#ajax cod ghosts
etienne01 · 10 months
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Some fluffy KeganxAjax
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marrekeye · 17 days
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Post “Struck Down” mission. You’d think Keegan was taught how to drive by the fucking blind. 😭
Also, thank you so much for 56 followers??? wtf??? Where’d you all come from?
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antomatkoen · 6 months
erm guys i was looking for ingredients for my soup and….i found this weird thing in a pit.. does anyone know what it is?
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shinzoo69 · 8 months
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cod-dump · 11 days
Rorke, holding a gun to Ajax's head: Any last words?
Akax, visibly looking him over before meeting his eyes: Ew
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mrs-jury · 3 months
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mrshesh · 1 year
hi! do you have any general hcs for the cod:ghosts boys?
general headcanons - call of duty: ghost's
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overview: general headcanons of the call of duty: ghost's boys!
pairing: none!
genre: fluff, pure tomfoolery
a/n: hi anon! i'm thrilled i finally got a request for these boys. i love them so much, it's getting a bit unhealthy. you're truly the best for requesting them! i hope you love it!
x logan walker
He sucks at puzzles. He’s smart and tactical, but puzzles are on another level of difficulty for him. 
He likes doodling a lot. If he has a pen and a surface to draw on, he will sketch a small smiley or a caterpillar. It has become such a habit that he doesn’t even think about it when he does it. It got so bad that once, Keegan called him out on it mid-doodle, leaving Logan embarrassed for a week. 
He loves the ocean, but beaches annoy him. He hates sand. (I firmly believe his hate for them is from Hesh throwing sand in his face as children.)
He has a picture of him and Hesh as kids in his wallet. He feels calmer when he looks at it, getting into the habit of peeking at it when stressed. 
He’s an avid Deftones enjoyer. He loves Beware and Diamond Eyes. 
He likes caramel-scented things, but he doesn’t like the taste of it. 
He has some insane dirt on Elias, and, of course, Hesh knows all of it. 
For some odd reason, he’s phenomenal at parallel parking. 
x david "hesh" walker
He loves movies. He can watch any genre! Horror? Great! Action? Love. Romance? Cute! Comedy? Perfect! He loves it all. Shows, however? Nope. 
He takes pride in his nails being clipped and filed at all times. He was a nailbiter in his teens, so he cares about his nails more than he should today. 
He can’t cook to save his life. 
Eminem is his go-to artist. He loves and respects many artists, but Eminem will always be at the top of his list. He loves Stan. 
He’s respectful in general.
He’s extremely secure and confident, yet he’s still pretty nervous when he talks to girls. 
He loves long car rides. Driving around in his car while listening to his favorite songs brings out a unique joy in him. 
He, unlike Logan, loves beaches! (He wasn’t the one who got sand thrown on him, so he’s thriving.) 
He hates coriander. 
x elias "scarecrow" walker
Unlike his son, Elias is great at puzzles! He’s disappointed Logan didn’t inherit that quality. He mourns it every day. 
He loves pickles. (Same.)
He manipulated himself into liking beer many years ago. 
People call him DILF all the time. It has happened too many times to count. He finds it funny, while Hesh and Logan are horrified every time. 
He doesn’t know how to put on chapstick. He puts it between his lips and swipes it back and forth, not on his lips. 
He got so much action when he was a teenager/young adult. He tells Logan and Hesh to “live a little” so they can experience that life, too. 
He doesn’t listen to music often, but when he does, he listens to either Korn or Chris Isaak. 
He adores Riley, sometimes stealing him from Hesh without warning. 
x keegan russ
He secretly enjoys ASMR. It helps him unwind and de-stress, but not sleep, surprisingly.
He’s excellent at the game Mafia. 
He has made way too many people giggle excitedly because of his voice. He finds it amusing but disturbing at the same time. He knows it’s attractive, but that many people? He has even made Elias giggle like a schoolgirl because of his vocal folds. 
Keegan strikes me as a Slipknot fan. He finds Killpop and Vermillion to be sexy. 
He loves grocery shopping. 
He talks to himself a lot. He’s antisocial and quiet around others, but when Keegan’s alone, he keeps having full-on conversations with himself. Merrick caught him doing it once - he never brought it up again. 
He enjoys lasagna a bit too much. 
He had a motorcycle phase as a young adult. It got so bad he learned how to do a wheelie on them, but his love for them has died down in the many years he’s been alive. 
He thinks wine is gross. 
x thomas merrick
He cannot stand bananas. Everything about them makes him gag. 
He gets such a rise out of being a bitch. He’s already annoying by default but strives to be even more insufferable for the fuck of it.
He, Alex, and Keegan smoke while being sentimental together at least once a month. (It’s always with Keegan and Alex - Elias, David, and Logan get left out.) 
He listens to underground metal like Sold Soul, and he thinks it makes him superior to everyone else. (And he gatekeeps it.)
He’s immune to pretty much all physical pain except for waxing. It’s enough to make him cry. 
He loved trains as a child.
His comfort song is Toxicity by System Of A Down. 
His appetite is insane. This man can eat a horse and still be hungry by the end of it. 
His calves are huge for some reason. 
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aoioozora · 2 months
Platonically sharing a bed with the Ghosts
One-bed scenario hcs with the Ghosts, and you get to see their sleeping habits. Enjoy!
Logan Walker:
A little awkward about sharing the bed, but not against it.
Even though he's shared beds with Hesh when he was younger, he hasn't done it in a long time. And with someone of the opposite sex? It's a little awkward.
But he's not awkward in his sleep. He'd probably sleep in a starfish position, accidentally kick your back or put his leg on top of you
And maybe if he's having a nightmare, he might cuddle you for some comfort.
David 'Hesh' Walker:
Also awkward about sharing the bed but tries to hide it and plays it cool, telling himself, "it's just gonna be one night."
But he cannot keep his cool once you hit the bed next to him.
He loves cuddling but since both of you are just coworkers, he's fighting the urge so hard because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. He ends up not getting a wink of sleep for a couple hours
But when he does sleep, he sleeps like he's a dead body in a coffin, fingers intertwined and all, straight and tall like a soldier.
Sleeptalks sometimes, but it's just incoherent mumbling.
Elias 'Scarecrow' Walker:
He gets in bed, says "good night" and proceeds to not acknowledge you unless necessary. He is visibly embarrassed and annoyed by this arrangement, but doesn't complain about it.
He sleeps in a rather loose fetal position, tosses and turns around a lot and it keeps you awake for a while until he finally stops and falls into a deep sleep.
Tends to wedge his hand in between his knees when asleep.
Although he can sleep anywhere, he prefers a completely dark room with minimal light
If there's too much light, on goes the eye mask.
Thomas Merrick:
It's written all over his face. He's AWKWARD. But he doesn't say anything so as to not make you uncomfortable. And you don't say anything to him either.
He even offers to sleep on the floor to escape this ordeal, but you refuse and have him sleep on the bed, since it was big enough for two and you didn't want him to be uncomfortable.
He obliges and gets in bed, but makes sure he keeps plenty of space between you and him (he's at the risk of falling off the bed)
And when you tell him to chill out, he grumbles, "I'm... chill." The hip and groovy slang doesn't roll out of his Millennial tongue very well.
He eventually falls asleep facing away from you, hogging the blanket and burying himself in it like he is a worm in a chrysalis.
Big, strong guy sometimes feels like he needs some protection from the world too.
Keegan Russ:
His face is blank. He does feel awkward about it but neither his face, his voice, nor his body language betray any of what he feels.
He sets up a wall of pillows in the middle of the bed. "Neither of us are crossing this line, alright?" he says, and you nod, not planning on doing so anyway.
Both of you go to sleep. He sleeps in a tight fetal position and hugs the pillow he's sleeping on.
Another position he sleeps in is on his stomach with his knee hoisted up. He won't care if it's bad for the spine, it's comfy.
Give him a few hours and he's already disregarded his own rule, and has pushed away the pillow wall to simply press his head against your back, just to feel a little less lonely.
Not awkward AT ALL. He actually digs this arrangement but is trying not to show it. But the amused smirk on his face blows his cover.
He sleeps very comfortably and if he's close enough friends with you and ensures you don't mind his touch, he would actually shamelessly cuddle you.
And you find his cuddling comfortable.
Sometimes sleeps like a Victorian child dying of a disease, having his hand on his head and all that
By the time it's morning, he's on the floor
Alex 'Ajax' Johnson:
Ajax genuinely doesn't care. Only one bed? He'll just shrug and go along with it. He's done this countless times.
In a way, him not caring makes you feel a little less awkward about it.
He keeps his distance from you and doesn't trouble you at all
He's an absolute madman to sleep without a blanket, and it's not just because he's used to it. It's a preference. He doesn't feel very cold.
Light sleeper. But he snores a bit.
Not a cuddler, but he wouldn't mind if you cuddled with him to keep warm.
No awkwardness, no shame, only a little baby happy to sleep on the bed with you.
Normally a light sleeper since he's a dog, but in complete safety, he sleeps like the dead, deep enough to dream
On hot days, he likes to lean against the headrest and sleep on his back to support his legs.
On cold days, he sleeps in a doughnut formation with his nose tucked under his tail.
He's a warm boy, loves to cuddle. Even when he needs his space, he'll make sure he keeps either his tail or his paw touching you.
He's an early riser and to wake you up, he'll either lick, paw, or nudge your face with his cold nose.
BONUS - Gabriel Rorke:
Like Ajax, he doesn't care. Once he hits the bed, he's conked out.
He has one of his legs hanging out of the bed, a nightmarish thing for a kid who might see this. You tell him jokingly, "The monster under the bed will grab your leg and drag you underneath." And he just says, "I am the monster under the bed," to assert dominance to the imaginary beasts.
Light sleeper, and sleeps on his back, arms crossed like he has a meeting to attend in 30 minutes.
He sometimes has his eyes half-open, which is kinda freaky
And being a light sleeper, you don't know whether he's asleep or awake and trolling you.
Read this next! Romantically sharing a bed
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alixrose-r0rke · 5 months
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Elias I have created for my mutual friend 😸
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gunnrblze · 1 month
Silly/stupid/sweet domestic living headcannons for the Ghost Boys
-watches you sleep in the mornings before you wake up. not creepily so, he just likes seeing you so relaxed and peaceful
-takes a ridiculous amount of time in the bathroom for various reasons. not even in a weird/sexual manner, just fuckin lingers in there like a teenage girl primping her hair
-enjoys sweeping for no reason. will sweep again even if one of you already has, very clean man
-sits on counter tops regularly, doesn’t care that he’s 6’0 & built like a brick wall. if he fits, he sits
-has the time management skills of a goldfish. “I’m coming to bed in 15 minutes” half an hour later and he’s building a Lego set?
-enjoys watching your skincare routines and will silently beg for you to slather the shit on his face too. eventually he’ll ask directly but until then he just gives totally subtle puppy dog eyes
-has a recliner he’s bonded with in the living room like the old coot he is. and you’ll never talk him out of getting rid of it
-has bought you a pair of house slippers to match his. yours are probably cuter but he does secretly want to at least coordinate
-will loiter when you’re doing any kind of hobby/activity. doesn’t necessarily want to join, but will stand behind you and watch you play video games/craft/bake/etc
-terrible farts. that’s it. wear a gas mask tbh
-snores so loud that you have to wear earplugs sometimes. doesn’t help that he likes to cuddle at night so you can quite literally feel him vibrating against you. best cuddler though
-has a decanter full of whiskey on his bedside table. not even a big drinker or anything, no, that’s just decoration to him cause he’s distinguished
-asks you to help shave his beard, both because he gets lazy but also he wants to be pampered. “You do it better” he’ll insist
-secretly enjoys you having to ask for help with little things around the house. he loves ‘being a man’ for you. does not matter your gender
-sleeps on one old, flat, mangy pillow. it may or may not even have a case on it. you can try to get him to return to civilization and use a normal one but it’ll be difficult
-sings loudly in the shower on purpose. maybe it’s to make you laugh, maybe it’s to get you in the bathroom long enough to convince you to join him. depends on the day
-uses so many seasonings when he cooks that he sneezes a bunch. wears his mask sometimes to just prevent it all together
-whines for neck/back rubs cause he’s so sore. insists he’ll return the favor but not before he falls asleep on you
-loves you sitting on his lap anytime of day. watching tv, eating breakfast, etc etc? he’ll perch you up on his thighs regardless, doesn’t matter to him
-grunts every time he stands up like the old man he is. “knees ain’t what they used to be”, “gahdamn, backs killin me” are frequent phrases
-constantly turning the thermostat down to make it colder, can’t stand the heat from outside getting in. insists it’s not that cold and only relents when you start to shiver
-puts animal planet/nature docs on to fall asleep. says he just wants to watch something more relaxed before bed but he never turns it off
-very anal about shoes being taken off at the front door. will bitch and moan if shoes get past the foyer while on someone’s feet
-like your mother on a Saturday morning, is up at the ass crack of dawn listening to Celine Dion while cleaning
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madammidnightsblog · 3 months
COD Ghosts in bed
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At first, I wanted to say he was a dom but I started to really think about it and decided he would be a switch with a dom lean- a small one. He is someone that likes to take charge in and out of the bedroom but ultimately ends up allowing you to take charge sometimes because he needs that reassurance. He's not insecure in the slightest- he's pretty confident in himself but due to being more of a loner, he tends to overthink which leads to him distancing himself.
He's big on degrading and praising, the good 'ol mixture of both is all that leaves his mouth. "Good little slut, taking me so well like you're supposed to" or "That's it, pretty. Suck my cock like that whore you are". He doesn't like to straight up degrade as he sees it as a sin to degrade his baby only. You deserve praises too, after all, not just anyone gets to sleep with him.
Keegan is also a big fan of riding- strictly for you though, he's not really a fan of pegging or having his asshole touched so that's not part of the fun. Something about seeing you ride is enough to have him drool and cum drunk because he loves watching you move and take control. Watching you tire yourself out only for him have to hold your hips and fuck into you until you're stupid <3.
He's always there to perform aftercare for you but it will be a little bit lazy but not because he doesn't care. No, you just took so much energy out of him just riding him and having him fuck into you like a dog in heat. It will be a little half assed but he will make it up with cuddles and kisses.
Okay, so my headcannon is that he tends to go nonverbal due to trauma so that will come into play even during sex. He does talk to you in and out of the bedroom but due to all the trauma from ODIN destroying the Earth in one day and just having to have the weight of the world on your shoulders, he sometimes is so overwhelmed he cannot speak. So, there are many nonverbal signs to ask if you're okay or you need a break or even to tell you that he loves you or he needs a break. He will always make sure you and him are safe and comfortable throughout the entire session, he may even annoy you a bit with the constant checkup. But he means well, and it makes your heart flutter to see how much he cares.
He is a dom all the way but a soft one, he isn't the type to be rough and hurt you unless you ask for it. He is more than happy to perform any kink of yours just to make you happy and he also likes to explore as he's not as experienced as his brother Hesh. So, he's learning all while making sure to satisfy you. But his main kink is biting because I think he would like to bite and mark you as his in a silent territorial manner. I can see Logan and Hesh have the same type in women and often had little fights over a crush, so Logan is just marking you to show off you're his to Hesh.
Logan only praises- never degrades only if you ask so it will be a lot of "good gilr/boy/baby" or "such a good bunny". He absolutely worships you like the goddess/god you are and will fight you if you ever try to down talk yourself in front of him. He is the king of foreplay and spends a good ten to fifteen minutes just kissing every inch of your skin and tell you how beautiful you are before he even gets to your pussy/cock.
Outside biting and praising, Logan loves finger sucking whether its him or you sucking. He loves hands and find them so pretty and if you have rings or painted nails, he will most definitely watch your hands more than whatever you're talking about. It's not because he doesn't care, it's just your hands are distracting him and the only way to get him to pay attention is to put those pretty fingers into his mouth.
Now this man was hard to really think much about because the obvious answer would have been Dom but when I really looked at him, I concluded Sub. Before you come at me, this man is a victim to dehumanizing torture and being brainwashed which means this sad man needs to be pampered and showed he’s human. He is a power bottom- a brat that just needs a little correcting done. But nothing that is under the impact play, he may act all big and tuff but in reality he’s a scared man.
So, his turn off and strictly forbidden plays are anything that under the impact label, degrading, and bondage. It’s all triggering for him and puts him in a bad headspace so his punishments are small yet effective reminders of who’s in charge. Such as, “Keep acting up and I will have to make you use a strap instead of your cock” or “Oh? So, if you’re such a big boy, then it shouldn’t be an issue to do without my pussy/cock for the day?”. He isn’t an easy man to make him fold but those little threats are enough to remind him just who is in charge and how easy it is for you to in fact, in force those threats.
Now, for his turn one are definitely roleplaying, DDLB/MDLB, and toys because they show how much care and attention you put in for him because you have to do any of those things with attention. Rorke is just a scarred and damaged man that just needs to be built back up and reminded not everyone he cares about forgot him or is out to kill him. He needs to be reminded that he is in fact loved and cared for so those are his safest options. He also uses DDLB/MDLB not just as a kink but as a coping mechanism so outside the bedroom you will expect him to treat you the same way and expects the same.
Hesh is a dom, I cannot see him going for a submissive role but not because he sees it as a negative thing but it’s just not for him. He will occasionally allow you to take charge but not often and it won’t last long. Hes someone that strives to protect and attend to others, the big brother in him will always have him taking the leading role even in relationships. And if you’re nonverbal or autistic or any form of neurodivergent, he is definitely the man for you thanks to his brother being nonverbal. He will be able to communicate and catch any stim or whatever you’re feeling in the bedroom. He will make sure to stop if needed and even give you several options outside sex for you two to do if you cannot bring yourself to keep going.
Hesh will be damned if he makes you uncomfortable or feel as if you need to continue if you’re too overwhelmed to do so. So, like Logan, he will make sure to ask you if you’re okay and if you need a break. His hands will gently caress your skin, following along the curve of your body while he pepper kisses along your skin while asking if you need anything and tell you you can stop if needed, he can always take care of himself if needed. After all, you come first, not getting his dick wet.
Hesh’s main turn on is literally you. This man gets turned on from anything you do- from your smile, laugh, and even the smell of your shampoo. He has many other woman he had slept with before ODIN so he knows what he does and doesn’t like but something about you drives him insane. Maybe it’s just the way you chose him when most girls/boys/ people like Keegan so when you picked him, he became obsessed with you. But in a healthy way, he isn’t someone that will be breathing down your neck every chance he gets but he will stare at you for hours without ever getting bored.
Please, dress up as kitty/puppy/bunny/whatever! He loves petplay and will do anything to see a pretty collar around your neck while you wear the cutest ears and tail while being on all fours. You will have him at your mercy and be fucked from behind until his balls run dry, he will shoot blanks after blanks with the most pussy/ass drunk expression on his face as he fucks into you like a bitch in heat. Something about you looking so pretty like a pet while calling him your Master or Daddy will have him needing to breed you!
Elias is a simple man, he’s a dom and someone that’s very much into you wearing lingerie. He needs a little bit more foreplay than anything due to age which gave him Erectile dysfunction. No worry though, he’s a man with year of experience behind his belt and knows how to please a pretty little thing like you, so no need to worry about you being neglected. While you give his limp cock affection in hopes it will get hard, he will have you in 69 just to give your cute pussy/ass/cock attention so you feel good. He will push those panties or jock strap to the side and make sure that his little one is given the proper care.
Call him by his rank or sir, just fucking do it. He will be smitten with you and make sure you’re happy with riding his thigh, fingers, or tongue for as long as possible. He doesn’t care if he has work or where you two are, he will drag you to the nearest isolated area and tug your pants down to get to work. Don’t worry about being too heavy or rough, he’s a big boy, he can handle it, just put all your weight on him and let him worry about the rest.
Thanks to the Erectile dysfunction, he has a hard time getting to up so he will spend more time with sex toys to get you all messy and cute before eh can properly fuck you. No need to fuss over his cock when he can easy make you cum as much as needed with that stupid dildo and his fingers to the point you’re too dumb to tell the difference between a fake cock and a real one. He has no shame in that problem of his, it may have a disadvantage but it only comes with more improvement in other aspects. He will make your masturbating times a little harder because how well he uses your toys compared to you, it only makes you crave him more.
Another man with years of experience thanks to age and just overall the good boot camp and college days. He messed around and got into the hookup culture until he became as Ghost, that’s when he took himself more seriously and became more selective in that aspect. To him, teen and twenties are for hookups and regrets while everything after is times of being serious and settling down. So, I see him as a dom that has a little more a small breeding kink- if you cannot tell by that little intro. He’s ready to settle down and you are the one he cannot help but picture having a family with- that is if you’re afab. If not, then he will still bred you and adopt because who said family was biological only?
Big in DDLG/DDLB and loves being called Daddy so you better expect him to ask you to call him that. But also expect him to be quick as hell to perform aftercare along with making sure to create rules along with safe words for you two to use. He is all about safety due to the like of work he does and just naturally calls for safety in the bedroom, that is the only time you will see the soldier and civilian mind to clash. In and out of the bedroom he is in charge and is more than happy to show off his abilities to not only guide you but to put your cute ass to work. Want daddy to fuck you? Well, get under his desk to use that mouth as it’s meant to do the talking, so put it to work. Want daddy to breed you and make you all full of his cum? Then beg. Simple.
Another one that’s big with degrading and praising. He will tell you the most dirty yet sweet little things while you’re at your cutest state! “Mhm, thats a good little slut. Spreading your legs for daddy to breed you like the breeding whore you are” or “Get to work, whore. A cock doesn’t ride itself so move that pretty ass of yours and ride my cock like you’re meant to.” He never means anything he says when he calls you names, he loves you and sees you as the absolute king/queen you are. He just knows how much you tighten up when he calls you those names, knowing how much you like to when he calls you a whore and a slut but still treats you like the treasure you are <3!
Ajax is a switch with a sub leaning, he is someone that likes taking charge but much rather be receiving than giving. Not that he’s against giving, he just rather be the one being pampered until you’re flipping the switch. Ajax is all for being a pillow prince for you, being pampered and used as if he was simply a living dildo for you is all he wants once the sun goes down because when you ride him, there is not a single thought in his head. He lives to service you.
His kink is easy to tell, being used like a toy. He finds joy and pleasure in it because not only you're getting pleased but so if he, he finds no reason to be against it. What's there to hate when you both get to cum in the end? He loves it and loves it even more when he tries to speak and you scoff, "I didn't know toys could talk." Oh, how he loves being reduced to nothing but an object you use. It makes him cum so hard and quickly when you treat him like that because he knows in this moment that's all he is to you but once you're satisfied, he's your loving boyfriend.
Peg him. Just do it and you'll have an adorable babbling idiot under you while he's fisting the sheets and crying his eyes out from how good it feels. Something about being dominated in such a humiliating way for a man like him and you repeatedly slamming into his prostate, milking him dry is so yummy. Make him get on all fours, make him beg, make him call himself your bitch boy. Just do it and he'll be more than happy to comply.
He was a tough one to figure out, but I ended up saying fuck it. Kick does not care about positions in bed, and he will follow whatever idea you had in your pretty little head. Want him to ruin you until you're squirting your worth into the sheets? Done. Want him to get on all fours and kiss your boots while thanking you for letting him eat you out? Done. He's not someone that is afraid to get down and dirty if needed- if anything, he enjoys it. Kick plays behind the scenes mostly so the fact you're allowing him to get up and personal is all he needs, and he shamelessly will enjoy it.
His biggest kink though is voyeurism. He loves all the little pictures and videos of you fucking yourself or wearing sexy little numbers just for him only for it to turn into him being tied to a kitchen chair in the bedroom just to watch you fuck yourself on a dildo. Nothing gets him harder than watching and seeing you all fucked out on a toy or even a guest Keegan you invited into the bedroom. It's so hot in his eyes and just knowing that his pretty baby is getting the best treatment while he got to watch was enough to have him creaming in his pants.
When it comes to actually fucking you, he's deranged and rough like a bitch in heat. He's panting and whining like a mutt while his pistols his cock in and out of you, his hands holding onto your hips and just fucking you like it's his last time. Kick gets so pussy/ass drunk and will literally start to drool and incoherently babble about how good you feel around his cock, he wouldn't even be making sense. All that matters to him is to fuck you as hard and as long as possible because how tight and warm you are, he cannot live without it.
All he wants is to make you feel good, but he cannot help but be selfish at times and rut into you in hopes to fill you to the brim with his cum. He doesn't mean to be mean, he just got so lost in the pleasure, he didn't even notice you crying and cumming over and over :(. Please forgive him, you just feel so good he went a little stupid and thought with his dick!
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etienne01 · 9 months
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I postponed this a lot because I was feeling sick yesterday so here it is now!!
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lovefromlaura · 5 months
Noo dont attack us David 'hesh' Walker fans,theres like 9 of us
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antomatkoen · 6 months
u guys so aren’t ready for this au, guess who :3
hint; #codghosts
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cherie-doll · 2 months
Omg omg I’ve got another one! You know that spidery head massager thing? The one that looks like daddy long legs? I saw a tiktok where people does it on their friends fam, s/o while they were focussing on their phone or smth else. And it’s either pure bliss, microsoft shut down or creeped out and full on alert mode. Can you do one for the boys pleaseeee? 🥺🥺🥺 thank you cherie!! 💖💖
Ref link: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYvrjcEP/
i love how you always submit interesting asks with a ref link, you have no idea how much fun it is for me xD
also so sorry im js now answering writer's block be weird
𓆩♡𓆪 Headcanon: You Use The Head Massage Spider Thing On Them
᧔♡᧓ Hesh, Logan, Keegan, Ajax, Kick
Dropped his coffee mug and about just jumped 3 ft. into the air
Turned around so quickly he almost got whiplash
Eased up once he realized it was just a prank
Laughed about it afterwards and uses it on you too
He was peacefully watching the tv before you scared the living daylights out of him
Felt his soul leave his body
Eyed you suspiciously thinking that at any moment you could whip that thing out again
Moved to the other side of the room just in case
He had been trying to take a nap
Was really weirded out by the sensation but didn’t have much of a physical reaction
Attempted to wave you away but once you kept insisting he relaxed his shoulders
Groaned bc it felt so good
Kind of backfired bc he made you sit down with his head on your lap massaging him for an hour until he fell asleep
Made some really weird noise that made you burst out laughing
Tensed his shoulders and said it felt like needle pricks on his back
“Wait, do that again”
The second time he sank into his seat, his mind shutting off
He kind of likes it
Fight or flight instinct kicked in and you almost got swung at
Hates scare pranks even if they’re harmless
“Don’t do that”
It annoys him but you like messing with him and ticking him off once in a while
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billiousserpent · 6 months
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Little midnight doodles
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