#ahhhhhhhh i just wanna talk cause no one else to talk to really
thebleedingeffect · 2 years
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Hi!!! omg just wanna start off and say you're now officially my favorite Hotch writer cause you just have the best writing I have ever seen and you post so much for him and ahhhhhhhh
can I request a blurb where Hotch and the reader aren't together yet but he (and everyone else on the team) have noticed that the reader has really started to gravitate towards him? Like in high anxiety situations or just in general the reader is always closest to hotch or looking to him for permission or comfort? he's just obviously become the readers favorite person.
(sorry that got really long I got super excited cause I have so many hotch thoughts 😅)
A/N: hiiiiiii, you are the absolute sweetest ahhhhh. and never ever apologise, the longer the better, the more hotch thoughts the better! I hope this is fine!
Requests for blurbs are currently open here.
“Prentiss, Reid, you guys head to the dump site. Dave, JJ, can you talk to the ME. Morgan, (Y/L/N), pay a visit to the victim’s families. I’ll head to the station with Blake.”
“Guess its you and me pretty girl.” Derek slings an arm around your shoulder, bumping the top of his head against yours.
“Guess so.” You mumble, eyes darting towards Aaron who is focused on the phone in his hands. Slight disappointment running over you that he hadn’t picked you to pair off with.
“Hey now, I’m just as good looking as Hotch.” Derek teases as he watches the direction of your gaze.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” You mutter as you stiffen, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. It earns a loud laugh from Derek as he pulls you towards the car.
“Don’t worry angel,” he drawls, “I’ll keep you safe too you know.” You don’t miss JJ and Emily’s ill concealed grins as they pick up on Derek’s words.
You grumble, words inaudible as you let Derek pull you to the car, missing the moment Aaron looks up from his phone, gaze fixing on your back as you clamber into the passengers seat of the vehicle.
You freeze, blood running cold as you feel a the cold metal tip of a gun pressed against your back. Of course it had to be the teacher.
“Jerry, you don’t want to do this.” You speak, your voice coming out steady in contrast to the hammering of your heart against your chest.
“Shut up.” The unsub sneers at you, pushing the tip of the gun further into your back. “It was all going well until you lot had to come snooping around where you don’t belong.”
“Jerry-” you begin again, but he cuts you off with a shove forward.
“Move,” he hisses, “let’s get you out where your friends can see you.”
You let yourself be prodded along by him, stepping out from the classroom into the hallway.
“Agent Hotchner.” Jerry calls out. Aaron turns and you catch his eye, gulping as you let the first sign of anxiousness slip onto your face.
“Let her go Jerry.” He raises his gun, both hands firm on the weapon, keeping it levelled at the fraction of the space behind you which Jerry occupies. “She isn’t the one you are after.”
“I’ll let her go only when you let me out of here.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Then I’ll kill her first,” he traces the tip of his gun up your back, along your shoulder blade, along your neck, before firmly pressing it to your temple, “and then the rest of you.”
You feel panic rise in your throat, as you clench your fists by your side, the cool metal suddenly burning into your skin. The gun clicks, the sound a death sentence in your ear. You close your eyes, preparing for the worst when you hear a shot ring loud and clear. The hand on you slackens, the gun beside your head falls away, you can smell the gunpowder, as the man beside you falls backwards. Your eyes flash open, mind barely processing what had just happened, and you feel yourself falling forward, only to be caught by a pair of steady arms.
“Hotch.” You gasp out, hands grabbing onto his forearms, searching for something, him to hold onto, your head turning slightly to a side to see Jerry lying on the floor, not dead, but withering in pain, blood pooling rapidly at the side of his ear where Aaron had manage to hit him, taking a good chunk of ear off.
“I got you.” Aaron murmurs and you let yourself fall slack against him.
“Should you be sitting here?” Dave’s lays his glass down on the jet’s table. It makes Aaron look up from his tablet, slight frown on his face.
“Your girl looks like she could use you after today.”
“She’s not my girl.” He grumbles out, but clearly caught by his immediate understanding and response to the reference.
“We aren’t idiots Aaron, the only person here who doesn’t know is her.”
“There’s nothing to know Dave.”
“Yet…” He trails off, sly grin on his face. “You are the first person she searches for in anything you know,” his voice lowers, “and you always let her find you.” His tone softens, implication running deep.
Aaron doesn’t respond, choosing instead to throw a quick glance at you, huddled in a seat at the back of the jet, face pressed against the window, headphones pressed firmly onto your ears.
“Go.” David states simply as he opens his book.
You don’t see him approach, but you know its him the moment he sinks onto the chair beside you. The familiar whiff of his shower gel sweeps over you. You glance over to find him shrugging off his suit jacket, and draping it across your front. He meets your eyes, and you nod, answering the silent question - is this ok, are you ok? Satisfied with your answer he settles back into the seat, clicking on his tablet again. You thread your arms through the sleeves of his jacket, shimmying it higher onto your shoulders.
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mo2k · 3 years
Imagine…you meeting the pillars for the first time💕. (pt.9)
No.9 : Tokitou Muichiro
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Pairing : Muichiro x <fem> reader
Warnings : None, just fluffed <3
Note- Hello lovelies!I hope ya’ll like this,Mui-kun is just so cute! >///<
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Synopsis : Ok,this can go 2 ways…
1.If you’re a pillar…
>This is the first day of your work as a pillar,Oyakata-sama had held a meeting with all the other pillars to introduce you.But there was one pillar that has caught your attention the most…and that is ‘Tokitou Muichiro’ or the mist pillar.Something…something in him make you want to know him more or…perhaps…even befriend him…
2.If you’re a normal demon slayer/citizen/medic and etc.
>You two would be strangers. (At first!,At first!Just you wait…👀) Maybe you’ve walked past him once or twice,but you never get the chance to talk to him-but the same feeling (from above-if you’re a pillar) was still there…
Now,let’s get to the story-whatever you are!
You’re strolling around an open field near the demon slayer headquarters,trying to relax yourself from all the stresses you’ve got from works…
Your mind was blanked as you stared at the sky absent-mindedly while dragging your legs boringly…that was until you had caught something at the corner of your eyes.You quickly shot your head towards that direction you think you saw something and-oh…look what you found💓…
It was the mist pillar…lying under the tree to hide from the hot sun that can burn deep into your skin if you stay out for too long.He’s also-staring at the sky absent-mindedly,exactly what you’ve just done earlier.
You blinked at him,curious to why would the mist pillar would be here.You tilted you head to the side slightly,trying hard-to figure out why would he be here…if he didn’t cut you off your thoughts first…
Muichiro : “…What are you doing?” He speak,not that loud but just enough for you to hear.But-well,he didn’t even take a glance at you when he speak…making you even more curious about him…
But then…that’s when you realized…oh boy…he’d just caught you staring…you were too distracted to noticed what you’ve done…
(Y/n) : “Oh!I-uh…um…” You stammered over your own words,an uneasy feeling sat in your stomach.You are-no doubt,super embarrassed since you’ve just stared,at the stranger-who you haven’t even speak a word with…You starting to look away-trying to find some good excuses that maybe-could help you out of this situation…
Muichiro : He closed his eyes and then sighed, “Stop.I don’t mind it…you can go.But just…don’t stared at the strangers with no permissions,ok?”. His tone was not cold nor arrogant-just a normal tone.But dang-his words sometimes…could be as sharp as a knife…
Whatever-this just make you even more embarrassed that your cheeks staring to get hot.You bit your lip before apologize him, “I understand…and I’m so sorry…” You bowed slightly.He just nodded and raised his hand to wave as a gesture for you to go away already.But will you really?Hm…I don’t know? (😂)
You blinked several times at his gesture-he will just let you like this?So easily?Really?Can that be called as a little rude? (But girl-I think you forgot that you two were still strangers =<=)
Well-you just stand there for a moment.Trying to muster up your confidence-and without a word…you slowly walk towards him…He didn’t move,didn’t even open his eyes to see what was coming…but you knew that he can sense something’s coming…
At last,when you are here-standing in front of him…and peering intently in to his face…that’s when he finally open his eyes…
Muichiro : “What?” This time his tone got a bit annoyed,but his face still wore that emotionless expression…
(Y/n) : You took a deep breath-before asking, “What are you doing?”.
There was a stunned silence between you two for a moment….It was a stupid question and you know that…but you still couldn’t help yourself as you peered into his blue orbs in anticipation,trying to guess what he was thinking at the moment…He still shows no emotion but you can tell from his slightly widen eyes that he was surprised and taken aback by your question…
Muichiro : “What?” He raised his eyebrow. “What are you doing?” You ask again, “Why do you want to know?” He question back-narrowing his eyes threateningly…but you thought it was cute… (lol🤣)
(Y/n) : “Just wondering…” You chuckled a bit,didn’t even realized that your lips have curled up into a small smile. “Just go way” he clicked his tongue. And you rolled your eyes playfully,you crouched down to his level- “Can I joined you then?Whatever you’re doing” . “You won’t listen anything,will you?” He growled. “I don’t know~” you winked down at him,a mischievous smile plastering your face.
Muichiro : He sighed again, “Do whatever you pleased…” He said finally,turn his body to his side-facing away from you. “Yay!” You cheered,and you swore you can hear him snickered to himself.
(Y/n) : “Did you just snicker?Oh man~I don’t know you can do that~” you teased him as you let yourself plopped down to the fresh green grass. “No” he answered,and you giggled.
You’re now fully lay down on the grass,looking at the blue sky dotted with clusters of clouds.You grinned widely before pointing your index finger at one bunch of fluffy clouds that look like mash mellow. “Can you see that Muichiro-kun?” He turned to lying on his back again,and take a look of the clouds…and then at you…
“It looks like a dragon,don’t you think?” You shifted you gaze to him too,just in time to see that he was also looking at you…You blinked at him, “What’s wrong?” You asked after a moment,a little nervous. “How do you know my name?” His eyes are a bit wide,and you’ve just relaized that you’ve been holding your breath…but after you hear his question…you started laughing…
(Y/n) : “Ah-hahahaha!How do I know your name!?Well,it’s just so obvious-hahaha!You’re the mist pillar remember?” You have to cover your mouth with your hand to calm yourself down-bit it’s just so funny!You can’t help it…
Muichiro : He just lay there,still dumbfounded and confused….how can someone remember his name even when they haven’t even talk?Now he’s confused,really confused,he can never remember something for more than 5 minutes…so,how did you just know his name exactly???
“I…don’t…um…quite understand what you’re talking about…” It take a while for him to open his mouth to talk again…and you just laugh even harder…
Oh~He start to get angry~ “Hey!Stop laughing!What’s so funny!?” He raised his voice, “I-haha!oops-I-I’m sorry-haha!I-just can’t help it-hahaha!” You managed to choke your words out-but that doesn’t make him feel any better.
Muichiro : “Whatever!I don’t care about you anymore!” He huffed,too embarrassed and angry to speak…When you’re starting to calm down, “Ok,ok,I’m sorry!” You told him,but still smiling-he was so adorable looking like this. OwO
He made a ‘tch’ sound and turn his head away-and you rolled your eyes, “Fine!Alright,I’m sorry-Really Sorry.It’s my fault-please forgive me!How about this?Let’s go eat some food or sweets,my treat!What do you think?”
He quickly turned to you,his hands finding yours fast.He gripped your hands together tightly around his while saying “Really!?” excitedly. He has shifted closer to you,too close! 0///0 Your nose almost touched-Ahhhhhhh-.And you slowly nodded,blushing hard,his face immediately lit up (like an adorable child🥺)-this was the first time you got to see him grinned widely,his face tinted a bit pink from excitement. “Oh,ok!You’re forgiven!” He hugged you tightly-and you froze…
(Y/n) : You feel hot spark through your body,the feeling of him hugging you-his warmth that radiate from his small frame,his breathing on your neck,and his cute face that just mushed to your shoulder-Arhhhhhhh,this is too much,TOO MUCH!Muichiro-kun!Get away!Get away!Quick!Our dear (y/n) is almost fainted!Fscbnkfsxzcht-!!!! @////@
Then he realized that he might have just hud you a bit too tight-he loosen his arms,while look up to you worriedly… “Did I hurt you?” He ask quietly…. (Such an adorable child-ahhhhhhhh /////)
(Y/n) : You quickly shook your head- “Oh no no!You didn’t hurt me at all!” You hug him again-trying to hide your red embarrassed face…He hugged you back,relieved.
“Now,okay…what do you see in those clouds?” You pulled away from the hug,pointed to one group of clouds again-trying to change the subject,he quickly look to that direction- “Where?” Then he see a bunch of clouds,cling together in a shape like cat… “I see cats…” he said, “Really?I think I see (something of your choice)…’Cause-Oh!What about those!?” You said cheerily,smile a little to yourself…
What you didn’t know was…he take a look at you again-this time chuckle a bit and smile back,thinking of how beautiful and pretty you look when you smile…Then he paused… ‘Wait…what am I thinking?’ He started to blush…. “Hey…um…what’s your name by the way?” He asks shyly…
(Y/n) : You turn your head to look at him,before blinked and pointed to yourself- “Me?” You question for confirmation…and he nodded “Yes,you…What’s your name?”
You smile, “(l/n) (y/n),nice to meet you tokitou-san” You pull your hand out, “So am I…” he answered,also smile back.
“Tell me about yourself more”,he said. “Huh?But it’s quite long,you sure you wanna listen?” You said back. “I’m sure…” he respond. “Well then,fine!…But only on one condition…”. “What is it then?” He demanded. You grinned playfully, “You must tell yours too!”. He snorted, “Only that?”. “Yes!” You persist. “Alright,alright…I’ll tell you everything-if I can remember them or they aren’t nothing too personal…” He trailed off… “Then how about we talked about clouds too!?Like you tell me what you see and I’ll also mine!Sounds fun!” You suggest. “Sure,why not?” He shrugged, “Ah ha!” You laughed,and he bit back his smile…
Anyway-you guys just talked on and on and on (getting to know each other more and many more things else-ooh~✨) until you both starting to get hungry so you guys go to the town to find something to eat (Your treat as promised lmao😂).You have so much fun together and so does he too!You two end up,running around like children while also hold each other’s hand tightly…
You two don’t want this day to end…but alas,everything must come to an end…The sun was starting to disappear,the once blue sky has turned into a pink-red.It’s time for you to say goodbye… “Hey,Muichiro-kun…” You called out, “Hm?” was all he answered… “Looks like it’s time for me to go…” you replied…And his face fell almost immediately… “Already?” He ask,gripping your hands tighter-he was,um…actually pouting as if he doesn’t want you to go…He looks like he wanted to cry,omg- 0///0
You looked at him sadly… “Yes…but don’t worry,I can come to play with you tomorrow!” You tried to light up the mood, “Really?” He asked excitedly. “Of course!” You laughed, “Then…I’ll see you tomorrow,at the same spot we meet today,ok?” He quickly nodded.You let go of his hand-while saying “Goodbye then!See ya!” You told him before you turned your heels and starting to run back to your home-“Wait” he cried from behind,and you twisted your neck to look at him.
“Goodbye to you too (y-y/n)!” He stuttered,and you both gasped at the same time.He covered his mouth with one of his hand,stunned,shocked or surprised he doesn’t know-but all he know was…He can remember your name after all this time that has passed… “M-Muichiro-kun…” you started slowly… “You did it!You finally did it!You can remember my name!I always know you can!” You cheered excitedly while laughing joyfully, “Yes!Ah haha!I can do it!” He began to laugh too,and after some moments and you two can finally calm yourself…You waved your hand, “Goodnight to you then” you state finally… “Goodnight too…” he waved back….
You two shared one last grinned at each other,before you turned and go onto your way again…Leaving him looking down while a happy smile plastering on his face… ‘I’ll always remember you (y/n)…’ Was his last thought as he also took off back to his estate…
To Muichiro,this is something very special…He used to feel a bit lonely before…But now he doesn’t anymore,‘cause he’s got you right by his side anywhere and anytime he needs you or you needs him… In other words… “He’s not alone anymore”….
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Ahhhhh,we’ve finally come to the last part of “Imagine…you meeting the pillars for the first time💕!” The next one’s “Imagine…you meeting the kamaboko squad for the first time!” as my dear @yui-san0 has requested!♥️I love you so much my dear,pls take care of yourself love!🥺💖💞
Lastly,I wanted to say “Thank You So Much!” out loud for everyone here.I know that I did bad in the last part but I’ll try to get better I promise!❣️I love you guys so so much,pls have a great day/night,take care and don’t overwork yourself!🥰💖💝
The arts are not mine!Credits to the artist!🌟❣️
-With love,BamBam🦢🌙
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 9
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@starlightbydaybright hat gefragt:
Hello! Saw you were taking match-ups and I was wondering if I could request one. Only done one before for another fandom, and I was wondering who I’d align with for One Piece ^^
I'm an INFP and generally an introvert, finding it difficult to express myself when I'm around people I'm unfamiliar with or just not close to. I can be both quiet and shy; quiet when I have no interest in making good impression on that person (a stranger I'll see once and never again) and shy when I'm genuinely trying to make myself acceptable to them. But, I do trust easily, so it's not hard to get close enough with me that I'll open up about almost everything, so long as they understand have my boundaries (that'll shift depending on how close). I'm also very affectionate with people I'm close with, particularly through physical touch, since I've been pretty touch starved. If you're close friends with me, you can find me constantly looking for a hug, but I can respect boundaries since not everyone enjoys contact.
The situation would be a bit different romance wise, since I’d revert a bit back to my introverted side, but also very affection-seeking at the same time. I say affection seeking as in I’d crave time and activities spent together with them, but I’d be afraid to ask/initiate, at least during the early beginnings of the relationship. I’d be constantly seeking affirmation of their love, and since I’ve never been in a relationship before (but desperately wanted one), they’d be constantly receiving my love too ❤️
While being an introvert in reality, I find it much easier to speak with confidence online. as I actually have time to contemplate what I can say. It's when I'm either with close friends or on the internet, that I can go on passionate endless rants or show my passive aggressive side. I'm usually pacifist, but if something irks me enough, I can and will pitch in snide/sarcastic remark or two, or if it's more serious; I will write out whole sophisticated and well worded paragraph that'd sound all polite with a hidden snarky tone.
I'm pretty much a hopeless romantic, so there's lot of couple things I want to try when I find someone. Back hugs, bridal carry, tickle fights, you name it. While I do enjoy these displays of affection (comes with the happy kind of embarrassment aka. I feel embarrassed that others sees it but I’m happy because I know they’re not doing it out of maliciousness and because they truly love me), small gestures are appreciated too; a gentle squeeze of the hand, a passing smile, etc.
As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, writing, (occasionally) drawing, but most of all; probably singing. I enjoy a wide variety of songs, depending on what mood I'm in, but I particularly like songs about love. Looking for someone to sing the duet love songs with me, doesn't matter how good or bad they are at singing. They can be tone deaf for all I care, it's the thought that matters 😊
I'm very emotionally sensitive, and can both laugh and cry easily. A random stranger online wished me good day? I'll be in good mood for awhile. Watched a 'mildly' sad movie? (Extra emphasis on mildly) I better have new box of tissue on the side just in case. It'd be nice to have someone that can either comfort me or at least tolerate my emotions, so I wouldn't be irking them 😞
I don't really have a type when looking for significant other but being an INFP does make the romance thing complicated. It'd be nice to have someone that's far along on the extroverted side (just not happy go lucky and can be serious) since, despite being introverted, I like to experience new things. I'm just too afraid to try alone and prefer it if someone else recommends it first. Someone to prompt me and nudge me to do something, but won’t take it too far if I really looked uncomfortable. (I’m also a procrastinator so they gotta find out the right ratio between pushing vs. taking it too far 😅) In relationship, I'd value trust and loyalty the most, since both are important in keeping the healthy relationship. If both sides could equally trust and be trusted, then there wouldn't be place for insecurity or fear. This ties in with another part of me being an INFP; I want a relationship that lasts forever. While it's weird to decide how long lasting the love will be early in the relationship, I don't think I can fully commit myself to someone, knowing that it'll end (through the other side falling out of love with me, finding interest in someone else, etc.) (natural causes like death are fine, even though I will still be sad 🥲)
As for appearance, I’m a 5”4 female with slightly wavy black hair that reach nearly to my waist. I don’t think I’m particularly short, but then again, every anime character seems to be straight up giants XD (Man, I was born with the wrong genes) I’m overall very plain, with black hair, brown eyes, but I’ve always been told I had pretty long eyelashes and big bright eyes. Average weight for my height, and flat chested :’)
As for the preference for gender, I’m mainly attracted to guys. I had some (very few) crushes on a small selection of female anime characters, but that were very rare, like 3, compared to my (insert large number) male crushes
Thank you in advance and sorry for how long this is 😔
P.s. I feel like I need to emphasize I’m still an introvert, since the personality I described is only limited to my very small friend group
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Hey there? How are you doing? Thank you so much for requesting. First off I should be apologizing for making you wait so long. I hope you´re not mad at me but lately there is a lot happening in my life. In my private life but also in my college life. But let´s put that aside and get to your request.
I have to thank you for the detailed info about you because that helped me to choose a match up for you so much. Like I instantly could think of someone. Not only did it help me to match you up with someone but also to come up with a plot. So I came up with this little imagine/hedcanon… I really don´t know what to call my work for the imaginies so I go with work. XD Anyways I really don´t know what to do at this point. Your request and your personality gave me such a good idea for a plot that I tried my best to keep it short because I decided to turn this request and my ideas and thoughts that are flying around in my mind to an actual FANFICTION! AHHHHHHHH. I can´t stop thinking about it. The idea sounds so damn good in my head that it makes me smile like an idiot right now! Uff I can´t wait to find time writing it down. AHAHH, but I fear that I already gave aways so much with this!!!! *pouts Doesn´t matter I´ll do it anyways. AHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you so damn much for requesting!
Anyways! Back to my work now. If there is anything that bothers you or you simply hate please make sure to tell me so I can change it and give you whatever you´d like. Other than that happy reading my dear!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: I sadly don't know. Please tell me of you know so I can give credits. Thank you in advance. !!!
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· I decided to pair you up with KILLER
· Like am I the only person that thinks that he is not getting the screen time and appreciation he deserves? Because that is the damn case! ODA GIVE THIS MAN THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION HE DESERVES. And while we´re at it I wouldn´t mind if I would get a bit more of Eustass Kid too… Thank you in advance. <3
· But that’s not the point. Please dear requesting beautiful human being give this man and me, your hopelessly dreamy author a chance. Thank you, I really appreciate. <3
· aNyWaYssssS.
· “y/n? Are you still awake?”, asked the blond man softly. “No worries I won´t make you carry me to bed again.”, you said with a giggle. You couldn´t see his face but you knew that he was smiling. “I don´t mind that you know? I like having you close to me without having to fear to see you hid under the blanket for who knows how long.”, you rolled you eyes and hit his arms. “That only happened because that idiot captain of yours annoyed the hell out of me. That was embarrassing Killer.”, you slowly put one leg over the railing and then the next one. Making sure you don´t fall down the ship. “What happened? Didn´t you drag me out our cabin to watch the stars?”, asked the muscular man who held you close to him while making sure you didn´t fell. “I did but now I´d like to look at something different. Something even more beautiful. Something that gives me warmth and happiness. Something that keeps me alive and always makes sure I am doing fine.”, talking to the blond pirate while sitting at the railing was one of the rare moments you were close to an eye level with him. “You mean my mask?”, asked the man with a tiled head that got you to roll your eyes and hit his chest. “Great you destroyed the sweet moment. I hate you. Make a step back so I can get down. I want to go back to bed and drown in regret of dating you.”, you tried to push him away but he was obviously stronger and threw you over his shoulder. “Of course you hate me. That was also the exact same thing you were moaning a while ago. Let´s go back to bed nerd.”
· As sweet and loving your relationship was now with the pirate it also started like that. Wanna know how? Alright let me get comfortable in my bed and get started. Story TIIMMMEEEE!!!
· An island well known for their universities and scientist. An island full of top ranked doctors.
· Physics, chemistry, biology, astrology was well thaught in the schools of the island. An island well known around the world. An island ruled by a powerful devil fruit user.
· An island in which every civilian had a talent in another field. And you? You sadly had an impressive talent for languages.
· Why sadly you wonder? Well the amount of times you had to run for your dear life because some pirates could come and kidnap you and make you read the poneglyphs is immense.
· Once even the infamous Red haired Shanks came and asked you with the hope to have someone who could read them. But sadly you couldn´t. You told him that you were done with pirates coming for you or your best friends. You regretted learning all of that and hated yourself for that. Shanks and Beckman to whom your were talking to really felt bad for you and claimed the island as their territory after they had a chat with ruler and made a deal.
· That was that saved you and your friends for years and made you happy. You were thankful to the red hair pirates and always treated them with meals and drinks when they came visiting the island. You were happy for 5 years. 5 years until these stupid reckless pirates came.
· And now? Now you hated yourself all over again
· You knew that not every pirate was like the red hair pirates. Nice and respectful. They didn´t kill innocent people and destroyed civilizations only to get some gold and diamonds. But these? These were horrible. Cold and cruel.
· “Someone make this btch talk otherwise I´ll do it by cutting her into pieces only stropping when IT actually starts to answer my god damn questions!”, screamed a tall and guy with red hair.
· You were scared. Tied on a mast on their ship, you feared for your life. Screaming for help was not an option since you were already on the sea since a while now.
· The man that was yelling at you none stop was now holding a blond man with a mask at his collar and growling at him. The man might have a mask on but you somehow had the feeling that he was talking to the man with the red fur coat. “Clear the deck! NOW!!”; yelled the man before he left inside the ship. Slowly every man on deck was leaving you alone. You wanted to ask them were or why the left but you knew that they wouldn´t give you an answer. You were a prisoner. A captive. A pathetic human they took on board. With the last pirate leaving you behind, a door that was located behind the mast you were tied on closed while the need to cry grew inside of you. How long am I here by now? One hour? Two or three? Was anyone missing me back at home? Were they already looking for me? Thoughts that occupied your mind were blurring your vision. You were looking right in front of you but also not. Your eyes were wide open but your vision was back at home. Home were you belonged.
· “Hey. Hey can you hear me? Hey you alright, woman? Hello?”, a man was squatting in front of you and waving with his hands in front of your face. You were deeply lost in your thoughts that you neither heard him coming nor saw him sitting right in front of you.
· But the moment he touched you tight you screamed and got back to reality. “Please don´t touch me. Please don´t hurt me. Please I beg you. Please.”, fear was written all over your face. You saw yourself death with a huge puddle of your blood. “Alright I won´t touch you. It´s just that I´ve been sitting in front of you for 5 minutes now and the only thing you did was breath and say no. Anyways here is something to drink. You´ve been her for four hours now. Half of the time unconscious and the other one either basically mute or in a trance.”, the guy in front of you was the same one who got the mad man to leave and clear the deck. It made you wonder who he was that he had such a power but you didn´t dare to ask. “Here I hold it for you and you drink.”, the glass was put on your lips and you drank. You didn´t knew how thirsty you were until your lungs were wetted by the water. Finished drinking he put a blanket over your legs since the position your were in didn´t allow you to cover yourself properly. And the fact that you were wearing a dress wasn´t helping at all.
· “Alright. You had something to drink I got you a blanket now tell me are you able to talk to me and answer my questions?”, you nodded. “Good. Now listen to me. There is this language that is called Krisanasy. As far as I know there is a tiny amount of people who are able to speak that and you are one of these. Am I right?”, you nodded. “How well are you in it?”, you gulped and looked at the man with the mask “I know the most important basics. I remember basic grammar rules and a good amount of vocabulary but I´m not that good in it. I didn´t worked with anything that included this language since years now.”, the masked man nodded and fully sat down now. “Would you be able to get back in it if you had some books and scripts to work with?”, slowly you understood where this was supposed to lead. You knew that if you said yes they would keep you as their prisoner and make your work for them. And if they had everything they would kill you because there would be no more use for you. But if you said no now and refused to talk to him he would probably also kill you. You were in a dilemma. You didn´t wanted to die but also didn´t wanted to die after you helped them. They were criminals. Feared and hated by the government and any human around the world. You looked down on your lap and let your head fall forward so your long black hair covered your face. “Hey I asked you something. Would you be able to do that?”, his voice was deep and rough but in the same time soft and gentle. That irritated you. it make you realize that him being nice to you now was just a way to get under your skin and make you do whatever they wanted. And then they simply would kill you in the most brutal and cruel way. “Hey, woman. Are you listening?”, you felt helpless. “I don´t want to die. Please let me go. Please. I beg you. Please.”, tears were streaming down you cheeks you couldn´t hold back anymore. He came closer and lifted you face. “Listen here you are a smart woman. Stop crying for fcks sake. If I would be you I would have made these pirates work for me. Use your damn brain and stop crying. Do you really think anyone in here would kill you? Heck no! They need your help. They need your brain because all of them are basically stupid. Like damn I need you to answer all of my questions before my captain with anger issues comes and beats the sht out of me. Now answer me woman. Are you able to get back in it if we got you some scripts to work on?”, you nodded while more tears streamed down you cheeks. You felt pathetic. You felt worthless and used. Helping them would turn you into a criminal too and ruin everything you worked on. Everything the emperor did for you and the island would be wasted. “See wasn’t that hard to answer.”
· The questioning went on for a while you didn´t know for how long but you knew that a long time passed since the sun stared to set. “Alright. Now I give you two options. One, stay here. Tied up on the mast no matter what kind of weather we face. Two you swear to obey me no matter what kind of order I give you and you will be able to sleep on a bed. You will get food and tomorrow you will start working on the scripts we give you. You choose.”, with your head hung lowly you said number two and instantly got released from the chains and handcuffs. He helped you stand up and covered you in the blanket before he led you into his cabin. “Wait here. Sit there and don´t do anything stupid as long as I´m not here. If you do anything stupid I won´t be able to help you. Got it?”, he didn´t even wait until you answered or gave any reaction he simply left and closed the door after him. So you waited while sitting with a lowly hung head. Minutes passed and he came back. “Your clothes are dirty. The bathroom is empty so you can take a bath or shower. Anything you want but I´ll be in the room with you. Because of one I have to make sure no one is coming in and secondly to watch over you and make sure you don´t do anything stupid. Got it. Fine. Take this towel and these clothes. We don´t have any female crewmates so you have to be wearing with my clothes until we dock on another island and you get to buy clothes.”
· The man with the mask took care of you for the rest of the day. He took you to shower and gave you fresh clothes. You had dinner with him alone in the kitchen when no one was around and got back to sleep. And no matter what you did he made sure to keep a respectful distance towards you. Whenever he had to come closer or touch you to take care of your wounds he would warn you. The day kept going like that. Nothing else was said about the following days and the thing they wanted you for. Only necessary things were said that were needed at the moment. And you only gave short replays or only answered with a head movement.
· Slowly the day passed by and the night took over with the moon putting the world alight. You were back in his cabin with him sitting on an armchair and you lying in bed sleeping with one hand tied up on the bed.
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erosofthepen · 3 years
Okay I just read the letters from amad and actually forgot to mention some other things in the comment
So like that little backstory you told about Fili's father and him refusing to go to forges is just so heartbreaking???? 😭😭
I just love fili so much and I wanna cry thinking how he and everyone else in his family too had to see his dad just suffer like that :((
Does fili get nightmares? Is he scared of any of his family going in the forges? I have so many questions
Also that lil scene of Kili and Dis hugging, I just remembered they had to be apart from each other for so long because of the quest, and isn't Kili not very old in terms of dwarves year? He must be pretty shaken :(
And I headcanon that Dis immediately loves the reader cause she's so in love with fili but also have half a braincell which she shares with fili lmao, dis must think "omg she's perfect for my son" 😂 okay byeee sorry for ranting! Hope you have a great day/night
- marvel-ous-hobbit (the blog I send ask from is my main!)
okay, it really just came to me as i was writing, i was trying to think of the reason why we don't see fili and kili's father, and so my mind instantly thought of death. And originally i thought a cave-in would work, but then my mind was like "... nah, not angsty enough. slow death by pneumonia." and it kind of escalated from there.
I think Fili got nightmares when he was little, mostly around the sound of his father's coughing (i had a family member with a similar condition, and it sounds scary, especially when you're young), but as he grew, they lessened along with his grief. He's moved on from bad dreams. He will go into mines, and is concerned for his family the normal amount when they go mining, but it's just coal mines that he doesn't go near. The dust and charcoal in the air make him feel suffocated and remind him of how his father died. Luckily, no one else in his family is a coal miner.
Yeah, Kili was pretty shaken, especially since he hasn't been so long gone from his Amad before. Escorting merchants for the summer he can do, but to be gone from her for a year and a half is something he's never done before.
Dís probably woulnd't have trusted the reader as much if Fili and Kili hadn't been lost. When she saw that the reader had come all the way out in the blizzard looking for them, that pretty much sealed the deal. Dís was like "aight, her love for Fili is legitimate, welcome to the family." and when she saw them interacting, especially when Fili was still dazed from the snow, Dís knew that they were One's.
Thank you for letting me talk about this lol, and for all your wonderful words! They mean a whole lot!
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1dliveshere · 4 years
The Last Summer Ch.3
As the RV continued rolling down the highway the only audible sounds were the faint sound of the portable humidifier, the static of the radio, and the whispering coming from Niall and Harry.
“I’m really grateful we were able to take this trip. It would have really sucked to not do anything special for our last summer together.”
“I totally agree mate.... So Harry have you decided what you want to go to college for?” Niall turned towards his best friend of 15 years.
“Yeah I have. I’ve decided instead of going to college I’m going to open my own photography studio. My uncle already has a space available that he said I could rent for cheap.”
“I think you’d be great at that! How’d your parents react?”
“Not well. They keep bringing up the fact that I can’t do that with my life if I want to support my family. Kayla keeps encouraging me to do it even with the circumstances.”
“So do you think Kayla will be your family one day?”
“I don’t think Niall, I know.” Harry blushed “What about Alyssa? Is she the one?”
“Definitely” Niall answered now blushing as well.
As the boys continued talking about life Kayla stumbled out of the back of the RV.
“Babe what’s wrong?” Harry looked in the rear view mirror.
“My throat is killing me.”
“It’s probably from you screeching at Louis earlier” laughed Niall.
“Shut up Niall. He deserved it. He ruined my pants” Kayla plopped on the couch.
“I think there might be some tea up in the cupboard over there” Harry pointed towards the mini fridge. “That would help your throat”
“Thanks babe. I think I’ll make some..... wait I just realized something. What are you doing still driving at almost 3 am? Don’t you think we should pull over so you can sleep?”
“No I’m doing okay. I want to get to Jackson, Wyoming by 8 am so we can go hiking.”
“Do you guys mind keeping quiet? It’s kinda hard to sleep when you won’t shut up?” Zayn lifted his head off the couch.
“Sorry Zayn... I honestly forgot you were even in here.” Kayla laughed. “I’ll shut up now.”
“It’s alright I’m already up anyway”
“I’m awake too” Gigi stated. “I’m starving for some reason.”
“That’s probably because we didn’t eat supper” Liam pipped up.
“OMG. You’re right!” Maya hollered.
“I’m starving.” Niall whined from the front seat.
“Babe you would have never said that if Liam wouldn’t have mentioned it.” Alyssa laughed entering the room.
“Why are you up?”
“How am I not? Y’all need to learn how to whisper.”
“I second that” Louis said sounding aggravated.
Within 5 minutes everyone was awake at 3 am, on a highway in Wyoming, starving to death.
“OH MY GOSH!! IS THAT A WAFFLE HOUSE I SEE?!” Alyssa suddenly screamed making everyone jump.
“Niall I’m not even in the correct lane and it’s literally 1000 feet from us.”
Niall quickly grabbed the wheel and jerked it the the right sending the RV into a spin.
Somehow the RV landed straight in the middle of a parking spot in from of The Waffle House. While everyone else was still freaked out by everything that had just happened, Niall and Alyssa cheered at the fact that they were going to The Waffle House.
“I swear Niall if you ever pull that shiii-schnitzel with me again I’ll kill you” Harry stated sounded pissed.
“You’re lucky you caught yourself Harold. You almost had to put a $1 in the swear jar.” Louis mocked.
As the friend group pilled out of the bus Harry grabbed his camera and snapped a picture of the building.
“Send me that. I want to post it.” Alyssa looked at Harry.
“As long as I get credit.”
“Sure thing, Harold.”
“You know I don’t like it when you call me that.”
“Oh get over yourself.... HAROLD.”
As the group entered the building they found a table big enough for everyone to sit at. They waited for someone to take their order but no one ever did. After sitting there for 15 minutes they were starting to get annoyed.
“I’m so hungry I could eat this napkin.” Eleanor whined.
“I’ve got you babe.” Louis quickly jumped up and ran towards the counter.
“Louis do not do anything stu- and he jumped over the counter.”
Louis ran over to the waffle maker and dumped the batter in it. Or what he thought was batter. It turned out to be bacon grease.
As the waffle maker burst into flames the cook came running out of the back with a fire extinguisher and put the fire out.
Everyone quickly took off running. Once outside Alyssa turned towards Louis. “I can’t believe you right now. That’s my favorite place to eat and now I’m going to die of starvation.”
“Hey guys, there’s a gas station over there. Let’s just go buy some food there.” Liam pointed across the street.
So the group set off to the gas station. As they entered the building it had your typical gas station smell; it wasn’t good. They all split up and grabbed whatever they could find.
Back at the RV they all settled down in the living area. Harry was back to driving but Niall wasn’t riding up front with him. Niall decided he needed sleep.
While at the gas station, Kayla and Alyssa decided to get a 2 pound bag of their favorite candy, Twizzlers, to share.
After everyone wasn’t starving anymore they went their separate ways to go back to bed.
“Guys we made it to Jackson, Wyoming! Get your lazy butts up and ready. We are going hiking.”
“Harry it’s too early to yell.... shhhhh” Liam held his finger up to his lips.
Soon everyone was up and getting ready. Harry had pulled into a parking lot. So he was able to get ready also. All the guys had on basketball shorts and T-shirt’s on while all the girls had either workout leggings or bike shorts with some random shirt.
After they were all ready for their hike, they locked up the RV and headed towards the start of the trail.
“Can’t we do a level 2 trail instead of a level 7 one? My stomach hurts and I don’t wanna die.” Alyssa whined.
“You’ll be fine babe. It won’t be that bad” Niall reassured.
He was wrong. Very wrong.
2 hours later
“It’s so hot”
“I’m gonna passout”
Literally everyone was dying. Puffing for air, sweat running down their backs, their vision dancing with black dots.
“Alyssa are you okay back there? You’re walking super slow.” Yelled Maya.
“I’m f-f-aarrrrhhhh” Alyssa puked.
“Oh my gosh!!!!” Screamed Kayla “it’s bright red. Like blood red. That’s not normal last time I checked.”
Niall started sprinting down the mountain.
“Babe, something’s wrong. We should go to the hospital.” Niall scooped Alyssa up and took off sprinting for the RV; everyone quickly followed.
Harry drove 45 mph in a 30 mph all the way to the hospital. Once they got there Alyssa was taken straight into a emergency room.
“Does your stomach hurt still? Any tenderness?” The Doctor pushed around on Alyssa’s stomach.
“I was a little nauseous until I threw up, but now I feel totally fine.”
“Okay, we’re going to run a few tests to see what’s going on.”
The rest of the group were sitting in the waiting room.
“I’m so bored. There’s nothing to do here” Louis whined like a two year old child.
“Louis it’s a hospital. Last time I checked it’s not supposed to be fun.” Zayn stated.
Louis was about ready to sass back when Niall came through the door.
“They are going to run some tests to see what’s going on. So far everything they’ve done has come back normal. So I’m not really for sure what could be causing it.” Niall worried.
“What about the Twizzlers she ate last night? That’s all her and Kayla had since yesterday at lunch time. Maybe that mixed with the heat made her sick.”
“Louis for once in your life you’re a genius.” Niall turned and walked back to the emergency department to inform the Doctor about the Twizzlers.
“I thought about that while we were still hiking.”
“Louis why the freak didn’t you say something then?” Zayn hit his hand to his face.
“I don’t know. I just didn’t think it was my place.”
Everyone rolled their eyes.
“Of course you didn’t”
After 15 minutes had passed, Alyssa and Niall walked through the door. “The doctor said it was just from the Twizzlers and that I’ll be fine.”
“Well I’m happy that’s all it was, but tonight we are eating more than Twizzlers for supper.” Kayla laughed.
As the large group of friends exited the hospital, Harry looked up to see some dude trying to break into the RV.
“Oh sh—“ Harry took off running.
“Well looks like he owes a $1 to the swear jar now”
“You girls stay here; we don’t want you to get hurt.” The boys took off running chasing after their friend.
After about 10 minutes the guys finally pulled up in the RV. Kayla hopped in the passenger seat while the girls climed in the back.
“So what happened?” Questioned Kayla.
“Oh nothing. They guy just took off running.” Harry’s voice went up an octave indicating he was lying.
“Harry, you’re lying.”
“Am not”
“Okay then, turn and look me in the eyes and tell me that.”
“ I can’t, I’m driving.”
“Harry look at me.”
Harry still wouldn’t look at his girlfriend.
Harry finally turned towards Kayla with a big cheesy grin on his face. That grin wasn’t the only thing on his face. His left eye was swollen up almost double the normal size, and it had a huge dark circle around it.
“Oh I’ll tell you. Harold here walked up to the dude and asked him what he was doing and told him to get away from the RV. The guy told him he wasn’t going to so Harry punched the dude and the dude then punched Harry back. He was trying to show off.” Louis said sounding quite proud of himself.
“Harry” Kayla sighed, “ you can’t just go up to some dude and mouth off like that.”
Kayla got up and walked to the freezer and got a bag of peas. “Here put this on your eye. It will help the swelling to go down.”
“Thanks love.”
As the RV continued driving towards Nebraska, everyone was just sitting around on their phones, exhausted.
“Oh my gosh I’m going to freaking kill my parents.” Alyssa three her phone down on the couch.
“Why? What are they doing?” Maya asked.
“Literally they’ve called me 5 times today and texted countless times. It’s starting to get su— great there they are again.”
Louis without even thinking picks up Alyssa’s phone, opens the window and chucks it.
Everyone was shocked that he actually just did that.
“Thanks. Now I don’t have a phone for the rest of the trip.”
“It’s fine. Harry can pull over at the closet Verizon and I’ll buy you one.” Louis held up his wallet.
Alyssa turned and walked away towards the front of the bus. “Kayla, can I sit up front for awhile? I need a break from Louis.”
“Yeah that’s fine.” Kayla got up and went to sit next to Louis.
“Good job idiot.” Kayla smacked the back of Louis’ head.
After 5 hours passed and they only had stopped to pee once, everyone was getting highly agitated.
“I’m going to find somewhere to park so we can walk around for a little bit. My legs hurt from driving and I just really need a break from the RV.”
“That’s fine Harry. I think me, you, and the boys should go on a walk or something.” Niall hollowed from the kitchen.
“I think us girls are just going to stay on the bus and watch a movie. We are all tired.” Alyssa told the boys.
Harry quickly turned into the first random lot that he saw. It happened to be in the middle of nowhere.
“Harry we are literally in the middle of no where. Don’t you think you should wait until we get somewhere more public?” Questioned Kayla.
“No you’ll be fine. Just keep the door locked.”
The boys all piled out of the RV and headed out on their walk to stretch their legs.
“Yes! Finally we are alone on the bus.” Eleanor screamed. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the boys but sometimes I just want girl time.”
“I totally agree. What movie do you guys want to watch?”
As they were in the middle of throwing ideas around, Gigi exited the bathroom crying.
“Omg. Gigi what’s wrong??”
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al-n-cartoons · 4 years
The Multiverse in a Blender, Chapter 2 Part 2
Danny and Dexter wound up sharing small talk near the far end of the food table, neither seeming too keen on socializing with a group of what were effectively strangers.
      Dexter twitched, cringing at the foul tunes coming from the center of the room. "Frankenstein's monster despise," he hissed slowly. "Whatever are they producing such distasteful sounds for?!"
      "Probably a little something called 'fun'." Danny quipped. "You know, that thing humans do?"
       The expression Dexter gave was so flat, it was a surprise when he didn't turn two dimensional, "I came here to discuss over inter-dimensional affairs and inspect the oddities that are the gathered specimen, not to have some insolent entertainment to swindle away what is to me an ever thinning resource: my time."
      "Seriously? Those are the only reasons you came? I did to figure out what's going on, get some better explanations, and maybe plan around our enemies somehow getting better at making our lives worse. You sure you didn't want anything else?"
       Dexter paused, eyes trailing away for a moment to land on the green eyed brunette, a slight dusting of pink overcoming his face for the second time that evening. Danny followed his gaze, stifling a snort when his understanding only worsened the other's blush. "Oh my gawd!" He managed to say through his laughter, "That's, um, that's not going to happen. Age difference and all?"
      Dexter upturned his nose, trying to force back the heat in his face, "I am sure that I don't know what you are referring to." He asserted.
      Rex bustled past the two, tailed by Bliss. "You guys playing music roulette over there? I'm in!"
      "Hey, I know this song." Bubbles chirped as another tune began to play. She swiped the microphone from Steven, causing him to give a squeak of surprise. "MINE!" It was a rock song, preceded by an acoustic guitar and a cry of "that's alright, that's okay!" by various of the other participants, acting as the chorus.
       "A wise man once said 'time is money'
      So how much money did I lose to you, honey?
      I find it kinda funny
      You wanna keep this feud running
      But I'm glad I'm your mind
      So keep that cannon fire coming, woah!"
      "Steven should be the one singing this. It would've been perfect!" Danny jokingly whined, joining the large cluster of people. Dexter followed belatedly after.
      "Or Zak." Ben added. "That would be ironic, considering the name of the original singer."
      "What about Zak?" Came another new voice, entering through the entryway and followed by two others. Danny face-palmed, exasperated, and hissed something into his hand about 'anonymity'.
      While Bubbles continued to howl into her microphone, Ben and Zak gave a quick hug in greeting. "So...are these your unofficial plus twos?" Ben asked, giving the uninvited guests a bemused smile. As he'd mentioned earlier, someone disregarding the one and only rule of their meet was fairly expected, but it was who had done so that came as a shock.
      "Sort of. They contacted my people, swearing to high heavens that something catastrophic had happened. They say their names are 'Mabel' and 'Dipper'."
      Ben eyed them, a little suspicious, "Zak, the only people who know are the people I used to tether-"
      "You didn't know Bliss or Bubbles. You barely met Steven. If those can be exceptions, why can't they?" Zak asserted. Ben paused, looking upwards and touching his pointer finger and thumb to his chin, considering.
      "Can't argue with that." Ben conceded. He turned around, gesturing to and naming each guest.
      "Oooh, is this a party?! Pepper boy, you never said anything about a PARTY!" Mable said excitedly, bounding up and down. Ben quirked a brow at the nickname, earning only a shrug from Zak, to who, the nickname belonged.
      "Yeah. We're all pretty young, and most of us don't know each other. I figured it would be better to get to know everyone before we had to do anything crazy." Ben explained, not for the first time since the night had begun. "They're not playing karaoke, but it's similar. My name's Ben, by the way."
      "Shouldn't figuring out what happened be our top priority? Whatever caused our worlds to collide do so again, and succeed in whatever it was trying to do!" Dipper suddenly exclaimed, looking worried. Zak and Ben shared another look, this one far more uncomfortable. Zak gave a small chuckle, distancing himself from the trio.
      "Yeah, I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole." Said the fleeting traitor.
      Mabel looked to Zak, then to Ben. She took the hint and followed in Zak's example. Ben turned back to Dipper, smiling a little anxiously, "Heh, the funny thing is..." and so he began to explain. The conversation detracted endlessly, Dipper finding innumerable bits which needed to be clarified. First was why Ben needed a partner, then of the Plumbers as a whole. The Omnitrix, a brief history lesson on Alien integration throughout Earth, Rook's species, and more were all subject to Dipper's vigorous inquiry before the actual cause of the worlds' clashing came to the discussion.
      At the end, Dipper gave a slow nod, "Alright, I think I understand now." Ben's sigh was short lived, as Dipper took out a pad of paper and a pencil, eyes eager, "But just in case, go over everything from the beginning."
      You barely wrote em anyway
      That's alright that's okay
      We're coming for you!
      Juanita, Juanita, Juanita, Juanita,
      Juanita, Juanita, Juanita, AHHHHHHHH!"
      Connie held her stomach, both from Bubble"s attempts at voice acting and at the thought of Steven having been the singer instead of the blond, "Oh, yeah, baby, they really have you in mind!" She chortled. Steven gave a small huff.
      "I'm not that deranged." He paused a moment, reflecting on his own behavior dating the previous months. "Anymore."
      "Hey, Ben, do you want to sing?" Danny offered, trying to pry the brunette away from Dipper's integration.
      "Oh, sorry, Dipper. They're calling me!" Ben said, turning on his heel and swipe the mike from the mid-fall Bubbles had left it in. "Are you trying to break my stuff?" He remarked at her. Mabel dragged a dejected Dipper to the group.
      "SWITCHING VOCALS!" She cheered, quickly descending into a tireless chant. After about six iterations, Ben agreed.
      "Fine, fine, just don't drop the beat." He said. The song began to play, far more casual than the other two.
      "Oh, things couldn't be worse,
      When your job's saving the universe." His voice, although not that of an angel, was fairly decent and decidedly smooth. He made a circular motion to the rest of the bunch, indicating to them.
      "Oh, things couldn't be worse,
       When your job's saving the universe." The rest sang back. Rex motioned as if he were playing a guitar. Chuckling, Steven followed in miming the motion. The only person to not participate was Dexter, who couldn't sing. Dipper was also finding some difficulties, for he fumbled with the lyrics.
      "My name is Benji, of Ben 10,
      I've fought in battles, no care for when.
       Aliens, tyrants, even internal beasts!
       Oh, no!
      When yours is this job, life can be tough!
      They've ruined my doings, and all of my stuff. Danny?" He quickly passed the mike, his lips upturned in a teasing smile.
      Danny gave a displeased huff, but didn't refuse. "My name's Danny, alive and dead,
      I am a halfa, though it's poorly said,
      Thought it'd be cool, to take a small peak,
       Ended in lighting and grinding my teeth.
       If my folks ever found me, it'd be a surprise,
       Oh no..."
       "Oh no..." they chorused, but Danny didn't seem satisfied.
      "Oh, and my parents hate Phantom, my counterpart,
       They tracked and attacked me, right from the start,
      Woke up in binds, flat on a table,
       Now I guess...I'm far less stable,
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five0mcdanno · 4 years
This is a big dump of some of my thoughts while I watched the finale. I have a lot so I thought it might be better to just write it all down incoherently in one post. 
I’m keeping this 90% positive because I really did LOVE the finale!! It was so good! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I laughed, I cried a lot, a smiled so much. It was great and I wanna talk about it. 
For the most part I loved the finale. There are only a few things I’d change. 
1. I’d cut out the last 5 minutes. There’s no appearance by Catherine. Steve said his goodbyes, left, boarded the plane and got the text from Danny. He smiles looks out of the window and that’s it. No Catherine.
2. I’d give that extra time to the Danny and Steve goodbye but I felt a bit disappointed by it.  I think if there was more “I’ll be back before you notice I’m gone” type of banter and some heartfelt hugging between both of them and Danny wishing Steve well and telling him he’d better come back soon then I’d be 100% content. Maybe even Danny coming back inside the house with Steve cause he knows the team is coming next and his boy is gonna need some support. I can picture him just sorta of hanging off to the side while Steve has his moments with the team. Then they ALL say goodbye as he leaves. That would have been perfect.
3. I also didn’t like that Steve left only a week after Danny almost died. That’s crap. He’d leave while Danny is still healing? Yeah right. Could have at least made it a month. I could have been happier at that.
With that said, here’s my live reactions as I watched:
Flashback with Victor and Wo Fat planning the pilot!! WHAT!
Oh shit Daiyu Mei is watching them at the cemetery from last episode. Ahh yes see Steve did drive to the cemetery. It's like people forgot he has a truck and doesn’t always drive Danny’s camero.
LINCOLNS CONTACT ISN’T CATHERINE OH THANK FUCK!!!! I was so sure she’d pop up and be in the whole episode. Phew!
Okay Steve looks kinda nostalgic but not quite wistful over her. Good, good.
HAHAHA!! Steve immediately said bye and pulled out of there to go save Danny, not even telling the contact anything. Gotta go save Danno. Sorry dude.
Also, love that Danny was in trouble with the tail and thought "I need my husband. He'll take these guys out" and calls him.
Oh fuck! Steve's face!! Hes so worried! The gunshots and Danny not answering! Ahh!
Steve: "Danny Williams. You know who he is. My partner."
Even kidnapped and tortured Danny makes a joke about his car and exchanging insurance information 🤣
I LOVE THIS TROPE!!!!! The bad guy calling the loved one and showing them a video of whumpee in chains covered in blood. So fucking good
“Don't make the same mistake as you did with your father”  !!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!
Dammit Adam of course Steve is going to follow her directions and go alone. He'll do anything to save danny.
No messing around. Get the address, confirm hes alive, give the cypher and hes out
Danny telling the bad guys he better call his family and say goodbye because he has no idea what's coming for him is AMAZING! 
OH FUCK DANNO YOU FUCKING BADASS!!!! LOOK AT YOU!!! HOT DAMN!!! Climbing up the chains like spiderman and breaking them off and then killing nearly every bad guy!? Fuck!
Oh shit!!!! Theres the shot!!! Danny’s down!!!
Ahhhh everyone's here now!!
IM CRYING!!!! He wants so desperately to go in the room with him 😭😭😭
Oh my god hes praying. Steve is literally asking God to not take Danny. "You want someone you take me. Not him. You take me"
Steve’s heartbroken. He doesn't care about the cypher. Not with danny in the hospital
Oh I love lincoln. Hes a good egg.
"That was very mcgarrett of you" HA! 
Ohhh here’s the doctor. “Hes not out of the woods yet” “Can I see him”
Oh no Lincoln’s contact is dead. That means Catherine right? Well fuck. Shit. No. Dammit I don’t want to see her.
Yay! Danny's awake!! Did he just say something along the lines of “why’d you stop holding my hand?” CAUSE IF I HEARD THAT RIGHT I’M SERIOUSLY GONNA EXPLODE
“If I had a dollar for every time you've saved my life I'd have like 20 bucks” DANNY!
“Reminds me of what I went through with my dad” Oh Steven you’re making me cry babe.
NO CATHERINE SO FAR!! YES!!! They cracked the cypher and still no her!! Woo!!!
Ugh. Of course something was hidden in Doris' crypt. Keeping her bullshit secrets until the end. I hate her so much.
The is the most romantic McDanno episode I've ever watched. 
I’m always here for a badass ohana shootout scene and this did not disappoint. I screamed when Lincoln took down that guy. So fucking badass.
Ugggghhhhh fuck doris. Wo Fat really is her son. So dumb!!!
These flashbacks are awesome. Wow. John talking to wo fat was crazy.
That goodbye with Danny was shit. Super shit. I do love Danny saying that he loves hawaii now and blaming Steve for it but the rest was bleh. Danny was so angry and sad that Steve is leaving that they didn’t properly say goodbye. At least Steve said it's not forever and that Danny has a phone.
The goodbyes with everyone else made me sob like a baby. That was 100% the cast saying goodbye to Alex wasn’t it. Cause that shit hurted. Started sobbing at Lou’s goodbye and I’m still sobbing now as I type this.
"Missing you already" MY HEART!!! THAT’S SO CUTE. LOOK AT STEVE’S SMILE. It’s like Danno went “shit I can’t let him go thinking I’m mad at him. I know. Let me send this true but kinda funny text.”
Fuck its Catherine. Fuck. That sucks. SO MUCH! WHYYYYYYYY!!! WHY IS SHE HERE!!! At least Steve didn’t expect her or call her or something. She wasn’t on his mind. She just wormed her way back into his life like always. God I hate her. And I hate Lenkov for having a hard on for this ship.
I generally thought that Danny was gonna sit down next to Steve on that plane up until we saw Catherine’s hair. Even when he got the text from Danny I still thought maybe cause that’s something Danno would pull but nope. I’m a clown. 🤡
Just gonna pretend those last few minutes didn’t happen. The show ended with Danno’s text. 
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #311: Reactions of a Very Infamous Scene from Sonic '06 (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
The moment the scene of Princess Elise starts kissing a Deceased Sonic The Hedgehog on screen, all hell broke loose.......
Everyone (Except Dark Pit): AHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Amy: (Hiding onto Sonic's Embrace) Oh my gosh!!! Sonic, I'm sooooo scared!!
Sonic: (Hugging Amy in Comfort) Don't worry, Ames. I got you.
Futuba: (Covering Morgana's eyes) Cover your eyes, Mona!!!
Morgana: Futuba, I've never been thankful for you covering my eyes until now. Thank you.
Futuba: You're welcome, kitty-bro!
Kazooie: (Covers Banjo's eyes with her wing) Banjo, babe, I don't want you to see this.
Banjo: (Covers Kazooie's eyes with his paw) I don't want you to see this either, Kazooie!
Tails: (Covering his eyes in fear) Ah man! I don't wanna see this!!
Amy: (Open her arms while holding Sonic's hands) Tails, come to our embrace!!
Sonic: (Open his arms as well) Quickly, Lil' Bro!!
Tails: (Rushes Towards the Sofa and was immediately gets pulled in on a Panic Group Hug)
Amy: (Rub Tails Back Reassuringly) It's okay, sweetie. That awful scene won't hurt you anymore.
Sonic: Yeah bud....We got you.
Tails: (Hugs his friends Panicky) Thanks, guys....
Pit: (Completely Panicking) I'M GOING BLIIIIIIIIIIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark Pit: ('Groans in Annoyance') My God....Will you people calm your asses down already?!!!
Everyone stops panicking and gave Dark Pit his attention.
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Look, I don't like this shit as much as the next guy here, but it's not the worst thing to see in the world. I mean, seriously.... ('Scoffs') Like there's really any other way to revive Sonic.
Tails: .........Literally...... anything else.
Morgana: Yeah. Other than whatever the heck we just saw!
Pit/Futuba: Yeah!!
Sonic: As much as I would love to believe it was so, my peeps..... Unfortunately, that was, in fact, the only way for me to come back to life......
Everyone's (Except for Tails and Amy) eyes begins to Widened and jaw dropped in complete and utter shock.
Sonic: Yeah......('Sigh') I hated it too.....
Kazooie: You know something I don't get? (Turns to Amy) Amy, you love Sonic right?
Amy: (Hugs Sonic's arm lovingly) More than anything in the world~
Kazooie: Alright. So.... Shouldn't you be upset at Elise for kissing your man like that?
Tails: (Turns to Amy) Yeah, Amy. Why didn't you get furious once it happened?
Amy: ('Sigh') Honestly, you guys.... I'm not even sure myself. I guess you can say it was because it was the only option to bring Sonic back to life again....But don't you worry....(Slowly Starts Becoming completely Determined with Fire in her eyes) Cause that's the ONLY time I'm EVER going to let some hussy kiss MY MAN AGAIN!!!!!
Dark Pit: ........Damn girl......
Pit: Seriously........
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly as he has one arm around Amy) Don't worry, Amy. I won't going let anyone come between us.
Amy: (Cuddle close to Amy Affectionately) I know, darling~ I love you so much~
Sonic: I love you too, Ames~ (Kiss the top of Amy's Forehead)
Amy: (Giggling Softly and Blushing by the kiss on the forehead)
Futuba: (Rolling Her Eyes) Oookay.....Mushy stuff aside..... Whatever happened to Princess Elise anyways?
Tails: (Casually Answers the Question) Oh we never see her again.
Banjo: (Confused) What do you mean by that?
Tails: Welllllll.....Since we're pass the point where Spoilers doesn't matter anymore since this is Sonic '06 we're talking here, Long story short, once Elise blows out Solaris, everything that happened during the events of the game never happened. Which also includes ever meeting Elise in the first place.
Pit: So basically.....This is game became a complete retcon of the series.
Tails: Yep.
Sonic: And honestly....I think it's for the best. ('Sigh') I swear......Elise gets kidnapped a lot more often and faster than mom.....P-Please don't tell her I said that....(Points at Dark Pit) That includes you too, Dark Pit!
Dark Pit: Why me exclusively, all of sudden?
Sonic: (Raised his Eyebrows) Cuz I know how sneaky you are. Especially when you try to use something like this as Blackmail.
Dark Pit: ('Scoffs') Please. Like I've ever used any as Blackmail.
Everyone: (Gave Dark Pit a 'Really?' look)
Dark Pit: ('Sigh in Defeat') Alright, fine. I won't used what you said as Blackmail.
Sonic: Thanks, man.
Pit: Now with that out of the way, can we please not play this game anymore?
Sonic: (Smiles Brightly) Definitely. I think I have enough madness for one day.
Amy: (Giggles Softly) Yeah. And hey, at least it's not as bad as Sonic Boom.
Morgana: (Confused) What's Sonic Boom and how is it worse than Sonic '06?
Everyone immediately starts Abruptly Laughing.
Futuba: Oho my sweet, little....(Pinching Mona's Cheeks) innocent, naive Morgana~ Where do we even begin.....
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vixenofthemist · 5 years
Im gonna mostly talk about the Golden Deer bc I've been waiting for forever for SOMETHING about them and now I have it I'm gonna run.
But some of my thoughts on the other houses:
Black Eagles: Nothing really caught my attention other then they have the most people without crests, and Dorothea hates herself :<
Blue Lions: Well... that certainly confirms the theory that the Childhood Friends don't accept Dedue very well aosjsj Sylvain is the only one who doesn't seem to have a problem with Dimitri no wonder he's so willing to work on his womanizing he's the only friend who isn't judging him (bc Ingrid HAS to not like that Dimitri has Dedue as a retainer and even if it didn't sour their relationship completely it had to have put some strain on it. No wonder she and Felix are seen together so often aksjsj). ALSO ANNETTES A SWEET ANGEL.
OK Now Onto the Golden Deer akjsjs (I'm on mobile or else I'd put a read more sorry akdjsj)
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DOESN'T SHE MENTION AN OLDER BROTHER IN THE ADVICE BOX??? I could be remembering it wrong but I SWEAR she was like "i have to write my brother but I dont know what to write him about so tell me". Someone please explain is my memory bad or is Hilda submitting false facts to the ask box for fun?
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Hilda is definitely that girl who said "um excuse me we're having a conversation. Rude." To a teacher when they tried to stop her talking in class aksjaj
I love how persuasion is right in the middle of her otherwise totally normal likes lol i can just hear her listing off her likes and just saying that aloud so casually and the person she's talking to is just like "excuse me- wait what was that one in the middle??" "Fashion :>"
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ASSJSHAJS Lorenz likes Monitering Claude LMAO, its his #1 hobby. Also we finally have a reason to have a rivalry with Black Eagles- Lorenz hates coffee but Hubert loves it. (Also he hates vulgarity lmao bet there was at least 1 time where Leonie and Claude just swore constantly around him for an entire day alsjsj)
Also what is a worthy women and how much do you wanna bet he's been slapped in the face for phrasing it like that bc he absolutely has to have been socked at least once.
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Ignatz hates lightning and there better be some good found family fics of the Golden Deer helping him distract himself during storms!!
(Also he seems to really like the church so wonder how that goes with Claude aksjs)
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Lysithea still adorable, loves sweets and cute things and hates bitter food aksjjss also hates anything physcially laborious what a gigantic mood
Ashe also hates ghost and as someone who thinks they'd be adorable together I love the idea that they're the couple that go see a disney movie while the others go watch horror (but they still get scared by the wind that night and call Mercedes to come take care of the ghost aksjjs).
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Leonie's is exactly how I thought it'd be aksjsj don't have a lot to say except she's the big sister of the group and has for sure punched Lorenz in the face
Marianne and Claude are at the bottom bc they're my favorites and I have a lot to say about them akshshs
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Ladakdjsj why does "long rides" make me think of a dating profile?? "Hi my name is Claude Von Riegan, I love long rides on the beach and tactically scheming as the sunsets. Pick me and I'll let you grasp any part of me you want."
Anyway SO pumped to finally have stuff coming out about Claude aksjsjs after what feels like years of just getting scraps we're finally getting some gosh dang FOOD and we DESERVE IT
His dislikes are interesting, like its so clear he doesn't trust the gods at ALL kasjjs and he clearly has a reason for that which I'm sure will come out in the main plot since its all about the church who are just a bunch of people blindly following Seiros akdjs
(Also who's gonna tell him he's in a fire emblem game and is just as subject to the rng gods as the rest of us? Leaving things to chance is the underlying tagline of the combat system cause sure you have a 95% to hit but there's still a chance you won't 🙃)
Love that he likes poetry, he is the guy who can rehearse shakespear by heart but mostly just spouts the existential stuff but will whip out a real romantic verse when the moments right (unlike Lorenz who only remembers the romantic stuff). Definitely is the guy who writes haiku jokes using haiku's and it drives everyone else crazy. Also I hc that he means long rides on his wyvern and not a horse bc ever since I saw that he can become a wyvern rider I can't not think of him as one akssj (I'm calling the wyvern Goldy the Golden Good Boy of the Von Riegans, Goldy for short, becauze it makes me laugh akdjsj.)
Also wtf does planning feasts mean??? What does planning a feast entail?? Is this just a medieval way to say he likes to party??
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Ok calming down I am SO fascinated by Marianne, cause she clearly has so much story to her and I for one can't wait to find it all out. Cause she's so different from the other nobles, all of them are quite confident and loud (in personality and color) but shes the exact opposite, and we don't even know what her crest is so we can't figure out who her birth family are and what happened to them that made her get fostered by the Edmunds. And the Edmunds themselves are just another hole because how do they treat her? I cant imagine its good? But perhaps it is and whatever happened to her birth family is why she's so depressed and lacks self confidence? Akjdkss Ok I'm just rambling now I'll stop but long story short I'm hyped to play Golden Deer and see what her relationship is with the rest of the house xD (especially Claude bc they have such different viewpoints on the gods and the church so their supports are gonna be interesting aksjjs)
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franeridart · 7 years
Can i ask what (& why) Mina dragon is protecting?
You mean in the pic I posted? That’s just Baku and Kiri haha they’re there more for scale than anything else, really
Anon said:What role do Denki and Sero have in your take on the fantasy AU?
Sero’s a simple normal non-magic herbs merchant and amateur healer, Kaminari’s a lightning mage and a swordsman! They both also stumbled their way into being bards of sort, more for fun than anything else really - they used to travel alone and then they travelled together, till they travelled into the dragons’ territory without even realizing. Somehow, they managed to not die and get on the prince’s good side enough to be allowed to freely roam and maybe stay if they so wished
(they so wished)
Anon said:Ahh are you okay? If everything’s bad and all, feel better soon 🌟
Ahhhh, you’re sweet ;u; thank you!!
Anon said:Hey, I just really wanted to thank you! I only found you a couple months ago but your art has really inspired me. I owe a lot to you on finding an art style that’s comfortable for me. Not to mention, everything you do with Bakugou and Kirishima is the damn cutest thing and I can only love them more~! So thank you for all your lovely work!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man that makes me super happy to hear!!!!!!!! I’m really really glad my messy art could help you like that haha and thank you so much for the compliments too aaaahhhh!!!!
Anon said:If you ever get around to some more fusions, how about some of the teachers with some students like midnight-bakugou and aizawa-momo?
ngl I have about maybe forty asks in my inbox with fusions suggestions in them, and I’m just letting them pile up cause… that au hasn’t been fun lately, but I think it might be again in the future? Maybe? So I’m leaving those there and waiting for inspiration to strike again - that said, I’m sort of intrigued about these specific combos :O why Midnight and Bakugou specifically? The more I think about this the more I can’t tell if what’d come out would be something sexy or just utterly ridiculous lmao
Anon said:Just imagine Kiri and Baku getting married, and Fatgum is the one to give Kiri away and they couldn’t decide on a best man so there’s like 5 people giving speeches and there are Manly Tears shed.
What do you mean imagine, isn’t this exactly how it’s gonna go hahaha tho I can totally see Bakugou being 100% unaware of the best man situation, at some point after maybe the third speech he’s like is this done can we go now but nope there’s more people - Kirishima has a vague idea of it but as far as he knew it should have been only Denki and Hanta and Mina? Maybe? Most of the oragization of the wedding was left in Mina and Kaminari’s hands after all. But since everyone noticed that Bakugou’s already short patience is disappearing fast and  since 1A is made of a bunch of assholes once Mina’s done Jirou’s like, okay my turn, and then it’s Deku, and then it’s Uraraka, and then Todoroki and Tokoyami and Hagakure and Tsuyu and Iida and Momo too why the hell not - Kirishima’s crying and laughing and Bakugou’s 1% touched and 99% ready to blow up, which, honestly, is exactly how a wedding between these two is supposed to end
Anon said:Hello.-wave- I know this isn’t a question but i love your art work and how you made Baku and his red haired boy friend (i forgot his name :( ) just bounce off each other so perfectly. Now I hope those two actually be a couple in the anime. :)
Ahhhhh I doubt they’ll actually become canon haha it’s a Jump shounen after all - but I’m glad you like the way I portray them!!!!! thank you so much!!
Anon said:TINY DRAGON BAKUGOU IS THE BEST AAAAAA (He’d be like the tiniest, bitchiest cat.)
HAPPY YOU LIKED HIM OMFG!!! and yes, yes that’s exactly how he is haha
Anon said:I wanna tell you how much I love you. Except… there are no words that can express just how much that is. I’ve tried writing to you off-anon before, but, I’m just too shy. (Even using anon, I’m really nervous.) Seeing your artwork always brightens my day. I enjoy reading your tags, comments, replies. I really appreciate your hard work and thank you for sharing it with us. I’m sorry for bothering you and you don’t have to reply. I hope you have a very lovely weekend!! ^^
You’re so sweet orz so damn sweet oh my god, thank you so much for every kind word ;O; I hope you’ll have the best week, anon!!!!
Anon said:Dragon Baku be lookin like a mango, I love him so much. Bless u Fran
A mango!!!!! Amazing, I was thinking about an explosion as far as colors go but a mango incredible I’m never unseeing that ever hahaha thank you, by the way!!! I’m glad you liked himmm!!!!!
Anon said:How do you think Bakugou and Kirishima would react to finding out their kid was getting bullied in school? What would they say to them?
What a heavy question holy shit, I’m actually not sure? I’m not even sure a kid raised by Bakugou and Kirishima would ever let themselves be bullied, really, so the real question here is why is this kid being bullied? Based on what the answer to that is, they’d probably react in different ways. And what they’d tell the kid would change as well, of course. Well, either way they’d probably go raise hell inside the school, both of them
(then again we’re talking about Bakugou (a former bully himself) and Kirishima (a kid that used to physically fight bullies) and their kid, so maybe the actual conversation - in case the kid were ever to actually admit to it, cause Bakugou and Kirishima’s kid might not even ever do that - would probs go something like,kid: “what if there were someone at school I was having problems with?”baku: “kill them” kiri: “Katsuki! you don’t kill them, you talk to them, and if they try to touch you you punch them as hard as you can right on the chin just like we taught you”)
(When the next day they’re called in because their kid has made a classmate bleed Bakugou fist-bumps them and Kirishima put on his hero face and voice and tells the principal that next time if they don’t want their kid to defend themselves they should make it so that they didn’t need to in the first place)
Anon said:I started reading black clover because of that one sketch you did, and i had such a tough time stopping so I can get school work done 😅 in one day I’ve read 122 chapters and I didn’t want to stop
AHHHHH I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT!!!!!! It’s such a nice manga oh boy ;O;
Anon said:Imagine Bakugou seeing Kirishima being attacked or hurt by a villain. I imagine he would immediately explode and charge in to kill said villain? I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but I also think of that scene in RWBY Volume 3 with Blake and Yang.
I haven’t watched it, sorry ;-; but yeah! Bakugou protecting Kirishima is something I’m waiting for the actual manga to deliver, so I try not to think too much about it to keep it fresh in case Horikoshi’ll ever be that nice to me haha but anyway we sort of saw how he reacted to Kiri being in mild “danger” during the license exam, so I guess for him to actually lose his mind and explode/get angry Kiri should be in serious danger. Like, post-Rappa fight type of danger, probably.  Ahhhhhhhh boy, I seriously hope Hori will be kind enough to make something like that happen (………not that I want Kiri hurt, tho ;–;)
Anon said:Fran, Fran!!! New dgm chapter on the 16th October!!!!!!!!!!
I KNOW! And I won’t be here for it, can you believe ;~; I’m sad o
Anon said:what are your thoughts on trans kiri??
More or less the same as my thoughts on trans baku! I don’t share the headcanon myself, but there’s a lot of good art and works out there with that headcanon which I enjoyed a lot, and if that’s how you wanna see the character then go for it! Who’s even got the right to stop you hahaha
Anon said:Ooh, u read erasermic fics?? Got any faves??
Seems like I only got two in my bookmarks :O x x (and the second is an hp au haha) (I’m sure I read and loved more tho, I’ll have to come back on this when I have the time)
Anon said:Another thing about Invisible girl and Aizawa using his quirk on her. They used a tail as an example of erasing quirks and the tail was still there but it was like a dead limb. So if he used it on her she may actually be visible. I was thinking about this for awhile and I think it might work that way.
That might be! But then again, that still depends on why she’s invisible - if that’s just the way her skin is made then I don’t think Aizawa’s quirk would change anything? I dunno tho, it’s hard to headcanon about Tooru since we know so little about her!
Anon said:sorry I asked about eri-chan and I agree I really want her to be able to but what about her completely destroying her entire ability?? like not giving people their quirks back but make it so she can’t erase them anymore?? if you get me??
OH YEAH SORRY I TOTALLY MISREAD YOUR ASK OH MY GOD I’m not sure she can do that tho? Like, assuming destroying quirks is her quirk to begin with, I’d assume her body would be built in such a way that she’d be immune to it? It’s just the way I see it, tho :O
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atc74 · 7 years
Fast Cars and Freedom - Part 3
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Word Count: 4250
Warnings: Language, maybe, nudity, loss of virginity teen sex (both Dean and Reader are virgins)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Y/N Singer)
Catch up here - Fast Cars and Freedom
Italics indicate flashbacks
It was Y/N’s birthday weekend and as a surprise, I planned a special getaway. I knew she had no clue and I was pretty proud of myself that I could still pull something like this off after twenty years together. I had already packed a bag and dropped the kids off with Sam and his wife Jess this morning.
“You ready yet kid?” I yelled up the stairs.
“Keep your pants on Winchester!” she retorted as she came strolling into view looking as beautiful as she was that weekend nineteen years ago.
“No kids and a weekend away? Not a chance. I hereby declare this ‘no pants weekend!’” I shouted, throwing my hands in the air in victory.
She laughed and threw her arms around my neck. “I love you dork, now let’s get a move on!”
About an hour into our drive, a familiar tune came on the radio and she cranked up the volume and started singing along.
This ain't no country club
And it ain't no disco
This is New York City
1, 2, 1, 2
"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die, "
Says the man next to me out of nowhere
It's apropos of nothin'
He says, "His name is William"
But I'm sure he's Bill or Billy or Mac or Buddy
And he's plain ugly to me
And I wonder if he's ever had a day of fun in his whole life
“Twenty years and two kids and that is still the best weekend of my life, kid.” I squeezed her hand gently as I looked over at her sitting in the passenger seat of our little red Nova.
“Really? Not the weekend we got married? Or when we made those two kids? That weekend, huh?” She looked offended and confused.
“Yes, that weekend. I knew I loved you before then, but that was the weekend I knew without a doubt that there would never be anyone else for me but you,” I proclaimed. “Let me take you back.”
“Bobby, can I talk to you?” I nervously asked my guardian as he strolled into the garage, a travel mug of coffee in one hand and a chocolate covered bear claw in the other. It was a Saturday morning and we had just opened, but our first appointment wasn’t for another thirty minutes.
“What’s on your mind, Dean?” Bobby grumbled through the pastry filling his mouth, chocolate stuck to his upper lip.
“Y/N has been going on and on about this show she wants to see this summer and they are going to be real close. I was wondering if we could go,” I told him, sticking my head back under the hood of her Nova.
“Where’s it at?” Bobby walked over to the side of her car.
“Near Minneapolis. It’s called Lilith Fair and it’s an all day, all girl, outdoor concert and she really wants to go.” I glanced up from the spark plug I was replacing.
“You wanna go to all chick rock concert in a different state with my little girl? Did I hear that right?” Bobby yelled so loud that I stood up straight, hitting the back of my head on the hood.
“I will book two rooms, Bobby. I wanted to do something nice for her on her birthday and the show is the week before school starts. I will even bring Sam if it makes you feel better about it,” I explained to him, still rubbing the back of my head.
“Let me think about it, Dean. When do you need to get the tickets by?” Bobby asked.
“They go on sale on ten o’clock today; that is in two hours. I was going to take my break and buy them. Bobby, I have been saving all winter for these, please? It would mean so much to her; to both of us.” I ducked back under the hood while he went off to stew in his juices.
I knew he didn’t want to say yes, but I was hoping his little girl’s happiness would win out over the two of us being gone an entire weekend, in a different state, alone.
I spent the next hour changing the oil and all the fluids on some foreign import when I heard Bobby yell for me from the office.
“Yeah, Bobby?” I stepped inside, wiping my hands on the rag I kept in my back pocket.
“Two beds and you better have her home for dinner on Sunday and no funny business! Now just make the call and buy the tickets before I change my mind!” he yelled.
“Bobby, you’re the best! Thank you! She is going to love it!” I hugged the old man and turned to run up to the house but stopped. “She’s home and it’s not time yet. Can I make the call from your office in an hour?”
“Get back to work ya idjit and you can take your break at ten,” he told me and went back to his paperwork.
One hour and thirty minutes later I had two tickets to the show and a two night reservation at the Sandalwood Suites right next to the outdoor venue. I couldn’t wait to surprise her, but her birthday was still three months away. I wanted to do something for her since our Prom night fiasco, but it had to be special. She really wanted to go to this show; it is all she had talked about lately. I didn’t care if I had to sit through a bunch of crappy, angry chick music; for her it would be worth it.
I spent the next several weeks getting my plan in place. I checked maps, made an itinerary to give to Bobby with the name, address and telephone number of the hotel. I bought her a card, since I wasn’t as creative as she was. I waited until the weekend before her birthday to give her her gift and hoped that all the time I put into this would payoff when I saw her face.
I still took those walks a few times a week, but more often than not, she was by my side. “Hey, Y/N? Wanna take a walk with me?” I asked as we cleared away the dinner dishes.
“Dean, do I ever say no?” she giggled and it was one of the best sounds on this earth.
“No, you don’t. But that doesn’t mean I ain’t gonna ask or that some day you might.” I wrapped my arm around her as we walked down the stairs from the porch and started on the path that wound us back to the river.
“You know, your birthday is coming up and I wanted to do something for you, since well, your birthday surprise for me didn’t go exactly as planned,” I chuckled. We still laughed about that night and were thankful that the storm didn’t cause much damage and everyone we loved was safe.
“Yeah, that is a night I will never forget! At least we didn’t get caught!” she exclaimed. “But my birthday is still a week away,” Y/N looked up at me with those beautiful eyes, sparkling in the fading light.  
“I know, but I wanted to give you part of your gift early. Happy birthday, kid,” I handed her the envelope and a box, wrapped in the Sunday comics.
Dear Y/N, 
This past year has been the greatest of my life. You have done so much for me and I can never thank you enough. I hope I can make you as happy as you have made me. 
I love you now and forever, Happy Birthday. 
“A mixed tape? This is so sweet of you Dean! Thank you! I love it!” She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me.
“You haven’t even listened to it yet. How can you say you love it?” I questioned her.
“Because you made it for me, so I know I will love it, because I love you,” she replied simply, but grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward her car. “But I wanna listen to it now!!”
She ran up to the house to grab her keys and was back in her car before I could even get in. She cranked over the engine and popped the tape in. She rested her head back against the seat as the first song started to play.
Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide
voices trapped in yearning, memories trapped in time
the night is my companion, and solitude my guide
would I spend forever here and not be satisfied?
and I would be the one
to hold you down
kiss you so hard
I'll take your breath away
and after, I'd wipe away the tears
just close your eyes dear
Through this world I've stumbled
so many times betrayed
trying to find an honest word to find
the truth enslaved
oh you speak to me in riddles
and you speak to me in rhymes
my body aches to breathe your breath
your words keep me alive
“Dean, this is beautiful. Thank you so much,” she leaned over and kissed me sweetly,
“There’s more, kid. Just listen,” I told her and she skipped ahead a bit to the next song.
Who will save your soul when it comes to the flowers now
Huh huh who will save your soul after all the lies that you told, boy
And who will save your souls if you won't save your own?
“Okay, Sarah McLachlan and Jewel? What else you got on here, Babe?” she eyed me suspiciously.
“I got to thinking about all this music you listen to when I am not around and how we always listen to what I want when we are together, which is a lot. So I am willing to make sacrifices for you just like you do for me. Happy Birthday, Babe,” I professed and handed her another envelope.
“Dean…” she started as she opened the second envelope. “AHHHHHHHH are you kidding me? Are these real? Are we really?!!”
“Whoa, my ears! And yes, we really are. I already cleared it with Mr. Grumpy Pants and we are leaving Friday after lunch. He even gave me the weekend off,” I informed her.
She was out of the car and jumping and dancing around before I knew she was gone. I just leaned up against the Nova and watched her dancing in the dirt. She was beautiful and I knew right then and there that I would do anything for this girl.
I had everything planned. If we took off after lunch, we would make it to the hotel just before four in the afternoon. I made reservations for dinner at a nice place and asked her to pack a dress while I had packed the only suit I owned. I ordered a bouquet of bright purple dahlias, her favorite, and a bottle of sparkling water and they were waiting in our room when we arrived.
“Dean! This is beautiful! Thank you so much for the most amazing birthday ever!” she squealed, jumping into my arms.
“Kid, the weekend just started; don’t thank me yet,” I reminded her. “Our reservation is in two hours; wanna take a quick nap with me?”
“That sounds amazing. I didn’t sleep much last night I was so excited!” She threw herself dramatically onto the bed and pulled the covers back for me. “You coming or what?”
“Nothing I want more,” I sighed as I slid in beside her, pulling her as close as I could, breathing her in and closing my eyes.
“I am setting the alarm for one hour, Mister,” she told me and soon we were both asleep, snuggled into one another on the most comfortable bed I have laid on.
“Y/N? Y/N. Kid! Time to get up, buttercup!” I whispered louder than necessary, but she was a deep sleeper.
“Fine. The bed was all cold without you anyway,” she grumbled as she sat up and walked to the bathroom with her things.
The minutes ticked by as I waited for her to emerge from the bathroom. I pulled on my socks and suit pants, then shrugged into the crisp blue shirt I had bought just for this weekend. I absentmindedly buttoned the shirt, then slid the tie under the collar just as the bathroom door opened.
“You look amazing, kid,” I breathed out, taking her in.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Winchester,” she giggled as she walked over and tied my tie for me before turning her back as she pulled her hair to the side. “Would you zip me please?”
“I’d rather not, but I am also starving and don’t want to be late for dinner,” I chuckled as I zipped her beautiful blue dress.
“Dinner was wonderful, Dean. Thank you so much,” Y/N leaned in to kiss me once we arrived back in our room for the night.
“You’re welcome, kid. Happy birthday,” I returned her kiss, trying not to let things get too heated just yet. “Do you want to relax and watch something on T.V. or do you want to hit the pool or hot tub for a bit first?” I toed off my dress shoes and socks, tossing them in the closet.
“Both!” she shouted as she grabbed her swimsuit from her bag. “Dean, would you unzip me, please?”
“Yahtzee!” I said under my breath, but clearly not quiet enough.
“Relax, big boy,” she laughed and turned her back to me and I pulled her hair to one side and slowly lowered the zipper on her dress. I pressed my lips to her shoulder, then her back as I made my way to her neck. She shivered in my arms and I could feel the goosebumps form under my hands as they spread across her smooth skin.
“Dean….” her voice but a whisper as I continued to trail kisses across the back of her neck and down her other shoulder. She turned quickly and soon her small body was pressed to mine.
I gently pushed her dress off her shoulders, the bright blue fabric hanging loosely between us as it fell from her arms. She pulled away slightly, letting it float to the floor as she reached up and loosened my tie.
I noticed for the first time that she was only wearing a pair of lacy underwear the same cerulean blue as her dress.  I growled low in the back of my throat and pulled her small frame to me, cradling the back of her head with one hand, my fingers in her soft waves, the other hand pressed into the small of her back. My lips met hers in a needy kiss, deep and wet, almost desperate. I felt her fingers run up my chest, pulling at the buttons one by one until our upper bodies were skin to skin.
I had felt her bare skin on mine before, but this felt different. We were always afraid of getting caught but now we were alone, in a different city, hundreds of miles from home and the prying eyes of her father or my little brother. I released her lower lip and looked into her eyes.
“We have nothing but time, kid. I want us to do this right, because I don’t ever plan on doing this with anyone else. Let me love you, Y/N,” I whispered in the silence of the foreign hotel room.
“Take me to bed, Dean. I’m all yours, always and forever,” she responded, pulling me with her towards one of the beds and crawling onto it. She kneeled in front of me, her small hands trailing up my chest to my shoulders, urging the shirt off and down my arms as I stared into her eyes.
Y/N let the shirt drop to the floor behind me as she reached for my belt. “Let me see you, Dean,” her voice quiet and I only nodded. She unbuckled my belt, then the button of my dress pants, easing the zipper down. Her soft, small hands tucked inside the waistband of my pants and over my ass, pushing my garments down around my ankles where I stepped out of them.
I leaned over her body and kissed her, taking my time, wanting every taste and touch, like I could memorize her with my tongue and I intended to. She tilted her head, deepening the kiss as I pressed her into the mattress with my larger frame. She tasted so sweet and I wondered if she tasted that good everywhere. I moaned as I moved from her mouth, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her jaw until I reached her ear. We knew better than to leave marks on each other, but that didn’t stop me from nibbling her ear and suckling at her pulse point, making her moan under my touch.
Y/N ran her hands over my back and down to my ass, her fingers dipping inside the back of my boxers, trying to push them off. I lifted my hips off of her slightly as she used her feet to push them the rest of the way down my legs. I was so hard it hurt and now my erection was firmly planted between our bodies, rubbing against the blue lace of her panties. I could feel her wetness as it spread through the flimsy material onto my length. I groaned at the sensation as my hips involuntarily ground against her.
Y/N reciprocated my actions and sounds and it spurred me on. I tried to control myself as I didn’t want it to be over before it really even began. I reluctantly moved off of her, rolling us both to our sides as I resumed kissing her, her mouth opening for me like my lips were the key.
“I love you, Dean. Make love to me,” she pleaded, pulling away from me. She rose from the bed, returning with the condoms we brought along. I sat up to admire her as she walked towards me, the wet spot on her panties prominent against the blue lace. She stopped in front of me and I pulled her to stand between my legs, my hands on her hips, as I slowly pulled her panties down.
“You’re beautiful, Y/N. Inside and out. I love you so much,” I whispered, my lips roaming across her stomach, up to the underside of her breast where I licked a wide stripe across her pert nipple. She carded her hands through my hair, holding me to her as I lavished her breasts with attention. I pulled her into my lap and flipped her over to her back.
My hand roamed down her body to her center and I could feel her; all heat and soaked with her arousal. I gently ran my fingers through her folds to coat my fingers before inserting a single digit in her hot core, pumping it in out before adding another.
“Dean,” her wanton moans filled my ears as I continued to mouth at her breasts and prepare her.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Y/N,” I whispered into her skin.
“I don’t care. I wanna feel you,” she looked down at me. “Please, Dean.”
“I wanna feel you too,” I murmured, sitting up to rip open the foil packet and roll it on without breaking it or ruining the moment. Finally, I was covered and moved back over her, easing her legs apart with my hips. “Are you ready, Y/N?” I looked her in the eye, lining myself up with her entrance.
“I have never been more ready,” she replied.
I eased my hips forward slowly. God she was so tight, I was afraid I was going to hurt her. I braced myself on my forearms on either side of her head, kissing her gently and keeping eye contact as I inched in little by little, looking for any sign of distress. Once I felt myself bottom out, I waited until we both relaxed fully and I slowly pulled my hips back and eased back into her just as slowly.
We had only just began and it was probably the best I had ever felt in my life. She was soft and warm and felt like home. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I felt her tighten her grip on my back, her nails biting into my skin. I picked up the pace slightly but couldn’t slow down the feeling that was about to overcome me.
“Dean!” Y/N cried as our movements increased, her hips meeting mine. I knew I wasn’t going to make it much longer and I wanted her to feel as good as I did. I reached between us clumsily and started rubbing her clit, but the angle was wrong.
“Let me,” she groaned and replaced my hand with hers. I leaned up a little so I could watch her touch herself. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, my name on her lips. I started losing my rhythm the louder she got and I knew this was the end.
She screamed my name and her body went rigid beneath me as I felt like my insides were melting. My body froze, my hips planted firmly against hers as I came, exploding inside the rubber. My vision was spotty and I dropped my head to her shoulder, murmuring her name over and over like a prayer.
“I love you, Y/N,” I professed, our bodies pressed together, slick with sweat.
“I love you, too, Dean, but you’re heavy,” she laughed a little, giving me a gently shove and I rolled my exhausted body off of her on onto my back. My arm wound around her, pulling her into my side and she just fit so perfectly.
“You still want to hit the pool?” I mumbled, my arm over my eyes, trying to control my breathing.
“No, I just want to stay here with you forever,” she confessed. “But I need to pee.”
We spent the rest of the night, snuggled up in bed, deciding against clothing and just watching television, when we weren’t trying to work our way through the entire box of condoms. I knew sex would feel good - I had jacked off more than once thinking about Y/N - but I didn’t expect it to feel this amazing and I wasn’t going to lose the advantage of a weekend away from home.
I woke early the next morning to Y/N with her hand wrapped around my morning wood. “Well, good morning to you too, beautiful.”
“Good morning, handsome,” she giggled but didn’t stop moving her hand up and down my shaft.
“If you don’t stop that, we won’t make breakfast before the show,” I told her, glancing at the clock.
“We can miss the opening act. Let’s shower first!” she called, leaping from the bed and into the bathroom.
I had never been so entranced in my life as I was with this woman. Watching her sing and dance all day; the sun kissing her exposed shoulders and legs was enough of a show in itself for me. I was so far gone, there was no coming back for me.
“Dean, thank you so much for the most amazing birthday ever! The show was so good and I had such an incredible time,” Y/N looked over at me from the passenger seat of her red Nova. She had a grin planted on her pretty face and was so happy.
“It wasn’t so bad; some of those acts can really rock,” I admitted. “But if you tell anyone I said that, you’ll be in trouble!”
“Oh yeah, big bad, Dean Winchester. Don’t worry, I won’t tell. You’re secret is safe with me,” she giggled.
We lay in bed, holding each other tight and dreading getting out, facing the reality that we had to pack up and go home. “I don’t want to go home, Dean.”
“I know kid, me neither. But at least we get to be together. And I am sure your dad will only kill me once or twice,” I groaned at the thought of Bobby knowing what we had done all weekend.
“Nobody will know but us, Dean. This was the best weekend of our lives and we will always have these memories, just you and me,” she made it sound so simple.
“I told you no funny business! You’re both grounded!” Bobby yelled at the us the minute we got out of the car.
“What? Daddy why?” Y/N demanded of her father.
“Because you two just couldn’t keep your hands off each other, could ya? You idjits better have used something, too; I ain’t ready to be nobody’s Papa!” Bobby yelled, throwing his hands up in the air and stormed back into the house.
“Well, at least that box of condoms didn’t go to waste!” I told her as the song ended and we pulled up to our destination.  
“Definitely not! And we don’t need them anymore,” she smiled at me as she reached for the door.
“What, no more sex?” I tried to be shocked.
“No, but I can’t get pregnant twice!” She winked as she got out of the car.
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Dean / Jensen Only: @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid  @anokhi07 @perpetualabsurdity @txp87 @akshi8278  @iamabeautifulperson18 @suzannebeaketa @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @deandoesthingstome @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @boxywrites @deansangelgirl @sparklesuperwholock88 @ericaprice2008 
FCAR: @ericaprice2008
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