#it’s more of the ‘oh they’re so impossibly different so they couldn’t be together’
alarrylarrie · 2 years
I think that article is actually incredibly interesting- if you only read Louis’ quotes. I’d throw the bit about Simon out in the trash, but that’s clearly a non-disparage clause ad infinitum talking, not Louis himself.
He couches what he says about Harry- in my opinion, tries to defend him while treading VERY lightly, because he has to, of course. He says, about his Grammy’s speech: “we all came from humble beginnings” basically explaining what Harry meant. Then, in talking about Harry’s fame- he says “we all knew Harry fit that mold” which doesn’t cast any dispersions on Harry, it’s actually a lot closer to ‘Harry was born to do this and was set up from practically day one to do this’ - and that’s not untrue, is it?
It’s the author who puts all the malice into that article. Louis’ quotes, themselves, seem like everything I’d expect him to be able to, (and willing) to say.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 month
if you look deep enough into steve’s eyes, the colors start to shift from a medium-brown to light, almost golden, like his hair in the summer, like his skin when it’s wet.
eddie finds himself noticing these things more often as the year after vecna passes. on the anniversary of nearly dying, eddie thinks he’s noticed everything about steve.
but then steve shows up at his door after dropping the kids off at their respective homes, a smile on his face, and something mysterious in his eyes. something that distracts eddie from the golden specks the reflect off his porch light. something that only eddie really gets to see.
“wanna take a ride?”
“where you taking me, big boy?”
steve blushes, a soft pink that would be warm to the touch if eddie was brave enough to reach out.
“it’s a surprise.”
eddie trusts steve, so he gets in his car and doesn’t ask anymore questions.
steve talks about something dustin did on the way, complaining with a fondness only steve could have for the kid.
it hits eddie as steve pulls onto a side road.
the field.
the wildflowers bloomed early this year, and eddie had mentioned recently that he would like to make new memories in a place where he was facing death or prison exactly one year ago.
he didn’t think anyone was listening, but apparently steve was.
steve parks the car and eddie doesn’t think he can look at him yet. he thinks he’s gonna cry. he thinks he’s so deeply in love with this man that he may never experience anything like it again.
it’s dark, but the moon is bright. there’s still a light chill in the air, but eddie’s still wearing his leather jacket from hellfire earlier, so he barely feels it.
they walk together through the field, close enough that their hands brush, but still more distance between them than eddie wants. he’s surrounded by beauty: the flowers, the stars, steve.
he stops when steve does.
they both look up at the stars for a few minutes, silent so they can hear the crickets and their own heartbeats.
“a year ago, when i almost lost you, i thought about all the things i didn’t get to do or say or know about you. i was angry for a long time.” steve turns to eddie, giving him a sad smile. “it wasn’t fair that you had to go through all of that and i couldn’t do anything. the doctors weren’t doing enough, and the cops weren’t doing enough, and no one understood how important it was that they fix it.”
eddie’s watching him, baffled. he’s not sure where this is going and he’s worried that his own feelings may be clouding his vision.
“i couldn’t make your pain go away. i couldn’t make it easier. i couldn’t help you walk again or play guitar. i just had to watch.”
eddie feels a tug in his stomach, a pull that leaves him breathless.
“but i watched. and i saw every side of you. and i don’t think i’ll say this right, but i practiced with robin and she thinks i did good.” steve breathes in and turns to face eddie completely. “i learned a side of me that i didn’t know about while i watched you. i learned that love looks different than what i always thought. and i learned that because of you.”
“because of…me?” eddie’s trying not to get his hopes up, but he’s pretty sure they’re higher than ever.
“because you love so loudly. everyone you love knows it and you aren’t scared that they’ll run away. it’s probably because it’s impossible not to love you.”
eddie thinks he actually is experiencing some kind of post-death dream. maybe he got too high in his room and steve never even showed up at his door.
“eddie? did you hear me?”
eddie focuses on steve’s look of concern, on the golden specks in his eyes that the moonlight makes shimmer.
“i don’t know?”
“i said i love you.”
“oh. then, no, i didn’t.”
steve’s face falls and eddie realizes a second too late that his response to steve saying he loves him wasn’t the exact thing he’d been holding back for at least six months now.
“i just thought you should know. um. so i guess i can wait in the car if you wanna stay a bit longer-“
eddie is only staying in this field if steve is with him, so he wraps his arms around steve’s shoulders and hugs him harder than is probably safe.
“i love you. sorry i’m a dumbass and didn’t say it the second you did. i was trying to convince myself this was real life.”
steve laughs against his ear and eddie’s pretty sure they belong like this.
“why now?” eddie asks as he pulls away.
“because i told myself if you didn’t do it by today, i would.”
“how long have you been waiting on me?”
steve lets out a breath. “eight months give or take.”
“that is…much longer than i would’ve expected.”
“yeah, well, imagine being the one waiting.”
eddie smiles at steve, and steve smiles back, and eddie notices a new thing.
steve harrington’s got a crooked tooth. an imperfection to some, a sign of being human to eddie.
“what’s that face for?” steve asks.
“you’re perfect, stevie.”
they kiss in the field where eddie was saying goodbyes a year ago. they look at stars in a clear sky while holding hands and talking about what their future might look like. steve’s head rests in eddie’s lap while eddie traces steve’s lips with his finger, memorizing the curl of his lips when he smiles and the feel of the vibrations when he hums a song eddie doesn’t recognize.
steve picks flowers, and eddie makes a crown, and they both say i love you in a million ways.
they walk along the edges of the field, where the rv was parked while they prepared for the worst. eddie shivers at the memories, but steve kisses his shoulder and the back of his hand and he shivers at that instead.
they ride back, and eddie sings along to whatever songs play on the radio, even if he messes up the words. steve laughs and it’s better than any music they could listen to.
they kiss on eddie’s porch, surrounded by darkness because no one turned on the outside light. it’s so late, no one would see them anyway.
steve stays at eddie’s, but wayne’s home, so they’re quiet and keep their hands above the waist even though they so desperately want to touch, and kiss, and bite every inch of each other.
they still get carried away, which doesn’t surprise eddie at all. what does surprise eddie is how quickly steve sits in his lap, rutting against his stomach and biting back moans and whimpers and eddie laces their fingers together and squeezes, meeting each thrust with his own. neither of them last long, coming in their pants like virgins. they laugh, but they kiss through it, teeth clacking as they gasp for breath.
they take turns in the bathroom in case wayne wakes up. steve comes back into eddie’s room without a shirt and hair slightly damp. eddie feels his heartbeat quicken as steve hops into bed next to him.
they sleep with steve curled against eddie’s chest, eddie’s arms around his back, sweaty but content.
content and happy.
and when the sun rises the next morning, eddie wakes first and notices another new thing about steve: he drools in his sleep.
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vilentia · 26 days
Hey just wondering if you still write for tangerine? If you do I was hoping you’d write one about tangerine having to most sweetest and kindest wife and everyone always wondering how could she marry a big grump like him? Like tangerine is on a job and he’s due back in a few days and these men have been sent to kidnap his wife and she sees them infront of her house and goes out asking if they are lost and invites them inside for some tea and makes them lunch and they end up leaving without her because of how sweet she was and tangerine comes back recognising the men leaving the house and his wife waving goodbye to them lol if that makes sense thank you
Disarmed by Kindness
Tangerine x reader
Found this in my requests and finally felt inspired enough to write something. Sorry for the long wait and I hope it was worth it. 🫣
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Tangerine wiped the sweat off his brow as he stood on the rooftop, his sharp eyes scanning the horizon. His job was nearly done. Just a few more days, and he’d be back home, where things were different—where he wasn’t just Tangerine the assassin, but your husband, the man who couldn’t figure out why someone as sweet as you would ever marry a grump like him.
His thoughts drifted to you: your warm smile, gentle hands, and that voice of yours that could soothe him even on his worst days. Every time someone learned that you were his wife, their brows would furrow, and their lips would purse in confusion. How could someone so kind, so impossibly good-hearted, be married to someone like him? It was a mystery that followed you both everywhere, but one that neither of you cared to solve. You fit together in a way that made sense only to you.
Meanwhile, back at your cozy home, you hummed a tune as you prepared some fresh lemonade. You had just finished baking a batch of lemon tarts, knowing they were his favorite, even though he always pretended to prefer more "manly" desserts. He’d be back soon, and you couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he bit into one of the tarts.
As you set the table for lunch, you noticed a group of men lingering just beyond the front gate. They were tough-looking, with hard expressions and eyes that flickered with suspicion. Your heart skipped a beat, but only out of concern that they might be lost or in need of help. You quickly slipped on your apron and stepped outside, your bright smile leading the way.
“Hello there!” you called out, waving as you approached. The men, all too familiar with violence and the rougher side of life, were caught off guard by the sight of you—a small, smiling woman heading straight for them.
One of the men, clearly the leader, cleared his throat and put on his best menacing face. “Ma’am, we… uh… we’re looking for someone.”
“Well, you found me!” you beamed. “But I’m afraid you might be mistaken about who you’re looking for. Are you lost? Why don’t you come inside for some tea? I’ve just baked some lemon tarts, and they’re still warm.”
The men exchanged confused glances. This wasn’t how these things usually went. But something about you—your warmth, your kindness—disarmed them completely. Before they knew it, they were nodding and following you into the house, each one feeling more out of place than the last.
Inside, you bustled around the kitchen, brewing tea, slicing tarts, and setting out an array of sandwiches you had planned to eat alone. The men sat around the table, their bulky forms hunched awkwardly over the delicate teacups you handed them.
“So, who is it you’re looking for?” you asked sweetly as you poured them more tea.
The leader, struggling to remember why they were there in the first place, muttered, “We were sent to… uh… collect someone important.”
“Oh dear, I hope it’s nothing serious. You know, my husband is due back any day now. He’s such a dear, but I do worry about him when he’s away.” You sighed softly, the picture of a concerned wife.
The men felt a pang of guilt they weren’t accustomed to. They looked around at the cozy house, the floral curtains, the homemade meal. How could they possibly harm you or take you away? You were like a ray of sunshine, and they were nothing but storm clouds.
As they finished their tea, you packed up the remaining tarts into a neat little box and handed it to the leader. “For the road,” you said with a smile. “I wouldn’t want you going hungry.”
The men, now thoroughly confused and utterly charmed, left the house without so much as a harsh word. As they walked down the driveway, they glanced back to see you waving them off, your smile as bright as ever.
Just as they reached the street, Tangerine’s car pulled up. He stepped out, eyes narrowing as he recognized the men from a job he’d finished the week before. His hand instinctively moved toward the gun under his coat, but he stopped short when he saw you at the door, waving at the men with that sweet smile of yours.
The leader of the group met Tangerine’s gaze, and for a moment, it seemed like things could go south. But then the man raised the box of tarts, nodded once, and muttered, “You’ve got a good one there, mate.” And with that, they left, the mission completely forgotten.
Tangerine watched them go, then turned to you, who had already started fussing over him. “You’re back early! I didn’t even get a chance to make your favorite dinner yet,” you said, pulling him inside.
“What were those men doing here?” he asked, trying to keep his voice calm.
“Oh, them? Just some lost souls looking for directions, I think. They seemed nice enough once you got to know them,” you said, dismissing the incident with a wave.
Tangerine couldn’t help but smirk. Of course, you had no idea who they really were or what they had intended to do. You saw the good in everyone, even those who didn’t deserve it. And somehow, that goodness had protected you.
He pulled you into a tight embrace, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re something else, you know that?”
You looked up at him, your eyes full of warmth and love. “And you’re my grumpy bear. Now, come on, I’ve got lemon tarts.”
As you sat down to eat, Tangerine couldn’t shake the image of those hardened men walking away from your house, a box of tarts in hand, thoroughly disarmed by the woman he loved. You had a way of softening even the hardest of hearts, and in that moment, he felt like the luckiest man in the world.
No one would ever understand how you worked together, but that was fine. As long as you had each other, Tangerine knew he’d always have a reason to come home, no matter how tough the job.
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abbyromanoff · 7 months
Thicc MILF!R being shamelessly hit on & loved on by a pair of twins, Kate & Hailee (and one of the twins is packing a massive cock)
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PAIRINGS: Hailee Steinfeld x reader, Kate Bishop x reader
WARNINGS: small angst, fluff, jealousy, double ending, this is actually horrible plz ignore this, uhm it seems dark but it’s then not…., R has a son, think that’s abt it :)
Ignore this guys I hate how I wrote this sm…
The twins stared down at each other, both chugging down their shots before sharing a glance with you.
“They’re mine, Hailee.” You sighed, feeling her hand come to the bottom of your back.
“Oh, really? Whose bed were they in last week, then?”
“Hailee! Please, can we not bring my sex life up.” You looked around to make sure no one else heard the comment she made, only to remember you were allowed into the VIP section with the two women and only them. Kate turned to face you, hoping her seductive eyes would cause you to fall into her trap.
“Baby, we’ve been together so long-“
“We were together, Katie. Look, both of you, I’m single now and I want to keep it that way, and I don’t want to mess up your relationship anymore than I already have.” You tried to move from the booth, but you were soon pulled in by Hailee and felt yourself being placed onto her lap.
“Hailee, it was a last time thing, never to happen again.” She groaned and wrapped her arms around your waist, placing a peck on your shoulder with a grin.
“Please, love, I’ll give you the entire fucking world if you just let me.” Your eyes fell on Kate who was biting her lip to hold back, her fingers tightening around her glass.
“You know you want me, Y/N, that’s why you can’t resist me. We’ve gotten together so many times because in the end you know you can’t get rid of me.” She spoke up, tapping the table with her other hand.
“We’ve also broken up just as many times, and I don’t want to be with either of you again.” She scooted impossibly closer, placing her hand on your thigh that Hailee tried to push off.
“And James? He loves me, baby, he even called me mama. Don’t you want someone who your dear little boy loves?”
“Don’t bring him into this.” She smirked at your annoyance, and Hailee’s hold on your waist tightened. It made you remember where you were and caused you to tense. Kate suddenly stood and soon found herself standing right in front of you as she looked down, desperate to reach out and touch you.
“There’s nowhere to go, Y/N. We own this piece of shit, you think they won’t listen to us? You’re locked in, and you’re not leaving until you tell us who you want.” You gulped fearfully, eyeing the door that you noticed was turned in a different direction and realized she wasn’t lying. Your breath became uneven as you thought about your options, it was very few.
“And if I couldn’t choose? What then?”
“You will choose, there’s no other choice.” Hailee responded, and you were forced to remember her intoxicating touch and raspy voice. You worried that if she moved then you’d feel more than you wanted, and you’d have an even more difficult time deciding between who to let go.
“Please, if you let me go, I’ll tell you! James is home and my friend is with him, he misses his momma.” You began growing scared of the two women and what they could do, even if you had known them for years it felt like all of that had vanished.
“Don’t you worry about him, love, he’s perfectly fine.” The younger twin, Kate, reassured you.
“We wouldn’t dare hurt him or you, baby, you just need to come to terms with yourself already.” Hailee followed her sister, the two holding a heavy eye contact that you couldn’t read.
“I- I can’t decide, I shouldn’t have to; this is foolish!” Kate stared you down with determination, her lips aching to collide with yours as you glanced between her eyes and mouth on occasion.
“We both know it’s always been me, Y/N. Ever since high school it’s been me, Hailee was only some dumbass you used when you missed me and you know it.” The twin was growing a deeper level of anger the more Kate spoke, and she quickly came to defend her side.
“Remember all those talks we shared? Remember how you’d come to me and cry on my shoulders because you felt so guilty that you still loved me whenever you were with her? I know you need me, you’ve always loved me.” You sighed and tried to loosen yourself once again. You made eye contact with Kate, giving a sad smile as you leaned your head down.
“Hailee, Kate’s right. I’m sorry but, it’s always been her, even when I loved you I always loved her more. I’m sorry.” You bit your lip as you played with your fingertips, and you felt guilt beginning to invade your body. This wasn’t fair. Why were they doing this to you?
“Yes! I knew it! I fucking told you, didn’t I?” She glanced at her sister with a smirk that carried a smile behind it, shrugging her shoulders as she placed her hand on top of yours to guide you up for her lap.
“You’re a bitch, you know that?”
“Mm, call me a bitch all you want but I’m the one who won in the end?” You shared a shocked glance between the two, your eyebrows raised and your mouth slightly agape.
“Wait, this was all just a stupid bet between you two? You got me scared for nothing?” They both laughed lightheartedly as if you hadn’t been in true, genuine fear only moments ago.
“It was just a little joke, baby. Well, plus a twenty-dollar bet between us.” Hailee handed her the bill from her pocket with an eye roll.
“So, that was all for nothing? I thought you two were going to, like, I don’t know, kill me, or something!” Hailee stood suddenly, and it was still difficult to make eye contact with her knowing deep down she was hoping you chose her.
“Oh, please, this one here cries when she steps on an ant, you really think she’d try to hurt you?”
“You’re the one still scared of spiders!”
“So are you!” You let out a breath of relief as the two began a banter, your mind now at ease as you knew you were safe in the arms of Kate.
“I- I can’t decide, I shouldn’t have to; this is foolish!” Kate stared you down with determination, her lips aching to collide with yours as you glanced between her eyes and mouth on occasion.
“We both know it’s always been me, Y/N. Ever since high school it’s been me, Hailee was only some dumbass you used when you missed me and you know it.” The twin was growing a deeper level of anger the more Kate spoke, and she quickly came to defend her side.
“Remember all those talks we shared? Remember how you’d come to me and cry on my shoulders because you felt so guilty that you still loved me whenever you were with her? I know you need me, you’ve always loved me.” You sighed and tried to loosen yourself once again. You made eye contact with Kate, giving a sad smile as you leaned your head down.
“Kate, Hailee’s right. I’m sorry but, it’s always been her, even when I loved you I think I always loved her more. I’m sorry.” You bit your lip as you played with your fingertips, and you felt guilt beginning to invade your body. This wasn’t fair. Why were they doing this to you?
“Fuck! You had to go with that one? I lost because of you.” The older sister glanced at her with a smirk, shrugging her shoulders as she leaned her head onto your shoulder.
“Hand it over, Kit Kat?”
“Stop calling me that already, you child.” You shared a shocked glance between the two, your eyebrows raised and your mouth slightly agape.
“Wait, this was all just a stupid bet between you two? You got me scared for nothing?” They both laughed lightheartedly as if you hadn’t been in true, genuine fear only moments ago.
“It was just a little joke, baby. Well, plus an extra way to pay for my shopping trip tomorrow.” Kate handed her the bill from her pocket with an eye roll as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“So, that was all for nothing? I thought you two were going to, like, I don’t know, kill me, or something!” Kate sat back down with a grunt suddenly, chugging down her martini that you forgot she had ordered nearly an hour ago. It still hurt to look at her, but you knew you had made the right decision.
“Oh, please, this one here cries when she steps on an ant, you really think she’d try to hurt you?”
“You’re the one still scared of spiders!”
“So are you!” You let out a breath of relief as the two began a banter, your mind now at ease as you knew you were safe in the arms of Hailee.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
request: THIS IS A WILLIAM REQ I HAVE i saw the movie and fell in love w him (ive been for like years but Matthew made me even more in love🥹) i was wondering if you could do a william x reader where the reader is in her like 20s and shes Mikes childhood friend, but she of betrays him cause she is with William. she had a pretty rough childhood n stuff so she has heavy attatchment issues (and she would like do ANYTHING for Will) @elluvzjamie
Warnings: Readers just as messed up, they’re like insane, cute insane couple stuff ig..?
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“You’re dating… my job counselor?” He asked you one day.
“Who’s your job counselor?”
“Steve. Raglan..?”
“Oh…. I didn’t know he was your job counselor.”
“I didn’t know he was your boyfriend.” He was shocked, the age difference was odd to him.
“Yeah. He is. We’ve been together for like a few months.”
“He put a picture of you on his desk and I asked him about it.”
You smiled at that “He did?”
“If your happy.” He shrugged, leaving it at that. He didn’t mind, you were his friend, you’d stayed with him through everything. Even through the awkward middle school years.
The conversation didn’t come up much, because he respected you, of course. He still found it odd. But he kept it to himself.
You found out about his secret early on, he was scared he would have to kill you after you did but you didn’t mind it. And that made him fall impossibly harder for you.
“Relax. It’s the perfect plan. Besides, when have I ever been wrong?” He grabbed your jaw, making you look up at him.
“But.. he’s been my friend since like… forever.” You were hesitant.
“Do you love me?”
“Of course I do, will-“
“Do you trust me?”
“Then please, just go through with it. I promise, when we’re done we can go on that vacation you always talk about.”
You smiled slightly at the mention.
“Okay.” You said softly and quietly, looking up at him with eyes full of love and naiveness. He smiled down at you, leaning down and kissing your lips.
“M..ike..? What happened?” You mumbled, he was breathing heavily as he grabbed you, helping you up.
“They attacked you. Come on, Abby’s in danger.”
He was running quickly, he pulled out a taser on chica, shooting her with it. You stood beside Mike as Abby and him talked.
You all ran across the halls, Mike limped and was suddenly attacked by Carl.
“Abby, go!” You shouted, trying to go “help” Mike. You pulled Carl off, throwing the cupcake across the floor.
“Fuck, Mike. Are you okay?” You asked, as you got on your knees beside the man.
“I’m fine.” He panted out, holding his leg in pain.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m fine. We- we gotta go help Abby.” He said. You helped him up and he slung his arm around your shoulder as he limped around.
You both looked around to find her, instead, a giant golden bunny walked towards you both. You cracked a small smile, standing there as he stumbled back.
William growled, and Mike tried to tase him, but it was no use.
Mike looked at you as you stood back and watched as the bunny threw him across the floor.
“You couldn’t just leave it alone, could you?” Mike crawled across the floor. You followed Williams steps. “Lucky me. First I killed your brother, then I got your friend to betray you, now I kill you.”
Betray him? He looked at you, who was standing next to the bunny, unharmed.
“Symmetry, my friend.”
“Go to hell.” His eyes were full of hurt.
William laughed, kicking him, and knocking him unconscious.
“Wake up children. I have something for you to play with. This is gonna be so much fun.” He stood in front of Mike. “Little ones tell me you have a sister.” He pulled out a knife. “She will love it here. You, however, are finished. Farewell, Micheal Schmidt.”
“That’s enough!” Vanessa said.
Vanessa. She was interesting. She didn’t like you, that much was for sure. She thought you were far too young for him, but you don’t care.
“Drop the knife.”
“A little old for temper tantrums aren’t we, Vanessa?” William said.
“I’m not kidding, dad.”
he took off his mask, looking at her with disappointment.
“You may have forgotten your loyalties, but I assure you they have not!” He pointed the knife at the animatronics.
Abby ran towards Mike, you glanced back at them. Abby looked up at you.
“Y/n. Why-“ she started, but not finishing her sentence. You looked down at them in slight pity.
“You did great. Now, let us just finish this.” He looked down at you now, the smallest amount of praise making you beam.
“Now, put that thing away. And help us clean up the mess that you created!”
He said, talking about her gun. He walked towards her slowly, and you stayed behind.
“Come on. We both know you’re not gonna use…” she shot him, he groaned and was taken aback. The animatronics looked at her in anger. You looked in shock, but you knew he would handle it.
William yelled, and threw her gun onto the floor.
“You had one job. One. Keep him in the dark, and kill him if he got too close.”
“That’s two jobs.”
He choked her, pinning her against a machine. You looked back at Abby, and quickly put a knife to her throat.
“Y/n!” She yelled, she stood still, scared for her life. Her drawing fell onto the floor.
“Abby, Abby, Abby. I tried to leave you alone. I really didn’t want to do this.” You sighed, shaking your head to yourself.
“Y/n, you don’t have to-whatever he’s telling you-“ she tried desperately, sobbing and clawing at your arm.
“I love him. And I’ll do anything for him. Even if that includes betraying you and your brother.”
William smiled at the sight, how cute, he thought. His daughter was now unconscious on the floor. But that didn’t matter when he could start a new life with you, who would do anything for him.
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the-modern-typewriter · 9 months
And so they all lived happily ever after.[1]
Theodore could finally breathe.
The two of them had bought the quiet, peaceful cottage that they had always talked about[2] and filled it with things[3] because they were allowed to do more than simply need now.[4] They were allowed to want, and build a home because home no longer had to be wherever the resistance had camped up for the night. Honestly, Theo had thought he’d be dead before that ever happened. Being born the chosen one, nobody had ever expected him to survive fate long enough for the aftermath, least of all him. [5]
Didn’t that mean he had the earned the right to be happy, now?[6]
“Theo.” She sat opposite him at the kitchen table, and took his hand, and looked at him like the world still needed saving, like he hadn’t done enough. “This isn’t working,” she said. “I’m sorry.”
It came out of nowhere.[7]
“I don’t have nightmares,” he said.[8] “We won. I killed the Shadow King, if anyone should have nightmares-”
He forced his expression to ease. He shouldn’t resent Adina her nightmares, if she had them. He knew the battlefield they had met upon. In a world of blood and conquest and power that made him feel like he was going to sizzle from the inside out, she had been a cooling balm. She had made him a man, instead of something out of legend.
“I know you were there too,” he continued, because she was acting like he’d somehow forgotten that. “But it’s over.” Didn’t she see that it was over? “Whatever nightmares you have, we’ll get through it together, yeah? They’re only dreams.”
His jaw clenched. “They can’t hurt you unless you let them.”[9]
Her mouth clicked shut and she swallowed hard. At some point, during the argument, they’d both surged to their feet. Her arms were crossed against her chest, defensive, like either of them should have any need for defences anymore. They were safe with each other. She knew that! Before she started this conversation, they had been fine. Hadn’t they been fine?
“If there was a button that could make me feel differently,” she managed. “I would hit it in a heartbeat. God. I’m not – I know this isn’t your fault. I’m not saying that. I know you’ve gone through enough. I know this isn’t fair, but I—”
“You just need time.”[10]
They had time now, didn’t they? Walking through the woods filled him with a calm he’d never known before. The green trees, dappled by sunlight, made it impossible to dwell on the cold feeling of bloodied stone against broken bones. Everything was light, and air, and the freedom to run.
There were no people to be responsible for, no important envoys to encroach upon the time they managed to snatch together, always wrenching them apart. It was him, and her, and they didn’t have to live in a stolen moment anymore. Wasn’t that enough?[11]
“How can you be so okay?” Adina’s voice crumpled on the question, so small, and it felt like a knife between his ribs because it sounded like an honest question too. “After everything…” Her eyes were big and desperate - he recoiled. He could finally breathe, and she would have him drown.
After everything, he was allowed to be okay. Was he supposed to live forever feeling guilty for everything he could have done better? Was he supposed to have died too?[12]
Maybe, yes, in her story he should have.
It was easier to love a legend than a man. It was easy to make promises to someone who wouldn’t live to hold you to them. For a second, he hated her, more than he’d ever hated the Shadow King. He didn’t want to be a thing of hate anymore. He didn’t want to fight anymore.
“Everything?” He repeated, oh so softly. His fists curled, nails digging into his palms hard enough to draw blood and he didn’t want to ever draw blood again either. He stopped.  He relearned how to breathe. “You do not get to hold ‘everything’ against me, Adina. I did everything you asked of me. That all of you asked of me. For you. For this.”
“We love each other.” He turned away because he couldn’t look at her. “That’s all that matters. We’ll get through this. Happily ever after.”
She flinched in the corner of his vision.
“Please.” He closed his eyes. “You want to talk about everything? After everything, let me have this. Give me this. It is the only thing I ever asked of you.”[13]
She exhaled a shaky breath. The silence stretched. Then, she kissed him sweetly, gently, like everything was okay. She whispered the words against his lips:
“I’ll try.”
It was better again, after that. Their fight became another battle of the past to be buried with their dead and forgotten. 
In the mornings, they would paint the sunrise that they had once spent hours trying to picture, when the endless night of the Shadow King’s reign felt like it never might never break. The first time Theo had seen that the sky could truly be pink he thought maybe, just maybe, he hadn’t made it through after all. But he had.  In the afternoons, they would walk hand in hand through the woods and he would tell her about all of the new growth he was learning about. He liked the names. The colours. The hope.
It wasn’t perfect. Now that she’d pointed it out, he stirred sometimes in the night to find her awake still. When he caressed her face in the dark his hand would come away wet with silent tears.[14] On those nights, he would kiss her honeyed and slow because he didn’t have to kiss her like she was oxygen anymore, until she melted in his arms and smiled again. [15]
The weeks turned into months, which turned into years.
She stopped crying, with time. She healed.[16]
The shadows were gone.
And so, they all lived happily ever after.[17]
[1] Happily ever after! It was just another bloody thing to fail at, wasn’t it?
[2] He’d always talked about it. He was happy. The cottage was perched in the middle of the woods, far enough away from civilisation that she could pass days without seeing another person. Sometimes, it felt like they must have lost, because the world that she knew wasn’t there anymore.
[3] She shouldn’t resent him his clutter. He deserved clutter. She knew he deserved clutter, his houseful of little wooden figurines he carved, after everything. 
[4] She hated the clutter.
[5] It was a terrible thing to want happiness, but not know what to do with peace; she’d learned to love him fighting. But now, he loved gently, sword forgotten, armour laid to rest, and that was not the version of him that she’d fallen love with.
[6] She missed the man she’d fallen for.
[7] She couldn’t do this anymore.
[8] Because he was the only one who had truly suffered.
[9] Was it so simple? Had she got it wrong? Was she merely not trying hard enough to move on? His expression told her that, yes, she needed to try harder. They were supposed to be a team but, to his mind, when it came down to it…he’d been the one alone against the Shadow King, hadn’t he? So, if he could heal then why couldn’t she? She hadn’t been the one buckling under the weight of prophecy. She had no right.
[10] That was the other thing everyone always said, along with happily ever after. Time healed all wounds. She just needed time. But how much time was that? Too much, it seemed. There had been a woman she met in the aftermath of the battle at Sunburst fields. She had lost her lover. Adina couldn’t remember the woman’s name, only what she had confessed when no one else was there to hear her.
[11] The woman said, “I’m not allowed to mourn her. No one knew we were together, you see. She had a husband. But she loved me, and I… no one will ever know now, and I must mourn her like she wasn’t mine to mourn. Like I might mourn a stranger.’ The woman’s voice dropped barely audible. "And I think it might just kill me. How do you heal a hurt when you have to pretend it’s not there? Like it’s a papercut instead of a bullet wound?"
[12] He fought to protect her. To protect all of them. In his story, she was the victory he came home to. She was his happy ending. She was not supposed to be broken.
[13] He had fallen in love with her when she was selfish. A good, selfless girl did not love in a stolen moment, after all. Stolen moments had to be taken from someone. But he didn’t want selfish now. He didn’t want someone who had done battle, who had hurt, and been hurt. He didn’t want a woman with a shadow in her heart.
[14] And, so, he fell out of love with her in the way that a person forgets their wallet on the train – with that stabbing sense of panic, of leaving something vital behind, without yet being able to place what was gone.
[15] Instead, he fumbled and groped for the debris, the receipts, the bits of change and dust at the bottom of the bag of them that had meant something important once. He began to look at her like a stranger when she reminded him that she was sharp. That he had loved something sharp, once.
[16] He looked for clues for what was missing.
[17] He would never find her.
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xoxoxkisses · 17 days
Slowly losing you
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Muichiro x fem!Reader
warnings: angst
muichiro’s pov
We had been friends for years. Y/n was a sweet girl. She was perfect in every way. She was kind, beautiful, smart, and so much more. In all honesty, I fell in love with her.
Everything ended April 8, 2004. ————————————————————————
“Y/n! We need to go, it’s starting to storm!” Thunder cracked in the sky as I said that. She looked at me, not with worry, but with amusement. She smiled at me as I smiled back at her. She stood up quickly and ran as she called out, “Last one home is a rotten egg!” She began running as I quickly got up and chased after her.
Unfortunately we didn’t beat the rain, but that was fine. We were having fun chasing each other back home. As we reached the hydrangea bushes, the rain was flowing down the steps. I was in front of her now. “Y/n, we have to be careful going up the steps, ok?” She nodded, and I ran up the steps carefully.
She was behind me, the two of us were laughing together. We knew we would both be catching a cold tomorrow, but that was fine.
I reached the top of the steps as I turned to watch her. Just as I did, she slipped. I couldn’t get to her fast enough. Her foot slipped from under her and she crashed down onto the steps. Her head hit the edge of a step as she began to slip down. I ran down the steps not caring if I was careful or not and I picked her up.
“Holy crap Y/n! Are you okay?!” She looked at me confused, until suddenly she began laughing. “I’m fine Mui.” I scanned her with worried eyes before she put her hand on my shoulder, assuring me she was okay.
We didn’t chase each other after that. We walked home slowly. We reached her house first, as we walked in her mom saw us. “Oh my- kids you need some new clothes!” Her mom ran into the spare room to grab me some clothes and back into Y/n’s room to grab her clothes.
I changed first, I came out of the spare bedroom and sat in the living room with Y/n’s mom. I loved her mom, she was a very kind woman. We sat in silence waiting for Y/n before I remembered Y/n’s fall. “Um, while we were coming home, Y/n fell on some steps and hit her head.” Her mom turned to me with a shocked face. “Oh goodness! I’ll keep an eye on her, thank you for telling me.” I nodded as Y/n came out of her room. She looked sort of disoriented, but other than that she looked fine.
Her mom let me stay the night. And as I predicted, the next day me and Y/n were sick. ————————————————————————
At first it started as a mild migraine. Then it exceeded to a migraine that wouldn’t go away. Y/n stopped coming to school. She couldn’t handle the bright lights or the noises anymore. She stayed in her dark room with earplugs in her ears to stop the noise. No one knew what was going on. It didn’t take till Y/n began to experience seizures that we realized something was wrong.
Her parents took her to the hospital after the first one. And we learned she developed a head injury.
Unfortunately, we all took action too late. Just a week after being admitted to the hospital, Y/n died in her sleep. We were all devastated, her parents lost a daughter, and I..well I lost a best friend and someone I loved.
April 8, 2004, 4:23AM. Her time, and date of death.
Her funeral was held just 2 weeks after her death. I walked up to her casket and she looked ethereal. She was just as beautiful as the day I met her. Y/n was just 13 when she died, I was 14. ————————————————————————
I never met anyone like Y/n. I’m married now, and my wife reminds me of Y/n, but they’re both still so different. I also have a little girl, and I named her after Y/n.
I still miss her after 10 years. I visit her grave on holidays and her birthday. Her parents adopted a cat a year after her death. Y/n loved cats but couldn’t have one since she was allergic. The world changed after Y/n’s death. The steps she slipped on were remodeled so it was nearly impossible to slip, even when it rained.
I miss Y/n more and more every day because I know she should still be by my side. I blame myself for that day, if only I didn’t run up the stairs first maybe she wouldn’t have been influenced to do so, and maybe if I took the other route home she would’ve been ok.
I still have a long time till I see her again, and I can’t wait. ————————————————————————
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drpoisonoaky · 8 months
Therapy homework, fire siblings edition
Azula and Zuko have to share moments from their childhood in order to heal their relationship (therapy homework), even as they are there for each other.
In my own personal Azula’s redemption arc, Zuko is there helping her sister in the same way he got help.
So they talk about everything because they’re healing and they need to do it.
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[Turtle ducks]
Zuko: I think those two are playing together.
Azula: Or they’re fighting to decide who will become the Turtle Lord.
Zuko: Don’t project your trauma onto turtle ducks. 
Azula: I was not. It’s a very real and possible situation in the turtle duck world.
Zuko: I am going to ignore that because I was wondering why you hate them.
Azula: I don’t hate them.
Zuko: You threw rocks at them every time we were here.
Zuko: What?
Azula: That we never included me, you know? It was more like “Mom and Zuko and, oh, Azula is here”.
Azula: So I guess I want my mother to give me attention, and my child brain said “Let’s make chaos”.
Zuko: Oh… I’m sorry I…I never thought about it that way.
Azula: Don’t punish yourself Zuzu. We were children. It wasn’t your job.
Zuko: But now we can feed them together, right? No rocks, only bread.
Azula: You really are a softie. It’s annoying.
Zuko: Let’s take the bread.
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Zuko: Do you want kids?
Azula: Not really. You do?
Zuko: One. Only one.
Azula: Did I traumatize you Zuzu?
Zuko: Yes, but no. If I had a kid, I want to focus on them, giving them all of my love and support. Being the Firelord and doing that for more than one child it’s impossible.
Azula: Oh, you really think about this… I hate to say it, but you would be a great dad.
Zuko: Thanks. I appreciate it. Why don't you?
Azula: First of all, it would have to be adopted, so the kid comes with baggage. And with my baggage, I probably couldn’t be there as much as the kid needs. It’s not fair to them. I can’t put the happiness of some child behind my own selfishness.
Zuko: Cool aunt?
Azula: I’m going to spoil your child so much that they’ll be as insufferable as you are.
Zuko: Of course you will.
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[Fire resistance]
Katara: Hey firebenders, I have a question. Do you really resist fire better by nature or…?
Azula: Yes and no. 
Zuko: I mean, look at my face. 
Katara: That’s why I’m asking. Why do you resist less than ‘Zula? I swear she could be on fire and not notice.
Azula: We didn’t have the same training. Mother stopped Ozai a lot for the both of us. But when she was gone…
Zuko: I was banished when he started his fire resistance methods…
Katara: but ‘Zula don’t.
Azula: I was burned every day in every place except the face. Well, you saw the marks.
Sokka: Why not the face?
Suki: Don’t be rude.
Azula: It was because I was a princess after all, and you know we had to be pretty and perfect.
Katara: And how do you get high pain tolerance from that?
Azula: I guess some nerves died along the way or maybe my brain learned to ignore that kind of pain…I don’t know. 
Azula: I hate him, but in battle it’s really useful. But yeah, don’t try it at home, kids.
Sokka: So if we try to burn your fac-
Katara: Don’t you dare, asshole.
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Katara: Did they cry much when they were babies?
Azula: I bet Zuzu was insufferable.
Zuko: I was a pretty nice baby.
Ursa: You were nice, but you cried a lot.
Azula: See.
Ursa: And you weren't nice at all, young lady. But truth to be told, she didn’t cry.
Zuko: Lack of emotions, I see.
Azula: Not dumbass, it was for the balance between you and me.
Katara: She didn’t cry at all? What would happen if she was hungry or hurt herself?
Ursa: She just waited.
Azula: Of course I did that, crying change nothing. Plus, it wasn’t allowed.
Zuko: What do you mean?
Azula: Oh right, that was one of the points of our “educational differences”.
Ursa: Azula?
Katara: Azula?
Azula: Fine.
Azula: Father didn’t really like the tears. He said that water isn’t something that should exist around a firebender. So I didn’t cry.
Katara: …but what if you did by any chance?
Azula, smiling sadly: He turned into my personal dryer. Goodbye tears.
Ursa: *gasp* But when you were a child he neve-
Azula: Don’t worry mother… It's not your fault.
Zuko: We should try to cry together anytime you want. As a therapy exercise, of course.
Azula: I-…thanks Zuzu.
Katara: And I hope he knows that you are around water all the time and he can’t do shit.
Azula: Of course master Katara, best master water bender of all times.
Zuko: Mom, we should go. They had started their own weird flirting thing.
Katara: What are you waiting for? Keep going.
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Aang: I know It’s none of my business, but I was wondering why some compliments make you look awkward but on the opposite sides. *Points at Azula and Zuko*
Zuko: What do you mean?
Aang: Like Azula takes it so well when we say something nice about her bending or her looks but she’s weird when it’s not about that. And you get so weird when we compliment your looks or your bending. Like a yin and yang kinda thing.
Azula: Easy. I was praised for everything Zuko isn’t.
Aang: What do you mean?
Azula: I’m a prodigy and a princess. Being an excellent firebender and looking pretty at the same time is or was my job. Zuzu is a mediocre firebender, under Father’s eyes, and he burned half of his face. 
Zuko: And ‘Zula never was praised for being anything else. 
Aang: But that’s awful.
Azula: I didn’t need to be anything apart from that, Zuko was banished. That’s life.
Sokka: No, it’s not. Your father it’s a piece of shit.
Katara: And I hope we never see him again. No offense.
Azula and Zuko: None taken.
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[Giving Affection]
Katara, fidgeting with the hem of her tunic: I don’t know if it’s awkward to ask you that.
Zuko: …Go on.
Katara: Okay, so when you get out of the fire nation. Do you flinch?
Zuko: …Did I flinch?
Katara: General affection. 
Zuko: Not really. My mother used to hug me a lot and you know Iroh. 
Katara: …and who hugged Azula?
Zuko: Mom before disappearing, I guess? Me on some special days. I don’t know if our father ever did that.
Azula: Neither of them. Did you go to Zuzu to get information about me? 
Katara: I want to know “your background” from another point of view.
Azula: I hate that that is a logical move. But to answer that, maybe Ty Lee was the only one. And you know Mai.
Zuko: Didn’t Mom hug you?
Azula: Do you remember that little detail that mother hated me? 
Zuko: She didn’t ha-
Azula: Don’t. Please. We already passed that point.
Katara: So it’s decided.
Azula: What?
Katara: I’m now your personal koala, whether you want it or not. Come here.
Azula: But you do more things…
Zuko: And that’s my cue to get out of here.
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Aang: Wait, really, you know it all?
Azula: Of course, it was part of my education. I need to know history, especially anything related to war, but knowledge is knowledge.
Aang: But Zuko didn’t know anything about the Air Nomads' history.
Azula: We didn’t have the same education.
Zuko: Basically because Azula is a nerd.
Azula: Excuse me.
Zuko: After you did your homework, you started to read about everything, especially history. That’s why.
Aang: So she's more prepared than you.
Azula: I am. While Zuzu cried, I trained or focused on my studies. Time is gold in war.
Katara: You didn’t rest?
Azula: Not really, but sometimes I needed to rest in order to continue. 
Zuko: No you don’t. You can’t count that as resting. 
Aang: What, why?
Zuko: It’s not my call. Sorry. But you should explain it ‘Zula.
Katara: Azula?
Azula: What Zuzu means is that the “rest days” weren’t really optional.
Aang: Oh, they force you to rest?
Azula: Not exactly…I have to rest because I couldn’t move. Training wasn’t always…educational.
Zuko: Call it what it was. That shitty excuse of man made us fight against him and beat us until we faint.
Aang: Spirits.
Zuko: And I guess me being gone didn’t make him less reckless…
Azula: Quite the opposite…that’s why learning was fun. 
Azula: But anyways Zuzu you should learn that so from now on I’m going to teach you history, physics and math. Be aware.
Zuko: Only if we take rest days. Real ones.
Azula: Don’t be lazy.
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[Wake up time]
Katara: I can’t beat Azula.
Sokka: But you did remember…Oh, spirits, don’t tell me is a dirty-
Katara: NO. 
Katara: Also not in that way, dummy. I can’t get up earlier than her. It's like every time I wake up early and say “Wow, today I really got up early” she’s already awake and meditating or something. 
Ty lee: I tried for a week. Then I got tired.
Mai: It’s a losing battle. You can’t beat them.
Katara: Wait, does Zuko also wake up early?
Mai: Every day, like if he makes the sun or something.
Azula, arriving from sparring with Zuko: Talking behind my back isn’t new, but still hurts a little. 
Zuko: Same.
Katara: Why do you wake up so early? Both of you.
Azula, raising an eyebrow: Why do you ask?
Zuko: Why do you wake up so late? 
Katara: Don’t answer a question with a question. Both of you don’t know the concept of oversleeping or even slacking. Why?
Zuko: What are you ta-…Oh. 
Zuko: Lala, do you remember the “If you wake up after the sun…
Azula: …how do you pretend to use his flames”. 
Katara: Oh no.
Ty lee: That jerk.
Zuko: So we have to stop.
Azula: I’m going to knock myself out every morning, I swear. 
Zuko: Same.
Katara: Or instead of me waking up next to my unconscious girlfriend, you could try not getting out of bed.
Zuko: You mean stay in bed until the sun is up so we can train later?
Katara: I mean yeah. At least until you wake up like a regular human being.
Sokka: But that would imply they are regular human beings and we-AH STOP.
Azula, shooting little lightning at him: Sorry what?
Zuko, burning his butt: We are having difficulties hearing you.
Katara, ignoring Sokka and talking to Mai and Ty lee: So you two also like to wake up late?
Sokka: KATARA.
Ty lee: Yes, but it doesn’t fit the Kyoshi Warriors’ lifestyle. And that makes Suki angry with me, a lot.
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virgoilluminati · 1 year
World Class
Chapter 3
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A/N: So I basivally wrote this whole ass chapter and then tumblr went and deleted it..... bro was not happy. But hey I just rewrote it now for you all so your welcome. Hopefully it isn't completely awful. Enjoy :)
(Ps this is a walsh + bronze ship story too, so dont get offended cos i love them together :))
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: angst? Mentions of death
keirawalsh & lucybronze
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Liked by lionesses, y/nmorrison and 93,000 others
keirawalsh early mornings on the greatest place on earth
view all 7600 comments
leahwilliamsonn this is where you two sneaked off too before breakfast!
y/nmorrison the fact most of us had to completely collapse after the session last night and you two decided to go for an early walk 🤦🏻‍♀️
lucybronze what can I say, gotta get them gains 💪💪
The breakfast table buzzed with conversations, laughter, and the clinking of cutlery as you, a member of the England women’s football team, contemplated the daunting task of choosing breakfast from the tempting buffet spread.
“Mary, I don’t know what to do,” you whispered, your eyes fixed on the mouthwatering options.
Mary Earps, the team’s talented goalkeeper, sympathized, sighing softly. “I know, we just have to choose.”
“But it’s so hard,” you lamented, your stomach growling in protest.
“I know. Do I go for a savory breakfast or something sweet? I’m supposed to be on a diet.”
“Let’s just get the fruit salad and then see how we feel,” Mary suggested, attempting to make a healthy choice.
With your breakfast choices in hand, you made your way over to the table where the rest of your teammates were seated. As you started to dig into your food, Leah, one of your fellow players, entered the room and frowned slightly, spotting the empty seats next to you.
“Where are Lucy and Keira?” Leah inquired.
“They’ve snuck out again,” Alex responded with a grin.
“Again!” Ella chimed in.
“Yeah, they’re making a habit of it,” Mary added.
Curious about the potential romance between Lucy and Keira, you leaned in closer to the conversation. “Do you think those two are…” You hesitated, not wanting to interrupt.
“Those two are what?” Ella asked, her eyebrows raised in curiosity.
“I don’t know, seeing each other,” you finally managed to say.
Laughter erupted around the table as your teammates realized your innocence. Ella, still chuckling, replied, “Oh, you, it’s so obvious. How have you only figured it out now?”
Blushing, you joined in the laughter, grateful for the camaraderie and warmth of your teammates. Breakfast discussions were more than just food; they were about friendship, support, and the occasional secret romance that managed to escape your keen observation.
As conversations divided into different groups, you found yourself immersed in discussions about potential Arsenal transfers with Leah. Then, Greenwood, known for her playful spirit, introduced a new topic.
“I know how about we play a game of Dead or Alive,” Greenwood proposed.
“That sounds… interesting,” you replied, intrigued but uncertain.
“No, it’s not like that,” Greenwood clarified with a grin. "Basically we go around the room and discuss what footballers we'd like to have breakfast with;dead or alive."
“I’ll start,” Ella declared confidently. “Cristiano Ronaldo.”
“Pft, please. Messi is the GOAT,” Alessia responded, sparking a friendly debate between the two.
As Ella passionately defended Ronaldo’s abilities, she couldn’t help but glance over at Alessia, who was adamantly championing Messi. “Alessia, seriously, you must see that Ronaldo’s athleticism and versatility make him stand out!”
Alessia grinned, ready with her counter-argument. “But Ella, Messi’s ball control and creative genius on the field are unmatched. He makes the impossible seem routine!”
Their heated discussion captivated the attention of the entire group, creating a playful rivalry that echoed the global footballing debate.
Meanwhile, Milly’s voice cut through the Messi vs. Ronaldo debate as she chimed in, “Maradona. Hands down.”
“I second that,” Mary declared from across the room, solidifying her agreement with Milly’s choice.
Amidst the lively banter, the conversation once again shifted towards Leah’s unique choice in the “Dead or Alive” game. Her unwavering commitment to selecting her teammates was met with a mixture of amusement and cringe-inducing reactions.
Leah, now the center of attention, defended her choice with a grin. “I’d be with this group of people!”
The room fell into a brief silence, broken only by a collective groan and laughter as her teammates playfully teased her. “Leah, that’s… different! Is there really no one else?” someone inquired with a smirk.
Leah, ever steadfast, reiterated her preference. “Nope. I’d want to be with you guys. We’re all history makers!”
Ella, never one to let an opportunity pass, prodded further, “Okay, then, out of all of us, who would you pick?”
Leah hesitated momentarily, but the teasing encouragement from her teammates eventually won her over. “You can’t make me do that."
Mary, with a mischievous grin, added to the pressure, “Yes, she can.”
Leah finally turned her head towards you, who was quietly enjoying your tea amidst the ongoing discussions. “I’d choose Y/N. She’s pretty cool, you know.”
The room erupted into laughter once again, the tension in the conversation dissolving into shared amusement and camaraderie. The breakfast table was a place not just for food but for the deep connections and lighthearted moments that made this group of footballers a true family on and off the pitch.
But before the conversation could move on, someone asked, “You’d choose Noah, no?”
Your heart skipped a beat as a wave of emotions washed over you. Noah,, was a sore subject. Guilt gnawed at you because you had made it to the Women’s World Cup while Noah’s dreams had been cut short. Uncertain how to react, you felt vulnerable.
In that moment, you decided to mask your emotions with a laugh, albeit a shaky one. “Oh yeah, probably him! Haha.”
Your teammates recognized your discomfort and quickly changed the subject, wanting to ease the weight off your shoulders. Williamson, always considerate, stepped in, directing a question to Alessia about her transfer to Arsenal.
Alessia, appreciating the diversion, animatedly explained her move, and you silently thanked your teammates for their understanding. Your thoughts briefly returned to Noah, a constant presence in your heart, and the complex mix of emotions you carried with you. Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, you found solace in the support of your teammates, knowing that they were not just a team on the field but a family that understood and cared for each other’s burdens and joys.
Lucy and Keira made their way to the breakfast table, casually sitting down with apologetic smiles on their faces. "Sorry we're late, guys. We kind of overslept," Lucy explained, and Keira nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, it was a long night." Their late arrival raised eyebrows from everyone else around them, but not wanting to question it any further, the group simply dug into their breakfasts and started discussing life with each other.
As Lucy dived into her breakfast, she couldn't help but notice you, who seemed more interested in playing with your food than actually eating it. Concern gnawed at her, but she decided not to intrude on your moment and instead waited patiently until the meal's end to approach you.
Once the plates were nearly empty, Lucy turned to you with a warm smile. "Hey, Y/N. Mind if I join you for a moment?"
You looked up from your plate, pushing around your food. A faint smile touched your lips as you replied, "Sure, Lucy. What's up?"
Lucy leaned in a bit closer, lowering her voice. "I've noticed you're not really eating, and you seem a bit distant. Is everything okay?"
Your smile faded slightly, and you hesitated for a moment. "I've just been feeling a bit off lately. It's nothing major, just some stress and worries."
Lucy nodded understandingly. "I get it. We all have our moments. Sometimes, a walk by the beach can help clear your mind. If you ever want to talk or just take a break like this, I'm here for you."
Your smile brightened again, appreciating the offer. "Thanks, Lucy. That sounds nice."
As breakfast came to an end, Lucy decided to put her words into action. "Well, it's still early, and I thought maybe we could take a walk down to the beach. Clear our heads, you know?"
You, though confused by the unexpected gesture, was intrigued. "A walk to the beach? Okay, sounds nice. Let's go."
You both left the breakfast table behind, heading towards the beach together, leaving behind uour concerns and worries for a while, lost in the serene beauty of the early morning waves.
Lucy and you sat on the edge of the football field, their legs dangling over the side as they caught their breath after a rigorous practice session running along the beach. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the field, creating a tranquil atmosphere.
You turned to Lucy, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What made you want to be a footballer, Lucy?"
Lucy leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows and staring up at the darkening sky. "Dunno. Always liked it. PE was about the only thing I was good at. And well, it was always fun to beat the boys. Why?"
You hesitated, her gaze shifting to the grass beneath her feet. "Dunno. It doesn't matter-"
Lucy sensed something was bothering You. She nudged you gently. "No, what is it?"
You sigh and finally admitted, "I just feel like sometimes I don't deserve to be here, you know. Like maybe someone else should have my place."
Lucy's eyes widened with empathy. She turned her head to look at you directly. "Hey! That's not true. You're brilliant! Yesterday is a prime example of it."
Your uncertainty lingered as she mumbled, "Hmm."
Lucy reached out and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Trust me, Sarina doesn't pick just anyone. She chose you for a reason. You need to accept that."
You nodded slowly, still not entirely convinced. "I know. I just feel like-"
Lucy interrupted, changing the subject, "Your family must be so proud."
You sighed, your expression growing somber. She picked at a blade of grass absentmindedly. "Hmm. No, that would be great, but uh... they kinda see football as the thing that killed my brother, so uh... we just avoid the topic."
Lucy's face softened, sympathy in her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, Y/N-"
You shook her head, managing a small smile. "Don't be. I have Jude and I have my dad, and now I have this group. I am truly blessed. I just can't speak about it at home, that's all."
Lucy nodded in understanding. "Just know, family isn't always blood. We look out for each other, alright? If you're ever in doubt of your place, which you shouldn't be, come speak to us, alright?"
Your smile grew, genuine gratitude in your eyes. "Thank you, Lucy. I needed to hear that." You both sat there, watching the sun dip below the horizon, the bonds of their friendship strengthening with each passing day.
From that moment onwards, Lucy took on a role in your life that went beyond just being a teammate. She became like an older sister to you, always there to lend a supportive ear and offer guidance. Her concern for your well-being extended beyond the football field.
Lucy made it her mission to ensure that you were okay, both physically and emotionally. She’d check in with you regularly, asking about your day, your struggles, and your dreams. You appreciated the genuine care Lucy showed her, and it helped ease her feelings of self-doubt.
But Lucy wasn’t just all sweetness and comfort. She also knew how to push you to be your best self. During practice sessions, Lucy would challenge you to give your all, to push past your limits, and to believe in your own abilities. She’d remind you of the talent and potential that Sarina saw in you.
Your bond strengthened with each passing day. Lucy’s presence became a source of strength for you, and you found yourself growing more confident on and off the field. Lucy’s tough love and unwavering support became the driving force behind your determination to prove yourself.
lionesses + england
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lionesses How brilliant was y/n today! First world cup and senior women's debut
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germanywasrobbed Yeh, kept stumbling over everyone...
y/nisno.1 @germanywasrobbed your still bitter about the euros....
user124 she is actually so iconic
user890 legend 🔥
user3516 starting lineup soon? Morrison, James and Russo - a trio we'd love to see!
You spent most of the World Cup matches observing the action from the substitute bench, a place you'd grown far too familiar with. You knew you were not as seasoned or experienced as your teammates, many of whom had been part of the national team for years. As the tournament progressed, you often found yourself itching to be on the pitch, to contribute to the team's success.
However, your moment finally arrived during the crucial game against China in the group stages. It was the final few minutes of the match, and your coach decided it was time to give you a chance. You exchanged a few nervous glances with your fellow substitutes as you prepared to enter the game. Your heart pounded, and your mind was filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
As you stood at the sideline, ready to make your entrance, Chloe Kelly, one of the team's stars, approached you with a reassuring smile.
Chloe Kelly: "Y/N, it's your moment now. You've worked hard for this. Go out there and give it your all. You've got this!"
You nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for Chloe's support. As Chloe walked back towards the bench, she leaned in and whispered, "Good luck, Y/N. Show them what you're made of!"
With those words of encouragement ringing in your ears, you stepped onto the pitch. The roar of the crowd enveloped you, and the electric energy of the World Cup filled the air. You knew that this was your opportunity to prove yourself, to demonstrate your dedication and determination to your teammates and fans alike.
As you sprinted towards the penalty box, the stadium buzzed with anticipation. The commentators, Martin Tyler and John Motson, added to the atmosphere.
Martin Tyler: "And here comes a surprise move! Y/N, the young talent, is making a run for it as she takes the ball from Walsh!"
John Motson chimed in, "That's right, folks! She's showing some incredible speed and determination."
But the defenders were closing in on Y/N faster than expected. Martin Tyler remarked, "Indeed, they are not giving her an inch. She's got to make a decision fast!"
Inside the penalty box, your heart raced. The electric energy of the football match was surging through her like a storm. You knew the game was already well in hand; your teammates had scored five impressive goals. Yet, you had an insatiable desire to make your mark.
In that moment, you felt a mix of emotions. You were a rookie, inexperienced, and you felt out of place among these skilled players. Scoring now would not only be a personal triumph but also secure your legacy as someone who could rise to the occasion when it mattered most.
As you prepared to take the shot, the world seemed to slow down. Two defenders closed in on you. Martin Tyler's voice filled the stadium once again, "Y/N now inside the penalty box, she's going for the shot!"
But just as you were about to unleash the shot that could define your career, the defenders pulled you down. John Motson exclaimed, "Oh, but she's taken down by two defenders! The referee blows the whistle!"
Martin Tyler continued, "That's a clear foul, and Y/N had a golden opportunity there. This could be a game-changing moment!"
On the ground, you felt a rush of disappointment and frustration. Yet, there was also a glimmer of hope. The free-kick in this dangerous position could still be a chance to make your mark.
With determination burning in your eyes, you stepped up to take the free-kick. The crowd held its breath, and your teammates waited with bated anticipation. But in a last-minute decision, you spotted James, unmarked and ready. In that critical moment, you felt a surge of confidence in your abilities but also recognized the opportunity to make a play that would secure the goal.
You didn't take the shot yourself. Instead, you expertly curved the ball towards James, who was positioned perfectly. As James leaped to meet the pass, you could see the realization dawning on the defenders too late. James connected with the ball, sending it crashing into the back of the net with precision.
The stadium erupted in cheers, celebrating the goal. Your heart swelled with happiness at having contributed to the team's success, but a hint of annoyance gnawed at you. You knew you had the skill to take that shot yourself, to potentially score and secure your legacy as a goal-scorer. Yet, in that crucial moment, you had chosen the path of teamwork over individual glory.
As your teammates celebrated around you, you couldn't help but smile, recognizing the power of unity in football. But deep down, the desire to prove yourself in a solo effort still burned brightly. You were determined that your next opportunity would be the one where you could shine individually and claim that goal for yourself.
As you made your way toward the changing room, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins after the thrilling game, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You fished it out to find a call from your boyfriend, Jude. The smile that had been playing on your lips since the goal widened as you answered the call.
"Hey, Jude," you greeted, your voice filled with excitement.
"Y/N, you were brilliant!" Jude's voice came through with unbridled enthusiasm, and you could hear the celebratory cheers of his teammates in the background when he mentioned your name. It warmed your heart.
"You think?" You replied, your own excitement mirrored in your voice.
"I know! That was such a good goal!"
"James did it, I just helped," you modestly downplayed your role
But Jude wasn't having it. "Nope, Mrs. My girl knows how to shoot. She may have done it, but I know you could've too."
You chuckled at Jude's unwavering support. "Thanks, Jude. It means a lot. I can't wait to celebrate with the team."
Jude's voice softened, filled with pride and affection. "I'm so proud of you, Y/N. Enjoy the moment, and I'll be right here cheering you on from home."
You listened intently as Jude continued, his words carrying the weight of his unwavering belief in you.
"Remember, don't be afraid to take those chances yourself. You've worked so hard for this moment, and you have the talent. Even if the whole world were against you because you missed, I'd still be proud of you because I know how hard you've worked."
Your eyes glistened with emotion as you absorbed his words. You knew that having someone who believed in you, who saw your potential even when you doubted yourself, was a precious gift. "I won't forget that, Jude. I promise I'll keep giving it my all, no matter what."
With renewed determination and the loving support of your boyfriend, you headed into the changing room, ready to celebrate the win with your teammates. You knew that your journey in football was filled with ups and downs, but with Jude by your side, you felt unstoppable.
As soon as you made your way to the changing room, the door swung open, and you were greeted with a thunderous round of applause from your teammates. The room was filled with cheers, hugs, and a palpable sense of pride and camaraderie.
Your captain, Leah, stepped forward and wrapped you in a warm embrace. "Y/N, that was incredible! You made a real difference out there!"
One by one, your teammates surrounded you, offering their congratulations and sharing in the joy of the hard-fought victory. The room was filled with laughter and chatter, and you felt an overwhelming sense of belonging and acceptance among this remarkable group of athletes.
Chloe Kelly, the teammate who had encouraged you before you stepped onto the pitch, gave you a high-five and a wide smile. "Told you, Y/N, you're a game-changer!"
The celebrations continued as the team relished the moment together, and you couldn't help but feel the warmth of their support and friendship. It was a scene of pure elation, a reminder of why you loved the game and cherished your place among these incredible women, led by Captain Leah.
Amidst the festivities, the last to come and give you a hug was Lucy Bronze, one of the team's seasoned stars. She embraced you tightly, and in that close moment, she leaned in and whispered in your ear, "You're the Morrison they'll talk about."
Her words sent a shiver of excitement down your spine. Lucy's acknowledgment of your performance, and the reference to Morrison, a legendary figure in the sport, filled you with a sense of honor and responsibility. It was a powerful reminder of the potential and promise you held as a rising talent in the world of football.
With a grateful smile, you nodded at Lucy, silently thanking her for her encouragement and for making you feel like an integral part of the team's success.
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liked by lionesses, y/nmorrison, and 56,000 others
lucybronze Now it gets tricky....
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keirawalsh Stage of 16 here we come. 🔥
user561 i'm your biggest fan
keirawalsh is that my coat?
lucybronze @keirawalsh nope 👀
user134 lucy, keira its literally 4am
y/nmorrison @lucybronze & @keriawalsh you two! go to sleep! 😂
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khalixvitae · 2 months
Ok so rip @6okuto and everyone else who has to see this but: here comes my breakdown comparison of Vil and Asmo. I have been adding to this for two days now.
So in short: are they alike? Yes. But no. But also yes! It’s complicated. Because really, we’re not talking about two people here- we’re talking about four. Both Vil and Asmo have extremely public occupations, but that doesn’t make either of them devoid of a private life. But what it does make is a clear difference between their private desires and their public personas, which both have carefully curated to fulfill certain needs. They are both people, yes, but they’re also both Names. Brands, even, if you want to push it a little further. And like, naturally, this is going to cause friction because ultimately they are people with wants and needs etc etc.
So the best way to talk about this is to sort of break down their individual public and private desires/personas and the subsequent internal friction that creates👍. As well as the similarities and differences they share👍
So Vil, to the public, is poised and charismatic. Eternally put together, media trained for his whole life, somehow good at everything he puts his mind to; effectively perfect. That’s a big draw for his fans and admirers in the canon- he’s just so good that it’s impossible not to notice. But as effortless as it all may appear from the outside, it’s actually a product of intense labor. That’s par for the course, though- Vil believes he should work hard and be acknowledged for his immaculate results (but to beg to be praised publicly for your work/efforts??? For the process itself? would be so tacky in Vil’s mind). Vil’s “brand” as a public figure is about his perfection, and his work towards it, but only in moderation. It’s got to look effortless even if every move is carefully thought out, but all credit must go to his routines and regimens. It’s like his discipline in itself must appear effortless. It’s. Really convoluted when you think about it. But I digress.
Anyway, the difference in branding when it comes to Asmo should already be somewhat apparent. Asmo is all about being charismatic and beautiful, sure, but in a hot mess party girl kind of way. Like he’s curated this whole persona where he’s meant to be perfect and oh so lovable not despite his mannerisms, but because of them. He’s turned hedonism into an endearing trait- which I would assume flies so well because he’s. Yk. A demon and all. Which also the mechanic of him being a demon definitely contributes to the differences between his and Vil’s public personas. Asmo is flashy, and loud, and his antics are publicly received as cute. Endearing. He’s a hot mess and the devildom’s most beautiful resident. Not to mention his innate charm thing- I mean that. Definitely contributes to his whole. Thing. And also, Asmo’s whole bit about loving himself more than anyone else is a major part of this persona!!! That is critical to keep in mind!!! They are both insanely smart and have carefully designed the way that they are perceived!!! Even if they have created diametrically opposed personas, they are meant to have similar effects in their respective universes/social groups!!!
But despite these differences, Asmo and Vil are both public figures and influencers with a particular aim: to be adored. To be the favorite of their respective audiences. Which I mean, really, makes sense all things considered. They couldn’t be more different on the surface, but at the same time they’ve both carefully curated their public images to achieve the same end. But then we get into the personal sphere, and everything really turns on its head.
In both of their respective personal lives, Asmo and Vil are… honestly very compassionate. They both go out of their way to care for the people closest to them/that they feel responsible for, especially through acts of service. I feel like we do see that more with Vil than with Asmo, but also that feels unfair considering that they have very different personalities??? So while we may see Vil doing things like making personalized skincare products for everyone in his dorm and doling out tough love to his dorm mates, Asmo dotes on the MC similarly but with a much softer touch. Both are very keen on helping those they care about become better versions of themselves, even if their respective ideas of what that may look like do differ.
I feel like some of the more personal characteristics of Vil and Asmo get lost in fandom interpretations, which makes me sad?? They’re both frequently painted as shallow and self absorbed beauty queens, but in all actuality that’s just ??? In universe propaganda??? Like these surface level traits people so often ascribe to them are derived from the gossip of their peers, and also both of them are known to use these misconceptions to their advantage in their respective canons. Vil and Asmo are so incredibly smart, I really cannot stress that enough. Everything about them is planned, preened, and perfected so that it elicits a particular reaction. And in their personal lives, away from the public, those personas are hard to shake and often their peers have wildly inaccurate ideas about them. Which creates a crazy amount of tension within both of them, because at their very core they both want the same thing.
To be seen for what they are, and appreciated for it. Loved for it, even. To be seen as people and still be chosen, to have all their efforts recognized and respected.
And that creates problems for them! In Asmo’s case, he’s clinging to this persona he’s created both in public and often in private. He’s built his entire new life as a demon around the corpse of his past as an angel. He’s pivoted, essentially rebuilding himself from the ground up because as we’ve seen in OM, angels don’t have much in the way of a sense of independent identity. They’re strongly tied to their titles- so when Asmo lost his place amongst the heavens, he lost /everything/. He’s clinging to his former self by nothing but his fucking fingernails because he has to make it work in order to still be Asmodeus. He has to perform. Not to mention his whole innate demonic lust charm thing. From the get go, people look at Asmo and think a particular way about him. And it’s so interesting because he seems both comforted and repulsed by that. Which is why when the MC has no reaction to him, he’s threatened by it. Because while Asmo wants, no needs, someone to see him and want him for what he is, someone to read between the lines and make the effort to understand him (his Snow Angel (?) UR+ card is my Bible btw), the fact that someone could evade his charm makes him vulnerable. And he hates that. It’s the same reason he can’t be honest about how he feels in the first place. Asmo is a house of cards and he knows it. That’s why he makes a pact with the MC in the first place. He’s pivoting.
So similarly, Vil also has this delicately constructed persona that he’s white knuckle gripping. His entire life he’s been type casted as the villain- he’s effectively been used as a prop for years. And the only way (in his mind) to escape that is to be better. But people have these wildly inaccurate ideas about him that continue to have him type casted even in personal situations. Which in turn makes it impossible for his goal to be realized- it’s a never ending cycle of trying to be good enough to be recognized as any good at all. But the harder he tries, the more he’s misunderstood. Plus with the whole “cast as a villain since childhood” thing going for him, he’s already got his work cut out for him. And no matter how hard he tries, he’s always bested by someone who doesn’t even see him as proper competition. Not because he doesn’t acknowledge Vil’s talent, but because he doesn’t consider their occupation to be competitive. But so yeah you get this really fucked up mess where he cannot bear to be vulnerable because he’s only ever had himself to rely on (because people like the idea of the shiny celebrity Vil, not the normal guy, so eventually they leave), nobody wants to get closer to him because they have insane ideas about his personality, and then Vil can’t even admit he wants to be recognized because he’d feel desperate and Vil Schoenheit is not desperate. Which is why when he cracks in book 5 of twst, you really get to see the messy root of it all. That he needs someone to look at him and see all his hard work. He wants to be chosen and valued and respected, not just flaunted to draw in views before being thrown away. But he also can’t stand for people to see him in such a state, because that means being seen “under construction” rather than in pristine condition. More than anything though, he wants the people closest to him to see that and choose to stay, to still follow and adore him.
So like. In private, both Asmo and Vil want to be recognized as people. They both have really fucked up senses of self/personhood for their own respective reasons. They’re both intelligent and compassionate and keenly aware of their situation. They know what they are and what they want to be and they’ll tear themselves apart and reshape the scraps until they get it just right because that’s the only way they know how to be. They both want someone to see them for what they are, acknowledge it, and still find god in their eyes. They have everything in the world except the one thing they’re actually after, and that’s to be favored by all and simultaneously loved by people who actually know them. It’s difficult to admit that what you want will contradict what you’ve put years and years worth of effort into. It’s. Messy??? And convoluted ??? And I feel like I haven’t explained this well???
Anyway yeah so. Are Vil and Asmo similar? Yes. But also no. But also yes? I hope this helps rip. I am definitely missing things so I’m calling in reinforcements, @v-anrouge if there’s anything I missed I truly do consider you the foremost expert on Vil 🫡
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inana-mm · 2 years
Red Sun of Dorne
Part 1: I Choose Family
<- 1 1.5 ->
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Warning: not proof read (truthfully it was written in one go on phone- XD) and English is not my first language.
Note (?): self indulgent ~? I just got bored and was thinking about how itd feel to be held in the crossfire of the shitshow that is Rhaenyra’s and Alicent’s relation. I put “Y/N” but she’s Aemyra Targaryen. She’s Princess Consort of Dorne, wife of Qoren Martell and Rhaenyra’s younger twin sister. She doesn’t really like Daemon if it ain’t Obvious since his war is the reason she married in the first place and he’s a power hungry wolf.
Oh and yn is pregnant with her fifth child in this work😃
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“ENOUGH !” The thunderous pain and anger propelled in the hall slowly sinking into its occupent. “Why must you pull and tug and prey on each other ?” She continued, almost spitting the question.
The last of old Valerya was assembled into the room, sharing blood, name and home yet hurting one another carelessly. The seven above could testify of it, Alicent’s maddening pain or Rhaenyra’s seemingly collected attitude, thought it was all but a facade, while Lucerys was coddled in her side : it all made sense but what led up to it did not. Y/n loved her sister dearly, they used to do everything together. They’re were girls together alongside with Alicent but she couldn’t recognize any of them in this situation.
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It had been such a long day, it had been such long Years leading to this day. Yet as time went by everything seemed to get worse when Yn prayed daily for the opposite . The stranger took so much and so fast : her mother Aemma, her friend Ser Harwin Strong and then their cousin Laenna whom they gave to the sea this morning only, lost to the tragedy that plagues every woman’s heart though the Velaryon Princess chose a most brave end.
Laenna was gone and Daemon left his daughter’s side the moment the coffin hit the water, leaving the twins to their thoughts and if Rhaenyra did send her son to consol them : it was not his place to do so. Their father should’ve but lamentably failed that duty too.
So Y/n spent the remaining on the day by the girls side, consoling the young princesses as the sun rose and fell from the skies. She loved her cousin with whom she sometimes seemed to share more similarities then her own twin sister. The sweet girls were truly without a mother on this day and y/n’s heart couldn’t help but ache thinking that they also lacked a father. Daemon had never been up to the task in her opinion, her uncle was many things but his lust for power and ambitions made it impossible to ever consider him suited for family.
How harsh was the world to let this happen ? Truly, it had been unfair to such a strong soul to leave this early, only to be remembered by the few who actually cared as it was painfully clear that not everyone in attendance grieved her dear cousin.
After dark, princess Y/n retreated to her appartements after wishing a good night to Baela and Rhaena before leaving her own children, Viseryon Visenya, Aliandra and Coryanne, to their sworn protector’s care. Ser Carmin Gargalen kindly nodded at her exhausted form as he stood guard in front of their appartements after he watched as she laid soft kisses each their foreheads. “Are you sure your needn’t me to walk you to your apartments, Princess ?” He asked in carful worry but Yn insisted that walking alone would do her some good.
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As the handmaidens helpd her out of her dress and into a nightgown, Yn exhaled in relief, pressure exerted on her swollen abdomen proved harder then she expected after three relatively easy pregnancies. This one surely was different and different worried her.
The girls chatted away about the events of the day, and slowly her mind drifted away. Far into her past, recalling events that still held tremendous weight over her despite what y/n liked to think. She laid in bed, now trying to recall her mother. Oh how Aemma was sweet, always welcoming her into a hug when she’d complain about a prank Rhaenyra played on her. Finding the right words to convince her to forgive the mischievousness of her twin sister. How both girls would ride their dragons with their mom in sight, races though prohibited were somehow overlooked in this blissful instants above the clouds.
Their Queen Mother was her greatest support at court when people viewed her every move with scorn. She was the second princess after all, a waste opportunity of a boy. And even if he never voiced it aloud, King Viserys had a certain way in which he looked at her sometimes making the girl she was shamefully advert her eyes. But Aemma lover her anyways “I’ll give you a brother soon anyway sweet girl, you needn’t worry about court. You’re of me, and nothing will ever change that fact.” She reassured her then that even if that wasn’t ment to be, she would still be free and accepted, loved. Her dear daughter.
The smile slyly crawling on her face fell at the remembrance of how it all went wrong. Their mom died while birthing their promised brother who shortly followed her on the pyre and the Keep became solemn and silent safe for prayers, during that time Rhaenyra showed to be her biggest support. Mutually clinging onto , and solely to, each other if not to their friends Alicent whom was brought to court by the Hand.
Shortly after that however, Alicent became queen and Y/n could only watch as their tight trio imploded with both parties forcing her to pick a side. Sure Rhaenyra was forced into this world before she did but many at court knew Y/n to be much more mature then the Heiress. They were not girls anymore and at that time she did wonder how was it that Rhaenyra thought of their friend’s marriage with their father any of her own doing.
Women never had a choice at the Keep and whispers she heard across the halls supported the theory that indeed it was the same all across westeros.
Y/n kept her friendship with Alicent as intact as the new power imbalance allowed it and cherished her new siblings like she did Rhaenyra. Though the fondness she held for the babes, for the adorable Aegon and the ever so sweet Helaena, was maybe a tad sweeter. And in turn she saw how her twin distanced herself from their growing family. Their father silently watching as it all got worse did nothing but allow her every wishes in hope of appeasing her.
Then Aemond came, he became yet another disappointment to Rhaenyra and another reason for lords to contest her claim to the iron throne . Seing her sister being pushed and pulled across court by silent whispers over her succession had proven to be hard enough for the calmer twin to verbally intercede. In the same year, their uncle reportedly won the Stepstones and by doing so inadvertently signed Yn’s own doom.
She was betrothed to do the donnish prince, Qoren, quickly after to strike a peace. The mad man refused Rhaenyra when presented the idea but asked for Y/n’s instead as she was the next best thing without having to bring his realm under Targaryen dominion. Politic, in which she became most proefissent later, was at its finest and where it belonged : at the center of her life. The princess didn’t want to leave, she’d never seen Sun spear before. And leaving her twin felt wrong when court was slowly turning on her.
But Yn went. She had no choice, and oh, how it felt lonely at first though ravens were of help and y/n could meet with Rhaenyra on their respective dragons halfway : it was never long enough, never as good as sneaking onto her twin’s bed when a certain matter troubled her or to sit in the silence of Maegor’s Holdfast to spend time together away from the bustling of the castle. Not like home. But home was wherever Rhae was anyways.
The births of their respective children made the sister’s bond tighter. Motherhood did to them what it broke for Rhaenyra and Alicent and for that Yn was ever grateful. Rhae flew to her at the new of the twins birth, and she did the same for Jace’s a year later celebrating her sister’s joy despite the leeching eyes of Westerosi nobility attached to the boy’s hair. It was then that y/n grasped the true extent of the situation. Then that she first tasted Alicent’s resentment and bitterness.
From then the drift in her family grow deeper and larger slowly changing into a high cliff. And now it has come to this.
Still in her thoughts, it took an urgent call of her name through the doors to get her to jolt out of bed. Covering her form with a golden shawl, gift from her lord husband, Yn hurried to the door with some minor inconvenience revealing a maid, agitated “Something happened to the princes” said the girl without looking into her princess’s eyes and fearing the worse : Yn took off, to the children.
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She got there just before her sister did, giving her enough time to asses the situation after making sure that non of her three children were hurt, finding that the eldest,Visenya, and youngest Corryanne were still in bed. There has been a fight between Rhaenyra’s boys, Daemon’s girls and her little brother : Aemond. Whilst they all tried to defend their innocence, yn silently checked Luke’s nose before taking in the state of Aemond.
Aliandra came with Baela and Rhaena, roping her older brother in with them and he claimed having followed to insure his younger sister wouldn’t cause trouble without waking his twin or baby sister up. It took some convincing for Ser Carmin to let them go in favor of n looking over the eldest princess.
When the fight broke out her son tried to separate theirs cousins and uncle while Aliandra held on Rhaena. Both were fine, a bit ruffled up but infinitely better than Aemond.
Alicent was at her son’s side too, understandably inconsolable, and offered her a painful look that yn couldn’t decipher when her sister finally graced them with her presence shortly followed by their uncle sporting a triumphing smirk that made the Dornish Princess Consort’s insides turn.
He did not even make an attempt at looking at his daughters. He did not care, much too absorbed by basking in the afterglows whatever disgusting affairs he and her sister were engaging into before hand.
And it all became a blur off accusations, shouting and an hostility so thick you could almost taste it in the air. Her father obviously siding with her sister on the matter, the heiress demanding explications and the queen reparations. Each word, each second made her sicker. And when Alicent launched at Rhaenyra, she screamed, startling the children she was standing next to.
Their Children got hurt for the seven’s sake ! And yet they were bickering. The sole sight of it proving enough to prompt the most out of character reaction from her.
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The remains of the loud “ENOUGH!” echoed in the room as eyes slowly rested on her and her family. The silent princess. The accepting one. The sent away. Thrown Princess, sold to a peace crafted by her own blood. She’d been it all, and silence showed it self to be unnefficient. “Why must you pull and tug and prey on each other ?” she finally croaked making her way to the women in the center of the room.
Defiance evident in her eyes and anger burning in her heart, “Won’t you answer ?” She looked at Rhaenyra then Alicent who looked as they just saw the stranger’s shadow somewhere on her. But before her sister could ask her whatever she ment by those words yn made in clear. “I am asking why you must take offense in a truth muttered in you presence for years when it is spoken by a child when every kid and lady of the keep as proudly making it a subject to discuss over tea? Why did make an enemy out of a friend when you knew she had no part in the fault you hold against her ?” Yn pressed while slowly worming her hand over the dagger in a manner Alicent mistook for reassurance.
The questions did enough to startle her twin, maybe hearing such words from an otherwise silent observator came to a surprise. But the princess of DragonStone was quick to regain her composure despite the hesitation in her eyes when they met Y/n « Whatever do you mean, Idaña (twin)? » she whispered under her breath. « I did not know you blind, Yn » she continued hurt having replaced the hesitation.
“I am everything but, haēdar(sister). Merely stating the truth.” Yn’s words held some of the sadness evident in the eyes mirroring her sister’s. “It used to be so much simpler, it could’ve stayed that way if you only saw that she wanted non of it.” She whispered in a broken tone only to be heard by the two other woman. Alicent, privy to this exchange, was still as a stone. Now sobered of her mad anger, her grip on the dagger lessened and her eyes swelled of tears she though she did not have left after crying over her son’s maimed state. Rhaenyra on the other hand wanted no part of this, feeling her twin, the other part of herself siding with her declared enemy, but that same sister’s hand, now firmly around the blade made quick work of it, successfully disarming her friend-stepmother to the assembly’s surprise. When the loud sound of metal colliding with the ground signaled that she’d threw the weapon far from the three of them . It somehow eased Rhaenyra’s feelings as she threw a content look at Alicent.
With both hands free now, Yn held the two opponent’s hands in each of hers, drawing in a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “I know that what we had is long gone.” She started in a whisper, slightly squeezing their hands. “But let’s not draw the children into this, please. None of them asked for this climate, they are entitled to a family too. Like you and I were sweet sister.” Yn finally looked at Rhaenyra in search of something, of her sister. Not the princess, not the heir. Her sister. Her twin.
Yet Rhaenyra’s eyes wouldn’t meet hers, fixedly staring at their hands. Yn’s words found their target in her heart yet Rhaenyra slept her hand out of her sister’s, bringing it to her sides to hold on her dress. A movement known by sun and Alicent as one of uneasiness.
“Why must you side against me dearest ?” She finally spoke, eyes moist and now drilling holes at her sister. “Can’t you see what is laid plainly for us ? Or is it that your Dornish stay hardened your heart to the matters of this family?” How could she said that to her ?
“Rhaenyra.” Scolded the distant voice of their father. But the sisters where indeed at a stalemate. Rhaenyra blinding herself to Yn’s words and hurting her in ways she knew would wound her.
And as expected by the princess, Yn’s heart throbbed menacing to shatter. Alicent, now the only one holding her hand squeezed it tightly earning her a deadly glare from Rhaenyra before Yn could shake her friend’s hand off like it burned her.
She wasn’t crying like Rhaenyra though she would, knew she would if she was anything like she remembered her sister to be in their teens. No, she was angry, hurt indeed, but anger was far stronger, morphing her beautiful face into a frightening piece of art.
“To hell with your sides Rhaenyra.” She spat making the Heiress flinch at the use of her name in such uncharacteristically cold manner. “This is not about you nor is it about you my Queen.” She quickly presided. “Children were hurt in a querelle that had no reason to be in the first place. Had you. And you, cared and done better.” She finally adressed Alicent.
It was true, they could hate each other but cousins were ment to spend time and entitled to chance to like each other. In any other familial setting it is what would’ve happened but instilling disdain, mistrust and hate for one another only pushed the younger generation further appart. Weakening the once strong house of the dragons. Her right hand softly lended on her stomach for confort but equally remind the participants of this masquerade her very pregnant state.
“How do you see this family, if it is indeed still one, keep itself afloat id it’s Pilars are constantly digging at each other ? Acting like enraged, selfish children is no act of a queen. Not of a mother.” Yn pressed. “Does this place, this hour, this very DAY seem to both of you appropriate for squabbles ?” She asked but wasn’t waiting for an answer. “Your reconciliation is a dream far gone, but don’t sacrifice your children to a petty querelle. You were friends once and now you are family independently from your liking. I do not pick sides as there is none. And if there were, I would side in favor of my family and whatever is left of it.”
Finally, her voice stopped, the fire of words extinguished by exhaustion. Cracked at the end too. “You are mine, Idaña, you are me. And how I love you. But this can’t keep happening, I’ll not allow it, nor will my heart bear to see it.” She almost broke then and there but manage to fight back tears as she slowly turned away, walking hands extended torwards her children who hurriedly joined her linking their hands to their mother’s.
Silently, the trio made its way to the door, and not once did Yn look back at Rhaenyra. To scared of finding herself on the receiving end of one of her contempt filled gazes. On their way tot he door, guards and the block which regrettably became known as the « blacks » in her prolonged absence, all parted to let them out of this wretched scene.
Her father made an attempt at calling her but YN paid no mind, tis was all but a show she hated the notion of being associated with. And her father was the unassuming maestro to this broken symphony : she’d never been mad before and in turn he never really cared to consult her. Not once in the decade following her Mother’s death has he tried with her. And tonight wouldn’t be any different.
Daemon did sustain the heat of her gaze though, with a smirk : how character appropriate. But he deserves no mention as he substantially did not move from his place even a minute. He found his niece’s wrath to be most interesting though, in light of the novelty of it. Finally she was channeling the dragon burning in her he thought as she walked past him, face hardened and hands impossibly thigh around her children’s.But she paid no mind.
The dornish Prince and Princess’s timidly looked back at the room as their mother was leading them out in silence. Aliandra met her Aunt’s eyes who mirrored the hurt apparent in her mother’s while Vyserion noted the awkward fiddling of the queen’s hands as the doors closed behind them.
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rachelsfav-queer · 4 months
So, until I can finally finish my latest VampRavenWolf, have some unfiltered Wednesday x Yoko thoughts lol
So I’m sorta obsessed with the idea of Yoko introducing Wednesday to her taste in music, so generally rock, metal, alt, emo, etc. and Wednesday trying it only because she loves and trusts her amor vampírico. But in the end, Wednesday becomes enamored with the music Yoko shares with her.
And so they end up getting matching merch of their favorite bands and going out to concerts almost regularly, though Wednesday always brings high-grade ear plugs to help with the loud noises, and of course Yoko is always keeping a close eye on her tiny seer to make sure she’s okay and doesn’t get too overstimulated.
Oh, and sometimes, if they’re having a bad day, Wednesday and Yoko will just take out a couple of their favorite records and just lay in bed together to destress. So they’ll cuddle up super tight together and let the bass and the drums carry away all the stress as they follow along with the lyrics in their heads. There’ll be some days that are so hard that they just end up spending the whole day in bed and fall asleep like that, the guitars soothing their minds to rest. But other days, when they’re feeling better, they’ll eventually get up and start dancing around the room, not a care in the world of who might see them.
That started off with Yoko, one day she just bounced up off the bed and started moving carelessly around the dorm and banging her head to the beat of the metal song playing. Wednesday stared at her in deep confusion, until Yoko summoned her to join with a wave of her hand. Once again, the raven trusted her vampire and stood hesitantly, walking over carefully to where Yoko was dancing quite wildly, if Wednesday could say so herself. Though Yoko slowed down a bit so as to avoid overwhelming Wednesday, and instead took the goth’s hands in her own and encouraged her to start shifting her body back and forth with her. The movement didn’t match the music even remotely, yet slowly, Wednesday followed it. And the two girls stood in the middle of the room, swaying slowly together as drums and screaming lyrics played in the background.
It was nice. Gentle and peaceful, almost quiet if it weren’t for the heavy metal music coming from the record player in the corner of the room. And most importantly, it was them, just them. The whole world could’ve vanished entirely and the two wouldn’t have noticed until hours later.
And from there, Wednesday learns to be bolder when around the vampire. She inherits some of Yoko’s “can’t give a fuck” attitude towards what she looks like and how she may be perceived. Yoko really does rub off on her in such intense ways, eventually Wednesday is almost entirely unable to reconcile this current version of herself with the girl she was when she first arrived at Nevermore.
She’s so much… looser with herself, perfection means something different to her now. It’s not being better than everyone else, or proving them wrong, or holding herself to standards impossible to achieve, or anything she believed before. Now, perfection means being happy with herself. It’s doing whatever the hell she wants with the girl she loves more than anything.
Perfection… is imperfection. And Wednesday loves that.
Yoko pulls this out of Wednesday, and Wednesday couldn’t be happier to leave behind her old shell.
End <3
(Whew, this was… a lot lol. Honestly, this has been building up inside me for a few days but this weekend was just a struggle, creativity wise. And also the mental breakdown, that wasn’t fun lmaoooo. Anyway! I hope y’all enjoy this. I had fun with this one in particular lol)
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biscuitbakerbecca · 9 months
Jared Kleinman for the character asks :)
Favorite Thing About Them
Jared is so bad at communicating he reminds me a lot of myself. I have ODD so it’s a little different, but the man is an asshole in the best way possible. He is petty and gives off angry cat energy in both fandom aspects and canon. Also I appreciate that he never acted against Evan even when he had the opportunity and reason to do so, he threatened it but he kept his mouth shut. Real friend right there <3 (I could tell everyone everything! Okay great! You go ahead! Do that! Tell everyone how you helped write emails pretending to be a kid who killed himself! Fuck you Evan!)
Least Favorite Thing About Them
He doesn’t have enough screen time/show time. People mischaracterize him because his entire character is shoved into as little time as possible. I know I just said that I love how he’s an asshole but he’s more than an asshole. He’s so clearly lonely and more than just an angry kid. At least in the book they made him “hot” in the end but the show and movie pretty much get rid of him come act two
Favorite Line
Just kidding
Okay okay for real this time
Yeah I hate to tell you this Evan, but you may have already perjured yourself.
Isn’t that only when you’re under oath? Like in a courtroom?
Well weren’t you under oath? In a way?
Or from the movie (since I view them as different canons)
Connor took a letter from me. It was an assignment for my therapist.
(I’d offer a different line but Jared doesn’t have that many)
Jared and Zoe friendship!!! They hate each other they’re best friends they get drunk and cry together!!
Another excerpt of my own writing that explains this. Again my writing quality has gone up since this but oh well:
Connor rolled his eyes, "I'm saying that Evan will always be there, okay? You are so fucking stubborn, and I'm trying to be nice and make you feel better, just say thank you like a decent human being."
"You just made me feel shitty."
Connor threw his hands up, "Fuck! You're impossible!"
Zoe's voice screeched from below, "FUCK OFF! HE IS MY BEST FRIEND!"
— I don’t know what I want, but I need you. Chapter 12
Either kleinsen or kleinphy. They both have potential. All my kleinsen fics are really fluffy (soulmates, hurt/comfort, etc) and my kleinphy fics are like…rough and angsty (teen parenthood, child abuse, etc) I like both equally, but what I want to read depends on the content I’m looking for as shown by my own writing style
Nothing icky like the parents being involved obviously, otherwise Jared/Zoe fics just don’t feel right. Jared is gay. Like he has to be. The book tried telling me he liked boobs and I know Val Emmich lied. Evan was simping at the end for a reason. Jared doesn’t even have to like Evan the man is still gay. Best part of the movie but dear god at what cost? (I did like the movie I swear)
Random Headcannon
Jared has two moms, or his mother is bisexual. I tried writing him with straight parents and every single time it feels kind of wrong
Also he has a cat. Her name is Mayonnaise. Mayo for short.
Unpopular Opinion
Idk if this is unpopular or not but I’m glad they cut Goin’ Viral. It only pushes the he’s an asshole idea and even though I love the song it wouldn’t have helped his characterization. I would have liked for them to properly record the song when they released the deluxe album but apparently Disappear Pt. 2: the duet version was more important.
Also Jared Goldsmith was my favorite Jared actor other than Will Roland. Nothing can beat the Will Roland vibes
Book Jared shouldn’t have ditched his glasses and got buff, they made him too powerful. Evan couldn’t help but fall for him. Let him stay as he is don’t make him conventionally attractive!
Song I Associate With Them
Jared is such a complicated guy. His feelings are deep. He’s cringy but free. I haven’t thought about this in a while hang on…
I imagine that Jared is a pop girlie and this gives the desperate for attention vibes that I usually associate with him
And as for his inherently cringey vibes that I usually give him…
I’m not sorry
Favorite Picture Of Them
Again, we have options…
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skayafair · 1 year
"The Horror and the Wild" - A Chimera
I LLLIIIIKE "The Horror and the Wild" as an album because of one of its central ideas that may be not very obvious from the first sight (or maybe it IS obvious to anyone but me, what do I know). Honestly, I don't know why I did't realize that sooner, I mean - it's literally in the cover photoshoot, and I couldn't get why it was shot that way... just like I didn't get the "Ruin" cover at first although it was VERY MUCH LITERAL. Anyway, I noticed The Thing before in various songs from this album but never made that other tiny step, the final one, to the actual realization, until I've listened to That Unwanted Animal for N times tonight and got lost in the very same question again. At first I was like "I'm so happy it's Madeleine (hey I remembered the name!) who's the embodiment of this primal, wild force in this song, the tempest, and wait, it's in others, too!". In a few more relistens I had to pause and look again. "Is it though?.." And then it hit me. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! Why am I so slow. C'mon. It WAS just out there, in plain sight! Gods do I love when an album is so well-rounded in its idea! In a lot of this album's songs it's virtually impossible to tell who "should" sing which part. There are usually two focal characters, male and female, often one of them is something... not human, - and Joey and Madeleine don't give a flying fuck about singing the gender-according parts. I often can't tell where one character ends and another begins, and sometimes they switch the roles completely, sometimes sing the "correct" ones, and I thought I was just too dumb to get it. Well, I was, only what I should have gotten is a totally different thing. THAT'S why they switched their clothes, piece by piece, in that cover photoshoot. It was just THERE. Oooohhhh. And yep, I think in That Unwanted Animal it's both who's the animal, really. Well, I mean, it IS about a... union. Well, it's about sex, too, and it's such a brilliant devilry, really, HOW they use the metaphors - when I've listened to it the first few times some months ago, I had to do a double take because I was so confused whether it was me or the song is ACTUALLY about what I think... tonight I started to giggle though because there are more than a few euphemisms and I didn't notice all of them before, and the way they're used... oh my, it's so funny. I love this band's humor. But it's also about other things. About the primal force, about that beast inside that's so hungry so often, that wants nothing more that to get out but has to be trampled down time and again, about selfishness, about quarrels and make ups and make outs apparently, about unison, about striving for something higher, and, probably, pain and disappointment. There's this soft "No, not I" in the end, after all. I like the energy of this song - it's like it would rip the very fabric of this world if it could. It's not about something soft and nice, it's all fangs and claws, but it's not bad either. Somehow the listener knows - despite all, they'll be alright. Because this whole album is about being torn apart, about storms, it's furious, but it has a counterweight - Marbles, Fair; The Rockrose and the Thistle punches me in the gut every time I listen to it. And the last song is Battle Cries. So you know that even years, decades later those two will be the same - never nowhere near peace and quiet, but still together, going strong. This band is really a treasure.
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serikyl · 1 year
(strolls into fantasy tavern, accidentally hits the unfollow button instead of the ask button like a clumsy idiot, refollows with a very embarassed facial expression because I planned on being a lot more suave about this, leans on the bar counter)
So...I hear there's someone around here with kiddad's head canons?
*smacks hands against counter with a look of immeasurable glee* *pours you a colorful little drink of unknown content with a little umbrella in it* ((there is so much edible glitter involved))
Okay okay so lets start with!!!!!!
My most favorite twins ever!!! Lark and Sparrow
I know a lot of people think they have long hair, to me, they both keep it very short now bc when Lark was like sixteen, a doodlerized something grabbed it and it messed with his paranoia, he and Sparrow shaved it together in the bathroom at like 3am, then Sparrow sat for his turn without a word, and now they always keep it matching like this
Lark and Sparrow have matching friendship bracelets that Sparrow made one year, Lark’s is green and Sparrow’s is red
The Oak Household used a talking stick for a long time, then Lark got mad one night and snapped it over his knee. He felt bad about it later, and the next morning it was found carefully glued back together
I don’t know if Lark has a day job, but if he does, nobody knows what it is, the other kiddads assume it’s something questionably legal, weapon sales probably, Lark always pays his portion of household bills and Sparrow isn’t sure he wants to know. The truth is, it’s a perfectly normal job, he’s a Geek Squad guy at Best Buy. Lark finds comfort in being able to sit in the back fixing things, he hates talking to customers. So. Much.
Sparrow is a cavetown fan, Lark secretly really likes beachy music like margaritaville but would die if anybody but Sparrow found out
Lark’s favorite fruit is lemons, Sparrow’s is strawberries. Lark can’t handle sweet flavors, he prefers sour, while Sparrow is the opposite.
Nick’s turn!!!!
So! During the Nick/Narc fusion, the magic couldn’t remove Glenn without unmaking Nick entirely, so it just added in Jodie. If you tested Nick’s DNA, which Glenn and Jodie did during an argument once bc they’re goofs, it would come back that Glenn and Jodie are both his bio dads, Morgan his bio mom. Because magic doesn’t give a shit about what our science says is impossible.
Nick has a Thing about vehicle safety, he doesn’t care if it’s an emergency or if it’s a five minute drive, everyone is putting on their goddamn seatbelts if he has to climb over and buckle them in himself. He also won’t drive in the rain.
Nick, in his Glenn memories, tried to dye a red streak in his hair and ended up a weird shade of orange bc he didn’t calculate for hair type. He wore a beanie for weeks until Glenn came home. After he finished laughing, Glenn had to help him fix it.
Demons burn so hot that Nick always feels a little chilly, even in the california heat. He’ll be wearing a jacket on an 85° day and people look at him weird, but the planet is so cold compared to Hell.
Nick’s favorite pizza is called “Everything Pizza”, it was something he’d make when he was struggling in the Glenn memories because it was easy. Everything Pizza changes every time you eat it, it also lead to Nick inventing what he calls “the Pizzarito” which is Everything Pizza folded up like a burrito. The other kiddads tell him it’s just a calzone, Nick hates calzones and insists it’s different. Pizzaritos have been banned from DADDIES HQ because somehow that argument always gets started.
Demons need a lot of both sugar and meat in their diets, and Nick now has an insane sweet tooth that would make most people lose their teeth
Oh! and! One of the things Nick struggles with post Nick/Narc fusion outside of the identity crises is how the demonic side of him has changed his body. Half of him feels like the sharp a few too many teeth and slightly pointed ears are features he’s had his entire life, and the other is kind of freaked out by how very Not Human he suddenly looks
Nick’s least favorite vegetable is asparagus, this is a trait he shares with Glenn. They both make the same face about it, wrinkled nose, tongue out
Terry Jr!!!!
I love Terry so much, I have a bunch for him!!! :’D
Terry is considered the de-facto leader of DADDIES, he is the only one levelheaded enough for the job I think. It’s not an official position, but he is pulling double duty as their leader and their tactician
This man lives on coffee, he is a 6 cups a day kind of guy. He started drinking it as a way to remember Terry Sr, who really loved coffee. He both loves the different kinds, as well as cannot function without it.
Whenever Terry has reached his limit he threatens to buy a boat and go live in the middle of the ocean where none of this is his problem and he will never have to see any of these people again. ((He has never gone through with this threat, it’s kind of his escape fantasy))
Terry and Grant have a minor long-standing feud about a drawer in HQ, it is Terry’s, it is a mess, it is organized in a system that only makes sense to Terry, there are so many sticky notes involved, it drives Grant’s OCD crazy, he wants to pick the lock on the drawer and reorganize it. Terry does not want it organized. Sparrow has enchanted the lock so Grant cannot pick it, keeping them locked in a stalemate.
Terry’s favorite food is blueberries, he can exclusively cook pasta dishes
Every so often, Terry has what I call a “Cones Of Dunshire” level breakdown where be throws himself into a deeply over complicated project like designing and building a board game
Terry and Lark have kissed exactly once, in a really weird game of chicken like that scene in friends where Phoebe and Chandler kiss. Terry is Phoebe, Lark is Chandler, Nick is Monica, Sparrow is either Joey or Ross, and Grant is Rachel in the scene, this is one of my favorite silly ones afsgshsjsjs
Grant’s turn!!!!
Grant and Terry dated in high school, it was a right person wrong time situation, and Grant has two soulmates: Terry and Marco
Grant developed OCD after the chimera incident, he likes to keep things clean and orderly because he can’t forget the feeling of the blood in his hair
Grant and Lark have semi-colon tattoos for each other, they’re bad for each other and tend to spiral down together, but they respect the battles. each other fights with mental illness, they claim to have a “warrior’s bond”
Grant’s favorite color is bright orange, I don’t know why, it’s a color I’ve associated with him since ep 1
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dearreader · 2 years
so i’ve been thinking this over since i watched the new episodes drop for daisy jones and while i am okay with the show not being faithful to the book as things work on the page but not on the screen, im really pissed about billy and camila. like there’s no point to this besides me ranting about how they ruined the characters so much.
cause here’s the thing, in the show they’ve drastically altered billy into being more controlling and manipulative at times (getting daisy to sing the song by kissing her when she asks if there’s anything between them only for the song itself “you’d be more fun to kiss/than to be with”) and while he his definitely those things in the book it’s more so toned down or feels different because HE ID A FAMILY MAN. like the show has me being a shitty husband and dad when in the book after he got out of rehab he cleaned up his act fast. he even told camila that he would leave music for her, his passion, cause he wanted to make it up to her for all that he did. when they’re first dating he’d call her any chance he got even if it was collect just to say “billy dunne loves camila alvarez” (that’s the last name in the show and i’m too tired to grab my book). like even graham says the reason why billy cheated on the first tour was fear of his expectations of being a shitty father like his and that pressure drove him to do what he did. but when he gets out he makes up up to camila anyway he can. he does everything he can to prove he’s worthy of her only for her to say he’s already worthy. AND CAMILA FORGIVES HIM. like she’s angry, obviously, but in the book she just has an idea of a life with billy and tells him he won’t ruin it. so she forgives him, she lets him love his life cause he knows he never wants to make that mistake again and she loves and trusts him. like in the book he tries to bring camila in at every opportunity cause he wants her their as much as possible because even he says “he traded one addiction for another”. so he isn’t hiding the songs from her, she’s actively apart of it and is okay with the songs because she trusts him and billy keeps saying it’s all a metaphor for drugs “cause you can hide anything in a love song”.
which then brings me to daisy. the thing that makes me most upset about them changing a very beautiful and trusting relationship of a man grappling with being a father and his addiction is that he’s being slowly tempted by daisy, not even to her knowledge. like camila is soberitu out and daisy is drugs. everyone described daisy as “if she’s having fun your having fun”, no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t hate her cause she was just so amazing, and how she’s always on something, she hasn’t been herself since she was 15 and only knows the drug addicted alcholic. SHE IS WHAT BILLY NEEDS TO STAY AWAY FROM. he’s clean, he’s recovered, but yet he still gets urges and has to fight them cause addiction is a disease and it’s a constant struggle day and night and it’s oh so much harder when the impossible woman is dancing outside your view and she’s a metaphor for all the things you can’t have!
and this hurts especially when at the end of the novel we literally see billy with a glass in his hand trying to pour the liquor in his mouth but being unable to because of his family. because he loves them and knows it’s what he has to do. all while camila is being level headed and having a jolene moment to daisy that she needs to leave billy alone. like she’s terrified of losing billy to her but camila doesn’t take it out in a angry “you bitch! stay away from my man!” but instead as two woman, one whose trying to find some stability in life and sees all that she needs in billy and vice versa and the other as someone trying to keep her family together cause she loves being a mom and having a family and doesn’t want that destroyed by billy’s addiction.
like it’s such a beautiful moment and it’s truly this pinnacle of how well written and planned her character is cause most woman couldn’t and wouldn’t do that. but camila knew what she was worth but also knew daisy was too. and even in that conversation camila encourages her to find a life of her own cause it’s still so young AND SHE DOES and even daisy thanks her! and after camila dies she tells her daughters to wait a bit before giving their dad daisys number because camila just wants him to be happy and even ends it cheekily of “they owe me a song”!
like that’s so beautiful and poetic. but in the show we just see them constantly fighting and being upset because of the tension with his addiction and cheating; which while valid CHANGES EVERYTHIBG. instead of having a wife demand her husband pick himself up to be the man she needs she’s fighting him for the man he wasn’t then. but you can’t even fault her cause while book billy was willing to help be a father and help camila during any point he had free time and would even rush home after bad things to remember what was important, she’s left with this man who is nothing like that. he’s barley their and camila us so tired she (possibly) cheats on him with eddie just so she can have her own secret.
like i’m not faulting either of this but changing their relationship ever so slightly has this drastic affect on the full story and what it’s trying to say.
anyway, rant over. i like the show but i’m just annoyed
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