#ahhhh i'm getting off track but ANYWAY
wowitsverycool · 5 months
This whole king situation is like that one time I got a crush on gabriel ultrakill but so much worse
Also Nooooo, I can't make a self insert, it's been a running joke with me that all of my self insert oc's I make to ship with other characters never get with the person whom they desire because that person is too busy, I'd be ruining my streak
But if I were to make a regular oc, not a self insert one it still brings the question of why? The reason my first thoughts were siffrin and euphrasie is both have reason to hold personal grudges against him (siffrin more so than euphrasie maybe but hey we don't know what sort of rage hides behind that affable smile). But siffrin would never want to touch him like that and again I feel weird exposing euphrasie to him, she could handle him but I feel if it was her the situation would become about him very quickly and no! He needs to be diminished!
Like I need someone who hates him but also knows how deeply pathetic he is from personal experience so when they pull at his hair rolling their eyes calling him annoying it comes from somewhere deeply personal
uhhhhhhhhh panicked spongebob filing cabinet brain image. uh uh uhm OH OHO. well. you see. i have this headcanon .
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nexxocatt · 23 days
Genuinely how can I live my life normally after this. Like,, HOW.
TWs/CWs: swearing, mentions of violence and death ig. If you're uncomfortable click off any time!
And without further ado, let's gooo!!
- Gosh, 'Suffering' is maybe probably most definitely my second fav song (after 'Thunder Bringer' ofc) in this saga. It's just so GOOD UGHH!!! I'm utterly OBSESSED with whoever voices Penelope/Siren Penelope cause they just sound ETHEREAL. Also the amount of memes with the "You know I'm too shy" is astounding. Def my fav part of the song.
- I hc that Ody, in 'Different Beast', when he said "You are no wife of mine!" that he pulled an "erm, actually-" and basically: "Nah cuz you got a few details ab my wife wrong, homie. You see, her ponytail's tips actually reach 3.5 cm lower than that, plus you got the shade of her eye color wrong. And gods she'd never wear that tunic without matching earrings!" Homie's obsessed lmao.
- Oh. My. God. KJ. KJ! THE ABSOLUTE QUEEN GAHH!!! The fucking growl Scylla had on "Give up your honor and wraith!" Made me literally almost fall over. I had a ton of fun just dancing to KJ's vocals. My GOD that's beautiful💯💯
- Tell me y'all can hear the absolute desperation in Eury's voice at the start😭 bro does NOT wanna believe his home bro Ody just gave up six men's lives like that. Also not Jay bringing back the "This is the home of the wind god" bullshit like pls I cried enough at 'Monster'😭😭 And not Eury turning Ody's words around by saying "I'M JUST A MAN!" then stabbing a cow, like HOMIE. WHY.
- Here comes Zeus the party crasher everyone! Yippee! But no, seriously, I've had 'Thunder Bringer' stuck in my head for a while cuz my boy Luke Holt's vocals be giving me shivers. Imma cry cause the absolute pain and crack in Ody's voice when he says "I know..." like,, 😭😭 Also the animatics where the crew just attacks Ody and the dude just accepts his fate are CRIMINAL. Ain't nobody asking me to cry today bro🙏🙏
- Gotta be my fav saga yet. The "Watchu gonna do about it, champ?" line was delivered PERFECTLY🙌🙌 Ayron is the absolute Top G. Also Miguel's voice for Telemachus is just UGHH SO GOOD!!! Also Tele be like: "STAY BEHIND ME MOM I'LL PROTECT YOU!!🤺🤺🤺"
- Let's fucking go Athena is back on track, baby! Literally LOVE both hers and Antinuos' vocals. They were ON. TOP. I couldn't help but giggle at Tele's "Woah,, that is so sick!!" Like he's my baby boy I love him smmmm!!!
- I ain't got no shit on Athena no more. Home girl's just guilty frfr. "You're a good kid." "Thanks!" AHHHH THEM>>> Anyway, great song. I love Athena now. I don't hold no grudge against her anymore, no siree. She my homie now💪💪
- WANGUI. THE LEGEND FRFR. They could never make me like Calypso but Barbara served. I listened to 'Love In Paradise' on my headphones and did not expect to hear Polites' voice in my left ear and Eury's in my right😭😭 The time-dive was LEGENDARY (haha.) and Ody's screams then him just yelling "ATHENA!!" cause he doesn't have anyone else to call for help was heartbreaking 💔
- Ahhh the fact that Jorge got his dad to voice Hephaestus is so cute <33 And Mr. PAM-PAM was right. Luke Holt's BEASTMODE ZEUS IS PHENOMENAL. I adored the transition between 'Warrior Of The Mind' and 'Legenday' after Zeus supposedly struck Athena down, which were – by the looks of the animatic shown in the livestream – the memories that got the goddess determined to stand back up💪💪 The way Ares' voice almost broke when he asked "Is she dead..?" broke me like😭😭 And whoever voices Hera is an absolute legend how the fuck is your voice that HEAVENLY😳
Also pls let the 'Silly Saga' be a thing, I had all the vids from Jorge's Disney Princess Era plus the Jimmy Neutron specials stuck inside my head non-stop for daysss🙏
Ooh and if we're lucky (and Jorge wants to ofc) maybe we'll get an album with cut songs! That would be amazing!! No pressure for the team tho, whatever they choose will be respected by everyone!
Also guys dw Athena's not dead, goddesses can't die you silly geese🙃 She's just injured n I'm absolutely sure we'll hear more of her in the upcoming Sagas! ^^
That's all for now! Take care y'all!! Stream the Wisdom Saga NYEOW👿👺!!!!
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oxymorayuri · 6 months
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝟷𝟻
𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙'𝑠 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘 »
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝐷. 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝐿𝑎𝑤 ✘ ♀ 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓: マキトシ
Story: The princess of Tanata
[Long Fic]
➽ Click on this link to see all chapters.
Spoiler: nope
Warnings: nope
slowburn with plot
Wordcount: 3057
Text in italics emphasizes the reader’s thoughts
Bold and italic text emphasizes Law's thoughts *~*
Tagging: @slytherinambitious - @sassyyassi - @norasincubi - @cottoncandyloverrrr - @one-piece-frvr7
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"Sorry y/n to interrupt your special time with Law…" She approaches you with a mischievous grin on her face and laughs in your ear. You frown at her as you walk side by side down the long hallway. What's up with that remark?
"Special time? Huh? What's up with you?" You roll your eyes and lightly push her away with your shoulder. Nami pouts a little, her eyes glinting at you knowingly.
"Oh come on, I've got you all figured out. Whenever you had your little lessons, you always ran around the palace with a huge grin on your face…." She stands in front of you and forces you to stop. With her hands clasped behind her back, she wiggles her eyebrows up and down like 'come on, tell me something'. You didn't realize how obviously you were behaving, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
"Oh, I was just happy because I was learning new things. Everything is a bit exciting at the moment… Besides, I wasn't alone with him… Chopper was also there and together with Law they taught me about your medicine." You talk your way out of it, but you're still unsure whether Nami will buy it. She looks after you with obvious suspicion as you walk past her.
"Nope, I don't believe you! After all, I just saw how close you were sitting to each other!" You suddenly stop in your tracks. A triumphant smile appears on Nami's face.
"I also saw how much you had blushed."
She comes closer to you and grabs you by the shoulders.
"Oh come on, he just looks different from the men who live here, of course I'm interested." You reluctantly admit. When you can't brush Nami off, you try to play it cool.
"Yeah, sure, and what about Zoro?" - "Eww Zoro? He's just like Ambrosios, all muscles and pride." You look arrogantly at your fingernails and ignore Nami's gaze. You don't let yourself get down, even if Nami is pacing around you like a wild cat.
"What about Sanji?" You put your hands on your hips a little appalled.
"Listen, the womanizer might be able to cook, but before anything happens between him and me, he'll already have died of a nosebleed… Besides, Thalia likes him!" - "Okay, okay, I get it. But tell me… how come, there's nothing going on between you and Ambrosios? This guy is hot as hell."
Ahhhh, I guess I figured out Nami's type. You save that info.
"Me and Ambrosios?! No way! I grew up with him, he's like my brother and he's totally annoying." You laugh a little. "He's just like a big brother who likes to get on his sister's nerves." - "Uh huh." She looks at you again with a look that confuses you. Like she knows things you don't.
"All right… On your nerves… You're so blind! That guy has a huuuge crush on you!" Your reaction is almost disgusted and you twitch an eye uncontrollably. Maybe Nami is just crazy, but somehow you really love that about her. Your disturbed face relaxes again and you burst out laughing.
"So what? It doesn't change anything anyway." Your laughter dies down and you shake your head slightly as you start walking again.
"Uh? What does that mean?" She catches up and now you're walking side by side again.
"Well, I'm the priestess and that means I can't get married or have a romantic relationship." Nami's face goes a little pale.
"And what about your womanly needs?"
You weren't expecting such a direct and intimate question and you blush in an instant.
"Heeey! what's this all about? Do you want me to pepper you with questions like that? With how many members have you hooked up with? hmm?" You stick your tongue out at her.
"Yeah, well, I'll leave the subject at that… But I'll stick to my opinion that you really like 'Mr. Surgeon of Death'." - "Oh, think what you want." You know you can't convince Nami anyway, so you just leave it alone.
When you arrive in her and Robin's room, Robin sits on her bed. She looks up from her book and smiles gently at you without saying anything.
You're not sure what Nami has planned, you more or less just followed her without asking. Nami puts down the picnic basket and turns to face you, hands on her hips.
"Okay! You can decide y/n, do you want to talk and eat the pastries or would you rather go shopping to distract yourself?" Her dynamic nature makes you laugh.
"Can I have both?" A little shyly, you make circular movements with your index fingers. Surprised, Nami thinks for a moment.
"Yes, of course!" She opens the picnic basket and takes things out, including a bottle of wine. Meanwhile, Robin had fetched three wine glasses and poured everyone some wine. Together you sat on Nami's huge bed, which had room for at least two more people.
"Do you want to talk about why you… you know… cried?" She starts the conversation a little cautiously. Her voice took on a soft tone and there was no sign of her quirky manner. She was genuinely worried about you.
You take a deep breath and briefly consider how to start the conversation.
"What would you do if you were forced to give up your dreams?" Nami and Robin look at each other knowingly, they both know exactly what it's like to live a life where dreams have no room.
"I wouldn't give a shit what the others say!" Nami laughs as she looks at you again. The answer is perhaps charming but unfortunately not helpful. You groan a little in despair and Nami realizes that she can't comfort you with that.
"You know, I can speak from experience that life doesn't always go the way you want it to. Sometimes you just need a little push in the right direction!" She makes a hand gesture as if she's pushing someone away from her.
"A push huh?" - "Yes, exactly. I was caught in a pretty stupid situation back then, but Luffy got me out of it!" You perk up and a mischievous grin appears on your face.
"Ahh, so you're into Luffy?" You want to get back at her a little, for cornering you like that before. She grabs a pillow and swings at you. You narrowly avoid her attack and you and Robin laugh at the redhead.
"Noooo! Oh my god…! Luffy has inspired me to make my dreams come true… He inspired each and every one of us…" She says proudly as she looks over at Robin, who nods in confirmation.
"Oh that's nice… I've hardly talked to anyone about it, but those who know my wish have tried to talk me out of it…" You look sadly at your wine.
"Well… what is your wish?" She tilts her head slightly to one side and raises an eyebrow.
"I wish to leave the kingdom and relinquish my title as a holy princess…" You don't dare to look into her eyes. You don't want to see her reaction. You wouldn't be able to handle it, if one more person had something against your dreams today.
"Ah okay, and what's wrong with that?" Your face goes up again abruptly and you look at her with widened eyes. She seems so unfazed by your statement, as if you just want to try out a new hobby like drawing.
"Well, I would have to leave everyone behind and I have duties, not only as a priestess but also as a princess. I can't be replaced, but even if I could find a solution, my grandfather wouldn't let me go." The two women nod attentively at you.
"You know, your grandfather is probably just worried. It's a crazy world out there…" You roll your eyes.
"Yes, I'm aware of that, but it's not like I'm weak!" - "That's right, y/n can fight back, she's proven that to us." Robin swings the wine around in her glass as she recalls her memory.
"Yeah that's right…" Nami taps her finger thoughtfully on her lip. "That's just how family is… They always worry, and sometimes too much." She shrugs her shoulders and you begin to understand no matter how strong or what solution you come up with, your grandfather won't be able to let you go with a calm heart.
"Who else advised you against your ideas?" Robin asks you.
"Law." - "Law?" says Nami in surprise.
"Yes, Law. He said it wouldn't be a good idea to sail into the world with pirates." - "Ohh what a gentleman..." She rolls her eyes and lets herself fall a little backwards. She sighs with satisfaction as her back touches the soft pillows.
"Maybe he just wanted to warn you how hard the pirate life is compared to your princess life? No more soft silk cushions, no servants to bring you anything you want with a smile, no expensive wine, no privacy, no carefree life…" Before she can add any more points, you stop her by pressing your hand over her mouth and she looks at you in surprise.
"Yes, yes, I know all that, but it's not something I would miss, for sure." You lean back and let go of her mouth. You groan with frustration as you empty your glass in one go.
"I don't want to be adored or wrapped in cotton. Besides, I want to learn more about my powers and that's something even my grandfather forbids me to do." Nami and Robin look at you questioningly. You tell them as much as you can remember about the big disaster back then. How you unleashed forces that almost caused more destruction than the pirates who attacked you.
They hang eagerly on your lips, their emotions wavering between amazement and sadness as you tell them about it. You talk about how your grandfather sank into a deep hole and a dark year in the history of his reign followed. Until the day you woke up from your coma.
"When I woke up again, I couldn't remember anything. A few memories came back little by little, but most of them are gone. My grandfather then made the decision, to burn all unimportant or dangerous scripts and hid artifacts about the Taimu Taimu fruit, so that I would never be able to unleash my true potential." - "But that only means you can't fully control your power..." Robin interrupts you. You nod at her with a smile.
"Maybe so, but explain that to the king." You shrug your shoulders "And your uncle? Can't he help you?" - "Zelos? He would never go against the king's word. He already gets himself into enough trouble to help me, but he can't do anything about it himself."
Talking to the girls was like balm for your soul. In the palace, you have no one you could talk to so freely about such things. Even though Thalia is always there for you, you can't even tell her certain things. You feel a bit bad because you don't even believe that Thalia would shun you. If anything, she's the 'don't just live your life, love it as well' type of girl.
"Hey, you look so sad again. You should try this!" Nami appears in your field of vision and holds up a pastry to your face. Chuckling, you take the treat and bite into it. It's so fluffy and sweet.
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"Hey y/n what do you say? How do I look?" Nami grabs her attire by the sides and turns slightly in front of you so that you can see her from all sides.
The tight fitting of the satin gown emphasizes her figure and the folds of the fabric drape elegantly over her various curves. Colorful accents in soft shades of pink and gold are set into the fabric. The color is definitely hers.
"It looks so good on you! But there's still something missing!" You walk through the store while a few attendants trot after you, with dresses in their arms. You go to a stand where bracelets with silk shawls are hanging, searching for a certain color. Your eyes widen in delight as you find the perfect one.
You walk back happily with the bracelets in your hand.
"Here, you have to attach these to your upper arms. The fabric will blow behind you like a veil." You help her put the hoops on and smile at her as you take a step back to have a look at Nami.
"Aww those are so pretty! That rose gold goes really well with the gown and the veils even glitter slightly in the light!" Enchanted, she looks at herself in the mirror.
" I have to say, Princess, your country has such a romantic taste in fashion." - "If you say so." You laugh into your hand.
"What about you?" - "Me?! No no, I certainly have enough dresses in the palace." You cross your arms in front of you.
"But there's another store I'd like to go to." - "Oh yeah? Where do you want to go?" she calls out as she changes in the fitting room.
"There's a little bookshop here and the owner is an author himself. My favorite author, to be exact, and he's published a new book that I have to buy!" By the end of your sentence, your excitement was hard to ignore, you've been waiting for him to finish it for ages now. It's a sequel to a romance and the first part pretty much ended in a cliffhanger.
Nami steps out of the cabin in her own clothes. One of your servants stepped right up to her and held out his arm.
"Lady Nami, let me carry this for you." He spoke politely.
"I could reaaaally get used to this!" Laughing like a little princess with her nose up, she put her clothes on his arm. This would look arrogant on someone else, but Nami just has such charisma that you can't really be mad at her.
You hook yourself into her arm and walk towards the exit together. The shopkeeper thanks you for your visit and gives you a respectful bow.
"Hey wait!" Nami stops in her tracks and you fall back, a little in surprise.
"I forgot to pay for this!" As she turns back around, you hold her tightly and shake your head.
"Don't worry about it, the owner will just send us the bill and Grandpa will pay it." You gasp a little as Nami jumps into your arms with hearts in her eyes.
"This is a DREAM!" She cries wildly and the servants all rush to help her with tissues.
On the streets, people greet you with happy faces. They love you. They cherish you. They worship you… Of course you like attention but it always feels like they only love what you do and not who you are. With your distinguished manner, you return every wave, smile and chat with anyone who comes your way.
That's part of your job as a princess. You must be kind and generous to your people, because the harmony in Tanata depends on the royal house and the stronger the bond between the people and the royal house, the better.
"Hoowww you haven't finished it yet?!" You rest your arms on the counter in despair and hang your head.
"I'm sorry princess but somehow I'm lacking a bit of inspiration…" The bookshop owner is just as depressed as you are and you both compete in sulking.
"Inspiration?" Nami wonders.
"Yes, somehow everything I have in my head is so dull and nothing new…" The owner grips the back of his neck a little ashamed.
"Oh come on, this book is my only chance of romance." You cry like a waterfall. You've read the first part so many times that you have it all memorized by now. When you heard that he was writing a second part, you immediately rushed to his bookshop to confirm the rumor.
"Sorry princess… I was hoping I could get some inspiration from your guests, after all, today is the party for little Princess Megara!" Hope sparkles in his eyes.
"Shit!" slips out of your mouth and you quickly put your hand over your lips. Your servants and the bookshop owner react in shock.
"Your Highness, please watch your language!" you hold back the eye roll and smile apologetically at them.
"I completely forgot that today is the big banquet for the birth of Megara… we should get back to the palace Nami!" You grab the redhead by the hand and stormed out of the store.
"Hey, why are you in such a hurry!" you look over your shoulder at her "I still have to prepare the present for Megara!"
Back in the palace, you hurry into the dressing room and search through all the drawers until you come across a small chest. You pause for a moment as you hold the small blue chest in your hands. Your fingers run over the engraving and a small stab goes through your heart.
"Did this belong to your mother?" Nami asks when she sees the name on the chest.
"Yes." You say in a low voice. You hesitate slightly before you finally bring yourself to open it.
On a small cushion lies a beautiful laurel crown with unique details. The crown is adorned with fine moonstone dahlias and carefully you hold your mother's crown in your hands.
"It's beautiful." Nami swears.
You carefully place it in a flat gift box and tie a bow around it.
"I think it will look very good on Megara." You both smile at each other and leave the room together.
"Well then, let's get dressed up for the banquet!"
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After you and Nami went your separate ways, you went to change your clothes and Nami went back to Hera's palace. You agreed with her that you would pick up the whole gang, when it was time for the banquet, so that you could all go into town together. When the time came, you started to get a little nervous. You're really looking forward to the party.
Arriving at the huge door of the Heras palace, you take a deep breath before stepping inside. As you open it, you are immediately struck by the sight of Law in the hall, talking to Zoro and Ambrosios.
He looks simply incredible in the traditional attire... You try to control your face as the guys notice you.
"Hey hey heeey, Ambrosios… What are you doing here?" You try to make your expression look like you're surprised by his presence. The warrior rubs his eyes as his gaze fell on your cleavage.
"Princess?!" He eyes you up and down. "Is that you? Yes, it's you! I thought I saw an angel…" He runs his fingers through your hair and smiles charmingly at you. You stick a finger down your throat in a symbolic gesture and imitate a gagging sound. You think of Nami's words, but no matter how hot he is, he doesn't trigger anything in you. In your eyes, he's just a typical heartbreaker.
"Distance big man." You turn away from him. Your eyes go around. The hall is large and the nearby fireplace room is always open. A few pirates have gathered there, the only ones you haven't seen yet are the girls Ikkaku, Nami and Robin.
"The girls aren't ready yet?" - "Nope, it'll probably take a little longer. Women…" Zoro answers you somewhat sneeringly. You have to laugh at his comment and playfully nudge him in the side so that his robe, which he must have struggled to put on, gets loose.
"Don't say that so loudly you greenhead, you know how hard it is to get into those clothes. The women's clothing is actually much more complicated than the men's." Ambrosios comes close to you and strokes your shoulders.
"And much nicer." He winks at you. You shake his hands off before he starts to laugh. He whispers 'Don't be like that' but you don't respond. He just wants to play with you.
"Law, did Bepo get my present?" you clap your hands together and get a little closer to him. You asked Law to give Bepo a cloak that you got specially tailored for the mink.
He no longer keeps his distance when you approach him, he's gotten used to it over time. This is good for you, as you no longer have to be ashamed because he always reacted a little awkwardly.
"Yes, he even wears the cloak." He mentions coolly while pointing at the polar bear. Your eyes follow his elegant fingers. For a moment, your gaze lingers on his tattoos. The black color on his knuckles flatters his skin color.
When you catch the sight of the bear, it leaves you flushed and you run into the mink's arms.
"Awww Bepo! That looks so good on you!" You literally jump into his face as you wrap your arms around him. The polar bear returns your hug and rubs his cheek against yours.
"Hehe… you're the one who looks gorgeous!" - "Awww you're so cute!" Gently, the Mink lets you down onto the floor, being very careful not to step on your gown.
You're always fabulously dressed either way, but today's outfit was a little more revealing than usual. After all, it's a party and you wanted to be a little more daring. Not only are you showing a little more skin, but your robe is tinted to match your eyes and it's obvious from a distance that you're wrapped in only the most expensive fabrics. Jewelry on both arms and a long veil is attached to your shoulders which blows slightly in the wind when you walk.
When the girls came into the hall and you were sure that everyone was there, you set off together into the city, to celebrate the birth of the new Princess Megara.
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Excited already? I definitely am XD The banquet will surely be a pretty long chapter so I have to finish chapter 15 like this. If I had continued, I would have had a hard time finding a cut. I'm looking forward to writing the banquet chapter for WEEKS, so you can be sure I'll post it this week :D
See you next time, kiss kiss ♡
➽ Next chapter
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biggie-chcese · 1 month
concepts for kurumi wendy gumshoe gabs because why the fresh fuck did they not give her any like actually hey kodaka can we talk-
(rain code spoilers btw)(also gab will stop sounding like a word to you)
im gonna try to structure a kurumi gumshoe gab set but i will not be writing the conversations out bc im sorry girl but 1. im not obsessed with her enough to basically write a fic and 2. i think the conversations would still be comparatively dull due to yuma's function being "the normal one" to contrast the rest of the kooky cast and kurumi's function as essentially the same thing but also as a love interest and exposition dropper. but i still wanna at least give a model of what her conversations would be like for funsies. I'll be mixing what i think would realistically happen if they gave her gabs and also what i think should happen. alright let's get started
first off, obviously they shouldnt be available until after ch 2. maybe in ch 3 you get a new gab page and yuma can start finding new gabs out in the overworld (what sort of gem color would she have??? jade? is that too close to vivia's emerald? i dont wanna say some shit like rose gold). im not coming up with locations and hints sorry idc that much.
GAB #1
the first gab is them jumping over the hurdle of "wait we don't really have much interaction besides investigating murders and blushing dumbly" which is primarily what irks me in the game's efforts to push her as a love interest. at least let us watch yuma spend some god damn time with her holy shit WHYYY doesn't she have any fucking gumshoe gabs I'm going insa-
erm anyway let's make em have a casual talk abt something. yuma would probably start off like "this is the first time ive really been alone with kurumi ahh i dont know what to say this is awkward ahhhh" and shinigami gets rightfully annoyed with his cuckly behavior. but in an effort to save the awkwardness yuma asks her about her work as an informant. i think she'd enthusiastically spout off about it and how her grandfather inspired her (though keeping it vague because i think she could save more talk of missing family members for later). maybe she talks about her first forway into her informant work and a certain mishap that occured, yuma has to guess what happened bc she's a little embarrassed about it (this is whwre the dialogue options come in). but it's completely harmless. maybe she got spotted by the person she was tailing and then got a slap on the wrist and sent home. yuma finds it a little endearing, shinigami gives the bond level up message, and there. solid conversation. next
GAB #2
yuma asks her what exactly got her so interested in detectives. did she read heroic novels about them? did she see their noble efforts in the headlines? was she personally saved by one? the possibilities are endless and could all be answered here. actually lets have her teasingly make yuma guess here. poof, there's your dialogue options.
maybe she can even have a little kookiness as a treat and accidentally let the true nature of her admiration for detectives slip for a moment where it pretty much crosses the line of "that's a bit creepy". not towards yuma but still something a bit off putting like obsessively keeping track of her favorite detectives' activities or having information about their personal lives she absolutely shouldn't have (informant + proud participant in WDO stan culture is a dangerous combo) but she also misses doing that because now kanai ward is isolated. yuma could also be like "wait isnt what you were doing then a bit too much?" but it gets dismissed by shinigami telling him they levelled up their bond
this one should be about aiko methinks. yuma catches kurumi in a down mood and asks what's up and it goes from there. she gives us more detail into her friendship with aiko and maybe she could even actually acknowledge the deaths of those theatre club girls and mention how chillingly quiet the club has gotten. she tells yuma that she tries not to think about it, but the empty space they left behind is immense... yuma's dialogue choices may be to try to cheer up/comfort her. thank you, next
perhaps now she can talk about her grandpa (and also maybe drop how that home situation is cause girl where are your parents). she could talk about her mission in finding him cause he must be out there!!! somewhere!!!! this shit could be sentimental or smth. she could say something about kanai ward's nearly extinct species of people who are still fighting for the truth and how even when things are dangerous she remembers that no one else will do it so she's gotta step it up. she'd pivot that over to saying how glad she is that the master detectives are here bc of that, and yuma could have dialogue options where the correct choice is basically saying he admires her for that. idk. next
The Fiverrrrrrr
final gab. i was gonna be funny and say "probably another love confession like fubuki's and then yuma hits her with the nuh-uh" but due to the nature of the epilogue i actually dont think it does exactly that. maybe kurumi is stuck on a small, separate thing she's investigating and she summarizes what's up. i think it could potentially be a more personal problem or at least something she can connect to (another girl in school missing a family member? idk) so that it's a bit obvious she's more frustrated in not finding any leads. yuma helps her out a little in finding a lead (this is where the dialogue choices come in) and after thanking him, kurumi is like "y'know, we make a pretty great team" (flirting, but yuma doesnt read it that way.) shinigami groans and maybe even fusses about how she's yuma's partner but this goes ignored. and of course yuma's dense ass is like yeah i think you have the makings of a great informant and detective and he essentially coworker-zones her. kurumi then asks about how they could still maybe possibly work like this together perhaps maybe 👉 👈 🥹 after solving kanai ward's ultimate secret and yuma happily agrees. this will make his choice in the epilogue to fuck off to florida without much of a goodbye even funnier.
anyway thats it for my kurumi gumshoe gabs thanks for reading
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sarahs-secrets2 · 2 years
Slow Burn (Phillip Graves x Reader) ࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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Sarah stop making plots out of song challenge difficulty impossible!!!!!
AHHHH!!! I'm writing outside of my schedule. He is Kacey Musgraves' album Golden Hour coded I don't make the rules sorry. There's like this timeline throughout the story in italics which starts in high school, then like early military era, then early Shadow Company, so I hope it translates well LMAO. Anyways here's some fluff rahhhhhh
Based on Slow Burn by Kacey Musgraves
gn! (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: probably a tad OOC oops, pet names, COUNTRY TWANG (just major fluff)
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“Whaddya say, we got a date?”Phillip was holding one of your hands rubbing his thumb up along the lines in your palm as he anxiously awaited your answer. 
“Of course Commander, I’d be honored”, smiling back at him as you raised his hands up to your mouth, placing a small kiss on the backs of his fingers. 
“Pick ya up at 8 darling”, he winked as he squeezed your hand and jogged off, turning around to smile back at you as he disappeared down the hallway of the Shadow’s base. 
You and Phillip grew up together in Texas, following each other to the military, and then helping him establish Shadow Company. The two of you were inseparable. In high school, your crush on Phillip became all-consuming, but you could never tell him, it would risk your friendship. 
Timing never worked out for you two. Phillip Graves was a charmer, always with a trail of girls following him around waiting to be next while you sat and watched.
“Must be nice Phil”, you laughed pointing towards the girls who were whispering and giggling towards the handsome blonde stood next to you. 
“Which you think I got the best chance with?”, you hated when he did this because the honest answer was with you. Phillip being oblivious to this of course. “I'm thinkin’ the brunette, or the redhead even,”.
“Oh shut up Graves, you’re so full of yourself, c’mon we got class”, attempting to wave him on from his adoring “fans”. 
Graves finally realized he had feelings for you a year into both of your military careers. Of course, he had always cared about you but he had found himself going out of his way to be next to you more, and whenever you were talking to someone else a creeping feeling of jealousy took over, which he wasn't proud of. 
“C’mon we gotta go”, Graves was tugging your arm pulling you away from the conversation you were having. 
“Phil, wait like 5 minutes I’m in the middle of something”, attempting to get him to calm down for the time being. 
“This is serious, c’mon”, giving into his tugging, you waved sorry to the rookie you were talking to.
“Graves, what the hell?”, he was going to pull your arm off the way he was dragging you through the mess hall. 
“You shouldn't be talkin’ to him”, the second the sentence left his lips, you stopped in your tracks causing Phillip to finally drop your arm. 
“That’s not your decision Phillip, what has gotten into you lately?”, he hid his eyes from you.
“I'm just tryna protect you doll”, his eyes fully glued to some random tile on the floor. 
“I can handle myself, you know that right?” he knew that, he wasn't dumb, it was something he admired you for actually. He wanted to be the one to protect you though. 
You and Phillip had become subconsciously aware of each other's feelings over time. Lingering touches and stares became a habit for the two of you as you waited for someone to make the first move. 
“Dear, are you and Phillip Graves ever gonna finally get together, me and his mama are getting old, and we need some grandbabies”, your mom had this habit of managing your love life, she was the biggest “Phillip Graves” fan as well, always rooting for the two of you to together. 
“Ma, we got Shadow Company, I don't think either of us has time to date or even time for children,”
“Honey, I’m not getting any younger waiting around for the two of you, hurry it up for your mama why don’t you”,
“Okay ma I got it don’t worry, I’ll talk to you later, love ya”, hanging up the phone, you laughed to yourself at how persistent she had gotten over the years about you and Phil, if only he had taken the hint from his mom. 
Shadows and Phillip kept you busy, sure you still had a massive crush on him but it could wait, for the time being, your focus was on keeping the Shadows and Graves safe on missions. 
“Your mama call you too? I just got an earful, I’ll tell you”, you and Phillip were walking through the base after a mission, trying to wind down. 
“Yup heard it all, trust me”, laughing to yourself as you recalled your mom talking your ear off earlier. Phillip was nudging you as the both of you slowly walked down the hall.
“Ya know… I've liked you for a while now”, he had stopped to look at you when he said this.
“What's a while Phil, because I might have you beat”, you were blushing just thinking about how your little high school crush had grown into a man in front of you, and how the both of you were finally admitting the built-up feelings after a push from your moms.
“A while since I tugged you away from that stupid rookie in the mess hallway back in our early military days”, his arms folded across his chest as he smirked back at you. 
“I win, I’ve had a thing for you since high school, handsome”, winking at him.
“You’re joking?”, he was laughing as if you were lying to him.
“I wish Graves, trust me, waiting isn't easy”, while you spoke, Phillip grabbed your hand tracing it with his thumb. 
“How dare I make someone as special as you wait any longer, whaddya say we got a date?”
At the end of the date, Phillip helped you out of his pickup truck, and the both of you held hands as you walked back into the base. 
“Now I hope you don't get the wrong impression of me darling, I don't usually let girls come home with me on the first date”, he laughed at his own joke, earning a small punch on the shoulder from you. 
“Think about the grandbabies Phillip, our poor mothers”, laughing along with him. You two walked slower than normal trying to enjoy the time together, Phillip put an arm around your shoulder pulling you into him, fully wrapping you in his scent as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
“This is nice darlin’, sorry I’m such an idiot and didn't put it together sooner, been kicking myself all night over it”, you could tell he was genuinely upset about it. 
“Phil, I’m sorry I didn't say anything, guess I’ve always been too nervous to ruin our friendship” looking up at him shyly. 
“You did ruin it doll, but in the best way possible”, he was smiling back at you, as he placed a small kiss on your forehead. “Now let me get you back to your room, can’t keep you out all night, what kind of gentleman would I be”, placing his hand on your lower back he guided you down the halls. 
“This is me”, glancing at the door and back at Phillip.
“I see that," he nodded at the door, "is this the part where I kiss you?”
“Well, I don’t kiss and tell Commander so that one is up to you”, giving him a small smirk. Phillip tilted your chin up to him, leaning down and placing his lips on yours giving a slow, meaningful kiss. 
“Don't go kissin’ and tellin’ now” he whispered as you both pulled away for air. 
“Wouldn't dream of it Phil,” your hands slid up to rest on his chest as you two stood basking in each other's presence, not worried if someone decided to wander down the hall and catch the pair of you together. “Not to stress you out, but what does this make us?”.
“I'm not sure darlin’, let's just take it slow for now, I want to enjoy every second of it with you”, he smiled at you, raising his hand to cup your face.
“I waited this long, I’m alright with a slow burn”
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Nah cause why is this my best one yet LMFAOOOO
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loquaciousquark · 9 months
hi! i’ve been a fan of your writing since da2 and i’m so glad you’re playing bg3 now too. it’s been really interesting following your play throughs and character choices and how that ties in with your fic. i know you went with the choice to have astarion kill tav when he firsts bites her because it’s hilarious and i always want to do that, but i think i’d miss the scene after with the whole camp (and all the approval for defending him lol) and ahhhh i just don’t know! if you feel like it, i was wondering if you would talk more about your HCs around that choice and what to you makes it worth losing the morning after scene with everyone because i feel like it’s such an important group moment but… i want to punch him for killing me and also kind of slow things down with him so we stay just reluctant but oddly compelled allies for longer
Ahhh, what a fabulous question! Thank you so very much for this handcrafted opportunity to sit you down at my kitchen table with a cup of coffee and trap you for the next three and a half hours.
So the first bite scene ending in Tav's death wasn't actually intentional! I started playing BG3 in a three-person MP team with @eponymous-rose and @mystery-moose, and it so happened that my character (Tavish Gale, already ironclad) was the one who came across the boar and triggered the bite scene that night. By pure chance I rolled two natural ones on both those checks, and when it cut to the next morning and Tav was outright DEAD, we couldn't stop laughing! We had no idea what to expect or what the consequences would be, and when I switched to a SP campaign so I could horrifically binge this game like the gremlin I am, I felt compelled to recreate that glorious, character-defining moment.
However, as you note, that does mean you miss out on that lovely post-feed conversation where everyone says they're okay with him. On the other hand, you get that absolutely flat read of "Oh no. Something terrible happened here. :|" and then you get to punch him, so, you know, basically equal losses on either path. I know you get a ton of approval points after with the survival track, but I'm finding I'm not hurting for approval even in early game (I actually had to go and mod his approval 15 points lower about halfway through Act 1 this run because I was triggering his romance scene too early ahead of the party).
I actually need to probably sit down and write out the details of what happens here, but I do think a couple things take place. I know for sure that Tav fails the checks & doesn't fight it because she gets sucked into the feeling of relaxation and lethargy and the sense that nothing matters anymore. She spends most of Acts 1 & 2 fairly certain they're going to die any day, so why not live life to the fullest and do whatever you want in the moment without thinking about the consequences? If she's going to go out early anyway, why not to a relatively painless vampire bite instead of the agony of ceremorphosis? She probably realizes she's dying in those last seconds, but it's very much a "finally" instead of "oh no," so it's not really any skin off her nose.
I'm almost certain Astarion is shocked out of his mind when her heart stops. I don't think he realizes what's happened until he sits back and she's ice-cold and smiling, and his first instinct is to run off into the dark ASAP before everyone else wakes up and shanks him. Except because this happens IN THE MIDDLE OF CAMP, LARIAN, I think someone sees the whole thing go down and realizes Astarion didn't mean to do it and Tav was a brick-thick idiot who leaned all the way into her own death.
On pondering, I kind of think it was Shadowheart, who is utterly disgusted with both of them but who also knows she can bring Tav back with a scroll and does so without much drama. She'd be the kind of person to see what was going on, but who doesn't care enough to intervene or go "hey everything okay over here I can't help but notice you're engaging in some risky behavior", but who also wouldn't leap to TIME TO KILL ASTARION the moment it went too far.
I think Tav wakes up with a raging headache, and now that there are suddenly consequences she can't immediately brush off, she gets embarrassed and mad. Cue the punch, the argument, and probably everyone else waking up in the aftermath. Lae'zel initially wants to boot him from the group, I think, but Tav's anger burns out pretty quick (and she's pretty aware of her own failures to stop him), and she points out that if they're going to saddle themselves with Wyll's, Gale's, and her own baggage, it'd be pretty hypocritical to dump Astarion over his. So we still get some defense of him to the group, and I think Karlach (and probably Wyll, and honestly maybe Shadowheart who saw his fear) would be onboard with keeping him around pretty quickly. Promises never to do it again, keep your teeth to yourself, etc.
Astarion I think spends this entire conversation very, very scared and doing everything he can to hide it. I think he's completely overwhelmed by euphorically feeding on a thinking creature for the first time and then completely horrified by killing her - not because he likes her but because what if this is why Cazador commanded us not to, what if I can't control myself on my own without his compulsion, what if I really am the beast he's always said. He's panicking from the outrageous swings of emotion and talking really quickly and trying to put up a bold front, but inside he's about half a hair from snapping off into the woods and never coming back.
I think it's the punch that kind of shocks him out of the spiral, and then Tav then defending him to the group helps him flip into the "well obviously I deserve to stay and in fact to kick me out of the group would be not only stupid, but deadly" mode long enough to get through the night. He tries to put on the usual devil-may-care indifference, even though everyone can see through it, and they have a tense few days where everyone's pretending everything is fine even though it's really, really not.
Astarion & Tav are also avoiding each other religiously here, until something happens in a battle (the harpies, I think) and one of them gets injured because of that avoidance. That night, Tav stakes him to the ground and makes them talk about it. I think this is where she says she's not actually averse to him feeding on her and in fact asks him to do it that night - to get them both over the hump of what happened the first time. Astarion needs to feed without fear & she needs to not get swept up in the lethargy, and if he's going to get back to the sneering equilibrium he ought to have in the first and second acts, he needs to be successful at this and he needs to feel like he's won, or at least like he has an edge over her again. She's a little transparent about wanting to be bled in part to help him get back to this position of control, and in part because she does like forgetting the weight of reality, and in part because, again, they're gonna die in like twelve hours, surely, so who cares?
Anyway, it goes as well as it can for the two of them, even if they're both a little prickly throughout, and by the end they're a lot more comfortably back in that manipulative space they prefer. From there it moves on compliantly with canon into the party leadup (Loviatar and such) and then the party itself, and then progresses as scheduled with the rest of the game.
Ahh, it's so fun to think about these kinds of things. I'll continue to ponder, but I think this is either it for them or very close. Thank you so much for asking and for letting me ruminate! <3
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vro0m · 10 months
vro0m's rewatch - 177/332
2016 British GP
British GP time, round uh… 10, already.
Oh dear it's WET. They're gonna start behind the safety car and Brundle thinks it's a mistake because he's an idiot.
The grid : Lewis on pole, Nico, Verstappen, Ricciardo, Raikkonen, Valtteri, Sainz, Hulkenberg, Alonso, Perez. Seb is P11 due to a grid penalty. Ericsson apparently crashed in quali and had to go through a medical to be allowed to race. He's starting from the pitlane because they had to rebuild the car. 
Anyway Lewis arrived looking very happy. He actually set a track record with his quali lap, after getting his first Q3 lap deleted for track limits. He's the first man with 4 poles here. He was 0.3 ahead of Nico and 1 second clear of Max. 
Johnny talks to Lewis as he's signing caps near the stands. He says they have the best fans in the world and being there never gets old. They have sound issues so the mic cuts off. It's been doing so in every interview. Johnny says being on pole must be very important for him in the championship. "Well I've gotta win the race first so…" he says pragmatically. Johnny is still talking but Lewis is just up on the stand throwing the caps over the barriers in the crowd. "Oh he's gone," Johnny says but they're still live so he tries to get his attention back. He gets up there with him. He asks what he's gonna to do for these fans that are here for him today. Lewis doesn't acknowledge him and keeps throwing the caps so Johnny amps it up a bit. "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO LEWIS HAMILTOOOOOOON?" he yells announcer style. The crowd roars. Lewis doesn't answer. Johnny repeats "what are you gonna do?" Lewis mumbles : "What I can, what I can." Then he's climbing the fence so that's it, Johnny is not following him there. 
Simon says the day before he was supposed to spend 10 minutes with the crowd and stayed an hour. We see him sign a Wellington Boot. ANGELA IS HERE AGAIN! Ahhhh. 
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Oh ho ho, the skysports team went karting with him ! Happy place. First thing they do is show him an old photo of his karting days.
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He's in a blue and yellow suit smiling wide, holding a trophy. He asks where it was so they read the trophy plaque. Trent valley kart club, he arrived second. "Why you got a picture of me in second," he asks. "still pretty happy I was in second," he adds. "I was much happier then, finishing second!" They laugh. They show him a photo of Johnny Herbert as well. "Is it 1947?" he jokes, deadpan. Finally, it's a photo of Brundle, with a semi long mop of hair that Lewis compares to the Beatles.
They're gonna race in teams of 2 so they bring in other sky reporters to join them. Lewis, Johnny and Brundle will all have a team and they need to choose between Simon and the two others as teammates. Who gets the first pick is decided by a turn at one of those fair games where you have to hit a button with a hammer as hard as you can.
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Lewis says it's usually the guy with the bigger belly that has the most strength so he suggests Johnny goes first. "Johnny don't let that team down!" Johnny says it's hammer time so Lewis should go first. "Johnny, Johnny," Lewis interrupts, smiling. "You're always commenting on me so I have to rip into you when I can." In the end Brundle goes first, he does terribly. Herbert does pretty well. But Lewis wins even though there was an issue with his turn. Simon asks Lewis who he's choosing : the Italian, the German, "or the slowest driver" as he points to himself. Lewis exhales. "Are you really the slowest?" – "I don't know. But I am from Britain." – "That's what I'm thinking. I think I'll stick with the Brits." They touch hands. "But don't let me down!" – "I probably will," Simon says. Johnny chooses Sascha Roos. That means Brundle is with Davide Valsecchi.
The race begins! 5 laps per driver. Simon takes the lead ! He's slow in the relay though. Someone else has not stopped when they should have. Lewis is second but Johnny overtakes him. In the end, Brundle finished first, Lewis second and Johnny third. Simon says Brundle did more laps than the others. Time to debrief. "Let's start with a bit of gloating," Simon starts. He has a victorious gesture and shakes Lewis' hand who says "You're saying that we won. I've not had any confirmation of that."
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"I can count to ten, so can you, these two, not so sure," he says, while the other two snicker. "In your dreams," Brundle says. 
Moving on to the real topic. "Week at the British grand prix, though," Simon says. "Yeah this is actually the worst preparation that I could possibly have," Lewis jokes, still deadpan as they laugh. "But uh… I'm always game so…" he adds with a grin. "I just didn't love doing it (as he massages his lower back). The 'other one' would definitely not have (done or condoned?) this, that's for sure." Simon laughs. "But you did let me win," Brundle says, "whereas you don't tend to wanna let him win." – "Well I didn't actually let you win, I would never, ever do that. Ever." Lewis says. "I was actually, I was thinking we were gonna have a race that's why I tried blocking you." He says given they only had 5 laps he thought they bunch on and have a race when Brundle just went past. "Absolutely right," Brundle laughs. About the weekend Lewis says it gets better and better every year. "Regardless of the result we get, it's just an epic weekend." Brundle asks if there's any baggage coming with the last race weekend in the team. (You know, the collision with Nico, again.) "My backpack's completely empty," he says, somewhat defiantly.
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"I feel very light, great, I'm just gonna try and focus on the great things" such as the fans and what a great weekend it can be. "And the fact that I wanna win it." – "So between the two races then," Brundle begins, "there wouldn't be phonecalls–" – "My phone's been off the last two days," Lewis calmly cuts him off. "Been chilling. Chilling. By a nice river with the biggest smile on my face cause (he breaks into laughter) I won the last race!"
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Simon asks how he's enjoying this championship battle compared to the others' he's won. "I think it's one of the hardest if not probably the hardest season I've had so far, generally because of the issues that we've had, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, I think, there's no better time actually to have a difficult season but… I feel very strong, so… " He smiles. "We shall see how it goes." 
The sun is shining although the horizon is dark as they get ready for the start. 
And here they go! Behind the safety car. 
Seb says there's "quite a bit of standing water" on specific parts of the track. The SC doesn't come in yet. Lewis agrees. "Big puddles of aquaplaning still." Another lap. Lewis says they can move to inters "pretty soon". Then he adds the SC is too slow to build temperature. This is getting critical now, the SC should come in. "Can we go, Charlie?" Lewis asks almost moodily. Finally, SC coming in at the end of lap 5. Ricciardo is asked about the tyres and asks for inters and ohhh my god. Lewis almost collided with the safety car. Careful now! They were just joking that it's only the second race of the season Lewis has been leading at the end of the first lap after starting on pole, better not be taken out by the safety car this time.
Here we go for good! Great restart for Lewis. Plenty of cars dive in the pits immediately but not the top 4. Loads of traffic in the pitlane, two cars almost collided. Nico is struggling in these conditions and Max is ready to attack any moment now. Daniel pits the next lap. Yellow flags! Wehrlein is beached in the gravel. Double waved yellows. Virtual safety car. Everybody slows down. "If we can survive the aquaplaning," Daniel said when asked about the tyres. This one did not. Lewis pits! Nico and Max as well. Nico hasn't had to wait at all. Good job Merc! They go again. Nico is constantly losing time on Lewis. 
Lap 10. Lewis, Nico +5.2, Max +2.7, Perez +4.6, Ricciardo +5.6, Raikkonen +4.7, Sainz +2.6, Massa +1.8, Valtteri +0.7, and Hulkenberg +0.5. This battle for P7 also includes Alonso, 0.6 behind Hulkenberg and Seb 0.9 behind him. Hulkenberg overtook Valtteri but Valtteri got the place back. Haryanto spun but got back on track. Ericsson has issues with his engine. And then Verstappen sets the fastest lap of the race and Valtteri spins! He lost 5 places or something! Ericsson is retiring, probably. Nico is warned it's important to look after the tyres. He's closing the gap to Lewis very quickly suddenly… Hulkenberg is attacking Massa for P8. Can't make it quite yet, the Williams has good straight line speed. Max is also catching Nico quickly, but Lewis sets the fastest lap again. Hulkenberg attacks Massa finally but Massa defends firmly. Also in the aerial view it's clear Hulkenberg almost lost it several times slipping around. Max is told he's on Lewis' pace and everybody else is a second slower. The gaps have stabilised though. Max thinks we're getting close to dry tyres. Hulkenberg is still chasing Massa but he's under pressure from Alonso and goes wide. Alonso can't get past but Hulkenberg lost time on Massa. Then they catch up again. And Max is only half a second behind Nico! The cars are starting to look for water to cool down the tyres. Seb is the first to pit for dry tyres. Meanwhile, Max does the same thing Hulkenberg did : attacking Nico he almost lost it and collided with him. And Max overtakes him soon after! Nico is truly struggling. He tries to come back at him but can't. I'm gonna need a replay. Ahhh Nico made a mistake. He slid slightly after clipping the kerb. This might be Max's Race. As in his big break or something I feel like. I know he's already won once but as far as I remember it wasn't that type of race. He's doing a good job and playing with the adults there. Loads of pit stops are underway. AND AN INCREDIBLE MISTAKE AT RENAULT ! Palmer was allowed to leave the box without a right rear! He stops pretty much immediately but still they have to slowly roll him back the few metres to get it on. Lewis pits! And Nico, at the same time, again! Of course he was too far behind for it to be an issue in the pits. Daniel is in, Perez is in… Max is still out. Critical moment. AND SEB SPUN! Damn. At the end of the first 10 laps I almost said I expected it to be pretty straightforward then I thought better because you never know in F1 and indeed. Max pits as well the next lap. Lewis is back in the lead. Palmer and Renault are under investigation for unsafe release, of course. Meanwhile Grosjean is driving around really slowly. Kvyat sets the fastest lap somehow. Then Nasr. Sainz almost lost it, and Kvyat went really wide as well. 
Lap 20. Palmer gets a 10 second stop go penalty. That's severe given it was the team's fault. The order goes Lewis, Max +5.7, Nico +4.4, Perez +10.8, Ricciardo +1.4, Raikkonen +13.9, Sainz +2.5, Hulkenberg +7.3, Massa +1.5, and he's actually wheel to wheel with Alonso but stays ahead. For now. Max is currently faster than Lewis. The Massa - Alonso battle is ongoing but the Williams stays ahead unlike Perez who gets overtaken by Ricciardo, for P4. And this time Lewis sets the fastest lap. Is he responding? Annnd Max loses it and goes very wide. Crazy how stable Lewis is with his car in these conditions btw. On the radio, Bono tells him : "Let's just keep an open mind, people might be trying to go to the end." Lewis answers : "I wanna go to the end on these." Raikkonen did about the same thing Max did earlier. And Nico is picking up the pace, he sets the fastest lap. Ohhh and Alonso spun violently and ended up in the gravel! He still manages to save it and leave again but he just has lost so many places. He gets overtaken by Valtteri, tries to muscle through, can't, but then Val goes wide as well and gets himself attacked by Nasr! He manages to defend though. Meanwhile Nico sets another fastest lap. And then it's Sainz spinning! Jesus christ I've rarely seen so many cars lose their grip in a single race! Yellow flags in sector 1… Haryanto is beached in the gravel. Given the tracks you can tell he slid sideways through it all until he met the barriers. There’s no catching that. Oh… and Lewis is off track as well. And on again. I don't know what mistake he made but he must have lost precious time. Meanwhile Nico is half a second behind Max now. Oh yeah Lewis slightly lost the rear into turn one and managed to catch it but locked up which is why he went wide. Ah and Max actually did the exact same thing right behind him which is why Nico is so close! Seb overtakes Kvyat for P10, it was very close wheel to wheel racing. Clean af. Sexy. 
It's lap 30. Lewis, Max +3.7, Nico +1. Then the others are lost in the sauce. Daniel is +15.5 behind the podium, followed by Perez +10.1, Raikkonen +18.2, Hulkenberg +2.3, Sainz +4.9, Massa +4.6, and Seb +1.6. Max was getting himself out of DRS threat from Nico but he made a small mistake in the traffic and the Merc is now half a second behind him. He's complaining about the blue flags. Nico attacks Max with DRS but can't make it. Can they really all make it to the end on these tyres ? And Perez slipped. Nico attacks again, but still no. He keeps pressuring him. The commentators sound already completely enamoured with him. Nico says Max has changed trajectory twice to defend which isn't allowed. I didn't see it happening. Nico moves down the outside but that's still not enough! He's only 0.2 behind him. Max says he's struggling with the rear now. Everybody's wondering if he's gonna pit but he stays out. Seb attacked Massa but he couldn't make the turn and Massa says he got pushed out. He's gonna have to give the position back for sure. And Nico finally overtakes Max! Seb is under investigation. 
It's lap 40. We're getting close to the end. Nico sets the fastest lap. He's 7.9 seconds behind Lewis. It might get spicy. Verstappen is +2, then Daniel +15.5, Perez +24.1, Raikkonen +3.7, Hulkenberg +10.0, Sainz +3.9, Seb +7.5, and Kvyat +3.7. Palmer is finally retiring. Seb gets a 5 second time penalty for the move on Massa. 10 laps to go. Lewis asks if Massa got the blue flag and Bono says he got them twice. The gap to Nico is down to 6.6. Lewis has picked up the pace as well. (Ferrari has confirmed they're keeping their drivers next year.) Nico is seriously accelerating again, gaining 0.6 on Lewis in a lap. It's down to 5.9. Raikkonen is relentlessly attacking Perez for P5. But suddenly Nico loses 3 seconds and finds himself 1.8 seconds away from Max?! "Gearbox problem! Gearbox problem!" – "Driver default 101, chassis default 01. Chassis default 01," he's told. Are they allowed to help over the radio again? Brundle answers my question : they're allowed if there's imminent failure coming up if they don't. Meanwhile, Raikkonen got ahead of Perez. Nico is told to avoid 7th gear but that confuses him : "What‘s that mean? I have to shift through it." He's told he has to indeed. 
5 laps to go. Max is 1.2 behind now. Lewis should be safe. Aha. But now Max is told Nico is under investigation for some of these radio comms. Stupid radio ban rule. The commentators reiterate as well that the ban is stupid. And Brundle says last time he said so, he got team employees agreeing with him about it, but even then the word is they're gonna be tightened even further rather than loosened. And Nico will be investigated after the race. Crofty notes that for now, though, he's about to get his first podium of the season that's not a P1, which is kinda crazy as far as stats go. Final lap. 
And it's the end of the race! 
Lewis wins Silverstone for the third time in a row! Nico P2, Max P3. For now anyway. 
Lewis goes around the track waving to everyone. "Awesome stuff Lewis! Great job man, British grand prix !" Bono's elated voice comes on, over clapping and cheers from the team in the background. Lewis thanks everybody for their hard work, including at the factory. 
Once out of the car, after hugging his team, Lewis jumps the barrier and goes for a run, waving still to his public. He bows. Then he runs back. 
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In the cool down room, he's out of breath. He congratulates his rivals. Then it's silent for a bit. He avoids the camera as usual. Then he sighs and whoops in joy and disbelief. He asks Max when he overtook Nico. "The intermediates," he says, before quickly explaining he got overtaken back afterwards on the medium tyres. "I was catching!" Max adds in a pleased tone. "On the intermediates," he adds when Lewis turns back to him. "Not really," Lewis says, then they chuckle. Nico is not acknowledged, although he's standing right there. 
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On the podium, Nico gets booed yet again. The crowd is chanting Lewis' name. There'd be stuff to be said. How heartbreaking it must be to be Nico at times. Lewis kisses his trophy and throws it in the air. 
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"How are you guys doin', you good?" Lewis asks the crowd that erupts in cheer. "I don't know if you can be as happy as me but I'm really happy." He thanks them for coming, they're the best fans. While Mark Webber, who's conducting the interviews, lists stats, the crowd starts chanting Lewis' name again. Lewis says he's glad the good English weather came out, the conditions were very tricky at the start. It was difficult for all of them not to make mistakes. That's what he loves about this race, it's never smooth sailing, there's always things happening. "Plus look at these guys, you don't see this anywhere around the world," he adds. "And, you don't hear a lot of booing, which means we've got good British spirit here." There's no way he didn't hear them boo Nico earlier, is that his attempt at telling them not to or? Because immediately after this, as Webber moves to Nico, the boos are even louder than before. Webber tries to quiet down the crowd. Lewis stands there, impassive. Back to Lewis, Webber points out he's just 4 points off Nico now. Lewis says he loves Budapest which is the next race. He's done everything to try and save his engine, he's on his last one already. He thanks the fans again and tells them to keep their fingers crossed. "I'm catching him," he points towards Nico. 
Right afterwards, he's off crowdsurfing without a care in the world. Up on the barriers in front of the huge crowd, all hands extend towards him like iron shards to a magnet. 
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Niki says winning in England is fantastic, for the whole team but especially for Lewis. The drivers needed it a bit especially after Austria. He shrugs at the idea of the stewards having something to say about Nico's radio comms. Crofty says twitter is wondering why the team wouldn't help Lewis in Baku although they both had an issue then, and they are now helping Nico. This is f1blr - grade ridiculous. The journalists are pretty much all agreeing on the fact that the issue with the radio comms was the last part, when Nico was told he needed to shift through the seventh gear, which would be driver coaching. 
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Lewis says it never gets old and it always feels like the first time winning there. He talks about the atmosphere etc.
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She asks if he'd like to race there every week. He says happily, although the weather is kind of up and down. He interrupts himself to wave to "a little kid".
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He claims most drivers would like it better if it was drier, but he thinks it makes for a better show, and it puts you more to the test. "And today… Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Which I like." He smiles. 
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Rachel says when she interviewed him the day before, he said when he gets pole it delivers a "mental blow" to whoever he's racing against. Does he believe he has the mental edge over everyone else at the moment, not just Nico? She says they've looked for it but they haven't been able to find a time Nico overtook him on track for the win (Huh, really? sounds unlikely. If true it says a lot about a lot. During the 2023 Singapore GP we talked about Lewis' strength being racecraft rather than quali laps, and I wouldn't say race craft is Nico's forte. But I’m pretty sure he’s overtaken him at the start for the win before, hasn’t he?) She says his confidence on track, during the race, and in his racecraft must be "supreme". He says in terms of his racecraft, sure. It's been with him since he was 10. He thinks for a bit. It was a long winded question, I think he's a bit lost. He says he's growing with the car and he feels very confident and very comfortable within himself. Centred. Super happy. Which he believes also reflects on his performance. He says he doesn't mind who he has to go up against, he's ready. Bratty smile.
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He says he's sure they would say they are as well but hopefully he'd have the edge on them.
She says again the gap is now 4 points but it could go down to 1 depending on a penalty Nico could get. She says at the time in the season when everything was going wrong, could he have believed it? He says it's been a tough year, he was 43 points behind and they had a big crash and it felt like scraping rock bottom.
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But through fan messages, through family, through friends, through faith, he continued to push and it's crazy to think how things have changed. There's still a long way to go and things could go any way, they're getting closer. "He's had a pretty good year, to be honest, you know?" he smiles.
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It requires him having a simpler year in terms of issues going forward. "And then these kinds of performances for the rest of the year." 
Simple as that huh? 
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After the team photo, he of course takes a while climbing fences, holding hands, signing stuff. Oh my god he's got himself down IN the crowd. They're carrying him again.
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Then he climbs back up again. Skysports is waiting for their interview all the while lol. 
He gets there out of breath again, but literally bouncing up and down with a huge grin. He again says they "unequivocally" have the best fans in the world. "You never see that anywhere." He says Italy has good fans but he thinks the passion in the UK is equal if not greater. Hill reminds him he's British though. "True, true," he admits. Hill salutes his performance and asks if he thinks he's getting stronger. "I would like to think I'm getting stronger," he smiles. "Even though I'm getting older! I definitely think I'm in my prime right now." He says this difficult year has been an opportunity for growth and learning. He says he feels light, energetic, stronger than ever in this car that weekend and he's sure a large portion of that is because of the fans. The energy is electrifying and he could feel it in the car. He says the start was made trickier by the fact that he was in the lead whether when you're behind someone you can gauge track conditions by how he's doing.
Johnny asks what's key for him to win the title : consistency or raw speed? Lewis hums and says he thinks raw speed isn't the issue. He mentions again the engine and trying to make it last for as long as possible. (He'll have to start from the back once after the break for sure though.) Reliability has played a huge part in the fight and he's pretty sure he wouldn't be 4 points behind if it wasn't for that. But these things are tests to try us and who would have thought he'd come here and dominate the weekend? Someone points out the engine is gonna give up at some point though and Lewis jokes he hopes not and then explains everything he did during the race to try to minimise the damage to it. 
Hill asks about the relationship inside the team and the booing. He adds he thinks he tried to put a stop to it on the podium. In a very high pitched voice he starts : "Yeah I mean…" then he composes himself "I think we're better than that." Pause for dramatic effect. "I honestly think us as brits and us the British fans, I think we're better than that. We've had a great day, we don't even need to stoop to the level of some people who have done it in the past. I think we're above that." Simon points out he had to deal with it himself in Austria. "What I'm saying is we're above that," Lewis says over him. He says no matter where you end up, second, first, it should always be positive. "There's no need for it." 
Simon asks again if Lewis thinks he has a psychological advantage as we're getting to the halfway point of the season. He says he feels like when he's at his strongest he doesn't feel any problems. "Let's just leave it at that." To Johnny he answers he doesn't think anyone is unbeatable, that's not how he approaches it, but he's been able to cultivate a strong mental attitude dealing with the downs. 
Brundle asks what he thinks about the whole radio ban issue. Lewis says he mentioned it after the race in Baku, he said it's the way it is. They know the rule. But in certain circumstances it's not good for the sport. Because it's become so technical. He thinks 'he' had a problem today that ‘he’ had no way of answering and they had to break the rule. 
(It's interesting this habit he's got into of not saying his name btw.)
Simon talks of Andy Murray playing a final at that time, Lewis hopes he kills it and then they can see each other in London that night. He's throwing a party for someone he won't name who's also been successful and now he's won himself so it can be his party as well. 
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Last note : Ted says Merc is eyeing Wehrlein and that's why they're offering only a 2 year deal to Nico at that point. In the end, the stewards' decision didn't come in time for the broadcast but he received a 10 second penalty and ended up P3 behind Max. 
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Hey @spoonergodofspoons has gotten far enough in one piece for me to start recommending fanfics so I thought it would be easiest to post them here! Consider this my one piece fanfics rec list for people who recently got halfway through dressrossa
Part 1: early asl reunions
Look I am a sucker for these fics, and aren't we all a little in denial about marineford?
A present that's a mystery (giving you your history) by midnightluck you might see that name a couple of times here, I love their fics so much idk if they have a tumblr
Anyway this is about 5.5k of sabo getting his memories back early (because koala found embarrassing baby photos of him for his birthday) and reunion fluff, one chapter for Ace, one chapter for Luffy
Wish by spirit and if yes by midnightluck LOOK I TOLD YOU THEYRE REALLY GOOD AND I LIKE THIS ONE EVEN MORE THAN THE LAST!! it's an au where the RA send someone to keep in touch with the whiteboards every now and again, and now it's sabo's job! This fic has my favourite reunion of all time and I won't say anymore because if there's one fic on this list you should read it's this one - 32k
Twin flames by soccersarah01 , again, no idea if they have a tumblr
Ace calls sabo his twin while in impel down and this has .. consequences. Reunion! Gol D Sabo! Fucking with the government! What more could you ask for in a fic! 66.666k
Speak up boys! By @plantwithoutplot , a solid contender for just being one of my favourite fics ever, it's currently sitting at about 69k (nice) and chapter 9/31 and look I know it's incomplete but it's SO GOOD
it's a time travel au, where the asl bros end up on Gol D Roger's ship. Ace is trying to commit patricide, Sabo is trying to be the reasonable one and Luffy is... Luffy. Everybody is having a rough time of it and auuugggg the angst of being reunited but knowing you have changed so much and what if you don't know them anymore and what if you are no longer the person they loved and AHHHH go read it!! Read it now!!!
Chasing the remnants by @29rynoah sabo goes with dragon to loguetown! This one moves a little slower than the others in terms of how long it takes for the characters to actually be reunited, but the writing is really good!! The payoff when they finally get to see each other again? The character work? Incredible, 40k and I know I said it moves slower but when I was reading it I swear it only felt like 10k
Being together we are stronger than ever by starryyah
Body swap! ASL can have a little body swap, as a treat! I'm sure nothing will go wrong! 13k
Part 2: Lawlu!
Okay, I know I'm a big proponent of platonic lawlu and I cannot see Luffy in any kind of romantic relationship I really can't- however some people are writing really good lawlu and I am a little bit closing my eyes and saying yes it is queerplatonic. To me.
I Love Luffy by missdreamgirl32 you know what I just want to steal one of their tags to sell this to you: Law tries to play three-dimensional chess against two guys playing go fish and loses
The character dynamics in this are so fucking good, I'm also actually just going to steal the summary right from the work because I get way to lost trying to explain everything else which is cool about this fic if I try to synopsise it:
After hearing Luffy off-handedly mention he has a boyfriend, and worried there might be some misunderstanding, Ace and Sabo decide to track the guy down and invite him out to dinner
Anyway it's really fucking good check it out it's only 10k I have read it... Many times (could be read as romantic, I do not)
The mysterious Torao by spooky_vallimo
This one is romantic but it's so fucking funny, spare 3k words worth of time to read this drabble, au where Luffy and Trafalgar met as kids, if you enjoy it there are some more works in the series
Come to sea with me, where we can be free by siojo
This is the only au that's set in a completely different world on this list, I guess I love Luffy is a different world but it's not fantasy different, its more a modern au
Anyway siren AU!
this one is again, a lil different to the others on the list, which are largely character studies
This one is on the list because I'm a little obsessed with the story aside from one piece characters? It's just really well written and has interesting lore and world building
It's also kind of a sad/bittersweet fic, and some of the characters do eat humans (because siren) so yeah, this one has a different vibe to the other fics on this list but it occupies a certain space in my brain, only 8k
Part 3: Miscellaneous!
This is ASL stuff that isn't necessarily early reunion, or is only about one or two of them
The world doesn't deserve you by dezace
Okay so what if I told you there is an au where asl brothers are pirates together as children? And that it was 47k and had other works in the same universe?
Great, you're on board? Now, this is the only fic on this list to have made me cry
It is HEAVY ANGST and Spooner I know I'm making this list for you but it will HURT YOU and you may not want to read it, the ASL bros may be alive but they were the only survivors after a buster call was made on goa, and everyone else on the island died, and everyone believes the trio to be dead for a very long time
But if you do decide to read this fic which will hurt you, the emotional catharsis at the end is REALLY GOOD!! and there are many more short stories in the universe!!
But if this all seems a bit too ouch, the this author has a different, more light hearted series: Luffy was raised as a marine and makes it everyone's problem, which is a fun good time where Luffy knows marine codes and uses them to save ace, among other things
Man I wanna go reread the world doesn't deserve you again
On brotherhood by @ladycrimsonandblack
This is a lovely little fic where Luffy is the elder brother, just over 4k
There's this very specific fic niche where Luffy is older and he meets up with Ace while Ace is unwillingly being recruited onto the whiteboards and I just love it, this is the second one I've read and now I'm going to see if I can track down the other
Update this is it
Anyway yeah this is a very specific genre of fic, but it turns out I'm very fond of it
Whatever you can still betray by midnightluck
Have something short fun and fluffy! In this fic Haruta of the whitebeards thinks Ace is a marine spy, but that's fine they're going to keep him anyway! 6.5k, one of my faves
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solstheimtxt · 9 months
Ahhhh ok ok imma go with my GIRLS, Ellie/Nyoka for the WIP game 👀
HELL YEAH IM SO EXCITED tysm for the ask <3 <3 this started as a wip for a oneshot to get my groove on how they interact/maybe start the canon run au for them, but idk snippet is under the cut! :3c
In retrospect, they probably should talk about this at some point. 
Ellie kisses a line down Nyoka's throat, vodka fueling the blood thrumming in her veins. They've both lost count on how many they consumed, and the flirty lines and dirty looks they were throwing each other, egging each other on in a game of gay chicken. She presses her body up to Nyoka, shoulder to shoulder, hands roaming.
"My room."
"What, you bothered by Frieda? She is dead, y'know."
Ellie shakes her head. "No, I mean, yeah, actually. But uh…" she pauses, and opens Nyoka's door. There's a faint, but rhythmic thumping on the other side, followed by a groan. "My room?"
Nyoka frowns. "You do have a point. Lead the way."
She pulls the hunter into her room, presses her up against the door as it slides shut, lips pressed back to skin, leaving gentle bites along the way. The ascot goes first, leaving the long white ribbon on the floor, grabbing at gloves and belts, holsters dropped onto the floor carelessly.
Nyoka pushes her back and Ellie stumbles, as she's picked up and tossed on the bed, a reminder of Nyoka's strength from carrying around a heavy machine gun all day.
"Rapt got your tongue? You're all red, and I'm pretty sure that ain't from the alcohol." She smirks, peeling Ellie's jacket off and pulling it and her gloves to the floor. She sits astride on Ellie's thighs and grasps her jaw in calloused hands, kisses her open-mouthed.
"Nah, just thinking." 
Nyoka smiles wide. "Then I ain't doin' my job right. Relax, don't gotta think."
Ellie pulls at the clasps of Nyoka's quilted jacket, and tries to pull it off as its owner continues the liplock, smoothing her hands down Nyoka's muscled arms, trying to peel off the second layer and struggling, before Nyoka's hands join hers in unbuttoning the waistcoat and shirt underneath, sliding it onto the floor.
"You ever get tired of wearing so many layers?"
"Keeps me warm in the cold. Not used to living on a temp-controlled ship, unlike a certain pirate." She says with no bite.
"Well excuse me." Ellie snarks.
"Oh, you're excused." Nyoka rolls Ellie onto her side and joins her, pressed chest to chest on the small mattress, grabs a handful of her butt and pulls her as close as she can manage.
"Y'know, if you want me to move, you can just ask."
"I know. More fun this way, I know you like it when I'm hands on anyways."
Ellie scoffs and rolls her eyes, only slightly bothered that Nyoka's so perceptive. It's common that Ellie forgets that the often drunk woman who totters around the ship is an incredibly skilled, insanely strong hunter, partially responsible for keeping Monarch roads clear enough to pass on. How easy it'd be for her to crush Ellie with her hands-yet controlled and elegant enough to bring her to a gentle climax.
Nyoka snaps her fingers and Ellie breaks out of her thoughts. "Earth to Ellie? You feelin' ok?"
There's a look of concern on Nyoka's face. "Y'know, if you ain't feelin'-" Ellie trails her fingers down the hunter's stomach, to her belt, unbuckling it quickly and stopping her sentence in her tracks. She smirks and sits up, yanking her pants down her muscled legs and tosses them across the room, leaving her in her underwear and undershirt. Ellie sinks down, kisses along her breasts and ribs, pushing the hem up to her collarbones, continuing down to her groin.
AAAAnd theres the end i havent continued bc it takes me a year and a half to get ppl fucking lmaoooooo
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Uncanny X-Men #194- Juggernaut's Back in Town
Last Issue Recap: The team fought Thunderbird's identical brother and his Hellion friends in a US base, tanked whatever remained of their superhero credibility and then proceeded to just let Thunderbird and the Hellions waltz on back to Emma Frost without any repercussions.
This cover is pretty cool, I wouldn’t say the composition is fantastic but it makes it pretty clear what this issue is going to be about (a big ol’ heavy hitter slap fight) and Rogue with Nightcrawler and Colossus’ powers is intriguing.
The issue doesn't start with a fight though, it starts with Juggernaut having a friendly conversation with the most oblivious cop in New York
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Yessir, I'm sure the giant hunk of muscle wider than he is tall couldn't possibly have anything to do with the recently escaped super criminal. 10/10 polic-ing.
Juggernaut watches some news crew give exposition for new readers on him (there's plenty of convoluted backstory but all you really need to know is he's the Juggernaut, bitch) and his recent appearances in other comics (shameless plugins). They also remind us how the X-men and Spiderman (who was Juggernaut's latest foe) are Feared and Hated By the World They Have Sworn to Protect. The popularity of a Marvel character in-universe is indirectly proportional to their popularity IRL, thus why Wonderman is highly successful film star.
Cut to the X-men in the Currently-Not-Destroyed Xavier's School upstate waking up and not giving a singular fuck about one of their super criminals on the loose.
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He stayed up all night watching old swashbuckler films ahhhh he's such a dork I love him! (Thirsty Sidenote: this is I think the first time Kurt has been drawn without a shirt and gloves on. In earlier issues he seemed to basically live 24/7 in his costume. Yes I noticed. Don't judge me.)
Nobody cares, that is, except for Colossus (aka Piotr Rasputin), who went from one of my favorite characters to least favorite characters when he started dating an underage Kitty Pryde until Marvel Editor in Chief Jim Shooter told them to stop (possibly the only good decisions Jim Shooter ever made). They wasted so much good himbo potential with this boy. Anyway, he's very excited for a rematch with Juggey after demolishing a few blocks with him in a post-breakup funk several issues ago. So excited he quite literally busts out of his clothes.
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See, its dumbass himbo behavior like this I'd enjoy a lot more if I couldn't get the bad taste of him and Kitty out of my mouth. Screw you Claremont for ever thinking that was ok.
Wolverine comes in from his daily barefoot snow jog in purple pajamas to tell Nightcrawler to get the team ready to track down Juggernaut because blah blah its their jobs booo you spoilsport. Honestly I would have loved an issue where the X-men just stayed at home and did nothing. I find the cool-down moments in long running comic series are usually my favorite parts. Its nice to see how these characters interact with each other and live their lives when they aren't constantly in mortal peril. But the cover promised a big knockdown dragemout and so, the plot must keep plotting. (Side note: how did Wolvie even find out about the Juggernaut? Everyone else was listening to the radio but he was running outdoors. His plot sense was tingling I guess).
Since Cyclops is a married man, Storm has lost her powers and Professor X is off in Scotland doing New Mutants stuff, Kurt now has the sole leadership responsibility of the team. I've really enjoyed Kurt's run as team leader so far. He's doing his best but he's not cut out for leadership and its clear he hates every minute of it. He's an extroverted sweetheart who would rather support his friends. Its nice to see Nightcrawler get more stuff to do after barely being present for the past for story arcs. His self doubt is also a fantastic change of pace from the previous leadership dynamics, which were the team leader going "Wah wah wah I'm the leader and you have to do what I say I'm going to be a controlling little bitch," and the second in command/former leader muttering under their breath "I would be such a better leader I deserve this title more leader doesn't know what they're doing wah wah wah." It was basically a three way dick measuring contest between Cyclops, Storm and Professor X and I hated every egotistical minute of it.
Speaking of Storm, we cut to her in her home in Kenya showing some colonial douchecanoes who's boss. Storm was recently depowered by an antimutant weapon created by Forge (long story) and so has quit the team and is returning home to find inner peace or something. Being 80s Marvel Kenya is of course portrayed in a nuanced and intelligent manner- just kidding its a thatched roof bush station in the savannah and I'm pretty sure they only chose Mount Kilimanjaro because it was the only place in Africa they could name.
Also this specific Racist White Dude is using a South African slur (kaffir) in Kenya. I'd like to say the writers meant him to be a South African on vacation in Kenya but to be honest I don't think they were thinking that hard about it. If I'm wrong though and this isn't just an example of lazy writing, lmk.)
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The women running bush station who Storm saves turns out to be a member of the tribe that worshipped her as a Goddess in her first appearance (because, again, Marvel is well known for their fantastic African representation /s) and falls at her feet. The implications of this are that the regional drought mentioned in previous panels is the result of Ororo joining the X-men and no longer acting as weather Goddess, which raises a whole bunch of questions about the morality of her decision to leave in the first place, as well as broader questions about the ecology of the Marvel Universe as a whole that literally superpowers were needed to keep the climate in the region stable in the first place (climate change must be hitting them hard and fast, forget the Setinels, this is the bad future y'all should be going back to stop!). Anyway, I'm sure at least some of these will be answered the next time we see her.
Back to the main storyline, Kitty and Rachel are spying on Juggernaut, who is in a bank in civies, seemingly doing ordinary, none-crime stuff.
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Look at his giant butt in that tiny chair how could anybody be fooled by this?!
The stakeout is going pretty quietly until Nimrod shows up to finally do something. The panels showing him locking in on the X-men's location is pretty neat, but its giving me Deja Vu. I wonder if its because the panel is so famous I've seen it before, or if they copied some iconic imagery from something else (it is giving me Escape From New York vibes)
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Rachel and Kitty evacuate the civies and regroup with the rest of the X-men as Nimrod focuses his attention on Juggernaut. He punches Juggernaut into a conveniently empty construction lot where they can beat the stuffing out of each other without the writers having to worry about civilians. Do you think construction lots cause superhero fights, or do superhero fights cause construction lots? Its a chicken-egg sort of thing I feel. The X-men show up to stick their noses in like a bunch of idiots and this is where I have to make my opinions on Nimrod known.
Nimrod is a mutant hunting cop-robot that had been introduced previously, having been pulled into the current timestream from the Days of Future Past timeline when Dr Strange reversed time to stop the spell of an evil wizard from turning Manhatten into a Hyborian Era fantasy kingdom. I personally think exchanging Fantasy AU Avengers for pink murderbot is a pretty lame deal, but what do I know. Anyway, he's spent all his time since his initial appearance living in some poor guy's basement, eating his snacks, taking up space and barely masquerading as human, much like me.
So. I'ma be honest. I don't like Nimrod. I think he looks like a stupid pink trapezoid. Also, his name is dumb. Yeah, yeah, Nimrod was a famous biblical hunter, I know, but like. This was the 80s. Bugs Bunny had been a thing for decades, "Nimrod" was already well established as an insult and honestly giving the guy that goofy-ass triangle head and Looney Toons-esque invulnerability is not helping the associations. Like, what the hell were the DoFP folks thinking?! But then again this is same Evil Future Government that decided Rachel's mutant hunter outfit should be a literal goddamn gimpsuit so I think its been well established that their real crime aren't against humanity but fashion.
He's also extremely OP in the worst way. I can't even keep track of how many powers this guy has. And you'd think that might make the fight's interesting, right, like you'll you never know what's going to happen next? No actually it makes everyfight extremely boring because I know exactly what's going to happen next, the X-men are going to attack with something and Nimrod is going to go "Nu-uh, you can't hit me I have my everything shield!" and take them out of the fight with some new weapon he pulled out of his ass. And that's exactly what happens this time. Nightcrawler and Colossus teleport into the fight? Nimrod's tracking systems immediately detect them and he blasts them unconscious. Wolverine does a fastball special?But oh no, a force field! Kitty phases through him? Not only does she not disrupt his systems, she gets knocked back by energy field!
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The demonstration of Nimrod's bullshit powers is great here, but I actually wanted to post this because of Rachel's fit. Its so 80s but I kind of adore it. This nonsense continues even after Rogue absorbs Kitty, Nightcrawler and Colossus's powers in a Hail Mary. Don't get me wrong, Rogue kicks ass and its hella entertaining but Nimrod once again is on his bullshit. She punches him into a million tiny pieces and he just reforms himself! Then he teleports out of there because I guess even he knew this fight had dragged on long enough. Which is another thing I hate about Nimrod; they can never actually kill the bastard. He'll just teleport away and come back next time with even more bullshit. It'd be so cathartic if Rogue had finally just smacked him down for good but I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of him in the future. The X-men let the Juggernaut go, despite him being a literal criminal, because they've been doing that a lot recently. Unfortunately for them, this time surprise news crews have been behind the fourth wall the whole time like its an episode of Impractical Jokers and now the whole world knows they didn't even try to do their job. And don't give me any "oh they were weak they knew they couldn't taken him" Juggernaut had his psionic bucket hat off and Rachel Summers was right there she could have taken him down with a single thought.
We end the comic with an ominous discussion about the X-men by two members of the Russian Security council.
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You can tell its Moscow because of the picture perfect view of St Basil's which magically appears in the window. Also, how the heck am I supposed to take Eyepatch Ivanovich here seriously when he's wearing little red booty shorts?! Anyway, this certainly was an issue of X-men. It started off really fun, then it got kind of generic. Certainly not the worst or most infuriating by any means. Looking forward to next issue!
Edit: I took the comic at face value and wrote that Mount Kilimanjaro was in Kenya. Mount Kilimanjaro is actually in Tanzania, near the Kenyan border, so unless the borders have shifted since 1985, Claremont is an idiot and so am I.
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bubblepopsims · 10 months
i was having the lovelist conversation with myself just now and realized that. that i have a top hottest couple i ever made list because as one evolves and grows things change, you change, i change , we all change. I'm getting off track here XD anyway hottest couples... and hands down after that last queue up i just made.... Ruby and Tobias are upp there and i mean UPPPPPPP there... Juju and Izzi hands down first always, Maddi and Rafa (made by @fl0pera sorry not sorry for tagging you in my random ramble to myself on the internet XD) mmmmmpppfft i mean damn... and Ruby and Fucking Tobias... i mean come on... HE in its self is a level up in male making for me.... i was shit! garbageeeee and than i birthed this... this precious flower of a sculpted luscious man... T-T what the hell... man i love him...
so i had all of that..
right and i am thinking like "what about emillie and asuka. excuse the fuck out of me.." and i go "damn i forgot .... BUT BUTTTTT its not that i don't love them.. i just need to play with them more which is happening, since they have been talking about moving in together and all that jazz which I CANT WAIT TO BUILD THAT ! Their styles would mesh so well T_T ahhhh. but that is coming after Juju and Izzis wedding andddddd UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i cant fucking wait! i CANT WAIT TO BUILD THIS VENUE!!! ITS ABOUT TO BE SO FUCKING PRETTY! AHHHHHH I WANT TO SQUEEEZE ITTTTT! but yeah... i am excited about that ^_^
but for now i will be gushing over Ruby and Tobias
in a coner
with ice cream
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doyouknowwhoyouare13 · 9 months
nyx reads icebreaker!!
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it's been a while since I made one of these lovely lovely posts
started: December 30th, 2023
anyways the obligatory warning: I don't expect like anyone to read this it's pretty just my thoughts LMAO but I can be funny sometimes so 🤷🏻‍♀
and ofc!!
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Ok chapter one!!!
I'm also very happy she included a playlist!! Very cutesie
Anastasia's pov!!!
oh! so I don't like aaron and it's been 5 seconds
literally first page
"ended up holding a baby instead of a gold medal" FOUL.
aaron can suck my left nut what the fuck
walking red flag
oh no
they live together
I hope he chokes on a rock
we are 4 pages in guys
He does NOT seem fun to be around girl you need to run
oh he's blond.
running away now.
am I going to have to read smut 9 pages in
ok I lied he's kinda cutesie
awww I like him
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ok chapter 2
oh what an opening sentence!
I did just jump back in shock.
oh I like him though
he's funny
uh oh
THAT'S why
he's a cutie I like him
Henry's cute too omg :(((
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Chapter 3
there's something so sad about watching someone age
it shouldn't be used as an example as something bad because obviously it isn't
he's so icky...
like bro
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chapter 4
already 30 pages in this is crazy
402 left!!
russ you're in big trouble
he's so fine he has no right
I love Lola she's a cutie
sorry getting a little passionate 🥰
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The Reaper and the Death Angel Part 51
Looks like I'm back on track, I'm very happy with this chapter.
Series Masterlist
Part 50
Contains: Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, drug driving, injury to a child, follow the plot of 5x07-5x08 loosely
7.7K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #the reaper and the death angel.
Gemma loses the last bit of good will.
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Gemma didn't know why she was in that hotel room or why she decided to spend the night with a man she didn't know, what she did know was that having her car stolen after getting black out drunk was going to mean that she would be back to not being alone to spend time with Abel again.
She wondered what Nero would say, things were going well with him but they had never had a conversation about getting serious, but she called him anyway, hoping he would understand, hoping he wouldn't tell Jax what had just happened.
"What is it?"
Jax was making a ruckus throwing on his clothes, "That was Nero, Gemma's had her car stolen, at a no tell motel."
You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, "I guess she's not better, was she with someone?"
Jax shrugged, "no idea, I'm about to find out."
You climbed out of bed, "I'll head into the lab early, maybe get a post or two done and then I'll come home and pack. Go easy on her Jax, she's going through a lot."
Jax huffed, "she has been given chance after chance to pull her shit together, this has to stop before she gets someone hurt."
You nodded, "see how she is when you get there, is she's sober she can have Abel while we leave, if not, Wendy can take him and she doesn't get another chance until all this shit with Clay is over and done with."
Jax sighed then walked up to where you were sitting on the end of the bed and leaned down to kiss you, "alright, but if she's still drunk she's done."
You nodded, "that's fair. I Love you Jax, please be safe."
"Love you too darlin."
Gemma's heart dropped when she heard the bikes, she could see the look on Jax's face as they walked up to her with Nero in tow, Bobby and Tig went off to talk to the manager while the other went to speak to Gemma. When they got within speaking distance, Gemma leaned in close to Nero to talk to him, "if I wanted them to come I would have called them."
Jax did his best to stay calm, "what the hell happened?"
"I cashed here last night and someone stole my Caddy."
Jax wasn't buying it, "someone?" He went looking around the hotel room and returned with a bottle of white liquid "since when do you drink banana vodka?"
Nero was kinda as they stood around her waiting for the truth, "what happened?"
"I woke up to take a piss and he stole my wallet and my SVU. I don't remember his name."
Jax tried to suppress his disgust, "Jesus Christ, who are you."
She walked away upset, Nero going to comfort her, "this is why I called you, because I don't need that shit."
Jax took a deep breath and walked up to Nero, "I'm sorry you got pulled into this, she's a Goddamn train wreck."
"She still your mother ese, respect that. You know, she's caught between a husband she hates and a kid she thinks hate her. Women like your mum, Jax, they don't do so good without family. Hmm, go easy." Nero left to take a call and Tig and Bobby came back with nothing, but when Nero hung up he had a determined look on his face.
"My guys found the Escalade, and the dude is still there." With one last glance at his mother, Jax left.
"Y/n said I'm not allowed to let you go back to work."
Ima's hands were on her hips, there was no way Sam was going to win this, "come on baby, you know I'll be alright."
Ima rolled her eyes, "no, we need to start planning the nursery anyway."
Sam smiled, "alright beautiful but only because I know you're more loyal to my sister than me and you'd call her if I went to work."
Ima smiled, "damn right I would."
"Ahhhh, y/n, Clay Morrow is at the door for you, do you want me to let him in?"
You rubbed your face, "yeah, walk him in please, and don't go anywhere, he won't be here for long." Travis escorted Clay in and sat down watching him while he tried to speak to you.
"What do you want?"
He shrugged, "Juice is here with your intern, I thought I'd tell you what you needed to hear rather than sit in the van."
You shook your head, "why do you still have to O2? You're breathing fine."
He huffed, "doc says I still need it for a little while. Does he need to be here?"
You waved your hand, "yes, now hurry up and say what you need to say so I can get on with my life."
"I know you're not going to take this well but I also know you can listen to reason. Jax can't run this Club, in the last few months your brother has been shot and Charming is at risk, you need to tell him to step down." You kept your face neutral despite the urge to shoot him in the head.
"You really think I have that much pull over him? And let's be honest Mr Morrow, we both know that this isn't on Jax. He's done more for the Club and for Charming since he's taken over than you had in twenty years. Now kindy fuck off, before you put your foot in it and I start looking at your motivations a bit closer."
You turned to Travis, "get rid of him, please."
Travis stood up to his full height, "with pleasure, you want me to bar him from now on?"
You shook your head, "don't make it any harder on Juice, he can sit outside and wait for me to come out if he wants to talk from now on." Clay walked out and Travis looked at you through his peripheral vision, smiling as you shook the recorder by your side, Clay was getting worried and it was showing.
Jax felt a strange anger when he found out what Gemma's one night stand did for a living, you would probably tell him that he was a sociopath who didn't care and felt nothing for the women he hurt but your calming voice in his head did little to quell the building rage as he got on his bike the chase after the man.
As the bikes gained on the torn apart car, Jax thought about what he was going to do to the man when he caught him, he didn't have to think for too long because he was jumping out of the car and shooting at them before running away into a patch of bush by the side of the road. Jax was on his in seconds, throwing his fists into the man's face while Chibs tried to pull him away.
"I'm good, let me crack this piece of shit."
Nero stood next to Chibs to block the man from Jax's view, "you want to be on the five o'clock news. Take what's yours. Let's get out of here."
Jax did his best to reign in his rage as he stalked up to the man, "I should kill you for what you did to my mother."
He got a bit of sick satisfaction at the fear in the man's eyes, "that makes sense. But you're not going to do that right?"
"Not today. Check his pockets." Chibs went through them and handed the money to Jax, the man's protest going unheard. He walked off in a huffed, Nero threatening him one last time before they mounted their bikes and drove off.
"Jax's has got to go, I don't care how you do it but get rid of him. He's leaving tonight to spend some time at the cabin with his bitch, do it then."
Gogo swallowed, "you want us to take him out?"
Clay shook his head, "nah, hire someone from the outside, make it look like a beef. I have another job for you three."
Clay sounded so angry, "what?" Franky didn't know where this was going, only that Clay was going off the rails.
"I need to to scare my old lady, she drives home the same way every night, she needs to know that pimp can't look after her like I can."
Greg's eyes went wide, "so what, you want us to run her off the road?"
Clay shook his head, "I didn't say that, just give her a reason to think that Jax can't keep Charming safe."
"Fine, but this better get you back at the head of the table, we can't just off Jax and get away with it without you running things, especially is y/n gets in the Club's ear."
Clay felt his blood pressure rise, "don't worry, once the little prince is dead, you can get rid if her too."
"Hello my love, to what do owe I your call?"
Jax chuckled, "my mum was sober when we got there, we got her car back too. I think she should be alright to take Abel."
You rubbed your face, "ok, I have a few more things to do here then I'll be done."
Jax sounded tired, "I'm going to have Tig go up with you, make sure you're safe."
You sighed, "alright, I can look after myself but I know it will ease your worry so I'll agree. I'll air the place out and make dinner, how long before you get there?"
"About two hours after you, thank you for being so patient."
You smiled, "I love you Jackson."
You could hear the smirk in his voice, "I love you too darlin."
Jax watched Gemma head into the office after talking to Nero, he took a deep breath and followed her, sitting down on the couch and readying himself for the oncoming conversation. "I'm sorry I embarrassed you."
Jax waved his hand, "It's ok. You and y/n, she's really trying mum."
Gemma nodded, "I know. I know she is, if I was her I wouldn't let me anywhere near Abel." Jax was a little shocked at her self awareness.
"What's going on with you mum?"
Gemma's face fell, "when my Thomas died, I did the worse thing a mother could do, I made you make up for the love he couldn't give me anymore. I'm sorry Jackson, I'm sorry that I've always been too much."
Jax ran his hands over his hair, "when he died, I felt so bad."
Gemma did her best to comfort him, "I know baby."
Jax shook his head, "it wasn't because he was dead, it was because I'd have you all to myself. I knew how wrong that was"
When Jax, filled with shame at his jealousy of your relationship with Sam brought this up to you, you hugged him and told him it wasn't his fault that he felt like Gemma didn't have love enough for both of them. At first, he was offended that you had suggested something so horrible but the more he thought about it, the more he realised that growing up, he felt like his mother didn't have space in her heart for everyone.
"I love you mum, and we're going to get through all of this, I promise." Jax stood up and pulled his mother into his arms for a hug, Jax didn't know what to do, all he knew was that things needed to change.
"You all packed?"
You nodded, "I just got to get the cool stuff in the cooler, you're staying for dinner at the cabin right?"
Tig smiled, "you want me there?"
You nodded again, "I do, I realise that you and I have serious fundamental issues but we can't let them stew. I have yet to make up my mind about you, which has never happened before, so I'm trying to like you, not only for Jax and the Club but so there's no bad blood between us."
"I don't know what to say."
You took a deep breath, "don't say anything, just deal with your personality problems that got us to this place originally."
Tig knew what you were talking about, you thought he was a coward and in many ways, you were right, "I'm trying."
You smiled, "I know, that's why we're having this conversation."
You looked around, "alright, I'm ready to go."
You handed Tig the cooler, "right on time, I'll text Jax before we leave." You nodded, "how did today go?"
Tig shrugged, "we got Gemma's car back and Clay didn't make a scene, I think we got off easy."
You sigh, "yeah, has Clay stirred the pot about these home invasions? I know he's been sowing the seeds of doubt."
"Yeah, he has. Why do you ask?"
You thought for a moment before giving an honest answer, "because he's the only one who has anything to gain from them. Not only does it make Jax look weak and unable to lead but it makes Charming look unsafe without him at the head of the table."
Tig went pale, "he's behind this?"
He huffed, "shit, who's doing the dirty work?"
You titled your head, "who's been absent every time something goes wrong?"
"The nomads, do you have proof?"
You nodded, "bootprints, fingerprints and a bug in his house. Would you like to hear him admit everything?"
Tig blinked, "who else knows?"
You smiled sadly at his tone, "Jax, Sam, Opie, Bobby and Happy, Clay sent the Nomads to Happy's house to go after his mum and aunt."
Tig swallowed, "Sam?"
You nodded, "Greg pulled the trigger."
"Why are you telling me this now?"
Your smile turned a little nasty, "because I needed to know if you were involved before I was alone with you, far away from help. Don't worry, you passed."
He snorted, "gee thanks. Let me guess, you want me to act like I know nothing?"
You nodded, "unless you want to run a foul of the CIA."
"I hear you."
Gemma knew she shouldn't be smoking before she took Abel home, but after her conversation with Jax she couldn't calm down. Stopping by Unser's and talking to him had helped a lot but the last few days had made everything so much worse, between getting her car stolen and Clay trying to worm his way back into her life, she felt lost. Nevertheless, she stamped out her joint and headed T-M to bring Abel back home with her, grateful she had been given more time with him even after last night.
When Gemma got to T-M, Abel jumped into her arms and hugged her, "grandma, I missed you."
Gemma pressed a kiss to his little cheek, "I miss you too, are you ready to go?" Abel nodded, and Gemme buckled him in, driving off with the radio blaring. Had she been sober, she might has picked up on the dark van following her.
As she drove down the road, she grew tired, the loud music barely keeping her awake. It was the sound of a horn blaring that shook her eyes open, the van came up fast and almost bumped the back of the car, the wheels screeching as her car shifted. She managed to right the car before the next wave came, and then another, then the van pulled away. Just as she thought it was over, the van was back and this time, she didn't have to reflexes to correct the swerve.
The tree came fast and hard, then there was nothing.
"You might as well come inside and help me sort this place out."
Tig didn't look impressed, "Tragger, I'm not a child, no one's going to come up on us without me hearing it, and let's be honest, I'll be protecting you."
Tig shook his head with a smile, "you're kind of mean."
You huffed, "am I lying?"
He rolled his eyes, "no, but it makes me feel inadequate."
You handed Tig and knife and slid him the cutting board, "good for you, please chop the carrots."
He did as you asked, "what are you making?"
You washed your hands and turned on the oven, "baked skin on chicken breast with veggies."
Tig licked his lips, "yum, I'm glad I said yes to your invite."
Before you could say more, your mobile rang. It was a fast conversation, "we need to leave right now. Jax and the guys have just been attacked on their way here." You and Tig raced out of the cabin, when he got to his bike, you practically pulled him away, "is that thing bullet proof?" He didn't answer as he climbed into the passenger seat and you drove off.
It didn't take long for you to get to the scene. Jax and Chibs were by the road, their bikes nowhere to be seen. You ran up to them and grabbed Jax's face in your hands, "what the hell happened?"
Jax looked so angry, "are either of you hurt? Let me check you." You ran your hands over Jax then Chibs, then Jax was putting and hand on your upper back and leading you into the bushes.
"A van came out of nowhere and someone started shooting, we managed to down this guy before the van drove off."
Tig turned to you and you gave him a knowing look, "he's black?"
You nodded, "yeah, my guess is someone's getting worried we're on to them and wants to throw us off."
Chibs blinked, "why am I getting the feeling that I've been left out of the loop."
You took a deep breath, "load the body into the truck, Jax can explain to you what I just told Tig."
Jax glanced at you, "I've called the others, Bobby's on his way."
You shook your head, "we have a problem, the shells on the road are for cop killers, they were planning on killing both of you." It didn't take long for the four of you to return to the cabin, Jax downloading Chibs from the front seat while Chibs and Tig sat in the back.
When they got the body inside, you all stood around the corpse, "check his tats."
They pulled up his sleeves, "a few prisons tats, Black Nation."
You nodded, "we need to get an ID." Before you could go outside to get the fingerprint scanner, Jax was producing a fire axe. With two violent swings, the stranger's hands were off his body.
"What are you doing Jackson?"
He puffed on his cigarette, "take one to Pope, have him ID the prints. I want affiliations, who he works for, everything."
You threw your hands up in the air, "I'm going to get an ID now so we don't have to send hands to anyone."
You left to get the kit and your laptop from the car while the others waited, "who's the other one for?"
Jax glared at the body, "Unser. Same request" You returned and knelt by the body.
"Why Unser?"
Boddy huffed, "because if he's working with Clay he'll lie about it."
You shook your head and pressed a dismember hand to the screen, "Charles Turner, pretty standard rap sheet, more time inside than out."
Before you could say more, Hale's ringtone pulled you away, "I'm sorry, I need to take this." You could tell something was wrong by the way Hale sounded, his voice was shaking and there were sirens screaming in the background. It was like your brain was stuck in mud, car crash, Abel badly hurt.
You came racing out, the body on the floor still there but out of your mind, "we have to go."
Jax knew something was wrong, he had never heard that tone in your voice, "what happened?"
You were already at the door, "it's my baby."
Jax wanted to throw up, after getting authorisation from Hale to travel under lights and sirens you slammed on the gas and drove like a mad woman, all Jax could do was hold on while you worked the old mustang like a high performance race car. "Did he say anything else?"
You shook your head as you ran the red light, "there was no paint on the back of the car and Gemma said someone was trying to hit her. I have a very bad feeling Jax."
You took a deep breath, you were close to St Thomas but it felt like a million miles away, "Clay wouldn't put her at risk and he wouldn't risk breaking her heart by killing Abel, if he's ordered this, he would have told them not to hurt her."
Jax was catching up slowly, "so the only reason she would have crashed is because she wasn't sober."
Your eyes never left the road, "we're about to find out."
Sam and Ima were already at the hospital when you go there, Sam putting a hand on your face to slow your racing mind, Ima had clearly been crying, "I've already signed to consent papers, the surgeons are looking after him now. You can go through and be there if you want."
You rubbed your face, "go, it's alright." Seconds later, a nurse was coming to take to you and Jax back to the cardiac OR.
Abel was already out when you got there, Jax watching from behind the glass while he shifted from foot to foot, "Jesus, how long does this take?"
You took a deep breath, "they run the wire from his femoral artery up to his heart, thirty minutes at most if this is the fix."
Jax's eyes went wide, "and if it isn't?"
You shook your head, "we'll know soon." You looked at the monitor, "it looks like it's working, it's going to be ok my love."
"Like this kid hasn't been through enough shit."
Jax wouldn't stop moving, "this is on Gemma, if she was drunk or high I swear to God Jax."
Jax turned to you, his expression becoming angry, "I know, I know."
You grabbed Jax's hand as they went to deliver the shock and Jax felt you relax, "it worked, he's fine." Jax pulled you into his arms, resting his cheek on the top of your head, "we should go check on Gemma, they need to stitch him up, we don't need to see that."
On the way to the room, you stopped by a nurses cart and looked around, Jax slowing to watch you as you swiped a syringe, "what are you doing?"
You huffed, "testing a theory."
Clay was waiting when you got to the room, "fuck off."
He didn't move, "if you don't get the fuck out of this room right now you'll be happy you're in a hospital." The noise was waking Gemma, so you stepped closer to Clay, "I don't want to traumatise her anymore, get out." Maybe it was the expression on your face or the way Jax was standing behind you but Clay got up and left with a glare.
When Clay was out of view, you screwed the syringe into her IV and drew some blood before capping it and dropping it into your pocket. Gemma woke up soon after, looking around with worry. "Abel?"
You swallowed, "is in the peds ward. He had an irregular heartbeat due to the crash and needed a Cardiac Catheterisation, he's fine now."
That didn't ease her worry, "he was bleeding." you were trying to be gentle but Jax wasn't having it.
"What happened, were you drunk?"
Gemma looked at you and you crossed your arms over your chest, "there was no paint on the car Gem and you're a good driver, being run off the road in a car your size isn't that easy."
She shook her head, "no, I almost got away but a truck came out of nowhere just after the van pulled off, I was too busy pulling away from the van to see it."
"Jesus Christ, did you get a look at them?"
She blinked, "the van was dark brown, that's all I could see."
You pulled Gemma into a hug, all your worries forgotten, "I'm so glad you were the one driving, all Abel had was a cut on his head, that's where the blood came from, he's ok."
You saw her relax, "when can I see him?"
You smiled softly, "he's still asleep but you can see him when he wakes up." She smiled, "thank you."
"I'm just happy you're both ok." Before you could say more, Unser arrived.
Jax left to talk to him while you headed to Abel's room. In the hallway, you met up with Holt, who had come for moral support, "how's your boy?"
You shrugged, "he's fine. I need a favour."
Holt nodded, "anything."
You reached into your pocket, "test this blood for me, I need to know if there's anything in it."
Holt's eyes went wide, "you think Abel's grandmother was under the influence?"
"I don't know, but I want to find out."
Sam and Ima had wandered into Abel's room before you, "you guys doing alright?"
Ima wiped her face, "these guys have to go."
You had never heard her so angry, "I know, we're working on it, you didn't answer my question."
Sam sighed, "we're alright, the baby too, it's just been a long few weeks."
"You should go home and rest, the last thing we need is you back here because of an infection."
Sam shook his head, "I'll stay until Abel wakes up." You didn't argue, instead you pulled up a chair and waited for Jax to return.
Bobby walked in soon after, "Jax went to see Pope, Unser came through, we can trust him."
You sighed, "we better settle in, it's going to be a long day."
Just as you were getting comfortable, Wendy arrived, "what happened?"
You shrugged, "looks like road rage, Hale thinks it was random."
You readied yourself for a fight, "but Abel and Gemma are ok?"
You nodded, "fine, if you think you can…."
She cut you off, "I'm not going to use this against you, you've let me into Abel's life, the last thing I want to do is hurt that by pulling something at a time like this."
You were taken aback, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped to that."
She waved her hand, "it's understandable, I came back into Abel's life when things were rough for you. I just want to be here with him."
You swallowed, "stay for as long as you like, I'm not sure when he's going to wake up."
She nodded, "where's Jax?"
You looked at Sam, "Club business, Gemma managed to get a look at the van, he's gone looking for it."
She huffed, "let's hope he gets to him before Hale does."
"The hand belonged to Charles Truner, Tyler's LaRoy's number two, he has the info on all his known associates. How's your boy?"
Jax shrugged, "alive."
Pope smiled, "and your old lady."
Jax huffed, "out for blood, she's not going to rest until these people are dead."
Pope nodded, "if someone went after my daughter, I want the same thing. The CIA are very nervous Jackson, they want to know if I'm still on board even with your… internal issues."
"Are you?"
Jax chose to ignore that Pope was aware of the Nomads, "of course, they assured me that their asset was dealing with the matter, I'm guessing that's still your future wife?"
Jax nodded, "yeah, I'm not happy she's had to jump back in, neither is she but the work's got to be done"
Pope chuckled and the tone changed, "August will help you if you need men, we don't want people who go after small children and elderly women in out ranks Jackson, you have free reign to deal with this how you see fit."
Jax heard the message loud and clear, get rid of them.
"I told you to scare her, not run her off the road. How did you not know Abel was in the back?"
Greg rubbed his aching face, "she was already all over the place when we pulled up on her, it's not our fault she was on something."
Clay shook his head, "that bitch isn't going to think that, she's going to boil us all alive if she finds out were the ones behind the attack."
Gogo huffed, "I don't know Clay, she seems harmless to me."
Clay's face turned cruel, "that's what everyone thinks. She's a fucking viper, if you piss her off, you'll be dead before you know what hit you."
Franky wasn't worried, "you said it yourself Clay, once Jax is gone, she's next."
Nero walked into Gemma's room, Chucky leaving with a smile. When they were alone, she started to cry, "hey, it's gonna be alright."
She shook her head, "I was stoned driving Abel. I lied about a truck, I couldn't swing the car around fast enough. I thought I'd be alright, I drive high all the time. I just didn't want to miss my chance with them."
"It's going to be ok baby, it's ok."
Gemma knew he was lying, "no, it's not. y/n isn't going to care, if I had been sober, I would have gotten away from the van, she'd know that."
Nero sighed, "she's a good girl, I'm sure she'll understand."
Gemma swallowed, "no she won't, she's been telling everyone to watch their backs, it was worse than getting her child hurt, I couldn't protect him because I was high, she and Jax are never going to forgive me if they find out."
"That will come back Gemma, you know how that shit works, you got to get in front of it. Tell them the truth."
A knock from Chucky broke the conversation, then Clay was rounding the corner and walking through the door. "I need to step out, my bowels very loose in situations like this."
Nero smiled, "well on that note. I'll check in on you."
Clay followed Nero, "I'll walk you out." Clay has grown bold since the crash, "whatever it is between you and my wife, it's over."
"Maybe we should let her make that call."
Clay shook his head, "I know you and Jax are tight and the Club appreciates your pussy salvation but make no mistake, you get in my way with Gemma, I'll kill you."
Nero didn't flinch, "don't worry, mano, I don't make mistakes, not like you."
Abel was still asleep when Holt came back from the lab, you waved him inside and he sat down, handing you an envelope, "where's Jax?
You shrugged, "finding the guys that tried to kill him and Chibs, what did you find?"
His face told you what you needed to know, "I went back to the scene, the only tire tracks were from Gemma's car and the van, and I had Angela look at CCVT on the road, no trucks entered any of the exits to the highway at the time of the crash. She lied, to what extent isn't for me to say, your answer is in there."
He patted your leg, "I'm sorry, I've bought in one of your backups, take as much time off as you need."
Without another word, he left. Sam clenched his jaw, "I'm gonna see what's going on out there."
He got up and left, taking his rage with him, "are you going to look at the tox screen?" Sam wasn't the only one who sounded angry, Ima wasn't happy with her and you could understand why.
"When Jax gets back."
Ima grabbed your hand, "if she was on something, I'm not letting her near my baby, ever."
"I know, I don't blame you."
Jax felt lost, sure he had got the guy who tried to kill him and Chibs but it left him with more questions than answers, either Gemma lied and there was no van or worse, the Nomads went after his family themselves. At least they had Franky on the hook, Jax just had to find a way to explain everything to you, without you going over the Club's head and killing them yourself.
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
Clay huffed, "I hate hospitals."
Juice nodded, you had sent him back to the Clubhouse for that very reason. "I can't find anything on anyone, I asked around, The Mayans are doing some digging but I think we're still in the dark."
Clay knew something was going on, "anything you need to tell me." Juice shook his head, "no, why?"
Clay smiled, Juice's tone told him he was on the right track, "well, Roosevelt was pressing you pretty hard when we got out."
Juice shrugged, "yeah, I guess."
"Why just you?"
Juice was getting worried, "I don't know."
Clay's voice got higher, he was trying to seem like he wasn't digging, "I think you do."
Juice huffed, "he's just an asshole cop."
Clay shoved Juice down as he went to stand up, "what's he know Juice?"
Juice felt his heart race, "nothing."
Clay wasn't buying it, "don't lie to me."
Juice swallowed, "I'm not."
Clay leaned in close, "hey, you can tell me the truth son."
"Please Clay, I can't."
Got you.
"You've got no choice. Tell me Juice."
Juice took a deep breath, "my father, he's black. Roosevelt tried to use him to get me to rat but…"
Clay smiled, "but y/n already knew and lied for you."
Juice nodded, "yeah. She told me she'd take it to her grave."
Clay felt like rubbing his hands together, he had Juice right where he wanted him, "I'm the one who set the Nomads in motion."
Juice wasn't shocked, "what happens now?"
Clay smiled, "you keep my secret, I keep yours." Juice nodded, the moment Clay was gone, he was going right to you.
"You should take your wife home."
Sam shook his head softly, Ima had fallen asleep against his shoulder hours ago, "nah, she's getting this weird pregnant lady strength, I'm worried she'd kill me."
Jax huffed, "yeah, I can see her doing that. Has Abel been awake?"
Sam shook his head, "for like a minute an hour ago. y/n just went to take a call, she'll be back in a bi…. speak of the devil, are you ears burning?" You rolled your eyes as you walked in and kissed Jax's cheek.
"Did you get the guys?"
Jax nodded, "only the ones that went after us, my guess is the Nomads were the ones that went after Gemma."
The envelope was burning a hole in your pocket, "Jax, I have something to tell you and you're not going to like it."
Jax crossed his arms over his chest, "what?"
You took a deep breath, "there was no sign of a truck Jax, the only treads that were there were Gemma's car and van's, traffic cameras show the roads in and out of the highway were free of trucks too."
You reached into your pocket, "I have the drug test, I figure we ask Gemma once more before we open it."
Jax looked at the white paper in your hand, "Sam, take Ima home, she doesn't need to stress if this goes wrong, and neither do you. The last thing we need is you popping a stitch."
Sam smiled sadly, "sure brother, call us when Abel's up and we'll come back." When Sam woke Ima, he didn't give her the chance to protest before he was taking her home.
"Thank you for that."
Jax swallowed, "you're not the only one worried about the stress on Ima and her baby y/n, let's not talk about it anymore."
Jax sat you down, his eyes still on the paper in your hand, "you wanna look?"
Jax huffed, "not really."
You handed it to him, "we don't have to but Jax, if she can't protect Abel because she's using drugs, we can't let her near him."
Jax rubbed his face, "I know."
Before he could say more, Juice came in looking like he had seen a ghost, "what's wrong Juicy?"
"I need to talk to you, alone."
Jax's eyebrows rose, "it's alright my love, I'll be back soon." You got up and followed Juice into a quiet hallway, "what's going on Juice?"
Juice was almost hyperventilating, "Clay knows about the black thing."
You did your best not to react, "he's not going to tell anyone Juice, he won't get anything out of it."
Juice was still panicked, "he's given you an assurance, hasn't he?"
He nodded, "let me guess, he's behind the Nomads?"
Juice's eyes went wide, "yeah, how did you know?"
You smiled, "I've been lying, the bootprints were a match to Greg and I have fingerprints on the shells from the bullets that hit Sam. Jax, Opie, Bobby, Happy, Chibs and Sam already know all the details, we're telling people as we need to. I'm still working on Galen so we can't risk this getting out."
Juice relaxed, "what do I do?"
You smiled, "you come clean Juice, if it goes wrong, then I can get you out of the country and with a new identity in hours. Then I'm talking Abel and leaving his father because there is no way I will let my child be raised by a racist."
Juice blinked, "you would really leave Jax over this?"
You nodded, "in a heartbeat. Now let me make some calls and then we're going to put this to bed."
Ten minutes later, you were returning to Juice with a smile, "it's all set, if shit goes wrong, I have a plane waiting to take you to where ever you want to go. You ready?"
Juice gave a nod, "alright how do you want to do this?"
Juice took a deep breath, "can I get Chibs here?"
You smiled, "sure, how about we do it at my place, a little later, that way no one's worrying about Abel?"
Juice nodded, "that sounds good, what are you going to tell Jax?"
You shrugged, "that you need to tell him something later on and he better be ok about it if he ever wants to see me again."
He stopped you, "maybe it can wait until tomorrow? I don't want make things worse."
You nodded, "of course, you wanna come in and spend some time with Abel?"
Juice shook his head, "nah, it will just make things harder."
"Mummy, my head hurts."
You shot up off Jax's shoulder, almost knocking him in the head on the up, "hey little man, I'll go get a nurse to have a look." You ran out of the room and came back in record time, Jax having climbed into bed next to him.
The nurse cleaned his cut and gave him some pain meds, "you feeling a bit better now?"
Abel nodded and rubbed his face, "yes." You waved Jax over and lay down opposite to Jax so Abel was in the middle, "is grandma ok?"
Jax smiled, "yeah, little man, she's ok. Do you remember anything?"
Abel nodded, "grandma's car went funny, then she hit something."
"Did you see a big truck in front of you?"
Abel shook his head, "no, there was a big car behind us."
You looked at Jax, "we need to look at those results Jackson."
He took a deep breath, "just a little bit longer, I want to enjoy the peace while it lasts."
When you left the room to get coffee, the Nomads were standing around, if you didn't know any better, you'd think they felt guilty, "have you found anything?"
Franky shook his head, "nah, but we're still looking. We're gonna find the guys that went after your family."
You smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder, "thank you for everything, you've been such a help to Jax and the Club."
The looks they shared made it clear that you had lulled them into a false sense of security, it wouldn't be long now they made another slip up.
"That's your fourth coffee, you doing ok?"
You rubbed your face, "my head's acting up, I'll be alright."
Jax made a face, "go home, Abel's going to be asleep most of the night anyway."
You shook your head, "we need to talk to Gemma first."
The envelope was still in your pocket, "I know, do you think she lied about that too?"
You shrugged, "for as much as Holt tries to be stonefaced, he loves Abel, his reaction pretty much told me what's in it."
Jax nodded, "yeah, I know, he called me to apologise."
You huffed, "he's a good man, despite the fact that he thinks we show too much affection towards each other in public."
Jax chuckled, "because he shakes Kevin's hand when they meet up for lunch."
You giggled, "yeah. Don't knock it, that could be us in ten years."
Jax shook his head, "I can't wait."
Knock Knock
It was Nero, Jax got up and let him in, "what's going on man?"
Nero swallowed, "can I talk you outside for a minute?" Jax left with a nod, his hand lingering on your cheek. They walked to an empty hallway and Nero stopped, "Gemma lied about the truck coming at her."
Jax snarled, "I know."
Nero's face remained calm, "what are you going to do."
Jax huffed, "she almost killed my kid."
"So what pres, you're gonna beat the shit out of your mother, hasn't that been done enough by your family."
Jax shook his head, walking away in a rage, "she's your problem now."
Jax returned and the conversation turned back to the tox screen but as you reached into your pocket, Gemma walked in, "maybe we ask her first."
Jax stood up, his face going hard, "are you going to tell her gonna tell her or am I."
Gemma stopped in her tracks, "I love him so much."
You stood up and walked next to Jax, reaching into your pocket, "this is a drug screen, I don't want to have to get my answers from this."
She glared at you, "you ran a drug test on me?"
"Yes, I did, there were no treads from a truck Gemma, and there was no paint on your car, there has to be a reason you lost control."
She crossed her arms over her chest, "why haven't you opened it?"
You huffed, "because I want to give you the chance to come clean." Jax stepped closer, putting himself between her and Abel.
"There was no truck, I was driving high and couldn't right the car after the van pulled away. I just didn't want to miss my chance with Abel." Rage, all you felt was white hot rage, you understood what Frank meant when he told you there's no anger on earth like the anger you feel to someone who hurts your child.
"I'll be back in a moment." You walked out, heading right towards the guys, "can someone please take the gun off my hip."
You raised your arms and Chibs walked over, lifting your shirt and taking the gun out of its holster, "why?"
You took a deep breath, "because Gemma was high when she got into the car with Abel and I don't want to do anything I might regret." You walked back into the room, your shirt over your belt showing the missing gun, a brief look of fear coming over Jax's face.
"I love you Gemma, I really do but you're done, you don't call, see or come near my child until you can be trusted to keep them safe. Driving high is one unforgivable thing, but driving high while our enemies are hunting us is another. You've done more than just get into the car when you shouldn't have, you've failed to protect my child when I handed him over to you for just that."
She stood there, her eyes growing wet, "Jax can get your key and we'll be changing the alarm codes, you won't be getting a new one for a very long time. You should stay away from me until you've got whatever's going on in your head sorted because I don't trust myself around you right now. Now please, get out of my sight."
Jax relaxed when she left, "thank you for not killing her."
His eyes were still stuck on your empty holster, "had we not been in public, I would have."
You and Jax left the hospital late, having left Opie and Kip to stay with Abel. As you climbed out of the shower and crawled into Jax's open arms, you took a deep breath to drop the next bomb, "Juice and Chibs will be here in the morning, Juice has some things he needs to talk to you about."
Jax's eyebrows furrowed, "it's not my place to say anything Jax, just leave it be until the morning."
Jax sighed, "do you ever regret moving here?"
You shook your head, "not for a single second, this will all work itself out Jax. Let your mum get over Clay and get her shit together, maybe spending some time away with Nero will get her back to her old self."
Jax huffed, "how are you so forgiving."
You smiled sadly, "because she's your mother and you love her, I want nothing more than to put a bullet in her brain but I love her too and killing her would just cause more pain. I won't stay angry at her forever, I just need time so I don't look at her and see my father's face staring back at me."
Jax huffed, "I would have let you shoot her."
You nodded, "I know, that's why I got rid of the gun."
Jax swallowed, "how long before we can bring Clay and the Nomads to the table?"
You shrugged, "Galen in back in two days, I'll know after that. Vance has already greenlit him, once the Irish are squared away he's even more of a dead man than he is now. As for the Nomads, they have no idea we're onto them."
Jax went to reply, but Ima was knocking on the door. You invited her in and she sat in the bed next to you, "I have an idea, can I talk to you in private?"
Jax didn't protest, waving his hand as you went to leave the room with Ima in tow, "don't get up, I need a drink anyway."
Jax left, shutting the door on his way out, "what's your idea?"
She smiled, "you're not going to like it, but I think it's going to end things."
Part 52
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allthefakepeople · 2 years
hey miels <3
since you sent me the last couple of wilmon and taylor related asks I thought I’d send you one, and today’s winner is….. innocent
the entire song is giving wille talking to his past self, like
“I guess you really did it this time
Left yourself in your warpath
Lost your balance on a tightrope
Lost your mind tryin' to get it back”
warpath already reminds me of the revenge plot line in s2, and how focused wille was on that, so much so he almost lost track of his relationship with simon and kristina, and the bad choices he made along the way ;-;
“Always a bigger bed to crawl into
Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything
And everybody believed in you?”
“a bigger bed” reminds me of erik and how wille used to be able to afford fuckups because he had an entire family with him, and he had people in his corner
“Did some things you can't speak of
But at night you live it all again
You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now
If only you had seen what you know now then”
THIS. this is his mindset after the denial, because he couldn’t speak on it, and then he was “shattered on the floor” after simon broke things off, but the last line is him taking it all back in the s2ep6 speech :’)
anyway, thoughts? more lyrics?
ahhhh sea
i'm gonna CRYYYY but YES. definitely gives older wille looking back on younger wille's decisions
"It's alright, just wait and see Your string of lights is still bright to me Oh, who you are is not where you've been You're still an innocent"
(this also lowkey feels liks SIMON talking to wille? like wille has woken them both up with another nightmare of something that happened when they were teenagers and simon comforts him)
"Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep Before the monsters caught up to you?"
(how wille grew up with erik but the "monsters" could be his anxiety or erik's death)
"Time turns flames to embers You'll have new Septembers Everyone of us has messed up too, ooh, ooh Minds change like the weather I hope you remember Today is never too late to be brand new"
(this, again, lowkey feels like simon comforting wille when he feels like he isn't doing enough)
ahhhhh now i gotta add it to my playlist!
thanks for sharing!
-miels 💜✨
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ticklystuff · 2 months
hey there 🥺 thank u so much for the argenti headcanons from the ask game, i really love the idea that such a elegant and esteemed individual such as himself would suddenly lose all that grace when in the face of the threat of a little tickling. i also like to imagine that he comically always looks absolutely perfect even when he’s been tickled for long periods of time. like he’d have tears running down his face and he’s hiccuping incoherently and it Should make him look disheveled but his hair is not a spec out of place and the light reflects off the tear tracks in such a way that it enhances his natural beauty - when his face flushes from laughing too much it’s in all the right places, softening his features. can u tell i adore this dude?? anyway. thanks again !!
ahhhh hello~ thank you for getting back to me, i'm so glad you enjoyed them!
also omg yes you're so right! he's like those kdrama actors that get hit by a car in slow-mo and the camera manages to capture their descent at the perfect angle so that they still look picture perfect despite being steamrolled — this is argenti but with tickling! he throws his head back while laughing and his hair manages to flow perfectly with his movements and his mouth opens just enough for the perfect smile while laughing, he really can't lose lmao
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noloveforned · 6 months
no love for ned is on wlur from 8pm until midnight tonight and i hope you can join us.
i just realized i'm starting off the show tonight with a song from the spinanes who i was introduced to almost exactly thirty years ago. they opened for the afghan whigs at the famed city gardens (jon stewart was a bartender there in the eighties!) on april 8th, 1994. i remember the exact date because it was the day kurt cobain's body was found. the radio announced it that afternoon while we were in the car. i know there was a lot of talking about it that night, especially since both bands were on sub pop (where nirvana got their start). not sure i have much else to say- just a memory that was prompted by a band and date.
anyway, i've also archived last week's show on mixcloud for you to catch whenever you'd like if you're busy tonight!
no love for ned on wlur – march 22nd, 2024 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label martha // a praise chorus // is tomorrow just a day like all the rest? 7" // big scary monsters marbled eye // tonight // read the air // summer shade deerhoof // punch buggy valves // reveille // joyful noise checkpoint // friends // drift // erste theke tontraeger girl germs // magazine // tremorverse one compilation // tremorverse mononegatives // kill mono // kill mono flexi 7" // feral kid the celebrities // runaway baby // redd karpet ep // total punk virvon varvon // corner seat // four bars of hate cassette // girlsville cuticles // cheese in my brain // major works // siltbreeze reverse yr curse // how we get around // reverse yr curse ep // (self-released) the second wife // needle // tourist // potluck foundation rosali // my kind // bite down // merge waxahatchee featuring mj lenderman // right back to it // tigers blood // anti- lee baggett // all star day // echo me on // perpetual doom hochzeitskapelle featuring enid valu // stockholm syndrome // we dance ep // alien transistor alien eyelid // lemons (country club mix) // lemons (country club mix) digital single // fruit leather equipment pointed ankh // trucks to gettysburg // downtown // torn light ruth goller featuring tom skinner // below my skin // skyllumina // international anthem jessica ackerley, kevin cheli and gahlord dewald // aloft // submerging silently // cacophonous revival masao nakajima quartet // third plane // kemo-sabe // bbe music tani tabbal quartet // up start // intentional // mahakala dj harrison // lil birdie // shades of yesterday // stones throw tierra whack // accessible // world wide whack // interscope nimsins and ovrkast. // something else // me vs me ep // lofiction tanya morgan featuring piakhan // alleye need // brooklynati // interdependent media pete and cheez // you and me // eccentric soul: the shoestring label compilation // numero group calypso // the summer lies // the summer lies digital single // (self-released) shout out louds // the comeback // howl howl gaff gaff (revisited) ep // rutan tutan good morning // ahhhh (this isn’t ideal) // good morning seven // polyvinyl julia mcfarlane's reality guest // sensory // whoopee // night school mister baby // orange days // two two seven compilation // prefect research vessel // like today // going tomorrow cassette // small craft advisory dogbreth // into your arms // second home benefit volume one compilation // second home
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