#ain’t happening lol
alarrylarrie · 2 years
I think that article is actually incredibly interesting- if you only read Louis’ quotes. I’d throw the bit about Simon out in the trash, but that’s clearly a non-disparage clause ad infinitum talking, not Louis himself.
He couches what he says about Harry- in my opinion, tries to defend him while treading VERY lightly, because he has to, of course. He says, about his Grammy’s speech: “we all came from humble beginnings” basically explaining what Harry meant. Then, in talking about Harry’s fame- he says “we all knew Harry fit that mold” which doesn’t cast any dispersions on Harry, it’s actually a lot closer to ‘Harry was born to do this and was set up from practically day one to do this’ - and that’s not untrue, is it?
It’s the author who puts all the malice into that article. Louis’ quotes, themselves, seem like everything I’d expect him to be able to, (and willing) to say.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 28 days
Prompt: Either Time and Malon have announced they're having a baby or Malon has just had a baby and they're introducing them to the chain when Time finds some big insecurities from one of his boys he doesn't expect; Wild. Thing is, Time (and to an extent Malon as well) is the only parental figure he knows. Any memories of his parents are long gone along with any record of who they might have been so Time acting in a familial manner means a lot to Wild. But he's worried now that the man is an -actual- father that it means he'll be withdrawing that affection from the chain (himself, really) in favor of focusing on his child. Time goes above and beyond to prove him wrong.
Sky glared grumpily at the postman as he delivered mail to everyone. Legend snickered and elbowed his friend, making the usually cheery knight even more sour.
“Chin up, Sky,” Wild chuckled. “Nobody can outrun that guy from what I can figure. At least that’s what the old man says.”
Time didn’t even flinch at his mention. It wasn’t new - he tended to tune out the younger ones what they got rambunctious. But something about the intensity of which he was looking at his letter from Malon caught Wild’s attention.
“Everything okay?” Twilight asked, also picking up on it.
Time glanced at Twilight, eye fixed on the younger man, then back at the letter. Then he closed both eyes and smiled.
“It’s fine,” he said quietly, folding the letter.
“That looks like more than fine,” Warriors noted, wiggling his eyebrows. “What are you hiding, old man?”
“Is Miss Malon okay?” Wind asked, poking his head over Warriors’ shoulder, having been sitting on the ground behind the captain, who had plopped on a stump.
“She’s fine,” Time replied warmly. Then he sighed a little, gentle cheer dashed by a cool, worried gaze.
“That wasn’t very convincing,” Four whispered to Twilight.
Time glanced around at the group, now that everyone had honed in on him. Then he seemed to come to a decision, huffing a little and saying, “Since none of you seem to know how to mind your business, then I’ll tell you.”
Warriors scoffed, “I’ll have you know I am perfectly capable of minding my own business until gossip is involved.”
Hyrule laughed. “It’s pretty funny listening to people’s drama in town, honestly. But I hope there isn’t drama in your house, old man.”
“There isn’t,” Time assured him. “But there will be someone new living there.”
“Is it that Ingo guy you got mad about?” Sky asked, tilting his head to the side.
Time outright laughed. “No, Sky. No. It’s… Malon’s pregnant.”
The group went silent for a long while before it burst into excited chatter. Warriors was the first to congratulate Time, with Sky coming shortly after, followed by Four and then everyone else in quick succession. Wind excitedly asked about baby names, Sky interrogated him about what course this journey might take now, if they should find a way to return to Lon Lon Ranch—
That was probably the point that Wild felt his stomach twist into knots.
He didn’t quite know what was wrong, at first. He congratulated the old man alongside everyone else. This was a great occasion, after all. But Sky mentioning how maybe Time would want to visit Malon really made Wild realize…
Was he going to leave the group now?
Wild… didn’t want him to leave.
It wasn’t that he was particularly close to Time, more so than the others. Wild was closest to Twilight, after all. But… something about the eldest Link was… comforting. Guiding. Wild couldn’t put words to it, except that… it reminded him of… he didn’t know. He just… he couldn’t remember anything. He didn’t know anything. But the Hero of Time became a staple in his life the last few weeks, a father figure of sorts (and he knew he wasn’t alone in this—the worried disappointment that Wind was trying to hide, the way Legend suddenly became aloof as if already distancing his heart from the matter, the way Sky took four steps away from their leader after running up to him to congratulate him—these were all indications of the same sentiment) when Wild could hardly remember any family at all… and he… was going to lose him too.
He supposed the only true constant in his life was Zelda.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t know this journey would come to an end, but he hadn’t expected their group to lessen during the journey. It had been horrifying when Twilight had almost died - now Time was going to just leave them? Leave him?
Wild found he couldn’t speak after his initial words of cheer for the old man, and he started to slink away into the woods. He wandered aimlessly, shivering a little, feeling far more alone than he had in a while. He tried to cheer himself up with some kind of logical argument—even if he does leave, you still have the others, you have your brothers, you have Twilight—but none of it quite filled the hole that was quickly forming.
At least this time he’d have a chance to say goodbye.
Wild eventually made his way back to the camp just in time - Warriors had been readying to search for him, and he didn’t want to cause such a fuss. He avoided Time for the rest of the night, settling in to take first watch as everyone else went to bed.
He hadn’t expected Time to sit beside him.
“Something’s bothering you,” Time said. It wasn’t a question, but it was held in the air like an invitation.
Wild sighed. “I… wouldn’t worry about it. We’ll find a way to get you home, old man. Wouldn’t want you to miss your actual family.”
There was a period of silence, only interrupted by the crackling of the fire. Wild felt a strange ache in his chest, a longing for someone he could no longer remember. He shriveled into himself a little, shoulders slumping, letting time pass by as he looked into the flames.
“Link… I’m not going home.”
Wild didn’t register the words for a moment, still lost in his own mind and thoughts, before he blinked and glanced over at the older hero. “Wait, what?”
“My place is here,” Time explained quietly, almost what seemed gently. “I would never abandon all of you like that. I love Malon dearly, but she isn’t my only family.”
Wild wasn’t sure what to say to any of this, but the hope in his heart couldn’t be ignored, and he burst out, “You’re not leaving us?”
There was something about Time’s expression that Wild couldn’t quite read. The older hero’s eyebrows seemed to relax from their previously stern position, face softening, eye looking Wild over. “No, young one. I’m not leaving. What we will do, though, is turn back towards the town. I want to write to her. I want all of us to write to her. We’ll have to keep tabs on how she’s doing far more often.”
“Why all of us?” Wild asked.
Time reached forward, messing with the teenager’s hair as he smiled. “If I’ve had to parent all of you, then you’re certainly earning the right and responsibility to ensure your new little sister is alright.”
Wild yelped a little at the gesture before laughing a little, swatting Time away. “Sister, eh? You think it’s a girl?”
“Goddess, I hope so. I have enough boys to take care of.”
Wild’s laugh nearly woke the entire group at that remark. When he’d settled, Time smiled at him, laying a hand on his shoulder. The gesture was reassuring, a physical representation on the promise that Time hadn’t spoken. He didn’t need to. What he’d said was enough.
The ache in Wild’s chest didn’t squeeze quite so hard. But he yearned for the contact, and so he leaned forward a little, just a little, just enough to be perceived without invading the man’s space. Time understood the motion for what it was, and he smiled a little more, pulling Wild into a hug. For the briefest moment the champion felt a little silly or embarrassed at the vulnerability he’d just shown, and then he decided he didn’t care - if he truly viewed Time as a father figure then he should be comfortable showing such insecurity around him. He’d done as much with Twilight.
Twilight. Time’s descendant. Between being viewed as a brother by Twi and a son by Time, Wild actually… he really…
He let out a shuddering breath, and Time’s hand swept up and down his back slowly.
For the first time in as long as he could remember, Wild actually felt like he belonged in a group, in a team, in a family. He could imagine the Champions smiling at him, and the tears finally did fall.
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phierie · 19 days
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Masters of the air sketches/rough stuff from earlier in the year
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memethebum · 9 months
Thinking of Maka carrying around a handkerchief for Soul bc dude needs to stop drooling so fucking much and over the years it turns from her handing it to him into her wiping his face for him and neither of them wanna comment on it bc ahahah pining hell but end up having to talk about it one day bc Black*Star catches Maka dabbing at Soul’s face in the middle of her taking notes during class gifkdkdkd
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blazingstar400 · 5 months
Florian: So, you like Juliana?
Kieran: Juliana? Nahhh. We’re not even friends, what a jerk I mean— *trips, hundreds of thousands of photos of Juliana spill out of his jacket* w-what a loser... these aren’t mine. I’m just *gathering them up frantically sweating* listen I, just listen shoot— *thousands of pictures of Juliana scatter across the floor* No listen, I’m holding them for the interpol police just listen—
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tricoufamily · 6 days
guys……….this is my moment…………..m……..mafia pack……….
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the survey asking me to briefly describe what appeals to me about this idea
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betelgo0ze · 3 months
Maul and Obi-Wans cycle of abuse is something so special to me
I’d like to go further down this rabbit hole one day but for now all I will say is this:
Maul was fueled by rage and anger his entire life. Groomed by Palpatine and mauled(pun 100% intended)by Obi-Wan left him broken and a shell of the boy he once was with only anger boiling beneath his war torn skin.
Obi-Wan did what he had to in self defense and we all know Maul would have done the same. He went through so much in the comics as well as the TV shows and needed the aid of magical forces to heal his mind. He may have been mentally ill due to his traumatic life but in isolation he was genuinely broken
(to be clear: mentally ill people are not broken and neither are disabled people. I’m disabled, I’m not broken. But what I’m trying to explain is the fact that Maul wasn’t broken until his isolation. he very well could have stayed his silly goofy mentally ill self but was broken in a way people cannot return from and unnatural forces had to be used to bring him back to reality)
He died in Obi-Wans arms, content for the first and last time in his life knowing that Luke Skywalker would end the cycle of abuse he and Obi-Wan had been stuck in. Hatred and anger and bitterness fueled by actions out of their control. Luke would end what Maul had once fought for. Knowing this, Maul died peacefully in his enemies arms.
Obi-Wan held a funeral for Maul, and he was the only person there. He was all Maul had left. He protected Luke for all the people he fought for, the Jedi, innocent people, Anakin.
But despite everything, he also held Maul to the same standards as he did for his fellow fallen Jedi since Maul was just another one of the victims of the Sith.
I like to think that Maul and Obi-Wan met again as force-ghosts as well as in whatever afterlife their is outside of appearing to the living. I think they would be happy to see one another, perhaps Maul had watched from afar as Luke grew. This of course would rely on the idea that dead people, ghosts or not, could watch over the living which is all but confirmed. That’s more speculation than anything, but I like to imagine it.
I like to imagine Obi-Wan and Maul reunion met with a violently tight hug and tears. After everything, after the blood and torment and abuse, Luke had ended it all and they could finally be together in peace.
Can you tell Mauls my favorite
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homefryboy · 10 months
tfw someone calls ur otp boring
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bewitching-666 · 6 months
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chibipandaao3 · 7 months
I’m just going to say it —
We need less BabePreg fics — Babe was horrified at the idea of it - doesn’t want kids
We need more CharliePreg, JeffPreg, insert character who wasn’t actively repulsed by the idea of pregnancy/children preg
Please and thank you 😂 like literally any other character.
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imbiactually-28 · 1 year
walking in h&m and why am i like this starts playing by orla gartland.
legit forgot that the song existed outside of heartstopper
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what-the-fuck-khr · 9 months
finally after a whole year, starting at Giotto and ending with Bel and Rasiel, we’ve now celebrated the birthdays of every KHR character who had one shared with us by Amano! here’s a time-lapse of me editing every single one, which overall amounted up to 3 hours and 42 minutes, and 65 characters! all compacted into a 5 minute video! thank you for celebrating their birthdays with me! 💛
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aceofstars16 · 11 months
I highly doubt I will have the time to draw it before Halloween but I had the funny image of Stan and Ford dressed as Mario and Luigi (just imagine Stan being all 😒 at Ford being Mario because he’s the older twin lol) lowkey inspired by seeing @theangelofangst’s love for the Mario bros on my dash 👏
(And also a bonus Dipper and Mabel dressed as Luke and Leia because yes, and Mabel would love Stan and Ford’s outfits 😂)
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rosicheeks · 3 months
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synthville · 2 years
the thing is.
raffi isn’t half as strange or off-putting as she could be. given how she processes things and her vices she really should be so much more of an audacious eccentric obsessive schemer (love) and also just the biggest liar to ever do it. meddlesome as hell but it comes back to bite.
she’s got all the connects but also she’s been banned from multiple planets. it’s fine. she didn’t want to go back to any of them anyway. her access was revoked so why does she know so much about seemingly unconnected classified events and titbits. why don’t you. she happened upon that information. as one does. what’s with all the questions. smooth talks her way in and out of stupid situations daily because she can’t leave well enough alone and just has to get answers. she does not get her answers. rabbit holes that spawn labyrinths. whatever the futuristic version of a red string board is. rios breaking into her quarters because it’s been days and she’s replicated an alarming amount of wine but very little food and he hates the EMH but the nosey holo is right this cannot stand. she tries to be present because it was her idea to visit that one spa like planet in the first place but it’s physically impossible for her not to bring up whatever theory it is that’s plaguing her this time around. there’s something just outside her periphery and once she connects the dots she’ll let it go. really. the great pretender. an actual reckoning with her addiction and what’s at the root of it. why constantly numbing herself with various substances didn’t actually work. she can fool everyone but not herself. at least not well. all the fallout with people she loves that now want nothing to do with her (gabe?? hello that thread alone is so much) because of all the times she recklessly dismissed or used them for her own means all the while convincing herself it was about the big picture. being real with herself about the reality of starfleet and why she wants in so badly anyway. greater good huh. her tricked out encrypted tech because why accept bland federation equipment or adhere to legal limits when she can make things that much more fun with a little tweaking. that unassuming little trailer is fortified as fuck. eyescan fingerprint alphasymbolic code physical lock to even get past the front door. and obviously her tech self destructs upon intrusion this isn’t amateur hour. she might be living in a semi utopia but you still not about to catch her slipping. any and all conversations between cybernetist agnes jurati and intelligence officer raffaela musiker. rios needs them to stop making unauthorized changes to la sirena and cut it out with the emergency holo roundtables. everything to do with her and seven but twice the stubborn gay ridiculousness and entwinement. everyone is alive and well and in their rightful timelines. salivating. she’s barely putting in her weird girl hours and already people can’t take it imagine if they just leaned into making her a possessive obsessive little freak (positive!) and wrote/depicted everything with care? the layers. a hyper-competent-women-with-massive-issues-lover’s dream and the nasty bros and bigots who can’t fathom anyone other than a bland white guy as deserving of complexity or relevance would die on the spot amen. id EAT.
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hatchetation · 11 months
I am so with you with Bradley and Laura. I swear I read somewhere that Julianna Margulies is supposed to be in season 4 and with the NBN merger it would make sense Laura would be involved. I think the Cory and Bradley shippers are grasping at straws, not being mean, just I did not get the I'll miss you equating to anything more than friendly, I think Bradley really wants to be friends with Cory, but nothing more. I could be a total fool for thinking this and hoping Bradley and Laura have a chance but I love them together . Time will tell, here's hoping for more Laura in season 4 either way.
okay upon reflection, I definitely believe Laura will be in season 4. I mean, she’s at the heart of this NBN merger in some ways—Alex couldn’t have done it without her. I also really like the parallel that earlier in the season Alex did Laura a personal favor (checking on Bradley) and now Laura is doing Alex a professional favor related to the merger. The progression of their relationship isn’t a big part of the show but it’s interesting to say the least!
If you’re a fool to believe that Laura and Bradley will get back together in season 4, then I’m a fool, too! I see a path forward for them now that Bradley is turning herself in. Also tbh this show has had some fanfic-like bradleylaura moments and could you imagine if they have them working together again following the merger?? The thing that concerns me most is fallout from the writers’ and actors’ strikes, whether that causes delays or inconsistencies or scheduling issues….but from a purely narrative perspective I think Bradley and Laura’s relationship has a lot of juice left in it!
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