#ain't none of your god damn business
razorsadness · 1 year
Oh, my wacky nostalgia problem. I’m deep in finishing RC 23 - I’m in the home stretch - and in a section where I detailed my mental illnesses, I also wrote about my nostalgia problem (it’s relevant, trust me). I wrote about how I not only have the tendency to think Ye Olde Days were more interesting than my life is now, but also how, even in Ye Olde Days, I had a tendency to look at the past (even the recent past), as though it was more interesting than my life currently was. Here’s a small excerpt:
…I would whine about how I hadn’t had any new lovers recently, or how it had been a long time since I traveled, and my friends would roll their eyes and remind me: “Uh, Jess, didn’t you just hook up with so-and-so a week ago?” Or: “Dude, you got back from a road trip five days ago.”
Hashtag same as it ever was; hashtag seriously, what the fuck is wrong with me?
[September 26, 2016]
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
1.8k of what was supposed to be a drabble, oops. same au as this just different situation.
there he is.
the titan the crowd calls Ghost. a creature who seemed to have crawled out of the abyss itself, rage etched into the very marrow of his bones. scars crisscross his arms, chest, and back— souvenirs of battles both won and lost. no one knows much about him. no real name, no past, no future. blank.
a void.
just like his sunken eyes, the only thing anyone can see from behind the midnight black skull balaclava that clings to his face like a second skin. (does he even remember what he looks like underneath?) he stands in front of the club's owner in ragged clothing: a tattered wifebeater that's been stitched, torn, and re-stitched. his pants have strained seams and patched knees. his boots are high cut, made of worn, scuffed leather with laces in the front, pulled tight. functional.
he's terrifying. most here come to fight for glory, for redemption, for escape. not he, though. reverent whispers claim this is all he knows. that he fights like a cornered, wounded beast, with no discipline nor strategy. just primal hunger and unmatched ferocity.
and that's who your idiotic, egotistical boyfriend wants to fight. granted, he's a pretty damn good boxer. not that you'd know much about that, you're simply parroting what you've heard his coach say. but this isn't boxing. no one here wears a padded helmet, with comfortable gloves and silky shorts. the fellow with the mohawk currently fighting isn't even wearing a mouthguard, for fuck's sake.
there are no fucking rules, no referees, no honor, no mercy.
your shoulders rise up to your ears as you tense at a nasty blow the pretty one you've come to learn is named gaz gives mr. mohawk. it splits his lip instantaneously, crimson dribbling down his chin and onto his barrel chest. he should be in pain, but there's only a glint of madness in those bright blue eyes of his. the crazed smile he gives gaz is all blood-stained teeth.
your boyfriend taps you on your shoulder, making you jump. "i'm gonna go talk to mr. price now that he's no longer busy."
"no! you can't be serious!" the metal chair you were seated on screeches as you shoot up and run after him, feet slipping on the mud-slicked floor. "hey! wait!"
he reaches the tall, burly man(broker?) with the antiquated mutton-chop beard before you do. the tailored suit clings to his large frame, molding to his mountainous shoulders and tapered waist. his polished shoes are pristine, unlike the surface he's standing on that's littered with wager slips and sodden with cheap beer.
"don't. be smart, fight smart. you can't possibly— did you see the way the one with the mohawk took a hit to the face without flinching? he's insane! they all are!" you flick your eyes to mr. price. "no offense."
he chuckles low. "none taken, sweetheart. soap's a vigorous man, is all."
soap. gaz. ghost. they've all got bloody fighting nicknames. meanwhile, the only thing your boyfriend's ever been called is dearie by his elderly neighbor.
"your pretty girl's right. i'd steer clear of the pit. this ain't no place for a sheltered bloke such as yourself." his eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled, yet it felt like a facade. the evenness of his tone had dread crawling up your spine.
"boss." you squeak at the deep voice that comes from beside you— accent thick on his tongue.
mr. price waves a hand dismissively, the rings that adorn his fingers glinting under the dim light of the overhead lamps. "it's nothin' but a couple a'folk placin' their bets."
the look of unfettered stupidity flashes on your boyfriend's face as he turns his head and realizes just who mr. price was talking to. "if it isn't the masked specter himself."
stupid. stupid stupid stupid. god, your boyfriend came in one piece but he's going to leave in bloody pieces if you don't stop him. "stop," you hiss. "this ridiculous stint of yours is over." as is this sorry excuse of a relationship. he'd been a sweet guy at some point, or maybe you were just blinded by his good looks. "sorry for the bother, mr. price. we'll be taking our leave." tugging on your boyfriend's sleeve, you try to lead him away but he stays anchored in place, posturing like a peacock; chest out, shoulders squared and head held high.
he looks at ghost as he challenges him. "name your price. anything, i can meet."
how he can be so blasé in the presence of this bastion is beyond you. ghost stands tall, his shadow engulfing you whole. you can feel the weight of his presence, a crushing force pressing against your sternum. he doesn't speak; and honestly, he doesn't have to. ghost's silence spoke volumes.
"he's not interested, see? let's just go before we're thrown out on our arses."
but your boyfriend doesn't concede. if anything, it only adds fuel to the fire. "not good enough for you? eh? is that it? think yourself untouchable just because you're king of the underbelly?" he goads.
your cheeks are hot, scalding with embarrassment. he's starting to garner attention from the audience that's supposed to be watching the current fight.
and then ghost breaks said silence. "i don't want your money." his rich voice reverberates through bone and marrow; it rattles your very core. "you didn't work hard for it, i can tell. golden spoon runt."
your boyfriend's eyes ignite with anger. for a moment, you thought he was going to swing on the spot, but then, like a wisp of smoke, it dissipated. his fists unclench, his jaw relaxes. "what do you want, then?" he questions.
ghost tips his head your way as he keeps his gaze on your boyfriend. "her. i win, she's mine."
you should've known your now ex would agree. nothing would keep him from accomplishing his goals of 'putting the big dog down' as he so eloquently put it. now you're firmly sat right next to price on the stands (because you will not be calling him john anytime soon, no matter how many times he corrects you) essentially as his hostage.
"nothing personal, sweetheart. i'm a businessman, after all, and the prize walkin' out the front door would be bad for business. hope you understand."
no, you don't. so you tell him as such.
"tha's alright. simon'll take good care of ya, i promise."
"is there any particular reason you're so cocksure of your simon winning?" you manage to ask, your voice fragile.
he takes a thick inhale of his cigar before answering. "unfortunately for you, i've seen it all— the broken bones, shattered dreams, and—" you watch tendrils of smoke unfurl from his mouth, "adversaries who never walked back out."
spectators have already begun to huddle around the cage, puffing on cheap cigarettes. they all look desperate, eyes gleaming with greed. this time the one collecting wagers is a blonde woman, older in age, with her hair in a low bun and a puffer vest. "that your wife?"
he curls a large hand around my shoulder before twisting to look at— "laswell? no. don't swing tha' way." price gives you a gentle squeeze.
oh. you can feel warmth creeping up your neck. "sorry. didn't mean to- er. i didn't know."
"'s'alrigh'. her wife's nice enough. you'll like 'er.'' her wife? the confusion must've shown because he rumbles out a laugh. "no. it'd be me barkin' up the wrong tree. i—" he tightens the grip on your shoulder, "like whatever's pretty to look at." his words from before resounded in your head.
'your pretty girl's right...'
the heat that'd receded now stung the tips of your ears. whatever words you want to say are lodged in your throat but thankfully, you're saved by the bell. literally.
the rusty thing tolls and the crowd hushes their voices and stills their restless shuffling. first walks in your ex (idiot), looking exactly like what ghost had called him earlier— a golden spoon child. his shorts are glossy, even under the flickering, sickly light that falls over the cage. his boxing gloves are a vibrant red, pristine as if right out of the box. (you don't remember soap getting his pretty face broken by hands with gloves, but whatever.) he looks perfect, like something out of a hollywood movie.
and so out of place.
unlike ghost who's just stepped into the ring— who commands the attention of all within the hazy room. he fits right in with the rats who scurry around in the bowels of the city. he moves like the shadows that cling to the dark corners, his steps silent as whispers. a haunted being— one the world above with its neon signs and bustling crowds has long forgotten— has made his home down here.
ghost bumps his mma gloves with your ex's boxing ones, in a show of surprising sportsmanship.
the bell tolls once again, and the fight begins.
and just as quickly as it began, it ended. you blink, momentarily displaced, because there is no way what just happened is real. there hadn't been no real fight. it'd been one devastating blow to the side of your ex's jaw that ended everything. he hadn't stood a chance. it—
"'s done. sorry, love. but simon's headin' this way to claim his prize." price gives you a sympathetic pat to your back. "i swear it on my life he won't harm a hair on your head."
ghost barrels through the roaring crowd and comes to a stop before you. "you're with me, now. best get used to it." shock blurs your vision, or maybe it's the fact that you've been hoisted up and thrown over a shoulder that did it.
it doesn't matter. the one you came here with is currently lying limp on the stained mat, his mouth hanging open a little awkwardly. is he broken? you're put down on a bench in a large dressing room that has only one tall locker in it with a tiny ghost sticker on the front.
"did you... is he dead?" you ask, pulse quickening.
"no. either dislocated or broke tha' jaw of 'is only."
you sputter when metal clinks on the surface of the wooden table he's currently leaning his weight against. dusters? "you used fucking dusters?"
he turns his head and looks at you, piercing and intense. "you and i both know i didn't need anythin' to knock his teeth down his throat, isn't tha' right, pet? eh?"
his knuckles are calloused and heavily scarred, the little finger bent at an angle even when straight. "don't worry 'bout him, you're with me, now." he shrugs on a plain, black jacket and heads for the door. "try to leave and i'll jus' find you again. don't make this any harder than it has to be."
welcome to the rat king's domain, sweetheart.
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idk if your requests for the numbered ficlets are closed but could you do #4 for ponyboy? Only if you have the time, don't wanna be a burden.
Outsiders Prompt Fic #10- No it ain't! It ain't ok!
HI hon! Not a burden at all, I had so much fun writing this one and I hope you enjoy reading it as much and I enjoyed writing it. (For those of you paying attention, yes, I know this is not the order I said I would write these in in but what can I say, inspiration struck.)
Something is wrong with Ponyboy.
He’s doing his best to hide it- talking with Johnny, goading Steve, laughing with Soda-  and if Darry was still just his big brother instead of his guardian he probably wouldn’t have noticed, but he’s been the kid’s primary caregiver for almost a year now and he’s learned Pony’s tells.
His brother’s face is a bit pale, and he’s leaning into Johnny's side a bit more than he usually would. He’d eaten a decent amount of dinner, so Darry’s hoping he isn’t coming down with the stomach flu, but at this point in time he isn’t ruling anything out. He also isn’t about to make any rash decisions. Keeping a cool head had taken some practice after first becoming Pony and Soda’s guardian. At first, the barest hint of a sniffle had left him panicking, all too aware that mom and dad were gone and his little brothers being sick was his problem to deal with. The free clinic must have been sick of him calling those first few months, he’s sure of it. Now though, he’s learned to calm down some, and take things as they come. 
He’s supposed to be going out this weekend. Tim Shepard of all people had talked him into it, mentioning he was heading down to Texas of all places and invited him along. He’d been hesitant at first, unwilling to get involved in any of the Shepard gang’s shenanigans, but Tim had assured him none of his gang was coming along and it didn’t have anything to do with his business, so Darry had eventually caved. Strange as it was to admit, he and Shepard had grown remarkably close over the past year. If you’d told him back in high school that in three years time his closest friend outside of the gang would be jailbird Tim Shepard, he’d have laughed in your face. Now though, now that he’s gotten to know Tim better, it makes sense. They’re two sides of the same coin, and Tim had been remarkably helpful when he was figuring out the whole parenting thing. Anyone who could keep Curly Shepard alive for fifteen years was someone Darry wasn’t ashamed to ask parenting advice from.
So he’d been looking forward to this weekend. Tim had sworn it would be a good chance for the two of them to relax and get away from their kids, and as anxious as he was to leave Soda andPpony by their lonesome, he also couldn’t deny the lure of a holiday with no responsibilities was incredibly appealing. So he’d agreed, and Tim was supposed to come by in the morning to pick him up.
If Ponyboy gets any paler though, Darry knows he’s gonna have to call and cancel. He’d never be able to relax if he knew Ponyboy was sick, and the last thing he’d wanna do is stress Tim out on his holiday. God knows Tim deserves a break even more than he does. 
Besides, Pony gets clingy when he’s sick, always has, and Darry knows it’s been hard for him since mom and dad died. He himself notices their absence the most when he’s sitting at the table, filling out bills, or when one of his brothers has a problem he doesn’t immediately know how to solve; but Pony and Soda miss them most when they’re sick. Pony wakes up from dreams calling out for dad, and Soda still cries for mom when he’s delirious from fever. He can’t leave if Pony’s getting sick, he just can’t. He’s no substitute for mom and dad, he knows it, but it’s his job to look out for him now that they aren’t here and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do his very best- and that includes being around for Pony to cling to when he isn’t feeling well.
Still, there's no need to catastrophize yet. Maybe Pony’s just tired from track practice and needs a good night’s sleep. He keeps an eye on his youngest brother as he passes back and forth through the living room, packing his bag. Pony seems to be holding his own. At the very least he doesn’t seem to be getting worse. 
He finishes packing around 9:30, and parks himself in the recliner, watching as Johnny continues to trounce his brothers and Steve at poker, despite Soda’s many attempts to cheat. Pony yawns more and more the longer they play and gives up around quarter past ten, using Johnny for support as he shakily climbs to his feet.
“Think I’m gonna’ turn in before Johnny steals all the smokes I have.”
“You might have the right idea kid,” Steve glowers, always a sore loser, “we’re gettin’ cleaned out.”
Johnny’s ever so slightly smug grin doesn’t quite fit behind his hands of cards. 
“What’s the matter Steve? Scared you’ll lose again?”
Steve lunges at him and they start tussling, knocking into Ponyboy as they do so. Pony stumbles a bit- more than he should, considering the boys' play fighting isn’t anywhere near properly rough.
Catching Soda’s eye, Darry can tell he isn’t the only one who noticed.
“Pony c’mere a minute.”
If he couldn’t tell something was up with Pony before, the kid’s badly disguised deer in headlights look would have given it away right now.
Beckoning him closer, Darry brushes his baby brother's mop of hair out of his eyes, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead.
Hm. Warm, but not as bad as he’d expected. 
“You feelin’ ok?”
Pony bats his hand away, “I’m fine Dar.”
“Let’s get a thermometer to prove that, huh?” Darry shook his head, “C’mon little buddy.”
He wraps an arm around his youngest brother’s shoulders, answering Soda’s concerned look with a reassuring smile as he carefully sidesteps Steve and Johnny’s wrestling match.
“I’m fine Dar, I mean it, just a little tired is all.” 
The heavy way he’s leaning against him tells a different story, as did the thermometer a minute later when he pulled it out of Pony’s mouth.
“You’re runnin’ a fever,” Darry tells him, like he hadn’t seen the result himself, “what else is up? You’re dead pale. Is your stomach hurting?”
“No.” Pony crosses his arms mulishly. “I told you, I’m fine.”
Oh so he’s going to be stubborn. That’s fine. Two can play at that game, and Darry always wins.
“You got a headache?” 
“Are you lyin’ to me?”
He looks so young, all lost and grumpy sitting on the edge of the bathtub where Darry had pressed him when he was taking his temperature. Darry can feel himself soften, is sure it must show in his eyes. His eyes have always betrayed him when it comes to emotions.
“What else kid? You gotta let me help you.”
“Just my head,” Pony mumbles, “and I’m a little dizzy but I think it’s just ‘cause I’m tired.”
“I’ll get you some water and some aspirin,” Darry promises, “you get ready for bed ok? I’ll bring it to ya.” 
He ruffles his hair, wincing at the heat radiating off his forehead, and goes to get a glass from the kitchen.
“Ponyboy alright?” Soda asks as soon as he steps into the living room, eyes bright with a specific kind of worry only their baby brother can draw out of him, and Darry claps a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“Just has a bit of a headache is all. You keep playin’ your game, I got him.”
Soda only hesitates a moment before nodding, dropping back down beside Steve. He’s gotten a lot better about that lately, about letting Darry and Ponyboy figure out how to get along better, and letting Darry do some of the more nurturing stuff Ponyboy needs. Darry knows it isn’t easy for him- Soda doesn’t like to share, especially when it comes to Ponyboy, even more so when it comes to taking care of him- and he appreciates it more than he can say. It’s far easier for him and Pony to get along and settle into their not-just-brothers-but-not-quite-a-parent dynamic, when Darry doesn’t always have to be the bad cop.
He fills a glass with water and makes his way to Pony’s room, where his brother is asleep already, auburn hair mussed and cheek smushed into his pillow. Darry smiles a moment, a strange feeling he’s had since becoming Pony’s guardian swelling in his chest, that isn’t quite parental but is somewhat stronger than simply brotherly swelling in his chest. Pony looks so sweet like this, so soft and young. He’s getting mighty big now, but it’s at times like this that Darry remembers how young fourteen really is.
“Hey baby,” he hates to wake him, but the kid needs meds, “up you get, I got you some aspirin.”
Ponyboy’s eyes blink open before he can shake him.
 “I wasn’t asleep” he says, a note of petulance in his tone, ”I was just resting my eyes.”
“Ok.” Darry isn’t gonna fight him on that, just cradles his head while he swallows the pills and gulps down his water.
“There,” Darry takes the empty glass from Pony’s hand and sets it on the nightstand, “get some sleep alright? I’ll check on you before I go to bed, and if you’re not better in the morning I’ll call the clinic.”
“You’n Tim are leaving in the morning.”
“Ponyboy I ain’t goin’ anywhere if you’re sick,” he ignores the slight disappointment curdling in his stomach. He knew what he was doing when he signed those guardianship papers, knew what he was giving up. Doesn’t regret it either. “I’ll call Tim in the morning and cancel.”
Tim would understand. He’d never admit it, but Darry know’s he’d do the same if Angela or Curly got real sick last minute,
“No!” Ponyboy sits up so fast he nearly headbuts Darry in the nose. “No, you can't!”
“It’s ok Ponyboy-” he starts, reaching to try and soothe him, but Ponyboy squirms away, tears welling in his eyes.
“No it ain’t! It ain’t ok!”
“Hey, hey,” he reaches for him again, and this time Pony allows himself to get tucked into Darry’s side, “what’s goin’ on? Where’s this comin’ from? How come you don’t want me to stay with you?”
“It ain’t that!” Ponyboy gives him a wounded look, and Darry has never been so confused and worried in his life, “You just- you never go anywhere anymore and I know you were looking forward to this weekend away. More than that you deserve it, you’re always workin’ so hard and keeping track of me and Soda-”
“Pony, I don't care about all that. If you’re sick-”
“I ain’t gonna be the reason you miss your holiday.” Ponyboy crosses his arms, his face back in that godforsaken stubborn pout Darry loved and hated in equal measure, “I ain’t.”
“Ponyboy, listen to me,” he takes him by the shoulders, forcing him to make eye contact, “I am your guardian. More than that, I’m your big brother. It’s my job to make sure you're alright, and that’s gonna mean missing some things sometimes. I’m okay with that. It's part of the whole bein’ responsible thing.”
Ponyboy finally meets his gaze, stubborn expression melting away as his lip wobbles and his eyes fill with tears, the water a gloss over such a deep well of pain Darry feels his heart break before Pony even opens his mouth.
“I’m ruining your life,” his brother whispers, sounding so broken Darry can’t stand it, “You could’ve gone to college if it weren’t for me. You coulda gone somewhere and done something, and now you can’t even have a social life without me getting sick and fucking everything up.”
“Ponyboy,” he doesn't know what else to do but pull him into a hug, rocking him gently, “You aren’t ruining my life at all. You are my life, don’t you get that? You and Soda. I’d be miserable if I went to college or did any of those things because it would mean I’d have lost you guys, and I can’t even think about that, ok? And I still got a social life, I’m just lucky enough now to have a buddy who knows what it’s like to have to reschedule stuff and not get all pissy about it.”
“Tim gets pissy at everyone.” Pony mutters into his shoulder, but Darry can feel him grinning and knows he must've gotten through to him. 
“Not at me.”
“That right?” Ponyboy pulls away, familiar sass returning, “you must be pretty special then, huh?”
Darry feels his cheeks flushing.
“Ok, y’know what little buddy? You’re sick, go to bed, sleepy time now.”
He ruffles his brother’s hair and flees the room, waiting in the hallway until the telltale rustling of Pony getting settled ceases, then peeks back in.
Ponyboy is curled peacefully on his side, eyes closed, chest rising and falling slowly. 
Sure he’ll be ok, Darry creeps back to the living room. He’ll call Tim in the morning, but for now he’ll wait up a little longer so he can check on Pony once more before he goes to bed.
After all, this is what he signed up for, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Mercs first time receiving head?
Male or gender neutral Reader preferred
TF2 Mercs First Time Getting Head || x M!Reader +18
minors dni
Pyro is ambiguous genitals
In disbelief really, since none of his previous partners were interested in BJs
As soon as you got on your knees and offered, his heart nearly lurched out of his throat.
Def internalizes it as "well you're a guy, so it's gotta be different"
Probably wouldn't reciprocate that's some gay shit right there and Jeremy is NOT gay. especially when another man is sucking him off!
Loves how tight and wet it is
ABSOLUTELY fucks your throat when he gets too into it
You two have to leave to the field in ten minutes, but you're both horny
You offer to give Tav head since there's no time for fucking and he enthusiastically agrees
He's very tentative about letting you know that there's no pressure for you to do this often
His favorite part is feeling your moans on his dick
A bit shy when it comes to deepthroating because he "I don't wanna fuck up my boy's throat if he needs to shout for a heal"
Would try to reciprocate at a later date, but he's honestly not that good 3/10 but an A for effort
Pyro is very nervous about you giving them oral
Just like the usual fucking with them, no skin is showing except what the open zipper to the flame retardant suit allowed. Even then, their heavy shirt and pants withheld everything that wasn't necessary for sex
You like how vocal they are and how their hands run through your hair
They orgasm HARD. So much cum. As they ride the high, you keep going, only making Pyro sob in pleasure
They offer to let you fuck them as a thank you, even then they beg to at LEAST give you a handjob
God, there's so much Pyro loves about oral, but the intimacy is amazing for them
He's a bit frumpy about the idea of "degrading" you like that
UGH he's such a southern gentleman you wanna rail him even more
"Listen hon, I know that it shouldn't feel as intimate as sex but- but your face down there? I dunno."
You assure him that it isn't degrading to you and that you're more than enthusiastic to give him head
He's down to give it a shot, but in the end after 2 minutes you can tell he's just not into it and he profusely apologizes
You spend the rest of the night cuddling your man bc 1. babe it's ok to not like oral and 2. honeyyyy i wasn't objectifieddd
Damn. Like, DAMN. He's fucking HUGE
As soon as you see his dick when you two are going to sleep together, you wanna get it in your mouth as a bit of foreplay
You're a size king, but your jaw hurts not even 3 minutes into working down his shaft.
Heavy gives praise as you tirelessly try to take him
"Good job, most can barely take it during sex!"
He's very patient and calm as you suck and swallow around the head and the shaft. no matter what you did you couldn't get him balls deep.
Reciprocation is 5/10, also inexperienced but since your dick is half his size he doesn't have as much trouble
Surprisingly one of the most happy to get head
Loves the idea of you sucking him off when he's busy
cockwarming kink 100%%%
He nearly jizzes on the spot with how warm your throat is
Reciprocation game is surprisingly good 6/10
Not mouthy per se, but very grunty/groany when you get him close to orgasm. Def will get noisy if you edge him.
Jane wants to cum on your face but he ain't gonna ask
God he LOVES the idea of blowjobs, like that's his usual jerk off material
He has an oral fixation, he always liked watching you drink from straws or licking things like icepops
As soon as you offer his eyes light up and he grabs your face to kiss you over and over again
He's so jittery in happiness as you unzip his pants, def doesn't last long
Reciprocation game is great but the overenthusiasm docks points 7/10
Loved the feeling of your tongue, the way it feels makes him white out in pleasure.
Sees blowjobs as "Sex but when there's not enough time"
His danger kink just BEGS for you to blow him while he's camping out for an assassination.
Road. Head. Please. Mundy loves the idea of road head.
He's casually bisexual, so he doesn't mind giving head to you as well. Definitely has given head before and knows his way around a cock. 8/10 (-2 bc it feels impersonal)
Mundy's favorite thing about you giving head is how you look up at him. If he's driving then every red light makes him blush bc yes. he's looking. yes, he WILL blush if you make eye contact.
Will remember it for an absurdly long time and WILL bring it up like 5 months later
you know damn well you're not his first.
He likes the power of you on his knees and ready to please him.
He loves running his hands into your hair and guiding you to how to blow him properly.
Spy will reciprocate and is a 10/10 for practiced grace. However, he threatens to castrate you if you dirty up his mask.
Dirty talks in french if you really go above his expectations
not too noisy or mouthy, but get him riled up enough and he'll mutter french to himself
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akalikai · 8 days
i hate the episode name btw
"alice means well but she doesnt really understand" oi celia what do you mean she doesn't understand she got attacked by the same thing sam did
"my head is killing me" i dont think this is a normal headache ALSO IM SO SUSPICIOUS DONT TAKE THE PILLS SAMAMA KHALID COME ON
"all goes to plan" WHAT CELIA WHAT (they say like they're surprised that she's sus)
"ticket officer, not paid enough for this" NONE OF US ARE BUDDY
oh jesus christ colin is gonna end up dead isnt he. and possibly teddy too. both of them acted the same way based on alice saying she was busy
waiy. colin is in the office, but lena and gwen are in the office too?? also lena is gonna end up dead and gwen is gonna feel guilty isn't she
wait they KNOW it was one the train??? wtf???? and why is celia so calm about this
"what unit did you say it was?" "Seventeen-" SEVENTEEN RIGHT HERE-sorry I'm coping with jeonghan's enlistment date okay
"we want your teeth" JARED HOPWORTH??? IS THAT YOU????
now who the FUCK is this custodian hold on checking the VA list-ok nvm not breekon or hope i was wondering bc. yknow. custodian. maybe a reference
this custodian is so real he's like "yeah no this ain't any of my business you do you boo"
get archivisted bro
oooo okay so hilltop centre got a bloody history. but also who is this "he" that hired the custodian? also the fact that he refuses to come in the daytime is very interesting because usually people would find it less creepy at daytime but he seems to be more comfortable at night?? which is giving the dark but ok
"why the outfit was so mismatched, why the clothes were been pinned in place" okay this is kind of reminded me of the stranger for no particular reason????
a precipice????? sorry is there a whole-ass different world??? also celia wtf do you mean "almost"??? yeah sam its about time you asked her more questions
Sam's headache is not comforting me i don't think its normal WOOOOOO CONFIRMATION THE UNIVERSE-JUMPER CELIA
ahhh there it is. she was using him as a balance because she hoped getting him close enough to the magnus institute would make him enough a balance.
god sam you fucking idiot i love you. she betrayed you and lied to you and yet you still fought the archivist for her. also alice coming here worries me because i think she has a close connection to the magnus institute too and she might get sacrificed
gwen you're gonna get yourself and everyone killed oh my god
...see i dont know if i trust that now. i know celia hesitated but who's to say she wouldn't take the opportunity to push sam? or even not done anything when she had the chance to save him? i mean...i guess she did say "even though..."
i dont think sam is dead i mean celia fell through the rift and lived, who's to say sam couldn't do the same? the question is, which universe did he fall into? and will celia tell alice the truth about what she was planning?
mainly, though, i need to know whats going on with colin because WHAT DID HE MEAN WITH FR3DD1 WHAT HAPPENED. AND WHAT IS GOING ON WITH TEDDY.
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radidadood · 2 years
It's Not Fair
Pairing: Bayverse!Raph x GN!Reader (platonic), a hint of Bayverse!Leo x Reader (established relationship)
Summary: The bros had a fight. It's nothing unusual. Except this time you decided to show Raph his equal.
Genre: angst with good ending. Sibling love.
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"Well if you just listen for once this wouldn't have happened! How many times do you need me to remind you, huh?"
Leo's voice boomed as they all stepped into the lair. Making you flinch, you quickly looked towards their way. Again? You thought worriedly.
You love the brothers. You care deeply for them like your own family. Usually April would be the one who breaks up the fight and it mostly ends up with them retiring to their rooms. But when she's not around you'd take her place. God knows how the situation is handled when none of you are around. Cough cough. The ha'shi.
You marched your step and hurried yourself to the brothers but damned your tiny legs they were too fast. You saw Leo already went to the meditation room. For obvious reasons to keep his mind busy. You saw Donnie making his way to his lab as always to keep himself distracted as well. You know he often got his mind troubled just by witnessing his older brothers fight.
Let's not forget Mikey. Poor guy, he wished he could help but his title stopped him from having that ability. Unlike his brothers, he just slumped himself somewhere in the main room. You just asked him if he's okay and he'd hesitantly reply in return although you already know the full answer to that. You just gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder and went on your way to search for Raph.
Speaking of which, he was the first to vanish. If you remember correctly he stormed off like a kid having diarrhea. But joke aside though, he was obviously pissed. You don't know what came over you to go check up on Raph first but your instinct is never wrong when it comes to these guys.
When you arrived at his door you knocked on it a couple times. You didn't get any response so you knocked again. "Just shoved it back up your ass, Leo! I don't wanna hear it." You heard Raph's muffled growl from the inside. "It's me." You said softly, enough for him to hear you.
Silence filled the air when you heard shuffles in his room before hearing the door being unlocked. You turned the knot and stepped inside. His room was not in the best condition, though you took notice that he's the second to have the cleanest room after Leo.
"What do you want?" He asked annoyingly. He had his back/shell facing you while sitting on his messy bed. "Just wanna check on you, big guy." He scoffed, "Yea? Why don't you check on your boyfriend there? Bet he needs all the attention from his partner right now to suck all his inner demons." You shrugged as you made your way to him, "He can take care of himself." "And I can't?" He cut you off, looking at you from his shoulder.
You stopped your track, keeping his question hanging then he turned back around. You bit your lips trying to think of any comforting words to say to him. He may be the toughest, the biggest brother but you are sure that he's the most sensitive among his brothers. He always kept his emotions guarded. Keeping the reputation he'd say. And you can't exactly argue, it is quite true if you were him.
You sat down on the edge of the bed, keeping your distance to give him as much as space he needs.
"Listen I," you started. "I know I'm not the best at words but I'll try my best to keep you from going on edge." You paused and took a deep breath, "I know you and your brothers had each other's differences but you guys always manage to keep everything in line even when times are tough. I know you had your differences with Leo and it's always gotta be with him ain't it?"
You paused again, cocking your head a bit to search for any kind of disapproval from him. He didn't move so you continue, "I'm not trying to say that he's right all the time, of course not. He makes mistakes too. He cares about his brothers. All he ever wanted is to just keep you guys safe and I'm sure you are too. Y'know, you're not so different from him if you think about it." You smiled when you pointed it out.
You can feel Raph silently disagreeing with your statement so you quickly added, "You guys are like the strongest when it comes to being the brawn. You two had the same sense of humour and sarcasm." You made motions with your hands as you speak to avert the dullness in your speech. "You ever realized when you guys would split up he would choose to partner up with you instead like all the time? He prefers teaming up with you 'cause you guys are the 'A Team', my guy." tilting your head at him as you said those words coyly.
"He needed both brain and brawn. He got the brawn sure but you got extra muscles, that's why he's the brain half the time too. He would've chosen Donnie but he didn't. 'Cause he needed that balance. Balance is key. You guys are like the yin and yang, you know I'm saying?"
Now fully turning to him, not asking for him to return the action. You put your hand on his back/shell. "What I'm trying to say is, you guys are inseparable. All of you. You guys needed each other. I know things not always how you wanted it to be but we'll figure this out together. We always do. Siblings fight, they argue. That's normal. And then the next day you guys will be cool like nothing happens after tea time." You patted his back/shell in comfort as you let out a heavy exhale.
"I just want you to know that, whenever things get heavy, especially for you, don't act like I only care about Leo's well being. You're part of him too. I have to make that count. It's not fair to just let him steal all the attentions and comforts away while he gets to be at peace and you guys don't. Ain't that right?" You give him another pat before hearing a sniff coming from him.
"R-raph?" You stood up from the bed to get a clear look at him. He quickly turned away from you. Practically begging for you to not see him in that state. "H-hey, what's wrong? I'm sorry dude, I didn't mean to.."
He hated being like this, being vulnerable, especially in front of you. His brothers already saw his flaws; he didn't need you to see them too. Who else is going to see him as the tough guy when he already broke down to you? He hated this. Fighting with his brothers and he gets sensitive and then you manage to crack his shell. He hated that.
"No, ding-dong. It's just some stupid dusts in my eyes. It's nasty, go away!" He used his hands to shoo you away. You silently chuckled and passed him the tissue box you fetched from at the corner of his room. He wastes no time grasping it with his giant hand, quickly wiping his tears and blowing his nose.
You helped him by throwing the dirty tissues to the small bin, tidying up his bed and placing his comic books back to its place. You two stayed like this for a while, enjoying each other's silence after he had calmed down.
"You good now, Raph?" You put your hand on his shoulder and give it a comforting stroke. He nodded, "Y-yea. Guess so.." as he had a hard time trying to make eye contact with you. You responded with an assuring nod. "Hey, uh…thanks. For... whatever that was." He rubbed his neck as he said so. You pulled a soft smile. A thanks is always enough for you. You know how hard it is for him to actually admit stuff like that out loud and you appreciate his effort. "Anytime bud. Anytime."
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exhaslo · 1 year
Kinktober Day 9- Hidan x Reader (Angry Sex/Dirty Talk)
        There was only one person in the world you ever had the gall to meet with once in a blue moon. The only other worshipper of Jashin that you actually acknowledged compared to all the fakes you've seen. That obnoxious person was none other than Hidan of the Akatsuki. A man who always dared question your faith to your God. A man who you wanted to kill to prove to him that he needed to mind his own business. A man you wished to fuck him in order to shut him up for once.
        Like every other year, you were waiting for him in the usual spot. A small inn in a small town that minded its own business. It was great because no one questioned either you or him when either of you arrived covered in blood. If they ever did, you'd kill them for Jashin. It would be a shame since you liked the couple who ran the place.
"Why the fuck am I here again?" Hidan barked as he appeared from the woods. Your eye twitched,
"Any other Jashin worshipper you want to meet with once a year? I'd be happy to change faces."
"Tsk, you know those fuckers be lying all the damn time. Ain't no one better at killing for Jashin than fucking me!"
"Us." You hissed lowly.
        Hidan mocked you as he followed behind. You grabbed the key from the receptionist and made your way to the room. Hidan was complaining the whole time. More like venting about his day to day stuff. He hate to admit it, but he did like the fact that he could vent his issues to you. You had no choice but to listen to him. The two of you had to try and get along for the day. That was the holiday rule. Him venting was just one way to do so.
"And then they threatening to fucking kill me! Ha! Those bitches were fucking stupid." Hidan laughed as he plopped himself on the bed. He glanced in your direction, "Ain't got nothing to say?"
"You never listen to my stories anyway. Besides, a think a criminal organization tops anything I did." You dismissed the topic, placing your scythe aside. Hidan let out a grumble, 
"Now you're making me look like an asshole."
"You are an asshole."
"Fuck you." Hidan spat. Something in you snapped as you got up in his face,
"Fuck you too!"
        Both of you yelled at the top of your lungs before crashing your lips against each other. Hidan nearly tore his cloak off as he tossed it across the room while you attempted to do the same. Unlike him, you had more clothing on. Hidan bit your lower lip, drawing blood as he went to tear your clothes off as well.
"Hey! I don't have a spare!" You barked. Hidan kissed you again, forcing his tongue into your mouth, "Mphm!"
"I'll fucking buy you something tomorrow. Just shut the fuck up."
        Ripping your clothes, Hidan carried your naked body to the bed. The only thing the two of you wore was your Jashin necklace. Clashing your lips again, Hidan spread your legs out. He dipped his fingers into your pussy while his thumb rested on your clit. You arched your hips towards him, trying to ride his hand as he started to fuck you with his fingers. Hidan broke away from the kiss, watching your body follow his movements.
"Fuck, what a fucking slut you are."
"Watch your fucking mouth." You groaned, trying to suppress your moans, "It's different from doing...ah...mhm..."
"What were ya going to say? Do you masturbate to me fucking you? How fucking hilarious." Hidan laughed, watching your body tremble, "Well, I'll fuck you hella good in the name of Jashin."
"S-Stop using his name for...for something like this!" You tried to scold him, but moaned instead.
        Hidan was rough with his fingers as he took your breasts in his mouth. He was biting your body all over the place. You were supposed to be the one to shut him up, not the other way around. Feeling your body burn hotter, you let out a whine. Hidan made you so mad. Why was he only using his fingers when his cock was hard and ready to fuck you.
"Close aren't you, bitch?"
"Fuck you, Hidan! Just fuck me already!" You cried, reaching your orgasm.
        Hidan removed his fingers, stuffing them in your mouth to shut you up. He groaned lowly, pushing his cock inside your tight walls. Your hips rose with his as he stuffed you full. Without giving you a moment to rest, Hidan held your waist and started to pound your poor pussy. His fast and rough pace causing you to cry out. 
"What's wrong? I'm fucking you aren't I? Why so quiet now?" He grunted, "Hear how slutty you are? Sucking my cock in so fucking easily."
"Y-You...ah~ fu-" You tried to cuss him out, but your brain was turning to rot. 
"Fuck, your fucking pussy keeps begging for more."
        The pace he was going was going to make your legs go numb. The amount of pleasure you were experiences was none like before. No other man has made you cum this hard. Hidan was an asshole, but all his shit talking was making you wetter. You were going to have to return the favor one day. Gasping as he pinched your clit, you cried out as you felt another orgasm being ripped from you. Your gummy walls unable to rest as he kept pounding you.
"Keep cumming for me. I ain't stopping until you admit I'm better."
"N-Never!" Just that alone brought you back to your senses.
"Ha, knew you were still in there, bitch." Hidan groaned, fastening his pace.
        You shivered as Hidan did one last thrust, filling you. The two of you took a moment to catch your breathe before turning the tables. This time, you had Hidan down on the bed with you on top of him. Your breathing was heavier than his. Honestly, you weren't sure what you were doing since you had already cam a few times. Your brain was telling you to stop, but your body kept wanting more. More of Hidan fucking you like an asshole.
"Don't start crying if it gets too much for you, asshole." You hissed.
        Hidan stuck his tongue out for a moment before groaning as you bounced on him. Watching his face contort in pleasure as you took control was delicious. Although, you could feel yourself about to give out. Your legs were already getting numb as having his cock hit you deeper than before was causing you to moan louder. Your thrusts getting sloppier as Hidan started to take over again. His hands laying on your hips once more.
"Look at you falling victim to my dick. Just admit I'm better and that you want to be my sex partner."
"N-No....F-Fuck,...haaaaah....Fuck-" You whimpered a moan as you felt your rise return, "F-Fuck me, Hidan!"
"Of course, (Y/n)." He said with a smirk.
        You let out a yelp as Hidan flipped the two of you again. He took over, slamming his hips into yours again. Your moans getting louder as he kept thrusting your throbbing pussy. Hidan watched the expressions you made as he got you to cum for him again. He cussed lowly, wanting to have his own high once more. He kept diving his cock deeper into you before releasing another load. With a heavy sigh, he pulled out and laid beside you on the bed.
"Fuck me." He groaned. You lazily raised you head,
"Just did, dumbass." Hidan flipped you off before turning on his side, "You know, if you kept your mouth shut more often...maybe we could have done this earlier." You told him. Hidan scoffled,
"You and me? Fucking like bitches in heat?"
"You just have to ruin shit. Fuck you." You groaned, slowly sitting up, "Shit, did you really have to fuck me like one of your dolls? I know it felt good but damn, I wanna shower now!"
"Don't go assuming shit!" Hidan got up, helping you to the shower, "You admitted to masturbating to me, too."
"So you're admitting it too?"
        Hidan yelled at you again, causing you to yell back at him-leading to another hot and angry sex session in the shower. Once the two of you were done, you stayed in the motel room, just chatting away.
"Do we have to wait until next year to fuck again?" Hidan said with a low grumble. You almost laughed,
"Doesn't hurt to bump into each other every now and then. Although, we still have to meet here every year."
"Tsk, fine."
        You scoff at his childish behavior. Within a few minutes, Hidan fell asleep. You were surprised. You actually did manage to get him to shut up and all you had to do was exhaust the damn man. Chuckling lowly at your victory, you too, laid down for rest. Hidan sure did a number on you, but it felt good all the same.
        You and Hidan managed to stay fuck buddies throughout the next few months. After a while, you lost contact with him. Assuming that it was due to a mission, you waited. Eventually, a few more months passed and it was time to meet at the motel again. You stood outside, waiting to hear Hidan's annoying voice yelling at you. To see his cocky smile observe you like a piece of candy. To have him eventually tell you that he enjoys your company as he plows your pussy with his cock.
"Hidan?" You called out, hearing a ruffle.
        You sat there for hours. Then days. Hidan never missed this. You didn't want to assume anything. You couldn't. You would lose faith in Jashin if you thought about it. You stayed in that town, waiting for Hidan to show.
But he never did.
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Burning Down
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Natalia wiped the steam away from the shower door, as the water dripped to a stop. She then moved towards the mirror, using her arm to clear her reflection. She looked younger, more gentle, no scars were along her face, she didn't have that permanent frown that Daryl used to point out, her hair was long, and straight.
Natalia took in the few moments of quiet before getting out, wrapping an towel around her.
She left the bathroom, letting the heat follow her, moving towards her bedroom, but when she opened the door, it was Harry's office.
He was sat at his computer, Winnie was on her lap, playing with his phone.
"Finally, she's been screaming her head off for you, you haven't heard her?" were the first words that fell out his mouth.
"Harry?" Natalia spoke in a hushed whisper.
"Lia, take Willow." He held the two year old up for her to take, which she did, running a hand over her curls, kissing her cheeks, she couldn't help that her eyes had teared up.
"You're... you..."
"You okay, what have I told you about having those showers so damn hot?"
"I'm... I'm fine, great, I'm great." She held Winnie tighter to her, the little girl snuggled up, rubbing her nose along Natalia's cheek.
"Lia, I- I got a lot of work to do, here. You mind making a sandwich or something? I'm starving."
"Y-yeah, of course, of course I will, sure." She smiled, walking away. "Winnie, my waterlily, my special little flower." Natalia murmured to the girl, as they headed towards the kitchen. 
The two year old giggled in glee, like she always did, when Natalia said that.
"You're alive." She spoke in a sing song voice, "And so is your daddy, none of this makes sense, but you're not dead... or maybe I'm dead, is mommy dead, Winnie, my waterlily? Is Mommy dead?"
"Mama dead." She babbled. "Mama dead! Mama dead!"
"Ookay. That was a mistake, should we make Daddy his sandwich, yeah? So he can shut up and be a decent person for once in his life?"
Natalia hesitated before she opened the door, Winnie on her hip, plate in her hand.
"Harry, I have your- OH GOD! Oh, oh my god!" She screamed.
There he was, Harry, 'cept it was dead Harry, he was devouring Winnie, ripping her apart as her blood spouted everywhere, and all she could do was scream and cry, crying out for her mama.
Natalia stared wide-eyed, this couldn't be, Winnie was on her hip, but when she glanced, the girl was gone from her side, she was in fact in pieces.
"Harry! Stop it, please! Stop it, please!" Natalia begged. "Our daughter, that's our baby, just stop!"
She went to pull him off, but that's when he turned on her, snapping his jaws at her, trying to take a bite, and when he did, her instinct kicked in, she smashed the plate down on his head, shattering it, then she reached for the lamp, hitting him hard, over and over and over, until he went limp, his head split open and his brain poured all over the floor and their daughter.
"Winnie! Willow! Hey, baby, hi, baby, speak to me... speak to me, baby, you're gonna be okay." She weeped.
But It was too late, she was dead, bleeding out with her flesh torn, cut open and chewed, it was too late.
Natalia opened her eyes, she was in the shower, again. She turned off the water, got out and wrapped an towel around herself, she checked her reflection quickly, still young, then left, heading for that room once again. She burst through the door, startling Harry and Winnie, they were alive, again.
"But- you- I just- but... it doesn't make sense." She rambled.
"Lia, just take the kid, will you, I'm busy. When's lunch ready, I'm starving"
"Nat... I'm so sorry, baby... I'm sorry, she did this to you." Such a familiar voice spoke, but it sounded so far away, like it was coming from above, like it was God himself.
"Daryl?" She whispered.
"You gotta fight, you fight and you wake up, you can't die, and I ain't gonna let you die."
"What the hell are you going on about?" Harry asked her. "Who's Daryl?"
"Oh- no one, he's no one. just some guy at the shop, he- uh- was real piece of work. Sorry, lunch." She grabbed Winnie, quickly fleeing the room, and instead of making his request, she sat in the living room, she sat in the living room unmoving, and she didn't plan on it, either, he couldn't hurt her if they stayed there.
That's when she had disappeared, it was like Natalia had blinked, and she had disappeared.
"Mama! Mama!" Winnie screamed loudly, all the way from upstairs.
"No! Not again, no!" She screeched, sprinting up, towards Harry's office.
She threw the door open, and there he was, chewing on her intestines as she cried for her mother.
Natalia opened her eyes, she was back in the shower, she turned off the water, sitting on the toilet seat as she thought about what to do, how did she get out of this hell, because this was hell, she was in hell, she had died and was now in hell.
She stood up, opening the drawer and grabbing a pair of scissors, leaving the bathroom, she opened the office door and jammed the scissors into Harry's skull, before he even got the chance to speak, she did it a few times, to make sure that he was dead, then she took Willow and went downstairs, sitting on the couch, he was dead, so he couldn't kill her.
"If you're tryna scar your kid for life, you're doing a mighty fine job of it." A booming Texan voice laughed.
Natalia looked up, Abraham Ford was sat on her couch, opposite her.
"Abraham?" She asked, "You're- you're alive?"
"Last time I checked." He chuckled, looking at his arms.
"But- but how? I watched you die? You're in hell?"
"You think we're in hell?" Glenn had appeared next to the red head.
"Glenn?!" She gasped.
"You never told us you had a kid." He smiled, looking at Willow.
"I- I have five." She admitted.
"You and the guy upstairs, so you were busy busy, before all this shit." Abraham joked.
"No, no, me and Daryl, we have kids."
"Heyho, and I didn't think the man had the chops in him." Abraham grinned, delightfully. "Only been pining over you that whole time, finally got some."
"You- you and Daryl? But you guys never had kids." Glenn furrowed his brows. "I mean, you have Evie, but she's not Daryl's."
"No, no we have twins, twin girls, and a baby boy."
"Not anymore, you don't." Abraham told her, staring ahead.
"Abraham!" Sasha walked into the room, sitting on the arm of the chair, cuddling into the man. "You're gonna scare her."
"She's a big girl, she can handle the truth." He told the woman.
"Just ignore them." Glenn told her. "Maggie, is she okay?"
"Maggie- she's. She had a boy, you have a son, Glenn, Hershel." Natalia told him.
He smiled to himself, looking down in thought.
"She tried so hard, for you, she fought for your vengeance."
"But she's not dead." He looked at her.
"I- No, she's not, but I haven't seen her in years, we both left, we left Alexandria, and she left The Hilltop, she joined a different community, we haven't heard from her for a long time." She admitted.
"She's gone, again." Abraham spoke up, pointing at her lap, where Winnie was missing from.
"What? But she- No!" She jumped from the couch, running up the stairs, she threw the door open and Harry, who had been dead was once again, ripping Winnie apart. "You were dead! I killed you!" She screamed, as he pulled him off of their daughter.
Natalia opened her eyes, she punched the bathroom wall, as she let herself cry, why was she back here?
She turned the water off, wrapped the towel around her and grabbed the scissors again, leaving the bathroom.
She took a deep breath before she entered the office, it had to work, he couldn't hurt her, if she beat him to it.
Natalia stabbed the scissors into Willow's skull, killing her.
"What the hell?!" Harry twisted to look at her. "What did you do? What did you fucking do?! Natalia, why did you do that?!" He screamed at her. "Winnie... Winnie, baby, it's Daddy, just open your eyes, please, baby, just open your eyes. What the fuck is wrong with you?" He turned back on the woman, after attempting to shake the toddler awake.
"You can't hurt her, now, you can't hurt her, because I beat you to it. It's over." She dropped the scissors, leaving the room.
Natalia opened her eyes, she was back in the shower.
"What do you want from me?!" She shouted. "What am I supposed to do? Just tell me what I'm supposed to do, please! What do I do, what do I do, just, what do I do?"
Natalia got out the shower, wrapped the towel around her, and proceeded to walk to the other room, her old bedroom, she got dressed, and ignored the office, if she stayed away, they couldn't get to her, that's what she thought, at least.
But, when she closed the closet door, there they were, on the floor, he ripped out the two year old's organs, as blood drowned the both of them.
"No, no no, no, no, no!" Natalia cried as she ran out the room, slamming the door shut, and bolting down the stairs.
"Ah, you're back." Tara greeted her, she had joined the others.
"You're here, too" She whimpered, throwing herself on the couch.
"Y'know, you could be a bit happier to see me, you didn't get to say goodbye, remember?"
"I didn't get to say goodbye to any of you." Natalia reminded.
"So, you're just gonna leave them up there?" Abraham asked.
"Nothing I can do about it, out of sight, out of mind."
"So, when did you have all these kids with Daryl? He never wanted kids, at least that's what it seemed like." Glenn spoke up.
"What's their names?" Sasha asked.
"When did you guys make the pancakes?" Abraham pried, receiving a slap to the chest from Sasha.
"Uhm, I'm not sure... but the twins names are Daisy Caroline, and Bambi Elizabeth, sorry Sash."
"It's fine, Sasha wouldn't go with them, anyway." Sasha sniffed.
"Carol's still alive, why does Sasha get an apology, I was very much alive, at the time, too." Tara sassed.
"And my son is called, Archie Carl."
"Carl?" Glenn asked.
"Yeah, uhm..."
"I made her promise." Natalia looked at the doorway, seeing the teen boy leaning against it, a grin across his face, like he always had.
"Carl!" Natalia stood up. "It's you, you're here!"
"Yeah, it's really me." He laughed, hugging the woman when she jumped at him.
"Rick, rick, your dad, is he here, too?" Natalia asked, but Carl looked confused.
"My dad, why would my dad be here?" He asked.
"Yeah, this is the dead club, Rick ain't dead." Abraham told her.
"But- but there was an accident, Rick died, we all think he died, we never found his body."
"Nat, my dad's not here, if my dad was dead, he'd be here, he's not here, so he's not dead." Carl told her.
"Oh, no, it's happening, again."
Natalia looked at Tara, blood was seeping from her neck, running down herself.
She looked to the others, but they gave no reaction, they couldn't, Abraham's head was gone, brain matter and blood caked his body, his neck ended in a stump, Glenn's forehead was bashed in, his eye popped out, blood pooled from the large wound, she could see parts of his own brain, Carl was ghostly pale, a large gunshot wound was through his skull, where he had shot his brains out, and Sasha was a walker, but Natalia only noticed for a second before Walker-Sasha was lunging at her, knocking her flat on her back, trying to bite at her.
"Sasha, stop! What happened, you were all fine, you were all just fine!" She shouted, pushing the walker-Sasha away from her.
"You did this to us." Glenn said.
"You did this, you caused all of this." Abraham joined in.
"None of this would happen if we never found that stupid house." Carl uttered, and then, they all joined in, chanting it, over and over and over, then Harry was there, holding a dead Willow, he had joined in.
"You did this. You did this. You did this."
Natalia opened her eyes, she was in a bed, a white bed with white sheets, she hurt all over.
She looked down, her arm was in a cast, there was writing all over it, messages, with names, Rosita, Daisy, Gracie, Judith, RJ, Jerry, Bambi, looked like her friends and family had all signed the cast, but why, why was she even wearing a cast.
Then she realised where she was, she was in the infirmary, but not Alexandria infirmary, she was at Hilltop, why was she at Hilltop?
The door was wide open, and that's when she noticed the six year old in her face.
"Mommy, mommy, come on! Get up!" Daisy demanded, pulling at her.
"Daisy? Honey, what's going on? Where is everyone?"
"Mommy, we have to go! They're here, they're here and everything's on fire, come on!"
"What? Honey, slow down, what are you going on about?"
Daisy stopped prodding at her mother, a serious and scared expression was on her face.
"Mom, the whisperers are here, and they are fighting and burning the place down, Daddy said we couldn't move you, because you were still asleep, Ezekiel was the one in charge of evacuating us, but you were gonna die if I didn't come and get you, now, we need to get out of here, and I don't know how to do that, and I need you to get me out of here, and I can't find the other kids, or Daddy, I can't find anyone, so please, get out of bed, and let's go!"
"Okay, alright, okay. We're gonna get out of here, and we'll find the others." Natalia kissed her daughters head, "Pass me my weapons, you got your bow?" She asked, pulling out the two cannulas, one was pumping her with what she could guess was either IV or some medicine that her brain couldn't find the word of, and the other was clearly blood.
"Yeah, on my back." Daisy answered, flying to the chair to gather her mothers weapons.
"Good girl, and who's blood is this?" She asked, as she carefully shifted off the bed, but holy shit, did her whole torso ache, she must've bruised or fractured her ribs, by the pain.
"Daddy's, he said he can give his blood to anyone, and we didn't know what type you were." Daisy came to the bed. "Here."
"Thanks, baby. How long was I asleep?"
"I don't know." Daisy answered, helping her armour up. "We got here, today. Uncle Aaron said that Jerry took you straight here because of the explosion, and you looked really bad, and then they attacked home, Judith shot the huge guy, and then Mary and Aunt Rosita had to fight him so we could hide, then we came here, to see you, then Daddy came, but he was hurt too, he said that Lydia found him and patched him up."
"Why was your dad hurt, what happened?"
"Mommy, I'll tell you later, but we gotta get outta here!" Daisy demanded, she was getting more frustrated by the second.
"Alright, you need a knife, if you need to, anything that looks like a walker, you kill it, don't think about it too much." Natalia handed the girl her own knife. "And you stay by my side at all times, alright? I don't want or need you running off, we stick together like glue, now how bad is it, out there?"
"Walkers everywhere, fire's on most of the buildings, and people, and the whisperers are attacking for sport."
"Alright, but we can handle that, y'know why?" Natalia asked, holding the girls hand, the other was holding a knife.
"Because we're Dixons?"
"Because we're Moore's."
It was loud when they had ran out of the infirmary, the sound, the smell and the aroma of screams, fighting, bloodshed and death surrounded them.
"Baby, you stay with me at all time's alright, if I turn my head for a second and you're gone, I swear to god, Daisy Caroline-"
"Mommy, look out!" The girl pointed at the whisperer who was lunging at them.
Natalia ran to the side, pulling Daisy along, to avoid his hit, running ahead.
"We need to get out of here, and we're going to do that the best we can without provoking a fight."
"Got it!" Daisy agreed.
"Cover your mouth, honey, I don't want you breathing this shit in" Natalia instructed as they continued to run and dodge.
"Hey, no, you do as I say." She snapped.
"No, Mom, look!" A wall of walkers was building up, and some of them was on fire.
"Oh, oh shit, okay, we fight what we can, and we avoid the rest, got it, you stab them down, and then you take them in the head, alright?"
"Judith taught me how to do it." The six year old glared at her.
"Oh, right. Yeah."
They worked together to clear a path, Daisy had impressed Natalia beyond believe, she was impressive, but so graceful, like a dancer, though she was so small, it was incredible.
They managed to get through, but before Natalia could notice, a whisperer was running at her, it didn't attack her, but its blade cut across her stomach, slicing her, and then she heard the yelp of her daughter, as she noticed they had nicked the girl too, they cut her small delicate arm.
Natalia saw red, she twisted, ignoring the agony her body was feeling, stabbing the man in the head, ending his life, then she grabbed her daughter and ran, ran so fast, out of Hilltop, away from it all, avoiding anything coming at them, people, walkers, whisperers, fires, they had to get out of there.
It was daylight when they had stopped running, they didn't know how far away they were from Hilltop.
"Mommy, my arm" Daisy whimpered.
"Alright, okay, baby, let's sit down, lemme see." Natalia helped her daughter down onto an overturned log, sat in the middle of a field, where they could see all around them.
She kneeled in front of the girl, pulling up the sleeve of her green sweater.
A small cut was along her forearm, it wasn't deep, but it had been bleeding.
"Uhm, hmm, honey, I know it hurts, but trust me, it's not bad, okay?"
"Daddy said that you broke your arm in 3 places." Daisy told her, pouting.
"I did?"
"Yeah, but they managed to help you, that's why you have a cast, and he let us sign it, so that when you wake up, you'll know that we love you."
"Baby, I already know you love me, and I love you, but thank you, you made it pretty." She smiled, "But we need to do something about your cut. What you got in your bag?"
"Daddy packed us both "survival kits" full of everything we might need." Daisy said, using air quotes.
"A what?"
Daisy carefully took the bag off of her back, giving it to her mother.
"Food, water, a first aid kit, a blanket in case we get cold, extra socks to keep our feet safe and clean, and spare clothes." She repeated her fathers words.
"Your dad packed all this?" Natalia asked, holding onto the straps.
"Yeah, so that we'll stay safe, Bambi has one too, but she stayed with Ezekiel, Archie too, but Gracie has his, because Judith was carrying him."
Natalia's eyes began to well up, but she ignored it, rifling through the bag for the first aid kit.
Daryl was the kind of father who provided and protected his kids, because he loved them, not because he was expected to.
"Can you talk me through it?" Daisy asked.
"What do you mean, baby?" 
"Like, tell me what you're going to do, explain why you're doing it, so that I know for next time someone else is hurt."
"Oh, yeah, I can do that." Natalia nodded. "Okay, first things first, we have to clean the wound, make sure there's nothing yucky in it, that way it will help prevent from infection." She used the water, pouring it over the cut. "Then, oh, your dad is thorough." She picked up a small clear bottle from the inside of the first aid kit, giving it a sniff. "Yep, that's alcohol, so and this Is the hard part, cause it's gonna sting, but this sterilises the wound, but it's okay, alright."
"I can take it." Daisy was determined.
"That's my girl." Natalia kissed her cheek, before pouring a small amount of the liquid over the cut.
Daisy winced at the pain, letting out a small noise, but other then that, she took it like a champ.
"You are so brave, oh wow, I'm so proud of you." Natalia encouraged, as she used a cloth, that Daryl had also packed in the first aid kit, to wipe at it. "See, all done, now we need to put a bandage over it, do you wanna pick which one?"
She held up a set of three, one with flowers, another with puppies and kittens, and the other had love hearts and sparkles.
"Mommy, come on." Daisy laughed, looking at her.
"Alright, flowers it is." She grinned, putting the others away, opening the box and pulling out a flowered bandage, peeling it and placing it upon Daisy's cut. "There you go, good as new." Natalia kissed the bandage.
"Mommy, what about your cut?" Daisy asked, pointing at Natalia's stomach, she looked down, spotting the line of red along the white long-sleeved t-shirt she was wearing, truth be told, she hadn't really felt the pain until just now.
"Oh." She lifted her shirt, a bandage was already wrapped around her ribs. The cut along her stomach wasn't deep either, but she would have to patch it up. "Hey, baby, you know how I taught you to fix up your arm, you think you could help me?"
"Yes, okay!" Daisy answered much too excitedly for Natalia's liking, but she gave  her the benefit of the doubt, being six years old and all that.
They worked together to patch up the cut, and Natalia required a lot of patience to do it, but finally, they managed it.
"You said Lydia was back, she came back with Daddy..." Natalia sat next to her on the log.
"Yeah, she found him and helped him, so he brought her back to the hilltop, she cried when she saw you, she told Daddy she was really sorry, but he didn't want to talk about it."
"Were you eavesdropping, when you heard all this?"
"No, Daddy just thought I was asleep, that's not my fault." She shrugged.
"Alright, and where was Evie during all this?"
"Evie, tried to help you, with your injuries, but because she kept crying, Alex and Aunt Rosita sent her away, to wait with us, but when we were allowed to see you, she said she couldn't come see you, that she was too scared to say goodbye, but then, I didn't really see her after that, I'm sorry, Mommy."
"No, baby, don't be sorry, okay? You have nothing to apologise for, y'know, if you didn't come save me, I would have died last night, you saved my life, baby."
"It was teamwork." Daisy answered, snuggling into Natalia's side.
Natalia wrapped an arm around her, hugging her tightly, as she lifted a hand to her temple, rubbing along it, she felt a pang of soreness, then felt the hardness along her head, a familiar touch of stitches, that must've been from where they had said she was bleeding before she passed out.
"I miss Bambi." Daisy sighed, when they had sat there for a little while more.
"Me, too, baby, I miss all of them."
"What are we gonna do?" Daisy asked her, looking up at her face.
"You feel like walking? Dad ever teach you how to track?"
"Yeah! We can track them!" Daisy exclaimed, jumping up from the log.
"Alright, lets track them down." Natalia wheezed, holding her ribs, as she got up, holding Daisy's hand.
"Your dad manage to pack a torch in that "Survival" bag?" Natalia asked, once it was getting dark, again.
"Yeah, Mommy, can you grab it, my arm hurts too much to do it."
"Sure baby." She sighed, opening the bag, her unbroken hand diving in to look for the flashlight, muttering "fibber" under her breath.
She clicked it on, shining into the darkness, giving them a little bit of light as they walked through another field.
"Alpha's dead." A voice had said a few metres away from them, and Natalia quickly yanked Daisy down. "Because of you."
They peered ahead, turning the flashlight off as they tried to spot who was there, what they could see was five bodies, though one looked to be restrained, whilst another had his hands up in surrender, the other three were stood opposite.
"That's Daddy!" Daisy hissed to Natalia.
"Shush!" She told the girl.
"Mommy, look, it's Daddy, there." She pointed at the man who's hands were up in surrender.
"Oh shit, it is." Natalia let out a sigh, and the man next to him, just so happened to be Negan, because, of course it was. "Alright, we need to rescue Daddy, okay, can you shoot the walker there?" She pointed at one of the whisperers, "If you take him down, Mommy will finish him off, and I'll take care of the others."
"You got it." Daisy nodded, grabbing her bow and an arrow.
"We kneel... to the new Alpha." The whisperer continued.
An arrow shot through the other man, going straight through his skull, and he soon fell to the ground.
Natalia stared at her daughter wide-eyed, but then soon snapped out of it, throwing an knife at the woman, and she fell, too.
"Mine." Both girls called at the same time, before an arrow and an knife imbedded in the skull of the last whisperer.
"Hey, that's cheating, he was mine!" Natalia said, as they got up, walking forward, together.
"Nuh uh! I totally got that first." Daisy argued, staring up at her mother.
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Nat?! Daisy?!" Daryl called, spotting the two, then he lunged at them, hugging Natalia in particular.
"Daddy!" Daisy squealed as he enveloped them in a hug.
"You're alive." He weeped. "You're alive, you're both alive."
"Yeah, yeah, we're alive, who shot him first?" Daisy asked, wrapping her arms around her fathers neck, pointing at the dead whisperer.
"It was me, just say it was me, we don't have to spare her feelings." Natalia told him, kissing his cheek, but also turning to the body
"I definitely saw an arrow first." Negan spoke up.
"No one was asking you" She glared at him.
"Ha! In your face, Mommy!" Daisy pointed at her, wiggling out of Daryl's hold so that he would put her down. "Negan, you're back!" She ran to the tied up man. "Daddy went looking for you, but he couldn't find you."
"Yeah, sorry about that, kid, I was a bit busy." He shrugged.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Natalia whispered to Daryl.
"He was with her, with Alpha, claims Carol was the one to let him out so he'd kill Alpha." He told her quietly, holding her tight, as he checked the stitches on her head. "He kidnapped Lydia and Evie, but they managed to escape, now we have no idea where they are."
"What?" She demanded. "I almost died in a cave, I just went through hell, literal hell, like I was in hell, when she already had him doing her dirty work?!" She burst.
"Thank you!" Negan snapped.
"Nat, just calm down, alright." Daryl rubbed her arms up and down.
"Calm down? Calm down!" She slapped his chest, pushing him away from her. "You want me to calm down! How dare you! I risked my life trying to save her, look at me! I'm mangled the fuck up, because of her, when he was already doing what she was setting out to do, and she knew the whole time! I'm going to kill her, I'm actually going to kill her!" She dry laughed. "And you're not stopping me! Oh my god, I- we're getting divorced."
"What's divorced?" Daisy asked Negan.
"Kid, make yourself useful and untie me." He said, lowly, turning his back to the six year old, bending down slightly so she could reach.
"My daddy taught me these knots." She examined them, whilst her parents continued to argue about their marriage.
"Your daddy's an ass." He muttered. "Use that knife, there, hey that's your mommy's knife, she threw it at me once, it was hot."
"Daryl, look at my face, my fucking arm! I got sliced up just trying to escape! Did you know that our daughter ran away from safety, to help me get out of there, she also got cut! Our child! Because of your friend! Because she couldn't leave shit alone!"
"Daisy got hurt?!" He whipped around, staring at the two. "Daisy! Get away from him!" Daryl snapped, gesturing her away from the now untied man.
"Yes, she got hurt, one of those skin freaks, came at both of us, her arm is cut Daryl! And who's fault is that? Carol's!"
"Speaking of-"
"Shut up!" They turned on the man.
"Speaking of..." Negan continued. "We gotta find out where the missing head is, so I can earn back my spot back at home." He grinned. "I'm moving into the neighbourhood, officially."
"You are?!" Daisy looked at him.
"No!" The couple snapped.
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angel-inked · 7 months
Don't lose sleep over it.
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Forrest sleeps on a mattress on the floor, ever wonder how that came to be?
This also got a lot longer than I thought it would lol
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @hoodeddreams13 @liliac-dreamer @inkwolvesandcoffee @potter-solomons
A slow day at the station with fair weather meant sitting out on the front porch, you were sitting in a rocking chair with a towel laid over your lap, peeling potatoes for tonight's supper, stealing glances at Howard, Danny, and Jack. Howard and Danny were passing a jar between themselves, despite having a crate sat at their feet, the pair of old friends were content to share one at a time as if it made it taste better. Jack let out a heavy sigh, resting his hat on his knee as he leaned back against a poll that aided in holding up the roof that covered the porch, brooding over God knows what. A relaxed smile rested on your face, the late afternoon that was slowly turning into an evening was almost perfect, given the absence of one of the brothers.
“I could run them blockades.” Jack said flatly. “You? A blockader? Shit.” Danny scoffed. “Ya know, Forrest don't like hearin’ none of your shit.” Howard said with a smug grin, knowing that no matter how ever many times Jack was told to stop complaining, didn't mean he was going to stop anytime soon. “Forrest ain't got no vision,” Jack griped, and you shook your head. That boy would be rich if he could make a living off of talkin’ about vision this and vision that, you thought. “He still sleeps on the floor, like a goddamn chinaman.” Jack continued as Danny passed the half full jar back to Howard. The eldest glanced at Danny as he took the jar, he sat it on the old oak barrel next to his side of the bench. He leaned his elbows on his knees, leaning forward and smiling at Jack. “I'll bet you don't know the story behind that do you, little brother?” He asked. Jack only stared in response, making Howard snort a laugh, “All started the day somebody broke into the goddamned place…”
“Son of a bitch..” Forrest grumbled quietly, walking up the front steps, glancing back at Howard over his shoulder. The eldest snapped his head up to attention, “You seein’ this shit?” Forrest gestured to the broken window, shards of glass littered almost half of the front part of the wrap around porch. Forrest sighed as he entered through the door, retrieving his revolver from his belt. “You check upstairs.” He said calmly, they've already dealt with their share of less reputable sources, it was the nature of their business and not many in said business had the pleasure of officials who turned a blind eye to them and their doings in broad daylight. Howard nodded and moved past him, marching up the stairs with all the grace of a compact herd of bulls. Forrest sighed heavily, damn it Howard. Thankfully there was only one set of stairs, however he wouldn't put it past some people to fling themselves out of a second story window depending on how desperate they were, he's pulled enough of his own risky getaway stunts to understand this on a personal level, and getting away from Howard was certainly something that could drive someone to such measures. The kitchen and barroom, and more importantly his office appeared untouched as he moved through the rooms. He stood steadfast in the doorway of his office, eyes studying every inch of the room to satisfy himself that there wasn't a single belonging out of place, with as much time as he spent here, of course he would be the one to know. He breathed deeply, a long deep comfortable breath of cigar smoke soaked walls mixing with the leather polish he used on the boots that he kept for nice, not that “nice” counted for much around here. He hung his hat on a crudely fashioned iron hook Howard had put by the door some time ago now, Howard was of course taller, so eye level for him was a bit over Forrest's head but that didn't matter, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. A content sigh left his lips, half a mind to pick up one of his ledgers.
“Forrest!” Howard called, Forrest flinched at the sudden break of his comfortable silence, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh, grumbling incoherently to himself as he took a step backwards out of the doorway, supposing being hollered at by his brother was better than hearing a gunshot. His heavy boots thudded as he moved up the stairs, he'd never exactly gone out of his way to find Howard, didn't have to. Just follow the string of curses, they'd always lead right to him. Howard stood aimless in the middle of the bedroom, Jack's bedroom.. or what was left of it. Clothes were scattered across the floor as if thrown, Forrest knew they were folded and put away in the chest of drawers this morning, he'd been the one to put them there. Mattress and bedding turned over carelessly, they fared better than the frame itself, looking like someone had taken both ends of an ax to it. A splintered pile of broads, like someone had been in desperate need of firewood. Forrest wouldn't really blame them had that been the case, he'd been in that position before, knew a lot of others who had also been there before.
Howard glanced around the room, gaze finally settled on Forrest leaning a shoulder against the door jamb with his arms crossed across his chest. The shorter male flicked his hazel eyes toward the leftovers of their younger brother's bed and back to Howard's face, he hadn't been able to tell if the feeling that spider-walked down his spine was a shiver or a tingle. The eldest settled on a mix of both, deadlocked by what was outwardly the stare of the middle brother, but inwardly, a dead ringer for the stare of a mother. Forrest had always looked the most like her. He'd always had her eyes, greenish hazel with flakes of honeyed brown, he attempted to shrug off the haunting memory. “This is it,” he stated, answering the unsaid question, “nothin’ else.” You learned how to answer without being asked if you spent enough time with Forrest, something the youngest had yet to master. Silence fell among the two men, Forrest readjusted his stance slightly, shifting on his feet, eyes moving around the bedroom. Howard idled, taking his time to stow away his weapon, awaiting his brother's command. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and rested his weight on one leg, a hip stuck out to the side, eyes following and tracing the paths the eyes of his younger brother carved out. “Hmm” Forrest finally hummed, stepping over the threshold, one hand settling in the pocket of his patterned sweater vest, “Best find something to fix that window,” he started, “bar it at least, until we get a replacement.” Howard nodded, and Forrest continued, “I'll sort this mess out.” His free hand gestured to the room, Howard nodded again, moving past Forrest without a word, off to do as he was told.
Forrest huffed, recalling how he spent their last trip into town doing all he could to hold Howard back from lounging at a pair of, well he still thought of them as boys, they were grown now. Howard ran with them once, if only because they were his age. They snickered at each other, Howard and Jack were whooped house dogs, according to them, and Forrest was an overly bossy prick apparently. “They don't know us.” Forrest had said out of earshot in an attempt to quell a frenzied Howard. He shook his head as if it would rid his mind of the memory, focusing on the task at hand. He flipped the latch on the window open, grabbing the stick that Jack used to prop it open. He sent the first piece of wood sailing out of the window, hurtling toward the ground. He'd stuff it in the barn later, even if it did end up as firewood later. Wood could always be used for something.
Howard spat on the ground, holding the rusty nails with his mouth may not have been the best idea in hindsight, but it got the job done. He yanked on the similarly rusted rebar, with not a single clue nor care where Forrest and Cricket came up with it, to make sure it held, it was a crude fix, but he still grinned when it stayed in place, he had gotten what he was after. The old screen door wailed on its hinges as he made his way to inspect his work from the inside. His pleased grin only widened. His attention snapped to the stairs when he heard a thunk, wood against wood, followed by a soft string of uttered curses. “Forrest?!” He called, no answer, figures. His feet carried him up the stairs before he really had a say in the matter. Whoever had broken the window was well and gone, but his strong instincts to protect kicked in nonetheless. His heavy boots stomped against the wooden floor as he rushed to his baby brother. The doorway was blocked by a piece of furniture, a bed frame, maybe? he couldn't see around or over it. “Forrest?” He said again, more confused this time. “Well, push the damned thing already.” Forrest responded from inside the room, sounding particularly frustrated. Howard propped a shoulder against the dark colored wood, bracing his legs as he put his weight into wedging the heavy object out of the way. It emitted a manner of creaks and groans, complaining with every inch of movement, a number of groans, grunts, and grumbling came from the two men brute forcing the movement upon it. Forrest would give him an earful later, but Howard ceased his pushing momentarily, adjusting his stance and growling at the stubborn simple bed. Resetting his feet and putting all his weight into ramming his shoulder against the frame, and something gave, it was through the door finally.
Forrest fell backwards with a thunk, he gazed up at the piece of furniture that now towered over him from this point of view on his rear. “Bastard…” he murmured, cursing directed at the inanimate object, not Howard. He huffed before going to get to his feet, a pair of arms snaked under his pits and lifted him, remaining in place until he found his balance. Howard rounded his side and came into vision, blue orbs ran over Forrest multiple times in quick succession. Howard could step up if needed, but without a solid source of direction, he would ultimately be entirely lost. Those concerned eyes came to rest on the middle brother's face. Forrest only softened his gaze like this for his brothers, bunching part of Howard's jacket in his fist, a couple light tugs and a pat on the shoulder made Howard smile at him. With the bedframe no longer stuck, Forrest muscled it into place with ease as Howard's features scrunched into a puzzled expression. “Where'd you get this?” He asked, not thinking about how his body seemed to help move the mattress in place automatically. Forrest paused, staring Howard down from the opposite side of the bed, a soft grunt fell from his lips as he turned to put the rest of the bed back together. Howard once again made to help without much thought on anything except what Forrest wouldn't tell him, he cornered the shorter male as he put a pillow in its proper place, studying Forrest's expression. “Aren't I worth answerin’?” Howard said, placing an arm either side of his younger brother's head, leaning on his hands and the wall. Forrest sighed heavily and audibly through his nose, ducking under Howard's arm and making for his own bedroom door. Howard of course, followed, stopping the door from shutting completely with his foot with very little force, albeit said door was slammed in his face regardless after Forrest smacked his side into it. Howard remained in place for a moment, staring at the door and nodding at nothing in particular, eventually sullenly walking to his door at the end of the hall.
“It's been that way since.” Howard finished telling his tale, “you got back from Cricket's, and didn't know the difference.” He added. The orange, pink, and purple gradient of the sunset was accompanied by the approaching rumble of an engine, the brothers shared truck came to a stop and Forrest lumbered out of the driver's seat, and the aforementioned Cricket Pate appeared from the passenger door, the grin plastered to his face got bigger when he spotted Jack. “Jack! You ain't gon’ believe this.” He chirped happily, showing off his newest jar of hooch. Forrest let out a satisfied groan as he twisted his midsection, making his back crack with an audible pop. He thudded up the steps with no hurry in his pace as Cricket chattered on about how he'd perfected his recipe, “I.. uh, had a little help, of course.” He added, glancing up at Forrest, who shook his head and shrugged, not sharing in the boy’s excitement with how many years he's been runnin’ shine now, wasn't worth fussin’ over. Forrest sauntered to your side, stubble pressed into your cheek as he caressed it with a gentle kiss, “Darl’” he drawled softly in greeting. Cricket had gone quiet, as Jack's focus shifted to his big brother taking his relaxed moments toward the front door, one foot got over the threshold before he stopped and turned back to Jack, who figured he knew he was being stared at, “The hell you watchin’ me for?” The middle brother asked, Jack turned away, fiddling with his fingers in his lap. “Hmft.” Forrest grunted at the lack of answering, and then he disappeared inside.
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mercair · 5 months
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*(Alright, we're rollin'. Don't ruin this collaboration for us, Visin. . .)
*Lightners and Gentle-darkners, welcome to this live recording for the one and only Tenna Talk Show! I'm your host, as always, Mx. Tenna! The darkner you can always count on to call themself your aunt and give you little to none of some pretty good advice in all honesty. Tonight, we have some very special guests! Everyone give it up for the one and only Mike Roffani and The Director!
*W-wait what??? Visin, you said that I was out of this recordin'! I didn't sign up to be on air today, I just had to deal with dat stupid plant-
*Oh nonono, my dearest Rophony! These two are from an. . .adjacent dark world and must have a lot to say about their careers! Now, tell us, Roffani n' Miss Director, how have your careers been shaking up? Have you seen any Lightners in the crowd? Maybe, perhaps, our glorious Little Knight, Kris, who made this dark world for us! Give them a hand, will ya? Anyway, back to the topic, how has you guy's days been? And if you don't mind me adding to this. . .what's your opinion on Rook's little gang on misfits he's made over here with me, Rophony, and him? Got anything to say about us? Don't worry, I'm always open to constructive and destructive criticism!
*(Wait! I-I wasn't supposed to be a part of this script! You know how I get when the cameras are rolling and-)
*Relax, Action! You'll be fine out here! Why dint we all give him a big hand as he misreads the room and decides to come over here now to get an exclusive interview with all three of us!
*Ummm. . .Hi. . ?
*Oh this is gonna be fun. I's can already tell. Maybe i was against it earlier, but now that Action's here to embarrass himself I feel a bit less like the odd one out in dis room. . .
*H-Hey! You can't. . . Wait! Right! Interview! Yeah, okay, yep! So ummmm. . .yeah that.
* Well, first of all, thanks for having us here on your show, Visin! It really is a new experience, especially for me! I'm usually the one sitting over there askin' stuff to people! It's nice, sometimes you just need a lil' fresh air, you know what i mean? How 'bout you, boss?
* Gotta say buddy, it's preeetty damn weird to not be behind the cameras after so long. But eh, i guess it's not that bad.
* As for your first questions, Visin. Well now that we're back at it, work is goin' pretty good i say, thanks to lil' Kris in the crowd! Perhaps the only lightner i respect.
* HAHA, YOU'RE RIGHT! It's thanks to them that i get to see the boss again!
* Aww, how unecessarily and horribly sweet, Mike (don't say things like that in public ever again or i swear to god i will fire you).
* Anyways Visin, as for your other questions, i gotta say i-
* OH MAN I LOVE IT HERE! You guys got such a nice studio, and i have to tell ya' buddy i like your style, n' that suit looks really good on ya', Visin! Do you mind givin' me your tailor's info or somethin'?
* ... Do you have a tailor?
* AHEM, as i was saying before the rude interruption of my buddy Mike, i like the vibe here!
* Your buddy Mike Rophony looks like a serious business man and that's also one of the only professions i respect, i mean, i myself am runnin' a studio n' a mo- A STUDIO, i said a studio. I know the work, i know how hard it is. Besides, i like the style, looks almost like it came right out from a movie, haha!
* And your buddy, Mr. Rook Action, from a director to another, i gotta say i like their work, sure famous people might get a lil' bit borin', (No offense, Visin) but they're FAMOUS for a reason, ain't i right?
* And i'd say that anxiety is a normal thing in this particular line of work, you know, wantin' to please the public n' all that crap, but i gotta be honest, that might actually be a problem, and it ain't gonna do you any favour, buddy. I myself have never had any anxiety problems or anythin' like that-
* What? But boss, remember that one time that we ran out of actors for a princess movie?
* Mike i swear to god-
* And you got so desperate to please the lightners that you decided to play the role of the princess yourself...
* And you were stuttering almost all the time in all of your lines...
* And almost had a panic attack when the cameras started rolling in the kiss scene...
* And then you never finished the movie because of that...
* HAHA! I remember i was playing the prince on that one, that was wei-
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immajustvibehere · 2 years
Pls give us part 2 of “Captured & Captivated”. That was so good🥵
I really thought I wouldn't write another part. But here I am 😔
Captured & Captivated
Part 2
Arthur Morgan x fem!Reader
warning: filthy, low honor, non consent (unfortunately, I can't write smut or this would have gone differently heh)
summary: After the bounty hunter had granted you your freedom, but left you to fend for yourself half-naked, you rejoin him at the fire. Spending the night at his camp would surely increase your chance of survival, right?
Part 1 here!
1700 words, 12 minutes reading time
“What’s your name, mister?”, you asked, covering your bare breasts with your knees and having your arms resting upon them. The fire warmed you moderately well. It was better than hiding in the bushes, that’s for sure.
"None of your concern, sweetheart", he answered. His voice was low but dripped in honey. You had the feeling he wanted to impress you. He wanted you to stay and not run off, or he wouldn't have offered the possibility to join him at the fire. You eyed him suspiciously.
"Jus' makes conversation more complicated...", you mumbled.
He gave no answer to that, only shook his head slightly.
"Got a blanket for me?", you asked after a while of silence. The fire could only warm one side of your bare torso and while your skin on the front almost burned under the heat, your back cooled down extremely.
"Yer god damn demandin' for someone I just granted freedom", the man answered and lit a cigarette. He didn't give any indication of actually handing you something to warm you up. After a sigh, you remained silent and watched the flames.
"You can stay at my camp. That's as good as it gets, darlin'", he flicked the finished cigarette into the fire, "unless you can pay. Which I highly doubt."
He had a cocky smile on his face. What exactly did he expect? That you would suddenly procure a ten dollars bill and pay him for a blanket? Of course he didn’t. He knew you had nothing.
"Want me to lie down for you?", you asked. But the expression of the man changed immediately into one of disgust.
"I’m afraid I’m not interested. I generally don’t entertain women with dubious morals."
"I ain't no whore", you explained calmly. You would have bet your life that the man in front of you had slept with more people than you had. Not only was he older, but he also was somewhat handsome. So, you despised his assumption.
"Sure", he snickered. You watched his face closely and saw how the disgust dissipated. He could tell you weren’t a prostitute. You had been so insecure even to remove your cloths in front of him. But Arthur admired that you were willing to get laid, only for a blanket to cover yourself up.
For a while, nobody spoke. You listened to the logs being devoured by the flames or the occasional cricket calling for a mate. Arthur started a small carving project before he stuck the knife into the ground next to him and put his hat lower into his face. It was night, probably very late by now. Even though you had survived a rather tricky day, you weren’t as tired. A gut feeling told you to stay awake.
"Don't try no funny business or you might regret it", the man warned before he settled into a half-recumbent position and remained silent. You waited. With open eyes and attentive spirit you endured until his chest was heaving with even breaths. Occasionally, your gaze wandered to the knife next to him. There was no other way out. You couldn't walk away, or you'd freeze or be killed – besides, you couldn’t simply walk into a town without wearing a top. Theoretically, you could steal something from him. His saddlebags must at least contain a spare shirt you could take and run off with. Maybe you should even steal his horse. But you were positive he'd wake up and shoot you dead if you even attempted it. Waiting until the next morning was useless too. Why wouldn't he just tie you up again and drag you to the law to collect your bounty?
This left one option: Kill him and then run off with his things. It was easy. His knife was there, almost begging to be used by you. You would slit his throat and it would be over before he could even wake up. Only one problem: you had never killed someone. But this was about your survival and you figured you would be able to do it in the heat of the moment.
After a deep breath you reached for the knife. Your fingers had barely closed around the handle when the man jumped up, twisted it out of your hand and before you knew it – you were pinned to the ground, the man promptly sitting down on your thighs to prevent you from getting up. For a second, he had loosened the grip around your wrists. You lost not a moment. Your hands shot up to his throat, grasping it firmly. If you can't stab him, you would choke him. But the man didn't stir. Even with both your hands, you couldn't reach around the man's throat entirely, and since he had you pinned from your waist down, you couldn't exert all your strength.
He chuckled lightly. Tears started to prick your eyes. You fucked up. Great. You assaulted a killer, and now what?
Like they were burdocks, he peeled your hands off his throat.
"What did you want with the knife? I'd recommend not lying to me."
You took a shaky breath, your brain working miles an hour, waging if a lie would do less harm. The man saw you considering, took your wrists and pinned above your head to the ground. You felt fully exposed, lying with bare torso under this huge man. He leaned over you, slowly putting more of his weight on your body. You groaned. You had guessed he wasn't putting his full weight on your body before, and you had been right.
"'m listening?"
You sucked in a breath and whispered a shaky: "Wanted to kill you."
A quick smile darted across the man's face: "At least yer honest."
He was lying on top of you entirely now, his beard scratching your cheek. He whispered: "Tell me, huh,… what am I supposed to do with ya?" Even if you wanted to answer, there was no air left in your lungs to form words. Slowly, he grinded his hips against yours and you felt his hard bulge pressing into your heat. He seemed to rather enjoy the hoarse whine he earned for that.
One hand of his was enough to keep both of yours in place. The other one wandered down your arm, touching you almost tenderly until he had reached your boob, which he roughly squeezed. You wriggled underneath him. If you had been able to, you would have begged him to get off.  As if he understood, he let go of your hands and stood up. He looked down on you, tilting his head and taking in your feeble frame underneath him.
"I preferred you tied up anyways", he stated before he walked over to the tree to fetch some of the rope. You didn't dare to move. The knife he had twisted out of your hand wasn't that far off, but you were too scared to even think about attempting an escape. You simply watched the man pick up the rope.
He turned you around, tying your arms behind your back.
"That'll do, don'tcha think?", he asked satisfied.
"What are you gonna do with me?", you asked anxiously
"Haven't decided yet. You really threw your freedom away with that pathetic attempt of yers."
Grabbing you by the shoulder he helped you into a sitting position. He was squatting next to you, his eyes roaming your face. With a gentle movement he wiped away the tears on your face with his calloused fingers. You flinched at first, out of fear he'd hit you.
"No crying, alright? Them tears don't do your pretty face any good", he said, almost in a friendly. You choked down a sob, nodding hesitantly. When he stood up again to walk back to his little spot, he picked up the knife in the process, putting it back into its sheath. He got comfortable, sliding down the trunk and lowering his hat into his face. "Get some rest", were the last words you heard from him.
At first, you didn't think it would be possible to fall asleep. Your heart was beating, and you were still freezing. Only after you crawled closer to the fire and actually lied down with your eyes closed, you felt the exhaustion. You feared you'd wake up behind bars - or worse. But it didn't matter how much of a fight you put up; sleep won in the end.
You woke up with a start. A thin blanket slipped off your body. It was dawn. The stranger was gone. Despite the blanket, which he must have thrown on top of you while you were asleep, you were cold. The fire had gone out and a slight wind blew through your hair. There was no tent, no horse. Nothing but a clean shirt on which your head had rested. You picked it up. It was clearly one of his. You slipped into it. It was too big but provided some desperately needed warmth. Only then you realized that your hands had been cut free. The remains of a burnt rope lay on the charred logs of the fireplace.
Even after years had passed, you never truly forgot the stranger. At first, you despised him for the toying around he had done, for letting you strip and sleep half naked, for the groping and threatening. After a while though, those memories faded. What remained was the essence of this encounter. You had been his bounty which he had freed for a remarkably low price. His blue eyes and how he examined your body with them was something you never quite forgot. At the end, you pitied him. Maybe, you thought, you finally saw him at what he truly was; a conflicted man. On the hunt for money, cruel and desperate and yet not cold-hearted enough to do you real harm. Every time when you thought about the man in this way, you wondered if you blew his character out of proportion and if you had got it all wrong...and yet, there was no way to confirm. At the end, all that was left of him was a shirt in a closet.
I'm sorry that the sequel sucked even more than the first part xd But I wanted to write it anyways! oops
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infoglitch · 1 year
The rose reaper and her shining dork knight: tunnel vision of love
(Yes this is a Lancaster post. Does this conflict with the fact I ship white knight. No. Because I wanna write something cute. So fuck you I'm doing this.
Very sorry for the horrible characterization. It's been a while since I've seen rwby. Anyway enjoy motherfuckers.)
Jaune was sitting in his dorm cleaning of crocea mors as Nora and ren had gone of to gods knows where. Leaving jaune on his bed humming to himself as he finished the cleaning process before grabbing the sheath and placing away his sword. Then the door bust opens as a groan was heard as none other than ruby rose walked in as her face was plastered with a look of exhaustion.
Jaune: hey crater face how you feeling.
Ruby walked to his bed before face planting on it as she let out a loud muffled yell.
Jaune: oh that's not good. Wanna talk about it.
Ruby looked at him as she nodded before jaune picked her up and placed her on the opposite end of the end of the bed.
Jaune: so what's the big thing.
Ruby: it's yang. Ever since her and Blake got all buzz buzz-
Jaune: buzz buzz? What's that supposed to mean.
Ruby: yang and blake had this combo attack I called bumblebee so now that their dating I've been calling their little moments buzz's.
Jaune: so it's just a joke referencing an old attack name. yeah now I see why yang always made puns. No offense rubes.
Ruby: none taken. But my point is. Now that their all buzz buzz and now that Salem's been taken down. Those two barely pay attention to anything else except each other.
Jaune: remember ruby their only a recent couple. Love can sometimes put people in a state of tunnel vision. To busy running to the one thing they want they cant see anything else. But now I ask why is this bugging you?
Ruby: ok so me, yang, Weiss, and Blake were chase down some grimm that were terrorizing a town and the grimm were obviously disorganized because ya know their queens dead. So it was easy right?
Jaune: and I know where this is going. Let me guess yang was being stupid and flirting with Blake. Causing atleast one grimm to good knock in. Right?
Ruby nodded profusely as jaune sighed before pulling ruby in and hugged her small frame.
Jaune: people tend to have tunnel vision when in love rubes. Remember how I was in beacon?
Ruby thought back to the old days of beacon before snickering as she remembered that one time jaune showed up to team rwbys dorm with a guitar all just to ask out Weiss.
Ruby: yeah you were pretty dumb back then. Not gonna lie I probably would've been left speechless if you did that for me.
Ruby looked at jaune with her silver eyes peering Into him with a soft gentle gaze.
Ruby: but I am happy for yang. Those two seem great together. Even if it's an pain in the butt to deal with them being dumb dumbs.
Jaune: that's just love rubes. That's just love.
The two stared at each other before pressing their foreheads together as they just stay there. Content with everything. Before a low growl could be heard from ruby's stomach as the two look down at her stomach before looking at each other.
Jaune: let's get something to eat. My treat.
Ruby: it better be vomit boy~.
Jaune: pfft. Ah shut it crater face.
(sorry this was so damn short I just wanted to make something because Im bored. And I felt like being basic. Anyway I'm gonna get put on a pike now because I'm pretty sure a few people are going to be hunting my head. See you all when I bring more garbage writing. to your front door.)
(god I stayed up way too late I can feel death getting ready to crawl up my spine and suck my- no. This ain't Wattpad.)
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colorfuldream · 10 months
Since we've calmed down after the last Splatfest, I can finally bitch about some Shiver fans' takes.
My God she did NOT try to "change the subject and try to make Frye comfortable".
Shiver SUCKS. She's greedy, she brags when she wins, she'll say anything she has to to get vote. That's WHY SHE'S FUN! Every member of Deep Cut Kinda Sucks. That is the point!
Big Man does get a little carried away and sometimes gets worked up (though he's still being nice) during the fests announcements. Frye barely even tries to make an argument (her job!) because she's too busy being silly.
None of them give a damn about the results. They're here to party and have fun. Sure, they like to win but they don't care if they lose. Almost every single time, the winner says something along the lines of "all three options are nice though" or "let's do all three!"
Shiver did exactly what she did for the Nessie vs Aliens vs Bigfoot festival: lie her ass off. This time, instead of lying about seeing Nessie, she pretended that her choice was better because she legit doesn't know how to do a fist bump. It's silly! It's endearing! She's a loser! Girlfailure! She doesn't care if it's embarrassing, she came clean because it's no big deal and she won! She won eight fucking times in a row, she gets to brag if she pleases.
It's fine for your fav to not be perfect. You don't need to go out of your way to mischaracterize an entire dialogue because you need to defend her from the "haters". And quite frankly, wouldn't it be worse if she was babying the other members (or singling Frye out) because they didn't win for months? Don't you think it would be condescending? Her lines were implied to be prewritten. None of them have a problem with what they have to say. They might even write them themselves for all we know!
Deep Cut are all good friends. That's why they don't give a single flying into space fuck about who wins, the things said to win, or the things said after they won.
And, finally, ofc it also goes for Frye and Big Man fans. Neither care if they lose. Frye doesn't even try (ie: she had less than 10% of the bite for Team Fame and had no reaction, especially when she could have made great arguments for it since it logically beat the other two teams (sorry for breaking Splatfest law guys, it needed to be said)), Big Man is just happy to be there (though he probably really wanted Love to win... But alas capitalism triumphs all). I'd LOVE it if Nintendo finally wrote them some spicy dialogue instead of the bland and boring "eh gg" we've been getting for over a year. I'd LOVE the acknowledgement that Frye is incredibly unpopular and has gotten brutal loses. They did it in Splat1 and 2. I want my girl to go on a rampage or for Big Man to impose himself. But it's not that big of a deal. We ain't getting angst. Deep Cut is too busy sharing their one braincell to decide what meal they're gonna have to care.
#text#ondina's text posts!#big man splatoon#shiver splatoon#frye splatoon#splatoon 3#splatoon#shiver hohojiro#frye onaga#big man#i know it's like twitter discourse but it's so annoying#they're silly singing squids just chill#let frye wear something sexy tho like i've seen someone comment that they didn't know she had hips and it took me out#she may be silly but she can be silly and slaying! let shiver wear something silly while frye is for the thristy hoes for once#so sad that shiver isn't also a silly jester for frostyfest... but she got an almost new model/outfit so good for her#free frye from her baggy pants for once her outfits are low-key similar#but we aren't talking enough about big man... so cute. so silly. he's sparkly. a litte star. the glitter is so satisfying#anyway bye I'll bitch once the theme is announced or we get more Shiver discourse#i don't even care that much; what i care about is the shitty big run stages we've been getting; the boss that wasn't adapted for it debuting#debuting there and somehow getting the worst weapons on top of ut#*it. at least the rewards system is better but i wish i could actually play. because yeah the connection was terrible. the server was#macfucking dying. it also sucks that my teammates were bad#use your specials!!! throw the eggs to the basket or in its direction! i am begging you!! i was there waiting because my weapon sucked!#i played for two days and barely got bronze#i hope we can get the rewards later because i wanted it so much
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koumeowkami · 1 year
🪐 no celestial ; kanallen
— chapter two
"Kanata was a poor little angel that heaven couldn't help. He'd always been a tough one, not trusting anyone but his little brother Nayuta, the only person that ever made him feel love. Growing up by themselves, he did everything in his power to protect his sick brother, things that dirtied his holy hands. "It's for a good cause though", he thought. But it wasn't enough, and Nayuta died soon after.
Kanata's soul was completely spent. He became unable to feel love, and adding to his dirty dealings that soon were found out, he got cast out of heaven. Fallen on Earth with his wings blackened, he felt so lost and empty he thought he could've just died.
But a random encounter with a very annoying, persistent, stupid redhead human boy would've made him discover love again."
769 words
genre: supernatural, hurt/comfort, angst
warnings: none
previous ✧ next
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"...What the fuck did you just say?"
Oh no.
Everything was going so smoothly for Kanata. He couldn't believe that, right at the end of the fucking day, he had to run into someone. Someone who even called him an angel? How could he possibly know that? Thank God he could hide his wings now, at least.
"Sorry, um... I just thought you were... pretty" that redhead said frantically, "I didn't mean to say it out loud."
Pretty? What kind of game was that bastard playing? Kanata was so frustrated he could only break the eye contact and look as far as he could, pondering on what to say to send that kid to hell. He was trying really hard to ignore the slight heat forming in his cheeks.
"This is ridiculous. Stop looking at me and leave me alone already! I ain't in the mood for a conversation" he said, probably thinking he'd been pretty clear.
Apparently, he wasn't.
"Yeah, sorry about that, it was kinda embarrassing" the redhead scratched the back of his neck, "What are you doing here, by the way? It usually gets pretty chill at this hour". Kanata was stunned. Was that dude crazy or just really stupid? Getting all friendly with him, of all people. He'd forgotten what being close to someone was like, it was making his skin itch.
"Are you deaf? I told you I don't wanna talk. And it's none of your business anyway. Has anyone ever told you not to get close to strangers?" he retorted clearly annoyed by how persistent this guy was being despite all the clear signals he kept giving him.
"Of course I know! But... I don't know how to say it..." he stopped for a bit in thought, then looked straight in Kanata's lilac eyes and smiled, "I feel like I can trust you. I believe fate made us find each other, for some reason."
Kanata froze in place.
Even though he might sound genuine, Kanata didn't trust him one bit. Actually, he just wanted him gone. The more he looked at him, the angrier he got. He didn't want him to get any closer, as his burning innocence and passion were setting his lost, empty soul on fire. And it hurt, it hurt so much.
"Fate... trust... bullshit. I stopped believing in that stuff long ago" he laughed bitterly, "I don't have a reason to do that anymore. All I needed in my life is gone now. I don't need, or even want, your stupid fucking help. All I want is to be left alone... to die in peace... so go die in a hole for all I care."
Kanata saw the redhead step back a bit. He looked pretty shocked, but not at all intimidated. Instead, his expression curved in a small smile. "I don't know what you went through... but I'm gonna find it out" he confidently said, "One day I'll earn your trust and we'll become friends!"
"Tsk... is this some sort of challenge? Maybe the late hour is getting to your head, or you're really just that much of a dumbass" Kanata replied, almost exasperated. That guy really had a lot of nerve, huh. He wasn't running away from him, he wasn't scared. Maybe it was just a matter of time, since that kid didn't know anything about him yet; damn, he didn't even know he wasn't human. Maybe he would forget him soon and never pester him again. "Well, nevermind... just get lost already" he added later, turning his back to the other guy.
"Oh, right... it's so late. My roommates are gonna be so mad if I don't get home immediately, so I'm really going now" he said and dashed towards the park's entrance, but then suddenly turned around.
"Ah, by the way... my name is Allen, but you can call me Suzaku as well! Bye, angel."
He left.
The park was finally quiet again. Kanata exhaled, glad that the peace he had found was back. Something felt slightly weird in his chest, but he didn't think about it too much. He laid down on a bench hidden behind the bushes and shut his eyes; not that he could actually sleep, no. He lost that privilege when Nayuta died: now that his sweet angel wasn't there anymore to hold his hand and wish him a good night, his thoughts were overflowing with bad memories and nightmares.
Tonight was different, though. Among all the scary visions, he saw a familiar redhead little bastard.
He immediately opened his eyes again and sighed.
This was gonna be a long night.
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lustrous-dawn · 1 year
Deidra@Zhen: Pardon me, great one, I hope you don't mind me asking, but I have never met a pokemon like you before. What is your role in this world? I have only heard that you are able to give life to the pokemon around you. Is this rumor true?
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"Ain't never seen a Ho-oh before?" Zhēn raised an eyebrow. He couldn't say he was too surprised to hear those words. In his lifespan, he only came across one… A disquiet settled over his features, his golden gaze becoming shadowed. "Great one? That ain't a title for me," he said in a sober tone. He pushed himself to his feet, brushing the dust from his robes. 
He gave a look towards the kids by his side and they caught on rather quickly. Hand in hand, they hurried back to their caretaker, Nakhti having a watchful eye. 
"I only seen one like yourself but he was rather orange where you're… yellow. You both seem out of this world so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." Whatever the hell they were supposed to be. Despite the casual tone in Ho-oh's voice, there seems to be turmoil rolling beneath the surface.
Folding his arms across his chest, a subtle heat to his eyes, a glow of power emitting from his figure, "I'm what they call the God of Hearts 'round these parts. These eyes of mine can see into that heart of yours and see what's troubling you. Your emotional heart. Heartache, Happiness, sorrow. You know it, you name it really," he said with a shrug. "I'm supposed to be the guide to lead idiots back to having a healthy 'heart'. I don't need these eyes of mine to see what's bothering folks, usually they're obvious about it but it's useful to those who are harder to read.
The Ho-oh respected others' privacy however . They were entitled to keeping secrets as much as any other person. 
Then the warmth leeched from his face at the end, his expression becoming cold. The drastic change was noticeable to Nakti watching in the distance.
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 "That's none of your damn business," a hiss from the Ho-oh. 
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blogofloathing · 10 months
Part 1 of 4, Part 2 Will Release Later This Week!!
Gygan thought that the clicking of his own damn typewriter keys would drive him competely insane.
at some point in a writers life they're tasked to write something as dull and as empty as this.
But fuck if it didn't bore him out of his skin. This couldn't possibly hold a candle to pulling teeth.
He didn't even really know what he was writing, it spewed out like a pointless dribble. Some shit about crime rates and how 'things are going great!'
puh-lease, Gygan rolled his eyes at just the thought. He'd be lucky if he had a job by the end of the month, with the fuckin comptroller sticking the proverbial pig of their funding. God damn it all.
You're a 32 year old man, and yet here you are, not writing the next big story to fund your retirement
Or doing anything you actually care about, but instead writing some shitty propaganda for the government that's putting you out of business.
So it goes, he thinks, a story will come along, he has connections. Its just a matter of time really..
Taking a long swig from his coffee, but choking hard on it enough to nearly send his lunch up.
Right.. the coffee would be the first to go huh?
Disregarding this as just another nuisance of the day, Gygan continued this monotonous work.
But right after he'd about found a comfortable typing rhythm, he was interrupted by a letter.
dropped unceremoniously onto his desk. "What the hell is this??" He said, temper already none too present, spitting venom with each caustic word.
"dunno, says it's for you Gyg', cmon lighten up a lil wouldya?" His useless coworker said, batting away the flames that spewed from his very being.
Gygan wondered what fresh hell this letter had to offer, he didn't even wanna know.. still.
Against all wishes to be doing anything but this, he carelessly ripped open the letter, its contents unsurprisingly spilling out all over his desk.
"What.. the fuck??" Gygan stared down in disbelief.
He didn't think this much paper could even fit in the tiny envelope he'd received, seemingly endless.
Countless pages of writing added more mud to the already swamped desk. It was so fuckin much he didn't even know where to begin, it was freaky.
Quickly doubling back to check the return address.
Having a hunch but.. shit, of course it was Ernst..
He knew Ernst was always a bit of an eccentric guy but, he never imagined he'd, no, don't even think it.
Gygan's sense of urgency took full reign as he tried to hurriedly skim the first few pages, something about a fuckin rift opening in his basement.
And that he'd never be heard from again? He didn't have enough time to finish reading it, let alone process it before his legs carried clear out the door. His coworker yelling after him "OI! Gyg' Your shift ain't over yet!" Gygan didn't even look back.
Without really thinking, he was already halfway to Ernst's house, cmon Ernst don't do nothin' stupid..
Hurrying past apartments and stores, a salesman selling some pretzels tried flagging him down.
This interaction only registering after already having sprinted several blocks away from the man.
His path however, was blocked unexpectedly by what felt like a damn brick wall of sound.
Emanating from somewhere nearby. Unpleasant and overwhelming, it vibrated in his organs.
Like the sound of a thousand glockins all playing at once. Gygan felt it in every part of his body.
Some kinda ghoulish parasite, burrowing into him.
It was a great feat to even continue, but he had to check on his pal. And despite his growing migraine
He pushed on, something real bad was going on with Ernst, he needed to find out what.
Part 1 of 4 END, Part 2 Release Later This Week!!
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