#aka the futility of canon
scintillyyy · 1 year
aw, thank you @silverwhittlingknife for the tag
WIP Files Game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs
listen i really only have one WIP atm (i'm not a writer and actually generally dislike working on more than one thing at once lmao <3) and it's the way larger than i expected canon rewrite (because i forgot how vast post-crisis was) (but i actually am over halfway done based on my outline i promise!!) with janet living instead of jack and it is lovingly titled
janet fic 2 the squeakquel
and since you combined the games, i shall to and here is an excerpt from the next chapter, last laugh, which is rough-drafted out and waiting for another read-through and edit after i finish up the fugitive/murderer chapter (which thankfully writing going much faster again because i finally get to give janet her only little storyline again rather than her just being present for canon events lmao.)
"A sweet tooth just like your son, huh?” Oracle shakes her head in mock-disgust, but her lips quirk into a small smile. “What’s the point of drinking coffee if you can’t actually taste the flavor of the beans?” Janet laughs.
“I’m surprised Tim even drinks it at all, to be honest,” Janet says, “He’s always hated bitter tastes. Once, when he was five, he snuck a chocolate bar out of my purse that I had put in there to snack on during work. And then gave me the silent treatment for an hour because it was clearly my fault that he was forced to steal and eat a dark chocolate bar instead of a milk chocolate one. He made quite the betrayed howl when he realized he didn't like his ill-begotten goods.”
Oracle lets out a laugh. “No wonder he has such a strong belief that crime doesn't pay. It's definitely not his go-to, but he'll force a cup down for the caffeine if there’s a pot on at two in the morning and everyone else is drinking it,” Oracle says. "But I'm not entirely sure you can even still call it coffee by the time he’s done destroying it. I think it was actually white from all the creamer and sugar he poured in it the last time he had some. I’m about to ban him from my kitchen for crimes against Arabica.”
and i'm not going to tag anyone because there's only one and i'm lazy, but anyone should feel free to do it if they like <3
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everykindofnerd13 · 5 months
Trolls Human AU but it’s college student snack pack raising Tiny diamond as all of their kid when Guy Diamond finds himself with a child at the rope young age of 19.
The crew having a schedule of who watches Tiny at any given time on any given day. (It is extensive and color coded and Branch had a great time making it.)
Everyone explanding tiny diamonds repertoire of skills before he can even comprehend his own existence. Like.
Suki who holds a one year old Tiny on her lap while she works on mixes.
Cooper and D who switch off holding Tiny in one of those chest carrier things while they play DDR.
Poppy who will give Tiny a bag of scrap paper and tell him to make a picture inside it. (She doesn’t want to let him actually touch the paper, lest he ingest it.)
Branch who puts on science kids shows like Wild Kratts and Sid the Science Kid on the background while he and Poppy have Tiny so that he kid can start learning fun science stuff early.
Sati and Chenille who started by dressing up Tiny in their studio, but ended up just letting him use his creative guidance on them. (They hold him above a pile of fabric and whichever two he picks they have to make work as a garment.)
Biggie who has “tea parties” with Tiny and Dinkles (his cat) and is always trying to teach the baby proper table manners, it’s futile, for Tiny is a menace.
Smidge who teaches the baby to “work out”. (She actually owns a bunch of grip training baby toys that she hands him while she lifts weights.)
Barb who insists she doesn’t like babies but will happily take Tiny in for a night when needed, making little purée dinners for him and spoiling him rotten for the evening.
Legsly, who encourages Tiny to dance with her in her living room, gripping his hands and holding him up so they can “dance”.
Fuzzbert who is canonically mute and uses sign language to communicate in this universe, who loves to bring Tiny out to the park to experience nature with him, always mesmerized by the baby’s wonder at the clouds and the leaves. (Listen, I just like to imagine that Fuzzbert as someone who often finds themself unable to make themselves heard, quite enjoys the satisfaction of such a small child finding joy in the same things he does.)
Tiny who is very monkey-see monkey-do, and actually is a very well rounded kid after being raised by so many well rounded people who care about a love him.
When they’re together as a group, usually at game nights, they’ll make Tiny little “mocktails” aka, like, mango juice, so that he doesn’t feel left out while they all drink their drinks of choice.
Tiny is the most spoiled kid on earth because he has so many aunts and uncles willing to pitch in and get him whatever he wants.
Brozone and Viva also loving Tiny when they meet him one day while Branch and Poppy are in charge of him. Poppy has a little stroller with a sunshade, and Branch is happily carrying the baby bag so the stroller isn’t too heavy to push. At first, everyone’s mortified cause they thing that their baby siblings have gone off and had a whole baby without telling them, but they quickly notice the “Tiny Diamond” printed across the baby bag and realize it’s in fact their siblings’ close friend’s baby that they’ve heard so much about.
Viva making the kid candy necklaces only to be quickly shut down by Clay who explains that they’re a choking hazard, and they should not be given to a baby.
Bruce who has kids of his own and will invite Guy Diamond to drop Tiny off at his place when he and the rest of the snack pack want a night out.
JD who is terrified of children after how much he feels like he screwed up with Branch, but is still infatuated by the little boy and basically gives him anything he wants.
Floyd who mostly stays out of the way while the baby’s around but is the first to volunteer to put him down for a nap so that he can sing him a lullaby and rock him to sleep.
Branch and Poppy being very blush when old women tell them they have a “beautiful family” when they’re out and about, because while they do consider Tiny and all of their friends family, they know the older women mean something different.
Listen this AU is living rent free in my head. I have a timeline. I have a whole thing. I have backstories and modern world adaptations of trauma. It’s pretty fun.
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independence1776 · 1 month
Star Wars: The Living Force by John Jackson Miller
I was incredibly wary about this book when it was first announced and remained wary of it to the point I broke my own policy of not posting a WIP so I could say, “No, that’s irrelevant to my fic as I began posting before it was published.” I was wary partly because of the blurb and partly because I didn’t (and don’t) trust the author about the Jedi. That was based solely on how he described the Order in A New Dawn, which is not exactly one of my favorite Star Wars books for several reasons. But someone whose taste I trust (aka @gffa) did enjoy The Living Force, so I checked it out of the library.
Overall: I enjoyed it. It was a fun romp and a solid Star Wars book. That said, the cast was really too large to dive in-depth into pretty much anyone’s characters except the girl Depa was trying to save. The girl was probably the most well-rounded of everyone, including the Jedi. The villain was very much a one-note. And part of my problem may have been that ultimately the book felt like it couldn’t do anything. There was no sense of danger or urgency; of course everyone would survive and the bad guys fail. It felt like it should have been character-driven and yet it wasn’t. It is also very clearly a “TPM came out 25 years ago, so we have to mark that somehow” book.
Things I disliked:
1) the author could do with a dive into what Lucas says about the Order and what attachments mean. This guy seems to think they mean connections with other people when that is manifestly not what they mean; the High Republic books state this over and over and over again, so it’s not an “expanded universe doesn’t understand” thing. It’s very much an author thing.
2) Sifo-Dyas… just didn’t make much sense being brought up as a Problem. That came out of nowhere. So did the disloyalty of the caretaker.
3) Qui-Gon is very much in the line of fanon maverick instead of the movie’s stubborn, rude, and often arrogant but still somehow kind and wise man. He’s not the character I fell in love with, in other words.
4) I’m well and truly puzzled why Depa didn’t use telekinesis to pull the comlink to her and turning it off in the climax of the book. We know she can use telekinesis. We know Jedi can do that in general; it's all over the place. So why didn’t she? She spent a lot of the book strangely de-powered.
Things I liked: There were some very good moments here. I liked the look at the worldbuilding and buereocracy. I like Jedi being Jedi and by each of them somehow getting involved in separate things that the threads came together at the end. (Of course they did. That was obvious pretty early on.) The book was more-or-less: ten Jedi help solve one world’s problems because they each somehow managed to connect with a different person in need of help in a way that will solve the plot’s problems later. Which is fine; sometimes I really do want predicatable. As I said, it’s not a bad book but I’m not sure if me being a writer helped me see the seams more clearly. I did expect the outpost to close regardless (which would have made the entire book feel futile) and it did but not quite in the way I thought and it’s a way that worked.
I am glad Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were cameos instead of taking over. And there was room for a lot of nuance into the Order, top-down versus bottom-up view of how to best help.
Yaddle’s reversal of the “fear leads to hate” into “Courage leads to peace. Peace leads to love. Love leads to healing.” It’s a part of a longer quote. And those two paragraphs are the best part of the book.
Depa Billaba (You all know me. Of course she’d get her own section!)
When she was off doing her own undercover mission with the pirates, I thought that was cool and that Miller understood her character. And I’m folding it into what I take as canon; it matches well with the rest of her non-show appearances in Disney canon. I didn’t like a lot of the follow-through. (This ties into some of the reasons I dislike A New Dawn; I don’t think he writes women well.) I’m perfectly fine with her being captured. But after that, it felt like Miller didn’t know what to do with her. And her uncertainties and not taking a Padawan earlier because she was seemingly afraid to* and her talk with Mace about attachments (a conversation that makes absolutely zero sense given they are both on the High Council)… just don’t work. It felt like a faint retelling of much of her character arc in the Kanan comics. She also didn’t have the sense of humor she did there. Ultimately, I’m unsatisfied. Her plotline started off as something important and then fizzled by the end.
*Until that was brought up as why Depa was so driven to investigate the pirates in the region, I’d assumed it was because she was orphaned by said pirates. It would have made more sense.
On the other hand, some of the things I was worried about didn’t occur. We got nothing about her sister Sar Labooda (who may as well not exist apart from that mention in an encyclopedia and her appearance and death in the arena on Geonosis in AotC). We got nothing about Depa’s apprenticeship with Mace. We know pretty much nothing else about Chalacta apart from a mantra and that the Republic doesn’t seem to much care about its region of space. So all of that is more or less free space.
(Though her timeline is still more than a bit fuzzy and messed up. I maintain that she should not have been on the Council in the Master and Apprentice novel; she should have been the one brought on when Qui-Gon refused the seat. I even checked out Star Wars Timelines to see if that book shed any light on the matter; it doesn’t as the only time she’s mentioned is her death, which was very neatly worded to apply to either the Kanan comics or the Bad Batch show.)
All in all, I’m glad I read the book ,and I did enjoy it, but I don’t plan to buy it until it’s out in paperback.
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draconisvesperi · 1 year
No Longer Human and Humanity
AKA An Analysis Of Sorts, Not Entirely Seriously
I am always rather curious about the in-verse explanations and meanings of the BSD Character's abilities names. Obviously, given I'm rather obsessed with Dazai as of late, No Longer Human has been one of the chief subjects of this rumination. As a fair warning, none of what follows is any attempt to explain or seriously analyse anything in canon - this is more my misguided pursual of an errant train of thought.
No Longer Human is a powerful ability without any doubt. It's an end-all situation - no matter what the adversity, No Longer Human can end it all (except for Lovecraft, but, well). In a world where abilities are the chief weapon, an ability to render them obsolete is devastating.
Asagiri himself said, of Dazai's ability:
The skill to nullify skills is the common type of skill for the strongest characters. It just popped up in my head when I was thinking about No Longer Human as a skill. Something that ruins everything, I thought.
So well, of course it's a powerful ability. But also, it's worse than any "normal" strong ability because it renders it's victim utterly helpless. Robbed of any and all means to use your ability - the chief means of defence or offence - at a single touch.
No Longer Human - the words are inherently derogatory. What does it mean to be No Longer Human? In whatever way you look at it, humans are depicted as superior - be it by their intellect, or by virtue of their empathy, or by evolution, or what have you - being human places one at an elevated rank compared to the animals closest to Homo Sapiens.
Being No Longer Human is a fall from grace - a descent from an elevated status to a lower one.
In the world of ability users, being stripped of your ability is in some way akin to this - belonging to an elevated rank and then being stripped of what made you a part of that rank.
It's what No Longer Human does.
The creators say,
Harukawa: The image of the original Dazai is someone who ruins people around him too, right? Asagiri: He ruined people around him and ruined himself, too. When you read Dazai, you gradually lose your reason to live. It's like everything is sucked away from you. That is why I chose nullification, and anti-battle skill.
The same theme could of course be applied to Dazai himself - but as I am trying to take the contrarian route today, I am overlooking this.
In some way, the need to fight back is an innate trait of humans.
To use a No Longer Human-the-actual-book quote rather out of context,
‘Human beings never submit to human beings.’ Even slaves practice their mean retaliations. Human beings cannot conceive of any means of survival except of a single then-and-there contest.
The point I'm getting to - humans almost need to fight back. To give up is to be defeated. To not fight back is usually cowardice, and cowardice is a base thing. It is lowly. It reduces the status. To fight back - however futilely - is the greater action to do. To be stripped of the very ability to fight back - to be robbed of every possible means to fight back - is a degradation. It is demoting you to a lower rank - No Longer Human.
Because I am currently reading Crime And Punishment, I will also rope an idea explored in it - quite out of context, again - into this.
In Crime And Punishment, Raskolnikov puts forth the idea about humans being divided into two groups of people - the special, and the ordinary. He speaks about how these special people may find it within themselves that the slaughter of the ordinary is quite justified in cases where it is of benefit. This, of course, is a gross simplification of the original idea - but I don't mean to quote it in full.
Applying this to the Bungou Stray Dogs world, and we can elevate the Ability Users to a grander level entirely. They are the Special ones - the Extraordinary - loftier than the ordinary people.
As long as they avoid One Certain Skill, that is.
No Longer Human is a skill that brings people down a notch. From humanity to a lack of it; from elevated status to just normal. At the end of the day, Akutagawa raises his fist and punches in Dazai's face just like a normal, ordinary human - all the abilities in the world couldn't help him.
And there concludes this senseless and aimless ramble. Prudence compels me to wait a day and read it over later, and so you shall be spared the initial version - not that it's any better for the efforts.
(Future me note: I did not do anything more that proofread this, it is as such published in all its raw and well-thought-through glory.)
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Hello hello, I was thinking, we kinda know what Cloud thing of pre time travel Sephiroth aka jenova'ed Sephiroth with a god complex that was mentioned in that one off screen argument with genesis and decided to appeare like karma when you drop your guard down.
but what does THAT sephiroth think of cloud ?
good night, good day.
and remember folks, the shorter cloud is, the closer he is to your kneecaps :)
Oooh this is a beautiful question and thanks for the ask! Also anon is right, beware your kneecaps folks (COUGH SEPHIROTH COUGH)
So my rendition of Sephiroth is interesting in that, to be clear, he doesn’t see Cloud as a person. Not at the height of Jenova’s influence anyway. For plot reasons I can’t fully elaborate but in one way, I will stick to canon for the original timeline. There’s your short answer, but if you’d like the longer, narrative answer, that’s below.
Whether you read that or not, thanks so much for the ask! This is a very interesting question and, news flash, this answer is going to be plot relevant at some point. Do with that what you will 😉
Through the burning of Nibelheim, Sephiroth temporarily remembered Cloud’s kindness and spared him in the town. Cloud stabbed him and that ended quickly, so that ‘remembrance’ turned into an obsession for vengeance. But then the vengeance caused an interest, as he saw Cloud strengthen. Sephiroth got curious. Not curious like how we want to find out more about people, but curious like how we’ll watch a bug try to climb up perfectly smooth glass, knowing its futile. Watching it slip, over and over, making no room to help but unable to look away. Something like that, except Sephiroth can’t help teasing him, can’t help making jibes at him, and he just finds it vaguely amusing when Cloud starts thrashing around in fear or anger.
The first time Cloud kills him in an actual fight, Sephiroth is genuinely surprised. Jenova, in his head, is roaring frustration and hate, but he’s just…curious. Jenova wants to hunt Cloud down and tear him to pieces. Sephiroth just wants to fight him again. He and his mother agree on everything else, but they never agree on Cloud. You could say Cloud is the only thing that separates the two.
By the time of Geostigma, Sephiroth’s obsession has turned from vengeance to just seeing Cloud. Fighting Cloud. Whichever he manages first. Cloud isn’t quite a person, no, but he’s upgraded from bug to toy. Sephiroth doesn’t want to watch him flounder, he wants to pick him up by the arms and dance him around, wants to consciously seek pleasure in playing with him.
Sephiroth has shared space with Jenova for so long that he can’t really comprehend complex emotions anymore. But he does know that when Cloud sees him, when Cloud’s face falls into despair or screws into anger, what blooms in his chest is joy. It is dark and adulterated, but it is joy, and amidst all the numbness he feels towards the world, he’s begun to chase that feeling almost uncontrollably. Before, he watched Cloud like a bug struggling with a small rock, insurmountable in his size, unimportant in the broad space of the universe. Now, he’s so enchanted he doesn’t even realize he’s a moth to a flame, throwing himself into the arms of his own death for thrill.
Although it isn’t quite thrill. It is something Sephiroth doesn’t dwell on, but it’s happened three times now, so he has noticed:
When Cloud delivers the final blow, his mind finally goes quiet.
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iskendaris · 2 years
fic masterpost
Updated 13/11/2022~ Those with a [☆] are my personal favourites! 
Genshin Impact
Mostly focused on ZhongChiLi with a touch of AllChilde/PanTaru. I write ZhongChiLi primarily as switch in mind although all the smut scenes are tagged with t/b for readers’ comfort.
Fool's Gold 
Pantalone x Childe, Pantalone x Childe x Dottore (threesome), Zhongli x Childe heavy nsfw + dark themes multichapter, 7/7 complete
Magpie Eyes'  Pantalone x Childe, past Zhongli x Childe heavy nsfw + dark themes one-shot, complete
Phantom Lines [☆]  ZhongChiLi canon-compliant, soft nsfw, the last chapter 7 (zhongchi) smut is skippable multichapter, complete ____________________________________________________________________
Tian Guan Ci Fu (天官赐福)
My main ships are ShuangXuan/beefleaf aka He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan; and JunMei aka. Jun Wu and Mei Nianqing.
Seachange ShuangXuan/beefleaf Teen, modern AU roommates fluff incomplete 2/4 Gift for meru90! 
Returning Earth [☆] ShuangXuan/beefleaf heavy nsfw + dark themes, canon-compliant multichapter, incomplete 10/? Sunflowers  [☆] JunMei nsfw, post canon fix-it, one-shot, complete
Gift for @hisashi772 !! Accompanying art is here
Mo Dao Zhu Shi (魔道祖师)
The fics follow mostly the novel version of the story, as I have never watched the live-action/CQL. 
Vermillion Seeds 《 此物最相思 》  [☆]
WangXian, post canon wedding fic, soft nsfw, one-shot, complete
Fragrance《 沈香 》[☆]
WangXian, post canon soft nsfw, one-shot, complete
Gift for River/@venti_later
Eclipse《影起日蚀》 WangXian, Timeloop AU, angst, incomplete 4/? (hiatus)
Spring Dawn 《 花落知多少 》 XiYao, Teen-rated, reincarnation fluff AU, one-shot, complete
Lo & Behold Gen, crack-comedy, AU Marvel Avengers crossover, incomplete 2/? (hiatus) 《皮蛋》 sometimes a once-in-a-century egg drops by WangXian, comedy, incomplete 1/2 (hiatus)
Andromedea series explores relationships between Jin Guangyao, Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue (3zun) and Jiang Cheng during the years when Wei Wuxian was gone. 
Burning Sugar XiYao, nsfw, one-shot, complete Gift for Nomette/@nommette
Saturn's Rings (don't be a heartbreaker)
XiCheng, nsfw, one-shot, complete On Neptune it Rains Diamonds [☆]
Jiang Cheng x Jin Guangyao x Lan Xichen (threesome) heavy nsfw + dark themes one-shot, complete gift fic for seredemia/fran
Fireflies on Jupiter's Moon
3zun ficlet series M-rated, multichap ficlets (1000w and below)
Standing on Europa's Ocean [☆]
Gen-rating. TGCF crossover, Crimson Rain pays Jiang Cheng a visit during Mid-Autumn festival.  one-shot, complete gift fic for Jem
Bungo Stray Dogs’
My primary ship is Soukoku aka. Dazai and Chuuya.
Linger [☆] 
Soukoku, gen/teen-rated Chuuya disappears mystery fic one-shot, complete
Rush a Smile into a Headlight 
Soukoku, gen/teen-rated SKK 2018 halloween event one-shot, complete
Exchange fic with hellosweetie
Solstice (words are futile devices) [☆]
Soukoku, kitsune dazai x tengu chuuya yokai AU collab fic with Senren’s comics and Shao’s illustration
nsfw, multichapter, complete
O Children (give my gun away when it's loaded)  [☆]  Soukoku, M-rated, canon-compliant SKK week 2018 prompt: fifteen Gift fic for setsofdarkness  I Sin When You were the Last (high)  Soukoku, nsfw motorbike smut one-shot, complete (i believe) I Think I Said Goodbye to My Soul Tonight  Soukoku, nsfw chuuya demands some answers one-shot, complete You Only Get What You Give (hold tight)  Soukoku, nsfw dazai and chuuya remember one-shot, complete Regarding Black Honey (hanahaki AU), it has been taken off ao3 and I hope readers’ will respect my request not to share or redistribute the fic. Thank you.
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I'm here for about a week, feeding soley on GO materials and now I feel like someone whose late to the party for a blasted decade really. Saying it's a ride would be the understatment of the century. It is such a ride if the thing can be manifested into a rollercoaster it would surpass the ride of death.
A good one though, we seems to reclaim all the verbs, nouns, adjectives and so on for the word faggot, the word refering to the seeding structure of plants became reference for the pinnacle of homosexuality. I'm so overwhelmed to the point I pulled a Daivd Tennant(the eggplant emoji saga) the first time I saw the show being discribed as "fruity" and the leads are "fagging it up" by go on with an internal "What's that suppose to mean" blabber before realizing I should maybe consult urban dictionary for that.
Even though I still haven't figure out how exactly the tag system works, I still adores this place and especially the crowd here. I can openly be in the LGBTQIA+ community without weird side glances, people use pronouns with no fuss, the atmosphere doesn't reek of patirarchy superiority complex, misogyny and casual sexism nonsense. Views are exchanged, arts are made, discussing domestic politics are safe and no one will tell you to shut up and it's fine if we are on different sides, I thank the heavens sex is just sex here it's not some diabolical rituals that can't be shown or discussed. Also I have yet to encouter any kind of cencorship while I worried about the "we will muffle you for the most trivial reason and we will muffle you so hard you'll choke but you're gonna like it" kind of cencorship I need to constantly worry about back in that bottomless pit or aka chinese internet. The show and its fandom somehow...stood out. It's a big hit around the globe while being so unapologetically queer. I've seen the queerbait then no-homo thing played out so often I almost refused to believe there are other canon screen romances other than the cishet options. Here comes Good Omens, standing out unapologetically in that traffic like a black vintage Bentley going 90mph unapologetically in central London.
It feels good. It feels like to breath again after a long time, didn't know you were suffocating until the moment you do.
In all honesty, I only initially felt like someone who's late to the party, I feel like some interstellar refugee who just landed on a brand new planet later. I expect it to be just as barren and devestated as home because after years and years of futile searching you just forget how to be optimistic again.
I am most pleasantly suprised.
I can really sum this whole thing up by "Close Autocratic-Regime-Controlled internet is blasphemous SHIT and after practically Shawshanked myself out into the open with a VPN and get to live in it a bit I start to dispise that pile of pustulant blasphemous shit even more" but no, I deserved my rant, you guys deserved the praise.
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the-nysh · 2 years
I want to see Genos canonically crying oil tears (what's the point in putting that detail in the databool if they never use it outside of the fandom?) If we follow webcomic's routine, the only posible context would be Kuseno's death (I always thought that Genos' reaction was too cold? C'mon, he's the man who saved your life, repaired your body countless times and considered you his own grandson for 4 years). Genos isn't a crybaby, but he's too passionate, losing another person he grew to care for because he wasn't strong enough once again... He would have all the right to cry.
About the last ask, I didn't mean that Genos didn't react at all (he went Berserk mode in one second). I guess that after the fight I wanted to see him and Kuseno having a longer and more afectionated farewell.
Oh he definitely went Genos Psycho 100 in an enraged fury on his enemies for hurting his loved one. :’) (And he won...at what cost.) That afterwards he was almost completely drained and spent, with the cracks on his face symbolically resembling the tears he could no longer physically express instead.
Tumblr media
So I didn’t think his reaction was cold at all - it was hot fury towards drained numbness. aka you don’t have to express tears to show hollow pain. (Cause once again, he loses his family...even with having the strength to fight back...all the power in the world is futile if it couldn’t even save...) That Saitama emotionally supporting him here at his hurt side meat a lot.
But in the manga...considering how ONE allowed Garou to cry/grieve over Tareo’s death in a raw display of humanity, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that he’d show manga Genos shedding tears too one day. For Kuseno’s death or otherwise. However, since Genos has never properly allowed himself to grieve or heal at all ever since his past trauma, him openly expressing the humanity that’s been repressed for many years may be difficult. But either way, I expect the manga to expand on the drama/tragedy of the scene in more devastating detail, if manga Genos is destined to lose Kuseno too. :’)  
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undercat-overdog · 2 years
Thingol for the character ask?
Oooh this is a tough one! I definitely have Thots but putting them together is hard.
Sexuality Headcanon: xeno; he's up for most forms that Melian might take.
Gender Headcanon: cis and male
A ship I have with said character: Melian
A BROTP I have with said character: He's close friends with Finwe, of course, but I think he was also very close in friendship to Miriel.
A NOTP I have with said character: any ship that pairs him with someone other than Melian, but he and Melian can have all the threesomes/moresomes they want.
A random headcanon: He and Melian were one of those annoying couples who always coordinate their jewelry and clothing. For a joking-but-actually-very-serious headcanon, Luthien hatched from an egg. I go back and forth on whether or not Melian or Thingol carried Eggthien, but Thingol absolutely incubated her. (And regarding Emu Thingol, I am compelled to link this hilarious piece on emu fatherhood.)
General Opinion over said character: I get why people don't like him (he's the patriarch in a fairy story who imprisons his daughter in a tree!) but I also think that he's attacked over things he canonically did not do and that some takes are both uncharitable and reaching (fairly certain he didn't encourage others bullying Turin). The Second Kinslaying is not his fault, and Celegorm kidnapping and attempting to forcibly marry (aka rape) Luthien is not Thingol's fault.
Other than that: I find the first part of the Fall of Doriath (up to Dior becoming king) v interesting. It's a mess in the published Silm and in all the versions Christopher had access to, but there is a coherent version in a letter that was only found and released recently (which @skyeventide did incredible work in transcribing; having seen the original, heroic work - and sorry for tagging you if you don’t want) and it's fascinating, the cycle of violence over the Nauglamir and Glaurung's Horde more generally, which Thingol is both victim and perpetrator of. That story is part of the Narn, the coda and epilogue to it. And - it's interesting that Thingol plays such a crucial if secondary role in two of the three major stories about humans and elves interacting; in the Leithian he's a villain/obstacle to a story that ends happily. By the time the Narn starts, he's learned and is a more positive figure that tries to help, but the story is such that all is futile, dead and despairing turtles all the way down, and even Thingol's good deeds (and he has some bad ones too; he absolutely is at fault with the Dwarves!) end in failure.
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citrinekay · 1 year
ten first lines
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
thanks for tagging me @tiffanylamps! I love the premise of this game because first lines are so important for me. I really try to write a first line that is completely recontextualized or paralleled by the ending, plus draws the reader in. I've written a lot, so I'll be pulling from different fandoms here including Mindhunter, Black Sails, Hannibal, and of course Beyond Evil 💃Let's get started 💃 1. "A day after Bill comes home from Wopsononock Mountain, the trap in the vegetable garden catches a rabid possum." from The Papermill Revivals my massive Mindhunter Prohibition Era AU and what I mean by recontextualizing the beginning. if ykyk 2. "The longboats emerge from the dark roll of the waves like ghosts materializing from nothing." from "trust among thieves" the first installment in a 7-part Silverflint series deconstructing of their relationship through kink over the second half of the show. spoiler alert: the series also ends with Silver again standing on deck watching Flint leave him rather than come back to him 🥺😭 3. "Boot leather clung to the ridge of jagged, charcoal rock, balance defying the magnetic pull of gravity." from The Painted Veil, a post-fall Hannigram fic wherein Will contemplates self-defenestration from a lighthouse. 4. "From a distance, it appears that Manyang hasn’t changed one bit." from the bitter and the sweet - my first jwds fic! spoiler alert: manyang had, in fact, changed 5. "The three buccaneers arrive at Port Royal out of the dusk and rain, though none but the innkeeper pays notice as the chaos around them prattles on." from this stretch of sea and sand, a post-canon Silverflint fic and my take on Hanahaki disease. a personal favorite. i tore my own heart out :( 6. "Seoul reminds Dong-sik of Sang-yeob." from a cruel and futile miracle - jwds post-episode 8 impulsive, drunken blowjobs. now Seoul reminds ds of jw too 😏 7. "Joo-won hears Dong-sik coming up and around the bend to the house before he sees him, the solitary, rhythmic thud of his sneakers striking the pavement at a steady jog the only accompaniment to early morning birdsong." from only our love can suffice aka the hair-washing fic aka Han Joo-won's Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known 8. "Dong-sik’s bathroom smells damp beneath a tang of citrus; the window is cracked to allow in the gust of rain-drenched air since the house had been built before the convention of a ceiling-mounted fan." from fractures, the jwds post- "I will go to hell" moment fic 9. "For years, Dong-sik had not minded living alone." from survivalism. spoiler alert: Dong-sik did, in fact, hate living alone. 10. "The first time Joo-won trespassed into Dong-sik’s basement, Dong-sik had thought, not just a cheeky prince but a reckless one, too." from steel trap teeth aka Joo-won going thru the whole spectrum of human emotions before finally admitting he wants Dong-sik to spank him 🥴
This was fun! I have nobody to tag but I had a ball going back through my old fics to find my favorite first lines! I'm fairly happy with all of these 😊
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Chat away I wanna hear it!!!
His mind was aching; Hiei could hear Hikari screaming now, gasping futilely for air. Her agony became his, her pain overwhelming his senses. Within the symphony of her screams, with her torturer a cruel conductor, Hiei sensed the girl’s desire to die so intensely that it had reminded him of his longing to finally die in battle before he decided to be in Mukuro’s army as her second-in-command.
This section is from my YuYu Hakusho fanfiction, "Of Blood and Fire". I wrote the recent chapter after getting a review/comment that someone enjoyed reading it, especially around Halloween.
So, I used my OC, Hikari, in a lot of fandom fics I wrote (many unpublished). In this one, she was in a group fanfic aka myself and my two best friends wrote in high school that I rewrote and had it much darker.
This section was essentially to describe how Hiei could feel and sense Hikari's suffering as acutely as his own. Much as he is loathed to admit it, he is struggling with the idea of killing someone he's loved, despite the fact that she is being used as a tool by a much more diabolical foe.
With her soul being tortured, Hiei knows Hikari wants to die. To just have her torment end, no matter who ends her.
Canonically during the Three Kings arc of YYH, Hiei had the desire to just die. Mukuro even pointed it out after Hiei fought Shigure before her.
Trust me when I say the idea I had for this fic has the suffering get even heavier before the end happens.
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years
So I& noticed that as pretty much a longtime fan of Naruto for like literally forever — as fucking annoying as the ending is & my& issues with it aside for a second — it seems that aside from the founders era characters, I've& always loved the jinchūriki the most & as a plural person, in hindsight, noticing that the jinchūriki technically endure pluralphobia in the eyes of the other villagers and across the world, ( i.e the notion that singlets are better than plurals, the notion that plurals live miserable futile lives aka that time when Kushina eventually got married and she was happy even as a jinchūriki, singlets being uncomfortable around plurals including their own family in Gaara's case, bullying for being a system, they have to hide their jinchūriki status or else someone will take advantage of them or even try to kill them, people thinking that the bijuu inside of the jinchūriki is gonna come loose one day & kill everyone when most of the time the bijuu are literally just minding their own business & honestly when some bijuu aren't which canonically is just shukaku & kurama, tbh they act like persecutors would lmfao ) even if it's not in the traditional DID/OSDD sense, jinchūriki are technically plural in a cultural/religious/spiritual lens, except it's just them & their bijuu with the exception of Naruto when he literally gets all the other bijuu's energies & they use his body as a meeting ground which is plural asf. The jinchūriki also experience internal communication & the bijuu can take over the body & they have innerworlds where the bijuu resides. & looking back now, I& think as a system I& subconsciously related to it even if I& didn't know I& was a system for like literal years later.
Tldr: Naruto & the jinchūriki are plural lmao
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kayetra-spade-queen · 3 months
YDA AU One-Shot: Light Through The Window
Note: Please keep in mind that this story will had headcanons and variety of non-canon things that do not happened in the series. This is purely fanfiction, and this fanfiction is set on an alternate universe of the original universe of the series.
Everyone knew that Squad 17 is no ordinary team Faulad Singh had made.
Aside that it consists of children who's not even 10 years old yet.
And that they have abilities that shouldn't have been made possible for normal human beings.
Shivaji with ice powers.
Chinnu with the power of plants and nature.
Veer with shape shifting and super strength.
Little Singham with powers resembles real lions and fire.
They're an unusual bunch.
No, it's not those that made them stood out.
It's the aura they gave out whenever all the squads from squad 1 to 20 had gathered in the same room together.
Everyone expect that they'd be slightly loud, but still polite. They are children after all.
But oh how they're surprised.
The attitude, and the air surrounding them, felt like...
Intimidating, terrifying even.
Although of course, they're not actively trying to look intimidating (and succeeding in the process without themselves even knowing) to everyone, they're just being polite because they're aware they're younger than everyone else.
2 of the members do look familiar.
Little Singham, and Veer.
It clicked; Little Singham looks so much like the special agent Black Shadow, hence his mother. He really do look like an exact copy of her, from appearance to his no-nonsense attitude. The scorn look in his face that could send anyone a shiver down their spines is the exact same one Black Shadow has.
While Veer looked like the retired military man, Sujjan sir, aka his grandfather. He was a tough one to crack in his past, strict and always focused on the target.
All of the members of Squad 17 are powerful by their own rights.
Their own individual auras are quite powerful itself, but for different reasons.
Shivaji's is cold, yet pleasing. His personality is one of a social butterfly anyways, so it's no surprise people are always around him.
Chinnu's is fresh and somewhat melodious. People will have a sense of calmness when they're around her.
Veer's is tough, but he's still approachable. His slightly gullible nature makes people find him cute, and he is free as a bird, so he mingles with people fairly easily.
Little Singham is a different story on his own. Of course, it's not like he's unapproachable, it's the opposite. But he's a lot more quiet and reserved, and there's this certain aura of mysterious elegance surrounding him.
All of them together create this domain within them, a world completely different from anyone else. The air will suddenly change if you're near them.
Although they're not necessarily intimidating, or even trying to, it doesn't stop other people from being intimidated by them in any other forms.
They are capable of doing incredible feats that no other people could do, and treated it like it's another Thursday for them.
Of course, sometimes they can be a bit goofy at times, but it's part of their charms. They're still children regardless of how you look at them.
They could be what the world feared the most and made all evil tremble by just their presence, or your regular neighborhood children playing at the parks after school.
But one thing's for certain.
Piss one of them off, piss all of them off. Escaping from their grip is futile.
End of One-Shot.
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shalalalalaw · 2 years
taking a couple of days to not continue the Big Wip, mostly because while the world is not doing so hot, id hoped my hobbies wouldn't crumble when i had things planned and i feel incredibly bummed
aka, 6.2 patch broke ffxiv for me and it'll take DAYS to finish downloading again and hopefully it'll get fixed before savage drops because I don't want to put my static in a difficult spot and have to replace me on the last minute and also i really was looking forward to the (raid) story and im stuck
so anyway, i was thinking about a particular scene in my Guardians' canon, where after the WQ campaign (seasons dni) Feros just lingers around Venus, waiting for Schala to come out from the Vault of Glass where she's been for the past 2 expansions
to them, being in the Vault was probably like vacation, an opportunity to wreck havoc and poke around and maybe ease the way for Praedyth and his scientists to leave
and then she comes out, casual as one would please and all the tearful reunions are rather banal for them, but at the same time they haven't seen each other since the Darkness ate Io with Feros on it
and they talk on the way to the Tower (well, Feros does, Schala is an elective mute) it's... such a heavy topic, Why do you go on?
I dont know how to describe this in sufficient words, in my mind they make sense, but in the Dark, before getting spat out on Europa in time for BL, Feros found peace, when he was always on edge
he was always the one of the team to 'survive', to fight and fight and still lose even when humanity survived and he'd become very protective but always running from making real connections because of survivor's guilt
while Schala is the oddball who never felt out of place with where she is in the world, even when nobody else knew, because she comprehension of time is cyclical, what was is and will be are more or less the same to them, they knew who Feros and Ikora and Drifter and everyone else would be to her before they'd heard of her
it's funny watch her first interactions with people how hadn't met her yet, an exercise in futility, she already knew who they are and how they'd end up as a relationship
but she asks Feros how he goes on, when all she ever knows is how it all is and will be, because she's where is she is and where she will be simply because she already knows
and she knows she wouldn't leave humanity or her people until the end of time simply because that's how she is
Feros is different, and he needed time to learn to love humanity and it's been so many years since he was shipped off venus in the middle of the ahamkara war, risen right in the middle of it
and he lost more than he gained before he learnt to love the reasons he was fighting for, he hated the possible fall of humanity before he loved its survival
the Dark was a quiet he hadn't had since he woke, with an ahamkara's maw about to eat him, it brought him peace for his loss and the possibility of defeat, and it was all it could do, and the reason why he was tossed on Europe unceremoniously before Variks got gutted
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fairyfuyu · 3 years
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that night | baji keisuke
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summary: aged up characters +20, enemies to lovers w/ baji, reader is siblings w/ chifuyu, some shit isn’t canon but some is and i am too lazy to state what is/isn’t. bite me. baji and reader have really hot sex
wc: 8.9k (i am yelling)
*taps mic* jess this one's for you @zeeroweenies
content: NSFW 18+, fem!reader, unbearable teasing and tension, we have a lil girlboss moment ngl, gang discourse but what else is new (also involving us but we’re ok i promise), mentions of blood from wounds, baji being protective, use of pet name ‘angel,’ degradation if you squint, oral (m&f receiving, baji also licks our taint), face fucking, spit as lube, unprotected sex, tummy bulge, choking, hair pulling, impact play (spanking), overstim (?), squirting, baji fucks us dumb, backshots, shitty aftercare (but aftercare nontheless) i mean its baji cmon what do you really expect stop lying to yourself
a/n: lol remember when i said writing smut isnt my thing? changed my mind this is now an art/smut account sorry about it. this is the result of having baji brainrot for 3 days straight. i barely slept. was h word for 72 consistent hours. i have no regrets. this is purely self indulgent aka i wanna be in a gang and carry a diamond encrusted knife on me at all times
mdni !!!!! or else im taking ur ipad away from u
please have your fucking age in your bio im begging you
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“Chifuyu! Where the fuck is your peyoung yakisoba?!”
His voice was so indistinguishable as it rang throughout the small space of the apartment. Deep. Commandeering. Even with your headphones on as you intently focused on your homework, it demanded the attention it never failed to acquire. You internally groaned at the very first syllable you heard.
He let himself in again, that dumbass.
You rolled your eyes, hating yourself for even thinking about responding back in place of your brother’s absence. As much as you dreaded the thought of engaging the ravenette, you knew the sooner he got the information he was searching for, the sooner he would shut up.
“He’s not home!” You shouted back, not waiting for an answer before you situated your headphones back to their original position.
Turning back to your laptop, you wished you didn’t hear the heavy footsteps approaching your closed door. It didn’t take long before he reached for the handle, finding his attempt at barging in futile. “___? Why’s the door locked - you naked or something?”
You scoffed, fully taking your headphones off and resting them around your neck. “You’re a pervert.” Accepting your defeat at evading any conversation with him, you pushed yourself out of your chair and strode to your door, unlocking it and cracking it open slightly. You looked up at his dark eyes staring back down at you, leaning all of his weight on his arm against the doorframe.
“I’m in university, remember? I gave up playing gangster when I was in high school.” You shot up at him, an unbothered expression resting on your face.
It was true, you briefly scuttled around with your brother and his little gang in high school. It wasn’t anything too serious on your part, mostly because Chifuyu would kill you if you let yourself get wrapped up with a few particular enemies of his. You two were incredibly close, but what siblings wouldn’t be after their single mom ran out on them by the time you turned 15? Chifuyu would do anything to protect you, but he knew that he alone wasn’t enough; you ultimately had to learn to protect yourself, which is why you even got involved with his friends in the first place. You learned anything you needed to protect yourself, and being related to someone so deeply tied to Toman, that reputation alone kept you safe. Though you were pretty skilled in fighting, your involvement trailed off once you decided to focus more on your education and getting into university. After all, being in a gang was not a safe or secure way to make a living. But that didn’t mean you stopped keeping your jewel-encrusted knife on you at all times that Chifuyu gifted you when you turned 17.
Baji rolled his eyes at you. “Don’t try and act like you’re above that shit. You’re just as bad as your brother. Now, where is that fucker?”
“I told you, he’s out. And stop letting yourself in, it’s creepy.” You replied back, maintaining your deadpan tone.
He let out an unamused chuckle. “You know I’m not gonna stop. Besides, I was hungry and I know you guys always stay stocked up - at least, I thought you did.”
You decided to mess with him some. “Aw, you didn’t come to see me?”
“Of course not, idiot.”
“Oh, don’t play dumb. Do you think I don’t catch you staring all the time?” You teased him, revelling in the reaction you pulled from him; he didn’t actually stare, you just knew he hated anytime you teased him like this. Although this time, you could practically hear his heart stop in his chest, just inches away from yours.
He narrowed his eyes down at you. “You’re ridiculous. I’m staying here till Fuyu gets back.”
“Like I care. Just don’t bother me anymore.” You moved to put your headphones back over your ears, just wanting the conversation to be over.
“Pretty sure I annoy you just by being here.”
“You’re absolutely right.” You said with a smile, before shutting the door in his face.
Thankfully, you were able to get through all the homework you hoped to complete that evening without any interruptions from Baji or Chifuyu once he returned. He knew how important your studies were to you, and he wanted nothing but success for you, making sure to never break your focus unless something urgent happened.
It wasn’t until you forced yourself to look up from your laptop did you realize what time it was; the dark sky peeking through your window told you it was much later than you had thought, and a glance at your phone confirmed it. 9:13 PM.
You decided that eating dinner would definitely be the smartest decision; your aching stomach would surely appreciate some type of food. Peeling yourself out of your chair for the first time since Baji rudely interrupted, you slid into your slippers beside you and made your way out to the kitchen.
Chifuyu stood at the sink, a dish in one hand and a rag in the other. He heard the quiet pitter-patter of your footsteps and looked up, a soft smile crossing his face. “Hey ___, finished with your work?”
You nodded, silently sighing in annoyance to see Baji still under your roof. “Yeah, finally. ‘M starving, though.” Before you could even make your way to the fridge to throw a makeshift meal together, Chifuyu opened the oven and grabbed a dish covered in tin foil.
“Here, I kept it warm for you.” He spoke tenderly, placing the dish on the countertop for you.
Chifuyu always made sure you ate something before you fell asleep, knowing how often you neglect your self care when it comes to late nights of studying. The gesture reminded you just how much he cared about you. You offered a smile in return. “Thanks, Fuyu.”
Sitting down opposite Baji at the kitchen table - who presumably was satisfied after his friend made him dinner considering his much more mellow nature than earlier - you placed the plate of noodles in front of you and didn’t hesitate to dig in. If Chifuyu did one thing right, it surprisingly was his ability to make a good meal.
“So, how was Mikey?” You asked Chifuyu nonchalantly, not even acknowledging Baji’s presence.
He placed the dish he had cleaned on the drying rack. “You know you don’t have to pretend to be interested in Toman anymore, ___.”
“But what if I am interested?” You countered. “Those guys were my friends for so long - and I mean, you’re practically an exec at this point, my best friend is dating Takemichi...how can I not be somewhat involved still?”
“I thought you were above playing gangster.” Baji chimed in, not breaking eye contact with the phone in his hands.
You shot him a glare for alluding to your conversation earlier. “I’m just saying, is it so wrong for me to ask how everyone is sometimes? Even if it has been months since I’ve seen Mikey or Draken.”
“He asked about you, actually.” Chifuyu stated simply.
“Who, Mikey?” You asked absentmindedly, taking another bite.
He nodded. “Said he missed having you around.”
Thank god you swallowed before hearing Chifuyu’s response, otherwise you’d have choked. It hung in the air for a moment, the silence that followed so deafening. You almost thought you caught a glimpse of Baji’s grip tightening on his phone, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Chifuyu across the room. He acted as though he didn’t even say anything, continuing his task of cleaning yet another dish. You noted the suds on his bruised knuckles, moving back and forth as he scrubbed. Cleaning the front, then the back, then rinsing it off. The steady stream of the faucet shut off, but the lingering drops continued for a second, drip, drip, drip…
You snapped out of your trance held on the water droplets, finding your brother’s green eyes locked on you. “What’d you tell him?” You took another bite.
“That you were at university now, being a serious adult, doing serious, adult things.” He tossed the towel to the side, apparently done with the chore.
Baji took a sip of his drink. “Is the serious adult still too cool to hang out with the wannabe gangsters?” He continued averting his gaze from you.
“You’re not in this conversation, dumbass.” You retorted, eyes flickering to him for a split second before returning your attention to your brother. You saw him stick his tongue out at you like a damn child out of the corner of your eye, and the tiniest part of you wanted to smile. But, you didn’t. “Why’d he bring me up all of a sudden?”
The blonde just shrugged. “Guess he just misses you.”
You bit the inside of your cheek in slight concentration...or maybe it was contemplation. Your mind wandered back to the last brawl you ever found yourself in the middle of, just before you graduated high school. It was like every other time - Toman got wrapped up in their agenda of having each other's back, finding themselves up against a pretty tough rival gang. You weren’t excused from the brutality that time by any means; the shitheads always liked to try and take out the rival girls, and you never understood why...if they really think girls are weaker, then would it really prove their strength to beat the shit out of one? You were incredibly skilled, though, and most of the time you could stand your ground. But that time, you hesitated a second too long, and before you knew it you were flat on the ground, Chifuyu kneeling over you and cradling your head.
You were okay, but a trip to the ER later revealed a broken jaw and an injured self-esteem. You cursed yourself for letting that lanky asshole knock you out, but your time in the hospital allowed you to reflect some on where to go from there; Chifuyu’s guilt for ever allowing you to join in on fights definitely had a lot of weight on your final decision to step away from the group of boys who occupied most of your time. It forced you to face reality and take some responsibility for your life and where you ended up. Despite those boys practically being family, you needed to step away from that part of your life. So, you turned towards getting a degree and never looked back.
That was over a year ago.
“Is he expecting me to come back or something?” You finally said after your brief self-examination, staring back down at your dinner in front of you. Chifuyu had made his way to join you and Baji at the table.
Shrugging again, he leaned forward on his elbows atop the table’s surface. “Don’t dwell on it, I just thought I’d let you know he hasn’t totally forgotten about you.”
His statement made you smile a little. “Well, who could forget about me?” You joked, causing him to mirror your smile.
“Would you ever come back?” Baji intervened.
“No.” Chifuyu answered for you before you could even think about what you’d respond with. His voice was so firm, so sure.
You raised an eyebrow at your brother. “No?”
“Yeah.” He said, as serious as ever.
Baji shook his head in confusion. “I just heard ‘no’ and ‘yeah,’ which one is it?”
Scoffing at the raven-haired boy, you rolled your eyes. “Dumbass. Since when do you make decisions for me, Chifuyu?”
The blonde sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Did you forget what happened last year? Or did Hanma kick that pretty little head of yours too hard, ___?”
“Fuck you.” You bit back at his remark. “I can take care of myself, just cause you’re a year older than me doesn’t mean I’m some baby.”
“I just don’t want you getting hurt again,” Chifuyu said, “that’s all.”
You pushed yourself out of your seat, deciding that you were thirsty. “Well, I still have that knife you gave me, ready to use whenever.”
Two steps later and Chifuyu was out of his seat, grabbing you and whipping you around to try and catch you off guard, but you moved quicker than him. In an instant, you wielded your knife tucked in your waistline, holding the blade inches away from his face. A proud smile on your face as you locked him in position, you chuckled. “Checking to see if I still remember a thing or two?”
“Always.” He replied, impressed at his little sister.
“Wow, kitty likes to scratch, huh?” Baji laughed, unable to tear his eyes off of the two dangerous siblings.
You let go of the hold you had on Chifuyu, returning the knife back to the holster you keep hidden. It was no exaggeration that you kept it on you at all times. “Suck my dick, Keisuke.” You snapped, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
Reaching up to grab a glass out of your cupboard, you heard the two boys stirring behind you. You turned your head to see Chifuyu sling the familiar black jacket over his shoulders, Baji’s own tucked under his arm. Without them saying anything, you connected the dots. “Oh...that’s why Mikey needed to talk to you today, huh?”
He nodded sheepishly, not looking your way as he headed towards the door. “Something like that, yeah.”
You couldn’t help your heart rate spike a little, the anxiety setting in that always managed to take over whenever you watched Chifuyu leave for the night. Obviously, the shit he was getting into was dangerous, and you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering to the worst case scenario while he was gone. The longer he stayed out, the more worried you grew. You knew your brother was strong, and he absolutely had no problem when it came to protecting himself and his friends. Part of you was just scared that you’d lose the last bit of family you had left.
Chifuyu’s ego was a fragile one too - though he’d never admit it, of course - but you knew he felt the need to prove his strength any chance he got. He never had a father, never had someone teach him how to go out into the world and face what came his way. He was forced to learn it from his delinquent friends; and of course he couldn’t help the cards he was dealt in life, but sometimes you wished things turned out different.
Most of the time, though, you were glad for exactly who Chifuyu was.
You trailed behind them like a lost puppy as they made their way to the exit of the apartment. “Fuyu,” You quietly called.
He hesitated in the open doorway; he knew exactly what you were feeling and this is precisely why he didn’t tell you about the meeting tonight. “I’ll be fine, I promise.” He assured you, pressing his lips into a forced smile.
Nodding to yourself, for a second you almost believed him. “Okay.”
And with that, the blonde and the brunette left into the night.
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10:30 rolled around and you still hadn’t fallen asleep. You tossed and turned in your little bed, desperate to find a position comfortable enough to doze off in. Needless to say, your efforts were unsuccessful; any position was unbearable with your mind racing and your brother out in the city doing who knows what. It was always like this. You tried not to let Chifuyu’s undertakings evade your thoughts on a day to day basis, and for the most part, they didn’t. He felt that the less you knew, the better, and you agreed; but that didn’t stop you from speculating his whereabouts when he wouldn’t return home all day, even though he just said he’d be back in under an hour. And your speculations, more often than not, were correct. He’d waltz through that front door, trying his hardest to be as quiet as a mouse, but you were too clever; you’d catch him every time red handed - quite literally, as new battle scars always managed to find their way onto his skin.
Maybe it was your familial bias towards Chifuyu, but you repeatedly found some way to blame that dumbass that lived three floors above the two of you. If it wouldn’t have been for Chifuyu and Baji meeting in middle school, he never would’ve been introduced to Toman in the first place. And although you treated Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, and the rest of them like siblings, Baji never clicked with you somehow. Sure, you can tolerate him the bare minimum in order to appease your brother, but his gruff and churlish attitude towards you didn’t sit right. Ever since Chifuyu met him - and subsequently discovered he lived in the same building as you - they’ve been inseparable. Baji’s just always been there, though never for you.
Ignoring the tiny voice inside of your head that begged you not to, you found yourself on your feet in one swift motion, the cold evening air sending a sharp chill down your spine. Trading your sleep shorts for something a little more practical, your feet took you over to your closet where you rummaged through the back until your hands landed on what you were searching for. A soft smile tugged at your lips as you admired the embroidery Mitsuya carefully stitched into the fabric for you.
“As the honorary little sis of Toman, I had to specially make yours by hand.” You remembered him saying when he first handed it to you years ago, and you’d always treasure it - whether you were a part of Toman or not.
You threw the black jacket over your t-shirt, stepped into some shoes, and grabbed your keys to your motorcycle. Your plan, though barely a plan at all, was this: go to the spot Toman typically meets, see if the boys were there, and make sure your brother isn’t dead. If they weren’t there, you’d end your search. Simple. At the very least, a nice ride in the brisk night would surely help calm your nerves.
The autumnal air breezes past you as you ride down the barren sidestreets, navigating your way between the concrete buildings surrounding you. Your open jacket catches the wind, chilling you further and making you curse under your breath at your stupidity for only sporting a thin t-shirt tonight. You always loved riding your bike through the city, especially the spontaneous drives with Chifuyu and his friends, somehow going into the earliest hours of the morning. There were times you even stayed up until the sun rose (mostly due to Mikey’s pleading), and as much as you hate to admit it, those times you cherish the most.
Your little joyride was short lived sadly; before you knew it, you heard the familiar shouts from the gang growing louder and louder, indicating you had arrived at the correct spot. Shedding your helmet and buttoning your jacket halfheartedly, you carried yourself down to the opening that was home to the voices. And then, you saw them; Mikey, Draken, Baji, and Takemichi, all lined up behind Chifuyu as he stared up at Kisaki. Hanma was right by his side.
The quiet sounds of you approaching the group must’ve been much louder than you thought, because as soon as you came into view, Mikey called out to you.
“Oi, is that ___?” He asked; there was a hint of excitement in his voice.
You could feel your brother’s gaze burning into your skull the closer you drew near, furious that you even thought about coming out here. You knew he would be mad at you for this choice, but you still stand by your decision. He’s been there for you all these years, you felt you should do the same.
“Weren’t done playing gangster after all, huh?” Baji teased, flashing his little fangs at you with a toothy grin.
You approached the group, locking eyes with the brunette for a passing second. “Nice ponytail, dumbass.”
“Ew, don’t compliment me like that. They’re gonna think we’re friends.” He scoffed, switching his smirk out for a frown, his eyebrows knitted together.
“Go home, ___.” Chifuyu ordered, petulance laced through the simple phrase, pulling your attention over towards him, but only momentarily.
Hanma took a few steps towards you, eyes shooting daggers into yours as if he were warning you. A simper played on his lips. “Looks like you healed up real nice from last time I saw you. Maybe this time you won’t be so lucky.”
“Hanma…” Draken interjected, but you silenced him.
“No, I think I will be lucky this time actually.” You smirked up at him, implicitly begging him to make a move.
And he played right into it, that cocky son of a bitch. It all happened quickly, the way he swung at you, with such force and arrogance, like he was sure he would knock you out in one punch. But his pomposity proved faulty in this instance, for you dodged it with such finesse, sweeping his legs out from under him and pinning him down. Your blade was drawn, inches away from his face, your other hand securing his arm and digging your knee into his back. Giggling softly, you scowled down at him. “Seems I did get lucky this time around, huh?”
While your eyes were trained on him, you were completely unaware of what occurred behind you. Kisaki decided to dismiss whatever business he had with your brother, deeming the situation with Hanma far more important since you had a weapon too close for comfort. But before he could get close to you, the ravenette tackled him, slamming his head to the concrete and knocking his glasses off his smug face.
“You touch her, you die.” He spit, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice. If not for that unmistakable voice that sounded in the quiet night, you wouldn’t have believed it was Baji. It caught you off guard, mostly because he always had a jovial tonality whenever he spoke. He wasn’t serious by nature, but he sure as shit was at this moment in time. You made sure to not lose focus on keeping Hanma down, but managed to steal a brief glance towards the scene unraveling.
Kisaki laughed beneath Baji’s weight. “Since when do you give a shit about little Matsuno?”
Instead of a proper response, Baji sent a clean, hard punch right to his face. “Talk about her again, I dare you.”
“Kei, you don’t need-” Chifuyu started to say, taking a step towards his friend, but the brunette completely ignored him, striking his enemy again. Blood trickled from his nose, eyes hazy as they peered skywards.
Hanma’s eyes focused over to the brawling men, snickering softly. “Your boyfriend seems to be doing a good job of protecting you.”
You rest the blade right under his jaw, not forcefully, but with enough contact to get the point across. “I don’t need anyone to protect me. I’m the one with the knife, remember?”
“____, do you really need to have a knife pulled on him?” Takemichi asked, his voice trembling slightly.
Mikey laughed at his question. “Let her be, she’s got it handled.”
Meanwhile, Baji kept his eyes trained on the body beneath him. “Now, tell me you’re gonna fuck off from messing with Matsuno or else I’m killing you right here and now.”
“No need to make such empty promises, Keisuke. I just wanted to make sure Chifuyu knew who he was dealing with, 's all.” Kisaki spoke smoothly, as if he didn’t just get his nose broken. “I think we’ve all had enough fun for tonight, yeah?”
Not satisfied with his answer, Baji gave him one last jab, putting him right to sleep. He got up from his position, walking over to you and resting a hand on your shoulder. “You can get up, ___. He won’t hurt you.”
Gritting your teeth behind your closed lips, you pulled the knife away from Hanma’s neck, barely nicking him in the process. Your eyes didn’t leave the tiny drop of blood that formed as you stood up and off of the arrogant man beneath you. Turning your back on him, you walked over to your brother.
Your eyes flickered up to Baji’s. “You didn’t need to do that for me.”
He rolled his eyes, walking further ahead of you as he inspected the fresh wounds on his knuckles. “Like I did that for you. I knew Fuyu would never shut up if you got hurt again.” He pulled the hair tie out of his hair, allowing his dark locks to cascade over his shoulders and bathe in the moonlight.
You fell back, joining Chifuyu who stood perfectly still, frozen and staring at the ground where you previously had control over Hanma. He controlled his breathing, balling his hands in fists beside himself. You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Ready to go home?”
I’ll save it for tomorrow, he thought to himself. He couldn’t bring himself to go off on you here, in front of everyone. Nodding, he sucked up his pride. “Yeah, let’s go home.”
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You barely got any sleep that night, thanks to the adrenaline pumping through your veins. The second you got home, Chifuyu wordlessly entered his room, secluding himself for the rest of the night. Fleeing to your own, you settled under the covers, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t help but overthink every little thing that happened that night.
Specifically, Baji’s behavior.
Why would he say the things he said - ‘You touch her, you die’ ? Beating the shit out of Kisaki like...like he cared about you or something. But then he goes and acts like he doesn’t care about you.
Of course he doesn’t care about you, he never has, never will.
‘Like I’d do that for you’
The words replayed over and over in your head, an endless cycle of convincing yourself that he’s just lying and actually does care about you, but then overthinking your entire relationship with him and deciding that there’s no way he didn’t mean the things he said.
The reason for your racing heart and anxiety coursing through your whole body was not the fact that you successfully stopped Hanma from attacking you yet again, it was the fact that this person who never passed up on a chance to annoy the ever living shit out of you, potentially tried protecting you that night.
By the time the sun rose, you and Chifuyu were yelling at each other like real siblings do in the living room. You couldn’t have been more spot on with how you expected the argument to go; he, of course, scolded you for being so stupid, so careless, because “what if you weren’t able to take him down, what then?” And you shot back at him with “but I did take him down, I told you I can take care of myself!” Which cascaded the entire argument into one about how Chifuyu treats you like you’re five and doesn’t have any faith in you. His reasoning for that was he just cares about you too much, you’re family, you’re all he has left...of course he’s going to worry.
When you heard this, the only response you found fitting was something along the lines of “You’re wrong, you have Toman! You have a hundred guys ready to back you up - ready to treat you like family. I don’t have that anymore - you’re my only family and you know it”
Were you proud of that response? You weren’t entirely sure. It sounded right in the heat of the moment, but the way his face dropped and he instantly got quiet, you felt a slight twinge of regret for your choice in words. As he grabbed his keys from the counter, he muttered a quiet “I’ll see you later” before he shut the front door behind him.
And so, here you were, twelve minutes later, curled up in your bed trying to at least take a brief nap since you didn’t sleep at all. The closest you got to a nap was keeping your eyes shut for a solid minute before you heard the front door open and close in haste.
That was quick, you thought to yourself, forcing yourself to sit upright in your bed as you locked your eyes on your open doorway, expecting to see your brother.
What you didn’t expect was to see Baji standing there instead, breathing heavily, and a small smirk on his face. “Hey, ___.”
You pushed yourself out of bed awkwardly, a little confused that he of all people was there. “Chifuyu isn't home...I actually thought he was with you-”
“I didn’t come to see Chifuyu.” He stated.
A deafening hush fell over the two of you. He looked like hell - probably just as bad as you looked, to be honest. Dark bags rest beneath his moody eyes and his hair hung impossibly messy beside his face. His breathing began to still as more seconds passed.
His eyes searched yours for any sort of answer. “Say something.”
“What do you want me to say?” It was as much of a response as you could muster; your thoughts were all over the place.
He rocked onto his toes nervously. “You don’t wanna know what I want you to say.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, beginning to fiddle with your fingers - a bad habit you nurse when you find yourself in uneasy situations. You were mute again, unknowing how to even begin to navigate this conversation.
“Don’t pick at your fingers like that, it's bad for you.”
You let out an incredulous exhale. “I don’t think you’re in any position to talk about proper hand-care.” You teased lightheartedly, glancing down to his own torn knuckles from last night’s fight. “Let me get you some bandages.” You said, composing yourself some and brushing past the tall boy hurriedly. He never stopped you.
You wandered down the hallway into yours and Chifuyu’s shared bathroom, scouring the medicine cabinet for the proper first aid. As you pulled out the products, Baji settled himself on top of the toilet seat, looking around absentmindedly.
Grabbing disinfectant, you took his right hand in yours. Part of you was a little nervous to hold his hand, but you brushed it off. “This might sting a little.” You warned, before applying the compound to his small cuts.
His hand twitched in yours. “I’m not a pussy, that was just a reflex.”
“Sure,” You taunted, taking the bandage and rolling his knuckles up in them, securing it so it wouldn’t unravel. “Other hand.”
Reciprocating your actions, you could feel Baji’s smile without even seeing it. When you were finished, you shoved the unused bandages to the side. “All done.”
“So are you even gonna ask why I’m here?”
You leaned against the counter, thinking about exactly what you wanted to say. “I have a couple thoughts of my own on why you’re here.”
“I’m all ears.”
Scrunching your nose in mock annoyance, you huffed. “I think you were lying last night when you said you didn’t beat up Kisaki for me.”
Baji nodded his head, running a hand through his hair. “Would it be so bad if I told you you were right?”
“I thought you hated me.”
“I thought you hated me.” He exclaimed. “You’re not exactly subtle about how annoyed you are with me so much as being near you.”
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed in disbelief. “Please, you make it your life mission to bother the absolute hell out of me. Anytime I’m with you and Chifuyu, you practically beg me to leave you guys alone.”
“Maybe I’m just bad at making friends, okay! You know I’m not that smart, how on earth am I supposed to act around someone like you?!” His words became progressively more passionate, more urgent - it was undeniable that he was starting to ramble, letting any and every thought he had just fall past his lips in an effortless revelation. He was on his feet now, and suddenly the small bathroom became a confined, suffocating space; taking a frantic breath, he stepped past you, out into the hall. Finally, he could breathe.
You trailed behind him, suddenly becoming shy as you listened to him drone on.
“I don’t even know why I came here, to be honest. I-I just couldn’t sleep last night because I kept thinking about you and - fuck, that sounds creepy...” He turned on his heel, hands finding his head again, burying the bandaged fingers deep in the roots of his hair. “It’s pathetic, honestly, because you’re so smart and mature even though you’re younger than me and you’re already so successful going to university...it doesn’t make any sense at all, really, but for some reason I-” He stopped his manic monologue, taking a deep breath and shutting his eyes before speaking again. “I like you, regardless of the way you ridicule me and constantly tell me to shut up and - shit, I even like the way you call me dumbass. You have no idea what you do to me, and you don’t even try.”
He ran out of things to say, it seemed - or maybe he just wanted to give you a chance to add something to the conversation. You couldn’t tell in the dim lighting of the hallway, but his hands were shaking ever so slightly; he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket, as if they were a safe haven and would rid him of his uneasiness.
Before you could utter a single word, he spoke again. “Sorry if this is all too much, I just didn’t know what to do, a-and I’m bad with my words so I probably didn’t do a good job of explaining exactly how I feel-”
“If you’re bad with your words, then show me.” You said, a newfound confidence overcoming you out of nowhere.
Your words left him dumbfounded. He quirked a thick eyebrow. “What did you just say?”
“I said…” You took a step closer to him, “Show me how you feel.”
He wasted no time in closing whatever space was left between the two of you, hands finding either side of your face and pulling you to him. Crashing his lips onto yours, it was a wonder how your knees didn’t give out right then and there; you immediately melted into him, lips working feverishly against his and gladly welcoming his exploring tongue. It was almost as if he read your mind, clutching onto your shoulders and backing you up against the wall, somehow deepening the kiss further.
Barely detaching his hungry lips from yours, he mumbled against your lips. “You want me to show you what I’m feeling right now?”
Before you could even form a response, he drove his hips into yours, allowing you to feel just how hard he was and pulling a quiet whimper from your chest. This time, your knees did buckle under you, but Baji made sure to keep you upright between his strong hands. “Thought you were stronger than that, Angel. Don’t go tapping out on me just yet.”
You fluttered your eyes open, already drunk off his actions and butterflies forming in your tummy. His dark eyes held your gaze, so moody and mysterious, you found yourself getting lost in them. How did you never realize it before? How enchanting his eyes were, the specks of gold seemingly shimmering down at you. You knew your disdain for him didn’t allow you to feel anything other than aggravation towards him, but after what transpired last night, you couldn’t help but feel pure, unadulterated admiration towards him.
Maybe he really did care about you all this time.
Just the mere thought of this led you to kissing him once more, wrapping your arms around his neck, clutching onto him as if your life depended on it. All you could think about was how you wanted nothing more than to lose yourself in his touch. Tongues battling for dominance, though he was clearly winning, you moaned into his mouth as his wandering hand brushed up your side to eagerly paw at your breast.
“Kei…” You panted, the two of you catching your breath for a fleeting second.
He smiled down at you, showing off his cute little fangs. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that.”
A grin tugged at your lips. “What else have you been waiting to do with me?”
That certainly wasn’t the reply he was expecting. His cock pulsed beneath the fabric of his sweats at your words; he couldn’t even begin to explain what he wanted to do with you - what he wanted to do to you. As if it was possible, you had managed to make him even more turned on. Your aura captivated every ounce of his being; your smile, your scent, your touch, everything tumbled together in his mind and ran straight to his dick.
His body moved faster than his mind - in one effortless movement, he threw you over his shoulder and charged down the hall to your room, leaving you a mess of giggles. He thought about his hand placement, though, one strong hand over your ass to ensure you didn’t fall. Tossing you onto your bed, you smiled up at him as he crawled over you, immediately rolling his hips against yours and attaching his lips to your neck.
The tiny room was filled with the sounds of your breathy moans while Baji left wet, open-mouthed kisses along the column of your throat. A bandaged hand joined in, wrapping itself lightly around your neck. He slid a thigh in between yours, allowing you to grind your throbbing cunt against him.
“Kei, fuck” you gasped, feeling his fangs sink into your flesh as he marked you, running his hot tongue over the bruise once he was pleased with the result.
“Need something, Angel?” He asked innocently, punctuating his question with another grind of his hard-on against your heat.
“Wait,” you spoke quietly, squeezing his arm to catch his attention.
Instantly, he pulled away. “What’s wrong?”
Turning coy, you brought your hand down to grab his bulge, fitting your hand perfectly around his length. “Have you been waiting for me to suck your cock?”
His cheeks flushed a deep rose color, his breathing halting when you palmed over him. Ever so slightly, he nodded his head and swallowed hard. “Yeah, I can’t count the times I’ve dreamt about the way those pretty lips of yours would look around my dick, Angel.”
Satisfied with his answer, you pecked his lips quickly. “Go lock the door.”
He left your side in a hurry, darting across the room to slam the door shut and locking it, returning back to you - who sat with her legs hanging off the end of the bed. Approaching you, he craned down to capture your lips in another rushed kiss, groaning as your hands found the waistband of his sweatpants. He broke the kiss, pulling his shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the side.
Shoving the fabric down, you didn’t hold back from smirking at the clear imprint of his cock, still veiled behind his thin briefs. You noticed the darker spot in the fabric, clearly a result of his leaking tip. Running your hands over his backside, you brought him closer to you, wide eyes maintaining eye contact as you pressed a chaste kiss to the head.
“Fuck, ___.” He groaned, brushing some of your hair over your shoulder and out of the way.
You couldn’t wait any longer, tearing the fabric off and allowing his painfully hard dick to spring up and slap against his abdomen. It was long and thick, flushed a pretty pink at the tip and littered in veins. Staring down his impressive size, you licked your lips, eager to wrap them around his cock.
Your eyes lit up at a particularly prominent vein running the length of his shaft; you ran your tongue slowly, delicately along that pulsating vein. You knew that the teasing drove him wild from the shaky breath he released, inflating your ego even more. Swirling your tongue tantalizingly slow around his head, you quickly took him into your mouth, forcing as much of his length as you could possibly fit without gagging.
The sudden action caused him to thrust himself further into your mouth. “Shit, s-sorry, you just - fuck...” He stammered, and you pulled off him entirely, connecting a thin string of saliva from your lip to his head.
“Don’t apologize,” You assured him, licking your lips once more and feeling confident. “Do it again.”
And your lips were around him once more; you tried steadying your breaths as you bobbed your head, his tip repeatedly hitting the back of your throat. You swallowed reflexively around him, earning yet another strained moan from the brunette.
Both his hands were on your head, somewhat aiding you as you worked yourself along his cock. He pushed your head just a little deeper, and you relaxed yourself, enabling him to finally feel that snug feeling of your throat that he’s been so patient for. “Fuck, Angel, take my fucking cock...just like that,” He chanted, adoring the way your throat felt around him.
Tears brimming your eyes, you came up for air, unable to contain your gag reflex any longer. Giving your mouth a second to rest, you spit in your hand, wrapping it around his dick and harshly jerking him off.
Taking him in your mouth again, one hand fondled his balls gently. Baji continued to fuck your face, and you loved every second of it. It was pathetic how much you enjoyed the way his tip kissed the back of your mouth, how your throat stretched around him to take his girth. You couldn’t stand the way your clit was throbbing, so your free hand traveled to rub yourself over your shorts.
He cracked his eyes open, noticing the way you began touching yourself, and immediately tugged on your hair to pry you off his cock. “Look at you, thinking you can get yourself off from your tiny little hand.”
“Please, Kei,” You whined, hands working at undoing your shorts and sliding them down your legs.
“Want me to touch you, Angel?” He proposed, gesturing for you to lay flat on your back. You nodded your head feverishly in response, tugging your sweater over your head so you were just left in your panties and bralette. His hungry eyes trailed over your body, taking in all your beauty laid out for him. A lone hand traveled to cup your left breast. “You’re gonna have to beg a little harder, then.”
Groaning, you brought your hands up around his neck. “Kei, please, I need you inside me.”
An eyebrow curled quizzically. “Do you need my fingers?” He asked, pulling your panties to the side and swiping a finger between your wet folds. You moaned as he dipped the slender digit deep into your hole, instantly curling and hitting that sweet spot you can never seem to reach on your own.
He bent down to kiss over the bruise he left along your neck earlier, hovering his head right next to your ear as he whispered, “Or do you need me to fuck you?”
Your walls clenched around his long finger at his words, hips bucking up to indicate just how desperate you were for him to ruin you. “Fuck, please fuck me, Kei. I need your cock.” If you weren’t as turned on, you would’ve hated yourself for sounding so needy, but after getting a glimpse of just how big he was and how nice he fucked your mouth, you couldn’t resist him.
He sent you a devilish smirk, fangs on display as he ripped your panties off. “That’s better, Angel.”
Lifting your hips slightly, he guided his tip between your swollen lips, covering it in your arousal. That wasn’t enough for him, though; allowing a fat pearl of saliva to fall past his lips onto your quivering hole, he dragged his tip through his spit before sinking it into you.
“Fuck,” he rasped, eyes locked on how you swallowed his length further and further, hugging him so tightly.
You couldn’t help the pornographic moan you released as he entered you, feeling the way you contracted around his frenulum. You swore you could feel every one of his veins against your walls as he pushed into you slowly.
Bottoming out, you felt his balls rest against the curve of your ass; you mentally thanked him for giving you a second to adjust to the sheer size of him, because as soon as you gave him the silent signal to keep going, he never stopped.
Nearly drawing himself all the way out of you, he forcefully thrust right back in just for you to let out another moan. It was music to his ears, the way you moaned from his cock splitting you open. Desperate hands yanked your bralette down, putting your tits on display for him as they bounced with every ruthless thrust of his hips.
God, you’re gorgeous, he thought to himself. The image of you burned into his mind so it was impossible for him to forget. He filed it away in his head - the sight of you spread for him, a moaning mess with his markings painted on your skin, eyes screwed shut in intoxication - for him to remember whenever he was alone in his bedroom. He didn’t know if he was ever going to have you like this again, so he had to make sure this time counted.
He didn’t know it yet, but you never wanted this to end, so helplessly obsessed with the boy who only two days ago presumably hated you.
Despite not knowing, he did everything in his power to make sure you came crawling back to him. “Shit, Angel,” he puffed, not easing up on his pace, “You like the way my cock stretches you out, hm?”
All you could manage was a whimper in response, forcing your eyes open to stare up at him. He just smirked down at you, giving you a slow but deep thrust, kissing your cervix. His eyes flickered down to the little bulge below your naval that he created, bringing a bandaged hand to your tummy and pressing down.
“Look at that, Angel - I’m in your stomach.” He brought that same hand away from your abdomen and placed it around your neck, resuming his former harsh tempo of fucking into you. “No one can fuck you like me, isn’t that right, ___? This is my pretty little pussy.”
You nodded your head, tongue lolling out of your mouth. “Right, Kei. ‘S all yours.”
That familiar coil was winding in your stomach; chasing your high, you brought two fingers down to lazily circle your clit. He squeezed your neck tighter, aiding you in reaching your climax. “You gonna cum for me, Angel?”
Loving how his choking made your head feel a little dizzy, you clenched around his cock in reply. You fastened the pace of your fingers, and the unrelenting snap of his hips against yours pushed you over the edge. Contracting hard around his dick, your powerful orgasm finally hit you. “Keisuke, fuck!”
Being the gentleman he was, he fucked you through your high, but the second your breathing settled, he completely pulled out of you. Before you could even ask what he was doing, his deep voice ordered you: “On your hands and knees, I’m not done with you yet.”
The command went straight to your pussy. Despite how fucked out you were already, you rolled onto your stomach willingly, sticking your ass up and resting on your wobbly arms.
Baji knelt down behind you, running his tongue up your sensitive slit. You inhaled sharply from the feeling of his wet muscle against your already sopping hole; when you felt him kitten lick your taint, chills ran up your back, but you leaned back further into him, not wanting his mouth to leave your core.
“You taste amazing, Angel.” He exhaled, kissing your hole a final time.
He abruptly moved away, taking the base of his cock in his hand and sheathing himself into your abused cunt once again. Baji kneaded the flesh of your ass, mouth watering at how his dick disappeared into you. He smacked your right cheek hard enough to leave an imprint, and he groaned at the sight.
A large hand rested on the small of your back, and though he wasn’t forceful, the slight pressure had you buckling under your own weight due to your exhaustion. You moaned into your comforter as he rutted into you again and again, balls slapping your overstimulated clit.
“You fucked out already?” He chuckled, before he grabbed a handful of your hair and jerked you upwards, curving your back into a pretty arch. “There we go, Angel. Now I can hear how pretty you sound.”
“Kei…” You whined. If it was even possible, this new position allowed Baji to hit deeper spots inside of you; each drive of his cock against your walls made you see stars. The only word you could think of was his name - he completely fucked you dumb. “Fuck, Kei-”
The squelching sounds of your pussy filled the room as he mercilessly pounded into you. He hung his head back in pleasure, feeling his own climax approaching quickly. Your second orgasm of the night was building too, much quicker than the first.
“Angel, shit, love how you squeeze me,” A groan came from behind you and he let go of your hair, another hand crashing down on your ass.
Face planted in the sheets, your cries were muffled as they came tumbling out, the tension in your stomach becoming unbearable. You gripped his cock harshly as you came, your juices spilling out of you and coating Baji’s abdomen.
The way you squirted around him sent him over the edge; he pulled out of you at the last possible minute before his hot cum spurted out of his slit, covering your ass and lower back. “Fuck…” He sighed, stroking his cock languidly as he continued to paint your back with his release.
He swiped the hair that clung to his glistening forehead out of the way before climbing off the bed, grabbing the box of tissues off your dresser and bringing them over. You continued to sit there, face down and ass up, as you panted, trying to catch your breath. Your overstimulated pussy continued to flutter around nothing as he cleaned his cum off your skin, tossing the used tissues on your nightstand.
You finally rolled onto your back, turning your head and watching as he cleaned himself off. Feeling your face heat up, you covered your eyes with your arm; that was the first time you’ve ever squirted, and you were starting to think it wasn’t possible for you to. Clearly, you just needed to be fucked right.
He joined you back on the bed, lying next to you and letting out a long exhale. “Y’know, I’m never gonna be able to fuck my fist again after feeling that heavenly pussy of yours around me.”
You looked at him, letting out a tired laugh. “Who said you can’t just come over anytime you’re in the mood?”
“This wasn’t a one time thing?” He asked, feeling his heart flutter in his chest, a slight blush covering his cheeks.
You shrugged. “It can be a one time thing, but I was hoping otherwise.”
He smiled, pulling you into a warm embrace and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. The last thing he wanted to do was bring up the topic of labels, so the two of you just continued to lay there in silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence.
It wasn’t until you heard the distant open and shut of your front door were you pulled out of your post-sex haze. Then, the familiar rattle of your doorknob. “___? Let me in... can we talk for a sec?”
You and Baji looked at each other, wide eyed and somewhat fearful. There was no way the two of you were getting out of this one.
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gloster · 2 years
2020 was a constant hell on earth last year. 2021 seriously tried to take me out, especially in terms of burnout. I went through the WORST slump ever. A massive creative slump. A massive mental slump.
Hoping that 2022 will be a much kinder year. That's the only resolution/wish I have for the new year. A kinder year & for my creative slump to finally crack.
While this story was crappy in many ways, I still had things to help carry me through from BTS (obviously), anime, kdramas, and of course fanfics. Every year fanfic writers that are favorites to me or new to me come through with the content. Just blow me away with their storytelling and I always do this tradition because GODDAMNIT fanfic writers deserve their flowers too.
If you’re interested in past lists, here is the 2020's list, 2019′s list and 2018′s. If y’all are interested in doing your own fanfic favs of the year, please do so and tag me. Always on the hunt for new favs.
Without further ado, here are my favorite fanfics of 2021:
1). the beauty of futility by wbtrashking (tododeku) aka @wtkdigest
Summary: Todoroki Shouto is exhausted.
He's miserable, really. He's ready to give up, to tell his older sister goodbye, to stop fighting and just close his eyes forever.
But life isn't through with him. Izuku and his adopted daughter stumble upon Shouto in his darkest moments and show him that there's something worthwhile in the world. They show him that he's more than his depression; that he can laugh and love and be happy.
At age thirty, despite all the odds, Shouto finally figures out how to live.
I read this story only once, but the way it stuck to me, the number of times I shared around my friends who got into the tododeku ship, the number of times I keep thinking about it....it was that GOOD. That great. That amazing.
Shouto's exhaustion with life, with himself, and living in general hit so hard-and almost mirrored my own mental stage. And in comes in Izuku, the sweet beam that he is, doesn't cure him- thankfully it's not that kind of story. But he shows him that are hidden gems in everyday, with the help of Izuku's adorable adorable daughter.
That's another thing I love about this story: single dad Izuku with daughter Eri, a trope I NEED MORE OF. I also love the tenderness of the slowburn. Just read please. So so so good
2). I'll be your biggest kept secret and your biggest mistake by sascake aka @sascake (tododeku)
Summary: Devastated by his lack of a Quirk and pushed to the limit, fourteen-year-old Midoriya Izuku takes Bakugou's advice and jumps from the roof of their school.
Ten years later, pro hero Todoroki Shouto can't stop running into a vigilante hell-bent on saving people, going after every villain he comes across, and causing a conflict in Shouto like he's never felt before.
I am warning you right now if you are a Bakugo stan.....please proceed with caution. Mind you, the author does an incredible of not outright bashing bashing him, but she also does incredible job of showing just how severe Bakugo's words and actions deeply impacted Izuku.
Every year I always seem to find that one author who sucks me in with just one story and next thing I know, I become OBSESSED. And I do mean OBSESSED with their work. @sascake became that author to me. @littlenightdragon & I just PLOWED through mostly everything under their ao3 profile, and honestly I was debating whether I should name this or (possibly, maybe) falling for you which I also adored but something about this one just STUCK TO ME.
First of all, the way this felt like....it could be canon if things were differently. If Izuku's self doubt outweighed his inner strength and self worth. If Bakugo was twice as nasty with his words. If there was no All Might to come through and help him. Like me and @littlenightdragon couldn't stop thinking or talking about how this seriously could've been canon.
The relationship between Izuku and Shouto is just so breathtaking and at some points heartbreaking, watching them go from uneasy allies to commrades and more. We also have an incredible friendship between Izuku and Shinso that just so amazing to read-made me crave more stories featuring that platonic relationship. Not to mention this has to be one of the best vigilante Izuku stories I've read so far.
Just every single aspect of this story from the relationships, the dynamics, the scars of trauma both Izuku and Shouto carry are handled so incredibly well. Also, this story-along with every story by @sascake is addicting as hell, so there's that.
Honorable mentions:
(possibly, maybe) falling for you
you are my sweetest downfall
hit me with your sweet love, steal it with a kiss
3). home is the shape of your heart by unreemarkable (tododeku)
Summary: If this is a dream, Shouto doesn’t want to wake up.
[in which shouto gets back what he lost, and he's both better and worse off for it.]
In this story we have vampire Shouto and ghost Izuku. Those were the two elements that immediately drew me in, especially vampire Shouto. I walked into this thinking it was gonna be a haunted mansion story, but it ended up being so much more.
Yes, there is a haunted house element but we have so much more. We have a ghost who doesn't remember anything about his own life, much less what led to his death. And a vampire, who knows everything and the weight of it kills him.
This romance, this love story, reminded me a lot of Kaz x Inej from Six of Crows, where there is very limited physical touch but the love and care linked between these two is so palpable like a live wire. This romance is so so so tender, you just melt reading it. The pining, the pining, the wanting and the PINING. It hurts so much. It was so good, it hurt.
Also please check out the prequel that shows how this story begins, and still i will live here
4). Like Moth to Flame by magisterpavus (sheith)
Summary: When Keith tries to save his dying father by making a deal with the vampire lord who has terrified his village for centuries, he's prepared for sacrifice.
He's not prepared for Lord Shirogane.
Mags is a GOD. A god I say when it comes to sheith. When it comes to just raising the bar for good content & hot smut. And this story was a knock out.
First off, vampire Shiro. I've read stories with vampire sheith but I don't think I've come across one quite as snarky and lovable as this Shiro right here because WOW. I loved him so much. I also loved Keith, our determined human who's willing to do anything to help his ailing father, even if it means being under the thumb to this creature who haunts his village like a nightmare.
This is a very slowburn romance, but every chapter, every moment we see the two come closer is just so delicious. So well done.
Honorable mentions:
only while the sun shines
Desperate Measures
5). The Water's Fine series by @goldentruth813 (sheith)
Summary: Keith's lifeguard tower offers a stunning beach view, but nothing steals his breath like the handsome stranger who runs by every morning. A chance encounter with hot running guy—Shiro, he soon finds out—reveals he's kind as well as gorgeous, but Keith's afraid to make a move. That is, until Shiro's in trouble, and Keith finds himself over his head.
Before we start, massive massive congrats to @goldentruth813. For making a spot on this list for the 4th year in a row.
you had me tell me that *spoiler alert* I would be so invested in a mermaid's relationship with a human...I would have some questions. Yes, I am a Disney girl. Yes, I grew up with the Little Mermaid. Yes, I am EXCITED AS HELL to see Halle Bailey play Ariel in the live action movie, but mermaids were never my favorite like that. Leave to Janel to drop a story like this and have me become completely obsessed with it.
There are 3 stories tied to this series. Each one, the relationship just gets better & better. It has heavy pining, it has sweet & epic romantic moments, it has mating, it has soulmates, it has sugar daddy Shiro, and of course massive fluff.
Honorable mentions:
The Naked Roommate
rush (into my heart)
Sticker Me in Praise
6). Love Letters & Coffee Grounds by @jlaw1105 (clexa)
Summary: Lexa wasn't sure what it was that drew her into the little coffee shop on the corner. Maybe it was because it was less than a block away from the front door of her new building. Maybe it was because it wasn't a Starbucks or some other large chain coffee front that cared more about profit than the flavor of their beans. Maybe it was the warm air filled with the soft scent of coffee, chocolate and cinnamon. But likely, definitely, it was the defiant little corner of the store that loudly rebelled against the norm.
It was early November and everything around Lexa was filled with red and greens or whites and blues. It screamed of Christmas and Hanukkah. Of buying gifts and consumer driven profit. But the back corner of the coffee shop was filled with oranges and reds and browns with a rather large sign written in an angry scrawl that said "It's not even Thanksgiving yet, assholes!" There was just something about it that, to Lexa, felt poetically beautiful.
A Clexa Coffee Shop AU.
First off, place bets right now on who you think wrote that sign at the coffee shop. Secondly, yes, I deeply deeply fell in love with this coffee shop AU.
Obviously, at this point, almost every pairing to every fandom has gone through the cafe/ coffee shop AU. It may be a simple trope to come, a cliche to many, but there is a reason why that trope continues to thrive in fandom- and in storytelling in general. It's such a popular trope that I consider it to be your first steps into fanfics.
And the way @jlaw1105 did this and more is pure CHEF'S KISS. We have Lexa, a bestselling author to this popular sci-fi series, is suffering massive writer's block with the latest book. We have Clark, part-time barista, part-time artist, and part-time crush that quickly becomes muse & more to Lexa.
This was just so so so so fucking good. READ IT.
7). There's Something about Potter by slytherin_nette (drarry w/ fem-Harry)
Summary: There’s just something particularly strange about Aria Potter this year. Unfortunately, the new 8th year Slytherins are determined to find out exactly what everybody's favorite golden girl is hiding. Post-DH semi-AU Hogwarts. DMxfemHP.
There are so many tropes and things that can pull me into a good drarry story: veela and fem-Harry. Veela is my favorite creature trope to read with drarry. Anytime I see the word drarry, I JUMP. Also I love me some genderbenting, so if there's one that offers the Girl Who Lived, I am on board.
So imagine my great surprise & delight that I stumble onto a story that delivers both. Done none other than the great queen of fem-Harry, slytherin_nette. Like when I say queen, I mean QUEEN. Every fem-Harry x Draco story she does is just amazing. Just incredible. Always slaps, and this is one is no expectation.
In this story, taking place after 8th year, we have Aria Potter returning to Hogwarts after not just surviving the war but also coming into a secret inherrtiance. We have Draco trying to keep his head down and survive the year, while also reminsicing about the dream girl he meets during the summer. Thanks to a Housing switch up, the two collide and all that they got through together is so much fun to read.
Story is available both at ao3 and ff.net.
Also, while you're at it, please also check out more of slytherin_nette's fem-Harry stories. She has more on ffnet than ao3, but all of them are worth a read.
8). Werk It, Girl by stardropdream (sheith)
Summary: Keith is a contestant on Coran's Drag Race, competing to be the next Drag Superstar. Towards the end of the competition, the girls are given their weekly challenge: adopt a drag daughter into your drag house.
And in walks Shiro.
Working together in a competition is one thing, but Keith could never be prepared for everything that comes next.
And even if you're not familiar with the show or a fan of it, I still think you'll have a good time with this show, I know I certainly did 😊😉
But then again anytime you read a story by stardropdream, you're always guaranteed a fun time. Okay, well actually some of her stories may include angst, but always a fun time at the end of it. And this was a fun, fun time.
I didn't realize how much I needed drag queen Keith x drag queen in training until now, so thank you Robin for that.
Honorable mentions:
In My Veins
We are Perfectly Okay
Body Without Sound
9). right besides me series by @storybookprincess (tododeku)
Summary: "For as long as Todoroki could remember, touch was something to be avoided. Dodging blows in his father’s relentless training or curling in on himself and covering his face to try to hide from the merciless punishment for whatever transgression he had committed this time, touch was always pain, plain and simple. After his mother left, he was never held or kissed. No one hugged him or stroked his hair. People touched him to hurt him."
Or, Todoroki gets a hug and his whole world shifts on its axis.
Oh. MY. DEAR. GOSH. Oh. My. Dear. Heart. Oh. My. Dear. Dear. Shouto. Oh. My Sweet. Sweet. Izuku. And my dear gosh....go to hell Endeavor & kick rocks.
As you can guess by the previous sentence, this story made me feel many things.
As you can guess by the summary of the first part of the story, ever so gently, the feels come on so hard, so rapid, and you have no choice but to let the feelings consume you. Then the sequel, quid pro quo, comes in and finishes you in the best way. It certainly did with me.
This beautiful relationship starts with a hug. This story has severely touch-straved Shouto just in awe by Izuku, who was the first person to touch him gently in such a long time. Which starts this achingly beautiful, heartfelt pining.
This story has to be one of the best Todoroki Shouto's POV stories I've read. This also featured one of the softest, softest tododeku relationships ever. I do recommend this as a starter fanfic if you're new to the tododeku ship like I was. It was one of the first tododeku stories I've read and I still think about it.
10). Sourdough by @academicdisaster24 (drarry)
Summary: Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
Fair warning: you will CRAVE soughdough bread like crazy. I know I did. At some points while I was reading, I was seriously tempted to get some bread.
And you will CRAVE to have that sweetness that Draco finds with Harry in this story.
We have Draco as a reclusive historical romance writer trying to write & baker Harry downstairs distracting him with the delicious scent of fresh-baked bread.
I don't think enough words can praise this story. Can show enough it was. Other than speculator, achingly-sweet, and just everything.
Honorable mentions that I seriously wanted to add to the list but this post is already lengthy. All amazing, all greats reads by various writers y’all should check out:
on sight by @phaltu (sheith w/established relationship, happily married, and everyone thinking Keith is the horn dog when his sweet-faced husband is the real culprit
Ready Set Hut by Neyasochi (sheith, friends to lovers following them meeting at high school & bonding over FOOTBALL)
With Great Yawns and Stretching by sugar_screw (drarry, with Harry finding Malfoy isn't only redeemed but is the proud owner of a coffee shop. With cats)
Thirst and Devour by SashaDistan (izuku x shouto x bakugo x Kirishima poly fanfic; all 3 obsessed with Izuku & his sweet ass. SO SO SO SO HOT)
This Hungry Work (Give Me Some More) by @rayshippouuchiha (tododeku w/female Izuku; possessive & protective Todoroki, just goodness all around)
Almost, Not Quite, Us by xxjinchuurikixx (narusasu; ABO verse w/ doting alpha Naruto & feisty omega Sasuke deep in his heat & in need of assistance. SO GOOD).
And there you have, ladies, gents, & nonbinary babes. Thus concludes this year's list of my favorite fanfics of the year, including honorable mentions I had to shout out to. Mind you, there's so many more but this list is already long enough as it is.
To the writers who created these incredible stories. I applaud you. I thank you for creating and sharing these wonderful stories. Anyone interested in doing the tag, please do.
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