#ahh its just such a weird situation
bun-bun-selfships · 2 years
Can Tiktok stop showing me videos of this stupid Dark Nights man.
It was funny an hour ago when I got a couple videos of him but it’s MY ENTIRE FYP.
I care about KIs sliders only. I have never been to HersheyPark. I don’t care for this man. I have beef with Fryboy now.
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gloopdimension · 3 days
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am i the only guy who sees a numerous amt of problems w this
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bandomgay · 1 year
I'm to dissociated to rationalize anything about the situation still but like man...we know there's a fanonized reality vs like real one and like that's just like how it's been?? It's no body's fault that those lines blurred for yall
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One piece modern au, Mama Rouge :)
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Happy Mother’s Day :)
Here’s some mama Rouge for the occasion!
Additional info about her 👇(there's a lot.)
Rouge is a bit sickly. Throughout Ace’s formative years, she was in a hospital, sick. Its honestly a miracle she got through child birth alive, but she’s a very very strong woman.
Garp was there when Ace was born because I like to imagine that Garp was Gol D. Roger’s Parole Officer, and so of course he became a family friend. But since he was there for Ace's birth, he was also there when Rouge held her newborn and cried because she knew she couldn't take care of him in her condition.
And look, I don't know how child handling works, but I think it would be really funny if Garp was like "you're okay, girlie, I got the perfect idea." And then he held out a sheet of paper with all the people on his parole list and said like "pick one, this could be part of their community service sentence."
And Rouge was like "might as well, I guess, I don't want to put him in an adoption center or foster home so I guess I'm doing this". Then she picked out Dadan because 'dad' is already in her name, and she's not really given anymore qualifications other than that, so Dadan it is.
Plot twist though because all these convicts just all live with each other so it really wouldn't have mattered, it just meant that now Dadan would be the main guardian of Ace.
Because she was in the hospital for so long when ace was growing up, she’s a bit of a mystery to him. Sometimes (like 3 times a year) she would come to visit him at The House Of Dadan and bring homemade large stuffed animals for him made with Ace's old clothes she's patched together. Ace loves them and they're on a high up shelf in his room, practically untouched in fears of potentially breaking them.
Whenever Ace has a day with Rouge, it's usually a bit awkward. Like Ace doesn't know how to have a mother and Rouge doesn't know how to have a son, but she is trying her best to have fun with him whenever she gets the chance to.
I kinda envision these vibes. Not exactly but adjacent.
Very like "what do you wanna do, sweetie :)"
Ace never gets to visit her at the hospital because Rouge doesn't want him to see her in that kind of setting. He tried to once when he became an adult but he was turned away at the door. He may or may not have tried to then find her through the outside of the building through windows and he may or may not have been kicked off the premises by security.
The first day on the job after Ace completes his tattoo artist apprenticeship, he gets a customer who called the day before requesting him specifically, which is a little weird since he had just started that day, normal patrons wouldn't know him.
When it's time for the appointment, he goes to the floor from the back of the shop, and the person sitting in his appointment seat,
Is.. is his mom.
Shes talking to his coworkers and laughing with them! Ahh no nononono. His mom is not supposed to see this part of his life. What is she doing here????
He rushes over to her and asks her what she's doing here for??
"I'm getting a tattoo from my son :) can I get this flower please? :)"
So he starts the tattoo process and Rouge is very cooperative and receptive to when he needs her to move or anything like that.
He's.. he's never actually been this close to her for so long...
He glances up one and he sees her smiling so softly at him.
Ace looks away quickly, hoping she doesn't see him blushing.
For all wondering, the tattoo that she has is very much on her ass and it is very much Roger's name.
That's all I got. I got a couple of people asking about Ace's family situation, so here ya go :)
Oh additionally, Roger died before Ace's birth from Cancer
Thanks for reading if you got this far :)
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obeymematches · 4 months
MC acting oblivious!
since you're accepting hcs now, how about an mc whos a big tease/bully (aka mammons worst nightmare lol)? im quick to realize when someone has a crush on me and when i like them back i turn into the biggest tease on earth until the other person confesses. im good at acting oblivious so its always "wait, they cant possibly know i like them, right??" poor, poor souls lmao. so im wondering how the brothers+undateables would handle an mc like that! keep up the great work! 💕
Hi, good to see you again !!! <3 
okay i love this so much lets go ! 
Okay so in his case it’s mentioned several times that he is in love with the MC so this ain’t just some crush he’s being teased about but that’s one of the reasons why he loves you so much.  
He is rather guarded emotianlly as his pride isn’t going to let him just fall for anyone. But once he does he is not going to deny it!  
Lucifer is someone who will ask you out on a date without a warning. The only thing you might notice beforehead is that he spends suspiciously lots of his time with you. (by a lot in his case I mean something in between 30 and 60 mins every second day. he’s a busy man) 
Him: My schedule is tight today but I would like to spend time with you, MC, would you care to join me at a confectionary?  MC: sounds like you’re very busy, are you sure about that? 🥺 Him,  slightly offended but still lovingly: Yes, MC. Let me express myself better... would you please have a date with me today? MC: oh....um-
● oh god, oh jesus, oh no
● We all know The Great Mammon has a hard time admitting his feelings out loud, with words, bluntly.
● So the way I see it, the situation is about to be Awkward As Hell.
● Mammon is clearly sweating, butterflies occupying his entire stomach, he fiddles with his nails.
● Him: So MC, I was thinking- I mean I'm thinking- wanna go skating with me tonight?
MC: Oh that's a very romantic idea- but I think friends don't just go skating, you know.
Him: Friends??! I don't wanna be just your friend MC-
You: Then? Then what?
Him: Goddamn I- I just want to be yours- Jesus ya are makin' it so difficult MC, it is not easy as is!!
● ahh the frustrated face he makes through this conversation isn't just a facade. He really is stressing right now.
● Him: MC.... there is something I must tell you. And you only. Please listen and don't tell anyone!
MC: Don't worry Levi, I too hate people who gossip-
Him: No it's not like that. I have a desire in my heart that I must share with you as you are the most special person I ever met and I can only hope you feel the same way for me and- I feel so embarassed but I've been meaning to ask you this- would you be my partner? My player 2?
MC: well if you wanted me to play you could have just said so like you always do-
Levi: What?? Is that what you understood? No MC you don't get it! Ahhh I knew I shouldn't have asked you my chances with you are close to zero-
MC: Wait Levi I'm so sorry-
● You could tell he was acting different these past couple of days. He was texting you more, he offered to spend more time with you- it was obvious he likes you.
● He knocked on your bedroom door and as you liked him just as much as he liked you, of course you let him in.
● I think you acting like you don't know what's going on turns him on? Like he know you ain't stupid. He knows you like him at least a little bit too, otherwise he wouldn't be here talking with you.
● Him: So MC, are you free now?
MC: Well, it depends on how you define "free" I think.
Him: Oh quit it please.
MC: I would if I knew what you were up to right now-
Him: Alright. You are going to make it more complicated, I see. In this case, meet me at 4PM at the common room. Please. I'd like to take you on a date if you're free.
MC: Inside the house? Weird if you ask me-
Him: ...... you are right actually. Let's meet at the park then. Don't be late.
● Again he would absolutely love you acting like you noticed nothing when he couldn't be more clear about what he wants.
● He knows this game though & he is quicker than you are.
● Him, cuddling you: So MC I have been thinking about us....what are we?
● MC: We are.... the best. Me, a human, and you, a demon.
Him: Nooooo, you know that's not what I meant!!!
MC: Well I don't know what you mean Asmo. Aren't we though?
Him: Aren't we what? A human and a demon?? Ahhhhg stop playing with me MC!
● Ohh babe is going to believe you actually don't know what' going on-
● I think he'd find it funny when he realizes you were just acting like such-
Him: MC. I like you.
MC: Okay, I like you too. That's why I'm your friend.
Him: Yes we are friends I know... but to me you are the first person I want to talk to if anything happens, good or bad... you are on my mind all the time, no matter what- I haven't felt like this in my entire life- you are the most special person to me, MC.
MC: Ohhh... I didn't realize-
Him: I only went out with Mammon yesterday because I thought... I was hoping you'd be there to, that you'd join... I just wanted to spend more time with you. But you weren't there. Let's go somewhere together today- I mean, if you want to-
● MC you are about to annoy him to deatg to be fair.
● Depending on his mood he might join you though!!!
Him: So human- I mean MC. Let's hang out today.
MC: We already do.
Him: I meant as a date, stop playing stupid.
MC: I don't like being called stupid. Is this how you are asking me out on a date??
Him: See I knew you knew what I meant!
MC: Why would you ask me on a date though, aren't we just friends?
Him: .....
Him: We could change that- I want to be your one and only.
MC: Well if you are my one and only friend I might get lonely when you're too busy for me though-
Him: Stop it don't say another word. Are you coming today or not? MC? You listening?
MC: you just asked me to shut up-
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kotoku · 25 days
not exactly a request, but…
Imagine being a sort of half-blood monster humanoid, perhaps even one of a handful, and spending most of your life feeling as though you don’t belong anywhere, like you just came out wrong and there’s no cure for it...
And then you meet Laios and he absolutely freaking adores you and will not let you forget it.
imagining reader just hiding every single part of their appearance that shows their half-monster side, always walking with their head bowed down in shame. they have experienced so much hate, disgust, and horror to the point they don’t have much mirrors so they can avoid looking at themself. it’s truly sad.
i could see the reader usually spending most of their days down in the floors scavenging for some items that could be sold for money, considering it’s pretty detached from the surface world. maybe the reader is like senshi, who makes the dungeon their makeshift home, navigating the ecosystem and surviving all by themself. i think a floor that may be more deeper or less populated with adventurers is where reader can safely show their more monstrous appearance/self.
and then one fateful day, the reader meets laios. whether its through helping him and his party escape a monster or simply stumbling across them by accident, you’re now bound to his little gang of weirdos. he’d enthusiastically ask if you’d like to join, not knowing your true identity since you immediately sealed yourself away beneath a hood/etc… the reader, who has nothing much going on and figured they could use a change, would join (mostly due to laios’s pestering because you were pretty petrified of these people finding out what you are).
skipping ahead, lets say during a fight your identity was revealed. your appearance shocks the entire party, some feeling a little wary of you (their suspicions were already developing because whatever the situation, you always had that damn hood/cloak on). but nonetheless, they’re accepting. especially a certain blond tall-man who had a undying love for monsters.
ahh, count your days because this man is going to be the death of you. he’s so stunned, happy, fascinated, and angry because why didn’t you tell him !? what do you mean you hated what you are !??! WHY WOULD YOU HIDE SOMETHING AS COOL AS THIS FROM HIM !?!??!
laios is so envious of you, goddamn.
he’ll use every chance he gets to study your anatomy, your biology, your whatever. he’s obsessed. the others are interested too but not as much as laios… often having to wack or chase him away from you when you start feeling overwhelmed.
besides laios’s excited self, the rest of the gang are open to hearing about your insecurities and are a great support system. senshi would like to learn more about you so that he has an idea of your diet and what nutrients you need. chilchuck, a stern fatherly figure to you, would make sure laios isn’t getting too handsy with you. he’s also there to nail it into your head that you arent weird or anything (tough love huh..). marcille, if she doesn’t have any information on your species/monster, would like to learn more about you as well. like chilchuck, she’d be sure to drag laios away when he’s got a little too close and up in your personal space.
one night, you’d explain to laios about your insecurities in detail and your history. he wouldn’t really understand it because you’re so cool ??? but i think he’d get it because he’s been in that kind of situation back in his home town. he may not exactly know what you went through, but at least he’s able to understand and if you let him, he’ll gladly help/support you.
bye, you’d cry from happiness/relief from the party, especially laios’, acceptance.
group hug ensues**
sorry this was so long, it’s a lovely concept and i love just imagining it ^^
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nnymphie · 11 days
Hiiiii obsessively scrolled your blog in one sitting and I’m obsessed w how you write Laios it’s so sweet (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
With that, how do you think he’d handle maybe some of the more animalistic traits his partner would have? Getting used to things like hibernation, “weird” (to tall men) mating rituals, different bodily reactions due to whiskers or different strength in senses. We all know he ♡’s monsters and animals of all kinds so he’s probably not TOO surprised by it, but now he has to deal with it as the partner to someone with these traits?! Woah!
AHH thank you so much🥺🫶 I’m seriously SOOO flattered!!! I’m glad you enjoy my interpretation of Laois! He’s honestly one of my favorite characters from any franchise, and i think one of by far the best written manga/anime protags ever. Like he’s just wonderful and i wanna chew on him and hold him so gently ugHHHHH
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As far as you ask:
I think he’d honestly be a damn good partner to someone with animalistic qualities. This man probably has multiple journals dedicated to every little special quirk, habit, mannerism, etc, that you have- and he thinks they’re all wonderful. He is genuinely in awe of everything about you and how uniquely you live life. He would absolutely ask as many questions as you’d allow him, and conduct all the research he possibly could. Hell, I could see him researching the specific husbandry and behavioral aspects of whatever species your beast side comes from- and trying to work some of it into his routine. Dare i say he’d even be a bit jealous that you get the privilege of experiencing some of these instincts and traits???
If you hibernate? You best believe he is helping feed you plenty before its time and making sure you have a safe comfortable nesting place. If you have special mating rituals? He’s learning them all so he can be the best mate possible to you ( he’s honored to even have the title of mate)
He’d love to test your reflexes and sensitivity to different stimuli, but also learn what you don’t like and find ways to mitigate or all together alleviate your discomfort.
I’ve talked about it before, but I firmly believe that your animal traits and beastly nature makes him understand you better. He hasn’t ever really fit in, and regular human social situations are not his strong suit or something he favors really at all. He doesn’t seem to pick up on queues the others do, his interests and passions are often not understood and mocked/judged. Perhaps in a different way than you, but he has also been a misfit outcast most of his life, he empathizes with you on that, finds a sense of camaraderie in not belonging. And even better? The very things that make you different are precisely what he’s so passionate and knowledgeable about. He is fantastic with animals and beasts alike, hell, there’s a solid chance he already knows about some of your specific behaviors and needs before you even have to tell him. And what he doesn’t know? He is eager to learn from you at any and every opportunity. He would never make you feel like a burden for the things you cannot control, rather id imagine he’d encourage you to live as naturally and comfortably as you can.
Laois is so damn amazed by you, he loves every little weird thing, and wants to keep discovering more for as long as he’s possibly able to,,,
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may i request an Altean!reader (possibly fem) who is also a bodyguard? Im thinking about if King Alfor put them in a pod too to help protect Princess Allura once she came out. im mostly thinking of the princess x bodyguard trope 🤭 but the reader x other paladins are fine too! i can't exactly remember, but i don't think they trained them to fight at the garrison. I think it would be nice if reader helped them at the start with their stances and such.
ty for reading this, regardless of if you get to it ^-^
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Being Allura’s Bodyguard Headcanons
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This feels a little weird though, let me know if I did you justice🤨💔
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If you were put to sleep with Allura and Coran, that means Alfor REALLY trusted reader
You probably trained to be Allura’s guard specifically as you both grew up
So that means you were around each a lot as children and teens
I think reader might be a year or two older than Allura, so in a way you grew to be protective of the younger girl, naturally
She was always able to confide in you no matter what, whether it was about a problem that bothered her or complaining about her potential suitors
I think because y’all spent so much time together, a little crush might form between yall
But being her bodyguard, you knew you had a duty to uphold and couldn’t let silly feelings get in the way of that (much to her dismay)
You would always playfully roll your eyes whenever she tried using a pickup line on you
When you guys wake up from the pods, despite your drowsiness, you’re immediately at Allura’s side, pushing away the weird creature with round ears from her
Like your sword is drawn out and pointed to Lance, ready to attack if the group in front of you poses themselves as a threat
Yeah, the group decides that it’s best to take several steps away from you LMAO
You’re always by Allura’s side no matter what, the princess being your main priority
You’re kinda like her shadow, always standing guard, waiting for the unexpected
I think reader would begin falling hard for the Allura (much to her delight) when she saves her from a life or death situation
The whole point of being her bodyguard was to protect her, but seeing how she risked her own life to drag you to safety made your heart flutter
Like no one had ever done that for you😭
You were taught and trained to fight for yourself, trained to protect others
So Allura being the one protecting you led you down in a spiral
And it’s a QUICK spiral, may I add
You begin seeing the princess in a different light
The way not a single hair moves from its placement when she’s fighting, whether it be training or when out on a mission, entranced you
You admired the way she demanded attention with just her presence alone
And Allura notices these changes AHH
Like this girl is internally screaming when you gently take her hand when you’re trying to bring her away from any danger
I like to think Allura would be flirty with her bodyguard lowkey
They’re used to each other from the years of being together so this isn’t an odd occurrence
But things do change when you begin turning pink whenever she uses her dumb pickup lines
It’s gotten to a point where the princess was able to beat you in a duel for the first time when she randomly blurted one out
(You claimed that you were feeling a little sick that day lol)
Even despite the fun flirting and knowing looks shared between you two, you would still be hesitant to start an actual relationship with Allura
You have so much respect for the passed King Alfor that you want to continue being the bodyguard for his daughter
You feel like you might be betraying his trust if you start pursuing his daughter
Coran would tell you to go for though if you talk to him about it
He knew Alfor best, so hearing him say that the king would want you and Allura to be happy, you immediately go to the princess
You confess and she’s just jumping on you in pure joy cuz FINALLY
The rest is HISTORY as you guys finally pursue each other AHHH
You’re a much more gentler bodyguard, you’re less tense when out of the castle and honestly just enjoying every moment with Allura
Instead of protecting Allura, you both fight along side each other
The respect you guys have for the other is just so UGH!!! If Allura wants to fight her own battles, you watch from a close distance
Honestly you guys make each other better I can’t even
And because you’re less intense now that you’re with Allura, you treat the team with much more patience
Since they had no idea how to fight at first (most of them at least), you offer to train them
Altean style😍
They wouldn’t take you seriously at first, except Shiro, until you bodyslam Keith to the ground when he gets too cocky with his attacks
After that, they take training very seriously LMAO
You taught Shiro and Keith how to fight efficiently when in close range, showing them fighting techniques that they could also use if they don’t have their weapons
You teach Hunk and Lance how to properly use their guns, showing them the right positions to hold their weapons as to not injure themselves
And with Pidge, you show her how to use her weapon in general because of how unique it is compared to the others weapons
They grow to become strong fighters, you may even shed a tear, happy you were able to help them
You’re still able to demolish them even after everything you all have been through though
Every now and then you guys hold a tournament to see whose the best fighter, you still winning most of the times
Except when you go against Lance for some reason, he’s a slippery one you need to keep an eye on💀
You grow to care for everyone in your own way, vowing to protect them when if it ever came down to it
Being Allura’s bodyguard is honestly a very rewarding duty
She appreciates everything you do and risk to keep her safe, and she promises to do the same for you
I also think you’re the voice of reason for her cuz y’all remember when they went through that dimension jumping portal? And how Allura believed those Alteans were the same ones she knew
You would be there to let her down gently, even comforting her after that entire ordeal happens
You’re her rock, being an emotional support for the princess whenever she needs it
Out of the entire team, I’m like 99% sure that bodyguard!reader is the greenest flag out of everyone
Allura won the lottery honest, her bodyguard being her lover😫😫😫‼️‼️
You’re always by her side, through thick and thin, no matter what happens to you guys
Loyalty is literally your middle name heehee
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querade · 10 months
Doctor who's season 13?? ESPECIALLY the Yaz Hug moment
So with the new specials coming out I thought I'd post my thoughts on the season 13 finale
The doctor breaks herself into three different versions ,three different pieces overwhelmed by solving three equally pressing problems. I hear everyone’s issues with the 13th doctor etc etc but this was the PERFECT finale to her character--the entire arc is so chock-full of different problems EVERYWHERE that the doctor is squashing out.
I didn't realize it until then but the entire point of the Flux and the doctor closing herself off and not telling yaz and dan anything--AHH such a good idea!! It's the perfect way to represent everything as her arc comes to its climax.
Also just. The 13th doctor doesn't want to worry people so she doesn't tell her companions squat and just constantly deflects. you know how Clara uses the TARDIS and pseudoscience as a coping mechanism to get away from the Bad Things she has to eventually deal with?? YEA. NOW THE DOCTOR IS DOING IT.
in a way you see she's kind of grateful that she's in the middle of all this, because then she doesn't have to face anything :3—which is terrible and awful, but easy to rationalize because 'people's lives are on the line and she has to save them'!!
Naturally the doctor has always had a problem with being far too selfless. and while this arc doesn't state it directly, the acting and the camera work and the situation all state it indirectly enough. And Yaz is kind of the only one who notices cause she's the only one who's been there long enough?? anyways ahhhh when the companions finally reunite after like two episodes of being apart, its just. the doctor forces herself to stop the 'how do we fix this' brain and she makes herself pause and just goes "wait" and she stops and HUGS YAZ for like three seconds. It's the first break, the first silent, not-really-tense moment you get in an EXTREMELY long time. And even then it doesn't feel like long enough.
THE YAZ HUG MOMENT IS SO GOOD: I guess I noticed it was weird that it lasted so long but I couldn't exactly figure out why it was such a good choice. And then. In that whole meet-up scene, the cuts are SO very well done. You have the camera circling her, spinning, and the Doctor sees someone, says their name—
"Yaz! Dan! Kate Stewart, Kate Sewart! Jericho! Victorian-looking bloke!"
With every new bit of information, in a row, it jumps to a new cut, a new angle, with no continuity of the Doctor's previous pose—and i mean no continuity, from one cut to the next she is 180 degrees with completely different hands and head positions— but with possibly MORE stuff that she has to cram into this situation and spread herself even thinner--and it feels kind of like she's losing her mind.
(She kind of was.)
But she doesn't realize it yet or want to face it or can't face it or whatever, just keeps going, and then forces herself to pause. and to stop.
After all the losses, loss after loss after loss after loss in this arc, after making an extremely difficult, selfless decision, after all it cost her, she takes just a little selfish moment for herself to say, "Wait." and she chooses to not do anything. she chooses to take three long seconds to turn and hug yaz. not anyone else.
Of course, once she does, the camera stops spinning and idk i was just like 'WOW we really have been going nonstop for just a ridiculous amount of time haven't we.' and that was kinda when i realized that yea, I am gonna miss season 13's version of jodie whittaker.
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
AHHHHHHHH MICKEY I HAD TO COME HERE AND ASK FOR MORE I LOVE NEIGHBOR AUS -- so would it be like canon ?? and he moves away to a new country to be free of everything that happened in japan/sorcerer society ?? or would it be a non-sorcerer au??
AAAAAAAAAA CARINAA STOPPP I LOVE U SOOSO MUCHHH!!!!!!!! OKOK SO it'd be non-sorcerer au buuuuuuut i'm keeping the part of him having a bad past yk? so essentially it still is him just getting away from all of that!!!!!!! he's now in his thirties and he just wants a new start:((((( he just wants a Normal job and a Normal life:(((((((((((((
and the same goes for the reader too!!! they left everything behind them for a fresh start too and that's so scary yk? so despite the fact that toji has been there for a little longer (he moved only like a few months earlier), they're both so new to everything and so when they finally get to talking and they realize that they're in the same situation - it just kind of clicks. everything gets a little easier knowing that neither of them is alone:(((( they start going to the grocery store together and they start having dinners at each others places. they go to the cinema every week and they just overall get very comfortable very fast bc they kind of.. only have each other there... they're constantly just hanging out at each other's places and it's waahhh it's still very much a slow burn though lmao there's no other way for me to write anything i'm afraid.
omg wait i also need to add that i definitely imagine toji with an accent here too. like it's very important in my head. bc well i mean ofc he'd have one right? going from japan to some european country, he's now forced to speak english aand it's so weird for him at first and that on its own makes everything a little harder too... but ahh i think it's such a good little detail to add yk? like he definitely stumbles over his words every once in a while and gets a little embarrassed abt it:(((( he's cute. my favourite scary looking teddy bear of a man
blabla i also just think it's such a cute idea to have the reader and him teach each other stuff about their cultures:(((((( and languages too:((((((( you pester toji about him teaching you some japanese words and phrases and he's kind of against it at first because he just wants to leave literally EVERYTHING behind but when he finally folds.. he doesn't regret it at all because your own accent is fucking adorable and also kind of bad and it's funny and it doesn't make him think about all the bad things that have happened,, you're helping him forget all about that while creating new and better memories and AAAAAAAAAAAHHH it's so sweet okay:((((((((
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yoonjinsgirl · 1 year
Heyaaaa guys!!! I'm here with part-5 to my series.
checkout series previous chapters: 1💌 2💌 3💌 & 4💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yoongi x fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up one day only to realize it's 2026 already & to your biggest shock you are not in your bedroom, not in your house! You try to wake yourself up from the dream! But is it really a dream or the truth of your life?
Genre: idol au, mirror world au, fluff, suggestive.
Taglist: Open
Updates: after every 4 days.
Warnings: An au concept, not something that could make sense irl, it could be dangerously delulu. please note all my writings are fictional and has nothing irl to do with any idol/person.
A/N: this fic also feature hobi and his girl "I'm naming hobi's girl as my hobii biased bestie*. We obviously do have bangtan featuring and also a cameo of jihoon aka woozi 💜
Request are open & also highly welcomed and appreciated! Check my work until now: Masterlist💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡^·ᴗ·^♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've imagined this all night and every day!💕
Part - 5
Everything was fine until one evening you receive woozi's call and you feel your whole world falling apart by just looking at the screen buzzing, but it wasn't like you had any choice other than receiving the call, and so you anyways receive the call.
"Hello y/nsii I've a great news for you, you can finally go back to your world! Thank you so much for cooperating with our situation, I'm so sorry for the trouble you had to go through because of our team!", Woozi said happily as he was happy for keeping his promise. But you weren't really happy with the news you just got! A whole minute went away in silence that's when woozi again speaks, "Hello! HELLO Y/NSII! are you on line?"
"Ye Ye sorry woozi i wasn't really expecting you to call this soon, I'm just trying to process your words" you tell him not really knowing how you are supposed to feel.
"Ahhh ne ne i can understand your point you must be so happy to return! And guess what you're going tonight itself isn't it great! So as i had told you as soon you both will teleport to your own world everything will return back to its original form! And no one would be able to remember you or any memories related to you! So get tension free nothing will go wrong, once you return to your original places" woozi said explaining you. But were you even ready to leave this world! Were you ever ready to leave yoongi? It was all your fault you think you were never allowed to fall in love with yoongi from this world or your own world, your love was forbidden.
You feel your eyes filling up with tears but you continue the conversation, "and what about me? Will i be able to remember anything?" You asked woozi. "No y/nsii that seems almost impossible and totally rare, only in 0.1% of cases people can remember so i don't think you will remember anything so relax, also just like you were teleported here while you were asleep the same you will return your own world so don't worry you'll have to do nothing!" You think how weird this is that you want to remember your time here, for what though only to feel deeply pained remembering how you could never be his! How you could never become yoongi's girl, his love! But afterall it was for your own good if you don't remember anything because your life without him being actually around you will genuinely make it hard for you to live! Everything will be hard without having yoongi next to you!
"Ahh really! Th..thank you woozisii! You really helped me alot! And it was nice knowing you!!!" You tell him genuinely because no matter what, he was nothing but the kindest to you, and as he had promised he is here calling you to inform you about your safe returning. The pain and hurt you were feeling was all by your own cause and he definitely doesn't needs to know how you feel for yoongi because that would just add guilt to him.
Suddenly you feel another guilt tripping down on you as you think about your bestfriend being with hobi, you think how selfish you can get, that you didn't even gave a thought what about her? What about their relationship? You didn't wanted their relations to wreck because of something stupid going on!
"And one last thing that i wanted to ask you woozisii, what about my bestfriend will her relationship with hobii too will get affected? Do you know anything about her?", you ask him hoping atleast her happiness won't get affected.
"No no don't worry, I've come to know hoseok hyung was already seeing someone and turns out it was your friend! So don't worry their relationship won't be affected", woozi replied.
"Ahhhh thank god i would seriously never forgive myself if anything would have gone wrong with them because of me!Again thank you so-so much for everything! For always being patient and answering all my problems!" You say as you were really grateful for him being so patient with you, as you always bombarded him with so many questions but he was very patient and gentle with you. You lowkey smiled thinking he indeed was one of your favorite artists from one of the groups that you respected and you were lucky to have interaction with him, no matter if he was from another world, still you were very thankful.
"Aishhh aniyaa that's not a big deal, afterall i was somewhere responsible for you landing into this trouble! So I'm really glad to hear that i could help you with whatever you asked! Also y/nsii i know you like hyung so I'm really sorry! I know whatever is happening is cruel but please take care, i truly wish you the best and wish for your happiness!".
At this point you felt your tears rolling down free as you heard him saying how he knew you were caught up in feelings but you still decided to play it cool. "Thank you for always looking up for me woozi, also I'm fine so don't worry! Also i wish the same for you and for BTS here, I truly wish happiness and well-being for you all.
"You are really brave y/n, fighting, take care" you chuckle at his statement for calling you brave which you certainly were not but he didn't needed to know, "Fighting Woozisii! FIGHTING BTS!", and the call ends.
As soon as the phone ends your mind goes blank as you fall down tearing up, you certainly weren't expecting all this to happen this early! You thanked god that yoongi wasn't home to see you in such a state. You somewhere hated yourself for literally being selfish because surely this was the stupid realm thing and not yoongi's actual feelings for you! So you yourself were the reason for your hurting, you should've kept, hold on emotions! On your mind and heart.
Tears continuously streaming down your eyes as you remember all the times you spend with yoongi, the hugs and the kisses you shared with him, all the beautiful moments you shared with bangtan. Why did this all had to end? But you were being unreasonable you thought, while wiping your own tears as you looked at the clock and realizing yoongi must be home in few hours now, and he doesn't deserves to see you like this, you didn't wanted your last day with him to be a crying mess and what reason you'll give him afterall if he sees you in this state? So, You get up getting hold on your emotions and got freshen up and set up the bathtub for him to take shower after he comes home and arranged his clothes for him.
All these days it became your habit to look for him as he would look for you. You had made your mind no matter what you won't spoil the few hours you've left with him and will do nothing to spoil his mood. As you were thinking door bell suddenly rings and you know who it could be so you run towards the door opening it to meet an exhausted looking yoongi.
As soon as his eyes meets with yours he instantly pulled you in for a hug, snuggling his face into your neck as he wraps his hands around your sides, your heart beating loud as he snuggles more into you leaving no space between you two, you feel butterflies everytime you are close to him, meanwhile his scent calming you down.
"i missed you y/n"
"i said i missed you kitten" he speaks again as he breaks the hug and lifting you in his arms. "I missed you too! I love you so muchhh!" you reply him, wrapping your hands around his neck, not protesting anymore as he lifts you, because this is the last time you will experience this feeling of being loved and pampered by yoongi.
"You know y/n i love my work..my music so much, and i still do, i always will but today i felt like i was missing out something inside me and i knew it was you, so i couldn't help but complete my work quickly so i could come back home to you!" He said as he brought you to the bedroom gently placing you on the bed and kneeling down at your level and holding your hands as he continued, "you know y/n i never felt like this before, home was never like this, before it was a place to rest and have me time, now it's not a mere place it's my comfort zone! My safe zone! My love zone! Where i know my love lives, always waiting for me! Thank you so much for coming into my life bby! I promise you will never regret being with me, I'll always treat you like my queen kitten" he said as he kissed your knuckles, looking into your eyes, you feel yourself almost tearing up with all the love you were feeling, there was no doubt yoongi always made sure you felt loved, you always got his attention, his affection and his care, not a single moment where he made you uncomfortable with anything, always making you laugh and smile. He was someone with whom even sitting in silence felt comfortable.
You too knell down holding his hands as you leaned in holding his t-shirt's collar and pulling him close to kiss him as he responded back immediately smiling against your lips, pulling you close to him by holding his hands around your waist to deepen the kiss. Both only pulling out as none of you breathe anymore.
"I think you should get freshen up, you must be tired"
"I'm never tired for you love"
You immediately give a quick kiss on his cheek, "i know but you do need to relax yourself yoongles, I've already set up bathtub for you to get freshen up"
He placed a kiss on your cheeks as he said, "Aren't you a perfect wife material, I just know i want to get married with you y/n! I don't want to stay away from you anymore!"
"Yoongi i..i..I'm all yours!" You say as you tear up, as he slides a beautiful ring that he has always been wearing in one of his fingers. As you cry your heart out hugging him like koala at this point, this had to be your worst dream because why were you supposed to return today itself? Why was this all happening to you! Why did you had to go through all this pain of leaving him? why was god giving you this moment to just take away your everything, you felt so guilty for ruining everything, you almost felt like betraying yoongi but what could you do anyways!!??!!
"Yoons i love you so much! I wonder what did i ever do to deserve you.. your love! i wouldn't even hesitate to get married to you right away! If.." before you could say anything any further yoongi put his fingers on your lips as he says,"Shushhhh say nothing my love! I know you are overwhelmed by my sudden confession yet I'm so happy to have you with me! To have this moment with you right now, to have you in my arms right now!". As he held you and made you sit on the bed again sitting next to you, whipping your tears, as he continued, "y/niee don't cry my love! I know i always say people should cry out whenever they feel like crying but don't cry love, I'm going no-where! I wanted to assure you that this isn't your dream anymore it's our reality! Not hurrying up, we while get married soon but at our own pace! So don't overwork your emotions or feel pressured hmnn". You nodded in response as he again gave you a quick peck, "bby relax and take a quick nap as i take shower, you know taking nap can solve 99% of our problems" you laughed slightly at his cuteness,
"Yooniee you're surely the most adorablest encyclopedia of useless knowledge which i love so muchhh",
"yahhh y/niee I'm offended by that" he said pouting slightly making you laugh even more "aigooooo yoonieee! Now go and get freshen up" you push him playfully as he laughs too and goes in.
As you look towards the silver band he just made you wear, you wonder what does destiny even want to happen with you and why is destiny playing cheap games with you! And from like billions of people around, why is yoongi getting caught up in this sh!t he doesn't deserves to get played, man is literally the softest soul you've ever came across. This has to be the worst thing happening to you both because none of you deserve this all, for minutes you feel you should tell him the truth and break the spell but then you think what if actually his life is put into danger, that would be even worse, Fuck my life you think as you heat the food you had prepared for him and set the dishes on dinning table. Soon yoongi joins you and helps you to serve for both of you and you eat your dinner and clean the dishes together. Surely yoongi's way of showing his love included so many things and surprisingly lots of clinging all in good way but it was alot about his act of service.
In no time it was time for you both to sleep, no matter how hard you tried to act cool to yourself, acting as if you were strong enough but deep down you were not prepared for whatever was coming next! Definitely not prepared to leave yoongi! Not prepared to open your eyes to a world where you wouldn't woke up next to him! Your thoughts were interrupted as yoongi laid next to you, holding your hand and kissing your hand where he had placed his silver band on your fingers! You felt so much love at the moment and wished the time to stay still and to stop at the moment, in no way you were ready to leave him but you also didn't wanted to cause any trouble creating any harm to him! Not wanting to face anything you quickly hide yourself into his arms hugging him tight then ever and snuggling close to him. And yoongi holding you tightly as you feel safe and secure in his arms as he pampered you to sleep, no matter how hard you tried not to fall asleep thinking maybe that could save you from not returning back, but after your various attempts you soon fall asleep feeling comforted by yoongi's warm hug and his relaxing scent.
The next day you know you wake up with your head heavy, eyes hurting as if you had cried yourself to sleep, but as your eyes fall to the clock hanging on your bedroom's wall you realize you've overslept and now you're late for your work, so you quickly hurry to get shower as you feel a little bit dizzy as you get a quick vision of yoongi carrying you to bathroom as you shyly blush, jerking your thoughts away thinking what kind of delusional person you are literally to visualize the literal impossible and daydreaming about your bias literally when you were late to work.
You hurry up with your morning routine and somehow manage to reach your work by just time. You keep feeling dizzy throughout your day and you keep shrugging it off as you think it must be just your usual bp fluctuation or your irregular sleep. What amazes you is how you could not stop thinking about your bias the whole day! Not like it's anything new but you were being too much! You knew you missed him as he was inactive on his sns accounts after his world tour had ended and his enlistment notice was made public, so you understood how he must be spending his time resting and enjoying his time with his family, friends and his members who were more likely his brother's but his absence made you really anxious. But you lowkey kept reassuring yourself that everything was going to be okay!
Everything was going just fine and normal until somebody at your work pointed at the ring you were wearing, but last time you remembered you kept looking for a ring similar to the one you were wearing right now but you couldn't really find one! It was exactly similar to the one your bias, your crush, your most favorite person on the planet, your only desired man 'Min Yoongi'! It was him who was wearing this one time in one of his photos and you had absolutely fallen in love with it and since then you always wanted to buy yourself a ring similar to it but you couldn't find any! So what and how is the ring in your finger now? No matter how hard you'd try you couldn't remember buying it. So how the heck were you wearing one! Looking at your facial expression your colleague immediately changed the topic saying maybe you should pack up and leave for home as it was almost 6.pm, thinking you were just stressed too much to work that you needed rest! And nodded in agreement and soon wrapp up all your work as you leave your workplace still thinking about the ring.
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So as soon you reached home, you immediately rushed into your bedroom looked for anything that could tell you how you got this ring. Your mom came looking for you only to see you rumbling around your room so you told her everything and your mom assured you maybe you had bought it but you must have forgotten and maybe you should just rest, taking nap after all you know can solve 99% of our problems. Listening to your mom speak you felt dizzy again, for some reason you could literally hear yoongi saying something similar in your head. You hit your head lightly thinking what the fuck is wrong with you today as you walk towards your bathroom to get freshen up.
Little did you know this wasn't just your mind playing games with you or your delusional mind day dreaming too much but it was just your mind playing your some of your foggy memories that you had unfortunately almost forgotten, most likely the memories that were lost.
To be continued...
I hope guys enjoyed reading this one! I do know we all are here for yoongi and this one definitely had a lot of readers pov, if you want you can skip it ig! I hope you all will look forward to upcoming parts! So stay tuned!
Also guys I'm really sorry!🥲 I know it takes me little too long to post but trust me my laptop is in repair for few days and making corrections in my written draft takes my most of time, and it's not like i have already written all my parts, i write them in real time so it takes a little long especially writting them on my phone takes even more long, so i hope you can bear with me. Thank you for being patient with me y'all!.♡
Also guys i don't think this could be a called mini series anymore lmao, as I'm sure it will take atleast 2 or more chapters to complete the whole thing, so I'll be editing and updating my masterlist by today.
Also I'm thinking, about naming parts for this series! What are you opinions please let me know.
As I always say, REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!💌
Categories I write for are: imagines/reaction, scenarios, thoughts, text post, drabbles and timestamps.♡
So if you've requests please go on and submit it! I'll be happy to write one. Also your feedbacks are highly welcomed and appreciated.💜
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3cremepie3 · 2 years
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Kinktober day 2
Sypnopis - The begging of your brought virginity session only you didn’t know your hook up was a vampire
Warnings - Mentions of virginity, paid sex work, oral (receiving and giving), blood drinking, blood
A/n- I posted this just before midnight I completely forgot about Kinktober sorry y’all. I may do a part 2 to this next month.
“Sure,” you agreed to his offer. Maybe he just had some sort of weird fetish but you didn’t mind when he offered you 100,000 dollars for your virginity you couldn’t deny it. I mean the setting was a little strange but he couldn’t help it.
He knew from the moment you walked in the club doors that you didn’t belong in a place like this. So he with his vast riches took you out of there. “I’m leaving Suguru take over for tonight.” He waved to his friend deep in the shadows. Already you were tired after drinking all night and parting with your friends.
“Would this be considered sex work?” You thought out loud in his limousine. “Normally that’s on my end.” I used to be an escort but I stopped 3 weeks ago.” Are you finally ready to settle down,” you pondered.
“I don’t know about that.” There was a situation with one of the clients that kinda forced me to stop.” Sorry to hear about your misfortune Gojo.” Thanks but I can tell your not being serious.” You smirked at him. Well, a man like you deserves a fine woman.” Someone like me,” you laughed.
He could tell you were overly drunk a sudden swirl of confidence crashing against you. But he didn’t mind it since you reminded him of his normal self. Maybe your more alike than he thought. “Whatcha thinking about,” you giggled.
“The non-drunk version of yourself I met earlier.” I like this new version but you gotta be in your right mind to make choices like this one I’m leading you on.” I can make choices like this,” you pouted.
“I glad that you think that.” He wiped the sweat from your brow. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” You fanned your face. “I can’t take this,” you Babbled. You tore a leg slit in your small black party dress. You sighed air finally coming through to you. “Why did you do that you looked so amazing in that dress,” he inquired. “I was gonna toss it anyways that shit was showing my beer gut.”
“Hey don’t degrade yourself I think every part of you is sexy.” You haven’t seen every part yet,” you doubted him. “Well, I will soon enough look where already here.” He pointed to his large mansion up ahead. Your jaw dropped from its hinges. “This is beautiful!” You hopped out of the car touching every marble statue at his front gate.
“It’s renaissance themed.” He answered your question before you even got to ask. He gave you a short tour around the first floor but never brought you up to the second floor. “Why can’t we go up there?” Because I’m sensitive to sunlight and it’s very bright up there.”
“Ahh okay.” You thought for a minute how weird that was. I’ll bring you down here though to my third bedroom watch your step these stairs are steep.” You followed him down long stone steps deeper and deeper into his dark basement. “Gojo I’m scared!” You whined not feeling his arm around your hip anymore. You stood there in darkness until you heard a flick within a moment lights turned on dim but bright enough to light the room.
“What the hell.” You looked around even more amazed. This must be the washroom every direction there was a new sort of device. A rain head shower, a sauna, a hot spring. “I hope you don’t mind I wanted to wash up first.”
“Not a problem.” You gulped realizing he was already naked while you were fully clothed. “Come on aren’t you gonna strip what about all that talk from in the car,” he teased you. “Fine!” You took off each price of clothing slowly folding them and then putting them on the vanity.
He helped you dip into his whirlpool tub which was practically the size of a hot tub. You sat back leaning your neck on his chest. “Ahh, something’s poking me!” You say up thinking maybe it was a jet. “Sorry,” Gojo laughed. “I must be a little too hard.”
“Here let me help you out.” You sat just before his lap staring at the soapy water. Your hand felt for his dick finding it burning up his chest. He was as hard as a rock even through the water you could feel his mushy tip leaking.
His reaction was cute to you eyebrows all knitted together. You wanted to see it again so you brought your thumb over his tip spreading his pre-seed all over the head. Your other hand massaged his balls adding to his stimulation. “S-shit yeah keep doing that!” He bit his lip muffling his moans.
You removed your hand from his balls and started to pump his shaft. You felt his veins pumping even more blood up to his tip which leaked in your other hand. “Fuck your way too good at this.” Or are you just sensitive Gojo?”
“Shit! Call me Satoru baby I don’t mind.” You scooted closer hands still at work while Gojo held his head back arms lent on the sides of the tub. You brought your mouth to his neck sucking near his collarbone. He shivered at your sudden movement face warm at your boldness.
“Shit your gonna make me go crazy!” Stop pumping me will yah.” You stopped awaiting his next move. He grabbed a towel from the side wrapped you in it then lifted you over his shoulder. “Aren’t I heavy?” Compared to what I can lift your a feather sweetheart stop worrying.”
He let you down on his bed. “Do I have to use a condom or can I go raw?” Well, your paying 100k I think you at least deserve to go raw for a night.” Say less!” Can you help me finish I’m leaking everywhere here?”
“Of course.” You climbed on top of him your pussy sitting right above his face. “What a beautiful view,” he marveled. You knelt above him not wanting to smother his face. “I don’t mind you smothering me.” With his confirmation, you sat firmly on his face moaning as his mouth found your folds.
But you had something more important to do. This wasn’t the first dick you sucked but it was the biggest slender and long as you wrapped your mouth around it. You gagged it going through the back of your throat.
You heard his muffled moans even through the slurping of your cunt. You took your mouth off his cunt coughing after he began to thrust into it. Your nails dug into his thighs out of instinct since you were experiencing a new type of high. He had slipped a finger into you curving it inside until he hit your spot.
He added in another thanks to your wetness you groaned your thighs locking around his head. His movement was skilled his tongue never making a mistake and flicking your clit with ease. Unlike the sloppy blowjob, you were giving him. Spit pooled down to his balls ad you used your hand to pump his base. You tried your best to drag your tongue around his veins. But taking more of him in your mouth seemed to be the number priority.
He chuckled seeing your face contort even though you were doing amazing. So he thrust up again helping fit the rest of his shaft into your mouth. He came with a grunt his cock spilling his seed in the back of your throat. You were soon to follow gushing in his overjoyed mouth. You collapsed a top of his face forgetting the fact that he had to breathe.
He lifted you rolling you over next to his muscular body. “You ready,” he asked. “Yes.” You answered even though your breath was unsteady. “Hey, I hope you don’t get turned off by this but I’m gonna need at least a syringe full of blood from you is that okay?”
You laughed at his randomness. “What the fuck sure I guess!” He leaned into your face his eyes closed delicate white lashes fluttering. At first, you thought he was gonna kiss you. So your lips perked to kiss him but he rejected this idea moving over to your neck to suck a harsh hickey?
No this wasn’t a hickey you realized as he bit into your neck with ease. “Ahh Satoru that hurts.” You tried to claw at his back to stop him. But he kept going sucking your sweet nectar.
“Gojo,” you cried out. “I said that’s enough.” Your body was becoming weaker by the minute. You let out one week slap to the back of his head. Finally, he came off your shoulder making a pop sound.
His demeanor was different. He didn’t even look at you and you could tell he was more obsessive, rougher. “Satarou answer me please,” you begged.
“I’m the same old man you met earlier only I’m much more hungry.” Now that you looked at him you could see his once light blue iris turned red. Fangs poked out his plump lips that were smeared with your blood.
“Now I’ll ask you once again are you ready Y/n?”
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mrs-murder-daddy · 2 years
Hello love! Hope you're having a good day :) I absolutely LOVED the Bill fic you wrote for me 😌🤌🏼 Thank you so much for writing it! Since you sent the ask saying that requests are still open, I was hoping to request another one of your amazing fics 🤗 Could I get something with the prompt "He/She did it!" "No, he/she did it!" for reader and the Easy man of your choice? Thank youuu 💕
A/N: Of course my love! You’ve given me so much to read and enjoy, I thought I’d return the favour!
Quick warning: this gets 'fade to black' levels of spicy in the last section so if you're uncomfortable with that I would suggest stopping at that third divider.
The Easy man of my choice! Ahh you spoil me. I chose Nixy because after this latest rewatch… 🎶what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man🎶
three times you and nixon played tricks (+ one time you treated poor lip to an eyeful)
Lewis Nixon x Reader
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You're not quite sure how your prank war with Nix started, but it was certainly not because you were a little in love with him. I mean the man was married with a child (and a dog)!
Well, actually you remember the exact moment it started. He had teased you about your hairy legs. You didn't exactly have the time to sit and shave them, which he knew. The bastard still poked at that spot though. And eventually you had enough.
One night, while the other officers were out for the night, you snuck back into your barracks, three cans of shaving cream in hand.
Grabbing Nixon's pillow, you drained all three cans into his pillowcase before running to the latrines, ready for your little scheme to pay off. You dumped the cans along your run, hoping it would lead the scent from you.
You showered (the perfect alibi) and watched Lewis and Dick walk into the barracks behind Lieutenant Welsh, a new addition to your little group from the 82nd.
You were still drying your hair as you made your way inside, only to see the short blond man jump from his bed. The back of his head was suspiciously... foamy.
He gave a disgusted cry, still a little tipsy. "Shaving cream? Seriously?!"
You panicked and pointed to an equally tipsy Nixon, "Lew did it! He told me all about his little plan too."
Harry just sighed through his nose and dropped the pillow on the floor. He was just drunk enough that the setup of his bed didn't matter, he would fall asleep instantly.
The next morning you surprisingly woke up after Lewis, spotting three empty cans of shaving cream on your footlocker. A little piece of torn paper under one, 'Check you have the right pillow next time. - L xx'
Who knew Nixy wrote kisses at the end of his notes.
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Nothing Lewis tried to do to retaliate seemed to work. You were stone faced through a lot and he would never do anything serious to jeopardise your positions but he was running out of ideas damn it!
All through training, even in England, your 'pranks' turned into schoolyard insults and poking and prodding. It looked more like teenagers who couldn't just explain their feelings. Not that that situation is any more immature than reality.
He finally thought of a good one when Dick 'accidentally' threw a pitcher of piss on his head to wake him up. Now obviously he wasn't gonna pour piss on you, but some real sloppy mud should do the trick.
For once in his life, Lewis Nixon woke up early of his own volition. He found a bucket (he wasn't sure what its purpose was but he had a new task in mind) and shoveled some mud into it. He poured more water on top of that and started mixing. He got a weird look but you know, Webster is the last guy who'll fault the childlike joy of making mud potions.
Giddy with the excitement of finally one-upping you, Lew barreled through your borrowed bedroom door and tossed the mud concoction on the large lump under your sheets.
Only the startled shriek was maybe an octave lower than yours. And a head of very short red hair popped out from under the covers. Babe Heffron was in your bed. Babe Heffron, the replacement you had taken under your wing, was in your bed. Babe Heffron, the replacement you had taken under your wing, was in your bed and covered in mud.
Well shit.
You came running when you heard your Babe scream, worried your little duckling was having another nightmare or something. Only to see bane of your existence, object of your desires, Lewis Nixon with a bucket in hand, mud covering your bed and poor Babe.
Nix slammed the bucket into your arms and half-laughing, cried, "Now why would you do that?"
Babe frowned, "Ma'am, what's going on?"
Nix gestured to your hands, clutching the weapon of bedding destruction. "She did it! Poured mud all over you Private!"
He would never admit it out loud but the death glare you gave him, his blood shifted south at an alarming rate and he got the most delicious shiver down his spine.
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Austria, despite the reason you were there, was truly a paradise. If you could, you would have your honeymoon in the Austrian Alps. You joked about it with Lewis and immediately, "I'll keep it in mind honey."
Guilt still ate you a tiny bit. Kathy had sent the Dear John letter a whole month ago, but all it changed in your relationship to Nix was the teasing was less playful, more... intimate. Touches would linger, insults turned to backhanded compliments that were honestly just compliments. For example, "Jesus, Y/N! Put that smile away, the sun's getting jealous."
So naturally you wanted to gauge where your kind-of friend, kind-of lover, mostly colleague was at mentally. The way you did that was one final little prank. Though you were more looking out for his reaction.
It was the Battalion's worst kept secret that Ronald Speirs was looting, the guy was shameless. But what most didn't realise was how extensive his jewellery collection was. And how well he could appraise the items.
Ron said Lewis had a cool undertone, so silver worked best. And due to his relative stockiness compared to his height, a chunkier chain was ideal. So, you finally managed to find the perfect 'be my boyfriend' gift.
But of course, you had to play a trick.
Ron stormed into Nixon's room, seemingly ignoring your presence.
"Did you steal a bracelet from me?"
Lew frowned, more confused than intimidated, "Of course not!"
"Well someone took it and no one else has owned up to it."
"Look you can search my stuff if you want to but I don't have it."
You piped up, "Hey Ron, I'm really sorry but... I-"
You were immediately cut off by your tall, dark and handsome man, "Was trying to cover for me." He sighed, "I did it. I took it."
When Ron smiled and simply walked out after giving you a wink, Lewis was certain his heart was gonna fall out of his ass.
His terrified eyes met yours then shifted to the chain in your hands.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?!" He whisper shouted.
"It only cost me three packs of cigarettes and a Hershey's bar, but I wanted to give you something when I asked."
"Asked me what?"
"You wanna go steady with me, Nixy?"
Your answer was a toe-curling, foot popping, film star kiss.
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VE Day was already a special day, it was in the name, victory in Europe. The euphoria of knowing this war was over and the uncertainty of what Easy would be facing in Japan led you to the lake.
Watching your boys splash around one last time filled your heart with bittersweet pain. You would be going home, or at least to New Jersey, waiting for Lewis. And your boys were going to fight in yet another war.
You sat on that pier for hours, waving each man off as he said goodbye, hugging your favourites (you couldn't deny Babe's sweet little face ever).
You were shivering by the time Lew found you. Not from the cold, the sun was still out. Your emotions had hit you full force and your body couldn't handle them.
And when your partner laid those warm hands on your shoulders, you just felt this rush of adoration, love, desire. You would raze the earth if it meant you and Lewis Nixon could be happy together. Just the thought of those stupid sunglasses on that beautiful face could have you dazed and drooling.
You dipped your head back, and he pressed an awkward kiss on your bottom lip and chin.
You both took your time heading back to the house you were billeted in, hand-in-hand, making plans for his eventual return to Jersey. Eventually the excitement of being together, the dream of maybe getting married, starting a family gets overwhelming.
You ducked into alleyways and behind buildings, stealing a few kisses, each growing more and more passionate. Then you finally reached your bedroom, neither of you looking where you were going anymore.
The house was thankfully empty for now, because you knew your moaning would've resulted in relentless teasing.
That evening, you and Lewis were wrapped in each other, sheets loose around your waists, fantasising a little more about your future together.
Someone's throat was cleared and you saw Lip covering his eyes with a hand while the other was held up in surrender.
"I didn't see anything scandalous ma'am, I swear." His bashful tone was enough to convince you (besides it was the honourable Carwood Lipton who stumbled in, you trusted him).
"We're decent, Lip." You pushed through your teeth, clenching your jaw with annoyance. Nix was enjoying this far too much for your liking.
Lip waited another few seconds for assurance before dropping his hands. "Uh, I'm sorry sir, ma'am for just bursting in like this, only this is my room."
Upon further inspection, without the intense haze of lust, you saw precisely none of your or Lewis' things. And your face could have cooked an egg.
Pointing to each other, you and your lover shouted "It was his/her fault!"
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dearmahiru-archive · 1 year
even without textual evidence id love to hear your thoughts on kotoko not killing anyone directly!! i never hear 10 theories, & especially not ones that dont revolve around her beating up the prisoners. if youre comfortable, i would love to hear your thoughts on my wife ~with love
Ahh so sorry for how long it took to me to answer this ask my brain has been gone for the past few days. But you're right!  How could I pass up an opportunity to talk about Kotoko? She deserves so much more love than what she's given. Kotoko appreciators please interact I'd love to hear your thoughts.
So we already know I subscribe to this particular theory:
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Since it serves as a extension of the parallels found in the prisoners. It also fits with Kotoko since she states she'd be an innocent person outside of Milgram:
Kotoko: [...]To defend and protect the weak, there’s always situations when you can't do anything else. I say again, what I did is, “facing an urgent and illegal infringement, an action taken out of necessity to protect the rights of myself and others”. You do understand what that means, right? Es: "Criminal law, the 36th paragraph, article 1. Justifiable self-defense." Kotoko: "Looks like someone has studied. So in reality, my case, if taken to the judiciary, will also be judged as justifiable defense.
(Kotoko you did nothing wrong so true so true!)
Though, I'll admit this doesn't outright confirm she didn't kill directly anyone. However, if we work back from the idea Kotoko commited an indirect murder then you start noticing a lot of weird details in her case.
— The Warehouse
First off, Kotoko didn't directly killed the warehouse guy. We know this because her actual victim died in a nearby street in Sendocho, Kyoto.
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There is the possibility there's multiple murders underneath her belt but she hasn't mentioned it hereself:
Kotoko: I did kill someone. This is why I believe in the power of Milgram.
And, unlike other prisoners, Kotoko has no reason to lie about herself. She admires the prison and believe she's done nothing wrong. If she wants to become our fang then certainly she'd jump at the chance to mention all the villains she's defeated.
Which is amazing and everything but. . . if Kotoko's victim didn't die in the warehouse then why is it the climax of Harrow? It's obviously meant to be presented as her murder. Why are there so many strange details included in the warehouse scene too?
I pointed this out in a seperate post but there's three major strange details in the warehouse scene:
1). A car suddenly appears the second time Kotoko enters the warehouse.
2). Kotoko's outfit shifts midway through entering.
3.) Despite that, her cap still appears on the ground.
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(I don't even think Takao, the warehouse guy, is even bleeding...! I've been told otherwise but I turned up the saturation and stared at the image like twelve different times but I think its shadow. Why is it obscure anyway??? Just make it outright!! Some of us have vision problems y'know!!)
I don't have any answers for why these details are here but it's weird. This is only time I can think of in S1 where the "real world" has muddled up details like this. (Apart from maybe Rei's change of eye colour which is more subtle than this).
Which isn't to say her victim isn't Takao. Again, it's the literal climax of the song and her wolf imagery comes out full stop while dealing with him. She's been hunting this guy down for possibly two years and he's done inexcusable harm to children.
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Several news article through Harrow Flash news: A girl's dead body was found near her home, presumed to be another victim of a killing spree targeting little girls
New evidence: tire marks, same as the marks found near where the girl's corpse was abandoned. The culprit seems to have kidnapped her by car, murdered her, and dumped her body near her home
 The person who killed 10 people in two years was the spoiled son of an upper-class citizen. He ran over an elementary-school girl and she died, which may have been concealed due to his father's power
It also fits with her theme of protecting others as opposed to Mikoto's theme of protecting himself. Murdering a serial killer who's done inexcusable harm on this level can make it harder to punish her in the future. She did a very, very good thing by taking this guy down.
Her smile also matches up with the shot in Undercover where she's presumedly beating someone to death.
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— The Alley way
If we're discussing a potential victim here then it's more likely to be Mikio Oshii, the man she beats up in the alley way. However, I'm not convinced of this either because it's never given full confirmation.
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An article from Harrow: "Mikio Oshii, a man wanted for theft was found unconscious yesterday night and taken to the hospital, his face and stomach beaten up. Footprints of a man's sneakers were found at the site, and the police are searching for a male culprit."
(transmasc kotoko so true!! handsome boy!!)
It's possible he could've died later in the hospital—like, genuinely I believe it, there's plenty of evidence, and I don't have a direct argument against it—but for the sake of this theory I don't think this is the case.
Unless Mikio laid a hand on her prior, tracking down to corner a thief and beating him until he's unconscious wouldn't constitute as self defense. If this was the case then why not show the audience?
As for the indirect murder part, there could be a debate over whether a death caused later constitutes as murder but I don't think it'd be an interesting debate.
It's also a pretty tame murder in the context of Milgram. Kotoko "I defeat evil doers" Yuzuriha beat up an old guy, didn't even finish the job, and he died by blood loss. Not only is this the legal definition of murder (Kotoko had the intent to harm + the victim died as a result of her wounds), the literal children of Milgram have done worse. When Amane wanted to kill someone she atleast brought a steel pipe and aimed for the head!
However, this isn't to say her victim isn't Mikio. Atleast, not entirely. The alley way matches closest with the Sendoku street and beating up someone is presented as her murder. This scene is definitely important to understanding case.
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—So Like, What Is Her Murder Then?
Haha... remember in my original post when I this theory was half-baked and had little evidence? I can croon all I want about how it's not Takao or Mikio but she had to killed someone, y'know? There's no other character in Milgram where you couldn't reasonably guess the victim based off of the first trial alone. I've also noted why it still could've been either of them too. This also isn't conclusive evidence she didn't directly or indirectly murder them either.
Personally, I think Kotoko's crime should be an extension of Milgram prison, similarly to Fuuta. Her judge/jury/executioner vigilante traits fts this already but I think it could go even further. I'm thinking she might've turned to a higher authority and they recieved a lethal punishment of some kind? That's kind-of just my shot in the dark through.
Kotoko's case interests me the most because of how simple is appears to be while having so many elusive elements. For instance, who're the two girls and the man with the hammer? One of the girl's could've been Kotoko herself too which makes for an incredibly interesting backstory. There's also this line in her voice trailer:
Kotoko: "From the begin I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing earth closer to peace. Useless Weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!"
Which is strange because every voiceline happens before their time in Milgram. Who is she talking to and why does she need to defend herself while talking to them?
This conclusion is a bit of a mess but wow I'm really excited for Deep Cover. Recieving confirmation on anything is going to make me ecstatic. Inno Kotoko truther through and through I adore her.
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marsbotz · 1 year
hello I keep seeing u talk ab loving skybound but I'm curious as to why u love it, and would LOVE to read a super in-depth explanation bc im kinda a skybound notliker and ik uve changed my mind on certain thigns ab this show b4, and I was hoping u cld do it again !!! :DDD /gen
YEAH. OKAY !!! sorry this is super long and rambly i already had to rewrite it once cus tumblr ate it lol... and also sorry its all basically abt jay (running away embarrassed)
first of all let me say i do think skybound is a BAD season. having the characters suddenly all be sexist out of nowhere to drive plot is stupidddd and so is having a retcon ending that makes it all redundant except for Jaya Canon Now. i think thats mostly what makes the fandom not like it. BUT. i think its sooo interesting for like so many reasons also
i think s8 is considered the darkest season which is fair. but skybound also has a crazyyy amount of dark and DEEPLY interesting things it touches on. the ninja disappearing one by one. jays birth father being his favourite actor. jay torture. jaya actually being interesting!! lets talk abt these.
having the ninja slowly be cut out of the season is GREAT for not only building tension but also being able to more deeply build upon jay and nyas characters (and their relationship). the 22 min format means that some characters (like wu and kai) are gone for AGES. which is sad for kai fans but greatttt for the season. it rlly makes u feel their absence, and some of their disappearances are scary!! zane trying to outsmart nadakhan but realising too late hes been tricked... AHH!!!
if you compare this to how they did it in s12 its a lot more impactful as theres more time for the characters to... be gone. and the videogame nature rlly does take away a lot of the tension IMO. if jays mothers had been in prime empire like planned.... it would have been a GREAT parallel i think but as it is its just kind of odd. thats another convo tho lol (altho there issss the mention of jay being adopted at the end. very interesting [it goes nowhere])
i literally think abt jay adoption arc every god damn day of my life. ill try to explain this without getting too deep into my personal sicko hcs lol. first you get a rlly nice callback to s1 w jay being ashamed of his parents and living in a junkyard only to realise how litte he cares once theyre threatened. thennn you have the whole situation at cliffs house. jay finds out the man who abandoned him at birth (possibly? we dont know details) is the actor for fritz donnegan. the same character who jay imitated and aspired to be like. and then he realises his father felt the same admiration towards jay!! and they both never knew!!!
i think this twist is what makes a lot of jays behaviour in s6.... not excusable... but understandable. jay is shown to be insecure and have weird fucking ways of coping with this (lying. lying lying all the time) and so it kinda feels natural that his way of coping with this information would be to 1. hide the fact he made wishes 2. try to imitate his father through his book and 3. Never Speak Of This Again.
speaking of that lets talk about jay being tortured. can we talk about that?? they FUCKED him up. but the most important part out of allll of it is a character trait i rarely see ppl attribute to jay even though its like... pretty consistent for him. is his willpower!! hes able to endure days of torture to the point where he can barely walk and talk at the end of it just to stop nadakhan from gaining more power
nadakhan also directly points out jays insecurities and how they make him lie to his friends... and jays able to show some of his smarts thru trying to get flintlocke to stage a mutiny! honestly the whole episode is so damn interesting it makes me SEETHE its not more talked abt LOL
i wont get into my insanely complex jaya opinions rn but i will say s6 has one of the most interesting depictions of the ship to me. nya being reluctant to date jay due to being seen simply as his girlfriend is soooo interesting and fits well w her arc of not wanting to give up her own deal w sam x to become a ninja. its just a shame they had to retroactively make everyone misogynistic to do so lolol... and the ending w jays wish Potentially forcing them together is soooo odd and kinda goes what the rest of the season was setting up for them. THIS IS MAINLY why i think ppl hate this season. cus it sets up SOOO much cool stuff and then drops it all last second
i think the things that could have saved skybound from being so hated would be
1. do the same plotpoints w nya but dont drag the ninja AND DARETH into it ..... make them supportive of her!
2. makes jays final wish have some FUCKING consequence! you could do a LOT with how he worded it to twist it badly (im a nadakhan return truther for life)
3. not dropping every single intersting character trait ever. and also not dropping the GOD DAMN ADOPTION ARCCCCCC and also not revealing jay to be so crushingly insecure he physically cannot stop himself from lying to ppl and putting on a happy mask and then turn him into a one note comic relief character. [becoming a soulless husk]
LOL i realise this sounds now like i hate skybound I DONT i just think its very flawed. BUT thats whyyyy i love it... because its so interesting! its flawed in a way like "there is soooo much i cld do w this" and not like "i dont care about any of this its so bad". w ninjago my fav parts have always been the weird icky edgy parts that are almost too much for what it is... which is a childrens lego show. ik they cld never have done most of the interesting stuff i imagine coming out of skybound and thats ok! bc i get to think abt it evilly.
heres some assorted things i love and think are fun in skybound
kai and zane banter at the repo yard
ronin capturing the ninja!! specifically him shutting down zane from the inside is super scary and cool
NINJA IN PRISON!!!!! i almost threw up when they went to jail in crystallised its so fuckign fun. SKYBOUND 2!!!
zane playing chess against nadakahn. another scary zane moment
jay trusting only cole w the truth abt his wishes (HELL YES BROTHER)
clanceeeeee <3 him being like one sided friends w jay and standing up to nadakhan at the end of it all... wahhh
NINJA REPLACEMENTS. so fucking funny i love jay and his assortment of old guys And Skylor
everytime i watch it i cant stop thinking of this ytp and it makes me cry. its not even that funny i just have watched it like 50 times
its dungeon media. this is smth i made up and only i know abt . dont worry abt it but its true
ok my brain is mush HOPE THIS MAKES. some sort of sense . bascially trying to condense 6 years of Thoughts into coherent analysis is impossible for me LOL
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paalove · 1 year
As a prompt a jealous (more insecure) tinn from MSP? They are together now , gun makes a new friend who always is attached to him and tinn is happy for gun, he is. But also he fears that he won't ever be good enough for him and then he pulls back lightly and gun notices and is like??? My baby????
insecure slash jealous tinn, coming right up! (for a given value of "right up", you def requested this months ago haha) thanks for the prompt!
also on ao3
Tinn is going to be left alone, forever, and he’ll die single and clutching the selfie where Gun’s kissing his cheek.
“What do you mean, ‘the’ selfie?” Tiw asks.
Rolling onto his back to stare at the one cloud making its lonely, single way across the sky, he says, “The one where my eyes are closed and I’m wearing the white shirt but you can barely see it because he’s draped across me so it looks like we’re in the same shirt.”
“Do you think he’s at the café yet?”
Tiw shuffles over on the grass next to Tinn. He’s got something in his hand; Tinn watches as Tiw raises his balled fist over Tinn’s chest, high up, and opens it.
Grass rains over him.
Then Tiw says, “You know they’re, like, rivals, right? From the training.”
“Exactly,” despairs Tinn. “They were rivals, which proves they’re similar and have chemistry, and that Tul is a talented musician, but now they both have the contract confirmed so they’re learning to get along.”
Tiw nods, like this isn’t a world-ending disaster.
“They’re learning to get along after a rivalry, Tiw! Like Gun and I did! And they work together, so he's always around.”
This finally makes a look of understanding cross Tiw’s face; he’s getting the severity of the situation, now.
But then he makes a confused face again, and he says, “I don’t think you guys were ever rivals. It hurt your feelings when you had to be, like, a little bit mean to him.”
Tinn sighs, remembering.
Gun was so cute when he thought Tinn was trying to thwart him, all driven and dramatic and occasionally roaring in his face, and there was nobody else going after him at all, it was-
It was amazing, such a good time when he thinks back, even the hard parts ones they could get through and even the bad news could be overcome and redone-
“Tinn! Por’s texted, I’m going to meet him at the bubble tea place by the weird bridge, bye.”
And Gun’s determination to see things through carried Tinn, carried all their friends, past every obstacle and through everything. He’s such an amazing, warm, happy person and Tinn doesn’t know what he’ll do if they really break up.
He’s smiling to himself, mostly, when he opens his eyes.
But then he sits up and looks around in confusion; where did Tiw go?
Tul nudges him on the shoulder as the group breaks up.
When Gun looks up at him, he’s smirking, and he says, “Is this what you were expecting?”
“There are so many vegetarians,” Gun immediately says.
He’d had a sort of vision that it would be like music club used to be – okay, they wouldn’t be as close, of course not, but they were all singers and performers who were working together and towards the same goals, so they’d be friendly and gather with their instruments and maybe even do hotpot together.
But probably the hotpot isn’t going to be a thing, because all four of the people who just left before Gun are vegetarians.
Tul shrugs and says, “That wasn’t really what I meant. You were expecting this much talking, then?”
Frowning, Gun points to Tul, and then to himself, then sort of wags his finger between them.
They aren’t talking a weird amount, he thinks.
“Not like-“ Tul snorts, “Man, this is why I thought there was no way you were finishing training. Interviews take nuance and shit, what the fuck is-“
“-Hey, what the hell, how do you know I don’t have a nuance-“
“-Tell me what a nuance is, right now,” Tul keeps smirking.
Gun says, “Okay, so I don’t know what one is, that doesn’t mean I can’t sing!”
“Peace, okay? Peace,” Tul’s laughing now, holding a hand out to, like, shake, because he went to a pretty formal school and it comes out in weird moments, sometimes.
It doesn’t hurt to shake hands and it’s never bad to make peace, so Gun does.
He pulls his hand out of Tul’s as Tul starts with, “All I meant was- wait, what the fuck was I talking about.”
“Talking,” Gun helpfully reminds him.
They’ve stopped walking – Tul because Gun has, and Gun because Tinn was supposed to be by the fountain in this park, but he can’t see him anywhere.
He’s only half-listening as Tul says, “Right, yeah, that. I just meant I kind of thought we’d be in the studio, not spending half the time meeting previous years’ hires and weird old guys nobody will tell us the actual jobs of and that one guy who was-“
It was hard to find him because he’s alone – Tiw must have left – and instead of sitting up, looking for Gun, he’s huddled into a ball facing away. But Gun would recognise the back of his head from a much further distance than this.
He interrupts Tul, probably in the middle of a sentence or something, to say, “There he is! Do you want to meet my boyfriend?”
“Um- I,” Tul doesn’t finish.
Seems like a yes – he doesn’t pull out from under the arm Gun swings over his shoulders to drag him over.
As soon as he gets to Tinn, still curled up on the ground, he can feel the rest of the tense nervous excitement that fills him whenever he remembers that this is his job, now, finally drain away. He could never be tense around Tinn.
But why is he curled up?
With that question in mind, Gun speaks softly when he says, “Tinn?” in case it’s because of a headache or something.
Tinn doesn’t uncurl in response – he lifts his head and turns to the side enough to peek out of the little huddle.
Gun waves, one-handed, at him.
“Hi,” mumbles Tinn.
He’s glancing to Tul, so Gun says, “This is Tul – I’ve told you about Tul. I don’t think he’s a dick anymore. Tul, this is Tinn! He’s my boyfriend.”
Gun might be grinning a lot, but whatever, he’s totally entitled to that.
“Anymore?” Tul laughs, shoving at Gun’s arm.
That means they’re disentangled enough for Gun to sit down, cross-legged, by his huddled boyfriend. Who is still looking up at Tul silently.
Gun looks up to, and nods in response to Tul’s question, telling him, “I was kind of nervous during the final round auditions. Sorry about the thing with the table.”
“Oh, no, that was my fault, bro, I’m just surprised you stopped thinking I’m a dick,” Tul smirks again, “People generally agree on that point.”
“I think you’re nice when you aren’t worried about stuff,” Gun starts, but Tul waves his hands.
With another look at Tinn, Tul cuts Gun off to say, “Nice meeting your boyfriend, bro. Be careful.”
“Mae says that too,” Gun agrees, “Because he’s a nice boy.”
It’s fair; he should be careful. Everyone should be careful with Tinn.
The huddled ball next to him tightens up, which is weird, but he’s not looking up at Tul anymore.
Gun waves a goodbye; Tul gives him the peace sign and walks away backwards, with a final, “That’s not what I meant to be careful about.”
The industry, probably, but Gun’s not going to acknowledge it.
People already know about Tinn. Things that are online stay online, and it’s not like he even wants people to not know.
Tinn’s amazing.
He doesn’t want people to think Tinn’s available.
He shuffles up to Tinn’s back, drapes his chin over Tinn’s shoulder, and says, “Head hurt? I told you not to read so much.”
“No,” mumbles Tinn miserably.
Gun manages to work his hands through the tight ball that Tinn’s curled into and gets a hold on his waist, under his arms. When Gun’s hands meet by Tinn’s bellybutton, Gun shuffles and pulls them around until he can roll Tinn onto his back, on Gun’s lap.
Tinn uncurls.
“Hey,” says Gun.
He strokes Tinn’s soft cheek with one finger, just because he can, and says, “What’s wrong?”
Tinn sighs and looks sad.
“Should I ask Tiw-“
He strokes Tinn’s cheek again and watches him turn his face towards it.
“Did you want to spend more of the day together?”
Shaking his head, Tinn sighs again and whispers, “I know it’s important. You and Tul need to go to that stuff.”
He nods and watches Tinn’s face.
Gun knows Tinn; the whispering means he’s not willing to put all his confidence into saying that.
Which means…
“Are you sure it’s not that?”
Tinn closes his eyes.
Then, in a quick burst, he says, “You don’t think he’s cute do you?”
Gun frowns.
Tinn opens his eyes and says, “Tul. You don’t like him?”
He can’t make that thought fit together.
But Tinn’s upset, clearly, so he doesn’t laugh out loud and instead says, “No, I don’t like Tul. We’re the same height.”
“That’s not important,” Gun can feel his ears flushing.
He possibly hasn’t made his thing about Tinn’s height clear, whatever, this isn’t the time for that, he’s pretty sure.
Tinn, who is perfect, just pauses and says, “Okay… So you don’t like him?”
“You’re my boyfriend, I like you,” is a better response that doesn’t bring up the height thing.
He’s taking the height thing to his grave.
If Por can keep his mouth shut about that time-
Tinn’s smiling shyly, now, turning his face away. So Gun reaches out his hand and turns Tinn’s face back.
“What,” he teases, “You didn’t know you were my boyfriend?”
Mock-calm, Tinn shrugs and stares up at him, saying, “Remind me more.”
He doesn’t think Tinn should be surprised by the tickle-attack that Gun responds with; that’s a boyfriend-thing.
“Gun,” Tinn giggles, breathless.
He’s batting at Gun’s hands, absolutely not fighting him off at all, so Gun wriggles out from under him and continues the offensive, saying, “Hmm? Do you remember?”
Tinn looks very pretty, flushed, which makes this a very important way to spend some of his time. But Gun can’t climb on top of him here – they don’t need to be banned from another outdoor space.
“I remember, I’m your boyfriend,” Tinn laughs.
Then Gun kisses his face, a few times, to make sure he keeps remembering.
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