#yeah you’re not getting crap about Harry out of me lady
alarrylarrie · 2 years
I think that article is actually incredibly interesting- if you only read Louis’ quotes. I’d throw the bit about Simon out in the trash, but that’s clearly a non-disparage clause ad infinitum talking, not Louis himself.
He couches what he says about Harry- in my opinion, tries to defend him while treading VERY lightly, because he has to, of course. He says, about his Grammy’s speech: “we all came from humble beginnings” basically explaining what Harry meant. Then, in talking about Harry’s fame- he says “we all knew Harry fit that mold” which doesn’t cast any dispersions on Harry, it’s actually a lot closer to ‘Harry was born to do this and was set up from practically day one to do this’ - and that’s not untrue, is it?
It’s the author who puts all the malice into that article. Louis’ quotes, themselves, seem like everything I’d expect him to be able to, (and willing) to say.
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cottlestonpie77 · 2 years
Rando Legacy 1.5
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More of Brandi's wildly inappropriate work friends.
Inappropriate Guest: So, SEX, am I right? Pretty great, huh? Have all of you lovely females been treated right in the sack lately?
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I mean...different strokes for different folks, I guess.
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Inappropriate Guest: Personally, I like to play classical music to get the ladies in the mood, do you know what I'm saying?
Dylan: Pretty sure I am ENTIRELY too young to be having this conversation wit you!
I'm not sure why Abner's crying. Maybe he got demoted?
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Abner: Brandi's talking with one of her friends and it DOESN'T involve me burning food? *shocked Pikachu*
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Stay classy, Brandi's friends!
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Brandi: So now that the kids have gotten a little bit older, I wonder if maybe we should think about hav-
Abner: Yeah, that's gonna be a hard NO, dear. Do you see how we're eating macaroni for dinner because we're too poor to afford anything else?
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*awkward silence*
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Another repair, another day of NOT being electrocuted. Go Abner!
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Calum! He actually looks kinda cute here.
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And...Dylan, the heir, who looks like some sort of weird human-alien hybrid. Why are his eyes so GIANT.
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Well, well, well...if it isn't Meadow Thayer! She looks super cute with these face templates!
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So my bitch of a nanny said something really mean to Brandi for no reason and made her cry! You do realize SHE PAYS YOU, right, you old hag?
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I'm keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't spit in the burgers.
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Although maybe Nanny-Spit Burgers would be better than Dad's Burnt Spaghetti, at least in Dylan's opinion.
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The Founder. He doesn't have weird alien bug eyes, I honestly don't know what's going on with Dylan's but oh well. It keeps the genetics interesting!
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Dylan brings home a friend, I think his name is Chandler. I'm happy for Dylan to have a friend but Chandler is kind of a dick.
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Chandler: Yeah, that's really nice your dad got a promotion, Dylan, but MY DAD got a bigger and better promotion. We're not poor and reduced to eating burnt spaghetti like you guys are.
Note: Brandi's friend in the back kind of looks like he could be Chandler's dad.
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It's time for Calum to age up to a teen!
Mental note: Get the stand for the thinking ca
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Aw, not bad! I think he gets a little better looking at each age group.
Second Mental Note: Get a default replacement for that outfit, STAT.
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Abner: *minding his own business, studying*
Secret Society Member: Hello, Abner, just so you know I've broken into your house to tell you you can join our film club!
Abner: ...FUCK WHAT THE FUCK you scared the crap out of me, get out of my house!
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Chandler was a dick so Dylan made a new friend, whose name escapes me at the moment but honestly it looks like it should be Jedediah or some shit.
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Oh those angsty teen years.
Calum: God, DAD, why do you insist on watching Harry Potter all the time, WIZARDS ARE DUMB.
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Abner: ...but I like wizards.
Calum: Wizards are dumb and YOU'RE DUMB TOO for liking them, you guys are SO MORITFYING.
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Abner had gotten fat so I had him do one (1) exercise and he is suddenly fit again! Boy I sure wish this worked in real life.
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The kids waking up in the morning - nothing interesting, I just kind of liked the shot for whatever reason.
0 notes
rhenuvee · 4 years
PDA (Fred Weasley x reader)
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A/N: So I’ve seen a lot of headcanons for Fred that he is big on PDA with his s/o, so here is a fic about it. Lightly based on the song PDA by Scott Helman- WOW who would’ve known. 
Warnings: If it wasn’t obvious already- a l o t o f M A K I N G O U T, and George being done with your BS x5
*I realized I’m an idiot for not doing this sooner so tell me if you’d like to be tagged in my future fics. I write for 3 fandoms so please specify which one!*
It was your seventh year at Hogwarts and you had mixed feelings about it. Last year was overwhelming with the events of the Triwizard Tournament, you hoped that this year would be better (aha sike bich). The thing you did look forward to however, was seeing Fred.
The two of you actually just started dating after he asked you to the Yule ball. In fact, he was a little overwhelming himself... in a good way though. He was never shy to show affection, even when others were around which was embarrassing sometimes.
He would hold you close by wrapping his long arm around your shoulder while walking together in the hallways, cuddling in the common room, give you hugs that would squeeze the life out of you, and good lord- the snogging especially made you red-faced. The hot intimacy between the both of you did not leave room for keeping your hands off each other.
Or as George corrected, your faces.
You walked down the hall with the destination of the entrance of the great hall fixated in your mind, surprisingly not noticing the two redheads sticking out of the crowd of students, until-
“WHERE IS MY GORGEOUS GIRLFRIEND?! I CAN’T SEEM TO FIND HER, (Y/N) DARLING WHERE ARE YOU?!” yelled your boyfriend being obnoxiously loud and attracting weird looks and giggles from other students. Your eyes immediately found him and started marching towards his and his twin’s direction with both your hands covering the sides of your face, like a horse with blinders. As if that made the situation any better.
“Fred..!” you whisper scolded him. You already predicted the mischievous smirk that appeared on his face. 
“Yes love, what’s the problem?” he said rather neutrally trying to sound naive. You deadpanned. 
“You were just a tad too quiet there.” you said sarcastically.
“Really, should I say it louder-”
“No Fred-”
“Well what did you expect, for him to shut up?” asked George scoffing and earning a hit to his arm by his twin. You giggled. 
“Not like you could do any better,” retorted Fred. “Go in already.” George shook his head in annoyance as he was shooed away into the great hall. You were about to head in as well when Fred’s hand stopped you and turned you around back to face him.
“Not going to leave me hanging without a kiss are you?” he asked with his hand on your waist. You subconsciously walked closer to him, it felt warm in his embrace. You pecked him on the lips trying to be cheeky, but when you were about to pull back quickly, he was faster and brought you back to his lips with his hand lightly on your cheek.
You gave into the kiss, you really had missed him. And you could tell he did too by the way he was kissing you. He deepened the kiss, his lips tasted like chocolate. But you could feel that almost everyone was in the great hall already, and that you were going to end up with bruised lips again and tardiness. 
You were running out of breath- but that’s just how Fred liked it. Kissing you until you’re completely breathless and had to lean against him for support. 
“F-Fred...” you said in between breaths trying your hardest to resist the urge to kiss him more. He pulled away slowly with a huge grin on his face, still holding you close to him. He chuckled at how much you looked like you needed an inhaler. 
“Fine, to be continued then.” he said grabbing your hand and walked with you to the Gryffindor table to sit. 
The table looked full from the view from the entrance, but once Fred spotted where his twin was, there was an empty space saved for the two of you. It wasn’t long before you and your boyfriend were immersed in the conversation and laughter with your friends around you. It also wasn’t long before George lost his appetite after seeing you and Fred getting all mushy. 
Everyone paused their talking and eating when Dumbledore came up to announce the new changes in staff. The lady in pink who you now know was Dolores Umbridge. She seemed... interesting...
“-I’m sure we’re all going to be very good friends.” she said with her hands clasped.
“That’s likely.” the twins said rather loud enough for it for others to hear it. You hit them both lightly at the same time while shaking your head, as if scolding them. They giggled at your reaction.
Your high hopes that this year wouldn’t be chaotic really did you a bamboozle. You tried your best to remain positive, and that maybe Umbridge would turn out to be a good teacher but she really did prove you wrong.
On the particular day that you got the lines etched into your own skin, you felt a mixture of anger and sadness. Before, you could feel your grades getting lower, your assignments and classroom performance getting sloppier and just overall not like you at all. The blood quill was just the cherry on top.
The thoughts worsened when you thought about how Fred would react. You knew he would be furious, seeing as he was already frustrated when many others close to him had to write lines with the blood quill.
“Just tell him (y/n), you can’t keep something like this from him.” said Hermione putting a hand on your arm. You shook your head and covered the hand with the scars by pulling your sleeve up. Harry and Ron were also there to comfort you while the common room was bustling with the people still up.
Not much longer, Fred, George and Lee walked in from the portrait hole. You tensed up and suddenly felt stiff. Hermione gave you a reassuring look to try and ease your nerves. The trio then went to do their own things so they wouldn’t be pressuring you.
“Hey doll, why the long face?” he said plopping right next to you and tilting your chin with his index finger to face him. You smiled attempting to mask your real feelings.
“It’s nothing Freddie, just tired.” you said pecking his cheek. A frown appeared on his face as his hand moved to run through the bunches of hair that came loose.
“I can tell when you’re lying love, please tell me what’s wrong.” he pleaded. How could you say no to those eyes?
“I-It’s just that I’m not doing too well on my schoolwork, and I don’t feel like I’ll get my dream job and I don’t know maybe I’m just not working hard or doing enough-“
“Darling.” he said sternly interrupting your rambling. You could feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes.
“I don’t want to hear that you think that you’re not enough or any crap like that. Umbridge’s stupid rules and methods aren’t worth a single tear from your pretty face. So please love, don’t be so hard on yourself.” he said sweetly, wiping the tears away with his thumb. You wiped your face with your sleeve, but that’s when Fred saw it. He felt better knowing that he cheered you up somehow but it went back to concern as he saw the lines on your hand as your sleeve stretched up.
“What did she do to you.” he said not drifting his gaze away from your eyes. Uh oh. You gulped and pulled your hand away quickly, not wanting him to observe your hand any longer. He grabbed your arm back, pulled up the sleeve, then stood up like he was about to leave. You felt nauseous, your boyfriend was nothing but wrath.
“I swear I will-“
“Fred, no!”
“And why not?!” he shot back quickly. People’s attention were now at the two of you.
“Because there’s no way to fix it Fred! It will only make things worse, and I don’t want you to get hurt!” you cried, grabbing his hand trying to prevent him from doing something he would regret. You winced at the memory of the day he had to write lines.
Fred hated to admit but you were right. There wasn’t anything he could do. He especially did not want to make you upset. He messed up his hair with his hands stiff in frustration and sighed.
“You’re right darling, I’m sorry I got mad. It’s just I can’t stand Toadface hurting you...” he trailed off, sitting back down with you.
“If it makes you feel better, you look hot when you’re mad.” you said in his ear getting closer to him. He was surprised at your words, but it didn’t take long for him to get cocky again.
“You really think so?” he asked smirking and running his hand through his hair again. He always knew how to get you riled up.
You could tell that was not the end of it. His mouth opened and you knew he was about to yell it out. You covered his mouth with your hand and his announcement came muffled. Both of you laughed before Fred removed your hand.
“What was that for darling? I wasn’t gonna say anything.” he said.
“Yeah right, knowing how much of a clown you are I really don’t think so.” you said.
“You wound me darling, really.” he said putting his hand to his chest. He then remembered the scars on your hand and frowned at the sight of them. He rubbed his thumb on them lightly as if to soothe them.
“Hey, why don’t we just cuddle here tonight.” you said trying to distract him from your scars. A grin appeared on his face.
“That might’ve been the best idea you’ve had all day love, cmon then.” he said opening his arms for you to dive into.
You were really sad the day Fred and George flew out of Hogwarts. Yes, you were over the moon to see Umbridge’s face running away, and you were especially proud of the twins. But you couldn’t help but for your heart to feel empty without Fred.
They’ve told you first when planning the prank. Fred was particularly upset at himself that he had to leave you, but you reassured him that you wanted him to follow his dream, and that you wanted so bad to see the shop. The long lasting kiss you had before he left was his motivation to make the shop a success.
Finally, the day came when you were able to see the shop of the first time. Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron agreed to go with you.
“(Y/n), slow down!” Shouted Ginny from the distance. But you couldn’t- you couldn’t wait to see Fred much longer. You ran the whole way to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, not caring that you were running out of breath quickly.
You swung open the door and took in the view of the shop- it was amazing.
“(Y/n)!” a familiar voice called out from the top of the stairs. Your eyes were immediately fixed on the bright figure- your Fred.
You both began to run and dodge through the crowd to find each other. You missed him, and he missed you.
“Freddie!” you called out, able to see his fiery red hair moving quickly. Like in those muggle movies, you both ran towards each other and Fred twirled you around before kissing you. It was cheesy, but you didn’t care anymore, you were together again.
You almost crashed into each other when you embraced and had a passionate kiss that was long overdue. It was sloppy, and his hands were everywhere. But that was just how he liked it- kissing you until you were breathless and leaning on him for support. Suddenly running was not such a good idea.
“Oooookay ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the minor inconvenience, if everyone could just take a precaution and swerve away from the lovebirds, you will be fine.” announced George to the people.
Both you and Fred pulled away with lips very bruised. Customers made weird faces, and parents steered their kids out of your way. I mean, you were kissing in the middle of the shop.
“Sod off, mate.” said Fred, his voice slightly quieter since he was out of breath. George only shrugged.
“I will, don’t want to throw up in the middle of the store do I?” questioned George. You giggled and Fred rolled his eyes.
“Oh, and (y/n), it’s really good to see you,” he said hugging you. “We missed you a lot, not sure if you could tell.”
Your eyebrows raised at Fred who looked the other direction and whistled pretending not to know again. And with that, George winked and turned on his heel to leave.
“Well, for once he wasn’t wrong.” admitted Fred. Looking at the way your lips were puffed in the middle of the shop, he definitely wasn’t.
“Now where’s my grand opening gift?” he asked playfully. You realized that you hadn’t prepared anything. You felt embarrassed that you didn’t get your boyfriend a present for his shop that was clearly a success.
“I’m kidding love, just a kiss will do.” he said bringing his large hand to rub the side of your neck. Getting a closer look at him, you could see slight differences from the last time you saw him. His hair was messier, and the red really stood out from the colours of the shop. You could see his freckles and dimples much clearer now.
Fred was about to lean in to kiss you again when George purposely bumped shoulders with him with a flimsy piece of cardboard in his hands.
“Oi, George what the hell?” asked Fred. George said nothing but turned and flipped the piece of cardboard to reveal the words ‘NO PDA’ on it. Oh, it was a sign specifically for you two.
“No need to be such a party pooper, Georgie. This is Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, not Wealsey’s Wizard Gheezers.” said Fred earning a hearty laugh from you.
“Your constant lip-locking is making the customers disgusted, and honestly I am too.” he grumbled.
“Maybe he’s feeling lonely...” you whispered to your boyfriend.
“I’m not lonely!” George protested. Oops, he heard you.
“(Y/n) does make a good point, maybe we should contact Angie-“ teased Fred. You smiled at the thought. You remembered back then when George was swooning over her, but never acted upon it.
“Don’t you dare.” said George with this eyebrows crossed but a light pink evident on his cheeks.
You felt giddy as you watched your boyfriend and his twin bickering. You could only imagine how happy you’d be hanging around the shop-
However, you’d have to find a way out of that ‘NO PDA’ sign.
Link to pt2: Part 2
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it’s finally done!!! this is my piece for @berrynarrybanana​‘s sex bucketlist fic challenge!! i hope you enjoy!!
Prompts: Sex Tape & Face Sitting
Warnings: smut & language
Word count: 4.2k+
Summary: Harry is leaving for tour and asks you for a special parting gift.
The noise of the TV and the occasional movement from the two of you is the only thing that can be heard throughout the house. You and Harry are comfortably cuddled up together on the couch, you’re sitting between his legs with your back pressed against his front, mindlessly gazing at the TV as the movie of your choice plays.
The discussion hasn’t fully been brought up yet, but both of you know it’s coming. Harry’s leaving for tour in the coming weeks and you’re not able to join him due to high demand at your workplace. Harry knows this and you’ve discussed it, but you haven’t discussed what is going to happen in the sexual realm of your relationship. 
“Y’wanna head off to bed after this?” Harry mumbles into your neck, squeezing his arms around your waist for a moment to catch your full attention.
You hum in response, leaning your head to the side slightly to give him more access to the skin of your neck. He presses a few more lazy kisses to your skin before relaxing back against the couch. 
“Think we should talk about the tour situation,” You sigh, dropping your head back against his shoulder. 
“Mm, yeah,” He agrees, smacking a kiss to your temple. “Been thinkin’ about some things.” 
You quirk an eyebrow up and turn your head to the side to look at him properly, “What’s that?”
He gives you a mischievous smirk and swiftly flips you onto your back against the couch cushions as you squeal. He moves between your legs to hover over you, the movie long forgotten in the background as he smacks his lips across your face. 
“Been thinkin-” he presses a short kiss to your lips, “-M’gonna need somethin’ to remember yeh by while I’m away.”
You lazily drape an arm around his neck, giggling through his kisses and humming at his words. “Y’want me to take some pictures for you?” 
“Mm, wouldn’t mind that, but I was thinkin’ something a little different.” He mumbles into the column of your throat, hands sliding down to grip your hips. 
“Like what?”
He nips at your jaw, sliding one arm underneath your torso to pull you against him more. “Thinkin’ maybe makin’ a little movie,” 
Your eyebrows raise and you place your hands on the sides of his face to pull him above you and properly look at him, “Are you serious?”
He nods, dimples popping as he chews his bottom lip and gazes down at you. You chortle nervously, running your hands over your face as you shake your head mindlessly. 
“I’ll think about it.” You mumble through a yawn, lifting your head up to peck his lips one more time before rolling out from beneath him and standing. 
“Does that mean yes?” He stands behind you as you flip the TV off and wraps an arm around you, leaning his chin on your shoulder. 
“It means I’ll think about it.” You giggle, patting his cheek with your palm before prying yourself away from him and heading to the bedroom. He’s almost like a puppy as he follows behind you, whining quietly at your lack of response to his suggestion and clinging himself to you. 
You weren’t necessarily opposed to his suggestion at all, but you were hesitant to immediately agree to it considering the chances you would be taking. Privacy was a vital part of your relationship and something as intimate as that being leaked to the public disquieted you immensely. 
The topic isn’t brought up again until a few days later when the two of you are getting ready for a shower. You’re already stepping into the shower and he’s tugging his socks off, whining about how sore he is from his run. He finally steps in after you, his front facing your back as you allow the steaming water to pelt your face. 
“So,” He starts, stepping around to your front to let the water run over him for a moment, “Have you thought about it yet?” 
“Thought about what?” You feign oblivion, squirting a decent amount of shampoo into your palm before lathering it into your hair. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head at you, pushing his sopping hair away from his face and you smirk to yourself, moving back under the water to rinse the suds from your hair. You let it get quiet for a moment and then you speak again, “Yes, I have.”
He whips his head back to you with a hopeful smile, “And?”
“And… I’ll do it.” 
He virtually leaps with joy, wrapping both arms around your bare waist and pulling you in for a kiss. “Ugh, I love you so much.” 
You giggle at his reaction, shaking your head as you squirm in his hold. “Only under one condition, though.” 
“What’s that?” He hums, smacking kisses all over your face. 
“Y’have to take me out to a nice dinner.” 
He quirks an eyebrow up, “That’s it?”
You nod with a quiet hum and he smiles wider, giggling like an exuberant child. You snicker at him, reaching beside him for the conditioner bottle.
 For the rest of your shower, Harry giddily prances around you, pressing kisses to your lips, neck, and cheeks in every moment that he can. It’s laughable how excited he is, but you aren’t going to lie to yourself and say that you aren’t just as excited as him. You’re always up for something new in the bedroom and now that he’s leaving for tour, you both will have something to remember for months. 
“When were you thinking about that dinner?” He asked with a mouthful of toothpaste as the two of you stood at the sink. 
You shrugged, spitting the foamy substance into the bowl and flipping the faucet on. “Next Friday?” 
“I’ll have a word with Jeff and make sure I’m completely free, but I think that’ll be alright.” He responds, leaning over the sink and spitting into it after you. 
“Sounds good.” You smile at him as you rinse your toothbrush and toss it back into the cup on the counter before turning to him with your lips puckered, “Kissy?’
He chuckles and wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you against him and pressing his lips to yours for a few seconds. You drape your own arm over his shoulders, humming into the kiss and languidly moving your lips against his. He chuckles, maneuvering you to press you against the counter as he drops his toothbrush into the cup and turns the faucet off so that he can wrap both of his arms around you. 
“Mm-” He grunts, pulling away for a moment to smirk at you, “Minty.”  
You snort, dropping your head down to rest on his shoulder with a chuckle before wiggling out of his grasp and sauntering into the bedroom. He trails behind you, flopping onto the bed on his back and watching you move around the room as you prepare yourself for bed. “Can’t fuckin’ wait for Friday.” He groans, rolling onto his stomach and keeping his eyes trained on you. You giggle and glance back at him, catching his eye wandering south. You step towards the bed and swat at him as you scold him playfully and he snickers. “What? Can’t a bloke have a gander at his lady?” 
You shake your head at him,“‘Your lady’ is not in the mood to be objectified.” 
He sighs, “You’re right, I’m sorry, my love. Come to bed and I’ll make it up to you,” 
You roll your eyes and crawl onto the bed with him, “No funny business,” You wag your finger at him and he pouts, knowing the two of you had decided not to do anything other than kiss until Friday to make the night even more special. 
As much as you don’t want to admit it, you’re beginning to dread Harry’s departure. Moments like these are the ones that will keep you up at night missing him and you’re not sure if you can handle being so far away from your sweet, sweet lover for so long. Your relationship has gone swimmingly well for the most part and you’d hate to have something like this break you apart in any way. But Harry would never let that happen. He’s promised to come back and visit a few times during the few breaks they have during the tour and that seems to have eased your worries a little bit for the time being. 
Harry, of course, feels the same. He doesn’t want to leave you for so long, but he loves his job and loves the touring no matter how exhausting and mentally draining it can be. Neither of you wants to talk about it, though, you’d rather bask in the present than dwell on the future.
The two of you spend the entire rest of the week in a flirty banter about what’s to come on Friday, making suggestive comments and puns to each other. You want it to be a special moment for both of you, so you make him swear not to lay a hand on you in any sexual way until Friday, as frustrating is it is for him. 
Finally, it’s Friday and the two of you are preparing yourselves for the date. You’re standing in front of the large mirror over the bathroom sink, doing the last bit of your makeup in Harry's “My Life is Crap” sweater that you had nabbed from the closet after your shower. Harry is in the shower himself, humming along with the music piercing through the small speaker on the counter beside you. 
Nerves are bubbling in the pit of your stomach from just the thought of what’s to come. You bought a special outfit  for later, planning to reveal it to him before the night’s events begin to unfold. 
You step back from the mirror to examine your makeup and make sure nothing is out of place before stepping out of the bathroom and into the walk-in closet connected to the bedroom. You find the shopping bag with your new lingerie set in it and quickly toss Harry’s sweater from your body and onto the floor. You slip the thin material bra on first then you slip the matching panties on afterwards. You stand in front of the floor-length mirror, checking yourself out before you find your dress for the night. You choose a velvet long-sleeved body-con dress that displays your cleavage tastefully and a pair of snakeskin heels along with a pair of earrings and a few rings on your fingers. 
Harry finally exits the shower, sauntering out into the bedroom with a towel lying limp on his hips. He smiles when he sees you, walking towards you and pulling you against him. 
“You look very pretty,” He hums as he leans in to kiss you and you chortle, holding his face between your hands as you kiss him. 
“Thank you, baby.” You reply, pecking his lips a few times in between, “Now, go get ready or we’re gonna be late.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He complies, spinning around to skip into the closet.
Once you’re at the restaurant, you’re seated at a small booth in the corner that Harry had set up specifically for the two of you. Both of you order something simple, forgoing the appetizers and ordering a singular bottle of wine for you to share. 
You finish your meals fairly quickly, the casual conversation taking up most of the time in the restaurant. The two of you basking in each other’s company before the impending desire to rip the other’s clothes off becomes too great and Harry picks up the check. 
The drive back from the restaurant is excruciatingly tense. It feels like Harry’s palm is burning through the skin of your thigh as he drives. You slip your own hand beneath his palm, guiding your fingers between his to somehow calm your nerves, the warmth of his large hand encasing yours comfortingly. He glances over at you for a moment before turning back to the road without a word. The silence is comfortable, but the hint of tension hovering over the two of you makes it feel much more intense. 
Harry finally pulls into your driveway, parking the car and shutting off the ignition. You sat in silence for a moment, just staring at each other before he smiled softly and exited the car, walking around to your side to usher you out of your seat unscathed. 
As soon as the front door is swung open, Harry has an arm wrapped around your waist, pressing you against his chest and pushing you against the wall as his lips hover over yours. His hot breath fans over your skin and your eyelids begin to feel heavy. 
You’re waiting for him to kiss you; lean forward and capture your supple skin between his own, but he waits. He waits until you’re nearly writhing beneath him, hands tugging at his curls gently before he presses a kiss to your pouted lip. As soon as his skin comes in contact with your own, you’re pulling him impossibly closer. Both your arms are wrapped around his neck, one hand tucked into his hair while the other grips the fabric of his expensive jacket. His right hand gathers a handful of your ass, pressing your pelvis against his own so that you can feel him properly.
 Small whimpers and grunts slip from the back of your throat, spurring him on further as his lips part from yours only to travel down the expanse of your neck. Your heart is pounding in your chest as he pulls the shoulder of your dress down slightly, revealing the silk strap of your new garment. 
He looks up at you with a smirk, “Got me a present.” 
It isn’t a question.
Eventually, after stumbling through the dark hallways of your home, you make it to your bedroom. Harry moves to sit on the edge of the bed as he takes his jacket off and begins to unbutton his shirt, watching you. You had already set up the camera in the corner, pointed directly at the bed and all you need to do is press record.
You slowly walk around the bed, making sure the camera is focused properly before pressing record and walking back over to Harry. His shirt is completely unbuttoned but still rests on his shoulders when you stand in front of him. He pulls you to stand between his legs, fingers hiking your skirt up around your thighs. Your hands are resting on his broad shoulders as you stare down at him.
“D’ya think I could take this pretty dress off and see what you’ve got for me underneath?” He asks softly, his hand gently caressing the back of your thigh. 
You nod in response, fingers grasping his shirt tighter as his hand travels further beneath your dress. He bunches the fabric up around your waist, exposing the sheer pink panties resting on your hips. He leans forward, pressing his lips to your hip, maintaining eye contact with you as he continues to press kisses along the waistband of your panties. Your hands are tangled into his curls as goosebumps erupt across your skin from the warmth of his lips. He starts pushing your dress up your body more and more until it’s completely removed and discarded onto the floor behind you. He leans back slightly to look at you with his bottom lip wedged between his teeth, eyes blown with lust. 
“Like it?” You whisper as you watch his expression.
He swiftly wraps an arm around your waist and yanks you into his lap. “I love it.” 
You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning down to press your lips against his. Harry’s hands slides down to grip your ass, pushing you to grind against him slowly as your lips move together. 
“Y’look so sexy, baby,” He murmurs into your lips, your hips grinding against him harder and faster. “M’gonna miss you so much.” 
“I’m gonna miss you too.” You whimper as his lips move along your jaw slowly. He removes his shirt quickly and starts to lean back on the bed slowly, taking you with him. You press your hands against the mattress on either side of his head once he moves further up the bed, your hips continuing to grind against his over and over. 
“Sit on my face,” He whispers, up at you, “Wanna taste you.” 
You nearly melt at his words, the sheer fabric of your panties surely soaked through by now. You nod and he pulls you up his body so that you’re sitting on his bare chest, thighs resting on either side of his head. He stares up at you, gently caressing your thighs before his fingers creep up to the waistband of your panties. They’re quickly removed from your hips and slid down your legs as you lift them above his head and he tosses them aside. You move forward, kneeling over his face, breathing heavily.
Just looking down at him makes your legs feel like jello and you breathe out heavily as he guides you to his mouth. Your fingers braid through his curls as soon as his warm mouth comes in contact with your cunt, his eyes squeezed shut as he devours you. His fingers grip the skin of your thighs harshly, sucking your clit between his lips and staring up at you with dark eyes. Even in the dim lighting of the bedroom, you can clearly make out his face--or what you can see of it. 
You throw your head back when he begins to suck your clit harshly and growl into you, the vibrations coming from the back of his throat causing you to moan louder and squeeze your thighs against his head. His tongue slips out from between his lips and he flicks it along your supple skin one, two, three times. 
“Fuck, H, you’re so good at that. Please, don’t stop.” You breathe, grinding your hips down onto his tongue. He moves his tongue faster, humming into you lowly at your words. You can already feel your first orgasm bubbling in the pit of your stomach and your hips begin to move frantically against his tongue as you chase your release. 
The only things that can be heard throughout the bedroom are your quiet whimpers and moans and the wet smacking of his lips and tongue colliding with your wet skin. Your moans start to get more repetitive with every passing moment, your hips writhing against his mouth faster. 
“I’m gonna cum,” You gasp, tugging the soft tendrils of hair clutched between your fingers and leaning forward, your other hand gripping the headboard tightly. Your thighs begin to quake uncontrollably around his head and he presses his face into you harder, coaxing you into a powerful orgasm that has you screaming his name. 
He continues to lap at your cunt as you come down, finally stopping when you weakly tug his face away from you. You’re both panting heavily when you make eye contact with each other and he smirks, licking his moist, glistening lips before pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh, mumbling “So fuckin’ good.” into your skin. 
After a moment of catching your breath, you finally slide off of where you perched on his chest and toss yourself onto the mattress beside him. Harry is quick to climb between your legs, kissing you feverishly as he grinds his bulge into you. You whimper, partially from the sensitivity between your legs and partially because you need him inside of you. 
He’s still wearing his trousers as he rests between your legs and you huff in frustration, tugging at the belt loops on his slacks. He smirks and reaches down to aid you in unbuttoning them, sitting up to shove them down his legs, allowing them to slide off the edge of the bed. His socks are the next item of clothing to go, his nimble fingers quickly pulling them off and dropping them where his trousers lie limp on the carpeted floor. 
Once his briefs are removed, he turns to you, stroking himself slowly. You reach behind your back and unclasp your flimsy bra, tossing it behind him before he grasps you by the ankles and yanks you towards him roughly. You squeal at his sudden roughness and he cracks a smile, chuckling at your expression before leaning down and melding his lips with yours. 
He takes a moment to kiss you, slowly moving his mouth with yours and swiping his tongue across your bottom lip. You start to melt into him, looping your arms around his shoulders as he presses himself against you and then he pulls away, swiftly lifting you up from the mattress and flipping you onto your stomach. 
You gasp quietly as he presses your face into the mattress, sliding his hands up to grasp your waist and press himself against you.  
“Harry, please-” You whimper, gripping the soft duvet tightly between your fingers.
He hums, gliding his tip along your glistening folds a few times before he places himself at your entrance.
 “Ready?” He asks and you quickly respond with a breathy ‘yes’. 
That’s all he needs before he pushes into you slowly at first and then thrusts his hips forward at the last few inches. You moan softly, pushing your hips back against his as he begins to set a steady pace. His grip on your hips is nearly bruising but all you can think about is the way he’s thrusting against that perfect spot within you. The sound of his hips slapping against yours over and over again spurs him on more and more and he grunts with every thrust, pushing you further into the mattress. 
“Y’feel so fucking good,” He groans, one hand sliding down from your hip to smack your ass. You yelp, your skin burning from the force of his large palm against your skin, the chilling bite of his metal rings adding to the pain. He thrusts into you harder, leaning forward and grabbing both of your wrists in one of his hands and pressing them into the mattress above your head as he pounds you. Your moans are muffled by the fabric of the duvet, but your volume continues to increase every time he pounds you harder or faster. 
“So deep,” You sputter through a loud moan, arching your back to push against him again. 
He leans down, growling into your ear as he nibbles at it gently. His sweaty, bare chest is pressed against your back as he thrusts against your g-spot over and over again, causing tears to brim in your eyes from the intensity. You’re pulsing around him, wet and warm, bringing him closer to the edge with every push of his hips. 
“Can feel you squeezing me, baby.” He mutters, “Y’gonna cum, huh?” 
You nod weakly, small whimpers leaving your lips with every sloppy thrust. You feel him reach down, between your legs, the rough pads of his middle and ring finger swiftly brushing against your clit to help coax you over the edge. 
You call out loudly when your second orgasm of the night washes over you, Harry’s fingers unwavering from their circular motion on your clit as you collapse beneath him. 
“Shit,” He grunts, his hips stilling against yours as ropes of his warm cum fill you. His grip on your wrists weakens and he buries his face into your neck, lazily kissing the sweaty skin. You pant and whimper beneath him, feeling his cum start to seep from inside of you, oozing down your thighs slowly. 
The two of you lie there for a moment, catching your breath, his lips trailing along your bare neck and shoulder before he pushes himself up and rolls onto his back beside you. You push yourself onto your back as well, breathing out a long sigh as you watch him sit up and slide off the bed to grab something to clean up. 
He returns with a warm, damp washcloth, gently coaxing you to spread both your legs so that he can collect the perspiration and arousal from the inside of your thighs. You thank him quietly, peering up at him from beneath your arm that’s draped over your eyes. He smiles at you, leaning down to press a kiss to your knee and you smile back, reaching forward and brushing a few curls away from his sweaty forehead. 
“I love you,” He hums, climbing back onto the bed between your legs, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly and burying his face into your neck. 
“I love you, too.” You sigh, wrapping your legs around his bare waist and relaxing into him. 
“Fuck-” he chortles, “is the camera still recording?”
“I think so,” You giggle and he gruntingly pushes himself off the bed to shut the camera off. 
He smirks at you, “Gonna bloody enjoy watchin’ that later,”
You roll your eyes at him with a light scoff, but you know you’ll enjoy it just as much as he will. 
“I just hope the band doesn’t get their hands on it…” He finishes quietly. 
You sit up quickly, frowning at him. “Don’t even joke about that, Styles.” 
He cackles, scooping you back into his arms. “Don’t fret, darling, I’ll keep it very safe and hidden.”
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ilyasorokinn · 3 years
josh norris 4??
4. “i like shiny things, but i'd marry you with paper rings” (from this prompt list.)
you and josh had been together since middle school. granted, you relationship was much more awkward back then then it was now. regardless, that was how your love story started.
as time progressed, your love for each other only grew. when he was drafted, you followed him. not because you were co-dependent, but because you were two adults in love.
now, you were 22, and you were still very much in love. you had been dating for almost a decade, and are still very much in the “honeymoon” stage.
josh was coming home from a roadie, and you were staying up to wait for him like you always did. you were sitting outside on the backyard porch, legs wrapped in a blanket, holding a mug of tea.
your dog, cedric, affectionately named after your favorite character cedric diggory from harry potter, laid at your feet, staring up at you.
both you and cedric heard the key turning in the lock, and your heads were turning in the direction of the door.
“i’m home!” he hollered.
“joshy!” you cheered, setting your mug down, and throwing the blanket off of you. cedric had already left you in the dust and bolted to the door. when you got to the door, josh was bent down to the dog’s level, and letting the dog lick his face.
“oh, hi, ceddy. it’s good to see you too.” josh laughed. he stood up, and his smile only grew when he saw you, “it’s good to see you too.” he took two strides towards you and pulled you into a hug.
you hummed in content, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and kissing the underside of his jaw, “i’m glad your home.”
“i’m glad, too.” he kissed your head, “let’s go to bed.” he bent down, and picked you up bridal-style, then proceeded to carry you to the bedroom.
“wait, i left my tea outside,” you told him.
“get it in the morning.” you made a face, “fine.” he carried you back outside, picked up your mug, “is the lady satisfied?”
“she is. onward, sir knight.” you pointed back inside. you both laughed as he carried you up the stairs.
he set you on the bed, placing your mug on the nightstand. you crawled into bed and waited for him to follow.
cedric came into the room and climbed up the staircase you had gotten for him to climb up onto the bed. he climbed into your lap and nudged your hand.
josh came out of the bathroom, dressed in proper bedtime apparel. he then climbed into bed. he scratched behind cedric’s ears, but you could see his mind was miles and miles away.
“what’s going on in that head of yours?” you asked, running a band through his hair.
“do you wanna marry me?” he asked.
your eyes widened, and your hand froze, “whoa! josh!”
“what?” he asked innocently.
“are you serious? marriage? like, our lives will be forever intertwined?” you asked.
“yes, y/n, that’s usually what marriage entails.” he nodded.
“hey! no being snappy. you just dropped all this marriage talk on me.”
he chuckled, “i’m being serious.”
“so am i.” you retorted. you laid down next to him, both of you facing each other, “you’re serious? about wanting to marry me?” he asked.
“yeah, i’m being serious, baby. i want to marry you.” he smiled, reaching out for your hand, and placing a kiss on your knuckles.
you squeezed his hand, “i want to marry you, too.”
he looked up at you, almost shocked, “you’re serious?”
“yeah, i’m being serious. of course, i want to marry you.” he broke out in a smile and pulled you into his arms.
“oh, crap. i don’t nab a ring.” he pulled away, a pout on his face.
“that’s fine.” you laughed, “i don’t need a ring. we could get married at a wedding chapel in vegas for all i care.”
“we’re not gonna do that.” he shook his head.
“i know. i’m just saying i don’t need a flashy ring. you could give me a paper-freaking-rings and i’d be happy.” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close.
“i love you so much.”
“i love you, too, joshy.” you kissed his cheek, a smile on your face, “we’re getting married,” you whispered.
“yeah, we’re getting married,” he whispered back.
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
You're An Idiot
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Pair: Draco Malfoy x Reader; he/him.
Summary: Draco is being a brat.. Again. No one's surprised when you run into him after getting back late from Hogsmeade. Also, the reader is Hermione's older brother.
Warnings: SMUT (MDI). Just- get the holy water. Swearing, oral, Sassy Hermione?? Still doesn't follow the movies or the books or anything. If I forgot any, please dm me.
Note: Requested! And Bottom Draco-I was up all night typing this. God, I am so sorry for the grammar and crap when I first posted this. I fixed it up, so it should be better!
Being Hermione's older brother meant you usually had to deal with a lot of shit, especially since she'd drag you on adventures with the Golden Trio. She'd always use the promise you made to your parents in your face. Yeah. You had sworn you'd protect the younger Granger when she first started going to the school. At the time, you didn't know that'd mean every single bloody year.
Since you were a year older then the Golden Trio, you ended up resolving problems and fixing some of their mistakes and reminding them to sleep during particularly stressful days. You could've swore the four of you just attracted problems better than magnets attract metal. Of course, you wanted them to be safe and healthy, but one little bleached ferret always made it hard. That ferret, of course, was Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.
Stupid Draco Malfoy who always managed to look top notch in anything he wore and Godric what you'd do to get that ferret on his knees, ruin his pretty hair and- You probably shouldn't be thinking this in the dinner hall, especially since you were sitting next to your sister. Speaking of your sister, she turned to you, a smile on her face.
"So, (Y/n). I was curious if you wanted to come with us to Hogsmead this weekend? Harry got Sirius to sign for him and Professor Magonagall accepted it under the circumstances." Hermione's voice rang through your skull as she spoke, your head already nodding up and down. It'd be a nice little break, especially during your 7th year.
"Of course I'm down, Mione!" you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to her side. "You know I'll use any excuse to be with my favorite bunch of idiots." you messed up her hair, causing her to smack your hands away and almost shove you off the bench.
You let out a laugh, completely oblivious to the Slytherin staring at you from across the room with the most desperate expression on his face. You shoved your sister back, a smirk growing on your face as she fell from the bench.
"Haha! Payback!"
"Not funny, (Y/n)!"
"Yes it is, Mione! You should know by now I'm always gonna get revenge!" you ran a hand through your hair, shooting her a smile. The two boys who sat across from you nodded in agreement.
"He's right, Herman. (haha, reference-) It is pretty funny." Ron smiled, holding his fist out for you to bop.
The week seemed to pass with ease, allowing the weekend and it's snowy fun to arrive without hesitation. You trudged out in the snow, leading the trio of 6 years to Hogsmead. You hummed a muggle Christmas song deep in your throat as you walked, looking up at the snow covered signs.
"Where should we go first, children? Hogs Head? Honeydukes? What ya kids feeling?" One thing you absolutely ADORED was teasing about the age difference between you and the trio.
"We're not children!" Ron shouted, his arms crossing over his bulky winter jacket.
"Yeah! Besides, even if we weren't totally responsible adults, we'd wanna go to the Hogs Head, right guys? Get a butter bear or two?" Harry spoke up, moving his scarf down to speak properly before putting it back over his mouth and nose.
"Uh Huh. Sure." You snickered, your hands shoved in your pocket of your pants. You'd given Hermione your jumper, leaving you in a scarf, fingerless gloves and your long sleeve t-shirt.
The four of you got interrupted by a line of people literally blocking your path. It was none other than the stupidly pretty Draco and his 'gang' stood in front of you, arms crossed like a bunch of wanna be badasses.
"Well, well, if it isn't Potter and his 3 little blood traitors." Draco spoke, his voice filled with smugness and his face dragged in a cocky smirk.
God, did you wanna get revenge against that stupid smirk.
"Oh, please Malfoy. You do this almost every week. Just admit you have a crush on Harry and move on." You spoke, taking a step toward him. The ferret's smirk faltered and turned into a scowl.
"Oh please. As if I'd stoop low enough to like someone like Potter." Draco all but gagged at the idea of dating the messy haired rival and you wondered what he'd look like gagging on your stick. It suddenly became a little warmer in the winter atmosphere.
"Then you have an unhealthy obsession, mate." Ron spoke up, his arms crossed. "Might wanna get that fixed and leave us be."
"Yeah, Malfoy. We're trying to have a good day and you're ruining it with your ugly mug." Hermione spoke up, causing you to feel nothing but pure pride. She'd changed a lot from the shy girl she used to be in 1st year.
Crabb or Goyle, you didn't care to learn their names, stepped forward, causing you to instinctively step in front of your friends. Malfoy scoffed again, looking you up and down before turning his head.
"Whatever." the blonde pureblood spoke as he began walking away, his posse turning to follow, but not without shooting you one last glare.
"Yeah, you... You better leave?" You spoke, confusion clear in your voice. Usually you'd be inches from his face, shouting about the shit antics his father pulled before he backed down. Turning to the other three, you shrugged and led them to Hogsmead, hoping to escape the cold.
Once inside, you all ordered a warm glass of butterbeer as you picked a table by the fireplace. Taking your first sip immediately warmed you up, a sigh leaving your lips.
"Godric Gryffindor. I haven't felt warmth in what felt like forever." You said cooly, smirking to your sister. "I wonder why I would be oh, so cold."
"Ok. We get it. I forgot my jacket. Stop it." The brunette responded, causing Harry to almost choke on his drink and for Ron to snort. You faked a gasp, your hand going to your chest in mock shame. You'd been teasing her about it almost the entire way there.
"Such sass!" You shook your head. "What would mom and dad say?"
"They'd say you deserve to shove it."
"Oh, come now, sister of mine! Don't be a stick in the mud!"
The two friends sitting across from the Granger siblings sat in silence. This was some of the best entertainment they get during the week and they always savored it.
"I'm not being a stick in the mud, you're just being a dick."
"Well you know what they say. You are what you eat-"
Ron and Harry didn't even miss a beat. They broke out laughing together as Hermione shouted, her face a pinkish color.
"What? We all know it's true!"
"Merlin's beard you suck."
"That's the point, sis."
"Go- stop. Please. I'm begging you."
"Ok! Ok." you chuckled out, raising your hands in defeat.
You and the trio managed to keep up the conversation easily, but as time went on, it was time to go back, well, that's what you told them. It was time for the kiddos to go back and finish their homework so they had tomorrow to actually relax. Of course, this caused Harry and Ron to groan and whine, but Hermione finally convinced them, saying she'd help.
You let out a sigh and leaned back in your chair, your eyes falling closed. The stupid blonde hottie has been raging in your head for what felt like forever, so you weren't surprised when he popped up behind your eyelids again.
You truly didn't want to admit it, but you'd liked the jerk since he popped up randomly in your second year. He was a twat to your sister and her friends, but somehow he slithered into your heart and head all the stupid time.
Over time like turned to crush, crush turned to yearned, yearned turned to lust, because it certainly wasn't love. That's what you convinced yourself as you tossed your head back, swallowing the last of your fourth butterbeer.
You sat in front of the fire for a few more minutes before you stood up, placed some coins at the end of your table to pay for the drinks and left the restaurant, venturing out into the snow.
It was colder before, thanks to the sun setting over the castle. Shrugging off the cold, you walked down the familiar path back to Hogwarts. You tightened the scarf around your face as a particularly cold breeze blew past you. Once the entrance of the castle came up, you all but jogged to the door, ripping it open. The inside was warmer, thank Merlin.
You were suddenly grateful for the 7 years you'd spent at Hogwarts. You were able to mindlessly walk the halls and make it to the staircase leading up to the Fat Lady's portrait. As you were trudging up the steps, you noticed a A flash of a shadow duck past a knight.
"Oh, ok. Cool. Filch’ll just kill me. Awesome." you grumbled, hurrying up the stairs as quietly as you could, but we're quickly halted. The shadow wasn't Filch or his crazed cat. It was Malfoy.
Of course it was Malfoy. We gotta get to the good stuff somehow, right?
Anyway, you sensed he was up to no good considering he should be in the Slytherin Common Room probably sleeping and not sneaking around by the Gryffindor one. You crossed your arms over your chest, watching the blonde keeping his head turned to watch his back as he climbed the same steps you were on.
You all but lunged to cover his mouth with one hand, the other going to the back of his neck to keep him still. "Shut it, you git! Do you want to get caught?" your eyebrows furrowed together as you pressed him to the stairs railing, trying to intimidate the younger male.
What you didn't know was that this was waayy to hot for Malfoy to comprehend. His back went rigid at your touch and his breathing all but stopped as he stared into your (e/c) eyes.
"Well, do you?"
Your hushed voice snapped Draco out of his trance, causing him to shake his head.
"Good, then keep your voice down. What are you doing out here anyway?" you spoke, moving your hands away from him, much to his dismay. He was just grateful you didn't back away. He liked your body against his.
"I was uh-well, I was trying to.. Find the bathroom." He usually kept his composure, but he was failing miserably. He usually kept it together so well but now.. Now Draco was struggling. He was not going to admit he was on his way to sneak into the Gryffindor common room and leave you a love note. No. Why would he do that??
"The bathroom? It isn't up this set of stairs, ya idiot." you grabbed his arm, leading him down the stairs. "Besides, you should have a bathroom on your side of the school, so what are you really doing here?"
"What does it matter?" he spat out. "You obviously think you know everything." you rolled your eyes at his brattiness and walked over to the corridor glancing down it before pressing your back against the wall.
"What are you doing?"
"Shut it Malf-"
"No. I don't ha-"
"I said shut it or I will gag your mouth with your own fucking tie." you covered his mouth again, pressing him back against the wall. "Godric. Just put your ego away for 2 seconds."
Draco desperately wanted to say 'Make me, Granger' but he was lost in the idea of your threat coming true.
Satisfied at his silence, you watched one of the patrolling professors walk down the corridor and right past you two. Not spotting anyone or anything, they continued on before you swept him down the entrance.
"Ok. Come on." You whispered to him as you walked down the corridor. You were taking him to that one girls bathroom that no one goes into, ya know, with Myrtle. You were just hoping she was gonna be literally anywhere but that bathroom.
"Where are we going?"
"You said you wanted a bathroom, idiot. I'm taking you to one where you can piss in peace and leave me alone."
"I.. What?"
"Forget it, Malfoy." You took one more turn and finally saw the opening off the bathroom. "Ok. We're here." Of course Blondie had a problem though. He shot the (h/c) male a glare before scrunching up his nose.
"This is the girls lavatory."
"Oh, you think I care. Funny." you grabbed him by the shirt covering his shoulder and pushed him inside, following after his stumbling form.
"Don't touch me, Granger. I don't want whatever germs mud bloods carry." Draco scoffed, fixing his shirt and brushing off his shoulder, as if dirt was there.
"Call me that again and I won't hesitate to ruin that pretty face you cherish so much." You growled out, grabbing his shirt by the collar and pulling him toward you. "One day that silver tongue of ours is going to get you in a lot of trouble." Pushing him away from your figure, you turned toward one of the many mirrors lining the wall.
You looked at your reflection and fixed a strand of hair, then took off your scarf. It was warm in this bathroom. You folded the scarf and looked back into the reflective glass to see Malfoy smirking in the background.
"You called me pretty." He had his arms crossed over his chest. Your aggravated tone did nothing to his smirk.
".. You're dumb as hell, ya know that?" you turned to face the male and his confidence seemed to shrink a little bit. You advanced toward him and he stepped backwards. He wanted to keep distance between you two in case a fight broke out. He'd seen you fight other people bigger than you and remembered how they were sent to the Hospital wing. "You're a twat. You're a self centered brat who thinks he rules this school."
He gulped when he felt his back press against the wall. "Yeah? And what are you going to do about it Granger?" Draco could feel the blood rush to his cheeks. You must've noticed his face turning Gryffindor red because next thing he knew, you were pressed up against him, pinning him to the wall. He felt his breath catch in his throat when your eyes glanced at his lips for a brief second.
"I might teach you a lesson." Your hands came at either side of his head, a dangerous smirk drawing across your lips. You leaned forward, your lips ghosting over his. "You have been such a brat lately. A punishment is in order, hmm?"
Draco's hands tried to grip the wall, his nails scraping against it. Fuck, the way your voice dropped sent blood from his cheeks to his dick almost immediately.
With that, you slammed your lips to his, causing a breathy whine to escape Draco's throat. You tilted your head, your tongue grazing across his lips as your hand slipped through his hair. The blonde wrapped his arms around your neck as he opened his mouth, his tongue meeting yours. With teeth clashing, your bodies pressed together and a hand in his hair, you easily gained dominance.
You pulled from the kiss, causing Malfoy to let out a protest.
"Shut it, brat." You grumbled, a hand covering his mouth as you planted a kiss to the side of his neck. "Besides, we're out past curfew. Would hate to get caught."
He could feel you smirk against his skin, your hand in his bleached locks tugging his head to the side so you had more room. He jumped a little when he felt you bite down on his neck. The younger man's eyes fell shut as you attacked his neck with love bites and hickeys.
Your hand covering his mouth moved to his cheek as you placed a kiss on a particularly big hickey.
"You ok?" your voice was soft and sweet against his ear. He nodded quickly, not wanting this to end, which only caused you to snicker. Draco blinked a few times in confusion when you placed your hands on his shoulders and began to push him down to his knees.
"I'd rather not kneel on the floor."
"Why not?"
"It's filthy!"
You stared at Draco for a few seconds before rolling your eyes and you shoved him down to his knees.
"I don't care if it's filthy. You have magic, don't you? Clean your knees when we're done. Simple." you smirked down at him, joy filling your heart. God, it genuinely felt good to see the cocky pureblood on his knees, his head turned in a silent protest.
One hand stayed on his shoulder, the other moved itself to the bulge between your legs. The groan that left your lips caught his attention. The hand against your bulge grounded down, causing you to groan.
"Oh, now I've got your attention?"
"Shove it, Granger."
"Now, now. That's no way to talk to me, I am older."
Draco rolled his eyes so hard you were sure they were gonna roll straight out of his head. But since this whole event was anything but straight, you figured it wouldn't happen that easily.
The man on his knees swatted your hand away and wasted zero time unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down around your knees. He stared at the bulge in your galaxy themed boxers, the tips of his ears turning a bright pink. He noticed the damp spot right by the tip and realized it was from him.
Suddenly, his confidence came back, and the blonde quickly began mouthing at your erection. With a rough groan, you rested your hand on top of his head and used the other stabilizing you against the wall.
"Go on, then. Don't be shy." You chuckled, gently ruffling his hair. The 6th year reached up, quickly pulling down your boxers to reveal your hard length.
"I'm not shy." When he finally met your eyes, you noticed his blue ones burning with a lust that you'd only wished to see in your dreams.
"Uh huh, then why aren't you sucking my dick, hmm?" You smirked, pushing your hips forward.
"I might bite it with the attitude you hold." The blonde spoke as he leaned forward, licking from the base to the tip in one, long swipe. You let out a sigh, your head slowly tipping backwards as his tongue grazed over the tip of your wood.
"You love my attitude. I bet you always have."
Draco wanted to mock you or laugh at you or something, but he knew you were right so instead, he sucked on your tip like it was a popsickle. He hallowed his cheeks and kept eye contact with you as he slowly took you into his mouth.
You let out a gasp at how hot it was. Visually and physically, it was so damn hot. Your grip tightened on his hair when his tongue ran along the vein on the bottom.
"Fuck- Ah, Draco-" You tried not to move your hips. After all, you didn't know how much experience he had, but it felt like he was pretty well off.
Draco, however, was focused on the way you said his name. It dragged a moan out of him. This might've been the first time he heard you say his first name and your gravely voice made it so wonderful.
The blonde on his knees suddenly wanted to hear you say it again. He closed his eyes, pulling back to take a breath before he pushed forward. The pureblood focused on trying to take you down his throat. His eyebrows furrowed together when he gagged and chose to ignore his tears.
"Oh shit!" you hissed out, your jaw dropping when you felt his nose press against your pelvis. "Draco, how the hell-?" you bucked forward when you felt him try to swallow around you. "Ooh, Godric!" you tossed your head back, your hand against the wall curling into a fist.
Draco pulled back and slowly went down on you again, a breathy whine leaving your throat.
"You are far too good at this, baby."
All too soon he was pulling off you completely, which causes you to whine and look down at him. He was looking down at his hands that rested in his lap.
"What? Did I say something wrong?" You asked, your head tilting to the side a little bit.
"No!" his head shot up to look at you, his eyes wide. "I mean.. No... No, I've just never been called something so.. Soft."
This caused your eyebrows to furrow together. "Huh. Well, let's change that. Come on." You stepped out of the pants pooled at your feet and held a hand out to him, which he took.
You gently led him over to the sinks, turning him around to face his reflection. "I got you." you whispered in his ear, causing him to shudder.
He nodded his head, looking down at the sink in front of him. The pureblood rested his hands against the porcelain. The 6th year's heart was pounding in his ears, his bottom lip becoming trapped between his teeth.
The blonde felt your hands run from the back of his neck, to his shoulders and down his back before finally landing on his hips. The wizard felt a heat pooling in his belly when he felt your hips press against his ass.
You reached around to his front, undoing his belt and slowly pulling it free from the loops before tossing it off to the side. He finally looked up at the mirror, taking in the reflection of his messy hair, swollen lips and your hands coming back to his front.
"I got you, Draco." Your voice was soft. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about anything." You smiled at him over his shoulder and winked before popping the button of his trousers open and allowed gravity to pull them down.
Malfoy gasped when you cupped his bulge, his hips automatically pushing forward. He'd been hard since you pinned him against the railing.
"(Y/n).." he whispered out, his mouth falling open when your thumb ran across the head of his cock.
"Yes, babe?" Your smile has turned into a knowing smirk. Blue eyes bounced between your hand and that devious smirk, Draco's brain conflicted on which sight was better. "Do you need something?"
He nodded his head, blonde locks bouncing.
"Please." his voice was barely above a whisper.
"Please? Please what?" Your fingers slipped past the elastic of his boxers, a false sense of innocence laced in your voice.
"Move- touch me- damnit, Granger, please."
You finally pushed his boxers down, your hands running along the front of his thighs before finally landing on what he wanted you to focus on. The blonde let out a sigh of your name when your hand finally wrapped around his dick.
A small smile stretched across his face once your hand started moving. The pleasure wasn't new, but was oh so welcomed. He was glad he finally got you.
You gave him a few pumps, allowing his precum to build up on your hand, making everything easier.
"There ya go, baby. So sweet." You whispered, kissing the back of his ear.
Draco brought a pale pink lip between pearly white teeth again, his hips pushing forward to get more.
The hand still resting on his hip came around to the front, gathered a bit of precum off the tip before slinking back around to the back. He used the pre like lube and pushed a finger into Draco's tight hole, causing him to emit a squeal and arch his back a little but.
"Oh, Godric. I'm so excited to wreck you, baby."
"(Y/n)!" he squeaked out as the finger went deeper. He bit his lip harder, the pain slowly dying out and being replaced with a burning pleasure.
You loved hearing your name being moaned like that, just like he enjoyed hearing his when he was suckin' on your lolli. You added a second finger, slowly thrusting them in and out to try and speed this along. You could only jerk someone off for so long anyway.
You licked your lips, a determined expression event on how badly you wanted him. Maybe eating his ass would've been more effective.
"Please hurry, I don't know how much more of this I can take-" his voice was higher in pitch, his hips pushing back against you. "Please-"
"Ok, baby, ok. No need to beg." you chuckled, removing your hands from their working positions. Gently rubbing your hand over one cheek, you spread it open enough to spit in it, just to be safe. "Ready?" your free hand grabbed your own dick pumping it a few times for good measure.
"I wouldn't be asking you to do it if I wasn't, now would I?" the blonde snapped back, glaring over his shoulder. How did he go from so innocent he's almost choking from one finger in him to being a demanding brat all over again?
You rolled your eyes and lined yourself up, carefully and slowly pushing in until you made it past the first ring of muscle. Both of you moaned at the feeling, your hands coming to rest against his hips as his head ducked down, his chin pressed against his chest.
You slowly pushed in deeper, a whine leaving his throat as the twisted pain came back. You reached around to grab his dick again and jerked him off a little bit more to try and counterbalance the pain.
Once you were all the way in, you just let him adjust. You kissed across his still clothed shoulders and neck, whispering encouraging words of praise.
The hand on his hip dragged itself upward, your eyes following it in the mirror. Once it made it to his chest, you cupped one of his pecs through the shirt, feeling his perky nipple pressing against your palm.
Grinding your palm down against his nipple and continuing to rub his dick, you slowly pulled out almost all the way before pushing back in with one sweep.
You literally left him breathless. He was staring at you through the reflection in the mirror, his mouth hanging open, his eyes glazed over with need, his hair a mess.
You built up a pave easily, deep and hard but slow and Draco loved every second of it. His toes curled in his boots, his back arched into your hands while his hips fought to figure out if they wanted to go forward into your hand or back into your dick. It truly was a conundrum for the twink.
"Such a good boy for me, aren't ya?" You spoke up after a while, your voice gravelly and rough and right in his ear. You let out a breathy laugh when he shuddered and moaned from that alone.
The two of you weren't concerned with the sound of skin hitting skin or your moans echoing around the hallow bathroom. You were busy, I don't blame you.
Soon enough, Draco was begging you to speed up, his release starting to creep it's way around. You nodded your head, resting your forehead against his shoulder as you spend your hips up, a grunt leaving your lips.
Draco let out a loud whine when your fingers pinched one of his nipples, his hands clawing at the walls as pleasure coursed through his veins.
"I'm gonna cum in you." You groaned against his back. "I'm gonna mark you as mine and you're gonna sit there and enjoy it."
Fuck yeah, he was.
Draco was nowhere near complaining. He'd been fantasizing of this and so much more for years. He, of course, blamed his hormones, but he knew the effect ran deeper than just lust.
Draco nodded his head. "Please-" he moaned out your name, his thighs trembling from the pleasure. He was getting closer and, honestly, so where you.
The pureblood was so warm and hugged you so right in all the right places and Albus mother-fucking Dumbledore where you getting more of this later.
This stupid cute blonde was so intoxicating it almost made you feel pathetic. Keyword is almost.
You sped up, chasing after your own release as it also reared its head around the corner.
"G-gonna cum-" Draco stuttered out, his voice cracking. One hand fell from the wall to the porcelain sink at his waist. "I-I'm.. Gonna-" he called out your name, loud enough for it to probably be heard by the Gryffindors, as he came.
He tightened and spasmed around you, his legs shaking and tiny moans leaving his throat as you helped him ride out his orgasm.
"Are you good?" You asked, rubbing his back and soon letting go of his soft dick when he deemed it was sensitive. "Do you want me to pull out?"
Draco shook his head, his ears noticeably red from behind him. "I want you to keep your promise."
He did not have to tell you twice. You went back to thrusting into him, both hands on his waist as you sought after your own orgasm. A few moans and groans from you later and you were cumming inside him.
You leaned into him, riding it out until his tight, hot ass became too much. You pulled out carefully, causing him to whine and twitch.
"Let's get you cleaned up, ok, Draco?"
The blonde nodded his head and allowed you to carefully and gently clean him up with a wet paper towel. It wasn't the lost romantic thing used to clean partners, but it was what you had.
After a few minutes of silence once you were cleaned and dressed you spoke up.
"So what.. Where are you doing by Gryffindor Tower, Blondie?" your hands ended up in your pockets again.
"Well I.." The pureblood reached into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out an envelope. "I was going to..."
"Draco, babe. I saw your 'o' face. Just tell me. You shouldn't be embarrassed." You snickered, obviously teasing the younger man.
He took in a deep breath and shoved the letter toward you.
"IwroteyoualetterexplaininghowIfeltaboutyouandhowIwassorryforhowItreatedyoursister-" he was going way too fast for you to understand anything.
"What? I can't.. I don't speak whatever this is."
"I.. Just read the letter!"
With that, you tore open the envelope. It was the love letter Draco was gonna leave by your bedside table.
The letter stated how he fell in love with you from a far over the years by watching you dominate in Quidditch, bringing light into the world with the Twins (let's be honest, imma throw them in this) and just.. Being you. Plus bickering with you was one of his favorite pastimes.
It also stated how he was sorry for treating Hermione so poorly and the citation with his dad and how he was raised.
The Slytherin was nervously wringing his hands together, a nervous expression on his face. "Umm.. Are.. You gonna say something?" his mental fingers were crossed.
You smiled, tilting your head a little bit.
"You're an idiot." You pulled him into a gentle kiss, your hand entangling with his. You casted him a genuine smile. "I like you too, Draco."
The blonde's face broke out in a matching grin and he all but jumped on you to give you another kiss. Once the two of you broke apart, your voice echoed in the bathroom once again.
"There's only one problem."
"What is it?"
"How do we tell Hermione?"
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demwhore · 4 years
summer (l.ty)
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pairing┃boxer! lee taeyong and college student! OC ft. Doyoung, Mark, Johnny and Taeil + mention of Bang Chan and Namjoon genre | fluff, slight angst | boxer! au warnings | slow-burn, language, mention of ass ( i know taeyong has none but alright), lots of banter, physical injuries, mention of blood, violence, mention of steroid usage, making out in the boxing gym, too much plot but aight, smut (for those uncomfortable, the smut is placed at the very end; the note indicates mature content, read at your own risk ) subtle sub!-dom! themes, unprotected sex, fingering, eating out, penetration, biting, marking, creampie, edging it’s not really that dirty but it’s just passionate lovemaking word count | 25k
synopsis | 
“If two people are meant to be together, they will eventually find their way back.” 
Or in which, you are stranded in your university due to summer classes and you had a little reunion with your ex that you last saw two years ago.
a/n | this is part of @neo-cult-ure‘s summer collab!  taglist | @cinanamon @jaesmintea @jungcity @seongghwaa @mjlkau @neoyoungho for helping me with proofreading.  tags | @ethaeriyeol @yuta-nakitamoto​ @suhweo @neocity-sarai @jaeminsmainbitch @the32ndbeat @bumblebeenct @cloudynakamoto @solecize @moonlss @ceruleanskies @tzuqui @jungjeffr3y @neo-shitty @o-schist​
muse | and this is based on the song summer by calvin harris, long flight by taeyong, call out my name, earned it by The Weeknd, pillowtalk by zayn, love me harder by ariana grande. there are literary quotes from The Notebook by nicholas sparks and The Great Gatsby by fitzgerald.
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“The cows didn’t deserve this sight. You look like a moving potato sack.” 
That one familiar voice, laced with precise mirthful nuance immediately stops you from your attempted zumba dances. Your head automatically snaps towards the door where he is currently leaning at. Even without looking, you could see the tugging of his lips that belonged to your one and only grumpy roommate and unfortunately best friend, Doyoung. 
This is one of your routines, dancing carelessly in front of your open windows, to entertain the cows from the farm your dormitory is located at. They make such a great audience though, unlike the people from university. 
People who? You don’t know her. 
You lean over the table to shut down the speaker that blasts electronic music. 
The morbid greetings are never new to you anymore. In fact these greeting exchanges are normal, and an inside joke no one will understand but you and him. 
Doyoung looks like he recently woke up from his grave. With a sullen face and eye bags that are too dark, it stands out amongst his pallorness. Being a pol-sci student surely makes the stunning Kim Doyoung a disaster. 
He enters your room with coffee in hand and plops himself comfortably on the blue plush seats you two had managed to haul at the local thrift shop. This is Kim Doyoung with his disheveled morning look—his curly hair and baggy sweatpants but hail thee heavens, he still looks majestic and it’s unfair. He gulps a mouthful of his morning coffee. At this point you have made the conclusion that coffee is what kicks him in the morning, if not, daily. 
You gawk at the tall boy before you, bracing yourself for his never ending list of snarky remarks —about you, your ridiculous pajamas, the cows which you don’t understand either, college, his debates, how emotional the girls are in his department and it pisses him off, how capitalism sucks, do soulmate exists? And if yes, it’s bullshit and what not. Nevertheless, you do understand his points since both of you share a deep seated bond and a like for misanthropy. Despite his ear-splitting and sometimes provocative rants, it had never failed to boost you. Albeit you hate early morning scolds, Kim Doyoung and his banters are an exception. 
“Potato who? I am an exceptional dancer.” You grin while whipping your hair dramatically. 
On cue, Doyoung’s eyes roll heavenwards. What a dramatic king. “How is that even possible?”
You shrug. “They moo-ed at me longer than their usual moo-s. Look!” You point at the brown cow staring back at you while nibbling grass. 
Doyoung didn’t bother to peek at your window. Instead, he shakes his head in dismay while sipping again on his black coffee. “You need to seek help, you’re unbelievable.”
“Me and the cows just have a deep-seated relationship and they are far more supportive than your grumpy ass.” 
Doyoung didn’t answer you. He shifts again in his seat, his long legs folding in an uncomfortable angle. Doyoung winces as he settles his mug on the table just adjacent from the plush seat. He gives you a concerned look, “Anyways, enough with the cows. How is your major going? You look dead.” 
“So are you.”
“I’m stunning, what the fuck are you talking about?”
Bickering with him will be a waste of a time. 
It's 8:30 am and truth be told, you are not ready to go to your university especially when the impending torment awaits for your arrival. 
Your lips tug upward, an acrimonious smile painting your lips. If there’s something you want to talk about early in the morning, it would rather be about politics, rabbits, anything but your college department. The attempt in pulling an all-nighter yesterday night isn’t enough to lessen the never ending stack of paperwork your professors are demanding and talking about it would just fuel up your frustrations. “If the team won’t cooperate in the defense,” you sigh. “Summer.”
In an instant, Doyoung’s lips tugs into a shit-eating grin. Those smiles that hold such malice that shouts ‘you’re a worst case’. Being the sinister human being he is, he didn’t waste this opportunity to throw you his judgement. “For what I know college students should never be… negligent.” He drags out those words slowly like reciting to a child, making sure you do understand what the hell he is talking about and giving full emphasis on the last word that he said. 
You immediately retort back, defensive. “I am! I mean… I am not!”
“I am not saying you are… but your groupmates.”
“They are…”
His feline eyes are as dark as his hair while he studies you. He’s feigning fake enthusiasm while raising his brows up cockily. “Yeah?”
You inwardly let out a whine. “Yeah. Now. Shut up Kim Doyoung.”
He chuckles. “What? I’m not saying anything!”
You huff. “After all this crap, I will seriously go out for a vacation,” you pause. “And I won’t tag you in, bitch!” 
He rolls his eyes, “How despicable.”
“Seriously though, I don’t want to spend my time in university, it’ll kill the remaining sanity left in me.”
Overly confident, you want to smack the shit out of him. He shrugs. “I know. Good thing I’m an ace.”
You roll your eyes and throw your plushie towards his direction. But the devil incarnate has the deities on his side because the pillow didn’t budge nor hit him at all. 
“Excuse me, mister right. Sorry to pop your bubble but remember? Your professor is still frustrated at the bull crap you pulled.” Your lips immediately tugging upwards upon the memory of him blabbing out incoherently to you like a child, intoxicated with alcohol while flunking classes. All of it because he’s, according to him, an ace. 
“And what was that you were yelling at the corridors?” You try and recall the song he keeps on yelling in the top of his lungs while the people are shooting him dirty looks, “Young, dumb, young, young, dumb and bro-oh-ke…”
You wheeze while clutching your stomach. Good thing he got a nice voice, but still it was embarrassing. As if on cue, the stressed-out, disheveled Kim Doyoung wipes his face dramatically in humiliation. You’re both entertainers in your own ways, but he makes himself really stand out without him even trying. 
If Kim Doyoung’s life is a movie, you’d literally spend your dollars to watch him over and over again. 
“How’s your horse?” And you burst into fits of laughter. 
A distressed groan escapes Doyoung’s lips upon the memory. “Can you please not?” 
You shake your head no, still laughing upon the memory. He glares in your direction, his hawk-like eyes staring back at you with such vexation.
It’s a mistake for him to actually choose to drink rather than preparing for a major presentation that he messed up with big time. While drunk, he answered his professor’s inquiry with, ‘I don’t have a thing for voyeurism though, my horse is not down for it’. His professor is too infuriated at his answer and his laid back attitude, she gave him a big fat 60% mark as payback. What a damn ace, truly, ace of all clowns. 
“I just hoped the case study could help me. I didn’t know that the case presentation was worth 60% of my grade!”
“You should join a pageant sometime.”
“Fuck, no.”
“Well, you’re famous as well as your answer. Imagine the school paper desperate just to have your comment published?” You can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. 
His suggestive answer spreads out in the university like wildfire. If you could remember the quote, “Attention Ladies! Doyoung is quite reserved as his ‘horse’ is quite shy”, no public canoodling!
Doyoung is so furious when he sees the whole article, that he wants to sue the journalism club for defamation. But they immediately bribe him with a percentage, because the profits were surprisingly high because he’s featured in. Kim Doyoung is quite popular unlike you. He is a Pol-Sci student, and that made him proactive about social issues that you sometimes wanted to shut him out. He never stops talking about capitalism. And not to mention his fanbase— he has the looks, brain even if he barely uses it, and part of a famous sorority house. High number of admirers are really expected. 
He makes a face. That’s what you get when you enter one of your classes intoxicated with gin and bullshit. Yolo, Kim Doyoung. 
“Stop laughing,” he scowls. 
Doyoung clears his throat and diverts the subject, “Have you tallied the responses?”
“Oh, shit.” You shift yourself in your bed. A ballpen strikes your ass and a ruler snaps in half the moment you tried to move again in your spot. 
You wince. “I told Regina about it, and guess what?” 
“She fucking forgot about the methodology. I’m going insane!” 
You stand up and grab the print-outs of your unfinished research paper. Doyoung brings the cup to his lips while watching you scurry back and forth in your room. You leave your room, only to return once again to gape at your best friend. The lack of sleep is taking a toll on you early in the morning, and all you want to do is to wrap yourself in your fuzzy blankets and binge watching Netflix. After all, it’s exciting to watch with the academic deadlines chasing after every episode you attempt to watch. 
Your best friend’s lips instantly curl upward and you register that the words he’ll be spatting out will slap the shit out of you “You still have to interpret the results, though.”
“Bloody hell.” You groan loudly. 
He grins smugly. “I really hope you won’t bawl your eyes out, but you still have a big nut to crack open.”
You were about to retort back but something had hit you. Your face painting an aghast expression, you cussed again, “Oh shit, the math homework?”
“Bingo.” His smirk widens at your stressed out face. “And the deadline is today.”
Why do you still have maths in your course? It’s ridiculous. 
Despite him being annoying at all times, you are still happy that Doyoung is at your side. He is a blessing in disguise. He somewhat remembers all the things you have mentioned to him like homeworks and other things and makes fun of you because you‘re such a fucking goner. Having the habit of doing something at the drop of a hat then to procrastinate and cram it all out like a madwoman. 
You manage to get through this bad habit of yours when your ex helped you back in the day. But now that he’s gone, all your mannerisms are flooding in like crazy. 
You heave a long sigh of frustration. “Why, why, the hell did I choose to watch Riverdale instead of doing my maths?”
You stare at his dark orbs dancing with pure amusement. 
He shrugs at your outbursts. “I have been telling you. You’re too distracted.”
You, per contra, immediately run to your bed and grab the nearest paper lying on the end with a  bold ‘biochemistry’ printed on the topmost part of the paper. You toss the paper to Doyoung’s direction and continued on doing the searching operation of your long-lost math homework. 
Doyoung clicks his tongue, finding the scowl on your face entertaining. “I just saw that paper! Now I can’t see it!” 
You stomp your feet in annoyance.
Doyoung rolls his eyes. He knows exactly where this will go. He counts.
Three. Two. One.
You wail. “Kim Doyoung! I cannot find it!”
“You should learn to search using your fucking eyes! Jesus Christ, you’re unbelievable,” he sighs, running his lithe hands through his raven locks. From the sound of his sigh, you know he’s tired of dealing with your constant bullshit.
“You have your eyes for a reason. For searching! Don’t use your mouth, Y/N,” he paused. Your homework is on the table.” Then he pointed at the coffee table.
“You’re lucky I’m being nice here. I’d rather hide that paper from you and watch you fail because you just lost a fucking piece of paper.”
You grimace, “You’re one hell of --”
You see how Doyoung’s face morphed in a whole 180 turn before the blink of your eye. From being calm to sinister. He mumbles, his tone so deep and malign. But you can hear him, “If you continue on. I will never, ever, help you with your essays. Carry on your GPA.”
What a hypocritical bitch. 
Doyoung exactly knows how and where to push your buttons. 
A whirlpool of emotions washes over you, and panic is the main cherry on top. It’s been an unspoken rule among both of you, that if ever who’s at rock bottom, the other half shall lift the rock no matter how heavy it is. And unfortunately, you're the rock and Doyoung has been helping you all through this time to somehow pass and manage your assignments. He’s been complaining how he is suffering from back pain due to carrying you all over the place. 
You huff, clenching your fist to control the forming irritation in your gut, “For the sake of my peace, I wanna punch you. But yes, thank you, bitch.”
He mimics you, “Welcome bitch.”
Approaching his seat, you plop yourself comfortably on the floor. “Now how do I do this?”
Doyoung tilts his head to the side to cast a greater view of your paper and his face immediately scrunches. “Mean and deviation? I have taught you how to get them, right?”
You groan out. “I forgot.”
Doyoung rolls his eyes. “Of course you forgot about it,” he curls his lips to a frown. “But remembering handsome boys, you ain’t slick… wait… what’s my name again?”
He snatches the paper from your hold with a scowl and begins scribbling the answers. He mumbles loud enough for you to hear, “You weren’t like this when he was here. You’re too distracted.”
You frown upon the mention of your ex. Doyoung is right, you suck up big time when your ex left you to pursue his career. 
Doyoung hands the paper back to you. Glancing at your homework, he had answered the first two numbers and the rest were blank. Your mouth presses into a thin line while attempting to answer the rest, following the solutions and steps of Doyoung from above. 
He lifts the mug to his lips and gulps the remaining coffee. A vibration from his pocket catches his attention. Doyoung fishes for his mobile phone and his eyes almost bulge out upon the text he just received. The screen illuminates his slender face. 
[from TY Track] [9:15] I’m coming home from Busan. See you at your university. How’s Alpha chi Omega? I missed them as well. 
Glancing from your peripheral vision; you know he must’ve received some dirty text again with the way his eyes bulge out of his sockets and a faint blush of pink that has been kissing his cheeks. You were not sure from whom though but it could be from the lists of girls in your mind that you’ve once texted out to ‘fuck off’ as per Kim Doyoung. 
It happens daily and you are somewhat forced to answer them back because he’s been begging you to get rid of them. His ways of swatting the girls are really insurmountable. There is this time you thought he’s sending in dick pic (you almost threw a victory dance) but in reality he was just sending a picture of his beautiful middle finger followed by blocking or sometimes a ‘get lost, I don’t like you’.
You grin at the thought of Doyoung dirty texting but it’s borderline impossible. The amount of suitors is surprisingly high for a grumpy Kim Doyoung but he dismisses them all. You don’t know why he doesn’t open up opportunities for commitment, but it isn’t your business to mess with. After all, you couldn't blame them, his whole frat boy demeanor is really a lovely sight to look at. 
His mouth opens then closes followed by his eyes widening like he couldn’t believe the sight at his screen. You let out an airy chuckle while computing for the mean. “You got yourself a fubu? Shall we call in Alpha chi Omega and celebrate?”
His brows automatically furrow while hiding his phone away from your sight, in defense. Your conclusions forming like endless swirls in your mind at the sight of him being so, aloof. You shoot out a grin. 
“What the fuck? No!”
Your brows automatically shoot upward and you raise your hands still grinning widely. “Woah, chill, lover boy.”
Never in Doyoung’s life he plays cupid, because he thinks love is ridiculous. But he might as well play one for the sake of two broken hearts still yearning for each other. Doyoung knows he’s still not over you and you are still thinking about him even if you don’t admit. 
[doie] [9:26] See you hyung. I will show you around.
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Two months and two weeks prior to Taeyong’s homecoming. 
Ragged breaths resonate around the boxing circle. The crowd is expectant, holding in their breath while watching the neck to neck fight. 
Chan is lying on the floor, his chest rising heavily with every breath he takes. His coach is yelling profanities from the farthest corner, urging him to get his ass up and fight. He hears the muffled rambunctious screaming of the crowd and the loud EDM music blaring inside the gymnasium followed by the irritating ringing in his ears. 
With Taeyong’s strike on his right ear, his balance fucks up and he can’t bring himself on his feet. Chan’s eyesight is getting worse, seeing occasional stars here and there. If it wasn’t for the gym’s blinding spotlight and camera flashes, he would really think that he got blind. Despite the large ring they are currently in, the atmosphere feels heavy, thick, and choking. The place stinks of cigarettes, sweat and blood. The floors were slightly wet with their perspiration. There’s overall tension, but violence is above it all. 
Taeyong wipes the blood that spluttered from his mouth from Chan’s jab. He runs towards the corner where his team is at. Taeil immediately scrambles to his feet to get inside the ring to wipe off his sweat. Taeyong feels extreme exhaustion while staring back at Taeil under hooded eyes. He is running a tongue over his mouthpiece and rests his head on the ring’s metal post. 
The referee enters the ring with a mic in hand then approaches the younger boxer. The referee pounds his fist onto the white mat, yelling numbers, “One!”
A pause. Then there is another pound. This time with much more force than the previous pound. “Two!”
Chan’s eyes flicker open at the countdown. His bruised eyes widening at the sound of his coach’s constant fire of profanities. Get up Bang Chan! Get the hell up! And so he did. Before the referee could shout the last number, three, Chan slightly jerks his shoulder, lifting his gloved hands then he tilts his torso to his right, raising up to his toes completely. Chan wobbles slightly while setting his posture up in full defense mode. 
The referee makes a dash, excluding himself from the ring. Taeyong walks towards the center, his stance is set with his gloved hand raised up for defense. Chan’s appearance is rough. With blood covering most of his torso, there are occasional hues of yellow, purple and blue lingering on the younger boxer’s cheeks and eyes, one of his eyebrows split open blood pooling down mixing with his sweat, his plump lips is swollen and busted as if he had been stung by a bee. 
Taeyong approaches the opponent carefully. Defense still high and not breaking eye contact. He knows how jumbled Chan is. Continuing on pushing himself further will just cause him harm— both mentally and physically. Due to Chan’s swollen right eye he can’t see Taeyong clearly. Throwing out jabs clumsily. 
After contemplating for a few, Chan throws a counterpunch but Taeyong is quick enough to throw a combination that interrupts the younger mid-way. Chan musters his remaining strength to launch out a strike but Taeyong immediately dodges and springs forward to throw a blow on his jaw. 
Chan can see spirals swimming in his vision that made him pause. With a disarranged mind, all he could do was to clinch on his opponent’s shoulder, breathing hard, bodies colliding with each other. The referee immediately steps in, breaking them apart. The crowd roars with both enthusiasm and dismay. 
Taeyong made the final move, shooting his last blow on Chan’s stomach that made the young boxer fall with a loud thud. The crowd erupts with extreme exhilaration. 
The emcee’s voice booms through the gymnasium’s speakers. 
“Ladies and Gentlemen after twelve rounds of action we go to the scorecards. We have a unanimous decision in favor of the winner none other than boxing’s pride of Seoul, Lee Taeyong! The one and only, current WBA welterweight champion of the world! Lee ‘Kingpin’ Taeyong!”
Taeyong approaches Chan’s figure at the other side of the ring and gives him his warmest regards. Taeyong watches the intimate moment shared between the Aussie and his significant other. As sweet folks say, loving kisses can wipe out exhaustion. Touché. 
Taeyong is sure that the younger boxer has potential and could make his boxing career stretch far with an obtained score of 116. Taeyong is in Chan’s situation once, losing then going home with a fucked up face. Everything is consuming— especially in boxing. Fatigue, face, dignity— but it is all about the commitment. It took Taeyong several eyebrow cuts just to achieve his current position. Before he was well-known as the Kingpin, he was once a loser. With high pressure, diamonds are formed. 
Victory is so sweet. Yet the Kingpin still feels empty. He misses those moments when he was still a nobody; someone will run inside the gym just to pepper him kisses and him dodging cause he’s all sweaty. Or the steamy make out sessions usually in his Mustang after every class. The late night sex in his room. He wants to turn back time, he missed experiencing it all, everything. It hurts for him to admit but he missed someone that is dear to him. Someone that is his life. Those memories cease the moment he decided to choose this career, boxing. He thought, was it worth it? Is selecting boxing really did give him the utmost happiness? Was it worth exchanging you for this career? After his several attempts of questioning himself, Taeyong couldn’t still answer whether all of this makes him happy or it’s just complete bullshit. 
His team jumps in the ring full of excitement. Taeil is showing him an ear to ear grin while wiping off his face. Taeyong winces as Taeil is too overwhelmed, vigorously wiping over his cuts. “Hyung, I’m not a car, stop wiping my face like a wiper.”
Taeil giggles. “Oh. Sorry.”
His manager approaches him, sliding the heavyweight gold belt over his shoulder. The manager leans over to whisper a strong ‘congratulations’. Taeyong nods back, unable to contain his glee. He grins at the crowd and pumps his fist in the air. The crowd are screaming for his name and his victory.
All hail, Kingpin. 
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Taeyong’s eyes flicker shut. It’s only been five minutes since Taeyong submerged in the cylinder shaped chamber full of ice, but for him it feels like forever. The water stings and the cold is there, but it eats away the soreness nevertheless. Taeyong grits his teeth, fucking five minutes feels like eternity. He tries to divert his attention to anything but the stopwatch clipped on the cylinder’s edge.  
A voice calls him again. Taeil. “Taeyong.”
The boxer breathes. “Yes. Hold on.” 
The timer beeps. Taeil approaches the cylinder bath to snatch the beeping device.
 Taeyong rises to his full height with the water swaying after him and the ice floating around the bath. Taeyong grips the edge and jumps out. 
Taeil approaches him with a towel in hand. The boxer grabs the fluffy fabric and wraps it around his bare torso still shivering from the aftermath of his post-match routine. The soreness from the fight subdues. Taeyong holds the fabric to his head to towel dry his silver locks. 
Taeil begins, “There’s something the manager will tell you.”
Taeyong shoots out a look towards him, his face immediately contorting into confusion.  “About what?”
Taeil shrugs. He plops down to the bench and drops the athletic bag. The steel bench creaks as he rummages through the bag and throws a pair of boxers, sweatpants and a black tank top towards Taeyong. 
The boxer grunts, snatching the clothes mid-air with his right hand. “Geez. You could’ve handed it to me, hyung.”
Taeil faces him and settles the bag. A tired sigh escapes his lips. “I’m not in favor of what he’s gonna say to you.”
Taeyong’s brow furrows. “Why? Wait, what is it about?”
Taeil leans back on the wall and closes his eyes for a moment. “You’re familiar with the gung-ho McGregor aren’t you?”
Taeyong’s eyes narrow as he tries to recall the familiar name. Damn, Chan’s smack must’ve shaken his brain. “The suspended boxer?”
Taeil nods and crosses his arms. “He’s actually back and wants to hold a match with you.” 
Taeyong fidgets on his spot awkwardly. Water droplets drip down his chest. It’s fucking cold. For heaven’s sake he’s just in his black boxers. 
“Can I change first?”
Taeil shakes his head and holds a finger to shut him out. “This is an important matter, kid.”
Taeyong scowls. “It’s fucking cold!”
He stops bickering back upon the sight of Taeil’s glare. Taeyong sighs, “We rejected them, right?”
“Yes. But backstage, Alexis’s manager opened up the matter to the manager again.”
Taeyong’s brows knot. “I just got into a fight. Can you talk it out with the manager?”
Taeil grimaces. “You know how my words don’t have an effect on him.” 
Taeil continues on, “Besides, you are never the alibi type. If there’s a fight, you fight. That is how they know you. So it won’t work, unless you got pregnant? But that’s borderline fucking impossible.”
Taeyong didn’t argue back since Taeil has a point. Alibis are not really favorable especially in the world of boxing, unless you’re at death's door. 
Taeil continues. “McGregor’s team promised a percentage if you let him win.”
“What the fuck?” Absolutely never. 
A knock disrupts the two. Taeil straightens himself while Taeyong readjusts the towel resting on his hair. 
Manager Oh enters the room. The two male cannot read the gloomy look on the manager’s face as the atmosphere is quite tense. 
The manager gulps and begins to speak. “I reckon Taeil has told you about the matter,” the manager pauses. “We’ll accept the deal. The fight will be pushed through.”
Taeyong’s ears piques as he begins to feel annoyed. “Without consulting me? If it wasn’t for Taeil hyung, I wouldn’t know.”
Manager Oh breaths. “They promised to sponsor everything for your UBT.” He halts again, trying to select the right words to cajole the boxer. “That’s your goal, right?”
The Universal Boxing Tournament is something elite, big, and wild. It isn’t just Taeyong’s goal but every boxer. The payments in the matches are double the fee he usually receives. Although the chance of fighting in the big event is at Taeyong’s palm, it left him in a state of deep conflict. He’s done being the sparring partner— or a punching bag of someone else. He’d establish himself and the idea of stooping down just for the benefit of others greatly dismays him. 
Taeyong strokes his nape. “It is one of my goals— dream, even. But I’m not sure, manager. I’m done being a punching bag.”
Manager Oh rubs his eyes. “I know…it’s just that McGregor is coming back and having a match with you could guarantee popularity for him.”
Taeil shakes his head in dismay but he never utters a word. 
The boxer is still unconvinced. 
The manager sighs. “He’s cleared of steroid usage.”
Taeyong squints. “What if he does it again pre-match? Then that cancels the match, what about the UBT spot they’ve promised?”
“You don’t have to worry about that… we have a written contract.”
Taeil shakes his head in disappointment. This rash decision of the team is what they'll be regretting later especially when an informal agreement is raised up. It won’t guarantee a spot to a big fight that easily. It’s like chasing dust. 
Taeyong inquires further. “When is this?”
“Next month. We'll grind to prepare you.” 
Taeyong knows how sicko McGregor can be in the ring. He has seen some clips of his matches. But if it means being in UBT, he’ll go.  “Alright.”
The manager stands up, brushing his pants. “We’ll move locations. I have a gym near the University you graduated from.”
The kingpin will return to the place where he started from rock bottom. It suddenly fills him with nostalgia. His two managers left the room for him to do his thing. Taeyong quickly grabs his phone and texted Doyoung, notifying him of his upcoming arrival. 
[Compose Message to: doie] [9:15] I’m coming home from Busan. See you at your university. How’s Alpha chi Omega? I missed them as well. 
His phone screen illuminates his striking face as he waits for a reply. Taeyong settles his phone down on the counter to ruffle his hair but Doyoung already responded. His phone vibrates. 
[doie] [9:26] See you hyung. I will show you around. The boys (and someone xD) will surely be glad to see you. Aja!
Taeyong grins. He’s excited to go home as well. A thought lingers on his mind, who’s the ‘someone’ Doyoung is referring to?
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The sun is ebbing its way to daylight. It is the day of your defense or as Doyoung calls it doomsday or the Purge. Doyoung left you instructions on how to answer the panel smoothly without having the impression that you’re clueless.
He never spoon feeds you rather letting you do everything on your own. For this defense, he told you to shut up and not blab anything unless asked. And he adds, ‘answer straight to the point and don’t fucking sugarcoat’. Professors grill students until you could no longer retaliate, they are spawns of satan and you are so sure of that. 
This defense is the most stressful thing you encounter in your whole college life. An abomination, breaking people apart. Recitations are an exception though as you could always adlib like the stunt Doyoung pulled in his major classes.
The moment you set foot on the university grounds, you hear the cacophony of deafening alarm bells, signalling the students of the start of the first period. You sigh. Despite having to practice the day before (and practically being scolded and grilled by Doyoung), you still can’t calm your nerves. Your face immediately scrunches at the thought of summer classes. 
The sun is shining through the large oval in your university. Beads of sweat glistening on your forehead. Swarm of boisterous students walked side by side. talking about the same exact thing that has been swimming in your mind lately-- summer. Alas, the whole semester of dread is coming to an end and you cannot longer wait to wear the pink leotard Doyoung jokingly bought you for your birthday. You head straight north passing by the department of physical education. You see the soccer players, in their mighty, flashy maroon uniforms, running over the field. You immediately recognize the familiar figure of Johnny and the way the curvature of his ass sticks out of his shorts. Not that you really enjoy ogling at his ass though but it ain’t just another ass. It's Johnny Seo’s ass, popular, might as well stare at the divine sight before he charges everyone for it. You know of the big guy since you’re living in a small world, he’s friends with your best friend and a good pal of your ex boyfriend. Everything around you will always connect with either Doyoung or your ex.
Johnny has a reputation like Doyoung though. But unlike your best friend being known as a snob, Johnny is known for his massive dick and palpable cockiness in bed. He senses your stare and cranes his neck around to face you. His teammates behind him huddle together to ogle at the female their captain is looking at. He smiles at your direction then waves at you enthusiastically from the field. Lips curl into a smile while giving him a wave. You hear rambunctious woos and boyish whistles from behind when you continue on walking towards your building. Boys. 
The familiar mint green building is now in sight. You hug the folders close to your chest like it’s your armor while taking a sharp turn. It leads you down to the right wing but as soon as you are about to enter, a large signage of  ‘use the main door’ blocks your way. Your annoyance reaches its peak level while shooting daggers at the locked door. You contemplate, if you were to make a dash for the main door that is a meter away from here, you’ll be late for the first period. And professors always makes the tardy students sing in front and never in your fucking life will do that. 
A shout startles you in your place. “Son of a bitch!”
“What the hell are you doing there? Go to your room, dumbass.” Talking about the smart shit that just arrives with his sharp voice lacing with its usual deep suave and timbre that pierces your eardrums early in the morning. His building is just right beside yours. So whether you like it or not, Doyoung will be in sight to annoy the shit out of you like he usually does.
You turn to him. Going to the canteen to eat is tempting but the thought of disappointing Kim Doyoung and his efforts going to waste bites you off. “I’m nervous.”
The female students are eyeing both of you— most are stinky glares from his fangirls. You take a sharp breath and hoist up the strap of your bag properly. 
“Just remember what I’ve told you. And don’t abash yourself.” He ruffles your locks and you immediately swat his arm away. The squeals of the girls from behind obliterates both of your gossamer thin patience and remaining one brain cell. Needless to say, you walk up the pathway towards the main door of your building.
The thick choking atmosphere welcomes you. The happy color of mint green from its interior doesn’t conceal the melancholy of the people inside. You hear an upcoming call of your name, but you couldn’t apprehend it clearly because of the continuous murmurs in the hallway. “Y/N!”
You let out a groan of abhorrence as you whip your body around upon the call. But there isn’t a familiar face to chit chat with so you proceed forward but the wind knocked out of your lungs when you were suddenly yanked from behind. 
You are about to throw profanities when Dia’s face comes to view greeting you sweetly, “Hi, Y/N!” 
You attempt to smile but it looks like you’re suffering with constipation with all your teeth gritted together, “Hey!”
Dia begins. “I can’t wait for the sem to end!” She beams enthusiastically while clinging onto your arms. You struggle to climb the stairs with her hips hitting you sideways. 
“Me too.” You exhale while gathering your thoughts. Your minds a mess with the conclusion, summer outfit and the swarm of murmurs of the students in the stairwell. “I plan on getting a tan though or skinny dripping, I don’t know.”
“Oh my! Yes!” she laughs while tugging her lips out almost lost in thought. “Alpha chi Omega is actually planning on a homecoming party.” She smiles cheekily that is way familiar for you. You immediately grin at her being such a saccharine babe.
You raise your brows. “Who’s coming home?”
She shrugs. “I dunno.”
You frown while lost in thought . “Then how did you know about it?”
Dia waggles her eyebrows, a mischievous glint lighting in her eyes. “Of course. I keep tabs on the packing king, Johnny Seo.”
You grimace. “Huh? Packing? Where is Johnny going? I thought it’s a homecoming?”
Dia rolls her eyes heavenwards. You are being so impossible. “Packing as in walking around with a huge dick. My god, are you from the 90s?” 
“I’m not. I just don’t go around ogling at... what you call him? Packing Prince.” You make a puking face. 
Dia laughs while you mumble under your breath, “You are unbelievable.”
She clicks her tongue and leans in while shushing the words near your year, “I’m not though… hey you wanna know what’s unbelievable?”
It piques your attention, “What?”
“Johnny has the bomb-est ass ever. Like a hundred over ten, would recommend.”
You retreat back and scowl. She laughs at your impending disappointment. But she’s right though, in fact you saw a sight of Johnny’s ass early in the morning. Bomb it is. You shake your head, but a smile is tugging your lips upright, “Whatever you say so.”
Dia is still laughing, spreading positivity in the already sullen hallway in the ground floor. It didn’t last long as you both part ways upon the sight of room 402. You huff, trying to recollect your breath. Stairways will be the cause of your death. Your classmates are either feigning optimism or just dead tired. A voice booms out, alerting the class. You glance and see the person behind the said misery. 
“Groups one, kindly present in front. Get ready groups three and five. Say hi to the panel of judges.” 
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“What in the fucking world?”
“You should have seen it coming.”
“The biggest bugbear of my life is spending summer in university instead of the beach!”
Doyoung gives you a nonchalant look. He immediately pays a visit to your building upon hearing your never-ending cusses at the call a while ago. He stands by the door of your room while his arms are crossed. 
He begins, “At least you’re alive, though.”  
Doyoung’s lips curling into a mischievous smirk. He cannot hide the fact that he’s impressed that you didn’t undergo a breakdown unlike your classmates and your control towards unyielding resilience. 
“I’m not close to being alive. I am deteriorating!” You groan making sure to imbue your tone to complete sarcasm. You thought that the research defense is the endpoint of the semester, but it wasn’t since the professors have something bigger to offer-- more diabolical. The dean of your college disseminates the mandatory summer classes on all year levels to avoid the crashing of major subjects with organization stuff and to somehow lessen the unit overload. The idea is beneficial albeit disheartening especially for those students who already had plans for the summer like you. What a sweet summer in the university. You shoot him out a look, “How are you alive? Despite all of this?”
“Heavy workload and org stuff is the thing that haunts every student. My professor has consulted me about this matter beforehand,” he grabs his phone and glances at it. His chinky eyes widen and he clears his throat. “We’ll be pushing the brave run next sem.” 
“Is that the annual event of your sorority that you’ll be running around in the campus, naked?”
Doyoung hisses. “Shut up. It should be kept a secret,” he shrugs. “But, yes.”
Another fact why his sorority is famous among the female students of the university. The brave run is an annual event held by his sorority, which symbolizes "a selfless offering of one's self to the people of the country.’ Running around naked with a mask to conceal their identities. And it’s going to be Doyoung’s first run. He fidgets in his spot while looking at you then at his phone. You cast him a doubtful look, “Do you need some privacy or whatever?”
He looks straight from your shoulder. “No, no. Stay put.”
“I wanna sit. I was standing for hours in front a while ago.”
Doyoung presses his lips in a thin line. He lamely mutters. “I will show you something.” He keeps on fidgeting in his place while glancing sideways. It deeply concerns you because he’ll look at his phone then will grin afterwards. Doyoung never grins. What in the world?
He certainly knows something that you’re completely oblivious about. His phone buzzes again. 
[from TY Track] [1:15] I thought your building is white one? How come you’re in a green one? You have a girlfriend from the nursing department don’t you? Ayeeeeeeeee. [1:19] im at the third floor lobby,, where are you?? I’m starving!!
Doyoung is on the fourth floor. Currently playing cupid. 
He gives you a look with a shit-eating grin lingering on his slender face. Not that he looks unpleasant to the eyes since he’s far away from it but rather handsome. But it greatly aggravates you because since that one message he received this morning, he just won’t knock it off with the annoying grin of his. You really need to know who the hell is responsible for his change of demeanor. 
Doyoung is the most misanthropic person you know and he always frowns. Unless he’s with his male friends or with you. Let he’ll freeze first then you’ll see him smile to his ears. He holds a finger near your face, “Wait here.”
You swat his wrist away but before you could knock him off, he’s already marching down the hall. 
“Kim Doyoung! Wait!”
You let out an exasperated sigh while playing with your lace to kill out boredom. Dia whistles to capture your attention. You return back inside your room to fix your things and to entertain the sulky Dia. She pouts, “I’m seriously starving! Let’s go to def!”
Def is the university’s cafeteria where both you and the guy who made your heart pound, met. 
“Okay hold on. Let me sign the attendance sheet for a while.” You approach the class secretary seated in front. Your back is against the door and a familiar figure looms near the door frame—looking lost. 
You’re playing in a full deck. Unaware of the guy who’s once your life, standing behind you. 
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Taeyong and his team leaves Busan early at four in the morning with the yellow and pink hue of the sky slowly creeping along its way eating out the velvety dark skies. Taeyong drags his feet heavily against the grey pavement with his athletic bag hoisted on his shoulders. The early morning wind gives a chill blow that prickles the skin of the boxer. 
Taeil is walking behind him with his daily black coffee in hand and face sullen due to drowsiness. The team is moving at a fast pace and occasional long sighs are heard. Taeyong gawks at the team moving dumbbells, mats, gloves and belts in their black van. 
“Does your sorority know you’re coming home?”
Taeyong stares at his manager. His lips tugging upwards. “Yes. I’ve texted one of my friends and suddenly they’re throwing a homecoming party for me.” Taeyong’s chest vibrates with laughter. 
Taeil’s lips tugs upward in mischief as he knocks the hood of the van breaking the deafening silence of the early morning. The team immediately scramble inside the van like ants fighting off with seats, dirty banters and shades being thrown against each other. 
“I’ll sit here!” “It’s cold in that spot, I didn’t take a bath!” Another spits. “The handsomest is gonna seat beside the Kingpin.” Another voice holler. “Oi. Oi. No!”
The manager let out a tired sigh while adjusting the shoulder bag on his right shoulder. He reaches for his back pocket and wipes the droplets of sweats on his temple. “Let’s go, before these guys kill themselves.” 
He calls out with a stern tone rolling out of his tongue it immediately calms the chaotic boys, sheepishly fixing themselves while uttering incoherent apologies. They begin filling up with the manager taking the empty spot beside the driver’s seat. The rest scatter themselves on the spots they deem as comfortable. 
Taeil shoots Taeyong a knowing look and juts his head towards the empty seat beside him near the driver’s seat. Taeil reclines his back on the leathered seats and heaves a long tired sigh. “It’s good to be back. I wish they were preparing roses for your comeback. It felt like Disney, like for shits really.”
Taeyong grins. “Doyoung and Johnny told me about it. Alpha is scrambling like ants.”
Taeil’s voice lowers for a second. His thoughts are swimming in an endless swirl of abyss. “Fighting with McGregor could cause you collateral damage.”
The boxer rests his hand on his nape and closes his eyes for a moment. He knows. He whispers, “I know. May the odds play with my side.”
“This is not about the odds now, he could destroy you, I’m serious!” Taeil scoffs while scanning the view of the early and still asleep city of Busan. “Namjoon fought with him once, and the boy went home with broken ribs and hand fractures,” he trails. “It’s still early to back out. I’m really worried.”
“I am already destroyed, hyung. Ever since I chose this over engineering and leaving like I could really live through all of this…”
“Hyung, if I back out… all of these would just be a whole damned joke.”
“Please…don’t take McGregor easily.”
Taeyong attempts to dismiss the growing anxiety in his chest. One step at a time. One punch at a time, one round at a time. He sets a self mantra. “I won’t.”
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The heavy traffic greets them the moment they make their way to the city arriving exactly at twelve.  Upon arrival, the team immediately unloads their baggage on the gym’s connected apartment while the manager nurses several calls about the match with the upcoming weigh in, face off, and budgets. 
Taeyong glances at the gym’s interior. It's a rundown one with a large ring in the center, barbell and dumbbells on the floor and a large mirror from across where he is standing. The lights flicker above him, casting a warm glow of yellow on his face. Taeil squeezes his shoulder, surprised at how he’s so rigid. Taeil begins, “Johnny gave me a call and he said that you should get your flat ass in the university.”
Taeyong throws his head back, mortified. “What? Okay, fat ass.”
Taeil rolls his eyes. “My ass is bomb.”
Taeyong raises his brows. “Squatting?”
“Yeah. Every night, wanna see?”
“I have my own ass.”
“Yeah…a flat one, unfortunately.”
Taeyong grimaces. “My ass is ‘bomb’ too.”
“Keep on dreaming flat ass.”
“Don’t be rude!”
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The familiar name of the university greets Taeyong the moment he arrives. Doyoung notifies him of his whereabouts; in the medical department. Taeyong furrows his brows, just when did Doyoung shift his course? He said he’d die being a polsci student. 
Taeyong carries himself towards the familiar sidewalk of this university where he graduated highschool and was supposed to study engineering at. 
However his fate makes a whole turn when he’s casted by an agent when he’s buying bread from the downtown pancake house. And it all just happens just like that, him leaving all of a sudden, ending everything at his loved one’s disposal. 
His boxer facade falters as soon as he steps foot on the familiar grounds. With him here, he isn’t the Kingpin rather just the ordinary Lee Taeyong. He moves agilely, a thing he learned in boxing. His skin shimmers under the hot glimmering sun with his perspiration glistening against his forearms. Taeyong’s doe eyes scans the tall college buildings, looking precisely for a ‘tall building that is colored green with a bunch of people wearing white uniforms’ as per Kim Doyoung. 
A thought erupts in him, it’s been years since his last visit here. Everything before his eyes is entirely unknown for him. He spends a good minute searching for the building while running a hand over his silver locks that are haphazardly tousled in different directions. 
He ignores the flirtatious call of the students. The girls let out exhilarating squeals when he asks about the building and points behind him. Just as he’s about to go, someone yanks his arm dragging him away towards the opposite direction that planted a frown upon his face. He tries to dismiss them as kindly as he could when he sees that there is no way that they’ll be letting him go especially when he looks like a hot mess. 
There’s actually no use in flirting anymore as he’s still emotionally invested for one girl that is you. 
His eyes trail over the unfamiliar building and contemplate for a good minute before entering. The aura of the place elicits the same vibe in the boxing gym of his manager, bright by nature but something elicits off-ness more on sombre. 
His long legs easily climb the series of stairs until he reaches level three and glances around the place. Searching for the familiar figure of Kim Doyoung but he finds nothing even a silhouette of the boy. He fishes out for his phone to send him a text, the mobile vibrating after his taps. 
[from doie] [1:17] we’ll eat later!!!1 i need to show you someone oops something11!! :D [1:18] i'm coming!!! hold on!! Waaait
Taeyong hears rapid footsteps then a high pitch call of his name. A sudden tackle takes him by surprise. “I missed you, hyung!” 
Doyoung holds him at shoulder, his eyes examining his whole body. “You've grown so well and— damn.” 
The boxer standing before him is drastically different from the person he last saw two years ago. He’s not as fit rather skinny but the way he puts it now he’s got a massive glow up that takes him by surprise. With Taeyong by growing inches, his skinny fit that is now lean that is packed with muscles due to the strenuous training he’s put into and the eye catching tattoos that're lingering on his arms. He smirks at the sight of your familiar face minimalistically tattooed on his forearm. 
He inwardly chuckles. Fools. 
Doyoung didn’t waste the fraction of his time and drags a protesting Taeyong all the way at level four. Taeyong throws a questionable look, “What are we here for? Is Donghyuck in Nursing? Wait… are we here for him?”
“You’ll see… and no, let the moon be green first then we’ll see him here.”
A chill runs down Taeyong’s spine. The heavy traffic they went through made him thirsty to the bone—now he wanted to drain his bladder. He calls out while eyeing the figure ahead of him, “Doyoung?”
Doyoung answers him with a shit-eating grin that made Taeyong think to himself. Is Doyoung in love at the moment? “Yeah?”
“I need to pee. The traffic sucks, I had to drink to keep myself entertained.”
He hums, not processing every word Taeyong says. He calculates everything in his disposal. From his distance, he can see your back facing the door where he’ll lead Taeyong into. Thus, hitting two lovefools. 
“Fancy. Go over to that room.” Taeyong glances at the room Doyoung is pointing at. He didn’t question the boy further because his bladder is asking for a fucking break. He slowly approaches the room while lost in his thoughts. He leans on the doorframe and asks where the lavatory is. Then, immediately jogs down the corridor without a word. 
Doyoung stands there, expectant and all smiley. Until he sees a different face entertaining Taeyong and your figure marching away with your friend, Dia. Doyoung attempts to call for your attention but you’re already out of earshot. He clicks his tongue in irritation. Cupid fails. 
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You sluggishly drag your feet inside your room. Doyoung is nowhere to be found until you hear muffled singing so you reckon he’s in the shower doing his thing. You press your lips into a thin line while casting a look around your ransacked room that has been untouched for months. It may be the course of adrenaline pushing and so you cleaned. 
Doyoung walks around the shared place without a top that isn’t a sight that makes you utterly surprised anymore. You both share collective memories together, all deep and humiliation. So seeing him in his boxers early in the morning isn’t disturbing anymore. You do though, when he smiles. 
Doyoung squints, eyeing your figure going from one part of your room to another. He knows you don’t have plans on throwing yourself into the inviting city to lash out your stress from the months you have spent in university but rather dancing. Unbeknownst to you, he’s planning something to stop you from doing your ridiculous dances in front of the farm animals  sparing them the ridiculous sight after all he’s an animal rights advocate. 
Tonight is the homecoming party for Taeyong that surprisingly spreads out in the university like a wildfire. It will be damn-ed as the probability of both of you meeting might not be high due to the flood of party-goers rushing for the free alcohol and the said sorority and because of your lazy ass. Doyoung dons his blank tank top and ruffles the damp mop of raven locks above his head. 
You glance from your door and see your best friend have an absolute glow up like he doesn’t look dead just from days ago. There’s no doubt that Doyoung has his own ravishing features-- his scar, tall nose, pink lips, and the over-all enticing eyes that elicits a mysterious aura.
“Where are you going?” 
Instead of answering your inquiry he taps furiously on his phone. You can sense the infuriating spark that glowers on the boy. He finally looks up at you. “There’s a party in Alpha.”
“You’ll be staying there?”
He coos. The hidden sneer you can hear that rolls out of his tongue with great clarity that immediately brings your eyes heavenwards. “Why? You’ll miss me?”
“As if.”
“I will be staying there. You should go, though?” Doyoung absolutely knows how such a party pooper you were that you’d rather stay home than mingling in a random college party or whatever social gatherings. Your reason? The signature ‘I hate going out, Kim Doyoung’. 
It is part of the practice of his sorority to give out roses to a homecoming member, as significant as a welcoming gift and roses have a deep meaning for the frat. He volunteers to bring the roses for Taeyong since he has a cupid business to attend. He purposely left the roses in his room for you to bring your lazy ass in the sorority house and deliver the parcel to Taeyong. He grins at the thought.
You grunt loudly, generally having no qualms on concealing your obvious irritation. “Why do you keep on grinning? It scares me.”
Doyoung raises a brow then chuckles afterwards. “I’m just happy that I will finally get laid after these past months of hellish semester,” he trails off and gives you a knowing look. “Bye!”
It got you off guard. Kim Doyoung getting laid?
He beams at your surprised face. “I will be late. The alumni might be there anytime soon.”
“Who is the alumni?” This has been the talk of the town next to the homecoming party. You have no idea who it is despite your best friend being in on the said sorority. 
Doyoung runs his hands over his hair again and gives you a lopsided smile. “Secret.” 
He makes a dash for the door leaving you hanging and hungry for answers. Knowing him, he’ll never spill no matter how you squeeze him into doing so. It frustrates you as curiosity is getting the best of you.
Doyoung didn't bother to spill the person because for all he knows you’ll be meeting him anytime soon. It’s Lee Taeyong.
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It's eight in the evening and surprisingly you were being productive at bare minimum. You try to uplift your mood by beautifying your room to look like it’s been owned by a lady not some random drunktard. After cleaning, you prepare dinner but the constant ringing of your phone disturbs you mid-way. You didn’t spare the called ID a glance for you know who the call is from. 
You snarl. “What?”
The chaotic music in his background is making it hard for you to comprehend what the hell he was trying to convey. His voice lowers two tones down his usual. “Hey, can you bring the roses here? I forgot to bring it with me.” 
You immediately roll your eyes. “And why should I do that?”
Doyoung on the other hand is trying to rake up his brain for possible things to coax you to bring your ass and the roses in the party. The alcohol might be taking a toll on him but it’s helping him to think of an easy plan to bring you here without any questions arising from your mouth. “I’ll treat you to dinner.” And just like that. 
You let your pride be damned. A free dinner is always a key to do favors. You huff. “Where is it placed?”
Doyoung immediately grins. “At my room, on the plush chair by the window.”
You cannot decipher how complicated your best friend is sometimes. It aggravates you. He never forgets his things and you think that he is doing this on purpose just to make you walk out of the shared apartment. But whatever his intentions are, the free dinner he coaxed you with is promising. You walk inside his room and the sight of his perfectly tucked bed welcomes you, the bundle of crimson red roses sits by the grey chair just beside his window. You didn’t know much of his sorority’s practice nor the significance of the rose, but you chose not to further question the frat’s motive behind it as the free food is your topmost concern.
You scramble out of Doyoung’s room to fix your dishevelled appearance. You grab the blue summer dress on your bed and thrash in an oversized cardigan to spice out the look then you pumped some gloss and ran a blusher on your cheeks. 
Damn the man who spoils your plans on binge watching Netflix. Damn Kim Doyoung. And damn you for biting on his bait. 
You made a beeline for the door, your phone in hand and the roses in the other. 
It’s gonna be a long and young night. 
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For a summer night, the wind is surprisingly chilly and not humid. The night sky is clear with the stars twinkling brightly along the perfectly arched moon. The walk to Alpha chi omega’s house is not that long by car but unfortunately, the university carpool is not available and so here you were walking to the farthest side of the university. 
It doesn’t take you long to locate the house out of all the similar frat houses lined up together like building blocks. The house that belongs to the hosting sorority is booming out loud with obnoxious music and the notable crowd of wasted college students going in and out of the main door. The place reeks of sweat and alcohol. The sight of red cups litters the front yard and the large ‘homecoming’ banner is perched up the front porch of the frat house. You feel out of place just by standing out there awkwardly with a bouquet of roses in hand while mentally cursing out and throwing imaginary daggers on Kim Doyoung. If it wasn’t for the free food, you would never be here. 
A familiar ass caught your attention but it isn’t Johnny’s but Mark Lee’s. A sophomore and a civil engineer major that you bump into occasionally because of Doyoung. You approach his figure and his dishevelled state really caught you off-guard. He’s standing in his overall glory; with black tee that clings onto his lean torso and grey sweatpants. His high cheekbones stand out and his cheeks are slightly flushed due to two reasons you are sure of, alcohol and the cramped crowd inside. 
You clear your throat as you attempt to voice out your concern however it comes out as a mere squeak. “Do you know where Doyoung is?”
Mark gives you a knowing smile while giving you directions on Doyoungs whereabouts. There’s something off about Mark’s sly smile. Confusion undulates on your soft features which made the younger grin even more. 
Another sophomore jumps into the picture. He sends Mark reeling on his position but the younger boy shoots up a grin as an answer to Mark’s scowl. His tan skin glows under the poor lighting on the front porch of their sorority house and he looks beautiful nevertheless. Haechan brings the red cup to his plush lips, his throat bobbing down with every gulp of the beverage. He breaths while giving you a mischievous grin. “Well, someone’s about to cross paths with someone.” He makes sure to give emphasis on the word someone while grinning up to Mark. 
You raise your brows. “Yes… Doyoung.”
Haechan clicks his tongue. “May the odds be with you, y/n.” They continue on gulping their drinks and leaving you questioning what the hell are they trying to imply. It seems like they are trying to point out someone is about to meet you but you weren’t sure who?
Making sure you were out of earshot, the two boys fished out for their phones. Typing in the same text flying into their minds.
‘She’s in, make sure Taeyong is in the damn kitchen.’
They know. Except for you and Taeyong. Talk about thrill. 
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You stalk away and enter the house. Irritation bubbles inside your system like a brook. It feels as if everyone knows something that you should be aware of. No matter how hard you try to think of a person who you can possibly meet in here, there’s none in mind. You try to wipe it away by mentally taking a note that what you are doing is a commission; a full course meal paid by Kim Doyoung. 
The sight inside of the house is quite a scene; a wild scene to be exact. Typical. Bodies are grinding each other by the beat of the hired DJ, sweat and alcohol as well as humidity. You squeeze yourself through the crowd of wild college students. Some sort of liquid splashes your skin but you paid no attention to it. 
This is why you hate going out. The only time you have been dragged into a party is with Taeyong. No, it wasn’t obnoxious but rather magical. Anything done with Taeyong is always spectacular, he makes all the mundane things dull to extra. 
That was during the last years of highschool when he asked if you could go with him to this frat party and you obliged. It was also in the same setting of a summer night, young and chill. Deja vu. 
Taeyong holds onto your hips that night while he glowed perfectly underneath the pale moonlight. The dusk may have taken its way that time but you can still remember how bright he glows like a crazed halo. Maybe the reason why you can still find your way to the outskirts of the university where the sorority houses are found is because he already brought you here. And everything, every memory you have shared with him is always indelible. 
You can remember a quote from Fitzgerald. ‘So we beat on boats against the currents, borne back ceaselessly into the past’. You find yourself spacing out remembering how his soft lips brushes against your pinna, whispering words that replays over and over and over again. Both of your bodies stayed close, swaying with the melodic beat that the speakers blasted up. It was always Taeyong, his scar, his lips, his eyes that are always so alive. It was always him, always. 
Taeyong leaned over saying the words that no man you tried dated ever uttered to you. “You are my sweetest feeling that I know.”
You beamed up to him. “I think my soul is in love with yours.” 
And you will always be. And nostalgia hits. You miss Taeyong. He has so much space filled inside your heart. 
You finally squeeze yourself past the hungry and wasted crowd and head towards the kitchen where Mark instructed you to go. You narrow your eyes searching for the familiar figure of your bestfriend but he wasn’t there, not even a trace of his silhouette. 
The kitchen is bustling with alcohol. Piles of beer cans, half empty bottles of wine and few bottles of soft drinks dominated the sleek black granite countertop. You walk near the kitchen island where several drinks are offered placed haphazardly allowing the people to nurse their own drinks. You had your back facing the opposite hall that leads to the dining area while clutching the roses for your dear life. 
Taeyong is leaning against the wall facing the dining area where his highschool friends are currently at. The rose ceremony was delayed because of Doyoung and so he busied himself by trying to catch up with his old friends. 
“How’s life so far, Taeyong?”
Taeyong smiles, he’s always as fresh as raindrops. “Usual.” 
They laugh. “How ‘usual’ is usual though?”
Taeyong thought to himself. It is bland, empty and he always finds himself staring past the mirror trying to remember how your face looks like since the last glance he had was exactly two years ago. He shrugs his shoulders and lifts the red cup to his lips. The alcohol rakes his throat, foreign. “A couple of punches here, training there, matches here, and rings over there. Usual.”
They continue on carrying their own conversation on which Taeyong lost interest. He just stares, his mind traveling and wandering. A high pitched screech alerts him, he immediately settles the cup down, the contents splashing over the dinner table. A woman is on her knees, clutching her lips with her hands. 
Taeyong immediately crouches down. “Hey, are you okay?”
She slurs and Taeyong tries to comprehend what she is trying to convey. “Wuh-teeeeer…”
He immediately assists the girl to the kitchen sink. Dragging her slumped body slowly towards the kitchen floor. He tries to call out someone in hopes to help him with the inconvenience. But the kitchen is surprisingly empty. 
It’s a plan to have two souls meet together in one. But fate must’ve fucked up the plans of the brotherhood. For the one soul is mending a random wasted college girl and the other one is fuming in anger. 
You storm out of the kitchen when you are about to brandish a cocktail while waiting for Doyoung. Someone approaches you, pouring a beer into a red plastic cup. 
“All right, babe, you’re free tonight?” He nods, concentrating on getting his foam right while looking at you intently. You didn’t know who this guy was, but bold of him to be so overly confident. Pity he was a massive stoner from the looks of his red eyes. And he’s not, never, your type. 
“I’m not interested.”
His eyebrows went all sarky. “Why, you got a date?”
You face him entirely. “Look. I told you I’m not interested so don’t get too overly friendly and get the hell out of my face.”
He settles his cup on the counter and crosses his arms over his chest while leaning over to you, clearly invading your personal space. “Why should I do that?” 
You wrinkle your nose at the smell of his breath. “God. I’m out of here.”
You let your feet drag you away from the party. 
Oblivious to the failure, the other members of the sorority gather themselves around the front porch obnoxiously betting to one another. They have this one picture in mind, a painting of Michaelangelo, the creation of David. Where two fingers connect. Little did they know. There isn’t a meeting that happened in the first place. 
“I bet my ass, those two have already met!” Hyuck yells. “Homeboy must’ve scored!” 
And they all holler at once. Then, they hear someone clearing their throat. 
“Goodbye. I’m heading home.”
The boy’s eyes widens at the sight of you at the door, fuming. Doyoung is at the end of the staircase, examining you. He inquires, “Did you meet someone?”
You roll your eyes, “Yes, you,” you approach him and hand the roses. “Someone must’ve been so drunk he directed me to the kitchen when you are actually here.” You shoot Mark a look as soon as you finish your sentence and he answers with a sheepish grin.  
You turn to Doyoung, “Treat me to a nice dinner tomorrow.”
It’s confusing for him. “Wait… you really didn’t meet someone? Why are you leaving so sudden?”
The boys quiet down suddenly, all confused with the matter. 
“Oh, I did meet someone.”
“Yeah?” Sparks of excitement ignited inside Doyoung's chest. 
“Yeah…” you sigh. “A fucktard to be exact.”
Doyoung’s brows furrow for a moment then realization hits him. There’s never an encounter that happened like he initially expected to. The roses didn’t reach Taeyong. And you were also mad which is uncommon. You clear your throat again, “I will head home.” 
You lightly smack Doyoung cheeks and head off. 
“No way Taeyong is…a fucktard though?” 
“Man, go home you’re drunk.”
“I heard my name.” All heads whip towards the direction of the voice. Taeyong. 
A confused silence filled their friend circle before Mark interrupted mid-way, “No way Ty....”
They all groan in disappointment. The roses shenanigans didn’t work. 
Johnny slurs. “Maaaaaan, if someone didn’t get a shot. I’ll be getting my own shot.” And he stumbles on his own feet and lands on Mark and accidentally kisses him on the lips. 
Mark immediately pushes the taller guy away from him. A scowl paints his face while wiping his lips furiously. “Maaaan, what the fuck are youu doin’ maaan?”
Johnny yells, “No homo, bro!” And continues on peppering the protesting Mark with kisses. 
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Sunday arrives faster than you have expected it to be. The professors were much more considerate with the classes and decided to have an interval for each class so it’ll be less of a burden for the students. After the party from Doyoung’s sorority everything seems to be a cultural reset from partying to lessons real quick. This is college and you are really accustomed to it. 
You ponder, there is just something—sort of difference in the air surrounding you and Doyoung—something like he’s been plotting something so evil or mischievous and it kneads in your chest that you’re the prey. Or whatever that is. 
He doesn’t say a word when you drag him to a restaurant of your choice but you are pretty much sure that deep inside he’s cursing you with all his might. You try to annoy him, testing his patience yet he answers you with a forced smile. But the way his eyes spark with such animosity is enough evidence to show how infuriated he is that he needs to pay for your dinner. And too bad for him, you have a big appetite. 
“What do you fancy eating today? Stir fried rice, or,” he stares dumbfoundedly at the large menu while scratching the back of his head. He mumbles incoherently, “I will just go with the black bean noodles.”
Doyoung’s body turns around towards your direction, “What do you want?”
You state all of your orders and you can clearly see the way Doyoung’s face grimaces. The cashier jots down the orders and Doyoung pays the bill with a pained expression ebbing his face. It was beyond entertaining when he was clutching the bill so tightly, the cashier had to muster such great effort to pull away the bill out of his iron grip. It was his fault anyways; he’s being such an idiot. 
“How’s your major?” you beam while mixing the fried rice. The mouth-watering sight in front of you made your stomach turn somersaults. Has it been months since you have eaten legit food? You didn’t know but right now you just want to stuff yourself up. Free food is always much more tastier than those that you pay for. 
“I’m taking up three units for fundamentals of political science,” he blows up the searing hot noodles and slurps it all. Doyoung’s cheeks puffs as he chomps loudly on his food. 
There’s a deafening silence between both of you. Minding your own businesses until Doyoung’s phone rings obnoxiously, disturbing each other’s peace. He picks up the vibrating phone with his lithe fingers and scowls at the caller ID, “What?”
You stare at him in silence. Still devouring the freshly served food on the table. Doyoung dramatically settles his phone on the table. An expression of agony painting his slender face. You ask, “What?”
He never tries to conceal the words he just spatted. Making you wanna hide away in embarrassment as the other customers shot you both dirty looks. “I want to poop.”
It’s taking a whole lot of effort for you to not headbutt the raven haired boy that is sheepishly grinning at you. You really do. The straightforwardness of Kim Doyoung can be excruciating for the people around him and you are not an exception. 
You grit your teeth, “Then go! I don’t have the loo with me! Jesus Christ!” 
He raises his brows and settles his chopsticks on the table. He clutches his chest. “After the good deed I have done to you, this is what you are gonna pay me back? You’re heartless.”
Alright, the weight of his statement has hit you straight to the gut. You try with plenty of effort not to shoot him a leer. You clear your throat and push away the growing impatience as you hoist your bag to your shoulders ready to get something for him. With the conscience card that he has recently pulled, you know he wants you to get him something. “What do you want?”
He smiles and uncoils from his slouch, rising to his full height emitting this smug superiority. “Gatorade.”
You squint your eyes and muster the deadliest death glare you can throw towards him. “You’re lying like… what is the gatorade for? You’re clearly making me pay you in return!”
He frowns at your claim. “I’m dehydrated. I chugged down plenty of beer, do you think that’ll make my stomach happy? Do you want me to fart on you to further support my claim?”
You roll your eyes in disbelief, “You’re gross.”
“I’m just trying to support my claim.”
“How? By broadcasting your physical state?”
He tries to open his mouth for another retort yet you immediately wave your hands in defeat. Bickering with him is like talking to a smart wall. He will try to twist everything until you want to give up, like practically shoving your head underwater. And the fact that he’s a political science student, of course arguing is one of his best specialties. 
You left as soon as both of you finished your meals. You rake up your brain of possible stores that sell Gatorade and the first thing that has popped into your mind was the convenience store on the east avenue that used to be you and Taeyong’s favorite spot. The memories flood your brain. 
“What does it taste like?” Taeyong asks, his brown orbs staring at you with such longing. 
He raises his brows, “Oh?”
“Yeah, have a taste,” you offer him the sponge cake you’ve been munching a while ago. You extend your arm in his direction and scroll absently on your phone. Before you can even complain about why it is taking him a long time to have a taste, his lips are already smashed against yours. 
Goosebumps immediately rises up to its wake upon the feeling of Taeyong’s lips on yours. This is your favorite feeling, something that only Taeyong can do to you. His tongue grazes your lower lip in a deliciously slow pace of which made you enthralled in the process. In response, you part your mouth to meet him halfway. 
He pulls back and smiles at you. “It’s so sweet, like you.”
You immediately blink to snap away from your reverie. You whisper underneath your breath, “Focus, y/n.”
Two years. Two fucking years have passed yet you are still drowning with the memories of him. 
The chime resonates in the store, signaling your recent arrival. The cashier gives you a curt nod then returns to sort out the products that lay on the countertop. You immediately made a beeline for the freezers at the farthest part of the store and grabbed the striking blue drink that appeared similarly like those occasional highlights on Doyoung’s hair. You sigh while clutching the cold beverage, “Just like his stupid highlights.”
It happens so fast that you cannot decipher the scene that unfolds before you. A figure looms behind you grabbing a watermelon smoothie, his body slightly clashing on yours when you attempt to walk towards the cashier. He is clearly towering over your height and his back is facing you. The guy’s shampoo or cologne has a tinge of a melon undertone that really reminds you of Taeyong of which derives from the fact that he is standing so close to you. Secondly, you can feel the humming warmth that radiates off his body. You gulp hard. 
You mentally curse at tangling yourself in an awkward situation. You should leave yet you find your face heating up, stunned with your brain freezing. You pause for a good minute to observe the stranger.
A chill runs down your spine at the sudden feeling and the proximity. You clearly know that this guy is a stranger, but there is a sudden feeling erupting inside you and your mind is coaxing you that he isn’t. He’s not a stranger. You stare at his back, trying to rake up who possibly this guy is. He had a mop of grey hair, dangling earrings on each side and a driven aura. You reckon he is handsome as well, judging by the way he can carry himself through the store. Your mind is in a state of an endless blackhole, empty. All you could think is the fact that his alluring scent has you biting inside of your cheeks and ogling at him shamelessly. 
The guys must be feeling the heavy weight of your gaze from behind. And so, he turns his head slightly to his right giving you the sight of his ungodly sharp jawline. You didn’t get a good sight of his eyes since it’s covered by the occasional strands of his titanium colored hair. You blink hard, that fucking jaw is really familiar. The fucking tall nose is familiar. The guy nods his head in veneration and whispers a small “sorry.” And stalks away. You hear the bell chimes. 
Your heart starts to slam against your chest out of nowhere when you finally formed all the puzzle pieces together. That familiar voice lacing with softness and care. The hair, the jaw, the nose, the way he dresses. No, this isn’t just one of your imaginations. You know, it’s him, isn’t he? 
You make your way through the snacks aisle to chase after the guy. He’s just inches away from the door when you suddenly grab his jacket sleeve. You smile, “Taeyong?”
“Uhm… do I know you?”
Your expression suddenly drops. The guy you just pull in is not the guy from earlier. He looks foreign with his hair in the shade of burgundy. You sheepishly apologize, but it comes out as a mere squeak from embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I think I have mistaken you for someone else.”
“No shit. It’s alright.”
You pay for the beverage and snatch the parcel. You scramble to your feet quickly in hopes of searching for him. You know deep down, you’re sure of it. You crane your neck as far as you can possibly go until a voice laced from behind. 
“What the fuck are you doing? And where’s my drink?”
You whip your body towards him and hand him the Gatorade. 
Doyoung frowns. He tries to conceal the growing annoyance from his insides. Trying to act like his stomach frustrates him but the truth is, he is actually infuriated by the fact that Taeyong left the store so soon before you could even reach him. And he sees the scene unfold to himself. He huffs. With all the meticulous planning he thinks of, plus the help of his friends but still it isn’t enough that everything is derailing his momentum. Not just you and Taeyong but fucking fate itself. 
At this moment all Doyoung thinks of is a ceasefire, he gives up. He’s one everything—including faking an upset stomach and practically broadcasting that he wants to shit just for the sake of both of you because Johnny notifies him of Taeyong’s whereabouts. Doyoung’s face is quite red by the chilly wind of Sunday night. He announces after trying to cool down his frustrations, “I’m going home.”
You raise your brow, “But you said we’ll still eat downtown?”
Doyoung glares. Now he’s back with his usual demeanor that you could easily taunt by throwing him a series of provocations. But you choose not to, he seems to be in a really bad mood. Not to mention diarrhea lies that you seem to be picking up. “I’m mending a stupid stomach.”
And before you could pull him back, his long legs already take him a long distance from yours. 
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Your feet backs up automatically and blend into the crowd. You cover your cheeks with your hands trying to wipe off the chilly wind that kisses you. Your summer dress’s hem flies after the sway of your hips. The adrenaline is still coursing through your veins due to the last encounter with the stranger in the convenience store. His alluring scent is still fresh in your mind and it only reminds you of the guy you are still obviously in love with. You shouldn’t be anymore, but there is still a spark that ignites through your chest.  And in your mind there is this feeling of familiarity that lights up the fire that has long died two years ago. It’s not just a plain sense of belonging though, it’s Taeyong, and he always feels like home. It’s been two years since Taeyong ended everything nicely. Yet something is quite strange as the feeling of longing for him suddenly went away with just a simple encounter that you weren’t even sure if it’s him in the first place. 
You utter to yourself, “It’s him, I’m sure of it.”
But the never ending question plays around your mind like a broken record. Are you really sure? Are you ready to face him after two long years?
You hug your figure as you make your way through the same familiar tracks of your favorite pancake house in the main district. You should be home right now, yet the alluring scent of pancakes has you dragging your feet into their shop. 
The small shabby shop that is designed with occasional aesthetic trinkets makes it stand out amongst the industrial buildings beside it. It is bustling and alive with the swarm of people going in and out of their main door, stomachs full and satisfied faces. You enter the door swiftly, the scent of freshly cooked pancakes thrills inside your nostrils. The familiar tune of summer by Calvin Harris blasts on the speakers in the small diner. 
When I met you in the summer To my heartbeat sound We fell in love As the leaves turned brown
The diner is very crowded tonight. You struggle to go past through the crowds but you understand, the pancakes they sell here is to die for. 
And we could be together baby As long as skies are blue You act so innocent now But you lied so soon When I met you in the summer
Your face immediately lights up when the cashier hands you the awe-striking sight of the freshly cooked pancakes, flooding with maple syrup with occasional strawberries there and frostings that adorn the stacks. You took a whiff of the familiar cologne with a watermelon undertone from a while ago, but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus especially when a pancake is making you so thrilled to eat. 
The bustling sound of the city mixes with the catchy tune of summer and you find yourself dancing slightly along it’s melody. The lights above you cast a warm yellow glow on your face while you are waiting for a change. You answer the cashier with a smile when she hands you the cash. When you turn around, it wasn’t the aesthetic decoration of the diner that surprises you. But your ex boyfriend’s handsome face comes to your view. Your heart pounds inside your chest, yes you were longing for him, and there he is. Fate plays. 
When I met you in summer. 
You whisper but Taeyong manages to hear that soft call that he fucking miss so much. Those plump lips of yours that utter his name with such love and endearment, “Taeyong.”
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It takes you, well, a whole hour to plop down and listen to your best friend rant about you and Taeyong. The way he did plan everything but according to him,
“Fuck fate. Fuck destiny. But I’m glad though, even if I look like a villain trying to overthrow you two.”
You just know that he is beyond frustrated that he didn’t get the both of you meet with his own mirthful ways but nevertheless, he is happy. You, on the other hand, are still shocked. Not that you had a bitter feeling, but Taeyong really had a drastic change compared to two years ago. You barely even know him. 
It comes to your knowledge that he is really famous now, with his alias Kingpin plastered all over the city. He got home for a match with this Gregory guy that you haven’t heard of which is the fact that you are oblivious to it, all of it. Taeyong was stunned that you didn’t know anything about him or boxing, and you felt bad and so you made a mental note to research about it and him. He looks much more handsome than ever. With his doe eyes that hold a strong sense of contradiction, it’s strong full of aura and fire yet soft and endearing at the same time. The favorite rose like scar is still prominent underneath his right eye. His nose. His lips, those lips, it takes you an ounce of effort to hold back and not to think of unnecessary thoughts while observing the way how slow his mouth opens whenever he speaks or how pinkish it appears. 
Doyoung asks you while he plops himself comfortably on your bed. “What happened in the pancake house?”
It is awkward. 
After you whisper his name it feels like everything stopped. Both of you are like statues glued to your spots, holding deep eye contact. You can feel yourself flustered underneath his strong gaze. Those gaze that gives you an impression that he’s been undressing you already just with those eyes. It lasts for seconds, until you are both shushed by the staff for the queue is getting long. 
You flinch but relax the moment after when Taeyong’s hands found its way to your hips. Just like old times. He didn’t utter a word, instead he’d silently lead you to the table just near the door. You immediately elicit a gasp when the warmth of his hands suddenly disappeared. You blink hard then place your plate down and silently nibble on the edges of the pancake waiting for Taeyong’s arrival. 
Now that he’s much nearer, you can smell his strong scent. It doesn’t hurt your nose but the watermelon undertone stays in your nose for a while. A chill runs down your smile when he has plopped down comfortably in his seat giving you a fresh smile that makes your heart pound against your chest out of nowhere. 
Taeyong is itching to talk to you. He clears his throat, “So… I didn’t know you were actually staying here.”
You really couldn’t get a control of your voice, instead it came out really weak and not as strong as you hoped it would be. Out of all moments, your body is slowly betraying you upon the sight of the beautiful Taeyong. You really pray that he doesn’t catch you on. “I didn’t reach the quota in Missouri, and then the application period for Hansville is already closed. So I just stayed, I hate new enviro—”
Just as you could mention the environment, Taeyong already did. He gives you a playful look, “Environment?” There’s actually no point in small talk, because Taeyong knows everything about you but he did just for the sake of seeing you, your lips, your beauty, he’s risking it all. 
You feel your chest vibrate with laughter, “You couldn’t blame me though, I hate people.”
Taeyong grins. But his eyes are glimmering of darkness that surfaces his orbs. Taeyong knows and he sees it all, his overall effect on you. His lips start to stretch more into a wolfish grin while inching closer to you. 
You instantly gulp while staring at him back. “Why?”
“Are you really sure about that, y/n sweetheart?” His breath smells like mint that fans out your cheeks when he slowly dragged those words from his tongue. Casting instant warmth over your cheeks and activating your gooseflesh. 
You find yourself struggling for words upon the catch of his old nickname for you. Especially when he’s in this state, the usual laid back manner. You hate people alright, but you had exceptions like Dia, Doyoung and unfortunately him as well. He immediately retracts from slouching and straightens up his posture. He licks his bottom lips slowly. Honestly, watching Taeyong is making you suffer internally. 
“I really missed you, y/n.” He says, his voice echoing with deep timber that laces with velvet and sweet. But those words aren't imbued with sarcasm or mockery rather laced with deep sincerity. 
Those words somehow pinches you. You do right? But there is something holding you back. Fear? You let out a grin but it looked really forced with all your teeth gritted. “It was good seeing you again, Taeyong.” You clear your throat for the nth time and try to push out the strange feeling away in your gut. 
Both of you finish up your pancakes and he offers you a walk to your apartment. Both of you are not speaking letting the summer wind speak for both of you. The familiar building welcomes your sight, there is light in your unit’s window so you reckon Doyoung is still with the world. Taeyong clears his throat and stops in his tracks, “I guess this is your home, no?”
You smile, “Yes.”
He approaches you with such agility in an astounding manner. You catch a whiff of those familiar fruity scents again when he leans closer to you. In response you immediately shut your eyes, expecting. But there are no kisses delivered. Way to go and make yourself a fool. 
He chuckles. “Can I get your number?”
Your whole face heats up as if you’ve been submerged in a tub of boiling water. You open your eyes and divert your gaze away from his playful ones. “Of course, Hand me your phone.”
“Just scribble it down my forearm.”
“My phone died but I got some marker, so just jot the digits down.” He fishes for the pen and hands it to you. His calloused hands brushing yours, and those small forms of touch still delivers the extreme effects to your body. 
Those sinful arms. Your fingers are shaking while jotting your numbers down, his bulging veins are too much of a distraction especially whenever he flexes it. 
You bid him goodbye and speed walk away to enter your unit, missing the smile that ghosts his lips at your marching figure. 
You couldn’t wipe Taeyong’s images that night from your mind and so does he. Hell, If you can just see how those smile never leaving his face at his unexpected meeting with you. 
The sound of a rustling bedsheet snaps you to reality. 
You stare at Doyoung. “It was okay.”
His brows arch upwards as if mocking you. “Liar.”
Heaven knows it wasn’t just okay, you indeed enjoyed having him as company. 
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An exasperated groan leaves out your body as the bell rang obnoxiously signaling the end of the final period. You immediately hoist your bag over your shoulder and march away from the school as fast as you could. 
Unbeknownst to you, you are crossing paths with Taeyong in a day more than you had imagined. Just yesterday, you bump into him just when you were thinking about him. And his divine sight welcomes you, with his sun-kissed skin shimmering underneath the rays of the summer sun, his neck glistening with a thin sheen of sweat and those eyes that ignites with unexplainable aura and intensity. 
You hate to admit but he has changed so drastically and you could use the term cool, to describe him and his current state. You see him jog around the oval with his titanium hair striking up giving more emphasis to his sharp features. It’s parted haphazardly and damp. His tank top is clinging to his torso soaked with perspiration. His biceps strains out, he’s not that bulky type but with occasional muscles here and there, his physique is much more lean. And with just those charismatic looks, it never fails to send you a pool of pleasure, there. 
You feel a shiver when he turns around and runs a finger to his hair. His prominent veins bulged out as he tugged on his hair, fixing it into place. Your eyes trail down further until you see his abs on full display, coming to your view. 
Fuck. Fuck everything and your raging hormones. You immediately return your gaze up to his face and you feel your face heating up when it comes to your realization that he’s been observing you as well. His gaze never leaves yours, then one moment, he lifted the hem of his shirt to wipe off his face. Giving you the view that you've been ogling at. He knows what you like and he’s giving it to you without any protest. 
The sun shines through the oval, casting a yellowish glow on his body. His soft flesh is glowing with the occasional tattoos adorning his ribcage. You immediately gulp in hopes to diminish the growing sensation blooming in your stomach. But it never left, especially when Taeyong’s smile is being shot out towards your direction. 
He’s really pleased to see you, especially seeing you in that body fitting uniform that makes him go hard on a summer’s day. 
He approaches you without wiping the smile off his face. You fidget while trying to compose yourself not wanting to embarrass yourself much further. The night when you met him the first is enough. 
“Fancy seeing you here. Are you headed home?”
“I ought to but I think I want to take a walk to the park.” 
The bag straps dares to slip out of your shoulders. You utter an incoherent, “fuck.”
Taeyong immediately changes his expression. He looks at you in concern as he catches on your discomfort. “Why? Is there something wrong?”
“Oh… it’s just that the professor advised us to bring all three books for a collaborative reading but he didn’t show up.”
“And then I was tasked to report to the home room adviser so practically I have to carry out these heavy books while climbing up to the fourth floor.”
You immediately shut your mouth and your rants when you saw how he grew silent. You bit your lip and apologized meekly, “Sorry, I was just so tired from the summer class and this bag—”
He doesn’t utter a word but he grabs the bag away from you even before you can protest. He groans, “Damn, these are heavy.”
“They are.”
He stretches out his hand to you. “Come, let’s go to the park.”
You protest. Your eyes widening at his declaration. “But… but, you still have your training?”
“Nah. I can make time.”
And he pulls you away. His hand holding you dearly, just like old times. The warmth of his hands filling up those spots of yearning you had from his two year disappearance. 
The walk to the nearest park wasn’t as deadly silent like the first night you both met. With both of your shoulders bumping and hands intertwined. You were not holding back anymore, clearly stating all of your distaste towards your college professors passionately with Taeyong chuckling in response. The conversation carries on smoothly filling out the gap that both of you had withdrawn from the years of absent communication. It’s filling out the space as both of you are talking about the randomness in all things possible not letting the implicit dead air eat out the aura engulfing you two. 
Taeyong is not much of a talker, but when he does, everything that rolls out of his tongue could really hold a significant place in the listener’s memory. This fact still piques you up at the sight of his doe eyes quietly invested whenever you talk. You are always the talker between the two of you. 
You can notice it from your periphery. You can feel the heavy weight of his drowning gaze piercing right through you as he examines you with such curiosity. You halt at your impending speech about student organization, feeling a lot more hotter than usual. The silence ebbed its way like how a beacon flies away from a started up fire. You let out a sharp intake of breath as you muster all your courage to reciprocate his heavy gaze. 
You let out an airy laugh, “Is there something on my face?”
The way his demeanor changes drastically before your very eyes. His deep eyes are luminous, that made you feel some sort of deep mystification. His eyes are clearly looking at something through you, or searching for something to mend a yearning that is situated deep in his chest. He missed looking at your face, and a single gaze couldn’t fill those years of him trying to familiarize your face with those dusts in his memory. 
“You’ve changed so much,” he says. His eyes are not leaving yours. You could almost feel some tinge of connection with just the way he stares down at you with deep adoration. That shoots out a simmering feel underneath your skin and painting out your face with searing hotness. 
You try to conceal yourself by clearing your throat. “How do you know?”
“I keep on looking at you.”
“I can see that,” you state in a matter of fact. Challenging him further, “why is that?”
His lips immediately tugs upright at the change of your tone. He pushes in, further stretching out your curiosity, “Do you really wanna know?”
He blinks slowly, his eyelashes slightly fluttering against his eyelids. He opens his lips, “I wanna feel those lips again.”
You gulp hard when you see his gaze drops down to your lip level. That is the same thing you were thinking of the first time you saw him, don’t you? You also gawk at his as well, playing along the colors of a pale pink rose and crimson chrysanthemums. You can feel your brain struggling out to think of a thing to get away in this scenario you are in, instead you are lost in thought while looking at his lips. You definitely want to feel those lips as well. 
“Why don’t you do it then?”
You lift the edges of your lips into a playful smile testing out the very edge of Taeyong’s patience. You must’ve stunned him at your vulgarity since he is opening his mouth for a retort but nothing rolls out. 
“A-are you sure?”
This is the connection you were talking about. The constant pounding of both of your hearts are beating in sync against your rib cages. Feeling the same sense of want for each other’s touch. The butterflies flying around your stomach in an erratic manner. 
“Do it.”
You thought he’s gonna hold back, but the sudden feeling of his lips crashing on yours had you sending in a skyrocketing ecstasy. 
You didn’t get a hold of how long it has been, but all you can think of how sensual everything is. Goosebumps arise on your skin at the feeling of Taeyong’s tongue slowly grazing then nibbling on the plump flesh of your lower lip. You unconsciously let out a quiet moan that gave him access to meet you along the process. 
Taeyong relaxes for a bit and you feel his hands slowly crawling up your arm and find its spot and settle it softly on your jaw. He caresses you slowly with such delicacy, afraid to give you a scratch. You are really lost with his mouth connected with yours. You are too stunned to think of something but it felt magical and passionate. 
He slightly tilts his head towards his left and pushes your face more into him to deepen the kiss. His tongue grazing through the underside of your mouth. 
He breaks the kiss, but his hands never left your cheeks. His forehead is resting on yours, a smile is ghosting his lips but his eyes are closed. He whispers your name sweetly causing a feeling of sparks igniting inside your chest. You rest your hands on his shoulders, gripping on it for dear life and to calm your nerves. 
You can see the slow flutters of his eyelashes and how it cast a hollow shadow on his cheekbones. His breath slightly fans your face and you find yourself ticklish. He finally opens his eyes and how it holds such light, alive like the galaxy. He gives you a smile, “I really missed this.”
Then he leaned again to press on several small kisses, peppering your face with his lips while making smooch sounds. You immediately let out a giggle. His touch stays put, hot and tantalizing you can almost feel yourself burning. 
This is what Taeyong has been dreaming of. How he yearns for that tinge of strawberry that he only gets to taste whenever he’s kissing you. You taste so sweet. Overly saccharine it made him much more alive. 
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Days past to weeks. It’s a routine like you expected it, impending torment every morning which is summer classes. But someone has added some spice to your monotonous life; Lee Taeyong. There has been a change in the atmosphere engulfing both of you— something that touches a nostalgic feeling — a slight nudge to your heart. 
He is currently leaning at the back door frame of your classroom. Watching you struggle to finish up an essay that is currently due in fifteen minutes. That is exactly the sight he would die to see. 
“Start with the main points first before you elaborate the sub points,” he beams. Good thing, you are situated at the very back and so you are both out of ear shot. You press your brows all together, concentrating on the damn vague subject but the scent of Taeyong is too distracting. 
He crouches down and snatches the pen away from you, scribbling a lopsided pyramid with all the words as your starter. You stare at him and he gives you a smile in return. The way his eyes turn into moon crescents that made your heart churn. Do you really deserve those smiles? 
He whispers proudly, “There. That should keep you on track.”
You gasp, “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, sweetheart.” He steals a kiss from you and stalked away with his phone on his ear.
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Later that day, your phone keeps buzzing against your ass. The first ever text you’ve received from Taeyong. He had a new number. 
[pretty but flat as a board lee taeyong] [4:16 PM] I hope you finished your paper! [4:18 PM] its taeyong btw [4:23 PM] uhm,,, perhaps you want to go for a ride,, like fuck I hate texting dhhdhd [4:23 PM] but I wanna show u around our boxing gym if you would like of course… [4:25 PM] text me back, yeah?
You immediately grin at the message. 
[4:26 PM] alright, as long as you treat me dinner :D [4:27 PM] alsoo… thank you, I said it already but I want to thank you agaaain :) [pretty but flat as a board lee taeyong] [4:27 PM] you got that! :) [4:27 PM] see you!!! <3
You pretty much found yourself ogling at his last message. 
[4:28 PM] anything for you, sweetheart. I love you. 
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Those messages from Taeyong got you in a state of deep conflict. You just thought of it as a simple get together and not a date. Right, that must be it, he just wanted to show you around the place where he boxes. That could be it. 
On the other hand, Taeyong knows that it isn’t just something as a plain go-out impromptu. He really mustered his courage to ask you out for a date. And he hasn't thought of a proper place since he’s not permitted to wander around the outskirts of the city not until after his upcoming match. The boxing gym could be the second destination after dinner. 
The shared relationship between the two of you has escalated more than just plain awkwardness. While you are munching out your yakisoba, Taeyong is eating out his salad, watching and lowkey happy that you are sharing a company with him even though the offer is quite a little bit absurd. You are now staring back at him whenever he does, occasionally throwing out flirtatious comebacks after the other. This made something spark out in Taeyong’s chest, is it a sign of your feelings coming back? Or something even bigger than the picture he has been painting? Commitment?
The walk to the boxing gym didn’t take up much of your time. Taeyong pushes the door and lets you enter in first. There are several people inside the gym and they all gave you a friendly greeting. There’s another man that approaches the two of you, probably a few years older than you and is handsome as well in his grey sweats and black shirt. His eyes mold into moon crescents as he greets you with all his pearly teeth showing, “You must be y/n? I’m Taeil, Taeyong’s other coach.”
The people in the gym scrambled out to the connecting unit to give you both privacy. It's just both of you, with the lights casting a warm glow between your bodies, the dumbbells untouched, the ring in the middle waiting for him. He leads you inside the ring as he hoists up the rope upwards for your entrance. The platform is quite slippery but Taeyong immediately guides you forward towards the middle with his hands gripping your hips tightly. You just watch him intently and you can see how he grew a lot more taller, practically hovering over your figure.
He demonstrates a simple punch here and there. Pointing out the parts of the ring but all of his words are muddled, swimming away as your attention is solely focused on his lips and the way his slender body sway with such grace and agility. 
He removes the glove and throws it away. He approaches you, “Are you gonna do something with the way that you are looking at me?”
He can feel it. Tonight is something different. The way both of you are staring right at each other’s soul is a little different. 
He slowly intertwined his fingers with yours then he holds it up to his lips to kiss your fingers gingerly. He’s taking his time to kiss one digit to another. Then, he leans slowly while grazing his lips onto the outer shell of your ear. Your body tingles at the warm breath fanning the right side of your face. “What does that stare mean huh? Y/n?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to speak with those tantalizing eyes staring at you, full of determination, smoldering with passion and lust. His touch on your hips is burning, shuddering as he caresses it down slowly emitting the rise of your goosebumps. His lips are brushing against your nose peppering small kisses just like old times. He handles you with such care like you are some sort of a delicate masterpiece by Michelangelo. 
You just want him. His lips. His entirety. You want Lee Taeyong. 
He caresses your jaw soothingly before leaning down to press a soft peck on your lips. Then, again and again. Until you encircled your arms around his neck to pull him closer. You feel him smile against your lips after reciprocating your hungry and passionate kisses. After all these years of yearning, you’ve never felt so alive. He’s something akin to fire that never fails to have your insides burn with so much spark and passion. 
He pulls you more, pushing your figure on his. It feels surreal with both your bodies molding into one. His soft touch turns into a passionate tug of war with your blouse. His hands run over those curvatures that are hidden by your top. Oh god, he knows how he missed doing these. 
Taeyong knows that you’re the catastrophe that yields this side of him. He loves you so much. And he believes that you are both made for each other, like planets meant to be aligned together. Your scent that smells like home with a touch of roses and bloom. Your lips that are perfectly made just for him, your tongue that slowly and carefully grazes his lower lip. The kiss that both of you are sharing is too sensual, different, grounded into something just like the very first one you have both shared. 
He nibbles on yours that triggers a soft moan from you. You immediately granted him entrance. The ghost of his touch is still lingering on your jaw, until he settles it down onto your hips. You are sure that he can the loud pounding of your chest, the way the big spark ricochets against your chest with every touch he leaves. 
It’s messy but surreal. Binding with much adoration and deep sense of lust. With his tongue exploring every bit of you. Tangling and connected by feelings. It is so romantic that you don’t want it to end.
He breaks the kiss, leaning against your temple. Ragged breaths resonate around the quiet gym. You take your time to settle your pounding heart and breath. You look at him, all but imbued with pure adoration and affection. His swollen lips whisper your name in awe and he smiles at how he dreamt of it and now it's unfolding before him. 
You just want to be like these. With you tucked under his protective embrace. Listening to his erratic heartbeat. But, you were still afraid. 
He whispers, “God. What will I do without you?”
“But… I’m always here.”
“But I won’t.”
You inhale a sharp intake of breath. “I don’t understand.”
“I might move out abroad for training.”
Those are the things you are always afraid of. Taeyong entering your life, then to leave out as soon you cannot contain yourself anymore, drowning with every piece of him, lost without his presence beside you. 
 This was your nightmares, coming back at square one broken and shattered. And it’s threatening to come back especially now that you are finding yourself falling for him, again.
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It’s raining hard. Gloomy and heavy just like the constant barrage of thoughts clouding in your brain that you have overlooked a text message from Taeyong and Doyoung’s sudden appearance at your room.
“I can see a blooming college student, and why is that?” He teases but it wasn’t enough to make your mood lift not for a little bit.
“I don’t see myself as blooming though, why’d you say that?” 
“Don’t lie to me. I can see how lovely and alive you are when you’ve been hanging out with Taeyong.”
“It won’t be long. I should’ve known,” you wipe your face. “God, why am I such an idiot?”
His face immediately concerts to concern, he knows you’re in deep conflict and something wrong is up. “Tell me.”
You told him everything. The internal battle you’ve recently put yourself into Everything that has been bugging in your mind lately. “I’ve let him in my life once, then now, twice and right now I’m unsure of everything. I’m even afraid that I have to go through the past shits I was thrown into because he chooses his career more than… us. And I don’t want to feel that misery again.”
He hums, “Look.” You embrace yourself for an earful of lectures from him. “But, who cares about the past? It's already done but it isn't just you who suffered and undergone extreme shit.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re dumb, y/n.”
“I said what I said, Doyoung. This isn’t love, it could be just the wild force like lust or whatever...”
“No, you’re still swimming around this deep pool of conflict and denial.”
“It's easier to speak about someone, Kim Doyoung. But you don’t know what I am feeling right now, stop invalidating me.”
“I’m not. But I’m speaking as a best friend and I know you love him more than you know, you do.”
You snap, “Stop concluding things!”
“Oh yeah? But if you are unsure of Taeyong, why do you keep on texting with him when you know that you shouldn’t? What about those kisses you both shared when he dropped you off here yesterday? You don’t know but you’ve been drowning with the presence of Taeyong that you’re oblivious to the fact that everyone knows you’re lying. You still love him.”
“I just want to hang out but that necessarily means I do love him.”
Doyoung clenches his jaw and approaches your figure. You’re being too difficult. Your eyes widens at his sudden outbursts but what made you stunned is that he suddenly pulled your face to his, then he planted a soft peck on your nose. 
Doyoung knew this was coming, but he just wanted to help with the thing he knows will work. After all the shenanigans he pull, all of them didn’t work and ended the way he wanted in it be. By doing this, he will know if you are indeed in a midst of conflict or you really do love Taeyong. It’s a giveaway, if you do push him away, it just explains everything. If you do not, then he is wrong for pushing everything into your edge.
Doyoung is tall and thus, he can see the marching figure of Taeyong and how he stopped midway at the sight of both of you. From the perspective of Taeyong, it gives him a picture that both of you are kissing when in fact, Doyoung is just leaning down to match your height.
“What the hell?”
You immediately remove Doyoung’s hands from your face and spin quickly on your heels to meet him. “Taeyong, I can explain…”
Taeyong smiles bitterly, “No. save it.” He lets go of the material he’s been gripping through all this time. 
The sight of Taeyong, he���s beautiful as ever. But looking at his face painting into a mixture of plain reticence and agony surely made you sick to the gut. You hate to see him hurting and when he spun his heel to leave, you chased him off. Afraid of losing him, again. At this moment you have been sure of it, you love him more than you do. 
He spins his heel but maintains a safe distance from you. “I didn’t know you and Doyoung had a thing, I should’ve known.”
“No! No, please, listen to me—“
His gaze is so dark with pain and anger. “I don’t want to hear anything from you. Imagine, I have been believing all these time, yet, fuck.”
“No, Taeyong…”
He snaps, “Do you really love me y/n? Or you’re just driven?”
That shuts you out. But you know that answer, it's just that fear is holding you from shouting out how much you love him. 
He smirks bitterly, “See? Those could answer everything.”
Heaven knows how much you love Lee Taeyong. How you are afraid of seeing him leave and never return back. 
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The next days you are waking up to are the worst as you speak. The way every morning feels so heavy with a constant tirade of thoughts running over your mind like a shadow lurking by. Your mornings pass by bitterly without messages coming from Taeyong or his stupid voice overs that lulls you to sleep. Not even his sweet talks and songs. None of them all. 
It feels like shit to wake up with a heavy chest glooming with unexplainable feelings of confusion and denial. You hated to admit but you are so angry with yourself for being such a pussy. The constant loop of emotions that you feel, above all fear of having everything repeat again, then anger at yourself for hurting Taeyong, then regret because you know you could have done something better. You are well aware that you are just forcing yourself into this pool of anxiety. Afraid of something uncertain, when you shouldn’t be and it was just enough to drive Taeyong away. You could have just told him you loved him, but you were letting yourself be pulled out by your own judgements. Love means sacrificing, but you were such a coward for doing so.
Denial that was the cause of the pain that killed his passionate eyes. You know too well that what you have shared with him isn’t just something as plain lust but it was driven by deep love and passion. Yet, you couldn’t even correct out the stupid lie that Taeyong had to forcibly believe. Because you were so afraid of admitting that you are falling back to him, and you’re afraid that he might not be able to catch you out like he did before all because of boxing. 
But was it worth fearing for if it meant pushing him away? No. You loved him more than you do. Does it make you at ease to just bury down in your darkest pits and watch Taeyong disappear just because you were so afraid of taking up the risk? No. 
In the course of summer’s day and hazy afternoons you have spent with him, shoulder to shoulder, swaying with deep grace and agility, you have seen how smooth your relationship with him changed. Unbeknownst to you, the relationship shared between you has blossomed into something passionate and raw; full of emotion. No puppy love but special and mature. You hate to engage with people but with Taeyong around, there is a line that connects the two of you like two star-crossed lovers destined and made for each other. 
His smile never fails to cast positivity in your life, and hell you know, that you wanted to be a reason for those smiles as well. But how can you do it, when you were the reason why it won’t happen anymore?
You know you are just scared of letting him inside your life and then one moment, he’ll leave. His departure has deeply wounded and scarred you to the point that you don’t want it to happen anymore. This has always been a part of commitment, that obstacles are being thrown towards your way. But the more you think of it, the more selfish and worse you felt. He did support you all the time, especially when you mentioned to him two years ago that you wanted to go abroad for an internship or those times when he is determined to keep you on track despite his body failing because of the strenuous training he’s being shoved under. But when it was his time to go, instead of supporting him all the way, you eventually closed everything around you, even tried so hard to tell it without hurting you. That made you feel like shit. 
You try to diminish everything and try to focus on your classes but you constantly find yourself thinking about those titanium hair and passionate eyes. His kisses and burning touches. You stare at the pile of schoolworks stacked neatly at your table, waiting for your whole undivided attention. But you just couldn’t bring yourself to focus, not with that growing lump of sadness clogging on your throat.
It’s impossible to wave everything off like nothing of this ever happened, that Taeyong was just another episode in your life. But he wasn’t just someone that is a passerby, he’s engraved to your memory, and he’s that memory you wish to remember till death. 
It hurts to see his face into pain.
Lee Taeyong is the man that you’ve ever wished for. He loves without boundaries, without limits, without judgement. He’ll love you with all his might, disregarding all those flaws that you keep. He’s pretty with his soul so bright and pure. He’s like a rose in this dead garden that shines in his very own way. Bright red, full of determination, power and beauty. He’s so kind like the angel Gabriel. He was a dream come true for you, ethereal like a daydream, the love of your life that you pushed away because you were being such a coward.
A throb in your chest escapes when you see the crumpled paper discarded near the door. His neat handwriting comes to your view.
I just read the Notebook by Nicholas Sparks and saw this passage;
“I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived: I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.”
I love you with all my entirety, I know I have fucked up, but I am willing to do everything for you, just to be with you, forever. 
He just loves you and you were doubting everything. 
“Good thing I didn’t throw that paper away.”
You immediately spin around your heel and see Doyoung plopping himself comfortably on the sofa. 
“I’m still mad at what you’ve done.”
“I know, but if it wasn't for that show, you’ll never be as sure as you are now.”
“You’re bullshit.”
“I’m just helping you,” he clears his throat. “Now, tell me more.”
“No, until you tell why you did that stupid thing.”
He sighs. “It’s an eye opener for people in denial like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“When you heard Taeyong, you immediately pushed me away and chased after him… Why? Because you don’t want to see him get hurt because of a stupid and childish act.”
You didn’t answer.
“Now tell me more.”
You sigh again and close your eyes. Doyoung watches you patiently. “Doyoung, tell me, am I dumb for feeling this way? Afraid that he’ll leave me again because of boxing and selfish because I am just looking out for myself?”
“First of all, you are not dumb, academically could be, but no, you’re not. You see, whenever we feel fear, that just means that we love that person so much we are afraid to lose them. And don’t invalidate everything just because you are looking out for yourself.”
He continues on, “I know that the separation of you two were messed up and rushed because Taeyong had to train more and you cannot decipher the fact that he has to leave. And now that he’s back, you just don’t want to feel the same old misery you had to endure these years. But trust me, he feels the same way as you do. In fact, much worse because he chose boxing over you. But it's part of life and love, sacrifices happen and it makes the bond between the two stronger.”
“What do I do?”
“You see, you keep on returning back to your past, that it might happen again and again. Forget those, it's in the past, what is important is the present and that is what you should focus on. Feelings are really hard to keep up with. We’re humans, vulnerable. But I know that he really loves you.”
“I do, too.”
“Then, you should talk it out to him. Don’t rush things and take lithe steps.”
He approaches your figure and pulls you into an embrace. You feel your eyes burning with tears when he whispers, “If two people are meant to be together, they’ll eventually find their way back, and this is it, y/n.”
“What if he misunderstood?”
“He won’t. Trust me, he is my friend too.”
You feel a sense of comfort even if it's just a fraction of time. His words echoing around your mind, “If two people are meant to be together, they’ll eventually find their way back, and this is it, y/n.”
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You find yourself dropping by their boxing gym. Taeil approaches you figure, awkwardly leaning against the door, kinda conflicted if you should set foot in the gym or not. 
“Hey,” he greets. His face is quite pale with the notable dark bags under his eyes, he looks really dishevelled. 
You bow your head, “Hey Taeil, what’s up?”
“Oh, it's that so?”
“But he’s pretty messed up among all of us.”
He knows.
You can hear the disgruntled grunts and strong punches from the farthest side of the room. 
You let out a sigh, “Why is that?”
“You see, he’s been really expectant of this match but he was notified at the last minute that it was cancelled because his opponent was tested positive for using peds which is illegal,” he trails. “I think it made him upset given the fact that we have done extreme preparations and he was obliged to undergo a mandatory drug test when he hated doing it in the first place.”
You find yourself being stupefied, not knowing what to answer. “I’m sorry--”
You are interrupted midway when you hear constant shouts and punches. 
“It was found out that the contract of sponsorship was a fraud and used as a bait for us to bite on. He was really enraged.” Taeil clears his throat, “Now he’s been grilled by the trainers because there’s a big dip in his usual powerful performance. There was never a problem especially in training but his performance just escalated down and I really don't know how to help him either, I think he's really unmotivated.”
You feel really guilty because you were also the reason for his sudden drop in performance. 
You call out to Taeil and hand him the pink card, “Can you please pass this to him?”
Taeyong stumbles in the locker room after the hellish training, he grips on the metal bars tightly to support his body. He feels like his body is collapsing with his legs wobbling and his arms tired, without the power to hold anything in his command. The bright pink card that is clipped haphazardly on his jacket caught his attention, he stretched out his arm and he elicited a sharp gasp when he felt the sudden jolt of pain rising up to his shoulders. The contents of the card surprised him, your baby picture that’s his favorite and the neat calligraphy of a book passage that had his eyes damp with tears.
“So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday-- Noah”
I have also read the Notebook and all I could say is I can’t stop thinking about you. Everything could be hard but I am more than willing to dive, to walk into a path full of thorns with you. I was really afraid to see you walk out of that door, and it came to my realization that I’d rather have you go away temporarily, to chase on your dream rather than losing you forever. Chase your dream and I’ll chase mine, and we’ll still find each other’s arms. I will support you always, rose. I love you so much. 
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You find yourself in the boxing gym again, awkward as fuck. 
The rambunctious rambles of Taeyong’s teammates piques up his ears yet he doesn't pay attention to it because he knows it’s useless. He quietly wraps the white bandages around his wrist and his fingers. His muscles are still aching with the aftermath of the afternoon grilling yesterday but he needs to practice more despite everything fucking him up. 
Taiel shouts out, “Taeyong!”
He snaps, “What?!”
But the sight of your figure at the door deeply surprised him. You look like you’ve been contemplating for a good minute whether you should enter the gym or just cling out at the door. Ah, he knows. You hated talks and people so much and it shows.
It’s been days since you have last seen him, he’s still beautiful as ever. But you can see the dark shadow that casts underneath his eyes. There were lines here and there that could be caused by stress and fatigue. His jaw is much sharper than before. His eyes were unreadable, deep and smoldering.  
He hoists and climbs out of the ropes and out of the ring to approach you. You can see yourself eyeing his figure intently but you rest your gaze at his strong and unyielding stare down to those pretty lips.
He breathes, “Hey.”
It was just a faint call yet it feels like you’ve been floating around in cloud nine. You fidget against the wall and Taeyong notices. You wanted to tell him more, everything, yet you are confined in your very own space, with fear clogging out your throat. 
You settle with calling his name, your lips quivering, “Taeyong.”
Taeil immediately shushes the other boys that have plains on eavesdropping on the drama unfolding. The marches out towards the connected unit with exasperated groans leaving their lips. Now it’s just you and him again. With everything untouched and quiet. The space around you is basking into that awkward pace just like the first encounter. Your heart ricochets off against your chest that indicates a quiet plea that snaps you out of what you should do. Here goes nothing, you should talk it out to him. 
You try to divert your attention from the erratic beating of your heart to the boy who’s been looking at you with his dark eyes. 
He begins, “How is your summer class?”It took you off guard, “It’s fine.” 
You clear your throat and mumble the words, “I want to talk, please?”
He leans down with his brows furrowed together. “What? I didn’t get what you were trying to say…”
You sigh and yanked his tank top to plant a kiss on those rose colored lips of him. He misses your touch. He relaxes by the feeling of your touch. You were just enough to fill out the hole that has been empty throughout his heart. 
You whisper, “I’m really sorry for being afraid… for holding back… I don’t have something intimate going on with Doyoung I swear, he just leaned in to slap me out of my reverie… With his acts I was able to make sure that you were the only one that I will ever love…  I could never replace you with someone else because I love you so much… you are the only one that I will choose, forever.”
He closes his eyes and leans on your forehead. He was so afraid of losing you either. When he saw Doyoung that day, he really felt a sense of tugging in his heart. Fear that he couldn’t make up for all the things that he’d done. For leaving so soon. For leaving you. He misses you so much that he can’t find the energy to go on without you by his side.
He kisses you with all the power he could muster. With all earnestness. Peppering you with kisses, dusting every part of your face with all his might. He’s intoxicated with just your presence looming inside his systems. He leaves you breathless with every passionate kiss he leaves, leaving a trail of hotness that has been searing up into your body. You could almost feel that spark with just the ghost of his touch. This is what you want, with him  by your side. How content you feel with him and those yearning suddenly disappears.
Taeyong cups your face, holding you with such care as if you’re the most delicate glass. Fragile. He stares at your eyes, searching into yours deeply until he could see how beautiful they really are, that holds the entire galaxy with them, sparkling and deep.
You grab his hands carefully, kissing his bruised hands that are like those flowers that your mother grows. Delphinium, that is casting a glow of pale blue and violet. It must’ve pained him to still train with his hands scarred. 
He calls you out with the same old nickname for you that sends you to bits of fluttery. “Sweetheart... “ His voice is imbued with longing, his voice deep and soothing, contradicting yet lulling. “You don’t have to apologize. I will forgive you every time, because I love you so much.”
“I’m sorry for being like this, still trapped with the past…”
He shushes you with his finger. “Hey, let’s forget everything in the past and focus on what we have here in the present.”
You smile, “Present.”
Taeyong finds himself being lost for words yet he seizes this opportunity to hold you closer to his. He loves you dearly and admires your beauty. Your entirety. He loves you for being you. That is all about simplicity with your skin glowing, so it was your inner beauty that not only lit up your soft features but Taeyong’s eyes as well. When he sees you smile and laugh, he couldn't help but smile along too, even if it was just on the inside. To be in your company was to feel that he too was someone, that you had been warmed in summer rays regardless of the season.
“Stop staring.”
He laughs, “Why not? I miss you.”
“Your coach might scold me for interfering with your training.”
He rolls his eyes, “The match was cancelled, anyways. Let him be mad, I don’t care.”
You grin, “You’re impossible.”
He leans in again for a kiss. It’s not just a peck but one steeped in a passion that ignites. It is the promise of realness, of the primal desire that glows in your chest.
He kisses up and down your neck. You let out little whimpers of anticipation while he works his way back to your tender, smooth lips. 
He breathes out your name, “y/n…” caressing your face gingerly, brushing away those strands of hair away from your eyes, “Did you know I was really happy to see that letter from you?”
“Because you called me rose that you only did when you felt like it.”
You laugh at his confession, “Why?”
“I just felt happy that you finally addressed me by that name.”
You give him a smile while caressing his cheeks soothingly. His expression is a mixture of endearment and loving, with his smile that is so blinding with beauty.
He continues, “I could still remember that very last time you called me that and I thought I will never get those endearments from you. Rose is the name out of all that I can help but to smile whenever I hear someone say it.”
“It’s actually weird to call you that.”
“But it’s fucking unique and I will aways remember you whenever I hear the word rose.”
“Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve you… You’re someone so kind and pure that brings up the beauty even in the smallest things and God… what will I ever do without you in my life?”
“We are always meant to be together even though Doyoung’s plan on bringing our paths together fails.”
You cross your brows, “How did you know that?”
He grins cheekily, “He told me.” That snitch. 
The conclusions are starting to form inside your head like whirlpools. You point out an accusatory finger towards him, your eyes wide, “So you know?”
He smirks and kisses you again. “Yes, but it just feels good to hear those words coming out of you.”
“You drama king!”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. Out of seven billion, I will always choose you.”
Those words prompt another fond smile to play on your lips, one so tight it hurts your cheeks. 
You hear a roar, “Lee Taeyong! Back to the ring!”
You could see his manager fuming but when he sees your figure being concealed by Taeyong’s body he immediately scurries back and grunts out incoherent profanities. 
You snatch his top to lean for a peck then pushing him away, “Go, before you get grilled for--”
“For what? Being sexy?”
“You have an non-existent ass, Taeyong.”
He just smiles at your comeback. And he could just feel the air knocking out of his fucking chest. God, what is life if it wasn’t you with his side like this? He’s a lovefool, only for you.
He begins, “You know I hated books but…” his eyes are now soft and deep, earthy brown - the color of the earth after torrential rains. A smile tugging on the ends of his lips, “You are, and always have been, my dream.” 
You recognize those quotes from Nicholas Sparks. 
You smile too, “You are and will ever be the love of my life, Taeyong.”
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You can still remember the first time that you felt extreme happiness, that is when you have been given the plush toy you have been dreaming off by your dad. That was memorable, then the second one that gave you light was Taeyong. He brings the extreme feeling of euphoria just by the ghosts of his lips. From the very start, you wanted to drown yourself with the boy who’s laced with elegance and sweetness that is Lee Taeyong. 
You didn’t know how Taeyong was able to spare himself out of his training sessions and his fuming coach. But what is important is that after he runs towards your direction, carelessly yanking out his bag, he reconnected his lips to yours, peppering your whole face down to marking your neck as his. You both don’t stop feeling each other until you are both forced out by Taeil. 
Taeyong’s vein is filled with adrenaline and the wild drive of lust. He carelessly drives down his apartment, skipping three traffic lights, at this moment he couldn’t bring himself to care about traffic rules, he wanted you the soon, the better. The both of you stumbles down the hallway, bodies waltzing while trying to fit in the door of his unit. 
His fingers were grazing your scalp slightly tugging on your locks to provide him more access to deepen the kiss. His other hand is roaming around you, exploring every bit of your curvature that you always hide. He grips on your hips hard then slammed you on the nearest wall he could find. Taeyong pushes his pelvis onto you, deeper while torturing you by biting down on your lower lip. You let out a quiet moan that urges him to do more, grinding against your pants that sends a surge of swirling sparks in your belly and wetness that pools between your thighs.
You’re his drug that drives him into madness. 
He couldn't contain himself any further as excitement pools inside his system, his eyes burning with desire with the sight of you caged between his arms. He gives you a look while he touches the hem of your shirt, silently asking for your approval. You nodded and it was enough for him to shake while trying to work out and remove you from the garment that covers your beauty. He inwardly let out a low groan upon the sight of your breast cupped perfectly by the lacy bra. 
Your faces immediately flush at his intense gaze, but he immediately leans in to plant a quick peck on your lips, smiling throughout. “You are perfect. God.”
He traces with his lithe fingers starting from your hands upward to your shoulders. You can almost see how he occasionally steals a glance at you with his hooded eyes. His gaze is so heavy and hungry as if you’re a pool of crystal water and he’s a man with an exorbitant thirst, that he cannot longer wait to devour you with all his might.  He proves his ardent hunger by cupping your cheeks and attacking your now swollen lips, then tilting your head slightly on the left to press his lips onto the delicate skin of your neck, his teeths grazing and biting down, leaving you angry red marks. He wasn’t feeling enough, he titles your head more, providing him more access to the sweet spot that is on the arch of your collarbones, sucking and marking until you are desperately crying for more. 
You let out an airy laugh, “Is this what you are planning along all this time?”
He answers you with a breathy answer, “Fuck, yes.” He towers over your figure while grinding more onto you, the friction making him bite down his moans and hard with every fraction of time passing by. “You’re the only one I plan on doing this with.”
 He pulls away and finally assists you while undressing. To him, you are the most perfect, with your skin glistening with sensual sweat. Taeyong’s eyes were drawn down to the red marks that caressed its way down to your neck, reaching to just below your collarbones. Taeyong always told himself that goddesses were real and he was sure that you’re one of them. You’re a masterpiece that he will always hold with such delicateness.
He pushes your figure down onto his silk sheets. You can feel the cold contact against your flushed skin while Taeyong hovers onto your figure attacking every part of you that his lips could. He sucks onto your neck until those marks turn with a deep chase of purple and blue. You buck your hips against him, firmly to feel him, until you could squeeze out a reaction from him.
Taeyong groans slowly which pushes you more to roll your hips against him. The instinctive reaction of Taeyong was to bite down on your neck a little more harder which earns a sharp gasp from you. There is a rising flame bubbling inside of your abdomen. Two amorous lovers binded by love and lust. He gives out a quick yet quiet apology while returning into his business on marking every spot he sees no shade of lilac or blue. You try to grind onto him shamelessly, again, teasing to test out his patience, yet he already has his hands holding you down to place with his nails digging deep into your hips. You could almost feel his raging boner resting against the flesh of your inner thighs, throbbing. 
Swatting away his grip, you immediately sit up to undress him up. Your hands run along his skin, clever, skilled, determined as you stripped off the tank top that clings onto his wrists. The flash of passion, the fury of need that darkens your eyes with a sense of decadent power as the man you really love is sitting before you, almost as naked as you. 
In mindless, liberated pleasure, you shove out his gym shorts. 
Taeyong’s eyes glimmered in the weak light of his room, as he forced the gym shorts out of him and flung it aside. “You’re driving me insane.”
“I could say that too.”
His mouth begins feasting onto your flesh again, his greedy hands racing over your quivering body in ruthless exploration that got you breathless. Heat pumps throughout your veins; feeling soft and warm, melting into Taeyong’s touch, like one's body. 
You let out a gasp when you feel Taeyong’s palm cupping your breasts. His other sinful fingers move against your surging wet heat, relentlessly driving you up to insanity, the need to release is clawing viciously inside your body. Your pussy throbbing with his fingers encircling with your clit in a torturous manner. 
Taeyong breathes, “Look at me,” when he sees your eyes fluttering shut. “It’s just you and me. Just us, like always.”
“Always.” The shadows dance around the both of you. Shifting while both of your fingers stroked. The sensation builds after the other, your body trembles, shuddering layers, then it halts when he suddenly withdraws himself letting you on the edge of frustration and want. 
“Fuck, Taeyong!”
“God, I can eat you out, alive.”
You breathe, “I could… let you.”
With the expert flick of his hands, he had your pants tugged down along with your panties with a low grunt. Your eyes both lock in a brief second, all smoldering and swimming with intense lust. He clicks his tongue while playfully flicking off your bra.
His hands, as you could note, are kinda calloused, rubbing at your inner thighs and then spreads them widely while exploring a bit of your body. The power of his caress is influenced by boxing that is tantalizing and arousing, his fingertips pressing onto the delicate part of your skin, wandering underneath to give you behind a gentle yet strong cup.
He leans in again to leave out open mouthed kisses on your bare chest. The air around thickens, your breath snagged in your lungs. Your back arches as he takes your breast in his mouth, sucking, teeth scraping erotically over your aching nipple. Then, trailing down to your inner thighs to leave small kisses here and there, then he’ll suck. You writhe against the small exquisite pain, sobbing his name, the wet pulse between your legs is pounding with intense need. 
Taeyong dips his head in between your legs, licking the hot, slick, and thick liquid that is dripping from your folds. You immediately let out a moan. He holds you in place, while he relishes on your juices while you suffer at his doings. The vibration whenever he let out a satisfied groan leaves out a tingling sensation to your clit. His tongue finally reaches out to encircle you wanting clit. Waves of ecstasy washes over you, crying out loud at the feeling of sharp sensation of pleasure flowing right at your veins. You try to reach out to anything your hands could get, grip on. You settle for his titanium hair. 
“You’re so sweet.”
Whenever he speaks it grazes slightly on the nubs of your walls, which made you arch your back in pleasure. He continues on licking your juices, until he slides a digit in taking you completely by surprise. With his long, slender fingers inside you, the feeling is exceptional, delirious. 
He slides his finger in, your folds welcoming him as it grazes and envelops every time he slides another finger. His thumb continues on playing with your clit which his fingers fucks you, knuckle deep without mercy. You immediately cry out in pleasure. 
He pumps in a fast pace that has your legs trembling. Your sex is throbbing at his merciless pounding while reaching out to poke out your sweet spots, clenching around his fingers and soaking with your juices. You can feel yourself coming again, as he quicken his pace, you bite down on your lips to ride out the pleasure you are feeling. His thumb busy with your clit and his fingers pumping in and out of you. 
“I’m coming. F-fuck, Taeyong. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“You like that huh?”
“God, y-yes.”
You can feel the hot liquid dripping between your legs. God, your core is still throbbing at the aftermath of his finger fucking, and you still want more. 
“Fuck me Taeyong. F-fuck me hard.”
He immediately scrambles to his feet upon your request. Removing his boxers, you could see his dick, with a searing red tip oozing with precum. You are really aroused at the sight of him wrapping his hands around his dick, giving it quick strokes. 
“Open for me, sweetheart.”
You did as he mounted you, crushing his mouth into yours as he thrust his dick into you. A sob of pure and overwhelming pleasure eases up your throat. Your walls stretch with him inside. He eases himself, pushing his dick to the extent of your hot walls. Arching, you brought him deeper inside. Your hips move in desperate, greedy time, urging him on. 
In that fleeting moment before you both plunged into the roaring darkness, you understood that there will be no room for another man in your mind, in your soul, in your heart. It will always be him, Lee Taeyong. 
Taeyong reaches out to stroke a palm down your exquisite curves and hollows that drives him mad all night and day while he reaches his point. You take him well, with him cumming inside you. Both of your breathing are ragged. The weak light illuminating from Taeyong’s lampshade cast your silhouettes. When he leans to press a quick kiss on your lips, two grey shadows molded into one. 
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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hello, this eaten all the left energy in my body so i hope you guys love this one! :D
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lizzzweasley · 4 years
Love Potion (George x Reader)
*This is a re-write of my original ‘’Love Potion’’ story, i wasn’t happy with some of the details, so i’m adding a little bit extra to it, just so it makes sense for the future of this story*
*This story takes place during The Goblet Of Fire, about a month after the attack at the quidditch attack*
You arrive at the platform. Wheeling your trunk with one hand and carrying your bag of books in the other. You take a breath in, you have gone through and back through the platform at least 10 times before, but you hated the feeling of walking through, it made you dizzy and sick, but only for a moment and then you would walk out the other side ready to board the Hogwarts Express. You also remember Neville telling you about a boy named Harry who had once walked straight into the wall, claiming the platform had sealed up. You were still sceptical about this claim, but still, you didn’t want to walk face first into a wall.
With a deep breath in, you look around to make sure there are no Muggles near by and start to jog, your jog turns into running-skip as you mentally prepare to walk straight into a wall, you squeeze your eyes tight as you feel that rollercoaster-type drop in your stomach. When you open your eyes, you are there, surrounded by crowds of people.
You see families waving their goodbyes, but you are alone, like every year, your grandmother always says goodbye outside Kings-Cross but never crossed the platform. “Bad for the skin all that fast travel” she would say, but you felt that wasn’t the reason she wouldn’t cross with you.
You see people staring to pair off in their respective house’s to get a good cabin before they all got too full. “You don’t want to be stuck in a cabin next to that Longbottom boy, or Loonie Lovegood the whole journey” you heard Penelope say one year, although you were quite fond of Neville and Luna and had spent odd journeys with the two of them and genuinely enjoyed their company, after all that’s when you were told about the “boy who lived” walking straight into a wall.
You see the Weasley family, and his mother licking her thumb and wiping the corner of Ronald Weasleys mouth, he looked embarrassed as Harry shot him a hidden laugh. You didn’t know all of the Weasleys but you knew of Ronald, Ginny, the twins of course, and Percy.
You are scoping over the platform, looking for angelica, looking quite nervous as you’re walking closer to the train, and closer to the Twins.
George taps Fred on the chest with the back of his hand and uses his head to motion in your direction.
“Too pretty for you, mate” Fred says jokingly.
You see Angelica and begin walking towards her, waving both your hands in the air, she puts up her hand and waves back. her dark hair is bouncing as she is practically skipping towards you from the other side of the platform, “sorry, oops, sorry! Sorry, ‘scuse me, sorry, thank you!, sorry” she says as she is weaving in and out of the crowds of people.
You are nearly passing the Weasley-clan now, and George is still unknowingly staring straight at you, you look up and find yourself looking straight into his brown eyes, you give him a shy smile and he cheekily gives you a wink, which made you shyly look away and back to Angelica, I suppose she thinks you were smiling so much because you were so happy to see her, which you were, but you were smiling so much because of that damn wink.
She doesn’t even stop to say hi, she just drops her bags onto the floor, and practically throws herself on to you, and into a hug, which makes you drop your bags 
‘’I’m so glad you’re okay!’’ She shouts pulling herself away to cup your face in her hands.
‘‘Why wouldn’t i be...’‘ you respond, feeling very concerned 
‘‘You...you mean you didn’t hear what happened? at the quidditch world cup?’‘ she questioned 
‘‘i’ve not been told a thing..’‘ you said, very dryly 
‘‘we, we will get on the train and i tell you, i’m shocked your Grandmother didn’t tell you anything’‘ she said 
‘‘yeah...me too’‘ you responded.
 Angelica was a little taller than you, and had a thin frame, her dark eyes always looked smokey and sultry, and her dark complexion was simply gorgeous. Sometimes you felt like a child next to her, with you being shorter than her, shorter than most. But despise the fact you two were almost totally different in every way, you always had each others backs, and she never left you for the more popular girls, even though she fitted in more with those girls than you, she still adored you, and wanted it no other way.
“Let’s go find a cabin, before the good ones get taken” she said jokingly with a wink, trying to lighten the mood
“You’re starting to sound like Penelope” you giggled.
You grabbed hold of your heavy bags and hoist them onto the train.
You wheel your bags down the carriage and straight to the back of the train
“Here will do!” She giggles, knowing damn well this is the cabin you usually sit in, because no one else would take it, it was one near the back, it was the shakiest cabin on the train, but the upside was the sweet trolley came to your cabin first.
You step up on the seats as Angelica passed you your trunks to put in the overhead storage, they were too high for you to do stood on the floor, after lifting both your trunks into the storage, you both placed your book bags on the seats next to you, and both you took a seat next to the window, opposite of each other, legs up on each others seats creating a bridge between your seat and hers.
You look out the window and see the back of the Twins, waving their mother goodbye, they then turned, you saw George’s face, thought of that wink, and smiled.
“He’s so hot” Angelica said, talking about Fred
“Yeah he is” you respond, talking about George
Neither of you took in what the other said, you were both too busy looking at the boys.
they were getting on the train and were probably getting ready to start their mini pop up shop of joke sweets and accessories. The boys always started at the opposite end of the train to the “trolley lady” (as Angelica liked to call her). They would start at the top of the train and work their way down, find themselves a cabin and use their earnings to buy themselves sweets off the trolley.
The train let out its first whistle of two. this first was a signal to any (first year) students that are not yet on the train, to wiggle themselves free of their family’s embrace and sloppy kisses and get on to that train. After a few years you learn to turn up early and get a cabin.
The second whistle indicated that you were (about 30 seconds) from setting off.
“I think we will be getting ready to set off soon!” Angelica said excitedly.
The last of the students hurried on to the train and squeezed into full cabins.
“Do anything fun for autumn break, y/n” Angelica asked, genuinely interested.
“Not really, no, muggle school you know, got to keep up with the Muggle studies as well as the Magic ones, you know my grandma” you said rather straight “what about you?” You asked Angelica.
“Oh my break was good y/n! Until what happened at the quidditch world cup’’ she responded hanging her head slightly.
‘‘What happened?’‘ you asked, feeling stupid for not knowing.
She explained the attack, and how the dark lord may be back. ‘’we’ve not seen or heard anything for about a month so i’m assuming they’re deeming Hogwarts safe to be open i guess’’
The second train whistle blew, it was 11am.
“Best get comfy” you said to Angelica, these train rides seemed to get longer the more years you had been at Hogwarts, it felt like home, and you couldn’t wait to go home.
The “trolley lady” usually started her rounds about half an hour into the journey, she liked to give people time to get settled, but more so, get hungry.
“So, did you get to talk to Fr..” you were cut off
“That can’t be her” you said checking your watch “it’s not even half past yet”
“ANNNNNNNNYTHING OFF THE TROLLEY…. DEARZZZZ” you hear the voice say again, you open the cabin door and there is Fred and George Weasley, mimicking the trolley lady, with a brief case full of joke items.
You look at the full brief case and back up at George.
“What would you recommend” you ask him
“WELL FOR YOU, DEARRRR” he said still mimicking the trolley lady “HOW ABOUT A LOOOOOOOVE POTION, FIRST OF THE LINE DEARRRR, COME GIVE IT A WHIFF” still using his trolley lady voice.
“What are you trying to say to me, George Weasley, that I can’t find a date?” you joking scold him
“Looks like she’s doing just fine on her own” Fred leans and whispers to George, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.
George shoots a “pack it in” look to his brother over his shoulder.
“Give it a whiff then?” George asks again “rumour has it, you smell your favourite thing”
You move close enough to George and you can smell him, he smells like black currant, citrus, dark chocolate, incense, amber, vanilla. He opens up the love potion and you go to take a smell. “Doesn’t smell like anything, must be a dud” you say
“Well, honestly, we didn’t have anyone to test it on, fancy giving it a whirl?” George asks.
“No can do! That is the most dangerous potion in the world!” You joke.
He closes up the brief case “don’t suppose you’ll let us sit in there with you? The rest of the train is packed”
“YEAH, I mean, no worries” Angelica shouted, but then tried to play cool.
You always knew she had a crush on Fred, she just never said anything to him.
Fred took a seat next to Angelica, and George opposite him next to you.
“Good business this year, boys” you ask
“Not really” Fred says
“Looks like people are either holding onto their money a bit tighter, or our products this year are crap” George said, pretending to joke, but you could tell he was a bit bummed about it.
“I’m sure your products aren’t crap” Angelica said reassuringly
“Let’s have one of those love potions then” she says to Fred.
You shoot a wide eyed look at her, a “don’t you dare use that” kind of look.
Fred quickly opens up the briefcase and hands her the love potion for 5 Galleons.
“So, you boys get up to anything good this break?” you ask, mostly directing your question to George
“Well our brothers came to visit, we went to the quidditch World Cup, unfortunately, but mostly Ginny was pestering us to teach her Quidditch, so that was pretty much it” Fred responded, despite your desperate attempts to get George to speak
You all giggled, thinking of Fred and George’s mimic of her
“I’ll never be able to hear that the same, thanks to you” you said shooting a look at George, he winked at you again, and you melted.
You got up and opened the door, “yes, us please” you say to the trolley lady
“Same as usual?” you turned and asked Angelica
“Please” she smiled
“Two liquorice wands and a Fairy Fizz for Angelica” you say to the Lady
You turn and see Fred and George turning out their pockets, counting their money together
“We don’t have enough, mate” you heard George say and Fred looked disappointed. This hit you in the chest and you just felt so bad for them.
“Two pumpkin pasties … and two Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans, two Chocolate Frogs, one Pixie Pop and another Fairy Fizz, please” you asked
“Of course dear!” The lady said as she bagged your sweets and drinks, you handed her the money, grabbed your bag, closed the door and sat back down next to George.
Fred and George were still looking disappointed with their lack of sweets, you reached into the bag, picked up a box of beans and threw it in the air towards Fred to catch, you handed the other box to George and then did the same with the Chocolate Frogs.
You then reached over the cabin and handed Fred the Fairy Fizz drink “my favourite” Fred said
You handed the Pixie Pop drink to George, “MY favourite” George looked at you.
“How did you know this was my favourite” George asked, laughing.
“Well seeing how you both drink them with your Breakfast, Dinner and Lunch I assumed they would be!” You smiled, looking dead into George’s eyes
“You can tell us apart?” George asked
“Of course I can, George” you said softly, putting your hand on his hand that was on his knee, there was a second of silence between the two of you and you looked into each others eyes. This was the first time George felt like his own person and not just “one of the twins” and he liked that the person who could tell them apart, was you.
You both snapped out of it and pulled your gaze away from eachother and moved your hands away.
He reached into his briefcase and handed you a love potion.
“What’s this for?” You asked tilting your head to the side
“Payment, for the sweets” he smiled.
You reached, grazed your hand over his, and took the love potion, knowing you wouldn’t use it, but the gesture was nice as it was the only “girly” thing these boys made, and put it in your pocket.
You spent the rest of the journey trying the different beans, throwing them in the air and catching them in your mouths. Seeing what cards they got in their Frog box. Angelica and Fred started getting closer, whispering to eachother and laughing at their own jokes together, leaving you and George to talk about Classes and what happened at the Quidditch World Cup.
The train was pulling into the station now “this has been fun, George” you said smiling at him
“It sure has, we should do it again some time … if you want” he said, this is the first time he has looked shy
“Is that a date, Mr Weasley?” You said laughing
He went red and laughed along not knowing what to say to that.
The train came to a complete stop, and you got ready to stand back up on the chair to reach your bag, George stood up, towering over you as you were still sat down, something about seeing him looking down at you lit a heat in your stomach and you felt your cheeks going pink.
He reached up in the overhead cabin and pulled your bag down for you
“Blimey y/n, what do you have in this bag, a hippogriff?” He laughed and placed your bag on the floor for you to take.
Angelica grabbed her bag off the overhead locker.
You both grabbed your bookbags and followed Fred and George off the train.
You went to take the small step off the train and George held out his hand for you to stabilise yourself with, you took it, and he winked.
When you got off the train you asked Fred and George “are you coming to the meal?”
“Afraid not y/n” said Fred
“Gonna try and flog a few of these items to the first years before we eat” said george
“okay, Freddie, well, see you ‘round” Angelica said to fred
“Freddie?” George mouthed to you, rolling his eyes and you both laughed. Fred looked very embarrassed at being called this and the fact that you and his brother noticed made it even worse and so he slightly shook his head.
You started to walk up to the boats and turned around to see George watching you walk away “See you around, Georgie” you shouted over to him, mocking Angelica, George smiled and shot you a wink, and you felt that fire again.
When you got to the common room you begin to unpack all your things and when you sat on your bed you felt a clink in your pocket, and you remembered the love potion George gave you, you opened it up and took a smell of it, it smelled like black currant, citrus, dark chocolate, incense, amber, vanilla, it smelled of George. And then it hit you, you couldn’t smell the love potion because you were standing right next to him, and they smelled the same. You felt bad for calling his product a “dud”. But smiled at the smell of it. You spent the next few at nights before bed taking a smell of it, you knew you had to tell him.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
10 tattoos/piercing, Danbrey, sfw, please!
Here you go! I based Dani's design on an arowana because I liked the color.
“Remember, non-scented soap, nice to meet you, byeee!” Aubrey waves to her client as they head down the boardwalk. She has thirty minutes until her next appointment, so it’s time to stretch her legs and check the little ‘doggy cam” she set up on Dr. Harris Bonkers cage to make sure the giant rabbit hasn’t finally managed to chew his way through the bars.
“Hi doctor” She coos into the phone. One white ear pivots towards the camera, but the bunny remains otherwise unmoved.
She leans on the railing, Pacfic sparkling like a postcard before her.
“Excuse me?”
“YEEEEP!” She jumps back, not expecting a woman to pop out of the water, let alone pop out and talk to her.
“Oops, sorry.” The other woman smiles, golden hair fanning out around her. There are two types of blondes in Long Beach; the ones hoping to be the next influencer sensation and the kind who are excited to tell you about GOOP and crystals.
Whichever kind this woman is, she’s the most gorgeous girl Aubrey’s ever seen.
“Um, can I help you?”
“Yeah! Can you tattoo me? A piercing would be okay too, but I really like how pretty the tattoos are.”
“Thanks. Um, you’re gonna need an appointment.” She pulls out her phone again, since it’s synced to the calendar Joseph makes them all keep, “lemme see....I have a big slot of time on Friday afternoon.”
The girl cocks her head, “That’s two days from now, right?”
“Yep.We can start at one if that works for you?”
“Sure, see you then!” She waves and then disappears under the water. A few moments later, a shimmering golden tail breaks the swell, seeming to wave once before submerging. Aubrey blinks, switches back to the bun cam.
“How do I tell Joseph I have to move my stuff outside to tattoo a mermaid?”
Dr. Harris Bonkers snuffles, but offers no further commentary.
“Joseph, for the last time, you are not gonna hang around just to ask my client questions while I’m trying to work.”
“I don’t plan to, but we need to make sure everything, and I mean everything, is as sterile as we can manage. Doing this outside gives me hives as it is.” Joseph finishes setting up the pop-tent, the kind sun-phobic families take to the beach.
“C’mon, people gave each other traditional tattoos out in the open for centuries. It should be fine.”
Joseph makes an unsure noise, but leaves her in peace all the same. Before long a golden tail flashes out of the water as the mermaid swims towards the beach, the closest spot to the pier where they could actually set the tent and generator up. It’s right on the tide line, Duck having used his almanac to tell them whether Aubrey would be chasing the tide or fleeing from it if the appointment turns out to be long.
“Um, hi again.” She waves.
“Hello!” The mermaid slides up into the surf. When she sits up, Aubrey turns pink.
“Uh, do you, uh, want a swimsuit or something?” Her voice is embarrassingly high.
The mermaid looks down, then at Aubrey studiously looking elsewhere, and laughs, “Oh, right, I forgot humans don’t like it when we’re bare-chested.”
“I mean it’s not that we don’t like it-” Aubrey mumbles.
“Be right back.” She pushes back into the sea, returning a minute later wearing a bright green bikini top, “is that better?”
“Yep!” She replies too quickly, “Sorry, I, um, I’ve never worked on a mermaid before, kinda figured you guys wore seashells or sea stars or something?”
“You...you realize where that would put the seastar mouths, right?” The mermaid scoots up onto the beach, tail in the water and back on the inflatable recliner they borrowed from Kirbys apartment.
“Ooohouch, you’re right, fuck, sorry.” She grabs her flash binder, brought in case the mermaid didn’t have a design in mind.
The mermaid glances over her shoulder, smiling, “You’re cute when you blush.”
She maintains her professionalism, but only just, as the mermaid chooses her preferred design; a brightly colored swirl of planets and stars. For a newbie, she barely seems to register the needle, focused instead on studying Aubrey’s face and hands as she works. She learns that her name is Dani, that she’s one of several merfolk living near the pier, and that she’s observed Aubrey and her handiwork courtesy of a rock and a pair of salvaged binoculars.
“Oooh” Dani wiggles her tail happily when she sees the finished product, “it’s perfect, thank you so much Aubrey.”
“Glad you like it-oh, okay.” She stiffens as Dani rubs their cheeks together twice before pulling back.
“I’m supposed to keep it clean right?”
“Yeah, but I’m not sure how well saran wrap will hold up to sea water.”
A formerly empty Rose bottle thunks onto the sand. Dani grabs it, popping the make-shift cork off with her teeth.
“Ooh, Indrid sent me a special covering to keep it safe. And these must be for you.” She holds out two pearls.”
“Thanks” She’s more interested in watching the kissable lips covering razor sharp than the gems the mermaid gives her.
“Can I see you again?” Dani is halfway back in the water.
“Whenever you want. You’re a great client; you, um, you’re really nice to touch. Wait, um, I mean you take it really welllARGH, um, yes please come back.” Aubrey replies, tucking the second most valuable thing on the beach into her pocket and continuing to blush well after Dani has returned to the waves.
“Sorry!” Dani gives a sheepish wave to Duck before turning to Aubrey, who got used to her popping out of the water five times ago, “are you free tomorrow?”
“Sure” even if she isn’t, she’ll happily reschedule another client for Dani’s sake, “do want to pick something from my flash?”
“Nope, this time Indrid designed something. It’s about the same size as this” she holds up the watercolor hermit crab on her right arm, “see you then?”
“Of course.” Aubrey waves goodbye, blows a kiss when Dani is out of sight.
She forgot Duck was still here.
“You got it bad, Lady Flame.”
“Shush, I saw you chatting to Indrid by the coffee shop yesterday.”
“....you can’t prove anythin.”
She holds up her phone, smirking, “Oh yes I can.”
She looks up, wondering who’s calling her name on the deserted beach. She brings Dr. Harris Bonkers down here on a leash late at night for enrichment for him and a break from the summer heat for her.
“Aubrey, over here!” Dani leaps through the surf until she;s only able to slide, “I thought it was you. Ohhhhhh” she squeals, “this must be Dr. Harris Bonkers. Hello cutie pie, aren’t you just so lovelyOH, oh he feels like an otter.” She rubs the rabbits head, causing him to creep towards the water, “you’re the second cutest thing on this beach, doctor.” She winks at Aubrey, then sits up, “can I introduce him to Ferdinand?”
Aubrey nods, excited to finally meet Dani’s pet; she only his name, but she’s expecting a seal, or maybe a crab.
What she gets is an octopus. The cephalopod winds a tentacle around her arm, investigating her.
“Aww, he likes you.” Dani sets the octopus down in shallow water, where it proceeds to stretch multiple limbs out to poke Dr. Harris Bonkers.
“Guess they’re having a playdate?” Dani scoots closer, resting her head on Aubrey’s shoulder.
Aubrey sets a hand on her tail, running her fingers up and down the scales as the mermaid sighs happily.
“As long as he doesn’t carry Dr. Harris Bonkers into the tidepools, they can hang out as long as you like.”
“Dani? How many tattoos are you planning to get?” Aubrey looks up from where she’s outlining an octopus on Dani’s side.
“I haven’t decided yet. It’s really common for mers to have lots of piercings and tattoos. That’s why Indrid can leave Duck so many expensive tokens; he’s the most in-demand tattoo artist on the coast.”
“Neat! Wait-” she sits up, shutting off the gun, “your friend is a tattoo artist, but you kept coming here?”
“Yes.” Dani is still, save for the end of her tail, which vibrates nervously.
“Um, well, I, I really liked your style. Then I really liked you, and I wanted to keep seeing you…”
“Holy crap, do you keep getting tattoos because you think that’s the only way you’re able to see me?”
“Uhhuh.” Dani is bright pink from her cheeks to her waist as Aubrey scrambles to sit in front of her, “I mean, when you want to date someone, you’re only allowed to see them at their work until they say they want to date you too. Even us meeting on the beach a few weeks ago was pushing it, and I didn’t want you thinking I was pushy.”
“Do humans not have that rule?” Dani’s honey-colored eyes widen.
“Nope. It’s actually kinda rude to ask people out at work, because they can’t get away BUT” she hurriedly sets the gun aside, “but I make exceptions for super cute wonderful mermaids.”
“Oh. In that case-” Dani knocks her backwards with her tail and climbs atop her, kissing her so hard she wonders if you can die from a really good make-out session. When the salty kiss ends the mermaid continues peppering her face with kisses and flicking her tongue along her neck.
“Dani I, I’m loving all of this but if you mess up my ink I’m gonna be as annoyed as I can possibly be with a gorgeous mermaid feeling me up.”
“Crap, you’re right.” Dani sits back up, glancing at the half-done tattoo, "I really don't want to ruin your work. Desperate need to see you aside, I do love your style." She folds her hands back into her lap and readjusts onto the inflatable chair.
Aubrey crawls forward, kissing her sweetly, "Once we're done and you're all wrapped up, wanna join me on the beach for a little, um, late night picnic."
A teasing kiss, first to her nose and then to her lips, "I'd love to."
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I was in a toxic friendship
I want to preface this by saying I am so much happier right now and I am no longer friends with this person. Haven’t seen or heard from her in over a year. I also want to be clear this was a friendship I had in real life, not tumblr. I think however this story’s lessons can be applicable across the board to online friendships and even relationships with family members. Please, if you ever feel belittled by your “friends,” and you bring it up to them and they brush it aside and think you’re overreacting, it’s not a friendship. 
I was friends with this person, let’s call her Stacy, for about ten years before I realized I no longer wanted to speak to her or be her friend. I met her in the ninth grade and we bonded over Disney World and other things and I could talk to her about anything, including this huge crush I had on a twelfth grade boy. She came over to my house sometimes, though not a lot, and as high school wore on we started going to the mall together, stuff like that. I went to college in a different city and she came to visit me sometimes, and we even worked at the same theme park, though different departments. For all intents and purposes this was my best friend, though Stacey got upset when I also called my cousin my best friend, even though she spoke of her sister as her best friend.
She got a boyfriend when we were both around 21/22 or so, I think we were both juniors in college, though she took a semester off because she hated school and thought it was weird I was a double major. She told me her boyfriend was thirty and she met him at work. I thought the age gap was a little big, but I wasn’t one to judge. Later on I found out he was 36 and she told me she lied because she was worried how I would react. I met him and I thought he was nice, but when she got engaged when we were both around 23, I had only met him that one time for a birthday dinner she had, and my mom and dad told me they thought it was kind of strange. They also said it was weird to them whenever I hung out with Stacey it was only for like an hour, two at most, especially since my cousin and I could spend days and day together at sleepovers, chilling and being ourselves, interpretative dancing, lol. Privately I also found it odd I could talk to Stacey about anything, but when I asked questions about her life and her thoughts she’d barely talk. Her grandma passed away, she loved visiting my grandma because she could have one through me. One day I broke down and admitted my grandmother is a narcissist, and she is different behind closed doors. she berates me, used to call me fat, berated me. Stacey didn’t believe me. I can’t say when she started not being such a good presence in my life, but these were some seeds, and it got worse--slow at once and then all at once as they say.
Anyway, I was a bridesmaid of hers and her sister was the maid of honor--a mutual friend was another bridesmaid and there was one more (super sweet girl and I don’t even think Stacy talks with her much anymore either LMAO) and at this point in my life I was really into my first fanfic IWD. I was consumed with it, to put it bluntly. This is another story entirely but I spent so much of my college career as an English major writing for academia, and when I was finally writing something for me, I bloomed. I talked to her about it and she kind of laughed about this Cullen person but she liked to read fanfic herself so was whatever about me doing it. I shared with her my first piece of commissioned art and she laughed at Lydia thinking Lydia was just me, and I told her, no, she wasn’t, she’s based off of several old hollywood ladies and I actually made her avatar in game, but she wouldn’t believe it. I actually ended up saying “would you think this if I were white and she were white as well” and she laughed and didn’t understand. Needless to say the whole incident rubbed me the wrong way. I ignored it. Her wedding happened, her sister made a good speech, then when all the groomsmen did a speech for the groom the other Bridesmaids and I thought we had to do something, so we got up there and made an impromptu speech. I called her my sister and I told her I loved her. I didn’t know it then, but I didn’t believe her when she said “love you too.”
I wanted to go back to school, and I ended up in a Masters program after the wedding. My summer semester, my first, went well, starting in June and ending in July. I finished IWD and went to another fic, Stacey making fun of Sophie, my OC for that fic too, because I just straight up made her part Hawaiian like I am. When I told her I had little representation growing up other than like Lilo and Stitch and now Moana, (which I don’t like TBH but another story lol.) she asked me what the big deal was about that. Why did it matter that no main character ever looked as I looked? I couldn’t explain to her how much writing a character who was like me in a fanfic mattered. We planned on going to Disney World, me, her, her sister, and the other bridesmaid, but don’t post anything on facebook because she didn’t want to invite the other other bridesmaid. I wanted to go to a nightclub with her for my birthday but she didn’t want to go because her sister couldn’t enter, so after my whole family, plus her and her husband ate at my favorite restaurant, she went home even after I begged her to come with my and my cousin. She said it was stupid. Also, her husband was a huge ass to wait staff. Alarm bells went off for all of us.
But I was looking forward to Disney in December that year. (2018) I didn’t have a job at the time but was actively looking. Well, I got a job after interview after interview at restaurants that wouldn’t hire me, my dream job researching Shakespeare. It fell through. (I was promised to actively help the professor research, it fell through.) She paid for the trip without me knowing and I had to pay her back 800 dollars on writing commissions which I severely underpriced. because I was worried no one would pay otherwise. School wasn’t going well. Put it simply I felt really dumb and stupid and like I didn’t belong, (we were reading Ulysses!!!) which I later learned was a common sentiment with my classmates who began the same time as I. I will admit my relationship with academia is rocky at the moment, but I genuinely do love to write, love to research, love to make discoveries about new texts. Stacey saw how stressed I was and sad and got angry I was so sad, and asked why was I in school anyway Am I going to be on my deathbed and wished I studied harder? I didn’t have the energy to tell her it wasn’t about “studying harder,” it was that I loved writing and reading and wanted to be a part of academia. Learning makes me happy, expanding my mind. She belittled me anyway, thinking getting a Masters was dumb and I wouldn’t get a good job.
At Disney World I was so happy. I hadn’t been there since I was a child. She made fun of me for wanting to meet Ariel, for wanting to ride Soaring and being afraid to check grades when a classmate said they were up. I got so stressed I cried at the Japan pavilion at Epcot and stress ate sauerbraten at the Germany pavilion (Amazing by the way, I love German food.) She basically dictated the entire trip--we went to Universal for Harry Potter World at her request and refused to ride the spider man ride with me (it was fucking fun too-girl missed out.) All she wanted to do was stand around in Harry Potter world all day, (LOL now right?) I wasn’t that big of a Potter fan anymore, even at that point, and she told me I was going to stay there anyway and like it. She dictated the entire trip and when I questioned her about it she said I wasn’t listening to to her--we were following the agenda. Our last day there we went to a “Hawaiian” restaurant and made a comment about my “Hawaiian privileges.” I just didn’t have the heart to tell her that the crap we ate didn’t hold a candle to real Hawaiian luau food.
When we got back I was mentally drained and melancholic because I wondered why Stacey was so cruel to me. She always had a biting wit, but before it seemed playful. Now it was cruel, mocking. She made me feel so incredibly stupid. At this point my cousin got engaged and I cried because I wanted so badly to be in love with someone and get married. I was angry and I lashed out at people I shouldn’t have. I was later diagnosed as depressed. I felt like my life was at a standstill and matters with Stacey didn’t help. I also had a huge writing crisis--I told Stacey something I will always remember and always regret because she doesn’t deserve to know: I write the romances I want because no man wants me.  At this point, Stacy turned me into her project. She didn’t like how sad I was at Disney World, it put a bummer on her trip, and when I told her she seemed off she brushed it off. Her plan was to get me on dating apps and basically settle for anyone, even though I had used apps before and don’t like them, but when I got back on Bumble she basically patronized me and told me she was proud of me and “small steps.” On bumble, I wanted to vomit. (for the record, I am not against dating apps, I know success stories, but at that time I was not emotionally ready to date.) Also, she would teach me to drive so I could go on dates, but only in my Dad’s truck. 
I wish I could say I broke it off, that I told her not to talk to me again, but Stacey stopped talking to me first. However. the day she stopped was when I told her she was wrong and I wouldn’t listen to this anymore. What happened? I mentioned I was demisexual.  She said it wasn’t real. I said it was real to me--I don’t experience sexual attraction unless I have bonded with someone. Sure there are people I like to look at, but it’s not a sexual attraction. She asked about my crush on Tom Hiddleston, Cullen, “that robot guy” and was like yeah you’re sure demi, and lol it’s not real. It wasn’t just her words, it was the mocking indifference. 
I went off. I told her she didn’t have the right to tell me what was in my brain or how I felt. I knew who I was and who I am. I should have also told her I wasn’t her project, but I left her that day and it was the last time I saw her.
I talked to my dad that night and mentioned it to him, being demi, and you know what he told me? I think I’m the same way. I think I almost cried. 
I tried to talk to her again but she didn’t want to see me. She had “personal issues and was busy” I pissed her off. Good, I say now. But after this happened in March of 2019 I thought I had no friends. She was my only friend, and I lost another mutual friend (one we went to Disney with) because she knew Stacey longer than she knew me. But you know what happened in April? My cousin asked me to be her maid of honor and I fucking wept, because there was my best friend--my sister all along. Just because she lives in another city and we are growing up and it took me longer to figure out my career than her doesn’t change the fact that we have a bond that can’t be broken. My cousin is one of my favorite people and if you know her you love her--it is impossible not to. And when I told her about my fanfic and about being demi she wanted to know, wanted to listen. School got better too--I started chatting in class more and come to find out, one of my classmates also broke up with a toxic friend. God I love her and I miss her--wish I could see her. (thanks COVID) 
There was more, but this was a lot, and I spent more time writing this than I thought I would. I wanted to write it because seeing a few posts float around made me remember, and I want ya’ll to know, leaving a friendship is scary. Sometimes it can be worse than leaving a lover. But it is a brave thing to do. Part of me that knew I should have left at the first racist comment (oh yeah, she called me a pineapple one day before the Disney trip, did I mention it’s a slur for Hawaiian people? If my grandma were there she would have clobbed her.) but I stayed because I didn’t think I had any other friends. Well, I did and I do, and I know now friends lift each other up, not belittle or talk behind your back. They listen to me when I talk about how important my writing and my characters are to me. 
Sometimes I still miss her--but mostly the high school her that I knew before she met her husband. I don’t know if he changed her or this was her all along, perhaps both. I got fired from a job in November 2019 (which now I’d like to thank them because I got a better and more fulfilling job with a boss that respects me.) and when I cried outside the place, humiliated, I wanted to call her and vent like I used to. I didn’t. Now I don’t want to call her anymore or talk to her. I’d rather spend time with people who care, people who don’t kick me when I’m down. Since then I am so much stronger, in so many ways. The worst times in my life yielded the greatest lessons I have ever learned. 
If you made it this far, thank you. I did tear up a little writing this, but please know: it can be hard to walk a new path, but it is brave. You are brave. You don’t deserve to be belittled *hugs*
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
What The Stark Spangled F**k?
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A Stark Spangled Forever Drabble-The Crap Book
Summary: Rori’s cutting and sticking habits wind the boys in the house up, but for very different reasons.
Warnings: Bad language words…
A/N: We all know the tale of the IKEA pineapple bowl Katie buys Steve in SSM…well, something popped up on my Facebook ads which reminded me of this and as a result this came from mine and @icanfeelastormbrewing​ ‘s very odd WhatsApp ramblings…enjoy!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Katie looked up as Rori walked into the room, clutching the Magazine that she had been cutting pictures out of in her hands.
"Yes baby?” she asked, pausing the TV and  looking at her daughter.
Katie waited whilst Rori hopped up onto the couch, showing her the photo she was clearly excited about. She looked down to where her daughter’s finger was pointing and had to bite back a snort. She was looking at a frankly hideous white and yellow ring, the band of which contained multiple gold pineapples along with bands of diamonds and yellow stones.
“It’s like Daddy’s bowl!” she grinned.
“Sure is…you gonna put it in your Scrapbook?”
Rori nodded, and then she smiled “I want one.” Katie raised an eyebrow, deciding not to question her little Diva’s taste “Do you?” She nodded "Shall I ask Daddy? He got you your rings.”
Katie smiled and kissed Rori’s head “Yeah, you do that” “Ok…” she grinned, hopping down and skipping out of the room. Once she was gone, Katie glanced at Harry who was sat playing with his trucks on the rug, before she pressed play on the programme she was watching, glad of some peace and quiet for half an hour before she had to start dinner. But it was short lived. A loud yell hit her ears from the den and cursing she paused her programme again, picking Harry up, before heading into the room. “What is going on?” She demanded placing Harry down. He tottered over to where Rori was stood, her arms folded as she glared at Jamie.
“He stole my scrapbook!” she yelled.
“I only wanted a look!” Jamie scoffed, tossing it back down on the floor.
“Jamie,” Katie looked at him, “what did I tell you before about winding her up?”
amie rolled his eyes, making him look even more ridiculously like his father. “I just borrowed it…”
“Did she say you could?” “No.” “Then you stole it.” Katie said, simply, folding her arms. “Stop irritating her and leave her alone, she’s doing no harm.”
Jamie glared at his mother “Define harm.” Katie raised her eyebrows. “Don’t make me call your father.”
At that Jamie instantly pale and his eyes cast to the floor. “Sorry.” “So you should be, now apologise to your sister.” “Sorry Rori.”
Rori looked at him. “Fine.” she shrugged, sitting down and grabbing her safety scissors, returning to her activity.
World War Three prevented, Katie decided to scrap the attempts to watch TV and headed into the kitchen after telling Jamie to keep an eye on Harry whilst he was in the den. Half an hour later she called the kids in for dinner and had settled them down at the Table, the precious book placed by Rori as she tucked into her spaghetti.
“Why have you brought the crapbook to the table?” Jamie asked. Katie’s head shot up from where she had been supervising Harry who was finishing feeding himself and was about to tell her eldest son off again when Rori started to argue back.
“You’re a crapbook Jamie." 
"That makes no sense!” Jamie scoffed.
“Neither does your face.” Rori glared at him. At that Katie had to turn away, the laughter threatening to burst from her chest at Rori’s reply was really hard to keep down but somehow she managed it. Composing herself she turned to them both and gave them her best mom glare.
“Enough! Jamie, if you use that word again there’ll be big trouble.” “But it wasn’t me that-..” “I don’t care who did what” Katie shook her head, standing up to collect their empty dishes. “Keep pushing it pal and Seb won’t be coming over tomorrow after school.” Jamie let out a frustrated groan but he fell silent and Katie could only imagine the daggers he was throwing at her back as she turned away.
“Suck it up, loser.” She heard Rori say, another phrases she had picked up from Jamie and with a sigh she dropped the dishes in the sink before she spun round. 
“I heard that little Missy.” she shot Rori a glare and the young girl held her stare back, before she glanced down at the table. “Now I’m telling you both. One more angry word or argument from either of you and you’ll be straight up to bed.” “But Daddy isn’t home yet!” Rori said, horrified.
“Do I look like I care?” Katie asked. Rori looked at her before her eyes once more returned to the table and she sighed. “Now, can I trust you both to behave whilst I clean up?” “Yes momma.” they both chanted.
“Okay, then you can leave the table.” They both jumped down from their seats, and Katie watched them leave the kitchen, hands on her hips, shaking her head.
****** “The crap book?” Steve fought to keep his face straight as Katie shook her head, chuckling slightly.
“Yeah, I mean he isn’t wrong…it is full of crap but it was Rori’s response that got me. She told him he was the crap book and when he replied that makes no sense she goes `neither does your face’!" 
Steve choked on his mouthful of food, fighting hard to swallow it before he looked at his wife, grinning. Katie shook her head again and their conversation turned to more mundane topics, namely his latest intake of students and their plans for the weekend which consisted of heading out to see Pepper and Morgan.
Sensing that his wife had dealt with the kids moaning enough that day, Steve took over bedtime duties or the eldest two, Harry going down a good hour before them with no fuss as usual. Jamie headed off for a shower whilst he ran Rori a bath, and once they were settled in their pyjamas the usual mugs of hot milk for Rori and cocoa for Jamie were dished out along with the customary ten minutes at the piano with Katie, and true to form, once the final note of the last song was done, the usual griping began. One stern look at both of them and Steve shut down their complaints immediately and at his instruction they bid their mom goodnight and headed up the stairs. Steve told Rori to get in bed and he would be back in a moment for their story, and he headed over to Jamie’s room, tucking him in and telling him he had twenty minutes of TV time before lights were out.
When he walked back into Rori’s room she was busy, he brightly coloured Scrap Book lay open on her lap as she sat propped up by her mountain of pillows.
Not the crap book...he inwardly groaned, shaking his head. If Katie ever found out he was the reason Jamie called it that, he was a dead man. That was probably another twenty dollar bribe he was going to have to shell out to keep him quiet…
"Did you bring that up with you?” Steve asked, resigned to his fate as he dropped onto the bed besides Rori as she snuggled into him, his arm falling around her and he kissed the top of her head.
“No, I hided it up here before.” she said. “So Jamie couldn’t steal it again.” “Wise move.” Steve grinned. “So we looking at what dresses you’re gonna buy tonight instead of a story or…” “Please can you buy me a pineapple ring?” Rori looked up at him and Steve looked down at her blinking.
“A pineapple ring? I’m sure momma has a tin of them…” “Not the eating ones! One I can wear on my finger, look…” She pointed down at the book and Steve looked down, his mouth dropping open at the garish item of jewellery she had stuck on the page, which was surrounded by liberal amounts of glitter that was falling all over her bed spread and his jeans.
“You want one of those?” he looked at her.
Rori nodded.
“I don’t think those are made anymore.” Steve shook his head. “It must have been in the magazine as some kind of old article.”
That was such a lame-ass attempt at a get out, but thankfully Rori seemed to buy it.
“Oh, okay.” she mused. “But when I grow up, I want to be provoked to with one of these.”
"Provoked to?” Steve looked at her “What do you mean princess?” “You know when my boyfriend asks me to marry him.” “Oh, you mean proposed.” he smiled before he suddenly realised what she had said. “Hang on, you have a boyfriend?” “I have five.” Rori replied casually, flipping the page over. “One for each day I’m at school.”
Steve frowned, and once that had sunk in he scoffed and shook his head.  “No…I’m sorry but I can’t allow that. No boyfriends till you’re thirty. At least.” “I can’t help it if they love me!” Rori looked up at her dad.
He snorted and narrowed his eyes “You better not be kissing any of those boys young lady!” “Daddy, that’s gross!” Rori giggled “I don’t let them kiss me, I just make them carry my school bag like Momma makes you carry her bags”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Okay, that’s…I can live with that.” “And I let them look at me.” She shrugged. “Because you say I look like momma, and you say momma is the prettiest girl in the world so that means I’m pretty so they should be happy to look at me.” Steve looked at his daughter, once more lost for words at the stuff that was coming out of her mouth. Stuff that should really be nonsense, but when you looked at it from the logic of a five year old then he really couldn’t fault it. 
With a soft smile he kissed her head again and nodded to the book. “Show me the page on the animals in clothes again, Princess. I like that one.”
 **Original Posting**
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
(SPN crackfic)
My Tumblr feed keeps filling up with “things Sam and Cas do when left together unsupervised”, so I thought I’d join in the fun.
Rule Fifteen: Never leave Sam and Cas together unsupervised. You never know what might happen.
* * *
The bunker was full, echoing with the sounds of laughing voices and playful arguments. Dean, both hands in a bowl of ground beef as he mixed up a batch of hamburger patties, couldn't quite fight down the warm swell of contentment in his stomach.
Jody stuck her head into the kitchen. “Hey, kiddo. Need a hand?”
“You're a guest here,” Dean protested as the older woman strode into the room and started rifling through the drawers. “Why aren't you with the others?”
“They're walking the girls through some kind of 'Monster 101',” she explained dismissively, producing a serrated knife triumphantly. “Thought I might be more useful here. Tomatoes?”
Dean nodded toward the fridge. “Monster lore, huh? You'd think they'd all be sick of that by now.”
“I know I am,” Alex huffed as she joined them. “We deal with this crap every day, can't we take one day off?”
“Hey. This 'crap' could save your life.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “And learning the difference between hardware staples and medical staples could save yours, but that's why you've got me. I'll leave the seven uses of werewolf intestines to the others.”
“Oh my god.” It was Patience this time, stumbling in with a hand over her mouth. “Alex, you can't abandon me like that. They were...they had...there were pictures.”
“You've gotta learn this stuff on your own,” Alex shot back, already leaning into the open fridge. “Hey, Dean, you've got stuff here for a fruit salad, how about that?”
“We do?” Dean leaned back, careful to keep his hands over the bowl. Alex was gathering up apples and grapes and passing them on to Patience...followed by a big jar of mayonnaise.
Fruit and mayonnaise. Gross.
There was a hesitant step in the hall, and he twisted just enough to see Kaia poke her head around the corner. “Room for one more?”
“Come on in!” Jody raised her free hand to pat the seat next to her. “Just what I needed—you're officially on lettuce duty.”
Kaia hesitantly sank into the seat next to Jody, and even more hesitantly began pulling the head of lettuce apart. “Sam was taking this book out,” she explained. “I couldn't read the language and the pictures made my eyes go kind of funny.”
“Is he still playing with the Book of the Dead?” Dean shook his head and turned back to the counter. It was time to start shaping the meat into patties, and luckily none of the invading women had taken away the waxed paper-lined baking sheet he'd prepared.
“No, this was something else,” Kaia said. “I think it was written in Enochian and he'd found it locked in a box with thirteen silver locks in one of the store rooms. Cas called it something, but that made my ears hurt so I left.”
“They think it was rescued from the Library of Alexandria.” Dean twisted around again at the sound of Eileen's voice. She gave a wry grin and shrugged one shoulder. “I don't think he even noticed me leave.”
That sounded like Sammy. “Up for slicing some onions?” he offered. Eileen nodded and opened a nearby cabinet to find the onions.
Dean had already transferred the patties to the baking sheet and was washing his hands when Claire stomped in. “How do you guys get anything done around here?” she complained. “I swear, those two act like they've never seen a book before.”
“Not your speed, eh?”
She made a face. “Jack was asking these really complicated questions. Something about temporal fluxes and dimensional fragmentation...all Star Trek meets Harry Potter kind of crap. I noped out of there as soon as they started talking about tesseracts.” She leaned over Kaia to pluck a slice of tomato off Jody's cutting board and pop it into her mouth. “Boring.”
“Fifth dimensional travel is a fascinating concept.” Jack announced, leaning against the wall just inside the doorway. “I don't understand the practical applications, but Cas made it sound possible.”
Dean dried his hands on a towel and flipped it over his shoulder. “You too?”
Jack shrugged. “They asked me to leave. I guess they wanted to discuss their theories in private.”
He grunted and turned to grab the tray of hamburger patties...then froze.
Jody and the girls had come to visit for the weekend...Eileen and Jack lived here, of course...there weren't any other hunters visiting....
“Hang on...” he slowly turned to face the room, drawing the attention of the seven other people gathered. “Did we just leave Cas and Sam alone with a mysterious ancient book?”
They stared at each other for half a heartbeat...then something exploded deep in the bunker.
Dean sprinted down the hall, Jack and the ladies on his heels, and skidded to a stop just inside the war room. It was full of some kind of whispy white smoke, and Cas and Sam were standing in the middle. They were grinning at each other, sure...but Sam was covered in blood and Cas was on fire.
He froze. Cas was an angel...angels survived fire...but Sam didn't look hurt and some kinds of fire hurt angels....
Jody shoved past him and grabbed up a towel that had been abandoned at one end of the table and started smothering the flames on Cas, so Dean scurried around the table to take Sam by the arms. “What the hell, man? We left you alone for like three minutes!”
Sam was trying to wave him off, but was too unsteady on his feet. “Dean...”
“No, no, just sit,” Dean shoved him down into a chair and started checking for the most obvious wounds. “Where is...what the hell did you do?”
“Dean, it's Cas's blood.”
“Oh, is that supposed to make me feel better?” Dean threw his hands up and glared over to Cas, who was at least a little bit less on fire this time.
His ears were ringing, he noticed. There was a sound coming from the smoke swirling around his head, something almost like a whale's song. “What the hell did you two do this time?”
“Dean,” Cas started to say, then doubled over to cough. Jody had managed to get the fire out by this time and had an arm around him to guide him to a chair.
“We did it,” Sam said, grabbing Dean by the arms. His smile was almost manic through the streaks of Cas's blood on his face. “Dean, we did it!”
Helpless, he looked between the two again. “Did what?”
“We brought the angels back.”
Dean's jaw fell open and he looked up. Yeah, the swirling white smoke looked kind of familiar...and that ear-piercing whale song could be angel voices...but weren't all these assholes supposed to be locked away in the Empty or something?
“We brought them all back,” Cas rasped. His voice was rougher than usual and his face was pinched in pain, but when Dean met his eyes he only saw relief and joy shining through.
He looked from the angels swirling overhead, to the wreck of the map room around them, to his brother covered in Cas's blood, to the still-smoking trench coat that did nothing to hide just how much of Cas had been on fire, and threw his hands up again.
“We left you two alone for three minutes!”
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
The hotter twin
Pairing: Xander Harris x reader
Request: "I didn't kiss you! I swear it wasn't me!"  (maybe when he gets split in two)
Requested by: @sunflower-stan​
A/N: Reader is usually kind of mean to Xander, until he (or someone with his face) kisses them. They never said anything until everything boils over at a Scooby Halloween party. 
Tumblr media
You and Cordy were best friends. You had both unfortunately stumbled upon the Scooby gang in high school and became roped into the whole saving the world thing. You had survived graduation and continued to help the others while you balanced college and your social life.
Today was Halloween. You had dressed up, hoping that you could let yourself relax. You were going to a party at Buffy’s house but you knew pretty much any party that happened there ended in some kind of disaster. You were fond of the rest of the Scoobies, although you didn’t often admit or show it.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, making sure your costume was okay. A secret part of you, one you didn’t want to admit to yourself knew you had picked your costume with him in mind. You hoped he would think it was cool. No, you didn’t. Who cares what he thinks? Don’t kid yourself, you definitely do.
You remembered that kiss you had shared as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You closed your eyes, wishing you could feel his lips on yours again.
You had been sat in the Magic box, Giles had given you a job after you had persisted in asking him every week after you graduated. He wasn’t particularly fond of you, your bluntness and sometimes confrontational manner meant he had suspected you weren’t going to give pleasant customer service. 
But, you could be nice to people. You just tried to put up a front especially when you felt vulnerable. That’s why you and Cordy had been such close friends, you understood each other. You missed her, but you had stayed on for college in Sunnydale while she went away to LA.
So, there you were two weeks ago. Sat behind the register on a particularly slow day. Nobody else was in, you had been looking after the store alone. Which showed how far you had come in Giles’ eyes. You were his favourite employee.
“What you need a spell to create a girlfriend? Know a man that did that - well, I say man...” You tailed off, thinking about it. It had given you the creeps. You shrugged, “All you need is a robot and some brains” You offered with a pause for effect, “Oh crap, I forgot, you don’t have any” You said, your usual back and forth with Xander that you had expected. But he didn’t retort. Didn’t make an equal joke at your expense. 
He just moved and lifted the counter so that he could duck under it and join you behind the register. Smiling at you slightly while he observed you closely. He moved with purpose, had a new confidence that you couldn’t deny you were attracted to.
“What do you want, Xander?” You had said, more softly this time. You looked away from his eye contact, feeling vulnerable under his gaze. He was looking at you in a way that made your heart flutter. Your stomach flip.
“You” He whispered, before moving his hand to cup your face. He pulled you towards him, closing the gap as his lip met yours. It was slow, passionate. A revelation. You wrapped an arm around him, trying to become closer to him. Your lips fit together perfectly, your heart was hammering against your chest so violently as if it wanted to break free and merge with his.
He smiled after you both pulled away. He looked proud, satisfied. You had kissed him back. You were speechless, for the first time. He had just turned and left without saying another word.  
When you arrived at the party, it was already in full swing. If there was one thing you had learnt from Cordy, it was to always turn up fashionably late. That way, you weren’t hanging around waiting for the fun to start. The house was decorated really nicely, you knew Willow and Tara probably had something to do with it. The music was really good and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. 
The costumes were really good and you winked at the person that had a sheet over their head with two holes cut out, knowing that it was Dawn. She had been told she could have a sleepover as long as she stayed upstairs during the party. But she had wanted to be grown up and had sneaked downstairs. You had some approving looks on your own costume and you smiled at some of the more attractive people in the crowd. Perhaps you could find a way to take your mind off Xander. Or maybe even make him a little jealous. 
As the night went on, you had been enjoying yourself, becoming more social that you usually would. People might even mistake you for friendly which you didn’t usually allow to happen. You were just trying to enjoy yourself. Take your mind off your feelings for Xander, but somehow you managed to check what he was doing out of the periphery of your eye no matter where he was in the room.
What you didn’t realise was that Xander had been watching you and commenting on the way you had been flirting your way around the party to anyone that would listen. Willow, Tara and Buffy had all made their excuses and found a way to escape his running commentary which is when you had taken your chance to finally walk up to him. You had to say something.
“Xander we need to talk” You hissed. He looked at you, confused. You barely spoke to him without an insult flying his way and he was confused that you had cut out the usual biting comment and wanted to talk to him alone. You just rolled your eyes and getsured for him to follow you into a quiet corner.
“W-what’s goin’ on, Y/n?” Xander had become more and more nervous around you. It had started before the kiss and it was because he really did have a crush on you. What you didn’t realise, was around the time of the kiss that you hadn’t stopped thinking about, there had been a spell that had created a second, more successful Xander. This Xander had kissed you and you hadn’t found out the truth. But it made you more frustrated as Xander acted like he didn’t want to know you (which, in fairness, didn’t help that your attitude could be so biting).
“So, we kissed-” You started, but quickly got cut off.
“W-wha-?! Kissed? I wouldn’t kiss you, I mean, eurgh!” he mock-shuddered for good measure, “I’d get some sort of disease or-” He continued incredulously. He usually said things like this, but it hurt more today. 
“Cut the crap, Harris. I’m talking your tongue, my mouth. Any recollections?” You continued bluntly. It hurt, this constant harshness now. You just wanted his affection. You wanted to be able to trust him with yours.
“I didn’t kiss you! I swear it wasn’t me!” he insisted, waving his hands out in front of him as if to erase the scene before him.
“Oh yeah? Who was it then? Your evil twin?!” You asked sternly. You scowled, getting more upset. At the same time, Xander remembered. There really had been a second him. A second him that did everything that regular him wished he could. Oh crap, he must have kissed you and he didn’t even get to remember it.
“Actually-” He started to explain.
“You big liar, Xander Harris! You know your panties? They’re on fire!”
“I don’t have-”
“Big, massive old lady panties. On fire” You scolded, crossing your arms in a way you must have picked up from Buffy. You were upset. Angry. He had brought up all of these feelings and you were annoyed he was denying everything.
You stared for a moment, he was floundering. His mouth opening and closing. You didn’t need this. You didn’t need him messing with your head. You didn’t need to wait around for someone that probably kissed your for a dare. So, you stormed off. 
“Hey, wait!”
“No, you know what? I should have known! That stupid ‘twin’ was hotter than you anyway!” You shouted, whipping around. 
“Y/n, please!” he pleaded, which was new and it took you off guard, “I mean it, ask anyone!”
“I don’t care anymore, I just want to get drunk and find a real man that I can kiss without any of these stupid childish games you have to play!” You shouted, your voice louder than the music now.
“Then, let’s just start over!” He pointed at you before holding a hand out as if to offer to shake, “I’m Xander and I like you and I want you. I know it’s hard to believe ‘cause of my strong manliness, but it hurts when you cut me off. I get it, I’m average. I have no strength, I’m no vampire and I don’t have any magical powers-”
“You’re not selling yourself here” You said, but he could see the smile spreading on your face.
“-But, I do care about you. I’m jealous of me, the other me, because he got to kiss you. He got to do that and now I can’t ‘cause you hate me again”
“I- I don’t hate you Xander” You admitted as he put his hand back down.
“Yeah? I’m definitely feelin’ the love with the scary shouting in the middle of a Halloween party with everyone we know watching” He said sheepishly as you looked around to see that everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch your exchange. When you stared back they quickly looked away and pretended not to listen in.
You stepped towards him, sliding your hand up his chest and pressing your lips to his. You slid your hand up his neck and weaved your fingers between his short hair and his hands caressed your back. He hesitated at first, but relaxed into the kiss. It was everything he had hoped. Dreamed of. He kissed you with fervour, never wanting the moment to end. 
You eventually both pulled back, breathless. Both feeling your cheeks redden. You didn’t know what to say, you just smiled, avoiding the audience who wasn’t being subtly anymore. All eyes were now on you both.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you, that costume looks good on you” He offered after he got his breath back.
“You know what would look better?” You smiled suggestively and leaned in again, meeting his lips. He had flushed further, but enjoyed you being more honest with him. Showing him that you actually did like him. Maybe you could try it out, this honesty seemed to be worth it after all.
Every kiss was as good as you had remembered it. Maybe even better. His lips were like magic. You spent the rest of the party laughing and dancing and making sure you could lock your lips with his at every opportunity.
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acciomalfoy · 4 years
Unidentifiable Drawings (Dean Thomas x Reader)
Summary: reader whats to know what Dean is drawing, and a whole lotta unfortunate timing occurs.
"Whatcha drawing Dean?" I lie down dramatically and fan my face. It's the middle of summer and it couldn't be more hot.
"Nothing!" My best friend shifts his drawing pad so it's out of my view.
"Awe come on Dean. I'll help you!" Dean starts laughing at my proposal.
"The last time you and Seamus tried to help with my drawings you set four of them on fire and you couldn't stop throwing up pencils." I grin at the memory.
"In my defence, that was solely Seamus." Dean scoffs at my weak argument.
"You tried to transfigure Seamus' bed into a set of pencils and instead you threw up for three days." I shove Dean lightly and laugh.
"Yeah but-" Dean cuts me off.
"You're so full of crap. Don't even try to pretend you didn't threaten to jinx me if I didn't let you help." Dean rolls his eyes and resumes drawing.
"Come on! Tell me!" I whine. Dean was my first friend at Hogwarts, and he's so amazing. He can draw unbelievably well, is super smart and is definitely the cutest student here. There's no way in hell I'm ruining our friendship by having a crush on him.
It sucks so much to have a crush. It eats you away until you can't look at that person without reacting in some way. Whether it's blushing bright red, bolting from the room like a bloody madman or putting yourself in a full body bind so you can't run over and hug them, you're screwed either way.
The thing about having a crush is that every little thing they do makes you think they like you. Let's be real, there is not a big chance they'll like you back, especially if their as perfect as Dean. That's just the way the cookie crumbles I suppose.
"Are you okay?" Deans concerned voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Hm? Just dandy." I grin at him and try to steal a glance at his parchment. Dean chuckles, a deep, throaty chuckle that makes my insides melt as he moves away.
"No fair!" I pout and cross my arms. Dean just waves a hand and starts drawing again.
"Fine then. I'm going to help Seamus." Dean's head shoots up.
"What? What are you helping him with?" He growls slightly and my eyes widen. Please don't blush, please don't blush, I beg myself. Too bad. I feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks.
"Nothing that's important." I stand up and quickly look away to hide my flushing cheeks. Dean grabs my hand and yanks me down beside him.
"I'm serious. What are you doing with him? Are you two dating?" I burst out laughing, at the thought of dating Seamus who is like a brother to me, and because my blush has faded.
"What? No of course not! Seamus is my bestfriend and is a brother to me!" I try to keep it cool. Shoot, if he thinks I like Seamus then I'm more far in the friendzone than Ginny is in Harry's. She doesn't understand he's gay.
"Then why have you stopped hanging out with me. You're practically adjoined at the hip with him!" Deans eyes have a glint in them I haven't see before.
"He's my bestfriend!" This is not going as planned.
"Then what am I? Your enemy?" Dean gives me a cold glare. Oh Merlin.
"What? No, of course not! You're my bestfriend too!"
"Then why do you ignore me completely!" Dean explodes. He finally snaps.
"I thought we had something. I really did. Clearly you would rather not have anything to do with me. I'll leave you to smother Seamus." Dean abruptly stands up, scrunching his drawing up and throwing it. He grabs his pencils and walks off, leaving me in his wake.
My hands won't stop shaking. Hot tears streak down my face as I wearily pick up Deans abandoned drawing. I uncrumple it and smooth it out, letting out a soft whimper as I see what Dean was drawing.
It was me, but on paper I looked different. I looked somewhat perfect. Dean had nailed my eyes, and there was a bright sparkle in them. My lips were curled into a smile and I looked so happy.
I fold the paper slowly and sadly, regretting the turn our conversation took. I place the drawing that now means the world to me in my robes pocket and stand up steadily.
I wipe my face of the tears streaming down it as I'm walking to the Gryffindor common room but they don't seem to stop. I keep my head down and continuously brush the tears off my stained cheeks.
"Oof!" I gasp as I run into someone on my way.
"Are you okay? What happened? Oh Merlin this is not okay!" My best (girl) friend exclaims. I lift my gaze up from the floor into startling brown eyes.
"Oh. Oh. Oh! It's Dean isn't it?" Hermione knows who my crush is. It's not like you can keep that from the person who knows you inside out. She knows what makes me tick. Seamus knows me as equally as Hermione does.
"Yeah." I manage to get out.
"Right. We are going to go to our dorm. Time for operation A. Aka, getting Dean to like you back." Hermione links our arms and we begin walking to my original destination.
"Mione! Stop saying his name aloud! What if someone hears?" Hermione winces.
"Sorry. Normally I put silencing charms up when we're with Seamus." I nod.
"Race you to the portrait?" I propose.
"Oh you're on!" Hermione gives me a shove backwards before bolting towards the fat lady. I race after her but to my dismay she wins.
"Chivalrous cookies." Hermione said the password that the whole of Gryffindor had thought of and we stepped through the portrait hole.
"Are you okay?"
"Blimey you look a right mess!"
"Ronald!" Harry and Ron are instantly by our side and I sniffle.
"I know Ron. If this is considered fine then okey dokey Harry." I reply to Harry's question and Ron's unfortunate truth.
"We're going to the girls dorms to sort this out. Care to join us?" Ron scrunched up his nose at Hermiones invitation but Harry claps his hands.
"Yeah! Lets go and show him what he's missing out on!" I roll my eyes.
"Guys you don't even know what happened." I point out.
"Aaaand that's why you're going to tell us in the dorms." Hermione tugs on my hand and practically manhandles me up the stairs. Ron and Harry follow closely behind.
Hermione shuts the door and mutters several locking charms and a silencing charm.
"Right. What exactly happened?" I throw myself ungraciously across my bed and groan.
"We got into a fight. Basically about how I never talk to him anymore and he feels like he's my enemy, not my bestfriend." Harry hugs me from behind.
"It's okay. I get into fights all the time with my one true love." Harry lets go and clutches his hands to his heart dramatically.
"Draco and Harry sitting in a tree." Harry gives me a shove and I laugh.
"Stop! If he hears I am so dead." He panics.
"Anyways," Hermione tactfully interrupts, "how exactly are we going to solve this?" The thought of what happened earlier spurs my mind into action and I promptly break down crying.
"Awe honey! It's okay!" Harry coos and holds my head against his shoulder. I let out a whimper and throw my arms around his shoulder. A banging at the door interrupts us.
"Oh shoot." Hermione sighs and undoes the several spells on the door, as well as the silencing charm. Seamus stands in the doorway.
"Oh." He gives me an odd look.
"I didn't know you liked Harry." I shake my head frantically and pull myself out of Harry's arms.
"I don't!" I throw my arms around Seamus and let out a strangled sob.
"I know. He told me." Seamus rubs my back soothingly.
"Seamus!" A shriek from the doorway makes me freeze.
"You said you didn't, said you wouldn't." Dean whispered in shock.
"D-Dean?" I mumble. Dean looked sickened. He ran a hand through his hair and walked away, muttering something.
Seamus pushed me off him and went straight after Dean.
"Harry, Ronald, we've got studying in the library to do." Hermione and the two boys left, shooting worried and upset glances at me.
I gingerly climb into my bed and wrap the sheets around me in a cocoon. Normally I would have Seamus or Dean or Hermione to comfort me when I'm sad.
Silent sobs make my body shake as the thought and very possible reality of losing my bestfriends come crashing down on me. Hot tears cover my face and my hands shake when I wipe them away.
After some time of snivelling and softly crying my bed dips down and strong arms wrap around my bundled up form.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The person whispers over and over again as they squeeze me tightly. The tears stop flowing and the absence of warmth is a huge problem as the person pulls away. Dean.
"I never meant for this to happen. Honestly." I sit up.
"It's not your fault Dean. It never has been. It's all mine for thinking that if I ignored you the problem would go away." I give a shattered smile to Dean.
"What problem?" Oh Merlin. This was a mistake.
"You! You're the problem Dean! You won't stop occupying my thoughts and I can't get my head around it!" I glare at Dean, as though this is all his fault.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh you know very well what I mean Dean Thomas! I am not saying it."
"Say it." Aggravating fool.
"Say it."
"Say it."
"For Godrics sake! I like you Dean! And not in the way you like me. I like your strangely soft hands, the way you light up a room, and the countless ways you love your friends. I shouldn’t have said anything, fuck.” I shut my eyes tightly, and before I could turn away I felt the warm hands of Dean Thomas cup my face.
"I've been waiting two years to do this." Dean whispered as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. I froze for a second, before following him and leaning in as well.
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arianalilyblack · 4 years
Come home to me - Chapter 4
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Title: Come home to me 
Chapter no: Chapter 4
Author: @arianalilyblack
Pairing: Harry Wells x Reader x Eobard Thawne/Harrison Wells
Word count: 2269
Summary: The wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West is finally here. You and Harry are caught up with the wedding spirit and start to slowly realize that maybe you developed deeper feelings for each other. Everything is perfect until Nazis bust into the church ruining everything. And alongside Earth X villains guess who shows up? Your ex flame, Eobard Thawne aka the Reverse Flash, complicating everything in your lives.
 At first he felt pleasure as he heard a frustrated Cisco shouting in the next cell. It was fun for a while. But then his thoughts started to drift towards Y/N, and the smug grin disappeared from his face. He cursed himself for leaving her unprotected and alone. Obviously he knew that she could protect herself, but he still felt guilty as hell. He never should have left her side, not before telling her the truth. It was frustrating that he couldn’t talk about his newly experienced feelings for her. That smile at the wedding; that was the moment when all his oppressed feelings got out of their strongly locked cage. It was a simple friendly smile, but to him it shone brighter than the sun. It made his heart beat faster, and now he will never see her again. It all ended before it could really start.
The ball resonated louder and louder throughout the Pipeline, as he became more irritated by this imprisoned state, driving Cisco crazy with every bang. Sadness took a hold on his heart. He placed his head into his hands, horrible pictures flashing before his eyes. The sight of her getting tortured or her dead body lying on the floor was maddening. The ball stopped, hitting him right in the chest.
„For the love of God, finally!” exclaimed Cisco. „Have you calmed down, Harry?”
„Shut up, Ramon” Harry sputtered. He had trouble breathing, tears stung his eyes.
„Harry, are you alright?” asked Cisco, sensing that something was off with the grumpy scientist.
„Peachy” was the short sarcastic answer.
„Don’t worry Harry. She will be fine” Caitlin encouraged him.
„Oooh, so that’s the reason why my head is splitting into million pieces” draw the conclusion the engineer. „Mister Know-it-all finally saw the light” Cisco teased him.
„Ramon!” Harry growled.
„Harry, my friend, don’t you fear for Y/N, she’s tough as a nut.” Cisco tried to raise his hopes up.
„Attention all prisoners; great news, the cavalry has arrived.”
The Legends got the message from Felicity and came to the rescue. All the prisoners were out in no time; almost all of them went to fight with Nate against Metallo, except Harry. He had better things to do. He sprinted towards the workshop, to obtain a weapon prototype he and Cisco developed for similar situation. Right before he could reach the gun, Eobard cut his way.
„Well” Harry caught his breath. „Aren’t you a handsome devil?”
„Pretty popular with the ladies, huh?” Eobard smirked implying his hypothetical relationship with Y/N. Harry was smarter then to give into this pointless mind game. „Wells, you are in real danger now. But I’m going to make you a deal.” His smile grew wider with his every word. „I can spare your life, as a man of your superior intellect has a place in our new world. Of course, with one condition” he raised his index finger. „You have to give up on Y/N. You are a clever man; you already know that she feels what she does for you just because you look just like me. You are constantly reminding her of me and that’s the only thing why she would ever look at you. Her place is by my side. I’m the only one who can satisfy her needs. She has quite a temper, that little minx. She still loves me” His devilish smile was all over his face. It disgusted Harry to the core.
„Thank you… for the offer and information.” Harry nodded in appreciation before he looked up sternly and added „I’d rather die, than to let your liar ass torture her for the rest of her life.”
„Well that…” The speedster’s smile turned into a frown and his hand started vibrating. „That can be arranged.”
„Wait, wait!” Harry raised his arms in defense as the vibrating hand got dangerously close to his heart. „Wait. Think this through. If you kill me, she will never forgive you for that, ever. She will hate you more than she already does. And besides, who knows what consequences could cause the death of your doppelganger from another Earth.”
„You’re right.” He paused. „But there’s only one way to find out” he shook his head as he contemplated his action and advanced his weaponized hand towards Harry’s chest. But instead of coursing through his heart he was shocked by something, hand bouncing back in an instant.
„Yeah, so, I forgot to mention” Harry pointed arrogantly to his chest. „I went and loaded millions of biocompatible miniature robots into my body which were programmed to attack any foreign cells speeding into my system. Just face it, Thawne; you will never get her back.”
Eobard looked anxiously to the gun, then back to Harry’s face. He could easily outrun his shadow, but then he would complicate his mission. Harry winked at the evil speedster, lips curling into a cocky smile, and jumped towards the gun, but he was to slow, Eobard had already vanished.
 You were dragged away from the girls. You had no metapower left whatsoever to fight back, so you complied. Meanwhile the energy slowly started to rebuild in your system; it just needed some time to fully regenerate. You made a fool of yourself yet again, by thinking Eobard had changed. It was naïve of you to trust his words, because obviously you did believe him when he’d told you that he just wanted to come home to you. Once again you were fooled by his silver tongue, and once again he had thrown you away, like some liability.
„So how does this Nazi job paying you? Is it really worth it?” you asked, teasing the soldier beside you with a small smile, trying to cheer yourself up. No response, no reaction of any kind. „Let me go, little soldier. I promise I won’t rattle you out to the Fuhrer” you flashed your most convincing grin, but all in vain.
The muscles in your body were sore, but you figured that you could still beat the crap out of this disrespectful bastard. A loud bang came from the Cortex that was followed immediately by two another. This was your chance; you pulled your arm out of his grip and kicked him in the guts with all you physical strength. Your hands immediately clasped into his head and banged it against the wall as hard as you could manage. It did the trick so you were able to run away. You just took the right turn when you stumbled into a hard chest. Your body bounced back into a fighting position, just before you met the most beautiful ocean blue eyes you’ve ever seen.
„Y/N” Harry gasped before taking her into his arms. „I thought I’ve lost you.” He pulled you closer to his chest.
„Harry” you whispered his name taken aback by his heartfelt greeting.
It felt like your heart was about to jump out of your body, but at the same time a bitter sorrow filled it. You didn’t muster to look up to his face. Right now it would have been too haunting. Instead you stayed in his protective embrace, hiding your face from him. His body suddenly tensed which startled you. The first thing that crossed your mind was Eobard standing behind you. But then again, you wouldn’t be still standing surrounded by Harry’s warm arms if that was the truth.
„He’s back.” Your heart clenched, and you breathed in sharply. „I won’t let him hurt you.” With his right hand on your back and his left on your head, he hugged you tighter. „Not anymore.”
Finally when you looked up at him with teary eyes, there wasn’t a single thing on his features that reminded you of Eobard. It was simply Harry Wells with such loving glance that you melted into his body.
„Don’t worry, I will be alright” you raised your hand and stroked his faced.
„I will always worry for you” he admitted with a small smile.
„Why?” you urged him. You wanted him to say it out loud, to confirm that you aren’t hallucinating. This novel closeness felt surreal.
„Because I care about you, Y/N, a lot” Harry confessed and gently drew you into a sweet kiss. His lips were so soft and delicate; it made your heart flutter. „I…” his voice trembled. „I love you.”
„It was about time” shouted Cisco proudly, raising his hands as a ‘hallelujah’ motion, scaring you to death.
„Ramon” grunted Harry in annoyance, eyes darting deadly shots towards him.
„Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but we kinda got to go. You know, cause there’s a Nazi invasion going on and all that” he motioned a circle above his head.
 The whole team was reunited on the Waverider’s deck. Flash and the others came back from Earth-X, but they paid a huge price for it. Professor Stein had been severely injured and died shortly after they came back. You wanted to be left alone, to figure out your storming thoughts, so you searched for a quiet and secluded place.
The overwhelming feelings were driving you crazy. You were sure that you will lose your mind soon, if you don’t calm down. Your frustration came out as a loud groan.
„Why is life shitting with me?” you shouted into the thin air and buried your face into your hands.
It should have been one of the best days in your life, after all the two of you finally acknowledged your feelings for each other. Well almost. Because of Cisco’s interruption you totally forgot to say those three words back to him. Life wasn’t going to make it easy for you. Eobard’s return stirred up some suppressed emotions; you’ve missed him so damn much. You hated yourself for letting him under your skin. All you wanted was to be happy with Harry, without feeling constantly guilty about it. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard; you just had to keep in mind all the sadness that the speedster caused you. Remind yourself of all the sorrow and pain he made you endure. You crossed your legs, taking a meditating position and tried to clear him out of your mind and organism.
„Why the long face, darling?” The sudden presence of another human made you jump in your seat.
„Snart! But… how?” Leo smiled at your confused facial expression.
„I’m Leo Snart, from Earth-X.” He reached out with one hand and you shook hands. „Now tell me dear, what is it that’s bothering you so much?”
„Oh, it’s complicated” you let out a big sigh accompanied by a nervous grimace.
„The matters of the heart are always complicated” he looked at you with an odd, sympathetic smile. „Eventually the things fall in their right places, trust me. Now put a smile on that pretty face and let’s kick some Nazi asses.”
„Thanks, Leo” you cracked a smile back, grateful for his encouraging words.
 Harry was on the control deck with Cisco and the others. They were working on a plan to defeat the enemy but he wasn’t much of a help to them. He kept getting distracted by the earlier conversation with Y/N. He had just confessed his feelings in front of everyone to her, but she didn’t say anything back. Maybe it was because he kissed her out of the blue, or maybe it was because she didn’t felt the same way. And that’s why he couldn’t find her anywhere, because she was probably hiding from him.
Eobard’s words were ringing in his ears; “She still loves me” claimed the evil speedster. The insecurity irritated him, and when he got annoyed he usually threw stuff. He started pounding the wall nearby because of the lack of disposable objects. One thought would persistently come back to haunt him; what if she chooses that monster. “That can’t be possible, she is a rational woman. She would never go back to that bastard.”
„Harry, focus!” ordered Cisco after several minutes of calling him out.
„Not now, Ramon. I have to go” with that he was out of the room. He didn’t hear the end of Cisco’s indignant speech.
Harry was familiar with the tight relationship that was between Y/N and Eobard from the start. He knew that very well and still fell for her kind and gentle nature. Her friendship was a ray of happiness in his somber life. Even if he was just the second best thing; he would be okay with that as long as he could stay with her.
The scientist was roaming the halls, searching for Y/N. He needed to find her, to make sure she’s okay. He could only imagine how hard this could be for her after all she’d been through.
„Hey grumpy” heard a loving voice behind his back. He turned around to face Y/N.
„Who’s grumpy? I’m not grumpy” he shook his head in denial and huffed.
„Yeah, right” she waved her hand giggling.
„I will show you grumpy” he threatened and rushed towards to tickle her with a mischievous grin.
„Okay, okay” she gave herself up. „You win, but only this time” she laughed.
„I always get what I want” he smirked and attracted her into a kiss.
„If he finds out… He’ll kill you” she said in a shaky voice breaking the sugary kiss.
„He already knows. And still, here I am holding you in my arms, caressing your beautiful face and peppering it with little kisses.” He did as he said, her cheeks turning into a burning mess.
„I love you, Harry” she whispered between two kisses.
Part 5
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hargreevestan · 4 years
Unexpected Company (Part II), Five x female!Reader
Authors Note: This is a continuation of Part 1!! A reminder that Five played by a minor, so out of respect please superimpose Five’s character onto an age appropriate face claim if you are an adult like myself! (I felt it was inappropriate to describe what the reader finds cute about Aidan Gallagher, so I’m just describing Harry Styles since they're both brunettes with green eyes. Close enough?) Anyways, here Five meets up with reader at the library, but not without drinking his Respect Women juice. 
Trigger Warnings: Second hand embarrassment perhaps?? 
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“You know, there are some people who consider your beverage choice to be sacrilegious,” Five said, setting down two paper cups on the circular table before taking his seat.
“What can I say? I was never much of a traditionalist, ” (Y/N) replied, looking up from her computer. “Thanks for getting drinks, by the way. How much was it?” she asked as she reached for her wallet. Five caught her hand and playfully grabbed her wrist.
“Monetarily, it was nothing. However, the toll on my dignity of having to look another man in the eyes and ask for a ‘decaf salted caramel mocha with almond milk’? No way I’m getting that back,” he teased before letting go. “So, any updates on your research?”
(Y/N) felt her face heat up, promptly turning her face towards the computer screen before Five could notice. “Still just reading up on previous quantum theories, but-” she stopped mid sentence, “Wait, what are you doing?”
“I’ll give you three guesses,” he replied as he poured the contents of a silver flask into his half-finished coffee.
“You can’t do that here! You didn’t even add creamer or anything!”
“Shhh, we’re in the library,” Five joked in a low voice.
This part of the building was the ugliest and most inconvenient to get to. It was just a few metal tables on the third floor, surrounded by shelves of archived files that were rarely seeked out. Five and (Y/N) were the only two in the left-wing study room. While it was usually pretty desolate, it was especially so on account of it being a Friday night.
“How do you even get in here, by the way? Don’t they check for student IDs past eight?” she asked.
“I have my ways,” he shrugged and took off his black sports jacket. He had on a forest green sweater underneath.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. It seemed her new friend insisted quite often on being unnecessarily mysterious. Sometimes it was endearing, but at others it came off as pretentious. Truly, how much could there be to him? She had met plenty of boys that approximately resembled Five over the years, with their clean-cut exteriors and perfect teeth that screamed trust-fund baby. Though, admittedly, it was much harder to visualize Five adorned in Greek letters as he did keg stands in the backyard of a frat house.
“Anyways,” she continued, “I’m looking at several models of the space-time continuum. Sometimes, I don’t know why I chose time travel for my dissertation topic. Everything is always contradicting itself.”
“Like what?”
“There’s the idea that the universe itself preserves consistency across the timeline at an atomic level-”
Five snorted and cut her off, “Trust me, that one is a load of crap.”
(Y/N) raised her eyebrows at him. Even though she was the PhD student, Five had managed to aid her research with calculations and helpful insights of theoretical material that most academics found confusing. “How do you know so much, again?” she asked.
“I’ve had a lot of time to read in the past,” Five deadpanned.
(Y/N) gave him a slow nod, “Of course.”
The pair discussed astrophysics for a while longer before independently conducting their research.
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *
Five was gently shaking (Y/N) shoulder, waking her, “Hey.”
“Oh shit, did I fall asleep? Sorry, what time is it?” she replied, rubbing her eyes.
“Half past two. Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
(Y/N) shook her head, “No, no, it’s okay. I live like, ten minutes away.”
“I know, but you’re also a very easy target for muggers.”
“What do you mean? I am stealth personified.”
“Catch,” he said, tossing an eraser her way. (Y/N) fumbled it in her hands before having to reach down and retrieve it from the floor. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Five commented, “Let’s go.”
They packed their things and made their way towards the elevator.
“So, how come you’re spending your Friday nights at the library?” (Y/N) questioned as Five pressed the down button.
“I could ask you the same,” he answered, eyes fixed on the numbers above the door.
“Well, I’m trying to graduate this semester. You, on the other hand, aren’t even a student.”
“I guess I’ve always just been interested in time travel,” he spoke as the elevator car arrived. He turned his head to look at (Y/N), the corners of his mouth turned the slightest bit upwards to form the reminiscent of a smile. “Ladies first,” he gestured towards the open doors.
“I mean, a lot of people like time travel. But they usually are like it in a sci-fi, comic book way; not the theoretical framework of it.”
“I’m big on utility.”
The elevator stopped at the ground floor, and Five followed her out the doors and through the lobby. Once they stepped outside, (Y/N) shuddered as her lungs filled with the cold autumn night air that so starkly differed the warm interior of the library. Subconsciously, she stepped closer to Five. Of course, he was unfazed by the weather. 
“Cold?” he asked, noticing his companion beginning to shiver.
“Yeah, kind of. Are you?”
“Eh, I’ve been through worse,” he said before shaking off his jacket and handing it to her.
She sheepishly took it, “Thank you.”
The two began to walk home. Somewhere along the way, it hit (Y/N) how cute Five was. She studied his appearance. A few brown locks stood messily out of place, probably as a result of him running his fingers through his hair. He tended to do that when he was deep in thought. He was looking straight ahead, his features illuminated by the street lamps or the occasional headlights of a passing car. There was something both solemn and dignified about him. He paused and looked at her.
“Uh, we’re here.”
“Oh, yeah, we are,” she said, turning her head to look at the yellow apartment building to her right.
“You okay?” he asked, noticing her strange behavior.
“Yeah, it’s just...” The porch lights shone against his face, lighting up his green eyes. She looked at his mouth and took a step forward.”
She put a hand on his shoulder and leaned in to kiss him. She pressed her lips against his, wrapping both arms around his shoulders. After a moment, Five put his hands on (Y/N)’s waist, keeping his arms stiff as he took a step back.
“(Y/N), you aren’t even old enough to drink!” he stated, eyebrows raised upwards with concern.
“What are you- are you old enough to drink?” she countered, pulling away.
“Listen, I can’t see you like that… I’m too old for you, it’s wrong,” he explained.
While (Y/N) could handle rejection, she couldn’t stand to see Five make up reasons as to why he didn’t kiss her back.
“Five, it’s okay, I get it. I misread the situation, I’m sorry if I crossed a line,” she told him. “You don’t owe me an explanation. Also, I thought I was a year older than you.”
“No, you aren’t. I mean, physically, yeah, but I’m old enough to be your grandfather.”
“Five, come on, you really don't have to do this...” (Y/N) repeated, taking a step back.
“Okay, listen, you’re a brilliant young woman. I adore you, much like how I adore my niece Claire. Your research- it’s going to be world-changing, especially to me… (Y/N), I think its time we have a talk about who I am.”
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