s okay,” you reassured her, pulling her into a hug. “I understand. Plus, everyone was probably missing me tons. You know, I don’t know how they survived without me.” You feigned a confident front, but you weren’t sure that Wanda was fooled.
She laughed nervously, taking your arm in hers and leading you towards one of the main rooms. You stopped before the door, looking across at your friend. She gave you a comforting smile before opening the doors and walking in. Your body felt like lead as you stepped through the doorway, seeing the same people you had left two years ago.
Nat’s eyes met yours and she rushed over, wrapping you in her arms. Although she rarely showed it, Natasha was one of the most caring people you had ever met. It was an extreme contrast to the act she maintained, but you knew her in a way no-one else did. She pulled back, her hands on your shoulders as she studied your face. You could see the relief on her face as you took in her appearance.
“I like the hair,” you let out a laugh. “You know, it’s hard for a redhead to pull off blonde.”
“Good thing I have the attitude for it,” she smirked, hugging you once again before returning to the large screen in the centre of the room.
You spotted Vision at the other side of the room, talking with Wanda, and gave him a quick wave. He responded with a smile, still growing accustomed to human greetings.
“Where’s Steve?” you spoke softly, to no-one in particular.
Natasha turned to look at you, “He’s in his room. Something about not wanting to make you uncomfortable or nervous.”
“I’m gonna-” you trailed off, leaving the room.
The corridors were hauntingly familiar, the same lights flickering as your shoes moved quietly along the wooden floor. 84. It was still 84 steps from the stairs to your room. Your heart rate increased as your hand stroked the door handle, pressing it lightly to reveal your room. Nothing had been moved, it looked as though you had been there only yesterday. The light streamed in from the closed window, thin, white curtains sitting perfectly still. You walked slowly towards the centre of the room, dropping your backpack onto your bed. It was a weird sensation, being back in a place that held so many mixed emotions.
You were snapped out of your memories as footsteps quickly approached from behind. You spun around and saw Steve standing in the door frame, an apologetic look on his face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you were back already,” Steve diverted his eyes, avoiding meeting yours. “I thought someone was-”
He stopped talking as you walked towards him. Once you were within touching distance, your lower lip began to quiver and you wrapped your arms around him quickly, sobs escaping your lips. He sighed in relief and hugged you back.
“I’m sorry,” you spluttered, pulling away to look up at him. “I shouldn’t have gone off on my own, it was stupid and-”
“Hey, no,” Steve pulled you back into his chest. “I just-, I got scared. But that’s my fault, not yours.”
You stayed in the same position for a few minutes, just taking comfort in his familiar heartbeat. When you pulled away, he wiped the tears from your face before walking you back through to the meeting room. Natasha was now joined by Rhodey and they were deep in discussion, frequently referencing to various sheets of paper that were strewn across the table. They looked up when you entered, Rhodey folding his arms across his chest.
“Welcome back,” you hadn’t met Rhodey before, only briefly encountered him at the airport battle, but you could tell you were going to get along with him pretty well. “You heard of Thanos?”
“What did you do?” Thor bellowed. The gauntlet was fried, burned into Thanos’ skin. The titan looked around, a smile growing across his face, before summoning a portal and falling through. You looked across at Bucky, who was standing from where he had been thrown. A sense of unease settled across Wakanda and glancing around, it was obvious that everyone felt the same. You launched yourself into the air, trying to see the battlefield, to see if the same dread could be felt across the nation. And that’s where you saw it. Soldiers floating away in the wind, nothing but ashes. Your heart dropped as your mouth opened, your breathing staggering. You crashed back into the forest, looking around at your fellow Avengers.
“Something’s not right, people are-are-” you stuttered, your heart racing faster than it ever had. Steve looked across at you, concerned.
“Steve,” Bucky’s voice came from behind you as you turned. A pile of dust was on the floor, where Bucky’s body would have fallen. Your breath hitched as tears pricked your eyes. Steve staggered over, his heart breaking in his chest. Kneeling down, he ran his fingers through the remains of his best friend, his face obvious with distress. He looked up between you and Thor, the three of you sharing a thought. What the hell is going on?
Something inside of you felt off. Your stomach lurched as you looked up at Steve, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks. He stood quickly, racing over to hold you in his arms.
“Steve, I-I don’t know-” you spluttered, tears staining his armor.
“It’s okay, it’s going to be okay,” Steve’s voice cracked, his facade of strength dissolving before your very eyes. Natasha burst through the trees, her breathing heavy and her face panicked. You had never seen her this way before, the unshakable assassin, shaken. You fell to the floor as your knees gave out, Steve going with you. He held you in his lap, his hands running through your hair.
“What’s going to happen?” your voice wavered as you looked up at your mentor, your face tacky with salty tears.
“I-I don’t know,” Steve could barely look at you, feeling sick to his stomach. “But it’s going to be okay, I’m gonna figure it out, okay?” He nodded, trying to convince himself most of all.
Your legs went numb and you tilted your head to look down, but Steve placed his hand under your chin, lifting your eyes back to his. Your breathing sped up, panic settling in your stomach as you felt like you were going to throw up.
“I love you, Dad.”
Steve fell forward as your body dissolved before him. A tear fell from his eyes onto the ashes on his arms. Natasha walked towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder as she chewed on her bottom lip, her anxieties getting the best of her. Steve looked at the floor, his body heating with despair and anger.
“This isn’t over. I will get them back, and I will kill Thanos.”
Your eyelids were heavy as light beamed through the thin layer of skin. Squinting, you lifted a hand to cover your face and sat up slowly. Steve was gone. Looking around you could see Bucky standing up, Sam on the floor and the tree guy next to a log. But no Steve, no Natasha, no Rhodey. You made eye contact with Bucky, and confusion was plastered across his face, as you were sure it was across yours.
“Where’s Steve?” you stuttered, your legs shaking beneath you. Stumbling over to Sam, you took his hand and he gave it a quick squeeze. “Where’s anyone?” “I don’t know,” Bucky spoke slowly, moving to join the pair of you as T’Challa and Wanda emerged from seperate parts of the forest. You lowered yourself to the ground slowly, your body exhausted from whatever had just happened. Sam rubbed his forehead, desperately trying to hold it together and figure out an answer to the thousands of questions running through his head.
Your breathing was speeding up, your heart pounding in your chest; it felt as though your ribs were about to explode from the pressure. Your worried eyes met Bucky’s and he knelt down beside you, taking your hand in his larger, calloused grip. He gave you a soft smile, exaggerating his breathing to encourage you to fall in sync with his. Due to his past, Bucky was no stranger to anxiety and thus he was the one you always went to when your body started to act against you. He was more than happy to help, seeing you like a little sister and wanting nothing more than to protect you from the big, bad world. Your lip quivered before you took it between your teeth, hard enough to draw blood. Your eyes darted between Bucky and Sam, but as you looked at them you saw them looking in an entirely different direction.
A man stood before a glowing, amber circle, his red cape floating behind him as he strided towards you.
“My name is Doctor Stephen Strange. I was with Tony Stark as we fought Thanos, and I’m assuming you lost as we did,” Stephen’s eyes danced across the group, trying to devise the leader.
Sam stepped forward, “Nah, this is our victory party. You don’t see the balloons?” Despite his jokes, his voice was dark, serious.
“It’s been 5 years since our defeat,” your eyebrows furrowed at Strange’s statement. “And the Avengers need us.”
“Avengers, assemble.”
Roars broke out from all around you, an army running and fighting as one. Steve was at the forefront, his shield in one hand and Mjolnir in the other. You could see the grime and dried blood that coated his face from your position, despite being fairly far away. You sprinted forward, a cry escaping your lips in anticipation of the extreme battle that quickly approached. Holding your arms out before you, you launched yourself into the air and thrust your fist into an oncoming Leviathan. The punch reverberated through its entire being and it began to fall as a white horse came flying through the air, the Valkyrie atop it slicing the beast’s spine. You sent her a quick smile before turning to observe the ongoing battle. You bolted into a large group of Outriders, a shockwave exploding beneath your feet and sending creatures flying into the air, where they were quickly taken out by Tony and Pepper. You were moving at an incredible pace, legs and arms flying as you obliterated any Outriders that dared to threaten you.
“What do I do with this thing?” Clint’s voice was familiar over comms, and instantly you knew the object he was referring to. The gauntlet.
“Get it as far away from here as possible,” the sound of Steve’s voice made your heart skip a beat. A smile broke onto your face as you realised, this could be it. This could be the end of Thanos, the end of constantly looking over your shoulder for trouble. You could have a life after this. Your eyes roamed the battlefield, searching for a glimpse of the red glove. Amongst the hoards of creatures, you spotted Clint diving and dodging oncoming attacks and bulleted towards him, your feet leaving the ground and your body becoming streamlined.
“Hey kid, not really an ideal time,” Clint spoke, his breathing heavy as he dodged under a blade that flew towards him.
“Gimme that thing,” you nodded towards the gauntlet.
“Hell no, I’ve already fallen for that once today,” he continued to run, the glove tucked underneath his arm.
“Clint,” you looked at him, your eyes stern. “I can fly. They can’t get it up there.”
The man hesitated a moment, before holding the gauntlet out to you, “Touché.”
With the gauntlet secured in your grip, you bolted into the air, your hair flying out behind you. The roars of battle echoed from below, but your focus remained on getting the glove away from Thanos. A searing pain shot through your abdomen as you were thrown to the ground. Looking down, you saw the hilt of a knife sticking out of your side. You gasped, blood trickling down your side as you brought yourself to stand again, gripping the knife and pulling it out of you. Gritting your teeth, your eyes roaming for the perpetrator as you began to run. Your feet were heavy beneath you, swinging back and forth across the uneven battlefield. Shots rang out around you, but you didn’t flinch. Once again, you jumped into the air, throwing your head back to look at the ships above you.
Bullets flew past you, bolts of energy and weapons you couldn’t recognise skimming your armor. Leather could only hold off so much, and little cuts and digs were becoming bigger and more painful. You could feel your power draining as your body began to give out, failing under the increasing pressure of losing oxygen and blood. Your eyes struggled to remain open as the air became thinner and you felt your grip on the gauntlet loosening. In a panic, you scrambled to hug the glove to your chest and you began to fall. The ground was closing in as you squeezed your eyes shut to prepare for impact.
“Hi, I’ve got you!” a familiar voice rang out as you felt arms catching you. You forced your eyes open and saw the familiar mask of Spiderman. A breathy chuckle escaped your lips as Peter raised an eyebrow, a cheeky smile across his face. “I thought you said you could fly.”
You simply nudged him in response, trying to maintain any kind of energy that was left in your exhausted body. “You have spider-legs now?”
“Oh these things?” Peter glanced at his suit as you reached the ground, him letting you down gently. “That’s not even the best bit.” He reached out for the glove, and you gave it to him gladly. You smiled at him before he swung off, gauntlet in hand. You allowed yourself a few moments to catch your breath, glancing around at the battlefield and trying to find your teammates. You spotted Rhodey in the air, thrusters lit up as he attacked a Leviathan, with Sam on his tail, shots firing out at a rapid speed.
Blood rushed through your body as you gathered your strength to stand, muscled legs holding you up. A herd of Outriders watched you rise and sprinted towards you, teeth scratching and drool flying as they ran. You gritted your teeth as your rubbed your hands together, readying your familiar fighting stance. Your fists acted upon muscle memory, driving into chests and faces, legs flying and stomping on fallen creatures. Your armor became covered in Outrider gore, staining your skin with a deep blue tint. You fought until an entire group of monster corpses lay at your feet, your breathing was heavy and sweat droplets coated your forehead. With a quick swipe of your hand, your face was almost cleared of Outrider blood and your eyes focused once again as you looked towards the surrounding creatures.
“I am inevitable,” Thanos’ voice rang out over the battlefield and you spun to see the heavy gauntlet on his hand. Your breath caught in your throat as his fingers touched, the sharp snap cutting through the dense air. A confused look appeared across the titan’s face as he turned his hand, revealing the lack of infinity stones. You gasped as your eyes roamed to Tony, who was kneeling with the stones implanting on his suit.
“I. Am. Iron Man.”
A sharp, metallic tone shattered the air. Pain was instantly shown on Tony’s face as his body crumpled to the ground. The hoards of creatures that had begun to charge towards you stopped, all seeming to share a thought. These monsters that you had previously thought incapable of emotion were scared. A quick look around the battlefield showed that their entire race was reacting the same way. The area was almost silent, only heavy breathing could be heard over your comms.
Your feet began to move slowly beneath you, carrying your body towards the familiar presence of Wanda, who was stood near to you. Without turning to look at you, she took your hand in hers, her eyes still glued to the titan knelt in the centre of the fight. Around you, ships fell from the sky, exploding as they met the ground. Fire burst out in the perimeter of the battlefield, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the monster stood before you. His breathing slowed as his eyes dropped to the ground, his elbows resting on his knees. He remained there for a few seconds before looking up towards Tony, and dissolving away with the wind. Your breath hitched in your throat as he turned to ash. You tilted your head up to look at Wanda as a single tear rolled down her face. She dragged her eyes towards you and a relieved smile broke onto her face as she looked at you. You pulled her into a tight hug, sobs escaping both of you as you felt her arms around you.
You pulled away after a few moments, your tearstained face smiling up at her with a mix of relief and heartbreak. You couldn’t imagine the cacophony of emotions whirring through her body. Your heartbeat was steadily increasing as you looked around the battlefield, looking for one person. Steve. Your comms were alight with conversation and celebration, making it impossible to identify individual voices. And then, from across the battlefield, your eyes locked with his. A breathy sob escaped your lips as you began to sprint towards him, your injured legs stumbling as you crossed the uneven terrain.
His arms were around you within an instant, your face pressed into his chest. Tears spilled from both of you, neither in belief of what had actually happened. Steve pulled away to look at your face, and despite being in his old uniform, you could see the weathered effect the past 5 years had had on him. His eyes were swimming as he assessed your face, barely an hour older than when you had disappeared before him. Your mind raced with questions but you couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
“Hey kid,” Steve’s voice cracked as he looked down at you, his hands on your shoulders.
“Hey,” you stuttered, your voice shaking. “So, it’s not weird that I called you dad right?”
Steve laughed, shaking his head, “It would be an honor.”
He pulled you into him once again, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You spent a few moments just relishing in the familiarity of your family. Wanda had approached the pair of you, alongside Bucky and Sam. Steve took Bucky into his arms, patting his back as he pressed his face into Bucky’s soft shoulder. Sam jokingly wrapped his arm around the pair, encasing them in a group hug. You smiled at the action, taking Wanda’s hand once again. Once the group of boys had separated, Steve gave Wanda a quick hug, smiling at his friend. You situated yourself between Steve and Bucky, an arm around each as you settled into the comfort of your family.
Peering around the group, you noticed an empty space, “Where’s Nat?”
Steve’s face dropped as he looked around the group, “She -uh, she didn’t make it.”
Your eyes clouded over as your eyes fell to the ground. The group shared a few minutes of silence, grieving for your fallen sister. You reached to take Steve’s hand in your own, giving it a squeeze and looking up at him through clouded eyes. “She knows we won, and we won for her.”
Tony’s lakeside cabin was beautiful during the summer, the rays of sun beaming through the windows. You could have sat out by the lake for hours, not a single thought crossing your mind. It was peaceful, and you felt the most peace in knowing that Tony and Natasha were at peace as well. The funeral had been deeply emotional; you hadn’t known Tony too well yourself, but seeing the effect he had had on people’s lives proved to you how important your job was. You sat on the porch, watching Tony’s young daughter as she played by the lakeshore. An absent-minded smile danced across your face, the cool breeze tickling your face.
“Hey kid,” Steve approached you, his hands in his pockets as he sat next to you. You lifted your eyes to meet his, noticing the nerves he was trying to hide. Your eyebrows furrowed, but you shifted to give him some space.
“Hey,” your voice was soft. “How is everyone?”
Steve took a deep breath, surveying the horizon before you, “As good as they can be, I guess. Bruce is setting everything up, should be ready to go pretty soon. Best to just get it all fixed now.” You nodded up at him, leaning your head on his shoulder. He responded by wrapping his arm around your shoulder, hugging you into his side. “Can we talk?”
“What else were we doing?” you turned to face him, your entire body shifting as you crossed your legs beneath you.
“I mean, a serious talk.”
“Of course, what’s up?” nerves rumbled in your stomach as he looked down at you, his well known “serious face” on display.
“I think I’m going to stay there,” Steve’s eyes dropped to the floor, as though he was trying to look at anything other than you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Where? What are you-” you stopped yourself as realisation vibrated through your body. “As in-?”
Steve nodded, his eyes clouding with tears.
“With Peggy?” Your voice cracked as you felt your throat thicken. Tears threatened to spill, but you focused all of your efforts into staying strong, for him.
“I- I can’t stay here when I could be living the life I truly want.”
You ducked to meet Steve’s eyeline, drawing it back to you. Giving him a reassuring smile, you took a deep breath and composed yourself. “I understand, and I love you. No matter what.”
Steve pulled you towards him, tears falling from his eyes onto your hair. He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head then placed his cheek on top. He could feel your chest rising and falling unevenly as quiet sobs escaped your lips. Your face was pressed into his shirt, taking comfort in being able to hear his heartbeat.
“Say hi to Peggy for me,” you smiled, your lower lip quivering as a tear dropped onto your cheek. Steve pulled away from you, taking your face in his hands. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, his eyes alight with emotion as he looked down at you.
“Do you want to come out, stand with Sam and Buck?” You nodded in response, taking his hand gently in yours. “I’ve spoken to Bucky, but we’re not gonna tell Sam. I don’t think he would take it too well.”
“Judging by some of his previous reactions, I would say you’re correct,” you laughed slightly as the two of you left the lodge. The brief walk through the forest was a daze, you barely felt as though your feet were touching the floor. You tried your hardest to take in every moment, knowing it would be some of your last with Steve, but your uncertainty took hold of your consciousness.
You reached the clearing where Bucky and Sam were deep in conversation with Bruce. The pair turned as they heart your footsteps, Bucky giving you a knowing smile as his eyes met yours. Sam jogged over, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“You okay, kid?” he looked down at you.
You wiped your face quickly, having forgotten about the tears. “Yeah, just allergies.”
“I keep telling you to go outside, instead of stuck in your room all day,” Sam’s eyebrows raised in an “I-told-you-so” manner.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you shoved his chest jokingly, making a beeline towards Bruce. You watched as he pulled a small briefcase out from beneath the table. Steve stepped towards you, unclasping the buckles to ensure that all of the Infinity Stones were counted for.
“Remember, the exact second they were taken, then-”
“Then back, yep. Got it,” you were surprised at how Steve sounded, confident. He closed the case, taking it in one hand and Mjolnir in the other. It still shocked you to see the magnificent hammer in his grip. He climbed the stairs, not looking back at the group of friends behind him. You found yourself moving towards Bucky, wrapping your arm around his.
“Okay, and 3, 2, 1,” Bruce pressed a button on the machine and Steve was gone. You breath faltered and Bucky reached to take your hand, his eyes still fixated on the spot where his best friend had just stood. You remained silent, not wanting to bring Sam’s attention to you, not wanting to let him know anything that was happening.
“And back in 3, 2, 1.”
You turned your head into Bucky’s shoulder, trying to steady your breathing as you began to accept that he was gone.
“Where is he?!” Sam’s voice boomed through the bare clearing as he glared across at Bruce, who was panicking and rushing around his equipment.
Bucky nudged you with his shoulder, causing you to look up and across at the bench by the lake. A small silhouette was outlined in light, white hair sitting atop of a frail, old body.
“Sam,” Bucky’s voice pulled Sam out of his confusion as he turned, following Bucky’s gaze towards the old man. “You go ahead.”
Sam walked over slowly, his hands in his pockets as he looked out to the water. You watched the conversation, too far away to hear any of the words spoken. Bucky remained in silence, your hand still in his. He pulled his eyes from the scene before him and looked down at you, trying to gauge your feelings towards the situation. “You wanna go speak to him?”
You considered for a moment before shaking your head. “We said our goodbyes, I’m okay.” Bucky gave you a soft smile before turning his attention back towards his friends. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before spinning on your heels, your gaze fixed on the cabin through the woods. A tear fell to your cheek as you left, leaving behind the comfort of your father. Thoughts spun through your head as you walked, but you brushed them to the side.
The future is bright, so full of opportunity and possibility. And you have to take it. For Natasha, for Tony, for Steve.
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ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
Playing with fire ch. 1
This is my first writing, go easy on me. This story completely ignore marvel time lines cause I’m in denial. I, of course, own none of MCU. I do own my OFC’s and ideas though.
Warning: strong language? Eventual smut. Lots of angst and violence. Possible bad writing. It will get better over time. Steve and Bucky being pricks. (Just a little)
Red. My vision seemed permanently stained that way. Blood. Sticky,staining blood. It made my skin feel heavy as if I had gel all over my body. I stood in my uniform in our elevator. Nervously fiddling with my hands, old habits die hard. I was to immediately debrief Ed on the mission, as well as Fury. It didn’t matter each breath I took felt like someone burned my esophagus with a hot poker. Looking at my hands, I noticed blood was etched into my fingers and I tried to remember a time that wasn’t the case.
Flash back 5 years
“She was just a one night thing. We could never date Luna or be with her in that way, Sam. She’s weak and meek.” Steve’s voice carried to where I stood in the hall. I had just woken up to an empty bed, both super soldiers long gone. No trace.
“I mean she’s shy, but she would be a great person to commit to.” Sam said enthusiastically and I realized they were talking about me and my smile was washed clean off my face. The once warm feeling of pure happiness, replaced with pure rage.
“I mean they are super soldiers, you really expect them to settle down.” Nat snorted before earning yeahs from them both.
“Besides it’s not like she’s special or anything.” Bucky shrugged, that was all I needed. They lied. They had told me promises of love and safety and it was just a gimmick. I immediately turned and went to pack up my room, I wouldn’t stay where I wasn’t wanted and definitely where I can’t trust my own team.
“Ms. Sanchez, your car has arrived.” FRIDAY informed me as I thanked the AI. I had written Tony a note explaining why I was gone, they had left shortly after the morning incident on a small mission. I rolled out my bag and pepper shot me a sympathetic look.
“You don’t have to go you know!” She said, walking over to hug me as she began to cry.
“I can’t stay. I will keep in touch I promise.” I said knowing I could email her with no worries.
A ding in the elevator brought me out of my thoughts. I walked down the hall, still in my full outfit, carrying the merchandise.(her outfit is Bucky’s winter solider muzzle and cat woman outfit.) I stepped out and began to walk up the corridor to the common room, Ed’s intern made eye contact, but quickly adverted his eyes and ran away.
“Well this place looks amazing, thank you.” Had I still been my old self I would have ran away and hidden, but oh how I’d grown. I growled audibly at the voices I recognized. I finally made it to the end of the hall and dropped my jacket on the bar.
“Ah there’s my favorite.. well lord you look like you had a fun time.” Ed started and I straightened my back, turning around. Bucky immediately looked wary and it gave me a sense of pride, an ego boost. I put my thumb on my bracelete to unlock the face shield , before it turned into the other bracelete. I heard audible gasps.
“Well I’m glad I’m the favorite since I don’t do consolation prizes.” I quipped pouring a drink, to ignore the searing burn in my throat.
“Luna, these are,” Ed started, “I know who they are. Here’s hydras little black book. Am I released to shower now?” I asked cutting him off, had I had the ability to blush I would have. Steve and Bucky looked like shit and they were staring at me like I was a kicked puppy. Nat looked shocked, Wanda had a sad look strained across her face and permanent etched into her features. Tony and Sam looked concerned.
“I imagine it was a success, no issues?” Fury asked and I directed my gaze to him.
“Have I ever failed one? Yes there were issues, they’ve been handled.” I answered monotone, my team looking happy I had completed the mission. Aurora had stopped looking concerned the minute she determined the blood wasn’t mine.
“Sanchez you can leave, but any survivors?”Ed asked and I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and my jacket. Clint watched every move I made like a hawk with prey.
“Not if they were in the building.” I stated bluntly.
“Oh and Luna, Delta is in your room I believe.” Lucas stated and I nodded.
“Keep the voices down please. Some of us still need sleep.” Tyler laughed out, the booming noise bouncing off the walls and I smiled.
“No promises. If you need us, figure it out alone.” I said, strutting away and drinking. My bedroom was the closest to the common room. I reached my room and opened it to see Delta asleep on the bed, I smiled to myself. He looked so at peace, I walked in and set the stuff down before walking into my bathroom to start the water. I heard Delta come up behind me, but I said nothing. I felt him move my hair to the left side of my neck, as he dragged his lips, soft as rose petals, down my neck.
“Well aren’t you just ravishing.” He said speaking in his British accent, causing me to giggle. He smiled before turning me around to kiss me. The kiss was a peck, but I quickly turned it into more. I pushed forwards applying more pressure to his mouth, dragging my tongue over his bottom lip before biting it hard. This caused him to grunt and make quick work of my outfit, before picking me up and smashing my back into the stone wall.
“I was going to let you relax and sleep.” He laughed, as I began to kiss down his neck making it to where his pulse point use to be. He locked eyes with me, and both our faces changed.
“Sleeps overrated I’d much rather be right here.” I giggled as he continued to kiss down my neck and chest and back up.
“So beautiful.” He mumbled out as he dragged his thumb over my face. I leaned my face into his palm, we weren’t in love. We were nothing but friends, fuck buddied. He was one person I knew I could count on. He began to kiss my neck, licking the excess blood off, and we made contact with the shower water.
“Tyler said to keep the noise down.” I moaned out, as he nipped at the skin.
“Well he can fuck off,”Delta stated in a matter of fact voice. “Or you can feed from him.” Delta finished before kissing me hard again, full of passion, lust, and need. I kissed from the corner of his mouth down to his sweet spot on his neck. He groaned and I quickly bit into him, my fangs latched into his neck as I drank.
“FUCK LUNA.” He said, not giving a damn about Tyler’s jab earlier.
Cap P.O.V
“FUCK LUNA!” A male voice echoed off the walls and Aurora snickered.
“Did I not just say to not be loud? No respect.” Tyler huffed making Ed laugh as he clapped a hand on his shoulder. I couldn’t laugh I felt like the air had been knocked from my lungs.
“Leave them alone. Luna has been back to back suicide missions she needs some relief.” Aurora scolded and Tony snorted before says, “sounds like she’s getting just that.” Bucky shot him a glare. We continued to get to know each other and tried to drown out the multiple loud noises coming from Luna’s room. Eventually a guy emerged, in just sweatpants.
“Delta try not to get blood on our floor it just got cleaned.” Lucas groaned out and the guy shot him a look.
“Well you can inform Luna of that, I’m not losing my head. I’ll heal soon enough.” He walked over to join us, “Hello I haven’t met you guys yet, I’m Delta.” He said nodding and drinking water, we all introduced ourselves. He sat opposite to Nat,Bucky, and I and smirked.
“Doesn’t Luna know it’s not nice to play with her food?” Tyler snorted out.
“Ya know ty, green isn’t your color,”Luna’s voice emerged from the kitchen and suddenly there she was. Beautiful as ever, the kind of beauty people use to worship in goddesses, “or We can settle this in the workout ring.”
She had become so strong and independent, no longer the meek girl we all knew.
“I may take you up on that, do I get my own muzzle or do we share yours?” He smarted back, and she hit him in the back of the head.
“Hey!” Tyler pouted, causing Delta to laugh.
“Doll, why aren’t you in bed? You need sleep.” Delta scolded and I began to feel hot flames of jealousy lick at my stomach.
“Maybe you should help her get to sleep, just for the love of all things holy keep the noise down.” Tyler joked.
“Bite me.” Luna bit out. They walked away and it killed me I felt like the preserum me again. I felt sick to my stomach. Bucky and I had agreed when we gave in to our desires and slept with her it wasn’t safe. So we made the whole team go along with the “stupid plan” as Nat called it. We never knew she would leave, our team all sat around the table with fury discussing.
“So I’ll break the ice. What the fuck.” Tony simply stated.
“Tony. I really don’t think you want to go there.” Fury shook his head.
“Hell yes we do. She up and abandons us and now shows up in worse shape then Bucky was. No offense.” Nat sassed and we all nodded and fury sighed loudly. The screen came on and pulled up her profile.
“Luna Sanchez also known as silver shadow or avenging angel. Born in October of 1700. Was turned into an immortal due to a lab experiment gone wrong. She was born with the ability of power absorption, meaning she can gain anyone’s ability by touching them. We have no clue how many she has. Also she was born with ability to manipulate things, like fire,water,electricity, etc.” Fury kept listing things as pictures of her were displayed.
“Só why did she ignore pepper and me and the rest of the team for so long? She may have been hurt but there’s no excuse.” Wanda snapped.
“Wasn’t her call. She was taken into Hydra’s custody being deemed number 2313669 and underwent similar treatment as Barnes. She’s only not in jail, due to me and Ed and her ability to get out. You think that was her choice? None of this was her choice. It was a call made, by the team and by us to keep you guys safe. The woman you knew is dead. Trust me.” Fury reprimanded and I felt the world stop moving.
Everything Bucky and I decided to sacrifice to keep her safe had done nothing.
“Before you guys open your mouth to accuse her of being selfish. I want you to look at some things.” Fury pulled up video footage of Luna being asked about us and specific members and security and she wouldn’t answer. Resulting in physical injury. Everything from beating her to a pulp, to water boarding, to Electrical convulsion torture. Everything they could do they did. I felt bike rise to the back of my throat and I felt nauseous and looked away unable to watch anymore or hear her scream after her resolve broke.
“Make no mistake. She’s a lot of things. Selfish isn’t one. Your alive and safe because she laid her life on the wire for yours. She may not have a metal arm, but her lasting damage is there.”Fury said, before setting down the clicker and walking away. We saw video after video of Luna in hydra or post and what they had done and it broke my heart my resolve. Wanda began to cry and Nat just looked shocked, Tony looked disgusted and in pain.
“We hurt her. We failed her.” Bucky said. Everyone looked at him sympathetically. Nat laid a hand on his shoulder.
“You couldn’t have predicted this Barnes.” She spoke directing her voice to both of us, I was just still in shock.
“She’s right.” Sam said, clasping a firm grip on my shoulder.
“Well I need a drink. Anybody else want one?” Tony said standing and grabbing the bottle from the middle of the table.
“No wonder she hates us.” I finally spoke, holding my head in my hands. We heard something that broke the last of my resolve. A piercing shriek. A scream that made my blood turn into ice water. It was Luna.
“Oh god.” Wanda wailed out and Nat and Clint both hugged her. Whispering it’s okay and Tony continued to throw back drinks. Typical.
We heard movement and all went of high alert and were met to see Luna, just standing there in a sports bra and leggings.
“Sorry. Thought you all were Fury.” She muttered out and Wanda looking up causing Luna to step back. She saw the Tv.
“Not one of my finer moments,” she quipped almost smirking and I crunched my brows confused how someone could joke about this, “Don’t feel bad. It’s a waste of time.” She flatly said, causing me to snap.
“HOW the fuck do you expect me to not feel bad Luna? You were tortured for years because of us. You think we wouldn’t feel like shit over that? Are we suppose to ignore your pain and feelings?!” I yelled and her face instantly hardened.
“Not that it’s your concern Captain Rogers, but it was bound to happen. It happened can’t change it. As far as my emotional state that is not now nor has it ever been something of your concern. You didn’t care 5 years ago don’t start now.” She spat out.
“Luna please.” Bucky pleaded with his eyes holding a broken glaze.
“Sergeant Barnes, I really have nothing to say. What’s done is done.” Luna said formally, she turned to walk away.
“Pepper cries everyday. She assumed you died.” Luna froze, I finally saw the number of different tattoos inked into her skin. One being her hydra number.
“The woman she knew did.” Luna stated over her shoulder, before walking out and closing the door ignoring our protests. She had completely iced us out, her exterior was colder than the ice water I had been plunged into.
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A Dance With the Devil: Part 1
Pairing: Incubus!Bucky x Reader Summary: You’ve been plagued recently by sexual dreams, all featuring the same man. He has long dark brown hair and piercing steel blue eyes. Every time, the dreams ends before you’re ever really satisfied (but, truly, you don’t think you would ever stop wanting more of the man). Then, one day, you see him in the waking world, and he seems to know every dirty thought and dream you’ve ever had about him. Warnings: Language (as always), smut, NSFW, 18+, porn gifs, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) Word Count: ~a lot I guess idk. Maybe 3k? A/N: I feel it’s only fair to warn all of you, this is porn. Plain and simple. There is almost no plot whatsoever, but I figured that the other three each had their own unique thing (unexpected/horror ending, sweet story w/ magical reader, heartbreak/bittersweetness, and so… we have smut). Enjoy, my pretties. This has been reposted after my original was deleted in the Great Tumblr Purge 2k18.
Masterlist // The Monster Series Collection // Next Part
“Yeah, baby, just like that,” he purred, holding his cock steady as you speared yourself on it. The stretch was delicious, making you moan loudly as he bottomed out inside of you.
“You take my cock so nice, Doll,” he murmured, reaching around to rub your clit gently as a reward.
“Oh god, please fuck me, master,” you pleaded, hips bucking against his hand.
“God isn’t the one inside of you, my little slut. But since you asked so nicely…” he said silkily, pulling his hips back slowly before snapping them forward again, making you cry out with pleasure. Every move inside of you was the epitome of pleasure, better than anyone you’d had before.
He fucked you relentlessly, setting a brutal pace that had you screaming your satisfaction in minutes. He grabbed your hips, pulling you back onto his cock with every thrust forward, his balls slapping lewdly against you. He bent over you and took a nipple roughly in his grasp, pinching it almost painfully hard, causing you to mewl and arch your chest into his hand.
“Please- fuck- I’m so close. Don’t stop!” you begged, savoring the way his pace sped up at your words.
“You gonna be a good girl and cum for me, Doll?” he whispered in your ear before biting your earlobe.
You turned your head to look at him, capturing his lips with your own. His blue eyes never left yours as you nodded and begged, “Please, sir, I wanna cum. Want your cum in me,” you murmured, eyes pleading with him.
“You’re such a fucking slut. I love it,” he said, grinning wickedly. His lips latched onto your shoulder, sucking hard enough to leave love bites. You gasped in mingled pain and pleasure as he bit your neck before soothing it with a lick.
His fingers on your clit picked up their pace and you felt yourself nearing your climax. You reached behind you and gently cupped his balls, causing him to murmur praises in your ear, and you felt yourself about to-
You sat up in your bed, suddenly wide awake. You turned and glared at your phone, which was blaring that god awful alarm.
“Just when I was about to get to the good part…” you muttered angrily, fighting the urge to throw the thing against your wall. You angrily jammed your finger on the Dismiss Alarm button and groaned, flopping backwards onto your bed. Maybe you could just… go back to sleep and hope to pick up the dream where you’d left off?
Bah, that never fucking worked, and you had to get to work if you wanted enough money for food this month.
You wiped a hand over your face, glaring at the sun shining merrily through the window. You were tired. In fact, you were always tired nowadays. You attributed it to the fitful sleep the man in your dreams caused. You weren’t sure exactly when you started dreaming about him, but you enjoyed yourself immensely every time he made an appearance in your dreams… which was every night.
You groaned and got up from bed and went to get ready for your day.
You gazed around the room, base-filled music pounding in your ears. Monsters from almost every species you’d ever heard of were dancing around you, unaware of the perfectly tasty main course in their midst. You still weren’t entirely sure how’d you’d been convinced to come in here. You’d lost Wanda a while ago and you sincerely hoped you wouldn’t end up dead tonight.
The conversation had gone something like this:
“I refuse,” you said bluntly, glaring at your friend, Wanda.
“Come on, it’ll be fine! They won’t know you’re human!” she insisted.
You see, Wanda was a witch. A powerful one, at that. You’d become her friend after a particularly harrowing escape from a vampire together and had been inseparable ever since. She was now trying to convince you to come with her to a supernatural-creatures-only night club, but you weren’t biting.
“Wanda, they’ll spot me from a mile away. Or, if they have ‘wolves at the door, smell me,” you said, crossing your arms obstinately.
“Please, (Y/N)! I’ll mask you! It’ll be fun I promise!” she pleaded, falling on her hands and knees, looking, frankly, a bit pathetic.
You groaned, rolling your eyes. “Fine, but you’ll owe me. Now, stop grovelling. It’s beneath you.”
She leaped up and cheered in excitement then quickly ran off, dragging you behind her to get ready for your night out on the town.
So now, here you were. At a club full of supernatural beings, at least half of which would eat you in a heartbeat if they knew you were there.
To Wanda’s credit, though, she’d done a spectacular job of hiding your true identity; Not even the werewolves guarding the door had sniffed twice.
That was, until a familiar set of eyes caught your attention from across the room.
He was staring directly at you, blue-grey eyes trained on you like a hawk watching its prey. The smirk on his lips was just as familiar as his eyes, and you felt heat pool between your thighs at the sight of him.
You knew that people in dreams were people you saw in day-to-day life, but to see him here, of all places-
You stood, frozen, as he gracefully got up from the table in the corner he’d been sitting at, and made his way over to you. He dodged people easily, cutting a path straight to you. A small voice in the back of your mind told you to run, but it was silenced by the other hundreds of voices telling you to run to him; throw yourself at him, even.
Before you knew it he was in front of you, wicked smile on his face. He leaned down until his mouth was by your ear; you could feel his warm breath caress your neck and you shuddered involuntarily.
“Hello, pet. How did you get in here?” he asked quietly, breath tickling your ear.
You felt your blood drain from your face. “H-how did you-” you sputtered, turning to look at him, shocked. How could he know you didn’t belong here?
“Oh, come now, Doll. You think I wouldn’t recognize you after all the fun we have together on a nightly basis?” he asked, tucking a piece of your loose hair behind your ear. His fingertips brushed against your skin lightly and you sighed happily at the contact, however brief it was.
You tried to focus on his words, though just being around him seemed to dull every sense you had and muddle your train of thought.
“What do you mean? I’ve never met you before in my life,” you said, brows furrowing in confusion. I mean, sure, you had a dirty mind, but those were dreams. He wasn’t making any sense. Then again, how often did you hear guys nowadays calling girls “Doll”?
He tsked at you, eyes turning hard as he gazed down at you. “Now, pet. You know how I feel about lyin’,” he chastised, fingertips trailing from your cheek down your neck, lingering over the spot which the man in the dream had sucked a hickey onto your skin. It felt tender under his fingers, as though there really was a bruise there and your hand flew to your neck, covering it self consciously.
“I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong person,” you said, turning on your heel to leave. The tiny animalistic part of your brain was telling you to run, and run fast.
He was in front of you a half second later, head tilted to the side as he regarded you. You froze, looking up at him, your eyes wide with fear. His gaze softened at your expression and he reached towards you slowly, giving you time to move away. You were too terrified to move, and he cupped your cheek gently with his hand. “You don’t need to be afraid of me, Doll. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to,” he promised, stroking your cheek gently. “Do you understand that?” he asked, eyebrows raised in question.
“Yes,” you murmured, unable to look away from his enchanting blue eyes. You felt yourself take a step forward, but you hadn’t told your body to move. It was like he was an irresistible force and you weren’t sure if you even wanted to try and resist.
He leaned closely to you, voice quiet in your ear. “Now, I think there’s been a misunderstanding. You do know me, Doll. You know me quite well, in fact; intimately, even. Just like I know every nook and cranny of your body, and just how to bring you the pleasure you so crave,” he purred, other arm sneaking around your waist to pull you slowly to his broad chest. Your heart pounded in your ribcage as you listened to his words. Could he really be the man from your dreams? It seemed the only logical explanation, even though it was illogical on principle.
You inhaled his heady scent deeply; even that was the same. It made you dizzy and you leaned farther into his embrace, relaxing. “Ah, yes. There we go,” he said, smiling widely. “You know I’m right, don’t you?” he asked, using his index finger to tilt your chin up so you were looking straight into his eyes.
You nodded, smiling warmly up at him. “Master is always right,” you said devoutly, standing up on your toes to plant a kiss on his neck.
He pushed you back gently but firmly, making you frown. Had you done something wrong?
“Not here, love,” he said, placing a kiss to your forehead. “As much as I love a good show, I don’t want the bottom feeders in here getting any ideas,” he said, glowering around at the assembled monsters in the room. “Come with me, Doll. The pleasure I bring you in your dreams pales in comparison to the real me,” he said, hands roaming down your back. One gave your ass a squeeze and the other snuck around the front to rub your core through your jeans. Your fingers gripped his shirt, knees suddenly weak. “Do you want to come with me? I’ll bring you unimaginable pleasure,” he cooed, planting kisses on your neck and shoulder. You nodded eagerly, fingers tangling in his hair and he chuckled against your skin. “I need to hear you say it, pet,” he purred as one of his hands slipped under your jeans and began teasing you through your underwear.
“I want to go with you. Please, I want you,” you said, biting back the moan in your throat.
His lips were on yours a half second later and he forced his tongue in your mouth, claiming it for his own. You moaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“(Y/N)! No!” you heard Wanda yell. In your lusty haze you turned and stared at her, head tilted in confusion. He turned and smiled devilishly at her, eyes completely black.
“You should keep a better watch over your playthings, witch,” he said darkly, looking her in the eye as he snapped his fingers and the two of you vanished from the club.
“That was a demon, (Y/N),” she said incredulously, staring at the spot you’d just been. “You just sold your soul to a demon!” she despaired, hands flying to her face in horror. She’d just doomed you for eternity.
You were aware enough of your surroundings to recognize the room; it was the one you were always in with him in your dreams. The large bed felt just like you remembered, and you stretched out on the silky sheets, reveling in the feeling.
“I take it you remember this place?” he asked, smiling as he laid down beside you, already shirtless.
You turned to him and smiled, placing kisses on his chest as you nodded. He sighed happily at your attention, moving you onto his lap as he scooted up the bed and leaned against the headboard.
“You’re my favorite, you know. It’s why I visit you every night,” he said, burying his face in your neck. “Do you remember my name, Doll?” he asked, peppering light kisses over your skin as his hands roamed under your shirt, rough fingers mapping every inch of your skin.
“James,” you breathed, head thrown back in ecstasy.
“Oh, you remembered! I’m proud of you,” he praised, pulling your shirt over your head.
You reached behind you and unclasped your bra as his hands traveled down to your hips. He pulled you down onto him and gave a slow roll of his hips, making you squirm with need as his cock pressed against your clothed core. You threw your bra to the side, exposing your breasts. He smiled at the sight, and leaned forward, taking a nipple into his mouth. A gasp flew from your lips as his tongue swirled around it and one of his hands reached up, pinching it and rolling it between his fingers. You arched forward, needing more, and ground your hips against him, pulling a low groan from him that rumbled in his chest.
Your fingers ran over the hard planes of his chest, worshiping every inch of it. He was right, even this was better than in your dreams. He felt real and solid beneath you and if he felt this good now-
“Patience, Doll, I know what you’re thinking. We’ll get there soon,” he purred, smirking up at you as he took a nipple between his teeth and nibbled at it gently, causing a moan to escape your lips. “Get up and take everything off, Doll,” he said, relinquishing his grip on your breasts.
“Yes, sir,” you whispered and stood without hesitation, though you missed the feel of him between your legs. You tore at the button with every intention of ripping them off as quickly as possible, but his voice stopped you. “Nuh uh, (Y/N). Slowly,” he said, grinning wickedly at you as he pulled his jeans off and began rubbing his cock through his boxers.
You bit your lip, desire coursing through your veins. He looked delectable laying there, and it took every ounce of your self control to strip slowly.
You made a show of it, knowing it was what he wanted, running your hands slowly down your body before you undid the button, on your jeans. You stared him in the eyes as you slowly lowered the zipper, rubbing your legs together in a desperate attempt to provide some friction for your aching core.
Zipper undone, your hands went to your hips where they slipped in the waistband of your jeans and you slowly- oh, so slowly- shimmied them over your hips, down your thighs, and to the ground. You stepped gracefully out of them, eyes never leaving his except to glance at the erection straining against the thin cloth of his boxers.  
“Not done yet, baby,” he chastised, giving you an expectant look. You snapped out of the daze you hadn’t realized you’d been in. You’d been groping your breast without realizing it, your nipple pinched between your middle and index finger.
You reached down to the flimsy fabric of your underwear, fingers playfully dipping in and out of the fabric. He smirked at you, obviously enjoying the show. “Does that feel good, pet?” he asked, eyeing you hungrily.
“Yes, master,” you murmured, fighting the urge to run your fingers over your clit and through your wet folds. He was letting you have this little pleasure, but that would be crossing a line and you knew it. You turned your back on him and slid your underwear down slowly, bending over so he had a clear view of your soaked lips. You kicked them off, and turned back slowly, eyes full of desire.
He grinned wickedly as he took in your naked body, drinking in every inch of your bare skin. “Even more beautiful in person,” he murmured as he threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood, walking towards you, still stroking his cock through his boxers. “My turn, Doll,” he said, reluctantly letting go of his dick.
You sunk to your knees almost reverently, running your fingers over his chest as you went. You kissed his cock through the fabric, smiling with satisfaction when it twitched due to your attention. He carded his fingers through your hair, and pushed your face gently but firmly closer to himself. You didn’t need any more of a signal. You tugged his boxers down and his cock sprung free, swinging heavily between his legs. He stepped out of them and smiled down at you.
“Do you wanna taste it?” he asked, smiling benevolently down at you.
You nodded eagerly, mouth practically salivating at the sight of the pearly drop of precum on the tip.
“Open up, then, Doll,” he commanded, hand coming down to wrap itself around his thick member. You obliged, opening your mouth widely, and he guided it slowly between your lips. His other hand was tangled in your hair, holding you still.
You licked the precum from the slit, moaning at the taste; It was absolutely amazing. You sucked greedily at his tip, wanting more. He groaned softly, obviously trying his best to stay still while you got used to his size.
When you took so much of him into your mouth that he hit the back of your throat, he stopped trying. “Relax your jaw, pet,” he warned. You had a second to follow his command before he thrust forward, shoving his cock down your throat. You fought the urge to gag against the sudden feeling, but he pulled back a second later. “Damn, Doll. You’re so good,” he murmured before thrusting back in again. You were ready for it this time and had to admit it was easier to take the second time. His other hand joined the first in your hair and he set a slow, sensual pace as he fucked your mouth and throat. You moaned against his cock and the added vibrations made him groan in pleasure. “Yeah, baby, that’s it. I love seeing your pretty mouth wrapped around my cock like that,” he praised, looking down at you hungrily. One of your hands moved to gently cup his balls, the other playing with your nipples.
He pulled out of your mouth suddenly and you nearly followed the movement, missing the feeling of his cock in your mouth, but he pulled you up and, with inhuman speed, bent you over the edge of the bed. You turned to look at him, confused, but a split second later his fingers were teasing your folds, making you gasp and buck into his hand. He massaged the entrance of your ass gently, making you look back at him in concern. Even in your dreams you’d never-
He smiled warmly at you and you immediately felt yourself relax a little. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ll save it for another day. I’m just going to give you a taste,” he said wickedly as he slipped a finger in your ass and another into your pussy. You crumpled the sheets in your fists, shoving yourself back onto his hand with a moan. It felt so damn good. You felt so full, so full of him. “So greedy,” he said, admiring the way you were fucking yourself on his fingers.
With a smooth movement, he switched his fingers around until two were in your cunt and you whimpered at the loss from your ass, making him chuckle. “Another time. I promise,” he said, moving his other hand to massage your ass, spanking you lightly every few seconds.
His fingers worked themselves in and out of you, getting drenched in your slick juices. You squirmed, moaning as his fingers brushed your g spot. His fingers were so good, but you needed more. You needed-
“I hear you, Doll,” he said, smiling down at you. He slipped his fingers from your soaking heat and popped them in his mouth, licking them clean. He moaned at the taste, eyes fluttering with pleasure. “You taste even better than I’d imagined,” he said wickedly. Before you knew what was happening, you were on your back and he was over you, kissing you passionately on the lips. He spread your legs open wide as he placed himself firmly between them. His tongue invaded your mouth and you let him; you were his to command, after all.
He broke the kiss after a moment, gaze lustful. “Beg for it,” he commanded, teasing his head against your entrance. “Tell me how much you want it,” he cooed, nibbling on the shell of you ear.
“I want you so damn much, master. I’ve wanted you like this since our first night together. I’ve dreamed of you fucking me for months. I need you inside of me; need you to make me yours,” you pleaded, gasping as he ground his cock over your clit.
“You’re already mine,” he growled, kissing you hard on the lips as he entered you slowly. He broke the kiss, smiling wickedly at the thoughts running through your head as his cock stretched you out. “You didn’t ever let on that you were a virgin… my lucky day,” he murmured, moving to your neck to suck love bites into it as he began fucking you at a steady pace. His hips were slamming into you so hard that he had to hold you in place.
  “Master, your cock’s so good! I feel so full,” you moaned, hands playing with your breasts.
“You take it so good, my little cock slut,” he praised, hips snapping into yours.
“Always want you in me,” you said, moaning as his hips met yours again and again and again, the lewd sound of skin hitting skin filling the room.
“Oh, little pet. I intend to never stop fucking you,” he said, groaning as he plowed into you.
You smiled blissfully. “Thank you, master. Fuck, thank you!” you gasped, release coiling tightly in your lower stomach.
“Feel that?” he asked, fingers ghosting over your clit, putting you one step closer to your orgasm. You nodded eagerly, wanting him to know how good he made you feel. “You’re gonna cum all over my cock soon, aren’t you?” he asked, hips snapping into yours.
“Yes, sir!” you moaned.
“If you cum without my permission I won’t cum inside of you,” he warned, speeding up his already unrelenting pace. “Understand?” he murmured, kissing a line down your neck to your breasts. He sucked a nipple in your mouth, steel blue eyes looking at you expectantly.
“Won’t cum. I promise,” you said, breathless. You didn’t want to disappoint him, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could hold out.
He smiled at you, seemingly satisfied. He grabbed one of your legs and tilted you a little, somehow managing to get even deeper in you at the new angle, immediately putting your promise to the test.
You guessed he was getting close; his hips were beginning to stutter in their rhythm. Then, his hand flew to your clit and began rubbing it in small circles. “Cum for me, Doll,” he said, blue eyes locking onto yours.
The order was all you needed and you came on his cock, walls fluttering around his throbbing dick. You screamed his name, how much you loved him inside of you, how much you needed him. With a grunt, he was cumming, thick ropes of cum painting the inside of your walls, his cock twitching with the release. He pulled out of you a moment later and collapsed heavily on top of you. He turned his head to the side and peppered your temple and cheek with kisses.
You giggled, turning your head to catch his lips with your own. You kissed lazily, post-sex haze satisfying the two of you for the moment.
“I’m keeping you forever,” he murmured, rolling on his side, and pulled you to his chest. You snuggled against it, loving the warmth he provided against the chilly air.
You were tired, so tired. You looked up at him and gasped. His eyes had turned completely black.
He sensed your unease and frowned. “I’m an incubus, babe. Sex demon. Normally, what we just did would have killed you. Lucky for you, I’ve taken a liking to you. We’re going to be having fun together for a very, very long time,” he said, hands venturing down your body.
“I don’t care what you are,” you murmured, gently brushing his hair out of his face. His eyes flicked back to their piercing blue and he smiled brilliantly at you.
He lifted your leg and his cock prodded at your entrance gently before he sheathed himself completely inside of you. His mouth found your neck and he bit hard enough to draw blood, making you gasp from the mingled pain and pleasure.
Yes, you would have fun with your James for a long, long time.
Next Part
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Fall Activities
Characters: Wanda Maximoff x Reader, Steve Rogers
Word Count: 1,167
Warnings: cute and fluffy
Summary: Your favorite thing to do in the fall season is bake. Cookies, cupcakes, brownies, and everything else in between. Wanda, your girlfriend, doesn’t know how to bake so you show her how.
Author’s Note: This is for Kari’s @until-theend-oftheline Scarlett Stucky Quickie Challenge and this fic is based off the aesthetic below. This is my first time writing Wanda so please tell me if I wrote her correctly and if I didn’t, tell me how I can do better, please. If you have any requests, please send them in! I would love to hear what you have! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Your favorite part of Fall is the weather, the clothes and the cold nights. You loved going pumpkin picking, having campfires, wearing comfy clothes and above all, spending it with the love of your life.
You met Wanda when she joined the Avengers after you defeated Ultron. It was sad what happened to her brother but you gained a friend. For the first few months, you two hung out because you were more alike than you thought.
You both had been taken by HYDRA and trained to be the bad guy. You both wanted to be good and to do good but were scared. You both lost someone close to you. You both made it out alive.
You two bonded over the small things and as time went on, you got to know her and started to fall for her. She wasn’t as bad as people made her out to be. You gave her a chance and listened to her when she ranted on about HYDRA and losing her brother. You were there to comfort her when she broke down because she didn't think she would be able to do this without Pietro.
You were there for her, telling her that everything would be okay. In those few months you gotten to know her, she had gotten to know you. You told her of your time before HYDRA. You would tell her stories of your childhood, making her smile as if she experienced them too.
She was the one to hold you when you started crying about your sister and how you lost her when she didn’t want to conform to HYDRA’s ways. You were all alone after you watched her get shot multiple times. They trained you to be a stone-cold killer and that wasn’t who you were.
In the span of only months, you had gotten to know not only a friend but also a lover. She was always there for you when no one else was. She was there to share the laughs and the tears, to hold you when you needed to be held.
You were the first to ask her out and she immediately said yes. You had fun dating her. You got to show her the things you could do and you got to witness her magic up close. You took her on calming and relaxing dates while she took you on spontaneous ones. There was never a dull moment with her and now that Fall is just around the corner, you get to experience your favorite season with her.
To kick things off, since everyone was out of the Tower, you wanted to make sweets. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, anything that was sweet, you enjoyed. You knew that Tony, Clint, Natasha, and Steve would enjoy the treats you made.
You got out the baking pans you would need before getting out all the ingredients. You were just about to start cooking when Wanda walked into the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” She asked, looking at the loads of food on the table.
“I’m making all kinds of sweets. You want to help? It’ll be fun. We can decorate after they’ve cooled down. I’d figure everyone would enjoy this.”
“Sure.” She smiled, going over to the sink and washing her hands. You started on the cookies since those would be easiest to make.
“How do you do this? I’ve never cooked before.” She said sheepishly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you. It’s easy. I remember my mom teaching me how to cook. You know, back before…” You couldn’t finish your sentence.
“I know. She would be proud of you now.” Wanda said, placing her hand on your shoulder. You smiled at her and kisses her cheek as a way of saying ‘thanks’ before separating the ingredients you needed from the ones you didn't.
“Okay, why don’t you mix these while I set the stove.” You smiled and turned to the stove. You set it for the temperature you needed before looking back. Wanda was using her powers to mix it and you quickly shut that down.
“No, Wanda, you don’t do it that way.” You smiled and she immediately stopped.
“But I am mixing it.”
“No, it’s more… authentic… if you do it with your hands. Come on, I’ll show you.” You walked behind her and slid your hands over her arms before resting them on hers. She grinned and let you do your thing. You laced your fingers with hers before grabbing the cookie dough.
“You really have to dig in there.” You whispered and started to knead the dough that still didn’t have chocolate chips. She smiled and did as you instructed.
“Like this?” She asked even though you knew she knew what she was doing. You smiled and took your hands away before wrapping them around her waist and squeezing affectionately.
“Yeah and now we have to add in the chocolate chips. Do you want a lot?” You asked and grabbed the container of the chips.
“Yeah, a lot.” She nodded. You opened the jar and shook it over the dough. Wanda paused what she was doing to let the chips fall where they may before going back to kneading the dough.
“There, you’re doing a good job.” You winked at her before popping a chip in your mouth.
“How do I know when it’s done?” She asked.
“If it feels even. If there are no more white flour or chunks of dough hanging off. It has to be one big blob.” You said before separating the ingredients for the brownies.
“Okay, I think it’s ready.” She said and you tested it out before nodding.
“You did well for a first-timer.” You grinned.
“I like doing this with you.” She admitted and you moved closer to her before grabbing her dough-covered hand.
“We can do it more often if you like.” You said with a smile and she nodded. You leaned in and she met you in the middle. You kissed her slowly to show her that you really loved her which she didn’t mind. She was always a sucker for the slow and affectionate kisses.
“Ah, I thought I smelled the oven burning.” You pulled away from Wanda and looked at Steve who smiled at the two of you. He was the number one supporter of you and Wanda. You loved Steve and how he could be such a sweetheart.
“There’s nothing in there you doofus.” You giggled and grabbed a small chunk of the dough before rolling it in your hands.
“I know. I see you’re making cookies. Can I help?” He asked with a smile.
“Yeah, you can get started on the brownies.” You nodded and Wand joined you in making small balls.
“And brownies? Oh, I love you.” Steve smiled and grabbed some ingredients.
“And cupcakes,” Wanda said.
“You’re my new favorite couple.” Steve nodded.
“Good,” you nodded and made several more balls before looking up at him. “Wait, ‘new’? We were never number one?”
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@vvishous @kendall-michele
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sebbytrash · 6 years
Through His Eyes - Part Six
Summary - Bucky arrives at the compound to start afresh but you and him have a somewhat colorful past, colorful being that you met him once before as The Winter Soldier and it did not go well. New beginnings, yeah? If you can learn to forgive.
Pairing - Eventual Bucky x Reader
Warnings - Nothing really, some sad vibes.
A/N - I’m so sorry its taken so long to get this out. I got major bad juju and had to take a sec. Feedback loved and appreciated.
Through His Eyes Masterlist
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Dead eyes.
Dead eyes.
The knife presses to your skin, dragging fire up your arm. Its agony, and yet familiar. You know this pain, you wear it well. He drops the knife, steps back into the shadows. Face distorted like an unfocused lens.
You look down. Blood rolls down your fingertips. It’s there. The next letter. Y
A blink, then another. It changes, the dead eyes turn terrified. He stumbles forward, a small red circle appears on his chest. It grows and grows till its running lines down his t-shirt. He touches it, shock marring his features, hand comes away wet and red.
He looks at you, fear in his very real eyes. Help me, he mouths, raises a hand towards you and stumbles to his knees. You look down again.
See the gun in your hand.
You gasp awake, breathing hard and heavy. Face wet and muscles aching, wipe a hand hastily across your cheeks as you sit up. A quick check of your phone tells you its 1am. Great, you’ve been asleep for an hour tops. The dreams were back, for the time being at least, had been since the mission last week. They've changed, of course, and you can guess why but choose to ignore it, choose to focus on the fear.
Bucky has been fairly scarce since the mission and you don't blame him. If you think too long on it, the guilt reaches up from your stomach and wraps a hand round your throat.
It's a while before your able to fall back asleep, chased by the screams and darkness. You dream about him until morning.
“Good Morning, Marshmallow.” Sam rests his knuckles on your shoulder as he passes.
“Is It?” You reply, the bitterness of the words taste heavy on your tongue.
“Still not sleeping?” He asks, reaching over to fill up the cup your nursing like it's made of gold.
“Not really,” You say and then quieter, “The dreams are back.”
Sam knows, he gets it. He spent years plagued by his own demons, falls and fights that still rear their heads on the odd occasion. So when he gives you the look, the not pity but a shared pain look it's not something you worry about. It's not pity from him.
“Same as usual?” He asks, taking a seat across the table from you.
“Well yeah, I mean they start out that way.” You say, look up from the cup to meet his eyes, “But I always kill him in the end.”
“Ah.” There it is. The silence you were worried about, the fears that your getting worse instead of better voiced in one single syllable. Your stomach drops to your toes, swirls around on it's way down and threatening to come back up quick.
“I thought, I mean... I felt- I was dealing, ya know? Why am I back peddling?”
“I don’t think that's what it is.” Sam states, solid and firm like he’s sure of it. That sure makes one of you.
“What do you mean?” Murder seems pretty clear, no?
“I think, maybe, that it has nothing to do with you being afraid of him. Stay with me here, but before he was hurting you, right?” You nod, leaning onto your forearms, “And that was pretty clearly fear. See now with you being the one to hurt him, I reckon it’s guilt.”
“Guilt.” Guilt. Sure, yeah, you’d been feeling a lot of that recently. Life was pretty damn complicated right now.
“Yeah. Look, what's happened, it’ll stay with you forever. But to be honest, it’s pretty clear to me that your not afraid anymore. Not fundamentally…” You arch a brow at him, thinking back to the mission but he halts you before you can protest, “Ok that was a knee jerk thing. But it’s happened now and you’ve dealt with it. I’d bet my Wings it won’t happen again.”
“You seem awfully sure of that.” Your tone sounds defeated, even to you.
“Because I am. You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit ya know.” He reaches over and places a hand on your arm, the weight of his words are giving you something to reach for, something to hold onto, “You are the strongest person I know. And I know The Avengers.”
You laugh at that, grateful for the reprieve, and he joins you, lets you lose yourself in the moment.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, kid. You’re the best of us.”
“You’re sure you don’t want to come?” Wanda asks for maybe the 5th time.
“I’m sure. Got my night planned you see, there’s a Pizza and a new season of Brooklyn 99 with my name on it.” You insist, knowing you’d rather be here than out at a club right now.
“Just...call me if you need anything, okay?” She chews her bottom lip a bit before adding, “I mean anything.”
“I promise, okay? Cross my heart n’all that. No go, get. Have a good time. You deserve it.”
Wanda and a few others were going out. Steve was on another mission. You weren't really sure who was around tonight and you didn't really care. Tonight was all about relaxing, really letting yourself have a night of nothing. No social expectations, no small talk or knowing looks. Just you, Gina Linetti and a Pepperoni beauty.  
Sam had helped you remember that you’d come a long way these last few months, certainly further than the years before that. Setbacks were ok, and you were learning to be grateful for the progress and small stuff.
Forgiveness has to start with you.
You’re a good 2 hours in when the world goes black. Or the room, depends on the perspective. It should phase you, but it doesn’t. Truthfully, not much does anymore. Combat training and life experience will do that, you suppose. You wait a few minutes for the power to come back, but it doesn't. Steve’s nagging voice in your head about having emergency supplies for such occasions makes you laugh, having always dismissed him because the likelihood of that happening anywhere near Tony was infinitesimal and yet here you were cross-legged on your bed in the dark. He’ll love this.
It’s another minute or so before you huff and drag yourself out of bed, tentatively making your way to the door since you figure you better go find and somehow fix the generator. Everyone’s out, either on a mission or partying. Either way, you're on your own. Great.
In the hallways, the dim, blue back up lights are on giving you a better view after your eyesight adjusts to it. You march down the hall towards the stairs, not bothering to put on shoes in your hurry to get there and back, annoyed more than anything that this happens tonight when Tony isn’t here to take care of it. A quick eye roll at your own selfish thoughts, how quick you lean on him for these types of things. It's quiet, nothing more than the soft hum of the dim lights and the slap of your feet on the concrete, a melodic soundtrack that despite your best reasoning makes the hairs on your arms stand.
Slap Slap. Slap Slap. Surely regretting the hasty exit without those shoes now, the cold starting to seep into your toes.
You finally, finally, reach the room where the generator is, can just about make out the sign on the door and the Tony-esque warnings not to enter. It's large, heavy and takes most of your body weight to shift open but with surprisingly little noise. Figures that Tony has even his doors to near perfection. So you enter, silent, close the door quiet behind you and step further into the room. It's hotter, you notice, but also duller. Harder to make out the shapes of things, dark silhouettes give little indication where you might begin fixing the problem. You smooth your feet along the floor, careful not to overstep or miss anything, the last thing you need is ending up breaking a leg and starving to death all because you tripped over your own feet. Steve's words come back to haunt you again.
“You never know when you might need a torch, Y/N.”
Damn Boy Scout. The fucking irony.
As you get further into the room you start to make out more shapes, glance and peer along the wall until you see what might resemble a switchboard and slowly head to it. When you open the box and run your hand over the labels, it's really at this point you truly understand just how out of your depth you are.
Over 50 switches stare down at you, mocking you. Shit.
Is there an on switch? Ha!
You run a hand down your face in almost defeat, figure there's nothing for it and start flipping switches on and off at random, pausing for small moments in between for any effects. Tony will understand, you think, maybe. Probably.
“I'm not sure that's helping.” The voice comes out of the dark behind you and startles you so much you fall forward and smash your hand against 10 or so switches at once, heart thumping wildly against your ribs like it might crack them open.
You know exactly who it is, once your brain catches up, know exactly the voice and the soft tones behind it.
There's fear mixed with relief, but not fear of him, at least not that you can determine. It's all muddled inside you but your surer now that the relief is that it's him and no one else, and that's a new and welcome feeling.
“Shit, sorry.” He rushes out as you spin to face him, “Didn't mean to scare you.”
“No, you didn't.” You rush back, “I mean yes, I was expecting anyone to be here...but you didn't scare me.”
You watch him process the thing you're saying without saying, squint a bit in the darkness to witness the softening of his brow and small, almost infinitesimal widening of his eyes. He gets it. You hope. It's dark, sure, but you can still make out his face and it's the first time you really stop and take notice of it, without the demons. Really notice the slant of his lip into that curve, or the stellar lines of his jaw and think, objectively of course, that he was probably a hit with the ladies back in the day. His day.
He shifts a little on his feet and you realise you’re staring, but also that he is too. He's so unsure of you, so unsure of himself, shifting from one foot to the other like he's clearly uncomfortable, a vast contrast to his unflinching gaze. Like he won't move till you move. You break the stare with a few blinks and give him your back, gesture a bit at the switchboard, “So, uh, clearly I know what I'm doing… got any ideas?”
“Yeah, can I?” He points at the board and you move to let him see, step back a bit to keep the distance and watch him run along the board with a finger reading the numbers and letters like they make any sort of sense (which they don't). His fingers move over the switches you flipped, switching them back and then, you assume, makes a few calculated decisions. On the last one, there's a faint him and click, before the lights blink back on and blind you both a little.
“Well, color me impressed.” You say, and you mean it. He has fixed what you were so clearly not, and in less than 60 seconds. Perhaps Tony was teaching him a few things?
“Hhmm. I guess I learned a lot of things over the years.” He turns and heads towards the door, “After I learned how to remember, that is.”
Of course...the memory wipes. You’d heard a bit about it, but never really thought about it. Another thought barrels right to your gut, if he remembers things like this, he probably remembers it all, right? He remembers it all.
You get so lost in your own terrifying thoughts that you don’t understand Bucky’s look at first. They way he turns back to you, frustration and apprehension written on his face. So it takes you a few seconds to read him, see what he’s feeling and finally, “What is it?”
“The doors locked.”
Forever:  @manawhaat @theashhole @a-little-hell-to-raise @peculiar-persephone  @captain-rogers-beard @chrisevansnco @howlingbarnes @poealsobucky @vintagevalentinexx @abovethesmokestacks @imhereforbvcky @avengerofyourheart @anakin-skywalkers @shellhaeds @stormy-thomas @danijimenezv @buchonians @stevergxrs @lancefvcker @betheboo55 @palaiasaurus64 @raxacoricofallapatoriuspotter @johnmurphys-sass @katbird787 @because-imma-lady-assface @stephie-senpai @movingonto-betterthings @sexyvixen7 @hollycornish @feelmyroarrrr @jobean12-blog  @justreadingfics @justareader @smoothdogsgirl @theliarone @aikibriarrose @timeladylaurel @badassbaker @earinafae @crushed-pink-petals @purgatoan @tardis-is-mine @httpmcrvel @bucky2-0 @mocking-rain @sociallyimpairedme @jezzula @bless-my-demons @winterboobaer @ign-is @indominusregina @-supernatural-coffee-llama @alwayshave-faith @itsonlysarah @thelastxgoodthing @superwholocknda @shifutheshihtzu @mizzzpink @yknott81 @haven-in-writing @xtina2191 @reniescarlett @simplyme8308 @notsoprettykitty @tinaferraldo @wickedwerewolf @ayeputita @tori-medusa-belongs-to-bucky @winchesterswantmypie @tatalopes23 @mirkwood---princess @pineapplebooboo @mizzezm @thefridgeismybestie @memory-of-a-goldfish @supernatural-girl97 @anyakinamidala @ayeputita @standing-onthe-edge
Bucky:  @beautiful-aravis @miss-mcbotty @bucky-is-my-precious @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @its-daydreamer23 @learisa @the-observant-fangirl @borkybeans @almost-dean-inside @nerdy-gal316 @brandybucky @creideamhgradochas @beefthief247 @waywardpumpkin @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch @kaaatniss @blacwings-and-bucky-barnes @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @impalaimages @swimmeranxiety @c-olpevole
Through His Eyes:  @ginger-wayward-assbutt @buckyappreciationsociety @blacwings-and-bucky-barnes @miss-mcbotty @beefthief247 @luckygrahams @borkybeans @ailynalonso15 @nottheopera @marvelrevival @marvelandwinchesters927  @nairobi13 @4theluvofall @poeticblissme @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @wowspideyholland @vandread1989 @edward-lover18
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aion-rsa · 3 years
WandaVision Episode 7 Theories Explained
This article contains WandaVision spoilers
After seven painfully short episodes of Marvel’s WandaVision, we’re still none the wiser about how exactly the Westview anomaly was created, and how Vision was brought back to life.
We’ve just been introduced to one potential villain in the form of nosy neighbor Agnes – unveiled as powerful Marvel Comics witch Agatha Harkness – and we’ve seen that Wanda is still far from a malevolent force. She has threatened people who’ve encroached on The Hex, but she hasn’t killed any of them, and we don’t know how aware she is about the true ramifications of her control over the town’s residents.
Meanwhile, we have some lingering Westview mysteries to uncover, and the true identity of “Pietro Maximoff” to contend with.
Here are some of the biggest theories swirling around what the final two episodes of WandaVision might reveal….
The Next Episode
Ah, it’s time to address the mythical tenth episode of WandaVision! We’ve avoided covering this for a while, because it has honestly felt like an additional instalment thrown in at the end of the nine-episode project would probably be consigned to the “unlikely” column, but let’s take a look at it now in the wake of some recent information from Marvel Studios.
Certain sites have noted that a few WandaVision actors have been listed to appear in ten episodes of the series and not nine, but this is easily explainable when you factor in the surprise announcement of Assembled, a new documentary run that will go behind the scenes of various Marvel Disney+ shows. It begins with The Making of WandaVision, which will begin streaming after this first MCU spinoff has concluded.
We think this is all there is to the various rumors of a tenth episode, but fans are still theorizing that it could happen. Ultimately, none of us will be proved right or wrong until WandaVision has finished, so this theory will probably keep doing the rounds for another couple of weeks.
Pinches of Paprika Out of 10: 9
The Parentals
There are still a lot of theories surrounding the nature of WandaVision’s commercials, but the idea that they’re somehow being created from Wanda’s overwhelming grief holds water. They do often seem to address various moments of Wanda’s traumatic past, including the incident in Lagos and her experimental history with Strucker.
But who are the man and woman that we see appearing time and again these ads? A swathe of fans think the answer is quite simple: they are Wanda’s deceased parents, Oleg and Irina Maximoff. But if there’s any truth to the theory that the commercial actors are the Maximoffs, would this eventually be revealed as a quick flashback, or would there be more to it?
i’m still laughing at the nexus side effects ad #WandaVision pic.twitter.com/zWzCB9ezz7
— 🛸 (@declineusername) February 20, 2021
Pinches of Paprika Out of Ten: 7
Testing, Testing
At the climax of episode 7, we found out that iconic Marvel Comics witch Agatha Harkness was responsible for a lot of meddling throughout many of the sitcom scenes in WandaVision. The reveal came complete with an earworm to end all earworms, ‘Agatha All Along’, but there’s a fascinating theory wafting about online that the TV signal itself wasn’t created by either Agatha or Wanda, but Doctor Strange, who was using it via a spell to monitor what was going on inside the Hex anomaly when he found himself unable to penetrate it.
Going further, some fans posit that the commercials are warnings that Strange has attempted to sew inside the broadcast to warn Wanda about the nefarious magicks being used against her inside The Hex by the likes of Agatha. They haven’t managed to get through to Wanda, but have instead played out as skewed variations on his attempt at contacting her through her subconscious.
Is Strange trying to pull Wanda back to reality by telling her what might happen if she doesn’t break the spell?
Dr. Strange watching Wanda mess with the fabric of reality. #WandaVision pic.twitter.com/O3U5ieKuBz
— Sir Pauer (@SirPauer) February 21, 2021
Pinches of Paprika Out of Ten: 7
Bait and Witch
How well does Agatha know Wanda? She certainly knows that Vision is dead, but it does seem like the new witch on the block has vastly underestimated the extent of Wanda’s powers.
If we go back to the episode where Agatha revealed Sparky’s death to Wanda and the twins, you might remember that she seemed genuinely unnerved when Billy and Tommy asked their mom to change the family dog’s grim fate. “You can do that?” she asked Wanda, and appeared lost in thought. Was this the actual moment she knew that Wanda had managed to bring Vision back from the dead inside the confines of The Hex, and that he wasn’t just another illusion?
The main theory surrounding the nature of Agatha’s powers is linked to her ability to plop the X-Men universe’s version of Pietro Maximoff into Westview at a crucial moment, as we saw during her catchy flashback montage.
Wanda definitely knows this incarnation isn’t Pietro, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t really Evan Peters’ beloved Peter Maximoff, does it? Perhaps Agatha is impressed by Wanda’s rumored resurrection powers because she herself isn’t able to bring people back from the dead. Instead of presenting Wanda with the real Pietro, she had to pull another variation in from the multiverse using The Hex’s rumored Nexus power.
Maybe Agatha is revealing herself to Wanda now because she wants Wanda to bring someone else back to life. Could it be someone who was once close to Agatha, or a villainous presence who will go on to make waves in the MCU? And if this does indeed turn out to be the X-Men version of Peter Maximoff, will he be able to break Agatha’s control over him and continue to be part of the MCU beyond WandaVision?
Her treachery knows no bounds. from WANDAVISION
Pinches of Paprika Out of Ten: 4
Vision Is Toast
Paul Bettany’s Vision has been trouncing about Westview trying to get to the bottom of how and why he’s back from the dead in the past couple of episodes, but the chances of him returning to active duty after all this is over are, to put it mildly, incredibly slim. We’ve already seen that he can’t make it through The Hex without falling to pieces – the magic inside is keeping him alive for now.
Yes, many fans sensed that Vision wasn’t likely to make past the final (final) credits of WandaVision since the show began, but there’s also some pretty solid MCU-based reasoning behind the theory if you take a small step back to the very beginning of Phase 4’s story.
During Spider-Man: Far From Home’s In Memoriam video, hilariously set to the strains of Whitney Houston’s power ballad ‘I Will Always Love You’, Vision is pictured as one of those Avengers who are “gone, but not forgotten” in a “touching tribute” to our fallen heroes.
According to public record, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Vision (and Cap, who is probably keeping a very low profile in his Old Cap guise) are all very much dead in the Peter Parker-centric blockbuster – which takes place some time after the events of WandaVision. Ergo, vis-a-vis, concordantly, etc, Vision will not spring back to life if and when The Hex breaks down.
So, should we just go ahead and assume we’re in for yet another Paul Bettany death scene? Maybe, but let’s not forget that Bettany has been part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since its inception in 2008, and he’s already been nixed three times. First as the voice of Tony’s AI, JARVIS, then twice at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Are they really going to cut him loose for good?
The actor clearly LOVES being part of the MCU. While we may well see the last of Vision in WandaVision, we reckon it’s time for Bettany to undergo another Marvel reincarnation.
Place your bets.
when vision stares into the camera like he's in an episode of the office #WandaVision pic.twitter.com/yCr2iRgTTi
— kathryn hahn fan club ✡︎ ⚢ (@fruitskywalker) February 19, 2021
Pinches of Paprika Out of 10: 3
You Don’t Have the Stones
We’ve yet to see a few moments that crop up in WandaVision’s mid-season trailer, and the most important of these appear to show Wanda in a prison or hospital outfit witnessing the recreation of at least one of the Infinity Stones.
There are plenty of theories that tackle whether Wanda herself is pulling the stone/s back from the atomic level that Thanos reduced them to at the start of Avengers: Endgame, or whether the Mind Stone is specifically is drawn to her since the stone was originally key to unlocking or enhancing her superpowers, but it’s hard to gauge the sequence of events that led to its re-emergence without defining where and when these moments play out in the MCU timeline.
Since WandaVision takes place pretty soon after Endgame, do these images depict Wanda, bruised and exhausted from battling Thanos, in a holding room awaiting treatment? It doesn’t exactly seem like she’s a prisoner here as these aren’t the kind of power-controlling restraints she was subjected to on The Raft in Captain America: Civil War.
The potentially mind-blowing reason we can’t wait to find out how Wanda comes to be in the presence of a reformed Infinity Stone is because her darker hair, ravaged look and outfit here almost exactly match her very first appearance inside a cell in Strucker’s lab at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
What the hell is going on?!
images of the last two episodes of #WandaVision (a real madness the images of the gems and #TheVision in black and white) | tt: daily.maximoff pic.twitter.com/IxvS6BM3eL
— joan⚝ | wv spoilers (@daily_maximoff) February 21, 2021
Pinches of Paprika Out of Ten: 1
Have you heard any compelling new WandaVision theories? Let us know in the comments.
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The post WandaVision Episode 7 Theories Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3bxMyOy
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