#ahhhh first sick fic I’ve written!!
glass-noodle · 1 year
I'm curious Connor in you're au looks quite malnutritioned and tired what would Hank do if he became exceptionally sick or weak from kamskis experiments on him
He can tell that something’s off the minute he walks into the enclosure. Connor is lying half on the deck, half in the water, his tail hanging limply off the ledge. He barely lifts his head at the sound of Hank entering, eyes half-lidded and hazy.
Hank rushes forward, dropping his lunch bag on the deck and grabbing Connor by the shoulders. “Jesus — Connor! Hey, you okay?”
Connor looks worse than he ever has; purple shadows under his eyes dark as a bruise, skin sallow over protruding bones, grip weak as he reaches up to place a heavy hand on Hank’s arm. Hank feels anger simmer to life in his gut, the urge to storm straight into Kamski’s office and punch his teeth out for allowing Connor to wallow in this state (and likely causing it) rising like a maelstrom; but he manages to reign himself in for Connor’s sake, guiding him into a more comfortable position on the deck. “Hold on, kid,” he says urgently, shrugging off his jacket and draping it over the merman’s thin, pale frame. He turns to rummage quickly through his bag. “Here, what do you need? Food? Water?”
He holds out his daily catch to Connor. Connor looks blearily at the fish, eyes cloudy, then drops his head back onto the deck, murmuring insensibly.
Hank raises his head back up. “C’mon, kid, you need to eat,” he says, trying to keep his voice low despite his rising panic. He palms the kid’s face gently, noting how it’s burning up as he sits cross-legged by the water’s edge, guiding Connor’s head into his lap.
Connor barely reacts to the change in position. His eyes are closed, and his bony ribs rise and fall quickly, shallow breaths puffing past cracked lips. Hank decides it’s probably best to start with water. He reaches back into his bag to retrieve his bottle, uncapping it and placing it against Connor’s lips. “Come on, come on,” he mutters.
Connor does respond to that, at least, throat bobbing with difficulty as he sips slowly at what’s offered. Hank’s relief is short-lived, however; Connor’s eyes slip shut when Hank pulls the bottle away, and he murmurs a low, wounded sound as he turns his head weakly into Hank’s lap.
Hank hisses a curse between his teeth. He puts a hand on Connor’s burning forehead, pushing his sweat-soaked locks out of the way. He’s just about to consider running to get help — Kamski’s wrath be damned — when the enclosure door opens.
Hank turns quickly, stiffening. One of the scientists, the small blonde one, is standing in the doorway, holding several objects in her hands — one of which looks like a syringe filled with a pale blue fluid. She gives him a strange, lingering look.
“Mr. Anderson.”
“Who the fuck are you?” Hank growls. He doesn’t give a damn that he’s been caught breaking the rules. He eyes the syringe in her hand suspiciously as she walks towards them, clutching Connor tighter. “The hell are you gonna do to him?”
She stops a short distance away from them. “My name is Chloe,” she says, soft and careful. She holds out her hands placatingly, showing Hank everything that she has in her grasp. “I work directly under Dr. Kamski. Connor is sick. I have medicine for him.”
Hank eyes the syringe suspiciously. The girl doesn’t seem all that aggressive, but he doesn’t trust anyone in this place, least of all the fuckers who put Connor in this situation in the first place. “Right. How do I know you’re not just gonna shoot him up with more weird shit?”
Chloe’s hesitates, looking away. “I understand your concern,” she murmurs finally. “But I want you to know that I really don’t mean Connor any harm. I — I don’t like seeing him suffer, either.”
Hank snorts darkly at that. “Then set him free.”
Chloe says nothing; just gives him another long, considering look. On top of feeling pissed, her light-eyed stare is starting to make him feel uncomfortable, like she’s staring into his soul and grasping at his deepest, most guarded thoughts. Weird girl.
Connor stirs in his lap, dark eyes flickering open to peer hazily beyond Hank’s hovering form. He seems to recognize Chloe; he doesn’t shy away as she approaches them, at least. Rather, he shifts, and — to Hank’s surprise — holds out one pale, scarred arm.
Chloe kneels down, keeping her eyes on Hank. “May I?”
Hank would honestly like nothing less, but he’s not stupid. Connor needs more help than he can provide, and for whatever reason he seems to trust her marginally more than the other scientists Hank’s seen him interact with. “Whatever,” he grunts, keeping a tight grip on the merman. If she got the smart notion to try anything, Hank would be there to swing his weight around, anyhow.
Connor watches her as she swabs his skin delicately with alcohol, and Hank watches him in turn. His face pinches when she inserts the needle, but he seems no less uncomfortable than he was before; no trace of the anger or fear that normally twists his expression when the scientists enter his tank. In fact, he seems almost…relieved. His eyes slip closed when Chloe retracts the needle, and he lets out a shaky sigh, curling into Hank’s warmth.
Hank strokes a hand through the kid’s hair, watching Chloe discard the needle into a little yellow container and tape a piece of gauze over the puncture site. “You done now?”
Chloe shakes her head, looking regretful. “I’m afraid we’ll have to move Connor to the sick tank. He’ll need more than a single shot to recover, and he’ll need specific environmental conditions to help him heal properly.”
Hank feels that familiar anger ignite in him again, raising his hackles and knotting dark and tight in his chest. “He wouldn’t be sick if you would just stop doing this to him,” he growls, fixing the girl with a hard, baleful stare. Whatever she’d done to help Connor just now, it didn’t make up for everything she’d helped enable up until this point. It didn’t make up for all the suffering she and her team had put Connor through.
Chloe doesn’t speak for a long moment. “I’ll pass that on to Elijah,” she says eventually, tone soft and unreadable.
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Enchant Presents. . .
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[ID: A teal banner with a small photo of Sam and Bucky standing next to each other on the right with blue Lora text that reads “Enchant Presents: FYSambucky Fic Friday Recs” /finish ID]
happy TFATWS and fic Friday, @fuckyeahsambucky! today, I will present recs with The Falcon Captain America and the Winter Soldier in mind. u kno me, I’m not very much into writing stuff that are super canon. however, I like reading stuff that takes place in it, especially if they wow me. so, here goes! this is pre-canon, post-canon, and canon divergence, so yeh.
this is also for the anon who told me my taste is flawless, sksksksk.
different with every shore by JoBones - I’ve read this story when I was supposed to charge my brain cells and it was worth it! Sam being perplexed by Bucky’s feelings for him is written as genuine and their banter was top-notch. this fic feels like an entire episode that I would watch a lot, ngl. great story along with narration. Semi Post-Canon. ✨
You’re Welcome by @siancore - first off, the banter here matches the vibes of my favorite couple of guys. it was witty, cute, and I love the scenarios especially the near kiss they could have shared with the tension close to exploding between them. to not spoil much, I very much admire the tone in this tale. also Sian deserves love for writing this much words after reblogging a certain gif-set and I am (still) in awe. Post-Canon. ✨
Friendversary by SamBucky_Fanzi - listen, you will laugh at this story. based on a certain vid and Sam and Bucky are so sick of others thinking they’re together even tho they’re so clueless that everybody and their mother can see they have something going on and won’t admit. I think y’all will enjoy how their efforts turned out, lmaooo. I know I did. Canon Divergence. ✨
Mission to Monte Carlo by @yavannie - this is a great fic with the right amount of humor and mission stuff. for those into this trope, this fic will deliver that along with dialogue that’s spot-on, the guys in well-dressed suits, and tie pulling. the side characters here are also a wonderful addition. Post-Canon. ✨
What I’ve Been Living For by @pianistwriter80 - color me impressed because this is a detailed take on the finale and the words make me heart eyes. the well-timed confession, the banter, and the lovely kiss shared between these two is stellar. Post-Canon. ✨
diving blind by yukla - also a very beautiful 5 + 1 things tale, where the tea is scalding amidst the fluff. it also has Sam Wilson feels, which I’m always up for. it flows very well and this is a wonderful tale. it’s got the Love is Requited They Just Don’t Know It vibes I’m always all about, yeet. Post-Canon. ✨
War Stories by Siancore - y’all really think I’m not gonna rec Sian again? guess what, here I am anyway! here’s a take that adds context to the burgeoning relationship between Sam and Bucky in canon. it’s got heart, love, banter, and characterization that pulls you in. the chemistry’s all over the place whenever these two are together. highly recommended, make no mistake about that. Pre-Canon or Canon Divergence, depends on how u look at it. ✨
this is it, love; it's you and me, love by @glittercake - ahhhh, yes, this sends me lots of feels. both are so dumb yet so in love with each other and I am here for the dialouge. the tension and chemistry is electric. that confession’s pretty sweet and so them, and the moment they shared in this tale is *chef’s kiss*! Post-Canon. ✨
Things Were Lookin’ Grim, But They’re Lookin’ Good Again by @jemgirl86 - if you’re me and wanted a longer apology from Bucko, this is for you! like I cannot, I cannot even, when I read this, I was so satisfied when Sam let his feelings out, when Bucky apologized and admitted how he did so wrong with receipts. plus, it fills the acts of service criteria, which I’m here for. still am glad to read this tale and this is a must-read, imo. - Canon Divergence. ✨
aranyhíd by @honestlyfrance​ - actually, I requested this fic and my bestie did this justice! this tale explores some Sam Wilson feels along with Bucky being a simp for him. cute banter and moments shared in the lingering traces of the evening. it also features beautiful depiction of the sunset in Delacroix and I knew the word would fit it well! highly rec. - Post-Canon. ✨
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Hi, do you know of any good vamplock fics? I especially like the ones where John realises what Sherlock is and is like, into it. Tbh anything fluffy is good — I do like some angst but preferably nothing too dark. My favourite one ever is ‘An Acquired Taste’ by kinklock on ao3. Thank you as always for doing god’s work!
Hey Nonny!!
AHHHH Okay. I get asked about Vampirelock a lot, and all I ever offer is a REALLY old and ugly list that needs cleaning up. So you know what? I’m going to finally just... post an updated one with stuff people have suggested to me too. I haven’t really read any other ones since 2018, my personal recs are old. Like I’ve only 3 personal recs, LOL. But as I said, I’m going to go through all my past lists and compile them here so I finally have a nice list to point y’all to, LOL. So, it’s not EXACTLY your request... just check out the tags and make the decision to check out the fic! <3
Love you Nonny! 
EDIT: I meant to upload this last month, so... Sorry?? LOL. 
VAMPIRES (Dec 2020)
See also:
Vampirelock (Updated June 10, 2018 || Mine)
Johnlock & Bloodplay (bonus Vampires) (ALEXX LIST)
Vampires (ALEXX LIST)
Longer Vampire fics (ALEXX LIST)
A Study in Black by Reapersun (T, 27 Pages || Vampire AU Webcomic || Vampire Sherlock, Hunter John, Case Story, Supernatural Elements) – A Johnlock vampire AU with a bit of occult stuff.
An Acquired Taste by kinklock (E, 31,059 w., 4 Ch. || Vampires AU || Vampire Sherlock, Misunderstandings, Bat!Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Humour, Magical Realism, Fluff and Angst, Blood Drinking, Holmes Family, Slow Burn) – At Montague Street when Sherlock was forced to sate his body’s needs, he was at least able to wander about the flat as much as he pleased. At Baker Street, it was mini-bags in a mini-fridge and bedroom confinement.
Bleed Me Out by antietamfalls (E, 87,987 w., 14 Ch. || Vampire AU || Bonding, Vampire Sherlock, Fluff & Angst, H/C, John Whump, Magical Realism) – John isn’t exactly surprised to discover that Sherlock isn't human. His vampirism doesn't pose a problem, even when their relationship gradually grows into something more. That is, until a deadly revelation about John’s blood sends their lives spinning dangerously out of control.
The Art of the Blood by Vulgarweed (E, 6,335 w., 1 Ch. || ACD Canon Vampire AU || Past Sherlock/Historical Character, Blood Drinking, Blood Play, Cutting, Hand Jobs, Frottage, First Time, Vampire Kink, Timeline Jumps) – Watson finds a disturbing, barbaric, medically out-of-fashion item among Holmes’s possessions, and simply cannot let it go. How does Holmes happen to own not just any bloodletting kit, but one that once belonged to a great violin master who died before Holmes was born? The answers revealed will change both their lives - forever. Warning for cutting, but not in a mental illness context.
Pulse by SoftTae (E, 6,620 w., 1 Ch. || Vampire AU || Vampire John, Human Sherlock, Dark John, Dub Con, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Blood Drinking, Anal, Light Bondage, Violent Sex, Biting, Vampire Sex, Angst, Preditor/Prey Dynamic) – This was written for a friend who asked for vampire John, and human Sherlock.
Making History by SaraDobieBauer (M, 8,622 w., 6 Ch. || Vampire AU || Season 1, Vampire John, Dark John, Bondage, Dub Con, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes lay unconscious and handcuffed to John’s bed. John had been waiting for this day ever since he’d first met the consulting detective. He'd been waiting for centuries really.
Let's Say I Let You In by kedgeree (E, 9,972 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Halloween, Costume Kink, Est. Rel., Humour, Smut, Vampire Sherlock, Bloodplay, Biting, Romance) – It's Halloween and Sherlock's vampire costume is turning John on, but Sherlock doesn't quite get the idea of a sexy vampire. At least…not at first. Part 4 of the Holidays series
Between the Tongue and the Taste by philalethia (E, 13,290 w., 1 Ch. || Vampire AU || Blood Drinking, Blood Play, Blood and Gore, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Daddy Kink, Daddy Sherlock, Vampire Sex) – In which John gets turned into a vampire and everything gets a bit weird.
Nine Tenths of the Law by bendingsignpost (M, 18,545 w., 3 Ch. || Modern Vampire AU || Territorial / Possessiveness, Dark John, BAMF!John, Vampire John) – John knows what's his - of course he'll kill for it.
The Halloween Party by XistentialAngst (M, 19,044 w., 3 Ch. || Halloween, Sexy Sherlock, Vampires, Costumes/Disguises, Mutual Masturbation, BAMF John, First Time, Humour, Romance, Frottage, Friends to Lovers) – Sherlock and John attend a Halloween party on the trail of a vampire killer -- a man who's been seducing his victims and taking all their blood. Sexy costumes, bad puns, hideous danger, frantic sex in hidden places and some Halloween-flavored fluff are all on hand to "treat" you. Boo.
Still of the Night by michi_thekiller (E, 30,762 w., 22 Ch. || 1950s Dark Vampire Greaser AU || Vampire Sherlock, Greaser Sherlock, Nerd John, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Period-Typical Homophobia, Horror, Seduction) – 1.) Curfew must be obeyed. 2.) Streets must be clear by sundown. 3.) If you find yourself out after curfew, seek shelter at the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor whom you know and trust. 4.) Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any unknown persons be allowed into the home after curfew.
Sanguineous Serendipity by CarmillaCarmine (E, 34,783 w., 14 Ch. || Vampire AU || Alternate First Meeting, Turning a Character, Vampire Sherlock, Captain John, POV John, Feeding, Blood Drinking, Crossdressing Sherlock, Genderfluid Character, Sherlock in Heels, Transphobic Behaviour, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Soulmates, Romance, Happy Ending) – Vampire Sherlock meets a dying John in a field hospital in Afghanistan and gives him a whole new life.
How to become a (nice) vampire in 10 days by MorganeUK (T, 39,366 w., 17 Ch. || Vampire AU || Mystrade with Side Johnlock, Vampire Holmes Brothers, Developing Relationship, Protective Mycroft, Sick Lestrade, Angst with Happy Ending) – After something bad happened, Mycroft Holmes must help Greg to get his life back. Even if the only way to help him is to open himself like he never did before... Part 2 of the Vampires BBC Sherlock AU series
Soldier of Fortune by Laiquilasse (E, 47,116 w., 25 Ch. || Vampire AU || Soldiers, Vampire Sherlock, Anal Sex, Top Sherlock) – The only vampire working with the military police, Sherlock is sent to investigate a mysterious death in a regiment in Afghanistan. Given Captain John Watson as a go-to man, Sherlock can't work out if the man is distracting him from the case, or aiding him. And in this case, everyone is a suspect. Part 1 of Fighting For Air
The Vampires of London by consultingdetective (E, 72,660 w., 21 Ch. || Dracula AU || Pining Sherlock, Army Doctor John, Sharing a Bed, Porn With Feelings, Plot Twists) –  Over one hundred years after the first battle, a series of murders have caught the attention of London's police force and Sherlock Holmes. While most of the city has forgotten the vampire that once walked its streets, the descendants of the Van Helsing, Harker, and Seward families have not.
Stranger at the Gate by bendingsignpost (E, 85,190 w., 11 Ch. || Vampire AU || Vampire Sherlock, John with a Sword, Hypnotism, Vampire Sex, Dub-Con, Lying Sherlock, Vampire Puberty) -  As far as initiation rites go, kidnapping a human doctor from a defended town ought to seem extreme. When James Moriarty offers him the challenge, Sherlock never considers saying no.
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dhwty-writes · 3 years
thanks for tagging me @flowercrown-bard!
Fanfiction tag game
how many works do you have on Ao3?
36 (which is honestly a lot more than I’d have thought)
what’s your total Ao3 word count?
 244,36. Fun fact: most of that was written between August and December last year
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of Witchers, Bards, and Broken Hearts. So far no surprises. This fic got wildly popular and at this point I’m still not sure why
Toss a Coin to your Lover. The first witcher fic I ever wrote! I vomited out 1k words at 2 am and then look what became of me...
The Best Laid Plans. Ahhh, yes. The mistletoe fic. One of my personal favourites.
Handsy Strangers and Clever Bards. This is a very short fic of mine in which Jaskier is hit on by a stranger and says that Geralt is actually his boyfriend. Not a lot happens but it’s pretend relationship, so I get it
To Find Warmth Where There Is None. The Kaer Morons cuddle pile fic! I love that one
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to, but I tend to forget. I just love interacting with the author when I’m writing comments, so I imagine my readers might feel a similar way. I also love interacting with readers, getting to know their opinions, theories, etc.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
See, here’s the problem: I don’t really do endings, I reach a point where I don’t know how to continue and slap that thing on the internet. Besides that, most of my fics just end with the couple getting together. But if you’re looking for a fic with a particularily sappy ending, I’d recommend my entry for Zutara Week 2020.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
ahhhh, I think this would be this angsty baby here. Geralt apologises to Jaskier after the mountain, but they have to keep their relationship secret, feat. a beautiful (albeit very sad) artwork by @spielzeugkaiser
do you write crossovers?
no, I don’t really see the appeal
have you ever received hate on a fic?
I think I might just start to cry if I ever did, so I am very glad that I haven’t
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I tried writing smut a couple of times and am absolutely unable to read any of it again. I’ve said so several times but the only Geraskier thing spicier than a tomato I’ve got is this
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a fanfic, no! But I’ve got a 200k monster with @parttime-creative (that I have to continue, whoops)
what’s your all-time favourite ship?
Zutara. It’s almost been 10 years since I lost my heart to that ship
what’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Probably We Were Born Sick, just realistically speaking. I’m not as invested as in OWBABH and the drive is kinda gone...
what are your writing strengths?
Honestly, I think that is more a question for my readers than me. But judging from what I’ve been told before, I’d say it’s creating secondary characters? Oh, and another thing that I enjoy immensely to write are dreams and visions.
what are your writing weaknesses?
I would say body language. Not that I have problems envisioning it, but then turning it into words is driving me nuts. Also, travel logs. These are also the most boring things for me when I am reading.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
So, here’s the thing: as a reader, I don’t particularly care about that, I can just skip it. Only when it’s like crucial sentences, then I’m all for it (ASOIAF with Valar Morghulis/Valar dohaeris my beloved).
As a writer, worldbuilder, and linguist, however? I fucking love my conlangs. And I love incorporating them into the story. But I do realise that most readers don’t care for that and that’s okay. I don’t really incorporate it into fics anyways. (My original work/pathfinder campaign tho? different story)
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
The first fandom I wrote for (as in published a fic in fandom spaces) was for the Warriors novel series in 2010/2011 I think? Although I did not use any of the original character or even the setting! (If you ask me, I had a stellar premise and to this day I maintain that it was better than any of the later seasons. but oh well)
That was when I first became aware of fandom. I have, however, still the document of a self-insert Dragid Feuerherz fanfic from when I was about 8
what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I would say it’s OWBABH, because I really love that AU with my whole heart... BUT the fic I’m definitely proudest of is For You I’ll Always Wait (very loosely inspired by my absolute obsession with Hadestown). I wrote eight entire poems for it! I analysed Jaskier’s ballads so that I could replicate the tone and the rhymes and metre and everything! And it’s almost entirely set in a dream world with weird laws of physics and deities and stuff! I even printed it and bound it as a book!
Yeah, I love that fic. I loved writing it and, what’s even more important, I love reading it.
Thanks for tagging me, this was fun!
I’m tagging @witcher-and-his-bard, @parttime-creative, @contemplativepancakes and whoever else wants to do this
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tmp-jatp · 3 years
Okay, so I have three that I really wanna know whatever you can tell me about them:
1) Ghosts at college - !!!!!! Tell me more, tell me more 🎶
2) juke the little mermaid au - YESSSS!! Gimme gimme gimme *grabby hands* 🧡
And 3) spy!alex au - HELLOOOO!!! I didn't know I needed this until now, but omgggggg 😍
I'll take whatever you can give me and I'll wait patiently for the fics 🥰 shskdhdjsksh
ahhhh ok so you picked some of them that will almost definitely never be finished (maybe i should move them out of my “wips” folder and into an “abandoned” folder of things i can recycle in the future...) but i’ll share some of what i have for each of them :D
ghosts at college - basically it’s a bunch of fluff where julie graduates high school and goes to college. there’s not a lot of plot, mostly it’s a few ideas tied together with fluff and one scene as well. anyway, julie lives in a dorm and her roommate, anna, slowly becomes aware that julie’s weird. weird things happen around her. sometimes anna overhears that she’s having conversations on her phone but when anna unlocks the door julie’s phone is on the table. reggie and alex are around sometimes but luke is there almost all the time. here’s an excerpt:
luke likes to spend all his time with julie even if they’re not interacting. he likes to be in the same room as her. he’ll be writing or humming or playing and she’ll be working on homework and only she can see and hear him but she’s got this little smile on her face
anna knows julie’s in love with *someone* but she doesn’t know who
sometimes anna heard talking through the dorm room door but as soon as she starts unlocking the door the talking goes quiet
one time julie and luke are having an argument about something. anna thinks it’s a phone call with the elusive boyfriend and she either walks away to give privacy or she opens the door and sees julie facing away, red in the face, yelling at air, her phone on the desk.
band cuddle nights on julie’s bed while anna stays out late or after anna is in bed/asleep. julie laughs at stuff they say. they watch movies on julie’s laptop without headphones and it kind of annoys anna but she puts up with it
julie will lay her hand on alex’s shoulder or curl into reggie or wrap her arms around luke when anna isn’t there or julie thinks anna can’t see her
julie is careful to not talk to air when anna is around
but she does take a lot of phone calls with her airpods in
that elusive boyfriend
and then julie gets sick (not angsty sick fic sick, it’s fluffy hurt comfort sick) and luke cares for her. that’s when he and anna “meet” for the first time. i have other more general stuff that i might recycle for some other fluffy canonverse post-canon stuff, who knows. 
juke the little mermaid au - julie is ariel and luke is eric. dirty candi and flynn are julie’s “sisters”, ray is triton. caleb is ursula. here’s literally everything i’ve written for it 😂
Julie wants to see the world, because anywhere is better than down here. Her mother was everything to her, and her dad is kind and loving, but he keeps pressuring her to sing again and it’s too much. Julie just wants to be free from that pressure. She knows he does it because he loves her, but she doesn’t know if she’ll ever sing again.
Luke doesn’t want to get married. He shouldn’t have to, yet, he’s only 17 for God’s sake! He just wants to play music and spend time with his friends. But his parents want him to get ready to rule. His coronation isn’t until he’s 20, he has time, but he has much to learn bc he’s avoided it until now and 3 years isn’t much time to learn all it takes to be a king. Luke also wants to run away. He goes sailing alone, to try and go somewhere away, he doesn’t care anymore. He plays music to himself with his guitar.
Julie sees him while he’s out there. A storm rises which he wasn’t prepared for. His boat capsizes. She saves him and brings him to shore. Julie is curious about him, and now that she’s seen the land, she wants to go there. The land is somewhere where people aren’t pressuring her to sing. She’ll be free there.
Julie visits Caleb who will let her be human in exchange for her voice. He wants to use it at his club, the place she’s been warned never to go and where only crooked people are. But it’s actually a pretty cool place. This one guy, Willie, is really nice to her, but so are other people too. Julie makes the trade with Caleb, she won’t need her voice anyway.
She meets Luke’s friends on land. They introduce her to Luke. Julie’s never experienced her hair being so light and fluffy and bouncy before, it’s incredible. Julie sees Luke playing music with the boys. She at some point sees her “wake up’ song that Rose left for her and suddenly wants to sing again. But she can’t, because Caleb has her voice. Something something, jolts, something something 3 days to true love’s kiss?
lastly, spy!alex au - this was from a prompt that will sadly never be finished (sorry, tiger). the prompt was: spy au, childhood friends, “you had no idea, did you?” and i tried to combine those and make it willex but i had had nearly no experience writing jatp at that point and i also am more of a juke person than a willex person so the fic just wasn’t vibing. but here’s my back-of-the-napkin pitch for you, copy pasted directly from my doc, if you’re interested:
spy!alex finally cracks the case he's been working on for years: the hollywood ghost club. it's an elusive black market that deals in the worst of the worst but it always changes locations. the moment he thinks he's pinned it down, the whole operation disappears like a ghost. anyway, he finally catches the ringleader, the infamous caleb covington. willie, caleb's sort-of assistant and alex's something watches from the sidelines, having been tricked by caleb into thinking that they were just running a cool club.
thanks for the ask, vi! i appreciate it <3 these fics will probably never ever get written in full but they’re fun ideas and not every idea can turn into a masterpiece. sometimes an artist just needs to sketch and doodle instead, and that’s okay. but there’s value to recording and saving your sketches and doodles bc maybe one day you can recycle them into something greater, or you’ll come back to them and be inspired to continue them or to create something entirely new. 
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knightofameris · 4 years
you doing good? just checking up on ya and seeing you’re doing! drink water n stay hydrated bby! 💗 -ann (anntidote)
hi bb!!! @anntidote 🥺 i hope you dont mind me using this as essentially an update for my followers too adlsfjaljdf. but i love you so so so much <3 your initial message i read when i was feeling so shitty that i cried even more but out of happiness 🥺 im repeating it again, i LOVE YOU AHHHH
but first things first, i’m doing alright! i’m doing my best to take care of myself in the midst of midterms but damn i’ve never expected my life to turn out like this when i first decided to take a break off of tumblr. 
this is a long boi because i think part of me just wants to vent it out. and it’s under the cut. it doesn’t deal with too much?? heavy stuff??? but it does??? idk. i “ran away” from home if that’s any indication LMAO. just be cautious, please.
i went off tumblr for a bit because i think it was causing me too much anxiety to get something written out. i was also going insane with everything when it came to school and, honestly, i still am. i hate school so much because i don't even want to study physics but i feel like its too late and with how my life is, im sticking with it just so i can ensure having a job out of college to gain that financial independence. 
i went into a really bad depressive episode....? or whatever for a while and it took me a while to get out of until i reached out to my oldest brother after isolating myself from friends and family. and things were looking up a bit. and when things were looking up that’s when i got that one suga fic done, the one i’m most proud of. 
but something happened with the current family members at home and im no longer at home for now, im with my sister in the meantime because i literally couldn’t take it. i’ve never been put into a situation where i had such a physical reaction to something so emotional. i felt so sick and terrible and i couldn’t eat or drink water and it felt worse than when i was recovering from my jaw surgery and i hated that time of my life. 
im going back home soon but i don't know what the environment will be like when i do go back home. my family’s a fucking mess and i think if you really want to try understanding it, my brother got married a year ago and my parents didn’t want to go despite all of us thinking our parents would approve of her. the reason why? is because it wasn’t a catholic wedding and my brother and my sister-in-law didn’t want a big wedding, just a small one. and my younger older brother is on the side of my parents and since he’s the one living at home with me, we’ve had a strained relationship despite the fact that he was my biggest role model growing up so i’ve been coming to terms that he’s not the same brother i looked up to anymore. 
as of right now i do have money saved and im planning on moving back to my college campus and living with some friends. and i’ll be job hunting soon as well. 
i know i’ll be okay. 
and i know i have so many people who care about me, maybe even moreso than my family. im not saying my family doesn’t care about me, the toxic ones. i know they do but i am also aware that the way they care about me isn’t healthy for me especially if i want to grow. 
i never expected myself “running away” or doing whatever. it’s kinda crazy to me and i’m so anxious about going back home. it’s been a crazy ride but i hope y’all are doing well 🥺 i hope to be back and writing because i know i stop writing when im in a bad place and any pieces i do write aren’t even ones i’m proud of but i write again when im in a good place and those pieces are always the ones im proud of. 
i hope that one day i can fix my relationship with the younger older brother, and even my parents. i just know that i can’t do that right now and i need to stop thinking so idealistic like i have been the past few years. I've been so stuck as the baby of the family being the glue especially since i’ve been the most consistent presence with my parents and im the one who talks the most to each sibling rather than them to each other. 
anyway one fun thing is im proud to know that if i ever do go off on my own i apparently have the balls to steal my dog with me because i know for a damn fact that my brother wouldn’t take care of her and my parents work out of the house so they definitely won’t. 
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
Yay more Jonsa fics! Can you pls write one about Sansa sending Jon ravens every month asking him to come home, with no replies, and only Bran/Tormund sending her messages that tells her Jon received them. One day Sansa gets the flu and is unable to send the letter. Then she gets overwhelmed by her queenly duties and the letter is put off. A few weeks later Jon arrives, ready to protect her
ahhhh! okay so i loved this idea so much but i did tweak it very slightly to fit my idea of a very worried, protective jon.thanks for the request! 
send me prompts
“Another letter, your grace.”
Tormund’s vocals are like music, his laughter floating along after. Things never seem to change, Jon supposes, including Tormund. Though he’s asked the man to stop calling him your grace dozens of times now, it seems likely it’ll never cease. Jon imagines he does it now to annoy him, rather than out of his respect. “Thank you,” he says as he takes the scroll, unrolling it while Tormund warms himself before the roaring fire.
The small, neat script is as familiar as always and Jon sighs.
“You should write her back.” Tormund says without turning back, his hands still yet outstretched towards the fire. Jon raises his gaze to the red head’s back but doesn’t reply, rather he turns his attention back to the words written on the page.
I’ve heard you’ve been chosen as the King Beyond the Wall. I hope it makes you happy. Things are well here at home, aside from the usual winter ailments that plague us every year. It’s especially bad this year, I’ve already lost a maid and a guard, and Lord Royce’s youngest son died just yesterday. I hope no sickness has reached you at Castle Black, nor the wall, where ever you are. I miss you terribly. Please… Write me back. Even just to see my name written on a slip of parchment will do. Please Jon, I miss you. 
Her letters come weekly, as they have since the moment they had separated back at King’s Landing. The first one had been waiting for him at Castle Black the very first day he’d arrived. Jon folds the parchment up and tucks it into his doublet. He recalls the sickness she speaks of from childhood- he himself had nearly died of it and plenty of others had. Fear turns his stomach and he abruptly rises from his chair, its legs scraping against the stone floor in the most awful of ways. This catches Tormund’s attention and the man turns to face him. “I forgot I said I would oversee the building today,” he says, though he’s made no such promise and Tormund knows this.
Jon is gone before he can respond and the man heaves a sigh, shaking his head as he instead sits down at the desk Jon once occupied. And it’s there that he pens his usual note to the Queen in the North, letting her know Jon has read her letter and is still the stupidest man alive, though he’s well and certainly misses her as much as she misses him. It’s the least he could do for the lonely Queen.
[ x x x ]
When the raven comes, it’s Tormund’s handwriting yet again on the scroll.
Sansa sighs as she sits back against her chair, tossing the parchment away among all the others upon her desk. She’s been working tirelessly these last few days- between preparing small funerals for those who had died of illness thus far and ensuring her people were well stocked for the remaining winter… It felt never ending. A cough escapes her and she leans over her desk, sweating beneath her heavy gray gown. When had it become so very hot?
“Your grace?”
It is Lord Royce in her doorway and she tries to smile for him as he enters the room, knowing this is a man that has stood by her all this time. “Lord Royce,” she greets with a tired smile, noticing only then the rawness of her throat, of the tightness in her bones. “It is as I said, you should be with your family… I can manage without you for a few days.”
Lord Royce offers his queen a small smile and shakes his head. “I feel better knowing I am at your service, my queen.” He says as he steps further into the room, squinting as he peers down at her behind her desk. She is pale and drawn, looking quite unwell now that he looks closer. “You must rest,” he says without hesitation, coming to stand before her desk that’s littered with letters from all across Westeros. “With all the sickness around, it is imperative that you remain healthy. Please, allow me to escort you back to your chamber so you may rest.”
“You are kind to worry after me, my lord, but I assure you I am well,” she says, though the cough that suddenly escapes her says otherwise. “But perhaps I will allow you to walk with me back to my rooms. It is late, isn’t it?” It’s as she rises to her feet that Sansa realizes something isn’t right with her. The tightness in her chest is suddenly overwhelming and she stumbles, darkness closing in around her. She can hear Lord Royce’s voice calling out to her as if from beneath water, chanting your grace, over and over again until finally… She hears nothing at all.
[ x x x ]
Jon is surprised when there’s no letter.
He inquires with a few of his men, all of whom shake their heads that no letter had arrived for him from anywhere. Jon can’t shake the feeling inside him as he strides through the courtyard and up the stairs into his chambers, where Ghost is dozing on the floor before a dying fire. The wolf raises his head from his great big paws as he enters, looking at his master as if he’s causing him an inconvenience by waking him. “She always writes me,” Jon says aloud as he paces back and forth, forcing Ghost to sit up with a yawn. “Always.” His mind is racing, wondering if the beautiful queen had finally let him go. He wouldn’t blame her of course, it’s what he wanted her to do… Wasn’t it?
After several more moments of pacing, he stops at his desk and catches sight of her last letter, folded up there on top of all the others. He reaches for it and the moment he begins to read, a cold realization settles in the pit of his stomach. “No…” He mumbles, tossing the letter back down, shaking his head.
“Go to her.”
Jon turns at the sound of a voice, only to find Tormund standing in the door. “Go,” he urges with a nod of his head, knowing Jon would never rest if he didn’t. For no letter to have come from the Queen in the North meant something and it couldn’t be good. “I’ll look after things here… So go.” Jon came up to stand before him and it was a moment later that they were embracing. When Jon pulled back, it was to grab his old fur cloak and flee into the corridor, Ghost trotting along behind him.
It takes him only ten minutes to secure a few provisions for the road and  saddle up his horse. And then he’s off, rushing back to home, back to her.
[ x x x ]
As she drifts back to the world of the living, Sansa realizes she can’t move her legs.
A rush of fear wakens her completely and she forces herself up in bed, though it proves a great feat indeed. She begins coughing a moment after she realizes someone is draped over her lower half; Jon is awake the moment she begins to cough and he’s surging towards the head of her bed, gently pushing her back down against her pillows. “You’re here,” she whispers when she’s finished coughing, her throat dry and aching though she smiles as he leans over her, brushing hair from her forehead.
“You didn’t write me,” he murmurs back and his words elicit a soft chuckle from her trembling lips.
“You never write back,” she quips, sick but still fierce.
“There was too much to say,” he says and she raises her sapphire gaze to meet his. “Besides.. You know I was always poor at letters,” she’s reminded of their childhood, when her mother had punished him and Robb both for their lackluster writing. “Can I stay?” He asks then, gesturing back to the chair he’d once been sleeping in. Sansa regards him for one single moment before she nods, sinking back against her pillows as he drags the chair to where he stood and settles himself into it. And then they begin to talk.
He doesn’t tell her that he’s been there at her side for days, but rather they talk about the family they both miss. They talk about the childhood left behind and the present they have come to know. They talk and talk until she falls asleep, drained from days of illness, and he can’t stop himself from leaning over her to softly kiss her forehead. There at her bedside, he wonders how he ever was able to separate himself from her… For now that he was here he was certain he would never leave her again.
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ladywhitetower · 5 years
1, 4, 13, 14, 20!
Casey I can always rely on you
1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing
She grows up in the heat of her land, learns to love it when it shapes her.
In the frost she looks tired, weary, sick. The gods have left a mark on her, and so have her sins. Yet… in her eyes there remains laughter, and it almost feels as though every time she opens her mouth it is to sing. She will die for her love, live for it and thrive with it. This is who she has chosen to be.
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
Besides the obvious answers: @jakkubrat, @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile, @stone-stars, @peachblossom-odyssey, @evidencetape and, of course, you, I am going to take a moment to tell you Who shaped my writing style. I wanna write the kind of fic that changes life the way their work did for me:
@umisabaku: Designation:Miracle! I have literally followed since I was 14, and that series has changed my life in so many ways. The writing is profound and layered and suspenseful and I just… am in love with all the characters and how well they are handled. This is a story that has been going on for years, and seeing all the threads connected and new, intriguing layers being added is just… I cry.
@ink-splotch: Harry Potter AUs honest to god made my brand of writing “what if’s” for stories, but the Marvel character pieces touched me so profoundly I am now in love with them, they are more important to me than canon, and they made me go Oh, okay, we’ll have all the character study here then. I have some chunks memorized, and some of the work leaves me so in awe I have forgotten to breathe. Every word is just art.
@taizi: Problem Child is literally where my writing style comes from. I reread it every once in a while, I started reading as it came out but only finished it until about a year after it was done. This is THE fic that got me to write, that got me to see how beautiful fic could be. It changed my life and am ever so grateful, I have entire paragraphs memorized. And the warmth in it, and the Natsume Yuujinchou fics, literally defined “tender” for me, and everything I write is in hopes of bringing that warm atmosphere to life. I am also 100% certain a huge part of my attachment to TMNT is thanks to Problem Child and IWWF.
@shanastoryteller: Gods and Monsters, flat out, but also the fairytale retellings. These always surprise me yet make so much sense to me, and they constantly inspire me to take another look at characters and the world that shapes them and how to twist this and that to generate an interesting story. Also, SIAT is the one ongoing HP fic I read, and boy is it beautiful. Worldbuilding queen.
@heartslogos: DC fic literally changed my life. I wrote a whole essay about fic precisely because of the writing. I will never write anything as beautiful as “the timeless quality of his grandfather’s ashes” passage from the Role Reversal au, and more recently, I find my sense of humor and suspense influenced tremendously by the Executive Assistant to the Batman fic. This is The best take on a civilian Tim.
@half-sleeping: MIRACLES!! MIRACLES LITERALLY DEFINED ME! My use of parentheses comes from this fic, the asides and the prose. I’ve read more but Miracles was my first work and boy, was it an amazing read. I love this fic to bits. it is… basically the only gender bend I like, with how beautifully handled everything is and how it’s so much about the characters and each other and I… cry. Sent a snipped to a friend once and they said “Ria, Ria that Is your writing style.”
13. Favorite fic from another author?
Problem Child, by taizi. TMNT human au that I adore to bits.
Miracles, by half-sleeping. Kuroko no basuke genderbend au.
survival is a talent, by Shana. Harry Potter. Drarry soulmate au and so much more.
A Name That Feels Like Mine, by Mikki aka umisabaku. Part of the Designation:Miracles, my favorite fic ever. Delightful side characters and gave me Huge feels.
to burn (to love), by stone-stars. Han!! Sorcerer Meltyre au, the first fic in the tag and beautifully written.
The Goblin’s Head Student Bar by @francis-spathiphyllum, beautiful and fun college au.
Moonlight at The Inn by peachblossom-oddysey! Peach is amazing! Beautifully written, left me breathless.
But really guys, there’s like 15 fics. Go read them all.
warm welcome and the common tongue of you loving me, by @chadarum! The first was written for me for my birthday (love you M!!!), and the second is just. Breathtaking.
You Want To Live (When Life Is Achingly Unfair) by the Amazing Elle (jakkubrat, we all know this). Beautiful and heart wrenching just. Ahhhh.
Just to See You Smile by Sky, shorter-than-her-tbr-pile. We love fluff. We love birthdays. Beautiful.
14. Your favorite side pairings to put in?
Don’t really have any. Always assume Cold Spell and Bouquet are together tho. My pairings largely depend on what au I’m writing.
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
Okay okay:
From something human: (Penumbra)
“(Nimue killed and Vivian died, but, before that?
They lived.)”
From this is what faith looks like: (Inn Between)
“The whole room forgets how to breathe.
(Not the whole room, but the people who matter. For Sterling, these people are the whole room.)”
Fic ask meme!
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watchtoomuchtv · 6 years
A MARVELous Christmas - Part 1
Pairing: Mystery Avenger x Reader
Warnings: none for this chapter
Summary: In the lead up to Christmas y/n is made aware of a secret admirer. Can she work out who the mystery avenger is in time for one important dance at Stark’s annual Christmas Eve party?
Word Count: 899 (a little short but this chapter is really just setting the scene)
A/N: Hope you like! Let me know who you think the secret admirer is and your thoughts on the chapter! This is my first time posting one of my fics to Tumblr but I was just so excited about this idea and Christmas so wanted to share :)
Tumblr media
As you sat in your bed, pen and notebook in hand, there was only one thing you were sure of. And that was that you were confused. You fiddled with your hair you’d placed back into a messy bun as you tried to remember exactly what had happened the night before. Cursing yourself for drinking so much.
- - -
The previous night.
You had all sat down to unwind together in the common room. These nights were your favourite. When everybody was able to relax and enjoy eachothers company. You even got to know your teammates even better. Despite already knowing Nat and Clint from your early days at SHIELD, you learnt more and more after moving into the tower. And still being reasonably new you enjoyed getting to know the other avengers a bit more than the rumours and gossip you had heard.
Surrounded by discarded bottles you loved seeing the group together laughing in their comfy clothes. To be fair you loved seeing them in their tactical outfits as well. But the way everybody sat, like they didn’t have a care in the world, it was just relaxing and comforting and you couldn’t get enough. The fairy lights you had insisted on hanging all over the tower twinkled above your head and illuminated everybody’s happy faces. Bucky was in track pants and a singlet showing off his gorgeous metal arm, Clint rested on the coffee table, despite the amount of times Tony had complained to him about ruining the furniture. Steve had his relaxed lopsided smile and sparkling eyes. Wanda and Vision were cosing up to one another, you couldn’t help but smile and how love sick the two were.
The night had lead into a game, like usual. Tonight’s game? Two truths, one lie. Meaning Vision was only here to keep Wanda company, he wasn’t allowed to play the game because he ruined it with science talk and algorithms on the probability of each answer being correct or not. Whilst Tony, of course was using it to brag. He leant back in the armchair he sat in as he said “I own 5 separate private islands, once I took my private jet to Italy just because I was craving authentic Italian pasta and ahhhh I own 3 cats.” Tony hates cats.
Nobody even humoured Tony with a guess before Nat piped in saying “They are supposed to be Christmas related Tony.” with an eye roll, “but we get it, you’re rich. Okay y/n’s turn.” she perked up and topped up your drink. No wonder you’d gotten so damn drunk.
“Ummmm” you say, forgetting that you’d had so much time to figure out what you were going to say.
“Get on with it!” Sam heckled from your left.
“Alright, okay, I always wanted a dog for Christmas but never got one, one Christmas I broke my wrist trying to put the star on top of the tree and my favourite Christmas gift was a small wooden music box.”
Nat gave you a knowing smirk and you realised you’d already complained to her about the dog you’d never gotten for Christmas. “Nat can’t guess!” you quickly added.
Bucky’s piercing blue eyes met yours, studying you. “Okay, I reckon the music box, too specific. Classic technique to cover lies” he crossed his arms over his chest and smiled knowingly.
You returned his stance with your own knowing smile, “truth. It played Silent Night and I cried for weeks when it broke, I’ve never been able to find another one like it either.” the smile slightly disappearing from your face. When you looked up you saw a sparkle behind Steve’s eyes as he opened his mouth but before he could speak Clint blurted “The dog! You’ve had a dog.”
You shook your head looking over at him, “I never got one for Christmas, I only had the one dog but my parents had him before I was born. The most gorgeous German Shepherd.”
“She hasn’t ever broken a bone let alone her wrist boys, do you not hear her bragging about it every second mission?” Nat said picking herself up from the ground where she was sat, “okay well I’m off to bed now, have fun.” with a wink she left the room. This made Wanda and Vision call it a night too. Just as you started to get up nursing your drink and trying to steady yourself against the couch armrest Tony excitedly shouted “oh oh oh! I got a good one!” making you stop in the doorway of the room, turning around slightly. “And it’s Christmas related. Before anyone interjects.” Tony said with a pointed expression to you. Arching your eyebrow you encouraged him to continue.
“One of the boys in this room has had a major crush on you since I think he first saw you, I’ve had enough of him pining over you in silence and if you figure it out by our annual Christmas Eve party and dance with him when I play Silent Night, he will most definitely owe me one.”
“Oh whoops, I forgot to add a lie.” He fained ignorance with a cheeky smirk.
“Tony that’s like a week away. Don’t be ridiculous I’m not playing your game.”
“Y/n you’re one of the greatest spies in the world and you’re telling me you can’t figure this out?”
With a surge of your competitiveness coming out you challenge Tony, “maybe I just won’t dance with anyone.”
He gave a huff and said “we all know you aren’t going to do that.”
- - -
That is all you could remember. You wish with absolutely every fibre in your body you could remember what the boys faces looked like when Tony had made that accusation. Cursing Nat for filling up your drink every time it came near to empty you let out a sigh. Because here you sat. In your messy bed. With a notebook in front of you with the names; Sam, Bucky, Clint and Steve written down. How were you going to figure this one out?
Well you were a spy. So it was time to crack the case.
To be continued...
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years
Replying to anon messages in one long post so as not to spam you guys! as always, no prompts filled here and i’m sorry for the wait x 
1. Hello 👋. I just found your blog and it’s absolutely amazing. You write so beautifully it’s so fluid and graceful almost. I was wondering if you were going to do a second part on the Secretary Peter, Boss Tony fic. Or literally any of them. I’m pretty sure I’ve read through most of your blog just to marvel at the writing. And then a second time for the starker.
Oh my goodness you are the sweetest thing ever. There will be a part 2 to that fic, I promise! It’s just taking me forever hahaha, you are such a darling. Honestly, you’re the sweetest thing ever, thank you so much!
2. @tina8009 “I hope that you will continue with updating archive of our own because after the new update on Tumblr I can no longer Use it because of my eye sickness and I am really love your stories. ❤️”
girl!!! don’t you worry, i promise i will! that sucks :( x but you are so sweet
3. I already loveeeeee that step Brothers au, do you plan on continuing it at any time?
it is on the list gorgeous! It might take me a while, but a lengthier series of instalments is coming! of course, if anyone else would like to go for it in the meantime, i’d be happy to see what they came up with! the more the merrier!
4. Are you going to continue Super Size Me by any chance??? I had about ten nose bleeds the whole way through the four chapters ((especially the fourth chapter)). Totally chill if not, I just loved it
hahahahah, you’re so sweet and oh goodness!!! this question comes every time i answer questions and i feel so terrible- i promise, i will update it!!! a break from classes is coming soon and then i shall be able to get back on track! I’m so sorry, thank you for being so lovely, you stunner!
5. The kitten story was so cute!!!!!!!!! Everything you write is so so cute!!!!
6. Wow Peter found Tony in New York and took him all the way to MIT in Massachusetts, the dedication to finding a kitten is strong
dude hahahaha i laughed so hard i almost replied to this message when i got it! sorry, i am not american :( and maybe that doesn’t excuse my awful geography but i have no idea where MIT is so let’s just say Peter was on a school trip…yeah…that makes sense. Cats are amazing and it makes perfect sense!
7. I would kill or die for a sequel to hades Stark 😭😍❤️ you’re so amazing
YOU ARE SO SWEET MORE WILL COME I PROMISE! do you have any ideas for it ;)
8. Oh my godddd!!!!! I read your Flash and Peter fluff story, and now i'm soft. I love this underrated ship, we need more content like this!!!!! Keep doing what your doing!
you are so sweet thank you so much! it’s the first flash/peter i’ve ever written and i wasn’t even sure how much i liked it but i think i’m sold ;) you are such a darling!!! More to come, I promise!
9. @psychology-fanatic Oh my gosh!! Please please PLEASE give me some more of the Hades stark that stuff is right down my alley I loved it!!
10. Omg omg omg I just read your Slytherin!Tony and Hufflepuff!Peter dribbles and I love them so much! I hope to see more in the future. You’re such a great writer, being able to flesh out a world in a couple short paragraphs, much love :)
AHHHH WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS OH MY GOSH YOU ARE SO SWEET. and i love harry potter so yes any chance to write more and i will take it
11. Your peter/flash fic was so good. It was so fuckin CUTE
NO YOU’RE CUTE thank you sm darling
12. Pleaseee if you can will you write a sequel to the short shorts drabble
YES IT IS COMING! I’m sorry i’m so slow :( but i love that au and it is in the works!
I LOVE YOU SO WE’RE EQUAL! you are far too kind honestly you’re such a doll i don’t deserve you!
14. dont call yourself mama, it really just turned me on
I laughed so hard when i saw this, thank you so much for blessing me. MAMA LOVES IT.
15. hey hun! do you take dark prompts? i'd love to send in some kinda fucked-up shit but i don't want to trigger you or make you feel uncomfortable. x
I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND TO YOU GORGEOUS! I SHOUDL HAVE DONE IT WHEN I FIRST SAW THIS BUT IM AWFUL. and um yes i do, nothing triggers me so go as crazy as you’d like ;) iM EXCITED XXX and you’re so sweet to ask mwah x
16. hello i just want to say that i really love your writing and hakfhksla it took me a few weeks to gather up the courage to message you :'))) bUT I JUST WANNA SAY EVERY AU YOU POSTED MAKES MY HEART GO WOAH AND IM SO HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOUR USERNAME ON MY TIME LINE phew and also i love you and pls take care of yourself <3
UM YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER HELLO! I am so glad you came to say hi because this message made my day, my week, my month and i do not deserve you! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF HUN’ I LOVE YOU
17. @godlovesmcu hi !! i'm kinda new and i just posted my first drabble to go along with one of my moodboards ! it would be super cool if you checked it out (but you totally don't have to !)
the san-diego thing was AMAZING but i have to say i am just blown away by your moodboards honestly, just w ow
18. Your omegaverse aus (especially the one with starker on college and the one in which Steve finds homeless Peter) are my guilty. How you write omegas on those fics is so intriguing (and a little bit of creepy to me). I love them. Keep on writing!
THEYRE MY GUILTY TOO IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THEM. hahahah the creepyness is definitely me, im so thrilled you like them *blushing* more coming, i promise!
19. Do you know any starker where tony is dealing with internalised homophobia? He doesn't like that he's attracted to Peter, or when Peter comes out to him, tony isn't supportive ?
oohh! im afraid i don’t though the concept is intriguing, it sounds like there should definitely be fics out there and i’ll keep an eye out! there are many other starker blogs more knowledgable than me though, so ask around lovely, someone will be able to help you on your quest!
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pips-fics · 3 years
question tho, like how do u picture it? do u just imagine the people in the situation or-
omgggg yes i’ve been wanting a lucy one but i just haven’t gotten around to getting one of theirs and same i’ve got like two skz ones hehe
ok ok another question lol, so i saw smth in the comments of the flare live performance and they said that sangyeop wasn’t always there or smth?? i’m not really sure but like do u know what that’s abt? bc i’m hella confused lol
okay i think it's a pattern thing? i usually think of content that i have seen of them, and how they act, how they typically respond to various things, and how they communicate through body language. for example, certain people (like jisung, minho, hyunjin, wonsang, yechan) startle really easily, so i might use a startle response in their fics, but i wouldn't be as likely to do that with others (like yeop) unless there's some reason for them to act differently than normal. if changbin was startled in one of my fics, i'd have him yell - or i might have him to the opposite, get really quiet and curl into himself, as an indication that he's not his normal self, and have another character notice how odd it is. i think i overdo that with certain people - like i frequently write yechan as being really quiet when he's sick as a contrast to his usual character. also, sometimes i have to write it out first to picture a new scenario clearly, and i might write it two different ways to see which one feels right, or naturally leads the story in the direction i want it to go, or elicits the emotion i'm aiming for
when i'm really struggling with characterization, i'll actually rewatch (or watch for the first time) content that is/might be relevant to guide me though that can be a slippery slope of course so it's a last resort. i'm actually pretty bad at imagining things from scratch which i think is why i tend towards fanfics as opposed to original works - i like having something to rely on and observe.
OH lee juhyuk!!! yes we love him, he was with lucy on superband and was their original vocalist, helped with the formation of their band and contributed to their general chaotic vibe. he's adorable and has a beautiful and super unique voice. yeop was also on superband but. well idk if you want spoilers but he didn't end up with lucy during the show itself
however juhyuk ended up returning to his original band, GIFT, after superband ended, and the other lucys went ahead and snatched up sangyeop before anyone else could get to them. iirc yeop joined them for the superband live performance tours and has been with them ever since. nanro/stove was the first song they wrote together with yeop i believe.
i've written too much already but i just feel the need to say superband (both seasons, although i still have yet to watch the second in full) is 100% worth watching for anyone who likes kbands and/or wants to know more about lucy. it's not your typical evil-editing drama-creating survival show at all, there are some sad parts by nature of eliminations and wonsang/yeop/ha hyunsang crying but it's very fun to watch overall. it's been described as a blind dating show for musicians 😂not all of the episodes are subbed and not watching the ones that aren't is understandable but all of the performances are at least worth watching. i still regularly watch wonsang's arrangement of adventure of a lifetime and my jaw is on the floor every time. it's also fun if you like multiple of the musicians on there cause pretty much everyone on the show ended up being good friends so it's very wholesome and heartwarming. for example i will never get over this interaction between yechan and hoppipolla's hong jinho ahhhh and this one 🥺
ANYWAY yeah flare originally sounded really different cause juhyuk was singing instead of yeop!!! i love both versions, tbh yeop's voice is more my style in general and i love the contrast that they have now between his and gwangil's voice, but there was a bit of a different kind of magic when juhyuk sang that song - idk if it's cause that was the first version i heard or like, his voice has a little bit of a mystical quality to it i think? yeop's version is grounding and juhyuk's is floaty. they also did snooze on superband!!!
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minijenn · 7 years
MiniJen’s Fic Recs!
So I said I was gonna do it and here it is! One big huge list of fics I love the hell outta for ya’ll to read. These are mostly GF fics, but there are a few SU fics and maybe like several LoZ fics near the end, maybe a few others from other fandoms but still, I can promise they’re all pretty good! And nah I’m not reccing any UF based fics on here, cause if you want to check those out, you can do so here. And with that outta the way, let’s get started, in no particular order and with very little rhyme or reason under the cut! (fyi all the titles are links to make your life easier, even if they dont show up as links on my blog, but you can still click on em and it’ll take you where you wanna go)
All the World’s a Toybox by Straightjacketd Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Incomplete Ok so I fucking LOVE the hell outta this one because its angsty as fuck and dark. Like fucking dark, like if ya’ll think UF has gotten dark ahahah UF is like child’s play compared to how far this one goes. But that’s honestly one of the things I love about it. I feel like there aren’t enough GF fics out there about what might have happened to our beloved characters had Bill won during Weirdmageddon, but this one puts all ten of the zodiac characters through utter hell and back but the good news is there are spots of hope here and there as the story goes along, so totally go check it out if you wanna cry a fucking LOT because I certainly have with this one!
Monster Falls by Queen Flara Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Incomplete A pretty cute take on Monster Falls. We get to see how all the various characters deal with their new monster forms and there’s a bit of angst but a lot of fluff too so I like it and I’d check it out if you just want some cute Monster Falls stuff. 
Ain’t No Cure for The Cervitaur Blues by Krista Perry (also on Ao3) Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Incomplete? I think? So I recently reread this one over Thanksgiving break and I remembered how much I ADORED this one! Its chock full of one of the things ya’ll know I’m infamous for in UF: Dipper angst! Which is honestly a kinda common theme through several of these fics but whatever, its all good, don’t worry about it. But yeah this one’s a beautifully written angst storm with really high stakes, great tension, and immense amounts of awesome creativity packed into things! Plus its kinda Monster Fallsish, which is always a good time, so for reals, check this one out cause its one of the ones I recommend the most on this entire list, no lies. 
Time Trapped by Polachew Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Incomplete So if you’re like me and love some Timestuck AU angst, this one has got plenty of that! The ways Young!Stan and Mabel and Young!Ford and Dipper play off each other in this are so great and there really are a lot of sweet moments in here. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t something of an inspiration for a future chapter of UF I wanna do with a Timestuck premise... But yeah go check this one out its pretty great!
Silent Knight by Split Infinitive Fandom: Legend of Zelda Status: Incomplete This was honestly one of the first really good Breath of the Wild fics I managed to find after the game first came out and its honestly so good. It fulfills my inner Zelink shipper so much imo I died because of how cute those two dorks are but this one also has a pretty damn intriguing plot, one that I am totally down for reading more of whenever the author decides to update it. So go check it out if that’s your thing!
We Had a Deal by freakyanimegirl Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Incomplete This may be one of my favorite fucking fanfics of all time because of mere premise alone. Also feels, this one gives me INTENSE feels every time I read it because of how absolutely, soul crushingly angsty it is. But yeah its a super neat idea in here, one that I won’t dare spoil to any of you. Suffice to say its copious amounts of Mystery Twins angst and Bill being a complete and utter asshole, so what else is new imo like I said its great yet so simple and idk I just really, really like this one so go read it! 
Deerperfalls by Deerper Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Complete (for a fucking change) Oh damn another Monster Falls fic with a fuck ton of Dipper angst in it what else is new that seems to be my fanfic taste for some reason imo but yeah this one’s a good one. Really sad and angsty but really good. Like Augh I remember the first time I read this over the course of a sick day from school and I was so fucking engrossed in it that I forgot to actually fucking try to get better so ahaha you know its good if that be happening. Check it out and enjoy the angstssssss
Nothing a Little Sleep Can’t Fix by AkitaFallow Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Oneshot Heyyyyy its one of those angsty post Sock Opera oneshots that kinda might have inspired the angst aftermath of Sock Opera in UF! Ya’ll can’t blame me for that you gotta blame damn good fics like this. But for as angsty as this is, it also has is lovely moments of fluff, which are much appreciated so yeah, check it out!
A Different Way by Seasoned Writing Fandom: Steven Universe Status: Incomplete Bout time I rec an SU fic. And while this one doesn’t have a lot of chapters, it does have a pretty interesting AU concept, so *shrugs* idk I like it, not a whole lot else to say about it though.
Tourmaline by Phantomrose96 Fandom: Steven Universe Status: Complete Goooooodddddd this one is just a fucking ANGST storm but its a damn good angst storm, one that really, REALLY makes you hurt for Steven and pre-redemption arc Peridot. Like I legit cried over this one because DAMN its something else. Go check it out like WOW
Ancient Roots by RandomButLoved Fandom: Legend of Zelda Status: Complete Gooooosh this one is absolutely GORGEOUS and it hurt me so much but I love it so much too! Such an incredibly crafted, heartwrecnhing AU of Skyward Sword, one that made me rethink pretty much the entire game! Its rare that roleswaps between Link and Zelda work so perfectly, but this one is as close to perfection as anyone has ever gotten before and I simply adore it. 
Dreamscarring by AnneriaWings Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Oneshot Another angsty post-Sock Opera oneshot, and again, probably one of the ones that unconsciously influenced UF Sock Opera. Still, really angst, pretty brutal, but ultimately sweet and comforting and that’s what I like in my post-Sock Opera angst storms if Do It For Them was any indication of that. 
Heartbreaker by Queenie Z Fandom: Legend of Zelda Staus: Twoshot Yeeeee boi love me some HW angst involving Zelink and onesided Cialink. And this one’s honestly so beautiful, balancing the angst out with fluffy adorable romance and I simply love it. 
Finally by Kibasgirltsumi Fandom: Legend of Zelda Status: Complete This is honestly one of my faovirte fanfics of all time like for reals its so damn beautiful and so damn painful and so damn perfect and it strikes me in all the right places and my ship is so damn strong in it and so much happens and its just AUGH oh god I could go on forever with it its so fucking good
Tainted Tale by Flying.Penguin.97 Fandom: Legend of Zelda Status: Complete I’m a sucker for dark rouge protagonists fics, and I’m also a lover of Link angst so this one fucking did it for it. Also it has copious amounts of Ghirahim being a fucking fabulous asshole, so that’s fun and everything. This a good read. 
Convictions and Captivity by realfakedoors Fandom: Steven Universe Status: Incomplete AUGHGHGHG FUCK I haven’t even finished fully reading this one yet but DAMN SON IF IT AINT SOME OF THE MOST ANGSTY STEVEN UNIVERSE SHIT I”VE EVER READ again in an example of a fic that puts UF to shame with how damn dark it is this one goes fucking HARD and it HURTS ME but I love it and I really need to finish it because AUGH FUCK 
Ask the Right Questions by AceFace98 Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Incomplete So the idea behind this one is a lot of fun and tbh this has quite a good bit of fluff and humor in it and hey I’m always for Mystery Twins bonding so yeah this one is neat check it out
Three Days by LynnLarsh Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Oneshot And in an example of something from canon that will also turn incredibly angsty in UF when we get to Weirdmageddon, we get, what else, more Dipper angst! But yeah this one is sad like damn this poor kid wandered around a fucking desolate apocalyptic wasteland completely alone for three days and everyone seems to forget about that but this fic doesn’t and it HURTS and I like it a lot for that
Come Together by Winter_S_Jameson Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Incomplete I love zodiac centric fics so this one I really enjoy a lot, in large part because it focuses on Ford realizing “oh shit maybe working with others can actually save the day how have I never thought about that before”. Its not super far along yet, but we get some Pines fam angst in there which is always good angst if ya ask me I’m down for that and I like it so ye ye ye ye
Anyway, I’ve Been There by Caleb Nova Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Complete (but still updates occasionally) Strange how Dipifica is one of my primary OTPs but I’ve recced so far fics centered on those two in this list, huh? Well no more because this one has one of the best developments of the ship I’ve seen thus far. Its kinda slow burn and lowkey but in a really nice way and everyone feels so great and in character and Dipper and Pacifica are adorable together and ahhhh its so cute imo
A Conspiracy of Minerals by CompletelyDifferent Fandom: Gravity Falls/Steven Universe Status: Complete Waahhhhhha? A GF/SU fic writer reccing a GF/SU fic??? Tis madness! But yeah I read this way back before I even started writing UF anf loved it. Its mostly just a bunch of cute little oneshots but I do enjoy the few that are there. They’re pretty cute if ya ask me and the character interactions are sweet enough.
Let Me Clarify by carpenoctem22 Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Oneshot Bunch more Dipifica cuteness, only this time a little aged up. Not a whole lot to say about it except for that its completely adorable. 
Twin Telepathy by blueechofreak Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Oneshot What can I say but more post Sock Opera angst, only this time with a bit more Mystery Twins fluff added in so ya got that good old hurt/comfort in there, which always makes for a good time. 
Host by Neelh Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: Oneshot Some pretty artsy Pines family angst all around in this one, so yeah, good stuff. Pretty short, but still good. 
Lull by carpenoctem22 Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: oneshot Hey look, instead of Sock Opera angst we got post the Last Mabelcorn angst! As if that makes any difference imo its still angst no matter how much you cut it and that’s why I like it. 
Swear by carpetnoctem22 Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: oneshot Another take on those three days Dipper was wandering around during Weirdmageddon and also pretty fucking heartwrenchingly angsy so you know I like if if its that lol
Enough by Inkblot9 Fandom: Gravity Falls Status: oneshot A really sweet little bunch of fluff focusing on one of my favorite bonds in the entire show, that between Dipper and Ford, which is sadly not utilized enough in GF fics but here its done so adorably and sweet and such good family fluff and I love it
And yeah that’s about it for now. These were all the best ones I could find in all my lists. I’ll be sure to add onto this whenever I find new good fics. But yeah hopefully ya’ll got hooked up with some good fics here! I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, so I’m glad I finally got it carved out. Enjoy!
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coffeecupandcorgi · 7 years
What I’m writing meme <3
Do Dis: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
Thanks for tagging me, @deinvatiwrites! :D :D
I’ve been mostly editing stuff I’ve already written here and there lately, since the remix challenge, because I’ve been having this horribly frustrating vertigo/dizziness thing related to long spells of screen-staring (which I’ve complained about to everyone on slack by this point lol) BUT I hope I get better and get to write a ton soon.
Annie On My Mind Inspired YA/NA-ish Fic, AU This is kinda a Christmas-time/winter fic that I’ve been working on...since Christmas. *screams* Arthur and Eames are reluctant childhood friends in their early twenties who are forced together on holidays by their parents, whose problem drinking affects their kiddos in different ways. Eames and Arthur take a trip to the Cloisters together and see the unicorns/have all the feels! Letter writing! Genderqueer Eames! Books! Coming Out! The story digs into Annie on My Mind’s themes and structure. I’m not describing this well, am I? ahhhh! I’ve got 20k, and it needs about 20k more I think.
Nailpolish PWP Eames and Arthur are holed up in a hotel room - a safe house kinda situation - and Arthur is nic-fitting like crazy. Eames gets him to paint his toenails and fingernails with this sick neon green nailpolish that they found in Ari’s luggage. Smut ensues! But can Eames fuck Arthur without messing up his nailpolish before it dries!? lol we shall see
Inceptimals fic/San Francisco gentrifcation sucks AU I’ve been really wanting to write a longish two or three part fic filled with hijinks. This is a How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days-esque thing (I mean, I’ve never seen that movie, but...) where Arthur and Eames keep running into each other at open houses for one bedrooms in SF that can barely afford...and then they end up being mistaken for boyfriends while viewing the sweetest apartment right next to Ocean Beach and landing the lease...but Arthur’s determined to drive Eames away and have the apartment for himself...and unbeknownst to him at first, Eames is trying to do the same thing...so it’s just a bunch of them being horrible roommates to each other, like eating each other’s food and leaving kink gear around to freak each other out (mm that goes well) AND UM Eames brings home this giant slobbery dog named Robert who is his emotional support dog because Eames is stressing him out...ANYWAY nnnghhdsfkjdsljfl I am having so much fun with this, but I don’t know if I’ll really finish it in time for Inceptimals because of my vertigo thing. Sigh.
Chungking Express AU This was going to be so fun, why haven’t I written more of it >.>
Treatment Team Multi-chapter AU where the team works at an adolescent psychiatric crisis unit! Saito is the psychologist, Dom and Mal are trying to have an open marriage, Eames is a clinician who is genderqueer & uses they pronouns, there’s this one time Arthur wears cat ears all week to help a client meet her treatment goals. um um lots of workplace pining. I’ve been writing notes and bits of this for months now; I really wanna dig in and write it this summer. like maybe it’ll be my camp nanowrimo project. >.>
Cape Cod fic Arthur and Eames’s casual thing goes next level when Arthur brings Eames with him to his grandmother’s house on the Cape after a job. Um I wrote a bunch of this while visiting my own grammy on the cape last summer, kinda as a way to process being there and that trip. It has some cute scenes but I’ll probably never finish it??
ahh okay, that’s probably enough to ramble on about! x_o I’ll tag @kate2kat, @ophiliad, and @brookebond -
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