#ak's asks
ak-vintage · 4 months
bother the hell out of you you say? 👀
fmk- din, frankie, joel
Grace. You're cruel for this, you know that?
Please know that since you sent this, I have had four different answers and keep changing my mind. That's how close this is for me.
But. This is what I landed on... (TMI under the cut because I'm a mess for these three)
Fuck Frankie. I subscribe to the fanon idea that the origin of Frankie's call sign is that the man is a pussy-eating king and that he gained a bit of a reputation for it while in the service. Where we leave him at the end of Triple Frontier, his current relationship is at best strained and at worst completely over, so I don't think he's in a place to be anything serious, but god, what I wouldn't give to take that frowny face for a spin.
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Marry Din. There is just something about this character archetype that will always do it for me. Din is competent, principled, passionate, protective. His loyalty, his devotion, the way he takes care of the people most important to him, his dedication to his community, all of it just makes me melt. To be on the receiving end of that kind of commitment and devotion would be everything. Din is the kind of man who would make you his whole world, and I love that shit. Plus, I will always be an absolute sucker for a single dad.
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Kill Joel. I KNOW. I HATE IT, TOO. In my head, Joel lives a long and comfortable life in Jackson surrounded by his family and a community that appreciates him. He dies in his sleep an old man having finally known some years of happiness and safety post-outbreak. But, in this scenario, when put up against these specific characters... Joel is canonically going to die anyway. All three of these men are fathers, and Ellie is the only one really capable of looking after herself if he were to die (although we know she doesn't do that in the most healthy of ways).
I'm so sorry, Joel. I love you. In a different world...
God. I am actively second-guessing myself. I need to post this before I change my mind again.
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stnexus · 3 months
MDNI (18+)
one thing i think is: jason would not be into verbal degradation. physical things yeah. but verbally? i just do not get those vibes from him. yes, i’ve said he can be an asshole when it comes to teasing — but he just doesn’t seem like one to name call. not saying a verbal degradation kink is bad, i just can’t imagine him saying certain things.
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gilverrwrites · 18 days
I know they’re not an older man per se, but lately I’ve been thinking about Jason or Dick having a good cop-bad cop dynamic with Slade, where Slade is just incredibly mean to you but then Jay or Dick is there to coo sweet words at you
I know the obvious here is Bad cop Slade, good cop Dick or Jason. And I love that. Good cop Dick especially is MWAH! 💕 and I absolutely need to write actual smut for this, anon you beaut! Like Slade pistoning into your puffy, swollen, cum-filled sex, calling you ever name under the sun. Spanking your red raw ass, and calling you weak when you start to sob. But its okay baby, shh, shhhh. Dick is underneath you, kissing your tears, stroking your hair telling you how good your doing as if he's not contributing to your overstimulation, fuck!
But I implore you to stick with me here when I say, AK! Slade and Jason - bad cop, WORSE cop.
Specifically: AK!Jason/Bat!Reader/Slade
As per, Slade is loyal to the money, but this is definitely a darker portrayal of Jason.
Warnings: Dub-con, swearing, interrogation kinda, choking, restraints, humiliation. No smut, but maybe I’ll write an extension.
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The first thing you notice is the smell, you're underground somewhere for sure. Then you feel the cold, a chill across your warm skin, making your hair stand on edge. From that, you register very quickly that you’ve been stripped down to your underwear.
Appalled, you shoot up, reaching to cover yourself but only manage to make it an inch before cold, hard metal cuts into your body. You're tied to a chair by a multitude of pressure points that both hurt and rouse something salacious.
Shit. Shit shit shit. You can’t believe you fucked up this bad. Bruce had told you to get out of the city but you’d refused. You had to be on your top game but you’d fucked it, caused more problems.
Accessing your surroundings your eyes dart around the room until then fall on your captor. Deathstroke is sat a few feet away, leaning back on his chair, seemingly examining something on a tablet. It's hard to tell, the one eye hole in his mask shrouded by shadow. You hadn’t expected him to be at the militia checkpoint. He’d taken you down easier than you’d like to admit, but you’d put up a fight. Tooth and nail. So seeing him so relaxed without so much as a chip in his armour is a little disheartening.
“Trackers in your suit, right?” His deep voice echoes through the room, making you jump. “I would’ve just patted you down, but the boss man didn't want to take any risks.”
His head turns, and you can feel his eye raking across your bound and exposed form. “Not that I'm complaining.”
You recoil into yourself, disgusted by his blatant perversion, and the warm flush it sends through your body.
“Tell your ‘boss’ to come face me himself.” You spit between gritted teeth. His response only adds to your unease.
“Don’t you worry, pet. He’s on his way.” It’s infuriating, the name, the way he words things so tenderly but laces it with obvious, sickly amused derision. If you could feel any smaller, that would do it. “And between you and me, I get the feeling he’s pretty excited to get his hands on you.”
As if on queue, the piercing sound of an opening door creaks behind you. Despite the squeaky warning, you nearly jump for a second time when it slams shut once more. Heavy boots forebodingly stamp against the concrete floor. As much as you want to, you refuse to crane your neck to get a better look. It’s all you can do to maintain even a little bit of power.
“Well, well, well.” The modulated voice is even more sinister in person. His hand grabs the back of your chair, pulling you back a few inches, no doubt just to prove that he could. To instil fear. He leans over you, close enough that the cold metal of his helmet brushes the side of your face, but still, you refuse to look at him. “If it isn’t Baby-Bat.”
“Don’t call me that.” Your venom surprises you. You haven’t heard that nickname in years and it brings out a visceral reaction. It’s what Jason used to call you in jest. Baby-Bird and Baby-Bat, heroes in training.
“Or what?” He challenges, shaking one of the wrist shackles, as though you’re not already well aware of your less-than-ideal predicament. “You’re in no position to be calling any shots, babe.”
“Not for long. Batman will save me, he’ll save the city.” He has too. “You won’t get away with this.”
“Ha.” Deathstroke’s sneer is dry. When you look over to him he gestures his head toward the top dog but you remain resolute in your refusal to look at him. “I’d keep that name out of your mouth, if you know what’s good for you.”
“Wh-“ The words are cut from you before you can get them out. The Arkham Knight, either pissed at your pitiful attempt at a power play, or the mention of Batman's name; lifts you and your chair completely by your throat, turning you mid-air, then placing you back down, precariously balancing you on the seats back legs before getting in your face. All the while his tight grasp on your neck never waivers.
Face hidden, tall, broad, he’s an intimidating sight. The whole display makes your heart race.
“He…” Red-hot rage drips from every word, and you feel your body temperature rising to meet it. “Can’t. Save. Shit.”
The sound of his ragged breathing is amplified by whatever tech he’s using to distort his voice. Each pant sends a shockwave through your body. And you press your legs together to suppress its effect.
“Get fucking comfy.” He barks as he releases you and stands back, watching as you heave for air and teeter wildly before willing the chair to balance on all fours. “Cause he’s not coming for you. Nobody is.”
“Case in point.” Deathstroke finally approaches. It takes his long legs less than 5 steps to reach your side. He stands about half a foot taller than the already gigantic Knight. The way in which they both tower almost impossibly tall makes you tremble, and you’ve no idea if they notice. You can’t stand the added authority they possess simply by being clothed and masked while you sit practically naked for them. Fear is one thing, you can handle being afraid, you’ve been trained for that, but their deliberate show of power, how they make you feel so fragile is awakening something you don’t know how to curb. “Take a look at your hero.”
A screen is thrust into your face, a live feed of a rooftop somewhere in Miagani Island. Batman is on his knees, fists pounding the floor. His mouth is moving but you can’t lip-read him from the angle. Clearly, he’s not okay. This isn’t like him, he must be dosed up on something. In the depths of your brain you know he’ll overcome it, he’ll save Barbara, you, everyone. But you can’t deny how dire things are beginning to look. The doubt must show on your face because The Arkham Knight's robotic voice lets out a short, cold laugh.
“Now you’re getting it.” The wicked pleasure he gets from teasing you is ten times worse than Deathstroke’s blatantly false niceties.
“W-why am I here?” You internally curse yourself for the way your voice breaks. It sparks you to muster a little more spunk as you keep questioning them. “You could have killed me, why didn't you? What do you want?”
“Bring us up to speed on what he knows.” Deathstroke poses. “His new hideout.”
“How he’s getting his gear patched up.” The Knight continues. Neither are looking at you, having turned the tablet back to themselves. “We know you know.”
When you don't respond The Knight slants his helmet upward to consider you, slowly cocking it to the side as you stare him down.
Eventually, Deathstroke follows suit. You wait until the device is tucked away, until you're certain you have their full attention to speak. “I won’t give in that easy.”
You keep your chin up as they turn to look at each other, but despite your bravado, you flinch when Deathstroke sharply drops into a crouched position. The rough fabric of his tactical gloves scratches the soft skin of your inner thigh as he wedges his fingers between your legs. You’d been pressing them closed, hiding how their interrogation had inadvertently been siring your arousal, but he pries them apart, shattering what little dignity you had left.
“Looks like he owes me another 10.” He nods at you before he turning back to the man in question. The Arkham Knight returns the look. Assholes, they’d bet on you. Now they’re having a silent conversation one in which you are the subject, but aren’t important enough to be privy to. Humiliating.
Finally, Deathstroke removes his hands, tracing them along your torso as he saunters behind you but before you can clasp your thighs back together The Knights boot comes down on your crotch, in a fast, precise motion. Pressing hard enough to make you keen and squirm. The chair rocks unsteadily beneath your withering.
“I thought you were better than this Baby-Bat.” No voice distortment can disguise his zeal. Something in the back of your brain suspects he’d been expecting, even hoping for this. And while you certainly hadn't been, you can't deny the sick intrigue you feel for whatever they have planned.
In shame you turn your head, screwing your eyes together as though blocking them out might make it all disappear. The grate of Deathstroke’s gloves on your face keeps you in the moment however, keeps your moral compass spinning.
“Gettin’ paid to break a cute thing like you.” He sounds wistful, gruff voice sinfully musing in your ear as he forces your head forward once more. “That’s a good day's work.”
“And you will break.” The determination in the Knight’s tone, the loudness of it has you peeking through your lids at his mask which is now inches from your face. Fear and excitement invoke a shiver that runs down your spine. “We’ll make you come apart, piece by piece, and we’ll enjoy every second.”
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thejasontoddarchives · 3 months
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Haha . They don’t draw em. Like rhis anymore
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Bonus: rare instance of tolerable Jason writing in a Tim book
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Bonus no. 2: tiny boy
Robin (1993-) #177
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groovyace · 5 months
Hello if you draw AK Jason being/doing something soft and being happy I'll keep that image in a little cabinet in my heart forever and ever and ever
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baconcolacan · 1 month
In stay AU do you think they would adopt a child?
If this is about Tom and Tord,,,,buddy,,,,,,
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imninakk · 5 months
ur artstyle is so cute!! and i love the way u draw mello :3 i lovr ur art sm!!!
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aaah I'm glad you like my art :333
Mello has hair that I always suffer to do, I love him and I always want to draw him, but I end up giving up because of his hair
But I'm happy that you like the way I do it, it motivates me a lot ❤️
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redhoodedangel · 10 months
Okay, but Arkham! Jason as a dad is literally Rebecca Parham’s mother after finding out she got bit by a bully they were standing up to…
Omg, just…
Jason’s kid: *thoughts* Wait a minute… he didn’t get a call from the principal. He doesn’t know. But that’s not right. He should know… or I got this bite on my arm for nothing…
Jason’s kid: *inhales*… Look what Millie did to me…
Jason: Oh hell no…
*minutes later*
Jason: *kicks in the door to the principal’s office* EXPLAIN YOURSELF, MEATHEAD!
Principal: *absolutely shitting themselves*
Jason’s kid: *Regrets everything almost instantly*
And then Reader is the equally supportive mother who rewards their kid with ice cream or whatever they want at the toy or candy store.
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dol-dee · 3 months
i totally think thats dee and avery out to dinner
Okay Boss 🫡
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😵‍💫Boobnitized😵‍💫 (or: two f!Averys for the price of one!)
featuring @getinthefuckingcarkitten Avery in the first pic!
Context under the cut! 👇
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ak-vintage · 4 months
Who’s your top two fave Pedro characters ?
Hey babe!!!
Ugh, great question. So many good ones to choose from, but I feel like I can pretty confidently say...
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Joel Miller, my favorite grumpy sexy murder daddy.
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And Din Djarin, my other favorite grumpy sexy murder daddy.
Do I have a type? Yes. Is my third favorite Pedro character Frankie Morales, who also fits this archetype? Also, yes.
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purple-obsidian · 2 months
hi so sorry if this is awkward asf im genuinely so bad at asks lmfao-
but i wanted to know your take on how you think both reader and ak!jason would react to jason having a nightmare? the pt2 to the ak!jason fic ended with them sleeping side by side and i was just wondering like what you think would happen if jason has a nightmare while sleeping beside reader. would he be embarrassed or angry, and try to lash out, or would he be cold and nonchalant and pretend he's fine? idk its just a thought thats been floating around in my head recently!!
i love ur fics esp ur jason fics all ur works r genuinely so good and i love reading anything you write. anywayss have a good day/night!
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hi there rose!
i am so glad you asked. plz never apologize, your asks are always welcome, awkward or not. jason has nightmares frequently, as mentioned in part 2:
He’s insisted on having you stay with him, but sharing a bed is a luxury you’ve been without, being forced to sleep on the couch every night instead. It’s surprisingly comfy, but good rest is still hard to come by, given the frequent, violent nightmares that plague your boyfriend’s mind and make him cry out in his sleep.
so it wouldn't be a first time for reader. but this is the first time her and jason are actually sleeping in the same bed since they've been reunited, so it's a good question to ask.
i imagine that the first few times she woke up from his night terrors, reader tried to comfort him and offer support, but jason lashed out at her, similar to how he did after the scene in the bathroom after she patched him up. so reader got used to just leaving him be, not bothering to get off the couch. it hurts her though, knowing that he's suffering and she can't help.
but now that he's allowed reader this new level of intimacy, would reader feel bold enough to try and comfort him again? lets say for the sake of your question, yes.
and my answer is it depends on what the nightmare is about. if it's a vivid nightmare [as described above] reliving a traumatic memory of his torture, jason would most likely be more worked up/fearful and therefore take a bit longer to calm down once he wakes up. he'd probably be embarrassed, as as soon as he's regulated his breathing and become aware of where he's really at, he'd shrug reader's loving touch away and be standoffish. it's just something he isn't ready to talk about and he scared to be so vulnerable around her.
if it was a less violent/vivid nightmare, where he wakes with a start but isn't hyperventilating or panicking, i think he would deny it and tell reader to go back to sleep even though reader can obviously tell he was in anguish. i don't think, at this point, he would allow himself to accept reader's comfort, but he's let his guard down enough that he wouldn't like get violent or yell at her for trying to help unless she pushed him.
i dunno. i feel like it could really depend on the day. i'm portraying jason's emotions as especially tumultuous, so any of your suggestions could be a fair guess too! he keeps reader on her toes, fr.
i'm happy to hear that you love my fics! thanks for being patient with me while i work on what's next.
xoxo sid
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zongzhii · 10 months
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10 min shark
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lulu-the-bugaboo · 3 months
Seeing how neat Ace's handwriting is as a child (especially compared to Luffy lol) just makes me imagine how patient Sabo must have been with teaching him
He probably had to correct him several times, and when Ace eventually got frustrated and lost his patience, he would encourage him and compliment his progress
They make so soft
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ponett · 5 months
Do you think that Melody thought the Slenderman was real when she's young? Allison absolutely did, though. Right?
Young Melody would believe every scary story she saw on the internet and be scared of Slenderman or whatever jumping out at her when she goes to the fridge late at night. Young Allison would also believe all of them and try to play it off like "haha that monster sounds AWESOME, I bet my mom could beat it in a fight though," but secretly she would be just as scared as Melody
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baconcolacan · 3 months
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Im really sorry to those who sent in asks a bit too late though, I can see that some of you wanted to have longer conversations with Tom buuuuut this event IS on a time constraint and ask limit so I had to cut it short. [Though who knows?? Maybe Tom can come over and answer your questions again one day :3c]
AGAIN THANKS SO SO MUCH FOR PARTICIPATING IN MY SILLY LITTLE EVENT!! I had a lot of fun puppeteering Tom and interacting with yall!! Love you guys <3 mwah mwah!! <3 <3 <3
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dlartistanon · 1 year
Actually, to clarify on that last reblog--
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--this is also a succinct read on the Nearls
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