#aka menace to society
zofi-persson-quotes · 10 months
Ballista: Hello, McDonald's, I would like to purchase 130 chicken nuggets. Prepare yourselves.
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jellyfish-grave · 4 months
Next gen stuff except they don't have designated parents so it's just. Not related to shipping. Hi
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
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kazanskys-mitchell · 1 year
Any Headcannons about the Top Gun class of 1986?
the ‘86 flyboys, my loves 🥹
i do have a few!!
my favorite one is that merlin officially becomes mav’s RIO. after flying the rescue mission together, they become closer and decide they want to continue flying together
slider pretends that he can’t stand mav but really thinks that mav is a fun person to hang out with
all of them have regular karaoke nights. if ice drinks enough he participates, but it’s mostly mav, hollywood, and wolfman doing the singing. slider will sometimes join in
mav is an enabler, if one of the boys wants to do something stupid, he encourages it
slider is to ice what goose is to mav. they’ve been besties since before top gun and continue to be for years after
all of the boys come up with an elaborate plan to get ice and mav together. i feel like hollywood and wolfman would take the lead on it
i feel like chipper and mav are absolute hooligans. they do dumb shit and all the others are entertained by it
they throw wild house parties. it’s just the small group of them but the parties get absolutely out of hand. 100% the cops have been called a few times on them
they all step in to help carole raise bradley after what happened to goose. they’re just a big group of uncles for bradley and they would do anything for him
this one was super fun!
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twpsyn-who · 2 years
Soulmate AU in which you see the way you die when you touch your soulmate for the first time.
And yeah we have the classic "bottle to the neck" scene which is kiss chief 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 BUT I present to you "Steve touched Eddie by mistake during high school" with a little bit of "Steve is an idiot and didn't notice" and "Eddie is suffering".
The fall of 1883. Steve has yet to make a move on Nancy, let alone touch her. Meanwhile Eddie is living his best life as of yet : his father finally got put in prison, new freshman has joinend his club and they finally found a drummer for their band. Yes, Will Byers got missing and Eddie felt a little bad for Jonathan, but that was life. Nothing could change Eddie's good vibes.
Until The King of Hawkins runs by him while trying to get to one Nancy Wheeler. The touch was barely there, a hand brushing by Eddie's leather jacket, but it was enough to trigger their apparent soulmate bound. That's when Eddie saw himself in front of his trailer (which looked more like a military base or a fortress with how heavily guarded it was), holding into a made up spear and a shield made with a bin's lid with nails pushed into it. There were huge bats (?) (Eddie wasn't sure what to name the things in the sky yet) getting out of the trailer and him from the vision began running towards one of the bikes outside, getting on one of them and pedalling away from the trailer.
He was yelling for them to follow him. It probably made sense, if uncle Wayne was in the trailer, for him to try get those monsters away. That didn't stop Eddie from being surprised at seeing himself trying to be the hero.
He was no hero. Eddie has always run away from conflicts, from fights and situations that put him in a bad spot. From help too, until his father finally lost it to the alcohol and Eddie has to accept uncle Wayne's offer to move with him if he wanted to stay alive. He was known for running away.
Yet he was trying to get the monsters away from the trailer, distract their attention. And he made a good job too, until his bike got stuck into a vine and made him hit the ground. Eddie felt sick while watching his vision self try fight the monsters only to get pinned down by them and eaten alive. He from the vision was yelling from pain and it took agonizingly long for the huge bats (looking closer they had no resemblance of bats, yet it felt right to call them as such for some reasons) to drop on the ground. By then it was more blood outside of Eddie than inside and he could see his vision's self organs from one of the bites.
There was more, Eddie knew there was more to watch, more to see before he was going to take his last breath, but the vision was too much and it took all of his willpower to get out of it. By then he was alone in the hallway, the classes going while he was watching his own death happen. He went straight for the bathroom and pushed his way into the first stall before getting on his knees and vomiting all he got to eat the other day.
He was crying. Eddie could tell that it was going to happen soon, with how young he looked in the vision. At that point it didn't even mattered anymore that his soulmate was the biggest jerk alive, not when the future was so dark and he wouldn't survive it.
Somehow Eddie spent the rest of the school classes in the bathroom, switching between vomiting and mourning over something that he was never going to have.
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kasey-writes-stuff · 1 year
:) @snugglyfluffle
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morbid-bugz · 2 years
The four main types of comments under a pop punk music video:
1- The Wrong Generation Kid “I’m 13 and listening to this in 2019 🤪 such a good song!! never dies 🥰”
2- The Nostalgic Millennial “I met in a girl in my homeroom in 7th grade, she had a punk haircut and didn’t really like anyone. I myself was pretty punk so she approached me and asked me if i liked Green Day, I was thrilled that we had something in common. We started spending time together, walking home, dancing at junior prom when our songs came on, we would make each other mixtapes and listen to them together. One day, she kissed me. Fifteen years later we got married, our first dance was to this song. Two years later we had a little girl, at three she was diagnosed with autism... We listened to this song on the car ride home after her diagnoses. Me and my wife had stuck it out through the hardest parts of life, this song the soundtrack to our hard work and healing. We knew our daughter would be strong enough to be like us... Maybe someday we’ll take her to one of these concerts and hear them live. They inspire us every day.” 
3- Annoying Witty Comment “It’s been ten years, someone should tell Scotty that he never knew 😂”
4- That Dude Who’s Skipped Therapy One Too Many Times “Would fuck to this song again 10/10 good punch-holes-in-your-walls soundtrack″
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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sunset-peril · 4 months
Sat still for too long and created Midna Marie's absolute basket case of an ancestor from the Divine Beast/Ancient Hero era.
TW: Breeding programs involving humans, extremely dehumanized humans
Name - "Perfection" (later known as "Failure")
Sex - Male
Breed - Wolfbred
Program Classification - Perfect Standard
Short Description -
Also known as "Failure," Perfection is a genetically modified Hylian werewolf (known as a Wolfbred) who is regarded as the Yiga Clan's greatest accomplishment. (Back when the Yiga were still part of the Sheikah tribe). He, along with a distant descendant of his named Midna Marie, are two of the only Perfect Breed Standard Wolfbred in history. (I based this last bit off the Ideal American Quarter Horse which, according to the last time I was at the American Quarter Horse Association's HQ, has never been 100% met by any registered horse)
Rambly Description -
Hey! That face looks familiar!
This was the Pre-Yiga's (Sheikah before the split who had Yiga-like behaviors) greatest accomplishment. The perfect Wolfbred, loyal to no one but the Queen of Hyrule, ruthless on the battlefield, and physical perfection in accordance to the Wolfbred Breed Standard. Bred to be the Chosen Hero's Living Divine Beast, there was not a single Wolfbred more Wolfbred than he.
Too bad he's 👏bat👏crap👏cra👏zy
Wolfbred are known for being hyper-monogamous, only taking one mate for the entire lifespan even if that mate permanently disappears, which made the breeding program a problem (which is why the Wolfbred were usually "mated" to a researcher so that they could be artificially "bred" to multiple Wolfbred despite their monogamous state.) This guy, however, has actually ZERO qualms about laying with any Wolfbred lady in heat! This, combined with his "perfect" genetics, made him the breeding program's most priceless creature. If this guy isn't properly restrained, he will be either tearing something to shreds or making more puppies.
Hence his registered name of "Failure." He's perfect in every physical way, but his extreme behavior issues make him seem almost non-Hylian, and eventually became a catalyst for the program's shutter. He actually has two registered names: He was registered as "Perfection" at birth due to the reasons listed above by the Pre-Yiga, but after he reached adulthood, the Sheikah (non Pre-Yiga) and Hyrulean Royal Family re-registered him as "Failure" due to his extreme problems.
Sunset's notes - I haven't decided whether he is euthanized when the program is shuttered, or if he somehow escaped euthanasia. Either he or multiple of his offspring made it to Hateno Village alive, because his genetics are very prevalent even in the modern Wolfbred population. He's the source of 99% of the behavioral problems in Wolfbred males, especially Link. Link is the descendant of many of Failure's children.
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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vamprnce · 7 months
surprisingly never had ideas for Nel interacting w other spider ppl in the spider society til now
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perseabeth · 5 months
raise your hand if you’ve been dealing with an unhealthy obsession with Apollo from the moment he got out from his cherry-red Maserati aka the sun chariot in the titan’s curse wearing sunglasses and grinning like a menace to society
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
Could we get some commentary on the feral Orion Pax au?
Feral Orion Pax
Feral Orion Pax has a very limited canon for me. I mean, there are some things that remain the same regardless when I write him, but his timeline is everywhere for me. I will make anything happen with him and there are like three au's within the au. However I will say the feral Orion vibes tend to hit whenever I feel like leaving the bots in various states of shocked horror. A savage little critter doing savage critter things is simply amusing to me.
Tidbit about feral Orion. He's is not in fact a fool. He is ridiculously cunning, but before he learned to settle in civilization, he was very much overwhelmed by everything. However when in a place where he wasn't bombarded with information and potential threats, his intelligence showed itself. There is a reason he remained within the Archives for so long. They were quiet, safe, and controlled. The perfect environment for Orion to absorb the necessary data to begin integrating into society.
So while society saw him as the lovely Archivist Pax, Alpha Trion's personal student, the other archivists knew him as he really was. Aka: Orion Pax was a menace to society only barely kept controlled by the threat of his political situation and Alpha Trion's short leash. More than a few lunches have gone missing and whenever an animal has gotten into the archives, it is always Orion who drops to all fours and climbs wherever the critter to hiding to grab it.
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the-one-that-weeps · 6 months
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Can we appreciate crows for a moment? They're basically like monkeys with feathers, we should talk about them more.
(Aka: A highly indulgent list of crow facts!)
🐦‍⬛ Crows live in colonies of 15-20 birds (called murders). That doesn't mean they're not menaces to society. For example; they frequently steal from their neighbours nests.
🪶 They're also quite prone to love triangles, since they mate for life. However, they do not fight often. There are quite a few cases of possible polyamorous relationships among these birds: they share nests and all help feed the little chicks.
🐦‍⬛ Speaking of little crows, even when they reach the age where they have to leave the nest and can feed themselves, they still persecute and annoy their parents to feed them. They can also "play sick" as a joke.
🪶 Crows usually eat vegetables, fruits or nuts as their main diet, but these rascals can actually eat whatever it is that falls into their beaks. There's a documented case where one feathery menace chugged A WHOLE PAIN POT.
🐦‍⬛ While the community of crows eats, one or two crows sit on a tree and observe around 800 metres (2,624ft) of area in order to inform their team of possible danger.
🪶 Crow communities defend each other against predators and mourn their losses together.
🐦‍⬛ They can fly at a speed of 60km/h (37 mph)
🪶 They live up to 25 years in nature.
🐦‍⬛ They can literally knock out their prey by hitting them with their beaks.
🪶 They're also very playful creatures! They can play hide and seek, where a crow hides and calls their community for help repeatedly until they're found.
🐦‍⬛ Naturalist Henry Ward Beecher documented a woman with a domesticated crow who cleaned worms before eating them.
🪶 Crows know how to talk. They can repeat almost 100 words or phrases.
🐦‍⬛ Some crows that live in rural American states have been documented to use cattle to rest themselves on them and potentially use them as transport. They were also said to shout "Yee haw" when they rode horses. They implement this kind of transport into hunting as well.
🪶 They can also imitate sounds like barks, tweets of other birds, or whatever it is that a chicken does.
🐦‍⬛ Naturalist William Crowder had a crow that got into the habit of playing with MATCHES in the KITCHEN.
🪶 Another crow was said to be able to PICK POCKET PEOPLE and when he didn't find anything he shouted "GO TO HELL!" and fleed.
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🐦‍⬛ ^ this is a caramel crow. No it's not albino. It looks very sick though (and not in the literal sense)
Now I kinda want to have one as my familiar tbh.
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voonroo · 11 months
Random Obey Me Headcanons
Lucifer: Keeps a log of damage repair costs. Would constantly listen to music if he didn't have to worry about his brothers 24/7. Feels constant guilt.
Mammon: Rizz turns into sexual harassment. Holds a pencil like a kindergartener. Has a bad poker face but lies really well during games.
Leviathan: Raises hell if someone grieves his Minecraft world. Almost shat himself once walking into the kitchen late at night and seeing Beel hovering over the counter. He thought it was Lucifer and now has paranoia late at night.
Satan: Has gotten tripped up by cats on multiple occasions. One time when messing around with spells, he turned a book into a dog and almost had a stroke trying to catch it and deactivate the spell.
Asmodeus: Critics every fashion/makeup trend before doing them. 100% has a walk-in closet. Is a girls girl, but under no circumstances will he share his favorite lipstick.
Beelzebub: Doesn't realize a dare is a dare, especially when he's dared to eat something. Almost passed out from Solomon's food on multiple occasions.
Belphgor: Tried to give himself a piercing the day after falling from the sky. Has scoliosis and the shittiest posture known to man. Has fallen asleep standing up before and does it frequently.
Diavolo: Does not care enough to read the room sometimes, like what are they going to do? Talk back to him about it? AKA uses his prince privileges to get away with minor things like that.
Barbatos: Used to drink two cups of black coffee in the morning before the brothers started to stay at the castle. Turned to tea one morning when Lucifer used up the last of the coffee and hasn't gone back since.
Simeon: Once he tried to teach Solomon how to bake after hearing how bad the human's skills in the kitchen were. Key word; once. Has warm ass hands. Taught Luke how to bake and how to correctly frost a cake after knowing the boy for a week.
Luke: Would be a menace to society if Simeon didn't end up looking after him in Devildom. Tugs on people's clothes to get their attention. Has better handwriting than Mammon and even Levi.
Solomon: Has scary good hand-eye coordination. Would set up some elaborate situation where he swoops in at the last second and "saves the day" He Almost drowned once as a kid playing mermaids. (He said his power was controlling the water.)
Word Count: 408
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
It's not Sunday but I'm sharing my OC Draig anyway.
Charming, funny, and dodgy as hell, Draig has not paid for a drink in fifteen years. He’s the sort of person who will sit next to you in the Corrie drunk tank and laugh about how you ended up there while you wait for Mic to come bail you both out.
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In his defense, it was a great story. Art by me 🩵
More info below the cut! Content warning for non-detailed violence and eye injury/loss.
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Name: Draig Birth year/age: 51 BBY (32 at end of the Clone Wars) Species: Zabrak Pronouns: he/him Orientation: bi/pan Home planet: Oba Diah Current location: Coruscant Occupation: “acquisitions” contract specialist (AKA thief for hire); journeyman pain in the ass; professional menace to society and underpants across the galaxy Affiliation: Bounty Hunters’ Guild Alignment: chaotic neutral Family: Oisin (father); Epha (mother, deceased); Mic and Branna Dhorhil (family of the heart)
Physical characteristics
Height: 6’/182 cm without the horns, but he counts them, so he tells everyone 6’2”/188 cm. Mic considers this ridiculous. Eyes: brown, one cybernetic gray Hair: bald Skin: brown Tattoos/piercings/identifying marks: traditional Zabrak facial tattoos; various facial and ear piercings
Personal history: 
Oisin and Epha had given up on having children when Draig came along. Oisin was 48, Epha was 41, and they were ecstatic to finally have the child they had so desperately wanted. Draig was their only child, and they adored him. The family lived happily for fourteen years, until Epha suddenly passed away from a massive stroke just before Draig started secondary school. Oisin was devastated, and Draig, in addition to his own grief, felt the weight of the galaxy on his young shoulders as he watched his father spiral.
When Draig started secondary school a couple months later, he was targeted by an older bully. Small for his age, and still reeling from the loss of his mother, Draig seemed like an easy target—at least, until Mic Dhorhil intervened when nobody else would. Draig and Mic both got suspended. Draig was distraught: the thought of adding to his father’s stress when Oisin was already struggling so much seemed like the end of the world to the young Zabrak. Mic took him to his own home instead so they could try to figure things out.
Mic’s mom Branna was home from work, and she convinced Draig that everything would be all right. She patched up both of the boys, got them a snack, and then commed Oisin to explain things diplomatically. From that point on, Draig and Mic were inseparable. The boys were best friends, and Draig imprinted like a baby duck on Branna as she stepped up to help him and Oisin through the loss of Epha. 
The two families became so close that they stopped considering themselves separate families at all, which was why, when Oisin fell ill, Mic didn’t hesitate to go along with Draig’s plan to steal the medication he needed from the Pyke syndicate. Their plan was a simple smash and grab, and somehow, they made it out alive—barely. Draig’s adrenaline rush from his first heist had barely faded when the bounty hunter showed up at the Dhorhils’ house.
Mic, Draig, and Branna fought back fiercely, but the hunter managed to slash Draig across the face before Branna killed the man with his own vibroblade. There was nothing to be done to save Draig’s eye. They didn’t even have time to apply bacta until they were already aboard the shuttle Branna stole from the Oba Diah City spaceport, in hyperspace on the way to Coruscant. 
The family disappeared into the Coruscant underworld until Branna was able to smooth things over with the Pykes. Oisin, having made a full recovery, opened a mechanic shop in the lower levels, while Mic started working in bars and restaurants and Branna took a position with Coruscant Public Transit. Draig, on the other hand, didn’t find the transition to Coruscant easy or straightforward, and he drifted into rougher crowds. 
Having gotten a taste for adrenaline during the Pyke heist, he started to engage in petty theft, which he rationalized as helping out while finances were tight. Before long, he discovered that he didn’t just like the challenge and the rush of stealing: he was good at it. Really good. He started honing his skills, seeking out larger, more valuable, and more difficult targets, until one day, almost without realizing it, he had become one of the best thieves in the business. Unsurprisingly, this put a target on his back—not only from the Coruscant Security Force, but also from other thieves looking to make a name for themselves.
Out of self-preservation, Draig decided to join the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, where he offered his services to anyone who could pay. He specialized in what the Guild diplomatically called “acquisitions,” but the truth was that he would do just about anything for the right price.
Anything except turn on his family.
Charming and irresponsible irresistible. There’s not much in life that Draig takes seriously. He’s laid-back and easy-going to a fault, except when it comes to his work. He’s happy to go with the flow and let other people take the lead—especially Mic. His adrenaline-junkie tendencies cause him to sometimes take unnecessary risks, though he would never intentionally put someone else in danger.
He is uncompromisingly loyal to an incredibly small circle of people. If you are in that circle, he’ll do anything for you, no questions asked, regardless of the legal, ethical, or moral implications. Outside that circle, though, he doesn’t get attached. He’s friendly and approachable, but he’s one of those people who you realize after you’ve talked to him for weeks that he’s never shared anything about himself beyond the most superficial details. You were just distracted by how much he made you laugh and how much fun you had together to realize that he never let you get close to him.
In relationships, this manifests in a string of short-term flings where both/all parties agree to part ways cordially within a few weeks at maximum. He generally goes into a relationship with the understanding and expectation that it will stay casual and light, and he’s up front with his partners about that. Despite that, there have been times when things have gotten complicated and messy, which is why he now refuses to allow anyone outside his family to know where he lives.
Draig completely lacks Mic’s intensity, which is ironic, given that of the two, Draig is far more likely to break someone’s heart. Again, he’d never do it on purpose, but it’s a little too easy to fall for him when he has made a career of not falling. Ever. Which is why it’s the end of the kriffing galaxy the first time he catches feelings.
@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49
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ldrfanatic · 5 months
speak nowww
Slytherin Boys as Speak Now Songs
*in perspective of their relationship with you AND their personality. and why*
here's speak now (tv ofc), 1989 is on the way; which taylor swift album should i do next?
(mattheo riddle, draco malfoy, theo nott, lorenzo berkshire)
slytherin boys masterlist works
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mattheo riddle as Better Than Revenge
best lyric(s) - "she should keep in mind there is nothing I do better than revenge" + "she underestimated just who she was stealing from"
explanation - so, as stated in ttpd version (here), mattheo has a lot of pent up frustration and anger. so he's really good at getting back at people. especially when he gets into a relationship with a partner he really cares about and they ask him not to be mean or attack people for no reason. then he has to channel all his efforts into just getting back at people who bother him. (even though sometimes bothering him is just looking at him even slightly sideways).
w/ his partner - with his partner, mattheo has absolutely no regrets or qualms about being an absolute menace to society. since he began dating them, he's been much less volatile than his normal self, but whenever people get a little too cocky and do absolutely anything at or to you, all bets are off. then mattheo feels that its necessary to step up and remind people that he's still the dark lord's son and he will be the dark lord's son if he has to.
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draco malfoy as Speak Now
best lyric(s) - "don't say yes, run away now, ill meet you when you're out" + "horrified looks from everyone in the room but i'm only looking at you"
explanation - I feel like draco is the kind of guy who would totally 1000% crash your wedding if you were ever marrying someone other than him. (*I just read this theo fic abt him crashing readers wedding, ill try and find it and link it here*) But anyways, he would totally crash your wedding. like at first he would feel really bad for even thinking about it but then he would legit just stroll into the chapel like "you can't marry him, you're supposed to marry me" even if he like never mentioned anything about his feelings for you. he mentioned them in his way aka glaring at you slightly less intense than he does everyone else. how could you not notice that he was in love with you?
w a partner - def more silly and cute than anything, but i like to think that when you first started dating (esp if youre a gryff or a huffle) draco would make it his personal mission to embarrass the hell out of you by saying the most out of pocket things in front of like the other slytherins or just in the middle of class as loudly as possible. he just likes to see the little blush on your cheeks whenever he says something that he most definitely should not be saying out loud.
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theodore nott as Electric Touch
best lyric(s) - "all I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life" + "I'm tryin hard not to look like I'm trying"
explanation - theo is that guy thats scared of commitment. (sorry to all the theo girlies me included but we gotta admit it at some point). it's not that he doesn't care about his partner, it's just that he's terrified of commitment. there's way too much that could go wrong. he learned very early on that you could do everything right, love someone completely, treat them wonderfully, and then they could just die. but bc his mother passed at such a young age he has a very distorted point of view on this because in his head, he's like but what if they just die???
w/ a partner - that being said, when theo finds that person that's like the one for him, he wants to commit so bad. and he puts all of his effort into it, like he'll call you his girlfriend, he'll spend an exorbitant amount of money on you, he'll even buy you a damn ring, but he won't let you get emotionally close to him. and it kind of freaks him out when he finds himself wanting you to know him in that way. when you finally confront him about one day and he's like, what if you just like died?? and you're just sitting there across from him like '...'
theo, wtf? i'm not just gonna like keel over one day.
after that he kind of lets you in a little and after a few months when he's sure you're not just gonna suddenly fall over, then he's completely fine and continues on like nothing ever happened. (its a little amusing in the hindsight of it all)
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lorenzo berkshire as Dear John
best lyric(s) - "don't you think 19's too young to be played by your dark twisted games" + "cause you burned them out, but I took your matches before fire could catch me"
explanation - I don't think it's really talked about enough how much emotional support that enzo needs. his own family aside, he still grew up around death eaters and that surely cannot be healthy for a guy. so when he finally is an adult, i like to think that he looked into some kind of therapy option wizard, muggle, or otherwise. i think that he probably also struggled a little with the friends that he lost during the entire ordeal that he wishes he could've saved (almost like survivor's guilt)
w a partner - so when it comes to a partner, i really think that he needs someone who sees him. that's really important to him that he's with someone that he could just let go with and not have to worry about always being either grinning or stonefaced. He'd like to be able to feel his entire range of emotions without hindrance and he's only really gonna feel safe to do that with a partner.
wc 960
taglist @moonlightreader649 @svt-dk97 @thatdammchickennugget @helendeath @fandom-life-12 @bouquetolegoflowers @maryvibess
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