#ahhhhh i am happy i have been able to help!! hopefully i will be able to again
andoutofharm · 11 months
hey! i was wondering if you know of any streams? u helped sm in the past and ty for that!
hey!! I have heard whispers that the stardust project may be streaming on tiktok, and apparently another person has said they will try to stream but has not provided their socials yet. I will keep checking and keep y’all updated as news comes in!!
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fenimores-book-nook · 10 months
Quatrième jour d'écriture sur les soins personnels
(Day four of self care writing ;) )
November 17th ~ 2023 *FRIDAY*
If you couldn't tell through my text, I'm very happy that it is Friday. It's not only the last day that I work this week, but it's alsoooooooo OPENING NIGHT FOR THE MOVIE, THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS AND SNAKES, AHHHHH! I've been looking forward to this movie ever since I heard a new Hunger Games movie was coming out. And even more so after I read the book. Which is most definitely in my top three favorite books. :3 I'm planning on going to the theater in my town with a couple of my friends. As well as, because I'm a nerd, I'm bringing along one of my copies of the books. (yes, one of, I own two copies) 'Cause wouldn't it be fun to write my thoughts down in it and have everyone that I saw it with sign it? Yes. Yes it would. And who knows? Maybe the actors or the author will show up, I don't want to be unprepared. (haha, I wish)
So, I am looking forward to THAT. You better believe I will be having a post or thoughts that I wanna get out here about it. Don't worry, I'll make sure I put "spoiler warning" if I include any. ;)
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(pinterest, obviously)
I've noticed in my last two (I think) self care writings I didn't really start it with a greeting, but you know what? I think that's okay. Happy morning, if it is also morning for you, if not, afternoon or evening! It's 10:29 am currently, for me. I have been in the mood to write all morning, so I started out with journaling in my notebook which I realize I've never posted a photo of my journal. Really, I switch between notebooks quite often. It's just whatever I feel at the moment, what kind of notebook I want to match my feelings. :)
Now, since I like making lists and answering some questions, we're gonna do something like that. :)) (plus, self-care writings, of course)
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(this is a part of the "night journaling" one that I've done before :) )
How am I ~ I'm doing okay. I think I feel about the same as I did yesterday, but that isn't bad, I don't feel worse! And that's a victory worth celebrating. :)
Today's goals ~ Keep an optimistic mood throughout the day! Talk to one of my close friends about some struggles that I think they could relate to. (even if it's something not so good to experience, having someone to relate with helps with not feeling so lonely tremendously)
Experience goals fully ~ If I'm feeling my mood dip down, do something to clear my mind and get the good feelings going again! Even if it's just to feel some sort of comfort; read a comfort book! And even if my friend ends up not being able to relate with me, still look at talking to someone as a victory. It can be really hard to talk about feelings sometimes, so don't forget about those steps!
Gratitude ~ I'm grateful for my sister, I love how much we talk even with her not living at home anymore. It's fun to just talk about books or just about life with her. I'm also grateful for Christmas music because it's such a cozy type of music. :)
Affirmations ~ Even though it feels sucky right now, it doesn't mean it's going to feel like that forever. This is just temporary. It's only a chapter, or even just a few pages; not your entire book.
To-do today ~ DECORATE MY ROOM FOR CHRISTMAS!* Yes, I'm one of those people that decorates for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Although, you could've come to that conclusion on your own with my other posts. ;) Do some house cleaning things after work. Go see The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes at 7:30 tonight!! And REST! The past couple days have been kind of busy, so take time to recharge. <3
*I didn't end up decorating today but I am going to try to do it this weekend. Hopefully the motivation will be there! ;)
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Christmassy photo from last night. :)
Fast forward (I've been doing that a lot lately) quite a bit to now: 11:50 pm, yes. I have watched The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. *screaming internally* And as much as I want to just spill my guts on everything about it, I am also very tired. So we'll leave off with one more self-care thing and say goodnight. ;)
One thing that happened today that I'm grateful for. (that I feel like helped my mental health)
I face-timed one of my closest friends and talked about something that has been bothering me for several days now. And she not only was a great listener but it helped so, so much that she could relate to it. And we discussed different things that I had been wondering about too. I feel like that talk made me feel more secure in that friendship and gave me a sort of peace with the whole situation. (very grateful for her <3)
And with that, I hope you have a great night and...
jusqu'à la prochaine fois,
Thalia <3
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@fangirl-and-stuff I told you I'd figure out a way to get this posted, feat. my best attempts at filling in the reaction memes.
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"BITCH ASS SNAKE OF A SPERM DONOR" IS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER READ. Also- who else did you think it was gonna be??
I did originally plan for a long torturous death for him via hyung line feat. jungkook, but as I was actually writing the scene I decided I actually wanted (and fit the characterization better imo) yoongi to just end him then and there. Yoongi's line there is one of my favorite in the whole chapter
"Were you really going to sit there and let him talk about her like that? Cause I sure as fuck wasn't."
Truly, we stan.
When Jackson was introduced, I was skeptical bc wtf are you here and why do you want to help MC hmmmm???
And then when it cut to 8 years later and then seeing him gaslight and manipulate tf outta the MC... oooo it had my blood boiling
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The overall consensus on Jackson is, no one likes him. And that was kinda the point. So I did my job. [Insert spoiler-y things here]
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I'm glad that last scene worked the way I wanted it to, I was really worried about it. I kept sending little screenshots to my friends asking "does this make sense?? When it's written like this??"
I mean I knew we were probably going to touch on that this chapter considering it covers the entire decade they were apart but like it was still a pleasant surprise
Namkook is so precious to me. Jungkook is too precious for this story.
Okay also that part where MC was hired to find JK had me giggling bc in the way that no one could find him bc he left Busan was basically the same way why the boys couldn't find MC bc she left Seoul to Busan. Did that make sense? I feel like it made more sense in my head but hopefully you understand hehe
I feel like I had more to say but I'm gonna reread the chapter again to remember but with that being said...
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Happy and safe and healthy and secure is the endgame. It's just. It's gonna take a while. A very long while.
My dear author, I am so happy that you were able to finish this chapter and I am so excited to see how this story goes! I'm really glad I stumbled upon your story and I can't wait to read the scene of the aftermath of MC saying "I watched you close the door" I have a feeling it's going to be angsty in the best way. You go and rest that wonderful brain of yours, bestie... you earned it 💜💜💜
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Oh my word darling, this is one of the best reviews I've ever gotten 🥰🥰 I am so glad that you're enjoying it so much, truly it makes my heart sing. I hope the next chapter meets your expectations and that you love it just as much 💜💜💜
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saturatedboy · 3 years
I was in the mood to write some angst-fluff writing for Donna Beneviento x M!reader so I hope you all enjoy if you chose to read it ^^ (This one shot can be found on my wattpad account Nerd_Dragon_Writes)
Just a sad fluffy chapter
This is a male!reader
Narrator’s POV
(Y/n) was minding his own business tinkering away at fixing the recently broken rocking chair that Angie, the loud and hyperactive doll, loved to bits- literally. Once Angie was sat in the rocking chair you barely could get her out of it. Angie adored the way it would rock, she found it better when her owner Donna would read a book beside her as (Y/n) would gently rock the chair as he normally sat beside it on the ground. However due to some disagreement over the outside world, Angie had thrown a fit and out of anger had broken the chair. Donna on the other hand had silently backed away out of the room and went somewhere in the small mansion to have space to herself. Mostly likely from the distress and headaches she most likely was getting, (Y/n) could only guess.
As (Y/n) hammered in the very last piece of cork into the wooden frame, the all well knowing screech of the wedding dressed doll came from the left side of his ear. "You fixed itttt!" She carried out, floating around the male and sitting in it after getting herself comfy in it. "Ahhhhh! It so good!" Giggling and quickly flying out of the rocking chair, Angie had rammed herself into (Y/n) and engulfed him in a hug as her small wooden arms could reach. The attempt at a hug had lead (Y/n) laughing slightly at her excitement and appreciation. Moving his arm, (Y/n) had cradled the doll with one arm under her to support her weight and used his other hand to gently pat the top of her veiled head. "You're very welcome. It's the least I could do for you after you and Donna didn't kill me-"
A finger was pressed against his lips, the doll's face had a serious look- one that you wouldn't expect Angie to even be able to create from knowing her having a really expressive emotions of being positive. "You were fun to play with and Mother Miranda did say that if you did somehow survive we could keep you for our own needs~ Ow! Hey no fair!"
With an outstretched pointing finger, the male had flicked the doll on her head to keep her thoughts to herself. He was left with a a small frown from the small doll in return."Sooo?" She dragged out, looking up at the male with a sad glint in her eyes. "Shouldn't you go find Donna, I'm sure she's still upset with earlier."
Sighing, (Y/n) could only nod however he didn't move from his spot on the floor next to the chair. He didn't know why but he felt like Donna didn't want to see him at the moment after the disagreement earlier. "Why don't you both want  me to leave- I'll only be going down the the village to go collect some materials?"
Angie had stayed quiet, thinking on how she should word her next words since she didn't want their new playmate to go and leave them after hearing what she had to say. Squirming her way out of his arm, she heaved herself out and floated in front of (Y/n), twiddling her fingers. "You've been with us for a while now and Donna had the sudden idea of maybe you wanted to be a fam-"
"I apologise for my sudden departing. I did not mean to worry you." A soft voice came from behind, the sound of small patters could be heard to along with some scattering on the floor. Turning around, (Y/n) could only be met with a heard of smaller puppets and dolls crawling, running and even skipping towards him with welcoming smiles. However past them, The Lady of the mansion stood with her veil covering her face and still in her black gown stitch and created from her sorrows.
As the dolls climbed onto (Y/n), he could only fight against their resistance to be able to stand up. However with the help on Angie moving some, he finally managed to stay standing with at least a total of twelve dolls hanging and clinging onto him. Taking a step forward, the male had smiled in joy seeing the other stand before him. "Donna," (Y/n) had spoken out gently, using a hand to lift a doll that was about to fall off him back onto his shoulder. "I wish to speak of today's event, however I had no intentions to mean to upset you or Angie."
Donna moved to lay against the door, her shoulder slightly making ridged movements every now again. With worried eyes, (Y/n) continued stepping forward until he was right in front of the doll maker. Being face to veil, the male had tilted his head gently, his smile still plastered sweetly onto his face. "May I take your veil up please?"
As the request left (Y/n) lips, Donna raised a hand to her veil and pressed it against her face. The sudden feeling of self-conscious had fled around her body and made a sudden noise of a sniffle come out from her. She hadn't revealed her face to anyone in a while- except Angie and her own creations. "Ma, it will be okay." Angie had floated next to her owner, whispering to her after that so (Y/n) couldn't hear what she was saying. It seemed it worked though because next thing he saw was Angie backing away with a her hands rapidly shaking happily.
Moving her hand down, Donna had pulled the black sheet up, letting her stray hairs from a bun she had stick to her face. Her pale skin had turned a cherry red on her cheek bones, her eye had steamed up with a blur and a light streak of water and sweat had trail down her face. Shyly looking away from embarrassment, Donna had focused herself on staring at the door frame, running her finger up and down the wood not caring is she would receive a splinter from it. With wide eyes in both wonder and enchantment, (Y/n) spoke out, "Lady Donna- You're-!"
"I'm hideous. This is what happened to me after the...incident." Biting her bottom lip and splitting it a small amount, she scrunched her eye up and stopped running her finger up and down the frame. Breathing deeply, she gathered the courage to stare at the other with a forced tone of happiness and curved lips "I didn't want you to leave because I thought I had everything back. I thought you would like to be a family. We acted like one and I believed that, you were the one to fix everything."
Angie looked at (Y/n) to see his reactions. Although she couldn't do that much in the very moment, all she knew was that the fate of everyone in that house, was laid in the male's hands. Using his hand to place the dolls and puppets on him onto the ground, he walked forward towards Donna and grabbed her chin gently with one hand and used the other to stroke her cheek-leaving Donna to be very flustered. "Oh Donna, hideous is no way to describe a women who laughter is the most perfect composed music to ever exist. Hideous is no way to describe a women who's hands fit perfectly with my own and create the most alluring pieces of art in my opinion."
"But!-" Her argument was cut short with a gentle kiss against her cheek. With her mouth left hanging open slightly and Angie laughing in the background, she felt sudden comfort wrap around her frame and brought her closer to them.
"And hideous is no way to describe the women who deserves a family which I am willing to hopefully be accepted in." (Y/n)'s soft whispers in her ear had left her speechless. It felt like the first time in forever she felt safe in the arms of someone. No more hiding herself away from the guilt she thought she deserved to feel. The warmth and sweet smell of flowers that came off (Y/n) had made those thoughts stop, like they were just stories from a fairy-tale. Slowly lifting her own arms up, she rested her head between the shoulder-blade and neck of her other, hugging tightly and letting tears that showed compassion and love fall from he eyes. Opening them slightly, she was met with Angie sitting back in her rocking chair and the other dolls and puppets surrounding her as she read a book to them, trying to mimic Donna when she would show the pages when reading.
It was Donna's turn to sniffle out a giggle when she watched Angie struggle with turning the page since it was so far away from her. Pulling out of the loving embrace (Y/n) was giving her, she moved her hand down to wrap around his hand and gently brought them both of them over to the chair. "Would you like me to read it Angie?" She asked watching the bride doll swell in happiness and nodding swiftly.
"Yes please mama!" She screeched out, jumping out of the chair and moving the other creations about so she could sit down on the floor with them. Donna let go of (Y/n)'s hand but once again she was left without words as he kissed her cheek again. "Ooooo~ mama and papa are kissing each otherrrr~" Angie sang out, leaving the room to be filled with other voices from the other creations. Feeling flustered and worried that them words aren't correct, she stand corrected when (Y/n) had sat down in the rocking chair and gently pulled her onto his lap. His arms once again wrapped around her as he leaned his head onto her shoulder looking at the others.
"I'm just showing my love to my wife, is that an issue children?" He said leaving the doll's to quickly quieten down, only a few whispered were left.
"Wife?" Donna muttered and she moved her eye to stare down at the other.
"That is, if you'll let me love you?" (Y/n) asked slowly. Donna smiled, a real smile and nodded.
"That's more than fine by me," She said as she felt her heart race in speed.
"Well that's good now can we hear the storyyyy?" Angie whined out, crossing her arms in a huff as she let the book lay in front of her. Donna turned to her and nodded.
"Of course you can."
Within the office room was the two new lovers. Donna was still in her mourn clothing, however pinned to the clothing where a breast pocket may of been was a flower. A daisy to be precise to signify new beginnings for her and (Y/n). Donna had leaned back against a green leather sofa facing the projector in the room. The faint noise of snoring was heard above in the more safer rooms, the snores and sounds were mostly likely coming from her creations of her handy craft.
Soon a pair of footsteps had lead in her way, only for them to stop and the sound of a sneeze coming out. Donna looked behind her to see (Y/n) walking towards her with two glasses of water. Gently giving her one from behind the sofa, (Y/n) had walked around and sat next to her, him taking a sip of water. "Say Donna," (Y/n) had started, turning to face her. "How do you feel about you coming out with me tomorrow. We don't have to go to the village so instead how about we explore? That way we both get what we want. I go outside and you don't have to worry about me leaving hm?"
Donna stayed quiet, focusing on drinking her water. She normally wasn't much of a talker but she talked so much today that she felt breathless. Bringing her glass down from her lips, she sighed.
"Maybe," she spoke out. A short laughter was heard from the other as he leaned behind himself and placed his glass on the table behind. After he gracefully wrapped an arm around Donna and brought her into a side hug which she was more than happy to accept and snuggle into.
"Don't worry my love," (Y/n) spoke out as he gave her a kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger there for  while to pull away soon after with a toothy grin. "I understand my maker."
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whyiask · 4 years
There are so many people I’ve met on this site, so many friends I’ve made. I joined tumblr only a few months ago, but my life has already drastically improved. I smile more and laugh more and I feel happier all the time, knowing that you all are just a click away. I’ve often heard people refer to tumblr as a hellsite, but I don’t fully agree with that. True, some things on here are crazy, but more than that, I’ve found people like me. I’ve found people who understand me, who think like me and feel like I do. Ya know, before I joined tumblr, I had never met another bisexual person(crazy, right?). Y’all have made life more enjoyable and happier and brighter, and for that, I’ll never be able to thank you enough.
I have soooo many people I have to thank, so I’ll try to keep the list of people as short as possible: all my closest friends and all the people who have been amazing and I have loved seeing since I joined tumblr earlier this year <33
@one-neat-nerd you were the first blog to ever follow me, and I don’t remember if you were the first blog I followed, but you definitely were in the first 10. You were a wonderful introduction to tumblr, and I love everything you post/reblog. We’ve never really talked, but I still want you to know that I appreciate you.
@warblerjeff you’ve changed your url more than 3 times since I first followed you, and it always takes me a second to recognize you aha! But when I do, I’m immediately have a rush of happy memories- all your Glee posts and all of the Glee content I get from you. We’ve never really talked, but seeing you on my dash is always so amazing.
@jesussavedevenme aha hi! We’ve never really talked, but you were one of the first few blogs I followed when I first joined tumblr, and I know I tagged you in a lot of stuff at first (because i didn’t have any other friends lmao), so sorry about that! 😅 You’re really cool and I hope you have an amazing 2021.
@strawberry-seraph we haven’t talked in a while, sorry about that! Talking with you is always super fun, you’re a fun person and I hope your having a great day! You were one of the first TLC blogs I followed and you were definitely the first actual friend I had on tumblr. Thanks for being so nice to me <33
@cerenoya Ceren... where to begin. We haven’t talked a whole lot, but you are such an amazing friend and super kind when we do! You were my first tumblr idol for so long, because I aspired to be like you/run a blog as cool as yours!! Have a great 2021, you deserve it.
@cindersnightmare I felt very distant from you when I first followed you. You were just so COOL and your artwork was so GOOD, I didn’t know how to approach or even begin to express my love for your work. When you followed me back, I tell you, I was s h o o k. We’ve never talked, but I consider you a friend, is that okay? You’re amazing, keep being amazing <33
@books-and-starss oh gosh- I don’t even know where to begin with you! I love you so much, first of all!! So, so much. I love talking with you, you’re really sweet and ahhhh your writing is SO GOOD!!!! You are a great beta reader and so eager to help me- it just warms my heart that you would offer up your time to help me. Everything you reblog is so positive and encouraging and awesome, it’s so nice to see that kind of stuff on my dash. All the aesthetic pictures you reblog are super cool and pleasing to look at. I absolutely ADORE seeing you on my dash every day. <33333
@dylxn-lee aha hello there!! I first met you because you were one of Abi’s friends, but now I’m in your fanclub and ilysm. You’re really cool and nice and deserve to have a wonderful year <333
@theaberrantone ahaha for so long I pronounced your name wrong in my head- I just want you to know... I see you. I see you every day, liking every single one of my posts. I see you in my notifs many times a day and I just- wow. It means so much to me, I am honestly so touched that someone as cool as you takes the time to scroll through my mess of a blog and like the things I slap into it. You’re amazing and someday I aspire to be as cool as you <333333
@mochiowo-20 hi there :333 ilysm, and we haven’t talked for a few weeks, and I haven’t gone through your blog in a while, but I STILL LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You are amazing and ily. Your so sweet and cool and ahhhh you deserve to have the most wonderful 2021 ever. (i love your blog aesthetic btw) <333
@teawithhoneyharper I know you’re taking a break from tumblr for a while, but if you do see this, then I want you to know that I care about you so much. I love you Darcy, and you are amazing. I hope your mental health is getting better and I hope life has been better to you <33 ilysm, take care of yourself, and have a wonderful new year <333
@fablehavenfandom hi there friend!! Your posts are amazing!! I love your writing so much!!! and all your headcanons are beautiful and I 100% think of them as canon now. I hope you’re having a great day, and I hope you have a great year <33
@fairiesandstarlight omG your posts are all so cool! You’ve got a beautiful blog aesthetic and I love everything you post!! I hope you’re having a wonderful new year love <333 wishing you the best
@maya-livingstone hi there!! you’re a very, very new mutual, but I hope we’ll be able to get to know each other and become friends over the course of this new year!! I also just got the Renegades series, and I’ve noticed you like that, so hopefully we’ll be able to talk about that soon!!
@pluckycluckyducky hi plucky!! It’s Joy from the nevermoor server. we haven’t interacted on here very much, but you’re really cool and you should know it. have a wonderful 2021 <33
@fablehavenandfandomsfanatic hi there!! you had to break for a while, but you’re back now and I love all of the things you post! Have a great year <3
@fablehavenfangirl you’re really cool! Everything you post/reblog is great and I enjoy just scrolling through your blog when I’m bored. You’re amazing, keep being amazing <3
@renegadenebulahufflepuff heyyyy! how are you doing? you’re amazing, we haven’t talked much but you’re really cool and I am wishing you only the best for 2021 <333
@bookishfangirl14 hey there!! I love seeing you in my notifs!! we don’t have very many overlapping fandoms at the moment, but you’re still really cool and I love looking at your blog (even if i don’t understand most of the posts). aha, i hope you have a wonderful new year <33
@introvertedtater-tot hii! we don’t talk much, despite having a LOT of overlapping fandoms, and I don’t know why. Let’s fix that this year, shall we? I hope I can get to know you more, you’re amazing and sweet and i hope we can build up a solid friendship in the coming months <33
@devils-on-a-stereo oh my GOD. Okay, honestly? I am still s h o o k that you actually follow me, I mean, c’mon. Your art is literally the coolest thing ever, and I am honored to know you. You deserve way more attention as an artist than you have, and honest to god you are the coolest most  i c o n i c  blog I know. Stay awesome ;)
@its-liiinh-cinder-official heyyy there!! You are literally a top-notch comedian, I aDORE all of your ‘linh cinder’s random posts’. They are hilarious and your stories are hilarious, and you seem like such an amazing and chaotic person. I wish i knew you in real life, you would be so fun to hang out with. i love seeing you on my dash every day, and you’ve got such a v i b e going on. Have a beautiful, wondrous, and magical 2021 darling <333333
@just-another-freaking-dreamer it’s so awesome to see you in my notifs all the time. You’re really cool and you deserve cool things. Have a wonderful new year and I hope we can become better friends and interact more <3
@ragingbisexualcore ahhaahah you are the single most chaotic person I know. If you lived in a book, you would FOR SURE be that one character who is dead set on overthrowing the government and cackling madly as you take over the world. You are amazing and I hope you take your chaotic self and go wild in 2021.
@queenofsassgard hey there!! I hope you know that occasionally I just go scrolling through your archives and liking everything- anyways, you’re amazing and I hope you have a wonderful new year!
@elysian-starbucks-frappe heyo! what’s up? I hope you’re doing great, you deserve to do great. You’re super cool and amazing and ahhhhh you just deserve to have a wonderful 2021. ily and have a great year <33
@as-the-stars-foretold Caelum. You. Are. Fantabulous. You are my mother, you adopted me into this weird, chaotic friend group, and I will be eternally grateful. You love the stars and I love listening to you ramble about them in the server. You’re so passionate and strong and I love that about you. Life wouldn’t be the same without you. You might love stars, but you yourself ARE a star. You are a star, you shine brilliantly, and you are too good for this galaxy. We don’t deserve you. I love you so much, and you deserve every single goddamb good thing in this universe. You’re always there, ever present, and I love you so. much. Please stay your fantabulous self and I wishing on every star I see that you will have the best 2021 ever <333333
@carolinelikesdinner Carol. God, I have so much to say to you. First of all, thank you. Thank you so much for being you. You first introduced me into the big wide world of the Fablehaven fandom, and ilysm. You’re so cool, too cool for me, and I treasure every single conversation I have with you. You’re so funny and an amazing artist. All of your art is SO DAMB SPECTACULAR. You are gorgeous, your art is gorgeous, and your writing is gorgeous too. Take care of yourself love, stay safe, and have the best 2021 you possibly can <3333333333333
@operation-crown-jewels Caraaaaaaaaa ilysmmmm <3333333333333 I love talking with you and I love you so. freaking. much. I can’t even- I can’t even describe how much i love you. You are so special and sweet and supportive and I just can’t- you have NO IDEA how much that means to me, how much all your little comments mean to me. You are amazing, and special, and ahhhhh. You are SO special. So unique. And I’ll never find another friend like you <33333333333
@addies-invisible-life hey emma :3 You are actually the coolest person I know.You are so capable and smart and beautiful. You are kind and supportive and you are open to everyone who talks to you. You love with all your heart, and I love that about you. In everything you do, I can see the love behind it, the work and effort and love that you put into it. Every conversation I have with you lifts me up and energizes me(which is really rare because most conversations tire me). I still, after all this time, still can’t believe that a person as amazing as you even chooses to be friends with me. I love you so much and I will never stop loving you. You deserve the world, but I can’t give you that, so just take my reassurances that I will ALWAYS, NO MATTER WHAT, be here for you. ily and have a wonderful 2021 <3333333333333333333333333333333333333
@arushahisatroll my god. Ru, I love you so much. You are my internet girlfriend and I care about you so much. You are incredible, honestly. Your art is immaculate and you’re always so cheerful and fill me up with energy just THINKING about you. you always eager to commit arson, which is a very good trait, and I love plotting crimes with you. Every time I see your icon, my face lights up and I internally scream, bc “oh my god someone as perfect as ru exists in this world- i didn’t know that was possible.” You are the best, you are the absolute best, my bestie, and ily. Have a spectacular and immeasurably awesome 2021 <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
@starry-tea-party Abina. Abina you are my rock. You are my light, my star, my sunshine, my galaxy. I love you so much, I can’t even begin to describe it. I don’t know if I can do justice to just how much you’ve helped me. Words... words have never been my strong suit. I love writing because I can weave stories together, piece together words I like to form sentences, and use those sentences to form narratives. Writing has always been easier for me than talking.... because in writing, I don’t have to worry what others will think, or how others will perceive me. I select the best words, and I present those words- the words I meticulously chose and nit-picked- to the audience. Life is a stage, and I have never been great at improv. I often find it hard to tell people things, to convey my meaning in the best possible way and to know exactly what words I need in any given situation. Talking is hard for me. But with you... with you, I never have to monitor what I’m saying. I never feel the need to reread and reread my messages before sending to make sure everything is in perfect order. It’s... it’s easy to talk to you. It’s easy to speak and I don’t worry when I’m with you. You make me feel so at ease, and I love you so much. I don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing, because I know that you’ll always support me and be by my side with a kind word and a heart of gold. Because that’s who you are. You are a creator, a dreamer, a lover, a visionary. You’re a friend. You are the hand that pulls people out of the water. The light that shines the pathway. You are the rock- the mountain we stand upon and look out over the beautiful sea. We look down at the seas below us and say, “how have we climbed so high already?” The reason is because you stand so tall, so bright and so magical, that we climb, we climb and we look out at the world below us. Not only are you tall, strong, powerful, but you lift people up right alongside you. There is nothing like the high of seeing the world stretch out beneath your feet, swinging you legs through the open air but knowing you’ll never fall. You represent that high in my mind. You represent and you remind me of the exhilaration of feeling untouchable- uplifted by love and kindness, able to reach heights you’ve never been to before. There is so much that can come when someone extends their hand to you. So much more can be achieved when there are two, holding each other up. You have held me up for so long. Every since we met, you have brought a smile to my face at the thought of you. Every time I think of you, my heart swells and I can’t breathe. Every comment you make or put on something I post has me screaming internally ans smiling uncontrollably. Whenever I see your icon I know my day is about to get one million times better. So thank you, Abi. For being my rock.
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Related Activities - Chapter 3
The district has a new attorney and Marshall is going to learn the hard way that he should have acted sooner in pursuing his passion for Caroline.
Pairing: Andy Barber x OFC (Caroline Kline) / Walter Marshall x OFC (Caroline Kline)
Author: Deb @letstalkaboutsebbaby / @letswriteaboutsebbaby
Rating: Mature
Warnings: crime talk
A/N: I do have a lovely beta, but she’s dealing with a lot at the moment so for this fic I’m on my own. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get things right. (If you’re free and patient, I would love some help).
Feel free to comment, reblog or chat with me about it, I always love to hear your thoughts about my fics :)
Commissioner Harper looks unhappy, as one should look if there are three indirect cases of kidnapping and murder happening in your city. The directions coming out of his mouth, however, are making no sense to Marshall - informing he’ll divide the cases between the detectives.
“So you’re going to split us up and make her do this alone?” Marshall argues with more anger than he would normally express over this kind of matter.
“How long will you treat her as a kid? She’s capable and we have three homicide cases. She’s already talking to the new district attorney about the suspect’s interview and other clues she’ll follow. I’ll get an officer to be with her for the time being. I think you need to concentrate on the last kidnapping.”
“So that’s it?”
“Yes. That’s it.”
Marshall goes out of the room slamming the door, his plan of opening up to her more and show her the truth in his words deteriorating. Meanwhile, the day from Caroline’s perspective is going way better - different from what she was expecting. To meet Andy first thing in the morning has improved the day in the most unbelievable way. He’s not only incredibly handsome, but he’s also very smart and pleasant. At first, the talk has been very direct and professional, tossin’ information and possibilities around, until he comments about her accent and the conversation turns to their backgrounds and what they’re thinking about the new environment. Now they’re sitting at the coffee shop and she’s sharing her stress about the last cases and the seeming increase of violence in the district.
“I know it’s hard and I have a feeling you can use a friend.” Andy smiles at her, receiving a sweet smile back.
“Yeah, that would be nice. Are you up to it?”
“I would love to...but not many people want to befriend me I feel like I need to tell you why” the sad look in his eyes cause her immediate sorrow. Caroline’s not aware of what happened to him, but she can see how wounded Andy was by it and she wants to make him feel better.
After some minutes with Barber, learning what befallen his family and how he lost his son and wife, she gets back to work with a sorrowful feeling, distracted by the tragedy and the urge to be an element of some kind of happiness to him. It feels so presumptuous to aspire to have this role in his life, but it’s what she’s aiming for.
As Caroline absently moves the files on her desk, looking for the DNA result she talked to Andy about, Marshall asks if she already knows about the segmentation of their work.
“Yes, Harper told me already. It was you who asked him to do that?” she questions, worrying if it would’ve been his request to be away from her.
“Of course not.” He says with no hesitation.
“Ok. Good to know.” She goes back to the files on her desk, not noticing the detective walking to her until he grumbles by her ear. “Can you accompany me to the conference room, please?”
She stands up to follow him inside and he closes the door as soon as they’re inside, pushing her against the wall with a hand in her waist, startling her with his determination. “What do you want for me?”
“I want you to forget about yesterday, cause clearly I was being naive and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” she expresses her discomfort about their current situation, guilty clouding her judgment.
“If that’s what you want…” Marshall let go of her waist with reluctance, all he really wanted to do was kiss her and feel her body against his again, but for some reason the very action that should have brought them together was what tore them apart. Well, he’s the one to blame, he should have gone with it but he turned her off, now Marshall needs to build a new kind of connection with her and show her he can be more warm and affectionate.
The day went by without further conversations between them, Marshall was out following some clues and she was talking with the victim’s family, trying to confirm previous arguments and maybe find something new. She learned Mrs. Phillips had traveled to Massachusetts the past month to allegedly visit a friend - but the family didn’t know who the friend was. Apparently, she did have a lot of friends and it wasn’t uncommon for her to visit them, but this was the first time she came back before the designated day. This information incites Caroline to interview the suspect again, so she sends the news to Andy, getting a prompt answer.
Tomorrow? Can I go along? - Andy
Yes, sure - Caroline
I was about to text you and see if you’re ok… - Andy
I am, thanks. Are u? - Caroline
Yes, leaving now. Wouldn’t mind a beer or two. What do you say?- Andy
I leave in ten - Caroline
Are you driving? I can pick you up - Andy
And drive me home afterward? - Caroline
Of course. I’ll wait in the parking lot - Andy
Andy looks at the phone one more time before smirking and tucking it in his pocket and walking out of the building to his car. Caroline spots him easily and walks to the passenger’s side; before she gets there, though, he jumps out of the driver’s seat to open the door for her.
“No, not yet. I usually leave way later.” She smiles while climbing in.
“Workaholic much?” Andy leans on the door staring at her with a pleased expression.
“I guess so. Come on, let’s have those beers!” she ushers him.
Once back inside, Andy drives out of the parking lot and confesses he is a bit tired, asking if it would be okay for them to have the beers at some quiet place instead of a bar. After some deliberation about where to go, they decide the best option it’s to be at hers. Indoors, she arranges glasses and some snacks at the center table and tells him to get comfy on the couch, but he opts to sit in the floor, pulling her to sit beside him.
“Let’s toast to new starts.” He says filling her glass.
“Yeah, to new starts. Hope you feel welcome here.”
“I do. A lot, thanks to you.” He clicks their glasses, admiring her sweet personality. Caroline effortlessly wraps him in a refreshing sensation that he wants to enjoy fully - he believes he deserves some happy times after everything he went through.
The time chatting about their favorite movies and books went on and on until they realize it’s 1 AM. “I better go, sweetheart, we need to work tomorrow.” Andy leans against the couch and takes her right hand in his. “I had a great time.”
“Me too. We should do that again someday.”Caroline says, hiding a soft gasp when he brings her hand closer to his mouth and gently kisses it.
They both stand and she walks him to the door. “See you tomorrow, Caroline. Sleep tight.”
You too.” she says opening the door. “Would you text me to say you got home ok?” she adds before he goes.
Looking flattered, he takes a step back, closer to her, and leans towards the cute-looking woman, kissing her cheek gently. “I will, sweetheart. Good night.”
Once she put the dishes in the washer, she takes a quick shower and goes to bed, picking her phone to see if Andy texted as promised, and he did.
I’m home, sweetheart. Nice dreams - Andy
There was another unread text though, from Marshall.
Hope you’re okay, Carol. I’m here if you need to talk. Can I pick you up tomorrow? - M
A/N: Ahhhhh...do you think she should accept the ride?
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kyunsies · 3 years
hello hello mädchen <3 i hope you're doing good today and it is lovely where you are
i am slowly feeling better thank you - i'm still have trouble with sleep but i hope that it gets better soon. 😢😢😢 your words. you are super amazing too and so kind. i feel we have very similar tendencies too and it's a really good thing sometimes but can also be a not so good thing. idk if you've tried this but i'm trying to try less hard? not that like i don't want to work hard but it feels like sometimes i cross that line where it's too much and it actually makes it worse? like to let go enough to be able to appreciate my work as opposed to try and kill myself over it? idk i don't know if it will work but i want to try? i've just moved to a new agent/rep that will hopefully be better for my mental health just cause they seem nicer and will stress me out less.
your job sounds really thorough though. do you enjoy it? i 100% agree with you though! i like to buy good quality clothes too, but that's probably because i really don't buy loads either so each piece feels like an investment? what did you get? is it warm where you are? or have you been investing in more wintry stuff? i so so rarely get multiple versions of albums! i always really to but then i wonder if i;m going overboard and if i end up looking at the photobooks? i got the comma and xiesta photobooks last year and now i'm not sure if i wanna sell them on to a monbebe that will appreciate them more? hmm just me overthinking probably? leather platform shoes sound AMAZING. hahah i do the same though if i know i want to spend some money so i usually wait for the following month sometimes even though i know i'm gonna get the thing anyway? haha.
i'm back to heaven as my fave now!! i'm so so so looking forward to mx eng2 but i agree with you. like these careers are so so so short i'm sure they're aware of this and just want to live their career to their full.
ahhhhh 😢😢😢i love you lots and honestly i was so scared my last year of uni too. i don't think older generations get how much harder it is for people our age when we leave uni and stuff to just start a live that is nice and happy and fulfilling. so you're not alone and honestly even now i feel the same way just after i left uni. BUT you know you have the ability and that means you'll always be able to find a way. i was gonna buy five versions of an album today so i am deffo not the most responsible haha XD but thank you and also know that being insecure means that you're human and not an asshole because honestly all the people that were so overconfident that i've ever known (and i don't mean like - putting it on to help them get through stuff or performing but legit thought they were all that) have all been assholes. so it means you have a good heart and you will always find a way. i don't deserve being looked up to honestly but i'm honored you think i am <3 i'll always keep working hard - i wish i could give you a hug in person and let you know that things will be okay! please always feel ok to tell me your troubles and anything as well. am always here for anything you need too <3
love you lots and lots and lots xxxxx 🦢
babe i am finallyyyyyyyyyy answering this now ;___; i'm so sorry i kept u waiting but i wanted to answer this with all of my attention and not when i was busy bc that wouldn't have been fair to u :( so i hope u have been well and thank u so much for being patient !!! also u used my full name ........ what if i loved u with my whole heart <3
have u finally been able to get the rest you need ? i know work can keep our anxieties on high alert, which makes us even more inclined to burn out :( i hope u are able to rest well soon and not worry too much about work in the future ;____; but like i always say i'm really proud of u for pushing thru anything bubbie like u could easily just give up or have a mental block but if there's one thing i know both of us pride ourselves in it's always finding a way to handle stress no matter what the cost it does to our mental heath etc ....... which could be a bad thing but also there's lots to be said about how our work ethic is right ?? also LDSKFJS not trying hard .......... i think u mean like not stressing myself over every little thing right? there's a saying "don't cry over spilled milk" like CHILL it's okay it's just a mistake just clean it up and move on :') i really wish i can learn this mentality in the future ...... i just don't have those types of ppl around me in nursing school bc all of us are always on edge so i think i'm missing ppl like that in my life (besides my family but to an extent they can be classified as type A personalities too skjflfj) but anyways; u said u moved onto a new agency?? i hope that works well for u and they are able to allow u to grow and create things freely <3 good luck !!!
my job is just okay !! i won't be doing this in the future but it's nice to know that for a fact i don't think i could work in an office setting like this for the rest of my life HHH but it's okay, i don't mind organizing things for other ppl esp if it will help the company in the long run !!! and about my clothes SLKDFJ i totally agree !!! like we said we don't like our bank account hitting below a certain number so everything i buy is like an "investment" like u said hehe so most of the things i buy for example jeans are over $70 for me but i know i'll probably go a whole year not buying another pair and wearing those most likely everyday lol u know ? it's very warm where i am (most days lol) so i've been buying some light weight clothing !!! i don't like wearing jean shorts or anything like that, my fav material to wear in the summer is linen and cotton so i've been buying a lot of flowy linen pants <3 i got a pair from the store madewell, and bc i was on holiday this week i went to this one swimsuit store called everything but water and they sell pricier swimwear but i get so fed up trying to go to cheaper stores to look for swim tops bc i have bigger boobs hhhh and nothing makes me feel comfortable in my own skin so i don't mind spending money on something i feel comfortable in !! anyways i bought a bathing suit from there and then i think that's it ?? i was going to buy some jo malone perfume but it's so expensive so i didn't ;____;
U ARE BACK ON THE HEAVEN TRAIN WOO HOO <3 lol it is such a good song ....... i told u it's in my top 3 comfort songs <3 and about the eng album !!! yes i totally agree, i think they're aware of how much they're doing and honestly i think they should take advantage at every opportunity that comes their way as long as they feel that have control of the situation :)
and ALL OF THIS LAST MESSAGE MADE ME CRY WHEN I READ THIS :((( i tell my mom about all my anons lololol and she knows about u and ur work and i read this last part to her and she thought it was so sweet of u to say ;_____; it's kinda comforting knowing i am not the only one who has these doubts about the last year of uni :( i don't get much feedback from my family (besides my mom and grandparents) about if they're proud of me or not , i don't think they really get how hard it is for me being a nursing student but i just want to do well at whatever i do :( i want to be able to look at myself and go "hey u know what ur doing and ur doing really well".... i just hope i get there someday ;____; i have so many anxieties and maybe i need to talk to someone about them bc i think they hinder my nursing performance rather than help me but just knowing someone like u cares out there ........ i mean u know me but we have never met and u are so sure about my abilities and i can't tell u how thankful i am for someone like u <3 truly brings tears to me eyes <3 i want to give u a hug too :( thank u for ur kind words always i could cry right now ;_____;
0 notes
dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening caro mio, it's very lovely to see you~!! 💞🌹💫 oh my, i was gone for a little bit wasn't i? i apologize if i made any of you worry/wasn't there to help brighten your days like you say i do!! i was taking a little bit of a mental health break, and i feel a lot better now!!! i'm so happy to be back here, i missed you all so much!! (especially you morgy! ❤) (1/???)
"i hope your first day of school went alright,, i know how much it sucks, but i'm here alongside you to get through it all!! hopefully this school year can be at least a teensy bit easier on everyone,, but we do have to take it one day at a time, or as i say, baby steps 🌠 i should probably address this now so i can get the serious bits out of the way, but i assure you all that i'm alright!! that incident was just unfortunate, and my family made me take a rest from working because of it,, (2/?)
plus, that kind of situation is common for me unfortunately, so i'm used to sudden panics like that,, but i feel quite better now!! and i'm happier more than ever to be back again 💖💖💖 (3/?)
i do truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of your patience, kind words, and support!! i'm honestly extremely surprised at how sweet everyone was about this,, it's such a nice change from daily life,, i have no idea how to put my utter gratefulness into words, but please know that i love you all so so so much!! i wouldn't trade any of you for the world, you matter so much to me 💌 (4/?)
it seems that so much has happened while i was gone,, all of these picrews (which i absolutely adore!) and quinn getting into my account?? ahhhhh oh gosh,, that's a lot!! i'm gonna have to scold her! i can't believe she would submit such candid pics of me and other stuff,, quite embarrassing! but i wasn't expecting such a positive response to me and my one cat,,, who knew that all you anons find me sleeping cute??? it's confusing to me, but i find it quite funny hehe 😖❤ (5/?)
luckily i was able to be a little more productive lately, even if i have been exausted!! i've been cooking, cleaning, modeling, sewing, dancing, and editing videos for people,, so much work! i do think it's worth it though, it helps distract me from the bad things in life, and other people end up happy,, i'd consider it a win-win for me!!! my dad also taught me how to fix up an angelo azzuro,, which is a cocktail i didn't learn yet! (6/?)
it took two days of hard work and practice, but according to him, i "nailed it right on the head" my papa is always my go-to for mixology, he taught me most of what i know, and he's always the first person to try my drinks! apparently it's a very interesting concept to my other friends, since they have so limited access to spirits,, it does make sense though! (7/?)
we italians just don't care about drinking ages hehehe, as long as we're responsible and cautious with age, it adds to our lifespan ;) during that short break, i suppose my narcolepsy flared up a lot since i was falling asleep left and right! it was awful having to constantly wake up with either a migraine, extra tiredness, or even a bruise or two,, thankfully though i had my family to watch over me,, at least i was finally able to make up for lost sleep hehe 💫 (8/?)
i also got to play a lot of minecraft hehe,, my friend and i actually spent a full day doing a speedrun world, and we killed the ender dragon and wither within only 2 1/2 hours!! it was crazy,, i guess me and him just make a dynamic duo (but i dare to say,, not quite as dynamic as you and me 😉) speaking of minecraft, over the weekend i decided that i'm going to start streaming on twitch soon as a hobby!! i'm very excited for this, it's something i've wanted to do for a very long time now (9/?)
all of my friends and my siblings are very supportive of it, which i'm super glad about!! i've always found little bits of joy in my favorite streamers, so why not give back to that community? an artist friend of mine even drew me a pfp as a gift, it's so cute! all i have to do is figure out a balance between school, personal life, and streaming, then i'll be set,, i'm always happy to get a new hobby 😊✨ (10/?)
oh my, it's almost 23:45 now!! sadly, unlike today, tomorrow is full of classes and work,, so i should probably get going to bed! i'll hopefully see you tomorrow then, darling! goodnight, and as always, sweet dreams,, make sure to rest extra when you can 💗- much much love and extra hugs, waifu anon xoxo 💗❤💖💞💓💕💘💌 ps: you say that you'd come all the way to america just to say such kind things to me?? it looks like i'll just have to return the favor then darling 💘 (11/11)"
This do b kinda late ngl since im assuming i literally leave for school just as u send those in💀💀💀 things r kinda hard w school here but today was actually one of the few decent days i had in what y e a r s??? Me n my friends went out after classes and spent the entire afternoon sipping boba tea (it was my first time having it since boba places r rare here and we had to travel in the opposite part of the city and holy shit my third eye opened bruh i A S C E N D E D) and talking abt anime and simping and basically clowned eachother constantly jahahhdkf
B u t enough of that bc i see u had some nice days goin on as well😳😳 as i said many times before i'd kill a man to taste the cocktails that u do and one day we finna do that on g o d 😩✌️ and STREAMING? DROP THE LINK WILL YA DARLIN ME N THE CLOWN ARMY WILL BE THERE IN A H E A R T B E A T HDJDJSJ honestly streamer waifu is such a nice concept....i myself dream of streaming but sadly i dont have the time, space, money and overall neccesary equipments for it which is lowkey depressing ngl💀
Either way im glad to hear u been balancing things out and taking breaks dear, i myself am t r y i n g to make time for other stuff too since i really wanna write and watch anime (u know what series i just finished and had a 🅱️REAKDOWN 🅱️ REAKDOWN over one hour ago🤡🔪) but the schedule do b wacky ngl....
And as always i say: of c o r p s e everyone had positive reactions?? W h y w o u l d n t t h e y-
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yuwrites · 4 years
ramen [Kuroo]
Pairing: Kuroo Testurou x f!reader
Genre: sfw, angst(?), fluff(?)
A/N: AHHHHH! This is my first time writing period. I have never written anything close to this this so pardon me for any typos or inconsistencies. I rushed to put this idea to paper before it left my small brain. There are a few flashbacks, hopefully they won’t be too confusing. Thank you!
wc: 2,739
“I learned to make soft-boiled eggs for you”
His smile was tinted with pain. Eyes soft and blurred as he felt them well with the beginnings of tears. His voice sounded parched, almost half strangled. Your own stomach lurched as the rest of your body just froze in place. Of all the things to bring up in a time like this-
“You know they are really annoying to make?”
Kuroo brought a hand to cover his face as he poorly attempted to chuckle through the lump in his throat that still refused to move. His usual teasing demeanor was completely washed away and now the tall tower of a man stood before you trying his best to look at the ground. Somehow despite his stature he look smaller. It was unnerving. It wasn’t Kuroo.
“6 minutes in boiling water. That’s what the old man said. And then you have to dunk them in cold water before you peel them. The amount of dishes I go through just to make some soft-boiled eggs...”
“I get that, but what does this have anything to do with...anything? What the hell is going on?”
The winter wind whipped between the two of you, but neither of you felt a thing. Kuroo, in spite of himself, would bet that your gaze would be piercing through him right about now. Your eyes were like cold water after a game: shockingly refreshing to the point where it would almost hurt. Constantly searching for the truth under all his jabs and trolling. Much like ice, they would melt every time you laughed. And boy, did he love it when you laughed. Especially when he would be the one to make your sides hurt so much that your eyes would crinkled in the corners. He could do that. Your laughing eyes would radiate on him like sunshine on a cool, spring afternoon back when the two of you were running around Nekoma High together. Everyone and their mother knew of course, but the two of you were thick as thieves and just as dense to whatever was blooming between the two of you.
Sure, High-school Kuroo would not have been anywhere close to being able to untangle the complicated feelings within himself. He was already in a whirlwind of classes and volleyball. The cool-headed, constantly antagonizing, captain of the volleyball team had to steer his ship straight through hell or high water. Kuroo didn’t have anymore room in his heart for anything else.
He knew that.
You knew that.
Or so both of you thought. And yet, standing before you today, 2 years into college, Kuroo had every compulsion to go back in time and shake his younger-self senseless. No room left? How wrong he was.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    FLASHBACK    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It wasn’t as if you haven’t seen each other since high school. No, Kuroo made sure that you were going to be within a reasonable distance from him so he could keep bothering you hangouts could still be possible. Thanks to Kuroo’s military-like study schedule, you were actually able get into the same university (your parents thanked him a little too excessively to your liking). Kuroo was heading for Chemical Engineering. To everyone’s surprise, you were going to try Biology. You realized in high school that when Kuroo made you you actually applied yourself, you found biology to be a little interesting. It felt like nothing was going to change. But things did, as life always does.
Your friend groups expanded independently from each other. Kuroo started playing for the University Volleyball Club and when Kenma entered the same university, Kuroo roped him along. Both of you were taking on intense majors that ate up your schedules. When Kenma (bless him) started sharing an apartment with him, he became the only real excuse for you both of you to meet each other, but somehow the two of you seemed more like awkward acquaintances than best friends. As the time between meet-ups grew longer, you both began to notice how different you became.
I don’t remember him being this tall...did he grow?
Ah, she grew out her hair...she looks...
Sometimes you had to dip from a movie night early because you had to cover for someone on a group project last minute. Late game nights would end when Kuroo’s phone buzzed with a few too many messages from a girlfriend indicating he had to go. Maybe back then you would have had the courage to tell him about his current choice in women, but all you could so was feel the dull pang in your chest and wave goodbye as he sheepishly left the apartment. These were the nights where Kenma, your ever patient and trusting friend, would turn to you and ask if you were okay.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?” You had a feeling he knew you weren’t okay at all, but you were thankful that he chose not to pry further.
You only didn’t know that Kenma, in his best effort to try and keep his two best friends from self-imploding, was asking the same questions to Kuroo. Despite the few girlfriends that have come and gone or even the good, great, or bad games he’d play...
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Why do I have a very good feeling that is a bold-face lie?”
“ohohoh, since when were you able to read me so well?”
“Because that is literally my job.” Kenma whipped his gaze from his game to Kuroo. Kenma’s eyes were just as piercing as yours, but at this time, they were needle-like, pricking Kuroo rather than analyzing him. Almost as if to try and tease out whatever he was trying to hide. “Are you going to admit you are actively avoiding Y/N-san, or are you going to continue on like this?”
“What do you mean? I am not trying to avoid anyone,” he said half-playfully from his desk.
“Are too”
“Are not”
A pause.
“Are too. I can only guess because it’s going to be Y/N-san’s birthday soon and you are debating on being a no-show...again.”
The last word hit like a dull thud in his chest. He wasn’t wrong. He missed it last year. He had every reason to go. He would have been able to see his old Nekoma buddies and despite how busy the two of you were, he was supposed to be your best friend. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself over to your place. Not after what seemed like a year full of insurmountable awkwardness that built up between the two of you. You both changed and grew up so much he wouldn’t know how to think straight if he were to see you again. It scared him.
Because ever since you both graduated high school and slowly started being pulled your separate ways, he realized how much your very presence was like water in the midst of a desert. Why was it that the cheers from his past girlfriends seem so muted compared to yours when you were hollering from Nekoma’s stands? Others would borrow his hoodies, but yet he can still remember the smell of your detergent after you borrowed and washed it for him. He has held so many hands, but none could really draw warmth into him like the times you have split a hot meat bun in front of the convenience store after practice. He couldn’t help but see you everywhere, regardless of whether he was dating or single. In the sounds, the sights, the smells, he thought of you and would imagine how you look if you were with him in those moments. Would you intensely stare at it, trying to drink it all in? Would your eyes melt like they used to in laughter?
What would they look like if they were looking at him?  
If he could go back to high school, he’d have asked if he could have held your gaze just a little longer. Forever, in fact.
But now? He couldn’t bearing looking straight at you, about to cry over soft-boiled eggs.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    FLASHBACK OVER   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You both were still standing in front of your apartment. The sun was about to set and a few streetlights were beginning to turn on.
You didn’t expect him to show up...at all. You already prepared yourself when Kenma arrived alone yesterday to your birthday party.  He handed you a small gift bag full of stationary (which you adored) with a small card signed “From Kenma & Kuroo”. It was definitely in Kenma’s handwriting, but you didn’t want to bother asking what you knew was going to be a disappointing answer. You went to sleep happy seeing old friends and turning another year older, but it still felt somewhat incomplete. An unfulfilled birthday wish that may never be fulfilled in the future. But by dinner time the next day and one rushed doorbell press later, here he was.
He ran. You could tell from the sheen across his face, but he was trying to measure his breaths as best he could.
He had gotten so tall. His figure almost seemed to block out the doorway as he was leaning on your door frame. His bed head was still very much the same and just what you remembered (although Kenma was telling you it has gotten worse). His eyes...didn’t meet yours.
“Kuroo...is everything okay? It’s freezing...” Your heart was pounding in your chest.
“Do you remember that time you were sick in high school? Really sick that you couldn’t come to class so I had to bring you two days worth of notes?”
“Yeah, but what does this have to do w—”
“You had the worst stomach bug and yet as soon as you got better the first thing you wanted to eat was ramen from the shop down the street,” his hand still hadn’t left his face. “Of all the things a sick person chooses to eat, you wouldn’t stop whining about ramen and how amazing their soft-boiled egg was.”
It was true. That day you felt horrible inside and out, but you were desperately craving something warm and fatty. Weeks prior, you were hounding Kuroo to come try the ramen with you and how ooey-gooey the egg was.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    FLASHBACK    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“It’s perfection. I still see it in my dreams.”
“uh huh, well I have a tournament this weekend so nothing fatty for me this week. So for now, keep it in your dreams,” he laughed and flicked your forehead. You jokingly pouted as the two of you headed out of your classroom.
However, as soon as the team came back from their tournament, you were sick for two days. Kuroo made it his mission to stay by your side. You didn’t have the strength to leave the house, but one night, when your appetite was coming back, Kuroo knocked on your bedroom door and brought in a hot bowl of instant ramen and the best looking soft-boiled egg you have ever seen.
“Your mom let me borrow the kitchen. It’s nothing fancy, but I’d figure this will get you to shut up about ramen and eggs for now,” he smirked as he proudly showed his work.
“I’m just astounded you are able to create something edible”
“Alright if that’s the case, I can just take this back-”
“Wait! I still want it!” His smirk grew bigger as he readied his chopsticks.
“Say ‘ah”
“What no!”
“My patient, my rules. Ahhh.”
“You aren’t even a doctor!”
“Out of the two of us, I think my grades show that I have the better chance of becoming a doctor. Now open up or so help me I am going to call up Yamamoto-”
“Ugh. Fine.”
It was delicious to say the least and the egg? Perfection.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    FLASHBACK OVER   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Yeah...I still remember that. It was...I-it was good.” Kuroo took a deep breath.
“I asked the old man from the shop about how to make a soft-boiled egg.” A small smile cracked beneath his pained face. “He almost laughed me out the door for coming to a ramen shop to ask about eggs. But when I told him it was for a sick friend who was madly in love with his ramen and eggs, he showed me.”
Kuroo dropped his hand and raised his gaze. When his eyes met yours, you felt like the ground was taken from underneath you and the air sucked away from your lungs. The sheer intensity in his eyes was unlike what you have ever encountered. It was like embers burning through you. It was colored in a mixture of pain warped with sorrow and...longing?  This was both a familiar and new face all at once. You’d never though you would be able to see Kuroo make this kind of face, much less towards you. Tears were starting to brim in your eyes as well, but you couldn’t look away. You didn’t mean to, but your hand went to hold his cheek, trying to catch any stray tears that might fall. When you realized what you did, you tried to pull it back.
But he held it there. He held it there as if he needed it there. And he did.
He needed you like a drowned man needed air. He needed to hear your voice pierce the noise of the crowd at his games again. He needed the way your eyes shined whenever you learned something new. When he looked at you now, he could see those eyes he missed so much. This time, they looked so soft and warm. Is this how you always looked at him? Why didn’t he say something sooner? He’s missed so much in a few years, but he didn’t want to miss anymore.
He pulled your hand down from his face, but he still held it in his. He eyes never moving from yours.
“It took me quite a decent amount of eggs to get it right. But what I didn’t realize was that, if I was doing this for a friend who was madly in love with some ramen and eggs...I must also be madly in love with that person.”
You couldn’t have stopped the tears even if you tried, but Kuroo pushed onward while trying to also simultaneously use his sleeves as a tissue. The tension broke and the two of you were half giggling as you both acknowledged what a hot mess you were.
“I am so sorry for being so late...and so dumb...and, I really do need to apologize to Kenma...and wow, you have so much snot”
“You have absolutely have no right to say anything about snot right now.” You lightly punch his shoulder as you feel your face flush. Kuroo chuckled and he brought you into his arms. If you weren’t already an emotional mess, you might fallen over from sheer shock. Face buried in his chest, you could hear how fast his heart was beating. It was also incredibly warm despite the winter cold surrounding the two of you. You wrapped you arms around him and he placed his chin on your head, thoroughly tucking you in. For all intents and purposes, this was what “right” felt like. He squeezed you a little bit, to make sure that this was real. It was.
“What I am trying to say is: (Y/N), I am sorry I am late, in more ways than one. I’m sorry for missing your birthday, but also for not realizing that after all these years...I missed you and I love you. I always have and a lot more than I thought I could bear.”
His heartbeat was now rocketing off into space and you felt your blush grow deeper as you tried to hide your face.
“You don’t have to like me back, but I can only assume from the way we are standing...” His voice was slowly reverting to a familiar teasing tone.
“Of course, you idiot. I-I missed you too. And I love you,” you mumbled, internally dying from the reality of saying it out loud.
“Oh? What was that?”
“Shut up.”
You couldn’t see his face from the way you were burying yourself in the hug, but Kuroo’s face washed with both relief and elation. He was giddy and his heart felt so full, it felt like it could burst. He squeezed you even harder as he pressed his lips to the top of your head.
“I love you.”
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courtingstars · 5 years
First, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who was so kind regarding my life update post... I really appreciate your support and your patience with me. <3 Last week was another rough one. (I guess that’s just how my life is, at the moment. //laughs) But around the middle of the week, I found THIS in my mailbox and NOTHING ELSE MATTERED ANYMORE BECAUSE LOOK AT IT:
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I didn’t open it right away, because I wanted to ooh and ahh over it as much as it deserved. Which I was finally able to do a few days ago, and OMGGG IT’S BEAUTIFUL:
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(Pictured with the Last Game GoM keychains I always keep on my table, haha)
I LOVE IT SO MUCH. ❤️💛💚💙💜 I love the cover, I love the extras, and just a quick flip-through of the book gave me SO MANY FEELINGS about these precious rainbow basketball kids. 💕🌈
It was so awesome to see all the fellow KnB fans who contributed, many of whom have created tons of fanworks that I’ve enjoyed over the years... Artists like @linipik and my Rainbow Squad friends @whitecometofakagi, @memedoritos, and @optimistic-negative-thing. (THOSE PHOTOS WERE TOO CUTE.) Plus, the first fic in the book is a Seirin story by @szczepter, and as if that weren’t awesome enough there’s also a Kiyoshi fic about Seirin by @tetsucchin?! When I saw that, I was immediately like YES, THIS BOOK IS FOR ME, I AM 100% HERE FOR THIS BOOK. (Because you all know how much of a Seirin nerd I am, haha. XD)
I’m still slowly going through all the entries and savoring them… There’s so much love for the GoM in here and a Rakuzan fic by @umisabaku I can’t wait to read, and IT’S JUST SO GOOD, IT’S ALL SO GOOD. (And there’s so much more awesome work that I know I’m forgetting to mention... But I just had to put together some kind of gushing post as soon as I could?? XD I’ll try to reblog any of the entries I can find here on Tumblr, because THEY’RE ALL AMAZING AND EVERYONE SHOULD SEE/READ THEM.)
Also, I just wanted to say thank you so, so much to the mods, who did so much hard work to put this gorgeous fanbook together! I’m honored to have been part of such an amazing project. I got super emotional reading the forward, which welcomed both new and longtime fans back to the fandom. I really hope the KnB fandom sticks around. I know I’ll still be here, writing about these goofy basketball kids, for anyone out there who still wants to read about them. ❤️
(I do have a few more KnB projects in the works right now, besides the series I’m still updating… Hopefully I’ll be talking more about them soon! I’ve been working on a Seirin multi-chapter fic, a big future fic, some Rakuzan stuff, and a KnB meta project that I’ve been wanting to do for a REALLY long time.)
So in summary, THE FANBOOK IS SUPER AWESOME AND INCREDIBLY RAINBOW AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Thank you again to everyone who helped make it! Receiving it made a tough week so much better. And I’m so grateful I was able to contribute to such a beautiful anniversary book about one of my all-time favorite shows/stories. 💕🌈
Also, I’ll be posting my story from the fanbook online very soon! Along with a meta post about some of the canon stuff about the Generation of Miracles that inspired it because of course I’m going to do that, come on. XD And @whitecometofakagi and I are planning to post a version of our collab fic about Nijimura and Akashi in the future as well. 🖤❤️
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title:  #pinkwall Chapter 13 (LAST CHAPTER) Pairing:  Promptis Rating: M Word Count:  1,163 Read on Ao3 Summary: As a last hurrah before graduating college, Prompto suggests he and Noctis take a road trip to L.A during their 2 week spring break. Prompto is desperate to snap pics in front of the infamous Pink Wall of Instagram and Noctis is hoping to finally confess his feelings for his best friend. Will either of them find what they’re looking for on their impromptu cross-country road trip?
Thank you to everyone who read this fic! I really appreciate all the support! Thank you to @liziscribbles for betaing this last chapter!!
Noctis holds the diploma in his hands. The booklet is light and he's surprised by how easily it is to carry.
"I'm proud of you, son." His father places a heavy hand on his shoulder, and Noctis can't help but crack a smile.
"Thanks, Dad," he says, brushing his finger over the name on the paper. His name.
He always imagined this day with a heavy heart; he thought he'd be nervous, uncertain of the future. He could imagine seeing his father, so proud and Noctis being unsure of how to answer. Now, a simple 'thanks' makes the most sense.
Admittedly, he's proud of himself too.
"You've come a long way."
He certainly has.
"I really am looking forward to working with you," Noctis says, and for once he means the words. They escape his lips easily, no hesitation, no reason to hold back.
"I am too. Though, I do want you to enjoy yourself this summer," Regis continues. He's thankful his father is so relaxed about him taking the summer off, before he eventually needs to join the real world.
"I think I will..." Noctis chuckles softly. He glances over to where Prompto stands with his parents. He's got his arms around them, laughing brightly. Though there are plenty of loud people chattering around him. Noctis can imagine the joyous sound and it warms his heart. Prompto pulls his parents in for a selfie and all of them are smiling now.
Prompto is glowing in the summer sun, full of life and energy he now shares with Noctis.
Noctis has never felt so damn lucky.
His father follows Noctis' gaze, and he pats his shoulder letting out a gentle chuckle. "I'll see you and Prompto at dinner, I presume? His parents as well?"
"Ah!" He jumps at the touch, and turns to look at his father with a nod. "Yeah, definitely!"
"Wonderful," Regis smiles. "I am proud of you for graduating, but I think I'm more proud you seem to have found your happiness. I'll have to thank Prompto later." He winks and Noctis feels his heart leap into his throat.
His father knows about the relationship between Noctis and Prompto, it's hard not to when Prompto has plenty of pictures of them plastered all over Instagram. Still, it makes him happy to have his father's support.
"You know, you don't have to thank him, it's fine," Noctis shakes his head.
"No, no, I think I must," Regis teases, nudging his son.
Noctis sighs. He won't ever be able to escape embarrassment, it seems. Though he doesn't mind sporting some flushed cheeks if it means getting to be with Prompto forever.
"Ahhhhh," Prompto lets out a long sigh as he flops down on their couch. "I never wanna look at food again, I'm so stuffed!"
"You say that now, but tomorrow you're gonna be rummaging through the kitchen complaining that we need groceries," Noctis teases.
"I know, I know. But man that restaurant your Dad picked was fancy," he says. "Best food I've ever had hands down."
"Mmm," Noctis hums. He takes a seat on the couch next to Prompto, lacing their fingers together. "It's his favorite. I'm sure we'll go again."
"Yessssss," Prompto hisses, his head flopped back against the back of the couch.
It's only been a few months, but the apartment feels different, more... homey. Though their lives were already so intertwined, it feels like everything mingles together even more now. Shoes were strewn about in random order. Their video games were stacked together, not on separate shelves. Things didn't seem to matter as much after their trip. Already they've changed Noctis' old room into an office with space for photo shoots, both of them now sleeping in Prompto's bed.
All of it feels natural, like it was meant to happen.
Noctis supposes it really was a long time coming.
"I can't believe we graduated," Prompto says softly, looking up at their ceiling. "We have to be real adults now. Gross!" he laughs.
"I can't imagine you ever being a real adult," Noctis teases and gently nudges Prompto, squeezing his hand.
"Yeah, same," Prompto smiles and leans over to kiss Noctis cheek. "I definitely can't imagine us growing up."
"Nope, and hey, my Dad said I could have the summer off to do what I wanted so... I was thinking..." Noctis trails off, turning to look at Prompto. Maybe he'll catch on. He usually does.
His bright eyes seem to glow even more, and his mouth pulls into the widest smile Noctis thinks he's ever seen.
"Does this mean... what I think it means?!" he says and jumps up on the couch, leaning in closer to Noctis.
He chuckles, leaning towards Prompto, their noses just about touching. "What do you think it means?" he grins.
Prompto wiggles his eyebrows. "Europe?" he whispers quietly.
"Europe," Noctis nods.
"YES!" Prompto shouts, thrusting both of his hands up into the air! "I'm gonna go pack right now!"
"Okay, but... we haven't even decided all the places we're going to go!" Noctis laughs. Prompto is so damn cute when he gets so excited like this; it's half the reason he wants to go to Europe with him.
Plus, it'll be fun to be on a trip as a couple, instead of being a pining idiot the whole goddamn time.
"It doesn't matter! We're going together and I love you!" Prompto blurts it out and Noctis feels his face burn red.
"I love you too..."
Prompto smiles. "I gotta say, I'm happy we have longer than two weeks! A whole summer in Europe!"
"Yup! And no car," Noctis sighs. "It'll be nice to not have to drive your ass around everywhere."
"Does this mean you'll be less grouchy?" Prompto teases, nudging Noctis' side.
"Hopefully," he snorts. Not to mention, he won't have years worth of feelings completely bottled up inside.
"I can't wait! It's going to be the best trip ever. Or well... second best trip. I don't know if anything will beat L.A."
"Really? You think Europe won't be as good as L.A?" Noctis asks, raising his eyebrow.
"I mean... L.A. is special," Prompto whispers. "It's where we had our first kiss." He says it so shyly, like it's a secret he shouldn't speak of. His cheeks are flushed red as he thinks back on the moment.
Damn, Noctis loves him so much.
"You're right, it is," Noctis says.
"But hey! We're going to make Europe really special too!" Prompto smiles, lighting up the whole room, making Noctis' heart swell.
Prompto is literally the cutest person Noctis has ever come across and he doesn't truly know how to handle it.
So, Noctis kisses him.
"Hell yeah, we are," Noctis. mutters.
He cups his cheek and brushes his thumb over the freckles on Prompto's skin, pressing their lips together again. Prompto is warm and feels like home.
No matter where they go, Prompto will always to feel like home.
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mazojo · 6 years
Let’s Play
Sooo if you saw some of my previous posts, you know I've kinda gotten into webtoons and I binge-read another one called Let’s Play and I Looveeee. I will do a spoiler-ish review as of the chapters that have come out so far and and all the images and stuff included are from Mongie, the author of this baby.
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So the plot basically revolves around Sam, who works for her fathers company coding and working on programming but her true passion is creating video games, more specially indie games. She creates this game called Ruminate and its all fine and dandy until super famous youtube Marshall Law plays it and jokingly says it kinda sucks so people and trolls go leave hate on her account so her developer score in this indie publishing website is almost 0.
Sam is disappointed nay this turn of events and tries contacting the company to help her score as its flawed but unfortunately nothing happens. Then we find out super Marshall Law is moving next door to Sam and she flops. He then later realizes how he messed up and as they start becoming friends (slowly but surely!) he is fixed on making it up to her becouse he is a cinnamon roll. There are also other characters involved, from Sam’s gaming crew which is hilarious, to her super hot and sexual tension boss, Charles who is trying to help her grow as a person and as a worker and we also have Lincoln which kinda has a crush in Sam and they’ve been friends for quite a while as Sam helped him overcome his dads death. 
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The story is funny and filled with great moments, treating also mental health topics and the struggles of Sam discovering she may or may not have feelings for the hotties mentioned above ^^.
As I did with my Kiznaivers and I Love Yoo reviews, ill list the characters from my favourite to my least (I love them all so it sounds so bad to say the least!) including a song that reminds me of them. I won't list them all as their are many as you can see in the picture above but definitely the main ones <33
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Angels - Owl City
Sam. is. such. a. mood. Like honestly, if you ever wish to know me and who I am as a person and how I work, read this and I am the literal reincarnation of Sam loll. She is very nerdy and suffers from anxiety, sometimes leading her to have asthma attacks. She really cares about those close to her and although she is quite shy and introverted, doesn't doubt the chance to jump in when someone she cares about is in danger. I have no words to describe her but I think I’ve found my long lost drawing form character.
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Lucky - Britney Spears
Yes, I choose a Britney Spears song for him, is it amazing? Y e s, do I regret it? N o p e. Marshall is just adorableeee. Like he is the literal reincarnation of a puppy and he is much more complex than what it seems? Yeah he’s got this bubbly exterior to himself but deep down he is dealing with depression and anxiety but hides it from anyone, to the point of literally breaking down. He is trying his best at making everyone happy and likes video games and ahhhh ??? I Stan Marshall.
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Livin’ on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
Lincoln the embodiment of the dad friend, there I said it. He has such a pure soul and heart and protective aura around those he loves and he is so soft??? He struggled with his dads death and takes care of his brother (which makes a part of the guild Sam is with). He is a little oblivious but other than that Link must be protected at all cost and hopefully finds happiness at the end of the comic becouse if he doesn't I will riot.
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Rude - MAGIC!
Charles is your typical cold but sexy filled with sexual tension moments boss character. He is Sam’s boss and what I love most about Charles is how he wants others to succeed, pushing them their limits to reach their full potential, something I think its quite admirable. Honestly in comparison to the other two boys I haven't connected much with Charles but I still really like his character and hopefully we are able to see more of him in the future!
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Power - Little Mix
The image pretty much describes Monika lol. I decided to include her becouse although she is kindaaaa the antagonist, I feel like she isn't really that bad and honestly, her character is quite compelling. She is Marshall’s girlfriend and a beauty guru, so half of the time she talks about makeup-is things I quite honestly dont understand lolll. However she really cares about those near her and (cues alpha female aura) does her best to protect Marshall becouse she really does likes him, but due to the fame and their worlds they both manage, it makes things complicated at times. I hope she doesn't turn evil or something like that becouse I truly think she is good (or at least up till now) and hopefully she gets a happy ending too ~.
Sam x Marshall 
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This was actually so hard to choose! Because I honestly ship Sam with Lincoln just as much but there’s just something about this couple that I just gahhh! They have this chemistry working over them and they complement each other so well too! Like Sam is very perceptive and a good listener while Marshall just fakes a smile every time and I believe she will be the one to notice something is wrong first <33 
Sam x Lincoln
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AHhHHH I love Link so much?? And how he protects Sam and cares about her is so freaking adorable? I think their mutual support and understanding is what makes it one of the best and Sam clearly has some mixed feelings about him that she repressed for a while in order not to tarnish their friendship but now she knows that he likes her so ??? I hope Link and Sam end happy because they both have to be p r o t e c t e d.
Sam x Charles
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As I mentioned before, I don't think I can compare Marshall and Link’s relationship to the one with Charles considering they have had more time together, I believe in the next chapters we will get to see their relationship increase. He is very protective and does whats best for Sam and they have this tension around them which gets Sam all flustered and its really cute. Its not my main ship but I’ll wait and see how things progress in the future.
Monika x Marshall
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Okay so this is not one of the main ships and people often don't like this couple but I thought it was important to mention! As I said before, I think Monika is quite a complex character and they are both dealing with their own worlds and problems which may make it hard for the relationship to work and not seem toxic. Still, they both care deeply about the other and I know in the end, they would want to see the other happy soooo we’ll see how it ends ^^
Final Thoughts
I absolutely adoree this Webtoon! I’ll try to review the chapters as they go out like I love yoo giving my impressions and what nots. Here are some theories that I think may happen in future chapters too;
- I don't think I mentioned it but Marshall is really good at drawing and its kinda his passion but he hides it from everyone due to fearing failure. I think Sam in one way or another will encourage him to pursue his dream eventually drawing them closer, and as she needs an artist to help her with her next game, I am guessing Marshall will be perfect for that spot :333
- Charles will definitely appear more I think, most of the “romantic” moments have been with Link followed by Marshall leaving the Charles Stans in need of their baby <33
- I think Angela (one of Sam’s guild member and friend) likes Link?? I didn't talk about her much but in one of the latest chapters she gets flustered by him and I am not really sure? I'll definitely be on the look for that.
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
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As promised here are the rites of passage that Captain, Jinx, and Mikki wrote for the cast!
All of Jinx’s Messages: https://youtu.be/kbk2GI6nW-E
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Captain: hey khalid! its been a short 4 days with you but i know that ur such an amazing person and u have such a bubbly personality. i do wish we get to know each other more.. its a bit sucky that your schedule kinda prevented you from being a bit more active :((
Mikki: KHALID I DON’T KNOW IF YOU KNOW THIS BUT I DIDN’T WANT YOU TO BE FIRST BOOT. i really didn’t. You were so busy at the beginning and we didn’t talk a lot but the little time we did have talking to each other made me see how calm and good it felt to talk to you. I had such a good feeling and really wanted you to stay around longer but unfortunately it wasn’t anything i could do on my own. I hope we get another opportunity to get to know each other properly.
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Captain: we didn't meet each other in this game but i hope u had a fun time even though its short! and hopefully, we'll see each other around the community mwah!
Mikki: we never got to meet but you seem genuinely fun and i’m sad i never got to meet you!!!! I’m sorry we sent jinx to the outhouse during the tribal you were voted out on. Idk if them being there would have helped at all but ashjsajhasjh if it would have i’m sorry!!!!
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Captain: i've seen you around but we haven't rlly talked/met each other yet. u seem to be amazing and i hope we'll get to play together some day
. Mikki: i’m also sad we didn’t get to meet!!!!!! You really seemed super active and i’ve never seen you around before so i was hoping our paths would cross but unfortunately that never happened :(( 
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Captain: we haven't been able to meet so its such a missed opportunity to not get to play together. you seem to be very cool! hope u had fun in autumns world
Mikki: it was so nice to talk to you and i feel so bad about how unlucky you got in the tribe swap but i had to do what i needed to to keep my tribe and grey safe like i wanted.
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Captain: OMG BENJ sobs... urgh i wish you made the merge so that we could meet each other again and our trio of you/me/mikki would have streamrolled the season! i enjoyed every conversation we had and u rlly are such a dedicated player. and u deserved the BEST!! i wish you the best and i hope to see you around in the community and maybe we'll get to play together and go the end together WOOO! urgh.. ur so sweet sobs...
Mikki: *takes a deep breath* this is going to be the hardest one to write. And i don’t even know what to say because nothing i do say will properly express how fortunate i am that we got to actually properly meet and talk!!!!!! And become friends LIKE BENJ I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH and i’m so sad at how robbed you were. You were genuinely my number one and i looked forward to talking to you constantly every day. Talking to you was so easy and our plans for the future of the game MADE ME SO EXCITED and i was so ready to play with you and make moves and have fun and go far together. Your elimination made me really sad and i was in a big funk for a long time after and even at my worst in like f6 when i was ready to give up, autumn would ask me “what would benj say” and that one question made me snap out of it and fight further. When i found an idol at f5 and got to play it all i could think about was when you told me you wanted to find an idol to bring it to me to show me and i’m just :SOB: we really got robbed in getting to play together in merge and i really hope we get another chance to. I wish i did more to protect you. I should have done more and it was my biggest regret since. Thank you for being an incredible ally to me and reminding me what i love the most about games: making genuine friendships that mean more to me than the game itself. Ilysm <3
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Captain: i know we didn't end very well on cow and thats kinda the main thing that made me not fully trust you in this game. its probably my bad cause i think you really wanted to work with me but i mean in our short time here, we did work together! good luck with everything in your life blake!
Mikki: blake!!! It was so fun to play with you while we could. I’m sorry you felt so left out in the tribal we had together before you went out but i hope you understand it wasn’t anything personal and i really did just assume you and raffy were close. I’m sorry for not trusting you more.
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Captain: awww Lily! i rlly enjoyed our conversation! like you were the one that i felt that our conversation just flew naturally and i loved how u tried to talk to me and ur just the sweetest!! i'm happy we met here cause ur literally so cool and so nice. u have this calming energy that i don't know how to explain dsfsdfsdfdsf. but YEA!! i hope u feel the same way as me and hope to see you around in the community!!
Mikki: ahhhhh right before you left you told me that we will see if i made the right choice with who i sided with and sahsajhjhjas i like to think i did??? and i hope you agree. You were so so so kind and i’m sad we didn’t get to know each other before merge, i had to make a gut instinct kind of choice and it sucked that i had to make it so soon. I wonder how differently things would have been if i voted with og llih instead and kept you safe. You fought til the very end and it inspired me so much
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Captain: RAFFY! we were such a perfect pair when u told me ur also tired of talking to ppl dfsdfsdfsdf thats a big mood! urgh.. i rlly wish u could've gone a bit further because ik u trusted me a lot and i also trusted you... in some way just because i had other alliances. i tried so hard to save you but yea it didn't succeed. i hope ur doing great and hopefully we'll meet again
Mikki: screams RAFFY I DON’T KNOW IF YOU KNOW OR NOT BUT this whole season i’ve had one burning question on my mind Does Raffy Remember Me? BECAUSE we played together in a game once before but i didn’t REALISE it was you at first so we both said it was nice to meet each other but then i realised it was you !!!!! from bb glass but i never knew if you knew it was me or not and i didn’t bring it up because HJASHJASJH I WAS WORRIED IDK IT WAS JUST an ongoing thing and became kind of a meme and i’m so excited to know the answer. But anyways ashjashjs i’m sorry for trying to vote you out but i really meant it when i said i wanted to play with you after. I wish we could have!!! I wanted us to have a redemption arc and be allies for real so badly. But my alliance with jinx and chris changed their votes to you and were so paranoid but i think they just didn’t want to vote out grey HJASJHASJH and i ended up caving out of fear. I had so much fun playing with you tho!!! And the superidol was one of the most exciting moments of this game even tho it did mean i lost one of my closest allies.
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Captain: I wish we talked more tbh because u were the first person to dm me in the swap and i was like lily o is so cool and i liked lily o a lot! but then we just didn't talk after that. I know its partially my faults but ur fun to talk to when we got to talk to each other! u may not know this but u were kinda the part that made me put more effort into this game when i lied to you about wanting to target jinx/mikki and u told mikki about that and she told me back hehe! hope we see each other around lily!
Mikki: LILY YOU WERE ONE OF THE FUNNEST PEOPLE TO TALK TO!!!!! I had such a blast in our dms. I feel like we could talk about anything and it was fun. Hell you even explained the history of pacman to me and i was INVESTED in every part of it!!! Voting you out was partly fuelled by how good you are at comps and partly because i got bitter about the timezone advantage comment ashsahjsahj but nevertheless i found you incredible to talk to and play with and i’m so happy we could meet and have fun with each other while we did!!!
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Captain: JOEYYYYYY! i still feel bad about that pyramid challenge because u shouldnt have gotten me as ur pair lmaoo. i literally didn't know anything americans!! anyways!! our time together is for sure interesting. cause like ik ur with me but then u told jinx and monty that they need to be careful about mikki/captain and thats the reason why i didnt fully trust you in game! like ur a good ally but sometimes, ur doing too much. also, i appreciated u trying to talk to me a lot. I  wish i did the same with you but life was so crazy that i could only reply with like short answers that didnt give anything much. At least we made it to jury together this time!
Mikki: joey joey joey joey JOEY sjhhjsahjasahj oh my god it was a time and a half with you i swear. I would talk to you and then go into my conf and rant about how JOEY KEEPS SAYING I’M A THREAT GRRR IM SO ANNOYED and then i would talk to you more and go back in there after 2 minutes and be like “nevermind i love joey again” ahjashjsahj you are such a great friend joey and you give me so much joy to talk to. One of the things i’m most proud of is winning that endurance comp and i would have never done that if it wasn’t for you shjashj YOU PUSHED ME TO PLAY BETTER AND GO HARDER and i’ll never forget that. Thank you for helping me see what i’m capable of and for being a genuinely kind and fun person to be around.
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Captain: oh monty DFSDFDSFDS we didn't really talk much privately but most of the times i talked to you, i was always honest with you and i think u were the same way with me too so it kinda raised my eyebrows a bit when u told me that we're gonna be worried about captain/mikki later in the game fdsfsdfsdfsd i didn't talk much game with you but ik u played a good game even though i think u might not know whats going on most of the times lmaoo!! anyways, its been a fun time with you and ofc, u can't get rid of me cause im gonna be haunting u as an intern in CoW forever!!!
Mikki: PLS ASHJASHJA we didn’t talk much at all in this game apart from when tribals were happening and that was extremely iconic of us ashjashjasjh i appreciate and love you so much monty!!!! You’re one of the best people i know and i’m glad we got to play together for a hot second even if it wasn’t for long and it was just these super rushed convos before tribal while i was awake at a ridiculous hour ashashjas
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Captain: okay so ur vote is literally the HARDEST vote ever in my org history but it has to be done because you and jude were such a tight duo and yes i knew about u having 2 idols and giving jude one since the beginning of the merge. i feel like that was the right time to, as autumn said, blindside. but you know i LOVE you so much. my grandpa! You are literally one of the nicest people in this community and your words have helped me a lot in this season. it hurt me so much to vote for you but thats how the game goes and i hope u understand because i value our relationship so much. we've played together for 4 times now and i love you more and more each time we play together. i just love ur puns and like ur old ways of saying things fsfsdfsdf that #chrisstyle and i just love everything that is YOU. i know we're gonna be fine after this and i hope ur proud of me and forgive me for voting you out. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Chris i LOVE YOUUUUU. sobs. im so happy we got to play together again ahhhhh
Mikki: chris you are literally the nicest human i’ve ever known. You exude such a genuine kindness i can’t even comprehend it. Your messages always put a smile on my face and voting you out was the hardest vote i ever did and i literally wrote in my conf that voting you out would be like blindsiding your grandpa after he helps you move in and has a cup of tea with you :sob: like you’re just one of the best guys i’ve ever met and have this pure wholesome kind energy i’ve never encountered with anyone else. Playing with you was amazing and i loved our alliance with captain and jinx. But i knew your game was incredible and to see myself and captain get any further we had to do the unthinkable. You had the magician in my tarot readings for a reason and it’s because you’re so powerful!!!!! I can’t wait to ask you so many questions when this is over.
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Captain: bae- i still don't know why you had a crush on me but we had such a cute showmance arc in this series. i mean yes i targeted you for a few times just because we didn't talk before fsdfsdsdf like we communicated in the house chat but no one actually dm'ed each other first so im like i don't know where ur head is at and u seem to be dangerous to my game!! i mean u ended up not voting for me so thank you for that even though i can't do the same. i have to say that i enjoyed our convo a lot.. u always lit up my smile whenever u dm'ed me with tiktoks or like just ur random chit chat LMAO! the only downside was that we didn't rlly talk game much except for that one vote i think the lily o vote where we talked about getting joey out and ended up voting for lily o. but yes, i will miss our convo here a lot grey :(( u deserved BETTER!
Mikki: GREY OMG you’re one of the funniest people i’ve known. Our dms were so chaotic and you always broke the ice in the tribe chat by saying the randomest and funniest things. Thank you for making me laugh and for sharing your stories with me and chris and jinx on call. I really enjoyed getting to know you and i care so much for you. Also you appreciate captain and for that you have taste HJASHJSA
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Captain: JUDE!! you were such a powerhouse in this game like literally had u made the final 2, u would've won for sure and thats the reason why i fought so hard in the pressure cooker comp cause i couldn't risk you getting into the final 3 and potentially won the last IC. So i'm so sorry i had to vote you out. i had such a fun time getting to know you like just like i told you, i liked you since the premiere night when i watched ur intro vid and was like 'JUDE IS SO COOL' in my DR and i wanted to play with you.. then we got to play together and got to know each other. We didn't get to talk game much but like ik i could trust you in some ways! and again ur the coolest jude.. that pressure cooker will go down as one of the most iconic pressure cooker challenges in the tumblr survivor history for sure. hope to see u around the community
Mikki: JUDE i’m so sorry everything ended the way it did. I always meant what i said to you, that i would love to see you win. And you absolutely deserved to. Your game was amazing and i spent every second admiring you and everything you did. From the moment we played tic tac toe together i knew i was a jude stan and i’m so happy we got to have so much fun together and PLAYED PYRAMID TOO!!!! You’re absolutely remarkable and an easy person to love and want to protect, i can only dream of having your social game. You also never voted for me even when i thought you would BECAUSE I REALLY THOUGHT IT MADE THE MOST SENSE but you never did and i’m really emotional about that. I think so highly of you and i hope we can be friends after all of this <3
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Mikki: WE FINALLY GOT TO WASH AWAY OUR SAILOR MOON SINS CAN YOU BELIEVE ASHJHJASHJASAHJS we finally did it!!!!! YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!!!! I am so proud of the game you played and i know it wasn’t easy for you at all. You showed just how much you wanted this and you never took the easy route. I’m proud to have played alongside you and for all our nights watching survivor and 7th heaven YOU ARE ALSO ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS and i love you so much
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Mikki: you know how much you mean to me. I love you so much and i’m so happy we once again got to play together. I am SO proud of you and the game you played. You’re an under the radar genius who knows how to get your information and how to use it. YOU ARE CAPABLE OF LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO and i love seeing you constantly prove yourself wrong and show just how incredible you are. You always put me first and take care of me :pls: i am so lucky to have you as one of my best friends and i can’t tell you enough how much i love you. Thank you for being in my life <3
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smol-syub · 7 years
(im soft rn so) bts come home after the awards happy and exhausted. yoongi lies awake, tired beyond belief, but his brain is moving 100 miles a second. namjoon is in the same boat, staring at the ceiling, in awe of everything that’s happened. then, there’s a knock and yoongi slowly shuffles inside. wordlessly, he snuggles up close to namjoon, resting his head on his chest. “i love u.” yoongi whispers, barely audible, but namjoon hears it and wraps his arms tight around yoongi. “i love u too.”
Ahhhhh yes! Namjoon just can’t leave it at that, never able to personally congratulate yoongi when he was announced as the winner, too many bodies in his way and he knows the disappointment had shown on his face. After the awards it was chaotic, being shuffled from place to place until they were finally being driven back home, even then he couldn’t talk to yoongi, again being too slow and getting stuffed up front while yoongi was surrounded by the maknae line in the back.
“Yoongi, are you still awake?”
He gets a soft “Mmhm” in return, “You know how proud I am of you right?” At that he feels yoongi shuffling, head popping up and staring him straight in the eyes. Yoongi doesn’t say anything so he continues “Baby, words can’t express how proud I am of you, looking back and thinking about all out of the struggles we went through before debut, not seeing you eat just to continue working on a song, watching you get next to no sleep just because you were afraid the inspiration you had at the moment would disappear.” 
Namjoon starts to choke up, fighting the tears threatening to fall past his eye lids, “Namjoon, no don’t cry, if you cry than I can’t help but cry.”  Yoongi’s words do nothing to stop the tears already falling from his eyes, “I’m s-sorry, I’m just so fucking proud of you, do you know how hard it was not to burst out in tears while watching you give your speech? It’s just, you won an award for producing yoongs, not bangtan as a whole, just you.
Baby I just want you to know that all your doubts about the quality of your music are exactly that, doubts. You now have proof that you are an amazing producer, and I bet that that isn’t going to be your only award, and you know what, when your next award comes I’m gonna be right there next to you, hopefully being the first one to pull you into a tight hug.” 
Yoongi’s head was tucked into namjoon’s neck, shouders shaking from what he thought was the cold, until he felt liquid dripping onto his neck. “Yoongs?” He finally pulls his head up and wraps his arms around namjoons neck. “What would I do without you?” He finally pulls his head up and connects their lips, both pairs having a salty aftertaste from the countless amount of tears.
“I think the real question is what would I do without you.” he looks yoongi in the eyes at that, sparkling from the tears and eyelids a little puffy, even then he’s the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen. “You know that I would be nothing without you right?” Yoongi lets out a little laugh, “I love you but there has been more than enough cheese for tonight, I’m gonna get constipated if you don’t stop.”
Namjoon laughs, “Way to ruin the moment yoongi.” Even then he pulls him in tight, yoongi tucking his head back in the crook of his neck, content again with just each others presence. 
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Ep. 8: “The leftovers. The unchosen ones. The losers.” - Najwah
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Cody A. 
James Hayden
We just got back from tribal and Ryan was blindsided 3-1. I feel bad for the guy because he had no idea this was going to happen, but that' Survivor for you. I thought there'd be a merge at 13, but Jay's questions at tribal put some doubt in my mind. If it's not a merge, then I think I'm an ok spot if my tribe has to go back to tribal. I'm just praying to the Survivor ORG gods for a merge today or tomorrow.
Cody A. 
James Hayden
Zack M
i don't know how they did it but let's take a moment to shout out james and najwah making it through tribal! no idol needed. im so proud of them. i feel like james will gladly come back to our original alliance once we merge but najwah's commentary always leaves me feeling uneasy. no offense but like do you want to play with anyone, najwah? lol. you have to somewhat trust someone at some point in this game. i would love to work with najwah for as long as possible if she is still around after the merge but unfortunately all of the comments that have been made throughout the game will keep me from promising her anything longterm out of fear that she will run around like a crazy person at merge. also, i believe that she will be the first person to mention my name from hanuha in hopes of it becoming a big move that she could put on her resume. maola doesn't know me yet. i guess they could see me as a threat because of being picked as a captain but like i don't consider maddison a threat. lol. pedro and kalle seem to want revenge. i think it would be fun to get her out first at merge. i'm just rambling now. i'm hungry. we got the new challenge. it's some mini online games or something like that. idk. i'm not a gamer so i was like i have therapy and can't do this bye. i wonder if they think i'm making up my therapy sometimes but like if you guys have ever questioned it i promise i'm not. i have it monday, wednesday, and fridays lol. anyways, cody pedro and kalle are playing. i really only trust me and ben so like fml. hopefully pedro and kalle understand that they are playing for their lives and we win again. fingers crossed. ok i'm going to get chicken tenders. bye. 
James Hayden
Things post tribal did not go according to plan. I would've put money on us merging tonight, but instead we have another tribe challenge. There's a small part of me that thinks Edge of Extinction is play in this season. After this challenge, we will be down to 12 people and seasons post 30 that have a 20 person cast merge at 13. I think there's a chance we do merge at 13, but the 13th person is the Edge returnee. 
As far as this challenge is concerned, video games aren't my strong point. I'm not a gamer, but these games are pretty straight forward. If we have to go back to tribal I'm voting Amy. Voting out Najwah would hurt my game because it would show the rest of Hanuha that I'm not #Hanuhastrong and it would tie us back up at 6 original Hanuha and 6 original Maola. Voting out Amy gives us a 7-5 advantage heading into a potential merge, shows I'm #Hanuhastrong, and weakens Maddison who I think was the ringleader of Maola 1.0. 
Last night's tribal was interesting and actually the hardest tribal council. Ryan started a group with James and I 7 minutes after Palena was formed which already made us weary of him. He then tried to blindside me and made me believe he's blindsiding Amy and asked me about James and his previous alliance and it was just a mess. He's an awesome person and great team player but it was just too much scrambling and we all feared he'd flip flop throughout the game, which is dangerous. I'm trying not to use this space as therapy sessions lmao so I'll keep it short. Uhm, I think i have a good thing going with Amy and James. I just really hope we win this challenge, or rather, don't come last so that I can work with them going forward. Amy let me know she has a steal a vote and I told her about my fake idol and we'd like to work together. I really like these two people. A LOT. I lied in tribal when I said I didn't want to keep things Hanúha strong going forward. I can't believe I have to lie and blindside now lmao its becoming HECTIC. I'm really hoping we did enough to at least place second in this challenge. 🤞🏽🤞🏽
Olivia A
I’m doing so bad at all of these games rn and I feel so bad bc I asked specifically to not sit out of this challenge. I play little phone games and stuff literally all the time and am really good at them and for some reason am just doing so so bad today. If we lose then it’s probably my fault but also my alliance of 3 is really solid rn so I’m not actually worried about getting voted off. I still feel so bad I hate this so much.
Cody A. 
Pedro A
if tomorrow is the merge IMMM GONNA DIEEEEE...we won once again..cause we the baddest.....honestly how am i still alive?...LIKE HOW??....chilllleeee
Olivia A.
Okay woah I’m so happy about this win I was so nervous. I feel like we’re in a really good place going into the merge I’m excited :)
Pedro A
i was about to write my pled for help to the 3 hanuha original members..so they could keep me over kalle...but now who cares...i will throw anyone hunder the bus ....to get to that final
Cody A.
Coming into this game being the competitor that I am, I never imagined even entertaining the idea of throwing a challenge.... BUT when Ben came to me with the idea of making a big move on Zack, I’d be lying If I said I didn’t think about it.. That being said however, I didn’t throw it, but I also did not try as hard as I could have.... I’m very surprised we are not talking to Jay at tribal right now.. Moving forward though, we need Zack.. I need Zack.. If we are merging tonight it is strictly a numbers game from here. I am ready to get my hands dirty, make big moves, and WIN THIS DAMN GAME!!!
James Hayden
After that whole challenge experience and this entire week, I don't even know what to say. It's been a tiring experience. Being on a tribe where no one really connects is the worst. I tried telling James that the other tribes were highly competitive but for some reason he was okay with his scores? This entire week I've barely had any sleep. Even now, it's almost 5am and people are just on our tribe, OKAY with low scores? We were doomed from the beginning. The leftovers. The unchosen ones. The losers. Honestly, it messes with you psychologically too. I'm tired of scrambling and relying on tribemates to make an effort. I wanted to work with Amy but she's so difficult to get hold of/unresponsive even though we are on similar timezones. James is hellbent on keeping it Hanúha strong and really, hope he isn't playing me. My heart honestly cannot deal any betrayal so close to merge, I'd also like to just enjoy my Saturday. I deserve to be on the merge tribe. Will most likely be at the bottom ass of the tribe but I want to be in it, nonetheless. I worked for it. And right now, I'm exhausted. Annoyed. Frustrated. Fucking mad. This tribe swap has honestly been DRAINING. Everyone is too nice and meek and people just don't care about winning lol.  I hate the anxiety and sleeplessness of these past few days. I forgot what life was like before this ORG lol what did I do? I miss Leanne, still. The best person in this game. I hate it here. I just want to get to merge and be able to breathe again. 
Ahhhhh I can’t believe our tribe, Maola, won the challenge by so much. I legit thought we were going to lose and didn’t have high enough scores. Aimee freaking killed it on her scores, wow. I have been telling Aimee how to buy the small perfume bottles that give you advantages and where to get coins to buy them. She used FIVE on that challenge yesterday (I wouldn’t have used all five butttt). Part of my strategy during this tribe swap has been buying/playing advantages so we don’t have to go to tribal because I still don’t know who is close to who, and the more I’m with this tribe the more I feel like they really just don’t talk to each other and there’s not much gameplay happening. Part of my strategy with convincing Aimee to buy and use advantages was also so I know how many coins she has because that can come in handy at Merge. I also wanted to give her information about the idol hunt (which I got from others— I’ve never actually idol hunted not knowing where or what I was getting) so she could trust me. I FREAKING hope tomorrow is the Merge! How awesome would it be for our original tribe to have the majority and for me to still have an idol. I feel like after this tribe swap, Cody and I will be in the best position in the game when it comes to all of our connections with people. We have our group with Zack and Ben, I feel close with James and now Aimee, and Cody feels close with Najwah. So we really are kind of in the middle and as long as people don’t find out about how close we are, we can just get all the information from others and share with each other. I guess I won’t stop posting a brick.... sorry. 
James Hayden
Zack M
welp. i think this is it. could we finally be merging tonight after tribal? or are we swapping to two tribes of 6? that would be super lame. all i know is something is happening and i'm glad because i've been so bored in this tribe. we keep winning. there's no reason to play. i need action. the third tribe that starts with a p is going to tribal again. i don't remember the name. hopefully james and najwah stay hanuha strong so we can go into the merge 7 / 5. if najwah turns she will be my #1 target. she's too dangerous for my game to allow her to run around. other than that ... we came in second during the last competition. we were so lucky. the maola tribe killed it. i wish i would have played because our teams scores were low key pathetic. the p tribe could have beat us if all their players had participated. like is kalle even playing the game? is she here? i talked to her once. i know i should reach out in case it is the merge but it almost feels pointless. i'm sure she will run back to the 3 girls in maola. pedro seems to legit want revenge for john and is open to work together. i hope he isn't lying because i truly do want to take him as far as i can. look, i know i'm talking kind of cocky but i believe in acting in the way you want things to go. i'll be a clown if i'm blindsided. i don't mind. i like clowns. however, this is the way i see it going down in my head ... - we stay hanuha strong - we get out the 3 girls from maola - we get out kalle - we take out aimee and kalle - we take out pedro and james - we then take out sarah - then we have ben cody and i at finale 3 just how we planned it it could honestly work. we just have to figure out idols and make sure no one plays them correctly. and that's where i'm at right now. wish me luck. 
http://rebloggy.com/post/gif-pokemon-cute-anime-kawaii-charmander-s01e01/106470386286 Happy dance! I’m all for keeping this tribe together. Haha I may have gone a little over board on making sure I did my best on the flash games, but you really never know what the other tribe is going to be doing or getting on these challenges. I hope this doesn’t make me look like a challenge threat if I make it to merge. Sarah has really helped me with idol hunting and finding coins and where to find the advantages. This is great trust building! Thanks Hanuha for the free coins I yoinked from one of your bags at your camp.😏 After everything that happened in the last tribe and despite me voting for her, Sarah and I have really come a long way! I truly had the wrong read on her before. She is actually now someone I am very close with and get along well! Last night after we won immunity she told me she really wants to work with me moving forward in the game! Let’s do it girl! I really enjoy talking to Grae. They seem really genuine and such a kind-hearted person. They keep giving me little messages that seem to hint at wanting to work together. I think at this point it’s unspoken but we both know we would love to. We just get along so well. I also vibe really well with Maddison and I know she could be a very good ally in the future in this game. Olivia proved she is a total team player on this tribe and listened to our advice during the immunity challenge and really stepped up her scores! I am having such a much better time on this tribe and am really enjoying myself. These relationships feel WAY more organic. I will do what I can to help keep this going! I would love to see all of us make it to merge. I’m also so so happy Najwah is still in the game after her last tribal and hopes she makes it through the next tribal!
James Hayden
We are 45 minutes away from tribal and Najwah messaged me saying Amy is ok. We were worried about her because she's been MIA over the past couple days. Per Najwah, Amy will not play her vote steal. It sounds like Amy wants out of the game and if this is what she wants, I will oblige. There's a small part of me that thinks Amy is playing us, but I don't think that's the case. 
Everyone is expecting a merge tonight, and original Maola is down in numbers. Hoping I can find cracks and worm my way in. 
Pedro A
SO i told everything to zack......he seems to rule that allience....so he will 100% tell the others....and will try to take grae and maddison out...
Pedro A
Grae and Maddison just create fake alliences.so people dont write their name down....and make people feel safe... AND im here to make justice for john PERIODTTTT.... #justiceforjohn
Ben Kessler
I hope we are merging. Pedro is out for revenge against his former alliance. Zack is a threat and I need it to be known. Cody and I are hopefully solidified. If we merge, grae and maddison are apparently big threats according to Pedro. So that is fine with me. Just gotta keep making sure the people I'm closest with stay in.
Kalle N
hey I'm super high rn and I don't remember if I did this already or not so her I go. I hope we merge soon so I can vote people out that have wronged me. can't believe we won the last challenge even after I did basically nothing. ok gtg ily bye
Amy A
So this round has been tough. My Internet issues were definitely the reason my tribe lost and I wanted to quit cos I felt so terrible but I think Najwah and I can do something with my steal a vote. I’ll steal hers and vote James so no one will suspect we’re working together and then go into the merge with our little secret alliance. Bliss 
Olivia A
I’m excited for merge but not sure if we’ll able to get numbers together and have a majority.
All I know is that shit is going to hit the fan at this tribal and I'm scared as hell. Only three of us. You'd think it would be easier but it's terrifying. 
Cody A
Pedro A
im scared of the merge...scared of the girls allience...scared of me being a target...for being a wild card ...and scared of maddison and graeee.....kill me at this point
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mothernatureknows · 8 years
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Yo, yo, yoooo! Wow, ok, first off, thank you to everyone who’s following me! It’s really an honor that you took the time to click that little follow button and decided to follow a smol bean like me. I honestly couldn’t be more thankful for all of you and I thank God that I have you all here! You all really make my day with your posts, whether ooc or ic, they always make me smile. :) Anyway, let’s continue on to, first, some precious few who have cultivated a special place in my heart:
@theoreticalguardianangel : Omg, EMS, I literally just realized we’ve been rping for a whole year and I just ??? Thank you so, so, so much for sticking with me for so long! Really, I probably haven’t had a steady rp partner like you. At first, I was unsure cause Luna is such a pain in the ass and since she and Barry are polar opposites, it was hard for me to imagine their relationship going anywhere. BUT, since they got past most of their differences, I honestly am SO HAPPY that they have something mutual going on between them. I see Barry as kinda like a moral compass that, in a way, acts like a role model for Luna, so she can see what she is able to do as a metahuman in her metahuman verse. Also, since she’s acts like such a child, Barry could help Luna mature more as an adult and as a person. They’re like partners in crime, without the crime part lol. Hopefully, one day, their relationship will blossom into a great friendship where they can really support each other through thick and thin. Can’t wait to see that! Also, can I just say that your writing is A++++, like hella good all the time. Like how you do that ??
@lastjingol/ @exvbcrants / @jungcxck / @bullctproof / @ofdiverse / @pinumul / @gangfreak / and idk how many more lol: FAM, wow, ok I know I probably didn’t get all of your blogs in here, which ALL are A++ btw ( don’t let anyone tell you otherwise ), but I’m really, really grateful that you decided to rp with me through a couple of these. I remember back in the day when I rped with you through Maddy and Minsung and their cute, little interactions, and now through the HEARTBREAKING interactions between Han-sung and Hazel, I just...wHY do you like to torture me? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE our angst, but my poor, fragile heart can only take so much :’( . Either way, you’re writing is amAZING and just AHHHHH, I love everything about all your blogs. I will GLADLY accept all your muses and any that you come up with in the future. Hope we continue rping!
@pcstscripts: Lynn, I SWEAR, Beck will literally be the death of me and Luna. He’s just so emo but so likeable, but still an asshole, so ??? Honestly, Luna and I don’t even know what to do with him at this point lol. BUT, I loooovvveeeeee our interactions so much, they literally crack me up EVERY TIME. Your writing is so on point and so incredibly hilarious, I have to sit down and read it several times just so I can take it in properly. To be honest, even before we rped, I followed you just cause your writing was so brilliant. No joke, I was kinda intimidated to rp with you at first, so I when you reblogged your open starter that I had replied to, I was just ‘aHHHH this quality person REPLIED to meee!!!,’ so yeah. Anyway, I just love Luna and Beck’s current growing friendship, because they complement each other so well, even though they’re both kinda dicks, and it makes me want to cryyyy. And despite all the shit Beck gives Luna, I’m 13432231% sure that she has a soft spot in her heart for this dead boy. I can’t wait to see where they go from here! Hope to continue rping with you in the future.
@icemiracle : ok, I’ll try to make this not SUPER long cause literally everything I’ve been writing for you has been coming out hella long, but I make no promises lol. Anyway, wow, wow, wOW, Luna and Suriel are juST—I literally have no words. Their dynamic, interactions, chemistry, inherent similarities, it’s literally TOO much for my poor heart. Luna just has this PASSIONATE HATRED towards Suriel just because he won’t leave her alone, and I can feel this PASSIONATE ADORATION from Suriel towards Luna for everything she can do. It’s literally the BEST THIING OMG. And, you know what they say, there’s a fine line between love and hate, am I right? ;) I CANNOT wait to see where Luna and Suriel end up in the NEAR future, and how Luna will deal with developing friendly/romantic feelings towards someone for the first time ( yes, this is her first time lol ). I absolutely love your characterization of Suriel from being this cute little bean to being a complete sass master, it literally makes me happy every time. Hope we continue rping in the future and I’m literally so excited to see where Luriel goes, I’m not even kidding, they’re THAT great. 
Alright, now for special peeps who are hella rad:
@tvmmykisses @includingfire @fallenupcn @planetei @xdcwncastxx @intergalacticxmisfits @facetiious @ivnsng @grxnadxs @rcjoice
And now for some MORE cool people who you should DEFINITELY follow:
@silverheartsilverskin @delunariis @reflectiicn @lvhanx @epigrvm @ofobscuritas @sxgasshi @piaememoriae @lcbrat @starkwithsarcasm @rvxeira @willsavethem @underoosed @mxnsxga-93 @pyroheart @dxehyvn @flaming-charisma @hoursdefineme @sxcheon @fluorvte @divinefcx @telekiiinesis @demnian @oftheoi @got7sexytime @mahiaemerga @amissums @ccntkill @yoursobersponsor @offershope @exposedemotions @hcjima @wxnded
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