#aizen is fucking *TERRIFYING*
keikakudori · 2 years
did you think you could simply bury me under superior numbers and brute strength? HOW NAIVE.
personals do not reblog.
requested by @godkilller
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 months
For the OC ask I'd like to ask: betrayal or midnight (whichever you want, or both if you have the time/ energy)
Midnight: What keeps them up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
--- It well past Midnight.
It was hard to tell in Las Noches, because the natural sun outside was just as dark as the sky, and the artificial sun Aizen installed under the dome never set. But the air was cooler, and marginally more humid.
Coyote Starrk was up, roaming the halls- he slept all day so Lilynette has the energy to play with their new friends. She liked to follow the older girls around, especially Ulquiorra's underlings, Cici and Vivi, and sometimes Charlotte, if the woman offered to play makeup with her.
Besides, it felt... normal to him, to roam at night. When things cooled off and quieted down and the other nocturnes came out to play. Hallibel, for one- Coyote wasn't actually sure when she slept, or if she did. The closest he'd ever seen is her folded in a corner somewhere, breathing deeply but as soon as he approached, she would open one eye and at least grunt her half of a conversation. Ulquiorra was usually out on the roof somewhere and he made for decent if somewhat gloomy stargazing company. Grimmjow was often stalking the lower levels, Aaroniero/Arruruerie emerged from their shadowy sanctuary to scuttle about the kitchen, and Szaylel kept not so much irregular as outright chaotic hours.
He was in the outer halls that go around the dome, artificial sunlight streaming in one side, silvery moonlight in the other, and all the noises of the night echoing between them. It wasn't actually being sociable, per se, but it soothed the lonliness to hear everyone about or not.
Coyote sighed, rolling his eyes and sped up to meet the howling.
"HAAAUGH! AAAAUG!" Wonderweiss cried, scrabbling awkwardly up a set of stairs and bouncing off the walls as he sprinted for Coyote, eyes wide and terrified.
"Hey, hey, calm d-OOF!" Coyote tried to soothe as the small hollow slammed into his middle, bawling. "OW! Dammit Kid! What's the big idea, howling like it's the full moon out- Oh. Fuck."
Weiss was sobbing, paler than usual, and going a bit funny at the edges. It happened sometimes when he was particularly upset- a third eye sprouting in the middle of his forehead, too many fingers on his hands, and two extra mouths splitting open on the sides of his throat- the ears had gone long and floppy again too.
"Okay, okay, take it easy-" Coyote kept his voice low, hands on the boy's shoulders, trying to calm him down. "-What's wrong, eh?"
"HOUSA! HOUSA ICK!" Weiss yelped, scrambling to his feet and trying to pull Coyote after him.
"Yeah, I don't know what Housa is- Alright, show me." Coyote sighed, getting up and allowing himself to be pulled along. Inarticulate as the boy was, he wasn't stupid, or prone to hysteria. The last time he'd had a howling fit like this, one of Szaylel's creations had gotten loose in the Menos Pits and grown to a nearly unmanageable scale in under and hour.
Weiss dragged him down the stairs and along one of the other external hallways, then deeper into the city, past the hall where Aizen held his interminable meetings-
"HOUSA! HOUSA!" Weiss called as they skidded down a little dogleg hall where one of the Shinigami lords was housed-
"Weiss!" Coyote hissed. "You're going to wake Tousen!"
"YAH! HOUSA!!" Weiss nodded, yanking open the door to the Shinigami's room and running in.
"Shit! I- I'm sorry sir, Weiss was worried about- Oh. Oh, fuck." Coyote realized with horror.
Tousen's room was a small, spare place- little more than a narrow bed, wash basin and desk before the heavily-barred windows. Coyote had never seen the inside of it before, but the pale strips of moonlight through the bars made Coyote realize Tousen wasn't here by choice.
The man himself was sitting on the floor, back against the wall next to the washbasin, the scent of vomit still fresh in the room. He looked awful; gaunt, and the wrong color- almost a dull gray rather than the warm brown when Coyote had first met him. His eyes were closed tightly, he was panting heavily, gripping his abdomen, and not responding to Weiss's calls and shaking his arm.
"Shit." Coyote hissed, kneeling beside the Shinigami- he was sweating and very hot to the touch, but moaned faintly. "Weiss- Weiss! Listen, I need you to find- fuck, um- Find me Paramia or Rudborne, okay? One of them might know what to do."
Weiss whimpered, looking between Coyote and Tousen.
"Go! I'll take care of him, okay?" Coyote urged, and with a final worried look at the shinigami, Weiss sprinted off.
"...Because I definitely know how to do that." Coyote sighed, looking down at the man. "Uh, um. Pulse? He should have one of those, right? Hey, um, Lord Tousen? I'm just gonna. Grab your throat. Yeah that's totally nonthreatening..." He muttered, looking around the room and finding his Zanpakuto on the bed.
Instead of biting him like Coyote would have done if someone had started poking his throat while he was barely conscious, Tousen instead rolled his head weakly in Coyote's direction, pale eyes cracked open.
"...Sssjn?" Tousen mumbled.
"What?" Coyote blinked. "Um, oh, there's your pulse... Yeah, I- I don't think it's supposed to be doing that." Coyote winced, the human's pulse not so much beating as rapidly vibrating under his fingers.
"...Sajin?" He asked again, reaching up for Coyote's face with a shaking hand. "Sajin? Is that you?"
"Who?" Coyote blinked. "Tousen? Can you hear me? What's wrong with you? Something you ate?"
"Sajin, I- I'm so sorry...." He wheezed, voice weak, hand dropping away before he could reach Coyote's face. "I- I need to get you up. Find a doctor- Do we have a doctor? Paramia knows how to do a good stitch-up, but... Fuck. Alright, come on, on your feet-" Coyote grunted, pulling Tousen's arm over his shoulder.
"AUGH!" Tousen shrieked with pain as he was pulled up. "Please! Please, don't- just let me be..."
"No way, you're the only guy here with half a brain and I'd really like to live through this whole war with the shinigami thing so I'm really countin' on you to pull through-" Coyote explained, getting one arm under Tousen's shoulders and pulling him away from the wall-
-there was an unpleasantly wet peeling sound as he stood.
Coyote looked over the shoulder of the man slumped against him to see a bright stripe of blood running down the man's spine and against the wall he'd been propped against.
"I'm so, so sorry..." Tousen whimpered. "I never- I never meant to hurt you..."
"Hurt ME? What the hell, you couldn't hurt a mouse like this, nevermind me!" Coyote yelped, scooping the small man into his arms and then nearly dropping him as he over-corrected. Tousen was much lighter than he should be.
LILYNETTE!! Coyote howled over their bond. WAKE THE FUCK UP!ITS AN EMERGENCY!
WHAT?! She snarled back as Coyote sprinted out of the little cell of a room, looking for someone, anyone-
Tousen's on death's door, we need to find a- a doctor, someone! He panted, searching the halls.
Do we even HAVE a doctor? Lilynette wondered back.
That's what I wanted to know! He grumbled, sprinting up the stairs toward the meeting room.
WHY WOULD I KNOW? WE SHARE A BRAIN, MORON!! she cried back. Fuck, Uh- Not Szaylel- I dunno, Charlotte? She knows a lot about skincare and diets?
Yeah, we're a bit past skincare- look, I told Weiss to go find Paramia, go help him? Coyote skidded into the meeting room to find the light on down the hall in the throne room. He turned the corner to find a tall figure walking towards there as well.
"Ulquiorra's back with the girl Lord Aizen wanted." Hallibel muttered through her mask and high collar. "...Humans aren't supposed to be gray, right?" She frowned down at Tousen.
"No they're not!" Coyote grinned up at her. "Please tell me I've slept through a staff meeting and that we've got an actual doctor, not just a mad scientist and a stitch witch?"
"Oh? What seems to be the matter with- oh. That's. Bad." Szaylelapporo oozed over, then grimaced at the man. "Well, get him on the table, I'll see what I can do-"
"Not you! A REAL Doctor!" Coyote spat, jerking away from him.
"EXCUSE ME?" The mad scientist squawked, aghast.
"Welcome, Miss Inoue-" Aizen's voice rippled down the hall from the throne room. Tousen whimpered, curling into Coyote's chest, shaking. Fuck, if Aizen locked him in that cell of a room, he could have poisoned him too-
"-to my kingdom of- What the hell are you wearing?" Aizen sputtered.
"Yes!" an unfamiliar voice replied.
"Oh, come on, how often do we get a chance to dissect- I mean- surgically assist a Shinigami?" Szaylel pouted, reaching for the shivering man.
"Mr. Cifer didn't give me a lot of details about the conditions here, so I tried to prepare for every eventuality I could!" Chirped the small mountain of clothes and camping gear that apparently contained Orihime Inoue.
"I- well. If one cannot be forewarned, one should be forearmed, I suppose..." Aizen muttered, thrown completely off script. "But as I was saying, please allow me to extend the full hospitality of Las-"
There was a brief flicker of bright light and sharp withdrawal of reiatsu in the hall behind him.
"That better not be a cero-" Aizen frowned.
"My dick!" Wailed Szaylel from some distance away, having been blown through several walls as well as castrated.
"Quitcher bitchin', it'll grow back!" Snarled Coyote.
Aizen closed his eyes, rubbing his temples with his middle and ring fingers, struggling to maintain some composure. "What are you doing Mr. Starrk?" He snarled, turning on his heel to confront the First Espada and instead walking face-first into the spectacular underboob cleavage of the Third.
"Are you the Kurosaki kid's medic?" Hallibel called, unperturbed by the fact she was lightly smothering her commander.
"Uhh... I mean I'm trained in first aid and I'm pretty good at healing?" Miss Inoue muttered as Aizen extracted himself from Hallibel's bosom.
"What the hell is going on?" Aizen hissed up at her.
"Great! Lord Tousen's dying." Hallibel explained to Miss Inoue, before looking down at Aizen. "Also, Lord Tousen's dying." She said pointing down the smoking hall where Starrk was emerging with a weak and pallid Tousen in his arms.
"Oh, come on Kaname, pull yourself togeth- oh." Aizen recoiled at the sight of his compatriot, and the way his spine had bled all down the front of Starrk's uniform. "Miss Inoue? Your skills are requi-" He spoke up only for the girl to brush past him without so much as a sideways glance, shed of her excess garmentry.
"Mr. Tousen?" She asked, eyes wide and already on the verge of tears. "Can you hear me?"
"I-Inoue?" he groaned, turning his ear towards her. "Where? Where's Sajin..?"
"He's fine, but you're not. Can you tell me what's wrong?" She said, taking his wrist and touching his face.
"S-stomachache. Started... I- I don't know. Can't sleep." he mumbled, head dropping back onto Coyote's chest.
"He- he also threw up, his whole back is bleedin' and he keeps apologizing to this Sajin guy?" Coyote added.
"When was the last time you ate or drank anything?" She said, pinching the skin on the back of his hand and grimacing.
"I- I don't know. Not for a while. Not... not worth it." he muttered, listless.
"Is the stomachache concentrated anywhere? and is it more like nausea or pain?" She asked.
"P-pain. Very painful." He hissed. "It's- lower right side."
Miss Inoue inhaled slowly, jaw set. "Is it better or worse if you put pressure on it?"
"Hurts- hurts if I take pressure off it?" He whimpered. "I- I can't- Where's Sajin? He, he was just here-"
"Well, Miss Inoue?" Aizen asked, strolling up and putting a hand on her shoulder. "Care to prove your worth?"
The girl was completely still and silent for a moment. Fear? Or some sort of delayed reaction? Aizen watched her for a moment, the girl's face expressionless.
"I need a sterile room, surgical equipment- scalpels, sponges, gloves sutures, the works- and the means to sanitize it, and at least two people to hold him still." she said, voice flat.
"Surgical equipment?" Aizen scoffed. "You misunderstand- I want to see what the Shun Shun Rikka is capable of."
"It's capable of restoring a hell of a lot when it comes to traumatic injury and blood loss but it doesn't work on infections or organ failure, so if you want Mr. Tousen to live through the night, you'll have to settle for my capacity as Surgeon." She said, voice quiet and clipped. "Sterile room, Surgical equipment, sanitary gear, assistants, please, before his condition gets worse."
"...What condition?" Aizen puzzled, and she sighed with exasperation.
"You! White hair and horn! Find me a room that is or can be rendered sterile!" She barked, pointing over Coyote's shoulder.
"What? Who died and made you queen?" Lilynette yelped.
"DO IT!" Coyote barked.
"Fuck! Okay!" She flinched. "There's- uh, Paramia's office. She's got most of the stuff you were yelling about. I think."
"Good. Mr. Starrk, right? Do you know where that is?" She said, gray eyes snapping up to the Primera Espada's own, and he actually startled a bit.
"Uh- yes, and yes?" he muttered, arching his neck away from her.
"Take Mr. Tousen there ASAP, get him on a bed and if there's any means of restraining him, I need him lying on his left side, everything on his right side from his hip-bone to the middle of his ribcage exposed. Understand?" She said, gesturing to Tousen's side.
"Uh, yeah, Yes, I'll go-" Stark muttered, backing up a few steps and vanishing in a burst of Sondido.
"Maybe I didn't make myself cle-" Aizen started with Orihime spun out of his grip and turned to face the rest of the throne room.
"Mr. Cifer! I presume you know where the kitchens are! I need drinkable water, any electrolyte beverages you have or failing that, anything with a decent amount of salt in it, and anything with caffeine."
"I don't take orders from you." he growled.
Miss Inoue stopped from where she'd been turning to Hallibel and glared back at Ulqiorra. "You said that if I followed you through that portal, I'd be joining Aizen's cause, body and soul."
"What?" Aizen mouthed at Ulquiorra behind her.
"Yes? And?" Ulquiorra agreed, glaring back.
"Mr. Aizen, may I then act in an emergency capacity under your authority for the purposes of keeping a member of this organization alive?" She asked, rounding on him.
What had been sad, soft gray eyes in Ulquiorra's recollection of events had darkened into the color of an oncoming stormed and sharpened around the edges in a way that reminded Aizen uncomfortably of how Unohana's disapproval could feel like a knife at his throat.
"...You have hidden depths, Miss Inoue." he smirked, pretending to be at ease if he couldn't pretend to be in control. "-And since you're being such a good team player, I will happily grant you temporary authority to see to Kaname's welfare."
"Thank you sir." She bowed her head. "Cifer! Kitchen!"
Ulquiorra sputtered for a moment and then skulked off.
"...This good favor of mine is entirely dependent on Kaname's survival and recovery, of course." He said, leaning down into her personal space, lips almost at her ear.
"Of course, Mr. Aizen. I would consider failure to save Mr. Tousen just cause for suicide as it is." she said, and then failed to elaborate as she turned to Hallibel. "Ma'am with the blonde hair! What's your name?"
"...Hallibel." She said, slowly cocking her head at the girl
"Thank you Miss Hallibel." Inoue bowed. "Do you have a good grip, and can you stand the sight of blood?"
"...Yes?" Hallibel puzzled.
"Please escort me to Mr. Starrk, I'll need your help." Inoue asked, pointing down the smoking hallway.
"Miss Inoue, what cond-" Aizen started to ask again, but the girl was gone in a blur as Hallibel promptly carried out her orders and followed Starrk's sondido with her own. "-ition are you talking about?"
"Fever? Vomiting? Severe pain in lower right abdomen? C'mon boss, even you know what's up!" Laughed Gin.
"So... have you ever done a surgery before?" Hallibel asked when they stopped at the door in front of Paramia's room.
"Ugh-" Orihime staggered for a moment, disoriented. "What? Oh, no- I've seen this one done before. Well, a video of it." She winced.
"Oh." Hallibel muttered. "Well. I've never seen a video of anything, so I guess you're qualified." She shrugged, opening the door.
"Miss Inoue?" a soft voice asked inside. "I'm Roka Paramia, I act as Medic here." She was a small, almost human-looking hollow with half her face covered by a humanlike skull, almost like the phantom of the opera. She also wore a green, cable-knit sweater, which was strange because it had to be at least eighty degrees in here.
"Oh thank god!" Sighed Orihime. "Have you ever done surgery before?"
"No!" Smiled Paramia. "I look forward to learning the process."
"Cool, I'm promoting you to Assistant Surgeon. Can you get the relevant tools out and sanitized?" Orihime nodded.
"I have already done so, as well as secured Lord Tousen to the operating table!" Paramia smiled, gesturing inside to where the shinigami had been strapped down to the stainless steel table. A small, childlike hollow curled up and whimpering beside him. Behind them, Starrk and Lilynette were standing awkwardly, unsure of what to do. There was a quiet sob from the table, and Orihime stepped into the room.
"Hey- I met you down at the river yesterday! Weiss, right?" Orihime asked, touching the boy's shoulder. He looked up at her, large purple eyes blinking slowly in recognition.
"Ohhimay?" he tried.
"That's right! I'm Orihime!" She smiled, patting his head.
"Augh!" Weiss sobbed, grabbing her shoulder and pointing to Tousen.
"OW! Easy, I'm not very strong- Thanks." She winced and Weiss relaxed his grip. "It'll be okay, I promise. I'm going to make Mr. Tousen better, but it's going to really, really suck for a bit but then he'll be all better, I promise!" She soothed, brushing a thick lock of blonde hair away from his face.
Weiss mumbled, looking between her and tousen for a moment.
"It's okay Weiss. I'll be alright." Tousen spoke up, voice little more than whimper. "Can you go guard the hall for me?"
"...kay." Weiss mumbled, shuffling off the table and out the door, crouching beside it, still peering back into the room.
"Thank you. And I'm really sorry for what's about to happen." Orihime bowed, hands holding Tousen's. He grimaced, but nodded and squeezed her hand in acknowledgement.
Orihime looked back at Paramia."What do you have by way of painkillers?"
"Oh, we don't believe in those here!" Paramia smiled.
Orihime blinked at her a few times, and decided to think laterally. "...What do you have in terms of alcoholic beverages or other recreational drugs here?"
"Oh! There's Tequila in the commissary!" Paramia nodded with excitement.
"Nnoitra's got Ketamine." Said Hallibel.
"He has WHAT?" Yelped Starrk.
"Ketamine. Yylfordt snitches it out of Szaylel's lab and they get high on the roof when Aizen's away." Hallibel shrugged.
"Ketamine would be very helpful, actually!" Orihime chirped, slightly manic. "Alright, Miss Lilynette? Go help Ulquiorra in the kitchen-"
"UUUUUGH." Groaned Lilynette.
"I know, he's a jerk." Orihime waved. "But he's also stupid, and probably forgot what I sent him for already."
Lilynette snorted with laughter and Orihime smirked. "I'll write you a list, make sure he comes back with everything, okay?"
"Yeah, I can babysit batboy." Lilynette giggled.
"Miss Hallibel? Do you think you can persuade... I'm sorry, I didn't catch their names-" Orihime waved.
"Yeah I can shake down Nnoitra for his stash." Hallibel nodded.
"Great! You both go do that and come back ASAP while we scrub up?" Orihime asked, giving them each a thumbs up, and the responded in kind before vanishing out the door.
"I must say, I'm very impressed with your capability for organization and command!" Paramia beamed as the two medics washed up and Coyote tried to figure out the best way to keep Tousen pinned to the table. "There was some discussion between Lord Aizen and Lord Ichimaru of abducting someone from soul society to fill in the role of chief medic, but I think you're the superior option so far."
"...Who were they going to take from Soul Society?" Orihime frowned.
"Oh... I can't remember her name. Lady Usagi or something?"
"LADY UNOHANA??" Orihime shouted.
"Yes! Lord Ichimaru suggested that abducting Lady Unohana would be more tactically sound, but Aizen dismissed the idea rather quickly- I'm sorry, have I said something humorous?" Paramia asked as Orihime crumpled to the floor laughing, and there was an amused wheeze from Tousen.
"We'd all be better off if Aizen had attempted to abduct Lady Unohana." Tousen laughed darkly.
"Yeah!" Orihime didn't so much grin as bare her teeth at the absurdity of her circumstances. "She would have reduced them both to bright red streaks on the wall and I wouldn't be here doing an unanesthetized appendectomy at one in the goddamn morning!"
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4-ulquiorracifer · 9 months
Had the weirdest fucking dream that Aizen and the stern ritter were in kahootz and invited me and my family and a bunch of others to dinner and As Nodt was weirdly nice but terrifying the whole time and ive only seen dude via anime
(This was in my drafts for ages, like pre-reveal of his ability, lol)
If i remember right As Nodt helped me hide from people looking for me?
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angeltoroa · 2 years
Thoughts on Unohana
My thoughts are is that everyone knew Unohana was at some point Yachiru Unohana. It wasn't a secret, even to those outside of Soul Society. No one was going to forget Unohana was a criminal at some point, even it was in the deep past.
Personally, the first time I thought Unohana was a badass was how Unohana found out Aizen had faked his death. Aizen could've engaged Unohana in battle, but didn't, either because he knew he couldn't beat her, or win so narrowly that it would complicate things.
Mayuri is terrified of her, despite being MAYURI. In Heuco Mundo, the leader of Exequias upon simply hearing Unohana's name, pragmatically decides to not engage her in a fight. All the Eleventh division quail at her name.
So my question would be: what was the reaction of Seireitei when Zaraki shows up and there's Yachiru Kusajishi with him? What was Unohana's? Yachiru is an ugly name (at least in the opinion of my old Japanese flatmates, they say it's like calling a kid Hagatha or Bleedith), so it wouldn't have been coincidence.
The gossip mill would have spun fast and wild, and guarantee you, most people would have asked the question: did they...? Is that Unohana's kid?
Can you imagine Unohana, smiling lightly, simply saying, "We did some poking around when we first met." And when Zaraki is confronted with the question, he grins and says, "Yeah, we fucked around and found out." Which does not clarify the situation at all.
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trafalgarlogy · 2 years
Can i possibly have an au where grimmjow falls for a female college student when he invades karakura town
certainly !
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Song suggestion: Me Necesita- PRETTYMUCH, CNCO
Summary: When Ichigo and Grimmjow, meet for the 2nd time, Both of them being so focused on their battle they didn't realize they had destroyed the entrance of the prestigious college of Karakura, the students in the college were terrified as the two continued on to fight, suddenly they felt a huge spiritual pressure coming from the college, it was a spiritual pressure never felt before, as they checked for who it belonged, they saw girl with (h/c) hair approaching them as the other student, tried to stop her from going. She kicked their asses and finally came to them. continue to read below to find out what happened next..
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"wooh, having quite the guts I see~" Grimmjow smirked at your face, "you're annoying." you said without any hesitation continuing, to chew on your lollipop, " are you a shinigami (soul reaper)?" Ichigo struggled as he coughed out blood from his mouth, taking out the lollipop you replied, "If you had said it out loud, I would have broken your nose", "and its none of your business for who I am" glaring at the wounded boy. " and its none of your business to interfere in our FIGHT!!" Grimmjow yelled approaching you, you took no second to react back kicking him in the stomach which sent them flying away to the abandoned building that stood in front of the college, seeing this view the entire college gasped.
as the dust cleared out where Grimmjow was standing, He was covered in blood, Ichigo's jaw dropped at the huge impact made by just a single kick, "Impressive~" Grimmjow chuckled, "Didn't know you were so shameless, Blueberry" you said, putting back the lollipop in your mouth, "Who the fuck are you calling Blueberry, HUH?!" he yelled at you from a distance, "So what should I call you? Kitty?~" you smirked, "Damn you-" a vein popped up on Grimmjow's head as he turned all red, "awww look who is blushing?~" you chuckled mocking him.
He stormed toward you taking out his katana, you also walked toward him, getting ready to slice with his katana he made his move but it was stopped by you placing your lollipop in his mouth, he stood there like a statue for a split second as Ichigo was all red as well, " did I steal your first indirect kiss, Kitty?~" you said smirking widely, "I-" Grimmjow was left speechless with your act, but suddenly he teleported through a portal disappearing from the scene but luckily no one noticed it other than you and Ichigo. You walked towards Ichigo who was covered in many wounds and scars, "I think you need to get yourself treated, is there someone around who can carry you?", "I'm fine.." as he tried to get up, but he fell back failing to get up, "yeah right..." you rolled your eyes, "What's your name...?" he asked, "(Last Name) (Name)", as you walked away seeing Rukia coming running "ICHIGOOOO!"
you didn't dare help the guy cause you knew if you helped him, hollows and soul reapers come after you, again
on the other side, Grimmjow was transferred to the ground where Ulquiorra was.
"we are done here...its time to retreat" Ulquiorra commanded staring at Grimmjow, with his green eyes showing no emotion
"tch, I wasn't done with that brat..." Grimmjow complained.
"I don't care, It's Aizen-sama's order to retreat, Let's go." Ulquiorra ended his sentence, opening the portal to Hueco Mundo.
Grimmjow didn't care about whatever Ulquiorra said, cause he was lost in the thoughts of this girl he just met, he had to admit she was attractive and none the less interesting...
"Guess the trip to Karakura was worth the while~" he hummed smirking within himself.
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(if yk, where I took the first indirect kiss concept from you're cool in my eyes) Hope you like it! Thank you for reading!~
© nyxxcore
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stackslip · 2 years
the way bleach really should have ended would have been rukia being the protagonist and fucking off with her girlfriend (orihime), her girlfriend's girlfriend (tatsuki) and boyfriend (ichigo), soul society and the king being ruthlessly dismantled piece by piece after dissecting exactly why it's a hellhole and just as awful as hueco mundo, rangiku beating the shit out of gin after he profusely apologizes for being a cryptic little fuck and then beating aizen herself with her soul intact and maybe fucking off with her now slightly-less-unhinged boyfriend and her bff (toushiro) who now has to Cope with the fact that soul society's hierarchy and expectations are in fact deeply fucked, unohana being alive and terrifying, the quincy genocide thing being resolved in a better way than a stupid drawn out war arc in which the emotional stakes never raise higher than antagonist-of-the-week is slightly sad, chad getting an actual character arc and a boyfriend, urahara ACTUALLY being relevant and morally grey, the arrancars getting a resolution especially to their obvious parallels to the gotei 13,
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variantia · 2 years
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BELLUM.   anyway the fact that when looking at Wonderweiss’ corpse, Head Captain Yamamoto is hardcore calling out Aizen for what he did to Wonderweiss
“poor boy.   weren’t your emotions taken from you, too?” and straight up looking at Aizen and then.   “that was cruel of you.”
(or something like that, adhfjka it’s been a while since I’ve watched the scene but)
yeah, a lot of Shinigami would be suspicious of Wonderweiss because of the past.   because of his attack (not quite intentional though it was) on Ukitake.   probably for the simple fact that he’s an Arrancar.   a lot of them wouldn’t trust him even if he had somehow found his way into their ranks.
but Yamamoto’s reaction implies that there would have been some people who saw him for what he was : a manipulated child who’d had everything taken away from him, a pawn who was created to be sacrificed by his master.
and it WAS cruel how Aizen did it, because Wonderweiss CLEARLY HAS EMOTIONS !   he’s curious, he’s happy, he’s angry, frustrated, confused, scared, affectionate.   he can fear.   he can love.   he can form bonds.
Aizen took away everything else, the critical thinking, the foresight, the capability for proper and easy speech, the ability to focus consistently ... he even stripped away the intensity of the instincts that most Arrancars retain from being Hollows.
there’s obviously no shame in existing the way that Wonderweiss does, with his various quirks.   he has several traits that neurodivergent humans might also have, for example, and there’s nothing wrong with those things.   he SHOULD be allowed to exist just as he is, and even though he struggles sometimes, he’s mostly happy to exist as he is !   regardless of what anyone else thinks about him, he’s not unintelligent, he’s not unfeeling, and he’s certainly not lesser than anyone else, even other Arrancars.
... but for someone to CONSCIOUSLY REMOVE ABILITY from someone who may have had it, for someone to bring another living being into the world and create them without most of the abilities the rest of their species has, in exchange for the power that will let them be a one-shot weapon to neutralize a SINGLE ABILITY from the opposition ... it says a lot about the lack of empathy in the person who created them.
but despite claiming that Wonderweiss ‘sacrificed everything’ for the power to counter Yamamoto’s abilities, for some reason ... Aizen left Wonderweiss’ capacity for emotions and physical sensation intact even though he took everything else.
and Yamamoto is correct about it ; that was CRUEL.
Aizen turned him into a pawn, and he took away everything else but left Wonderweiss with the ability to FEEL.
that child died in excruciating pain, BURNED TO DEATH, screaming for help, terrified by what was happening, feeling every second of it, and he died ALONE.
and even then, the person who killed him managed to be more sympathetic to this poor boy than the person who brought him into existence.   it had to happen, but even Yamamoto can tell that Wonderweiss was not nearly the empty shell that Aizen wanted people to believe he was.   he was a person, too, and he deserved so much better.
... it’s almost worse in his survival verse where the Shinigami take him in, really, because he’s recovering from extreme burns in addition to trying to process all the emotions and pain he felt when he nearly died, ON TOP OF the grief of losing Tousen and Hooleer and all the others he lived among for so long.
he’s alive, he’s being taken care of and no longer manipulated or abused, but for someone who has trouble with his critical thinking and complex emotions, he struggles to express himself.   even HE doesn’t understand his own feelings sometimes.   he gets nightmares.   sometimes he starts crying seemingly out of nowhere, prompted by thoughts and memories.   sometimes he clings to people’s sleeves and babbles desperate requests for them not to leave.   he HATES being alone, anywhere he’s isolated from other people.
it WILL eventually get better, but ... Aizen well and truly fucked Wonderweiss up by allowing him to ‘keep’ the capacity for emotion while taking away everything that might make it easier for him to process and express those emotions.
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hiyorisarugaki · 1 year
“Oi! Tell me more about your friends… I want to know more about you and that guy you married, anything really.”
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"Heh. Finally a good question outta yer mouth. Sure, I'll tell ya about my friends. I'm surprised ya never met them. They're all different, mostly captains and lieutenants cuz... we're strong as fuck. I mean it. We could beat the shit outta anyone.
Let's start with the lieutenants- Mashiro and Lisa. It's weird how we're all girls? It's like we're characters written by a sexist guy or sommat. Anyways, Mashiro is full of energy and spunk. She is also weird cuz she didn't have 'ta go through hollowfication training like the rest of us. I don't get that and she just shrugs and says that her and her hollow have always got along. She can kick yer ass.
Lisa is like... hands down the prettiest in the entire group but refuses 'ta accept this fact since it'll make Shinji cry. Anyway, she likes reading, curious about the world but too damn lazy 'ta actually participate in crazy schemes like Mashiro. She prefers 'ta observe more than take part in the crazy schemes where Mashiro shoves me in a shopping trolley and we shunpo outta there... ah. Good times. Yeah, Lisa looks serious, but isn't really. She's quite laid back. She hides her vulnerable side with crude remarks. She makes jokes about people's sex lives to hide the fact that she misses Kyoraku-Taicho and her entire division.
Hachi is the only male lieutenant. He knows all sorts of scary kidou. He loves cats and loves it when they come curl up and rest against his knee. He likes anything small- except me. He's terrified of me. Only cuz I keep threatening 'ta cook the cats if he whines about the way I keep breaking his kidou barriers. I can't help being so damn strong, okay?
Anyway... I'd never really cook the cats.
... I hope he knows that.
Love is probably the one with the most experience being a captain. He's been there like, since ancient dinosaur times. I used 'ta think he had a thing for Hikifune-Taichou... but I'unno. He never says anything but definitely has PLENTY WORDS 'ta scold me with. Also beats the shit outta me when I'm being annoying. Only on rare occasions. But... he's alright. He's... like a brother. Goofy when he wants to be but still able 'ta teach me 'ta act my age.
Kensei is mister biceps. But that's not all he is. He cooks a lot and pounds the flour like he's pounding Tousen's face. I don't blame him. His entire squad died that night. I guess it's... just that he was the captain. We all carry our pain and Kensei tends 'ta not talk about feelings. He'd rather just be strong enough to kick ass.
Rose is the really pretty one with long flowing hair. Sorta looks like he accidentally walked out of some renaissance painting by mistake and donned a shinigami uniform. He's the least experienced out of the captains. Think he was only in for two years before Aizen hollowfied him. He's a nice guy, very emotional, takes long ass baths and says nice shit 'ta himself. He's the one I feel sorry for the most. The rest of us always sorta crawled along the ground, but Rose... he's like a songbird. He flew. And now he's trapped in a curse with the rest of us. But he's made it work.
... And ya wanna know about Shinji?"
This is where Hiyori pauses a moment. She has spoken at great length about her friends. The things she cherishes about them. The way she feels about them and how she sees them. They are all incredible... but there is someone who clearly surpasses even those standards for her.
"Guess... he's just always there when I need him. Without me even askin', y'know? Like... a warm coat on a winter's day. Or... that hand in yours. The way he always seems 'ta know how 'ta smooth things over. But the best thing about Shinji is... he makes me laugh a lot. Even on days I don't feel like smiling."
It was true. Shinji would crack jokes for her. He'd look after their entire group, yes, but... he looked after her the most.
She was his weakness.
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"I married him cuz... he always makes me feel seen. He'll make a plate for me. He'll make sure all my favourite things are on that plate. He'll do it without being asked. I need him a lot."
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niilue · 2 years
Ok ok but imagine Aizen with a love for being humiliated. Maybe degradation.
Knowing how powerful of a person he is letting himself be fucked by someone far inferior, listening to your laughter as he gets closer and closer to cumming only to be denied that pleasure and mocked for it.
May use his rank to make him feel worse than he already does.
AHHH I had this idea for a while but was too scared to request it 😗 but seeing your closing your requests I just decided to get it over this.
Hope this isn't out of your comfort zone.
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ෆ    ִ      ׁ  sub aizen
cw; gender neutral, dom reader, chastity, humilliation, orgams denial, egding, sadistic dom. (aizen is such a slut :3.. totally deserved)
aizen's moans were muffled by the pillow you had put on his face while you penetrated him, holding his legs.
you laughed listening to his protests and groping for you to release him. "you're pathetic, aizen."
you had this man at your mercy, open for you, with a cage on his cock with no chance to cum and moaning like never before.
you had this man at your mercy, open for you, with a cage on his cock with no chance to cum and moaning like never before.
"mhmm, ha (na- name)" you pulled the pillow away from his face and looked at him seriously.
he was teary-eyed and red in the face and looked like he wanted to argue. but instead of words coming out of his mouth what came out was a high-pitched moan. when you hit his pleasure spot for the first time since you were fucking him.
"nhhg, it-feels-! aaahh" he rolled his eyes as you kept hitting his prostate, over and over again. watching as he rolled with pleasure and suffering on the bed, unable to cum.
"look at me aizen, stop hiding from me you little idiot." you said holding his face in your hands. as saliva began to run down his mouth, soiling your hands as well.
"uhg, could you control yourself, it's disgusting." you said with fake revulsion but enjoying the man's embarrassed face.
you let go of his face and made him get on all fours for you. "this is not what we had agreed on (name)" he complained but still doing what you said.
"shut up whore, stop with the fake excuses, watch how you do everything i tell you to do." you grabbed his neck and pinned him to the bed, holding him at your mercy.
he sure felt so humiliated, having you, someone he couldn't stand but partly desired, opening him up and fucking him like no one else had ever done.
"don't be afraid, you don't command much respect now, from now on you're just another slut, who would have thought" you laughed, increasing the movements of your hips, going all the way in.
"shut up (name)" he warned in a serious tone, although it was in vain since he instantly began to pant because of how hard you were hitting his sweet spot.
you were going at it for a while, but you were getting tired. you didn't want to cum inside him and you didn't want him to cum, so you stopped, leaving him exhausted and wide open with your hand marks on his asshole.
"mmm, rub yourself on the sheets aizen, i want to see how desperate you are to cum."
looking at you with traces of dried tears in his eyes and with a frown he began to do as you told him.
"but look at me stupid, i want to see your face break down in front of me, ha~"
you watched with lust as his caged cock rubbed hard on the sheets but with no success of getting anything out. aizen had hardly ever worn anything like this in his life. of course he had no control right now.
"fuck, this is… haahaa! terrible, i want to cum (name)" he whimpered pathetically, following his erratic movements but unable to climax.
" you say please"
aizen grunted in disgust and shook his head in denial. it was obvious you weren't going to let him have it so easy. you were having so much fun and you really loved seeing him like this.
"then you won't cum today, for being a bad boy."
the man opened his eyes wide, terrified and desperate. lost in the lust of wanting to let out all that excitement and relieve the pain in his cock. "what the-, what a fucking humiliation… what do i have to do to make you let me cum, (name)" he asked reddened with anger and excitement.
you smiled and stood in front of him "get down on your knees, slut".
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I Promise (Ulquiorra Cifer x Sub! Fem! Reader)
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Fandom: Bleach
Summary: Ulquiorra caught you hanging out with Grimmjow, he isn't pleased in the slightest bit. Little did he know you actually enjoy it when he gets like this.
Genre: Smut
Words: 2,370
Warnings: choking, finger sucking, finger gagging, rough fingering, finger fucking, name-calling, dirty talking, begging, 18+ content in general
Harmony: Ooooo This one was super fun to write! I just love putting Ulquiorra in kinky situations. I get all giddy on the inside like no joke haha. Also thank you so much for the compliment this really inspires me to write more. I hope you enjoy this because you KNOW I did! 😋🤑
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It was always so boring sitting alone all day without having anything to do. All you could really think about was eventually going home and seeing your friends again. It wasn't like you completely hated living in Las Noches, it was just boring most days. Since you were under protection by Ulquiorra, no one really dared to bother you, especially since Ulquiorra can be a bit too... protective of you. You were pretty much untouchable unless you were Grimmjow. He was the only one that was brave enough and reckless enough to talk to you. Almost every day, you had to stealthily time where to leave your room, to meet up with Grimmjow. Some days Ulquiorra would be busier than other days while other days he would have more time to watch you.
Every day for 4 hours you would leave your confined room to meet up with Grimmjow, talking, sparring, and even a little bit of play wrestling here and there. You could say that he was your best and only friend in Las Noches and you greatly enjoyed his company. You had to admit it, it was nice to go out and talk to someone else besides Ulquiorra, no matter how much you do adore him. Everything always worked out as planned, until you were caught by Ulquiorra, who for some reason had finished all of the daily errands that Aizen had given him earlier than usual. The atmosphere changed completely, it was more sinister, darker, and almost unbearable to be in. "...What are you doing?" That was all he could manage to say.
"U-Ulquiorra! You're here! Well, you see..."
"Hanging out, what's it to Ya, bat?" Grimmjow sneered at him, which caused Ulquiorra to only glare at the large blue cat. "I believe you have no right to even breathe the same air as the girl. You are not under her protection therefore you shouldn't have any contact with her without my permission." Grimmjow only scoffed, all of this was ridiculous to him. "You're joking, right? If y/n wants to hang out with me then she can. Besides, it's clear that I am better than you anyways. That’s why she wants to spend all her time with me and not you." You could tell that there was a tiny shift in Ulquiorra's demeanor, his hands slightly clenched in anger. "I'm giving you a warning, you are not allowed to even look at her. Next time you even look towards the women’s direction you will regret it." Ulquiorra moved forward, making his way towards you, grabbing your hand roughly, dragging you away from Grimmjow. You didn't dare say a word to him, you knew he was pissed beyond belief. You were scared but also it was kind of thrilling seeing him like this. He never expresses any other kind of feeling besides disgust, discontent, or lack of interest. He was unpredictable, terrifying, and tense but you would be lying if you said you didn't like it.
Once you both entered your room, Ulquiorra slammed the door shut, locking it immediately afterward. He finally faced you, the look on his face stayed the same as always but the anger he showed was all in his voice. "Didn't I tell you to never interact with Grimmjow?" You nodded your head, "Yes... you did but-"
"There's no excuses. Grimmjow is nothing but a waste of air, time, and space yet, you are still determined to be with him." You rolled your eyes at him, he clearly doesn't under the concept of friendship, makes sense but it still can be frustrating. "No, you're wrong. You clearly don't know the meaning of the word friends. It basically means doing all the things you would with someone you're with without being comit-"
"I don't need you to teach me such useless things. You are not my teacher nor do you have the right to speak to me like I am lower than you." You gasped, blushing a bit, but you still stood your ground. "That's not fair! I am trying to tell you what I was doing. I am the innocent one here." For the first time, you witnessed Ulquiorra actually scoffing. "You mean to tell me you didn't take joy when that cat talked to you? I see the look in your eyes, and I am the only one who is allowed to see that look on you." He leaned forward, his pale hand touching your hair. You couldn't help but flinch, he was never this touchy with you, ever.
"You might as well just say that you're jealous, it would make it easier for the both of us."
In a flash, his hand grabbed your neck, only adding slight pressure to it. You could automatically feel you flinched at the sudden added pressure of his calloused hand around your throat. The look on his face was threatening but it didn't stop you from feeling some kind of way. "You think I'm jealous? When an arrancar becomes "Jealous" it's far worse than how I am treating you. I am simply holding myself back which you're lucky that I am able to. I guarantee you if you were Grimmjow’s or Nnoitra's your fragile human mind, self, and spirit would be completely broken or you would be a corpse rotting in the back of Las Noches."
"W-what if I don't you to hold back?" You managed to speak out through choked words. Ulquiorra's eyes widened, suddenly releasing you from his grip. You begin to cough and pant for air while Ulquiorra was deep in thought.
You wanted to be completely possessed by a monster like him? He couldn't fathom it, why would a very fragile creature such as you even want that? It was a ridiculous and very stupid thing to say to an Arrancar. If he truly wanted to, he could crush into oblivion if he really wanted to.
"Such foolish word coming from a stupid little human." You finally caught your breath before saying, "As stupid as it sounds, I do enjoy it when you're jealous...that might be another reason why I like hanging out with Grimmjow..." He was rather appalled by your enjoyment in Grimmjow's brute behavior. "I will never understand you, humans. Your lack of logic in anything will never cease to impress me." Despite those somewhat hurtful words you could tell there was a hint of something in your eyes, it was something that you have never seen before.
"Y-yeah well, it's true! I enjoy it. I really do... it just... works for me."
He was still deep in thought, staring you down bit by bit. He had noticed your flushed cheeks, your voice trembling from before. He thought it was from fear and nothing from arousal. He was still processing this new information from you, maybe could be a bit rougher for you. He would never fully become like Grimmjow but if it helps entice your curiosity towards him then he could oblige just this time.
Out of nowhere you were lifted up and thrown onto the bed, you looked up to see Ulquiorra hovering over you, "If that is what you want then I will further entertain you." He took both of your arms and roughly flipped you over onto your stomach, ass up and fully exposed to him.
Next, he got rid of all of your outer clothes, throwing each pair of garments somewhere in the darkened room. Next, he took off your wet panties and threw them somewhere else. He could immediately smell your human scent, it was sweet, nothing he has ever smelled or experienced before. He was never going to admit it but he does enjoy the smell of your arousal. You began to whimper, the cold air only adding fuel to your arousal along with being fully exposed and vulnerable to him. "You're already, how you say, "aroused" just by taking off your underwear?" You shook your head, "To be fair... I was already turned on, hence my wet panties." He gave you a questionable look before shaking his head, "I will never understand you, humans." He said, placing you right in his lap, back facing him. His right hand begins to grab a handful of your boob, teasingly squeezing it. His left hand went straight to your wet cavern, moving your lips apart and sliding two fingers inside of you, causing you to moan out in pleasure. He never expected his calloused, rough hands to feel so good it felt much better when his other hand began to pinch your nipple lightly, rubbing it in-between his fingers. The pure shock of arousal shot through you, causing your cunt to clench around his fingers. Ulquiorra paused a bit, somehow intrigued by what you just did. For some reason, he wanted to feel you clenched around his fingers again, so he pinched and prodded at your nipple harder, occasionally rubbing it while he used the fingers of his left hand to maneuver his fingers over your sensitive bud, then adding another finger to add some more stretch. The more he poked and prodded you the wetter you had become, your arousal was leaking right from your aching hole and onto Ulquiorra's hand, eventually causing a huge wet spot to form on his pants. "Ahhh ahhh fuck ahhhhh Ulqui!" You moaned out, you begin to instantly move your hips to add more friction to his fingering, trying your best to reach your orgasm. "Aaahhh Ulquiorra Yes! More please! aahhh!" Your constant moaning and talking was becoming irritating and distracted him from his work.
"Shut up or I will force my fingers down your throat."
You stopped moaning upon hearing his threat but continued to whimper loudly at him, you're bouncing and constant grinding becoming more intense, you couldn't help but moan out ecstasy, for someone who isn't very experienced he was so good at pleasuring you.
He became more irritated with your constant whining, he then switched hands, taking the soaked, wet hand that was inside of you and forcing them down your mouth, muffling your constant heated moans. You could taste the weird, sweetness of the juices from your cunt, which made everything more erotic than before. This was what you wanted, to be treated like a whore."You’re actually enjoying this? What kind of human enjoys getting off like this?" He sounded disgusted, but deep down, he enjoyed it as much as you did.
His hand that was once on your boobs went down to your fervent pussy, inserting the same number of fingers into you, giving your stretch back. You moaned against his fingers, clenching around his other set of fingers once he began to play with them again. You began to suck and lick his fingers as he roughly played with your tight, aroused pussy, his fingers danced into them elegantly, adding different pacing and paying special attention to your clit. It was pure torture to you; everything was more intense than you could ever think. You were so pleased that he was treating you like this, it was something that you always missed doing back in the world of the living but now knowing that Ulquiorra is actually capable of doing this to you made your heart soar through the skies. You began to move your hips, trying to get more friction from his impressive fingering skills, that was when he forced his fingers deeper down your throat as if it was a warning. You began to gag, your pussy clenching again around his fingers.
"Don't move. I don't need your help. The next time you move you will regret it." You begin to whine pathetically; you were almost at your peak but you needed a just little bit more friction to finish yourself off. Ulquiorra was completely ruthless, it was like he meant to tease you. Out of nowhere, he stopped his movements, causing you to gasp. You began to frantically whine against his fingers, now a long trail of spit dripping from your lips and onto his lap.
"I want you to promise me you will never talk to Grimmjow again." He took out his hand from your mouth, waiting for you to reply. "W-what? That's not fair. I told you I wasn't going to do anything-."
"Promise me, or else." He begins to slowly move his fingers dangerously slow over your clit. You knew What he meant by "or else" and in the state that you were in, you were desperate to come. "I-i promise! I won't talk to Grimmjow again." His pace picked up again as a reward, "Good, now apologize for breaking my orders."
"I'm sorry for you breaking your orders. I promise I won't do it again."
He nodded in approval, picking right back up, his fingers moving deep inside of you. You began to moan out again in desperate pleasure, excited that he was continuing to pleasure you in such a way you enjoy. Your moans were louder than before, until He took his free hand, gripping it around your neck again and choking you.
"What did I say? I said shut up and quit whining like an obnoxious sex craven idiot." His grip on your neck tightened.
He took his hand from out of your mouth, bending you all the over until your face hit the mattress so he could get a better angle, He thrust his fingers in and out of you fast and deep. You moaned loudly into the mattress you reached the beginning of your high. It hit you like a car, causing you to screamed as loud as you could as large amounts of liquid squirted right on Ulquiorra's hand, and all over his lap. Several moments later, the high you were just on had ended, now Ulquiorra pulled his hand right out of you. He then examined his soaked hand, right back to you, watching you lay on your bed, breathing heavily.
"Are humans always this messy?" He asked you innocently, which made you chuckle, "Only if you are doing it right."
"I see." There was nothing else he could say. This whole experience only made him realize that he at least enjoyed making you feel this way.
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shapooda · 3 years
Hi, I just wanted to thank you because you're the reason I got into GrimmIchi. I found your fanfics on ao3 and then your Tumblr, I fell in love with your stories and your art!
I would like to know if maybe you could do a list of the best GrimmIchi fanfics you have read so far?
(After seeing your last reblog I immediately looked for "The Stars Rained Down Like Embers" on ao3 and I'm ready to binge read it)
I hope you have a nice day xx
I'm so flattered ; ~ ; I usually hear the opposite, so it's extra flattering that you liked my writing first /w\ Everything I'm about to list isn't everything, just thelonger ones I find myself frequenting, or head over heels in love with! My bookmarks list is short uwu you can find them all there as well! You already know this first one ~ The Stars Rained Down Like Embers | @copperscript Seven years ago, the star-deity Ichigo disappeared from the night sky. As the invasion of his homeland rages on, warrior Grimmjow is losing faith in the god he once revered. But when a nameless ryoka boy stumbles into his camp, he soon learns he is not as alone as he believes. All The Devils Are Here | ChildoftheAshes, Plouton
Two stumbling steps from Ichigo, two smooth ones from Pantera, and they’re waltzing away from the knives, swirling semi-gracefully across the rooftop. A foot behind Ichigo’s ankle trips him backwards. Pantera dips him, catches him a few feet off the floor with a thigh and the third knife of the night buried in his back.“Kiss me, darlin’~” The Fucking Hollow Hole Verse | quarter_life_crisis me: I want to write a stupid little crackfic about fucking hollow holes also me: but I want it to have, like, emotional depth, y’know? Strangers, Again | @Copperscript
[Reverse AU] There lives a Hollow in Hueco Mundo, a terrifying creature of black fire and red blood, who defies everything the Shinigami thought they knew about Hollows. It has taken notice of Gotei Captain Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. Grimmjow, in turn, is enthralled. My teeth ache to taste you | Aegrisomnia89
Grimmjow POV. Random encounter before Ichigo goes to Hueco Mundo leaves Grimmjow Feeling Things In His Chest. Pity he doesn't know how to articulate a single one of them. Howling Outside Your Door | Asuka Kureru (Askerian)
There's a barrier around the house, but it's not made to stop an Espada. It's more of a notice-me-not, he thinks, pressing his bloody hand to it -- leaning too hard into it when his knee buckles under Yylfordt's negligible weight. It bows under the push of his hand and then lets him slide through up to the elbow; the spiritual pressure it's holding back rushes in prickles of heat against his palm. It's made to hide Kurosaki's resting place from prowling hollows. Yeah. Yeah, that's... Real close to perfect. If. Perfect, if." In," he hisses, reaching out to snatch Di Roy's thin wrist, yanking him through under a shielding burst of reiatsu he doesn't have to spare. He doesn't need to spare it, not anymore; either they're gonna be okay or they're gonna be left stranded to die, there's no alternatives. Cat Dandy 🐆 | murderlight
“Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez is dead,” Nel said calmly, staring him straight in the eye. “He died inside Askin’s final trap, and his body was never recovered.”Grimmjow's fight with Askin Nakk le Vaar leads to unexpected consequences--and an old life he never wanted to see again. Ichigo's victory over Yhwach sees him lose more than he gained.Or: Grimmjow is a panther adjuchas again, and Ichigo has no goddamn idea. Not Grimmichi, but it inspired me to write Zenith, which became Grimmichi, and I love it to pieces. Hogyoku ex Machina | Mac Ceallach In the final battle with Aizen a different choice is made, and now Ichigo and his greatest enemy have gone back to the beginning. His best friends are powerless, his allies don't know him, and everything he loves is in danger. No non-canon pairings. Complete, with the sequel now posted. Let Me Drown | ShadowThorne After being brutally attacked by a mythical creature, Captain Jaegerjaquez ends up with a very unlikely companion to keep him company while at sea. Unfortunately, it's hard for an 8' long merman to hide for long. One day, the loyal crew spots the monster that had injured their captain, following the ship and the man aboard, and take matters into their own hands. Other authors I love! Chujellies: Angst and Grimmichi. Deep and bittersweet, I like it. Dante_Morgan: Funny and canon parallels with that fucking edge I LOVE AH audiosilver: Angsty again lol Very in the moment writing, which I dig uwu Messier_47: Flowery and very Hell hath no fury with a lot of porn a la mode~
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godkilller · 2 years
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          headcanon.  Whilst Rangiku was pregnant with Keiko later on in my canon-divergent Redemption verse, Gin absolutely was attached to Rangiku’s hip. She’d never be beyond a mile away from Gin at any given time if/when he ever left her side for any reason. There’s a protective Kido placed onto Rangiku (without her permission, he’ll apologize later) that allows Gin the ability to locate her instantly, always, like a tracker. It will also activate a barrier if she’s attacked by an offending reiatsu that’s higher than her own -- taking a few pages out of Aizen Sousuke’s extensive Kido skillsets, particularly that modified Kido the man placed for the nape of his neck. Gin later uses a similar, albeit modified Kido onto his daughter, too, with specifications that activate an automated Sentan Hakuja that brings Keiko directly to wherever he is ---- if her reiatsu ever indicates injury beyond a knee scrape. He places that onto Keiko as she enters her young teenage years and keeps it into her adulthood. It’s a hard sell to ever try and convince him to remove it.
          All in all, Rangiku’s pregnancy is a tip-toeing type of ordeal for them. Shinigami in general aren’t often able to produce children, and Rangiku’s missing soul piece hasn’t been recovered at the time, so it was difficult and nearly impossible for her to become pregnant. Gin’s worry focuses around ‘if something good’s happening to us, something bad will find a way to ruin it’ and thus takes on an extremely protective role. Expect hell itself to manifest if your character ever attempts harm towards a pregnant Rangiku (or Keiko, for that matter) because Gin’ll strike in a heartbeat. He’ll strike fast and hard, and he’ll have no mercy. Mama bear Rangiku can be terrifying, yes, but Gin becomes a whole different beast. Gin doesn’t fucking care about being on good behavior for his reinstatement in the Gotei 13 if you’re threatening a pregnant Rangiku or his child ---- he’ll lop your head off in a blink.
          Happy late Father’s Day to him.
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magical-girl-coral · 3 years
I've already talked before about how one of Kubo's hints to Aizen being the bad guy is in his lack of familiar relationships, and now I want to bring up another point about Aizen - how he built Las Noches so that none of the Espada will have a connection out of Aizen himself.
It's easy to see how opposite the structure of the palaces is to the Gotei 13: where the barracks were open and full of fresh air, the halls of Las Noches were long and suffocating. Where the divisions were connected to each other, the Espada's inhabitants couldn't be farther apart. Where the Central 46 couldn't get surveillance everywhere in Soul Society (no matter how badly they wanted it), the actual fucking sun that Aizen made was one big security camera. Family and privacy was not a right anymore; it was a privilege.
Which from one perspective, this is a good thing! It shows how Aizen learned how fragile familiar relationships can make a soldier. He did not only make sure that the Espada would not have such weaknesses but also made sure that he'd be the only thing truly connecting them all together. Add the awful ranking system that was designed to ensure they would be at each other's throats, and you have the perfect assembly.
But it also backfired horribly from a pacing point of view. With the lack of connection outside of Aizen, most of the fights during the Hueco Mundo and Fake Karakura arc became kind of boring because it showed off something we already know, which was how brilliant and terrifying Aizen is. None of the core values of the Espada were shown until the very last minute when they all died, taking away any chance for character development or any emotional impact. The few fight scenes that were actually good were the ones outside of Aizen, such as Aaroniero vs. Rukia and Nelliel vs. Nnoitra (before she was turned back into an infant for "reasons").
The only way their deaths could have been more impactful was if the captains never got in the way, making the kids lose and be forced to go home with broken pride and broken hearts and staying with the idea that will take Urahara two months to come with a proper plan. By letting Orihime be our eyes into their motivations and horrible living conditions, the audience will have a better understanding of the group as a whole. There is also the possibility that she could become a new lynchpin, but that could be au territory.
Anyway, this has no summary because I suck at those, and I feel like I'll get incoherent if I continue, so here's one last word of advice that, for some reason, professional writers refuse to follow: Stop giving characters last minute backstories when you kill them off instead of letting the readers study these characters for themselves you fucking cowards.
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
Twice/Hawks Anon: Five most menacing characters in anime?
*nervous guilty chuckle* sorry for the six month delay 😅
Major spoilers for Bleach, FMA (03 specifically), Persona 5 Royal and Chainsaw Man
Bleach : Aizen. Bro I’ll never forget the moment Aizen stopped Ichigo’s sword with his finger (and interrupted Ichigo’s victory theme). Fucking Iconic and hands down the Best character in Bleach dont @ me  
FMA : King Bradley. In both versions of FMA Bradley is scary af but there’s something abt watching Bradley in 03 snap his son’s neck in a fit of rage that’s truly terrifying.
(Honorable mention : Shou Tucker in 03, He’s not even particularly threatening but Tucker’s chimera form lives on in my nightmares 😔) 
Hunter x Hunter : Hisoka. Nothing scarier than a guy popping a boner mid-fight. 
Persona 5 Royal : Maruki. Before Maruki, all of the antagonists in Persona 5 were cartoonishly evil, so Maruki really stood out cuz he really believed that he was the hero. Maruki is a beautifully complex character cuz deep down he knows what he’s doing (forcing the world into a state of perpetual happiness) is wrong but he can’t bring himself to confront his own weakness so he decides to make everyone happy whether they want to or not. And you can witness how fucked up his ideal world is when you see characters like Akechi become so distorted that they’re unrecognizable.  
The reason he’s so threatening is that he genuinely believes he’s doing what’s best and he won’t take no for an answer. (There’s so much more to be said abt him, like the fact that he was designed off the Happy Science cult from Japan but I’ll stop here for now).  
Chainsaw Man : Makima. Makima is one of those characters where you know something is up with her from the get-go and you have to watch the characters you’ve become invested in interact with her knowing that shit will hit the fan at some point. And Boy does shit hit the fan in the most delightfully tragic way possible when she shows her true colors. I won’t say more but Makima is truly one of my favorite manga antagonists ever. 
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
Top 5 Zanpakutou
@crysuzumushi wanted to know about my top 5 Zanpakutou (I will tag @ippoddity​ to answer if she has time, but she’s busy this week!). I actually have a post in drafts talking about my fave Zanpakutou filler arc manifestations that I started in like... May, and never actually wrote. But! For actual Zanpakutou... hm! That’s a good question. I feel like it’s one I’ll just list five for and then realize I’ve forgotten about the 95 other, better answers.
Based on the ways their powers manifest (and this is where I show my brain weakness where I only remember things about my faves and I’ve completely forgotten other people with much cooler swords), I really like the weirdo swords.
Like, Kyouka Suigetsu? Holy shit, man. And how can you go wrong with illusions and water motifs? Sometimes I think about like, how do you train something like that? Or even discover the nature of such a power? But of course the answer is that it takes a certain type of person--a certain type of soul. And there’s only one person Kyouka Suigetsu could ever belong to.
Ruri’iro kujaku? Potentially terrifying. I love it. I also want to say Benihime, specifically for bankai (and the grotesque process of having forced its achivement), but my non-existent memory of 80% of TYBW won’t allow me to speak on that too much.
Hyourinmaru is not a weirdo sword, but he goes here, anyway, because he’s the only one I’ve really thought about as an entity (vs. an ability or an aesthetic). I have too many Hyourinmaru thoughts for this post, so I’ll have to remember to do them separately, but I think he probably is a weirdo sword. I think Hitsugaya goes out of his way to be as straightforward as possible, and then fails to be, and I think Hyourinmaru is like that, too. Since this post has mostly been about abilities, an example is like--Hyourinmaru’s powers seem fairly straightforward in that it’s ice, and then in bankai it’s more ice. It’s extremely visual. Like, what is Hyourinmaru? Welp, a dragon. Look, wings! There’s even giant timer flowers that exist... outside his user’s field of vision. (Hitsugaya can definitely feel them regardless of whether he can see them, but he fact remains that they are!! giant!!) Hyourinmaru’s powers feel straightforward and almost ponderous, because I swear half the time Hitsugaya prefaces his explanations of various attacks with “this takes a long time to set up, but...” 
But then, a lot of it isn’t really that straightforward. The ice double that Hitsugaya uses against Halibel bleeds, which... that’s fuckin’ weird. Ice that bleeds. Like, ‘Mayuri would be into it’ weird. (And I can’t help but wonder if he was inspired by Aizen’s KO in Soul Society arc, or Urahara with his inflatable gigai in the Advance team arc.) Which gets you to thinking about the ways ice-as-weapon is distinct from, say, some other sharp thing used as a projectile, and all of it’s a little weird. Ice is dangerous to a body because of what it can do to cell walls, to homeostatic processes. To have the heat skimmed from your skin is fatal more often than an encounter with an icicle, even if it’s the icicle you’re looking at.
Also, I love the like, 4-second scene at the start of the Zanpakutou Rebellion arc where Hitsugaya holds his hand out and treats Hyourinmaru like a horse. (Or I guess, he treats him like a dragon. If Hitsugaya ever encountered any horses, he’d probably treat those like dragons, too.) I think it’s adorable and I hope Hyourinmaru gets fed apples.
I also love Sode no Shirayuki, because I like the idea of a series of dances, and I think her bankai is fascinating (and, as Byakuya says, beautiful). Rukia’s recitation of her various shikai forms is also basically ASMR fodder to me.
Similarly, I love Komamura’s zanpakutou, but specifically because of the way he says the name of his bankai. Say it with me now: Kokujou Tengen Myoooooooooo!!! Make that my ringtone, please. 
I also feel like Zabimaru deserves a shoutout, because he’s one of the few we’ve seen manifested in manga canon, and I really love his scene with Renji in the Soul Society arc. And also because movie!Renji has an insatiable need for people to RIDE THE SNEK, and what is better than the Zabimaru Express? Nothing is better than the Zabimaru express.
Fuck, I forgot about Senbonzakura!!! Welp, this is already too long, but Senbonzakura. A+ sword. Great times. Sharp edges. Beautiful fragrance. Would purchase again.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Some antis use Renji’s earlier canon interactions towards Rukia as ammo against Renruki. Are they bogus for doing so?
By “earlier interactions”, I am going to assume you mean the scene where Renji and Byakuya come to arrest Rukia and bring her back to Soul Society, so that’s what I’m going to talk about.
First, I want to talk about what Kubo intended with this scene. This is an intellectually honest, shipper-hat-off opinion on what his authorial intent.
Honestly, my #1, absolutely favorite thing about Bleach is the way Kubo reveals information. He loves to use misdirection-- to trick you into thinking one thing about a character, and then whip the rug out from you later. He loves to hide little flashes of information in scenes that are meaningless at the time, but when you re-read them, it pops. Take, for example, take this scene where Matsumoto gives Aizen’s letter to Hinamori:
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When you first read it, crammed as it is between a bunch of fights, you think almost nothing of it. A little later, you think about it and say, ahahaha, it was all part of Aizen’s trap! But much later, once you’ve read Bleach once and you come back to it a third time, you realize she’s talking about Isshin and it’s mind-blowing.
The arrest scene is meant to be misleading. It’s like those pictures that are both an old woman and a young woman at the same time. Renji and Byakuya are meant to be the first glimpse of Soul Society that we, the reader, has seen, outside of what Rukia herself has told us, at a point in the storyline where we are just starting to realize that Rukia is not exactly a reliable narrator. (As an aside, I hate that the anime introduced that throwaway shinigami who shows up in the Grand Fisher arc, because it dampens the impact here, but that’s neither here nor that). In any case, we are supposed to see Renji as a mean, arrogant bully, strong in a show-offy way. Our impression of Byakuya is important, too-- he’s supposed to come off as cool, but in control, ridiculously strong, and almost likable in the part where he excuses Renji’s failure by saying “even I get rusty if all I ever do is watch.” It may be more evident to a Japanese reader, with the familiarity of address, but the first time I saw this scene, I did not particularly pick up that Renji was anything more than an acquaintance to Rukia.
Then, as the story evolves, we get all this extra information. This mission was weird as hell. Renji has only worked for Byakuya for a month, and is trying to find his footing and not fuck up in front of this guy that he’s worked for decades to try and impress. This is a situation where you would expect Byakuya, a captain and Rukia’s brother, to push back against Central or at very least take the lead, but instead, he lets Renji make an ass of himself and shows zero compassion or care for Rukia. We see glimpses of Renji and Rukia’s relationship in jail and in flashback, and realize that the way he interacts with her isn’t bullying, it’s trash talk. We find out that Renji cares deeply for Rukia and has been working his ass off to see her again, and that in that arrest scene, it’s crumbling before his eyes. He’s not slamming her against a lamppost because he’s mean, he’s desperately trying to restrain her because he’s terrified that she’s going to get herself thrown in jail, forever. Likewise, the more times I watch this scene, the more Byakuya strikes me as a monster. He knows what’s going to happen. He knows he’s gonna let Rukia hang. He’s letting these little people go through with their little drama and he’s not even curious as to what’s up with the Quincy who showed up, or the ridiculous human who killed a Menos or anything, he’s just waiting for this to be over so he can go home. (Aside: Rukia does not know what Quincy are and has to ask Urahara, so I am going to bet that Renji doesn’t either, but Byakuya, as a historian and Clan Head probably should) What the hell is even going through Byakuya’s head through all this? I saw someone recently say that the person on the title card of Chapter 54 is Hisana, and honestly, I can’t tell if it’s Hisana or Rukia and that ambiguity is amazing.
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None of this is necessarily an excuse for Renji’s behavior. It’s context, sure, but it doesn’t make him look good. He loses control of the situation and he panics. He gets his ass kicked by someone who should have no chance against him. He wanted to look cool and competent in front of Rukia and Byakuya he ended up looking like an asshole instead. This is just the beginning of Renji’s arc-- he will go on to swallow his pride and ask Ichigo for help. The story that I believe Kubo is trying to tell with Renji is that following your heart and being there for your friends is more important than brute strength. You wouldn’t think it, but Renji is actually kind of a subtle character compared to some of the others-- he gains character by losing constantly, and (slaps shipper hat back on) in the end, he gains Rukia’s heart, not because he’s strong, but because she just likes him. His worth as a person is not actually tied to the strength of his sword.
But you know what? That was a ride. Just because that’s what Kubo intended doesn’t mean that it actually worked. You asked me, and this is my favorite ship, and so, of course, this is the answer you’re going to get from me. But some people don’t read/watch Bleach over and over again. Some people don’t revisit this fight and view it from a different lens. Some people don’t care to think about it this deeply. Some people might get an initial bad impression of Renji and never feel like putting in the effort to get past it-- and they aren’t obligated to. Some people may say, “the later explanation didn’t do enough to make me feel better about it” or perhaps it’s as simple as “it was gross to me, and nothing is going to make me get over it.”
Personally, compared to Bleach as a whole, I don’t think Renji is particularly violent towards Rukia-- he’s a member of a military order, sent to apprehend or kill another member of the order. The fact that he’s aggressive toward her speaks to the fact that he respects her as a fighter and also the fact that Hollows are tricky and often possess people and also, this whole situation is fishy as hell. Rukia also interferes in Renji’s fight in a way that could very well have gotten him killed. I do not think he chokes her at any point, I’ve squinted at the panels a lot, and he appears to be holding her entire shoulders/neck/torso situation or possibly the straps of her backpack, it’s hard to say because his hands are as big as her entire chest. She’s never shown gasping for air or crying in pain. He probably should have used a kidou to restrain her, but Rukia’s better at kidou than he is, or maybe he just didn’t think of it, that’s not a thing you do in Eleven. As I said, no one is arguing that Renji made any good decisions at this moment. Too bad there wasn’t anyone else around to help him out, gee whiz. In fact, I’m honestly more bothered by how badly Renji beat up Uryuu than the way he treated Rukia. That being said, other people may read this differently! If someone read it and said, “it came off as excessively violent”, I would not try to convince them that their feelings are wrong. We all have our own experiences and perspectives. Shounen manga is over-the-top in a lot of ways. None of this is how real people act to each other, and certain scenes are gonna hit different readers in different ways. Some people are very indifferent to all of this, some of us are sensitive to some parts and not others, and some people are sensitive to so much that I wonder how they even enjoy the genre at all (but you know what? that’s not my business!)
To sum up, it is a perfectly legitimate point of view to not like Renji and/or to not like RenRuki as a ship based on this scene.
Now, are there people who use this argument in bad faith? Yeah, probably. I cannot see into the hearts of anonymous internet trolls, but it’s a fair assumption. But on the other hand, you posed this question using words like “antis” and “ammo”, so I would argue that you didn’t exactly ask this question in good faith, either. I don’t understand why anyone logs on and tries to argue that ships are right or wrong. Shipping something means that it brings you joy to think about and consume content for. It is not a thing you can win or lose at. Has “canon evidence” ever convinced a single person anywhere to love a ship or hate it? I love analyzing stuff I read and watch, but I’m not trying to prove that I’m smarter than anyone or that I’m right and they’re wrong. My goal on this website is to make friends and to make art and stories and to encourage my friends to make art and stories for all of us to enjoy and feel good about. I honestly hate discourse about antis and proshippers and anti-antis. There is no positive side to it. People get so caught up in the meta narrative of who is “valid” and who is “bogus” and it always turns into the most reductive, tiresome arguments and drives good people out of fandoms. If I am following someone who makes or reblogs arguments that give me bad feelings, I unfollow them, and they can continue to do that without me knowing or caring. It works really well, actually.
As I said, I love writing meta posts and I so flattered when people want my take on something, but I have exactly 0 interest in getting into fights on the internet, least of all over something so subjective as which characters and ships people like or dislike, and I would appreciate it if people didn’t try to drag me into it. I am too old for this shit.
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