#ahhhh this made me so unreasonably happy
kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
Salome, I just want to say, that you really did something with Königs unsernames in DOG. "Geilerscharfschütze" sent me! 😭 I feel like I'm back in one of those weird and unhinged pre social media era chat rooms that were full of creeps (and kinda exciting too...)
Oh and I also want to compliment you on how great you always implement the German in your König fics! As a native speaker, I can't remember stumbling over some weird wording or odd phrase in your writing. It always fits really nicely and feels naturally coming from König! (And that means absolutely no shade to any writer who tries and struggles a bit with it! I appreciate everyone greatly who tries to makes the effort ❤️)
AAAHH if you only knew how much "thought" I secretly put into those usernames lol 😭 It was also a lot of fun & I tried to get into König's headspace when I created them, like what would this lonely horny perv quickly type in there when he creates yet another account after seeing she just blocked him? ( and she will do that often so this crazy fic required a lot of input in these ahaha)
So glad to hear that the German lines are sound and correct in my fics! I have to confess some amazing kind-hearted souls have corrected a few sentences in for example Valkyrie and FNI so I really have them to thank 💖 If you ever find that something's off, don't hesitate to throw me a message! 😘
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jovieinramshackle · 3 days
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azsazz · 1 year
AHHHH I REALLY DIDNT THINK MUCH OF IT WHEN I ASKED ABOUT THE SPLIT FIC AND NOW ITS HAPPENING?????? BLESS YOUR SOULS IM SO EXCITED (also the tag of me being such a smart little bird made me unreasonably happy) Thank you both for always putting in so much time and effort for these masterpieces 🥰
Oh it’s happening! 😎😎
Thank you for sending your ideas in because we love them and love interacting with you! 💙💙 writing is truly our pleasure and we’re so happy to be able to share with you all! 🥰
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cheri-cheri · 2 years
[L&N] Truth or Dare 12: You Lose + Truth
Prologue + Red Hands Game: here
Sub-masterlist: here
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Should I pick “yes” or “no”…
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After seeing the card, I nod without hesitation.
MC: Of course. And it’s what I’ve been doing. I enjoy sharing trivial parts of my day with you, especially heartwarming moment since you’re usually busy with work. As a doctor, there are times when you have no choice but to face the complexities of reality. I hope that the trivial moments of my day can bring you some happiness and joy, and help you to relax and spend each day happily.
Just like the wish I had made from before, I wish that Charlie can be healed by the world. And of course, I’ll be the first person to heal him.
Charlie looks at me, a gentle warmth surfacing in his purple eyes.
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Charlie: Fiancée, you’re truly good.
MC: I’m not...
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Charlie: But I need to add on to that.
MC: Hm?
Charlie: Aside from happy moments, you can share your frustration, gloomy, and occasionally emo moments with me too. Don’t forget that I’m your exclusive happy fruit.
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After giving this question serious thought, I shake my head.
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Charlie: Why not?
MC: Although we have a close relationship, I feel that there’s a need to give each other some freedom and space. After all, everyone has their personal troubles and secrets. As long as both parties’ hearts are connected, they don’t necessarily have to share everything with each other.
Charlie nods in understanding.
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Charlie: That makes sense.
MC: Does this make you unhappy?
Charlie: Of course not. Sharing is something you’re free to do. I completely understand and respect your decision. But I think a little differently from you.
I look up at Charlie, and see a tender smile surfacing on his face.
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Charlie: When I see a flower bloom or the clouds scatter, I want to share all of these moments with you, so that you feel the same romance and happiness that I’m experiencing.
Deep affection are in his purple eyes as he looks at me tenderly. The clear depths of his eyes sparkle, as though bright stars have been embellished in them.
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Charlie’s Post: I sent my fiancée a text half an hour ago and she hasn’t replied. I’m hurt TAT
MC: Ahhhh sorry, I replied mentally.
Charlie: It’s okay, I’ll take it that you’ve mentally accepted my invitation for a picnic. See you over the weekend, Fiancée.
Charlie’s Post: I sent my fiancée a text half an hour ago and she hasn’t replied. I’m hurt TAT
MC: No no, I didn't understand the contents of your text so I was searching it up.
Charlie: Why didn’t you ask me about it? The meaning behind “Mg + ZnSO4 = Zn + MgSO4″ is that your beauty has stolen my heart.
[Note] This is a Chinese pun
Charlie’s Post: I sent my fiancée a text half an hour ago and she hasn’t replied. I’m hurt TAT
MC: Don’t feel hurt. I’m here, so give me a chance to make it up to you!
Charlie: In that case, I’ll invite my fiancée to make up for it with a kiss. That isn’t unreasonable, is it?
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by calligomiles; continuing from this)
“Have you ever noticed,” Nearl said to Meteor one morning as they were eating breakfast together, “that Ursans have tails?”
The Sniper, who had just taken a bite of oatmeal, had to quickly swallow it in order to respond. “Hmm? I had, but why do you ask?”
“Have you ever watched one?” She nonchalantly bit into a carrot. How the Defender managed to maintain her muscle with such a high-vegetable diet was a closely-guarded secret.
“Not intentionally, no.” Meteor stifled a chuckle. “Margaret, where is this going?”
Nearl glanced around the room before leaning over the table and whispering, “I’m seeing someone, and I need some advice.”
“Advice? Congrats, by the way.”
“Thank you, and yes, advice.” The knight sighed. “My girlfriend likes to brush my hair, and I enjoy brushing her as well, but I...I don’t know how to explain this very well.”
By this point, she had the archer’s full attention. “Don’t let that stop you.”
“Right, well, I’ve never been with an Ursan woman before, and I don’t know if there’s some way I could - involve, I suppose? - her tail. It’s very cute, but it’s more fuzzy than hairy, and it’s so small that I’m not sure if it’s actually practical to even think about this.” Nearl sat up again to munch on her carrot some more.
“Your girlfriend’s one of the USSGG, right?” A nod. “You could ask one of them for advice.”
The Defender frowned. “I could, but they might tell her I asked.”
“Is that something you’re worried about?” Seeing the knight like this was giving Meteor a secondhand sugar rush.
“Worried, no.” Nearl blushed. “Just embarrassed.”
Oh, this was just preeeeecious. “Well, I’m no expert on Ursus girls, but I do know that if you ask them for advice, they’re not going to gossip about it behind your back. That’s just not how their group is. Ask the one who works here in the cafeteria before we leave, and I’ll bet she’ll be happy to tell you.”
“I think I will, then. Thank you, Meteor.”
“Happy to help.” The archer smiled. “Don’t forget to tell me what happens, though.”
The knight lit up like a Christmas tree. “I-I mean, you did help me, so it’s not unreasonable to want to know-”
“Oh, I’m just playing, don’t feel like you have to. I’m meeting some of the girls at the range, so I need to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow. Good luck~” And with that, Meteor took her clean tray and left.
“Thank you.” The Defender took a deep breath. “Gummy’s her codename, yes? I believe so...What a conversation to have this early in the day.”
As chance would have it, the dark-haired Kuranta was meeting a certain Ursus that morning, and although she wasn’t aware of the heiress’ relationship with Nearl, Natalya knew of Meteor’s well enough to ask a question. “Good morning, Meteor. Before we start practice today, can I ask you something?”
“Of course. It wouldn’t happen to be about tails, by any chance?” Not that she was thinking of her previous conversation-
“It does, actually.” Rosa smiled. “You know Nearl quite well, don’t you?”
The archer could not have asked for a more interesting morning if she’d wanted one. “She’s a good friend of mine, yes.”
“Excellent. We’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks now, and I was wondering if it would be too forward if I asked to brush her tail in the morning for her to help her get ready faster.”
“...You two are adorable.” Meteor had to laugh a little. “Oh, Nian would love this, I’m sure. No, it’s not too forward, although I don’t think it’s as much a time-saver as you think it’ll be.”
Natalya cocked her head. “Really? On the days she does it - usually on the weekend - it takes her up to an hour.”
“You’d finish brushing faster than she would, I’m sure, but there’s a good chance you’ll trigger something in the process.” The Kuranta winked at her.
“Ohhh...Oh!” Like her girlfriend earlier, the Ursus brushed brightly at the thought. “I-I see. I hadn’t considered that. Fascinating.”
Since they were on the subject, she decided to ask a question of her own. “Ursus have tails, too, right?”
“We do, but other than being ticklish, they aren’t something we think about very often.” The heiress had no way of knowing why that answer made Meteor giggle like a schoolgirl, but it certainly did.
“Thank you for that. Ahhhh, what a great morning.” When the archer eventually recovered, she gestured out to the range ahead of them. “Let’s get started, shall we?”
As morning turned to afternoon turned to evening, the Kuranta-Ursus couple went about their daily business somewhat distractedly, more pretending they could focus on their work than actually working. Both were too busy for lunch, but they made a plan to meet at Nearl’s dorm and order in Siracusan food for a quiet night in.
At around six in the evening, Nearl answered the knock on her door, letting slow jazz leak out into the hallway. “Good evening, darling.”
“It certainly is, being able to spend it with you.” Natalya half-sashayed into the apartment before leaning against the kitchen bar. “How was your day?”
“As good as most generally, although I was...distracted for most of it.”
Rosa cocked her head with a knowing smile. “Were you now?”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” she admitted, “until I got home, but since I ordered the food you’ve been all that’s on my mind again.”
“All of me or a specific part?” The Ursus silently giggled.
The knight immediately realized what’d happened, and the blush from earlier returned in force. “You went to the range with Meteor.”
“I did.” There was a knock on the front door. “Dinner?”
“Probably.” Nearl answered it, paid Angelina her tip, and brought their food to the bar-
-where she was promptly ambushed by Natalya once her hands were free. “I’ve been thinking about you, too~ She told me something very interesting about you.”
“O-oh? She did?” What had Meteor said to put her in this kind of mood? Not that Margaret was complaining, admittedly. “What did she say?”
“She told me the reason you haven’t let me brush your tail before.”
Oh. Well that wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought. “If you’d like, you can brush it after dinner.”
“Thank you, darling~” The Sniper squeezed her the way a grizzly bear might hug their waifu pillow before letting her go. “I can set the table.”
“As you wish.” Immediately after the Ursus turned back to the kitchen to do that, the Defender’s eyes found their way to her girlfriend’s ever-vexing ball of a tail. She moved faster than her brain could think.
It was a good thing Rosa hadn’t gotten to the cabinets yet, because she would’ve dropped whatever she’d been holding. “Oh!”
“I’m sorry,” she replied, immediately pulling her arms to her sides, “but all this talk about tails today and thinking about yours all day, I-”
“You don’t need to apologize, dear...but if you don’t mind, we might need to wait for dinner a little longer.” As the heiress turned back around and caught the overhead light in her eyes, there was no doubt what’d be keeping them busy.
...It’s a good thing Siracusan food reheats rather well.
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xamassed · 3 years
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「 @bucketfullofocs​  」
[@ Mammon] A thin package is slid under his door, wrapped in plain brown paper. Should he choose to open it, a very old calendar would be what greeted him, the year "1949" in large lettering. Inside were photographs, one for each month, of Sarah, dressed in what would definitely be considered pin-up clothing. Black and white and carefully painted over to give the image color and a dream-like appearance, it was clear Sarah had taken great care during the photos to be sexy without being lewd.
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“Hmm? Wussat?”
‘ Should he choose ’ implied that there was a chance the Avatar of Greed wouldn’t open the mysteriously delivered package, but there was little likelihood for that as he could rarely contain his curiosity. There would always linger the innate fear that it was another unreasonable demand from his older brother, but Lucifer tended to send envelopes rather than large flat packages like this.
It could be a gift from an admirer, or one of the many things he ordered from Akuzon on a whim and quickly forgotten about. There were so many possibilities, each one motivating him to peel open the paper. But as it fell away, he was met with confusion.
“A calendar?” He raised a brow and scoffed, wondering who in their right mind would use something so outdated. Mammon didn’t toss it, however. There had to be a reason why it was delivered to him so secretively. “Wasn’t 1949 ages ago? What would they even have in here?”
The first image made him realize with a choking sputter that his first guess had been the most accurate.
Heat erupted in his face, tinting every inch of skin from his neck to the tips of his ears a brilliant red. His breath caught in his throat, and he swore for a moment he had gone lightheaded.
There was no doubting that the woman posed in the photos was his human, his Sarah, the woman he had become so deeply enamored with. There she was, barely dressed and posing in a way that made his greed and selfishness sing. It didn’t make him happy to know someone else had seen her this way, her every beautiful aspect there for all to see, until he realized that this wouldn’t exist had she tried to do it alone. Ahhhh, curse the person that took these! Lucky bastard!
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“W—What’s the big idea lettin’ me see this, huh?” He flipped through the images, the color in his face remaining annoyingly prominent. “Damn, ya look good, baby. Why can’tcha do stuff like this now?”
He tilted his head and brought the calendar closer, getting a better look at the smaller details in her outfits and fully appreciating the meticulousness of the styles in her hair. No matter the theme, no matter the pose, he found himself breathless.
“Right!” He snapped the calendar closed and shook himself out, the warm buzzing along his skin hinting that he ought to calm down before he found himself too excited — too late. “Can’t let anyone else see this! Gotta find a good place t’hide it.”
That ‘ good place ’ happened to be under his bed, resting atop a small pile of sensitive magazines he had collected over the years. And it would always remain on top.
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beloved-death · 3 years
4 Year Anniversary
I’ve had this blog for 4 years now, it has certainly felt like eternity.
None of my blogs have lasted anywhere near this long, and while it ultimately failed (55 followers LMAO down from like 180 max) I’ve had fun. I haven’t changed much these 4 years but to you all I have. To me I am just more cynical, more depressed and hopeless (I’m still unreasonably edgy and I embrace that). I don’t like to think about those early times, when I wasn’t being the most cringe person here I was slowly ruining friendships by being incredibly annoying. Was it all my fault? Probably not, but oh well can’t change that shit. 
Going through these old interactions hurts but they were more innocent times, when people had fun with my nonsense. Back then the only lore I had was a disillusioned Reaper looking for anything to break the dread of being alive and making happy memories, and a member of a species all my own with a big heart and trauma just trying to live his long life the way he wants to. Kira was originally going to be the primary character on this blog but that didn’t last long. Nul was just one success after another and EVERYONE liked the character and his morbid humor. Kind worn it all out though. At least he didn’t become flanderized (seriously when’s the last time you heard Nul call someone a meatbag or pulled a cryptic prank on someone that wasn’t Bor?). He had some wonderful growth, shame Kira never got much. I built a whole universe and lore that I still love working on but its not suited for books, a graphic novel maybe, but not a book.
Every additional character has been a disaster to some extent: Nala was a massive mistake and I still don’t know why I made her (another world eater was a good idea but awfully executed), Olivia never fit and her threads were pathetic because they were impossible to write, I don’t regret Sun though he was a proper fucking addition that got a lot of interest but its sad that by then the interactions dried up, and I don’t want to think about Mason he was an attempt to make a more RP friendly character but all my interest in him died as soon as I posted that bio because I HAD DONE IT AGAIN! I MADE A CHARACTER THAT IS A TERRIBLE PERSON AND IS VERY DIFFICULT TO RP WITH! My verses interactions have been some of my favorites and I wish OCs in fandom RPCs weren’t shit on so hard, I would love to go back but all I can do are the custom protagonists or actual OCs and then I’d be repeating the cycle all over again.
Perhaps my time to leave was long ago, I just don’t got it anymore. I suppose it’s nice that people are here for me now, never really had that before. I’m not leaving anytime soon though (barring mental health forcing me to act irrationally) and I hope to make more friends and maybe by some miracle get this blog back in action.
Happy Birthday Beloved-Death
“I just love their interactions forgive me”
“ AHHHH i am super excited to see how it’s going to turn out!! it already sounds super interesting!!! i love the idea of reapers tbh and you’ve put a whole new spin on them i am totally game for this!!!! “
These two hurt so much. Back when people thought I was funny, engaging, original, and a joy to rp with. NGL my favorite people to write with, I had amazing chemistry with both. I had more trust back then too...
Nul had 2 friends at one point, that was perhaps the best point in my RP history. It felt wonderful. I don’t think I’ll ever chemistry again.
Let’s also not talk at all about the Sarg persona, that’s going to my grave.
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Okay so I have an oc names is Arbany her quirk is indestructible wings and telekinesis and I would like u to do her x Bakugo where they fight and he say something that hurts her feelings and she later has a fight with some villains and almost die and whatever else u wanna add but an happy ending if that’s not too much for you I don’t wanna stress u out and if u don’t wanna do it it’s fine or if you have an better idea I will gladly take that thank u so much again I love you work take care 💕💕💕
A/N : omggg tysm for requesting and you’re so sweet ahhhh!! It actually means the world to me!
Apologises if she’s ooc, I’m not really sure what her personality is like.
Bakugou x oc
Warnings : violence/fighting, swearing
Words : 3,800
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Arbany had met Bakugou during the June of their first year in high school, meeting each other for the first time when her school Shiketsu High bumped into his. The impression they left on each other wasn’t the best. She remembered him as the foul mouthed, egoistic boy with a superiority complex, and he saw her as a good for nothing brat with one too many words and nothing but a dumb set of wings.
She had managed to knock him off his pedestal after she received her hero licence before he had and it sparked rivalry of sorts, Bakugou vowing that he would never lose to her again. They had stayed in contact after Kirishima asked for her number, adding her to a group chat with himself, Bakugou and a few more of their friends.
Soon, unbeknown to any of their other mutual friends, they had began to text privately, and she often found herself rushing to the phone whenever his special notification sounded. They would often take about modern day affairs, the latest updates on well known heroes and villains, and sometimes they would open up and talk about themselves, asking each other for advice on certain things or how their day went.
It wasn’t long before Arbany found herself developing a massive crush on him. Sure his attitude was brash and unnecessarily rude, but that didn’t mean he was a terrible person, in fact he did care a lot, and she supposed he just tried hard not show it for some odd reason or another.
They would meet up regularly, normally at places that were a few train stations away from their houses. The distance between their schools wasn’t incredibly big, but it did take at least an hour to get to one place from another, so they compromised with spots in the middle. On specials occasions, when it was their birthdays or a pubic holiday, one would wait by the school gates of the other.
This led to their classmates noticing and hence teasing them about each other. On Arbany’s side, her face would flush, ears light pink as her friends made comments about shipping them whereas on the other side of town, Bakugou would scream threats as his friends laughed.
Eventually, they started dating. It was a few weeks into the second year and Bakugou had asked her out during a picnic in a field with a wreath of fresh flowers that he had hidden in his backpack and a necklace. It was cheesy, and he was embarrassed the entire time, his cheeks dusted with red, letting out small curses every now as then, but he decided the massive smile on who was now his girlfriend’s face was worth him putting down his ego and taking the first step.
In the following autumn, Arbany had transferred into his school for the last year, after her parents moved for their jobs, she decided to finish off her second year at Shiketsu before joining her parents closer to UA. She was understandably upset at leaving behind her good friends, however being with her boyfriend of nearly a year and also his friends, who she was pretty close to as well, helped cheer her up significantly.  
“Arbany!” Mina called, waving her over to the side of the gym. She walked over, pulling on her sports jumper as Aizawa began telling them of today’s training lesson. It was a 1v1 spar with no quirks and he gave everyone the choice to choose a partner.
“Are you going to spar Bakugou?” Mina asked.
Arbany started, “Possibly I-” before cutting herself off as she watched the blonde stomp towards Midoriya.
“Fight me Deku.” he shouted.
She laughed slightly, shaking her head before turning back to Mina. “I think I’ll choose someone I rarely train with.” she said, to which the latter nodded.
“Alright, you better not loose!” she cheered before walking off. Arbany looked around, catching sight of Todoroki standing alone.
“Hey Todoroki!” she called out, smiling as he turned around. “Would you like to be my partner?”
He nodded politely, before the pair began walking to an empty marked area of the hall. Her physical skill was only a few hairs short of Todoroki’s, him often catching to smallest openings and attacking. She stepped back in a wide stance, bringing her leg up which he blocked, before jumping up and swinging the other leg. He dodged, stepping backwards as she swung up, about to land a punch when a sudden large explosion sounded.
“The hell?” she jumped back, whipping her head around to see a large charred dent in the floor of the hall.
“Bakugou! This is a no quirk exercise.” Aizawa shouted, using his scarf to hold the younger boy back from continuing to attack Midoriya. “Are you alright Midoriya?”
She felt a small pang of guilt. Maybe if she had spotted Bakugou’s increasing anger towards the other boy, then she could have possibly prevented this. Maybe she should’ve payed more attention to her own boyfriend.
“I’ll take him to nurse’s office.” she offered, walking towards the boy and pulling on his arm.
“It’s alright I’m fine.” Midoriya protested, shaking his head but she tugged on his arm again and he followed without much more complaint. In the background she could hear Bakugou screaming at her to leave the damn nerd alone but she simply ignored him.
After leaving the hall, she slowed down her pace, letting go of his arm. “I’m sorry about Katsuki, I’m not sure why he even thought something like that would be acceptable.” she sighed, rubbing her forehead as Midoriya awkwardly chuckled.
“It’s not your fault don’t worry.” he reassured her.
“No it’s not.” she huffed out frustrated, “but maybe I could’ve talked him out of pulling something like this.”
Midoriya shook his head. “I think we need to sort it out between ourselves.” he said. “There’s no need to blame yourself Arbany.”
She nodded and sighed, stepping into the nurse’s office after him and looking around for any burn ailments.
Bakugou was seething. He detested the thought of his girlfriend together with the only person on earth that he utterly loathed. As soon as class ended, he rushed off to find Arbany, spotting her near their classroom and pulling her to the side.
“Why are you hanging out with the damn Deku.” Bakugou asked.
She sighed, grimacing. “I was not ‘hanging out’ with him, I went to treat him for a burn that you caused.” she answered, pointing a figure to his chest.
“He could’ve easily taken care of that himself.” he muttered.
“No Katsuki. He could’ve easily not been hurt at all if you just learn how to grow up.”
He could feel himself shaking with anger as he clenched his fists. “What the fuck do you mean I need to grow up.”
“Katsuki you are literally an adult next year, stop acting like a child towards someone who literally hasn't done anything to deserve this hate.”
“So you’re defending him now?”
“Yes! Yes I am because I think you’re being utterly unreasonable.”
“I don’t get you. You’re my girlfriend and yet-”
“Exactly! I’m your girlfriend and you should listen to me when I tell you what you’re doing something wrong. I care about you and that’s exactly why I’m not going to condone this behaviour.”
“But he’s just a fucking loser-” He stopped shouting to hold his head with his hand, rubbing his temple. “Look, I didn’t pull you over for a fight.”
“Well I’m not sure what you expected pulling a stunt like that.”
“Look I can explain-”
“You literally attempted to kill him. For what reason? Because he’s your rival?”
“No because-”
The sound of a phone ringing cut him off. “Hold on, let me take this.” she said, side stepping away and bringing the phone up to her ear.
“Hello? Arbany speaking.”
“Hello Arbany, you are being requested for a case.”
“Alright, I’m coming right now.”
“Mirio is waiting for you at the front gates.”
“Thank you.” she said before hanging up the phone, turning around. “Listen I’ve got a job now, but don’t you dare think this conversation is over Bakugou Katsuki.”
“Wait- Arbany!”
She ignored him, rushing off back to the classroom to gather her bag before running down the hallway and stairs. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, telling herself to stay calm as she slowly counted to 10 before regaining her composure. “You’re okay Arbany, you can do this.” she said to herself, pushing open the main doors and quickly walking to the school’s front gate.
“Mirio!” she called out, a smile plastered on her face as she threw her bag in the back seat and climbed into the passenger’s seat.
“Hey Arbany.” he replied, throwing her and earpiece before starting the engine and speeding down the road as she put on her seat belt, catching herself with her hand as the car lurched forward.
“Woah, slow down or you’re going to hit someone.” she laughed, securing the piece around her ear.
“I’ll be careful, but today’s job is really urgent.” he said, and she grimaced at the lack of a single hint of humour in his voice.
“Well that sucks, who is it?”
“The League again.” he sighed.
“Seriously? I’ve never met them before.” she answered, a pang of excitement hitting her as she was finally going to face the area’s most infamous villains.
“Really? They’ve been all over your class since first year.”
“Oh damn. I transferred this year so I guess I missed all of the fun stuff.” she answered.
“Well, I wouldn’t say fun.” he replied with a small laugh. “Your boyfriend did end up kidnapped for a good few days.”
She huffed at the word boyfriend and this caused Mirio to loosen up and actually laugh for one time in their journey. His usual upbeat self was incredibly tense and Arbany noticed as soon as she heard his less than enthusiastic greeting. “What did he do this time?”
“Arh.” She put her head in her hands before looking back up and staring at the traffic light. “I don’t even know, he just acts like a child like oh my fucking god Katsuki you’re turning 18 next year and you’re still trying to kill this poor bean over some childhood superiority complex.” she ranted, throwing her hands up in the air, hitting the car’s ceiling by accident.
“That sounds like him.” Mirio laughed, turning the corner, them both now spotting a massive colour of smoke.
“Well shit.” she cursed, tightening her grip on her seat belt as she saw a few people running away from the general direction. “Care to brief me in on which fucker might have done this?”
“Most likely Dabi.” he replied. “He’s the most active member who has a fire quirk. Just a warning, they may possibly have nomus.”
He pulled over to the side of the road, a sticker on his car’s windscreen showing that he was okay to do what would have otherwise been illegal parking. She got out of the car, running towards the scene. “Damn I don’t even have my hero suit on.” she complained under her breath, jumping into the air and with a flap of her wings she was above, looking down towards the scene.
“[hero name] here reporting for duty.” she called out after turning the ear piece on.
“Alright Arbany, your job is to make sure all civilians are out of the area.”
“Understood.” she answered, starting by doing a massive lap around the burning building with her wings. Spotting a pair walking towards it’s general direction, she swooped down and guided them to another route, before flying back up.
Getting closer to the building her eye caught sight on a fairly unburnt rooming, severely out of place considering the entire building was up in roaring flames and smoke. She slowly made her way to, realising a fairly young woman had been using her quirk to fireproof the room, but visibly growing tired. Arbany banged harshly on the window, getting no response as the woman remained leaning against her bed, almost motionless apart from the slight turn of her head, her eyes widening at the fact that someone had noticed her.
Arbany landed on the balcony, stepping back before swinging her leg up and shattering the window. She reached inside and unlatched the door, walking in hurriedly and placing her hands underneath the woman’s knees and back.
“Are you alright miss?” she asked, lifting her up and exiting the building.
She closed her eyes, a faint smile on her lips. “Thank you...”
“It’s alright.” Arbany replied, dropping to the ground at the sight of an ambulance, passing the woman over to a health worker. “Have some rest.” she said before jumping back into the air.
Before she could even travel another few feet, something at an incredible speed knocked into her from behind, sending her shooting down into the ground. “Fuck!” she screamed, wrapping her wings around her as she plummeted into the concrete.
“Arbany? Are you alright?” her ear piece sounded.
“Oh my fucking god.” she cried out, standing back up with a wobble and turning to see a massive lump of muscle and flesh flying in the sky. “Holy shit that thing is ugly.” she snorted, rolling back her shoulders to ease the tension as she most likely had to face that thing.
“That’s a nomu. Try not to engage in contact.”
“I think it’s a bit too late for that.” she responded as it started flying down towards her at a rapid speed.
“We’re sending another pro hero your way. Stay on your toes until then.”
“Alright.” she answered, focusing her mind on the incoming nomu and trying to stop it with her telekinesis. It slowed down considerably, no longer a blur in the sky, however she knew that once it reached her, even with a swing of it’s arm, she would be toast.
She couldn’t take her eyes off it otherwise he telekinesis would cease to work, so slowly she flew back into the air. The nomu changed it’s direction of path and sped towards her. She watched it intently as it grew closer and closer and by the time it was arms distance, she forced all of her energy onto it. It slowed down even more, and with that, she flew up, waiting for it be directly underneath her, before hardening her wings and burying them into it’s muscles as knifes.
It let out an ear piercing howl and with that she focused her telekinesis onto her leg, giving it extra as she stomped downwards on the nomu’s body. It started falling almost instantly, yet in that minuscule time frame, it had grabbed onto her ankle, pulling her down as well. With a shift of it’s body, it launched Arbany down towards the ground with it’s immense strength.
“Fuck.” she screamed. Her wings couldn’t catch any updraft of air so she resorted to encasing herself in her wings again. She hit the ground with a massive crash, the things around her becoming debris as she lay still in the dent in the ground.
In the quick seconds this had all occurred, she had forgotten to unharden her wings. She groaned in frustration at her stupidity as she felt an overwhelming pain in her side.
“Well fuck I might be out of commission soon.” she announced, roughly pulling out one of her feathers out of her side and tying her clothes tightly around the wound.
“You can stop Arbany, Endeavour has made it to your area.”
“I’m gonna keep helping until I can’t move anymore.” she muttered, standing up slowly as she winced at her side wound. She fell in pain as she stretched out her wings. Her wings were indestructible yes, the bones in them could never break, however that didn’t mean the rest of her body was too. The muscles connecting her wings to her back had been severely injured in the fall.
She felt utterly useless. She was a combat hero as much as a rescue one but she had essentially failed at both tasks. She watched as the nomu burned up in flames, still rushing towards Endeavour in a rage. With the last part of her energy, she focused and stopped most of it’s movements, and he sent another fire attack it’s way. With it unable to dodge or even shake out the flames, it slowly burnt up. She guessed this one was the regenerative type the others had encountered before.
With a small nod, satisfied at her help, she leaned against a wall and said “Alright well I’m gonna take a quick nap.”
“Arbany you are still in the battlefield, open your eyes right now!” She winced at the shouting in her ear and grumbled.
“Fine fine, I’m leaving.” she slowly started limping away, her hand on the wall to steady her and she made her way back to the main road. Spotting the ambulance again she stood up straight to walk over, missing the curb and falling flat on her face.
She felt fatigue wash over her as she rested her head on the concrete. Her head was spinning uncontrollably and she closed her eyes shut, hearing people running over to her as she slowly faded away.
“Kacchan I’m guessing you’re going to visit Arbany right now?” Midoriya asked as Bakugou strolled into the kitchen.
“What?” he scowled, turning his attention to the other boy with a glare.
“Wait you haven’t heard?”
“Do I look like I have Deku? Fucking spit it out already.”
“R-right, Arbany’s in hopsital after the villain attack by the-”
“Are you fucking with me Deku? I swear to god.”
“N-no I’m not!” he quickly answered, shaking his head before getting out his phone and turning to the most recent screenshot. “It’s on the news.”
Bakugou snatched the phone off him, his eyes squinted as he hurriedly read the small test. “Fuck.” he said, tossing the phone back to him absentmindedly as he rushed out of the kitchen, grabbing someone’s random jacket that was rested on the couch before running out of the door.
He sprinted all the way to the front gate, propelling himself with his quirk. He stopped at a main road, waving down a taxi aggressively before jumping inside and demanding they go to the nearest hospital. He tapped his feet impatiently as the drive there felt so agonisingly long. His eye watched digital distance measurer and calculator, pulling out what he assumed to be more than enough cash.
“Just park here.” he demanded as the hospital came into view.
“Sir I can’t-”
“Just fucking park here.” he shouted, the timid guy agreeing and stopping the car. He slammed the cash onto the dashboard before bolting out.
“Sir your change.” the driver called out.
“Keep it for all I care.” he shouted back, not sparing another glance as he ran into the hospital, knocking into a few people and almost colliding with a few more.
“Arbany. Arbany [L/N]” he said at the front desk as he almost started shouting at the receptionist for how slow he felt she was going.
“Second floor, room 214.” she said and he nodded, rushing to the elevators.
“Please refrain from running in here.” she called out from behind him. “This is a hospital, not a playground.”
He disregarded her words, pressing the up button multiple times, watching the floors come down to the ground, stepping in and pressing the 2. He soon reached her room, knocking before entering. She sat up on the bed, grimacing slightly as her side throbbed.
“Fucking hell, what were you thinking.” he said, sitting down next to her. His words were harsh but she could hear the genuine worry in them.
“Funny thing right, I did this to myself.” she chuckled, pouting when he didn’t show any reaction to her lightheartedness expect sighing.
“You idiot. Do you know how worried I was when I heard that. And if was from that nobody Deku as well.” he rubbed his eyes, his lips drawn up in a tight grimace.
She kissed her teeth. “Yeah, we’ve got to sort out what problem you have with Midoriya.”
“Fuck that brat, don’t think you can just change the conversation topic. What the fuck were you doing out there to get you landed in this bloody hell.” he threw his hands up, but his tone remained worried, making sure not to raise his voice at her.
“I’m a hero Katsuki, of course there are going to be injuries now and then.” she reasoned.
“I know.” he breathed out. He knew too that it was inevitable. They were both aiming to be pro hero and such a path like that wouldn’t be smooth sailing. “I know, I just...”
She stayed silent, not rushing him to go on as she wrapped her fingers around his. He clasped her hand in both of his, bringing them up to his head as he looked down at the bed. “I was scared.” he whispered.
Her heart melted at his words. It was almost never that someone like Bakugou would put down his pride to admit something like that. She reached over with her other hand, stroking his hair as he continued. “They wrote about you as if you were in some life threatening condition.”
She giggled. “That’s the media for you.”
“I, I thought I might lose you.” he said. She felt him shaking and pulled him towards her, wrapping her arm around him.
“I’m not going to leave you, you dummy.” she assured him. “I promise.”
He pulled back, flicking her on the forehead. “You better, otherwise I’m gonna follow you to hell and beat your ass.”
“Hey!” she pouted. “Who says I’d end up in hell anyways.”
“Pfft, and you’re going to heaven then?”
“In your dreams.” he snorted.
She laughed at him before they fell into a silence, fiddling with his fingers as he simply just stared her.
“What’s up sweatpea?” she asked, tilting her head to the side and trying to read his expression.
“I love you dumbass.”
“Ew gross.” she laughed as he glared at her. “I’m just joking, ow! Don’t hit me I’m injured.”
Leaning back on the bed and away from him, she stuck her tongue out. “Say it back.” he demanded.
She squinted her eyes at him. “Are you sure you’re not the injured one Katsuki?”
He huffed and crossed his arms. “Fine then. Be like that.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding oh my god.” she rolled her eyes, leaning forwards to peck him on the lips.
“I love you too, you baby.”
If it wasn’t for her being injured, he might have blown her to pieces in sheer embarrassment.
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mianmimi · 4 years
I love the idea of Mordo being a top on the streets and a bottom on the sheets. My unreasonably specific headcanon is that Mordo loves being in control... but he loves having that control taken and being made to love the sudden turn of events/surrender/submission a lot of more. He has a Thing™ for strong personalities, which unfortunately doesn’t always translate to caring individuals, and Kamar-Taj is full of them. And full of men who want to fuck the sad out of Mordo.
Mordo sort of tests the waters to see if a man is worth it, though, ‘cause he’s a hoe but he’s a hoe of refinement and taste. Perfect example, that moment when Stephen and Mordo are sparring and Stephen elbow jabs Mordo in the stomach. Mordo’s smile right there says: Yup, he passed the test—he can plough my arse like a field of cassava.
Jokes aside, it makes sense for Mordo to want to be the pampered one after dedicating so much time taking care of others. And I think Stephen can be protective and is very much a caregiver, and not just because he’s a doctor, though his career choice influences that, of course. They would be such a good couple, that's all ❤️
I stan a loving and compatible couple of insanely attractive people with a complex history, nuanced dynamic, and that is nonetheless not toxic or abusive 😭
Sing this song a thousand times dearest Nonny! Blast it loud and on repeat cause it’s my jam!!!!
“He’s a hoe but he’s a hoe of refinement and taste.” I such a wonderful way to describe Karl’s love life hehehehe. He can get it on but on his terms and how he likes. *eyebrow wiggle* Give me Stephen and Karl sleeping together for the first time and figuring each other out. Give me Karl making it clear that he can easily toss Stephen across the room but would rather be riding his dick and calling him daddy. Give me Stephen giving Karl everything he wants and more.
Ahhhh just give me them happy and together 🥺 With all the ass to eat and dick to ride.
Also, Stephen would be exceptional in aftercare. Holding Karl gently while kissing and caressing him, giving him what he needs to heal and just bask in the afterglow.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 119 Poll Results
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The chapter 119 poll closed with 2,021 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated! 
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,942 Responses
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This chapter was a roller coaster of action and emotional turmoil, clearly affecting the majority of the fandom, with 92.7% of respondents giving it either a 4 or a 5 rating. 
Well, Isayama. Mission accomplished. This chapter did phenomenally hurt me.
Colt became one of my new favorite characters. This is the only series where I can say I'm happy one of my favorites is dead, because that means they don't have to suffer anymore... 
don't lose your head now, we are almost in the end
Entertaining chapter, but with some glaring inconsistencies
To me, it was one of the most nerve wracking, emotional, and plot twist chapters that I've ever read in this series.
Isayama one of the madman. That's it. That's the whole thoughts.
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Our top three fave moments were Colt hugging Falco as he transformed (28.7%), Gabi shooting Eren (21.3%) and Porco sacrificing himself to save Falco and Reiner (17.1%).
Eren getting his head blown off is my favorite manga moment since the Armored/Colossal Titan reveal... hands down. Might be even better, depends on what happens next
The Zeke scream was my favorite moment. It was so epic, I just can't wait for the anime to use YouSeeBigGirl or 2volt in this scene. It's my favorite moment as a manga reader after Willy Tybur's speech
Colt died a selfless, loyal big brother, and that's all there is to say about that.
Eren getting his head blown off is the best thing to ever happen. We know it means jack shit for him, but we got soooo many great memes. It's a good time to be alive.
I never really had strong opinions on Colt before, but he is 100% best Oniisan, being with his frightened younger brother til the end
Porco went too soon 😢
This poll was also inconsistent this month, I couldn’t vote for Pyxis drinking as my favourite moment.
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With so many characters to choose from, it’s surprising but exciting that Porco won this chapter MVP by a landslide. Perhaps even more surprising, however, is Gabi coming in at #2. 
I'm so proud Porco. 
#GabiGang rise up!
I’m glad that everyone’s eyes have been opened to the fact that Porco is - was - a great character 
Colt was too good for this world. 
 Gabi shoot Eren’s head off was strangely cathartic
Porco the real mvp and you all know it
Even though I don't like Porco, and never have, I will admit he was kind of the MVP this round. Reiner kicked more ass than he did at every given opportunity, dude was kinda useless tbh, so it's cool that he finally served some kind of purpose.
Badass Gabi is best Gabi
The Grice brothers were the only Marleyans I liked from the get-go, so this chapter was yet another wrench in the heart (thanks again, Yams!) Colt was totally the MVP in this entire arc, as far as I'm concerned. His last words to Falco were absolutely heartbreaking. My poor boys. :( Falco's guilt will be devastating to see.
Never cared about Porco before. But this time...
*crying like an idiot*
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The members of the 104th are finally out of jail and back in action!  47.5% think Armin’s epic use of a thunder spear shot him into first place, while 33% think Mikasa, who went to fight the Cart along with him was the standout.
Armin was so cool this chapter <3
Connie & Jean was unexpected
Floch just die already...
So one of Armin's major characteristics throughout the manga up until this point has been him whining about how weak he is and how he never gets better at the gear and how he's such a burden, and now, suddenly, miraculously, he's keeping up with an Ackerman.  Amazing plot armor there, Isayama, truly amazing.  It certainly would be nice if the other side got even half the advantages that the Paradise crew does.  Imagine what a fair and balanced battle would look like!
Mah boi Floch seems to be the only survivor of the attack on the carttitan... he definetly knows how to survive
I love the Armin and Mikasa duo action. I also hope Armin will transform soon
Armin now is so close to Magath. I want to see him try to negotiate with him, but I also want to see him go colossal already ahhhh.
floch suffers again
I miss Sasha :(
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The warriors got a lot of action as well as emotional play this month, and though polls in the past have shown Porco as unpopular, 59.4% of you chose him as the MVP among his comrades.  11.4% think Colt finally stood out from the crowd, 9.7% selected Gabi, and 8.6% chose the sufferboi Reiner.
Best bois: Porco and Colt Best girl: Gab Gab
All of them? Seriously they all did great this chapter despite literally half of these kids dying or being in danger.
I was truly surprised by gabi shooting eren, but god that was awesome i loved it
I hadn’t even liked Porco or Colt before but damn did they earn my respect.
mad props to Gabi for being such a badass that she was able to dig Colt’s rifle out from under his burnt body in order to fire on Eren. Being able to think so clearly and take action even under the weight of her horror and grief was incredible. 
Originally Falco was the only non-Paradis character I liked. Now we can all Colt to that list. Shame he had to die in order for me to feel this way.
Falco was the only one who didn't do a whole lot this chapter but a large majority of them got a moment to be recognized as the type of person they are.
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Colt trying to do everything in his power to protect Falco is what touched the majority of the fandom’s hearts, earning them a solid 80% of the vote. At a very distant second, 10.2% of the fandom were most emotionally touched by Eren and Zeke’s desperation to make contact with each other, only to be ruthlessly denied in the end. 
I think Colt and Falco scene was one of the best scenes in all manga, so emotional
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Sorry, Reiner, but most (90.8%) of us don’t think you’re going to have any success in ending your own life.  ….But look on the bright side: 11.9% think that maybe you’ll get lucky and somebody else will kill you! 
Let Reiner die in peace already, Isayama!
I love that my baby boy Reiner is still alive. 😭
No wonder Reiner wanted to be like Marcel, at least that kid didn't fail at suicide.
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64% of the fandom veered towards “Dear god!” in response to Falco’s horrific titan form. Only 7.6% replied with confidence that they’d seen worse.
Falco’s titan looks like a hybrid of Cheese from Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends and Dead Hand from Legend of Zelda: OOT. So horrifying that I can’t not look at it.
 Falco gets a medal for having the creepiest mindless titan. 
MAN F****** that jaw titan is a problem!
Two things I did not need to see this chapter were Falco's mindless titan form and a decapitated Eren. So much horror, so little beauty…
Why are Falco’s Titan’s teeth in hIS NOSE WTF
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Porco oh so barely edged out Reiner as the person we’d most prefer Falco to have eaten. Looking at the comments, popularity had nothing to do with this. Rather many people seemed to think that dying for Falco was a more fitting gesture for Reiner’s arc.
Disappointing because the Jaws died. Reiner easily could’ve got out his nape and let Falco eat him, we didn’t need to lose Porco. 
I feel bad for reiner, becouse he could get his redemtion and complete his perfect development and he lost this oportunity,
i'm pretty frustrated that falco didn't get the armored titan, half because i want reiner to finally have some peace and also because i really wanted to see an armored titan falco.
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38.8% of respondents were moved the most this chapter by Colt and Falco’s brotherly love for one another. 26.2% most enjoyed Porco’s sacrifice that couldn’t have happened without a little classic Porco sass. 18.5% are really feeling it for Nile and how he tried to save one child while knowing he’ll never see his own again. Pixis, at least you were still able to enjoy one last swig. 
I liked Pixis accepting his fate while Zeke screamed
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In a chapter filled with so much death, does Colt’s stand out? Was it even necessary? 47.2% feel that his decision to stay by his brother’s side was understandable but unreasonable given the circumstances. 36.1% went with the simple explanation of “Tragic”, where only 8.8% thought his choice was 100% heroic.
I cried when Colt hugged Falco
Colt....I understand you're distraught about your precious lil bro being titanized, but there's a snackalicious founding titan running towards a fuzzy ass monkey, you could've helped in SOME way! 
Anyways Colt’s death although it wasn’t necessary was very moving for me, which is the first time anyone from Marley except Falco has provoked any feelings in me to be honest.
Colt is getting unreasonable amount of crap for choosing to stay by Falco's side.  I don't blame Colt at all, for seeing no immediate master plan to keep going. His instincts went right to big brother mode, to a self-sacrificing degree. And god help you if you can't appreciate that kind of beauty without feeling the need to say how much better you would have done yourself.
I was shocked to see Colt die so soon, but at the same time, I can understand why he made the sacrifice here, and it was an emotional highpoint for me in this chapter. It's going to be sad seeing Falco's reaction when he learns what has become of his brother, but I think he will understand just how much Colt cared about him
Colt's decision to stay with Falco as the later was turning into a Pure Titan was unreasonable considering the heat of the transformation nearby would kill him, but he must've thought this was the only option left because he thought no one else would save Falco (he especially would never expect Porco to sacrifice himself for Falco) and thus couldn't bear to see his beloved brother be cursed into a Pure Titan, so he just wanted to be with Falco in what he thought would be the latter's true final moments as a human.
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Hearing Colt and Zeke’s back and forth about the lengths they’re willing to go to in order to ensure their little brother’s safety is what 44.6% of the fandom believes most motivated Porco to sacrifice himself to Falco. 25.7% felt that he was pushed the most by his unwillingness to meaninglessly die and have his titan power go to waste. For the remainder of the fandom, just a few more believe that his intent was to protect Reiner rather than saving Falco.
Porco only wanted to feel validated. He died because he was in a situation where he knew he wouldn’t survive, and once he knew the truth and felt validated, he was ready to let go and die. This is why in his final line he says that in the end, he was better than Reiner. Knowing the truth was enough for him to finally stop trying to be the best, to stop trying to show his worth, and to finally accept the fact that he couldn’t keep fighting in this battle.
If we're being honest, I was surprised to see Porco die. I wasn't expecting any of that. At least he can finally be at peace with his brother tho.
Porco’s sacrifice was one of the most noble we’ve seen so far in the series and showed a lot of character development. He’ll be sorely missed!
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The results were nearly split, with 34.8% of respondents feeling that Reiner and Porco’s relationship was starting to improve after Liberio, with the potential to become even better, while 34.1% felt that Porco let go of every negative feeling he had for Reiner when he realized the truth of Marcel’s sacrifice. 16.6% feel there wasn’t enough screen time to form an opinion, and 14.5% believe there was no change in dynamic by the end. 
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While close to half the fandom believe that Coordinate power is still dormant in Eren, more than a third believe that there was enough strangeness this month to indicate that Eren has either touched Zeke already or had some other means of accessing the Coordinate power. 
The entire chapter felt... off. Pixis teleporting from outside to inside drinking, Eren’s brotherhood of traveling pants, the whole Magath and Pieck thing, it just... seems weird.
Eren couldn't be using the coordinate rn simple because he needs royal blood... 
I can go either way on the inconstancies, all of them seem like reasonable mistakes for a rushed chapter. But that also makes them just subtle enough to actually be clues that paths shit is happening
I think that the battle shown is a false battle created by the founding titans power and the real battle will be shown to an earlier Eren through a memory
I highly, HIGHLY doubt Eren pulled off some War Hammer Titan shenanigans or activated the Founding Titan's power beforehand to make it out of Gabi's shot. The stuff doesn't add up for these two.
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“All of the above” was the favorite response to the question of inconsistencies in this chapter. Of those who made a choice, “Eren’s clothes magically reappearing” was the top pick (27.2%) followed by Pieck’s quick transformation after creating a skeletonized titan form last chapter  (13.9%). While we listed several of the inconsistencies we’d noticed, the write-ins contained even more
All the above plus Porco changing out of a garrison uniform to a SC uniform
Bert's crater, and the waterway. But I want to say Eren's clothes because that has been inconsistent for 2 or 3 chapters now iirc, memory manipulation incoming.
Commander Pixis was out and suddenly was inside with other people who drank the spinal fluid
Eren getting hit by the Titan rifle by Magath and then suddenly being okay just after that.
Eren magically getting his shoes back after they got bit off by the jaws
Gabi being in the exact right place at the exact right time. If Eren had to "die" that couldn't have been set up better?
It might be me, but Gabi with the titan rifle.  More so "how" she got it, as we can infer it was Colt's.  The problem being that Colt had it on his back even after Falco's transformation.  Being underneath a burning body (RIP Colt) and being in operable condition, it just seems off to me.
Mikasa magically changed positions at one point way too fast to be possible 
No one seems to have mentioned that Gabi's hair is down when she shot Eren
Pixis teleporting from riding a horse to chilling with a drink
Reiner's sudden in-Titan beard is what got me
The three false connections between Eren's clothes (we see once he has a white shirt in his titan, once he is naked and once he had in fact his usual "sweatshirt") I mean, come on, decide on what the boy's wearing Yams.
The Gabi riding a horse wasn't really a "inconsistency" because she spent a month in those Braus stables so of course she'll learn how to ride one in a month.
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Perhaps it could be recency bias, but Falco takes the top spot with 31.2% of the fandom deeming him as the most “nightmare fuel” of the pure titans we listed above. 25.4% still abhor the “flaming turkey” or “meatloaf” titan that is Rod Reiss. 20.3% are forever haunted by the Gluttonous Titan.
Armin titan will forever fuel my nightmares, he ate best boi Bertl
Manga Rod Reiss's Titan didn't do much for me. Anime version was the stuff of fucking nightmares.
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With an… interesting new titan design, it’s time to name it! Just edging out Big Bird, Pac-Man titan is the winner! Third place goes to Muppet Waka Waka, followed by Bob’s Burger Titan.
Absolute Chad
Austrailian Shitposter
Beavis Titan
Canadian Titan
Cheese from Fosters
Giraffe Man Titan
Incel Titan
Leafy Titan
My ex wife
Pelican Titan
Rubber Chicken Titan
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Zeke, who’s not known for his empathy as a defining trait, heard out Colt when he pleaded for Zeke to spare his little brother. 54.8% of you think Zeke cared a little bit, 30.8% thinks he cared a lot, and 14.4% thinks he didn’t care one bit.
When I say Zeke cared a little about Falco and Colt, I do mean *a little*. Like, the littlest little you can care about someone before you care not at all. If Zeke caring  was a scale of 0 to 100, he cared about at about a 4. 
I really thought Zeke wasnt going to scream
Zeke was self-righteous as usual, nothing new here.
Zeke just shattered his belief that anyone cared enough to possibly aid him in his personal goal to help his little brother.
I think HE thinks he cares, but he’s more attached to the idea of himself as a person who cares and is acting out of compassion for the greater good of eldians and the world, and the truth is he doesn’t have any actual attachment and fondness for them as individuals. The trauma of betraying his parents and eating Xaver rendered him basically incapable of forming true bonds of affection.
Colt developed a considerable bond with the person who was supposed to give him his Titan power in the near future, he had the impression Zeke was not the kind of person to put a child in dire situations, so he tried to remind him of that. He never thought Zeke would do the impossible and turn his brother into a Pure Titan despite telling him the situation. The shock on Colt's face when Zeke apologizes for what he is about to do really shows that.
Fuck Zeke
Maybe Zeke will have a change of heart, maybe he will sulk into a state of depression and failure. I really hope someone convinces Zeke that suffering will always permeate in this world and the only thing he can do is hope for a better ending than how this chapter ended. 
zeke is the real life definition of a nutsack
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Crazily enough, this was nearly a three-way tie! 33.4% feel that the Jaw titan wasn’t a factor at all in Marcel, Ymir and Porco’s decision to sacrifice themselves for someone else, but rather that’s just the type of people they are. 32.6% feel that the Jaw titan is absolutely a factor, and that it is a trait or the will of this titan to sacrifice itself for others. 31.4% believe that the Jaw Titan’s will drives its holders to protect the Armored Titan only. 
It better not be, because that means Falco's next. And we all know who he's constantly protecting with his life…
It‘s coincidence but it‘s ironic how everyone of them sacrificed themselves for Reiner.
I don't know but they need to stop.
It’s the shifter’s choice to sacrifice themselves. It’s not some destiny tf you smoking.
Zeke was given the wrong titan. That's all I have to say.
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The majority (71.4%) of the fandom are confident that Eren’s expressions and actions are proof that he was hoping to avoid Zeke screaming and titanizing everyone who’s had a swig of the spine wine. 22.5% aren’t sure, or don’t want to say either way, while a smaller percentage feel that Eren probably didn’t care if Zeke screamed, or maybe even planned for it. 
For the first time in a while, Eren's face shows that he is not in control of the situation
I think he looked horrified when Zeke screamed, and I want to think that he hoped to use the Founding Titan's power before then. :( I'm also holding out for a reversal of this titanisation IF Eren does survive and manages to touch Zeke.
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Gabi has made some questionable decisions in the past, and has been the source of a great deal of controversy. That does not seem to be the case this time around, with ~51% of respondents acknowledging that her actions this chapter seemed to make sense, and an additional ~9% being proudly in her corner waving #GABIGANG flags. Only 8.4% thought that her character development was undone by her latest act of violence… Whether her actions were justified or not, the remaining 31.8% just hope that Gabi is kept away from guns for the foreseeable future.
Gabi's actions are perfectly understandable. She knows sees the Paradis differently but that doesn't mean she sees or understand the person who destroyed her home and killed her friend. 
Congratulations Gabi, you have a knack for finding new and inventive ways to utterly RUIN this series for me. You were a mistake that never should have been made.
Eren getting his head blown off is *chef kiss*  (Also lol karma)
Eren is my favorite character and even I was like "Gabi did nothing wrong."
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Magath and Peick are this month winners for most likely to die next with 20% of the vote each. Floch and Zeke follow with 17.8% and 14% of the vote respectively.
I hope mikasa and armin spare pieck.
I hope that Mikasa and Armin totally destroys Pieck in the next chapter~!
#Zeke_LIVE! #Keep_your_little_brother_safe_you_promised! 
I seriously think both Floch and Reiner are going to live to the end. These two especially seem to be really good at surviving, it's been a pattern now
I've recently noticed death flags on Louise since she was introduced, we didn't saw her in this chapter but there are chances that the poor girl will not survive until the end. 
Also I'm so glad the fandom was wrong and Falco DIDN'T eat Reiner. However, this chapter is raising massive death flags for Gabi. I hope she won't die next chapter.
Eren is too determined to die. He'll just keep going like a head-less chicken. Like those Cuccos from The Legend of Zelda that refuse to die!
I feel guilty now that in last chapter's poll when it's asked who will die i picked Eren, and now it's a possibility that he's actually dead. But I still want to hug and protect him, my son, even if he's in pieces haha
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OMG ERENS DEAD NOOOOOOO- well, probably not. Only 5.2% think this is the end of the line for our protagonist. The two most popular options were that he transferred his consciousness, and that Bucket Girl will intervene; with 24.6% and 24.1% respectively.
A mix between being saved by the bucket girl and him transferring his consciousness throughout his body.
Eren is dead, timeloop shenanigans begin.
He uses the last of his power to shift. That, or Zeke catches his head and he uses the founder to grow a new body.
Regeneration: Deadpool style
He will have a long chat with Ymir in the PATHS dimension and rewrite history
Head lands in Zeke’s hand before his brain dies and it’s good enough to count
His consciousness is safe and sound in his left butt cheek. 
his consciousness is now in his left testicle
We need explanation about the P A T H S already! Isayama will take advantage of "Eren's death" to let him met the little girl (who everyone here suspects that is indeed Ymir Fritz) and reveal the Great Titan War, The Devil of the Earth, etc etc (and ofc the possibility of seeing him naked again lmao)
Isayama likes Game of Thrones. Therefore, like with Jon Snow, Eren will be kept dead for few chapters (preferably 3 till end of this volume). Then he rises - probably with bucket girl help.
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The winners for “more favorable” were Porco and Colt with each getting a huge surge in popularity. On the other side of the spectrum were Gabi and Zeke. While most selected “unchanged”, they still had the largest numbers of people indicating they viewed them less favorably after this chapter.
105: "Imma make Gabi the most hated character in the series" 119: "Hold my beer"
Every time when I'm thinking Zeke can't turn any more awful Isayama proves me wrong. That chapter is a really low blow. Just catapult him on lone island far far away from people he can hurt.
I never thought I could hate Zeke more than I already had. But after Colt absolutely humiliated himself to save Falco and Zeke just screamed...As long as Zeke’s alive horrible things will keep happening.
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27.2% of respondents are determined to keep the focus in Shiganshina, and don’t care what happens next so long as we aren’t taken off the battlefield just yet. 25% are anxious to hear news on Levi and Hange’s whereabouts and condition. 20.4% are hopeful that Eren will recover and finally be able to touch Zeke. 10.2% are still hanging on for Annie…. Someday she’ll come out….. someday….
I want to see Yelena next. We get this chapter one panel to her and this panel was strange as fuck. Something is up with her and I have the feeling that her existence will playing a huge role in the plot. I don't know, but I hope to get a flashback to her. 
ah, yes, this was such a horrifically tragic chapter *sheds tear* .....anyway, now that eren’s injured CAN WE SEE LEVI AND HANJI ??
Chapter 120: "Oh boy, I can't wait to see what happened to Ere-" *MEANWHILE, WITH HANGE AND LEVI...*
Pls dont switch to Levi and hange next chapter
Annie's never going to show up, huh?
I'm itching to see Historia, Levi, and Hange, as always, but what I really want to see in the next chapter is Mikasa's reaction to Eren's decapitation.
Let Eren and Zeke touch already >:v
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With lots of news on the ending coming out recently, from the final manga exhibition, to Season 4 being announced as the final season, discussion on where the series will end has been very common lately.  44.1% think it will end with 130, next June.  30.3% think it will end a volume later at 134 in October, the same month the final season premiers.  14.1% think it’ll still be going while the final season is airing, going to 138 or beyond.  9.3% think it will end a tad sooner, at 126 in February.
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I think there's a possibility that Eren might be dead dead, but his legacy will live through his last wish, supposing Zeke catches his head.
At this point of the story I'm happy Annie is still chilling in her crystal, away from the bloodbath
I never would have thought we would see Falco eating Porco and obtaining the Jaw titan or seeing Eren's head just fuckin fly through the air this chapter was insane.
As much as I dislike Floch, I def do want to see what his reaction will be to Eren’s “death,” even more than I want to see Jean’s and Connie’s tbh.
What I want to know is why do all the people with more use to the story survive when guys like Niccolo who's usefulness to the story ended when the heat from Sasha's death get to stick around?
I don't think Gabi is a bad character, but to me it almost feels like she is just getting in the way of the story progressing. I do however think her actions are understandable for her character, but from a reader's perspective it annoys me.
*Whispers* Ok, but is it possible Porco's alive? and maybe Colt can pull an Armin or survive via P A T H S Magic?
Flying head memes are the best
I was astonished at what a weight it lifted off my chest and how much more forgiving I could be after seeing Eren “I’m too good to tell anyone my plan, I work alone and I’ve always hated you” Jaeger fail so hard that Zeke screamed, Connie, Jean, Armin, and Mikasa all had to save Eren, and he was “killed” by a twelve-year-old.
I actually didn't hate Gabi at first despite killing Sasha. But now whatever development she had is gone and since she is now established as a murderer, I am now aboard the "I Hate Gabi" train.
God, I really hope the next chapter is good because it's at a really pivotal point that could make or break this last arc.
I am very willing to make allowances for the inconsistencies so the chapter itself was very good in my opinion. The story progressed well, awesome action sequences, expectations subverted, suffering continued; therefore, good chapter.
I don't think Eren will return physically, but his presence will remain somehow through PATHS. The title of this manga is Shingeki no Kyojin, not Eren, so the story can resolve itself with the Attack Titan being inherited and Eren's memories explored.
It's a little rushed, but I like the idea and hope Isayama can pull these loose strands together to create an impactful finale.
I don't understand all this Gabi hate. Eren has always been a threat to her eyes : in Liberio's Festival when he brought by his actions death to her home and friends, in the room where he was odious to Armin and Mikasa and threatening them with a wound on his hand, when Pieck -who explained to her the world isn't black and white- designed him as the enemy and here, and here right before her child eyes, because of his and Zeke's plan, Gabi is there when Falco transforms into a titan, killing Colt in the process. It's understandable she was angry and reacted like that.
I know eren isnt dead, but idk how isayama is gonna pull it off without it feeling cheap
I liked it and it was very surprising! Tho it’s time Historia is shown again and Levi and Hange need to come back very soon as well.
I feel like a worrying number of readers seem to have somehow missed the fact Eren is meant to be a major antagonist of this arc lol
I'm torn over that ending. It had the potential to be such a powerful moment, but it just didn't do it for me.
I've never been so upset at a characters death before, not even Armins... Like Jean said to Eren about Marco: "Not everyone gets to go out in a blaze of glory." What a horrible way to go
Isayama delivers every single month.
Isayama. . . Eren internal monologue. . . . . . . when?
 I'm excited to see what comes next, but I'd like to jump back to characters like Levi, Hange, Annie, and Historia first so that everyone can come together for a big finale.  You can feel that the manga is reaching its conclusion.
Commander Pixis turning into a titan sigh so long dog. All the commanders except Hanje kicked the bucket
Oh boy. This chapter had me bawling. Colt and Porco' s deaths hit me hard. "Your big brother will be with you, always"....damn that hurt.
Shits going down and I'm here hoping to see Armin transforms just to piss Reiner off
Such a mindblowing chapter, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was utterly speechless when Eren's head flew off. Isayama the madlad
Interesting seeing Porco receive path memories From Eren via Porco. The coordinate is the key to getting vivid memories from past shifters which almost certainly means Eren has access to Kruger’s memories with a little help from Historia.
Wouldn't it be funny if they suddenly cut to Levi and Hange for the next few months
WOW, this chapter was absolutely nerve-wracking! This one may just be the biggest emotional roller coaster ride yet with all those major character deaths and that jaw-dropping cliffhanger!
The start of every month sees a spike in my blood pressure as well as how much I pray while opening my browser to check if the latest chapter is up. Thanks, Isayama. Not only have you made me more religious, you've also made me more stressed out about a manga than exams and applications.
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heathendolan · 6 years
Shared Covers (G.D)
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Summary: It becomes habitual for Grayson to climb in with you at night, and both of you are avoiding the elephant in the room, and Ethan’s a bit tired of it all the while.
Warnings: None besides swearing
A/N: Ahhhh my first Grayson fic released! This was actually kind of difficult to write since I’m a die-hard E girl hahaha. Anyway, enjoy !! 
Word Count: 5.4K+ || masterlist
You were dragged from a near coma when you felt your blanket lift. You groggily opened your eyes, blinking wearily at the vague figure standing over you.
“Grayson?” you guessed, propping yourself up on your elbow. You leaned over and switched your lamp on, staring at him through squinting eyes.
“Hi...” Grayson mumbled above you, shifting between his feet. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“...Do you wanna get in?” you suggested, not seeing what else you could possibly do. A quick glance at the clock told you it was 4 AM, an unreasonable hour to be woken up. However early it was, you couldn’t bring yourself to be even the slightest bit annoyed with your best friend.
Grayson nodded and you scooted over, letting him slip under the comforter. He snuck his arm around you, pulling you onto his chest. You felt your stomach swoop at the domesticity of it.
“You came into my room at 4 in the morning to cuddle?” you murmured against the bare skin of his chest. He nodded above you, chin rubbing against the top of your head. You grinned and then blushed when you realized he could probably tell he made you smile since your lips were pressed against his chest.
“Is that my shirt?” he asked, a smile evident in his voice, and scrunched the fabric in his fingers. When he saw it a few minutes ago through lamplight, he saw the navy blue cotton with their high school logo and a lacrosse stick marking the front. ‘Dolan’ was printed on the nape of the neck.
“No...” you drawled, your cheeks afire.
“So it’s Ethan's,” he pushed. You nodded and he huffed unhappily. However, when he ran his hands up and down your back, he felt the graphic rubber was shaped in 07, which was his number. “Liar,” he accused, the two of you giggling in the dark.
“I only lied because I don’t want you to take it back. This is my favorite sleep shirt.”
Grayson hugged you tighter to him and dragged his fingertips along your back. “I’m sorry for waking you up,” he whispered.
“Don’t be, if you can’t sleep you can always come in here. I think I sleep better too, when you’re here,” you confessed, your voice even despite your hot cheeks.
“Hmm, alright,” he agreed, sliding his hand into your hair. You groaned in happiness when he started scratching at your roots and pulling at the strands that cascaded down your back.
“Okay, sleep in here every night if you’re going to do this,” you moaned making Grayson chuckle. You closed your eyes again, relaxing under his touch. “Do we have anything to do tomorrow?” you yawned.
He hummed back a no, sounding as though he were on the brink of unconsciousness. You flattened your palm against his chest and situated yourself a bit before letting yourself be swallowed by sleep.
Ethan blearily peaked his head in Grayson's door, noticing a crumpled duvet and lack of human. With a frown, he strutted down the hall into the kitchen in hopes of finding his brother sitting at the bar eating breakfast, but to no avail. It was about 7 AM on a Saturday, and, knowing Gray as well Ethan knew him, he would be tucked in his bed, passed out until noon.
He walked to the guest room where you always slept. Twisting the door handle, he pushed it open, grimacing when it creaked. Poking his head in, he noticed one body and then another. A smile graced his face at the cheesy, cheesy scene in front of him.
He dug out his phone and snapped a picture of the two absolutely tangled up in each other. You were wedged between his legs, your belly on his bare one, your nose tucked beneath his chin. Your legs were intertwined messily, Grayson's arms wrapped snug around the small of your back, your arms weaved around his neck. How could they not know they’re in love with each other?
Ethan shook his head and turned to leave. However, the door creaked yet again, stirring Gray. “E?” he rasped.
“Mm, yeah?” Ethan hummed, turning around.
“What time is it?”
“About 7.”
Grayson sighed happily. “Thank God,” he groaned. “Oh my god, I have to piss.”
Ethan laughed. “How’d you end up in here?”
“Couldn’t sleep at all, by 4 I guess I just..” he faded, not quite sure how to end that sentence. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking when he got up to waddle over to your room, but it worked out for him.
"I see. If you were up so late, go pee and then go back to bed,” Ethan offered.
“And wake her up? No way, I’ll just fall back asleep,” Gray scoffed, shutting his eyes decidedly.
Ethan rolled his eyes with a warm grin. “You’ve got it so bad,” he mumbled under his breath.
“What was that?”
“I, uh, said you’ve got the best bed, to sleep in, right now. We should really switch out the beds so that I can have this super comfy one, and the guest doesn’t get the best bed,” he covered poorly.
“What? (Y/N) sleeps here like, 3 or 4 times a week. She shouldn’t get a shitty bed. Leave her and her comfy bed alone,” Gray grumbled.
Ethan shook his head as Gray only further confirmed what he actually said. “We’ll see.”
“E,” Grayson barked.
“Chill out bro, I’m kidding. You guys can keep your comfy bed and snuggle in it all night if you want to, I don’t care,” he responded, finally seizing the opportunity to mock their position.
Grayson flushed down to his chest. “Would you just let me go back to sleep? If I don’t fall asleep soon, I’ll need to actually pee, and then I’d have to wake her up. Shoo.”
“Yeah, you just don’t want to stop cuddling with her-“ Ethan started laughing before he was silenced by a throw pillow being chucked his way.
The second time it happened was a few nights later. Grayson tossed and turned in his bed, kicking the covers that were too hot, yanking them back up when it was immediately too cold. He groaned and kicked his feet childishly. Throwing his comforter back, he jumped out of bed and padded to your room.
He opened the door to find you still awake, turned on your side with the glow of your book lamp illuminating your face. “What are you still doing up?” he asked with a smile, leaning against the doorframe.
“I could ask you the same,” you murmured, glancing up from your novel.
Grayson chuckled and walked over to the bed, sliding into the spot beside you. He tucked an arm over your waist and settled in, propped his chin above your head. “Whatcha readin’?”
“The fourth Harry Potter,” you replied, flipping the page with your index finger. Gray tried to read along with you, but you were a far faster reader and kept cutting his sentence off with your advancement.
“I don’t know how you can read this series so many times. This has to be your 10th time reading them all over,” he teased, squeezing you where his arm draped by your waist.
“16th, actually,” you confirmed. He rolled his eyes even though your back was to him. “And besides, I think I find something new every time I read them. They’re magical, I mean, obviously, but really, there’s something about them that I just can’t get enough of. They’re enchanting and engrossing and endlessly readable.”
“Anymore ‘en’s?” Gray mocked.
You giggled, “Of course: they’re enjoyable, engaging, enhancing, enticing-“
“Oh my god, you are such an English geek,” Grayson laughed loudly, his contagious laugh sending you into a fit of giggles.
Through the dim light of the moon, Grayson noticed the red sleeve of your hoodie that adorned your body. “You are an actual thief.”
“This is my hoodie!” he exclaimed, tugging on the oh-so-soft fabric he adored so much. He should be even a little annoyed that his favorite favorite favorite hoodie was swept from him, but he wasn’t. Not in the least.
“Is it?” you gasped in faux surprise.
“You’re lucky I’m nice, I should be taking back what’s rightfully mine,” he warned. “That’s my favorite!”
“You can have it back if you want, but just know you’d be breaking my heart, because this is my favorite hoodie, too,” you pouted. You snapped your book shut and set it on the desk, twisting to face Grayson.
“Break your heart? I couldn’t if I tried,” he sung. You gaped at him with a smile.
“...Oh honey if I get restless!” you continued on.
“Baby you’re not that kind,” he sang back, sliding his hand underneath your chin dramatically.
“Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum bum,” you hummed.  
“Don’t go breakin’ my heart!” Grayson yelled, leaning back.
“You take the weight off me!” you shouted back.
“Oh honey when you knock on my door!”
“Ooo, I gave you my key,” you said, your voice cracking and a fit of laughter ensuing.
The two of you broke apart from your embrace, stood on the bed and threw your heads back, singing loudly and very off key. “Woohoo! Nobody knows it! When I was down, I was your clown, Woohoo! Nobody knows it! Right from the start, I gave-“
“Holy fucking shit, it is 4 in the fucking morning and I am trying to fucking sleep, shut the fuck up!” Ethan shouted from the doorway, flicking on the lights. You and Grayson exchanged a glance, hardly containing your giggles.
“Oh, come on E,” you pouted and hopped off the mattress, running to him and throwing your arms around him. “Have a little fun.”
Grayson joined you, encasing Ethan in a sandwiched hug. “You guys are so lucky it was funny to watch... and record. I’m never deleting this video,” he remarked.
“Wait, let me see,” you giggled.
He pulled up his phone, the video still playing on loop. It was of Ethan walking down the hall, your voices echoing throughout the house loudly. Woohoo! Nobody knows it! Ethan lifts his phone, and through the shining moonlight, you can see Grayson and you pointing at each other in action, both holding invisible microphones. When I was down, I was your clown. Woohoo! Nobody knows it! Grayson slides a hand underneath your jaw and you place a hand on his chest, both for theatrics, of course. Right from the start, I gave- Holy fucking shit, it is 4 in the morning!
“Please send me that,” you beg through a fit of laughter. Ethan nods chuckling, and texts it to you.
“Okay, but seriously, go to bed, you hooligans.”
You shoo a more-or-less grumpy Ethan off before climbing back in beneath the covers. As the door shuts, you two burst into laughter, still energetic from your karaoke session.
"Wanna go swimming?" Grayson asked lowly, his nose pressed to your temple.
"Gray, it is four in the morning..." you scolded through giggles. "...But yes. Let's go." Grayson grabbed your wrist and pulled you from the comfort of your comforter, dragging you onto the wood floor and out into the hallway. "Wait, I don't have a swimsuit..." you muttered.
"How do you not have a swimsuit here?" Grayson groaned."You should honestly just move in with us, seriously."
"I can't, Sierra would miss me too much," you sing-songed. "I'll just go in my underwear."
Grayson swallowed hard, feeling his throat tighten up. "Yeah," he squeaked out, "but since I have a swimsuit, I'm going to go change.. I'll see you in a minute,"
You nodded and departed to the kitchen, grabbing two waters and the box of cheez-its tucked away in the back of the pantry just for you. You snuck out the back door, the warm California air coating your skin, peeled off the red sweatshirt Grayson loves so dearly, and shucked off your athletic shorts. You were left in a plain black set, no decorations or fancy lace as you might have hoped. As you debated changing, Grayson walked out of the back door carrying two bottles of water and another box of cheez its. "Great minds think alike," you smirked, gesturing to your snacks and his. He laughed, but it came out squeaky and small. You grabbed the ponytail wrapped around your wrist and dipped down to tie your hair back.
Gray had to fight a groan just looking at you. Your figure's mouth-watering, with a curved waist and hour-glass shape. Your underwear is plain, thank god; Grayson isn't sure if he could handle anything decorative.
"You ready?" you asked.
"Of course," he mumbled darkly, advancing towards you with menacing claws.
"G, just let me jump in on my own," you pleaded, creeping backward until your foot caught the edge of the pool. He shook his head, a genuine grin gracing his features. "G." Grayson crouched down before sprinting towards you. You yelped and dodged to the right, narrowly missing his aim. You watched in shock as he dove clumsily head-first into the deep end, sinking a ways before returning to the surface, sputtering. You laughed so hard tears collect in your eyes, spilling over the edge as you shook with giggles. Grayson cracked up too, clutching the edge for support as he wheezed and rasped. "Instant Karma," you choked out, holding your stomach with the dull ache only true laughter can give you.
"C'mon, get in you baby," he coaxed, still chuckling.
You nodded and sat on the ledge, slipping your legs into the cool water. Grayson grabbed you round the waist, and, with many protests, pulled you into the blue. "I was going to come in at my own pace," you whined, pushing at his shoulders. He still held your side, always, always touching you in some way.
"Yeah, but you're far too slow for my taste," he smirked.
"As if I care about your taste," you snarked, dramatically flipping your sopping wet hair off your shoulder. Gray hoped you cared about his taste--you were specifically his taste; you were all he ever wanted.
"Okay sassy pants," he mocked and squeezed your side.
"Grayson!" you squeaked, splashing him childishly.
"Don't start something you can't finish, I will drown you, (Y/N)," he threatened, his words heatless.
"Wouldn't that be a eulogy," you laughed. "'(Y/N) was such a good friend for so many years, but then she playfully splashed me with water once, and I had to end it all for her,'" you said, mocking Grayson's voice at your fake funeral.
"Oh please, I wouldn't be that nice. I'd say, '(Y/N) was decent, sometimes she cooked for my brother and me, and other times you wreaked havoc in our home, like the time you splashed me evilly, and I was forced to drown you.' I think everyone would understand my motive," he smirked.
"You wouldn't even be able to speak at my funeral, you'd be in jail for murder," you scoffed, splashing him again.
He shrugged and dunked your head beneath the water. You came to the surface sputtering. "It'd be worth it."
"Oh shut up, you couldn't survive a day without me, you'd miss me far too much," you said smugly.
Grayson wished you weren't so right.
You propped your elbows up on the ledge, lazily swishing your feet in the water. Grayson mimicked you, pressing his arm right up against yours. You watched the dark moonlit sky transition into one of navy, the moon shifting overhead.
You guys floated and talked about everything and nothing: which dinosaurs were the coolest, if there was a god and what he looked like, at what ages you thought you’d die and how, where you’d most like to travel, your favorite childhood TV shows, and what your scariest dreams were.
"And I was in the closet in this big creaky house, like the stairs are here, and I'm upstairs in a closet, and I heard this creaking from the thing walking up the stairs," Gray explained, drawing an invisible map on the concrete ledge. You had propped your chin on your hand and watched his every move, from the way his mouth curved to the dimple that imprinted when he got excited. "and it's walking towards the closet, right? And I'm covering my mouth to keep from screaming when all of a sudden it stops right in front of the door I'm hiding behind. And it laughs--but like, from outside the door--and then it grabs me from behind. Like, it was in the closet all along!" he exclaimed, his hands waving around dramatically.
"Oh my god, I would piss myself," you cringed. "Seriously, my stomach just dropped just listening to that."
"I know! Dude, it was so scary. I slept with Ethan for like, a week," he panted, exasperated. You shook your head, turning to look at the skyline.
"G, look at that sunrise," you gasped, pointing to the masterpiece in front of you. Oranges and pinks splattered messily above the horizon, forming a framework for a glowing yellow sun. The sky was violet, darkening as it stretched into space. Puffy clouds hung to the ocean, reflecting the colors that painted the air.
"It's beautiful," he croaked. You glanced at him and his mouth was agape with awe. His hazel eyes were wide with wonder, dark circles smudging his under eyes. Grayson's defining freckle that dotted his chin stood out against his tanned skin, centimeters away from his plump pink lips. He looked in awe, but more than that, he looked breathtaking. “Are you seeing this?” he asked, glancing at you and back to the sunrise, mouth still ajar.
“Um, yeah, no, it’s probably the best I’ve ever seen,” you nodded, hesitantly turning back to the world’s second most beautiful natural wonder.
You gawked at the rising sun, still exchanging stories here and there until it rose to its full totality, beginning to bake the southern California air.  “We still haven’t slept,” Grayson noted, glancing up at the sun, wincing at the brightness. “What time do you think it is?” he asked as you lifted yourself on to the pool ledge.
“I have no idea. I’m rarely up to watch sunrises so I honestly have no idea what time California wakes up,” you chuckled.
“This city never sleeps, there’s no waking up,” he smiles, poking your side. He yawns widely and pulls himself up to your level. “Is there a going to sleep for us though? I’m tired now,” he asked.
You nodded, “Let’s just dry off and then I need to shower before I can sleep again, I hate the feeling of chlorine.”
“Hate it huh?” he smirked. As the two of you rise, he picked you up by the waist and threw you back into the pool effortlessly. You screamed, of course, but your wails were quickly drowned out by the water burying you to the concrete floor of the pool.
You pushed off with the soles of your feet, glaring at him as soon as you resurfaced. He was cackling, and you caved and laughed along with him. “I hate you,” you groaned with a smile. “No really, I do. I’m currently plotting your death, Grayson Dolan, watch your back,” you insisted.
“Oh I’m really scared,” Grayson smirked, lifting his hands in defense. “You’re just so intimidating, (Y/N).”
“You’ll believe me when it happens, now help me out you asshole.”
Grayson leaned down and extended his hand, falling straight into your trap. You lifted up and tugged on his wrist with both hands and all your weight, jerking him into the pool with you. He makes a sickening flop when he crashed to the water, only intensifying your giggling-fit.
“I.. deserved that, I did,” he admits, laughing loudly. You nodded, cloaking yourself in a towel before you strutted back into the house, stranding a sopping wet boy.
You rinsed off in the shower, sudsing your hair and lathering with honey-scented soap. Lazily you left, sliding on your (Grayson's) favorite red hoodie and athletic shorts once more.
You returned to your bed to find him already unconscious—truly knocked out. He was snoring, mouth stretched inhumanly wide open. You chuckled, ran a hand through your damp hair, and crawled into his space. Dragging the duvet over the both of you, you turned, and, with little dignity and a lot of blushing, wrapped yourself around him and drifted to sleep instantly.
"Late night last night?" Ethan taunted, barely concealing his smirk. Grayson shot him a warning glare: whatever unspoken tension that had always existed between Gray and you was just that; unspoken. It was never discussed; it was off limits. The three of you were lazily strung along the couch, Grayson sandwiched between you and Ethan. You two began slumping, laying all your weight on Ethan, battling unconsciousness while a horror movie chased across the screen.
"Yeah, but you were too much of a pussy to join us, so we had to have fun on our own," you retorted, stretching your back out across the laps of the two of them. You leaned up and poked the underside of Ethan's chin, and he rolled his eyes.
Oh, I'm sure you did, Ethan thought. "Maybe next time we can just wait and go swimming in the morning instead of waking Ethan up at four AM, singing some stupid Elton John song," he bit back, though his words held no heat. He, in return, poked your cheek, a grin stretching beneath his index finger. You lifted a hand and ran it gently through his hair, but soon patted the side of his face, leaving a subtle sting.
"Nah, there’s no fun in that," you giggled, turning to face to the movie again. Grayson coughed beside you, lowly, but obviously. Ethan peeked over at him, nearly rolling his eyes when he noticed a scowl. He nudged him with his elbow but was ignored entirely. You twisted to look at Gray, and seeing his glower, said, "G? You sleepy? Or are you grumpy because you aren't getting any attention?"
A smile broke out beneath Grayson's frown. "No, I'm good, but I'm tired. Really tired."
"Wanna go to bed?" you offered, cupping his jaw. He nodded and lifted you off him, carrying you off the couch.
"You're going with?" Ethan asked you, a smug smile fighting it's way to his face.
"Guess so," you shrugged, chuckling up at Grayson. He shook his head with a grin, still holding you between his two arms. He carried you to the guest room down the hall, you two giggling the whole way, and Ethan gagged.
Even as Ethan sat and watched the slasher cinema on the screen, he was distracted by the boisterous, open laughter and squeals echoing from your room. How could those two be so clueless? They had to know this wasn’t normal best friend behavior. Best friends acted how Grayson and Ethan acted, or how Ethan and you acted. Not how you and Grayson acted. No sir, hopeless love is what that was.
Grayson passed through the living room to grab a water bottle from the kitchen, a flush still staining his skin from laughing. He was still grinning, a few chuckles escaping even as he stood alone raiding the refrigerator. It was then that Ethan decided 'in love' looked good on his brother. Happy looked good on him. But as he returned and passed Ethan, Grayson frowned and asked quietly, "Hey, it's none of my business I guess, but do you have a thing for (Y/N)? If you do it's cool, I'm just wondering."
Ethan, who had been drinking at the time, choked on the water in shock, coughing through a fit of laughter. "What?"
"I just saw the way you guys were acting a minute ago. Seemed flirty," Grayson huffed, glaring at his cuticles that were suddenly so interesting.
"Um, no, Grayson, I do not have a thing for (Y/N)," he shook his head still chuckling.
"Why are you laughing? (Y/N) is the best girl a guy could ask for," Grayson grumbled, meeting his eyes. Ethan shook his head, noting how absolutely gone Grayson was on you.
"Bro... I would never do that to you."
"Do what to me?" Gray asked, a furrow in his brow.
"You've got to be shitting me." Ethan groaned under his breath. How could someone be this oblivious? "I'm your brother you know, and your best friend. If you haven't figured it out by now, then you're a fucking idiot. But if you haven't, I wouldn't... I wouldn't ever try to make a move on (Y/N). That's your girl, G."
"No, no (Y/N) is to me like (Y/N) is to you," Gray panicked and denied, his hands raised defensively.
Ethan laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "Like hell she is! The day I make heart eyes at (Y/N) is the day I'm guilty of incest. I do not have feelings for (Y/N). She’s a sister to me.”
Gray wedged his thumbnail between his teeth, gnawing on the nub. “Duh, me too,” he mumbled, the words tasting sour in his mouth.
Ethan's eyes widened unnaturally and breathed, "Christ Grayson, stop lying to yourself, you know you're in love with her."
"No, I'm not!" he said. "I don't even know what you're talking about."
Ethan closed his eyes and dragged his hand down his face. “Alright, well, go to sleep, maybe when you wake up you’ll have a brain.”
Gray scoffed and turned to leave with a scowl. However, as he walked down the hall, a frantic feeling rose in his throat. Had he been obvious? Had he really been that obvious? He had always been so careful: made sure his eyes didn't rest on you as long as they'd like and always fought down the urge to curl around you on the couch. He thought he had been discreet, but clearly not.
As he reached the fork that stood between your room and his own, Gray paused with a jumble of thoughts. He creaked open your door and, to his relief, found your eyes glued shut and your breathing heavy. He shuffled over to the bed and kissed the top of your head, smoothing your hair down where it laid on the pillow. When he pulled back, a hand came with him, fisted in his cotton tee. "Where’re you going?" you whined, eyes scrunched in confusion.
Grayson grinned warmly, tugging the blanket over you. You were wearing his 4OU tour shirt, completely drowning in the fabric. His heart swelled. "'M going to my room bub," he whispered, running a hand over your hair again.
"No." you groaned. "Please, just sleep in here. I sleep so much better."
Grayson's panic resurfaced. 'That's your girl, G.' Squeakily, he rushed out, "I can't, I um, I-"
"It's okay, you don't have to," you muttered, and while a frown formed on your face, you flipped onto your side.
"I..," he drifts off, not sure how to explain that he's sure he'll accidentally confess his undying love for you if he slides in next to you.
"It's all good. Goodnight, Grayson," you said evenly.
Grayson stood there debating his options for 20 full seconds. Then, he turned, slipped out of the room and across the hall to his own room and crawled into a bed far less inviting. And so, Gray lied in his bed, cycling through possible scenarios where you and him could work out, in another life, for hours. He tossed and turned, kicked his covers off, dragged them back on, changed tee shirts, wrote down video ideas (which, at this point in insomnia, were absolutely senseless. For example, Grayson came up with the sleep challenge, where they took naps while being recorded, and saw who could sleep continually the longest. It sounded good, really good, at the time), scrubbed his hands down his face in frustration, and listened to a variety of music.
He even read. He rummaged through his room, sure you left it behind the time you fell asleep on his bed and he, out of his own concern, slept in the guest room. After tearing his room apart top to bottom, he found it; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. He flipped open the book, and smiled wide; this book was you. He leafed through the pages and found that they were all  smeared with highlighter on quotes or sections you particularly loved (though it seemed as though the entire book had been stained), notes in pen, pencil, and blue marker cluttered the pages, comments varying from 'the moment I realized Hermione was far cleverer than Harry' to 'what an IDIOT.' His heart was pounding with the acceptance that he, Grayson Dolan, was entirely, hopelessly, irreversibly in love with you. He already knew this, but accepting it was different. Fighting all his urges was becoming too much, he had to tell you before some other guy noticed how helplessly beautiful you were and snatched you up first.
So, he slammed the book shut, only on page 25, and while his nerves were still buzzing with anxiety and nervousness and love, he hopped from his bed. He padded out the door, opened yours, and crept through to find you propped up, reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a pen wiggling between your teeth. "Yes?" you asked quietly, coldly.
"What time is it?" he asked, fingers twiddling by his side. He clenched his fist and then relaxed it and repeated this many times.
"3:21 A.M."
"Alright, here goes nothing," Grayson breathed out.
''G, what are you-"
"I'm in love with you," Gray muttered, his voice four octaves too high, his breath shaky and soft and horribly small.
"I can't hear you G, what?"
"I'm, I'm-" Grayson groaned. "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" he shouted, loud, clear, even and big. He ignored Ethan's cheering from the other room and instead, stared back at you, whose pen had dropped from your mouth. "I'm in love with you, I'm so, so in love with you. I don’t- I can’t- I can’t even breathe when I’m around you sometimes, it feels like every time I look at you, you’re just too beautiful and it doesn’t matter if it’s when you’re my plus one at a wedding or we’re watching a movie, you are so beautiful to me.” he gasped, his words tumbling over one another in a rant. “My mind is-is like fuzz when you do anything, I saw you reading in here the other night and my heart wouldn’t stop pounding. It is insane how much I love you. I pray to God all the time that I would have the courage to tell you, even if you didn’t feel the same, so I won’t have to live with the regret of what could have been. We could be great together. I’m so in love with you.”
You gaped at him in complete disbelief. It was as if a vacuum had sucked out all the oxygen from your lungs, depriving you of any relief until you got up and kissed the boy who was shaking in front of you.
And so you did. You threw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire off of you, the ink from your pen bleeding into the sheets of your bed, climbed out wearing just his tee, and practically launched yourself at him, grabbing anything you could: hair, shoulders, his tee, his jaw, and slotted your mouths together. It was so forceful Grayson teetered backward, but he wrapped you up in his arms and spun the two of you in a circle, and smiled so big you couldn’t even continue kissing.
“‘M in love with you too,” you mumbled against his mouth and giggled.
“Hmm? What was that? Say it again,” he persuaded, setting you down.
“I said, I’m in love with you.”
“One more time?”
“I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU,” you screamed, grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. And then you were laughing, and then Ethan was cheering through the walls once more, and then you two were laughing even harder. “Alright, now you’re sleeping in here all the time so I can actually pass out. I’m exhausted,” you groaned, running a hand through your hair.
Grayson nodded, his stomach full of butterflies knowing this was the start of something amazing.  You pulled away from him and flipped back the blankets, grabbed his hand and pulled him in. Grayson kissed you a few more times for safety (and just cause he could), and then, as quick as a light switch, you were fast asleep, tangled limbs and all.
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rayrayswimusic · 5 years
Daiya no Ace Act II - Episode 2
It’s been about 2-ish hours since episode 2 became live on crunchyroll, I’ve showered, gotten ready for school, and actually made it to campus! Now let’s rewatch the episode, take some lovely screenshots and scream about how much I love this show.
As always - because of spoilers: everything’s under a read-more. But if I can just say one non-spoilery thing? The animation in this season is so crisp and clean it makes me very happy!
Essentially I can sum up this entire episode: fangirling over Furuya’s growth/talent. Plus other characters lol.
Seidou vs. Nihon Shono
Furuya of course starts off my cutting of the announcer talking about other talented pitchers with his own insane pitch! He looks really happy aww.
I’ve said this before, but I really like that Eijun and Satoru aren’t pitted against each other like enemies but rivals! It’s a lot healthier for high school students, and allows them to still be friends while growing in the competition! So the smile Eijun sends him is both lovely and also painful!
OP: lovely as usual and I just adore it!
The other thing is that while Furuya’s kind of overpowered, that’s all it is. He’s not perfect already so he still makes mistakes even while being a reliable ace! It’s exactly what’s expected of a 16 year old boy and not unreasonable! Even seidou as a team is starting to respect him more because he’s becoming more ace-like, which is just phenomenal!
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Even if I’m definitely biased to Eijun, I’m really happy that Furuya is doing better and getting a lot stronger. AND AGAIN THE SUPPORT THEY SHOW EACH OTHER!
They’re speaking so much more to each other this episode, and I love that so much! It’s clear how much closer they got to each other after sharing the same training schedule. 
Plus look at how much they smile at each other now my furusawa obsessed heart is in love. They really acknowledge each other so much!!!
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Now I can’t wait for Haruichi to leave his brother’s shadow. We’re almost there! He’s gonna get such a glow-up soon lol
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Miyuki gets a great hit, but then Furuya just absolutely blows everything out of the park! What a reliable ace :) 
We also get to hear about how Furuya’s from Tomakomai? I mean I know he never actually plays at games in his middle school, but Hongo weirdly seems to know hims still??
I know this is just supposed to be about the episode, but can I say how happy I am to see more Nori this season? And to see how reliable as a closer he’s become?!?!
Also we get more miyunori interactions and that makes my little rare pair shipping heart very happy
And everyone’s so supportive of Nori ahhhh!!
We then have all the super talented batters <3 I love this team!
Though I’m still confused? Miyuki’s mitt is smaller? what does that mean?
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The fact that Eijun is so jealous is actually quite amusing, but also Furuya simply not caring to respond to reporters lol. These two dorks!
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Poor Haruichi lol
Then we get Yakushi and their damn talented team! BANANA BOY IS BACK! And Sanada of course is his shitty dorky self :D Yes, yes I am awestruck and starstruck 
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Then we have the slew of schools I know nothing about lol :D And I think again Tetsu’s narration!
Hakuryu (with Mima Soichiro) - I’ve heard that he shows up more? 
Seiseisha (Pitcher/Batter - Ikusaburo Kawaksaki)
Kamijo Academy (Dual Ace Pitchers! Sakama & Sasaki with Cleanup Yamaki)
Yamamori Academy (Twin Battery!)
Yoshinaga (Batter - Makoto Shiba)
Komadai Fujimaki (Ace - Masamune Hongo) - I’m really excited to see their match up with Seidou!!
But of course I’m partial to Seidou!
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And next episode we finally get to see the match-up against Komadai!!
Seidou vs. Komadai Fujimaki (morning of the game)
I’m still amazed Furuya actually said he wanted to be like a polar bear lololol
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Ochiai’s still a manipulative bastard - but he’s not actually wrong? They should get better at speaking to reporters...and Furuya is doing better. But I still don’t agree with his weird habit of focussing only on the best players rather then the players who are showing potential. It is koshien, but please, you need to at least pretend to be considerate of the other players like come on!
Seidou vs. Komadai Fujimaki (night before the game)
I’m sorry I’m more amazed that these kids in Hokkaido...played baseball...on a frozen/icy ground...WITHOUT EXTRA COATS OR ANYTHING?!?
I’m interested in seeing why Hongo seems to be pissed off with Furuya, even though according to Furuya he doesn’t know him personally???
Also...I can’t physically be more proud of Furuya with his answer for whether he would have still come to Seidou. And how the whole team rallied around him <3
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Outside Practice
Ahhh I feel really bad for Eijun. I mean I can’t imagine coach is keeping him out simply cause he pitched badly once...but that desire to get better is so admirable!
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Overall I thought the episode was great! I’m really excited for next week! The preview tells me its gonna be great! I hope Eijun gets to pitch again, and that Furuya can head on compete with Hongo!! Plus we could learn about Komadai more!!
And we got an adorable endcard this time too!!
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sue0227 · 6 years
Hello there~Well here I am! Just finished reading this absolutely brilliant fic The Creator in 3 maybe 4 days and they were days that filled with a mix of emotions and a lot of tears. And yes I've got like a truck load of things I wanna write down about this fic. Buckle up and here they come. :p
* I'll start with our lovely couples in this fic. >v<
For Markus and Simon, I must say these two are just so cute and sweet despite all those angst scenes of them. Their relationship reminds me of the relationship between soulmates and they indeed have that love and trust toward each other. It's so natural to regard them both as one like if Markus is mentioned then Simon has got to be there by his side. Even though Simon didn't really stand by Markus's side when it came to the climax of this story, he still could be found in Markus's mind, which, I think, had already stressed their deep and close affinity. Their interaction is something really sweet and soft to read. Like the one that Simon brought suits to Markus and the latter basically teased Simon while the former, despite trying to act like a professional assistant / secretary, was blushed because of Markus. I find these kinds of details highly adorable! I also love (though maybe a little bit hurt to read) that they always worry about each other instead of worrying themselves and this emotion in some way supports them going through all those hard times. Markus would think of Simon and tried to be brave and strong for him when he was at the edge of breakdown, while Simon had already had a great amount of courage to be just even exist considering that he had always carried that terrible virus inside him and the dread that he may be taken away from people he loved and cared, not to mention that he had always been Markus' side and comforted him when things went badly. Compared to kamcon, the relationship between Simon and Markus is rather open and easy to read. Although Simon didn't tell his past to Markus at the beginning, he still was a very devoted lover who was always willing to support Markus and fight to the very end while Markus always loved and cared about him even willing to give his own life for Simon. They're just perfect for each other!
For Elijah and Connor, their relationship is truly touching and powerful! It was really a slow-built relationship in which Connor was uncertain and even terrified by his feelings toward the creator while Elijah was so ambiguous and hard to guess. I was really trilled and happy to read that Connor decided to express what he had been thinking and all his love to Elijah yet Elijah seemed not that excited to accept his love. I thought he was just a reserved person who won't show his emotional fluctuation. It was hurtful to read that he and Connor once had already been together and it didn't end well( maybe tragic is a more accurate word). It really brought me into tears while reading the part that Elijah told what happened between him and Connor in the past in front of all those people. And I've found a strong emotional resonance in a song called Feel Something by Adam Lambert, which I think can't be more suitable for this relationship between Elijah and Connor. One had been waiting lonely for years and the other just sought and self-struggled so many times. It was beyond happy for me to read that they finally found each other and stood side by side after all those suffering. The fact that Connor couldn't forget Elijah even after being reset was a true testimony of their unbreakable love and this love shocked me to my very core while reading it.
And I think simarkus and kamcon in this fic have something in common, which is their way of acting when dangers come. They always put their partners' safety first and would self-sacrifice for their lovers. It can be hurtful yet still really touching to read. While their interactions are different, certain similarities can be found in their deep and strong love toward each other.
* About characters
Markus: He's still this leader figure who are strong, firm and determined. He would get lost sometimes and grow self-doubt kind of emotion about himself, but he always chooses to confront them instead of escaping from them. Markus always puts the well-being of Simon and his people as priority. It's good to learn that Markus wants to win the revolution and Androids' rights not only because he wants to fight for his people but also mostly because he wants to guarantee Simon's wishes of living peacefully, which makes him very human and real.
Simon: awww he's such a cinnamon roll! Simon is such a strong and caring soul, and he always gives me the impression of peace and hidden passion. He's shy but he won't hide his feelings and love toward Markus. He's emotional but he has the hidden firmness that is strong enough to overcome any obstacles. And the part where Simon got angry and snapped in front of everyone really startled me a little bit during my reading. The rage of a kind man can be really frightening. :p
Connor: He's a cutie pie who always has something bothering him and very easy to take all the blame on himself even though it's really not his fault. He's loyal, devoted and brave even maybe a little bit reckless (especially when it comes to something involving Elijah). He's always seeking his true self and his feelings and emotions toward Elijah and other people. And he can be the life saver just on the right time like he showed up in the Stratford Tower just in time to save Markus(this also reminds me of how he showed up and saved both Simon and Markus at the end of your another fic wait for it >v<).
Elijah: Elijah in this fic is almost like what I've imagined he should be. He's brilliantly smart and clever, and he's really quick on thinking like when they went to Stratford tower and Markus couldn't decide how to deal with those two RK-900, Elijah gave his quick and logical thought. And he can be a helpless romantic even a little bit of a dork when it comes to love and relationship. Elijah loves his creation and has a strong sense of responsibility for them, which I think is admirable. Plus he would blush when talking about Connor and their relationship, that makes him a cutie too.>v<
Chloe: OMG just the mention of her name makes me wanna cry! There's actually not too many words about her in the fic except her action of shooting Elijah and her suicide(I tend to use this word because I really regard her as a conscious human being) yet she leaves this strong and clear impression of her deep and unconditional love for Elijah. I haven't really had any strong feelings toward her in the game, but I really REALLY grow to love her after reading this fic. That's something new and great (though heartbroken) for me to discover by reading your fic. Even though her death is so devastating for me to read, I'm still grateful for you to depict this character in such an amazing way. TvT
Jason: oh dear here come my tears. At first I've thought he maybe the mastermind behind all those evil plots and just pretended to be awkward and timid like Moriaty in BBC Sherlock. I hadn't fully trusted him until he died in Elijah's arms and that made me so so so sad (and his final kiss with Elijah ahhhh T_T)! At that point I felt so guilty and shameful for not trusting him and judging him based on some unreasonable bias. And the revealing of his deep and unchangeable love for Elijah made me cry like hell. T_T And thanks to him for creating Fortune who basically saved our main characters family and the world, he's really a nice and warm guy. Even though I ship kamcon, I still have this little hope that Elijah could have this tiny place in his heart to remember Jason and all the sacrifice he has done for Elijah. It isn't necessarily in any romantic way but in a way of remembering a dearest friend.
Fortune: I've thought he's like that evil AI the Samaritan in Person of Interest at first but he turns out to be another cutie pie.>v< It's really a lovely part to read that the fragment Fortune has already been disturbed by all those emotions and feelings that he cannot really understand. It's really something new and fascinating to think about as could AI go deviant like Androids? Also he has helped the main characters family a lot and his sacrifice at the end is truly a powerful and touching part to read. It's indeed a relief and joy to read that Elijah has prepared him a backup code and then has created him a new and suitable hosting body.
Philip Seymore: aha this villain! He’s a sad and pathetic man who are destroyed by hatred and his traumatic past. I hate him because he’s responsible for Jason’s death and all those horrible things he’s done to main characters and other innocent Androids and human. While I still pity him. Judging by his military experience, I think he once was a man who had faith and purposes that was worth him fighting for(mainly for his wife and daughter I think). He actually had already gone mad when his family was killed. The rage of losing someone whom he held dearest had blinded him from seeing things clearly. It might be reasonable to purge all the evil in the world yet there are two points in this issue that he failed to understand. One is that all the evil and bad things in this world, in some way, cannot be completely eliminated. It, along with righteousness, has to reach some kind of delicate balance. Another point is that it has already become a crime when purging evil at all costs without even caring how many lives have suffered and been wasted. I’m quite satisfied with his end tbh. Despite that he’s committed those unforgivable crimes and I really want to see him rotten in jail, this end in fic is actually well written. He had lost all his sanity and faith before he died. Everything crumbled in front of him and his heart was indeed dead. It seems that he’s got off easily yet I think he had been suffering all those years and died in vain. He really deserves such an end.
North: uhhhhh North... I really don’t care about this character tbh (sorry North) yet I don’t hate her. The kiss she shared with Markus at the end of peace line in the game is kind of cliche. And I totally agree with your opinions about North that this character is wasted. I actually want to see an independent and strong female figure who can reinvent herself in Jericho after escaping from her horrible past. I kind of don’t like her being so attached to Markus and even insulting Simon because she thought Simon “stole away” Markus. I was quite relieved when I read that she kind of decided to move on from Markus and embrace her new life though she was still so angry. I have to admit that I’m kind of numb about her death. I want to see her to find her true self and stop being that angry and maybe find her own happiness and peace. I think you’ve already granted her many of it except a happy ending. As a shipper of Simarkus, that’s all I want to talk about this character.
As for other characters:
Hank: Hank our dear Hank! He’s such a grumpy and cute old man. He can be harsh on words but soft in heart. I always regard him as a father figure and a good friend to Connor. And his interaction with Elijah always cracks me up. Yeah he’s adorable~~
Gavin and Allen: Correct me if I’m wrong but I kind of feel some gay vibe between these two in the fic. →v→ Gavin is still an asshole but really a good police officer. And Captain Allen also is a devoted SWAT police. What they’ve said before leaving Cyberlife facility for their duty (they would fight till the last for they’re police and it’s their job to protect people) is truly touching. And the way Allen interacts with Ethan really warms my heart.
Ethan: He’s an angel sent by God to Simon and Markus right? I really really want to see some kid fic / family fluff about this lovely family!! It truly warms my heart. >v<
*List some of my favourite parts of this fic (or some awesome and making-me-wanna-scream parts). It’s actually more than what I’ve listed but these parts are the most impressive ones.
· Connor saved Elijah from Chloe’ s shooting. This is basically the very first tense part of this fic. I’ve already knew something would happen to Elijah because of the summary but I’ve never expected it to be so intense and amazing! When I read that “Elijah’s heart stopped.” I was like “omg now I’m feeling my heart is stopped!” It’s intense and brilliant and I love it! So I will catalog this one to the most intense part of this fic.
· Chloe’ s suicide. It hurts. It’s intense but also very sad. I was like “oh no no no no no somebody do something stop her omg Elijah just fix her”when I read the part she decided to die in order to protect Elijah. I really couldn’t accept that Chloe is dead along with the other two. It’s the most painful part to read in this fic. T_T
· The Cyberlife Gala. I didn’t really sense anything wrong when I read that they decided to attend this Gala. So it came as a shock when I read that someone shot Connor, Jason and even Simon!(omg you don’t know how astounded I was I was so afraid that Simon would die). The part where Jason died in Elijah’s arms after a final kiss is indeed a strong emotional impact. Besides the shooting, I find the part where Elijah danced with Connor is also a nice one to read. I felt so much when I read this part so I think this is a part that holds the most mix feelings of mine.
· Connor and Elijah sneaked into that secret Cyberlife facility looking for Fortune’s code. I had a very bad feeling when I read that Connor and Elijah lied to each other in their promises. My mind was full of “oh no this is not a good sign something would definitely go wrong and these two what are they doing lying to each other it’s too intense I can’t take it!” This part can be intense even stressful to read. I felt so relieved when they all got out despite a few injuries. Nothing really bad happened and I just thought too much before. So this part clearly becomes the most stressful part in this fic.
· Simon was forced to leave Markus in the forest on their way to Washington. I cried so hard in reading this part. It was intense when they escaped from their crashed car(the moment reminded me of Simon’ s last car accident uhhhh) and then it was so heartbreaking that Markus had to decide to make Simon and Ethan run away without him. I actually couldn’t remember how I really feel about this part because I just cried so hard. :p This part stole so much of my tears but I still love it. TvT
· The part from Markus’ s capture to the death of Seymore. Those chapters are the climax of this fic and they’re really thrilling, intense, brilliant and amazing to read! Markus broke the code that controlled him and Connor got away from Cyberlife’ s manipulation. Their fight in Stratford Tower with Seymore and RK-900 (nice exploration of a deviant RK-900!). I almost got this feeling of watching an action movie during my reading. They’re really great! So I think this can be the most splendid part of this fic.
· Simon and Markus’ s wedding. OMG OMG OMG the wedding!! THEIR WEDDING!!! I actually got quite confused when I started reading this chapter and I almost screamed and jumped when I read that Simon was in an all-white suit and something about an aisle!! My eyes had already filled with tears when I read that they were exchanging vows and rings. Too many tears that I couldn’t read properly (Call me a cry baby but I just couldn’t control it). The wedding is SO sweet, lovely and warm to read. I think I must be overjoyed about this part. I think this wedding part is the most beautiful part of this fic and I love it so much!!!
*About the sequel
Please please please do a sequel! I’ve read your A/N and I’m wholeheartedly looking forward this sequel. I just really want to read something about the sweet and warm family life of Simon, Markus and Ethan also the love stories and maybe the wedding of Connor and Elijah!! But I’ll be more than happy to read whatever you decide to write in the sequel. >v<
*OK this is fangirl time >v<
Here is a special part that I want to express my love to you and your works. Thank you for creating so many brilliant works! I really love the way you write your fics. You depict the most touching and wonderful stories with brilliantly arranged plots and simple yet powerful words.
I also want to say something about shipping kamcon. I didn’t really ship this when I first discovered your fic Wait For It on AO3 after a random Simarkus’ tag search. It stirred my curiosity though. I was attracted to this couple after I read your fic A Mutually Beneficial Agreement, which, by the way, is also an amazing fic. And now I’m a complete shipper of Kamcon thanks to your wonderful fics! I feel so lucky that I didn’t miss this wonderful pairs. Thanks for showing me how great and sweet they are! >v<
So that’s almost everything that I feel and think about your story The Creator after reading it. Sorry it gets so long and maybe full of grammar errors. :p Thanks for your reading and also thanks for your replies to my AO3 comments and my Twitter. <3333333333
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sanguinesprout · 6 years
Thunderstorms and rainbows all around! (Job things, update blah, perfectionism sucks and what even is communication)
Pheeeew! The past month has been a lot more busy and stressful but I’m finally kinda getting myself closer to getting a job! So I actually managed to apply to 6 jobs so far! Six! I mean, to most people that’s probably nothing, but that’s a lot for me that would normally only apply to like... 1 or probably nothing lol @w@” So yay and keep going me! ^^ I’m really thankful to my sis for encouraging me, even though she loses her patience sometimes, but I really am such a weenie baby x.x
1 job rejected my application, 2 jobs I didn’t hear from, 1 I only just applied to (which is actually the same as the very 1st one I applied to last time, hah!) and 2 I did hear from. Those two are ones set by recruitment agencies and are warehouse/factory type jobs where they hire in bulk. They both don’t have any formal interviews or anything like that but they had this registration form filling kind of appointment. I mean, it wasn’t retail like I was aiming for, but maybe this would actually suit me better maybe? Baby steps!
I decided not to do one of the two that I heard from (a warehouse one) because it was too far away and also it sounded too physically demanding for me. The second (factory) I’ve been debating whether to go through with or not for like two weeks since I’ve been accepted because my health problems may make it unsuitable for me, but there’s gonna be an induction day sometime soon hopefully and maybe I can make a good decision then. Travel to the second job is much less a hassle than the one I rejected too, here’s hoping it’ll be okay! And if I never try I won’t know!
The one I applied for today... it’s retail just like the others I unsuccessfully applied for, I wonder if I’ll be successful this time, who knows! I feel it’d be a much better way to grow and learn to face people even better and would definitely be much more varied than the factory job which is just robot-like repetitiveness but that may be more comfortable in regards to predictability. Either way I’m gonna have to start talking to at least co-workers and stuff, ahhh I’m nervous, but I need to get outta my comfort zone! Onwards!
Until then, gotta keep applying and trying, maybe neither of these will be suitable or possible, or maybe I’ll find something even more awesome! It’s both really scary and kinda exciting. I want to finally show some independence, that I’m capable of working and talking to people and most of all help my family some, because right now and well, for ages we have been struggling and there’s alotta stressful stuff happening for them >< C’mon, I can do it!!
In general other stuff, I am almost at the end of my online course thing!! I wouldn’t have expected to get here but it’s all because of my sis helping me out a lot ;w; I can’t help but feel I’m being bad ahhh like I’m a super law abiding kind of person, I feel like I’m cheating! But then again the course material is impossible to complete with only my noob knowledge, it was false advertising! W/e when the course is done I hope I never have to do another like that again!
Uhhh anyways, besides that ball of stress I actually managed to do some more baking with my sis and sewing and it was all kinda last minute stuff, which usually freaks me out! I mean, I kinda got moody and needed some persuading by my sis but I did it!! :D I went shopping a bunch and didn’t feel too anxious except for that ‘oh no, I didn’t buy anything, now the shop people will think I’m stealing’ kind of paranoia... I’m slowly kinda getting over it, it’s just having that open shopping bag clunking around on my shoulder with stuff from a previous shop makes me extra nervous around staff OTL. It’s okay, think more rationally! There’s nothing wrong with not buying anything! Plenty of people do this and are fine!
There were also some important family days, but Idk why... I was really irritable and moody and messed one of them up and had a massive falling out with my sis. She said a lot of harsh things and I was being kind of cold and unresponsive but also critical, there was crying and anger on both sides. I guess my depressive feelings just got too deep and I was getting to cooped up and stressed in my head to be able to think or do anything else... I had been feeling even more low those few days, it was my fault. It’s just so difficult to control sometimes, but I gotta keep trying to stay out of my head, quit overthinking and falling into the negative and keep it that way some more.
Anyways, we managed to reconcile some while later and everything and the rest of the days were good! I bonded with my family with a game of charades, which they were reluctant to play at first, but warmed to it and smiled and laughed a lot! The things I baked and sewed were for them and it made them happy too! It was nice, I was happy too, I hope there will be more times like this more often! c:
In regards to blog stuff and art stuff, it really hasn’t gone anywhere yet still. I’m hoping that when I get the job thing sorted, maybe I will feel less guilty about doing things like that which I consider as leisure stuff. But is this unreasonable? I don’t want to keep pushing it back and delaying it but I just feel too overwhelmed, it’s like I can only focus on one thing at once, but I know I am capable of doing more..! I just need to push myself!
I also keep being too much of a perfectionist, it was even a big part of the reason I had a falling out with my sis :c I’m so critical of myself all the time and others sometimes, it’s just so frustrating and incomprehensible. I’m so scared of doing things wrong or imperfect, it’s definitely unreasonable and unrealistic of me to keep thinking this way ;^; It’s so hard to just ignore these feelings. It’s really hard to get me to do something in the first place, I’m just giving myself unnecessary grief. 
Failing and flaws are part of learning, I’m setting myself too high expectations, I need to not be so hard on myself. What I’m doing is just fine, as long as I keep going, I’ll keep improving! If something doesn’t go so well this time, then I’ll just do it again next time but better! I’ll try to keep these in mind more!
I haven’t really been interacting with anyone or commenting at all in general other internet-ness which is well, not so good. I hope I can become comfortable enough to do things like commenting and following people and posting soon! Hoping probably isn’t good enough though, it’s all about foregoing the comfort zone again and just doing! I’m too ashamed of myself ahh
Oh! To the lovely person that liked and left a small but kind comment on my last post, even though you probably won’t see this, I want to say thank you!! When I did see it later on, it really made me smile! <3 
I guess this must be how people feel when I gave them comments in the past, it really is motivating! Giving someone a smile is definitely much better than giving in to fear!
I feel really bad because this one online friend that popped up since last time, I made sure not to just ignore them but I’ve kinda been less responsive to them... in the hope they message less frequently at least... gah! Idk... I feel kinda uncomfortable that they tried to speak to me everyday, like I had nothing new to say to them and it made me feel even more anxious. Even more so when they tried to compliment and get closer to me... ack! *sirens blaring*
Though I have had a lot on my plate to do and think about lately and I’ve told them this many times and I have been polite and friendly to them... I’m just scared I’ll come off to them as a jerk but I just kind of want some space and it really just ahhhh idk how to respond? My own awkwardness and inability to just communicate without freaking out is killing me..! Am I being unreasonable here?? T^T;;; OTL OTL OTL
Hm, I think that’s enough of my derpy flailing for today, I’ll stop here but Imma keep goin irl! Yeah, do the stuff!! Go go go! 
After a thunderstorm a rainbow can appear, and one really did the other day!
May everyone see rainbows after their thunderstorms too! Good things can follow times of struggle or great effort!
Let’s go be productive and be good to ourselves! 
Have a great week! ^^
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lazuliblur · 7 years
Hello. When I found your blog, I pegged you as someone who had a rather deep understanding of what Team Minato's members were like, based on your posts. I wanna ask you opinion, if you don't mind. Madara's expert brainwashing aside, do you think Obito is weak for giving up what he believed in because of the event of Rin's death? And do you think he is weak for abandoning the Moon's Eye Plan after everything with Naruto?
Hey there! First off, omg! Let me just say that you are a super talented artist and I’m in awe of your expressive style, but I still haven’t quite forgiven you for crushing my heart to bits with those beautiful team Minato drawings of yours from a few days back! ❤
Secondly, ahhhh, I don’t know that my understanding is all that deep. I just love these kids and identify with Obito in a way that I’m not sure is entirely medically advisable, so I also have a very personal opinion about them. You’re welcome to agree or disagree with it. I’d love to hear your own take on the subject!
I don’t really know about weakness/strength. You can define those traits in so many different ways. Strength is most often associated with resillience and steadfastness, but sometimes it takes more strength to change than to remain as you are, so that doesn’t work as a definition. Strength can mean folding and weakness can be standing your ground when change is the preferable action, but who’s to say what’s right or wrong (especially in the Naruto world where every one of these guys, even the so-called cinnamon rolls like Minato, have extremely skewed moral views)? I prefer to think of characters in terms of how good they are at following through with what they believe is right and in terms of how justified/coherent/sensible their reasoning for considering something “right” is. That’s what I’ll consider strength in my answer. That said, let the magic of the read more cut begin because this got long.
Was Obito weak for losing faith in the world after Rin died? Well, let’s face it: Obito is not the most refined thinker. He has a tendency to exaggerate and think of the world in extreme terms. (Uchiha’s “curse of hatred” at work right there. These guys have zero chill, they just feel things too damn much, too damn deep!) Rin’s his best friend, so she’s “his one light in the darkness”. Kakashi and he don’t always get along, so they’re “like water and oil”. The shinobi system is broken, so clearly the only thing to do must be to raze it down to subbasement levels and start anew with something completely different!
When you think about all the things that Obito did after becoming Madara, putting aside for a moment the fact that his deeds were incredibly reprehensible from a moral standpoint, you have to admit that Obito accomplished so much. He was tireless. That was pure strength and unwavering determination. Because Obito is the kind of guy who, once he gets something in his head, follows through with it.
Obito, like Kakashi and every other kid in Konoha in their generation (and those before), was a child soldier. Naruto’s generation, the offspring of these child soldiers, the first to not have to worry about going to war in the history of Konoha, were spoiled by comparison. We have no way of knowing what kind of methods Konoha used to prepare these kids before dumping them in the middle of a battlefield, but it could not have been pretty. (Minato admires A for acting like a “true assassin” ffs!) Indoctrination is a pretty staple procedure, so we can assume that happened. Propaganda is also standard during war time. It helps people feel better about themselves if they paint the enemies that they’re going to have to kill as little more than animals and devils.
My point is that, by the time Obito went out to Kannabi Bridge, Konoha had already sufficiently motivated him to want to change the world and make it a better place. He wanted to do it from within Konoha (by becoming Hokage) because he believed with his whole heart that his village was a good place (see: indoctrination). He also wanted to do this with his friends beside him (when he wakes next to Madara, one of the first things he says is that he’s glad that his teamwork with Kakashi is going to improve now that they share sharingan).
Madara chipped away at Obito’s beliefs and forced him to let go of the rose-tinted lenses with which he perceived Konoha, so that he wouldn’t want to return home or keep the village as it was. Madara made a nihilist out of Obito using nothing but logic. He posed the question: if not for Konoha, would your friends have been in that dangerous situation? And the only answer to that was no. Then Madara used the fact that Obito was accustomed to Konoha asking him to sacrifice himself for the good of others to ask him to do the exact same thing for himself.
In a way, Madara did Obito a favour by breaking him out of that close-minded way of thinking that Konoha could do no wrong. Freedom of thought and child soldiers are not two things that typically go well together, you know? On the other hand, Madara took advantage of the mindset that Konoha had instilled in Obito to get him to do what he wanted without Obito realising it.
I believe that Obito showed strength here. He became convinced that the world needed to be made better and he sacrificed himself – his identity, his nature, his connection to his remaining friends – to make sure that it happened.
Obito was not weak for opening his eyes and seeing the world for what it truly was. He was a little weak in accepting Madara’s Moon’s Eye Plan as the only way to fix it. That was naïve of him. However: he was a child soldier who was just learning to think for himself. It would be unreasonable to expect him to be able to start thinking about everything at once. He had to take baby steps. (Besides, he eventually started to add his own changes to the pre-established plan, diverging from Madara’s orders and showing that he didn’t necessarily agree with everything that Madara said.)
What does that amount to? I don’t know. As far as I’m concerned, he was both strong and weak here, but he went on to build himself into a strong character over this weakness.
Regarding Obito’s abandonment of the Moon’s Eye Plan after Naruto’s Talk no Jutsu… I’ll be honest. I hate that so much that I rage quit the manga when it happened. I only picked it back up because a friend told me that Obito was doing awesome things with Kakashi and that Rin had made some sort of comeback. And, yes, seeing Obito and Kakashi fight side by side one more time was cool, but… it just wasn’t the same. That wasn’t the Obito I’d come to know any more. His character was done a huge disservice at the end there. The overall story’s need to make Naruto the saviour robbed Obito of the ending he deserved. I would have liked Obito to reach a compromise with Naruto et al. that was like “ok, Madara’s methods are messed up, I see that now, but I have valid questions that will be addressed after we’re done taking him out.”
(Because Obito didn’t really like Madara, you can tell. My guess is that Obito would have rathered bring the old man back to life just before casting the genjutsu, so that Madara could have his happy ending, but no chance to interfere with Obito’s plans. At least, he didn’t seem thrilled that Madara was brought back as an Edo Tensei.)
I get why the plot required Naruto’s TnJ to work and I get why Naruto had to be the one who changed Obito’s mind (because he’s the freaking messiah who can never fail!!one), even though Naruto had no connection to Obito and they were nothing alike aside from the fact that they were lonely as children and wanted to be Hokage (FOR TOTALLY DIFFERENT REASONS!!one *ahem*) Kakashi’s the one who should have had that conversation with Obito (and I will forever be salty that Naruto 100% shut down Kakashi’s attempt to do just that when they first unmasked Obito).
I also understand that Obito was emotionally worn down by this point. He sought out Naruto during the 5 Kage meeting to reaffirm his purpose, so, yeah, Obito had doubts and he took that moment to assure himself that he was on the right path. Naruto was too stupid/concerned about Sasuke to realise that this was his chance to have a heart to heart with Obito and talk him out of his plan before anyone else died, and Kakashi was too much of a ninja, focused on his one job – to kill the enemy/protect Naruto – to consider it a possibility. Towards the end, Obito was also tired from fighting Kakashi and dealing with Kabuto. It’s at the moment right before a plan comes together that it is most frail and most susceptible to falling apart.
Anyway, Obito started out the war stronger and more committed than ever before: he had triple checked himself to make sure that his cause was right and no one had been able to deny that the ninja system was messed up. Even the good guys (barring Naruto), while talking amongst themselves, were all kinda “yeah, well, uhm, yeah, someone should do something about that”. Due to the plot’s need to make Naruto look strong, though, Obito had to be made weak, even though this volte face went entirely against his character. You do not spend years committing horrible acts that contradict your nature (Obito’s true nature was kind) because you feel that there is a problem that needs fixing, only to turn around at the last moment and let a 5 minute conversation with a stranger convince you that that issue you were so desperate to correct never needed addressing in the first place.
Bottom line, Obito was a strong character made weak at the very end by shounen plot requirements (though if Fullmetal Alchemist has taught us anything is that you don’t need to sacrifice character to have a satisfying ending and genre is no excuse for poorly executed plot).
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Say You Won't Let Go - Chapter 2
Camila was loving her time in Texas with Ally. Her family has treated Camila like one of their own. They even went as far as getting a couple Christmas gifts for the younger Latina girl, so she wouldn’t be left out when everyone was opening presents. Camila felt loved and safe around them. A safety she hasn’t felt in a while.
It also helps that she’s been talking to Lauren Jauregui from time to time. Lauren has been so nice, and sweet. Incredibly supportive about the channel. On top of all that, she’s hilarious. Every time they speak Camila has a lasting smile.
It was the day before New Years Eve, Camila and Ally were getting ready to go to the movies. Camila’s mind kept wandering to Lauren. When Lauren first wrote to her on twitter she freaked out. She couldn’t help but to tell Lauren over and over how amazing she was. Her phone started buzzing, and her smile grew.
Lauren: When do I get to see that beautiful face? 😏
KC: lol what makes u think im beautiful?
Lauren: well we’ve been DMing for about 2 weeks, & I conclude that even if ur not physically what the world would deem as beautiful, ur personality shines brighter than anything. Ur so funny, and crazy nice. Ur passion for music is undeniable. Thats beautiful. Thats u.
KC: Ur very charming Lauren. im not sure if that’s a good thing 🤔
Lauren: Its good, trust me. Not everyone gets this side of me. Lol
Lauren: Don’t u think u gotta show ur face eventually?
KC: Maybe, idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lauren: What are u going to do?
KC: What do u mean?
Lauren: Like with ur voice? Do u want to be bigger than “youtube star?”
KC: I haven’t thought about it. I never thought I’d be good enough for being anything else really. I never even thought I’d have more than 100 followers if im being honest.
Lauren: lol u really thought that? ur crazy gifted.
KC: I cant with ur compliments.
Lauren: telling the truth darling. ur voice is amazing, I’m sure u r beautiful. Ur chill af, with occasional fan girling, ur modest, ur a dork, ur sweet. Ur what this industry needs. Ur what girls will look up to, & boys would want to bring home to meet mom. The whole package.
KC: ahhh ur killing me. Seriously ur words are unbelievable. All this coming from YOU.
KC: Ur so beautiful.
KC: Not ur looks
KC: I mean, yes ur beautiful like that
KC: Why am I so awkward…
Lauren: lol Relax chicken, breathe.
KC: I mean, ur mind. ur words are kind, and inspiring.
Lauren: lol I’m just being honest dork
KC: atleast I’m a cute talented dork 😄
Lauren: Eh, ur ok
KC: lmao sure jan. do the words “unreasonably obsessed” sound familiar?
Lauren: doesn’t ring a bell
KC: Oh really? K. I guess I’ll be leaving! It was nice talking to u.
Lauren: Wait wait, no no. Don’t go. I’m joking
KC: New phone 📱 who dis?
Lauren: Lmao ur an idiot.
KC: 👋🏻
Lauren: Fine if that’s what u want KC. It was nice talking u. Just wanted to let u know I actually think ur talented. I hope u get everything u want in this world.
KC: Seriously, all jokes aside. Thank u, so much Lauren. It means alot. I’m happy I fan girl less when you hmu. Sometimes I’m like “DID LAUREN JUST SLIDE IN MY DMS?” Cus like You’re YOU, & I’m just me. And You telling me I have a nice voice, it’s like AHHHHH
Lauren: You’re not JUST you…you’re amazing.
KC: Uhhh 🙈 Thank you Laur, but I gotta go, going to the movies.
Lauren: Ok KC, hmu later? I enjoy talking to you. :D have a good night.
KC: Potassium
Lauren: what are u talking about?
KC: Potassium. What’s the periodic symbol?
Lauren: K? ….. OH! Wow, u are really a dork. Wow. Bye now. lol 😂
It was around 11pm when Ally and Camila left the movie theater. Ally was hungry and Camila never turned down food, so they decided to stop at the Waffle house. They were browsing the menu when Camila got a twitter notification.
@LaurenJauregui: Yooo @KC_LoveOnly where’s that new cover thooo?
She smiled reading the tweet. She had been done with the video days ago, but she was nervous about uploading it knowing that a specific green eyed pop star would watch it. On top of that she decided to cover one of The Holy Trinity’s songs.
@KC_LoveOnly: Girl, when I know that ur a part of my audience, I GOT to make sure its peeeerrrfffecctt!! @LaurenJauregui
“Ally Brooke? Is that you!?!” Camila heard someone behind her say. Ally squealed hopping up from her seat. When Camila turned around her mouth hit the ground. She saw Ally hugging none other than 1/3 of The Holy Trinity, Normani Kordei.
Ally and Normani were best friends before Normani moved to Miami. They talked for a couple months before losing touch.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be taking over the world with your voice?” Ally asked excitedly.
Normani laughed, “Well we finally got a break for the holidays, my family came here.”
“Are you eating here alone?” Ally asked noticing no one was with Normani.
“I was going to get some food and head home” she replied.
“No! Come sit with us!” Normani looked towards Ally’s table, eyeing Camila.
“Is she going to be okay?” she asked Ally, noticing Camila was stunned and still had her mouth open.
“Oh, that’s my best friend. I guess she might be a little star struck.” Ally snapped her fingers in front of Camila, who shook herself out of the shock she was in.
Normani laughed while sitting down next to Ally. Camila thought Normani’s smile could kill her.
“I’m Normani,” she reached her hand out to shake Camila’s.
“Y-yeah, I know. I mean, how can I not? You’re you!” Camila rambled. “I’m Camila Cabello.” She said shaking Normani’s hand.
“You’re cute Camila. Relax though, I’m not going to bite.” Camila ducked her head down shyly. “You’re lucky you’re not meeting my bandmates, they can be a little…rowdy. They might bite.” Normani joked, trying to put Camila at ease.
Normani and Ally caught up for a bit while they ate. Normani made sure to include Camila into the conversation, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. Camila was surprised to see how down to earth Normani was.
“Hey, you girls should come over my house for a little. We can continue to catch up!” Normani suggested.
“That would be so much fun!” Ally exclaimed.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I come? I don’t want to intrude on your friendship reconnection. I can just go back to Ally’s,” Camila said timidly.
“Seriously? Talking to Ally and you has made me feel so…normal. I could use some normality. So yes, I’m inviting you to my house. We will talk, watch a movie, just hangout. Pleasssse come!” Normani begged Camila.
“Okay, okay!”
When the girls got to Normani’s house she gave them a quick tour. Ally got to see Normani’s parents after years. She was happy that they still recognized her, and they were glad she was doing well.
They reached Normani’s room, and Camila launched herself onto the king-sized bed.
“This is sooooo comfy,” she said while rolling around. “Adopt me Normani.”
Ally and Normani laughed. Ally pushed Camila over to the other side of bed, and made herself comfortable. Normani turned on the TV, and started browsing Netflix sitting between the two girls.
“So how did you two meet?” she asked the girls, focusing on finding something to watch.
“College—Friends!” Camila shouted. “Please put on Friends. I love it.”
Normani chuckled at her and put on a random episode.
“As she was saying,” Ally continued, “We met in college.”
“Cool, so we are all the same age?” Normani said unsure.
“No, she’s almost two years younger than us. I didn’t want to live on campus and my past roommates were all crazy. I couldn’t afford living on my own, Camila had an ad looking for a roommate. I thought it was a good idea to get to know a roommate before having to live with them.” Ally explained.
“She fell in love with my dorky charm,” Camila said still focused on the TV.
“It’s true,” Ally joked, “Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?!” Camila threw her hands up, “Without my nerdy clumsiness, we would’ve never been roommates! I wouldn’t have the world’s best friend. I’d be stuck with Shawn. I love him, but he’s NOT you! I wouldn’t be sitting here enjoying Friends.” She exclaimed.
“You’d still be watching Friends somewhere. Relax. I love you, I’m glad we met.” Ally reassured her.
“Hmmph,” Camila folded her arms turning back to the TV.
Normani laughed at the two girls. “You go to Miami University and you didn’t come to see me?”
“Girl, you were touring by that time,” Ally responded. “How did all that happen by the way? The Holy freaking Trinity!”
Normani chuckled, “Ahhhh, where do I start?”
“Well, I know how you all met. We heard your recent interview,” Ally said.
“Oh, keeping tabs on me?” Normani joked.
At the sound of the interview Camila’s head shot up. She didn’t want Ally to tell Normani about KC. She thought it might be odd, and look bad. They mentioned her in an interview, then she somehow manages to bump into one of them.
“Sorry but no. Actually, Mila—”
“I just stumbled on it, and showed her.” Camila cut Ally off, giving her a pleading look. Ally nodded in understanding.
“It’s cool, happy to be in the company of a fan,” Normani winked at Camila. “Well, I don’t know what to add to that. After meeting Demi, the next day she introduced us to Simon Cowell. He was concerned that we were too young. Me and Lauren were 16, and Dinah freaking 15.”
“Was he mean like on TV?” Camila asked.
“Opposite, he so sweet. We are signed to his label now, throughout the whole process he was so helpful. I mean we were just teenagers trying to chase our dream.” Normani said. “Before signing a contract there was a lot of back and forward with our parents, because of school.”
“That’s awesome!” Camila said.
“Yeah!” She paused thinking fondly of the memories. “It took a lot to get where we are, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
“That’s really cool, I’m so happy for you.” Ally said, hugging her old friend.
“Thank you, Ally.” Normani smiled into the hug.
After the embrace, the girls continued talking. Normani was elated to reconnect with Ally, but she was happier to get to know Camila. She thought the younger girl was adorable and dorky. Camila reminded Normani of Dinah.
The talking died down after about an hour, and the girls watched Friends. It took Ally about 2 episodes before she fell asleep.
“We should probably get going,” Camila said pointing out a sleeping Ally.
“Don’t be silly, stay the night,” Normani said sleepily. “I’ll get you some clothes to sleep in.”
She rubbed her eyes getting off the bed and rummaged through her draws. She pulled out a muscle tank top, and white shorts, handing them to Camila.
“Thank you, Normani. For everything, for letting a stranger stay here—”
“Stop, it’s all okay.” Normani cut her off, as she placed a reassuring hand on Camila’s shoulder. “You’re chill. A little quirky, but cool. It’s nice hanging out with people who aren’t trying to use me.”
“Thank you,” Camila replied giving her a hug.
When she let go of Normani she went to get changed in the bathroom. By the time she got out, Normani was already sleeping.
Camila shut the TV off and got comfortable in bed. She kept plenty of space between herself and Normani, not wanting to wake the older girl up while she used her phone.
She was on tumblr for about an hour, before she put on her headphones and decided to watch her video one more time before uploading it.
In the middle of her video, she got a text from Kellz. They’ve been talking every day since they exchanged numbers. He’s a nice guy. A bit insane, but she loved how care free he lived.
Kellz🎸: I think I just broke my face dude
Milz🎶: What do you mean?
Kellz🎸: I was just drunk fucking around. Running on cars. Fell smashed my face into the ground.
Milz🎶: Oh what different lives we live.
Kellz🎸: Lmao truu. So I’m playing a show in Miami in a couple weeks, u coming right? U get to see how I live first hand.
Milz🎶: For sure, just don’t let me break my face.
Kellz🎸: No promises Milz.
Milz🎶: Oh godddd
Kellz🎸: Turns out, my face isn’t the only thing I broke. Broke my arm to lol
Milz🎶: I’m rethinking this friendship, I think I’m going to get hurt just by being friends with you
Milz🎶: I’m rethinking this friendship, I think I’m going to get hurt just by being friends with you.
Kellz🎸: Nahhhh, u can’t leave me. We haven’t recorded a song yet!
Milz🎶: I thought we were merely writing a song? Now we are recording one?
Kellz🎸: Hell yeah! I can’t wait to chill with u! Explore that creative cool brain of urs.
Milz🎶: I’m not so sure about cool? Lol
Kellz🎸: Bro, just by the things you say when we text, I can tell ur crazy creative. That’s cool as fuck.
Camila felt the bed vibrating followed by an obnoxiously loud ring. After a couple of rings, she felt Normani shuffle around the bed.
“Girl don’t give me a reason to hate you, pick up that damn phone,” Normani grumbled.
Camila held back a laugh, “It’s not mine, grumpy.”
Normani huffed feeling around the bed for her phone. When she found it, she answered annoyed “You better be dying, there is no other reason to be calling at this ungodly hour!” Her toned soften after a moment. “Of course, babe. Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, pausing allowing the other person to talk. “Okay, you know where the spare key is. I love you.” She hung up, and looked at Camila.
“I’m sorry for being grouchy, I don’t like to be woken up. But why are you still awake? Is everything okay?” She said, concerned laced in her voice.
Camila pinched her cheeks, “Care about me already?!” she joked. “I just couldn’t sleep.” Camila yawned, “But I guess I’m getting tired now. Everything okay with your phone call?”
Normani nodded, “Yeah, my best friend is coming in a couple hours. I’m going to head back to sleep until she gets here.” She snuggled up to Ally. “Get some sleep Mila, goodnight.”
“Night Normani.”
Camila posted her video before turning off her phone. She got comfortable and headed to sleep. She was excited to meet one of Normani’s friends, hopefully they were just as chill.
Lauren was loving every minute of being home. She didn’t realize how much she missed her family. She missed her mother’s forehead kisses, and her father’s bear hugs. She missed hanging out with her siblings, Taylor and Chris. She was happy to see everyone’s faces when they opened Christmas presents from her.
She was more than happy to be talking to KC every so often. She thought the girl was talented, and after talking she liked her dorky personality. She hoped to see her face, but KC won’t let up.
It’s the day before New Year’s Eve, and she was schedule to make a club appearance. She was rummaging through her closet looking for something to wear for tonight when her sister came in and jumped on her bed. “So, what are your plans for tonight?”
“I’m kind of hosting this party at some club. Luckily, it’s not a singing job, just a partying one.” Lauren said, doing a little dance.
“Just don’t party too hard, you know dad doesn’t like your ‘Bad Girl” image. It certainly doesn’t help when you’re actually out there partying.“
Lauren and her dad have had their fair share of arguments about her bad girl tendencies. She’s never been one for rules, even when she was younger. When she went to California for the spring break where she met Dinah, her dad said no but she left anyways. She was grounded until that summer. "Dad will get over it like he always does.” She told Taylor.
Lauren pulled out her phone to listen to KC while she got ready to go. She was bummed when she noticed that KC hasn’t posted a new video since The Holy Trinity interview. Lauren hoped that didn’t scare her away.
@LaurenJauregui: Yooo @KC_LoveOnly where’s that new cover thooo?
Lauren smiled at her phone before locking it and tossing it on her bed. She continued looking through her clothes before picking out a cute black velvet dress.
After she showered, did her makeup, and got into her dress she took a picture for twitter. She was about to post when she got a tweet from K.C
@KC_LoveOnly: Girl, when I know that ur a part of my audience, I GOT to make sure its peeeerrrfffecctt!! @LaurenJauregui
Lauren laughed, and continued to posted her picture.
@LaurenJauregui: We outttttt tonight! 🎉
It was about 3:30 in the morning and Lauren was stumbling home. While at the club she ran into her old friend Vero. They danced all night and drank way too much.
They made a trip to the bathroom where Vero gave Lauren some coke. It wasn’t her first time doing it, within minutes she was dangerously high.
“Shhhit” Lauren cursed, trying to unlock her front door. She didn’t understand why she had so many keys, but most of all she couldn’t figure out which one opened her door.
“Ahhhhhh, that’s the one!” she said, tip toeing into her living room.
She whispered, “Honey! I’m home,” as she stumbled into an end table knocking over a lamp.
“Shhhhhh! You’re going to wake up papa, you stupid lamp!” she whispered shouted at it, while giggling. She heard someone clear their throat. When she turned around she was met with her fathers disappointed look. “Too late,” she laughed.
“Lauren, if you’re going to come home drunk at 3 in the morning can you at least keep it down. What kind of influence do you think this behavior is on your sister?”
Lauren immediately got angry. She thought she was a great influence on Taylor. She followed her dreams, and became an accomplished artist. Everything she does is for her family.
“I’m a suspectful..susss..successful influence on her.” She stated drunkenly, while her dad looked at her unimpressed, adding to her anger. She tossed her purse onto the sofa, and ran her fingers through her hair.
“Dad whatdoya w-want from me? I’m in what is probably the biggest girl group of this time!” she grinned widely, pleased with her career. “Everyone should be proud and inspired by me” she slurred.
“How can I be proud when I have to sit back and see pictures of my little girl stumbling out of clubs? I just want you to be careful. I don’t want you to do anything stupid Lauren.” Her dad sighed.
“I just go out to blow off steam—”
He cut her off, “What steam? You’re in the biggest girl group!” he mocked.
“Whatever dad. Just let me sssleep this off. Pleasee, yell at me later. You give me a headache” she groaned, rubbing her temples.
He sighed in defeat. “Fine, but here…don’t forget your things.” He picked up her bag to hand it to her. “Listen Mija, I love you and please know I’m proud of –” He stopped when he noticed some things spilling out of the purse. Lauren eyes grew wide when I saw the little baggy of white powder drop in front of his feet.
“Lauren, are you fucking kidding me? You’re stupid enough to bring drugs into my house? Around your siblings?” She looked down, not baring to see the disappointment in his eyes. “You know what! Get the hell out!”
She looked at him shocked, “What do you mean? Where am I supposed to go? It’s practically New Years Eve!”
“I don’t care where you go, but you’re not fucking staying here. I’m not dealing with your bullshit.” He spat. He reached down and grabbed the baggy before walking to the kitchen. “Go with the person who gave you this for all I fucking care.”
Lauren turned around not really knowing what do, she punched the wall until her hand was swollen. She took out her phone about to call the only person she can think of when her brother came downstairs.
“What’s going on Lauren?” Chris asked sleepily rubbing his eyes. She didn’t say anything but bury her face into his chest, as he wrapped his arms around her.
He never seen her this upset before, he didn’t know what to do but he knew not to press the issue.
“Can you take me to the airport?” she mumbled into him. He nodded, releasing her and headed up the stairs to grab his keys. Lauren brought the phone to her ear praying that it doesn’t go to voicemail.
“You better be dying, there is no other reason to be calling at this ungodly hour.”
“Is that offer to go to Texas still available?” Lauren sniffled.
“Of course, babe. Do you want to talk about it?” Normani asked.
“Not really.”
Lauren was sitting at the airport, she luckily didn’t have to deal with paparazzi being that it was late. She did have to wait for her plane to be ready, due to the late notice. She sobered up as best to her abilities, which meant puking her guts out in the airport bathroom, and drinking water.
She scrolled through tumblr trying to push the thoughts of her argument with her dad out of her mind. She quickly forgot about everything when she got a notification that KC uploaded a new video. She clicked to watch the video:
“Hey pumkins! As promised I’m here to answer a few questions. I took the liberty to write down them down, as well as the answer. Hope you like!” KC said.
She had written down the questions on notecards with the answers on the back, and held them to the camera.
1. What do you look like?
She turned the card over and showed a horrible drawing of a girl stick figure. The answer read, “I look like a person. I have hair, eyes, a mouth, nose. The whole shebang.”
2. Where are you from?
“I grew up in Florida. I’m just around here and there ;)”
3. What inspires you?
“People. Love. Art itself.”
4. Who are some of your favorite musicians?
“I think Ed Sheeran is fantastic. And Taylor Swift influences me to write.”
5. What do you do?
“Well, this. I post videos, but I guess if you’re asking besides this…I go to college.”
“Okay,” she spoke, “I think that’s enough questions. I must keep some mystery to me. It’s a part of my charm, don’t you think?” She joked. “As many of you know a very talented girl group said they liked my channel. One girl specifically, so this next cover is for her.”
She started strumming.
I don’t admit it, I play it cool
But every minute, that I’m with you
I feel the fever, and I won’t lie
I break a sweat.
My body’s telling,
All the secrets I ain’t told you yet.
I struggle to contain,
The love that’s in my veins,
And how it circulates.
If you could take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
If you could feel my heart beat now,
It would hit you like a sledgehammer.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
You just don’t let up, don’t let up.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
But you lift me up, lift me up.
If you take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
So close together, so far apart.
You’re turning me on,
And my fires waiting for your spark.
I struggle to contain,
The love that’s in my veins,
And how it circulates.
If you could take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
If you could feel my heart beat now,
It would hit you like a sledgehammer.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
You just don’t let up, don’t let up.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
But you lift me up, lift me up.
If you take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
The truth is out, no stopping now.
I’m getting closer.
I’ve had enough, undress my love.
I’m coming over.
If you could take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
If you take my pulse right now,
It would feel like a sledgehammer.
Hammer, Hammerrrr
If you take my puuuulse
If you could take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
If you could feel my heart beat now,
It would hit you like a sledgehammer.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
You just don’t let up, don’t let up.
You’re taken over the beat of my body.
But you lift me up, lift me up.
If you take my pulse right now,
It would feel just like a sledgehammer.
She finished strumming, “Well I hope you enjoyed it. Remember, love only.”
Lauren heard a voice clear their throat behind her, “Excuse me, Miss Jauregui the plane is ready.”
“Thank you,” she replied getting up from her seat. She went outside towards the plane, and tweeting something before getting on.
@LaurenJauregui: Listen to @KC_LoveOnly ’s new cover. I’m in love! 😍  I think you’ll like the song choice. She’s amazing, follow her!!
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