#no one laid a single scratch onto him
keikakudori · 2 years
did you think you could simply bury me under superior numbers and brute strength? HOW NAIVE.
personals do not reblog.
requested by @godkilller
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sillyblues · 1 year
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐨’𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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ੈ✩‧₊˚𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: miguel tells you how annoying you are
ੈ✩‧₊˚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: last and second part of annoying is here!! thank you so much for the huge support yall broke my app my notifications weren’t loading properly lmao THANK YOU! this was supposed to be just a short one but here we are with a part two and a bit bigger word count m’gonna need rest and need more time for the preggo fic
part 1
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Wordlessly, you left the team. You returned to your own Earth and did your own thing again. There was a slight tinge of unfamiliarity, knowing that you might never work with other spider people, your friends, again, but you forced the feeling down.
Miguel’s outburst haunted you wherever you went. Even as you fought villains that disturbed the peacefulness of your home, even as you mingled with the other civilians and hung out with your friends, even as you laid down in the comfort of your bed, his words would constantly echo through your head, and they would threaten the fall of your tears every single time.
If Miguel thought you were annoying, what about your other friends? Do they think you were bothersome as well? Maybe, you bitterly thought as you brought your knees to your face. Maybe the civilians don’t like you as well. The thought of the people you treasure and care for so dearly, the people whom you devoted most of your life to save, the people whom you risk getting hurt every day for, hating you, left you breathless.
More tears fell, and you gasped. The ache in your heart was too much to bear and seemed to sting your entire being. You clutched your chest as you laid sideways on your bed, pillows and blanket long scattered on the floor. You tried to muffle your cries, but it was useless, as they still vibrated through the room of your apartment.
Oh, god. Please don’t hate me. Don’t hate me, please. Don’thatemepleasedon’thatemeplease—
“[Name]?” the familiar voice momentarily halted you in your weeping. You slowly rose a bit, supporting yourself on your arm and looked towards the source of it. Peter’s worried look greeted you as he crawled himself out of your window. 
“Oh, [Name].” you wavered at his heartbroken voice. He immediately rushed in to hug you. He sat on your bed beside you and embraced you. He rocked you back and forth, one hand on the back of your head that leaned into the crook of his neck, and one hand caressed your back.
“P-Peter, I ca– I can’t,” you hiccupped, and with shaking fingers, you gripped his suit tight. You felt your heart would burst with the way it was beating so fast and hard, ringing in your ears. “I can’t— I can’t breathe.”
“It’s okay, [Name]. I got you. I’m here, okay?” his voice was slightly muffled by the top of your head, but you could still hear him. “I want you to listen to me. Stay with me, yeah?”
You tried your best to respond, but it felt like your body wasn’t listening to you. He pulled back a little and held your face in his hands. You look at his eyes full of undisguised concern overflowing, and you desperately hope he doesn’t hate you too. You gathered what was left of your little strength and nodded weakly.
“Can you tell me three things around your room?” you try to look around as you cling to his arms. You looked away from his eyes and looked around you. Your old lampshade provided you with dim lighting in your dark, cold room. Your messy books were in disarray on the table. You saw a mirror. You saw yourself and how miserable you looked. Your face was wet with tears, and your eyes were red. You also saw how Peter looked at you with such solicitude, and you want to cry all over again.
“Um, lampshade.” You said and winced at the painful scratch in your throat and your hoarse voice. “Books. Mirror.”
“Good job. You did well. Can you move three body parts for me?” you unclasped your hands from his arms and tried to clench and unclench them. You wiggled your head out of his hold, embarrassment starting to creep onto you being seen so sticky and so wet and such a mess. It was fortunate that he understood and he chuckled. You were silent for a moment, and you didn't know what else to move so you settled on headbutting Peter.
“Ow! Of all things, really? Can't believe this is what I get,” he grumbled as he rubbed his forehead. You giggled at his exaggerated expression and unknowingly to you, your tears had stopped flowing, and only hiccups remained.
“Are you feeling better, [Name]? You can talk to me, my shoulder is vacant for you. Or do you want me to just stay quiet? Because yeah, I can do either. Just tell me what to do,” you chuckled even more at that. “I’ll even give you a pass for laughing at me.”
Seeing Peter comfort you like that, there was a sense of relief wash over you. It was obvious he was being genuine with you and if he wasn't, he most likely wouldn't even have the patience to sit with you and let you cry on him.
“It's nothing, um, it's just that,” you sighed as you weakly played with your fingers. The words are lodged in your throat, and you slowly breathe out. He looked at you with encouragement to take it slow, to breathe and you did. “I found out people at the headquarters think I talk too much and they didn’t really like me. Then I made Miguel mad, and I learned how I was annoying him. He probably hates me. And, uh, it got me thinking, what if you and Jess and Hobie think the same way? What if everyone thinks the same way?”
There was an urge to cry again, but it felt like you had cried it all out. There was none left for you to cry anymore.
“Wow, I knew Miguel was all bite and no bark, but I didn’t expect he’d bite that deep. What the hell is wrong with him?” the genuine disbelief made you sputter and chuckle. 
“First of all, whoever doesn’t like you is automatically wrong. I mean, who could not like you? You literally make everyone’s day. Jess loves gushing with you about her husband, and Hobie loves talking about how his punk stuff and fighting the literal government which I think it’s really pretty cool of him don’t tell him that he’s going to tell me I should do it as well and I just can’t,” he said. “And I love talking to you because you’re funny and so positive you just know how to make me cheer up. Besides, I’m talking too much now, aren’t I? Always have been. But did you think I was annoying?”
“No! I never once thought you were one.” You replied without a beat.
“Exactly. Us either. Look, [Name], everyone loves you. Trust me when I say that.” He said with confidence and finality that you had no choice but to believe him,
“But, Miguel..”
“He's stupid. I know. Don’t mind what he said because it’s all bullshit anyways.” He grins. “Lyla told me what happened. I’m not taking his side because what he said is just wrong and I get you, you know? Having to hear all of that hurts. But from the bottom of my heart, I think Miguel did not mean what he said. Like, all the pent-up stress got to his head and boom, it suddenly burst out. I’m not saying that it was a valid reason, no. I just wanted to let you know that he doesn’t truly think you’re annoying, you know?”
“Besides, from all the time I knew him, I had never seen him genuinely enjoy his time with someone nor mope so bad when you didn’t come to the headquarters anymore.” He said with a deadpan expression at the end.
“Pfft, really?”
“Yes, really.”
There was a pause, it wasn’t awkward but it made you appreciate him more for coming here for you. He smiled at you and you did too, leaning on his shoulder for support. He hugged you sideways, one arm rubbing the side of your arm and you closed your eyes.
“I missed you, [Name]. We all did.”
“...I missed you all too.”
The decision to come back to the headquarters was a bit hard but you took it slow with Peter’s support. He never rushed you nor forced you to come back which you really appreciated and when you did return, you were sure you didn’t regret it. Jess and Hobie immediately latched onto you, they hugged you tight and told you how much they missed you so bad. They asked you how had you been, if you were alright, if were you hurt, and all that. Seeing their sincere worry for you, you smiled hard enough to hurt your cheeks and slowly you were going back to the old, happy you.
What changed right now was that you avoided Miguel. When you first returned to the headquarters, Miguel was there a bit far away from you. You could feel his earnest gaze at you and you looked at him briefly. The bags underneath his eyes seemed to be bigger and you wonder if he had gotten a bit bigger too. A reminder of his words rang instantly through your head and you breathed deeply silently. You quickly looked away as soon as you laid your eyes on him and that remained true for a couple of weeks.
During the briefing of your missions, he would look at you expectantly as if you would stand beside him like you always did. But you usually stood nearby Hobie who was at the entrance of his office. Sometimes you stood beside Jess and Peter which was a bit near him but not quite so.
“You’re not gonna be near him?” Hobie once asked as he lay down on a flat surface. He nudged his head in Miguel’s direction who was looking at you a couple of times as he talked about the mission details. You smiled bitterly. 
“Aight, guess I got more time to catch up with you, huh?” the tip of his lips lifted up, “Wanna leg it and come join the protest in my home?”
“Oh no.” you silently snorted.
“What? It’s fun and we’re doing the right thing, you know.”
“Hobie, are you listening?” Miguel’s voice interrupted you both. You look away, not yet keen on looking at him.
“Yes, big boss. Ears open for you, don’t worry about me,” he stretched his arms before he folded them to lay his head on his clasped fingers. You wondered why he hadn’t called you when you weren’t really listening to him as well. Maybe he targeted Hobie on purpose to make you feel uncomfortable? You bit your lip. No, that can’t be. Peter said Miguel didn’t hate you and you trusted him so despite the voices haunting voices once more, you decided to believe in him.
Sometimes, you two would meet outside the building on his favourite Mexican stand outside the building. Maybe it was a habit formed over the time you knew him that you would buy him his empanadas. Now that you couldn’t bring yourself to talk to him just yet, you bought some for yourself. You could not deny that you missed buying his food, only to eat half of it yourself.
“Ah, it’s [Name]! How have you been? I haven’t seen you in so long!” Mrs. Flores exclaimed as soon as she saw your walking figure towards her. You two have gotten close a bit back then and has since then insisted you to call her ‘Abuela’. “Have you lost weight? You’ve gotten smaller since I last saw you!”
You didn’t think you did but before you could deny she was immediately cooking some empanadas, “Just wait, I’ll cook some for you, okay? No need to pay.”
“Abuela, thank you, but I can’t accept this without payment. Please, let me pay,” you opened your wallet and took some money but she wasn’t having it.
“No! I told you I don’t need any money! Do I look like I need some, huh? Don’t make me angry,” she threateningly pointed her clamps at you. You just sighed, knowing full well that her stubbornness was stronger than any villain you had fought. Suddenly, a figure crept behind you and you paid it no mind, figuring it was some other customer but the voice surprised you.
“Buenas tardes, Señora. Lo de siempre por favor.” You looked at Miguel in reflex. He wore a plain white shirt and trousers and oh, he was so close to you. His mouth opened as if he wanted to say something but hesitation dripped from him so you took the opportunity to look away and stepped to your side to create some distance between you.
“Oh, ¿es tú novio, [Name]? ¡Lo sabía! Why didn’t you say so? He’s been the one buying empanadas instead when you were gone.” You choked on your own saliva and embarrassment immediately crept up your cheeks. You coughed it out as she side-eyed you. Miguel was silent and you wonder if he wasn’t going to clear this misunderstanding up.
“You had a fight, didn’t you?”
“No, Abuela, he’s not my boyfriend—”
“He isn’t? ¡Qué hombre más estúpido! Are your eyes not properly working? What are you still waiting for?” she snorted at him. The bubbling noises from the oil fill the silence as you didn’t really know how to respond in this situation. 
“Well whatever, you will fix it, won’t you?” she glared at him. In that moment, you felt loved once more and you were starting to truly believe that those who said you were annoying were wrong. You bit your lip. You did not deny to yourself that you were expecting to hear his answer.
“I will.” He replied with such determination and resolution as he looked at you. Your heart throbbed, you saw how much he wanted to fix things right with you and you didn’t know how to feel. Glad? Happy? But you also felt upset at yourself because you almost wanted to smile just because of that and it felt like you were too easy in forgiving him even though he hurt you so much. You quickly dismissed the confusing feelings down and when Abuela gave you the empanadas, you hurriedly slipped some bills while you took the food and almost ran off.
But everything would have to come to an end, including this avoidance of yours of him. You sorted out your thoughts, and your feelings, each day as you avoided him like a plague after numerous encounters because you feared that if you saw him one more time, you would burst out and say things that you didn’t mean like he did. 
On the day that you decided to finally stop everything and just talk to him, you were beaten to it by Miguel. You were looking through the windows in the building and stared at the beautiful blue skies and the white clouds that decorated it. The flying cars and the mega train running vertically were like the birds and the beam of sunlight back in your home and you were reminded of the differences you and Miguel had. 
“[Name],” his voice was so soft, so unlike the tone he had the day he yelled at you. You admit you had gotten comfortable with the pain you felt since that day that you still wanted to evade his gazes and attempts to reach out to you. But the rational part of you, the one that grew from the pain, knew you had to meet his eyes this time. To let him reach you this time. And so you did. You looked at him, you looked at his eyes that were looking at you so desperately, so hesitatingly.
“Can we talk, please? Just the two of us,” he said but to you, it felt like he pleaded with the way his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw was clenched, awaiting your words that seemed like it would decide his fate.
“Okay,” you breathed out and he did too. The crease on his forehead slowly thinned out and his shoulders moved back. You knew that if someone different saw Miguel like this, they would think he was normal and that he wasn’t acting differently. But you knew better. Despite the tough shell he portrayed, there was a man vulnerable just like you. You just had a soft shell.
You two went to his office and the door closed behind you two. He asked Lyla to not let anyone enter for at least a while so nobody would disturb you both. She saw you and waved brightly at you. She then nodded and finally disappeared.
“Before you say anything, can you honestly answer this one question I have? Just one, please,” you asked him, nerves started to creep onto you and you wanted to look away so bad but you have to search for the truth in his eyes. You have to know his answer to your question.
“Sure, yes. I’ll be honest, I swear.” He promised you.
“Did you ever really think I was annoying? That all I do was nothing but cause trouble for you?”
“Liar.” You were disappointed. You were not as stupid and oblivious as others thought of you. There was a part of yourself that knew that you were bothering them. That you were bothering him. But you couldn’t help it. You cared for him and if talking too much, if bothering him would make him distracted from the grief and the pain he had from Gabriella then you would gladly do it.
“No, I wasn’t lying, [Name]—” you looked away. He couldn’t even be honest with you. Were you that unworthy of honesty? That was all you had asked. You clenched your fist and let your nails dig into your palm. “Listen to me, please.”
You start to walk away.
“[Name], por favor,”
You were nearing the exit.
“I— fuck it, yes! I didn’t like you because you were so annoying. I hated you.” You immediately looked back at him. Disbelief was obvious in your face and tears fell from your eyes. You felt a sense of betrayal at this. If he hated me so much, then why did he let me so close to him? Were you just a show to him? Were you entertaining? He was approaching you and strength had left your legs from the shock at what he said but you remained still.
“I hated the way you talked so much I felt like I was losing a part of myself because I wanted to know more about you and listen to you talk. I hated the way you know so much about me. I felt like you could see through me and I was so scared that you would hate me if you knew what I truly am. I hated the way you cared for me like no other because I cared for you too and I was so terrified to lose you too. I hated the way you’re so reckless, you don’t care if you get hurt as long as it’s for others.” He stopped in front of you and tears were also coming out from his eyes. “I hated the way you captured my whole attention whenever you’re there by my side because I can’t look at anything else anymore. I can’t work properly anymore. I can’t think properly anymore and– and I, oh fuck.”
“You’re so annoying because you distract me so much. I hated you because I fell for you and you’re all I could think about and I just don’t know anymore,” he shakily breathed out. His figure was so big but at this moment, you felt like he was so small. His tears ran continuously like a furious stream and you were sure yours were too.
“When you left, it didn’t feel right anymore. I missed you talking to me. I missed you eating my food. I missed you annoying me. I missed you so much it hurts.” His voice turned hoarse and you finally moved. You caressed your hand on his cheeks and he leaned his face against your touch. “Lo siento, [Name]. I really am. Es la verdad, por favor créeme. Por favor…”
“Are you stupid? Why didn’t you tell me?” you cried out as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tight. But you couldn’t really blame him. Because he was the same as you. Despite his flying cars and vertical running train and your birds and beam of sunlight, there was still the same blue sky and white clouds. Despite his tough shell and your soft one, you two were just as vulnerable as the other.
“I’m sorry, don’t hate me please…” he croaked out and gripped onto your suit tight. You leaned back a bit to hold his face in your palms. His face was wet, his hair was a mess, and he looked so haggard. You lean your forehead against his.
“I don’t, I promise. I could never hate you and I hate you for it as well,” you giggled amidst your tears. 
Really, he was such a stupid man and you were so annoying.
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tag-list: (i'm sorry if i wasn't able to tag you!) @nxrdamp @um-well @nanasdumbworld @myconglomerateromance @sleepyamaya @harlekin6 @bittersw33t-lotus @saturnknows @miggyoharaswife @innergardentoadpony @asobriquet @mimooyi @misscaller06 @sciencethot @vainillasmil157 @just-a-mothboi @katsukiswrld @zukiizuks @cumbermovels @bigmood-myman @momos-peaches @lunrai @saint-chlorine @themoonsaynotocircus @deputy-videogamer @brittney69 @armins-ocean-seashell @galadrien02 @ranp01 @witherfag @eileen201804 @daryldixonh0e @chinglewingledingledong @mystar-girl57 @lorarri @poopoobuttsy @scarletsloveletter @mimimarvelingmarvel @tfygcdy @skulfan1 @roryrose327 @gamersansblog
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bpmiranda · 19 days
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Honey II |l. howlett| nsfw
A/N: small town recluse!logan, 18+ f!reader, oral f! receiving, unprotected sex, daddy kink, a little angst because I like to hurt my own feelings, apparently:)
One Spring evening, Logan was working on his truck when he could hear in the distance a faint motor approaching his property. Immediately recognizing the sound of the engine, he wiped his hands on a rag and stood waiting as the little pickup made its way up his driveway. Y/N got out of the truck with a brown grocery bag and she grinned at him. Logan noticed a few changes about her such as the length of her hair, the colors she wore now, but that smile had the same uplifting charm as always. “When’d you get in?” He asked with a smirk as he approached her.
“Last night,” She said with big, pleading eyes looking up at him as he took the bag out of her hands and stepped back to look her over. Her hands clasped together behind her and she bit her lip anxiously. “It’s good to see you, Logan.”
Logan offered her his hand and she took it, his lips pressed to her knuckles as he led her into his cabin. “It’s real good to see you too, honey.” Logan let her in first and he couldn’t help let his eyes wander over her backside. “Let’s see what you brought me.”
The groceries were abandoned on the kitchen table and Logan had her on his lap, his fingers tracing over her calf length socks, rubbing her thighs slowly underneath her skirt as they made out. Her hands were laced through his hair, tugging and scratching his scalp lightly, her hips subtly rolling against his pelvis. “Logan, I missed you.” She whispered breathlessly, caressing his jaw, his beard tickling her palms while he looked up at her with such a loving, tender look.
“I missed you, honey,” He said with a small sigh, his hands moved from underneath her skirt and he held her waist to lift her up and carry her to his bedroom. “Haven’t stopped thinking about you not one day.” Her cheeks grew warm from his words and she looked away shyly as he laid her down on the bed. Logan gently brought her back to look at him by her chin and he kissed her softly, smiling as she returned the gesture.
As Logan held his weight over her, her hands undid the buttons on his flannel while they made out. Her thighs enclosed around him, bringing him close to her as she whispered, “I haven’t been with another man.” Logan’s cock throbbed at her confession and he groaned softly against her lips. “I just want you, daddy.” She sighed as she felt his hardened shaft press against her, where she needed him the most.
“You’ve got me, baby.” Logan helped her remove his flannel and she unzipped her skirt, letting him pull it off as she removed her long sleeve blouse. His hand smoothed over her breasts, gently squeezing her soft mounds through her bra as she undid his belt buckle. His mouth attached to the top of her breast as he reached behind her to undo her bra with ease and he sucked gently, marking her skin with hickeys she would continue to feel for days.
Y/N sighed contently as he tossed her bra elsewhere and bit on her nipple, groaning and swirling his tongue around hardened bud. His fingers grabbed firmly onto the waistband of her panties and she gasped as they were suddenly ripped clean off of her. Logan smirked at her reaction as he spread her legs out for himself, kissing her knee and her thigh, biting the soft skin just to hear her whine for him. “Logan!”
“Let me have a taste, honey.” He said as he licked a single line along her slit, groaning at the way she made his mouth water, made him crave more of her. “Missed this little pussy.” He mumbled as he sucked on her juices as if he had not had a thing to drink since she left for college.
There wasn’t a thought in her head as he ate her out slowly, gently lapping at her slit, his tongue dipping into her cunt as if it were a honey pot. “Logan, yes,” She gasped as his grip tightened on her thighs as they rested on his shoulders. Her hands tugged on his thick hair, her back arching against the bed as he brought her to orgasm. “Yes!” She breathed out with a soft laugh, the endorphins in her head intensified every feeling of pleasure and she felt her mind go fuzzy with bliss.
“Just like I remember,” Logan smirked, licking her arousal off his lips before he kissed her gently. “Like honey.” Y/N moaned softly into the kiss, a tingle of excitement running through her breasts as his warm, bare chest pressed against her, the feeling of his broad muscles covering her like a blanket was so comforting. Logan had removed his pants, his hard cock now lay between the two of them, sliding against her clit slowly as he rolled his hips into her.
“Mm, that feels-mm-so good, daddy.” She whispered, her arms wrapping around his neck as he was kissing her neck, marking her there too. His hands smoothed along her body, one hand kept her thigh hooked to his waist while the other caressed her head lovingly. The head of his cock made its way into her tight, warm core, her slick making it easier for him to slide through her. Her mouth fell open slightly at the initial sting from the stretch and Logan growled quietly against her neck, pacing himself as best he could.
“You saved this little pussy for me, baby?” He asked, making her feel incredibly vulnerable as she nodded, her brows scrunched together as he dragged his length out of her slowly, stimulating her sensitive walls with every vein protruding around his hard shaft. “You only want daddy in you like this?”
“Y-yes, only-ah-only you, daddy!” She whimpered, her nails dug into his back as his pace picked up. The tip of his cock repeatedly pushed into her cervix, his hips rocked deeply against her, sending her into a frenzy as he fucked every coherent thought out of her mind. All she could focus on was the feeling of him spearing her, pumping repeatedly into her with purpose. She wanted him to use her, fill her, make her his own.
Logan grunted as he felt his cock throb warningly and he quickly wrapped an arm around her waist and kept her on his dick as he moved to sit against the headboard. Y/N whined and whimpered as she sunk onto him, his hard length sitting deep inside her and she trembled from the pleasure. “Bounce a little bit for daddy, honey.” He encouraged her, his hands roaming up her waist to her breasts which he cupped in his large hands, one of his thumbs caressed her nipple while his mouth latched onto the other. With a light cry, she bounced softly on his length, this angle making it to where she couldn’t control how much she took in and left her with no choice but to sit on his entire length. “Oh, that’s it, baby.” Logan groaned, holding her close so he could continue to kiss her chest as she got herself to the edge of release.
“Ah! Logan!” She mewled as her pussy contracted around his girth, her thighs trembled from the force of her orgasm. Logan grunted, holding tightly onto her thighs to keep her pinned to his lap as he released his load, groaning as the warmth of his cum filled her cunt and dripped down the sides of his shaft as it couldn’t fit in her small hole which was already occupied by him. Logan was breathing heavily against her shoulder as she was shaking in his arms, caressing the back of his head as she sat stuffed and feeling used on him.
They laid in his bed for a quiet moment as they regained their energy. Logan was still sitting on the bed while she laid on his torso with his flannel on, her arms wrapped around him while he had one wrapped around her. His long arm reached down underneath the sheets to caress her ass lovingly, while he kept his other hand resting over hers which was resting on his chest, over his heart, her fingers drumming lightly on his left pectoral. “Can’t believe you’re a college woman now.” He mused with a small smile. “All educated.” He said with a teasing slap on her ass and Y/N stifled a giggle in his chest, mumbling for him to quit it. “What’re you studying again?”
“Biology.” She murmured, two of her fingers pulled softly on the hair of his chest. “I’m going to find out what genes make you so very much like a bear.”
“A bear?” Logan laughed, his chest vibrating from the sound and it made her grin. “I’ve never been compared to a bear before.”
“You could be a werewolf.” She said suddenly and Logan almost stopped breathing. Her eyes looked up at him and he smiled. “You’re already a lone wolf, up here in the mountains without anyone. Don’t you get lonely?”
Logan kissed her forehead and shook his head. “Only when you’re gone.” Her cheeks warmed up and she kissed him softly. Logan took in a deep breath, sighing against her lips, holding her close. “You really don’t have a boyfriend up there, baby?” He asked her, trying to steer their conversation away from genetics.
Y/N shook her head, her chin resting on his chest as she looked at him with doting eyes and that radiant smile that the sun itself envied. “No one compares to you.” She murmured. Logan chuckled and shook his head lightly, running a hand through her hair and caressing her cheek.
“You shouldn’t compare them to me, honey.”
“I know,” She said with a small shrug, looking away from him as she rested her head back on his chest. “You don’t make it easy though.”
Logan felt guilty for having unintentionally filled her head with the idea that they could be together, here in the mountain. What kind of life would this be for her? Unstable and rocky because someone was always seeking him out. She was still so young and had so much left to experience, but it was clear she only had on thought in mind. “You don’t make it easy either, baby. You’re so sweet and pretty, I can’t stand the thought of you marrying some joker.”
“Then don’t think about it,” She said as she sat up and moved back onto his lap. Logan chuckled, caressing her thighs gently as he looked up at her very determined demeanor. “Just think about us.”
“I do think about us, and it’s just not possible. You don’t want to settle down this young, believe me, you’re going to want to travel and have a career.” Logan held onto her waist, looking into her expectant eyes and thinking about his past, about the people he couldn’t save; he wouldn’t let her be one of those faces. “I’m not the guy you take home. You need someone your age that has a career and can take care of you.”
Y/N frowned and shook her head and it made him laugh because he knew her to be very stubborn and persistent until she got what she wanted, and that included him. “You can take care of me. You saved my dad from that wreck, you’re as brave as they come, Logan. You’re resourceful and handy and you love me, right?” Her eyes were begging him to her that he did, and while he did care for her, he knew he couldn’t fill this young girl’s head with fantasies.
“Do you ever wonder why I was able to get your dad out of that car without so much as a scratch on myself?” He asked and she gave him a confused look. “Honey, I’m not who you think I am. I’m not like normal guys, okay? I can’t bring you into this part of my life, you’ll just end up getting hurt and I can’t have that. Not you.”
“So then what is this? Are we just fooling around?” She asked, a tone of hurt in her voice as her eyes welled up threateningly. “I don’t care that you’re not like the others, I prefer that about you. Logan, I-I love you. I only want you.”
Logan could feel his heart ache for her, he wanted to give her a stable life, a safe life, but he couldn’t guarantee that he could offer her that. “If wishes came true, it could’ve been us, honey. If I were different, if I didn’t have to constantly run, it would’ve been you and I.”
“It can be. We can be together and we can grow old. We can have a long life together.” She insisted, caressing his jaw softly as she kissed him.
Logan kissed her, probably for the last time, he thought as he pulled away gently. She frowned as he lifted a hand across his chest and slowly let his claws protrude from between his knuckles. Y/N took in a slow, deep breath as she watched the blades glint in front of her. Her eyes met his again and he shook his head sadly. “I’m cursed to be alone the rest of my life. Everyone I’ve loved, I’ve lost because of this. I can’t have anything happen to you, honey. There can’t be an us, and I can’t grow old with you.”
Honey III
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3
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Summer Breeze 1
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Was gonna be a drabble roulette. Fuck me, I can't do this right, can I?
Warnings: age gap (reader is 22, Andrew is mid 40s), dad's friend, Andy being Andrew, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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You push yourself up from the air mattress, feeling the floor through the deflating cushion. You grumble and yawn as you rub your eyes. You stand up, the loose tank clinging to your stomach as you tug the hem of your shorts from the crease of your thigh. 
You don’t lament your accommodation. You know you’re a last-minute addition to the trip. The place is a bit crowded and you’re just happy to not be laid out in the dirt. Still a free vacation is a free vacation. You won’t complain for it. 
You stretch and pad to the door, careful not to disturb the bodies sleeping in the dual bunk beds. You’ve never been to a cottage before. This place is nicer than your house. Even if it’s a bit cramped. 
Your dad always complained about the mortgage and now you know why. He’s struggling to make his monthly payments and keep you in school, meanwhile the neighbour has a whole second house by a lake. You feel worse for your meagre contributions. Your part-time job won’t get your dad his own beach house. 
As you get to the door, you jump at the loud snort the cuts the air. Jacob rolls over and throws his arm over his face. He’s been at it all night. Him and his friends who crowd onto the single mattresses.
You get along but you’re not exactly a part of his usual gang. It was your dad’s idea to come up. You know he forgot it was his turn to have you for the summer. The awkward getaway is better than dealing with another of your mother’s boyfriends. 
Your weight creaks in the floor as you come down the hall and you stop short at the unexpected figure stood before the open windows. You hug yourself as wind blows in from over the water. You stare at Mr. Barber’s broad shoulders as he stands shirtless as he stares out at the morning landscape. 
You should go back. You’re always the first one awake at the sleepover. You lean back on your heel and the floor whines loud enough to give you away. You cringe. 
“Burton--” Mr. Barber grits as he glances over his shoulder, cutting himself short as he sees you. He turns to face you completely and coughs, “sorry, I thought you were your father.” 
“Um, no, sorry Mr. Barber, I was just... awake,” you utter dumbly. 
“Andy,” he corrects you. 
“Right, Andy,” you echo nervously, “I’ll just--” you point with your thumb over your shoulder. 
“It’s fine, I... I--” he stops and looks down at himself. He wears only a pair of shorts, “shoot, I--” he clears his throat and searches around, pulling on the button up hung over one of the dining chairs, “got a bit hot.” 
You notice the couch is all made up; crumpled blankets and a wrinkled pillow.  
“Your dad’s in my room. He had a bit too much fun with the beer,” he sniffs.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you rub your neck. That’s not unusual. 
“You drink coffee?” He asks as he comes forward, “you college girls still have caffeine without all that whip and syrup?” 
You frown at the insinuation. He’s one of those; ‘in my day’, though you sense a flavour of misogyny too. You shrug. 
“I don’t drink coffee,” you answer as he nears, “I’ll have some water and lemon, if you have it.” 
“Lemon water,” he grumbles as he brushes closely, “you on a diet?” 
You squint and let out a scoff, “no.” 
He’s quiet as he looks in the fridge and takes out a large pitcher. His cheek ticks as he thinks, “not that you need to be on one... sorry.” He pours you a glass and slides it to the end of the counter, “no lemons.” 
“That’s fine,” you accept the glass. 
“Well, I was gonna say,” he scratches his beard as he backs up, his shirt still open, revealing his furry chest, “coffee always tastes better out on the dock but... you don’t drink coffee.” 
“Mm,” you hum, “well, thanks for the water. If you don’t mind, I might go out anyway.” 
He nods as he turns, popping open a cupboard to search out the canister of coffee. You linger, waiting for any response. He peels the lid off the container and glances over. His blue eyes makes you shiver. You don't know him very well, he only just moved in your first year of college. Your dad likes him but your his friends never want much to do with you. 
“I’m sorry if I’m bothering--” you begin. 
“Don’t mind,” he answers, “the company, that is.” He turns back to fill the machine and lets out a sigh, “not used to a full house anymore and I don’t think your dad will be up soon enough to share the pot.” He loads the filter and closes the lid on the percolator, “or the others...” 
“Probably not,” you agree. 
He peeks over again as he fills the carafe. You’re suddenly very aware of your own attire, or lack thereof. The loose tank, the floral shorts with the untied drawstring. You sip from the glass and give a sheepish smile. 
“Anyway, I need some fresh air,” you inch away as tap your fingertips on the side of the glass, “maybe I’ll see a few loons before they fly off.” 
His brows rise and fall and he turns his focus back to the sink. He shuts off the water and turns to the machine. You leave him, eager to be away from the tension of your unexpected encounter. On second hand, this is just as awkward as dealing with one of your mother’s random hookups. 
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marvelslittlewhore · 9 months
No Movement
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REQUEST | reader being into cock warming and JJ having issues to not starting to fuck her because he has so little control over himself when he's inside her, and she wants to try and low-key train him to hold out longer before giving into his urges
PAIRING | jj maybank x fem!reader
WARNINGS | 18+ only MDNI! smut, no plot, cockwarming, p in v, kind of sub!jj, praise, light choking, unprotected (wrap it before you tap it)
A/N | thank you for requesting! ���
"Jay, you gotta stop moving, that's the whole point of this." you sighed softly when he had to readjust again to be more comfortable like he said 3 times already, his cock is buried deep inside of you for the last 20 minutes.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm trying- but it's not easy when you're squeezing the hell outta me," he grunted, relaxing a little the second he felt your hands going through his hair.
And he really was trying, you have to give him credit for that. JJ wasn't usually someone to hold back, especially in bed. So when he fucks you, he's showing no mercy.
That's why it's so hard for him to keep still right now, being able to touch you yet not allowed to move even just a little is torture for him, but he's doing this for you. He understands that you just want to savor having him so close and all to yourself.
"I'm proud of you, Baby. Doin' so good for me." you praised him, leaning forward to peck his lips causing him to groan from the small movement. "Think you can hold on a little longer?"
He lets out a shaky breath but nods his head anyway. You tried to distract him by scratching his scalp or running your fingernails up and down his heaving chest.
The noises he made and the way his eyebrows pinch together in focus to not lose control and disappoint you, had you almost giving in to his desires, but feeling in charge for once is something you never knew you needed.
JJ's at your mercy now and you knew he would do anything in this moment just to get some kind of release.
"Please I-" He chokes on his own words, his hands gripping onto your hips desperately.
"What do you need, hm?" you teased by rolling your hips one time.
"Fuck- move, please. I can't-" You cut him off by crashing your lips to his, moaning against his mouth when his hand reached up to cup one of your breasts a single finger flicking over your hardening nipple.
You only pulled back from the lack of oxygen, smiling at how dazed JJ already was. You surprised him by starting to rock your hips slowly, throwing your head back.
Suddenly you felt his arm wrap behind your back and before you knew it your back was pressed against the mattress, wrists held up above your head, and JJ pounding into you at a punishing pace, letting out all the built-up frustration.
"Shit- just like that," you whined, legs wrapping around his waist to pull him even closer.
"Would you look at that." he chuckled, not slowing his movements in the slightest. "Teasing me this whole time and who's whining now?"
He was holding your wrists in one hand while the other moved down to wrap around your neck, applying some pressure, not enough to choke you but enough to have your eyes roll in the back of your head.
"I'm close." you whimpered, feeling his hips stutter slightly.
"Cum with me." he pants, letting go of your wrists to rub fast circles on your clit.
All the stimulation he was giving you was overwhelming and the coil in your stomach finally snapped. JJ followed soon after, nuzzling his face in your neck, moaning as he did so.
He fucked you both through your high, pulling back to look at you. "You good?"
"Fucking amazing" you smiled, breathing heavily.
He chuckled, starting to pull out of you slowly and you whined at the loss of contact. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here, not goin' anywhere."
He laid down beside you, pulling you on top of him carefully, planting a gentle kiss against your forehead.
JJ would never admit it out loud but this was one of the best things you two have ever done. The way you were in charge was one of the reasons, as dumb as it sounds, that it was so hard for him to not fuck you stupid.
You just laid there while he traced random patterns on your back for a while until you let your eyes flutter close, knowing JJ would drag you to the shower the second you open them again.
For everything:
@lokigirlszendaya @buckymydarlingangel @superlegend216
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changisworld · 3 months
A helping hand
Felix x f!reader
Word count:6,227
Summary: Felix is addicted to masterbating & also sex. But despite his addictions, he hasn’t got laid in over a year & has to use his hand but he has now gotten bored with it. He has tried different toys, DIY tricks etc but it’s just not the same, so he caves in one night & signs up to one of the “single ladies in your area” adverts out of complete desperation after clicking on it by accident. not thinking in case he gets a million more porn viruses, but he ends up talking to someone he thinks is even more attractive than him, you.
->Authors note at bottom!
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
main masterlist here
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SMUT WARNINGS: NEEEEDDDDYYY felix, felix cums a LOT& i mean a LOT, multiple orgasms(both rec), switch reader, switch felix, spit, oral (both rec), 69, facesitting, ball sucking, slliiiiggghhhtttt anal play(felix rec), body worship, squirting, hair pulling, very brief masterbating, slight overstimulation, cum eating, creampie, tiniest bit of dirty talk, praise, finger sucking, aftercare is mostly off screen! 90% smut 10% plot (sorry nawt sorry)
Felix has been scrolling through pornhub & also twitter for hours. He has gotten two hundred pages down into pornhub & can't help but grumble to himself, his cock red & angry now resting on his lower stomach, a few, small ropes of cum spread across his abs & for him, that's nothing.
He scratches the underside of his cock with his nails in a slow motion, trying to give himself a tiny bit of stimulation.
He keeps aimlessly scrolling through the pages upon pages of videos but he is barely even reading the titles, his eyes getting bored & he ends up focusing on the bunch of stupid adverts at the top of the page & he watches the same clip replaying over & over & he clicks on the video right below the advert a second later, the thumbnail catching his attention for the first time in forever.
The video takes a second to load & another advert comes up & he sighs, before realising it's the same advert from the top of the screen. He goes to press the 'skip advert' button but accidently clicks on the actual advert & it takes him onto a website.
He goes to just click off of it, but something... someone catches his his eye.
The website is styled like an early 2000's porn magazine, pictures of women with descriptions below, a small text box beneath each where you can leave your own message for the women to get back to you.
He decides to just scroll down a few, when a specific girl stands out to him, a girl called y/n. In the picture given, you're wearing a lacey black bra & panties set, your body & face on full display.
He takes a brief look at your description: "*YOUR AGE*, no hard no's, feel free to message me, I won't bite unless you ask me to<3" & Felix feels almost compelled to text you. He signs up to the website, not even bothering to think if it's a scam website & could steal all his information before setting his profile picture, his name, age & bio up before sending you a message.
Felix's description: "Into absolutely everything. I dom & sub, I'm not picky!:3 You name it, I'm into it!" He decides to keep it short, not wanting to add too much in case with his luck, one of his friends, almost as desperate as he is, coming across his account somehow.
Felllx2000: Aren't u too pretty to be here?
Felix texts you, not wanting to sound like a weirdo, he goes to click out of your name & scroll further down the site when he sees a speech bubble at the bottom of the screen, you already typing back.
You: Shouldn't I be asking you the same? you look so innocent, what you doing on here? Felllx2000: looks are deceiving then lol, i'm anything but that:3 You: I seen your bio, you seem like fun, whats brought you here? Felllx2000: came here on accident lol but i dont regret it now, do u have any more pics of u?? You: aww you're just a cutie<3 ofc I do, I'm supposed to make you pay for images since only the texting part is meant to be free but you're just a beautiful boy so one wont hurt. You:Imag.ddxi41g
Felix's eyes widen at the image, you're posing in the mirror in another set of lingerie, this time a hot pink set, making your curves look as good as possible, your hand cupping the bottom of one of your tits & you are sticking your tongue out.
Felix's cock jumps up from his stomach for the first time all night & a few of his fingers reach down to fondle the tip of his dick, eyes narrowing slightly at the sensation.
Felllx2000:can i be a beg & ask for another? ur so hot it hurts You: You're really a desperate boy aren't you? Why not you send me something of you first n i can decide if i'll send anything else ;)
Felix reads this & is instantly flicking onto his camera roll & selecting multiple photos of himself, photos of his aching leaky cock, photos of his abs & even a full body shot before sending it.
You, on the other side of the phone, your jaw drops when he sends the photos & the sleep clothes you're wearing all of a sudden feeling far too tight on your body. You go back into your camera roll & dig out a pussy picture, your fingers in a 'V' shape, spreading your hole & your clit visible, a shimmer noticeable, the photo taken after you did a private show for another texter (you made over £950 that night) since you were a bit too sleepy to take a brand new picture since it's 2am for you both.
Felix's cock pulsates, this being the first time he's actually received nudes for the first time in months & he begins to actually jerk off into his hand, all of a sudden he is actually getting the tiniest bit of sensation to his cock as he admires the photo.
Felllx2000: y/n ur making me nuts holy shit You: Feelings mutual sweetie, u jerking off for me? Felllx2000: thats a silly question of course i am, wish it was you though</3 You: you gonna cum just from a few pictures hmm? why you so needy? do you not get female attention, pretty? Can I ask what your body count is gorgeous? with a face like that you can easily be married by now. Felllx2000: noooo;( my hand doesn't bring me anything good, want someone else, want u. It's 3, I just dont get the chance! im good in bed though, id luv to prove it! ;0 You: Your neediness turns me on so much babe, what is it you want me to do to you? I want to kiss your pretty face off n ride you till you cry, your cock is so beautiful, so pink
You can't help but smile at your screen & you shut your phone off & you crawl out your bed & hop in the shower, taking the extra time to use extra body scrubs & scents as you feel a bit nervous of what you are gonna do, in the meantime, felix has began blowing up your phone.
Felllx2000:Want u to wrap ur lips around me so much;( want to fuck u so bad, i can last so long y/n, u have no idea Felllx2000: would let u wrap ur thighs around my head, pull my hair, i can be so good for you if u want me tooooo<3 Felllx2000: where u gone?:( did i scare u? im sorry, u dont need to respond.
You hop out the shower & dry your hair as quick as you can & you lift your phone that's half hidden in your bedsheets & you see the messages he sent & your eyebrows furrow a bit.
You: Don't be so silly, nothing that comes from your pretty face could scare me. You free right now?
Felix opens that text almost instantly & his eyes instantly widen, his hand freezing on his cock as he just stares at the words.
Felllx2000: I am why? you sound nearly as desperate as me
You: Well if you're really that desperate for me, we can exchange numbers & talk more n meet up hmm? & don't get cheeky lmao, calling me desperate compared to you! silly silly but i wont deny it;)
Felllx2000: right now? it says we are 6km apart so i can pick u up? or when? idk i dont do this idk how to acttt, you're making me blush You: Sounds fine hunny, we need to switch app because if we somehow get caught n you didnt pay id get in shit lmao, we arent allowed to meet people irl but theres just something about you, gimme your number pretty please
Felix springs up in bed & sends you his number quicker than you can blink & you text his number & he replies just as quick & his heart is racing at the thought... he's maybe gonna actually hook up with someone???
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You both decide to text for a few days, mostly to secure your own safety in a way & you facetimed once or twice, which actually ended up in phone sex both times & you now discovered it's a huge kink of yours.
You have mostly been waiting on Felix to get more comfortable as you can tell he is the more nervous one, unsurprisingly, but tonight is the night.
You've learned a few things about Felix, one of them being when he told you his name, but he also pretty much explained to you his... addiction & you'd be lying if you said it didn't turn you on but also scare you slightly, what if you genuinely can't please him? you've never met anyone from the site in real life & you can't help but get butterflies knowing you're hooking up with felix tonight, possibly the hottest guy you've ever spoken to point blank.
Felix texts you to tell you he is on your way, both of you deciding to meet at your house since his small, man cave, standard gamerboy slightly messy apartment who he shares with his roommate Changbin is home.
You light a candle in your lounge area & put a loose top & sleep shorts on top of your chosen set & you put on the tiniest bit of makeup, still wanting to look good for him despite it being close to 1am.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You hear a few knocks on your door twenty minutes later & you feel your heart coming out your throat but you do your best to swallow it as you waltz your way to the front door, putting on a brave face, taking a deep breath before opening it.
Felix & you both look at each other & smile, Felix wearing a pair of grey sweatpants & a matching hoodie, his blonde hair slightly messy. You whisper a 'hi' to one another, being quiet to not let the words echo in the apartment stairway, before you move aside for him to enter.
You shut the door behind him & you instantly flip around to look at one another again.
"Surprised you actually showed up, do you want a drink or anything?" you ask, giving him a smirk as you close the distance between you both & tease him by taking his hand in yours & guiding him to the living room, plopping him down on the couch, but he pulls you down with him.
"I'll drink later, c'mere." he remarks as he helps you onto his lap so you're straddling him & his lips lock with yours instantly, the kiss full of need from the both of you, you realising you've been lacking physical touch a fraction of the amount Felix has been.
His hands trail down to your waist & then ass, kneading it like a cat in his short fingers as he helps you begin grinding your hips against him & you can already feel his cock hard beneath the layers of clothes, making your eyebrows furrow.
You take the initiative & you begin poking your tongue through his puffy pink lips & he groans into it, the pair of you both now exchanging spit, the noise of your lips smacking together ringing through both of your ears.
You wriggle your fingers through his hair before you pull back on it, pulling his lips away from yours & he lets out a deep groan before you look at him, a mischievous look on your face before you lean down slightly & begin kissing his jawline & neck, using your teeth to nip at it, making him roll his hips onto your covered crotch, his hands fighting the urge to dig his hands past the waistband of your shorts.
You wriggle your hips slightly backwards to make more room for you to kiss his neck & your hands below his hoodie & you quickly make the note that he has no shirt beneath the hoodie he is wearing & you graze your fingers over his solid abs.
"& you said I was the desperate one, can I take these off?" he groans, his voice raspy as he tries to sound fully composed but failing. You lean back enough & raise your hips enough to wiggle off the shorts he was referring to, giggling as his eyes become glued to your covered core.
"Don't get cheeky Felix, you're the one pawing at me." you giggle as you pull his hoodie off his frame, leaving him naked on the top half & you basically naked on the bottom half.
You usher Felix to lay flat on the couch & you climb back on top of him & you plant some kisses on his now naked chest & you take one of his pretty, dark nipples in your mouth & you lightly bite, making him wince at the feeling has he keeps jerking his hips upwards, seeking even a tiny bit extra friction, which you decide you'll give him.
You give him a look as your fingers are playing with the drawstrings on his joggers & he just nods, giving you a non verbal sign that you can take them off, & you do, Felix raising his hips just enough for you to fully pull them off his milky coloured legs.
You hum in approval at the bulge in his underwear, the front part completely soaked with precum & you make quick progress of pulling his boxers off to, leaving him feeling desperate & he hums at the cold air hitting his wet tip, his cock harder & more leaky than it has been in his whole life.
"I thought nothing got you to orgasm anymore but your pretty balls look as if they're about to explode." you quip & he covers his eyes with his arm momentarily out of slight embarrassment.
"That's only when it's me, when it's you in front of me why would anyone be surprised." he squeaks, his stomach lurching forward as you take his pretty, boyfriend sized, chubby cock in your hand & hold it with a firm grip, using your thumb & index finger to pinch lightly at his piss slit, watching his cock leak precum like a broken faucet.
"What is it you're wanting Lixie, hmm?" you question, your hand painfully slowly jerking him off, more precum dripping every time your hand moves. "Tongue, please?" he pleads, his puppy eyes looking down at you & as much as you want to drag it out, your willpower already completely out the window & you chuckle at his desperate face before you ingulf his tip past your lips.
You use your hand to keep jerking off the base of his cock, his trimmed, straight pubes tickling the part of the hand that is grazing them & your other hand slithers down the extra tiny bit before you cup his balls, rolling them in your fingers & the moan the man under you lets out a load whine.
You swirl your tongue around his tip before sinking down his now completely soaked with spit cock, your drool dripping onto his balls, giving him goosebumps. You quickly come up for a breath & spit out the gallons of drool that hasn't been pushed out from his cock pistoning into your mouth & you take this opportunity to suckle on his balls, pulling on them with your lips gently, making Felix squeal as you continue rolling the other half in his hand. You catch your breath back as much as you can while doing this then you pull your lips off his balls & blow some cold air on them, making his cock twitch in your hand, before returning it into your mouth.
His hips jerk up on accident but when you moan around his cock, sending vibrations up his spine, he begins to thrust shallowly into your throat & you gurgle around him, your eyes not breaking eye contact with his, not even an ounce of embarrassment in your face despite the mess.
"Gonnagonna cum, d- you're so good." he groans as his hair begins sticking to his face as his eyes struggle & then failing to keep his eyes open as his tip spills ropes of cum out of it & landing right into your throat & you moan around his cock, moving your head up so you're only suckling on the tip as you swallow four separate mouthfuls of his orgasm & you can feel the wetness almost leaking out from your panties.
You pull fully off his dick & you aren't even that surprised that his cock is still completely hard. You open your mouth to make fun of the fact but Felix cuts you off by pulling you up towards him so you are now sat on his lower stomach & pulling your shirt off your head, leaving you in just your set & felix whines at the sight.
"Need to eat you out, I'm genuinely dying to taste you." he states as he pulls on the tiny tiny waistband of your thong & you just giggle at his words & crawl up his frame even more so your cunt is right above his face & he looks up at you with his jaw slightly open & his eyes watering.
"Really Lixie? I'll give it to you because I pity your desperation." you say, slight attitude & sarcasm in your voice as you lower yourself onto his face, your panties still covering where you both want to see & feel the most.
Felix begins to kitten lick your clit over your panties & he hums to himself at the tiniest faint taste of your juice that's seeping through your underwear & you purr at the sensation, trying your hardest to not begin grinding against his face, but when he is now pushing & pulling on your waist, you do just that.
Felix decides that your underwear is now soaked through enough with his own saliva & gets one of his small fingers & he pushes your panties to the side & he lets out a pitiful gasp.
"Your cunt is so pretty, it's soaking, shit." he murmurs, more to himself than he is to you before he digs in, pulling your body onto his face as much as he possibly can as he licks a long, wide strip up your entire cunt before settling his tongue on your puffy clit, suckling on it as if his life depends on it & you can't help but hiss at the pleasure.
He laps his tongue in tiny circles around your button as he sucks at the same time, making you feel as if you are on cloud nine. "No way this-you're this good if you're as inexperienced as-as you made out to be." You stammer, your eyes scrunched shut & your head raised up at the ceiling as your fingers find their way to his hair to tug on it, making him jerk his hips & whimper into your cunt.
He moves one of his hands from your waist & gives your ass a quick but harsh spank, making you jerk as forward as you can with his grip still holding you in place as his hand makes its way down to where his mouth is & he enters two fingers into your dripping hole & your stomach lurches & your body slightly curls forwards & you find balance in Felix's hair & he honestly has no issue with the way you are pulling on it, moaning back into your cunt which shoots right through you.
"Gonna c-cum, wait." you force out before you use all your strength to raise yourself off his completely soaked face, his lips red & puffy & his hair all dishevelled & you boop his nose, giving him a small smile through staggered breath as you do your best to flip your body around so you're now facing the rest of his body & Felix lets out a groan before pulling you back down onto his face, him already addicted to your taste & can't go s minute without it.
You grind down on his face, the bottom part of your pussy lips hitting against his nose, making you purr. You fully open your eyes & notice there's a puddle of cum on his abs, even whiter than his skin. "You c-came untouched, I'm fla-flattered." you blabber as you reach out for his cock & begin to jerk it, obviously still hard despite a second orgasm.
Felix chuckles into your cunt & his ears go a slight shade of red, a bit shy at how quickly you have managed to make him cum in such a small amount of time. You put the tip of his cock past your lips & hollow your cheeks, swirling your tongue as best as you can as your mind is going fuzzy by now.
You hum at a mixture of the taste of precum & also at the feeling Felix is providing you & you can feel your orgasm slowly bubbling up so you coat your finger in your own spit before you begin lightly pinching his balls, making him whimper into your cunt & he detaches himself from your pussy momentarily.
"Fingers, fingers y/n p-please., fingers." he squeaks to you, his voice completely blown out before he gets back to what he was doing, his brain running at a million miles an hour & his tongue moving even quicker, because despite the lack of women he has been with, he knows how to eat.
He latches his lips & tongue onto yours & suckles as he worms his tongue into your hole & your legs begin to shake & you take a second to compose yourself after listening to his words & you use the hand that was just jerking off his soaking cock & switch it to your other hand & you use your now shiny hand & you roll it down towards where he was asking, making sure to put a bit extra pressure on his balls as you drag it down.
You use your index finger & swirl it around his pucker & Felix lets out a squeal at the feeling & his dick twitches in your mouth & his hips buck up slightly making you gag but you don't pull off. As he does this, his teeth accidentally clamp down slightly on your pussy lips & that plunges you to your first orgasm of the night & your hips completely raise off his face from the overstimulation as your orgasm squirts out of you, soaking his face & hair, dripping off onto your now wet couch & he has to forcefully kickstart his brain & pulls you off his cock as your body stops tensing up so much.
"S-sorry, didn't know I c-could even do tha-" you whimper, panting. "Heyyyy don't apologise, that's the hottest thing I have ever ever seen." Felix cuts you off before he kisses you, your own orgasm now transferring onto your face & you groan into his lips at such a dirty yet hot act.
"You wanna keep going? We don't need to or anything, no pressure!" He blabbers out, glossy eyes looking into your completely blown out ones. "You can actually keep going? I'm surprised, follow me." You respond, giving him a cheeky smile as you use all your strength to properly balance yourself as you stand up & take Felix's hand, giggling as you lead him across your vanilla smelling apartment, the naked, cum soaked & sweaty blonde following your lead, letting his other hand wander over your frame, holding your waist & giving your ass a spank.
Felix kicks the bedroom door shut behind him, only taking a second to admire the decorations in your bedroom before he is plopping you on the bed & getting on top of you, his hand resting on the bed beside your head as he uses his other hand to start toying with your clit gently, not wanting to overstimulate you too much & your hips thrust towards his fingers on instinct.
"Put it in, Felix, please, want it inside." you purr, your hand grazing over his abs with your nails before grabbing onto his still hard cock & pumping it slowly, it still being wet with your spit & his hips jerk into your hand, a growl coming from his chest, spit almost leaving his lips.
"Really? Your cunt seems more than happy with just my finger, soaking for me." he smirks as he bites his bottom lip, trying to not let his own moan slip out from how turned on he actually is as he speeds up his motion on your clit in a messy manner, the wetness making his fingers slightly slip. "Please Lix, don't you want it?" you ask as a rhetorical question as your breath is staggering, trying to get more friction from his small fingers & Felix chuckles lightly as he begins blushing.
"You got a con-" "just use it without, I'm on the pill, promise." you speak up, a convincing look in your eyes. Felix nods & tries to compose himself with the nerves, honestly scared if he is gonna cum almost instantly.
He spreads your legs a bit further with his knee as he leans backwards on his knees, his cock poking the inside of your thigh as he kisses the parts of your legs he can reach while you're holding them & you melt into his kisses. "You're so pretty, want you to myself." he murmurs, mostly to himself but he doesn't take his eyes off yours & your ears turn as red as your cheeks.
"Then take me, I'm waiting on you." you remark, biting your lip as you smile up at him, silently praying his cock will slip inside you & not just poke against it. Felix's freckles become surrounded by a rosey colour & he moves his cock with his hand & drags it up & down your folds, making you both sigh in contempt.
You can both hear the light squelching sounds as his cock grinds through your wetness & it bumps against your clit every time his cock moves, making you grow beyond impatient & you reach down to try nudge his penis but he swats your hand away before you can reach it.
"Don't be so pushy, I'm about to cum as it is." he half jokes & you giggle at his words & he returns the action as he lets a glob of spit fall directly onto your cunt & it clenches around air as it dribbles down your clit & Felix sighs to himself at the sight as he pumps himself few times, slowly before he aligns himself up & slowly pushes himself inside until his balls hit against your skin & he whines as he feels your warmth, taking in the feeling of how tight & wet you still are despite an orgasm.
Your toes curl as he buries himself to the hilt, him filling you in such a delicious way, not too deep that it's uncomfortable but you can still feel it already snuggled up against your G-spot & you're honestly surprised he hasn't came yet with how desperate he's been all night.
"You're filling me up so well Lixie, m-move please." you plead & Felix has to take a moment to collect himself, he is honestly shocked that you have lasted this long, usually, the very few girls he has been with & his one short term ex would be falling asleep after giving him one orgasm or two maximum, not letting him to fully ever tire himself out so for someone he has met online only no longer than ten days ago who is actually able to keep up with him, he thinks it's a complete match made in heaven & he thinks his endless prayers have been answered.
Felix holds his breath as he moves his hips backwards before pushing back in, watching your face before picking up the pace. "Y-you look so pretty, p-perfect tits." he babbles as he stares at them, his eyes switching between your face & your boobs bouncing with each thrust, his lips parted & also shiny with his spit from where he has been constantly licking at them, his bottom one a bit redder than the top from where he has been nibbling at it all night.
"Go harder, p-please, you're s-so beauti, fuck." you stutter, your fingers reaching to pinch your nipples, your eyes going cross eyed, your pussy completely gushing wetness around Felix's base, clenching uncontrollably.
Felix growls at your words as he picks up his pace & he lets out a high pitched squeal as he pulls out & cums, it landing all over your lower stomach & a few drops landing just under your tits.
Felix pants & you remove one of your hands from your nipple & drag it down to smother the tip of your fingers in his orgasm & you hold it up to his lips & he looks down at you, a devilish look in his eyes as he opens his mouth that tiny bit extra to accept your fingers & you both hum in unison as he swallows around your fingers, letting out a hum of satisfaction.
You both don't break away eye contact as you flip you both over so you're now straddling him & Felix realises he is actually getting softer after orgasms & he basically has heart shaped eyes. "Still hard? You really are inane, match made in heaven." you purr, slightly repositioning so your bare cunt is resting on his slightly softened cock, but it really doesn't take long for it to get hard enough again as your pussy snuggs itself right on top of it.
"I told you I can go all night, You're just too good." He replies, his blonde hair wet with sweat & sticking to his pretty face & you hum at his words. "Do you think you can handle one more, hmm?" you ask, already reaching back to fondle his balls again & he nods instantly, his facial expression going back to a needy, desperate one straight away & you can't help but giggle as you pick up his pretty, red cock in your hand again before sinking back down onto your new favourite thing you've ever touched or saw.
You sink back down until your bodies fully connect & a shiver shoots up your spine & you let out a broken hum as you use whatever strength you somehow have to begin moving your hips in a comfortable way as you begin bouncing, laying your hands on Felix's abs for support, not failing to admire how good they look & feel.
"Holy shit, like-just like that y/n, why are you s-so good, shoulda met way-s-sooner" he rambles as his hands become restless, dragging over your ass, tummy, waist, tits & he drags his fingers over your nipples, making you hiss at the feeling.
"Cum with me, mkay? Paint me inside too, dare ya" you cry, your eyes struggling to stay open as you have to physically stop yourself from flopping forwards but its no use as he latches his arms around your back & pulls you towards him & plants his feet to the floor & uses the rest of his little energy to begin fucking up into you at a harsh pace, making you squeal.
You unbury your face from his neck & you lock lips with him & you both exchange drool, it having a slightly salty taste from his own cum he suckled from your digits just a few minutes ago as felix starts to rub over your left nipple, pinching it & it makes you yelp.
You begin clenching uncontrollably & you start to struggle to kiss him back & your legs begin to feel like jelly & start to give out & if it wasn't for felix basically holding you in place you wouldn't even be moving. "F-felix, fuck, yes! go'n cum, s-so-too good" you wail, your eyes scrunched together as you break your lips apart due to none of you actually being able to breathe, both of your lips a way darker shade, your lips & chins covered in each others drool by this point.
"Cum inside? It's comi-coming, s-shit, you g-gonna take it all?" he stutters, his brain trying its hardest to float away & he is basically forcing himself to keep even a single thought inside. "yes, please, please pl-please! I'll be so good, keep it in for you, c-can eat it out me later" you respond, your pussy dripping a white ring around his base, soaking his pubes.
"G- such a good g-girl, it's c-coming, cumming." He screeches in s raspy voice & as his cock pulsates in you as his balls drain that little bit extra & as you feel another few thick ropes up into your cervix, your own orgasm pours over you like a bucket of cold water & you let out a shriek as your entire body begins shaking in his hold & you throw your head against him & you bite into his shoulder, making him whine as his hips slow down.
You both stay like this for a minute, just catching your breath back for the most part, but you can't really help but enjoy listening to his heart racing inside his chest.
Felix slowly pulls his now actually softening cock out of you, a few droplets of both his cum & your own wetness dripping back onto his pelvis & he wraps his arms around you but then moves them down to his sides. "Are you sue you wanna hug? I-i don't need aftercare if you don't wanna do that, I know it was just casual sex." he says in a soft voice, sounding a bit upset despite trying to sound casual.
You pick your head up & look down at his pretty face & see the slight pout & confused look on your face & you 'tut' at him jokingly before you wriggle your hand under his neck & rub your nose against his neck. "Don't be so silly, Lix, i'll not just leave you after you just had four orgasms, I'll get you some water n stuff once my breath is back." you reply, weaving the hand that's resting under his neck into his soft but wet hair & fiddle with it in your fingers.
Despite you not being able to see it, Felix can't help but smile at your words as he returns his arms around you & relaxes a lot more. "You're a softie, who woulda thought. I've never had anyone or anything make me actually fully enjoy an orgasm until tonight, I'm actually drained for the first time ever." he chuckles & you can't stop yourself from softly giggling. "Glad to hear, I'm actually exhausted though so we aren't going again till I get feeling back in my body." Felix simpers at your words & nods his head.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Felix doesn't stay the night, him not wanting to overstay & you not knowing if you should ask him or not, thinking it was too intimate to do so.
Felix leaves after another hour or so, you fed him some cereal as it was all you could be bothered to make & you gave him a bottle of water & he dug through your drawers to find some sleep clothes & helped you clean up with a damp towel from your bathroom.
You both agreed to stay in contact with each other, for sexual reasons... obviously, but you both start sending each other memes, random photos of things Felix bakes, pretty flowers you walk past on your way to work & so on... that's how its all started for you both.
A/N: I think I liked the idea of this more than it actually turned on so I'm sorry if I haven't done this as much justice as I could have done, I've been going through a lot lately with a lot of personal issues & I got admitted so I'm also sorry for not being active, I'm gonna get back on track soon enough. I have a lot of requests & I am trying to get around to them so please just be patient, feel free to send me thoughts/asks but thoughts get published first since they're a lot smaller. I hope you all enjoyed this piece though if you've reached this far<3
->Anon list: Open!
->Taglist: Open!
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lnfours · 3 months
massive congratulations on 11.8k!!! that is so amazing, so so happy for you!! and thank you so much for such a fun sleepover event💛
🍊 “i don’t think i’ve ever felt the way i do with you with anyone else.” “what does that mean?” “what do you think it means?” with lan🫶🏼 (almost cried reading that prompt actually)
thank u my love 🥺🤍 i also almost cried reading this prompt and then sobbed into my pillow after writing this SO i hope its everything you wanted it to be!
11.8k friends to lovers sleepover
the sound of the door of the hotel room shutting pulled you from your phone, your eyes looking up and meeting the boy dressed in papaya. he tossed his paddock pass, phone and wallet down on the small table in the corner, sighing to himself before kicking off his shoes.
you watched him sadly, not sure of how to start the conversation. you had seen the race, you knew everything people were writing. you say the 'max vs lando fued' headlines reporters were running with. it was hard to not see it, and it was even harder to let him know he had done a good job when he was like this. when he felt that everything he's done wasn't good enough, even if it was. when he blamed every single tiny mistake onto himself. it was hard. hard to see someone you loved and cared for so much beat themself up over something as tiny as a wheel to wheel combat.
so when he turned around, a tired, frustrated and sad look etched onto his face as he looked at you, your only response was to open your arms. and without protest, he climbed onto the edge of the bed and joined you, your arms wrapping around his neck as he laid on top of you, his cheek pressing against your chest, your chin resting on his curls.
"wanna talk about it?" you asked gently.
he shook his head, "tired of talking about it."
you nodded, "then we won't."
he played with the stitching on your shirt, keeping his mind busy from thinking about everything that went wrong. instead, he was thinking about how good it felt to be in your arms. how lucky he was that you'd show up every time he needed you, no questions asked. his heart tightening in his chest as he took in the smell of your perfume, a smell that was once just pleasant now feeling like home.
"i don't think i've ever felt the way i do with you with anyone else." his brain too tired of putting up a fight to filter what his mouth was saying. your eyebrows pulled together as you looked down at him.
"what does that mean?"
"what do you think it means?"
your heart pace skyrocketed and you knew he could hear it, but he didn't mention it. he didn't poke fun of you or say anything about it at all, instead he shifted so he was looking up at you.
"i'm serious," he said, green eyes almost swallowed by how large his pupils were, and now you were wondering how long they've always done that without you noticing, "you're it for me."
you smiled softly, reaching out a brushing his hair back from his forehead, nails scratching his scalp. he smiled back at you, tiredly but you knew the look in his eyes. the look of complete infatuation and love.
"i don't think i've ever felt this way with anyone else either." your voice was barely above a whisper.
that's all he needed to hear before he was cupping the side of your face and pulling you in, his lips meeting yours. a new feeling, but a good one. a feeling that had your body burning and heart racing.
he poured every ounce of pining and love into the kiss as he could as you did the same. pulling away with smiles on both your faces before he started placing kisses all over your face, your cheeks, your nose and your eyelids as you giggled.
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trulyumai · 2 months
forbidden words and lidded eyes
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pairing: Emperor geta / wife! reader
—synopsis: in the summertime, Geta would be soft, affectionate even. you adored those moments.
—warnings: absolutely none. just fluff!
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He was drunk again.
Another celebration held in his honor, and of course it was his idea to begin with. You had retired quite early, too used to the drunken stupor the emperor would find himself in.
He would shout incessantly. At anything— anyone.
It was almost guaranteed at least one person would end up a casualty due to his brash and drunken rages that would escape him.
So why?
Why was he here, at your feet, burying his head into the silk gathered at your tummy mumbling vows of love in thous own name?
“My wife,” there he goes again.
With light touches, his pale fingers crawled up your sides, scurried across your arms until they lay plastered on both sides of your cheeks.
“My wife, my wife.” He said it so adoringly, with pink cheeks and starry eyes laid about your soft form.
A laugh— dare you say a giggle, pushed its way past his wet lips.
“It has such a nice ring to it, don’t you think, darling?” Your eyes met with his brown ones, unable to muster up a response, a nod was given. Seemingly enough for the emperor he laughed out again, squishing your cheeks with newfound interest.
Your lips potruded out in a silly matter, made them all puffy and open. It more so resembled a fish than an emperors wife.
But all he did was stare at your pretty lips, stare and stare until the muscles in your jaw became loose and sore.
You called out to him then, gaining his attention with a single call of his name. He hummed back, not yet averting his eyes from your squished mouth.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, form slack and leaned into yours entirely. You smelled the sweet scent of wine, mixed with a natural musk that paraded around him.
He looked desperately at you, awaiting for an answer he was oh so eager for.
He had never asked so politely before.
Well, he had never asked in general, but that was besides the point.
“Please?” He whispered, already so close. Close enough to rub his stubbly cheek upon the side of yours. Close enough to whisper sweet nothings by your ear.
You nodded, it was slow and the emperor couldn’t help but shake his head in rebuttal.
“I need you to say it— say you want me to.” Kisses trailed down your neck, up your cheek and littered your nose.
Seeing him so… needy was foreign to you. It happened only on rare occasions such as this. With lidded eyes he only smothered little kisses upon you while awaiting your answer.
you smiled, big and full of such a sweetness it made Geta want to fall to his (already bent), knees.
“Please kiss me, husban—“ his lips smashed onto yours. Instantly, you caved in, molded against Geta as he guided you.
He tasted like raspberries and mint. Already you imagined the type of wine that had taken your husbands mind away so.
His favorite summer drink; one that was hard to come by and sweet on the senses. It would always dull his mind, take away the stress and turmoils of everyday life and leave him bubbly— happy.
Finally breaking apart, Geta hummed, arms wrapped around you he put his head down upon your lap, pushing away your book with disregard.
“Let me lay here, dearest. I won’t bother you.” Automatically, you let out a lighthearted scoff. To which the man called out instantly.
“What? You don’t believe your emperor?” Mouth agape, the man looked so silly. Clinging onto you like a babe wouldst their mother.
“I believe you’ll ask for more kisses, my husband.” Picking up the novel by your side you could already tell the man was pouting, just by the way his fingers tightened upon your robes.
“Those don’t count as a botherment, little wife.”
Letting out a little hum, a hand came to settle down upon his head. Little scratches and rubs were given to distract the needy man and it worked almost instantly.
His frame slackened against you. It was a heaviness that wasn’t overbearing. Warm? Gods, yes. But it was comforting. You didn’t always get this side of Geta, so it had to be cherished.
So, even if the man demanded a thousand kisses, who were you to say no?
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Bleeding From The Storm
Chapter Seven - Arthur
After the death of his son, the head of the Dupont family wants his daughter protected. He moved her to Monaco, the safe zone, and has her protected by Charles Leclerc. Max Verstappen was never supposed to meet her. He didn't even know who she was. But he knew she was beautiful, and he knew he wanted to know more, much to the horror of Charles Leclerc.
Warnings: smut, p in v, multiple orgasms, oral (fem!receiving), unprotected sex, biting, slight pain kink, cockwarming
Series Masterlist
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Arthur followed them to the apartment building, but he didn't go inside. There was no telling what Mad Max would do if he followed them inside.
As soon as Max and Bunny disappeared inside, Arthur pulled out his phone. His finger hovered over Charles's phone number, but he didn't press it. Not yet anyway. No, Arthur slipped his phone back into his pocket and waited.
He didn't know what was going on inside of Max's apartment. Didn't know that Max had her pressed against the door the moment he got her inside, grasping her hips in such a way that it bunched up her dress.
A desperate whine left her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. "Missed you, Angel," he whispered against her lips. "Missed you so fucking much."
She pulled away from him, head against the door as she looked at him. "Missed you too, Mad Max."
The noise it pulled from his throat was something almost inhuman. He ground his hips against her own, lips immediately attached to her neck. Fuck, she had to know what she was doing to him. She could definitely feel it now.
Her hands moved through his hair, pulling and tugging at his blonde strands. When he began sucking at her skin, she pulled him away.
For a second he stared at her, chest heaving. He let go of her hip and reached up to touch her cheek, his touch so gentle. And then his thumb was on her bottom lip, gently running over it. "You're so pretty, Bunny," he whispered and leaned in to kiss her.
It wasn't rough and dominating. It was soft and sweet, as if she was some delicate thing he was scared to break. And, in some way, she was.
He pushed down the straps of her dress and gently pulled it down, revealing her chest. Her breath caught her throat as his lips touched the skin of her breast. But then he was sucking, working at leaving a hickey on her skin, somewhere she could cover it up.
Her noises were desperate, and Max loved every single one of them. He pulled away and looked at his handiwork, incredibly satisfied with himself. "C'mon, Angel," he said and laced his hands through her own.
He pulled her through the apartment, towards his bedroom. His bed was a mess of sheets, with clothes covering his sheets. "You slob," she said with a giggle as she gathered up his clothes, folding them as he put her away.
Max watched her. He wanted to help, he really did, but he couldn't stop himself from watching her. She looked so domestic in his room, neatening up his sheets.
And then he grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. Well, when I say throw, I mean that he grabbed her hips, wrapped his arms around her and laid her down, letting her body just fall slightly. Her body bounced as he climbed on top of her and kissed down her body.
"I can't believe you're not wearing any underwear, Angel," he whispered as he crawled between her legs. He kissed her thigh, slight stubble scratching at her skin. It was fucking delicious. "You look so pretty for me."
They way Max worked her body that afternoon, it had her toes curling. She whines as his nose bumped against her clit, tongue moving through her folds. If it wasn't for the way he was holding her, she would have been desperately writhing, trying to ride his face. But, for once, Max was the one in charge.
It wasn't long before he had her coming undone on his tongue. And then his fingers were inside of her, giving her little reprieve as thrust two fingers in and out of her, working her already sensitive body to another release.
"Come on, Angel. I know you've got another for me," he said and kissed her clit. That was what finished her off. Her body shuddered and she clenched around him. "You're so good, Angel. So fucking good," he whispered, placing a gentle kiss to her thighs.
"Wanna sit on you, Max," she whined, voice strained and a little breathless.
Max obliged. He helped her to sit up and crawled to the headboard, sitting against it with his cock free from his trousers. He patted his thighs and she crawled on top of him.
Max helped her. He held her ass, held his cock as she parted her lips and sank down onto him. A shuddering gasp left her lips as she sat, arms wrapping around his neck, head on his shoulder. "There we go, Angel," he whispered and pushed her hair out of her face. "You happy now?"
She nodded, unable to say much else. For a moment, she just sat there, Max's cock nestled inside of her. His hands gripped her ass, keeping her there. When she was ready, he would help her move. But only when she was ready.
His kisses were gentle against her cheeks and forehead. Hands moving through her hair in the sweetest, most gentle way. "My Angel," he whispered again and again.
She gave a bounce. It was so small, Max barely felt it. But it was definite. He squeezed her ass between her fingers and helped her to ride him.
His cock disappeared inside of her again and again. God, she looked so gorgeous, holding her dress up for him to watch as she rode him. It took everything in Max not to pitch forward, fold her over and pound into her until she was begging him to just let her cum.
But no, he kept things slow, building things up until babbled left her lips. "Max," she whispered, leaning forward to sink her teeth into his clothed shoulder as she came for the third time.
He hissed through his teeth as pain blossomed in his shoulder. Pain that was just so fucking good. It had him spilling inside of her, hips bucking up just slightly.
Max didn't lift her from his cock immediately. No, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to lay on his chest as they caught their breaths. "Angel," he whispered, kissing her cheek.
"Maxie," she whispered right back, eyes shut as she laid against him.
"Don't wanna leave you again."
The noise she let out wasn't a happy one as she snuggled against his chest. "I've got to head home, Max," she mumbled, fingers working to unbutton his shirt. As soon as she had enough buttons undone, she pushed the shirt off of his shoulder, exposing the mark left by her teeth. She kissed it gently, almost regretfully.
Max pulled her off of him. He cleaned her up, wiped a cold, damp cloth over her, wiping up both of their messes. She shuddered as he fixed her dress. "Angel," he said as he stood her up on shaking legs. "I don't wanna take you out there with nothing covering your pussy."
She giggled as she worked on buttoning Max's shirt. "It's okay, Maxie," she said and kissed his chest. "Anyone look at me and you can just kill them."
She was joking, Max knew she was joking, but he kissed her like she wasn't.
Taking her hand, Max led her out of his apartment. He held her as the rode the elevator down and walked her out of the apartment.
She didn't spot him right away, standing across the street and staring at them. It was only when he strode towards them and Max pulled her behind him that she spotted him.
"Arthur," she gasped, eyes going wide. She hissed a curse under her breath and stepped in front of Max. "What're you doing here?"
He held up his phone. "Hallway camera went off."
Admittedly, Max didn't know Arthur Leclerc. He knew his name, but not his face. But his angel clearly knew him. "You've got to come home," Arthur said, trying to stop his eyes from wandering back to Max.
Max, who didn't mean to grab her possessively. "It's okay," she whispered, grabbing Max's hand and pulling it off of her arm. "He's right. I've got to go home."
"Angel," Max said as she stepped towards Arthur. He went to move closer, but when she looked at him, he stopped. He watched as Arthur led her away away, fists, clenched at his sides. As much as he wanted to follow her, he couldn't.
Her arms wrapped around her as Arthur led her back to her apartment building. "'thur," she tried, but he was having none of it.
"You know I'm gonna have to tell Charles about this," he said. "And he's gonna have to tell your father."
Oh, she suddenly felt so sick. "Arthur please." Tears sprung to her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. Not out here in the open.
"Bunny, you've given me no choice."
If you enjoyed this, please feel free to buy me a coffee
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool
Series taglist (CLOSED): @doofenshmirtsevil-inc
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belphegorey · 3 months
⌜venom, barbatos⌟ it had been so long since you last spoke ships ⎯⎯ yandere-ish!barbatos x sorcerer!afab!reader tropes ⎯⎯ referenced death and murder, jealousy, love confessions, angst, vaginal tail sex, right person wrong time, tongue
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Nothing could stop the anticipation — he was going to be mad. Dusts of chalk kissed the skin of your calves, ground mushroom powder rested on your hands. Runes and symbols surrounded your summoning circle, charm and latin words spewing protection. The old words so familiar on your tongue recited as easy as though it were your name. Warm wind surrounded your naked body, collecting the tributes and offerings you laid as well as the mushroom powder.
You opened your eyes to watch the ingredients spin around you. The colour teal laid hidden in the gusts of wind, glowing faint and ominously. The words continued to sing from your lips as you readjusted your kneeling form. The rune bracelets and flowers along your wrist jingled while you ran a single finger up the slit of your pussy. Wet. Just as he liked. The tremble up your spine was easily ignored in favour of the incoming form in front of you.
He was still as beautiful as always. It was your own fault for believing that one day when you rang for him he would arrive with disfigurements. Though, you were sure he would still manage to look handsome regardless. His pocket watch was tight in his hand, the engaging of your eternal words still haunting the front. It even looked recently polished and maintained. “I am sure that you are aware of the time?”
Barbatos was in his formal suit. Pressed and primped to perfection. His horns scratched into the roof of the room, tail near frozen behind his body. You remained on the floor kneeling, looking up at the demon. “Of course.”
He remained still in front of you with a stiff smile. Fury. You had known Barbatos long enough to understand how he displayed his emotions. His tail cracked at your words and returned to its place. “Then I would assume you understand what day it is?”
With the smallest of glances you flew your grimoire onto your lectern. It closed itself and the vines extended to lock it shut. Just what day was it? Formal attire, horns and tail pronounced and more anger than you anticipated. His eyes glinted with rage and a soft teal glow emitted behind him. “Yes,” that was right; Diavolo’s ball to celebrate the success of his exchange program. You still were curious why you had received an invite in the beginning — it wasn’t as though you accepted the student role he had offered.
“And yet, you still summoned me?” He still wore pristine black gloves, sleek and warm over his hands. You followed them with a subtle gaze, from the return of his pocket watch to the breast pocket of his suit to when he gently held his chin. He still had them, then. You assumed that Barbatos would have hidden the gloves many decades ago. “Have you no shame?”
Then again, he still kept the pocket watch you had also gifted him. At least the gloves did not hold as much memory behind it. You dusted your hands and stood up inside the summoning circle. All the chalk was gone, along with the petals and tributes you used to bring him to the human realm. “Of course not, you should know that better than anyone else.”
The thumb atop his chin grew tense from his clenched hand. “Many things can change in one hundred years.” Had it really been so long? Last you had counted it was only eighty-two. The idea of time has grown so irrelevant over the years. A hundred years was barely a day in your life. For Barbatos, it was far less.
It felt normal when he took in your body before him. Every scar along your skin marked times that he had been there with you. His eyes stopped on the long one along your hip — the first you had received and the one he openly favoured. Barbatos only glanced for a moment at your crotch, there was no care or surprise. You would have preferred he kept his eyes down, but instead he decided to watch your eyes directly. It made you shy.
Not shy enough that you hid the body you both were familiar with. Instead you glanced away from his strong eyes, illuminated in teal and black. Even after the many millennia that had passed, his presence still commanded parts of you. The glowing of his eyes in complete darkness was still a spark that illuminated fire within you.
“Let’s not waste anymore of your time, Barbatos,” his silhouette has grown to take over the whole room, extinguishing each candle you laid. His horns scratched further against the roof as he took a step closer to you. In avoidance, you turned and groped the desk for a vial. “You should know why I’ve summoned you.”
The whip of his tail gave you pause. It slithered around your leg and stroked at your ass. The scraping on the roof continued. A century without the touch — your body nearly succumbed in an instant. “I’m surprised it took you so long to contact me for more.” His point was far. Your last meeting had been strange, you hadn’t wanted it to ever end… so you ran. The memory of Barbatos haunted you each night in punishment for your cowardice.
You turned back to him, clenching your jaw to avoid reacting to the tail. Barbatos was barely an inch from you. Dusting from the roof rained down slowly as he angled his head softly, his same smile watching you. His tail coiled tighter around your leg while the tip slipped between each thigh. “I found someone else who offered me the same deal -“
“And price. I’m aware.” He took the vial from you with restraint. You nearly shivered at the touch of his gloves briefly against your hand. Hand-made just for him, well over five hundred years ago. His small smile the day you gifted it to him told you everything you needed to know. “I dealt with him accordingly.”
Your nod did little to distract from your small smile. Barbatos hasn’t changed. Your heart lurched in memory of the final words you’d spoken to one another.
I’m afraid I adore you.
…I’m sorry, but…
“Rumour was that he had lost a bet against Mammon.” He held the vial behind a sharp fang, allowing his venom to fill the vial. Its colour was shared with his eyes — glowing teal. You pressed a finger into your palm as the tail rubbed against your pussy. Each ridge and divot reminded your body of the lost flame Barbatos supplied within you. The one that only he could bring. “I assume that Lord Diavolo and Lucifer aided in that story?”
His eyes bore into you once again. You felt stuck in his web, much like it had been that first night you met. He had scared you so easily. You had never encountered a demon before, never practiced sorcery either. Barbatos had been surprised at your nativity to his word, even remarking so when the battle you called him for was won.
That night, covered in blood of the men you had begged he kill, was only the start of your alliance. “It would bring forth a bad reputation about the young Lord if people discovered that I slaughtered a demon out of pride,” his tail rubbed back and forth against you. Wet slipped against it and down your inner thighs. You supposed it was your own fault for the demon’s death. There were far easier ways of collecting his venom that didn’t involve sex. The relationship was bound to return to Barbatos eventually. You were surprised it had lasted the eighty years that it did.
Refusing to turn from the man in front of you, you placed the venom behind you on the desk. “I suppose it would. Though you did leave me with a few years of no venom at all.”
When it came to collection with the demon, it was far more frequent. You needed to visit him at least once a year to keep your supply. Though, it was smart that he had made numerous vials in anticipation for your last visit. Asmodeus had once mentioned over a manicure that many demons were allured by you. You blamed that on your status and the lack of pacts you made to get there.
None, to be specific. The closest one you ever got was Barbatos, and you refused to make it official. “Shouldn’t you have needed more?” With him, collection was more complex. The withdrawal of venom was easy and the strength of it lasted far longer than another’s. The sex that would follow was where it got complicated. You never wanted him to leave when it was done.
Though you were the one who left him the last time. “We had more frequent meetings than you and I.” His furious smile only got brighter. A clawed hand moved to your hips, digging into your skin. You hadn’t squirmed, hadn’t jumped, nothing when he touched you. It was all you had wanted for years. The tip of his tail dip up into your slit, circling your hole. “His was simply not as potent as yours, Barbatos.”
A growl vibrated in his chest. Behind your back he pulled each glove off, returning cold hands to your boiling skin. A century had done nothing to aid your need for him. After many lifetimes of constant encounters, shared murmurs and longing touches you would never be rid of it. “Could you say that again for me, little lamb? Your compliment… it simply feels far too nice to hear only once.”
The name gave you pause. Just how long had it been since he called you that? At least one or two thousand years. You’d grown out of the lamb wandering around a world of wolves. Barbatos, maybe one of the biggest dangers around, helped you to do so.
“What is this?” The demon materialised before you. He wore a uniform and vest, broken pocket watch hung in the breast pocket. White gloves tapped at his chin in curiosity. You shivered on the dirt ground of the forest, his glowing eyes were shifting back and forth. “A little lamb conducting a first ritual?”
Your cheeks were puffy from tears and your white gown torn in your hasty run. “Can you help me?” Your hands were shaking — the summoning circle worked. The women in the cabin were right. You tried to fix your hair and stand, wobbly legs made you fall. “Please, I need you to save me.”
Like you said, you had known Barbatos for many lifetimes.
“I haven’t heard that for a while…” you hummed and lifted a chin to look up at him. In the Devildom, your heights were more equal, but in your realm his monstrous species had more height. An inability to completely hide their true nature from humans. “I think the last time was soon after the brothers fell.”
His claws went to your cheek. Even with his fury of being taken from the ball, from your running away, his touch was as gentle as it always had been. His crooked finger caressed your cheek one and you leaned into it without fight. “You’ve always been my lamb.” There it was again; your fear. Even after so long with each other the softness he spoke with scared you. Pacts, love… you couldn't stand it. It was constricting. It was the lock that kept you strained. It was the marriage you had narrowly escaped with Barbatos’ help.
You cleared your throat and fixed your head. “The fact your venom is stronger is simply that. A fact. I am certain you already know that too.” His circling tail at your hole continued its torment. More slick showered down it and your thighs. His cheeks flushed pink and his claws held you tighter. “You have to return soon Barbatos. Would you prefer our usual deal or instead like something else as payment?”
His tail slipped inside of you without another word. You gasped in surprise at his haste. The curling of his tail around your thigh and down your ass was mimicked inside of you. “What I always want.” The hand along your oldest scar, his favourite, traced the wound with a fond softness. Your legs shivered as his tail dug deeper within you, his palm pressed to your gut to ensure your moan.
“Barb,” you huffed between each shallow breath he allowed you. The claw from your cheek teased down to your neck, tracing the rope marks from the witch trials centuries ago. You could remember that day. Once you'd been caught in the trap, Barbatos burned the whole town to the ground and saved you. “You… what're you…”
His thrusting tail grew in speed, halting your words. It had been so long, you clenched around the tail with an airy cry of pleasure. Barbatos leaned in and shushed you with his kiss. Messy and needy — completely unlike him. Even the first time you'd lain together, everything was proper and respectful. Even when he used his tail it was tame! His fangs locked with your teeth and his long tongue pressed in.
It was no secret that his tongue was long and forked. You had kissed him many times before and he had licked at your cunt even more. Yet again, it was different. Far less restraint. One of his arms grabbed your leg and folded it over while the other pulled at your hair. His tongue was deep in your throat. Air was limited. Your body shook in his hold and he only held you tighter.
The sloppy noise of his tail fucking you spurred you further. You never thought it would be something that made you aroused. He was always clean with you! Quiet even when you were babbling with tears in your eyes. You had long relied on passion through his gazes. Not his intimate actions.
You whimpered around his tongue and fisted at his hair in return. He moved you both against the wall, your back pressed against photos and diplomas. His actions had your hips gyrating right against him. His clothed erection against your cunt. A shiver ran through your back, imagining both his cock and tail ruining you.
The fire in you was successfully sparked by Barbatos once again. You thumbed at the base of his horns and he growled, chest vibrating against you. His tail curled down itself for girth and stretched you. Your hips lifted from the wall as you got closer. So close.
Only Barbatos.
His tongue left your mouth as you came along his thick tail. You cried and moaned together while tugging at his hair, rubbing your face against his neck. His claws held you tight and pressed into your skin without puncture. His dishevelled appearance looked glorious. His kiss and biting at your neck felt even better.
“That's it,” he whispered into your ear as his tail slowed down in its thrusts. When it left entirely, even undoing its coils around your body, you felt empty. The endings were always your least favourite part. You supposed you deserved it after how you had left things with him. What kind of person just runs away when someone confesses their love? “You did so well, my little lamb.”
Again with the nickname. You moved away from his warmth and looked up to your damaged room. Why couldn't you have admitted you shared the love he felt? There wasn't even a mention of marriage, pacts, anything. You had just left your mind to wonder about the horrid things you feared. “You haven't -”
“It doesn't matter,” he let go of your leg and gently placed you down on the floor. First, he collected his gloves from the desk while ducking his head to avoid ruining your roof further. He fixed his hair and attire that you had successfully dishevelled. “I have to return to the young Master’s castle.”
You hid your pout behind a stiff lip and turned up nose. Was this how he felt that night one hundred years ago? Was his soul also crushed at the sight of your back turned to him? “Of course. I'm sure he and all the guests are waiting for you.” He nodded and placed his gloves back on. Your heart clenched that he had kept them.
“Goodbye, lamb,” his pride was as high as your own. You should have known he would want you to suffer as he had. How stupid could you be? A single moment of love would not forgive years of agony.
You were cut off by him kissing you once more. His gloved hands held your cheeks as he pushed you back to the wall, teeth clashing with yours. Yet again, he had caught you off guard. Your heart thumped loudly, you were sure he could feel it in your chest. “I’ll return tomorrow night,” he pulled away and pressed his forehead against you. He… wasn't mad?
That was more like him. Barbatos was one of the most patient and proper beings you had met in your long long life. It was something you loved about him. But, as he disappeared out the door to his home, you couldn't help but smile at the venomous passion he hid.
Though, that was reserved just for you.
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© belphegorey 2024 ⌜18+ banner from @/cafekitsune thank you <3⌟
notes ⎯⎯ i am in love with barbatos :)
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
I love. Your series. I haven't had angst hit this good in years.
I like to imagine that y/n did *try* to be a vigilante like the others. They took the sports and martial arts as a way to practice and when they excelled in running, gymnastics, karate, ect- they gave it their first try. And their first attempt went terribly. They went out alone and so young, not that they ever wanted to fight crime to begin with but that is the most logical way to connect to the family. They were severely injured and decided after that they weren't going to be able to try again. They had to heal alone and their worldview changed from "I can be like them once I'm good enough" to "Maybe they can still love me even if I'm not a vigilante." And nobody knew they even thought this or tried at all. y/n wanted to give the family something to be proud about. And they failed.
You. I like you.
I'm glad you're enjoying the series!!!
[Warnings: Angst (sort of?), Blood, Reader Getting Injured, Panic(?)]
(Not proofread. Had a fun time writing this!)
You tried to catch your breath, gasping for air as you clutching onto your side. You could feel the wound, the pain never even letting you forget it for a second as you stared in front of you.
Two unconscious men laid on the ground. They were about twice your size across all categories, and yet you had managed to knock them out, somehow. You could hardly believe it, and yet you could barely consider this a victory. Not when you heard the sounds of rushing footsteps, and angry shouts that were growing louder as they headed in your direction.
"There they are! AFTER THEM!"
A thug shouted before you could even register how close they had gotten, head whipping around to see the source of the voice, causing you to pale at the amount of thugs behind him.
Before the dread could even settle in, your body was able to react much faster than your mind. Your feet rushed forward before jumping high in the air, kicking off the walls in the alleyway to travel over the thugs, and landing behind them, not wasting a single second to run away.
Various shouts followed behind you, but all you could concentrate on was the path ahead of you. You traveled between various alleyways in hopes of losing the men, but it was like the moment you got close to achieving that, someone would notice you one way or another.
All of the twists and turns were beginning to confuse you, a sense of dizziness falling over you as the world began to spin. You tried to push forward and keep going, promising yourself that you were almost there — even if you didn't know where 'there' was, or what it could mean.
Your legs began to hurt and sting as you ran, but you kept going, determined to lose these guys before anything else. Promising yourself that it would be smooth sailing from there, and yet just when you noticed that you hadn't run into a thug in a while-
Your face met the pavement.
Was that... blood-?
The fall was far from soft, with the rough ground scratching at your legs and further opening your wounds. Dragging its rough claws against your skin, and making your head feel like it was hit with a brick or mallet.
You hissed, wincing from the pain, as you look at the hand that had been holding your side this whole time. The sight made you pause.
"Find that little twerp! Kill them for all I care! Just FIND THEM!"
A thug, presumably the leader, shouted out suddenly. Causing you to quickly scramble up from the ground, and bite your tongue as you began to run again.
Holding your side, all you did was hope and pray for the best.
Unfortunately, another shout sounded from behind you, and before you knew it a thug appeared in front of you. Without thinking, you quickly slid under him by passing in between his legs, and managed to continue running. Your heart beating against your ribs, nearly breaking them with how hard it pounded. Yet soon, it was the only thing you could hear.
You rushed past another thug, breathing heavily as your feet slamming on to the concrete. Hardly keeping you up right, but just trying to fling you forward.
Yet, another thug managed to get the jump on you.
You were slammed face first into a wall, the impact was so harsh that no sound managed to escape you. All you could do was cough out blood as your struggled in the thug's hold, your gloved fingers clawing at the hand that held your throat.
He squeezed, and more blood came spilling out as you choked.
You couldn't hear what the two thugs in front of you were saying, ears ringing and filled with your deafening heart beat. Your vision was getting blurry now, and even if you couldn't make out much, you could see how their scowls shifted into smirks. The thug's grasp on you tightening, causing you to struggle even more.
The looks they gave you was nothing short of terrifying. Pure malice and bloodlust stared at you, and all you could do was try to hide your fear. Knowing you'd see their faces again in your nightmares.
You trembled as your struggling increased.
Your heart hammered against your chest as your eyes widened, the realization dawning on you as you saw one of them adjust the hold they had on their bat. With the one choking you, winding back his fist, his expression darker than even the shadows of Gotham.
You were going to die here.
You became frantic. Aiming for anything else you possibly could, as you threw various punches and kicks. Hardly even noticing how your poor efforts were only further irritating the men. Yet that was the least of your concerns.
You scratched at his arm, kicked his chest, tried to go for his eyes. Anything. Anything you could possibly reach, you tried to aim for. Your instincts kicking into high gear as you fought, and fought, and fought.
But at the end of the day, you were just a kid fighting against two grown adults.
You never stood a chance.
You were going to die here.
... You don't remember much after that.
You could only recall hurriedly running up the stairs that were attached to the side of an apartment building, and could remember how you even got shot in the leg on the way up, but managed to carry on anyway, despite the wound and the new pain it brought.
You vividly remember just narrowly making a jump to another rooftop, completely out of breath. Adrenaline pumping through your viens so hard, and rushing so fast, that even as you fell into a dumpster, you still could hardly feel the pain. All you could remember after that, was darkness surrounding you as you slowly closed your eyes. Having tried to fight off sleep, but ultimately failing.
Even when you did come to, you were still in that dumpster, and the sun still having yet to rise. The smell of trash and blood was so awful, that no words could describe it. Though the smell was also so strong that you could barely smell it, at the very least. You couldn't focus, and everything felt fuzzy for a while as you just laid there.
You looked down at your hand, only to sigh softly. Right, you were still bleeding. Amazing.
Pain was all you could feel, but you knew you'd have to get up, especially if you didn't want to risk anyone finding you and mistaking you for a corpse. Let alone if someone from your family had found you now.
What would they even say? Would they even be able to look at you, after such a terrible first attempt? After you did so poorly, despite having tried to prepare for this so much, on your own? For them?
... What would Bruce say? What would he do?
..... You reluctantly got up. Your body hating you for it immediately, and that was made incredibly clear as pain shot through each and every inch of your body. Yet you still managed to push on, and by some miracle, was able to get out of the dumpster.
You felt as awful as you looked, that much you could tell, but tried to not think about. Walking — which was actually limping because of a certain wound you had — felt like a chore, but you toughed it out as you made your way through Gotham.
Before anyone could really see you, by yet another miracle, you were able to come across a small clothing store that was still open, as some clothes were still hanging outside.
You didn't bother looking for an employee or anything as you just grabbed the biggest hoodie you could find, and took it. You didn't care about the color too much, or any patterns or prints it might've had. All you knew was that it could cover most of your wounds for now, and help keep your identity hidden.
Shaking your head, you just pushed your thoughts to the side. You didn't need to think about that right now, especially not when you were injured. So you wouldn't. You didn't.
So, you slipped it on, but not before leaving some money behind by leaving it tapped on the door from the inside. A small note attached to it reading 'For the hoodie,' and nothing else. After all, you weren't actually trying to steal anything, and you didn't want to give anyone the impression that you were starting. You didn't want to think about what Bruce would do or say if he thought that, let alone the others.
You continued to walk, vaguely remembering where you could get supplies to help yourself, and heading towards the store. Ignoring all the weird looks people would give you when you passed them by, or noticed the trail of blood you were leaving behind. Their stares made you nervous, but you kept going. The humiliation settling in, and making a home for itself in you, as your chest felt heavy.
It's like they were cursing you with their eyes, and damning you to hell.
... The walk was fine for the most part. Painful, yes, but at this point you were already getting a little used to it. So you just moved along, and made your way into the store once you finally reached it.
For your own sake, you tried to be quick about it and grabbed what you needed. A first-aid kit never hurt, but you made sure to grab some other things as well.
So, you got to work and patched yourself up to the best of your ability. Remaining quiet all throughout as you tried to focus and concentrate. Using what you knew, you were able to decently take care of yourself — even if your stitching could use some work, it didn't look too horrible. Removing the bullet in your leg was another story, and though it was difficult, you managed.
Hospitals were out of the question since it'd be all over the news and your family would surely find out. Alfred was also part of the family, so allowing him to help you — let alone see your condition, was also out of the question. You'd just have to take care of this yourself. No one had to know.
Regardless, once you had everything, you paid, and quickly made your way up the stairs that was alongside another apartment building. This time you didn't climb all the way up, and instead stopped somewhere in the middle, and decided to patch yourself up there. Not wanting to risk going too high for your family to see you if they happened to pass by, but also not being too low for any thugs to see you and either finish the job, or put an end to your suffering.
So the middle seemed like the best option for now, even if you did risk some poor civilian seeing you and your horrible state. It was a risk worth taking compared to the other options you had, you thought as much at the time anyway.
Sunrays peaked inbetween the buildings, and lit up your tired and pained eyes. The sky shifted from its darker hues to much lighter ones. With morning birds singing their songs, and more people beginning to wake up and start their days.
Finally, the bleeding was beginning to stop, and all you could do was sigh in relief as you leaned against the wall, and looked to the side. Exhausted beyond belief, and feeling the weakest you've ever felt, but still somehow alive.
You stayed there for a while, just silently admiring as the night turned into day. Dried blood and bandages covering you, pain still evident but it was beginning to die down now. To think you'd make it to sunrise, it was almost unbelievable considering you had nearly died one too many times tonight. Your luck having made it possible to even get this far.
Maybe you'd cry, but it didn't feel right to do so. The pain you felt was enough of a reminder of your failure. Your current state was enough of a reality check.
You weren't like your family, that much was clear.
You just weren't cut out for this. You weren't slow, but you were sloppy. You weren't weak, but you weren't strong enough. You had skill, but you lacked proper technique. You had plans, but your execution was poor. You needed to train, you needed practice and have proper guidance, but where would you even go for that? Who could you go to? If you went to your family at this point, and found out about last night...
You couldn't do what they managed to accomplish every night. Even on your first attempt, you couldn't even manage to do half of what they could. You were reckless, and ultimately overestimated your own abilities despite knowing this wouldn't be easy, and ended up underestimating your opponents. It nearly got you killed, and had you not managed to get yourself out of that situation, you would've died.
You had gotten lucky with so many things last night, and if you were to do this every night like your family, you couldn't just depend on luck. You couldn't have a repeat of last night. You'd surely die that way.
You didn't want to think about what they'd say, the thought alone was painful enough.
Sighing, you just looked away from the sun, and up at the sky, watching as the colors continued to shift.
You wanted to do this on your own to prove yourself. To prove you could do what your family did, and show that you had something to offer. That you could do amazing things and help out too, but you fell flat. You couldn't even handle a group of thugs — how would you be able to handle anything else? What about robberies? Kidnappings? Murders? What about theft, or things dealing with that? How would you deal with anything else if you couldn't even handle the lowest guys in Gotham?
That's the thing, you wouldn't be able to.
If you couldn't even handle a few thugs, you wouldn't be able to do much else. Not at your current level anyway, but how long would it take you to improve? To get better? To be on the same level as your family? To stand by them, and know you were apart of something?
... Maybe you really weren't cut out for this.
To think you once dreamed of standing beside them, helping them, and most of all — making them proud as you held your own weight and then some. Making Gotham a better place right by their side.
It seems so silly now, and maybe that's because it was.
You were hopeless from the start.
Your heart felt so heavy in your chest, the realization causing the organ to squeeze, but you just let it be, and sat with it.
There were other ways you could grab their attention. Other ways that didn't include throwing yourself at death time and time again, and praying you'd live to see another sunrise. This was just... a bump in the road, but you'd have other opportunities! You could do other things to grab their attention and — and maybe you'd even make them proud in the process.
Yeah, there were still other things you could do. You couldn't give up now!
Sure, being a vigilante didn't work out, but that's okay! You'd just have to find something else, it's alright. You'd find something, you were sure of it. You'd find something and be so good at it that they'd have to acknowledge you — hopefully.
You could work something out. After all, there were countless other things you could do besides being a vigilante! Surely one of those things could grab their attention, and maybe if you just worked hard enough and perfected it so much, that they'd acknowledge you — and most of all? Be proud of you.
You'd show them that you had a place in this family, without a mask. You'd show them. You'd prove yourself to them, you would. You will!
Though to start, you'd make your way back home, and just keep what happened last night to yourself. You'd form a plan, think of something, and see it out til the very end. You'd show that you could do great things too besides protecting Gotham from Villians and thugs. That maybe someday, you could make a difference too.
So, with a new hope and dream in your heart, stood up and began making your way down the steps. The sun rising along with your own determination to start on this new path. Making your way back to the Manor, unaware of the misfortune to befall you.
Sometimes, no matter the effort, some things just aren't meant to be. You still had yet to learn that lesson at the time, and even when you eventually would, they'd ruin that too.
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flowershines · 10 months
Please Help
Peeta Mellark x F. Reader
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warnings: public masterbastion, masterbating (M reciving), cameras, viagra, blood
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Rising from the tube that brung you to the game arena, a ray of sunshine blinded you eyes still trying to adjust to the unsudden brightness a small ticking sound was heard from the area where you had been facing. Looking around you were standing on the tube which had been surrounded by water, trees filled the area behind you as other participants ran along the middle of the water standing on their tubes as well. The metal cannacopia was in front of you as you checked your surroundings. You had been divided by a single brownish black line, which broke down the circle into some clock pattern. The ticking sound had gotten louder as the numbers lowered on top of the cannacopia, seeing all the other contestants getting ready to run towards the weapons not wanting to be an easy target. You had decided to run towards the cannacopia and get the leftover weapons later after everyone had left. Timer had hit the last 3 seconds, the other participants looked around at a loss trying to figure out if the others were running towards the cannacopia.
Diving into the water you headed for the brownish line as it would lead you to the cannacopia directly. Arriving there, others were nowhere to be seen.
Turning around you had faced a very handsome and young guy, you think his name was Peeta or something along those lines. Grabbing a bag along with a spear, defending yourself as others started to swarm the perimeter around you, ignoring the man behind you in the process. Not turning back and heading back to the line you came up on, hearing screams behind you getting louder and louder, blood started to seep into the water making you aware that someone had been attacked just behind you. A loud pitter patter noise was following in your footsteps, heavy breathing was heard just feet away from you.
Running full speed on a small line trying to maintain balance and not get attacked was one of the hardest things you think you have ever done when all of the sudden the footsteps stopped followed along with a splash from the water, not wanting to turn back you continued running till you made it to land then turning around you saw a dead body floating in the water just by where you had heard the footsteps stop. Turning back around to face the trees and running into them, tripping occasionally in the process, slowing down nothing but a bird chirping was all that was heard. Thinking that it was safe you sat down on a tree stump and grabbed the bag that you had grabbed from the cannacopia.
Unzipping the bag you pulled out a sleeping bag, a pocket knife, mace, a water container, rope, and nets. A tiny bag was found in the smallest packet, they were pills, it looked like the sign L4 84 making them ibuprofen was scratched out by hand. Knowing that it was weird you made a pact to yourself that you would only use it if you 100% needed it.
Putting the things back in the bag a small crunch of leaves was heard from behind you, turning around you were faced with the most prettiest guy your eyes have ever laid on once again. Peeta. He had a huge gash on his left arm making the blood run down all the way to his fingers but he didn’t seem to care or at least he didn't show that he did, seeing him made you immediately stand up dropping everything from your bag onto the ground holding you hands into fists for self defense as your eyes were searching to try and find your spear.
“Don’t worry I didn't come here to hurt you, just passing by. Need help?”
“I’m okay thanks though.” Crouching down to pick up the things from your bag and putting them back in, he walked over to you and grabbed the thing closest to him and held his hand out towards you handing it over.
“Thanks.” A small smile was displayed on your face as a way to try and show your gratitude, he nodded his head and continued picking up the things. As almost all the things were picked up you looked around thinking you had grabbed everything only to see the bag with the pills right by his thigh, “Can you hand me that?” You asked, pointing to the small bag. He grabbed it and handed it to you. “What is that?” “Ibuprofen, you want one you look like you could use one.” You knew it probably wasn't the best thing to try and be nice but you thought that he could be your test subject not wanting to find out for himself if that carved out sign really meant it or if they were going to do something else.
“Yeah, thanks.” Opening the bag you took out two and placed them in his hand, “I hope you can dry swallow.” You said jokingly, he smiled and placed them in his mouth swallowing the pills then sticking out his tongue to show you that he could.
“Good Luck.” Was all he said as he handed you the last of your things before leaving.
Peeta’s POV:
I walked away and continued to try and find my setup, my arm kept bleeding and bleeding. Trying to find a waterfall or something in the process to clean up the wound, I didn’t have to worry about the pain much longer as the girl had given me those pills. Relieved about that, I tried to listen to see if I could hear water coming from any direction. Hearing the water swish around from the area that had been surrounding the cannacopia, I decided that that would probably be the best place to clean up for now.
On the way to the water, my stomach felt weird as if there were butterflies in it. I'm probably just hungry, moving on from the thought I arrived at the water not that long after, rolling up my sleeve not trying to touch the wound then getting some water and slowly soaking in on the wound to try and clean up the surface around it.
Heading back towards the cannacopia I decided that there could be some left over things that could help me later on but as i was heading towards the cannacopia as quietly and quickly as possible that feeling came back, I needed to get food so this feeling would go away fast. Just as I took another step towards the cannacopia my cock swirled in my pants, trying to think of anything else except from my growing bulge. My mind kept thinking of that girl, but every time i think about her my dick would twitch in a show of my desperation for her.
As went on my dick continued to twitch and get harder making it almost hurt from desperation, looking down I saw a wet patch of right where my tip was from all of the precum I was leaking.
Your POV:
Walking through the trees you peaked behind one of the trees as you heard a quiet sound echoing through the area, turning your head towards the noise. It was Peeta. Was he still hurt?
Going on your tippy toes to try and get a better view of what he was doing you you heard another noise but it sounded like he was in pain, looking at him his fingers grazed over his pants, making him make more noise.
He put his shirt in his mouth to muffle his noises, he started to undo his pants and unzipped them bringing his pants to the ends of his thighs as his boxers were still on.
What is this guy doing? Doesn’t he remember that there are cameras?
Oh shit if the cameras are on and they see him doing that does that mean that they can see me as well and if they do see him doesn’t that mean- “Y-y/n!”
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a familiar but unfamiliar voice, going behind the tree and you realized that he had seen you. Peaking over gain he was staring at you, “Come here.” He said sounding angry.
Walking towards him he moaned slightly as you got closer, “What were those pills?” He placed his hand cupping his dick. “I told you, Ibuprofen.” “Ibuprofen my ass, come one just tell me I won’t be mad.” “It said L4 84 on it so i thought it was Ibuprofen but if your saying that it’s not than i have no idea. What makes you think that it’s not Ibuprofen?”
He jerked his hand up and down on his shaft, “Cause this doesn’t just happen, of course boners happen random but this one makes me want more and hurts more as well.” Looking at him jerking himself off made your stomach spin back and forth, staring at him with lust in your eyes made him realize what he had been doing.
“Please Y/n, I don’t wanna die and have blue balls. Can you help me out, please?” His eyes looked at you pleading with desperation.
“Fine but we never speak of this to anyone.” He let go of his dick that he had just had been jerking himself off with, only to be replaced by your hand rubbing his bulge over his boxers.
Small moans were heard from the man guy who was in front of you, running your fingers through the waistband of his boxers you slowly started to pull them down as he lifted his hips to give you the access you needed.
Wrapping your hand around the base of his cock with your other hand you ran your finger along the slit of his tip skidding around the pre cum as it started to drip down to your other hand.
“Quit teasing, who knows who is looking and trying to kill us.”
You nodded your head agreeing with him, slowly moving your hand along the veins of his cock he grabs the end of his shirt which was the end closest to you and places it right in between his teeth to stop him from being loud while the other participants are still hunting.
His head thrown back he moans and grunts into the cloth of his shirt as you jerk him off. The faster he would make noise the faster you would jerk him off and vice versa.
The longer you went on the closer he got, not long after his breathing became shaky and heavy telling you in a way that he was getting close.
“Y/n I’m gon- I’m gonna cum.” Just then his load spilled from hit tip and onto your shirt which didn’t really cover your tits along with it dripping down your hand.
“Thanks I really appreciate it a lot.” “No problem.” You said bringing the hand that had his cum dripping down on it to your mouth.
Head quarters:
“Boss, should we censor all that?”
“Don’t bother it’s already live.”
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yuellii · 1 year
a heart drawn around your name.
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𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓-𝐃𝐎𝐔𝐗 ;; from the one that loves you, forever, and how they write such love letters
feat. kaveh, neuvillette, ei, ayato, lisa ( separately )
notes. gn reader, repost from an acct i never used iykyk
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Splattered strokes, always so, so dramatic.
He loops his letters like a simultaneous calligrapher and perfectionist, and you almost wonder if he does this for every piece of parchment he writes on. He once insisted that he doesn’t—and that fact alone makes you giddy at the thought. He admitted to writing so perfectly for you, and you alone.
His desk is a mess, but only on the side he keeps letters for and from you. As an artist at heart, he goes through many trials. not that he lets you see it, of course, but on nights he’s writing to you, his desk is scattered with scratch paper. And such loose sheets are filled to the brim with trials of poetry he comes up with in his head, or certain words and loops.
It has to be perfect, and he will ensure that. You’d find crossed out lines on those sheets, full of testing. you’d find the cheesiest of pick-up lines, the most dramatic ways to write a single word, and multiple practices of his own signature.
Because he needs you to be impressed. What good is he, if he cannot write you a new poem every letter he sends you? What good is he, if his handwriting does not look like pure art to you? He could easily stay up for hours on syntax alone.
And if you looked at the cuffs of his sleeves, or the skin of his wrists, you’d find black smudges. Little pen scribbles reminiscent of the very same phrases you’d find in your letters, for he writes them throughout the day. Whenever he thinks of you, it’s always a new line to add.
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His letters are like a storybook, developed in the passing time.
He begins with his letters so stiff, so formal in a way that is not uptight, but rather inexperienced. It’s something he initially curses himself for—so uptight and unable to express his emotions. And that’s when he develops the obsession with reading storybooks and poetry, for he becomes desperate to learn the ways of romantic speech.
Because of this, his letters become a certain type of endearing. They’re filled with metaphors and analogies galore; some are wrong, some don’t make sense, but the best part of it all were that they were completely original and they came from his heart. Transparency were not difficult either, not when he poured his entire soul out onto paper.
His fears, his emotions, his love—he tells it all. He write how his love for you hurts like a swallowing ocean sometimes, and how being away from you almost becomes too much to bear. He spills of secrets any other man would be too embarrassed to admit; but no, not him. His heart is laid out for you in the tear-stained parchments scratched with ink.
Once he sends one letter, he becomes a bit obsessed. He sends another one, and then suddenly another—until he’s writing almost every day just to speak to you.
After all, how could he help it? When he finds new ways—new words and new phrases to describe his love for you, how could help but write you another letter? You were his passion, his flame that made him human, and if he express such emotion through pen and paper instead of his face, then he’d take it.
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She’s random with her letters, you never know what to expect.
The feeling is akin to passing notes in a classroom. Sometimes, within the passing, she’ll quickly jut out her hand, expecting you to take that piece of paper as fast as possible before she leaves. She's on official business, yet she still looks a bit shy.
Such notes are always so childish. you can tell they were written so quickly on an uneven surface—and they were always so thoughtful in a way that made you giggle. A lot of these messages were just letting you know she catered sweets tonight at Tenshukaku, implying she wanted you to come for the sugar. Other notes were simpler, some of which just noted that she thought your hair looked particularly pretty that day.
And other times, her messages are completely different. On some days, they come delivered to your door as a fully sealed letter, one that has the official shogun seal securing it closed. These are ones she actually has time to write—ones where her handwriting is more eligible.
But she has such a difficult time with words, she gets so frustrated. From embarrassment or from dissatisfaction, her trash bin is filled to the brim with crumpled pieces of papers—all of which were prior attempts of writing you a letter. It is times like these she wished she spent more time in humanity, for even writing you a simple letter made her nervous.
But she wanted to do this, no matter what. It’s worth it when she’s finally able to voice her love for you in writing.
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His letters come in pure white envelopes with a red wax seal… so formal and pristine.
It's a bit weird. Something akin to an invitation or letter from the shogun herself. But the Kamisato crest stamped right on the seal tells you otherwise; and really, it was the only form of indication it was from your lover.
His letters are always folded so nicely inside of the envelope. you wouldn’t notice it—and he doesn’t expect you to—but the creases of the paper are exactly the same every time. He puts time into it; way more than a busy man should. If you scouted through his desk, you’d find a drawer with gold-lined parchment to the side, as well as expensive imported ink from Liyue, and a feathered pen imported from Mondstadt. There's also a creaser made of bone marrow from Sumeru and a metal architect ruler from Fontaine, both of which he uses to perfectly fold each letter every time.
He's an enigma; so machine-like, that he knows you don’t pay attention to all those little details. For all he knows, you probably think these letters were factory-made or processed as a batch, not handcrafted specifically by his fingertips. You probably thought this was something secondary to his time, unbeknownst to the delicacy he has adapted just to send you the most perfect of letters every time.
But, that was okay with him. As long as you were reading his words—and as long as he still felt sparks every time he drafted a new letter, it was alright. Plus, he always has more fun when he knows something that others don’t.
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There’s always a state of serenity when you cut open her letters. She sprays it with her perfume every time before she seals it; so that when you open it, you’re reminded of her. Very thoughtful, isn’t it?
It makes you smile every time, she just knows it. She's so confident in your love for her ( or, perhaps, she was so comfortable in her swelling adoration for you ), that she pays nothing to worry when she’s writing letters. They’re always so mindless with no coins to perfection or even prestige—one could even call it lazy-looking if they had no idea.
But if anything, she was comfortable. Her handwriting has always been fancy with a pinch of delicateness as her strokes were so thin, though they contained the pretties of loops in her letters that you could not take your eyes off of. Even when she was scribbling so fast, her handwriting was still so pretty. And she does this so, so often—for it’s hard for her pen to keep up when her unspoken thoughts about you raced miles in a minute.
Her parchments are simple; old, even, like pages you’d find in an old book at Mondstadt’s library. Which she likes to quote, in fact. Sometimes, she’ll open her letters with a quote from a romance book she was just reading, or one she randomly remembered. She’ll talk about it in the following sentences; and then at the end, she’ll always somehow tie it back to you.
So simple, yet so endearing. She doesn’t care if you find it that way or not. It’s because she trusts you, more than you’d think.
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f10werfae · 2 years
More Kissies and Workouts
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Short!Shy!Reader
summary: Sweet shy little Y/n joins her new older boyfriend for one of his workouts, but can she keep up?
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Lumberjack Masterlist
Y/n peeked her head into the Gym room of their cabin, her new older boyfriend sat doing sit-ups, his veins popping and sweat dripping down his forehead. His eyes closed in concentration, Y/n twinkled her way over unnoticed and sat on top of his lap. His lips surprisingly meeting hers once he sat back up, his tongue dancing out to meet hers in a filthy kiss, his thumb coming to wipe her wet chin as they broke apart. “Mmm Well this is a lovely surprise sugar, miss your man too much?” He asked licking his lips, which now tasted of her chapstick.
“mhmhm, ya left me alone on the bed” She pouted bouncing on his lap slightly, her face still puffy from her sleep, her hair still crazy. “Ya were tired after last night sugar, didn’t want ya fallin asleep today” He cooed nuzzling his nose against hers, his hands smoothing down the back of her hair, her hands fisting the bottom of his grey shirt; her body wearing his white vest and one of her cotton white panties.
“C-can I stay here with you? P-promise not to disturb you” She pouted kissing his neck and jaw, her fingers scratching his beard soothingly, his breath shuddering at the feeling of her lips on him. “Course baby, you stay right here on my lap alright? Don’t want you goin’ n’ hurtin’ yourself on any equipment”
Nodding excitedly she watched as his body laid back down and came back up every few seconds, her lips placing a kiss onto his every single time he reached her, a small giggle and wiggle escaping her every time he’d stay up a little longer and lick into her hot wet mouth. At one point Y/n found herself growing wet at each of his kisses, remembering the day they first properly made out on the park bench; that was only 3 months ago now.
The couple hadn’t done anything as far as sex yet, but there was definitely heavy petting with fingers and tongues all over. The night before today Henry had brought his precious woman to 6 orgasms in a row, her body spasming and twitching every few seconds until he kissed and lulled her to sleep with the use of his tongue on her lower set of swollen lips.
“What’re ya doin bunbun?” He asked quirking a brow while laying back down again, feeling her hips roll against his slowly yet desperately, her fingers holding her underwear to the side as she humped his crotch. “M-missed you when I woke up Hen, n-need you alla time beside me” She whimpered looking at him once he sat back up, his hands on her hips as he slowly guided her hips against him; he himself growing hard at the feeling of her wetness leaking into his gym shorts.
“Missed you too angel, but isn’t your pretty pussy tired after last night, worked her hard I did” He whispered using his thumb to rub soft delicate circles onto her button, soft breaths and gasps leaving her as she held onto his shoulders, her forehead leaning against his lovingly. “B-but love you do much n-n’ I n-need you” She whispered leaning her head up to press her lips against his, his lips placing hundreds of tiny kisses on hers making her groan.
“Stoppp Hennn, jus’ wan’ a long kissy, ya always do this” She whined kicking her legs a little, stopping when he gave her that look of his, instead patiently sitting there with her lips puckered out waiting; within seconds their tongues were mingling out in the open, her hips had once against started their movements along with Henry’s soft rubbing.
Henry then shifted her up further, letting her grind her pussy straight onto his bulge, both of them breathing deeply at the thin fabric separating them both. “M’close H-hen, c-can feel it here” She moaned placing his hand on her lower stomach, his lips pulling into a cocky grin as he kissed get cheek and nose. He always loved how sensitive she got from one touch of his.
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty baby, you’re doin’ so good for me, you can let go honey, wanna see you cum” He whispered cupping her face, her lips held under her teeth as her hands held onto his thighs as she ground herself harder against him, his cock cumming first in his shorts. The white juice coming out through his shorts and creating a wet sound against Y/n’s pussy, strings of his cum connecting her pussy to his bulge.
“Look what ya did to me sugar, we made that mess, n’ I want ya to add to it honey” He chuckled watching her lick her lips and eyes go wide at the sight of his cum seeping through the fabric, “Come on, we’ve been playin’ house all week baby, don’t ya wanna be my sweet little housewife, sittin’ pretty and ready for me to love n’ play with? Havin’ cute babies, so ya can make me a daddy” He taunted knowing how much his dirty words got to her, he wasn’t shocked when she started shaking on his lap, his lap feeling warmer with her juices leaking onto his lap. Their cum creating a white sticky mess right on his lap.
“O-oops” She giggled feeling flustered, her nipples pebbling against the thin white vest she had on, her cheeks feeling hot as Henry kissed softly, his own chuckles causing them to breakaway from the kiss. “Might havta workout with you alla time baby, pick you up and carry ya around with me everywhere” He growled leaning over and getting his towel, lightly dabbing at the mess in his lap as he sat her on the workout bench. Stopping in his tracks when he saw what her hands were doing.
Y/n’s urges had gotten to the best of her, she wanted more and she would get more. Her hands stopped his and instead she dipped her fingers into his cum and brought it to her naked pussy, making shy eye contact with him as she fingered herself with it and massaged it all around her hold. “God baby you’re so dirty, my dirty girl aren’t ya” He taunted leaning forward and kissing her hungrily, causing her to yelp and squeal happily, his body standing up with her in his arms.
“W-where ya takin’ me?”
“Ohohoho we are doin’ press ups baby, but you’re gonna be my reward aren’t ya sugar?” He chuckled setting her down onto his purple mat, her legs spread wide open as he got into the plank position. As he leant down for the press up, he placed a passionate kiss right onto her clit, a smirk on his face as he felt her jolt and gasp at the sensation. “1”
He bent down again and this time kissed the set of lips passionately, her wetness coating his lips as he came back up and winked at her, “2” Her toes curling at each sensation, gasps at every single kiss he laid on her tingling treasure. “H-how many are ya gonna do bear?” She asked slightly scared of his answer, he knew how sensitive she got after an orgasm, it was only a matter of time before her specialty would arrive.
“As many as it takes for the water fountain bunbun” He smirked leaning back down, this time tongue kissing her pussy, spitting onto it before coming back up again, “3” Her hand gripped onto his messy mop of dark curls, even pushing his head down for his fourth press up. His mouth clamping onto her, his nose nudging her button as his tongue absolutely ravaged her, his eye-widening strength keeping his plank stable.
“H-Hen if you k-keep t-that up m’gonna-“
“Give it to me sugar, gon’ drink you up like that beer ya always get for me”
“F-frick o-oh Sh- I-it’s coming!” She squealed leaning back onto the mat, her body shaking like a broken faucet, her pussy squirting right onto Henry’s mouth and face like a bottle; his deep chuckles mixing with the sounds of slurping and her moans. The mat below now turning a darker shade with how wet she got, her legs sore and tired as she felt Henry place light feather like kisses on her sensitive centre and her inner thighs. His face nuzzling into her pillowy thighs as he looked up at her with a dark look in his eyes, those of a predator, “You’re amazin’ sugar, gonna keep you up ‘ere with me forever, ya’d like that wouldn’t ya? Keep ya in my bed, in my kitchen and in my cabin; keep ya full of me so ya remember who you belong to”
Y/n simply nodded, dazed as she watched Henry squirt his water bottle on his face and get his extra towel from the side, his body crawling to hover over hers, “c-couch, please” She whimpered holding onto him as he stood up and carried her down the long hallway to the living room, tucking her in with her pink weighted blanket, even calling Marly her cat over to snuggle in with her. Henry quickly changed and showered off, not wanting to leave her waiting for so long.
Henry then made up some freshly squeezed orange juice, his heart hammering hearing her soft giggles from the other room, her favourite boxset series playing while she cuddled Marly softly, the tiny little cat being held like a baby as Y/n talked to her like one.
“Mommy loves you so much, you’re so darn cuddly, rrgg” She groaned nuzzling her face into the snow like fur, her smile widening even more when her grumpy Lumberjack came into view with her own personalised pink cup full of orange juice. “L-look marmar, it’s daddy Henry, he loves you too, Dontcha Hen?” Y/n beamed holding up the small kitten to Henry who scowled, but that scowl quickly disappeared when he saw the bright smile on his girlfriend’s face, his big burly arms taking the tiny thing into his arms while his woman drank the delicious juice.
“I guess she is like a baby” Henry grumbled slipping in beside his shorter girlfriend, the tiny cat slowly falling asleep in his huge arms, contrasting the mean grump look on his face. “she’s our little baby Marly, Hen” Y/n giggled leaning up and kissing his cheek sweetly, wrapping her arms around his bicep before leaning her head on it, both of them watching her show for the rest of the Sunday morning.
Library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Hii! Do you know any sterek kinda dark Fics where they’re kinda horrible to everyone but each other?
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Blood For Blood by NotMyBestIdea 
(1/1 I 342 I Mature)
Nothing is going to come between Derek and his revenge.
He'll bleed you 'til you're just bone and skin by ElisAttack
(1/1 I 2,236 I Explicit)
It's moments when Stiles feels the dull pull of the bruises on his hips, moments when he can't sleep on his stomach because the throbbing ache does nothing for a good night's sleep, it's those moments that make him feel worthless.
Makes him hate Derek with a passion that burns brighter than anything else he feels.
Or the one where Derek doesn't know his strength, but Stiles knows he deserves it.
32 Hours by cheshirecat101
(1/? I 2,725 I Teen)
Stiles has to make the 32 hour trip from California to Chicago, Illinois, in order to get to his new home for the next four years. But it seems that the (super)natural world is doing everything in its power to stop him.
Alpha by Nival_Vixen
(1/1 I 2,357 I Explicit)
Stiles has been kidnapped by a serial killer known only as Alpha. Stiles finds himself far too attracted to the man that's probably going to kill him.
No one called, until someone did. by queen_of_OTPs
(1/1 I 4,419 I Mature)
Stiles found that he hadn’t spoken more than necessary since August. Gone were the rambling rants, extravagant gestures, and range of vocal tones. Monotone sentences that were cut with sharp edges, words like knives and tone like venom.
No one had called.
Mindset of a Killer by buftie
(1/3 I 7,363 I Explicit)
Troubled youths Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale meet in the counselor's office and form a haphazard relationship. They realize they share urges and desires they dare not speak to others - guns, knives, blood, and even murder. Soon the two are overwhelmed by their attempts to satiate their bloodlust and find themselves wanted criminals.
A Second Chance at Life by DaoOfGay
(4/? I 8,871 I Explicit)
Stiles held onto his bleeding chest as he watched the man who had taken everything from him walk away, as he laid there, on his last breath, he could swear there was a small tear running down Derek Hale's face.
But once he opened his eyes, he was back at the moment his life was destroyed- The moment he woke up on Derek Hale's bed, naked, and not remembering what happened the night prior.
This time he woke up before him. He packed his things and ran, ran as far away as he possibly could not looking back.
Unknowingly, that decision changed the future in a way he could never thought.
Full and Void by Hedwig221b
(2/2 I 23,286 I Explicit)
Stiles could be meek, sure. In Derek’s arms, softened under the touch, pinned under his weight. He allowed himself to relax only in Derek’s sole presence.
Stiles could also look meek. Small, scared. Let the enemies think he was hiding in his mate’s shadow. After all, no one would stop to think that the shadow could ever be dangerous.
Devil in the Details by Accidental_Ducky
(8/8 I 26,473 I Mature)
“So we’ll split up.”
“Baby,” Boyd says, taking her arm in a gentle hold,” that is the single whitest sentence to ever leave your mouth. Splitting up to search for a crazed murderer with no moral compass is a job better left to the police. I say we go upstairs, barricade the basement door closed and hangout in the lobby until help shows up.”
“Derek found a way to break out of a sealed chamber and you think shoving a desk in front of a wooden door will keep him from using our skin as lampshades?”
“I never should have let you watch American Horror Story. Our lives have just gone downhill since then.” Boyd runs a hand over his mouth, scratching absently at the stubble along his jaw before heaving out a sigh. “Fine, we’ll go look for Hale, but we’re sticking together. I’m not about to be the token black guy that gets butchered in some kind of cheesy nineties horror flick.
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yeoja-dream · 8 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Pairing: BTS OT7 x Reader Genre: Fantasy, eventual smut, porn with plot, slow burn, hurt/comfort Characters: Supernatural!BTS, Vampire!Jungkook, Supernatural!Reader Content Warning: Y/N in danger, medical scene & terminology Word Count: 3k
Jungkook held your body, cool, clammy, and lifeless in a state of panic. He didn’t mean to go that far, he thought desperately. He put his head on your chest and prayed to any gods that would listen that he hadn’t killed out outright, and a tiny blip of relief washed over him when he hurt the faint, slow beating of a heart. It wasn’t too late. 
“What am I supposed to do?” He said, anxiously pacing. The idea hit him suddenly. If there was someone that could help, it was Namjoon. 
Jungkook picked up your body, handling and cradling it like it was the most delicate flower. Standing in the middle of your apartment, in a puff of dark smoke, Jungkook willed the two of you to disappear, then reappear again on the roof of the largest general hospital in your city. At this time, the morning sun had begun cresting over the horizon, its warm rays falling onto the two of you. Jungkook for the first time felt his grip on you weaken and his muscles begin to strain and ache under your weight. Where you were weightless to him before, the sunlight was weakening him considerably. He wasted no further time dashing into the rooftop access door and into the hospital proper. 
If Jungkook knew Kim Namjoon, and he was certain he did, he knew that it was almost certain that Namjoon hadn’t yet gone home from his shift as an emergency room attending. Jungkook hadn’t been to the hospital often, the stench of alcohol, death, blood, and other bodily fluids was overwhelming to his heightened senses and churned his stomach. Looking to blend in, he used the glamour magic afforded to him, disguising both of your forms as he navigated the halls, appearing to be just another doctor carrying a box of medical equipment. He paused, closing his eyes and concentrating, mentally pulling and tugging at the bond he shared with the older man. 
Where are you? I am here.
Office. The bond answered back.
It wasn’t long until he was in front of the office of Dr. Kim Namjoon. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door. 
Inside was a tired-looking, young man, busily typing and scratching down notes on a piece of paper. As Jungkook entered, he looked up, his expression initially pleased at seeing his mate quickly turned to one of shock and horror at what he was carrying. 
“Hello Jungk-” Namjoon cut himself and stood suddenly from his desk, seeing the body he carried in his arms. “What the hell is this?” 
“Help her, please,” Jungkook begged. “I can explain more later.” 
Namjoon walked over, feeling for a pulse. “Did you do this to her?” He asked, his voice grave. 
“Yes,” Jungkook replied, ashamed. 
“Well you didn’t kill her,” Namjoon stated with a sigh. “She needs urgent treatment. Disguise yourself and bring her up to the 8th floor, B corridor, last room on the left. We will have a bit more privacy that way. I will be up right behind you.” 
With a simple nod of solemn understanding, Jungkook turned on his heel, and made haste out of the office, following Namjoon’s instructions carefully. The B corridor on the 8th floor was sparsely populated, it appeared to be mostly storage for patient care monitors and machines, Jungkook noted passively. He tried the door of the aforementioned room, finding it unlocked, before letting himself in. The room was minimal, with a bed made up with only a pillow and a single fitted sheet, a bedside monitor, and a chair. Jungkook quickly laid you down on the bed before drawing the blinds to prevent any additional sunlight from getting in, it was making him feel like shit enough as it was. 
It wasn’t much longer after Jungkook entered that Namjoon entered as well. He came, backpack slung over a shoulder and pushing a rolling table. Wordlessly, he unpacked the supplies and began setting you up on the monitors. 
“Her pulse is thready, weak, and slow, but it's there. Regular rythm.” Namjoon noted out loud to no one in particular. “Her blood pressure is really low so I’m going to have to start her on a blood transfusion and fluids. Is that going to bother you, or do I have to kick you out?” 
Jungkook shook his head emphatically. Namjoon nodded in understanding, but stood in place, unmoving. 
“DO something!” Jungkook insisted, anxiously. 
“I can count the number of times I’ve placed an IV on one hand and as for the IV pumps, they might as well be set to a foreign ancient language. I promise I am the last person you want handling this stuff. I’ve already paged my nurse, Clara. She should be here any moment.”
As if divinely timed, the door handle jiggled and opened, and a short, stout, human walked in. Clara was the veteran nurse of veteran nurses. She had been working since she graduated at the age of 22, she could place an IV in your forehead, she could run a code blue better than most of the resident doctors, and she was wise enough to know when to not ask too many questions. 
“I got your page, Dr. Kim,” Clara said, walking in, and quickly assessing the situation. 
“Clara, we are running a hypovolemic protocol on this patient. She needs bilateral peripheral IVs, 1-liter Lactated ringers at 120 milliliters an hour, packed red blood cells should run at 200 milliliters an hour, and platelets at 400. Take whatever blood you can and run a CBC, Jane Doe, stat. I have all the supplies here.” 
“Yes, doctor,” Clara responded before quickly getting started. Clara worked fast and efficiently, with a work ethic born from years in the emergency room. Sliding the IVs in place, she expertly set up the fluids and blood products to transfuse and finally drew a vial of blood for testing. “I am going to run this to the lab. Will you be doing the transfusion monitoring, Doctor?” 
“Yes. Thank you, Clara, for your work and your discretion,” Namjoon said, dismissing her. She excused herself with a simple head nod, and the two men were again alone in the room. 
“She’s going to get better now, right?” Jungkook asked, bouncing his leg anxiously. 
“She should,” Namjoon said, seriously. “But this is not over, and we will be discussing what the hell happened here because if I am doing some of the mental math here, I suspect this…” he said gesturing to you, “is an everyone problem.” 
Jungkook looked away. The older man wasn’t usually so serious or harsh with him, and if he was honest with himself it definitely hurt on top of everything else that was going on, not that he didn’t deserve it. 
The pair sat in silence for some time. Namjoon stood at your bedside carefully monitoring your vital signs. As the minutes passed, steadily your vital signs improved, and steadily Namjoon was able to relax.
“It was good you got here when you did,” Namjoon finally broke the silence. “She would have certainly died if you hadn’t.” 
Jungkook swallowed hard at that. The last words you had said to him before this all started echoed in his mind, swallowing him with guilt. Please don’t hurt me.
After about 30 minutes, Namjoon received a message on his phone, your lab results. Confusingly, almost all the values were low. Did you even have any blood in your body, no one can survive this kind of low. Namjoon knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, and just as he was about to look up and question Jungkook, the monitoring alarms started blaring. 
“Fuck!” Namjoon cursed. “She’s having a reaction to the blood. That should be impossible it’s O- blood, no one reacts to that! I checked it 5 times, FUCK! He cursed again. 
“What do we do?” Jungkook stood now, panicked. 
“Stay here, I need to get some medications I will be back as fast as I can.” Namjoon typically tapered his mannerisms and movements to the human world he worked in. He moved deliberately slowly, but at this moment, he allowed himself to use the maximum of his powers. Truly in a flash, he had gone and come back with armfuls of different medications he wasted no time in administering. 
“This is really bad, Jungkook,” Namjoon said, looking over your body anxiously. “Her blood levels are so low, no human should have survived, and now she’s reacting to the one type of blood that everyone should be able to tolerate. I can give her some medications to encourage her body to make more blood cells faster, but I’m not sure she’ll survive that long.” 
Jungkook stood, running his hands through his hair pacing. “She asked me not to hurt her, Joon. She asked me and I did this to her. She trusted me.” His voice waivered, boarding on tears. 
“If I am right about what I suspect, you couldn’t control yourself, Kook,” Namjoon said, attempting to be comforting. 
Jungkook continued to pace, chewing on his nails as he watched Namjoon attempt to resuscitate you. 
“What if she wasn’t human?” Jungkook suddenly asked. 
“What?” Namjoon asked, spinning around. 
“What if she wasn’t human? She does crazy magic and her blood tasted weird. Different. I’ve drank a lot of human blood and it was never like that.” 
Namjoon drew in a breath, answering in a cool, measured way. “You mean to tell me this woman can do magic and it’s only now occurring to you she’s probably not human? What human have you ever met that possesses anything resembling magic? Never mind the fact that her blood was completely unlike any other humans you’ve tasted, now I’m thinking the next thing we should be testing is your head because I’m desperately concerned that it is entirely empty!” 
Jungkook looked down, ashamed, at the older man’s chiding. 
“No wonder she had a reaction to the blood I gave her! Explains the impossibly low lab values too, she’s a bit more durable than the average human. Don’t be mistaken, these medications will likely have limited effect on her, and she is still gravely ill.” 
“What can we do?” Jungkook asked, eyes misty. 
“We,” Namjoon said emphasizing the word. “Can’t do a whole lot. You can teleport to Baba Yena and hope she’s feeling charitable today.” 
Jungkook groaned internally. Baba Yena was known to be exceptionally powerful, but exceptionally apathetic. Legend states that she was older than time, older than the gods and the powers that created them. She possessed incredible powers, but was, in a word, incredibly stingy to whom she blessed with them. Jungkook’s run-ins with the woman had been scarce, but the few times he had, were certainly memorable. At all costs, he had wanted to avoid being around her, but on the other hand, it was the least he owed you after nearly taking your life. 
With a heavy sigh and crossed fingers, Jungkook walked to the center of the room, and in yet another puff of black smoke instantly disappeared, leaving Namjoon alone with your body. 
He sat next to your bedside, going between monitors, checking medication flow rates, and staring at you.
“If you keep fighting, I will fight for you,” Namjoon said. “Welcome to the family.” 
Jungkook appeared suddenly and to his relief in front of a large, dome-shaped house. Baba Yena’s house was located in a pocket dimension, and without the proper talismans or magic symbols, teleportation here was… unreliable. The house itself seemed to be made out of packed dirt or fired brick, the roof overgrowing with moss. The house was seemingly the only thing in the pocket dimension, and aside from Baba Yena’s home and overgrown yard, a black abyss stretched on in all directions seemingly endlessly. 
Jungkook steeled his nerves, walking up the short, rough stone walkway to the large, wooden front door. There was no door knob, Jungkook suddenly realized, but as he raised his hand to knock, the door flung itself open. Taking it as an open invitation, he let himself in. 
The inside smelled fairly pleasant of wood, and for good reason. Betraying the fired brick exterior, the interior of the home seemed that of a log cabin or other wood-inspired architecture. In the entryway, there was a single spiral staircase going up, and corridors leading to who knows where on the left and right. If Jungkook focused his hearing, from the right direction he could hear a female voice humming and mumbling to herself. He decided to follow. 
The corridor was plain with wood paneling, but most bizarrely seemed to stretch on for much, much longer than it had first appeared. Jungkook found himself walking first for 1 minute, then 5, and when 10 minutes passed and he still hadn’t reached the room he was walking towards, his anxiety heightened. He stopped, thinking. 
“I seek your help, Baba Yena!” He called out. He waited a few seconds, and when nothing changed he thought of a new approach. Baba Yena was also called the Knowing Mother, and to her, information was worth its weight in favors. “A girl of an unknown race lies dying in a hospital bed, and without your gracious help, she will perish an unknown, and her secrets will die with her.” Jungkook waited a few more seconds. He felt a rush suddenly and was nearly knocked off his feet as a large, invisible force picked him up, and shot him forward, dropping him off at the threshold of the room once impossibly far away. 
Jungkook entered the room which he quickly assessed to be a kitchen of sorts with black and white floor tiling, scuffed with age, a dark wood table covered in various ingredients, tubes, flasks, and other unrecognizable equipment, a ceiling littered with drying herbs and meats, and a sink next to a counter, on which is something that was clearly freshly butchered. On the side closest to him, there was a forge of sorts, a large stone pit full of red-hot coals, perched over which was a large, black cauldron, the depth of which was at least half of Jungkook’s height. Standing over the cauldron on a step stool was Baba Yena, a diminutive old woman. Hair silver and white was wild and long, her face a map of wrinkles and liver spots, and her hands, gnarled, twisted, and bony. If she noticed Jungkook enter, she didn’t show it and continued stirring whatever concoction bubbled loudly in the kettle. 
Jungkook cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably, attempting to get Baba Yena’s attention to no avail. 
“Baba Yena,” Jungkook began, taking a tentative step forward. “I bring you information in exchange for some of your magic.” 
Baba Yena didn’t look up from her work but finally spoke. “The Liar Boy comes to me asking for favors, tell me Liar Boy, how does that pendant serve you?” 
“It serves me well, Baba,” Jungkook said holding it in his hand instinctually. “There is a girl, not human, not demon, not fae, not angel. She is dying.” 
“I see…” Baba Yena stirs her pot more aggressively now, reaching up, plucking a dried herb from the ceiling, and mixing it in. “You, Liar Boy are the one who almost killed the girl…” 
“I was compelled by the Smoke. It is my fault nonetheless, and I have come to beg for your mercy.” 
“I have saved you once, Liar Boy. Many who come to my doorstep don’t have even that many chances.” 
“The girl is unusual and powerful. She could be of interest to you.” 
“You again offer the girl as a sacrifice, and yet nothing of personal sacrifice, how peculiar.” Baba Yena said with a small cackle. 
“I have nothing left to give,” Jungkook replied, forlorned. 
“I see the girl,” Baba Yena said, staring into her cauldron. “The horned one cares for her well, but she is as ill as you say and- ah! She is mated to you, she holds your final Fragment, I see. No wonder the Liar Boy again finds himself on my doorstep.” 
“You understand why I humbly bring myself to your home. Allowing her to die would be a punishment too heavy for someone innocent, she is guilty of only trusting me. I intend to earn her trust in earnest, and I only ask for the opportunity to do so.” 
“So it would seem…” Baba Yaga said, half listening. She stares intently at something, the light from the cauldron giving her an even more menacing look. Her eyes dart around as if watching something intently, and Jungkook watches as her face twists into a wolfish smile. 
“I ought to sever your bonds and cast your soul to wander the Astral Sea for being such a pain in my side, Liar Boy. I will help this girl, but not without sacrifice from you.”
“Anything,” Jungkook said earnestly. 
“Oh, I have something in mind,” Baba Yaga said, climbing down from the step stool and waddling across the kitchen before phasing through a portion of the wall, disappearing from view. Jungkook could still hear the sound of items being shuffled, glass clinking against glass, however. After a minute or so, Baba Yaga returned, a dusty, palm-sized, green potion in hand. 
“Drink this and we will be on our way.” She said, handing him the bottle. 
Jungkook took it from her, turning it in his hand, examining the liquid inside. It was a sickly lime green color, and he noticed, to the dismay of his stomach, that the texture of the liquid was actually quite viscous and grainy. He wondered if it was a poison, naturally, perhaps one meant to weaken him severely but never kill him outright. He had a mind to ask, but understanding how fickle Baba Yena was, he knew better. He lifted the cork out of place with a solid thunk, closed his eyes, and focused on not vomiting as he poured the potion down his throat. He didn’t fight the wave of magical something that passed through his body, bracing himself for pain or weakness. He opened his eyes and checked his body, felt his face, but somehow, he felt completely fine. 
“You’ll know what it does in time, Liar Boy. Now come, let's go save this girl.” 
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